My Progress: Do you want updates?

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My Progress: Do you want updates?

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My Progress: Do you want updates?

Unread post by Prysus »

Greetings and Salutations. By now some of you are likely familiar with me from my work on the forums, some of you may know my website, some of you may know my work in the Rifters, and some of you know more than one (or all) of those. As such, some of you may know that I've been working on a PF sourcebook (Kevin knows about it, but there's no guarantee saying he'll accept what I turn in).

Due to real life situations (such as work and preparing to move to a different state in a month or two) I haven't done any work on that book for the last couple of months (I think the last week of December is the last time I did any work on it besides a few notes here and there). So no telling when I'll finish (or, technically, if I'll ever finish). With all that said ...

Do you want updates on the project? Naturally, I can't give all the information away, but I can give general/vague updates regarding my progress.

A part me thinks people will like it, and the other part of me says I should avoid it. I think about avoiding it because I don't want to get anyone excited on a project I don't know when I'll finish (if I ever do), even if I do it may never see the light of day (one of the reasons I haven't even commented on what the project is yet), I can't reveal too much, and if people start offering too many opinions it could make it so I can't submit work as a result ... because even if I already had the idea it could come off as derivative of theirs for legal issues that Palladium will want to avoid. However, I decided to put it up for a vote. If you vote yes, please keep in mind that you'll also need to try and avoid helping/giving ideas as it may hurt the project more than it helps (so if you can't stop yourself from being ... um ... a backseat writer? Then you may want to select no).

Anyways, your opinions count. If there's a resounding "yes" I'll make a new thread (to help keep things organized in my mind). If the vote is no, people just don't care, or rather split I'll probably avoid it (just to be safe).
Living the Fantasy (fan website)

Rifter #45; Of Bows & Arrows (Archery; expanding rules and abilities)
Rifter #52; From Ruins to Runes (Living Rune Weapons; playable characters and NPC)
Rifter #55; Home Away From Home (Quorian Culture; expanded from PF Book 9: Baalgor Wastelands)

Official PDF versions of Rifter #45, #52, and #55 can be found at DriveThruRPG.
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Re: My Progress: Do you want updates?

Unread post by The Dark Elf »

Love your work mate and the ideas are stocked! Excited by your writing, updates galore!

But you have to get Dark Elves as canon somewhere. :bandit:
Rifter 52 Cannibal Magic
Rifter 55 The Ancestral Mystic P.C.C.
Rifter 59 The Lopanic Games adventure "The Lion, the Ditch & the Warlock". Illustrations to this adventure can be found here.
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Re: My Progress: Do you want updates?

Unread post by Prysus »

Mryoto wrote:I don't know what this work is, but I'd like to see some more of this stuff. Every time I have run into you on this site you have been full of good/helpful ideas. Can I see a few links maybe?

Greetings and Salutations. Well, I won't go into the book (at this time), but work I've already done includes:

Rifter #45: Of Bows & Arrows (expanding Archery)
Rifter #52: From Ruins to Runes (rune weapons as playable characters and NPC)
Rifter #55: Home Away From Home (Quorian Culture, from Book 9: Baalgor Wastelands)

All of them can still be found in hard copy at the Palladium Store, while 45 and 52 can also be found on DriveThruRPG in official PDF format. I also have some stuff that has yet to see print (but, last I heard, was slated for printing as part of the Rifter 0.1 series of projects). I can't tell you more on that until Palladium gives dates for release (because that's as much as I know).

I also have the website: The site name should be easy to remember. I've included short stories (not Palladium), some various game logs, new setting info (such as expanded rules/concepts on Horror Factor, addressing if Elves are Creatures of Magic or not, dimensional travel, etc.), new O.C.C., new races, and more. One aspect that people do seem to enjoy is that I have a PF O.C.C. list (racial O.C.C. are on a separate list, but also found there) and a skill list, and the lists include which book the skill can be found in (lists are separated into category type as well as alphabetical).

