Northern Gun

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Northern Gun

Unread post by GGTW21 »

I just finished Northern Gun 1 & 2, and considering I pulled the them the mail box yesterday....yeah, they are that good. The writing is good, only found a couple typo's, and the artwork, masterful as always. So the big question is, anyone else now a diehard NG customer like my characters are going to be? I see a Blocker and a Thunder Hound PA in my future.
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Re: Northern Gun

Unread post by wyrmraker »

Only if I could find a decent Rifts GM who'll let me play an Operator or Techno-Wizard who can REALLY get into modifying the gear. Of course, that goes for any tech-heavy Rifts game, so...
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Re: Northern Gun

Unread post by Riftmaker »

GGTW21 wrote:I just finished Northern Gun 1 & 2, and considering I pulled the them the mail box yesterday....yeah, they are that good. The writing is good, only found a couple typo's, and the artwork, masterful as always. So the big question is, anyone else now a diehard NG customer like my characters are going to be? I see a Blocker and a Thunder Hound PA in my future.

Im game with 90% of the stuff in that book.
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Re: Northern Gun

Unread post by flatline »

I don't currently play, but I tend to use whatever the GM makes available to me whether or not it's the best available.

It's funny, I do like looking at toys outside of the game, but in-game, I mostly treat them as disposable. Especially power armor.

I don't care about canon answers. I'm interested in good, well-reasoned answers and, perhaps, a short discussion of how that answer is supported or contradicted by canon.

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Re: Northern Gun

Unread post by kaid »

flatline wrote:I don't currently play, but I tend to use whatever the GM makes available to me whether or not it's the best available.

It's funny, I do like looking at toys outside of the game, but in-game, I mostly treat them as disposable. Especially power armor.


Yes body and power armor are expendable resources which honestly is one reason I really like the NG2 books. There are a lot of price options to cover low end low resource customers down on their luck all the way to high end high expense units and a lot of stuff in between.

Its also nice to have more solid options of stuff that you don't have to bend over backwards fluff/lore wise to explain how characters are getting their hands on it. triax 1/2 and the cs war books had a lot of awesome stuff but it was all a bit dulled by how do players have any access to those toys short of running a military campaign. And even if they manage to get one there is next to no chance of them replacing it if its broken beyond repair. NG1 and NG2 gives a lot of fun stuff for north american campaigns of all commercially available stuff.
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Re: Northern Gun

Unread post by Pepsi Jedi »

Our group has always had a lot of NG Loyalty, even before the NG books came out. Of course, we live in the middle of it. lol. But even before I moved to the area our groups liked NG and we were based out of there, and or worked for NG.

Now that it's fleshed out and detailed it's even more so.

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Re: Northern Gun

Unread post by Tor »

Flying Titan has always been BOSS, wasn't that NG like the Samson?
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Re: Northern Gun

Unread post by flatline »

Tor wrote:Flying Titan has always been BOSS, wasn't that NG like the Samson?

Don't have the books, but I'm pretty sure that Titan is made by ARCHIE.

I don't care about canon answers. I'm interested in good, well-reasoned answers and, perhaps, a short discussion of how that answer is supported or contradicted by canon.

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Re: Northern Gun

Unread post by eliakon »

flatline wrote:
Tor wrote:Flying Titan has always been BOSS, wasn't that NG like the Samson?

Don't have the books, but I'm pretty sure that Titan is made by ARCHIE.


Yes the Flying Titan is one of the Titan series of robots and power armor. They are made by Titan Robotics a subsidiary of Cyberworks, which is a front for Archie. There is a dealership in the Imperium, but they are not NG items.
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Re: Northern Gun

Unread post by Tor »

That's bloody eerie, for some reason I just assumed RMB stuff was safe and human-made, that ARCHIE stuff was exclusive to later books... now I am finding out my trusted friend was working for the enemy all along!
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Re: Northern Gun

Unread post by kaid »

Tor wrote:Flying Titan has always been BOSS, wasn't that NG like the Samson?

The flying titan is from titan robotics aka archie 3.
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Re: Northern Gun

Unread post by Razzinold »

Pepsi Jedi wrote:Our group has always had a lot of NG Loyalty, even before the NG books came out. Of course, we live in the middle of it. lol. But even before I moved to the area our groups liked NG and we were based out of there, and or worked for NG.

