Bullhunter Arms

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Killer Cyborg
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Comment: "Your Eloquence with a sledge hammer is a beautiful thing..." -Zer0 Kay
Location: In the ocean, punching oncoming waves

Bullhunter Arms

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Bullhunter Arms is a up-and-coming arms manufacturer located outside of Coalition territory. They focus on providing affordable but effective armaments for mercenaries, adventurers, militias, defense forces, hunters and hobbyists. While they are not known for making much in the way of technological break-throughs or new discoveries, they are earning a reputation for producing reliable products that often utilize existing technology in innovative ways.

(Some of these items are lifted from previous threads that I have created, and some are new. Where possible, I will provide links to the original topics.)

BH-42 Variable Frequency Laser Sniper Rifle
Weight: 8.0 lbs
Mega-Damage: The rifle has three different power settings: 1d4x10 SDC, 2d6 MD, and 4d6 MD.
The SDC setting and the 2d6 MD settings also each have a three-shot pulse option, inflicting 3d4x10 SDC and 6d6 MD respectively. Keep in mind that strike bonuses for pulses are halved on Aimed and Called shots (round down), and that certain bonuses (like from the Sniper skill) are not applicable when firing pulses.
Rate of Fire: Single Shot or 3-shot pulse.
Effective Range: 4,000 Feet
Payload: 20 (MD) shots per short clip, 50 shots per long clip
6 SDC shots count as one MD shot. 1 2d6 MD shot counts as one shot. 1 4d6 MD shot counts as 2 MD shots.
Pulses count as three shots of the appropriate type (there is no pulse for the 4d6 MD setting).
Laser Targeting Sight: +3 to strike on an Aimed shot. 4,000' range.
Bonuses to Strike: Due to the the superior balance and craftsmanship, the BH-42 receives a +1 bonus to strike on aimed shots.
In the case of a custom-made BH-42 that is designed for a specific individual this +1 bonus does not count as a "standard" bonus to strike. For the purpose of dice rolls, the bonus is now a Natural bonus to strike, meaning that a die roll of 19 or 20, on a 20-sided die, before other bonuses to strike are applied, is actually read as a Natural 20 and is a critical strike. In the case where the roll is actually a Natural 20, before the Natural Strike Bonus is added, the critical damage is 3x normal instead of 2x.
In addition, a customized BH-42 so greatly complements that person's skill and natural ability that the Aimed or Called Shot strike bonus from the shooter's Sniper skill (where applicable) also counts as a Natural bonus.
This Natural bonus is applied first, modifying the initial die roll before any other considerations are added. In the case that a Natural 1 is rolled, this means that it counts instead as a Natural 3, meaning that it is not an automatic miss.
Cost: 42,000 credits for a basic model, 63,000 credits for a rifle customized to a specific individual

The BH-R25 Sniper's Rail Gun
Rumor has it that Bullhunter Arms created this weapon by analyzing Triax's TX-250 Maxi-rail gun and redesigning it as a slimmer, more accurate weapon to be used by snipers.
The techs at Bullhunter have taken advantage of the built-in single-shot feature and superior range, while managing to lose some of the original model's weight and bulk by reducing ammo capacity and losing the 30 round burst option, as well as significantly increasing the accuracy by creating their models with narrower specifications and more precise engineering than the mass-produced German originals.
They also designed special new ammunition designed for armor penetration and maximum damage, putting more care, effort, and expense into creating rounds that would be far too expensive to be used in regular burst firing. The new rounds are ramjet style ammunition similar to what is available from Wellington Industries, only much larger than the standard ammunition Wellington deals with. It is designed to work with rail guns, and is loaded with explosive armor-piercing charges. Each round, once fired, essentially becomes a miniature armor piercing missile. Each one of these "Dragonslayer" rounds costs 1,200 credits.
The PR department has been hyping this new weapon as the single best man-portable rail gun for use by snipers.
(Of course, the term "man-portable" in an age of M&Ms and D-Bees is somewhat up for debate.)
Weight: 165 lbs (including tripod)
Standard Ammunition: 1d4 MD per single shot, 2d6 MD per 10 round burst
"Dragonslayer" Ammunition: 3d6 MD per single shot, 1d4x10 per 10 round burst.
The Dragonslayer Ammunition inflicts double damage when the modified strike roll is 18 or higher, and inflicts triple damage on a strike roll of a Natural 20.
Rate Of Fire: Single-shot or 10 round burst only.
Maximum Effective Range: 6,000 feet.
Payload: The standard magazine for the weapon holds 30 rounds, but it is also capable of being belt-fed (belt of 250 rounds).
Power Source: The BH-R25 can be hooked into any standard nuclear power supply, or it can utilize the E-Clip ports built into the legs of the tripod. Each leg can hold up to two Long E-Clips. A rail guns require tremendous amounts of power, each single shot uses up 3 charges from the E-Clips, and each burst uses up 6 charges.
Targeting: The BH-R25 comes with a built-in targeting system that offers +1 to strike. Moreover, the added stability of firing from the tripod adds an additional +1 to strike, regardless of range, and allows the shooter to use strike bonuses from WP Rifle instead of WP Heavy Mega-Damage Weapons if preferred.
Cost: CR 100,000

BH-CC1 "Thunderbolt"
The techs at Bullhunter Arms have combined two classic survival tools into one sturdy weapon, suitable for hunting game or defending your homestead from raiders. The weapon uses the popular Bullhunter "Heavy Hitter" double-barrel shotgun as a stock, with a BHC1 crossbow prod mounted on the barrels. The weapon can use any of our standard or specialty crossbow bolts, and any of our line of 12 gauge shotgun shells.
Weight: 8.5 lbs
Damage: by ammunition type (either crossbow bolts or 12 gauge rounds).
Rate of Fire: Single shot, both shotgun barrels at once, or both shotgun barrels and the crossbow all firing simultaneously.
Range: 300' for the shotgun, 600' for the crossbow.
Payload: 2 for the shotgun (1 round per barrel), 1 for the crossbow.
Price: CR 1,200 for the standard model, CR 12,000 for a MDC version (15 MDC)

12 Gauge Ammunition:
Pepper Blast: (Need to finish this)
Tear Gas: (need to finish this)
Rubber Slug: 1d4 SDC, 2d4 SDC for a double-blast. CR 10 for a box of 50.
Rock Salt: 1d6 SDC to a 10' radius, 2d6 SDC to a 15' radius for a double-blast. CR 10 for a box of 50.
Taser Slug: 1d4 SDC, plus save vs. non-lethal poison or be incapacitated for 30 seconds. 65' range.
Buckshot*: 2d6 SDC to a 10' radius, 4d6 to a 15' radius for a double-blast. CR 50 for a box of 50.
Flare: 2d6 SDC per melee round, 4d6 SDC per melee round for a double-blast. Burns for 1d4 rounds. 500' range. CR 10 per flare.
Light Shot*: 3d6 SDC, 6d6 SDC for a double-blast. CR 50 for a box of 50.
Flechettes*: 3d6 SDC, 6d6 SDC for a double-blast. Punches through the top 5 points of an AR for soft armor. For example, if a target has an AR of 12, the flechette rounds would only need a strike roll of 8 or better.
Standard Shot*: 4d6 SDC, 8d6 for a double-blast. CR 25 for a box of 50 shells.
Strung-Buck (Bolo)*: 6d6 SDC, 2d4x10 for a double-blast. 75' range.
Solid Slug*: 5d6 SDC, 1d6x10 SDC for a double-blast. CR 75 for a box of 50.
Buck & Ball*: Shell contains a fragmenting slug as well as some buckshot. 1d4x10 SDC to soft targets, 2d4x10 SDC for a double-blast. 1/2 damage against hard targets. CR 90 for a box of 50.
Rocket Slug*: 6d6 SDC, 2d4x10 SDC for a double-blast. CR 125 for a box of 50.
Armor-Piercing Rocket Slug*: 7d6 SDC, 2d4x10+10 SDC for a double-blast. CR 200 for a box of 50.
Armor-Piercing Ramjet Slug*: 3d6 MD, 6d6 MD for a double-blast to the same target. 500' range. CR 1,000 for a box of 50.
Explosive Shells (SDC): 2d4x10 SDC to a 6' radius, or 4d4x10 to a 10' radius for a double-blast. CR 250 for a box of 50 shells.
Explosive Shells (Light Explosive) 1d6 MD, 2d6 MD for a double-blast. CR 75 each.
Explosive Shells (Frag)*: 2d6 MD to a 5' radius, or 3d6 MD to a 10' radius for a double-blast. CR 140 per shell.
Little Dragon (Incendiary): Shoots a 75' blast of flame. 2d6 SDC to everything in the blast (3' radius), plus 40% chance of flammables igniting. 4d6 SDC to everything in the blast (6' radius) per double-blast, plus 85% chance of flammables igniting.
Dragon Spit (Incendiary): Slug ignites on impact. 3d6 SDC, plus a 45% chance of igniting flammables. 6d6 SDC for a double-blast, plus a 90% chance of igniting flammables.
Big Dragon (Plasma): 3d6 MD to a 3' diameter, or 5d6 to a 6' diameter for a double blast. CR 175 per shell.

Crossbow Bolts
Standard*: Light, 1d8 SDC. Heavy, 2d6 SDC.
Light Explosive: 1d6x10 SDC. CR 100 each.
Medium Explosive: 1d6 MD. CR 300 each.
Heavy Explosive: 2d6 MD. CR 550 each.
High Explosive: 3d6 MD. CR 900 each.
Tear Gas: All gas arrows cover a 10' area, and require a save vs. harmful Drugs to avoid the effects. CR 100 each.
Knockout Gas: 1d6 minutes. CR 250 each.
Paralysis Gas: 1d6 minutes. CR 400 each.
Smoke: Covers a 20' area. CR 80 each. Comes in a variety of colors.
Heavy Flare: 3d6 SDC, 6d6 SDC for a double-blast. CR 120 per bolt.
Neural Disrupter: CR 400 each. Reusable 1d6 times before breaking.
Tracer Bug: 72 hour batteries. CR 200 each.
Tranquilizer: Target must save vs. Non-Lethal Poison or fall unconscious in 1d4 melees. If the save is made, the target instead becomes woozy in 1d4 melees, suffering a -2 penalty to strike, parry, and dodge, as well as a -10% penalty to skill checks. Duration is 4d4 minutes. CR 100 each.

*Available as silver rounds. 1/2 range, x2 damage to vampires, x3 price.

