O.C.C/R.C.C ideas

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O.C.C/R.C.C ideas

Unread post by AmberImmortal »

I need ideas. I'm putting together a Sci-fi/Fantasy space campaign and I'm looking to make up some O.c.c's. All I need from you is some good character ideas. Magic, science, technology, martial, etc. anything. Be as creative and out there as you'd like. no holds barred.

Planet ideas are welcome as well. I'm also looking for a good idea towards a clandestine interstellar order. The jedi of star wars are a good example of a quasi-religious one. The Spectres of mass effect are a more militant example. One final detail. I also need a resource. By this I mean something that can effect a whole galaxy. Again, using mass effect as an example, Element Zero is a good example of a resource. It could be scientific like that or it could be magical or even metaphysical. Go nuts.

Thanks in advance.
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Re: O.C.C/R.C.C ideas

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So just to be clear.. You're looking for custom/fan created material to use in your game in addition to/or above and beyond what is already published?

I'll need a little more clarification on what you mean by sci-fi/fantasy space campaign. Do you mean elves and dwarves and orc with laser guns in space? or something else that I can't even fathom?
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keir451 wrote:Amazing Nate; Thanks for your support!

Razzinold wrote:And the award for best witty retort to someone reporting a minor vehicular collision goes to:
The Oh So Amazing Nate!

Nate, you sir win the internet for today! You've definitely earned the "oh so amazing" part of your name today. :lol:
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Re: O.C.C/R.C.C ideas

Unread post by AmberImmortal »

I have several alien races made up. I haven't gone so fantasy so as to include elves or dwarves though. I have magic, ancient artifacts, lost civilizations and dead alien races, etc. I haven't used a great deal of standard fantasy elements. I primarily borrow from mythologies. For instance, I have an alien race that bears some resemblance to human dragon folklore and legend. I also have an alien race that is partly inspired by the Chinese tales of the Monkey King. I mostly going with original concepts. I have a fairly even blend of realistic science and dark magics.

So honestly, anything you can throw at me. If you have some elfin ideas, let me have it. bring on the dwarves too. I just need inspiration.
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Re: O.C.C/R.C.C ideas

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1) if you are looking for Races to populate the story, then I would take a peek at the Aliens Unlimited and the AU; Galaxy Guide.

2) There is also the Fan Race topic in the R:DB forum. There are more there then in the two books I mentioned and the DBoNA combined.
There is also the Fan 'Monster' topic in the PF forum, which has races intermixed in it.

3) One of my Race creations. It's Flavor Text is written for the 3G setting. In the PF Fan Monsters topic I have posted it with flavor for the PF setting.


This humanoid race of psychic vampires seemingly looking to be a cross between an elf and a human if one ignores their tails, are found mainly in Center, appearing every so often in the lower levels. Being deposited there by the may portals between realities there. The older ones tend to stay in Center, hoping to find the way back to their homes, while the young native born daughters tend rome where they may after growing to full adulthood.

While the Arymalians feed off the emotions of other sentient beings, any emotions will do. Each Arymalian will preference a type of emotion, and those more widely traveled, will have a type of race that they like best. While one would think that psychic vampires would have great mind powers, this race seams to have none other then their feeding ability.

The scholars that have studied this race find, that while they each have their preferred ways of living, they are all trained as mages, with a large spell inventories. This leads them to believe that the first individuals that came to this world, were mages investigating portals between realities, and became trapped on this side of them when they closed once they were through.

The greatest mystery that is how breed. They have been no sightings of male Arymalians, but with each year there are more young ones with in the few known Arymalian enclaves. Most of the enclaves appear to have normal relationships with people, aside from the normal bad blood with women of other races because they tend to seek the company of the men of the fair races. The Arymalian enclaves tend to be hostile to outsiders entering it till they know the outsiders are not there to enslave them. Many a man having stayed in a enclave, but few men are tolerated in Arymalian enclaves for long, and are asked to leave.

The lone Arymalian that wander the lower levels tend to be the oldest, who are searching for the doorway back to their home-world, or outcasts, who are aggressive hunters who feed off of fear.

Other lone Arymalian, are young adults with wander lust, just like what happens with the other races. These Arymalian are welcomed in most enclaves for a time, but are encouraged to leave with their traveling companions when their companions leave.(These are the only ones available for players to use as PCs)

Alignment: any, outcasts tend to be anarchist or miscreant.

