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Unread post by Niji »

Stone Gargoyle wrote:
Niji wrote:Failed teleports should have serious consequences not 'fizzle out.' Needs a 'failed result table' that must be rolled on. Alternatively if the teleport fails the power could fizzle out for an extended period of time (character loses the abilities of the power and cannot initiate the teleport again for 4D6 minutes/4d6 hours, the later if the character had plenty of time to concentrate and wasn't 'under fire' in the heat of battle, to show the consequences of trying to use it when stuck at sea, etc (and accounts for if you had made multiple attempts and blew out your power).
I think I did it this way for variety. I don't like the idea that all teleport powers should work exactly the same way.
Niji wrote:But the random failed result table would be more appropriate and in line with palladiums teleporting mechanics.
I am not worried about everything fitting exactly with the way Palladium does things.
Niji wrote:But it needs to use one of them, teleporting is DANGEROUS in the palladium megaverse and this must be respected. Even if the teleporting character is ported from another unrelated megaverse where teleportation powers work just fine and consequence free, they no longer work as such in palladium and fallows the palladium megaverse's 'physics on physics defying abilities/effects.'
You are certainly free to run it that way in your game.
Niji wrote:A consequence free teleport would have VASTLY less sub powers or more strict rules for use, etc, or be a unique class feature/archetype. The consequence free version of your power, as a major power would be: Range, Sucess Rate, conditions to teleport. And thats it, no other sub powers or benefits or bonuses and 30% +5% per level (98% at level 15!, current state would have you reach 98% before level 15 which is not okay), or 50% + 3% per level(92%), or 40% +4% (96%).
It is already vastly limited by only being able to be used in water. With more limitations, it would become a minor ability. Also, all skills max out at 98% unless otherwise stated within Palladium's rules, so other abilities pushing it past 98% would not happen and is not an issue.
Niji wrote:In its current state it should cost more than one super power selection, be a mega power for a water elemental type character, etc.
I disagree, but as I have already stated, you are free to alter the power any way you see fit for YOUR game.
Niji wrote:Edit: just had the critique points. i love the flavor of the power, and the idea when teleporting a large swaft of water comes with the character, though the execution doesnt make sense since in reality the water in the teleported place (since swapping water to water) would just exchange the water in the related areas (again more consequences of use if teleporting from fresh water to sea, accidently teleporting local wildlife and destabilizing the local ecosystem of where you move to, etc). But I like the idea of diving in, port, make a big 'splash' and the nee location. Its a bit confusing if thats what you were going for.
Over all it needs some refinement and clarification (tough without getting wordy! Trying writing it up on twitter to be as concise as possible hahah), but is deliciously flavorful and high potential (for abuse by a closet/munchkin, and for great flavor).
Obviously i have a thing for water powers lol.
A lot of my powers have the ability to be abused, but then so do a lot of canon powers. If someone wants to find a way to be a munchkin then they will. Also I recognize and respect your concerns, but this was a power I wrote a long time ago and have since moved on. If you wish to do a revised version of the power, I don't mind as long as you credit me with writing the initial power. As for the water being filled in by other water, that is explained by his energy field which is generated by teleporting. Also, if you notice, the power does not provide any bonuses or protections while in water other than while he is teleporting.

Fair enough, I was just offering detailed critique (I crave detailed alternative perspective crits myself). Didnt realize this was so long ago when just two pages back hahah (my brain doesn't do time stamps very well, especially when distracted by a thematically exciting power), this thread reads to me as a new ideas/need reifinement and outside perspective on new abilities (I tend to take, okay if this was a cannon book power, how would it work with a keen eye for not abusing it excessively). But maybe I'll refrain from doing so in the future.
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Unread post by Stone Gargoyle »

Niji wrote: I was just offering detailed critique (I crave detailed alternative perspective crits myself).
I like critique. Unfortunately there is not much feedback on here. I'm not all that used to getting my powers critiqued. Sorry if I came across as harsh.
Niji wrote:Didnt realize this was so long ago when just two pages back hahah (my brain doesn't do time stamps very well, especially when distracted by a thematically exciting power)
This thread does not get many people posting to it, so a long time can pass between posts. I wrote the power you are talking about over eight months ago.
Niji wrote:this thread reads to me as a new ideas/need refinement and outside perspective on new abilities (I tend to take, okay if this was a cannon book power, how would it work with a keen eye for not abusing it excessively).
I did not see the power as being abusive of the system. I saw the fact that it could only be used in water as a major drawback. Perhaps I am wrong. Some of my powers wind up being overpowered when all is said and done.
Niji wrote:But maybe I'll refrain from doing so in the future.
That is certainly up to you.
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Unread post by taalismn »

Stone Gargoyle wrote:This thread does not get many people posting to it, so a long time can pass between posts. I wrote the power you are talking about over eight months ago..

Yep, the low-lying fruits have been plucked, so we're either into variations or really far-out concepts that require deep thought and gnurly game mechanic gymnastics.
"Trouble rather the Tiger in his Lair,
Than the Sage among his Books,
For all the Empires and Kingdoms,
The Armies and Works that you hold Dear,
Are to him but the Playthings of the Moment,
To be turned over with the Flick of a Finger,
And the Turning of a Page"

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Unread post by Stone Gargoyle »

taalismn wrote:Yep, the low-lying fruits have been plucked, so we're either into variations or really far-out concepts that require deep thought and gnurly game mechanic gymnastics.
Exactly, variations. I like to change up certain elements as far as the mechanics of different powers, otherwise you get a series of powers which are almost exactly the same.
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Unread post by taalismn »

Been a while since I posted a power, so here's trying to shake the rust off.
Dramatic Clothing(Minor)

“I don’t care what they say. Capes are still fashionable...and relevant.”

The superbeing’s clothing seems to ripple and move in ways that accentuate their figure, make the smallest movements look more powerful and dramatic, and make the person look more imposing. Even in a dead calm, closed room with zero-ventilation, capes will swirl like they’re in a windstorm, t-shirts will flex like they’re covering impressive musculature, and garments will flare or snap as if containing great power. Or maybe the supersuit just looks sleek and the superbeing looks like he’s going supersonic, when he’s just standing still. The movement of the clothing will also make it harder for opponents to grapple with the superbeing(the clothing seems to either flow out of the way or else the person seems to swim in their clothing, making it that much harder to get a solid grip on them).
Obviously the limitation is that the person has to be wearing clothing of some sort; at the very least a cape(though a bedsheet or tablecloth will do in a pinch).
Bonuses: +1d8 to MA for purposes of inspiring Awe or Intimidation
+5% to Escape Artist (if the skill is possessed) and +2 to Break Grips/Escape moves.
Opponents trying to hit the superbeing are also -2 to strike the character because of the clothing being a distraction(eyes just seem to slide off him), or obscuring the character in a swirling mass of chains/ribbons/cloak.
"Trouble rather the Tiger in his Lair,
Than the Sage among his Books,
For all the Empires and Kingdoms,
The Armies and Works that you hold Dear,
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To be turned over with the Flick of a Finger,
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Unread post by Pepsi Jedi »

I know there was an APS Coins a while back. I read over it but it didn't do it for me. So I decided to take a swing at it. Let me know what you think.

Alter Physical Structure, Coins:
The character transforms himself into a being comprised of metal coins. The coins are in a humanoid shape, but can be manipulated at the will of the superbeing. The transformation is akin to “APS: Metal” and “APS: Pebbles” but instead of a solid metal being, or a being made up of thousands of small stones, he or she is made up of thousands of coins.
The type of coins is up to the player character, and can be a single type or a combination of different types. The only restriction is that the character have seen and held the type of coin in the past. (Needless to say, these chars love coin shows and go and handle new and exotic coins at any opportunity.) The 'restrictions' on the coins be that none be smaller than roughly a dime, (Or coin of roughly the same size) or larger than 2in across (Roughly 5cm). That makes for some pretty small and pretty large coins. The substance forming the coins is the same as the coin that was previously held and inspected. (The super power allowing the hero to mimic those coins that have come into close contact with him or herself. I.E. Physical contact for a full melee.) So the hero might be made up of copper, tin, nickle, or even gold. Or a mix of the above in any combination desired when he or she alters his physical structure.
The power also allows for some special abilities with the coins/coin body akin to APS Pebbles.
SPECIAL NOTE: Unless otherwise stipulated, any coins 'lost' or 'expelled' or 'shot' from the main body of the hero will fade/dissolve into dust and blow away after PE in minutes. It takes a special act of will and sacrifice for the coins to remain.

1) Increased Weight and Strength: Weight is quadrupled, and physical strength is increased 14+2D4(Roll one time at character creation to determine the boost when in coin form). The strength is considered to be Superhuman in coin form.

2) Armor Rating, SDC, and Limited invulnerability: The character has an AR of 15, and an SDC of 650 in his metal coin form. In most cases the attacker must roll a 15 or higher to hit and inflict damage. Any hit under the AR of 15 (and above 4) hits but does no damage. Hits of 16 or higher hit and will do damage, until the SDC is gone.

Explosions will scatter the coin body but do no actual damage. The hero can reform in 4D6 melee rounds. Fire and plasma, electricity, laser and energy blasts do damage only if they surpass the AR.

Projectile weapons such as bullets and arrows, or thrown objects do no damage, likewise physical blows (Punches, kicks, clubbing) Do no damage unless the attacker has superhuman or supernatural strength, which does half and full damage respectively.

3) Manipulate shape: The character can manipulate his or her shape as desired, including spreading himself out in a carpet of coins or flattening down to slip through small areas or under doors. As long as the opening is large enough for the largest coin he has become, to fit through the character can fit through the opening. (If forced to go through one at a time it'll take a while)
4) Loose change tactic: By manipulating his or her shape the hero can cover the floor with coins and cause them to shift and slide ontop and among one another making for very slippery/trecherous footing.
Area of Effect: 10foot+5 feet per level of experience.
Damage: None, but covering the floor makes those transversing the area need to reduce speed by 50% or risk slipping and falling (50% chance) those that fall lose initative, two melee attacks/actions, and slides for 1D4 meters
Duration: As desired, but uses up all actions while forming the slippery coin carpet.

5) Coin Blast: The character can blast coins from his or her own body, akin to a shot gun blast but of metal coins. The damage is a bit greater than your typical shot gun blast.
Range: 100ft+10 feet per lvl of experience
Damage: 4D6, unless target is with in 10 feet or “point blank” where in damage will be 8D6
Special Note: Character can achieve the same effect with out changing his physical structure. Still in 'human' form, by pointing his hands and generating coins seemingly out of thin air and shooting them at the target like a machine gun.

6) Rolling Coins: Because the character is made up of 1000s of coins, he or she can roll along as if 'skating' on the coins. This gives him or her a ground speed of 60mph+10mph per lvl of experience.
Can perform a rolling body block or slam, delivering 5D6damage on impact +5 for every 20mph moving. Victim is 90% likely to suffer knockdown, lose initiative and two attacks/actions.

7) Engulf/Coin slide attack: The character can throw his body 'over' and engulf an enemy with in him or herself. Pinning and or containing the target with the strength of the body and the weight of the coins.
Range: line of sight up to 20 feet away.
Damage: Holds target inside body. (Can only hold one person or small vechile, or three people if standing close together.)
Attacks per melee: Costs 2 attacks per melee.

8) A bit of change: This unique power allows the super being to create coins and have them exist indefinitely. The act of creation can be performed in human or coin form. (If human the coins appear at the ends of one's fingers/or in the palm. If in coin form the coins just shift to the top of the palm or end of finger.) The coins created are under the same limitations as the coins making up the characters 'coin form'. Namely that they need to be a coin that the super being has held and inspected for a full melee at some point in his or her past. The coins will remain forever if this power is used, unless destroyed by any means that would destroy a coin of that nature.
The character -is- limited though. One can't sit around just making millions and millions of coin at will.
The coins can be made on a 1 for 1 exchange for his BASE SDC (Not the increased Coin form SDC) Thus a character with 20 SDC in human form, could make 20 coins, until he depleted his SDC on a 1 for 1 basis. When/if the character gets to Hit points the exchange rate goes to 5 coins per 1 Hit point. The SDC and HP Spent in this fashion must be healed in the traditional way. Changing to Coin form does NOT replace the expended SDC/Hp. And they must be healed with rest and time. In this case the character is actually forever transmuting part of themselves into a coin, thus that part is 'gone' forever and must be 'healed'.

