Shemarrian-related fan creations

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Re: Shemarrian-related fan creations

Unread post by taalismn »

kronos wrote:I need to get my rear in gear on producing some more stuff.. can't have you hogging all the glory :P
Also the list on the first page needs updating.. there's a large gap in the Warmounts list.. goes from 128 to 139.. I forget what all numbers we're at for everything now

:mrgreen: I'll get around to it...I also have to add in all the e-animals you came up with, plus the added equipment.
The codex list is like, now, at least five pages single-spaced. :bandit:
"Trouble rather the Tiger in his Lair,
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For all the Empires and Kingdoms,
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Re: Shemarrian-related fan creations

Unread post by kronos »

I missed finishing this up for Halloween.. but with Clan Shelly.. it's ALWAYS Halloween!


"I thought the floating skulls and helmets on the east coast were bad, but here there's skulls with spines! I saw one with wings and there's even a pharoh's head floating around!"
-Overheard from a Rogue Scholar commenting on the various 'undead' they saw in a bar in California.

The Serpenspine is a Clan Shelley robot drone that resembles a skull with attached spine, with two skeletal arms with hands and claws, using the Flying Probe as a base for the design that Clan Shelley acquired. Many believe that the Serpenspine is based on the Mortorb produced by the Lost Eclipse, however it was an independent design. The Serpenspine emits a gas about itself, which is typically contained within an EM field, giving it a ghostly appearance, but it can also release the gas to create a concealing cloud, or if alternate gases can be used, such as hallocigines, acidic mists and other aerosols. Offensively, besides the cloud it could release, it can attack with the standard eye lasers, plus the clawed hands are fitted with vibroblades, and can strike with the end of the spine which is fitted with a vibroblade. The EM field that keeps the gas around the Serpenspine also helps protect against ion and particle weapons.
Clan Shelley uses the Serpenspine as a watch drone, to scare trespassers, aid in ambushes with the release of smoke or other gases, and to help the clan's Tinkers with their various mad experiments. The Lost Eclipse upon discovering the Serpenspine shared the plans for their Mortorb with Clan Shelley, giving the Serpenspine the option of the plasma field. Some are used by the Tinkers and mad scientists of Clan Shelley as assistants or as 'familiars'

Type: EShe-R292CSh Serpenspine
Class: Robotic Drone, Aerial
Crew: None; robot intelligence
MDC/Armor by Location:
Main Body 50
Spine 30
Arms/Hands 10 ea
Height: 1 ft skull + 5 ft spine
Width: 1 ft 
Length: 1 ft
Weight: 25 lbs
Cargo: None 
Physical Strength: Equivalent to Robotic P.S. of 10 for claws, spine 15
Powerplant: Nuclear w/ 1.5 year energy life
Speed: (Running) Not possible
(Flying) 40 MPH, maximum altitude of 900 ft.
(Space) Not possible
(Underwater) Not possible
Market Cost: Exclusive to the Ecotroz-Shemar
Systems of Note:
Full optical systems, laser targeting, passive nightvision, telescopic vision, thermal imaging, infrared, ultraviolet, and polarization filters. Also has heat detection, built-in motion detector( 100 ft range) and other standard power armor-equivalent systems. Additional/special sensors may be built in by the creating Spinsters or at the behest of individual owners. 

*PPE Decoy---To add to the idea that the Serpenspine are supernatural, they carry a vial of PPE algae/bacterial gel that gives the robot a signature of 1d6 PPE. 

*Sensor Jammer---Developed from the ‘spoofers’ in Juicer body armor, this compact ECM system allows the Serpenspine to evade sensor lock-ons, there is only a 15% chance of detecting the Serpenspine with thermal sensors and motion detectors. Guided missiles and sensor-guided weapons are -2 to strike the ‘bot. 

*EM Field--- This field helps keep the gas the Serpenspine emits contained around it, also slightly ionizing the gas, causing it to glow, giving the Serpenspine a more supernatural appearance. This field also helps protect the Serpenspine from ion and particle weapons, which suffer -2 to strike and deal 1/4 less damage.

*Corrosive Protection--- The Serpenspine is coated in anti-corrosive materials that allow it to resist virtually any known corrosive. The Serpenspine is immune to corrosive attacks, magical acids deal half damage.

Weapons Systems:
1) Eye Lasers(2)---Standard bionic eye lasers; look, lock, and shoot. 
Range: 150 ft
Damage: 1d6 MD per eye blast
Rate of Fire: ECHH
Payload: Effectively unlimited

2) Gas Cloud---The Serpenspine can release a cloud of gas, or smoke which can have different effects, depending on what is loaded.
Range: Each blast covers a 30 ft area.
Damage: If smoke nyone caught in the cloud of thick, obscuring smoke is unable to see, except with thermal optics. Inhaling, or exposure through unprotected soft tissues like the eyes, the vapor does 1d6 SDC/Hit Points per melee of exposure, and victims are -4 to dodge, strike, and parry, even for 1d4 melees after being removed from the cloud.
Smoke persists for 1d4+3 melee rounds. 
Rate of Fire: ECHH
Payload: Has enough smoke-matrix for 5 clouds.
Note: Acids can be loaded, depending on the type loaded can deal 4d6 SDC or 2d6 MD per melee. Halucigenic, knock-out gases are also popular nonlethal options, as is anti-laser aerosols, which reduce laser damage to any targets in the cloud or on the other side by 1/4. A side affect of the gas being released through the EM field protecting the Serpenspine is the gas is still slightly ionized, reducing accuracy of computer targeting anything inside the gas cloud or on the other side by -1. The cloud also glows due to the ionization.

3) Claws (2) --- The skeletal hands are fitted with vibro claws, allowing the Serpenspine to engage in melee combat.
Range: Melee
Damage: 2d6 SD or 2d6 MD per swipe.
Rate of Fire: ECHH

4) Bite --- The mouth is articulated enough to simulate laughing, but it can also be used to bite a target.
Range: Melee
Damage: 3d6 SD or power Bite 1d4 MD
Rate of Fire: ECHH

5) Spine---The spine is articulated, allowing the Serpenspine to strike targets or even strangle and grapple.
Range: Melee
Damage: 3d6 MD on a slash, or 2d6 on a stab by on a natural roll of 19 or 20 deals three times damage. Strangling/grappling deals 2d6+4 per melee.

6) Self-Destruct---As a weapon of last resort, the Serpenspine can redline their RTG powerplants (by letting in water and letting steam pressure build) and activate explosive linings, turning the ‘bots into flying bombs. Does 6d6 MD to a 15 ft blast radius.

The Ecotroz have installed robotic AIs in the Serpenspine. They are rarely ever infected with a low-level Ecotroz sentience. If they are, the personas are like those of small vicious predators like cats or weasels.
Typically has the following: 
Math: Basic 98%
Radio: Basic 98%
TV/Video(internal system) 
Prowl 72%
Detect Ambush 50%
Tracking 60%
Land Navigation 86%

If ‘Awakened’ with an animalistic Ecotroz essence fragment, the Serpenspine gets a bonus of +5% per level of experience for Ecotroz entity)
The Ecotroz entity can also pick up one Secondary skill at levels 2, 6, and 12 of experience, though the nature of the Serpenspine intelligence and design is such that it is limited to skill selections from Technical: Language(understanding) and Lore, Espionage(Detect Ambush, Detect Concealment), Wilderness(Track Humanoids, Track Animals, Hunting, Identify Plants and Fruits)
Actions/Attacks Per Melee: 6
Initiative +2 (+1 from the Ecotroz entity for a total of +3)
Dodge +7 in flight 
Strike +1 (+3 w/ ranged weaponry) 
Roll +4
Parry +4
Pull Punch/Strike +2
Flying Body Block/Ram 4d6 SDC
Entangle/grapple +4

Note: The Ecotroz intelligence fragment inhabiting the ‘bot gives the Serpenspine an aura and behavior more befitting a sentient being than a robot. 

The Ecotroz fragment does occasionally need sleep/rest...though they only need 2 hours of rest/meditation per 24 hours...they can push this, going without for as many days as they have I.Q. points(most Warmounts, unless otherwise noted, have an effective IQ rating of 8 ), but will have to go dormant for 4d6 hours after such exertion.
Susceptible to Exorcism and Banish spells, but are +6 to save against such spells, +1 at levels 4, 8, and 12 of experience, and becoming IMMUNE at level 14 and up. Such Banishment causes the ‘bot to revert to its default robot programming. (OPTION: Ecotroz may become IMMUNE to Exorcism and Banishment with experience, and NEW BUILT EShemar constructs are immune to this)

Note also that the Ecotroz-possessed ‘bot can infect other bots with the Ecotroz viral-entity, by bite or sustained touch(takes 3 attacks).

A few options have been added to a few Serpenspines by the various mad scientists of Clan Shelly, and some are becoming popular additions, or are one offs.

*Pharaoh Headpiece
This addition to the head is designed like the typical headpiece found in artwork and other depictions of Egyptian pharaohs. The headpiece adds a bit of extra protection to the 'head of the Serpenspine but also includes a few additional weapons and equipment. Most come with a built in Ankh-Blaster built into the headpiece instead of being hand held, or a small Tangler shooter.
Adds 20 MD to the main body.

A) Ankh-Blaster---A TW weapon acquired through trade with the Wayfinders and quickly becoming a favorite accessory of the Tanglers. This TW hand weapon resembles an ancient Egyptian ankh symbol, with a gemstone set at the conjunction of all its arms. Held like a punch-dagger through its closed-loop upper end, the device is pointed and fired like an energy pistol. It incorporates several different spells, giving it considerable versatility, and is powered by a regenerating TW power-stone. Lifeblast is perfectly in keeping with the ankh’s original symbolism, Stunblast allows it to preserve life, Laser Blast is an economical and effective long range destroyer, and Desiccate the Supernatural, though PPE-expensive, is also perfect for an Egyptian weapon for use against the undead. The vampires of the West are quickly coming to fear the sight of the ankh nearly as badly as that of the cross. 
Weight: 5 lbs
MDC: 40
(Lifeblast) 300 ft
(Stunblast) 200 ft
(Laser Blast)1,600 ft
(Desiccate the Supernatural) 250 ft
(Lifeblast) As per description on Rifts Book of Magic, pg. 108. Equivalent to 10th level spell.
(Stunblast) Target must save versus magic or is -6 to strike, parry, dodge, roll, disarm, and entangle, -2 to initiative, and loses one attack per melee 
(Laser Blast)1d6+16 MD per blast, double damage to beings sensitive to sunlight, 1d6+16 HP to vampires.
(Desiccate the Supernatural) 3d6x10 MD(HP to vampires)to supernatural threats
Rate of Fire: ECHH
(Lifeblast) 8 PPE
(Stunblast) 8 PPE
(Laser Blast) 3 PPE per shot
(Desiccate the Supernatural) 25 PPE per shot

PPE Capacity:(Light)----100 PPE battery capacity; recharges at 5 PPE per hour, 10 PPE/hour at a leyline, 20 PPE/hour on a nexus or in a dimensional pyramid
Note: The user can pump his or her own PPE or ISP into the weapon to recharge it an emergency, but at DOUBLE the above listed PPE cost(x4 if ISP; so 10 PPE battery shot takes 20 PPE/40 ISP to manually recharge)
Special Features:
*Laser Targeting---Two laser spots in the ends of the ankh’s crossbar can be instantly re-calibrated with each selection-change to provide accurate range-finding; +1 to strike. 
Cost: Because of rumors that the creators of the underlying TW magetech are about to release a similar device on the open market for about 470,000 credits, the Wayfinders are also discretely making the Ankh-Blaster available to fellow magic users and academics. 


B)Tangler Shooter---- Special projectors in the arms and torso can shoot off a mass of entangling MDC bandage fabric, often impregnated with quick-set adhesive and a quick-dry resin that hardens the initially pliable material into harder-than-steel bindings. The material can be shot as a wad that hits like a strap-gun, or as a streamer still connected to the Tangler, allowing the gynoid to use it as a lariat or leash. 
Range: 100 ft
Damage: MDC: 2 MDC per foot of material
The adhesive holds with a PS of 30. 
Rate of Fire: ECHH
Payload: Has 50 MDC worth of polymer matrix stored before requiring reloading.

The Serpenspine can be fitted with a set of skeletal wings, which makes the Serpenspine look like as if it was the skeleton from an angle. The wings are used for attacking or for parrying melee strikes.
Adds 2 feet to the length of the spine.
Add 10 MDC to the spine.
Wings have 25 MDC each.
Increase number of attacks by +1
Increase weight by 20 lbs.

Wings(2) --- The wings can be used to strike
Range: Melee 10 ft reach
Damage: 2d4 MD per strike
Rate of Fire: ECHH
If wings are used for parrying, they add +2 to parry per wing.
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Re: Shemarrian-related fan creations

Unread post by kronos »

taalismn wrote:
kronos wrote:I need to get my rear in gear on producing some more stuff.. can't have you hogging all the glory :P
Also the list on the first page needs updating.. there's a large gap in the Warmounts list.. goes from 128 to 139.. I forget what all numbers we're at for everything now

:mrgreen: I'll get around to it...I also have to add in all the e-animals you came up with, plus the added equipment.
The codex list is like, now, at least five pages single-spaced. :bandit:

Heh, and I just added one more drone :twisted:
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Re: Shemarrian-related fan creations

Unread post by taalismn »

Good thing I had the Shemarrian Masterfile Codex up my other computer just now, so I can add it in its proper place then! 8)'s a thought...perhaps Awakened Serpenspines get a Horror Factor for being so...unearthly? Psionic pseudo-effect?
"Trouble rather the Tiger in his Lair,
Than the Sage among his Books,
For all the Empires and Kingdoms,
The Armies and Works that you hold Dear,
Are to him but the Playthings of the Moment,
To be turned over with the Flick of a Finger,
And the Turning of a Page"

--------Rudyard Kipling
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Re: Shemarrian-related fan creations

Unread post by kronos »

taalismn wrote:Good thing I had the Shemarrian Masterfile Codex up my other computer just now, so I can add it in its proper place then! 8)'s a thought...perhaps Awakened Serpenspines get a Horror Factor for being so...unearthly? Psionic pseudo-effect?

Hmm... that's an idea. I'll work on that later.
Edit: Ooooh... Awakened not only have a Horror factor brought on by a low level psionic aura spreading fear.. but can maybe infuse the gas cloud with psionic energy that can also damage supernatural critters.
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Re: Shemarrian-related fan creations

Unread post by taalismn »

I should have some quick art of the Serpenspine up this week....the gas cloud makes blurring out the 'speckle'(from scanning pen/pencil linear) a simple matter. :wink:
"Trouble rather the Tiger in his Lair,
Than the Sage among his Books,
For all the Empires and Kingdoms,
The Armies and Works that you hold Dear,
Are to him but the Playthings of the Moment,
To be turned over with the Flick of a Finger,
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Re: Shemarrian-related fan creations

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*EShe-R292CSh(d)----(aka ‘Puppet-skull’, ‘zombinator’, ‘spine-leech’)
“Your comrades...forget them! I saw them...they are the thralls of the dead now! They are ridden by the bone-spirits, who march them to the lands of the nightmares! None can rescue them now! All who have tried before, only death or madness, the living death-in-life, rewards them!”

Variant of the Serpenspine Robotic Drone, meant as a capture and restraint mechanism. The Serpenspine can drop over a victim, its collar bones and sternum opening up to encircle the victim’s upper body, and then contracting to form a collar. The arms mechanically reconfigure to form a ribcage-like straitjacket, trapping the victim’s arms. Finally, the spine-tail of the Serpenspine jabs special nano-tendrils into the victim’s spine, and injects special malnano nanites that seek out nerves and lock on. Besides being treated to an up-close dose of any incapacitating gases the drone is spraying, the captive is subjected to shock manipulation of their voluntary nervous system. After a period of calibration, the now-nerve-strung victim can be made to move at the direction of the drone as voluntary control of the limbs is preempted.
R292CSh(d)s work effectively against ‘soft’(i.e. relatively un-armored) targets, and it’s arguable that more conventional means of prisoner restraint (like a set of shackles, or simply a few twists of MDC cable) are more convenient, but both the Lost Eclipse and Clan Shelley seem to like the sheer shock value of the ‘zombinator’.
Weapons Systems:
7) Spinal Injectors---The spinal ‘tail’ of the drone is lined with extra flanges that conceal molecularly-sharp nanotubules that slide into a target’s back(easily piercing SDC clothing, but blocked by MDC armor), and thread their way into the nervous system, delivering spinal anesthesia drugs or locking on to hijack the voluntary nerve connections.
Range: Melee
Damage: 1 SDC/MD for the cybertendrils. + any injected drugs
-Spinal Hijack: For 1d4 melees, the victim loses control of their voluntary muscles, going into muscle tremors and herky-jerky movements when they try to move their limbs; NO Initiative, -2 APM, and reduce all bonuses for physical movement by HALF. Just standing up is nearly impossible; the victim must roll under their P.P. (-2) or fall down.
After this ‘calibration’ period, the victim’s limbs are effectively under the control of the Serpenspine and its masters. The victim cannot be made to engage in activities requiring fine control(including climbing and swimming), but can be made to move, albeit slowly at 25% of their normal speed, at the direction of the drone controller. The victim essentially sees their body walking at the direction of another.
Destroying the Serpenspine breaks the control, but the victim will suffer another period of seizures for 2d4 melees, as their body attempts to regain control, plus 1d4 SDC from the nanite-tendrils being snapped off in the body(they will, however, dissolve harmlessly with natural healing).
Payload: 25 doses of drugs/nanites

8 ) Restraint Lock---The Serpenspine’s arms, collarbones, and sternum ‘bone’ reconfigure to lock around the entangled target’s neck and upper body, becoming a straitjacket restraint that holds with a Robotic Strength of 18.

Wrestling---Adds the following: -Pin/Incapacitate on a Natural 18-20 strike roll.
+2 entangle
"Trouble rather the Tiger in his Lair,
Than the Sage among his Books,
For all the Empires and Kingdoms,
The Armies and Works that you hold Dear,
Are to him but the Playthings of the Moment,
To be turned over with the Flick of a Finger,
And the Turning of a Page"

--------Rudyard Kipling
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Re: Shemarrian-related fan creations

Unread post by kronos »

taalismn wrote:*EShe-R292CSh(d)----(aka ‘Puppet-skull’, ‘zombinator’, ‘spine-leech’)
“Your comrades...forget them! I saw them...they are the thralls of the dead now! They are ridden by the bone-spirits, who march them to the lands of the nightmares! None can rescue them now! All who have tried before, only death or madness, the living death-in-life, rewards them!”

OOOOOH! Nice variant!
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Re: Shemarrian-related fan creations

Unread post by taalismn »

Illo of the serpenspine should be up on my Photobucket account now....and it's titled too, so you know what to look for.
"Trouble rather the Tiger in his Lair,
Than the Sage among his Books,
For all the Empires and Kingdoms,
The Armies and Works that you hold Dear,
Are to him but the Playthings of the Moment,
To be turned over with the Flick of a Finger,
And the Turning of a Page"

--------Rudyard Kipling
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Re: Shemarrian-related fan creations

Unread post by kronos »

taalismn wrote:Illo of the serpenspine should be up on my Photobucket account now....and it's titled too, so you know what to look for.

As soon as photobucket is working.. I'll check it out.. there's gotta be another site that isn't as.. difficult as photobucket has become over the last few years.
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Re: Shemarrian-related fan creations

Unread post by taalismn »

kronos wrote:
taalismn wrote:Illo of the serpenspine should be up on my Photobucket account now....and it's titled too, so you know what to look for.

As soon as photobucket is working.. I'll check it out.. there's gotta be another site that isn't as.. difficult as photobucket has become over the last few years.

Yeah, I noticed took me eight minutes to convince it(TWICE) that I was who I was....let alone let me upload to it. And that's on top of the 'no direct linking' nonsense.
I haven't had any better luck with Imgur...
"Trouble rather the Tiger in his Lair,
Than the Sage among his Books,
For all the Empires and Kingdoms,
The Armies and Works that you hold Dear,
Are to him but the Playthings of the Moment,
To be turned over with the Flick of a Finger,
And the Turning of a Page"

--------Rudyard Kipling
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Re: Shemarrian-related fan creations

Unread post by kronos »

taalismn wrote:
kronos wrote:
taalismn wrote:Illo of the serpenspine should be up on my Photobucket account now....and it's titled too, so you know what to look for.

As soon as photobucket is working.. I'll check it out.. there's gotta be another site that isn't as.. difficult as photobucket has become over the last few years.

Yeah, I noticed took me eight minutes to convince it(TWICE) that I was who I was....let alone let me upload to it. And that's on top of the 'no direct linking' nonsense.
I haven't had any better luck with Imgur...

Maybe you should start a tumblr page of your art :P

Edit: Finally got photobucket to load. Looks nice!
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Re: Shemarrian-related fan creations

Unread post by taalismn »

(magic sensors courtesy of Kitsune)

Evol-class Interstellar Transport(Shemarrian Star Nation affiliate-species)
(aka ‘Harmonics’, ‘Pane-ships’, ‘Fractalites’)

“That cluster of shining towers over there? That’s not a town; that wasn’t there a week ago. That’s an Imur humanitarian aid flotilla that landed a couple of days ago, right on the edge of the war zone, and started taking in refugees. Some of the hotheads in the warbands corked off and lobbed some fire that way, but the Imur, for all their pacifism, have some SERIOUS shields and interceptor arrays. Nothing came within a mile of hitting their ships. NOT that I expect that if anything local did get through the point defense could do any damage to the metra-metal I hear those things are clad in. All the fireworks display did was paint the shooters’ positions for their enemies to drop fire on, and it was back to business as usual for the stupid bloody local war before morning. Well, not ENTIRELY business as usual. Some of the civie refugees caught in the crossfire of the war are going to survive the night, and stand a good chance of surviving the war maybe, and word is there’s a growing number of warband troops who are throwing away their guns and going over to the Imur zone to claim asylum, now that they have a option.“

“We would have died the slow death of oxygen depletion if those crystal-ships hadn’t have showed up. Mind you, they apologized for not bringing us all aboard on account of them lackig the space, but they did agree to take our worst injured and put them on life support. The rest of us, they tractored our ship and sent over some environmental support pods that gave us enough power and air to live off of while they towed us back to civilization and handed us all off to the CCW base at Trisholf. We were damned lucky that time in the Uncharted Regions; they could just as easily have been hostile...or, more likely, they might not have come upon us at all. We were REALLY lucky, or maybe somebody was looking out for us.”

“The Xronohate scrupulously scanned every vessel that left the fortress. They may have claimed they’d respect neutrality protocols, but they sure weren’t going to be gracious about it, seeing as they wrere there to crush a rebellion ‘instigated by foreign sources’. If anything other than genuine Imur ships came out through the escape vector corridor emerged, it was going to get blasted. But the fact that their scanners couldn’t get past the Imurs’ scrambler screens and stopped dead at the hulls, must have rankled those trigger-happy religious fanatics something bad. When the traffic picked up, they HAD to have known we were evacuating the civilians, and the POWs they oh so graciously gave us, because they began having ‘accidental weapons discharges’ across the corridor. Not that it did them much good; the Imur were hard-sleeping and eggcrating refugees to pack in as many as possible, and going full power as soon as they cleared the bays. Hard acceleration and jump to FTL faster than the Xronohate’s firewings could acquire target and shoot from outside the range of the fortress defenses.”

Evol-class Interstellar Transports are large multi-purpose starships that have become associated with the Imur oreseme/sgen. Though the Imur have used and commissioned general market vessels for their humanitarian work, they have also been seen using these starcraft, and the popular rumor is that these ships are legacy vessels that are what are left of the Imurs’ original starfaring culture. In reality, the design emerged from a mashup of technologies and designs found during exploration of the Shemarrian Star Nation territories; the actual vessels are fairly new, and have been constructed at SSN shipyards, mainly in Wayfinder territory.
Evols are inverse conical hulls with a vertical orientation, their narrow ends housing the drive systems, and the blunt, flattened, broad ends being bow shields. The Evols are ‘tail sitters’, resting on their narrow ends when in a gravity field; despite their top-heavy appearance in this position, they are actually remarkably stable. Their flattened bow shields act as landing pads for small craft when the ships are grounded. They are heavily armored in a crystalline material that sheds energy weapons fire quite effectively, and quickly repairs itself with the application of PPE or ISP, in addition to heavy variable forcescreening for their weight-class. Evols are not outfitted as warcraft, but they carry a powerful suite of point defense weaponry, to insure the ships’ safety and protect their neutrality.
Externally, the vessels’ crystalline appearance varies from ship to ship, with some sporting more conical bow shields, others long tails of sharp-edged vanes, others having folding wing-arrays, and all possessing different color schemes(and some actually change color even as observers watch). In general performance, however, Evols can be considered identical.
Little has been seen of the interiors of these vessels, but they seem to be optimized for cyborgs who have little phsyical need of creature comforts. Aside from several small offices and the treatment wards, there is little provision for what would be considered comfortable human habitation. Outside of the habitation sections and cargo bays, internal accessways are little more than crawlways, as the lanky, thin-framed Imur seem to have no sense of claustrophobia, and most others brought aboard are typically stretcher-bound. The few conscious visitors who have taken tours of the ships’ accessible areas -have- reported both very brightly lit interiors, and a few signs of Imur culture, mostly in the forms of flat-panel light sculptures adornig random deck surfaces, and the occasional colorful ‘bee’ or ‘insect’ remote flying down the accessways, seemingly at random.
Despite their development for the Imur, Evols are also being used in small numbers by the EShemar and Ne’R’Mar within Shemarrian Star Nation territory.

Type: ImIS-HST01 ‘Evol’
Class: Heavy Interstellar Transport
Crew: 400, typically Imur or their associated sub-AIs/golemoids, Can be run by as few as 30 dedicated crew.
MDC/Armor by Location:
Main Body 60,000
Tachyon Projectors(7) 400 each
Point Defense Laser Cannon(6) 300 each
Point Defense G-Cannon(6) 300 each
*Variable Forcefield 6,000 per side, 36,000 total

*Shield Refresh Rate is 15% per melee

Height: 300 ft
Width: 300 ft
Length: 960 ft
Weight: 120,000 tons
Cargo: 11,000 tons
Powerplant: Presumably some form of conventional nuclear fusion
Supplemental power for magic systems is provided by several (1-4) powerstone PPE generators--- 800 PPE battery capacity; recharges at 25 PPE per hour, 75 PPE/hour at a leyline, 150 PPE/hour on a nexus

(Atmosphere) Hover to Mach 3; transatmospheric.
(Sublight) Mach 14
(Kitsune Values: 65% of light speed; Accelerates/decelerates at 1.4% of light speed per melee)
(FTL) 5.7 light years per hour
(Underwater) Evols CAN land and take off from underwater, and have a depth tolerance of 1 mile, but they are not optimal for use as submarines, lacking any proper submarine propulsion.
Market Cost: Exclusive to the Imur/Shemarrian Star Nation
Systems of Note:
Standard Starship Systems, plus:
*Self-Repairing Hulls--- Using a combination of mini-bot servo-drones and ‘smart-dust’ nanotech, Evols can regenerate hull damage at a rate of 15 MDC per minute.

*Sensor Scramblers---These are active energy measures meant to confuse any attempts to scan through the ship’s hull. Deep radar, gravitic sensors, and the like either register the ship’s hull as a solid null, or are overwhelmed by a welter of confusing signals. Even phase sensors are at -70% to make sense of readings from inside the Evol’s hull.

*Advanced Long Range Sensors---Extreme range of 9 million miles.

*Stasis Chambers---These are for holding patients for treatment, or those few passengers the Imur carry on their journies. In standard configuration, 120 passengers can be carried in this manner, while dedicated hospital/refugee transports can carry 5,000.

*Quick-Jump System---The FTL drive system is equipped with advanced capacitors and power delivery systejms that allow the drive system to be in a ‘primed’ state for prolonged periods of time, rather than have to be powered up just prior to jumping to FTL. This allows the ship to be able to reach FTL speeds as soon as possible, without unnecessary delay(usually as soon as it clears atmosphere or a gravity well).

*Energy Absorbant/Scavenger Armor--- This armor composition was borne of EShemarrian efforts to duplicate WTZTechyards’ Syzite-Crystal composite armor and first pioneered on the tiny WZT Atom Light Fighter. However, the EShemar lacked access to the extradimensional materials used in the production of the Syzite, and so had to try to use other more commonly available materials to achieve the same effect. The EShemar have succeeded to a degree, but the necessary crystalline lattice structure proved too rigid to permit the same stealth properties the Shemarrians desired in their ships. The Shemarrian composition also required the angular configuration that has come to typify the Evols. in order for proper redirection of energy to work. As such, the crystalline armor was deemed too heavy and specialized for the EShemar fleets, bit perfect for the Imur sgen fleets. The crystalline panels are sandwiches of honeycomb, laced with sueprconductive fiber-conduits that help transfer and disperse energy from weapons attacks, reducing the damage. This effectively works to render the ship’s hull resistant to ENERGY weapons, such as lasers, ion, plasma, and particle beams(do only 25% of normal damage).
Furthermore, the EShemar knocked off another WZT innovation, energy absorbant panels, by redirecting the absorbed energy to productive use; the next melee, HALF of the damage initially rolled is applied to Shield MDC and retained(but cannot exceed the ship’s maximum shield capacity strength).
The system does retain the weaknesses of the WZT systems, however:
-The system is ineffective against rail guns, missiles, and projectile weaponry.
-Magic attacks and kinetic attacks(rail guns, explosive missiles, meteors, etc..) do FULL damage.
-The system cannot handle more than 1,000 MD per attack(so a main battle cannon doing 1d6x1,000 MD per blast would do full damage).
-If the ship’s hull takes more than 75% overall damage, the dispersion network is compromised and energy attacks revert to full damage.

*Active Jamming Systems----The Evols do not have passive stealth systems, but can throw out massive amounts of energetic sensor static and decoys to (hopefilly) deflect enemy fire from themselves.
-Sensor Jamming: -50% to enemy detection rolls, and a -6 to strike with sensor-guided weaponry.
-Sensor Ghost Projection---The Evols have the ability to project multiple sensor ‘ghosts’(up to ten) up to 25,000 miles away, giving false readings on their numbers and exact position. These projections can fool most long range sensors(-70% to Read Sensory Instrument rolls).

*Tractor Beam Projectors(7)---The Evol mounts no less than seven tractor beam projectors.......for handling cargo pods, towing other shops, and inparting momentum to larger objects. Each tractor beam projector can handle 1,000 tons, and has a range of 12 miles.

*Expandable Force Shields---The area of coverage of the forcescreening can be expanded to cover an area roughly five times the length of the ship in radius(roughly 5,000 ft), though shield strength diminishes 25%(or only 4,500 MDC per side). However, this allows the ship to cover a larger area, such as smaller vessels tucked up close to it, or people and property standing around the landed Evol.

