some possible new psionic powers

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some possible new psionic powers

Unread post by quertas »

Adrenaline adjustment
PS +2d6
speed + 2d6
Duration 5 melee rounds
ISP: 5

+1d6 to all rolls
Duration: 2 melee rounds
ISP: 5

Bust of Speed
+2d6x10 speed
Duration: 4 melee rounds
ISP: 5

+4 vs Mind control, possession, Horror factor, illusion
Duration: 2 melee rounds
ISP: 5
Channel Rage
goes into a berserker fury
+4d6 PS
-1 to all defensive skills
duration: 2 melee rounds
ISP: 5
Cognitive Trance
thinking process is hastend and can absorb data much faster (like from screens etc.)
Dur: 1min/lv
ISP: 5
Combat Trance
enter the trance for a period of time and get +6 to rolls
Dur: as long as one has been in the trance
ISP: 10
can regenerate the body
Dur: 1 month for an eye, 3 month spinal damage, etc
ISP: 50
Resist psionics
+2d6 vs psionics
dur: 1min/lv
ISP: 5
Super Leap
5m/lv leap high or accross
ISP: 5m/2ISP
Up The Walls
can run on and climb walls with ease
Dur: 4melees
ISP: 5
can increase skills by 5%/lv
Dur: 1min/lv
ISP: 5%/3 ISP; 1min/2 ISP
+ 4d6 to one action
1 melee round
Contort and escape
escape almost any physical restraining device
DUR: instantaneous
ISP: 3
Enhanced Stat
enhance one or more stats by 3d6 for 3 melee rounds
ISP 5/melee round

Instictive Navigation
gain +50% to all navigation skills
No skill cap for navigation skills
Dur: 5min/lv
Blind Sense
can function while blinded with no penalties
Dur: 5min/lv
ISP: 5
Direction Orientation
automatically knows which way is north
Dur: 10min/lv
ISP: 5
Electronic Sense
knows where electronics are and what they are
Dur: 10min/lv
ISP: 5
FTL Tracking
can detect and track where something has gone into FTL
Dur: 10min/lv
ISP: 10
Sense Disturbance
can detect when masses amounts of ppe are released, ( such as massive deaths occuring) and be able to tell what has happened
Dur: 1min/lv
ISP: 10
Sense Psychic Strength
able to tell at what level the psychic is and the power of the powers
Dur: 1 min/lv
ISP: 5
Life Detection
able to sense how many living beings, undead beings, etc are in a particular area
Dur: 1min/lv
Magnify Senses
will extend the natural senses by 50%/lv
Dur: 1min/lv
ISP: 5
Weather Sense
can forecast the weather
Dur: 1min/lv
ISP: 5
Cell Burst
deals damage directly to HP causing 4d6 damage
disrupts cells in matter
ISP: 15
Empower Weapon
can make a melee weapon able to parry energy shots
Dur: 1min/lv
ISP: 5
can inspire targets to have +1d6 to all rolls
Dur 1min/lv
ISP: 5 for up to 10 targets; 15 ISP for up to 100 targets, 30 ISP for up to 1000 targets, 75 ISP for up to 10000 targets
Null Gravity
anyone caught in the field will rise up and float
Area: 5m+1m/lv
Dur: 1min/lv
ISP: 5 for personal scale; 15 for light vehicles; 30 for larger vehicles; 50 for starships, 100 for larger vehicles( or robots as the case may be)
Raise/Lower tempurature
can raise or lower by degrees celcius
Area: 20m+5m/lv
Dur: 5min + 1min/lv
ISP: 3 for 5degrees; 10 for 10 degrees, 15 for 15 degrees, 30 for 20 degrees, 45 for 25 degrees
Reshape Material
mold a volume of mattter to a new shape
Cannot be used on living matter
effect: 1 cubic meter/lv
ISP: 10/cubic meter after the first
Resonate Material
set up a vibrating resonance in an object or area of material, dealing 4d6 damage to the material
effect: 1 cubic meter/lv
Range: 10m
ISP: 15/cubic meter beyond the first
Strengthen/weaken material
effects the inter and intra-molecular bonds
deal 4d6 damage
strengthen by 1d6x10 sdc/mdc
Dur: Permanent
ISP: 20 + 5/5d6 sdc or mdc
overload a targets circuits and causes it to explode
everything in the area takes 5d6 damage
Range 30m + 5/lv
ISP: 5 for small objects, 20 for computers and robots; 40 for vehicles; 60 for larger vehicles; 75 for spacships; 100 for larger
Warp Matter
1 cubic meter/lv or +3 ISP/ cubic meter
mold a volume of matter to a new shape, changes its shape or position; coaxes millions of atoms and molecules to move
Range: touch
dur: permanent
ISP: 5 liquid matter; 15 malleable matter; 25 hard matter (metal or wood); 40 (very dense matter) mdc
Control Weather
5 ISP per step on the scale totally clear; partly cloudy wind 5mph; cloudy 10mph; cloudy drizzle lite snow wind 15mph; Steady rain or snow wind 20mph; Hard rain snow or sleet wind 25mph; deluge blizzard hail wind 30mph; heavy thunderstroms wind 40mph; gale force winds wind 50mph; Hurricanes/twisters wind 75mph; hurricanes/twisters wind 90mph; wind 105mph; area: 10km + 5km/lv; Duration: 1hour/lv

