We Gots The Skills

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Re: We Gots The Skills

Unread post by PSI-Lence »

drewkitty ~..~ wrote:power cat.= power category.
I am spelling challenged and the word category is a trouble spot so I shorten it.

This is in the Heros Unlimited forum.

In PFRPG, metallurgy would be covered by the blacksmithing skill and in rifts it would might be covered by the mechanical engineering skill.*shrugs*

yes this is the HU forums, as i mentioned myself when i started a skill thread elsewhere i was directed here instead

there is no even with a very lose interpretation that mechanical engineer would bestow the skills to run a foundry (make one if they had the blueprints? yes. make molds? possibly. know which metals create which alloys and in which quantities, what temperatures are required, how to safely pour and form, and work molten steel? not a chance. it's certainly further apart that pilot automobile and pilot motorcycle are and they are different skills
i own but am less well versed in RUE, and my memory is ... lackluster at best keep that in mind if my posts contradict canon lol
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Re: We Gots The Skills

Unread post by taalismn »

drewkitty ~..~ wrote:
In PFRPG, metallurgy would be covered by the blacksmithing skill and in rifts it would might be covered by the mechanical engineering skill.*shrugs*

I'd allow it only if the character also had chemistry(with the understanding that the character is focusing on metals, and not organic chemistry), and even then it would be a tough set of rolls if the character is trying for making, say, specialized alloys from scratch. Ideally, I WOULD ask that they have a specific metallurgical skill if they were cooking up new alloys(or MDC alloys).

Blacksmithing skills would, I think not be able to make the more exotic materials, like titanium alloys, but would be able to handle iron, basic steel, and other common metals from available (and mostly pure) stocks. Smelting aluminum, though, and other more complicated processes, I'd think would be beyond Blacksmithing.
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Re: We Gots The Skills

Unread post by Stone Gargoyle »

taalismn wrote:
drewkitty ~..~ wrote:
In PFRPG, metallurgy would be covered by the blacksmithing skill and in rifts it would might be covered by the mechanical engineering skill.*shrugs*

I'd allow it only if the character also had chemistry(with the understanding that the character is focusing on metals, and not organic chemistry), and even then it would be a tough set of rolls if the character is trying for making, say, specialized alloys from scratch. Ideally, I WOULD ask that they have a specific metallurgical skill if they were cooking up new alloys(or MDC alloys).

Blacksmithing skills would, I think not be able to make the more exotic materials, like titanium alloys, but would be able to handle iron, basic steel, and other common metals from available (and mostly pure) stocks. Smelting aluminum, though, and other more complicated processes, I'd think would be beyond Blacksmithing.
Agreed. Complex and exotic alloys would require a special skill.
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Re: We Gots The Skills

Unread post by Nightmask »

taalismn wrote:
drewkitty ~..~ wrote:
In PFRPG, metallurgy would be covered by the blacksmithing skill and in rifts it would might be covered by the mechanical engineering skill.*shrugs*

I'd allow it only if the character also had chemistry(with the understanding that the character is focusing on metals, and not organic chemistry), and even then it would be a tough set of rolls if the character is trying for making, say, specialized alloys from scratch. Ideally, I WOULD ask that they have a specific metallurgical skill if they were cooking up new alloys(or MDC alloys).

Blacksmithing skills would, I think not be able to make the more exotic materials, like titanium alloys, but would be able to handle iron, basic steel, and other common metals from available (and mostly pure) stocks. Smelting aluminum, though, and other more complicated processes, I'd think would be beyond Blacksmithing.

Metallurgy and Chemistry aren't really related, so requiring someone have Chemistry skill to do metallurgical work is actually requiring a skill that doesn't have anything to actually do with what you're using it for. Blacksmithing would actually be more appropriate because that's where the beginnings of metallurgical studies start.
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It's 'canon', not 'cannon'. A cannon is a big gun like on pirate ships, canon is what you mean when referring to something as being contained within one of the books such as how many dice to roll for a stat.
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Re: We Gots The Skills

Unread post by taalismn »

I'd argue that modern industrial metallurgy owes as much to classic Blacksmithing as modern industrial food processing owes to home Cooking.
There may be some basic concepts shared, but technology has changed the field.

But IMHO, ideally, a modern metallurgist should have a skill package that includes blacksmithing(with regards to knowing the basics about smelting, shaping, tempering, and rolling metals), chemistry(with regards to the properties of alloys and other chemical additives, and especially when dealing with more exotic metal refinement techniques, including electrical ones) and mathematics .
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Re: We Gots The Skills

Unread post by Nightmask »

taalismn wrote:I'd argue that modern industrial metallurgy owes as much to classic Blacksmithing as modern industrial food processing owes to home Cooking.
There may be some basic concepts shared, but technology has changed the field.

But IMHO, ideally, a modern metallurgist should have a skill package that includes blacksmithing(with regards to knowing the basics about smelting, shaping, tempering, and rolling metals), chemistry(with regards to the properties of alloys and other chemical additives, and especially when dealing with more exotic metal refinement techniques, including electrical ones) and mathematics .

Modern metallurgy still has nothing to do with chemistry, chemical reactions have nothing to do with how metal alloys come about. They are entirely different fields.
Fair warning: I consider being called a munchkin a highly offensive slur and do report people when they err in doing so.

'Reality is very disappointing.' - Jonathan Switcher from Mannequin

It's 'canon', not 'cannon'. A cannon is a big gun like on pirate ships, canon is what you mean when referring to something as being contained within one of the books such as how many dice to roll for a stat.
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Re: We Gots The Skills

Unread post by taalismn »

I'll concede that classic metallurgy may not, and that in many modern metallurgist job requirements, degrees in chemistry are preferred and NOT required, but for the well-rounded metallurgist/materials engineer, there's just as many requirement descriptions that encourage chemical engineering knowledge/experience.

