Fan Races!!

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Re: Fan Races!!

Unread post by Nightmartree »

taalismn wrote:
Nightmartree wrote: or Fungal Magic! I got excited writing that...

Because 'Fungi' is such a fun word. :P

somehow I really don't think it is, I can see this class giving people nightmare flashbacks, also I think I'm having my mind and soul devoured by these guys. I completed the OCC and promptly took a nap cause I wasn't feeling well. Hoping dinner perks me up so I can write up some Fungal Magic, already got a list of things for them to create, despite being based on Herbalist magic it seems to be going much more in a "implacements and equipment" direction as opposed to consumables and wands/staves. Not saying it doesn't have consumables, but mines, one use spears, and the screams of "Must take more shrooms!" adds a totally different flavor to this class...

Why yes officer, that is a bag of glowing blue mushrooms with enough P.P.E. to summon a army of D-bees!...i'm gonna go write these up now

*facepalm* fungi indeed taalisman, fungi indeed *walks away shaking his head at puns*
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Re: Fan Races!!

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“Stand back! This evil can only be defeated by one who is pure of heart and purpose! Fortunately, I am here!”

“You claim to be the Blessed, but of whom, and for what purpose? All we do is want to know. Don’t you want to tell us? Don’t you want to know? I mean, REALLY know...not the self-serving doctrine promoted by your elders....where do your powers REALLY come from? I’m afraid that you aren’t cooperative with our simple inquiries, we’re going to have to cut back your food allowance again, and your sleep, until you are in a more cooperative state. Wouldn’t you like regular meals and sleep? All you have to do is help satisfy our curiousity.”
---Brotherhood of the One interrogator, to a Cheral prisoner.

The Cheral are human-sept offshoots who, until about six hundred years ago, were effectively identical to mainstream humans, and inhabited the pastoral planet of Hablis III(sometimes called ‘Heaven’s Acre’ by the resident population of Church of True Humanity who settled there). Life on Hablis III was of little distinction from any other mainstream Human colony world, save for a strong minority of conservative religionists belonging to the Church of True Humanity. The CoTH held that Humanity was indeed made in the Image of the Creator, and that Humans held a special place in the grand scheme of the things. Locally, this led to some isolated prejudice or at least haughty condescension towards nonHumans, and a tendency by offworld nonHumans to avoid trading with known CoTH members. Whether or not the CoTH MEANT this attitude of theirs to help promote Hablis III’s isolation from mainstream galactic trade, is unknown, but that’s how it worked out, and Hablis remained a sleepy backwater agriworld for quite some time.
Then a horrid plague swept through the human population on Hablis. Millions died horribly of convulsions, rampant tumor growth, and terminal organ mutations. Nobody knew from where the plague originated, and nobody could find a remedy for it before it reaped a ghastly toll of life. The planet was quarantined and space travel locked down while authorities sought in vain for a cure to the contagious malady devastating the people.
Only about a quarter of the original population was left alive by the time the plague burned itself out, but those the plague didn’t kill, it forever changed, mutating them. The form of the mutation was consistant; increased good health and vigor, enhanced good looks and physical performance, and giant fully functional flight-capable avian wings sprouting from survivors’ backs. Even more startling was the fact that these survivors began manifesting a variety of paranormal abilities, such as psionics, flight, superhuman strength, and other abilities.
The surviving Church of True Humanity have seized on the transformation as evidence that the survivors were spared by divine intervention, transforming the worthy into the physical form of angelic beings. While not all Cheral subscribe to this notion, or to the particular divine intervention promulgated by the CoTH, many feel that they have indeed been spared for better things, and that their transformation into physically more advanced beings is to serve some greater purpose.
This has led, once the Cheral finished rebuilding on their devastated planet and the quarantine lifted, to many Cheral leaving Hablis III to venture out into the Three Galaxies(and beyond) to seek that purpose. Cheral typically seek positions as spokesmen and -women of great causes, heroes, and advocates. Several, for example, have stepped up to openly and very publicly support the Denlech in the Thundercloud Galaxy.
Curiously, when the plague responsible burned itself out, the pathogen causing it disappeared virtually overnight. Aside from a few medical scans of the mysterious illness, little hard evidence remains of its mechanism. Certainly, no cultures remain, and not even dead cells of the pathogen have survived to be preserved. The disease organism just broke down into constituent DNA fragments. This has led to speculation of a ‘hive’ virus that somehow communicated with other infection sites, reached a critical mass, then ‘suicided’. The CoTH, however, see the hand of divinity in it all.
The Cheral have since spread throughout their sector of space, spreading the word of the great miracle and of their championship of grand purposes and good fights. They have become involved in crusades and revolutions and other great heroic undertakings, not always successfully, but almost always prominently.
The horrible truth is that the Cheral are NOT the beneficiaries of some divine blessing; the Ascension was the work of several GeneSplicers experimenting with transform virus tools. Rather than create monsters, the GeneSplicers were curious to see what would happen if they created arguable ‘beauty’ with the dubious mental flexibility of appearance-obsessed dogmatists. The GeneSplicers have been quietly watching the fallout from their experiment, curious to see what will happen with such ‘gifts’ as the viral mutation has inflicted(some of the GeneSplicers involved contend that biology dictates a species’ cultural destiny, while others contend that cultural influences can remain independent of biological change). While many Cheral have indeed gone on to perform great deeds in the name of great causes, believing in their hearts that they were chosen for just such a purpose, many other Cheral have fallen to corruption, or been misled by their own arrogance and ignorance into crime, slavery, and premature death. Still others have promoted their cause TOO well, and many fanatical Cosmic Forge seekers have captured and tortured Cheral(their incredible regenerative abilities proving to be a curse under such circumstances), believing that they may hold some connection to the elusive Forge. The loss of so many would-be heroes, however, hasn’t stopped the Cheral from continuing to recruit, train, and flock out into the universe to seek their place in the sun.

Alignments: Any, but most(70%) are Good or Unprincipled
Lifespan: 300 years, but many die young due to misadventure
Size: 5-6 ft tall
Gender: Heterosexual
Physical Description/Appearance:
Resemble optimally handsome/beautiful examples of human beings with large metallic avian wings. Outside of necessary armor or uniforms, many Cheral prefer light clothing, or go completely nude, the better to exult in their divinely-gifted physiques.
Cheral tend to be supremely self-confident, arrogant, and proud. For the most part they are aggressive idealists, ready and eager to act on their principles, be it promoting their faith or defying tyranny. In general, they are tolerant of non-humans, but harbor the deep-sited belief that it is Humans that have a special place in the grand scheme of things as movers, shakers, educators, and protectors in the cosmsos. That having been said, when Cheral become disillusioned, dispirited, or corrupted, they tend to fall hard. Evil Cheral become true pieces of nastiness, while a broken Cheral can become hopelessly mired in self-pity and despair.
Physical Attributes:
IQ: 3d6
ME: 3d6+4
MA: 2d6+10
PS: 4d6 (and considered to be Superhuman)
PP: 4d6
PB: 5d6
PE: 4d6+20
SPD: 3d6+12
(ISP): M.E. +6d6, +(1d8+1) per level of experience
(PPE): 4d6
Hit Points:---
MDC: 2d6x10 +P.E, +2d6 per level of experience
Horror Factor: ----
Natural Abilities:
*Winged Flight---Flying speed of 150 MPH, maximum altitude of 15,000 ft.
*Megadamage Beings
*Impervious to normal extremes of heat and cold(magic heat and cold do HALF damage).
*Regenerate 2d6 points of damage per minute. Can regrow lost limbs in 1d4x10+6 days. Impervious to disease and poison. However, if starved, these abilities degrade.
*+4 save versus Posession/Horror Factor
*+2 save versus Magic
Cheral can select 10 psionic abilities from any of the Minor categories, or six from one and ONE Super psionic power.
Magic: None; the Cheral have lost the ability to perform any sort of magic(actually, their upbringing inculcates a disdain for it). The Cheral have no problems using magic items and the products of technowizardry, but would not practice magic themselves.
Cybernetics/Bionics: None; such trinkets are disdained in favor of their Divine-given powers.
Available OCCs: Any, but the Cheral tend to disdain highly technical professions or ‘grubby’ careers(like engineering) in favor of high-profile, high-exposure careers with a good chance of adventure. Palladins, planetary scouts, itinerant preachers, lawmen, and the like are prefered.
RCC Skills:
Hand to Hand: Basic(can be upgraded through ‘other’ skills)
Skills of Note:
Cheral who take up adventuring tend to favor taking a W.P. or two in an Ancient Weapon, typically Swords or Spears
Theocratic democracy; only those high in the CoTH, or who pass the stringent Tests of Purity, may be considered candidates for office. Since the Miracle, the CoTH has organized its government along a war footing, with a large office of defense and a large intelligence organization that serves the various champions and crusaders that have set off into the cosmos. This has led to some problems in keeping the economy going at home, as so many young people want to go offworld and adventure, that such essential services as agriculture are beginning to suffer. As it stands, the workforce consists primarily of those who have failed the tests to join the CoTH’s crusades, lack the resouces to go on their own, or have returned broken and disspirited from their adventures. There has been some talk of allowing non-Cheral immigrant workers to come to Hablis to fill the enlarging gaps in the local workforce, but this has led to some protest on the part of more conservative Cheral, who want the planet reserved exclusively for Cheral.
Technologically, the CoTh is roughly equivalent to the Golgan Republik baseline, though most of their advanced technology is acquired from offworld. Hablis III has little in the way of industrial infrastructure to support the sort of galactic crusade some of the CoTH Cheral would like to launch(the best they can do is build some shuttlecraft), and they are heavily reliant on donations to supply their spacecraft and heavy weaponry.
"Trouble rather the Tiger in his Lair,
Than the Sage among his Books,
For all the Empires and Kingdoms,
The Armies and Works that you hold Dear,
Are to him but the Playthings of the Moment,
To be turned over with the Flick of a Finger,
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Re: Fan Races!!

Unread post by Nightmartree »

taalismn wrote:Cheral

“Stand back! This evil can only be defeated by one who is pure of heart and purpose! Fortunately, I am here!”

Bioengineered angels? Check
Superiority complex? Check
A sudden urge to conquer the earth with angelic legions? Not yet, but it has been added to the ideas board
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Re: Fan Races!!

Unread post by taalismn »

Yep, plus when you realize that most elder species in the Megaverse regard Humans as vermin, yeah, the Cheral are headed for a Big Hard Reality Check.
Especially considering that they really don't stack up that well against even gargoyles.
Now if I'd used SUPERPOWERS rather than existing GeneSplicer enhancements...
Now, what if a SECOND plague hit the Cheral, and the survivors, I dunno, acquired supersonic flying, karmic abilities, and such-like, how would it affect their society, especially if the pathogen was particularly brutal and took no notice of piety(or, conversely, wiped out those thought to be conspiciously pious).

And what f it -wasn't- the GeneSplicers this time around?
"Trouble rather the Tiger in his Lair,
Than the Sage among his Books,
For all the Empires and Kingdoms,
The Armies and Works that you hold Dear,
Are to him but the Playthings of the Moment,
To be turned over with the Flick of a Finger,
And the Turning of a Page"

--------Rudyard Kipling
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Re: Fan Races!!

Unread post by Nightmartree »

taalismn wrote:And what f it -wasn't- the GeneSplicers this time around?

*Whistles innocently*

Now who could possibly do a thing like that? :twisted: :twisted: :twisted: :twisted: Lets build them :twisted: :twisted: :twisted: :twisted:

The Emperors
Alien Race: The Emperors (real name: Gorzwen)
Alignments: 55% Aberant 35% Miscreant 10% Diabolic
Lifespan: About 9,000 years per body
Size: 7-9 feet tall
Physical Description/Appearance: The Emperors are a powerfully built race, none of them less that an example of peak physical perfection. Every Gene and portion of their body has been modified to the pinnacle. They appear entirely human except for their extreme height and total lack of body hair.
Disposition/Attitudes: The Emperors are EXTREMELY arrogant as one might expect from a race that gave up their true name to use the title of ruler in every language that they encounter. In fact the names of different Emperors are only different because they use the word emperor from a different language! The Emperors dedicated themselves entirely to genetic modification and exploring the depths of their genome early in their development. Wars were waged over what genes were better to use or should be removed from their species. In the end only one faction remained and declared themselves rulers of all based upon the perfection of their genetics. They genetically engineered and grew many "lesser" races to serve them. Millenia of being served and dedicated to their own development has left them entirely focused on themselves or their personal goals, if not for the racial belief in themselves as noble rulers there would not be nearly as many aberant Emperors. But any Emperor only acknowledges other equals, namely major powers and rulers of nations, all others are less, and even these other beings are only close to the level of the "true" Emperors.
Physical Attributes:
IQ: 24+1D6
ME: 20+1D6
MA: 18+1D6
PS: 40 (Supernatural)
PP: 30
PB: 30
PE: 40
SPD: 160
PPE: 3D6
MDC: 520
Natural Abilities: +5 vs poisons. 25% duration of all poisons. Regen 4D6 MDC a melee. 1/2 damage from kinetic,energy,fire,cold and lightning attacks. Infrared, ultraviolet, nightvision, and thermal sight at any distance from 6 miles to the microscopic. Heightend sense of Taste, Smell, Touch and Recall (same as powers from Heroes Unlimted and Powers Unlimited), Auto Dodge +6, +6 initiave,
RCC Skills:
Due to the long lifespan of any surviving Emperor and their near perfect recall and physique they can be considered as having a 98% in all skills that they have used before. The few categories they are likely to be lacking in are Domestic, Rogue, Wilderness and Espionage. Though the skills an ancient Emperor may pick up in his lifespan may surprise you, as well as the occasional one they may lack. (many lack languages of "lesser" races, arts or other jobs they have left entirely to servants)
Skills of Note:
Genetic Modification 200%
Cloning Sciences 200%
Each Emperor is an independant ruler of a vast legion of engineered beings and absorbed lesser races with themselves at the head. The empire may range from a benelovent utopia to a dark soul crushing engine steered by the Emperors desires, but such is the right of an Emperor. Nearly all empires are technologically based due to the non-magical nature of the Emperors, even with training over millenia the Emperor will never gain more than PEx2 in PPE though they may draw far more from their legions. Apparently sometime in the past some vital gene that related to magic was lost, crippling this one aspect of the Emperors and rendering them incapable of becoming Magic Users or Gods. Though they may cast spells they have learned it is only through the PPE of their followers in ceremony. This is a source of consteration to many emperors and they continue to this day to seek to "perfect" their genes and gain access to magic. This lack of magic has led many of the Emperors to avoid its use amongst their servants or keep them at a distance, partially due to the danger of magic they do not understand, and partially to avoid a constant reminder of their "imperfection". Even without this power the empires of the Emperors are incredibly powerful, easily a match for the top 10% of beings in the universe, with the emperors keeping several more powerful items back for their personal use.
Note: Any Emperor who approaches the end of their life span or who is slain is simply replaced with an identical genetic clone. The mental stats flucuate a bit between Emperors but physically each and every one is equal. They grow taller slowly as they age and reach 9'11 inches in the last hundred years of their 9000 year life cycle.

They aren't fully fleshed out, none of their bonuses for high stats or certain powers are listed. Plus none of their technology, but these guys are more plot device than playable race right now. That said the REAL playable races would be one of the thousands of genetically modified servant races, including the "Ministers" created to be a step below the Emperors and run their nations. They would have actual skill lists too!
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Re: Fan Races!!

Unread post by taalismn »

Beware of people who assume some 'forceful' title to describe themselves; The Chosen, The Annointed, the Overseers, the Dominators...
No organization or people call themselves The Life of the Party, The Bashful Painfully Modest Super-Race, or the Helpful Friendly Best Buddies From Outer Space.

Okay, well, maybe the Space Quakers do, but who's heard of them? Really?
"Trouble rather the Tiger in his Lair,
Than the Sage among his Books,
For all the Empires and Kingdoms,
The Armies and Works that you hold Dear,
Are to him but the Playthings of the Moment,
To be turned over with the Flick of a Finger,
And the Turning of a Page"

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Re: Fan Races!!

Unread post by Nightmartree »

taalismn wrote:No organization or people call themselves The Life of the Party, The Bashful Painfully Modest Super-Race, or the Helpful Friendly Best Buddies From Outer Space.

For some reason when I try to imagine these.......i'm more afraid now than I was of alien races seeking to dominate and control us

just think of what they could do trying to HELP us instead of harm us...
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Re: Fan Races!!

Unread post by taalismn »

Nightmartree wrote:
taalismn wrote:No organization or people call themselves The Life of the Party, The Bashful Painfully Modest Super-Race, or the Helpful Friendly Best Buddies From Outer Space.

For some reason when I try to imagine these.......i'm more afraid now than I was of alien races seeking to dominate and control us

just think of what they could do trying to HELP us instead of harm us...

<<"Okay, what just happened?! I just read the speech about public service and that our role here was to serve Mankind, as part of our diplomatic mission, and I got no further before they started yelling, screaming, and shooting at us! Did I get the translation wrong or something?!">>
"Trouble rather the Tiger in his Lair,
Than the Sage among his Books,
For all the Empires and Kingdoms,
The Armies and Works that you hold Dear,
Are to him but the Playthings of the Moment,
To be turned over with the Flick of a Finger,
And the Turning of a Page"

--------Rudyard Kipling
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Re: Fan Races!!

Unread post by Nightmartree »

taalismn wrote:<<"Okay, what just happened?! I just read the speech about public service and that our role here was to serve Mankind, as part of our diplomatic mission, and I got no further before they started yelling, screaming, and shooting at us! Did I get the translation wrong or something?!">>

i'm thinking of one thing tinker gnomes, sometimes help isn't help

now if you made those intelligent space lobsters instead...
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Re: Fan Races!!