(GM Note, this DOES present the ability through time to create a good stable form of wealth. This is not unintentional but a bit of a side effect. The power is there as it would be a natural extension of the major ability, but GM's should not let the player abuse it. Using this ability in essence “hurts” the character. Making 5 gold coins will cost the character 5 SDC. This is meant to hurt. It takes time to heal.
Do NOT let a character “Work the math” and figure out “I can make X coins per day, then rest X hours and then make X more coins. Feel free to enforce more limitations should the player try and take advantage, or flat out remove the ability if the player tries to take advantage, having the coins fade after a bit of time like the ones shot from the blast power or what have you. Also feel free to ONLY Allow for Hit Point to Coin conversion if the player tries to abuse it. Also remember if the player trys and create rare or specific coin to try and take advantage that the worth of said coins will drop as more enter the market, and one would need a forgery skill at high level to attempt it. Those found to be passing off counterfeit coins will be known among the coin collecting community and won't be able to perpetuate this fraud for long before becoming blacklisted. Also a character that is KNOWN to turn into coins, isn't going to be trusted if he tries and 'sell' coins. They will be assumed to be counterfeit, or 'made' by his superpowers. Also, do not let a character create coins then melt them down for huge profit. This ability in the power is “MEANT” to help in a pinch, or help to maintain the hero. Not make him a billionaire or scammer with unlimited ultra rare gold coins. If the players seem like they MIGHT even do this, restrict the coins created to 'non precious metals' I.E. No gold or silver or platinum coins. DO NOT LET THIS ABILITY be abused.)

9: Notes: character cannot be seen on infrared, thermal or heat sensors while in coin form. (Unless heated by fire etc. Metal will conduct heat) Coin SDC regenerates at the rate of 3D6 per hour, makes noise like a bag of coins when walks, -40% to prowl.

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James Tiberius Kirk: Well, not _only_...
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Stone Gargoyle
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Comment: "Your inferiority complex might be justified."
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Unread post by Stone Gargoyle »

Pepsi Jedi wrote:I know there was an APS Coins a while back. I read over it but it didn't do it for me.
It could probably do with some revision. Maybe I shall take elements of yours and mine and combine them.
Pepsi Jedi wrote:So I decided to take a swing at it. Let me know what you think.
Will do.
Pepsi Jedi wrote:Alter Physical Structure,:Coins:

The character transforms himself into a being comprised of metal coins. The coins are in a humanoid shape, but can be manipulated at the will of the superbeing. The transformation is akin to “APS: Metal” and “APS: Pebbles” but instead of a solid metal being, or a being made up of thousands of small stones, he or she is made up of thousands of coins.
The type of coins is up to the player character, and can be a single type or a combination of different types. The only restriction is that the character have seen and held the type of coin in the past. (Needless to say, these chars love coin shows and go and handle new and exotic coins at any opportunity.) The 'restrictions' on the coins be that none be smaller than roughly a dime, (Or coin of roughly the same size) or larger than 2in across (Roughly 5cm). That makes for some pretty small and pretty large coins. The substance forming the coins is the same as the coin that was previously held and inspected. (The super power allowing the hero to mimic those coins that have come into close contact with him or herself. I.E. Physical contact for a full melee.) So the hero might be made up of copper, tin, nickle, or even gold. Or a mix of the above in any combination desired when he or she alters his physical structure.
The power also allows for some special abilities with the coins/coin body akin to APS Pebbles.
SPECIAL NOTE: Unless otherwise stipulated, any coins 'lost' or 'expelled' or 'shot' from the main body of the hero will fade/dissolve into dust and blow away after PE in minutes. It takes a special act of will and sacrifice for the coins to remain.
I'm liking this so far.
Pepsi Jedi wrote:1) Increased Weight and Strength: Weight is quadrupled, and physical strength is increased 14+2D4(Roll one time at character creation to determine the boost when in coin form). The strength is considered to be Superhuman in coin form.

2) Armor Rating, SDC, and Limited invulnerability: The character has an AR of 15, and an SDC of 650 in his metal coin form. In most cases the attacker must roll a 15 or higher to hit and inflict damage. Any hit under the AR of 15 (and above 4) hits but does no damage. Hits of 16 or higher hit and will do damage, until the SDC is gone.
I like it up to this point.
Pepsi Jedi wrote:Explosions will scatter the coin body but do no actual damage.
Wouldn't the coins melt if there was enough heat from the explosion? Maybe take half damage from explosions.
Pepsi Jedi wrote:The hero can reform in 4D6 melee rounds. Fire and plasma, electricity, laser and energy blasts do damage only if they surpass the AR.
Again, metal melts when hit by plasma. I would think it would bypass the AR.
Pepsi Jedi wrote:Projectile weapons such as bullets and arrows, or thrown objects do no damage, likewise physical blows (Punches, kicks, clubbing) do no damage unless the attacker has superhuman or supernatural strength, which does half and full damage respectively.

3) Manipulate shape: The character can manipulate his or her shape as desired, including spreading himself out in a carpet of coins or flattening down to slip through small areas or under doors. As long as the opening is large enough for the largest coin he has become, to fit through the character can fit through the opening. (If forced to go through one at a time it'll take a while)
4) Loose change tactic: By manipulating his or her shape the hero can cover the floor with coins and cause them to shift and slide on top and among one another making for very slippery/treacherous footing.
Area of Effect: 10foot+5 feet per level of experience.
Damage: None, but covering the floor makes those traversing the area need to reduce speed by 50% or risk slipping and falling (50% chance) those that fall lose initative, two melee attacks/actions, and slides for 1D4 meters
Duration: As desired, but uses up all actions while forming the slippery coin carpet.
This is all good.
Pepsi Jedi wrote:5) Coin Blast: The character can blast coins from his or her own body, akin to a shot gun blast but of metal coins. The damage is a bit greater than your typical shot gun blast.
Range: 100ft+10 feet per lvl of experience
Damage: 4D6, unless target is with in 10 feet or “point blank” where in damage will be 8D6
Special Note: Character can achieve the same effect without changing his physical structure. Still in 'human' form, by pointing his hands and generating coins seemingly out of thin air and shooting them at the target like a machine gun.
A machine gun blast is different than a shot gun blast. If you want both kinds of attacks, you should list them separately.
Pepsi Jedi wrote:6) Rolling Coins: Because the character is made up of 1000s of coins, he or she can roll along as if 'skating' on the coins. This gives him or her a ground speed of 60mph+10mph per lvl of experience.
Can perform a rolling body block or slam, delivering 5D6damage on impact +5 for every 20mph moving. Victim is 90% likely to suffer knockdown, lose initiative and two attacks/actions.
I do not believe the speed should be so high. The coins would still be carrying a lot of weight and you also have to factor in how such a character would maneuver while skating.
Pepsi Jedi wrote:7) Engulf/Coin slide attack: The character can throw his body 'over' and engulf an enemy with in him or herself. Pinning and or containing the target with the strength of the body and the weight of the coins.
Range: line of sight up to 20 feet away.
Damage: Holds target inside body. (Can only hold one person or small vehicle, or three people if standing close together.)
Attacks per melee: Costs 2 attacks per melee.
I like this okay except I would think that engulfing a target would have to be done at closer range than 20 feet. Can this attack be dodged?
Pepsi Jedi wrote:8 ) A bit of change: This unique power allows the super being to create coins and have them exist indefinitely. The act of creation can be performed in human or coin form. (If human the coins appear at the ends of one's fingers/or in the palm. If in coin form the coins just shift to the top of the palm or end of finger.) The coins created are under the same limitations as the coins making up the characters 'coin form'. Namely that they need to be a coin that the super being has held and inspected for a full melee at some point in his or her past. The coins will remain forever if this power is used, unless destroyed by any means that would destroy a coin of that nature.
The character -is- limited though. One can't sit around just making millions and millions of coin at will.
The coins can be made on a 1 for 1 exchange for his BASE SDC (Not the increased Coin form SDC) Thus a character with 20 SDC in human form, could make 20 coins, until he depleted his SDC on a 1 for 1 basis. When/if the character gets to Hit points the exchange rate goes to 5 coins per 1 Hit point. The SDC and HP Spent in this fashion must be healed in the traditional way. Changing to Coin form does NOT replace the expended SDC/Hp. And they must be healed with rest and time. In this case the character is actually forever transmuting part of themselves into a coin, thus that part is 'gone' forever and must be 'healed'.
No, don't like this.
Pepsi Jedi wrote:(GM Note, this DOES present the ability through time to create a good stable form of wealth. This is not unintentional but a bit of a side effect. The power is there as it would be a natural extension of the major ability, but GM's should not let the player abuse it. Using this ability in essence “hurts” the character. Making 5 gold coins will cost the character 5 SDC. This is meant to hurt. It takes time to heal.
Do NOT let a character “Work the math” and figure out “I can make X coins per day, then rest X hours and then make X more coins. Feel free to enforce more limitations should the player try and take advantage, or flat out remove the ability if the player tries to take advantage, having the coins fade after a bit of time like the ones shot from the blast power or what have you. Also feel free to ONLY Allow for Hit Point to Coin conversion if the player tries to abuse it. Also remember if the player trys and create rare or specific coin to try and take advantage that the worth of said coins will drop as more enter the market, and one would need a forgery skill at high level to attempt it. Those found to be passing off counterfeit coins will be known among the coin collecting community and won't be able to perpetuate this fraud for long before becoming blacklisted. Also a character that is KNOWN to turn into coins, isn't going to be trusted if he tries and 'sell' coins. They will be assumed to be counterfeit, or 'made' by his superpowers. Also, do not let a character create coins then melt them down for huge profit. This ability in the power is “MEANT” to help in a pinch, or help to maintain the hero. Not make him a billionaire or scammer with unlimited ultra rare gold coins. If the players seem like they MIGHT even do this, restrict the coins created to 'non precious metals' I.E. No gold or silver or platinum coins. DO NOT LET THIS ABILITY be abused.)

9) Notes: character cannot be seen on infrared, thermal or heat sensors while in coin form. (Unless heated by fire etc. Metal will conduct heat) Coin SDC regenerates at the rate of 3D6 per hour, makes noise like a bag of coins when walks, -40% to prowl.
This is not typical healing for APS powers.

I like elements of this and would like perhaps to combine your ideas with mine and do a revised version of the power, with your permission of course.
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Unread post by Pepsi Jedi »

Thanks for taking a look at it. I'll try and explain some of my thinking. :)

Stone Gargoyle wrote:
Pepsi Jedi wrote:I know there was an APS Coins a while back. I read over it but it didn't do it for me.
It could probably do with some revision. Maybe I shall take elements of yours and mine and combine them.
Pepsi Jedi wrote:So I decided to take a swing at it. Let me know what you think.
Will do.
Pepsi Jedi wrote:Alter Physical Structure,:Coins:

The character transforms himself into a being comprised of metal coins. The coins are in a humanoid shape, but can be manipulated at the will of the superbeing. The transformation is akin to “APS: Metal” and “APS: Pebbles” but instead of a solid metal being, or a being made up of thousands of small stones, he or she is made up of thousands of coins.
The type of coins is up to the player character, and can be a single type or a combination of different types. The only restriction is that the character have seen and held the type of coin in the past. (Needless to say, these chars love coin shows and go and handle new and exotic coins at any opportunity.) The 'restrictions' on the coins be that none be smaller than roughly a dime, (Or coin of roughly the same size) or larger than 2in across (Roughly 5cm). That makes for some pretty small and pretty large coins. The substance forming the coins is the same as the coin that was previously held and inspected. (The super power allowing the hero to mimic those coins that have come into close contact with him or herself. I.E. Physical contact for a full melee.) So the hero might be made up of copper, tin, nickle, or even gold. Or a mix of the above in any combination desired when he or she alters his physical structure.
The power also allows for some special abilities with the coins/coin body akin to APS Pebbles.
SPECIAL NOTE: Unless otherwise stipulated, any coins 'lost' or 'expelled' or 'shot' from the main body of the hero will fade/dissolve into dust and blow away after PE in minutes. It takes a special act of will and sacrifice for the coins to remain.
I'm liking this so far.
Pepsi Jedi wrote:1) Increased Weight and Strength: Weight is quadrupled, and physical strength is increased 14+2D4(Roll one time at character creation to determine the boost when in coin form). The strength is considered to be Superhuman in coin form.

