Land of the South Winds

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Land of the South Winds

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How do you envision the Land of the South Winds?
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Re: Land of the South Winds

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Mark Hall wrote:How do you envision the Land of the South Winds?

I've always envisioned it sort of like a tropical version of the Holy Roman Empire; hundreds, if not thousands, of tiny kingdoms and fiefs. Makes sense that way to me, because being so splintered politically gives reason why the South Winds exert virtually no political power within the world. I also envision the land itself as being resource poor, which is why Timiro never bothered to conquer it. The coastline consists of fishing villages and pirates, the interior filled with squabbling, petty tyrants.

I know a lot of people on this forum have talked about wanting it to be the Oriental Adventures for Palladium, but that's never felt right to me, or really made much sense considering the geographic and political landscape of its neighbors.
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Re: Land of the South Winds

Unread post by Reagren Wright »

Referer to Prysus, he's the one writing a Land of the South Winds manuscript. I've never been able to nail down an identity
for the place. Which is why is one of the few places in PRFPG I've never G.M. for. Hense the reason I'm hoping Prysus
manuscript gets green lighted. I definately know its not an Oriental region. It wouldn't be called the land of a 1000 cults if it
was place inhabited by samurai and ninja.
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Re: Land of the South Winds

Unread post by kiralon »

My Land of the South Winds is a Matriarchal society (Ruled by an empress) and has a lot of city states who have sworn fealty to her and send taxes, troops and other things to the main City State of the Empress. The interior is not allowed to foreigners and you have to have id's to travel around the interior. The coastal cities try to pretend to be normal by not requiring this but the empress's spies are everywhere looking for foreigners (if you don't have id's and are caught not in the coastal towns you are arrested as spies and can be tortured by the Inquisitor type LEO's (law enforcement officers)
everyone is afraid of the big bad cat.
The land is mostly hot and humid except for a small location where a meteor fell and the temperature around that place is a lot lower unnaturally (snows) and ice haulers make good money hauling ice from there to the capital.
There are death cults abounding in the untamed jungles but the eastern side closest to timiro makes marvellous wines and is closest to the outside world (and are thinking of trying to break free and join timiro. It is also the one place that has elephant cavalry.
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Re: Land of the South Winds

Unread post by The Dark Elf »

Well we already know that its run by three ducals, but I already had it down as "as place similar to India but heavily into snake worship" - Im sure that was Kevins only ever description of it.

My brother and I came up with an overview of how the politics of the three dukes operate which is how I play it.
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Re: Land of the South Winds

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Land of the South Wind has always been like ancient earth India if I remember from what little material is out there on the subject. I believe there is a section in one of the Rifters describing the swamps a little.

In our own campaigns it is where we placed the City of Sekti-Abtu.

Here is a game intro to on of the campaigns I ran in the region:

The exquisite lettering on the wooden sign hanging above the door reads “The Duchesses Royal College and Museum of Antiquities,” written in the four tongues of the region; Elven, Dwarven, Humans Southern and Human Western.
The museum building is a large stone structure, three stories tall, with enormous archways that lead into the building. Behind them are equally large wooden double doors. The wide granite steps that lead up to the building begin at the ancient cobblestone city street, and gradually get smaller as they near the entryway. Six men-at-arms wearing colorful bulbous uniforms and half plat armor are holding large pikes and swords stand guard at the top of the stairs. On the second and third stories of the building there are numerous large colorful stained-glass windows. Atop the roof is a large dome. Impressive, comes to mind when admiring the architecture.

It is a muggy spring day in the city of Ashstad. The heat from the afternoon sun high overhead burns your faces. The smells of the city are a strange mixture of salty sea air, spicy foods being prepared down the street, body sweat and slight smell of sewage in the distance. The occasional breeze that blows in from the ocean nearby is a welcome relief to both the heat and the smell. The weather is clear with only a few clouds in the sky.

The streets, in this affluent area of the city, are a quieter than the rest of Ashstad. Even so, there are still many citizens outside conducting their business; like trading with the local food vendors, servants running errands for their employers caring large packages, merchants and business people speaking with each other as the walk down the streets, and half a dozen students from the college sitting at the bottom of the steps discussing some subject with each other enthusiastically.

