Can someone beside Stone Master build pyramids?

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Can someone beside Stone Master build pyramids?

Unread post by SolCannibal »

The kind that matters for Rifts obviously, those helps to control ambient PPE and helps with portals & stuff.

I would like to know if only atlanteans or those cultures who learned somehow this specific OCC can create stuff that affects ambient PPE, manipulates ley line nexuses, rifts & stuff - or if any other spellcasters or psychics might create comparable things and if so, which ones.
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Re: Can someone beside Stone Master build pyramids?

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It doesnt say who but in hades there are a couple demon made stone pyrimids, so some high level demon was able to or group of them.
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Re: Can someone beside Stone Master build pyramids?

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That's my main problem - the text about them in the Atlantis says almost nothing on how would someone build one beside "stone masters can do it, atlantean stone masters can operate them like nobody else", what's far from helpful. At least that's what little i remember.
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Re: Can someone beside Stone Master build pyramids?

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Maybe - clearing up if making the magic stone pyramids described in Atlantis is or not a "stone master only" kind of thing and if not, what practitioners of magic may be capable of making them or not.

Rules on building magical stuff in general - i would say that part of what makes things confusing with magic in Rifts is how many aspects are OCC-based in comparison to the skill focus of anything technological.
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Re: Can someone beside Stone Master build pyramids?

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Little Snuzzles wrote:
SolCannibal wrote:The kind that matters for Rifts obviously, those helps to control ambient PPE and helps with portals & stuff.

I would like to know if only atlanteans or those cultures who learned somehow this specific OCC can create stuff that affects ambient PPE, manipulates ley line nexuses, rifts & stuff - or if any other spellcasters or psychics might create comparable things and if so, which ones.

I've been under the impression that pretty much anybody can build one; I don't know of any restriction that says building them are limited to Atlaneans.

Well, can anybody do stone magic? Because text-wise the actual building and manipulation of one seems strongly associated to it in particular.
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Re: Can someone beside Stone Master build pyramids?

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SolCannibal wrote:
Little Snuzzles wrote:
SolCannibal wrote:The kind that matters for Rifts obviously, those helps to control ambient PPE and helps with portals & stuff.

I would like to know if only atlanteans or those cultures who learned somehow this specific OCC can create stuff that affects ambient PPE, manipulates ley line nexuses, rifts & stuff - or if any other spellcasters or psychics might create comparable things and if so, which ones.

I've been under the impression that pretty much anybody can build one; I don't know of any restriction that says building them are limited to Atlaneans.

Well, can anybody do stone magic? Because text-wise the actual building and manipulation of one seems strongly associated to it in particular.

It could be similar to how Japanese Zanji Shinjinken-Ryu masters from Rifts: Japan can craft rune swords even though they've no magic to speak of. As long as you know the Martial Art and reach level 12 you can craft these magical rune weapons due to the special ritual involved. Crafting stone pyramids that can properly cap/regulate Ley Lines and Nexus Points could easily be in the same category, where Stone Masters just all know it because their special powers of moving massive amounts of stone easily make it very compatible with them so they just get taught how to build them (plus the originators of the magic, True Atlanteans, having benefits from them so naturally would include the crafting of them as part of the magic class).
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Re: Can someone beside Stone Master build pyramids?

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Nightmask wrote:
SolCannibal wrote:
Little Snuzzles wrote:
SolCannibal wrote:The kind that matters for Rifts obviously, those helps to control ambient PPE and helps with portals & stuff.

I would like to know if only atlanteans or those cultures who learned somehow this specific OCC can create stuff that affects ambient PPE, manipulates ley line nexuses, rifts & stuff - or if any other spellcasters or psychics might create comparable things and if so, which ones.

I've been under the impression that pretty much anybody can build one; I don't know of any restriction that says building them are limited to Atlaneans.

Well, can anybody do stone magic? Because text-wise the actual building and manipulation of one seems strongly associated to it in particular.

It could be similar to how Japanese Zanji Shinjinken-Ryu masters from Rifts: Japan can craft rune swords even though they've no magic to speak of. As long as you know the Martial Art and reach level 12 you can craft these magical rune weapons due to the special ritual involved. Crafting stone pyramids that can properly cap/regulate Ley Lines and Nexus Points could easily be in the same category, where Stone Masters just all know it because their special powers of moving massive amounts of stone easily make it very compatible with them so they just get taught how to build them (plus the originators of the magic, True Atlanteans, having benefits from them so naturally would include the crafting of them as part of the magic class).

That is basically what i had in mind, my main doubt is, if it is so, can anyone beside them learn to use/create such pyramids? Is crafting stone pyramids that can properly cap/regulate Ley Lines and Nexus Points something dependent on such a rapport/know-how or something they are "merely" better at doing than other practitioners of magic?

I know for a fact Temporal Magic, for an example, is complicated for other magic OCCs but can be learned but know of no such info in relation to stone magic or the pyramids, so my doubts.
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Re: Can someone beside Stone Master build pyramids?

