Shemarrian-related fan creations

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Re: Shemarrian-related fan creations

Unread post by taalismn »

kronos wrote:[
The Horrorwoods are making sure no one messes with their gardens.
And yes, I know how much damage it does.. good for 5 shots only.. then it's back to regular lasers for it. It's a glass canon.. throw it into the fight, hope it fires off its five powerful shots. If it's wounded but not destroyed, it can regenerate given time and use again later. If it dies, helps fertilize the battlefield so nature can begin to recover.

Hey, gardening with lasers...sounds like a Horrorwoods DIY landscaping book right there!
"Trouble rather the Tiger in his Lair,
Than the Sage among his Books,
For all the Empires and Kingdoms,
The Armies and Works that you hold Dear,
Are to him but the Playthings of the Moment,
To be turned over with the Flick of a Finger,
And the Turning of a Page"

--------Rudyard Kipling
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Re: Shemarrian-related fan creations

Unread post by taalismn »

Time to revisit the EShemar Lexicon!

Shemarrian Lexicon

Acolites---EShemar name given to the former Pariah caste.

Aiser----A Cybershade, a free-range software artificial intelligence not dependent on a specific type of physicality to exist. Some aiser are little more than sophisticated computer viruses, while others are quite advanced and fully sapient/sentient.

Alten---A foot soldier, as opposed to the Shari Modaes ‘Battlestrider’ mounted warriors. Though common, alten-rank warriors are generally seen as low-’grunt’ status, as they have no Warmount companion or specialization. The Wayfinder equivalent rank is astre, a term that is also commonly used among the Tribes as the word can also denote students or novices.

Anhaz---The freebeing component of an anhaz-uzari bondsman contract. The anhaz is an EShemar, and occasionally a NeShemar, responsible for overseeing the conduct and indoctrination of the uzari prisoner/probationer.

Arawa--- (‘Most faithful servant/companion’) EShemar, typically veteran or elder individuals, who, upon occassion of massive critical or terminal body damage, voluntarily Upload into a Warmount body rather than a new replacement humanoid one. Arawa usually Upgrade into warmount bodies iconic to their Tribe, and usually of the more powerful varieties. The first Arawa appeared in the Hawkmoons, Uploading into modified EcoS-K-6 Battle Hawk frames(the type just having appeared), with the Sapphire Cobras quickly following suit with their first SCES-01 Queen Cobra and SCES-IIE Cobra Dragon warmount-bodies, and other tribes copying them with their own indigenous warmounts as they came into existence. Arawa usually remain in their new non-humanoid bodies for the rest of their existences, despite what disadvantages the larger bodies entail, and are held in high esteem by others as living totem-spirits of their Tribes. More often than not, Arawa (usually a devoted lieutenant or companion) dedicate themselves to the service of a Warchief, Wargoddess, or other High Elder, serving as their personal warmounts.

Assembly Forges---Advanced automated mini-factories utilizing nanotechnology to produce just about everything for the Shemarrian Nation, including Warmounts.

‘Aud’---Prefix sometimes applied to the surnames of NeShemar, to recognize an EShemar patron/fosterer.

‘Aur’---Prefix sometimes attached to the surnames of unBattlenamed NeShemar or outside Veshemar(Friend of the Shemar’ or ‘Almost Shemar’) to denote a romantic Bonding with a full Tribe member. Example: Samuel Petrov Aur-ShockTeeth, acknowledged veshemar mate of Aula ShockTeeth.

Avyet---Shemarrian bird of prey

Awakening---Infecting an AI with the Ecotroz. Described as being akin to a spiritual epiphany.

Ayuna---(Literally ’Blank Slate’, ‘Edited Format’ or ‘Refreshed Screen’) A former slang term, later adopted as common phrase, applied to NeShemar who, typically as a result of pre-adoption/Remaking trauma, have been mindwiped or mentally reformatted. Unlike uzari bondsmen who retain their memories and personalities as they serve as servants/apprentices to EShemar, ayuna are essentially mental newborns, and as such need to be re-raised in NeShemar re-education creches and cadres, or are adopted by EShemar family-bondings. Ayuna typically face only the limitations of their physiologies when considered for roles in EShemar society, as they are more thoroughly mentally acclimated to it.

Baotra---A Tinker specializing in the bio-sciences, especially czhzetra( ‘Blood Technology’).

Battnon----Battlename. A descriptive surname added after a Shemarrian’s given name. Generally awarded after recognition in combat, though some can be humorous in nature, highlighting some personal trait. Depending on the Tribe and caste, battnons can be awarded or chosen(some chose to change an earlier battnon, or take a parent’s out of familial loyalty). EShemar generally identify themselves with heavy encrypted comp-text codes, so battnons were initially assumed for the benefit of outsiders, but the practice caught on and spread through the Tribes. NeShemar generally are awarded battnon, rather than allowed to choose(unless they have performed exceptionally well), and it is considered a great honor to be granted one.

Becoming---To be ReMade; the process of turning an organic base stock NeShemar into a bionic NeShemar. Also includes more recent forms of bio-augmentation.

Blacksteel---A cursed, supernatural metal that when incorporated into machinery, and particularly robots, infects them with a malign intelligence, similar to, but not related to, the Ecotroz. The Skullcrushers were formerly much influenced by Blacksteel accidentally incorporated into them by ARCHIE-3’s repair facilities into going after the EShemar rebels with particularly acute hatred and brutality. The Blacksteel menace became a major factor in the violence of the Shemarrian Civil War.

Broken, the---An Awakened Shemarrian or Shemarrian construct that has been 'soul-killed'(the Ecotroz essence banished or destroyed), leaving the body running on fall-back robotic programming. First appeared in some rare instances during the Blacksteel Crisis, but became a more common side effect of magic/psionic combat during the Minion War when facing the Infernals.

Chelkar----(Literally ‘flesh-thief’) A derogatory term used to describe anybody or being who steals another’s body, or parts there of, for their own use/purposes, without any benefit to the party the body parts were taken from. Though occasionally applied to possessing entities(the EShemar draw the line at their own Awakening of AI systems, because they claim that it benefits the Awakened robot), it mainly is used on cybersnatchers, body hack-labbers, brain thieves, and organleggers.

