Fairy Dance & Cloud of Slumber

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What would happen as per the OP question?

Sleep Dancing. (a la sleep walking)
Dance Circle protects from the CoS.
No votes
Dream dancing. (dancing in their dreams)
The CoS canceling out the fairy Magic.
something I haven't thought of. (post it)
Total votes: 19

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Fairy Dance & Cloud of Slumber

Unread post by drewkitty ~..~ »

What would happen if a cloud of slumber was cast on people cought in a fairy dance circle?
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Re: Fairy Dance & Cloud of Slumber

Unread post by sirkermittsg »

drewkitty ~..~ wrote:What would happen if a cloud of slumber was cast on people cought in a fairy dance circle?

well so far sleep dancing seems to be winning.... look forward to the "other" answers though. personally I don't see the two magics canceling each other....I see them interacting some how.
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Re: Fairy Dance & Cloud of Slumber

Unread post by Killer Cyborg »

I voted sleep dancing, simply because that's the funnier option, and Fairie magic should be funny.
(And scary!)

For a more serious adventure, I'd probably rule that sleeping characters are impervious to dancing spells for the duration that they're asleep.
If they wake up before the dancing spell duration is up, though, they'd start dancing.
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Re: Fairy Dance & Cloud of Slumber

Unread post by 13eowulf »

I would (and am going to now) come up with a quick random roll table of variable results.

I like random roll, and multiple possible results keeps things interesting.
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Re: Fairy Dance & Cloud of Slumber

Unread post by Tor »


I think it's terrifying that fairies could have you sleep-dancing. Waking up exhausted, not knowing why your limbs are so tired. Did you kill a man? Why are you in the woods? Why is there a mound of earth next to you?
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