Flying Snow (BlackVault) Mega Genefreak Level:7.

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To Munchkin to even allow heard off??

Yes, do not mention Board abilities ever in my game! *hits player with yardstick*
Its unconventional but not unbeatable or game breaking.
No, its actually pretty cool and using as much of a great resource possible and making a legal by the rules over doing as such. Have made a new concept.
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Flying Snow (BlackVault) Mega Genefreak Level:7.

Unread post by say652 »

Flying Snow.
"It was the only Logical choice."

Snow jumped up at the fleeing demon, His claws catching its hip carrying them both to ground.
The Earth rumbled the sound of thunder and dust filled the air.
From the cloud the 15' Demon flew sideways at an awkward angle, right behind Flying Snow lept after his quarry again.

Aka:Sebastion Snow.
Alignment: Unprincipled
Megahero Genefreak Level:7

H.F:8 heartless, logical, creepy personality.
Natural Ar:8.

Bioregenerate:4D6 hp and 4D6 sdc per Melee.

Mdc equals hp+Sdc.
BioReg:8D6mdc per melee.
Supernatural Creature.Alignment radiates Princpled or Diabolic at random per Attempt to read Alignment.

Appearance. 5'9" slender muscular 160lbs. Snow leopard Fur from elbow to claw base human looking Snow Leopard Hands. Green Cats Eyes Pale skin Brown hair short Pale skin, doesn't tan.

Traits:Ambidextrous,Angelic, Double Jointed, Sharp Teeth and Powerful Jaw, Large Monstrous Hands with Large Retractable Claws.

Birth Defect: Chronic Pain.(Shoutout to Glistram)

Mega powers:2.
Godlike H.P, Mega Damage.

Achilles Heels:4.
Animal Behaviour:Cat, Corruption, Heart of Stone, Unusual Fragrance: Cinnamon.

Major Power:1.
Brick Tricks.
Hyper Leap ps×15 feet acrosd ps× 7.5 feet up.
+75% with a running start.
HyperClap: Narrow shockwave Ps×3 feet range 6D6. Wide Shockwave Ps×1.5 feet 4D6 +2 Strike.
Stomp 1:Ps×1.5 foot radius, role to maintain balance or fall and lose an attack and initiative.
Stomp 2:cost 2 Attacks ps×1.5 foot radius 1/2 punch damage+Knockback and a roll to maintain balance. Ground takes damage.
Stomp 3: Cost 4 Attacks Ps×1.5 foot radius Punch Damage plus knockback and maintain balance AND all objects in Radius are hurled as if thrown 3/4 distance.
Linear Stomp: costs 1 additional Attack Ps×3 range starts nine feet wide ends eighteen feet wide.

Minor Powers:5.
Bullet Catcher: Auto Parry Bullets and energy no penalties.
Chain Attacks +1 attack per melee for every Crit rolled.
Burst Attack -3 attacks, opponent -2 parry, dodge if hits deals Double Damage.
Fracture: Every 10 sdc dealt deals 1 hp to target. In mdc settings people in vehicles take an additional 1hp for every 10mdc dealt to vehicle, power armor, robot etc.(so Punch GlitterBoy 300md pilot takes 60hp of damage.)
Piercing Blows: Enhanced Critical.
Heightened Martial Awareness: counterstrike 1 per melee after a successful parry one attack no bonus cost 1 attack to defend considered a suprise attack.
Breaking Blow 1 per melee. Ignore targets AR and +5 damage a level. Harms targets transformed in to Inorganic Materials.
Martial Expertise: 1 per melee. Combine two offensive maneuvers into one attack (body throw+ Kick for example) -2 Strike if hits both effects take place. ( slammed then fieldgoal).

Feats:2. Will of Iron, Weird way of Thinking.

Hand to Hand:Feline.(Includes unlisted power bonuses and uses, skills, traits, birth defect and attribute bonuses)
+11 initiative.
+1 strike(+10 strike) with wrestling moves on failed roll.
13 attacks.
+9 strike.
+13 parry.
+12 dodge.
+4 pull punch.
+19 roll with impact no damage from kinetic if successful 1/2 damage failed rolls anytype of damage.
combo parry and strike.
Critical hit Range 13-14 double damage 15-20 Triple damage.
+2 maintain balance.
-2 opponents AR.
+6 to damage.
Times ten damage hand to hand and punch damage from Brick Tricks deals enhanced damage.
All damage received -20 then 1/2 vs resistances and saves.

Ph.D or Doctorate level Education.
Physical, Physical,Espionage, Medical Assistant +30%
Skills +10%
Hand to hand:Feline.
Boxing (revised).
Bodybuilding (revised).
Advanced WeightLifting.
Impact Zone.
Torture Resistance.
Saving Throw Skill.
Horrir Desensitization.
math, Basic:98%.
Computer Operation:98%.

Secondary Skills.
Land Navigation:79%.
Track Animals:70%.
Skin&Prepare Animals:80%.
Identify Plants&Fruits:75%.
Level:3 DeadBall.
level:6 Juicer Football:55%.

Rifts Skills learned at level:2 equal to 5th Level.
Radio Basic:98%.
pilot JetPack:85%.
Pilot:Flight Assualt System:85%.
pilot Motorcycle:98%.
pilot:Jump Bike Combat:90% attack70%.
Read Sensory Equipment:70%.
Weapon Systems:80%.
Wp:Energy Rifle.
Wp:Heavy Energy.
Detect Ambush:80%.

Save as Minor Psionic 12
+5vs Psionics failed saves 1/2 damage effect and Duration.
AutoSave vs Horror Factor/Awe Factor:14 lower. +11vs HF/AF over 14 Failed save half damage Effect Duration and Penalties.
+35% Coma/Death
+8vs Pain.
+15vs Insanity.
+10vs Possession.
+11vs Magic.
Sense of Strength +12.
Feats of Strength +22.
Throw:33,000lbs 66'

Sdc Punch Damage. (Includes Bonuses)
Restrained Punches: 5D6×10.
Full Strength Punch; 2D4×100+570.
Power Punch -2 Attacks:3D6×100+1140.
Claw damage:Punch type+6D6×10.
Bite damage:Punch type+2D6×10+20.

MDC realm Punch Damage. (Includes Bonuses)
Restrained punch:1D6×10md.
Full Strength Punch:1D6×100+60md.
Power Punch Damage -2 Attacks 2D6×100+120Md.
Claw:6D6×10+Punch Type.
Bite:2D6×10+Punch Type.