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SolCannibal wrote:
Nightmask wrote:It could be similar to how Japanese Zanji Shinjinken-Ryu masters from Rifts: Japan can craft rune swords even though they've no magic to speak of. As long as you know the Martial Art and reach level 12 you can craft these magical rune weapons due to the special ritual involved. Crafting stone pyramids that can properly cap/regulate Ley Lines and Nexus Points could easily be in the same category, where Stone Masters just all know it because their special powers of moving massive amounts of stone easily make it very compatible with them so they just get taught how to build them (plus the originators of the magic, True Atlanteans, having benefits from them so naturally would include the crafting of them as part of the magic class).

That is basically what i had in mind, my main doubt is, if it is so, can anyone beside them learn to use/create such pyramids? Is crafting stone pyramids that can properly cap/regulate Ley Lines and Nexus Points something dependent on such a rapport/know-how or something they are "merely" better at doing than other practitioners of magic?

I know for a fact Temporal Magic, for an example, is complicated for other magic OCCs but can be learned but know of no such info in relation to stone magic or the pyramids, so my doubts.

Well it's not like Palladium's been very consistent about magic or the crafting of magic items/sites, especially who can do what and who can learn what. You've things floating around that were enchanted just because a group followed made up rituals but the belief and focus of the faux rituals actually worked, particularly after the coming of the Rifts pumped massive amounts of magical energy into the environment.

Given there are locations around that have been made by mages but we're given vague 'well they just did it' explanations the magical and not-so-magically inclined have room to get away with creating some things at least due to the ritualistic nature of those things. The Non-Magical Zanji master crafts obviously powerful magical weapons so I wouldn't see where there'd be a problem with the non-magically inclined or at least other mages that aren't Stone Masters crafting the magical Stone Pyramids. Provided they've the proper instruction (like say having helped build one before) to know the proper ways of doing it.
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It's 'canon', not 'cannon'. A cannon is a big gun like on pirate ships, canon is what you mean when referring to something as being contained within one of the books such as how many dice to roll for a stat.
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Re: Can someone beside Stone Master build pyramids?

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Good point - sometimes i feel the magic system would benefit considerably of having more skills representing specialized brands of magic in place of the excess of OCCs, but that's me being a grumpy fart. Thanks anyway, it has been pretty helpful.
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Re: Can someone beside Stone Master build pyramids?

Unread post by Nightmask »

SolCannibal wrote:Good point - sometimes i feel the magic system would benefit considerably of having more skills representing specialized brands of magic in place of the excess of OCCs, but that's me being a grumpy fart. Thanks anyway, it has been pretty helpful.

Glad to be of help, and yes it'd be nice if the magic system were more neat and tidy and didn't have an OCC for everything and no explanation as to whether or not items like the Stone Pyramid can be produced by others. Not surprising though, the game has a major bias against mages creating anything especially anything permanent. Even techo-wizards only get away with it because technology is involved, since magic is kept limited in favor of technology.
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It's 'canon', not 'cannon'. A cannon is a big gun like on pirate ships, canon is what you mean when referring to something as being contained within one of the books such as how many dice to roll for a stat.
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Re: Can someone beside Stone Master build pyramids?

Unread post by SolCannibal »

Nightmask wrote:
SolCannibal wrote:Good point - sometimes i feel the magic system would benefit considerably of having more skills representing specialized brands of magic in place of the excess of OCCs, but that's me being a grumpy fart. Thanks anyway, it has been pretty helpful.

Glad to be of help, and yes it'd be nice if the magic system were more neat and tidy and didn't have an OCC for everything and no explanation as to whether or not items like the Stone Pyramid can be produced by others. Not surprising though, the game has a major bias against mages creating anything especially anything permanent. Even techo-wizards only get away with it because technology is involved, since magic is kept limited in favor of technology.

Real shame indeed as the cluttered nature of the magic system in Rifts sometimes seem to be one of the worse hurdles in the way of streamlining the character creation as a whole.
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Re: Can someone beside Stone Master build pyramids?

Unread post by SolCannibal »

Little Snuzzles wrote:
SolCannibal wrote:Well, can anybody do stone magic? Because text-wise the actual building and manipulation of one seems strongly associated to it in particular.

The way I read it: Pyramids are part of Stone Magic, but they're not exclusive to Stone Magic. As was pointed out earlier, there are demons who have created pyramids in Hades. Also Tolkeen & Lazlo have pyramids, and there are many illustrations & descriptions in the books of cities & towns that have them. Not to mention the original pyramids in Egypt.

Well, Stone Magic though majorly associated with atlanteans (as a series of extra bonuses they as members of this O.C.C. get shows) is not exclusively theirs and Tolkeen & Lazlo are meeting places of people of such multidimensional variety one could make a case for their creating pyramids with or without stone magic. And Egypt, well, except for Ammit, Benu and Apis - ah, and Sobek at the end of the book - all other egyptian deities in Rifts Africa have levels of Stone Master. Same goes for a number of Aztec deities.