Drain Energy
drain energy from eclips and other simliar power sources
robots get a saving throw vs psionics
Range 10m +1m/lv
ISP: 7
Enhance anothers' stat
grant a +4d6 bonus to a stat to one target
Dur: 1min/lv
ISP: 5
can charge energy cells, eclips, etc
only one at a time
ISP: 10
Memory Walk
can surf through any past memories for whatever prupose
Dur: 1min/lv
Melee Combat
+1 to strike and parry/2 ISP
+1d6 damage/2ISP
Dur: 1min/lv
Battle Meld
3ISP per person in the meld
+1d6 to rolls, +10% skills
duration; 1min/lv
Energy Pistol/rifle combat
+1 to strike/2ISP
+1d6 damage/2ISP
Dur: 1min/lv
Psychic Archery
- 1 to strike/2ISP
+1d6 damage/2ISP
Dur: 1min/lv
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Re: some possible new psionic powers

Unread post by Library Ogre »

Most of these look fairly powerful BTB, though I kind of like the idea of self-directed Empathetic Induction... using your psychic powers to get the effects of an Empathetic Transmission on yourself, but tweaked to be a boon, not an attack.
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Re: some possible new psionic powers

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I don't really care for these. Some of them leave me wondering why I would take an existing power when these exist at lower cost/better effect. Then there are some that seem to be a needless duplication of existing powers (granted here it may depend more on the RAW listing one has access to). Then there are the ones that seem to be better versions of Class Unique/Specific powers.
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Re: some possible new psionic powers

Unread post by quertas »

im open to tweeking them.. just making them on my first go...
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Re: some possible new psionic powers

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Without spending a ton of time on the stuff, I'd look at increasing the costs on most of them. Super Leap looks similar to Telekinetic Leap in concept, I think you're going to want to define a lot more about the combat powers, and probably do some more benchmarking.

Really, I think the secret to designing new stuff is always benchmarking. Pick a power that's kinda like what you're thinking, and base your power off that. Most of these don't look terribly benchmarked, but I'm also working from memory.
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Re: some possible new psionic powers

Unread post by ShadowLogan »

Okay I decieded to go a bit more indepth with my response to give you some more depth. As Mark Hall said, you need to do a bit of bench marking, and I wouldn't just look at the existing Psionic descriptions, but also include Wizard (and other) Invocation Magic as there is some overlap between the two (2 ISP = 1PPE generally in Palladium when the two are interchangable). You may also want to categorize them w/n the existing Psi Power categories (Physical, Sensitive, Healer, Super) and try to avoid some confusion with naming. I've also noted a source to compare to, however that may not be the only reference one can use. If I've skipped any its because I have nothing to say that could be helpful as I'm puzzled by the cost and utility.

Adrenaline Adjustment: This seem like a lower powered version of "Magical Adrenaline Rush" (BoM pg122). The ISP cost seems low, even as a low powered version. This power for the ISP cost is also much better than "TK Lift" as it lasts longer (early levels only though), offers up speed and action bonuses.

Anger: I'm not quite sure what you are shooting for here. It seems o be all good without any downsides.

Burst of Speed: I don't think I've seen anything like this for Psychics, but Magic does have a few examples (Superhuman Speed BoM pg109, and even Magic Adrenal Rush) where you end up faster speeds than the magic versions, and Magic has a much higher cost for lower effect.

Calm: This is basically Mind Block, only with better mechanic bonuses and a shorter duration for a paltry 1 extra ISP. IINM though Mind Block is better overall.

Channel Rage: You may want to look for other examples of Rage by the rules. This seems awfully cheap for what you get.

Cognitive Trance: This would seem to be covered by Speed Reading (RUE pg 177) and Total Recall (RUE pg177). Both of which are cheaper and perform better for the cost of 2 power slots.

Combat Trance: Seems like an extended version of Intuitive Combat at the same cost, but better results.

Regenerate: This seems like an advanced version of Bio-Regeneration Super (RUE pg178), and more like some creatures natural regeneration ability. Even magic has difficulty IINM with this type of regeneration. You may also want to better define how this works cause as it is...

Resist Psionics: This seems overly redundant to me with Mind Block. Better bonuses for less cost.

Super Leap:Telekintic Leap (RUE pg170) costs more with less distance at lower levels. So initially Super Leap seems good, but after 2 or 3 levels Super Leap becomes a waste

Up the Walls: The Spell Climb (BoM pg93) costs 3 PPE (so 6 ISP) and has a better duration. You might also want to explain how it works in terms of Psionic ability. There is the "Karumi-Jutsu" Mystic ability in Rifts Japan for 10 PPE (or 20 ISP) that does the same thing, Rifts Conversion Book 1r allows for ISP conversion of the ability (15 ISP).