Unread post by taalismn »

Nightmartree wrote:[

now if you made those intelligent space lobsters instead...

"This 'butter sauce', it's some sort of celebratory drink shared with strangers, yes?"
"Trouble rather the Tiger in his Lair,
Than the Sage among his Books,
For all the Empires and Kingdoms,
The Armies and Works that you hold Dear,
Are to him but the Playthings of the Moment,
To be turned over with the Flick of a Finger,
And the Turning of a Page"

--------Rudyard Kipling
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Re: Fan Races!!

Unread post by Nightmartree »

taalismn wrote:
Nightmartree wrote:[

now if you made those intelligent space lobsters instead...

"This 'butter sauce', it's some sort of celebratory drink shared with strangers, yes?"

I was thinking major MDC beings with no sense of pain and a massive amount of regen that allows them to regrow lost body parts in melees and recover a pretty hefty amount of MDC per minute..."Dangerous experiment?Why its not dangerous at all!" *Proceeds to be exploded across a 20 foot room loses 3 limbs and cracks his shell, is back up and moving in 20 to continue the experiments* "see I told you it was nothing!"

they don't comprehend pain, suffering exists, its not "improving and helping others!" that's suffering....They could be the nicest villians you ever meet...

Good news is that yes certain alien intelligences DO find them delicious with Blutar Sauce
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Re: Fan Races!!

Unread post by taalismn »

Nightmartree wrote:[

they don't comprehend pain, suffering exists, its not "improving and helping others!" that's suffering....They could be the nicest villians you ever meet...

O'll have to finish up my species-culture of warrior demon-like beings. They're very polite and civilized for villains, and they prefer to 'take people out of circulation' if they can, and kill only if they must.
Of course, 'taking you out of circulation' may involve locking you in stasis and dropping you to the bottom of the sea or shooting you out into space on a cometary orbit for a century or more, but, hey, you're still alive, right?
"Trouble rather the Tiger in his Lair,
Than the Sage among his Books,
For all the Empires and Kingdoms,
The Armies and Works that you hold Dear,
Are to him but the Playthings of the Moment,
To be turned over with the Flick of a Finger,
And the Turning of a Page"

--------Rudyard Kipling
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Re: Fan Races!!

Unread post by Pepsi Jedi »

Absolutely love the Trelvi Plant Mimics. I like the 'out side the box' sort of things, and a race of animate plants that not only can mimic other plants but make great spies really appealed.

Bravo on that one.

Love the little quirp about the CS too. Too funny.

Lt. Nyota Uhura: I'm impressed. For a moment there, I thought you were just a dumb hick who only has sex with farm animals.

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Re: Fan Races!!

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Slowly reading through these for fun.

The Hemites are great.

Not that I'd want to play one. (Ugg yuck) But they make magnificent villians/foils to a space based campaign. You could get a lot of play getting onto/off world and what have you, adventuring around and not getting caught by these wackadoodles. Love it.

Lt. Nyota Uhura: I'm impressed. For a moment there, I thought you were just a dumb hick who only has sex with farm animals.

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Re: Fan Races!!

Unread post by taalismn »

Pepsi Jedi wrote:Slowly reading through these for fun.

The Hemites are great.

Not that I'd want to play one. (Ugg yuck) But they make magnificent villians/foils to a space based campaign. You could get a lot of play getting onto/off world and what have you, adventuring around and not getting caught by these wackadoodles. Love it.

Wow...that was how many years ago I posted those?
But I'm glad people are discovering my mind-children and having fun with them.
And I still have at least three WP files of works-in-progress to one day finish up... :bandit:
"Trouble rather the Tiger in his Lair,
Than the Sage among his Books,
For all the Empires and Kingdoms,
The Armies and Works that you hold Dear,
Are to him but the Playthings of the Moment,
To be turned over with the Flick of a Finger,
And the Turning of a Page"

--------Rudyard Kipling
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Re: Fan Races!!

Unread post by Pepsi Jedi »

taalismn wrote:
Pepsi Jedi wrote:Slowly reading through these for fun.

The Hemites are great.

Not that I'd want to play one. (Ugg yuck) But they make magnificent villians/foils to a space based campaign. You could get a lot of play getting onto/off world and what have you, adventuring around and not getting caught by these wackadoodles. Love it.

Wow...that was how many years ago I posted those?
But I'm glad people are discovering my mind-children and having fun with them.
And I still have at least three WP files of works-in-progress to one day finish up... :bandit:

I don't think I've ever read through them before. I'm very much enjoying them.

In the same vein, I've polished up one of my own creations and will post it up for your thoughts!

Lt. Nyota Uhura: I'm impressed. For a moment there, I thought you were just a dumb hick who only has sex with farm animals.

James Tiberius Kirk: Well, not _only_...
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Re: Fan Races!!

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The Veyzin Empire: (Also known as the Veyzin Hegemony)
Corkscrew Galaxy: Ilta Quadrant, on the edge of the Wolfen Republic.
Veyzin Prime: Medium/Small planet. (75% the size of earth) Population: 68Billion on Veyzin Prime.
6 other worlds in near by star systems have been colonized. 2 of which have colonies with over a billion Veyzin, the remaining 4 having smaller colonies with millions or less.
High Gravity Planet: Due to very dense core.
Planetary Magic Level: Void. I.E. –None-. Mystics are stunned for 1d4 melees upon entering the area around the planet. PPE regained 1/10th. Supernatural beings/creatures. feel torpor, -2, Strike, Parry, Dodge, and Initiative. Magic weapons, spells, technowizardry etc= ½ range, damage, duration.
Dominant Environmental Features:
Ground Terrain: The planet’s terrain is much like Earth. Some deserts, large bands of temperate forests, a rain-forest band, and arctic at the poles. Mountains, plains, lakes, etc
Note: Veyzin Prime’s flora are largely purple, not green. So a tree might have a dark purple trunk and deep purple leaves, grass might appear very much like earth grass but be a lavender hue, etc. The lakes and seas are bright lime green.
Atmospheric Conditions: Moderately extreme seasonal: Hot Summers (up to 110F), Frigid Winters (Down to -50F), coupled with Smog/Air Pollution over the Sprawls.
Technological Level: Star Age: Frequent trips to neighboring star systems and looks for greater advancement. Basic understanding of warp and gateway systems.
Architecture Appearance Table: High Tech and Megalithic Retro-techno. With the more affluent parts of the planet appearing gleaming ultra-high tech cityscapes, but the poor sections (Majority) appearing as Megalithic retro-techno. Huge giant apartment blocks that appear like monolithic structures in a constant dark sprawl.

Alien Race: Veyzin:
The Veyzin themselves are bipedal humanoids, standing roughly 5 feet (152cm) to 5 feet 6 inches (168cm) tall. Their race is very uniform in these height parameters. Seeing a Veyzin adult under 5’ or over 5’6” is extremely rare and something of note, interest, or even scorn.
The Veyzin possess two arms, two hands, two legs, two feet, one head, two eyes, one mouth which holds sharp triangular teeth, and two antennae. The race possesses no nose or ears.

The antennae are acute sensory organs, which allow the Veyzin to have a sense of smell and taste even though they have no noses. They can even allow a Veyzin to track by scent and sense motion around them.

These antennae are very expressive and are used in Veyzin communication to convey both subtle and not so subtle communicative hints and subtext. A curious Veyzin’s Antennae might crane forward and towards the object of interest. An angry Veyzin’s Antennae might shoot back or gesticulate wildly. They may also slick back against the skull when a Veyzin is preparing for violence. The Veyzin could carry on a conversation just using their antennae on Veyzin Prime.

Th Veyzin hands are unique in that they have between two and three fingers, and one or two thumbs per hand. Each of the Veyzins hands will ‘match’ but the numbers of fingers varies among the species. Some Xenobioligist attribute this to regional or ‘racial’ variation among the species. If in possession of a secondary thumb, it protrudes from the ‘bottom’ of the hand opposite the first.

Veyzin are a slender and sleek species with corded muscle, attributed to their high gravity home world. They move with grace and dexterity that other races find mesmerizing, most especially off of Veyzin Prime itself. The Veyzin are hairless and their skin is smooth and supple to the touch. They are an endothermic warm blooded species who produce live birth and feed their offspring from the breast, a very flavorful and nutrient rich green milk. This green milk is considered a delicacy by other species and the Veyzin have a thriving trade in it, both on world and to other worlds where it is sold as either a high energy and healthy beverage or a delicacy due to the rich flavorful taste. The green milk is often used in exotic cooking recipes that have won galactic awards and fame.

Sexual dimorphism is minimal with in the species. The females are more slender and feminine, narrow of waist, and of shapely breast (Two or four) but of equal height, and with equal levels of strength and endurance to males of the species. You can tell the males from the females at a glance but height/weight/strength levels are roughly the same. They are enormously graceful due to their high gravity homeworld and fluid of motion.

The Veyzin skin color is green, but with a wide variation. From muddy green brown on up the scale to medium green, dark pine or hunter greens, up to brighter, lime green, acid green, and almost neon green.

Their eyes are large and oval. The eye color ranges a spectrum of jewel colors. Emerald, Ruby, Sapphire, Amethyst, with Garnet and a few others a bit less common. Emerald, Ruby and Onyx being the three most common.

It’s commonly mistaken that the Veyzin had reptilian ancestors, though some Xenobiologists have noted some interesting insectoid traits (Their antennae) that may seem to indicate otherwise. As most life on Veyzin Prime possess antennae, it’s sort of hard to qualify. The Veyzin themselves are warm blooded and mammalian in that they produce life birth and feed their offspring milk.

Perhaps the most interesting trait of the Veyzin species, like many from their homeworld, possess four different genders. Two male genders (Mayzon/Metzen) and two female genders ( Fayzon/Fetzen). The males have roughly human analog sexual organs, I.E. A penis, as do the females, I.E. a vagina. The size and shape is a bit different, but same basic organs. Female Veyzin have 2 or 4 Breasts. (not three, they come in pairs)

This presents 4 member relationships/marriages as a cultural norm on Veyzin Prime and the species’ satellite planets and communities.

All 4 genders are -required- for -procreation-. The Mayzon male gender must mate with the Fayzon female gender, ‘priming’ her for conception. This act is not only physical but bio-chemical.
The Mayzon ejaculate works with the Fayzon’s body to prepare her for conception. It’s the Mayzon ejaculate that allows for the release of the Fayzon’s eggs. Only after the Fayzon female has been ‘primed’, and her eggs released may the process continue. Then the Metzen male must breed with the Fayzon female to fertilize the eggs. The fertilization can –only- occur in a primed Fayzon’s body. The Mayzon, must then mate with the Fetzen, to prime her womb to carry the young. The eggs must then be transferred to the Fetzen female gender.(Transferal of eggs occurs within the Metzen’s penis) Once the eggs are transferred, the Metzen must mate with the Fetzen as well to insure implantation of the eggs with in the Fetzen’s womb. The Fetzen will carry and gestate the young and carry them to term. The Veyzin will only grow to term with in a Fetzen’s body, and even then only after the previously described order of events. To outsiders the species seems to be more galactic standard with two sexual genders, but the Veyzin can tell a Mayzon from a Metzen and a Fetzen from a Fayzon with zero difficulty. Xenobiologists suspect it’s a scent thing or hormonal. Veyzin find it very amusing and just shake their heads when questioned on it as if the entire race is in on some sort of private joke, that other species can’t tell the 4 genders apart. How could they NOT??

All Veyzin births are quadruplets, which allows their rather convoluted breeding to be viable. Both the Fetzen and Fayzon will nurse the 4 offspring. (Green Milk) The breeding process combines the DNA of all 4 of the Veyzin parents, to produce the quadruplets. This ensures vast DNA complexity. Likewise it insures a very high population. This may be the result of high predation upon the Veyzin as a species by predators on Veyzin prime during their prehistory. Even today the animals on Veyzin prime are fierce and not to be trifled with and 100s of 1000s a year are lost to native fauna.

The complexity of procreation, doesn’t prevent males of either gender having sex with females of either gender. It’s just that you need all 4 to -procreate- successfully. If anything the requirement of 2 different male genders and 2 different female genders in every breeding unit has a higher number of homosexual oriented Veyzin. They can have homosexual relationships and such are not frowned upon, but all 4 genders are needed to procreate. To Veyzin, criticizing someone for their sexual preference would be akin to mental illness, as they need all 4, they just truly have no comprehension of such a thing.

The fact that 4 Veyzin, of the 4 genders, Mayzon, Metzen, Fayzon and Fetzen, are needed, in a specific order to have any chance of procreation, recreational sex is not frowned upon in their society. In fact it’s readily embraced. The only possible way for the Veyzin to have children requires 4 genders in a specific way, but any of the genders can have sex with any of the others, in any combination, safely. This makes accidental pregnancy practically unheard of. It’s pretty difficult to ‘accidentally’ engage in multi stage, multi partner sexual relations. They’re not a slutty or debased people, but are a bit more free sexually than some. Once they enter into a 4 person marriage, they marry for life, only replacing a member due to death.

The Veyzin never got deep into recreational or psychotropic drugs. This has a simple explanation. Due to their body chemistry and biological formation of their brains, as well as the Antennae sensory organs, and the interaction with their brains, the Veyzin do not benefit from such drugs. They just don’t ‘get high’. So there’s no point. Pain killers work but not psychotropically. You can deaden pain but the Veyzin don’t get any beneficial (Or negative) mind altering affects from drugs. Even drugs specifically targeted to their race. Their brains just don’t work that way. This may seem like a truly beneficial aspect but it can have negative results as well. Due to their biochemical and physical brain makeup, antidepressants and other mood stabilizing drugs do not work on the Veyzin either. These could help millions of the Veyzin people, but sadly they are denied, the medical use of brain/mood altering chemicals as well as recreational.
(This gives no bonus to save vs POISONS, indeed a high number of species on Veyzin are poisonous and venomous, it’s just a unique aspect of their physiology that means they don’t get high and do not benefit from such medicinal brain/mood altering drugs. Poisons affect the Veyzin just as readily as any other species. Even with more poisonous and venomous creatures, the Veyzin have no natural immunity. They learn to stay away or die. Simple as that)

Veyzin Prime is the home world of the Veyzin, and the core planet in the somewhat ambitiously named “Veyzin Empire”, more politely and commonly called the Veyzin Hegemony. Veyzin Prime itself is a medium/small world about three fourth’s the size of earth. It has roughly the same land mass to ocean ratio that earth does. 71% water to 29% land.

The oceans are very deep, and have a green hue, with a variety of sea life. The foliage on the land masses is purple, instead of green based. Purple trees and bushes and grass etc. There are still flowers of different colors, but the majority of the flora defaults to purple.

The Fauna are a bit more lively colored than earth’s animals, with fewer ‘furry’ types and more that seem to have evolved from reptiles or amphibians. Even the Mammals are less prone to be ‘furry’ and instead have smoother skins, while being endothermic and producing live young. Greens and blues, purples, reds and oranges, bright jewel tones down to muddy sorts of colors can be found in the animals. Still, the same rough cross section of creatures can be found. From small rodent like creatures, up to cat and dog sized ones, all the way up to bears and elephant sized analogs. Many of the animals on Veyzin Prime are poisonous, more so than Earth. This has not bread any sort of poison immunity to the Veyzin themselves. They learn at an early age to not get bit/stung. Many of the fauna also possess antennae.

It should be noted that the animals on Veyzin Prime show -much- higher percentages of predators than the galactic norm. Far out numbering such analogs on other planets. (not out numbering prey) It could be the strange biological reproduction that produces more births that account for this, but xenobiologists are not yet 100% certain. They know only that Veyzin predators are dangerous and many and do not ‘only’ consume prey animals, but instead many predators exist by hunting other predators. The ‘food chain’ isn’t a direct line, but circles and loops back on itself in many cases.

Weather on Veyzin Prime does not extend to the point of “Galactic extreme” But their winters in most zones are quite vigorous (Down to -50C/-58F). The summers are hot with out being extraordinarily deadly 43C/110F), in the temperate zones. With winters being worse closer to the poles and at higher elevations, and summers worse in the equator band and desert regions. The world has an abundance of water, roughly equal to Earth, 71% water to 29% land.

While Veyzin Prime possesses the same sort of environmental distinctions that Earth does, the planet’s sentient inhabitants have spread and overpopulated their home world. Another major environmental distinction would be ‘The Sprawl’. Massive cityscapes that go on for 10s to 100s of miles, often interconnecting with one another.

The more affluent sections of the cities sport amazing high tech sorts of buildings. Possessing gleaming edifices of glass and steel, that shine in the sun. Graceful arches and high speed monorails dazzle the eye. Hover and anti grav vehicles are the primary mode of private interplanetary transportation. Subway or monorail is the major public modes of transportation. In the affluent sections of the mega cities, life seems to be almost perfect. There is little to want, and everything at your fingertips. Little to no sickness, no hunger, with an abundance of peace and order.

Sadly the affluent sections are not the majority. In fact, in the megacities, they represent only 6 to 10% of the city land mass.

The other 90%+ Are made up of the lower income bracket. These areas are known as “The Sprawl”. These sections of the cities are very different. They are cramped and stacked on top of one another 100s of stories tall. Huge monolithic like buildings of cold dark stone or poured concrete dominate. Small or no windows on the massive structures, where the over populated citizens might live 4, 8, 12 to 36 or even 40 to a unit, for 100s of stories. Each of these monolithic buildings holds 1000s to 10,000s of people with in their cold stone walls.

