possible pre-Rifts mascot for people in the CS Burbs who want to become citizens, insert pics of grunts using lat pulldowns and leg presses.with the help of Prosek's generosity...
you can become a Coalition Championgreat at beating up necromancers (Taker) and voodoo priests (Warrior)
flatline wrote:By quoting just the snippet, you made it look like I was saying that the CS were bad guys because they treat certain kinds of people badly.
I quoted "they're a
bunch of guys who categorically treat certain kinds of people badly" which did not even include "bad", so I don't see how it conveys the idea you were calling them bad, when you were not.
flatline wrote:you totally misrepresented what I said and I don't appreciate it. People will see your post, see the out of context quote of a partial sentence attributed to me, and may believe that I made the argument that the CS are absolutely bad guys when in reality I did no such thing.
Given that I only quoted you calling them "guys" and not "bad guys" I'm just not following this.
Just because you're a dude does not make you a bad enough dude to be a Bad Dude.
Lenwen wrote:You find a direct quote from Kevin himself directly stating the CS ARE THE VILLAINS .. (here is a hint, he created the entire game if he calls them the villains .. that means yes they are thee bad guys .. )
The issue is that he also calls them heroes in CWC and HoH. So they are simultaneously heroes and villains from different perspectives. It's not like "They are THE villains of Rifts" or something. They are instead, the villains of a certain book (Coalition Overkill) and subjectively villains within many campaigns where people might play D-bees or Mages.
Nightmask wrote:Man, you're wrong on so many levels I can't begin to describe it. The books explicitly state that the CS's goals is the extermination of ALL non-humans and magic-users without exception, meaning genocide is their goal.
I'd hold up for debate whether killing magic-users is genocide, as (barring those with inborn magic abilities) it's mostly an occupational choice. If the occupation of target was 'slaver' then would killing all slavers be genocide?
As for exterminating all non-humans, Jorick helpfully provided where we could find the fun Drogue Christmas story, so I am wondering if you could relocate where you read this so we can review the book's page.
Is it possible you are remembering the goal of a certain NPC within the Coalition and ascribing this to be a motive of the entire CS?
Nightmask wrote:There is no evidence that they CS isn't genocidal because they've already shown that they are in fact genocidal.
I would say that Drogue has shown that he is (or at least is engaging in genocidal acts or attempts), but a single person (even if an authority figure) being that does not describe the entire empire.
Nightmask wrote:The Burbs certainly aren't evidence that they aren't, and what you quote certainly isn't.
The burden of proof is moreso on showing they are genocidal than proving they aren't.
Nightmask wrote:The only' too far' part of what happened in Tolkeen with the death camps was the active torture of the victims of their genocidal war first, it ran the risk of making the victims look sympathetic to the masses if they ever found out unlike just nuking them or 'simply' slaughtering them.
I agree this is a plausibly reason, rather than genocide against D-bees being taboo, that the camp would be looked down upon.
That and, the camp also included human sympathizers, some of whom were probably not magic users, and thus would receive more empathy.
Nightmask wrote:Rifts Earth is NOT such a nightmare anymore, it's not Chaos Earth it's an Earth where nations and city/states have been able to form all over the place so it's a world fairly past the nightmare and waking up.
Is it possible that we can agree that North America is more stable in Rifts than it is in Chaos Earth, but that it's still much rougher than Beyond the Supernatural or
Heroes Unlimited, both of which are terrifying compared to our real world?
Debates might be had about comparing the quality of life in Nightbane to Rifts. I think Nightbane is still probably better off. Moloch's genicodal desires are bound to be countered by life-loving Nightlords like Lilith. Skraypers might be a tie for Nightbane though. The Tarlock are oppressive masters but at least they allow you to live in peace as slaves instead of getting eaten by Xiticix.
Rifts might be on par with Splicers or Systems Failure or Dead Reign in terms of post-apocalyptic hard-to-survive-ness.
Dead Reign seems more dangerous to play in than Rifts because the people are so normal. But if you look at Rifts Earth through the eyes of an unequipped DR-like vagabond, it's just as worse, if not more so, in most places.
Nightmask wrote:Prosek is also explicitly stated to actively admire Hitler and simply thinks his methods were flawed but intends to make no such mistakes in his campaign of genocide with the eager backing of his uneducated citizens.
I would like to reread the part where Karl admires Hitler for his genocide against humans rather than other aspects like his ability to manipulate a populace in the way he wants.
Nightmask wrote:It's also ridiculous in the extreme to try and downplay what Prosek and the CS has done by saying he wasn't gone as far as Hitler when he's definitely taken things at least that far if not farther. When you've been actively engaging in the murder of innocent beings for decades wholesale you're as blood-soaked and genocidal as it gets.
If you have some book stats on estimated CS death counts for us to compare to the estimated death counts in WW2, we could certainly analyze the fatalities further.
I do not agree that the wholesale murder of innocents, while certainly bloodsoaked, is necessarily genocidal.
Nightmask wrote:The CS is just as evil as Splugorthian Atlantis, an example of 'He Who Fights Monsters' as they've descended into evil and no longer have any goodness about them if they ever had it in the first place.
Karl and Joseph are evil and Splynncryth is merely selfish, but as for ascribing alignments to the entirety of these nations, I dunno. Whatever your problems with the CS, they are not eating sentient beings for fun, so I think Atlantis may win out in terms of 'slightly more offensive'.
Shark_Force wrote:it doesn't explain why the guy who teaches people about history and free thought is an enemy of humanity.
Free thought is dangerous. Studying pre-Rifts stuff might lead people into reading things which glorify magic (like Harry Potter or Sabrina the Teen-Age Witch) and trick innocent youths into trying to emulate them. The un-prepared should be protected from dangerous ideas that might corrupt them.
The CS is not opposed to the study of history or free thought. They simply control that study (just like they control access to robots in their population centers) like anything else dangerous, so that only people of good moral character, and who have been prepared to process the information with an informed perspective, can make the choice to consent to that study.
These rogues also tend to want to do dangerous things, like teach people how to read. Reading allows people to engage in scroll-reading and become agents of bringing forth dark magicks. Psi-Stalkers and Psi-Hounds can track actual beings bringing magic into the CS, but I don't know what their capabilities are regarding the ferreting out of dangerous stored-magic like Talismans or Scrolls.
Being able to read is like carrying around a stick of dynamite, it only takes a spark and a lot of people could get hurt.
Shark_Force wrote:it doesn't explain why the guy who wants to uncover the technology of the golden age and share it to everyone is an enemy of humanity.
