Does anyone allow characters like this one?

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Does anyone allow characters like this one?

Unread post by magictiger »

Hi Guys,
What do you do when your players make characters like the one that follows? She says its not done either (sorry about its length, I copied it straight from our facebook group). I have more than one player that does this. They make them without my supervision or input and say they are legal characters. We all take turns GM'ing and the others don't see a problem with this. I don't even play that much anymore when my legal characters are a shadow of these monstrosities. When I GM, I don't let them use them, but on the other side of the token they don't show me their supposedly legal characters at all. And during the games something questionable always comes up, like attributes over 20 on 'MOST' stats. They have been using 4d6+ (kicking out the lowest) allot lately even though I forbade them from using it. They just don't want to listen to me. GM'ing has become a choir more than fun for me too.
I can't find any other groups to play with instead of them.

Thanks guys. I feel miserable. Sorry for rambling.

IQ 22
MA 16
ME 21
PE 23
PS 46
SPD 19
PB 28
PP: ??
Name: Lilth or “Lilly” Race: Demon Lord (mega hero) Age: 200 + yrs Height: 6’1 Weight: Skinny Muscular build 175lbs Siblings: none Disposition: sad and angry loner Align: Miscreant Natural AR: 15 SDC: MDC: HP: Attacks: PPE: XP lvl: XP lvl:
Night vision up to 400 ft, + 2d4 x 10 PPE, +1 attack, +1d4 to initiative, +3 to pull punch, +3 save vs. magic, +2 save vs. poison, +2 save vs. mind control of any sort, +7 to save vs. possession, +8 to save vs. horror factor,

Natural Abilities
Three major abilities
1) Super Powerful

2) Multiple Powers
a) Flight power of choice: fly, Demon wings

f) Another power of choice: Disruptive Touch

3) Universal Being

4) Raw Power

5) Control Elemental Force: Fire

Education & Skills
3 skill programs (+ 20%) and ten secondary skills
Known Skills
1) Pilot automobile
2) Mathematics: Basic
3) Native Language: English
4) Native Literacy: English
Espionage Program
1) Hand To Hand Martial Arts
2) Detect Ambush
3) Intelligence
4) Wilderness Survival
5) Detect Concealment
6) Tracking (people)
Criminal Program
1) Streetwise
2) Pick Locks
3) Prowl
4) Concealment
5) Road wise
Computer Program
1) Basic Electronics
2) Computer Operations
3) Computer Programming
4) Computer Repairs
5) Radio: Basic
Secondary Skills
1) Land Navigation
2) Combat Driving
3) WP Knife
4) WP Sword
5) Paired Weapons
6) Lore demons & monsters
7) WP Handgun
) Lore Magic
9) Running
10) Swimming
Hand To Hand: Martial Arts

Weapons of chaos (evil)
1. Power bolt:
Damage: 5d6 damage
2. Turns itself and wielder invisible
3. Damage bonus: +6 damage is added to all modes attack used by the weapon wielder including power bolt strikes from by the weapon.
4. Create unnatural Darkness: an inky blackness so dark that a person cannot see beyond two feet only the creator of the darkness and those with a magical night vision or the darkness control super ability can see clearly in the blackness.
5. Circle of flame: creates a circle of towering flame (10 to 20ft tall and 3-5 ft thick) anyone passing through flame takes 6d6 +4 damage, can create flame around oneself around or others up to 90ft.
6. Animate and Control the Dead:
Animate Dead: 2d6 + 20 sdc; two attacks; inflict 1d6 damage from punches and kicks; and speed is 6; animtated dead can be destroyed by bormal weapons fire; or exceptional means ( magic energy blasts; super abilities; etc) invulnerable to disease gases fear and psionics.
Duration: Until destroyed or until weapon wilder relinquishes control
Limitations: 20
2 Minor Abilities
Extraordinary Physical Endurance
+1d6 + 5 to PE
4d4 x 10 sdc
3d6 to hp +1d4 per level
Extraordinary Physical Beauty
Increase Pb to 20 +2d4
+10% to investigation / research, interrogation, seduction, palming and pick pocket skills
Bonuses: 2d4 x 10 sdc to owner, resistance against possession and horror factor +4 to save, +2 save against all magic spells and enchantments; enables its owner to see the invisible, creates costume out of thin air
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Re: Does anyone allow characters like this one?

Unread post by Glistam »

The PU2 Immortals are pretty powerful, and get bonus dice added to stats. At a quick glance this character seems "legal" based on that category, but I don't have the books handy to be able to confirm.
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Re: Does anyone allow characters like this one?

Unread post by Long Shadow »

Glistam wrote:The PU2 Immortals are pretty powerful, and get bonus dice added to stats. At a quick glance this character seems "legal" based on that category, but I don't have the books handy to be able to confirm.

It would be book legal if the powers were from HU but they are taken from Heroes of the Megaverse, hence the multiple "major" power selection.
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Re: Does anyone allow characters like this one?