Anyways, the farther you get from the early days of iron and steel and into the age of composites and designer materials, the more the distinctions are going to blur. Next !
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Re: We Gots The Skills

Unread post by taalismn »

Hydrology(Science/Technical)----This is the (general) study of waterflow patterns, either on the surface or underground. Trained hydrologists can spot evidence of past water presence in a landscape from the presence of sedimentary deposits, and can make educated predictions on the presence of water, its amounts, and likely flow and flow rate patterns, making the drilling of wells and siting of construction with relation to water easier. Hydrologists can also calculate necessary slope and pressure information for building canals, dams, aquaducts, fountains and other water-related projects. Other useful applications of this skill include predicting the spread of buried/subsurface contaminants through watertables, and monitoring the quality of water sources.
Prerequisites: Geology, Basic Math. .
Bonuses: +10% to Architecture and water-related construction skills/projects.
Base Skill: 40 % + 5% per level of experience
(Finding Water)30 % + 3% per level of experience

Oceanic Hydrology can be taken as a specialty by taking this skill again along with the Oceanographic Surveying skill; this skill specialization gives a +8% to Underwater Navigation with regards to finding(or avoiding) currents, gulf streams, and useful aspects such as thermoclines or fresh water ‘blooms’(which can adversely affect bouyancy). Oceanic Hydrology also gives a +5% to Meteorology skill rolls with regards to predicting the effects of water phenomenon on weather patterns(like El Nino currents).
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Re: We Gots The Skills

Unread post by Stone Gargoyle »

taalismn wrote:Hydrology(Science/Technical)----This is the (general) study of waterflow patterns, either on the surface or underground. Trained hydrologists can spot evidence of past water presence in a landscape from the presence of sedimentary deposits, and can make educated predictions on the presence of water, its amounts, and likely flow and flow rate patterns, making the drilling of wells and siting of construction with relation to water easier. Hydrologists can also calculate necessary slope and pressure information for building canals, dams, aquaducts, fountains and other water-related projects. Other useful applications of this skill include predicting the spread of buried/subsurface contaminants through watertables, and monitoring the quality of water sources.
Prerequisites: Geology, Basic Math. .
Bonuses: +10% to Architecture and water-related construction skills/projects.
Base Skill: 40 % + 5% per level of experience
(Finding Water)30 % + 3% per level of experience

Oceanic Hydrology can be taken as a specialty by taking this skill again along with the Oceanographic Surveying skill; this skill specialization gives a +8% to Underwater Navigation with regards to finding(or avoiding) currents, gulf streams, and useful aspects such as thermoclines or fresh water ‘blooms’(which can adversely affect bouyancy). Oceanic Hydrology also gives a +5% to Meteorology skill rolls with regards to predicting the effects of water phenomenon on weather patterns(like El Nino currents).
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Re: We Gots The Skills

Unread post by abe »

Related to smell indeification, taste indeification!
A good way to inditify poisons/foods! +12% to cook and +3% to any skill involving poison.
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Re: We Gots The Skills

Unread post by taalismn »

abe wrote:Related to smell indeification, taste indeification!
A good way to inditify poisons/foods! +12% to cook and +3% to any skill involving poison.

Ah, no...while a person might want to be able to identify different tastes by exposure, a serious interest in any of those fields would be better served by taking specific skills like Use & Recognize Poison(which would teach the tastes of various poisons and how to mask them), Holistic Medicine(which teaches one how to recognize natural poisons), or the fan skill Lore: Poison. Any other applications of taste-testing I would consider to be colorful anecdotal applications of an existing skill, like a chemist being able to identify nontoxic chemicals by tasting a sample of them(frankly, though, tasting ANYTHING you don't know what it is, is stupid and foolhardy), or a geologist licking a rock sample.
And 'any skill involving poison' is worded too vaguely. Does that mean I get a bonus to my Nuclear, Biological, and Chemical Warfare skill if I'm planning on nerve-gassing somebody, because I know how the less harmful constituents of Sarin taste?

And spellcheck, please!
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Re: We Gots The Skills

Unread post by Sambot »


I have a couple of notes and questions if that's okay?

The massage skill as written feels like a secondary skill to me. Maybe it's just the wording but it doesn't seem cover as much as when I was taking the course. It's like the differences between a nice back rub and a therapeutic massage. Both feel nice but the latter has more lasting effects. In class learned a lot of anatomy for one. Names of all the muscles, ligaments, tendons, bones, attachment points, etc. And that was just from the massage classes. We still had to take Anatomy to pass the course. So the Massage Therapist should get the Anatomy skill at the same level as other medical professionals. We also had to learn things like proper draping so as not to offend anyone's modesty. This of course would differ culturally. Stretching and range of motion was also taught could stretch out problem areas and open up the joints more, and bolstering was taught for the patient's comfort.

Also while we learned mostly Swedish Massage we were taught other techniques in general and could take classes in just them for more in depth knowledge for use in our own practice. I'd have a skill percentage of one type of massage as that character's main area of focus and a couple others 10% less than that where they know about but aren't quite as good as. Then any other types could be attempted at the base skill percentage or half the character's skill percentage. Whichever is lower. they of course can add more at the cost of additional skills.

I would also add massage to the Medical Doctor skill depending on where one obtained their MD since Massage is taught more widely in some areas than others.

Some massage techniques can be learned and done on their own like reflexology. I would think that these would be listed as their own skill but those with it can't perform other types but they can learn them and receive a one time bonus.

For example:
Swedish 60%+5% per level
Shiatsu and Stone Massage 50%+5% per level
Other types 25%+5% per level

Swedish 60% +5%
Acupressure and reflexology 50+5%
Other types 25%+5% per level

Other things like preparing our oils and lotions to aromatherapy are also picked up by many massage therapists so they'd have those skills too.


Dancing feels like it's just placed in the wrong category to me. It seems more like a physical skill not domestic. It is a physical activity after all that some do for exercise as well as for fun and some competitively. I would think that some gain in the stats with gains doubling for professionals.

Tap Dancing. I can see it being u
Is there an Ice Skating Skill? Roller Skating/Blading? Skateboarding? How about Yoga or Pilates? If yes, where can I find them?

Trains: if we go with one big general skill I would add electric and cable car just for completeness.

Steam Power, I'd add Steam powered automobiles, steam boats and steam ships. There is a certain art to keeping the boilers going while not running off the road.

