Shemarrian-related fan creations

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Re: Shemarrian-related fan creations

Unread post by taalismn »

kronos wrote:Archus Mantis.

:nuke: :ok: :ok: :ok:

I guess it's early Christmas on this thread, because I got a couple to post:

Okay, this owes its genesis to one of 89er’s brain-flips a while ago, and some notes he’s sent to me over the years since he first mentioned the idea. Wanting to plug the (WIP) hole in the Warmount list, I’ve struggled to figure out how to make 89er’s broad brush-strokes into gameable stat-reality.
Well, this thing’s been long in coming, and a real nightmare to figure out how to do, but bloodminded persistence has paid off, I believe, at least to my satsifaction. And so, without further hmming and hawing...

*EcoS-K-94 Burblewrack
(aka ‘Kingslayer’, ‘Krakenwolf’, ‘Tirefighter’, ‘Nettle-tangler’,’Spiker-Wyrm’)

“Going hand to hand with one of these things is like wrestling a giant wormwraith or ball of necro-eels!”

“Try not to stare too long or too hard at that Horrorhunter’s ride; I’ve had two field guards already upchuck from motion sickness just eyeballing the critter.”

Since the start of the 110 PA demon/deevil offensive, the defenders of Rifts Earth and beyond have looked for any edge to overcome the tide of supernatural horror. Relentless study of the Apocalypse plagues have not only saved lives, but have given morally grey minds a new means of killing supernatural predators. Achilles Syndrome, Metabolic Degeneration Syndrome, Mystic Blight and Mind Burn all have interesting capabilities, but needed to be used without the risk of regular viral weapons. Enter the Burblewrack, a warmount designed to hunt down, disable and kill supernatural leading figures(This has earned it the nickname of ‘Kingslayer’). Equipped with nanite impregnated weapons that duplicate the effects of some apocalypse plagues and a corrosive/sonic breath weapon, this fabricated apex predator is new and will inspire fear long after the Minion War is resolved.
The Burblewrack is a high-end Warmount devised to fight Minions and a range of other supernatural foes. The Burblewrack’s appearance is particularly striking and fantastical; a Jabberwocky or wolf-dragon of legend out of an automotive wonderland, skinned in a thick covering of what looks like shredded and compressed TIRES. However, the tire covering seems to be constantly in motion, even when the Warmount is standing still, in a manner that many observers have described as ‘disturbing’(one witness compared it to a ‘boil of black eels’ or a ‘giant wormwraith’). The Burblewrack’s black skin actually constitutes some of the most impressive physical protection available to any Warmount’s, in its resistance to a variety of different threats, and its fabrication is reportedly one of the more difficult aspects of the Warmount’s manufacture. The outer covering is capable of limited shapeshifting and is particularly resistant to physical attacks, such as kinetic strikes, and can even separate into short tendrils that can be thrown around a target at short range to entangle, bind, and crush. Worse yet, these tendrils bring the target into close proximity to the Burblewrack’s concealed internal structure, which seems lined with various studs, blades, and injectors for bringing a variety of different substances to bear on the entangled victim. When facing supernatural opponents, this variety of different potential attacks allows the Burblewrack to test for substance vulnerabilities, or weak spots in a creature’s protective hide or armor, and apply appropriate poisons and pressure.
The Burblewrack can be ridden externally by a rider, or the rider can lay in a cavity on the Warmount’s back and be protectively coccooned by the blackskin tendrils.
The downsides of the Burblewrack are that its complexity makes it difficult to manufacture, limiting its deployment to elite horrorhunter units and individuals, and its narrow specialization. It is, as a grappler, notably lacking in long range firepower, aside from its heavy-model laser eyes. This shortcoming can be a serious liability if its opponents have defense in depth or ranged attacks, so the Burblewrack works best if accompanied by other Warmounts carrying artillery(‘weaponed-up’ Gunkyards, for example) that can pin down a target or surpress any protectors while the Burblewrack closes for the kill.
Originally introduced by the Nightmares, the Burblewrack has also appeared in the ranks of the Horrorwoods, Wayfinders, and Wolf’s Path as part of their more zealous monster hunter teams. A number of Domimatrixes have also chosen the fetish-looking Burblewrack as their warmount of choice.

Type: EcoS-K-94 Burblewrack
Class: Robotic Warmount
Crew: None; robot intelligence
1 rider/pilot, and room for 1 passenger
MDC/Armor by Location:
Main Body 560
Head 290
Tentacles(60) 5 each
Legs(4) 200 each
Tail 200
Height: 20 ft
Width: 15 ft
Length: 26 ft
Weight: 8.5 tons
Cargo: Small space inside/beside the saddle-seat for a few personal possessions and sidearms.
Physical Strength: Equivalent to Robotic P.S. of 50
Powerplant: Nuclear w/ 20 year energy life
Speed: (Running) 90 MPH
(Leaping) Springy jumper; can manage a standing jump of 15 ft up/25 ft across. DOUBLE height and distance with a running start in excess of 45 MPH.
(Climbing) Good climber; can climb with the skill equivalency of 75%
(Flying) Not possible
(Space) Not possible
(Underwater) Fairly capable underwater; can swim at 16 MPH, maximum depth of 5,000 ft.

Market Cost: Exclusive to the Ecotroz-Shemar
Systems of Note:
Full optical systems, laser targeting, passive nightvision, telescopic vision, thermal imaging, infrared, ultraviolet, and polarization filters. Also has motion and heat detection, built-in radar( 60 mile range) and other standard power armor-equivalent systems. Additional/special sensors may be built in by the creating Spinsters or at the behest of individual riders/owners.

*PPE Sensors---The Burblewrack has special sensors to detect its chosen prey.
-Kirillian Vision Optics(effective range of 4,000 ft)
-Sense PPE
-See the Invisible
-See Auras

*Bionic Cybernanite Repair Systems---ALL Burblewracks have the same bionic nanotech repair system that the Ecotroz Shemar have refitted themselves with, and which is becoming the standard among NeShemar as well. These systems repair 6d6 MD per hour, and can repair 240 MDC before needing material stocks to convert to MD repair material.

*Nano/Chemical Manufactory----The Burblewrack has a limited ability to synthesize its own chemical ammunition stocks. The Burblewrack can slowly regenerate most of its Apoc Plagues(although even then, some of them require special materials), and the corrosive acids for its breath-weapon. It can also generate its own detachable stud-blades.

*Kinetic Resistant Armor---The ‘soft’ armor skinning and network of underlying fluid conduits and air bladders actually helps dissipate kinetic attacks. Takes HALF damage from falls, punches, kicks, projectiles, and concussive attacks.

*Chemically Inert Armor Skinning---The composite skinning resists chemical attacks, such as corrosives. Acid/corrsive chemical attacks do NO damage.

*Magic Shielding---An internal webbing of stabilized ectoplasm provides the Burblewrack with a limited form of shielding against magic attacks. Magical energy attacks are reduced in damage by 1/3, and the riders get to save +1 versus magic that might otherwise affect them.

Weapons Systems:
1) Eye Lasers(2)---Standard Shemarrian heavy eye lasers.
Range: 4,000 ft
Damage: 4d6 MD single shot, 1d4x10 MD for a pulse burst
8d6 MD dual shot, 2d4x10 MD for a dual pulse burst(counts as one attack)
Rate of Fire: EPCHH
Payload: Effectively Unlimited
Bonus: +4 to strike

2) Apoc Plague Injectors---The Burblewrack mounts injector needles in both its mouth(fangs) and in its concealed body blades. The chemical injectors are used to inject targets with a variety of chemical, biological, and nanotechnological agents that imitate, to varying degrees, the various Minion War plagues, only the latter are meant to disrupt supernatural physiologies:

-’Shredskin’----Inspired by Achilles Syndrome. These are nanites programmed to go after certain long molecules associated with megadamage biologies, and break them down at the molecular level. The result is that megadamage flesh and skin undergoes a breakdown and weakening, like a biological version of the Armorbane spell. The skin becomes patchy and discolored, and may start to crack and flake, and the victim may start exfoliating. Some victims also complain of deep bone aches.
Incubation: 1d4 minutes
Duration: 8d6 hours
Damage: Reduce MDC by 20%, and critical damage rolls against the victim drop by -1d4(so if an attacker normally can only do critical damage on a natural 20 with an attack, and the victim is at -2, the attacker need only roll a natural 18-20 for a critical. Gets worse if the attacker has only modifiers for critical damage). Injuries to the skin take 50% longer to heal.
Treatment: Specially programmed counter-nanites, or generous use of Purge spells.

-’Brainshock’--- The technological equivalent of Mind Burn. It consists of suspended psylite crystals that will each let off a quick piezoelectric charge when exposed to active ISP. The result is an internal electrical shock every time the victim tries to use a psionic ability.
Incubation: 1d4 melees
Duration: 8d6 hours
Damage: Every time a psionic ability is activated, the victim is wracked with acute pain and convulsions. Victims lose all initiative, HALF APMS, NO bonuses, and -20% to all skill rolls. If the victim loses 3 rolls in a row, they must then roll under their P.E. to keep from passing out. With regards to their psionics, the victim must roll versus psionic attack, no bonuses,. On a successful save, the psionic power still works that activation, but all aspects of it are HALVED. If a failure, the psionic power fizzles and the victim lapses into shuddering and groaning as they suffer what feels like a massive migraine.
If not treated, victims must make a roll versus non-lethal poison(16 of better) or suffer the following long-term damage: -1 to initiative, - 1 to Perception., and -3% to skills requiring tactile senses(like Pick Pockets or Pick Locks).
Treatment: Specially programmed counter-nanites, or generous use of Purge spells. Note that using any sort of healing or even diagnostic psionics will effectvely cause a flare-up, even if the active ISP is coming from an external source.

-’Gamma-Rot’--- The technological equivalent of Metabolic Degeneration Syndrome, only using radioactive particles to impede a supernatural creature’s ability to regenerate; same effects as U-rounds.
Incubation: 1d4 minutes
Duration: 8d6 hours
Damage: The injection itself does an additional 25% more damage to the target, due to intense irradiation at the point of injection. Normal super-regenerative abilities are curtailed, and healing magic cast from externally will do only HALF effect. Even after the radioactive material has been flushed from the body, the damage already done will take longer to heal; seconds become hours, hours become weeks. The victim can also be tracked via the faint radiation trace they emitt.
Treatment: Specially programmed counter-nanites, or generous use of Purge spells.

-’Quicksilver Plague’--- In similar fashion to Gamma-Rot, this APlague uses silver dust to cause an allergic reaction in beings susceptible to such. The damage isn’t initially as great as a greater concentration of the material in a more solid form, such as a blade, but the plague-venom has the advantage of being moved by the target’s own circulation system(if any), and the finer distribution leads to debilitating side effects.
Incubation: Instant
Duration: 8d6 hours
Damage: Beings susceptible to silver will suffer a serious allergic reaction, breaking out in boils and rashes that is distracting and irritating. HALF all hand to hand bonuses and actions per melee. A silvery film forms on the eyes(if any), cutting perception rolls by HALF and causing partial blindness. Damage is 1d4 HP/MDC per melee according to the sort of beast the target is. Normal super-regenerative abilities are curtailed.
Treatment: Specially programmed counter-nanites, or generous use of Purge spells.

-’BloodRust’ Nano---This would be nanites carrying particles of Cold Iron...get inside an Infernal and start scouting for vulnerable organs to contaminate. As with the Quicksilver, Bloodrust doesn’t do as much damage initially as a greater concentration of the material in a more solid form, such as a blade, but the plague-venom has the advantage of being moved by the target’s own circulation system(if any), and the finer distribution leads to debilitating side effects.
Incubation: 1d8 minutes
Duration: 8d6 hours
Damage: If susceptible to Iron, the victim suffers symptoms akin to anemia; reduce P.E. and P.E.-based bonuses by HALF. Damage is 1d4 HP/MDC per melee according to the sort of beast the target is. Normal super-regenerative abilities are curtailed.

-‘Bloodfire’ is a form of genetically altered bacteria using DNA from negapsychics, and is meant to emulate Mystic Blight. Injected into a supernatural opponent, the bacteria react badly to ambient PPE and cause intense fever, rising to thermal chemical reactions that burn the creature from the inside out.
Incubation: 1d4 minutes
Duration: 8d6 hours
Damage: MDC for supernatural creatures is reduced by 10%. Victims with high PPE(30 or more points) will be afflicted with a persistant fever, the higher the PPE, the higher the fever, and takes 1d4 HP/MD(depending on what the creature is--see modifiers below) per hour from cell damage. Victim will be -1 to initiatve, strike, parry, dodge, and perception, and speed will be reduced by HALF while staggering under the infection load.
Normal PPE level is HALVED for the duration of the infection.
Every time a magic ability is used or spell cast, the Bloodfire flares up, doing 2d6 HP/MDC damage(based on what the creature is.
Non-magical beings. psychics, and ‘mundanes’ are unaffected .
Magic Users and other beings who have ‘learned’ or artificially acquired magical abilities(including tattoos and bioborg implants), but who can otherwise survive without magic present are affected, but the effects aren’t as dramatic. They do NOT get a save versus the disruption because all of their effort has gone into OPENING themselves to the supernatural and embracing their magical potential. They take normal damage as for the weapon’s damage rating.
Supernatural Creatures who possess some small measure of magical ability will suffer a greater degree of damage/injury. ...normal damage x1.5. Gargoyles, Brodkil, Lycanthropes, Shapeshifters(including Nightspawn), Possessees, Shifters, and Witches, are all examples of beings in this category. Note that if these beings were to possess bionics or other conditions that NEGATE their magical abilities(like Brodkil bionics) they lose this vulnerability, and are NOT affected, taking damage only as normal. These beings do NOT get a saving roll versus the PPE disruption.
‘High’ Supernatural Beings with a high level of, and reliance on, PPE will suffer greatly, taking DOUBLE damage. This includes Dragons, Angels, Demons, Splugorth, Faerie Folk, Demi-Gods. However, these beings DO get a roll to SAVE(same as save vs magic) versus their own PPE backfiring on them. A successful roll to save HALVES the damage done to them.
Creatures of Pure Magic that cannot survive without magic are the most seriously affected, and take TRIPLE damage. This covers Alien Intelligences and god-beings. However, these beings DO get a roll to SAVE(same as save vs magic) versus their own PPE backfiring on them. A successful roll to save NEGATES the damage done to them.
Treatment: Generous use of Purge spells or Cure Illness. However, the introduction of even healing magic PPE will trigger the bacteria, causing 2d6 HP/MDC(no modifiers).

Range: Melee
Damage: 1 SDC-1d6 MD vibro-needle. Additional damage varies by apoc substrate.
Rate of Fire: ECHH(combined with other attacks)
Payload: 50 doses of up to 6 different chemicals each(or 300 applications total). The Burblewrack CAN slowlu regenerate its stocks of Apoc Plagues, all except the Gamma-Rot, but all of the APlagues require special materials which may not always be readily available.
In general, the Burblewrack can formulate 1 dose of Apoc Plague per hour, making a full restocking a tedious enterprise. Thus, most Burblewracks prefer to travel as part of a support team, with dedicated resupply or material-refining support warmounts as backup.

3) Audio Corrosive Breath Weapon:---A combination weapon, mounted in the throat; the Burblewrack can fire off a concentrated sonic attack that also pushes out pulse-waves of corrosive aerosol. The audible aspect of the sonic attack sounds like a very high-pitched squeal of tires, while the chemical attack leaves an acrid smell in the air, not unlike burning rubber.
Being a fine aerosol mist rather than a concentrated stream, the acid component of the attack does less damage than it might otherwise do, but the shock of the acoustic attack will often mask the tingling burning of the corrosive, delaying appropriate countermeasures being taken in timely fashion.
Note: The acid component is ineffective underwater.
Range:(Sonic) 2,000 ft
(Corrosive) As a shockwave-driven mist, has the same range as the sonic attack, plus can be spread to a 30 ft wide area. As a concentrated stream, has only a 120 ft range.
Damage: (Sonic) 1d6x10 MD per blast, plus 3d6 MD to a 10 ft diameter area around the blast area(double damage and range underwater), plus targets are struck by painful sonic sidebands. Reduce speed by 10%. -1 attack per melee, -3 to perception rolls, -2 on initiative, -1 to parry/dodge/pull punch, and -15% on performance of ALL skills for 1d4 melees.
(Corrosive) Aerosol wave does 2d6 MD first round, and 1d6 MD per melee for 2d4 melees.
Concentrated stream does 3d6 MD first round, and 2d4 MD per melee for 2d4 melees.
Rate of Fire: ((Sonic) ECHH
(Corrosive) ECHH
Payload:(Sonic) Effectively Unlimited
(Corrosive) 50 shots, and CAN regenerate reserves of the acid at a rate of 10 shots per hour.

4) Chemical Sprayer---Seams and concealed micropores in the ‘tire’ armor can mist a cloud of more conventional chemical agents around the Burblewrack.
Range: 150 ft range
Damage: Varies by chemical
Rate of Fire: ECHH
Payload: 50 doses of up to 6 different chemicals each(or 300 applications total). The Burblewrack does NOT have an onboard microfac to replenish the reservoirs.

5) Chemical Injectors----With a claw, bite, or successful entangle, the Burblewrack can inject its target with various chemicals(the Apoc Injectors are a separate system).
Range: Melee
Damage: 1 SDC-1d6 MD vibro-needle. Additional damage varies by chemical
Rate of Fire: ECHH(combined with other attacks)
Payload: 50 doses of up to 6 different chemicals each(or 300 applications total). The Burblewrack does NOT have an onboard microfac to replenish the reservoirs.

6) Internal Stake-Studs---The stiff inner structure of the Burblewrack is lined with various sharp studs(about 500), not unlike a cyborg’s knuckle blades. These are made of varying substances, such as silver, cold iron, or wood. When the Burblewrack entangles a target, these studs are pressed into contact with the prisoner, ideally pressing through the skin. About 250 of them can be detached, to be left stuck inside the target like an irritating thorn or cactus needle.
Range: Melee
Damage: Typically adds 1d4 SDC to 1d4 MD to a body block/ram or entangle/squeeze, plus any potential material allergic reaction in the target, especially if multiple(typically 1d10) blades are pressed into the target.
Payload: 500 studs, 250 of them detachable. Unless the stud-blades are made of particularly exotic materials, the Burblewrack can easily repair/regenerate more, at a rate of 10 per hour(silver studs will require a supply of silver, and Cold Iron and wooden stakes will require access to iron and wood, of course).

7) Bite ---The Burblewrack has a ‘horribly flexible’ jaw, as one observer put it, and it can expand or contract, and perform a squeeze-bite worthy of an anaconda.
Range: Melee
Damage: 5d6 MD

8.) Claws/Tail Baldes---The Burblewrack’s legs and tail mount extendable silver-bladed ‘ripper’ vibroclaws.
Range: Melee
Damage: +3d6+4 MD to kicks/pounces/tail lashes, plus the jagged wounds take twice as long to heal for beings susceptible to silver.

9) Tendrils---The skin tendrils of the Burblewrack can strangle and crush targets. The ‘Burblewrack Hug’, taken in combination with its Apoc Injectors and Stake-Studs, is to be feared.
Range: 8 ft reach
Damage: Tentacle Slash 3d6 MD
Tentacle Crush/Squeeze 6d6 MD

The Ecotroz have installed robotic AIs, then infected the matrix with a low-level Ecotroz sentience.
Has the basic Monstrex programming, plus the following:
Lore: Demons and Monsters 60%(+5% per level of experience for Ecotroz entity)
Biology 50%(+5% per level of experience for Ecotroz entity)
Nuclear, Biological, Chemical Warfare 50%(+5% per level of experience for Ecotroz entity)
The Ecotroz entity can also pick up one Secondary skill at levels 2, 6, and 12 of experience, though the nature of the Burblewrack intelligence and design is such that it is limited to skill selections from Technical: Language(understanding) and Lore, Espionage(Detect Ambush, Detect Concealment), Wilderness(Track Humanoids, Track Animals, Hunting, Identify Plants and Fruits).
Actions/Attacks Per Melee: 9(!)
Initiative +2 (+1 from the Ecotroz entity for a total of +3)
Dodge +6, +8 to dodge when running in excess of 75 MPH.
Strike +4 (+3 w/ ranged weaponry)
Roll +6
Pull +4
Entangle +7
Disarm +4
Break Hold +5(the squirming exterior of the Burblewrack makes it difficult for others to grapple it in return)
Head Butt 1d6 MD
Bite 5d6 MD
Restrained Kick/Claw 1d4 MD
Claw 3d6 MD
Power Claw(2 attacks) 1d6x10 MD
Body Block/Tackle 2d6 MD plus 1-75% chance of knocking opponents of 2,500 lbs or less down/over(victim loses initiative and 2 melee attacks, and -2 to all combat bonuses when fighting the Warmount from a prone position
Leap Attack(2 attacks) 4d6 MD plus 1-80% chance of knocking opponent down/over(victim loses initiative and 2 melee attacks, and -2 to all combat bonuses when fighting the Warmount from a prone position)
Tentacle Slash 3d6 MD
Tentacle Crush/Squeeze 6d6 MD
Tail Lash 2d4 MD

Note: The Ecotroz intelligence fragment inhabiting the ‘bot gives the Burblewrack an aura and behavior more befitting a sentient being than a robot. Burblewracks come across as fearless, merciless hunters and predators, who will unhestitatingly charge fearsome opponents to grapple with them, but also know how to remain patient and lie in wait for an opportune ambush.
Has the following Natural Psionic Abilities(no ISP Cost), all equivalent to 6th level with regards to proficiency, but DOUBLE the range.
*Sixth Sense
*See Aura
*Presence Sense
*Sense Evil

The Ecotroz fragment does occasionally need sleep/rest...though they only need 2 hours of rest/meditation per 24 hours...they can push this, going without for as many days as they have I.Q. points(most Warmounts, unless otherwise noted, have an effective IQ rating of 8, while the Burblewrack has an I.Q. of 13, high animal cunning as befits its predator nature), but will have to go dormant for 4d6 hours after such exertion.
Susceptible to Exorcism and Banish spells, but are +6 to save against such spells, +1 at levels 4, 8, and 12 of experience, and becoming IMMUNE at level 14 and up. Such Banishment causes the ‘bot to revert to its default robot programming. (OPTION: Ecotroz may become IMMUNE to Exorcism and Banishment with experience, and NEW BUILT EShemar constructs are immune to this)

Note also that the Ecotroz-possessed ‘bot can infect other bots with the Ecotroz viral-entity, by bite or sustained touch(takes 3 attacks).

*Pneumatic Guns(1-4)---Sometimes refered to, for some obscure reason, as ‘Sims-Dudleys’ or ‘Zalenskis’, these ranged weapons use high pressure compressed air to fire 40mm grenade rounds. An attempt to give the Burblewrack additional long-ranged firepower, they are a mixed success as the slow velocity of the rounds means they can often be dodged, high winds can blow them off trajectory, and the inflation swelling of the warmount’s flanks just prior to firing is a dead giveaway of imminent attack. Also caharcterized by a loud belching sound.....#BBBBLLLPPPHHTTTTT#...sounds like the world’s biggest whoopee-cushion, only the Infernals are the butt of the punchline.
Range: 3,000 ft
Damage:(Chemical) Varies by chemical, but typically covers a 50 ft radius
(Fragmentation) 4d6 MD to blast area of 12 ft
(High Explosive/Armor Piercing) 1d4x10 MD to blast area of 3 ft
Rate of Fire: Four times per melee
Payload: 50 rounds per gun, any combination of munitions

*Striker Tentacles---This adds extra-long tentacles(up to six) that can be carried coiled around the Burblewrack’s body, but which unfurl to strike with near-lightning speed to lance or entangle targets.
MDC: 100
Length: 25 ft
Robotic P.S. of 50
Damage: Punch/Kick 3d6 MD
Power Punch(2 attacks) 1d6x10 MD
Crush w/ Tentacle 4d6 MD per melee of pressure

The Burblewrack is so specialized that no variants have yet appeared.
"Trouble rather the Tiger in his Lair,
Than the Sage among his Books,
For all the Empires and Kingdoms,
The Armies and Works that you hold Dear,
Are to him but the Playthings of the Moment,
To be turned over with the Flick of a Finger,
And the Turning of a Page"

--------Rudyard Kipling
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Re: Shemarrian-related fan creations

Unread post by taalismn »

And now that we have 117 Warmounts, and he Vespas have added an insectoid cyborg, the Wolf's Path gets to add a cyborg... :D

Asenan NeShemar Transformation(Wolf’s Path)
(aka ‘Maneden’, ‘Kantarangals’)

“Sister Fang-Sharpener, when a refugee is given over to you to heal, we expect you to do exactly that...heal the fleshie, not anything else.”
“I did that. I just took advantage of the opportunity to enhance her health as well.”
“Then explain to me why the human girl we brought in last night is now a white direwolf running frantically along the camp perimeter, howling madly?”
“Once she calms down, she should be able to switch back to her human form easily enough. But that vigor of hers should be proof enough that I healed her up right.”
“The fact that she can change into a cybernetically-enhanced wolf is proof enough that you did more than that to her!”
“Oh yes, I’m very pleased with my little ‘White Mane’. So energetic right after regeneration! Why, it took her only moments to slip into her Kantaran form! I am so hoping that she meets Amarak. I think they’d hit it off nicely together.”
“Amarak’s your experimental male NeShemar Channide conversion, isn’t he? One of the ones who brought the girl in?”
“Ah yes, he is and he did. Such a lonely boy, though. Not unlike her, from what we’ve learned, yes? They already have so much in common, and he can help teach her about her new abilities!”
“ altered a patient’s physiology without their consent into an artificial lycanthrope in order to give one of your other experiments a GIRLFRIEND?!”
“You already said the girl had the mark of the wolf on her when you gave her into my care. I just accelerated her adoption into the Tribe. The fact that we already have potential companionship on hand to smooth her adjustment is just happy coincidence or good planning, no?”
“Well, I think we may see your sunny little scenario put to the test. Your Amarak’s one of the ones trying to keep her from hurting herself, and she seems to have recognized him, and associates him with her current state. As of right now, she’s chasing him, with apparent intent to murder, or at least seriously maim.”