Anyway, the books do give some room but can take it just as easily most of time - it's at times like this that i would like some clear rules on creating magic objects and structures.
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Re: Can someone beside Stone Master build pyramids?

Unread post by DhAkael »

Anyone can build a pryamid, given enough of a labour force and materials.
A "DIMENSIONAL" pyramid? Well... depends on which 'canon' you go by. The Pyramids in Egypt are actually NOT built by stone-masters (stone MASONS, but not masters ;) )if you go by the Beyond the Supernatural canon... while in Rifts Africa..we have no [censored] clue ;)
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Re: Can someone beside Stone Master build pyramids?

Unread post by SolCannibal »

DhAkael wrote:Anyone can build a pryamid, given enough of a labour force and materials.
A "DIMENSIONAL" pyramid? Well... depends on which 'canon' you go by. The Pyramids in Egypt are actually NOT built by stone-masters (stone MASONS, but not masters ;) )if you go by the Beyond the Supernatural canon... while in Rifts Africa..we have no [censored] clue ;)

Well, as i said above - the Rifts versions of Egyptian and Aztec deities both have experience (levels) with stone magic, what looks like a big [censored] clue, actually.
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Re: Can someone beside Stone Master build pyramids?

Unread post by Tor »

Tezcat, Xipe and Cihuacoatl are the Aztec Stone Masters... no to mention the Imposter Aristophanes/Nahualli who hangs out with Corellation the fake Quetzal

There's also Mummu of the Babylonians and Sharevar of the Persians.
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Re: Can someone beside Stone Master build pyramids?

Unread post by random_username »

SolCannibal wrote:the Rifts versions of Egyptian and Aztec deities both have experience (levels) with stone magic, what looks like a big [censored] clue, actually.

Egyptian Pantheon - General Notes #3. [W4:Africa, many updated in D&G] Effectively a privilege/focus that ALL members of this pantheon benefit from (either fully or partially).
Includes those promoted/elevated to members of the pantheon from lesser forms/beings: Apepi (Dragon), Horus, ...
Members Seemingly Lacking Any Such Abilities: Ammit, Bennu, Apsis, ... These 3 listed are also very anti-technology, pro-innate abilities though.
Note the presence of Thoth and that its at a very high level (4th highest of his 7 magic specialties).
Pantheon - General Notes (just before #1) list that there may be more unlisted members of the pantheon.

Aztec Pantheon - Relations With Other Beings #4. [C2:Pantheons] This covers pyramid knowledge acquisition from the True Atlanteans (implied painfully extracted).
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Re: Can someone beside Stone Master build pyramids?

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My dog leaves little pyramids on the lawn. :)
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Re: Can someone beside Stone Master build pyramids?

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Anyone can build a stone pyramid.

Only stone masters can make it magical.
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Re: Can someone beside Stone Master build pyramids?

Unread post by eliakon »

Nekira Sudacne wrote:Anyone can build a stone pyramid.

Only stone masters can make it magical.

Although if you can't get a stone master, a demon god can do in a pinch (Hades has a psudeo-pyramid built by a the demon lords)
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Re: Can someone beside Stone Master build pyramids?

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eliakon wrote:
Nekira Sudacne wrote:Anyone can build a stone pyramid.

Only stone masters can make it magical.

Although if you can't get a stone master, a demon god can do in a pinch (Hades has a psudeo-pyramid built by a the demon lords)

How do you know they didn't subcontract part of it out to a stone master worshiper/slave?
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Re: Can someone beside Stone Master build pyramids?

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Nekira Sudacne wrote:
eliakon wrote:
Nekira Sudacne wrote:Anyone can build a stone pyramid.

Only stone masters can make it magical.

Although if you can't get a stone master, a demon god can do in a pinch (Hades has a psudeo-pyramid built by a the demon lords)

How do you know they didn't subcontract part of it out to a stone master worshiper/slave?

So you can see my problem, as there are some magic pyramids here and there in the books but little to no information to actually deny or reaffirm the "only stone masters make magic ley line containing pyramids" affirmative from Rifts Atlantis.
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Re: Can someone beside Stone Master build pyramids?

Unread post by eliakon »

SolCannibal wrote:
Nekira Sudacne wrote:
eliakon wrote:
Nekira Sudacne wrote:Anyone can build a stone pyramid.

Only stone masters can make it magical.

Although if you can't get a stone master, a demon god can do in a pinch (Hades has a psudeo-pyramid built by a the demon lords)

How do you know they didn't subcontract part of it out to a stone master worshiper/slave?

So you can see my problem, as there are some magic pyramids here and there in the books but little to no information to actually deny or reaffirm the "only stone masters make magic ley line containing pyramids" affirmative from Rifts Atlantis.

actually I would, personally, say that the fact that it took, more or less, a god to make an imperfect copy of a pyramid...that yah, its Stone Master or nothing.
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Re: Can someone beside Stone Master build pyramids?

