Introducing Supers to the World

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Introducing Supers to the World

Unread post by Razorwing »

While in many games, it is assumed that Super Powered individuals have been around for some time... in others the public awareness of such individuals is not as well known. For example, in many of the current generation of comic hero based shows (Flash, Arrow, Smallville, X-Men: Evolution), while the existence of Supers are known in some circles, the vast majority of humanity is still a little clueless of such beings. Often there will be some major event that increases the number of such beings and/or reveals them in such a way that the vast majority of the public (especially the media) can no longer dismiss their existence.

I am curious as to how others would go about revealing the existence of Supers in such a game where the initial premise is that while Supers do exist, they are not yet known by the majority of humanity (generally regarded as tabloid sensationalism). How long would you keep the existence of these beings hidden before the PCs are thrust into the lime light (though not necessarily with their secret identities exposed)? What sort of event would you plan to have their existence revealed with? What could the players do to either delay or speed up this exposure? How do you plan to have the media, governments and public react to this (though it is likely that some within these groups already know the truth)?
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Re: Introducing Supers to the World

Unread post by Regularguy »

Razorwing wrote:What could the players do to either delay or speed up this exposure?

Possibly nothing; I figure the superhero most likely to make a public debut is the archetypal Right Man In The Right Place At The Right Time, because clairvoyance. Sure, maybe there's also a shadowy vigilante deciding when and where to secretly overpower crooks -- but right when a big event is about to go down, and someone can only save the day by doing something legendary in broad daylight on live national television, the big guy is already on the spot, almost despite himself, watching things play out right in front of him and realizing what has to be done. "I don't read the script, the script reads me."
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Re: Introducing Supers to the World

Unread post by say652 »

First, since secrecy is required I would limit Education and power catergories. Such as military, military specialist, Trade school and perhaps Phd/Doctorate. Have players roll 1D4 for education. By controlling education you can make sure the players have the skills to blend in.
For power categories: Experiment, Special Training, Hardware, Psionics, Mystic and Physical Training. Have players roll 1D6.
By limiting your heroes to either skill based or limited cause Supers you can sort of control Appearance. The more human they appear the easier to blend.
For the "Event" have Mutants with inhuman appearances start doing classic badguy stuff. Again limit education to Street Schooled. Goal being capture OR kill these mutants. Give double adventure experience for captures. I imagine the government would love to poke and prod for their abilities. Again stealth and not getting xaught using powers are the main goal. Give bonus experience for every successful unseen power usage I would do 5xp for this Per usage.
Also assign a penalty of -50 experience for getting caught. No flying dogfights over Manhattan please. Run them this way for four or five adventures to get pcs accustomed to stealth and secrecy.
For the "Outing" for available player characters and badguys add in Robot and Bionic power categories. Sold to the public as "The governments way of combating the Mutant Menace and keeping injured soldiers in action"
Of course Mutants vs High Tech allows for the Robot and Bionic heroes to be "Public".
Then hopefully by now your Team has reached level:3 the government introduces "Our Heroes to keep Humanity Human" the Experiments and Mystic Bestowed heroes become Public as well.
As long as no players turn evil this sgould be PR gold.
For public opinion, Robots and Bionics are Favorites, nonpowered Supers are a close second, Magic is viewed as suspicious, Psionics are feared regardless of the character, Heroes with super powers are judged on a higher moral compass(Megahero penalties) and often outright Hated. (Considered Mutant Turncoats or Labrats and viewed as less than human).
To sway the public either way add in Megaheroes as villians if the Characters are to hated or as Good Guys if to well liked(The mutants are getting stronger! !) For even more fear of these nonhuman abilities.

Just my opinion though.
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Re: Introducing Supers to the World

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Re: Introducing Supers to the World

Unread post by Regularguy »

say652 wrote:For public opinion, Robots and Bionics are Favorites, nonpowered Supers are a close second, Magic is viewed as suspicious, Psionics are feared regardless of the character, Heroes with super powers are judged on a higher moral compass(Megahero penalties) and often outright Hated. (Considered Mutant Turncoats or Labrats and viewed as less than human).

Note, though, that until you do something to lose it you're supposed to get the popular-support-and-fan-following benefit of the Divine Aura power. So maybe that's the superhero who goes public first, with all the movie-star good looks and reassuring charm of a young Christopher Reeve performing superhuman feats of strength while getting the benefit of the doubt, and his instant popularity clears the way for everyone else.