*Fractal Locks----Evols have the ability of locking and merging together with other Evols, to form spacestations or large surface structures. The crystalline structures of the starships seem to splinter and connect with those of other Evols, forming beautiful multi-faceted freefloating or linked tower facilities that share forcesceening capability(merge the MDC values) as well as energy-dissipation thresholds(where before a single Evol could safely dissipate 1,000 MD per attack, two merged ships can now handle 2,000 MDC, three 3,000, and so on). Also, the range of onboard weapons is increased by 50%.
The downside is that merged Evols can only move under station-keeping thrusters(maximum acceleration of 670 MPH/Mach 1), cannot dodge, and cannot jump to FTL speed while locked together). Still, the configuration is useful for forming temporary orbital facilities or defensive positions.

Weapons Systems:
1) Tachyon Scatter Cannons(7)---These wide-angle weapons provide good solid defense against fighters and missiles, and can even damage larger vessels.
Range: 5 miles in atmosphere, 10 miles in space w/ 4 mile wide arc
(Kitsune Values: 10 miles in atmosphere, 10,000 miles in space w/ 12 mile wide arc)
Reduce arc size in atmosphere to 1/4
Damage: 1d4x100 MD per single cannon firing
Rate of Fire: EGCHH
Payload: Effectively Unlimited

2) Point Defense Laser Cannon(6)---Triple-barrel laser arrays in extendable turrets.
Range: 3 miles in atmosphere, 6 miles in space
(Kitsune Values: 6 miles in atmosphere, 6,000 miles in space)
Damage: 2d6x10 MD single barrel firing, 4d6x10 MD for two barrels firing, 6d6x10 MD for all three cannons firing simultaneously(counts as one attack).
Rate of Fire: EGCHH
Payload: Effectively Unlimited

3) Point Defense G-Cannon(6)---Fire crystalline shards at relativistic velocities able to shred enemy missiles and fighters. Up to two turrets can engage the same target.
Range: 10 miles in atmosphere, 20 miles in space
(Kitsune Values: 10 miles in atmosphere, 1,000 miles in space)
Damage: 4d6x10 MD per single cannon 20 rd burst(only fires bursts)
8d6x10 MD for a synchronized burst(counts as one attack)
Rate of Fire: EGCHH
Payload: 3,000 bursts per cannon

4) ) Countermeasure Launchers(4) ---The Imur vessels mount multi-media dispenser countermeasure systems capable of launching ‘smart dust’ chaff and decoys:
a) Chaff
Range: Close Defense
Damage: None; similar to Triax-style chaff
01-50 Enemy Missile or volley detonates in chaff and threat is neutralized
51-75 Missile/Volley diverts and may pursue/lock on to other targets
76-00 No Effect! Missile(s) still on target!
Will also temporarily blind and impede flying monsters who fly into it.
In space, anything flying at high speed through the cloud will take 2d6 MD +1d6 MD per every 100 miles of speed over 670 MPH.
Reduce APMs/combat bonuses/ speed by half for 1d4 melees
Payload: 72 bundles(additional reloads can be carried as cargo; 1 ton of cargo per 20 bundles)

b) The second system releases a nanotech swarm of active jamming pods and decoys that are programmed to emulate a spacecraft’s sensor signature, or, at the very least, bury enemy tactical communications in ‘white noise’.
Duration: 5 minutes per pod-spray
Effects: Jams radio signals(75% chance of jamming military band command-guidance ordnance), and 60% chance of deflecting ordinary missiles.
Payload: 25 swarm packs(additional reloads can be carried as cargo; 1 ton of cargo per 12 bundles)

c) Decoy Launcher---This system uses modified grav-pack drives and signal projectors to create a moving pattern of sensor signatures. The grav-pack mini-missile drives can go for 10 minutes before self-destructing, and can either be remotely directed or run a pre-set pattern.
Effective Speed: Mach 6
Duration: 10 minutes per pod
Effects: The decoys have a 70% chance of fooling enemy sensor operators and expert systems. They are also +2 to enemy sensor-guided munitions to strike, increasing the chance that the missiles will elect to pursue the ‘louder’ sensor signature(the missile rolls to strike for both the original ship and each decoy deployed....highest to strike roll determines which target the missile(s) go after).
Payload: 60 decoys are carried, and can be deployed singly, or in ‘packs’ of 1-3. (additional reloads can be carried as cargo; 1 ton of cargo per 10 bundles)

Magic Systems:
The EShemar transplanted a good deal of TW equipment from the Delphin-class.
Depending on the individual vessel and crew composition, the exact TW systems may vary, but the following are the standard/more commonly installed systems: 1) PPE Generator(‘Sorcerer’)(1-4) --- 800 PPE battery capacity; recharges at 25 PPE per hour, 75 PPE/hour at a leyline, 150 PPE/hour on a nexus

2)TW Enhancements:

*Magic Space Tether(11 PPE, 30 minutes, 200 ft. 130,000 tons)

*Impervious to Energy(160 PPE, 10 minutes)

*Invisibility: Superior(160 PPE, 6 minutes)

*Star Light(23 PPE, lasts 10 minutes and covers a 2,000 ft area)

*Triangulated Teleportation (80 PPE, 1 million miles)---This spell system is used in conjunction with a beacon at the point of arrival(typically a beacon deployed aboard an LRM probe or by other Away teams. To reverse it, the ship must drop its force shielding to recover Teleported crew).

*Hull Regeneration(1,440 PPE, limit of 30% of the hull. Repairs are Permanent)

*Solar Flare(250 PPE, lasts 1d6+5 hours, range of 1,200 miles, 300 mile area.)

*Create Nebula(500 PPE, lasts 10 hours, 20 mile range, covers a 50 mile wide area)

*Nexus Space Warp(380 PPE)

3)Magical Sensors
-•See the Invisible Sensors: The ship has several special optical and other sensor systems with see the invisible on them. Same as spell and used at will (requires no P.P.E. to activate). Range: 2,000 miles (3,220 kilometers) in space and 2 miles (3.2 km) in an atmosphere.
•Sense Magic: The ship has sensors which the give the ability to detect active magic. Similar to spell and used at will (requires no P.P.E. to activate). Range: 200,000 miles (322,000 kilometers) in space and 200 miles (320 km) in an atmosphere.
•Sense Rifts: Ship has sensors which effectively allow Rifts to be detected. The system can be (requires no P.P.E. to activate). Range: 500,000 miles (805,000 kilometers) in space and 500 miles (805 km) in an atmosphere.

4) TW Drive Enhancement--DOUBLE speed on a ley line

Auxiliary Craft:
Evols can carry 3-9 small ‘grav-boats’ similar to Cargo Runabouts
"Trouble rather the Tiger in his Lair,
Than the Sage among his Books,
For all the Empires and Kingdoms,
The Armies and Works that you hold Dear,
Are to him but the Playthings of the Moment,
To be turned over with the Flick of a Finger,
And the Turning of a Page"

--------Rudyard Kipling
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Re: Shemarrian-related fan creations

Unread post by kronos »

Ingis Crawler

While a few Clan Vespa observers were working with an Obsidian Dawn extermination squad, they noted some of the difficulties in fighting such targets as the
Xiticix. Thus they looked to nature and came up with the Ingis Crawler. The Ingis Crawler is large for a microbot, measuring at just over four inches long, standing 1.5 inches tall, designed like an ant of the carpenter genus, with large mandibles and enlarged thorax. The abdomen has a raised crest/horn-like structure. The abdomen contains an experimental plasma based battery that gives the Ingis Crawler a large amount of power for small but powerful plasma blaster built in the crest on the abdomen. This plasma battery, while powerful for its small size, is also unstable, which the Vespa's use to an advantage. The Ingis Crawler, like the exploding version of the carpenter ant, can detonate the plasma battery in a fiery explosion larger than some grenades. As an added bonus, the plasma continues to burn on whatever it lands on for a while, continuing to do damage. If the Ingis Crawler suffers heavy damage it will also detonate, hopefully while close to an enemy target. The plasma battery is based on a plasma power source the Vespa's found in archived files given to them from the Hawkmoon tribe, which included some of the technical files from ARCHIE 3 and the files he acquired from the Mechanoids.
The Ingis is designed as an offensive only weapon, only acting defensively to protect holdings. The Ignis Crawler uses swarm tactics, striking from multiple directions, and is never used in a protective manner like the other swarms.
The robotic intelligence of the Ingis Cralwer is about equivalent of fairly intelligent animals, but are connected together as a hive intelligence, increasing the intelligence when grouped together in large swarms, working to move each within supporting range so that if one gets destroyed, it won't take out others and new ones easily moving to take the place of the missing unit. They also know when to sacrifice themselves for the greater good of the mission. They are also programmed with demolition skills so that they can either act as demolition explosives or attack weak points for sabotage.
Ingis Crawler drones are completely AI robots and are never Awakened, seen as tools and weapons. The helmets and communications of the Necromancer can easily control and give instructions to the swarm, especially when grouped together for a higher hive intelligence, allowing the swarm to act independently for a few hours, reporting surveillance intelligence the swarm gathers, and watching enemy movement during large battles.
The swarm is usually kept in a specially designed container that looks like a wicker basket, about 1.5 ft diameter by 2 feet deep, holding 50 Ingis Crawlers. This container can recharge the flies and gets power via induction with the Shemarrian Warmount, as the power for the plasma battery requires far more energy, carrying it, or power hook up from a vehicle. The container has 15 MDC and weighs 30 lbs. empty. A larger container measuring 2 feet wide by 2.5 feet deep is available that holds 75 crawlers, weighing 35 lbs empty.

Type: EcoS-D242cv Ingis Crawler
Class: MicroRobot
Crew: None; robot intelligence
SDC/Armor by Location:
Main Body 45
Head 10
Legs(6) 6 each
*Ingis Crawler are incredibly small and difficult to notice, attacks suffer -3 to strike, if the opponent is even aware of it.

Height: 1.5 inches
Width: 1.25 inches at shoulders , 3 inch wingspan
Length: 4.5 inches
Weight: 1.2 lbs
Cargo: Only what can be carried in the ‘bot’s arms 
Physical Strength: Equivalent to human P.S. of 6
Each Ingis Cralwer has an effective IQ of 6, but when in groups of 20 or more, gain +1 IQ for the group per 20 additional crawlers, allowing a large swarm to operate independently quite effectively with missions of spying or co-ordinating tactics. The crawlers must be within 60 feet of each other for this additional boost in IQ.
Powerplant: Plasma Battery provides enough power to keep the Ingis Crawler powered for 24 hours. Takes 5 hours to recharge.
Speed: (Running) 10 MPH, able to crawl up walls and ceilings at full speed
(Underwater) Able to crawl along bottom at 5 MPH, maximum depth of 200 ft.
Market Cost: Exclusive to the Ecotroz-Shemar
Systems of Note:
*Thermo-Optics (100 ft range)
*Camera/Video Eye w/ live transmission
*Basic Audio
*Radio, range: 20 miles
*Motion Detector (500 ft range)
*Recording Chip---Stores up to 8 hours of recorded observations. 
*Modulating Voice Synthesizer Chip---Allows the Ingis Crawler to imitate a variety of natural sounds, such as animal calls.

*Plasma Proof Construction - Using ceramics and EM fields, Fiery Wings are immune to plasma based attacks. Magical plasma attacks deal 50% damage, particle beam weapons deal only 50% damage due to the EM fields used to control and protect against plasma. Immune to normal fire, MD and magical fire deals 50% damage.

*Molecular Adhesion Pads---The Ingis Crawler can cling to just about any surface like an insect, thanks to these pads in the feet.

*Co-Ordinate Attack - If more than one Ingis Crawler are working together to attack a single target, they enjoy +1 to strike rolls for every 5 Ingis Crawlers within 100 feet attacking the same target, plus if 20 Ingis Crawler attacking the same target increase the chance of one scoring a critical strike to on a natural roll of 19 or 20 as each are feeding targeting data and weak points. Also if more than 10 Ingis Crawlers are attacking the same target, during the melee round that they attack, the target suffers -2 to Dodge rolls against the Ingis Crawlers as they strike and position to keep the target off balance and in their sights.

Weapons Systems:
1) Bite - The heads are equipped with potent but small mandibles, which can be used to hold wires or very small objects, or cutting through materials to allow the Ingis Crawlers to access other areas.
Range: Melee
Damage: 1d4 S.D.C. Or 1 MD (takes 2 actions).

2)Plasma Blaster - The horn or crest on the Ingis Crawler is a potent short range plasma blaster, with a bolt and a spray version, particularly useful against swarms.
Range: plasma blast 100 ft
Plasma Spray 40 ft
Damage: Plasma Blast 2d6 MD, targets struck will suffer 1d6 MD for 1d4 rounds.
Plasma Spray 1d6+2 MD to a 30-degree arc (or roughly 15 ft wide area), targets will suffer 1d6 MD the next round.
Rate of Fire: ECHH
Payload: Effectively Unlimited as long as the plasma battery has power.

3)Self-Destruct - The plasma battery that powers the Ingis Crawler is very unstable and it can detonate it on command, or if it is destroyed, creating a large explosion. The plasma contained within also continues to burn for several seconds. This is particularly useful in hives, weakening the structure or burning holes in walls.
Range: Self triggered detonation 20 foot radius. If destroyed by enemy attack only 10 ft radius.
Damage: Self-triggered 5d6 MD. Upon destruction from enemy attack only 3d6 MD. Continues to do 1d6 damage to everything the blast radius struck (even if someone moves out of the area) for 1d4 melees. Anyone moving into an area that has the plasma burning will take 1d4 MD.

Chemical Spray - The Ingis can be fitted with a chemical sprayer that can release any chemical loaded into it, but only has a single dose. The system is also designed to release upon the Ingis Crawler's destruction.
Typically loaded with chemicals that aid in its mission, such as pesticides, although other poisons or irritates can be loaded. Contains 1 dose, covers a 5 foot area. If fitted with an extended abdomen, the system will have an additional 3 doses.

*Extended Abdomen - Ingis Crawler can be fitted with an extend abdomen/thorax which can contain extra systems. The mini-pod adds extra drag (reduce maximum speed to 8 MPH) but allows the microrobot to carry extra systems such as the following based on the Vespina, although smaller: 
a) Drug Needle and Injector---Stinger needle does 1 SDC damage, plus chemical effects. Can carry enough chemical for 3 doses.

b) Acid Sprayer---Can spray an area (3 ft wide) with a corrosive that, depending on the specific agent involved, does 1d6 SDC for 1d4 melees, or 1 MD per melee for 1d4 melees. Has enough for 2 applications.

c) Tracer Chip Dispenser---The Ingis Crawler can attach (via adhesive or injection under the skin) a small micro-tracer to a target. The chip can act as a passive transponder or as an active ‘pinger’(3,000 ft range, 48 hour battery life). Can carry up to 5 chips.

d) Micro-Explosive(s)---The Ingis Crawler can deposit a small explosive device, ranging from a detonator chip(does 1 SDC and useful for destroying circuitry or setting off larger explosives....up to 10 can be carried) to larger explosive devices. Also consult the following for other micro-explosives:
Weight:(.22) 1.9 grams
(5.56mm/.22 ‘long’) 2.8 grams
(7.62mm) 8 grams
(9mm) 115 grams
(15mm) 120 grams
(20mm) 130 grams
(.22) 2d6 SDC to eight inch ft blast radius
(5.56mm/.22 ‘long’) 6d6 SDC to 1 ft blast radius
(7.62mm) 1d6x10 SDC to 1.5 ft blast radius
(9mm) 9d6 SDC to a 2 ft blast radius
(15mm) 2d4x10 SDC to a 2 ft blast radius
(20mm) 4d6x10 SDC to a 3 ft blast radius

(.22) 1d4 MD to six inch ft blast radius
(5.56mm/.22 ‘long’) 1d4 MD to 1 ft blast radius
(7.62mm) 1d4 MD to 1.5 ft blast radius
(9mm) 1d4 MD to 2 ft blast radius
(15mm) 3d6 MD to 2 ft blast radius(*uses more recent chemical technology)
(20mm) 4d4 MD to 2 ft blast radius
-Exploder Chip---A multi-mode detonator that be set for as little as a fifteen second count to as long as five minutes, or can be radio detonated. 
Payload: The Carrion Fly can carry up to 90 grams of micro-explosives

e) Neural Stinger - Improved version of the Neural Stinger described in the Rifts Bionics Sourcebook(pg. 47). Targets are -8 to strike, parry, and dodge, plus reduce Speed and APMs by HALF. Four or more stings means that the victim must roll to save versus unconsciousness, a failed save meaning the victim is knocked out for 2d4 melees. The neural-stinger has enough power as long as the plasma battery has power.

f) Flash-Blinder - The extended abdomen is actually a high-powered illumination source that can light up a 30 ft area, but can also produce a strobing effect similar to a Blinding Flash spell (has enough battery power for 12 such flashes, recharges at a rate of 12 flashes an hour). 

j) Ignitor----A modified soldering iron, that can be used to inflict a severe burn (1d6 SDC) or set materials on fire. 

Demolitions 60%
Detect Ambush 60%
Detect Concealment 60%
Intelligence 80%
Basic Math 98%
Radio: Basic 98%
Prowl 85%
Tracking 90%
Navigation 86%
Wilderness Survival 80%
Computer Operation 80%
Language: Can understand 5 different languages 80%

Actions/Attacks Per Melee: 3
Initiative +3
Dodge +5
Automatic Dodge +2
Strike +3 (+1 w/ ranged weaponry) 
Roll +6
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Re: Shemarrian-related fan creations

Unread post by taalismn »

kronos wrote:Ingis Crawler

"Don''t fire the fire ants. Just don't. We tried launching them with grenade launchers. It didn't work out well."
"It's an SDC 'bot with an MD explosive powerplant!!! Who'd be dumb enough to even try that in the first place????!!!"
"Me."(last speaker is revealed to be a Skullcrusher, looking blast-faced, still smoldering, and gyroscopically-impaired) "Stick to kitten-launchers."#THUD#
"Trouble rather the Tiger in his Lair,
Than the Sage among his Books,
For all the Empires and Kingdoms,
The Armies and Works that you hold Dear,
Are to him but the Playthings of the Moment,
To be turned over with the Flick of a Finger,
And the Turning of a Page"

--------Rudyard Kipling
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Re: Shemarrian-related fan creations

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Horrible thought: we've had some gag Shemarrian stuff like the Brightmare and the Bunnibopper, and both the Lolis and the Nightmares have mean senses of humor, but I don't think we've dared dip into what happens if the Wayfinders convert a Ludicrous Mage into their ranks.... :fool: :frazz:
"Trouble rather the Tiger in his Lair,
Than the Sage among his Books,
For all the Empires and Kingdoms,
The Armies and Works that you hold Dear,
Are to him but the Playthings of the Moment,
To be turned over with the Flick of a Finger,
And the Turning of a Page"

--------Rudyard Kipling
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Re: Shemarrian-related fan creations

Unread post by kronos »

taalismn wrote:Horrible thought: we've had some gag Shemarrian stuff like the Brightmare and the Bunnibopper, and both the Lolis and the Nightmares have mean senses of humor, but I don't think we've dared dip into what happens if the Wayfinders convert a Ludicrous Mage into their ranks.... :fool: :frazz:

Interesting idea.. which Rifter are Ludicrous Mage in?
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Re: Shemarrian-related fan creations

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EcoS-KBSS5Br ‘Pyro-Gekker’
(aka ‘Hibachiyoid’, ‘Willy-Peeps’, ‘Arsonites’, ‘Stovebirds’)

“Ever been swarmed by a wave of banshee-screaming phosphorus torches charging on two legs, hell-bent on setting you on fire? That was my introduction to the willy-peeps---there must have been a thousand of the damned things running at us like an intelligent stream of lava ramping right for the middle of our column. More than one of the mercs lost it right then. Fortunately, most of them just broke and ran, and thus survived to live another day. I am not ashamed to say I was among them. I saw one or two, however, who just stood there and emptied their guns into the oncoming swarm, and just as quickly as they burned through their clips, they were burned to vapor. We lost all but a handful of vehicles that the drivers will able to get turned around and up to speed, even with troops haging off their sides, fast enough to escape being set ablaze. And my group were the LUCKY ones; the Shemarrians apparently only had a handful of warriors to take potshots at us as we retreated. Lucky us. ”

“The hibachiyoid’s smart enough to know what heat-level is appropriate, and will prompt its user to make sure they really DO want metal-melting temperatures instead of toasting heat. That’s saved a lot of camp followers from requiring bionic replacement or conversion surgery ...or urn burial.”

This e-animal is a Blood Rider variant on the EcoS-KBSS4Br Gekker, the Shemarrian version of the Kittani ABSS-2 Simple Security Drone. However, the design has been vastly simplified to remove most of the accessory limbs and head, in favor of a smooth, ovid, ceramometal body. They still retain the sensors of their cousin design, but they lack any sort of manipulatory appendages or other visible organs, aside from a pair of eyes inset into the body, and a top teardrop-like spike.
Instead, PyroGekkers are walking open-hearth fires. PyroGekkers can generate a plasma field around their bodies that can be adjusted from a relatively cool hot gas to an armor-vaporizing pocket supernova. Their bodies are extremely heat-resistant, while their flange-wings serve both to shape and contain the generated plasma, as well as serve as brackets and burners on which to support cooking pots or crucibles.
PyroGekkers are camp e-animals, typically found around Blood Rider encampments where they serve as handy portable heat sources, especially useful when foraging for firewood and other fuels isn’t an option. Tinkers and Acolites find them useful as forge-fires and cooking fires(and sometimes the difference between the two is hard to tell when the latter are cooking up some hearty lithium or aluminum soup). In their capacity as watch-anmals, they are often deployed on a camp perimeter, their plasma lights providing a lit security zone. They can also be used to light landing zones and ceremonial grounds. They have also been used in combat, especially when deployed in large ‘flocks’ to distract and disorient opponents, and set fire to enemy encampments and facilities.
Unlike their Gekker cousins, PyroGekkers are NOT Awakened with an Ecotroz essence. They are considered to be expendable.
PyroGekkers are a common sight around Blood Rider encampments and caravans, as even NeShemar groups have them. A few have been acquired by other Shemarrian Tribes, though it is not known if anybody else has acquired the templates to produce their own.

Type: EcoS-KBSS5Br PyroGekker
Class: Robotic Scout/Sentry/Mobile Stove/Campfire
Crew: None; robot intelligence
MDC/Armor by Location:
Main Body 150
Fins(4) 30 each
Legs(2) 90 each
Height: 5 ft
Width: 4 ft
Length: 9 ft
Weight: 800 lbs
Cargo: None
Physical Strength: Robotic P.S. of 15
Powerplant: Nuclear
Speed: (Running) 50 MPH
(Leaping) Can leap up to 15 ft up/20 ft across.
(Flying) Not possible
(Space) Can survive in space, but not maneuver.
(Underwater) Can run along the bottom at 6 MPH. Maximum depth of 2,000 ft
Market Cost: Exclusive to the Ecotroz-Shemar
Systems of Note:
Full optical systems, laser targeting, passive nightvision, telescopic vision, thermal imaging, infrared, ultraviolet, and polarization filters. Audio sensors include amplified hearing, ultra ear, radio band scanner, radio code descrambler, and cryptoanalysis(50%). Also has motion and heat detection, radiation detector, built-in radar( 1 mile range) and other standard power armor-equivalent systems. Additional/special sensors may be built in by the creating Spinsters or at the behest of individual riders/owners.

*Bionic Cybernanite Repair Systems--- Only about 20% of Gekker ‘bots have the same bionic nanotech repair system that the Ecotroz Shemar have refitted themselves with, and which is becoming the standard among NeShemar as well. These systems repair 3d6 MD per hour, and can repair 100 MDC before needing material stocks to convert to MD repair material.

* Thermal Shielding---The PyroGekker takes NO damage from its own plasma field, and NO damage from heat-based attacks(magic-based fire still does full damage). With the plasma field down, plasma attacks do only 1/4 damage(the plasma stream still has some kinetic kick to impart).

Weapons Systems:
1) Plasma Field----The PyroGekker uses a lower-poweed and simplier form of the plasma field familiar to Blood Rider Zealots.
When on, the plasma field renders the PyroGekker effectively IMPERVIOUS to plasma attacks; they just ‘splash’ around the control field.
Range: Melee; can extend out 3 ft in radius
Damage: Adjustable---Can do as little as 1d4 SDC per melee on ‘low’, to 2d4 MD per touch on ‘high’.
Rate of Fire: ECHH
Payload: Effectively unlimited

2) (Optional) Self-Destruct---If need be, the PyroGekker’s powerplant can be overloaded to go off like a plasma grenade. Does 6d6 MD to a 10 ft radius, and completely destroys the ‘bot.

Identical to the ABBS-2: Prowl 60%, Climb 60%, Track By Scent and Sound 60%, Land Navigation 89%, Intelligence 89%, Detect Ambush 89%, Detect Concealment 60%

Actions/Attacks Per Melee: 4
Initiative +1
Dodge +2 when running
Strike +1
Roll +2
Kick 2d6 SDC
Leap Attack/Flying Body Block/Drop-Stomp(2 attacks) 4d6 SDC, plus 1-75% chance of knocking opponent down/over(victim loses initiative and 2 melee attacks)
"Trouble rather the Tiger in his Lair,
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Re: Shemarrian-related fan creations

Unread post by DhAkael »

kronos wrote:
taalismn wrote:Horrible thought: we've had some gag Shemarrian stuff like the Brightmare and the Bunnibopper, and both the Lolis and the Nightmares have mean senses of humor, but I don't think we've dared dip into what happens if the Wayfinders convert a Ludicrous Mage into their ranks.... :fool: :frazz:

Interesting idea.. which Rifter are Ludicrous Mage in?

Dear lord... :shock:
you wouldn't... :?
you couldn... actually, no. you both SOOooooo would. :P
Okay gentlemels; lets see what you got percolating in those twisted minds of yours. :erm:
Bind the body to the opened mind
Bind the body to the opened mind

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A void in the sentient sky
I dream of fissures across the moon
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Re: Shemarrian-related fan creations

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DhAkael wrote:Dear lord... :shock:
you wouldn't... :?
you couldn... actually, no. you both SOOooooo would. :P
Okay gentlemels; lets see what you got percolating in those twisted minds of yours. :erm:

Well, to be honest, the Lost Eclipse has probably already embraced the mental scarification that is ... :clown: clowns :clown:
"Trouble rather the Tiger in his Lair,
Than the Sage among his Books,
For all the Empires and Kingdoms,
The Armies and Works that you hold Dear,
Are to him but the Playthings of the Moment,
To be turned over with the Flick of a Finger,
And the Turning of a Page"

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Re: Shemarrian-related fan creations

Unread post by kronos »

taalismn wrote:
DhAkael wrote:Dear lord... :shock:
you wouldn't... :?
you couldn... actually, no. you both SOOooooo would. :P
Okay gentlemels; lets see what you got percolating in those twisted minds of yours. :erm:

Well, to be honest, the Lost Eclipse has probably already embraced the mental scarification that is ... :clown: clowns :clown:

I haven't started on that idea yet.. but soon as I find the info.. might come up with something..
I still have to finish my EShemarrian Tattoo Warrior... Yeah.. what a way to start making others worry more that the Shemarrians successfully freed themselves, AND learned Tattoo magic (really tech based, but with some magic thrown in for appearances and some abilities)..
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Re: Shemarrian-related fan creations

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Didn't mean to forget, Kronos. Ludicrous Mages appear in the Rifter #9 1/2, and in the Best of the Rifter issues.
They're magic comedic-assassins whose original aim-to-kill has arguably softened over the years, but they can just as effectively assassinate reputations with some well-timed and well-aimed humiliation, all while operating the guise of funny-men.
"Trouble rather the Tiger in his Lair,
Than the Sage among his Books,
For all the Empires and Kingdoms,
The Armies and Works that you hold Dear,
Are to him but the Playthings of the Moment,
To be turned over with the Flick of a Finger,
And the Turning of a Page"

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Re: Shemarrian-related fan creations

Unread post by kronos »

taalismn wrote:Didn't mean to forget, Kronos. Ludicrous Mages appear in the Rifter #9 1/2, and in the Best of the Rifter issues.
They're magic comedic-assassins whose original aim-to-kill has arguably softened over the years, but they can just as effectively assassinate reputations with some well-timed and well-aimed humiliation, all while operating the guise of funny-men.

So something like a pie in the face gag where the cream on the pie is actually contact poison or acid, would be something they'd do?
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Re: Shemarrian-related fan creations

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kronos wrote:
taalismn wrote:Didn't mean to forget, Kronos. Ludicrous Mages appear in the Rifter #9 1/2, and in the Best of the Rifter issues.
They're magic comedic-assassins whose original aim-to-kill has arguably softened over the years, but they can just as effectively assassinate reputations with some well-timed and well-aimed humiliation, all while operating the guise of funny-men.

So something like a pie in the face gag where the cream on the pie is actually contact poison or acid, would be something they'd do?

Yeah, the Pie spell has several different variations from simply staining you yellow to glowing you up.
It's the WATER BALLOONS that have the acid option.
Other spells humiliate you(drop your drawers, make you drool and gibber like a madman, render you incompetent, or give you good reason to fear old clothes, bubblegum, and the Pillsbury Doughboy.
The OCCis made for people who wanna be stand-ups or wiseacres, but the downside is that, unless you can have access to an audience to perform to, you can go quite mad joking with yourself. It's like the Joker and Deadpool had a kid trained by Zatanna.
"Trouble rather the Tiger in his Lair,
Than the Sage among his Books,
For all the Empires and Kingdoms,
The Armies and Works that you hold Dear,
Are to him but the Playthings of the Moment,
To be turned over with the Flick of a Finger,
And the Turning of a Page"

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Re: Shemarrian-related fan creations

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Wow I've got a long ways to read to catch up with everything. It's been awhile since I was last here and I still need to update my fluff text on some characters of mine.
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Re: Shemarrian-related fan creations

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Mercenaryx wrote:Wow I've got a long ways to read to catch up with everything. It's been awhile since I was last here and I still need to update my fluff text on some characters of mine.

In all good time, when you think you're ready with good stuff to show us. :D
"Trouble rather the Tiger in his Lair,
Than the Sage among his Books,
For all the Empires and Kingdoms,
The Armies and Works that you hold Dear,
Are to him but the Playthings of the Moment,
To be turned over with the Flick of a Finger,
And the Turning of a Page"

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Re: Shemarrian-related fan creations

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(Thanks to Kronos for his Exo-Generator....he seemed to have anticipated some of what I had in mind for this lady)

Clan Vespa Coccina Elite(aka ‘Ladybuggy’)

“Hi, I’m here to get the bugs out of your hardware.”

“To anybody who’s sorely tempted to sing that ‘Ladybug’ ditty, I’d like to remind them that I’ve rigged my quarters with three different fire suppression systems, my furniture is all made of fire-resistant or -retardant materials, I have real-time environmental monitoring linkage, and my kids are at their grandmother’s place for the weekend.”