Unread post by SolCannibal »

eliakon wrote:
SolCannibal wrote:
Nekira Sudacne wrote:
eliakon wrote:
Nekira Sudacne wrote:Anyone can build a stone pyramid.

Only stone masters can make it magical.

Although if you can't get a stone master, a demon god can do in a pinch (Hades has a pseudo-pyramid built by a the demon lords)

How do you know they didn't subcontract part of it out to a stone master worshiper/slave?

So you can see my problem, as there are some magic pyramids here and there in the books but little to no information to actually deny or reaffirm the "only stone masters make magic ley line containing pyramids" affirmative from Rifts Atlantis.

actually I would, personally, say that the fact that it took, more or less, a god to make an imperfect copy of a pyramid...that yah, its Stone Master or nothing.

You mean the incomplete pyramid in Hades? Well, it's one of those things up for grabs - it may be an unfinished pyramid, or one so old time or constant conflict made its work, not to mention it might be from a time before Modeus' rule of Hades for all we (don't) know and its builder someone like Lictalon.

But yeah, overall there seems to be more arguments for "stone masters are the go to guys for that kind of magic pyramid" than the opposite.
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Re: Can someone beside Stone Master build pyramids?

Unread post by Tor »

Zamion138 wrote:It doesnt say who but in hades there are a couple demon made stone pyrimids, so some high level demon was able to or group of them.

To revisit previous references, let's keep in mind that Tezcat (Pantheons20) and Xipe (p26) and Cihua (p29) of the Aztecs are all stone masters, and that Mictla (CB1p220) was a former Aztec god himself until Quetzal+Xolotl (Pantheons25) beat him up so bad that Asmodeus (who became the psychic Modeus in CB1p220, not the non-psychic Modeus in D+G) got the upper hand and ousted him.

Although Mictla himself (this isn't the female Mictla from Dragons+Gods) isn't a stone master, odds are he worked in concert with Tez/Xipe/Cihua and that any (or all) of the three may have built pyramids in his domain for him perhaps as a favour or agreed exchange.

The Egyptian gods are also ALL stone masters (Africa36) to some degree, and the Pantheon of Taut (and Thoth) are pretty tight with the Demons of Hades, and probably also would've built pyramids for them.

Nekira Sudacne wrote:Anyone can build a stone pyramid. Only stone masters can make it magical.
The main question is more like "does the stone master have to do all the work?" Could a stone-master get allies/slaves to do a bunch of the work and he puts in the finishing touches to make it magically active?

Tempted to just go with the rules Cybermages use, where a certain percentage can be outside labour but the mage has to put in a given percentage of the time required or it doesn't fly.

A lot of guidelines are needed though, like how much PPE we need to make (it gives PPE per weight, but we don't know how much a period needs to weigh), how long it would take to build, any PPE investment touch-ups, etc. Could also go for some rune-weapon building rules.

The TW building rules in RUE were interesting but still left me kinda confused.
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Re: Can someone beside Stone Master build pyramids?

Unread post by eliakon »

why don't we actually look at the three pyramids?
1 Alvice duble pyramid pg 126 "These structures are completely unlike the Atlantian structures"
2 Shek'Ra Zigurat pg 132 "It seem that the previous Lords of Hades tried dabbling in the art of Stone Magic and failed.....with no Stone Masters available, they were unable to enchant it fully..."
3 City of the Ancients "Once, long ago, they pyramid and city were on Rifts Earth, and went by the name Altantia"
so, yah no stone master = no pyramid, though you can get close

And I would suspect that as with many things the books are completely confused. (ie, the Mictla of the conversion books is not the Mictla of the Hades books....since otherwise you have two different incompatible sets of stats, abilities, backstories.....never mind the issue of the Greek god Hades is also supposed to rule here....simplest explanation there are multiple hades, with different rulers much as there are different earths.)
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Re: Can someone beside Stone Master build pyramids?

Unread post by SolCannibal »

eliakon wrote:why don't we actually look at the three pyramids?
1 Alvice duble pyramid pg 126 "These structures are completely unlike the Atlantian structures"
2 Shek'Ra Zigurat pg 132 "It seem that the previous Lords of Hades tried dabbling in the art of Stone Magic and failed.....with no Stone Masters available, they were unable to enchant it fully..."
3 City of the Ancients "Once, long ago, they pyramid and city were on Rifts Earth, and went by the name Altantia"
so, yah no stone master = no pyramid, though you can get close

And I would suspect that as with many things the books are completely confused. (ie, the Mictla of the conversion books is not the Mictla of the Hades books....since otherwise you have two different incompatible sets of stats, abilities, backstories.....never mind the issue of the Greek god Hades is also supposed to rule here....simplest explanation there are multiple hades, with different rulers much as there are different earths.)

Certainly - i have a Minion War game that basically hangs upon the Mictla, Modeus & Mephisto from the Conversion Book not being demons or deevyls but opportunistic supernatural intelligences trying to get some advantage from the sudden heat-up in the minion war.
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Re: Can someone beside Stone Master build pyramids?