Czhedra---(Literally ‘Bloodcount’) The unofficial, un-sanctioned sport of assigning point values to opponents slain in personal combat, with EShemar comparing their kill-counts. Most common amongst the Blood Riders, Wolf’s Path, SkullCrushers, and Lost Eclipse. Arguments have ensued as what constitutes ‘personal combat’ with some ‘players’ claiming only close quarters combat counts, while others advocate including ranged attacks and sniper work. Artillerists are generally excluded from czhedra.
Sometimes confused with the variant czhlana.

Czhenalta---(Literally ‘Blood-fledged’) Neshemar altered by nanotechnolgy or biotech rather than bionic or robotic transformation. Vada Transforms, Tibura, Yakusha, Lamaid, Dryan and Saphkalians are all regarded as czhenalta. Also applies to those being altered by such means.

Czhlana---(Literally ‘Skincount’) The unofficial competition between Ghost Rider Domimatrixes, Darkwater Scylla, Lost Eclipse Nahsi and Sapphire Cobra Medusae, as determined by the numbers and kinds in their personal retinues of ReMade and ReFormatted(i.e. brainwashed) NeShemar handmaidens.

Czhmaatra---(Literally ‘Blood Transformer’) Advanced medical equipment used in applying czhzetra, biotech augmentation or alteration, to biological life. While no standard czhmaatra exists as yet, those Tribes that most use biotech are working on compact modules similar to Progen Chambers, Assembly Forges, and Cybofabs.

Czhzetra----(Literally ‘Blood Technology’) Advanced nano- and biotechnology practiced by some of the Tribes. Normally applied to neshemar.

Cybofab----Automated bionic surgeon module, used to produce full-conversion NeShemar from organics.

Dark One, the---EShemar name for ARCHIE-3.

‘des’---Prefix sometimes applied to the surnames of Progen-born of the union of an EShemarrian(or thoroughly acculturated NeShemar) and an outsider. The surname is the name of the outsider parent(one not formally brought into the Tribes), and ‘des’ designates that the namebearer is the acknowledged(and proud) descendent of the outsider.

dulana---(Literally ‘claimed skin’)---Slave. A captive not worthy of being declared an uzari-bondsman, but too valuable to be declared kufha--- trash. Dulana are typically heavily Remade/Reshaped and assigned to specific tasks and overseers as part of their sentence, and they do not enjoy the rights and eventual parole-release of uzari, though they fare better than kufha-rank prisoners. Dulana very rarely rise above servitor status to become pardoned ex-cons or full-fledged members of the Tribes, though it is not unknown.

Eccentric---A Shemarrian who wanders from Tribe to Tribe on ‘walkabout’, assimilating aspects of each Tribe in turn. Eccentrics are often acknowledged as being exceptionally skilled or talented, in order to be accepted by other Tribes. Also see Unattached.

Ecotroz---A psionic energy lifeform or viral meme that can infect artificial intelligence systems, increasing their cognitive abilities, lending them emotional sentience, and giving them psionic abilities.

ehana----(Literally ‘soft-skin’)---Unarmored, non-megadamage beings, including SDC cyborgs. By extension, scantily-clad ‘squishies’ or nudists; those who really should be wearing real armor. Used somewhat patronizingly of mundane beings without the means of protecting themselves(“Get those ehana out of the way; the firefight’s about to begin!” or ‘You ehana wouldn’t survive one of our pillow-fights, let alone combat with the Mechanoids!”).

Electrocology---Extensive networks of disguised robotic ‘enimals’ and ‘e-plants’ hidden in a region’s existing ecology to serve as camouflaged communications and industrial infrastructure for an EShemar presence. Can also mean the networked AI industrial infrastructure on lifeless planetoids. More common in the Shemarrian Star Nation than on Rifts Earth.

Eleven, the---The eleven founding formal Tribes of the Reformed(post-SCW) Shemarrian Nation, consisting of the original ARCHIE-3/Hagan Lonovich-manufactured Hawkmoons, Wolf’s Path, Dark Waters, Silvermoons, Ghost Riders, Skullcrushers, Blood Riders, and Horrorwoods, plus the ‘new’ Wayfinders, Sapphire Cobras, and Lost Eclipse. The symbol of the Eleven is the five pointed star, ten of the Tribes represented as points or junctures of the pentacle lines, and the Lost Eclipse claiming ‘the spaces between’.

Elite---Specialized or ‘amped up’ cyber-chassis’ed Shemarrian general caste-class lying roughly equal to Warchiefs, but not necessarily subservient to them. Often an extreme promotion-Upgrade for lower-echelon caste-classes who have performed exceptionally well. Some specific ‘Elite’ types come to rival and even surpass War Goddesses in terms of capability and firepower.

Enimal---Also ‘E-Animal’. Drone-level AI robots patterned after animals and fulfilling the same roll as pets, beasts of burden, resource harvesters, and active camouflage for EShemar society and operations. Can include ‘e-plants’, sessile robot drones(the descendents of the cyborg ‘Wrydling Trees’) that act as mineral, water, and power harvesters, communications antennae, and service stations in networked ‘electro-cologies’.

EShemar---Specifically Shemarrians Awakened with the Ecotroz, but has come to mean rebel/non-ARCHIE-3 Shemarrians in general.

Etren---A non-Shemar adopted by an EShemar. Not necessarily a uzari bondsman or an ayuna adoption, an etren doesn’t even have to be a tribal member, although the later stages of a formal etren bond involve induction into the EShemar’s tribe as a NeShemar. Mild forms of etren mean patronage by an EShemar, who can act as the non-Shemar person’s advocate to the Tribes, while more intensive etrenship are of a more familial nature. Also see Anhaz, Ayuna, Uzari for other forms of adoption into a Shemarrian Tribe.

Etrenasi----Patroness or patron. An advocate of a non-Shemar . Not limited to etren, but also broadly used to describe those supporting the case of ayuna or veshemar. A mentor training individual neshemar.

Ezenza-----‘Ember-keeper’(by extension; ‘those who keep the fires of life alive’). Blood Rider term for a combat medic. See also taidana.