Unread post by Sasqaricious »

Looks like the character if born on earth the skills are correct, but most immortals are not born of earth. Also the immortal class can start with a magic weapon but usually it comes with one or two enhancements only.

To roll up on the heroes of the megaverse, unless they picked it looks like they rolled a 99, 100 and a 101%.

Either way it is up to the GM (which is the right of every gm and I do feel for you) but by book rules I would say not legal, and as a gm personally would say no way in heck!
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Re: Does anyone allow characters like this one?

Unread post by Daniel Stoker »

Did she also take the power weapon category weapon for her character?

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Re: Does anyone allow characters like this one?

Unread post by Brayon »

No, this character is not legal in any sense of the word, for she is using at least 3 power categories from what I can see.

PU2: Immortal for the Demon Lord Race
HUMB: Magical PC for the Weapon of Magic
HUMB: Mega-Hero - This one is the Exception, as its allowed to be used with 1 other power category, not 2.

So she is cheating the system and Munchkinizing her character.

My advice tell her that she is cheating, and that you will not allow the 3 power categories. That she can choose 1 (or 2 if you allow the Mega-Hero).

Barring that, run for the Hills, and quit the game and find a new set of people to play with. Because if she is an example of the others, then you have a bigger issue than her.
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Re: Does anyone allow characters like this one?

Unread post by Nightmask »

Brayon wrote:No, this character is not legal in any sense of the word, for she is using at least 3 power categories from what I can see.

PU2: Immortal for the Demon Lord Race
HUMB: Magical PC for the Weapon of Magic
HUMB: Mega-Hero - This one is the Exception, as its allowed to be used with 1 other power category, not 2.

So she is cheating the system and Munchkinizing her character.

My advice tell her that she is cheating, and that you will not allow the 3 power categories. That she can choose 1 (or 2 if you allow the Mega-Hero).

Barring that, run for the Hills, and quit the game and find a new set of people to play with. Because if she is an example of the others, then you have a bigger issue than her.

Most if not all of the PU2 Immortals are created as variants of the Mega-Hero actually, and given a magic weapon is a common item for Immortals it's more a matter as to whether or not a magic weapon as per the Magical Weapon Power Category is allowable. A case can be made that it would be for something like a Demon Lord since they don't all have 'run of the mill' magic weapons as it were.
Fair warning: I consider being called a munchkin a highly offensive slur and do report people when they err in doing so.

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It's 'canon', not 'cannon'. A cannon is a big gun like on pirate ships, canon is what you mean when referring to something as being contained within one of the books such as how many dice to roll for a stat.
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Re: Does anyone allow characters like this one?

Unread post by Daniel Stoker »

You can make the case... but since the selection doesn't say they get a special weapon compared to others and looking at how it actually nerfs dragons with the powers they can get, I'd say no.

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Re: Does anyone allow characters like this one?

Unread post by Nightmask »

Daniel Stoker wrote:You can make the case... but since the selection doesn't say they get a special weapon compared to others and looking at how it actually nerfs dragons with the powers they can get, I'd say no.

Daniel Stoker

Wasn't making such a case only pointing out it did exist.
Fair warning: I consider being called a munchkin a highly offensive slur and do report people when they err in doing so.

'Reality is very disappointing.' - Jonathan Switcher from Mannequin

It's 'canon', not 'cannon'. A cannon is a big gun like on pirate ships, canon is what you mean when referring to something as being contained within one of the books such as how many dice to roll for a stat.
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Re: Does anyone allow characters like this one?

Unread post by Daniel Stoker »

Sorry, didn't mean to imply that you were, I was just trying to point out why such a case would be easily shot down.

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Re: Does anyone allow characters like this one?

Unread post by slade the sniper »

It depends on what type of game I am running. I have had undead great dragons, transdimensional vampire lords, etc. as characters in games I have run. The #'s don't really matter much to me after 20+ years of GMing...BUT if this PC is supposed to be in some sort of group of varying power levels, then I could see it be an issue. If worse comes to worse, just make the game more about trying to survive, get a house, not go to prison, etc. Taking super powered PCs and putting them in a street level gritty game makes a A LOT of those powers useless.

Not too sure why your players are running rampant on the game... If you rotate GMing duties, just bow out of GMing and let them run the game and you play...

Would I allow it? Yes, depending on what sort of game I was running.

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Re: Does anyone allow characters like this one?

Unread post by Grell »

This is why I do supervised character generation, but I also run character driven stories and I like to see creation to start brainstorming some ideas. It's also handy to be on hand to answer questions and enforce any set limitations. Ultimately you are the judge of what is appropriate for the game you're running, though it muddies the water if you're sharing the GM duty for the same game.

Just at a glance, I would not allow this character without a serious revision at best or starting over at worst (more likely).
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Re: Does anyone allow characters like this one?

Unread post by Sir_Spirit »

She can't have the weapon of Chaos at all. And if she's evil in a superhero game I was GMing I'd have her killed off by a random bolt of good.
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Re: Does anyone allow characters like this one?