Current Equipment.
Normal Clothes.
Multi optics visor.
Mdc white leopard fur Branghan Duster.
150sdc AR:18 White leopard fur over Branaghan Duster 167mdc.

Vehicle:Tarantula Jump Bike.
2 Mdc Saddle bags(20mdc each). Normal clothes and Rations. Advanced Survival kit. Paramedic field kit.
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Re: Flying Snow (BlackVault) Mega Genefreak Level:7.

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I believe I am finished.
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Re: Flying Snow (BlackVault) Mega Genefreak Level:7.

Unread post by Stone Gargoyle »

Your attributes are not listed in order as they appear on other characters. This is not laid out properly.
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Re: Flying Snow (BlackVault) Mega Genefreak Level:7.

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Ok. I will redo it.
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Re: Flying Snow (BlackVault) Mega Genefreak Level:7.

Unread post by Stone Gargoyle »

Make sure you properly capitalize the attributes: IQ, ME, etc.
Also, the way you list the skills is hard to read. You might want to insert commas or list the skills in a column rather than having them all on the same line.
Also, why is it your character needs combat armor? Your SDC and Hit Points make the little bit of SDC from armor irrelevent.
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Re: Flying Snow (BlackVault) Mega Genefreak Level:7.

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The weapons and Armor are an attempt to "look" normal And blend in.

True I don't require a weapin or vehicle or armor but, when in Rome....
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Re: Flying Snow (BlackVault) Mega Genefreak Level:7.

Unread post by Stone Gargoyle »

say652 wrote:The weapons and Armor are an attempt to "look" normal And blend in.

True I don't require a weapin or vehicle or armor but, when in Rome....
...Throw in a bunch of useless junk. Wearing normal clothes is blending in, wearing power armor and such is overkill.
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Re: Flying Snow (BlackVault) Mega Genefreak Level:7.

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I will scrap the equipment as well.
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Re: Flying Snow (BlackVault) Mega Genefreak Level:7.

Unread post by Stone Gargoyle »

I also see you have him making saves as a psionic. Is that part of the Genefreak category or just something you threw in on top of everything else?
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Re: Flying Snow (BlackVault) Mega Genefreak Level:7.

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say652 wrote:Flying Snow.
"It was the only Logical choice."

Snow jumped up at the fleeing demon, His claws catching its hip carrying them both to ground.
The Earth rumbled the sound of thunder and dust filled the air.
From the cloud the 15' Demon flew sideways at an awkward angle, right behind Flying Snow lept after his quarry again.

Aka:Sebastion Snow.
Alignment: Unprincipled
Megahero Genefreak Level:7

H.F:8 heartless, logical, creepy personality.
Natural Ar:8.

Bioregenerate:4D6 hp and 4D6 sdc per Melee.

Mdc equals hp+Sdc.
BioReg:8D6mdc per melee.
Supernatural Creature.Alignment radiates Princpled or Diabolic at random per Attempt to read Alignment,Emotions,Telapathy.
These powers only recieve surrounding current physical input., recieves visual and hearing whats around Senses of smell and taste, but no thoughts Or Memories etc.

Appearance. 5'9" slender muscular 160lbs. Snow leopard Fur from elbow to claw base human looking Snow Leopard Hands. Green Cats Eyes Pale skin Brown hair short Pale skin, doesn't tan.

Traits:Ambidextrous,Angelic, Double Jointed, Sharp Teeth and Powerful Jaw, Large Monstrous Hands with Large Retractable Claws.

Birth Defect: Chronic Pain.(Shoutout to Glistram)

Mega powers:2.
Godlike H.P, Mega Damage.

Achilles Heels:4.
Animal Behaviour:Cat, Corruption, Heart of Stone, Unusual Fragrance: Cinnamon.

Major Power:1.
Brick Tricks.
Hyper Leap ps×15 feet acrosd ps× 7.5 feet up.
+75% with a running start.
HyperClap: Narrow shockwave Ps×3 feet range 6D6. Wide Shockwave Ps×1.5 feet 4D6 +2 Strike.
Stomp 1:Ps×1.5 foot radius, role to maintain balance or fall and lose an attack and initiative.
Stomp 2:cost 2 Attacks ps×1.5 foot radius 1/2 punch damage+Knockback and a roll to maintain balance. Ground takes damage.
Stomp 3: Cost 4 Attacks Ps×1.5 foot radius Punch Damage plus knockback and maintain balance AND all objects in Radius are hurled as if thrown 3/4 distance.
Linear Stomp: costs 1 additional Attack Ps×3 range starts nine feet wide ends eighteen feet wide.

Minor Powers:5.
Bullet Catcher: Auto Parry Bullets and energy no penalties.
Chain Attacks +1 attack per melee for every Crit rolled.
Burst Attack -3 attacks, opponent -2 parry, dodge if hits deals Double Damage.
Fracture: Every 10 sdc dealt deals 1 hp to target. In mdc settings people in vehicles take an additional 1hp for every 10mdc dealt to vehicle, power armor, robot etc.(so Punch GlitterBoy 300md pilot takes 60hp of damage.)
Piercing Blows: Enhanced Critical.
Heightened Martial Awareness: counterstrike 1 per melee after a successful parry one attack no bonus cost 1 attack to defend considered a suprise attack.
Breaking Blow 1 per melee. Ignore targets AR and +5 damage a level. Harms targets transformed in to Inorganic Materials.
Martial Expertise: 1 per melee. Combine two offensive maneuvers into one attack (body throw+ Kick for example) -2 Strike if hits both effects take place. ( slammed then fieldgoal).

Feats:2. Will of Iron, Weird way of Thinking.

Hand to Hand:Feline.(Includes unlisted power bonuses and uses, skills, traits, birth defect and attribute bonuses)
+11 initiative.
+1 strike(+10 strike) with wrestling moves on failed roll.
13 attacks.
+9 strike.
+13 parry.
+12 dodge.
+4 pull punch.
+19 roll with impact no damage from kinetic if successful 1/2 damage failed rolls anytype of damage.
combo parry and strike.
Critical hit Range 13-14 double damage 15-20 Triple damage.
+2 maintain balance.
-2 opponents AR.
+6 to damage.
Times ten damage hand to hand and punch damage from Brick Tricks deals enhanced damage.
All damage received -20 then 1/2 vs resistances and saves.

Ph.D or Doctorate level Education.
Physical, Physical,Espionage, Medical Assistant +30%
Skills +10%
Hand to hand:Feline.
Boxing (revised).
Bodybuilding (revised).
Advanced WeightLifting.
Impact Zone.
Torture Resistance.
Saving Throw Skill.
Horrir Desensitization.
math, Basic:98%.
Computer Operation:98%.