The technology of the Golden Age belongs to Humanity. By sharing it with
"everyone" you give access to GAtech to non-humans and imbalance power against human interests.
Shark_Force wrote:it doesn't explain why the d-bees they interact with every day in the 'burbs without said beings attempting to devour anyone's body or soul are enemies of humanity.
Even if someone interacts with you peacefully so far, they could still be plotting against you, waiting for the right moment. These are still invaders taking up human living space.
Shark_Force wrote:no good aligned person should have a problem with killing vampires or demons or even xiticix (which are not strictly evil).
Not sure I agree with this, I think some good-aligned people could. Demons can merely have selfish alignments and might get their kicks through non-lethal means.
Vampires can even have good alignments as of VKrevised.
Shark_Force wrote:but principled and scrupulous are not generally speaking alignments where you can say "oh, well, yeah, that was a horrible cruel unjustified thing to do, but i'm okay with that as long as it doesn't happen *too* often and good stuff is also being done."
Which isn't applicable if the person thinks it IS justified. What some see as cruelty might be something someone views as regrettable but necessary.
Wise_Owl wrote:I have a feeling if the Coalition was say, a group of Genocidal Elves devoted to defending Elves from marauding menaces, including purging those invaders known as 'Humans' they would be seen alot less sympathetically by alot of people.
Well yeah, because these elves would be genocidal, and the Coalition isn't, it just has some genocidal folk living in it.
Wise_Owl wrote:many also forget that as far as the CS is concerned, every one of us, with our literacy, knowledge of ancient history, and failure to adhere to CS doctrine, would be a criminal probably best 're-educted' or disposed of with a swift shot to the head.
Is there any evidence of the CS shooting people merely for thought-crime, for knowing what they shouldn't?
I thought it was for more blatent stuff like finding restricted literature or you trying to teach those things to others.
I may not easily sympathize with their attitudes, but that may be because I don't live in a world where reading allows any guy to use a piece of paper to launch a bolt of fire which can instantly kill me or control my mind or summon a demon to eat my dog. Reading makes paper into weapons.
Think of people who want fire-arms registered and people allowed a license to be given a waiting period, training, psych screening, etc. Then realize even then, that these often require guns be used in restricted areas and disassembled when not in use. Concealed carry requires a special permit, and such.
Then realize how much easier it is to conceal a slip of paper than it is to conceal a gun. Plus this piece of paper can fire something dozens of times more damaging than a bullet.
Wise_Owl wrote:isn't there a Vampire kingdom whose residents recieve extensive health-care, protection and so forth in return for donating a small portion of blood to sustain the vampire population? Libertarian jokes about taxes not-withstanding, sounds pretty 'moral' to me

Agreed. A debate over the benefits of living in Mexico City vs Chi-Town would be interesting. A central difference in favor of CS might be that in MC: a vamp is probably only going to get a slap on the wrist for putting his hand through your rib cage if irritated. If a monster did that to a human, it's going to tend to get investigated.
Wise_Owl wrote:there are also the Cactus people. And elves. And Zambrak and humans from other worlds and humans who are psychics and mutations and Dog-boys and so forth and so on. The genocide is a non-justifiable response. There decisions are actually economically and politically negative in their affect on their people.
The CS is not committing genocide against humans who are psychics, or against dog-boys, or against all human mutants (intangibles and psi-stalkers are explicitly tolerated, others may be too).
Any evidence of CS committing genocide against Cacti/Elves/Zembahks? Slaying illegal immigrants doesn't seem like a genocide to me, seems like a very assertive border policy.
Shark_Force wrote:if a significant portion of your population are good aligned, some of those are going to be people in the know. people who can't stand by quietly letting you commit murder against innocent people while still being good. people who know other people and are going to mention these things.
Being good doesn't necessarily mean you will feel an unavoidable compulsion to share your opinions when doing so creates a risk of being labelled a subversive. The "always help others" bit is balanced by how, in trying to help person A, you may endanger person B.
Shark_Force wrote:most people are simply neither good nor evil.
I agree, I am fine with assuming the "good and selfish" majority of the CS may be majority selfish. Even though "good" got first mention.
Shark_Force wrote:they aren't going to consistently put the needs of others as equal or above their own (good)
Where do any of Palladium's good alignments mention that you need to do this? It is possible to always help others without considering their needs to be as important as your own.
Shark_Force wrote:they also aren't going to be happy to inflict harm on others for fun or profit (evil).
Aberrents might dispute this includes them.
Lenwen wrote:Default setting is Rifts Earth North America. As in .. THATS .. the area the game is focused up (in case you were unaware of that) Having stated such.. The Coalition are THEE "Bad guys" of the default setting.
So the Xiticix, Kingdom of Dunscon, Grim Reapers and Soul Harvesters are just chopped liver then? The first 2 have been around since the outset, the latter 2 in books 10/12.
The CS being a bigger more established force doesn't make them "the" bad guys. The magic-friendly supernatural-befriending Erin Tarn even summarized the FoM as "a cult of necromancers", "creatures of evil" whose "goal in life is to satisfy their own selfish desires". Tarn is persecuted by the CS far more heavily than the FoM, and in spite of this, she is not this critical of them. That even a subversive like Tarn has worse things to say about the FoM than about the CS should tell something about which is worse.
Nightmask wrote:the CS's stated goals and practices are clearly with the goal of genocide in mind
Which stated goal and/or practice?
Nightmask wrote:it's patently impossible for them to remove all non-human life from earth without performing genocide
That is simply false (plenty of open Rifts to chuck them through without killing them)
Plus the CS has never expressed a desire to remove "all non-human" life from earth. Where would they get hamburgers, cannibalism?
Nightmask wrote:their war with Tolkeen was clearly genocidal
I do not think we have achieved consensus regarding that view point, I adamently disagree with it. WB 11 promo said Karl was ready to launch a campaign of genocide. Pg 21 clarified that the CS does have policies of genocide, and that prior to that, Joseph 1 from Chi-Town did such a campaign against the Federation of Magic (as retribution for FoM attackign them first)
Overkill promo mentions certain officers bring genocide (ie Drogue) but a rogue officer playing genocide without permission from the head of the forces doesn't make the war itself genocidal.
Nightmask wrote:the other generals were just as committed to genocide in the war as Drogue
Where are generals mentioned as being 'as committed to genocide' as Drogue?
