(FAN-FICTION) Cyclone Sidecar Expansion Options

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(FAN-FICTION) Cyclone Sidecar Expansion Options

Unread post by ShadowLogan »

Cyclone Armor Expansion (when equipped known as VRAE-### as the weapon package is noted by letter after the number assignment)
This expansion option was created to give the Cyclones additional armor protection without effecting transformation of the Veritech bike. GM Note, this may not work on early production Cyclone examples unless they are updated at a later date as they make use of the heavy weapon station seen only on the VR-057 and may or may not be present on non-VR-057 Cyclones requiring them to be updated (your call).

It uses a sliding back-plate (coverage and protection equal to ASC Heavy Combat Shield) mounted on the top-box location and when used prevents a second rider behind the pilot. The system attaches to the CVR-3 in bike mode, and detaches during transformation. Early production versions had the plate drop away, though later production versions overcame the issue, allowing them to stay attached offering additional protection in the rear. In Motorcycle mode this plate offers additional protection to the rider (protecting the main body and head) from attacks that are in the rear. While the side mounted hard saddlebag stations could be used to mount huge protective shell/plates (~6 ASC Heavy Combat Shields worth by mass), they could not follow the Cyclone during transformation and would be ejected. The solution was the adaption of the the heavy weapons mount station (HGR-70 uses one) to provide side mounted shields (ala VHT-1) as the connection point. These while mounted in the reverse direction of the heavy weapons (such as the HRG-70), are still able to follow the cyclone through transformation ending in the HRG-70 Battloid position. In Motorcycle mode they "fan out" to increase coverage area, but in Battloid mode they "fold-in" (no loss in protective levels, and from the side still provide excellent coverage). The one draw back to these over the saddlebag shell/plate is the amount of mass they can support (~1/2 based on the HRG-70), which reduces their effectiveness. Another is that they don't offer additional protection to the front in Battloid mode.

Sidecar Classification:
D-Class, is a "droppable" model intended to be left behind when transformation occurs and recovered if necessary at a later time as they are still useable (like the Cyclone's Saddlebags, though some have come to think of these as "disposable"). These work like the baseline Sidecars associated with the Cyclone found in the RPG, and detach when transformation is engaged in motorcycle mode and must be reconnected when returning.

C-Class, comes in two varieties (C1 and C2) and is a light portable and compact design of sidecar (think something between a traditional sidecar and "training wheels" for size) that is able to overcome the transformation limitation of the D-Class sidecar. In both cases the weapon systems reflect a blend of size and payload (total mass involved is kept under 100lbs/44kg (1/2 this is ideal) which includes the sidecar aspects to, not just the weapon/hardware) to facilitate handling in Battloid mode (even though the PS augmentation alone likely means the Cyclone can support twice this easily).

C1-Class is a lengthy customization of the Cyclone and is usually only done for Cyclone Team members who will be operating regularly with the sidecar setup. This system has full reliability, and utilizes a dual linkage systems. The first linkage system is the standard and disconnects regularly (and automatically can reconnect due to the second system). The second system requires modification of the Cyclone as it uses a multi-jointed utility arm-like structure to connect the sidecar to the Cyclone itself (and can be jettison like normal). The sidecar also integrates veritech transformation technology that allows the sidecar to transform in battloid mode to a more useable shape: that of a swivel arm mounted-style weapon system attached on the upper right leg (think of it as an integrated Rifts/Aliens franchises Servo Harness or the real Steadicam Harness Rigs). The range of motion is limited by the connecting utility arm (~75% the range of motion of the right arm). It uses a non-standard right leg shield (heavily reinforced/strengthened so it can handle the weight, along with being tied into the Cyclone's computer so it knows when to transform and when not to) is where the utility arm connects in both modes, and is incapable of mounting a side saddlebag even without the sidecar (left shield is regular, and the right shield can be swapped with correct parts).

C2-Class allows for easy customization of any Cyclone in short order, and uses the existing sidecar linkage system along with several additional technologies that facilitate use. These technologies have a less than ideal success rate (15% failure rate in general, though experienced users are able to cut this to 5%), but has an advantage over the C1-class in that they are much easier to install or remove from a Cyclone (its as easy as hooking up a sidecar). Combining veritech technology, smart missile guidance systems (including a network of sensors), components from an ASC Thruster Pack (TFP/TJP, Masters SB pg191-2), and a payload (be it weapon or sensor) the sidecar will launch itself into the air when the sidecar is cut loose using the Thruster pack. During flight it will quickly transform into a more practical gunpod form (the tire acting as a side shield plate) and using the Smart Missile Systems to "track" the Cyclone and "strike" it (strike in this case is being close enough to grab it during transformation as a free action). Autonomous transformation back to motorcycle mode is possible, utilizing micro bursts from the thrusters combined with the smart guidance system to "target" the connection mechanisms to lock. The pilot will initiate transformation of the sidecar, with the Cyclone (system will automatically detect when it is cut loose and execute transformation, but the reverse has to be initiated by the pilot by an appropriate mechanism). There is a manual release on the sidecar to prevent the pod from transforming when released. To keep the device as small as possible, the thrusters only have enough fuel for 60seconds of operation (each transformation uses 5seconds), after which the pilot will need to manually recover the sidecar.