Is there a skill for Paddle Ships? Like Riverboats? Ships with the big wheel in the back or one on each side? I know they don't handle quite as well as regular boats/ships.

Is there a Auto-Gyro Skill? They're not airplane but they're not helicopters either. From what I've read they have a lag in the controls so maybe the Airplane skill with a -%?

Is there a Tilt-Rotor/Convertiplane/Harrier piloting skill? Basically a skill for vehicles that take off vertically and then fly like aircraft? Or Would Pilot Helicopter do for VTOL and pilot airplane or jet for forward flight?

Is there Amphibious Vehicle Piloting Skill or would pilot boat and automobile cover it?

Is there an Amphibious Plane/Seaplane skill?

Is there a read music skill? One can play music or sing without but with should add a bonus to the performance.
If there's a read music is there a write/compose music skill?


I do wonder if there should be more emphasis on antique currant and future technologies. I say that because I don't think most people realized just how much things have changed over the years. I'm a pretty good driver but I would not feel comfortable starting a Model A Ford because of it's magnetos. Newer cars though also give me problems with all their computer gadgets. It took me a couple weeks just to figure out how to turn on the radio in the van I'm currently driving. And it doesn't have all the bells and whistles I've see on cars. I still have a rotary phone in my house, can barely make calls with a regular cell phone and have no clue how to operate a smart phone. Photography is all digital now days. I don't think that skill ever got updated for digital. Can film still be purchased and developed? Anyone remember 5 in floppy disks?

There probably is a way to deal with thinks like above but it's late and I'm just getting back to RPGing Palladium style so I can't think of what it might be. Is there a way or could we be able to add a prefix of Antique, Currant, Futruistic to the skill to emphasis our Character's knowledge? After all a Piston engine pilot may not know how to fly a turbo-prop airplane ever though they both have propellers. that kind of thing,
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Re: We Gots The Skills

Unread post by Sambot »

I don't see why there couldn't be a Lore:Biotics skill. There seems to be enough time passing between their creation and now that they would be as known in Spicers as Juicers would be in Riflts. Also aren't their "biotics" in other games beyond Splicers? It could cover a lot of ground depending on the game. I think the base skill would change though, being higher where they're more known and lower than where they're less known of. Definitely higher in Spicers and less so else where.

I also don't know why there couldn't be a Lore: Crazies or Lore: whatever skill. Skills like Lore, History, Law, Dance, Cooking, etc seem made to be generic or as specific as one wants.
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Re: We Gots The Skills

Unread post by 13eowulf »

Sambot wrote:Is there an Ice Skating Skill? Roller Skating/Blading? Skateboarding? How about Yoga or Pilates? If yes, where can I find them?

Ice Skating, and sub skills of Figure Skating, Pro Hockey Skating, and Speed Skating, are available in Rifts Canada

Skateboarding is in BTS2 & Dead Reign

There is a Sports skill in N&SS, in the text of the skill description it states that you choose one sport. Taking this skill twice for the same sport makes it pro quality.

Yoga is in Rifter 07

Pilates, imho, would be covered under General Athletics, Body Building, and/or Body Sculpting. Not everything deserves its own skill.

Sambot wrote:Trains: if we go with one big general skill I would add electric and cable car just for completeness.
I am not sure what your question is.

Sambot wrote:Steam Power, I'd add Steam powered automobiles, steam boats and steam ships. There is a certain art to keeping the boilers going while not running off the road.

Are you perhaps asking if there is a Steam Mechanics skill? If so, yes there is. Mutants in Avalon.
There are Steamship and Steam Boat skills. DR, and BTS2

Sambot wrote:Is there a skill for Paddle Ships? Like Riverboats? Ships with the big wheel in the back or one on each side? I know they don't handle quite as well as regular boats/ships.

Perhaps they don’t in RL, but it seems that these are lumped in with other motor-powered boats/ships depending on the book/skill you read. Not everything will have its own skill.

Sambot wrote:Is there a Auto-Gyro Skill? They're not airplane but they're not helicopters either. From what I've read they have a lag in the controls so maybe the Airplane skill with a -%?

Not that I can find, feel free to write one up and post it 

Sambot wrote:Is there a Tilt-Rotor/Convertiplane/Harrier piloting skill? Basically a skill for vehicles that take off vertically and then fly like aircraft? Or Would Pilot Helicopter do for VTOL and pilot airplane or jet for forward flight?

There are lots of Aircraft skills. Harriers would be covered under Jet Fighters.
As for Convertiplanes, I game I ran had an Osprey in it, the pilot had multiple fixed wing and helicopter skills, so I ruled he could fly it, and that in one configuration you used the one skill, in the other, the other skill.

Sambot wrote:Is there Amphibious Vehicle Piloting Skill or would pilot boat and automobile cover it?

Amphibious Landing Craft Piloting skill in Rifter 25

Sambot wrote:Is there an Amphibious Plane/Seaplane skill?

I don’t see why this would be needed in addition to all current aircraft and airplane skills.

Sambot wrote:Is there a read music skill? One can play music or sing without but with should add a bonus to the performance.
If there's a read music is there a write/compose music skill?

I believe that reading music is included in the play musical instrument skill, I am not sure about sing, but if someone takes sing at a pro level I would allow it.
There is a creative writing skill, if a musician that can be used to compose music. Not everything needs a separate skill entry.
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Re: We Gots The Skills

Unread post by taalismn »

Sambot wrote:Hello,

Trains: if we go with one big general skill I would add electric and cable car just for completeness.

There probably is a way to deal with thinks like above but it's late and I'm just getting back to RPGing Palladium style so I can't think of what it might be. Is there a way or could we be able to add a prefix of Antique, Currant, Futruistic to the skill to emphasis our Character's knowledge? After all a Piston engine pilot may not know how to fly a turbo-prop airplane ever though they both have propellers. that kind of thing,



Pretty much covers, IMHO, all fixed-track vehicles from steam to electric. It's in the maintenance and repair that they may differ(and thus requiring separate skills from piloting, and/or another crewman specially trained in the respective electrical/mechanical engineering skills).