Most of my work, while written with PF in mind, tends to be general enough that it can easily apply to other settings (such as Rifts), often with conversion/M.D.C. notes include. Anyways, that's all for now. Thank you for your time and patience, please have a nice day. Farewell and safe journeys for now.
Living the Fantasy (fan website)

Rifter #45; Of Bows & Arrows (Archery; expanding rules and abilities)
Rifter #52; From Ruins to Runes (Living Rune Weapons; playable characters and NPC)
Rifter #55; Home Away From Home (Quorian Culture; expanded from PF Book 9: Baalgor Wastelands)

Official PDF versions of Rifter #45, #52, and #55 can be found at DriveThruRPG.
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Re: My Progress: Do you want updates?

Unread post by SittingBull »

I don't know your work but yes, updates are always good to hear. ^^
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Re: My Progress: Do you want updates?

Unread post by Prysus »

Apollyon7 wrote:It's too bad we can't know what the general topic or area your manuscript is on.

Greetings and Salutatoins. If I do start revealing information and keeping a general idea of my progress, I will disclose the project I'm working on. I might not make my final decision to start on updates for a couple of weeks though. First, I'll wait to get more responses here. Secondly, I'm going on a work trip Monday, and I'll probably be working heavy hours for two weeks (leaving me little free time).

As for inspiration, I admit there are times I am burnt out. However, that's mostly because I just worked several days straight doing 12-18 hour days, out of town, trying to make time to talk to my girlfriend every day, had to gather documents for approval at the new apartment, plans for my trip got bumped up probably in the latter half of the year to as soon as possible (looking like April), needing to find a new job (or work out something new with my current one), trying to save up about $4,000 in about two or three months time to help with the move, and stuff like that. I've been a little tired and stressed.

I pretty much have the entire project outlined though. Having the time, energy, and focus to write it though is the hard part. I won't write if I'm not going to have any fun. Yes, writing is work, but I should enjoy that work. I'm the kind of guy who likes a very simple life, and I don't function well when my life is chaotic and I can't get my feet settled. That's been the major hinderance to my progress since January (that's when everything changed).

Sorry, kind of rambled there. Anyways, thank you for your time and interest, please have a nice day. Farewell and safe journeys for now.
Living the Fantasy (fan website)

Rifter #45; Of Bows & Arrows (Archery; expanding rules and abilities)
Rifter #52; From Ruins to Runes (Living Rune Weapons; playable characters and NPC)
Rifter #55; Home Away From Home (Quorian Culture; expanded from PF Book 9: Baalgor Wastelands)

Official PDF versions of Rifter #45, #52, and #55 can be found at DriveThruRPG.
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Re: My Progress: Do you want updates?

Unread post by Juce734 »

Prysus wrote:
Apollyon7 wrote:It's too bad we can't know what the general topic or area your manuscript is on.

Greetings and Salutatoins. If I do start revealing information and keeping a general idea of my progress, I will disclose the project I'm working on. I might not make my final decision to start on updates for a couple of weeks though. First, I'll wait to get more responses here. Secondly, I'm going on a work trip Monday, and I'll probably be working heavy hours for two weeks (leaving me little free time).

As for inspiration, I admit there are times I am burnt out. However, that's mostly because I just worked several days straight doing 12-18 hour days, out of town, trying to make time to talk to my girlfriend every day, had to gather documents for approval at the new apartment, plans for my trip got bumped up probably in the latter half of the year to as soon as possible (looking like April), needing to find a new job (or work out something new with my current one), trying to save up about $4,000 in about two or three months time to help with the move, and stuff like that. I've been a little tired and stressed.

I pretty much have the entire project outlined though. Having the time, energy, and focus to write it though is the hard part. I won't write if I'm not going to have any fun. Yes, writing is work, but I should enjoy that work. I'm the kind of guy who likes a very simple life, and I don't function well when my life is chaotic and I can't get my feet settled. That's been the major hinderance to my progress since January (that's when everything changed).

Sorry, kind of rambled there. Anyways, thank you for your time and interest, please have a nice day. Farewell and safe journeys for now.

I look forward to hearing about your project but please don't give us too much to the point where it won't see the light of day. If you think the project is in jeopardy then I think you should just not disclose any information at all.
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Re: My Progress: Do you want updates?

