Shemarrian-related fan creations

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Re: Shemarrian-related fan creations

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kronos wrote:Dredadon Variant

EcoS-K-76BrS---Aka ‘Dredadon Birun’, Sprinter, or Fastdodo... 

'Fastdodo'....That's definitely not what you call the Blood Rider's ride where she can hear you... :P
"Trouble rather the Tiger in his Lair,
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Re: Shemarrian-related fan creations

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I'm apparently on a variant breed binge at the moment...

Shebu Variant Breeds

EcoS-K- 24H---This variant was developed as a stop-gap measure for some heavier assault warmount until the Darkwaters started producing larger warmounts. The hammerhead, as the name suggests has the head modelled after a hammerhead shark, a large wide head, reinforced to allow it to ram a target. The eyes are mounted on the ends of the hammerhead, which allow it a greater field of vision around it and the laser eyes have greater field, able to fire even behind it. Although it is unable to fire at anything small immediately in front of it. It has a thicker and more armoured body, which slows it a bit both on land and in water, but the extra bulk allows for the installation of two internal mini torpedo or mini missile launcher on the back behind where the rider would sit. Two blue-green frequency lasers are mounted at the base of the neck near the belly. It can still mount two optional weapon pods similar to the original Shebu.
Some groups of Darkwaters uses this variant exclusively, while others keep a small number mixed with regular Shebu to give Shebu packs a little heavier punch.

MDC/Armor by Location:
Main Body 400
Head 160
Tail 130
Legs(2) 110 each
Lateral Blade-Fins(2) 70 each
Height: 11 ft 
Width: 9 ft 
Length: 15 ft
Weight: 3,200 lbs

Speed: (Land) Can run at 90 MPH
(Leaping) 13 ft up/across from standing position, while a running leap in excess of 60 MPH can propel the Shebu 50 ft across and 25 ft up. Can make a powered leap in water of 50 ft up and 80 ft across.
(Climbing) The Shebu can scamper along tough terrain, but is not really suitable for climbing steep surfaces. Climbing skill equivalent to 60%.
(Water) Can hydrofoil along the surface at 40 MPH
(Underwater) Can hit speeds of 50 MPH (drop to 20 MPH if tail is destroyed), maximum dive depth of 25,000 ft

Weapons Systems:
6) Heavy Lasers (2) - The Hammerhead Shebu mounts two heavier lasers in the blue-green frequency at the base of its neck for a heavier direct attack.
Range: 2,000 ft in air and underwater
Damage: 5d6 MD per single shot, or 10d6 MD for a double simultaneous shot (counts as one attack)
Rate of Fire: ECHH
Payload: Effectively Unlimited

7) Internal Torpedo Launchers (2) ---The back has two mini torpedo launchers, although it can also launch mini-missiles when not submerged underwater.
Range: Varies by Torpedo or Missile Type (Mini-Torpedo/Missile)
Damage: Varies by Torpedo/Missile Type (Mini-Torpedo/Missile)
Rate of Fire: Volleys of 1-4
Payload: 16 each launcher, 32 total

Dodge +2, +4 underwater
+3 AutoDodge underwater
Head Butt/Body Block 5d6 MD +1d6 MD per every 20 MPH of speed + 50% chance of knockdown.

Mud Crusher
EcoS-K- 24HW--- This variant was created by the Horrorwoods as an amphibious unit for use in swamps. It has a wider and flatter body, similar to a crocodile or alligator, a longer tail, the feet are larger and webbed to allow it to move easier in mud and soft ground found around swamps. The back has two parallel fins that run most of the length of the body, starting just behind where the rider sits, and contain vibroblades that allow it to tear upon the underside of boats. The head is a bit longer with a more powerful jaw to give it a greater bite, and to hold and pull any creatures it bites underwater to drown anything it can't bite in half immediately.

MDC/Armor by Location:
Back Fin blades (2) 80 each
Height: 8 ft 
Width: 9 ft 
Length: 17 ft
Weight: 2,700 lbs

*Feet are designed to allow it to walk in mud and soft ground without penalties.

Weapons Systems:
6) Vibroblades (2, back fins)---The back fins are fitted with vibroblades to allow it to tear up the undersides of boats or aquatic creatures.
Range: Melee
Damage: 3d6 MD +1d6 MD per every 20 MPH of speed

Power Bite 5d6 MD
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Re: Shemarrian-related fan creations

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Love the Hammerhead. 8)
Back when I was interested in ZOIDS, the Hammerhead was one of my favorites. It was a hunter-killer submarine biomech with mini-SSBN capabilities. So, yeah, I'm kinda partial to aquatic hammerheads.
"Trouble rather the Tiger in his Lair,
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For all the Empires and Kingdoms,
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Re: Shemarrian-related fan creations

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taalismn wrote:Love the Hammerhead. 8)
Back when I was interested in ZOIDS, the Hammerhead was one of my favorites. It was a hunter-killer submarine biomech with mini-SSBN capabilities. So, yeah, I'm kinda partial to aquatic hammerheads.

I didn't even know there was a hammerhead ZOID.. then again I didn't get to see much of ZOIDs.. I should see if I can find it.

I've got a few ideas for some Straw Warrior variants..

Plus I've got 3 warmount ideas, with one having at least 2 variant designs that are just in the 'jot the idea down and work out stats later' stage at the moment.
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Re: Shemarrian-related fan creations

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kronos wrote:[

I didn't even know there was a hammerhead ZOID.. then again I didn't get to see much of ZOIDs.. I should see if I can find it.

Plus I've got 3 warmount ideas, with one having at least 2 variant designs that are just in the 'jot the idea down and work out stats later' stage at the moment.

Used to be some really good websites for the modelers. I haven't checked back on them in a while, but some of the hobbyists turn out some INCREDIBLE stuff.

And yeah, I started doing Clan Gothec-Style frankentech tables for North America and ended up even before I got the skeleton up with a few more warmount and e-animal ideas using parts kitbashed from various sources...I'll really need the Titan Robotics book to make it complete(looking forward to raiding that book for ideas).

But I really should do some art for the Megent and a few other earlier posts.
"Trouble rather the Tiger in his Lair,
Than the Sage among his Books,
For all the Empires and Kingdoms,
The Armies and Works that you hold Dear,
Are to him but the Playthings of the Moment,
To be turned over with the Flick of a Finger,
And the Turning of a Page"

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Re: Shemarrian-related fan creations

Unread post by kronos »

taalismn wrote:
kronos wrote:[

I didn't even know there was a hammerhead ZOID.. then again I didn't get to see much of ZOIDs.. I should see if I can find it.

Plus I've got 3 warmount ideas, with one having at least 2 variant designs that are just in the 'jot the idea down and work out stats later' stage at the moment.

Used to be some really good websites for the modelers. I haven't checked back on them in a while, but some of the hobbyists turn out some INCREDIBLE stuff.

And yeah, I started doing Clan Gothec-Style frankentech tables for North America and ended up even before I got the skeleton up with a few more warmount and e-animal ideas using parts kitbashed from various sources...I'll really need the Titan Robotics book to make it complete(looking forward to raiding that book for ideas).

But I really should do some art for the Megent and a few other earlier posts.

I can't wait for Titan Robotic books too. I want to see what stuff is there that ARCHIE would have also thrown in during the civil war (if the time line adds up, do we have a time line, I can't remember), and what other stuff we can have as he makes a comeback post war to harass the EShemar.
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Re: Shemarrian-related fan creations

Unread post by taalismn »

Takkapede Cybergestalt E-Animal
(aka ‘Killopede’, ‘Puzzocrawly’, ‘Cybercreeper’)

“Kazag, I don’t think you killed that thing! I think you just split it up! And the parts are still coming at us!”

“Comfy? The power cage isn’t gripping you TOO hard, is it?”
“You make two, and I’ll soon have your friend, and that means I’ll have the full set of you! Oh, what a wonderful day!”
----’Centapeda’, Clan Vespa bounty-hunter

“Ah, Centi?”
“Yes, what?”
“When you unsheathed from your pedestal saddle, you forgot your...pants...”
“Huh? AieeYEEEKKK!”

“Quantity has a quality all its own. Anybody who doubts that never faced a tidal wave of metal creepy-crawly coming at them.”

Takkapedes are curious and versatile e-animals that were developed by the Ghost Riders from reverse-engineering the Naruni Arms AP/ATM-5 ‘Crawler’ Walking MLM munition. Only, instead of a three-segmented robot, the Takkapede consists of paired spherical quadrapedal components, each sphere having two short robotic legs. One sphere in each pair can mount an external equipment post, while the other carries internal space for gear or active systems.
The strength of the Takkapede is that individual units can link up into larger chain-gestalts. Depending on what each dual-sphere segment is outfitted with, mission-customized Takkapedes can be assembled, or general-purpose units outfitted.
Takkapedes occupy a small niche between proper e-animals and Warmounts; the ‘bots CAN be ridden as warmounts, a fore-segment being able to be modified act as a ‘throne’ for a small-statured Shemarrian gynoid or cyberhumanoid, their legs folded into a protective shealth or sleeve, and hardlinks made to their spinal connectors, allowing them to control the takkapede chain as if it were an extension of their own bodies. These ‘cyborgs’ are sometimes mistaken for Kittani ‘Centipede’ power armors. Takkapedes are also often mistaken for EcoS-K-1 Monstropede Warmounts. Generally, however, Takkapedes are considered to be too slow to be effective Warmounts, being unable to keep up with faster units. They are also rarely ever Awakened, and are regarded as expendable(especially individual segments, which can be swapped out more or less at will).
Takkapedes are used extensively by the Ghost Riders, Horrorwoods and Clan Vespa(who are rather dotty about arthropod designs). They are used as pickets and sentries, scouts, sensor sweepers, and mobile demolition charges.

Type: EcoS-KRP-45 Takkapede
Class: Robotic drone, E-animal
Crew: None; robot drone intelligence
MDC/Armor by Location:
Main Body Segments(2, minimum) 100 each
Legs(2 each segment) 30 each
Weapons Mount(1 each segment) 50 each
Height: 4 ft
Width: 3 ft, legs extend out an additional 1.5 ft to each side for a total width of 6 ft
Length: 6 ft
Weight: 300 lbs each body segment
Cargo: Small space inside/beside the saddle-seat for a few personal possessions and sidearms.
Physical Strength: Equivalent to Robotic P.S. of 30
Powerplant: Nuclear w/ 3 year energy life
Speed: (Running) 40 MPH
(Leaping) 6 ft up/8 ft across. Increase distance/height by 50% with a running start.
(Climbing) Skill equivalent to 75%(see also Molecular Adhesion Pads below)
(Flying) Not possible
(Space) Not possible
(Underwater) Limited to running along the bottom at 15 MPH, maximum depth of 500 ft.
Market Cost: Exclusive to the EShemar
Systems of Note:
Full optical systems, laser targeting, passive nightvision, telescopic vision, thermal imaging, infrared, ultraviolet, and polarization filters. Also has motion and heat detection, built-in radar( 60 mile range) and other standard power armor-equivalent systems. Additional/special sensors may be built in by the creating Spinsters or at the behest of individual riders/owners.

*Molecular Adhesion Pads---The feet are fitted with small MAPads that allow the ‘bit(s) to scurry up even vertical surfaces and cling to larger objects like an insect can.

Weapons Systems:
1)Modular Hardpoint---Each segment sports a top-mounted hardpoint that can accommodate ONE of the following:
a) Mini-Missile Launcher---3 shots

b) Mini-Laser Turret---2,000 ft range, 3d6 MD per blast, effectively unlimited payload.

c) Ion Blaster
Range: 1,000 ft
Damage: 4d6 MD single shot
1d4x10 MD per three-shot burst
(Ion Scatter-Shot Mode)---This mode turns the projector into a short range shotgun with an area of effect blast. Reduce range to 400 ft, but does 4d6 MD to a 10 ft wide area.
(Ion Step-Down Mode)---This mode rather than increase range or power, actually ‘steps down’ the power of ion bolts into the SDC range, and modulates their effect, making the weapon in effect a ‘super-taser’(albeit it with flash-burns).
Range:(SDC shots) 600 ft
Damage: 1d6 SDC shock-burn. Plus, victims must make a save of 14 or better, or be -8 to strike, parry, and dodge for 2d6 melees. A savings throw versus non-lethal poison means the person is unimpaired. 25% chance of knocking out unshielded cybernetics for 1d4 melees.
Payload: Effectively Unlimited

d) Plasma Blaster---1,000 ft range, 4d6 MD per blast, effectively unlimited payload.
*“Hot Shotting”---This system augments the normal air-draw plasma re-mass system with deuterium-gas injected into the plasma flow for a cleaner, hotter, more potent ‘burn’. The deuterium is stored in pressurized cylinders attached to the feeds of the gun, like a CO2 air rifle cartridge. This allows the plasma to do 50% more damage.
Payload: Deuterium tankage is good for 50 shots.

*Scatter-Fire---This modifies the muzzle plasma ejector mechanism to fire a dozen or so smaller plasma bolts at shorter range and with less individual damage, but with a scatter effect like a shotgun---ideal for clearing out rooms and compartments.
Reduce range by 1/3, and mini-plasma bolts do 2d4 MD each, but now covers a 30-degree arc(or rougly 15 ft wide area)

e) Particle Beam Blaster---1,000 ft range, 6d6+6 MD per blast, effectively unlimited payload.

f) Cyborg Machine Gun
Range: 2,000 ft
Damage: (SDC Rounds) 1d6x10 SDC per 10 rd burst
(MDC Rounds) 1 MD per single shot, 2d4 MD per 10 rd burst
(Megadamage High Explosive)1d4 MD per single rd, 1d4x10 MD per 10 rd burst

*Can also use wood, silver, rubber, or other specialized rounds
Rate of Fire: Standard
Payload: 400 rds

g) 40mm Grenade Launcher
Range:1,200 ft
(SDC)* (Fragmentation) 2d6x10 SDC to 16 ft radius
(High Explosive) 6d6x10 SDC to 4 ft radius
(Armor Piercing) 1d4x100 SDC, no blast radius
(Crowd Control rds)---Essentially an expanding plastic ‘flyswatter’ that delivers a bruising knockdown punch. Cut effective range to 200 ft. Does 2d4 SDC per rd, humans and human-sized D-Bees must roll a D20-5 to maintain their footing (must equal or surpass the attacker's roll to strike...Full rules in TNW p.174). Human-sized light power armors(500-800 lbs) also roll on a D20, but are +2 to save versus knockdown
(Wood Rounds) 7d6 SDC single shot (1d4x10+5 HP to vampires), no blast radius

*(Yes, I know, why include SDC when it just as quickly becomes MDC? You’re still being hit with a pretty hefty shell)

(MD)(HE) 2d6(12 ft blast radius)
A 5 rd burst does 1d4x10 MD to an 20 ft area
(Armor-Piercing) 4d6(3 ft blast radius)
A 5 rd burst does 1d4x10 MD to an 9 ft area
(light micro-fusion) 6d6 MD (12 ft blast radius)
A 5 rd burst does 1d6x10 MD to an 25 ft area
(HESH (High Explosive Squash Head)) - Designed to ‘spald’ off armor on the interior of power armors and vehicles. Composite ‘chobham’(layered armor and nylon mesh) armor reduces this internal damage by HALF, by holding the armor together.
HESH rounds do NOT have a blast radius.
3D6 MD plus 4D6 SDC to the person(s) inside the object.
(Incendiary) 2d4 MD to a 12 ft blast radius, plus an additional 1d6 MD per melee for 1d6 melees.

The GL can also be used to fire radio beacon adhesion heads, flare rounds, paint shells, EMP grenades, flash-bangs, and other specialized munition types.

(Frag rounds) 4d6 MD to a 12-foot radius.
(AP rounds) 1d4x10 to a 3-foot blast radius.
( Plasma rounds) 1d4x10+10 to a 5-foot radius.
(Cluster Grenade)---This grenade is packed with several submunitions based on the Rifts Earth 23mm ‘finger bomb’ explosives. The 40mm ‘bus’ carries eight 20mm bomblets, and ‘shotguns’ them over a 10-16 ft radius(depending on how the shooter fuses the round), each doing 2d4 MD to a 10 ft area(so it is possible to have overlapping areas of destruction).
(Incendiary Cluster Grenade)---Same as the Cluster Grenade, only the round distrubutes up to eight incendiary mini-grenades. A slug of thermal gel that does 1d6 MD to a 12 ft splash, and an additional 1d4 MD per melee for 1d6 melees.

Other specialized rounds are also available; the Wayfinders have been known to use TW grenades, the Silvermoons photonic weapons, the Sapphire Cobras nanite distributors, the Ghost Riders EMP generators, and the Lost Eclipse psychochemical rounds.
Rate of Fire: ECHH
Payload: 24 shot magazine

h) 52mm Mortar
Range: 6,500 ft (over a mile!)
Damage: (X-II High Explosive) 2d4x10 MD to 20 ft blast radius.
(Fragmentation) 6d6 MD to 50 ft blast radius.
(Incendiary) 4d6 MD to 30 ft blast radius, does an additional 1d4 MD for 1d6 melees, plus 80% chance of setting combustible materials aflame.
(Armor-Piercing Self-Forging)----This is a new experimental special shell that contains a micro-sensor and dual-charge system. The disc-shaped warhead is ‘frisbeed’ to high altitude(800 ft), then scans for target-profiles with its micro-sensor. When it spots a likely target profile(thermal or optical outline)(the limited size and complexity of the micro-sensor severely limits its targeting ability to a total of 6 targets...fortunately, the profile-database can be changed easily enough by inserting a new chip into the fusing assembly before loading), the warhead fires downwards, the material of the ‘discus’ deforming into a narrow, pointed, high-penetration needle well-suited for penetrating armor. Does 3d6x10 MD; no blast radius.
Note: This munition does NOT suffer from the indirect fire penalty; roll to strike as normal, but without bonuses. PS is working on a micro-guidance system that would allow these munnitions to home in on laser-’painted’ targets, as via a forward well as better target discrimination(the current model has a tendancy to be distracted by flaming wrecks in the vicinity of the ‘live’ target.
(Plasma) 2d6x10 MD to 10 ft blast radius.
(Smoke/Chemical) Varies by chemical type. Typically covers a 20 ft area.
(Illumination) Fires a high altitude illumination flare that burns blightly for. The flare also has a 40% chance of decoying/confusing heat-seeking sensors/weapons systems.
(Sensor Decoys) The mortar can also fire special lightweight thermal-emission decoys for confusing sensors into thinking there are ground troops where there are none....To further the confusion, the spheroid decoy will randomly extend springloaded ‘legs’ that move the decoy about in 5-10 ft leaps, giving the impression of moving troops. Internal mini-batteries last for 30 minutes. A small acid-capsule or self-destruct anti-tampering charge may also be attached to prevent the decoy from falling into enemy hands.
Noisemaker decoys are similar, but they emitt random amplified ‘soldier noises’...footfalls, clinking of weapons, gunshots, muffled voices, etc., but are otherwise similar to the thermal-decoys.

TW Warheads
One of the Eshemar's allies' refinements to TW armaments was the use of specially-treated cracked crystal quartz and quartzite in expendable TW munitions. The ability of to use lower-quality flawed crystalline materials meant that self-destructing ‘one-shot’ TW weapons could be produced much more cheaply, and thus in bulk, while reserving higher-quality materials for superior TW creations.

(TW Sandstorm)-----Creates a sudden sandstorm that lasts 5 minutes, covering a 100 ft area. People trapped inside it will find visibility cut down to 3 ft, hearing is reduced by HALF, speed by 75%, lose initiative, 2 APM, and -5 strike, parry, and dodge. The scouring sand does 1d4 SDC per melee. Even robot vehicles will find their sensors, including radar, bolluxed by the flying grit.
(TW Chasm)---Opens up a chasm 160 ft long, by 80 ft wide, by 80 ft deep, that remains open for up to 40 minutes. Objects falling in take 2d6 SDC per every 20 ft of depth. At the end of the spell, the chasm belches everything up to the surface as if they’d never fallen(in other words, they don’t get crushed by the closing fissure). CANNOT be used against buildings.
(TW Lava Pool)----Creates a pool or lane of lava 60 ft long. 10 ft wide, 10 ft deep. Objects caught in this pool take 2d6x10 MD per melee.
(TW Air Burst)---Sets loose a Whirlwind that does 2d6+2 MD to everything caught up in its 20 ft wide funnel. The Whirlwind tracks randomly about a 300 ft area for 2d4 melees before disipating.
(TW Storm Shell)---Essentially a longer-ranged version of the TW anti-vampire Stormflare. Effects are the same.
(TW SunBomb)---A more powerful version of the Globe of Daylight Flare, only this version is powerful enough to inflict flashburns on vampires! Does 6d6 HP per melee for 3d6 melees to a 50 ft radius.

Rate of Fire: (Single Shot Model) Single shot. Handloaded; a single operator(the borg himself) can typically get off one shot a melee, while a well-trained/coordinated fireteam(2 members with at least 3rd level W.P. Heavy Weapons or a single person with 5th level W.P. Heavy Weapons), can load and fire 2 shells per melee.
(Auto-Fire Model) 4 shots per melee
Bonuses/Penalties:(Optional)(Rifts South America 2 has no rules for the Arkhon’s Mortar Packs’ inaccuracy, but for diehard artillery buffs, figure on 50% chance of hitting moving targets, 75% chance of hitting stationary targets withing 2,200 ft range, or 50% chance out beyond that. 50% of shells will fall within a ‘footprint’ or ‘box’ 131 ft long by 70 ft wide.
Payload: 8 shot clip

i) Net Launcher
Range: 200 ft. Net covers a 6 ft area
Damage: Varies;
(Standard Net) Heavy high-tensile strength megadamage steel cable net; takes 2d4 melee actions/attacks to untangle self(half that for creatures with supernatural PS of 30 or higher) the meantime, the victim CANNOT strike or parry, is -2 to dodge, and reduce speed by 90%

(Slicer Net) As above, except that every melee the target spends struggling and trying to get out, they take 1d4 MD from the various hooks and razor-lines. In addition to usual penalties, takes an additional -2 to dodge from the pain. This is NEVER issued to police forces.

(Shock Net)As above, except that each melee entangled, the target takes electrical shock damage. At mild current levels, this can be annoying and distracting, but can also stun the victim...higher levels of voltage can toast the entrapped target and damage them severely, if not kill them outright....
2d6 SDC per melee/shock pulse, plus beings must roll versus non-lethal poison(16 or better) or be stunned /knocked out for 1d4 melees. Cyborgs have a 40% chance of having their systems overloaded and being immobilized for 1d4 melees, plus a 40% chance of electrical systems/accessories such as sensors or weapons knocked out for 1d4+2 melees. Power Armor fare somewhat better, having only a 10% chance of losing electrical systems or peripherals for 1d4 melees.

(Drug Net)As above, except that the net has microcapsules that break with any struggle, releasing a skin-contact/aerosol drug--Unless the victim has complete environmental protection(sealed off from contamination), they must roll each melee they are entangled against non-lethal toxin, or find themselves succumbing to chemical lethargy; cumulative -20% chance of falling unconscious(for 2d4 minutes), -1 to initiative, -2 Dodge, Strike, Parry, and Roll, -1 APM (in addition to entanglement penalties). This is RARELY issued to police forces if possible lethal drug allergies in suspects are a possibility.

(Thermite Net) A nasty variant, based on designs brought back from South America(See Rifts South America 2). Same as above, but bursts into flame, doing 4d6 MD for 1d6 melees. This is NEVER issued to police forces.

Rate of Fire: Single shot. Reloading by hand takes 2 APMs
Payload: Single shot

j) Chemical Sprayer
Range: 100 ft
Damage: Varies by chemical carried; Some examples:
(Water)None, if carrying water, but does 1d4x10 HP to vampires per blast
Rate of Fire: ECHH
Payload: 50 gallon internal tank(10 blasts of water, or 50 shots of other chemicals)

k) Capture/Cage Klaw---This is a large multi-segment claw that essentially wraps around a humanoid or other creature and cages it. The cage has 90 MDC and holds with a Robotic P.S. of 30. This also takes up the internal space as well.

l) Stunner
Range:(Stun Blast) 120 ft
Damage:(Stun Blast) Roll versus non-lethal poison or be -10 to strike, parry, dodge, and roll for 2d4 melees.
Rate of Fire: ECHH.
Payload: Effectively Unlimited
m) Microwave Projector
Range: 900 ft. Can be ‘fanned’ to cover a 12 ft wide area.
Damage:(Setting One)1 SDC, plus roll under P.E. or be stunned with pain; -1d4 to initiative, -5 to strike, parry, dodge, and half Speed.
(Setting Two)1d6 SDC, plus stun effects; only -6 to strike, parry, dodge, effects last through the next melee.
(Setting Three)2d6 SDC, plus stun effects; only -10 to strike, parry, dodge, and effects persist for 1d4 melees.
Rate of Fire: ECHH
Payload: Effectively Unlimited

m) Goop Sprayer---Sprays a quick-setting polymer goo that can be used to cement structures and materials, built walls and seals, or restrain captives.
Range: 100 ft
Damage: This stuff takes a robotic or supernatural PS of 40 or greater to break free. Creatures with a greater strength can break free in 1d4 melees. The foam hardens in less than 2 seconds, and can take 30 MDC per cubic meter(a humanoid typically needs at least two meters to be totally enveloped). A special enzyme spray will dissolve the foam in 1d4 melees.
Rate of Fire: ECHH
Payload: Ready-use reservoir holds 40 lbs of goop matrix, 1 lb being enough to fill a 4m( roughly 12 square ft) area to a height of 1.8 m(6 ft).

n) Winch Catapult----This is a mechanical launcher firing a grapple attached to a high-strength line and powered winch. The launcher can fire a grapple and line up to 100 ft, and can use two winch spools that have 300 ft of line.

o) Sensor Cluster--Small sensor dish on a turntable.
MDC: 25
Sensors: Mini-Radar--5 mile range
Motion Detector--200 ft range
Laser Illuminator-----6,000 ft range, Designates targets for laser-guided munitions/weapons
Laser targeting System(+1 to strike)

2) Internal Pod Space---The interior of the Takkapede’s spherical body can hold ONE of the following:
a) Warhead---Self-destruct or demolitions warhad, equivalent to a medium range missile warhead; typically 4d6x10 MD to a 40 ft blast radius.

b) Smoke Dispenser---Generates a thick, obscuring cloud of dense smoke. Each blast covers a 100 ft area and anyone caught in the cloud of thick, obscuring smoke is -5 to strike, dodge, parry, disarm and entangle. Has enough smoke-matrix for 12 clouds.

c) Ground Sensor Kit---Lowers or jams special ground probes that can pick up vibrations. Note that when in Active Mode characters with amplified/enhanced hearing, like Dog Boys or cybernetic Ultra-ears, standing within 500 feet of the Takkapede will hear an annoying low-key buzz, and may feel nauseous/suffer from headaches if exposed to the noise for more than a minute.
Ground scans will take 2-4 times as long as a standard radar/sensor sweep. Typical range on a ground scan is 1,000 ft.
In passive mode, the Ground Sensors can be used alone to listen for underground activity, such as burrowing animals, tunneling vehicles, water running thru pipes, etc., as well as surface movement. Passive sensors can detect the surface movement of large animals(2 tons or more), robots, heavy vehicles, or large masses of infantry with 40% accuracy, up to a mile away.

d) Magazine Space---If carrying an ammunition-dependent weapon on the other segment, such as a machine gun or gunk sprayer, the segment’s internal space can hold a magazine or tank, DOUBLING the weapon’s payload.

e) PPE Detector---Detects the presence of PPE concentrations(including magically-concealed beings) in and around the vehicle(25 ft radius)

f) Sensor Pod---Can hold specialized sensors, such as EM detectors, ground sonar, chemical sniffers, etc.

g) Forcefield Generator---100 MDC field power.

h) Powerplant---This is an extra-powerful nuclear battery that can supercharge the segment’s performance, allowing it to run at 55 MPH, or can increase the speed of a gestalt-chain of up to 6 segments, up to 45 MPH.

i) Decoy Generator---This pumps out EM activity and noise that makes the drone look like a much larger active radiation source. -30% to enemy Read Sensory Instruments rolls to see through the deception.

j) ECM/Radar Jammer Pod---2 mile range. Jams radars and radar targeting systems with 60% effectiveness. Radar-guided weapons are -6 to strike. Note that this affects friendly systems as well unless they are set to specific, per-arranged, non-jammed frequencies(that it may be possible for the enemy to discover).

