Level Distribution

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Level Distribution

Unread post by Bad_Syntax »

Anybody out there know what kind of distribution each level has? For example, if you had 1 million wizards, how many are level 1, how many 15?

I picked some random XP table out of the core book, and came up with this ratio based on the XP tables for 800 characters:
363 Level 1
182 Level 2
91 Level 3
46 Level 4
33 Level 5
22 Level 6
17 Level 7
13 Level 8
10 Level 9
7 Level 10
5 Level 11
4 Level 12
3 Level 13
2 Level 14
2 Level 15

Now granted, each XP table may have slightly different distributions, but would this feel about right if there is no other source?

Using this particular table, looking at Tolkeen forces, They'd have a total of about 175 level 9+ warlocks (those with the capability of summoning greater elementals, each of which could lay waste to divisions).

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Re: Level Distribution

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I think that looks to be a fair division....except it is possible that for the Tolkeen war that they higher levels may be higher in number just because of the nature of that war and the fact it would draw more to the cause in general, even as mercenaries and not part of the Tolkeen forces proper.
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Re: Level Distribution

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If there is an "Average" level, I could go up and down from that. If the highest percentage of levels is like 2 or 3, I could adjust that number a wee bit both ways. This would address the issue of having so many more level 1's than 2's, when level 2 is pretty easy and quick to achieve.
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Re: Level Distribution

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Yep sounds about right :ok:
I am very opinionated. Yes I rub people the wrong way but at the end of the day I just enjoy good hard discussion and will gladly walk away agreeing to not agree :D

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Re: Level Distribution

Unread post by BuzzardB »

Bad_Syntax wrote:Using this particular table, looking at Tolkeen forces, They'd have a total of about 175 level 9+ warlocks (those with the capability of summoning greater elementals, each of which could lay waste to divisions).

In which book would I find the stats for such elementals? This kind of came up in a PFRPG one-shot I ran that had a warlock, said he could summon lesser elementals. I found nothing that indicated which elementals were lesser and which were greater.
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Re: Level Distribution

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Level 1-8 Warlocks can only suffer lesser elementals (I presume from the spells that do the summoning), 1/day, level 9+ can attempt to summon GREATER elementals at half the chance (about 33% to 50%, depending on level).

I presumed they were the Major elemental RCC's from the Dark Conversion Book (page 108 or so). Most have at least a few thousand MDC, can do all elemental spells for their element, have lots of PPE, and can also do quite a few other spells.

The key thing is that 100x range of a level 1 warlock thing (page 112, top left). Most Warlock spells have ranges from like 1" to 3", x100 means they all reach across a normal table. I'm not sure if the "all spell ranges are 100 times the range of a first level spell" includes radius/diameter/etc, if so, well, 1 of these guys could cover a table in something like a 30" diameter snow storm that would essentially immobilize everything within it. The only way to kill these things is hit them with tactical nukes and heavy artillery, and a lot of it. Things like Northern Lights and Electro-Magnetism, for just the Air Elemental, stop an entire region of the tabletop from being useful in addition to all those "kill some stuff" spells. Oh, and the air one at least moves at mach 1 too, so it can be wherever it wants.
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Re: Level Distribution

Unread post by Prysus »

BuzzardB wrote:
Bad_Syntax wrote:Using this particular table, looking at Tolkeen forces, They'd have a total of about 175 level 9+ warlocks (those with the capability of summoning greater elementals, each of which could lay waste to divisions).

In which book would I find the stats for such elementals? This kind of came up in a PFRPG one-shot I ran that had a warlock, said he could summon lesser elementals. I found nothing that indicated which elementals were lesser and which were greater.

Greetings and Salutations. I've always taken the lesser/greater elementals to be the minor/major elementals detailed in Dragons & Gods (since the question is in regards to PF, I'm using D&G instead of any Rifts references).

However, I have seen people who said that you needed to roll the % to summon even the elemental essence fragments that are part of the level spells (such as the Level Six Water spell, Little Ice Monster). I've never (personally) liked that ruling, but if that is the way you choose to rule, then I'd say the fragments (elemental spells) are the "lesser" with "major" falling under the category of those found in D&G (minor or major).

With me so far? I hope so, because I'm about to make it more confusing (I think, I'm too confused to know anymore).

Dragons & Gods; page 55 wrote:The mud mound is actually a lesser elemental.

Here it lists the "mud mound" as a lesser elemental, and we see "mud mound" detailed as a Minor Elemental on page 59. This would seem to support my first point (lesser/minor and greater/major). Note: This, I believe, would have to be separate from the "Little Mud Mound" that's an Earth Warlock spell (as the word "Little" isn't used here).

Palladium Fantasy 2nd Edition; page 111 wrote:Summoning Note Number Two: The warlock may also be able to summon minor elementals and fragmented essences from an elemental intelligence by means of elemental magic. These are even less powerful beings than a lesser elemental, but can be released in the same way.