Unread post by Prysus »

Juce734 wrote:I look forward to hearing about your project but please don't give us too much to the point where it won't see the light of day. If you think the project is in jeopardy then I think you should just not disclose any information at all.

Greetings and Salutations. I've given that aspect a fair bit of consideration, and I believe i know the line I need to walk. I'm a little more worried about others. For example, when I did my archery article (Rifter 45), let's say I was giving updates. Example only ...

Me: "Okay, I'm doing this article about archery. I just finished 3 new O.C.C. for it. Next on my list is to write up some new rules for how to handle both ranged stunts and defense."

Another poster: "Oh, you should make a psychic class that uses a psi-bow and arrow!"

Now, for those of you that know the article, I created a Psi-Archer for it (and would have been 1 of the 3 I mentioned). I kept it vague, but gave a feel for progress and what's going on. However, because the other poster decided to tell me what to make ... I now might not be able to use it. Yes, I already did it. BUT! If it sees publication, that poster could claim it was his idea. As a result, even though I already had the idea, I can't include it. That's the danger.

It's not that I don't value people's opinions. I mean, I'll say I'm doing my best to create a work the fans will love. However, for legal reasons, I can't accept suggestions (and even if I'm not taking the suggestions, if one is offered on something I'm already including, that could force me to remove it). Stupid legalities.

Anyways, that's all for now. Thank you for your time and patience, please have a nice day. Farewell and safe journeys for now.
Living the Fantasy (fan website)

Rifter #45; Of Bows & Arrows (Archery; expanding rules and abilities)
Rifter #52; From Ruins to Runes (Living Rune Weapons; playable characters and NPC)
Rifter #55; Home Away From Home (Quorian Culture; expanded from PF Book 9: Baalgor Wastelands)

Official PDF versions of Rifter #45, #52, and #55 can be found at DriveThruRPG.
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Re: My Progress: Do you want updates?

Unread post by Goliath Strongarm »

Well, I'm the only "no" so far, so I feel I must justify..

I have hopes. I don't want them to get up, and then get dashed like a piece of fine china falling 20 stories onto concrete. Which, honestly, PB has a habit of doing. Especially if you're a fan of PF and not the other systems.

That being said... I don't want to hear anything until "Hey, this book from the printers and will ship on this date!". That's right, I said BACK FROM the printers. Why? Because "It's delayed at the printer" is an excuse some of us have heard from PB more than once.

Soo.. yeah, I don't want to hear squat. Just my two coppers..
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[Goliath baiting]Hey, according to my copy of Yin-Sloth Jungles, they came out in 1995. Didn't you get your copies?[/Golaith baiting]-MrNexx, regarding the OK books

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Re: My Progress: Do you want updates?

Unread post by Juce734 »

Prysus wrote:
Juce734 wrote:I look forward to hearing about your project but please don't give us too much to the point where it won't see the light of day. If you think the project is in jeopardy then I think you should just not disclose any information at all.

Greetings and Salutations. I've given that aspect a fair bit of consideration, and I believe i know the line I need to walk. I'm a little more worried about others. For example, when I did my archery article (Rifter 45), let's say I was giving updates. Example only ...

Me: "Okay, I'm doing this article about archery. I just finished 3 new O.C.C. for it. Next on my list is to write up some new rules for how to handle both ranged stunts and defense."

Another poster: "Oh, you should make a psychic class that uses a psi-bow and arrow!"

Now, for those of you that know the article, I created a Psi-Archer for it (and would have been 1 of the 3 I mentioned). I kept it vague, but gave a feel for progress and what's going on. However, because the other poster decided to tell me what to make ... I now might not be able to use it. Yes, I already did it. BUT! If it sees publication, that poster could claim it was his idea. As a result, even though I already had the idea, I can't include it. That's the danger.

It's not that I don't value people's opinions. I mean, I'll say I'm doing my best to create a work the fans will love. However, for legal reasons, I can't accept suggestions (and even if I'm not taking the suggestions, if one is offered on something I'm already including, that could force me to remove it). Stupid legalities.

Anyways, that's all for now. Thank you for your time and patience, please have a nice day. Farewell and safe journeys for now.

Thank you for the reply.