3)(OPTIONAL) External Melee Weapon(1-2)----The two end segment units can be fitted with a single tail- or mouth-style melee weapon. Note that fitting the ends of a segment unit so will negate the unit’s ability to dock with another segment on that end, unless the interior compartment of the segment it is mounted on is empty of any other system(and the External Melee Weapon made retractable).
a) Whip Tail/Tentacle--Slash/stab/lash for 2d6 MD, with an effective reach of 12 ft.

b) Slicer Jaws---Effectively bite for 4d4 MD

c) Zipper Claw---Manipulator arm assembly that can ‘unzip’ to form two smaller armatures. As a single unit, can punch/tear/pry for 1d6 MD, while the smaller sub-arms can punch/tear/pry for 3d6 SDC each.

d) Drill--- 2d4 MD

The Ecotroz have installed robotic AIs. Takkapedes are almost NEVER Awakened with a Ecotroz sentience.
Typically has the following:
Navigation: Land 94%
Read Sensory Instruments 98%
Radio: Basic 94%
Trap/Mine Detection 80%

Actions/Attacks Per Melee: 5
Initiative +1
Dodge +2
Strike +1 (+2 w/ ranged weaponry)
Roll +2, +4 as individual components
Leg Jab 1d4 MD
Body Strike ----If the Takkapede has five or more segments, it can rear three of them up and lurch forward and down, doing 2d4 MD

An aquatic variant of the Takkapede is under consideration; such a variant would be slower on land(30 MPH) but could swim underwater(using extendable fins on its legs) at 25-35 MPH, and would likely be fitted with ion projectors, sonic weaponry, torpedo launchers, and blue-green lasers.

Similarly, a space-based variant, using small air thrusters to supplement the legs, or a grav-tether system working off the gravity/magnetic fields of nearby ships and stations, has been under consideration.

Ecotroz-Awakened Takkapedes would be considered a major variant of the baseline type, especially with the ability to form chains of Ecotroz-invested sub-units that could break apart and infect multiple robotic systems(such would be a nightmare situation for the Altess Armoria arsenal world, or Splicer Earth NEXUS).
"Trouble rather the Tiger in his Lair,
Than the Sage among his Books,
For all the Empires and Kingdoms,
The Armies and Works that you hold Dear,
Are to him but the Playthings of the Moment,
To be turned over with the Flick of a Finger,
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Re: Shemarrian-related fan creations

Unread post by taalismn »

Limpet Bunker

“Damn it, we may have pasted the Tolkeenites, but these damn things seem to have outlived them! Now -everybody- is making them! Oh, sure, we may have new tactics to defeat them, but that doesn’t make having to stop and deal with these accursed bunker-pucks any less irritating!”
---Major Alfred Sermunga, Coalition States Army

Limpet Bunkers are a Shemarrian creation apparently inspired by, and based on, the air-transportable bunkers used by Tolkeen during its war with the Coalition States. The saucer-shaped armored structures are designed to be lifted aloft(by airborne carriers such as the Cyroc or Galehawk) or carried by a large land Warmount (like the MonstrApex) and dropped into place, with a circular configuration of weaponry giving all-around coverage of fire. Rather than make them manned, though, the EShemarrians have wholly automated these structures, utilizing simple robotics to make expendable fire-drones. As a last resort, the limpet-bunkers are fitted with self-destruct warheads, preventing their capture, study, and reuse by an enemy.
Limpet Bunkers were first deployed during the Minion War to stymie the advance of Infernal forces. Limpet bunkers were also dropped down Hell Pits in the Dinosaur Swamp and Magic Zone to occupy the defenders while Shemarrian demolitions teams set about setting charges for more thorough destruction. In a bit of irony, the first limpet bunkers are believed to have been constructed using re-tasked salvaged CS Skelebot drone AIs as the directing robotic intelligences.
The Dark Waters make the most use of limpet bunkers, especially marine variants, but the Wayfinders, Horrorwoods, Hawkmoons, Ghost Riders, SkullCrushers and Armorands have been known to produce and deploy them.

Type: Limpet Bunker
Class: Unmanned Point Defense/Area Denial Fortification
Crew: Robot drone
MDC/Armor by Location:
Main Body 400
Cannons(4) 140 each
Projectile Weapon Turret (1, top) 90
Side Sensors(4) 50 each
Radar/Communications Turrets(2) 90 each

Height: 6 ft
Width: 24 ft
Length: 24 ft
Weight: 8 tons
Cargo: None
Powerplant: Typically fuel-cell or short-lived(5 year energy life) nuclear power cell. Some are solar-powered.
Speed: Stationary bunker
Systems of Note:
Basic Robot Audio and Optical Systems, plus:
*Motion Detector
*Low-Light and Thermal Imaging Optics
*Targeting Computer---+1 to strike
*Laser Targeting---+1 to strike
Weapons Systems:
Limpet Bunkers are typically armed with weapons that are expendable refurbished battlefield salvage or low-end early model heavy weapons considered to be obsolete and surplus by the Shemarrians.
1) Cannons(4)---These are four weapons mounted equidistant around the top rim of the bunker, providing good all-around coverage. Typically only one weapon can engage a target at a time, however. Each weapon behaves as if it has its own dedicated gunner, so each position gets 5 attacks per melee and +2 to Strike.
a) Rail Gun(CS-40R/CS-50R)
Range: 4,000 ft
Damage: 1d6 MD single shot, 1d6x10 MD burst
Rate of Fire: ECHH
Payload: 20,000 rd drum(250 rd burst)

b) Rail Gun(T001 Titan or NG-202)
Range: 4,000 ft
Damage: 1d4 MD single shot, 1d4x10 MD burst
Rate of Fire: ECHH
Payload: 20,000 rd drum(250 rd burst)

c) Laser Cannon(NG/CS CR-4T)
Range: 4,000 ft
Damage: 3d6 MD single shot, 6d6 MD double shot.
Rate of Fire: ECHH
Payload: 200 shot battery. Effectively Unlimited if nuclear-powered.

d) Laser Cannon(NG)---Copy or scavenged example of the NG-SE48 Sunfire ‘bot’s Solar-Powered Laser. Typically fitted to solar-powered limpets.
Range: 3,000 ft
Damage: 1d4x10 MD per blast
Rate of Fire: ECHH
Payload: Conditionally Unlimited; 200 shot battery per gun, but requires sunlight to recharge

e) Laser Cannon(CS)----C-T60 High-Powered Laser Cannon
Range: 6,000 ft
Damage: 1d6x10 MD per shot
Rate of Fire: ECHH
Payload: 200 shot battery. Effectively Unlimited if nuclear-powered.

f) Ion Cannon(NG)
Range: 4,000 ft
Damage: 5d6 MD per blast
Rate of Fire: ECHH
Payload: 200 shot battery. Effectively Unlimited if nuclear-powered.

g) Plasma Cannon(NG)
Range: 1,500 ft
Damage: 6d6 MD per blast
Rate of Fire: ECHH
Payload: 200 shot battery. Effectively Unlimited if nuclear-powered.

h) Particle Beam Cannon(NG)
Range: 1,600 ft
Damage: 6d6+6 MD per blast
Rate of Fire: ECHH
Payload: 200 shot battery. Effectively Unlimited if nuclear-powered.

i) 30mm Grenade Launcher---Uses standard 30mm Coalition (and Northern Gun) rifle grenades, but fires them using a mechanism based on the robust pre-Rifts Russian AGLS-17 for greater range. Can also fire micro-fusion grenades, but these are typically reserved for priority defense locations.
Range: 4,000 ft
Damage: (Explosive-light) 2d6 MD to a 6 ft blast radius
(Explosive-heavy) 4d6 MD to a 12 ft blast radius
(Micro-fusion) 6d6 MD to a 6 ft blast radius
Rate of Fire: ECHH, in bursts of 1, 5, and 10 rds
Payload: 400 rd drum

2) Top-Mounted Projectile Weapon---A pop-up turret in the top holds a mini-missile launcher identical to the original Tolkeen design(with 24 mini-missiles) or a breech-loading mortar.
a) Mini-Missile Launcher---24 rounds

b) 81mm Mortar---A copy of Free Quebec’s GBM-7-70M1 High Power Mortar
MDC: 100
Range:(Direct-fire) 6,000 ft
(Indirect Fire) 2.2 miles
Damage:(High Explosive) 1d6x10 MD to a 20 ft blast radius
(Fragmentation)1d4x10 +5 MD to 25 ft blast area
(Armor-Piercing High Explosive) 2d4x10 MD to 6 ft blast area
Rate of Fire: Single shot, EGCHH.
Payload: 75 rounds

3) (Optional) Self-Destruct---*5,000-lb Bomb----4d4x100 MD to 100 ft blast radius

*’Crawler’ version with four robotic legs(25 MDC each leg) and a slightly more sophisticated AI. This version is an expendable, but mobile, robot drone able to scuttle about at 25 MPH.

*’Walker’ variant with two legs copied off the NG-EX11 Okemos( 190 MDC each leg), a more sophisticated AI, and overall better mobility(50 MPH, +1 to Dodge/Roll), It stands 15 ft tall, and can kick and stomp for 2d4 MD. It is also known as the ‘Ubergrektor’, and is used as a picket force drone.
A further development of this variant makes the leg section modular and semi-autonomous, and able to detach the bunker, then make its own way back(at a faster 85 MPH) to fetch another bunker.

*Naval version, ballasted and bouyed for negative bouyancy. It is typically armed with blue-green lasers and torpedoes.
"Trouble rather the Tiger in his Lair,
Than the Sage among his Books,
For all the Empires and Kingdoms,
The Armies and Works that you hold Dear,
Are to him but the Playthings of the Moment,
To be turned over with the Flick of a Finger,
And the Turning of a Page"

--------Rudyard Kipling
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Re: Shemarrian-related fan creations

Unread post by kronos »

Some Straw Warrior variants and options.

EcoS-R65HwR - Rosetta - The Rosetta Straw Warrior variant takes advances made in biotech the Horrorwoods have made with the EcoS-K-144Hwb SlayFlower, replacing the hands with two structures that look like closed rose flowers. These 'flowers' open to reveal a laser that is similar to the SlayFlower's, only smaller, and lacks the x-ray mode. These pods prevents the Rosetta from being able to pick up anything, but the petals are strong and the edges are molecularly sharp, allowing it to use them to slash anything within reach, or if the petals are closed, can bash an opponent. The Rosetta is a little thicker than a standard Straw Warrior, with shorter, but thicker arms. Rosettas are used like regular Straw Warriors, especially when battlefield salvage is not expected for the Straw Warriors to pick up and use.
MDC Location:
Handpods (2): 30
Weight: 23 lbs

1) Multimode ‘FryFlower’ Laser (2)----The arms end in a rose shaped pod that opens to reveal a laser that has a scatter-shot mode. With the petals open, it can slash an opponent, or bash them with the petals closed.
Range: (Laser Mode) 2,000 ft
(Scatter-Shot Mode) 500 ft
(Petal Slash) Melee
Damage: (Laser Mode) 3d6 MD per blast
(Scatter-Shot Mode) 2d6 MD to a 15 ft wide area
(Petal Slash) 1d8 MD, critical strike on natural roll of 19 or 20 dealing double damage
Rate of Fire: (Laser Mode) EGCHH
(Scatter-Shot Mode) EGCHH
(Petal Slash or Bash) EGCHH
Payload: (Laser & Scatter-Shot Mode) Effectively Unlimited, has a charge of 40 shots, recharges 1 shot every melee of not shooting
Bonus: +1 to strike

EcoS-R65HwM - Man Eater - The Man Eater Straw Warrior, or Fly Trap variant is designed as a heavier melee unit and battlefield salvage unit. The normal lump of the Straw Warrior's head is replaced with a larger clam shaped head, that opens and reveals many sharp thorns and spines, similar to a venus flytrap, giving it a powerful bite attack. The thicker body of the Man Eater houses more nanites and a small digestive like system that allows it to actually eat organic material, which can be used to feed its nanites and natural healing processes. After eating organic material and its healing or nanites don't need recharging, it can create fist sized pods on its back that can be picked and eaten by NeShemar and Eshemarrians to recharge their nanite systems. This system makes the Man Eater particular useful in cleaning up battlefields of the dead, including the undead, making these very popular on worlds that suffer zombie plagues. Man Eaters are shorter and thicker than a standard Straw Warrior, with better armour, aiding in their ability to engage in melee combat. With sufficient organic matter, sun light, water and soil, a Man Eater could theoretically survive deployed up to 20 years.
MDC Location:
Main Body 65
Head 45
Arms (2) 35 ea
Legs (2) 35 ea

Height: 3 ft
Width: 1.7 ft
Length: 1 ft
Weight: 30 lbs
Cargo: None
Robotic P.S. of 18

*Bio-Regeneration - The organic nature of the Man Eater allows it to heal 1d6 MDC every hour.

*Digestive System - While the Man Eater can survive on water, soil and sun light, it can augment this with eating organic materials, such as decaying organic matter. Every 10 lbs of organic material the Man Eater consumes allows the Man Eater to increase its Bio-Regeneration rate by 10 minutes. Alternatively if it eats 20 lbs of organic matter it can completely recharge the Nanite Repair system.

*Nanite Pods - When the Man Eater is not healing and consumes 20 lbs of organic matter, it can generate 1 pod growth about, 3 inches in diameter, on its back in 1d4 hours, up to 6 such pods can be stored at any time. These fleshy pods contain nanites and have a slightly citrus bitter flavour. When consumed by NeShemar, Eshemarrians equipped with a nanite repair system, it can replenish 5 MD to the nanite stock. Once picked these pods are good for 1d4 years before they break down unless stored properly, then could last up to 10 years.

1) Bite---The clam shaped head resembles a venus flytrap and is quite powerful, able to crush armour of power armour to get at the organic users.
Range: Melee
Damage: 3d6 MD, 4d6 MD crushing damage per round if successfully grapples and maintains hold.

Straw Warrior New Options
Pit Launcher - The Straw Warrior has one arm that is thicker and a bit stiffer than normal, and terminates in what appears to be a barrel. This functions as an organic railgun, able to launch a harden, dense projectile similar to the thorns, but looks more like a pit of a peach or similar fruit.
Range: 600 ft
Damage: 1d6+1 MD ea
Rate of Fire: ECHH
Payload: 50 pits, regenerates 1 thorn every hour.
Special: If fitted to a Man Eater, every 5 lbs of organic matter consumed can be converted into 10 pits, taking 1d4+1 rounds to convert.

Absorber Spines (Man Eater only) - The mouth of the Man Eater is fitted with extra spines that quickly pulls organic material into the Man Eater's throat, making the bites a little more powerful, but aids in pulling any organic material pulled loose with the bite directly into its throat. Each bite deals and extra +4 damage, and it automatically consumes 1 lbs of organic material (if the target was organic) with each bite. On a critical roll, it consumes 3 lbs.

Growth Spurt (Man Eater only) - The Man Eater is fitted with a special 'gland' that after gorging on 40 lbs of organic food, 5 gallons of water and had at least 1 hour of direct sun, the Man Eater can trigger this gland to cause it to nearly double in size, gain +6 to Strength and double its speed, melee attacks deal +1d6 MD. This growth spurt lasts for 1 hour before reverting to its normal size and becomes lethargic, suffering -5 to attack, saves, moves at half speed for 2 hours, requiring 4 hours of rest in sun and at least 10 lbs of food.

Retractable Needle Blades - The arms of the Straw Warrior are fitted with retractable needle like blades that are molecularly sharp.
Range: Melee
Damage: 2d6 MD

Shield Arm - The arm is modified to deploy bark-like armour, similar to the Entkin elite, creating a shield on each armour. This shield has 40 MDC, and can be regenerated using the Straw Warrior's healing ability. Takes 2 actions to form the shield, and if not depleted when not needed, the shield can be detached and used in a similar manner to those from the Entkin. A standard Straw Warrior can form 2 shields per arm in a day without depleting its nanite stores. One or both arms can be fitted. If fitted on a Man Eater, 30 lbs of organic matter consumed can allow an additional use of creating the shield.
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Re: Shemarrian-related fan creations

Unread post by taalismn »

,,,and here's where the ideas of some of those new Straw Warriors might have gerninated... ;)

Advanced Cultural Notes: EShemar Holiday; TinkerFest(“The Days of New Metal”)

“Watch yourself if you ever get the honor of being invited to one of these geektech parties. A lot of what’s beings shown off can be SERIOUS high-concept. A lot of the lecturing and gab-exchange is done on high speed LANs that would toast most organo-brains if they could tap in. The ‘booth babes’ at these events tend to be either superpowered hidden cyborgs or superpowered neshemar bio-augments. And the demos? Bring heavy rad-armor and protective nanite boosters; you’ll need them.”

“Remember, we let the Tinkers have Assembly Forges and Cybofabs, but NOT Progen Chambers for their little brainstorm fests. We can generally deal with what they storm up with the first two, but we don’t want to deal with the fallout of what they might spawn if they take it into their heads to start breeding new castes.”

“Don’t touch that! I haven’t yet gotten around to installing any safeties on that!”
“ THAT works.”

‘Tinkerfest’ is an informal EShemarrian festival celebrated by the Tribes as a gathering of engineering and scientific talent. For four days, representative Tinkers of the various tribes meet to show off their inventions, swap information and ideas, compete and trade. The Elders of the Shemarrian Nation encourage this, and will often survey the ‘fest themselves to look for any interesting concepts or technologies they would be interested in trading for(or, in the case of the Blood Riders, challenging for).
The annual Tinkerfest is typically held on a rotating basis, with a different Tribe hosting it each year in their home territories. So far, on Rifts Earth, only the Lost Eclipse hasn’t hosted, nor have Clan Gothec or Clan Shinden(the latter two because of the distances to their ‘homelands’).
Tinkerfests are generally avoided by all but the most foolhardy or cross-caste-curious Warriors; the sheer danger of critical masses of nerdery in the form of idea-happy Tinkers and Gizmoteers gathering together often results in truly frightening ideas being thrown together and tested on the spot, or hardcore rivalries between intensely competitive genuises break out. Innocent bystanders often get volunteered to participate in experiments, or else get nominated by flying shrapnel. Tribal personnel assigned as security to Tinkerfests will wisely remain on the edges of the gatherings, hunkered down behind protective barriers, and watch the explosions from a safe distance. Frequently, if inexperienced or overly-brave warriors take up the challenge of actually walking into the main Tinkerfest areas, bets are taken on how much damage or what additional appendages the nobb will leave with. Such are the perils of minding mad genuises at play.
Communities near Tinkerfests are also equally at risk; CPU-fired Tinkers may descend on a town looking for materials to build some spur-of-the-moment creation, or else the town may be subjected to freak black-outs, strange lights in the sky, transforming vehicles, levitating buildings(or levitating vehicles and transforming buildings), or missing time. Generally, though, the Tinkers try to clean up afterwards, repair any damage, and somehow compensate the locals for their forebearance, patience, and hosting of the Tinkerfest, but occasionally the Elders have to send in the Warriors and others to mob up. Fortunately, most communities under the protection of the Shemarrian Nation are forgiving of the foibles of their overlord-protectors, but few of them volunteer to host Tinkerfests twice.
Interestingly enough, Tribe Elders attending Tinkerfests seem immune to the sort of casual abuse and strangeness inflicted on the lower ranks who dare set foot in the domain of rampant brainstorms. Apparently even in the throes of nerdgasm, the Tinkers and their like-minded professional kin recognize who hold the purse-strings in the Tribes.
More often than not, Tinkerfests are occasion for unlikely cross-fusions of ideas, even if the Tribes of the Tinkers involved don’t see eye to eye or may even be diplomatically antagonistic towards each other. Since Tinkerfests are generally followed by spikes in the introduction of new equipment in the Tribes, so the Elders have learned to anticipate an outpouring of creativity from their Tinkers and techniks.
"Trouble rather the Tiger in his Lair,
Than the Sage among his Books,
For all the Empires and Kingdoms,
The Armies and Works that you hold Dear,
Are to him but the Playthings of the Moment,
To be turned over with the Flick of a Finger,
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Re: Shemarrian-related fan creations

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*EcoS-K-80 Shastrac Variants
Two new variants on the Shastrac have recently appeared, apparently inspired by the proliferation of artillery systems throughout the Shemarrian Tribes.

*EcoS-K-80B---(aka ‘Firecracker’, ‘Firebomber’)---This variant sports a row of four large wide-bore barnacle-like growths on the upper shell. These heavy mortars fire flaming ballistic lava bombs that explode on impact, throwing flaming sharpnel in a radius of fiery destruction. The EcoS-K-80B can devastate an enemy battle line or destroy an entire city block in one salvo.
MDC/Armor by Location:
Lava Bomb Mortars(4) 90 each
Weapons Systems:
8 ) Lava Bomb Mortars(4)
Range: 8,000 ft
Damage: 1d4x10 MD to a 30 ft wide area, and there is a 65% chance of setting flammable materials ablaze.
Rate of Fire: Once per melee each
Payload: Conditionally Unlimited; the Mortars require a material component per each shot; about 25 lbs of silicate material(or 15 MDC worth) that can be sorted from the Shastrac ‘s regeneration system. About 80 rds can be stored in the hull(the rounds CANNOT be re-assimilated from the ammunition bin if the Shastrac needs to cannibalize its ammunition for repairs).

*EcoS-K-80C---(aka ‘FireDrill’)---This variant mounts an organic-looking turret resembling a sharp-tailed whelk or oyster drill shell on its upper surface. The new turret is a heavy slag cannon, firing at hypervelocity a dense long rod of heavy metallic slag that cools in flight, assuming an optimal armor-piercing shape. The EcoS-K-80C is proving an adept armor-hunter, often critically damaging targets with a single shot from behind the range of most retaliation.
MDC/Armor by Location:
Heavy Anti-Armor Slag Cannon(1) 180
Weapons Systems:
8 ) Heavy Anti-Armor Slag Cannon(1)
Range: 13,000 ft
Damage: 4d6x10 MD, and does critical damage on an Unmodified 17-20 to Strike
Rate of Fire: Once per melee
Payload: Conditionally Unlimited; the Slag Cannon requires a material component per each shot; about 25 lbs of metallic slag(or 30 MDC worth) that can be sorted from the Shastrac ‘s regeneration system. About 25 rds can be stored in the turret(the rounds CANNOT be re-assimilated from the ammunition bin if the Shastrac needs to cannibalize its ammunition for repairs).
"Trouble rather the Tiger in his Lair,
Than the Sage among his Books,
For all the Empires and Kingdoms,
The Armies and Works that you hold Dear,
Are to him but the Playthings of the Moment,
To be turned over with the Flick of a Finger,
And the Turning of a Page"

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Re: Shemarrian-related fan creations

Unread post by DhAkael »

taalismn wrote:,,,and here's where the ideas of some of those new Straw Warriors might have gerninated... ;)

Advanced Cultural Notes: EShemar Holiday; TinkerFest(“The Days of New Metal”)

BUWAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA!!! Okay I am soooo stealing this for next "downtime" session for my campaign. the poor mooks won't know what hit 'em.
Bind the body to the opened mind
Bind the body to the opened mind

I dream of towers in a world consumed
A void in the sentient sky
I dream of fissures across the moon
Leaves of the lotus rise

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Re: Shemarrian-related fan creations

Unread post by taalismn »

Well, yeah, you don't really know your Tribal Tinker until you catch her in a hotel utility room stark naked, wrapped in wires, drunk off her CPU on doped WD40, with a spanner in one hand, a Promethean knockoff sonic screwdriver in the other, a length of OM4 optical fiber clenched in her teeth, while in a compromising position with a Altess Armoria 'bot and two midget Skullcrusher systems techs.
"Trouble rather the Tiger in his Lair,
Than the Sage among his Books,
For all the Empires and Kingdoms,
The Armies and Works that you hold Dear,
Are to him but the Playthings of the Moment,
To be turned over with the Flick of a Finger,
And the Turning of a Page"

--------Rudyard Kipling
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Re: Shemarrian-related fan creations

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(Pyromancy spells, courtesy of Daniel Frederick,Matthew Clements, and Kevin Siembieda, Rifter #82)

* EcoS-K-52Br---Aka ‘Slingfire’....Blood Rider variant Slingtail, possibly inspired by the Aurora Warriors’ EcoS-K-52ArW variant. The Slingfire takes advantage of recently-acquired technowizardry and pyromancy magic to add literal firepower to the workaday Slingtail. Now even rear-echelon cargo-schleppers and stevedores in join in the fun with their utility warmounts by throwing magic fireballs and fiery discuses of destruction at the enemy.

*Thermal Resistant Heat-Refractory Tile Armor---Special heat-resistant materials designed originally for reentry vehicle shielding. Heat and plasma-based attacks do 1/4 damage.

Magic Systems:
PPE Generator: PPE Capacity:‘Wizard’)----400 PPE battery capacity; recharges at 14 PPE per hour, 50 PPE/hour at a leyline, 100 PPE/hour on a nexus
Weapons Systems:
7) *TW Spell Projector/Magic Tail Projectiles----The tail of the EcoS-K-52Br has a TW projectile generator, with ectolense focal boosters, that can cast the following spells:
*Flaming Lava Projectile(5 PPE) ---Picking up a rock, boulder, or piece of concrete/asphalt, the Slingtail can cover it in mystic magma, then fling it. Upon impact, it does an extra +2d6 MD of damage, and liquified material spatters off it, clinging to the target, doing 1d6 MD burn damage per 1d4 melees before cooling and dropping off.
*Ballistic Fire(13 PPE)----Sprays ten fireballs that each do 1d6 MD. Can be spread across several targets, or concentrated on one. Targets are -10 to dodge. Effective range of 2,500 ft
*Meteor(38 PPE)----Summons a flaming ball from the sky, that lands 3,800 ft away, doing 1d6x10 +16 MD to a 20 ft radius, +4 to strike.
* Ten Foot Wheel of Flame(20 PPE)---Lasts 3.5 minutes(or 14 melees) and does 7d8 MD upon striking. It can either be frissbee’ed out to 300 ft, or launched to roll on the ground, in which case it can reach a maximum range of 4,000 ft. Under the direction of the Warmount’s rider, the wheel will typically be rolled back and forth across and in front of the Slingfire’s path to clear the way.

