psionic version of the Sorcerous Fury Spell

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psionic version of the Sorcerous Fury Spell

Unread post by masslegion »

Has anyone created a psionic version of the Sorcerous fury?

I have a player who wants something like this for their backstory. After witnessing a CS squad kill her Elven parents as a 12-14 girl, she has a sudden eruption of psionic power that killed/destroyed everything in a large radius including the CS soldiers, plants, animals and all forms of life.

This event changes the entire trajectory of her life and her budding psionic powers. She expended all of her ISP at once as this RAGE overtook her and this power violently emerged (and has never manifested again nor is it likely too). Immediately following this eruption of massive electrokinetic power she collapsed and nearly died if not for the intervention of some nearby NPCs from Psycape which helped to raise her and alter her trajectory. Her black hair is now permanently changed to white. She keeps this power of electrokinesis but as defined in the book. Awaking to find the destruction she caused and loss of life including the loss of her childhood horse she fears and is appalled by this destructive power within.

Long story short, through the process of opening her third eye at Psycape she become a Psi-Druid whose doubled power is electrokinesis (which again she is hesitant to use and usually doesn't happen unless her RAGE gets the better of her.)

I love it she's a healer who can say, "you wouldn't like me when I'm angry" and I can compel her into action if the party is dragging things out. Truth be told only the intolerance of the CS has brought this out so far. The only time she used this power in game (The standard Psycape doubled electrokinesis) I think the party members took notice of this otherwise quiet player content on healing others and playing a Psi-Druid.

With all this backstory I'd love to have a psionic version of Sorcerous Fury to if she is ever brought to a similar emotional state in the future, such as if a close party member is killed or other atrocity is committed.
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Re: psionic version of the Sorcerous Fury Spell

Unread post by taalismn »

Closest I have already made is Inner Beast

Inner Beast(Super) by Taalismn
This power unleashes the inner animal said to exist within all of us; the primordial killer that comes out when flight is impossible, and reason futile. The power projects an ectoplasmic construct that typically appears as a glowing, unearthly avatar of the person’s rage; typically a mythical animal, monster, berserker warrior, or sinister spector, that attacks anything(or perceived as) threatening the psychic, with psi-claws or psi-blades. While the Inner Beast runs rampant, the projecting psychic is reduced to passivity; unable to do much beyond cowering in a corner. Because of its primordial, instinctual, nature, the Inner Beast will attack ANYTHING that it/the psychic perceives as threatening to them, including friends or allies who are standing too close(it’s a wise ideas to get the heck AWAY from a psychic unleashing their Inner Beast, or at least out of sight).
Range: 100 ft +20 ft per level of experience
The Inner Beast effectively has DOUBLE the number of attacks as the psychic, TRIPLE the psychic’s Speed, Horror Factor 10, +1 to initiative, and DOUBLE any bonuses to Strike(+1). It attacks with the equivalent of a Psi-Blade, doing 4d6+1d6 per level of experience, and CAN do damage to Astral beings. ::It possesses 3,000 SDC/30 MDC, and, being a psionic construct, the Inner Beast is effectively IMMUNE to physical attacks, including energy weapons, and takes HALF damage from magic, but is vulnerable to psionic attacks
While the Inner Beast is loose, the psychic is reduced to 1 APM, and CANNOT take offensive action; NO Initiative or Strike bonuses, and HALF any bonuses to Parry/Dodge. Essentially the aggressive part of their mind is running the psychic berserker.
Duration: 1 minute per level of experience
Saving Throw: None; run like hell.
ISP Cost: 45

If you want to make this a really uncontrollable RAGEAHOLIC thing, double the duration and increase the damage by an extra dice per 10 additional ISP spent, and have them make a control roll versus insanity to retain control of it; if they fail, convert the person's ME to ISP and have the power continue to burn off the ME zero, the person is basically catatonic, and susceptible to the onset of physical shock.
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Re: psionic version of the Sorcerous Fury Spell

Unread post by ShadowLogan »

You may not need a new power, Psycape itself has the Astral Avenger in the Psi-Implant side effects table, which is sort of what your player is seeking (with the information given its possible you could just drop it right in and treat it as natural and not the result of implant, it references a Berserker which might also work).

Though given the information provided I'm not sure the PC would have become a Psi-Druid, a Zapper (IIRC, also in Psycape) might be a better fit.
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Re: psionic version of the Sorcerous Fury Spell

Unread post by Glistam »

I made this for our Palladium Fantasy game, so it’s listed in S.D.C. Terms rather than M.D.C.. the conversion would be 1:1 if used in Rifts.