Nightmask wrote:Cosmo Knights would certainly consider destroying the CS a good thing
It's plausible more than one would, but if you mean most/all by this, I wouldn't agree. The CS play a vital role in protecting humans and I don't think a wise Cosmo-Knight would want to leave that kind of power vacuum.
Nightmask wrote:there are other threats like the Xiticix that would need to be taken out first
Them and many others. I guess maybe if the CS were teleported into the middle of a CCW planet and started killing Noro mid-song then a Cosmo-Knight would fight them, but barring such an invasion of utopia, naw.
Nightmask wrote:it's not even remotely making the CS look less evil than the Nazis
Book 5 has an officer giving his anti-tank pistol to a D-bee to give them the confidence to escape their death camp. Do we have any inclination that a Nazi did something like this? If not, then I do think the CS is being painted as better for merit of having someone as good as that.
Nightmask wrote:nor would there be any reason for Kevin to try and make a group deliberately patterned after the Nazis and whose leader admires what Hitler did look anything but just as evil if not moreso than the Nazis.
and yet, he proposes playing them as heroes in CWC, so no. I think there is a Reductio ad Hiterum which occurs in the CS, just because Karl admired Hitler, everyone immediately makes comparisons to Nazis as a first resort in most fields. The use of skulls being a good example: we completely ignore that many regiments of the United States Marine Corps use skulls on their emblems.
Nightmask wrote:The entire thing is to show the depths of evil the CS embodies, to the point of turning on and trying to conquer by military force Quebec when they finally seceded even though it was a human-dominated nation they'd been allied with for decades and would never have been a threat to them.
Can't say that for certain. Anyone can be a threat. These guys showed a lack of consideration for human life through reckless use of Juicer technology. They did so in secret without proper forestudy. They didn't use it responsible like Karl did when he added CS Juicers in the military.
A major problem with them was their rejection of Psi-Hounds. Even assuming they still used Psi-Stalkers, this greatly limits their ability to keep magic out of their territory. They endangered their citizens by not properly protecting them from shape-shifters and mind control and concealed weapons. Their deviation from policy was intolerable rebellion, not just against the Coalition, but against the Humanity they are charged to protect.
Nightmask wrote:the CS is not grey, it's as black as it gets.
Their armor, perhaps. If you mean morally, your expression implies nothing blacker. If you think the CS is as bad as the Kingdom of Dunscon... oy.
Jorick wrote:read Siege on Tolkeen 2: Coalition Overkill starting at page 16
(Chapter entitled A Rising Evil) re. Drogue's rise to command and intentions
relative to the expectations of the rest of the CS military.
Excellent consult. Drogue has a "sick" vision of genocide (against Tolkeen) as do
most some (what portion is unclear) like-minded members of "the Second Wave".
A majority (nearly all) entail mass murder (even entire innocent populations, or
using concentration camps) however they will only 'perhaps' do a Holocaust (ie
genocide) so the majority may not actually take the step over the grey line that
exists between the mass murder of towns full of innocent populations in
concentration camps and outright genocide.
As the proportion not willing to take part in genocide is 'substantial' (including
'numerous' officers), it seems like a divided enough nation not to call it genocide
as a whole.
However, when every Tolkeen household conceals demon-summoning magic
circles linked to hell-pits (page 17) you have to be destructive, to protect the
Nightmask wrote:the CS was engaged in a war of genocide against a peaceful
nation/state and WILL eventually kill all of them too
The CS is not indicated as interested in chasing refugees to other dimensions, so I
think 'all of them' is a bit strong. I don't consider Tolkeen "peaceful", personally.
Allowing shadowy dragons (maybe some even eat humans?) to establish a city so
close to Chi-Town doesn't seem too peaceful to me.
Nightmask wrote:they had every right to try to defend themselves against the
unprovoked efforts of the CS to kill every man, woman, and child in their
city/state simply because they existed.
Overkill 17: "there is a substantial element within the Coalition that simply will not
willingly take part in .. butchery of innocent women and children, be they inhuman
or not"
Nightmask wrote:the CS was the deadly monster killing all before it
"all" sounds like as rather 'take no prisoners' attitude for an army which
was taking prisoners
Jorick wrote:The way I interpret the canon is thus: Lazlo is the the foil for the
"bad guys" in North America. Where the CS and The federation behave in certain
ways, Lazlo behaves the opposite way.
They have more in common than we might like to think.
The Federation is a rather big group. We might find that Lazlo has more in
common with Dweomer or Stormspire than it does with Dunscon, but those 2
cities are still not without their faults.
Tarn (staunch Lazlo defender) describes it in Traversing (RMBp149) "all
creatures are welcome". Does that sound SAFE? These guys, rather than close a
rift to protect earth from incoming monsters, would rather 'harness' it as an energy
source. Their head peacekeeper is a Wolfen, known to be a warlike race, no
matter what praise Tarn wants to heap on him.
Lazlo has dangerous priorities. It is the "
Free State of Lazlo". Tarn
describes both the Congress and Council as being "dedicated to freedom and the
betterment of all life". It sounds nice and pretty, but when you look closely,
freedom is prioritized (first mention) over bettering life. Also: no distinction is
made as to WHICH lives to better, so apparently bettering the lives of dangerous
things like demons is seen as equally important as bettering the lives of humans.
Never mind that some lives are more vulnerable than others, or some lives thrive
on destroying or controlling other life-forms.
In what ways, other than spending resources to fight the Xiticix, do we know
Lazlo to be more moral than Dweomer or Stormspire?
eliakon wrote:there is a lot of other text citations to support the claim that the CS was genocidal
I would not say 'a lot'.
Joseph the First did a retributionary genocide against the Magic Zone as a
defensive deterrent. It was entirely justified.
The CS is described as having (vague) genocidal policies, but it is not clarified
what those are toward, so those policies may only apply to extreme examples,
like vs Xiticix, which is no worse than Lazlo.
eliakon wrote:For all we know the CS is perfectly fine with mass exterminations (There is
support for this in the CS Saviors of Humanity book
Heroes-of-Humanity.html]Heroes of Humanity[/url] says it is on pre-order, do
you have an advance copy of the book or something to know what's in it? Or is
this based on the store description? I don't see anything about extermination in the
descrip, actually seems to treat the CS pretty neutrally.
eliakon wrote:the CS has already engaged in genocidal actions (Campaign
against the FoM is explicitly called genocidal)
The FoM War began January 12 PA and lasted under a year, and the 2-year
genocide campaign led by General Joseph happened after the war ended, so it
would have ended during 15 PA at the latest.
