new bad guy idea with minnions ( for atb2 game)

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new bad guy idea with minnions ( for atb2 game)

Unread post by hollowecho »

so i was playing around with my next bad guy for group to face and I was reading century city and came across "The Green Man". He is a baddie with plant form and control plants . Well I be been hinting that there is a city that doesn't use technology and hates most "modern" tools and things so I was thinking if he had a army of mutant plant people under his control that would be an interesting twist . Here are his warriors
Oak Tree (mutant plant)
Description: The mighty oak is an impossing image of power even in a post-apocaliptic world. These flowering plants are massive and can stand over 100ft (30 m)tall. Note: that this can also be used for other trees such as pine, palm, redwood (Size Level: 50) and birch.
Size Level: 35
Hight: up to 100 ft tall (30 m)
Weight: tons
Build: Tall
Mutant Changes & Cost:
Total BIO-E: 0
Attribute Bonuses: +20 P.S. (Crushing), +6 P.E., -4 P.P., -6 Speed
Human Features:
Hands: Automatically None. The mutant has no hands, just branches.
15 BIO-E for Partial. The mutant plant grows thicker arm-like branches with a semi-opposable thumb. The "arm" has very few leaves.
20 BIO-E for Full. The branches form into human-like arms capable of complete movement; the thumb is opposable.
Biped: Automatically None. The mutant cannot move what so ever. His torso and lower body are immobile. His body ends in a "trunk" with many roots.
20 BIO-E for Partial: The roots come to togather to form thick "legs". The branches, although they now alloy movement, still do not have the finess of actual legs.
25 BIO-E for Full: The branches form into leg-like structures capable of complete human movement.
Speech: Automatically None
5 BIO-E for Partial.
10 BIO-E for Full.
Looks: Automatically None. The mutant looks just like an oak tree, complete with bark and a vast amount of branches and leaves.
10 BIO-E for Partial. Brown (as in tree brown) or gray humanoid appearance, including a definable head and torso.
20 BIO-E for Full. The plant looks basically human although with brown or gray bark instead of skin, and the ever present leaves and vines will let one know it is a plant.
Natural Weapons:
5 BIO-E for 1D6 log fists
10 BIO-E for 2D4 log fists
15 BIO-E for 2D6 log fists
20 BIO-E for 3D6 log fists (must ba atleast size level 15)
25 BIO-E for 4D6 log fists ( must be atleast size level 17)
30 BIO-E for 5D6 log fists (must be atleast size level 20)
40 BIO-E for 6D6 log fists (must be atleast size level 20)
Mutant Plant Powers:
Automatically gets Plant Senses. Sense location of sun and moon at 90%, tell the exact time of day (within 15 to 20 minutes), can survive for one week per P.E. point without sunlight or water.
Automatically gets Water Dowsing. The ability to find water 2D6+4 feet (roll once at character creation) under the ground at a range of 2 miles.
Automatically gets Plant Breathing: Plants breath carbon-dioxide throughout the entire body and cannot be smothered.
5 BIO-E for Hibernation
10 BIO-E for Sap Secretion. Sap is a sticky gooey adhesive that can be produced by the mutant. When spread over an area with a half inch of sap it can momentarily (1D6 rounds) glue and hold an object in place equal to a P.S. 24. A combined P.S. of 25 or higher is needed to pull free. A P.S. 30 or higher if a lot of sap was used (1/2 lb or more). The character can produce half a pound of sap per six hours.
10 BIO-E for Medium Bark Armor-AR:11 +40 SDC
20 BIO-E for Heavy Bark Armor-AR:14 +60 SDC
10 BIO-E for Eyes. Plants have no eyes mutants might, however. The eyes appear as a set of glassy black lenses on the side of the"head". Grants sight equal to a regular humans.
10 BIO-E for Smell. Plants have no sense of smell. With this power the plant grows tiny slits where a humans nose would be. Giving the mutant a sense of smell equal to a humans.
5 BIO-E for Touch. Plants have no sense of feeling. With this ability the plant can sense objects and physical interactions as a human would.
5 BIO-E Hearing. Plants cannot hear. This allows the plant to hear as well as a human.
10 for Photosynthesis. Plants, all plants (even carnivorous ones) subsists mainly on sugar created by water, soil and a chemical process that takes place in the plants "body". This effectively feeds the plant, negating the need for physical food. However, the plant will begin to starve after 3 days of no natural sun light.
10 BIO-E for Increased Healing. The plant heals SDC and Hit Points three times faster than an animal or human. The plant mutant can re-grow lost limbs in a matter of days (2D4), including the "head". Note: the plants central nervous system or heart is in its foot (either one).
10 BIO-E for Healing Resin. The clear thick resin acts like a natural bandage and seals wounds from infection and further damage (such as blood loss) and allows for faster healing (heals an additional 1D6 to SDC or HP every hour). The resin hardens in 1D4 melees. The plant can produce one ounce of resin per P.E. point.
5 BIO-E for Roots: The plant has tiny strands hanging of its feet that look like green strands. They effectively let the plant eat with its feet.
Vestigial Disadvantages:
-10 BIO-E for taking Plant Brain: Without focus the mutant may temporarily get lost in the enviornment around him. Oblivious to the passage of time and events around him. These periods last only a few minutes (1D6) at a time. This only happens when the plant has lost focus or is bored and with nothing to do or when overwhelmed (save 14, P.E. bonuses are added in). During this time the mutant may not react with any one or any thing, and cannot defend himself even when attacked.
-5 BIO-E for taking Booming Voice. Everything the character says will be in a low-pitched, slow manner. The word "hi becomes "hhhhhhiiiiii". The character cannot speak quietly.