“-ack!....No matter how many times I do it, I still can’t get used to some of the sensations of Changing. Especially the part where the tail retracts back into my spine. I feel like I’ve just been touched in an inappropriate place.”

Biotech is not a technology normally pursued by the EShemar, but when some of their nanotech advances to a certain point, it is virtually indistinguishable from biotechnology and genetic engineering. And though conservative Tribes like the Wolf’s Path normally do not go out if their way to pursue the technology, occasionally they harbor and humor eccentric Tinkers who experiment with such. Apparently inspired by the efforts of other Tribes to bolster the abilities of their minority NeShemar populations with such bio-enhancements as the Vada, Hierodalite, Suzuhachi, Rajeshar , and Lamaid, a senior Wolf’s Path Tinker developed the Asenan Process, named for Asena, a mythical she-wolf of Turkish legend said to have birthed the hybrid founders of the Ashina Clan that would rule pre-Rifts Turkish nomadic empires in Asia Minor.
The Asenan conversion is a NeShemar enhancement, using advanced nanotechnology and radical cellular reengineering to create an artificial werewolf. Using a full-immersion nanite bath, the subject is effectively rebuilt from the bones out. In a radical process one Tinker described as ‘biotechnological origami’, the Asenan can change form into a fully-furred quadruped psuedo-wolf form externally indistinguishable from normal wolves, with a range of enhanced capabilities(at the loss of manipulatory hands and an upright posture).
The advantages of the Asenan conversion is that the recipient remains largely biological(though the more conservative EShemar may consider this a liability), can improve certain traits through physical exercise(rather than rely on technological Upgrades), and retains a mental sense of biological continuity from their previous state, though the transformative abilities make it a toss-up whether the converts retain more of their humanity through the Asenan process. Asenans are still susceptible to the frailties of the flesh, however, though they are more disease-resistant and durable, and heal faster than normal biological human(oid)s.
The majority of Asenan conversions are female(in keeping with the class-name), but the conversion is also available to males. Asenan can mate and reproduce normally(Progen is still favored for breeding, however, due to its external and less inhibiting nature), though their alterations are not passed on to their offspring(this is not true of Progen-assisted conception). Asenans enjoy an almost elite-status among other Wolf’s Path NeShemar, often accorded Alpha Tertius-Toraer or even Huntress-Maerar status, leading shepard-packs of Kantaran, or accompanying expeditionary packs as liaison operatives with outsiders.
The requirements of a specialized nano-conversion chamber over a Cybofab chamber for NeShemar converts makes the Asenan conversion fairly rare, especially with the more resource-strapped sub-packs, but the number of Ansenans is growing in the Wolf’s Path. Word of previously normal human(oids) being taken into the Shemarrian fold and later exhibiting lycanthrope traits has resulted in a number of rumors of ‘Shemarrian werewolves’.

--Animal Metamorphosis(Major)----A combination of radically advanced nanites and reengineered body cells and structures allows the Asenan to instantly switch between a human and a wolf form. In Wolf(Kantaran, in EShemar parlance) mode, the Asenan gains a number of added abilities, such as the sinus cavities expanding in the longer snout to allow for enhanced smelling acuity, and directional ears with greater audio range. The change in either direction takes 15 seconds(1 melee); one convert described it as a ‘hard full-body belch’. Note that clothing does not change with the Asenan, so clothing must be specially fitted to adjust to the new body shape, or abandoned/cached when changing forms.
In Wolf Form, the Asenan gains the following attributes:
Size: 5-6 ft long, 3 ft at the shoulder
Weight: 95-120 lbs(heavier than a natural wolf)
Attribute Bonuses: +2 to P.P.
Speed: Can run at a maximum speed of 55(37.5 MPH)+Spd bonus points from other modifications/skill bonuses. Can Leap 4 ft up/10 ft across, +1 ft per every 2 pts of P.S. Increase height and distance by 50% with a running start.
-Bite 3d6 +4 SDC or 1d4 MD
-Claws 1d4 SDC(see Body Weapons, below)
-Advanced Sense of Smell---Can track by smell 50%+4% per level of experience.
-Advanced Hearing---Hears a higher range of sound(+3 to Initiative, +2 to Dodge, +1 Parry).
-Prowl (+10%)
-Night Vision(800 ft range) equal to cybernetic biosystem eyes.
-HP/SDC/MDC and all other traits/attributes remain unchanged.
Note: Possesses the faculty of speech while in Wolf Form, though the voice may should more animalistic.

--Extraordinary Physical Endurance(Minor)---Asenan transformation makes the recipient a minor megadamage being, via an intermesh through the person’s body, supporting them, reinforcing joints and muscles, and creating a damage-resistant energy armor. The internal mesh also serves to help the transformation.
*Fatigues at 1/10th normal rate
*+1d6+5 P.E.
*Effectively becomes a megadamage being with 4d4x10 MD +2d4 per level of experience.

--Body Weapons---In both human and lupine forms, the Asenan can manifest oversized molecularly sharp claws. 4d4 SDC/MD, plus any P.S. and skill bonuses. +1 on initiative and +2 disarm.

-Physical Transformation---The recipient of a Asenan aug is physically optimized both in human and wolf form. Asenans are said to possess a certain ‘handsome feral good health’. +1d4 P.E., +1d6 P.B., +1d6 SPD, +2d6 Hit Points, +4d6 SDC, and +1d6 to P.S., plus it is considered to be Extraordinary.

-Immune System Enhancement---The same nanites that facilitate such radical physical change, also enhance healing and bolster the immune system. The person heals twice as fast, +5 to save versus poisons/toxins, +8 save versus disease, and +3 save versus Bio-Manipulation attacks. Even on a failed save, the attack, poison, or illness does HALF damage/effect/duration. Unfortunately, this jazzed-up immune system also works just as effectively against GOOD and beneficial drugs and chemicals.

-Mind/Body Attunement---The recipient’s nervous system is amped to be more in tune with themselves; +1 APM, +2 on initiative, +4 save versus Horror Factor, +1 save versus poison and disease, and +2 save versus possession.

-Increased Physical Agility and Dexterity---The thinking seems be that the easiest way to survive damage is to not be hit; that, and lay down hurt on the OTHER guy faster than he can lay down hurt on YOU. Thus, physical agility and responses have been stepped up. Increase P.P. to a minimum of 22, +1 APM, +2 on initiative, automatic dodge, paired weapons, and +5% to physical skills requiring physical dexterity. The character is also ambidextrous.

Total bonuses:
Transformative Form
Body Weapons
*Effectively becomes a megadamage being with 4d4x10 MD +2d4 per level of experience. Also convert HP and SDC to MDC.
+2d6 Hit Points
+4d6 SDC
+1d6 to P.S., plus is considered to be Extraordinary
+1d6+1d4 +5 P.E.
*Fatigues at 1/10th normal rate
+1d6 P.B.
+1d6 SPD
+2 APM
+5 initiative
Increase P.P. to a minimum of 22
Automatic Dodge
+2 disarm
+4 save versus Horror Factor
+1 save versus poison and disease
+2 save versus possession
Heals twice as fast
+5 to save versus poisons/toxins
+8 save versus disease
+3 save versus Bio-Manipulation attacks.
Even on a failed save, the attack, poison, or illness does HALF damage/effect/duration.
W.P. Paired Weapons
+5% to physical skills requiring physical dexterity
"Trouble rather the Tiger in his Lair,
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Re: Shemarrian-related fan creations

Unread post by kronos »

Awesome new additions!
Hmm... I gotta go through the files.. but I don't think we have any armour that changes shape do we? (wearable armour that allows one with shapeshifting to change shape and still wear the armour, and not armour that changes shape.. kind of like the wolves that turn into an exo armour, or the Rapt-Rex that turns into armour).
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Re: Shemarrian-related fan creations

Unread post by guardiandashi »

The Alecians had one that would likely qualify but it was "technically" virtual matter armor I think, which was inspired by holo deck stuff from star trek, basically its energy "mostly" converted into matter, but its not totally stable, so when the projecting (and stabilizing) field cuts off it basically evaporates back into energy and dissipates. It wasn't specifically written up as supporting shifting but that would be as simple as giving the unit more "forms" that the armor can assume.

as far as units that transform and or combine (similar to robotech cyclones I am not sure. I know there was an alecian unit that had limited transformation capabilities, the "virtual armor" and a mass manipulation field generator, so that it can make itself heavier (and lighter) within limits.
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Re: Shemarrian-related fan creations

Unread post by kronos »

guardiandashi wrote:The Alecians had one that would likely qualify but it was "technically" virtual matter armor I think, which was inspired by holo deck stuff from star trek, basically its energy "mostly" converted into matter, but its not totally stable, so when the projecting (and stabilizing) field cuts off it basically evaporates back into energy and dissipates. It wasn't specifically written up as supporting shifting but that would be as simple as giving the unit more "forms" that the armor can assume.

as far as units that transform and or combine (similar to robotech cyclones I am not sure. I know there was an alecian unit that had limited transformation capabilities, the "virtual armor" and a mass manipulation field generator, so that it can make itself heavier (and lighter) within limits.

Are those posted here so they can be uploaded to the wiki (eventuall) ??
Or do they need stats done up for them? I don't think we have much for Clan Alecia.
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Re: Shemarrian-related fan creations

Unread post by guardiandashi »

I posted them a while back but I haven'the kept good records of the things I posted so I may or may not have a copy on my pc
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Re: Shemarrian-related fan creations

Unread post by taalismn »

I don't think the Alecian polymorphic armor was ever posted here...I'd have hardcopy-printed it out and I don't have any such in my paper files.

In the meantime, have another drone:

EcoS-R230 Phoboid Drone
(aka ‘Engball’, ‘Engsphere’, ‘Sky-urchin’, ‘Kitbash Kite’)

“Thought those things would be like shooting skeet outa the air, until I actually came face to face with them! Damn things move faster than I realized, and they were on top of my vehicle before I could get a bead on them! Something futzed up my targeting, and by the time I switched over to mark one eyeball, they had me in in range and were cutting my ride apart! Then they started prying it apart!
Some bright-ass boy designer in Ishpemig really knew what he was doing drawing up those things and programming them. If I could, I’d say as much to him, before slugging him! I’d just made final payments on that personnel carrier!”

“Dragon about three miles to the west...see it? Definitely looks like the one we’re tracking, and he’s run into trouble! Whole bunch of those Engballs have latched onto him and are dragging him down! Swarm more to the southwest there!”
“Damn it, we try to go down there to finish him off and claim the bounty, those ‘drones will likely move to interdict us! All this way, and somebody else gets that damned wyrm right out from in front of us! Okay, we stay and we watch; the bastard goes down and stays down, we turn around and go looking for other work, but if he escapes, he’s still in play and we go after him, and to hell with the ‘Gun or whoever’s running those drones!”

The Phoboid Drone is an odd weapons system developed originally by a Wolf’s Path Tinker playing around with acquired Northern Gun salvage. The Phoboid has since been produced with copied parts as original manufacture, though kitbashed versions from battlefield salvage or depot theft continue to be manufactured.
The Phoboid resembles a large spiny metal ball, only the ball seems constructed of two Northern Gun robot head turrets welded together at the base, with eight laser claw forearms off the NG-V10 Super Labor Robot attached at right angles(though mounted in ball swivels) to the core. Jet thrusters scavenged from hovercycles and hovertrucks are mounted on the bottom and equidistant around the equator of the sphere, and various sensory antennae(yanked from various NG power armors and robot vehicles) are mounted in the spaces between. Internally, the Phoboid’s fire control system is a knockoff of Northern Gun’s NG-JK1 fore control system, allowing the eight weapons arms to easily track multiple fast-moving targets and deal with them effectively.
The Phoboid is a pure combat machine with little provision for any other utility work. It is effective at engaging multiple targets, as its multiple armatures allow it to bring fire to bear on attackers approaching from multiple angles. Occasionally Phoboids may be used to carry cargoes in their grasper claws, or will latch onto airborne opponents to subdue them, but the drones are more often used as aerial pickets and flying point defense.
The fact that the Phoboid is an obvious kludge of Northern Gun parts has allowed the true origin of the design to remain a secret. Most outsiders assume it’s a new Northern Gun robot drone system not yet up for sale, which erks Northern Gun no end, since they can’t claim credit for it! Supposedly they’re secretly working on their own copy to make the rumor reality, which only further muddies the waters, and, if the NG version comes to fruition, would only further play into the EShemarrians’ hands by providing even more confusion, as well as spare parts for them to mooch off Northern Gun!
The Wolf’s Path initially used the Phoboid as a decoy, recon unit, and expendable picket, mainly because they had the most access to Northern Gun salvage, and their operating territory brought them the closest to NG lands. However, it is the Ghost Riders who are believed to make the most use of the design, after acquiring it from the Wolf’s Path. The ‘riders have supposedly manufactured hundreds of these drones for use in defending their enclaves. Several other Tribes have also evinced an interest in the design, including the Obsidian Edge, who have expressed their desire to test the Phoboid against such pest species as the Xiticix.

Type: EcoS-R230 Phoboid
Class: Aerial Sentry Drone
Crew: None; robot intelligence
1 rider/pilot, and room for 1 passenger
MDC/Armor by Location:
Main Body 320
Pulse Laser Claws(8 ) 60 each
Thruster Jets (5) 25 each
Sensor Nodes(8 ) 11 each
Top Sensor Array 35

Height: 6 ft main body; laser claw arms extend out another 4.5 ft each
Width: 6 ft; laser claw arms extend out another 4.5 ft each
Length: 6 ft; laser claw arms extend out another 4.5 ft each
Weight: 1,500 lbs
Cargo: Can carry up to 800 lbs held in the claws
Physical Strength: Equivalent to Robotic P.S. of 30
Powerplant: Nuclear w/ 10 year energy life
Speed: (Running) The Phoboid can walk awkwardly on its lower claws at a speed of 3 MPH.
(Flying) Hover to 320 MPH, maximum altitude of 1,000 ft
(Space) Not possible
(Underwater) Not possible
Market Cost: Exclusive to the Ecotroz-Shemar
Systems of Note:
Full optical systems, laser targeting, passive nightvision, telescopic vision, thermal imaging, infrared, ultraviolet, and polarization filters. Also has motion and heat detection, built-in radar( 10 mile range) and other standard power armor-equivalent systems. Additional/special sensors may be built in by the creating Spinsters or at the behest of individual riders/owners.

*Electronic Countermeasures----The Ghost Riders updated the original Wolf’s Path kludge with a sensor-jamming suit, making it that much harder to hit. 5 mile range. Jams radars and radar targeting systems with 60% effectiveness. Radar-guided weapons are -6 to strike.

*ECCM System---Another addition by the Ghost Riders to prevent the drones from being hacked by others: a semi-automatic system that uses electronic encryption and frequency jumping to (attempt to) negate jamming systems. The system has a 94% chance of negating radar or communications jamming (non-magical) on its own.
Note that this only applies to received communications (the system filters them out from the jamming clutter) and sensory data received by that unit alone (other units cannot make use of it, unless they have an unaffected datalink/info-share with the ECCM equipped unit. Magic/psychic jamming is NOT affected by this system.

Weapons Systems:
1) Pulse Laser Claws(8 )---Taken directly off the NG-V10 Super Labor Robot, complete with claws. Low power and short range, but easily maintained and manufactured, and, with eight of them, very effective as part of a ‘laser thornbush’ array.
Range: 2,000 ft
Damage: (variable) 1d6-6d6 MD per blast
Claw does 3d6 MD
Rate of Fire: ECHH
Payload: Effectively Unlimited

2) Self Destruct---High explosive or plasma charge that does 3d6x10 MD to 35 ft radius, in addition to completely destroying the drone. Kamikazing the drone as a measure of last resort is considered standard doctrine if it is about to be overrun.

Phoboids are programmed as basic combat drones more akin to skelebots in demeanor and behavior than anything else. They have NO peresonalities to speak of.
Typically has the following:
Standard Military Robot military etiquette and ID database, plus:
Radio: Basic 90%
Mathematics: Basic 98%
Read Sensory Instruments 94%
Weapons Systems 90%
Navigation(Air) 94%
The Phoboid has NEVER been Awakened with the Ecotroz

Actions/Attacks Per Melee: 12
Initiative + 3
Dodge +5 while flying
Strike +2 (+3 w/ ranged weaponry)
Parry +6
Roll +4
Pull Punch +3

A number of sub-variants mounting various other weapons, such as machine guns, plasma guns, flame-throwers, and ion blasters, in the claw arms have been observed, but the EShemar prefer the original NG-V10 lasers as they require no ammunition supply and no modification of the original specification pulse laser claw housings. Most observers assume the sub-variants are Northern Gun live fire experiments.

*EcoS-R230B---This version simply replaces the upper claw arms with the longer-ranged/barreled lasers(4,000 ft range, 4d6 MD per blast)

*EcoS-R231---Space-capable version, using ion thrusters and contra-gravity propulsion. In space, it can hit speeds of Mach 6, and is typically deployed as a station defender and ‘space mine’.
"Trouble rather the Tiger in his Lair,
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Re: Shemarrian-related fan creations

Unread post by kronos »

I went through guardiandashi's posts.. and so far I've got info on...
The basic clan stats, Mk 77340 plasma thermite missiles, Ecos-MADMeg-3R, Mk 42 Terror Drone, STU-K5, Alecian basic kit, Mk 47 disruptors, "imploder" missiles, "energy shield" projector, description of hades vortex munitions (no real stats), mention of anti-vampire RG-6000 rounds, mention of Anti-vampire flares, Meganna elite, legacy cruiser, mk4 dreadnaught battleship, megarea's stats, an advanced contra-grav system (adjusts base chassis's weight by upto 50%, nearly undetectable except when mass changes), solid holograms and virtual matter disguise system, a phase cloak system (not stated but talk about how the system phases the cloaked being/object into another dimension and problems of such)..
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Re: Shemarrian-related fan creations

Unread post by taalismn »

kronos wrote:I went through guardiandashi's posts.. and so far I've got info on...
The basic clan stats, Mk 77340 plasma thermite missiles, Ecos-MADMeg-3R, Mk 42 Terror Drone, STU-K5, Alecian basic kit, Mk 47 disruptors, "imploder" missiles, "energy shield" projector, description of hades vortex munitions (no real stats), mention of anti-vampire RG-6000 rounds, mention of Anti-vampire flares, Meganna elite, legacy cruiser, mk4 dreadnaught battleship, megarea's stats, an advanced contra-grav system (adjusts base chassis's weight by upto 50%, nearly undetectable except when mass changes), solid holograms and virtual matter disguise system, a phase cloak system (not stated but talk about how the system phases the cloaked being/object into another dimension and problems of such)..

Soumds about right...all high end stuff..
I wonder if the armor was part of the NPC, and may have been posted on some other forum.
"Trouble rather the Tiger in his Lair,
Than the Sage among his Books,
For all the Empires and Kingdoms,
The Armies and Works that you hold Dear,
Are to him but the Playthings of the Moment,
To be turned over with the Flick of a Finger,
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Re: Shemarrian-related fan creations

Unread post by guardiandashi »

kronos wrote:I went through guardiandashi's posts.. and so far I've got info on...
The basic clan stats, Mk 77340 plasma thermite missiles, Ecos-MADMeg-3R, Mk 42 Terror Drone, STU-K5, Alecian basic kit, Mk 47 disruptors, "imploder" missiles, "energy shield" projector, description of hades vortex munitions (no real stats), mention of anti-vampire RG-6000 rounds, mention of Anti-vampire flares, Meganna elite, legacy cruiser, mk4 dreadnaught battleship, megarea's stats, an advanced contra-grav system (adjusts base chassis's weight by upto 50%, nearly undetectable except when mass changes), solid holograms and virtual matter disguise system, a phase cloak system (not stated but talk about how the system phases the cloaked being/object into another dimension and problems of such)..

I was thinking of the Meganna as a unit that morphs from a smallish monst-Rex into a humanold unit, equipped with the grav manipulation system, and then add the solid hologram system to generate the virtual and or morphing armor by simply redefining how the armor is shaped in real time.

But I will admit sometimes I want to give the Alecians access to too much of the stuff Alecia encountered and acquired through her personal dimension hopping travels.

I was thinking about having an Alecian super dreadnought battlegroup take out a mechanoid star devourer group for instance in a pyrretic victory (and massive overkill ) but the specific mechanism I was thinking of would likely be Hardcore muchkin to the extreme.

Or would you guys be interested Anyway? It's not something anyone would want to repeat.
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Re: Shemarrian-related fan creations

Unread post by kronos »

guardiandashi wrote:
kronos wrote:I went through guardiandashi's posts.. and so far I've got info on...
The basic clan stats, Mk 77340 plasma thermite missiles, Ecos-MADMeg-3R, Mk 42 Terror Drone, STU-K5, Alecian basic kit, Mk 47 disruptors, "imploder" missiles, "energy shield" projector, description of hades vortex munitions (no real stats), mention of anti-vampire RG-6000 rounds, mention of Anti-vampire flares, Meganna elite, legacy cruiser, mk4 dreadnaught battleship, megarea's stats, an advanced contra-grav system (adjusts base chassis's weight by upto 50%, nearly undetectable except when mass changes), solid holograms and virtual matter disguise system, a phase cloak system (not stated but talk about how the system phases the cloaked being/object into another dimension and problems of such)..

I was thinking of the Meganna as a unit that morphs from a smallish monst-Rex into a humanold unit, equipped with the grav manipulation system, and then add the solid hologram system to generate the virtual and or morphing armor by simply redefining how the armor is shaped in real time.

But I will admit sometimes I want to give the Alecians access to too much of the stuff Alecia encountered and acquired through her personal dimension hopping travels.

I was thinking about having an Alecian super dreadnought battlegroup take out a mechanoid star devourer group for instance in a pyrretic victory (and massive overkill ) but the specific mechanism I was thinking of would likely be Hardcore muchkin to the extreme.

Or would you guys be interested Anyway? It's not something anyone would want to repeat.

Hey.. Clan Alecian is technically your baby.. we all just play with it and provide stats for some stuff (like the Meganna, and basic clan statistics), which may represent the normal versions of those.. or BASE-line versions that see upgrades later using more advanced tech.. meaning the statted versions are only the information the rest of the tribes KNOW of, as in many of the blurbs of information you've provided, the Alecians are secretive and like to horde their really high tech stuff from even the rest of the tribes. So if you want to make up a super dreadnaught that makes the Mk4 Dreadnaught Battleship look like a planetary patrol ship, you can do that (although that would probably make it a little munchkin).

We do have the Meganna statted as being able to change shape into a mini Monst-Rex.. roughly the size of the Shemarrian Wolf, or a bit bigger. Another elite is mentioned in the Clan write up.. the Aleta.. but I can't find stats for this... taalismn, you got anything for this?
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Re: Shemarrian-related fan creations

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"Sister Flashburn, let me get this suborned the munitions production capability of three dozen new Nitroids to produce FIREWORKS?!"
"Seemed appropriate, Happy Fourth of July!"
"I'm sure the Republicans are appreciative...."
"Trouble rather the Tiger in his Lair,
Than the Sage among his Books,
For all the Empires and Kingdoms,
The Armies and Works that you hold Dear,
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Re: Shemarrian-related fan creations

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"Trouble rather the Tiger in his Lair,
Than the Sage among his Books,
For all the Empires and Kingdoms,
The Armies and Works that you hold Dear,
Are to him but the Playthings of the Moment,
To be turned over with the Flick of a Finger,
And the Turning of a Page"

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Re: Shemarrian-related fan creations

Unread post by 89er »

My children live! Thanks taalismn, I realize these were high maintenance. Next warmount will be something less resource intensive.
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Re: Shemarrian-related fan creations

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89er wrote:My children live! Thanks taalismn, I realize these were high maintenance. Next warmount will be something less resource intensive.