Although the Coalition States did exist since 1 PA, it's not entirely clear whether
we should attribute the Bloody Campaign as being the actions of the CS, or the
actions of a (possibly as 'rogue as Drogue') single general. Do we know if
Joseph's actions were sanctioned? Per WB16p10 preceding the attack on Chi-
Town, the 'general' Prosek was merely a Brigadier General, the lowest-ranking of
generals if the CS at the time reflected the hierarchy we see on CWCp50.
Outranked by Major Generals, Lieutenant Generals, Generals, and General of the
Army. It is possible that the lack of prefix meant he became
Major>Lieutenant>full General, but I can't remember if this was directly
confirmed. Even if he was a full General, does that mean he was General or the
Army? We know that Drogue is an example that a "General" can take acts that go
beyond or against the leadership of the CS. Joseph was not the CS at the time of
the genocide.
Joe merely killed 30 000. Over 11 000 people died in the intial attack on Chi-
Town alone, which took less than 2 days. Estimates start at 50 000 when
considering non-citizens, with a minimum of 12 500 non-human victims. A 50%
success rate doesn't seem that bad considering how hard it is to figure out who
mages are.
We have to keep in mind here: Lone Star was not discovered until 68 PA
(WB13p16) and Psi-Hounds were not developed until 77PA (WB13p22). The
genocide against the Magic Zone happened over 60 years before they had Psi-
Hounds to easily find mages for them. This means relying exclusively on mages
(who they are justifiably mistrustful of now at this point), normal psionics (with all
the downfalls of ISP costs) or Psi-Stalkers. I'm unclear whether Psi-Stalkers
were a part of the CS at this point at significant nubmers compared to the 15%
(WB13p157) of the army they currently are. If they were still mostly wild clans at
this point then the CS may not have had the means besides relying on whispered
rumors to kill mages.
Per FOMp11 over 37 000 CS soldiers died in the process of achieving these 30
000 executions. The minimum 20 000 "warriors" on the side of FoM who died
don't matter to me, as many might have been demons who don't even die when
they're killed, they just zip back to reincarnation. The FoM was so bad that you
even has wizards and D-Bees and cyber-knights aiding the CS during the war.
The 15 000 innocents that were executed during Joseph's campaign are clearly
less than the number of innocent people who died on Chi-Town's side during the
initial attack, much less the months-long war.
eliakon wrote:they have the stated goal of exterminating Tolkeen and everyone
who lives there then it seems to fail the logic test to say that they are not really
If your statement is based on some exact text then I would point out "who lives
there". IE stop living there (leave, stop crowding the CS) and you are no longer a
target of extermination. Telling an enemy to get off land you have a claim to under
threat of deadly force is not genocide.
Nightmask wrote:Lazlo was not being used to demonstrate the 'correct' course of action,
NOBODY other than Tolkeen was engaging in the correct course of action.
Assuming there is actually a fixed singular 'the correct' course of action, why was
Tolkeen but not Lazlo engaging in it?
Nightmask wrote:The rest were all acting contrary to their interests or stated
goals (like the Federation of Magic's goal of destroying the CS)
I don't see how. Dweomer and Stormspire and Magestar had no interest in
destroying the CS. This was mostly just Dunscon's kingdom, and he was engaging
in sabotage against the CS, he's just not stupid enough to engage in all-out
warfare because it would alert them to his presence and trigure retributions that
would compromise his forces.
Nightmask wrote:because the CS was designated winner and anything and anyone that would have
otherwise gotten involved and brought about their loss were glued to idiot balls in
order for them to stay out and leave it as just a fight between the CS and Tolkeen
even though realistically that would have never happened.
Others did not entirely stayed out, they helped establish places for refugees to
live, they just realized that engaging the CS was unwise and that Tolkeen
should've just relocated, something not as difficult when you're a city of mages.
Alistair kept the FoM out of it as payback for Tolkeen seceding from the
Federation. If he attacked the CS too much, it would compromise their ability to
damage Tolkeen, that's why he waits until the end when they're guaranteed beat
before pouncing on weakened/distracted/overconfident CS.
Nightmask wrote:Dropping nuclear weapons on civilian targets isn't an inherently evil act, in an all-
out war like WWII it was necessary in order to save lives overall on both sides of
the war. We've just worked harder since then to make it less socially acceptable.
The CS however has no problems doing so since their goal is the killing of
everyone without exception.
Source on that last bit? This may be the goal of Drogue's tactics, but it doesn't
make it the goal of the CS. That's why Drogue's tactics were frowned upon. You
say the CS has no problems with it, so then why were people frowning at
Drogue's scorched-earth policies?
Nightmask wrote:The CS went to war with Tolkeen with the explicit purpose
of killing EVERYONE
Which page says everyone?
Nightmask wrote:tried nuking them first so they wouldn't have to get their
hands dirty or lose resources killing them the old-fashioned way.
The CS didn't want to feed the living beings in their army swiftly to the grave,
those monsters!
Why stop at banning nukes? Killing by vibro-blade is far more old-fashioned and
makes for dirty hands. Those dishonorable guys. The US army should ban guns
and fight by sword, or even bare hands, like real men.
Nightmask wrote:It was a war of genocide
A rogue general doing
unsanctioned genocidal operations does not make the entire war a genocide.
Nightmask wrote:they wanted nothing from Tolkeen but the death of
everyone and there is NO room to claim otherwise.
Except, y'know, where the purpose of the Siege on Tolkeen has actually been
stated, with objectives other than "kill everyone" being presented as the
Coalition's central aim.
Overkill 7:
"an all-out drive to secure a safe place for humanity's next generation"
"reclaiming the wilderness and pushing back the forces of magic"
Consider some of the prevaling rhetoric in Overkill:
page 13: "we mean to send them back to wherever they came from. Those
who put up a fight, we'll gladly send to their grave"
page 14: "Get out and good riddance. Stay, and you die."
The policy is not 'kill everyone'. It's "kill those who resist relocation"
The harshest thing I have seen regarding CS tactics, I just found on page 14 as
well. But even this is not as bad as some let on about the Coalition/States
At the Tolkeen front, nothing short of complete genocide is acceptable to
the invading Coalition Army.