BH-SP82 Space Pistol
Based on an old Russian design for for use by cosmonauts, the BH-82 Space Pistol combines the capabilities of a shotgun and a rifle in one portable, three-barreled firearm. The two smoothbore barrels can fire .410 shotgun ammunition, while the rifled barrel underneath is chambered for 5.45x39mm rounds. The detachable buttstock contains a small machete.
Weight: 5 lbs
Damage: by ammunition type: Either .410 shotgun rounds, or 5.45x39mm rifle rounds (5d6 SDC for standard bullets).
Rate of Fire: Single shot, both shotgun barrels at once, or all three barrels simultaneously.
Range: 300' for the shotgun, 1,000' for the rifle.
Payload: 2 for the shotgun (1 round per barrel), 1 for the rifle. Break-open design for reloading.
Bonus: +1 strike bonus when using buttstock for stability and balance.
Price: CR 1,000 for the standard model, CR 1,000 for a MDC version (20 MDC)

BH-40SMG Mr. Tom Sub-Machine Gun
This Mega-Damage version of the traditional Thompson SMG ("Tommy Gun") can fire almost any .45 caliber ammunition, including Wilks' CFT rounds!
Weight: 10 lbs
Damage: by ammunition type. Typically .45 ACP ammunition (4d6 SDC), or Wilk's CFT rounds (3d6 MD)
Rate of Fire: Single shot (x1 damage), Short burst (3 shots, x2 damage), or Long burst (6 shots, x3 damage, two attacks)
Range: 550' for standard ammunition, 300' for CFT rounds.
Payload: 20-round Box magazine (20 round, or 30 round), or drum magazine (50 or 100 rounds)
Price: CR 7,000


Bullhunter Arms Bangsticks
A bangstick is a kind of spear, the head of which is a hollow section of tube with a firing pin. Standard ammunition can be loaded into the head of the spear, and when the spear strikes a target, the round will go off, shooting the target.
Bullhunter Arms offers a full array of Bangsticks, in every common caliber or gauge for modern firearms. Bangsticks in uncommon calibers or gauges can be custom-made, on request of the purchaser, for a CR 50 surcharge.
The serial for each kind of Bangstick is simply "BH-B__", with the blanks filled in with the appropriate caliber or gauge, along with a "c" or "g" to indicate which system is used.
So a BH-B22c would be one of Bullhunter Arms' .22 caliber Bangsticks, a BH-B12g would be a Bangstick that uses 12-gauge ammunition, and so forth.
Any size of Bangstick is available as an SDC or MDC structure. MDC structures (10 MDC) cost 10x normal cost.
Damage: By ammunition type. Optional Point Blank rules (RGMG 36-37) may apply, since the weapon only fires at point blank.
Range: Melee
Payload: 1 (Takes 1 action to reload)
Price: CR 25

Bullhunter Arms Bang-Hammers
The head of these Mega-Damage war hammers house a concealed. The basic design is similar to that of a Bangstick, with a round firing when the hammer strikes a target. As with Bullhunter's variety of bangsticks, their line of Bang-Hammers comes in a wide array, reflecting all common ammunition types.
A single Bang-Hammer typically has only one barrel, but can have multiple barrels instead (up to six for small and medium sized rounds, up to three for larger rounds such as the .50 caliber BMG). The Bang-Hammer can either be designed to fire all barrels simultaneously, or to fire one barrel each time the hammer hits the target.
Damage: By ammunition type. For Bang-Hammers where multiple barrels fire at once, the base damage is multiplied by the number of barrels.
Rate of Fire: Single Shot, or multiple simultaneous blasts.
Range: Melee
Payload: Single Shot.
Price: CR 500 for a standard, single-barrel Bang-Hammer, with an additional CR 200 per barrel. If the barrels are designed to fire one at a time, the cost is increased by an additional CR 250.

BH-GAR1 Girandoni-style Air Rifle
Following ancient designs contained in pre-Rifts artifacts, the techs at Bullhunter Arms have recreated a high-powered repeating air rifle that was used by the explorers Lewis & Clark and the Austrian army. This weapon is popular for hunting and home-defense in areas where blackpowder and electricity are scarce. The .46 caliber balls are held in a 21-shot detachable tube magazine, and the compressed air is housed in a special reservoir that serves as the rifle's stock. The reservoir is also detachable for quick replacement, and each reservoir can be refilled by use of a simple handpump, pumping 1500 times.
Weight: 10 lbs
Damage: 4d6 SDC when the air reservoir is fully charged, 3d6 SDC after the first 21 shots from one reservoir, and 2d6 SDC for the remaining shots.
Explosive rounds inflict 1d6x10 SDC consistently until the air reservoir is empty.
High Explosive rounds inflict 1-2 MD consistently until the air reservoir is empty.

Rate of Fire: Single shot.
Range: 300'
Payload: 21-round Tube magazine (and can hold one additional round in the breech). Each Air Reservoir holds enough compressed air for 60+2d4 shots when fully charged (roll each time it is charged). If the weapon is used in combat, it is recommended to switch reservoirs (one action) after the first 21 shots are fired, in order to maintain full damage.
Price: CR 950 for the weapon
CR 10 per box of 100 for standard lead ammunition
CR 150 per box of 50 explosive rounds
CR 80 per single High Explosive round.

BH-GAR2 Girandoni-style Air Rifle
While Bullhunter Arms' GAR1 air rifles are virtually exact replicas of the original models, the GAR2 is an improvement on the original design, using more modern materials. With the new materials, the special air reservoirs are able to hold more air, at higher pressure, which means more shots and higher maximum power. The weight of the weapon is also reduced, and the action is a bit smoother. One of the main areas of improvement is the hand pump, which has been made to be more efficient. Also, the air reservoirs are designed to be able to be recharged from a standard air compressor if available.
In areas with high-tech manufacturing and fabrication technology, the GAR2's parts are more easy to replace if necessary, although the GAR1 is still easier to repair in lower-tech environments.
Weight: 9 lbs
Damage: 1d4x10 SDC when the air reservoir is fully charged, 6d6 SDC after the first 21 shots, 5d6 SDC after the next 21 shots, 4d6 after the next 21 shots, 3d6 after the next 21 shots, and 2d6 SDC for the remaining shots.
Rate of Fire: Single shot.
Range: 350'
Payload: 21-round Tube magazine (and can hold one additional round in the breech). Each Air Reservoir holds enough compressed air for 100+2d6 shots when fully charged (roll each time it is charged).
Price: CR 1,150 for the weapon (ammunition prices unchanged)

BH-PB1 Piston Boots
Following a pre-Rifts design of Russian origin, with a few tweaks from PA technology, these gasoline-powered shoes have built-in pistons that fire every time the user steps, propelling the wearer along at tremendous speeds! Microcomputers in each boot prevent the pistons from firing at the wrong times, eliminating the chance of injury that was present with the original model.
Weight: 1.5 lbs
Effect: Wearer can run at speeds up to 22 mph. Add 8" to the user's height.
Prowl is effectively impossible, due to engine noise.
Range: The 1/3 cup of gasoline in each tank will last for 3 miles.
Price: CR 500

BH-PB2 Piston Boots
This update of the original Piston Boot is powered by more efficient electric pistons instead of gasoline.
Weight: 1.5 lbs
Effect: Wearer can run at speeds up to 22 mph. Add 8" to the user's height.
-15% to prowl, due to engine noise.
Range: The mini-batteries last for 70 miles.
Price: CR 3,000 for the shoes. CR 200 per mini-battery (CR 75 for a recharge)

BAG-1 Traditional Gambeson Armor
This is a traditional padded armored jacket made from quilted fabric, dating back to ancient times. In the turbulent world of Post Apocalyptic Earth, ancient armors are making a comeback, especially in areas of limited technology. While this traditional form of basic protection does not come close to comparing to modern military body armors, there are many regions of the world where ANY protection can be better than NO protection. Using the modern manufacturing facilities of Bullhunter Arms, mass production is able to provide superior quality product than low-tech kingdoms that make such armor by hand, with greater uniformity, and at a much lower cost!
Armor Rating: 8
SDC: 15
Weight: 6 lbs
Cost: CR 75

BAG-2 Reinforced Gambeson
This armor is a slight upgrade from the Traditional Gambeson Armor, using the same design, but utilizing the technology of more modern fabrics such as ballistic nylon. The result is a lighter, more durable armor, for only a modest increase in price!
Armor Rating: 8
SDC: 25
Weight: 5.5 lbs
Cost: CR 100

BAL-1 Traditional Soft Leather Armor
This is a traditional suit of soft leather armor, using ancient designs from the earliest history of mankind. While it does not provide high-quality protection, it does protect against minor injury from a variety of weapons and attacks. And if you're going to be gearing up old-school, little beats the sheer style of leather!
Armor Rating: 9
SDC: 20
Weight: 8 lbs
Cost: CR 150

BAL-2 Non-Traditional Soft Leather Armor
This is a variety of suits of soft leather armor, that are comprised of more modern leather garments. Bullhunter Arms offers a very wide selection of leather pants, jackets, gloves, vests, chaps, belts, and other leather accessories, and can provide any look the customer desires, from our "Outlaw Biker" ensembles to our "Leather Daddy & Gimp" selection.
Armor Rating: 9
SDC: 20
Weight: varies, usually 6-12 lbs
Cost: CR 175

BAL-3 Superior Soft Leather Armor
This armor uses the traditional designs for leather armor, but takes advantage of some of the non-traditional wildlife inhabiting North America, some of which has much sturdier hide than the historically indigenous fauna.
Armor Rating: 10
SDC: 30
Weight: 8 lbs
Cost: CR 200

BAL-4 Non-Traditional Superior Soft Leather Armor
This is a variety of suits of soft leather armor, that are comprised of more modern leather garments. Bullhunter Arms offers a very wide selection of leather pants, jackets, gloves, vests, chaps, belts, and other leather accessories, and can provide any look the customer desires, from our "Outlaw Biker" ensembles to our "Leather Daddy & Gimp" selection.
Armor Rating: 10
SDC: 30
Weight: varies, usually 6-12 lbs
Cost: CR 225

BAL-5 Traditional Cuir Bouilli Armor
This leather armor is composed of a variety of pieces that are boiled in special chemicals as part of our patented leather hardening process. This process makes the leather stiff and durable, providing increased protection over out soft leather armor lines.
The designs of the armor match the traditional patterns and fashions from ancient times, but can be customized with the color and appearance that the customer desires.
Armor Rating: 11
SDC: 35
Weight: 20 lbs
Cost: CR 200

BAL-6 Superior Cuir Bouilli Armor
This Cuir Bouilli armor is made from the hide of some of the sturdier animals found in North America in our modern age.
The designs of the armor match the traditional patterns and fashions from ancient times, but can be customized with the color and appearance that the customer desires.
Armor Rating: 11
SDC: 45
Weight: 20 lbs
Cost: CR 250

BAL-7 Traditional Studded Leather Armor
This soft leather armor has been fitted with metal studs in order to better deflect and absorb incoming attacks. A wide variety of colors and designs are offered.
Armor Rating: 12
SDC: 38
Weight: 20 lbs
Cost: CR 250

BAL-8 Superior Studded Leather Armor
This is a variation on traditional studded leather armor, made using sturdier leather and more durable high-tech metal alloys.
Armor Rating: 13
SDC: 60
Weight: 20 lbs
Cost: CR 300

BAL-9 Soft Leather Mega-Armor
This leather armor is made in the traditional styles of the ancients, but is created using the super-tough hide from Rhino-Buffalo and other monstrous beasts of the post-apocalyptic age. The increase in protection is phenomenal, and well worth the increase in cost!
Armor Rating: N/A
MDC: 30
Weight: 15 lbs (-10% to climb, prowl, gymnastics, acrobatics, and other such physical skills
Cost: CR 8,000

BAL-10 Studded Leather Mega-Armor
This leather armor is made in the traditional styles of the ancients, but is created using the super-tough hide from Rhino-Buffalo and other monstrous beasts of the post-apocalyptic age. The studs in this unique armor are made from bits and pieces of debris left over from destroyed metal and ceramic armor, or even modern war machines, from a variety of battlefields, including major battles that you may have heard about! Specific battlefields can be requested for a customized suit, but supplies are limited and not all battles will be accessible.
Armor Rating: N/A
MDC: 35
Weight: 15 lbs (-10% to climb, prowl, gymnastics, acrobatics, and other such physical skills
Cost: CR 9,000

BAL-11 Hard Leather Mega-Armor
This leather armor is hardened with special curing methods and treatments.
Armor Rating: N/A
MDC: 50
Weight: 15 lbs (-15% to climb, prowl, gymnastics, acrobatics, and other such physical skills
Cost: CR 10,000

BAL-12 Hard Leather Mega-Armor
A superior version of the BAL-11, using lighter and stronger hides.
Armor Rating: N/A
MDC: 60
Weight: 12 lbs (-10% to climb, prowl, gymnastics, acrobatics, and other such physical skills
Cost: CR 20,000