“The adorability factor, what with the pink leotard outfit, the ladybug shell, and the teely-bopper sensor pods on the antennae...well, I’ve heard of at least one Coccina being kidnapped by members of the Lollipop tribe. Don’t know what the Vespas had to pay in ransom to get her back, but it must have been pretty steep, because the Lolis don’t give up anything ‘cute’ easily. “

“Small, but tough, and smart. That pretty much sums up the important aspects of the Coccina. But don’t ever forget that these people can whip up the cutest boobytraps I’ve ever seen, or fix stuff with boggling speed.”

Some outsiders have accused Clan Vespa of being obsessive and fanatical, with regards to their fixation on insects and technology. The Coccina seems to be a response to those accusations, by showing that the ’insect clan’ has a sense of humor.
Coccina are small-statured cyberhumanoids with more ‘petite’ figures(some observers have described them as ‘pixie-ish’). They are also distinguished by being able to symbiotically link to a multimode carapace mantle-pod that in its ‘retracted state’ resembles a short rigid colorful cape and black shoulder-mantle(or padded backpack), which are heavier than they look. The short cape is actually a package-pod of memory-materials and rapid-deploy nanotech that unfolds into large rigid armored wing-carapaces that can wrap around and encapsulate the gynoid in a protective shell of armor. In its expanded form, the carapace-pack also has six small robotic armatures and tool holders for the Coccina’s favorite tools. The mantle-pod also incorporates a jet pack and aerodynamic control wings that allow the Coccina to fly. The Coccina is the only Vespan who can use this, and they are fully functional without it, but they are more often seen wearing them than without them.
The Coccina further shows off Clan Vespa’s prowess in nanotechnology by having forearms that are ’morphing multi-configuration nanotech multitools. With a thought, the Coccina can reconfigure her hands and forearms in any one of over 500 preprogrammed shapes(and some Coccina are known to even be able to hack their own systems to produce custom shapes).
Coccina clothing and armor tends towards black undergarments and bright high-visibility armor plates(typically red, yellow, or orange) to alert others of possible danger from any equipment the Coccina may be working on.
Coccina are notably lacking in integral armaments; the personalities that the chassis-type is inclined towards tend to be artists, engineers, and scientists for the most part. It is expected that the Coccina will increasingly fill the same role for Clan Vespa as Spinster/Tinkers do in the mainstream Tribes.
The success of the carapace pack used by the Coccina would lead to further refinement and streamlining(and then feedback to modify the original equipment) resulting in the Exo-Generator, available to more members of the Vespa Tribe(as well as others).

Type: Shemar Coccina
Class: Robot Gynoid/Cyborg
Crew: Advanced Neural Intelligence or Volunteer Transplant
M.D.C. By Location:
Hands(2) 30 each
Arms(2) 70 each
Legs(2) 75 each
Head 70
Antennae(2) 10 each .
Main Body* 120
Carapace Main Body** 120
Carapace Wings(2) 80 each
Wings(2) 30 each
Armatures(6) 30 each
Armored Head Cowl /Faceplate 50

*Coccina may wear additional body armor, but tend towards light types such as skinsuits or light armor types that can be modified not to interfere with the interfacing and operation of the carapace pack. Without the carapace pack, Coccinas can wear just about any armor available to humanoids of their size, but as most Coccinas would not be caught without their signature carapace pack, this is rarely done.

** When the carapace is fully deployed, Main Body damage comes off the carapace MDC first.

Height: 5-5.6 ft ; tend towards short statures
Width: 1.2 ft at shoulders. 8 ft wingspan fully deployed
Length: 8 inches , 2 ft w/ carapace-wing pack
Weight: 190 lbs ‘clean’, 400 lbs w/ carapace-wing pack.
Power System: Nuclear
Physical Attributes: Equal to Robotic PS. 35, PP. 24, PB. 16+1d6(tend towards cute, as opposed to voluptuous or sensuous) .
Cargo: None, except what can be carried.
Running: 90 MPH, 50 MPH with pack attached
Jumping: 8 ft up/across w/o the carapace pack , 6 ft up/across with pack attached, 18 ft up/ ft across with pack power-assistance
Flying: Not possible without the carapace pack or other jetpack system. W/ the carapace deployed, the Coccina can fly; hover to 200 MPH, maximum altitude of 6,000 ft.
The jet pack vents through the wings, muffling their sound and rendering them remarkably quiet, and so the Coccina can fly with only half the noise of a normal jetpack system.
Space: 500 MPH with pack attached
Underwater: 25 MPH swimming, 8 MPH with pack attached
Market Cost: EXCLUSIVE to the (E)Shemarrian Tribes
Systems of Note:
Standard Shemarrian Robot Systems, plus:
Full optical systems, laser targeting, passive night vision, telescopic vision, thermal imaging, infrared, ultraviolet, and polarization filters. Also has motion and heat detection, and other standard Shemarrian systems. Additional/special sensors may be built in by the creating Spinsters or at the behest of the individual.

*Molecular Adhesion Pads---The cyborg can cling to just about any surface like an insect, thanks to these pads in the feet and hands.

*Bionic Cybernanite Repair Systems---A modified bionic nanotech repair system that originated with the Ecotroz Shemar, but has also been adopted by the Ghost Riders. These systems repair 4d6 MD per hour, and can repair 60 MDC before needing material stocks to convert to MD repair material.

*Pheromone Communications System---Doctor Kusunoki worked also to duplicate the Swarmy pheromone system to not only communicate mood, but carry more substantial information as well. Using a combination of airborne chemicals and nanites, Coccinas can silently pass large amounts of information on the wind. Depending on atmospheric conditions, the cyborgs can even ‘cache’ data-laden nanites in eddies in the air or lingering in an area for others to come across.

*EM Sensor Antennae----The Coccina’s antennae can sense electromagnetic energy, allowing the gynoid to ‘see’ the flow of electricity through active circuits. This gives a +5% to Electrical skills, and +10% to detecting electronic surveillance bugs.

*Hardened Circuitry----Almost all EShemarrian constructs have hardened circuitry, but Coccinas mount extra-redundant hardening, the better to prevent damage from any electrical discharges or EM fields produced by equipment they may be working on, or the environment they are working in. Electrical disruption weaponry has NO additional effects on them(aside from any possible physical damage) and ion weaponry does HALF damage.

*Carapace Armatures(6)---These are small utility arms on the carapace pack, an upper pair that can augment the Coccina’s own, another pair that are jointed below the Coccina’s normal arms, and a bottom pair that can act as legs to brace the carapace and cyborg. The arms are typically used to hold additional gear, materials, or anchor the cyborg/gynoid to a work surface(especially in zero-g) leaving the hands free to work.

Weapons Systems:
1) Morphing Blades----The same process that creates forearm tools can also be manipulated to create molecular-sharp bladed vambraces along the forearms.
Range: Melee
Damage: Punch/Kick damage +1d4 MD+ any P.S. damage bonuses

2)(Optional) Arm Lasers(2)---The Coccinas can wear the forearm gauntlet lasers of the regular warriors. Just point and shoot.
Range: 2,500 ft
Damage: 3d6+2 MD per single blast
Rate of Fire: ECHH
Payload: Effectively Unlimited

(NeShemar) Varies by the convert’s original skill-set; Coccinas tend to be favored as the cyborg bodies of scientists(especially engineers and nanotechnologists), or can use the Cyber-Humanoid OCC, plus the following skills:
Basic Repair & Maintenance(+20%)
Electrical Engineer(+15%)
Computer Repair(+15%)
Basic Mechanics(+15%)
Two mechanical skills of choice(+10%)

Identical to the Spinster/Tinker. The EShemar shares all the basic Shemarrian programming, basic combat and repair skills. They also have the following skills:
Nanotechnology (50%+5% per level of experience)

Actions/Attacks Per Melee: (NeShemar) By training(+2 w/ carapace arms)
Note: Bonuses are in addition to those possible from the Shemar’s elective training
Initiative + 2
Dodge +2, +4 in flight
Parry +5
Strike +3 (+5 w/ ranged weaponry, +7 w/ Shemarrian Rail Guns)
Roll +2
Pull Punch +2
Standard cyborg bonuses of +3 save vs magic, +5 vs possession, impervious to Bio-Manipulation, Telemechanics(all), See Aura, and any attacks that do damage directly to Hit Points. +2 save versus possession, +1 save versus magic illusions and mind control, +1 save versus all psionic attacks, from psi-scramblers.

Actions/Attacks Per Melee: (EShemar) 6(+2 w/ carapace arms)
Note: Bonuses are in addition to those possible from the Shemar’s elective training
Initiative + 3(+1 from the Ecotroz)
Dodge +4
Parry +3(+1 w/ carapace arms)
Strike +4 (+4 w/ ranged weaponry, +6 w/ Shemarrian Rail Guns)
Roll +3
Pull Punch +4
Disarm +2(+1 w/ carapace arms)
Entangle +1(+1 w/ carapace arms)
Knockout/Stun on a Natural 18-20

Most Coccina wind up customizing their Carapace Packs with individualized color schemes and tooling assortments. The carapace plating can also be augmented with the following:
*Laser Reflective Armor---Lasers do HALF damage.
*Chemical Resistant Armor----Chemically inert armor that sheds the effects of corrosive chemicals and stick’ums. Acids and chemical weapons do NO damage.
*Thermal Resistant Armor---Special heat-resistant materials designed originally for reentry vehicle shielding. Heat and plasma-based attacks do 1/4 damage.
*Radiation Shielding---Some Coccina add even more radiation shielding to allow them to work in close proximity to exposed radiation sources or in intense radiation fields. These Coccina often display radiation trefoil symbols on their carapaces, and/or glowing green spots.

*Forcefield Generator---Once they begin trading with other Tribes and get access to Naruni-style personal forcefields, many Coccina add a generator pack to their carapaces, with 90-120 MDC.

*Tool Arms----The carapace armatures can be fitted with custom tools and instruments, including, but not limited to, disposable isolated ‘hacking’ computer decks, x-ray imagers, PPE sensors, particle beam drillers, plasma cutters and lathe-arms.

*Eye Lasers(1-2)---Specially modified for more varied levels of power and and precise focus for use as tools.
Range: 15 ft
Damage: (Varies) 1 SDC- 1 MD.
Rate of Fire: ECHH
Payload: Effectively Unlimited.

*Exo-Generator Upgrade----The Exo-Generator was arguably engineered from the Coccina Carapace, While not as durable in its default backpack mode, nor possessing the ability to spawn extra limbs, the Exo-Generator still debuted a number of features that were later reincorporated into Upgrades for the Coccina. Coccina ca, with this Upgrade, ‘skin’ themselves in extra body armor:
When not needed, the armor disassembles itself and is drawn back into the back unit to be regenerated. When not in use, can regenerate 1d4 MD per 30 minutes, and can repair up to 60 MDC before needing the system recharged. Once deployed, the armor can remain indefinitely until not needed, and can only be removed by retracting into the back unit.
Weight: 15 lbs
Hands(2) 20 MDC each
Arms(2) 30 MDC each
Legs(2 ) 40 MDC each
Head 40 MDC
Main Body 80 MDC
"Trouble rather the Tiger in his Lair,
Than the Sage among his Books,
For all the Empires and Kingdoms,
The Armies and Works that you hold Dear,
Are to him but the Playthings of the Moment,
To be turned over with the Flick of a Finger,
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Re: Shemarrian-related fan creations

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(Pyromancy spells, courtesy of Daniel Frederick,Matthew Clements, and Kevin Siembieda, Rifter #82)

* EcoS-K-52Br---Aka ‘Slingfire’....Blood Rider variant Slingtail, possibly inspired by the Aurora Warriors’ EcoS-K-52ArW variant. The Slingfire takes advantage of recently-acquired technowizardry and pyromancy magic to add literal firepower to the workaday Slingtail. Now even rear-echelon cargo-schleppers and stevedores in join in the fun with their utility warmounts by throwing magic fireballs and fiery discuses of destruction at the enemy.

*Thermal Resistant Heat-Refractory Tile Armor---Special heat-resistant materials designed originally for reentry vehicle shielding. Heat and plasma-based attacks do 1/4 damage

Magic Systems:
PPE Generator: PPE Capacity:‘Wizard’)----400 PPE battery capacity; recharges at 14 PPE per hour, 50 PPE/hour at a leyline, 100 PPE/hour on a nexus
Weapons Systems:
7) *TW Spell Projector/Magic Tail Projectiles----The tail of the EcoS-K-52Br has a TW projectile generator, with ectolense focal boosters, that can cast the following spells:
*Flaming Lava Projectile(5 PPE) ---Picking up a rock, boulder, or piece of concrete/asphalt, the Slingtail can cover it in mystic magma, then fling it. Upon impact, it does an extra +2d6 MD of damage, and liquified material spatters off it, clinging to the target, doing 1d6 MD burn damage per 1d4 melees before cooling and dropping off.
*Ballistic Fire(13 PPE)----Sprays ten fireballs that each do 1d6 MD. Can be spread across several targets, or concentrated on one. Targets are -10 to dodge. Effective range of 2,500 ft
*Meteor(38 PPE)----Summons a flaming ball from the sky, that lands 3,800 ft away, doing 1d6x10 +16 MD to a 20 ft radius, +4 to strike.
* Ten Foot Wheel of Flame(20 PPE)---Lasts 3.5 minutes(or 14 melees) and does 7d8 MD upon striking. It can either be frissbee’ed out to 300 ft, or launched to roll on the ground, in which case it can reach a maximum range of 4,000 ft. Under the direction of the Warmount’s rider, the wheel will typically be rolled back and forth across and in front of the Slingfire’s path to clear the way.

8 ) Fiery Claws(3 PPE)---Claws can safely heat up to white-hot intensity, doing an extra 1d6 MD. The claws retain their superheated aspect for 6 minutes. Sometimes used to heat-seal or melt-weld objects.
"Trouble rather the Tiger in his Lair,
Than the Sage among his Books,
For all the Empires and Kingdoms,
The Armies and Works that you hold Dear,
Are to him but the Playthings of the Moment,
To be turned over with the Flick of a Finger,
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Re: Shemarrian-related fan creations

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Clan Motron PsychoCycle Transformable Frame Robot Vehicle
(aka ‘PsychoCyco’)

“Looks like the upper half of a larger ‘bot straddling a giant rollerblade, but don’t EVER misake it for a cripple. It moves like lightning and strikes like a a deity’s unforgiveness.”

“I got %**@ b!+@#-slapped off the roadway at over one-fifty by a grinning babe wearing nothing but a gee-string and an armored exoskelt masquerading as a two-wheeler. Backslapped and a$$-patted me so hard I broke my tailbone and tumbled nearly a quarter of a mile down-trail! Damned if those Shemarrians don’t like to add insult to injury when they’re ‘escorting’ you out of their territory. Yet I gotta consider myself lucky she didn’t decide to perforate my colon with the firepower that thing was packing. Before I went flying I counted at least four guns, and not small ones, on that monster. I wanna say that lady liked me because she didn’t shoot me, but a week under the expensive care of a Merctown sawbones sez otherwise.”

“Besides my psychocyco, all I need to wear is my leather jacket.”
“I don’t know which one is the bigger psycho, battle-sister, your bike or you.”

“There’s just something about the psychcyc that touches something deep inside our neshemar; some subconscious road pirate, or primordial beast, that is satisfied by nothing less than a powerful engine between their legs, rubber before and behind them, and limbs of steel around them. Then they switch modes and become giants. The best of both worlds; the coursing low-slung predator, and the upright wielder of tools and weapons, unmaker and remaker of the cosmos.”

“Thing I learned from watching those irregulars who showed up to reinforce us from those alien meks? They DON’T cut and run like we all thought they would, and were, after they surprised those hovering marauders. We thought they were turning tail and running after they got the full attention of the enemy. Instead, we found out, that was all part of the plan, because we were ringside to the sweetest ambush I’ve seen. We didn’t even see those power armored infantry, or whatever they, were setting up rail guns in the hills..and neither did the enemy, until they virtually impaled themselves on the incoming armor-piercers. Completely unhorsed those meks. And once on the ground, mobility favored the defenders, because those giant motorcycles roared back and pack-sliced the meks. It was a thing of beauty to watch.”

The ‘PsychoCycle’ is a new vehicle from the Motoring Clan, Clan Motron. The ‘PsychoCyco’ is a bit of a ‘kitbash’ or ‘bitzer’ as many of the Motrons’ rides are, incorporating bits and pieces of other machines, usually Northern Gun vehicles.
The PsychoCycle resembles a giant motorcycle with a bubble canopy covering the pilot, with two massive paw-hands sprouting from behind the canopy and providing cover to either side of the driver.
The vehicle can also transform, forming a towering bipedal humanoid, the canopy forming a head, the arms gaining full play, and the legs able to bend and flex. In this mode, the vehicle can skate on its wheels, or retract them inside the lower legs for slower, but more surefooted, travel over rough terrain. Taking a hint from the Tarantula jump-bike, the PsychoCycle mounts a set of high pressure thrusters that can boost its speed and jumping ability.
The main armament of the PsychoCyco is four hardpoints mounted on the shoulders, two each shoulder. In lieu of weapons pods, the shoulders can mount heavy armor plates instead, providing further lateral protection to the main body and pilot canopy. With all four slots mounted, the Psychcyc can be quite heavily armed and an effective anti-vehicle platform. The transforming biped mode also gives it excellent hand to hand combat capabilities, making it a good melee fighter as well, and a smart pilot will use its wheel modes to close with opponents quickly, and retreat just as fast.
Though not normally fitted with an AI or Awakened, the PsychoCyco CAN be Upgraded into a sentient robot, arguably making this mechanism a proper Warmount or Oreseme, further blurring the lines of convenient classification.
Wherever Clan Motron is known to wander, the PsychoCycles have earned a reputation as ‘road corsairs’, racing with impunity and running down the tribe’s enemies. Despite this, though, most true EShemar Motrons prefer their classic auto-styled Warmounts, leaving the PsychoCyco to the neshemar members of the clan.
As the ‘vehicle clan’, Clan Motron openly uses the PsychoCycle, but it has also appeared with the Steel Gaians(who also unabashedly use vehicles), the Wayfinders, the N’R’Mar, and a few with other fringe tribes and Eccentrics.
Because if its lack of proprietary or sensitive technologies, it is speculated that the PsychoCycle could conceivably be sold outside the Tribes to Tribal allies and affiliates. the most likely outlet for such machines being the Steel Gaians.

Type: Eshe-PsycCycCmo-01 PsychoCycle
Class: Transformable Frame Two-Wheeled Robot Vehicle/Exoframe
Crew: One. A passenger could conceivably cram into the canopy-bubble with the pilot, but conditions will be VERY close and most likely uncomfortable.
MDC/Armor by Location:
Main Body 370
Pilot Canopy/Head 100
Arms(2) 90 each
Hands(2) 60 each
Legs(2) 150 each
Wheels(2) 60 each
Rear Thrusters(2) 100 each
Small Thrusters(4) 25 each
(Optional) Shoulder Plates(1-2) 100 each
(Optional) Weapons Pods(2-4) 50 each
Height: (Cycle Mode) 7 ft
(Humanoid Mode) 16 ft
Width:(Cycle Mode) 5 ft
(Humanoid Mode) 6 ft
Length:(Cycle Mode) 13 ft
(Humanoid Mode) 4.8 ft
Weight: 3.3 tons
Cargo: Small space inside/beside the saddle-seat for a few personal possessions and sidearms.
Physical Strength: Equivalent to Robotic P.S. of 30
Powerplant: Nuclear w/ 20 year energy life
Speed:(Cycle Mode) 170 MPH on level ground. Can hit 220 MPH(!) w/ thruster assist, but will be -15% to piloting rolls.
(Humanoid Mode)(Skate Mode)110 MPH on level ground. Can hit 150 MPH(!) w/ thruster assist, but will be -15% to piloting rolls.
(Running) 70 MPH
(Leaping)(Cycle Mode) 12 ft up/ 60 ft across w/ thruster assisted jump
(Humanoid Mode)(Skate Mode) 10 ft up/ 20 ft across, x2 w/ thrusters
(Running) 7 ft up/ 14 ft across, x2 w/ thrusters
(Climbing)(Humanoid Mode only) Can climb, using the pilot’s skill proficiency, but at -20%(the hands and legs are poorly designed for climbing)
(Flying) Not possible in either mode; the best that can be achieved is to make a jet assisted leap and then hover for 1d4x10 seconds.
(Space) Can survive in space, but cannot fly in microgravity
(Underwater) Limited to driving or running along the bottom(reduce speed to roughly 15 MPH). Maximum depth tolerance of 800 ft.
Market Cost: EXCLUSIVE to the Shemarrian Nation, though discussions of a ‘sanitized’ model for sale have raised speculation; such a model could bring 22 million credits or more at market.
Systems of Note:
Standard Robot Systems: Full optical systems, laser targeting, passive nightvision, telescopic vision, thermal imaging, infrared, ultraviolet, and polarization filters. Also has motion and heat detection, built-in radar( 60 mile range) and other standard robot vehicle -equivalent systems. Additional/special sensors may be built in by the creating Spinsters/Tinkers or at the behest of individual riders/owners.

*Enclosed Environmentally-Sealed Cockpit---The canopy-pod has full NBC protection and an independent air supply good for 12 hours. Most NeShemar riders, though, tend to have reduced life support needs, being cyborgs of some sort.

*Normal Light/IR/UV Headlights

*360-degree Waist Rotation

*Crash Control/Safety Restraints/Fire Control System---Reduces the damage that passengers take in a crash by HALF.

*Ejection Seat/Pod---In an emergency, the pilot can bail out with the assistance of rocket-assisted ejection systems. Some examples allow the entire reinforced crew compartment to jet-eject and fly up to 1,000 ft away from the rest of the vehicle.

*Cyberlink Drive System--Allows a driver with a headjack(every EShemar and pretty much EVERY cybered NeShemar has one) to ‘jack in’ to the vehicle for more responsive control. This allows the driver to drive without their hands on the wheel(“Look, Mom, no hands!”), and/or to respond with greater speed to road situations. Identical to the system presented in Rifts: Russia.
Bonuses: For anyone with the CyberVehicle Link, the following bonuses apply: +1 to initiative, +1 to strike using the vehicle or vehicle-mount weapons, +1 to Dodge, +1 Action/Attack per Melee, Base Driving skill of 45%, or +10% to existing driving skill. Driver can also ‘tweak’ the vehicle’s maximum speed by 1% per I.Q.. point. Note that the operator can only be controlling the vehicle while doing other relevant actions(can carry on light conversation, or take a quick bite/drink, but can’t disassemble their weapons or whittle a wooden toy .
To anyone lacking the CVL, there are no bonuses to vehicle operation, but they CAN make minor adjustments to vehicle peripherals’ without using their hands(turning on/off headlights, booting up the stereo, rolling down the electric windows, adjusting the AC, etc...). That’s provided they can get past the EShemarrians’ safety encryption(you can’t just steal one of these things).

Weapons Systems:
1) Shoulder Weapons Pods(2 each shoulder)---Two hardpoints are mounted in each shoulder. They can be covered over with an armored plate(which negates the use of any shoulder weapons on that arm, but provides added armor protection, can accommodate a Shemarrian Warmount weapons module, or each one can be fitted with one of the following:
a)Mini-Missile Launcher---10 shot pod

b) Short Range Missile Launcher---5 shot pod

c) ESHe-NRG660 "Scava-shron" Rail Gun---Copy of the NEMA R-660 Rail Gun
Range: 3,000 ft
Damage: 1d4 MD single shot, 2d6 MD per 10-shot burst, 4d6 MD per 20-shot burst
Rate of Fire: ECHH
Payload: 600 rd drum

d) ESheNRG-14 “Scava -Schartag’-(takes up BOTH hardpoint positions)---Blatant knockoff of the Black Market’s RG-14-LX ‘Baby Boom Gun’.
Range: 5,000 ft
Damage: 1d6x10+10 MD per shot
Rate of Fire: ECHH
Payload: 100 rd drum.
Bonus: +1 strike

e)12.7mm PS-MRG03 Snub-nose Short Gatling Gun : This high-powered four-barreled gatling rail cannon features enormous damage potential, and fair range in a small package. The MRG-03 trades range for blistering short-range fire power, and is frequently used as a ‘streetsweeper’ in built-up areas.
MDC: 30
Weight: 50 lbs
Range: 2000 ft
Damage: 1D6 MD single round, 1D6x10 MD per 10 round burst,
2D6x10 +60 per Full Melee Burst of 40 rounds
Rate of Fire: EGCHH
Payload: 700 rounds

f) Flamethrower
Range: 800 ft
Damage:(Gasoline/Alcohol) 1d4x10 SDC
(Napalm) 1d6x10 SDC, plus does 5d6 SDC per melee for 1d4 minutes
(MD Fluid) 1d4 MD per blast, 1d4 MD per melee for 2d4 minutes
(Incendi-Gel)2d6 MD, 2d6 MD per melee for 1d6 minutes
(WI Napalm-P) 3d6 MD per blast, 1d4x10+10 MD per concentrated burst(counts as two attacks). 2d6 MD per melee for 1d4 minutes.
Rate of Fire: ECHH
Payload: 100 bursts

g) 40mm Grenade Launcher
Range: 7,000 ft
Damage: Fragmentation: 4d6 MD to 12 ft area, 2d6x10 MD to a 40 ft area for a 10 rd burst.
Armor-Piercing: 1d4x10 MD to 3 ft area, 3d6x10 MD to a 8 ft area for a 10 rd burst.
Rate of Fire: Standard
Payload: 60 rd drum

h) Ion Blaster---Copy of the NEMA RX-2020 Forearm Ion Blaster supplied to the NEMA Combat Drone Soldier.
Note: Ion weaponry is fairly uncommon amongst the Shemarrians; it was initially considered to be too underpowered for ‘serious’ combat, and as such for a long time the only ion weapon in the Shemarrian arsenal was the EShe-IP30E Ion Pistol, generally regarded as a holdout weapon of last resort. The desperation of the Shemarrian Civil War, with the rebels scrambling to arm themselves with whatever they could find, led to a dawning appreciation for ion weaponry, and the emergence of the fringe tribes, with their different characters and varying preferences in armaments, diversified the available ion weapon arsenal. Still, however, the Shemarrians more often than not simply copy technologies developed by others when it comes to ion weaponry.
Range: 1,200 ft
Damage: 3d6 MD single blast, 1d4x10 MD per triple blast burst.
Also has a ‘scatter fire’ mode, doing 4d6 MD to a 10 ft wide area, at a range of 800 ft.
Rate of Fire: ECHH
Payload: Effectively unlimited

i) Heavy Ion Blaster---The Steel Gaians have access to a more sophisticated and powerful selection of ion weapons, their vehicles have the option of carrying these weapons.
Range: (Ion Bolt) 3,000 ft
(Spray Bolt)1,500 ft and affects a 15 ft wide area
Damage: (Ion Bolt) 1d6x10 MD per single bolt
(Spray Bolt) 4d6 MD to a 15 ft wide area
On a Natural 20(Critical Strike) the ion weapon does TRIPLE damage instead of the normal double damage
Rate of Fire: Standard
Payload: Effectively unlimited

j) Particle Beam Cannon----The Motrons traded heavily with the Steel Gaians for this weapon, produced by the latter’s neighbors.
Range: 1,500 ft
Damage: 2d4x10 MD per shot
Rate of Fire: ECHH
Payload: Effectively unlimited

k) Plasma Cannon----Shemarrian copy of the plasma ejector component of the NEMA PR-476 ‘Incinerator’ Plasma Cannon
Range: 1.600 ft
Damage: 4d6 MD single shot or 1d6x10 MD per triple blast burst.
Also has a ‘scatter fire’ mode, doing 4d6 MD to a 10 ft wide area, at a range of 800 ft.
Rate of Fire: ECHH
Payload: Effectively unlimited

l) Laser Cannon
Range: 4,000 ft
Damage:(Variable) 4d6 MD or 1d4x10 MD per blast
Rate of Fire: ECHH
Payload: Effectively unlimited

m) 7.62mm General Purpose Machine Gun
Range: 10,000 ft
Damage:(SDC) 6d6 SDC single shot, 4d6 x10 SDC(1d4 MD) per 10 rd burst.
(Ramjets) 1 MD single shot, 1d10 MD per 10 rd burst.
(High Explosive)2d6x10 SDC single shot, 1d6 MD per 10 rd burst.
(Advanced High Explosive) 1d4 MD per rd, 1d4x10 MD per 10 rd burst.
(Tracer) Every 11th round is a tracer, which gives a +1 to strike with bursts. However, the tracer stream also makes it that much easier for enemies to backtrace and locate the machine gunner.
Rate of Fire: Standard; rated at 600 rpm
Payload: 250-rd belt

n) Net Launcher
Range: 200 ft(50 ft underwater). Net covers a 6 ft area
Damage: Varies;
(Standard Net) Heavy high-tensile strength megadamage steel cable net; takes 2d4 melee actions/attacks to untangle self(half that for creatures with supernatural PS of 30 or higher) the meantime, the victim CANNOT strike or parry, is -2 to dodge, and reduce speed by 90%

(Slicer Net) As above, except that every melee the target spends struggling and trying to get out, they take 1d4 MD from the various hooks and razor-lines. In addition to usual penalties, takes an additional -2 to dodge from the pain. This is NEVER issued to police forces.

(Shock Net)As above, except that each melee entangled, the target takes electrical shock damage. At mild current levels, this can be annoying and distracting, but can also stun the victim...higher levels of voltage can toast the entrapped target and damage them severely, if not kill them outright....
2d6 SDC per melee/shock pulse, plus beings must roll versus non-lethal poison(16 or better) or be stunned /knocked out for 1d4 melees. Cyborgs have a 40% chance of having their systems overloaded and being immobilized for 1d4 melees, plus a 40% chance of electrical systems/accessories such as sensors or weapons knocked out for 1d4+2 melees. Power Armor fare somewhat better, having only a 10% chance of losing electrical systems or peripherals for 1d4 melees.

(Drug Net)As above, except that the net has microcapsules that break with any struggle, releasing a skin-contact/aerosol drug--Unless the victim has complete environmental protection(sealed off from contamination), they must roll each melee they are entangled against non-lethal toxin, or find themselves succumbing to chemical lethargy; cumulative -20% chance of falling unconscious(for 2d4 minutes), -1 to initiative, -2 Dodge, Strike, Parry, and Roll, -1 APM (in addition to entanglement penalties). This is RARELY issued to police forces if possible lethal drug allergies in suspects are a possibility.

(Thermite Net) A nasty variant, based on designs brought back from South America(See Rifts South America 2). Same as above, but bursts into flame, doing 4d6 MD for 1d6 melees. This is NEVER issued to police forces.