Secondary Skills.
Land Navigation:79%.
Track Animals:70%.
Skin&Prepare Animals:80%.
Identify Plants&Fruits:75%.
Level:3 DeadBall.
level:6 Juicer Football:55%.

Rifts Skills learned at level:2 equal to 5th Level.
Radio Basic:98%.
pilot JetPack:85%.
Pilot:Flight Assualt System:85%.
pilot Motorcycle:98%.
pilot:Jump Bike Combat:90% attack70%.
Read Sensory Equipment:70%.
Weapon Systems:80%.
Wp:Energy Rifle.
Wp:Heavy Energy.
Detect Ambush:80%.

Save as Minor Psionic 12
+5vs Psionics failed saves 1/2 damage effect and Duration.
AutoSave vs Horror Factor/Awe Factor:14 lower. +11vs HF/AF over 14 Failed save half damage Effect Duration and Penalties.
+35% Coma/Death
+8vs Pain.
+15vs Insanity.
+10vs Possession.
+11vs Magic.
Sense of Strength +12.
Feats of Strength +12.

Sdc Punch Damage. (Includes Bonuses)
Restrained Punches: 5D6×10.
Full Strength Punch; 2D4×100+570.
Power Punch -2 Attacks:3D6×100+1140.
Claw damage:Punch type+6D6×10.
Bite damage:Punch type+2D6×10+20.

MDC realm Punch Damage. (Includes Bonuses)
Restrained punch:1D6×10md.
Full Strength Punch:1D6×100+60md.
Power Punch Damage -2 Attacks 2D6×100+120Md.
Claw:6D6×10+Punch Type.
Bite:2D6×10+Punch Type.

Current Equipment.
Normal Clothes.

I am pretty sure I have edited properly.
I know present.

Multipotic Visor.
White and Leopard Print Sdc:150 over Branaghan
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Re: Flying Snow (BlackVault) Mega Genefreak Level:7.

Unread post by Stone Gargoyle »

You still did not answer my question about the psionics. There is also no reason why he would appear as a supernatural creature. You have abilities here which I still see no valid reason why he would have.
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Re: Flying Snow (BlackVault) Mega Genefreak Level:7.

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I think instead of warrior adventure this character would be better suited for Ultimate league Juicer Football and Most likely raining Murderthon Champion. Which brings the Ultimate Juicer League To Columbia, in time for the Maris Gras Madness.
So games people turning mdc when they commit random crimes.
JLU presents.
Six rounds.
Five Competitions.
Two Champions.
5 points 1st Place.
3 points Second place.
1 point for completing Round.

Event one. Jump Bike Arena Cross.
10 mile off Road Course. Timed and 3 Judge Panel For Tricks.
2.5 Mile City Trick Course. Strictly a timed Trick Course.
Racer and Master Trickster Belts awarded.

Both Competions are held at the same time.
Mdc armor, Power Armor, Mdc Being, Qualifeied sdc beings.Competition.
All competitors bust be within weight of riding a standard jump Bike.

Issued Gear. For competition and gear.
One forearm grenade Launcher.
One forearm Fiws Weapon system.
One Laser visor.
Hand to hand Attacks.

All exotic
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Re: Flying Snow (BlackVault) Mega Genefreak Level:7.

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Stone Gargoyle wrote:You still did not answer my question about the psionics. There is also no reason why he would appear as a supernatural creature. You have abilities here which I still see no valid reason why he would have.

Feat Will of Iron. Save vs a Minor Psionic.
The radiating random alignment is an achilles heel.
The character is a supernatural creature because he's a Megahero.
Range of powers increased 50%.
The Extra Major power. BRICKTRICKS Is availible as part of my Power Category, Genefreak.
5 minor powers are availible on the provided mutant super power chart.
The MegaPowers and Achilles heels, to me seemed fair.
4 weaknesses in exchange for 2 Mega Powers.
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Re: Flying Snow (BlackVault) Mega Genefreak Level:7.

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This one is designed to be Big Green Guy type when he Shows Authority. A little tiny CatDude, ragdolling a Glitterboy. Wearing a White fur Leopard coat.
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Re: Flying Snow (BlackVault) Mega Genefreak Level:7.

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And reedited no extras no powers or abilities that are not listed. No equipment.
Still a toss up between jfl or merc but play test coming soon.
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Re: Flying Snow (BlackVault) Mega Genefreak Level:7.

Unread post by Stone Gargoyle »

say652 wrote:The character is a supernatural creature because he's a Megahero.
Where specifically does it say that? Just having Supernatural Strength and abilities does not make you a Supernatural creature.
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Re: Flying Snow (BlackVault) Mega Genefreak Level:7.

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Being a Mega-Hero does make one a "supernatural creature", HU2, page 181.

Considered a Supernatural Being, meaning the character is more than a superpowered human with unusual or spectacular powers, but is actually more than human.
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Re: Flying Snow (BlackVault) Mega Genefreak Level:7.

Unread post by Stone Gargoyle »

I stand corrected.
Where do the AR and Horror Factor come from?
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Re: Flying Snow (BlackVault) Mega Genefreak Level:7.

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Lots of physical skills. Super powers gave 2D4,2D6, the rest was two skill programs and secondary skills.
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Re: Flying Snow (BlackVault) Mega Genefreak Level:7.

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Stone Gargoyle wrote:I stand corrected.
Where do the AR and Horror Factor come from?

Brick Tricks AR:8. Tough.
Heart of Stone, cold and logical, no emotions. Creepy to be around. Horrir Factor:8.
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Re: Flying Snow (BlackVault) Mega Genefreak Level:7.

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say652 wrote:
Stone Gargoyle wrote:I stand corrected.
Where do the AR and Horror Factor come from?

Brick Tricks AR:8. Tough.
Heart of Stone, cold and logical, no emotions. Creepy to be around. Horrir Factor:8.

Though I now present the argument that as a Megahero they should because both Super/mega powers gain 50% increase for AR:12 and HF:12.
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Re: Flying Snow (BlackVault) Mega Genefreak Level:7.

Unread post by Stone Gargoyle »

Well, you do appear to have created him according to your sources. Still Munchkin as all hell.

Since only Mega-Heroes get Mega powers, I would say that the 50% does not count or is already factored in for the Horror Factor.