8 ) Fiery Claws(3 PPE)---Claws can safely heat up to white-hot intensity, doing an extra 1d6 MD. The claws retain their superheated aspect for 6 minutes. Sometimes used to heat-seal or melt-weld objects.
"Trouble rather the Tiger in his Lair,
Than the Sage among his Books,
For all the Empires and Kingdoms,
The Armies and Works that you hold Dear,
Are to him but the Playthings of the Moment,
To be turned over with the Flick of a Finger,
And the Turning of a Page"

--------Rudyard Kipling
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Re: Shemarrian-related fan creations

Unread post by kronos »

I just noticed the master list has an error.. *EShe-F07 Artume Heavy Aerospace Fighter(WIP) Shouldn't that be the Forsvare that I created ?
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Re: Shemarrian-related fan creations

Unread post by taalismn »

Okay, I think I've brought the Codex up to date, unless I'm missing some weapons or things.
"Trouble rather the Tiger in his Lair,
Than the Sage among his Books,
For all the Empires and Kingdoms,
The Armies and Works that you hold Dear,
Are to him but the Playthings of the Moment,
To be turned over with the Flick of a Finger,
And the Turning of a Page"

--------Rudyard Kipling
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Re: Shemarrian-related fan creations

Unread post by kronos »

taalismn wrote:Okay, I think I've brought the Codex up to date, unless I'm missing some weapons or things.

I think that looks right.. I need to really get working on the wikia... it's REALLY REALLY behind.

Also I've almost got another fighter ready for posting.. EShe-F08 and a few variants..
And just thought of another Straw Warrior variant.. amongst my other WIPs to finish.
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Re: Shemarrian-related fan creations

Unread post by kronos »

EShemar EShe-F08 - Hellcat

The EFhe-F08 was built as a surprisingly joint project by the Bloodriders and Hawkmoon, with some input from other tribes. Many speculate the Hellcat has its origins during one of the TinkerFests. The EShe-F08 shares the -06Br's origins with the Scorpion, the oversized drive, only has more armoured protection, wider wings, and a much longer main body that moves the cockpit farther from the wing and engine assembly, however it lacks the auxiliary engine thruster of the Scorpian. The larger size of the Hellcat allows for heavier armour and weapons, classifying it as a medium fighter. Designed as a multi-role craft, fitted with two nose mounted lasers, two modular direct-fire weapons in the wing roots. The larger wings each hold a modular missile bay and a modular equipment bay that can hold additional missiles, direct-fire weapons, shields or other systems. Like the Dazla and Scorpion, the Hellcat can carry underwing ordnance, double that of the Dazla, but at the cost of speed, allowing the base model to function as a bomber.
The elongated hull allows the Hellcat to mount a forcefield generator as standard, improved avionics and sensors over the Dazla and the Scorpion. Its greater mass does make it slower, and less maneuverable than its forbearers, but the larger wingspan, with slightly improved aerodynamic design gives it greater flight abilities in an atmosphere. Although designed and built by the Bloodriders and Hawkmoon tribes, the design has been shared with all the tribes, which some have made changes to suit their styles of combat. The first examples were seen amongst Bloodriders and Hawkmoon squadrons midway through the Minion Wars.

Type: EShe-F08 ‘Hellcat’
Class: Medium Multi-role Aerospace Fighter
Crew: One
MDC/Armor by Location:
Main Body 780
Reinforced Cockpit 110
Wings/Weapons Modules (2) 300 each
Forcefield 1100 
Height: 15 ft
Width: 55 ft
Length: 58 ft
Weight: 13 tons
Cargo: Survival pack and sidearms attached to the pilot’s pod.
Powerplant: Nuclear Fusion w/ 20 year energy life
(Atmosphere) Hover to Mach 2.5; transatmospheric. 
(Sublight) Mach 12
(Underwater) Not possible
Market Cost: Exclusive to the Shemarrian Star Nation
Systems of Note:
Standard Aerospace Fighter Systems, plus:

*EW Jamming---Standard ECM suite for confusing sensor-guided weapons; -6 to strike

*(Optional)---Because of their bionic/psionic nature, EShemar pilots can take the same bonuses as that of the New German Republic’s XML cyborgs(See Rifts: Triax II for details). Otherwise, they can just take the Russian bionic cyberlink bonuses. 

Weapons Systems:

1) Laser Cannon (2) --- The nose mounts two laser cannons for anti-fighter and anti-missile use.
Range: 1.2 miles in atmosphere, 3.6 miles in space
(Kitsune Values: 1.2 miles in atmosphere, 120 miles in space)
Damage: 2D6x10 MD per blast each, 4d6x10 per dual blast
Rate of Fire: EPCHH
Payload: Effectively Unlimited

2) Wingroot Guns (2) --- Each wing holds a modular direct-fire weapons slot. Similar weapons can be fire-linked to fire simultaneously (taking only one attack action). All or each one can hold ONE of the following: 
a) GR Cannon
Range: 5 miles in atmosphere, 10 miles in space
(Kitsune Values: 5 miles in atmosphere, 500 miles in space)
Damage: 4d6x10 MD per 20 rd burst
Rate of Fire: EPCHH
Payload: 300 bursts per gun

b) Laser Cannon
Range: 1.2 miles in atmosphere, 3.6 miles in space
(Kitsune Values: 1.2 miles in atmosphere, 120 miles in space)
Damage: 2d4x10 MD per blast
Rate of Fire: EPCHH
Payload: Effectively Unlimited

c) Plasma Torpedo Launcher --- A direct line of sight energy weapon firing a bolt of plasma that ‘splashes’ on target. The power demands of this weapon are quite high, however, limiting rate of fire and leading to increased powerplant maintenance and replacement turnover rates.
Range: 4 miles in atmosphere, 10 miles in space
(Kitsune Values: 4 miles in atmosphere, 400 miles in space)
Damage: 1d4x100 MD to a 40 ft blast radius per missile
Rate of Fire: Single shot. Three times per melee
Payload: Effectively Unlimited 

3) Missile Launchers (2)---Each wing can fire mini- or short-range missiles.
a) Mini-Missiles---16 per wing
b) Short Range Missiles----8 per wing

4) Modular Bays (2) - These modular bays are mounted in the outer half of the wings, able to carry larger, if limited payloads of missiles, or additional shielding and other systems.
Each of the bays can hold one of the following:
a) Short Range Missiles - 2
b) Mini-Missiles - 10 mini-missiles

c) Laser Cannon - Lasers that are similar to the primary weapons, and can be linked to the main ones for additional power.
Range: 1.2 miles in atmosphere, 3.6 miles in space
(Kitsune Values: 1.2 miles in atmosphere, 120 miles in space)
Damage: 1d4x10 MD per blast
Rate of Fire: EPCHH
Payload: Effectively Unlimited

d) GR Cannon - A popular alternative weapon, although with limited payload.
Range: 5 miles in atmosphere, 10 miles in space
(Kitsune Values: 5 miles in atmosphere, 500 miles in space)
Damage: 4d6x10 MD per 20 rd burst
Rate of Fire: EPCHH
Payload: 500 bursts per gun

e) Forcefield Pod - A self-contained forcefield generator projecting battlescreen to further protect the fighter. Multiple pods may be carried for cumulative screen coverage. 
MDC: 200, recharges at a rate of 1 MDC per hour

f) Mag Shield ---- Reduces damage from particle and ion weapons by HALF. It also has a 35% chance of deflecting regular missiles. Additional pods do not add cumulative bonuses, only redundancy.

g) EW Jamming ---- Jams communications in an 80 mile radius in atmosphere/8,000 miles in space. It also has a 55% chance of deflecting/confusing regular missiles and radar-guided weaponry, radar-guided weapons are -6 to strike. Note that this affects friendly systems as well unless they are set to specific, per-arranged, non-jammed frequencies(that it may be possible for the enemy to discover).

h) Countermeasure Launchers (2) --- These are compact signal emitters mounted on mini-missile propulsion stages, and carried in a converted missile pod, where they are constantly updated with the ship’s drive signature. When deployed, they drop and launch on different courses, while pumping out a simulation of that drive signature. Signal Emitters have a 4 minute life span and a 65% chance of deceiving homing missiles and enemy long range sensors. Countermeasure pods can carry 16 each.

i) Sensor Pallet---Specialized sensors can be mounted in the chin tray instead, typically surface observation sensors such as mapping cameras, spectrographic analysis optics, atmospheric samplers, and radiation sensors.

5) (Optional) Under fuselage Missiles----The Hellcat can carry Four cruise missiles or long range missiles slung under the main fuselage. Alternatively, a five-shot medium range missile pod, 10 shot short-range missile pod, or 24 shot mini-missile pod may be substituted for a CM or LRM. 

*EShe-F08Br---Nicknamed the ‘Infernocat’, the EShe-F07Br variant replaces the lasers with plasma cannons, the wing root weapons and the modular bays are fitted with plasma torpedo launchers. Additional power generators are added to help feed these power hungry weapons, as well as countermeasure launchers as once the Infernocat starts firing its plasma torpedo launchers, it lights up on sensors and thermal targeting systems. The Infernocat can only fire all four plasma torpedo launchers simultaneously once every minute, but doing so drains a lot of power, slowing the fighter down for the next minute to half speed. Most pilots only do this for a massive kill shot, or to overload shields of a target, allowing a wingman to gain the killing shot.
(Sublight) Mach 11

Weapon Systems:
1) Plasma Cannons - Powerful, but short ranged plasma cannons replace the nose mounted lasers.
Range: 1 mile in atmosphere, 2.8 miles in space
(Kitsune Values: 1 mile in atmosphere, 60 miles in space)
Damage: 4d6x10 MD per blast, 8d6x10 per dual blast.
Rate of Fire: EPCHH
Payload: Effectively Unlimited

2) Plasma Torpedo Launcher (4) --- A direct line of sight energy weapon firing a bolt of plasma that ‘splashes’ on target. The power demands of this weapon are quite high, however, limiting rate of fire and leading to increased powerplant maintenance and replacement turnover rates. The Infernocat mounts four (4!) plasma torpedo launchers, giving it an incredibly powerful punch. If all four are fired at once, the power drain is so much it slows the craft to only half speed and reduces rate of fire for all plasma torpedo launchers to 1 shot per melee round for 1 minute.
Range: 4 miles in atmosphere, 10 miles in space
(Kitsune Values: 4 miles in atmosphere, 400 miles in space)
Damage: 1d4x100 MD to a 40 ft blast radius per missile,
Rate of Fire: Single shot. Three times per melee
Payload: Effectively Unlimited 

6) Countermeasure Launchers (2) --- These are compact signal emitters mounted on mini-missile propulsion stages, and carried in a converted missile pod, where they are constantly updated with the ship’s drive signature. When deployed, they drop and launch on different courses, while pumping out a simulation of that drive signature. Signal Emitters have a 4 minute life span and a 65% chance of deceiving homing missiles and enemy long range sensors. Countermeasure pods can carry 16 each.

*EShe-F08Hm---The Hawkmoon field a variant that is slightly faster, but is more aerodynamic for improved atmospheric flight. The wings are slightly larger, but this extra area is all control surface components, and designed to give it a 'feathered' wing look.
MDC/Armor by Location:
Main Body 760
Wings/Weapons Modules (2) 290 each
Width: 59 ft
Length: 60 ft
Weight: 13 tons
(Atmosphere) Hover to Mach 3.1; transatmospheric. 
Bonuses: +1 initiative, +2 Dodge and +10% on dog-fighting and special maneuvers in atmosphere.

*EShe-F08Sm --- Aka Silvercat, the Silvermoon version is the same as the original except for its chrome armour and enhanced lasers.
Increase MDC by 10% to all locations, lasers deal 50% less damage.
Laser cannons have range increased by 25% and damage increased by 10%. (Lasers deal 2d6x11).

*EShe-F08Sc --- The Skullcrusher variant, known as the Hammer, strips out the nose mounted lasers, enlarges the hull to hold a new weapon, the HullShatter, an upscaled version of the SkullShatter, using Grav cannons or Railguns found on most fighters or ship defense weapons. The enlarged body is well armoured, but the weight of the weapon and extra armour slow the craft. The modular bay housings are enlarged to house medium range missile launchers. The large missile launchers reduce the number of external missiles to match that of the Dazla. The wing root weapons will usually be lasers or GR cannons, depending on the mission.
MDC/Armor by Location:
Main Body 810
Reinforced Cockpit 110
Wings/Weapons Modules (2) 320 each
Forcefield 1200 
Height: 15 ft
Length: 60 ft
Weight: 18 tons
(Atmosphere) Hover to Mach 2; transatmospheric. 
(Sublight) Mach 10

Weapon Systems:
1) ’HullShatter’ Cannon (1) --- The HullShatter is essentially an upscaled version of the Skullcrusher's SkullShatter cannon, only mounting several GR cannons in a gatling gun arrangement for rapid fire. It also has slightly longer barrels than normal GR cannons for improved range.
Range: 6.5 miles in atmosphere, 13 miles in space
(Kitsune Values: 6 miles in atmosphere, 650 miles in space)
Damage: 4d6x10 MD per 20 rd burst, 1d4x100 MD per 60 rd burst, 2d6x100 per 120 rd burst.
Rate of Fire: EPCHH
Payload: 1,500 rds

4) Medium Range Missile Launchers (2) --- The two modular equipment bays are enlarged and fitted with medium range missiles.
Range: Varies by Missile Type
(Kitsune Values: 160 miles in atmosphere, 80,000 miles in space)
Damage: Varies by Missile Type
Rate of Fire: Volleys of 1-4 
Payload: 8 missiles each launcher.

*Eshe-08Spc --- The Sapphire Cobras field their own version of the Hellcat, that they call Banded Viper. The Banded Viper is coated in a scale like coating, their Ablative 'Snake Skin' armour that ablates, creating a cloud of microfragments and platelets to protect from lasers and disrupts radar and laser-guided weapons. The wing root weapons are fitted with railguns that fire normal rounds or nanite-warheads, such as their Serpent's Kiss. The nose lasers are replaced with a Ion Disruptor Cannon, first found on their Hydra gunships.

*Ablative ‘Snake Skin’ Armor----Any harm actually done to the main hull armor ablates the armor into a cloud of microfragments and platelets that continue to protect the ship. Unless the ship is moving in an atmosphere or undertakes evasive maneuvering, the ablated armor ‘halo’ will reduce subsequent laser strikes by 1/3 and radar- and laser-guided weaponry will be -2 to strike, for the 1d4 melees before the cloud disperses(although other hull strikes in the interim may extend this time period).

1) Ion Disruptor Canon (1) --- The nose mounts a powerful ion disruptor cannon (modelled after Golgan laser disruptors. Survivors of attacks with the weapons tell of a sense of intense static electrical tension and their hair standing up on hand from leak over from close proximity to strikes).
Range: 5 miles in atmosphere, 10 miles in space
(Kitsune Values: 10 miles in atmosphere, 10,000 miles in space)
Damage: 2d4x100 MD per shot, 25% of that to a 30 ft radius beyond point of impact. 
Rate of Fire: 2 times per melee
Payload: Effectively Unlimited

2) Rail Guns (2) --- The nose mounts a pair of rapid-fire rail guns that can fire regular kinetic penetrators or nanite-warheads such as the Serpent's Kiss and Electrobyte rounds.
Range: 6 miles in atmosphere, 12 miles in space
(Kitsune Values: 12 miles in atmosphere, 12,000 miles in space)
Damage: 4d6x10 MD for a single barrel firing, 8d6x10 MD for both cannon firing simultaneously. 
On a Natural 19-20(18-20 if in atmosphere), the rail gun strikes do critical damage (DOUBLE damage) plus nanites are successfully embedded in the structure of the target. These nanites proceed to do an additional 6d6 MD for 2d4 melees (double damage and duration if in atmosphere).
Unlike the original ‘Serpent’s Kiss’, the nanites work on organic and inorganics alike, or can be programmed to affect only one or the other. 
Electrobye- 3d6 MD from impact and shock; organics must roll on a 17 or better or be stunned unconscious for 1d6 minutes. Even a successful save means the victim is stunned and disoriented; lose initiatve and HALF APMs , Speed, and all combat bonuses for 1d6 melees.
EMP damage: 
01-15: No damage
16-30 Instruments flicker out, before coming back online in 1d4 seconds. Target loses Initiative.
31-45 All weapons temporarily out, and minor electrical fires. One system comes back online in 1d4 melee rds. 
46-60 All systems temporarily out, and minor electrical fires. -30% to piloting skills if target is a manned vehicle. Systems come back online after 1d4 melee rds.
61-75 Communications, radar, and targeting are disabled, but weapons systems are unaffected. -3 to strike and no initiative. Damage requires physical repair. 
76-90 Instruments are completely totaled. If a manned vehicle, the following skill penalties apply; -25% at one-third of maximum speed, -50% at HALF maximum speed, and -75% at full speed. NO initiative roll, -3 to dodge(-5 if an AI), -3 to strike(-5 if an AI), and lose one action per melee round(2 if an AI)
91-00 Total knockout. Controls do not respond, and machine is out of control. Crash/collapse/total shutdown within 2d4 minutes.
Note: If used against robots and cyborgs, the EMP effects are cumulative; +10% on the EMP Effects chart for every EMP round that strikes the target that melee(so getting hammered with 4 rounds means a +40% to the effects roll).
Rate of Fire: EGCHH
Payload: 900 bursts per gun (1800 bursts total)
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Re: Shemarrian-related fan creations

Unread post by taalismn »

Love the Hellcat....A good fighter force means death from above, in more precise doses(as opposed to "We throw moon at the planet').

I'd have responded sooner if not for some strange reason, when I try to read this page on my home computer, the page ends at about the first line of my Takkapede post, no matter how many times I reload it.,
"Trouble rather the Tiger in his Lair,
Than the Sage among his Books,
For all the Empires and Kingdoms,
The Armies and Works that you hold Dear,
Are to him but the Playthings of the Moment,
To be turned over with the Flick of a Finger,
And the Turning of a Page"

--------Rudyard Kipling
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Re: Shemarrian-related fan creations

Unread post by kronos »

taalismn wrote:Love the Hellcat....A good fighter force means death from above, in more precise doses(as opposed to "We throw moon at the planet').

I'd have responded sooner if not for some strange reason, when I try to read this page on my home computer, the page ends at about the first line of my Takkapede post, no matter how many times I reload it.,

The nice thing about the Hellcat sharing ancestry with the Dazla and Scorpion is cuts down on some of the parts. The engine is pretty much the same, so logistics is cut down a bit. It's just the bigger and heavier armed version of the Dazla basically.
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Re: Shemarrian-related fan creations

Unread post by taalismn »

kronos wrote:
taalismn wrote:Love the Hellcat....A good fighter force means death from above, in more precise doses(as opposed to "We throw moon at the planet').

I'd have responded sooner if not for some strange reason, when I try to read this page on my home computer, the page ends at about the first line of my Takkapede post, no matter how many times I reload it.,

The nice thing about the Hellcat sharing ancestry with the Dazla and Scorpion is cuts down on some of the parts. The engine is pretty much the same, so logistics is cut down a bit. It's just the bigger and heavier armed version of the Dazla basically.

...and, added to the Codex.
"Trouble rather the Tiger in his Lair,
Than the Sage among his Books,
For all the Empires and Kingdoms,
The Armies and Works that you hold Dear,
Are to him but the Playthings of the Moment,
To be turned over with the Flick of a Finger,
And the Turning of a Page"

--------Rudyard Kipling
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Re: Shemarrian-related fan creations

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EcoS-R270Dw Toxote Aquatic Robo-Animal
(aka ‘Butcherfish’, ‘Cleaver-tail’, ‘Squirtspark’, ‘Keelkrakker’)

“They chase down our Dreamships, they litter our decks with our dead, sundered by missile and beam, then they rip out our bellies! The accursed Naut’yll think their new toys will drive us from the seas? We shall, with the assistance of their wiser members who have acknowledged our superiority, show them not to underestmate us! Let the seas cloud with their blood!”
<<“...who are we going to play next? Kittani hit squad? We can swap the particle beamers back out for the plasma cannons.”>>
((“Not yet...not until we’ve lured this bunch further north. Then we get them tangling with ACTUAL Kittani”))

The Toxote is simply the lower part of the Kittani WFPA Warfish, refurbished and reconditioned as a Shemarrian aquatic drone. A streamlined faring covers where the humanoid power armor used to sit, so the Toxote is actually faster underwater than its original form.
Toxotes are typically used as picket animals and spearhead units, testing enemy defenses and prematurely tripping any unpleasant surprises set for the following EShemar. They are also often used as heavy torpedoes to take out enemy targets of value, as the Toxotes’ heavy armor, high speed, and heavy armament insures that the predator-torpedoes can break through all but the heaviest defenses.
The DarkWaters have used these units on a number of ‘false flag’ ops, as their sonar profile remains Kittani-like, and the EShemar have managed to sneak a number of Toxote drones close enough to known allies of the Splugorth, such as the Horune, to ambush them. A favorite tactic of the Toxote is to emulate their namesake and swim up next to a surface vessel, then stick their noses up out of the water to pick off crewmen and other targets off the deck of the ship. Toxotes have also been used as tow-tugs for underwater cargo barges or decoy platforms, used to simulate large underwater vessels or schools/pods of smaller undersea prowlers.
Toxote drones are NEVER Awakened, and are considered expendable assets.

Type: EcoS-R270Dw Toxote
Class: Robotic Drone, Aquatic
Crew: None; robot intelligence
MDC/Armor by Location:
Main Body 375
Main Gun(1) 110
Forward Lasers(2) 30 each
Mini-Torpedo Launchers(2) 200 each
Lower Fins(2) 110 each
Jet Clusters(2) 90 each
Lower Jets(2) 110 each
Tail Fin & Section 200
Height: 6 ft
Width: 10 ft
Length: 16 ft
Weight: 3 tons
Cargo: None
Physical Strength: Equivalent to Robotic P.S. of 30
Powerplant: Nuclear w/ 20 year energy life
Speed: (Running) Not possible
(Flying) Not possible
(Space) Not possible
(Underwater) 145 MPH hydroplaning on surface, 125 MPH underwater, maximum depth tolerance of 2.5 miles.
Market Cost: Exclusive to the Ecotroz-Shemar
Systems of Note:
Full optical systems, laser targeting, passive nightvision, telescopic vision, thermal imaging, infrared, ultraviolet, and polarization filters. Also has motion and heat detection, built-in sonar( 60 mile range) and other standard power armor-equivalent systems. Additional/special sensors may be built in by the creating Spinsters or at the behest of individual riders/owners.

Weapons Systems:
1)Main Gun(1)----The main gun of choice is the original Kittani plasma projector, but several other weapon types are also available.
a) Plasma Cannon
Range: 3,000 ft in air, 1,000 ft underwater
Damage: 1d6x10 MD per blast
Rate of Fire: ECHH
Payload: Effectively Unlimited
b) Blue-Green Laser
Range: 6,000 ft in air, 4,000 ft underwater
Damage: 4d6 MD double blast, 1d4x10+8 MD quad blast, 1d6x10 MD full 5-shot blast
Rate of Fire: ECHH
Payload: Effectively Unlimited
c) Ion Cannon
Range: 4,000 ft in air and underwater
Damage: 1d6x10+10 MD per blast
Rate of Fire: ECHH
Payload: Effectively Unlimited
d) Particle Wave Gun---Reverse-engineered Naut’yll weapon, typically used in ‘false flag’ ops
Range: 4,000 ft in air and underwater
Damage: 1d6x10+5 MD per blast
Rate of Fire: ECHH
Payload: Effectively Unlimited

2) Forward Lasers(2)----These remain largely unchanged, although some more recent or expendable models swap out reverse-engineered Kittani lasers for more commonly available eye lasers , shorter-ranged, but more commonly available.
a) Blue-Green Lasers(original format)
Range: 4,000 ft in air and underwater
Damage: 3d6 MD single blast, 6d6 MD double blast
Rate of Fire: ECHH
Payload: Effectively Unlimited
b) Eye Lasers
Range: 1,000 ft in air and underwater
Damage: 3d6 MD per single shot, or 6d6 MD for a double simultaneous shot(counts as one attack)
Rate of Fire: ECHH
Payload: Effectively Unlimited

3) Mini-Torpedo Launchers(2)---These too are retained from the original, although some later models have been outfitted to fire EShemar-developed munitions.
a) Mini-Torpedoes----6 per launcher
b) EcoS-DEXUW01---’Squidpedo’---This is essentially a mini-torpedo tricked out to look like a small squid, with both an advanced sensor package(including optical sensors) and a long endurance electric powerpack with loiter capability fitted. The squid’s tentacles are actually part of the steering mechanism. 8 MDC Main Body, high explosive charge does 1d4x10 MD and a 6 mile range. +5 to strike, swims at 75 MPH, and can actually make a second attack run if it misses the first time. 5 can be stowed per launcher
c)EcoS-DEXUW05---’Flying Fish’----Shemarrian effort to produce a lightweight version of the Kittani sea-air projectile(rocket torpedo). It’s the marine version of the Flit-Striker.
Weight: Each projectile weighs 1 lb.
MDC: Each projectile has 5 MDC.
Range: 5,000 ft in air or underwater(typically ‘porpoises’ between the two mediums). The projectile flies at 300 MPH.
Damage: (Plasma) 5d6 MD to a 30 ft blast radius

(Sonic) Darkwater sonic munition, based on a design they acquired from a trade ally:(High Power Mode) 4d6 MD to an 11 ft radius
(Low Power Mode) 2d4 MD to an 8 ft radius (DOUBLE underwater), for 3+1d4 melees
The vibrofield will do 1/2 SDC damage through most body armors(100 MDC or less), 1/3 through heavier armors and power armor (250 MDC or less), and 1/4 through small robots and vehicles(400 MDC or less)
Sonic Shock: (25 ft radius, DOUBLE underwater)----Beings with Enhanced Hearing or Sense Vibration abilities will be overcome and disoriented; Make a save versus Psionic Attack or lose initiative and be -8 to strike, parry, and dodge, and lose 2 APMs for 1d4 melees(continues even after the sound has been cut off). Beings who navigate by echolocation or motion detection will be effectively blinded. Even a successful save will leave the victim -2 to strike, parry and dodge for 1d4 melees, with a ringing in their heads. Beings without enhanced sonic senses will only suffer HALF penalties in either case.

Rate of Fire: Volleys of 1-5(all)
Payload: 5
Bonuses: +3 to strike, +1 to dodge interception attempts, and gets FOUR APMs until the projectile hits(or is destroyed en route).

d) Rocket Grenades----EShemar version of the Kittani and Triax weapons.
Range: 500 ft in air, 1,000 ft underwater
Damage: (Varies)
(Fragmentation) 4d6 MD to a 12-foot radius.
(Armor-Piercing) 1d4x10 to a 3-foot blast radius,
(High Explosive/Concussion) 5d6 MD to a 32 -foot radius.
(Plasma) 1d4x10+10 to a 5-foot radius.

(Sonic)3d6 MD per blast to an 16 ft blast radius, 1d6x10 SDC to another 20 ft beyond that, Does only 1d6 MD to a 6 ft radius in air
Sonic weapons do HALF damage through light ‘soft’ armors like MDC barding and padded armor(such as wetsuits).

(ElectroShock)--Unleashes a powerful electrical surge that stuns against a saving roll of 17 or less. Does 3d6 SDC to a 25 ft radius, and stuns for 1d4 minutes. Also has a 60% chance of temporarily knocking out unshielded bionics and cybernetics for 1d6 melees.

