rune magic occ and a different type of rune magic for rifts

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rune magic occ and a different type of rune magic for rifts

Unread post by quertas »

I got just the basics, thought of just taking one of the many magic occ's skill list and equipment. This rune mage just has the powers listed. Enjoy not finalized but enjoyable

Rune Magic (kin to tattoos), tattooed on the skin
30 runes and a heart rune at level 1
10 runes/lv
Heart rune: 10 runes which make up the heart
HP/SDC/MDC - 10/rune
P.P.E. 20/rune; ISP 10/rune

Save vs magic, poison, Psionics, insanity, horror factor, illusion, possession, mind control, disease, toxins, gas, drugs, OR radiation 1/rune ( so one of those equals +1 to save, not all of them at once)

Coma/death 5/rune

PS, PP, PE, PB, ME, IQ, MA - 2/rune
SPD 5/rune

Combat skills (initiative, strike, parry, dodge, roll, pull, disarm, damage, ) 2/ rune
Critical 1/2runes
APM 1/rune

Skill 20%/rune
PPE/ISP regenerates 2/rune/hour
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Re: rune magic occ and a different type of rune magic for ri

Unread post by filo_clarke »

So, if I understand what I am reading, the character starts with 30 +10 runes, and can opt to distribute the bonuses from these freely among any of the areas listed above?

At its heart, I don't see a problem with it, so long as there are limits on how many times a character can purchase a single enhancement. A player purchasing even a few extra attacke per melee could quickly become unbalancing, let alone purchasing a dozen or more. Likewise, boosting attributes could unbalance a character dramatically. Plus, it would be cheaper to buy the IQ attribute boost, than spend the +20% to an individual skill cost.

Likewise, the enhanced PPE/ISP regeneration, does this have to be pruchased, or does the character's PPE/ISP simply automatically regenerate based on the number of runes that he/she has? I am not a big fan of allowing huge amounts of PPE/ISO regeneration, as it seems to be a balancing factor of the magic/psionic classes versus the tech classes.

So as an example, if a level 1 character has 30 runes + a heart rune (10 runes), then the player could opt to put all of the rune purchases into a single area, making the potential gains possible:

HP/SDC/MDC: +400
PPE: +800 (Regenerates at 80 per hour)
ISP: +400 (Regenerares at 80 per hour)
Saving Throws: +40 bonus to distribute among 13 Saves
Save vs. Coma/Death: +200
Attributes: +80 bonus to distribute among 7 stats
Attributes: +200 to Spd alone
Combat Bonuses: +80 to distribute among 8 bonuses
Critical: I'm not sure what this means...
Attacks: +40 Attacks per Melee
Skills: +800%

Basically, I see a neat seed of creativity here, but I forsee a BUNCH of munchkin problems if I ever tried to implement it.
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Re: rune magic occ and a different type of rune magic for ri

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thank you, imopen to ideas..
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Re: rune magic occ and a different type of rune magic for ri

Unread post by filo_clarke »

Looking it over again, I notice that it would be the same price to raise a character's PS as it would be to raise a character's Bonus to Damage. If this is the case, I would always opt to raise the PS attribute, for the additional benefits that would provide (lift/carry, swim spd, etc.).

Raising the PP attribute to 30 nets a total +8 to many of the combat bonuses which would be cheaper than raising them each individually.

I'll keep thinking about it...
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Re: rune magic occ and a different type of rune magic for ri

Unread post by quertas »

hmm understood and very good points, they will need to be changed, appreciate the extra set of eyes
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Re: rune magic occ and a different type of rune magic for ri

Unread post by Prysus »

filo_clarke wrote:So, if I understand what I am reading ...

Greetings and Salutations. Well, not sure if I understand the details any better (this is stated as being unfinished, so I didn't spend too much time with the details), but I think there's a few miscalculations (of course, I'm just guessing myself).

First, I'm not sure if you can spend the runes that make the Heart Rune on other bonuses (though not sure what the Heart Rune does either). But, for now, I'll just focus on the 40 rune aspect (as I'm not sure if it's 40 or 30, and the 10 for the Heart do something different, perhaps being required to power the other runes?).

filo_clarke wrote:PPE: +800 (Regenerates at 80 per hour)
ISP: +400 (Regenerares at 80 per hour)

This should be ...

PPE: +800 or Regenerates at 80 per hour
ISP: +400 or Regenerares at 80 per hour

As near as I can tell, you can the P.P.E. or I.S.P. bonuses, but that does not automatically come with the regeneration (which is a different rune).

filo_clarke wrote:Critical: I'm not sure what this means...

If I'm reading it correctly, this means you can increase the "critical" range by 1 (so a Nat 20 only will now be 19-20), by spending 2 runes. So, by spending 40 runes on this, you can increase the Critical Range by 20. So a Natural 1 is a Critical Hit (Note: As per RUE, a Nat 1 is always a miss, and per Palladium systems a 1-4 after bonuses is also a miss ... so not sure how this would work togeter).

filo_clarke wrote:Basically, I see a neat seed of creativity here, but I forsee a BUNCH of munchkin problems if I ever tried to implement it.

I totally agree with this.

If I wanted to add limits, I'd be thinking ...

1: No more than doubling a current stat or value? So an I.Q. of 10 can never go higher than 20 (for example). And I.S.P. regeneration of 12 per hour can never surpass 24 per hour.
2: Reduce the number of runes? Only a handful of runes forces you to be more strategic in their implementation.
3: Make the Heart Rune a unique power ability (and you can't use those 10 for other uses)? Maybe this is closer to an activation rune (the 10 chained together), and must be activated before any other runes can be activated. So it's the "heart" of their powers, but in itself provides no special bonuses.
4: Require more than 1 rune powering a single trait must be linked by a Chain Rune? So if you want 4 runes to power I.S.P., there must be a 5th rune that links the 4 together (so you can receive the cumulative effects, instead of just 4 runes that do the same thing but don't add together, effectively just 3 back-ups for the 1 working).

These are just random ideas off the top of my head (at least one of which I've used myself in various projects). I haven't given it a lot of thought, so I might be missing some undesired secondary reactions these changes would make. You can use some, none, or all if you'd like. I'm throwing out ideas, not really saying how to work the class. Farewell and safe journeys.
Living the Fantasy (fan website)

Rifter #45; Of Bows & Arrows (Archery; expanding rules and abilities)
Rifter #52; From Ruins to Runes (Living Rune Weapons; playable characters and NPC)
Rifter #55; Home Away From Home (Quorian Culture; expanded from PF Book 9: Baalgor Wastelands)

Official PDF versions of Rifter #45, #52, and #55 can be found at DriveThruRPG.
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Re: rune magic occ and a different type of rune magic for ri

Unread post by quertas »

thanks all ideas are welcome.. at some point i will revamp the class.. but till then safe journeys
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Re: rune magic occ and a different type of rune magic for ri

Unread post by quertas »

ok stats except speed are now 1/3runes -max +10 (30 runes)
apm is 1/5 runes;
combat rolls are now 1/rune max +10 ( 10 runes/combat skill)
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Re: rune magic occ and a different type of rune magic for ri

Unread post by Galroth »

Maybe it's just me but this sounds an awful lot like a conversion of the Rune Mages from the Death Gate Cycle. Maybe it's just me though. It's probably the use of the 'Heart Rune'.
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Re: rune magic occ and a different type of rune magic for ri

Unread post by quertas »

yea i agree.. heart rune can be renamed.. i just liked the sound of it.. thanks for ur concern
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