Due to the planets’ overpopulation and dwindling resources, many of the people living in The Sprawl, struggle to find gainful employment. This results in billions of beings on the planet being effectively unemployed, or holding menial labor jobs, in high tech factories and food processing fields. Power and water are provided via the government in The Sprawls. The planetary government makes sure to see to it’s people, food is distributed to the poor once a week, often by military force. Each Veyzin living in The Sprawl that qualifies for assistance is given 1,200 calories per day, per person. These food supplements made from a quick breeding and growing zooplankton/krill(analog)/seaweed mix. High in protein and essential nutrients. Bland, tasteless, often nearly inedible food stuffs formed in a factory, freeze dried or vacuum sealed and shipped. The food supplements are then heated in your unit’s microwave. There are a vast number of ‘flavor packets’ that can be added to the food supplements, and there is brisk trade in the Sprawls for the best tasting ones. If you eat your weekly allotment on the first day, you starve till the next distribution. The food allotments are distributed via DNA. You stick your finger in the slot at the distribution center. Your finger is pricked and blood tested, it’s cross referenced via the DNA on file and you’re given your weekly allotment of food. Once your DNA has been scanned once per standard week, you cannot get another allotment until the next cycle begins. These weekly allotments are also tied to school attendance. The Veyzin children are required to attend school until they are 16 standard years old. They are tested every day in the same way, a finger in the machine at school, a drop of blood taken and cross referenced against their file. If the student misses more than a day without a doctor’s exemption, they are fined in their next food allotment, for every day of unexcused absence.

Needless to say those without jobs and living on the government’s dollar don’t have money for private doctors. Technically there is universal health coverage but the clinics in The Sprawls are overworked and the wait to be seen by a doctor can be measured in hours at the absolute minimum to days or weeks on average. That said health care ‘overall’ is at the space fairing technological level, so when you ‘do’ get to see a doctor or have money to hire a private one, health care is often very effective. The Veyzin do have bionics, but use them as replacments for defective/missing/damaged limbs or organs. Seldom for purposeful augmentation. Very few Veyzin ‘borgs’ around, though it’s ‘possible’. Another of their unique culturial traits. Borgs just never really ‘took off’ or became popular.

The entire planet is not covered by the Sprawl. There are still mountains, forests, jungles, deserts. People still live in them as well. Just not the ‘majority’ of the population. Perhaps 75-80% of the planet’s population live in urban areas. Remember Veyzin Prime holds 68Billion people, or roughly 10 times the number on Earth, on a planet only 3/4th’s the size of Earth. 10 Times the people, in 75% of the space.

The planet of Veyzin Prime is united under a single world government, the Veyzin Empire AKA The Veyzin Hegemony, with each continent having its own president, and then smaller individual political units down to the country, state/province, and or city. The Sprawls are of course their own political entities. Leaders are elected via a Representative democratic republic. Seats are held for varying lengths of time with 6 years being more or less standard, and some seats, such as Continental President, having term limits.

The laws are more or less galactic standard for space faring people, with some specifics of note:
1: There is no slavery on Veyzin Prime. They did not have wide spread slavery during their evolution. The concept of slavery is alien to them and highly offensive. Anyone attempting slavery on Veyzin Prime would very likely get lynched in the streets. It’s considered aberrant by a vast majority of the species.
2: Weapon Ownership: There are not as many weapons laws pertaining to ownership on Veyzin Prime. The Veyzin went through a long history of duels and still maintain the tradition today. Small arms and melee weapons are allowed for anyone over the age of 16. (The year they graduate their schooling). Massive weapons, or military weapons are different but it’s quite common to see most everyone on the street sporting at least one weapon. Be it, an energy sword or energy pistol. Rifles are not generally carried during every day dealings but seeing one, wouldn’t cause Veyzin to freak out. They just give the person a bit more space.
3: Due to the prevalence of personal weaponry and the dueling practice, the Veyzin do have pretty strict laws pertaining to armed assault and or murder. A duel is one thing, there are rules, shooting someone in a store for money or property is far different.
4: Rape. Due to the unique biology of the Veyzin race, everyone born has at least two mothers and two fathers. At least one if not two sisters, and one if not two brothers. This gives them a rather unique upbringing and personal history with both genders, living in close proximity. The fact that the Veyzin are more sexually open and free about recreational sex, also contributes to their social outlook on the crime of Rape. In short Rapists are –hated-- on Veyzin Prime and all Veyzin worlds. A rapist is hated more than a murderer, and they seldom make it to trial. If someone becomes known for Rape, Death duels are often leveled fast and furiously. If the Rapist wins another Veyzin will step up to initate a duel, and so on. If the Rapist declines a Death duel (His right) He will be given a fair trial as per Veyzin law, but the accustion of rape has such INTENSELY BAD Social stigmata attached to it, that most Veyzin would instantly agree to a Death Duel to clear their name. Refusing is seen by the general populace as admittance of guilt. A rapist that makes it through trial, and is found guilty is given capital punishment. As per Veyzin law… swiftly.
False claims of rape are few and far between, as if the other person is found guilty chances are they’re dead with in a week, so giving a false claim of rape is akin to murder and will be tried as such.
5: They very much DO have the death penalty. The ever increasing over population of their planet, and the rapidly declining natural resources has put population pressure on the Veyzin. When huge portions of your population live in massive monolithic type housing projects, housing millions, imprisonment is not looked favorably upon. The death penalty is very much in use. Death by beheading being the common method of punishment in capital cases. Once one is found guilty of a capital crime, they get an automatic appeal. If they fail the appeal, the execution is carried out, -that day-. You don’t leave the court house. You’re taken to the lawn and the judge him or herself carries out the sentence. Energy swords are used for this, the traditional color for the executioner’s sword is yellow, for Justice. (anyone found in possession of a Yellow energy blade that’s not a Judge/Executioner is arrested and brought up on charges. But it’s not a capital offense).
An incomplete list of Capital Offenses: Murder, Rape, Child Molestation, Kidnapping, False Imprisonment(For more than a month), Torture, Terrorism, Crimes Against the Empire/Hegemony, Treason.

The police on Veyzin Prime act in their jurisdictions, with the Military a step up. As Veyzin Prime is united under the governmental body of the Veyzin Empire, the military is a ‘Planetary Military’. That’s not to say that there are never uprisings, or armed militants on Veyzin Prime. There are. Sometimes parts of The Sprawl will revolt and the number of rioters, weapons involved etc, it would be more than the Police can handle, and the military could be called in. Such actions are surprisingly frequent, happening two to four times a year, somewhere on the planet and often result in massive body counts, yet the over population and lack of resources make the population surprisingly calm about it. If a few 100 out of the 1000s or 10,000s of Veyzin in your housing Monolith die, fighting the military, that’s more food and space for everyone else.

That’s not to say that the Veyzin are not passionate people. They very much are, but when crime happens, they are very pragmatic about the outcome. If you riot, and the military comes, and you get blasted, well you were rioting and the military came. That’s on you.

The Veyzin’s history of Dueling goes all the way back to their medieval period, where it became standard and has carried forth even into their advanced star faring culture. Duels can be called for a number of reasons and have varying levels of intensity. Many are ‘non lethal’ at least in theory. Duels to ‘First blood’ or ‘Submission’, where in the members of the duel agree to rules before hand and the first one to draw blood wins, or the first to tap out loses. This is ‘in theory’ as the duels are usually conducted with weaponry. Not bare knuckled brawling. Their energy swords have a ‘non lethal’ setting which gives moderate burns, vs full light saber like slashes and such. These still hurt and you ‘can’ kill if you really try to, but instant one slash/stab kills are uncommon if opponents are using that option. There are also ‘dueling pistols’. Which are energy weapons with effectively the same thing. They are energy pistols but deliver lower damage blasts, meant for dueling, over -killing-. Accidents happen and if a Veyzin is in a duel the result is NOT considered murder or even Assault. (Arguments can be made for negligence, as non lethal duels are meant to be exactly that, but the case isn’t ‘easy’ and one has to show significant evidence that the death was intentional, in a non lethal duel, and not simply the result of dueling with weapons, and an accident occurring.)

Not all duels are ‘friendly’ or ‘non lethal’ though. Some are very much to serious harm and or death. There are strict rules governing such duels and they are not every day events in Veyzin life. Some Veyzin live their entire lives with out getting into a lethal duel. Even the more aggressive members of the society seldom have many. Your grievance has to be grave, and to conduct a death duel you have to involve local peacekeepers/police, to ensure the forms and rules are followed. This is significant but not unobtainable. You don’t have to fill out paper work or file for permits. You just have to find a local peacekeeper, or police officer on duty and inform him of your desire to engage in such. The duels to the death are carried out in private locations to avoid “Killing for the mob” or similar motivations. Once the officer has signed off and BOTH parties agree that the duel is to the death, the officer films a small consent video, stating his name, the name of both duelists, and their willing intent to enter into a duel to the death. All parties involved have to state clearly and for the camera their willingness to participate. If one opponent declines, the death duel is called off and the officer makes sure the parties go their separate ways to avoid further aggression, and or the one side from jumping and murdering the other. Many a death duel is canceled when it gets to this phase. Once alone with an officer in a private space, and on the line having to fully consent to a duel to the death… many a hothead has rethought the ‘offense’ or cause for the duel and decided, maybe it’s not THAT level of problem and backed down or out.

These duels are carried out with full force energy blades, or energy pistols. The only ‘negative’ aspect of such an event is that the winner is responsible for the cleaning of the area, and paying for the disposal/transfer of the body.

Non lethal duels are a much much more common occurrence and can happen for anything from common disrespect to someone stealing the parking space for your saucer. The Veyzin are not overly aggressive, psychotic, or ‘mean’. They are actually a rather fun loving people. It’s just an aspect of their culture. Instead of getting steaming mad, or passive aggressive about things, they’re often settled in ‘duels’.

There is NO Gender discrimination in Dueling and all 4 genders can and will duel with one another with absolutely zero hesitation. That’s not to say -everyone- duels all the time. Some people are non confrontational, same as any species. Some just don’t like it, or are just not very good, so they use other methods of conflict resolution.

In part due to the rich Dueling tradition on Veyzin, there is an above average population knowledge of martial arts. Unarmed, armed, and firearm training is available from a young age. Hand to hand and swordsmanship is taught in schools starting around age 8 or so. Again not every Veyzin on the planet is a master martial artist or commando but every one that has gone to school and graduated has at the very least Hand to hand Basic and A weapon preference in sword.

The Veyzin’s martial styles are very beautiful to behold. Capitalizing on speed, and agility over brute strength they are some of the more graceful and awe inspiring martial arts in the galaxies. This doesn’t mean ‘showy’ (Though some are) It just utilizes the slender sleek bodies of the Veyzin to the best of their abilities, and combines their speed, agility and strength into an amazing mix, with astounding results. Two Veyzin fighting or dueling may almost appear choreographed, except for the blood that would fly forth from very real strikes. Acrobatic spins, leaps, kicks, thrusts, rolls and flips are all worked into the style with out being extraneous or ‘showy’. Every move is for effect and none are done simply for show. A straight forward brawler would be sorely mistaken in thinking they could just wade in and use the Veyzin’s martial arts beauty against them. If they thought the flips and fluid motions were all for show, they would leave, perhaps on their back, having learned a very real lesson from this smallish species. This style carries over to their melee weaponry as well. Energy swords and other weapons become extensions of the Veyzin’s bodies and are incorporated into the same acrobatic, fluid styles.

Veyzin Prime is in one of the few PPE/Magic ‘Void’s of the Galaxy. For this reason the planet never had any native magic users during the Veyzin’s evolution and development as a people. During their early tribal days, they were a superstitious people and at the time prayed to a number of gods, but as Veyzin society grew, the gods they held in their race’s youth were rapidly out grown. With no magic users to perform ‘miracles’ or the like, they just out grew the need for religion far sooner than the galactic norm. Currently, as a people and society they don’t hold a firm religion. They comprehend such, as in their very distant past, they had such, but have just matured as a race beyond such in the current tense.

For this reason, the Veyzin look on very religious people as somewhat amusing or quaint. They can also be somewhat condescending if such comes up in conversation. Seldom is it with malicious intent, but still, the culture isn’t exactly receptive of Religion as a whole. “Overly religious” sorts (Zealots/Bible thumper types) are looked upon as wackadoodles and treated accordingly.

The total lack of Magic on Veyzin prime, left the race somewhat baffled when they encountered other races that had and used magic frequently. The Veyzin most likely attribute it to some sort of genetic ability that they don’t understand vs “Spells” or “Magic”. Each Veyzin reacts differently, but disbelief, fear, even hostility due to fear and not understanding are common. Space faring Veyzin are smart enough to know that when they witness magic a few times that it’s a ‘thing’. It’s not a matter of not ‘believing’ in it. They can see the results, they’re just quite sure it’s a trick or technology of some sort that they don’t understand. They tend to be rather distrustful of Mages. They’re seen as scammers and dangerous con artists. Needless to say the UWW and Veyzin Hegemony are not fast friends.

It should be noted that due to striking over-population on Veyzin Prime, and the species’ maturity and having never had magical aspects to their world, and having largely outgrown religion (especially organized religion) That their views on death are a bit skewed from what humans and other galactic races may have. Death is to be avoided. It’s not greedily sought or even casually disregarded, but with SOOO Many people, in a relative small space, it doesn’t hold the personal impact for many, that it might on some other worlds. If a Veyzin’s -friends- or -family- die, it’s a sad thing, but one they rapidly overcome. Veyzin seldom grieve for months and months. A few weeks, if that, is standard then life goes on. This of course can be far different if it’s one of the Veyzin’s Quad mating group, or children, but by and large death just doesn’t rattle them as deeply as some less populated species.

This aspect can be a little off putting to non Veyzin. It may be mistaken for callousness, or flippancy, but it’s really not. The Veyzin love just as deeply if not more so than some of their galactic neighbors, it’s just an aspect of their culture, and the population numbers of their species. With 68 billion people, roughly 10 times the population of Earth, on a planet only 75% of the size of Earth, there are simply LOTS and LOTS of people. So when people pass, it’s different due to that culture.

In the past Veyzin did have some prejudices that manifested in their culture. Sexism never really took off as the Veyzin are not as silly as humans, but there was at a time, some cultural bias present. The “Muddier” Greens were looked down on as being inferior to the brighter or more crisp green skinned Veyzin. Likewise, those with fewer digits were looked down on for a time, vs those with more digits. I.E. a Muddy green Veyzin might have been considered less attractive than a bright acid green Veyzin, to some. Or a Veyzin with 3 fingers and two thumbs may be perceived as more attractive than one with just two fingers and one thumb. These are old cultural ideals that have been largely dropped by the wayside in ‘modern’ Veyzin culture, but you still have hold outs (Think Racist Bigots on earth) and some of the very old Veyzin may still hold such culturally unacceptable views.

The over population of Veyzin Prime was reaching dangerous levels roughly 300 years ago. The species looked to the stars as a way to overcome this limitation. Sadly Veyzin Prime was not rich in natural resources of the kind needed to make large space vessels. They had the want, indeed the need, but not the means to produce a large space worthy fleet. So the scientists of the day set to solving the problem.

They did so in spectacular fashion. Instead of finding new planets close by to mine the materials they needed. Which would still need ships built to travel to said planets and return with the materials and resources. They would instead manipulate the Veyzin themselves who wanted to leave the planet. They came up with an experimental genetics program where the Veyzin would be given the ability to shrink down to roughly 6 inches in height. While they were at it, they realized that travel/movement while 6 inches tall could be problematic in a world sized for those 5 to 5 and a half feet tall. Thus they included small wings in the transformation.

This solved their mineral and resource problem. Instead of having to build ships 1000s of meters in length to travel between the stars, they could build smaller ships, sized for their people at 6 inches. They could now travel the stars with these much smaller ships, and once to destination, resume their full size. Being able to reduce the size of their intergalactic ships by a factor of 10, was enormously advantageous to the Veyzin. Their ship’s embrace the classic “Flying saucer” Design. Round-ish ships, with fins and engines in the back, dominate their fleet, the saucers coming in different sizes, from little one man fighter-saucers with bubble canopies, up to colony transport ships that are 100s of feet across the saucer. (Vs 1000s of feet long as they would be if built to hold full sized people). Common every day personal transport are built on this model as well. Hovor or anti grav Saucers with bubble canopies, single, dual or family versions exist.

The experiment was a glowing success, now most Veyzin undergo the procedure at a young age. The government points out that undergoing the procedure during youth, ensures the Veyzin’s ability to leave the planet, should they join the military or a colony ship later in life. Many detractors or malcontents also point out that once the entire population possesses the ability to reduce their size by a factor of 10, that the over population of the planet will become a thing of the past. Each ‘normal’ sized apartment could be converted into 10 micro sized apartments, or if wanting to give more room, 5 micro sized apartments, of two times the relative size of the larger ones.

This is not an unfounded fear, as the housing monolith’s in the Sprawl, have already started construction of these smaller units, atop the older larger ones. The government offers incentives to inhabit one of the smaller units. Two or three times the (Relative) size, and modern (If micro) Amenities is drawing young Veyzin at a startling rate.

The genetic manipulation started about 300 years ago and recently has become common for all Veyzin. Only now though, that it’s a common everyday thing, have the governments started converting the Monoliths and public housing. It took a few 100 years for it to be fully culturally accepted and integrated across the planet. The ‘current’ generation is the first to have 95%+ of the population undergoing the procedure, and thus viable to inhabit the micro units.

Once the Veyzin’s space program was established, there was a somewhat mad rush into the stars for the next 150 years or so. Dozens of little Veyzin saucer-ships headed away from Veyzin Prime. They didn’t travel ‘far’ Galactically speaking. Over the next 150 to 300 years the Veyzin established colonies in 3 neighboring star systems on a total of 6 planets. Some of these planets only have one or two colonies, with a few 10,000 to few 1,000,000 people each, but roughly half have full blown planetary colonies on multiple continents, numbering into the billions of Veyzin, Two notable planets, Veyzin Beta and Veyzin Delta, possess populations in the low billions, being the first two settlements once the Veyzin reached for the stars and the colonies are almost 300 years old.