Attributes: IQ: 2D6+6( quick thinking), ME: 3D6+12, MA: 2D6+15, PS: 2D6+6, PP: 1d6+23, PE: 2D6+6, PB: 3D6+1 Spd: 2D6+5
HP: 15 (or Standard if PE is greater then 15)
SDC: 30 (starting SDC, from living in the wilds. even if choosing a non-man-at-arms OCC.)
MDC: only via MDC armor
Natural AR: 9
PPE: 2D6x10+32 +2D6 per level (do not add in the PE Attribute)
Chi: 15 (or Standard if PE is greater then 15)
Horror Factor: special (only those familiar with their reputation are affected from seeing them, Reputations Factor: 9)
Disposition: Like humans all sorts. (see descriptive text)
Average Life Span: Unknown, the oldest claim to be centuries old. They grow to full adulthood in 17 years. They appear young, 17-25 human years old.

Natural abilities: Arymalian have a prehensile tail, giving them +1 tail attack, and are natural leapers: able to leap 10' up and across, or up to 20' down, and like a cat, always land on their feet / all fours. Jumping from higher then 10' they will tend to land ending in a crouch, using their arms as well as their legs to absorb the impact. reborn / semi-indestructible: unless the head is chopped off and burned, the Arymalian will completely regenerate with in 24 hours. Even if blown to bits. Vulnerability: Weapons of pure iron (85%+) by-pass the Arymalian's natural AR, and do and extra 1D6 damage.

Magic: Each Arymalian is trained as a mage on top of whatever OCC they take, and have 1D6+1 spells per level from level 1 to level 9. Each can learn new spells if taught, but do not gain spell per level unless they have a magic OCC. The racial starting spells and PPE replace the starting magic and PPE if a magic OOC is selected.
Psionic Abilities: None; except for their feeding ability
combat: +4 APM, +2 init., automatic dodge, +2 disarm & entangle, +2 pull punch, +2 roll
Bonuses: immune to stress & confusion & Intimidation, +4 vs Insanity, +4 vs HF, +2 vs possession
Racial Skills: land navigation--60+4d6%* ; wilderness/urban survival--60+3d6%* (if a PC, +30% to Land navigation. and Wilderness/Urban survival)

Habitat: any where there are sentient to feed off of. Mostly living in Center, but recently many young Arymalian have been wandering the spaceways.

Allies: none but what they make individuals, or family units
Rivals and enemies: the undead and other who prey on their food source.
Slave market value: Unknown, none stay captive long enough to be sold.
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Re: O.C.C/R.C.C ideas

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This race is a play on the BWW origens.....

True Altara

The first Altara died, to the last, man woman and child in the splugorth invasion. None survived. The last of them were killed in front of the super-soldier women they created, that due the splugorth to their world.
Unknown to the spugorth, visions of their coming came to the seers of the Altara people a century before the spugorth invasion. The altara, began to seek was to avoid their fate, or to sidestep it. They first created their super-soldier women as their front line troops to repel the invasion. Unknown to the Altara, to acquire these super-soldiers were the reason the splugorth decided to invade. During the process of engineering these women, they discovered a way to implant them with the ability to recreate seventeen of altara races. This ability was hidden from the warrior women, so they could not revile what they did not know.
When the invasion came, the work on the plan came to a halt and the databases were erased and slagged. All but three of the races' were encoded into the warrior women hidden ability.
During the invasion, every last man woman and child of the altara species were killed, with many of the last killed in front of the captured warrior women. The splugorth thinking that if the super-soldiers they came to get, witnessed the murder of the one they were programed to protect, that they would remain docile enough to use as slaves, because they had lost their true reason for being.
Through the millennia of enslavement the progeny of the warrior women were experimented on and indoctrinated. But while the splugorth were never able to find any of the hidden secrets of the super-soldiers, in their genetics.
Till recently the secrets remained dormant, hidden in the information of their being. The programed activation of this ability was to be set off after 5 successive generations of free born warrior women.
However, a elvish goddess who had become enraged at the actions of the splugorth, found the secrets of the Altara had hid inside their super-soldiers. The goddess recruited a 3rd generation warrior woman to be the seed of her judgement. Activating the hidden ability, then sending the warrior woman on a journey through the megaverce, seeding world/dimensions with her True Altara children. These children are mating pair twins, and in their 1st two generations start with most of the abilities of their progenitors. Starting at the biological age of 16, they are cognizant of how the came to be, including the point of the goddess' meddling. Thus they have a hatred of the splugorth and all their minions, and the drive to rebuild their race.