(You can even combine that with what I said upthread about him being clairvoyant: he shows up at exactly the right time and place to make a spectacular debut, because of course he does.)
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Re: Introducing Supers to the World

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Possible Villian in a future game after he becomes evil or my favorite is the That Planets SUPERGUY. Add the superman weakness insanity and these UltraNPC characters can ruin a players day. The Invincible Boyscout. Lol
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Re: Introducing Supers to the World

Unread post by Razorwing »

I'm more inclined to think that in such a game, the PCs will be the individuals that are the ones initially revealed to the world at large... rather some NPC. The reason for this is simple... they are the center of the game and it is their actions (positive and negative) that will determine the course of the story.

Many games in which I played, I was more satisfied when it was my actions that made the difference (by that I mean the actions of the group in general). We were the ones making the key strike on the Alien Mothership that stops the invasion of Earth. We are the ones fighting the huge Robot that wants to destroy all Supers which leads to our exposure to the general public. We are the ones piloting the experimental spacecraft through cosmic radiation that gives us incredible powers... or the ones undergoing a war-time experiment to create an enhanced warrior to fight some great evil.

The games we play are supposed to put the players in the role of the main characters of a comic book... the ones who make the big decisions and hard choices and have to live with the consequences of those actions... even if it means exposing the existence of Supers to the world. Yet a lot of you want to take that away from your players... exposing their existence without them doing anything to prevent or encourage it. Why?

Why not let the players actions decide if they are exposed to the public or not? Sure there may be an alien invasion happening, but that doesn't mean that they have to expose themselves if they don't want to. Maybe they choose to fight in the background and let the army take point. Perhaps they decide to sneak aboard a mothership and sabotage it in secret... letting the public wonder what caused it to crash/explode. Yes, you can introduce scenarios where it is very likely that the nature of Supers in the world could be exposed... even likely... but the actions of players (especially government sponsored covert agents... MIB style) could prevent wide spread knowledge of the existence of supers... at least for a time. In the same respect, the players actions could cause the exposure of such individuals much sooner than you expect as well... even with a minor mission that you would never expect to lead to their discovery.

X-Men: Evolution is a great example of both of these points... in the first two seasons, there were numerous instances that could have easily lead to the exposure of mutants before the Season Two finale... yet it was the quick thinking of the characters (and cleaver use of powers) that kept things hidden for so long. It is even possible that Magneto's plan to expose Mutants to the world could have failed, had certain individuals not been taken out of play before the incident.

It should be the actions of players that determine when and how the existence of Supers in such a game is revealed... not some NPC of the GM deciding for them. If the players want to try and keep things low key for as long as possible, let them try... and if they manage it, reward them for doing so. However if they screw up and expose themselves early... well... let them feel the weight of their actions in that respect too. Don't have some all-powerful NPC come along and expose their secret without giving them the chance to prevent it... provided they even try to do so.
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Re: Introducing Supers to the World

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I always keep at least one Elite Goodguy on Deck for each setting. Either 8 levels higher or more likely a Say652 Munchkin Character.
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Re: Introducing Supers to the World

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Villians would go public first for the amazing ransoms and demands they could get.
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Re: Introducing Supers to the World

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I use the car dangling precariously off a bridge scenerio a whole bunch. I feel that saving people is a heroes job. If my players are the money, power, equipment type off to rifts we go. If that is not life threatening enough on to phaseworld.
After a few levels they return to my Earth/Hu world and face stronger foes for greater glory. Then the cycle repeats.
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Re: Introducing Supers to the World

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And once in Rifts they find a safe place to hide until they get back to their sane home.
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Re: Introducing Supers to the World

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Yea pretty much. Powersurge is an adored hero of New York in his dimension. The humans love him. Always posibg for pics, signing autographs, parades, free stuff and a fanbase.
In he RIFTS he gas no comprehension or real understanding of the Planet its general working or why no Superheroes prevented all of this chaos.
So yes knowing your enemy is truly important in RIFTS.
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Re: Introducing Supers to the World

Unread post by Razorwing »

SittingBull wrote:Villians would go public first for the amazing ransoms and demands they could get.

I'd have to disagree at least to a point about villains going public first. Powers give many villains an edge that they may not want others knowing about... at least not right away. Most would see the advantage of keeping to the shadows at least at first... so as not to tip their hand to those that would oppose them... other criminals, police, would be heroes.