Unread post by Nightmask »

Sir_Spirit wrote:She can't have the weapon of Chaos at all. And if she's evil in a superhero game I was GMing I'd have her killed off by a random bolt of good.

So you don't believe in allowing someone to RP an evil character trying to overcome that and become good? The Reformed Demon from Mystic China for example can't start good and has to work up as he's had millenia as an evil demon to overcome. Which also provides for added RP as their evil weapon of Chaos opposes their efforts to be good until it finally rejects them outright and seeks a new owner/user.
Fair warning: I consider being called a munchkin a highly offensive slur and do report people when they err in doing so.

'Reality is very disappointing.' - Jonathan Switcher from Mannequin

It's 'canon', not 'cannon'. A cannon is a big gun like on pirate ships, canon is what you mean when referring to something as being contained within one of the books such as how many dice to roll for a stat.
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Re: Does anyone allow characters like this one?

Unread post by Tor »

Nightmask wrote:The Reformed Demon from Mystic China for example can't start good and has to work up as he's had millenia as an evil demon to overcome.

Untrue, even prior to attempting to Reform, an Infernal can be an anarchist selfish, or even unprincipled, which we know is also good. They need never have been evil at all.

While it does say 'thousands of years of evil behaviour', evil behaviour doesn't necessarily mean evil alignment, because otherwise if all demons did evil things, normal Infernals could not be Unprincipled/Anarchist. Presumably if you are driven to do evil acts because of evil beings who have power of you, you might still be of a less evil alignment and just trying to do some self-preservation.
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Re: Does anyone allow characters like this one?

Unread post by flatline »

Just ask her to show you how she created the character. You can use leading questions if you need to ("what rules did you use to create the magic weapon?", "how did you decide how many powers you could choose?").

Even if the character isn't book legal, if she really wants to play the character, you might still decide to allow it. Just scale the power level of the campaign to be appropriate to a powerful group of player characters. If the other PCs are not sufficiently powerful to survive that escalation, let the players negotiate amongst themselves the power level that they want.

I don't care about canon answers. I'm interested in good, well-reasoned answers and, perhaps, a short discussion of how that answer is supported or contradicted by canon.

If I don't provide a book and page number, then don't assume that I'm describing canon. I'll tell you if I'm describing canon.
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Re: Does anyone allow characters like this one?

Unread post by wyrmraker »

I would rule against it being allowed. After having read the rules on the powers in Heroes of the Megaverse, it is very clear that the rules were not merely broken, but shattered. If they demand reasons why, then tell them "Because these characters are not in accordance with the rules." And then I would force people to start rolling their characters in front of me. In fact, I do exactly that in the game I run. If it's not rolled up in front of me, I refuse to allow it. Of course, I roll my own characters up in front of the GM for that game.
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Re: Does anyone allow characters like this one?

Unread post by Reagren Wright »

Depends upon the game you're running. If its a low power campaign, I'd say no. But if the npc
are beastily (no pun intended) then she might fit in just fine. Characters should reflect the style
of the GM style. My players know they can make pretty much anything,
because all sorts of villains and heroes dwell in mu HU universe.
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Re: Does anyone allow characters like this one?

Unread post by Mediapig71 »

I don't have Heroes of the Megaverse, could someone tell me what "Multiple Poweres" means? Does that book add some kind of "power pool" or variable power type mechanic?
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Re: Does anyone allow characters like this one?

Unread post by wyrmraker »

"Multiple Powers" grants a Flight power of choice, a few significant combat buffs, and automatically gets "Universal Being", which grants full language comprehension like the Tongues spell, a bonus to PP or PE, can withstand ANY environment for PEx2 minutes, and grants the power "Raw Power", which grants an Energy Expulsion of choice and more significant combat buffs. "Multiple Powers", in totality, adds 3 attacks per melee round and a bunch of combat buffs.

Add that on top of Demon Lord, H2H Martial Arts, the miscellaneous resistances accompanying various powers, and "Super Powerful", it gets ridiculously powerful for anything short of a truly massive power level of a game.
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Re: Does anyone allow characters like this one?

Unread post by wyrmraker »

Rappanui wrote:
wyrmraker wrote:"Multiple Powers" grants a Flight power of choice, a few significant combat buffs, and automatically gets "Universal Being", which grants full language comprehension like the Tongues spell, a bonus to PP or PE, can withstand ANY environment for PEx2 minutes, and grants the power "Raw Power", which grants an Energy Expulsion of choice and more significant combat buffs. "Multiple Powers", in totality, adds 3 attacks per melee round and a bunch of combat buffs.

Add that on top of Demon Lord, H2H Martial Arts, the miscellaneous resistances accompanying various powers, and "Super Powerful", it gets ridiculously powerful for anything short of a truly massive power level of a game.

and yet, it's still rediculously defeated with anyone with defensive immunity, demon fist, and APS: Silver.

I can see where you're going with that. It's not a bad plan, except that it would have to be custom-created specifically to go after the PC. I can easily see a lot of screaming and yelling about how that PC is being 'targeted'.

Yes, I have had a lot of people in game scream this at me.

