Undead RCC's?

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Undead RCC's?

Unread post by kongol »

I guess this *may* have come up once or twice before, but I've been away a while. Had a few books to publish.

I've recently gone through a HUGE Dark Souls (1&2) kick, and with my favorite Palladium Fantasy DM about to start up a game in a few weeks, I thought this was a perfect opportunity to try to see how the Dark Souls character concept would work. He's open to the idea, but we'd need to figure out how to do the 'race' of it.

Unless there's already a RCC that would closely fit the bill. We can just do modifications to make it fit I suppose. Or someone has already done this and there's a write up of it somewhere I can read.

Basically, for those who haven't played the game (And I don't blame you if you haven't; it's not everyone's cup of tea) the character of Dark Souls is a cursed undead. Forced to die and return repeatedly, they gradually lose their minds and become ravening mindless undead. Only strong willed souls can retain their humanity, and even then, the fall is believed to be inevitable.

In the game, it's mechanically represented by the player having a 'human' state where they're alive, and an 'undead' state where they're not. There are obvious benefits to being alive, and being undead actually makes you more likely to die again. (In DS2 dying actually reduced your max health, while in DS1 you just lost the ability to get help through multiplayer, etc.) There were NPC's that would react to you depending on what state you were in, of course.
Dying would send you back to the last bonfire you rested at (basically a 'checkpoint') and enemies would respawn. I personally believe that in most cases, the enemies respawned because most of them were like you, an accursed undead until they went mad, and they eventually come back too.

I wouldn't know where to begin with the returning thing. I mean considering how horrible things can get in the Palladium world, this would be disadvantageous. You appear human, yay. You get killed, but can't be rezzed, and you rise as undead. People treat you like any other walking corpse ("BURN IT!") and you get destroyed... except you rise again. And again. Also, I don't think you'd be able to get healed like any living person. Oh and let's not forget that being part of an adventuring party would be pretty difficult unless they're really understanding.

Anywho, these are my thoughts/questions. If anyone has anything they can contribute, I'd greatly appreciate it.
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Re: Undead RCC's?

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some of the cursed creatures out of land of the damned are pretty funky
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Re: Undead RCC's?

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Check in Rifts Conversion Book 3...Dark Conversions.
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Re: Undead RCC's?

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Nightfactory wrote:A Secondary Vampire from Rifts Vampire Kingdoms would seem to fit the bill, though you'd have to convert it to SDC.

The PF vamps are detailed in the Western Empire book.

pblackcrow wrote:Check in Rifts Conversion Book 3...Dark Conversions.

Which most originated in the Land of the Damned book 2.

This is besides the point that They are really NPC monsters, not RCC's.
May you be blessed with the ability to change course when you are off the mark.
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Re: Undead RCC's?

Unread post by kongol »

Hmmm... what about the undead invulnerability major power from heroes unlimited?
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Re: Undead RCC's?

Unread post by Prysus »

Greetings and Salutations. Okay, reading what you wrote (and knowing nothing of the subject beyond that), I wrote this. Spent about an hour and a half on it (which means very quick for me, with little or no time editing), and I may have (accidentl or through oversight) left off something important (if so, let me know). As I don't know the original source material, I don't really consider this a conversion. Let me know what you think. Though it's late and I need sleep. Farewell and safe journeys to all.

Ritual: Curse of the Undying
1 mile per level of experience.
Duration: 100 years per level of experience.
Saving Throw: Standard.
P.P.E.: ???, plus permanently sacrificing 2D6 Hit Points from the Necromancer.

A loch of hair and a drop (or more) of blood of the intended target are mixed into a concoction (along with a few other easily attainable items), and must be drunk by the Necromancer. Chanting over a dead body (must be of the same species of the intended target) harnessing powers of spirits. At the end of the ceremony, the Necromancer cuts himself so his blood may drop onto the corpse, which is then set ablaze in a funeral pyre.