Now that it's fleshed out and detailed it's even more so.

Same with my original group, minus the living there part :lol:

We would take the odd piece of tech from Triax or from the Coalition W.C. but there was always the risk of being caught with it, replacing it, etc.
Mostly we used that stuff as currency, loot it from bodies and sell it.
We liked buying local as much as we could, NG products, stuff from Juicer Uprising, New West and Free Quebec and Canada.
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Re: Northern Gun

Unread post by Pepsi Jedi »

Our groups always considered NG the 'American Born. American Made" Sort of company. They were the home town good ol boys with dirt on their hands. A group that stood for humanity, working hard, blood sweat and tears to maintain. More over to prosper in the world of Rifts. Sure their stuff might be heavier, but hey, you can use that gun as a club if you run out of Eclips. It might be a bit more rough around the edges than the Traix stuff, but you knew you could slog through a swamp. Get rifted to a arcctic world, freeze for three days and then rift back and land in the desert. Knock the gunk off your NG rifle and it's going to shoot every time. And if it got damaged in a fire fight, well. Some bubble gum. A soldering gun, some scraps and you could do some patch work on it and it'd STILL Shoot every time.

They didn't have naggy politics like the CS or were a foreign interest like Traix. They were good hard working folk producing a SOLID product.

That was something we could get behind.

Then the NG books finally came out.. and they said that in PRINT. NG was pretty much exactly like we thought it'd be. That rocked.

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Re: Northern Gun

Unread post by flatline »

Pepsi Jedi wrote:Our groups always considered NG the 'American Born. American Made" Sort of company. They were the home town good ol boys with dirt on their hands. A group that stood for humanity, working hard, blood sweat and tears to maintain. More over to prosper in the world of Rifts. Sure their stuff might be heavier, but hey, you can use that gun as a club if you run out of Eclips. It might be a bit more rough around the edges than the Traix stuff, but you knew you could slog through a swamp. Get rifted to a arcctic world, freeze for three days and then rift back and land in the desert. Knock the gunk off your NG rifle and it's going to shoot every time. And if it got damaged in a fire fight, well. Some bubble gum. A soldering gun, some scraps and you could do some patch work on it and it'd STILL Shoot every time.

They didn't have naggy politics like the CS or were a foreign interest like Traix. They were good hard working folk producing a SOLID product.

That was something we could get behind.

Then the NG books finally came out.. and they said that in PRINT. NG was pretty much exactly like we thought it'd be. That rocked.

It's nice when new material doesn't contradict what's already been established in your game. :)

I don't care about canon answers. I'm interested in good, well-reasoned answers and, perhaps, a short discussion of how that answer is supported or contradicted by canon.

If I don't provide a book and page number, then don't assume that I'm describing canon. I'll tell you if I'm describing canon.
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Re: Northern Gun

Unread post by Shark_Force »

so, ironically enough, NG produces the rifts equivalent of the AK-47 :P
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Re: Northern Gun

Unread post by flatline »

Shark_Force wrote:so, ironically enough, NG produces the rifts equivalent of the AK-47 :P

Which gun are you thinking of?

I don't care about canon answers. I'm interested in good, well-reasoned answers and, perhaps, a short discussion of how that answer is supported or contradicted by canon.

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Re: Northern Gun

Unread post by eliakon »

flatline wrote:
Shark_Force wrote:so, ironically enough, NG produces the rifts equivalent of the AK-47 :P

Which gun are you thinking of?


Yes :lol:
They are all good examples of the AK trope. Solid, Rugged, Cheap, Ubiquitous weapons.
I suspect that if you inspected one hundred random mercenary groups in North America, 99 of them would have some Northern Gun weapons.
The rules are not a bludgeon with which to hammer a character into a game. They are a guide to how a group of friends can get together to weave a collective story that entertains everyone involved. We forget that at our peril.