There are only a few shops in the royal district of the city. However, there are many unidentified buildings and expensive homes squeezed in tightly between the old rundown fortified walls that have obviously seen battle in the past.
Besides the college and museum, the most note worthy structures on this block are the temple to Dragonwright and the gatehouse and with two guard towers that you entered though to access this portion of the city.
The city itself is the northern most of the ruling municipalities, located within the Land of South Winds. It is a busy trade port and import location for regional stability. Ashstad has been under the rule of the Duchy for hundreds of years. Recently the city has had its nobility replaced in a bloodless political coup and is now being governed by a duchess with ties to both Timiro and the West. Many changes to the city over the past few years reflect this foreign influence.
The people in the city vary greatly in appearance and culture because Ashstad is such a large port and travelers from all over the world stop here to trade for the spices and silks the area is renowned for. In spite of this, the local people and culture of The South Winds most closely resemble that Persia and India of ancient earth.
Lush jungle and forests touch the city almost completely enveloping it on the sides facing toward the mainland. The trees are only broken by the roads, houses and farm land that have been cut into the dense foliage.

(Each of) You hold a note in hand with the seal from the Royal College. It is an invitation to meet with one of the head researchers of the institute. A human man named Baerdan Asage. He is in need of both brave and capable men to help take part in an expedition into the southern portion of Old Kingdom and Mt. Nimiro region. The note explains that a royally sanctioned team of researchers had been sent into deep mountains to excavate and study an ancient Dwarven city of Menegroth. In recent weeks all reports and communications have been lost with the archeologists that were studying the ruins.
The institute is now gathering and funding a team of adventures to find out what has happened to their researchers, and to rescue the scholars and their men and bring them back to civilization (if possible).
You have (all) been given a personal invitation and now find yourselves welcomed into the cities royal district. It is a place that the common citizen would not have access to unless on business for one of the citizenry of the district. The guards at the gatehouse have checked your papers and have determined that everything is in order. All weapons and armor had to be turned over to the centuries at the gate and you have been given a chit to reclaim your positions.

Note on Common Knowledge of the Region:
The letter explains that the city of Menegroth lies near the source of, what is known at this part of the world as, the “River of Blood”. The river is a major tributary which feeds into the “Bay of Red,” which the city of Ashstad lies near. The river is also the unofficial boarder between the Land of the South Winds and the Old Kingdom.
“The River of Blood” - Gets this name from deep red blood like color of its waters, caused by the reddish slit run off from the rock of the Mt. Nimiro region. Also the rich planet life along the river, when it dies fails into the water. The decomposing organic material stains the waters red. However, for those with more fanciful imaginations and theories suggest that the reason for both the rivers name and color of its water is because, it is really human blood in the water. Blood of the men, killed by the monster races which invest this region of the world.
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Re: Land of the South Winds

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I have to agree with Lukterran, I have always envisoned the Land of the South Winds as similar to the a Medieval India
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Re: Land of the South Winds

Unread post by kiralon »

With the name I always thought they would be a seafaring nation a bit caribbeanish, but that idea changed as more info came out about the world and lotsw is barely mentioned, but the boats they use aren't very suited for long voyages so they aren't seafaring, but are probably fairly jungle bound, which would make the place fairly wild. So I made the eastern part the more civilised area and the western part fades into the yin jungles, and since they aren't mentioned really anywhere as being big traders I then assumed they were insular and didn't like foreigners much. I thought the western empire culture would have worked well here but I thought a matriarchal society (not as bad as lemaria though) would work well, and as there isn't much information about the place foreigners don't go there often, or if they do they don't leave.
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Re: Land of the South Winds

Unread post by everloss »

The Dark Elf wrote:Well we already know that its run by three ducals, but I already had it down as "as place similar to India but heavily into snake worship" - Im sure that was Kevins only ever description of it.

I've never heard any of this before. Where can I find it?
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Re: Land of the South Winds

Unread post by The Dark Elf »

everloss wrote:
The Dark Elf wrote:Well we already know that its run by three ducals, but I already had it down as "as place similar to India but heavily into snake worship" - Im sure that was Kevins only ever description of it.

I've never heard any of this before. Where can I find it?

The first is the only bit you'll see in canon - check out the money section in Bletherad.
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Re: Land of the South Winds

Unread post by Prysus »

Reagren Wright wrote:Referer to Prysus, he's the one writing a Land of the South Winds manuscript.

Greetings and Salutations. Heheh, appreciate the plug. Since I can't talk about what I've done, I tend to avoid posting in topics such as this (I'd hate to be the guy who says "I turned in the manuscript, but I can't talk about it" as I always felt those were annoying and pointless type posts). However, as I'm finished (technically still in final editing, but in my mind it's effectively finished), I'll add some info (not of my project, just general resources).