B-Class, is a semi-portable design of sidecar. The mission role is usually for mobile fixed position hardware that is too big (read awkward) and (possibly) heavy for the Cyclone to wield without the use of a tri-pod or bi-pod setup, much the same way heavy machine gun teams in previous wars operated, though with the Cyclone these weapons are now (potentially) larger and handled by a single individual. The Cyclone is expected to transform from a stationary position (as shown by Rook/Rand in "Lonely Solider Boy". If the Cyclone is in motion, it still drops away and functions normally, but the Cyclone will have to double back for it. When released from the Cyclone the sidecar transforms deploying tri-pod legs from underneath (accelerometers restrict the legs from deploying unless stationary or near stationary crawl speed when disconnected). Reverse transformation is slow, as the Cyclone rider has to hook the sidecar up again (and initiate transformation). Packages may or may not be remote/autonomously controlled, and total package mass (ammo, weapon, frame, etc) should be no more than 300lbs/122kg in weight/mass.

Q-Class, acts as a semi-autonomous Drone when separated from the Cyclone that applies Veritech to the Sidecar system. General commands can be issued verbally via a simple small clip-on device for the CVR-3 helmet (generally one other member of the squad can issue voice commands in the event the main controller is lost). For manual override or more complicated commands for voice there is the hub-mounted control device that resembles an EP-40 (one controller per drone). Both approaches use a secure radio link to transmit commands (and data back). Due to size and cost restrictions the A.I is just below the GMP Golem Security Robot in functionality for its small size (while JANICE would allow for a better AI package for the size, cost would be prohibitive for large scale production at this time hence the lower quality AI). The system can autonomously dock with the Cyclone during transformation back to Motorcycle (or later). In its deployed state the Drone generally will lack arms (these are included only for roles it is deemed necessary) otherwise the payload is turret mounted, with locomotion via two legs (Battlepod style) with thruster assist (allowing it to keep pace with a Cyclone in Battloid mode) or via tread/wheel setup (production is about equal in numbers, but only one alternate mode locomotion system is used).

E-Class, is basically a transforming wrap around system for the Cyclone Battloid mode (a Cyclone for a Cyclone if you will). Unlike the other classes of Sidecar, this class automatically results in a longer transformation time. 1 action to transform the Cyclone, and another to transform the sidecar AFTER the Cyclone moves into the proper link-up position resulting in the sidecar wrapping itself around the Cyclone essentially. This offers greater protection to various locations (notably the lower legs and arms), but blocks the use of the built-in/hub weapon systems (hand-held remain hand-held), but brings its own suite of weapons, and offers the Cyclone greater strength and some additional protection. If necessary the pilot can jettison the armor at any time (ala GBP-1S/Fast Packs from the VF-1) for near instant restoration of the Cyclone OR disengage the transformed sidecar from the Cyclone for ease of later reuse returning it to sidecar mode (jettisoning does not result in the sidecar, and is labor intensive to restore for later reuse).

NOTE on E-Class: While I think it is unlikely this class should actually be done, the UEEF is known to use the basic setup already as seen on the 3 existing Cyclone series (Bike AND Armor) over a 15+ year period. As such, there is ample precedent that the UEEF may at the very least look at something like this.

G-Class, this is a PILOTED Sidecar armed with additional weapons (usually heavier than standard) capable of assuming a power armor mode around the sidecar's operator. It can connect with any Cyclone model, and does not have to return to the starting Cyclone. While incapable of independent vehicle mode operation, the unit can keep pace with a Cyclone in Battloid mode. For weapons, it has a pair of GR-103-styled launchers (as VR-041), essentially six hub stations (two on the forearms, two more on the outer leg, plus 2 on top of the GR-103s), plus a heavy weapon (usually an extended magazine version of the EP-37 or RL-6, though other options exist) mounted on an integrated Servo/Steadicam Harness in both modes. The resulting package is of similar mass to a VR-038, it's overall dimensions and protective qualities are slightly higher than a VR-057 Cyclone (due to the design MDC protection is slightly more efficient than a VR-057). In Battloid mode, the Sidecar bears strong resemblance to a VR-041 in torso/head area, the main difference is the lack of the tires, the single tire actually folds underneath the backpack assembly. The Arms and legs are more robotic, the legs are fully enclosed and the arms are 3/4th enclosed. In sidecar mode, the unit is known to put images of a Cyclone stuck part way in transformation (Step3 pg 15 REF Field Guide) into the minds of onlookers though with some notable differences (the unit is more enclosed, and their would only be one tire on the right hand side).

