MrHemlocks wrote:Rifts looks fantastic but for a potential new GM can seem a little confusing as what to buy in order to run games. I am looking for a Sci-Fi based game for my large, eight players, game group. For the last 6 years I have run Call of Cthulhu (1920s) and recently Dark Streets Cthulhu (London 1753). Also, I run a old school dungeon crawl game...Dungeon Crawl Classic. I am now looking for a Sci-Fi rpg and that is how I recently discovered Rifts.
MrHemlocks wrote:We are deciding as to which one to buy. We have picked these so far as possibilites...Rifts, Traveller, Rogue Trader or ShadowRun.
Rifts: This is a post post apocalypse game where there have arisen a few very high-tech societies (some who are 100% technology-based, some that are almost 100% Magic-based and others that are a mix between these who use techno-wizardry (magic and tech intertwined. Between these handful of societies, there are much wilderness and small villages and towns who are screwed unless there comes a bunch of cool adventures (guess who) to save them from monsters and evil mages. You can later mix this with Palladium Books other lines such as their
fantasy RPG, Super Hero, Space as all uses the same rules.
Traveller: I would go with Mongoose Publishing version, where they have a basic core set of rules and then they have different universes in which you can play like
3rd Imperium (Big star empires where you travel and adventure in space, on planets, with lots of cool secrets. You can go
2300 AD when the earth just comes out into space and establish a empire for themselves and meet aliens (as well as earth cultural problems between super powers on earth),
Hammer's slammers where you play soldiers.
Unlike Rifts, Traveller is more a space opera and a mix between Star wars, Space 1999 and Firefly.
Shadowrun: This cant really be compared with Traveller, but it shares a lot with Rifts in that it is a mix between cyberntic implants, magic, psionics and fantasy races. This is more, in my eyes, a mix between Bladerunner, Neromancer, Johhny Mnemonic and simmilar films, where super big companies own the world and the adventurers are hired helpers for black/shady ops and i love this game for what it is.
Rouge Trader: No idea.
MrHemlocks wrote:1) What campaign setting is used for the game...Chaos Earth? If that is the case than why does it have a seperate forum? Is it a newer version or something?
As others have said, Rifts is a game of its own, Chaos Earth is a prequel to what led up to the Rifs, C.E. is se IN the apocalypse and Rifts is set some 300-400 years after.
MrHemlocks wrote:2) Is the combat very generic like in AD&D or are there crit hits and charts?
The combat system is, in my eyes quite bad, it is based on a D20 while the skills are (mostly) based on a D100%. What I dislike about this combat system (and others on this forum adore) is that they have two types of damage (which also makes this game unique - from what i know):
HP/SDC (Hit Points/structural Damage Capacity): This is the standard toughness of a wall, door, car tank aircraft carrier, dog, human and elephant
and you have
MDC (Mega Damage): This is basically super high-ech, magic or otherwise supernatural toughness: Almost all spells do MD damage and 1 MD is equal to 100 HP/SDC, which means that if you are a standard human with average physique, you have 30 HP/SDC and normal laser pistols do 2D4-2D6 MD (200-1200 HP/SDC) which means that you are dead in one shot, unless you have MDC armor or spells that helps you.
many on this forum means that because of this - this game is the most deadly RPG game out on the market, and therefore better than others...
The magic/psionic system is pretty nice, though it pretty much lack the ability to create new spells or powers. Spells take times to cast while psionic powers are instant.
The rules in this game are very blurry and will at times contradict each other and in my eyes this game is badly edited and needs a lot of house rulings. You better read the Core book a few times before you start making your first character. Also they do not have any premade NPC lists which means that in the beginning it will be a lot of work with making all NPCs until you learn how to quickly do them in your head (after you learn what abilities certain NPCs get with level), also in the Core book, you have no monsters, no animals a very basic equipment list that is severely lacking.
MrHemlocks wrote:3) Is Rifts considered a low or high fantasy game where magic is rare and creatures few and far between?
This is up t you, but almost all monsters out there are MDC. So if your players do not have MDC armor, they will be toast.
MrHemlocks wrote:4) The Rifts core book is ONLY for the Sci-Fi rpg game of Rifts not the other settings?
Yes, but it has a page or three about travelling to other dimesniosn (the other games from Palladium Books)
MrHemlocks wrote:5) If we pick Rifts...what do need to start with? I want a campaign setting, core rules and any needed extras.
RUE (Core book)
Adventure book
and any one of the world books, to get a deeper understanding of the settings.
MrHemlocks wrote:I guess I am looking for something that combines the elements of Space 1999 tv show, Aliens movies and Dead Space pc game :-P
I do Not think that Rifts is something you want. In my eyes, that seems more a thing for Mongoose Traveller