With regards to Antique/Current/Futuristic---That's GM's prerogative. Or treat it like the Palladium Conversion Book with regards to bringing characters from other games/time periods into Rifts. GMs might want to give, for instance, an electrician of Edison's era a penalty for trying to figure out a modern power grid, at least until he boned up on modern electrical codes and engineering standards, and a bigger penalty for trying to figure out a Three Galaxies' superconductor and forcefield wiring harness...but the general operating principles should provide some common basis of understanding(that same electrician from Menlow Park might be able to figure out that THERE would be a good place to bollux a system or DON'T touch that particular junction). But also bear in mind that some of the differences in technological eras can be explained in part by discipline overlaps...A Marconi-trained wireless operator(Radio: Basic) would be flummoxed by LAN wireless systems, even with modern equipment at his disposal, unless he also learned attendant Electrical Engineering and Computer skills.
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Re: We Gots The Skills

Unread post by Sambot »

13eowulf wrote:
Sambot wrote:Is there an Ice Skating Skill? Roller Skating/Blading? Skateboarding? How about Yoga or Pilates? If yes, where can I find them?

Ice Skating, and sub skills of Figure Skating, Pro Hockey Skating, and Speed Skating, are available in Rifts Canada

Skateboarding is in BTS2 & Dead Reign

There is a Sports skill in N&SS, in the text of the skill description it states that you choose one sport. Taking this skill twice for the same sport makes it pro quality.

Yoga is in Rifter 07

Pilates, imho, would be covered under General Athletics, Body Building, and/or Body Sculpting. Not everything deserves its own skill.

Thank you for the locations. :)

Sambot wrote:Trains: if we go with one big general skill I would add electric and cable car just for completeness.
I am not sure what your question is.

Just a comment.

Sambot wrote:Steam Power, I'd add Steam powered automobiles, steam boats and steam ships. There is a certain art to keeping the boilers going while not running off the road.

Are you perhaps asking if there is a Steam Mechanics skill? If so, yes there is. Mutants in Avalon.
There are Steamship and Steam Boat skills. DR, and BTS2

Thank you again but where are they? I can't find them :( What about the rest? Other vehicles besides boats and trains used stream power.

Sambot wrote:Is there a skill for Paddle Ships? Like Riverboats? Ships with the big wheel in the back or one on each side? I know they don't handle quite as well as regular boats/ships.

Perhaps they don’t in RL, but it seems that these are lumped in with other motor-powered boats/ships depending on the book/skill you read. Not everything will have its own skill.

Thanks. I think I'll go with the Steamboat/Steam Ship skills for those. They'd seem to fit more. If I can find the skills.

Sambot wrote:Is there a Auto-Gyro Skill? They're not airplane but they're not helicopters either. From what I've read they have a lag in the controls so maybe the Airplane skill with a -%?

Not that I can find, feel free to write one up and post it 

Thanks How's this?

Pilot AutoGyro
This skill will allow one to pilot a rare style of aircraft called Autogyros. They use autorotating rotors to provide lift while forward thrust is provided by a propeller. Older examples look like a cross between an airplane and a helicopter. Later versions removed the wings to look more like helicopters. They are not helicopters though. They require runways and cannot hover in flight. Despite the advantage of needing very short runways these aircraft quickly fell out of favor once Helicopters became more reliable. They are also trickier to fly as the controls are not as responsive as an airplane which can easily trick an unsuspecting pilot into over correcting and going out of control. Because of this it takes longer to become certified. In spite of the drawbacks, Autogyros continue to be manufactured and used have even had staring rolls in a few movies.

Base Skill: 40%+5% per level. None trained Airplane pilots can pilot Autogyros but at a 25% penalty.

Sambot wrote:Is there a Tilt-Rotor/Convertiplane/Harrier piloting skill? Basically a skill for vehicles that take off vertically and then fly like aircraft? Or Would Pilot Helicopter do for VTOL and pilot airplane or jet for forward flight?

There are lots of Aircraft skills. Harriers would be covered under Jet Fighters.
As for Convertiplanes, I game I ran had an Osprey in it, the pilot had multiple fixed wing and helicopter skills, so I ruled he could fly it, and that in one configuration you used the one skill, in the other, the other skill.

Needing both skills makes sense. But wouldn't the Harrier Pilot also need Pilot Helicopter? Or maybe there could be a Pilot VTOL Skill that could be added on to Pilot Airplane/Jet?

Sambot wrote:Is there Amphibious Vehicle Piloting Skill or would pilot boat and automobile cover it?

Amphibious Landing Craft Piloting skill in Rifter 25

Sambot wrote:Is there an Amphibious Plane/Seaplane skill?

I don’t see why this would be needed in addition to all current aircraft and airplane skills.

Thank you. :)

Because taking off and landing from water is more difficult. Water moves. Pilots need to know water conditions so they can land safely. Catch a wave and they can crash. Planes also don't roll to a stop like they would on land. They keep floating, so Boat Piloting would be good. It's also something not taught in regular piloting classes. It just seems like there should be a skill for this to me. Or at least a mentioned skill penalty.

Sambot wrote:Is there a read music skill? One can play music or sing without but with should add a bonus to the performance.
If there's a read music is there a write/compose music skill?

I believe that reading music is included in the play musical instrument skill, I am not sure about sing, but if someone takes sing at a pro level I would allow it.
There is a creative writing skill, if a musician that can be used to compose music. Not everything needs a separate skill entry.

Just looked and it seems "read music" depends on where the Play Musical Instrument skill is located. I suppose reading music could be part of the professional bonus for singing. I don't think it'd be part of the creative writing skill though. Writing the song, yes but not the music. That's like writing in another language. That's why I was wondering.

Thanks :)
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Re: We Gots The Skills

Unread post by Sambot »

taalismn wrote:


Pretty much covers, IMHO, all fixed-track vehicles from steam to electric. It's in the maintenance and repair that they may differ(and thus requiring separate skills from piloting, and/or another crewman specially trained in the respective electrical/mechanical engineering skills).


Cool. I guess that does cover about everything. Thanks. Would they all have the same skill percentage though? I would think that some would be far easier to operate than others.

