RIFTER 79: feedback and comments

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RIFTER 79: feedback and comments

Unread post by Hendrik »

Hi there,

I am sure any author is eager to get feedback for his work. It is all fine if one pours one heart and soul into an article, and I am sure all authors in Rifter 79 did, but the ultimate test, aside from getting published, is whether your fellow gamers like it and can use it.

I have received my copy but did not have the time to read the issue fully. My first impression is - not commenting on my own article! - that it is a very fine issue.

    - I was impressed by the Oslo (inlcuding Nick Kershaw's haunting Fenris drawing) and the Stage Magician articles. Very curious to do a comparison between the HU Stage Magician and Matt's re-interpretation and to read both articles again.
    - I love the artwork by Mike Mumah for the Flashing Blades article.
    - Julius' gamemaster tips are, as was to be expected coming from such an experienced and singularly talented GM, excellent.
    - Have not had a chance to read Mark's short story yet. Keeping that for the weekend :-)

As to Gaming Through History / Flashing Blades of Horror I will gladly refrain from a comment beyond Mike's artwork, but I will say that I am honoured and pleased that it was deemed good enough for The Rifter :-). What is more, I should very much like to publically express my thanks to especially my good friends and "dicey" brothers in arms Dark Elf, Soldier of Od, and Matt Treml, who have helped immensely by proofreading and editing my submissions, and adding a few ideas. They are simply the best! Thank you! That said, any inconsistencies, omissions, and mistakes are entirely mine.

Looking forward to hear your impressions and get your feedback.

Kindest regards
Last edited by Hendrik on Thu Jan 18, 2018 8:46 am, edited 3 times in total.
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Re: RIFTER 79: feedback and comments

Unread post by zerombr »

oh there's lots different. I halved most of the penalties for the escape artistry for one. When your signature skill is freeing yourself from such things, I don't think it pays off to give the power cat a massive series of indepth penalties. It was too specific and too penalizing, that anything you might see in an actual magic act would harbor -80% penalties to escape from. As a special training category, I felt that all of those non-powered cats needed to really emphasize their skill level to be more interesting and competitive., so some skills got boosted or folded into super skills. The ability list is really where its at though, allowing for a myriad of different concepts and styles. Some of which even have 'lightly' superhuman abilities, like falling for greater distances, or having an extended range for picking pockets. I think the cat is still a subtle one, but can be a lot more dangerous when set up.

Also fond of the new gear I put in there!

I'm wondering how people'll take the optional skill quality rules. I wanted to have something more indepth than just 'oh now I have 98% in the skill and can always prowl'
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Re: RIFTER 79: feedback and comments

Unread post by BookWyrm »

As soon as I get my copy & read through it, I'll post my review here.
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Re: RIFTER 79: feedback and comments

Unread post by Picoronut »

I have to go to that faith, then there are many books to go to find out what should be selected from the home before.
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Re: RIFTER 79: feedback and comments

Unread post by Hendrik »

BookWyrm wrote:As soon as I get my copy & read eat through it, I'll post my review here.

I have corrected the above for you to reflect what will truly happen when the great wyrm means business with a text. You are welcome. ;-)

That said, awesome. Looking forward to your review/feedback.

Kindest regards
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Re: RIFTER 79: feedback and comments

Unread post by zerombr »

Hendrik, I'll feedback your article when I get my copy.

As for myself, I'm def looking for feedback, mostly I want to make sure that everything I said was clearly explained. I can't wait for my copy so I can see if anything got edited out or not, and if any images were created. One of those characters listed is my personal character, so it'd be amazing to see one of mine drawn.
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Re: RIFTER 79: feedback and comments

Unread post by BookWyrm »

Hendrik wrote:
BookWyrm wrote:As soon as I get my copy & read eat through it, I'll post my review here.

I have corrected the above for you to reflect what will truly happen when the great wyrm means business with a text. You are welcome. ;-)

That said, awesome. Looking forward to your review/feedback.

