Chronicle wrote:I also rule that if a PCC takes on an OCC then it forgoes all their Psionic upgrades for level advancement because now said mind melter would be advancing as a new class (such as Pilot or ranger or something else. (Gave up that option to go in other directions)
For example:
A mindmelter reaches level 3 (for the psisword)
He then decides he wants to be a pilot (and decides to stop using his occupational skill set due to spending years in school due to lack of time and strict studdy)
He retains his psionics that has already been learned, but the next time he advances levels he is now a robot pilot and advances in that direction insted of becoming a level 4 mindmelter
Player is like: "WHAT???"
I say: You are a pilot now not a mind melter, you studied for years and shelved your other abilities, so your mind melter is frozen at 3 like usual. (always see that word "frozen" which is why i never pick a second OCC till atleast level 10 (so rarely)
This is exactly how Palladium's multiple OCC (including PCC) rules work, previous class is frozen unless you freeze your new one and go back to it later. You can't simultaneously level 2 classes, or at least I'm not aware of any means of doing that.
drewkitty ~..~ wrote:The Simpler conclusion is that TA's just can't be MB.
Not exactly. In fact, there's a major barrier to doing that.
When was the first printing of Rifts Africa which introduced the stats for the Bleeder? If Atlantis was ever re-printed after that date, Kevin could've gone back and amended the list of Atlantean OCCs to remove the Bleeder and re-appropriate the percentages initially allocated to them. He also could have released errata in the Rifter or on the web site, or in later books that address Atlanteans (such as South America, when that Monster Shaper or whatev OCC and new tat type came out, or Splynn Dimensional Market).
If he did not make such an easy correction, I see no reason to negate it. Atlanteans being Bleeders is hardly that much more powerful than Amaki Stone-men or those Anvil guys being able to. Heck, screw Atlanteans, they can't even transform, they're so rigid.
drewkitty ~..~ wrote:Why? Because it sets to rest any arguments with munchkins about whether or not MB is a PCC or a RCC before they happen.
I don't agree with the implication that any who would argue about the classification of Bleeders is munchkin.
Also since this is Rifts could we just say 'race' or 'psychic class'? Save for the main book RCCs that became OCCs, the majority of psychic classes in Rifts are still OCCs unless RUE also changed that part. Which it might've, I could've missed it. The example is certainly set to I suppose.
drewkitty ~..~ wrote:Otherwise you are going to start to get a munchkin that wants to play an elf neo-human.
I don't see how any judgement calls for Mind Bleeders would extend to judgments for Neo-Humans. Other races don't have any mention of being able to be Neo-Humans. Plus there's little benefit one would get from being an elf over a human, and elves aren't in any way linked to the neo-human's background.
Neo-Elves wouldn't really be that impressive, IMO. What would they be, a little prettier than Neo-Humans? They wouldn't even naturally be MDC like Asgardian or Star Elves.
flatline wrote:I have never known a Munchkin to be even remotely interested in Mind Bleeders once they read the power descriptions, so it seems a little strange to make a ruling in order to prevent an argument that will never happen.
I dunno, my munchkin side is certainly interested in Mind Bleeder abilities, they'd be a great asset against psychic opponents. Those guys are dangerous, what with their mind control and mind wiping and all that.
Rappanui wrote:Personally I would allow a seeronian neo human, but not a true atlantean..if only because of the genetics involved.
The Neo-Human species has purely South American origins, involving the splicing of DNA from other species and stuff like that. While some of the NHs have gone travelling (perhaps even to other dimension) I'm not sure if any could make it to Seeron and if they did, whether or not they could even breed with the local populace. Neo-Humans may be too far altered from humans to be able to breed with them. Unlike Ogres, Sea Titans and Amazons, I'm not sure if it's been specified if they are still capable of reproducing with their mother species.
I think I recall some vague coverage of Atlanteans and Psi-Stalkers being able to breed with humans although I don't recall specifically where since references to them are more spread out than Amazon/Ogre/Titan stuff.
Anyway I suppose if a pair of Neo-Humans moved to Seeron and gave birth to a baby there, it MIGHT be possible for the kid to catch the Tarlok's plague and gane superabilities like the other humans (and variants) who live there. Not entirely sure. Failing that, I think pretty much anyone can be experimented on and turned into a Bio-Freak. They certainly lack that pesky Atlantean resistance to transformation...
and speaking of which, doesn't that sorta shoot in the foot implications that the human species on Seeron were descended from Atlanteans? Or maybe they did some kind of Seljuk screwup and became normal again.