Body Hardening and Zenjukori powers

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Re: Body Hardening and Zenjukori powers

Unread post by SpiritInterface »

sexykitty wrote:Is there a character class that has access to All of these abilities not just a few like in the Japanese books? If not could i have some help developing one. Please and Thank You :-D

Do you mean in the Rifts Universe or in the Heroes Universe?

In Rifts there are a few classes that have access to mystic martial arts in China2.
In HU there all sorts of Martial Styles in Ninjas & SuperSpies.
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Re: Body Hardening and Zenjukori powers

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The SDC versions come from Ninja's and superspys and Mystic China (Not rifts china, two different books). and OCC's don't get them--martial arts styles give them, among other choices, and you only get a handful.
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Re: Body Hardening and Zenjukori powers

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Nekira Sudacne wrote:The SDC versions come from Ninja's and superspys and Mystic China (Not rifts china, two different books). and OCC's don't get them--martial arts styles give them, among other choices, and you only get a handful.

NS has the right of it.
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Re: Body Hardening and Zenjukori powers

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sexykitty wrote:My idea was a "mage" who possessed all body hardening and zenjukori abilities, not the scattered few that some classes possess.

That would be a Mage that was a Dedicated Martial artist who change to to being a mage char.
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Re: Body Hardening and Zenjukori powers

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And even then, a dedicated martial artist can't get all of them.
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Re: Body Hardening and Zenjukori powers

Unread post by Nightmask »

Nekira Sudacne wrote:And even then, a dedicated martial artist can't get all of them.

Well it's possible for one to get all Body Hardening exercises, if you include the Martial Arts from Mystic China and have the Chao Ta Kung Fu style as one of the styles as it's heavy access to the Body Hardening Styles. I'm not sure it's possible except for a fairly high level DMA to have all Body Hardening and all Zenjoriki, and there aren't many MA that give you even a chance at having all 4 even by 15th level (although ironically the Worldly Martial Artist might get there faster with their access to bonus techniques as they level).
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Re: Body Hardening and Zenjukori powers

Unread post by Giant2005 »

The Shikome Kido-Mi Dragon in Rifts Japan knows all of the Mystic Martial Arts powers. He can't use them himself but he teaches them to his minions - usually he doesn't teach more than three to one person but exceptions can be made.
If you want a character to know them all, he is your best bet.
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Re: Body Hardening and Zenjukori powers

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sexykitty wrote:Ok so back to my developing a Mage that uses mystic energy to power her body to use these powers instead of spells. Suggestions?

Just make a Marital artist that has access to chi powers (See the N&S book) and take the body chi power/skill.

Otherwise the Kezel (in the rifters somewhere in the 50's) are close to what you are describing.
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