slade the sniper wrote:As a GM my red flags are:
1. Players who have no interest in the lore of the setting (and this is not some homebrew BS...I'm talking like people who don't know about Star Trek or Star Wars or Forgotten Realms and will NOT read up on it so all the NPCs are just bags of blood and loot.)
2. Players who don't know what their abilities or spells or equipment not knowing the range, casting time, etc. I will NOT stop a game to flip through a book to find the PPE of a spell or how much damage a PLAYERS weapon does...I give a 30 second pause, then I skip that players action.
3. Powergaming concepts with no in-character rationale for anything. I am lenient for backgrounds and concepts and power level, as long as there is a logical reason for that character to have done that.
You got level 15 spells?
Sweet, how did you get them?
Uh...well, um, I found them?
Ok, where?
Uh, in a library?
Yeah, no, get out my group!
4. Showing up with a character already made...that their "last GM was cool with", is 30th level, and is a mish mash of BS that does not fit the setting, or the campaign. Bye.
5. Checking email, texting, or other crap with a cell phone. Especially true with online gaming...
Dude, are you playing STO?
Uh, no.
Bro, I see you are playing STO because you are on STEAM and it just told me! Are you bored? Well, bye.
6. Your action!
I attack *roll dice* a 9.
What are you attacking with?
A gun?
What are you shooting?
An enemy?
Which one, there are like four of them here?
Oh, I don't know, that one there...
Yeah, Bye...
As a Player:
1. The GM spends more time looking up rules than just making a decision. I don't even care if it is wrong, wrong, wrong, just decide and remember that next time.
2. Pointless combat...or enemies that are stupid and die, or fight to the last man for no reason, no tactics or other such BS. Combat MEANS something. This is life and death, it is not something to be entered into lightly. TACTICS, man!
3. Stories that have no rationale...I need a full setting, not random king A, some goblins and a McGuffin, repeat until campaign ends. I want more or I will leave.
4. MinMaxing characters that WANT to be the only useful player. Worst experience was a 30th level half-minotaur, half-dragon, His last GM said it was cool...We left.
5. Rules Lawyers. If a player can't accept Rule Zero, we leave.
Full Disclosure: My wife and I co-GM. We switch off between Star Wars (both), RIFTS (me), Call of Cthulhu (both, I do pulp, she does horror), D&D (both) and a lot of random oneshots (both).
Probably the most entertaining post I've read in a long time! Well said!