With regards to Antique/Current/Futuristic---That's GM's prerogative. Or treat it like the Palladium Conversion Book with regards to bringing characters from other games/time periods into Rifts. GMs might want to give, for instance, an electrician of Edison's era a penalty for trying to figure out a modern power grid, at least until he boned up on modern electrical codes and engineering standards, and a bigger penalty for trying to figure out a Three Galaxies' superconductor and forcefield wiring harness...but the general operating principles should provide some common basis of understanding(that same electrician from Menlow Park might be able to figure out that THERE would be a good place to bollux a system or DON'T touch that particular junction). But also bear in mind that some of the differences in technological eras can be explained in part by discipline overlaps...A Marconi-trained wireless operator(Radio: Basic) would be flummoxed by LAN wireless systems, even with modern equipment at his disposal, unless he also learned attendant Electrical Engineering and Computer skills.

Thanks. I'll take a look at the Conversion book again. But I'm not sure it'll help with everything. The Photography skill hasn't changed any to include digital. A photographer could operate the camera easily enough but when it comes time to touch up the pictures and develop/print them they'd have a problem. I know some skills have penalties for unfamiliar/alien systems which could be applied to others but I guess I'll have to take a look at the Conversion Books again for the rest. But I would think there would be a note some where for this kind of thing. Especially when you can have F-14s flying with Aerospace Fighters. Thanks :)
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Re: We Gots The Skills

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Rocket science would probably be a subsection of chemistry wouldn't it. +23%?
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Re: We Gots The Skills

Unread post by taalismn »

abe wrote:Rocket science would probably be a subsection of chemistry wouldn't it. +23%?

Simple black powder/chemical rockets(fireworks), maybe.
I'm pretty sure there's a Pyrotechnics skill somewhere out there, though, for fireworks.http://palladiumbooks.com/forums/viewtopic.php?f=54&t=135543&view=print
Rocket Science as we think of it(NASA launchers, military missiles, rocketplanes ) would really be a combination of different skills(chemistry, mechanical engineering, electrical engineering, aircraft armorer for military payloads, and the Drive/Propulsion skills already existing for Mutants in Orbit, etc.) rather than one skill. Physics for calculating burn times and trajectories, etc.
And really, any worthwhile rocket is not going to be the result of one skill, or one man, but of a TEAM of talents. Even Robert Goddard, when it came to the big rockets, needed skilled machinists and chemists to turn his plans into reality.
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Re: We Gots The Skills

Unread post by NMI »

taalismn wrote:
abe wrote:Rocket science would probably be a subsection of chemistry wouldn't it. +23%?

Simple black powder/chemical rockets(fireworks), maybe.
I'm pretty sure there's a Pyrotechnics skill somewhere out there, though, for fireworks.http://palladiumbooks.com/forums/viewtopic.php?f=54&t=135543&view=print
Rocket Science as we think of it(NASA launchers, military missiles, rocketplanes ) would really be a combination of different skills(chemistry, mechanical engineering, electrical engineering, aircraft armorer for military payloads, and the Drive/Propulsion skills already existing for Mutants in Orbit, etc.) rather than one skill. Physics for calculating burn times and trajectories, etc.
And really, any worthwhile rocket is not going to be the result of one skill, or one man, but of a TEAM of talents. Even Robert Goddard, when it came to the big rockets, needed skilled machinists and chemists to turn his plans into reality.

I would call it "Aerospace Engineer" and call it day.
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Re: We Gots The Skills

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NMI wrote:[
I would call it "Aerospace Engineer" and call it day.

As a single skill I'd game it the existing skill 'Aircraft Mechanics', only expand it to cover rocket-propelled airframes.
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Re: We Gots The Skills

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for children only: cartoon lore?
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Re: We Gots The Skills

Unread post by Nightmask »

abe wrote:for children only: cartoon lore?

Why would that be limited to children only? Plenty of adults watch cartoons and quite a few are involved in actually making them so would have to have some measure of knowledge about them.
Fair warning: I consider being called a munchkin a highly offensive slur and do report people when they err in doing so.

'Reality is very disappointing.' - Jonathan Switcher from Mannequin

It's 'canon', not 'cannon'. A cannon is a big gun like on pirate ships, canon is what you mean when referring to something as being contained within one of the books such as how many dice to roll for a stat.
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Re: We Gots The Skills

Unread post by Stone Gargoyle »

Nightmask wrote:
abe wrote:for children only: cartoon lore?

Why would that be limited to children only? Plenty of adults watch cartoons and quite a few are involved in actually making them so would have to have some measure of knowledge about them.
I agree. If it is limited to kids, it won't see play in my games since nobody wants to play with the penalties of being an adolescent character.
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Re: We Gots The Skills

Unread post by taalismn »

If I recall correctly, Lore: Cartoon, or something very like it, has come up before. My two cents is that it's too narrow, and virtually useless as a skill, unless you're roleplaying 'Trivial Pursuit', Saturday Morning TV Edition, or expecting an attack by MLP or the Smurfs(in which case, I'd apply Lore: D-Bee and leaveit at that).
The sort of knowledge base represented by Lore: Cartoon would be best handled by the idea that it's general knowledge that doesn't have any significant impact in day to day life or a more serious application. A sociologist, for instance, may have Lore: Indians, or Lore: Japanese Mythology, because these have real significance in studying artifacts or traditions, and also have a hobby collecting Beanie Babies, but doesn't have to have a skill in Lore: Beanie Babies to appreciate them. If it becomes a matter of, say, knowing the price of a truly valuable piece of media, like animation cells or antique teddy bears, I'd use a skill like Appraise Goods, which has some leeway and real uses.