BAL-13 Soft Leather Mega-Armor
This armor is crafted from the strongest, lightest leathers.
Armor Rating: N/A
MDC: 75
Weight: 8 lbs (-5% to climb, prowl, gymnastics, acrobatics, and other such physical skills
Cost: CR 40,000

BAM-1 Traditional Mail Armor
Composed of riveted metal rings, this mesh armor was once considered the height of personal protection. Although those days are long since past, there are many times and places in today's world where such protection can not only come in handy, it can save your life!
Armor Rating: 13
SDC: 44
Weight: 40 lbs
Cost: CR 400

BAM-2 Superior Mail Armor
While keeping to the traditional forms and patterns, this mail is made from lightweight modern metals such as titanium. This allows for a significant increase in protection, while reducing the armor's weight and bulk. Also, remember that titanium is impervious to rust and corrosion!
Armor Rating: 14
SDC: 75
Weight: 20 lbs
Cost: CR 500

BASA-1 Traditional Scale Armor
This traditional armor is composed of overlapping metal plates, attached to a padded backing. A step above mail, this armor offers better protection with only slight addition in bulk.
Armor Rating: 15
SDC: 75
Weight: 45 lbs
Cost: CR 475

BASA-2 Superior Scale Armor
This modern version of traditional scale armor is composed of modern alloys, providing superior protection to the traditional models.
Armor Rating: 16
SDC: 100
Weight: 28 lbs
Cost: CR 600

BASA-3 Scale Mega-Armor
This version of traditional scale armor is composed of modern super-alloys, ceramics, and high-tech plastics, providing protection against even high-tech military attacks.
Armor Rating: N/A
MDC: 50
Weight: 30 lbs (-10% to prowl, gymnastics, acrobatics, and other such physical skills)
Cost: CR 10,000

BAPM-1 Traditional Plated Mail
This traditional armor consists of traditional mail embedded with steel plates, offering the versatility of mail with some of the enhanced protection of plate armor.
Armor Rating: 15
SDC: 100
Weight: 52 lbs
Cost: CR 900

BAPM-2 Superior Plated Mail
This modern armor consists of our superior mail, embedded with plates made of high-tech alloys. It offers superior protection to traditional plated mail, but with less weight and bulk.
Armor Rating: 16
SDC: 150
Weight: 58 lbs
Cost: CR 1,100

BAPM-3 Plated Mega-Mail
This modern armor follows the same design as our Superior Plated Mail, but mail as well as the plates are made of high-tech alloys designed to stand up on the modern battlefield.
Armor Rating: 15
MDC: 58
Weight: 50 lbs
Cost: CR 11,000

BAFP-1 Traditional Full Plate Armor
This traditional armor consists of interlocking steel plates, with pieces of mail covering joints and other vulnerable areas. In kingdoms of the ancient past, and even in some kingdoms today, this armor represents the height of military protective technology.
Armor Rating: 16
SDC: 150
Weight: 80 lbs
Cost: CR 1,500

BAFP-2 Superior Full Plate Armor
This traditional armor consists of interlocking alloy plates, with pieces of mail covering joints and other vulnerable areas. A modern update on an ancient classic!
Armor Rating: 17
SDC: 250
Weight: 70 lbs
Cost: CR 2,000

BACA-1 Traditional Cuirass
A full suit of armor can be quite an investment, especially when outfitting an entire militia or army. Sometimes, the most cost-effective methods of protection is to stick to the basics, to protect the most vital and vulnerable area of the body: the torso. With this in mind, Bullhunter Arms has created a traditional steel Cuirass that is designed to protect the torso while leaving the arms, legs, and head free and fully mobile.
Armor Rating: 12 (covers only torso)
SDC: 80
Weight: 15 lbs
Cost: CR 650

BACA-2 Superior Cuirass
This Cuirass is composed of high-tech alloys for lighter weight and superior protection.
Armor Rating: 12 (covers only torso)
SDC: 130
Weight: 10 lbs
Cost: CR 850

BACA-3 Ballistic Cuirass
This armor is composed of a BACA-2 Superior Cuirass, along with the additional support of a bullet-proof vest inside the metal shell.
Armor Rating: 12 (covers only torso)
SDC: 250
Weight: 25 lbs
Cost: CR 1,000

BH-ZG1 Basic Zip Pistol
Technically, a "Zip Gun" is a kind of improvised firearm that is NOT manufactured by an actual arms manufacturer. Here at Bullhunter Arms, we say, "Screw the technicalities; can we build it?"
We can, so we did.
The concept behind a Zip Gun is simple: remove and/or reduce a firearm down to just the bare bones necessary to fire a standard ammunition cartridge. That means you need a barrel, a chamber to hold the round, and some kind of firing pin to strike the back of the round.
And that's all this is!
Why buy from Bullhunter if you can make one yourself?
Either to save yourself the trouble, or simply because you want to reduce the odds of blowing off your hands when you fire your weapon!
Unlike actual improvised handguns, our Zip Guns are made from sturdy, reliable materials that are calculated by our engineers to meet or exceed the demands of the weapon, backed with a money-back guarantee!
The Basic Zip Pistol consists of a 5" barrel, and a threaded cap that screws onto the back. The appropriate round fits snugly into the cap, which then screws onto the back of the barrel. The firing pin sticks out from the back of the cap, and the weapon will fire when the back of that pin is struck with any hard object, such as an armored gauntlet, a hammer, or even a rock!
Weight: Negligible
Damage: by ammunition type (can be designed for any standard caliber pistol round).
Rate of Fire: Single shot only. Takes 2 actions to reload (1 action to unscrew cap and replace the cartridge, 1 action to screw the cap back on)
Range: Standard for ammunition type, -10%. Firing at any range over 5' will be considered to be firing Wild.
Payload: 1
Price: CR 5 (x10 for a stronger version that has 1 MDC)

BH-ZG2 Basic Zip Rifle
A larger version of the ZG1, the ZG2 is 12" long, and is designed to use standard rifle or shotgun rounds.
The barrel of the weapon is not actually rifled- this is a smoothbore weapon.
Weight: 1.5 lbs.
Damage: by ammunition type (can be designed for any standard caliber rifle or shotgun round).
Rate of Fire: Single shot only. Takes 2 actions to reload (1 action to unscrew cap and replace the cartridge, 1 action to screw the cap back on)
Range: Standard for ammunition type, -20%. Firing at any range over 10' will be considered to be firing Wild.
Payload: 1
Price: CR 9 (x10 for a stronger version that has 1 MDC)

BH-ZG3 Basic Paliuntod
A Paliuntod is composed of two pieces of pipe that fit tightly together, one inside the other. The cartridge is placed in the breech of the inner barrel (which is removed for reloading), and the inner barrel is then fitted into the larger diameter tube. This outer tube is capped at the breach end, and has a fixed firing pin in place to strike the cartridge. When the barrel is pulled swiftly back, the firing pin strikes the shell and fires the weapon.
Weight: 2.5 lbs
Damage: by ammunition type (can be designed for any standard caliber rifle or shotgun round).
Rate of Fire: Single shot only. Takes 2 actions to reload (1 action to remove the inner barrel and replace the cartridge, 1 action to replace the barrel)
Range: Standard for ammunition type. Firing at any range over 20' will be considered to be firing Wild.
Payload: 1
Price: CR 15 (x10 for a stronger version that has 1 MDC)

BH-ZG4 "Richardson" Paliuntod
A slightly fancier and more effective version of the basic Paliuntod, this version features a longer barrel, as well as a foregrip and a stock, for more accuracy and easier firing.
Weight: 3.5 lbs
Damage: by ammunition type (can be designed for any standard caliber rifle or shotgun round).
Rate of Fire: Single shot only. Takes 2 actions to reload (1 action to remove the inner barrel and replace the cartridge, 1 action to replace the barrel)
Range: Standard for ammunition type. Firing at any range over 20' will be considered to be firing Wild.
Payload: 1
Price: CR 20 (x10 for a stronger version that has 1 MDC)

BH-ZG5 "Little Richard" Mini-Paliuntod
A more compact version of the ZG4, with a pistol grip on both the front and back (no stock), and a 18" total length.
Weight: 2.5 lbs
Damage: by ammunition type (can be designed for any standard caliber pistol, rifle, or shotgun round).
Rate of Fire: Single shot only. Takes 2 actions to reload (1 action to remove the inner barrel and replace the cartridge, 1 action to replace the barrel)
Range: Standard for ammunition type. Firing at any range over 15' will be considered to be firing Wild.
Payload: 1
Price: CR 18 (x10 for a stronger version that has 1 MDC)

BH-BPF1 Traditional Hand Cannon
The oldest blackpowder firearm, the Hand Cannon was essentially a barrel, often with some kind of handle, that had a touch hole at the base that could be used to ignite a charge of blackpowder, firing the weapon. Traditionally, a coal, slow-burning match, or other source was used to ignite the powder, but Bullhunter Arms includes a FREE disposable lighter with every Hand Cannon purchase!
Our Traditional Hand Cannons can have more than one barrel (up to 10!), for an added cost, to increase the number of shots that can be fired before reloading.
Weight: 1.2 lbs per barrel, +5 lbs if a longer (staff-length) handle is ordered (+5 Credits).
Damage: Each .90 caliber round inflicts 3d6 SDC. Non-standard ammunition can be used, including rocks or nails (2d6 SDC, 1/2 range) or even sticks or other random objects (1d6 SDC), 1/10 range)
Rate of Fire: Each barrel is Single shot only, and each barrel takes 5 actions to reload (1 action to cover primer hole with thumb and pour powder, 1 action to add patch, 1 action to add tamping rod, 1 action to tap the rod with a mallet, 1 action to prime the gun).
Range: 150' (All shots beyond point 20' are Wild)
Payload: 1 per barrel
Misfire Rate: 20% using traditional blackpowder, 10% using modern gunpowder.
Price: CR 10 per barrel (x10 for a stronger version that has 1 MDC)

BH-LG1 "Bee Stinger" Laser Pistol
The first original laser pistol design by Bullhunter Arms, this classic firearm just keeps on selling!
The simple design is easy to use, and each weapon comes with a comic-format instruction sheet that details how to use the weapon properly.
Designed as an emergency holdout or assassination weapon, this weapon has a minimalist design and a rock-bottom price.
Weight: .75 lbs
Damage: 4d6 MD
Rate of Fire: Single shot only.
Range: 10'
Payload: 1
Ammunition: Has an internal battery that holds enough power for one shot. It can be recharged by any (CS) standard outlet, using a short power cord housed inside the weapon's hollow grip frame. Recharging time is 60 hours.
Damage Capacity: Unlike most PA energy weapons, the Bee Stinger laser pistol is NOT a mega-damage item: 75 SDC
Price: CR 500

BH-DG1 Disposable Mega-Shotgun
Keeping up with our line of minimalist weapons for buyers on a budget, this plastic shotgun comes pre-loaded with a single APRJ round. Due to its bullpup design, the weapon has a total length of only 25 inches. In order to keep the costs down to an absolute minimum, this weapon has no breach or other means to reload it; it would not survive more than 1d4 firings in any case, due to the inexpensive design and materials. Optional bayonet mount.
Damage: 3d6 MD
Rate of Fire: Single shot only.
Range: 500'
Payload: 1 (cannot be reloaded)
Damage Capacity: 25 SDC
Price: CR 230
(CR 235 with the optional bayonet mount)

BH-DG2 Disposable Mega-Shotgun
A double-barreled version of the DG1.
Damage: 3d6 MD for a single-shot, 6d6 MD for a dual-blast.
Rate of Fire: Single or Dual Blast only.
Range: 500'
Payload: 2 (cannot be reloaded)
Damage Capacity: 45 SDC
Price: CR 480