Bear in mind that, at first level, this character would start off with nine attacks while in flight (which I can see happening a lot), plus a crapload of resistances and immunities. One important point though: Nowhere in this writeup do I see the Mega-Hero vulnerability, or even the Immortal Power. Say the Mega-Hero Immortal power is a given... And the Demon Lord has the option to take either a second Mega-Hero Power of Major power (it's in PU2)... Does the Demon Lord, if they don't take that extra bit, have to take a Mega-Hero vulnerability? Or is it one of those situations where it's an unwritten given?
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Re: Does anyone allow characters like this one?

Unread post by Stone Gargoyle »

I would have a headache after a few minutes trying to talk to the player, I am sure. There is no way I would allow it. But then, I also make players roll up their characters in front of me.
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Re: Does anyone allow characters like this one?

Unread post by Matt »

I wouldn't allow it but simply on grounds of taste and power level as it doesn't fit the type of super hero games I enjoy.

What the heck is a "skinny muscular build"? Kinda hard to be both muscular and skinny at the same time, isn't it?
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Re: Does anyone allow characters like this one?

Unread post by Stone Gargoyle »

Matt wrote:What the heck is a "skinny muscular build"? Kinda hard to be both muscular and skinny at the same time, isn't it?
It is possible to be a slim bodybuilder, as you are simply a wiry type.
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Re: Does anyone allow characters like this one?

Unread post by Tor »

Stone Gargoyle wrote:
Matt wrote:What the heck is a "skinny muscular build"? Kinda hard to be both muscular and skinny at the same time, isn't it?
It is possible to be a slim bodybuilder, as you are simply a wiry type.

I prefer 'slim' to 'skinny' personally. People with less fat tend to have less skin surface area too. It's fat that makes people skinnier by stretching it out.
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Re: Does anyone allow characters like this one?

Unread post by Matt »

Fat makes people fatter in my experience. Admittedly, I have no science to back me up; it's just an observation made from multiple trips to Walmart. Still haven't seen any skinny fat people.
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Re: Does anyone allow characters like this one?

Unread post by Eclipse »

You can have a slim frame but carry plenty of fat while not appearing ridiculously fat. It's possible to have high levels of fat sandwiched around the internal organs. People with big frames can carry more fat and thus look a lot fatter. However, a slim-framed person who eats a lot and is lazy, so sits around a lot and doesn't exercise much can carry more fat in total than a big framed person who's more active and eats less, yet at an undiscerning glance appear thinner. It'd be a different matter to see how clearly their abdominal muscles were defined.
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Re: Does anyone allow characters like this one?

Unread post by Brothershadow »

Well, first things first. It sounds like there is definitely not much set in stone for house rulings. So I think what you need to do with them is have a sit-down and establish certain rulings for character creation. If they don't agree on this, then i would only play and not be their game master. Our group uses the following:
No "Mega-Heroes." Period. The only time this is allowed is if we are starting a storyline where everyone can, and it's following a certain theme for a campaign, but most often, my players never want to go that route. We've been playing Heroes Unlimited since it first came out, and after years of gameplay our house ruling is such:
4D6, discard the lowest, re-roll ones, and no switching around rolls to another statistic, i.e., you roll a 20 on IQ, you cannot move the score to your strength or any other characteristic. Rolls stay where they are.

I do not require players to roll up a character in front of me if they are senior players. These players tend to know the game innately. New players I'll ask to have it rolled nearby me, so they can ask me questions on how things are done. I know just from reviewing a players character, if something is wrong just from a glance. Keep in mind certain stats tend to be high, like speed, endurance & strength. As for your original question, I would not allow the character below, but that's just me and how are games are played here in Boston. I don't allow for Mega-Heroes, legal or not, however an Immortal without the mega-version can be selected. Second, your player in question is playing an Immortal & a Magic Weapon Class. I would require one or the other for the Player to be legal in my game setting.
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Re: Does anyone allow characters like this one?

Unread post by The Artist Formerly »

Daniel Stoker wrote:You can make the case... but since the selection doesn't say they get a special weapon compared to others and looking at how it actually nerfs dragons with the powers they can get, I'd say no.

Daniel Stoker

I'd agree with Daniel on this, kind a of bent build.

I follow where the player was going for, but s/he needed to use the existing powers of a given cat to grant the flavor that she was after.
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Re: Does anyone allow characters like this one?

Unread post by Cobalt-Blue »

It would depend on the style of the game play you want to have. To be perfectly honest, it is my not so humble opinion that with the publication of Rifts where a player can play a city rat or a rogue scholar alongside a dragon or glitter boy, the guys who publish this great system lost any right to cry "but what about game balance?".

The first thing I want my players to do is play the character THEY want to play within the parameters of the game I'm running. That means there have been times we've done obscene simian carnal acts upon on the system to be able to tell the story we want to. But it was by the mutual consent of adults.