Rate of Fire: Single shot, ECHH
Payload: 8 rds

o) Stake Launcher---Rotary automatic-loading version of a Russian-designed weapon. A very handy weapon in the Tribes’ growing anti-vampire campaigns.
Range: 1,000 ft
Damage:(Wooden Stakes) 2d6 SDC per single projectile, 4d4x10 SDC per 8 rd burst/volley
Can also use high-tech arrowheads; specifically tracer/bug rounds, flare, light SDC/MD explosive, neural disruptor, smoke, and gas. The Steel Gaians have also copied an ’incendiary pencil’ round that burns doing 1d4 MD per melee for 1d6 melees.
Rate of Fire: ECHH
Payload: 400 rd drum

p) Razor-Frizzer( a copy of an imported Russian design)---Throws disc-shaped metal ‘shuriken’ at high velocity.
Range: 2,000 ft
Damage: 1d6 single projectile, 1d6x10 MD per 10 rd burst/volley
Rate of Fire: ECHH
Payload: 2,000 rd drum

q) Neural Disrupter Blaster---A knockoff of a Northern Gun weapon(industrial espionage being alive and well), but tweaked for greater efficiency and range. Nicknamed the ‘nerve blaster’ and the ‘brain sandblaster’ for its brute force approach to taking people down. NOT recommended for gentle persuasion or use on children, elders, or other innocent bystanders.
Range: 1,400 ft
Damage: (Setting One) 2d6 SDC and victim must roll versus non-lethal poison(16 or better). On a successful save the target is -3 to strike, parry, dodge, and loses initiative and 1 APM for 1d4 melee rounds. A FAILED save means the target is -7 to all actions, loses initiative, reduce APMs to ONE, skill performance is -60%, -90% to Speed, and suffers convulsions that do 1d6 SDC per round for 2d4 melee rounds.
(Setting Two) Does 2d6x10 SDC(or 1 MD), and victim must roll versus non-lethal poison(16 or better). On a successful save an augmented human(oid) is -5 to strike, parry, dodge, and loses initiative and 1 APM for 1d4 melee rounds. A successful save by UNaugmented human(oid)s results in -10 to strike, parry, dodge, lose initiative and is reduced to 1 APM, skill performance is -80%, speed reduced 95%, and suffer painful convulsions doing 1d6 SDC per melee for 2d4 MINUTES.
A FAILED save by augmented human(oid)s means the target is -7 to all actions, loses initiative, reduce APMs to TWO, skill performance is -60%, -80% to Speed, and suffers convulsions that do 4d6 SDC per round for 2d4 melee rounds.
Note: Works through most body armor up to 50 MDC. Those in armor protection of 51-80 MDC are +6 to save. Those in heavier armor, power armor, full conversion cyborgs, vehicles, robots, or who are MegaJuicers or Dragons are impervious.
Rate of Fire: ECHH
Payload: Effectively unlimited

r) Fragmentation Rocket Launcher( a copy of an imported Russian design).
Range: 4,000 ft
Damage: 1d6 single projectile, 1d6x10 MD per 10 rd burst/volley
at 3,500 ft, the rds go ‘grapeshot’, doing 3d6 MD(1 MD for a single shot) in a 12 ft wide area.
Rate of Fire: ECHH
Payload: 1,000 rd drum

2) Smoke Screen Generator---Generates a thick, obscuring cloud of dense smoke. Each blast covers a 60 ft area and anyone caught in the cloud of thick, obscuring smoke is -5 to strike, dodge, parry, disarm and entangle. Has enough smoke-matrix for 12 clouds.

3)(Optional) Back Hardpoint---A powered and articulated weapon mount can be added on the back between the shoulders. This hardpoint can mount heavier weapons than the shoulder hardpoints, and has a greater arc of fire, especially in cycle mode, but mounting heavy weapons makes the transformed vehicle-mode somewhat top-heavy, impeding speed and maneuverability.
Penalties: Mounting a heavy back hardpoint weapon reduces top speed by 20%, -2 to roll and -1 to dodge.

a) .50-Caliber Heavy Machine Gun
Range: 19,000 ft
Damage:(SDC rd) 7d6 SDC per single rd, 2d6x10+20 SDC per 40 rd burst per single gun
(Exploders)1 MD per single rd, 4d6 MD per 40 rd burst per single gun
(Ramjet rd) 1d4 MD per single rd, 5d6 MD per 40 rd burst per single gun
(Tracer) Every 11th round is a tracer, which gives a +1 to strike with bursts. However, the tracer stream also makes it that much easier for enemies to backtrace and locate the machine gunner.
Rate of Fire: ECHH
Payload: 2,000 rds(50 bursts)

b) EShe-NRG670 'Scava-sutek" Rail Gun---EShemar copy of the NEMA R-670 Rail Gun
Range: 3,000 ft
Damage: 2d4 MD single shot, 4d6 MD per 10-shot burst, 1d4x10 MD per 20-shot burst
Rate of Fire: ECHH
Payload: 1,000 rd drum

c) ESheNRG-14 “Scava -Schartag’----Blatant knockoff of the Black Market’s RG-14-LX ‘Baby Boom Gun’.
Range: 5,000 ft
Damage: 1d6x10+10 MD per shot
Rate of Fire: ECHH
Payload: 500 rd drum.
Bonus: +1 strike

d) Rail Gun ”Scava Cessess’ ---Copy of the C-30R Rail Gun.
Range: 2 miles
Damage: 1d4 MD single rd, 6d6 MD per 30 rd burst.
Rate of Fire: ECHH
Payload: 2,400 rd drum per cannon

e) 30mm Micro-Missile Launcher---Seen more often with the Steel Gaians, because of their proximity to the manufacturer of the micro-missiles.
Range: 11,000 ft
Damage: (Pattern-3a) 4d6 MD single rd to 5 ft blast radius
(Pattern-3b) 1d4x10 MD to a 5 ft blast radius, or 3d6 MDC out to a 20 ft blast radius in fragmentation mode
(Pattern-3c)(Incendiary)2d6 MD to 5 ft blast radius, does an additional 1d4 burn damage for 2d4 melees
Rate of Fire: Volleys of 1-6
Bonuses:(All Patterns)(+3 to strike airborne targets, +1 to strike ground targets) Gyro-Compass Chip, Laser-Sensor Microchip, Radar Trigger Chip, Image Sensing Chip, Infra-Red Sensing Chip.
Special Features:
*Sensor Package---The sensor package includes an IR/Thermal sight, laser rangefinder(2 mile range) and directional mini-radar(2 mile range) with audio-alarm to notify the gunner of target-lock.
Payload: 12 rds

f) Mini-Missile Launcher---8 shot pod

g) Short Range Missile Launcher---3 shot launcher

h) HRL-54 ‘Pall Bringer’ Heavy Rocket Launcher---Shemarrian ‘Davy Crockett’ rocket launcher. One-shot, but can fire some truly scary-devastating ordnance.
MDC: 90
Range: 2.5 miles
Varies by Long Range Missile Warhead employed.

*TW Magma Weapon---Modified River of Lava spell, that creates a pool 450 ft in diameter instead, that lasts 15 minutes. Anything caught in it takes 2d6x10 MD per melee. If deployed in shallow water it lasts only 7 minutes and does HALF damage, but creates huge bubbles, kills local sea life, and produces a massive cloud of superheated steam that blinds anyone on the surface, fouls up thermographic imaging systems, and creates a belching sonar static that can screw up passive sonar systems in the area.

*TW Tsunami Weapon---Designed for attacking coastal targets, this weapon creates a tidal wave roughly 150 ft high, 3,000 ft long, lasts 15 melees, reach as far as 450 ft inland, and does 4d6x10 MD per melee. Also has a 75% chance of capsizing any ships it catches.
Note: This weapon is INEFFECTIVE unless aimed at a sizable body of water, such as an ocean, large lake, or deep river(at least 20 ft deep).

*TW Hurricane Weapon----Ocean-attack weapon, but can also be used against large lakes. Creates a massive sea storm that covers a 120 ft area, 100-150 mph winds, and 30 ft high waves. Does 3d6x10 MD per melee to large structures, and 1d6 MD to anyone caught out in the open. Effects last 15 minutes.

*TW Maelstrom Weapon---Another ocean-attack weapon, for attacking shipping and submarine warships/installations(though in the case of the tank-mounted weapon, it is typically used to attack coastal, lakeshore, or riverside targets), generating a sizable whirlpool in any large body of water it is aimed at.
Whirlpools are 120 ft wide, lasts 15 minutes, and does 1d4x10 MD to anything caught in its center, 2d6x10 MD per melee to large ships, and 1d6x100 MD to them if they get submerged or if the whirlpool ‘breaks the ship’s back’.

*TW Earthquake Weapon---Warhead acts as a 15th level Elemental Earthquake spell; 3500 ft area of effect, doing 2d6x100 MD per melee, for fifteen melees. Generates a fissure 900 ft long, doing damage to everything within 600 ft on either side of it. A full spread of Earthquakers can destroy a county.

*TW Stormfront Weapon---Airburst warhead that unleashes a Tornado, and an accompanying Summon Storm, both equivalent to the 15th level Elemental Warlock Spells. The HRL-54 round actually launches 4 smaller warheads in the larger LRM casing.
Tornadoes are 100 ft in diameter, last 15 minutes, and do 3d6x10 MD per melee to anything caught by them, and an additional 2d6x10 MD to anything hurled out. Wood, clay, and stone structures take 4d6x10 points of damage(SDC or MDC), and trees are uprooted in one melee round. The tornado will also randomly wander about in a half-mile area before dispersing.
The storm element creates a drenching, obscuring downpour that drops 4 inches of rain per hour, does 1-6 points of structural S.D.C. per half hour, creates immobilizing floods, and reduces visibility to near zilch; storm covers a 14 mile area, and lasts 7 hours

*TW Sphere of Annihilation---The most expensive and devastating of the TW Warheads is the Sphere of Annihilation, that creates a minute quantity of antimatter, that explodes with a force greater than any nuclear device of comparable size! The MAULER round actually launches 4 smaller warheads in the larger LRM casing.
The warhead does 2d4x100 MD to a point target, plus an additional 4d6x10 MD to a 10 ft radius, and have a +3 on top of targeting system bonuses, to strike their target. The submunitions can be ‘shotgunned’ to spread out over a 1,000 ft arc to spread the joy across a wider front, or can be targeted on one target. All four submunitions going off on one target do 8d4x100 MD, 4d6x10 MD to a 150 ft radius, and 2d4x10 MD out to 300 ft!

*Enhanced EMP Weapon---This weapon generates an intense Electro-Magnetic Pulse capable of frying unshielded electronics and disrupting even shielded military systems. Against technological societies, this weapon can cause absolute chaos!
The warhead does 1d4x100 EMP damage(no physical damage) to a 5,000 ft radius. The resulting percentage of the target location MDC is the chance of shutdown/disablement. All damage is cumulative. Damage in excess of 50% target MDC will require repair to make it functional; 75% or more damage will require replacement of the entire electrical system. Does double damage to non-shielded civilian systems. Bionics are -1 to dodge, roll, and strike for the affected limb/system, lasting 1d4 melees, non-cumulative, before the system resets itself.

*Fusion Cluster Weapon---Deploys 11 submunitions that orient in flight to fire a directed blast of plasma at a target---Does 1d4x100+10 MD to a 15 ft blast radius,6d6 MD concussion damage to a 55 ft blast radius.

*Nuclear Warhead---The Shemarrians have shown no such reluctance about deploying nucleonic weapons offworld, especially in environs not supporting native life, and some Tribes are decidedly fairly liberal about exercising the nuclear option. The FlameWings in particular have been observed using 10kt weapons, antimatter warheads, and neutron munitions with frightening enthusiasm.

Rate of Fire: Single shot
Payload: Single shot

i) Heavy Pulse Laser
Range: 6,000 ft
Damage: 4d6 MD double blast, 1d4x10+8 MD quad blast, 1d6x10 MD full 5-shot blast
Rate of Fire: ECHH
Payload: Effectively Unlimited

j) EShe-HLW05Wp ‘Dingo’ Cannon---A number of PyschoCycles have been seen carrying these weapons, Eshemar adaptations of the Kittani ‘spider gun’ on their backs. These weapons have the advantage of being self-directing, and in one of the observed instances, a PyschoCycle squad, retreating with an enemy in hot pursuit, dropped off their shoulder cannons, then doubled back on their pursuers, catching them in a crossfire ambush.

4)(Optional) Use of Handheld Weapons---The proportionally oversized hands of the PsychoCyc can pick up and use mecha-scale handheld weaponry, though the ‘bot cannot mount such weapons(the transformable frame has no provision for mounting oversized weaponry) and powering any that require an external power source requires plugging into one of the hardpoint sockets(this means either not mounting a slotted hardpoint weapon, or removing a shoulder shield). PsychoCycs will often pick up objects from their environment, like utility poles, boulders and other vehicles, and use them as melee weapons.

Hand to Hand Combat
Restrained Punch 1d4 MD
Full Strength Punch 1d6 MD
Power Punch(2 attacks) 2d6 MD
Openhanded High Speed Side-Smack 1d4 MD +80% chance of knocking down human-sized targets and sending them sprawling 1d4x10 yards.
High Speed(50 MPH or faster) Ram Punch 4d6 MD
Kick 1d6 MD
Jump Kick(2 attacks) 3d6 MD
Body Block/Ram 1d6 MD
Jet Assisted Body Slam/Ram 2d6 MD

As a manned robot, use the Light Combat Robot tables for combat bonuses.


*Armored Canopy---This adds an extra layering of opaque armor to the canopy. Adds +100 MDC to the head/canopy, but the pilot is now more reliant on sensors to pilot, and loses -1 to initiative.

*Blur Camou---- The faster the PsychoCycle moves, the greater the distortion; at speeds of 3 MPH or less, no bonus, 4-10 MPH; -1 to strike the PsychoCycle, 10-16 MPH; -2 to strike, 16-22 MPH; -3 to strike, 23 MPH or greater, -4 to strike

*Variable Optical Camou-----Bonuses: -20% to opposition Detect Ambush and Detect Concealment rolls; heat sensors are useless.

*Fist Blades---The backs of the giant hands can be fitted with retractable vibro-claws; +4d6 MD.

*Laser Finger Blasters---Up to four fingers on each oversized robotic hand of the PsychoCycle can be fitted with short-range laser blasters, identical to those available to cyborgs. Individually, each blaster doesn’t do much, but firing in concert, a single hand can do respectable damage, and both hands firing forward can do substantial damage. In fully transformed biped mode, the hand-mounted weapons have arcs of fire the shoulder weapons cannot match.
Range: 100 ft
Damage: 1d4 MD per blast
Rate of Fire: ECHH
Payload: Effectively unlimited

*Mag Traction System-----The ‘economy’ version of Pandora’s(and pirated by Shemarrian hackers) Virtual Tread Traction System, that allows a vehicle superior handling on wet ground and sloping surfaces. The downside of it is that in anything less than a nuclear-powered vehicle, the energy expenditure can quickly drain the vehicle’s batteries.
Bonuses:+15% to control rolls

*Artificial Intelligence Programming:
The PsychoCycle can be fitted with a basic drone A.I.
Typically has the following:
-Land Navigation 94%
-Radio: Basic 96%
-Read Sensory Instruments 94%
-Intelligence 76%(knows enough to identify and prioritize targets like enemy officers and heavy weapons, or target specific points on armored vehicles)
-Detect Ambush 60%
-Pilot Motorcycle(for maneuvering purposes) 96%
-W.P. Blunt(8th level)

Actions/Attacks Per Melee: 5
Initiative +2 (+1 from the Ecotroz entity for a total of +3)
Dodge +5(+6 in cycle or skating form)
Strike +2 (+2 w/ ranged weaponry)
Roll +3(+4 in cycle form)
Critical Strike on an unmodified 19-20.

* Eshe-PsycCycCmo-01Wf---(aka ‘Roadwizard’, ‘Wayfinder Ghostrider’) Wayfinder variant, extensively modified with technowizardry, especially the ability to ride on leylines.
Magic Systems:
-PPE Generator(Medium)-----300 PPE battery capacity; recharges at 10 PPE per hour, 40 PPE/hour at a leyline, 80 PPE/hour on a nexus

-Leyline Drive---Can float and fly on leylines at a speed equal to its driving speed; only it floats 2-5 ft off the ground.
-Leyline Phantom(20 PPE, 40 minutes)---On a leyline, the ‘cycle can become a ghostly, intangible, phantom within the energies of the leyline.
-Leyline Booster(Accelerates the ‘cycle up to 50% greater top speed when on a leyline, -10% to pilot skill when engaged)
-Leyline AutoDrive---Essentially goes on autopilot when on a leyline, cruising at about 40 MPH.
-Full Throttle(2 minutes per 10 PPE)---Boosts speed by 40%, but -5% to Piloting skill for basic maneuvers, -20% for trick/evasive/offensive maneuvering.
-Impervious to Energy( 5 minutes per 20 PPE)
-Impervious to Fire( 10 minutes per 5 PPE)
-Protective Energy Field(50 MDC per 10 PPE, 10 minutes per 10 PPE)

-PPE Optics---The canopy sensor systems now include an Aura Scanner/PPE Sensor--Detects and displays sources of PPE in the vicinity of the vehicle. Range: 2,000 ft.

Weapons Systems:
The various modular weapons systems can now include TW weapons; the shoulder hardpoints can accommodate TW-enhanced missiles, TW energy projectors, and the like, and the back hardpoint can be fitted with various heavier TW weapons like TK Heavy Machine Guns, Starfire Pulse Cannon, or the TW Sonic Cannon.

*TW Wrist Lights----The back of the PsychoCycle’s large hands can be fitted with powerful spotlights that also incorporate TW light-based weaponry:
(Globe of Daylight ) 120 ft area, up to 60 ft away
(Lantern Light) 20 ft
(Blinding Flash)10 ft radius, up to 120 ft away.
(Starburst) 400 ft
(Light Blade) Blade reaches 6 ft
(Globe of Daylight ) Illuminates a 120 ft area with the power of sunlight.
(Lantern Light) Fills immediate area with bright light.
(Blinding Flash) Immediate flash blinds those who fail to save versus magic(robotic, cybernetic, bionic eyes are unaffected); -10 to strike, parry, dodge for 1d4 melees. Can be made particularly bright(-1 to save versus magic) for additional PPE pumped into the spell).
(Starburst)3d6 MD + temporary blindness; unless eyes are shielded, victims are temporarily blinded(-10 to strike, parry, dodge, and other combat moves) for 1 melee round, + 7 seconds per additional Starburst fired at them in the same melee round. Targets are -2 to dodge. Vampires suffer an additional 1d6 damage and are blinded twice as long.
(Light Blade) 1d6x10+8 MD(full HP damage to vampires)
Rate of Fire: ECHH
(Globe of Daylight )1 PPE for 30 minutes
(Lantern Light)1 PPE for 6 hours
(Blinding Flash)1 PPE for instant effect, 2 PPE for particularly bright flash.
(Starburst) 6 PPE per shot
(Light Blade) 10 PPE for 8 minutes

* Eshe-PsycCycCmo-01Wf2X---Rumored Psi-Mechanic-enhanced ‘Super-Psycho’ model that puts the ‘psych’ in the ‘cycle, supposedly by adding a lining of psylite crystals to the canopy housing. Any psychic rider would be able to use the focal elements to amplify their abilities, and activate embedded powers in the vehicle.
Rumored features include:
-Psi-Focus Arrays----These are psylite crystal arrays that effectively DOUBLE the occupant’s ISP.
-Psychic Body Shield---A conformable forcefield, reinforcing the armor. Has 100 MDC and lasts 40 minutes. Costs 30 ISP to activate.
Last edited by taalismn on Mon Dec 17, 2018 11:47 pm, edited 1 time in total.
"Trouble rather the Tiger in his Lair,
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Re: Shemarrian-related fan creations

Unread post by taalismn »

BloodRider Ferna Elite
(aka ‘Fire Hosts’, ‘Salamandra’, ‘Furnace-Maidens’)

“You wonder how ours, a small Tribe compared to the others, can yield so many Elites? It is because we are always seeking challenges...challenges in battle, challenges in creativity, challenges in presuppositions. We push our limits and find new heights of performance, of excellence. We challenge ourselves to push beyond the status quo.”

“We are the Brides of Fire, the Hands of Burning, the Maids of the Great Flames.”

“A Shemar quests for Glory, not Power. It should be a personal quest, a test of one’s spirit, an individual’s trial of being. It should not lead one to suborn oneself to an alien power and an alien agenda that is not Shemar. I will not turn my hand against my sister for her choices, but I do not trust that which shares her body, and I will grief the decision my sister had made.”

Blood Rider Fernas are Shemarrian Mystics(typically Seeresses) who have pushed themselves beyond the limits of mere mysticism and have opened themselves up to the Elemental Plane of Fire and have bonded with a Fire Elemental, allowing their bodies to play host to a bit of Fire essence. This poses a bit of a contradiction to outsiders, since the popular rumor is that the Shemarrians are some sort of plant-associated beings, and more likely to be aligned with Earth elements. Some believe the Ferna to be the equivalent of an Earth-Fire Fusionist, though they are arguably more akin to a Shifter linked to a supernatural patron entity.
The process of how the hosting process is achieved is shrouded in mystery, though it appears to have initially involved custom-made technowizardry parts and implants that prepare the Mystic to receive the Fire Elemental. Whispered rumors of the process tell of applicants of this process effectively gutting themselves while sitting inside a summoning circle sequestered inside a firebrick-lined kiln or industrial furnace, installing a containment chamber inside their abdomens, and disconnecting their nuclear power cells at the very last, while calling upon a Fire Elemental to share their being. If the Fire Elemental Intelligence finds the supplicant worthy, so the rumor goes, it will place a portion of its essence in the reactor chamber. If the symbiosis-seeker is NOT deemed worthy and found wanting, they go dead as their power supply has been disconnected, and their body destroyed by fire. Once housed inside the host-chassis, the Fire magic transforms the gynoid’s body, shedding(or destroying) much of its technology and reshaping the fragile Seeress frame into a more suitable receptacle.
Indeed, Fernas shed the faux flesh guise to appear as beings skinned in coppery or golden metal, often marked with glowing Elemental symbols. Their eyes and mouth glow with inner fires, hinting at the fires within. Even their hair seems to glow and shimmer with radiated heat. The abdominal chamber now holds a piece of Fire Elemental Intelligence, a conduit that communicates with the Ecotroz Essence of the gynoid, and channels mystic power from the Plane of Fire into the waiting hands of the Ferna.
Ferna do not acquire ALL the trappings of a Fire Elemental Warlock, and they receive weaker forms of some others, but their inorganic nature allows them to survive an infusion of primal plane Fire magic that gives them powers that an organic Warlock just couldn’t handle. They also have the previously virtually unheard of ability, in a golem or robot, to LEARN new spells and acquire more mystic power(albeit as granted by their Fire Elemental Intelligence benefactor).
However, Fernas pay a demanding price for access to Elemental firepower; they lose the appearance of organic beings and many of the systems associated with the original Shemarrian frame. Upgrades are no longer available to them. They are more akin to self-aware Golems than android gynoids, and are vulnerable to the same sorts of magic that affect magic constructs. Most importantly, the Shemar ties herself to an outside force, the Element of Fire, and loses much of her Shemarrian most Shemarrians, this is an unthinkable personal sacrifice, and one most would not be willing to make.
IT is not known WHAT the Fire Elemental Intelligence gets from the deal, aside from a possible safe foothold in the Material Plane, the physical resilience of the EShemar gynoid frame providing no small amount of protection from the normal vulnerabilities of the Elemental form. As Elemental Intelligences tend to exhibit little interest in the affairs of the mundane planes, the bonding to a material being is regarded as unusual. To those mystic scholars of the Wayfinders(including a number of transferred intelligence Warlocks), the Blood Rider Ferna merit considerable study as to the true nature of the gynoid-Elemental relationship. Though the Ferna were brought into being with specialized components acquired from the Wayfinders, the latter have little idea of what actually happens in the Merging, and the Wayfinders have subsequently sent a number of of their people to observe the Ferna. Some of the more conservative of the Blood Riders disapprove of this, and suspect that those who supplied the mystics were acting irresponsibly, conducting an experiment with Blood Rider proxies.
Frankly, many Blood Riders think the Fernas have pushed their mysticism TOO far, and they don’t trust the Ecotroz-Elemental fusion(either seeing the ecotroz element as betraying principles of Tribe and Species, or fear the alien influence has taken over the eshemar). Fernas have been known to elicit reactions of uncertainty and fear even in their War Chiefs, who do not know what to make of these supernatural hybrids. This has arguably kept knowledge of HOW the Ferna have managed their transformation from becoming public domain( as mentioned, even the Wayfinders who supplied the original mystics with TW parts aren’t absolutely certain how they were used to achieve the effect), and seems to have discouraged experimentation with embodying other Elemental forces(despite possible interest from the FlameWings and IceFlames).
Despite this near-ostracism within their own Tribe, there are mystics who willingly seek out those who have already made the choice, and seek their assistance in becoming Fire Hosts. While their sisters may deride the Ferna for seeking power and not glory, Ferna are just as aggressive, if not more so, on the battlefield, unleashing their fiery powers on the Blood Riders’ enemies. Fernas LOVE fire-based weaponry, such as flame-throwers, plasma projectors, and magic fire weapons, even more so than the rank and file Blood Riders. Their mystic firepower(literally!) give them a potent edge against enemies normally immune to ordinary weaponry.
On the downside, Fernas tend to run hot; they practically glow on thermal detection systems, and their heat emissions are virtually impossible to mask. More importantly, there is the perception among those around the Ferna that, unlike a Shifter/Summoner, who volunteers to become an agent of an alien intelligence, or traditional Elemental Warlocks, who are regarded as (admittedly small) kin to the Intelligences, the Ferna are HOSTS to an alien being.

Type: Shemar Ferna Elite
Class: Robot Gynoid
Crew: Advanced Neural Intelligence
M.D.C. By Location:
Hands(2) 20 each
Arms(2) 150 each
Legs(2) 130 each
Head 90
Antennae(2) 10 each
Main Body 300
Height: 7 ft
Width: 3 ft
Length: 2.5 ft
Weight: 1,000 lbs.
Power System: Magic Elemental
----400 PPE +1d8 PPE per level of experience, battery capacity; recharges at 14 PPE per hour, 50 PPE/hour at a leyline, 100 PPE/hour on a nexus
Physical Attributes: Equal to Supernatural PS. 35, PP. 24,.
Cargo: Only what can be carried in the arms or strapped to the body
Running: 90 MPH
Jumping: 20 ft up/across standing jump. Running start in excess of 40 MPH will add 10 ft to distance/altitude.
Flying: Not possible without a jetpack or some other external means of flight
Underwater: While possible to survive depths of down to 1,000 ft and able to run along the bottom at 15 MPH, Ferna do NOT like being immersed in water and their hot skin will cause them to be surrounded by bubbling, crackling, boiling water. They take DOUBLE damage from kinetic attacks underwater.

Market Cost: EXCLUSIVE to the (E)Shemarrian Tribes
Systems of Note:
Standard Shemarrian Robot Systems, plus:
Full optical systems, laser targeting, passive night vision, telescopic vision, thermal imaging, infrared, ultraviolet, and polarization filters. Also has motion and heat detection, and other standard Shemarrian systems.

*Impervious to Fire----The Ferna is impervious to all forms of heat.

*Sense Fire Elementals----120 ft radius

* Communicate With Elementals----The Ferna automatically gains the ability to speak with Fire Elementals at 98%.

*Sense Fire----Ferna can sense the presence of open fire/combustion in a 20 mile radius(double for magic fires)

*Regeneration----The Ferna loses the traditional Bionic Cybernanite Repair Systems of the EShemar. Instead, the Ferna’s metal flesh seems to melt and heal itself in response to damage. Regenerates 1d6 MD per melee and does not appear to need material stocks to replenish MDC(apparent magical energy to mass conversion).

Weapons Systems:
1) Forearm Plasma Projectors---In place of the traditional Shemarrian zhyan vibroclaw and forearm laser gauntlets, Ferna mount WarChief-style plasma projectors. Being powered by Elemental magic, they do MAGIC damage to targets.
Range: 1,600 ft
Damage: 4d6 MD per blast
Rate of Fire: ECHH
Payload: Effectively unlimited

2) Retractable Vibroclaws---These remain unchanged from the original gynoid.
Range: Melee
Damage: 4d6 MD per slash

3) Slag Bolts----The Ferna can flick drops of molten metal from her fingers. Oddly enough, the metal ammunition does NOT seem to eat into the Ferna’s bodily MDC, but seems to be the result of some sort of magical energy-to-matter conversion. Once fired, the spent slag quickly rusts into uselessness.
Range: 500 ft
Damage: 1d4 MD per finger, or 5d4 MD for a full hand ‘burst’.
Rate of Fire: ECHH
Payload: Effectively unlimited

4) Slag Shot----This is a larger, longer-ranged projectile, roughly the size of a hand grenade or lawn dart, and starts out as a larger ball of molten metal formed between the hands, before being thrown overhand like a football. The molten metal acts like a self-forging warhead in flight, assuming optimal shape for armor penetration.
In the alternative, the Ferna can produce a hollow metal ball containing a charge of mystic fire, the ball exploding like a fragmentation grenade and throwing out incendiary shrapnel.
Once fired, the spent slag quickly rusts into uselessness.
Range:(Armor Penetrator) 500 ft
(FragBall) 300 ft
Damage:(Armor Penetrator) 2d4 MD +1 MD per level of experience
(FragBall) 2d6 MD to an 8 ft blast radius(+1 ft to radius per level of experience)
Flammable materials hit by either the penetrator or the frag-shrapnel have a 75% chance of bursting into flame.
Rate of Fire: Once per melee
Payload: Effectively unlimited

5) Fiery Hands----The Ferna’s hands can light with magical fire, giving extra power to the gynoid’s hand to hand combat strikes.
Range: Melee
Damage: +1d6 MD to hand to hand damage, +1 per level of experience.

6) Elemental Magic----The Ferna can choose and cast Fire Elemental magic. Unlike Wayfinder TechnoWizardry implants, these spells increase in power with experience(the Fire Elemental Intelligence granting its host more of its power)
-PPE: The Ferna starts with a PPE powerstone generator:
----400 PPE battery capacity; recharges at 14 PPE per hour, 50 PPE/hour at a leyline, 100 PPE/hour on a nexus. The Fire Elemental Intelligence bonded to the gynoid will grant an additional +1d8 PPE per level of experience.
-Effectively starts with Fiery Touch and Impervious to Fire(No PPE cost)
-Additional Spells: Starts with Breath Fire, and four Fire Elemental spells of choice from levels 1-3. Can select an additional Fire Elemental spell from the appropriate levels of experience, each level of experience. These spells DO cost PPE but at HALF PPE expenditure due to the resident Fire Elemental essence co-habitating the Ferna.
-Pyromancy Magic----The Ferna can also learn Pyromancy magic(Rifter #82). Unlike the Fire Elemental magic, these spells cost FULL PPE cost. Pyromancy is the ONLY other magic the Ferna can(or is allowed to) learn. The Ferna learns these spells in the normal manner, if she can find a teacher.

7) Heat Distortion Field----The Ferna can generate a field of intense heat roughly 10 ft in radius around herself that causes mirage-like heat rippling and light distortion. Stepping into the area of effect is akin to walking into the exhaust from a furnace, though at best it does 1d8 SDC per melee of exposure, and beings susceptible to heat will find themselves fatiguing rapidly and courting heatstroke if fighting in the heat field. However, the visual distortion renders opponents -2 to strike the Ferna, using only optics to target her. Radar, sonar, and thermal-imaging targeting are UNaffected.