BH-DG3 Disposable Mega-Shotgun
A triple-barreled version of the DG1. The weapon has three triggers, which can be squeezed one at a time, or all at once!
Damage: 3d6 MD for a single-shot, 6d6 MD for a dual-blast, or 9d6 for a triple-blast.
Rate of Fire: Single, Dual, or Triple Blast only.
Range: 500'
Payload: 3 (cannot be reloaded)
Damage Capacity: 70 SDC
Price: CR 700

BH-DG4 Disposable Mega-Shotgun
A four-barreled version of the DG1. This weapon only has two triggers, each of which fires one barrel if pulled half-way back, or fires two barrels if pulled all the way back.
Damage: 3d6 MD for a single-shot, 6d6 MD for a dual-blast, 9d6 MD for a triple-blast (a tricky maneuver, due to the trigger setup), or 12d6 for a quadruple-blast (Shooter takes 1d6 SDC recoil damage, and must successfully Roll With Impact or make a Balance check if not braced, unless their PS is 18 or higher).
Rate of Fire: Single, Dual, Triple, or Quadruple Blast only.
Range: 500'
Payload: 4 (cannot be reloaded)
Damage Capacity: 90 SDC
Price: CR 900

BH-DG5 Disposable Mega-Shotgun
A five-barreled version of the DG1. There is only one trigger, with five stages, each stage triggering one shot.
Damage: 3d6 MD for a single-shot, 6d6 MD for a dual-blast, 9d6 MD for a triple-blast (a tricky maneuver, due to the trigger setup), 12d6 MD for a quadruple-blast (Shooter takes 1d6 SDC recoil damage, and must successfully Roll With Impact vs. 14, or make a Balance check, if not braced, unless their PS is 18 or higher), or 15d6 MD for a quintuple-blast (Shooter takes 2d6 SDC recoil damage, and must successfully Roll With Impact vs. 18, or make a Balance check, if not braced, unless their PS is 20 or higher).
Rate of Fire: Single, Dual, Triple, Quadruple, or Quintuple Blast only.
Range: 500'
Payload: 5 (cannot be reloaded)
Damage Capacity: 125 SDC
Price: CR 1100

(more to come)
Last edited by Killer Cyborg on Mon Feb 09, 2015 4:28 pm, edited 12 times in total.
Annual Best Poster of the Year Awards (2012)

"Your Eloquence with a sledge hammer is a beautiful thing..." -Zer0 Kay

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Re: Bullhunter Arms

Unread post by taalismn »

Ew...space guns! 8)
Going to have to watch Bullhunter as well. :bandit:
"Trouble rather the Tiger in his Lair,
Than the Sage among his Books,
For all the Empires and Kingdoms,
The Armies and Works that you hold Dear,
Are to him but the Playthings of the Moment,
To be turned over with the Flick of a Finger,
And the Turning of a Page"

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Re: Bullhunter Arms

Unread post by abtex »

Keep them coming.
I hate it when my mind wonders,
Because I have no idea what it will bring back with it.

taalismn says -- Librarians assume the role of scholar-priest-kings in an increasinly illiterate society...

taalismn says -- Abtex...Unofficial archival mole for the fictional arms industry again with the sites that make you blink... :shock: :-D
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Killer Cyborg
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Re: Bullhunter Arms

Unread post by Killer Cyborg »

enhancer wrote:Interesting ideas. A couple of things though. IIRC the Ramjet rounds were already attempting to fly at Rail Gun speeds, I don't know why they would do any more damage than a Rail Gun shot, or more damage than they could achieve under their own power. Did you mean that they were like Wellington explosive rounds?

Nah, I meant ramjet.
The idea being that the railgun propels the rounds at normal railgun speed, and the ramjet rounds make them go even faster.
Although there are explosives in there too. I didn't put a lot of thought into the weight issue, but depending on what normal rail gun ammo is made from, it might be resolved by adding in some heavier materials to compensate for the presence of lighter materials, balancing things out.

The other one concerns the shotgun shells. It's more of a personal thing really, as what you have there is what the book says. I'm talking about the 10/15' radius on buckshot. I'm pretty sure you already know that makes no sense, as even a sawed off shotgun can't do that spread, maybe not even the old blunderbusses of the 1700s. I was always disappointed with Palladium for trying to reinforce the stereotype.

Yeah, but I just went with what the book said.
I try to have my stuff blend with the game as smoothly as possible.

The other thing with the shells is there already is a listing for Ramjet Slugs in the Juicer Uprising/GMG for the NG-11S. I wasn't sure if you were lowering the damage intentionally or just didn't notice it.

I wrote it up a while back, so I can't say for certain how that happened. I know that I included those Ramjet slugs specifically because of the NG-11S, because somebody else pointed it out to me at the time.
But I don't know if I nerfed them deliberately, or if I just made a typo.
Either way, I fixed it to match the NG-11S stats now.
Thanks for pointing it out!
Annual Best Poster of the Year Awards (2012)

"Your Eloquence with a sledge hammer is a beautiful thing..." -Zer0 Kay

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Re: Bullhunter Arms

Unread post by Killer Cyborg »

enhancer wrote:
Killer Cyborg wrote:Nah, I meant ramjet.
The idea being that the railgun propels the rounds at normal railgun speed, and the ramjet rounds make them go even faster.

That would work in a vacuum, but because of air resistance I don't think it would. A missile or jet attached to a jet doesn't add the speed of the jet to it's own, otherwise you would see missiles piggy backing missiles to gain extra speed, especially in the space program.

I'm not a physics major, so I can't say for certain.
It just seems that if I throw a rock out of the front of my car when I'm traveling 90 mph, it's traveling faster relative to the ground (and anything that it might hit) than if I were standing still.
At least initially; as you say, wind resistance would be a factor.
But I think that it would be less of a factor for rail-gun rounds and such than for rocks.

Again it would lose velocity(and damage) in the rail gun due to reduction of weight, however what it could do is resume the initial momentum lost over distance(fighting the air). Since Rifts doesn't reduce damage with range for projectiles, even rail guns, the more practical aspect would be a built in timing device that would activate when the round reached maximum effective range(measured in micro seconds from being fired), effectively increasing the range to double previous amount(typical range is equal to normal bullet, on a Heavy Machine Gun in GMG that's 5000ft, so would add 5,000ft). Since the intention of the round is for a Sniping Rail Gun (which I think is long overdue in the books), that works out perfectly, increasing the effective range of the weapon to well beyond the range of retaliation for even Glitterboys. Even the single round damage for TX-250s and WI-20s is the same.

That's not a bad idea! :ok:
I'll mull it over.

Might I also suggest building it out of an NG-R50 (Merc Ops and Rifter #4)? A long barreled variant of that would be significantly lighter, simpler, cheaper to base off of(75k Triax/50k GMG versus 30k), comes built to run on E-Clips, and the round itself is larger, so it would be a 4D6 M.D rifle instead of a 1D4, largely negating the need for explosive rounds. The base rounds also cost 2 credits each, so one of the selling points could be big cost upfront but relatively cheap to run(unless purely off store charged E-clips). Feel free to ignore it, just spitballing ideas. But if you don't build it, I'm going to commission Bullhunter Arms for a custom job :D .

The problem with using the NG-R50 is a purely personal one; I think that it's far too munchkin.
Much, much larger rail guns in the game inflict 1d4 MD on average per shot, and these rail guns are powered by nuclear power supplies, so they shouldn't lack for power, and should logically do far more damage than a mini-version of the same thing.
The C-40R, for example, weighs 92 lbs, and has a 60 lb nuclear power pack, and inflicts 1d4 MD per shot.
The NG-R50 weighs only 25 lbs, and is powered by an E-Clip that has negligible weight, and it does 4d6 MD, which is 6x as much damage.
A C-40R costs CR 110,000, and an NG-R50 costs CR 30,000.
And there is NO explanation given for this massive difference; the writer just wanted more power, and didn't care enough to come up with any plausible reason.

It's like comparing a .22 derringer to .223 rifle, and deciding that the derringer would be the more powerful weapon BY FAR.
Which doesn't make a damned bit of sense.
I avoided the more portable rail guns in the New West book for similar reasons; they're the kind of power creep in the game that I abhor.

I might keep this in mind, though, for the Putus Caseus Armaments company that I'm writing up.
They deal with the logical extrapolations of the more cheesy elements of the game.
Annual Best Poster of the Year Awards (2012)

"Your Eloquence with a sledge hammer is a beautiful thing..." -Zer0 Kay

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Killer Cyborg
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Re: Bullhunter Arms

Unread post by Killer Cyborg »

enhancer wrote:
Killer Cyborg wrote:Nah, I meant ramjet.
The idea being that the railgun propels the rounds at normal railgun speed, and the ramjet rounds make them go even faster.

That would work in a vacuum, but because of air resistance I don't think it would. A missile or jet attached to a jet doesn't add the speed of the jet to it's own, otherwise you would see missiles piggy backing missiles to gain extra speed, especially in the space program. Again it would lose velocity(and damage) in the rail gun due to reduction of weight, however what it could do is resume the initial momentum lost over distance(fighting the air). Since Rifts doesn't reduce damage with range for projectiles, even rail guns, the more practical aspect would be a built in timing device that would activate when the round reached maximum effective range(measured in micro seconds from being fired), effectively increasing the range to double previous amount (typical range is equal to normal bullet, on a Heavy Machine Gun in GMG that's 5000ft, so would add 5,000ft).

I've been mulling this over for some time, and one obstacle that I keep coming into is that even though what you say makes sense physics-wise, in-game Ramjet rounds don't increase range.
The difference in this case could be explained by the ram-jets not kicking in until they start to lose velocity, as you say, but that establishes a new precedent for game mechanics by allowing ramjets to do something that they currently do not do. Which is something that I try to avoid.

Another issue is that, according to Wikipedia, Ramjets are effective at speeds up to Mach 6. Since the Boom Gun only fires rounds at Mach 5, it's safe to assume that most rail guns fire their rounds at even lower speeds (whether or not this makes a lot of sense physics-wise), which would seem to mean that ramjets could indeed increase the velocity of normal railgun rounds, thereby increasing damage.

Your feedback and thoughts would be appreciated!
Annual Best Poster of the Year Awards (2012)

"Your Eloquence with a sledge hammer is a beautiful thing..." -Zer0 Kay

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Re: Bullhunter Arms

Unread post by Ectoplasmic Bidet »

Nice stuff, KC. Have you thought about giving the Dragonslayer ramjet rounds for the sniper rail gun a range boost? I know 6,000ft is nothing to sneeze at, but it's easily achievable with modern .50 cal sniper rifles; a future tech rocket propelled rail gun round could easily double if not triple that distance.

EDIT: Looks like this was already being discussed. :oops:

I should have read the whole thread before commenting.
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Killer Cyborg
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Re: Bullhunter Arms

Unread post by Killer Cyborg »

Been working on the Bullhunger Arms versions of various SDC armors.
Before I add them to the catalog (original post), I'd like some feedback and thoughts.
I went with low pricing, figuring that mass production could knock the costs down.

PLEASE let me know any questions, comments, etc.!