I'm currently running two campaigns for two different groups of players that don't know it yet, but will eventually be merged into one. And it's all based on the fact that there are actually rules for playing a godling in the megaverse. The question was asked of me, "How does one go from being a low level golding (like Thraxus was in his dungeon crawling days) as defined in Pantheons of the Megaverse to a being who can expend body investment like in Gods and Dragons? How are Godlings born, and what separates them from megaheroes and demi-gods? At what point do they become actual gods?

If you are uncomfortable with the character, and the others are then simply bow out of GMing on your turn. If you are uncomfortable with playing by strict rules when they don't, then you have a few choices to make: either relax and create heroes that fit more with their interpretation of the system and enjoy the story telling, continue as you are (and if you're not having fun I don't recommend that), or find another group that wants to play by those interpretations of the rules.

There are always alternatives, we just don't always like the consequences of those alternatives.

As for would I allow the character? Again it depends on what kind of game I was running. I have one player who is constantly creating off the wall, skewed characters- sometimes powerful, more often though far less than average. I have to accommodate him, alongside the player who always wants to be able to do a little bit of everything, as well as the one who wants each and every character to have a specifically defined role in the group and not step on any of the other character's toes.
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South Ashwood? Nah we wouldn't go there. They have too much of a problem with roving boy-bands having dance offs.
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Re: Does anyone allow characters like this one?

Unread post by arouetta »

Cobalt-Blue wrote:If you are uncomfortable with the character, and the others are then simply bow out of GMing on your turn. If you are uncomfortable with playing by strict rules when they don't, then you have a few choices to make: either relax and create heroes that fit more with their interpretation of the system and enjoy the story telling, continue as you are (and if you're not having fun I don't recommend that), or find another group that wants to play by those interpretations of the rules.

There are always alternatives, we just don't always like the consequences of those alternatives.

It sounds like there's more to it than that. If players refuse to provide a copy of the character sheet upon demand and if the players are using character generation rules that the GM has specifically said not to (the base dice rolls mentioned), then the players do not have respect for the GM. While I will be first to argue that the GM needs to have respect for the players, the opposite is true as well. The GM works his/her butt off coming up with a world and a story, a request to see character sheets and follow certain rules is not out of line. There is more going on here than just a different view of power levels.
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Re: Does anyone allow characters like this one?

Unread post by Cobalt-Blue »

arouetta wrote:
Cobalt-Blue wrote:If you are uncomfortable with the character, and the others are then simply bow out of GMing on your turn. If you are uncomfortable with playing by strict rules when they don't, then you have a few choices to make: either relax and create heroes that fit more with their interpretation of the system and enjoy the story telling, continue as you are (and if you're not having fun I don't recommend that), or find another group that wants to play by those interpretations of the rules.

There are always alternatives, we just don't always like the consequences of those alternatives.

It sounds like there's more to it than that. If players refuse to provide a copy of the character sheet upon demand and if the players are using character generation rules that the GM has specifically said not to (the base dice rolls mentioned), then the players do not have respect for the GM. While I will be first to argue that the GM needs to have respect for the players, the opposite is true as well. The GM works his/her butt off coming up with a world and a story, a request to see character sheets and follow certain rules is not out of line. There is more going on here than just a different view of power levels.

I've never heard of a game where the players didn't supply copies of their characters to the GM. I wouldn't allow a player into the game without first seeing it.
Who are we?! We're the North Ashwood first string football team and cheering squad! Prepare to get your butts kicked!"

South Ashwood? Nah we wouldn't go there. They have too much of a problem with roving boy-bands having dance offs.
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Re: Does anyone allow characters like this one?

Unread post by MethosDarkblade »

I've broken a few rules as a player and a gm. This character is using multiple rules and power categories to min/max their character. As such, I would personally say no to the character. It's not like a dragon man cyber knight with master psionics (a player rolled randomly for race and class and got that, now to work how he got those psionics into the game). Such a character is not over powered and is one of a kind. I myself have an immortal (dbee) who is a wizard supreme and has access to lightning style air warlock spells. Gm allowed it for flavor. Character is unique but not over powered.

This character breaks the rules, so I'd have her reroll a new character, going off of heroic hellion or reformed demon (China 2 or MC are both acceptable IMO)
Methos Darkblade

If you smell who the rat is cooking.

Super or otherwise, you are just a man, while I am a God!

That was fairly ruthless father. I hope I made you proud.

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Re: Does anyone allow characters like this one?

Unread post by Niji »

Character seems perfectly legit in game mechanics terms EXCEPT its missing all of its weaknesses it should have(which is quite a few or one completely crippling one).

Its got a "firey demon" concept and seems slightly Mary Sue but I have seen far stronger characters...

Its actually really difficult to play a high IQ AND high PB character so punish her regularly if she plays out of character(once your PB is 28 or more you tend to gain a particularly strong repulsive/attractive aura(depending on the sexuality and aesthetic tastes of characters that interact with her), the IQ alone will be very difficult to play but the player could be a neurosurgeon or something so may still be played straight. It will be impossible for her to "hide" who she is with those kinds of stats baring a powerful glamour spell to change her into plane jane (or the whole demonlord thing is a transformation and she is a frail mortal when not transformed).

currently I would say too much information is missing from the character at the moment to allow it.
I've found attributes are fairly meaningless except for role playing purposes(strength and speed aside which have more direct consequences and limitations).