8 ) Ultimate Summoning----As a weapon of last resort, the Ferna can Summon forth a full Fire Elemental; the hosted essence inside the gynoid expands like a star going red giant phase, breaking out of its containment and destroying the Shemarrian’s body in the process before manifesting fully.
The hardware supporting the Shemarrian’s persona matrix has a 75% chance of being destroyed by the Summoning and the Ecotroz essence lost; it’s hinted that the Fire Elemental claims the soul-patterns of its late host, though to what purpose(given what is known of Elemental Intelligences) remains unknown. Of the remaining 25% that are NOT destroyed, their soul-matrix can be recovered and installed in a new body, but the EShemar may NEVER be able to call upon Elemental Forces again, loses her mystic abilities, and even her Ecotroz abilities, permanently losing them. Such is the price they must pay for calling upon the powers of the Elemental Plane.

Use the EShemar’s original programming, plus now knows the following:
Language: Elemental 98%

Normal EShemar psionics only. The Elemental magic replaces the extra psionic abilities the mystic may have had before.

Experience Table: Upon becoming a Ferna, the EShemar uses the Elemental Warlock XP table to chart further advancement

Actions/Attacks Per Melee: +1
Note: Bonuses are in addition to those possible from the Shemar’s elective training
Initiative +3)+4 when facing other fire-based supernatural beings)
Dodge +6
Parry +6
Strike +6 (+4 w/ ranged weaponry, +6 w/ Shemarrian Rail Guns)
Roll +4
Pull Punch +4
Disarm +2
Entangle +1
Knockout/Stun on a Natural 18-20
Restrained Punch 5d6 SDC
Full Strength Punch 4d6 MD
Power Punch(2 attacks) 1d4x10 MD
Kick 4d6 MD
Leap Kick(2 attacks) 6d6 MD

Special Equipment:
*Flaming Sword---This is more powerful than the standard TW weapon because it can channel Elemental Fire(does 6d6 MD rather than 4d6 MD) and costs no PPE for the Ferna to use.

*Flame Trumpet---This is a loudhailer cone that channels any magic breath weapon the Ferna uses, for DOUBLE range and an area of effect roughly 10 ft wide.


*Some in the Shemarrian Star Nation branch of the Blood Riders claim that their Fernas have really tapped into the fires of the Cosmic Forge, effectively making them Shemarrian Cosmo-Knights! However, this claim has been met with great skepticism, even from the allied Shaemarrians(who would be more likely to have members of their species called forth to service as CosmoKnights).
"Trouble rather the Tiger in his Lair,
Than the Sage among his Books,
For all the Empires and Kingdoms,
The Armies and Works that you hold Dear,
Are to him but the Playthings of the Moment,
To be turned over with the Flick of a Finger,
And the Turning of a Page"

--------Rudyard Kipling
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Re: Shemarrian-related fan creations

Unread post by kronos »

taalismn wrote:Clan Motron PsychoCycle Transformable Frame Robot Vehicle
(aka ‘PsychoCyco’)

3)(Optional) Back Hardpoint---A powered and articulated weapon mount can be added on the back between the shoulders. This hardpoint can mount heavier weapons than the shoulder hardpoints, and has a greater arc of fire, especially in cycle mode, but mounting heavy weapons makes the transformed vehicle-mode somewhat top-heavy, impeding speed and maneuverability.
Penalties: Mounting a heavy back hardpoint weapon reduces top speed by 20%, -2 to roll and -1 to dodge.
f) Mini-Missile Launcher---3 shot pod

Nice addition, I was actually thinking something along these lines for something for Clan Motron.. how I'll have to change what I was thinking..
Also.. back hardpoint.. only 3 mini missiles? Or 12 micro-missiles.. yet 3 SHORT RANGE missiles? Me thinks your math is wrong here...
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Re: Shemarrian-related fan creations

Unread post by taalismn »

kronos wrote:[

Nice addition, I was actually thinking something along these lines for something for Clan Motron.. how I'll have to change what I was thinking..
Also.. back hardpoint.. only 3 mini missiles? Or 12 micro-missiles.. yet 3 SHORT RANGE missiles? Me thinks your math is wrong here...

You can always cobble it up and claim your original idea to be the creation of a smaller motor club of Clan Motron.

And thanks for the catch on the missiles; I MEANT to have the hard point compatible with the heavier mini-missile launchers available to NG hover cycles, so...8 missiles.
And corrected the Short RAGE missiles...because EShemarrians have AV-perfect memories, and they hold grudges, so their rages are hardly short. :D
Unless, of course, the missiles are powerful enough to blot out a problem without the necessity of sustained bombardment. "Anybody who doesn't think explosives aren't the solution to a problem, aren't using enough of them." :bandit:
"Trouble rather the Tiger in his Lair,
Than the Sage among his Books,
For all the Empires and Kingdoms,
The Armies and Works that you hold Dear,
Are to him but the Playthings of the Moment,
To be turned over with the Flick of a Finger,
And the Turning of a Page"

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Re: Shemarrian-related fan creations

Unread post by taalismn »

Here's an early Christmas present for DhAkael and his Hawkmoons:

Hawkmoon ‘Ceetan’ Elite
(aka ‘Cytan’)

“Let me remind you who REALLY rules the skies here.”

“We Shemarrians don’t believe in angels; our goddess directs that we MAKE our own.”

“Biggest mistake I ever made in my life was calling one them Hawkmoon girls an ‘overgrown pigeon’. If you’re flying over Mount Skimirat, you might still see the remains of my old transport down there.”

The Ceetan is a new Hawkmoon Elite inspired by observations of other Tribes’ ‘were’-Elites, such as the Wolf’s Path Channide, the SkullCrushers’ Joten, and Clan Alecian’s Meganna. Figuring it was long past due for them to display their own expertise with the new technologies, the Hawkmoons set out to create a ‘totem’ Elite of their own, in this case a Shemarrian who would not just EMULATE a bird of prey, but would BECOME one.
Ceetans are based on the heavier War Chief frame, and indeed many Ceetan are Upgraded from the ranks of worthy War Chiefs. While considered to be an Elite, many Ceetans continue in their roles as Tribal leaders.
Ceetans in their humanoid forms tend to be rather thick-torso’ed, but long-limbed. Their headpiece is a permanent part of their bodies, rather than an accessory, and transforms into part of the avian form’s beak. Their hair tends to be short and feathery, and their facial features sharp and angular. Another anomaly in their humanoid mode is the long sharp spur on each of their elbows(they are sometimes mistaken for mutant Seermen---See Rifts Scraypers). Occasionally, a short tail appendage is also visible in their humanoid form. With a thought, however, they can transform, their body structure reshaping itself into that of a giant bird of prey.
In their avian form and on the wing, Ceetans possess unparalleled aerobatic agility and command of flight. They are faster than many combat aircraft, and much more maneuverable.
In terms of integral weaponry, the Ceetan borrows heavily from the Harpy, but makes many systems optional to that Elite, standard on the Ceetan. Stealth and countermeasure systems also receive emphasis, and Ceetans often shock opponents by being seemingly impossible to hit.
The major shortcomings of the Ceetan, compared to other Elites, is a general lack of integral heavy weaponry, and its handless avian form cannot pick up and use weapons(this is why many Hawkmoon War Chiefs, if given the opportunity to Upgrade to a Ceetan frame, do not, preferring their old land-bound chassises). They also cannot wear heavy armor without severely curtailing their mobility. They have an integral forcefield standard to their design, but because of power demands of other systems, the rating of the energy shielding isn’t particularly high, and the forcefield really is for the benefit of high-speed streamlining and the optical distortion field.
Though developed by the Hawkmoons, the Ceetan also caught the attention of the Dark Waters Tribe, who petitioned the former for template-sharing rights. Despite the fact that the Ceetan was meant as an exclusive iconic Elite for them, the Hawkmoons did give the Dark Waters permission, and a variant, the ”Fenghaun”, has entered service with the latter.

Type: Shemar Ceetan
Class: Robot Gynoid
Crew: Advanced Neural Intelligence
M.D.C. By Location:
Hands(2) 20 each
Arms(2) 120 each
Shoulders(2) 100 each
Wings(avian form)(2) 220 each
Legs(2) 110 each
Tail 110
Head 160
Antennae(3) 10 each
Main Body 350
Forcefield 80

*Ceetan tend NOT to wear any body armor, so as not to interfere with their transformative capabilities.

Height: 7 ft in humanoid form, 6 ft in avian form
Width: 3 ft at shoulders in humanoid form, 35 ft avian wingspan
Length: 1.3 ft
Weight: 1,500 lbs.
Power System: Nuclear
Physical Attributes: Equal to Robotic PS. 35, PP. 24,.
Cargo: None; only what can be carried
Running: 90 MPH in humanoid form, 30 MPH in avian form(shorter legs)
Jumping: Can jump up 15 ft and across 10 ft with a single leap. If jumping from heights, they can perform glides.
Flying: 750 MPH(supersonic) in avian form, 65,000 ft altitude
Underwater: Limited; can thrust through the water at 35 MPH, 500 ft maximum depth.
Market Cost: EXCLUSIVE to the (E)Shemarrian Tribes
Systems of Note:
Standard Shemarrian Robot Systems, plus:
Full optical systems, laser targeting, passive night vision, telescopic vision, thermal imaging, infrared, ultraviolet, and polarization filters. Also has motion and heat detection, and other standard Shemarrian systems. Additional/special sensors may be built in by the creating Spinsters or at the behest of the individual.

*Radar---15 mile range, can ID 40 different targets, and simultaneously track 16 targets as low as 700 ft.

*Electronic Warfare Suite----A compact internal EW suite, similar to that on the Bandito Arms Wild Weasel SAMAS, but refined; has a 65% chance of jamming enemy radio systems in a 1 mile radius, and on a successful Weapons Systems or Electronics Countermeasures roll, the Ceetan can jam enemy guided missiles and radar-guided guns, causing them to be -7 to strike.
In the alternative, the Ceetan can target a missile with a laser within a 4,000 ft range(roll to achieve strike on the missile) and cause it to veer off course(-9 to strike). THis can be applied to missiles targeting the Ceetan or other nearby targets.

*Bionic Cybernanite Repair Systems---A modified bionic nanotech repair system that originated with the Ecotroz Shemar, but has also been adopted by the Ghost Riders. These systems repair 4d6 MD per hour, and can repair 60 MDC before needing material stocks to convert to MD repair material.

*Stealth Field----This works in conjunction with the gynoid’s forcefield to produce an area of optical distortion that conceals the Ceetan from visual detection.
When rolling to detect the gynoid under the field, imposes a -45% to Surveillance and Read Sensory Instruments skills and has only a 25% chance of being detected with direct eyeball observation.
While the stealth field is up, the Ceetan can only rely on passive sensors (active sensors like lidar and radar CANNOT be used).
The field is often used to project the illusion of a flock of birds, flying debris, or wisps of cloud. Occasionally it will be used to project other illusions, such of a Minor Air Elemental, arguably making this a Faux Magic system.

Weapons Systems:
1) Arm Lasers(2)---The Ceetans retain the forearm lasers of the regular warriors. Just point and shoot.
Range: 2,000 ft
Damage: 3d6 MD per single blast
Rate of Fire: ECHH
Payload: Effectively Unlimited

2) Finger Claws---The Ceetans’ hands feature retractable vibroblades.
Range: Melee
Damage: 3d6 MD

3) Foot Claws---The Ceetans’ feet feature retractable vibroblades that are also useful for carving footholds in sheer rock faces, building walls, or vehicle hulls.
Range: Melee
Damage: 3d6 MD

4) Eye Lasers(2) ---The ‘laser stare’ is an increasingly popular feature of many Elites.
Range: 1,000 ft
Damage: 2d6 MD single blast, 4d6 MD from both eyes simultaneously
Rate of Fire: ECHH
Payload: Effectively Unlimited
Bonus: +2 to strike (in addition to any other bonuses)

5) Throwing Blades(40, 20 per wing)---The Ceetan carries special ‘feather blades’ that are hidden on the wings. These dense composite blades can be plucked from the wings and used as handheld knives, or thrown as projectiles.
Range: Melee or thrown(effective range of 80 ft). They can also be gravity-dropped on targets below a flying Ceetan; in aerial combat, they have an accurate effective range of 1,000 ft.
Damage: 1d4 MD
Rate of Fire: ECHH, and can be volleyed in barrages of 1-10 quill-missiles.
Payload: 40, 20 per wing, and regenerate at a rate of 4 per hour, provided the Ceetan doesn’t have damage to regenerate.

6)*Flare/Chaff Packets--- In place of some of the feather blades, the same ‘follicles’ can instead produce detachable vanes that break up into radar-reflecting chaff and fast-burning flares.
Damage: None; similar to Triax-style chaff
01-50 Enemy Missile or volley detonates in chaff and threat is neutralized
51-75 Missile/Volley diverts and may pursue/lock on to other targets
76-00 No Effect! Missile(s) still on target!
Will also temporarily blind and impede flying monsters who fy into it.
Reduce APMs/combat bonuses/ speed by half for 1d4 melees
Payload: Can replace feather blades on a one-for-one basis; they re-grow at the same rate as the quill missiles they take the place of.

7) (Optional) Wing Blades----Copying the Gargoyles of Europe, some Ceetans further accessorize by adding blades to their wings.
Range: Melee
Damage: 1d6 MD for molecular blades, 2d6 MD for vibroblades.

8 )(Optional) Plasma Vambraces(2)---These are merely modified versions of the Warchief’s plasma arm weapons, and now look like feathered gauntlets that fit over the Ceetan’s forearms. In raptor form, they remain attached to the wings at the wrist joint, and appear as thick extra fins on the wings, with the firing apertures aligned to fire forward. They have also been modified with a ‘scattershot’ fire mode.
Range: 1,800 ft
Damage: 4d6 MD per blast, or 2d6 MD to a 10 ft wide area.
Rate of Fire: ECHH
Payload: Effectively unlimited

The skills of the EShemar Ceetan depend on their origins as Warriors, Warchiefs, or Berserkers, and their level of experience. They also get the following:

Actions/Attacks Per Melee: 10
Note: Bonuses are in addition to those possible from the Shemar’s elective training
Initiative +4(+1 from the Ecotroz). +2 in flight
Dodge +7, +11 in flight, +1 per every 20 MPH of flying speed.
Parry +10
Automatic Dodge(takes no actions) +3, +6 in flight
Strike +5 (+4 w/ ranged weaponry, +6 w/ Shemarrian Rail Guns)
Roll +2, +5 in flight
Pull Punch +6
Disarm +4
Entangle +2
Damage: +1 SDC per every 20 MPH of flying speed.
Knockout/Stun on a Natural 18-20
Controlled SDC Punch 2d6+15 SDC
Restrained Punch 1d4 MD
Head Butt 1d4 MD
Full Strength Punch 2d6 MD
Power Punch(2 attacks) 4d6 MD
Claw Strike 3d6 MD
Power Claw Strike(2 attacks) 6d6 MD
Kick 3d8 MD
Leap Kick(2 attacks) 5d8 MD
Karate/Power Kick (2 attacks) 5d8+4 MD
Flying Kick (2 attacks) 6d8+4 MD
Body Block/Leaping Jump Attack 1d6 MD and has a 01-50% chance of knocking opponents of up to 1,200 lbs weight off their feet(lose initiative and 2 APMs getting back up)
Wing Strike 2d6 MD
Diving Attack(2 attacks)---This is a diving attack from high altitude that can allow the Ceetan to reach speeds of 180 MPH on an attack. This adds +9 SDC/MD to melee attacks, and increases damage from thrown kinetic weapons such as spears by +1d4 MD. The downside is that the Ceetan’s dodge bonuses are HALVED during the descent.

Psionic Abilities: (EShemar baseline psionics) Object Read, Telemechanics, Telemechanical Possession, Telemechanic Mental Operation
also have the following ADDITIONAL psionics:
-Sixth Sense(2)


*Molecular Adhesion Pads---Many Ceetan get molecular adhesion pads added to their hands and feet, allowing them to find perches just about anywhere.

*Tail Feathers(Cosmetic)---A birdlike tail attached at the base of their spine. It has 15 MDC and can conceal an additional 4 throwing blades(or chaff/flares).

*Laser-Reflective Wings---Silvering, gilding, or bronzing on the wings reduces laser damage by HALF. The gynoid can often array their wings into a shelter to protect themselves against laser fire.

*Camou-Wings---These wings incorporate the equivalent of Naruni Camouflage Sheets into them. When standing still, with the wings wrapped around them, the gynoid can effectively camouflage themselves, being -20% on others’ rolls to detect ambush and detect concealment, and only 20% likely to show up on thermal imaging gear.

*Blurr-Camou--- This alters the outer layering of the wing feathers to refract light such that when in the motion, the gynoid/raptor becomes harder to see; at speeds of 3 or less, no bonus, 4-10; -1 to strike the wearer, 10-16; -2 to strike, 16-22; -3 to strike, 23 or greater, -4 to strike. This is incompatible with either Laser-Reflective Wings or Camou-Wings. This is a passive system that doesn’t produce active emissions like the holofield.

*Harpy Lightning---This replaces the forearm lasers with a selection of ion weaponry; shorter range but more varied effects.
A) Arc-Thrower---Adapted from the research of a nominal ally, the Arc-Thrower extends several rods cracking with power that shoot what look like Saint Elmo’s Fire at a target, before jumping to adjacent targets.
Range: 600 ft
Damage: 3d6 MD per bolt to primary target.
Furthermore, a secondary bolt will jump to 1d6 targets in the vicinity of the main target, starting with the nearest target(or the nearest metallic target) as long as they are within 6 ft(10 ft for metal targets) of the initial target/point of impact, then jumping to the next one until the ball lightning dissipates. Secondary targets can attempt to dodge the energy ball as standard.
Secondary targets will take HALF damage(3d6 MD).
Does only 1/4 of the original damage if the secondary targets are nonmetallic or grounded
Organic targets roll for Stun; save at 16 or better or be -8 to strike, dodge, parry, roll, and initiative, reduce APMs and Spd by HALF, for 2d4 melee rds. A successful save means lose only initiative and 1 APM for 1 melee round.
50% chance of knocking out unshielded electronics(or 1d4 subsystems like radio, electronic image amplification, cybernetic sensory implant, or the like) for 1d4 melees.
Beings susceptible to electricity take DOUBLE damage.
Rate of Fire: ECHH
Payload: Effectively Unlimited
Bonuses: +2 to strike metallic targets

B) EMP Blaster---Essentially a smaller version of the Triax TX-275 ‘Lightning’ Arc Charge Blaster with regards to overloading electrical systems.
Range: 500 ft
Damage: 3d6 MD
01-15: No damage
16-30 Instruments flicker out, before coming back online in 1d4 seconds. Target loses Initiative.
31-45 All weapons temporarily out, and minor electrical fires. One system comes back online in 1d4 melee rds.
46-60 All systems temporarily out, and minor electrical fires. -30% to piloting skills if target is a manned vehicle. Systems come back online after 1d4 melee rds.
61-75 Communications, radar, and targeting are disabled, but weapons systems are unaffected. -3 to strike and no initiative. Damage requires physical repair.
76-90 Instruments are completely totaled. If a manned vehicle, the following skill penalties apply; -25% at one-third of maximum speed, -50% at HALF maximum speed, and -75% at full speed. NO initiative roll, -3 to dodge(-5 if an AI), -3 to strike(-5 if an AI), and lose one action per melee round(2 if an AI)
91-00 Total knockout. Controls do not respond, and machine is out of control. Crash/collapse/total shutdown within 2d4 minutes.
Rate of Fire: ECHH
Payload: Effectively Unlimited

*Harpy Scream----Inspired by reports of a sonic weapon mounted on a power armor also named the Harpy(see Rifter #14, Horlock Robots Inc. by Jeremy Clements), this option modifies the vocal cords and places special emitters in the wings, allowing the Harpy/ Ceetan to belt out a powerful deadening sonic blast that can stun at close range.
Range: 500 ft and can affect a 50 ft wide area.
Damage: 4d6 SDC blast, plus victims must save versus non-lethal poison or be rendered unconscious for 1d6 melee rounds. Even on a successful save, the victim is -2 to strike, parry, and dodge for 1d6 melee rounds. Multiple blasts are cumulative for duration.
Sonic weapons do HALF damage through light ‘soft’ armors like MDC barding and padded armor.
The sonic vibrations can also be used to set up a resonance in hard armor that can stun or disorient living beings. Humans(and those most like them) will find these subsonic vibrations particularly irritating, the barely audible buzzing setting up painful discordance in their eardrums and auditory apparatus. Beings with enhanced hearing are particularly vulnerable to this attack(DOUBLE all penalties). Cyborgs and those with baffled hearing implants will NOT be affected by this.
Save versus psionic attack(12 or better) or be -1d4 to initiative, HALF all bonuses to strike/parry/dodge, and -1d4 to Maintain Balance. Roll under P.E. or fall unconscious for 1d6 melees.
Rate of Fire: ECHH
Payload: Effectively Unlimited

*TW Enhancement------Closer ties with the Wayfinders have made possible the addition of REAL magic(technowizardry to the Ceetan’s repertoire of tricks. TW Enhancement adds an 200 PPE battery that can be recharged via linkage to a PPE crystal generator/accumulator(2 PPE per hour/10 at a ley line/20 PPE/hour on a nexus or in a dimensional pyramid), or obliging mage/psychic.
TW enhancements include
*Impervious to Energy( 5 minutes per 20 PPE)
*Protective Energy Field(50 MDC per 10 PPE, 10 minutes per 10 PPE)
*Leyline Booster(Accelerates the Ceetan up to 50% greater top speed when on a leyline, -10% to pilot skill when engaged)

*Golden Wings---This is the mechanical equivalent of Charismatic Aura, modified through the application of various Illusion magic. The idea here is not to avoid being seen, but to BE seen.... When activated, Golden Wings makes the Ceetan seem to glow with a golden aura; the Ceetan looks more powerful, more graceful, and more impressive than it otherwise might appear. The light seems to just catch it at the right angles, stirring music seems to rise in the background, and onlookers will be struck with awe at the approach of this magnificent vision of flight. Enemies may be distracted from other actions to gape at and appreciate the vision of flight, the epitome of the spirit of Hawkmoon, made tangible.
On the minus side, this TW-ap may also make the Ceetan look more dangerous than she really is, and attract the wrong sort of attention in the form of immediate missile and cannon salvoes to take out the most powerful threat first, or in a personal challenge by the enemy’s best ace and symbol.
Range: Line of Sight
Duration: 6 minutes
Effects: Horror/ Awe Factor of 16
Save: Onlookers must make a ‘disbelieve’ roll save versus magic
PPE Activation Cost: 10

Doppleganger-Cloak----This amplification of the Multiple Images Spell allows the Ceetan to project multiple ‘ghost’ images of herself(up to 3 separate images). These multiple images can carry out a series of preprogrammed ariel maneuvers(can also simulate weapons fire/gun flashes, but only if the Ceetan is also firing at the same time), but must remain within a mile of the the projecting Ceetan(or they vanish without a trace). Also note that the images don’t show up on radar or thermo-imaging, and cannot be used to fool homing missiles, though they DO give off a PPE trace similar to the projecting gynoid.
Range: ‘Ghosts’ can be projected up to 5,000 ft away
Duration: 5 minutes per activation
PPE Activation Cost: 20 PPE per activation

*Flicker-Dodge---A special capability, and an application of the Astral Hole spell. This allows the Ceetan to quickly dodge out of sight/reality, for a few seconds, or move up to 2000 ft sideways, up, down, or backwards , with a +2 to dodge while doing so. 120 PPE per “flicker-dodge”.

Special Equipment:
*Launcher Harness----Because of the Ceetan’s inability to carry and use heavy weaponry while in avian form, a special torso harness was developed that becomes a launcher hardpoint while transformed. The harness is triggered by hardlinked headjack or by psionic(Telemechanics) command. The harness can carry either two bundles of three Shemarrian spears* each(6 total), 2 mini-missiles(4 total) or one short range missile(2 total), over the shoulders.
*Launched from the air, the spears get an extra +1 to damage, +1d4 if released as part of a dive-bomb, due to the extra speed behind the throw.

*”Fenghaun”----This is the Dark Waters Tribe’s take on the Ceetan, modified to resemble a sea bird more than a hawk or vulture. The Fenghaun possesses amphibious capabilities, sacrificing some armament capability in exchange for greater performance underwater. In particular, the Fenghaun can survive dives from high altitude into the water without taking damage.
(Underwater): 40 MPH, 700 ft maximum depth.
Systems of Note:
*Mini-Sonar---25 mile range
*EM Detector/Magnetic Anomaly Detector----Detects metal and electrical activity in a 3,000 ft radius.
Weapons Systems:
1) (Optional) Arm Blasters(2)---In place of the Ceetans’ forearm lasers, the Fenghaun can mount Particle Wave Blasters based on reverse-engineed Naut’yll weaponry . Just point and shoot.
Range: 1,000 ft in air and underwater
Damage: 4d6 MD per single blast
Rate of Fire: ECHH
Payload: Effectively Unlimited

7)(Optional) Weapon Vambraces(2)---Instead of wing-mounted plasma blasters, the Dark Waters Elite can carry ion blasters.
Range: 1,800 ft in air and underwater
Damage: 4d6 MD per blast, or 2d6 MD to a 10 ft wide area.
Rate of Fire: ECHH
Payload: Effectively unlimited

Note: The Launcher Harness will be compatible with mini- and short range torpedoes.
Last edited by taalismn on Fri Dec 21, 2018 11:44 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: Shemarrian-related fan creations

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taalismn wrote:Here's an early Christmas present for DhAkael and his Hawkmoons:

Hawkmoon ‘Ceetan’ Elite
(aka ‘Cytan’)

Question.. the Vambraces.. are they usable in bird mode? If so.. do they point parallel the wing (so with wings spread they'd shoot to the sides, or down if wings are down), or can they fire perpendicular to the wing so with wings spread out can shoot what's in front of it?
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Re: Shemarrian-related fan creations

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kronos wrote:
taalismn wrote:Here's an early Christmas present for DhAkael and his Hawkmoons:

Hawkmoon ‘Ceetan’ Elite
(aka ‘Cytan’)

Question.. the Vambraces.. are they usable in bird mode? If so.. do they point parallel the wing (so with wings spread they'd shoot to the sides, or down if wings are down), or can they fire perpendicular to the wing so with wings spread out can shoot what's in front of it?

The vambraces become integrated into the wings and swing so they match up with the 'thumbs'(if you picture the Ceetan wing like a bat's, only without the jutting thumb-digit), so yes, they can shoot in the forward arc.
"Trouble rather the Tiger in his Lair,
Than the Sage among his Books,
For all the Empires and Kingdoms,
The Armies and Works that you hold Dear,
Are to him but the Playthings of the Moment,
To be turned over with the Flick of a Finger,
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Re: Shemarrian-related fan creations

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Merci beaucoup, mon amie. Joyuex Noel! :D :ok:
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Bind the body to the opened mind

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Re: Shemarrian-related fan creations

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DhAkael wrote:Merci beaucoup, mon amie. Joyuex Noel! :D :ok:

You're very welcome.
And you don't have to feel obliged to wear it while trying to figure out whether you can covertly exchange it somewhere for something else or at least get it exorcised. :fool:
"Trouble rather the Tiger in his Lair,
Than the Sage among his Books,
For all the Empires and Kingdoms,
The Armies and Works that you hold Dear,
Are to him but the Playthings of the Moment,
To be turned over with the Flick of a Finger,
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Re: Shemarrian-related fan creations

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Kamalintos(Thundercloud Galaxy)

“I’ve seen many engineered monogender cultures across the Three Galaxies, some by choice and others by necessity. Spartan societies and clone communes. Grand utopias and festering hells. Kamalintos manages to encompass all those. What it will ultimately become, however, is still in question.”
---Elvira Eraspeaker, Wayfinder

“The Games? So what if we lost several teams to the Shemarrians? Virtually all the players were Xanas-line. Strong, fast, and mentally hidebound to a fault. Good soldiers, but hardly geniuses, just as We guided their lines to be. We can afford to lose a few dozen Xanas, or even a few thousand. It’s what they’re FOR. And the dishonor of losing to the aliens? Oh, we’ll make it up in what their tradeships have to offer us, now that they think we’re harmless good sports. I’m hardly concerned about losing a few low-caste athletes and a few ball-romps when we stand to win in the much greater games. Whatever loss of face the lines may suffer watching a few dozen of them marching naked into foreign captivity are easily accepted compared to the riches we may yet reap.”
---- Karevaeight Malintas, Ust-Mistress, Kado District Capitol-One.

Kamalintos is a planet in the Thundercloud Galaxy that was settled by refugees fleeing the Transgalactic Empire. Predating the establishment of the Free Worlds Council, the ancestors of the Kamalins, denizens of the conquered planet of Kiros, elected flight over fight and resolved to flee as far and as hard as they could go with a hijacked Kreeghor superheavy military transport , into the depths of the (then) barely -mapped Thundercloud.
The Kamalin have had a rollercoaster of luck ever since. After jumping from star to star, losing personnel in encounters and planetary exploration, and escaping death by increasingly narrow margins(including several time-skips), the Kirosian refugees found a haven in the hospitable world they called Kamalintos.
On Kamalintos they found a break in discovering the remains of an alien civilization that had quite sophisticated biotechnology. Unfortunately, about the same time, a virus swept the refugees, an alien pathogen that seemed to favor male genetic sequences over female; those males it did not kill, it corrupted their DNA and left them sterile, casting the future viability of the refuge in grave doubt. The exact origins of the pathogen remain unknown; some Kamalins believe that it was a time-release Kreeghor bioweapon tossed aboard the refugee ship as it left, as a spoiler. Others blame a local bioweapon released by the exploration of the alien ruins, or possibly an interaction between something the refugees brought with them and a local organism. Others claim a darker origin of the plague; a faction of radicals amongst the refugees who saw the opportunity in the alien biotech to create their own perfect society. About the same time that advocates for returning to the Corkscrew Galaxy, researchers into the alien technology announced a breakthrough; though they were too late to cure the virus, they could produce viable clones to fill out the colonist’s numbers, while conserving what little male DNA remained usable for reproduction.
An ex-Imperial Guards(wo)man, General Kaliz Malintas, used the discovery as an excuse to seize power, impose martial law and quell the dissident movement. The coup also saw the destruction of the transport starship’s FTL drives and the knowledge needed to duplicate them. With no going back for them, the new Kamalins set forth to make the best of what they had, reorganizing and rebuilding their society to adapt.