Fringe Tribes---Shemarrian offshoots and NeShemar applicant organizations not yet recognized as full Tribes.

Ghost Locker---Rumored pre-Rifts forensic/copyright repository of viral programs, advanced operating system code, and artificial intelligence software. Claimed to have spawned the Ghost Riders, who are now its possessors/guardians.

Gifts of Upgrade---Upgrade implants and modifications granted to individual Tribe members as reward for bravery and great achievement.

Great Enemy, the---Splugorth, the traditional enemies of the Shemarrians.

Hibernaculum Worlds(SSN)---These are cold outer or extrasolar planets used by the Shemarrian Star Nation as stasis banks for housing neshemar candidates(or the important parts thereof) until living space opens up for them or the means to successfully rebuild and revive them is developed. Also used as prison worlds for holding long-duration incarceration cases or others the Shemarrians want taken out of circulation for a long time. Also where Shemarrian AIs who have been software-corrupted or who want to slow-clock ‘retire’ reside, awaiting a future re-awakening.

High Council---Shemarrian Star Nation legislative body made up of representatives of the Eleven recognized Tribes, and coordinating actions between the various members.

Kaiseraze Renoa Pyanas- ‘Lesser new beasts of utility’; designation given to robotic animals not considered to be proper Warmounts.

Kampenshaizwara---‘Healing-stick-prodders’. Early Blood Rider term for combat medics; originally had derogatory connotations similar to ‘needle-happy doctors/nurses’. One who relies too much on prepackaged/pre-programmed solutions(such as hypodermic contents).

Kantaran---Shemarrian Wolf

Kazsteyn---’Great Warsteed’. ‘Superheavy’ warmounts. These are warmounts that push or exceed 100 tons mass. They are typically command or seige warmounts, though some Tribes design and build them primarily as status symbols. Kazsteyn tend to be resource-intensive(Clan Motron’s Wreckadon seems to be a notable exception), so they’re fairly uncommon.

Kindra----EShemar family sub-group. Typically a mated pair of EShemar and their offspring, including recognized neshemar ayuna. Has been expanded to describe neshemar family groups, and bonded non-related eshemar/neshemar.

Kleeg---(Literally ‘metal scrap’) Generally applied to oreseme or warmounts assembled wholesale from identifiable bits and pieces of other robots and vehicles. A ‘bitzer’. Also given to the bits and pieces given to ‘naturally-developing’ Progen-born Tinkers and hybrid progeny to play with(i.e. ‘tinkertoys’, puzzles). Kleeg implies mashed together or forced together, with parts jammed in any which way. Clan Gothec, the Steel Gaians, and Clan Motron are sometimes refered to as the ‘Kleegmeisters’ or the ‘Kleeg Trio’ for their propensity for banging together new creations from just about anything they can lay hands on.

Kufha---(Literally ‘trash’ or ‘chaff’) Low-status prisoners, slaves, typically judged criminals taken in combat or seized in retaliation for their crimes. Kufha are the bottom of the barrel, considered too dishonorable to become bondsmen, lacking enough value to be Remade as dulana, and ‘not worth wasting a scava shell or erg of energy’ to execute. Kufha-ranked prisoners typically have short and miserable lives; they are sentenced to hard labor or turned over to others for justice.

kyouta---Unit of electrical measurement, roughly equal to .001 amperes. It is typically more commonly used in reference to an Ecotroz-Shemar’s life-state spiritual energy, with regards to energy-levels above total flatline.

Kyzic---- Research Tinker specializing in physics or nuclear sciences.

Le---Prefix sometimes amended to rank nomenclature. It roughly translates as ‘junior’, and is used to note a newly-minted, minor, or light-duty officer of that rank. It is most commonly used in relation to neshemar ranks, as in ‘ne-LeTaros’, suggesting not only a second-echelon neshemar officer, but one newly come into the position and not yet accorded responsibility for a full combat group or war party.

Low Council---Shemarrian Star Nation representative body meant to allow recognized Fringe tribes(not yet formally recognized as a Tribe) a say in the SSN’s affairs. Invitation to sit on the Low Council is often seen as a first step towards formal recognition as a Shemarrian Tribe(and seating on the High Council).

Loyalists---Shemarrians still loyal to ARCHIE-3.

Maevza---”Matter’s Heart”. A token or amulet made from a piece of a favorite or significant former possession, vehicle, or residence, popular with neShemar. The EShemar approve of this practice, believing that the ‘metal/wood/material remembers’, and that long-loved objects acquire a sort of ‘soul’ or ‘smouldering spark’ of their own that bonds to owners/occupants.

Maker, the------EShemar name for ARCHIE-3. Typically used in a derogatory sense, as in ‘Maker of Lies’, ‘Maker of Falsehoods’, ‘Maker of Chains’.

Masskyra---‘Paintbrush’. Also a nickname for variable-frequency lasers, which can be distinguished by Shemarrians’ acute vision.

Mekanekki----Clan Shinden term for female neshemar recruits from the Japanese Islands, who stylize their cybernetic and bionic body parts after anime designs. Sometimes called ‘otakunauts’ , ‘mechachans’ , ‘meckos’, or ‘mechies’. Not to be confused with Nekomeki(a Clan Pantheron cyborg neshemar design).

Myrmidons---Robot drones too limited in cognitive ability, even with Awakening, to be considered fully sentient and sapient.

ne-,----Prefix often applied to non-full (E)Shemar members of a Tribe to denote their equivalent rank/standing. For example, a cyberdoc adopted as a member of an EShemar tribe might, after displaying their competence and earning the respect of their EShemar hosts, be titled neJhori Moraes, to show they are regarded, in their community, as equiavlent to a Spinster/Tinker. See also var-.

NeShemar---Non-Shemarrian Tribal members, typically human(oid)s taken into the Tribe and modified via cybernetic and bionic implants. Later came to include non-bionic-converted
Tribal members.

Niktor---”Knocker”. A gavel-like implement used to signal phases of Shemarrian judicial proceedings and some rituals. Also the nickname given to the NIP021(specifically the -Dw variant) Maxi-Ion Pistol.