8) Ah, they were fun, trying to shoehorn entirely new systems into them. And the 'high maintenance' worked its way into the fluff, giving them enough limitations to keep from going over into Tenth Legion-level munchkinism, and giving them some nice gritty history. Just very aggravating seeing that hole in the list..Though the art for the Burblewrack may take a while(the tire sculptures you based it on are just SO intimidating from my limited artistic skill viewpoint)

Here's some simpler cut-and-paste gear(nice having a large inventory of stuff in my work folder---I can steal from myself!) for the wereborgs out there:

Wolf’s Path Wolfwear and Howlen Sidearms
(aka ‘Howlen Gear’)

“Now I’m no longer stark naked; I’m scantily clad and armed.”

“Actually that’s not much more than you normally wear, and honestly I think it’s truly MORE than you usually wear. Even you have to admit a thong and a bra is less than a teeshirt and hotpants. Okay, that gun’s not meant to be used on your packmates. ”

“Think you can fit a pair of expandable slippers or sandals into the next issue of this gear? The casuals went over well in town, but I still got dismissed with a ‘no shoes, no service’ from all the businesses.”

Howlen Gear is an ensemble of pieces of equipment developed for use by the Wolf’s Path’s transforming members, such as the Channide and Asenan, who had the major problem of losing their clothing when they transformed into wolf form. While this didn’t present a problem in the wilderness or in the environs of a tribal enclave, it could cause problems, or at least embarrassment, in urban settings.
Howlen Gear consists of a body harness of memory-plastic that fits around the wearer in either form. In wolf-form, the straps are thin, and colored to blend with the fur of the wolf-form. When the EShemar or NeShemar shifts to human form, the reactive material in the straps is activated, and the straps expand, extruding fold-out plastic fabric that can be quickly pulled into a halter- or T-shirt top and shorts combo, with connecting suspender straps. The harness also has several small pouches for such amenities as a cred-stick/card or thin wallet/coin bag and other necessities.
Howlen ‘holdout’ guns were also developed* to go with the harness. These are small energy- or projectile-pistols that fold out from a compact buckle-shape that can be easily attached to the harness-webbing, and which give the cyborg or gynoid a holdout ranged weapon to use.
Howlen Gear has become standard(and popular) equipment with Channides and Asenans wanting some holdout equipment for those times they just can’t leisurely disrobe and stow their regular gear, or recover it later.

*(Shemarrian Tinkers were gearing up for a complicated R&D effort when a Wayfinder suggested simply asking the Steel Gaians to order them up some stuff from the Paladin Steel catalogue).

Weight: 4 lbs
MDC: 30 (Armor Rating: 12)
Special Features:
-Adjustable straps
-Elastic gathers
-No encumbrance

Howlen Guns:
*Howlen SheP-01
--- EShemar knockoff of the Paladin Steel PSP-17 ‘Weretta’ Light Automatic Pistol(.08-9mm). Has the added advantage of wereborgs being able to replenish their ammunition supplies from local PS outlets.
Weight: 1.2 lbs
MDC: 6
Range:(.08) 90 ft
(.22) 80 ft
(9mm) 120 ft
Damage:(.08)(Standard) 1d4 SD per round
(Express) 1d6 SD per round

*Poison Darts---These have a small internal reservoir for holding drugs or toxins, to be dispersed inside a living target. PS itself doesn’t sell any poisons, but a variety are available on the open market(and it’s said the Cambridge Jungle tribes have a number of nifty drugs and poisons available). Cost: 40 credits per 100 basic, unfilled, venom rounds.

*MDC Penetrators---These use a more powerful propellant to fire the projectile that much harder, to the point that they each do 1 MD(range is unchanged). Cost: 300 credits per 100 rds

(.22) 1d6 SD per rd or 3d6 SD per 3-rd burst, 6d6 SDC for a six-round burst.
(Wellington/PS Exploders) 3d6 SD per rd or 9d6 SD per 3-rd burst, 1d4x10 SDC for a six-round burst.
(PSX-2) 1d4 MD per rd, a three round burst does 2d4 MD, a six-round burst does 4d4 MD.

(9mm)( Standard 9mm) 3d6 SD per rd
(NEMA-9 Saboted Round) 5d6 SD per rd
(Express Round) 4d6 SD(increase range to 200 ft) per rd
(Ramjet) 1 MD per rd
(Wellington/PS Exploders) 6d6 SD per rd
(PSX-2) 1d4 MD per rd, a three round burst does 2d4 MD, a six-round burst does 4d4 MD.

Rate of Fire: Single shot, 3-shot burst, or 6-shot burst
Payload: (.08) 21 rds
(.22) 12 rds
(9mm) 9 rds

Special Features:
*Transforming Frame---PSP-17s are typically disguised as large pieces of jewelry; a large necklace, amulet, bracelet, or belt buckle, and can transform partially or fully into gun-form for action.

*Sensor Stealthing---The largely composite construction and sealed magazines of the PSP-17s make them resistant to being detected as weapons by most weapons scanners(EM readers and chemical sniffers). Has only a 15% chance of showing up on weapons scanners.

*Howlen ShePDT-02---Dart-gun based on the PSESP09 FeatherDuster ElectroStatic Dart Pistol, only minus the featherduster and electrostatic generator, allowing for greater magazine payload.
Weight: 1 lb
Range: 100 ft
Damage: Dart does 1 SDC + possible drug/toxin effects.
Standard knockout drug renders the victim unconscious within 1d4 melees, unless they save versus non-lethal poison; a successful save means they still will grow woozy within 1d4 melees, and be -2 to strike, parry, and dodge, and -10% to skill rolls for the duration. Drug effects last 4d4 minutes.
(Electroshock Dart) Humanoids struck with this weapon must save vs. coma or be shocked unconscious for 1D6 minutes. EBA defeats it, but partial body armor and heavy clothing provide only partial cover against a taser strike.
Partial Cyborgs have a 50% chance of having their cybernetics disrupted for 1D10 minutes, and a 20% chance of a non-vital system being permanently shorted out. Full conversion cyborgs have only a 25%/5% chance, and Assault Cyborgs and those with hardened systems aren’t affected at all.
Rate of Fire: ECHH
Payload: 18 darts loaded in the hilt.

* Howlen SheLP-03 ---Morphing laser pistol. This is merely a modified knockoff of the Paladin Steel PS(Mc)LR-9 “SunSting’ Mini-Laser.
Weight: 9 ounces
MDC: 5
Range: 1,500 ft
Damage: 2d6 MD per shot
Rate of Fire: ECHH
Payload: 10 shot rechargeable/replaceable power cell. Effectively unlimited if powered by induction by a cyborg/android/gynoid.

*Mini-Laser Spot-Sight---Gives a +1 to strike

*Power Step-Down---Allows the laser power to be stepped down, allowing for a less lethal mode that does only 2d6 SD per shot, without any diminishment in range. One MD shot equals 100 SD shots.

*Scatter-fire---Beam-splitter muzzle modification that generates several less powerful beams, doing 1d6 MD to a 30-degree wide wide arc. Reduce range to 800 ft.

*Power Booster---Additional focusing elements ramp the power of a shot up to 4d4 MD, but reduce effective range to 1,000 ft.

*Blue-Green Frequency Kit---This modifies the ‘SunSting’ to fire more effectively underwater, down to 1,000 ft. Comes with a slip-on casing for the laser that gives the weapon neutral buoyancy if dropped in the water.

*Flash-Blinder---This adds a special power-stepdown chip to the weapon’s power regulation/draw system, and a scattering optic to the barrel. allowing the weapon to produce blinding flashes of light that can temporarily blind those with unprotected optics/eyes. Effects are roughly equal to a Blinding Flash spell. One MD shot equals 200 ‘flash’ shots.

*Howlen SheIP-04---This is merely a modified knockoff of the Paladin Steel PSIP-19 ‘Sparkshot’ Derringer Ion Pistol.
Weight: 8 ounces
Range: 300 ft
Damage: 2d4 MD single shot
(Ion Scatter-Shot Mode) A twist of the barrel converts the ion derringer into a short range shotgun with an area of effect blast. Reduce range to 150 ft, but does 3d6 MD to a 12 ft wide area
Rate of Fire: Standard
Payload: 3 shots. Effectively unlimited if powered by induction by a cyborg/android/gynoid.

*Whips---Whips are also a popular part of Howlen Gear, as they can be easily incorporated into the harness webbing. Again, the EShemar simply raided the Paladin Steel catalogue.

*Conventional Whip---These come in a variety of forms from a variety of subcontracting shops. Most are made of braided leather, but the more ‘modern’ versions are made of braided megadamage monster leather, tendon, or steel cable(sometimes a combination of the two).
Weight: 2-4 lbs
Length: 7-10 ft
Damage: 1d6- 2d6 SDC
Note: Typically takes 15-25 SD to cut through a leather whip, 30-50 SD to cut through a wire/cable whip, and 10-30 MD to cut through an MDC leather/wire/cable whip.
Cost: 50-120 credits depending on materials and craftsmanship. MDC whips will cost 10x more.

*Neural Whip---This is simply a long superconducting cable that acts as an elongated and flexible neural mace with regards to effects.
Weight: 3.4 lbs
Length: 8 ft
Damage: 2d4 SDC
(Neural Zap) Identical to the Neural Mace; 2d4 SDC, and victim must save at 16 or higher is -8 to strike, parry, and dodge, plus speed and actions/attacks per melee are reduced by half, for 2d4 melees, plus 2d4 melees per additional strike. After being struck four times, the victim may be stunned unconscious(42% chance) for 2d4 melees. Upon waking up, the victim continues to suffer the stun penalties for 1d4 minutes.
Note: MDC construction: 25 MDC.

*Adhesor Whip---This whip has small molecular adhesion pads, controlled by a thumb control in the handle, on the end for picking up small objects, trapping and entangling an opponent’s limb(or neck) and even for use as an impromptu climbing grapple. If the user is strong enough, or the entangled person desperate enough to tear free, the molecular adhesion pads can painfully rip off a swath of skin(typically 1d4 SDC).
Damage: 2d4 SDC
Bonuses: +1 Entangle. If used in climbing, adds a +5% to the Climbing skill.
Note: MDC construction: 25 MDC.

*Nemocyst Whip---The whip has an adhesion pad that allows it to stick to exposed flesh, which allows tiny injector ports in its tip to deliver skin-contact poisons or sedatives. A replaceable/refillable reservoir(can hold up to 10 doses) in the handle pumps the chemicals out to the ejector ports.
Damage: 2d4 SDC, plus chemical effects.
Bonuses: +1 Entangle. If used in climbing, adds a +5% to the Climbing skill.
Note: MDC construction: 25 MDC.

*Tendril Whip---Essentially a pared-down robot tentacle; not as strong, and it requires its user to supply the initial muscle, but once deployed, it can act like a prehensile limb, wrapping around objects and even constricting with bone-cracking pressure. Requires a head- or wrist-cyberjack to use fully, otherwise all it can do is extend and coil up. This design is popular as a bionic forelimb forearm weapon among melee-fighters.
Weight: 4 lbs
Length: 9 ft
Damage: 2d4 SDC if used as a stabbing weapon, 4d6 SDC per melee for a constricting crush. Has an effective Robotic P.S. rating of 20.
Bonuses: ‘Jacked in, the whip enjoys a +2 to Entangle(in addition to any other bonuses from WP. Whip).
Note: MDC construction: 30 MDC.

*Monomolecular Cutter Whip---’Slicer Wire’ whip that is extremely light and lethal. It can be switched between ‘safe’ mode in which the cutting line is sheathed in a protective casing of fibers, or in ‘open’ mode where the slicer wire can strike targets. The line is also extremely strong; a single whisker-fine fiber can pull up to 60 tons.
Weight: 2 lbs
Length: 12 ft
Damage: In ‘safe’ mode, it does 1d6 SDC, but in ‘open’ mode it does 1d4 MD
Note: MDC construction: 30 MDC.
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Re: Shemarrian-related fan creations

Unread post by kronos »

Love the Mantis art!
And nice new equipment for our shape shifters.. hmm... maybe hawkmoons need a shapeshifter.. wonder what a skullcrusher one would be like.. (besides the Joten and their size changing)
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Re: Shemarrian-related fan creations

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kronos wrote:[.. hmm... maybe hawkmoons need a shapeshifter.. wonder what a skullcrusher one would be like.. (besides the Joten and their size changing)

Funny you should say that...I'm working on a Hawkmoon 'iconic' shapeshifter.
Skullcrusher shapeshifter might wind up looking like a waddling artillery piece...or the Fanstastic Four's Ben Grimm, only done in heavy metal(like, like an animated carcrusher).

Yeah, I was surprised how fast the Mantis flowed out of me....I can see an upgraded, much more detailed mecha-y version in my mind, but it would be based on what you see, which, I feel, is the essential Mantis parts. :bandit:
"Trouble rather the Tiger in his Lair,
Than the Sage among his Books,
For all the Empires and Kingdoms,
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Re: Shemarrian-related fan creations

Unread post by kronos »

taalismn wrote:
kronos wrote:[.. hmm... maybe hawkmoons need a shapeshifter.. wonder what a skullcrusher one would be like.. (besides the Joten and their size changing)

Funny you should say that...I'm working on a Hawkmoon 'iconic' shapeshifter.
Skullcrusher shapeshifter might wind up looking like a waddling artillery piece...or the Fanstastic Four's Ben Grimm, only done in heavy metal(like, like an animated carcrusher).

Yeah, I was surprised how fast the Mantis flowed out of me....I can see an upgraded, much more detailed mecha-y version in my mind, but it would be based on what you see, which, I feel, is the essential Mantis parts. :bandit:

Vespa's first true warmount.. a giant mantis.. wrestling/slicing off the wings of a balrog..
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Re: Shemarrian-related fan creations

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kronos wrote:[

Vespa's first true warmount.. a giant mantis.. wrestling/slicing off the wings of a balrog..

Or rather a more detailed pic of the cyborg Mantis in full combat glory...lotta room on the basic sketches for extra detail gribble.
"Trouble rather the Tiger in his Lair,
Than the Sage among his Books,
For all the Empires and Kingdoms,
The Armies and Works that you hold Dear,
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Re: Shemarrian-related fan creations

Unread post by DhAkael »

kronos wrote:
taalismn wrote:
kronos wrote:[.. hmm... maybe hawkmoons need a shapeshifter.. wonder what a skullcrusher one would be like.. (besides the Joten and their size changing)

Funny you should say that...I'm working on a Hawkmoon 'iconic' shapeshifter.
Skullcrusher shapeshifter might wind up looking like a waddling artillery piece...or the Fanstastic Four's Ben Grimm, only done in heavy metal(like, like an animated carcrusher).

Yeah, I was surprised how fast the Mantis flowed out of me....I can see an upgraded, much more detailed mecha-y version in my mind, but it would be based on what you see, which, I feel, is the essential Mantis parts. :bandit:

Vespa's first true warmount.. a giant mantis.. wrestling/slicing off the wings of a balrog..

Hmm... as far as the Hawkmoon; hawk-headed humanoid were-bird (simmilar to an Asura)? Sphinx styled quadruped w/ wings?
Sapphire Cobra is easy.
Naga. :D
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Re: Shemarrian-related fan creations

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DhAkael wrote:[
Hmm... as far as the Hawkmoon; hawk-headed humanoid were-bird (simmilar to an Asura)? Sphinx styled quadruped w/ wings?
Sapphire Cobra is easy.
Naga. :D

And six-armed Naga was one of the first Elites I made for them. :D
Transforming? Not there yet....
Hydra Ouroboros? I think I did that already, but if not...well, put it on the list of variants to do, easy enough....(I really got to back-illo some of those older Warmounts)
"Trouble rather the Tiger in his Lair,
Than the Sage among his Books,
For all the Empires and Kingdoms,
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Re: Shemarrian-related fan creations

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Darius---Wayfinder Oresme(NPC)

“Got the advantage of the high ground up here, but only if they don’t see us. I can dig in a concealed shelter right about there...good view of the pass, and we can slip down the backside real fast if we have to. Mind you, that’s not a fighting position; too exposed, but a good lookout post.”

“Going to take more than some Deadboy named Alexander to bring me down!”

“This watch? Dug it out of the ground near some place I think used to be called ‘Aspen’. Ground was lousy with junk like this.”

“Next promotion I get, I’m asking for either a secondary hover system or a sensor jammer for an Upgrade. Doing a tumble when my wings get nicked is getting kinda tedious, and some of those Deadboy fliers we’re seeing up here pack missiles. I’d like to avoid getting spiked if I can, or at least have an alternative to walking it off afterwards.”

‘Darius’ is a Wayfinder Tribe Oresme assembled by a Wayfinder Tinker who thought it would be fun to recycle Coalition States gear into a ‘bot to use against them.
Darius is clearly based primarily on an old-style PA-06-A SAMAS, but with a few cosmetic changes. For one, the chest area is cut back and looks more like a cyborg pectoral region. Second, the head now features an articulated mouth in place of the lower ‘respirator-style’ faceplate, giving Darius some range of facial expression. His armor is typically painted in a white and gray rock-and-snow camouflage scheme consistant with operations in the Rocky Mountains, though he has also been known to wear the blue and black patterning of a NEMA soldier.
Darius’s AI is also based on recycled CS hardware; the CPU of a FASSAR-40 Hunter Skelebot, reprogrammed for loyalty to the EShemar and Awakened with an Ecotroz Essence fragment.
The Wayfinders’ plan is working better than expected; Darius has studied up on American history and NEMA in particular. He regards himself as a patriot, a soldier of the old American values, protecting the enclaves of true civilization from the arrogant and ignorant minions of a tyranny, and from supernatural monsters. He is part of a force of Wayfinders assigned to guarding strategic mountain passes in the Rocky Mountains from incursions by hostile forces, as well as keeping an eye out for Coalition scouts heading in their direction. He’s only had a few encounters with CS units thus far(and many more with monsters and bandits), but he wasn’t terribly impressed by what he saw in the CS soldiers.
Darius is frequently mistaken for an ex-CS SAMAS pilot or cyborg(or, more often, cyborg SAMAS pilot).

Type: Shemar Orseme
Class: Robot (Converted Power Armor)
Crew: Advanced Neural Intelligence (Awakened with Ecotroz Intelligence Fragment)(6th level)
Alignment: Scrupulous
Disposition: Comes across as an experienced veteran with ideals, or an American patriot of the truer and more idealistic sort. He distrusts the Coalition States as a bunch of Nazi-style fascists. He hates demons and monsters with a passion. He has an ongoing interest in pre-Rifts Americana, and likes exploring pre-Rifts ruins(has explored a number of civilian sites in the mountains, but has never been to a major community or city. Is rather miffed to learn of the infestation of the big sites by monsters such as the Winged Black Men). In combat, Darius is light on his feet and very quick to move.
M.D.C. By Location:
Hands(2) 15 each
Arms(2) 35 each
Legs(2) 50 each
Head 70
Main Body 280
Shoulder Wings(2) 30 each
Main Rear Jets(2) 60 each
Lower Maneuvering Jets(2) 25 each
Height: 8 feet
Width: 3.5 feet wings down, 10 ft wings extended
Length: 4 feet 6 inches
Weight: 380 lbs.
Power System: Nuclear w/ 20 year energy life
Physical Attributes: Equal to Robotic PS. 30, PP. 24, IQ. 12, MA 11, ME 14.
PPE.: 8
Cargo: Small compartment in chest(about the size of a breadbox), plus what can be strapped on his exterior
Running: 60 MPH
Jumping: 15 ft up/across standing jump, 100 ft up/200 ft across w/ jet assist.
Flying: Hover to 300 MPH, maximum altitude of 500 ft.
Underwater: Limited. Darius has been known to hide in mountain lakes to surprise his targets. Limited to running along the bottom at 9 MPH. Maximum depth tolerance of 300 ft.
Market Cost: EXCLUSIVE to the (E)Shemarrian Tribes; Darius is a custom creation.
Systems of Note:
Standard Shemarrian Robot Systems, plus:
Full optical systems, laser targeting, passive night vision, telescopic vision, thermal imaging, infrared, ultraviolet, and polarization filters. Also has motion and heat detection, and other standard Shemarrian systems.

*Bionic Cybernanite Repair Systems---A modified bionic nanotech repair system that originated with the Ecotroz Shemar, but has also been adopted by the Ghost Riders. These systems repair 4d6 MD per hour, and can repair 60 MDC before needing material stocks to convert to MD repair material.

*Radar Detector---Darius can detect when he’s being probed with a radar beam.

Weapons Systems:
1) Rail Gun---In place of the original C-40R railgun, Darius has exchanged the weapon for a heavier, but more powerful, USA-M31, copied from the original pattern SAMAS units used by the Native Americans.
Range: 4,000 ft
Damage: 1d4+1 MD single round, 1d6x10 MD per 40 round burst
Rate of Fire: ECHH
Payload: 2,000 rd drum(50 bursts)

2) Modular Forearm Launcher---On the left arm is a modular hardpoint that can be fitted with either a cyborg-style 3-shot Mini-Missile Launcher or a 2-shot Flit-Striker Projectile Launcher.

3) Modular Forearm Weapon---Darius’s right forearm can be fitted with a cyborg-style forearm weapon, typically a set of extendable vibroblades.

4) Handheld Weaponry---Darius can pick up and use any infantry-scale weaponry. He typically carries an EShe-IP30E Ion Pistol or a refurbished NEMA MIP-21 Maxi-Ion Pistol as his sidearms. He has also been known to carry a mini-missile launcher or manpad AA missile launcher.

Pilot Jetpack 80%
Pilot Automobile 96%
Pilot Hovercycle 96%
Radio: Basic 96%
History: Pre-Rifts 75%
Lore: Demons and Monsters 45%
Camouflage 60%
Archaeology 40%/30%
Law(General) 45%
Photography 55%
General Repair and Maintenance 30%
Lamguage/Literacy in the following:(94%/90%) English, Spanish, Ruro, Draginese, Gobbley, Techno-can, and Shemarrian.
Mathemetics: Basic 96%
Intelligence 76%
Navigation 86%
Detect Ambush 60%
Prowl 60%
Track Humanoids 50%
Sniper(+2 strike on called shots)
W.P. Sword
W.P. Blunt
W.P. Automatic Rifle
W.P. Energy Pistol
W.P. Energy Rifle
W.P. Paired Weapons
W.P. Heavy Weapons
Hand to Hand: Commando

Actions/Attacks Per Melee: 6
Note: Bonuses are in addition to those possible from the Shemar’s elective training
Initiative + 6
Dodge +7(+7 flying)
Parry +10
Automatic Dodge(takes no actions) +2
Strike +8 (+4 w/ ranged weaponry, +6 w/ Shemarrian Rail Guns)
Roll +2+3/+4
Pull Punch +6
Disarm +3
Knockout/Stun on a Natural 18-20
Automatic Body Flip +1
Body Flip/Throw +1
Restrained Punch 1d4 D
Full Strength Punch 1d6 MD
Power Punch(2 attacks) 2d6 MD
Tear/Pry 1d4 MD
Kick 1d6 MD
Body Block/Ram 1d6 MD
Full Speed Running Ram 2d6 MD, plus 01-60% chance of knocking like-sized targets off their feet(reduce chance by HALF if target is twice as big). Target loses initiative and 2 APMs.

Note: Darius has a small (can fit into a suitcase) collection of pre-Rifts artifacts he’s dug out of ruins in the mountains. To a collector of pre-Rifts memorabilia, the artifacts (mostly odds and ends like buttons and rings, but a few higher-end items such as a couple of gold-plated wristwatches sporting the logos of pre-Rifts major-league sports teams) would be worth 2d6x1,000 credits.
"Trouble rather the Tiger in his Lair,
Than the Sage among his Books,
For all the Empires and Kingdoms,
The Armies and Works that you hold Dear,
Are to him but the Playthings of the Moment,
To be turned over with the Flick of a Finger,
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Re: Shemarrian-related fan creations

Unread post by taalismn »

Clan Gothec Modified Small Arms(aka ‘Kludgetech’)

“Those techno-gypsies seem to be doing pretty well for all that they’re carrying crap for weapons.”
“Hah! May I remind you that our Triax-made ‘crap’ is still better than anything else out there on the open market? Even our second- and third-hand products are quality-engineered!”
“Ah yes, that must be it. My humble apologies to the company. All good comes from the company.”
“Now you’re being sarcastic. I’ll concede, however, that these ‘Gothecs’ you’re watching may wield our weaponry with some not-inconsiderable skill, that may explain their successes. And some of the things they do to their weapons show a certain apptitude and mean innovation, similar to what we’re seeing in some of the Rus enclaves to the east.”
-Oberst Pieter Rhineberg, NGR Army Intelligence West, and Valerie Honner, Triax field-agent, in a discussion of the Gothecs.

