Sureshot wrote: Pepsi Jedi wrote:Well, you might remember the severe lack of roads and such in Rifts earth. That and in spite of all the books having tons of gear, you're looking at the top 2% of the world that can afford it or use it. Coupled with the fact that most of the planet is post Apoc sort of setting, seas of dangerous wilderness broken only by very distant towns and or cities, of which you can't bet that anyone there can fix your tank. Heavy Tracked vehicles do ok in some terrain. In others they make it about 10 feet and stop. Forever. The logic behind the big walking robots has (As best I can tell) Always been about the increased mobility vs tracked vehicles.
I know about the lack of roads. Yet with all the new tech being introduced I just can't see why no one could make a ATV tracked vehicle.
There are a few. if memory serves the Bulldog, in NG1 itself has a tracked option if you don't feel like walking and terrain allows.
Sureshot wrote: Or have Rifts Earth slowly switch over to hover technology.
Well they are. There's alot of hover stuff out there. NG sells alot of it, itself. The thing with Hover is that it has it's limitations too. It's not often cited but if you look you can find snippits, such things as being loud as hell and alerting everything with in a mile or two with the whine of the hover engines and such. It's still stated many times that hover chiles are better for cross country and what not due to not getting bogged down. If you look. Most of them have max hight that would just let you fly over tree tops or at least way off the ground. Only a few of the heavier bigger things are limited to ground level.
Sureshot wrote:
You make a good point about distance between towns and track vehicles. Yet the same could be said for any vehicle that is damaged. Not saying that walking robots should disappear. At the very least can't they make them move faster. I do find the whole "if the behemoth has no weapons we can't attack it it would not be honorable" to be BS imo. Why would Simivans and other evil creatures suddenly acquire a hands off policy on a certain vehilce because it has no weapons.
Honestly I don't remember seeing that, so I can't really comment on it. It may have been meant more along the lines of "That thing's huge, lets not **** it off" but I don't remember the text to really say.
If it IS just a 'It's not armed so lets give it a pass" that IS moronic. lol
Sureshot wrote: Pepsi Jedi wrote:And just remember, because you find something ugly, doesn't mean everyone else does. Same goes with beauty. For years people have just crow'd over Cameron Diez. I've always thought she looked like a halibut. Same thing with Jessica Simpson. These women made millions and were on 'sexiest women alive" lists for years and years but I think they look horrible.
It's all about appearence. One can have the best vehicle in the world. It's still not going to sell if it looks ugly. Or worse fugly.
But what's fugly to you, might be beautiful to others. Also remember form and function can beat out appearance. Sure you might find it ugly, but if it's the only thing on the market that fills _____ Void, that's what you're gong to buy. For a long time the Behemoth was exactly that. It was the only thing in the rifts books that would fit that nitch, unless you stole a Mark V apc. Where in every CS unit and CS allied force would obliterate you on sight.
Guys dont' buy mini vans because they look sexy or hot. We end up buying mini vans because we have families and wives that want/need them, for the space and ease of use. For the most part they're pretty ugly. Roughly dollop shaped cars, nothing sexy about them at all. Yet you see them all over the place because they drive like cars, and they fit a TON OF CRAP. That crap being your family or groceries or what ever.
I have a mini van.... *twitch* I drive it. Because it fits the family and all our crap and has room. I'd much rather have a Dodge Challenger... but I have the mini van. I DO have Zombie Response Team vinals on it. But yes.. it's a mini van. I imagine that the behemoth is the same thing. Might look like a mechano chicken, but it fits the bill of what's needed and WORKS.
Sureshot wrote: That's the way the world goes around. I wish it were otherwise but appearence matters. The Behemoth would be gathering dust because other designers such as Naruni have better looking vehicles.
1) Naruni vehicles would cost you three times as much. 2) They'd also get an airstrike called in on you if you were caught in one that big, in North America. The CS has a destroy/kill on sight order out on them, 3) the Naurni barely have a presence on rifts earth, so if you got one and it broke down, parts are not found at the Auto Zone. They're quite literally on another planet or dimension. You may be able to find one of their roving salespeople. One of the few that are left, or their one showroom in Merc town, but if you're not in merctown, you're pretty screwed. The Black Market is making their own stuff now so they're not going to line up to sell you alien gear.