Kindest regards

Indeed. I am currently digesting *urp* the latest Wild Cards novel so it will be *hic* a bit.
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Re: RIFTER 79: feedback and comments

Unread post by Hendrik »

(sorry for my late reply)

Please do, BookWyrm. I am looking forward to your comments!

Wild Cards seems to be not easily digested ;-)
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Re: RIFTER 79: feedback and comments

Unread post by The Dark Elf »

Hendrik wrote:What is more, I should very much like to publically express my thanks to especially my good friends and "dicey" brothers in arms Dark Elf, Soldier of Od, and Matt Treml, who have helped immensely by proofreading and editing my submissions, and adding a few ideas. They are simply the best! Thank you! That said, any inconsistencies, omissions, and mistakes are entirely mine.

Of course you are more than welcome. I can't wait to play the next historical swashbulking adventure it in the surrounds of Sherwood Forest this year. :mrgreen:
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Re: RIFTER 79: feedback and comments

Unread post by eliakon »

I will go down the Articles in order
(Spoiler tag both to preserve things for those that do not wish to see ahead, and for space)
Regular stuff: was regular

I simply adore the Gaming through the ages article. Not because it is of use to me, I already do everything in it and more when I set up my worlds to be properly immersive. BUT now most players will have an understanding of the concept as well. I am hoping it will help a bit with getting people to play in the mood of the setting too.

I quite liked Flashing Blades of Horror.
I will never run it myself... but the material in it (especially the section on skills, weapons and occupations) is both relevant to my interests and in line with the other material so I don't have to do any balancing to plug and play. And that is always welcome.

Short Story. It was good, I liked it.

New Oslo.
I'm sorry but didn't like it at all.
It felt totally out of place and didn't match the tone of the previous material. There is simply no way that I can justifying dropping a vast, previously undisclosed kingdom with over 5 million people in it.
Also to me at least the statistics on the gear wasn't very reasonable. I liked the idea behind the gauntlets. But the execution was pretty bad and to me looking at it as both a player and a GM... both the Punch Gun and Neural Blaster Gauntlets are as I look at it simply Rules Abuse just looking for a game to happen in.

The Stage Magician.
I liked it a lot. New HU Power Categories are always welcome and this was a very well done example of it. My hat is off to Mr. Reed for this article, it looks to be an exciting, yet balanced way for a player to make a "Normal With Skills" character and still stay relevant to the game. Kudos.

Mr. Rosenstein sharing his house rules, and not just the rules but detailed explanations of why he did them, and how they work and everything? And making it clear that this is just how he does it and that no one else is expected to play this way, just that it is an example of how house rules can customize a table to work best for that group? In a word Epic

TL;DR with the unfortunate exception of New Oslo I would rate this Rifter superior.
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Re: RIFTER 79: feedback and comments

Unread post by BookWyrm »

Indeed, Hendrik. I tend to savor the reading material like a good lengthy meal. The WC book has been properly digested & I am enjoying the afterglow, as it were. Once circumstances permit & confirmation at The Compleat Strategist in NYC is gained, I'll have Rifter #79 in hand.
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Re: RIFTER 79: feedback and comments

Unread post by glitterboy2098 »

i have not read the issue yet. but i would like to say;

the New Oslo article is completely unrelated to my work on Rifts Scandinavia, and i was not involved with it in any way. just looking at my current notes and write up without reading the article, there is a 99.999999999999% chance that it will end up being totally contradicted.

just something to consider.

that is all.
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Re: RIFTER 79: feedback and comments

Unread post by zerombr »

Thank you Eliakon, I hope to bring out the new sleuth article that is a companion to the stage mage one.
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Re: RIFTER 79: feedback and comments

Unread post by eliakon »

zerombr wrote:Thank you Eliakon, I hope to bring out the new sleuth article that is a companion to the stage mage one.

based on this one, I must say that I eagerly await it.
The rules are not a bludgeon with which to hammer a character into a game. They are a guide to how a group of friends can get together to weave a collective story that entertains everyone involved. We forget that at our peril.