These 3 star systems and 6 planets make up the Veyzin Empire/Veyzin Hegemony. In truth, “Empire” is a bit over reaching of a term, but the Veyzin like it. They’re peaceful colonists, and never ‘invade’ planets. They settle on uninhabited planets very near to their own. As Veyzin Prime (Beta, Gamma, Delta, Epsilon and Zeta) are in that strange “Null” Zone for magical energies, the planets are by and large ‘unwanted/undesirable’ by many on the galactic stage. The Veyzin could colonize another 10 or 20 uninhabited worlds in their little nitch of the Galaxy uncontested. The systems around Veyzin prime are considered “A bad neighborhood’ more or less and actively avoided by most. This suits the Veyzin just fine, as they can now travel out into the greater Galaxy if they want to interact with other species, but for the most part are left alone ‘when at home’.

The Veyzin Empire is in the Corkscrew Galaxy, CCW space right on the edge of the Wolfen Republic. The race is not one that would conquer others, just not their way. They are –not- pacifists however. If attacked they will defend themselves. If their attackers withdraw and flee, most Veyzin are content to allow them to do so. If they return to attack again they are killed without mercy. The Veyzin defend their colonies with extreme vigor as well. As they never colonize on planets where another race has already evolved or claimed, all the small worlds that the Veyzin have claimed, were done so ‘correctly’ in their views. Owned by no one before the Veyzin, and ‘theirs’ now.

The defense of Veyzin Prime and the 6 worlds of the Veyzin Empire is provided by the Veyzin Imperial Army, the Veyzin Imperial Marines and the Veyzin Imperial Navy(Space). The Army does much of the planetary military duties, the Imperial Marines serve on the Saucers as combat troops/defense, with the Imperial Navy(Space). The cream of the crop of the Imperial Armed Forces are the Imperial Commandos. These are the special forces, and space going branch of the Veyzin Imperial Armed Forces.

The Veyzin Imperial Commandos, are special in that they undergo a second genetic manipulation upon completion of their year long special forces training. This procedure is newer and not as refined as the one that allows for the size reduction and wings, that every Veyzin undergoes in youth.

The procedure for the Imperial Commandos is still experimental. Roughly 1 in 20 dies. Those that survive have their bodies undergo extreme genetic manipulation that results in energy or elemental powers. Some gain abilities like Alter Physical Structure Plasma, or APS Energy, or APS Fire, APS Light, APS Shadow. Some even gain the ability to Alter their Physical Structure to beings of the Void. Others gain the abilities to control elemental energy. Control Elemental Force: Fire, and Control Elemental Force: Atomic are a bit less common, with Magnetism, or Gravity manipulation powers being even more rare.

These Imperial Commandos are the ones that stand between the Veyzin Empire and those that would come forth with hostile intent. They defend the small Veyzin space vessels, from their 100M long colony ships, to the smaller 3 meter long science and scout vessels. They are seen as the top of any Veyzin Military hierarchy. As such, any special missions are likely to be undertaken by the Imperial Commandos.

As they’ve grown as a space faring people they’ve come into contact with other space going races in their galactic neighborhood. Most of these interactions have been peaceful, Such as their First Contact with the Wolfen. The races get on famously, with the Veyzin looking up to the Wolfen as something to aspire towards. Both in power and galactic standing. The Wolfen look down on the little green aliens as spunky but honorable sorts with a zest for life and bravery that far exceeds their small size. The Wolfen simply love the Veyzin’s -style-. It was they, that extended membership into the CCW, that was eagerly accepted. A few of the first contacts where hostile. Roughly 100 years ago there was a bloody war with a race of avian humanoids. The war lasted nearly 20 years, and in the end, the Veyzin were victorious, but it’s instilled a somewhat lingering distrust of avian aliens. (and birds too for that matter) The Veyzin fought a defensive war but once the attackers nuked one of the Veyzin colony worlds, the Veyzin went on the offensive, pushing their attackers back through space to their own homeworld, where the Veyzin stopped shy of total destruction, and instead destroyed the race’s ability for intergalactic travel. Effectively trapping them on their homeworld for a while (Such can be rebuild and rediscovered but it’s not overnight). This was done with great reluctance, but the Veyzin are not pacifists. They didn’t kill every member of their attacker’s race, but they did make it extremely clear, that they are not a prey species and would defend their own.

Now that the Veyzin have established a solid base for their “Empire” They are planning larger efforts. The first will be to use the resources they’ve acquired on Veyzin Beta and Veyzin Delta to produce a series of ‘Ark-Saucers’. These will take some time to construct but in the next 5 to 10 years, they will return to Veyzin Prime, and start transporting large segments of the populations to the established colonies on the worlds with in the Veyzin Empire. With the current overpopulation, those space Ark-Saucers can’t come soon enough!
(It should be noted again, the ‘Empire’ is mostly an Empire in name only. It consists of their home world and 6 colony worlds in 3 very close by systems. Only 2 of the colonies are of great size)
Alignment: Any, same spectrum as Humans. Some good, some bad. Most in-between
IQ: 2D6+6
ME: 3D6
MA: 3D6
PS: 3D6+6
PP: 4D6+10
PE: 2D6+6
PB: 2D6+6
SP: 1D6+10 (X3 on ‘normal’ gravity worlds.)
Hit Points: Standard, PE+1D6per level.
SDC: 20+3D4X10 (Due to High Gravity Homeworld)
Height: 5’+1D6’ Weight: 80lbs+1D6X10lbs
Average Life Span: 120(Affluent Sections of the Planet) 65(The Sprawl)
Appearance: Slender but wiry humanoids, short, with ‘classic’ Alien Appearance. Hairless, Green skin from Muddy Green Brown, to ‘normal’ green, pine green, hunter green, up to bright green, acid green and neon green. Large oval eyes in jewel tones with Emerald, Amethyst, Ruby and Onyx being the most common. Slender lipped mouth with sharp triangular teeth. They possess no nose or ears. Two antennae, which function as their smell and hearing organs. Hands have between two and three fingers and one or two thumbs. If there is a second thumb it projects from the bottom of the hand. Opposite the ‘standard’. Females have 2 or 4 breasts (they come in pairs).
4 Genders, 2 male, 2 female. (Explained above)
Super Abilities: All Veyzin are born with Antennae (Powers Unlimited 1, pg13).
Keen sense of smell and hearing: Antennae can hear and smell like an extra nose and pair of ears, but offer additional insect like abilities. The antennae can hear and smell at the top range of human capacity.
Bonus & Special Abilities: +1 Initiative, track by scent alone 30%+2% per level, identify common odors 80%+2% per lvl. Identify uncommon odors/scents 40% +2% per lvl
Motion Detectors: The are covered in 100s of tiny motion sensitive hairs, making them super sensitive to movement in the air around the Veyzin, and able to feel wind, motion from an approaching enemy, as well as tell changes in air temp in increments of 2 degrees F.
Range: 20foot radius around the Veyzin.
Bonuses & Special Abilities: +1 to Parry and dodge. Identify temperature of the air and changes in temperature, plus the temperature of objects by touch 80% +2% per lvl, with in 2 degrees. Accurately identify wind direction and speed 70%+2% per lvl. ( -30 in stormy conditions.)
Feelers: The antennae also have the equivalent of the minor ability of ‘Heightened sense of touch and are useful in feeling around in the dark. In fact the combined abilities of the antennae reduce the penalty for being blind to only -2 to strike parry and dodge plus they can identify object by touch, 60%+2% per lvl of experience ( -30% if the object is uncommon or alien)
Penalties: When antennae are covered, lose all antennae related bonuses and are -40% on their special abilities and the character is -2 on inits. (Due to this Veyzin combat helmets often have nictitating ports to allow antennae egress.
Communication: Veyzin use their very flexible antennae in their every day communication and to express mood, and inflection. It’s often quoted that if you taped them to the Veyzin’s skulls they would be nearly unintelligible to each other and HIGHLY upset with whom ever thought to do that. As they are so very communicative, and expressive the species as a whole are urged not to take up lives of gamblers. They’d lose their collective shirts, first day. They just CANNOT school their antennae, to ‘not’ emote. (-60% to any sort of gambling rolls or what have you. The Veyzin CAN lie and be quite smooth, they just use their antennae in the process. It’s the repression of ‘any’ emoting that they have problems with.)
That said they -can- be used as a sort of secret sign language among their own kind. Treat as an Exotic Language proficiency: Veyzin Antennae Communication: Base skill of 75% +5% per lvl.

Most (98%) undergo a procedure in their early childhood that gives them the ability of Flight: Insect. (Power’s Unlimited Pg 27) (note this is what the power in palladium is called. It’s not what the Veyzin call it)
Flight: Insect:
The Veyzin shrinks to 6 inches in size and sprouts a pair of insect like wings. (Think more dragonfly/wasp/bee, than butterlfy. They buzz, not glide). The transformation must take place to fly, one does not happen with out the other. A Veyzin cannot shrink at will with out sprouting the wings, nor can they grow wings with out shrinking. Nor can they chose what size to shrink to. It’s all or nothing. This is the result of purposeful genetic manipulation.
Bonuses in Flight:
Speed: 15Mph per lvl
Maximum Altitude is just 10,000ft
Flying prowl at 40%+4% per lvl
Tailing (Same as the tailing part of the surveillance skill) At 50%+5% per lvl +1 Initiative
+4 to dodge when hovering or flying slowly, +8 when flying at 40mph or faster. The high bonus is due, in large part to the small size
+1 to damage for every 20mph of flight speed
+5 SDC

Rare: Those in the Veyzin Imperial Commando’s, undergo a second procedure, and can pick one major ‘energy’ power. APS Plasma, Energy, Light, Shadow, Void, Fire, etc, Magnetism, Energy Wings, Control Elemental Forces: Fire, Control Elemental Forces: Atomic, etc.

Special Abilities: Due to Veyzin’s high gravity, they are a tough species, Reflected in their SDC (Above), gives a bonus to strength, and they also triple their speed score, off of Veyzin Prime. +1 Initiative. Very graceful.
Veyzin is in a very rare “Void” of PPE/Magic. Therefore no Veyzin know/learn magic. If born off world this may change, but at present, no Veyzin has ever shown magical aptitude. Psionics are rare, but possible. Psionics more likely if born off of Veyzin Prime.

Special Weapons: Veyzin Energy Sword: A melee weapon, that consists of a handle, or grip, typically 12 inches in length, with some being smaller, and some few longer, as per style. Damage remains unchanged. The hilt houses the workings of the energy blade, and power source. When activated the hilt produces a blade between 1 and just over 3 feet in length. Developed in conjunction with their rich dueling history, these weapons are intricately designed and shrink down with the Veyzin if they assume their smaller size. A variety of blade colors, with yellow being reserved for judges/executioners. Color or blade length do not change blade damage.
Damage: 5D6.
*Special: Less Lethal Dueling Mode: When called for, two Veyzin Energy swords can be touched together, then both owners trigger a depressed button on the hilt and the Energy Swords enter “Less Lethal Dueling Mode: Where in they do significantly less damage. This mode will last for 1 hour, before clearing, OR until both sword hilts are again joined and the mode toggled off. This ensures that the ‘Less Lethal Dueling Mode’ is maintained through out a non lethal dual (No tricky turning it on then secretly turning it off to slice someone’s head off) The 1 hour timer also ensures that a Veyzin’s sword isn’t locked out forever if the opponent flees or the other weapon is lost/broken, or if the loser just doesn’t wish to aid the victor in any way (Sore losers).
Less Lethal Dueling Mode, Damage: 1D6 (Still produces a pretty good burn, and if you just stab/slash, repeatedly over and over you can kill someone but much less likely to be a one hit kill with the Dueling mode enabled.
* In MDC settings, the Veyzin will also have “Military Grade” Veyzin Energy Swords, that are functionally identical but will produce MD damage, same as above. 5D6MD standard with a 1D6MD reduced damage setting. These would be restricted same as other military grade weaponry. Which is to say hardly at all on Veyzin prime, but may be subject to weapons laws/bans on other planets and places.

Veyzin love energy weapons and prefer the punch of Particle Beam Weaponry for ranged combat. Their Particle Beams are either emerald green or a dark fuchsia color. Upon entering into the greater galactic community they have adopted HI Lasers as well, of course in green and purple color profiles.

Special Vehicles: It is of note that the Veyzin space vehicles are ‘small’ and sized for people 6 inches tall. This reduces the size of said vehicles to 1/10th the size of galactic ‘norm’. Their ‘style’ is the classic “Flying Saucer” Type, favoring sleek saucers with a fin on the rear with engines below the fin. Personal vehicles also favor the saucer design, but with bubble canopies.

Familiarity with Earth: The Veyzin as a people have no knowledge of Earth:

Standard Skills: Skills possessed by the majority of Veyzin Adults, Add on to OCC skills if wanted:
Language: Veyzin
Literacy: Veyzin (Literacy is at 98% planet wide. Schooling is manditory)
Math: Basic
Jury Rig
Pilot Hover/Antigrav
HTH Basic
W.P. Sword
*HTH Basic may be upgraded to Expert at the cost of 1 Secondary or “Other” skill or to Martial arts at the cost of 2 Secondary or “Other” skills.

The Veyzin are omnivores with a keen taste for meat. On world they do not get to indulge as often as they might like. Due to overpopulation the vast majority of food stuffs are processed Zooplankton/Krill like creatures and or Soy like alternatives grown and processed. Flavors are added but are not always the most palatable. When given the opportunity they indulge in meat with relish. Some even like it still warm and wriggling. Some species, notably Human and Noro find this a touch unsettling, though Wolfen love it. The Veyzin also have…. Some difficulty on the galactic stage at differentiating between… animals to eat…. and pets. They are very fond of such things as Gerbils and guinea pigs. They make great snacks! This… distresses some more sensitive humans and Noro go nuts when/if they witness such dietary uniqueness.

Veyzin tend to like sturdy clothing. In MDC settings they’re fond of minor MDC clothing/uniforms. Martial and Military styling are popular currently with the Veyzin, but with comfort built in. They’re not ones for style over utility. The clothing needs to be tough and do what it’s supposed to do. High Fashion comes secondary. Veyzin Prime has lots of purples (Their plantlife) and greens (Skin colors and the seas) So you see those colors predominately in their clothing and such as well.

The Veyzin Imperial Armed forces Uniforms consist of space age fabrics that provide minor mdc protection. (Functionally exactly the same as NG Jumpsuits. Page 159 Adventures in Dino Swamp)
Veyzin Imperial Armed Forces Uniform: Consists of a Jumpsuit, belted at the hips. It offers numerous pockets, including two on the chest, two butt pockets, two front hip pockets, small pockets on the upper sleeves, as well as pockets on the outter thighs. Each with a magnetic strip closure (Quieter and more firm seal than zippers.)
The Standard uniform is made of water and wind resistant fabric and is also rated for limited protection while in a contained environment. They are made of Mega Damage Fabrics, with proper headgear, boots, and gloves, they are actually fully environmental. The wrist and pants cuffs come with a magnetic strip closures like the pockets, to seal out dust, and dirt but are also water and air tight, sealing out potential hazards such as poison gas, bio weapons and other contaminants. They have the added benefit of locking out disease carrying insects. The suit comes standard with reinforced knee and elbow pads for comfort. Uniforms also have goggles to cover the large eyes of the Veyzin.

Police versions have optional armor plates for added protection for the chest and back.

Colors for the Veyzin Imperial Armed forces, are a Dark green base with deep purple accent colors for every day or saucerboard wear, with black combat boots with the Veyzin Imperial Crest worked into the tread of the combat boot.

Troops can be issued proper camouflage versions for what ever environment they are deployed to, from Desert to arctic to alien jungle, depending on assignment.

Standard Jumpsuit: AR 12 MDC 10
With Added Armor Plates: AR 16 MDC 30
(Note these are “Uniforms” If deploying into full military action the Veyzin military will don full Armor, to match the situation. The minor MDC attributes of the uniforms mean they never ‘wear out’ or fade under general usage, as you can’t do enough damage to them through every day (Or even strenuous usage) To damage even the minor MDC fabrics. They are also ultimately stain resistant, You could bury them in mud, take them out shake them off and if there are any stains simply wave them through a normal ‘fire’ to burn off the stains and the MDC clothing would be fine. This saves the Empire a huge amount on clothing, by not needing to supply constant replacements. The only time MDC Clothing is damaged is from…. MD Weaponry or creatures and then you have larger problems.)