Discerning the difference of meaning between this and what people are saying in
this thread requires examining context:
1) "at the Tolkeen front" meaning it does not reflect attitudes elsewhere, just in the
heat of a war against people who have not relocated when they've been asked to
do so for years
2) "the invading Coalition Army" meaning it is not the policy of the Army as a
whole (just the invading green troops desperate for survival or picked for
fanatacism) and the attitudes of the Army do not reflect that of the States in
entirety (attitudes between army and civilians can differ)
3) a large portion of the invaders on the Tolkeen front are not even CS citizens,
they are outsiders trying to win citizenship through military service. As such, they
do not actually reflect the attitudes of the Coalition, but rather, of non-Coalition
'Burb residents and similar who are going to be more bigoted since they suffer on
the front lines of supernatural and magical harassment. People raised properly in
the Coalition are far more civilized and honorable.
Nightmask wrote:the CS was indeed engaged in exactly what you write there,
the genocide of everyone in Tolkeen. It was why the attacked Tolkeen in the first
place, to kill everyone and you clearly are ignoring everything in the books
regarding the CS to try and paint them as not being genocidal in spite of them
explicitly being so.
Which page of which book are we ignoring which says the STATES are
genociding everyone in Tolkeen?
Jorick wrote:you say that they're pure evil.
I don't think Nightmask
used the adjective "pure". It is possible that NM may describe the CS as an evil
which could be impure (ie containing some non-evil) when saying evil.
eliakon wrote:What about the other things cited? Such as the quotes
Cosmicfish had that said that the CS had engaged in a campaign of genocide
against the FoM
Joseph Prosek did a genocidal campaign. We haven't yet established he did so
with CS approval. If it was unsanctioned then we couldn't blame the CS of 14PA
for his actions any more than we can blame the CS of 106PA for Drogue's.
eliakon wrote:there is the point that Nightmask brings up that the Siege on
Tolkeen happened because they failed in their attempt to nuke the city. They
couldn't kill everyone with nukes so they had to go in and kill them all by hand.
IE they tried to take out the leadership of mages/supernaturals and skip
annihilating the farmers. Destroy the city without destroying the towns. Seems
pretty admirable to me.
eliakon wrote:kill them all they do. Its pretty explicit that they are not
interested in taking prisoners nor in allowing civilians to either live or flee.
I'm sure this had nothing to do with guerilla warfare being conducted within these
You really think the CS would have a problem with allowing civilians to flee from
their path if they weren't constantly being attacked by dragons/demons
masquerading as citizens and attacking them unawares?
The failures of the CS newbies getting caught in town-traps is a big reason why
guys like Drogue started rising in rank, since they were keeping soldiers alive by
being ruthless.
Another thing to keep in mind (per CW2p69) is that "entire populations of villages
and towns on the front-lines have risen up and joined the formal Tolkeen military"
So in this case, these towns being wiped out are not exactly non-combatants.
eliakon wrote:there is no arguing that the CS is explicitly genocidal.
Sure there is, since CS stands for Coalition STATES, representing its entirety.
We can agree that elements are genocidal, the problem is when elements
becomes States.
Nightmask wrote:it's patently false to try and argue that the CS isn't guilty of genocide
The CS isn't. Joseph and his campaigners were, but they were a Chi-Town
retribution group, not necessarily reflecting an official decision by the States.
Elements within the CS (Drogue, front-line troops) are described as desiring
genocide. The CS has some policies relating to it.
However I do not see anywhere proof that the States itself has accomplished a
genocide, and I think you need to accomplish it to be guilty of it, otherwise you'd
merely be guilty of wanting/attempting genocide.
Nightmask wrote:or to try and argue that their policies aren't explicitly
I accept that the CS has unidentified-target genocidal policies which may merely
be Xiticix-genocide like Lazlo. As the topic is whether or not they are bad guys,
and even the Torontonian good guys are doing bug-genocide, merely having some
kind of genocide doesn't seem that qualify them.
If you want to argue for any kind of morally reprehensible sort of genocide with a
particular target, more evidence is needed.
Nightmask wrote:By every measure the CS is devoted to genocide and has actively engaged in
genocide with their most blatant act of genocide its war against Tolkeen.
So far as I know, only Joseph's Magic Zone campaign has been explicitly called a
genocide. Where has the Tolkeen Siege been called one?
Nightmask wrote:The books make it clear that the CS is all about genocide regarding all non-
humans and magic-users, with the few who aren't being exceptions not the rule.
I have only seen it clearly said in the books that they have genocidal policies. Not
that the genocidal policies are regarding ALL non-humans, or that they intend to
wipe out all magic users. They take prisoners and are content with telling mages
to jump through a Rift and never come back, so that seems like securing one's
territory, not genocide.
Keep in mind that all kinds of innocent people were killed in the Chi-Town's
burbs by an army of winged demons that a well-meaning Shifter
ACCIDENTALLY let loose. Mages are frickin' dangerous.
cosmicfish wrote:"the deliberate killing of people who belong to a particular
racial, political, or cultural group"
Can you give an example of people who do not belong to a racial group? People
who do not belong to a cultural group?
If "you have a species" means a racial group and "you live in a place" is a cultural
group, then all killing is genocide, and the term loses any unique meaning and
simply becomes a synonym for kill.
We need to establish some reasonable boundaries as to what acts in Rifts we
define as genocide. I think we should solely look at what examples are given of
what is genocide (ie Joseph's Magic Zone campaign) rather than things like the
United Nations, which do not necessarily reflect the attitudes of writers, or people
in Rifts.
Even bleeding hearts like CCW put a 1% minimum and 200,000 population
minimum on things, attitudes as a whole probably require more significant
Nightmask wrote:Taking prisoners doesn't constitute evidence that they aren't
genocidal, nor does securing civilian areas
More focus is needed on proof that the CS is genocidal (like the book calling the
States this, rather than sub-groups within it) instead of requests to prove an
unsourced claim wrong.
Nightmask wrote:contrary to what you're insisting on Drogue was not some
rogue agent responsible for committing genocide in the 'poor, innocent' CS's
name he was following the policy and goals of the CS
CW5p102 "the Death Camps were never sanctioned by the Coalition High
Command or Emperor Prosek, neither of whom know anything about them"
If he was following policy, then policy would have sanctioned the creation of his
Death Camps.
Since they are unsanctioned, no, he is no longer following policy.
Nightmask wrote:the extent to which the CS is like the Nazis is because
they're actively genocidal, only instead of the 'undesirables' being Jews or
Homosexuals or Gypsies they label anything non-human as undesirable and
targets for killing along with anyone who uses magic.
The difference is that the CS violence is focused on pushing undesirables out.
The Nazis did not directly confront undesirables with their intentions. They
rounded them out, promising them temporary inconveniences, and that they would
be returned to their lives, and then they secretly killed them.