If the intended target it within range of the ritual and fails his/her save, the character will feel a tinge of pain in the chest. Victims of this curse find their Hit Points depleting by 1D6 points per day. When every last Hit Point is depleted, the character dies. In most cases, this would be the end of the story. However, Necromancers are masters of the undead, making this not the end but the beginning. 24 hours after the character dies, his/her body will turn to dust and vanish.

At the site of the ritual, upon the spot where the funeral pyre was lit, the character will re-emerge, alive once again! The character will not remember dying nor know where they are (unless they've been there before), and confusion is natural. Unbeknownst to them at the time this begins their new life as a member of the Undying, trapped in the limbo between life and death.

The character retains their original mortal form, and at first nothing will seem amiss. However, the character will start to realize they require very little food, water, and sleep. An apple a day, or one decent meal a week, will literally sustain the character. A single hour a sleep a day will be enough sleep, though staying awake for a week straight with no penalties is also possible as long as the character eventually rests. The difference in habits will draw attention, causing some to eat extra meals out of habit or just to try and blend in. Over years, they will even start to realize they never age!

During stressful situations, such as being attacked or friends and/or family in danger, a Save vs. Insanity (12 or better) is required. Success results in nothing unusual happening, while a failed save results in the character turning into an Undead form. At first, the Undead form appears relatively normal except with pale skin. However, over time the flesh will begin to rot and decay akin to a zombie. In addition, every injury they ever take in this form will show for the rest of their Undying lives. Though a hole in the chest may, eventually, heal the wound will never look the same and could result in burnt and festering flesh over that area, or even lacking skin and muscle showing only internal organs.

Though disgusting, this Undead form is resilient and hard to kill. Physical attacks do no meaningful damage (a sword still cuts the body, but it doesn't inflict S.D.C. damage). The Undying feels no pain and all emotions are dulled. Though emotions are still present and the character is aware of them, they're so minor they cannot influence the character beyond an intellectual level ("This person is important to me, I should save them").

Despite being resistant to attacks, the Undying can still be hurt and have their S.D.C. and Hit Points reduced to 0. At this point, the character dies, again! However, once again, this is not the end. Within 24 hours, a fiery blaze will erupt at the site the character last died, and when it extinguishes the body of the Undying will lie there living once again. This method of rebirth has earned them the title of Fire Born.

Example: If the first time the character died (as a result of the ritual) was in Timiro, and the character (now as an Undying) dies in the Old Kingdom, the Undying will respawn in Timiro. The next time the character dies, he/she will return to life in the Old Kingdom.

Each time the Undying dies, the character must make another Save vs. Insanity (16 or higher). If successful nothing new happens, though a failure will result in the character gaining a random Insanity. Each time the character dies he/she risks further losing their grip on reality. Only the strongest willed characters (high M.E.) can hold onto who they are, though it is said that eventually all will fall into insanity.

For an evil Nercromancer this can be a great curse to inflict upon enemies, watching the hero suffer as they lose everything they know (even themselves) and, often, slipping into the darkness they once fought so hard against. Though it is said that some Necromancers have used this on willing minions and a rumor (though unconfirmed) of at least one using it on himself.

This cycle of life and death will not stop until one of two things happens. The first is to find the Necromancer who cast the spell, kill him, and eat his heart. If the Necromancer is already dead, this task is impossible. For others, the killing and eating another being's heart is just too gruesome. This leaves the second option, which is to wait for the curse to end. Depending on the skill of the Necromancer, that could be a very long wait indeed.

Abilities of the Undying (Undead form only)
Horror Factor:
12, plus 1 at levels three, six, nine, and twelve.
Limited Invulnerability: Normal swords, clubs, and other physical attacks do NO damage! Even chopping the character to pieces will only slow the character down as the Undying can pull themselves back together. The character is also immune to attacks (mundane, psychic, or magical) that affect emotion (such as empathy), illusion, sleep, curses, sickness, paralysis, poisons, disease, heat, cold, and other similar attacks. Turn Dead does not work as the character is still technically alive (and also dead at the same time). Negation and Remove Curse do not work.
Weaknesses: The Undying is vulnerable to magical energy (such as Energy Bolt, Fireball, Call Lightning, etc.), all of which do full damage. Normal fire and weapons made of (or coated in) silver also inflict full damage. Any damage taken in this form cannot heal (not even when returning to mortal form), until the character dies and respawns. This means every hit taken will bring the character closer to eventual death and surviving indefinitely is nigh impossible.
Special Abilities: Nightvision 100 feet (30.5 m), Supernatural P.S., and the ability to respawn. Nothing can truly stop the Undying from reforming, though it can be setup so the character is slain over and over and over again.
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Re: Undead RCC's?