Other aspects of various media are, IMHO, better handled by other categories; if you're actually in the business of MAKING cartoons, for instance, applying Domestic: Art, and/or Computer Operation/Programming would be a better fit.
Otherwise, it opens the door to a slew of one-trick skills like Lore: Star Trek or Lore: Family Feud.
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Re: We Gots The Skills

Unread post by Nightmask »

taalismn wrote:If I recall correctly, Lore: Cartoon, or something very like it, has come up before. My two cents is that it's too narrow, and virtually useless as a skill, unless you're roleplaying 'Trivial Pursuit', Saturday Morning TV Edition, or expecting an attack by MLP or the Smurfs(in which case, I'd apply Lore: D-Bee and leaveit at that).
The sort of knowledge base represented by Lore: Cartoon would be best handled by the idea that it's general knowledge that doesn't have any significant impact in day to day life or a more serious application. A sociologist, for instance, may have Lore: Indians, or Lore: Japanese Mythology, because these have real significance in studying artifacts or traditions, and also have a hobby collecting Beanie Babies, but doesn't have to have a skill in Lore: Beanie Babies to appreciate them. If it becomes a matter of, say, knowing the price of a truly valuable piece of media, like animation cells or antique teddy bears, I'd use a skill like Appraise Goods, which has some leeway and real uses.

Other aspects of various media are, IMHO, better handled by other categories; if you're actually in the business of MAKING cartoons, for instance, applying Domestic: Art, and/or Computer Operation/Programming would be a better fit.
Otherwise, it opens the door to a slew of one-trick skills like Lore: Star Trek or Lore: Family Feud.

To be fair though there isn't anything wrong with that or at least shouldn't be, where possible players do like to customize their characters and have them be on the unique side and Palladium unfortunately doesn't make that very possible with things like powers and the existing skills so something like 'Lore: Comic Books' or 'Lore: Animation' to reflect someone with extensive knowledge of such things allows for more uniqueness plus such things do carry with them a measure of useful knowledge since one could recognize something playing out similar to an event from their particular lore (since there's nothing new under the sun as they say).
Fair warning: I consider being called a munchkin a highly offensive slur and do report people when they err in doing so.

'Reality is very disappointing.' - Jonathan Switcher from Mannequin

It's 'canon', not 'cannon'. A cannon is a big gun like on pirate ships, canon is what you mean when referring to something as being contained within one of the books such as how many dice to roll for a stat.
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Re: We Gots The Skills

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It would have to be some SERIOUS obsession for the character concept, though.
Admittedly I could see a Beyond the Supernatural character like a Comicon nerd or otaku having a Lore: Comic Books, or some deep-archive Lazlo Rogue Scholar frittering away a skill choice to take Lore: Animation. So that justifies the 'not just for kiddies' critique of the original posting.
That, and the OP was lacking in a skill proficiency value and more descriptive text. 'Cartoons' should be better defined, and what the skill covers...just plotlines, episode synopsis, and character biographies? Or production specifics? Artists? Run dates and syndication?
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Re: We Gots The Skills

Unread post by Nightmask »

taalismn wrote:It would have to be some SERIOUS obsession for the character concept, though.
Admittedly I could see a Beyond the Supernatural character like a Comicon nerd or otaku having a Lore: Comic Books, or some deep-archive Lazlo Rogue Scholar frittering away a skill choice to take Lore: Animation. So that justifies the 'not just for kiddies' critique of the original posting.
That, and the OP was lacking in a skill proficiency value and more descriptive text. 'Cartoons' should be better defined, and what the skill covers...just plotlines, episode synopsis, and character biographies? Or production specifics? Artists? Run dates and syndication?

Why does it have to be a serious obsession? It doesn't have to be a serious obsession to spend two skill slots to have professional level cooking or art why would it have to be a serious obsession just to even take a skill like 'Lore: Comics'? I wouldn't call it 'frittering away' a skill choice either, meanwhile such a skill would be like any other lore skill, comprehensively covering that particular topic no different than how you can look at Lore: Magic or Lore: Demons and Monsters and with a skill check potentially show knowledge of virtually anything in that category. So you'd know various comic runs for Lore: Comics, artists, writers, significant events and so on.
Fair warning: I consider being called a munchkin a highly offensive slur and do report people when they err in doing so.

'Reality is very disappointing.' - Jonathan Switcher from Mannequin

It's 'canon', not 'cannon'. A cannon is a big gun like on pirate ships, canon is what you mean when referring to something as being contained within one of the books such as how many dice to roll for a stat.
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Re: We Gots The Skills

Unread post by taalismn »

Nightmask wrote:[

Why does it have to be a serious obsession? It doesn't have to be a serious obsession to spend two skill slots to have professional level cooking or art why would it have to be a serious obsession just to even take a skill like 'Lore: Comics'? I wouldn't call it 'frittering away' a skill choice either, meanwhile such a skill would be like any other lore skill, comprehensively covering that particular topic no different than how you can look at Lore: Magic or Lore: Demons and Monsters and with a skill check potentially show knowledge of virtually anything in that category. So you'd know various comic runs for Lore: Comics, artists, writers, significant events and so on.

Setting choice, mainly.
In Rifts, spending a skill devoted to comic books might well be considered wasting time and energy when the character could be learning first aide, field stripping a weapon, or identifying a threat from beyond.....but it might just seem attractive to some sheltered scholar deep inside Lazlo or Chi-Town, or a Crazy who really IS convinced he's Batman(then cue an encounter with another Crazy who thinks he's the Bat, and have them roll their respective Lore skills to see who's the pretender and who's the real thing).

It's perfectly plausible, I'll grant you that, in a Modern Day setting where we have, folks...well, like ourselves, who have the skill RPG....

However, unless your GM is really understanding or reaching for ideas, or has hinted that skills like that are going to be useful, it's more than likely going to moulder on your character sheets

And presentation-wise, the OP could have done with what you just set forth above. Congratulations: tack on a skill proficiency stat, and you've just authored Lore: Comic Books! :wink:
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Re: We Gots The Skills

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Nightmask wrote:someone with extensive knowledge of such things could recognize something playing out similar to an event from their particular lore.

Nega-psychic rolls Lore Cartoon (..and fails without the GM telling him)

"I'm telling you there is no such thing as monsters! It's Old man McGurk in a rubber mask. He's just trying to scare everyone away so he can buy the property below value. Look, I'll show you."

