Arcane Mechanic

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Arcane Mechanic

Unread post by ScrapDaddy »

I am currently trying my hand at a custom OCC, The Arcane Mechanic.

Arcane Mechanic OCC

The Arcane Mechanic is a master of the Arcane Arts, just the same as any Wizard or Diabolist, only possesses the knack to infuse his magics into masterful pieces of craftsmanship.

With the abilities to create traps and constructs to serve at his whim, a seasoned Mechanic is often times the Jack of All Trades, Filling the role of Bowman, Rogue and Caster all at once.

Artificers begin their apprenticeship at the age of twelve, working for and learning from his Master until he has reached his journeyman status at the age of 18.

Through prolonged contact with arcane forces, strange alchemical process and hours of working only in the company of his creations, The Mechanic more often than not loses a few screws in his own mind along the way. He is often likened to the Mad Hatter, Driven to a touch of insanity by his work.

I've only just begun working on the stats, Just interested to see what everyone thinks.

Over & Out, ScrapDaddy
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Re: Arcane Mechanic

Unread post by MADMANMIKE »

Interesting.. Sort of a fantasy Techno-Wizard.. I can't wait to hear more..
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Re: Arcane Mechanic

Unread post by ScrapDaddy »

Here's what I've conjured up for Levels one and two- Still trying to iron things out in my head. This is going to take a week or two.

Arcane Mechanic Abilities

Level 1- Inscribe Infusion, Rapid Reload, Summon Minor Construct, Reanimate Construct

Inscribe Infusion- The Arcane Mechanic may inscribe any scroll of his caster level or lower into his spellbook, so long as it is a spell that falls within his domain. This process requires 1d4hours per spell level and expensive materials, usually 1d8x10gp per spell level.

Rapid Reload- Through untold hours of practice with his crossbow, the Mechanic has trained his muscles to reload bolts as if by magic. He may fire as many bolts as he has attack actions every melee without pausing to reload.

Summon Minor Construct- As his Journeyman project, The Mechanic must build a companion construct. This construct is usually built in the likeness of a large dog, Like a Pit Bull or German Shepard, but all manner of creature and robot has been assembled. See “Companion Construct” for more information.

Reanimate Construct- Once per day, The Mechanic may infuse a portion of his life force into a fallen construct in order to revive them.

Level 2- Rune Gauntlet Use

After the Journeyman Mechanic has proved their worth, The master Mechanic teaches them the secrets of the Rune Gauntlet, a mystical artifact that infuses weapons with arcane energy, can fire bolts of energy, and provide the caster with any number of arcane bonuses. (The rune arm is effectively a pre-cursor to Techno Wizard weapons in Rifts)

Rune Gauntlets can be built, but more oft than not are recovered as treasure.

Over & Out, ScrapDaddy
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Re: Arcane Mechanic

Unread post by kiralon »

I'd think about changing the name of the gauntlet as rune magic is lost, and other then a god or 3 and a runeforge or 2 the knowledge to make rune <insert word here> is lost, especially to mortals.
As they sound part diabolicalist I'd probably call it ward fist or something like that, and then maybe with it and the arcane mechanics blood be able to put a limited number of wards on the mechanical construct to beef it up, with certain ward combos doing extra stuff, as a reward for the mechanic experimenting. Maybe a percentile list that they roll on and certain (only dm knows) combinations will change its form or things like that.
Also I try to limit things like being able to shoot a crossbow flat out, because he has to spend a lot of time learning magic, so he won't ever have the same skill as someone who only practises with a crossbow, yet he would outshoot them. Create a crossbow that auto roosters itself by magic yes, the person himself being able to do it faster then a trained bowman would be no. He is already trying to master item creation and diabolism, mastering a crossbow as well would mean he never slept since the age of 12, and he would have the arms of a gorilla, cocking a crossbow takes a lot of time, and placing the quarrel takes a bit of time as well, so he shouldn't be able to shoot as fast as a longbowman.
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Re: Arcane Mechanic

Unread post by ScrapDaddy »

That does make alot more sense, Kiralon, About the crossbows. The gauntlet issue, though, I didn't mean it was a rune weapon. I was thinking diabolist style, a forged gauntlet with rune words and enchantments.