While Clan Gothec is, perforce, limited to using what personal weapons they can scrounge or buy on the open market, which means mainly lower-end Triax weaponry, the Gothecs also realize that using as-is stock weaponry is asking for a beating, whenever they encounter Gargoyles or Brodkil. The monsters fairly laugh as they savage travellers and villages armed with the stuff, so the Gothecs, being analytical engines, recognize that they’d likely fare no better. Fortunately, few weapons remain in stock condition after falling into the hands of the Gothecs, and their outside connections have given them ideas on how to modify their sidearms to have something a little extra.
Power-links are standard on all Gothec hand weapons, allowing them to power their weapons without having to constantly be scrambling for e-clips, though they retain e-clips to keep up appearances and supplement their power.
Besides supplying their own needs, the Gothecs have also made some side credits modifying similar weapons for others(these upgrades can cost from 400 credits for a simple spot-sight add-on, to 5,000 credits for a pulse-fire or focal extension mod) . Technically these modifications are not illegal, as Triax considers them ‘aftermarket’, though altering the guns voids any still-standing service warranties the weapons may have applied to them.
Despite the resource-desperation that went into such modifications, the Gothecs frequently cover up the quality and nature of their work, disguising the alterations to look cruder and flimsier than they really are, with unnecessary umbilical hookups and layers of electrical tape seemingly the only things holding their kitbashed weapons together.

*(G)WT-10 Laser Pistol
A heavily upgraded version is available to Clan Gothec members; the GWT-10 adds the ability to take a long e-clip or attached FSE/E-canister, and 3-5 shot pulse-fire modes(an added cooling jacket allows for sustained fire), turning the humble weapon into a passable laser SMG. A laser spot sight can also be added, giving a +1 to strike. A blinder-laser mode can also be added( Range: 900 ft and affects a 10 ft wide area.
Damage: Those without eye protection or polarized vision will be affected similar to a Blinding Flash spell; -10 to strike, parry, dodge for 1d4 melees. On a Natural ‘to strike’ roll of 19-20, the blindness is permanent, unless/until treated, although those with enhanced regeneration will regain their sight in 2d6 melees. Payload: 200 flashes= 1 MDC shot).

*(G)WT-20 Laser Rifle
A barrel extension can be added, increasing range by 25%, and a universal attachment allows for the use of FSE/E-canisters. A top sighting rail for advanced scopes or sights is also added. An extended cooling jacket similar that available to the (G)WT-10 can also be fitted, allowing for 3-6 shot pulse-fire mode. A ‘beam splitter’ muzzle can also be added, granting a a ‘shotgun spread’ (2d4 MD to a 10 ft area). A blinder-laser mode can also be added( Range: 2,000 ft and affects a 10 ft wide area.
Damage: Those without eye protection or polarized vision will be affected similar to a Blinding Flash spell; -10 to strike, parry, dodge for 1d4 melees. On a Natural ‘to strike’ roll of 19-20, the blindness is permanent, unless/until treated, although those with enhanced regeneration will regain their sight in 2d6 melees. Payload: 200 flashes= 1 MDC shot).

*(G)TX-20 “Short” Laser Pistol
A carbine kit is available to the GTX-20, adding a universal attachment that allows for the use of FSE/E-canisters. Barrel focal extenders increase range by 25%. A laser spot sight can also be added, giving a +1 to strike.

* (G)WR-10 Wilderness Ion Pistol
The GWT-10 can be fitted with a ‘shotgun spreader’(does 1d6 MD to a 10 ft wide area), a variable-mode ‘shocker’ power step-down( 1d6 SDC shock-burn. Plus, victims must make a save of 14 or better, or be -8 to strike, parry, and dodge for 2d6 melees. A savings throw versus non-lethal poison means the person is unimpaired. 25% chance of knocking out unshielded cybernetics for 1d4 melees. Payload: One MD shot equals 100 SDC shots), and a laser spot sight can also be added, giving a +1 to strike.

* (G)WR-15 Wilderness Laser Rifle
The GWR-15 has several options available to it; the ability to mount up to TWO extra e-drums(giving it a very odd appearance, and a -5 to strike for anybody not bionic or robotic who can manhandle the cumbersome weapon), pulse-fire(bursts of 3-6 shots), a ‘shotgun spread’ laser focal muzzle(2d6 MD to a 10 ft area), and/or Silvermoon-adjusted lasing optics for 25% greater range.

* (G)WR-17 Wilderness “Double” Rifle
The Clan Gothec version of this weapon adds pulse fire to the laser(bursts of 3-6 shots), and an area of effect ‘shotgun’ mode to the ion component(does 2d4 or 3d6 MD to a 10 ft wide area). To offset the increased power usage, the GWR-17 can use an e-drum similar to that of the WR-15 rifle, although for non-robotic/bionic users, this adds a -2 to strike due to the added weight and more forward center of gravity. Of course, the weapon can be linked to the robot/cyborg’s own powerplant.

* (G)WR-19/WR-20 Plasma Ejector
The GWR-19/20 incorporates both a ‘spray-fire’ muzzle attachment(4d6 MD to a 15 ft wide area), and a deuterium-injection system(increase damage to 1d4x10 MD per enhanced shot; attached gas cylinder has enough gas for 20 shots before needing swapping out).
"Trouble rather the Tiger in his Lair,
Than the Sage among his Books,
For all the Empires and Kingdoms,
The Armies and Works that you hold Dear,
Are to him but the Playthings of the Moment,
To be turned over with the Flick of a Finger,
And the Turning of a Page"

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Re: Shemarrian-related fan creations

Unread post by kronos »

Nice new additions!
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Re: Shemarrian-related fan creations

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kronos wrote:Nice new additions!

The fun thing about having multiple Tribes and fringe tribes is that each has its own distinct flavor, so they have different shades of equipment, according to their styles, even when they're trading tech with each other...and when they run from super-tech to scrounge-tech, that's a lot of leeway. Get bored with one Tribe? Write up something for another! And often it will feedback to an issue with another work I'm having trouble with. And with the scrounge-techers and the whole oreseme concept, it's a legitimate excuse to raid big tech-source books like Coalition Warmachine, Northern Gun, and Triax (as well as Atlantis) looking for various parts to combine into new creations. The oreseme, like the Ne'R'Mar, are in some cases cultures unto themselves, even though they may behold to an existing EShemar tribe as their creators(I'm working on an expanded Cultural Note that will explore in greater detail the trials and responsibilities of oreseme creation.
"Trouble rather the Tiger in his Lair,
Than the Sage among his Books,
For all the Empires and Kingdoms,
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Are to him but the Playthings of the Moment,
To be turned over with the Flick of a Finger,
And the Turning of a Page"

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Re: Shemarrian-related fan creations

Unread post by kronos »

taalismn wrote:
kronos wrote:Nice new additions!

The fun thing about having multiple Tribes and fringe tribes is that each has its own distinct flavor, so they have different shades of equipment, according to their styles, even when they're trading tech with each other...and when they run from super-tech to scrounge-tech, that's a lot of leeway. Get bored with one Tribe? Write up something for another! And often it will feedback to an issue with another work I'm having trouble with. And with the scrounge-techers and the whole oreseme concept, it's a legitimate excuse to raid big tech-source books like Coalition Warmachine, Northern Gun, and Triax (as well as Atlantis) looking for various parts to combine into new creations. The oreseme, like the Ne'R'Mar, are in some cases cultures unto themselves, even though they may behold to an existing EShemar tribe as their creators(I'm working on an expanded Cultural Note that will explore in greater detail the trials and responsibilities of oreseme creation.

Yeah.. I've got a few ideas started for Thousand Dragons, just not very far into them.. want to work on something else to get the ideas flowing.. got any things in development limbo that need help? or list of 89er's stuff still not started?
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Re: Shemarrian-related fan creations

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I've got the Hirudite, which is a Darkwater Elite that can drain electrical power from technology, but statting out the mechanism ad its capacity is problematic. I tried seeing if there were any HU power drain powers that could be adapted, but they're generally with regards to commercial power grids. The Power-Leech D-bee might offer some tips, but again that might be either too general, or too RCC specific. I'll PM you what I got so far...
"Trouble rather the Tiger in his Lair,
Than the Sage among his Books,
For all the Empires and Kingdoms,
The Armies and Works that you hold Dear,
Are to him but the Playthings of the Moment,
To be turned over with the Flick of a Finger,
And the Turning of a Page"

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Re: Shemarrian-related fan creations

Unread post by kronos »

taalismn wrote:I've got the Hirudite, which is a Darkwater Elite that can drain electrical power from technology, but statting out the mechanism ad its capacity is problematic. I tried seeing if there were any HU power drain powers that could be adapted, but they're generally with regards to commercial power grids. The Power-Leech D-bee might offer some tips, but again that might be either too general, or too RCC specific. I'll PM you what I got so far...

Ok, I'll look at it. Where's the Power-Leech D-Bee so I can review it? And which PU book is the power drain ones in? I'll look at what's there and see what else I can come up with.. I think we already have an elite.. or warmount that converts damage taken into boasts for its systems don't we? I gotta double check that.. but if we do that can easily be altered to electrical and ion based weapons damage boasts the Hirudite's system (like boast to speed for awhile, or weapon damage.. powers a forcefield ((x damage = y MDC for shields)), or supercharges its repair systems).
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Re: Shemarrian-related fan creations

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Powerleech shows up in D-Bees of North America and also Juicer Uprising(I think).
AS for superpowers? I browse Stone Gargoyle's Black Vault

Ah hell, just as I think I'm catching up, I get a slew of new ideas!...
"Trouble rather the Tiger in his Lair,
Than the Sage among his Books,
For all the Empires and Kingdoms,
The Armies and Works that you hold Dear,
Are to him but the Playthings of the Moment,
To be turned over with the Flick of a Finger,
And the Turning of a Page"

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Re: Shemarrian-related fan creations

Unread post by kronos »

taalismn wrote:Powerleech shows up in D-Bees of North America and also Juicer Uprising(I think).
AS for superpowers? I browse Stone Gargoyle's Black Vault

Ah hell, just as I think I'm catching up, I get a slew of new ideas!...

I wondered where you got the stuff you referred to as using Stone Gargoyle's rules...
I'll look up the Power leech since I have D-Bees of NA and I think Juicer Uprising, and I'll look over stone gargoyle's stuff.
Hope the info I sent in PM helps as I pulled some of that from the kinetic shield from the psi-bruiser elite (slight modification to include more stuff)
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Re: Shemarrian-related fan creations

Unread post by taalismn »

kronos wrote:
taalismn wrote:Powerleech shows up in D-Bees of North America and also Juicer Uprising(I think).
AS for superpowers? I browse Stone Gargoyle's Black Vault

Ah hell, just as I think I'm catching up, I get a slew of new ideas!...

I wondered where you got the stuff you referred to as using Stone Gargoyle's rules...
I'll look up the Power leech since I have D-Bees of NA and I think Juicer Uprising, and I'll look over stone gargoyle's stuff.
Hope the info I sent in PM helps as I pulled some of that from the kinetic shield from the psi-bruiser elite (slight modification to include more stuff)

It helps immensely, and it will shorten the time I usually spend last minute heaping extra features on a post, because you've already lined up a wheelbarrow of them. Thanks!

And now, when I should be finishing that(and other stuff) up, my imagination is stringing together parts from the gribble bin for yet another abomination of SCIENCE!!!!! :idea: :idea: :idea:
"Trouble rather the Tiger in his Lair,
Than the Sage among his Books,
For all the Empires and Kingdoms,
The Armies and Works that you hold Dear,
Are to him but the Playthings of the Moment,
To be turned over with the Flick of a Finger,
And the Turning of a Page"

--------Rudyard Kipling
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Re: Shemarrian-related fan creations

Unread post by kronos »

taalismn wrote:
kronos wrote:
taalismn wrote:Powerleech shows up in D-Bees of North America and also Juicer Uprising(I think).
AS for superpowers? I browse Stone Gargoyle's Black Vault

Ah hell, just as I think I'm catching up, I get a slew of new ideas!...

I wondered where you got the stuff you referred to as using Stone Gargoyle's rules...
I'll look up the Power leech since I have D-Bees of NA and I think Juicer Uprising, and I'll look over stone gargoyle's stuff.
Hope the info I sent in PM helps as I pulled some of that from the kinetic shield from the psi-bruiser elite (slight modification to include more stuff)

It helps immensely, and it will shorten the time I usually spend last minute heaping extra features on a post, because you've already lined up a wheelbarrow of them. Thanks!

And now, when I should be finishing that(and other stuff) up, my imagination is stringing together parts from the gribble bin for yet another abomination of SCIENCE!!!!! :idea: :idea: :idea:

Awesome! I helped with more than one!
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Re: Shemarrian-related fan creations

Unread post by taalismn »

Another Frankensteed, this time with Triax providing the bodies....

EcoS-K-118 Multitorpid Warmount
(Aka ‘Gigamonstropede’, ‘gigapede’)

“Either Triax is testing some secret new robot...or the giant bugs on the Emerald Isles have mutated again and are spreading to the continent!”
---Witness to a Multitorpid coming ashore in France, somewhere along the Bay of Biscay.

“You want me to smuggle slaves off the island again?”
“Aye. New batch freed from the markets. The deep water ought to block any tracers or any suicide transmissions until we can nore thoroughly clean them out.”
“Very well, but make sure they’re sedated this time; I don’t want any repeats of the mass claustrophobia outbreak I had last time!”

The Multitorpid is a large multi-role Warmount that came about as a result of cooperation between Clan Gothec and the Darkwaters Tribe.
The Multitorpid was conceived of as a mash-up of various Triax-made robot vehicles, done up in sim by the Gothec Tinker-Thinkers. However, they lacked the large components(it would require the intact hulls and legs of at least four Triax Landcrab robots) to complete such a beast. A Tribe with the industrial capacity to COPY the Triax designs, however, could build the new design, and the Darkwaters were already dealing closely with the Gothecs in salvaging and smuggling Triax technology from the coast of Europe. The sheer scale of the proposed Multitorpid puts it arguably in the ‘super’ category of Warmounts, and would be a surprise coming from one of the smaller and more resource-strapped recognized Fringe Tribes. However, this fits with a pattern of smaller clans like Clan Gothec, Clan Motron, and the Aurora Warriors designing new gear in advance of what they need or are capable of producing, and trading the ideas to wealthier and more established tribes, often in return for a number of any units subsequently produced.
The Multitorpid, as designed by the Gothecs with an ample supply of salvage in mind, consists of four Triax X-821 Landcrabs, three of them attached in line, end to end, with their weapons arms replaced with additional legs. The fourth Landcrab hull is mounted at the front and slightly on top of the foremost bottom Landcrab, and mounts another pair of Landcrab foreclaws and a pair of Forager arms. The ‘mouth’ consists of a fearsome array of four diamond-tipped chainsaws lifted from the arms of DV-40 Hunter/Killer Drones. Atop the foremost Landcrab frame, is another pair of arms, M-1600 Bear limbs, mounted on either side of a repurposed MZ-10 Wilderness Crusader hovervehicle turret. The Multitorpid is a fully-enclosed cockpit warmount, and borrows a number of features from the EcoS-K-107 Stormapod., including option systems(such as antennae) and programming. The whole patchwork goliath is reminiscent of the Motron Wreckadon with its serpentine assemblage of varied parts. Yet the Darkwaters were intrigued enough by the Gothecs’ efforts that they decided to build a few, seeing in a modified and reinforced version a possible heavy underwater crawler warmount. The Darkwaters added extra weaponry in the form of eye lasers, torpedo pods, and hardpoints, and greatly enhanced the design’s underwater capabilities. With some extra attention paid to styling and aesthetics, the design that emerged from the Gothecs’ junkyard scheme more closely resembles a monstrous alien crustacean with bionic implants.
Though fairly clumsy and slow compared to other robots, Warmounts, and monsters, the Multitorpid is heavily armed, armored, and versatile in its amphibios capabilities and internal cargo capacity. It is an ‘instinctively’ skilled salvage hunter, explorer, tunneler, and transporter, in addition to being a good battle-taxi.
Though initially designed by Clan Gothec, all Multitorpids thus far produced have been manufactured by the Darkwaters, and all but one of them are operated by the larger Tribe. The one Multitorpid owned by the Gothecs does yeoman service as a coastal smuggler. The Darkwaters use theirs as aquatic transports, salvage platforms, and artillery carriers.

Type: EcoS-K-118 Multitorpid
Class: Robotic Warmount, Heavy Utility, Transport
Crew: None; robot intelligence
1 rider/pilot, and room for 1-6 passengers in the forward compartment.
Each cargo compartment can hold up to 12 passengers(36 total)
MDC/Armor by Location:
Main Body(3 segments, 650 each) 1,950 total
Reinforced Cargo/Passenger Compartments(3) 100 each
Rear Hydrodrive 100
Rear Laser Turrets(2) 70 each
*Rear Optics(2) 20 each
Head 650
Reinforced Cockpit 100
Sensor Array 40
Searchlight Eye(1) 15
*Eye Lasers(4) 20 each
Mouth Saws(4) 20 each(normally protected by sliding plates in the head)
Foreclaw Arms(2) 200 each
Digger Arms(2) 240 each
Head Turret 150
Turret Arms (2) 280 each
Legs(18) 100 each

*-Small targets, shielded by armor, and can only be hit on a Called Shot, and even then at a -2 to strike

Height: 27 ft
Width: 12 ft
Length: 85 ft
Weight: 55 tons
Cargo: Three internal compartments for cargo or passengers. Each cargo compartment can hold up to 10 tons of material or 12 passengers
Additional cargo(up to 8 tons) can be strapped to the tops of the first two lower body hulls(lifted into place by the turret arms) and strapped down, but such cargo will be exposed to the elements and enemy fire. CANNOT be carried if the warmount is fitted with weapons pods(see Options).

Physical Strength: Equivalent to Robotic P.S. of 50
Powerplant: Nuclear w/ 20 year energy life
Speed: (Running) 50 MPH
(Leaping) Not possible
(Climbing) The claws give good purchase for climbing; can manage a 60 degree slope without problems. The front segments can rear up to 50 ft to get a grip on higher ground. Has an effective Climbing skill of 65%.
(Flying) Not possible
(Space) Not possible
(Underwater) Excellent swimmer, each leg can fold out a paddling surface, and the Warmount possesses neutral buoyancy. Can swim at 30 MPH, or run along the bottom at 25 MPH. Maximum depth tolerance of 3 miles.
Market Cost: Exclusive to the Ecotroz-Shemar
Systems of Note:
Full optical systems, laser targeting, passive nightvision, telescopic vision, thermal imaging, infrared, ultraviolet, and polarization filters. Also has motion and heat detection, built-in radar( 60 mile range) and other standard power armor-equivalent systems. Additional/special sensors may be built in by the creating Tinkers or at the behest of individual riders/owners.

*Bionic Cybernanite Repair Systems---ALL Multitorpids have the same bionic nanotech repair system that the Ecotroz Shemar have refitted themselves with, and which is becoming the standard among NeShemar as well. These systems repair 4d6 MD per hour, and can repair 280 MDC before needing material stocks to convert to MD repair material.

*Sonar---18 mile range

*Magnetometer ---Detects disturbances in the local magnetic fields, signaling the presence of metal, active electronic hardware, or other EM-phenomenon.
Range: The magnetometer has a range of 4,000 ft and can detect vehicles and other metallic structures with 80% accuracy. Active fusion powerplant containment fields, energetic magnetic anomalies, and powered-up railguns can be detected at TWICE normal range.

Weapons Systems:
1) Eye Lasers(4)----The Multitorpid is fitted with the heavier model eye-lasers, four in all.
Range: 4,000 ft
Damage: 4d6 MD single shot, 1d4x10 MD for a pulse burst
8d6 MD dual shot, 2d4x10 MD for a dual pulse burst(counts as one attack)
All four firing in burst mode simultaneously(again, one attack) does 4d4x10 MD(!)
Rate of Fire: ECHH
Payload: Effectively Unlimited

2) Ion Cannon(1) ---Mounted atop the head section is a turret with an energy weapon, typically an ion cannon(good performance both in air and water).
Range: 4,000 ft in air and underwater
Damage: 1d6x10+10 MD per blast
Rate of Fire: ECHH
Payload: Effectively Unlimited

3) Knuckle Blasters---The uppermost turret arms each sport hands with laser blasters.
Range: 3,000 ft
Damage: 3d6 MD single blast, 6d6 MD dual blast, 1d6x10 MD triple blast
Rate of Fire: ECHH
Payload: Effectively Unlimited

4) Rear Laser Turrets(2)---Retained from the Landcrab. The rearmost hull mounts two small laser turrets for rear defense.
Range: 4,000 ft
Damage: 3d6 MD single blast, 6d6 MD dual blast
Rate of Fire: ECHH
Payload: Effectively Unlimited

5) Flash-Blinder---The cyclopean central searchlight eye in the head section is a multi-spectral light source that can radiate in the infrared and ultraviolet. It can also strobe and emit a blinding laser beam.
Range: 1,000 ft. 100-ft wide area.
Damage: Those without eye protection or polarized vision will be affected similar to a Blinding Flash spell; -10 to strike, parry, dodge for 1d4 melees. On a Natural ‘to strike’ roll of 19-20, the blindness is permanent, unless/until treated, although those with enhanced regeneration will regain their sight in 2d6 melees.
Rate of Fire: ECHH
Payload: Effectively Unlimited

6) (Optional) Use of Handheld Weapons---The uppermost arms can grasp and use oversized weapons such as gun pods and giant melee weapons. In Europe, both Triax and the Gargoyle Empire have unknowingly provided plenty of both for the Gothecs to pick up and use.

The Ecotroz have installed robotic AIs, then infected the matrix with a low-level Ecotroz sentience.
Typically has the basic Monstrex programming, plus the following:
Excavation 90%
Mining 90%
Salvage 80%
Trap/Mine Detection 80%
Undersea & Underwater Survival 80%
Navigation: Underwater 80%
Camouflage(uses the upper arms to disguise the rest of the hull) 75%

The Ecotroz entity can also pick up one Secondary skill at levels 2, 6, and 12 of experience, though the nature of the Multitorpid intelligence and design is such that it is limited to skill selections from Technical: Language(understanding) and Lore (Cattle & Animals, Indians, Juicers, Magic, Demons & Monsters, D-Bees, Faerie---at least with regards to identifying their relative threat level), and Wilderness( Hunting).

Actions/Attacks Per Melee: 5
Initiative +2 (+1 from the Ecotroz entity for a total of +3)
Dodge +2(+3 underwater)
Strike +1 (+2 w/ ranged weaponry)
Roll +2(+4 underwater)
Bite 1d6 MD
Chainsaw Bite 3d6 MD per blade, 3d6x6 MD full melee cutting(no other attacks by the Warmount AI are possible) a full four-blade nom-nom does 12d6x6 MD!!
Upper Arm Restrained Punch 1d6 MD
Full Strength Punch 2d6 MD
Power Punch(2 attacks) 4d6 MD
Digger Arm Restrained Punch 1d4 MD
Full Strength Punch 1d6 MD
Power Punch(2 attacks) 2d6 MD
Tear/Pry/Crush 2d4 MD
Dig 2d6 MD
Claw Arm Restrained Claw Strike 1d6 MD
Full Strength Punch 3d6 MD
Power Punch(2 attacks) 5d6 MD
Crush/Pry 2d6 MD
Cut/Tear 3d6 MD
Leg Claw Kick 1d4 MD

Note: The Ecotroz intelligence fragment inhabiting the ‘bot gives the Multitorpid an aura and behavior more befitting a sentient being than a robot. Multitorpids are opportunistic scavengers who are happy enough sniffing out salvage, but they will reliably take orders to proceed on course and ignore the temptation of wrecks and ruins. They are adept underwater ambush predators, but work well in packs of other Warmounts, such as Stormapods, Susanokites, Trigadar, and Mantazees.

The Ecotroz fragment does occasionally need sleep/rest...though they only need 2 hours of rest/meditation per 24 hours...they can push this, going without for as many days as they have I.Q. points(most Warmounts, unless otherwise noted, have an effective IQ rating of 8 ), but will have to go dormant for 4d6 hours after such exertion.
Note also that the Ecotroz-possessed ‘bot can infect other bots with the Ecotroz viral-entity, by bite or sustained touch(takes 3 attacks).

*Missile Pods----Each body segment can be fitted with a dorsal ‘hump’ concealing a copy of the TX-871MM Interchangeable Rotary Missile Drum Launcher normally seen fitted to the X-535 Jager. The hump plates slide open, the launcher rises up, rotates, and locks, and is cleared for action, with two drums each holding 48 short range missiles or light-torpedoes(96 total)

*Gun Mounts----Instead of missile pods, the humps can instead conceal copies of the TX-862FC Flak Cannon, TX-8841 Ion Cannon(with or without missile launchers), or TX-843P Particle Beam Cannons.

* Forcefield Generators---Initially the Gothecs also wanted to mount knockoffs of the TX-917FF Jaeger Forcefield, with 150 MDC, but the Darkwaters, who already had access to more advanced technology from the Three Galaxies(or copied from Naruni Enterprises), instead substituted a less vulnerable and slightly more durable generator system with 160 MDC.

