Magic...CHI style...
Chi has both a positive and Negative aspect. Now the idea occurred to me....If I added this aspect to ISP and Magic. Now bearing in mind I'd have magic operate on 'Mana' and not raw PPE. Note the term mana is for clarity..I will find a new term that is not overly used later once I work out the physics of this should it show promise.
So I sort have it worked on how the energy transfers. PPE is at the top of this triangle. it can jump one space..and becomes whatever that space it goes to. PPE, chi, ISP and mana would have 4 Basic rules...
1) it can only jump once to another type of energy
2) Takes on the properties of whatever energy type it jumps to and becomes that energy.
3) in any state it follows rule number 1 and 2. If it gets used it loses all properties and reverts back to PPE by default.
4) No energy can convert back to PPE except in the case of rule 3. PPE can not remain PPE as it will instinctively become the most needed energy the person/being needs. Only a mundane/non-PPE user can retain PPE
My chart to help explain it
I'm now considering How the positive and negative should work in regards to spells. My initial thought was necromancy (healing and other life force affecting magic) would use negative and those preserving, protecting or augmenting the living would be positive. Healing would be necromatic since it affect life..whether positive of negative results from the spell used. NOT because necromancy is supposed be evil. I never subscribe to that notion of necromancy as evil...never will.
(Magic is tool, not an entity with a will of its own. therefore magic can not be evil, good or truly neutral..it simply is. You want to argue the alignment of magic or a type of magic...take it to another thread. thanks a bunch.)
Neutral PPE would essentially be wild card points that convert to either. Uses for it would be:
1) Charging 'mana', Chi or ISP
2) used as an unrefined form of energy to boost or assist casters or Psychics of all types.
3) PPE would also convert to Mana, ISP or Chi should the person need either.
Add on: Already asked about Psi-stalkers feeding on Chi...so no need to worry about that.
Question..How would I best be able to implement a tranfer or on energy to another? energy transfer to PPE is easy..use it and it converts. Also would Positive and negative energies best be kept separately or have the energy take on +/- charge as its used?