2) Armor Rating, SDC, and Limited invulnerability: The character has an AR of 15, and an SDC of 650 in his metal coin form. In most cases the attacker must roll a 15 or higher to hit and inflict damage. Any hit under the AR of 15 (and above 4) hits but does no damage. Hits of 16 or higher hit and will do damage, until the SDC is gone.
I like it up to this point.
Pepsi Jedi wrote:Explosions will scatter the coin body but do no actual damage.
Wouldn't the coins melt if there was enough heat from the explosion? Maybe take half damage from explosions.

My thinking here was two fold. First, I cribbed it from the APS Pebbles power that was already 'canon'. And secondly, that the force of the explosion would indeed scatter the coins, causing them to fly every which way. The 'force' of the blast being what actually damages most things in the explosion. The 'heat/fire' comes after the inital shockwave. If the coins have been scattered by the shockwave, they're not going to really be present at the point of the heat to melt.

Still mostly I lifted it from the APS pebbles power. They(The pebbles) weren't damaged by explosion so I didn't figure coins would be. The few that might get melted and or actually blown apart could be accounted for, the same way that when you shoot a blast of coins, they don't hurt you. It's a form of matter expulsion at that juncture.

Stone Gargoyle wrote:
Pepsi Jedi wrote:The hero can reform in 4D6 melee rounds. Fire and plasma, electricity, laser and energy blasts do damage only if they surpass the AR.
Again, metal melts when hit by plasma. I would think it would bypass the AR.

It does, if it hits and sticks. My thinking here was that if the hit is 'below' the AR, the blast either hits and just cores through the coins. Blowing a few out of the way (The size of the blast. Say a fist) and exits the other side. Thus doing no 'damage'. or it "hits' and the coins "Splash' where in a few coins on top might be hit and melted but they splash off, like ablative armor. That's 'below' the AR.

In this case, in canon, that's how APS Metal works. (Which, being coins is a combo of APS metal and APS pebbles) APS metal chars if hit with plasma, and it's below the AR., just suck it up. No damage. APS pebbles too. So those are canon 'rules' that would justify it. In Palladium/HU. That's just how APS powers work. Below the AR, no damage. Above the AR, partial or full damage. But I DID have a visual on the 'how' it would work for this power. Again, I was sticking with the canon examples (APS Metal/Pebbles) And adapting it to this power.

Stone Gargoyle wrote:
Pepsi Jedi wrote:Projectile weapons such as bullets and arrows, or thrown objects do no damage, likewise physical blows (Punches, kicks, clubbing) do no damage unless the attacker has superhuman or supernatural strength, which does half and full damage respectively.

3) Manipulate shape: The character can manipulate his or her shape as desired, including spreading himself out in a carpet of coins or flattening down to slip through small areas or under doors. As long as the opening is large enough for the largest coin he has become, to fit through the character can fit through the opening. (If forced to go through one at a time it'll take a while)
4) Loose change tactic: By manipulating his or her shape the hero can cover the floor with coins and cause them to shift and slide on top and among one another making for very slippery/treacherous footing.
Area of Effect: 10foot+5 feet per level of experience.
Damage: None, but covering the floor makes those traversing the area need to reduce speed by 50% or risk slipping and falling (50% chance) those that fall lose initative, two melee attacks/actions, and slides for 1D4 meters
Duration: As desired, but uses up all actions while forming the slippery coin carpet.
This is all good.
Pepsi Jedi wrote:5) Coin Blast: The character can blast coins from his or her own body, akin to a shot gun blast but of metal coins. The damage is a bit greater than your typical shot gun blast.
Range: 100ft+10 feet per lvl of experience
Damage: 4D6, unless target is with in 10 feet or “point blank” where in damage will be 8D6
Special Note: Character can achieve the same effect without changing his physical structure. Still in 'human' form, by pointing his hands and generating coins seemingly out of thin air and shooting them at the target like a machine gun.
A machine gun blast is different than a shot gun blast. If you want both kinds of attacks, you should list them separately.

Yeah.. looking back, this was a partial adaptation that I took from APS Pebbles that didn't translate as well. APS Pebbles had the shot gun blast going out in a cone. I didn't like that part, so I took the cone/area effect out, but kept the name. I should rename it. "Projectile Coins" or "Coin launching" Or something. And alter the write up a little bit to reflect that. It would be shooting a stream/blast of coins either from the fingers/palms/face/chest, what have you, more than a shotgun blast.

Stone Gargoyle wrote:
Pepsi Jedi wrote:6) Rolling Coins: Because the character is made up of 1000s of coins, he or she can roll along as if 'skating' on the coins. This gives him or her a ground speed of 60mph+10mph per lvl of experience.
Can perform a rolling body block or slam, delivering 5D6damage on impact +5 for every 20mph moving. Victim is 90% likely to suffer knockdown, lose initiative and two attacks/actions.
I do not believe the speed should be so high. The coins would still be carrying a lot of weight and you also have to factor in how such a character would maneuver while skating.

This one was a direct lift from APS pebbles. If rocks could do it, I figured coins could as well. Most coins (Not all but most) are also round, and would 'roll' better than rocks that are at best, irregular and have more texture to their surfaces. I could slow it down. (I'm not attached to the speed for any particular reason) But it was the speed listed for the rocks, so I used it for the coin version too. It's another canon 'power' that is just modified in 'appearance' for coins instead of pebbles.

Stone Gargoyle wrote:
Pepsi Jedi wrote:7) Engulf/Coin slide attack: The character can throw his body 'over' and engulf an enemy with in him or herself. Pinning and or containing the target with the strength of the body and the weight of the coins.
Range: line of sight up to 20 feet away.
Damage: Holds target inside body. (Can only hold one person or small vehicle, or three people if standing close together.)
Attacks per melee: Costs 2 attacks per melee.
I like this okay except I would think that engulfing a target would have to be done at closer range than 20 feet. Can this attack be dodged?

This is another direct lift from APS pebbles. I used the stats for that one here. In my head I see it as the character sort of surging towards it's target in an arch. then 'splashing' down onto the object and engulfing it in the 'pile/coccoon' of coins. The mechanics are from the other power.

Stone Gargoyle wrote:
Pepsi Jedi wrote:8 ) A bit of change: This unique power allows the super being to create coins and have them exist indefinitely. The act of creation can be performed in human or coin form. (If human the coins appear at the ends of one's fingers/or in the palm. If in coin form the coins just shift to the top of the palm or end of finger.) The coins created are under the same limitations as the coins making up the characters 'coin form'. Namely that they need to be a coin that the super being has held and inspected for a full melee at some point in his or her past. The coins will remain forever if this power is used, unless destroyed by any means that would destroy a coin of that nature.
The character -is- limited though. One can't sit around just making millions and millions of coin at will.
The coins can be made on a 1 for 1 exchange for his BASE SDC (Not the increased Coin form SDC) Thus a character with 20 SDC in human form, could make 20 coins, until he depleted his SDC on a 1 for 1 basis. When/if the character gets to Hit points the exchange rate goes to 5 coins per 1 Hit point. The SDC and HP Spent in this fashion must be healed in the traditional way. Changing to Coin form does NOT replace the expended SDC/Hp. And they must be healed with rest and time. In this case the character is actually forever transmuting part of themselves into a coin, thus that part is 'gone' forever and must be 'healed'.
No, don't like this.

Why? The char is made up of coins. Being able to produce some on a limited basis seems like a natural extension of the power. Is it the number you don't like? Do you think it should "cost" more to the super being or... ? Which aspect of the ability?

Stone Gargoyle wrote:
Pepsi Jedi wrote:(GM Note, this DOES present the ability through time to create a good stable form of wealth. This is not unintentional but a bit of a side effect. The power is there as it would be a natural extension of the major ability, but GM's should not let the player abuse it. Using this ability in essence “hurts” the character. Making 5 gold coins will cost the character 5 SDC. This is meant to hurt. It takes time to heal.
Do NOT let a character “Work the math” and figure out “I can make X coins per day, then rest X hours and then make X more coins. Feel free to enforce more limitations should the player try and take advantage, or flat out remove the ability if the player tries to take advantage, having the coins fade after a bit of time like the ones shot from the blast power or what have you. Also feel free to ONLY Allow for Hit Point to Coin conversion if the player tries to abuse it. Also remember if the player trys and create rare or specific coin to try and take advantage that the worth of said coins will drop as more enter the market, and one would need a forgery skill at high level to attempt it. Those found to be passing off counterfeit coins will be known among the coin collecting community and won't be able to perpetuate this fraud for long before becoming blacklisted. Also a character that is KNOWN to turn into coins, isn't going to be trusted if he tries and 'sell' coins. They will be assumed to be counterfeit, or 'made' by his superpowers. Also, do not let a character create coins then melt them down for huge profit. This ability in the power is “MEANT” to help in a pinch, or help to maintain the hero. Not make him a billionaire or scammer with unlimited ultra rare gold coins. If the players seem like they MIGHT even do this, restrict the coins created to 'non precious metals' I.E. No gold or silver or platinum coins. DO NOT LET THIS ABILITY be abused.)

9) Notes: character cannot be seen on infrared, thermal or heat sensors while in coin form. (Unless heated by fire etc. Metal will conduct heat) Coin SDC regenerates at the rate of 3D6 per hour, makes noise like a bag of coins when walks, -40% to prowl.
This is not typical healing for APS powers.

I like elements of this and would like perhaps to combine your ideas with mine and do a revised version of the power, with your permission of course.

You can if you like. :)

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Stone Gargoyle
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Pepsi Jedi wrote:Thanks for taking a look at it. I'll try and explain some of my thinking. :)
Thanks. I like what you've done here, it just needs a small amount of tweaking.
Pepsi Jedi wrote:My thinking here was two fold. First, I cribbed it from the APS Pebbles power that was already 'canon'. And secondly, that the force of the explosion would indeed scatter the coins, causing them to fly every which way. The 'force' of the blast being what actually damages most things in the explosion. The 'heat/fire' comes after the inital shockwave. If the coins have been scattered by the shockwave, they're not going to really be present at the point of the heat to melt.
Still mostly I lifted it from the APS pebbles power. They(The pebbles) weren't damaged by explosion so I didn't figure coins would be. The few that might get melted and or actually blown apart could be accounted for, the same way that when you shoot a blast of coins, they don't hurt you. It's a form of matter expulsion at that juncture.
Ah. Perhaps you are right.
Pepsi Jedi wrote:
Stone Gargoyle wrote:
Pepsi Jedi wrote:The hero can reform in 4D6 melee rounds. Fire and plasma, electricity, laser and energy blasts do damage only if they surpass the AR.
Again, metal melts when hit by plasma. I would think it would bypass the AR.

It does, if it hits and sticks. My thinking here was that if the hit is 'below' the AR, the blast either hits and just cores through the coins. Blowing a few out of the way (The size of the blast. Say a fist) and exits the other side. Thus doing no 'damage'. or it "hits' and the coins "Splash' where in a few coins on top might be hit and melted but they splash off, like ablative armor. That's 'below' the AR.
Okay, that does make sense.
Pepsi Jedi wrote:In this case, in canon, that's how APS Metal works. (Which, being coins is a combo of APS metal and APS pebbles) APS metal chars if hit with plasma, and it's below the AR., just suck it up. No damage. APS pebbles too. So those are canon 'rules' that would justify it. In Palladium/HU. That's just how APS powers work. Below the AR, no damage. Above the AR, partial or full damage. But I DID have a visual on the 'how' it would work for this power. Again, I was sticking with the canon examples (APS Metal/Pebbles) And adapting it to this power.
Pepsi Jedi wrote:
Stone Gargoyle wrote:
Pepsi Jedi wrote:5) Coin Blast: The character can blast coins from his or her own body, akin to a shot gun blast but of metal coins. The damage is a bit greater than your typical shot gun blast.
Range: 100ft+10 feet per lvl of experience
Damage: 4D6, unless target is with in 10 feet or “point blank” where in damage will be 8D6
Special Note: Character can achieve the same effect without changing his physical structure. Still in 'human' form, by pointing his hands and generating coins seemingly out of thin air and shooting them at the target like a machine gun.
A machine gun blast is different than a shot gun blast. If you want both kinds of attacks, you should list them separately.