Are you hoping doing this update journal type idea will help keep you motivated and on task or are you just anxious to share it?
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Re: My Progress: Do you want updates?

Unread post by Prysus »

Juce734 wrote:Thank you for the reply.

Are you hoping doing this update journal type idea will help keep you motivated and on task or are you just anxious to share it?

Greetings and Salutations. The latter, at least in part. I don't think it'll help keep me motivated or give me ideas. However, a part of me would like to share. Though that's largely because I see topics on the PF forums (or other places) about various things that fans think someone should work on (or think no one will ever work on), and I know it's a project I'm trying to flesh out. However, I keep my mouth shut.

For one, I don't want to get people excited about a project that may never see print. Second, I don't want to be "that guy." If you don't know what I mean by "that guy." I'm referring to the person who'll pop into threads and say: "Hey, there's an answer to that in this book I wrote. But I can't tell you what the answer is." I've seen freelancers do that before, and I'll say it always ticked me off. Granted, they weren't responding to me (I don't tend to ask rules questions), but whenever I saw it I just had the feeling it was a worthless post and/or the equivalent of just kind of flipping everyone off.

Don't get me wrong, I realize the frustration on the part of the freelancers too. They have this work, they WANT it to see print, and they're totally powerless. Because they submitted it and it's no longer their property (so to speak), they can't just give the answer either.

As a result I just always keep my mouth shut. That's why no one really knows what project I'm working on or anything else like that. However, I got to thinking and was curious to what the fans thought. Do fans prefer the (annoying) teasers? Or would they rather be left in the dark until there's official work by Palladium? Because while what I want is important, this work is just as much (maybe even more so) for the PF fans.

Anyways, I think that's all for now. Thank you for your time and patience, please have a nice day. Farewell and safe journeys for now.
Living the Fantasy (fan website)

Rifter #45; Of Bows & Arrows (Archery; expanding rules and abilities)
Rifter #52; From Ruins to Runes (Living Rune Weapons; playable characters and NPC)
Rifter #55; Home Away From Home (Quorian Culture; expanded from PF Book 9: Baalgor Wastelands)

Official PDF versions of Rifter #45, #52, and #55 can be found at DriveThruRPG.
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Re: My Progress: Do you want updates?

Unread post by SittingBull »

"Understanding is a three-edged sword."
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Re: My Progress: Do you want updates?

Unread post by BABSDAGGER »

its a bummer that you wont be able to reveal details about your project, with all the legality issues out there i imagine its hard to give even much more then a hint away. I personaly would love to hear whatever amount you are allowed to give us since even if its not in a useable state it can stir the pot of other forum users imagination, and if they set those ideas down to paper then a wide variety of solutions can present themself to any given problem. Some of those will fit certain games better then others so im all for any amount of stimulation toward creativity, so share share share!
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Re: My Progress: Do you want updates?

Unread post by zyanitevp »

Anything from you and/or Dark Elf is eagerly awaited on my part!
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Re: My Progress: Do you want updates?

Unread post by Prysus »

Greetings and Salutations. As I type this, the last time I checked the poll there were 20 votes. 16 in favor of updates, and 4 against (4 to 1). That means 80% of the people want updates. While I value the opinion of the 20%, I'm going to start a thread regarding some of what I've done and some status updates when applicable (link provided at the bottom). I'll be keeping it vague, but I'll try to provide a bit of something. To respect those who don't want to know, I'll be keeping that thread title vague (without disclosing the project).

I ask those who do follow that thread to try and not share that information, respecting the decision those who don't want info and not spoil it for them. I can't control that, of course, but merely a request. Thank you to all those who voted, please have a nice day. Farewell and safe journeys for now.

Link: viewtopic.php?f=5&t=137624
Living the Fantasy (fan website)

Rifter #45; Of Bows & Arrows (Archery; expanding rules and abilities)
Rifter #52; From Ruins to Runes (Living Rune Weapons; playable characters and NPC)
Rifter #55; Home Away From Home (Quorian Culture; expanded from PF Book 9: Baalgor Wastelands)

Official PDF versions of Rifter #45, #52, and #55 can be found at DriveThruRPG.
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