BAG-1 Traditional Gambeson Armor
This is a traditional padded armored jacket made from quilted fabric, dating back to ancient times. In the turbulent world of Post Apocalyptic Earth, ancient armors are making a comeback, especially in areas of limited technology. While this traditional form of basic protection does not come close to comparing to modern military body armors, there are many regions of the world where ANY protection can be better than NO protection. Using the modern manufacturing facilities of Bullhunter Arms, mass production is able to provide superior quality product than low-tech kingdoms that make such armor by hand, with greater uniformity, and at a much lower cost!
Armor Rating: 8
SDC: 15
Weight: 6 lbs
Cost: CR 75

BAG-2 Reinforced Gambeson
This armor is a slight upgrade from the Traditional Gambeson Armor, using the same design, but utilizing the technology of more modern fabrics such as ballistic nylon. The result is a lighter, more durable armor, for only a modest increase in price!
Armor Rating: 8
SDC: 25
Weight: 5.5 lbs
Cost: CR 100

BAL-1 Traditional Soft Leather Armor
This is a traditional suit of soft leather armor, using ancient designs from the earliest history of mankind. While it does not provide high-quality protection, it does protect against minor injury from a variety of weapons and attacks. And if you're going to be gearing up old-school, little beats the sheer style of leather!
Armor Rating: 9
SDC: 20
Weight: 8 lbs
Cost: CR 150

BAL-2 Non-Traditional Soft Leather Armor
This is a variety of suits of soft leather armor, that are comprised of more modern leather garments. Bullhunter Arms offers a very wide selection of leather pants, jackets, gloves, vests, chaps, belts, and other leather accessories, and can provide any look the customer desires, from our "Outlaw Biker" ensembles to our "Leather Daddy & Gimp" selection.
Armor Rating: 9
SDC: 20
Weight: varies, usually 6-12 lbs
Cost: CR 175

BAL-3 Superior Soft Leather Armor
This armor uses the traditional designs for leather armor, but takes advantage of some of the non-traditional wildlife inhabiting North America, some of which has much sturdier hide than the historically indigenous fauna.
Armor Rating: 10
SDC: 30
Weight: 8 lbs
Cost: CR 200

BAL-4 Non-Traditional Superior Soft Leather Armor
This is a variety of suits of soft leather armor, that are comprised of more modern leather garments. Bullhunter Arms offers a very wide selection of leather pants, jackets, gloves, vests, chaps, belts, and other leather accessories, and can provide any look the customer desires, from our "Outlaw Biker" ensembles to our "Leather Daddy & Gimp" selection.
Armor Rating: 10
SDC: 30
Weight: varies, usually 6-12 lbs
Cost: CR 225

BAL-5 Traditional Cuir Bouilli Armor
This leather armor is composed of a variety of pieces that are boiled in special chemicals as part of our patented leather hardening process. This process makes the leather stiff and durable, providing increased protection over out soft leather armor lines.
The designs of the armor match the traditional patterns and fashions from ancient times, but can be customized with the color and appearance that the customer desires.
Armor Rating: 11
SDC: 35
Weight: 20 lbs
Cost: CR 200

BAL-6 Superior Cuir Bouilli Armor
This Cuir Bouilli armor is made from the hide of some of the sturdier animals found in North America in our modern age.
The designs of the armor match the traditional patterns and fashions from ancient times, but can be customized with the color and appearance that the customer desires.
Armor Rating: 11
SDC: 45
Weight: 20 lbs
Cost: CR 250

BAL-7 Traditional Studded Leather Armor
This soft leather armor has been fitted with metal studs in order to better deflect and absorb incoming attacks. A wide variety of colors and designs are offered.
Armor Rating: 12
SDC: 38
Weight: 20 lbs
Cost: CR 250

BAL-8 Superior Studded Leather Armor
This is a variation on traditional studded leather armor, made using sturdier leather and more durable high-tech metal alloys.
Armor Rating: 13
SDC: 60
Weight: 20 lbs
Cost: CR 300

BAL-9 Soft Leather Mega-Armor
This leather armor is made in the traditional styles of the ancients, but is created using the super-tough hide from Rhino-Buffalo and other monstrous beasts of the post-apocalyptic age. The increase in protection is phenomenal, and well worth the increase in cost!
Armor Rating: N/A
MDC: 30
Weight: 15 lbs (-10% to climb, prowl, gymnastics, acrobatics, and other such physical skills
Cost: CR 8,000

BAL-10 Studded Leather Mega-Armor
This leather armor is made in the traditional styles of the ancients, but is created using the super-tough hide from Rhino-Buffalo and other monstrous beasts of the post-apocalyptic age. The studs in this unique armor are made from bits and pieces of debris left over from destroyed metal and ceramic armor, or even modern war machines, from a variety of battlefields, including major battles that you may have heard about! Specific battlefields can be requested for a customized suit, but supplies are limited and not all battles will be accessible.
Armor Rating: N/A
MDC: 35
Weight: 15 lbs (-10% to climb, prowl, gymnastics, acrobatics, and other such physical skills
Cost: CR 9,000

BAM-1 Traditional Mail Armor
Composed of riveted metal rings, this mesh armor was once considered the height of personal protection. Although those days are long since past, there are many times and places in today's world where such protection can not only come in handy, it can save your life!
Armor Rating: 13
SDC: 44
Weight: 40 lbs
Cost: CR 400

BAM-2 Superior Mail Armor
While keeping to the traditional forms and patterns, this mail is made from lightweight modern metals such as titanium. This allows for a significant increase in protection, while reducing the armor's weight and bulk. Also, remember that titanium is impervious to rust and corrosion!
Armor Rating: 14
SDC: 75
Weight: 20 lbs
Cost: CR 500

BASA-1 Traditional Scale Armor
This traditional armor is composed of overlapping metal plates, attached to a padded backing. A step above mail, this armor offers better protection with only slight addition in bulk.
Armor Rating: 15
SDC: 75
Weight: 45 lbs
Cost: CR 475

BASA-2 Superior Scale Armor
This modern version of traditional scale armor is composed of modern alloys, providing superior protection to the traditional models.
Armor Rating: 16
SDC: 100
Weight: 28 lbs
Cost: CR 600

BASA-3 Scale Mega-Armor
This version of traditional scale armor is composed of modern super-alloys, ceramics, and high-tech plastics, providing protection against even high-tech military attacks.
Armor Rating: N/A
MDC: 50
Weight: 30 lbs (-10% to prowl, gymnastics, acrobatics, and other such physical skills)
Cost: CR 10,000

BAPM-1 Traditional Plated Mail
This traditional armor consists of traditional mail embedded with steel plates, offering the versatility of mail with some of the enhanced protection of plate armor.
Armor Rating: 15
SDC: 100
Weight: 52 lbs
Cost: CR 900

BAPM-2 Superior Plated Mail
This modern armor consists of our superior mail, embedded with plates made of high-tech alloys. It offers superior protection to traditional plated mail, but with less weight and bulk.
Armor Rating: 16
SDC: 150
Weight: 58 lbs
Cost: CR 1,100

BAPM-3 Plated Mega-Mail
This traditional armor consists of traditional mail embedded with steel plates, offering the versatility of mail with some of the enhanced protection of plate armor.
Armor Rating: 15
MDC: 58
Weight: 50 lbs
Cost: CR 11,000

BAFP-1 Traditional Full Plate Armor
This traditional armor consists of interlocking steel plates, with pieces of mail covering joints and other vulnerable areas. In kingdoms of the ancient past, and even in some kingdoms today, this armor represents the height of military protective technology.
Armor Rating: 16
SDC: 150
Weight: 80 lbs
Cost: CR 1,500

BAFP-2 Superior Full Plate Armor
This traditional armor consists of interlocking alloy plates, with pieces of mail covering joints and other vulnerable areas. A modern update on an ancient classic!
Armor Rating: 17
SDC: 250
Weight: 70 lbs
Cost: CR 2,000

BACA-1 Traditional Cuirass
A full suit of armor can be quite an investment, especially when outfitting an entire militia or army. Sometimes, the most cost-effective methods of protection is to stick to the basics, to protect the most vital and vulnerable area of the body: the torso. With this in mind, Bullhunter Arms has created a traditional steel Cuirass that is designed to protect the torso while leaving the arms, legs, and head free and fully mobile.
Armor Rating: 12 (covers only torso)
SDC: 80
Weight: 15 lbs
Cost: CR 650

BACA-2 Superior Cuirass
This Cuirass is composed of high-tech alloys for lighter weight and superior protection.
Armor Rating: 12 (covers only torso)
SDC: 130
Weight: 10 lbs
Cost: CR 850

BACA-3 Ballistic Cuirass
This armor is composed of a BACA-2 Superior Cuirass, along with the additional support of a bullet-proof vest inside the metal shell.
Armor Rating: 12 (covers only torso)
SDC: 250
Weight: 25 lbs
Cost: CR 1,000
Annual Best Poster of the Year Awards (2012)

"Your Eloquence with a sledge hammer is a beautiful thing..." -Zer0 Kay

"That rifle on the wall of the laborer's cottage or working class flat is the symbol of democracy. It is our job to see that it stays there." -George Orwell

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Killer Cyborg
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Comment: "Your Eloquence with a sledge hammer is a beautiful thing..." -Zer0 Kay
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Re: Bullhunter Arms

Unread post by Killer Cyborg »

Ectoplasmic Bidet wrote:Nice stuff, KC. Have you thought about giving the Dragonslayer ramjet rounds for the sniper rail gun a range boost? I know 6,000ft is nothing to sneeze at, but it's easily achievable with modern .50 cal sniper rifles; a future tech rocket propelled rail gun round could easily double if not triple that distance.

EDIT: Looks like this was already being discussed. :oops:

I should have read the whole thread before commenting.

No worries!

It's nice to get people's thoughts fresh from the original post!
Annual Best Poster of the Year Awards (2012)

"Your Eloquence with a sledge hammer is a beautiful thing..." -Zer0 Kay

"That rifle on the wall of the laborer's cottage or working class flat is the symbol of democracy. It is our job to see that it stays there." -George Orwell

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Killer Cyborg
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Re: Bullhunter Arms

Unread post by Killer Cyborg »

enhancer wrote:A couple of thoughts. The first is over the protection given from leather or plate from bullets or explosions versus your bulletproof vests. I know Palladium's system makes this difficult, but it seems odd to give the greater protection to technology that was defeated by bows and arrows a millennia ago, especially as most combat, even S.D.C is going to be ranged based. Since Palladium doesn't differentiate the difference between a bulletproof vest and a stab vest, might I suggest having a little kevlar weave applied to all armors, or at least layers of silk(which actually worked fairly well) to replicate the first bulletproof vests?

Not a bad idea. I kind of started heading that way with the Ballistic Cuirrass.
I wouldn't want to add it to every model, though, because it would bump up the costs, and I wanted to represent older technologies.
But a Ballistic version of each type might be cool.

As for bullets/explosions vs. ancient armors...
I swear that I remember rules in some of Palladium's games that specify that ancient style armors as a rule do not protect from gunfire.
But I can't find that anywhere.

The next is the weight. Your armors, while probably trying to simulate the great weight of armors of old, in Rifts terms would mean massive penalties. I doubt many people would wear the heavier ones based on the inability to do most tasks while wearing them. Compare your full plate mail to Mega-Juicer Combat Armor, and technically it not only would anyone not with P.S of 24 or greater be -25% to prowl, -15% to physical skills and have their speed reduced by 30%, but those with less than 24(most people on Rifts Earth and your target demographic) can't even move! Granted, I understand how silly some of their rules are, but I'm just saying that if you keep in line with the rest of the books your heavier armors would almost never be used or bought, because who is going to try and face a foe with armor that barely lets them move around and provides barely any protection from most newer weapons(and threats from the Rifts)?

But the "traditional" armors above are mostly (not the cuirass) listed in the books, and they have the weights listed.
No penalties listed for them, though.

But come to think of it, I believe that PFRPG has some set rules for non-men-at-arms suffering penalties from wearing armor.
I might get some kind of idea for penalties or such from there.

You might as well dress like a Dalek. Moreover, wearing 7 of your BAG-2s over each other provides the same S.D.C at half the weight and half the cost. Bulkier, but for being sold based on protection for dollar a better route. Perhaps the tougher armors use more layers of Kevlar (since a 75 credits it's the cheapest material) with leather backup, and then transition to thin M.D.C leather?