True Altara Race
NPC or Optional Player Character

Alignments: NPC's are typically good and unprincipled. PC's any. But all will be loyal to their race and hate the splugorth.
Attributes: IQ: 2d4+12 ME: 4D4+4 MA: 2d8+8 PS: 2d6+12 PP: 2d6+11 PE: 2d6+10 PB: 2d6+16 Spd: 3d6+6

Hit points: PE + 20, +1d6 per level
SDC: 1d6x10
MDC: By magic or armor
Size: 5'-5" to 6'-6" approximately 160 lb.

Reputation Factor: N/A to start.
PPE: 3D6
ISP: special

Disposition: Nearly all are tremendously loyal to their race and will protect each other. As the progeny of the creators of the Warrior Women used by the splugorth, They are extremely smart.

Average Life Span: 100+4d12, Unlike the super-soldiers, these people have full color vision. The first two generations of these people are almost as warrior like as their ancestors' super-soldier creations. Starting in their 3rd generation, they start diversify they skills, magic, Psi, scientist etc... Reproduction: 1) self cloning (same as BWW, every 7 years +/-2 months p.c. desecration) 2) mixed cloning (similar to BWW but two altara share the pod, producing two mixed trait children, minimum a 2 years between.) 3) A La Natural.

Natural abilities (1st gen):
Heightened Hearing: equal to cybernetic amplified hearing
Heightened sense of smell: Same as altara BWW.
heightened sense of touch: recognize items by touch: 60+3 per level
Extraordinary Physical endurance: already reflected in high PE and SDC.

Average Experience: 2D6+2 or as set by the GM for NPC's, Player chars should start level 2 or 3
Note: 1st and 2nd gen use the body fixer experience table, & have no penalties when changing class.
3rd+ gen as per OCC -7%.
Bonuses: +1 initiative, +3 perception rolls, +2 vs Psi, +3 vs magic

RCC skills: All clone born True Altara come with the top four skill no matter what OCC they are born with.
*Language: Altara--98%
*Language: 'local native' +25%
*cooking +15%
*monster and demon lore +30%
wilderness survival (or streetwise) +15%
Paramedic +20%
land navigation +15%
prowl +20%
WP blunt
hand to hand expert

RCC Related: 6 + 1 every odd level
Same bonus chart as Military Specialist

secondary skills: 2 +1 every skill level above one

Vulnerabilities: Senses are fouled by rain, dust, sand just as humans' senses are.
Magic: 1st and 2nd gen can use magic items instinctively, but do not know magic to start. 3rd+ gen As per OCC racial base is added to OCC base PPE.
Psionics: 1st & 2nd gen 1D6x10 +1d6 per level ISP with 9 sensitive powers, Third+ gen as per PCC or
" 01-25% none, 26-68%, minor, 69-00 major " for non-PCC classes

Equipment: Varies with class and local. But usually have acquired armor, melee weapons and a ranged weapon.

Note: Except for the evil Altara Warrior Women the Warrior Women will react instinctively to avoid hurting this race, and will "forget" about them if they are debriefed.
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Re: O.C.C/R.C.C ideas

Unread post by AmberImmortal »

Alright, so far so good. Those are good R.C.C's. What about O.C.C's? Anyone got something on that?
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Re: O.C.C/R.C.C ideas

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AmberImmortal wrote:Alright, so far so good. Those are good R.C.C's. What about O.C.C's? Anyone got something on that?

Nope,Those are Good Races. Yep one of them has an RCC related to it but they are both races.
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Re: O.C.C/R.C.C ideas

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drewkitty ~..~ wrote:
AmberImmortal wrote:Alright, so far so good. Those are good R.C.C's. What about O.C.C's? Anyone got something on that?

Nope,Those are Good Races. Yep one of them has an RCC related to it but they are both races.

An R.C.C is a race. It means Racial Character Class. You can be an R.C.C and an O.C.C.