Yeah.. looking back, this was a partial adaptation that I took from APS Pebbles that didn't translate as well. APS Pebbles had the shot gun blast going out in a cone. I didn't like that part, so I took the cone/area effect out, but kept the name. I should rename it. "Projectile Coins" or "Coin launching" Or something. And alter the write up a little bit to reflect that. It would be shooting a stream/blast of coins either from the fingers/palms/face/chest, what have you, more than a shotgun blast.
I did an Matter Expulsion: Coins power where they fire like a machine gun. Perhaps looking at it might help.
Pepsi Jedi wrote:
Stone Gargoyle wrote:
Pepsi Jedi wrote:6) Rolling Coins: Because the character is made up of 1000s of coins, he or she can roll along as if 'skating' on the coins. This gives him or her a ground speed of 60mph+10mph per lvl of experience.
Can perform a rolling body block or slam, delivering 5D6damage on impact +5 for every 20mph moving. Victim is 90% likely to suffer knockdown, lose initiative and two attacks/actions.
I do not believe the speed should be so high. The coins would still be carrying a lot of weight and you also have to factor in how such a character would maneuver while skating.

This one was a direct lift from APS pebbles. If rocks could do it, I figured coins could as well. Most coins (Not all but most) are also round, and would 'roll' better than rocks that are at best, irregular and have more texture to their surfaces. I could slow it down. (I'm not attached to the speed for any particular reason) But it was the speed listed for the rocks, so I used it for the coin version too. It's another canon 'power' that is just modified in 'appearance' for coins instead of pebbles.
Ah, I see. Coins might actually roll faster than pebbles if all other factors are the same, namely because they are rounded in the edges.
Pepsi Jedi wrote:
Stone Gargoyle wrote:
Pepsi Jedi wrote:7) Engulf/Coin slide attack: The character can throw his body 'over' and engulf an enemy with in him or herself. Pinning and or containing the target with the strength of the body and the weight of the coins.
Range: line of sight up to 20 feet away.
Damage: Holds target inside body. (Can only hold one person or small vehicle, or three people if standing close together.)
Attacks per melee: Costs 2 attacks per melee.
I like this okay except I would think that engulfing a target would have to be done at closer range than 20 feet. Can this attack be dodged?

This is another direct lift from APS pebbles. I used the stats for that one here. In my head I see it as the character sort of surging towards it's target in an arch. then 'splashing' down onto the object and engulfing it in the 'pile/coccoon' of coins. The mechanics are from the other power.
Ah, okay. A case where some fluff text would be helpful.
Pepsi Jedi wrote:
Stone Gargoyle wrote:
Pepsi Jedi wrote:8 ) A bit of change: This unique power allows the super being to create coins and have them exist indefinitely. The act of creation can be performed in human or coin form. (If human the coins appear at the ends of one's fingers/or in the palm. If in coin form the coins just shift to the top of the palm or end of finger.) The coins created are under the same limitations as the coins making up the characters 'coin form'. Namely that they need to be a coin that the super being has held and inspected for a full melee at some point in his or her past. The coins will remain forever if this power is used, unless destroyed by any means that would destroy a coin of that nature.
The character -is- limited though. One can't sit around just making millions and millions of coin at will.
The coins can be made on a 1 for 1 exchange for his BASE SDC (Not the increased Coin form SDC) Thus a character with 20 SDC in human form, could make 20 coins, until he depleted his SDC on a 1 for 1 basis. When/if the character gets to Hit points the exchange rate goes to 5 coins per 1 Hit point. The SDC and HP Spent in this fashion must be healed in the traditional way. Changing to Coin form does NOT replace the expended SDC/Hp. And they must be healed with rest and time. In this case the character is actually forever transmuting part of themselves into a coin, thus that part is 'gone' forever and must be 'healed'.
No, don't like this.

Why? The char is made up of coins. Being able to produce some on a limited basis seems like a natural extension of the power. Is it the number you don't like? Do you think it should "cost" more to the super being or... ? Which aspect of the ability?
Other APS powers don't allow for items to be created permanently from the body mass. I don't see a reasonable reason why this one would. If they can do it, your cost is too high. You said they create thousands of coins, so leaving a dozen or so coins behind at the cost of 1 SDC is reasonable. It should only cost more if they are generating the coins while in human form.

Pepsi Jedi wrote:You can if you like. :)
The bulk of it would be your version, with aspects of mine thrown in that you took out. I could even fix the coin attack by doing so.
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Stone Gargoyle wrote:
Pepsi Jedi wrote:8 ) A bit of change: This unique power allows the super being to create coins and have them exist indefinitely. The act of creation can be performed in human or coin form. (If human the coins appear at the ends of one's fingers/or in the palm. If in coin form the coins just shift to the top of the palm or end of finger.) The coins created are under the same limitations as the coins making up the characters 'coin form'. Namely that they need to be a coin that the super being has held and inspected for a full melee at some point in his or her past. The coins will remain forever if this power is used, unless destroyed by any means that would destroy a coin of that nature.
The character -is- limited though. One can't sit around just making millions and millions of coin at will.
The coins can be made on a 1 for 1 exchange for his BASE SDC (Not the increased Coin form SDC) Thus a character with 20 SDC in human form, could make 20 coins, until he depleted his SDC on a 1 for 1 basis. When/if the character gets to Hit points the exchange rate goes to 5 coins per 1 Hit point. The SDC and HP Spent in this fashion must be healed in the traditional way. Changing to Coin form does NOT replace the expended SDC/Hp. And they must be healed with rest and time. In this case the character is actually forever transmuting part of themselves into a coin, thus that part is 'gone' forever and must be 'healed'.
No, don't like this.

Why? The char is made up of coins. Being able to produce some on a limited basis seems like a natural extension of the power. Is it the number you don't like? Do you think it should "cost" more to the super being or... ? Which aspect of the ability? [/quote]Other APS powers don't allow for items to be created permanently from the body mass. I don't see a reasonable reason why this one would. If they can do it, your cost is too high. You said they create thousands of coins, so leaving a dozen or so coins behind at the cost of 1 SDC is reasonable. It should only cost more if they are generating the coins while in human form.


Well that's not really true though is it? Other APS powers DO allow for things to be created permanently.

APS Fire, when you throw a fireball, or create fire it doesn't just dissapear. Granted if you're burning something that which is being burned is typically consumed, but the fire exists on it's own. APS Ice has
APS Ice: Create snow or ice, where in you create a cunk of ice or snow and drop it on someone. You create it and poof it's there, till it melts but it doesn't cease to be.
Create Ice wall/Shield: When ever you create it, it's maintained untill it melts. Thus it's a creation formed by your hero that persists untill melting but in theory is still 'present' but just as water at that point.
Encase in ice: The ice used to encase whatever is again there till it melts
Generate Ice: Same as above.
APS: Plant: Secret plant resins. These resins are creations of the APS power while activated. They can produce 16 oz of resin per hour with no penalties. Pretty spiffy
APS: Plasma: "Plasma bolt" while it's a power, plasma is a substance. It's created. Now it's not said to linger around, but it's also not said to dissapear. (Unlike energy which one could assume dissapates with the blast, plasma is a 'substance' between solid and liquid/gass.)
APS: Acid: Acid Spray, creates a spray of.. you guessed it. Acid, that once created, stays around. the Acid burns for a duration or untill washed off but the duration is of the actual acidic burn, not the liquid staying around. Once created it's there.
APS: Lava. "Expel Lava" their blast power. instantly created burns for an amount of time and then cools. Not dissapears.
APS: Oil Tar: Expel Oil. Stays around permanently. Even goes on to say that you need special solvents to even wash it off.
APS: Sand: Sand blast. Creates a blast of sand from their own body that doesn't dissapate.
APS: Wood. (And this one might take some note) Create arrows. You Shoot Arrows. You create arrows from your fingertips and can shoot them in volleys. (Which is pretty much my coin attack) Interesting because under duration it says they're created in an instant but remain permanently.
APS: Blood: Blood Transfusion. You're taking some of the blood you become/create and giving it to someone to transfuse them on a permanent basis. (If that dissapeared it'd be dramatic)
APS: Coral: Create and hurl shards of coral. Creates... shards of coral that can then be thrown, they don't turn to dust or dissapear. (in APS bone it says those ones turn to dust, which is right before Coral which doesn't say they do, so it's not like they didn't have the option)
APS: Foam: Quick Set hardening foam. You create it, it dries and then sticks around.
APS: Slime Gel: Slime bolt. creates a jet of slime that has no duration. (Some of the other powers do.)
APS: Mercury: Bolts of Liquid metal. Instant creation unlimited duration. (Important as coins are 'solid' metal)
APS: Pebbles: The shot gun blast, does not have duration, so the 'pebbles' shot remain after they're shot/expelled (Important as APS coins is a modification/merge of APS Pebbles and APS Metal)

Now these are examples of APS powers that DO create 'something' be it liquids (Acid, Blood, oil, foam, jel, mercury, resin) or solids (Lava, sand, wood, coral, pebbles, ice,) The 'fire' one could be debated, but the rest, not so much. Once created the stuff listed above remains.
It's significant because MANY of the APS powers create stuff that does NOT persist. be it the bone shards of APS bone (Which crumble to dust) or some of the Gel and foam stuff (Which 'biodegrades" in a number of minutes) etc. Thus the stuff that was --intended-- not to remain, has duration and specifically states it, when it doesn't.

Now the list above doesn't 'cost' the hero anything when he creates that stuff, be it acid to arrows to blood or pebbles. I made the 'coins' cost. so some wise cracking PC didn't just sit around filling his house with 2 inch wide gold coins all day and night laughing uproariously at how rich he was in a few minutes, much less hours or days. It was purpose made to 'cost' the char something, even if it was a little something, to help prevent such actions.

The char is still likely going to be pretty well off in money, but he's unlikely to just sit around maxing out his coins at all times. If nothing else, it weakens him every time he uses it. And as a hero, all it takes is a villain showing up after you've depleted all your SDC making 'money' and attack and you're in some deep crap. "Well I'l turn to my coin form" Well yeah, but what if they have 'Negate super powers" or some psionics to keep you from doing so, or they deplete your Coin forms' sdc? Then your'e that much closer to death.

So, I'm open to suggestions to modify it, if you had some, but I think I've established MANY APS powers create things, be it liquids or solids that persist after the hero has changed back and or departed. (many have powers that don't. And in the APS coins, I specified that unless specifically going out of your way to 'create' coins, that they don't stick around. That the creation of the coins to "STAY" has to be a purposefully thing.)

if a GM just didn't want to deal with, and or didn't trust his players not to abuse it, I can understand limiting it. (I even stipulated such) but as many other APS powers do "Create" I saw this as a logical extention of the parent power.

Lt. Nyota Uhura: I'm impressed. For a moment there, I thought you were just a dumb hick who only has sex with farm animals.

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Stone Gargoyle
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Pepsi Jedi wrote:Other APS powers DO allow for things to be created permanently.