*Stealth Sheathing---A Darkwaters addition, this skins the warmount in an anechoic coating that absorbs sonar pulses. Its EM emissions are similarly shielded. -25% to enemy detection rolls.

*Electrical Shock--The legs can be electrified to deliver a stunning shock to anyone fool enough to try to grapple with the Multitorpid;
Range: Contact+ 1-2 ft from the hull in the water.
Damage: 1d4 MD per contact with the hull
Note: Powering this system makes the Warmount susceptible to being detected by EM senses/sensors at DOUBLE their normal metal-detection range.

*Cutting Torch----The palms of the digger arms can be fitted with high-powered laser cutting torches for more precise dissection of structures.
Range: 50 ft
Damage: 1d6 MD-4d6 MD
Rate of Fire: ECHH
Payload: Effectively Unlimited

*Antennae(6)---The Multitorpid can be fitted with Stormapod-like antennae probes; four thin antennae, a large pair roughly 12 ft long, and four smaller ones about 8 ft long. The large pair can be laid back across the warmount’s back, while the smaller ones can be retracted into the body. Besides acting as communications aerials and EM detectors, these antennae can be used to test the temperature of the water and feel around in the dark or in silty conditions(penalties for blindness are HALVED and +1 to dodge. MDC: Large Antennae(2) 90 each, Small Probe Antennae(4) 50 each

Several ‘extra-sized’ variants have been proposed, adding as many as TEN additional segments to the trailing main body. Though none of these ‘super-stretched’ Multitorpids have ever been sighted, it is rumored that the Darkwaters’ DeepWatch produces them and operates them in the deep oceanic abyss.
"Trouble rather the Tiger in his Lair,
Than the Sage among his Books,
For all the Empires and Kingdoms,
The Armies and Works that you hold Dear,
Are to him but the Playthings of the Moment,
To be turned over with the Flick of a Finger,
And the Turning of a Page"

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Re: Shemarrian-related fan creations

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Seem to be doing a lot of Clan Gothec stuff; maybe enthused about the new movie on Dunkirk coming out?

Selkers(Clan Gothec Oreseme)

“It was a Selker that carried samples of Triax’s new stealth aircraft skinning to our EShemarrian patrons in Bath. It would be Selkers who first got refitted with the stuff the Tribes were able to make up for us based on what we gave them. That’s a pretty nice arrangement.”

“It is a full moon tonight and the currents running through the Channel are particularly swift. If we set out from HERE, the waters will quickly carry us HERE easily enough. But the moon brings out the stonejaws...there will be many swimming in the Channel, and they are not above taking a bite out of anything they encounter. That is both good and bad for us; bad because we will also be in the waters, and good because the many will make it harder for the German patrolboats to detect us. The trip is not without its risks, but I feel our chances are very good of making a crossing undetected.”
-Selker ‘Ridout’

<“Don’t worry about that NGR patrol, I know the captain. We arrangement...He’ll let us by as long as we don’t try to go any further north-east. He isn’t saying what he’s guarding and I’m not asking.”>
-Selker ‘LaFitte’

The Selkers are the result of Clan Gothec getting their hands on several (used) Tarnow TC-R2s. The transformable frame and amphibious capabilities of the Polish mecha intrigued the Gothecs, who were looking for a means to use Europe’s rivers to move more efficiently about.
After much modification work(including the addition of a large cargo bin), the Gothecs have had a half-dozen(they added two more after the initial four proved so effective) AI-run high speed robot watercraft. Because they are run by robotic AIs that act as their own ‘captains’, the Selkers are effectively oreseme.
For all their size, Selkers are relatively lightly armored, and thus they try to avoid getting entangled in combat. As the AIs are directly wired to their robot frames, they are much more responsive than a crewed craft would be. The Ecotroz-Awakened Selkers have all developed personalities, taking on the general attitudes of highly professional smugglers and gunrunners(Lafitte, Bulloch, Cummings, Mafitt, Johnstone, Ridout), but they have also developed individual personalities and acquired their own tricks of the trade.
The Selkers have seen yeoman service as smugglers for Clan Gothec, moving cargo along the waterways of western Europe, engaging in coastal salvage, scouting and mapping the waterways(and good places to hide in them) and running across the Channel to move goods and information to the Shemarrian ‘embassies’ in the British Isles. Both a number of coastal communities on both sides of the Channel, and some in the NGR Navy are aware of the Selkers, but regard them as simply regular TC-R2s operated by freelance cyborg mechanics and small-time second-hand arms dealers, and remain unaware that the boat IS the captain in such encounters.
The success of the Selkers has intrigued other Tribes who have considered petitioning the Gothecs for the templates, though whether they would construct their own as either oreseme, warmounts, or vehicles remains to be seen. The same success has inspired the Gothecs to contemplate even more ambitious designs, with the EcoS-K-118 Multitorpid Warmount being the result of one such study.

Type: EcoS-(G)TC-R2 ‘Selker’
Class: Original Sentient Mechanism
Crew: None; robot intelligence, Awakened
MDC/Armor by Location:
Main Body 380
Cargo Bin 100
PDS Turret 50
Head Sensor Blister 95
Arms(2) 280 each
Secondary Work Arms(6) 10 each
Shoulder Plates(2) 110 each
Legs(2) 210 each
Water Jets(4) 50 each
(Optional) Missile/Torpedo Launchers(2) 75 each
Height: 22 ft
Width: 15 ft
Length: 14 ft
Weight: 22 tons
Cargo: 10 tons. If not carrying cargo, the bin can be fitted for passengers, up to 12.
Physical Strength: Equivalent to Robotic P.S. of 47
Powerplant: Nuclear w/ 20 year energy life
Speed: (Running) 45 MPH
(Flying) Not possible
(Space) Not possible
(Underwater) 45 MPH on surface, 30 MPH underwater, 20 MPH walking on bottom. Maximum depth tolerance of 1,400 ft.
Market Cost: Exclusive to the Ecotroz-Shemar
Systems of Note:
Full optical systems, laser targeting, passive nightvision, telescopic vision, thermal imaging, infrared, ultraviolet, and polarization filters. Also has motion and heat detection, built-in radar( 60 mile range) and other standard power armor-equivalent systems. Additional/special sensors may be built in by the creating Spinsters or at the behest of individual riders/owners.

*Modulating Speech Synthesizer---The Selker can choose a different voice to speak over the radio or hail other craft with, disguising its identity or giving the impression of multiple crewmembers.

*Radar Detector---Alerts the ‘bot to the presence of active radar emissions, specifically those targeting the ‘bot.

*Bionic Cybernanite Repair Systems---ALL Selkers have been refitted with the same bionic nanotech repair system that the Ecotroz Shemar have refitted themselves with, and which is becoming the standard among NeShemar as well. These systems repair 4d6 MD per hour, and can repair 100 MDC before needing material stocks to convert to MD repair material.
Selkers have a small mouth, akin to a woodchipper intake, hidden behind the foward prow bumpers. It is meant primarily to break down already cut-up scrap for the regenerative process, and is not meant for melee combat, though it can deliver an armor-masticating bite if need be.

*Stealth Armor---It took some trading of high-end salvage with the Darkwaters, but the Gothecs were able to acquire enough armor stealthing material to refit-plate their Selkers ..and just in time, as increased NGR activity along the European coast has made running the Channel all that more difficult. When on the water, the low-laying oreseme is -75% to detect with radar(this drops to -35% when on dry land), and thermal reduction makes it -55% to detect with heat sensors when in water(-30% on dry land).

*Mini-Tool Arms---The ‘bot has a set of smaller secondary limbs, normally concealed, but which can emerge for doing precision work. These are concealed inside each forearm. These smaller arms typically have a robotic P.S. of 15, 10 MD each, and end in the equivalent of a Mining Cyborg tool hand(modular). The Selkers typically use these for salvage work.

Weapons Systems:
1) Forearm Lasers(2)---The Gothecs replaced the hard-to-supply forearm grenade launchers with X-2000 Dyna-Max Forearm Lasers that require no ammunition. That fact that the Gothecs assigned some of their small supply of these excellent weapons to the Selker project emphasizes the importance they attach to their smuggling activities.
Range: 6,000 ft (2,000 ft underwater)
Damage: 4d6 MD single blast
Rate of Fire: ECHH
Payload: Effectively unlimited

2) Chest Rail Gun---Ironically the laser turret in the chest has been replaced with a rapid-fire rail gun tied to an advanced fire control system for point defense.
Range: 4,000 ft
Damage: 1d4 MD single shot, 4d6 MD for a 20 rd burst, 6d6 MD for a 30 rd burst
Rate of Fire: ECHH
Payload: 2,000 rd drum
Bonus: +2 to strike with a burst(+5 total)

3) Flare/Chaff/Smoke Launchers(2)---Leg-mounted mortars for countermeasure bundles and smoke grenades.
Range: Close Defense
Damage: None; similar to Triax-style chaff
01-50 Enemy Missile or volley detonates in chaff and threat is neutralized
51-75 Missile/Volley diverts and may pursue/lock on to other targets
76-00 No Effect! Missile(s) still on target!
Will also temporarily blind and impede flying monsters who fly into it.
Reduce APMs/combat bonuses/ speed by half for 1d4 melees
Payload: 18 per launcher(32 total)

4) VibroBlades(2)---Each forearm also conceals an extendable vibroblade, typically used for cutting away obstacles, and breaking down salvage.
Range: Melee
Damage: 3d6 MD

5) (Optional) Missile/Torpedo Launchers(2)---The Gothecs left in the option of being able to carry modular missile/torpedo racks against future access to supplies of such munitions.
Each pod can contain 24 mini-missiles/mini-torpedoes, OR 12 short range missiles/light torpedoes, OR 6 medium range missiles.

6) (Optional) ---It isn’t standard procedure, but the Selkers’ graspers can pick up and use oversized weapons such as gun pods and giant melee weapons. In Europe, both Triax and the Gargoyle Empire have unknowingly provided plenty of both for the Gothecs to pick up and use. Selker Lafitte is known to carry a Gargoyle Rail Gun with podded magazine as backup.

The Ecotroz have installed robotic AIs, then infected the matrix with Ecotroz sentience.
The six Selkers regard themselves as ‘brothers of the waters’, and come across personality-wise as a group of highly-competent professional smugglers and black market operatives. They have all taken names of famous historical pirates/smugglers(Lafitte, Bulloch, Cummings, Mafitt, Johnstone, Ridout) . They prefer to avoid trouble, will typically run if they can, but will fight if they must.
Has the following:
General Repair & Maintenance 80%
Land Navigation 94%
Mathematics: Basic 98%
Military Etiquette 96%
Read Sensory Instruments 94%
Pilot: Submarine 88%
Pilot: Boat, Motor Type 90%
Pilot: Hovercraft 92%
Radio: Basic 94%
Radio: Scramblers 94%
Cryptography 80%(+5% per level of experience for Ecotroz entity)
TV/Video: 94%
Photography 94%
Surveillance 90%
Laser Communications 94%
Electronic Countermeasures 94%
Weapons Systems 90%
Basic Electronics 90%
Basic Mechanics 92%
Computer Operation 96%
Demolitions 94%
Demolitions Disposal 92%
Demolitions: Underwater 90%
Trap/Mine Detection 85%
Camouflage 78%(+5% per level of experience for Ecotroz entity)
Naval Tactics 70%(+5% per level of experience for Ecotroz entity)
Salvage 80%
Undersea Salvage 75%
Navigation: Underwater 94%
Ocean Geographic Surveying 80%(+5% per level of experience for Ecotroz entity)
Excavation 85%
Lore: D-Bee 80%(+5% per level of experience for Ecotroz entity)
Lore: Demons and Monsters 80%(+5% per level of experience for Ecotroz entity)
-Euro, American/English, Spanish, Techno-Can, Dragonese, Gobbley, Demongogian 96%/90%

Hand to Hand: Expert(6th level)
W.P. Blunt
W.P. Sword
W.P. Paired Weapons
W.P. Heavy M.D. Weapons

The Ecotroz entity can also pick up one Secondary skill at levels 2, 6, and 12 of experience, though the nature of the Selker intelligence and design is such that it is limited to skill selections from Technical: Language(understanding) and Lore, Espionage(Detect Ambush, Detect Concealment), Wilderness(Track Humanoids, Track Animals, Hunting, Identify Plants and Fruits), and Rogue.
Awakened Gothec can use their Ecotroz NI elective skill choices to instead acquire Black Marketeer traits from the Black Market sourcebook lists to reflect their proficiency in business dealings with the European black markets and NGR.

Actions/Attacks Per Melee: 7
Initiative +2 (+1 from the Ecotroz entity for a total of +3)
Dodge +2, +4 underwater
Strike +3 (+3 w/ ranged weaponry)
Parry +6
Roll +3, +5 underwater
Pull Punch +4
Disarm +2
Bite 1d6 MD
Restrained Punch 5d6 SDC
Full Strength Punch 1d6 MD
Power Punch(2 attacks) 2d6 MD
Tear/Pry 1d6
Kick 3d6
Leap Kick(2 attacks) 6d6
Stomp 2d4
Body Flip/Throw 1d4 MD
Body Block/Ram 2d6 MD

Note: The Ecotroz intelligence fragment inhabiting the ‘bot gives the Selker an aura and behavior more befitting a sentient being than a robot.

The Ecotroz fragment does occasionally need sleep/rest...though they only need 2 hours of rest/meditation per 24 hours...they can push this, going without for as many days as they have I.Q. points(most Warmounts, unless otherwise noted, have an effective IQ rating of 8), but will have to go dormant for 4d6 hours after such exertion.
Susceptible to Exorcism and Banish spells, but are +6 to save against such spells, +1 at levels 4, 8, and 12 of experience, and becoming IMMUNE at level 14 and up. Such Banishment causes the ‘bot to revert to its default robot programming. (OPTION: Ecotroz may become IMMUNE to Exorcism and Banishment with experience, and NEW BUILT EShemar constructs are immune to this)

Note also that the Ecotroz-possessed ‘bot can infect other bots with the Ecotroz viral-entity, by bite or sustained touch(takes 3 attacks).

*Heavy Gun Point----Two of the Selker ‘brothers’ (Bulloch, Mafitt) mount shoulder-mount TX-862FC Flak Cannon for point defense.

*Sensor Dome---One Selker, Selker Cummings, has acquired a TX-411R Jaeger Sensor Dome, and has used its study and knowledge of NGR communications protocols to occasionally masquerade on-air as an NGR forward recon unit and call in fire on Gargoyles, Brodkil, and other monsters blocking the Gothecs’ path. This trick is used sparingly, so as not to tip off the NGR that somebody has hacked their field tactical commnet, and so far the NGR has not shown any signs that they’re aware of the deception.
"Trouble rather the Tiger in his Lair,
Than the Sage among his Books,
For all the Empires and Kingdoms,
The Armies and Works that you hold Dear,
Are to him but the Playthings of the Moment,
To be turned over with the Flick of a Finger,
And the Turning of a Page"

--------Rudyard Kipling
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Re: Shemarrian-related fan creations

Unread post by taalismn »

Used the Heroes Unlimited Robot Programming rules here for a greater range of science skills ‘forbidden’ to Rifts Robots:

Wayfinder Imur Oreseme
(aka ‘Imuri’, ‘Imuree’, ‘Silver Saints’, ‘Shiners’)

The Warchieftain looked disdainfully at the woman held before the Shemarrian and the small tactical squad. The prisoner looked small next to the looming cyberoid warriors, even more so that she had been stripped of any uniform and anything that might be a weapon of any sort. The thin translucent plastic shift she’d been given to wear was scant protection of anything from the scrutiny given her by the armored EShemar surrounding her.
“So they sent us a crash-dummy? Just as expected.”
The captive looked blankly ahead with dull defiance. She couldn’t understand the exact context of her being here, but she retained enough self-awareness, or indoctrinated instinct, to know that these beings around her were her enemies.
“Completely mindwiped. She possesses only the basic capabilities of speech and self-awareness, but little beyond that. Not even name, rank, and service number. She is a blank.”
The Warchieftain looked again at the prisoner. With that revelation, the woman seemed even smaller, and even pitiable. Her own side had stripped her of dignity even before she had stepped off the lifepod and into the Shemarrians’ custody.
“Laudable, not giving us an extra source of intelligence. They exchange us a high-rank hostage under their own conventions of war, but they may as well as shipped us a few hundred weight of meat. A sacrifice ploy, wiping one of their own flag officers to give us a tantalizing prize for supposed leverage. And in the process get us to lower our shields. We HAVE identified all the infiltrators they slipped in while the shields were open?”
<<“Yes, they’ve established beachheads in Eight and Nine Sectors. We’ve sealed them off while gimmicking their sensors and sampling their communications. Several more stealth drops attempted infiltration of Four and Six Sectors. They have been contained and quietly eradicated. Our squads are ready to move in and remove all of them.”>>
“Good, I imagine they’ll wait a few more xar for their landing teams to seize local control and blank our sensors in those sectors, before launching their full-scale attack. We still have a window under the ‘ceasefire’. Are they still respecting the Imur neutrality at least?”
The Wayfinder Celesti-Martial nodded to the tall, willowy, silver forms gathered around the small group, several of them having tendril arms gently wrapped around the shackled prisoner in the middle of the group.
“Yes, War Leader. They haven’t interfered with the Sapphian observers, much as they might like to, and they haven’t fired on our previous transports as long as they don’t attempt to scan their warships and remain in the agreed-upon transit lanes.”
“Very well; complete the loading and evacuation of the civilians...and take these ‘tokens of their desire to negotiate a peaceful resolution to current misunderstandings’ with you. If they’re giving us blanks, we’ll take them as blank slates to rewrite in our own images. Now, go quickly and get to hyperspace as soon as you can; I don’t want to risk any more loose interpretations of their conventions, especially if they realize they’ve simply allowed us to turn this position into a free fire zone.”
The Imur seemed about to protest the idea of continued hostilities, but then simply nodded to the Shemarrian warriors and gracefully turned and glided away, gathering up the medical-gowned prisoner, now considered a patient, away with them as they left the room.

The Imur were born of the Wayfinders’ desire to emulate the recent activity of other Tribes in creating original oreseme ‘subspecies’ such as the Svarogar and Cadejar, though with a more original bent. The invention of the Squires was also a factor in their creation, as different groups of Wayfinder technowizards naturally feel a competitive desire to outdo other tinkers and designers with new wizbangs.
Imur (from ‘MR’ for ‘Medical Robot’, or sometimes MRI, for ‘Medical Robot Intelligence’) are designed as altruistic medical assistants and researchers. Imur are tall and slender, with long torsos, and long legs that bear some resemblance to those of the Shaydorian Intel D-bees(See Rifts Atlantis, pg. 79), though there is some speculation that the Imur may owe more inspiration to the Posluznik(Rifts D-Bees of North America, pg. 159-161) or the Iborians(see Rifts Anvil Galaxy, pgs 37-38).
Imurs’ heads are smooth and bullet-like, virtually featureless but for a single horizontal ring-line of light, and a large lit disc, that can move about their ‘faces’ as needed, or completely around their head. Some may sport ‘crowns’ of extendable sensor vanes. Of late, Imur have begun adopting having different patterns of additional small sensors and lights on their heads to distinguish individual Imur from each other, for the benefit of non-Imur.
Imurs’ arms are long and elastic affairs that resemble tentacles more than anything else, and they have the added property of subdividing into multiple smaller tendrils capable of finer work. They also have incorporated fiber optics that allow them to serve as ‘eyes’ down to very fine resolution levels, and as laser conduits. Their heads and torsos are stuffed full of medical sensory apparatus and arrays.
Imur also tend to dress in ‘light coats’, robe-like garments that can be set to radiate a variety of light frequencies. Typically they are set to neutral white or dull silver, but can take on the colors of a variety of other species’ medical services, can display medical data like wearable video displays, or play psychologically soothing patterns. They can also radiate in germicidal frequencies , such as ultraviolet(the Lurgess call Imur ‘blinders’ or ‘smoggers’, because when the two come in contact, the Imur inevitably go to high-alert germicidal mode).
Imur represent some of the Wayfinders’ most comprehensive programming on nonmilitary/technical subjects yet. They focus primarily on science, medicine, language/literacy, and service-oriented skills. This makes them excellent(for machines) healers, medical technicians, researchers, and mediators.
Imur are Awakened oreseme, their Ecotroz-essence giving them an aura like that of a living creature. To those able to discern life-auras, this often leads to the Imur being mistaken for cyborgs, rather than machines. This is furthered by the Imur being programmed with a ‘progressive’ set of evolving cultural ‘mores’, with the Imur observed engaging in communal activities such as meditation, dancing, singing, reading, and stargazing(astrology is often taken as a Secondary skill).
Imur tend towards pacifistic, humanitarian, and scholarly dispositions. They rarely engage in aggression, and then only in self-defense or to protect those under their charge and protection. They may also become aggressive if somebody threatens the health and well-being of a community or closed ecosystem(again, they tend to go on the quarantine warpath when around Lurgess). Imur are said to move with incredible grace, restraint, and speed, and when they do decide to engage in combat(or rather are forced into it, they move like lightning, their long tentacled limbs striking like snakes, or parrying like a natural force(given that the Wayfinders who programed them used martial arts like Taido as a model for their movements, this is an apt comparison).
Imur have the advantage that, like the N’R’Mar, they are often NOT associated with the EShemar, even though they are firmly part of the Wayfinder camp. This allows Imur to extend their services in regions where the Shemarrians are not known of, or where the Shemar are regarded with distrust. Most other species believe the Imur to be a species of cyborgs who possibly suffered some great biological catastrophe in their past and have elected to commit their existence to helping other peoples avoid a similar fate. The Shemarrians have taken shameless advantage of this ignorance on occasion to insert the Imur as advance scouts, or, at least once, to present the Imur as a neutral third party in a conflict to hold and remove noncombatants from a war zone.

<<“You really must eat; you’ve had a substantial number of your abdominal organs removed with the parasitic infection and replaced with cloned implants, but the regeneration tubes can only do so much. Returning to a regular and normal regimen of diet and exercise will speed your recovery. We are informed that this ‘chicken noodle soup’ is a favorite in your culture.”>>

A number of Imur ARE actually Transferred Intelligences; formerly human scholars and clinicians, Shaydorian Intel , and other species, who have decided to trade in their typically terminally aged or damaged bodies for robotic bodies, and continue their good works or research. The added talents and personalities of these expatriates from the flesh only adds to the idea of the Imur being a cyborg species, rather than a new creation of a robotic species. Their physical similarities in the legs and general build to the Shaydorian Intel are seen by some outside observers as evidence that the Imur may, in fact, be ex-Splugrth slave cyborgized Intel, or a related species. Their occasionally-observed interaction with the EShemar, also theorized to be an ex-slave species now fighting the Splugorth, is dismissed as two species with a common foe.

Imur maintain a small space fleet of their own, their vessels being mainly second-sourced from other altruistic agencies such as the Sapphians, though several designs unique to the Imur have appeared(these are rumored to be ‘legacy craft’ that have survived from whatever disaster forced the Imur to become cyborgs). In general, their vessels tend to be in better shape and less cobbled-together than those of the Ne’R’Mar.

Though most often found working with their creators in the Wayfinder Tribe, Imur are increasingly being encountered associating with the DarkWaters, Horrorwoods, Radiant Edge, and Ne’R’Mar. Whether these Imur are envoys from the Wayfinders, were manufactured by those respective groups, or are independent constructs like the Ne’R’Mar, remains unknown.

<< I have been in contact with the Lurgess for 38.1078 diurnal sub-units. I will NOT come back inside until you have either flown this ship through the solar corona for at least 3.758 sub-units, or have chemically or laser-ablated the entirety of my outer housing at least 18 molecule-layers deep. Only then will I feel tolerably sanitary.>>

Type: Shemar Imur
Class: Robot
Crew: Advanced Neural Intelligence
M.D.C. By Location:
Hands(4) 10 each
Arms(4) 50 each
Legs(2) 80 each
Head 90
Main Body 180
Light Cloak 80
Height: 7 ft
Width: 2 ft
Length: 1 ft
Weight: 300 lbs.
Power System: Nuclear
Physical Attributes: Equal to Robotic PS. 25, PP. 24.
Cargo: Only what can be carried
Running: 60 MPH
Jumping: Can jump 6 ft straight up, 10 ft across. Increase distance by 50% with a running start. TRIPLE distance with the A-G system engaged.
Flying: Can hover and levitate up to 100 ft, and move at a slow 5 MPH.
Space: The A-G systems can push the Imur at a sedate 50 MPH.
Underwater: Fully waterproofed and able to survive depths of 8,000 ft. They are reliant on external devices for flotation, however, and cannot swim of themselves, but can run along the bottom at 15 MPH.
Market Cost: EXCLUSIVE to the (E)Shemarrian Tribes
Systems of Note:
Standard Shemarrian Robot Systems, plus:
Full optical systems, laser targeting, passive night vision, telescopic vision, thermal imaging, infrared, ultraviolet, and polarization filters. Also has motion and heat detection, and other standard Shemarrian systems. Additional/special sensors may be built in by the creating Spinsters/Tinkers or at the behest of the individual.