I really need some good O.C.C's. I have some ideas on an artifact/treasure hunting class but, I'm not sure what skills to give them. I thought about adapting the Enchanted Object Power Category From Heroes Unlimited (since it's not really that powerful to begin with at least, not when compared to the other magic classes in heroes) and turning them into a sort of artifact hunter that starts off with a basic magic item.

Alternatively, I could alter the Sword Bearer O.C.C from Nightbane. Probably wouldn't be that hard. Problem is, I don't know which idea would work best or maybe all would. What I'm looking to do is create a certain type of people in my world who sort of act like an Indiana Jones for magic items. I want them to be kinda like the gold/silver diggers from the gold/silver rush days. Pioneers who go off to the dangerous frontier seeking wealth and/or fame.

Should I make up an entirely new class or just adapt a pre-existing one? Or should I do both and give it a little variety?
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Re: O.C.C/R.C.C ideas

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I said Races because they ARE Races.
Classes are Classes not Races.

No I am not Going to argue with you over this cause I am using the words correctly.
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Re: O.C.C/R.C.C ideas

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drewkitty ~..~ wrote:I said Races because they ARE Races.
Classes are Classes not Races.

No I am not Going to argue with you over this cause I am using the words correctly.

Dude, stop splitting hairs. I don't care. I'm asking for help not arguments. If you have more good ideas, cool beans. If you wanna argue, save it. I'm having a mind bender. I have no interest in terminology.

That being said, You got any O.C.C ideas you can throw at me?
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Re: O.C.C/R.C.C ideas

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Treasure hunter
Customer Service Director for Northern Gun

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Stay back boy!...This calls for Divine Intervention!
I kick arse for the Lord!"
-Father McGruder- Braindead (a.k.a. Dead Alive)
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Re: O.C.C/R.C.C ideas

Unread post by AmberImmortal »

Jorel wrote:Treasure hunter

Care to elaborate?
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Re: O.C.C/R.C.C ideas

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Splitting hairs? Ha. That phrase is for words that mean very much the same thing (like comparing Apples to Apples.)
Not for words that have different meanings like Race and R.C.C.(which is like comparing Strawberries to Bananas.)
Made this about 2 decades ago. Only thing I did to spiff it up was to put it through the spellcheck and put in bolds and underlines.

Healer OCC

    As the shells fall though out the town the only moving figures are a woman is a green dress and a man in a green tunic and paints...  Each moves with a purpose... each time they move to a body, stopping, kneeling, moving from one bloody scene to the next looking for signs of life.  Then the women stops at a body, kneeling as she has done before, but this time she stays and lays her hands upon the young man that for some reason, the hand of the gods of luck deemed to bless with the chance of life in the midst of fields of the dead.  All at once dose the young man's condition improve, the stump of an arm that had been pumping life's blood out of him all at once stops and the his breathing is less ragged.   The man in green moves on to find another lucky one.... this time a child in the midst of dozens of armored bodies for some reason still alive with only cuts and bruises.  This town was one of the lucky ones ...it has not one.. but two healers, with most of the mages pulled into Tolkeen's army to battle the Collation most towns are without a the aid of the mystical healing those mages provided in times of need.  That is until the collation targeted this town for assault.  Bringing both the Tolkeen army and the CS's weapons of destruction to this, quaint wilderness town. Time is short lived and the first of the black armored Collation troopers move in from the forest, both the Woman and man in green give them notice, with their hands upon the young man and child, they are the only ones not in the black Deadboy armor out in the open.  A dogboy prows up to the man about to strike him with a neural mace, then after a pause, looking at the man then walks away looking for other prey.  As the Deadboy armored troopers move into the town they all leave the man and women in green to their work, some of them bring wounded comrades in arms to the healers.  But this is short lived, once a officer of rank is on the scene both the healers are taken to where the towns folk are being held, still even within the bounds of the towns folk both healers do treat the hurt and wounded.... the man goes to a weeping teenage girl, holding her comforting her, and the woman treats minor wounds and scrapes all the towns folk have seam to have acquired.
    During times of trouble most folks count their blessings, some time with but one hand.  But of those blessings Healers are always one of them.  Even from the times before the rifts before the rifts healers have always been a welcome part of a community.  But with the coming of the abundance of psychic energy some people have come to have innate powers for healing. Some with but the ability to heal the body... and others with the ability to heal the mind, and the exceptionally rare that can heal both. These powers innate to the person and some act like.."magic" but are not, and others act like "psychic" phenomena but are not.  Healing powers bypass both the natural defenses of the body and mind to heal the body and soul of the patients.  Some say that the so called 'healers' are but physicians putting on mystical airs, these nay sayers point to the healer's medical learning's as proof of their accusations, but those who have been saved by the quickness of action of the local healer will refute such claims of the nay-sayers. Most Healers ignore the controversy they create, because for them its healing people that is their main focus.
     In all the worlds Healers are present, but in those with a low ambient PPE, most healers become Medical doctors, nurses, or some sort of hands on medical processional.  Healers are not made, they are born.  Most of the the time there are enough healers born to cover the area's needs, but from 15 to 20 years before a major conflict more healers are born, to replace and increase the numbers of healers available to the region.  In most settings, Healers will be trained at special schools that teach the young Healers the art of medicinal healing and in the use of their abilities.