Godlike HP gives the regeneration to Hit Points, but whre are you getting the regeneration of SDC from?
Last edited by Stone Gargoyle on Sat Jun 20, 2015 3:23 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: Flying Snow (BlackVault) Mega Genefreak Level:7.

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Acyd Byrn wrote:How did you come up with a Supernatural PS of 66?

Powers, natural abilities, 2 skill programs, most of my secondary skills And decent rolls. 90 something was max.
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Re: Flying Snow (BlackVault) Mega Genefreak Level:7.

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Stone Gargoyle wrote:Well, you do appear to have created him according to your sources. Still Munchkin as all hell.

Since only Mega-Heroes get Mega powers, I would say that the 50% does not count or is already factored in for the Horror Factor.

So his AR does raise to 12.
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Re: Flying Snow (BlackVault) Mega Genefreak Level:7.

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say652 wrote:
say652 wrote:
Stone Gargoyle wrote:I stand corrected.
Where do the AR and Horror Factor come from?

Brick Tricks AR:8. Tough.
Heart of Stone, cold and logical, no emotions. Creepy to be around. Horrir Factor:8.

Though I now present the argument that as a Megahero they should because both Super/mega powers gain 50% increase for AR:12 and HF:12.

The 50% increase only affects: S.D.C., range of senses, energy blasts and most other super abilities.

Nowhere does it mention A.R., H.F., or other such things.
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Re: Flying Snow (BlackVault) Mega Genefreak Level:7.

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say652 wrote:Flying Snow.
"It was the only Logical choice."

Snow jumped up at the fleeing demon, His claws catching its hip carrying them both to ground.
The Earth rumbled the sound of thunder and dust filled the air.
From the cloud the 15' Demon flew sideways at an awkward angle, right behind Flying Snow lept after his quarry again.

Aka:Sebastion Snow.
Alignment: Unprincipled
Megahero Genefreak Level:7

H.F:8 heartless, logical, creepy personality.
Natural Ar:8.

Bioregenerate:4D6 hp and 4D6 sdc per Melee.

Mdc equals hp+Sdc.
BioReg:8D6mdc per melee.
Supernatural Creature.Alignment radiates Princpled or Diabolic at random per Attempt to read Alignment.

Appearance. 5'9" slender muscular 160lbs. Snow leopard Fur from elbow to claw base human looking Snow Leopard Hands. Green Cats Eyes Pale skin Brown hair short Pale skin, doesn't tan.

Traits:Ambidextrous,Angelic, Double Jointed, Sharp Teeth and Powerful Jaw, Large Monstrous Hands with Large Retractable Claws.

Birth Defect: Chronic Pain.(Shoutout to Glistram)

Mega powers:2.
Godlike H.P, Mega Damage.

Achilles Heels:4.
Animal Behaviour:Cat, Corruption, Heart of Stone, Unusual Fragrance: Cinnamon.

Major Power:1.
Brick Tricks.
Hyper Leap ps×15 feet acrosd ps× 7.5 feet up.
+75% with a running start.
HyperClap: Narrow shockwave Ps×3 feet range 6D6. Wide Shockwave Ps×1.5 feet 4D6 +2 Strike.
Stomp 1:Ps×1.5 foot radius, role to maintain balance or fall and lose an attack and initiative.
Stomp 2:cost 2 Attacks ps×1.5 foot radius 1/2 punch damage+Knockback and a roll to maintain balance. Ground takes damage.
Stomp 3: Cost 4 Attacks Ps×1.5 foot radius Punch Damage plus knockback and maintain balance AND all objects in Radius are hurled as if thrown 3/4 distance.
Linear Stomp: costs 1 additional Attack Ps×3 range starts nine feet wide ends eighteen feet wide.

Minor Powers:5.
Bullet Catcher: Auto Parry Bullets and energy no penalties.
Chain Attacks +1 attack per melee for every Crit rolled.
Burst Attack -3 attacks, opponent -2 parry, dodge if hits deals Double Damage.
Fracture: Every 10 sdc dealt deals 1 hp to target. In mdc settings people in vehicles take an additional 1hp for every 10mdc dealt to vehicle, power armor, robot etc.(so Punch GlitterBoy 300md pilot takes 60hp of damage.)
Piercing Blows: Enhanced Critical.
Heightened Martial Awareness: counterstrike 1 per melee after a successful parry one attack no bonus cost 1 attack to defend considered a suprise attack.
Breaking Blow 1 per melee. Ignore targets AR and +5 damage a level. Harms targets transformed in to Inorganic Materials.
Martial Expertise: 1 per melee. Combine two offensive maneuvers into one attack (body throw+ Kick for example) -2 Strike if hits both effects take place. ( slammed then fieldgoal).

Feats:2. Will of Iron, Weird way of Thinking.

Hand to Hand:Feline.(Includes unlisted power bonuses and uses, skills, traits, birth defect and attribute bonuses)
+11 initiative.
+1 strike(+10 strike) with wrestling moves on failed roll.
13 attacks.
+9 strike.
+13 parry.
+12 dodge.
+4 pull punch.
+19 roll with impact no damage from kinetic if successful 1/2 damage failed rolls anytype of damage.
combo parry and strike.
Critical hit Range 13-14 double damage 15-20 Triple damage.
+2 maintain balance.
-2 opponents AR.
+6 to damage.
Times ten damage hand to hand and punch damage from Brick Tricks deals enhanced damage.
All damage received -20 then 1/2 vs resistances and saves.

Ph.D or Doctorate level Education.
Physical, Physical,Espionage, Medical Assistant +30%
Skills +10%
Hand to hand:Feline.
Boxing (revised).
Bodybuilding (revised).
Advanced WeightLifting.
Impact Zone.
Torture Resistance.
Saving Throw Skill.
Horrir Desensitization.
math, Basic:98%.
Computer Operation:98%.

Secondary Skills.
Land Navigation:79%.
Track Animals:70%.
Skin&Prepare Animals:80%.
Identify Plants&Fruits:75%.
Level:3 DeadBall.
level:6 Juicer Football:55%.

Rifts Skills learned at level:2 equal to 5th Level.
Radio Basic:98%.
pilot JetPack:85%.
Pilot:Flight Assualt System:85%.
pilot Motorcycle:98%.
pilot:Jump Bike Combat:90% attack70%.
Read Sensory Equipment:70%.
Weapon Systems:80%.
Wp:Energy Rifle.
Wp:Heavy Energy.
Detect Ambush:80%.