This shows the Nazis' focus was on murder while the CS focus is on honest self-
defense. The CS openly tells undesirables to leave, and gives ample opportunity
to do so. Force is used against those who persist in remaining too close.
Nightmask wrote:you're making some awfully bad arguments trying to
downplay or outright pretend the genocidal nature and activities of the CS don't
There's a difference between "activites of the CS" and "activites in the CS".
Nightmask wrote:it's laid out in no uncertain terms what the CS is and what it
is is a Human Supremacist Evil Empire
No, it is only a human-supremist empire lead by an evil-man which rests on the
shoulders of good/selfish people, of whom only a minority are evil.
Nightmask wrote:genocide of all those who work magic or are non-human as
their primary goal.
That has never been stated as a goal, much less a primary goal, of the States.
Nightmask wrote:They intend to kill everyone on the planet that fits that
criteria or opposes their genocide and every success only fills them with
encouragement to fill even more mass graves with their victims.
Incorrect, they may only imprison certain members of the opposition, depending
on their threat.
What people are opposing is not a genocide, it is human expansionism. Killing is
only a means to an end of human security, it is not the prime desire. The CS are
pressuring mages and D-Bees to get away so a safe human zone can exist.
Eventually they do plan to expand that to the entire planet, but they do so at a rate
which gives plenty of people to go jump through a Rift and live somewhere else if
they don't want to get in a fight.
Nightmask wrote:that's seen as just fine and dandy by the vast majority of CS
citizens including the military. When a rising star in their military, Larson, tried to
speak against the policies and eventually refused to kill a peaceful D-Bee village
he was arrested and imprisoned because of it as he refused to follow CS policy
and massacre them for the 'crime' of not being human. His men had to rescue him
and high-tail it out of there before he was 'disappeared'.
You are misrepresenting what happened to Larsen (not sure whether to call him
Marcus or Vincent)
You say "the vast majority of CS citizens including the military", but Larsen's
arrest only happened because a single General ordered it to happen.
Furthermore, you conveniently ignore that Karl gave him a complete pardon,
called him a hero, and (speaking on behalf of 'all the people of the CS') wished
him the best. There has been no retribution against Larsen.
Jorick wrote:The Vanguard assassinated the General, who was threatening to
expose the propaganda
Where is this detailed? Sounds cool, I need to
make a note of the page in my Mercs book.
Nightmask wrote:the books clearly state the CS is a human supremacist empire actively engaging in
a war of genocide against all non-humans and magic users and even
recently went to war complete with nukes to kill a neighboring city/state for the
sole reason of killing everyone for that 'crime'
I have bolded aspects I find questionable and would appreciate listing of citations
that back them by anyone who agrees with these views.
Nightmask wrote:The entire Tolkeen war was an act of genocide, from the first failed nuke attempts
to the very end, that's an indisputable fact.
Yet it remains disputed.
Trying to nuke the CITY of Tolkeen to remove the corrupt leadership so that the
KINGDOM of Tolkeen will surrender is not an act of genocide, it's merciful
tactics to try and spare prolonged casualties. But when kings build high walls, they
resist assassination, which leads to a siege.
Nightmask wrote:They routinely destroy smaller targets for the same goal of
Where is 'goal of genocide' or similar cited as the reason for the destruction of
smaller targets?
Cop shoots person of group A. Must be genocide against group A.
Nightmask wrote:they could finally murder the entire population of a rival
Those who left were spared, so not entire.
Nightmask wrote:nothing you say comes from the books
and yet,
Jorick has cited books and explained how his views are shaped by them.
Nightmask wrote:the CS's genocidal activities are well covered in the books
There is a difference between CS activities being covered in books and you
calling them genocidal and the books themselves calling certain activities
genocidal. I think these lines are being blurred.
Nightmask wrote:this kind of aggression is completely normal to them.
CW2p7: "the Coalition found a reason not to attack such targets and kept its
focus on patrolling its borders. A campaign of containment and pacification rather
than all-out war, squashing small bands of rebels, and maintaining a forceful
presence throughout the center of North America."
CW2p9: "the majority of the Coalition troops are/were gree/inexperienced in
fighting magic wielding opponents, particularly in mass combat"
That doesn't sound like SoT is normal aggression for the CS to me.
Nightmask wrote:They aren't 'misunderstood', it wasn't 'rogue elements'
making them look bad
Yet you are not understanding what the books says they are versus what you built
them up as in your head. Yet we have demonstrated that Drogue-is-a-rogue and
that he is making the CS look bad.
Nightmask wrote:they are stated without a doubt to be out for total genocide
of all non-humans and magic-users on the planet
Where? Oddly I think
I've found the closest thing to evidence supporting this line of thinking (though it is
inadequate) than people promoting it...
Nightmask wrote:Tolkeen was simply their largest act of genocide to date.
The claim otherwise is directly contradicting the books.
Where in what
book is the War/Siege on Tolkeen called a genocide? As opposed to what some
have attempted to do within the context of it?
If the entire war were considered a genocide, then why bother identifying
elements within it who desire genocide or are attempting it? If the entire thing was
genocide then all would be desiring and attempting it.
Nightmask wrote:if Larson's men hadn't rescued him he'd have been
'disappeared' as is CS policy for someone who actively speaks out against their
genocidal policies
Larsen had been speaking out against CS policies (but not against genocide,
because there was no genocide to speak out against) regarding treatment of
mutant animals (and other non-humans) for years without being disappeared.
He was arrested for disobeying a direct order. There is no guarantee he would've
been killed for this. There's no guarantee that Karl would have sided with the
General over Colonel Larsen. Karl may well have investigated and come down
on the General for wasting CS resources for ordering to kill a non-threat.
We don't even know if Karl would have demoted Larsen over the situation.
Lenwen wrote:The Coalition are THEE preEminent power of that default
setting, an are "Villains" in Kevin's eyes as per his own words.
They are also Heroes per the books, so if being the most powerful group who act
as villains makes you "The Bad Guy" then being the most powerful group who act
as heroes should also make you "The Good Guy".
If you admit that the CS are The Good Guys then we will admit they are
simultaneously also The Bad Guys.
Jorick wrote:he not only defied orders but killed Coalition soldiers to escape
Disputing this claim. Mercs85 mentions only 1 death (Colonel Larsen's 2nd in
command, a Major) and the "killed in the shootout" does not mention the
particulars of the death. We not only do not know if Larsen killed him, we also do
not know if it was done by his 12 rescuers. He could have died by friendly fire
(maybe one of the 12 guys who got injured) or by accident himself (not thrown a
grenade far enough?)