Unread post by Tor »

SolCannibal wrote:Certainly - i have a Minion War game that basically hangs upon the Mictla, Modeus & Mephisto from the Conversion Book not being demons or deevyls but opportunistic supernatural intelligences trying to get some advantage from the sudden heat-up in the minion war.

Dragons and Gods at least in the case of Mephisto I think explicitly said that both the AI and the deevil lord coexist, that the AI is impersonating the lord, or something along those lines. Not clear if it's the same or not for Mephisto.

The CB1 pantheon of Hades is very much linked to the Aztec deities though.

eliakon wrote:2 Shek'Ra Zigurat pg 132 "It seem that the previous Lords of Hades tried dabbling in the art of Stone Magic and failed.....with no Stone Masters available, they were unable to enchant it fully..." so, yah no stone master = no pyramid, though you can get close

I wish we knew HOW close though. Like if a Stone Master showed up in Hades and put some finishing touches on them, how long it would take. Also why their Egyptian allies have not yet done so.
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Re: Can someone beside Stone Master build pyramids?

Unread post by SolCannibal »

Tor wrote:
SolCannibal wrote:Certainly - i have a Minion War game that basically hangs upon the Mictla, Modeus & Mephisto from the Conversion Book not being demons or deevyls but opportunistic supernatural intelligences trying to get some advantage from the sudden heat-up in the minion war.

Dragons and Gods at least in the case of Mephisto I think explicitly said that both the AI and the deevil lord coexist, that the AI is impersonating the lord, or something along those lines. Not clear if it's the same or not for Mephisto.

Yes, it's part of what inspired me to play with the idea of a cabal of Alien Intelligence impostors being behind the discrepancies of characterization in Conversion Book and Dragons & Gods or the Dyval & Hades books.

Tor wrote:The CB1 pantheon of Hades is very much linked to the Aztec deities though.

And the alien intelligence Mictla is the one with actual familiarity with the Aztec deities - and something of a fascination for stone pyramids in my game. And working for a trio of ambitious but whimsical supernatural powers can be convoluted sometimes. :lol:

Tor wrote:
eliakon wrote:2 Shek'Ra Zigurat pg 132 "It seem that the previous Lords of Hades tried dabbling in the art of Stone Magic and failed.....with no Stone Masters available, they were unable to enchant it fully..." so, yah no stone master = no pyramid, though you can get close

I wish we knew HOW close though. Like if a Stone Master showed up in Hades and put some finishing touches on them, how long it would take. Also why their Egyptian allies have not yet done so.

They are waiting for some major favor, like a body part of Osiris in exchange or somesuch?
Who knows?
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Re: Can someone beside Stone Master build pyramids?

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From what I have read in RWB2:Atlantis, anyone can make a pyramid and if it is on a Ley Line (as long as there are not 5 others already on that line) or Nexus point then it will become a Magic Pyramid (it states that even Stone Masters do not know why exactly the Pyramid allows beings greater control over magic and other things that a Pyramid does), but only a Stone Master can access all of the abilities of a Pyramid (others like the average True Atlantean can use some of it's abilities but not all of them).
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Re: Can someone beside Stone Master build pyramids?

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Devjannz wrote:From what I have read in RWB2:Atlantis, anyone can make a pyramid and if it is on a Ley Line (as long as there are not 5 others already on that line) or Nexus point then it will become a Magic Pyramid (it states that even Stone Masters do not know why exactly the Pyramid allows beings greater control over magic and other things that a Pyramid does), but only a Stone Master can access all of the abilities of a Pyramid (others like the average True Atlantean can use some of it's abilities but not all of them).

Good point that - that makes some food for thought. Now to check if Rifts Atlantis says anything about what abilities of a Pyramid a non-Stone Master, non-True Atlantean may access. Wish me luck. ;)

Thanx anyway.
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Re: Can someone beside Stone Master build pyramids?

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SolCannibal wrote:
Devjannz wrote:From what I have read in RWB2:Atlantis, anyone can make a pyramid and if it is on a Ley Line (as long as there are not 5 others already on that line) or Nexus point then it will become a Magic Pyramid (it states that even Stone Masters do not know why exactly the Pyramid allows beings greater control over magic and other things that a Pyramid does), but only a Stone Master can access all of the abilities of a Pyramid (others like the average True Atlantean can use some of it's abilities but not all of them).

Good point that - that makes some food for thought. Now to check if Rifts Atlantis says anything about what abilities of a Pyramid a non-Stone Master, non-True Atlantean may access. Wish me luck. ;)

Thanx anyway.

None unless someone has taken the time to teach them. Your typical Atlantean has been trained to be able to use a Pyramid's ability to Heal, Communicate with other pyramids, travel to other pyramids and for Dimensional Travel (only them, not a full portal). Stone Masters can do all of that plus Control the Weather around the pyramid and cause Regular and Ley Line storms as well as open a full Dimensional Portal if they want.
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Re: Can someone beside Stone Master build pyramids?