Determining Healer powers: Roll or Choose
01-90 Healer powers.
91-99 Mind Healer powers.
00 Both Healer and Mind Healer powers.

Healer O.C.C Abilities & Bonuses
1) Increased Healing: This power activates the targets own healing processes, like a catalyst.  This increases the the rate of healing, that a patent heals at. This power can be focused to a specific region to heal that region at x2 the general healing increase (if the healer can normally heal at x4 the rate... then if focused on a specific area/organ they can heal that area organ at x8 the rate)
Range: touch
PPE cost:10 per 30 min
Rate of increase: times 2 at first level and an increases to times 3 at level three and every other level increases of +1.
(at level 5-->x4, level 7-->x5, level 9--> x6)
the patent still needs food to fuel the healing process so over use can cause unintended damage
2) Healing/draining Touch
    For these two related powers, the healer can "double up" the PPE used to in the touch limited by the level of the healer... for each level starting as 2nd, the healer can use and additional amount of PPE to the touch. (example 1: a second level healer can use the healing touch using 6 PPE, causing the target to heal 2D4 HP , Example 2:a 6th level healer can use draining touch on a person using 12 PPE causing 12D4 HP damage, but if the Damage is greater then the target's HP  the extra HP damage is ignored)   Healing touch can only heal Hit point Damage. Draining touch can only reduce a person to 0 hit points. Both can only be used once per melee.
2.1) Healing touch: Healing touch heals instantly life threatening wounds, and stopping bleeding.
Range: touch
PPE cost: 3
Heals: 1d4 Hit Points
2.2) Draining touch: This power of a healer is not often used except in self defense, most healers do not even use it in self defense due to their awesome respect for all life.  This takes away the health of the target, draining away the will to live.  the targets of this touch will be wracked with pain (save vs pain 12) and cause internal trauma.
Range: touch
PPE cost: 3
Effects: 1d4 HP damage and -1 verses disease (1d4 hours), all effects are cumulative, (if the PPE is 'doubled up then the negatives to disease is increased and the time duration is increased, if used multiple times only the time is increased.
3) Sense Health: The healer can sense/see the general health of the target at a glance, and if the healer takes a closer look at the patient they can determine id the target is sick., just coming down with an illness, or getting over one; whether the diseases is life threatening or not and whether the diseases is magical or normal; the presence of poison in the targets body; and what injures the target has.... will also reveal old inures that are causing the target distress.
Range: (glance)20', (full sensing) touch
duration: (full sensing): 15 seconds to 5 min.. depending how severe and the possible multiplicity of targets afflictions
PPE cost: none
4)P.P.E.: Each Healer has higher then normal energy base, and starts with 1D4x10 + their P.E. attribute number. each level gain 4D6 additional P.P.E.  A Healer can pull in ambient power from their surroundings but not from people.
5) Bonuses: +3 vs Magic, +2 vs Psi, +1 vs horror factor every other level starting with level 2