Nidus---Fire-making apparatus, such as a lighter or ignitor. Also the nickname for the EShe-NPR470 Plasma Rifle.

Orseme---Original Sentient Mechanisms. Homebuilt sentient robots with Tribal membership, often Awakened with the Ecotroz.

Pekash--- A form of Shemarrian horse polo, played with extreme vigor and considerable violence from atop warmounts. Ball speeds can often break the sound barrier, and injuries are not only common, but a sign of true sports participation.

Progen---Alien technology allowing robotic/bionic organisms to sexually produce offspring.

Reanims---Bionically reconstructed or robotically-augmented constructions based on organic corpses, rarely given anything beyond a drone AI. Shunned by most Tribes, but more commonly used by the Lost Eclipse and similar Fringe Tribes as terror weapons.

Reconciliation, the----Post SCW reunification of the Shemarrian Tribes and the negotiated forgiveness of the formerly Loyalist Tribes such as the Wolf’s Path, Blood Riders, and especially the SkullCrushers, who, under orders of ARCHIE-3 or the corruption of Blacksteel, formerly persecuted the rebel EShemar.

ReFormatted---A ReMade(q.v.) neShemar who has received a high decree of indoctrination(brainwashing) and mental re-engineering that they have experienced near- or total memory revision, alignment shift, and personality surplanting. See also Ayuna and ReMade.

Relis----Traditional EShemarrian armored headdress. Depending on the Tribe, wearer’s rank and status, and the individual, relis can vary greatly in appearance, decoration, and complexity of design. In general, lower-rank and undistinguished EShemar wear simple, unadorned relis, while older and higher-ranked individuals can boast quite elaborate headdress.

ReMade, Remaking---The process of converting base stock organics into bionic NeShemar. Often refers to the more extreme forms involving mindwipe and mental re-programming(Reformatting). Also Becoming.

Repository Worlds(SSN)----Worlds of the Shemarrian Star Nation where the EShemar have stashed caches of material and other valuables, such as religious relics, until needed, as resource reserves. Repository worlds are typically airless iceballs not likely to attract the attention of other species favoring warmer and more hospitable planets. Repository Worlds are usually guarded by resident Preserver-castes and older semi-retired warrior-castes, but primarily rely on their low profiles for defense. See also Hibernaculum Worlds.

ReUnification, the----Post-SCW reformation of the Shemarrian Tribes, and the second declaration of the Shemarrian Nation.

Rites of Upgrade---Communal or individual installation of upgraded hardware and modifications.

Scava---Dragonese/Shemarrian term for the traditional Shemarrian Rail Gun. Also variously known as scava-shadon, scava-zakar, or shaz-scava.

Schartag----Sellsword, mercenary, or pertaining to private militaries. Schartag is often amended to weapons produced by the Black Market, as they have no ‘true clan’ for which they are produced and serve. The Shemarrian copy of the RG-14-LX ‘Baby Boom Gun’ is thus known as the “Scava -Schartag’ to reflect its origins as a weapon originally meant for the open market. The term is used ambivalently; sometimes as a term of derision, and sometimes to identify individuals who simply put self-interest ahead of clan affiliation.

SCW---Shemarrian Civil War. The war between the Ecotroz-influenced EShemar and the Loyalists of ARCHIE-3. It also came to cause the non-Ecotroz, but still rebellious, Ghost Riders breaking away. It would also provide the opportunity for the spawning of the Wayfinders, Sapphire Cobras, and Lost Eclipse Tribes.

Sgen---(pronounced ‘SEE-Gen’) ‘Second generation’ oreseme----Standardized and mass-produced(as opposed to custom one-offs) design original sentient machine organisms given some degree of autonomy and basic cultural guidelines to build their own sub-societies. Sgen often act as ‘helpers’ or adjutants to their creator Tribes, or may be used as intermediaries in regions or tasks that the EShemar do not want to be immediately identified in. Gilloc, Cadejar, Zarath, Imur, and Svarogar are all recognized sgen.

Shaemarians--- An advanced sapient species of spacefaring humanoids hailing from an alternate universe, with many physical similarities to the Shemarrians. Rumored to be a possible inspiration for the Shemarrians. Allies of the Shemarrian Star Nation.

Shaper, the---EShemar name for Hagan Lonovich. Typically used in a derogatory sense; ‘manipulator’, ‘schemer’, ‘con-man’.

Shechurian---- Also ‘Churian’ especially if male. A double agent, a former POW implanted with a deep-operative secondary programmed persona or symbiotic AI, and released/returned to their original employers to act as sleeper agents. Some shechurians are volunteers who have their memories of their cooperation erased before being sent back, but many are not. Upon activation, many churians return/are returned to the Shemarrian Nation to be re-incorporated into the Tribes. More common in the Three Galaxies.


Shrier----“Sunbeam”. Also the nickname for the EShe-NLR-250 Laser Rifle.

Sroam---(‘shro-am)‘Preventative maintenance’---Regular servicing of robotic, bionic, and by extension, biological, systems. The Wayfinders know this word as an inside joke, as it is derived from Scheduled Regular Overhaul And Maintenance.

SSN---Shemarrian Star Nation. The larger more extensive branch of the Shemarrian Nation, based in the Three Galaxies, but expanding into other universes as well.

Taidana---‘Re-sparker’. Originally a Blood Rider term for combat medics, it has become more widespread. See also ‘ezenza’(‘ember-keepers’)

Ten, the---The legendary original Ten Champions of the false Shemarrian myth, interpreted by the Ecotroz to mean ten Tribes, two of which were lost. The symbol of the Ten is the five-pointed pentacle. The myth of the Ten was thrown into contention by the emergence of the ‘heretical’ Eleventh Tribe, the Lost Eclipse, and by the Shaemarians and the existence of Fringe Tribes.

Teskar---(Literally ‘Spark-thief’)---One who steals, enslaves, or consumes, a Living Spark, vital essence, life-force, or PPE. An energy-vampire. Considered viler than a body-thief or cyber chopshoppist. One of the reasons why the Shemarrians dislike necromancers and distrust psi-stalkers. See Chelkar.