Save as Minor Psionic 12
+5vs Psionics failed saves 1/2 damage effect and Duration.
AutoSave vs Horror Factor/Awe Factor:14 lower. +11vs HF/AF over 14 Failed save half damage Effect Duration and Penalties.
+35% Coma/Death
+8vs Pain.
+15vs Insanity.
+10vs Possession.
+11vs Magic.
Sense of Strength +12.
Feats of Strength +12.

Sdc Punch Damage. (Includes Bonuses)
Restrained Punches: 5D6×10.
Full Strength Punch; 2D4×100+570.
Power Punch -2 Attacks:3D6×100+1140.
Claw damage:Punch type+6D6×10.
Bite damage:Punch type+2D6×10+20.

MDC realm Punch Damage. (Includes Bonuses)
Restrained punch:1D6×10md.
Full Strength Punch:1D6×100+60md.
Power Punch Damage -2 Attacks 2D6×100+120Md.
Claw:6D6×10+Punch Type.
Bite:2D6×10+Punch Type.

Current Equipment.
Normal Clothes.
Multi optics visor.
Mdc white leopard fur Branghan Duster.
150sdc AR:18 White leopard fur over Branaghan Duster 167mdc.

Vehicle:Tarantula Jump Bike.
2 Mdc Saddle bags(20mdc each). Normal clothes and Rations. Advanced Survival kit. Paramedic field kit.

And I know present the MegaGeneFreak, Flying Snow.
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Stone Gargoyle
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Re: Flying Snow (BlackVault) Mega Genefreak Level:7.

Unread post by Stone Gargoyle »

NMI wrote:
say652 wrote:
say652 wrote:
Stone Gargoyle wrote:I stand corrected.
Where do the AR and Horror Factor come from?

Brick Tricks AR:8. Tough.
Heart of Stone, cold and logical, no emotions. Creepy to be around. Horrir Factor:8.

Though I now present the argument that as a Megahero they should because both Super/mega powers gain 50% increase for AR:12 and HF:12.

The 50% increase only affects: S.D.C., range of senses, energy blasts and most other super abilities.

Nowhere does it mention A.R., H.F., or other such things.
Agreed. It only really affects ranges, speed and damage of superabilities. It does not double bonuses given by powers.
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Re: Flying Snow (BlackVault) Mega Genefreak Level:7.

Unread post by NMI »

Stone Gargoyle wrote:
NMI wrote:The 50% increase only affects: S.D.C., range of senses, energy blasts and most other super abilities.

Nowhere does it mention A.R., H.F., or other such things.
Agreed. It only really affects ranges, speed and damage of superabilities. It does not double bonuses given by powers.
Actually, it does not affect damage either.
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Re: Flying Snow (BlackVault) Mega Genefreak Level:7.

Unread post by say652 »

say652 wrote:
say652 wrote:Flying Snow.
"It was the only Logical choice."

Snow jumped up at the fleeing demon, His claws catching its hip carrying them both to ground.
The Earth rumbled the sound of thunder and dust filled the air.
From the cloud the 15' Demon flew sideways at an awkward angle, right behind Flying Snow lept after his quarry again.

Aka:Sebastion Snow.
Alignment: Unprincipled
Megahero Genefreak Level:7

H.F:8 heartless, logical, creepy personality.
Natural Ar:8.

Bioregenerate:4D6 hp and 4D6 sdc per Melee.

Mdc equals hp+Sdc.
BioReg:8D6mdc per melee.
Supernatural Creature.Alignment radiates Princpled or Diabolic at random per Attempt to read Alignment.

Appearance. 5'9" slender muscular 160lbs. Snow leopard Fur from elbow to claw base human looking Snow Leopard Hands. Green Cats Eyes Pale skin Brown hair short Pale skin, doesn't tan.

Traits:Ambidextrous,Angelic, Double Jointed, Sharp Teeth and Powerful Jaw, Large Monstrous Hands with Large Retractable Claws.

Birth Defect: Chronic Pain.(Shoutout to Glistram)

Mega powers:2.
Godlike H.P, Mega Damage.

Achilles Heels:4.
Animal Behaviour:Cat, Corruption, Heart of Stone, Unusual Fragrance: Cinnamon.

Major Power:1.
Brick Tricks.
Hyper Leap ps×15 feet acrosd ps× 7.5 feet up.
+75% with a running start.
HyperClap: Narrow shockwave Ps×3 feet range 6D6. Wide Shockwave Ps×1.5 feet 4D6 +2 Strike.
Stomp 1:Ps×1.5 foot radius, role to maintain balance or fall and lose an attack and initiative.
Stomp 2:cost 2 Attacks ps×1.5 foot radius 1/2 punch damage+Knockback and a roll to maintain balance. Ground takes damage.
Stomp 3: Cost 4 Attacks Ps×1.5 foot radius Punch Damage plus knockback and maintain balance AND all objects in Radius are hurled as if thrown 3/4 distance.
Linear Stomp: costs 1 additional Attack Ps×3 range starts nine feet wide ends eighteen feet wide.

Minor Powers:5.
Bullet Catcher: Auto Parry Bullets and energy no penalties.
Chain Attacks +1 attack per melee for every Crit rolled.
Burst Attack -3 attacks, opponent -2 parry, dodge if hits deals Double Damage.
Fracture: Every 10 sdc dealt deals 1 hp to target. In mdc settings people in vehicles take an additional 1hp for every 10mdc dealt to vehicle, power armor, robot etc.(so Punch GlitterBoy 300md pilot takes 60hp of damage.)
Piercing Blows: Enhanced Critical.
Heightened Martial Awareness: counterstrike 1 per melee after a successful parry one attack no bonus cost 1 attack to defend considered a suprise attack.
Breaking Blow 1 per melee. Ignore targets AR and +5 damage a level. Harms targets transformed in to Inorganic Materials.
Martial Expertise: 1 per melee. Combine two offensive maneuvers into one attack (body throw+ Kick for example) -2 Strike if hits both effects take place. ( slammed then fieldgoal).

Feats:2. Will of Iron, Weird way of Thinking.

Hand to Hand:Feline.(Includes unlisted power bonuses and uses, skills, traits, birth defect and attribute bonuses)
+11 initiative.
+1 strike(+10 strike) with wrestling moves on failed roll.
13 attacks.
+9 strike.
+13 parry.
+12 dodge.
+4 pull punch.
+19 roll with impact no damage from kinetic if successful 1/2 damage failed rolls anytype of damage.
combo parry and strike.
Critical hit Range 13-14 double damage 15-20 Triple damage.
+2 maintain balance.
-2 opponents AR.
+6 to damage.
Times ten damage hand to hand and punch damage from Brick Tricks deals enhanced damage.
All damage received -20 then 1/2 vs resistances and saves.