The Dark Elf wrote:
everloss wrote:
The Dark Elf wrote:Well we already know that its run by three ducals, but I already had it down as "as place similar to India but heavily into snake worship" - Im sure that was Kevins only ever description of it.

I've never heard any of this before. Where can I find it?

The first is the only bit you'll see in canon - check out the money section in Bletherad.

References include (but not limited to) ...

PF main book: Handful of notes scattered throughout the book. While the big notes are the ones listed in the World Overview section, there are other notes (and to me) important, scattered throughout the book. I won't list them all here.

Monsters & Animals: Useful for learning what types of monsters and animals live there, as well as a few additional notes about the land towards the beginning.

Dragons & Gods (can be viewed to learn which religions are big there).

Book 2; Old Ones: A map that shows a few of the northeast cities (not named), as well as a few other mentions (most of them minor). On page 173 we learn that LotSW are enemies of Timiro.

Book 3; AotHS: We get mention of LotSW colonies (primarily Oen), small map of the Pendaltor Peninsula, pirates, ships, flag, and a few other minor scattered notes.
Note: 1st Edition also has an adventure that mentions a Prince. We also see various "Royal" references. However, this is NOT printed in Second Edition, and whether or not this should continued to be viewed as canon is questionable.

Book 7; Yin-Sloth Jungles: A few more scattered notes, but nothing of big importance here.

Book 8; Western Empire: Most useful here are the city creation rules. Also a few scattered notes (same as with other books), but nothing really revealing (though combining all the minor notes from the various books does start to form a few patterns).

Book 9; Mount Nimro: As this is a neighbor to LotSW, there's actually quite a few references here. Nothing in great detail, but definitely touched on multiple times in the book.

Book 12; Library of Bletherad: Probably the most update resource we have. Here we learn about the currency and the ruling structure. Pages 46 and 49 also give us additional tidbits of info. There are additional scattered notes, but not as big as the ones already mentioned.

Unofficial (and/or unprinted) information include:

Rifter #17: Stilt City
Rifter #27: Palladium Orient

Ships: viewtopic.php?f=5&t=24506
An India reference: viewtopic.php?f=5&t=103608&p=2004851#p2004851

As for me, this is the best I can give you: viewtopic.php?f=5&t=137624

Note: There are at least two additional books with references not included here, but they're rather minor (they don't add much to the setting). I do have plans to include them in this project (or a future one) though and don't want to spoil ALL the fun. ;)

When writing my version, I used all the above resources (I actually went through every book trying to track down every single mention of the South Winds I could find, and have a document with notes and page numbers, etc.) for reference. I tried to stay true to the content already presented (I did avoid the Rifter articles though, as taking anything specific from it might cause legality issues, so I just steered clear the best I could). I also discussed it with Kevin (because I didn't want to go against his ideas, naturally), and random other stuff as well. I'm sorry I can't give more, but I did try to include several book references for you to enjoy. Farewell and safe journeys for now.
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Official PDF versions of Rifter #45, #52, and #55 can be found at DriveThruRPG.
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Re: Land of the South Winds

Unread post by Reagren Wright »

Book 2; Old Ones: A map that shows a few of the northeast cities (not named), as well as a few other mentions
(most of them minor). On page 173 we learn that LotSW are enemies of Timiro.

Thanks for that page reference :ok: , been wondering where that was.
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Re: Land of the South Winds

Unread post by Lukterran »

Prysus wrote:Book 2; Old Ones: A map that shows a few of the northeast cities (not named), as well as a few other mentions (most of them minor). On page 173 we learn that LotSW are enemies of Timiro.

Not named. See my above post: "City of Ashstad" "The city itself is the northern most of the ruling municipalities, located within the Land of South Winds" :wink:

Btw - I did the same thing you did when working on my LotSW adventure. I looked through every book trying to find and include as much info as could be pulled (there isn't much). Everything else I pulled from earth history of India and the surrounding regions and used it for inspiration.
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Re: Land of the South Winds

Unread post by Prysus »

Lukterran wrote:
Prysus wrote:Book 2; Old Ones: A map that shows a few of the northeast cities (not named), as well as a few other mentions (most of them minor). On page 173 we learn that LotSW are enemies of Timiro.

Not named. See my above post: "City of Ashstad" "The city itself is the northern most of the ruling municipalities, located within the Land of South Winds" :wink:

Not Officially named. Is that better for you? I tired my best to show only material printed in the books, or stated by an actual PB employee (referring to the two extra links).

