Use Wikipedia Roulette to make a HLS

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Use Wikipedia Roulette to make a HLS

Unread post by Killer Cyborg »

Step 1: Go to Wikipedia.
Step 2: Click on the "Random Article" option.
Step 3: Read the article, or give it a decent skimming.
Step 4: If the article is a dud, go back to Step 2.
Step 5: If the article inspires you sufficiently, post a Hook, Line, and Sinker inspired by the article.

Rifts Adventure Book, p. 38
What Is A Hook, Line & Sinker?
Hook, Line & Sinkers is the popular Game Master's tool created by Jolly Blackburn. The idea behind it is simple- give the GM just enough information to spark his own creative energies and steep out of the way. They come in handy when the GM has nothing else prepared, or finds the party has outpaced him and the prepared adventure suddenly ends.
The Explanation:
Hook: The current situation or location of the adventuring party.
Line: An opportunity for adventure that presents itself to the party. A line is normally presented as a short paragraph. Think of the line as the "bait" to lure the party into the adventure.
Sinker: The clincher to the line. The sinker presents the GM with a dilemma that makes the situation a true adventure for his players.

Wikipedia Article:
Hook: The party is traveling through the wilderness, and encounters a small town.
Line: At the edge of this town is a large, 13 story building, possibly an abandoned mansion, apartment building, or hotel. The architecture does not match the rest of the buildings in town, which are 2-3 stories at most.
Inquiring with the locals will reveal that the building is called "The Chimera House," and that it is reputed to be haunted and/or cursed. The building has been effectively sealed, but if the party is wiling to pay a small per-person fee, the town sheriff will open the doors and allow them inside.
Each floor of the building supposedly houses a number of horrors, but also holds a variety of treasures. For each floor of the building that the party makes it through, they will receive 1/13th of their entry fee. If they make it through the building entirely, they will have their entire fee refunded, as well as 50% of the total fees that have been collected by the town throughout the town's history. This comes out to a very appealing sum.
Of course, nobody has ever made it that far before. Anybody who has tried, has never been seen again.
Sinker: The building is indeed both cursed and haunted. Moreover, it is a pre-Rifts structure that became indestructible when the Rifts came, similar to the Gateway Arch. Also like the Arch, this building serves as an interdimensional gateway of sorts, restocking itself automatically by sucking various beings from other dimensions at random. The locals have surrounded the building with a large Circle of Protection (Superior), and all of the building's doors and windows (except for the front door) are unopenable by any known means.
The building provides no threat to the townspeople, and even serves as a source of occasional income from adventurers seeking treasure there.
Each floor contains increasingly dangerous threats, and increasingly rewarding treasures (some getting sucked into the building through mini-Rifts inside, some simply leftover from previous adventurers). The first floor is relatively simple stuff. Nobody has ever come back from the 10th floor or higher.
Most of the mini-rifts that appear are one-way, bringing things into the Chimera House, but some that appear may work the other way, sending things to other dimensions.
Depending on the interests of the GM, this could be a one-shot adventure, or an entire campaign, with each floor designed to level the party up an entire level.
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Re: Use Wikipedia Roulette to make a HLS

Unread post by popscythe »

This idea is great. I had way too much fun writing this.

Wikipedia Article:

Hook: In 109PA, there is little room for laughter in Chi-Town, especially at the expense of the establishment. When a so-bad-it's-good political comedy filmed guerella-style inside Chi-Town called The Fat Spy becomes such a cult sensation that members of the Chi-Town elite are caught distributing it in public, Prosek decides to wash the egg off of his face... With the blood of everyone responsible!

The Fat Spy is a 80-minute long political comedy that depicts the main character "Proseph Josek" as an overweight, incompetent voyeur that engages in a number of obviously criminal acts in his obsessive persuit of the "secrets" of everyone whom he encounters in his Chi-Town neighborhood. The film is clearly recorded in (or in a very realistic recreation of) several popular and affluent areas of Chi-Town.

