Why should I be afraid of Psi-Stalkers?

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Re: Why should I be afraid of Psi-Stalkers?

Unread post by Blue_Lion »

Depending on the tribe some work with mages to take down bigger tastier snacks.
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I may debate canon and RAW, but the games I run are highly house ruled. So I am not debating for how I play but about how the system works as written.
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Re: Why should I be afraid of Psi-Stalkers?

Unread post by Kagashi »

I think the Psi Stalker rewrite was bad, and went in the wrong direction. To me, it does not make sense on how turning MDC around SN critters helps them cut an MDC creature when they are infact still dealing SDC. Without the beneft of an MD capable cutting tool/weapon, they would starve unless they hunted SDC mages exclusively, or drank from Ley Lines.

Just seems the mutation would have been more solid if rather then turning MDC when engaged in melee with a SN critter, that they could simply do damage to that SN critter as if they had SN Strength. Now, it is more believable that they could damage a SN critter in order to drink the PPE without the benefit of a tool a "wild" stalker might not have access too.
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Re: Why should I be afraid of Psi-Stalkers?

Unread post by ShadowLogan »

Kagashi wrote:I think the Psi Stalker rewrite was bad, and went in the wrong direction. To me, it does not make sense on how turning MDC around SN critters helps them cut an MDC creature when they are infact still dealing SDC. Without the beneft of an MD capable cutting tool/weapon, they would starve unless they hunted SDC mages exclusively, or drank from Ley Lines.

I think originally SN/CoM creatures where supposed to generally have material vulnerabilities (silver, iron, wood, water, etc) that would allow those simple SD weapons to inflict MD, at least going off the Random Monster Generator in the Rifts Main Book (not RUE). Now as the Rifts books have progressed, they don't seem to use that feature very often (IINM), but that might explain how Psi-Stalkers where envisioned to be able to hunt MDC SN/CoM effectively even with SD weapons.
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Re: Why should I be afraid of Psi-Stalkers?

Unread post by Kagashi »

ShadowLogan wrote:
Kagashi wrote:I think the Psi Stalker rewrite was bad, and went in the wrong direction. To me, it does not make sense on how turning MDC around SN critters helps them cut an MDC creature when they are infact still dealing SDC. Without the beneft of an MD capable cutting tool/weapon, they would starve unless they hunted SDC mages exclusively, or drank from Ley Lines.

I think originally SN/CoM creatures where supposed to generally have material vulnerabilities (silver, iron, wood, water, etc) that would allow those simple SD weapons to inflict MD, at least going off the Random Monster Generator in the Rifts Main Book (not RUE). Now as the Rifts books have progressed, they don't seem to use that feature very often (IINM), but that might explain how Psi-Stalkers where envisioned to be able to hunt MDC SN/CoM effectively even with SD weapons.

Good point. Chaos Demons have said vulnerabilities. So it can be a bit more believable when you consider that in early Rifts Earth history.

And yes, I really miss the Random Monster Generator.
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Re: Why should I be afraid of Psi-Stalkers?

Unread post by flatline »

ShadowLogan wrote:
Kagashi wrote:I think the Psi Stalker rewrite was bad, and went in the wrong direction. To me, it does not make sense on how turning MDC around SN critters helps them cut an MDC creature when they are infact still dealing SDC. Without the beneft of an MD capable cutting tool/weapon, they would starve unless they hunted SDC mages exclusively, or drank from Ley Lines.

I think originally SN/CoM creatures where supposed to generally have material vulnerabilities (silver, iron, wood, water, etc) that would allow those simple SD weapons to inflict MD, at least going off the Random Monster Generator in the Rifts Main Book (not RUE). Now as the Rifts books have progressed, they don't seem to use that feature very often (IINM), but that might explain how Psi-Stalkers where envisioned to be able to hunt MDC SN/CoM effectively even with SD weapons.

This makes sense.

I don't care about canon answers. I'm interested in good, well-reasoned answers and, perhaps, a short discussion of how that answer is supported or contradicted by canon.

If I don't provide a book and page number, then don't assume that I'm describing canon. I'll tell you if I'm describing canon.
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Re: Why should I be afraid of Psi-Stalkers?

