Copies from Multiple Selves meet up in one shared D-Room

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Copies from Multiple Selves meet up in one shared D-Room

Unread post by ESREVER333 »

The Original hero who created the Dimensional Room may only enter it, other trespassers cannot enter D-Room, but at higher levels may invite friends into the D-Room. So the D-Room reacts to the hero with Multiple selves as the owner. Say a hero named Seron creates 3 copies, Seron copy #1, Seron copy #2, and Seron copy #3. Seron is on Air plane, Seron copy #1 is on Mineral plane, Seron copy #2 is on Water plane, Seron copy #3 is on Ice plane. Seron and all copies open doorway to D-Room and they all meet in one shared D-Room? Or does Seron and all copies create their own separate private D-Rooms? Which is it? The D-Room reacts to Original hero and copies as the same person. The D-Room might act as a bridge between planes? Because they are in their own private pocket dimension.
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Re: Copies from Multiple Selves meet up in one shared D-Room

Unread post by ESREVER333 »

Now that I had more time to think about this. If the D-Room is not shared, and each copies have their own D-Rooms, this will happen. The hero at level 15 makes 15 copies and each one makes their own rooms, then this happens. My hero Seron will have 1 D-Room of his own and the other 15 copies make 15 more separate D-Rooms for Seron to store up many loots and gears!! That's too much!! That's why I think Seron has only 1 D-Room that all copies meet from different planes and places. That way my hero not too greedy, and the power is toned down.
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Re: Copies from Multiple Selves meet up in one shared D-Room

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I would allow them to meet up in the room and exchange information. When they all left by the same entrance they would go to the plane they came from. so Seron#0 would go to Air Plane, Seron #1 would go to mineral plane, Seron#2 waterplane, and Seron#3 to the Ice Plane.

They would only be the one room. not fifteen.

but what if they merged then separated then where would they go?

They would all go to the Air Plane. Why? because they are now copies of Seron #0 and can only go where he would go.
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Re: Copies from Multiple Selves meet up in one shared D-Room

Unread post by ESREVER333 »

Adventus wrote:I would allow them to meet up in the room and exchange information. When they all left by the same entrance they would go to the plane they came from. so Seron#0 would go to Air Plane, Seron #1 would go to mineral plane, Seron#2 waterplane, and Seron#3 to the Ice Plane.

They would only be the one room. not fifteen.

but what if they merged then separated then where would they go?

They would all go to the Air Plane. Why? because they are now copies of Seron #0 and can only go where he would go.

So, if the old copies merge with Seron #0, the doorway leading to the other places closes. And that forces the new copies to go with Seron #0 back to Air Plane. That makes sense to me, because copies merging with Sero #0, suddenly disappear!!
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Re: Copies from Multiple Selves meet up in one shared D-Room

Unread post by Tor »

Each copy would make his own room, but if you absorb a copy, I'd probably treat it that the room they made ceases to exist (much like if someone with the power died) and whatever was in it gets spit out of the entrance. There's no provisions for room-merging in the rules so that'd be a house rule. There would definitely be 3-15 rooms.

Interesting idea though: original could bring his copies inside his room with him, and have them create doorways to subsequent rooms from within that room. Rules don't appear to prohibit that. Interesting 'rabbit hole' so to speak.
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Re: Copies from Multiple Selves meet up in one shared D-Room

Unread post by ESREVER333 »

Tor wrote:Each copy would make his own room, but if you absorb a copy, I'd probably treat it that the room they made ceases to exist (much like if someone with the power died) and whatever was in it gets spit out of the entrance. There's no provisions for room-merging in the rules so that'd be a house rule. There would definitely be 3-15 rooms.

Interesting idea though: original could bring his copies inside his room with him, and have them create doorways to subsequent rooms from within that room. Rules don't appear to prohibit that. Interesting 'rabbit hole' so to speak.