Even an invasion of the world could be done in the shadows without many overt signs of it being done... such as what has happened in the Nightbane setting. The Nightlords have as much of a vested interest in keeping things quiet as the Nightbane do... possibly more so. In the movie "Justice League: War" Darksied's minions moved in the shadows at the beginning so as not to alert the natives of Earth to the invasion until it was too late... and only the discovery by various heroes forced Darksied to move out into the open. The only reason Magneto revealed the existence of mutants at the end of X-Men: Evolution's second season is because he believed that humanity's fear and hatred of the unknown would drive mutants to his cause (he had tried other, more covert methods before resorting to this).

There are many ways that both heroes and villains could confront each other without being in the public eye... any of which could expose them if events unfold in the right way. Yet it seems that many of you insist on making a public spectacle of your players' actions as quickly as possible... why?

And please... let's keep the discussion focused on HU Earth (or at least a version of it... without bringing in other gamelines... or sending players to them). Nothing annoyed me more than building a character for Heroes Unlimited only for the GM to decide that he would force us into Rifts or some other setting we didn't want to play in (if we did, we would have made characters for that setting instead).
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Re: Introducing Supers to the World

Unread post by SittingBull »

Razorwing wrote:
SittingBull wrote:Villians would go public first for the amazing ransoms and demands they could get.

Nothing annoyed me more than building a character for Heroes Unlimited only for the GM to decide that he would force us into Rifts or some other setting we didn't want to play in (if we did, we would have made characters for that setting instead).

Oh I agree.
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Re: Introducing Supers to the World

Unread post by Regularguy »

Razorwing wrote:I'm more inclined to think that in such a game, the PCs will be the individuals that are the ones initially revealed to the world at large... rather some NPC.

The games we play are supposed to put the players in the role of the main characters of a comic book... the ones who make the big decisions and hard choices and have to live with the consequences of those actions... even if it means exposing the existence of Supers to the world. Yet a lot of you want to take that away from your players... exposing their existence without them doing anything to prevent or encourage it. Why?

Why not let the players actions decide if they are exposed to the public or not?

It should be the actions of players that determine when and how the existence of Supers in such a game is revealed... not some NPC of the GM deciding for them.

I don't know if that was meant in response to me, but for what it's worth I was pretty much figuring one of the PCs would have clairvoyance (because, seriously, why wouldn't he?) and so would have the power of realizing he should be where news is about to happen.

And then, given what say652 said, I figured, in such a setting, I'd sure want to play a PC with the default popularity and fan following of a Divine Aura, because of course I would.

And so I figured the PCs -- or PC -- may well have Clairvoyance and Divine Aura up the proverbial sleeve, with logical results ensuing in short order.
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Re: Introducing Supers to the World

Unread post by Razorwing »

Why does a group need Clairvoyance and Divine Aura? Many heroes get by without those powers. There are other was to figure out where one is needed without being clairvoyant... and there are means of gaining popularity without Divine Aura.

Besides... this is taking the thread off topic a little.

The point of this thread was to discuss ways that Supers could be revealed to the world in a setting where they exist but aren't known to the public at large. Most seem favor some powerful NPC revealing the existence of Supers regardless of what the players decide to do. I see this as more or less railroading players into coming out into the open on someone else's terms rather than through their own actions and desires.

I believe that in such a setting, it should be the players who will be the ones that reveal the existence of Supers in general... either because they feel it is time or because of their own mistakes to keep things quiet. Once the cat is out of the bag, others will follow... but the players should feel that their characters are important to the stories being told... rather than as bit players to a NPC who makes all the big decisions. Yes, it is possible that the players can even be tricked into revealing the existence of Supers by a villain (as the Magneto tricked the X-Men and the Brotherhood into doing during the 2nd season finale of X-Men: Evolution)... but even then it is possible for the players to thwart such a plan if they feel the world isn't ready to know of their existence just yet.

And that is the point of such a setting... is the world ready to deal with Supers on a public stage? Initially, many heroes are likely to think not... while others prefer not to advertise their activities. Villains on the other hand will likely revel in the fact that their powers give them an edge that few know about... leading some to create criminal empires or take over such empires. Once the cat is out of the bag, they may revel in the fear and respect they are given by the common man... but until then, it is often safer to stay in the shadows. Give the power many of these beings have, that is often easier than it may appear (especially if local police are still clueless as to the presence of Supers in general).