Ph.D or Doctorate level Education.
Physical, Physical,Espionage, Medical Assistant +30%
Skills +10%
Hand to hand:Feline.
Boxing (revised).
Bodybuilding (revised).
Advanced WeightLifting.
Impact Zone.
Torture Resistance.
Saving Throw Skill.
Horrir Desensitization.
math, Basic:98%.
Computer Operation:98%.

Secondary Skills.
Land Navigation:79%.
Track Animals:70%.
Skin&Prepare Animals:80%.
Identify Plants&Fruits:75%.
Level:3 DeadBall.
level:6 Juicer Football:55%.

Rifts Skills learned at level:2 equal to 5th Level.
Radio Basic:98%.
pilot JetPack:85%.
Pilot:Flight Assualt System:85%.
pilot Motorcycle:98%.
pilot:Jump Bike Combat:90% attack70%.
Read Sensory Equipment:70%.
Weapon Systems:80%.
Wp:Energy Rifle.
Wp:Heavy Energy.
Detect Ambush:80%.

Save as Minor Psionic 12
+5vs Psionics failed saves 1/2 damage effect and Duration.
AutoSave vs Horror Factor/Awe Factor:14 lower. +11vs HF/AF over 14 Failed save half damage Effect Duration and Penalties.
+35% Coma/Death
+8vs Pain.
+15vs Insanity.
+10vs Possession.
+11vs Magic.
Sense of Strength +12.
Feats of Strength +22.

Sdc Punch Damage. (Includes Bonuses)
Restrained Punches: 5D6×10.
Full Strength Punch; 2D4×100+570.
Power Punch -2 Attacks:3D6×100+1140.
Claw damage:Punch type+6D6×10.
Bite damage:Punch type+2D6×10+20.

MDC realm Punch Damage. (Includes Bonuses)
Restrained punch:1D6×10md.
Full Strength Punch:1D6×100+60md.
Power Punch Damage -2 Attacks 2D6×100+120Md.
Claw:6D6×10+Punch Type.
Bite:2D6×10+Punch Type.

Current Equipment.
Normal Clothes.
Multi optics visor.
Mdc white leopard fur Branghan Duster.
150sdc AR:18 White leopard fur over Branaghan Duster 167mdc.

Vehicle:Tarantula Jump Bike.
2 Mdc Saddle bags(20mdc each). Normal clothes and Rations. Advanced Survival kit. Paramedic field kit.

While Munchkin as possible, the character is legal. Not unbeatable nor immortal. Made with the tools before me.
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Stone Gargoyle
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Re: Flying Snow (BlackVault) Mega Genefreak Level:7.

Unread post by Stone Gargoyle »

say652 wrote:
say652 wrote:Flying Snow.
"It was the only Logical choice."

Snow jumped up at the fleeing demon, His claws catching its hip carrying them both to ground.
The Earth rumbled the sound of thunder and dust filled the air.
From the cloud the 15' Demon flew sideways at an awkward angle, right behind Flying Snow lept after his quarry again.

Aka:Sebastion Snow.
Alignment: Unprincipled
Megahero Genefreak Level:7

H.F:8 heartless, logical, creepy personality.
Natural Ar:8.

Bioregenerate:4D6 hp and 4D6 sdc per Melee.

Mdc equals hp+Sdc.
BioReg:8D6mdc per melee.
Supernatural Creature.Alignment radiates Princpled or Diabolic at random per Attempt to read Alignment.

Appearance. 5'9" slender muscular 160lbs. Snow leopard Fur from elbow to claw base human looking Snow Leopard Hands. Green Cats Eyes Pale skin Brown hair short Pale skin, doesn't tan.

Traits:Ambidextrous,Angelic, Double Jointed, Sharp Teeth and Powerful Jaw, Large Monstrous Hands with Large Retractable Claws.

Birth Defect: Chronic Pain.(Shoutout to Glistram)

Mega powers:2.
Godlike H.P, Mega Damage.

Achilles Heels:4.
Animal Behaviour:Cat, Corruption, Heart of Stone, Unusual Fragrance: Cinnamon.

Major Power:1.
Brick Tricks.
Hyper Leap ps×15 feet acrosd ps× 7.5 feet up.
+75% with a running start.
HyperClap: Narrow shockwave Ps×3 feet range 6D6. Wide Shockwave Ps×1.5 feet 4D6 +2 Strike.
Stomp 1:Ps×1.5 foot radius, role to maintain balance or fall and lose an attack and initiative.
Stomp 2:cost 2 Attacks ps×1.5 foot radius 1/2 punch damage+Knockback and a roll to maintain balance. Ground takes damage.
Stomp 3: Cost 4 Attacks Ps×1.5 foot radius Punch Damage plus knockback and maintain balance AND all objects in Radius are hurled as if thrown 3/4 distance.
Linear Stomp: costs 1 additional Attack Ps×3 range starts nine feet wide ends eighteen feet wide.

Minor Powers:5.
Bullet Catcher: Auto Parry Bullets and energy no penalties.
Chain Attacks +1 attack per melee for every Crit rolled.
Burst Attack -3 attacks, opponent -2 parry, dodge if hits deals Double Damage.
Fracture: Every 10 sdc dealt deals 1 hp to target. In mdc settings people in vehicles take an additional 1hp for every 10mdc dealt to vehicle, power armor, robot etc.(so Punch GlitterBoy 300md pilot takes 60hp of damage.)
Piercing Blows: Enhanced Critical.
Heightened Martial Awareness: counterstrike 1 per melee after a successful parry one attack no bonus cost 1 attack to defend considered a suprise attack.
Breaking Blow 1 per melee. Ignore targets AR and +5 damage a level. Harms targets transformed in to Inorganic Materials.
Martial Expertise: 1 per melee. Combine two offensive maneuvers into one attack (body throw+ Kick for example) -2 Strike if hits both effects take place. ( slammed then fieldgoal).

Feats:2. Will of Iron, Weird way of Thinking.

Hand to Hand:Feline.(Includes unlisted power bonuses and uses, skills, traits, birth defect and attribute bonuses)
+11 initiative.
+1 strike(+10 strike) with wrestling moves on failed roll.
13 attacks.
+9 strike.
+13 parry.
+12 dodge.
+4 pull punch.
+19 roll with impact no damage from kinetic if successful 1/2 damage failed rolls anytype of damage.
combo parry and strike.
Critical hit Range 13-14 double damage 15-20 Triple damage.
+2 maintain balance.
-2 opponents AR.
+6 to damage.
Times ten damage hand to hand and punch damage from Brick Tricks deals enhanced damage.
All damage received -20 then 1/2 vs resistances and saves.