Kamalintos is dominated by a female clone society that has been in place for the last three hundred ninety years. Most of the population lives in floating coastal cities or on land reclaimed from the sea; the available land is given over to food production or the estates of the upper echelon government. Also on the mainlands are the cloning temples, where the government priestesses guard the gene-banks and use them to produce the clone-lines that make up most of the population. A few ‘recombinants’ are regularly produced by natural means, using material carefully selected from the gene-stores, to reintroduce vigor and variety into the blood of the Kamalin population. Men, and the concept of men, are known in the all-female society, but only through the historical record, and certain ‘entertainments’. The Kamalin government has several times over the centuries tried to clone men, but claims that the attempts failed owing to the persistence of the virus, or corrupted genetic material. The remaining male DNA samples have been kept secured from contamination and are parsed periodically for fresh sequences to introduce into new female clone-lines.
Kamalin society is a neo-fuedal caste system, ruled, naturally, by a matriarchy, a theocratic techno-priestess order in charge of overseeing the cloning technology and both the genetic and spiritual well-being of society. Clones are produced as directed by this high echelon priestess order, and, depending on the need, can be decanted as infants to be raised in crèches or by same-sex couples, or as nearly mature (early teens, physically) with an implanted set of basic skills. The clones have minor physical individuality within batches, but mentally are individuals, personality-wise, though clone-lines may share common personality traits and predilections for certain behaviors. There is also a caste-system, in which certain clone-lines are physically and mentally better suited for certain types of jobs than others, and decanted clones carry the expectation that they will follow their clone-lines and society-assimilation foster-parents into those lines of work. However, that being said, there is some cross-pollination of lines; a clone showing a particular aptitude for doing other work may come to the attention of the priesthood who may judge the individuals’ performance good enough to warrant a new clone-line strain based on the high-performer.
The Kamalin regard themselves as a warrior-people, an idea which has been drilled into them to prepare them against the ‘Great Enemy’, the Kreeghor, who they assume are still following them. Several clone lines, such as the Imel, Inava, Xanas, and Tola, have been optimized over the generations for peak physical performance and martial prowess. Kamalin society is based on a feudal warrior-code similar to bushido, similar to ancient honor codes practiced on Kiros before the Kreeghor conquered it. Duels of honor are common among the warrior-castes and even the worker caste, less so among the higher priestess orders. Losers of contests are expected to either submit completely to their opponents(be it in their opinions or as slaves to their victorious opponents), or take their lives in shame for their failure.
The current leader of Kamalintos is Kalizanine, the ninth clone-daughter of the original General Malintas, and supreme head of the Kamalas Church Dominant. She and her upper council of matriarchs-militant rule Kalamintos with near absolute authority, administering their power through a series of sub-matriarchs and feudal priestess-officers. While a number of clone-lines serve in high government office, the Maliniteen lines dominate. One of the central messages of the current regime is that of a ‘new beginning’, to establish an all-new and stronger society free of the problems of the one their ancestors fled, and adapting to the new challenges of the Thundercloud Galaxy. Because of their circumstances, the Kamalins have become a new people, owing little, if anything, to the past.

A barely-tolerated fringe group of Kamalins, the Retrivists, seek to keep alive all the details of the Kirosian colonists’ past history, and claim to defy the revisionism that the Maliniteen dynastic regime has been engaging in behind the scenes. The Retrivists believe that the true purpose of the Kamalintos exodus was to establish a new branch of Kirosian society beyond the reach of the Kreeghor Dominion. The Retrivists also believe that the time for martial law is long since past and want to renew efforts to reintroduce virus-resistant male gender to Kamalin society, using both clone-culture and sexual reproduction in tandem. Retrivists seek to keep the traditions of Kiros alive, especially in the traditions and rituals of the Kamalin honor-code, and fight the use of the more interpretive views of the Maliniteens.
The Retrivists often work with a sub-caste class , the Archivists, who maintain and guard archives of ancient records and artifacts of the past. Once part of the priesthood, the Archivists have grown more apart from the mainstream Kamalas Church Dominant, but retain one of their early perks gained from the government; the ability to clone their own numbers. However, as the Archivists have grown more defiant of certain edicts of the Maliniteens, they have been cut off from the central gene-banks and thus cannot produce new clone lines. This has raised worries that, in the long term, the Archivists may suffer increasing replicant error in their limited genepool.

The Kamalins have had infrequent, but increasing, contact with outsiders in the last century of so, mainly with hostile and non-human species. It was through conflicts with these contacts that the Kamalins finally regained FTL travel, albeit in the form of a few captured starships that are currently being reserved by the military for special missions.
The Shemarrians are the first alien species that the Kamalins have made peaceful contact with, and engaged in any sort of meaningful diplomacy. That the EShemar are a female-dominated, largely asexually-reproducing humanoid species was apparently a factor in favor of the diplomacy. That the EShemar had fought, and had an equal dislike of, the Kreeghor was another plus.
The Kamalins regard the matriarchal and heavily traditional warrior society of the Shemarrians as natural allies, albeit on the Kamalin matriarchs’ terms. The EShemar are providing the Kamalins with a more updated view of the Three Galaxies and possibly the technology to update their defenses against the encroachment of other powers into their space. The Maliniteen clone-lines identify with the EShemar Warchief and Wargoddess caste-classes, which they see as sharing the same perfection of leadership potential. The fact that the EShemar seem to use extensive bionic augmentation, and technological means of reproduction, is seen as more similarity between the two peoples, adapting to circumstances that would have otherwise destroyed them. Even the Retrivists are pleased by contact with the EShemar, as their information on the state of affairs in the Three Galaxies promises to give the Kamalintos colonists word of what happened back on Kiros.

For their part, the Shemarrian Star Nation was happy to find a well-organized and military-oriented human people along one of their Thundercloud territorial borders. For now, the EShemar and the Kamalins are at a ‘meet and greet’ stage, with the EShemar trading information and some technology with the Kamalins, and engaging in cultural exchanges. While the EShemar have yet to extend any serious technological assistance, and especially weapons technology transfers, to Kamalintos. were any of the other powers or species in the region to attack the Kamalins, the EShemar would come to the Kamalins’ assistance, which would further strengthen the tentative alliance between the two.

However, there are those in Kamalin society who view the Shemarrians as potential allies in overthrowing a government they see as increasingly despotic and insular. They resent the control the central government has over their reproduction, and hope that by developing closer ties to the Shemarrians, they can gain access to a greater range of reproductive technologies, or at least gene materials not controlled by the matriarchy.
The dissidents have claimed or promulgated the following complaints against the Maliniteen regime:
*General Malintas engineered the whole plague to eliminate any rivals(especially MALE rivals) to her seizure of power, once her military science teams learned how to reliably clone. Likewise the destruction of the refugee ark’s FTL drives was a deliberate move to isolate the colony and keep any political opposition from seeking outside help.

*The upper echelons of Kamalin society regard the lower tiers as disposable. In lieu of developing better military technologies, for instance, the warrior castes are encouraged to compensate with human wave attacks and high body attrition, as more clones can always be made.

*The government actually knows more about the alien biotech than they’re letting on. They have been, in fact, experimenting with ways to make subsequent clone lines more tractable and obedient. Clone lines that show a high degree of rebellious behavior are either gradually snuffed out altogether or have genetic ‘death switches’ built into them as a safeguard against rebellion.

*The Maliniteens cracked the virus problem long ago; they DO possess the means to successfully clone male Kamalins. Even though they have found a cure to the male-virus, there has been no move to clone back the male colonists because the reintroduction of males to Kamalin society would disrupt the current power structure.

* The Maliniteens have deliberately suppressed redevelopment of FTL technology to keep Kamalin society isolated. Only because alien threats with FTL capability have arrived did the Maliniteens restart research, and then used the excuse of only being able to use hard-to-acquire captured alien ships to restrict operations outside the Kaalios system.

*The Maliniteens are in secret contact with aliens. They’ve made covert agreements to sell the aliens clone lines as slave-soldiers.

* Kalizanine, and her predecessors, have been growing steadily more erratic over the generations, possibly as a result of genetic fatigue or attempts at genetic augmentation. Kalizanine has begun to think of herself as the avatar of a death-goddess long banned on Kiros.

The government, on the other hand, has said THIS(or at least not refuted the spread of rumors) about the opposition:
*The opposition are terrorists, mentally malformed clones that slipped through the psychological screening and monitoring safeguards meant to protect Kamalin society.

*The Retrivists would weaken the Kamalin nation by looking backward to ways that no longer apply to the situations the original colonists were facing. If it were up to the hardcore Retrivists, the Kamalin people would have abandoned Kamalintos long ago and returned to slavery under the Kreeghor.

*The opposition is experimenting with forbidden technologies that have been declared unsafe by the scientists researching the ancient ruins.

*Illegal experimentation and use of un-approved genetic material threatens to upset the carefully created and maintained genetic health of Kamalin society. Dangerous recombinants could enter the genepool and induce new vulnerabilities into the Kamalin populace.

*The rogues have been influenced by alien contacts, many who only have the conquest and destruction of the Kamalin people as their goal. The rebels have been selling the aliens kidnapped clones as slaves and as soldier cannon-fodder.

*Rogue efforts to travel beyond the Kaalios star system risk exposing the Kamalins to external threats before they can be properly prepared. In particular, efforts to contact civilizations back in the Corkscrew Galaxy threaten to draw the attention of the Great Enemy, the Kreeghor and their Transgalactic Empire. Of course, that may be the intent all along of a long-lived conspiracy of Kreeghor-sympathizers(who have been responsible for a centuries-long campaign of subversion and sabotage).

The recent contretemps over the Shemarrians’ neshemar-league sports teams winning several games against Kamalin opponents, and the latter turning themselves over to the victors, has played into the dissidents’ plans. Had the Kamalins won, they would have demanded gene-technology or gene-material(in symbolic ransom for the defeated neshemar). As it is, the defeated Kamalins now have the opportunity to travel offworld as the bondswomen of the victors, and thus to make contact with other peoples.

Kamalins have been genetically adapted to their world’s higher gravity: +1d6 to P.S. and P.E., +2d4x10 SDC. They can still interbreed with baseline humans and are considered a Human sept.

Solar System
Number of Stars: 1 (Kaalios Prime)(Thundercloud Galaxy)
Types of Stars: Blue Dwarf
Number of Planets: 8
- Asteroid(Hedroma)---Officially, an uninhabited/uninhabitable rock with only an automated solar weather monitoring station on it, it is rumored to actually host a top secret penal facility or research laboratory(or both).
-Asteroid(Helomi)----A large asteroid/planetisimal mainly known for a battle between local Kamalin forces and a raiding party of Exiles, that left several dozen ships from both sides wrecked on the surface. Aside from a small station that occasionally pokes through the wreckage looking for anything else to salvage, Helomi hasn’t seen much development. If anything, while assignment to Helomi is officially seen as ‘standing honor guard over the revered fallen, it is seen as a punishment detail amongst the warrior lines.
- Asteroid(Treeyan)---- A large asteroid/planetisimal particularly rich in metals, and the site of a large mining colony.
- Terrestrial (Average)----(Daikusu) Venus-style ‘hot hell’ world, uninhabitable without extensive terraforming. There are signs that an effort was made in the past in the form of several alien space platforms that seem to be atmospheric monitoring and reentry probe launching platforms, but their computer memories have been wiped clean and their launch racks emptied.
- Terrestrial (Average)---(Kamalintos)---System lifeworld
-Terrestrial(Small)---(Metesu) Mars-like world, named for the last female captain of the escape ark(it was originally named Machioka, after the male general who commanded the hijacking of the transport, but the name was changed soon after the Maliniteens seized power) . The Kamalins have established several colonies on Metesu.
- Terrestrial(Small)----(Tabunaros)Mars-like world, only colder. The Kamalins have established several outposts on Tabunaros.
- Gas Giant---(Setu) Uranus-sized small gas giant. Setu’s largest moon, Aphromea, is home to a scientific outpost working to salvage what they can of one of the original ark-transport’s engines which developed trouble as the Kamalin/Kiron exiles entered the system and had to jettison the malfunctioning unit, which was subsequently landed on Aphromea. Intense radiation makes approaching the engine hazardous, but the Kamalins still hope to learn something about the lost interstellar drive technology.

Type: Rocky, Terrestrial
Diameter: 13,000 km
Gravity: 1.7 g
Temperature: Temperate
There is evidence that Kamalintos is recovering from a past period of global warming(or perhaps it is entering the equivalent of an ice age) as the small polar oceanic ice caps have been growing over the last two centuries and the land mass has been growing as the oceans recede.
Unusual/Special Features:----
Atmosphere: Breathable Nitrogen-Oxygen Mix
Islands and atolls, for the most part, and a growing number of mud flats as the growing ice caps draw down the ocean levels.
Notable Mineral Concentrations:
- Gold/Silver
- Lead
- Chromium
- Copper
- Sulfur
- Thorium
- Emerald
- Graphite
Hydrosphere: Soaking Wet; 80% of the planet is covered in open water.
Biosphere: Dense, with diverse aquatic, land, and aerial species.
Post-Colonial, Settled
438 million
A combination of older TGE technologies and biotech scavenged from the local ruins.
Commercial---The bulk of the economy is focused on serving the clone population with food, goods, and services. However, a growing part of industry has been going to supporting a standing military.
Prosperous----Kamalintos is rich in resources and not wanting for materials
Matriarchal----The upper echelon of Kamalin society is dominated by a martial-theocratic elite that’s arguably a cult of personality. The High Priestesses decide on the initiation of new clone lines using the alien biotech and the carefully hoarded reserves of DNA.

Law Level:
Since the government can clone physically-mature young adults more or less at will, there’s a sense of ‘life being cheap’, and law- and honor-codes can be quite draconian with regards to punishments and penalties. Bond-slavery is legal, and often the fate of those who lose challenges of both honor and property.

Ambivalent---The bulk of the Kamalin population have grown up knowing nothing but the Maliniteen regime in charge, and regard it as a fair, but given to necessarily hard and difficult choices, government, given the cruel realities of Kamalin history. However, a substantial percentage of the populace have begun to question whether a continuing Maliniteen clone-line monopoly in charge is a good thing for the nation, and feel that it is perhaps time for another recombinant line to take the helm of the ship of state. Not everybody agrees with every decision made by the government, and not all the decisions seem aimed at the greater good of society. There’s some growing fear that the Maliniteens, as much as they have portrayed their original seizure of power as a necessary evil in a tumultuous age of changed circumstances, are now themselves behind the times and long overdue for retirement from the forefront of pubic administration. Others feel that the government isn’t conservative ENOUGH in stamping out dissent, while yet others, knowing the government in a very real sense as the Mother, feel the current regime can do no wrong.

Stable, shading into Unrest. Over the centuries since the establishment of the clone-matriarchy, several sub-matriarchs have attempted to secede from the mainstream government, or have attempted to use force in various powerplays, leading to instances of internecine war.
To date, there are ‘rogue clones’ and ‘aberrants’, often blamed on poorly-overseen and illegal efforts to use ‘tainted’ genetic material in clandestine efforts to set up new clone-lines.

Security/Fighting Force:
Kamalin society is built around several gene-lines of soldiers charged with enforcing the peace and defending the colony. They are armed with weaponry derived from TGE energy pulse technology, wear armor similar to the Imperial Legionnaires, and fly fightercraft derived from earlier models of the Flying Fang. They possess no native-built starships, but do have a number of local space transports, patrol ships, and several carriers for in-system defense. The government has two light cruiser-weight and one scoutship-type FTL ship that they captured from alien invaders, but have kept these carefully repaired vessels in reserve for special missions.

Outside Threats:
The Kamalins have fought a number of local species, as well as several raids by the Exiles(in fact, it was while pursuing an Exile flotilla that had hit one of their enclave worlds that the EShemar stumbled across the Kaalios system and the Kamalins).

The TransGalactic Empire, if they were ever to learn of the Kamalintos enclave, would LOVE to reclaim their former ‘subjects’.
"Trouble rather the Tiger in his Lair,
Than the Sage among his Books,
For all the Empires and Kingdoms,
The Armies and Works that you hold Dear,
Are to him but the Playthings of the Moment,
To be turned over with the Flick of a Finger,
And the Turning of a Page"

--------Rudyard Kipling
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Re: Shemarrian-related fan creations

Unread post by taalismn »

The following uses Eric Fackler’s Galactic Tracer Starship Construction rules in Rifter #34 and Kitsune’s TW Sensors and Cosmic Ley Line Sailing as the basis.

Samara-class Light Interstellar Scout
(aka ‘Danderships’, ‘Light-flitters’, ‘Cotee-craft’)

“Think the Wayfinders aren’t courageous? Think again after you read the logs of some of their scouts. Going out into the Deep Dark in what amounts to a canoe with a sail stuck on top? Takes -serious- nerve. Some of them have gone out so far on their own that even with the maps they come back with, no Shemarrian may revisit the places they went for centuries. ”

“Scouter teams tend to grow closer than blood family; they’re four or five individuals cooped up together in a small can traveling in hundreds, if not thousands, of light years of nothing, for missions lasting months, even years.. Oh, sure, V-sim can make it seem like they’ve got privacy, but there;s always the awareness that outside their heads, there’s always another person a meter or less away. Typically when a Samara returns to port, the crew doesn’t disband; a lot get themselves a Trinity Module cluster and start their own clade or, if things really sent sour on the mission, they explode apart faster than a frag charge and go as far away from each other as the borders of Shemar space will allow.”

“Not a lot of leeway on a scouter mission; those small ships travel light, so there’s not a lot of spare capacity for spare parts or machine shops. Oh, the scout crews are equipped with some of the best-designed and most compact gear arguably in the whole Star Nation, but there are just some things a nanofac can’t do. A crew breaks something out in the unknown regions? They can’t just pull a spare out of storage; more often than not they have to find someplace to set down or hole up, find resources, build the tools to harvest those resources, use the refined stuff to build the tools to build the tools that create the equipment they need to make the spare parts to get their ship going again. That’s why scout crews aren’t just pilots and science types; they all have working specialties in industrial technical applications. Some of them have had to do near total hull rebuilds on their ships...took them a decade or two, but they had no other choice if they wanted to report back.”

The Samara is a small, light, interstellar scout vessel used by the Shemarrian Wayfinder for interstellar reconnaissance and exploration.
The Samara has a roughly seed-like shape, with sensor arrays fore and aft, a standard contragravity normal space and FTL propulsion generator amidships aft, a collar holding three deployable microwave/leyline sails forward, and a small crew cabin in the middle. Samaras are charitably described as ‘cramped’ inside, with little space aboard for crew recreation; the crew being Shemar, they’re expected to use VR immersion to keep entertained when not on duty; typically Samara crews don’t even leave their seats while on missions. This keeps the size of the ship down and allows for more sensors and stealth gear to be carried inside the hull.
Samaras are not equipped for planetary surface exploration, but more for ‘eyes on’ space exploration and orbital survey. They are not considered to be ‘first contact’ vessels, and will rarely ever attempt to initiate contact with other species; their mission is to travel, chart, and observe from a distance. They carry a small weapons turret and smaller standard point defense turret for self-defense, as well as possible external ordnance, but are not intended for combat. If confrontation appears imminent, Samara crews are to attempt to evade and escape, and are discouraged from staying and fighting.
Samaras can often use their small size to go unnoticed and go places larger vessels cannot. These small vessels have managed to infiltrate other galaxies to a surprising extent, pushing the limits of Wayfinder knowledge of space and producing intricate and comprehensive charts of the spacelanes.

Type: ESheMar-IsFBS10 Samara
Class: Light Interstellar Scout
Crew: 5
MDC/Armor by Location:
Main Body 1,500
Cockpit 600
Engines 900
Leyline Sails(3) 300 each
Communications/Sensor Arrays(2) 300 each
Main Turret 200
Point Defense Turret 160
Hardpoint Shield 300
Variable Forcefield 400 per side, 2,400 total
Height: 22 ft
Width: 24 ft
Length: 90 ft
Weight: 320 tons
Cargo: Internal storage of about 6 tons. Additional cargo is sometimes stored externally on the hardpoints or in a towed pod.
Powerplant: Nuclear Fusion w/ PPE Powerstone Backup
(Atmosphere) Hover to Mach 3; transatmospheric.
(Sublight) Mach 12
(Kitsune Values: 50% of light speed; Accelerates/decelerates at 1.2% of light speed per melee)
Using the sails to catch microwave radiation, the scout can go at a rather more sedate Mach 2(or accelerates/decelerate at 0.2% of light speed per melee), however, this mode of travail also doesn’t produce any detectable drive emissions, making it ideal for stealthy transits.
(FTL) 7 light years per hour
(LeyLine) Varies, but generally can make 10-12 light years per hour
(Underwater) Not possible
Market Cost: Exclusive to the Shemarrian Star Nation
Systems of Note:
Standard Starship Systems, plus:
*FTL Radio---Effective range of 4,000 light years, with an estimated signal speed of 60 light years/hour.

*Stealth/Sensor Baffling----The Shemar ships can partially mask their sensor spoor, making themselves difficult to detect at long range. This acts as Stealth(-70% to detect while stationary, -30% when moving).

*EW Jamming---Standard ECM suite for confusing sensor-guided weapons; -6 to strike

*EW Jamming----Jams communications in an 80 mile radius in atmosphere/8,000 miles in space. It also has a 55% chance of deflecting/confusing regular missiles and radar-guided weaponry.

*Long Range Astrometric Sensors---These sensors are the equivalent of a military early warning array though they’re somewhat slower at detecting small targets like military craft(takes three times as long) due to their being calibrated for stellar phenomena. However, the arrays can still pick up the FTL fingerprint of starships traveling up to 32 light years away, and can detect the gravity wells of planets and planetoids(of down to Plutonian size) up to 40 light years away within minutes of scanning(rather than days of observation). Can also measure solar flux from as far away as 15 light years away.
Other sensors in this group include radio astronomy, gravimetric charting, quantum particle detectors, and space/time flux registers. Additional instruments may be ‘plugged in’ as needed/developed.

*Long Range GeoPlanetary Sensors---These sensors allow extensive surveying of planetary bodies in detail before physical probes and manned excursions are ever sent down. Advanced radiation sensors, spectrographic analysis systems, active gravitic beam probes, and tunneling neutrino scanners allow the ship to perform extensive atmospheric and geological mapping within minutes. Accurate atmospheric analysis can be done at 80 million miles, and detect the containment fields of unconcealed fusion reactors from as far away as 3 million miles. Subterranean strata and mineral deposits can be accurately charted from 1,000 miles altitude, though complete and thorough geographic/seismic surveying takes longer, ideally with the deployment of a network of geoscisats. Sensors include techno-sensors attuned to detecting fission and fusion powerplants, radio-frequency transmissions, concentrations of processed materials(such as optical fibers, plastics, and refined metals), and industrial gases/pollutants. PPE sensors detect and determine ambient PPE/magical activity, as well as the presence and location of leylines. Biological sensors study biological byproducts, chemicals associated with the presence of lifeforms, microbial density in air and water, and bio-electric traces.

Techno-Wizard Sensors:(from Kitsune’s Palladium Pages)
• See Aura: Slightly different than the spell in that it can scan an entire target such as a ship or station. The enchantment can be used to target a single individual but only have one tenth normal range when being used in that matter. Costs 60 P.P.E. per activation due to extended range. Range: 1,000 miles (1,610 kilometers) in space and 1 mile (1.6 kilometers) in an atmosphere. Effects / Abilities: Gives an approximate count of the number of life forms onboard. Gives the average level of experience, highest level of experience, and lowest level of experience [Given in these terms: Low (1-3), medium (4-7), high (8th and up).] Tells if there is any magic onboard. Gives if there are any psychics onboard (Mind Block will prevent detection), Gives a general count on the amount of P.P.E. the target has (basically the P.P.E. of the crew and any devices which store P.P.E.). Detects if there is any kind of possession. Finally sees if the crew or ship has any unusual aberrations.
• See the Invisible Sensors: The ships has several special optical and other sensor systems with see the invisible on them. Same as spell and used at will (requires no P.P.E. to activate). Range: 2,000 miles (3,220 kilometers) in space and 2 miles (3.2 km) in an atmosphere. Effects / Abilities: Can see forces, objects, and creatures which can turn invisible, or are invisible. Can also see vaporous beings and astral bodies.
• Sense Magic: The ship has sensors which the give the ability to detect active magic. Similar to spell and used at will (requires no P.P.E. to activate). Range: 200,000 miles (322,000 kilometers) in space and 200 miles (320 km) in an atmosphere. Effects / Abilities: detects the presence of magic if within detection range of ship and gives bearing on magic and basic range although not exact position. Detects active enchantments but will not generally detect spell casters in general.
• Sense Rifts: Ship has sensors which effectively allow Rifts to be detected. The system can be (requires no P.P.E. to activate). Range: 500,000 miles (805,000 kilometers) in space and 500 miles (805 km) in an atmosphere. Effects / Abilities: Detects the presence of Rifts (including those created by Rifts Jump Drives) and unlike when detecting magic gives position very accurately.

Weapons Systems:
1) Main Turret----A controversial move was the fitting of a heavy weapons turret to a light scout. This wasn’t a problem with the programmed/Ecotroz-Shemar who tended to see EVERYTHING as a possible weapons platform, but many of the transferred intelligence Shemar and neShemar saw arming a scoutship as encouraging combat that the ship couldn’t handle. The argument was finally made that mounting a heavier weapon would, in the unexplored regions, discourage as-yet-unidentified encounters that attacking Shemar ships was a BAD idea. A modular turret has been mounted on the Samara, giving it some extra ranged firepower to keep possible foes off.
The use of a modular turret allows crews to customize their vessels according to their preferred defensive strategy; some prefer hard-hitting obvious weaponry, while others like more subtle defenses that leave little trace of deliberate action.

a) Laser Cannon---Cluster of four cannons
Range: 2.5 miles in atmosphere, 5 miles in space
(Kitsune Values: 5 miles in atmosphere, 500 miles in space)
Damage: 5d6x10 MD per single cannon shot, 2d6x100 MD for all four cannons firing simultaneously.
Rate of Fire: EGCHH
Payload: Effectively Unlimited

b) Ion Cannon
Range: 4 miles in atmosphere, 8 miles in space
(Kitsune Values: 8 miles in atmosphere, 800 miles in space)
Damage: 2d6x10 MD per single cannon shot, 8d6x10 MD for all four cannons firing simultaneously.
Rate of Fire: EGCHH
Payload: Effectively Unlimited

c) Particle Beam Cannon
Range: 3 miles in atmosphere, 6 miles in space
(Kitsune Values: 6 miles in atmosphere, 600 miles in space)
Damage: 1d4x100 MD per single cannon shot, 4d4x100 MD for all four cannons firing simultaneously.
Rate of Fire: 4 shots per melee
Payload: Effectively Unlimited

d) Tachyon Cannon
Range: 1.5 miles (2,500 m) in atmosphere, 6 miles (10,000 m) in space w/ 3 mile wide arc*
(Kitsune Values: 6 miles in atmosphere, 600 miles in space)
* Scatter width is reduced to 1/4th in atmosphere
Damage: 4d4x10 MD per blast
Rate of Fire: EGCHH
Payload: Effectively Unlimited

e) Neutron Cannon----Though considered a low-powered radiation weapon that does poor damage(and is easily negated by active anti-radiation shields), and requiring a large generation apparatus, the NC has good range and produces an intense neutron flux. As many spacefaring cultures use comparatively cheap fission warheads . powerplants and even radioisotope power sources, the intense burst of neutron radiation can disrupt their operation and even prematurely trigger nuclear weapons.
Range: 5 miles in atmosphere, 10 miles in space
(Kitsune Values: 10 miles in atmosphere, 1,000 miles in space)
Damage: 1d10x10 MD per blast
(Neutron Flux) On a Natural 16-20, the neutron flux will cause inadequately shielded fission powerplants to overheat, causing a partial meltdown or force an emergency shutdown by the safety systems, disrupting their power. Fission warheads will be rendered inert(and on a Natural 20 will prematurely go critical, suffering an additional 2d10x10 MD, destroying their casing, and likely spreading radioactive materials around).
Rate of Fire: EGCHH
Payload: Effectively Unlimited

f) G-Cannon---A powerful weapon(Newton still being the meanest SOB in space), but ammunition dependent. Many Samara crews taking this weapon option will dedicate a hardpoint to a manufactory pod able to convert heavy metal asteroid material into fresh ammunition for the g-cannon when on long duration missions.
Range: 8 miles in atmosphere, 16 miles in space
(Kitsune Values: 16 miles in atmosphere, 1,600 miles in space)
Damage: 2d4x100 MD per burst
Rate of Fire: EGCHH
Payload: 100 bursts per cannon

g) Light Plasma Torpedo Launcher---A direct line of sight energy weapon firing a bolt of plasma that ‘splashes’ on target. The downside of these weapons is that the Samara lacks a tractor beam system to accurately actively guide them on target, making them strictly direct fire weapons.
Range: 6 miles in atmosphere, 40 miles in space
(Kitsune Values: 40 miles in atmosphere, 4,000 miles in space)
Damage: 1d4x100 MD to a 50 ft blast radius per missile
Rate of Fire: Single shot. Once per melee
Payload: Effectively Unlimited

h) Light Disrupter Cannon
Range: 2 miles in atmosphere, 4 miles in space
(Kitsune Values: 4 miles in atmosphere, 4,000 miles in space)
Damage: 2d4x10 MD single barrel firing, 4d4x10 MD for two barrels firing, 4d6x10 MD for all four cannons firing simultaneously(counts as one attack), at point of impact, then 25% of that in a 20 ft radius
Rate of Fire: EGCHH
Payload: Effectively Unlimited

i)TW Ion Storm Cannon--- This is a TW Projection System that carries its own PPE generator (800 PPE battery capacity; recharges at 30 PPE per hour, 90 PPE/hour at a leyline, 180 PPE/hour on a nexus). It can summon up to a Magnitude 5 ion storm at a cost of 250 PPE. Effective Range of 10 miles(Palladium)(Kitsune: 10,000 miles)

j)TW Meteor Storm Cannon---This is a TW Projection System that carries its own PPE generator (800 PPE battery capacity; recharges at 30 PPE per hour, 90 PPE/hour at a leyline, 180 PPE/hour on a nexus). Costs 150 PPE for a Type One shower, 175 PPE for a Type Two, 200 PPE for a Type Three, 225 PPE for a Type Four, and 250 PPE for a Type Five. Showers last 10 minutes. Additional PPE may be routed from the ship’s own PPE reserves. Effective Range of 3 miles(Palladium)(Kitsune: 3,000 miles)

k)TW Solar Flare Projector---This is a TW Projection System that carries its own PPE generator (800 PPE battery capacity; recharges at 30 PPE per hour, 90 PPE/hour at a leyline, 180 PPE/hour on a nexus). Costs 250 PPE for . Showers last 1d6+5 hours. Additional PPE may be routed from the ship’s own PPE reserves. Effective Range of 1,200 miles(Palladium)(Kitsune: 1.2 million miles)

2) Point Defense Node---Standard Shemarrian-pattern rail gun/pulse laser combination in a common turret.
Range: (Rail Gun) 2 miles in atmosphere, 4 miles in space
(Kitsune Values: 4 miles in atmosphere, 400 miles in space)
(Laser) 1 mile in atmosphere, 3 miles in space
(Kitsune Values: 3 miles in atmosphere, 300 miles in space)
Damage: (Rail Gun)4D6x10 MD per blast
(Laser) 3D6x10 MD per blast
Rate of Fire: (Rail Gun)EGCHH(4-6)
(Laser) EGCHH (4-6)
Payload: (Rail Gun) 2,000 rd drum. Additional ammunition can be stored as cargo, but will take 45 minutes to reload from stores.
(Laser) Effectively Unlimited

3) Countermeasure Launchers(2)---Two blisters on the flanks of the Samara contain a three-tiered deployable decoy system.
a) Flare/Chaff---Traditional thermal/radar-scattering material bundles.
Range: Close Defense
Damage: None; similar to Triax-style chaff
01-50 Enemy Missile or volley detonates in chaff and threat is neutralized
51-75 Missile/Volley diverts and may pursue/lock on to other targets
76-00 No Effect! Missile(s) still on target!
Will also temporarily blind and impede flying monsters who fly into it.
In space, anything flying at high speed through the cloud will take 2d6 MD +1d6 MD per every 100 miles of speed over 670 MPH.
Reduce APMs/combat bonuses/ speed by half for 1d4 melees
Payload: 20 each launcher.

b) Nano-Pods---The second system releases a nanotech swarm of active jamming pods and decoys that are programmed to emulate a spacecraft’s sensor signature, or, at the very least, bury enemy tactical communications in ‘white noise’.
Effective Range: 25 mile jamming radius
Duration: 5 minutes per pod-spray
Effects: Jams radio signals(75% chance of jamming military band command-guidance ordnance), and 60% chance of deflecting ordinary missiles.
Payload: 18 swarm packs each launcher.

c) Grav-Decoys----The third system uses modified grav-pack drives and signal projectors to create a moving pattern of sensor signatures. The grav-pack short range-missile drives can go for 18 minutes before self-destructing, and can either be remotely directed or run a preset pattern.
Effective Speed: Mach 6
Duration: 10 minutes per pod
Effects: The decoys have a 70% chance of fooling enemy sensor operators and expert systems. They are are also +2 to enemy sensor-guided munitions to strike, increasing the chance that the missiles will elect to pursue the ‘louder’ sensor signature(the missile rolls to strike for both the original ship and each decoy deployed....highest to strike roll determines which target the missile(s) go after).
Payload: 15 decoys are carried, and can be deployed singly, or in ‘packs’ of 1-3.