Unread post by Shark_Force »

flatline wrote:
ShadowLogan wrote:
Kagashi wrote:I think the Psi Stalker rewrite was bad, and went in the wrong direction. To me, it does not make sense on how turning MDC around SN critters helps them cut an MDC creature when they are infact still dealing SDC. Without the beneft of an MD capable cutting tool/weapon, they would starve unless they hunted SDC mages exclusively, or drank from Ley Lines.

I think originally SN/CoM creatures where supposed to generally have material vulnerabilities (silver, iron, wood, water, etc) that would allow those simple SD weapons to inflict MD, at least going off the Random Monster Generator in the Rifts Main Book (not RUE). Now as the Rifts books have progressed, they don't seem to use that feature very often (IINM), but that might explain how Psi-Stalkers where envisioned to be able to hunt MDC SN/CoM effectively even with SD weapons.

This makes sense.


well, it makes sense except for the fact that supernatural creatures stopped being written with special vulnerabilities long before RUE came out, which is when psi-stalkers got the MDC transformation. go figure.

maybe a large portion of them are also sea inquisitors? =S
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Re: Why should I be afraid of Psi-Stalkers?

Unread post by Tor »

torjones wrote:Ley Line Walkers, Shifters, Techno-Wizards, Temporal Wizards, etc are not Creatures of Magic. Nor are they MDC Supernatural Beings. I know that the Lord Magus would trigger the Psi-Stalker transformation to MDC, as they are Creatures of Magic. the ability to use magic doesn't make you a creature of magic, if you aren't already. Your OCC saying "You become a creature of magic" does.
Course in Palladium YMMV regarding this issue since originally CB1 did classify spellcasters as CoMs but FoM's LordMagus OCC pretty much negated that by inference. Was there anything to imply otherwise prior to WB16?

torjones wrote:how does one "Cut" a Ley Line so that the stalker can begin to feed?
The same way you cut Psi-Cola, obviously.

torjones wrote:how much PPE is contained in that Ley Line for the Stalker to feed upon, once that line does get cut?
Whatever is available, presumably at the rate a standard spellcaster would absorb it. Double if they're a Line Walker or Mystic Knight.

torjones wrote:Does the stalker reduce only that one ley line to zero PPE or does he disrupt the entire web of lines that that particular line is connected to through the various nexus?
Stalkers don't drain lines like they do living beings or psi-cola bottles. Ley lines are streams of energy, not containers, so Stalkers scoop up the water as it flows by, so to speak.

torjones wrote:a stalker can only feed on PPE produced by creatures of magic or supernatural creatures, not ley lines.
The rules say otherwise.

torjones wrote:In order to feed, they must cut the victim, and drain all of their PPE. The stalker can not choose to take only part of a creature's PPE, it's an all or nothing proposition.
Ley lines are not creatures, Stalkers feed upon sources like this differently. They have always been able to absord ley line energy as far as I know.

The descriptions of all-or-nothing are used in conjunction with PPE containers, be they psi-cola bottles or fleshy things that bleed. Ley lines are streams, not containers.

dragonfett wrote:Page 153 of the RUE, bottom of the page, right hand column:
They can absorb mystic ley line energy in an emergency to stay alive, but it tastes bad, like sour milk, makes the Psi-Stalker nauseous (-1 on all combat bonuses for 1d6x10 minutes)
That part about the nauseousness (and resulting penalties) is new, not in my RMB, anyone know when that got introduced? It's not an idea I particularly object to, I guess. Gives more incentive to avoid it, which the roleplaying-based "bad taste like sour milk" part didn't do much for.

flatline wrote:if I'm standing next to a psi-stalker and another psi-stalker 300' away blows my head off with a rifle, how is it that the sniper gets my PPE and not the psi-stalker standing right next to me? According to RUE, the psi-stalker standing next to me can only get the excess that the sniper psi-stalker doesn't absorb. I think the RUE write-up assumes that psi-stalkers always kill their prey close range.
It has more to do with the connection you have with your victim.

The Stalker themself must do the hunting, capturing and cutting, or the killing, for it to work. If a window washer fell and broke their skull next to a Psi-Stalker, they couldn't feed that way. It's a process of connecting yourself to your victim's PPE.

Similarly, Psi-Slayers can't just feed on anyone terrified's PPE, they must personally terrify them.