For his eyes among the town
Flower (mutant plant)
Description: Flowers come in many shapes and sizes and colors, some such as roses are considered beautiful others such as dandelions are considered pests and weeds.
Size Level: 1 to 3
Hight: a few inches to 3ft tall (up to .9)
Weight: a few ounces
Build: Medium
Mutant Changes & Cost:
Total BIO-E: 110 (atleast 50 must be spent in Size Level)
Attribute Bonuses: +1 I.Q., +2 P.B., +1 P.E.
Human Features:
Hands: Automatically None. The mutant has no hands, just branches.
10 BIO-E for Partial. The mutant plant grows thicker arm-like branches with a semi-opposable thumb. The "arm" has very few leaves.
15 BIO-E for Full. The branches form into human-like arms capable of complete movement; the thumb is opposable.
Biped: Automatically None. The mutant cannot move what so ever. His torso and lower body are immobile. His body ends in a "trunk" with many roots.
10 BIO-E for Partial: The roots come to togather to form thick "legs". The branches, although they now alloy movement, still do not have the finess of actual legs.
15 BIO-E for Full: The branches form into leg-like structures capable of complete human movement.
Speech: Automatically None
5 BIO-E for Partial.
10 BIO-E for Full.
Looks: Automatically None. The mutant appears as a green stalked plant with many pedals on the "head" and few branches
5 BIO-E for Partial. Green humanoid appearance, including a definable head and torso.
10 BIO-E for Full. The plant looks basically human although the ever present leaves and vines will let one know it is a plant.
15 BIO-E for Perfect. In this case the mutant plant looks exactly like a green human (of either gender and has no noticable leaves and vines), and usually very attractive +4 P.B. The colored pedals turn into fine wavy "hair". Character may be mistaken for an alien.
Natural Weapons:
5 BIO-E for 1D4 forearm spikes
10 BIO-E for 1D6 shoulder spikes
Mutant Plant Powers:
Automatically gets Plant Senses. Sense location of sun and moon at 90%, tell the exact time of day (within 15 to 20 minutes), can survive for one week per P.E. point without sunlight or water.
Automatically gets Water Dowsing. The ability to find water 2D6+4 feet (roll once at character creation) under the ground at a range of 2 miles.
Automatically gets Plant Breathing: Plants breath carbon-dioxide throughout the entire body and cannot be smothered.
10 BIO-E for Poisoned Skin. When threatened the mutant flower will secret poison through its "skin". This takes only one melee and the mutant flowers entire body is covered. Effects: causes a severe reaction on skin and fur. Includes rashes, severe itching, burning and watering of the eyes. Scratching the rashes will lead to sores. The rash and reactions last long after the secretion is washed off, -15% to skills do to lack of concentration and -4 to Speed to do itching. Duration: 1D6+2 hours.
5 BIO-E for Hibernation
10 BIO-E for Eyes. Plants have no eyes mutants might, however. The eyes appear as a set of glassy black lenses on the side of the"head". Grants sight equal to a regular humans.
10 BIO-E for Smell. Plants have no sense of smell. With this power the plant grows tiny slits where a humans nose would be. Giving the mutant a sense of smell equal to a humans.
5 BIO-E for Touch. Plants have no sense of feeling. With this ability the plant can sense objects and physical interactions as a human would.
5 BIO-E Hearing. Plants cannot hear. This allows the plant to hear as well as a human.
10 for Photosynthesis. Plants, all plants (even carnivorous ones) subsists mainly on sugar created by water, soil and a chemical process that takes place in the plants "body". This effectively feeds the plant, negating the need for physical food. However, the plant will begin to starve after 3 days of no natural sun light.
10 BIO-E for Increased Healing. The plant heals SDC and Hit Points three times faster than an animal or human. The plant mutant can re-grow lost limbs in a matter of days (2D4), including the "head". Note: the plants central nervous system or heart is in its foot (either one).
10 BIO-E for Healing Resin. The clear thick resin acts like a natural bandage and seals wounds from infection and further damage (such as blood loss) and allows for faster healing (heals an additional 1D6 to SDC or HP every hour). The resin hardens in 1D4 melees. The plant can produce one ounce of resin per P.E. point.
5 BIO-E for Roots: The plant has tiny strands hanging of its feet that look like green strands. They effectively let the plant eat with its feet.
Vestigial Disadvantages:
-10 BIO-E for taking Reptile Brain: Prey
-15 BIO-E for taking Plant Brain: Without focus the mutant may temporarily get lost in the enviornment around him. Oblivious to the passage of time and events around him. These periods last only a few minutes (1D6) at a time. This only happens when the plant has lost focus or is bored and with nothing to do or when overwhelmed (save 14, P.E. bonuses are added in). During this time the mutant may not react with any one or any thing, and cannot defend himself even when attacked.