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Devjannz wrote:
SolCannibal wrote:
Devjannz wrote:From what I have read in RWB2:Atlantis, anyone can make a pyramid and if it is on a Ley Line (as long as there are not 5 others already on that line) or Nexus point then it will become a Magic Pyramid (it states that even Stone Masters do not know why exactly the Pyramid allows beings greater control over magic and other things that a Pyramid does), but only a Stone Master can access all of the abilities of a Pyramid (others like the average True Atlantean can use some of it's abilities but not all of them).

Good point that - that makes some food for thought. Now to check if Rifts Atlantis says anything about what abilities of a Pyramid a non-Stone Master, non-True Atlantean may access. Wish me luck. ;)

Thanx anyway.

None unless someone has taken the time to teach them. Your typical Atlantean has been trained to be able to use a Pyramid's ability to Heal, Communicate with other pyramids, travel to other pyramids and for Dimensional Travel (only them, not a full portal). Stone Masters can do all of that plus Control the Weather around the pyramid and cause Regular and Ley Line storms as well as open a full Dimensional Portal if they want.

That's good enough for me to work with, i'll just use the options for true atlanteans as reference for what spellcasters (or psychics) beside the stonemasters experimenting with making pyramids on their own might do or experiment with.
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Re: Can someone beside Stone Master build pyramids?

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SolCannibal wrote:
Little Snuzzles wrote:
SolCannibal wrote:The kind that matters for Rifts obviously, those helps to control ambient PPE and helps with portals & stuff.

I would like to know if only atlanteans or those cultures who learned somehow this specific OCC can create stuff that affects ambient PPE, manipulates ley line nexuses, rifts & stuff - or if any other spellcasters or psychics might create comparable things and if so, which ones.

I've been under the impression that pretty much anybody can build one; I don't know of any restriction that says building them are limited to Atlaneans.

Well, can anybody do stone magic? Because text-wise the actual building and manipulation of one seems strongly associated to it in particular.

The Sploogs have Stone Masters among their High Lords, there's no reason to believe that Stone Mastery is exclusive to the Atlanteans, even though its been forgotten/never got widespread among common humans. (Beside Egyptians and Aztec/Maya, obviously)
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Re: Can someone beside Stone Master build pyramids?

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Svartalf wrote:
SolCannibal wrote:
Little Snuzzles wrote:
SolCannibal wrote:The kind that matters for Rifts obviously, those helps to control ambient PPE and helps with portals & stuff.

I would like to know if only atlanteans or those cultures who learned somehow this specific OCC can create stuff that affects ambient PPE, manipulates ley line nexuses, rifts & stuff - or if any other spellcasters or psychics might create comparable things and if so, which ones.

I've been under the impression that pretty much anybody can build one; I don't know of any restriction that says building them are limited to Atlaneans.

Well, can anybody do stone magic? Because text-wise the actual building and manipulation of one seems strongly associated to it in particular.

The Sploogs have Stone Masters among their High Lords, there's no reason to believe that Stone Mastery is exclusive to the Atlanteans, even though its been forgotten/never got widespread among common humans. (Beside Egyptians and Aztec/Maya, obviously)

Stone Mastery is not exclusive to True Atlanteans, but it is a rare form of Magic that most people do not know about.
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Re: Can someone beside Stone Master build pyramids?

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Devjannz wrote:
Svartalf wrote:
SolCannibal wrote:
Little Snuzzles wrote:
SolCannibal wrote:The kind that matters for Rifts obviously, those helps to control ambient PPE and helps with portals & stuff.

I would like to know if only atlanteans or those cultures who learned somehow this specific OCC can create stuff that affects ambient PPE, manipulates ley line nexuses, rifts & stuff - or if any other spellcasters or psychics might create comparable things and if so, which ones.

I've been under the impression that pretty much anybody can build one; I don't know of any restriction that says building them are limited to Atlaneans.

Well, can anybody do stone magic? Because text-wise the actual building and manipulation of one seems strongly associated to it in particular.

The Sploogs have Stone Masters among their High Lords, there's no reason to believe that Stone Mastery is exclusive to the Atlanteans, even though its been forgotten/never got widespread among common humans. (Beside Egyptians and Aztec/Maya, obviously)

Stone Mastery is not exclusive to True Atlanteans, but it is a rare form of Magic that most people do not know about.

Yes, yes, but my interest is defining if someone from the men of magic or psychic OCCs/RCCs would be able or not to build works with similar magical and ley line stabilizing properties without any levels on stone master or if making and making use of them is a Stone Master/True Atlantean only deal.
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Re: Can someone beside Stone Master build pyramids?

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SolCannibal wrote:
Yes, yes, but my interest is defining if someone from the men of magic or psychic OCCs/RCCs would be able or not to build works with similar magical and ley line stabilizing properties without any levels on stone master or if making and making use of them is a Stone Master/True Atlantean only deal.