APS Fire, when you throw a fireball, or create fire it doesn't just disappear. Granted if you're burning something that which is being burned is typically consumed, but the fire exists on it's own. APS Ice has
APS Ice: Create snow or ice, where in you create a chunk of ice or snow and drop it on someone. You create it and poof it's there, till it melts but it doesn't cease to be.
Create Ice wall/Shield: When ever you create it, it's maintained untill it melts. Thus it's a creation formed by your hero that persists untill melting but in theory is still 'present' but just as water at that point.
Encase in ice: The ice used to encase whatever is again there till it melts
Generate Ice: Same as above.
APS: Plant: Secret plant resins. These resins are creations of the APS power while activated. They can produce 16 oz of resin per hour with no penalties. Pretty spiffy
APS: Plasma: "Plasma bolt" while it's a power, plasma is a substance. It's created. Now it's not said to linger around, but it's also not said to disappear. (Unlike energy which one could assume dissapates with the blast, plasma is a 'substance' between solid and liquid/gass.)
APS: Acid: Acid Spray, creates a spray of.. you guessed it. Acid, that once created, stays around. the Acid burns for a duration or until washed off but the duration is of the actual acidic burn, not the liquid staying around. Once created it's there.
APS: Lava. "Expel Lava" their blast power. instantly created burns for an amount of time and then cools. Not disappears.
APS: Oil Tar: Expel Oil. Stays around permanently. Even goes on to say that you need special solvents to even wash it off.
APS: Sand: Sand blast. Creates a blast of sand from their own body that doesn't dissipate.
APS: Wood. (And this one might take some note) Create arrows. You Shoot Arrows. You create arrows from your fingertips and can shoot them in volleys. (Which is pretty much my coin attack) Interesting because under duration it says they're created in an instant but remain permanently.
APS: Blood: Blood Transfusion. You're taking some of the blood you become/create and giving it to someone to transfuse them on a permanent basis. (If that dissapeared it'd be dramatic)
APS: Coral: Create and hurl shards of coral. Creates... shards of coral that can then be thrown, they don't turn to dust or disappear. (in APS bone it says those ones turn to dust, which is right before Coral which doesn't say they do, so it's not like they didn't have the option)
APS: Foam: Quick Set hardening foam. You create it, it dries and then sticks around.
APS: Slime Gel: Slime bolt. creates a jet of slime that has no duration. (Some of the other powers do.)
APS: Mercury: Bolts of Liquid metal. Instant creation unlimited duration. (Important as coins are 'solid' metal)
APS: Pebbles: The shot gun blast, does not have duration, so the 'pebbles' shot remain after they're shot/expelled (Important as APS coins is a modification/merge of APS Pebbles and APS Metal)

Now these are examples of APS powers that DO create 'something' be it liquids (Acid, Blood, oil, foam, jel, mercury, resin) or solids (Lava, sand, wood, coral, pebbles, ice,) The 'fire' one could be debated, but the rest, not so much. Once created the stuff listed above remains.
It's significant because MANY of the APS powers create stuff that does NOT persist. be it the bone shards of APS bone (Which crumble to dust) or some of the Gel and foam stuff (Which 'biodegrades" in a number of minutes) etc. Thus the stuff that was --intended-- not to remain, has duration and specifically states it, when it doesn't.

Now the list above doesn't 'cost' the hero anything when he creates that stuff, be it acid to arrows to blood or pebbles. I made the 'coins' cost. so some wise cracking PC didn't just sit around filling his house with 2 inch wide gold coins all day and night laughing uproariously at how rich he was in a few minutes, much less hours or days. It was purpose made to 'cost' the char something, even if it was a little something, to help prevent such actions.

The char is still likely going to be pretty well off in money, but he's unlikely to just sit around maxing out his coins at all times. If nothing else, it weakens him every time he uses it. And as a hero, all it takes is a villain showing up after you've depleted all your SDC making 'money' and attack and you're in some deep crap. "Well I'l turn to my coin form" Well yeah, but what if they have 'Negate super powers" or some psionics to keep you from doing so, or they deplete your Coin forms' sdc? Then your'e that much closer to death.

So, I'm open to suggestions to modify it, if you had some, but I think I've established MANY APS powers create things, be it liquids or solids that persist after the hero has changed back and or departed. (many have powers that don't. And in the APS coins, I specified that unless specifically going out of your way to 'create' coins, that they don't stick around. That the creation of the coins to "STAY" has to be a purposefully thing.)

if a GM just didn't want to deal with, and or didn't trust his players not to abuse it, I can understand limiting it. (I even stipulated such) but as many other APS powers do "Create" I saw this as a logical extention of the parent power.
I stand corrected. But as I said, 1 SDC point per coin is excessive. I understand why you would not want the power abused, which is why I objected to having it in the power, but if you are going to have it in there, at least make it reasonable.
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What would you see as reasonable? (Honestly asking)

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Decided to try the other side of the coin, so to speak.

"You want change with that??"

Matter Expulsion: Coins:
Similar to Matter Expulsion: Metal/Steel, except that in this case the metal that is created comes in the form of coins.
There are two possibilities for coin creation. Roll, (50/50 chance) or choose the option you prefer with Game Master permission.
Option 1: The character creates one kind of coin, chosen/assigned at character creation. Every time he creates coins via the Matter Expulsion Coin, it's the same kind of coin. If he chooses an American Quarter, then every time he uses the power it's American Quarters, if he chooses a Canadian Loony, then every time he creates coins it's a Canadian Loony. Etc. All sub powers with in the major power, will be represented by this chosen currency.
Option 2: The character can create any coin that he's personally held and examined for a full melee. If he's held American Pennies, Dimes, Nickles, Quarters, and Dollars, then he can create, pennies dimes, nickels, quarters and dollars, and or any combination of his choice when he creates coins. The limitation is only that the character has held and examined the coin for at least a full melee (15 seconds) then forever more the character will be able to manifest this sort of coin, at will.

1: Coin Armor: The character can create and encase his own body in armor made of overlaping coins. The effect looks like very supple scale mail or ring mail, except made of coins. (Type dictated by the two options above) Regardless of 'type' of coin, be it dimes or large 2 inch coins of gold, the 'effects/stats' are the same.
Natural Coin Armor: AR 16, any attack equal to or less than 16 does no damage. Attacks of 17 or better take SDC from the coin armor 'first'.
Bonuses and SDC: Provides the creator/wearer with enhanced abilities and bonuses as follows: +8 to PS, +3 to PE, +16 to Hit Points, +200 to SDC, +8 to damage and can parry blades and other weapons with his coin(Metal) covered hands/arms/legs etc.

2: Shoot Coins: The character can create a number of coins out of thin air and fire them at targets with astounding speed and strength. These coins appear at the ends of the characters fingers, or from his palms, forehead, eyes, mouth, etc. Choose manner of 'firing' at character creation, then remains the same.
Range: 30ft +10ft per lvl of experience.
Damage: 1D6 per lvl of experience. Can be regulated in increments of 1D6 at character digression
Duration: Instant. Coins remain once created in this manner. Can be dispelled if the character wishes, otherwise remain perminately and can be collected if found.

3: Create Coin Weapon: Can create weapons of coins out of thin air appearing in his hand. These can be coins with sharpened edges, or even blunt instruments seemingly made of coins fixed together (Think poles or clubs made of stacked coins held together by the character's 'power' or complete control over the coins' he's made. Akin to long 'rolls' of coins.) Also can made bladed maces/swords in this manner by creating clubs/poles of stacked coins then studding them with bladed coins. Can create coins in palm of the hand (Bladed or normal) that can be thrown if wished. (Or for other more mundane usages.)
Damage: 1D6 more than normal for that type of weapon.
Duration: Remains as long as character wants to keep the weapon. Other wise falls into component coins 30 seconds after character discards weapon. ( The 'pole' or 'club' made of stacked coins would suddenly lose cohesion and the coins would rain down or roll around, ect) Character can choose to dispel coin weapons at will. Other wise will remain as described above.

4: Coin Boost: The character can at will expel a stream or blast of coins from his feet, to provide with an enhanced 'leap' ability. The coins are created and thrusts/throws the character forward or upwards.
Characters with this ability can 'boost/throw' themselves PSX15 feet horizontally. Vertical thrusts/throws are 50% of horizontal.

Thinking/Reasoning behind the power: I like the concept myself. It's 'more' and 'less' than Matter Expulsion: Metal with a different appearance. As I'll explain below. As for each individual power.
1: Coin Armor, It's a bit weaker than Matter Expulsion Metal, the AR and SDC are a little lower, due to it being a 'different' power and that you're not getting a metal 'skin' but instead coin 'armor'. The coin armor is very supple and flows with you as you create the coins as needed but with the change and some what benefit of the 'coins' vs normal faceless metal I lowered the 'strength' a touch.
2: Shoot Coins: I kept the damage from the Matter Expulsion Metal, and the range. You're creating coins which would shoot out more like bullets be they small or large bullets, (A 2 inch wide coin is alot of metal and would fill the palm of most people's hands). Note. I did say that the coins stick around. This is different from Matter Expulsion Metal and stone, but found in Matter Expulsion Plastic, Wood and Bone. This makes it a touch more versatile, as.. the coins can be collected if one tries. This aspect (Vs just disappearing after a few minutes) is again why the coin armor and such is a bit weaker than simple Matter Expulsion Metal. And 'why' the power differs from Matter Expulsion Metal that just 'looks different' There are some little differences here to be had that are more than merely cosmetic.
3: Create Coin Weapon: Again I kept it more or less like Matter Expulsion Metal's "Create metal weapon". These will look different but a club made of coins is going to hit the same as a club made of metal. Etc. A 'sword' made of sharpened coins in a stack will still cut. Part of this is a bit of a kludge, but every Matter Expulsion power has this ability and I kept it.
4: Coin Boost: This one is new and of my creation. A) I didn't think Encasing people in coins would have the same effect as metal/stone/plastic. You could breathe through the gaps between the coins as it wouldn't be airtight. So that 'power' wouldn't be as useful, and B) I wanted to give something else that differed from Matter Expulsion Metal/Stone, what have you. You basically just produce a jet/blast of coins from your feet and get thrown/flung, boosted forward or up. I made sure to keep it weaker than flight, or other jump powers. Not as versatile. It's a sub power instead of a full power all on it's own.

These changes make it different enough from Matter Expulsion Metal, to necessitate it's 'own' ability. It's a bit 'weaker' in defense. About the same in 'offense'. (Damage on "Shoot coins" and "Coin weapon), and has the boost instead of encase power.

This power -would- give the character the ability to create wealth for himself. Either slowly (if the poor guy could only make pennies) or quickly (if he made large gold coins) in this instance as it is 'true' Matter Expulsion and more limited and much weaker than APS powers, I just advise GM monitoring. If the character uses it to have a decent life. Let him. A sports car? Ok.. one. Sure. If he starts sitting around and trying to fill up swimming pools with gold coins, well the US Treasury will want to take him in and lock him away. (Banks and such are going to notice tens of thousands of dollars in coins being deposited, or gold coins showing up en mass.) Or super villains might want to kidnap and 'Put him to work' creating money for him, torturing him if he resists, etc. There's "in game" ways of preventing players from getting crazy with it. If your players are the sort that would abuse this power, simply TELL THEM STRAIGHT UP when they take it. "If you abuse it, it will be handled IN GAME" and then do so. Have no pity. Also warn any character taking this power, of the 'golden goose' effect. There simply -are- going to be people that will want to take advantage and or 'use' the character. People will come out of the wood work wanting hand outs, and expect the character to be forth coming. If he's not, they will often become angry and or violent. Google 'lottery winners' and read some of the stories about how the money has ruined some of their lives, and lost them family when they weren't instantly forthcoming with money that other people had absolute no claim to, but expected anyway, simply because the lottery winners 'had' it and didn't 'work/earn' it.

Lt. Nyota Uhura: I'm impressed. For a moment there, I thought you were just a dumb hick who only has sex with farm animals.

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Pepsi Jedi wrote:What would you see as reasonable? (Honestly asking)
You need to find a way to limit the value of the coins created so that they won't be tempted to create gold and other rare coins. If you limit the coins created to ones that are of low value then you can give them away for little cost to the character. I am assuming that anything created is being made from the character's body, so maybe give him iron deficiency from making too many coins. Maybe limit the creation of coins to when he is in his altered form.

I like Matter Expulsion: Coins, except the starting damage for the attack option might be a bit higher, say 3d6. Also, you should list this as a Major superability. On both this one and the last one you did not designate them as Major or minor.
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Stone Gargoyle wrote:
Pepsi Jedi wrote:What would you see as reasonable? (Honestly asking)
You need to find a way to limit the value of the coins created so that they won't be tempted to create gold and other rare coins. If you limit the coins created to ones that are of low value then you can give them away for little cost to the character. I am assuming that anything created is being made from the character's body, so maybe give him iron deficiency from making too many coins. Maybe limit the creation of coins to when he is in his altered form

The easiest way there would seem to be, limiting the creation of coinage to 'non precious metal' ones. No Silver or gold. There fore you could make quarters but not gold dabloons or something. A bit of an artificial limit but would save tons of work on the back end.

Stone Gargoyle wrote:
I like Matter Expulsion: Coins, except the starting damage for the attack option might be a bit higher, say 3d6. Also, you should list this as a Major superability. On both this one and the last one you did not designate them as Major or minor.