Unable to stem the widespread distribution of The Fat Spy through massive crackdowns, Joseph Prosek sends his favorite spec-ops squad to investigate and stop the distribution of the movie. But when team Beta Maxwell discovers the sinister secret behind the creation and success of The Fat Spy, everything they think they know about Movies is about to be Rewound!

The Fat Spy was directed and produced by group of self-proclaimed Info-Terrorists who call themselves "The New Deal". These highly-literate, highly anti-establishment elements of intelligentsia within the Coalition itself conspire to produce works of anti-Coalition "art" that are far more than innocently amusing.

Utilizing a strange type of psionic memographic technology developed by their mysterious leader, The New Deal has, (among other projects) developed a format of video recording that is implantable with hypnotic, infectious effects during the recording process which manifest themselves in the viewer(s) when the media is viewed. More frightening still, copies of the recording retain the desired effect, allowing the effect to spread as fast as new copies can be viewed by new victims!

In The Fat Spy, this powerful mind-influencing effect is used to drive viewers against the Coalition States and to encourage them to distribute the footage to others despite risks to themselves. After a single viewing of The Fat Spy, viewers will often become convinced that The Fat Spy is the single funniest piece of media ever created and that the Coalition's restriction on its viewing and distribution is archaic and unfair in the extreme. These viewers will invariably talk about their opinion on the subject at length.

With heavy repeated viewings the effect becomes more pronounced, driving the viewer to greater heights of furious anti-Coalition sentiment and to greater lengths to create and distribute more copies of the media. Repeat viewers are reported to lose all faith in Coalition governance, believing that the Coalition is engaged in any number of convoluted and illogical plots against their own populace. The heavy repeat viewer cannot be dissuaded of these delusions, referring to any who would disagree with them as "shills" and "puppets" and insisting on spending their free time between conspiratorial anti-Coalition rants between like-minded individuals on exposing others to the recording.

End-stage victims of the mind-altering effect of The Fat Spy after months of obsessively viewing the film repeatedly at every opportunity will become withdrawn and prone to seemingly random acts of massive violence, generally directly anti-Coalition in nature. Leading up to a complete psychotic break, the victim will constantly quote the film in any conversation, finding any excuse to tie the current discussion to the film in some manner. End-stage victims do not attend the mandatory activities such as work and school, but spend all of their time copying The Fat Spy and plotting complex acts of anti-government violence.

The property of End-Stage victims when investigated by authorities after the arrest of death of the victim often contain hundreds of copies of The Fat Spy in any format available, from audio and video formats to attempted transcription on all available surfaces. Arrested end-stage victims will simply shout the film in its entirety until restrained from speaking.

Will Team Beta Maxwell be able to stop the nefarious distribution of The Fat Spy once and for all? What other insidious plots have enemies of the state already put into motion in the Heart of Civilization? Find out next time on Team Beta Maxwell: Heroes of Humanity!

Ha! That was fun. Clearly the player group would be a CS Spec-Ops squad called Team Beta Maxwell. This could work as a one shot that takes the players through a dangerous factory shootout in the 'burbs complete with guys falling over rails into running machines and hot vats of molten stuff and rounding off with a breathless last second extraction right before the charges go off, all the way up to a campaign that features Team Beta Maxwell sticking their jackboots up the hind-end of any evil-doer that might dare to tick off the CS. Either way, sure to be pretty amusing!
Last edited by popscythe on Fri Nov 08, 2013 11:38 am, edited 4 times in total.
Zarathustra was extremely accurate. He was talking about you, man.
Whoops! Looks like I was wrong about where Mos Eisley's located.
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Re: Use Wikipedia Roulette to make a HLS

Unread post by Killer Cyborg »

popscythe wrote:This idea is great. I'll edit this post when I have time to write one.