Psychic Fury
Range: Self
Duration: One minute per level of experience.
I.S.P.: 70
Type: Epic!
Inspiration: Sorcerous Fury. Rifts Book of Magic, page 124

This dangerous psychic ability unleashes the fury and power of the psionic character in what can only be called a psychic's berserker rage! Fueled by the character's unbridled rage and uncontrolled psionic energy, the psychic turns into a living storm of psychic power and destruction. To many, he or she appears as an angry god, larger than life and rippling with psionic energy. The psychic character's body is transformed, gaining muscle and mass that increases his or her height by 1D4 feet, providing an amazing 25 S.D.C. per level of experience, and a natural A.R. of 16! All damage (except direct-to-H.P. damage) comes off this extra S.D.C. first. The furious psychic telekinetically hovers and walks 1-4 feet above the ground and can unleash his rage as psychic mind bolts at will (at no I.S.P. cost; each counts as one melee attack/action) to strike down his or her enemies. Each bolt inflicts 2D4×10 damage, has a 100 foot range per level, and is +4 to strike (in addition to possible P.P. and targeting skill bonuses). While berserk, the psychic gets two extra attacks per round. Anybody even touching the mage suffers 2D6 damage from the uncontrolled psychic energy enveloping him, and his fearsome countenance gives the berserk psychic a Horror Factor of 16!

As if this were not enough, the psychic character is +4 on initiative, +3 to save vs magic, poison, and psionics, impervious to mind control, possession and Horror Factor, and bio-regenerates 6D6 H.P./S.D.C. per melee round!

On the down side, the psychic is consumed by anger, revenge and/or frustration or sorrow, giving in completely to the overwhelming emotions. This means he is beyond reasoning and savagely lashes out at those who have invoked his rage and anybody who gets in his way - including lawmen, friends, loved ones and innocent bystanders. While enraged, the character only wants to hurt and destroy. The psychic has a -3 to parry and refuses to dodge while in this state. Thus, the only psychic abilities he can use are offensive ones such as Mind Bolt, Psi-Sword (can be created instantly), Telekinesis, Telekinetic Punch, Electrokinesis, Pyrokinesis, and similar abilities of destruction. Psionics involving strategy, deception and cunning are out the window, as the berserk psychic is very direct and brutal in his attacks. Likewise, the performance of all skills, other than combat ones, is impossible. While berserk, the character has no regard for his friends or their common goals, nor the code of ethics and conduct of his alignment. Fortunately, a psychic of good alignment is likely to stop just short of killing a friend or innocent.

When the rage is over, the psychic character returns to normal and feels exhausted and sad. For the next hour, the number of his attacks, combat bonuses and speed are reduced by half. Worse, I.S.P. is recovered at half the usual rate for the next 24 hours, and the actions (deaths?) of the psionic while berserk may haunt him forever. Note: The potential destruction and grim consequences of this psychic ability are such that it is seldom used by psychics of a good alignment, and even evil ones tend to use it as a last resort or in terrible anger or lust for revenge. The feeling that comes from the loss of control is repugnant to all but the most chaotic (Anarchist and Miscreant alignments).
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Re: psionic version of the Sorcerous Fury Spell

Unread post by masslegion »

ShadowLogan wrote:Though given the information provided I'm not sure the PC would have become a Psi-Druid, a Zapper (IIRC, also in Psycape) might be a better fit.

She wanted to play a Psi-Druid from Psycape originally and when she picked her power to have double damage, duration, and range she desired electrokinesis. I explained she could have it, but it was somewhat out of character for a Psi-Druid, so I challenged her to come up with a reason to not only have electrokinesis, but why its strength is doubled. This is what she came up with.

Originally her character showed promise as a Zapper. Unbeknownst to her I'm going to have her twin sister who survived become an antagonist later who has developed her destructive psionic abilities as a burster and with it a much more violent and self-serving disposition. These two sisters become opposite sides of the same coin.

Seeing the destructive power the Psi-Druid to be unleashed and the damage it did, she becomes afraid and disgusted by the powers manifesting in her and with her new upbringing she is taught how to love, cherish, and nurture all life. She chooses to use the master psionic power budding within her to explore how to heal not to destroy. She is left with this residual power and when fully angered she lashes out with bolts of psionic lightning, albeit very short range.
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Re: psionic version of the Sorcerous Fury Spell

Unread post by ShadowLogan »

well to consider a Psi version of the spell in question (or any spell really). You don't really need to do much, you can just take the spell and convert it to an I.S.P. cost as opposed to a P.P.E. cost (there are plenty of examples). Most of the examples I can think of that are dual in nature (both a psi and magic version) tend to have the ISP cost slightly lower than the PPE cost of the spell or at a 1:1 conversion. Technowizard (and a Psi power: Restore PPE) suggest a 2:1 ratio though it can be reversed depending on where you look (TW can run on ISP for x2 cost, but Psychic TW like in WB9 is the reverse in one example).
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