( special thanks to Duck Foot for the write ups)

Basically the town is empty over grown and in ruins but a ring of broken tech sets up a barrier to warn people not to come in those that do get dealt with swiftly. The Green Man has secretly looted the town and keeps his choice finds in a bank vault. He has become paranoid that outsiders will take his treasure. He controls the plant people with his powers to attack and kill/drive off outsiders. 85% of the plaint people are innocent but a group of trees that live near the border have recently begun expanding the territory of the town and killing farmers and wanders along the main road.
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The Oh So Amazing Nate
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Re: new bad guy idea with minnions ( for atb2 game)

Unread post by The Oh So Amazing Nate »

Sweet! I like this idea. I also like my not quite fully formed idea of the players (yours, mine, whosever) getting in on this adventure by helping out some Beaver commandos.... and that's where my idea loses coherency.
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keir451 wrote:Amazing Nate; Thanks for your support!

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Nate, you sir win the internet for today! You've definitely earned the "oh so amazing" part of your name today. :lol:
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Re: new bad guy idea with minnions ( for atb2 game)

Unread post by hollowecho »

My first encounter is going to be the local motorgang ( thing road hogs gang meets barbarian tribe) called the Mongrels...have just been trounced buy the tree guys when the group rolls up on a lone survivor who is bleeding out and starts screaming about the trees!! And points towards the city.
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Re: new bad guy idea with minnions ( for atb2 game)

Unread post by hollowecho »

The Oh So Amazing Nate wrote:Sweet! I like this idea. I also like my not quite fully formed idea of the players (yours, mine, whosever) getting in on this adventure by helping out some Beaver commandos.... and that's where my idea loses coherency.