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"Your Eloquence with a sledge hammer is a beautiful thing..." -Zer0 Kay

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Re: Use Wikipedia Roulette to make a HLS

Unread post by nilgravity »

I did it five times with uninspiring results. Awesome idea though if I find myself with time I'll try again.
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Re: Use Wikipedia Roulette to make a HLS

Unread post by Killer Cyborg »

Wikipedia Article: ... 63_film%29
Hook: The party is traveling through a low population region, and stumbles onto a small farm run by a group of nuns (or insert whichever religious group is most appropriate to the setting).
Line: The nuns appeal to the adventurers to stay with them at the farm for a time, in order to protect them from menacing creatures that have been lurking in the shadows. While the adventurers are there, by the way, there are a few chores that the nuns could use some help with.
The nuns have no money, although they won't come out and say that they can't pay the adventurers for any of their help. They will instead promise payment later, quoting the Bible and using other stalling tactics. The nuns (barely) survive on the milk from a couple of cows, and the eggs from some chickens, and a small vegetable garden. Their farmhouse has a leaky roof, there are fences in need of repair, and a host of other chores.
Also, the lead nun will try to convince the party that God has sent them to the nuns in order to build a chapel for them, because there are no actual churches for a long distance, but there are a few small towns that would like to worship.
After a time, the adventurers will probably start to suspect that there are no monsters that the nuns need protection from, that they are simply trying to con the adventurers into free labor.
Sinker: There are, in fact, monsters lurking in the wilderness around the farm. About the time the party is fed up, and about to leave (or shortly after they leave), the monsters attack. They can be randomly rolled monsters from the Rifts Book, or anything appropriate to the setting and the firepower of the PCs.
Annual Best Poster of the Year Awards (2012)

"Your Eloquence with a sledge hammer is a beautiful thing..." -Zer0 Kay

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Re: Use Wikipedia Roulette to make a HLS

Unread post by Rimmerdal »

Try three...It was all I could think of. Besides Fey need hobbies too...and we all love running into the Wee folk. :)

Wikipedia Article:

Hook: The Party is in a town traveling to meet a contact when they find a large group of various Fey and other musical influenced creatures involved in some ritual. At the center of this odd festival is a group of people playing instruments as the fey dance and frolic around them.

Line: Later that night as the musicains rest an instrument is stolen and the fey threaten to raze the town in retaliation if its not returned. They consider the instrument a sacred relic of sort. Among the present vistors are several people who do not like the Fey or the musicians. These people are being blamed for the theft, But claim to be innocent. The local mayor has no wish to see his guests harmed or his town razed and goes to the PC's requesting they solve this before a war breaks out. He insists that no Fey is injured as that may get them further upset.

Sinker: the are several people that could have done it. including a few that may well be from atlantis. if the players can't find the instrument soon the Fey will go on a rampage..and they currently out number the locals 10-1. to add to this there are rumors of slavers in the area.

Can the Pc's find the instrument, unmask the thief and save the village from the slavers?
Last edited by Rimmerdal on Fri Nov 08, 2013 2:50 pm, edited 1 time in total.
taalismn wrote:
Rimmerdal wrote:mmm Rifts street meat..

Flooper. Fried, broiled, or chipped.
It's like eating Chinese.
FLOOP! And you're hungry again.
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Re: Use Wikipedia Roulette to make a HLS

Unread post by abtex »

nilgravity wrote:I did it five times with uninspiring results. Awesome idea though if I find myself with time I'll try again.

If the article is a dud. Check the also see down at the bottom of the page.
I hate it when my mind wonders,
Because I have no idea what it will bring back with it.

taalismn says -- Librarians assume the role of scholar-priest-kings in an increasinly illiterate society...

taalismn says -- Abtex...Unofficial archival mole for the fictional arms industry again with the sites that make you blink... :shock: :-D
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Re: Use Wikipedia Roulette to make a HLS

Unread post by popscythe »

I finally wrote mine up, it's in the 2nd post. This idea is hilarious, I had a great deal of fun writing mine.
Zarathustra was extremely accurate. He was talking about you, man.
Whoops! Looks like I was wrong about where Mos Eisley's located.
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Re: Use Wikipedia Roulette to make a HLS

Unread post by jaymz »

Excellent idea KC as usual. :ok:
I am very opinionated. Yes I rub people the wrong way but at the end of the day I just enjoy good hard discussion and will gladly walk away agreeing to not agree :D

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