Unread post by kiralon »

That's pretty good, but isn't a lake (loch) of hair a bit much ;)

and maybe rather than a random insanity the players MA drops by 1 until it gets to 0 where they are basically an emotionless zombie, and id allow them to burn XP to stop MA loss, but the xp burn would be cumulative. The Random Insanity Tables are just a bit random and can be character destroying, but a new table with specific picks rather than all of them could work too.
Just never been real fond of the random insanity thing.
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Re: Undead RCC's?

Unread post by kongol »

Wow that's a pretty detailed spell there Prysus, my compliments!
I'm sure you meant lock of hair, cause a Loch would be more than most species could produce in their life.

I think the decreasing mental faculties thing would be better than the random insanity, maybe actually a drop in ME? (making losing your mind the slippery slope it should be)

[EDIT] Do you mind if I use that spell for what I need, with a few modifications to keep the flavor? I'll post the completed product up when I finish tuning it up, of course.


Ritual: Curse of the Undying
Range: 1 mile per level of experience.
Duration: 100 years per level of experience.
Saving Throw: Standard.
P.P.E.: 1000, plus permanently sacrificing 2D6 Hit Points from the Necromancer.
A lock of hair and a drop (or more) of blood of the intended target are mixed into a concoction (along with a few other easily attainable items), and must be drunk by the Necromancer. Chanting over a dead body (must be of the same species of the intended target) harnessing powers of spirits. At the end of the ceremony, the Necromancer cuts himself so his blood may drop onto the corpse, which is then set ablaze in a funeral pyre.

If the intended target it within range of the ritual and fails his/her save, the character will feel a tinge of pain in the chest. Victims of this curse find their Hit Points depleting by 1D6 points per day. When every last Hit Point is depleted, the character dies. In most cases, this would be the end of the story. However, Necromancers are masters of the undead, making this not the end but the beginning. 24 hours after the character dies, his/her body will turn to ash and vanish.

At the site of the ritual, upon the spot where the funeral pyre was lit, the character will re-emerge, alive once again! The character will not remember dying nor know where they are (unless they've been there before), and confusion is natural. Unbeknownst to them at the time this begins their new life as a member of the Undying, trapped in the limbo between life and death.

The character retains their original mortal form, and at first nothing will seem amiss. However, the character will start to realize they require very little food, water, and sleep. The Undying can eat anything they wish, but they find that none of the food is filling. Only by eating approximately a pound of meat a day will actually cut the gnawing hunger that grows inside them.

They also find that they need not sleep. They toss and turn, but they find they can only find mental solace entranced by the dancing flames of a bonfire, usually unbeknownst to them reminiscent of the funeral pyre that links them to the curse. Merely an hour a night is enough to bring them mental clarity, but during that time of meditation, only extinguishing the fire will rouse them. They are drawn, like moths to the fire.

This trance is the only way the accursed undead can heal. Though magic fires and other flames like a dragon’s breath can harm them, a bonfire or funeral pyre has a symbolic link that allows them to recover a portion of their health (3D6+1D6/level each night).

The difference in habits will draw attention, causing some to eat extra meals out of habit or just to try and blend in. Over years, they will even start to realize they never age!

The accursed undead comes out of the pyre appearing fully alive. They look like a healthy member of whatever species they belong to, but that’s where the similarities end. At first, the undead form appears relatively normal except with pale skin. However, over time the flesh will show their undead nature. Every injury they ever take will show for the rest of their Undying lives. Their blood has been replaced with fine ash, leaking out whenever and wherever they’re injured, regardless of if it’s done actual damage or not. Injuries, even if they 'heal', leave the flesh that replaces it desiccated and dry, like a well preserved corpse. Those that survive large full body covering injuries truly look undead!