So the original Seron #0 makes a D-room, Seron copies #1 & #2 enters it. Then while inside the D-room, Seron copy #1 creates another doorway leading to a second D-room. Which links the first and second D-rooms together!! So that means there's the original Seron #0 one D-room, and then inside the other 15 copies make 15 new D-rooms doorways linking all 16 rooms!! Wow, that's like instead of calling it a "Dimensional Room", it'll be called a "Dimensional Home", because it like one house with 16 rooms that only Seron can enter it. That's like one room is a kitchen, another room is bedroom, another room is living room, and etc.!!! Wow, still think that's too powerful, but you're right, there's no restrictions.
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Re: Copies from Multiple Selves meet up in one shared D-Room

Unread post by Tor »

The rooms would be 'linked' only in the sense that D-Rooms are linked to the real world. So long as it's clear it wouldn't make 1 massive room, but rather a room that has a door into an adjoining one which only the creating copy can control.

Since only the creator can take people in with them, you wouldn't be able to move about as easily as inside a house. You'd need the creator to escort you.
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Re: Copies from Multiple Selves meet up in one shared D-Room

Unread post by ESREVER333 »

Tor wrote:The rooms would be 'linked' only in the sense that D-Rooms are linked to the real world. So long as it's clear it wouldn't make 1 massive room, but rather a room that has a door into an adjoining one which only the creating copy can control.

Since only the creator can take people in with them, you wouldn't be able to move about as easily as inside a house. You'd need the creator to escort you.

So the hero Seron #0, the original, is in the Ice Plane uses the Dimensional Room and enter it. Then while inside the D-Room, Seron #0 uses the Multiple Selves to create Seron copy #1, and Seron copy #2. Seron copy #1 creates a doorway to another D-Room and escorts Seron original #0, and Seron copy #2 into the new room. While D-Room #1 and D-Room #2 are linked, Seron copy #2 creates a doorway to another D-Room #3 and escorts Seron original #0 and Seron copy #1 into the new room. So we have one doorway from Ice Plane to D-Room #1, another doorway inside D-Room #1 leading to D-Room #2, and another doorway inside D-Room #2 leading to D-Room #3??? Is that right?? As long as the original Seron and the Seron copies escort everyone to the new D-Room?? Because all copies and original Seron with Multiple Selves are all considered one and the same person. Hmmm? Help me out here.
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Re: Copies from Multiple Selves meet up in one shared D-Room

Unread post by ESREVER333 »

I need help here. Need more replies to figure out the correct use of the D-Room, because there is nothing about multiple uses. of this power. First off each copies all have the ability to create their own D-Rooms. So at level 16 that makes 16 D-Rooms.

Idea #1: Each copies and Original Hero have their own private 16 D-Rooms not shared, but when copies merge withe Original Hero, their D-Rooms belonging to the copies cease to exist and spit out all the stuff stored in D-Room onto the ground.

Idea #2: Each copies and the Original Hero all share only 1 D-Room. Which means all copies traveling across the Megaverse can open a doorway into the D-Room to meet up with the other. As long as they don't merge with Original Hero the copies can return to the dimension the came from. But if the copies merge with Original Hero, the doorway to that dimension closes off, because that power is turned off by way of merging causes the copies to disappear!!

Idea #3: Seron #0 leaves Ice Plane into D-Room, creates Seron #1, and Seron #2. Seron #0's D-Room #1 is the locker room where all the copies can get dress. Seron #1 creates a new doorway inside D-Rooms #1 linking into a new D-Room #2 which is an empty room. All the Serons start bringing in furnitures to create a kitchen inside D-Room #2. The rooms stay existing as long as the copies and Original Hero don't merge. Then Seron #2 creates a new doorway inside D-Room #2 linking into a newD-Room #3 which is an empty room. All Serons start bringing in stuff to create a Weaponry Storage room. So this mutantpower is no llonger called Dimensional Room, but transform into Dimensional House!! The several rooms remain existing as longas ccopies don't merge with Original Hero. Each copies that created the rooms have to escort the others into the other rooms.

Pick one best suited for using in game. I don't see any rules for multiple created Dimensional Rooms created by Multiple Selves because all copies and Seron are one and same person? Help out a fellow gamer.
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Re: Copies from Multiple Selves meet up in one shared D-Room

Unread post by Tor »

I'm not sure what the Ice Plane is, something where Elementals hang out?

Just to get your examples straight... S0 is the creator, S1 is first copy, S2 is second copy... and I'm going to number the rooms they make equivalently.

S0 creates S1+S2 inside Room0, S1 creates doorway to Room1 (the second room) inside Room0 and takes 0+2 into it. S2 creates third room (Room2) and takes 0+1 into it.