Shark_Force wrote:very high ME means that they can be hard to hit with some of your best spells.
Do you mean psionics? Very few spells uses a save vs ME or psionics. Only the Mind Blast spell statted out in FoM (introduced in the Wormwood comic) comes to mind as one of these. Stalkers do have a higher PE and additional bonuses to save vs magic too, of course.

Nekira Sudacne wrote:So...why would a psi-stalker be trying to murder some random shifter trying to open a portal?

Yea, they are predators who feed on PPE to survive, but that dosn't make them psycopaths automatically. While there are (cannonically even) psycopathic kill-crazy bastard psi-stalkers, nothing i've seen indicates the majority go around ganking random wizards.

Economically speaking, unless they were raving-starving or cocky and having something to prove to the rest of their tribe, it'd probably be safer to barter with the Shifter about whether or not they'd be allowed to tie up and drain one of the Shifter's supernatural minions.

Since many animals that might be used as familiars have instinctive psionics, their PPE would also be available (not ISP since the powers are automatic, the pets poolless).

Nekira Sudacne wrote:If cannabalism isn't the default for humans, why would it be for psi-stalkers?
Of course, unlike cannibals they have the added option of simply capturing you and giving you a small cut you'll easily recover from, as a way of acquiring their renewable food source.

Mech-Viper Prime wrote:50% of wild psi stalkers are cannibals.
Has it ever been clarified whether this is referring to flesh or PPE? Plus you can be a cannibal by consuming people who die without having a policy of killing to eat them. It could just be an efficiency/dead-honoring practice.

The Mud People in Sword of Truth come to mind as people who will eat enemies who attack them, but will not actively invade and murder innocent human villages to get flesh.

Nekira Sudacne wrote:The thread was about psi-stalkers, not wild psi-stalkers. I consider them two seperate things. those wild psi-stalkers are the equivlent of xenophobic tribes that hate everyone not them, it's an entirely different paradigm.

Wilds are part of Stalkers overall so worth some consideration. Kind of wondering about their breakdown, couldn't find clear info on it in Xiticix Invasion beyond them composing 15% of the CS Army (seem to forgot where to look in CWC of how big that is, overall) and there being among Wilds 500K in the north and 200K in Lone Star. Unsure of breakdown of non-CS civilized forces like Mercs.

kaid wrote:When talking about psi stalkers the majority of them are "wild" psi stalkers. Hard to talk about psi stalkers without taking wild psi stalkers into consideration given the vast majority of psi stalkers around fall into that category.
Would you know where that's indicated? Failed to find confirmation one way or the other on a casual sweep.

kaid wrote:nearly all the "civilized ones" are going to be members of the CS.
Also wondering where this is indicated. I can see the likelihood but wondering if it was explicitly stated.

Kagashi wrote:I think the Psi Stalker rewrite was bad, and went in the wrong direction. To me, it does not make sense on how turning MDC around SN critters helps them cut an MDC creature when they are infact still dealing SDC.
It helps them cut them by allowing them to survive long enough to do so.

Kagashi wrote:Without the beneft of an MD capable cutting tool/weapon, they would starve unless they hunted SDC mages exclusively, or drank from Ley Lines.
There are plenty of ley lines to allow them to avoid starvation. Especially with them turning MDC at ley lines now, I could see many of them congregating at ley lines as a means of survival, both in resisting damage and resisting starvation.

Moving away from ley lines would be a matter of pride, done by the strong and secure. They would not be limited to feeding on SDC mages though. They can feed on the PPE and ISP of minor psionics, who compose a larger segment of humanity. Based on the random rolling tables, isn't something like 30% of humans (and many other species) psychic?

Kagashi wrote:Just seems the mutation would have been more solid if rather then turning MDC when engaged in melee with a SN critter, that they could simply do damage to that SN critter as if they had SN Strength.
It's not a solid mutation if you can't stay solid when hit by an MD attack. The ability to turn MDC at ley lines and when attacked by supernatural critters is a lot more benefical to their long-term survival than being able to damage MDC creatures with their bare hands.

It's not as if ALL supernatural critters are MDC. Though I get the impression most are, I suppose.