*Modulating Speech Synthesizer---The Imurs’ normal speech is an artificial language composed of Techno-Can, Dragonese and Chinese(anybody with Language proficiency in those can understand Imur ‘native’ speech, albeit at -30%) delivered in a singsong chiming lilt or fluting, but they can adjust their voices to suit whatever language they’re speaking in, or pitch to convey emotion and authority.

*Advanced Optics---Magnification(7 ft range, 400x mag), Thermo-Imaging,
IR/UV Optics.

*Medical Sensor Hands(as described in Rifts: Triax, pg. 153) By simply
touching a patient, the ‘bot can glean much information about the health and condition of the person.
w/ Heat Sensor
Epidermic Analyzer
Pulse and Pressure Detector
Stethoscopical Feature
Radiation Sensor
Micro-Metal Detector(5 ft range)---Great for locating shrapnel and
bullets lodged in wounds.
Ultra-Sound Scanner( Contact, 5 ft range)---perfect for detecting
shrapnel, internal obstructions, checking on fetuses, and, incidentally
detecting flaws and hidden passages in walls and piping.

* Circuit Reader---Built into the body is an advanced Schematic Sensor that allows the 'borg to "read" a cyborged patient's electronics systems, even if they don't have plug-in diagnostic access. Can effectively diagnose common human cyberware at 95%, while more recent designs can only be effectively diagnosed at 75%. Experimental human-based designs can be diagnosed at 50-65%, while truly alien systems implanted in humans and common D-bee races are only able to be identified and diagnosed with 30% effectiveness(largely working from comparison to more conventional/better-documented systems).

*Molecular Analyzer/Chem-Scanner-----Essentially an automated and highly compact biochemical lab capable of performing blood typing, simple pregnancy and tissue-typing, and quick sampling of blood and tissue for common compatibility and rejection factors(especially important when working with multiple species services and communities). This allows the medic a better chance of administering the proper drugs and blood substitute solutions.

*Bionic Cybernanite Repair Systems---A modified bionic nanotech repair system that originated with the Ecotroz Shemar, but has also been adopted by the Ghost Riders. These systems repair 4d6 MD per hour, and can repair 60 MDC before needing material stocks to convert to MD repair material.

*Corrosive Resistant/Chemically Inert/Stainless Armor---Corrosive agents have no effect on the shiny-bodied Imur; and they quickly clean up with water, or harsh astringents. Their skinning allows for easy decontamination.

*Prowl Capability---Imur are designed with padded feet and seamless joints, for quiet, fluid motion that won’t disturb patients. Have a Prowl skill of 76%(90% with their hover systems taking off most of the weight).

*Extremely Fine Touch---The micro-limb division capability and high flexibility of Imur limbs gives them a +10% to precision work, or anything requiring a fine touch, such Pick Locks, watchmaking, or precision electrical work.

Weapons Systems:
1) Laser Fingers---Not really meant as weapons, but more as cutting torches and laser scalpels.
Range: Melee -6 ft
Damage:(Laser Finger) 1d6 , 3d6 SDC, or 1d6 MD, or 2d6 MD.
(Laser Cutter Wand) 1d4, 1d6, 2d6, or 3d6 SDC, or 1 MD
Rate of Fire: ECHH
Payload: Effectively unlimited

2) Chemical Sprayer System---Imur are fitted with a chemical sprayer system. Though this is intended to be used to spray antiseptics and fire-suppressant chemicals around the 'bot, it can also be used to deliver incapacitating agents like tear gas, or sedative spray.
Range: 10 ft radius
Damage: By dispersed agent
Rate of Fire: ECHH
Payload: 20 individual doses (as many as five different chemicals can be carried)

3) Cardiac Resuscitation Shock Contacts---Special contacts in the ends of the 'bot’s arms can be used to deliver a short, powerful lower power levels this can be used to shock a failing heart back into action, but at higher levels can be used used to stun.
Range: Melee-contact
Damage: 1d4 SDC at high level, plus stunned for 1d6 melees; -10 to
strike, parry, and dodge, and -50% to all skill rolls.
1d6 SDC at extreme level, stun automatic, plus 20% chance
of stopping the victim's heart(target gets a save vs death/coma)
Rate of Fire: Twice per melee

4) Neural Touch---The ultra-fine fibers of the Imurs’ hands can also conduct a mild neural disruption charge that can stun with a touch, identical to a Neural Mace.
Range: Melee-contact
Damage: Save at 16 or higher or be stunned; -8 to strike, parry, and dodge, and reduce APMs and Speed by HALF, for 1d4 melees, Being stuck/stunned four or more times has a 45% chance of being rendered unconscious for 2d4 melees, then, upon awakening, suffer stun penalties for 1d4 minutes.

5) Variable Intensity/Frequency Eye Laser----The large lighted disc in the Imur’s ‘face’ is actually a variable spectrum light source that can modulate from bright illuminating light to germ-killing UV, to laser intensity.
Range: 100 ft
Damage: (variable) 1d4 SDC-1d6 MD
Rate of Fire: ECHH
Payload: Effectively unlimited

Radio: Basic 94%
Basic Electronics 88%
Linguistics 80%
-8 Language/Literacy skills of choice, all at 82/90%

-Medical: Advanced
Medical Doctor 84%/74%
Biology 92%
Chemistry 96%
- 5 Medical skills of choice, all at 80%

-Advanced Mathematics 98%
Computer Programming 88%
-4 Science skills of choice, all at 84%

- Investigative
Criminal Science/Forensics 88%
Computer Operation 92%
Intelligence 86%
Interrogation 80%
Photography 88%
Surveillance Systems 82%
Research 88%
- 2 Communications skills of choice, all at 80%

-Social Science
Anthropology 80%
Law: General 88%
- 4 Language/Literacy skills of choice, all at 82/90%
-2 Technical/Domestic skills of choice, all at 86%

-Program Package of Choice from Communication, Domestic, Specialized Labor, Physical, or Technical

Prowl 76%/90%

+13 secondary skills
+3 additional secondary skills at level 2, +2 at levels 4, 6, 9, 12, and 15.

Actions/Attacks Per Melee: 6
Note: Bonuses are in addition to those possible from the Shemar’s elective training
Initiative + 1(+1 from the Ecotroz)
Dodge +8
Parry +10
Strike +6 (+4 w/ ranged weaponry)
Roll +4
Pull Punch +8
Disarm +5
Entangle +4
Knockout/Stun on a Natural 18-20
Restrained Punch/Slap 6d6 SDC
Full Strength Punch 1d4 MD
Power Punch(2 attacks) 2d4 MD
Kick 1d4 MD

*TW Systems---a growing number of Imur sport some sort of TW enhancement or implanted device similar to the Wayfinders.
Last edited by taalismn on Sat Jul 22, 2017 11:28 am, edited 3 times in total.
"Trouble rather the Tiger in his Lair,
Than the Sage among his Books,
For all the Empires and Kingdoms,
The Armies and Works that you hold Dear,
Are to him but the Playthings of the Moment,
To be turned over with the Flick of a Finger,
And the Turning of a Page"

--------Rudyard Kipling
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Re: Shemarrian-related fan creations

Unread post by taalismn »

"Trouble rather the Tiger in his Lair,
Than the Sage among his Books,
For all the Empires and Kingdoms,
The Armies and Works that you hold Dear,
Are to him but the Playthings of the Moment,
To be turned over with the Flick of a Finger,
And the Turning of a Page"

--------Rudyard Kipling
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Re: Shemarrian-related fan creations

Unread post by taalismn »

Updated Master Index:

Codex: Shemarrians(as of 7/17/2017)
Including Shemarrian Civil War and Shemarrian Star Nation

Origin Key:
#---Canon material
*---Online fan creation
Rifter Published Shemarrian Material will be followed by (Rifter issue number and author credits)

A.R.C.H.I.E.-3 Shemarrian Loyalist Units/Creations
(note: does not include ARCHIE-3/Hagan's/Cyberworks' non-Shemarrian creations/units)
*-The Machine Goddess Ark. (A-ARK-02)
*A-SHE-SSW-01 Sky Sweeper
*A-SHE-42 "Holy Warrior"
*Ark-XP001 Agonarii
*-'Veronica' (Cyborg NPC)
*-'Hellen' (Cyborg NPC)

*ARCHIE-BOZZ Big Boss Robot
*A-74 Tactical Artillery Robot

*AEOLUS (TR-AEO01, AC-AEOLUS MK1, NG-AEOLUS) Wing - Falcon Glider (A-FGW-01) Wing

BlackSteel Abominations:
*Red Scabbers
*BlackSteel Corrupted Weapons

Shemarrian ‘Originals’/’Role Models’/’Inspirations’(?):

Shemarrian Tribes:
#Blood Riders
#Ghost Riders
#Wolf’s Path
*Sapphire Cobra
*Lost Eclipse/Nightmare (verified)


Shemarrian Fringe Tribes:

Clan Alecia***
Clan Armorand*
Aurora Warriors
The FlameWings**
Ghezo Guards
Clan Gothec
The IceFlames*
Clan Immensis
The IronHearts
The Lollipops
Clan Megalith
Clan Motron
The Obsidian Dawn*
Clan Pantheron
The Radiant Edge*
Clan Scelptor*
Clan Shelley
Clan Shinden
The SkyeKlad
The Steel Gaians*
Thousand Dragons*
Clan Vespa*

Shemarrian Classes/Castes
(Note: the model numbers of A.R.C.H.I.E-3 origin designs are not repeated or used here; the EShemar and Free Shemarrians REFUSE to use model/serial numbers in reference to their sentient selves. To qoute a Ghost Rider; “You probably won’t get this joke, but damn it, we’re NOT NUMBERS!”)

#---Baseline(canon) Material

*Shemarrian DemiGoddesses

#War Goddess(*Various fan modifications)
#War Chief(*Various fan modifications)
*Thunderwing Warchief/Wargoddess Upgrade(Hawkmoon)
*Bonebane Warchief/Wargoddess Upgrade(Skullcrusher)
*Inferno Well Warchief/Wargoddess Upgrade(Blood Riders)
*Necromancer Warchief/Wargoddess Upgrade(Lost Eclipse)
* Lunesa Warchief/Wargoddess Upgrade(Silvermoons)
*Shemarrian Elites
**Hawkmoon Celestial
**Hawkmoon Celestar
**Hawkmoon Harpy
**Hawkmoon Ceetan(WIP)
**Darkwater Asrai Elite
**Darkwater Scylla
**Darkwater Hirudite(WIP)
**Sapphire Cobra Naga
**Sapphire Cobra Medusa
**Sapphire Cobra Quiksil/Darkling
**Sapphire Cobra Cerasti
**Sapphire Cobra Basilisa
**Silvermoon Prism Warrior
**Silvermoon Spriggan
**SkullCrusher Necriant
**Skullcrusher Joten
**Blood Rider Zealot
**Blood Rider Vulcar
**Blood Rider Krakaterran
**Blood Rider Kometa
**Blood Rider Ifrita
** Blood Rider Renarii
**Ghost Rider Domimatrix
** Lost Eclipse Nahsi
** Lost Eclipse Kildren
** Lost Eclipse Tisiphonii
** Lost Eclipse VatFather
** Lost Eclipse Yashi-TekTree
** Lost Eclipse Mirva
** Lost Eclipse Yaldasha
**Lost Eclipse Varaxa
**Lost Eclipse Innannan
**Wayfinder Pathfinder
**Wayfinder Ariona
**Shemarrian Conjoiner(WIP)
**Wayfinder Hatshepsa
** Wayfinder Fade Guard
**Wayfinder Psychaian (WIP)
**Wolf’s Path Channide
**Wolf’s Path Cerberon
** Alecian Meganna
** Shelley E-GOR
** Shelley Vlade
** Pantheron Simba
** Vespa Suzuhachi
** Vespa Coccina (WIP)
** Horrowoods Entkin
** Klidusian Male Elite (WIP)
** Immensian Cavalons
** Psi-Bruiser
** Psi-Blaster
**EShemar Necromancer

(See also Steel Phoenix and Cobra Dragon under War Mounts)

*EShemarrian Psi-Shamaness
#Shemarrian Berserker (*Various fan modifications)
#Shemarrian Warrior(*Various fan modifications)
Shemarrian Mystic(Rifter #53, Damon Sutton)
Shemarrian Preserver(Rifter #53, Damon Sutton)
#Male Shemarrian(*Various fan modifications)
-Vada Transformation NeShemar
-Sirin (Hawkmoon)
-ScreamQueen(Clan Shelley)
-Tangler(Clan Shelley)
-Frankens(Clan Shelley)
-Mummers(Clan Shelley)
-NekoMeki(Clan Pantheron)
- Rajeshar (Blood Rider)
-Lamaid(Sapphire Cobra)
- Hierodalite(Ghost Rider)
-Archus Mantis(Clan Vespa)
-Asenan(Wolf’s Path)
*Orseme NeShemar
-Imur (Wayfinders)
-Gilloc(Clan Shelley)
-Svarogar(Blood Rider)
-Cadejar(Sapphire Cobra)
-Wulgar(Wolf’s Path)
-Selker (Clan Gothec)
-Talos Legionnaires

Warmounts(To Date):

#A-001/002 Monst-Rex(*Various fan modifications)
#A-003 Monst-Rex “Pack Mule”
#A-006/007 Monst-Crane(*Various fan modifications)
#(varying model numbers) “Genuine Imitation” Repli-Bots(*Various fan modifications)

*EcoS-K-1 Monstropede
*EcoS-K-2 Equus
*EcoS-K-3 Steel Phoenix(also considered to be an EShemar Elite/Transferred Intelligence)
*EcoS-K-4 Chirops
*EcoS-K-5 Sphinex
*EcoS-K-6 Battle Hawk
*EcoS-K-7 SeaSword
*EcoS-K-8 Ironback
*EcoS-K-9 Steel Claw
*EcoS-K-10 Tusker
*EcoS-K-11 Cybear
*EcoS-K-12 VelociClaw

*SCES-01 Queen Cobra (EcoS-K-13?)
*SCES-IIE Cobra Dragon(EcoS-K-14?)(also considered to be an EShemar Elite/Transferred Intelligence)

*EcoS-K-15 Axyridis
*EcoS-K-16 Gorgon
*EcoS-K-17 Majestrex
*EcoS-K-18 Tuin
*EcoS-K-19 Apetaur
*EcoS-K-20 Stone Eater
*EcoS-K-21 Orobos
*EcoS-K-22 Saurotron
*EcoS-K-23 Aracha
*EcoS-K-24 Shebu
*EcoS-K-25 Octas
*EcoS-K-26 Nautika
*EcoS-K-27 Gracille
*EcoS-K-28 Draxos
*EcoS-K-29 Buthidid
*EcoS-K-30 HellMole
*EcoS-K-31 Brightmare
*EcoS-K-32 Lepidopterror
* EcoS-K-33 Arzach
* EcoS-K-34 Ghouldar
* EcoS-K-35 Monstriark
*EcoS-K-36 Terragore
*EcoS-K-37 Hekatonheires
*EcoS-K-38 Incindar BattleCat
*EcoS-K-39 Shredwing
*EcoS-K-40 Cyclopede
*EcoS-K-41 Pyrolyte
*EcoS-K-42 Nechbet
*EcoS-K-43 Treberus
* EcoS-K-44 Maskirovan
* EcoS-K-45 Cyroc
* EcoS-K-46 Aquilon
* EcoS-K-47 Firedrake
* EcoS-K-48 Quetzal
* EcoS-K-49 Thunderbeetle
* EcoS-K-50 Trogladilium
* EcoS-K-51 Nightscream
* EcoS-K-52 Slingtail
* EcoS-K-53 Edselator
* EcoS-K-54 Sting Tongue
* EcoS-K-55 Chromanid
* EcoS-K-56 Mantazee
* EcoS-K-57 Wolf-Spyder
* EcoS-K-58 Vorpine
* EcoS-K-59 Innesi
* EcoS-K-60 Aslander
* EcoS-K-61 Sherak
* EcoS-K-62 ‘Shelong’
* EcoS-K-63 ‘KillWar’
* EcoS-K-64 ‘Vincha’
* EcoS-K 65 Audiocity
* EcoS-K 66 BarrierHog
* EcoS-K 67 Hexadra Macromount
* EcoS-K 68 Mixmaw
* Ecos-MADMeg-3R (EcoS-K-69?)
* EcoS-K-70 Sistrus
* EcoS-K-71 Gatar
* EcoS-K-72 Galang
* EcoS-K-73 Drakar
* EcoS-K-74 Crazelle
* EcoS-K-75 MonstrApex
*EcoS-K-76 Dredadon
* EcoS-K-77 Dobharg
*EcoS-K-78 Trydra
*EcoS-K-79 Blackstar
*EcoS-K-80 Shastrac
*EcoS-K-81 Enigmoid
*EcoS-K-82 Willey
*EcoS-K-83 Dalit
*EcoS-K-84 Wreckadon
*EcoS-K-85 Ripjaw
*EcoS-K-86 Toxatyl
*EcoS-K-87 Trigadar
*EcoS-K-88 Sphyrn
*EcoS-K-89 Susanokite
*EcoS-K-90 Kondar
*EcoS-K-91 Myxomyte
*EcoS-K-92 Tohilan
*EcoS-K-93 Gunkyard
*EcoS-K-94 Burblewrack
*EcoS-K-95 Lughaul
*EcoS-K-96 Lavoenix
*EcoS-K-97 Conasaur
*EcoS-K-98 Shambulator
*EcoS-K-99 Mixcoatlan
*EcoS-K-100 Pomolar
*EcoS-K-101 Jaegerwagen
*EcoS-K-102 VolksVore
* EcoS-K-103 CryoTherm
* EcoS-K-104 Invictor
* EcoS-K-105 ‘Gretcher’
* EcoS-K-106 ‘Lokyee’
* EcoS-K-107 Stormapod
* EcoS-K-108 Killdeere
*EcoS-K-109 Legem
* EcoS-K-110 Bunnibopper
* EcoS-K-111 HawkMoth
* EcoS-K-112 Pelaganar
* EcoS-K-113 Herculite
* EcoS-K-114 Klangore
* EcoS-K-115 Scapterus
* EcoS-K-116 Arcus
*EcoS-K-117 Nitroid
* EcoS-K-118 Multitorpid

Shemar ‘Animals’:
#AA-10SW/A-009 Shemarrian Wolf(*Various fan modifications)/’Kantaran’
*EShe-11SW Kantaran Schillga---(aka ‘Shemarrian Dire Wolf’, ‘Skulleater’)
*EShe-12SW Kantaran Madghar---(aka ‘Badger-Wolf’, ‘Mole-Wolf’)
*EShe-13SW Kantaran Scarnus---(aka ‘Quillback Wolf’, ‘Spark-Wolf’, ‘Firestarter’)
*EShe-14SW Kantaran Lumnis--(aka ‘Moon Wolf’, ‘Silver Wolf’, ‘Royal Wolf’)
*EShe-15SW Kantaran Vox--(aka ‘Howler Wolf’)
*EShe-16SW Kantaran Toxos---(aka ‘Venom Wolf’)
*EShe-17SW Kantaran Pyranine---(‘Redjaw’, ‘FireWolf’)
*EShe-18SW Kantaran Phalanx Robo-Gestalt
*EShe-19LE Kantaran Gorgona ---(aka ‘Anemone Dog’, ‘Gorgon-Hound’)
*EShe-20LE Kantaran Velocus---(aka ‘Rollerdog’, ‘Studridge’)
*EShe-21CSh Kantaran Nocturnus ---(aka ‘Batwolf’)
*EShe-22Wf Kantaran Bernardus
*EcoS-AA-11 Kintori ‘Wolfpup’ Robotic Animal
*Hellhound Nightmare Tribe Elite Wolf

#AA-03 Avian Spy/’Avyet’
*EShe-AA04 Shrikewing
*EShe-AA05 Slashtail
*EShe-AA06 Strikebeak
*EShe-AA07Sm Silverlite
*EShe-AA08 Flameflyte
*EShe-AA09Dw Darkhawk

*EcoS-Kcvsp-01 Vespina MicroRobot Asssistant
Eco-KRP01---*EcoS-AAR-01 Chirt
Eco-KRP02---*EcoS-SRA-03 Peeper
Eco-KRP03---*EcoS-KBSS4 ‘Gekker’
Eco-KRP04---*EcoS-KaSSc-01 CyperCyper Cybersnake
Eco-KRP05---*EcoS-D09LE Boresnake Unmanned Semi-Autonomous Utility Drone
Eco-KRP06---*EcoS-KRPX2001 Selen
Eco-KRP07---*EcoS-D07LE Chitterling Drone
Eco-KRP08---*EShe-AA31 ‘Shyger’
Eco-KRP09---*EcoS-Hw-R/e-027 Shagoon War Drone
Eco-KRP10---*EcoS-KaG1KD-02 Cyvern Robotic Warbeast
Eco-KRP11---*EcoS-K-D11LEx Liquidus Robotic Animal
Eco-KRP12---*EcoS-KRP07LE ‘Bursk’ Robotic Warbeast/Watchbeast
Eco-KRP13---*EcoS-MCRD-01Sm Mooncalf
Eco-KRP14---*EcoS-KMCPRD02 ‘Ovidar’
Eco-KRP15---*EcoS-KRP3036 VBS Vorpal Bunny Slippers
Eco-KRP16---Rozrezard Warbeast
Eco-KRP17---* EcoS-Ka08Sc Tagla Robotic Warbeast/Watchbeast
Eco-KRP18---*EcoS-KG47 Hurga Robotic Animal Drone

Eco-KRP19---*EcoS-KRP09Cv Bester Robotic Warbeast/Watchbeast(WIP)

Eco-KRP20---*EcoS-KRPXUW2007 Teuthy Robotic Scout/Sentry
Eco-KRP21---*EcoS-KRP21 Airquid Robotic Warbeast/Watchbeast
Eco-KRP22 Cyertone War Beast
Eco-KRP23 Sabersharc Robotic Warbeast/Watchbeast
Eco-KRP24-KAScr Vola'Dry Robotic Warbeast
EcoS-KRP25/AAEx28Hw Rapt-rex War Beast
EcoS-KaSSc-01/KRP-26 Darkeel
EcoS-KRP27 Scrumbler Robotic Warbeast/Watchbeast
EcoS-KRP28 Leonite Robotic Warbeast/Watchbeast
EcoS-KRP29 Banty Robotic Companion-Beast
EcoS-KRP-Re-30 Nimboid Robotic E-animal, Aerial
EcoS-KRP-Re-31 Cumulan Robotic E-animal, Aerial
EcoS-KRP-32 Cryolisk Robotic E-Animal

*A-SHE-26 Wyrding Tree(Rifter #53, Damon Sutton)


*EShe-R207Gr Foci Scout Drone
*EShe-R210Wf Altilium Foci Support Drone
*EShe-R280Wf Squire Support Drone
*EShe-R290Le Mortorb Robotic Drone, Aerial

*EcoS-D06LE ‘Cooter’(aka ‘Cootie’) Robot ‘Swarm’ Drone
*EcoS-D07LE ‘Bubonic’(aka ‘Bubunny’) Robot ‘Swarm’ Drone
* Mk 42 Terror Drone
*EShe-AD42 Dissolver Robotic Attack Drone
*EShe-AD49 Bolt-Thrall Robotic Attack Drone
*EcoS-D61cv Carrian Fly MicroRobot
*EcoS-D62cv Carapace Beetle MicroRobot
*Eshe-R63Cvp Fiery Wing MicroRobot
*Silvamite Silver-Attack MicroRobots
*EcoS-R65Hw 'Straw Warrior' Unmanned Semi-Autonomous Combat Drone

