Characters based on Perez illustrations

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Soldier of Od
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Characters based on Perez illustrations

Unread post by Soldier of Od »

Hi everybody,

I was preparing some pregenerated characters to give to some new players for an introdcutory adventure to ATB, or for use with a one-shot convention adventure, and I decided to base them all on the group of mutants that appears in various illustrations by Ramon Perez throughout the ATB book. You have probably seen them - there is a picture of the lot of them hanging around their vehicle on page 159. The moose might not be a member of the group, but I included him regardless. Anyway, it took me ages, so I thought I would post them here in case any of you could make use of them as pregens or NPCs for your own games. I copied and pasted the illustrations from the book onto the character sheets, but here are the stats, along with the pages where they appear:


(Pages 155, 159 & 161)
Ramon, known to his comrades as “Brains”, is a contradiction. He is an intelligent, highly educated academic, an expert in computers and electronics, but beneath this the mutant mountain lion is a carnivore and a predator. There is a subtle, underlying conflict between his polite, peaceful, civilised self and his basic animal instincts. Despite coming across as reserved, well-mannered and intellectual, should he or his friends be badly hurt or in mortal danger, Brains undergoes a drastic transformation, exploding into a furious rage. His growling, guttural speech is difficult to understand at times, making Brains the strong, silent type, content in quiet study or work. When complicated dialogue is required, he will use his psionic telepathic transmission, something that a few people find disturbing, but his friends have become accustomed to. As a member of the elite organisation known as the Academic Underground, Brains is dedicated to learning, preserving knowledge, and to challenging the tyranny of the evil Empire of Humanity.

Species: Mountain Lion
Size level: 9
Build: Long
Height: 6’ 4” (1.9m)
Weight: 180lb (82kg)
Alignment: Principled

I.Q.: 19
M.E.: 15
M.A.: 10
P.S.: 21
P.E.: 10
P.P.: 17
P.B.: 9
Spd.: 9

H.P.: 30
S.D.C.: 35

Human features:
Hands: Full
Biped: Full
Speech: Partial
Looks: Partial

Natural weapons/Powers:
Brute Strength
Teeth (1D6+2 bite damage)
Retractable climbing claws (2D6 damage)
Advanced smell (track by smell 80%)
Night vision (1000ft (305m) range)
Predator burst (+2 to initiative and +2 attacks for the first melee round of combat. +1 attack for second melee round)

Vestigial traits/disadvantages:
Diet: Carnivore
Reptile Brain: predator
Long-sightedness (requires spectacles for close work)

Telepathic transmission

Background: Academic underground
Experience level: 6

Apprenticeship: Electrician
Electrical engineering 85%, basic & advanced mathematics 90%, computer operation 85%, computer programming 75%, computer repair 85%, basic electronics 85%, general repair & maintenance 80%, literacy 75%, radio: basic 95%, radio: satellite relay 55%, TV & video 75%, surveillance systems 75%, read sensory equipment 60%, pilot automobile 95%, navigation 80%.

Primary Skills:
Chemistry 80%, chemistry: analytical 70%, botany 60%, history 65%, antiquarian 70%, anthropology 50%, mechanical engineering 75%, language: Spanish 70%, photography 80%, art 65%, cryptography 55%, first aid 70%, paramedic 70%, clinical genetics 65%, pathology 70%, laser systems 60%, radio: scramblers 70%, climbing 90/80%, W.P. automatic pistol (+5 to strike on an aimed shot, +3 on a burst).

Secondary Skills:
Writing 55%, read music 62%, play instrument (concertina) 55%, swimming 80%, prowl 55%.

Combat bonuses:
2 attacks per melee or 5 non-combat actions per melee, +1 to strike and parry, +2 to dodge, +6 to damage (see also ‘predator burst’).

Equipment: Money: 1300 bucks
Large backpack containing a portable computer, radio, camera, set of electrician’s tools, concertina, Reading glasses, reference books and other works, hand grenades x2 (1D6x10 damage to a 10ft (3m) radius), Razorback .45 automatic pistols x2 (damage: 4D6, range: 110ft (33.5m), payload: 7 round mag, 4x spare clips).