She seems to have a very well thought out concept of how the character should be, you can "tone down" her strength if she is too strong via an accross the board penalty to stats when not "in her home dimension or a similar hell dimension" or under direct influence of her source of strength(not standing in an inferno or such), She should have one crippling/instant kill type weakness(her kryptonite which should be something like blessed water or water in general, it should be common or at least fairly easy to obtain (takes x10 damage from blades made of sapphire, etc) or an assortment of weakness (holy magic, cannot deal full damage to the forces of "good" and "justice" (and thats very broad term based entirely on perspective of those using justice and good(and not her or your perspective), double damage from water based attacks, cannot take showers without great pain(or forced to take sandbaths)).

When making a character vulnerable you should always take the story telling approach with one of these kinds of characters,and should definitely be a source of comic relief potentially as well. Something they encounter often(crippling phobia to hamburgers! Allergic to salt!).

There is SO MANY GOOD WAYS a powerhouse can be played and used in the story (such as no situation ever requiring her brute or fire and infact use of such would be crippling to the situation, so she is always forced to use her wits and skills, or perhaps her charms, but alternatively those very charms could be a huge crippling blown i neither own right(men and women constantly throwing themselves at her, wolf whistles, very offensive behavior etc) though be sure to give throw them a bone where they can really be themselves once in a while(finally at the culmination of the battle its just her and the big bad, finally she can let lose after years of having to keep everything under a tightly bottled lid).

Honestly people that make characters like these are the most fun to have in your group(speaking as a GM I mean), but requires some finesse, good story telling, and an understanding of all the player characters in your game to make sure challenges are appropriate for everyone(say everyone relies for to long on lady demon lord's strength and have let their skills lax, and now they need to use those skills to solve the mystery in time...whooo boy it gets really fun then).

If everyone in your group is dolling out characters like that though I'd just change the games difficulty so a demon lord is "small fry" amongst the people the group must fight(elder gods wheeeeee, things immune to fire and kinetic damage that must be defeated through riddle games WHEEEEE).

2 notes: A high IQ must be played well, its VERY VERY difficult to play if the player does not have experience with it/one themselves, you are NEVER allowed to help a High IQ character solve a problem as its up to the player to figure it out if they are to play it good(and you must reward them well for playing in character, this one in particular usually rewards a lot of personal XP (either playing an IQ much lower than one's own or much higher, both are equally difficult to portray accurately).

Avoid non-comically or non-seriously (as in srs bzns, aka crucial plot points, etc) nerfing a character someone put a lot of effort into. Usually comical weaknesses are VERY fun to play and have in your game(see the phobia to hamburgers I listed, it was so much fun when everyone else in your group is hamburger mongers and the PCs(not the players) don't realize the other PC has the phobia)!

My biggest piece of advice: use your wits the make the character fun to have around! ((and be sure to check your player is capable of playing that IQ level or she won't have fun getting punished in game a lot for not playing it correctly(this includes experience penalties)high IQ folk usually have very weird personality quirks to consider or may not even realize they are so "smarts" but remember a high IQ does not necessarily mean "Smarts" or that the character isn't dumb as a brick, it just means they innately a quick study(usually) or just VERY perceptive in general/quick learners or good at retention of skill/naturally talented in several areas. Not all high IQ folks are "geniuses" and this too is something to consider when playing a High IQ character(and should be decided on what that High IQ means BEFORE her character starts being played)).

Re: Does anyone allow characters like this one?

Unread post by Niji »

MethosDarkblade wrote:I've broken a few rules as a player and a gm. This character is using multiple rules and power categories to min/max their character. As such, I would personally say no to the character. It's not like a dragon man cyber knight with master psionics (a player rolled randomly for race and class and got that, now to work how he got those psionics into the game). Such a character is not over powered and is one of a kind. I myself have an immortal (dbee) who is a wizard supreme and has access to lightning style air warlock spells. Gm allowed it for flavor. Character is unique but not over powered.

This character breaks the rules, so I'd have her reroll a new character, going off of heroic hellion or reformed demon (China 2 or MC are both acceptable IMO)

Yess munchkins are probably the best players to have in your game (from a sinister GM perspective XD) for this reason.

Occasionally I've had the person themselves both evolve with their character and learn that there are many ways to approach a problem than just BURN IT WITH FIRE. BURN IT ALL WITH FIRE! (which is also sometimes the right answer too!).

It can be very fun to have the team actually need the munchkin's power level occasionally (after a long trek through the labyrinth where every character's mental states, ability to solve riddles and puzzles was strained, they reach the big bad at the center and are like.... "KILL IT! KILL IT WITH FIRE!" they were all so exhausted it was a good shining moment for the whole team, and frankly quite hilarious to see a powerful NPC get gangbanged so damn hard with all the overkill!)