At the end of this you have the real world connecting to Room 0 (first room), Room 0 connecting to Room 1 (second room) and Room 1 connecting to Room 2 (third Room).

However when you talk about doorways, it doesn't function like doors, because you can only enter or exit a door with the creator's help. So at the end, all 3 guys would be stuck in the last room until S2 leaves it, and even S2 couldn't leave without bringing them out too.

They actually AREN'T considered the same person though. Basically, to leave the new rooms to escort people into them, the rooms have to be closed off.

The easiest way to work this is grasp how the power works normally for a single person and then just treat any rooms within rooms as being created within the real world.

The only thing I will say I am somewhat unclear on is what happens in this scenario (which only requires 1 original and 1 copy to illustrate, so forget that second copy a second).

1. Creator makes clone
2. Creator makes dimensional doorway to room1
3. Escorts clone into room through doorway.
4. Clone makes doorway to his own room2
5. Clone enters room2, shuts door behind him.
6. Original exits room1, shutting door behind him.

The question at hand here: what happens when clone tries to exit room2? Can he enter into Room1 without its creator being there? Normally this is forbidden.

Normally occupants are expelled from a room when its creator leaves, but clone is potentially excepted by this by not technically being in the room when the creator leaves. All that is actually in the room is the doorway to his room. Since the doorway is not a living being it would not be expelled.

This dilemma is not exclusive to clones, either. It could occur if you had 2 characters with this power.
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Re: Copies from Multiple Selves meet up in one shared D-Room

Unread post by ESREVER333 »

Tor wrote: Normally occupants are expelled from a room when its creator leaves, but clone is potentially excepted by this by not technically being in the room when the creator leaves. All that is actually in the room is the doorway to his room. Since the doorway is not a living being it would not be expelled.

This dilemma is not exclusive to clones, either. It could occur if you had 2 characters with this power.

Say the hero Seron escorts his friend Xen into D-Room 1. Both Seron and Xen are 2 different people but they both have Dimensional Room ability. While Xen is in D-R1, he uses his power to make a doorway into D-R2. If Seron leaves D-R1 while Xen is in D-R2, Xen can stay in D-R2 as long as he doesn't leave the D-R2. If Xen leaves D-R2 back into D-R1, then Seron's D-R1 will automatically expell Xen into the Real World, because Seron isn't in D-R1. Hmm? That sounds right. Thanks.
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Re: Copies from Multiple Selves meet up in one shared D-Room

Unread post by Tor »

I basically can't see why under the rules Seron leaving DR1 would force Xen out of DR2.

Your idea about Xen being expelled back into the real world if he exits DR2 and DR1 is no longer there (from Seron having exited) is a good one though. I think that's the most workable solution here. I can't really think of any alternatives except "no Xen, you are trapped in DR2 forever, because the place you are from no longer exists".

We could always make someone in this situation roll on a random table like you do if you get lost in the Void of the Astral Plane though, for lulz.
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Re: Copies from Multiple Selves meet up in one shared D-Room

Unread post by ESREVER333 »

Tor wrote:I'm not sure what the Ice Plane is, something where Elementals hang out?

Sorry I quoted wrong source book. Ice Plane is an elemental plane where ice creatures & ice elementals live in the Advance Dungeon & Dragons Planescape/Inner Plane. Sorry.
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Re: Copies from Multiple Selves meet up in one shared D-Room

Unread post by Stone Gargoyle »

I would treat it as a single room they all access. Why? Because the room is a reflection of the original's power which the other share. That is just my take on it, though.
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Re: Copies from Multiple Selves meet up in one shared D-Room

Unread post by Nightmask »

Stone Gargoyle wrote:I would treat it as a single room they all access. Why? Because the room is a reflection of the original's power which the other share. That is just my take on it, though.

Well that generates the problem that they effectively have a means of traversing the globe in an instant, since you could have them opening doors into the room from scattered locations and simply heading out the door on the side that gets them closer to a particular destination. Or just blip into the room so the original can quickly reabsorb one that's injured or dying with little need to fear the range limit on doing so.
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It's 'canon', not 'cannon'. A cannon is a big gun like on pirate ships, canon is what you mean when referring to something as being contained within one of the books such as how many dice to roll for a stat.
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Re: Copies from Multiple Selves meet up in one shared D-Room

Unread post by ESREVER333 »

Nightmask wrote:Well that generates the problem that they effectively have a means of traversing the globe in an instant, since you could have them opening doors into the room from scattered locations and simply heading out the door on the side that gets them closer to a particular destination. Or just blip into the room so the original can quickly reabsorb one that's injured or dying with little need to fear the range limit on doing so.