(Pages 60, 128, 159, 169 & 197)
Hopper is the lovable rogue of the group. He was raised by bandits out in the wilderness, and grew up learning how to lie, cheat and steal. Fortunately, he was ‘rescued’ as a child by a loving Cardanian family, and given the chance at rehabilitation. Hopper is still the rebellious kid at heart, and loves to put his questionable skills to good use, this time for a good cause. He is an unashamed show-off and a clown, viewing life as one big game, laughing in the face of danger and playing the dashing hero from the movies. In reality, however, this is just a defence mechanism; a way to cover up his true fears. He and Lacey have an off-and-on-again relationship, with Hopper sometimes acting like they aren’t serious at all, but everyone can see they are nuts about each other.

Species: Rabbit
Size level: 7
Build: Medium
Height: 5’ 4” (1.6m)
Weight: 95 lb (43 kg)
Alignment: Unprincipled

I.Q.: 9
M.E.: 6
M.A.: 19
P.S.: 7
P.E.: 10
P.P.: 18
P.B.: 13
Spd.: 30

H.P.: 26
S.D.C.: 59

Human features:
Hands: Full
Biped: Full
Speech: Full
Looks: Partial

Natural weapons/Powers:
Advanced hearing
Leaping: rodent (leaps 10’ 8” (3.3m) along or across)
Extra Mental Affinity (M.A.) (55% trust/intimidate)

Vestigial traits/disadvantages:
Diet: Herbivore

Psionics: None

Background: Raised by bandits
Experience level: 4

Apprenticeship: None

Primary Skills:
Streetwise 36%, impersonation 56%, pick locks 50%, pick pockets 50%, palming 40%, concealment 36%, escape artist 50%, hand to hand: expert, acrobatics (sense of balance 68%, walk tightrope 72%, climb rope 78%, climbing 56%, back flip 70%), surveillance systems 60%, pilot automobile 86%, W.P. automatic pistol (+4 to strike on an aimed shot, +2 on a burst).

Secondary Skills:
Wilderness survival 50%, prowl 65%, tracking 50%, locate secret compartments/doors 35%, dance 50%, sign language 61%, athletics, W.P. knife (+2 to strike and parry, +1 to throw).

Combat bonuses:
5 attacks per melee, +1 to initiative, +4 to strike, +6 to parry & dodge, +2 to pull punch, +5 to roll with impact.

Equipment: Money: 400 bucks
Tinted goggles, gun belt/holsters x2, 50ft length of spider cord, set of lock picks, combat knives x2 (1D6 damage), throwing knives x4 (1D6 damage), leather vest, Spider-silk armoured jumpsuit (A.R. 12, S.D.C. 150). Razorback .45 automatic pistols x2 (damage: 4D6, range: 110ft (33.5m), payload: 7 round mag, 4x spare clips).

(Pages 159, 161, 169 & 197)
Roddy was lucky enough to have grown up in a relatively safe and civilised part of Cardania. As such, he has a relaxed attitude to the world; a “hey, it can’t be that bad” kind of optimism. He is typically open and friendly to all kinds of people, and with his human-like appearance, has been accepted by mutants and humans alike. Unlike his backwoods buddies, Roddy misses the luxuries of life when out on the road – a hot meal, a cold beer and a warm bed. Roddy has never told his comrades what it was that made him put down his tools and pick up a gun to fight for Cardania; whatever it was, mention of it is the only thing that will wipe the cheeky grin from his face.

Species: Monkey
Size level: 6
Build: Long
Height: 5’ 5” (1.7m)
Weight: 75lb (34 kg)
Alignment: Unprincipled

I.Q.: 16
M.E.: 13
M.A.: 14
P.S.: 9
P.E.: 8
P.P.: 10
P.B.: 7
Spd.: 12

H.P.: 22
S.D.C.: 30

Human features:
Hands: Full
Biped: Full
Speech: Full
Looks: Full

Natural weapons/Powers:
Prehensile tail
Advanced vision (can see double the usual distance)

Vestigial traits:
Vestigial ears

Psionics: None

Background: Townie
Experience level: 5

Apprenticeship: Mechanic
Mechanical engineering 87%, basic maths 92%, blacksmith 77%, basic electronics 77%, general repair & maintenance 72%, locksmith 72%, literacy 67%, basic mechanics 77%, automobile mechanics 87%, plumbing 87%, radio: basic 87%, recognise weapon quality 52%, demolitions 84%, optic systems 57%, pilot automobile 98%, pilot construction & farming equipment 68%, pilot truck 83%, pilot helicopter 57%, pilot airplane 78%, aircraft mechanics 59%.

Primary Skills:
Chemistry 72%, read sensory equipment 52%, Hand to hand: basic, safe-cracking 38%, impersonation 58%, disguise 57%, language: Spanish 62%, W.P. automatic pistol, W.P automatic rifle, W.P. sub-machine gun.