Though disgusting, this Undead form is resilient and hard to kill. Physical attacks do no meaningful damage (a sword still cuts the body, but it doesn't inflict S.D.C. damage). The Undying registers the damage but feels no pain. All emotions are dulled, though the emotions are still present. The character is aware of them, but they're so minor they cannot influence the character beyond an intellectual level ("This person is important to me, I should save them").

Despite being resistant to attacks, the Undying can still be hurt and have their S.D.C. and Hit Points reduced to 0. At this point, the character dies, again! However, once again, this is not the end. Within 24 hours, a fiery blaze will erupt at the site the character last died, and when it extinguishes the body of the Undying will lie there living once again. This method of rebirth has earned them the title of Fire Born.

Example: If the first time the character died (as a result of the ritual) was in Timiro, the Undying will respawn in Timiro. If the character (now as an Undying) dies in the Old Kingdom, he/she will return to life in the Old Kingdom.

Each time the Undying dies, the character must make another Save vs. Insanity (16). If successful nothing new happens, though a failure will result in the character permanently losing a point of ME! Each time the character dies he/she risks further losing their grip on reality. Only the strongest willed characters (high M.E.) can hold onto who they are, though it is said that eventually all will fall into insanity. When the Undying reaches 0 ME, they lose all semblance of consciousness, becoming ravenous mindless monsters that retain all the skills they had.

For an evil Nercromancer this can be a great curse to inflict upon enemies, watching the hero suffer as they lose everything they know (even themselves) and, often, slipping into the darkness they once fought so hard against. Though it is said that some Necromancers have used this on willing minions and a rumor (though unconfirmed) of at least one using it on himself.

This cycle of life and death will not stop until one of two things happens. The first is to find the Necromancer who cast the spell, kill him, and eat his heart. If the Necromancer is already dead, this task is impossible. For others, the killing and eating another being's heart is just too gruesome. This leaves the second option, which is to wait for the curse to end. Depending on the skill of the Necromancer, that could be a very long wait indeed.

Abilities of the Undying
Horror Factor (If identified as an undead): 12, plus 1 at levels three, six, nine, and twelve.
Limited Invulnerability: Normal swords, clubs, and other physical attacks do NO damage! Even chopping the character to pieces will only slow the character down as the Undying can pull themselves back together (1 Melee Action). Silver, Magic, or rune weapons only do half damage!
The character is also immune to attacks (mundane, psychic, or magical) that affect emotion (such as empathy), illusion, sleep, curses, sickness, paralysis, poisons, disease, heat, cold, and other similar attacks. Turn Dead does not work as the character is still technically alive (and also dead at the same time). Negation and Remove Curse do not work.

Weaknesses: The Undying is vulnerable to magical energy (such as Energy Bolt, Fireball, Call Lightning, etc.), all of which do full damage. Almost any fire does normal damage, with the above exception of bonfires/funeral Pyres. Any Hit Point/SDC damage taken in this form cannot heal (excepting resting at a bonfire) until the character dies and respawns. This means every hit taken will bring the character closer to eventual death and surviving indefinitely is nigh impossible. Nothing can truly stop the Undying from reforming, though it can be setup so the character is slain over and over and over again. Additionally, an undying can be imprisoned or trapped in horrible situations for long periods of time, further increasing their agony.

Special Abilities: Nightvision 100 feet (30.5 m), Supernatural P.S., and the ability to respawn.
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Re: Undead RCC's?

Unread post by Prysus »

Greetings and Salutations to one and all.

kiralon: Haha! You got me. I meant lock if hair. This is why I shouldn't post something when I'm tired and didn't edit. :-P

As for the Insanity thing, I included it because it's a very Palladium style inclusion, and I had been thinking of how Necromancers have Insanities as well, so kind of a symbol of becoming more like them.

Though upon further reflection and the responses in this thread, I think I'll make it Optional with a different penalty standard.

kongol: You have my blessing to use whichever version you like. I create stuff to help and inspire ideas in others. So if I inspired you to create a variation that works better for you then I've done my job.