Mind Healer powers
     This type of healer has not the powers of the normal healer but has the ability to cure illnesses of the mind instead of illnesses of the body.  Like the normal healer their powers are not considered magic nor psionics, even though they have similar powers that mimic spells and Psi powers.
1) Cure Insanity: through a combination of reading the patient's emotions, surface thoughts, medicinal herbs (drugs) and being with the patient, giving the patient template to readjust their thinking to by being around a healthy person.  So in the course of a few months the person will be cured of the insanity.  However, sudden stress or other mental trauma might bering about a recurrence of the insanity or a new one.
Affective Disorders & Neuroses: minimum therapy time, 1 month
01-45 No effect. Requires longer therapy (roll again after two months)
46-60 Half cured.  The patient might relapse into old neurosis or disorder during stress
61-00 Total cure. The insanity is gone.
Psychoses: minimum therapy time, 3 months.
01-30 No effect.  Requires another 3 months of therapy.
31-56 Psychoses is relapsed with a phobia.
57-00 Total cure.
Phobias and Obsessions: minimum therapy time, 1 month
01-25 No effect. Requires another month of therapy
26-78 The fear is lessened to the point that the person is functional
79-00 The fear is gone. Total cure.
2) Calm the Mind: the use of this power can be as little as being there as a shoulder to cry on, to stoping a hysterical person in there tracks or taking the hostility from an attacker.  If the mind healer is deliberately changing a person's mood or mental state then the mind healer must roll a die 20 +2 vs the targets ME, each attempt with calm the mind costs 15 P.P.E.. If the mind healer is not successful then nothing happens and the mind healer mat try again the next melee round.  If the mind healer is successful then the targeted person is suddenly  calm and in rational control of themselves, aggressors find the wanting to fight drained from them.  Mind Healers get a +1 to calm the mind at levels 3, 5, 7, 9 ,11, 13, 15.
3) Sense the Mind: This lets the mind healer sense the patient's mind to find and identify mental aberrations, hypnotic suggestions, Mental blocks, neuroses, affective disorders, traumas, psychoses, phobias and obsessions and wether or not such malady is a natural reaction to stressors or was induced by magic or Psychic forces. This dose not give the mind healer any knowledge of the patient's personality, thoughts, memories or skills.  But it will revile mental bonds, whether magical, natural, or Psionic in nature. The cost for each use of this power is 12 P.P.E. per use. This power can only be used on one person at a time.
4) Empathic Transceiver:  This rare power that only 10% of mind healers have, a Healer with both Healer and mind healer powers will not have this power, is as much a blessing as is curse.
Sense Emotions: The empath senses the general emotional climate of the area about then. This is constant unless the empath consciously closes themselves from outside influences. When they close themselves off like this, they can not project emotions ether.  The empath may concentrate to pinpoint certain emotions to a person and/or place, but this takes minutes and costs 3 P.P.E.  The range limit to the Empathic sensing is 100 feet + 50 feet per level.
Project Emotions:  This power to project their feelings or to project a desired feeling is one of the most powerful talents, in affecting others, a person could have. Unlike the psionic power Empathic transmission a full empath can project over an area.  The power affects everyone within the area around the empath, but at level 5 the empath can project in a 90 degree wedge so it dose not affect their allies.
Range: 60 feet + 60 for every level after 4
Duration: can hold 10 min per level of experience before needing to rest
Attacks per melee: Takes all attacks per melee, however the empath can move around, doing any combat moves will break the empath's concentration.
P.P.E. cost: one point of P.P.E. per minute.
Saving throw: save vs 16, adding in ME bonus, a successful save cancels the affect because the person recognizes that the emotions are not his and uses up 1 attack per melee to fight the projected emotions.

(insert  emotion descriptions from Empathic Transmission here)

Death Kneel: this out poring of emotion is only when the empath is morning the death or sever injury of a loved one. This is one projection that can not be consciously projected. Each person with in the double the full range of the empath will suffer an extreme sense of loss; the save for those with in the standard full range must save vs 20 with ME bonuses; or stop what they are doing stunned.  If the Empath is above 7th level people for miles around with feel the lost.