Whew. I dunno... with that many layers, you'd look like the Michelin Man!

Actually, that just gave me a great idea. How about a Branaghan or Triax Plain Clothes type, with ultra thin( to save cost) strips of M.D.C leather hide for reinforcement? Give it paltry M.D.C, say 6 or less main body and maybe an A.R like the others for 1-2000 credits and it would fly off the shelves. That way even a farmer could have a chance to survive a single swipe or weak shot, much like modern bulletproof vests. In fact, you NEED to make this, as this should have been in the game from the start. It gives everyone a chance to survive a hit, but still makes S.D.C potent, especially HtH and long range with bonuses to override the A.R.

I plan to do all kinds of armor, starting with already-statted armor from the books (and minor improvements), then working my way up to other stuff.
Armor in the 1-10 MDC range is part of the plan. ;)

Now all this new S.D.C armor wouldn't have anything to do with your new S.D.C protection rules on the other topic would it? ;)

Well, they're not MY rules.. nor are they really new- they're in CB1r, which came out quite a while back.
I only noticed them a few months ago, though, and only really analyzed the implications in that other thread.
So yeah, it's got something to do with that! :-D

I've always been of the opinion that Rifts needs far more SDC and low MDC stuff in it, if only to highlight the sheer, unfathomable firepower of a first level Scholar with Plastic Man and a Wilk's 320... let alone something like Bushman and an L-20 pulse rifle!
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Re: Bullhunter Arms

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enhancer wrote:I don't remember any place where it mentions bullet/explosion pass through for old armor. If it did it would nice, and easier to use, but on the other hand it would hurt crossover settings like N&SS and Heroes Unlimited. Also, that bullets go through but other missile weapons wouldn't would just be another play issue. I always got the impression that S.D.C was S.D.C, and pass through was determined only by A.R. It's probably another rule buried in a Q&A section somewhere.

All I can find for now is variations or reprints of (HU2 343):
All modern armor is designed for flexibility and mobility and does not inter ere with movement, prowl or speed. Many types of armor are constructed of reinforced plastic, strengthened with woven glass fibers, and are thicker than metal, yet lighter. Other common types use steel or lightweight alloys, typically 1/4 inch thick. These two types of armor can stop all pistol, revolver, sub-machinegun and low caliber rifle shells.

Which indicates that other stuff CAN'T stop it.

Also, there's the comment under Hard Armor description:
Hard armor types provide the most effective protection and can even stop 7.62mm NATO and 5.56mm rifle bullets.
Which, again, indicates that other stuff can't stop those rounds.

It'd be nice if it came out and SAID it, though.

If you are taking your old armor stats from the books I guess there is not much you can do, but I think in Rifts terms weight/balance is important to factor in to armor, especially with so many more acrobatic characters in the game. Invariably, you are going to have a Juicer doing back flips in plate mail, or anyone else for whom the carrying weight would not be an issue.

Yeah, the only issue currently is just encumbrance, the ability of the character to carry the weight of the armor.
Still, with the ancient armors, I don't think it'll be unbalancing or anything, just inconsistent.



I think a ballistic type of each is the way to go.

I'll work on it when I get the time.

The make more sense in the modern Rifts setting. You should also go for S.D.C hodgepodge armor creations, an armor made out of old rubber tires would be great against anything besides bullets/explosions, sort of Rifts junkyard warrior tech. Great in combination with Salvage/Recycling skills. The Salvage/Recycling might also be nice to include as a way to get discounts.


Also, I've been pondering cardboard and plastic armors....
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Re: Bullhunter Arms

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enhancer wrote:So were you going to be concentrating on armor for now, or have you made a decision with your weapons? I'm really curious to see where this is going :) .

Armor first, at least until I finish with variations on the official SDC armor from the various games.
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Re: Bullhunter Arms

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I'd like to get some feedback on these before I make 'em official, so please let me know your thoughts, and please play around with them a bit and see whether they're broken or illogical in some way.

Bullhunter Arms Bangsticks
A bangstick is a kind of spear, the head of which is a hollow section of tube with a firing pin. Standard ammunition can be loaded into the head of the spear, and when the spear strikes a target, the round will go off, shooting the target.
Bullhunter Arms offers a full array of Bangsticks, in every common caliber or gauge for modern firearms. Bangsticks in uncommon calibers or gauges can be custom-made, on request of the purchaser, for a CR 50 surcharge.
The serial for each kind of Bangstick is simply "BH-B__", with the blanks filled in with the appropriate caliber or gauge, along with a "c" or "g" to indicate which system is used.
So a BH-B22c would be one of Bullhunter Arms' .22 caliber Bangsticks, a BH-B12g would be a Bangstick that uses 12-gauge ammunition, and so forth.
Any size of Bangstick is available as an SDC or MDC structure. MDC structures (10 MDC) cost 10x normal cost.
Damage: By ammunition type. Optional Point Blank rules (RGMG 36-37) may apply, since the weapon only fires at point blank.
Range: Melee
Payload: 1 (Takes 1 action to reload)
Price: CR 25

Bullhunter Arms Bang-Hammers
The head of these Mega-Damage war hammers house a concealed. The basic design is similar to that of a Bangstick, with a round firing when the hammer strikes a target. As with Bullhunter's variety of bangsticks, their line of Bang-Hammers comes in a wide array, reflecting all common ammunition types.
A single Bang-Hammer typically has only one barrel, but can have multiple barrels instead (up to six for small and medium sized rounds, up to three for larger rounds such as the .50 caliber BMG). The Bang-Hammer can either be designed to fire all barrels simultaneously, or to fire one barrel each time the hammer hits the target.
Damage: By ammunition type. For Bang-Hammers where multiple barrels fire at once, the base damage is multiplied by the number of barrels.
Rate of Fire: Single Shot, or multiple simultaneous blasts.
Range: Melee
Payload: Single Shot.
Price: CR 500 for a standard, single-barrel Bang-Hammer, with an additional CR 200 per barrel. If the barrels are designed to fire one at a time, the cost is increased by an additional CR 250.
Last edited by Killer Cyborg on Mon Feb 25, 2013 1:06 am, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: Bullhunter Arms

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Bang-Hammer.....Owwww......those people who would hit cartridges with hammers would now seem to have been onto something.
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Re: Bullhunter Arms

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Very nice post.
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Re: Bullhunter Arms

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One place I'm having trouble with the Bang-Hammer is the multiple rounds.
It makes sense, and I can't see any real reason other than accumulated recoil why it wouldn't work, but it seems prone to abuse.
On the high-end, you could have one custom-chambered to Naruni Rounds. Even the Derringer Rounds do 5d6 MD each, so that would be up to 30d6 MD (3d6x10 MD, in Palladium Math) on a good hit from such a hammer, fully loaded.
Of course, Naruni rounds are rare, but it could also be done with CFT rounds. The E-6 rounds would do 3d6 MD, for a total of up to 18d6 MD, a range of 18-108 MD, with an average of 63 MD.

Granted, it's a one-shot weapon that way... but it's potentially such a big shot that I'm unsure about it.
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Re: Bullhunter Arms

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Killer Cyborg wrote:One place I'm having trouble with the Bang-Hammer is the multiple rounds.
It makes sense, and I can't see any real reason other than accumulated recoil why it wouldn't work, but it seems prone to abuse.
On the high-end, you could have one custom-chambered to Naruni Rounds. Even the Derringer Rounds do 5d6 MD each, so that would be up to 30d6 MD (3d6x10 MD, in Palladium Math) on a good hit from such a hammer, fully loaded.
Of course, Naruni rounds are rare, but it could also be done with CFT rounds. The E-6 rounds would do 3d6 MD, for a total of up to 18d6 MD, a range of 18-108 MD, with an average of 63 MD.

Granted, it's a one-shot weapon that way... but it's potentially such a big shot that I'm unsure about it.

Maybe with the more powerful rounds roll for bounceback recoil? Chance of the hammer being bounced back in the wielder's face, doing (less) damage, or flying out of their grasp(disarm yourself!)?
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Re: Bullhunter Arms

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I edited it to cap the number of barrels for larger rounds at 3.
Whether or not the Naruni Rounds are "larger rounds" is up to the GM.
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Re: Bullhunter Arms

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BH-GAR1 Girandoni-style Air Rifle
Following ancient designs contained in pre-Rifts artifacts, the techs at Bullhunter Arms have recreated a high-powered repeating air rifle that was used by the explorers Lewis & Clark and the Austrian army. This weapon is popular for hunting and home-defense in areas where blackpowder and electricity are scarce. The .46 caliber balls are held in a 21-shot detachable tube magazine, and the compressed air is housed in a special reservoir that serves as the rifle's stock. The reservoir is also detachable for quick replacement, and each reservoir can be refilled by use of a simple handpump, pumping 1500 times.
Weight: 10 lbs
Damage: 4d6 SDC when the air reservoir is fully charged, 3d6 SDC after the first 21 shots from one reservoir, and 2d6 SDC for the remaining shots.
Explosive rounds inflict 1d6x10 SDC consistently until the air reservoir is empty.
High Explosive rounds inflict 1-2 MD consistently until the air reservoir is empty.

Rate of Fire: Single shot.
Range: 300'
Payload: 21-round Tube magazine (and can hold one additional round in the breech). Each Air Reservoir holds enough compressed air for 60+2d4 shots when fully charged (roll each time it is charged). If the weapon is used in combat, it is recommended to switch reservoirs (one action) after the first 21 shots are fired, in order to maintain full damage.
Price: CR 950 for the weapon
CR 10 per box of 100 for standard lead ammunition
CR 150 per box of 50 explosive rounds
CR 80 per single High Explosive round.

BH-GAR2 Girandoni-style Air Rifle
While Bullhunter Arms' GAR1 air rifles are virtually exact replicas of the original models, the GAR2 is an improvement on the original design, using more modern materials. With the new materials, the special air reservoirs are able to hold more air, at higher pressure, which means more shots and higher maximum power. The weight of the weapon is also reduced, and the action is a bit smoother. One of the main areas of improvement is the hand pump, which has been made to be more efficient. Also, the air reservoirs are designed to be able to be recharged from a standard air compressor if available.
In areas with high-tech manufacturing and fabrication technology, the GAR2's parts are more easy to replace if necessary, although the GAR1 is still easier to repair in lower-tech environments.
Weight: 9 lbs
Damage: 1d4x10 SDC when the air reservoir is fully charged, 6d6 SDC after the first 21 shots, 5d6 SDC after the next 21 shots, 4d6 after the next 21 shots, 3d6 after the next 21 shots, and 2d6 SDC for the remaining shots.
Rate of Fire: Single shot.
Range: 350'
Payload: 21-round Tube magazine (and can hold one additional round in the breech). Each Air Reservoir holds enough compressed air for 100+2d6 shots when fully charged (roll each time it is charged).
Price: CR 1,150 for the weapon (ammunition prices unchanged)
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Re: Bullhunter Arms

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KC, I like your addition to the weapons market. I hope you keep adding to them. Very nice gear.
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Re: Bullhunter Arms

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Aramanthus wrote:KC, I like your addition to the weapons market. I hope you keep adding to them. Very nice gear.


What're your thoughts on the air rifles?
I could use some feedback!
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Re: Bullhunter Arms

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Your latest creations make me think of the weaponized paintball guns that now see use as a method of non-lethal crowd control. Seems like they could be an effective means of delivering gases, powders, and poisons, especially to targets who may be in non-environmental body armor.
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Re: Bullhunter Arms

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Ectoplasmic Bidet wrote:Your latest creations make me think of the weaponized paintball guns that now see use as a method of non-lethal crowd control. Seems like they could be an effective means of delivering gases, powders, and poisons, especially to targets who may be in non-environmental body armor.