Secondary Skills:
Pilot motorcycle 78%, computer operation 62%, streetwise 38%, tailing 52%, swimming 72%, brewing 52%, W.P. blunt (+2 to strike and parry).

Combat bonuses:
5 attacks per melee, +1 to strike, +2 to parry & dodge, +2 to pull punch, +2 to roll with impact, kick attack (1D6 damage), +4 to strike with firearms on an aimed shot, +2 on a burst.

Equipment: Money: 2000 bucks
Duffle bag with various tools including a large wrench that could be used as an impromptu blunt weapon (1D6 damage), blowtorch, welding goggles, radio, crank-powered flashlight, cigarettes and lighter, 8oz of plastic explosive and 6 detonators, Cardanian 9mm automatic pistol (damage: 3D6, range: 120ft (36.6m), payload: 13 round magazine. 2x spare clips), Cardanian 5.56mm assault rifle (damage: 5D6 per round or 1D6x10 short 3 round burst, range: 1250ft (381m), payload: 20 round clip, 1x spare clip).

(Pages 123 & 159)
Ex-military, born and raised the army, Bud has known nothing but the life of a soldier, fighting on the front lines. Now he uses his military skills on covert missions for the Cardanian government. His life since leaving the militia has been an eye-opener – once a grim, no-nonsense grunt, Bud has found that there is life outside of the army, having learnt a lot about life from his motley crew. Now he has learned to relax, enjoy a good beer with friends have a good time. Bud’s funny voice, slow and deep, makes it difficult for strangers to understand him, and often leads people to assume he’s dumb, but the big moose is smarter than he looks.

Species: Moose
Size level: 15
Build: Medium
Height: 7’ 6” (2.3m)
Weight: 450lb (204kg)
Alignment: Scrupulous

I.Q.: 11
M.E.: 16
M.A.: 8
P.S.: 36
P.E.: 18
P.P.: 7
P.B.: 11
Spd.: 18

H.P.: 36
S.D.C.: 94

Human features:
Hands: Full
Biped: Full
Speech: Partial
Looks: None

Natural weapons/Powers:
Brute strength
Antlers (2D6 damage)

Vestigial traits:
Diet: Herbivore
Colour blindness

Psionics: None

Background: Elite Militia
Experience level: 5

Apprenticeship: Weapon smith
Blacksmith 90%, recognise weapon quality 70%, basic maths 90%, general repair & maintenance 65%, language: French 70%, literacy 60%, basic mechanics 70%, sculpting/whittling 60%, optic systems 50%, pilot military vehicles 56%, vehicle weapon systems 58% (+2 to strike), W.P. blunt (+2 to strike and parry), W.P. axe (+2 to strike, +1 to parry), W.P. spear/bayonet (+3 to strike and parry), W.P. bolt-action rifle, W.P. shotgun, W.P. revolver.

Primary Skills:
Hand to hand: Expert, boxing, body building, baseball (batter) 76%, swimming: advanced 75%, pilot automobile 86%, read sensory equipment 50%, W.P. automatic rifle, W.P. automatic pistol, W.P. heavy military weapons.

Secondary Skills:
Land navigation 52%, detect ambush 50%, radio: basic, 70%, sign language 61%, first aid 65%.

Combat bonuses:
6 attacks per melee, +2 to strike, +5 to parry & dodge, +4 to pull punch, +4 to roll with impact, +2 to disarm, +1 to save vs. psionic attack/insanity +2 to save vs. poison/toxins, +6% to save vs. coma/death, +21 to damage, kick attack (1D6 damage), Knockout/stun on a natural 20, swimming speed 152 yards/melee (21mph) for 72 melees (18 minutes), +1 to dodge underwater, +4 to strike with firearms on an aimed shot (additional +1 to strike when using his bolt-action rifle), +2 on a burst.

Equipment: Money: 100 bucks
Fatigues, dog tags, sight, radio, collection of pre-crash baseball cards, large baseball bat (3D4 damage), tool kit with oversized tools, a single-seater sports car modified for his large size (can accommodate one small passenger) (A.R. 5, S.D.C. 300, top speed 120mph (193kmph)), Buckfield .50 bolt-action rifle (damage: 6D6, range: 3000ft (914m), payload: single shot. 24x cartridges), Angus .48 magnum revolver (damage: 5D6+2, range: 250ft (76m), payload: 8 round cylinder. 32x rounds).