Gateway with one hero, or Dimensional Room with Multiple Selves!! I see what you mean. So shared D-Room acts like a Gateway across the Earth for Multiple Selves copies to meet up in one room, and that's wrong. Then creating D-Room within another D-Room leaves questionable debates about accidentally trapping others in Limbo, when one of the creator leaves the room. So I believe the BEST choice would be that each copies, and the Original from Multiple Selves create their own private 16 D-Rooms at level 15. Found out a quote from Dimensional Room, "The room is NOT a form of teleporting, it is a hiding place that is designed to allow only the character... inside." So that means each copies and the Original Hero from Multiple Selves get their OWN Dimensional Room!!
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Re: Copies from Multiple Selves meet up in one shared D-Room

Unread post by Nightmask »

ESREVER333 wrote:
Nightmask wrote:Well that generates the problem that they effectively have a means of traversing the globe in an instant, since you could have them opening doors into the room from scattered locations and simply heading out the door on the side that gets them closer to a particular destination. Or just blip into the room so the original can quickly reabsorb one that's injured or dying with little need to fear the range limit on doing so.

Gateway with one hero, or Dimensional Room with Multiple Selves!! I see what you mean. So shared D-Room acts like a Gateway across the Earth for Multiple Selves copies to meet up in one room, and that's wrong. Then creating D-Room within another D-Room leaves questionable debates about accidentally trapping others in Limbo, when one of the creator leaves the room. So I believe the BEST choice would be that each copies, and the Original from Multiple Selves create their own private 16 D-Rooms at level 15. Found out a quote from Dimensional Room, "The room is NOT a form of teleporting, it is a hiding place that is designed to allow only the character... inside." So that means each copies and the Original Hero from Multiple Selves get their OWN Dimensional Room!!

It's not wrong persey, it's just that going that route you're effectively giving the PC another power (with the limitation that he requires a duplicate in or near a desired location before the rest can head there) that's pretty substantial. I agree that it makes more sense that each duplicate has his own D-room, although it should disappear whenever he's reabsorbed by the original since he no longer has an independent existence. Since the duplicates are relatively independent, to the point they can permanently die, they should therefor have a D-room to each.
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'Reality is very disappointing.' - Jonathan Switcher from Mannequin

It's 'canon', not 'cannon'. A cannon is a big gun like on pirate ships, canon is what you mean when referring to something as being contained within one of the books such as how many dice to roll for a stat.
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Re: Copies from Multiple Selves meet up in one shared D-Room

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Nightmask wrote:
ESREVER333 wrote:
Nightmask wrote:Well that generates the problem that they effectively have a means of traversing the globe in an instant, since you could have them opening doors into the room from scattered locations and simply heading out the door on the side that gets them closer to a particular destination. Or just blip into the room so the original can quickly reabsorb one that's injured or dying with little need to fear the range limit on doing so.

Gateway with one hero, or Dimensional Room with Multiple Selves!! I see what you mean. So shared D-Room acts like a Gateway across the Earth for Multiple Selves copies to meet up in one room, and that's wrong. Then creating D-Room within another D-Room leaves questionable debates about accidentally trapping others in Limbo, when one of the creator leaves the room. So I believe the BEST choice would be that each copies, and the Original from Multiple Selves create their own private 16 D-Rooms at level 15. Found out a quote from Dimensional Room, "The room is NOT a form of teleporting, it is a hiding place that is designed to allow only the character... inside." So that means each copies and the Original Hero from Multiple Selves get their OWN Dimensional Room!!

It's not wrong persey, it's just that going that route you're effectively giving the PC another power (with the limitation that he requires a duplicate in or near a desired location before the rest can head there) that's pretty substantial. I agree that it makes more sense that each duplicate has his own D-room, although it should disappear whenever he's reabsorbed by the original since he no longer has an independent existence. Since the duplicates are relatively independent, to the point they can permanently die, they should therefor have a D-room to each.