With that said, the responses have inspired me to make a few modifications myself. My newer version will still have two forms (because I think it helps represent the loss of humanity better), but you might enjoy some of the other modifications. I hope to post it later tonight (I have yet to actually write the changes, and I'm at my work site on my phone without the master copy currently).

Changes: Modifications will include Insanities as optional only. Standard penalties will include lowering mental faculties. Ability to willingly transform (and a price that's paid). Details on the length of transformation. Rune weapons half damage. Holy weapons double damage (in either form). Recovery of I.S.P./P.P.E. A love/hate relationship with fire. Note: All concepts are only in my head currently and subject to change.

Farewell and safe journeys.
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Re: Undead RCC's?

Unread post by Prysus »

Greetings and Salutations. Okay, Version 2 is included below (in a Spoiler tag to avoid taking up too much room).


Ritual: Curse of the Undying
1 mile per level of experience.
Duration: 100 years per level of experience.
Saving Throw: Standard.
P.P.E.: ???, plus permanently sacrificing 2D6 Hit Points from the Necromancer.

A lock of hair and a drop (or more) of blood from the intended target are mixed into a concoction (along with a few other easily attainable items), and must be drunk by the Necromancer. This is followed by chanting over a dead body (must be of the same species of the intended target) to harness the power of spirits. At the end of the ceremony the Necromancer sets the corpse ablaze in a funeral pyre and then cuts himself (typically the hand), letting his blood flow into the flames. As the blood is engulfed in the inferno, the fire turns crimson red and then extinguishes in a brilliant flash of light and smoke.

If the intended target it within range of the ritual and fails his/her save, the character will feel a tinge of pain in the chest. Victims of this curse find their Hit Points depleting by 1D6 points per day. When every last Hit Point is depleted, the character dies. In most cases, this would be the end of the story. However, Necromancers are masters of the undead, making this not the end but the beginning. 24 hours after the character dies, his/her body will turn to dust and vanish.

At the site of the ritual, upon the spot where the funeral pyre was lit, the character will re-emerge, alive once again! The character will not remember dying nor know where they are (unless they've been there before), and confusion is natural. Unbeknownst to them at the time this begins their new life as a member of the Undying, trapped in the limbo between life and death.

The character retains their original mortal form, and at first nothing will seem amiss. However, the character will start to realize they require very little food, water, and sleep. The character need only eat one pound of raw, uncooked meat once a week to truly be sustained. Cooking the meat, even a little, removes any nourishing qualities the meat would otherwise provide. Though one pound is the minimum, the character will suffer from a growing hunger for more. An apple a day will help to alleviate the hunger, but only help keep it more bearable. Some prefer to eat a pound of raw meat every day, which removes the gnawing craving all together. Failure to eat a pound of raw, uncooked meat once a week will result in becoming weak and frail. After a week the character suffers 2D6 damage per day, cannot heal by any means, loses one attack per melee, -2 to P.S., and -1D6 to Speed.

A single hour a sleep a day will be enough sleep, though staying awake for a week straight with no penalties is also possible as long as the character eventually rests. The difference in habits will draw attention, causing some to eat extra meals out of habit or just to try and blend in. Over years, they will even start to realize they never age!

During stressful situations, such as being attacked or friends and/or family in danger, a Save vs. Insanity (12 or better) is required. Success results in nothing unusual happening, while a failed save results in the character turning into an Undead form. At first, the Undead form appears relatively normal except with pale skin. However, over time the flesh will begin to rot and decay akin to a zombie. In addition, every injury they ever take in this form will show for the rest of their Undying lives. Though a hole in the chest may eventually heal, the wound will never look the same and could result in burnt and festering flesh over that area, or even lacking skin and muscle showing only internal organs.

Once combat is over, or the stressful situation resolved and the character calms down, the Undying may make another Save vs. Insanity (12 or better) to return to mortal form. This can be repeated every hour until the character rolls a successful save. It is said that if an Undying cannot return to its mortal form within 24 hours of the transformation, their mortal form is lost forever and they must remain in Undead form for the rest of their unending life. Though this is a rumor and has never been confirmed.