And a woodpecker scout.....
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Re: new bad guy idea with minnions ( for atb2 game)

Unread post by G »

I think both the stats have too many Bio-E. If you aren't saying that you don't have enough bio-E for whatever you are doing, then chances are it has too much. Are there other write-ups that start at size level 35? I thought it maxed out at 20...Since a tree can be any size, much like a person. My comparison is going to be the whale, they start at size level 20 (length 80 feet, 150 tons). I am contemplating if size level 10 is a good that your tree can grow as it ages. Which I suppose would be a good reason to put yourself down to size level 1 and buy other things and let yourself grow to normal size over the years...which means we need a minimum size level of perhaps 10.
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Re: new bad guy idea with minnions ( for atb2 game)

Unread post by hollowecho »

I kinda agree with the size of a max of 20 min of 10 for the tree people. but the idea can be used the same evil flora attacks the country side
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Re: new bad guy idea with minnions ( for atb2 game)

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I personally agree with the Greater than 20 SL given to tree's. They need the extra bio-e to buy things like eyes, ears, etc.. Things that a normal mutant gets for free. So they've got extra SL to trade for bio-e and may come out overly large because of it. Well they should be kind of hugish, they're tree's!!
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keir451 wrote:Amazing Nate; Thanks for your support!

Razzinold wrote:And the award for best witty retort to someone reporting a minor vehicular collision goes to:
The Oh So Amazing Nate!

Nate, you sir win the internet for today! You've definitely earned the "oh so amazing" part of your name today. :lol:
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Re: new bad guy idea with minnions ( for atb2 game)

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Or you could try something more unusual, start them at size level 1 and have them grow and/or gain bio-E as they age. Although that would be easier to do as a book than in an RPG.
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Re: new bad guy idea with minnions ( for atb2 game)

Unread post by hollowecho »

So the players love the new bad guys. The now have taken to stabbing random trees and chopping bushes to make sure they aren't alive. I decided that the plants are relatively new to there state of being so they all suffer from plant brain..but those that the green man is in direct control of lost this flaw. The PC have just found the baubles dump and the plants are on their way .
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Re: new bad guy idea with minnions ( for atb2 game)

Unread post by The Oh So Amazing Nate »

sweet. stabbing tree's and chopping random bushes could have some undesired consequences. there may be folks who don't appreciate your amateur landscapers vandalizing the neighborhood. ;)
Look upon me and tremble ye masses. For I am The Necroposter!
keir451 wrote:Amazing Nate; Thanks for your support!

Razzinold wrote:And the award for best witty retort to someone reporting a minor vehicular collision goes to:
The Oh So Amazing Nate!

Nate, you sir win the internet for today! You've definitely earned the "oh so amazing" part of your name today. :lol:
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Re: new bad guy idea with minnions ( for atb2 game)

Unread post by hollowecho »

They found out already dont mess with rose bushes. One came to life and about killed our militia bat after they chopped its mate ... Greatest line from the game " when the Bad Ass biker lynx says the forest is alive listen!!" Vlad after killing the rose bush
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Re: new bad guy idea with minnions ( for atb2 game)

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That is pretty cool. Walking through a ghost town then...... aaahhhhh the petunias are eating my face!!!
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Re: new bad guy idea with minnions ( for atb2 game)

Unread post by hollowecho »

I made some veggie monsters...the group call them "gribblies" i made them size level 6 used the feral background as the starting skills , gave them basic stats... hand to hand basic ...for arm spikes (1d4) and poision but I changed how it worked..if you used natural weapons on them ( bite,claws) you rolled vs non lethal poison (16) , if they attacked and got passed your AR you rolled vs lethal( 14)
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Re: new bad guy idea with minnions ( for atb2 game)

Unread post by G »

I found trees in rifter 46. ...and a variety of other plant life.
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