The starting damage on the attack option is the same as Matter Expulsion Metal. And seems low, at first lvl. But at third lvl you're up to 3D6, and it keeps climbing. Pretty fast too. by 7th lvl when most characters are considered 'Experienced/vetran' type chars it's at 7D6, which is pretty strong. You're hitting twice as hard as an assault rifle then.
The 'lower starting' damage is balanced by the 'higher potential of overall damage with growth of character" aspect.

if I started at 3D6, it'd need to get +1D6 every other level or every three levels to be in line with the other powers.

And yeah, they're both majors. :D

Edit: Now that I think about it, the very simple way to 'limit' both APS Coins and Matter Expuslion Coins, to keep it from breaking a game via abuse, would be to limit the coins made to non precious metal ones. Just that 'precious metals' are a bit too complex for the character to produce. Thus limiting the coinage to those that... are worth less. Thus the ability goes from 'I created a gold coin worth $50, or $500, to "I made a quarter, or at most a $1 or $2 coin"

I could see that as being a possible and viable limitation to add on in cases of abusive players or if GM's just don't want to deal with the annoyance.

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Small note. The Sacagawea dollar coins in use by the US are often called 'gold dollars' but actually have a copper core clad by manganese brass, giving them a distinctive golden color. So if one did limit the coins to 'non precious metals' to keep players from just making millions and millions worth of gold coins, they could still make Dollar coins.

Which... Isn't really going to break the bank. Making a hand full of dollar coins to buy lunch or gas is one thing.

If you start showing up with 1000s of them they're going to call the police, due to the low circulation numbers of the coins etc.

PERSONALLY.... And this is just for me... -my- character, would likely save up/spend some money (From a job or.. you know gradual use of the power itself) To have a number of specialty coins minted/pressed/made.

Say a tungsten coin measuring 2 inches across, with our team symbol on it. Nice. Weighty. Good for 'shooting' and or armor.( if the GM really REALLY wanted to they could mess with SDC per metal of the coin... copper having less than steel or tungsten etc but personally that's too much like work for me.)

Could have your team's symbol on it (Think a coin with the Xmen X on it with "Xavier's School for gifted youngsters' around the outside, or the Avenger's "A" with "Avengers Academy" or 'Earth's Mightiest Heroes" on it or what ever your team symbol is)

Once you have one minted/pressed/made. Your character studies it, and from then on can use that as his coin or base. A nice little touch. My own would have some sort of metal or mineral mixed in to make the coins green. A green tungsten coin with our team symbol on it would be awesome.

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Sounds good. Now you just have to edit the powers to reflect the changes. :D
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"You want change with that??"

Major Power: Matter Expulsion: Coins:
Similar to Matter Expulsion: Metal/Steel, except that in this case the metal that is created comes in the form of coins.
There are two possibilities for coin creation. Roll, (50/50 chance) or choose the option you prefer with Game Master permission.
Option 1: The character creates one kind of coin, chosen/assigned at character creation. Every time he creates coins via the Matter Expulsion Coin, it's the same kind of coin. If he chooses an American Quarter, then every time he uses the power it's American Quarters, if he chooses a Canadian Loony, then every time he creates coins it's a Canadian Loony. Etc. All sub powers with in the major power, will be represented by this chosen currency.
Option 2: The character can create -any- coin that he's personally held and examined for a full melee. If he's held American Pennies, Dimes, Nickles, Quarters, and Dollars, then he can create, pennies dimes, nickels, quarters and dollars, and or any combination of his choice when he creates coins. The limitation is only that the character has held and examined the coin for at least a full melee (15 seconds) then forever more the character will be able to manifest this sort of coin, at will.
For the most part coins made by this power remain on a permanent basis, unless other wise noted.
(GM Note: Alternatively if GM's foresee a problem with a player/players taking advantage of the power, the simple modification can be done. "Characters cannot produce coins of precious metals." That will cut out a large portion of possible 'hassle' should the GM's see it as such. It will allow for the over all power but prevent the character from producing huge sums of wealth. GM's will need to make the call at character creation. Some will be fine with 'any coins', others will want to limit it.)

1: Coin Armor: The character can create and encase his own body in armor made of overlapping coins. The effect looks like very supple scale mail or ring mail, except made of coins. (Type dictated by the two options above) Regardless of 'type' of coin, be it dimes or large 2 inch coins of gold, the 'effects/stats' are the same.
Natural Coin Armor: AR 16, any attack equal to or less than 16 does no damage. Attacks of 17 or better take SDC from the coin armor 'first'.
Bonuses and SDC: Provides the creator/wearer with enhanced abilities and bonuses as follows: +8 to PS, +3 to PE, +16 to Hit Points, +200 to SDC, +8 to damage and can parry blades and other weapons with his coin(Metal) covered hands/arms/legs etc.
Duration: Takes 1 action/attack to 'create' the coin armor. (Visual is up to the hero. They could just shimmer into existence as armor, or 'grow' out of his or her pores, or sort of clink into effect like the batmobile's armor, starting at some point and spreading out to cover the body. The visual is up to the player, the end result is the same) The armor will remain as long as the character wishes, or the SDC of the coin armor remains. When the character is done with the power or wishes to turn it off, the coins are dispelled. They either shimmer and fade in the reverse way of their creation. (Some players may wish to be more or less graphic here) or they rain down off the character to the ground, where in they 'fade' in about 10 minutes. Breaking down to their components, into a fine dust that blows away or disperses easily.

2: Shoot Coins: The character can create coins out of thin air and fire them at targets with astounding speed and strength. These coins appear at the ends of the characters fingers, or from his palms, forehead, eyes, mouth, etc. Choose manner of 'firing' at character creation, then remains the same.
Range: 30ft +10ft per lvl of experience.
Damage: 1D6 per lvl of experience. Can be regulated in increments of 1D6 at character digression
Duration: Instant. Each 'shot' takes one action/attack. One coin per 'shot'. Coins remain once created in this manner. Can be dispelled -if- the character wishes, otherwise remain permanently and can be collected if found.
Special: The character can, once he achieves third level, 'bank/bounce/ricochet' the coins he shoots. Each 'bank/bounce/ricochet ' reduces the final damage by 1D6. So at level 3 the character can shoot, bank/bounce/ricochet a coin off a solid object and then hit his target. One bank/bounce/ricochet would reduce the damage on the final target to 2D6. If the coin was banked twice, the final damage would be 1D6. Such is the control and acuity of the hero's ability to shoot his or her coins. At higher levels this will allow for some truly spectacular shots, banking the coin off of multiple surfaces to hit targets that may be behind cover or around corners.

3: Create Coin Weapon: Can create weapons of coins out of thin air which appear in his or her hand. These can be coins with sharpened edges, or even blunt instruments seemingly made of coins fixed together (Think poles or clubs made of stacked coins held together by the character's 'power' or complete control over the coins' he's made. Akin to long 'rolls' of coins.) Also can made bladed maces/swords in this manner by creating clubs/poles of stacked coins then studding them with bladed coins. Can create coins in palm of the hand (Bladed or normal) that can be thrown if wished. (Or for other more mundane usages. Flipping coins, playing with them. Paying for your pizza etc.)
Damage: 1D6 more than normal for that type of weapon.
Duration: Remains as long as character wants to keep the weapon. Other wise the 'weapon' falls into component coins 30 seconds after character discards/puts down/throws weapon. ( The 'pole' or 'club' made of stacked coins would suddenly lose cohesion and the coins would rain down or roll around, ect) Coins remain once created in this manner. Can be dispelled if the character wishes, otherwise remain permanently and can be collected if found.

4: Coin Boost: The character can at will expel a stream or blast of coins from his feet, to provide with an enhanced 'leap' ability. The coins are created and thrusts/throws the character forward or upwards.
Characters with this ability can 'boost/throw' themselves PSX15 feet horizontally. Vertical thrusts/throws are 50% of horizontal.
Duration: Instant. Coins from this power fade after about 10 minutes like those created for the coin armor, "breaking down' into a fine dust that blows away or disperses easily.

Thinking/Reasoning behind the power: I like the concept myself. It's 'more' and 'less' than Matter Expulsion: Metal with a different appearance. As I'll explain below. As for each individual power.
1: Coin Armor, It's a bit weaker than Matter Expulsion Metal, the AR and SDC are a little lower, due to it being a 'different' power and that you're not getting a metal 'skin' but instead coin 'armor'. The coin armor is very supple and flows with you as you create the coins as needed but with the change and some what benefit of the 'coins' vs normal faceless metal I lowered the 'strength' a touch.

2: Shoot Coins: I kept the damage from the Matter Expulsion Metal, and the range. You're creating coins which would shoot out more like bullets be they small or large bullets, (A 2 inch wide coin is alot of metal and would fill the palm of most people's hands). Note. I did say that the coins stick around. This is different from Matter Expulsion Metal and stone, but found in Matter Expulsion Plastic, Wood and Bone. This makes it a touch more versatile, as.. the coins can be collected if one tries. This aspect (Vs just disappearing after a few minutes) is again why the coin armor and such is a bit weaker than simple Matter Expulsion Metal. And 'why' the power differs from Matter Expulsion Metal that just 'looks different' There are some little differences here to be had that are more than merely cosmetic.
Added in the ability to bank the coins, to further differentiate it from Matter Expulsion Metal and give the power a touch more utility. It doesn't increase damage but gives a more unique expression of the power. Coins bounce, as anyone who's flipped one or dropped one knows. As they're not blades, this attack would seem to be much more viable for M.E. Coins, than the 'daggers' would be for M.E. Metal or arrows for wood etc. As the power actually 'weakens' if used in this fashion. I didn't feel that it would overbalance the end result.

3: Create Coin Weapon: Again I kept it more or less like Matter Expulsion Metal's "Create metal weapon". These will look different but a club made of coins is going to hit the same as a club made of metal. Etc. A 'sword' made of sharpened coins in a stack will still cut. Part of this is a bit of a kludge, but every Matter Expulsion power has this ability and I kept it.

4: Coin Boost: This one is new and of my creation. A) I didn't think Encasing people in coins would have the same effect as metal/stone/plastic. You could breathe through the gaps between the coins as it wouldn't be airtight. So that 'power' wouldn't be as useful, and B) I wanted to give something else that differed from Matter Expulsion Metal/Stone, what have you. You basically just produce a jet/blast of coins from your feet and get thrown/flung, boosted forward or up. I made sure to keep it weaker than flight, or other jump powers. Not as versatile. It's a sub power instead of a full power all on it's own.

These changes make it different enough from Matter Expulsion Metal, to necessitate it's 'own' ability. It's a bit 'weaker' in defense. About the same in 'offense'. (Damage on "Shoot coins" and "Coin weapon), and has the boost instead of encase power.

This power -would- give the character the ability to create wealth for himself. Either slowly (if the poor guy could only make pennies) or quickly (if he made large gold coins) in this instance as it is 'true' Matter Expulsion and more limited and much weaker than APS powers, I just advise GM monitoring. If the character uses it to have a decent life. Let him. A sports car? Ok.. one. Sure. If he starts sitting around and trying to fill up swimming pools with gold coins, well the US Treasury will want to take him in and lock him away. (Banks and such are going to notice tens of thousands of dollars in coins being deposited, or gold coins showing up en mass.) Or super villains might want to kidnap and 'Put him to work' creating money for him, torturing him if he resists, etc. There's "in game" ways of preventing players from getting crazy with it. If your players are the sort that would abuse this power, simply TELL THEM STRAIGHT UP when they take it. "If you abuse it, it will be handled IN GAME" and then do so. Have no pity. Also warn any character taking this power, of the 'golden goose' effect. There simply -are- going to be people that will want to take advantage and or 'use' the character. People will come out of the wood work wanting hand outs, and expect the character to be forth coming. If he's not, they will often become angry and or violent. Google 'lottery winners' and read some of the stories about how the money has ruined some of their lives, and lost them family when they weren't instantly forthcoming with money that other people had absolute no claim to, but expected anyway, simply because the lottery winners 'had' it and didn't 'work/earn' it.

Also added in the "Alternate" rule for limiting abuse of the power. If GM's foresee players abusing the power to make unlimited wealth, they can make it very difficult to do so. It's included above but I'll repeat it here.