Kagashi wrote:Now, it is more believable that they could damage a SN critter in order to drink the PPE without the benefit of a tool a "wild" stalker might not have access too.
Wild Stalkers who can't access MD weaponry would have to limit themselves to SDC supernaturals/psychics/mages/ley lines.

ShadowLogan wrote:I think originally SN/CoM creatures where supposed to generally have material vulnerabilities (silver, iron, wood, water, etc) that would allow those simple SD weapons to inflict MD, at least going off the Random Monster Generator in the Rifts Main Book (not RUE). Now as the Rifts books have progressed, they don't seem to use that feature very often (IINM), but that might explain how Psi-Stalkers where envisioned to be able to hunt MDC SN/CoM effectively even with SD weapons.

Excellent point. We could also take into consideration Chaos Earth, where many monsters DO have vulnerabilities like this, and this would've been roughly the environment in which Psi-Stalkers evolved.

Perhaps the ease at which Psi-Stalkers hunted MDC creatures with unique vulnerabilities explains why we don't see as many of them in modern Rifts Earth?

Also, since Psi-Stalkers have animal empathy, they could have used dogs to inflict damage, since dogs can damage any supernatural creature with their bites and inflict MD with them, per Chaos Earth.
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Re: Why should I be afraid of Psi-Stalkers?

Unread post by ShadowLogan »

Shark_Force wrote:
flatline wrote:
ShadowLogan wrote:
Kagashi wrote:I think the Psi Stalker rewrite was bad, and went in the wrong direction. To me, it does not make sense on how turning MDC around SN critters helps them cut an MDC creature when they are infact still dealing SDC. Without the beneft of an MD capable cutting tool/weapon, they would starve unless they hunted SDC mages exclusively, or drank from Ley Lines.

I think originally SN/CoM creatures where supposed to generally have material vulnerabilities (silver, iron, wood, water, etc) that would allow those simple SD weapons to inflict MD, at least going off the Random Monster Generator in the Rifts Main Book (not RUE). Now as the Rifts books have progressed, they don't seem to use that feature very often (IINM), but that might explain how Psi-Stalkers where envisioned to be able to hunt MDC SN/CoM effectively even with SD weapons.

This makes sense.


well, it makes sense except for the fact that supernatural creatures stopped being written with special vulnerabilities long before RUE came out, which is when psi-stalkers got the MDC transformation. go figure.

maybe a large portion of them are also sea inquisitors? =S

I'm not sure if they stopped with the special vulnerabilities or if it's just that the creatures stopped being thought of as a true SN/CoM in the books (though they might have SN PE/PS attributes) and we only assume they are because they are MDC (ex. various dinosaurs) and/or they have powers (Shaydor Spherians ex.). I would have to go through my books and review various creatures to be sure.

Anyway the MDC transformation is supposed to be a closely guarded secret of Psi-Stalkers (RUE), so maybe it is a more recent mutation to develop (circa 109PA as opposed to circa 100PA). Mystic energy is known to have mutation effects (Rifts Underseas, ex), and feeding on all that PPE may be continuing to result in additional mutations to their genome.
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Re: Why should I be afraid of Psi-Stalkers?

Unread post by Noon »

Can we stop deciding what other peoples characters do, for them?

Yeah, some people might think psi stalkers are nice and it's good to suggest there might be a range of attitudes amongst them.

But telling them how their psi stalker character WILL act ('you will see them as food!') is prima donna-ish.
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Re: Why should I be afraid of Psi-Stalkers?

Unread post by flatline »

Noon wrote:Can we stop deciding what other peoples characters do, for them?

Yeah, some people might think psi stalkers are nice and it's good to suggest there might be a range of attitudes amongst them.

But telling them how their psi stalker character WILL act ('you will see them as food!') is prima donna-ish.

Clearly all character types lack depth, individuality, and the ability to act on anything more sophisticated than their base instincts.

In all those campaigns that I, as a magic user, regularly employed Psi-Stalkers, I was obviously out of line and the GM was mistaken in allowing such relationships to exist.

I don't care about canon answers. I'm interested in good, well-reasoned answers and, perhaps, a short discussion of how that answer is supported or contradicted by canon.

If I don't provide a book and page number, then don't assume that I'm describing canon. I'll tell you if I'm describing canon.
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Re: Why should I be afraid of Psi-Stalkers?