If it isn't obvious, I'm trying to bring a favorite from another world into light with Palladium. If we can have warriors and wizards and thieves, why not an Artificer? I should change the wording from mystical artifact to something a little less mystical, lol.

Thanks for the input, More to follow!
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Re: Arcane Mechanic

Unread post by auyl »

I'd have to agree with kiralon. Be very careful in how you use the word "rune" in any Palladium setting as they have a certain connotation with the history that rune items have. You'd almost be safer calling it something else so as to not cause confusion.
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Re: Arcane Mechanic

Unread post by ScrapDaddy »

Okay, how's this?

Arcane Mechanic OCC

The Arcane Mechanic is a master of the Arcane Arts, just the same as any Wizard or Diabolist, only possesses the knack to infuse his magics into masterful pieces of craftsmanship.

With the abilities to create traps and constructs to serve at his whim, a seasoned Mechanic is often times the Jack of All Trades, Filling the role of Bowman, Rogue and Caster all at once.

Mechanics begin their apprenticeship at the age of twelve, working for and learning from his Master until he has reached his journeyman status at the age of 18.

Through prolonged contact with arcane forces, strange alchemical process and hours of working only in the company of his creations, The Mechanic more often than not loses a few screws in his own mind along the way. He is often likened to the Mad Hatter, Driven to a touch of insanity by his work.

Arcane Mechanic Abilities

Level 1- Inscribe Infusion, Rapid Reload, Summon Minor Construct, Reanimate Construct

Inscribe Infusion- The Arcane Mechanic may inscribe any scroll of his caster level or lower into his spellbook, so long as it is a spell that falls within his domain. This process requires 1d4hours per spell level and expensive materials, usually 1d8x10gp per spell level.

Rapid Reload- As one of his apprentice skills, The mechanic is taught to enchant a crossbow to magically reload itself! The crossbow can fire as many times per round as the Mechanic has attacks, but is at -2 to strike. The enchantment is activated by infusing PPE into the weapon, costing the Mechanic 2 PPE points per melee round, as long as the enchantment is active.

Summon Minor Construct- As his Journeyman project, The Mechanic must build a companion construct. This construct is usually built in the likeness of a large dog, Like a Pit Bull or German Shepard, but all manner of creature and robot has been assembled. See “Companion Construct” for more information.

Reanimate Construct- Once per day, The Mechanic may infuse a portion of his life force into a fallen construct in order to revive them.

Level 2- Arcane Fist Use, Trap building

After the Journeyman Mechanic has proved their worth, The master Mechanic teaches them the secrets of the Arcane Fist that infuses weapons with arcane energy, can fire bolts of energy, and provide the caster with any number of arcane bonuses. (The Arcane Fist is effectively a pre-cursor to Techno Wizard weapons in Rifts)

Arcane Fists can be built, but more oft than not are recovered as treasure.

The Mechanic has also fine tuned his trap making skills, Allowing him to build simple traps with ease. (Adds +10 to Sabatoge skill) This only applies to building traps, not placing them.

Level 3- Construct Minor Enchanted objects

The Mechanic has honed his skills enough to produce Minor Enchanted Weapons with reliable results.
The process takes anywhere from hours to days, Depending on the weapon and enchantment. For example, A dagger that does 1d4 extra elemental damage can be produced in a small amount of time while a broad axe with the same function to strike may take up to three days.

This process consists of “keying” the weapon for enchantments by cleansing it with certain acids or magics, then scribing enchantments into the weapon.

At this level, only one enchantment can be placed on an object at a time, at the cost of 20 PPE,
And may only be performed in a Workshop.