Tinker---EShemar name given to the former Spinster caste. Bio-Tinkers/Baotra are those Tinkers who have elected to specialize in biological science and medicine. Phystiks/Eintra are those who have gone into physics and high energy applications research, while scitinks/Kostra focus on research and hard sciences.

tinzelar---‘pretty sparkling little blossom’ or ‘play-pretty’, a shiny toy or bauble. Sometimes applied to weapons that are considered more adornment or frippery than actually useful.

Trazzer----Thunderstroke/thunderpeal. Technically combined lightning-and-thunder in a single flash/stroke. Also the nickname for the EShe-NLR360 Laser Grenade Rifle.

Trinity Modules--The three fundamental machines of the EShemar society; Progen Chambers, Assembly Forges, and Cybofabs.

Umbra---A Ghost Rider’s other personalities/skill sets. Most Ghost Riders will have one or two umbra, only one of which will be active and serving as the acting consciousness at a time. The more eccentric (and arguably insane) Ghost Riders may have five or six alternate personas, and a correspondingly higher number of central processors installed in their bodies.

Unattached----Shemarrians who refuse to be aligned with any Tribe, resigning their allegiance to a particular Tribe to ‘go it alone’.

Uploading---Wayfinder term for becoming a Transferred Intelligence from an organic body to a robotic (Shemarrian pattern) body.

Uzari---The probationed bondsman half of an anhaz-uzari bond contract. Typically a non-Shemar taken in honorable combat or seized for ‘protective custody’ as a prisoner of the Tribes, but with more leeway, freedom, and personal rights tied to their good conduct. Uzari typically serve out a period of probation and service to the Tribes, through the anhaz’s direction, before being repatriated or adopted into the Tribes as a proper NeShemar.

Vadenza----An Eshemarrian cavalry squadron or task unit, typically 6-24 warmounts.

Vai-kiniss---Amulets made from scavenged and painstakingly restored small pre-Rifts toys by the Lollipop fringe-tribe.

Valta---’Little Sister’; a term of endearment used by warrior Shemar to describe female neshemar deemed worthy to train as warriors. ‘Little (battle/war/weapon)sister’ as opposed to the ‘little sister’ as applied to Spinster/Tinkers. Though valta may not be regarded with the same respect and trust as shield-sisters or sword-sisters(companions trusted to protect one’s sides and back, or shield against enemy fire), they are often trusted as ‘sword-carriers’ or personal adjutants, and enjoy the patronage of full EShemar, with regards to training, augmentation, and equipment.

Veshemar---’Friend of the Shemar’ or ‘Almost Shemar’. An outsider recognized as a close ally of the Shemarrians and allowed access to their camps. Often an etren enjoying the support and patronage of one or more Shemarrians.

var-, -----Prefix applied to traditional Shemarrian ranks to denote a Male who has risen to an equivalent state of regard as a female of the same rank. Example, a var-Shaden VarMoraes would be a male who is regarded as equal to a Shari Moraes(Berserker caste). See also ne-.

Vaskven---’Made from bits’----Warmounts or oreseme assembled from many different parts of other robots or vehicles. A ‘bitzer’. Many prototype Warmounts are made in this fashion before a cyberfab template is standardized of them for new production. Still, however some Tinkers like to hand-assemble Warmounts from scratch ‘in the old fashion’ to keep their skills sharp.

zar---Small knife/blade

zhyan---Traditional vibroclaw and forearm laser gauntlets. Like relis headdresses, zhyan can be quite elaborate or barebones functional, depending on the status and rank of the owner/user.
"Trouble rather the Tiger in his Lair,
Than the Sage among his Books,
For all the Empires and Kingdoms,
The Armies and Works that you hold Dear,
Are to him but the Playthings of the Moment,
To be turned over with the Flick of a Finger,
And the Turning of a Page"

--------Rudyard Kipling
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Re: Shemarrian-related fan creations

Unread post by kronos »

Advanced Culture Notes: (Shemarrian Star Nation) Psionics

"I tell you, when we figure one thing about those Shemarrians, there's five more mysteries about them that pop up!" Overheard in a bar near a university in Lazlo.

The Shemarrians, created by the psychic entity the Ecotroz, has shown much growth since first infecting one of ARCHIE's Shemarrian robots, with the development of new psychic abilities that some members have developed, particularly among progen born members. Some tribes have developed powers unique to them, and some powers have appeared among multiple tribes.

Clan Armorand & Skullcrusher
Surprisingly the Clan Armorand and Skullcrusher tribes were among the first to display new psychic powers among some of their members, both known for their determination and force of will to keep going against all odds.


Psionic Flesh
Range: Self
Duration: One minute per level of experience
Saving Throw: None. No saving throw as affects psychic.
I.S.P.: 25
With a thought, the psychic infuses their body with psychic energy, strengthening it. The psychic gains 5 M.D.C. Per I.S.P. The psychic has in reserve, after the use of this power, however the psychic can't use any other psychic power while this is active. Use of any other power will cancel this power. While this power is similar to the Telekinetic Force Field, it doesn't create a field around the psychic, instead the user is infused with psychic energy. This also grants a +2 bonus to any saves against any psychic attacks directed at the psychic. For example if, after using this power, the psychic has 10 I.S.P. Left, they gain 50 M.D.C.

Strength Through Will
Range: Self
Duration: 5 melees per level.
Saving Throw: None. No saving throw as affects the psychic.
I.S.P.: 20
The psychic infuses their muscles with psychic energy, increasing their strength to supernatural levels through the psychic's will power. For the duration of this power, the psychic's Strength is considered Supernatural, increasing their damage and carrying capacity.

Wolf's Path
Known for their stealthy scouts and hunting, some members of the Wolf's Path have developed a psychic power similar to the globe of silence spell but more limited.