So... why does the existence of Supers in a game need to happen in the first adventure? For nearly half of the first season of the Flash, the Flash wasn't known to the general public. For two seasons in X-Men: Evolution, the presence of mutants was kept a secret from the world. For nearly 10 seasons of Smallville, Superman and other Metas were little more than urban legends. Yet the majority of people here seem to think the secret needs to be revealed the minute players start to play... by someone other than the players... why?
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Re: Introducing Supers to the World

Unread post by Nightmask »

One has to consider that there is no sure-fire way of proving the existence of supers, because a LOT of people are willfully delusional and reject RL events as having been staged (look at the people who think Sandy Hook and the Boston Marathon Bombing were fake). So a super-villain battle during the Super-Bowl you'd still get people insisting it never really happened, some of them even people who were their to witness it first hand. It would be an uphill battle getting the majority of people to accept the existence of supers even when as common as seen in the Marvel or DC settings.
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Re: Introducing Supers to the World

Unread post by Razorwing »

While there will always be individuals that will insist such things are faked... given enough evidence and media coverage, the majority of people will come to accept the reality that Supers walk amongst them. High profile events like Darksied's invasion of Earth (Justice League: War) or the Sentinel attack in the middle of a major city (X-Men Evolution) will tend to convince most individuals that Supers are real.

This isn't about convincing everyone... just the majority of the public that these beings are indeed real... and that some of them are potential threats. Initial reaction may be disbelief, but once a high profile event happens that can't be so easily dismissed, then other events are likely to follow as both heroes and villains begin to step out of the shadows. Eventually, the majority of people will come to realize these beings are real and not just tabloid sensationalism.

And just to point out that for ever person who believes that current events are faked... there are also those who believe that tabloids are true and that Elvis and Big Foot did indeed have a secret love child that now lords over the world as the head of the Illuminati.
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Re: Introducing Supers to the World

Unread post by SittingBull »

Well said on many counts.
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Re: Introducing Supers to the World

Unread post by Regularguy »

Razorwing wrote:Why does a group need Clairvoyance and Divine Aura?

They don't "need" those powers. I merely note that (a) the former strikes me as a remarkably sensible choice in general, and (b) the latter strikes me as a remarkably sensible choice in a you-are-the-first-superheroes-comma-so-if-and-when-will-you-make-your-public-debut setting, such that (c) I'd expect a PC with either or both, given that (d) I'd probably pick a PC with either or both, and (d) logical consequences would ensue from PCs who can draw on either or both.

Which, as it happens, is my reply to the rest of your post:

The point of this thread was to discuss ways that Supers could be revealed to the world in a setting where they exist but aren't known to the public at large. Most seem favor some powerful NPC revealing the existence of Supers regardless of what the players decide to do.

I believe that in such a setting, it should be the players who will be the ones that reveal the existence of Supers in general... either because they feel it is time or because of their own mistakes to keep things quiet.

the players should feel that their characters are important to the stories being told... rather than as bit players to a NPC who makes all the big decisions.

Yet the majority of people here seem to think the secret needs to be revealed the minute players start to play... by someone other than the players... why?

I'm talking about a PC, not "some powerful NPC", revealing the existence of heroes; that it's the player, not "someone other than the players," who does it -- because it's his character that's important, since there isn't some "NPC who makes all the big decisions."

I'm merely saying a player who picks either or both -- as I would -- will presumably put the PC in a situation where choosing the public reveal makes sense.
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Re: Introducing Supers to the World

Unread post by say652 »

You could always do a public hero squad.
May want to limit alignment though. A cities heroes the "first" of their kind.

Personally I use the New York police statement "I aint seent nothin!" For most npcs anyway. These normal people have normal lives, being called crazy might ruin that job and marriage not mention cost a few friends.
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Re: Introducing Supers to the World

Unread post by Razorwing »


It seems that there might be a little confusion... I am not saying that the Players in such a situation are the first beings with powers. Rather, that up until the setting starts, Super Heroes (and villains for that matter) have not exposed themselves to the public.

They are still there, in the background saving lives from criminals and stopping secret plots made by their villainous counterparts to take over the world... they just do it in such a way that the Media rarely gets wind of it... and when a few do, it sound so sensational that only a tabloid might print it. Some facets of the Government might know of these Supers... and may even try to control them... but they too have a vested interest in keeping things quiet (much easier to force supers to work for you when you can use questionably moral activities without public knowledge)... as do some corporations. The few members of the public that are saved by such individuals often keep quiet so that they aren't seen in the same light as "UFO enthusiasts"... though it is likely that a few do go public with their knowledge... and are generally seen as "nutjobs".