Ph.D or Doctorate level Education.
Physical, Physical,Espionage, Medical Assistant +30%
Skills +10%
Hand to hand:Feline.
Boxing (revised).
Bodybuilding (revised).
Advanced WeightLifting.
Impact Zone.
Torture Resistance.
Saving Throw Skill.
Horrir Desensitization.
math, Basic:98%.
Computer Operation:98%.

Secondary Skills.
Land Navigation:79%.
Track Animals:70%.
Skin&Prepare Animals:80%.
Identify Plants&Fruits:75%.
Level:3 DeadBall.
level:6 Juicer Football:55%.

Rifts Skills learned at level:2 equal to 5th Level.
Radio Basic:98%.
pilot JetPack:85%.
Pilot:Flight Assualt System:85%.
pilot Motorcycle:98%.
pilot:Jump Bike Combat:90% attack70%.
Read Sensory Equipment:70%.
Weapon Systems:80%.
Wp:Energy Rifle.
Wp:Heavy Energy.
Detect Ambush:80%.

Save as Minor Psionic 12
+5vs Psionics failed saves 1/2 damage effect and Duration.
AutoSave vs Horror Factor/Awe Factor:14 lower. +11vs HF/AF over 14 Failed save half damage Effect Duration and Penalties.
+35% Coma/Death
+8vs Pain.
+15vs Insanity.
+10vs Possession.
+11vs Magic.
Sense of Strength +12.
Feats of Strength +22.

Sdc Punch Damage. (Includes Bonuses)
Restrained Punches: 5D6×10.
Full Strength Punch; 2D4×100+570.
Power Punch -2 Attacks:3D6×100+1140.
Claw damage:Punch type+6D6×10.
Bite damage:Punch type+2D6×10+20.

MDC realm Punch Damage. (Includes Bonuses)
Restrained punch:1D6×10md.
Full Strength Punch:1D6×100+60md.
Power Punch Damage -2 Attacks 2D6×100+120Md.
Claw:6D6×10+Punch Type.
Bite:2D6×10+Punch Type.

Current Equipment.
Normal Clothes.
Multi optics visor.
Mdc white leopard fur Branghan Duster.
150sdc AR:18 White leopard fur over Branaghan Duster 167mdc.

Vehicle:Tarantula Jump Bike.
2 Mdc Saddle bags(20mdc each). Normal clothes and Rations. Advanced Survival kit. Paramedic field kit.

While Munchkin as possible, the character is legal. Not unbeatable nor immortal. Made with the tools before me.
I'll post this one, but I really dislike Munchkin characters and maxing out stats to this degree.
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Re: Flying Snow (BlackVault) Mega Genefreak Level:7.

Unread post by Stone Gargoyle »

What is "Punch type"? You don't add PS bonuses to bite attacks. Also, why is the damage X10?
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Re: Flying Snow (BlackVault) Mega Genefreak Level:7.

Unread post by say652 »

Stone Gargoyle wrote:What is "Punch type"? You don't add PS bonuses to bite attacks. Also, why is the damage X10?

The mega power Mega Damage.
Bite is increased because of Hand to Hand training and natural Abilities.
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Re: Flying Snow (BlackVault) Mega Genefreak Level:7.

Unread post by Stone Gargoyle »

Well, it's posted.
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Re: Flying Snow (BlackVault) Mega Genefreak Level:7.

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Omg, thank you so much!
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Stone Gargoyle
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Re: Flying Snow (BlackVault) Mega Genefreak Level:7.

Unread post by Stone Gargoyle »

I'm still kind of horrified about the whole thing, but I linked the various powers and abilities back to their respective pages where possible.
Here is a link to the page. ... lying_Snow
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Re: Flying Snow (BlackVault) Mega Genefreak Level:7.

Unread post by say652 »

say652 wrote:Flying Snow.
"It was the only Logical choice."

Snow jumped up at the fleeing demon, His claws catching its hip carrying them both to ground.
The Earth rumbled the sound of thunder and dust filled the air.
From the cloud the 15' Demon flew sideways at an awkward angle, right behind Flying Snow lept after his quarry again.

Aka:Sebastion Snow.
Alignment: Unprincipled
Megahero Genefreak Level:7

H.F:8 heartless, logical, creepy personality.
Natural Ar:8.

Bioregenerate:4D6 hp and 4D6 sdc per Melee.

Mdc equals hp+Sdc.
BioReg:8D6mdc per melee.
Supernatural Creature.Alignment radiates Princpled or Diabolic at random per Attempt to read Alignment.

Appearance. 5'9" slender muscular 160lbs. Snow leopard Fur from elbow to claw base human looking Snow Leopard Hands. Green Cats Eyes Pale skin Brown hair short Pale skin, doesn't tan.

Traits:Ambidextrous,Angelic, Double Jointed, Sharp Teeth and Powerful Jaw, Large Monstrous Hands with Large Retractable Claws.

Birth Defect: Chronic Pain.(Shoutout to Glistram)

Mega powers:2.
Godlike H.P, Mega Damage.

Achilles Heels:4.
Animal Behaviour:Cat, Corruption, Heart of Stone, Unusual Fragrance: Cinnamon.

Major Power:1.
Brick Tricks.
Hyper Leap ps×15 feet acrosd ps× 7.5 feet up.
+75% with a running start.
HyperClap: Narrow shockwave Ps×3 feet range 6D6. Wide Shockwave Ps×1.5 feet 4D6 +2 Strike.
Stomp 1:Ps×1.5 foot radius, role to maintain balance or fall and lose an attack and initiative.
Stomp 2:cost 2 Attacks ps×1.5 foot radius 1/2 punch damage+Knockback and a roll to maintain balance. Ground takes damage.
Stomp 3: Cost 4 Attacks Ps×1.5 foot radius Punch Damage plus knockback and maintain balance AND all objects in Radius are hurled as if thrown 3/4 distance.
Linear Stomp: costs 1 additional Attack Ps×3 range starts nine feet wide ends eighteen feet wide.