Shemarrian Weapons:
# Shemarrian 6070 ‘Scepter of God’ Rail Gun
# Shemarrian 6000 Rail Gun
# Shemarrian 4000 “Short-Gun” Rail Gun
# Shemarrian Assault Rifle
# Shemarrian .30-06 Hunting Rifle
#SHE-LPP80 Laser Pulse Rifle
#She-PB20 Particle Beam Rifle
# She-PLR25 Plasma Rifle
# She-IP30 Ion Pistol
*Shemarrian Puls-Gauntlet
*EShe-IP30E Ion Pistol
*EShe-NIP0201/Sm "Nipper" Ion Pistol
*EShe-KIP-22 Ion Pistol
*EShe-NPL020/Sm "Shermenikarpal" Laser Pistol
*EShe-NLR-250/Sm/Dw "Shrier" Laser Rifle
*She-NLR360/Sm "Trazzer" Laser Grenade Rifle
*EShe-NPR470/Br "Nidus" Plasma Rifle
*EShe-NPR476 "Volcus" Plasma Cannon
*EShe-NGLR540 "Chunda" Grenade Launcher
*EShe-NML557 'Denniker" Mini-Missile Rifle
*ESHe-NRG660 "Scava-shron" Rail Gun
*EShe-NRG670 'Scava-sutek" Rail Gun
*Shemarrian Buzzshield
*EShemarrian Photonic Grenade
*EShemarrian Pulse-Puncher
*EShemarrian Overload Net
*EShemarrian Governor Harness
*Shemarrian Slicer Ring
*EShemar Sapphire Cobra Boomslang Sword-Whip
*Sapphire Cobra ‘Rattle-Dance’ Nano-Venom
*Sapphire Cobra ‘Stone-Blood’ Nano-Venom
*EShemarrian 38mm PP-01 ESSPA Gauss Pistol
*Sapphire Cobra ‘ElectroByte’ EMP Round
*EShe-ScrGP03 ‘Punch Gun’(also ‘Awl-Gun)
*EShe-ScrPR05 ”BoneBreaker” Personal Cannon
*EShemarrian ShatterClaw Melee Combat Gauntlet
*EShemarrian ’SkullShatter’ Cannon
*EShe-LPP85 Laser Pulse Rifle
*EShe-LPPUW90 Underwater Laser Pulse Rifle
*EShe-HLW04Dw Heavy Laser Rifle
*EShe-HLW04DwC Heavy Laser Rifle
*EShe-WpPB30 Particle Beam Rifle
*EShe-WpHLR03 Sniper Laser
*EShe-WpLB02 Laser Bow
*EShe-WpSB02 Repeating Pneumatic Crossbow
*EShe-WpBW-01 Long Bow
*SilverMoon ADL Staff
*SilverMoon Laser Lance
*Silvermoon Eshe-LPP800 Laser Pulse Rifle
* EShe-BrPMW-01 Plasma Axe
* EShe-BrPMW-02 Plasma Sword
* EShe-BrPMW-03 Plasma Whip
* EShe-BrPMW-04 Plasma Knife
* EShe-BrPMW-05 Plasma Blade
* EShe-BrPR-03 Plasma Rifle
*EShe-HLW05Wp ‘Dingo’ Cannon
*ES-RPGL-6/40//ES-RPGL-6/40G 40mm Grenade Launcher
*Fasher Battle Staff
* Flit-Striker Projectile Launcher
*Blastron Direction Charge Armor Plates
*Hawkwind Handguns
-GRG-1A Derringer
-GRG-1B4 Derringer/Pepperbox
-GRG-1B6 Derringer/Pepperbox
-GRG-1B8 Derringer/Pepperbox
-GRG-2Rev Revolver
-GRG-2RevH Heavy Revolver
-GRG-2P Pistol
-GRG-2HP Heavy Pistol
*Conda .45 Revolver
*Gothec EsCGRG01 ‘Gausser’ Rail Gun
(Clan Gothec Modified Weapons)
* (G)WT-10 Laser Pistol
* (G)WT-20 Laser Rifle
* (G)TX-20 “Short” Laser Pistol
* (G)WR-10 Wilderness Ion Pistol
* (G)WR-15 Wilderness Laser Rifle
* (G)WR-17 Wilderness “Double” Rifle
* (G)WR-19/WR-20 Plasma Ejector
*Quakeroid Heavy Cannon
*Neutron Pistol
*Neutron Rifle
*Radian Rifle
*Radian Cannon
*Electrofork Mag-Tool
*Deployable Protective Circle
*Thermal Reduction Expeller
*Nothaw TRE Pistol
*UtterChill TRE Rifle
*Bergbite Cooling Laser Rifle
*Shemarrian Spears
*Vine Missiles
*Laser Groves

*Kinetic Amplifiers
*Counter Strike
*Evasion Patch
*Vigilante Tool Kit
*Shemarrian Kits
*Burst Armor
*Essence Transfer Gauntlet
*Bonespeaker’s Bracers
*Anti-Wizard Hat
*Stomp Boots
*Portable Foxhole
*Cloud Armor
*Sandstorm Armor
*Diamonddust Armor
*Blast Gum
*Candy Cane Gravity Spear
*Radiation Sponges
*Rift Closer
*Sapphire Cobra TW Crystal Bracers/Shackles
* TerrorTryke
* Howlen Gear

*ES-SC-HRL-01 Heavy Artillery Rocket Launcher
*ES-SC-NGC-02 80mm Grav-Howitzer
*ES-BR-DmM03 ‘Firestalk’ 81mm High Power Mortar
*ES-Cim-M3 105mm howitizer
*ES-Carm-M1 75mm pack howitzer.
*ES-Sm-M2 ‘Silver Thunder’ 155 mm LB Massdriver Cannon
*Wayfinder ‘Telzart’ TW Artillery Projector

Miscellaneous Vessels/Vehicles:
*EShe-AUSDV-02 ‘Scarin’ Small Submersible
*EShe-SSN-01 Glashtin Hunter Killer Submarine
*Es-SSN03 Humboldt Medium Combat Submarine

*EShe-UVTOL-03 Galehawk Light Utility Aerodyne
*EShe ‘Thorondor’ Heavy Air Transport

*Eshe-Le ‘Necronaught’ Heavy Robot Assault Vehicle

Shemarrian Spacecraft(To Date):
*ESheMar-CV/BB1 Scorpio BattleCarrier
*ESheMar-BB03Sc Tartog Battleship
*Es-BB-03 Amduat Space Battleship
*ES-SD MK1 StormDragon Battleship
*ES-SD MK2.0Dw Abyssal Dragon Battleship
*ESheMar-CV-01 Heavy Troop Transport Cruiser
*EShe-BCM05 Fangstorm Space Battlecruiser, Missile Carrier
*ESheMar-CG03 Radiant Crescent Heavy Cruiser
*ESheMar-CH07 Drepanaspis Heavy Cruiser
*ESheMar-CG-02 Remora Medium Cruiser
*ESheMar-C(M)03 Kumo-rodosha Medium Cruiser
*ESheMar-CL03Br Verasus Light Cruiser
*ESheMar-CL09Le Tyrannastar Light Cruiser
*ESheMar-LC-01-Unipelta Light Cruiser/Transport
*ESheMar-DwFR07 Astrapade Frigate
*SSN Hawkwind Strikeship
*ESheMar-DD07 Aureale Destroyer
*ESheMar-DD06Sc StarCobra Destroyer
*ESheMar-FG08Wf Peregrinator Heavy Frigate
*ESheMar-FG07Wf Delphin Long Range Scout Frigate
*ESheMar--PGM07Sc “Hydra” Gunship
*ESheMar-AuxCv04 “Goshawk” Corvette
*EShe-B/SS02 Hirunda Strike/Scout Ship
*ESheMar-ASV01 Scarab Assault Shuttle
*EShe-T03 Rhinochon Medium Multipurpose Transport
*ESheMar-C/ADB-02 Ika Space Resource Development Vessel

*Shaemarian Shem-Rhan Winged Justice Hyper-Dimensional Scout(sometimes operated by Sharmarrian crews in support of SSN operations)

*EShe-F01 Kamayari
*EShe-F02 Ryu
*EShe-F03 Kris
*EShe-F04 Arkawing Medium Aerospace Fighter
*EShe-F05 Kadia Heavy Aerospace Fighter
*EShe-F06Br ‘Dazla’ Light Aerospace Fighter
*EShe-F07 Artume Heavy Aerospace Fighter(WIP)

*EShe-SSN-UCV09 Xidras Aerospace Combat Drone
*DwDS-01 Guardian Autonomous Defense Satellite

*Advanced Cultural Notes
*Shemarrian Star Nation(Rules, modifications, worlds)
*Fringe Tribes(Creation Tables, Documented Fringers)
*Misc. Vignettes, Omakes, and Mind-drivelry.
Last edited by taalismn on Wed Jul 19, 2017 8:28 pm, edited 2 times in total.
"Trouble rather the Tiger in his Lair,
Than the Sage among his Books,
For all the Empires and Kingdoms,
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Are to him but the Playthings of the Moment,
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Re: Shemarrian-related fan creations

Unread post by taalismn »

Laser Groves

“There is no such thing as a ‘stealth approach over unpopulated wilderess’ on a Horrorwoods world. They’re devilishly clever about hiding their presence in what looks like dense forest, and when you least expect it, they’ll announce that presence by shooting you from the sky.”
-Centurion Rannoc Katalos, survivor of the ill-fated Splugorth invasion campaign of Koibec Sector, Thundercloud Galaxy.

“Those ain’t Christmas Tree glittering over there! That’s the sky defense batteries opening up! Something’s up if they’re active!”


“I think the Shemarrians’ ‘holy trees’ are more than capable of defending themselves...”

Laser Groves can be mistaken for a variant of Quakeroid Cannons, except that they are really (literal) outgrowths of the ‘electrocology’ concept. Laser Groves are fixed-position laser artillery positions, first developed by the Horrorwoods as an air defense measure.
Laser Groves are made up of false trees that are really upright laser cannons, standing 50-70 ft tall. Buried in the ‘root bulb’ is a compact fusion generator that powers a laser excitor and crystal core in the trunk. The branches serve as beam splitters and focal elements, directing laser pulses at multiple targets. The ‘foliage’ acts as camouflage and heat radiators. Laser Groves are typically directed from a nearby fire command/control post, often tied to other false trees that are really long range sensory arrays. Synchronized mass-volleys at the same target by networked ‘laser forests’ can be especially impressive, and have been known to vaporize entire warships(especially troop transports) making low atmosphere approaches.
Supplemental power may be provided by tapping into other elements of the electrocology-solar arrays, wind farms, power networks, and geothermal taps. It’s also rumored that the Wayfinders are looking at tapping planetary leyline networks to add power and effects to their own laser groves.
Rumors of even larger and more powerful ‘seqoia-class’ Laser Trees are also circulating, though the power demands of one of these giants, let alone entire groves of them, are correspondingly higher and rate of fire likely much lower.
The downside of Laser Groves is that immediately before and after firing, the trees generate a thermal bloom that can register on heat sensors, and give away the position of the laser batteries. This can be alleviated somewhat by tying the battery into a larger electrocology heatsink system that transports and dissipates the heat overburden over a larger area.
Aside from a few small groves protecting established Tribal enclaves, Laser Groves are very rare on Rifts Earth. They are increasingly common on EShemar-settled worlds in the Shemarrian Star Nation, where they are part of the planetary defense networks. There, laser groves may number in the hundreds, even thousands, of individual trees in a battery.

Weight: A typical laser ‘tree’ can weigh 3-6 tons
MDC: 180
Range: 6 miles in atmosphere
A ‘grove’ battery may involve as many as 3d6x10 laser-trees, making massed-fire volleys fearsome indeed.
Damage: 1d6x100 MD per blast
Rate of Fire: A single tree can engage up to six targets, doing 1d10x10 MD to each, simultaneously, and volley-fire three times per melee.
Payload: Effectively Unlimited
"Trouble rather the Tiger in his Lair,
Than the Sage among his Books,
For all the Empires and Kingdoms,
The Armies and Works that you hold Dear,
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Re: Shemarrian-related fan creations

Unread post by DhAkael »

Laser Groves
May I say... "YIPE!"
Regardless of the detriments (fixed emplacement, NO way to be fully stealthed, et-al), for anti-air / anti sub-orbital defense these definitely are a nasty surprise as a first response to any potential invasion.

"Gaea has had enough of your [cesnored]!"
~Unknown Shemarrian Wayfinder laison to Horrorwoods enclave Titania VII, transmitting to Golgon "Completely Legal expedition fleet of peaceful commercial expansion"
Bind the body to the opened mind
Bind the body to the opened mind

I dream of towers in a world consumed
A void in the sentient sky
I dream of fissures across the moon
Leaves of the lotus rise

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Re: Shemarrian-related fan creations

Unread post by taalismn »

Yeah....when the forest opens up on you and it starts raining coherent light UPWARDS, you just might be seriously f###ed.

Also makes for rather bucolic laser launch systems.

Oh, and Vine Missile technology? Consider the terraforming applications as well...Even if the plants last only a few minutes in a hostile environment, they've converted an amount of terrain into organic material...and the deteriorating stalks and vines can hold new topsoil in place. Rinse and repeat multiple times in conjunction with other measures, and you start building up ariable land...
"Trouble rather the Tiger in his Lair,
Than the Sage among his Books,
For all the Empires and Kingdoms,
The Armies and Works that you hold Dear,
Are to him but the Playthings of the Moment,
To be turned over with the Flick of a Finger,
And the Turning of a Page"

--------Rudyard Kipling
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Re: Shemarrian-related fan creations

Unread post by kronos »

taalismn wrote:Yeah....when the forest opens up on you and it starts raining coherent light UPWARDS, you just might be seriously f###ed.

Also makes for rather bucolic laser launch systems.

Oh, and Vine Missile technology? Consider the terraforming applications as well...Even if the plants last only a few minutes in a hostile environment, they've converted an amount of terrain into organic material...and the deteriorating stalks and vines can hold new topsoil in place. Rinse and repeat multiple times in conjunction with other measures, and you start building up ariable land...

I don't think it would be that hard for them to modify the vine missiles so that the organic mater lasts longer. Hell they can probably program/grow/modify them to not only last longer but to also deliver basic organic matter, which also acts as fertilizer (as already done) but to also release seed pods/spores for grass and other simple plants (mushrooms use spores right?) to make it almost self sustaining/replicating so they don't have to keep firing missiles at a planet.
Mix in a few straw warriors with upgraded programming for gardening, and a missile barrage of long range vine missiles in an area with decent soil and water supply, they could have a small forest sprout up over the course of a few short years (well tentacle forest in minutes that can last for years with its own gardeners)
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Re: Shemarrian-related fan creations

Unread post by taalismn »

Ah, good, so cyberterraforming is a go then! :twisted: :D 8) :nuke: :angel:
"Trouble rather the Tiger in his Lair,
Than the Sage among his Books,
For all the Empires and Kingdoms,
The Armies and Works that you hold Dear,
Are to him but the Playthings of the Moment,
To be turned over with the Flick of a Finger,
And the Turning of a Page"

--------Rudyard Kipling
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Re: Shemarrian-related fan creations

Unread post by kronos »

taalismn wrote:Ah, good, so cyberterraforming is a go then! :twisted: :D 8) :nuke: :angel:

Well they may be able to do it a bit faster than some others (would probably still take years, but instead of centuries, could be measured within a single century), or seed a current planet and slowly transform it into something else (vine missiles that deliver nanites that infect local plant life and cyberize it so that there is a start of a cyber ecology before they actually set up a colony).. an interesting way of taking over a splugoth world? infect the local plant life with nanites and turning them into something useful for EShemarrian purposes.. such as hiding areas for escaped prisoners/slaves or strike teams, start creating resources for later strike teams...
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Re: Shemarrian-related fan creations

Unread post by taalismn »

kronos wrote:
taalismn wrote:Ah, good, so cyberterraforming is a go then! :twisted: :D 8) :nuke: :angel:

Well they may be able to do it a bit faster than some others (would probably still take years, but instead of centuries, could be measured within a single century), or seed a current planet and slowly transform it into something else (vine missiles that deliver nanites that infect local plant life and cyberize it so that there is a start of a cyber ecology before they actually set up a colony).. an interesting way of taking over a splugoth world? infect the local plant life with nanites and turning them into something useful for EShemarrian purposes.. such as hiding areas for escaped prisoners/slaves or strike teams, start creating resources for later strike teams...

Splugorth lawns become instant snaretraps...
Mind you, the EShemar would stop short of stuff like the Splicers NEXUS Metal-Plague...that's just too nasty.

Long ago, though, there was an anthology of sci-fi power armor stories that had, between chapters, a fictitious 'history of personal battle armors' which ultimately wound up with a system that transformed all 'smart matter'(which by then had become ubiquitious in the future society) into war entire planet's non-essential consumer goods gets turned into an arsenal...or, if a planet was being invaded, they'd find all their consumer goods being turned into an automated enemy army ready to be directed by arriving enemy officeres in cosmoknight-like supersuits(Schlock Mercenary's currently in a story arc where an entire warehouse of goods gets viral'ed into an enemy infiltration battlegroup)
"Trouble rather the Tiger in his Lair,
Than the Sage among his Books,
For all the Empires and Kingdoms,
The Armies and Works that you hold Dear,
Are to him but the Playthings of the Moment,
To be turned over with the Flick of a Finger,
And the Turning of a Page"

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Re: Shemarrian-related fan creations

Unread post by kronos »

taalismn wrote:
kronos wrote:
taalismn wrote:Ah, good, so cyberterraforming is a go then! :twisted: :D 8) :nuke: :angel:

Well they may be able to do it a bit faster than some others (would probably still take years, but instead of centuries, could be measured within a single century), or seed a current planet and slowly transform it into something else (vine missiles that deliver nanites that infect local plant life and cyberize it so that there is a start of a cyber ecology before they actually set up a colony).. an interesting way of taking over a splugoth world? infect the local plant life with nanites and turning them into something useful for EShemarrian purposes.. such as hiding areas for escaped prisoners/slaves or strike teams, start creating resources for later strike teams...

Splugorth lawns become instant snaretraps...
Mind you, the EShemar would stop short of stuff like the Splicers NEXUS Metal-Plague...that's just too nasty.

Long ago, though, there was an anthology of sci-fi power armor stories that had, between chapters, a fictitious 'history of personal battle armors' which ultimately wound up with a system that transformed all 'smart matter'(which by then had become ubiquitious in the future society) into war entire planet's non-essential consumer goods gets turned into an arsenal...or, if a planet was being invaded, they'd find all their consumer goods being turned into an automated enemy army ready to be directed by arriving enemy officeres in cosmoknight-like supersuits(Schlock Mercenary's currently in a story arc where an entire warehouse of goods gets viral'ed into an enemy infiltration battlegroup)

Lolipops and Ghost Riders new infiltration orsemes and e-nimals..
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Re: Shemarrian-related fan creations

Unread post by taalismn »

kronos wrote:[
Lolipops and Ghost Riders new infiltration orsemes and e-nimals..

Turns Kittani power armors into giant teddy bears.... :twisted: :fool:
"Trouble rather the Tiger in his Lair,
Than the Sage among his Books,
For all the Empires and Kingdoms,
The Armies and Works that you hold Dear,
Are to him but the Playthings of the Moment,
To be turned over with the Flick of a Finger,
And the Turning of a Page"

--------Rudyard Kipling
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Re: Shemarrian-related fan creations

Unread post by taalismn »

"Trouble rather the Tiger in his Lair,
Than the Sage among his Books,
For all the Empires and Kingdoms,
The Armies and Works that you hold Dear,
Are to him but the Playthings of the Moment,
To be turned over with the Flick of a Finger,
And the Turning of a Page"

--------Rudyard Kipling
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Re: Shemarrian-related fan creations

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Okay, some Darkwater-elated WAFF and some tentacle-porn.

First the WAFF:

EcoS-KRP-33 Empac E-Animal
(aka ‘Empacky’, ‘Empacie’, ‘Psi-Buoy’, ‘Plushiebot’, ‘Mental Medicine Ball’,‘Sonysi’)

“Remember, always groom your empacie after a swim in the ocean! Otherwise its fur will become matted with seaweed and algae! You don’t want to be kidded about your ‘scumball’ again, do you?”
---EShemar parental advice to her Progen-born hybrid offspring

“If ‘cute’ were a weapon, the EShemar would already be ruling the world with these things.”
---Anonymous Lazlo University professor, Chair of Shemarrian Studies

“I’d have succeeded in my plans if not for those damned kids and their pet...pufferfish....flying pillow....fuzzball...whatever it was too damned cute!....Yeah, I would have succeeded!”
---Anonymous madman, somewhere in the Magic Zone

Empacs are curious little e-animals that began appearing in the Darkwaters Tribe as watch animals, though they are more commonly maintained as companion-critters.
Empacs resemble animated bowling or basketballs, made up to resemble plushie jellyfish, fish, or whales. They are covered in a soft, but tough, felt-like material that is waterproof and incidentally helps absorb sonar energy. They often sport two or more beady and expressive eyes. Empacs are propelled by an advanced hover/anti-gravity system that works qually well in both air and water. It is believed that the same Tinker or VatFather who created the ‘Banty’ also created the Empac, though the inception of the rather unique Ecotroz essence-fragment strain empowering the little e-animals seems to have been a happy surprise.
Empacs are unusually psychically-active for e-animals, with a variety of psionic abilities that even psi-mystics in the Tribes don’t possess. Most notably is the empacs’ ability to project empathic suggestions, all without the usual ISP costs associated with such powers. Though Empacs incorporate a psylite crystal in their construction, the high psionic capability seems more a trait of the particular ‘strain’ of Ecotroz essence imbuing the Empac. Empacs can also amplify certain psionic abilities in others, so EShemarrian Mystics(who share more in common psychically with the organic Mystics than ATCHIE-3’s faux mystics, and in the case of Wayfinder EShemar Mystics, often WERE organic Mystics in their last lives) will often have one or two Empacs to increase their psionic sensitivity(or, at least that’s their excuse for keeping the cuddly fuzzballs around).
Though not suited for open combat, empacs, like almost all EShemar creations, can and will engage in combat if cornered, or in defense of their companions/charges. To make up for their combat shortcomings, Empacs are often grouped with more combat-oriented e-animals, such as Scrumblers, Banties, Gekkers and Leonites.
Empacs are used as picket animals, due to their psychic sensitivities, forming ‘psychic barriers’ and warning cordons, but they are more often seen as pets or companions, especially of NeShemar. The little e-animals’ psychic emissions have a calming effect on organic(and even synthetic) minds, especially in the often cramped and stressful environments of submarines and spacecraft. They are very popular with new NeShemar, especially youngsters, the e-bots’ chipper chirpy attitudes and mannerisms making them excellent therapy-animals. A number have also appeared with the Wayfinders, where they have found considerable favor(and adoration) among the many eccentric Tribesmembers there.

Type: EcoS-KRP-33 Empac
Class: Robotic E-Animal
Crew: None; robot intelligence, Awakened

MDC/Armor by Location:
Main Body 40
Height: 1 ft
Width: 1 ft
Length: 1 ft
Weight: 10 lbs
Cargo: None
Physical Strength: Equivalent to Robotic P.S. of 4.
Can pick up and carry small objects such as pens, letters, small balls, and plates in their small mouths.
Powerplant: Nuclear w/ 3 year energy life, though many supplement their core power by regularly sucking on electrical sockets/induction fields
Speed: (Running) Can attempt to roll at a clumsy Speed of 3.
(Flying) Hover to 45 MPH, maximum altitude of 300 ft
(Space) Can fly in zero-gee at 90 MPH
(Underwater) 10 MPH. Depth Tolerance: 2.5 miles
Market Cost: Exclusive to the Ecotroz-Shemar
Systems of Note:
Full optical systems, laser targeting, passive nightvision, telescopic vision, thermal imaging, infrared, ultraviolet, and polarization filters. Also has motion and heat detection, built-in radar( 1 mile range) and other standard power armor-equivalent systems. Additional/special sensors may be built in by the creating Spinsters or at the behest of individual riders/owners.

*Bionic Cybernanite Repair Systems---ALL Empacs have the same bionic nanotech repair system that the Ecotroz Shemar have refitted themselves with, and which is becoming the standard among NeShemar as well. These systems repair 4d6 MD per hour, and can repair 10 MDC before needing material stocks to convert to MD repair material, in the form of already prepared material substrates(the small e-animals lack the jaws to masticate ‘raw’ MDC materials for use). Empacs are among the smallest e-beasts to have this system.

*Modulating Voice Synthesizer Chip---Allows the Empac to imitate a variety of natural sounds, such as animal calls. Empacs do not speak as such, but can emote quite effectively with coos, squeals, chirps, barks, and whistles.

*Mini-Sonar---3 mile range
*Depth Gauge
*Basic Optical Sensor
*Low-Lite Optics
*Laser Distancer( 1,000 ft range)
*Radiation Detector(100 ft diameter area)
*Air Thermometer(20 ft diameter area)
*Molecular Analyzer(20 ft diameter area)

*Stealth Sheathing----The Empac has only an 11% chance of being spotted by radar and active sonar.

*Silent Running----The Empac has only an 10% chance of being detected by passive sonar.

*Psionic Amplifier---Psychics touching the Empac will find their Sensitive psionic abilities’ range effectively DOUBLED.