(Chemical) Varies by specific chemical used. Generally covers a 20 ft area, and persists for about 1d4 minutes before being broken up by water currents.
(Dye Pack) Dyes the water a bright color. Generally covers a 30 ft area, and persists for about 1d4 minutes before being broken up by water currents. May last longer if it coats solid objects passing through it.
(Floating Flare) Burns for 50 seconds floating on the water
(Screamer) Screamers are specialized one-use munitions that when fired, broadcast a massive burst of noise across all audio/sonic frequencies, with the intended effect of destroying acoustic target(sonar) locks, and allowing the sub/diver to escape opponents using sonar to detect or track them. -60% to track the sub via sonar while the Screamer is in effect, while sonar-guided weapons are -10 to strike .
Screamers also have the effect of stunning dolphins, whales, and other creatures using natural sonar and echo location. These creatures are disoriented/stunned for 1d4 melees.
A typical screamer will last 1d4 melees until it burns out or is destroyed.
Screamers can also be fused to ignite/activate anywhere up to a minute(4 melees) after deployment.
Effective radius of effect of the 40mm screamers is approximately 2,500 ft
Rate of Fire: Volleys of 1-10(all)
Payload: 10 per launcher

4) Vibroblade Fins---The fins are strengthened and edged with vibroblades.
Range: Melee
Damage: 3d6 MD on a sideswipe

5) (Optional) Self-Destruct Charge--- The Toxote can be(and often is) fitted with a large warhead as a weapon of last resort(or ultimate mission objective).
Damage: ----2d4x100 MD to 80 ft blast radius
Mote: The DarkWaters have been trying to develop a heavy sonic warhead that can do damage over a wider area, as well as disrupt sonar systems.

The Ecotroz have installed robotic AIs in the Toxote.
Typically has the following:
Radio: Basic 90%
Read Sensory Instruments 85%
Underwater Navigation 85%
Prowl: 70% (exceptionally quiet)
Actions/Attacks Per Melee: 5
Initiative +2
Strike+3(+2 w/ ranged weapons)
Parry +1
Dodge +3
"Trouble rather the Tiger in his Lair,
Than the Sage among his Books,
For all the Empires and Kingdoms,
The Armies and Works that you hold Dear,
Are to him but the Playthings of the Moment,
To be turned over with the Flick of a Finger,
And the Turning of a Page"

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Re: Shemarrian-related fan creations

Unread post by taalismn »

EcoS-K-149 Dazzan Warmount
(aka ‘MoonSpider’, ‘ShadowChaser’, ‘Sun-Weaver’)
“Ever see a vampire with a fear of spiders? Well, you are going to now.”

“Word is, the Dazzan design team had to develop an entirely new laser optic-based computer system to allow the warmount to manage all its limbs and systems. That’s why they missed the Tinkerfest.”

“Glitterboys HATE Dazzans, despite the laser-heavy armaments. It’s those clusters of variable-freq cannons that can slice them up. Whenever Glits and Dazz face off, the Glitters always try to kinetic-smash the ‘spiders from extreme boomgun range.”

“Dazzan point defense firing pattern? It’s the ‘web of death’.”

The Dazzan is an unusual new Warmount developed by the Wayfinders, in conjunction with the Silvermoons, expressly for combating the supernatural. Its primary weapon is amplified and projected light, both artificial and mystic light.
The Dazzan has an arachnid form(though some compare it more to a spider crab), with eight long spindly legs carrying the bot’s crystalline body high over the terrain. The eight legs resemble jointed fluorescent light tubes, and can glow with blinding intensity, creating an area of effect of eye-scorching bright light.
Furthermore, the Dazzan carries a powerful PPE generation system in its bulbous abdomen that it can use to cast spells and create various forms of mystic webbing. The Dazzan deliberately has a high-end high-capacity powerstone for sustained magic-casting and in the expectation of future growth of technomagic capabilities.
The Dazzan also possesses an extra set of long-limbed fore claws that are used for directing webbing, retrieving objects, and capturing prey.
The head is mounted high on the main body, with a greater arc of fire, akin to a battle tank’s main turret(which it is, for the Dazzan, as its six heavy high-power lasers are mounted in its head). Two standard hardpoints are mounted on the sides of the head, straddling the saddle-parapet, and are usually used to host missile launchers or smoke mortars/grenade launchers.
The Dazzan is very agile for its size, in part due to its all-around optical senses. Its multi-segmented legs, which can reach out quite far, also allow it to maneuver adeptly over rough terrain and climb steep surfaces. This often allows the warmount to position itself in areas where other more conventional vehicles cannot go, and carry heavy weaponry in terrain where infantry cannot lug such armaments.
The downside of the Dazzan is its high visibility in both the optical and magical spectrums. The brightly flaring Warmount shows up extremely well to eyesight and mystic senses alike. Riders are taught to ‘go dark’ as long as possible, lighting up only when tactically necessary. The Dazzan also lacks kinetic and missile weaponry, aside from its two standard modular weapons mounts and possible crew weapons(such as scava). leaving it at a disadvantage against opponents impervious to energy or mounting longer-ranged kinetic weaponry(Glitterboys have learned to use the superior range of their Boomguns to shatter Dazzans before they can bring their Glitter-armor-defeating variable frequency lasers into play).
Dazzans are increasingly being encountered in anti-vampire campaigns in the Southwest. It is often teamed with other laser-heavy Warmounts, such as the EcoS-K-17 Majestrex and EcoS-K-55 Chromanid, in mobile laser assault teams, or kinetic weapon-heavy units(like the EcoS-K-49 Thunderbeetle) to cover for the laser specialization. Besides the Wayfinders, the Silvermoons use the Dazzan, the Dark Waters have been seen deploying the design, and the Obsidian Dawn have acquired a few to use in ‘photonically cleansing’ and decontaminating areas of light-sensitive vermin and pathogens(the ultraviolet mode is especially useful in this regard). Clan Vespa has evinced interest in the Dazzan, especially in neutralizing BeeGirl hive infestations.

Type: EcoS-K-149 Dazzan
Class: Robotic Warmount, Cavalry
Crew: None; robot intelligence
1 rider/pilot, and room for 1 passenger
MDC/Armor by Location:
Main Body 450
Head 280
Eye Lasers(6) 45 each
Foreclaws(2) 100 each
Legs(8 ) 100 each
Leg Light Radiator Arrays(8, one each leg) 90 each
Spinneret Turret 60
Height: 18 ft; legs can raise it an additional 10 ft
Width: 15 ft; legs can stretch out an additional 19 ft each side
Length: 25 ft; legs can stretch out an additional 19 ft each side
Weight: 27 tons
Cargo: Small space inside/beside the saddle-seat for a few personal possessions and sidearms.
Physical Strength: Equivalent to Robotic P.S. of 30
Powerplant: Nuclear w/ 20 year energy life
TW Power Crystal(‘Wizard’)----400 PPE battery capacity; recharges at 14 PPE per hour, 50 PPE/hour at a leyline, 100 PPE/hour on a nexus
Speed: (Running) 100 MPH
(Leaping) 30 ft up/across
(Flying) Not possible
(Space) Not possible
(Underwater) Can run along the bottom at 30 MPH, maximum depth tolerance of 3,000 ft. Some Dazzan-riders have figured out how to spin waterproof web flotation bags and fill them with gases bubbled from laser-heating of water, thus allowing the Dazzan to ‘swim’, or at least float in the water.
Market Cost: Exclusive to the Ecotroz-Shemar
Systems of Note:
Full optical systems, laser targeting, passive nightvision, telescopic vision, thermal imaging, infrared, ultraviolet, and polarization filters. Also has motion and heat detection, built-in radar( 60 mile range) and other standard power armor-equivalent systems. Additional/special sensors may be built in by the creating Tinkers or at the behest of individual riders/owners.

*Bionic Cybernanite Repair Systems---ALL Dazzans have the same bionic nanotech repair system that the Ecotroz Shemar have refitted themselves with, and which is becoming the standard among NeShemar as well. These systems repair 4d6 MD per hour, and can repair 160 MDC before needing material stocks to convert to MD repair material.

*Trainable Spotlights---The Dazzan can direct a spotlight-like beam up to 3,000 ft and illuminate an area up to 30 ft across in either normal or infrared light. The beam can come from the bot’s legs or head.

*360-degree Head Rotation---The head can rotate like a tank turret a full 360 degrees.

*360-degree Vison---Multiple optics hidden around the Dazaan’s body means that it is nearly impossible to surprise the warmount under normal conditions.

*Laser Detection----The Dazzan automatically knows when laser targeting or rangefinding is locked on it.

*Molecular Adhesion Grips----The Dazzan can anchor itself to any material surface strong enough to take its weight.

*Laser-Resistant Armor--The dense, quartzite-like pale substance of the Dazzan’s carapace is resistant to laser damage; lasers do HALF damage.

Weapons Systems:
1) Eye Lasers(6) ---Standard Shemarrian heavy eye lasers. modified for variable frequencies. Each eye is mounted in its own independently-positionable eyestalk.
Range: 4,000 ft
Damage: 4d6 MD single shot, 1d4x10 MD for a pulse burst
8d6 MD dual shot, 2d4x10 MD for a dual pulse burst(counts as one attack)
All six laser eyes firing at once on the same target can do 24d6 MD(or 2d6x10+20 MD) for a single shot, or 4d6x10 MD for a pulse burst.
Rate of Fire: EPCHH
Payload: Effectively Unlimited
Bonus: +4 to strike

2) Leg Lasers(8, one each leg) ---Each leg sports an almost invisibly small laser turret, based on those mounted on the wings of the FT-005 Flying Titan. They have been modified to have a wide-beam ‘scatter-fan’ mode, good for harassing enemy troops, or exterminating hordes of small vermin. Possessing good range but only light damage, the multitude of these weapons and their positioning so as to cover all approach arcs gives the Dazzan excellent overall close defense.
Range: 4,000 ft
Damage: 2d6 MD per blast, or 1d6 MD to a 10 ft wide area
Rate of Fire: ECHH
Payload: Effectively Unlimited

3) Leg Light Radiator Arrays(8, one each leg) ---Each leg mounts a long-tube optical array containing high-intensity multifrequency light emitters.
a) Radiate Light---The Dazzan can radiate light across the spectrum(including IR and UV frequencies) in a 300 ft radius.

b) Glare Camouflage----The Dazzan can ramp up the intensity of its body-lights to blinding levels, making it painful to stare at without adequate optical protection.
Bonuses: Opponents are -3 to strike in combat(-5 to strike if using optical amplification devices like telescopic optics or night vision gear), and -2 to parry/dodge incoming melee attacks from the Dazzan(hard to see how the BLAZING BRIGHT spider is moving).

c) Strobe Attack---The Dazzan can generate intense blinding flashes and strobe them, blinding unprotected eyes
Range: 300 ft radius
Damage: Unless the victim(s) are wearing tinted goggles or other protection against bright light, they will be blinded(-10 to strike, parry, dodge, and roll) for 1 melee round after being hit. Duration can be extended by 7 seconds(half a melee) for every subsequent melee that the target is kept bombarded by the strobe attack until their eyes manage to adjust.
Rate of Fire: ECHH
Payload: Effectively Unlimited

d) Laser Redirection/Parry----The Dazzan can actually parry lasers and redirect them at other targets, though this takes two actions/attacks on the part of the Dazzan. This requires a successful Parry roll(no bonuses) and then the Dazzan can attempt to bounce the laser back at another target; either at HALF the range of the original shot, but doing FULL damage and no penalty, or at the same range, HALF the laser strike’s damage, and -2 to strike.

e) Laser Absorption---Instead of Parrying and redirecting laser fire, the Dazzan can instead choose to absorb laser energy and reuse the energy to boost its own systems. This uses a Parry roll to match or exceed the laser’s Strike roll(no bonuses). For each laser strike absorbed(an absorbed shot CANNOT be parried/redirected), the Dazzan can boost the damage of its own lasers by 25% of the original laser blast for 1 melee after absorbing it.
Alternately, the Dazzan can boost its running speed by 25% for 1 minute, OR increase its leap distance by 50% for 1 melee, OR add a +1 to dodge for 2 melees(15 seconds) after a strike.

4) Web Spinner(1)----Adapted from the Aracha, the Dazzan mounts a rear mini-turret with a pivoting spinneret-cannon that sprays a quick-setting megadamage polymer that can form incredibly tough fibers. The fibers can also be spun into coccoon-wrappings, allowing the Dazzan to construct protective fiber-walls, barriers, restraint bags, and even emergency shelters.
The webbing matrix itself is generated by a nanite-impregnated microfac in the war steed’s bulbous abdomen that renders megadamage materials, particularly plastics and composites, into a fine slurry that cures rapidly when sprayed and formed into strands or sheets.
Range: 500 ft
Damage: None. A single 1-inch strand of the synthetic spider-web can hold up to 3 tons and has 1 MDC per 10 ft length; more if braided.
Used to coccoon-spray a target, the cannon can spray up to 50 MDC in one attack, so if the Aracha uses all six of its attacks on wrapping a single target, it can create a web shell with 300 MDC, or generate a 3,000 ft line in a single melee.
Rate of Fire: ECHH
Payload: Conditionally Unlimited; the Dazzan’s ready-reserve has 1,000 MDC(30,000 ft) worth of polymer matrix ready to go, but can generate more through consuming MDC materials(at a ratio of 2 consumed MDC to 1 MDC of produced webbing) that are reprocessed into new webbing compound.

The Dazzan can produce several types of webbing:
-FlareWeb---FlareWeb resembles ordinary webbing, but if touched or otherwise physically disturbed, the strands light up at the point of contact. This is extremely handy for setting traps in darkness, as anybody tripping the lines immediately illuminates their position. Worse yet, if the webbing sticks to them(60% chance), they carry a bright light on them. This is a chemical reaction, and the initial flare is instantaneous, while the glow persists for a hour.

-Glow-Web(Gloweb)---Gloweb glows with a soft chem-light glow. Can be used for marking paths. This is a chemical reaction, and the initial flare is instantaneous, while the glow persists for 3 hours.

-LumoChain ---A more powerful version of gloweb, but powered by an embedded combination Light Coat and Globe of Daylight spell. LumoChain glows with a soft golden light, but if touched, flares to full solar intensity. Anything bound with LumoChain is effectively bound with strands of sunlight with regards to damage from its light. It costs 9 PPE to empower 60 ft of web, and, once activated(can remain dormant for up to 6 hours), it lasts 30 minutes.

-Powerweb----This reinforces the webbing with a Force Bonds spell. Costs 13 PPE to enchant a restraint of webbing for 5 hours.

5) TechnoWizardy Systems---The Wayfinders being descended(or ascended) from magic users, they’ve of course built in a few technowizardry systems.

*Globe of Daylight---The Dazzan can project a 120 ft diameter circle of mystic daylight around itself; 1 PPE for 30 minutes.

*Illuminate The Invisible(Invocation)---This spell causes creatures and objects that are magically invisible(but still in phase with this reality) to fluoresce and become visible to the naked eye. Such beings can still try to hide in the shadow of objects/people standing between them and the eldritch light source, if the cover is large enough, but being caught in the light will cause them to glow. Effective radius of 60 ft, 3 PPE for 40 minutes.

*TW Forcefield---Provides 50 MDC per 10 PPE pumped into the system; lasts 10 minutes per 10 PPE.

*Impervious to Energy---If absorbing laser energy isn’t a desirable option, the Dazzan can flick up this mystic protection; 20 PPE gets 5 minutes’ immunity from laser, ion, and plasma, and limited resistance from particle beams(d 15% of their normal damage).

6) (Optional) Modular Weapons(2)---The Dazzan has provision for torso-mounting two weapons similar to those standard to the Monstrex.

The Ecotroz have installed robotic AIs, then infected the matrix with a low-level Ecotroz sentience.
Typically has the following, in addition to basic Shemarrian Animal Programming:
Prowl 60%(+5% per level of experience for Ecotroz entity)
Climbing 98%/85%
Trap Construction 50%(+5% per level of experience for Ecotroz entity)
The Ecotroz entity can also pick up one Secondary skill at levels 2, 6, and 12 of experience, though the nature of the Dazzan intelligence and design is such that it is limited to skill selections from Technical: Language(understanding) and Lore (Cattle & Animals, Indians, Juicers, Magic, Demons & Monsters, D-Bees, Faerie---at least with regards to identifying their relative threat level), and Wilderness( Hunting).

Actions/Attacks Per Melee: 6
Initiative +2 (+1 from the Ecotroz entity for a total of +3)
Dodge +6
Automatic Dodge(no bonus)
Strike +3 (+3 w/ ranged weaponry)
Parry +6
Roll +2
Pull Punch/Bite +4
Disarm +2
Critical Strike on Natural 19-20
Bite 2d6 MD
Tear/Pry 2d6 MD
Foreclaw Strike 2d6 MD
Leg Strike 2d4 MD
Stomp 1d6 MD
Leap Attack 3d6 MD

Note: The Ecotroz intelligence fragment inhabiting the ‘bot gives the Dazzan an aura and behavior more befitting a sentient being than a robot. Dazzans are patient hunters, perfectly willing to stay perfectly still or slowly stalk, until they can go full lightstorm to blind and bedazzle opponents. They are also intuitive engineers when it comes to spinning webs, and may exhibit a mild artistic bent in the construction of webs and other structures.

The Ecotroz fragment does occasionally need sleep/rest...though they only need 2 hours of rest/meditation per 24 hours...they can push this, going without for as many days as they have I.Q. points(most Warmounts, unless otherwise noted, have an effective IQ rating of 8, while the Dazzan has an IQ of 10), but will have to go dormant for 4d6 hours after such exertion.
Note also that the Ecotroz-possessed ‘bot can infect other bots with the Ecotroz viral-entity, by bite or sustained touch(takes 3 attacks).

*Holo-Field---This is a ‘hard light’ field that produces an area of optical distortion that conceals the Dazzan from visual detection.
When rolling to detect the Warmount under the field, imposes a -45% to Surveillance and Read Sensory Instruments skills and has only a 25% chance of being detected with direct eyeball observation.
While the stealth field is up, the Dazzan can only rely on passive sensors(active sensors like lidar and radar CANNOT be used)

*Doppleganger-Cloak----This amplification of the Multiple Images Spell allows the Dazzan to project multiple ‘ghost’ images of itself(up to 3 separate images). These multiple images can carry out a series of preprogrammed maneuvers(can also simulate weapons fire/gun flashes, but only if the Dazzan is also firing at the same time), but must remain within a mile of the the projecting warmount(or they vanish without a trace). Also note that the images don’t show up on radar or thermo-imaging, and cannot be used to fool homing missiles, though they DO give off a PPE trace similar to the projecting warmount.
Range: ‘Ghosts’ can be projected up to 5,000 ft away
Duration: 5 minutes per activation
PPE Activation Cost: 20 PPE per activation

*TW Illusion-Casting---Adds special extendable glass holo-projection vanes or spines to the abdomen. This expands on the Dazzan’s ability to manipulate light around itself, to permit the casting of the following spells:
- Horrific Illusion(5)----20 minutes, H.F. 14
- Apparition(10)----10 minutes
-Illusion Booster(8)---DOUBLES duration of other illusion spells
-Illusory Forest(28-45)---30,000x30,000 ft area, 5 hours
-Illusory Terrain (23-60)---30,000x30,000 ft area, 5 hours

* Photonic Flares---Special optical ports in the body can project bolts of incandescent plasma that float in air briefly, but shed considerable light illuminating large areas bright enough to read by. Ineffective as a weapon, as one would have to be standing directly atop the dorsal firing port to be struck. Typically used for signaling and illuminating patrol areas and battlefields.
Range: 1,000 altitude.
Damage: Sheds bright light in a 1,500 ft diameter(though can be seen for miles) for 60 seconds.
2d6 MD to anybody straddling the firing port atop the rear abdomen.
Rate of Fire: Once per melee
Payload: Effectively Unlimited

*EcoS-K-149Dw---(aka Shadowsea-Spider)---It was DarkWater riders who figured out the trick of spinning waterproof webbing flotation bags underwater and filling them with gases separated by laser-heating. The DarkWaters have further modified their Dazzans with data acquired from reverse-engineering several Coalition State CR-006 Sea Spider-Skull Walkers. Additional features include underwater thrusters. sonar senses, and a fully air-sealed pressure-resistant command cabin The Shadowsea-Spider’s illumination abilities have proven especially effective in the abyssal depths against creatures sensitive to light.
MDC/Armor By Location:
Reinforced Rider Compartment 150
(Underwater) Can swim, using special thrusters, at 25 MPH, and power along the surface at 30 MPH. Maximum Depth Tolerance of 1.3 miles.
Systems of Note:
*Sonar--- 25 mile range
*Air Separator/Generator/Pump---A more efficient means of generating lift gases underwater.
Weapons Systems:
5) TechnoWizardy Systems---Modified with the following:
*Create Air Bubble---A modification of the space-based Create Breathable Air spell, this is used to extend and expand on breathable air introduced into an airtight web-bubble. 18 PPE provides enough air in a 10 ft area for up to 20 people for 10 hours. Can be cast multiple times for larger enclosures accommodating more people.

7) Harpoon Launchers(2)---The EcoS-K-149Dw mounts two harpoon launchers in its abdomen, bracing the spinneret.
Range: 500 ft
Damage: 1d6 MD per harpoon
Rate of Fire: Once per melee
Payload: Each launcher holds 10 harpoons, for a total of 20.

*EcoS-K-149DwD---(‘Horned Spider’, ‘DoubleDaylight’, ‘DeuceDeath’) An attempt to increase the available firepower of the Dazzan, the EcoS-K-149DwD mounts a new head that sheds the six heavy eye lasers in favor of six smaller normal eyes and two large pincer- or horn-like projections holding modified copies of the ATL-7 Anti-Tank Laser, examples of which the DarkWaters were able to procure. The two lasers greatly increase the effective damage of the Dazzan’s main armament, albeit at the cost of some range and rate of fire.
Weapons Systems:
1) Heavy Anti-Armor Lasers(2)---These replace the previous heavy eye-lasers.
Range: 3,750 ft
Damage: 3d6x10+20 MD per single shot, 6d6x10+40 MD per dual shot(counts as one attack)
Rate of Fire: 4 shots per melee per cannon
Payload: Effectively Unlimited
"Trouble rather the Tiger in his Lair,
Than the Sage among his Books,
For all the Empires and Kingdoms,
The Armies and Works that you hold Dear,
Are to him but the Playthings of the Moment,
To be turned over with the Flick of a Finger,
And the Turning of a Page"

--------Rudyard Kipling
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Re: Shemarrian-related fan creations

Unread post by taalismn »

Despite the fact that this thing started out as what I THOUGHT would be a simple ‘bitzer’, it just grew and grew, with more tweaks being suggested by my imagination every time I thought of the thing. So, before it overwhelms me....

(Thanks to kronos for his Foci and Squire drones, which provided some extra material, and to Dennis Glover for his Rifter submission on Laser Mages)

EcoS-K-150 Coronak Warmount
(aka ‘Reiking’, ‘Suntanker’, ‘Walloping Sunkisser’, ‘Sunlasher’, ‘Helio-ape’, ‘Lighthouse’, ‘Land-Angler’)

“I’m really glad the Coronak has that solar redundancy built in. Those nuke-sucker monsters were an unwelcome surprise; drained our warmounts’ powerplants and nearly drained our heart-cells as well. But for the solar batteries on our reikings, we’d have been left cold and paralyzed but for our sparks. As it was, we had enough power to beat a retreat and give the leeches some cold iron bellyaches to keep them occupied until we figured out what killed them.”

“Those whip arms may look all funny and dangly, and not as strong as a regular old jointed ‘bot arm, but they can haul them around faster than your eyes can follow, and they deliver one hell of a backhand, too. You may think hearing them crack like a whip is in your imagination, but I can tell you from experience, you are NOT imagining the hearing.”

“Yeah, I thought a skylight in the passenger compartment , while traveling through vampire country was a dumb idea too, until I turned on the sun-lanterns in my compartment at night...and three vamps who were leering outside got sunburned and sunblasted off. My suggestion, if the Tinkers can wing it? Fresnel lenses in the canopy panes.”

“Bit of a mongrel the Coronak is; all the viciousness and temper of a junk yard dog, all the loyalty of a rescued shelter mutt. Ugly as hell, but a kindly and friendly brute, if it accepts you.”
----Doctor Vance Pepper, Scientist, Lazlo University, and acknowledged ‘Friend of the Shemar’, in a lecture on his experiences amongst the Tribes of the American Eastern Seaboard.

“---Furthermore, the d-bee creatures known as the ‘Coronak’ may have evolved as deep sea creatures who came up from the dark watery depths of their homeworld’s oceans to feed on land and absorb sunlight, as a way of supplementing their diet and providing extra energy for courtship. Possibly their breeding requires a certain amount of sunlight and photochemicals to be initiated. That the Shemarrians seem to have cyborged the creatures successfully without unduly disrupting their behavior suggests that the Shemar may have liberated an already domesticated and docile breeding population fro another source, such as the Splugorth, that had pruned them for cyber-augmentation, or that the Shemar have cloned them for their own use, raising further questions as to the exact extent of the Shemarrian Nation’s biotech capabilities-”
---Professor Melcor Metz, Lazlo University, lecturing on observed alien species in the ranks of the Shemarrian Nation’s stables.

“Calling it a ‘lighthouse’ isn’t too far from the truth; I’ve heard the Shemar use the things occasionally as mobile navigation aides for their naval forces. Of course, if the enemy comes along, they can use them to mislead the enemy into traps.”

“-hey, working on my tan here!”

The Coronak is often mistaken for a scaled-up EcoS-K-17 Majestrex Warmount or EcoS-R301 Seemaabite Robotic ExoDrone/Augmentation Frame. In reality, the Coronak is something of a ‘bitzer’, assembled from parts of various Northern Gun designs. The Coronak is believed to have its origins in a Tinkerfest, where, in their offtime, various Tribal Tinkers combined their talents and ideas to create a new Warmount as an exercise. Clan Gothec kludgery, Silvermoon photonics expertise, Wayfinder technowizardry, and Horrorwoods biotech, backed by the deep ‘invisible pockets’ of the SkyeKlad, produced the Coronak.
The Coronak features a torso lifted/copied from a NG-V36 Beachmaster, mated to a lower torso and leg assembly taken from the NG-V47 Gunbot(and copied as the EcoS-K-54 Sting Tongue) and further attached to an expanded solar collection system copied from the NG-SE48 Sunfire. The latter, when fully deployed in daylight, give the impression of a peacock’s opened feather display, or of a blazing crown of light.
The Coronak’s torso has been rebuilt to become its face; a large mouth sits behind heavy armor plates, and the chest lasers are now powerful eye lasers.
The Coronak features an enclosed cockpit that can hold two passengers. The passenger chamber, sometimes referred to by Wayfinders as a ‘glorified tanning booth’, is lined with crystal emitters that can fill the chamber with light. Thus the chamber can be used to apply light therapy, recharge beings subsisting on or empowered by light, and shield the occupant from powers of darkness. Conversely, the chamber can also be used to contain beings vulnerable to light. Light radiating out through the heavy glazing on the cockpit canopy has the same properties as natural sunlight (either due to the use of a Globe of Daylight spell, or the burning of the supply of liquid sunlight). The ‘solarium’ is sometimes mistaken for a modified natural bioluminescence organ, and this error has been capitalized on by the EShemar, when designing variant, including‘feral’, forms of the Coronak.
The Coronak’s arms are hybrids of multi-segmented extendable tail appendages ending in forearm and hand assemblies lifted from yet more Northern Gun ‘bots. Rather than straight-arm punch, the Coronak lashes. This requires the weapons in the forearms to be especially heavily armored and durable, to take the shock of these whirling lash-strikes, and still remain operational.
The Coronak retains the amphibious capabilities of its NG-V36 Beachmaster design donor, and even retains some modular compatibility with the Northern Gun ‘bot in the form of two shoulder-mounted hardpoints. The elongated and highly flexible arms, though not as strong as more rigid designs, have an agility and reach that remind many of striking serpents or giant tentacles, and have drawn comparisons to a beast of legend, the ‘Walloping Wompus’, rumored to haunt some North American wildernesses.
Though the original Coronak prototypes were something of obvious bitzers, the design has been refined and sculpted to the point that the Warmount is mistaken for some sort of cyborged aquatic d-bee lifeform. Even when observers do spot parts that seem to originate from Northern Gun designs or other sources, it’s assumed that the Shemarrians simply used available parts to cyborg an existing monster. The appearance of several variants has fueled more and more wild speculation that the Coronak are cyborged alien beings, and not robots, and the EShemar have been quick to encourage this sort of erroneous speculation and rumor. The Coronak is sometimes associated, by zealous xenobiologists eager to classify it, with such other organisms as the Savager/Spiny Ravager, and the smaller Bursk.
The primary criticism of the Coronak by warriors is that the warmount is too (no pun intended) lightly armed for its weight and size. It lacks the heavy and long-ranged firepower to go toe to toe with enemy units of equivalent mass, and its ‘flex-arms’ cannot mount much in the way of additional ordnance. The massive heavy Coronak also seems to clash with the perceived SkyeKlad au naturalist aesthetic of the tribe’s heavier iron being hidden and inconspicuous; the Warmount typically remains more or less on the sidelines(or hiding in nearby bodies of water) and comes out to play only when the tribe needs heavy lifting and open combat. In defense of the Coronak, it’s been promoted not as a front line combat unit, but as a Companion Beast, albeit a very large one, that is assigned to individuals, especially Shemarrian Mystics, Psi-Priestesses, Tinker/Healers, or deserving neshemar, and used in a support role.
The Coronak, though originally commissioned by the SkyeKlad, has also been deployed with the Wayfinders, who like adding even more technowizardry to an already TW-heavy machine. The Horrorwoods have also acquired a few, in gratitude for their tentacle myomer contributions to the design, and the DarkWaters have managed to acquire a few to assess their usefulness in the amphibious role. Vampire-hunter parties are beginning to express an interest in acquiring the Warmount as well, and Clan Shelley’s Gilloc Sgen have shown considerable interest as well. The Coronak is sometimes confused with the similarly light-oriented, but arachnoid-configuration, Dazzan which was introduced at roughly the same time, and sharing many of the same capabilities and subsystems(the respective Silvermoon teams working on both Warmounts were unaware of the others’ work). Since then, the two types are often deployed together, especially when hunting creatures of darkness(Coronaks seem especially hateful towards ShadowBeasts).