(Pages 60, 159 & 169)
Ernie grew up in the wilderness far from the protection of the Cardanian army, where mutants have to learn to survive on their own. Ernie and his brothers fought a continuous guerrilla war against the Empire of Humanity, mutant bandits and worse, learning how to avoid mines and booby-traps and to make their own. After his guerrilla band were all but wiped out by the Empire, Ernie made his way to civilisation to pledge his allegiance to Cardania in his quest for revenge against the humans. Because of his lack of agility when on two legs, Ernie often takes a supporting role in combat, laying down heavy fire or smoke screens with his big guns, dropping them to run in on all fours for close combat if necessary. Having had no education outside his survival skills, Ernie sometimes comes across as dim-witted, but although he is not the sharpest tool in the box, he is no idiot when it comes to warfare.

Species: Wild Boar
Size level: 13
Build: Medium
Height: 6’ 10” (2.1m)
Weight: 354lb (161kg)
Alignment: Scrupulous

I.Q.: 8
M.E.: 11
M.A.: 12
P.S.: 24
P.E.: 20
P.P.: 14
P.B.: 6
Spd.: 18 (Spd. is ⅓ (6) when standing on two legs)

H.P.: 40
S.D.C.: 73

Human features:
Hands: Full
Biped: Partial
Speech: Full
Looks: None

Natural weapons/Powers:
Brute strength
Small tusks (2D4 damage)
Extra Physical Endurance (P.E.)

Vestigial traits:
Musk glands

Psionics: None

Background: Guerrilla warrior
Experience level: 4

Apprenticeship: None

Primary Skills:
Wilderness survival 45%, prowl 40%, demolitions 69%, demolitions disposal 69%, land navigation 48%, recognise weapon quality 40%, interrogation 55%, camouflage 35%, hand to hand: bull fighting, wrestling, athletics, pilot automobile 82%, pilot truck 72%, W.P. crossbow (+2 to strike), W.P. heavy military weapons, W.P. bolt-action rifle.

Secondary Skills:
Detect ambush 45%, detect concealment & traps 40%, trapping 40%, tracking 45%, cooking 45%.

Combat bonuses:
4 attacks per melee, +2 to initiative, +2 to strike, +3 to shoulder block/parry, +3 to dodge, +3 to roll with impact, +1 to parry or disarm using tusks, +5 to save vs. poison/toxins, +2 to save vs. disease, +10% to save vs. coma/death, +9 to damage (additional +2 damage on head butt/ram attacks), back-kick attack (takes two attacks: 4D6 damage or 2D6 damage to two opponents), pin/incapacitate on 18, 19 or 20, crush/squeeze (1D4 damage), body block/tackle (1D4 damage), head-butt (1D6 damage), ram/charge (2D4), and trample (2D6), +4 to strike with firearms on an aimed shot, +2 on a burst.

Equipment: Money: 240 bucks
Camouflage netting, cooking utensils, snare wire, machete (2D4 damage), hand grenades x4 (1D6x10 damage to a 10ft (3m) radius), dynamite x8 sticks (1D4x10 damage each to a 10ft (3m) radius) and 33ft (10m) of fuse cord, 40mm MM-1 multiple grenade launcher (damage depends on grenade: explosive 1D4x10 to a 6ft (1.8m) diameter, smoke covers a 20ft (6m) diameter, range: 1148ft (350m), payload: 12 shot cylinder. 12x explosive rounds & 12x smoke rounds), crossbow (lever action (requires a P.S. of 13 to use), damage: 3D6 or explosive: 5D6 damage to a 5ft (1.5m) radius, range: 325ft (99m), explosive 260ft (79m), payload: single shot. 24x crossbow bolts, 6x explosive.

(Pages 128 & 159)
Raised on the borders, where every day is a fight for survival and every citizen has to learn rudimentary combat training, Lacey is a scrappy young fighter. She has witnessed first-hand the cruelty of the Empire of Humanity and is a dedicated opponent of their regime. Having become accustomed to danger as a normal part of life, it takes a lot to put a dent in her bright and cheerful manner. Lacey is a bit of a simple country girl, but has gleefully embraced the trappings of civilisation. She and Hopper have a complicated relationship, but she is truly devoted to him. At times Hopper acts like he doesn’t really care for her and they are just ‘having fun’, but Lacey knows through her empathic abilities that he really does love her, and his bravado act is just a way to cope with his tough childhood. She loves his fun side and the way he brings out her fun side too.