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Re: We Gots The Skills

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To be completely honest, I'd just as soon have a love of cartoons/comics/television shows be part of the player's actual role-playing in-game, than as a stated skill. If the GMs such a skill in character creation, odds are, that's a warning that it's going to pop up in a game(cue every other player suddenly wanting to change over a skill to Lore: Comics/Cartoons/Soap Operas).
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Re: We Gots The Skills

Unread post by abe »

not sure if this has been done before on this site, rpg lore
basically you know a LOT of random facts about rpgs & rpg settings
base chance is 25 + iq% +4% per level
what do you think?
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Re: We Gots The Skills

Unread post by taalismn »

abe wrote:not sure if this has been done before on this site, rpg lore
basically you know a LOT of random facts about rpgs & rpg settings
base chance is 25 + iq% +4% per level
what do you think?

I'd consider it covered by the Ninjas and Superspies skill Role-Playing Game Design 32+4%, since you can hardly write an original RPG without lnowing a bit about what's already out there.
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Re: We Gots The Skills

Unread post by Stone Gargoyle »

taalismn wrote:
abe wrote:not sure if this has been done before on this site, rpg lore
basically you know a LOT of random facts about rpgs & rpg settings
base chance is 25 + iq% +4% per level
what do you think?

I'd consider it covered by the Ninjas and Superspies skill Role-Playing Game Design 32+4%, since you can hardly write an original RPG without lnowing a bit about what's already out there.
At any rate, does the skill even require a write-up? All you really have to do is take another lore skill and change the subject of its focus and BAM you have a new skill. It's hardly a thing that needs to be written up on this board.
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Re: We Gots The Skills

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Stone Gargoyle wrote:[At any rate, does the skill even require a write-up? All you really have to do is take another lore skill and change the subject of its focus and BAM you have a new skill. It's hardly a thing that needs to be written up on this board.

Exactly. That's getting down to trivia-level skills, rather than more extensive skills like a working knowledge of law and legal proceedings(Lore: Law) or cultural anthropology(Lore: Indians, Lore: D:Bee, Lore: Cities, etc.). You may as well create Lore: Science Fiction, Lore: Romantic Comedy, Lore: Needlepoint Societies, or (with a nod to the late Terry Pratchet) Lore: Pins, with regards to a obsession with a particular genre, hobby or media. There's not anything else there that can't be covered by a general Lore(X) description in terms of mechanics and proficiencies. Sure, it may make a character look more individual and colorful, but does it really add anything to the play? Unless the GM dropped a Chekov's Gun hint while overseeing character roll-up, I'd regard such lore skills more an aspect of good in-character roleplaying rather than serious skills.
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Re: We Gots The Skills

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new topic-dancing spelization-jitterbug
skill bonus could be 3-8%?
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Re: We Gots The Skills

Unread post by Stone Gargoyle »

abe wrote:new topic-dancing spelization-jitterbug
skill bonus could be 3-8%?
I don't think each type of dance move needs its own specialization.
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Re: We Gots The Skills

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Stone Gargoyle wrote:I don't think each type of dance move needs its own specialization.

So, no damage bonus for body-checking in mosh-pit dancing? :P
Whattya mean the whole point is NOT to damage other people?
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Re: We Gots The Skills

Unread post by Stone Gargoyle »

taalismn wrote:
Stone Gargoyle wrote:I don't think each type of dance move needs its own specialization.

So, no damage bonus for body-checking in mosh-pit dancing? :P
Whattya mean the whole point is NOT to damage other people?
Only if you made a dance combat skill. It would have to be a Hand To Hand skill, I would imagine.
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Re: We Gots The Skills

Unread post by taalismn »

Stone Gargoyle wrote:
taalismn wrote:
Stone Gargoyle wrote:I don't think each type of dance move needs its own specialization.

So, no damage bonus for body-checking in mosh-pit dancing? :P
Whattya mean the whole point is NOT to damage other people?
Only if you made a dance combat skill. It would have to be a Hand To Hand skill, I would imagine.

That was my reasoning too. Mosh Pit Martial Arts. :bandit:
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Re: We Gots The Skills

Unread post by 13eowulf »

taalismn wrote:Looking back through the Rifter 0.1 Skill List, I'm rather surprised that there isn't a hardcore Chess skill, yet there's Go and Shogi. Did I miss anything either canon or here on profressional -level classic board games, general or specific?
Disclaimer; I'm not endorsing a spate of skills specifically for 'Checkers', 'Monopoly','Risk' 'Chutes and Ladders' or other similar games that I regard as being playable proficiently without taking a whole skill slot--I'm just looking for tournament-level chess/chess-like gaming skills.

Or is it assumed that one can just take either the Go or Shogi skill and re-title it for purposes of representing chess?

There is a "Strategy Games" skill in Rifter 19, the Metal Skills article. It lists Chess, and Backgammon, among others.

EDIT: Uh, I swear there was a post here when I replied to it....
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Re: We Gots The Skills

Unread post by taalismn »

13eowulf wrote:[q

There is a "Strategy Games" skill in Rifter 19, the Metal Skills article. It lists Chess, and Backgammon, among others.

EDIT: Uh, I swear there was a post here when I replied to it....

Ironically I spotted both a fan skill and the reference to Rifter 19 on the previous page of this thread just after I posted. Had a 'd'oh! moment and then deleted my post, not realizing there was a post-ninja leaping for that very place as I pulled the plank out.
But thanks for the confirmation. :-D
"Trouble rather the Tiger in his Lair,
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Re: We Gots The Skills

Unread post by 13eowulf »

taalismn wrote:
13eowulf wrote:[q

There is a "Strategy Games" skill in Rifter 19, the Metal Skills article. It lists Chess, and Backgammon, among others.

EDIT: Uh, I swear there was a post here when I replied to it....

Ironically I spotted both a fan skill and the reference to Rifter 19 on the previous page of this thread just after I posted. Had a 'd'oh! moment and then deleted my post, not realizing there was a post-ninja leaping for that very place as I pulled the plank out.
But thanks for the confirmation. :-D

Well I would say your forum ninja skills are higher than mine, you got that post out of here quick.
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Re: We Gots The Skills

Unread post by taalismn »

13eowulf wrote:[

Well I would say your forum ninja skills are higher than mine, you got that post out of here quick.