Type: EcoS-K-150 Coronak
Class: Robotic Warmount, Cavalry
Crew: None; robot intelligence
1 rider/pilot, and room for 1 passenger
MDC/Armor by Location:
Main Body 540
Crew Compartment 150
Head Compartment ‘Greenhouse’ 150
Solar Panels(12) 50 each
Protective Fin Plates(2) 110 each
Arms(2) 200 each
Forearms(2) 170 each
Hands(2) 75 each
Legs(2) 280 each
Jet Thrusters(4) 40 each
Back Jet Clusters(2) 50 each
Tail Plane/Plate 100
Height: 22 ft
Width: 16 ft
Length: 15 ft. Arms can reach 25 ft forwards or back
Weight: 25 tons
Cargo: Small space inside the cockpit for a few personal possessions and sidearms.
Physical Strength: Equivalent to Robotic P.S. of 35
Powerplant: Nuclear w/ 20 year energy life
TW Power Crystal(‘Wizard’)----400 PPE battery capacity; recharges at 14 PPE per hour, 50 PPE/hour at a leyline, 100 PPE/hour on a nexus
Supplemental Solar Power---Normally meant as supplemental power for secondary systems, as a last resort, the Coronak can draw on its solar collectors and batteries. One hour of solar exposure will fully power the warmount for 4 hours( the Coronak has double the collection surface of the NG-SE48 Sunfire).
Speed: (Running) 60 MPH
(Leaping) Powered leaps can now propel the War Mount 60 ft up, and 120 ft across, double that with a running start.
(Flying) Not possible
(Space) Not possible
(Underwater) 20 MPH running on the bottom. Can swim using its thrusters and arms to paddle at about 25 MPH. Maximum depth tolerance of 5,000 ft
Market Cost: Exclusive to the Ecotroz-Shemar
Systems of Note:
Full optical systems, laser targeting, passive nightvision, telescopic vision, thermal imaging, infrared, ultraviolet, and polarization filters. Also has motion and heat detection, built-in radar( 60 mile range) and other standard power armor-equivalent systems. Additional/special sensors may be built in by the creating Tinkers or at the behest of individual riders/owners.

*Bionic Cybernanite Repair Systems---ALL Coronak have the same bionic nanotech repair system that the Ecotroz Shemar have refitted themselves with, and which is becoming the standard among NeShemar as well. These systems repair 4d6 MD per hour, and can repair 150 MDC before needing material stocks to convert to MD repair material.

* 360-degree waist rotation

*Sonar---25 mile range

*Searchlight---Special reflective louvers in the Head Compartment ‘Greenhouse’ can focus and project a searchlight-like beam of light out 1,000 ft.

*Solar Power Collectors---The Coronak carries a folding array of high-efficiency solar collectors in its upper back. The Coronak has twice the gathering surface of the NG-SE48 Sunfire’s installation, and can in-gather twice as much solar energy in the same amount of time. The extra power can be used to supercharge laser weapons, or the light collectors can be dedicated , with magic energization, to collect and distill a liquid form of sunlight.
The solar arrays can be fully retracted under armored covers(110 MDC each) in 30 seconds.

*Solarium----The passenger compartment is specially fitted with an armored ‘greenhouse’ canopy that is more resilient than it looks. Furthermore, the chamber is lined with special light emitters that can project in both the normal visual frequencies and the mystic light wavelengths. For beings who gain sustenance from light, the solarium compartment can provide a welcome charge-up, even in the dark of night. For others, the solarium-compartment can provide a warm, bright, phototherapy season. For being vulnerable to light exposure, however, being locked in this compartment can be sheer torture. Laser-Mages, who love hanging around the SkyeKlad, LOVE this feature, because it provides them with a supplemental source of energy and light, especially at night.

Weapons Systems:
1) Eye Lasers(2)----The Beachmaster’s blue-green chest lasers have been replaced with Shemarrian heavy eye lasers(the original kludge specs called for lower-powered, but less protrudent, standard eye lasers, but with formal production templates formalized, the Tinkers decided to go with heavier firepower and better range). These have been modified to incorporate a TW ‘solar laser’ mode allowing the Coronak to do damage to light-sensitive targets such as vampires.
Range: 4,000 ft
(Solar Laser mode) 2,000 ft
Damage: 4d6 MD single shot, 1d4x10 MD for a pulse burst
8d6 MD dual shot, 2d4x10 MD for a dual pulse burst(counts as one attack)
(Solar Laser mode) 2d6 MD single blast, double damage to beings sensitive to sunlight, 4d6 HP to vampires.
If the solar array has time to absorb solar energy prior to combat, the lasers get an extra +2d6 MD(+4d6 MD in airless space) to damage three minutes(12 melees) of combat, per hour of prior charge-up.
Rate of Fire: ECHH
Payload: Effectively Unlimited
(Solar Laser mode) 4 P.P.E. per shot. Or can ‘burn’ a gallon of liquid sunlight to power a shot.
Bonus: +4 to strike

2) Forearm Weapons Mounts---Each forearm mounts three recessed slots for weaponry, typically all of one type.
a) Lasers
Range: 3,000 ft
Damage: 4d6 MD single shot, 2d4x10+4 MD triple shot burst
Rate of Fire: ECHH
Payload: Effectively Unlimited. 180 shot reserve battery if the Warmount is running off solar power.

b) Ion Blasters
Range: 1,650 ft (1,000 ft underwater)
Damage: 5d6 MD single shot, 1d6x10+30 MD triple shot burst
Scatter-Shot Mode does 3d6 MD to a 10 ft wide area, a triple-burst does 6d6 MD to a 30 ft wide area.
Rate of Fire: ECHH
Payload: Effectively Unlimited. 180 shot reserve battery if the Warmount is running off solar power.

c) Plasma Blasters----Adapted She-PLR25 Plasma Rifles.
Range: 2,000 ft
Damage: 1d4x10 MD single blast, 2d4x10 MD for a double blast, 3d4x10 MD for all three firing simultaneously(counts as one attack)
Rate of Fire: ECHH
Payload: Effectively Unlimited. 180 shot reserve battery if the Warmount is running off solar power.

d) Particle Beam Blasters
Range: 1,600 ft
Damage: 1d4x10 MD single blast, 2d4x10 MD for a double blast, 3d4x10 MD for all three firing simultaneously(counts as one attack)
Rate of Fire: ECHH
Payload: Effectively Unlimited. 180 shot reserve battery if the Warmount is running off solar power.

f) Rail Guns----Copies of the C-200 ‘Dead Man’ Light Rail Gun, as used by the Coalition’s Skelebots. They can be used to fire silver rounds as well.
Range: 4,000 ft
Damage: 1d4 MD single rd, 4d6 MD per 20 rd burst.
Rate of Fire: ECHH
Payload: 2,000 rd drum per cannon

g) Stake Launcher---Typically used by anti-vampire units. The Wayfinders wanted to outfit this option with copies of the Kirn(Manhunter universe) Lan’yanay Bolt Rifle, but the Horrorwoods on Rifts Earth have not yet been able to successfully clone the Kirn hardwoods used in the Bolt Rifle’s ammunition, so a more conventional bolt-thrower firing more readily available fletchettes was substituted.
Range: 1,600 ft
Damage: (Varies) (Conventional Hardwoods) 2d6 SDC per shaft
(Iron Wood) 2d6 MD per shaft
Rate of Fire: ECHH, bursts of 1-3 stakes
Payload: 50 rds per barrel; 150 total

h) EShe-BrPMW-02 Plasma Sword---Based on the Kittani Plasma Sword. Can be energized with a plasma sheath, and can fire short-ranged plasma blasts.
Range: Melee, or 100 ft for a plasma blast
Damage: 3d6 SDC un-powered, 4d6 MD per energized sword strike, or 6d6 MD per plasma blast. With all three blades extended, +12d6 MD to a punch/slash, and a full triple plasma blast does 18d6 MD or 1d6x10+40 MD.
Rate of Fire: ECHH
Payload: Effectively unlimited. 180 shot/18 minute reserve battery if the Warmount is running off solar power.

i) EShe-BrPMW-03 Plasma Whip---Based on the Kittani Plasma Net, this is a single long strand of armored conduit chain. It can be used to slash at a target, or can be used to entangle a limb and inflict serious burns(and possibly amputate a limb). This option is rarely used, because of the short range, but it’s impressive when it is wielded.
Range: Melee (14 ft reach)
Damage: Un-powered strike does 2d6 SDC, 1d6+2 MD energized strike, or 6d6 MD for a full melee burn on a successful Entangle strike with one chain. A successful strike with two whips does 2d6+4 MD, and an entangling full melee burn(50% chance of both whips connecting) does 1d6x10 MD. All three extended powered whips in a raking attack do 3d6+12 MD, and a full entangling attack(25% chance of all three engaging) does 2d4x10 MD.
Rate of Fire: ECHH
Payload: Effectively unlimited. 180 shot/18 minute reserve battery if the Warmount is running off solar power.

j) MonoMolecular Whip----This consists of a weighted head trailing a length of braided monomolecular cable. Twisted just right when striking, the cable cuts like a vibroblade and is virtually invisible.
Range: 20 ft
Damage: 1d4 MD per strand, so if all three slots are used, a raking attack does 3d4 MD. 1d6 MD per strand if used as part of a high speed punch, in addition to the punch itself. as the whip strands will wrap themselves around the target in the aftermath of the punch.

3) Chemical Sprayer---The Coronak can ‘spit’ liquid from reservoirs inside itself, including collected liquified sunlight. The aperture is an apparent nostril or blowhole between the two low-set eyes.
Range: 500 ft
Damage: (Varies) Ordinary water does no damage to normal beings, but 6d6 HP to vampires.
(Liquid Sunlight) 1d6x10 HP to vampires.
Rate of Fire: ECHH
Payload: 120 gallons; has two 60 gallon reservoir systems, one for normal liquids and another specially lined tank for liquified sunlight. The LS system can be used to store water. If used as anti-vampire ammunition, that provides 300 shots per tank, or 600 shots total.

4) Arm Shock Contacts----The arms are lined with small electrical contacts that can be set to discharge on contact, electrocuting weaker targets and potential stunning others. This feature, with its similarity to certain electrical fish, has helped promote the idea that the Coronak is some sort of cyborged underwater beast.
Range: Melee, 1-2 ft from the hull in the water.
Damage: 1d4 MD per contact
Living beings also are susceptible to shock effects: 01-65% chance of stunning humans, D-bees, and small animals for 1d4 melees, 01-33% against large or inhumanly strong/powerful animals such as gargoyles or dragons. Victims get a save vs Lethal Poison: a successful save means victim takes HALF damage and only lose initiative and one APM.
Stun means -6 to strike, dodge, and parry, plus reduce APMs and Speed by HALF.

5) (Optional)Shoulder Heavy Weapons Hardpoints(2)----The shoulders each mount a hardpoint for accessory ordnance. Note that with weapons with backblasts, such as missile launchers, the back solar panels are stowed before firing, to prevent damage(especially deposits of light-blocking exhaust residue) to the delicate solar collection surfaces.
The hardpoints are still compatible with the NG 16-shot mini-torpedo pod and NG-505 Rail Gun as well.
In the alternative, the hardpoints can be used to anchor ‘Dingo’ Cannons(this has suggested to some that possibly the Wolf’s Path may have gotten involved in the Tinkerfest party that spawned the Coronak, as well).

6) Techno-Wizardry Systems
*PPE Generator:
PPE Capacity:(‘Wizard’)----400 PPE battery capacity; recharges at 14 PPE per hour, 50 PPE/hour at a leyline, 100 PPE/hour on a nexus

*TW Solar Liquefier---The Coronak earns its nickname ‘suntanker’ by its ability to use this magic system to collect and convert sunlight into a liquid form, which is stored in special ectoplasm-insulated reservoir tanks inside the main body.
For the expenditure of 10 PPE, the Coronak can convert an hour’s worth of solar collection into 10 gallons of sun-liquid.
Specially-lined storage tanks in the torso can store this magically-liquified sunlight near indefinitely(though, if the tanks are breached, or the liquid tapped and exposed to air or stored in conventional containers, it will only remain viable for 10 hours). Up to 60 gallons can be stored.
Liquid Sunlight has the following properties:
-If used as fuel in a lamp or lantern, the resulting is very bright and acts just like a Globe of Daylight spell with regards to effects on creatures susceptible to sunlight.
-If splashed on vampires, the liquid sunlight has the same effects as holy water.
-Imbibing the liquid incurs no problems for the imbiber; the liquid feels warm and tingly.
-Beings empowered by sunlight can, by either drinking or bathing in the liquid, get the equivalent of an hour’s worth of sunlight exposure per gallon of LS.
-Interestingly enough, Laser Mages(see Rifter # 38, Dennis Glover), will find that their magic is increased in range and duration by 50% if they are currently basking in the light of a LS-fueled illumination source, or by 25% for an hour after 30 minutes’ worth of exposure(uses up a half-gallon of LS).

Spell Enhancements:
The Coronak has a number of integral magic enhancements, in addition t any that may be added later by TW Tinker-Mages at the behest of users.

*Globe of Daylight---Special light-emitting lenses or running lights spotted about the Coronak can be set to radiate a Globe of Daylight spell; 1 PPE lights up a 60 ft radius for 30 minutes. Does 3d6 HP to vampires.
The Head Compartment ‘Greenhouse’ can also focus and project a searchlight-like beam of mystic sunlight out to 500 ft and pan it around. The area of effect is a 60 ft circle, and does 4d6 HP to vampires.

*Illuminate The Invisible(Invocation)---This spell causes creatures and objects that are magically invisible(but still in phase with this reality) to fluoresce and become visible to the naked eye. Such beings can still try to hide in the shadow of objects/people standing between them and the eldritch light source, if the cover is large enough, but being caught in the light will cause them to glow. Effective radius of 60 ft, 3 PPE for 40 minutes.

*Lightblade----The Coronak can generate Lightblades from its hands; 6 PPE per 10 minute duration, 1d4x10+10 MD per strike(full HP damage to vampires.

*LightCoat ---The searchlight beam from the forehead can coat targets with a glowing coat of energy that glows brightly with mystic sunlight. This can be used to designate targets at night or in darkness, or cloak a person in protective light, but it is most effective against beings vulnerable to bright light and especially sunlight, as they cannot flee the radius of effect of the spell. 9 PPE to cast. Projection range of 200 ft, and the glow around the target radiates on a 200 ft radius, though only the target itself will be subjected to the full effects of mystic sunlight. The coat persists for 10 minutes. On a successful save vs magic , the intended target can stumble free of the LightCoat(treat as a standard stationary Globe of Daylight) and escape its area of illumination.

*Light Healing(3)----The solarium chamber can emit a soft glow that heals 1d6 SDC OR 1d4 Hit Points. This has been installed for the benefit of organic passengers, rather than the EShemarrians.

*Fortify Against Disease---Another ‘phototherapy’ addition to the solarium compartment. For 24 hours after immersion, the passenger is +6 to save versus disease caused by viruses or magic, and +1 save versus toxins and poisons. Costs 8 PPE.

*LifeBlast---Another ‘phototherapy’ addition to the solarium compartment. Used as a ‘light-soaker’, this combat spell has been modified to give the recipient a +1 on all saving throws, +5% on performance of skills, and +10% to save versus coma/death for the next hour after immersion(+18% WHILE immersed). Almost needless to say, all other effects on undead and creatures of death are unchanged; strapping a vampire into one of these pods is (true) death by slow dissolution, and pure torture for necromancers.

The Ecotroz have installed robotic AIs, then infected the matrix with a low-level Ecotroz sentience.
Typically has the following, in addition to the baseline Monstrex programming:
Hunting(Underwater) 50%(+5% per level of experience for Ecotroz entity)
The Ecotroz entity can also pick up one Secondary skill at levels 2, 6, and 12 of experience, though the nature of the Coronak intelligence and design is such that it is limited to skill selections from Technical: Language(understanding) and Lore (Cattle & Animals, Indians, Juicers, Magic, Demons & Monsters, D-Bees, Faerie---at least with regards to identifying their relative threat level), and Wilderness( Hunting).

Actions/Attacks Per Melee: 6
Initiative +2 (+1 from the Ecotroz entity for a total of +3)
Dodge +4
Strike +5 (+2 w/ ranged weaponry)
Parry +5
Roll +4
Pull +4
Disarm +2
Entangle +2
Critical Strike on natural 19-20
Bite 3d6 MD
Whip Punch 4d6 MD
Power Punch(2 APMs) 1d4x10 MD
Tear/Pry 2d4 MD
Crush/Squeeze 4d6 MD
Kick 2d8+4 MD
Leap Kick(2 APMs) 4d8+8 MD
Power Leap Kick(with Boosters)(3 APMs) 1d4x10+12 MD
Trample 2d4 MD(targets of 6 ft tall or smaller)
Leaping Stomp(3 APMs) 1d4x10+12 MD and -2 to strike
Body Block/Ram 2d6 MD, plus 56% chance of knocking down targets of equal size or smaller, +1d6 MD at maximum running speed, and +1d6% to knockdown chance. Victims lose initiative and 1 APM getting back up.

Note: The Ecotroz intelligence fragment inhabiting the ‘bot gives the Coronak an aura and behavior more befitting a sentient being than a robot. Despite its brutish appearance, the Coronak is actually something of a sweet-dispositioned monster towards its riders and passengers. The Coronak has the rough intelligence and attitude of a well-trained ape. It is patient and diligent, and watchful over its smaller masters. A protective beast, it will fearlessly go berserk on those that threaten its charges. Perhaps not surprisingly, the Coronak plays well with other warmounts like the Hekatonheires and Apetaur.

The Ecotroz fragment does occasionally need sleep/rest...though they only need 2 hours of rest/meditation per 24 hours...they can push this, going without for as many days as they have I.Q. points(most Warmounts, unless otherwise noted, have an effective IQ rating of 8. The Coronak has an effective I.Q. of 10 ), but will have to go dormant for 4d6 hours after such exertion.
Note also that the Ecotroz-possessed ‘bot can infect other bots with the Ecotroz viral-entity, by bite or sustained touch(takes 3 attacks).

*Depth Reinforcement---This adds further reinforcement to the environment sealing of the Coronak, allowing it to survive depths of 1.5 miles, and adds +100 MDC to the Main Body and Crew/Passenger Compartments, but adds 2 tons of weight and -5 MPH to overall speed.

*Water Bladders---The Coronak can carry additional water supplies in the form of large external water bladder tanks. Each tank can provide an additional 150 gallons(300 gallons total), but, being externally mounted, are vulnerable to damage, despite being protected partially(-2 to strike, even on a called shot) by the same armored back fins that shield the stowed solar arrays. Each bladder tank has 55 MDC.

*(TW) Starburst Defense----One of the Laser Mages suggested this after a determined group of Shadowbeasts made an attempt to pry open the ‘solarium’ to get at the soft delectable passenger inside. Emitters around the canopy can unleash a Starburst---3d6 MD + temporary blindness; unless eyes are shielded, victims are temporarily blinded(-10 to strike, parry, dodge, and other combat moves) for 1 melee round, + 7 seconds per additional Starburst fired at them in the same melee round. Targets are -2 to dodge. Vampires suffer an additional 1d6 damage and are blinded twice as long. Uses up 6 PPE.

*(TW) Arc Shield Defense----A package of TW enhancements that allow the Coronak to bow its arms and join its claws to form a wing in front of itself, enclosing a 12 ft diameter area. It can then activate the following spells:
-Protection Circle: Simple---23 PPE for 24 hours of protection, during which the Coronak cannot move from its position.
-Sheltering Force---10 PPE for 10 hours of protection.
-Blast Shield---9 PPE for 10 melee rds’ of protection.
-Create Air Bubble---A modification of the space-based Create Breathable Air spell, this is used to create bubble. 21 PPE provides enough air in a 10 ft area, in the area described by the arms, for up to 20 people for 10 hours.

*EcoS-K-150f ----(aka ‘Wuffer’) Recently introduced ‘feral’ variant of the Coronak, made to look like an unmodified ‘natural’ form of the Coronak organism. The ‘Wuffer’ has shorter legs, lacks any passenger/crew capability, weapons hardpoints, or forearm weapons. It retains the eye lasers and ability to beam light from the ‘bioluminescence organ’ in its forehead. Extensive use of faux-flesh skinning and ‘organic’ design disguise the fact that the creature is actually a robot, and not the un-augmented form of the Coronak.
About 50% retain the TW capabilities, including the ability to distill Liquid Sunlight, and to expend it to power the TW lights.
The The EcoS-K-150f is sometimes used to carry hidden cargo, and small ‘pods’ of them are used to harvest sunlight and produce Liquid Sunlight(that is ‘milked’ by Shemarrian shepherdesses).
MDC/Armor by Location:
Main Body 380
Headlight 100
Solar Panels(12) 50 each
Protective Fin Plates(2) 110 each
Arms(2) 150 each
Forearms(2) 120 each
Hands(2) 50 each
Legs(2) 120 each
Tail Plane/Plate 100
Height: 17 ft
Width: 16 ft
Length: 15 ft. Arms can reach 25 ft forwards or back
Weight: 19 tons
Cargo: Small space inside what was the crew compartment for up to 600 lbs of cargo.
Physical Strength: Equivalent to Robotic P.S. of 35
Powerplant: Nuclear w/ 20 year energy life
TW Power Crystal(Medium)-----300 PPE battery capacity; recharges at 10 PPE per hour, 40 PPE/hour at a leyline, 80 PPE/hour on a nexus
Speed: (Running) 40 MPH
(Leaping) Powered leaps can now propel the War Mount 30 ft up, and 50 ft across, double that with a running start.
(Flying) Not possible
(Space) Not possible
(Underwater) 20 MPH running on the bottom. Can swim using its feet and arms to paddle at about 20 MPH. Maximum depth tolerance of 5,000 ft

*EcoS-K-150Wf ----(aka ‘Magephibian’, ‘Great Crested Coronak’, ‘KingKoronak’, ‘KingFish’, ‘Crownfish’). The surprisingly popularity of the ‘solarium’ compartment as a vantage point for mage-observers and spell-slingers got some of the Wayfinders not involved in the original bull-session that created the Coronak thinking; what if the Coronak’s canopy compartment could be optimized for spell-slinging by a ride-along mage? The EcoS-K-K-150Wf thus sports a much more built-up ‘solarium’ that appears as a heavily glazed crystalline crest. The ‘pulpit’ however, is lined with special magic redirection and amplification crystals and inlays that enhance the magical abilities of mages riding in the compartment. The Wayfinders used data from the smaller Foci and Squire Drones to develop larger systems(or rather, the larger size of the Coronak meant that they could use larger, cruder, and more massive materials and mystech circuitry to much the same effect as in the smaller drones).
The EcoS-K-K-150Wf also upgrades the Powerstone PPE generator to an S-class, delivering more mana and recharging at a faster rate. The ‘Magephibian’ also incorporates more integral TW enhancements, besides what may be added later by TW Tinkers.
The prominence of the crest has drawn various comparisons to the Shemarrians’ own relis(headdress). Others have remarked on the crest’s resemblance to a crown, and have(incorrectly) surmised that the creature may be a queen-form of the baseline Coronak organism. The Sgen Gilloc have recently taken to, within earshot of others, calling the ‘Great Crested Coronak’ ‘Holy Beasts’, and seem to accord them worshipful respect. Whether this is actual piety or the Gilloc are pranking non-Shemarrian observers(the Gilloc are, after all, the Sgen of Clan Shelley, known for their campy deceptions and tweaking witnesses) remains unknown. However, whatever the truth in the matter, it’s led to speculation that the Coronak is, or is related to, a creature from the Gilloc homeland.
If there’s a complaint about the EcoS-K-K-150Wf, it’s that for a ‘mage throne’ , the Coronak-Wf lacks mobility, being something of a plodding ground-walker.
MDC/Armor by Location:
Crystal Crest/Mage Compartment 200
Cargo: The Mage Compartment has enough space for up to 500 lbs of gear. as well as space for 1-4 Attilium Foci or Squire Drones.
PPE Generator(‘Sorcerer’)--- 600 PPE battery capacity; recharges at 20 PPE per hour, 60 PPE/hour at a leyline, 120 PPE/hour on a nexus
Systems of Note:
*PPE Sensors----The Coronak has bee refitted with various paranormal-sensing extra senses, such as:

*Sense Evil---The PPE crystal can flash red if supernatural evil entities approach within a 90 ft radius.

*Sense Magic---The PPE crystal can flash yellow if active magic occurs within 120 ft of the warmount.

-Sense PPE----Range: 5,000 ft, line of sight.
-See the Invisible----Range: 5,000 ft, line of sight.
-See Auras----Range: 5,000 ft, line of sight.

*Forcefield---Provides 50 MDC per 10 PPE/20 ISP pumped into the system; lasts 10 minutes per 10 PPE/20 ISP.

*Impervious to Ocean Depths----38 PPE for 30 minutes
*Senses of the Shark---(1 hour per 15 PPE)---Engages only underwater.
*Sound Sponge---(30 minutes per 30 PPE)---Masks the sea/aircraft’s mechanical noises underwater.