Q99 wrote:the Coalition expedition to South America that visited Colombia
also stopped by Bahia and described it as, quote, "a depraved haven for D-bees
and sorcerous criminals." That's a freakin' foreign sovereign nation with a mutual
defense deal with Colombia and it still gets classified as 'criminals' for using
Referring to "sorcerous criminals" in Bahia does not mean the CS are classifying
all sorcerers in Bahia as criminals.
If I said "X state is a haven for gun-toting criminals" I would not necessarily be
saying that gun-toting is criminal.
Shark_Force wrote:"we were willing to let them abandon their homes and go die as a result of not
having the protections they've established here instead of getting murdered just for
existing" does not move you a great distance higher on the morality scale
Losing the homes they built on land that was not their own does not guarantee
death for them. It makes it rougher, yes, but not impossible. The sooner you
leave, the more tents you can pack. Sell your homes to some humans who can
use them and use the credits to buy a mobile home.
Shark_Force wrote:driving people out of their homes just because you
happen to not like them (not that you took any time to actually get to know them)
and you want to take their homes for your own use is still an evil act.
Who says it is "their homes" anyway? Earth was humanity's home for a long time.
Others came and took land that humans had claimed for centuries.
This isn't a matter of just not liking D-Bees. It is a matter of lots of them being
really powerful and killing your people lots.
The CS has always allowed D-Bees in their burbs, they just deny them citizenship
and force them outside the boundaries of their secured areas, much like the NGR,
except with more restrictions on the conditions in which they can enter (work visa
versus slave-indentureship).
eliakon wrote:There are plenty of other places that can (and do) actively protect large groups of
humans from multiple threats.
How large a group?
How large a threat?
What resources do they have to work with?
There's a great deal of variables that makes basic comparisons useless.
I am all for comparing CS to other groups which protect humans, but I would
rather see an entire thread devoted towards discussing it, because it could get
VERY complicated.
Like for example: have the Russians or Japanese or England had to deal with the
Cult of Dragonwright?
eliakon wrote:At least some of them protected from everyone....up until the CS came and killed
them all (*cough* Tolkeen *Cough*)
You think normal humans in Tolkeen were protected from everyone?
eliakon wrote:There is no support for the claim that the CS is the only reason why humans
actively have a fighting chance on North America.
Who is making this claim?
I see them as a reason, a big reason, perhaps the primary reason, but not the
ONLY reason.
I want to know who said 'only'. Is anyone in this thread saying it? Is anyone in the
books saying it?
Shark_Force wrote:the CS is currently occupying a lot of territory. if we
replace it with essentially uninhabited wilderness without removing anything from
any of the other communities, then sure those places would be fine.
For a couple years, until the Xiticix and Vampires come up from the north and
south and the necromancers from the east.
West might be safe, unless I'm forgetting a threat from that direction.
Shark_Force wrote:we also don't know that it wouldn't all be part of the
empire of free quebec, which has just as much hatred but none of the blind
In fairness, FQ is small, their lack of aggression can be perceived as having a lack
of power.
The same way that Chi-Town was not aggressive until FoM invaded.
The same way that CS has bided their time and not been aggressive until knowing
they can win fights.
Sureshot wrote:I still can't believe posters needed direct quotes from Kevin to be shown to a
large extent that the CS are one of the bad guys in the setting.
Perhaps because you forgot that Kevin has also directly called them heroes and
good guys. Did you forget Coalition War Campaign? Says some of this was
reprinted from Sourcebook 1 so I would have to do a comparison to check on
what got changed...
*page 45: Coalition Good or Evil?
*page 46: The Average Coalition Citizen
*page 47: CS soldiers as the villain
*page 48: Coalition Soldiers as Good Guy Player Characters
Sureshot wrote:I notice on these boards members tend to ignore, bury or simply gloss over the
more unsavory elements of what happens in a Fascist regime. Another reason
why they are evil.
Being ruled by a fascist regime doesn't necessarily make the entirety of a nation
Killer Cyborg wrote:Magestar has a total population of 1946. 7784 are ordinary humans. 194
are human mages.
If we're going to say 778.4 orginary humans then we should say 194.6 human
eliakon wrote:they are hindering the coordinated response to the other threats.
North America would be more able to deal with the Xiticix and the Vampires if
the CS were not the way they are.
I don't think this is the case, at all.
If the Federation of Magic had conquered Chi-Town, their pattern of wizard-
dueling and small enclaves would be incredibly disorganized and unable to deal
with the Xiticix.
The mass technological response (missiles, aircraft, rail guns) is probably the
prime reason the Xiticix have not swamped the continent.
These things have telekinetic TW rifles with a 4000ft range. They would out-snipe
the vast majority of mages and there would not be mass production of MD
weaponry if they had their way because that creates a threat towards the wizards
and their elitism from the populace they dominate.
The FoM's resistance to empowering their citizens like the CS does would spell
their doom against the Xiticix.
eliakon wrote:The argument that "well its only the leadership that's evil so the CS isn't evil"
doesn't wash. That is quite latterly like trying to say "well the average German
citizen in WWII wasn't evil. So therefore the Nazi regime wasn't evil."
I don't agree with the analogies you're making here.
"Coalition States" is more analagous to "Germany" or "Axis Powers"
"Prosek regime" is more analagous to "Nazi regime" or "Hitler regime"
eliakon wrote:This is like trying to say that just because the majority population of Atlantis is
slaves, and then that most of those slaves are not evil themselves....means that
Atlantis is really not an evil empire.
It's not. Atlantis is a continent ruled by the Splynncryth Empire, one of many
Splugorth Empires.
eliakon wrote:Or that the Vampire Kingdoms are not evil, just because the leaders are evil hey
all the residents aren't. So we should just say "oh well the Vampire Kingdoms
aren't evil, they are just misunderstood."
I'd say that. Watching 'Shiki' made me very sympathetic to vampires. They want
to survive and have family and are victims of bestial impulses. Those who master
their desire to kill and drain without killing should be applauded. Vkingdoms are
not without their problems (they could stand to improve) but the concept as a
whole (aside from Palladium's mass abuse of the term 'kingdom' for non-
monarchies) seems good.
Lenwen wrote:The entire Coalition is evil based off the decisions of its leadership. Sure you can
have "some good guys" but they are not in position of influence or power enough
to make the changes needed to show the Coalition in a positive / good guy light.