Sidecar Mission payloads: grouped by like types (each individual #letter is reference to a specific type, not a feature on it. Not all payloads can work on all Classes of sidecar, but is laid out to be mix-match from the list.
1. Electronics and Sensors: various combinations and packages are possible and should generally be between the OSS-44 and OSS-88 Cyclone and Silverback packages in capabilities.

2. Combat Engineer (examples, more are possible)
2a. Manipulator Arm: A four jointed utility arm (~20ft length maximum reach, ~5ft retracted) capable of mounting various attachments is built into a fairly large sidecar. The arm is intended as multi-role, and very strong (Robot PS 20), for use by Combat Engineers and E.O.D personnel. Tools, equipment, and several attachments for the arm are carried that are applicable for their role.
2b. Demolition Gun (Mk.25 40mm Grenade Launcher, MSB pg134), along with tools and other equipment that are applicable for the role.

3. Weapons Types: various configurations are possible based on the various heavy weapons. To numerous to catalog and range from UEDF Heavy Weapons (Macross Saga SB pg132-135), to extended magazines for ASC Energy Weapons (Masters Saga SB pg187-188) and UEEF Heavy Weapons (RL-6, EP-37, HRG-70) that utilize a standard Protoculture canister (when applicable) instead of standard magazine for drastically increased payload. Slimmed down Silverback Heavy Weapon Packages (AAC-11, SRM & Mini Missile pods as listed) and repackaged ASC Power Armor Gunpods. A TZ-IV guncluster (and EU-20 Logan gunpod) may be too large (in length) to fit w/o removing payload/features to fit.

4. Transport (can be broken down into these 3 roles)
4a. Cargo. Equal to 3 side mounted saddlebags (larger options exist, but they reduce speed due to weight)
4b. Medical Care for Patient, placed on their back as if on a stretcher for critical care subjects. It can also be used to transport cargo. Medical Supplies & Equipment also part of the inventory.
4c. Passenger, as described in the VR-041M, though in this case it can be used for mission specialists who are not Cyclone qualified (I disagree with the RPG that this would be used for injured) or to allow one Cyclone to transport a two-man medic team. Also as seen in a few episodes of NG for conventional bikes, one could mount heavy weapons for the passenger here to use.

EDIT: adjusted for clarity.
Last edited by ShadowLogan on Thu Oct 31, 2013 8:05 am, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: (FAN-FICTION) Cyclone Sidecar Expansion Options

Unread post by sirkermittsg »

I like it. an excavator bucket side car would be cool. a small blade or bucket for bulldozing like a small skidsteer would be cool as well.
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Re: (FAN-FICTION) Cyclone Sidecar Expansion Options

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love it man
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Re: (FAN-FICTION) Cyclone Sidecar Expansion Options

Unread post by jedi078 »

A a medical side car is worth mentioning, although the concept can be found on the old Third Invid War website.
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Re: (FAN-FICTION) Cyclone Sidecar Expansion Options

Unread post by taalismn »

This would be very handy for UEEF Field Scientists....the sidecar could just as easily be a portable science station, such as a deployable weather station, zoological sampler trap, or geosurvey unit. The Field Scientist can use the Cyclone as a powerlifter, escape vehicle, or, if immediate escape proves difficult, self-defense.
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Re: (FAN-FICTION) Cyclone Sidecar Expansion Options

Unread post by ShadowLogan »

Thanks guys.

The list is broken down into classification of the sidecar itself in relation to the Cyclone as a result of transformation which is regarded as independent of mission payload (second area) as it is intended as a mix-match one from each list for the most part, with presumably common sense pointing out which ones don't mix well.

I edited the initial post for clarity, but the medical type was listed under mission payloads as a Transport Type for patients (#4b. Patient). I also added (generic) medical equipment to the description since the VR-03x/05x if used in medical role, won't have the VR-041M's re-purposed GR-103s available for storage use.
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Re: (FAN-FICTION) Cyclone Sidecar Expansion Options

Unread post by Rimmerdal »

Nice stuff. well thought out and reasonable weight restriction. They work out in actual game well with the new rules?

I also recall that medical sidecar too, Jedi. If I recall it was sort of a mini-surgical bay...
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Re: (FAN-FICTION) Cyclone Sidecar Expansion Options

Unread post by BookWyrm »

I would have to see all that in illustrations.
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Re: (FAN-FICTION) Cyclone Sidecar Expansion Options

Unread post by jaymz »

Interesting to be sure. Taking this and combining with stuff from DD's TIW series of Cyclones makes for a very versatile line of mecha.
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