As for Reagren Wright, I'll happily provide page numbers for any references requested (either here or in PM).
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Re: Land of the South Winds

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I always envisioned the LOTSW as the PFRPGs version of Florida. Lots of warm weather, swamps and old people.

Entire place is in great decline and lots of competitive ducals trying to salvage something.. Only one really successful who has managed to take some of his swampland, drain it and make a magical kingdom that many flock to for a week or two every year or so on some sort of personal retreat or personal pilgrimage.
Frequently this place is referred to as the most joyous place in the realm. Secretly there is an underground complex and a massive cult to Kirgi operates from there. The founding cultist is said to be in suspended animation (or at least his head is) and will one day be brought back to life to resume his work.
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Re: Land of the South Winds

Unread post by Reagren Wright »

Prysus wrote:
Lukterran wrote:
Prysus wrote:Book 2; Old Ones: A map that shows a few of the northeast cities (not named), as well as a few other mentions (most of them minor). On page 173 we learn that LotSW are enemies of Timiro.

Not named. See my above post: "City of Ashstad" "The city itself is the northern most of the ruling municipalities, located within the Land of South Winds" :wink:

Not Officially named. Is that better for you? I tired my best to show only material printed in the books, or stated by an actual PB employee (referring to the two extra links).

As for Reagren Wright, I'll happily provide page numbers for any references requested (either here or in PM).

I'll keep that in mine :ok: Your my offical Land of the South Wind reference book until further notice.
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Re: Land of the South Winds

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URLeader Hobbes wrote:I always envisioned the LOTSW as the PFRPGs version of Florida. Lots of warm weather, swamps and old people.

Entire place is in great decline and lots of competitive ducals trying to salvage something.. Only one really successful who has managed to take some of his swampland, drain it and make a magical kingdom that many flock to for a week or two every year or so on some sort of personal retreat or personal pilgrimage.
Frequently this place is referred to as the most joyous place in the realm. Secretly there is an underground complex and a massive cult to Kirgi operates from there. The founding cultist is said to be in suspended animation (or at least his head is) and will one day be brought back to life to resume his work.

+1 this post
:lol: :lol: :ok:
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Re: Land of the South Winds

Unread post by Library Ogre »

URLeader Hobbes wrote:I always envisioned the LOTSW as the PFRPGs version of Florida. Lots of warm weather, swamps and old people.

Entire place is in great decline and lots of competitive ducals trying to salvage something.. Only one really successful who has managed to take some of his swampland, drain it and make a magical kingdom that many flock to for a week or two every year or so on some sort of personal retreat or personal pilgrimage.
Frequently this place is referred to as the most joyous place in the realm. Secretly there is an underground complex and a massive cult to Kirgi operates from there. The founding cultist is said to be in suspended animation (or at least his head is) and will one day be brought back to life to resume his work.

Well, ****, I found my new canon. :D
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Re: Land of the South Winds

Unread post by URLeader Hobbes »

Mark Hall wrote:
URLeader Hobbes wrote:I always envisioned the LOTSW as the PFRPGs version of Florida. Lots of warm weather, swamps and old people.

Entire place is in great decline and lots of competitive ducals trying to salvage something.. Only one really successful who has managed to take some of his swampland, drain it and make a magical kingdom that many flock to for a week or two every year or so on some sort of personal retreat or personal pilgrimage.
Frequently this place is referred to as the most joyous place in the realm. Secretly there is an underground complex and a massive cult to Kirgi operates from there. The founding cultist is said to be in suspended animation (or at least his head is) and will one day be brought back to life to resume his work.

Well, ****, I found my new canon. :D

I do what I can. LOL
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Re: Land of the South Winds

Unread post by gaby »

Well I see it as a number of City states,who have a rivalry with each Other.
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Re: Land of the South Winds

Unread post by Drex »

Personally I always thought of it as kind of Middle Ages/Renaissance North West Africa Barbary Coast/Morocco kind of tribal and insular with a bit of piracy going on without a strong central government
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Re: Land of the South Winds

Unread post by Reagren Wright »

As of January 11, Land of the South Winds is at least listed as one of the manuscripts trying to make it to print this year or next. I believe congratulations
are in order Prysus.
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Re: Land of the South Winds