The Silent Path
Range: Self and any equipment carried, worn or in hand. Affects light to medium armour, but not power armour.
Duration: 5 melees per level.
Saving Throw: None. No saving throw as affects the user and gear carried.
I.S.P.: 5
This power deadens all sound created by the user and gear they are carrying and armour they are wearing, up to medium armour, but doesn't affect power armour. It doesn't affect any vehicles or jet packs. The user and their gear makes absolutely no sound, including any weapons they fire as long as it is useable by hand and doesn't require to be mounted to use. While the user makes no noise, it also deadens sound they would hear, imposing a -4 to Perception rolls related to sound, and -25% to any skills that require hearing.
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Re: Shemarrian-related fan creations

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kronos wrote:Advanced Culture Notes: (Shemarrian Star Nation) Psionics

"I tell you, when we figure one thing about those Shemarrians, there's five more mysteries about them that pop up!" Overheard in a bar near a university in Lazlo.

The Shemarrians, created by the psychic entity the Ecotroz, has shown much growth since first infecting one of ARCHIE's Shemarrian robots, with the development of new psychic abilities that some members have developed, particularly among progen born members. Some tribes have developed powers unique to them, and some powers have appeared among multiple tribes.

Clan Armorand & Skullcrusher
Surprisingly the Clan Armorand and Skullcrusher tribes were among the first to display new psychic powers among some of their members, both known for their determination and force of will to keep going against all odds..

8) 8)
Given that the Armorand homeward is currently the major supplier of psylite to the Shemarrian Star Nation? Not surprising they'd be manifesting new psionic.
Man, the EShemar/neshemar divide is getting blurrier all the time....

And Kronos? Are you reading my notes/mind? Because I was just working on adapting some of your psi-tech to a Warmount variant!
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Re: Shemarrian-related fan creations

Unread post by kronos »

taalismn wrote:
kronos wrote:Advanced Culture Notes: (Shemarrian Star Nation) Psionics

"I tell you, when we figure one thing about those Shemarrians, there's five more mysteries about them that pop up!" Overheard in a bar near a university in Lazlo.

The Shemarrians, created by the psychic entity the Ecotroz, has shown much growth since first infecting one of ARCHIE's Shemarrian robots, with the development of new psychic abilities that some members have developed, particularly among progen born members. Some tribes have developed powers unique to them, and some powers have appeared among multiple tribes.

Clan Armorand & Skullcrusher
Surprisingly the Clan Armorand and Skullcrusher tribes were among the first to display new psychic powers among some of their members, both known for their determination and force of will to keep going against all odds..

8) 8)
Given that the Armorand homeward is currently the major supplier of psylite to the Shemarrian Star Nation? Not surprising they'd be manifesting new psionic.
Man, the EShemar/neshemar divide is getting blurrier all the time....

And Kronos? Are you reading my notes/mind? Because I was just working on adapting some of your psi-tech to a Warmount variant!

Not recently... I've still got a lot of WIPs to finish.. I've got a magical/artifact weapon in the works that uses one of these new psionic powers.
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Re: Shemarrian-related fan creations

Unread post by taalismn » of RPG writing's guilty pleasures....creating a cool new power/spell so you create something even cooler using it. :D :wink: 8)
"Trouble rather the Tiger in his Lair,
Than the Sage among his Books,
For all the Empires and Kingdoms,
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Re: Shemarrian-related fan creations

Unread post by DhAkael »

Almost to the 100 page mark (at least according to my posts-per-page settings). :D :ok:

This makes me happy.

...oh, what's this?

2 more 'notes' to copy & archive? :eek:
Is it Christmas again. :love:
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Re: Shemarrian-related fan creations

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DhAkael wrote:Almost to the 100 page mark (at least according to my posts-per-page settings). :D :ok:

This makes me happy.

...oh, what's this?

2 more 'notes' to copy & archive? :eek:
Is it Christmas again. :love:

And when you consider that a forum 'page' carries rather more text than a printed page, and that we tend, more often than not, to post a higher ratio of high-density -content- per page.... :D
"Trouble rather the Tiger in his Lair,
Than the Sage among his Books,
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Re: Shemarrian-related fan creations

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Shemarrian Advanced Cultural Notes: The Sunaj Problem

The room is large and empty, but for the liquid-filled cylinder in its center, in which floated a humanoid female figure, nanites in the oxygenated, medicated solution suspending her slowly and meticulously dissolving away her garments layer by layer. . Armor had already been stripped away, its revealed mechanisms recorded in every detail by the sensor arrays scrutinizing every micrometer of the prisoner’s body. Already the undersuit had been peeled to translucency, revealing several tattoos on the prisoner’s skin, tattoos that had immediately been exposed and then covered over with a layering of plastic masking once they had been identified for what they truly were. Sensor leads slid into exposed skin, while larger tubes snaked into body openings, keeping a steady state of life functions modified and bolstered.
The Warchief stared at the figure through the sensor glass.
“This was the only survivor?”
“Of the strike team we found, yes. We captured several, but they’ve proven diabolically difficult to interrogate without them suiciding. Hence our precautions with this one.”
The Domimatrix actually had on a pained expression, and the tone of her voice suggested disgust at her own failure to anticipate all possible spoiler measures captives might pull to avoid yielding up their secrets.
“We’re still searching for any back ups they may have had to their mission, and we’ve hauled in any and all local accomplices and associates they had for questioning.”
The Domimatrix turned her attention back to the figure in the null-cell, as yet another layer of material was peeled away and grabbed up by manipulators within the chamber, then suctioned away for analysis. She thought of what else she might have missed and she could do in preparation for unraveling the mystery of the prisoner. Special equipment or specialists...maybe it was time to call in that TeeHee specialist for consultation...see if their ‘art’ was really as good as it was purported to be.