*Penetrating Vision Optics---These use a new spell;, to peer through cloud and even into the water as if these barriers to clear observation didn’t exist! When engaged, the optics have a range of roughly 7,000 ft, so flying at an altitude of 5,000 ft, the bombardier can actually see down 2,000 ft through the water! The downside, of course, is that the optical field is fairly limited(think Nordon Bombsight), and the more powerful TW optics burn PPE at a higher rate; 10 minutes per 10 PPE.

*Share PPE--- The PPE the Coronak’s Powerstone stores and generates can be used by a magic user, however the Wayfinders didn't want just anyone using this magical energy. The battery has a shifting series of plates with wards on them that prevents anyone from accessing the PPE, including psychic vampires such as Psi-Stalkers. As long as the assigned user is within the chamber or within 200 ft of the Coronak, and the Warmount can sense the approved mage-user’s unique lifesigns and PPE signature, the user can freely use the PPE stored within the Coronak. Anyone attempting to siphon the magical energy instead becomes the target of the Coronak's weapons, or it moves away.

*Magic Enhancement Field---Lifted from the EShe-R280Wf Squire. Mages riding in the compartment benefit from the surrounding amplification systems and nearby Powerstone; the mage's spells are more powerful. Spells with a variable roll (damage rolls, etc.) will be increased by 1 die +1/die, fixed bonuses will be increased by 25%, such as speed, bonuses to saves, MDC (force fields, armor, etc.) all increased by the 25%. Duration of spells cast within this field are also increased by 25%.

*EcoS-K-150WfB ----(aka ‘Queenfish’) The shortcomings, mobility-wise, of the EcoS-K-150Wf led to an even more radical variant meant to address the problems of the relatively plodding ground-bound Coronak. Recalling the ‘aerialization’ of the EcoS-K-101 Jaegerwagen into the EcoS-K-102 VolksVore, Wayfinder Tinkers attempted an equally radical modification for the Coronak. The Gunbot-derived lower torso is replaced with a pair of legs seemingly stolen off an G-MBB-2 ‘Junior’, and fitted with large ‘fan-paddle’ feet that open up into large swim-fins or airfoils. A longer more muscular tail, fitted with dual air-water turbines, is attached to the rear. A set of folding wings is added to the shoulders, and the EcoS-K-150Wf ‘s Crystal Crest ‘Mage Pulpit’ streamlined. The solar panels have also been strengthened structurally and streamlined, so that they can be deployed while flying.
The EcoS-K-150WfB is even more plodding on land than its kin, but can now fly equivalent to a jet ‘copter, and can swim underwater much faster. However, the solar battery backup CANNOT sustain the Warmount in flight as long, and the EcoS-K-150WfB is ore dependent on its fusion and PPE power systems.
The EcoS-K-150WfB, despite its popularity with mages, is harder to manufacture than the baseline Coronak, so only a handful have been produced so far.
MDC/Armor by Location:
Legs(2) 130 each
Foot Wing/Fins(2) 100 each
Wings(2) 250 each
Tail 250
Booster Jets(4) each
Height: 16 ft
Width: 16 ft , 36 ft wingspan
Length: 25 ft.
Weight: 27 tons
Speed: (Running) 45 MPH
(Leaping) Powered leaps can propel the War Mount 30 ft up, and 60 ft across, double that with a running start.
(Flying) Hover to 190 MPH, maximum altitude of 5,000 ft. Switching over to the electric power system drops maximum speed to 100 MPH, Flying in broad daylight, mostly unobstructed sunlight gives the batteries a 3-hour charge; cloudy and overcast days cut available power to 90 minutes.
(Underwater) 15 MPH running on the bottom. Can swim using its thrusters, feet and arms to paddle at about 45 MPH. Maximum depth tolerance of 5,000 ft
Weapons Systems:
7) Wing Lasers(6, 3 each wing)---What look like bioluminescent patches on the wings are really emission nodes for three small lasers on each wing. The flexible positioning of the wings allows them to shoot at angles not possible for the eyes.
Range: 4,000 ft in air and underwater
Damage: 2d6 MD per single blast, 6d6 MD for all three lasers firing simultaneously(counts as one attack), 1d6x10+10 MD for all six lasers firing on the same target(counts as one attack)
Rate of Fire: ECHH
Payload: Effectively Unlimited

8 ) Mini-Torpedo Launcher(Mouth)----The mouth now conceals a pair of racks for EcoS-DEXUW05---’Flying Fish’----Shemarrian effort to produce a lightweight version of the Kittani sea-air projectile(rocket torpedo). It’s the marine version of the Flit-Striker. The location and appearance of these launchers has caused the ‘Queenfish’ to be mistaken for a ‘mouth brooder’, a marine animal that shelters its young inside its own mouth. This has led to the further (mis)speculation that the EcoS-K-150WfB is the superior matriarchal form of the Coronak organism.
Weight: Each projectile weighs 1 lb.
MDC: Each projectile has 5 MDC.
Range: 5,000 ft in air or underwater(typically ‘porpoises’ between the two mediums). The projectile flies at 300 MPH.
Damage: (Plasma) 5d6 MD to a 30 ft blast radius

(Sonic) DarkWater sonic munition, based on a design they acquired from a trade ally:(High Power Mode) 4d6 MD to an 11 ft radius
(Low Power Mode) 2d4 MD to an 8 ft radius (DOUBLE underwater), for 3+1d4 melees
The vibrofield will do 1/2 SDC damage through most body armors(100 MDC or less), 1/3 through heavier armors and power armor (250 MDC or less), and 1/4 through small robots and vehicles(400 MDC or less)
Sonic Shock: (25 ft radius, DOUBLE underwater)----Beings with Enhanced Hearing or Sense Vibration abilities will be overcome and disoriented; Make a save versus Psionic Attack or lose initiative and be -8 to strike, parry, and dodge, and lose 2 APMs for 1d4 melees(continues even after the sound has been cut off). Beings who navigate by echolocation or motion detection will be effectively blinded. Even a successful save will leave the victim -2 to strike, parry and dodge for 1d4 melees, with a ringing in their heads. Beings without enhanced sonic senses will only suffer HALF penalties in either case.

Rate of Fire: Volleys of 1-10(all)
Payload: 10 per launch rack, 20 total
Bonuses: +3 to strike, +1 to dodge interception attempts, and gets FOUR APMs until the projectile hits(or is destroyed en route).

9) TW Whirlpool----By spinning its upper body and gunning special gearing in its tail turbines, the EcoS-K-150WfB can generate a powerful marine whirlpool; 120 ft radius centered on the Coronak, and lasts for 10 minutes per 25 PPE fed into the process. Performed underwater, it can create a water column 500 ft deep.

Dodge +3 on land and underwater, +5 in flight
Flying Whip Punch 5d6 MD
Wing Slash 2d4 MD
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Re: Shemarrian-related fan creations

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EcoS-K-112 Pelaganar Additional Variants

*EcoS-K-112Dwc --- This variant, also known as the Creag Whale is a heavy stealth assault unit, with what appears to be rock or corral-like armour that covers its outer surface. The fins are wider, and the body is larger and heavier due to the added armour. This armour, while adding additional protection also functions as additional stealth, allowing the Creag to blend in along corrals or if resting along the bottom of the body of water to appear as corral growth and also reduces its sonar and other sensor signature. The uneven rock and corral structure, with its protrusions help to contain additional ion blasters and also has space for a number of aquatic e-nimals and drones that can help aid in disguising a resting Creag, and as additional weapons and defense units. The xxx can repair damaged drones in a limited fashion using its stores of nanites to repair damage, but can not build new ones. The Creag has reduced carrying capacity to make room for two fore torpedo launchers and one dorsal heavy missile launcher. This armour also allows the xxx to survive incredible depths, although not quite as deep as the DSV, but close, at 5 miles. The Creag can carry 200 warriors and warmounts or a 400-strong infantry. Purely EShemarrian troop formations require less elbow room, since they can park and lock themselves in place, while communicating and simming via radio or hardlink. Mixed EShemar and NeShemar formations will generally be 20-30% smaller to allow for more open room for exercise, eating, socializing, and other support activities. 
MDC/Armor by Location:
Main Body 5,000
Bridge Fin/Pod 1500
Tread Pods(4) 900 each
Foreclaws(2) 700 each
Lateral Fins(2) 850 each
Torpedo Launchers(5) 250 each
Heavy Torpedo Launchers (2) 250 each
Heavy Missile Launcher 250
Laser Turrets(5) 250 each
Ion Cannon Turrets(4) 250 each
Light Ion Cannon Turrets (6) 200 each
Tail 1,300
Height: 62 ft
Width: 121 ft
Length: 550 ft
Weight: 25,000 tons
Cargo: Varies by operational variant, but generally has 150 tons of general cargo storage
Speed: (Treads) 40 MPH
(Underwater) 45 knots/50 MPH on the surface, 35 knts/40 MPH submerged. Maximum depth: 5 miles

*Corral/Rock Armour ---- The Creag's corral/rock armour adds to the original stealth systems of the base Peleganar. While at rest it appears as rock and corral while on the sea/ocean floor, or even clinging to the side of an underwater cliff, or on a sandbar. The material is able to absorb and dissipate sound waves and is highly physically resistant. As a result, the Creag appears invisible (detected only as rock or corral formations when close to ground) to active and passive sonar systems when traveling at speeds under 37 MPH, and are -65% to detection rolls when traveling faster. This renders the Creag immune to sonic attacks, while physical attacks, such as melee strikes, crushing attacks, even projectile weapons have damage reduced by 25%.

5) Sea-Air Torpedoes---A knockoff of Kittani nautical weaponry. The Creag has seven banks of tubes (2 in the bow, 3 dorsal, and 2 aft)
Range:(Underwater) 20 miles
(Air) 75 miles
Speed:(Underwater) 400 MPH
(Air) Mach 3
Damage: 4d6x10 MD
Rate of Fire: Volleys of 1-10
Payload: 30 per bank; additional reloads can be carried as cargo(12 torpedoes per ton) and reloaded in 30 minutes.
Bonuses: (Torpedo)Because of the torpedoes’ higher speed and advanced targeting systems, the Sea Fire doesn’t suffer the same range and accuracy penalties as conventional torpedoes. The Sea Fire has a +1 to strike, and a +3 to strike within 3,000 ft of the target. 
(Missile)---Not quite as accurate as a dedicated anti-shipping missile, but more powerful. +3 to strike

10) Heavy Torpedo Tubes (2)---These can also launch cruise missiles
Range: 20 miles
Damage: 4d6x10 MD baseline high explosive. 
Rate of Fire: Volleys of 1-2
Payload: 8 torpedoes each, 16 total

11) Heavy Missile Launchers (1)---These are cruise missile-style launch tubes in the upper part of the hull. Each has 6 tubes feeding from a central magazine. The Dark Waters in particular have been working to develop advanced long range/cruise missiles with stealth capabilities and more destructive strategic warheads, followed by the Wayfinders, who have been busy developing more powerful TW weapons for the purpose. Currently the magazines carry standard LRMs or cruise missiles. 
Range: Varies by Missile Type(Long Range)
Damage: Varies by Missile Type(Long Range)
Rate of Fire: Volleys of 1-6 per launcher
Payload: 18 missiles. 

*KOASSM-01 ---This is the designation given to either captured examples of Kittani Long Range Rocket Torpedoes(aka Kruze Missiles), or Shemarrian copies of them. The ‘s tubes can accommodate them, and the EShemar sometimes use them in ‘false flag’ missions to attack would-be allies of the Splugorth. The EShemar especially favor captured stocks of original weapons for this purpose, since forensic or even psychic readings on any remains of the missiles will reveal them to be Kittani in origin. They take up as much space as a regular LRM. 
MDC: 75
Range:(Underwater) 500 miles
(Air) 1,800 miles
Speed:(Underwater) 200 MPH
(Air) Mach 3
Damage: (High Explosive) 4d6x10 MD to 40 ft blast radius

*’Starka’ Stalker Missiles----- These weapons originated as adaptations of the Kittani Long Range Rocket Torpedoes(aka Kruze Missiles), but instead have evolved into the next generation of EShemar surface attack cruise weapons. The original KOASSM-01 configuration has been modified with more maneuverability, superior onboard AI for navigation underwater and programmable attack plans; as it would take a weapon over two hours to reach its target at maximum underwater range, these weapons are programmed to be SMART in evading countermeasures. They can also be fitted with modular weapons payloads, up to 1,000 lb conventional warheads(although this will reduce their range) or specialized warheads. 
MDC: 75
Range:(Underwater) 500 miles
(Air) 1,800 miles
Speed:(Underwater) 200 MPH
(Air) Mach 3
Damage: (High Explosive) 4d6x10 MD to 40 ft blast radius
(Heavy Explosive) 1d4x100 MD to 70 ft blast radius, but reduce missile range to 300 miles. 
More specialized warheads, such as those used in the HRL-54 Pall Bringer, are also available. Strategic nuclear payloads, starting with 200kt weapons, are suspected of existing in the Dark Waters’ arsenal, but the EShemar neither confirm nor deny this. 
Rate of Fire: Volleys of 1-6 per launcher
Payload: 36 can be carried
Bonuses: Starkas are +5 to strike, and +3 to evade enemy countermeasure fire. They are also -15% on countermeasure rolls to decoy. 
Notes: Starkas have a 24 hour battery life, meaning they can stop, land, and sit on the ocean bottom(landing on dry land is effectively a crash) to evade detection, or sit until a prime target appears, then re-light their engines and make a submerged attack, or pop up for an aerial attack. If not triggered, they can be programmed to self-destruct as a safety measure. 

12) Concealed Light Ion Cannons (6) --- Hidden in the corral and rock structure of the Creag's armour are 6 light ion cannons spread around it to cover all angles.
Range: 4,000 ft in air and underwater
Damage: 5d6 MD per blast, 1d6x10 for two firing simultaneously on one target)
Rate of Fire: EGCHH
Payload: Effectively unlimited

13) Corral Mines - The Creag can release what appear to be chunks of corral, but in reality are explosives coated in the rock/corral-like material that helps disguise the mines before they explode. A Creag releasing some after it's been damaged is an excellent tactic as if the enemy gets close to the debris field will not notice the mines. The mines have neutral buoyancy, but can be programmed to float or sink to a programmed depth, with small thrusters to allow them to remain within a specific area. Can be remotely detonated, but generally will detonate once within 10 feet of a target or on contact. A receiver allows it to not detonate when an Eshemarrian transponder is detected.
Range: Can be fired out to 500 ft, but generally are released and allowed to drift
Damage: 3d6x10 MD to a 50 ft area.
Rate of Fire: Volley 1-4
Payload: 8 miles

Carried Drones - The Creag can carry up to 30 drones hidden, and moving about its corral armour, typically a mix of EcoS-DUW01 ‘Robofin’, EcoS-DUW02 ‘Grabby’, Eco-KRP20/ EcoS-KRPXUW2007 Teuthy, EcoS-KaSSc-01/KRP-26 Darkeel, EcoS-DUW04 ‘Robopus’ and EcoS-DEXUW01 ’Squidpedo’. Although other drones can be carried.

*Ecos-K-112Br --- Lavoon, a surprising development by the Blood Riders, is designed to survive on worlds with heavy volcanic activity, including underwater volcanos, and can even survive swimming in lava pools. Coated in heat resistant armour that resembles obsidian. It has reduced carrying capacity, able to carry as many troops as the 112(LHD) but increased weapons, creating a potent assault transport. To fulfill the assault role, the Lavoon has two heavy torpedo launchers, six slag launchers in concealed turrets, similar to those found on the Krakaterra male elite, which the Lavoon replenishes the ammunitions by eating rock and other metals. On the back, mounted midway between the nose and the command pod is a plasma torpedo launcher that is modified to increase the cohesion of the magnetic field to allow it to fire underwater with nearly the same range.

MDC/Armor by Location:
All locations increased by 10%

Obsidian Armour - The black obsidian-like armour renders the Lavoon virtually immune to all heat based attacks, allowing it to survive in boiling oceans and even swim in lava flows. Suffers no damage from plasma weapons, lava and other fire and heat attacks. Magical fire attacks deal 75% of their damage, and microwave based weapons are only 50% effective.

10) Heavy Torpedo Tubes (2)---These can also launch cruise missiles
Range: 20 miles
Damage: 4d6x10 MD baseline high explosive. 
Rate of Fire: Volleys of 1-2
Payload: 8 torpedoes each, 16 total

11) Slag Cannons (6)---These are a variant plasma weapon that uses powerful plasma torches to superheat stone and metal debris suctioned up by the Lavoon (through a feeding mouth on its underside) and expelled as a thick, molten, magma-like material. At close range, the superhot material sticks and burns like lava, while at longer ranges, having air-cooled, the material hits like lava bombs.
Range: 6,000 ft, 4,000 ft underwater
Damage: 5d6 MD to an 8 ft area, plus 3d6 MD to a 25 ft radius beyond that, at ranges of 1,500 ft or less. Targets struck directly will BURN for 1d4 melees, taking 2d4 MD incendiary damage per melee, before the molten material cools down and solidifies. At ranges greater than that, the ‘lava bombs’ do 4d6 MD impact damage. 
There is also a 60% chance of setting combustibles afire. 
Rate of Fire: ECHH
Payload: Conditionally Unlimited; the Elite carries enough material for 100 shots. Replacing the material stock will take 30 minutes(must be standing still). 

12) Plasma Torpedo Launcher---A direct line of sight energy weapon firing a bolt of plasma that ‘splashes’ on target. The power demands of this weapon are quite high, however, limiting rate of fire and leading to increased powerplant maintenance and replacement turnover rates.
Range: 4 miles in atmosphere, 2 miles underwater
Damage: 1d4x100 MD to a 40 ft blast radius per missile
Rate of Fire: Single shot. Three times per melee
Payload: Effectively Unlimited 
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Re: Shemarrian-related fan creations

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kronos wrote:EcoS-K-112 Pelaganar Additional Variants
*Ecos-K-112Br --- Lavoon, a surprising development by the Blood Riders, is designed to survive on worlds with heavy volcanic activity, including underwater volcanos, and can even survive swimming in lava pools. Coated in heat resistant armour that resembles obsidian. It has reduced carrying capacity, able to carry as many troops as the 112(LHD) but increased weapons, creating a potent assault transport. To fulfill the assault role, the Lavoon has two heavy torpedo launchers, six slag launchers in concealed turrets, similar to those found on the Krakaterra male elite, which the Lavoon replenishes the ammunitions by eating rock and other metals. On the back, mounted midway between the nose and the command pod is a plasma torpedo launcher that is modified to increase the cohesion of the magnetic field to allow it to fire underwater with nearly the same range. 

Oh, I love both variants because they're so unexpected, but a lava-swimmer? This blows my mind....Lava fields of Venus, here we come! 8)
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Re: Shemarrian-related fan creations

Unread post by kronos »

taalismn wrote:
kronos wrote:EcoS-K-112 Pelaganar Additional Variants
*Ecos-K-112Br --- Lavoon, a surprising development by the Blood Riders, is designed to survive on worlds with heavy volcanic activity, including underwater volcanos, and can even survive swimming in lava pools. Coated in heat resistant armour that resembles obsidian. It has reduced carrying capacity, able to carry as many troops as the 112(LHD) but increased weapons, creating a potent assault transport. To fulfill the assault role, the Lavoon has two heavy torpedo launchers, six slag launchers in concealed turrets, similar to those found on the Krakaterra male elite, which the Lavoon replenishes the ammunitions by eating rock and other metals. On the back, mounted midway between the nose and the command pod is a plasma torpedo launcher that is modified to increase the cohesion of the magnetic field to allow it to fire underwater with nearly the same range. 

Oh, I love both variants because they're so unexpected, but a lava-swimmer? This blows my mind....Lava fields of Venus, here we come! 8)

Hey, if they can make a bird that can survive lava for awhile, why not a lava swimming whale?
I've still got a few new warmounts to finish, and a few other variants.
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Re: Shemarrian-related fan creations

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kronos wrote:
Hey, if they can make a bird that can survive lava for awhile, why not a lava swimming whale?
I've still got a few new warmounts to finish, and a few other variants.

Works for me...
Yah, I've got a variant in work-up, and three Warmounts in bits and pieces.
Though I should swing back to story fluff, some more NPCs, and Warchief/Wargoddess Upgrades.

Oh, and the next-up Warmunt number is EcoS-K-151(yeeehhhhh. 150 war mounts!!! Though we still got nothing on all those Batttletach mechs :P )
"Trouble rather the Tiger in his Lair,
Than the Sage among his Books,
For all the Empires and Kingdoms,
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Re: Shemarrian-related fan creations

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taalismn wrote:
kronos wrote:
Hey, if they can make a bird that can survive lava for awhile, why not a lava swimming whale?
I've still got a few new warmounts to finish, and a few other variants.

Works for me...
Yah, I've got a variant in work-up, and three Warmounts in bits and pieces.
Though I should swing back to story fluff, some more NPCs, and Warchief/Wargoddess Upgrades.

Oh, and the next-up Warmunt number is EcoS-K-151(yeeehhhhh. 150 war mounts!!! Though we still got nothing on all those Batttletach mechs :P )

I don't think some of those Battletech mechs would last too long against some of our warmounts.

Oooh.. I should do some NPCs...
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Re: Shemarrian-related fan creations

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kronos wrote:[

I don't think some of those Battletech mechs would last too long against some of our warmounts..

Clan Gothec: "Eww, look! More spare parts to cobble together!" :D :mrgreen:
"Trouble rather the Tiger in his Lair,
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For all the Empires and Kingdoms,
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Re: Shemarrian-related fan creations

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Photon Worm

"Hey kid.. Can you get the flashlight out of my pack?"
*Area lights up brightly*
"Thanks kid.. Wait.. It's too bri-OH CRAP WHAT IS THAT?!" *Monsterous screaming from a dark form shrinking away form the light.*
"This is Glowie. Oh look.. There's that shadow beast!" *ZZZAAAP* "Was a shadow beast" *the child laughs while hugging a glowing fuzzy worm toy with red glowing eyes*

The Photon Worm is a small, almost three foot long plush toy that appears to be a fuzzy worm with a large plastic-like head, two short arms, the lower half of its body tapers down, and is used for locomotion. The Photon Worm appears to be quite fragile, the fuzzy outer layer is based on the marshmallow armour of the Bunnibopper, and while it is not physically strong, it is resilient. The head actually contains a potent internal light source and integral laser eyes, that is combined with an internal small PPE generator allows it to create magical light effects, such as globe of daylight, or light enhanced eye lasers to damage creatures vulnerable to light. Many of the other tribes were surprised when Lollipop members where appearing in areas frequented by shadow beasts and vampires and several vampires begging other tribes to kill them as the only means to make the Lollipops stop.
No one is quite sure how the Lollipops acquired the technology to build lasers or lights that are magically enhanced, and the Wayfinders are not speaking on the matter.

Type: EcoS-D70 Photon Worm
Class: Robotic Drone
Crew: None; robot intelligence (Drone)
MDC/Armor by Location:
Main Body 50
*Head 20
Arms (2) 20 each
*Destroying the head loop only deprives the ‘bot of its motion detection and radio capabilities. 
Height: 18 inches 
Width: 8 inches at shoulders, large head brings width to 10 inches
Length: 12 inches
Weight: 10 lbs
Cargo: Only what can be carried 
Physical Strength: Equivalent to Robotic P.S. of 12
Powerplant: Nuclear w/ 2 year energy life, supplemented with rechargeable battery(48 hour charge)
Speed: (Crawl) 5 MPH
(Leaping) Can jump 3 ft up/5 ft across.
(Flying) Not possible
(Space) Not possible
(Underwater) Can crawl along the bottom at 2 MPH, or swim similar to a snake on the surface at 3 MPH. Maximum depth tolerance of 300 ft.
Market Cost: Exclusive to the Ecotroz-Shemar
Systems of Note:
Full optical systems, passive nightvision, telescopic vision, thermal imaging, infrared, ultraviolet, and polarization filters. Also has motion and heat detection, radio(10 mile range). Additional/special sensors may be built in by the creating Spinsters or at the behest of individual riders/owners. 
Locking Joints
360-Degree Head Joint---The Photon Worm's head can spin a full 360 degrees around.
Glow-Head---The head can glow with varying degrees from a soft light to read by, up to blinding strobe.
Radio---5 mile range. 

TW Power Crystal ---- 40 PPE battery capacity; recharges at 5 PPE per hour, 12 PPE/hour at a leyline, 20 PPE/hour on a nexus

*’Marshmallow Armor’---Really a tough spongy synthetic polymer with an internal ‘circulatory system’ that bleeds a fast-setting ‘goo’. 
-Damage Resistance---Takes HALF damage from physical kicks, punches, concussive blows, cuts, slashes, and non-explosive projectile weapons. 
-*Goo Blood---If cut with anything other than a vibroblade or energy cutter, the thick, viscous ‘blood’ that the material bleeds will gum up claws and jaws as it hardens(reduce subsequent damage and strike bonuses using melee attacks by HALF for 1d4 melees). 

Weapons Systems:
Eye Lasers (2) ---- The Photon Worm has two eye lasers, however due to size the lasers are weak, but they have been modified to incorporate a TW ‘solar laser’ mode allowing the Photon Worm to do damage to light-sensitive targets such as vampires. 
Range: 1,000 ft
(Solar Laser mode) 500 ft
Damage: 2d6 MD single shot
4d6 MD dual shot
(Solar Laser mode) 1d6 MD single blast, double damage to beings sensitive to sunlight, 2d6 HP to vampires. 
Rate of Fire: ECHH
Payload: Effectively Unlimited
(Solar Laser mode) 2 P.P.E. per shot
Bonus: +4 to strike

*Globe of Daylight---The head of the Photon Worm can be set to radiate a Globe of Daylight spell; 1 PPE lights up a 60 ft radius for 30 minutes. Does 3d6 HP to vampires.

*Illuminate The Invisible (Invocation) --- This spell causes creatures and objects that are magically invisible (but still in phase with this reality) to fluoresce and become visible to the naked eye. Such beings can still try to hide in the shadow of objects/people standing between them and the eldritch light source, if the cover is large enough, but being caught in the light will cause them to glow. Effective radius of 60 ft, 3 PPE for 40 minutes.

*Light Healing ---- The Photon Worm can emit a soft glow that heals 1d6 SDC OR 1d4 Hit Points in whoever is holding the plushie-bot. It costs 3 PPE per activation.

*LifeBlast---This combat spell has been modified to give the holder a +1 on all saving throws, +5% on performance of skills, and +10% to save versus coma/death for the next hour after exposure(+18% WHILE holding the Photon Worm), or it can be used as a ranged attack/application, in which case it has a range of 60 ft. Cost per activation is 8 PPE. Almost needless to say, all other effects on undead and creatures of death are unchanged. Arguably worse to necromancers, vampires, and other creatures of death is that this horrible attack comes from something SO CUTE!!!!

The Ecotroz have installed robotic AIs in the Photon Worms. Most are kept as simple drones, but a few owners have infected the matrix with a low-level Ecotroz sentience. 
Typically has the following: 

Math: Basic 96%
Radio: Basic 98%
-3 of choice, all at 92%
Climbing 70%
General Repair and Maintenance 90%
2 Domestic skills of choice(except Singing), each at 80%
Hand to Hand: Basic at 5th level proficiency
W.P. Knife
W.P. Energy Pistol
W.P. Staff
W.P. Spear

The Ecotroz entity can also pick up one Secondary skill at levels 2, 6, and 12 of experience, though the nature of the Ankh-bot intelligence and design is such that it is limited to skill selections from Domestic, Technical: Language(understanding) and Lore, Espionage(Detect Ambush, Detect Concealment), Wilderness(Track Humanoids, Track Animals, Hunting, Identify Plants and Fruits)
Actions/Attacks Per Melee: 5
Initiative +2 (+1 from the Ecotroz entity for a total of +3)
Dodge +2
Parry +1
Strike +1 (+2 w/ ranged weaponry) 
Roll +3
Pull Punch +2
Restrained Punch 1d6 SDC
Full Strength Punch 2d6 SDC
Power Punch (2 attacks) 4d6 SDC
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Re: Shemarrian-related fan creations

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kronos wrote:Photon Worm

My god, it's a magic GummiWorm!!!! :D

Or the Sock Puppet From Hell!!!(at least from the POV of creatures of darkness).
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Re: Shemarrian-related fan creations

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A Lost Eclipse ship weapon.