Veyzin Imperial Armed Forces Armor:
Produced in the same coloring of the uniforms, the Armor is meant to be fully protective but retaining the high mobility and fluid grace of the Veyzin body and build. It is fully EBA and is styled with Veyzin flare. The helment seems to be topped with a bush hat (With openings/ports for the antannae to stick out of.) Some Veyzin tend to fold up one side of the bush hat and appropriate an “Aussie” sort of look with it. Though they have no idea what an Aussie is. Style seems to be some what universal. The armor has a flip up face plate underneath. A premium is placed on comfort as well as utility, and movement.
The armor has a possible addition of an MDC long coat, to help keep off the rain, and offer added style and protection to the Veyzin. Not to mention that signature Veyzin look.
(Functionally the same as the Wrangler Body Armor, page 160/170 Rifts Black Market, some great images there too)
Weight: 16lbs, plus another 7lbs for the optional Long coat.
Mobility: Excellent. Purposefully designed to maintain movement. No movement penalty. Only a -5% penalty if both combat armor AND coat are wore at once.
MDC By Location
Helmet/Hat combo: 70
Arms 32 each (+12Each with long coat)
Legs 45 each (+8 each with long coat)
Main body 85 (+28 with long coat.)
Cargo: Standard attachment points for a back pack and a built in pistol holster on each hip.
Special Features:
All standard properties from Full Environmental Body armor Rifts Ultimate Edition page 267

The Veyzin get along great with Wolfen and were happy to find that the Wolfen Republic was close (Galactically speaking) To the Veyzin Hegemony. The two races quickly became fast friends and highly enjoy the company of the other. Humans are also looked well upon, for the most part. Human variation is a bit erratic and some of the extremes are… well Extreme, and that entire religion thing is a bit of a touchy subject. The Noro do not get along very well with the Veyzin. The Veyzin see the Noro’s pacifistic ways, due to past transgressions a bit hypocritical. The -Noro- conducted a forced invasion of a neighboring world under military might, triggering a World War that went atomic and destroyed the world that the Noro invaded. Not the Noro, but those they sought to conquer and displace. Now all this time later the species has a rather holier than thou attitude towards other races and comes across like an overly strict and controlling mother whom is very much of the “Do as I say, not as I do” variety. The Veyzin typically don’t much like that condescending attitude. Many many a Noro has been challenged to a duel by an aggravated Veyzin. The Veyzin get along fine with the Catyr, the rough and tumble supernaturally strong red humanoids and the Veyzin have nothing really to argue about on a species/species level. The Veyzin find the Seljuk to be a trip, twice as big as the Veyzin and descended of dinosaurs, honorable but aggressive and badass, the Veyzin see them along side the Wolfen as great friends. Being a race born in one of the few galactic mystical ‘void zones’ they hear stories of the sacrifice the Seljuk made and can relate to them. It’s unknown if the Veyzin’s ancestors performed a similar sort of rite or ritual, or if their planet just never had mystical energy or mages. More than a few Veyzin find the ‘story’ of the Seljuk’s sacrifice to be a bit… convenient. And suspect that it was written to explain a simple lack like the Veyzins own, instead of the heroic sacrifice that make the Seljuk look good. The Veyzin seldom bring it up though. Angering a dino humanoid twice your size with supernatural strength may lead to the sort of Duel you don’t want to find your self on the other side of.

The Kreeghor see the Veyzin as overly spunky midgets who are too big for their britches, and the Veyzin see the Kreeghor as overbearing bullies and treat them accordingly. Galactically speaking the two races don’t get along but very very few Kreeghor even know about the Veyzin.
Perhaps surprisingly they get along marvelously with Machine People from the TGE. The Veyzin do not possess the seemingly intrinsic fear that many races hold for the Machine People and if they cross paths, not on a battle field or the like, the two races tend to get along quite well.
Last edited by Pepsi Jedi on Wed Apr 04, 2018 12:06 am, edited 2 times in total.

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Re: Fan Races!!

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Wow...LOR of material there, PJ......and four genders? Yowza...
On first read-thru, I like. There's a lot of thought and detail there.
Good yob. :ok:
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Re: Fan Races!!

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I've been working on them a while, and yeah. I thought it would present something unique that didn't make them overpowered or a "Planet of hats" type trope. It's an interesting. biological distinction with out giving them advantage. It's something to ROLE play vs bonus dice and what have you. I'm big on the role play aspects of chars more than ultra powerful aspects. So I gave them fun things to play out and have influence them on a cultural basis.

Thanks :)

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Re: Fan Races!!

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Well, occasionally you DO need a Planet of Hats to complement the Planet of Socks, and there are going to be uberpowerful species because not everybody evolved under the same conditions or in the same time scale as everybody else. :D :wink:
"Trouble rather the Tiger in his Lair,
Than the Sage among his Books,
For all the Empires and Kingdoms,
The Armies and Works that you hold Dear,
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Re: Fan Races!!

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taalismn wrote:Well, occasionally you DO need a Planet of Hats to complement the Planet of Socks, and there are going to be uberpowerful species because not everybody evolved under the same conditions or in the same time scale as everybody else. :D :wink:

Oh I know, but as this is a Rifts spin off setting (Phase world/Three Galaxies) I believe the ultra powerful sorts have.... more than apt representation. I try and represent the little guy. *Grins* but interesting enough to inspire fun roleplay and give lots of potential.

BTW. Loved your lil Jack Russel Terrier Mini Bug men, along that same vein.

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Re: Fan Races!!

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Pepsi Jedi

I only noticed 3 minor things.

Note: Veyzin Prime’s fauna are largely purple, not green. So a tree might have a dark purple trunk and deep purple leaves, grass might appear very much like earth grass but be a lavender hue, etc. The lakes and seas are bright lime green.

This should be Flora as you are referring to plant life.

Atmospheric Conditions: Moderately extreme seasonal

How can it be both moderate and extreme?

You made reference to "Arc Ships". I think you meant Ark.

Otherwise a looooooong but interesting read. Well done.
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keir451 wrote:Amazing Nate; Thanks for your support!

Razzinold wrote:And the award for best witty retort to someone reporting a minor vehicular collision goes to:
The Oh So Amazing Nate!

Nate, you sir win the internet for today! You've definitely earned the "oh so amazing" part of your name today. :lol:
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Re: Fan Races!!

Unread post by taalismn »

Pepsi Jedi wrote:[
BTW. Loved your lil Jack Russel Terrier Mini Bug men, along that same vein.

Not sure which ones you're referring to.....that descriptor doesn't ring a bell. :?:
"Trouble rather the Tiger in his Lair,
Than the Sage among his Books,
For all the Empires and Kingdoms,
The Armies and Works that you hold Dear,
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To be turned over with the Flick of a Finger,
And the Turning of a Page"

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Re: Fan Races!!

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The Oh So Amazing Nate wrote:Pepsi Jedi

I only noticed 3 minor things.

Note: Veyzin Prime’s fauna are largely purple, not green. So a tree might have a dark purple trunk and deep purple leaves, grass might appear very much like earth grass but be a lavender hue, etc. The lakes and seas are bright lime green.

This should be Flora as you are referring to plant life.

Atmospheric Conditions: Moderately extreme seasonal

How can it be both moderate and extreme?

You made reference to "Arc Ships". I think you meant Ark.

Otherwise a looooooong but interesting read. Well done.

Thanks about the Flora, I'd caught it in my write up but apperently 'after' I posted it here. You're quite right.

As for the Atmospheric conditions. It means that while they're a bit extreme they're not stupid extreme.... Moderately Extreme. Their summers go up to 110F which is "hot" but it's not a Hell world, or Arrakis.... and down to -50F which is.. Really cold, but not HOTH. Cold.

I'm open to better wording, but yeah. 110F is hot but not insane and -50F is really cold but it's not an Ice planet or anything. Just... in the height of summer it gets damn hot in the temperate zones, and in winter really cold.

And yes. Ark. Thank you again. :)

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Re: Fan Races!!

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taalismn wrote:
Pepsi Jedi wrote:[
BTW. Loved your lil Jack Russel Terrier Mini Bug men, along that same vein.

Not sure which ones you're referring to.....that descriptor doesn't ring a bell. :?:

The Rypt

Described as small and terrier sized, aggressive with a complex about being small and overcompensation for it. Later their physical description is insectoid. :)

I liked their spunk and verve.

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Re: Fan Races!!

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Pepsi Jedi wrote:
The Oh So Amazing Nate wrote:Pepsi Jedi

I only noticed 3 minor things.

Note: Veyzin Prime’s fauna are largely purple, not green. So a tree might have a dark purple trunk and deep purple leaves, grass might appear very much like earth grass but be a lavender hue, etc. The lakes and seas are bright lime green.

This should be Flora as you are referring to plant life.

Atmospheric Conditions: Moderately extreme seasonal

How can it be both moderate and extreme?

You made reference to "Arc Ships". I think you meant Ark.

Otherwise a looooooong but interesting read. Well done.

Thanks about the Flora, I'd caught it in my write up but apperently 'after' I posted it here. You're quite right.

As for the Atmospheric conditions. It means that while they're a bit extreme they're not stupid extreme.... Moderately Extreme. Their summers go up to 110F which is "hot" but it's not a Hell world, or Arrakis.... and down to -50F which is.. Really cold, but not HOTH. Cold.

I'm open to better wording, but yeah. 110F is hot but not insane and -50F is really cold but it's not an Ice planet or anything. Just... in the height of summer it gets damn hot in the temperate zones, and in winter really cold.

And yes. Ark. Thank you again. :)

Atmospheric Conditions: Seasonally variable with a wide range of weather conditions, and temperatures ranging (on average) from approximately 110F around the Summer Solstace and -50F around the Winter Solstace.
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Re: Fan Races!!

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Pepsi Jedi wrote:[q

The Rypt

Described as small and terrier sized, aggressive with a complex about being small and overcompensation for it. Later their physical description is insectoid. :)

I liked their spunk and verve.

Oh, thanks.
As a Terry Pratchett character said: "You gotta watch those bantam-weight guys; they're nasty fighters."
"Trouble rather the Tiger in his Lair,
Than the Sage among his Books,
For all the Empires and Kingdoms,
The Armies and Works that you hold Dear,
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Re: Fan Races!!

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taalismn wrote:
Nightmartree wrote:Just for taalisman, tiny mushroom people with supernatural strength

Alien Race: Mushree

The Splugorth harvest and trip balls on these suckers, don't they?

Sploogs can only trip eyeballs
:thwak: you some might think you're a :clown: but you're cool in book :ok: :thwak:--Mecha-Viper
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Re: Fan Races!!

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Zer0 Kay wrote:[

Sploogs can only trip eyeballs

So Visine is a controlled substance in Splugorth space?
"Trouble rather the Tiger in his Lair,
Than the Sage among his Books,
For all the Empires and Kingdoms,
The Armies and Works that you hold Dear,
Are to him but the Playthings of the Moment,
To be turned over with the Flick of a Finger,
And the Turning of a Page"

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Re: Fan Races!!

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The Kybyree are real D-bags aren't they. I have a feeling my Veyzin would REALLY hate those guys.

Lt. Nyota Uhura: I'm impressed. For a moment there, I thought you were just a dumb hick who only has sex with farm animals.

James Tiberius Kirk: Well, not _only_...
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Re: Fan Races!!

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Elloes Community, it has been 11 years since my last contribution to this thread (page 11)… so here goes.

I created this race back in 2002 and it is presented in the following way: The first post is an intro to the Paladen System and the five planets inhabited by the Senge RCC. The second post is an introduction of the race itself and lastly there is a third post with the stats and additional information.

The Paladen System: A solitaire star system known as the Paladen System, with a single star (Yellow Dwarf) in the center of the system, Anvil Galaxy. The star or sun is encircled by no less than 16 planets, the fourth one in row from the sun being the one that originally sustained life. Since then, which was a long time ago, a total a four colonies have been established, meaning the Senge now call a total of five planets of the Paladar System home.

The Senge RCC Planets and their Populations:
Tanzram (Homeworld) 42 billion.
Riff (Colony 1) 13 billion.
Afron (Colony 2) 21 billion.
Cree (Colony 3) 4 billion.
Siam Alpha (Colony 4) 9 billion.

Instead of describing each world in detail, I present some facts that are applicable to all of the Senge planets.

Temperatures: Usually temperate - this equals Earth temperatures or equatorial temperatures on Mars. Temperatures range from -50 degrees Celsius in the coldest regions of cold planets to around +50 degrees Celsius on the warmest of the five planets.

Terrains: The planets are covered in surface water, the Senge love water worlds. On Tanzram, their original homeworld, 81% covered in water, there are six large continents with a combination of mountain ranges and forest/jungle/swamp areas. In addition to the continents there are thousands of smaller islands dotting the planet's surface. The Oceans of this world are deep, with the deepest one being around 3,6 km deep. Many of the mountain ranges and islands have volcano’s that have had an active history, there seems to be some intense tectonic activity going on regularly. Just like Earth there is a North and South Pole with extremely cold waters and freezing conditions. Tanzram is what the Senge use as a scale of comparison whenever they discover new planets that could possibly be colonized. The same if true for Terra-forming efforts, the end result, even if it takes a long time should be similar to Tanzram.

Hydrospheres: Moist - this means there is a lot more water (70% or more) on the planet's surface than land. As noted above there is a lot of water, enough to create oceans, but in addition most landmasses seem to be very moist with a lot of lakes, rivers, swamps and snow covered tundra in colder climates. These conditions are ideal for the Senge, as well as for most types of fauna, plant life and fungi.

Biospheres: Engineered to resemble the original Senge homeworld. The Senge have managed to Terra-form four planets of their native Paladen System. They hope to find more water worlds to inhabit or to successfully Terra-form more planets of their home system (An almost insurmountable feat since the remaining planets are about as far from habitable as can be).

Populations: The planets have several large cities, city states, as well as a dense network of smaller cities. These cities are located on land, below the surface of the water on the ocean floor, as well as pontoon cities build to float around on the surface of the oceans. Billions of Senge live on each planet, and in many places conditions are getting cramped.

Technology: Advanced Space Age – The largest civilizations of the three galaxies fall into this category. The Senge are however quickly closing the gap towards becoming categorized as a highly advanced civilization because of their incredible breakthroughs in the area of robotics and Artificial Intelligence.
Senge developed gravity technology a long time ago and quickly found uses for it both underwater and in space. All of the planets they inhabit have been completely mapped, from the deepest trenches and sea floor to the highest mountains. This same technology is also what carried them into space and what helped them colonize other planets within the Paladar System, and eventually hopefully beyond. The Senge have, at this point, successfully extended their reach well beyond their own solar system. The Senge are an integrated part of the galactic community, specifically part of the CCW and have intimate knowledge about the politics and power blocks of the Three Galaxies, the Cosmic Forge, and all that such things entail. Below I have listed some ideas and thoughts about the technology used by the Senge.
Spacecraft, their spaceships are always inspired by living creatures that live in the oceans on their various planets, and even though aerodynamics is not important in space, all of their spacecraft are artfully decorated, streamlined and aerodynamic. Their spacecrafts have less MDC than the galactic average, but they have very good contragravity drives, thrusters, speed and maneuverability, as well as superior pilots (robots) to fly their spacecraft. Actually many of the Senge vessels are robots, meaning a robot artificial intelligence has been build into the ships hull and it literally makes up the robots physical body. These machines are sophisticated robots well beyond what Triax or The Coalition states of Rifts Earth can build, at best, they can muster simple robot intelligences (drones) like the Dyna Bot and similar.
Weapons, only armed forces have access to MD technology. Focus on blue-green frequency laser weapons that can be used in any environment, including underwater.


Armor, they prefer sleek tight fitting customized composite environmental armor. Environmental body armor is used by people from all walks of life, especially those that work at depths that exceed their natural tolerance, as well as those that work in space or similar hostile environments. Power Armor suits are used by the military exclusively, and they usually command legions of robots on the battlefield. The suits are designed to be able to move good speed on land, underwater and they can fly using detachable gravity packs. The Power Armor Suits are large(3 m tall) with wild antennae arrays, wires and feelers that can look like wild manes of hair. They are build to enable the Senge pilot to command robot units in any imaginable way; radio, laser, microwave etc. communication. In addition, each Power Armor usually has an onboard Robot Intelligence (AI) to help the Senge pilot in any way it can.
Robots, the Senge can build robot accessory units (Power Armors and Robot vehicles), simple robot intelligences (drones), robot intelligences (artificial intelligence) and neural intelligence (artificial intelligence) units and they are an integrated part of the Senge society.

Economy: Largest pillar of economy (60%); Research and Development, leading to the production of impressive technology in any area where the Senge excel. The technology is then exported to allies within the CCW. Secondary economic pillar (30%); Agriculture and Farming (Including undersea), plus fish farms and the creation of luxury food items such as wine and ale. The amounts produced are primarily used to feed the Senge population, any excess is exported to the CCW. Tertiary economic pillar (10%); Mining - asteroid, planet side and the systems two gas giants are being mined.

Wealth: Prosperous - the planets have a robust economy. This economy is naturally strong and the people can afford to live high on the hog. Luxury items are commonplace, and the government usually has a great deal of resources at its disposal. There is a schism that divides Senge society into three distinctly different social classes, based on economy alone. The rich, the middle class and the poor. The middle class is in the majority by far and most people have money to spend. The Senge also pride themselves on the fact that there is free healthcare for everybody, funded by taxes.

Government Type: The Senge society is a combination of a Monarchy with a ruling Queen and huge Royal Family and a democracy. The “rule” is handled by democratic elections, voting for politicians to establish a World Council for each planet, led by a Prime Minister. A few members from each World Council then make up the Paladar Council, which leads the whole Paladar System and the Senge race.
The Monarchy is a remnant from ancient times and is actually considered by many outsiders to mostly to be in place as a show, specifically for handling diplomatic relations with other power blocks, as well as other similar important public appearances. The Monarch and her family however are not without influence. Historically they have lost power and influence over time, but they still cling to power in areas that really matter. For all intents and purposes, members of the Royal Family automatically have a seat on all the World Councils (All five of them), as well as on the Paladar Council. The Royal Family and the Queen in particular, in effect, permanently holds the seat of Foreign Minister for the entire Senge race on the Paladen Council.

Government Popularity: Popular - the government is liked by the people, and though it has its detractors, on popularity alone, it is a successful and stable way to run the planet.

Government Stability: Long Standing - the government has a long traditon of stability, so much so, that the people can hardly imagine life without it. For a government of this type to be overturned, circumstances would have to become radically different from what they are now.