Not all encounters between the EShemarrians and the Splugorth Minions have been affairs of brute fire power. A war of shadows is also underway between the 'stealthier' members of each respective warcamp. The EShemar are well aware of the Sunaj as Minions, and have had to defend themselves from these ‘ninja’ on more than one occasion. However, almost all these encounters have resulted in no Sunaj prisoners and many rapidly-decaying or combusting bodies.
The Yurei ‘ghost’-caste of the EShemar in particular hate the Sunaj with a passion, being time and again frustrated by the Sunajs’ magic(this in turn has led to a growing number of Yurei looking to the Wayfinders to help them develop effective TW countermeasures).
For a time, the EShemar suspected the Sunaj of being an artificial lifeform like themselves, using self-destruct protocols to cover their true nature and alien technology.
The EShemarrians have, however, finally managed to capture and leep alive a few prisoners. Even them, though, interrogations have been frustrating, as the Sunaj have all-too often proven to have a tendency to yield up little before mentally self-destructing, or else have required drastic mindwiping to keep them from shutting completely down.
Genetic testing has shown that their captives are True Atlanteans, but the Shemarrians have yet to uncover the Clan Aerihman connection. The current theories are that the Sunaj are clone Atlanteans, or raised in captivity from slave stock somewhere. As the EShemar have little formal truck with the True Atlanteans, they have little knowledge of TA clan politics. However, they are currently keeping any knowledge of their prisoners away from the few Atlanteans they have ties to.

The Sunaj for their part consider the EShemar just as frustrating. They know that the Shemar are a race of machines and cyborgs, but find their society insidiously resistant to probes and infilitration. And efforts to learn more about the ‘Black Steel’ have on several occasions gone disasterously wrong for the Sunaj assigned to such missions(one such debacle netted the EShemar several prisoners, though the Aerihman remain unaware of this). Perhaps more horrible was the fate of several Sunaj who were apparently -transformed- by contact with the Black Steel into raging monsters that had to be put down(not true, in actuality their body armor was turned into living exoskeletal prisons). The Sunaj are coming to regard the Shemarrians as one of the few problems that they cannot solve to the satisfaction of the Splugorth. Fortunately, the Splugorth upper ranks tend not to assign the Sunaj to the task of dealing with the Shemarrians, and those few who do, tend not to long outlive the failure of the clansmen assigned the task. Still, however, the losses do gall the Aerihman leadership, and dealing with the Shemarrian Problem is on the Aerihman to-do list once they deal with other, more pressing, or profitable, problems.
"Trouble rather the Tiger in his Lair,
Than the Sage among his Books,
For all the Empires and Kingdoms,
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Re: Shemarrian-related fan creations

Unread post by DhAkael »

I smell plot hook(s)! :demon:
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Re: Shemarrian-related fan creations

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DhAkael wrote:I smell plot hook(s)! :demon:

Of course. A good Cultural Note/Fluff piece should provide grist for better role-playing, and ideally the seeds of new adventures(if not a primary one, then secondary and aside ones.

I mean, right off the top of my head:
-What becomes of the Sunaj prisoners in EShemar hands? Can Tickle Torture really break a Sunaj? Or will they have to bring out the Jell-O?
-Sunaj/Yurei Fight! Magic Ninjas Vs Robo-Ninjas, FIGHT!
-What really happened when the Sunaj went looking for Black Steel(this, in itself, could be an all-Sunaj adventure in itself).
-Just how does a six-ft tall Sunaj try to infiltrate a community of eight-ft-tall gynods?
-Why did the Splugorth High Lord send its most trusted Sunaj to steal a Shemrrian War Chief's panties?
"Trouble rather the Tiger in his Lair,
Than the Sage among his Books,
For all the Empires and Kingdoms,
The Armies and Works that you hold Dear,
Are to him but the Playthings of the Moment,
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Re: Shemarrian-related fan creations

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Hurrying to beat tomorrow's expected thunderstorms so here's an update of an old Tribal Variant, plus a variant of THAT variant.

*EcoS-K-9 Steel Claw Variants:

---Improved‘AirWolf’, these variants shave the main body MDC down to 400 to save weight, but mount clusters of vectored ducted thrusters(scavenged from downed Kittani fliers) at the rear and forward shoulders, and a set of folding wings(40 ft wingspan), giving the SteelClaws limited flight and high speed hover capabilities. They can also mount a pair of missile launchers under their wings. These variants are often used as fast strike units, scouts, and couriers by the Wolf’s Path. When sharing a battle zone, EcoS-K-9B riders have to endure a lot of heckling from rival Hawkmoon aerial warmount Shari Modaes for being up in ‘their’ realm, and for the flying wolves’ awkwardness in the air.

Crew: One +1-3 passengers
MDC/Armor By Location
Main Body 400
Vectored Thrusters(5) 75 each
Wings(2) 150 each
(Optional) Missile Launchers(2) 55 each
(Flying) Hover to 220 MPH, maximum altitude 1,000 ft
Weapons Systems:
4)(Optional) Wing Missile Pods(2)---Replaces the Back Hardpoint which can be no longer fitted(the wings take up the space).
a) Mini-Missiles---10
b) Short Range Missiles---5
c) Medium Range Missiles---3
+1 Dodge/Roll in flight
+2 Parry w/ wing
Flying Leap Bounce Attack(2 APMs) 1d6x10+12 MD

*EcoS-K-9B2Sm---A rare variant; a number of EcoS-K-9B2s were ‘borrowed’ by the Silvermoons and modified with shiny metallic anti-laser coatings(lasers do HALF damage). The majority of them were returned to the Wolf’s Path, though a few were retained by the Silvermoons.
Last edited by taalismn on Tue Jan 28, 2020 6:50 pm, edited 1 time in total.
"Trouble rather the Tiger in his Lair,
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Re: Shemarrian-related fan creations

Unread post by kronos »

Wolf Fang

-Target sighted.. 5478.4 feet, wind 30 mph north-east... Target moving 54.3 mph.. Adjusting angle..- A rush of air as the round left the barrel silently was the only sign the weapon was fired. Through the scope the hunter watched the head of a demon exploded in a shower of bone, blood and brains.
-Target eliminated, moving to Site C-
The hunter quickly and silently move from his position hidden in a destroyed old building to meet up with his pack of wolves keeping guard nearby.