4)(Optional) External Ordnance Pods(6)---The Samara carries six semi-external hardpoints that can carry probes or missile pods. Typically these hardpoints are used to carry space probes, beacon pods, or messenger buoys, but they can also be used to carry missiles, and even cargo pods, equipment modules, and even warmounts. The hardpoints can be protected by a sliding semi-retractable shield.
a) Mini-Missiles---24 shot pod per hardpoint
b) Short Range Missiles---10 shot pod per hardpoint
c) Medium Range Missiles---5 shot pod per hardpoint
d)Long Range Missiles---2 per module

Auxiliary Craft: None
"Trouble rather the Tiger in his Lair,
Than the Sage among his Books,
For all the Empires and Kingdoms,
The Armies and Works that you hold Dear,
Are to him but the Playthings of the Moment,
To be turned over with the Flick of a Finger,
And the Turning of a Page"

--------Rudyard Kipling
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Re: Shemarrian-related fan creations

Unread post by taalismn »

EShemar Skullcrusher Wargoddess Delenna Deathringer(NPC)

“Got yourself blown down to one -kyouta- of being eternally flatlined, AGAIN, sister-of-mine? We’re not living in the days of the Tarnish, Delenna. Suicide is not leadership.”
-Regin Shadowscry, just prior to Delenna Deathringer’s refit to her current Battleram body

“You DO realize that the ceegee-pinpoint shield-flanker jump’s meant for CAPITAL ships, don’t you? You’re at best, tonnage-wise, a light patrol craft. What you hope to accomplish with that particular set of calculations both worries and frightens me.”

“Delenna’s not a gentle chime reminding you of something you have to do; she’s the heavy metal toller that tells you your time is DEFINITELY up.”

Skullcrusher Wargoddess Delenna Deathringer of Asina Sector has the distinction of having, before Clan Megalith was discovered, the largest articulated robot body of any individual EShemar in the Tribes.
Deathringer, who has a firm belief in ‘leading from the front’ especially with regards to boarding actions, also has the dubious distinction of having one of the highest counts of total body reconstruction and replacement of any Wargoddess in the Shemarrian Star Nation...and that’s saying something, from a Tribe known for its record of fighting to self near-annihilation. Though ultimately victorious in battle, Deathringer has been totally reconstructed eight times, re-embodied in Upgrade five times, and been technically dead three times, and revived only from near-flatline.
Finally her team of personal Tinkers decided to give her a body built from a salvaged CCW CAF Battleram combat robot, figuring that MAYBE the massive robot body would prove durable enough to withstand Deathringer’s propensity for drawing heavy fire. Lady Delenna promptly showed her appreciation of her new body in her next combat action by flying up to the hull of a Sqaada cruiser and directly ripping several of its weapons turrets out of its hull with her new hands.
The huge body makes it impossible for Deathringer to interact with normal-sized EShemar, or command from a standard CIC setup, so she has to do most of her commanding via commlink and holo-avatar. Fortunately, she has both a competent command staff and a more strategically-minded sister, Regin Shadowscry, who commands the Black Axe Fleet, giving Deathringer the leeway to do what she does best; fight directly and personally. Fortunately, the Elders of the Skullcrushers recognize the Wargoddess’s value as a tactical fighter, rather than a fleet commander, and have allowed the two sister Wargoddesses this arrangement.
Deathringer is also jokingly referred to as the ‘Skullcrusher patron saint of Berserkers’. She’s also the only Wargoddess that another Tribe has attempted to lure into jumping Tribes(the Blood Riders like her style).

Level of Experience: 10th Level Wargoddess
Rank: Skullcrusher Wargoddess
Race: EShemar
Alignment: Scrupulous
Land of Origin: Three Galaxies
Age: 180 years
Sex: Female
Height: 70 ft
Weight: 250 tons
Physical Description/Appearance:
The original lines of the Battleram have been altered to include a more humanoid face below an elaborate headdress/sensor array, a slightly more buxom pectoral region, and added armor flourishes to the legs and arms.
Foolhardy-fearless, Deathringer epitomizes the ‘death holds no fear, only failure’ attitude of many Skullcrushers. She will fly into combat, leading by example. She’s not entirely kill-crazy however, nor is she an entirely self-centered gloryhound; she will stand aside to let others strike the decisive blows, and she will serve as a distraction so that others stand a better chance of affecting a tactical advantage. However, she is something of an action-junky, addicted to the clangor of war and the personal business of destroying an enemy.
Physical Attributes/Superlatives:
IQ: 22
ME: 21
MA: 14
PS: Robotic 70
PP: 18
PB: 9
Running: 40 MPH
Jumping: Not built for leaping; flies instead
Flying: Hover to Mach 1, no altitude limit(contragravity)
Underwater: 30 MPH, maximum depth limit of 3 miles(she once fought an Alien Intelligence in the liquid core of an ice moon).
Space: Mach 8
(Kitsune Values: 20% of light speed; Accelerates/decelerates at 0.8% of light speed per melee)
(FTL) With the use of an external contragravity drive pod, can hit speeds of 4 light years per hour.
(PPE): 8
Horror Factor: Deathringer’s massive size and reputation effectively give her a Horror Factor of 13
Special Abilities/Characteristics/Powers:
See Systems of Note
Hit Points:---
M.D.C. By Location:
Hands(2) 160 each
Arms(2) 480 each
Legs(2) 600 each
Feet(2) 320 each
Head 500.
Main Body 2,500
Long Range Missile Launchers(2, chest) 260 each
G-Cannon Pod 250
Missile Shield 700
Forcefield 500
Systems of Note:
Standard Shemarrian and Battleram Robot Systems, plus:
Full optical systems, laser targeting, passive night vision, telescopic vision, thermal imaging, infrared, ultraviolet, and polarization filters. Also has motion and heat detection, and other standard Shemarrian systems. Additional/special sensors may be built in by the creating Spinsters or at the behest of the individual.

*Bionic Cybernanite Repair Systems---A modified bionic nanotech repair system that originated with the Ecotroz Shemar, but has also been adopted by the Ghost Riders. These systems repair 4d6 MD per hour, and can repair 500 MDC before needing material stocks to convert to MD repair material.

*FTL Radio----Effective range of 100 light years, signal speed 18 light years/hour.

Weapons Systems:
1) Eye Lasers(2)----- Deathringer mounts the heavy warmount eye lasers.
Range: 4,000 ft in atmosphere, 2.4 miles in space
Damage: 4d6 MD single shot, 1d4x10 MD for a pulse burst
8d6 MD dual shot, 2d4x10 MD for a dual pulse burst(counts as one attack)
Rate of Fire: ECHH
Payload: Effectively Unlimited

2) Arm Lasers(2)---Deathringer’s Tinkers decided to remove the heavy HI-Laser from the shoulder and instead move it to a forearm position, then add a second in the other forearm, displacing the mini-missile launcher.
Range: 2 miles in atmosphere, 8 miles in space
(Kitsune Values: 2 miles in atmosphere, 200 miles in space)
Damage: 3d6x10 MD single shot
Rate of Fire: ECHH
Payload: Effectively Unlimited

3) Long Range Missile Launchers(4x2)---The chest-mounted missile launchers remain unchanged(aside from a little extra armor coverage).

4) Medium Range Missile Launchers(8x2)----The leg MRMLs remain unchanged.

5) Missile Shield---Rather than just carry a cruise missile on the back, Deathringer’s armorers decided to copy the Kittani and decided to conceal the missile in a large shield(700 MDC).

6) Heavy Gravity Cannon Rifle Pod---The Skullcrushers liked the five-ton gravity cannon mounted on the Battleram, but felt the damage was too paltry for a scaled-up Skullcrusher Wargoddess. So they traded up to a superior GR-2000-rating gravity cannon, a medium-class starship weapon.
Range: 8 miles in atmosphere, 16 miles in space
(Kitsune Values: 8 miles in atmosphere, miles in space)
Damage: 1d4x100 per 40 rd burst
Rate of Fire: ECHH
Payload: 800 rd drum

Magic: By item only

Psionics: Standard EShemarrian only

Skills:(10th Level War Goddess)

Speak/Read Dragonese 98%
-American 98%
+Speaks over fifty other languages at 98%, including Splugorthian, Carnaphadian, Kaliondian, Gobbley, Techno-Can, Trade Three, Trade Four, and Trade Five.

Camouflage 85%
Climb 98/90%
Movement/Combat: Zero Gee
Land Navigation 94%
Math: Basic 98%
Military Etiquette 98%
Pilot: Automobile 98%
Pilot Motorcycle 96%
Pilot Jet Pack 94%
Pilot Helicopter 90%
Pilot Combat Helicopter 88%
Pilot Airplane 90%
Pilot Tanks and APCs 90%
Radio Basic 98%
Swim 94%
Wilderness Survival 94%

Basic Electronics 92%
Basic Mechanics 90%
Radio: Basic 98%
Radio: FTL 85%
Cryptography 90%
Computer Operation 98%
Computer Hacking 70%
Computer Programming 90%
Demolitions 98%
Demolitions Disposal 94%
Demolitions Underwater 92%
Detect Ambush 65%
Detect Concealment 60%
Electronic Countermeasures 92%
Escape Artist 85%
Find Contraband 75%
I.D. Undercover Agent 80%
Intelligence 95%
Imitate Voices & Sounds 83%
Land Navigation 96%
Navigation: Space 80%
Palming 80%
Pick Locks 95%
Prowl 75%
Sensory Equipment 98%
Spelunking 96%
Streetwise 60%
Surveillance 90%
Tracking(People) 85%
Tailing 90%

(all at 8th level proficiency)
W.P. Energy Pistol
W.P. Energy Rifle
W.P. Heavy M.D. Weapons
W.P. Heavy Military Weapons
W.P. Rifles
W.P. Handguns
W.P. Blunt
W.P. Knife
W.P. Sword
W.P. Paired Weapons
W.P. Axe(6th level proficiency)

Actions/Attacks per Melee: 11
Initiative: +5
Strike: +3(+7 w/ ranged attacks)
Dodge: +2 on ground, +4 in flight, +7 flying in space
Automatic Thruster-Assisted Dodge +3
Pull Punch:+3
Critical Strike on a Natural 17-20
Restrained Punch 4d6 MD
Full Strength Punch 2d6x10+14 MD
Power Punch(2 attacks) 4d6x10+14 MD
Crush/Pry/Tear 2d6x10+14 MD
Kick 3d4x10+14 MD
Flying/Leap Kick 4d6x10+14 MD
Body Flip/Throw 4d6+14 MD
Body Block/Ram/Tackle 2d4x10+14 MD
Flying Ram 5d6x10+14 MD
Stomp(targets 15 ft tall or smaller) 6d6+14 MD
+3 Vs Psionics
IMMUNE to Horror Factor
Can lose over -50% of her Main Body MDC, before collapsing for good.

Notable Possessions/Equipment:
*Starsplitter----This Dominator weapon was taken off its slain former owner by Deathringer at the hellacious Battle of Medrosaun, which also saw the Wargoddess undergo her fourth full body replacement. The Starsplitter became a favorite trophy of the Asina Sector Fleet, and earned the force the Black Axe name. When Deathringer acquired her new larger body, she also took up the Starsplitter, being large and strong enough to properly wield it.

Deathringer is too big for a personal vehicle, though she does personally command a Remora-class Medium Cruiser
"Trouble rather the Tiger in his Lair,
Than the Sage among his Books,
For all the Empires and Kingdoms,
The Armies and Works that you hold Dear,
Are to him but the Playthings of the Moment,
To be turned over with the Flick of a Finger,
And the Turning of a Page"

--------Rudyard Kipling
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Re: Shemarrian-related fan creations

Unread post by taalismn »

Ah, first new hardware post of the New Year....

Seemaabite ExoDrone
(aka ‘Argentape’, ‘Proxus’, Kailasamite, ‘Fiddafist’, ‘Ginajin’, ‘Lumpbot’, ‘Tidalsmasher’, ‘Thickslammer’, ‘Silver-tsunami’)

“It’s like a personal repair stall on legs. Or a watchdog with a built-in clothing printer and lounge chair.”

<Stop, girl. Your carotid artery has been severed. You try to move, you will be dead in seconds>
<Fortunately, there is the means of saving your life immediately at hand. Up and IN you go!>
“There, now that the innocent is out of the way, we can focus on the cause of the problem. I am Inquisitor Tadreth, and your depredations, both as an individual and as a member of an organization, on the innocent beings of this world have come to my attention. Your actions against the female I just spoke to are a case in point, but not the only case I see I have immediate evidence for. You will cooperate fully in my investigation or you will face immediate terminal sentence for your crimes.”

“Oh, eventually I would have been able to pry open those doors on my own, but it goes a lot QUICKER with some extra muscle, don’t you think?”

“Last thing I remember was seeing at least four distorted reflections of myself growing larger in my vision REALLY fast before I blacked out in a LOT of pain. Getting punched out by one of those Silvermoon gorilla-bots is NOT happy-times at all. They can sprout those big-ass arms of theirs faster than you think and that silver stuff they’re made of hits like liquid concrete fired through a high-pressure firehose.”

“It might have less firepower than me, it might be slower than me, but I’d rather have that extra firepower and shielding AND another set of sensors and reflexes watching my back than wish I had them.”

The Seemaabite ExoDrone is a combination semiautonomous robot drone and exoframe meant as an adjutant to the Silvermoon Quiksil Elite, and uses some of the same systems, especially the polymorphic nanite material known as ‘smart-silver’ or ‘thicksilver’. Originally meant as a mere accessory unit, the Seemaabite has evolved in development into a heavy equipment-toting adjutant, sentry unit, valet, and mobile service booth with plenty of extras. Some EShemar want to consider the Seemaabite a Warmount, or possibly even a high-functioning Myrmidon, because it can be ridden, piloted, and Awakened with an Ecotroz essence-fragment, but most Tribeswomen consider the Seemaabite simply as a useful(albeit sophisticated) drone.
The Seemaabite resembles a bulbous, hunchbacked, headless humanoid robot the size of a large suit of Northern Gun power armor, though with a broader torso, wide shoulders, two small weapons arms, and a large open cavity where the pilot would go filled with a silvery mutable material like contained quicksilver. When not occupied, the central cavity/reservoir appears as an undulating pool of the silvery material; the Seemaabite drone-AI can be programmed to form basic facial expressions out of the thicksilver. In place of larger arms, there are instead two sockets filled with more of the same puttylike silver material. Despite having no head, the Seemaabite has multiple sensors built into its torso, giving it all-around sensory capability.
The Seemaabite can act as a basic utility and defense drone, but it can also serve as a sort of Shemarrian power armor. Any EShemar or NeShemar cyborg who climbs into the central body cavity becomes coated in the nanite-matrix suspended there, that serves as protection, control linkage, seat restraint and repair support/life support. They can then use the Seemaabite as a form of power armor at a basic level of proficiency.
However, when a Quiksil steps into the link-matrix, they can take full control of the Seemaabite’s nano-matrix. The shoulder pools of matrix material become extensions of the Quiksil’s own mutable limbs.
Though most commonly teamed with a Quiksil, Seemaabitees are sometimes paired up to other Silvermoon operatives. Some Silvermoon Tinkers like having the Seemaabitees as assistants, especially in the Tribe’s mines, and have supposedly worked to unlock some of the special nanite arm attacks for cracking rocks more efficiently, or have experimented with programming the reservoirs to simulate various tools.

Type: EcoS-R301 Seemaabite
Class: Robotic ExoDrone/Augmentation Frame
Crew: None; robot intelligence
1 rider/pilot/ passenger
MDC/Armor by Location:
Main Body 320
Matrix Pool 180
Matrix Arms(2) 150 each
Weapons Arms(2) 90 each
Legs(2) 150 each
Height: 9 ft
Width: 6 ft at shoulders
Length: 4 ft
Weight: 1,850 lbs
Cargo: Small space inside the central body for a few personal possessions and sidearms.
The Seemaabite also has slots for holding additional MDC matrix in the form of ‘bricks’ of easily-assimilated buckyball material that can be consumed/utilized to recharge EShemar/NeShemar regeneration systems. Typically carries 3-8 such ‘bricks’ or ‘sticks’ each of which holds 25 MDC worth of recharge material. These reserves are not automatically connected to the Seemaabite’s own regeneration systems, but can be manually removed from their storage slots and plugged in if so needed.
Physical Strength: Equivalent to Robotic P.S. of 30
Powerplant: Nuclear w/ 20 year energy life
Speed: (Running) 80 MPH.
The drone can also form its matrix arms into massive knuckle-running limbs and gallop along on all fours at 100 MPH.
(Leaping) 15 ft up/across standing leap; increase distance/height by 50% with a running start.
(Flying) Not possible(See Options)
(Space) Can survive in space, but lacks thrusters to be able to move about in zero gravity(See Options).
(Underwater) Can run along the bottom at 20 MPH, or can swim using its matrix-arms configured as flippers at 25 MPH. Maximum depth tolerance of 1,000 ft.
Market Cost: Exclusive to the Ecotroz-Shemar
Systems of Note:
Full optical systems, laser targeting, passive nightvision, telescopic vision, thermal imaging, infrared, ultraviolet, and polarization filters. Also has motion and heat detection, built-in radar( 5 mile range) and other standard power armor-equivalent systems. Additional/special sensors may be built in by the creating Spinsters or at the behest of individual riders/owners.

*Basic Robot Audio---The Seemaabite is typically mute, communicating with its Shemarrian mistress via radio, but it can also speak with an obviously synthesized robotic voice. Tends to be laconic and to the point.

*360-degree Waist Rotation---Because the pilot/passenger sits with legs drawn up into the torso, the upper torso can spin a full 360-degrees around.

*Bionic Cybernanite Repair Systems---ALL Seemaabites have a modified version of the bionic nanotech repair system that the Ecotroz Shemar have refitted themselves with, and which is becoming the standard among NeShemar as well. These systems repair 8d6 MD per hour, and can repair 120 MDC before needing material stocks to convert to MD repair material.
Note that the standard Seemaabite lacks a mouth or the means to mechanically process/’digest’ additional material on its own for conversion to repair material(See Options).

*Nanosurgeon Programming----The central matrix reservoir acts as a nanite regeneration chamber; any robotic gynoid/android EShemarrian stepping into the cavity will find their cybernanite repair systems bolstered to 6d6 MD per hour, same as with bionic cyborg NeShemar. Quiksil, for who the Seemaabite was designed, will have their regeneration rates jumped to 1d6x10 MD per hour. Note that the Seemaabite can replace a pilot/passenger’s MDC repair numbers from its own MDC reservoir.
The matrix reservoir can also act as a nanosurgical bed for non-shemar, acting as a full body IRMSS. The thicksilver can cover and infiltrate a body to locate and dissolve shrapnel and internal obstructions, kill parasites, chelate toxins, and perform microsurgery. The system can also be used to -disable- cybernetic implants in prisoners, or defuse security measures such as tracking and exploding chips.
If the operator of the Seemaabite is expecting extensive use of this ability for medical purposes, the ‘bot can be further improved with treatment-specific upgrade systems.

*Laser Reflective Skin---Lasers do HALF damage against the Seemaabite’s reflective arms and central torso, and Variable Frequency Lasers CANNOT adjust to compensate.

*Artificial Immune System---The nanotech reservoirs will also actively resist attacks with malnano(malign nanotech), partially ‘immunizing’ the EShemar from attacks with such weapons as Rifts Earth Republic of Japan ‘Dissolver’ nanites and T’zee weapons. Such weapons only do 1/2 their regular damage on their first attack, and 1/4 normal damage on any subsequent attacks(the thicksilver nanotech system ‘remembers’ the attack type).

*Molecular Adhesion---The nanites can also effectively dig into surfaces they come in contact with, acting like a sort of ‘super velcro’, and acting like molecular adhesion pads for purposes of climbing. The ‘bot can cling like an insect to surfaces and structures. The entire surface of the Seemaabite can be covered in a layer of this ‘tacky’ nano-adhesive.

*Nano-Tailor---The Seemaabite’s nanomatrix can also ‘print’ basic clothing if so requested, typically laying down a thin layer of nanotubule fabric on the passenger’s body. This is handy if the operator/passenger requires quick clothing or a disguise. The typical outfit is a formfitting one-piece set of overalls(can include boots, gloves, and a hood) ranging from ‘painted on’ to ‘baggy’ in fit.
The outfit so produced is not made of active nanites, but still has some advanced ‘smart’ properties, including the ability to alter permeability to reflect or retain heat, pass sweat, or become waterproof. A full head covering can be fitted with transparencies over the eyes, and a filter mask(85% effective at filtering out airborne gases and pathogens). The ‘optimal’ nanotubule-weave garment has 30 MDC(comes out of the thicksilver reservoir’s MDC pool and is regenerated as normal by the Seemaabite), but its thin fabric does little to deflect kinetic/concussive attacks(do half damage –through- the fabric) but does stop energy attacks.
Can also generate ‘burnsuit’ skinning; a layer of protective nanite matrix that replaces burnt skin and prevents further fluid loss and infection.
The Seemaabite cannot design clothing/coverings, but works off preprogrammed templates. The operator can input their own designs if they have the appropriate skills(Wardrobe & Grooming/Sewing + Computer Programming).

Weapons Systems:
1) Weapons Arms(2) ---Two small armatures are attached to the Seemaabite’s torso just below the ‘arm pits’ of the Matrix Arms. These armatures end in modular fittings for dedicated ranged weaponry, typically modified cyborg armaments or Warmount modular hardpoint guns. These armatures typically fire forward from under the main arms, but they can also flex-fold backwards and back, to fire backwards or over the shoulders. Different weapons can be fitted to each armature, but typically two of the same kind are fitted, allowing the weapons to be fired in synch(counts as one attack) at the same target without penalties.
a) Pulse Laser---Cyborg pulse laser cannon modified with Silvermoon ‘smart’ optics.
Range: 2,000 ft
Damage: 3d6 MD single shot. 1d6x10 MD triple-pulse burst
Rate of Fire: ECHH
Payload: Effectively Unlimited

b) Plasma Blaster
Range: 1,500 ft
(‘Shotgun’ Bolt) 600 ft
Damage: 6d6 MD
(‘Shotgun’ Bolt) 2d4 MD to an 8 ft wide area
Rate of Fire: ECHH
Payload: Effectively Unlimited

c) Ion Blaster
Range: 1,200 ft
Damage: 1d6 MD single blast, 2d6 MD double-shot burst, 1d6x10 MD rapid-fire burst.
Rate of Fire: ECHH
Payload: Effectively Unlimited

d) Particle Beam Blaster
Range: 1,000 ft
Damage: 6d6+6 MD per blast, plus does 50% more damage on a Natural 17-20 to strike
Rate of Fire: ECHH
Payload: Effectively Unlimited

e) Light Rail Gun
Range:: 4,000 ft
Damage: 1d4 MD single rd, 4d6 MD per 20 rd burst
Rate of Fire: ECHH
Payload: 2,000 rd drum per cannon

f) Machine Gun---Standard cyborg-style 5.56mm light machine gun, only gatling style for sustained fire. Can chamber a variety of commercially available 5.56mm round types, so the Shemarrian can ‘live off the land’ if necessary.
Range: 2,000 ft
Damage: (Conventional) 1d6x10 SDC/HP per 10 rd burst
(Exploding) 1 MD single round, 2d4 MD ten-shot burst
Rate of Fire: ECHH
Payload: 1,000 rd drum per cannon

g) Assault Gun---Shortened version of the Shemarrian Assault Rifle, but belt-fed. It retains the underbarrel bayonet socket, allowing it to be fitted with some extra vibro-cutlery. Unlike ARCHIE-3’s original weapon, the Shemarrians HAVE developed a drum feed for the Assault Gun.
Range: 3,000 ft
Damage: 1d6 MD single round, 4d6 MD six-round burst, 1d4x10 MD for a 12 round burst. Bayonet does 1d6+1 MD.
Rate of Fire: ECHH
Payload: 600 rd drum.

h) Stun Blaster----Copied from the Japanese AT-23 Stun Rifle:
Range: 800 ft
Damage:(Setting One) ‘Soft’ setting; used against children, weak, elderly, sickly. 1d6 SDC.
(Setting Two) Moderate: 2d6 SDC. Teens, adult in poor to average condition, small to medium-sized animals.
(Setting Three) Heavy; 3d6 SDC. Adults in good condition
(Setting Four) Extreme; 6d6 SDC, recommended against Juicers, Crazies, large animals.
(Setting Five) Maximum power, anti-Juicer: 1d6 MD, crazies, partial/full-con cyborgs, and non-humans
Each setting , the target must save versus non-lethal poison(16 or better; children and small animals need an 18 or better). On a successful save, the target is
-1 APM from the jolt, plus takes damage. On an UNsuccesful save, they are -9 to initiative,
-7 strike/parry/dodge, and reduce Speed, APMs, and skill performance by HALF. Duration of stun is 2d4 melee rounds, and duration is cumulative with successive hits. There is also a 15% cumulative chance per additional strike of being rendered unconscious for 1d4 minutes.
Being struck by a too low setting for one’s body type means the character suffers little or no effect(+4 to save per level below the appropriate setting). Being struck with a HIGHER setting runs the risk of a +15% chance per level above one’s recommended tolerance setting of being rendered unconscious, provided the target isn’t fatally electrocuted already.
Rate of Fire: ECHH
Payload: Effectively Unlimited

2) Matrix Arms(2)---The oversized shoulders of the Seemaabite hold reservoirs of silvery nanomatrix( ‘thicksilver’) that can be deployed to form polymorphic limbs. When acting as a semiautonomous drone or a power armor by an appropriately equipped non-Quicksil Shemar, the Seemaabite can use these reservoirs to form basic limbs such as arms, large hands/claws, and whips, but when a Quiksil is connected to the frame, they can use the reservoirs as extensions of their own limbs, and unlock a number of special abilities. The greater size and available mass in the reservoirs, however, means that the Seemaabite can have a greater reach and do more damage than the baseline Quiksil can. The extra mass available to the Seemaabite arms can also be used to form other things, such as shields, nets, wind turbines, or even be detached in portions and used as projectiles.
Range:(Melee) Blades are typically 6-24 inches long
(Whip) 30 ft
(Drill) 9 ft reach
(Shield Arm) 7 ft(and roughly 4 ft in diameter)
(Wind Blast) 150 ft, and can be target specific or fanned out to affect a 25-ft wide area(50 ft if both arms are used).
(Extensor) 200 ft, each cable has about 6 MDC, and can haul weight equivalent to the Shemarrian’s own Robotic P.S. , If the cable snaps, it retains its MDC for 5 minutes, after which it decays into dust.
(Tangler Tendrils) 25 ft. Branches out into ten smaller tentacles, each with 10 MDC.
(Projectile) 250 ft
(Piledriver) 6 ft
(Pry-Claw) 7 ft
Damage:(Melee) 1d6 SD/MD for simple, single, small blades, 3d6(+P.S. damage)SD/MD for heavy blunt weapons like wedges and morning stars, 4d6(+P.S. damage) SD/MD for swords, axes, and glaives.
(Whip) 3d6 SDC simple lash attack or 3d6 MD razor-whipsaw lash, 2d6 SDC/MD if used as a stabbing weapon, 4d6 SDC/2d4 MD per melee for a constricting crush.
(Drill) 5d6 MD per attack action spent drilling, but is -1 to strike(has to hit dead on and site itself for maximum efficiency).
(Shield Arm) Foam Shield----A large honeycombed shield of foamed nanomaterial can be formed that soaks up kinetic energy; shells, projectiles, and rail gun rounds do HALF damage hitting it. Can have up to 75 MDC(150 MDC if both arms are used to form a common shield)
(Wind Blast) Roughly equivalent to the spell ‘Wind Rush’; targets must roll an 18 or better to prevent being knocked down(lose 1 APM and initiative getting back up), and must find to make progress against the directed 90 MPH gale-force air blast.
(Extensor) Serves as a climbing line grapple; does 1d6 SDC/1 MD if used as a projectile.
(Tangler Tendrils) Branches out into ten smaller tentacles, that can merge into an enclosing mesh with 100 MDC and a restraining /constricting Robotic Strength of 30. The mesh net can be detached from the Seemaabite, whereupon it loses its regenerative abilities(and the Seemaabite temporarily loses 100 MDC from its arm reservoir) and becomes rigid metal/carbon tubule material). The molecular self-destruct of the detached cage can be delayed for up to 6 hours, when the thicksilver breaks down into molecular dust.
(Projectile) The Quiksil can detach part of the Seemaabite nanotech reservoir to create projectile weapons(actually throwing blades, razor darts, or shuriken). Each blade takes 5 MDC from the reservoir’s total MDC, and does 1d4 MD used as a weapon(hand weapon or thrown). The projectile retains solidity for 5 minutes, during which time the projectile can be reabsorbed by the Quiksil and the MDC reclaimed, otherwise at the end of the time period it instantly decays into inert powder.
(Piledriver) Works like a directed charge or hydraulic shaped charge. Does 2d6x10 MD, but takes up all APMs that melee.
(Pry-Claw) Works by sliding in a narrow blade of thicksilver into a crack or seam, then pours more material into it to use hydraulic pressure to tear the material open from the inside. Tears/pries with a Robotic Strength of 40. Normally does 2d6+4 MD but on an initial critical strike roll of 17-20, does DOUBLE damage and the expenditure of an additional 2 APMs the next action to maintain contact, automatically does DOUBLE damage again the next melee. A target so impaled can attempt to break contact by either attacking the thicksilver claw being poured into the gap, or disentangle/break hold/roll, but is -3 to do so.
Rate of Fire: ECHH
(Piledriver) Once per melee
(Pry-Claw) Takes up 2 APMs
(Shield Arm) +2 Parry
(Extensor) +1 to Entangle. The tendrils also give the Quiksil/Seemaabite combo a +15% to Climbing(and increase climbing speed by 25%).
(Tangler Tendrils) +4 to Entangle.