So here we have a quote that (effectively) says "minor elementals" "are even less powerful being than a lesser elemental" which, if we take it to be true, than a minor elemental is NOT a lesser elemental, and is in fact weaker. It also talks about a "elemental intelligence" so ... maybe a Elemental Intelligence is greater and a Major Elemental is just lesser?

Bah! I'm going by what I first said (lesser = minor, and greater = major) and standing by it. I can't tell you for sure that's right and by the book though. All I can do is provide you with my personal thoughts, and the evidence I've found on the matter so far. Hope that helps. Farewell and safe journeys to all.
Living the Fantasy (fan website)

Rifter #45; Of Bows & Arrows (Archery; expanding rules and abilities)
Rifter #52; From Ruins to Runes (Living Rune Weapons; playable characters and NPC)
Rifter #55; Home Away From Home (Quorian Culture; expanded from PF Book 9: Baalgor Wastelands)

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Re: Level Distribution

Unread post by Bad_Syntax »

Oh gosh, way to confuse me!

I stuck with the Rifts and Dark Conversion data, as first it appears that the fantasy stuff is very similar, and almost a reprint (PF was 1998, DC was 2002) of the stuff in the Dark Conversion book. So it appears that "new rules" were written for Rifts.

However, yeah, the whole lesser/greater thing is kinda unclear. I thought it made sense though. Those big super bad-arse ones are hard to summon, and only really high level warlocks can even attempt to do so, and they fail most of the time they try. However, those big ones, and the lower level warlocks, can all summon all those lesser elemental types.

Hopefully I'm right on this, otherwise.... well ugh, confusion!

So, for me, and the way I'm treating this now:
"Greater Air Elemental" = "Major Air Elemental" = Rifts Conversion Book 3 - Dark Conversions, Page 109 - Attempt to summon once/day, base percentages.
"Lesser Air Elemental" = "Minor Air Elemental" = Rifts Conversion Book 3 - Dark Conversions, Page 110 - Attempt to summon once/day if level 9+, half percentages.

"Greater Earth Elemental" = "Major Earth Elemental" = Rifts Conversion Book 3 - Dark Conversions, Page 111 - Attempt to summon once/day if level 9+, half percentages.
"Lesser Earth Elemental" = "Major or Minor Lava Monster" = Rifts Conversion Book 3 - Dark Conversions, Page 112 - Attempt to summon once/day, base percentages.
"Lesser Earth Elemental" = "Minor Earth Monster" = Rifts Conversion Book 3 - Dark Conversions, Page 113 - Attempt to summon once/day, base percentages.
"Lesser Earth Elemental" = "Mud Mound" = Rifts Conversion Book 3 - Dark Conversions, Page 113 - Attempt to summon once/day, base percentages.
"Lesser Earth Elemental" = "Earth-Tree or Plant Elemental" = Rifts Conversion Book 3 - Dark Conversions, Page 114 - Attempt to summon once/day, base percentages.

"Greater Fire Elemental" = "Major Fire Elemental" = Rifts Conversion Book 3 - Dark Conversions, Page 115 - Attempt to summon once/day if level 9+, half percentages.
"Lesser Fire Elemental" = "Minor Fire Elemental" = Rifts Conversion Book 3 - Dark Conversions, Page 116 - Attempt to summon once/day, base percentages.

"Greater Water Elemental" = "Major Water Elemental" = Rifts Conversion Book 3 - Dark Conversions, Page 117 - Attempt to summon once/day if level 9+, half percentages.
"Lesser Water Elemental" = "Minor Water Elemental" = Rifts Conversion Book 3 - Dark Conversions, Page 118 - Attempt to summon once/day, base percentages.
"Lesser Water Elemental" = "Ice Monster" = Rifts Conversion Book 3 - Dark Conversions, Page 118 - Attempt to summon once/day, base percentages.

These are all the ones that require "summoning", or a planned out event out of combat.

DURING combat, warlocks can use the following spells to summon these kinda creatures, which aren't as good as Greater/Lesser (or Major/Minor), but can sometimes be useful:
Level 4 Air - Leaf Rustler (worthless melee fighter/mule)
Level 4 Air - Phantom Footman (decent melee fighter/mule)
Level 5 Air - Phantom (good melee fighter/mule)
Level 5 Air - Phantom Mount (its a horse, yippee)
Level 5 Earth - Little Mud Mount (Tough and pretty good melee fighter, can also cast spells, very useful)
Level 8 Earth - Create Golem (decent melee fighter)
Level 4 Fire - Flame Friend (decent melee fighter/mule)
Level 6 Fire - Dancing Fires (not really a creature, but treated like one. Poor melee fighter, kinda silly)
Level 6 Water - Little Ice Monster (Tough and pretty good melee fighter, can also cast spells, very useful)
Level 6 Water - Summon Sharks/Whales (1 per level of them, quite useful, in very specific situations)

The only limit to those would be the PPE available, which could produce quite a few of the crappier units, and a couple of the better ones.

Note that "Greater Elementals" can also summon as many as 4d6 "Lesser Elementals" up to 4 times a day, making even 1 an army.