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Re: Northern Gun

Unread post by Shark_Force »

flatline wrote:
Shark_Force wrote:so, ironically enough, NG produces the rifts equivalent of the AK-47 :P

Which gun are you thinking of?


none in particular, i just thought it was funny how his description of the "american" company making their "american" products sounded almost exactly like someone describing the AK-47... the irony being, if you weren't aware, that the AK-47 is the iconic weapon of the soviet union... or about as *not* american as you can get :P

(the AK-47 is widely known for being nigh-impossible to render inoperable, provided you spend a bit of time cleaning it first... it won't fire well while literally full of mud, but it will do just fine if you fill it with mud, clean it out, and then use it. the M-16 (the standard US military assault rifle), on the other hand, is not known for being nearly so tolerant to abuse, though as I understand it the M-16 has improved over the years).
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Re: Northern Gun

Unread post by kaid »

The old NG energy pistol with the under barrel grenade launcher was an old standby for many characters back in my older campaigns. Decent damage and grenades for utility/kinetic damage for a pretty cheap price was a big selling point and the old ion pistol got a fair amount of play.
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Re: Northern Gun

Unread post by Pepsi Jedi »

Shark_Force wrote:
flatline wrote:
Shark_Force wrote:so, ironically enough, NG produces the rifts equivalent of the AK-47 :P

Which gun are you thinking of?


none in particular, i just thought it was funny how his description of the "american" company making their "american" products sounded almost exactly like someone describing the AK-47... the irony being, if you weren't aware, that the AK-47 is the iconic weapon of the soviet union... or about as *not* american as you can get :P

(the AK-47 is widely known for being nigh-impossible to render inoperable, provided you spend a bit of time cleaning it first... it won't fire well while literally full of mud, but it will do just fine if you fill it with mud, clean it out, and then use it. the M-16 (the standard US military assault rifle), on the other hand, is not known for being nearly so tolerant to abuse, though as I understand it the M-16 has improved over the years).

To answer your question. "yes" Ironically enough, NG produces the rifts equivalent of the AK-47.

More over, my description was written the way it was -expressly- to show that. You read it 100% right, as that was --exactly-- what I was trying to convey.

And yeah, it is a bit ironic, but still. You picked up the exact thing I was trying to express. If one reads the NG books (Not just the stats) It's spelled out pretty clearly there, that that's what NG goes for. May not be 'Pretty' but it works -every time- and gets the job done. Might not have all the bells and whistles, but a good meat and potatoes version that WORKS, is what Mercs and such want.That they're cheep(er) Helps. (Don't get me wrong. Prices in rifts are insane, but on a gun by gun basis, the NG stuff isn't the most expensive)

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Re: Northern Gun

Unread post by flatline »

Pepsi Jedi wrote:(Don't get me wrong. Prices in rifts are insane, but on a gun by gun basis, the NG stuff isn't the most expensive)

Prices in Rifts are crazy. Because of this, most GM's I've played with prefer to use bartering rather than trying to explain how an unstable economic environment can have a stable and widely accepted currency...

I don't care about canon answers. I'm interested in good, well-reasoned answers and, perhaps, a short discussion of how that answer is supported or contradicted by canon.

If I don't provide a book and page number, then don't assume that I'm describing canon. I'll tell you if I'm describing canon.
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Re: Northern Gun

Unread post by Subjugator »

GGTW21 wrote:I just finished Northern Gun 1 & 2, and considering I pulled the them the mail box yesterday....yeah, they are that good. The writing is good, only found a couple typo's, and the artwork, masterful as always. So the big question is, anyone else now a diehard NG customer like my characters are going to be? I see a Blocker and a Thunder Hound PA in my future.

They'd better be if they don't want me to put them under a Withhold Order. I can and will do it, and I cannot be overridden on the matter.

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Re: Northern Gun

Unread post by The Artist Formerly »

kaid wrote:
flatline wrote:I don't currently play, but I tend to use whatever the GM makes available to me whether or not it's the best available.

It's funny, I do like looking at toys outside of the game, but in-game, I mostly treat them as disposable. Especially power armor.


Yes body and power armor are expendable resources which honestly is one reason I really like the NG2 books. There are a lot of price options to cover low end low resource customers down on their luck all the way to high end high expense units and a lot of stuff in between.

Its also nice to have more solid options of stuff that you don't have to bend over backwards fluff/lore wise to explain how characters are getting their hands on it. triax 1/2 and the cs war books had a lot of awesome stuff but it was all a bit dulled by how do players have any access to those toys short of running a military campaign. And even if they manage to get one there is next to no chance of them replacing it if its broken beyond repair. NG1 and NG2 gives a lot of fun stuff for north american campaigns of all commercially available stuff.

25 xp per skill check. Fix those suits! One good rebuild is worth as much as a tough fight, and can be more lucerative then monster treasure.
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