The players are not the first heroes... merely the latest generation... a generation that is becoming large enough that keeping the secret of such individuals is getting harder to keep from the public. Many previous heroes (including a mentor perhaps) feel that the world isn't ready to face the reality of Supers... but their numbers are steadily increasing to the point where it may be inevitable that the secret gets out. Whether they are actively trying to keep the secret or just doing what they can to save people, chances are that they are at least respecting the status quo to begin with... and only their actions during the game will determine if and when the secret is revealed.

As for the powers of Clairvoyance or Divine Aura... while they may make the transition from the shadows to the public stage easier (knowing the "right" time to do so or having a loyal following), chances are the "Reveal Event" won't be intentional... follow up events might... but the event that brings Supers to the attention of the Public and the Media isn't likely to be scripted for maximum public approval.
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Re: Introducing Supers to the World

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It can also happen due to some disaster that happens world wide (Like Gaby's alien invasion suggestion). One of the Super Hero series I love literally had the first super hero be a guy working as a baggage handler at O'Hare when a world wide disaster caused a number of scary side-effects including planes crashing into the ground and the hero pulled a 'Superman' as he reacted with his new found powers. So you don't have to be the right person at the right place, but the right person at ONE of the right places.

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Re: Introducing Supers to the World

Unread post by SittingBull »

Daniel Stoker wrote:It can also happen due to some disaster that happens world wide (Like Gaby's alien invasion suggestion). One of the Super Hero series I love literally had the first super hero be a guy working as a baggage handler at O'Hare when a world wide disaster caused a number of scary side-effects including planes crashing into the ground and the hero pulled a 'Superman' as he reacted with his new found powers. So you don't have to be the right person at the right place, but the right person at ONE of the right places.

Daniel Stoker

What series is this?
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Re: Introducing Supers to the World

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It's the series by Marion G. Harmon that started with Wearing The Cape.

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Re: Introducing Supers to the World

Unread post by McFacemelt »

I am curious as to how others would go about revealing the existence of Supers in such a game where the initial premise is that while Supers do exist, they are not yet known by the majority of humanity (generally regarded as tabloid sensationalism). How long would you keep the existence of these beings hidden before the PCs are thrust into the lime light (though not necessarily with their secret identities exposed)? What sort of event would you plan to have their existence revealed with? What could the players do to either delay or speed up this exposure? How do you plan to have the media, governments and public react to this (though it is likely that some within these groups already know the truth)?

There are many ways that both heroes and villains could confront each other without being in the public eye... any of which could expose them if events unfold in the right way. Yet it seems that many of you insist on making a public spectacle of your players' actions as quickly as possible... why?

I'm more inclined to think that in such a game, the PCs will be the individuals that are the ones initially revealed to the world at large... rather some NPC. The reason for this is simple... they are the center of the game and it is their actions (positive and negative) that will determine the course of the story.

Specifically asking for ways to speed up or slow down the introduction of supers to the world and then repeatedly telling people that you don't want some villain to do it, but rather the PC's to be the ones to do so is a little counter intuitive. If your PC's want to bring the limelight, they will and there is no need to speed up the process. If they don't, and it is something you want to happen, as the GM it is ultimately going to be up to you to make it happen. Yet it doesn't seem you've even asked the player's opinion on the matter.

Eventually if they are trying to keep things hidden, then they are going to do something that is going to begin to bring the limelight. Repeatedly doing anything related to their supers in public is automatically going to bring the heat.

If the characters fail to stop a bad guy from repeatedly doing anything related to their supers in public then it is going to bring the truth out as well. Just because a villain is the one who makes things public doesn't mean that it isn't the fault of your players action or lack of.

I'm not trying to harp, I'm just trying to point out a major flaw in your argument.
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Re: Introducing Supers to the World

Unread post by SittingBull »

Daniel Stoker wrote:It's the series by Marion G. Harmon that started with Wearing The Cape.

Daniel Stoker

Thank you

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Comment: Non Impediti Ratione Cogitationis
Location: Jewdica

Re: Introducing Supers to the World

Unread post by Daniel Stoker »

Not a problem, it's been an enjoyable series so far so I don't mind 'pimping' it out to others. ;)

Daniel Stoker
Judaism - More Old School than either Christianity or Islam.
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