Banshee Wailer

*The ship shakes as a high pitched ear bursting screeching and wailing is heard through the ship. Crew members clawing at their ears trying to make the sounds go away.*

The Banshee Wailer is an electromagnetic based energy weapon developed by the Lost Eclipse tribe as a weapon to quickly deplete a ship's shielding to allow for boarding actions without destroying the target. While they were successful in that the weapon deals incredible damage to shielding, they discovered a few interesting side effects. When fired, the Banshee Wailer releases a nearly invisible discharge that would only show up as a short, but intense burst of EM radiation on sensors, that causes a feed back in the shields to drain them, but this also causes a sheering effect in the hulls of craft, which also causes the hull to emit an ear piercing quasi-human screech at 140 or greater dB. This wailing sound is what gives the weapon its name, and is highly distracting, and can even scare crews. The Banshee Wailer is almost useless against a target without shielding as the energy of the discharges react with the energies that make up protective shielding. Banshee Wailers are usually found on heavy bombers, assault ships and larger craft, as they are too large to fit on fighters.

M.D.C. of the Weapon: Weapon itself usually has 50 to 100, but usually built into well protected turrets.
Weight: varies by emplacement/turret but typically 13 tons.
Range: 20 miles atmosphere, 2000 miles space
Mega-Damage: 2d6x100 MD against energy shields plus half damage directly to the main hull of the target. If the target does not have any force fields active only deals 4d6x10 damage.
Rate of Fire: Once per melee.
Payload: Unlimited tied to ship power supply.
Each strike against a shielded target not only damages the shields and causes some sheering of the hull, but also causes the hull to vibrate and emit a quasi-human screech, which can affects the fear response in most humanoids, forcing crew to save against Horror Factor of 14, and even if they save against the Horror Factor, unprotected crew suffer -1 action, -2 to all rolls and -20% to all skills due to the highly distracting nature of the noise. This screeching lasts for 1d4 melee rounds per strike, with each strike increasing the duration by 1 melee round, although the crew only has to save against the Horror Factor once per battle for that particular ship. If a different ship equipped with a Banshee Wailer, they will have to save against that ship as well as.
Cost: Not available outside the Lost Eclipse tribe.
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Re: Shemarrian-related fan creations

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I would, on rereading, make some changes in the following cut and pasted sections to reflect the changes in scale:

kronos wrote:Photon Worm

*Light Healing ---- The solarium chamber can emit a soft glow that heals 1d6 SDC OR 1d4 Hit Points. This has been installed for the benefit of organic passengers, rather than the EShemarrians.

*LifeBlast---Another ‘phototherapy’ addition to the solarium compartment. Used as a ‘light-soaker’, this combat spell has been modified to give the recipient a +1 on all saving throws, +5% on performance of skills, and +10% to save versus coma/death for the next hour after immersion(+18% WHILE immersed). Almost needless to say, all other effects on undead and creatures of death are unchanged; strapping a vampire into one of these pods is (true) death by slow dissolution, and pure torture for necromancers.

They should read something like:

*Light Healing ---- The Photon Worm can emit a soft glow that heals 1d6 SDC OR 1d4 Hit Points in whoever is holding the plushie-bot. It costs 3 PPE per activation.

*LifeBlast---This combat spell has been modified to give the holder a +1 on all saving throws, +5% on performance of skills, and +10% to save versus coma/death for the next hour after exposure(+18% WHILE holding the Photon Worm), or it can be used as a ranged attack/application, in which case it has a range of 60 ft. Cost per activation is 8 PPE. Almost needless to say, all other effects on undead and creatures of death are unchanged. Arguably worse to necromancers, vampires, and other creatures of death is that this horrible attack comes from something SO CUTE!!!!
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Re: Shemarrian-related fan creations

Unread post by taalismn »

kronos wrote:A Lost Eclipse ship weapon.

Banshee Wailer.

Oh, thank you! I've been trying to figure out a special weapon for some 'haunted' Lost Eclipse variant starships, and you came up with this one unbidden.
"Trouble rather the Tiger in his Lair,
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Re: Shemarrian-related fan creations

Unread post by kronos »

taalismn wrote:I would, on rereading, make some changes in the following cut and pasted sections to reflect the changes in scale:

kronos wrote:Photon Worm

*Light Healing ---- The solarium chamber can emit a soft glow that heals 1d6 SDC OR 1d4 Hit Points. This has been installed for the benefit of organic passengers, rather than the EShemarrians.

*LifeBlast---Another ‘phototherapy’ addition to the solarium compartment. Used as a ‘light-soaker’, this combat spell has been modified to give the recipient a +1 on all saving throws, +5% on performance of skills, and +10% to save versus coma/death for the next hour after immersion(+18% WHILE immersed). Almost needless to say, all other effects on undead and creatures of death are unchanged; strapping a vampire into one of these pods is (true) death by slow dissolution, and pure torture for necromancers.

They should read something like:

*Light Healing ---- The Photon Worm can emit a soft glow that heals 1d6 SDC OR 1d4 Hit Points in whoever is holding the plushie-bot. It costs 3 PPE per activation.

*LifeBlast---This combat spell has been modified to give the holder a +1 on all saving throws, +5% on performance of skills, and +10% to save versus coma/death for the next hour after exposure(+18% WHILE holding the Photon Worm), or it can be used as a ranged attack/application, in which case it has a range of 60 ft. Cost per activation is 8 PPE. Almost needless to say, all other effects on undead and creatures of death are unchanged. Arguably worse to necromancers, vampires, and other creatures of death is that this horrible attack comes from something SO CUTE!!!!

Oops.. I thought I had edited that out.. Fixed
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Re: Shemarrian-related fan creations

Unread post by kronos »

taalismn wrote:
kronos wrote:A Lost Eclipse ship weapon.

Banshee Wailer.

Oh, thank you! I've been trying to figure out a special weapon for some 'haunted' Lost Eclipse variant starships, and you came up with this one unbidden.

You're quite welcome. I can't wait to see what those variants will turn out to be like.
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Re: Shemarrian-related fan creations

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EcoS-KRP-48 Fellex Sensor-Bot(Clan Pantheron)
(aka ‘Shadower’, ‘Blackwatcher’)

“I laughed at first when the Panthers first explained it to me; a ghost-hunting robot cat indeed! But I accepted several dozen on their word, figuring that I always could use leak-detectors ro roam my halls and monitor my internals.
When those Gathrag ghasts managed to skulk aboard me under cloak of their damned magic, I wouldn’t have noticed but for the fellex going berserk and sounding the alarm. As it is, those monsters came perilous close to both Matari and some of my critical systems. I barely managed to hussle Matari out of the way, shut enough security doors and boot up internal security systems in time to contain them, then figure out a way to flush them out into space.
After that, I must have spent a full eight day-cycles manufacturing more fellexes and sending them spying over every square inch of my hull. I’m not taking any more chances.”

---- SSNSSS Pentac, Eccentric Cruiser

“-you get the impression we’re being watched? By someone or someTHING?”
“Ah, those are just cats. Stupid animals.”

“Okay, skragging the kitties was a really BAD idea. It just vectors in even bigger cats. With bigger claws. And guns; let’s not forget about the guns.”

The Fellex is one of Clan Pantheron’s MANY variants on the Black Market Smuggler’s Robot Cat. The Pantherons have refitted the little bots with extra sensors, including a paranormal activity sensor based on the Japanese SNARLSystem.
Unlike its ancestral design, the Fellex is designed to do more than just walk around looking like a listless animal; Fellexes are programmed to be hunters, seeking out supernatural prey and sounding the alarm about such creatures. Though standard operating procedure in event of contact is to stand off, shadow, and observe, if necessary, the ‘bots can and will attack to distract and delay them until reinforcements arrive, though Fellexes are too small and light to inflict much damage to larger targets. However, the sheer surprise and audacity of a sixteen-lb small animal going for a target’s sensory organs(or other soft targets) is often enough to temporarily discombobulate even hardened combat veterans or predators.
More often than not, Fellexes are Awakened with an Ecotroz essence-fragment. The life aura allows the cat-robots to blend in more naturally with many environments and helps the deception that they are actual living felines. There is also an improved chance of extra psionic powers. Also, many cat-lovers in the Tribes like the idea that they have an actual living(albeit in the psychic sense) creature, rather than a preprogrammed routine merely imitating feline behavior. However, when absolute stealth is required, many Tribes use unAwakened Fellexes that do not show up on psychic life senses.
Though not as sophisticated or capable as some other e-animals such as the Selene or Cyberconda, the Fellex has the advantages of being easy to produce and on many worlds where felines roam, the ability to blend in very well with the local cat populations. They are excellent spies and watch-animals, where subtlety is valued over firepower.
Fellexes are found throughout the Pantheron tribal territories and with Pantheron affiliates. Other Tribes, such as the Wayfinders, Ghost Riders, and Horrorwoods, also use and produce them in quantity.

Type: EcoS-KRP-48 Fellex
Class: Robotic E-animal
Crew: None; robot intelligence
MDC/Armor by Location:
Main Body 26
Head 10
Legs(4) 10 each
Height: 1 ft
Width: 0.5 ft
Length: 1.5 ft+ 1 ft of tail
Weight: 16 lbs
Cargo: None
Physical Strength: Equivalent to Robotic P.S. of 8
Powerplant: Nuclear w/ 5 year energy life, though many Fellex supplement/extend this through extensive use of laying around induction surfaces(as provided in vehicles/installations) and soaking up supplemental power.
Speed: (Running) 10 MPH
(Leaping) Can jump up/across 10 ft.
(Flying) Not possible
(Space) Not possible
(Underwater) Not possible
Market Cost: Exclusive to the Ecotroz-Shemar
Systems of Note:
*Basic Robot Optics w/ Passive Nightvision, Infrared and Thermal Imaging.
*Basic Robot Audio w/ Ultra-Ear
*Radio (5 mile range) w/ Signal Scrambler
*Motion Detection (Whiskers/Tail) --- 60 ft range
*Molecular Analyzer(20 ft range)

*Integral mini-SNARLS PPE Sensor System ----The result of trading with other Tribes, this mini-paranormal sensing ssytem gives the Fellex the ability to detect supernatural beings and activity. The sensor has a 200 ft range(out to 400 ft with 50% error in determination), 60-degree arc, and can detect invisible entities. Other penalties similar to the Japanese SNARLS system(on which it is based.....see Rifts: Japan, pg. 116).

Weapons Systems:
1) VibroClaws---They may be small, but the Fellexes’ vibro-stilleto claws can still do distracting damage. In pack attacks, targets can suffer ‘cat scratch death’ or ‘death of a thousand cuts’.
Range: Melee
Damage: 1d4 MD
Bonus: The dual design of the claws gives the Fellex a +5% to Climbing
Note: Some Fellexes have silver-plated claws, the better to inflict harm on supernatural beings.

2) Eye Lasers(2)---’Cats Eye’ small laser(s). Short ranged and low-damage, but wholly unexpected, and when enough robo-cats get working together, they can ruin even a heavily-armored target’s day.
Range: 200 ft
Damage: 1d4 MD per blast, 2d4 MD for both eyes firing simultaneously on the same target(counts as one attack)
Rate of Fire: ECHH
Payload: Effectively Unlimited

The Ecotroz have installed robotic AIs, then, in some cases, infected the matrix with a low-level Ecotroz sentience.
Typically has the following:
Climbing 96%/86%
Find Contraband 75%
Detect Ambush 75%
Detect Concealment 68%
Tracking 80%
Prowl 60%(+5% per level of experience for Ecotroz entity)
Tailing 75%
Movement/Combat: Zero-Gee 80%
The Ecotroz entity can also pick up one Secondary skill at levels 2, 6, and 12 of experience, though the nature of the Fellex intelligence and design is such that it is limited to skill selections from Technical: Language(understanding) and Lore,, Wilderness( Track Animals, Hunting, Identify Plants and Fruits) .
Actions/Attacks Per Melee: 5
Initiative +2 (+1 from the Ecotroz entity for a total of +3)
Dodge +5
Strike +1 (+2 w/ ranged weaponry)
Roll +2
Bite 1d4 SDC
Claw 1d4 MD

Note: The Ecotroz intelligence fragment inhabiting the ‘bot gives the Fellex an aura and behavior more befitting a sentient being than a robot. Fellex generally behave like cats, skulking all over, investigating and trailing anything they find interesting...and stalking potential prey. They’re quick to remain just out of reach, and will flee if confronted with a larger and more powerful foe, but will return to shadow an enemy.

About 75% of Awakened Fellex possess the following Natural Psionic Abilities(no ISP Cost), all equivalent to 6th level with regards to range and proficiency.
*Sixth Sense
*Sense Magic
*See Aura

The Ecotroz fragment does occasionally need sleep/rest...though they only need 2 hours of rest/meditation per 24 hours...they can push this, going without for as many days as they have I.Q. points(most Warmounts, unless otherwise noted, have an effective IQ rating of 8 ), but will have to go dormant for 4d6 hours after such exertion.
Susceptible to Exorcism and Banish spells, but are +6 to save against such spells, +1 at levels 4, 8, and 12 of experience, and becoming IMMUNE at level 14 and up. Such Banishment causes the ‘bot to revert to its default robot programming. (OPTION: Ecotroz may become IMMUNE to Exorcism and Banishment with experience, and NEW BUILT EShemar constructs are immune to this)

Note also that the Ecotroz-possessed ‘bot can infect other bots with the Ecotroz viral-entity, by bite or sustained touch(takes 3 attacks).

*Shadow Fur---Light-bending fiber-optics woven into the faux fur give the small robot the ability to better conceal itself in conditions of low light and shadow. 85% invisible to infra-red and thermal sensors, 45% invisible in direct light (it still throws a shadow), 70% invisible in indirect light (when no, or very little, shadow is thrown), and 98% invisible in darkness (at night, in other words).

*Blurr Fur----The faster the ‘bot moves, the greater the distortion; at speeds of 3 or less(>2 MPH), no bonus, 4-10(3-6 MPH); -1 to strike the Fellex, 10-16(7-8 MPH); -2 to strike, 16-22(9-10 MPH); -3 to strike.

*Retromingent Chemical Spray---The Fellex can be modified with a small chemical spritzer; by either rubbing up against a target or spraying it, the ‘bot can ‘mark’ targets with either an aromatic cue or special chemicals, usually wavelength-specific dyes or special chemicals that fluoresce in the presence of active PPE, making them visible.
Range: 25 ft
Damage: None typically. Usually uses special dyes icluding several that fluoresce in the presence of active PPE. Occasionally tear gas and other antipersonnel agents have been used, but this is rare(and leading to reports of ‘skunkcats’).
Rate of Fire: ECHH
Payload: 10 doses of up to 3 different chemicals.
Last edited by taalismn on Fri Jun 14, 2019 8:52 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: Shemarrian-related fan creations

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Okay, just downloaded a BUNCH of (properly named) illos to my Photobucket account, including my imprssion of the Photon Work(aka 'PlushieBot')
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Re: Shemarrian-related fan creations

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Advanced Cultural Notes: Shemarrian Holdfasts

<<“It’s a call-up, Ev! Get your gear together and haul ass for Assembly Point Pernador; you’re part of the wing reserve! But get your mate to shelter first, there’s a holdfast building at thirty-four-zee along your way. You can drop her off there.”>>

“Think you can nuke the Shemar by surprise? Nah, they believe in being prepared. All you done is probably scorched some of their favorite flowers and trees. They got shelters and supply caches all through their lands. All you done is drive them under deep cover for a spell. They’ll gather their wits, polish their blades, load up their guns, and come up where you least expect them to. Then they’ll slice you a couple new ones for their trouble.”

Holdfasts are fortified shelters and caches of food and other supplies that are meant as assembly points and places of safety for the more vulnerable members(typically unmodified NeShemar) of Shemarrian Tribes, if evacuation and dispersal is not an option. A typical holdfast may be 1-3 stories in size, with room for 100-500 refugees, and attached stable/garage space for caravan vehicles/mounts(in the event that semi-nomadic caravans are caught needing a place to go to ground).
Under the covenants of the Shemarrian Nation, a Tribe’s holdfasts are open to the refugees of other Tribes, and they may not be turned away. Some Tribes maintain less well-protected ‘scrapes’ for non-Shemar caught in Shemarrian territory, rather than compromise the fallback positions of the Shemarrian Nation’s civilians.
Such holdfasts are typically under the protection of castes such as the Shemarrian Medusa, Innannan, Preserver, Vulcar and Krakaterran, backed by neShemar militia. These wardens are also responsible for the maintenance and readiness of the holdfasts. Holdfasts typically rely on camouflage and passive defenses such as thick walls and overhead cover, rather than active defense, to protect their inhabitants, though many holdfasts incorporate bunker entrances and hardened firing positions near their annexes. In the event of an invasion, it is hoped that an enemy will concentrate on the mobile Shemarrian military striking them, and overlook the hidden shelters. To extend their habitability, holdfasts will typically stock generous supplies of stable foodstuffs, water and water recycling/reclamation gear, and full environmental sealing. Power is supplied by smaller power cells rather than larger industrial grade powerplants to cut down on detectable emissions.
Holdfasts are more elaborate in the Shemarrian Star Nation, where room and numbers allow the EShemar to build quite extensive networks of reinforced shelters and evacuation facilities. Some include stasis systems, both biological and chronotronic, for specially long duration enclosures. These proved their worth in instances such as Kittani Mad General K’ban’s relativistic missile bombardment of Elys IV, and the Scorching of Katreto(where an exceptionally large plasma flare irradiated much of the planet). Holdfasts also saved most of the Horrorwoods colonial population of Evales from the initial orbital strikes of the Chorii infestation fleet, allowing the Horrorwoods to continue the fight for their planet.
Though holdfasts are regularly inspected and restocked, many holdfasts end up being repositories of older equipment that hasn’t yet been thrown out or recycled. This has given some holdfasts the air of being basements or boneyards, though in a pinch, many EShemar and their ‘mounts can directly recycle scrap materials by consuming them for use by their nanite regeneration systems(though such processing lends new meaning to the term ‘iron rations’).
Last edited by taalismn on Tue May 07, 2019 11:13 am, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: Shemarrian-related fan creations

Unread post by glitterboy2098 »

taalismn wrote: Holdfasts also saved most of the Horrorwoods colonial population of Everon from the initial orbital strikes of the Choroii infestation fleet, allowing the Horrorwoods to continue the fight for their planet.

nice to see one of my creations getting some use
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Re: Shemarrian-related fan creations

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glitterboy2098 wrote:
taalismn wrote: Holdfasts also saved most of the Horrorwoods colonial population of Everon from the initial orbital strikes of the Choroii infestation fleet, allowing the Horrorwoods to continue the fight for their planet.

nice to see one of my creations getting some use

Hey, the battle for Evales still continues, what with at least two more waves incoming, and help still some months away.
The bulk of the civilian evacuees from Evales, who left when the Horrorwoods had warning of the Chorii threat, are on transport spacecraft, outpacing the Chorii pickets, and headed for the nearest EShemar outpost(which, being a communications relay and refueling depot, unfortunately lacked the available resident forces to reinforce Evales) to await the relief forces.

Once the reinforcements arrive with their mobile factory capacity, however, they'll begin chewing up space debris(and spacecraft wreckage) and turning the material into veritable hordes of space borne attack e-animals, war mounts, and hunter-killers .

Though it occurs to me that the space borne slaughter of Chorii space fleets might create zones of necromantic PPE release(even if individual Choroii don't count for much, millions of them getting snuffed out in short order adds up) drawing the attention of OTHER threats. The Evales defense forces might win the war against the Chorii, but then have to contend with something potentially WORSE.
Last edited by taalismn on Tue May 07, 2019 11:15 am, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: Shemarrian-related fan creations

Unread post by kronos »

taalismn wrote:
glitterboy2098 wrote:
taalismn wrote: Holdfasts also saved most of the Horrorwoods colonial population of Everon from the initial orbital strikes of the Choroii infestation fleet, allowing the Horrorwoods to continue the fight for their planet.

nice to see one of my creations getting some use

Hey, the battle for Everon still continues, what with at least two more waves incoming, and help still some months away.
The bulk of the civilian evacuees from Everon, who left when the Horrorwoods had warning of the Choroii threat, are on transport spacecraft, outpacing the Choroii pickets, and headed for the nearest EShemar outpost(which, being a communications relay and refueling depot, unfortunately lacked the available resident forces to reinforce Everon) to await the relief forces.

Once the reinforcements arrive with their mobile factory capacity, however, they'll begin chewing up space debris(and spacecraft wreckage) and turning the material into veritable hordes of space borne attack e-animals, war mounts, and hunter-killers .

Though it occurs to me that the space borne slaughter of Choroii space fleets might create zones of necromantic PPE release(even if individual Choroii don't count for much, millions of them getting snuffed out in short order adds up) drawing the attention of OTHER threats. The Everon defense forces might win the war against the Choroii, but then have to contend with something potentially WORSE.

Where's info for all this? (I know Choroii have been mentioned before, but I can't remember where and how much is actually on this thread)
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Re: Shemarrian-related fan creations

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kronos wrote:[
Where's info for all this? (I know Choroii have been mentioned before, but I can't remember where and how much is actually on this thread)

The Chorii are detailed

The Horrorwoods colony of Evales(sorry, I mistakenly put it dpwn as Everon) has been detailed earlier( )in this thread, and is caught in one of the Choriis' expansion waves. Unfortunately, the peculiarities of space/time around the Enders Cluster make normal CG drive problematic, so fast relief of the embattled EShemar is not possible.
Fortunately, the Chorii are limited by their rather slow FTL and barebones economy of technology. Unfortunately, there are just so ####ing MANY of them that the equivalents of machine guns would melt their barrels and reaping machines would break their blades cutting through them and there would still be HORDES of them left to kill.
"Trouble rather the Tiger in his Lair,
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Re: Shemarrian-related fan creations

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Killer spider-polar-bears with guns and swords.
:eek: :?
Sadly, even if the Flamewing were nearby to assist; you wouldn't want them visiting (though they WOULD be thorough). Even a combined Skull-Crusher & Blood Rider fleet would have... "difficulties" clearing the void around Evales. :nuke: :shock:
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Re: Shemarrian-related fan creations

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taalismn wrote:
Though it occurs to me that the space borne slaughter of Chorii space fleets might create zones of necromantic PPE release(even if individual Choroii don't count for much, millions of them getting snuffed out in short order adds up) drawing the attention of OTHER threats. The Evales defense forces might win the war against the Chorii, but then have to contend with something potentially WORSE.

Say, one or Cormal's "children"? :twisted:
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Re: Shemarrian-related fan creations

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DhAkael wrote:Killer spider-polar-bears with guns and swords.
:eek: :?
Sadly, even if the Flamewing were nearby to assist; you wouldn't want them visiting (though they WOULD be thorough). Even a combined Skull-Crusher & Blood Rider fleet would have... "difficulties" clearing the void around Evales. :nuke: :shock:

Not to say they wouldn't TRY...and Evales near-space would be witness to some SPECTACULAR fireworks, as well as some creative Tinker kitbashing of WMDs.

And yeah, PPE-hungry nastiness might show up drawn by the smell of blood.

Not that Evales wouldn't be worth the effort of defending it. The planet is wounded, but currently it could still recover with lots of TLC, which the Horrorwoods would apply, along with Chorii-base fertilizer.
"Trouble rather the Tiger in his Lair,
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Re: Shemarrian-related fan creations

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Tribal variants:
*EcoS-K-9D Steel Claw

The EcoS-K-9D is an attempt by the Wolf’s Path to have Warmounts both ways; a dual-mode with a ‘feral’ configuration as its base, and a transformed ‘uber-mode’ that would be armored up for heavy combat. The Armored Mode covers the Warmount in a thick protective shell of extrudable memory materials that also offer up enough cushioning ‘deadspace’ to blunt kinetic strikes. The Armored Mode also comes with external spikes that add damage to melee strikes.
The shortcomings of the EcoS-K-9D are that the Armor-mode isn’t QUITE up to the same protective values as the ‘full-conversion’ baseline EcoS-K-9, and that the extruded armor plates interfere with the Warmount’s normally smooth movement, resulting in a slight reduction in speed, offset by the ‘feral’ mode’s greater speed and freer movement.
Still, many Wolf’s Path members like the EcoS-K-9D because it combines the traits of a more naturalistic look with the protection of full armor plate when needed.

MDC/Armor by Location:(Feral Mode/Armored Mode)
Main Body 300/500
Head 95 /150
Legs(4) 175/210 each
Height: 20 ft ( 21 ft in Armored Mode)
Width: 11 ft ( 13 ft in Armored Mode)
Length: 26 ft( 28 ft in Armored Mode)

Speed: (Running) 175 MPH in Feral Mode, 120 MPH in Armored Mode
(Leaping) 40 ft/60 ft across, 60 ft up/ 120 ft across with a running start at 100 MPH or greater in Feral Mode, 30 ft/50 ft across, 50 ft up/ 100 ft across with a running start at 100 MPH+ in Armored Mode
Systems of Note:
*Bionic Cybernanite Repair Systems---ALL Steel Claws have the same bionic nanotech repair system that the Ecotroz Shemar have refitted themselves with, and which is becoming the standard among NeShemar as well. The EcoS-K-9D has an improved model with greater efficiency and reserve material; can repair 5d6 MD per hour, and can repair 200 MDC before needing material stocks to convert to MD repair material.

*Kinetic Resistance----The extrudable armor offers enough buffer thickness to better disperse kinetic strikes; takes HALF damage from rail gun strikes, bullets, shells, kinetic projectiles, armor-piercing missiles, concussive blows(including explosions), kicks, punches, and body blocks/rams.

Weapons Systems:
3) Shoulder/Back Hardpoints---- The EcoS-K-9D is incompatible with externally-mounted armaments between its two modes. The Armored mode CAN be fitted with them, but they must be jettisoned/unmounted when shifting to Feral mode.