Skidmarks on the information superhighway.
But now I'm picturing it as comic slapstick:
(puts up "Answer Wanted' sign, then looking around and finding the answer more or less immediately, mutters 'Well, don't -I- feel dumb', pulls up the sign just as, unseen, internet ninja drops down behind to land raptor like on the sign -"HAH! YOUR ANSWER IS HE-GAH!"...his foot goes into the post hole where the sign was, and he fumbles the landing#GUNCH#..."...coulda sworn there was a landing pad here a moment ago" :ugh: ..." )
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Re: We Gots The Skills

Unread post by abe »

Now for something silly-burping-you can belch out a tune or a word at will with a successful roll!
Chance of success is 23 plus 4% per level
I’m not sure if it’s been done before though.
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Stone Gargoyle
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Re: We Gots The Skills

Unread post by Stone Gargoyle »

abe wrote:Now for something silly-burping-you can belch out a tune or a word at will with a successful roll!
Chance of success is 23 plus 4% per level
I’m not sure if it’s been done before though.
I believe it has been done before.
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Re: We Gots The Skills

Unread post by abe »

Stone Gargoyle wrote:
abe wrote:Now for something silly-burping-you can belch out a tune or a word at will with a successful roll!
Chance of success is 23 plus 4% per level
I’m not sure if it’s been done before though.
I believe it has been done before.

howdey folks!!!!!!!!
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The Oh So Amazing Nate
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Re: We Gots The Skills

Unread post by The Oh So Amazing Nate »

Stone Gargoyle wrote:
abe wrote:Now for something silly-burping-you can belch out a tune or a word at will with a successful roll!
Chance of success is 23 plus 4% per level
I’m not sure if it’s been done before though.
I believe it has been done before.

Yeah, by me with help by Taalismn and Mephisto.

Competitive Belching

Like the Competitive Eater, the Competition Belcher has trained his body to perform outside the normal ranges. Through hours of practice, the PC has conditioned himself to expel air trapped within his digestive system in a controlled manner. While not the most socially graceful of skills the PC is capable of some impressive, if not dubious, feats.
25% +5%
Bonuses at level
1. Maximum belch length 5 seconds. Maximum belch volume 70 decibels, +2 Save vs vomiting.
2. + or - 1D4 to Charm Impress / Disgust Revolt depending on the Socio-economic make up and age of the audience when performing a belch. (GM determines audience make up/reaction)
3. +1D4+1 seconds to belch length
4. +1 Save vs. pain. +1D10 decibels to belch volume. Character can talk and burp at the same time
5. PC can now control the tone/resonance of their burps from a simple 'erp" to a deep slow bellowing rumble.
See Example: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=aZ5GJdZr5ew
6. +1D4+1 seconds to belch length +1 Save vs vomiting, +1 Save vs. pain
7. +1D10 decibels to belch volume
8. +1d4 to Intimidate through Bull frogging (PS inflates his stomach by swallowing large amounts of air making himself appear larger than normal).
9. Increase breath holding duration by 50%
10. Mitigation of failed roll: On a failed roll, the character gets a -5% on the effect roll
11. Percussive Belching; the character can vary the volume (and length of each volume change) as many times in a melee(and on one breath) has the character has PE points (in theory, this could allow the character to belch musically or in Morse code)
See Example:
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=NfszygrO ... Wv3zKQAKtK
12. Belch now has a Horror Factor of 9
13. +1D4+1 seconds to belch length. Can hold small objects(no more than 1 ounce in weight) aloft on their belch updraft
14. Mitigation of failed roll: On a failed roll, the character gets a -10% on the effect
15. Belch now has a Horror Factor of 12 and is can be considered a VERY minor breath weapon. 1D4 damage and defender must also Save vs Noxious fumes at a -1D8 (GM rolls for belch potency). The most impressive feature of attaining this level of skill, is not doing any significant amount of damage, but rather the (GM determined) spectacular effect that occurs from a belch of such magnitude.
See examples: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=JmcRv8fhA8E

Consequence of a failed roll.
01-25% PC loses duration control. Burp is short, harsh, and abrupt. Next attempt is at -5% due to throat pain.
26-50% PC completely fails at burp and suffers painful stomach cramps. PC loses initiative for next round.
51-75% PC loses control of burp and it is forced out through the nostrils. -2 to Strike due to acid reflux in the sinus cavity and massive eye watering
76-00% Catastrophic failure. While the belch is loud, long and resonant it dislodges something on its way out. Pc must roll to save vs vomiting or risk puking up to 1D6 feet. Initiative is lost and combat bonuses and attacks are halved for next round if save is not made.
Look upon me and tremble ye masses. For I am The Necroposter!
keir451 wrote:Amazing Nate; Thanks for your support!

Razzinold wrote:And the award for best witty retort to someone reporting a minor vehicular collision goes to:
The Oh So Amazing Nate!

Nate, you sir win the internet for today! You've definitely earned the "oh so amazing" part of your name today. :lol:
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Re: We Gots The Skills

Unread post by taalismn »

The Oh So Amazing Nate wrote:[

Yeah, by me with help by Taalismn and Mephisto.

Competitive Belching.

The pride and joy of my contributions to virtual sport....
"Trouble rather the Tiger in his Lair,
Than the Sage among his Books,
For all the Empires and Kingdoms,
The Armies and Works that you hold Dear,
Are to him but the Playthings of the Moment,
To be turned over with the Flick of a Finger,
And the Turning of a Page"

--------Rudyard Kipling
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Stone Gargoyle
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Comment: "Your inferiority complex might be justified."
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Re: We Gots The Skills

Unread post by Stone Gargoyle »

abe wrote:
Stone Gargoyle wrote:
abe wrote:Now for something silly-burping-you can belch out a tune or a word at will with a successful roll!
Chance of success is 23 plus 4% per level
I’m not sure if it’s been done before though.
I believe it has been done before.

You might actually want to look at what others have done before you just go posting stuff.
"SG, you are a limitless fountain of Butt-Saving Advice. You Rock, Stone and Concrete." ~ TrumbachD
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