Weapons Systems:
1) Sonic Projector--Built into the Empac is a sonic transducer that can radiate an omnidirectional sonic screech that throws off sonar and enhanced hearing systems, or can direct more powerful and focused pulses at individual targets. It is rumored that this was to be the original primary weapons system/function of the Empac, as a mobile sonar sensor drone and sonic weapon, before Ecotroz Awakening revealed the high psychic abilities of the essence-strain.
Note: The Empac can also broadcast sonic frequencies equivalent to pest repellents such as the widely available sonic insect repellent collar.
Range:(Screecher) 200 ft radius in air, 2,000 ft underwater
(Stun)250 ft
(Disruptor)220 ft
(Heavy MD Shot)100 ft
Double all ranges underwater
Damage:(Screecher)Broadcasts a massive burst of noise across all audio/sonic frequencies, with the intended effect of destroying acoustic target(sonar) locks, and allowing the ‘bot(and companions) to escape opponents using sonar to detect or track them. -60% to track the ‘bot via sonar while the Screech is in effect, while sonar-guided weapons are -10 to strike, plus acoustic-homing weapons will break target lock to attack the decoy.
Also has the effect of stunning dolphins, whales, and other creatures using natural sonar and echo location. These creatures are disoriented/stunned for 1d4 melees.
In air, the Screech has the same effects as the spell Thunderclap with regards to shock and stun; save versus Horror Factor 8, and the Empac gains +5 on initiative, +1 to strike/dodge while everybody else is stunned/distracted by the sudden loud noise. Those without ear protection will be temporarily deafened for 1d4 minutes; -4 on initiative, -2 to parry and dodge. Those inside EBA, light MDC vehicles or power armor will be only distracted for 2d4 melees.

(Stun)1 SDC, plus victims must save versus non-lethal poison or be rendered unconscious for 1d6 melee rounds. Even on a successful save, the victim is -2 to strike, parry, and dodge for 1d6 melee rounds. Multiple blasts are cumulative for duration.
(Disruptor)4d6 SDC, or 1d6 MD per blast.
Area of effect ‘shotgun’ blast: Half damage to a 10 ft wide area.
(MD Shots)2d4 MD per blast
Characters in EBA will take HALF that damage in SDC even through their armor, while vehicle crew will take 1/4 damage in SDC through their vehicle’s armor due to shock and excessive vibration. Vehicles with more than 200 MDC in their main body, or forcefield protection, will NOT be affected.
Rate of Fire: ECHH
Payload: Effectively Unlimited for all modes

The Ecotroz have installed robotic AIs, then infected the matrix with a low-level Ecotroz sentience.
Typically has the following:
Basic Math 98%
Radio: Basic 98%
Prowl 72%
Tracking 65%
Begging 90%(high MA and puppy/kitten-cute )
Land Navigation: Underwater/Land 86%
Language: Can understand 22 different languages
Climbing 75%
Find Contraband 50%(+5% per level of experience for Ecotroz entity)
Detect Concealment 60%
The Ecotroz entity can also pick up one Secondary skill at levels 2, 6, and 12 of experience, though the nature of the Empac intelligence and design is such that it is limited to skill selections from Technical: Language(understanding) and Lore, Espionage(Detect Ambush, Detect Concealment), Wilderness(Track Humanoids, Track Animals, Hunting, Identify Plants and Fruits)

The Empac has the following Natural Psionic Abilities(no ISP Cost), all equivalent to 6th level with regards to range and proficiency.
*Sixth Sense
*See Aura
*Sense Magic
*Sense Evil
*Invisible Haze(ATB animal psionic)
*Empathic Projection

Actions/Attacks Per Melee: 5
Initiative +2 (+1 from the Ecotroz entity for a total of +3)
Dodge +7 in air and underwater)
Strike +1 (+2 w/ ranged weaponry)
Roll +6
Flying Body Block/Ram 1d6 SDC

Note: The Ecotroz intelligence fragment inhabiting the ‘bot gives the Empac an aura and behavior more befitting a sentient being than a robot. Empacs have puppy-like personalities, being very curious, empathic, and friendly. They work well with children and are very alert to the emotional state of their companions. Empacs get along well with other e-animals, especially companion-types such as Chirts, Selenes, Leonites, and Kintori .

The Ecotroz fragment does occasionally need sleep/rest...though they only need 2 hours of rest/meditation per 24 hours...they can push this, going without for as many days as they have I.Q. points(most Warmounts, unless otherwise noted, have an effective IQ rating of 8 ), but will have to go dormant for 4d6 hours after such exertion.
Susceptible to Exorcism and Banish spells, but are +6 to save against such spells, +1 at levels 4, 8, and 12 of experience, and becoming IMMUNE at level 14 and up. Such Banishment causes the ‘bot to revert to its default robot programming. (OPTION: Ecotroz may become IMMUNE to Exorcism and Banishment with experience, and NEW BUILT EShemar constructs are immune to this---virtually all new Empacs are Awakened/nfused during their creation)

Note also that the Ecotroz-possessed ‘bot can infect other bots with the Ecotroz viral-entity, by bite or sustained touch(takes 3 attacks).

*Fins---Little robotic fins and a tail can be added to the Empac, giving it the appearace of a very bloated little whale or pufferfish. They do give it rather more maneuverability, though; +1 to Dodge/Roll.

*Tentacles---Up to six little cybertendrils can be added. Each is 2-7 ft long, has 5 MDC each Too weak and fragile, and lacking a proper manipulator-hand to be used as an extra limbfor picking up items, the most the Cybertendril can do is spear loose paper or small light articles of clothing(hankerchief, pair of panties/underwear, necktie). In combat its only possible use is as a distraction, or in a poking attack on vulnerable tissues like an open eye(does 1 SD on a poke). They also act as extra motion detectors and antennae for pooking around in darkness/mud; extend motion detection range to 75 ft, cannot be surprised from behind, and is only -3 to strike/dodge in conditions of total darkness.

*Eye-Lasers---It’s rare, but occasionally an Empac is fitted with laser eyes.
Range: 150 ft
Damage: 1d6 MD per eye blast
Rate of Fire: ECHH
Payload: Effectively unlimited

*Bubble-Maker---The Empac can be fitted to blow clouds of bubbles that glitter and fizz to a distracting degree. In air, the bubbles cover a 60 ft area and obscure vision of objects behind the bubble wall(HALF all bonuses for visual and accoustic targeting, and negate completely laser targeting/rangefinding bonuses). In water, the bubbles also cover a 60 ft wide area, and foul sight and sonar systems(HALVE all targeting bonuses). Many aquatic animals will not atempt to pass through the bubble barrier.

*Light-Skin---Fiber optics in the skin allow the little e-animal to softly glow in various patterns.

*Squirt Gun---The Empac can be fitted with the equivalent of a powered-pump water pistol. Range of 65 ft and does 3d6 Hit Point damage to vampires if loaded with water. A ventral bladder or tank belly holds enough liquid for 25 shots. Comes with programming in W.P. Squirtgun, with a +3 to strike.
Last edited by taalismn on Tue Jul 25, 2017 5:11 pm, edited 1 time in total.
"Trouble rather the Tiger in his Lair,
Than the Sage among his Books,
For all the Empires and Kingdoms,
The Armies and Works that you hold Dear,
Are to him but the Playthings of the Moment,
To be turned over with the Flick of a Finger,
And the Turning of a Page"

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Re: Shemarrian-related fan creations

Unread post by taalismn »

...and now for the ecchi....

Darkwaters Yakusha NeShemar Conversion
(aka ‘ocgal’, ‘akkumogirl’, ‘tendrilass’) ... ifrxz5.jpg

“Think your master has given you power? My Mistress of the Darkwaters has given me far greater gifts!” (slithering noise)”Care to test whose is the greater gift?!”
---Anonymous Yakusha confronting a Lord of the Deep cultist

“Just because you can wield a weapon in each tentacle doesn’t make it a good idea. You only have two eyes, and all the jacked-up reflexes and hyped hearing doesn’t allow you to devote full attention to more than two or three opponents at a time. A well-coordinated squad of opponents can still beat you down. And all those weapons you’re holding? If you’re providing your own, when you pull in your tentacles, you’re going to need someplace to stow all of them. Combat webbing can get awfully crowded and the encumberance weight can build up fast if you’re carrying eight or ten different weapons, more if you’re carrying spares and hold-outs. I knew one warrior-priestess Yakusha who dropped most of her barter-credit on acquiring a full set of Octuril weaponry off anybody who’d picked any up. Fearsome in combat, she was, but every other time she moved like a scrapyard truck, clanked like a holiday banger, and wound up having to ditch most of her collection when she had to do a full retreat from a full Slaver strike force.”

“Let’s see....sleepy little fishing village along a monster-ridden obvious military presence or local champion in evidence...lots of good-looking women eying way we’re this lucky...we’re seriously screwed. Notice any sunken ruins near the harbor? Anybody know if we have a full moon or an extra high tide tonight?”

“NEVER play ‘Twister’ with the Darkwaters’ new NeShemar. Just don’t. I got cleaned out of my trophy small arms collection that way.”
---Anonymous Bloodrider Berserker.

“Did you say ‘yakuza’?! Because if the Yaks are using mutant tentacle-girls, this is a most frightening new development!”
---Anonymous Republic of Japan regional police chief, on being informed of a new d-bee sighted along the Japanese coastline.

These mysterious beings who have begun appearing in both the Atlantic and Pacific resemble beautiful human women who exhibit superhuman abilities, most notably the ability to break out into tentacles. Speculation has been wild about what they really are, including the following:
*They are transformed cultists of the Lord of the Deep.
*They are a new mutation akin to the Sea Titans.
*They are a new Splugorth bio-borg.
*They are d-bees who hail from a sunken community that rifted in off the North American coast. The human form is merely a disguise copied off captured (or devoured) human beings, or the actually body inhabited by a parasitic alien, whose tentacles protrude from the body’s back.
*They are experiments by the Gene Splicers.
*They are the mutated result of human females taken willingly or unwillingly as brides by the monstrous Gilloc.
In reality, the Yakusha are a new NeShemar nanite-generated bioborg created by the Darkwaters Tribe, who wanted to keep up with such developments by other Tribes as the Vada, Quiksil/Darkling, Hierodalite, Rajeshar , Lamaid, and Asenan. Advanced nanotech reconstruction of existing tissues and the creation of new cells through nanite molecular ‘printing’ has created a sophisticated bio-borg analogue with superhuman abilities. Most Yakusha converts are volunteers, raised from communities within the Shemarrian Nation, rescued d-bees, or liberated slaves, though more than a few are captured bandits, pirates, spies and other enemies spared physical execution, but not mindwipe and indoctrination into loyal subjects of the EShemar.
Even among the Shemarrians, there is no small amount of mystery about their exact origins and the ritual of their creation:
*They originated with Clan Shinden(something about Japanese and tentacles), but the idea was formally adopted by the Darkwaters.
*They are the result of Progen unions between Darkwater Scylla Elite and human men/women.
*They are the result of imitation of the Progen-born offspring of a Shemarrian Warrior and the ‘Monster Lord’ of the community of Finton.
*Yakusha are spawned in deep water habitats by secretive Elites of the DeepWatch, or in the bowels of a giant monster techno-octopus.
*Candidates for the process are sealed into egg-sac-like capsules packed full of tentacles that wrap around the would-be convert, attacking their psyche in a test of mental endurance, or to totally break them down prior to a rebuilding of their nervous systems. To add to the trauma, the conversion takes place in deep water, though it is claimed that this is to cool the energetic conversion process.

She felt her prison sink deeper into the dark water, half-glimpsed shapes flashing in the darkening gloom outside. Part of her wanted to scream in terror and sudden denial of what was happening as cool liquid rose up her body, her muscles twitching, flinching, trying to fight, to wrench away, as slimy dark tendrils touched her skin, winding about her limbs, seeking body cavities and openings in an all-too-intimate manner. Her limbs strained futily against the cold alien metal locked around her, clasped and pressing into her at various points of her body with chilling purpose. She wanted to cry, to plead, to make the nightmare stop and let her wake in the light. However, a strange lassitude paralyzed her, kept her from trying to claw her way out of the entrapping capsule and make an attempt to swim for the increasingly distant surface. Pre-op drugs, another strangely calm part of her quietly surmised, administered in the draught she’d voluntarily drunk before climbing into the chamber...or had she done so willingly? It all seemed increasingly fuzzy and unclear. Even the part about being dropped into the depths. But she sensed that she was about to undergo a great change of some sort. A -sea- change, another part of her mind seemed to giggle inanely.
She didn’t know if she really saw her little chamber settle next to another, softly glowing in the dark, next to another, and another, a great egg mass stretching into the watery abyss. Or the woman with tentacles for a lower torso who that swam up and peered with great interest into her cell as the tendrils fully enwrapped her, the Deep invaded her blood and she sublimed into unconsciousness...

Yakusha converts retain much of their biological nature(they still need to breath, eat, and excrete, and are still vulnerable to poisons and pathogens), but have an ultra-fine megadamage fiber weave throughout their bodies reinforcing their skin, muscles, and bones. Their lungs have been modified to double as high-efficiency gills and oxygen storage cells, and their organs modified to handle deep pressure (they can survive great depths and rapid ascents without lengthy decompression) and long-term immersion in salt water. Their sinuses have been modified into sonar organs for underwater sensing.
The signature modification of the Yakusha, however, is to extend multiple tentacles from their backs. These tentacles are actually made of multiple coils of very fine ‘smart wire’ fibers that are normally tightly wound and compressed and stored in sacs attached to the spine. When needed, they extend from their anchor-sacs and expand in volume to appear as solid muscular tentacles.
Yakusha NeShemar are typically engaged in the underwater aspects of the Darkwater Tribe’s operations, and are often attached to the complements of underwater facilities or the retinues of Scylla Elite/Warchiefs. Many take on a deep spiritual bent, becoming in effect the equivalent of miko(this term is a favorite of those seeing Clan Shinden’s influence), or exhibit an increase in their passions. They favor wet, humid environs(don’t expect to find them venturing into deserts). They particularly don’t like being referred to as ‘octomoms’ or ‘octopussies’.
Though a Darkwaters development, Yakusha have also appeared with Clan Shinden and Clan Shelley. The Darkwaters are reportedly working on a more powerful purely robotic version utilizing many of the same technologies, but as an Upgrade for the Tribe’s Yurei or Berserkers. They are also reportedly working on a deep space variant, able to survive and perform in space. The Sapphire Cobras and the Skyeklad are also reportedly interested in the conversion process, both because of the mental attitude adjustments exhibited, and the ability to conceal such a radical limb configuration.
Yakusha have inherited the EShemar hatred of Splugorth, especially the multi-limbed Slavers. On the West Coast, they’re none too fond of the Lord of the Deep’s followers.

Side Effects:
For all the power that the Yakusha conversion confers, it is not without its side effects;
*Octopus Eyes---About 30% of Yakusha develop bar-shaped pupils in their eyes. Their nightvision is 25% better than a normal human’s.

*Chemotropes---About 40% of Yakusha develop chameleon-like skin coloration cells that change color instantly. However, coverage isn’t complete, nor can the NeShemar camouflage themselves with the color change. Instead the chemotropes manifest as large rashes or prominent blush patterns, and they react to the NeShemar’s emotion state, making it very easy for others to discern the convert’s emotional state by watching the patterns playing across the Yakusha’s skin.

*Ink-Sweat---About 15% of Yakusha develop a dark discoloring sweat. This can sometimes look, to the uninformed observer, like the NeShemar is bleeding black blood. The sweat also discolors clothing, and removing the stains from light-colored clothing can be difficult and time consuming.

*Bioluminescence---In 10% of Yakusha, some of the individual’s skin cells develop into natural photocells, able to generate a cold light. This is barely enough to read by, and makes the Yakusha look eerie as hell in darkness, amplified by the natural fiber optics that convey light onto the tentacles, but it ruin the NeShemar’s ability to prowl at night(-20%) unless covered up.

*Enlarged Canines---About 10% of Yakusha develop noticeably larger canine teeth, and the incisors fuse together. Bite does 1d4 SDC. -1d4 to P.B.

---Tentacles---The Darkwaters thought that having tentacles was a great idea for working underwater or inside a submarine or starship. To that end, the Yakusha can extend eight tentacles from her back. Each tentacle can reach up to 14 ft, has 25 MDC, and an Extraordinary PS(even on dry land) equal to HALF the Yakusha’s normal P.S.. Each tentacle can strike for 1d6 SDC/MD. All eight add +4 APM, though the tentacles are ill-suited for precision work and cannot fire guns(the exception is weapons specifically designed to be used with tentacles, such as the Octuril weaponry(Rifts Splynn Dimensional Market, pg. 171.). The tentacles also add +1 to disarm, +1 parry, +3 entangle, +10% to climbing skills. Damage to the tentacles is repaired similar to the EShemar regeneration system, at a rate of 3d6 MD per hour, and completely regenerates a destroyed tentacle within 2d4 hours(can only re-grow one at a time)

---Underwater Abilities(Minor)
* Breath Water(Indefinite duration)
* Maximum Depth Tolerance 1.5 miles
*Extraordinary(Plus) Strength when underwater(Tribal Tinkers speculate the bio-mods’ muscles are cooled to be more efficient in the water), and increase P.S. to 26, or +8 if P.S. is already 20 or better.
*Underwater Bonuses: +50 MDC when underwater, +2 strike, +2 parry, +4 dodge, +1 APM
* Automatically possesses the Swimming skill(80%+1% per level of experience), and swims at Spd. x5 normal rate.
*Dry Land: +20 MDC, +1 strike

-Impervious to Cold and Freezing(Minor)---Yakusha possess special skin layering and an even distribution of body fat that protects them from cold, be it the water in an ice hole, or the deep abyssal depths. Cold-based attacks do NO damage to the character and even magic cold does only HALF damage.

--Extraordinary Physical Endurance(Minor)---Yakusha are minor megadamage beings, via an intermesh through the person’s body, supporting them, reinforcing joints and muscles, and creating a damage-resistant energy armor.
*Fatigues at 1/10th normal rate
*+1d6+5 P.E.
*Effectively becomes a megadamage being with 4d4x10 MD +2d4 per level of experience.

-Physical Transformation---The recipient of the Yakusha conversion is physically optimized; they are said to undergo a ‘sea change’ that leaves them looking especially fit and body-sculpted. To those outsiders who suspect the Yakusha as being associated with the Lord of the Deep or other deep sea monsters, their good looks are assumed to be part of whatever demonic pact the Yakusha entered into. +1d4 P.E., +1d6 P.B., +1d6 SPD, +2d6 Hit Points, +4d6 SDC, and +1d6 to P.S., plus it is considered to be Extraordinary.

-Mind/Body Attunement---The recipient’s nervous system is amped to be more in tune with themselves; +1 APM, +2 on initiative, +4 save versus Horror Factor, +1 save versus poison and disease, and +2 save versus possession.

-Increased Physical Agility and Dexterity---To handle the extra limbs, Yakusha have had their nervous systems amped up. They are incredibly agile(watching one work out on gymnastics or acrobatics equipment is a spectacle of incredible grace). Increase P.P. to 22, +1 APM, +2 on initiative, automatic dodge, paired weapons, and +5% to physical skills requiring physical dexterity. The character is also ambidextrous.

-Hypnotic Brain Conditioning---- Because of the conditions they are expected to work under(the oceanic abyss and the monsters there) Yakusha receive special deep resistance indoctrination and mental shielding; +5 save vs mind control, +4 save vs illusions and Horror Factor, +2 save vs all other psionic attacks. Impervious to Possession.

The character’s sinuses and ears have been modified for sonar performance.
*Underwater bonuses:
Range: 200 ft per level of experience
Bonuses: +10% Detect Ambush
+1 initiative, +1 strike, +1 dodge, no penalties for being blindfolded.
Interpret Shapes: 60%+4% per level of experience
Estimate Distance: 60%+4% per level of experience
Estimate Direction: 50%+5% per level of experience
Estimate Speed: 60%+4% per level of experience
Estimate Location: 40%+4% per level of experience
Recognize Shapes: 80%+2% per level of experience
Fine details can be discerned at 40%+1% per level of experience
*Dry Land bonuses:
Range: 50 ft +10 ft per level of experience
Bonuses: +1 initiative and dodge
All of the above estimation abilities but -30% in the air, and only -2 to strike. parry, and dodge when blind.

-Chameleon Skin--In about 20% of Yakusha, the chemotropes actually work as they should, and the NeShemar can actually hide using these skin-cells to match their surroundings; 90% undetectable if holding still, 70% if moving at 2 feet per melee or less, 20% if moving at 6 ft per melee, and the effect is lost if the person is moving any faster. The operative can feign death with 5 minutes of preparation and maintain the illusion for 10 minutes per level of experience. Natural Prowl skill is 60%+5% per level of experience, +10% to disguise and impersonation skills. To make maximum use of this ability, the operative must wear as little as possible, typically a g-string, at most bikini briefs and a halter top.

Total bonuses:
* Breath Water(Indefinite duration)
* Maximum Depth Tolerance 1.5 miles
*Effectively becomes a megadamage being with 4d4x10 MD +2d4 per level of experience, +40(+100 in water)+ combined Hit Points and SDC.
+2d6 Hit Points
+4d6 SDC
Cold-based attacks do NO damage to the character and even magic cold does only HALF damage.
Electrical attacks do HALF damage(magic electricity does FULL damage) and electrical stun attacks do NO effect.
+6 APM ( +1 APM underwater)
+4 on initiative (+1 initiative sonar)(+1 underwater)
+1 Strike ( +3 strike underwater)
+1 parry ( +2 parry underwater)
+1 Dodge ( +5 dodge underwater)
Automatic Dodge
+1 to disarm
+3 entangle
+1d6 to P.S., (raise Base PS to 26 in water or add +8 if already 20 or greater baseline) plus it is considered to be Extraordinary(both in and out of water)
+1d4 +1d6+5 P.E.
*Fatigues at 1/10th normal rate
+1d6 P.B.
+1d6 SPD(Swimming: Spd. x5 normal rate)
+8 save versus Horror Factor
+1 save versus poison and disease
+5 save vs mind control
+4 save vs illusions
+2 save vs all other psionic attacks
Impervious to Possession
W.P. Paired Weapons
+5% to physical skills requiring physical dexterity.
+10% to climbing skills

*Adhesion Pads----Adds small molecular adhesion pad ‘suckers’ for extra powerful gripping. If used in climbing, adds a +10% to the Climbing skill.

*Monomolecular Whips------- Conceals a strand of mono-wire in the tentacle. ’Slicer Wire’ whip that is extremely light and lethal. It can be switched between ‘safe’ mode in which the cutting line is sheathed in a protective casing of fibers, or in ‘open’ mode where the slicer wire can strike targets. The line is also extremely strong; a single whisker-fine fiber can pull up to 60 tons.
Damage: In ‘safe’ mode, it does 1d6 SDC, but in ‘open’ mode it does 1d4 MD(adds to punch/lash).

*Nematocyst Whip---The tentacle whip has an adhesion pad that allows it to stick to exposed flesh, which allows tiny injector ports in its tip to deliver skin-contact poisons or sedatives. A replaceable/refillable reservoir(can hold up to 10 doses) in the Yakusha’s body pumps the chemicals out to the ejector ports.
Damage: 2d4 SDC, plus chemical effects.

*IRMSS Injectors---This is a favorite option of those Yakusha taking the Nade yakushi path of spirituality. Their tentacles can be fitted to inject doses of healing nanites identical to the IRMSS kits. Can dispense IRMSS ‘healers’, IRVT ‘seekers’, or RSU ‘sleepers’. Each tentacle can hold 12 doses.

*Ink Squirters---Glands can be implanted in the forearms that allow the Yakusha to squirt a mildly toxic ink-like chemical. In air, the chemical has a range of 50 ft. Roll versus non-lethal poison if ingested; on an unsuccessful roll, the victim is afflicted with mild nausea(HALF all HTH and skill bonuses/proficiencies, and -1 APM) for 4d6 minutes, If shot into unprotected eyes, the victim is temporarily blinded; -10 to strike, parry, dodge, and disarm, reduce Speed by 30%, and any skill requiring sight is impossible. Effects persist for 3d4 melees.
In water, the ink forms a dark cloud that blinds those dependent on sight to navigate and hunt; the cloud persists for 1d6 melees and covers a 15 ft area. Those caught in the cloud are effectively BLINDED; -5 to strike, parry, dodge, and entangle The particulate nature of the material makes sonar systems less effective as well; -60% to attempts to use sonar reading through the cloud. Gill-breathers must roll a 16 or better or be -6 on initiative, -6 to strike, parry, and dodge, and reduce Speed, melee attacks, and skill performance by -50%. Upon exiting the cloud, penalties are reduced by HALF, but persist for 1d6 minutes.
Those Yakusha with the Bioluminescence mutation can squirt a brightly fluorescing chemical that has the same effects, in the abyssal dark, as a Blinding Flash spell; -10 to strike, parry, dodge for 1d4 melees.
The Yakusha has enough ink capacity for 10 shots, and can regenerate a new shot of the chemicals once per hour.
Last edited by taalismn on Tue Jul 25, 2017 5:12 pm, edited 1 time in total.
"Trouble rather the Tiger in his Lair,
Than the Sage among his Books,
For all the Empires and Kingdoms,
The Armies and Works that you hold Dear,
Are to him but the Playthings of the Moment,
To be turned over with the Flick of a Finger,
And the Turning of a Page"

--------Rudyard Kipling
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Joined: Sun Oct 14, 2007 4:38 pm

Re: Shemarrian-related fan creations

Unread post by kronos »

Nice new additions!
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