Let me know if I'm somehow wrong :(
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Re: Level Distribution

Unread post by kaid »

Bad_Syntax wrote:Oh gosh, way to confuse me!

I stuck with the Rifts and Dark Conversion data, as first it appears that the fantasy stuff is very similar, and almost a reprint (PF was 1998, DC was 2002) of the stuff in the Dark Conversion book. So it appears that "new rules" were written for Rifts.

However, yeah, the whole lesser/greater thing is kinda unclear. I thought it made sense though. Those big super bad-arse ones are hard to summon, and only really high level warlocks can even attempt to do so, and they fail most of the time they try. However, those big ones, and the lower level warlocks, can all summon all those lesser elemental types.

Hopefully I'm right on this, otherwise.... well ugh, confusion!

So, for me, and the way I'm treating this now:
"Greater Air Elemental" = "Major Air Elemental" = Rifts Conversion Book 3 - Dark Conversions, Page 109 - Attempt to summon once/day, base percentages.
"Lesser Air Elemental" = "Minor Air Elemental" = Rifts Conversion Book 3 - Dark Conversions, Page 110 - Attempt to summon once/day if level 9+, half percentages.

"Greater Earth Elemental" = "Major Earth Elemental" = Rifts Conversion Book 3 - Dark Conversions, Page 111 - Attempt to summon once/day if level 9+, half percentages.
"Lesser Earth Elemental" = "Major or Minor Lava Monster" = Rifts Conversion Book 3 - Dark Conversions, Page 112 - Attempt to summon once/day, base percentages.
"Lesser Earth Elemental" = "Minor Earth Monster" = Rifts Conversion Book 3 - Dark Conversions, Page 113 - Attempt to summon once/day, base percentages.
"Lesser Earth Elemental" = "Mud Mound" = Rifts Conversion Book 3 - Dark Conversions, Page 113 - Attempt to summon once/day, base percentages.
"Lesser Earth Elemental" = "Earth-Tree or Plant Elemental" = Rifts Conversion Book 3 - Dark Conversions, Page 114 - Attempt to summon once/day, base percentages.

"Greater Fire Elemental" = "Major Fire Elemental" = Rifts Conversion Book 3 - Dark Conversions, Page 115 - Attempt to summon once/day if level 9+, half percentages.
"Lesser Fire Elemental" = "Minor Fire Elemental" = Rifts Conversion Book 3 - Dark Conversions, Page 116 - Attempt to summon once/day, base percentages.

"Greater Water Elemental" = "Major Water Elemental" = Rifts Conversion Book 3 - Dark Conversions, Page 117 - Attempt to summon once/day if level 9+, half percentages.
"Lesser Water Elemental" = "Minor Water Elemental" = Rifts Conversion Book 3 - Dark Conversions, Page 118 - Attempt to summon once/day, base percentages.
"Lesser Water Elemental" = "Ice Monster" = Rifts Conversion Book 3 - Dark Conversions, Page 118 - Attempt to summon once/day, base percentages.

These are all the ones that require "summoning", or a planned out event out of combat.

DURING combat, warlocks can use the following spells to summon these kinda creatures, which aren't as good as Greater/Lesser (or Major/Minor), but can sometimes be useful:
Level 4 Air - Leaf Rustler (worthless melee fighter/mule)
Level 4 Air - Phantom Footman (decent melee fighter/mule)
Level 5 Air - Phantom (good melee fighter/mule)
Level 5 Air - Phantom Mount (its a horse, yippee)
Level 5 Earth - Little Mud Mount (Tough and pretty good melee fighter, can also cast spells, very useful)
Level 8 Earth - Create Golem (decent melee fighter)
Level 4 Fire - Flame Friend (decent melee fighter/mule)
Level 6 Fire - Dancing Fires (not really a creature, but treated like one. Poor melee fighter, kinda silly)
Level 6 Water - Little Ice Monster (Tough and pretty good melee fighter, can also cast spells, very useful)
Level 6 Water - Summon Sharks/Whales (1 per level of them, quite useful, in very specific situations)

The only limit to those would be the PPE available, which could produce quite a few of the crappier units, and a couple of the better ones.

Note that "Greater Elementals" can also summon as many as 4d6 "Lesser Elementals" up to 4 times a day, making even 1 an army.

Let me know if I'm somehow wrong :(

One thing to note for the elemental fragments that are summoned by the spells most have pretty healthy PPE bases and warlocks can borrow that for their own spell casting. A lot of them have more PPE than they actually cost to cast so they actually wind up being much better in practice than they even look on paper.
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Re: Level Distribution

Unread post by BuzzardB »

I am glad I am not the only one who looked at Lesser, Greater, Major, Minor and went...what?

Especially now that you have said minor are weaker than lesser. Well give us some stats on some minor ones eh!
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Re: Level Distribution

Unread post by Bad_Syntax »

I think the Majors/Greators and Minors/Lessers are the ones in the dark conversion books.

I guess the kinds each warlock can create through spells are more like "fragments of an element" (they are usually referred to as such) rather than a major/greater/minor/lesser, which is just confusing :)
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