Usually a munchkin in your group really brings up morality, story telling, and really seeing/testing everyones ability to role play their characters, and just what utter exhaustion can do to a principled character lol. Many many TV Tropes of its always the nice ones/the quiet ones comes to mind.

Re: Does anyone allow characters like this one?

Unread post by Niji »

Whoops just noticed she has 3 major super abilities in adtion to all the others never mind she is indeed combined 3 categories(you can use the heroes of the megaverse template BY ITSELF or use powers from it semi-directly(as in major for major and minor for minor or 2 minor for 1 power from that category etc). But she is using Powers Unlimited Armaggedon, Heroes of the Megaverse and the Demon Lord category when just the Demon Lord or most of the mystically bestowed demons from are already technically 2 categories.

Restrict her to the Use of 1(2) in this case. Since she wants to be a demon lord she can use the demon lord category and use her 3 major abilities selection to select 3 powers from heroes of the megaverse(its clear she wants the demonic wings and firey powers + tongues/atmosphere resistance so she can handle any potential dimensional jaunts the group may undertake(aka a self succefient character). It seems she was trying to "Create a demon lord type character" without using the demon lord template properly. She isn't porting this from another game so "forcing it to fit" doesn't make sense here either.

Here is what it boils down to (the selection of 99-101 in heroes of megaverse is a two power cost power for a character not rolled that way)
So her demon lord R.C.C./Category is restricted to a total of 3 abilities from heroes of the megaverse
Which means
1) Flight power of choice: fly, Demon wings
2) Control elemental force: Fire

She cannot get the others as her template has built in powerful abilities already as a demon lord.
She doesn't need the others for her character flavor anyway as the demonlord template already provides her with supernatural abilities like tongues and what not(and the wings provide atmospheric protection so she can withstand dimensional environments on her own body's right).

It clearly states while you can use powers from heroes of the megaverse when being used by another category they are essentially "purchased" in trade and one does not pick up #99-101 (unless that were to be the only selection or some such and only for flavor/convience of the campaign(aliens unlimited or rifts per se) purposes). Heroes of the Megaverse also generally has to toned down for use in non-rifts/intergalactic/interdimensional campaigns because the book was made with phase world or aliens unlimited type scenarios in mind(and indeed any hero of the megaverse would likely be at an average(not top tier) Cosmo-Knight generic power level)

Roadwise is NOT the same as navigation it would be a sub skill of the navigation skill set(just like there is no Pilot: All forms of Pilotable things, there are many kinds of navigation, and roadwise would be more akin to urban jungle tracking/navigation, and would require "becoming familiar" with the city/area to use the skill (indeed anyone has roadwise in their home town but outside of it it may take years(or a friend already roadwise there)).

So what I posted here in this post is what would be necessary to "tone her down" and still perfectly preserve her concept. (man over looking one line really ruined the methodology of my above posts lol)

To be clear she is using the demonlord template from Armaggeddon Unlimited /shrug which is already a mega hero/fusion of 2 templates. So since she can't have 3 major super abilities AND several minor + innate demon lord stuff(weapon of chaos etc), To have those built in minor abilities the most Majors she could have is 2 (and control elemental force fire and demon wings are just fine non-overpowred and VERY thematic choices!). Her possession of a weapon of chaos and generic physical transformation when in demon lord form seem fine as supernatural beings usually have super natural stats (again talk to her about PB and IQ its clear she wants to be a "smart sexy demon lord" but an IQ of 16 is actually way above human average and 20 would be playable by an average human(humans have an average IQ of 9-12 btw, with 14 getting quirky and 16 getting really quirky and smart, 20 at scientist level and 24-30 is prodigy level and usually have GLARING lack of social skills or are sociopaths and "puzzle hunters" completely obsessed with their interests, though she's a supernatural creature so this might be "dumb brick" by demon standards(but appears skill smart to plain jane humans) this is probably the most important point to find out about her character intention). Also she still needs a GLARING crippling weakness or an assortment of thematic and comedic weaknesses (many are detailed in armaggedon unlimited and the mega-hero power category) Near Sighted and severe allergies(that render your powers almost null) are always amusing (losing your glasses in mid battle is quite hilarious for the group) as are crippling phobias to silly things(in the presence of hamburgers you are as if a mere mortal and can be killed by a plastic spoon!).

That should tone her down without hampering her character deisgn and flavor at all. Skills seems fine but I don't know what campaign setting your running. (seems generic smart city slicker set)

Remember phsyical skills do not add to supernatural attributes so she cannot increase her: IQ, PS, PE, or PB through skills (spd can be as even supernatural creatures must practice running to learn how to run, and ME is acquired over time via mental battle with stress and experiences of life or trained directly in mental combat either through chess and puzzles or actual psionic battle, MA(aka charasima/natural ability to intimadate) you are born with and would only change up or down a few points with experience (better at evoking intimidation in specific individuals etc)

So would need to have her re-roll her stats in your presence or if online show her work fully.