Politics: There are several hot topics when it comes to politics, but currently the topics below is what is being discussed to some extend or another in all five World Councils.
The Senge are growing in numbers and they are slowly but steadily running out of space. For centuries they have had a real wish to expand their territory, move on to other systems and begin colonization and terra-forming efforts. The problems, at least according to some very vocal politicians is their membership of the CCW. The amount of bureaucracy and politics involved is almost unfathomable, and the Senge as a race are slowly running out of patience. The Senge with all their accomplishments wish to expand and explore and to do that effectively they need more colonies and natural resources. There are parties for and against this motion that has been put to the World Councils, at this point in time, there seems to be no solution on the horizon, something is brewing though. The feeling is that they have held back and limited themselves to the Paladar system for a long time, while others have been allowed to expand their territories they have not.
Another topic on the agenda of the Cree World Council (Colony 3), by some very notable and well respected politicians, is the power and influence of the Royal Family. Some people are becoming more vocal in their protests against the Monarchy because they feel it is something that does not belong in a modern civilized society. These protests always spike whenever members of the Royal Family do something stupid or even illegal and go free of prosecution because they are legally protected against it. The idea that some people are born into privilege simple because of their "blue blood" and heritage is wrong, and they are given privileges that they have not earned in any way, it is just their "right". This whole situation is spreading and escalating fast. The Royal Family remains silent for now.
The Senge started developing robots centuries ago, they did it to minimize the loss of Senge life, working in dangerous environments and to aid the Senge in reaching their very ambitious goals. It is important to note that Robots, Drones, Artificial Intelligent Machines and a highly computerized society is completely normal to the Senge and they have no reservations against it any longer, they simply got used to it. Recent breakthroughs by the Kina´ye Corporation into Neural Intelligence - Artificial Intelligence robots has brought up some serious issues to be debated in all World Councils, as well as the Paladen Council. Is it wrong for the Senge to use sophisticated robots as disposable machines? Is it ethically correct and defendable to have a whole race of possibly sentient beings as enslaved workers? What does it mean to be sentient? Should Senge law be changed so that these sentient robots have the same rights as the Senge population? The discussion is unusually fierce as many different interest groups weigh in with their opinions, the subject is extremely controversial and a hot topic at this point in time.

Religion: The Senge live in a secular society, which means that religion is accepted as a right for anyone, but at the same time it is a private issue that is banned from the public space. It is also something that is looked down upon, faith is often seen as a sort of crutch for the weak. Very few of the Senge are religious in any way, they embraced science instead of religion. The only exception to the atheism of the Senge is the people that believe in the Cosmic Forge. Several smaller cults or religious groups have sprung up in half a dozen of the larger city-states, on various worlds, they are very peaceful and friendly and their ambition is to actively seek the cosmic forge by studying any available material or clues they can get their hands on, as well as actively sending out search parties. These people are a minority, and they are usually ignored or ridiculed.

Law Level: Lawful. The worlds have a good law system set up, and it keeps crime well in check. Best of all, it does so without trampling the civil liberties of its citizens. It helps that the Senge worlds have a stable government, a culture not prone to lawlessness or barbarity, and a police and military to keep away bandits, pirates, and other troublemakers. It is allowed to own weapons and carry them for protection, but it is very unusual to actually do so, mega damage weapons technology is extremely restricted and so is the freedom of anybody who is supernaturally strong etc., or who possess abilities that can do mega damage. The most common crimes in Senge society are financial and computer-related crimes, hacking, slicing, industrial espionage, identity theft etc. This also includes the spreading of computer viruses, malware and phishing programs and the corruption of computer and robot programs.
Last edited by Blue Eyes on Mon Apr 09, 2018 2:36 pm, edited 9 times in total.
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Re: Fan Races!!

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An Introduction
The Senge RCC evolved on Tanzram in the Anvil Galaxy. The Senge are, as of present day, inhabiting several planets in the Paladar system in the Anvil Galaxy. Of all the planets inhabited by the Senge 70% or more of each planets surface is covered by water. Cities are built both underwater, floating on the oceans and on dry land; the architecture style is usually colossally huge, tall ceilings, with lots of big dome-like towers and roofs, gothic and dark in nature (inside), with lots of ornamentation, usually motifs from the depths, animals as well as imaginary creatures from folk lore (Think H.P. Lovecraft) and ancient religious myths. Colors vary greatly on land, usually bright pastel colors, but under water luminous colors based on algae cover most structures. Art and drawing/painting/symbolism and patterns are found everywhere in Senge architecture.

The Senge worlds were invited to join the CCW several centuries ago (400 years) and the population unanimously accepted the membership. Although the Senge are staunch supporters of the CCW, the Senge are often seen as the weird small cousins from the outer brim territories and border worlds. The reason might be their small physical stature, the fact that their native language sounds like melodic tunes as they “sing at each other” in conversation or a similar misguided focus on quirks. People who have never met a Senge before often react with a smile to the fragile looking D-bees, most Senge that travel the galaxies are used to this; other Senge however may be offended if it happens often (they are tough cookies). As a result the Senge tend to stay in their own communities, if they leave however they usually become spacers, soldiers, mercenaries, bounty hunters etc. – occupations that are chosen because they are generally feared and respected, possibly even shunned by many. All in all the Senge are very competent and physically powerful, although they may not look like it, they are very respected within the CCW and most work tirelessly to make the three galaxies a better place to live.

As a race the Senge are very hospitable, friendly and even very open minded. Their temperaments are very similar to humans but they are more pacifistic and less often resort to violence. Their culture is unique, because they evolved from being water living mammals that conquered the remaining land areas of their homeworld. They are adventurous, ambitious and tough. Their society is a hierarchy with the Royal Family on top and then followed by the successful wealthy families of politicians, corporation owners etc. Wealth is a measure of success, either by the person himself or his forefathers. Amongst the Senge, the land dwellers are usually the poorest people, since most Senge love the water and consider it prestige worthy to live in or under water. Therefore the lowest working classes live in the land-based cities and are mainly employed in mining or factory work (management), which is very well paid, but not as socially acceptable as other more prestigious jobs.

In the field of science there are several areas where the Senge have flourished. In the fields of submarine technology, the medical sciences of cybernetics and bio-systems, as well as genetic therapy, manipulation and reconstruction – the Senge as a race have made huge strides. This has among other things enabled the Senge to give unborn children gills and/or other mutations that will make their lives easier. These processes are overseen by an Ethics Committee, led by the Queen herself!
The last area of science where the Senge have excelled is in the area of robotics, from simple fully automated machine factories that do remedial work to the delicate construction of neural intelligence robots (still rare and extremely expensive), the Senge scientists can build it! This is a huge industry, and it is a fact that the Senge are able to build Artificial Intelligent machines and use them for all kinds of things, including strenuous labor that the Senge have not done in generations. Breakthroughs into Neural Intelligence (See Sourcebook One) and talks about the inevitability of the true unshackled AI eventually coming into existence, has ignited a lot of debate as to what consciousness is, liberty, enslavement, the legality of keeping a sentient race bound as slave labor and similar really important debates. It is noteworthy that the Senge also use robots for protection, a substantial amount of their armed forces are robots, usually led by Senge commanders.

There are no visible leylines on the original Senge Homeworld and only one of the four colony worlds have weak leylines (that can be seen) and magic is incredibly rare (And never practiced in the open). To most people leylines are just yet another unfamiliar exotic and beautiful natural phenomenon that will eventually be explained by science. Only very few subcultures practice magic and the general population does not believe in the existence of magic, and belief is key for magic to work at all. Since the groups that are magic-capable keep quiet, there is no knowledge of their existence except to a chosen few. Only adventurers and Senge that travel the galaxies as merchants, soldiers, diplomats etc, know that magic and monsters are very real.

The Kaelon Ritual: When a Senge (Male or Female) reaches 21 years of age they must pass the Kaelon Ritual to be accepted as adults. In ancient times, this ritual was very demanding and dangerous, requirering the young Senge to leave his or her community to live in the wilderness for a period of time and return with a trophy animal, slain in hand to hand combat, using only the Kael Weapon (given when the journey begins; Spear, Tridents, Sword or Axe that does 2d6 damage) and his or her wits. Completing the ritual meant being accepted as an adult and equal within the community. What followed was a huge celebration and with adulthood came respect and responsibility.
At this point in time the Kaelon Ritual is but a mere formality where the Senge is handed over a ceremonial Kael Weapon as the family is gathered for festivities to celebrate. A notable exception to this is amongst the fierce warrior monks known as the Seng Tsu Sun, where the Ritual is still very much a trial of skill and maturity.

Last edited by Blue Eyes on Sun May 06, 2018 10:20 am, edited 3 times in total.
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Re: Fan Races!!

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The Senge RCC
Culture: Enlightened Imperialists: The Senge wish to expand and grow, and may resort to violence to further their ends. However, they prefer to use diplomacy and economic and cultural dominance to outright violent conquest. They have adopted this approach because even though they wish to expand, the kinds of worlds they wish to colonize, must have significant amounts of water on them, which is valuable to any and all space faring power blocks. In other words, they would fight for more water worlds for their people. At the same time they have to uphold the Civilization Compact, since they are part of the CCW.

Alignment: Any, but the society as a whole leans strongly towards order and law, usually principled or scrupulous, sometimes aberrant.

Lifespan: The Senge, when they have access to the medical facilities of any of the five worlds of the Paladar System, with access to their specialized hospitals with cybernetics, bio-systems and gene therapy/genetic reconstruction can reach and age of approximately 180 years old. Without access to this specialized medical technology it is only approximately 120 years average, which explains why many Senge adventurers eventually return to their homeworlds.

Size: A typical Senge stands 1.2 m to 1.5 m tall, 1.35 m average, and weighs about 45 - 65 kg.

Physical Description: The Senge are small humanoid aquatics carnivores, mammals (dolphin-like in origins) with lungs, and webbed feet, brightly colored smooth but tough skin, with minimal body hair. Colors vary greatly are usually hues of blue, gray, green, yellow and white. They have elongated upper bodies, long arms, a large elongated head and big eyes (Blue, green, black or purple). They have two clawed fingers and a clawed opposable thumb on each hand. Senge can function equally well in and out of water, but most prefer having access to or living in water. The Senge only wear clothes when out of water, usually togas.
Tattoos: Males often have their large foreheads tattooed with symbols, which is a proud tradition. The tattoos tell the family’s history, the individual’s accomplishments and possibly their goals in life. It is very painful to get these tattoos but it is considered an honor to have them. Females tattoo their legs for similar reasons.

Horror Factor: 8 to people who have never seen a Senge before or when facing one in combat.

Mental & Physical Attributes: Excellent Attributes – ME, PS and PP attributes (Increased by 1d6+1). Note that these attributes can be modified by other characteristics rolled later on, during character creation. Also note that bonuses from the Advanced Swimming, Acrobatics, and Contortionist skills have not been included in the stats below.
IQ - 3d6
ME - 4d6+1
MA - 3d6
PS - 4d6+1
PP - 4d6+1
PE - 3d6
PB – 4d4
PER - 3d6
SPD - 2d6* (A roll of 11 or 12 allows the character to roll an additional 1d6).
SPD (Swimming): Normal speed attribute multiplied by 10.

*Any skill gained or selected that provides bonuses to the SPD attribute, be it Athletics (General), Running or similar, the Senge character only gains half the normal SPD attribute increase from such skills. So, for example, a Senge character with the Running skill only gains +2d4 to SPD, not +4d4!

HP: PE attribute plus 1d6 per level of experience.
SDC: Above average: Total SDC bonus amounts to 1d6x10+20 in addition to those gained from OCC and skill bonuses.
PPE: 3d6 or by Magic OCC (If the GM allows it).
ISP: 2d4 and no psionic abilities.

Natural Abilities: All Senge have excellent vision and see clearly in the near, total absence of light deep beneath the waves (nightvision 305m), they are resistant to cold and can survive indefinitely at freezing or near freezing temperatures (take half damage from cold based attacks).
The Senge are aquatics with several unusual characteristics and a unique physique. For practical purposes the Senge have two skeletons at once, one that is a calcium carbonate and silicon dioxide endoskeleton which is incredibly flexible and resistant to damage and pressure, as well as a muscle controlled hydrostatic skeleton, basically a hydro-skeleton composed of watery body fluids in muscle and myelin (fat)-like sheaths/membranes that can be flexed/manipulated with some astonishing effects.
Double-Jointed: Extremely flexible bones and can twist and bend their limbs into seemingly impossible positions, can slip out of handcuffs, manacles and similar bonds quite easily. The Senge can also contract their bodies to half their normal width from shoulder to shoulder, or curl into a ball so small that they are a mere 20% of their normal height and half their normal width. All Senge gain the Contortionist physical skill as well as the Escape Artist skill. This ability also means the Senge gains +2 to roll with punch fall or impact.
Swim Bladder: All Senge have a swim bladders to obtain neutral buoyancy when in water, which means that by regulating the amount of gas (oxygen) in the bladder, by means of special glands associated with the creatures circulary system, the character can sink or rise in the water column at will and therefore swim with minimum difficulty (There is no updrift or sinking to the ocean floor).
Muscle Controlled Hydro-skeleton: Provides secondary skeletal support and via flexor muscles it can be used as “hydraulics” to enhance physical performance.
Jumps: The Senge can jump a number of meters upwards or lengthwise equal to their PS attribute.
Attacks with punches, kicks or melee weapons are even more effective; adding PS attribute divided by two as additional damage to any and all melee attacks.
Augment Land SPD: Effectively jumping and tumbling around like a grasshopper instead of running. This effectively doubles the characters land SPD.
Can lift (not carry!) four times as much as a person of equal strength.
Any and all of these effects are physically straining and exhausting and can be maintained a maximum of 1 melee round per PE point. A five minute interval without using any of the abilities is required to reset the “timer” to zero. These creatures are small in size, but they are fierce arm wrestlers!
Can take a Beating: Extreme flexibility, two skeletons, and a small compact size means that the Senge take half damage from any and all blunt or crush type attacks. They are famous in some circles for making kung-fu films that are completely out of this world and over the top, with continuous fight scenes that have gone on for two hours or more!
Hold their Breath: The Senge are mammals and can only stay underwater for limited amounts of time, unless they have been genetically modified before birth to also have gills; can hold breath for PEx2 in minutes.
Language: Much like dolphins and whales of Earth they use clicks, hisses and beautiful songs to communicate. To outsiders it sounds beautiful and melodic, very exotic.
Maximum Depth: The Senge can endure underwater pressure of up to 610m plus 50m per additional level of experience without any ill effect (they do not get the bends).

RCC Skills: All Senge get the following skills for free: Advanced swimming (89 +1 per lv), language: native tongue (88+1 per lv) and literacy (40+5 per lv): native tongue +20%, sing (35+5lv) +20%, basic math (45+5lv) +20%, acrobatics (several sub-skills) +15%, contortionist and escape artist (30+5lv) +15%.

Advantages/Bonuses: The Senge are superior underwater acrobats and they gain the following bonuses while in water: +2 on initiative and +3 to dodge (Advanced Swimming). In addition to this their enhanced vision and pressure sensitive body provides them with a +2 bonus on perception rolls when in water (in addition to any other bonuses they may get from OCC selection or from a high Perception attribute).

Social Status: Roll on the following table to find out what the characters place is in the social and financial hierarchy of the Senge: Roll d100 and look at the possible results below.
Rolling 01-25: lower class: no gills.
Rolling 26-90: You can have gills, but you start with half starting money from OOC. You can also select a GENX1.
Rolling 91-100: You start with gills if you wish and you can select a GENX2.

GENX-Programs: Middle and high-class parents of the Senge RCC have access to so called GENX programs which can alter specific attributes, abilities, instincts and other aspects of their unborn children, as well as cure diseases or replace carrier genes for illnesses that are not curable later in life! People who have the credits sometimes option to give their children gills and/or other gifts to make their lives easier. The other possibilities are;

# Increase Attributes: Any attribute except MA, PER & SPD can be increased with a one-time +3 bonus.
# Reduced Aging: Add +50% to the average life expectancy and always looks reasonably youthful.
# Increase Resistance to Pressure: Increase maximum depth to 1100m + 100m per additional level of experience.
# Gills: Character can breathe underwater indefinitely.
# Increased Healing: Heals four times faster than normal (human), also + 2 to save vs. poison and magic.
# Increased Sense of Taste, Hearing and Smell: Four times better than normal when the character is underwater. Taste/smell blood, death, decay and foreign chemicals in the water; Range is 1000m +100m per additional level of experience. Track to Source: 62+4lv.
# Natural Genius: Gains +20% skill bonus in one of the following skill categories: Electrical, Mechanical, Science and Technical. Pick one skill category.
# See World Book 13 Lone Star pages 96-98 for a list of human traits and characteristics that could also be applicable to the Senge RCC. If your GM allows it some of them might be applicable for the GENX programs as well.

Note: Except for the gills alteration (common) and the use of GEN-programs for medical purposes, their use is very rare. Less than one percent of the Senge population has their offspring modified in this way. Any modifications are noted in the individual’s civilian medical journal. GENX1 means pick one of the abilities above and GENX2 means you can select two of the possibilities above.

Damage: Essentially the Senge do the same damage as humans when it comes to unarmed SDC combat, with one notable difference. Since the Senge have stronger upper bodies and arms and relatively short legs they seem to be in the reverse position of most humanoids. For this reason the Senge deliver more severe punches than kicks and to make things easy, simply reverse the damage done by humans along the lines that instead of doing 1d4 SDC damage with a punch a Senge character does 1d6 SDC damage, and instead of doing 1d6 SDC damage from a kick like most humans the Senge character delivers 1d4 SDC damage kicks.

Psionics: None, less than 0,0001% develop psionic abilities (which means it is not available to player characters).

Magic: Magic is relatively scarce in the three galaxies outside of the UWW, but it is usually very powerful where it does exist. The Senge as a race is magic-capable, but only a very small percentage of its population, or more correctly, a few very specific subcultures within the Senge modern society have access to and actually believe in magic. “The Forgotten Currents” are exceptionally rare and usually consists only of The Spell Singers – Ancient Currents Mages.