Yeah, I'll probably expand that area at some point!
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Re: Bullhunter Arms

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Gryphon wrote:Make the bang hammer a pump action style weapon instead. A magazine set into the back of the head of the hammer carries a number of shells, while a pump action on the haft with some sort of angular transfer mechanism reloads it. You hit someone, and a shell discharges. You then rack the pump (I would say down here), and it pulls the back of the hammer chamber open and spits the expended shell out the back on the first part of the cycle. When you allow the pump mechanism to return it pushes another shell out of the magazine (not a tube like an actual shotgun, but an actual magazine instead) into place with the second part of the cycle, locking it home and incidentally "cocking" the impact mechanism at the same time.

Its a tad more complicated than what you have (okay, its quite a bit more complicated really), but then you get to have a modest supply of shells (say 3-8 depending on type and caliber), but no way to abuse the concept by triggering more than one at a time. If you want some degree of balance for this, there are two options that come to mind. The magazine is actually a built in ammo well, you pump it and lock the pump down, and then cram shells in one at a time or use a speed loader/stripper clip sort of setup, so it takes a few extra actions to bring it back to readiness. Optionally, you make the reloading cycle an action in and off itself. Pump it for an action, hit something for another, pump it for another action, rinse repeat.

I sort of imagine this as two handed heavy monster anyhow, so I would also include some sort of haft cover so the user can parry melee attacks with some success and not damage the rugged, but still somewhat less than basic pump action mechanism.

Does that help any?

I included the multiple-shot option simply because I can't think of any reason why it wouldn't be built that way for people who wanted it. It's something that has some potential for abuse, but that I don't think should be eliminated.

The pump-action version, though, may have some advantages the way you describe it.
I appreciate the input!
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Re: Bullhunter Arms

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Air rifles make excellent sense for small game hunting, especially if you don't have a steady and reliable source of smalla rms ammunition. Very nice addition for wilderness scouts and wilderness dwellers. :ok:
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Re: Bullhunter Arms

Unread post by Aramanthus »

I like the concept for the air rifle. I can see a use for a clip on your air rifles to power some sort of micro pump. That way it could refill the charge. I also agree about it being used for small animal hunting.
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Re: Bullhunter Arms

Unread post by dargo83 »

i would make it with 2 tanks like the new car that they are making that runs on air as on tank is empty and the other is full the full tank powers the car and is also used to fill the other tank this way u fill it once and it keeps its self full
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Re: Bullhunter Arms

Unread post by The Jack »

Very good material! Well balanced and useful. I appreciate that you took the time to share this here.

Also, the Girandoni is a particularly great find. I like firearms quite a bit and can't believe I've never heard of that rifle.
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Re: Bullhunter Arms

Unread post by Killer Cyborg »

The Jack wrote:Very good material! Well balanced and useful. I appreciate that you took the time to share this here.

Also, the Girandoni is a particularly great find. I like firearms quite a bit and can't believe I've never heard of that rifle.

Yeah, I only recently heard about it myself, right before I wrote that up!

I want one. I really, really want one!
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Re: Bullhunter Arms

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BH-PB1 Piston Boots
Following a pre-Rifts design of Russian origin, with a few tweaks from PA technology, these gasoline-powered shoes have built-in pistons that fire every time the user steps, propelling the wearer along at tremendous speeds! Microcomputers in each boot prevent the pistons from firing at the wrong times, eliminating the chance of injury that was present with the original model.
Weight: 1.5 lbs
Effect: Wearer can run at speeds up to 22 mph. Add 8" to the user's height.
Prowl is effectively impossible, due to engine noise.
Range: The 1/3 cup of gasoline in each tank will last for 3 miles.
Price: CR 500

BH-PB2 Piston Boots
This update of the original Piston Boot is powered by more efficient electric pistons instead of gasoline.
Weight: 1.5 lbs
Effect: Wearer can run at speeds up to 22 mph. Add 8" to the user's height.
-15% to prowl, due to engine noise.
Range: The mini-batteries last for 70 miles.
Price: CR 3,000 for the shoes. CR 200 per mini-battery (CR 75 for a recharge)
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Re: Bullhunter Arms

Unread post by Aramanthus »

Nice addition. I remember hearing about these things awhile back. I am glad to see your company building them.
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Re: Bullhunter Arms

Unread post by Killer Cyborg »

Updated the original post to include the armor, air rifles, and piston boots.
Also added in some leather armor variants to include some of the kinds of leather armors described in the Splynn Dimensional Market.
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Re: Bullhunter Arms

Unread post by taalismn »

Killer Cyborg wrote:Updated the original post to include the armor, air rifles, and piston boots.
Also added in some leather armor variants to include some of the kinds of leather armors described in the Splynn Dimensional Market.

Going into the hardcopy file. :ok:
"Trouble rather the Tiger in his Lair,
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Re: Bullhunter Arms

Unread post by jaymz »

Not sure how I missed this thread. Awesome work KC :ok:
I am very opinionated. Yes I rub people the wrong way but at the end of the day I just enjoy good hard discussion and will gladly walk away agreeing to not agree :D

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Re: Bullhunter Arms

Unread post by Killer Cyborg »

jaymz wrote:Not sure how I missed this thread. Awesome work KC :ok:

Annual Best Poster of the Year Awards (2012)

"Your Eloquence with a sledge hammer is a beautiful thing..." -Zer0 Kay

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Re: Bullhunter Arms

Unread post by Killer Cyborg »

BH-ZG1 Basic Zip Pistol
Technically, a "Zip Gun" is a kind of improvised firearm that is NOT manufactured by an actual arms manufacturer. Here at Bullhunter Arms, we say, "Screw the technicalities; can we build it?"
We can, so we did.
The concept behind a Zip Gun is simple: remove and/or reduce a firearm down to just the bare bones necessary to fire a standard ammunition cartridge. That means you need a barrel, a chamber to hold the round, and some kind of firing pin to strike the back of the round.
And that's all this is!
Why buy from Bullhunter if you can make one yourself?
Either to save yourself the trouble, or simply because you want to reduce the odds of blowing off your hands when you fire your weapon!
Unlike actual improvised handguns, our Zip Guns are made from sturdy, reliable materials that are calculated by our engineers to meet or exceed the demands of the weapon, backed with a money-back guarantee!
The Basic Zip Pistol consists of a 5" barrel, and a threaded cap that screws onto the back. The appropriate round fits snugly into the cap, which then screws onto the back of the barrel. The firing pin sticks out from the back of the cap, and the weapon will fire when the back of that pin is struck with any hard object, such as an armored gauntlet, a hammer, or even a rock!
Weight: Negligible
Damage: by ammunition type (can be designed for any standard caliber pistol round).
Rate of Fire: Single shot only. Takes 2 actions to reload (1 action to unscrew cap and replace the cartridge, 1 action to screw the cap back on)
Range: Standard for ammunition type, -10%. Firing at any range over 5' will be considered to be firing Wild.
Payload: 1
Price: CR 5 (x10 for a stronger version that has 1 MDC)

BH-ZG2 Basic Zip Rifle
A larger version of the ZG1, the ZG2 is 12" long, and is designed to use standard rifle or shotgun rounds.
The barrel of the weapon is not actually rifled- this is a smoothbore weapon.
Weight: 1.5 lbs.
Damage: by ammunition type (can be designed for any standard caliber rifle or shotgun round).
Rate of Fire: Single shot only. Takes 2 actions to reload (1 action to unscrew cap and replace the cartridge, 1 action to screw the cap back on)
Range: Standard for ammunition type, -20%. Firing at any range over 10' will be considered to be firing Wild.
Payload: 1
Price: CR 9 (x10 for a stronger version that has 1 MDC)

BH-ZG3 Basic Paliuntod
A Paliuntod is composed of two pieces of pipe that fit tightly together, one inside the other. The cartridge is placed in the breech of the inner barrel (which is removed for reloading), and the inner barrel is then fitted into the larger diameter tube. This outer tube is capped at the breach end, and has a fixed firing pin in place to strike the cartridge. When the barrel is pulled swiftly back, the firing pin strikes the shell and fires the weapon.
Weight: 2.5 lbs
Damage: by ammunition type (can be designed for any standard caliber rifle or shotgun round).
Rate of Fire: Single shot only. Takes 2 actions to reload (1 action to remove the inner barrel and replace the cartridge, 1 action to replace the barrel)
Range: Standard for ammunition type. Firing at any range over 20' will be considered to be firing Wild.
Payload: 1
Price: CR 15 (x10 for a stronger version that has 1 MDC)

BH-ZG4 "Richardson" Paliuntod
A slightly fancier and more effective version of the basic Paliuntod, this version features a longer barrel, as well as a foregrip and a stock, for more accuracy and easier firing.
Weight: 3.5 lbs
Damage: by ammunition type (can be designed for any standard caliber rifle or shotgun round).
Rate of Fire: Single shot only. Takes 2 actions to reload (1 action to remove the inner barrel and replace the cartridge, 1 action to replace the barrel)
Range: Standard for ammunition type. Firing at any range over 20' will be considered to be firing Wild.
Payload: 1
Price: CR 20 (x10 for a stronger version that has 1 MDC)

BH-ZG5 "Little Richard" Mini-Paliuntod
A more compact version of the ZG4, with a pistol grip on both the front and back (no stock), and a 18" total length.
Weight: 2.5 lbs
Damage: by ammunition type (can be designed for any standard caliber pistol, rifle, or shotgun round).
Rate of Fire: Single shot only. Takes 2 actions to reload (1 action to remove the inner barrel and replace the cartridge, 1 action to replace the barrel)
Range: Standard for ammunition type. Firing at any range over 15' will be considered to be firing Wild.
Payload: 1
Price: CR 18 (x10 for a stronger version that has 1 MDC)
Annual Best Poster of the Year Awards (2012)

"Your Eloquence with a sledge hammer is a beautiful thing..." -Zer0 Kay

"That rifle on the wall of the laborer's cottage or working class flat is the symbol of democracy. It is our job to see that it stays there." -George Orwell

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Re: Bullhunter Arms

Unread post by Killer Cyborg »

BH-BPF1 Traditional Hand Cannon
The oldest blackpowder firearm, the Hand Cannon was essentially a barrel, often with some kind of handle, that had a touch hole at the base that could be used to ignite a charge of blackpowder, firing the weapon. Traditionally, a coal, slow-burning match, or other source was used to ignite the powder, but Bullhunter Arms includes a FREE disposable lighter with every Hand Cannon purchase!
Our Traditional Hand Cannons can have more than one barrel (up to 10!), for an added cost, to increase the number of shots that can be fired before reloading.
Weight: 1.2 lbs per barrel, +5 lbs if a longer (staff-length) handle is ordered (+5 Credits).
Damage: Each .90 caliber round inflicts 3d6 SDC. Non-standard ammunition can be used, including rocks or nails (2d6 SDC, 1/2 range) or even sticks or other random objects (1d6 SDC), 1/10 range)
Rate of Fire: Each barrel is Single shot only, and each barrel takes 5 actions to reload (1 action to cover primer hole with thumb and pour powder, 1 action to add patch, 1 action to add tamping rod, 1 action to tap the rod with a mallet, 1 action to prime the gun).
Range: 150' (All shots beyond point 20' are Wild)
Payload: 1 per barrel
Misfire Rate: 20% using traditional blackpowder, 10% using modern gunpowder.
Price: CR 10 per barrel (x10 for a stronger version that has 1 MDC)
Annual Best Poster of the Year Awards (2012)

"Your Eloquence with a sledge hammer is a beautiful thing..." -Zer0 Kay

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Re: Bullhunter Arms

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'Classic' government-issue zip guns have included the WW2-era 'Liberator' pistol mass-produced by the OSS for distribution to guerilla forces. The 'Welrod' was arguably another example of a 'minimalist' pistol for use by insurgency forces. :bandit:
"Trouble rather the Tiger in his Lair,
Than the Sage among his Books,
For all the Empires and Kingdoms,
The Armies and Works that you hold Dear,
Are to him but the Playthings of the Moment,
To be turned over with the Flick of a Finger,
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Re: Bullhunter Arms

Unread post by Killer Cyborg »

taalismn wrote:'Classic' government-issue zip guns have included the WW2-era 'Liberator' pistol mass-produced by the OSS for distribution to guerilla forces. The 'Welrod' was arguably another example of a 'minimalist' pistol for use by insurgency forces. :bandit:

Yeah, I thought about making a Liberator version, or some of the cheap SMGs. :D

Wasn't aware of the Welrod, though... That's pretty cool!