5)P.P.E.: Each Healer (for both healers and mind healers) has higher then normal energy base, and starts with 1D4x10 + their P.E. attribute number. each level gain 2D6 additional P.P.E.  A Healer can pull in ambient power from their surroundings but not from people.
6) Bonuses: +2 vs Magic, +3 vs Psi, +1 vs horror factor every other level starting with level 2

Healer O.C.C.
alignments: any (however most are a good Alignment.... with some ranging into selfish.)
Attribute Requirements: All healers have a minimum PE of 10 (if lower the adjust upwards to 10)
Multiple O.C.C. are not possible

O.C.C. Skills (fantasy games)
Natural/Native Language--98%
Natural/Native Literacy(+20%)
Basic Math
Holistic Medicine (+30%)
Medical Doctor (+20%)
Identify Fruits and Plants (+20)
Preserve Foods
WP Knife

Hand to Hand Basic can be selected at the cost of one 'other' skill,
or Hand to Hand Expert may be selected at the cost of two 'other' skills.

O.C.C. Related skills: Select seven other skills of choice at level one,
Plus select additional skill at each new level of advancement.
Communications: language and Literacy Only
Domestic: Any(+5%)
Espionage: none
Horsemanship: General only
Medical: Any (+5%)
Military: Heraldry only
Physical: Any, but Acrobatics, Gymnastics, and Wrestling count as two skills each
Rogue: Streetwise only
Science: Any (+5%)
Scholar/Technical: Any
Weapon Proficiencies: Any
Wilderness: Land Navigation and Wilderness Survival only

Secondary Skills: the character can select 5 secondary skills from those listed. This skills are additional areas of knowledge and do not get the bonuses with in the (). Secondary skills start at base level

O.C.C. Skills (modern games)
Natural/Native Language--98%
Natural/Native Literacy (+20%)
Literacy Latin (modern)
Basic Math (+15%)
Holistic Medicine (+20%)
Medical Doctor (+30%) or Phycology (+30%) for a Mind Healer)
Biology (+15%)
WP: one of choice

Hand to Hand Basic can be selected at the cost of one 'other' skill,
or Hand to Hand Expert may be selected at the cost of two 'other' skills.

O.C.C. Related skills: Select six other skills of choice at level one,
Plus select additional skill at each new level of advancement.
Domestic: Any
Electrical: Basic only
Espionage: Wilderness survival only
Medical: Any (+5%)
Military: None
Physical: Any, but Acrobatics, Gymnastics, and Wrestling count as two skills each
Pilot: Any, except Jet fighter
Pilot Related: Any, except Weapons systems
Rogue: none
Science: Any (+5%)
Technical: Any (+5%)
Weapon Proficiencies: Any
Wilderness: Preserve food

Secondary Skills: the character can select 7 secondary skills from those listed. This skills are additional areas of knowledge and do not get the bonuses with in the (). Secondary skills start at base level
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Re: O.C.C/R.C.C ideas

Unread post by Slight001 »

AmberImmortal wrote:
drewkitty ~..~ wrote:I said Races because they ARE Races.
Classes are Classes not Races.

No I am not Going to argue with you over this cause I am using the words correctly.

Dude, stop splitting hairs. I don't care. I'm asking for help not arguments. If you have more good ideas, cool beans. If you wanna argue, save it. I'm having a mind bender. I have no interest in terminology.

That being said, You got any O.C.C ideas you can throw at me?

Drew is actually correct on the original intended terminology. R.C.C. originally referred to those races that were restricted to a particular skill/ability set due to their nature or culture. Lanotaur Hunters are good example of an R.C.C. you'll notice that there is no way to fully differentiate between what is the baseline abilities of a Lanotaur and what are their trained abilities. You'll also notice that there is no write up for a Lanotaur that allows them to be anything other then a Lanotaur Hunter. A proper race writeup would the Squilbs (D-Bee's or NA) as they are just the baseline abilities and include a list of O.C.C.'s they can be.

All that said the R.C.C. definition has been corrupted over the years into something all together confusing.

I'd contribute material but I'm leary of individuals asking for handouts with no assurances that my material won't be claimed by them or used without my express permission.
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Re: O.C.C/R.C.C ideas

Unread post by AmberImmortal »


The Tar'maeon are a race of aquatic humanoids. They come from an ocean planet that resides outside the normal life zone of its star. the surface is so cold that the entire planet is encased in a shell of ice. The shell of ice is the topmost portion the the planet-wide ocean. No life would be present at all if it weren't for the intense geological activity present beneath the crust of the planet. underwater volcanoes and geysers cover the vast majority of the planets underwater crust, spewing hot bubbles of air and water into what would be an otherwise frigid ocean. as a result of the constant geological and volcanic activity, the bottom of the ocean is a warm, habitable, and even comfortable climate for he Tar'maeon to thrive in. The minerals that erupt from the sub-oceanic geysers and volcanoes spread over the underwater landscape, making the bottom of the ocean dense with aquatic flora and, consequently, fauna which in turn encourages the growth of coral reefs. As a result, the bottom of the planet-ocean is a bright vibrant and dense habitat teeming with life. This is also where the Tar'maeon choose to live and settle. They have built sprawling (and rising) underwater cities beneath the ocean surface and the icecap that encloses them.

