Arnie100 wrote:Don't worry...Lisa still has her ninja squad to take down Minmei.
Maybe so but Minmei has her proto juicer(crack whore) samurais to counter Lisa drunken fist style ninjas.
Now I'd pay top dollar to see that fight on PPV.
Brake out the N&SS rules!
*Open to an over crowed Monutment City colisum*
Mojo Brodcast Systems Agent Drake Frost:" Ok Lisa, Minmei this is the battle to determin once for all time which one of you will have total breeding and marriage rights to Rick Hunter, do you both understand that? "
Lisa:" First off who is respeoncable for this fight? "
MBS Agent Frost:" Rick himself has set up this fight because to quote him" I'm sick of these two fighting over me and their crazzy ass antics"
Minmei:" Why, why can't Rick chose between use? "
MBS Agent Forst:" That's because of Rick secret, he has to be 100% sure of the comeitment of his mate or there will be grave concqueces if it turns out that his mate is not 100% comitted to him. "
Minmei:" What secret?, what is Rick hiding? "
MBS Agent Frost:" I'm sorry I can't tell you that, Rick told me that he can only reveal is secret to his One True Mate or...well lets just say Very Bad Things would happen to a great many people. "
Lisa:" Fine, what are the rules of this fight? "
MBS Agent Frost:" This is a fight to the death pure and simple. "
Minmei:" So that means anything goes? "
MBS Agent Frost:" That's right this fight will be judged by the three judges from the " Anything Goes " marital arts style . "
*Points to Genma and Ranma and a creepy looking old man*
MBS Agent Frost:" So that means anything up and inculeding Neutron S Missiles and Sun Crushers are premited in this fight. "
Lisa:" I MUST brake you before I kill you! "
Minmei:" I', so going to beat you like the old, used up whore that you are! "
MBS Agent Frost:" FIGHT! "
Have fun with this one folks.
" Ale and Whores, it's not just your reward, it's your Motivation. "