One could argue that England is also evil since Myrrlin is pulling the strings and
Arthuu is a puppet.
Lenwen wrote:it does not matter how you interpret them .. because KS
himself has stated they are Villains.
Cept they're also called HEROES of
humanity... and can be played as Good Guys.
Lenwen wrote:If the creator calls them Villains (in the same sentence does in
fact not pick / choose .. he calls them all villains) then they are in fact Villains.
Are we still going on about how they are merely the villains of the Overkill book
and not anything else?
Germans being the villains of the Holocaust wouldn't mean that Germans are the
villain of everything.
Reid's Rangers can play the role of hero and villain too. As can Tolkeen.
Sureshot wrote:In the end they are evil even if at the start the Cs had good intentions. If and it's a
truly big IF they CS manages to defeat all the evil non-human and human factions.
Those in power will not suddenly become altrustic and give it up.
We can't know that. Who's to say what Joseph II's son (or daughter) or other
potential future leadership may think or choose to do?
The CCW are a good example of how, when humans feel safe and rule enough
territory, they are willing to make peace with their neighbours. If CS citizens are
safe enough, the fear-inspired cowing to totalitarianism would lessen.
Sureshot wrote:You can damn well bet the Proseks and their followers are
going to keep all the power they currently have. Even if it means turning on their
own people if they have to.
Karl might, but I don't know if I'd believe that about an honorable fellow like
Joseph II. Particularly with his not-so-hateful interest in the Vanguard. Also keep
in mind: Karl's sister Lisa was allowed to marry an RCSG scientist... you know,
those guys who can float on ley lines, like Line Walkers?
Sureshot wrote:Anyone tries to take it away from them they will be framed, jailed or killed off.
Would they? Joseph II likes competition, and that seems like too easy a win.
Beating a political opponent can be done by winning public approval, it doesn't
require framing/jailing/killing them. Doing so would deprive him of future worthy
opposition and leave him bored.
Sureshot wrote:To ensure that nothing threathens their precious hold on power. At least the
Splugorth are evil because of their nature and because they are evil.
Who's to say human nature isn't evil? Perhaps good/selfish are aberrations.
Plus, the Splugorth ruler on Rifts Earth isn't evil, he's anarchist

Does anyone know what Plato's alignment is?
Sureshot wrote:It's one thing to be evil when one is surronded by enemies on all sides/ It's another
to act the same way when any and all major threats have been neuralized.
Okay. You realize the CS is the former, right? There are many un-neutralized
major threats to the CS right now.
Sureshot wrote:The citizens themselves I think are evil to a small extent as well imo.
15% of them are evil, yes. It's smaller than a majority.
Sureshot wrote:If one is willing to give up and all rights to be protected. Never
question for fear of losing that protection I think makes one evil.
No, it doesn't, it makes you scared, probably not a hero, perhaps a coward, but
not evil.
Sureshot wrote:There a scene in band of brothers where there a concentration
camp located outside of village or town. The citizens tried to pull the "we never
knew" BS. The America army declared martial law in that area and made the
citizens work and clean up the concentration camp. They knew but as long as it
was non-german citizens and their bellies were full. They turned a blind eye. To
me the Cs citizens are just like that.
Except that the books clearly indicate that it's basically just Drogue's men working
the camps who actually know about them.
Sureshot wrote:My games the CS are terrifying. I don't pull punches. No PG
political correctness. They will kill and murder their own to hold onto to their
power. The soldiers will gun down D-bees. Act like a actual Fascist regime and
not the toned down one PB is forced to put into their rpg. Want to play the rare
good aligned CS squad. Good luck. If words of mouth gets out that the squad is
even questioning their orders to kill D-bees it's as good as a death setence. The
CS secret service begins spying on you. The squad gets the most dangerous
assignments. Thry always get older tech and when they want it new tech is always
out of stock. Backup and support either never shows up or at the last minute.
Promotions are rare and few and need to be backed up with evidence of the
squad following orders and killing D-bees. Those that question too much are
given long and extended "vacations" never to be seen again.
Sounds like a pretty cool alternate universe. Would be cool for a real CS soldier
to get Rifted there by a Temporal Wizard's mishap and generate roleplaying
Shark_Force wrote:consider the vampires. you notice how they're very busily pretending to not be a
threat in the region the CS controls? notice how they're not even a little bit timid
about presenting themselves as a major threat on the other end of the vampire
Liking this observation. I always remembered they were hiding from the CS but
overlooked how un-coy they are when dealing with southern powers. They're not
exactly playing dumb with Cordoba are they?
Shark_Force wrote:the world would probably be a better place if the coalition states was a place like
lazlo or tolkeen (before they allied themselves with demons).
I'm not entirely convinced that either of these places have ever, at any point in
their history, been safer for unpowered humans to live in than Lazlo or Tolkeen.
The only exceptions I'd make would be (1) when that FoM shifter loosed a
winged demon army on Chi-Town's Burbs (2) when the Great City invaded Chi
Shark_Force wrote:those are their homes and their livelihoods
Just like Atlantis is Splynncryth's home and livelihood?
Shark_Force wrote:they shouldn't just be expected to leave without a fight
D-bees should, they're encroaching on the natives, should be more polite when they want their land back.
Shark_Force wrote:it isn't a reasonable response for lazlo to tell them that when they clearly did not have an unwinnable war ahead of them
They didn't win, so Lazlo's response seems reasonable to me.
Shark_Force wrote:although you could argue that by the time the CS invaded, tolkeen actually *was* allied with demons, and was not strictly good any more. but then, they did that because nobody else would freaking help them.
Others were helping, just not in the way Creed wanted. His ego damaged the process just like Nostrous' did.
Sureshot wrote:Stubborn independant and untrusting of each other to a almost stupid degree.
Why is it stupid?
Psyscape has good reason to distrust Dweomer for having demons. The Three have good reason to distrust psychics since they are vulnerable to them.
Sureshot wrote:Yet the evil faction seems to get along fine. Or work together at the very least.
That's really not the case... Vamps are against pretty much everyone except maybe some friendly Demon Lords Aztec Death Gods. Xiticix have no allies. Naut'Yll as people brought up earlier. Cibola/Lagarto. Tolkeen/Brass. Society of Sages and Grim Reapers. A lot of lone wolves out there among the bad guys.
If you take the perspective of CS as bad, FQ should count too, and they infight. There's also a lot of potential conflict with Desmond's secret projects in Lone Star and others if they find out.