Minor Powers:5.
Bullet Catcher: Auto Parry Bullets and energy no penalties.
Chain Attacks +1 attack per melee for every Crit rolled.
Burst Attack -3 attacks, opponent -2 parry, dodge if hits deals Double Damage.
Fracture: Every 10 sdc dealt deals 1 hp to target. In mdc settings people in vehicles take an additional 1hp for every 10mdc dealt to vehicle, power armor, robot etc.(so Punch GlitterBoy 300md pilot takes 60hp of damage.)
Piercing Blows: Enhanced Critical.
Heightened Martial Awareness: counterstrike 1 per melee after a successful parry one attack no bonus cost 1 attack to defend considered a suprise attack.
Breaking Blow 1 per melee. Ignore targets AR and +5 damage a level. Harms targets transformed in to Inorganic Materials.
Martial Expertise: 1 per melee. Combine two offensive maneuvers into one attack (body throw+ Kick for example) -2 Strike if hits both effects take place. ( slammed then fieldgoal).

Feats:2. Will of Iron, Weird way of Thinking.

Hand to Hand:Feline.(Includes unlisted power bonuses and uses, skills, traits, birth defect and attribute bonuses)
+11 initiative.
+1 strike(+10 strike) with wrestling moves on failed roll.
13 attacks.
+9 strike.
+13 parry.
+12 dodge.
+4 pull punch.
+19 roll with impact no damage from kinetic if successful 1/2 damage failed rolls anytype of damage.
combo parry and strike.
Critical hit Range 13-14 double damage 15-20 Triple damage.
+2 maintain balance.
-2 opponents AR.
+6 to damage.
Times ten damage hand to hand and punch damage from Brick Tricks deals enhanced damage.
All damage received -20 then 1/2 vs resistances and saves.

Ph.D or Doctorate level Education.
Physical, Physical,Espionage, Medical Assistant +30%
Skills +10%
Hand to hand:Feline.
Boxing (revised).
Bodybuilding (revised).
Advanced WeightLifting.
Impact Zone.
Torture Resistance.
Saving Throw Skill.
Horrir Desensitization.
math, Basic:98%.
Computer Operation:98%.

Secondary Skills.
Land Navigation:79%.
Track Animals:70%.
Skin&Prepare Animals:80%.
Identify Plants&Fruits:75%.
Level:3 DeadBall.
level:6 Juicer Football:55%.

Rifts Skills learned at level:2 equal to 5th Level.
Radio Basic:98%.
pilot JetPack:85%.
Pilot:Flight Assualt System:85%.
pilot Motorcycle:98%.
pilot:Jump Bike Combat:90% attack70%.
Read Sensory Equipment:70%.
Weapon Systems:80%.
Wp:Energy Rifle.
Wp:Heavy Energy.
Detect Ambush:80%.

Save as Minor Psionic 12
+5vs Psionics failed saves 1/2 damage effect and Duration.
AutoSave vs Horror Factor/Awe Factor:14 lower. +11vs HF/AF over 14 Failed save half damage Effect Duration and Penalties.
+35% Coma/Death
+8vs Pain.
+15vs Insanity.
+10vs Possession.
+11vs Magic.
Sense of Strength +12.
Feats of Strength +22.
Throw:33,000lbs 66'

Sdc Punch Damage. (Includes Bonuses)
Restrained Punches: 5D6×10.
Full Strength Punch; 2D4×100+570.
Power Punch -2 Attacks:3D6×100+1140.
Claw damage:Punch type+6D6×10.
Bite damage:Punch type+2D6×10+20.

MDC realm Punch Damage. (Includes Bonuses)
Restrained punch:1D6×10md.
Full Strength Punch:1D6×100+60md.
Power Punch Damage -2 Attacks 2D6×100+120Md.
Claw:6D6×10+Punch Type.
Bite:2D6×10+Punch Type.

Current Equipment.
Normal Clothes.
Multi optics visor.
Mdc white leopard fur Branghan Duster.
150sdc AR:18 White leopard fur over Branaghan Duster 167mdc.

Vehicle:Tarantula Jump Bike.
2 Mdc Saddle bags(20mdc each). Normal clothes and Rations. Advanced Survival kit. Paramedic field kit.

First battle. Vs 21:Gargoyles, 20:Gromek Juicers, Adult Ice Dragon.
All Gargoyles level:5
Gromeks level:3.
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Re: Flying Snow (BlackVault) Mega Genefreak Level:7.

Unread post by Dakchronos »

Nice concept. Still pretty tame given the things one can do with a mega-being.
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Re: Flying Snow (BlackVault) Mega Genefreak Level:7.

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Basically a Catdude that shreds things with his claws.

If I went with energy powers or reality manipulation, quite right I woukd trade damage for things way way way better than one shotting a a suit of Power Armor.
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Re: Flying Snow (BlackVault) Mega Genefreak Level:7.

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Any mega abilities? Or did you just grab an extra power?
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Re: Flying Snow (BlackVault) Mega Genefreak Level:7.

Unread post by NMI »

Dakchronos wrote:Any mega abilities? Or did you just grab an extra power?

Mega powers:2.
Godlike H.P, Mega Damage.

Both are abilities posted elsewhere in this Heroes Unlimited forum and

Godlike Hit Points - Written by Stone Gargoyle

Mega Damage - Written by Stone Gargoyle
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Re: Flying Snow (BlackVault) Mega Genefreak Level:7.

Unread post by Tor »

Voted the first 2 since I don't like NPCs designed with non-canon material unless it's at least been in the Rifters, but nothing is unbeatable.

Black Vault is kinda cool though. Even though I would've gone with 'Ultra Damage'.
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Re: Flying Snow (BlackVault) Mega Genefreak Level:7.

Unread post by say652 »

This is no Npc.
I am using Flying Snow, Powersurge is evidently in a war between GreenBrook (his home) and Dark Olympus. So until me n Memnoc can sit down and story line unfortunately Powersurge is sidelined :( :(

So I am going to build a team suitable for traversing Rifts Earth.
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Re: Flying Snow (BlackVault) Mega Genefreak Level:7.

Unread post by drewkitty ~..~ »

Maybe if you are commenting on such a long quote item you edit the quote down so it does not take up so much of the scroll down.

Like, in this case it you were talking about the char in the whole keep the top paragraph and edit out the rest.

Or in other instances, edit out the parts of what you not commenting on and just keeping the part you are commenting on so we know which part you are commenting on, while also cutting down the length of the quote.
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Re: Flying Snow (BlackVault) Mega Genefreak Level:7.

Unread post by say652 »

drewkitty ~..~ wrote:Maybe on such a long scroll,in this case edit out the rest.

No prob kitty kitty
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