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Re: RIFTER 79: feedback and comments

Unread post by zerombr »

its been submitted, but no response. That said if the Rifter really does go by theme, it may not show for a while. Which.....well that really sucks for me. I haven't even seen my article yet, and I've been frothing on that for 4 months now.
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Re: RIFTER 79: feedback and comments

Unread post by glitterboy2098 »

zerombr wrote:its been submitted, but no response. That said if the Rifter really does go by theme, it may not show for a while. Which.....well that really sucks for me. I haven't even seen my article yet, and I've been frothing on that for 4 months now.

be patient. it took years before they decided to do "The Deep Frontier", but sometimes they pick it up right away. i think ultimately things like page count and the like play a bigger role than theme.
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Re: RIFTER 79: feedback and comments

Unread post by Hendrik »

glitterboy2098 wrote:
zerombr wrote:its been submitted, but no response. That said if the Rifter really does go by theme, it may not show for a while. Which.....well that really sucks for me. I haven't even seen my article yet, and I've been frothing on that for 4 months now.

be patient. it took years before they decided to do "The Deep Frontier", but sometimes they pick it up right away. i think ultimately things like page count and the like play a bigger role than theme.

I can only echo Glitterboy2098, Matt. Patience re the new article helps for sure. With respect to your copy or copies, I understand you plight - I was just as fidgety (as I am sure absolutely every author is). Just contact Palladium, I am sure they can help or tell you if they already sent it out.

glitterboy2098 wrote:the New Oslo article is completely unrelated to my work on Rifts Scandinavia, and i was not involved with it in any way

VERY much looking forward to your book!

BookWyrm wrote:Indeed, Hendrik. I tend to savor the reading material like a good lengthy meal. The WC book has been properly digested & I am enjoying the afterglow, as it were. Once circumstances permit & confirmation at The Compleat Strategist in NYC is gained, I'll have Rifter #79 in hand.

Nothing beats a good read :-) so savour it and relish in the afterglow one should! I hope Rifter 79 is just as yummy for the great wyrm!
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Re: RIFTER 79: feedback and comments

Unread post by Hendrik »

eliakon wrote:I will go down the Articles in order ...

Thank you very much, Eliakon. I am very glad you enjoyed my article(s) - I am honoured that you like Gaming Through History so well -the contents passed muster and you have found useful stuff. What more can one want when writing for one's fellow gamers!

The Dark Elf wrote:Of course you are more than welcome. I can't wait to play the next historical swashbulking adventure it in the surrounds of Sherwood Forest this year. :mrgreen:

Me, neither! I lack the words to express how much I am looking forward to meet and play with this wonderful band of brothers there. Also, Sherwood Forest simply has that special magical ring to it!
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Re: RIFTER 79: feedback and comments

Unread post by glitterboy2098 »

i kinda hate it when rifters like this come put. on one hand, there is an article involved i don;t want to read, in order to avoid people claiming i stole stuff if something in my work coincidentally ends up similar.
on the other, there are other articles that look really interesting that i would love to read.

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Re: RIFTER 79: feedback and comments

Unread post by zerombr »

finally got my copy of 79, and I've only skimmed the article so far, but I noticed that you and I both did some work about using sleight of hand in combat, to different results sure (and thats okay since one is fantasy, the other is heroes), I thought that was amusing.
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Re: RIFTER 79: feedback and comments

Unread post by eliakon »

glitterboy2098 wrote:i kinda hate it when rifters like this come put. on one hand, there is an article involved i don;t want to read, in order to avoid people claiming i stole stuff if something in my work coincidentally ends up similar.
on the other, there are other articles that look really interesting that i would love to read.


We will simply get you a suitably redacted version of Rifter #79 with the New Oslo article blacked out. :lol:
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