go directly to jail

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go directly to jail

Unread post by gelidus »

So I was looking through the rifts books and I could not find much on prison for things with supernatural str, Yes there is one in the heros book but not in rifts.

I was thinking about it, Unless you chair them up or some how restrain them there gonna get through any normal wall just buy slamming there first/head/kicking it even its a MDC wall short of being chained up there still gonna get through it sooner or latter.

is there a book that I am missing that has more of prison that does not require 24/7 guards/drugs for prison system for supernatural str beings or just those that can do mdc hits?
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Re: go directly to jail

Unread post by drewkitty ~..~ »

The only PB book that deals with prisons for the SN is Gramercy Island and it is a HU2 book.
There is in the AU books having restraints for 'powered beings'.

Mostly cause, i think, that the SN are ether set free or killed most of the time, outside the HU setting, not imprisoned.
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Re: go directly to jail

Unread post by Killer Cyborg »

I'd say that you pretty much have to restrain them or keep them doped up, 24/7.
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Re: go directly to jail

Unread post by flatline »

The issue, of course, is that the system doesn't use damage resistance. If it did, you would just make the walls have a higher damage resistance than the imprisoned being can do with their fists.

I don't care about canon answers. I'm interested in good, well-reasoned answers and, perhaps, a short discussion of how that answer is supported or contradicted by canon.

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Re: go directly to jail

Unread post by Eashamahel »

gelidus wrote:So I was looking through the rifts books and I could not find much on prison for things with supernatural str, Yes there is one in the heros book but not in rifts.

I was thinking about it, Unless you chair them up or some how restrain them there gonna get through any normal wall just buy slamming there first/head/kicking it even its a MDC wall short of being chained up there still gonna get through it sooner or latter.

is there a book that I am missing that has more of prison that does not require 24/7 guards/drugs for prison system for supernatural str beings or just those that can do mdc hits?

Realize first that there is NOTHING in game from stopping an SDC human from doing the same thing to an SDC prison. This isn't a system with a 'break' difficulty and a 'hardness' rating or damage reduction. This is a system where the steel bars have 100SDC each, and you inflict 1D4SDC with a punch, and there is no systematic way for you to hurt yourself punching it. You are told to 'use common sense', a term I hate, because it doesn't accurately explain what you really need to do, which is play in a storytelling style, as opposed to a systematic style, as often as possible.

So yes, most Supernaturally strong beings are kept shackled so they can't punch or kick, in MDC prisons with MDC walls and bars. They could of course headbutt or bodyblock the walls down eventually, but the concept is usually that guards are there to tell them to stop.
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Re: go directly to jail

Unread post by kaid »

I always got the feel that most crimes involving supernatural strength beings probably winds up being old west style justice if you find them guilty of a major crime then they are taken out and executed.

The CS war book does have some description of restraints to mess up magic users/psychics to keep SDC prisioners of that sort under control.
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Re: go directly to jail

Unread post by rat_bastard »

Bomb or Vibra-Garrote Collar. You can't stop him from being strong but you can make their misbehavior fatal, I recommend using the NG Tazer rifle in Merc Opps (Page 92) for a non lethal takedown method as well. For Psychics there is a NGR manufactured Drug called Psych-b that costs 25-50 credits a pop and ruins their ability to use psionics.
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Re: go directly to jail

Unread post by mobuttu »

Check out pg. 151-152 WB21: Splynn Dimensional Market. There are some MDC and SDC shackles and manacles. Even how to pick lock them.
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Re: go directly to jail

Unread post by gelidus »

So basicly if they have something that they can't/don't want to kill for what it knows or for testing your stuck holding the guy under guard 24/7 or just accpect that fact that he is gonna escape sooner or latter?
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Re: go directly to jail

Unread post by rat_bastard »

gelidus wrote:So basicly if they have something that they can't/don't want to kill for what it knows or for testing your stuck holding the guy under guard 24/7 or just accpect that fact that he is gonna escape sooner or latter?

Thats the way all prisons operate, there are guards on duty 24/7.
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Re: go directly to jail

Unread post by Noon »

It's a perceptual thing.

You wouldn't let a human punch through a bulk head, even though it's an SDC bulk head.

When it gets to MDC our commonly understood rules of how things work fail us and we think the supernatural creature can punch through a MDC bulk head or MDC bars.
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Re: go directly to jail

Unread post by Shark_Force »

there are a handful of spells that create regenerating walls. in theory, you could have a permanency ward applied to one of them, or create a TW device that generates one indefinitely.

the availability of either would be largely up to the GM to decide.
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Re: go directly to jail

Unread post by Tor »

gelidus wrote:Unless you chair them up or some how restrain them there gonna get through any normal wall just buy slamming there first/head/kicking it even its a MDC wall short of being chained up there still gonna get through it sooner or latter.

Vibro-blades on the walls. Explosive device, maybe C4 wrapped around their neck.

Keeping the suicidal alive while imprisoned woudl be harder, would go with the chain or drug option there.
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