Unread post by Eashamahel »

torjones wrote:Most of what you say is correct, but consider the very short range on that tracking ability... less than half a mile if I'm expending ppe/isp. If I'm not casting, then it's less than 200'. Once I stop casting, the stalker is back down to 200' or less, depending on level. Thats a help, potentially, but I'm thinking in the long run, luck would be a bigger factor. That and legitimate hunting and bounty hunting techniques. Again, I'm not saying it isn't helpful, I just am of the opinion that it's not as big a benefit as some people seem to think it is.


I had always thought that the Psi-Stalkers tracking skills, wilderness techniques and understanding of monsters/mages and magic was what was going to lead them to their prey and track them down, and that the magic sensing abilities were only for use in the final chase, the 'close in for the kill' moment, when the mage/supernatural creature might realize it was in danger and attempt to use magic to escape. I agree that trying to rely on just your 'sense supernatural' abilities would see you go hungry.

Nekira Sudacne wrote:[
By that logic everyone on earth should be a cannibal. after all it's in your own self-interest to eat dead people instead of burying them--free food. what idiot would turn that down?

If cannabalism isn't the default for humans, why would it be for psi-stalkers? That's my point. nothing in their discription leads one to beleive they see killing a mage as no different than killing a cow.

You... might not have a solid grasp of nutrition and biology. Humans aren't that helpful to other humans to consume. Besides not being that helpful, human cannibalism can easily lead to spread of disease and other issues. Everyone on earth should NOT be a cannibal, it would be terrible for us. Psi-Stalkers need worry neither about disease nor incomplete amino acid chains when consuming the PPE of a human.
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Re: Why should I be afraid of Psi-Stalkers?

Unread post by Blue_Lion »

Eashamahel wrote:
torjones wrote:Most of what you say is correct, but consider the very short range on that tracking ability... less than half a mile if I'm expending ppe/isp. If I'm not casting, then it's less than 200'. Once I stop casting, the stalker is back down to 200' or less, depending on level. Thats a help, potentially, but I'm thinking in the long run, luck would be a bigger factor. That and legitimate hunting and bounty hunting techniques. Again, I'm not saying it isn't helpful, I just am of the opinion that it's not as big a benefit as some people seem to think it is.


I had always thought that the Psi-Stalkers tracking skills, wilderness techniques and understanding of monsters/mages and magic was what was going to lead them to their prey and track them down, and that the magic sensing abilities were only for use in the final chase, the 'close in for the kill' moment, when the mage/supernatural creature might realize it was in danger and attempt to use magic to escape. I agree that trying to rely on just your 'sense supernatural' abilities would see you go hungry.

Nekira Sudacne wrote:[
By that logic everyone on earth should be a cannibal. after all it's in your own self-interest to eat dead people instead of burying them--free food. what idiot would turn that down?

If cannabalism isn't the default for humans, why would it be for psi-stalkers? That's my point. nothing in their discription leads one to beleive they see killing a mage as no different than killing a cow.

You... might not have a solid grasp of nutrition and biology. Humans aren't that helpful to other humans to consume. Besides not being that helpful, human cannibalism can easily lead to spread of disease and other issues. Everyone on earth should NOT be a cannibal, it would be terrible for us. Psi-Stalkers need worry neither about disease nor incomplete amino acid chains when consuming the PPE of a human.

To me it seams to say that they can detect you at the greater distance when you are casting and then fallow the scent to you. So they first detect you when you are casting then track you down by fallowing the scent you left. Then they could either attack you as soon as the find you or fallow you and wait for the best chance to strike.

Weather or not a Psi-stalker thinks of you as just food might have something to do with two things, weather or not he has socially interacted with you and thinks of you as a friend, two what his alignment is. If a mage and psi-stalker have no relationship then yes the psi-stalker might think of him as just food. If they have a relationship he will become more attached to you and not think of you as food. (note I am saying most good Psi-stalkers will not feed on friends. But they will be willing to feed on strangers. I am not saying that psi-stalkers of X alignment will not feed on mages.)
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I may debate canon and RAW, but the games I run are highly house ruled. So I am not debating for how I play but about how the system works as written.
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Re: Why should I be afraid of Psi-Stalkers?