Available OCCs: Virtually any Phase World OCC that a human can take, the Senge character can take, except those that require or in any way involve psionic abilities. Common OOC´s include Spacer, Runner, CAF Trooper or Officer, Tracer and other Men of Arms, as well as adventurers, scholars and scientists.
I created a total of three OCCs for this RCC back in 2002. They include the TRASH-Man OCC (My version of the OCC from the Manhunter Dimension Book) and the Seng Tsu Sun OCC (Senge Martial Artist). The Incredible small percentage of Senge that study magic should only be allowed to select the special Spell Singer OCC that has existed on Tanzram for millennia. Let me know if you would like me to post any of these OCC´s that I made (Might take time).

Equipment & Money: As per OCC.

Cybernetics/Bionics: Most adventurers start out with a built-in language translator implant (reduce starting credits by half), otherwise as per OCC.
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Re: Fan Races!!

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Pepsi Jedi wrote:The Kybyree are real D-bags aren't they. I have a feeling my Veyzin would REALLY hate those guys.

I gotta do up their spacecraft....I have at least three designs in various stages of workup, but I have to come up with a few technologies unique to them that emphasize that d-bag factor you describe.
"Trouble rather the Tiger in his Lair,
Than the Sage among his Books,
For all the Empires and Kingdoms,
The Armies and Works that you hold Dear,
Are to him but the Playthings of the Moment,
To be turned over with the Flick of a Finger,
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Re: Fan Races!!

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taalismn wrote:
Zer0 Kay wrote:[

Sploogs can only trip eyeballs

So Visine is a controlled substance in Splugorth space?

Hate to see the size of the eye dropper.
:thwak: you some might think you're a :clown: but you're cool in book :ok: :thwak:--Mecha-Viper
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Re: Fan Races!!

Unread post by taalismn »

Zer0 Kay wrote:
taalismn wrote:
Zer0 Kay wrote:[

Sploogs can only trip eyeballs

So Visine is a controlled substance in Splugorth space?

Hate to see the size of the eye dropper.

Roughly the size of a Tomahawk missile, I'd think.
"Trouble rather the Tiger in his Lair,
Than the Sage among his Books,
For all the Empires and Kingdoms,
The Armies and Works that you hold Dear,
Are to him but the Playthings of the Moment,
To be turned over with the Flick of a Finger,
And the Turning of a Page"

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Pepsi Jedi
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Re: Fan Races!!

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Love the Radioactive Dust Bunnies.....

Lt. Nyota Uhura: I'm impressed. For a moment there, I thought you were just a dumb hick who only has sex with farm animals.

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Re: Fan Races!!

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Pepsi Jedi wrote:Love the Radioactive Dust Bunnies.....

I SWEAR they infested my college form room closet.
"Trouble rather the Tiger in his Lair,
Than the Sage among his Books,
For all the Empires and Kingdoms,
The Armies and Works that you hold Dear,
Are to him but the Playthings of the Moment,
To be turned over with the Flick of a Finger,
And the Turning of a Page"

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Re: Fan Races!!

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My college closet also had a rather impressive infestation. I kept them happy by offering them my roomate to feast upon.

Lt. Nyota Uhura: I'm impressed. For a moment there, I thought you were just a dumb hick who only has sex with farm animals.

James Tiberius Kirk: Well, not _only_...
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Re: Fan Races!!

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Ok, a new one from me. I'd love feed back.

Grakkis: More commonly known as: Tree-home:

Size: Large planet, roughly twice the size of earth.

World Classification: High gravity/Vegetation world: Deeper it becomes a Twilight world.

Dominant Environmental Features:

Ground Terrain: Vast Super Forest. Majority of the planet is covered with trees that would make redwoods look like saplings and Millennium Trees look quaint. Trees 1000s of feet tall, with multi leveled ecosystems depending on height, ranging ‘down’ from the top and sun filled canopy, down deeper and deeper into a twilight area and even deeper down where little to no light reaches closer to the ‘ground’. The planet’s ecosystems are more dependent on height and closeness to the light/surface, than distance from equator etc. (Think like an ocean planet with some living up towards the surface and others down in darkness and gloom at the bottom). There’s even lakes and ‘seas’ upon Tree-home, when branches are woven tightly together and the canopy of leaves grows together to capture and hold water. (All seas on Tree-home are fresh water.) These seas are not as ‘deep’ as seas on more average sorts of planets but can be quite large. They’re just suspended 1000s of feet in the air in the trees. Their biodiversity is every bit as complex. (But plant based). Due to the high gravity nature of Garrakis, the trees and beings of the planet are very densly built and amazingly strong. The intense gravity of the world does not stop the trees from growing 1000s of feet tall but inch for inch they are amazingly strong due to it, and naturally MDC in strength/durability.

Atmospheric Conditions: Dependent on height. Closer to the Canopy the atmospheric conditions are some what earth like with roughly 3 seasons, A mild winter where in the skies will darken and snow falls. Spring, where the snows melt and there’s new growth and greenery and mild summers where it warms up a bit (But not terribly much, it’s a cool world). No real “Fall’ as the mega trees don’t lose their leaves or anything. It pretty much jumps from summer into winter in a swift few weeks.)

The further you descend into the depths of the trees the weather changes. At mid level it’s a twilight world. With much mist/fog and cooler temps. The seasons there are more modulated with a “Very cool” Winter and a “Moderately cool” “Summer”. Less sunlight means less ambient warmth, but also less variation.

Deeper still and it drops into darkness and much colder. Closer to the actual surface of the planet, 1000s of feet down from the canopy, it’s perpetually shrouded in darkness the conditions are near arctic, complete with snow that has formed from hydration filtering down from above and freezing.

Technological Level: Galaxy Age*: Technological level is the equivalent of the Galaxy age. Advanced Technology, communications, medicine, genetic engineering, and space program. Travel to the farthest reaches of the Galaxy and a little Beyond.

Technology of this planet is unique however and plant based. Where other species likely mined metal from the ground and smelted it for usage, the technology on this planet is based off the native vegetation. The tech is roughly the equivalent of CCW standards, just done differently. Instead of mining metal and ceramics and processing them, and using them to build everything from Ship hulls to micro electronics, the tech from Tree-home is grown. The complexity is still there but it’s based off living systems instead of purely inanimate ones. A star-ship for example might take years to construct in a standard society, where metals and components are brought in or mined and processed, and formed into the millions of proper parts, constructed and formed into the Starship over time. On Tree-home the starship would be grown. It would still require the same amount of time as the megatree being transformed into the starship was modified and guided in it’s growth process by (plant)Engineers. The growth is just as complex as building a more traditional star-ship and takes just as long. It’s just done differently.
This goes for everything from FTL Starships down to personal computing devices, communication devices, all the way down to consumer products. They have just as complex sciences, but more bio-technological based. Everything from advanced genetics to weapon systems have been developed. If anything they’re ahead in the bio/medical-fields (But not enough to make them some how a ‘step above CCW/Phase world standards).
The technology is designed in such a way that there’s much less pollution. This isn’t 100%, with any technology there is going to be some waste. The technologies on/from Tree-home, are just designed/bio-engineered from the ground up to produce little waste and the waste that is produced is often recycled at an extremely high rate. Actual -waste/pollution- out put from the Tree-home technology would be a mere 4% of that of more mechanical/metal/plastic based tech. The waste/pollution that -is- produced is gathered up and disposed of with -extreme- care. Environmental polluters/waste/criminals are treated extremely harshly on Tree-home, and would be perceived as almost genocidal in their crimes.

Architecture Appearance: Sweeping Alien: The Architecture of Tree-home, is integrated into the giant trees of the forest world. Much like Millennium trees on earth, the buildings/homes/society of Tree-home is grown out of the trees themselves. The trees are 1000s of feet tall and serve as buildings and ‘terrain’ for the world. A single tree could hold 10,000s of inhabitants with in. The inner configuration of a tree might be living quarters, or a governmental building, or even bio-factories, etc. Travel occurs on wide branches every bit the equivalent of roads on more average planets. Hover and Antigrav technology (Bio-technology) are commonplace and one can move around the tree cities in such ways. Looking from orbit though one would see a massive forest world, and likely wouldn’t ‘recognize’ cities. Only when down close and interacting would they become clear. Even then the architecture is an out growth of the trees/vegetation itself and is extremely organic and quite beautiful to behold. You may be passing a factory and not even realize it’s different from a simple mega tree unless you ventured inside.

Alien Species: The species of Tree-home are mostly plant/vegetation based. Many analogs exist. From sapient vegetation species all the way down to the plant equivalent of squirrels and cats. There are some mammalian species on Tree-home, but they are -not- the dominant species on the planet.

Magical Level: Generally none. While the Grakkian ‘can’ learn magic, they possess no innate magical cultures of their own, nor is spell magic ‘taught’ on their homeworld. A Grakkian whom leaves Grakkis and learns of magic in the outside universe may seek out a teacher and if they are so talented pick it up, but of their own people there’s no innate magical society or covens. Note this does not mean it’s a magical void zone. It’s just not something the Grakkian’s have picked up and carried on their own.

Species: Grakkian

Alignment: Any. Shows a wide variation of alignments with most in the middle and few at the extremes. Not many saints or true psychopaths. Like most people, the Grakkians usually fall some where in the middle.

IQ: 3D6
ME: 3D6
MA: 2D6
PS: 4D6+20, (Robotic Strength, Rifts Ultimate Pg 285)
PE: 3D6+8
PP: 4D6
PB: 2D6+4
SP: 1D6+7
(Not very speedy on their own planet, due to being a high gravity world, but multiply speed by 3, off world. See also alter limbs ability)

MDC: 2D4X10+200 MDC, +1D4X10 per lvl (Note: This contains bonuses for 1) Being a plant species, 2) High Gravity world, 3) Vegetation world, 4) Tough Bark skin, and 5) Natural mdc beings. It adds up)
SDC: (For non MD universes) 2D4 X 100 + 1D4 X 10 per level

Size: Height: At full adult size they stand roughly 2.3m (7’6” ft) to 3.7m (12 ft) tall and are incredibly dense. 7 to 7 and a half feet once they reach adult hood and roughly 6 inches to a foot for every 100 years thereafter.
Weight: 300lbs+50 or so lbs per foot (0.3M)

Lifespan: Long lived. Gestation of 1 Solar year with in the mother. Infancy lasts 3 years then weaned. Childhood from 4-20 or so. Puberty at 20. Adulthood at roughly 45. Full life span ranges into the 100s of years. With Grakkian attaining 500 years old common. After 500 years they start to show sign of aging. Slowing down, becoming more stiff and less flexible.

Special Abilities/Racial Characteristics:
1: Heavy duty plant bodies: The high gravity world and innate plant based specie is incredibly tough. This is reflected in their natural MDC and strength.
2: Resistance to pain: Due to being a plant based species, they feel about half the pan of a mammalian equivlent.
3: Communicate via natural telepathy: Average range is 400 feet (122 m) when communicating with animal life, but extends to 1200 feet (366 m) when communicating with sentient plant life. This is an automatic ability that does not require the expenditure of I.S.P. Can learn galactic trade languages, and can vocalize. Their innate communication is telepathic.
4: Sensor note: No innate body heat. Will not appear on infrared or heat detecting sensors. Are quite large and motion detectors have no problem picking them up at all.
5: Breathe through their entire body, but sensitive to defoliating chemicals/sprays, -5 to save.
6: Feed off solar energy and water. Can ‘eat’ foods for fun/sensation. They often -do- ‘eat’ for just those reasons. To taste things and for the fun of it. This will even nourish a Grakkian, just not ‘as’ effectively. The don’t ‘have’ to ‘eat’ as long as they have access to solar energy and water. If trapped in an environment with out solar energy(Sunlight), Grakkian’s -can- exist as carnivorous plants. Though it tends to have a rather negative reaction on the Grakkian itself. If a Grakkian is forced to exist on a meat only diet for more than 3 months, their Alignment moves ‘one step’ down the alignment chart. This is a single step. Not a step ‘every’ three months. They become a bit more aggressive as well (No matter what the alignment). A Grakkian forced to live underground or on a world where pollutants choke out the sun is a rather ornery plant indeed and not a ton of fun to be around. Especially when they eye you up as a possible meal substitute.
7: Smell/Sense the coming of rain, smoke and large fires: 50% +2% per level of experience; two mile (3.2 km) range.
8: Accurately sense the time of day and direction (north, south, east, west, etc.): 80% + 1 % per level of experience but needs sunlight. Without sunlight, reduce the success ratio by 40%.
9: Accurately identify temperature (within 1d4 degrees): 70% +2% per level of experience; includes air temperature.
10: Sense the location of underground (Inside vegetation) water reserves: 40% +2% per level of experience.
11: Feel the vibrations of an approaching ground vehicle(s), giant bot, herd of mammals, giant animals, explosion or earthquake up to six miles (9.6 km) away. Running or walking humans 1000 feet (350 m) away. Flying vehicles or animals 500 feet (152 m) away. +2 on initiative and a + 1 to dodge.
12: Due to origins on a high gravity, vegetation world they are +10% to climb, +2 to roll with fall and possess acrobatics skill at +10%

(Note: Special Abilities/Racial Characteristics. Most of these came straight from the rather lengthy list that Palladium/Kevin gives all “Plant aliens” Believe it or not I’ve taken a number of them -off-. There were a lot of advanced scent based tracking abilities and such that didn’t make much scense to me. Even carnivorous plants don’t track by scent or the like so I’m quite unsure where the concept of plant based species all being bloodhounds came from. So I ditched that and a few other ‘innate plant abilities’. I also toned down the immunity to sensors. In the book it’s pretty blanket. Plant species just don’t get picked up on sensors at all, but… that’s petty silly. A motion detector can pick up a tree moving in the wind. Why could it not pick up one running down a hallway? Sure the lack of endothermic heat would make them invisible to ‘heat’ sensors. (Not really.. but enough for a RPG), but other sensors (Motion, sound, laser, etc) Would pick them up just fine. Especially the Grakkians whom are pretty big. Also took off the ultrasonic hearing. Much like the bloodhound tracking.. I couldn’t really figure out where that came from on the ‘standard plant features’ list that palladium had for ‘all plant species’. Maybe it makes sense to others to have plants with senses of smell better than human/galactic norm, and hearing into the ultra sonic, but for me, it didn’t make sense so I took those abilities ‘off’ for my people here)

Superpowers: These powers are innate to all Grakkians, but are the equivalent of superpowers to humans and are noted here.

Superhuman Strength: Carry 200XPs Lift 300XPs Equal to “Robotic Strength” Rifts Ultimate Pg 285

Healing Factor: Heals 5 MDC per minute(Out side of combat) and can regrow limbs and body parts with in 3D4X10 hours.

Alter limbs: (Modified)
1: Body Weapons: (Modified). The Grakkian can manifest weapons from it’s own body. From finger spikes, to claws, to hand axes, or knives, all the way up to forearm swords, or bashing weapons. The equivlent of ball and chain can also be formed by using a flexible appendage and a bashing implement on the end. Damage: Same as ‘normal’ weapons+1D6,
Damage is MD due to the Grakkian’s physical make up, size and tremendous strength.
+1 inits, +1 Strike, Parry,
(NO Mechanized body weapons, no guns or flame throwers. See tech)
2: Shield Arms: Can manifest a shield out of an arm (Or leg for that matter). +5 to parry. No damage from HTH or melee when parried with shield arms. Can parry ranged attacks with no bonus and only takes 10% damage from parried ranged attacks.
3: Stretch limbs: Triple normal length
4: Locomotion and limbs: Can stretch/elongate legs, arms etc to enhance speed. (No wheels, but effect is mimic’d ) Speed X3
(This power is in addition to their natural speed boost when off their high gravity world. Or a speed boost “On” Their high gravity world.) It should be noted that the Grakkian don’t really enjoy this as they feel it makes them look weird. So while it’s certinly something they can do, they mostly only use it when needed. I.E. they don’t go around with elongated limbs for the speed bonus all the time. Not at all. Just like normal humans ‘can’ sprint all out, but rarely do so going down the hall to the bathroom or sprint through the mall or library at absolutely break neck top speed.
5: Shoot Arrows/Wood shards: 200 ft+20per lvl. Damage 2D6 per bolt, can fire 1-4 as a ‘volley’ and one action. Normal strike bonuses apply
Number of bolts: 1 at lvl 1, +1 at lvls 2, 3, 5, 7, 10, 13,
6: SPECIAL: Grow Fruit: The Grakkian can if desired manifest and grow Fruit. These are astonishingly tasty and nutrient rich for consumption of other species. These fruit grow from the Grakkian’s bodies (Placement up to PC. Don’t be gross). They can easily grow 1D4 Honeydew sized fruits a day.
(2D8 if in high need, but this ‘hurts’ and strains the Grakkian, and makes THEM hungry and in need of extra sunlight/nourishment.)
The taste is sweet, but the exact ‘flavor’ is up to the PC. (Ranges from sweet cherries all the way to citrus) The size is that of a honeydew. Or roughly 15-22cm or 6 to 9 inches long 1.8 to 3.6kg, or 4 to 8lbs. One Grakkian fruit is more than enough to susttain a human for one day. (4 to 8lbs of highly nutritious fruit could likely last longer if you ration it.) Tastes great raw, in recipies and even cut and grilled like steak.