I for one NEVER turn away someone as gamers in my area and even online are so damn scarce. But this character can be toned down easily while perfectly perserving her flavor and design intention(obvious min/maxer after looking it over a few times)

For reference the maximum power level one could roll up in a non-power gamer campaign(so excluding the heroes of the megaverse absurd luck roll potential with 6 possible powers(+101 for a 7th) is 3 major super abilities and 3 minor powers (with NO other source of powers and that is limited to rifts born HU characters of a higher class of power and usually still frail SDC critters in an MDC world) and they would all be required to fit a theme. With 2 Major 3 minion being a very common power class for many categories, 2 Major 1 Minor and some built in category abilities(armageddon unlimited and powers unlimited 2 categories come to mind). With the general max buy of 9 points( 2 points per major(and some cost 3) and 1 point for a minior) being the maximum "safe" level for any character in a non-gods among men category.

If you add in Mega Hero you end up with 1 Mega Hero power(or 3 points on the point buy system usually 1 major or 2 minor power (but a non mega hero could BUY a mega power for 3 of their points(or 1 major 1 minor power)) per Vulnerability your character has (+ the generics offered by the category of range or damage improvement and sharpened to peak human(or alien equivalent) senses and becoming a supernatural being(And its associated vulnerabilities) with some costing 2 vulnerabilities.
OR allowing you to have 2 DIFFERENT power categories (With no option for the generic improvements or mega powers BUT no required vulnerability either, other than the arduous task of balancing your characters life with two potentially in conflict categories), with this bonus category not usually available to exceptional individuals already(as in not available to someone walking around with 3 major 2 minor powers, but i will say hardware and gadget and pisonic mega heroes are very fun and don't come off as over powered at all(comes out about iron man with only one suit of armor level or some really creative weapons/gadgets) a lot of great team potential there)).

Armageddon unlimited streamlined that quite sufficiently of how to make a properly toned mega hero type character without being a walking god thing.

So again the basics are 1 Major(or 2 or 3 minor) for 1 Heroes of the Megaverse power of which you cannot select 99-101(which are double dip but could be very thematic if your character only rolled up one power at all (or 1 major 1 minor)).

A quick way to guague any hero's power level is the point buy system for powers

Where 1 major = 2 or 3 points( I.e. Invulnerability and Immortality/Multiple Lives would be a 3 point power) 1 Minor = 1 point(always!)
Any 3 psionic powers from 1 minor category would = 1 point (with a super psionic power = 2 points (never 3))

So to clean that up:
1 Major = 2 or 3 Points
1 Minor = 1 Point
3 minor psionics from singular category = 1 point
Super Psionic Power = 2 Points
(a single) Mega Hero Power = 2 to 3 points and requires the normal 1 to 2 vulnerabilities for selection
1 Heroes of the Megaverse Power = 2 or 3 points(3 points for the ones that grant you a whole domain in magic or psionics etc, and 2 for less broad powers)
Built in Supernatural Abilities = 0.5 (for minor physical/mental enhancement or skill sets), 1 (for major physical enhancement/skill sets, i.e. genius or possession of suprenatural strength), and 2 for signifcant powers(access to magic, or a supernatural/rune weapon, etc)
Rune Weapons/Super Weapons and Objects = 2 (if part of a package theme/extension of the character's body or soul fragment) or 3 normally (picked up later in life or if the weapon is sentient or in possession of non thematic abilities etc)

The maximum available points for non-heroes of the megaverse characters (aka anything in HU and Aliens Unlimited only) is 9 points with the average being 5 points and above average/complex power category being 7 points.

(the following break down does not apply to MDC worlds where even 9 points could be considered completely pathetic by supernatural creature (dragons etc) standards anyway)
Break down is 5 points or less = Very safe and clever power level, usually highly interesting to see played as it requires clever players
5 to 7 points = Will still be interesting still won't break the game usually a randomly rolled character
9 Points = Really pushing it, so everything should fit a thematic archtype (fire goddesses with an assortment of fire powers for instance), usually are either mega-heroes or tightly assembled characters, needs to be handle with thematic flare and comedy.

It should be noted that psionic and magic as well as certain mutant and alien characters reach 9 point status and above around level 8 or 9 anyway, and thats fine but level 1, 9 points is getting kinda silly(but can be vital for characters making a certain theme.)
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Re: Does anyone allow characters like this one?

Unread post by Ranger »

Character looks ok...nothing I would say no too.

As for you playing shadows to this are playing a larger than life character who routinely goes up against multiple targets. Playing a character that has multiple 20s and most stats above 17 is something I would not feel wrong about.

Of course the big baddies being on or above you should not be a surprise.
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Re: Does anyone allow characters like this one?

Unread post by boxee »

Good rule of thumb I have come to see from playing rifts is if the character is more powerful then a godling then look more closely at it and decide what to do. I had made a godling recently as an NPC in a game I am going to run. Not totally by book, but not too far off. Has zapper rather then burster and has conjurer as magic type.
If your not happy in the group you need to leave it at least for a break, take a few weeks off.
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