Unread post by Tor »

Noon wrote:telling them how their psi stalker character WILL act ('you will see them as food!') is prima donna-ish.
Technically seeing someone as food is more perception/thought, not action. You can see someone as food and opt not to eat them... right away. Just ask the Mock Zombie.

Eashamahel wrote:You... might not have a solid grasp of nutrition and biology. Humans aren't that helpful to other humans to consume. Besides not being that helpful, human cannibalism can easily lead to spread of disease and other issues. Everyone on earth should NOT be a cannibal, it would be terrible for us. Psi-Stalkers need worry neither about disease nor incomplete amino acid chains when consuming the PPE of a human.

While I agree on the disease risk factor (isn't the prime concern stuff like prions which cooking doesn't deal with?) if one doesn't get sick, I think humans would be helpful. Humans have muscle tissue and the like which would be a source of protein.

Speaking of which, Psi-Stalkers DO need to worry about getting a complete variety of amino acids. They need to consume meat in their diet, after all, which is a complete protein. Just... a lot less.
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Re: Why should I be afraid of Psi-Stalkers?

Unread post by Noon »

Tor wrote:
Noon wrote:telling them how their psi stalker character WILL act ('you will see them as food!') is prima donna-ish.
Technically seeing someone as food is more perception/thought, not action.

If you're into dualism, technically yes.
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Re: Why should I be afraid of Psi-Stalkers?

Unread post by Shark_Force »

PCs are exceptions to the rule. your PC may view others (be they PCs or NPCs) however you wish, i really don't care one way or the other.

that does not magically change what the setting says regarding how a typical individual will perceive a certain person, and i can't for the life of me imagine why it would be even the tiniest bit relevant to bother bringing up that your PC might not view someone as food. why would that even matter? the question isn't about one specific psi-stalker, it's about psi-stalkers in general, and psi-stalkers in general act in a certain specific way.

this has absolutely nothing to do with anyone trying to tell anyone how to play their PC, and it baffles me why people seem to want to make it about that.
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Re: Why should I be afraid of Psi-Stalkers?

Unread post by Nightmask »

Shark_Force wrote:PCs are exceptions to the rule. your PC may view others (be they PCs or NPCs) however you wish, i really don't care one way or the other.

that does not magically change what the setting says regarding how a typical individual will perceive a certain person, and i can't for the life of me imagine why it would be even the tiniest bit relevant to bother bringing up that your PC might not view someone as food. why would that even matter? the question isn't about one specific psi-stalker, it's about psi-stalkers in general, and psi-stalkers in general act in a certain specific way.

this has absolutely nothing to do with anyone trying to tell anyone how to play their PC, and it baffles me why people seem to want to make it about that.

Generally to distract from the issue at hand, or from having a bad GM that insisted they had to play a character 'by the book', so being told that they couldn't play their Psi-Stalker as NOT seeing everyone who wasn't a psi-stalker as food or for an AD&D reference that they had to play their Paladin Lawful Stupid or he'd immediately reduce it to just being a Fighter. Since some GM treat those general behaviors like they're graven in stone and force them onto a player's PC when they come up for discussion they generate the 'well that's not how I play them' response, especially if someone insists that they all without exception will behave a particular way or think a particular thought.
Fair warning: I consider being called a munchkin a highly offensive slur and do report people when they err in doing so.

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It's 'canon', not 'cannon'. A cannon is a big gun like on pirate ships, canon is what you mean when referring to something as being contained within one of the books such as how many dice to roll for a stat.
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Re: Why should I be afraid of Psi-Stalkers?

Unread post by Killer Cyborg »

The question is why one should be afraid of Psi-Stalkers. That's a general question, one that is answered in the context of the general characteristics of Psi-Stalkers, NOT the specific variations of PCs.
"Fifty percent are cannibals who eat part of their victims or tear them to shreds. The act of cannibalism, or unnecessary violence, is a manifestation of the predatory instinct and aggression..."
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Re: Why should I be afraid of Psi-Stalkers?

Unread post by Eashamahel »

Perfectly said.

A (comparatively) large group of super-human psychic-wilderness cannibals exist. That should be concerning.
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Re: Why should I be afraid of Psi-Stalkers?