Secrete Resins:
The Grakkian’s can secrete a number of plant based resins. The amount is up to the GM, but as the Grakkian are rather large creatures they can do so more than once a day. That said they’re not hollow and sloshing with resin from toe to the tops of their heads so don’t get too crazy with it.
Poison Ivy/Oak/Rashes: Severe skin reaction: -10% on skills, -2 Inits, Very itchy and marked with bumps/rash.
Aloe: Soothing Chemical. Relief for 4D6X10 min
Toxin: Natural Plant Poisons, etc: Touch, no instant damage but after 15 min, the victim must roll to save vs lethal poison every 15 min for 1D4 hours. Each failed roll does 2D6 damage straight to hit points
Ingested/injected: one oz will make the victim feel woozy with in 1D4X10 seconds, and seriously ill with in a minute. ( -2 all combat bonuses -10% skills, and speed) Roll vs lethal poison, every 10 min for 2 hours. stabbing pain and cramps, each failed roll means 4D6 to hit points
Quick drying Sticky Resin:
3 foot glob, dries in 15seconds(1 melee), Each glob is about 3 feet or enough to encase half a human sized target. ½ Cover required to suffer penalties below. Full immobilization requires two globs. 1 for feet/legs, 1 above the waist. Smaller globs can be made if desired. (Hand cuffs, weapon blockage, patches etc)
Range: 30ft +10 per lvl
Damage: None, but clings and impairs movement. Very sticky and hard to remove, dries in 1 melee. Requires 1D6 melee actions to scrape off with a blade or shovel or stick. Still leaves a fine covering, that ruins clothes armor, etc. Sticks to everything especially hands, fingers, good chance of glueing them together making weapon usage impossible. Even the dissolving enzyme will cause 1D6 damage
Having legs and feet encased makes mobility impossible. Speed is reduced to 0, and all combat bonus are reduced to +1.
If hit squarely in the chest, joints will be held in place. Limbs are stuck in what ever position they were in when the resin hardens. Speed and balance reduced to half, All combat bonus are reduced to +1 and attacks per round are down to 2.
Climbing and any use of arms and hands is impossible as is any skills that require the use of hands.
Encasing the head won’t suffocate, as it’s slightly porous, blinding and -10 to all combat rolls.
Once Hardened: Half Body globs have MDC 3D6X10
Small Hand Sized globs: have MDC 1D6X10
Full body encasement: MDC 6D6X10, and victim is totally immobilized.
Outside of Combat: Can be used to cast plastic type objects using molds, patch stone, concrete and steel, or reinforce construction projects or do quick repairs on buildings, armor or other simple objects.


Cybernetics/Bionics: They possess such but like the rest of their technology it’s bio-mechanical and plant based. The regenerative nature of the Grakkians negates the need of medical cybernetics and bionics, so the only reason they would have them would be due to illness or a condition that prevents their own regenerative powers from functioning. Bionic weapon systems while, possible are unlikely due to the above.

Magic: Not what you’d call a highly magical society, though their tech may APPEAR to be magical in nature. A take off on the old quote “Any technology, sufficiently advanced will be indistinguishable from magic” When a Grakkian walks up to a bio-terminal he or she might brush their fingers over the surface calling up the interaction key pods. To a bystander it might look like a magical action, but it’s no more magical than a little kid walking up to a supermarket door on earth and waving their hand, and the door opens. Sure it ‘looks’ like the kid opened the doors with the force, but it’s actually the motion sensor above the door sensing the movement and triggering the door open function. The Biotech of the Grakkian’s is much the same. Much of what appears magical is merely advanced biotech.

True Spell magic is not innate on Grakkis. The Grakkians can learn spell magic on different worlds with the proper education. They are not devoid of PPE or the like. It just doesn’t come natural to them. They consider themselves a biotech based species.

Psionics: The Grakkian people have the average range of Psionics. That is to say uncommon but not unknown. Nothing overly dramatic. It’s of note that their psionics are considered to be advanced bio-chemical reactions. (Powers work the same but -THEIR- explanation is different. Sort of like a gasoline engine and diesel engine both power cars roughly the same, the car drives the same rolls, has a radio etc, but the engines are different. The Grakkian people see the psionics as biochemical abilities not ‘powers of the MIND’. )

Cultural Attitude: Generally pleasant over all. The Grakkians see themselves as bio-scientists and engineers as a ‘people’ and their advanced bio-engineering as a cultural defining characteristic. They are quite proud of their bio-technological advancements and their planet and people. Once they spread to the stars they’ve discovered that plant based sapients in the three Galaxies are pretty rare. Not so rare that they don’t exist but are very much out numbered by… meat! This at first startled them and the Grakkians debated it long and hard. In the end they sort of shrugged their broad shoulders and got over it. It didn’t really bother them. It’s not like they were looking to mate with the meat species any more than a Wolfen wanted to mate a Human or a Nero a Kreegor. So an alien is an alien is an alien. The Grakkians take them as they come.

The Grakkians have no urge (Collectively) To conquer other planets, as most are simply of no interest to them. They -have- seeded a number of nearby worlds with Megatrees but they will take centuries to grow to size, even with advanced Grakkian biotech, so that’s more of a long term project. Other than that they’re not very expansionistic. They do love to explore and learn, but not at the expense of other species.

That’s not to say they’re pacifists. With a wide spectrum of people and attitudes some are more aggressive than others and the Grakkian’s -do- have a military. With their innate mega damage hides and abilities they’re no push overs in a fight and many a high tech opponent has been over confident drawing down on them, only to have a Grakkian to draw out a blaster and fire off a few energy bolts right back at them.

More than once species have attempted to invade/enslave the Grakkian people, and up to this point it’s ended extremely badly for the invaders or slavers. When a 7 to 12 foot tall creature with superhuman(Robotic in rifts terms) Strength gets angry and manifests a spiked mace for one hand and a claymore for another and comes after you it’s a bad day. And that’s if they don’t pull out an assault rifle and blow you away.

Allies: Currently considering joining the CCW. The Kreegore generally annoy the Grakkians whom have no urge for military expansion by force. So the attitude of the TGE is non congregant with the Grakkians’ own.

Enemies: About 200 years ago a simian race of anthropomorphic gorilla people tried to invade Grakkis. They saw the mega trees as a magnificent place to build a colony and thought that the plant people would be push overs due to no ‘clear’ industrial complex or cities detectable from orbit. This proved to be a grave mistake and even though the invaders brought millions of troops they were swiftly routed off world and into space. Large structures that the invaders had mistaken for asteroids or tiny moons were in fact giant seed pods that have been bio-engineered as space stations and the Grakkian defenders poured out of them to engage the invader fleet in space while ground forces repelled the invaders planet side. Many 100s of 1000s of the invaders were simply chucked off the sides of trees and such to face the 1000s and 1000s of feet fall down towards the depths of the planet. The invasion was repelled and the Grakkins, infuriated by the attempt hunted down the rest of the invasion fleet and blew it out of the stars. They did not track the simians to their home world and irradicate them as a species but a few captives were sent home with a clear message. “If you return. We will weed you out, to the last bloodbag, and leave your planet salted and unable to sustain life.” For the most part the Grakkians are more than willing to live and let live but once their anger is roused it’s pretty scary to behold. As a long lives species, they’re not quick to forget and grudges can last generations.

Cultural Notes and History:

Grakkis is a verdant forest world on a high gravity planet about twice the size of earth. A rarity on the galactic spectrum, it’s main form of Sapient life evolved from plants, not animals. This does not stop a rich and complex biodiversity on Grakkis, but it’s different than found on most worlds in the three galaxies.

Specifically the main terrain/feature of the planet is that of mega trees. Massive trees that make redwoods look tiny and even dwarf millennium trees in size. Thus the biomes of Grakkis are based on ‘depth/elevation’. With the upper levels suffused with light and descending into ever more dim/darker levels below. Much like a water world, but with out the water. Most of the life on Grakkis is found with in the first few 1000m of the canopy and it trails off the deeper you go.

Due to the intense gravity of Grakkis, the trees that DO grow to such impressive heights are amazingly dense and innately megadamage. As are the people that live with in and upon them.

Grakkians themselves evolved over time to the forms they have today. Roughly humanoid in shape they possess two legs, two arms a torso and a head. The arms end in two hands with three fingers and a thumb. At full adult size they stand roughly 2.3m (7’6” ft) to 3.7m (12 ft) tall and are incredibly dense. (7 foot once they pass into adult hood and roughly 6 inches to a foot for every 100 years thereafter) This results in natural mdc bark/flesh and incredible strength (Considered robotic via rifts/phase world rules. See chart on page 285 RUE) Their flesh is ‘bark’ and can be any gray/greenish/brownish color all the way into lavenders/purples and up into oranges/reds. They are a …. robust species. So think more burly and barrel chested with thick arms and legs, not thin or “Ent like”. Their heads have two eyes and a mouth, though ‘nose’ morphology is often a bit glossed over. The Grakkians -may- possess leaf like extrusions on the head and shoulders that mimic’s hair, but just as many do not, instead having stylized branches etc instead. Eyesight is equivalent of galactic norm.

The Grakkian people have evolved into two genders. “Pollinators” or “staminate” exhibit galactic “male” aspects and “Carpels” or “pistillate” that exhibit galactic female traits. In a case of what Xenobiologists call an amazing instance of convergent evolution, the “male” Grakkian are taller, and more burly, with broader chests and more general “male” aspects about their appearance and the Grakkian “Females’ are more slender with more traditional female aspects. Including narrower waist, and ‘breasts’.

The Grakkian people reproduce heterosexually and upon impregnation the females carry the offspring internally as the seedling forms. After roughly a solar year, the female gives birth to a live Grakkian spoutling. It is of note that yes, a Grakkian mother -does- feed her offspring from the breast. The substance is a nutrient rich formula that stimulates brain growth and physical growth of the sproutling for the first few years of it’s life. Gradually the sprout begins to convert solar energy to food and is weaned. This is not mammalian, nor should the nutrient fluid be mistaken for ‘milk’ any more than what comes out of a coconut is ‘milk’. More over this should -not- be mistaken with their fruit manifestation. This is a -plant- nourishment. I.E. more akin to liquid fertilizer than ‘juice’. (Remember “Fruit” were not evolved for the -plant- to eat, but instead a way to transport seeds to new locations via guts of animals etc. The Grakkian have moved past the need to cast seeds to the wind.)

Other than being a plant based species, the main defining characteristic of the Grakkian people is their plant based technology. Described elsewhere, as they evolved and society formed, along with technological advancement, the Grakkian advanced their technology based off of plants. They are just as advanced as any star faring member of the three galaxy community but their tech is plant based. They don’t ‘construct’ a star ship, or it’s millions of component parts but instead bio-engineers ‘grow’ the component parts just as complex to do the same functions. Their tech stretches from inter galactic starships capable of FTL flight, down to hover and anti grav personal conveyances, computers, communication devices, weapons and even every day items like view screens, couches, hand tools and even toys for their sproutlings. Due to this bio-technology they’re a bit above the galactic average when it comes to such, and a touch more advanced in biomedical aspects (But not enough to get ‘super stats’ from it). Also due to this they’re a touch behind in metallurgy. (They’ve never needed it), though they understand the concept of metals and plastics just fine. They just go a different way.
(As a game note, treat the Grakkian tech as ‘technology’. The same skills a human might use to fly a starship, so would a Grakkian, but the basis of the tech is just different. Instead of “Engineering” the Grakkian might have ‘Bio-engineering’ but they both ‘DO” the same thing. The tech is of galactic average. A Grakkian com device has the same range as one made of metal and plastic. A Grakkian energy pistol shoots the same distance as one made of MD composite metal and plastic. Ect. No need to change stats. Direct 100% equal conversion. Sure SOME guns will be stronger, and some weaker but no need for ‘unique stats’ for Grakkian tech. Assume if you can do it with metal and plastic, they can do it with high density md plants or electro conductive md plants etc. )

Note: Due to their natural MDC bark/skin, the Grakkian’s seldom wear clothing. They are not what you’d call a modest species and have never had the need for it. Their planet is cool and the seasons for the most part mild, even if one where to travel all the way down to the ground (Akin to a human traveling to a deep sea trench. Sure you can DO it. But… not many do, and those that do are usually scientists or extreme sorts. It’s NOT a common occurrence) the temps are cold and snowy but the Grakkian bark is more than up to the task of keeping them safe from environmental harm. The Grakkians will sometimes form ‘pouches’ or ‘cups’ on their forms to hold every day items, but belts and pouches are much more common. A bandoleer or hip bag with items that need to be carried is much more common than clothing. Even a back pack might be seen more than a jacket. At the very most a vest may be seen from time to time for convenience of an engineer or adventurer that needs to carry more than your every day items. Pants are unheard of and the Grakkian people find them funny. To the point that when interacting with other species it’s often pointed out to the Grakkian’s enormous amusement.

This lack of clothing extends to armor as well. 1) They’ve never developed their own armor. Have never needed it. 2) Even if they -were- to try and wear armor. Their unique size and shapes would require extensive customization to fit their forms and 3) Would find it incredibly restrictive and uncomfortable (Double any movement penalties, from armor, even if customized. If a suit would give a human -5% on abilities it’d give a Grakkian -10% even if 100% customized to fit. Heavier armor that might give humans -15% would give Grakkian’s -30% etc) Grakkian can survive exposure to vacuum, but would need a breathing appertaus to infuse their forms with O2. Their MD bark would keep them safe from the temps and ambient radiation though. So a breathing mask with a tank of O2 and they’re fine.
Last edited by Pepsi Jedi on Tue Apr 10, 2018 8:42 pm, edited 1 time in total.

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Re: Fan Races!!

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Blue Eyes, Pepsi Jedi? Excellent and indepth work on your respective entries. Nice to see LIFE again on the Fan Races thread. :wink:
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Re: Fan Races!!

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9: Accurately identify temperature (within 104 degrees): 70% +2% per level of experience; includes air temperature.

Is this correct? Because "within 104 degrees" is a hell of a margin of error.

-72 = fatal risk of hypothermia within 5 minutes (air temp)
32 = freezing
136 = 3rd degree burns in 30 seconds (water temp)

Or consider
88 - nice and comfortable (water)
212 - boiling (water)
316 - is that roast beef I smell? ( now water has vaporized)

Here's an informative slideshow from OSHA. It has charts and everything. ... eTemps.ppt
Look upon me and tremble ye masses. For I am The Necroposter!
keir451 wrote:Amazing Nate; Thanks for your support!

Razzinold wrote:And the award for best witty retort to someone reporting a minor vehicular collision goes to:
The Oh So Amazing Nate!

Nate, you sir win the internet for today! You've definitely earned the "oh so amazing" part of your name today. :lol:
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Re: Fan Races!!

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Supposed to be 1D4 degrees

*Goes to fix*

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Re: Fan Races!!

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The Oh So Amazing Nate wrote:Respectfully...

9: Accurately identify temperature (within 104 degrees): 70% +2% per level of experience; includes air temperature.

Is this correct? Because "within 104 degrees" is a hell of a margin of error.

-72 = fatal risk of hypothermia within 5 minutes (air temp)
32 = freezing
136 = 3rd degree burns in 30 seconds (water temp)

Or consider
88 - nice and comfortable (water)
212 - boiling (water)
316 - is that roast beef I smell? ( now water has vaporized)

Here's an informative slideshow from OSHA. It has charts and everything. ... eTemps.ppt

We'll save that margin of error for the Numbtons, who have trouble distinguishing hot and cold(it's fortunate they have extremely thick hides lacking in sensory receptors, as well as near-invulnerable constitutios). :P
"Trouble rather the Tiger in his Lair,
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Re: Fan Races!!

Unread post by Pepsi Jedi »

Love the history for the Val-Coltmar. Awesome and I could totally see it.

The were-bear-fox-bat thing... interesting, I may have attributed that to a different species, but loved the history.

Lt. Nyota Uhura: I'm impressed. For a moment there, I thought you were just a dumb hick who only has sex with farm animals.

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Re: Fan Races!!

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I like the Lonrishikies too. Like the history and mindset. They seem a little weak for the write up (Stats wise) but very fun.

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Re: Fan Races!!

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Pepsi Jedi wrote:Love the history for the Val-Coltmar. Awesome and I could totally see it.

The were-bear-fox-bat thing... interesting, I may have attributed that to a different species, but loved the history.

The Val-Coltmar basically managed to cover the major land niches that way in their evolution and mastery of their world...I suppose if I really wanted them to thoroughly master their world, I shoulda thrown in an amphibious or totally aquatic form. :D
"Trouble rather the Tiger in his Lair,
Than the Sage among his Books,
For all the Empires and Kingdoms,
The Armies and Works that you hold Dear,
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Re: Fan Races!!

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The Craydon made me chuckle. Which I am guessing is much of the point.

Really loved their racial though:

"Find Weakness/Prankster Sense----Craydon are intuitive pyschologists who can learn alot from observing others...especially when they’re planning a practical joke. For every 4 hours that they get to observe an individual at close quarters, they can intuite an important personal fact(like, dislike, phobia, foilable) with 40%+5% per level of experience accuracy, even if such a piece of information isn’t obviously made(like screaming “I’M AFRAID OF SPIDERS!!!”....on the other hand, if the target of the Craydon’s scrutiny tenses up and becomes short of breath when an eight-legged Xenorachnus saunters by, the Craydon will pick up on it). Making a similar observation about a species as a whole requires more observation and is less accurate(6 hours of watching three or more of the target’s species, and ancompanying roll at -10% to the penalty if the Craydon has some way of ACTIVELY testing a tossing a fake giant spider in their midst).

That was great.

Lt. Nyota Uhura: I'm impressed. For a moment there, I thought you were just a dumb hick who only has sex with farm animals.

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Re: Fan Races!!

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Hey Taali, I'm workin' up a race and was wondering if you would mind if I barrowed your "Rulnash" For them.

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Re: Fan Races!!

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Pepsi Jedi wrote:Hey Taali, I'm workin' up a race and was wondering if you would mind if I barrowed your "Rulnash" For them.

By all means!
If anything I post is of use to anybody, use it; that's why it's up! :wink:
"Trouble rather the Tiger in his Lair,
Than the Sage among his Books,
For all the Empires and Kingdoms,
The Armies and Works that you hold Dear,
Are to him but the Playthings of the Moment,
To be turned over with the Flick of a Finger,
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--------Rudyard Kipling
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