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Re: Copies from Multiple Selves meet up in one shared D-Room

Unread post by ESREVER333 »

Nightmask wrote: I agree that it makes more sense that each duplicate has his own D-room, although it should disappear whenever he's reabsorbed by the original since he no longer has an independent existence. Since the duplicates are relatively independent, to the point they can permanently die, they should therefor have a D-room to each.

Seron Original Hero create D-Room #1 for all naked could copies to get dress in private. Seron copy #1 creates D-Room #2 stores up money and gold he stole from villains. When Seron copy #1 merge with Original Hero, all the money and gold gets expelled out of the D-Room #2 into the Real World? Or does it stay? It says that the copies still co-exist inside the Original Hero while they are healing for 48 hours. They are aware what's going on in the outside world while inside the Original Hero. I don't see anything about D-Rooms disappearing. That only happens when the copies dies. Treat the copies as living parasites that come off and returns to the Original Hero.
Last edited by ESREVER333 on Fri Aug 16, 2013 9:12 am, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: Copies from Multiple Selves meet up in one shared D-Room

Unread post by The Beast »

ESREVER333 wrote:
Nightmask wrote: I agree that it makes more sense that each duplicate has his own D-room, although it should disappear whenever he's reabsorbed by the original since he no longer has an independent existence. Since the duplicates are relatively independent, to the point they can permanently die, they should therefor have a D-room to each.

Seron Original Hero create D-Room #1 for all naked could copies to get dress in private. Seron copy #1 creates D-Room #2 stores up money and gold he stole from villains. When Seron copy #1 merge with Original Hero, all the money and gold gets expelled out of the D-Room #2 into the Real World? Or does it stay? It says that the copies still co-exist inside the Original Hero while they are healing for 48 hours. They are aware what's going on in the outside world while inside the Original Hero. I don't see anything about D-Rooms disappearing. That only happens when the copies dies.

Unless the power mentions differently, I believe that if something's in a pocket dimension when it comes to an end it gets destroyed.
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Re: Copies from Multiple Selves meet up in one shared D-Room

Unread post by Nightmask »

ESREVER333 wrote:
Nightmask wrote: I agree that it makes more sense that each duplicate has his own D-room, although it should disappear whenever he's reabsorbed by the original since he no longer has an independent existence. Since the duplicates are relatively independent, to the point they can permanently die, they should therefor have a D-room to each.

Seron Original Hero create D-Room #1 for all naked could copies to get dress in private. Seron copy #1 creates D-Room #2 stores up money and gold he stole from villains. When Seron copy #1 merge with Original Hero, all the money and gold gets expelled out of the D-Room #2 into the Real World? Or does it stay? It says that the copies still co-exist inside the Original Hero while they are healing for 48 hours. They are aware what's going on in the outside world while inside the Original Hero. I don't see anything about D-Rooms disappearing. That only happens when the copies dies. Treat the copies as living parasites that come off and returns to the Original Hero.

I would say it's a non-issue as you likely can't create a portal to a D-room from inside a D-room, if you could I'd say absorbing a clone would result in its expelling of everything inside of it.
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It's 'canon', not 'cannon'. A cannon is a big gun like on pirate ships, canon is what you mean when referring to something as being contained within one of the books such as how many dice to roll for a stat.
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Re: Copies from Multiple Selves meet up in one shared D-Room

Unread post by Stone Gargoyle »

I see your point, Nightmask, so in order for it to not be a form of teleportation they should each have their own D-room. I should think that it being a pocket dimension, the disappearance of a duplicate would destroy the D-room and all contents therein.
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Re: Copies from Multiple Selves meet up in one shared D-Room

Unread post by Tor »

Stone Gargoyle wrote:I would treat it as a single room they all access. Why? Because the room is a reflection of the original's power which the other share. That is just my take on it, though.

Copies don't merge their powers with the original for 1 massive power, they simply get their own copy of the power.

If we treated it this way then clones with Energy Doppleganger could make 1 massive energy being...

I actually don't hate that idea :D

The Beast wrote:Unless the power mentions differently, I believe that if something's in a pocket dimension when it comes to an end it gets destroyed.

I've never seen that said anywhere. It's rather left in limbo what results from that, I think. Destruction is one option, but not a guarantee.

This is a dilemma we can solve without even bringing clones into the mix. If a hero A brings friend B into his D-Room and B kills A, what happens to B?
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