Species: Rabbit
Size level: 7
Build: Medium
Height: 5’ 2” (1.6m)
Weight: 86 lb (39 kg)
Alignment: Scrupulous

I.Q.: 12
M.E.: 10
M.A.: 11
P.S.: 12
P.E.: 13
P.P.: 16
P.B.: 12
Spd.: 24

H.P.: 27
S.D.C.: 48

Human features:
Hands: Full
Biped: Full
Speech: Full
Looks: Partial

Natural weapons/Powers:
Leaping: rodent (leaps 10’ 4” (3.1m) along or across)

Vestigial traits:
Diet: Herbivore

Communicate with mutant insects

Background: Border area
Experience level: 4

Apprenticeship: Teamster
Teamster/wagoner 80%, rope works 65%, land navigation 67%, animal husbandry 55%, basic maths 81%, carpentry 50%, farrier (basic) 51%, general repair & maintenance 55%, wilderness survival 50%, breed & control insects 55%, imitate animal or insect sound 54%, pilot truck 77%, pilot construction & farming equipment 57%, sailing 80%.

Primary Skills:
Farming & gardening 52%, first aid 60%, radio: basic 65%, camouflage 35%, hand to hand: basic, climbing 65/55%, gymnastics (sense of balance 65%, parallel bars/rings 75%, climb rope 66%, back flip 70%, prowl 45%), athletics, W.P. revolver, W.P. shotgun, W.P. knife (+2 to strike & parry, +1 to throw), W.P. archery (+2 to strike, rate of fire: 4 arrows per melee).

Secondary Skills:
Cooking 45%, swimming 65%, boating 72%, pilot automobile 82%, detect concealment & traps 40%, herbal medicine 45/35%, identify plants and fruits 40%, preserve food 55%.

Combat bonuses:
5 attacks per melee, +1 to strike, +4 to parry & dodge, +2 to pull punch, +5 to roll with impact, kick attack (1D6 damage), +4 to strike with firearms on an aimed shot.

Equipment: Money: 800 bucks

Sunglasses, compass, medical kit, 500ft (152m) length of nylon rope, set of farrier’s tools, survival knife (2D4 damage), portable bow with hunting arrows x24 (2D4+1 damage), leather vest: A.R. 9, S.D.C. 20, Rhode Island .38 revolver (damage: 3D6, range: 150ft (46m), payload: 6. Speed loader and 24x cartridges), Baxter 20 gauge pump-action shotgun (damage: 3D6 solid shot/2D6 buckshot, range: 125ft (38m), payload: 8 round feed. 24 solid slug cartridges, 12 buckshot).

Also note the group has a rugged, open-top, 4x4 jeep (A.R. 6, S.D.C. 350, top speed 120mph (193kmph), seats 4-5 subject to size), which may be driven by any member of the team (other than Bud or Ernie due to their large size) depending on circumstances.
Rifter Contributor:
Rifter 61 – Purebred animal templates for Mutants in Avalon (After the Bomb)
Rifter 77 & 78 – Khemennu, City of the Eighteen Cosmic Gods (Palladium Fantasy)
Rifter 83 – The Prophet O.C.C. (Palladium Fantasy)
Rifter 83 – Half-Ogres (Palladium Fantasy)
Rifter 84 – Spellbound O.C.C. (Nightbane)
Rifter 85 – Relics of Empire: Elven Cities of the Old Kingdom (Palladium Fantasy)
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Trooper Jim
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Comment: Huh! What? There was homework???

Re: Characters based on Perez illustrations

Unread post by Trooper Jim »

Very cool
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Soldier of Od
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Re: Characters based on Perez illustrations

Unread post by Soldier of Od »

Yay! It only took eleven months for someone to notice them! :D

Rifter Contributor:
Rifter 61 – Purebred animal templates for Mutants in Avalon (After the Bomb)
Rifter 77 & 78 – Khemennu, City of the Eighteen Cosmic Gods (Palladium Fantasy)
Rifter 83 – The Prophet O.C.C. (Palladium Fantasy)
Rifter 83 – Half-Ogres (Palladium Fantasy)
Rifter 84 – Spellbound O.C.C. (Nightbane)
Rifter 85 – Relics of Empire: Elven Cities of the Old Kingdom (Palladium Fantasy)
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Re: Characters based on Perez illustrations

Unread post by Whiskeyjack »

I noticed them a couple months ago but got distracted before posting. It's a very cool write up of the illustration. We just started an AtB campaign with the wife and kids. Still trying to get session number two off the ground.
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