Though disgusting, this Undead form is resilient and hard to kill. Physical attacks do no meaningful damage (a sword still cuts the body, but it doesn't inflict S.D.C. damage). The Undying feels no pain and all emotions are dulled. Though emotions are still present and the character is aware of them, they're so minor they cannot influence the character beyond an intellectual level ("This person is important to me, I should save them").

Despite being resistant to attacks, the Undying can still be hurt and have their S.D.C. reduced to 0. At this point, the character dies, again! This is because the character is dead, and as such has no Hit Points. This, along with their inability to feel pain, can often be their downfall. Pain is the body's natural way of saying "STOP!" When feeling pain a normal mortal feels a sense of danger and may protect weak spots or even flee. The Undying feel no pain or fear, resulting in serious injury feeling less threatening than a paper cut. They rarely realize how close they're to death until they're dead.

Even after the Undying is slain, once again, this is not the end. Within 24 hours, a fiery blaze will erupt at the site the character last died, and when it extinguishes the body of the Undying will lie there living once again. This method of rebirth has earned them the title of Fire Born.
Example: If the first time the character died (as a result of the ritual) was in Timiro, and the character (now as an Undying) dies in the Old Kingdom, the Undying will respawn in Timiro. The next time the character dies, he/she will return to life in the Old Kingdom.

Each time the Undying dies, the character must make another Save vs. Insanity (16 or higher). If successful nothing new happens, though a failure will result in the character suffering -1 to M.A. While this may not seem like much, this represents the slow decay of the character's humanity, slowly caring less and less about this around him/her and no longer being able to understand the living. Each time the character dies he/she risks further losing their grip on reality. By the time the character reaches an M.A. of 0, they are nothing more than the emotionless zombie that their Undead form appears. Only the strongest willed characters (high M.E.) can hold onto who they are, though it is said that eventually all will fall into darkness.

Of course, a character need not resist the transformation. Some Undying come to look upon their curse as an asset, or at least a necessary evil. If the character wants to transform, he/she doesn't need to roll to resist it. Characters can even willingly summon the inner undead monster forth at will! If the character desires the change, but doesn't feel the transformation coming on (or has already resisted it and now regretting that decision) he/she can focus to bring the Undead form to the front. This can be a great asset in battle. However, it comes at a price.

Though the Undying doesn't know it at first, each time the Undead form is summoned willingly, the character permanently suffers -1 to M.E. (no saving throw, this is the price paid). At first the character won't likely even realize their strength of will degrading, and by the time they do it is too late. Once the character's M.E. drops low enough their chances to resist transformations also declines. If the character's M.E. ever drops to 0, then the character reverts into the Undead form all the time and loses their mortal form forever! Not even death and rebirth can restore their mortal form, though many will try until they lose the rest of their humanity as well.

For an evil Necromancer this can be a great curse to inflict upon enemies, watching the hero suffer as they lose everything they know (even themselves) and, often, slipping into the darkness they once fought so hard against. Though it is said that some Necromancers have used this on willing minions and a rumor (though unconfirmed) of at least one using it on himself.

This cycle of life and death will not stop until one of two things happens. The first is to find the Necromancer who cast the spell, kill him, and eat his heart. If the Necromancer is already dead, this task is impossible. For others, the killing and eating another being's heart is just too gruesome. This leaves the second option, which is to wait for the curse to end. Depending on the skill of the Necromancer, that could be a very long wait indeed.

Abilities of the Undying (Undead form only)
Horror Factor: 12, plus 1 at levels three, six, nine, and twelve.

Limited Invulnerability: Normal swords, clubs, and other physical attacks do NO damage! Even chopping the character to pieces will only slow the character down as the Undying can pull themselves back together. The character is also immune to attacks (mundane, psychic, or magical) that affect emotion (such as empathy), illusion, sleep, curses, sickness, paralysis, poisons, disease, heat, cold, and other similar attacks. Turn Dead does not work as the character is still technically alive (and also dead at the same time). Negation and Remove Curse do not work. Rune weapons inflict half damage. See also Fire for special rules regarding resistance to this element.