But assuming just another general seller and not the Naurni, you run into the problem that there's very few vechiles that fit that nitch in the rifts books that don't belong to a formal military. There are a few smallish APCs but not very many big ones.
Lack of options, you buy the ugly one.
Sureshot wrote:
Hell imo some would rather use Black Market CS vehicles first.
I'm sure some do, but many weigh the danger of getting vaporized by an army of millions of none too pleasent skull adorned warriors vs vehicle ascetics. lol. If I can drive an ugly car and not get blown up, or drive a cool looking one and always have to worry about death quite literally descending from the sky to rain hellfire and plasma on me from above.. it's an easy choice. I drive the ugly one.
Sureshot wrote:
Just as NG would be losing out to weapon designers that make cool, sleek. lightweight weapons that do the same amount of damage as NG. who wants to run around a battlefield carrying more weight than they should.
As a gun owner I can answer this one in two parts. 1) There ------is-------- brand loyalty in the gun world. HUGE HUGE HUUUUUGE Brand Loyalty. In a big way. Some people love glocks. Some people would rather poop in their own hand and fling it, than use a Glock. Same for Colt, S&W, Springfield, HK. you like what you like. Heavy or light. I use a Springfield XDM for my pistol. I love it. I've tried others from a dozen different companies. I prefer my Springfield. If you go on gun websites, they make Palladium squabbles look like two kittens trying to drink the same milk. They will RAAAAGE on one another over which guns are better/best, when the actual, testable, technical differences are enormously minute. Whooo they go OFF.
2) You want the weapon that holds up in combat. Having a light weight plastic gun that weighs half as much, but gets jammed up, or breaks in the field is very much NOT worth the tradeoff. The heavy hunk of steel that works if you drop it, pee on it, run it over with a jeep, bury it in the mud, dig it up and throw it in a creek, pick it up, knock the mud out of the barrel and it shoots, is the one you want in battle. NG, by all accounts fits that bill. yeah they're heavier, but they do all that stuff. Wilks laser weapons for example, are sleek and light, but if you damage them the lenses/inturnals get off and they don't work. They're highly precise works of art, and do their one thing very well, but it's different. You don't want the work of art in the field. You want the gun that you can choke up on an crack a Dbee in the face with if you have to, and one that doesn't need 2 hours of cleaning/matience a day to keep working. You want the one you can poop on for a week, rinse it off with pee and fight a war with. NG is that gun. yeah it's heavier, but you get reliability that just won't quit.
Sureshot wrote:
As for Cameron Diaz and other women you think look horrible would you really turn down a date with them if you had a chance to date her. No I think imo you would not.
1) I'm married, but 2) You'd be wrong. If I ddon't find someone attractive, I just don't find them attractive. I really do find Cameron Diaz to look like a fish. I wouldn't be attracted to her at all. Nor Jessica Simpson. Beyonce, etc.
Some people I'd surely date, that haven't made millions on their looks. Personal preference is personal preference. You honestly can't sit there and go "You think they look horrible, but alot of people thinks they're pretty so you'd date um" No... not really. lol
Sureshot wrote: Pepsi Jedi wrote:Your group might not like a bot and you can't give it to them, but many (in the recent past) When talking about NG and the Behemoth, loved their old ones and had plenty of stories about them, and even are asking for deck plans and what not due to it.
My old gaming group and when I was a player were pack rats. We would keep anything that was not nailed down. In some cases even then we would try. Besides here I have yet to see or hear from anyone who likes the Behemoth. I'm not saying they don't exist. I think they are just very rare. Maybe it's time PB stop recycling the art they use with the Behemoth. And get soem new art. Imo it's not doing the vehicle any favors.
You should check the other NG threads. I don't remember the exact one, There were 20 or 30 leading up to the release, but it came up more than once, how many people loved the thing and were just HYPED to be getting a bigger and better one. These wern't distant "Back years in the forums" thing, it was in the past few months.
Sureshot wrote:
Some D&D trivia in one of the older D&D modules. I think it was Return to Castle Greyhawk. There was a yellow brick road made out of gold. Why the designers would put that in is beyond me. You think they would have enough common sense to realize that adventuring groups would take the time to dig out every brick.
That's when you enchant/curse um. *nods with a grin*