GM Note: Alternatively if GM's foresee a problem with a player/players taking advantage of the power, the simple modification can be done. "Characters cannot produce coins of precious metals." That will cut out a large portion of possible 'hassle' should the GM's see it as such. It will allow for the over all power but prevent the character from producing huge sums of wealth. GM's will need to make the call at character creation. Some will be fine with 'any coins', others will want to limit it.
Last edited by Pepsi Jedi on Wed Apr 20, 2016 4:47 pm, edited 1 time in total.

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You left out the part about making coins and having them be permanent, even though I see you addressed the issue of them trying to accumulate wealth. Either that or I read it wrong.
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Under create coin weapon it notes you can simply make coins in the palm of your hand to 'throw' or "For other mundane usage" I.E. Spending. the Durations under different abilites (Shooting and creation of coins/coin weapons) note they're permanent unless you will them away. :)

Lt. Nyota Uhura: I'm impressed. For a moment there, I thought you were just a dumb hick who only has sex with farm animals.

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Pepsi Jedi wrote:Under create coin weapon it notes you can simply make coins in the palm of your hand to 'throw' or "For other mundane usage" I.E. Spending. the Durations under different abilites (Shooting and creation of coins/coin weapons) note they're permanent unless you will them away. :)
Gotcha. For the record, there are now three versions of this power: One by you, one by Drewkitty~..~, and one by yours truly. Of these, I think I like yours best.
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Many flavors. :D Choose the one you like best, or fits your situation the closest.

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Does it work for subway tokens? :D
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taalismn wrote:Does it work for subway tokens? :D
Pepsi Jedi said it was any coin you could view beforehand, so i imagine so. You could also probably make them purposefully counterfeit or worthless slugs.
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Made some minor edits. Put in clear and precise intication on which powers result in coins that remain, and which ones fade. (TLDR, Armor and coins from the 'boost' fade, Coins 'shot' or forming 'weapons' remain unless the hero wishes otherwise)

Cleaned up the duration notes a bit. Added in how many attacks/actions things take. Such as the armor taking an action to form. The coin shot using one action per coin fired off. Etc.

As for the 'subway tokens' Sure. I actually have a number of strange coins. I've ordered some from Kickstarters and stuff. I've got some really fun Cthulu coins, some traingular Dwarven ones, square, oval. etc. A subway token would be easy (As would an arcade one) Even for GM's that restrict the power to 'non precious metal' coins. Challenge coins and 'team' coins could also be made.

When most people think of 'coins' they're thinking quarters.. dimes, nickles. maybe pennies. But there's alot out there. The power stipulates up to 2 inches wide. A 2 inch coin is pretty big in the palm of the hand. It's got more 'metal' than the average 'bullet' fired from a gun. The power is purposefully as versititle as players/gm's want it to be. conversely if GM's want more restrictions it can do that too. You might be restricted to -one- (or two.. or 5) types of coins. You might only be able to make pennies. Penny armor. shoot penny's etc. (Poor guy) Or if you choose the more versitile ability, you could make the coins of any you've examined in detail. So you ccould use them for bus fare. To pay for your character's lunch. To bribe people (A gold coin would get you pretty far in most places that would TAKE bribes, but even with out real gold coins. A hand full of dollar coins won't hurt) Etc. There's even more creative uses of the power if you put your mind to it. Given time and energy a hero with this power could... scuttle boats, or fill up the inside of a car, making people get out. The GM might say it takes minutes to do so, and might enforce some PE checks or tire out the hero but the option is there.

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I can see the user of Mat. Ex. Coin using Vending Machines frequently.
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Each question should be give the canon answer 1st, then you can proclaim your house rules.
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Unread post by MrTwist »

Do we have anything for cold generation as a power as in being able to reduce the temperature, freeze things, shoot cold blasts, etc...? I was pondering a character inspired by a comic character with the power to manipulate cold, one time referred to as heat subtraction. They didn't change form, just could generate extreme cold for various cool ends like getting rid of poison gas in the air, protecting themselves from heat blasts, freezing water, etc...

APS: Ice is close to what I want, but I really wasn't looking to actually change into anything and that's much of the focus of that power.
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There's a canon power in PU 3 called Sub Zero that is pretty much what you're looking for.

Comes with

1: Generate extreme cold/absorb heat
2: Bolts of 'cold': As an attack.
3: Sub zero freezing blast
4: Ice constructs
5: Preserve ice
6: Ice Slide (Like Iceman)
also takes no damage from cold or ice. doesnt' slip on ice etc. Double damage from MAGICAL Fire but only half damage from normal fire

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Pepsi Jedi wrote:Made some minor edits. Put in clear and precise intication on which powers result in coins that remain, and which ones fade. (TLDR, Armor and coins from the 'boost' fade, Coins 'shot' or forming 'weapons' remain unless the hero wishes otherwise)
Were you going to go and edit APS: Coins as well? It really should be cleaned up and clarified.
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I may. I'll admit once I got into it, I "liked" Matter Expulsion: Coins better, so I focused on that.

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taalismn wrote:
Stone Gargoyle wrote:This thread does not get many people posting to it, so a long time can pass between posts. I wrote the power you are talking about over eight months ago..

Yep, the low-lying fruits have been plucked, so we're either into variations or really far-out concepts that require deep thought and gnurly game mechanic gymnastics.

i probably should post more often too

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Minor Power -poison sweat!
Basically you sweat poisons of your choice (make a IQ roll to change poisons )
howdey folks!!!!!!!!
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abe wrote:Minor Power -poison sweat!
Basically you sweat poisons of your choice (make a IQ roll to change poisons )
As usual, this comes across as an idea for a power and not an actual playable ability. It lacks any sort of detail and needs to be fleshed out.
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abe wrote:Minor Power -poison sweat!
Basically you sweat poisons of your choice (make a IQ roll to change poisons )

Chemical Secretion(Major)---Powers Unlimited Bk One, pg. 64-66, covers this already quite well, as open-ended 'poisons of your choice' would put this into the Major category.
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Quantum Entanglement(Minor)

<<“Hey, Ralph? Big financial developments here at Center...get a rush order of chocolate-covered rats in the pipeline as soon as you can...we’ll make a PROFIT if we move fast.”>>

This is the ability to create a quantum entanglement, or bond, between two people, allowing them to communicate instantaneously, regardless of the distance or barriers between them. The effect is similar to a telephone or telepathic communication, only the distances between the two parties can be intercontinental, interplanetary, intergalactic, and even interdimensional. Communication must be DELIBERATE; the members of the bond can chose to ignore a quantum communication, and they cannot peer into the other member’s thoughts uninvited. Jamming and forcefields and other phenomena CANNOT interfere with the Quantum Entanglement bond.
Only ONE other person can be so bonded to the superbeing; the superbeing can cut the connection at will and bond with another person, but cannot re-instate an entanglement unless the other person is there in person, in the immediate presence of the superbeing.
Range: The initial bond is by touch; after which communication enjoys INFINITE range.
Duration: Indefinite, until canceled.
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Anchored Residence(Minor)
“This is -MY- body and mine alone! No squatters! No highjackers! No body-thieves!”
This power insures that the person’s soul, essence, or persona stays tied to their body, and cannot be swapped, displaced, transferred, or otherwise removed from their body, short of total body death or the tacit approval of the person. It also provides increased resistance to possession attempts, though none against brainwashing/conditioning.
*Magic/Psionic/Superpower Body- Swapping---Effectively immune to such efforts to displace the person’s soul/mind. Even Circles of Transferrance are ineffective.
*Brain Transplant---Even physically removing the person’s brain and implanting another’s inside the vacated skull is no assurance of taking over the body; instead the new resident must continually war with the residual persona(must roll against each other’s M.E. for control over the body). If the original body owner’s persona is able to roll for dominance three times in a row, they essentially overwrite themselves on the new brain and take over. Note that if the original brain is transplanted back into the original body, the two sets of memories/persona will effectively merge.
If the person’s orginal brain is still in the body and another brain or controlling intelligence is implanted inside them(such as a mental parasite), the same war of wits takes place, only the host has a +2 to their ME rolls(home groud advantage), and after three successful rolls, the interloper is essentially quarantined within their own brain, and cannot take over.
Note that the body CANNOT live without a brain; if the body lacks a physical brain for the persona to move into, the body will die without extensive life support.
*Possession---+6 to save against (temporary) possession attempts.
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taalismn wrote:Anchored Residence(Minor)
“This is -MY- body and mine alone! No squatters! No highjackers! No body-thieves!”
This power insures that the person’s soul, essence, or persona stays tied to their body, and cannot be swapped, displaced, transferred, or otherwise removed from their body, short of total body death or the tacit approval of the person. It also provides increased resistance to possession attempts, though none against brainwashing/conditioning.
*Magic/Psionic/Superpower Body- Swapping---Effectively immune to such efforts to displace the person’s soul/mind. Even Circles of Transferrance are ineffective.
*Brain Transplant---Even physically removing the person’s brain and implanting another’s inside the vacated skull is no assurance of taking over the body; instead the new resident must continually war with the residual persona(must roll against each other’s M.E. for control over the body). If the original body owner’s persona is able to roll for dominance three times in a row, they essentially overwrite themselves on the new brain and take over. Note that if the original brain is transplanted back into the original body, the two sets of memories/persona will effectively merge.
If the person’s orginal brain is still in the body and another brain or controlling intelligence is implanted inside them(such as a mental parasite), the same war of wits takes place, only the host has a +2 to their ME rolls(home groud advantage), and after three successful rolls, the interloper is essentially quarantined within their own brain, and cannot take over.
Note that the body CANNOT live without a brain; if the body lacks a physical brain for the persona to move into, the body will die without extensive life support.
*Possession---+6 to save against (temporary) possession attempts.

What about Soul Drinking weapons?
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NMI wrote:
taalismn wrote:Anchored Residence(Minor).

What about Soul Drinking weapons?

Only if the weapon actually KILLS the person..."Total body death' as noted.
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Empathic Shunt(Minor)
“Am I supposed to be -afraid- of you, Fearcaster? Because I’m NOT-”
“-my colleague, on the other hand, is going to go all chicken$#!+.”

The character with this Near Psychic power is effectively immune to powers and factors that attack/adversely affect emotional state, like Horror Factor, Empathic Projection, Insanity rolls or pheromonal manipulation, as long as they’re near someboy else. The character retains their cool and calm demeanor by transfering any external emotional stimuli or heightened emotional state to another person within the range of the power. If that person is within the area of effect of the same empathic attack/stimuli, they must save TWICE(if there’s a saving throw associated) against the same effect, once for themselves, and the second time against the transferred empathic burden.
If there is nobody else within the area of effect to take the empathic transfer, the character must save against the empathic attack on their own.
Note: If the empathic attack is deliberate, the attacker CAN be the one designated as the recipient, but gets a +2 to save against the returned empathic burden.
Range:100 ft +20 ft per level of experience, and the character must know where the empathic recipient is.
Bonus: The character is also +1 to save versus psionic attacks when this power is active(but loses the bonus if they’re alone).
Penalty:(Optional) Empathy Loss---The character’s cool calm demeanor can come across as being inured to the suffering and discomfiture of those around him. They rarely exhibit extremes of emotion, and can appear to be a ‘cold fish’; -1d4 from M.A..
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Unread post by jlm2924 »

Hey all, just my 2 cents here. Anyone remember the Movie 'The Mystery Men?' Some of these abilities seem very Mystery Menish. While I can see the use of some of these powers, like if you made Coin Man/Woman, others seem to have a specific use.

I personally believe that a Hero (properly made) can be useful in MOST situations they cannot be useful in all situations. Also I did notice that some of the powers presented mirror many of the powers already in print. Just ask the GM if your "special effect or SFX" can be coins instead of metal or Alcohol instead of water, or in the case of a Rifts character I made to shut down a Vampire campaign, Holy Water.

Here is a funny idea:

APS: Vending Machine
Coin Blast
Dramatic Clothing (The Vending machine has lights and lots of flare)
Physical Perfection (He is a Perfect Vending Machine)
Super Human Strength (He's a strong vending machine and can even fall over on the bad guys).

This hero lures the bad guys close by turning to an appropriate vending machine for the area (Ex: an Ice cold Beverage Machine in a Desert City) then when the bad guys approach the pretty machine they get blasted with coins!!!! Evil Machine! (Smile everyone!) This is a Mystery Man type of character and good for some laughs.
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dark vision(minor)
basically you can see in the dark up to 200 feet!
what do you think? would it work as a minor power?
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HU2 already has Night Vision (minor) and Infrared/Ultraviolet Vision (minor). Both of these are types of night vision that can see in the dark. But if you feel you need it for a specific purpose ask you GM.
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abe wrote:dark vision(minor)
basically you can see in the dark up to 200 feet!
what do you think? would it work as a minor power?