Actions/Attacks Per Melee: 5
Dodge +3 in Feral Mode, +2 in Armored Mode
Bite 1d4x10 MD in Feral Mode, 1d4x10+10 in Armored Mode
Full Strength Claw Strike 1d4x10 MD in Feral Mode, +6 MD in Armored Mode
Power Claw Strike(2 attacks) 2d4x10 MD in Feral Mode, +10 MD in Armored Mode
Kick Attack(rear) 6d6 MD in Feral Mode, +4 MD in Armored Mode
Head Butt Attack 3d6 MD in Feral Mode, 4d6 MD in Armored Mode
Pouncing Leap Attack/Body Block/Ram(over 100 MPH) 1d6x10 MD in Feral Mode, +2 MD in Armored Mode

*EcoS-K-9F---This is merely the ‘Feral’ mode Steel Claw, and differs from the EcoS-K-9D in lacking the extrudable memory armor. They can still be fitted with external armaments, but this removes the appearance of a wild, unaugmented animal.
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Than the Sage among his Books,
For all the Empires and Kingdoms,
The Armies and Works that you hold Dear,
Are to him but the Playthings of the Moment,
To be turned over with the Flick of a Finger,
And the Turning of a Page"

--------Rudyard Kipling
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Re: Shemarrian-related fan creations

Unread post by taalismn »

(my thanks to Kronos for furnishing the shield breaker systems for the Dreadstar)

Tribal variants:

-ESheMar-CV-01 Hitode Heavy Troop Transport Cruiser

*ESheMar-CV-01Le---’Blackstar’, ‘Dreadstar’--Lost Eclipse variant. These ships are visually characterized by their dark or decrepit appearances(on several occasions they’ve been mistaken for derelict spacewrecks, whether accidentally or intentionally). It is said of these ships that they can drain a ship of life within mnutes, or age the ships into rotten ruin.
Systems of Note:
*Sensor Jamming---In addition to passive stealth, Lost Eclipse ships can actively jam enemy starship sensors, presenting a welter of misleading and confusing signals that can change readings of the EShemar ships to those of other star-nations’ ships, natural phenomena, or organic life. In combat, the Shemarrian vessel will attempt to use its electronic warfare suite to confuse enemy sensors as to the ship’s exact position and activity. Communications Jamming has a 15,000 mile range, is 98% effective against civilian systems, and is 75% effective against more sophisticated channel-jumping military communications suites. Missiles and sensor-guided weapons are -6 to strike.

*Blurr Field---This is a hull-mounted sensor-spoofing system that distorts light around the ship. While not powerful enough to render the large starships invisble, they do obscure details and make precise visual observations difficult, if not outright impossible. The ship’s hull just seems to -crawl- and blurr into splotches and organic shapes that can be very disconcerting to the eye. Trying to visually target specific parts of the hull becomes nearly impossible(-8 to strike). Even close up, those attempting to make their away across the hull will be distracted and disconcerted(even with their boots firmly sited on the hull, visually the ship’s hull seems to bubble and bulge suggestively around the boarders).

Weapons Systems:
5) Banshee Wailer(5 turrets)----The Banshee Wailer is an electromagnetic based energy weapon developed by the Lost Eclipse tribe as a weapon to quickly deplete a ship's shielding to allow for boarding actions without destroying the target. While they were successful in that the weapon deals incredible damage to shielding, they discovered a few interesting side effects. When fired, the Banshee Wailer releases a nearly invisible discharge that would only show up as a short, but intense burst of EM radiation on sensors, that causes a feed back in the shields to drain them, but this also causes a sheering effect in the hulls of craft, which also causes the hull to emit an ear piercing quasi-human screech at 140 or greater dB. This wailing sound is what gives the weapon its name, and is highly distracting, and can even scare crews. The Banshee Wailer is almost useless against a target without shielding as the energy of the discharges react with the energies that make up protective shielding.
Range: 20 miles atmosphere, 2000 miles space
Damage: 2d6x100 MD against energy shields plus half damage directly to the main hull of the target. If the target does not have any force fields active only deals 4d6x10 damage.
Rate of Fire: Once per melee per turret-projector.
Payload: Unlimited tied to ship power supply.
Each strike against a shielded target not only damages the shields and causes some sheering of the hull, but also causes the hull to vibrate and emit a quasi-human screech, which can affects the fear response in most humanoids, forcing crew to save against Horror Factor of 14, and even if they save against the Horror Factor, unprotected crew suffer -1 action, -2 to all rolls and -20% to all skills due to the highly distracting nature of the noise. This screeching lasts for 1d4 melee rounds per strike, with each strike increasing the duration by 1 melee round, although the crew only has to save against the Horror Factor once per battle for that particular ship. If a different ship equipped with a Banshee Wailer, they will have to save against that ship as well as.

6) Viral Nanotouch---(aka ‘Star-Rot’, ‘Metal Leprosy’ )The Dreadstar’s skin seems to crawl with corruption as well. Vessels coming in contact with the hull of the Lost Eclipse vessels run the risk(at the direction of the Nightmares) of being infected in turn with a form of nanotech rot that discolors and weakens the hull and any systems it can gain acess to.
Range: Hull contact, though the Dreadstar can also fling parts of its hull up to 3 miles at nearby spacecraft.
Damage: Does 3d6x10 MD per melee to afflicted surfaces, for 2d6 minutes. Also embrittles hull armor equal to the amount of damage it does(so if the nanorot does 80 MDC damage to a hull part, that’s another 80 MDC of hull protection that is affected, The affected armor still sheds energy attacks as normal, but kinetic strikes do DOUBLE damage. The nanorot also renders stealth and laser-reflective armors useless. Degraded hull armor must be replaced. The nanorot can be stopped by plasma fire(hull takes damage, but the plasma stops the continuous damage) or certain forms of particle bombardment.
Rate of Fire: Per contact
Payload: Effectively Unlimited

*ESheMar-CV-01Sg----”Skelestar’---A somewhat whimsical and threadbare concept fielded in council, if not actually deployed, by the Steel Gaians is this stripped-down framework of a Hitode. Instead of a fixed configuration, the cruiser retains base armament and the improved shields, but has large modular bays in each armature, that can fit copies of the secondary mission-hulls off the Paladin Steel/Aegis Stellar Industries PS/ASI-SCG-17 LaFayette Light Cruiser OR six modular pallet-sections off the ESheMar-LC-01-Unipelta Light Cruiser/Transport.
Because of the Steel Gaians’ close association with their hosts, they have neither built this design themselves with their limited offworld resources, nor have they offered their design to the GNE/USA for production, because of proprietary SSN technologies involved. However, it appears that the Wayfinders may have produced at least two, judging from an encounter over Vala’dan between a Splugorth expeditionary squadron and their Shemarrian counterparts. Kittani long-range scans mistakenly identified one of the -CV-01Sgs as a small spacedock or orbital anchorage, and attempted to engage what they thought was a light vessel squadron at moorage, but were surprised when the whole ‘station’ quickly moved out of range. Though initially believed to have been a large deep space tug transporting several smaller and refiting ships, it is now understood that the ‘drydocked’ vessels were actually part of a larger starship.

MDC/Armor by Location:
Armatures(5) 72,000 each
(Optional) Hull Modules(1 per armature) 11,000 each
(Optional) Pallet Modules(1-6 per armature) 500 each

If not carrying ANY pods or modules, the bare bones Skelestar is lighter, and can move at Mach 4 in Atmospheric and Mach 14 in Normal Space flight.

Systems of Note:
*Tractor Beams(20)----Effectively each rated for 500 tons dead weight, but can be used for imparting small changes in momentum/direction to ships/structures several times that mass. These are primarily used in the initial guidance of the plasma torpedoes. Four are mounted on each armature.
Range: 15 miles in space(NOT usable in atmosphere)

Weapons Systems:
Unchanged with the exception of any additional pod/module-mounted weaponry.

Modular Bays(5, one each armature)

A) PS/ASI-SCG-17 LaFayette-style Hull Pods(ONE can be mounted under each armature):
*’B’-Barracks Pod---Adds passenger capacity, housing up to 120 passengers in diplomatic comfort, or 320 troops in more spartan accommodations.

*’C’-Cargo Pod----Dedicated cargo module, adding 10,000 tons cargo capacity.

*’D’-Drive Pod----Removes hangar capacity in favor of an additional engine section, boosting the ship’s sublight speed to Mach 15.

*’E’-Escort Pod---Outfitted with a complement of point defense weapons systems for use in picket and interception duties
-Point Defense Turrets(6)---Adds six more PDS turrets identical to 4) above.
-Tachyon Scatter Guns(4)
Range: (Palladium)6 miles (10,000 m) in space w/ 3 mile wide arc(cannot operate in atmosphere)
(Kitsune Values: 600 miles in space)
Damage: 2d4x10 MD per shot
Rate of Fire: EPCHH
Payload: Effectively Unlimited

*’F’-Plasma Pod---Mounts two heavy plasma torpedo launchers in place of embarked fighters(still retains the shuttles).
---These are direct-fire weapons that fire bolts of plasma trapped in a temporary magnetic ‘shell’ centered on an evaporated ‘seed’ of ultra-dense deuterium ice, allowing the plasma to travel farther without losing cohesion and damage potential, and allowing the plasma to explode with area of effect on target. The result is an energy missile with superior range to normal energy weapons(though still well short of comparable missile weaponry) and potentially unlimited payload. However, the plasma packets CAN be grabbed/deflected by tractor beams(this is how the ship’s gunners can manipulate their energy projectiles at short range and correct their course....each of the launch arrays’ mounted tractor beams being able to grab and direct a volley of plasma bolts), or destabilized by ion or particle beam weapons fire(takes 20 MDC to disrupt the plasma containment).
Range: 20 miles in atmosphere, 200 miles in space
(Kitsune Values: 200 miles in atmosphere, 200,000 miles in space)
Damage: 1d6x100 MD per blast to 100 ft blast radius
Rate of Fire: Each array can launch volleys of 1-8 torpedoes, twice per melee
Payload: Effectively unlimited

*’G’-Gravity Gun Pod---Mounts two heavy gravity guns in place of embarked fighters(still retains the shuttles).
Range: 25 miles in atmosphere, 70 miles in space
(Kitsune Values: 70 miles in atmosphere, 70,000 miles in space)
Damage:(Kinetic Penetrator) 3d6x100 MD to 15 ft radius
(Multi-Munition Fragmentor) 3d6x10 MD to 300 ft radius
(Heavy Plasma) 2d6x100 MD to 150 ft blast radius
Rate of Fire: Three times per melee
Payload: 100 shells per cannon. Additional shells may be stored in the cargo holds and reloaded within 30 minutes(3 shells per ton of cargo)

* ‘H’-Hangar Pod----DOUBLES fighter capacity to 32 fighters.

*’I’-Ion Pod---Adds capacity for four heavy ion cannons and a dedicated powerplant in place of embarked fighters(still retains the shuttles).
Ion Cannon--(ionization rules courtesy of Henning Rogge)
Range: (Palladium) 4 miles in atmosphere, 12 miles in space
(Kitsune Values) 12 miles in atmosphere, 12,000 miles in space
Damage: 1d4x100 MD per blast,
In addition to physical damage, the cannon does EM damage. Percentage of EM damage is determined in relation to target’s main body((damage/main body)x100=percentage). For every 10% of damage from main body in ion damage, target will be -1 to strike, parry. and dodge. In space target acceleration will be reduced by 15%, in atmosphere top speed will be reduced by 15%. Roll once on critical hit charts in Phazeworld or Conversion book as appropriate.
If target takes 60% of main body in ion damage, ship or vehicle will be disabled completely. All weapon, navigation, and other systems will shut down and need to be repaired/replaced to work again/reboot.
Does NO damage against non-mechanical/electronic targets.
The ion cannon is equally effective against bionics
Rate of Fire: Five times per melee
Payload: Effectively unlimited

*’L’-Laser Pod---Adds capacity for three more Heavy Lasers and a dedicated powerplant in place of embarked fighters(still retains the shuttles).
Range: 7 miles in atmosphere, 14 miles in space
(Kitsune Values: 14 miles in atmosphere, 14,000 miles in space)
Damage: 4d6x100 per blast
Rate of Fire: 4 times per melee
Payload: Effectively Unlimited

*’M’-Missile Pod--- Mounts an additional battery of long range missile launchers(identical to those mounted in the main hull) in place of embarked fighters(still retains the shuttles).
Range: Varies by Missile Type(Long Range Missiles)
(Kitsune Values: 3,400 miles in atmosphere, 1,800,000 miles in space)
Damage: Varies by Missile Type(Long Range Missiles)
Rate of Fire: Volleys of 1-10
Payload: 200 per launcher; additional missiles may be carried as cargo, and reloaded from storage.

*’N’-’Net’ Pod---A module fitted with heavy area-of-effect weaponry in place of fighters. Typically used as an anti-fighter/missile picket.
a) Heavy Tachyon ScatterGuns(4, 400 MDC each)
Range: 5 miles (2,500 m) in atmosphere, 10 miles (10,000 m) in space w/ 6 mile wide arc*
(Kitsune Values: 5 miles in atmosphere, 5,000 miles in space)
*Width are reduced to 1/4th in atmosphere
Damage: 1d6x100 MD per blast
Rate of Fire: EPCHH
Payload: Effectively Unlimited
b)Heavy Rail Guns(2, 500 MDC each)
Range: 40 miles in atmosphere, 80 miles in space
(Kitsune Values: 40 miles in atmosphere, 40,000 miles in space)
Damage:(Exploding/Fragmenting Flechette): 5d6x10 MD to anything caught in a 120 ft wide cone/’cloud’----Targets are -2 to dodge the ’shotgun spread’
(Penetrator): 2d6x100 MD
Rate of Fire: Four times per melee
Payload: 100 rds per cannon, reloading from the cargo hold takes 1d6 minutes( 200 tons ammunition storage, 1 ton of cargo per 12 rounds)

*’O’- Medical Pod(aka ‘OR’)---Flying field hospital with a capacity of caring for up to 200 patients at a time. Includes 6 fully equipped operating rooms, recovery wards, laboratories, and hangar capacity for 6 shuttles(no fighters).

*’P’-Planetary Assault Pod---This pod carries the launch systems for freefall kinetic and explosive weapons meant to be deployed against surface targets(the ‘superbomber’ concept). Can typically carry up to 8,000 tons of deployable ordnance, such as the following:
-Kinetic Bomb---Fairly typical 2 ton ‘rod from god’ high density kinetic penetrator
Range: Orbit to Surface
Damage: 2d6x100 MD; effective blast radius of 120 ft. Can penetrate up to 400 ft into solid rock, dropped from orbit.

-Light Kinetic Penetrator Module ---Works similar to a WWII ‘Earthquake Bomb’. Kinetic weapons have the advantage of leaving little or no radiation to contaminate a battlefield or potential postwar acquisition. The LKP module actually carries three separate RVs on a maneuverable ‘bus’ stage, allowing three separate targets to be hit, or a single target to be bracketed. Each RV does 1d6x100 MD to a 100 ft radius and can penetrate up to 250 ft of loose soil(100 ft of rock or concrete)
Weight: 4 tons

-Heavy Kinetic ‘Smasher’--- A single-shot warhead(no multiple warheads) weighing 12 tons. Hits with considerably greater velocity and kinetic energy. Does 1d6x100 MD to a 90 ft radius, and does DOUBLE damage to any fixed-foundation structures in a 200 ft radius, due to ground shock.

-Heavy ‘MaxSlap’ KEW-----Designed to be ‘lobbed’ for maximum kinetic impact, the super-heavy bomb does 1d8x1,000 MD to 250 ft blast radius, and can penetrate up to 500 ft of earth(300 ft of rock or concrete), for attacking bunkers or undercutting larger structures.
Weight: 21 tons

-Fuel Air Explosive Munition---A single warhead(no multiple warheads) non-nuclear area of effect weapon that disperses a cloud of volatile fuel droplets in a mist over the target area, then ignites it in a rapidly propagating explosion. Besides thermal damage, the real damage from this weapon comes in the massive overpressure shockwave that it creates, capable of forcing its way into open ducts and vents, and imploding vehicles and bunkers. Also known as a ‘Daisy Cutter’, it is often used to simultaneously secure and clear landing zones of obstacles(both sentient and material). The heavy FAEM can do 4d6x10 MD to a 500 ft radius, plus 3d6x10 MD to everything else in a 3,000 ft ft radius. Those caught within the blast radius are also likely (01-88%) likely to be bowled over by the blast and stunned, if not worse....
Weight: 15 tons

-ElectroMagnetic Pulse Weapon---Designed to knock out unprotected electronics and power distribution networks, exploding at high altitude for maximum effect. Up to four of these weapons can be carried on a common ‘bus’.
Damage: 5d6x10 MD to 100 ft blast radius
EM effects: Used against unshielded power grids(such as cities and towns), the particle blast has a 99% chance of knocking down electrical systems, including vehicles, in an 100-mile radius of the point of detonation. Unprotected computers and other hardware not protected by surge protectors, and hooked into the common power grid, may still be affected up to a hundred miles or more away by power surges through the power lines.
The EMP is less effective against shielded systems such as those on space structures(25%) and military systems(10% for surface military vehicles), which are hardened against radiation.
Weight: 1 ton ‘bus’

-Heavy Nuclear ‘SunBombs’---These are the heavy PS/ASI-made weapons used exclusively by their forces. They are rarely used against inhabited/habitable worlds(used against exclusively military targets).
Weight: 10 tons
Range: 1,000 miles(4,000 miles in space)
(Kitsune Values: 3,000 miles in atmosphere, 1,000,000 miles in space)
Damage: 2d4 x 1,000 MD to a 4.6 mile destruction radius

-X-Ray Laser Bombs
Weight: 10 tons
Range: 1,000 miles(4,000 miles in space)+laser range
(Kitsune Values: 3,000 miles in atmosphere, 1,000,000 miles in space)+laser range
Damage: 1d4x1,000 MD laser blast; range 70 miles(Kitsune Value: 70,000 miles). Laser-reflective armors do NOT halve X-ray laser damage.---One-shot weapon that destroys itself in the process of firing.
Advanced models can target as many as 10 separate targets within range simultaneously.

-Plasma Jet Bombs(aka ‘Casaba Howitzer’, or ‘Sunspot Bomb’)---A cousin of the X-Ray Laser Bomb and predecessor to the Plasma Torpedo, the Plasma Jet Bomb is essentially a shaped nuclear charge, generating a conical wave of super-excited plasma and radiation. The Plasma Jet Bomb lacks the range and multiple target engagement capability of the laser mine, but because it doesn’t expend all its force in all directions, it can produce higher damage than a regular omnidirectional plasma warhead.
Weight: 10 tons
Range: 1,000 miles(4,000 miles in space)+plasma range
(Kitsune Values: 3,000 miles in atmosphere, 1,000,000 miles in space)+plasma range
Damage: 1d6x1,000 MD plasma blast; range 30 miles(Kitsune Value: 30,000 miles), in a cone 30 degrees wide. The radiation also has a 60% chance of blanking out the target’s sensors for 1d6 melees---One-shot weapon that destroys itself in the process of firing.

-TW Weapons---Based on the work done between Paladin Steel and its allies, and copied by the Wayfinders, strategic TechnoWizardry weapons are a safer, more ‘morally acceptable’ alternative to vaporizing enemy cities with nuclear weapons. TW warheads also have certain advantages against magic-vulnerable opponents. They are also lightweight, allowing more of them to be carried and deployed.
The downside is that strategic TW weapons are hellishly expensive in both the crystal matrixes needed to hold the weapons-grade spells, and the high-level mage talent needed to produce and empower them.
Still, PS produces and deploys a wide variety of these weapons, just in case.
Weight: Each RV ‘bus’ weighs 1 ton.

-TW Disharmonize---Actually more of an airburst weapon that deploys thousands of small individual grenade-sized TW ‘skeet’ warheads over a wide area, that fall to an appropriate altitude for maximum effect, then explode, causing no initial physical damage, but sowing massive chaos throughout both military forces and civilian populations. Tremendously expansive in terms of magic energy investment, and relatively short-term in its effects, it nevertheless can be an effective weapon in disrupting an enemy’s defenses in advance of a raid or troop landing.
Each MIRV can carry up to 200 ‘skeets’ each
The carrier shell is designed as an airburst weapon(300-1,000 ft up), with the dispersal charge firing the skeets out on wide arc frisbeeing trajectories to cover a maximum area of effect. Each submunition skeet affects a 500 ft radius(some overlap is unavoidable), and effects last 50 minutes. Everyone caught in the area of effect must save versus magic or else lose HALF their attacks per melee, lose initiative, and be -20% to perform all skills. Furthermore
The beauty of this weapon is that the mage-munition officer or loader, if one is available, can , simply by touching the shell before loading and launching, and uttering a safing incantation(Magic telepathy or psionic telepathy will also do the trick), fuze the weapon to affect ONLY enemy soldiers...KNOWN allies are UNAFFECTED by the magic! Of course, if no such trained combat mage or psychic is available , then the ‘generic’ shell will affect EVERYONE in the area of effect.
Needless to say, however, at 150 PPE per submunition, these weapons are awfully expensive.

-TW Magma Weapon(RV)---Modified River of Lava spell, that creates a pool 450 ft in diameter instead, that lasts 15 minutes. If deployed in shallow water it lasts only 7 minutes and does HALF damage, but creates huge bubbles, kills local sea life, and produces a massive cloud of superheated steam that blinds anyone on the surface, fouls up thermographic imaging systems, and creates a belching sonar static that can screw up passive sonar systems in the area.

-TW Tsunami Weapon(RV)---Designed for attacking coastal targets,this weapon deploys up to 5 independently targeting RVs that each generate a tidal wave.
Each warhead creates a tidal wave roughly 150 ft high, 3,000 ft long, lasts 15 melees, reach as far as 450 ft inland, and does 4d6x10 MD per melee. Also has a 75% chance of capsizing any ships it catches.
Note: This weapon is INEFFECTIVE unless aimed at a sizable body of water, such as an ocean, large lake, or deep river.

-TW Hurricane Weapon(RV)----Ocean-attack weapon, but can also be used against large lakes. Each MIRV creates a massive sea storm that covers a 120 ft area, 100-150 mph winds, and 30 ft high waves. Does 3d6x10 MD per melee to large structures, and 1d6 MD to anyone caught out in the open. Effects last 15 minutes.

-TW Maelstrom Weapon(RV)---Another ocean-attack weapon, for attacking shipping and submarine warships/installations. Like the Tsunami Weapon, the ‘bus’ can deploy up to 5 independently targeting RVs that each generate a sizable whirlpool in any large body of water they are aimed at.
Whirlpools are 120 ft wide, lasts 15 minutes, and does 1d4x10 MD to anything caught in its center, 2d6x10 MD per melee to large ships, and 1d6x100 MD to hem if they get submerged or if the whirlpool ‘breaks the ship’s back’.

-TW Earthquake Weapon(RV)---Each warhead acts as a 15th level Elemental Earthquake spell; 3500 ft area of effect, doing 2d6x100 MD per melee, for fifteen melees. Generates a fissure 900 ft long, doing damage to everything within 600 ft on either side of it. A full spread of Earthquakers can destroy a county.

-TW Stormfront Weapon(RV)---Airburst warheads that unleash multiple Tornadoes(one per warhead), and an accompanying Summon Storm, all equivalent to the 15th level Elemental Warlock Spells.
Tornadoes are 100 ft in diameter, last 15 minutes, and do 3d6x10 MD per melee to anything caught by them, and an additional 2d6x10 MD to anything hurled out. Wood, clay, and stone structures take 4d6x10 points of damage(SDC or MDC), and trees are uprooted in one melee round. The tornadoes will also randomly wander about in a half-mile area before dispersing.
The storm element creates a drenching, obscuring downpour that drops 4 inches of rain per hour, does 1-6 points of structural S.D.C. per half hour, immobilizing floods, and reduces visibility to near zilch; storm covers a 14 mile area, and lasts 7 hours

Rate of Fire: Volleys of 1-20
Payload: 80 free-fall RVs. Additional RVs may be carried as cargo(

*’S’-Sentry Pod---Holds an advanced long range sensor system. The ship can now pick up on vessels moving at FTL up to 30 light years away, and vessels moving through normal space up to 1 light year away.

*’T’-Tender Pod---Designed to work with the module-equipped Sunchaser- and Windfola-class corvettes. This pod is an open-framework holding additional modules(up to 30) to swap out with the smaller ships, and the apparatus needed to do it in the field.

*’U’-’Universal’ or ‘Unknown’ Pod----A dedicated science pod with dedicated laboratory facilities. Can be variously outfitted for astronomical or planetary sciences studies, including quarantine facilities for medical research. Has onboard living facilities for up to 30 research staff, although in the more extensive/secured research configurations, the scientists may live entirely in the main hull of the ship, and direct automated systems in the science pod. Some variants on this pod can be detached and deploy station-keeping thrusters and external solar panels and antennae to act as free-flying mini-space stations.

“Y”-Pod---Special designation given to a ventral hangar or drop-pod holding a large submersible vehicle that can be deployed from the LaFayette. Reports that several examples have been used to deploy combat submarines on worlds of the TGE contested by the FWC, or Golgan worlds (especially those contested by nationalist movements) remain unsubstantiated.

B) ESheMar-LC-01-Unipelta Modular Bays(1-6 can be mounted under each armature):
*Passenger Module---This is a sleeper car-style module with fairly comfortable accommodations(bathroom, diner/kitchenette, airliner-style seating, small lounge/recreational area) for 40 awake and moving passengers.

*Hiber Transport---Filled with hiber-cubicles, each pod can hold 80 fully armed Shemarrian warriors, or 30 with Warsteeds, or 80 human-sized passengers in cold sleep(320 if stacked four to a hibercell---not advised unless special precautions are taken)

*Cargo Pod---Can hold 200 tons of materials each

*Drop Pod---This specialized module holds conventional cargo ‘cans’ and the equipment needed to eject them from the ship for low-space/high-atmo drop missions. The cans are held upright and ejected along their long axis. Each pod can hold four ‘Giant’ cans ready to drop, or 40 ‘Standard’ cans.

*Hangar Pod---Each pod has a hatch port/starboard, and can hold 4 small shuttles/light fighters, or 2 larger fighters(Black Eagle-sized)

*Missile/Mine Pod---Each pod can hold 300 short range missiles (volleys of 1-10 each launcher), OR 160 medium range missiles (volleys of 1-8 each launcher), OR 80 long range missiles (volleys of 1-4 each launcher), OR 60 cruise missiles(if available). Double those numbers if conventional space mines instead.

*Plasma Torpedo Pod---Features port and starboard plasma ejectors. ---A cross between a missile launcher in terms of volley capability and area of effect, and energy weapons in terms of range and recharge capability, these weapons fire veritable storms of plasma pulses similar to ball lightning. Against massed fighters and larger ships, these weapons can prove particularly devastating.
Range: 10 miles in atmosphere, 50 miles in space
(Kitsune Values: 50 miles in atmosphere, 50,000 miles in space)
Damage: 2d4x100 MD to a 100 ft blast radius per missile
Rate of Fire: Volleys of 1-4 plasma bolts per pod. Three volleys per melee
Payload: Effectively Unlimited

-Other observed/inferred modules have included dedicated EW/Countermeasure/Jamming modules, autofac asteroid mining pods, laboratory/science modules, prison/brig cell blocs, and sensor pods.
"Trouble rather the Tiger in his Lair,
Than the Sage among his Books,
For all the Empires and Kingdoms,
The Armies and Works that you hold Dear,
Are to him but the Playthings of the Moment,
To be turned over with the Flick of a Finger,
And the Turning of a Page"

--------Rudyard Kipling
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Joined: Sun Oct 14, 2007 4:38 pm

Re: Shemarrian-related fan creations

Unread post by kronos »

taalismn wrote:(my thanks to Kronos for furnishing the shield breaker systems for the Dreadstar)

Tribal variants:

-ESheMar-CV-01 Hitode Heavy Troop Transport Cruiser

*ESheMar-CV-01Le---’Blackstar’, ‘Dreadstar’--Lost Eclipse variant. These ships are visually characterized by their dark or decrepit appearances(on several occasions they’ve been mistaken for derelict spacewrecks, whether accidentally or intentionally). It is said of these ships that they can drain a ship of life within mnutes, or age the ships into rotten ruin.

You're quite welcome! Nice variants

As soon as Anime North is over, and my schedule is a little more 'normalized' in a few weeks, I'll get back to finishing a few things I've had sitting on the back burner for awhile.
Need anymore help on anything just ask.
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