Wisdom: Not sure how this is being achieved. This isn't magic.

Concentration: +4d6 to what in terms of one action, % or mechanic bonuses, etc. Cost may be to low also.

Contrort and Escape: Magic's Escape Spell (pg106 BOM) does the same thing and costs 8 PPE (or 16 ISP). You may also want to define what you mean by "almost any"

Enhanced Stat: While I see what you are going for here, how is this being achieved since each attribute functions differently so the medium by its enhancement is going to change. Cost may also be two low.

Instinctive Navigation: seems a low cost for what you get in terms of benefit. I can't think of any precedent either.

Blind Sense: What are you basing (or the psychic sensing mechanisims) for this?

Electronic Sense: Electrokinesis (RUE pg178) does the same thing, while it is a Super Power and I have no objection to breaking down the Super Powers like this into weaker versions, this seems a bit more powerful and effective than the EK power.

Sense Psychic Strength: See Aura (RUE pg175) does something similar, but can't be that detailed and it has a higher cost and shorter duration.

Life Detection: Presense Sense already does this, not to great accuracy, but it already does this. You also have a higher cost for lower duration.

Weather Sense: Psi-Druid has a Weather Sense Power (pg60 Psycape). Cost wise you are more expensive, but you also don't indicate how accurate you are (Psi-Druid is like a Skill)

Cell Burst & Empower Weapon: Rifts Japan (pg198) Vital Strike Atemi costs more (20 PPE or 40 ISP) and is instant in duration.

Inspire: What rolls specifically apply? Its a nice idea, but could also be considered aspects of something like Empathetic Transmission or Hypnotic Suggestion (RUE pg178-9)

Null Gravity: There are a variety of TK based powers that would seem to do the same thing, but would have a much higher cost.

Resonate Material: Vibrating Palm (Rifts Japan pg198 or RC1r pg53) costs 70 PPE (140 ISP, though RC1r puts the cost at 40) does the same thing and cost more

Surge: Even the Elctrokensis Super Power can't do this, nor the Zapper RCC.

Control Weather: I would look at Magic equivalents to determine ISP cost.

Drain Energy: Seems reasonable as some classes do have this ability and cheaper and with better range, but those classes are built with the ability at the core.

Enhance anothers' stat: How is this being achieved, because different stats can be effected differently by psychics.

Transduction: This seems awfully cheap compared to the one spell I can think of that does this, and that Electric masters (Zapper RCC and Electrokensis Power) can't. I know Gizmoteer (SA2) classes can make a device to be powered by ISP, but that requires a conversion process.

Memory Walk: Total Recall (RUE pg177) does the same thing basically

Melee Combat: Intuitive Combat would seem to better overall as it gives better bonuses, and the 10 ISP at higher levels can go longer.

Battle Meld: Telepathic link to increase effectiveness. Nice, but I'm not sure its accurate given that Telepathy costs 4 ISP per person and doesn't get to this level of improvements. Also Group Mind Block & Group Trance (RUE pg178-9) do similar things, but the cost is different.

Energy Pistol/rifle Combat & Psychic Archery:, the Damage level of 1d6 is 2 ISP, but a Mind Bolt requires 6 ISP, and Telekenis can move small objects for 1d6 at 3 ISP if the object has sufficient mass (1.5-2lbs), so again cost seems a bit on the cheap side compared to other powers. Electro Kensis does 1d6 max for 2 ISP, so depending on what you look at its not a bad cost, but Electro-kenisis is a Super Power making the cost here cheap. Then you figure the Gizmoteer Class do better for 15 ISP.
-Regarding the strike bonuses, not sure about them.
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Re: some possible new psionic powers

Unread post by quertas »

appreciate ur work.. i understand if they are previsouly used in other magic and psi..i dunno when i will update them but thanks for ur input.. all of you :)
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Re: some possible new psionic powers

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I would ditch the ones that seem to be duplicates of existing ones (Super Leap, Calm, Resist Psionics, Electronic Sense etc.) and combine the new ones that seem similar e.g. Adrenaline Adjustment, Anger, Burst of Speed and Channel Rage could all be combined into a single power that costs more ISP but has a negative effect on the user; has a -15% to all skills and chance of going into a rage or something and/or the user is exhausted afterwards.

There are some good ideas here though that just need some work, I particularly like Regeneration, Magnify Senses, Battle Meld and Blind Sense. They need a bit more explanation; for example a blurb about Blind Sense: is it making their other senses super powerful to compensate, is it similar to see aura or some sort of psychic sonar? Either is cool but the description is really important. Also generally I would up the ISP cost and specify which category they fit in.
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Re: some possible new psionic powers

Unread post by quertas »

gotcha.. thanks for ur kind words
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