Unread post by glitterboy2098 »

looking at their ships in the "adventures on the high seas" book;

the "jungle boat" is basically a sampan.
the double canoe is basically a Polynesian Voyaging canoe, a variation on the outrigger canoe meant for more ocean goingtravel
the trimaran is a remarkably modern style Trimaran
the 'mini-merchant vessel' is not one i'm familiar with, but it looks like a european/SE-asian fusion..

overall, their ships would suggest a south east asian element to the region.. polynesian, vietnamese, etc. possibly some other asian elements too.

though this doesn't hold well in PFRPG.. after all, look at the wolfen's viking style longships, then their extensive roman elements..
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Re: Land of the South Winds

Unread post by Prysus »

Reagren Wright wrote:As of January 11, Land of the South Winds is at least listed as one of the manuscripts trying to make it to print this year or next. I believe congratulations
are in order Prysus.

Greetings and Salutations. I saw that this morning and thought it was awesome. For note, I haven't actually submitted to it yet (still in final edits). However I did contact them and let them know that the writing is finished and that I'll submit it when edits are completed.

I doubt 2015 date though (even if it is green lit). We already have one PF book this year and this is supposed to be the year of Rifts. If it sees print in 2016, I'll be pleasantly impressed. Of course, the fact it's a smaller book (I'm still estimating 96 pages) does increase the chances of a faster turn around and possibly moving up in the release schedule.

I'm not being pessimistic, just taking a logical look at the situation. Farewell and safe journeys for now.
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Re: Land of the South Winds

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Congrats Prysus!
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Re: Land of the South Winds

Unread post by Gallahan »

Mark Hall wrote:How do you envision the Land of the South Winds?

Great question! I recently created the Handy Dandy Random (HDR) Adventure Generator for Palladium Fantasy, here in this forum, and in doing so, reviewed the description for the Land of the South Winds in the 2nd Ed. core rulebook. I had to create 20 items that people could possibly randomly generate in the REGIONAL SETTINGS (locations) tables.

There are tables for every major location in the core rulebook (many of these already have sourcebooks). Land of the South Winds is item 20 of 20 on the Regional Settings table, meaning that Land of the South Winds has its own table with 20 locations that I dreamed-up. These are just names, but hopefully the names of the locations serve as enough of an imagination anchor to help people create a map, draw a layout and/or inspires an adventure idea.

Maybe take a look at those locations and see if they inspire something in you. At least, those names show how I see the Land of the South Wiinds. Maybe try using the tables in general, too and see what kind of story/adventure/campaign idea you come up with.
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Re: Land of the South Winds

Unread post by Library Ogre »

Gallahan wrote:
Mark Hall wrote:How do you envision the Land of the South Winds?

Great question! I recently created the Handy Dandy Random (HDR) Adventure Generator for Palladium Fantasy, here in this forum, and in doing so, reviewed the description for the Land of the South Winds in the 2nd Ed. core rulebook. I had to create 20 items that people could possibly randomly generate in the REGIONAL SETTINGS (locations) tables.

Yeah, I'm not actually interested in playing PF anymore. Just starting conversation.
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Re: Land of the South Winds

Unread post by kiralon »

Mark Hall wrote:
Gallahan wrote:
Mark Hall wrote:How do you envision the Land of the South Winds?

Great question! I recently created the Handy Dandy Random (HDR) Adventure Generator for Palladium Fantasy, here in this forum, and in doing so, reviewed the description for the Land of the South Winds in the 2nd Ed. core rulebook. I had to create 20 items that people could possibly randomly generate in the REGIONAL SETTINGS (locations) tables.

Yeah, I'm not actually interested in playing PF anymore. Just starting conversation.

and that there is the number 1 reason pf needs an update
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Re: Land of the South Winds

Unread post by Gallahan »

Mark Hall wrote:
Gallahan wrote:
Mark Hall wrote:How do you envision the Land of the South Winds?

Great question! I recently created the Handy Dandy Random (HDR) Adventure Generator for Palladium Fantasy, here in this forum, and in doing so, reviewed the description for the Land of the South Winds in the 2nd Ed. core rulebook. I had to create 20 items that people could possibly randomly generate in the REGIONAL SETTINGS (locations) tables.

Yeah, I'm not actually interested in playing PF anymore. Just starting conversation.

Hey, I was just replying to a thread in the Palladium Fantasy forum you posted. But, even if you aren't interested in playing the game, my reply to you still stands. Check out the location names I created for the Land of the South Winds to see how I (answering YOUR question) envision that place. You're the one who asked the question for goodness sakes.

Then, maybe we can continue the conversation.
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