Anyone with a skill in Architecture should be able to build a Pyramid, what gives it it's special powers is whether or not it is constructed on a Ley Line or Nexus. Now just because they can build it does not mean that they know how to use the powers it provides.
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Re: Can someone beside Stone Master build pyramids?

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Devjannz wrote:From what I have read in RWB2:Atlantis, anyone can make a pyramid and if it is on a Ley Line (as long as there are not 5 others already on that line) or Nexus point then it will become a Magic Pyramid (it states that even Stone Masters do not know why exactly the Pyramid allows beings greater control over magic and other things that a Pyramid does), but only a Stone Master can access all of the abilities of a Pyramid (others like the average True Atlantean can use some of it's abilities but not all of them).

If anyone can make a pyramid just like that... what happens with the Coalition's RCSG scientists find out about it?

I think the CS would be interested in building pyramid bases everywhere and maintaining defensive positions there. Starving the area of PPE and spell multipliers and cutting off transportation would be well worth building places that the enemy could exploit if conquered.
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Re: Can someone beside Stone Master build pyramids?

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Tor wrote:
Devjannz wrote:From what I have read in RWB2:Atlantis, anyone can make a pyramid and if it is on a Ley Line (as long as there are not 5 others already on that line) or Nexus point then it will become a Magic Pyramid (it states that even Stone Masters do not know why exactly the Pyramid allows beings greater control over magic and other things that a Pyramid does), but only a Stone Master can access all of the abilities of a Pyramid (others like the average True Atlantean can use some of it's abilities but not all of them).

If anyone can make a pyramid just like that... what happens with the Coalition's RCSG scientists find out about it?

I think the CS would be interested in building pyramid bases everywhere and maintaining defensive positions there. Starving the area of PPE and spell multipliers and cutting off transportation would be well worth building places that the enemy could exploit if conquered.

That would actually be a very bad idea because then a Stone Master could just teleport to that pyramid and unleash the energy stored in it as a Ley line Storm or large Dimensional Portal and do a lot of damage to the CS forces there before anyone could raise a weapon. I also think that it would be too close to using magic for their tastes.
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Re: Can someone beside Stone Master build pyramids?

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But IF just any pyramid built on a ley line is equal to those built with actual stone mastery, think on the fact that it would prevent ley line storms and other undesirable phenomena... Just post a garrison to make sure undesirables don't come to do naughty things.
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Re: Can someone beside Stone Master build pyramids?

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Svartalf wrote:But IF just any pyramid built on a ley line is equal to those built with actual stone mastery, think on the fact that it would prevent ley line storms and other undesirable phenomena... Just post a garrison to make sure undesirables don't come to do naughty things.

A pyramid prevents random Ley Line Storms and such, a Stone Master can actually use the pyramid to cause them using the stored energy from the pyramid and direct it to a degree.

From what is written Stone Masters, while experts at using Pyramid Technology, do not know why creating a pyramid on a ley line or nexus has the effect that it does, they just know that it does. There is also nothing stating that only pyramids created by Stone Masters have this affect, so any pyramid built on a Ley Line or Nexus should be able to harness the PPE going through it, but that does not mean that the people that built it knows how to use the Pyramid.
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Re: Can someone beside Stone Master build pyramids?

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Devjannz wrote:
Svartalf wrote:But IF just any pyramid built on a ley line is equal to those built with actual stone mastery, think on the fact that it would prevent ley line storms and other undesirable phenomena... Just post a garrison to make sure undesirables don't come to do naughty things.

A pyramid prevents random Ley Line Storms and such, a Stone Master can actually use the pyramid to cause them using the stored energy from the pyramid and direct it to a degree.

From what is written Stone Masters, while experts at using Pyramid Technology, do not know why creating a pyramid on a ley line or nexus has the effect that it does, they just know that it does. There is also nothing stating that only pyramids created by Stone Masters have this affect, so any pyramid built on a Ley Line or Nexus should be able to harness the PPE going through it, but that does not mean that the people that built it knows how to use the Pyramid.

Well they're among other things giant PPE batteries, mages don't generally have problems tapping into and using PPE batteries and I haven't seen anything that says a mage requires any sort of training or instruction to tap into that stored PPE. Plus it isn't like Stone Masters have spells or the like to make use of that PPE other than to power some of the pyramid's effects so it's really there more for the more conventional spell-casters than Stone Masters.
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Re: Can someone beside Stone Master build pyramids?

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and to get technical, we know that the pyramids from history (giza complex for example) were made with large workforces of common people. so while in rifts a stone master might have been the architect for those projects, and maybe helped with some of the tricky work, they didn't really "build it" all themselves..

i think it has more to do with design, and less with construction. a non-stonemaster architect might not be able to make major changes to the design and keep the mystical aspects intact, but if you copy an existing pyramid you could probably make it work.
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Re: Can someone beside Stone Master build pyramids?