The Tar'maeon are generally sleek and thin. many details of their physiology I haven't hammered out yet. What I do know is that despite being an aquatic race, their hands and feet are neither webbed nor finned. Instead the Tar'maeon sport a number of fin appendages attached to their heads. Male Tar'maeon have only two head-fins, if you will, attached to the back of their cranium at the top. They appear as flat muscular appendages in the general shape of fins on either side of the back of the skull. They vary in size and length and some even go as far down as to reach almost to the knees but, those are rather extreme cases. Most male Tar'maeon have fins that reach past the shoulders.

Female Tar'maeon have the fins as well though in quite a different arrangement. Instead of having only two thick fins on the back of the head, they have dozens of thin ribbon-like appendages arranged on the top and back of the skull. They are arranged almost like hair (albeit, somewhat strange hair) along the scalp and is generally quite long, sometimes descending all the down to their feet.

The Tar'maeon "head-fins" are what comprise their primary method of swimming. The arms and legs of the Tar'maeon are more support appendages in the purpose of swimming and have little to do with underwater propulsion. Mostly, the arms and legs act as rudders to direct movement underwater. Most of the propulsion is in the domain of the head fins. The clear physiological differences between the men an women of the race come out in how they move beneath the water. The Men with only their two powerful head fins focus on concise powerful strokes at a somewhat staggered pace whereas the women with their many ribbon like fins almost glide under the water with continual motion of their flowing fins.

The Tar'maeon are often considered experts, if not the masters, of space-travel. They were the first space-faring race among the modern collective of galactic civilizations despite the obstacles that barred their way. The first, and most daunting, task of the Tar'maeon was to break through the miles thick ice-shell that covered their planet. For centuries, perhaps millennia, The Tar'maeon did not know that anything lay beyond the ice that made up their equivalent of an underwater sky. It wasn't until the last couple of centuries before they took to the stars did they know that there was something beyond the ice-shell. After they had finally broken through the shell they had discovered that another daunting barrier lay before them and one that they had literally no experience with: The Atmosphere. After they had broken through the shell and discovered the atmosphere beyond it they underwent a prolonged space race much like humans did. Decades were spent creating the greatest space able ships with the most innovative designs. Through the hard work of the race and despite all the obstacles they were the first of the modern races to begin exploring the galaxy.

I have more but, I think this is getting a little long so, I'll hold off on that.
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Re: O.C.C/R.C.C ideas

Unread post by gaby »

How about some new Pcc and Monsters for BtS?
Last edited by gaby on Wed Feb 26, 2014 7:52 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: O.C.C/R.C.C ideas

Unread post by AmberImmortal »

gaby wrote:How about some new Pcc or monsters for BtS?

For or from?
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Re: O.C.C/R.C.C ideas

Unread post by drewkitty ~..~ »

The Average Joe CCC (Cursed Char Class)

Curse of Averageness

This curse affects all aspects of the victim. Any clothes, armor, weapons, that this person carries, wears, uses will after two weeks of being in his possession with gain/reduced to the Average stats for that type of item. Ie: a High quality sword will loose 50% of its bonuses in one week and will be a plain sword at the end of the two weeks. conversely the worst weapon the can be made of that class will loose its penalties after the same two weeks. If the Victim has high or low stats, then they will after a year's time be slowly changed to the average stats for that RCC/race. Even the skills of the victim are affected (other then their natural language), they perform all skills with a 50% skill rating. They automatically get H2H Basic but never advance past 1st. For his saves he has to roll a 10 or higher for any and all saves.(no bonuses)

This victim will never amount to much of anything.....he will have an average spouse, the average number of kids, will earn just enough to feed & cloth his family. Making rent/house payments just on time...never late nor early.
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