Canon(Published) Minor Powers:
Supervision: Nightvision
Supervision: Ultraviolet & Infrared

Unless you come up with some new twist or novel angle to nightvision, you're only going over already paved territory.
"Trouble rather the Tiger in his Lair,
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jlm2924 wrote:APS: Vending Machine
Coin Blast
Dramatic Clothing (The Vending machine has lights and lots of flare)
Physical Perfection (He is a Perfect Vending Machine)
Super Human Strength (He's a strong vending machine and can even fall over on the bad guys).

This hero lures the bad guys close by turning to an appropriate vending machine for the area (Ex: an Ice cold Beverage Machine in a Desert City) then when the bad guys approach the pretty machine they get blasted with coins!!!! Evil Machine! (Smile everyone!) This is a Mystery Man type of character and good for some laughs.

Or the guy who can be a twisted terrorist who takes exception to the world of bland mass-market merchandising and instant-gratification society. Or sees vending machine culture as an insult to the environment, so he's assuming the uniform of the 'enemy' to spread distrust and suspicion of vending machines. Played right, what would seem to be a minor and absurdly impotent gutter-level villain can have the hero characters reflexively blasting soda machines out of hipshot fear, and getting reps for being 'bad for business'. Given the trend towards 'maker machines', too, this character can be considered to be cutting edge in his appeal to potential victims, making him all the more dangerous.
"Trouble rather the Tiger in his Lair,
Than the Sage among his Books,
For all the Empires and Kingdoms,
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taalismn wrote:
jlm2924 wrote:APS: Vending Machine
Coin Blast
Dramatic Clothing (The Vending machine has lights and lots of flare)
Physical Perfection (He is a Perfect Vending Machine)
Super Human Strength (He's a strong vending machine and can even fall over on the bad guys).

This hero lures the bad guys close by turning to an appropriate vending machine for the area (Ex: an Ice cold Beverage Machine in a Desert City) then when the bad guys approach the pretty machine they get blasted with coins!!!! Evil Machine! (Smile everyone!) This is a Mystery Man type of character and good for some laughs.

Or the guy who can be a twisted terrorist who takes exception to the world of bland mass-market merchandising and instant-gratification society. Or sees vending machine culture as an insult to the environment, so he's assuming the uniform of the 'enemy' to spread distrust and suspicion of vending machines. Played right, what would seem to be a minor and absurdly impotent gutter-level villain can have the hero characters reflexively blasting soda machines out of hipshot fear, and getting reps for being 'bad for business'. Given the trend towards 'maker machines', too, this character can be considered to be cutting edge in his appeal to potential victims, making him all the more dangerous.

Yes! That's genius! I have my new Super Villain! Then the Media can get involved finding Vending Machines smashed and melted all over the city! The Mayor can be pissed and order the Police Chief to start staking out the Vending Machines. Poor Heroes!
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jlm2924 wrote:[
Yes! That's genius! I have my new Super Villain! Then the Media can get involved finding Vending Machines smashed and melted all over the city! The Mayor can be pissed and order the Police Chief to start staking out the Vending Machines. Poor Heroes!

You're welcome.
I actually had a design for a Rifts assassination robot that disguised itself as a vending machine. It was really only useful in communities that had the infrastructure to support vending machine franchises(vending machines in the middle of the wilderness tend to stick out in peoples' suspicions)...but damned few people saw this thing coming during the brief reign of terror the design enjoyed upon its introduction.
"Trouble rather the Tiger in his Lair,
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For all the Empires and Kingdoms,
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jlm2924 wrote:Yes! That's genius! I have my new Super Villain! Then the Media can get involved finding Vending Machines smashed and melted all over the city! The Mayor can be pissed and order the Police Chief to start staking out the Vending Machines. Poor Heroes!

so you mean something like this? ... r#p2843102

Pepsi Jedi wrote:Early in the morning of 1/12/15 around 3:30am alarms all over the US, and in fact the world lit up space monitoring facilities, and emplacements. As humans rushed to see what had triggered the alert, a point in space over the US opened up. Two alien vessels came through the warp gate, engaged in a massive battle. Each the size of a star destroyer, they were not little girls. Energy cannons on each vessel hammered on the other. missiles fired and exploded as the ships came fully through the gate and into close earth orbit.
Armed forces on the ground were mobilized as quickly as possible as the star-ships continued their battle. Huge chunks of each being blown apart and vaporized. The pair plowed through the orbital paths of many a satellite throwing communications and such into disarray on the ground below. People came out of their houses and looked at the night time sky lit with flashes of the battle so high above.

Before anything could really be done, other than panic on a rather large scale the battle was over. One of the ships scored a direct hit on the other's power core, rupturing it and causing it to blow. The explosion took that ship and 95% of the attacker with it. The explosion sent the majority of debris out away from earth, but as it was in space, the 'sphere' of the explosion meant some rained down on the US. Thankfully only 5% of the ships had survived the explosion. That said 5% of two star destroyer sized ships was alot of crap.

Much burned up in orbit, but still some survived, hitting the US with burning shrapnel from NYC all the way to Sandiego. 1000s died.

But not everyone. Not everything.

A bit of the debris rained down on a small town in Northern Michigan. Flaming from space the debris burned as it came in and slammed into a snowy yard in a rural neighborhood. Sizzling as it cooled, the object twitched.

The owner of the house had been awake and saw the space battle on TV. When the ships exploded he'd gone out to watch the rain of Debris from space. When a chunk came flying down to land in his yard, he'd dove for cover. As he pulled himself out of the snow, he saw the smallish crater and the smoke rising from it. Inching closer he small the small bit of metal debris there.

Glancing to the heavens he grinned and once it was cool enough he picked it up to carry it inside, and got on the internet to tell everyone about it. He placed the object in the garage, not thinking it was dangerous but if it had a ton of radiation on it or something he didn't want it in the house with the kids. It was placed on a work bench beside a drink machine that he kept out there and a fridge. Also... adjacent to all the tools.

As the human crowed about witnessing the space battle (From earth) and the bit of space junk that rained down, the bit of space junk itself twitched again. It then rolled over... and over again and across the bench till it came into contact with the soda-machine.

In an instant, the consciousness was transferred and the Soda machine lit up. There was a rumble inside as the alien consciousness took over the mechanical workings of the machine. It whirred, it clunked things moved inside as they were accessed explored and tried out. After a few minutes it went silent.

Then it went crazy. Noise filled the garage and the human heard it from with in the house. Getting his shot gun he went to investigate. Had aliens come to reclaim their bit of space stuff? Oh this wasn't funny at all. Entering the garage he inched around the SUV. The space junk was gone off the work bench but the drink machine was lighting up.

"Um.... Freeze!!" The guy aimed the shot gun at the drink machine. Which caused it to lurch and shudder and move across the floor. The human screamed and shot it. BOOM!

That proved to be a tragic mistake. The drink machine took the shot to the side and stopped moving. The human inched closer. Suddenly the Machine turned. "CHA-CHOOM! A can of Dr Pepper fired out at immense velocity and hit the man in the head, hard enough to crack his skull and send him flying back into the wall. The machine lurched and suddenly a leg came froth from the side. Then an arm. Another arm and another leg. It stood. Morphing into roughly a humanoid shape. One arm formed like a mini gun, but with barrels big enough to shoot out cans of soda. Blinking lights for eyes looked around the garage and then it went about assimilating the tools and such there. Before it was done it had done so with the SUV as well.

Police responded to the home an hour or two later. The space junk had been tracked by Norad and the guy's posting on Facebook and crowed about finding the space junk, then "hearing something in the garage" and going to investigate. He'd never returned. When the police arrived they approached the garage with guns out and lifted the door.

The machine, or "The Doctor of Pepper" as it now considered itself came tearing out of the garage on tank tred type legs. The cops opened fire on it and the Doctor returned fire. CHOOM CHOOM CHOOM CHOOM! Hitting the cops in the face or chest with the soda cans, knocking them down, out, or out for ever depending. It rammed into a police cruiser and flipped it out of the way as it tore down the street, escaping into the night.

Over the next few weeks and months, it learned of the human race though tv and intercepted transmissions. It's learned that it's actions that first night were not very social and the Dr Feels kinda bad about it. In his defense the human DID shoot him first. Cops too. Still he feels pretty terrible about it all and has decided to join the earth's super heroes, to make up for the actions of self defense that he engaged in on the first night on this planet.

He uses his innate powers to camouflage himself when needed, forming back into the Dr Pepper Soda machine. Sometimes in very strange places. His other abilities give him a veriety of options to help the superhero community.

Techno Form:
Allows the Doctor to assume a roughly humanoid form, comprised of machine parts and what not, looking robotic.
Immune to mind altering powers, drugs, poisons and disease
Perfect sight, long range sight, night vision,
Superhuman strength
Increased AR and SDC : AR:13, SDC:400 (Eating 10lbs of metal heals 4D6sdc, per10lbs eaten)
Immune to Gasses, poisons, toxins, diseases, cold based attacks, and vaccume. Doesn't need to breathe.
Vehicular Transformation: From a sports car to a battle tank but doesn't often use this option

Alter Limbs:
Body Weapons Modified: Stabby, cutty, poky, hacky weapons at +1D6 on top of their normal damage
Mechanical Body Weapons: Everything from a pencil sharpener to a rifle, or grenade launcher.
Shield arms:
Stretch limbs: Triple normal length.
Locomotion and limbs: Can create wheels and tank treds,

Gun Limbs: Seems redundant, but having this power means that the gun limbs don't always have to take Hit points to load. Which is good. After second or third level you can create enough bullets per round 'free' so all your attacks could be used with it.

Mechanical Awareness: Allows him to know about the machines around him and gives a good number of bonus and such.

Energy Expulsion: EMP
Look upon me and tremble ye masses. For I am The Necroposter!
keir451 wrote:Amazing Nate; Thanks for your support!

Razzinold wrote:And the award for best witty retort to someone reporting a minor vehicular collision goes to:
The Oh So Amazing Nate!

Nate, you sir win the internet for today! You've definitely earned the "oh so amazing" part of your name today. :lol:
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Maximum Potential (Major) by JLM2924

The character’s entire being operates at the maximum potential for anything he/she does. All SDC bonus rolls are at their maximum, all hit point rolls are maximum and any bonuses from other powers or skills are at the maximum. Any damage rolls are at the maximum allowed, unless the player wishes to roll then they have the option. Skill rolls are not affected by this ability. This power is NOT affected by Negate Super Powers.

Range: Self
Duration: Constant
Other Bonuses:
+PS (Considered to be Superhuman)
+Critical Range starts at 17-20
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Unread post by taalismn »

jlm2924 wrote:Maximum Potential (Major) by JLM2924

The character’s entire being operates at the maximum potential for anything he/she does. All SDC bonus rolls are at their maximum, all hit point rolls are maximum and any bonuses from other powers or skills are at the maximum. Any damage rolls are at the maximum allowed, unless the player wishes to roll then they have the option. Skill rolls are not affected by this ability. This power is NOT affected by Negate Super Powers.

Range: Self
Duration: Constant
Other Bonuses:
+PS (Considered to be Superhuman)
+Critical Range starts at 17-20

So in short, rather than roll for something, if the book stat for something is 4d6, he just goes straight to 24, and for something like 1d4x100, it's automatically 400? Might want to include that for a couple examples.

I could see a Liability/Drawback(Major) version of this: something like Glass Jaw, or Massively Fragile, in which attacks on the character that actually hit do the MAXIMUM damage for the attack(and god help you if it's a Critical!)
"Trouble rather the Tiger in his Lair,
Than the Sage among his Books,
For all the Empires and Kingdoms,
The Armies and Works that you hold Dear,
Are to him but the Playthings of the Moment,
To be turned over with the Flick of a Finger,
And the Turning of a Page"

--------Rudyard Kipling
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Unread post by jlm2924 »

Drawbacks?! Really? Is there a source or a post that lists them? I'd really like to look at that. Are the drawbacks (asides from the Achilles Heel for Mega Heroes) a house rule thing?
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