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I said other peoples characters. Not just player characters. Tell the GM or telling other GM's how to play their characters is the same dealio. At best maybe Kevin imagines characters are like clockwork and always do X or Y because they are clockwork. I dunno if it's manditory to play that way or it's not really playing. But I don't find it interesting to play a world of clockwork characters.

Why someone canibalises and uses more violence than necessary (check humanities history of canabalism - it wasn't all for the one singular dang reason why) - there can be more than one why. Unless one tends to treat ones own reading of it as the only reason.

Really we have one poster who wants their shifter to be safe on the ley line and...surprise surprise, they say a psi stalker wouldn't attack.

And we have another poster who doesn't want their shifter to be safe on they ley line and...surprise surprise, they they say a psi stalker would attack.

The first step is realising that when it comes to ambigious texts that can be read in several ways, that there is no single answer, so no one has the one answer (as there is no one answer). Thus no one is right.

Or you can keep treating it as if there is only one answer. Even though curiously both parties have a different answer (clearly the other side is just being a stubborn fool, eh?)
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Re: Why should I be afraid of Psi-Stalkers?

Unread post by kaid »

There is a lot of psi stalker info in the xiticix invasion book frankly one of the more useful reasons to get the book and I think lone star also talks about the psi stalkers a bit too.

Just for the tribes up near the hivelands the populations listed were around half a million+ psi stalkers. The Psi stalker range is listed pretty much from canada all the way down the mississippi river valley corridor and into the near western states and texas. Given what we know of the size of the CS army and the percentage of the army being psi stalkers is listed at 15% the hivelands tribes alone outnumber the ones involved with the CS.

As far as the percentage of civilized ones not under CS control they don't list the number but there are few other forces that maintain a sizable standing army that are not also large forces of magic like lazlo/federation of magic and I would assume the number of psi stalkers working for those groups as being around that many magic users/supernatural beings would probably end with a lot of dead folks one way or the other if you add psi stalkers to the mix.

Really from a psi stalker perspective working for the CS is win win win. They like dog boys and get along great with them and you have a nation that hates magic users and super natural critters and will pay you very well do do a job that comes completly naturally to the psi stalker and while doing that giving them top of the line combat gear/armor and access to call down fire support that is unmatched to help them kill supernatural things. That and given the numbers of them in the arm the CS has to be recruiting for psi stalkers pretty heavily. Also the major psi stalker ranges tends to intersect a lot of the CS states and the grudging respect the psi stalkers have in general with the CS I would tend to think most psi stalkers who want the city life wind up in the arms of the CS with the few elsewhere being ones who probably are ex CS troops who had a bad experience of some nature that caused them to leave/desert.
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Re: Why should I be afraid of Psi-Stalkers?

Unread post by Tor »

Noon wrote:
Tor wrote:seeing someone as food is more perception/thought, not action.
If you're into dualism, technically yes.

It requires dualism to distinguish perception from reaction? "Act" I guess could mean simply roleplaying too though, not physical doings.

Of course GMs are free to tell vampires and the like "you're hungry for their blood" so why not Psi-Stalkers with PPE? Does a Psi-Stalker see a human mage's PPE very differently from the way a Mock Zombie does? Or do they both hallucinate giant PPE hot dogs?

Eashamahel wrote:A (comparatively) large group of super-human psychic-wilderness cannibals exist. That should be concerning.

It would be, if they were a bit more super. Vampires are more feared for good reason.

Besides, puppies love Psi-Stalkers, they can't be too bad.

I wish I knew how many Stalkers were in the CS. 15% of the forces if I recall but I don't know how big the CS army is.
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Re: Why should I be afraid of Psi-Stalkers?

Unread post by Eashamahel »

They're super enough to stab you in your sleep.

And Vampires are feared for good reason. If every creature a Psi-Stalker killed to feed on rose as a psi-stalker, there would be a campaign to eliminate them no doubt.
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Re: Why should I be afraid of Psi-Stalkers?

Unread post by Tor »

To be fair, it's not every vampire fatality, rather they need to do that slow-kill junk which is rather elaborate.

The zombies in Dead Reign or Shadows of Light are far worse, really, in terms of conversion speed.
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Re: Why should I be afraid of Psi-Stalkers?

Unread post by Eashamahel »

Indeed, and Psi-Stalkers don't actually need to kill their prey, but as an example it's pretty fair, I would say.

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