The Seemaabite has a basic robot utility/combat programming. Its personality is dull and drone-like and it takes orders well. Occasionally(20%) Awakened with an Ecotroz to Myrmidon status by its operators.
Typically has the following:
Basic Math 98%
Radio: Basic 98%
Computer Operation 80%
Prowl 60%
Climbing/Rappelling 98%/90%
Intelligence 85%
Detect Ambush 60%
Detect Concealment 70%
Tracking 60%
Land Navigation 86%
Wilderness Survival 88%
Language: Can understand 22 different languages
Read Sensory Instruments 94%
General Maintenance and Repair 90%
W.P. Blunt(6th level)
W.P. Sword(6th level)
W.P. Knife(6th level)
Field Surgery/Nano-Surgery(Nanite Bed) 85%

If Awakened the Ecotroz entity can also pick up one Secondary skill at levels 2, 6, and 12 of experience, though the nature/orientation of the Seemaabite intelligence and design is such that it is limited to skill selections from Mechanical(Basic Mechanics, Automobile) Mechanics Medical(First Aide), Technical (Excavation, Mining, Recycling, Salvage, Carpentry, Language/Literacy(understanding) and Lore), Espionage(Detect Ambush, Detect Concealment), Wilderness(Track Humanoids, Track Animals, Hunting, Identify Plants and Fruits).
Seemaabites are regarded as having an effective IQ rating of 10, unless otherwise modified and Upgraded.

Actions/Attacks Per Melee: 8
Initiative +4 (+1 from an Ecotroz entity for a total of +5)
Dodge +5
Strike +4 (+4 w/ ranged weaponry)
Roll +7
+5 Dodge and Parry attacks from behind
Pull Punch +4
Critical Strike on an Unmodified 19-20.
Restrained Punch/Slap 6d6 SDC
Full Strength Punch 1d6 MD
Power Punch(2 attacks) 2d6 MD
Weapons Armature Swat/Jab 1d4 MD
Kick 1d6 MD
Body Block/Ram/Tackle 1d4 MD

*Alternate Modes----Rather than be used as power-up or utilities frame for a Quiksil, the Seemaabite can used by/on others.
*EShemar/NeShemar-----Those with the skills of piloting/operating power armor will only be able to access the most basic modes of the Seemaabite, roughly equivalent to Ground Power Armor(Elite) training.
*Non-Shemar----The Seemaabite can be used to capture and transport prisoners or carry passengers, in which case the central cavity nanomatrix pool can be used to envelope the passenger. Sometimes called derisively ‘silver gimp mode’, this application can partially or completely cover the passenger in thicksilver, full coverage acting as sensory deprivation(or the passenger/prisoner can be sedated to avoid this problem).
The Seemaabite can also act as a nanosurgeon in this mode; envelopment in the thicksilver means the nanite covering can perform IRMSS-style surgery on the passenger at the Medical Doctor equivalency of 85%. Or a more qualified bio-Tinker or neShemar doctor with a headjack and VR link can link in and direct the surgery if they have a better/more specialized skill rating.

If Awakened with an Ecotroz Essence, the Seemaabite also gets the following traits:
Note: The Ecotroz intelligence fragment inhabiting the ‘bot gives the Seemaabite an aura and behavior more befitting a sentient being than a robot. Awakened Seemaabites typically exhibit a dogged and dog-like loyalty to their owners/operators, becoming steadfast retainers and assistants to them.

The Ecotroz fragment does occasionally need sleep/rest...though they only need 2 hours of rest/meditation per 24 hours...they can push this, going without for as many days as they have I.Q. points(most Warmounts, unless otherwise noted, have an effective IQ rating of 8), but will have to go dormant for 4d6 hours after such exertion.
Susceptible to Exorcism and Banish spells, but are +6 to save against such spells, +1 at levels 4, 8, and 12 of experience, and becoming IMMUNE at level 14 and up. Such Banishment causes the ‘bot to revert to its default robot programming. (OPTION: Ecotroz may become IMMUNE to Exorcism and Banishment with experience, and NEW BUILT EShemar constructs are immune to this)

Note also that the Ecotroz-possessed ‘bot can infect other bots with the Ecotroz viral-entity, by bite or sustained touch(takes 3 attacks).

*Silverwings Mod----This Upgrade package adds programming to the matrix structuring and an internal contra-gravity coil, giving the Seemaabite full flight capabilities. The matrix arms can be used to form large wings or any appearance(such as moth, bird, bat, or dragon), though they exist as control airfoils, not as lift and propulsion. The Silverwings Seemaabite also gains a pair of extendable tail-vanes/foils for added aerodynamic control(each has 50 MDC). The Silverwings Seemaabite can hover stationary or fly at 400 MPH, maximum altitude of 30,000 ft(or Mach 1 in space), and has a +3 to dodge in flight(drops to +2 if both the tail vanes are destroyed, and loses all bonuses altogether if one or more of the wings are destroyed). The Seemaabite also can grow(even when carrying a pilot/passenger) antennae from its central cavity reservoir that allow it to detect lasers and radar emissions, and extend its radar range to 25 miles.
The Silverwing Seemaabite can also use the bonuses for Flying Power Armor training.

*Signal Booster---The Seemaabite can be fitted and programmed to shape its thicksilver reservoirs into antennae for better transmission and reception of radio and laser communications. Effective boosted range of 2,500 miles direct LOS.

*Full-Body Laser-Reflective Plating----Initially, Seemaabitees were meant to be drab drones, not outshining their Silvermoon mistresses, especially if the latter were going in disguise(the Seemaabite would be disguised to look like a hulking labor’bot or mundane power armor), but some Quiksils prefer their adjutant units to have the full Silvermoon war-paint. Lasers do HALF damage to the entire ‘bot.

*Runner Legs---This adds larger, longer, more powerful legs to the Seemaabite, that raise its height to 11 ft, weight to 1.1 tons, raise the leg armor to 180 MDC each, increase maximum running speed to 120 MPH, and leaping distance to 25 ft up/across(50% more with a running start). Kick damage is also increased to 2d4 MD. Not all Quiksil and other assignees want this upgrade however, as it makes the companion bot that much more awkward and hard to maneuver in close spaces.

*Medical Upgrades---If the operator is anticipating using the Seemaabite as a mobile medical unit, its capabilities can be improved with such add-ons as a more extensive autodoc drug dispensary, life support systems, and even an emergency medical stasis system for ‘freezing’ patients until they can transferred to more capable medical facilities.

*MD Material Conversion---This Upgrades the Seemaabite to be able to assimilate MDC materials in the field for conversion into repair/replenishment stock material. restocking its reservoirs like more predatory e-animals can, ‘digesting’ kills or battlefield salvage. The Seemaabite has an extendable hopper intake that emerges from the underside like an insect stinger or suction pipe. The Seemaabite cannot ‘bite’ or ‘chew’, but must pulverize/slice material to a consistency fine enough to fit through the hopper intake(can’t be used to dispose of a live body, for instance), and generally takes twice as much starter MDC material, or four times that of SDC material, to create one unit of reserve MDC(so the Seemaabite needs to process 400 SDC or 2 MDC worth of starter material to get 1 MDC into the reservoirs). However, this still allows the Seemaabite(and by extension, its assigned mistress/pilot) to remain in the field without specialized support.

*TW Enhancements----Reportedly the Silvermoons are in negotiations with the Wayfinders for technowizardry enhancements to the Seemaabite, possibly in exchange for the production templates to the design. Such Upgrades would likely include the fitting of TW PE powerstones/generators(with typically a 200-400 PPE reservoir) to power protective spells such as Armor of Ithan, Impervious to Energy, Impervious to Fire, Shadow Cloaking, Sound Cloaking Invisibility, weaponry enhancements such as Silverize, Spinning Blades, Hydra’s Circle, TW weapons in place of the weapons armatures, magic sensors, or enhancements to the repair/medical systems, such as Mend the Broken(for repairing SDC/MDC) or Restore Limb(for healing organics).

* EcoS-R301D(?)-----(aka ‘Noctrus’) Rumored variant meant for the Quiksil’s shadowy sister-variant, the Darkling. The Noctrus would be armored in Naruni-derived thermal-stealth armor and replace the thicksilver in its reservoirs with its less glamorous and stealthier counterpart, variously nicknamed ‘nanosoot’ or ‘shadowgoo’.
Capabilities: Noctrus are identical in all regards to the Quiksil Seemaabite except in the following:
*Shadow Stealth---Instead of laser reflective properties, the Noctrus instead absorbs light like a living shadow: Only has a 25% chance of showing up on infrared and thermal optics, and has a +10% to prowl in darkness/shadow.

*Thermal Protection---Megadamage fire, plasma, and magic fire do only HALF damage.

*Kinetic Energy Protection---Kinetic impacts, including explosions, falls, rail gun and projectile strikes, and grenade blasts do HALF damage. Kicks and punches and other melee strikes do full damage.

*Radar Invisibility---The same ability that deflects light and heat also can more effectively absorb or deflect radar emissions; 80% chance of going undetected by radar and microwave motion detection systems.

* EcoS-R301Wf(?)-----Possible Wayfinder variant, if the rumors of a collaboration between the Silvermoons and the Wayfinders to Upgrade the Seemaabite with advanced technowizardry are true. Such a variant would most likely be heavy on TW systems and possibly even magic/psionic amplification systems similar to the ‘Foci’ drones. Some say such a variant is already in service with Silvermoon Mystics and priestesses.
"Trouble rather the Tiger in his Lair,
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Re: Shemarrian-related fan creations

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Diamond Trees(aka ‘D-trees’)
“We go beyond carbon offsets here; we’re growing diamond armor.”

“####ing she-mar militia drove my hover-cav squad into one of their orchards. Thought we could smash our way through to the other side, but those damned trees had hard crystal cores under the bark. We ran up onto a hedgehog of monomolecular pikes. First hovs to hit the treeline got impaled hard; the rest of us piled up against their exploding remains. Those of us who stopped in time had to face the militia coming hot on our tails.”

Diamond Trees are cybernetic e-plants developed by the Horrorwoods in collaboration with the Radiant Edge as bio-remediation tools in cleaning up planetary environments.
D-Trees use their graphite-branches to gather in ambient carbon and sequester it in the form of first graphene substrates, then as nanite-assembled synthetic diamond crystal. D-Trees can be powered by a variety of sources; wind, geothermal, solar(drawing from adjacent dedicated power-gatherer groves) or from nuclear energy(networked power grids or slow-decay radioisotopes pulled from the environment).
D-Trees serve two major purposes; they act as carbon sinks and they process harvested carbon into industrially-usable forms. The Shemarrian Star Nation uses d-trees to process carbon waste from its industries, terraform carbon-rich planets, and to prevent or reverse runaway carbon pollution on its client worlds.
The more energy available to d-trees, the more easily, efficiently, and quickly they can produce the stronger carbon molecule bonds; it may take solar-powered groves years to produce significant amounts of diamond that a fusion-powered stand can process in a month.
Young d-trees resemble ordinary trees, but mature specimens can resemble towering crystalline spires festooned with collector branches.
Mature d-trees can be quite tough, with crystallized carbon branches having 1d8 MDC each and trunks of 2d4x10 MDC, making a grove of them a potentially deadly obstacle to anybody trying to break through them.
"Trouble rather the Tiger in his Lair,
Than the Sage among his Books,
For all the Empires and Kingdoms,
The Armies and Works that you hold Dear,
Are to him but the Playthings of the Moment,
To be turned over with the Flick of a Finger,
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Re: Shemarrian-related fan creations

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I seem to be having issues with the PM system..
How goes the Warlustress, taalismn?
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Re: Shemarrian-related fan creations

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kronos wrote:I seem to be having issues with the PM system..
How goes the Warlustress, taalismn?

I thought I sent you a finished copy of it, the same I forwarded to DhAkael to spring on his players.
I'll send it to you again soon as I'm able.
"Trouble rather the Tiger in his Lair,
Than the Sage among his Books,
For all the Empires and Kingdoms,
The Armies and Works that you hold Dear,
Are to him but the Playthings of the Moment,
To be turned over with the Flick of a Finger,
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Re: Shemarrian-related fan creations

Unread post by kronos »

taalismn wrote:
kronos wrote:I seem to be having issues with the PM system..
How goes the Warlustress, taalismn?

I thought I sent you a finished copy of it, the same I forwarded to DhAkael to spring on his players.
I'll send it to you again soon as I'm able.

Just got it now. Looking good. I think my PM system was shot.. or you might have forgotten.. I know I was having problems sending messages yesterday, but I haven't received anything since Nov 7 *shrugs*
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Re: Shemarrian-related fan creations

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ESheMar-CV-01Am----’Stellar Armis’, 'Star Armour' or Defender - Clan Armorand variant of the Hitode, designed to act as a defensive unit for their limited fleet. The shields are replaced with slightly more powerful versions, benefiting from Clan Armorand's shield technology allowing these ships to boost shield power of nearby ships, and also boast improved regenerating rates. The storage areas in the arms are filled with back up shield generators that allow the CV-01Am to quickly restore shield power if they collapse and ammunition for the point defense systems and power systems to feed all the added systems. The engines are also beefed up to allow the ships to quickly move about their fleet to protect vulnerable ships. The point defense systems are also increased in numbers to almost double as well as added mini-missile launchers, allowing them to better take out any missile volley, fighters or power armours from getting too close to their charges, allowing them to create a virtual wall of defensive fire. To aid in the 'wall of fire' defense, five tachyon scatter weapons are added, one to each armature.
The first encounter of these ships was a group of three protecting a group of refugee ships fleeing the TGE, where they formed a rotating ring around the ship, their point defense weapons and tachyon scatter cannons easily destroying the missile barrages from 20 TGE Berserkers, and heavily damaging any Berserker lingering too close trying to penetrate their defensive fire.

Weight: Increase overall mass by 20%
Speed: Increase maximum speed to Mach 12. 
MDC/Armor by Location:
Variable Forcefields---2,000 per side (8,000 total)
Shield Regenerate at 20% per round (400 MDC per round to each side)
Tachyon Scatter Cannons (5) 400 each
Mini-Missile Turrets (7) 100 each

Remove the 2 Plasma Hunter-Killer Torpedo Launchers

*'Phalanx Shielding’ - The Armorandites have learned how to tune the forcefields such that if they are in close proximity, maximum of 100 ft, increases the shield strength of another starship by 25% but only for ships over 100 ft long. Having more than one shield in close proximity does not offer cumulative bonuses, only redundancy in the event people are forced to drop out of proximity. Ships under 100 ft, warmounts and warriors in power armour or elites designed to fight in space also designed with Clan Armorand shielding only gain 10% boost in shield strength while within 100 ft of the CV-01Am.

*Improved Targeting System - The CV-01Am has improved targeting systems for its point defense weapons, granting its gunners and automated turrets +3 to attack rolls against ships, creatures, robots, power armours under 100 ft in length. Against missiles gains +2 to rolls.

*Redundant Shields - In the event of total shield failure, back up shields can be raised, but these shields only have 1,500 MDC per side. This allows the primary shields to regenerate and can be raised once back to full strength and only after the back up shields are lowered. These shields only have a maximum range for allies to benefit the Phalanx shielding of 50 feet.

Weapons Systems:
4)Point Defense Rail Gun/Laser Turrets (60) --- Standard Shemarrian-pattern rail gun/pulse laser combination in a common turret.
Range: (Rail Gun) 2 miles in atmosphere, 4 miles in space
(Kitsune Values: 4 miles in atmosphere, 400 miles in space)
(Laser) 1 mile in atmosphere, 3 miles in space
(Kitsune Values: 3 miles in atmosphere, 300 miles in space)
Damage: (Rail Gun)4D6x10 M.D. per blast
(Laser) 3D6x10 M.D. per blast
Rate of Fire: (Rail Gun)EGCHH(4-6)
(Laser) EGCHH (4-6)
Payload: (Rail Gun) 3,000 rd drum. Additional ammunition can be stored as cargo, but will take 45 minutes to reload from stores.
(Laser) Effectively Unlimited

Add 5) Tachyon Scatter Cannons(5) --- These wide-angle weapons provide good solid defense against fighters and missiles, and can even damage larger vessels.
Range: 5 miles in atmosphere, 10 miles in space w/ 4 mile wide arc
(Kitsune Values: 10 miles in atmosphere, 10,000 miles in space w/ 12 mile wide arc)
Reduce arc size in atmosphere to 1/4
Damage: 1d4x100 MD per single cannon firing
Rate of Fire: EGCHH
Payload: Effectively Unlimited

Add 6) Mini-Missile Launchers (7)--- 7 mini-missile launchers are added to help against missile volleys, allowing the gunners to block even more enemy fire from passing through their defensive line.
Range: Varies by Missile Type
(Kitsune) 2 miles in atmosphere/ 100 miles in space
(Palladium) Atmospheric Range x 4
Damage: Varies by Missile Type
Rate of Fire: Volleys of 1-8 missiles
Payload: 128 missiles per launcher. Reloading a turret from the cargo hold takes 1d6 minutes (1 ton of cargo per 96 missiles)
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Re: Shemarrian-related fan creations

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kronos wrote:ESheMar-CV-01Am----’Stellar Armis’, 'Star Armour' or Defender - Clan Armorand variant of the Hitode,

Holy Honkin' WOW 8)

Yeah, now I gotta finish off my other Hitode variants...Ship that versatile, it gets around.
"Trouble rather the Tiger in his Lair,
Than the Sage among his Books,
For all the Empires and Kingdoms,
The Armies and Works that you hold Dear,
Are to him but the Playthings of the Moment,
To be turned over with the Flick of a Finger,
And the Turning of a Page"

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Re: Shemarrian-related fan creations

Unread post by kronos »

taalismn wrote:
kronos wrote:ESheMar-CV-01Am----’Stellar Armis’, 'Star Armour' or Defender - Clan Armorand variant of the Hitode,

Holy Honkin' WOW 8)

Yeah, now I gotta finish off my other Hitode variants...Ship that versatile, it gets around.

I need to get posting to catch up with your numbers. and hopefully be the firost on page 100!

Edit: I'd image that Clan Armorand, once they get enough ships, would probably use the CV-01Am in something like 'defense' wings (instead of attack wings of ships), that can move about a fleet, setting up defensive rings around key ships, or ones that are damaged, allowing them to recover as they keep anything less than heavy energy weapons or heavy kinetic energy weapons from punching through their defensive perimeters. Then again.. against a target that has heavy kinetic weapons, throwing up enough tachyon scatter cannon shots in the direction of the target could destroy any heavy weapon ordanance.

Oooooh... now I'm thinking of some defensive measures I should have added, or could be made available from some other clans.. Gotta go back through notes of who made what to find what I need for ship upgrades made available by other clans.. who said a clan needs to make a whole ship or subclass of ship.. why not just significant components they can trade to other clans for a standard ship fitted with said type component.
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Re: Shemarrian-related fan creations

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kronos wrote:[

I need to get posting to catch up with your numbers. and hopefully be the firost on page 100!

Reaching 100 pages of material on this thread is a goal I've set myself as well.
Because, hey, even if readers don't buy into the Ecotroz or the Shemarrian Civil War, there's gotta be something in all this body of work they can use. :D :wink:
"Trouble rather the Tiger in his Lair,
Than the Sage among his Books,
For all the Empires and Kingdoms,
The Armies and Works that you hold Dear,
Are to him but the Playthings of the Moment,
To be turned over with the Flick of a Finger,
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Re: Shemarrian-related fan creations

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More Hitode Carrier variants:

*ESheMar-CV-01EWGr----Aka ‘Jamstar’, ‘Hackstar’, ‘BelchStar’. Ghost Rider variant. It carries no troops, but instead carries some of the most powerful communications jammers in the Shemarrian Star Nation, rumored to be capable of jamming radio transmissions across entire SOLAR SYSTEMS. Its secondary communications role arguably makes it the precursor of the Shemarrian Anemone Communications Arrays. Typically Jamstars will try to stay out close proximity to enemy forces and planets, but occasionally they will close, especially during planetary actions, to better disrupt communications.
MDC/Armor by Location:
Antennae Arrays(10) 3,000 each
Enhanced Radiation Emission Particle Beam Cannon(5) 1,000 each
Systems of Note:
*Hyperspace Communications----Jamstars have enhanced and multiple FTL communications systems, making them well-suited as command/communications vessels. Effective range of the signal is 10,000 light years, and signal propagation is estimated at 120 light years an hour.

*Advanced Active Jamming Systems---These systems light up enemy sensor grids with such a welter of confusing input that it becomes nearly impossible to get reliable daat on anything, such as target locks. Enemy sensor-guided weaponry is -10 to strike, and enemy sensor operators are at a -30% to even get a proximity reading on where the Jamstar is exactly(off by 2d6x1,000 miles). Effective jamming range is 700 miles(700,000 miles in space).

* Area Jamming----CV-01EWGrs can jam planetary communications much like a solar flare screwing with global radio transmissions. The Ghost Riders can effectively selectively jam radio-band communications with 98% effectiveness across a 300,000 km/186,000 mile radius, 85% effectiveness a across a 186,000 mile radius beyond that, 70% effectiveness out to a 600,000 mile radius, owing to response-lag at light speed, or the ship can brute-force blanket jam(99% effectiveness) ALL channels/frequencies out to a 3 million mile radius, with the effectiveness of jamming dropping off by -20% for every doubling of the area of effect radius beyond that(this high-powered attack mode has earned the ships the moniker ‘Belchstars’). The Ghost Riders will frequently use secondary jamming platforms to provide boosted and overlap coverage when ‘snowing’ an area.

Weapons Systems:
2) Cruise Missile Launchers(2)---The Plasma Hunter-Killer Torpedo Launchers are replaced with a pair of more conventional Cruise Missile Launchers. However, the Ghost Riders frequently use stealthed cruise missiles for extended range fire missions, or use the launchers to fire long range probes. The Ghost Riders are particularly fond of using FTL radio-equipped stealth probes to infiltrate developing star systems, using the probes’ electronics to hack global internetworks, the real-time FTL comm linkage allowing hacking from the mothership hiding often at the edge of the solar system outside easy detection range.
MDC of Projectile: 60
Range: Varies by Missile Type (Long Range)
(Kitsune Values: 3,400 miles in atmosphere, 1,800,000 miles in space)
Probes and stealth CMs with restartable propulsion systems can have considerably greater range, as they will frequently shut down(‘going dark’) and coast in to a target area to loiter until fully activated(or, in the case of attack CMs, re-ignite to make terminal approach on a target).
Damage:Varies by Cruise Missile Type
Rate of Fire: Volleys of 1-10
Payload: 60 missiles per launcher, 120 total. Additional missiles may be carried and loaded from cargo, but will take at least 30 minutes(1 ton of cargo per 12 missiles)

5) Enhanced Radiation Emission Particle Beam Cannon(5)---On addition to the normal complement of defensive weaponry, the CV-01EWGr sports an array of dual-mode PBCs. In standard mode, these weapons fire armor-blasting particle streams, but they can also fire a longer ranged radiation burst that knocks out electronics. They can be used against planetary power grids and communications networks to take them down.
Range: 60 miles in atmosphere, 120 miles in space
(EM Pulse) 80 miles in atmosphere, 160 miles in space
(Kitsune Values)120 miles in atmosphere, 120,000 miles in space
(EM Pulse) 160 miles in atmosphere, 160,000 miles in space
Damage: 1d4x1,000 MD per blast at full offensive power mode.
The particle beam also has a more innocuous mode that does NO damage, but does enhanced EM damage.
EM effects: Used against unshielded power grids(such as cities and towns), the particle blast has a 99% chance of knocking down electrical systems, including vehicles, in an 120-mile radius(30 miles when in full power offensive mode) of the point of aim. Unprotected computers and other hardware not protected by surge protectors, and hooked into the common power grid, may still be affected up to a hundred miles or more away by power surges through the power lines.
The beam is less effective against shielded systems such as those on space structures(25%) and military systems(10% for surface military vehicles), which are hardened against radiation.
Against spacecraft, it acts in the same manner as an Ion Cannon, doing damage as follows:
5d6x100 EMP damage(special) per blast
Shields take 1/4 damage from EM blasts
Does NO PHYSICAL damage to hull, but attacks the electrical systems:
For every 10% of total main body MDC damage inflicted on a target by EM fire, the target will be -1 to strike, parry(if applicable), and Dodge. Acceleration will be reduced by 15%.
At 60% or more main body damage from disruptor blasts, the ship is disabled completely.
Rate of Fire: Once per melee
Payload: Effectively unlimited

*ESheMar-CV-01Sm---Silvermoon sub-type, distinguishable by the paneling connecting the five armatures into a pentagon shape. The ‘Silverstar’ can absorb solar radiation and redirect it into supercharging its weapons. The Cv-01Sm also beefs up the firepower with five heavy lasers, one mounted on each armature. Besides providing Silvermoon surface forces with a highly visible morale-bolstering presence overhead, the Silverstar can cover them with accurate orbital laser artillery.
MDC/Armor by Location:
Heavy Laser Cannons(5, one each armature) 500 each
Solar Arrays(5) 2,000 each
Systems of Note:
*Morphic Laser Resistant Armor----Silvermoon ships are plated in a ‘smart’ material that is normally stealthy as per standard EShemar passive stealth, but can ‘uncloak’ or unfold its outer layers within 1d6 melees to present a laser-reflective aspect(lasers do HALF damage).
*Energy Absorbers----The Cv-01Sm is lined with super-efficient solar convertors that can gather up other forms of energy as well. This system actually ABSORBS incoming enemy laser, ion, and particle beam weapons fire and reduces its damage by 50%...the next melee, HALF of the damage initially rolled is applied to one of the following: Forcefield MDC(point to point increase, and the additional MDC can be retained for 4 melees/1 minute), energy weapons(increase damage by 1 MD per 2 MD inflicted/absorbed and/or range by 100 ft per 1 MD of damage inflicted/ can only be held for 4 melees/1 minute or else retasked )
*Solar Reflectors---Conversely, the solar panels can REFLECT light. This is sometimes used to reflect light to the shadow-dark side of planets and other celestial bodies to illuminate areas or slowly heat them up(as with causing ice to subliminate). Effective range of 80,000 miles and can illuminate a 10 mile wide area.

Weapons Systems:
5) Heavy Laser Cannons(5, one each armature)
Range: 20 miles in atmosphere, 55 miles (88km) in space; X10 range when in strategic combat
(Kitsune Values: 20 miles in atmosphere, 20,000 miles in space( 200,000 miles in strategic/planetary bombardment combat!))
Damage: 4D6X100 per laser battery shot.
Rate of Fire: 4 shots per battery per melee round
Payload: Effectively unlimited.
Capitol Ship scale= -3 to strike small targets(improved Silvermoon laser targeting).

*ESheMar-CV-01Dw---’Deepstar’----Darkwaters variant, notable mainly because of its amphibious capabilities. Deepstars will frequently land far out at sea where most planetary defense grids have less coverage, and dive deep, deploying submarine forces under cover of deep water.
(Water) Can fully submerge underwater down to a depth of 3 miles, and can move underwater at 20 MPH.
Systems of Note:
*Laser Communications---Typically 5-10 miles underwater using blue-green frequencies, but can reach up into the upper atmosphere above water. Maximum range of 1,000 miles.
*Sonar-----100 mile range

*Magnetic Anomaly Detector----Mounted in the armatures are passive magnetic anomaly detectors(MAD) for locating other submarines and ships. ----60 mile range

*Stealth---The Deepstar is sheathed in sonar-absorbing materials, and other measures are implemented in the design to reduce the ship’s sensor signature. ( -20% to enemy sensory instrument rolls to detect the ship underwater)

Weapons Systems:
5)Torpedo Launchers(10, 2 per armature)---The Deepstar mounts two torpedo launchers per armature.
a) Heavy Torpedoes
Range: 20 miles
Damage: Varies by Torpedo Type(typically 4d6x10 MD)
Rate of Fire: Volleys of 1-6
Payload: 48 ready to fire; additional munitions may be held in storage and moved to firing within 5 minutes.

b) Medium Torpedoes
Range: 10 miles
Damage: Varies by Torpedo Type(typically 2d6x10 MD)
Rate of Fire: Volleys of 1-12
Payload: 96 ready to fire; additional munitions may be held in storage and moved to firing within 5 minutes.

c) Short Range Torpedoes
Range: 5 miles
Damage: Varies by Torpedo Type(typically 2d4x10 MD)
Rate of Fire: Volleys of 1-18
Payload: 180 ready to fire; additional munitions may be held in storage and moved to firing within 5 minutes.

d) Long Range Torpedoes
Range: Varies by Torpedo Type(Long Range)
Damage: Varies by Torpedo Type(Long Range)
Rate of Fire: Volleys of 1-4
Payload: 48 ready to fire; additional munitions may be held in storage and moved to firing within 5 minutes.

e) Medium Sea-Air Torpedoes---A knockoff of Kittani nautical weaponry.
Range:(Underwater) 20 miles
(Air) 75 miles
Speed:(Underwater) 400 MPH
(Air) Mach 3
Damage: 4d6x10 MD
Rate of Fire: Volleys of 1-10
Payload: 90 ready to fire. Additional reloads can be brought up from storage; takes 5 minutes for reloading.
Bonuses: (Torpedo)Because of the torpedoes’ higher speed and advanced targeting systems, the Sea Fire doesn’t suffer the same range and accuracy penalties as conventional torpedoes. The Sea Fire has a +1 to strike, and a +3 to strike within 3,000 ft of the target.
(Missile)---Not quite as accurate as a dedicated anti-shipping missile, but more powerful. +3 to strike

f) Heavy Sea-Air Torpedoes---Copy of the longer-ranged Kittani Long Range Rocket Torpedoes
Range:(Underwater) 500 miles
(Air) 1,800 miles
Speed:(Underwater) 200 MPH
(Air) Mach 3
Damage: 4d6x10 MD
Rate of Fire: Volleys of 1-6
Payload: 48 ready to fire. Additional reloads can be brought up from storage; takes 5 minutes for reloading.
"Trouble rather the Tiger in his Lair,
Than the Sage among his Books,
For all the Empires and Kingdoms,
The Armies and Works that you hold Dear,
Are to him but the Playthings of the Moment,
To be turned over with the Flick of a Finger,
And the Turning of a Page"

--------Rudyard Kipling
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