Just found out about the CIA Deer Gun that was shipped to Vietnam!
A version of that that could fire Naruni rounds would be a CHEAP source of mega-damage, although if the gun was SDC it would melt on the first firing.
Similar case with the CFT rounds, only a lot more expensive.
Annual Best Poster of the Year Awards (2012)

"Your Eloquence with a sledge hammer is a beautiful thing..." -Zer0 Kay

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Re: Bullhunter Arms

Unread post by taalismn »

Killer Cyborg wrote:
taalismn wrote:'Classic' government-issue zip guns have included the WW2-era 'Liberator' pistol mass-produced by the OSS for distribution to guerilla forces. The 'Welrod' was arguably another example of a 'minimalist' pistol for use by insurgency forces. :bandit:

Yeah, I thought about making a Liberator version, or some of the cheap SMGs. :D

Wasn't aware of the Welrod, though... That's pretty cool!

Just found out about the CIA Deer Gun that was shipped to Vietnam!
A version of that that could fire Naruni rounds would be a CHEAP source of mega-damage, although if the gun was SDC it would melt on the first firing.
Similar case with the CFT rounds, only a lot more expensive.

Learned of the Welrod through the Palladium Compendium of Contemporary Weapons. Then looked it up on the internet. Fascinating stuff. The Brits came up with a lot of fun stuff for European espionage, including semi-submersible spyboats that were configured to resemble fishing smacks for use in sneaking agents in and out of Nazi-dominated Europe.

I think the American M3A1 'greasegun' was about as cheap as you could get an SMG to be and still reliably work, though the early Stens were truly shoddy stuff, meant to use non-strategic materials and as many metal pressings and rollings, rather than machining, as possible. Some of the early Italian SMGs, in particular the OVP(really, it was just half of the previous Vilar-Perosa machine weapon) were interesting. They tend to have far more working parts and SOME quality control, however, which arguably disqualifies them(though some of the African desert-made rifles and even AKs turned out by oasis gunsmiths could up the standard for zip gun definition).
"Trouble rather the Tiger in his Lair,
Than the Sage among his Books,
For all the Empires and Kingdoms,
The Armies and Works that you hold Dear,
Are to him but the Playthings of the Moment,
To be turned over with the Flick of a Finger,
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Re: Bullhunter Arms

Unread post by taalismn »

Killer Cyborg wrote:[BH-ZG3 Basic Paliuntod
A Paliuntod is composed of two pieces of pipe that fit tightly together, one inside the other. The cartridge is placed in the breech of the inner barrel (which is removed for reloading), and the inner barrel is then fitted into the larger diameter tube. This outer tube is capped at the breach end, and has a fixed firing pin in place to strike the cartridge. When the barrel is pulled swiftly back, the firing pin strikes the shell and fires the weapon.)[/i]

Slide Trombone grenade launcher? :D
"Trouble rather the Tiger in his Lair,
Than the Sage among his Books,
For all the Empires and Kingdoms,
The Armies and Works that you hold Dear,
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Re: Bullhunter Arms

Unread post by Aramanthus »

The liberator pistol is a terrible one. Will Willis shot one one the show "Triggers" three weeks ago and couldn't hit the target at twenty feet.
"Your Grace," she said, "I have only one question. Do you wish this man crippled or dead?"

"My Lady," the protector of Grayson told his Champion, "I do not wish him to leave this chamber alive."

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Re: Bullhunter Arms

Unread post by taalismn »

Aramanthus wrote:The liberator pistol is a terrible one. Will Willis shot one one the show "Triggers" three weeks ago and couldn't hit the target at twenty feet.

Indeed. But the entire point of the Liberator was that you were supposed to kill somebody(ideally at point blank range) to get THEIR weapon. There is no record of any successful kill, or ratio of kills, with the Liberators, for any number of reasons; atrocious accuracy, the fact that a failed hit almost certainly resulted in the shooter being gunned down, the desire by enemy forces not to dignify any successful hit with such a pathetically cheap weapon with publicity, or simply because the intended users, upon receiving the gun, decided that maybe hitting an intended victim with something more reliable, like a machete or a stick, made more sense.
"Trouble rather the Tiger in his Lair,
Than the Sage among his Books,
For all the Empires and Kingdoms,
The Armies and Works that you hold Dear,
Are to him but the Playthings of the Moment,
To be turned over with the Flick of a Finger,
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Re: Bullhunter Arms

Unread post by Killer Cyborg »

Aramanthus wrote:The liberator pistol is a terrible one. Will Willis shot one one the show "Triggers" three weeks ago and couldn't hit the target at twenty feet.

What do you expect for $2.41?
Annual Best Poster of the Year Awards (2012)

"Your Eloquence with a sledge hammer is a beautiful thing..." -Zer0 Kay

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Re: Bullhunter Arms

Unread post by abtex »

Ok, how well does the $3.50 model handle? :D
I hate it when my mind wonders,
Because I have no idea what it will bring back with it.

taalismn says -- Librarians assume the role of scholar-priest-kings in an increasinly illiterate society...

taalismn says -- Abtex...Unofficial archival mole for the fictional arms industry again with the sites that make you blink... :shock: :-D
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Re: Bullhunter Arms

Unread post by Killer Cyborg »

abtex wrote:Ok, how well does the $3.50 model handle? :D

Somewhere between that, and the slam-fire shotgun... those were around $7 per unit, I believe. ;)
Annual Best Poster of the Year Awards (2012)

"Your Eloquence with a sledge hammer is a beautiful thing..." -Zer0 Kay

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Re: Bullhunter Arms

Unread post by taalismn »

So you COULD hit the side of a barn with one...provided the barn was running at you, almost on top of you? :D
"Trouble rather the Tiger in his Lair,
Than the Sage among his Books,
For all the Empires and Kingdoms,
The Armies and Works that you hold Dear,
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To be turned over with the Flick of a Finger,
And the Turning of a Page"

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Re: Bullhunter Arms

Unread post by Killer Cyborg »

taalismn wrote:So you COULD hit the side of a barn with one...provided the barn was running at you, almost on top of you? :D

Or if you're inside the barn.
Annual Best Poster of the Year Awards (2012)

"Your Eloquence with a sledge hammer is a beautiful thing..." -Zer0 Kay

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Re: Bullhunter Arms

Unread post by Aramanthus »

And that is what they said was the purpose of those guns. I am glad to see them honored by being here.
"Your Grace," she said, "I have only one question. Do you wish this man crippled or dead?"

"My Lady," the protector of Grayson told his Champion, "I do not wish him to leave this chamber alive."

"As you will it, your Grace."

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Re: Bullhunter Arms

Unread post by Killer Cyborg »

BH-LG1 "Bee Stinger" Laser Pistol
The first original laser pistol design by Bullhunter Arms, this classic firearm just keeps on selling!
The simple design is easy to use, and each weapon comes with a comic-format instruction sheet that details how to use the weapon properly.
Designed as an emergency holdout or assassination weapon, this weapon has a minimalist design and a rock-bottom price.
Weight: .75 lbs
Damage: 4d6 MD
Rate of Fire: Single shot only.
Range: 10'
Payload: 1
Ammunition: Has an internal battery that holds enough power for one shot. It can be recharged by any (CS) standard outlet, using a short power cord housed inside the weapon's hollow grip frame. Recharging time is 60 hours.
Damage Capacity: Unlike most PA energy weapons, the Bee Stinger laser pistol is NOT a mega-damage item: 75 SDC
Price: CR 500

BH-DG1 Disposable Mega-Shotgun
Keeping up with our line of minimalist weapons for buyers on a budget, this plastic shotgun comes pre-loaded with a single APRJ round. Due to its bullpup design, the weapon has a total length of only 25 inches. In order to keep the costs down to an absolute minimum, this weapon has no breach or other means to reload it; it would not survive more than 1d4 firings in any case, due to the inexpensive design and materials. Optional bayonet mount.
Damage: 3d6 MD
Rate of Fire: Single shot only.
Range: 500'
Payload: 1 (cannot be reloaded)
Damage Capacity: 25 SDC
Price: CR 50
(CR 55 with the optional bayonet mount)

BH-DG2 Disposable Mega-Shotgun
A double-barreled version of the DG1.
Damage: 2d6 MD for a single-shot, 4d6 MD for a dual-blast.
Rate of Fire: Single or Dual Blast only.
Range: 500'
Payload: 2 (cannot be reloaded)
Damage Capacity: 45 SDC
Price: CR 100

BH-DG3 Disposable Mega-Shotgun
A triple-barreled version of the DG1. The weapon has three triggers, which can be squeezed one at a time, or all at once!
Damage: 2d6 MD for a single-shot, 4d6 MD for a dual-blast, or 6d6 for a triple-blast.
Rate of Fire: Single, Dual, or Triple Blast only.
Range: 500'
Payload: 3 (cannot be reloaded)
Damage Capacity: 70 SDC
Price: CR 150

BH-DG4 Disposable Mega-Shotgun
A four-barreled version of the DG1. This weapon only has two triggers, each of which fires one barrel if pulled half-way back, or fires two barrels if pulled all the way back.
Damage: 2d6 MD for a single-shot, 4d6 MD for a dual-blast, 6d6 MD for a triple-blast (a tricky maneuver, due to the trigger setup), or 8d6 for a quadruple-blast (Shooter takes 1d6 SDC recoil damage, and must successfully Roll With Impact or make a Balance check if not braced, unless their PS is 18 or higher).
Rate of Fire: Single, Dual, Triple, or Quadruple Blast only.
Range: 500'
Payload: 4 (cannot be reloaded)
Damage Capacity: 90 SDC
Price: CR 225

BH-DG5 Disposable Mega-Shotgun
A five-barreled version of the DG1. There is only one trigger, with five stages, each stage triggering one shot.
Damage: 2d6 MD for a single-shot, 4d6 MD for a dual-blast, 6d6 MD for a triple-blast (a tricky maneuver, due to the trigger setup), 8d6 MD for a quadruple-blast (Shooter takes 1d6 SDC recoil damage, and must successfully Roll With Impact vs. 14, or make a Balance check, if not braced, unless their PS is 18 or higher), or 1d6x10 MD for a quintuple-blast (Shooter takes 2d6 SDC recoil damage, and must successfully Roll With Impact vs. 18, or make a Balance check, if not braced, unless their PS is 20 or higher).
Rate of Fire: Single, Dual, Triple, Quadruple, or Quintuple Blast only.
Range: 500'
Payload: 5 (cannot be reloaded)
Damage Capacity: 125 SDC
Price: CR 300

(If anybody has any good ideas for weight for these weapons, let me know!)
Last edited by Killer Cyborg on Mon Mar 25, 2013 8:59 pm, edited 2 times in total.
Annual Best Poster of the Year Awards (2012)

"Your Eloquence with a sledge hammer is a beautiful thing..." -Zer0 Kay

"That rifle on the wall of the laborer's cottage or working class flat is the symbol of democracy. It is our job to see that it stays there." -George Orwell

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