Treat as a skill check, Construct Minor Enchantment 75%+5 per level. Make one roll to key the weapon, and another to enchant.

Level 4- Deconstruct Enchantments

The Mechanic has learned enough about building enchantments that he may destroy the enchantments of others. After studying an object for 2d8 hours, he can begin attempting to unravel the old enchantment.

Treat as a skill check, Deconstruct Enchantment 60% +5 per level. Make one roll to determine if the correct identification is made, and another to deconstruct.

Level 5- Retain Essence

The Mechanic has learned how to retain magical energy from one artifact, so that they may infuse it into another of their own device. This ability allows the Mechanic, on a successful skill roll, to remove magical affects from one artifact of their level or lower, and infuse it into another. Distilled essences only hold their power for three days, losing half their power every 24 hours afterward.

This cannot be used on the Rune Weapons of legend, as their secrets have been lost to this world. The chances of running across one of these fabled weapons is almost nil, anyway.

Example- Dax D'Fenescue has found a short sword that does +3 flame damage. He would like to take that power and infuse it into his Heavy Repeating Crossbow. He deconstructs the sword in his workshop, distilling the magical essence, but destroying the sword. He may then infuse this essence into his crossbow, or any other device.

Four skill rolls must be made, First the standard two to deconstruct, then the standard two in order to construct.
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Re: Arcane Mechanic

Unread post by kiralon »

With rapid reload does it cost an action to pump ppe into the crossbow, this is usually an action for anything else. Can you pump more then 2 in so you don't have to keep "reloading" it each round, what is the maximum if so.

Also with companion creatures they tend to turn up from level 2 onwards or be difficult to get. Eg warlocks with elementals, familiars, druids summoning helpful animals. The beastmaster which is a class that is the specialist in helpful companions can get one at level 1
and bring it back with %45 chance. Being able to do it all from level 1 isn't a jack of all trades master of none, its a master of all. Same with the deconstruction and construction of enchanted items. The other class that can do this is the alchemist,
The alchemist must be a multiple O.C.C. character. To become
one, the character MUST be at least a sixth level Wizard, sixth
level Diabolist and third level Summoner
and that's to start as alchemist who can make magic items.
and the alchemist guard their secrets.
A character who can do that from level 3, with a %75 + %5 is also not a jack of all trades, but someone who is more masterful at it then the specialist.
Wizards also can copy spells into their spellbook, but they have an %8 chance + %2 per level, and the arcane mechanic can do it without error from level one with a small cost. A lot of wizards would give their first born for that.

and retain essence should probably be called transfer essence, unless you are talking about pulling the magic out of an item and storing it, if so then the skill check should be difficult and/or expensive.

The ideas are good, but id guess from the power level of the character its from rifts. It is a very powerful class when compared to others in palladium. I know I wouldn't let my players run with it without a lot of toning down, and if someone is a jack of all trades, they should generally be worse at all their skills then their specialist counterparts.

Can they make things like a smith. Its sounds like they need smithing and a bit of engineering skills. For some reason I see this being a dwarf.
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Re: Arcane Mechanic

Unread post by ScrapDaddy »

Haven't had a chance to work on this any farther, but will very soon-
"When fate taps you on the shoulder, You best pay attention. Unfortunately, Fate has that blasted habit of tapping the opposite shoulder, so when you turn, she's on your other side, Giggling like a schoolgirl. I hate that"
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Re: Arcane Mechanic

Unread post by kiralon »

Would be good to see the finished product
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Re: Arcane Mechanic

Unread post by pblackcrow »

Okay, so, a few questions...Are the creatures made up of clockwork parts (Think the original movie Clash of the Titans...Hephaestus makes an owl for Athena when Zeus tells her to give his son her owl)? If so, are they like the their Familiars? Can they be used by say a wizard as a familiar?
Ankh, udja, seneb.
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