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Nightmask wrote:
Devjannz wrote:
Svartalf wrote:But IF just any pyramid built on a ley line is equal to those built with actual stone mastery, think on the fact that it would prevent ley line storms and other undesirable phenomena... Just post a garrison to make sure undesirables don't come to do naughty things.

A pyramid prevents random Ley Line Storms and such, a Stone Master can actually use the pyramid to cause them using the stored energy from the pyramid and direct it to a degree.

From what is written Stone Masters, while experts at using Pyramid Technology, do not know why creating a pyramid on a ley line or nexus has the effect that it does, they just know that it does. There is also nothing stating that only pyramids created by Stone Masters have this affect, so any pyramid built on a Ley Line or Nexus should be able to harness the PPE going through it, but that does not mean that the people that built it knows how to use the Pyramid.

Well they're among other things giant PPE batteries, mages don't generally have problems tapping into and using PPE batteries and I haven't seen anything that says a mage requires any sort of training or instruction to tap into that stored PPE. Plus it isn't like Stone Masters have spells or the like to make use of that PPE other than to power some of the pyramid's effects so it's really there more for the more conventional spell-casters than Stone Masters.

Actually Stone Masters gain increased powers when in or on a Pyramid that they historically used to create other structures near the pyramid. While they do not need any special trainning, other practitioners of magic can only tap the increased PPE normally available from a Ley Line or Nexus if they are in or on the pyramid, so some magic users could see pyramids as a bad thing because just one pyramid on a ley line makes it usless to anyone unless they are at the pyramid.
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Re: Can someone beside Stone Master build pyramids?

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Devjannz wrote:That would actually be a very bad idea because then a Stone Master could just teleport to that pyramid and unleash the energy stored in it as a Ley line Storm or large Dimensional Portal and do a lot of damage to the CS forces there before anyone could raise a weapon. I also think that it would be too close to using magic for their tastes.

They might find a way to siphon it off, like use it as a Psi-Stalker feeding station. They could also keep a Psi-Nullifier on hand to neutralize invading stone masters.
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Re: Can someone beside Stone Master build pyramids?

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Tor wrote:
Devjannz wrote:That would actually be a very bad idea because then a Stone Master could just teleport to that pyramid and unleash the energy stored in it as a Ley line Storm or large Dimensional Portal and do a lot of damage to the CS forces there before anyone could raise a weapon. I also think that it would be too close to using magic for their tastes.

They might find a way to siphon it off, like use it as a Psi-Stalker feeding station. They could also keep a Psi-Nullifier on hand to neutralize invading stone masters.

Psi-Stalkers would not like feeding on the energy as the PPE taken from a Ley Line makes them to become ill and take penalties. A Psi-Nullifier might work for a short time but he would have to be within 10ft of the Stone Master for their nullification ability to work.
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Re: Can someone beside Stone Master build pyramids?

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Doubtful the CS cares what Psi-Stalkers like to feed on. EAT FOR THE CAUSE

Also, with all that disastrous power, surely an impending Stone Master would notify the clairvoyants.
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Re: Can someone beside Stone Master build pyramids?

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Tor wrote:Doubtful the CS cares what Psi-Stalkers like to feed on. EAT FOR THE CAUSE

Also, with all that disastrous power, surely an impending Stone Master would notify the clairvoyants.

Problem with that is Psi-Stalker abilities to sense the supernatural or track them is hampered by Ley Lines and Nexus points make it useless. If they feed on the PPE, it brings down combat bonuses for up to an hour. They can try relying on other Psi-abilities, but I think the loss of their standard abilities would make them feel very uncomfortable and on edge. They tend to avoid Ley Lines and Nexus Points as a rule.

Clairvoyants could possibly get a glimpse of a Stone Master (or someone else) trying to access the Pyramid as long as they make the skill check.
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Re: Can someone beside Stone Master build pyramids?

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Ok other magical occupations that can build "pyramids" I also think different shaped options are cool. A coffee shop and the bathroom is a permanent gateway.

Earth Warlock.
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Re: Can someone beside Stone Master build pyramids?

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From everything I have read, there is no requirement that the builder of a pyramid must be a magic-user of any kind. The thing that gives a pyramid it's power and abilities is the location it is built on, i.e. a Ley Line or Nexus point, but this does not mean that the builder has access to any of those things unless he is a being that is trained in how to use them, i.e. True Atlanteans, Splugorth, etc or a Stone Master and even then only a Stone Master as complete access to it's abilities, where the others just have access to certain ones.

It also says that the pyramid must be made of stone, no other materials will work.

The thing that gives it it's power is the shape, substance and location.

The typical Atlantean has the skill Operate Dimensional Pyramid starting a 30%+5%/lvl, if you want others to be able to do this, just use the the same skill (as long as it was taught to them, I would not let them start with the skill).
Last edited by Devjannz on Sat Jun 07, 2014 10:27 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: Can someone beside Stone Master build pyramids?

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Those are my opinions for the ones that can build and use pyramid powers.
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