Weaknesses: The Undying is vulnerable to magical energy (such as Energy Bolt, Fireball, Call Lightning, etc.), all of which do full damage. Weapons made of (or coated in) silver also inflict full damage. Holy weapons inflict double damage (in both forms)! See also Fire for special rules regarding weaknesses to this element.

Fire: The Undying and Fire have a special love/hate relationship. Each time they die they are reborn in a fiery blaze. Similarly, the Undying does not heal or recover spent energy from rest or standard medical treatment. Instead, the character can only heal (in either form) when engulfed in flames. The character must step into a fire large enough so that their entire body can be consumed by the flames. However, instead of suffering damage, the flames heal the character 2D6 points of damage per minute spent in the pyre (plus 1D6 additional is healed at levels three, six, nine, and twelve).

Sitting by a large fire and basking in its warmth and radiance (though does not need to be engulfed in the flames) is also the only way the Undying can recover P.P.E. or I.S.P. 20 P.P.E. and/or 12 I.S.P. are recovered by 30 minute period.

Though fire can be life for an Undying, it can also be death. When attacked by fire (or remaining in pyre after damage is restored to full) the fire starts to burn. Fire damage inflicts minimum damage (do not roll!), but it also cannot be healed by any means until the character dies. That means each time the character suffers fire damage, he/she is one step closer to death. Whether the character stays in a pyre too long, smacked with a lit torch, or hit with a flaming sword, this damage cannot be healed by fire, magic, time, or any other method short of dying (and being reborn once again). Fire is the only way the character can heal, yet it will not undo that which it itself has inflicted.

Special Abilities: Nightvision 100 feet (30.5 m), Supernatural P.S., and the ability to respawn. Nothing can truly stop the Undying from reforming, though it can be setup so the character is slain over and over and over again.

Insanity (Optional): Dying and coming back from the dead can be a traumatic experience, as too can be the slow loss of humanity. To further illustrate the warping of their reality and their loss of humanity, characters may want to roll on the special Necromancer Insanity Table (found under the Necromancer O.C.C.) after each death.
Living the Fantasy (fan website)

Rifter #45; Of Bows & Arrows (Archery; expanding rules and abilities)
Rifter #52; From Ruins to Runes (Living Rune Weapons; playable characters and NPC)
Rifter #55; Home Away From Home (Quorian Culture; expanded from PF Book 9: Baalgor Wastelands)

Official PDF versions of Rifter #45, #52, and #55 can be found at DriveThruRPG.
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Re: Undead RCC's?

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you've created another jem Prysus. keep up the great work!
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Re: Undead RCC's?

Unread post by MrDisturbed »

There's a half zombie type thing in dead reign. And there's plenty of MorphOS for undead things in nightbane to look at.
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Re: Undead RCC's?

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Ninjabunny wrote:It's threads like these make me wish palladium fantasy had a lich.

IIRC the 2nd Rifts south america book had a kind of magical mummy race/class.. might be adaptable.
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Re: Undead RCC's?

Unread post by Library Ogre »

Ninjabunny wrote:It's threads like these make me wish palladium fantasy had a lich.

I included a lich-like creature in the MoM manuscript.
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Re: Undead RCC's?

Unread post by eliakon »

Mark Hall wrote:
Ninjabunny wrote:It's threads like these make me wish palladium fantasy had a lich.

I included a lich-like creature in the MoM manuscript.

Hopefully it makes it into MoM 2
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Re: Undead RCC's?

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Eryk Stormbright wrote:you've created another jem Prysus. keep up the great work!

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Re: Undead RCC's?

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There was a lich in the Castlerake adventure in one of the Rifters.
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Re: Undead RCC's?

Unread post by MorbidGorilla »

For a different view, you should check out an older pc game Planescape: Torment. Super cool and right on the money for what you seem to be looking at doing. It won't help you with the state crunching but give you an other look at the undying hero theme
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