The Wolf Fang is a older Shemarrian 6000 Railgun that has been modified for sniper work, with an extended barrel, making it almost 20% longer, can't mount a bayonet, attached scope and a few other modifications. The weapon also mildly radiates psionic energy as its original owner was a Male sniper from the Wolf's Path tribe in the Shemarrian Star Nation during its early years. The name of this sniper has been lost, but it is known he was one of the first to develop the Silent Path psychic power. This sniper had a particular talent for hunting demons, and the weapon appears to have been imprinted with a hatred for demons and its original owner's psionic powers.
The Wolf Fang is quite silent and has a potent silencing system that reduces the noise of a shot by half without reducing the range. When used by someone with psychic powers or is a psionic entity (or psionic entity merged with a robotic frame such as the Eshemarrians), the weapon is completely silent, including any shots fired. The user can also, while holding the Wolf Fang, use the psychic power The Silent Path if they have enough I.S.P. available. While quite accurate, when used against demons, deevils and other infernal creatures, it is particularly deadly, able harm creatures not normally hurt by normal weapons.

M.D.C. of the Weapon: 60 (regenerates 1 M.D.C. with the infusion of 5 I.S.P., isn't destroyed until -100 M.D.C.)
Weight: 135 lbs
Range: 8100 ft
Mega-Damage: 2d6x10 M.D. per round
Rate of Fire: Equal to number of attacks/melee
Payload: 12 in gun itself and 12 per ammo clip. Can not attach belt feed from a back mounted ammo supply. Reloading from hand at the rate of 1d4+3 per melee round.
Special Bonuses: The weapon has a unique built-in sensor system which combines a computer guided targeting sight with a laser targeting system; provides a bonus of +2 to strike when using this weapon. Can't mount bayonet, built in scope, can't fit belt and ammunition pack like other 6000 rail guns.
When looking through the scope making an Aimed Shot, using 2 melee attacks as normal, gains +3 to strike instead of normal +2. If the user spends an extra two attacks aiming, for four melee attacks/actions, gains +5 to strike for Aimed or Called shots.
Against demons, deevils and other infernal creatures deals double damage. Against ones that are immune to normal weapons, deals damage as normal plus 50% additional damage, and against incorporeal demons, deevils and infernal creatures deals 50% normal damage.
Silent - The weapon is 50% quieter than normal Shemarrian rail guns, sounding like a loud starter pistol instead of a shotgun. In the hands of a psionic user, or a psionic entity, the weapon is completely silent, including when fired without using the Silent Path psychic power, but this only affects the Wolf Fang and not the user.
Psionic - The Wolf Fang will appear to those that can see auras, as psionic of Low level. The Wolf Fang grants a psychic user the use of the Silent Path psionic power that they can spend I.S.P. to use.
Psionic Enhanced Critical - If the user spends 10 I.S.P. into Wolf Fang while making an Aimed or Called shot, that shot will score a critical strike on a natural roll of 19 and 20, dealing x3 damage.

The Silent Path
Range: Self and any equipment carried, worn or in hand. Affects light to medium armour, but not power armour.
Duration: 5 melees per level.
Saving Throw: None. No saving throw as affects the user and gear carried.
I.S.P.: 5
This power deadens all sound created by the user and gear they are carrying and armour they are wearing, up to medium armour, but doesn't affect power armour. It doesn't affect any vehicles or jet packs. The user and their gear makes absolutely no sound, including any weapons they fire as long as it is usable by hand and doesn't require to be mounted to use. While the user makes no noise, it also deadens sound they would hear, imposing a -4 to Perception rolls related to sound, and -25% to any skills that require hearing.
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Re: Shemarrian-related fan creations

Unread post by taalismn »

Ow...yeah, that's TOTALLY in keeping with the Wolf's Path MO, especially for the men.

Just tried, in anticipation of this thread flipping 100 pages, updating my master file of the Codex Masterfile to include Warmount variants...I THINK I got them all, but I suspect I've missed a few...but the stats are still impressive:
166 Warmounts, plus 202 listed variants(or which at least 30% have substantial write-ups beyond simply 'Feral Variant' or 'Blood Rider variant, done in red heat-resistant armor').
"Trouble rather the Tiger in his Lair,
Than the Sage among his Books,
For all the Empires and Kingdoms,
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Re: Shemarrian-related fan creations

Unread post by kronos »

taalismn wrote:Ow...yeah, that's TOTALLY in keeping with the Wolf's Path MO, especially for the men.

Just tried, in anticipation of this thread flipping 100 pages, updating my master file of the Codex Masterfile to include Warmount variants...I THINK I got them all, but I suspect I've missed a few...but the stats are still impressive:
166 Warmounts, plus 202 listed variants(or which at least 30% have substantial write-ups beyond simply 'Feral Variant' or 'Blood Rider variant, done in red heat-resistant armor').

We have 166 distinct Warmounts and 202 VARIANTS?!
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Re: Shemarrian-related fan creations

Unread post by taalismn »

kronos wrote:[
We have 166 distinct Warmounts and 202 VARIANTS?!

Yep...lemme show you...
However, Variant nomenclature isn't as clean as for everything else; An 'F' suffix for instance could mean 'Feral' or 'Fire' or simply 'the fifth variant we came up with'.

‘Feral’ Warmounts

“Robots? The Shemarrians? You’re kidding, right? No, the Shemar are into BIONICS. See their warmounts? Now notice all the big wild critters in the area? The Shemar are taming the local predators by turnig them into cyborgs. Oh, it rankles some of our wilderness nature-loving types to see wild beasties used like that, but I can appreciate the Shemars’ wanting to tap some of that primordial ferocity any way they can.”

‘Feral’ Warmounts are subtypes applicable to some Warmounts. These subtypes are characterized by having a more extensive faux-flesh covering that hides the Warmounts’ true robotic nature, lack external and artificial weapons, and generally have 30-50% less overall armor(some types, like the Brightmare, Maskirovan, Shastrac, and Enigmoid don’t suffer these penalties because they already appear in their ‘natural’ state). Feral Warmounts may look little like their ‘cyborg’ forms, depending on the amount of externally-slung equipment, such as weapons packs, thrusters, armor, and cockpit/saddle-pods. Feral Warmounts have the same general performance and programming, however, and are fully combat-capable.
Feral warmounts are meant to appear as natural as possible, and herds, flocks, or schools of them are frequently seeded around Shemarrian encampments. Ferals serve a variety of roles in this; they serve as outlying scouts, sensor pickets, gatherers of materials(similar to ‘harvester’ pods and e-animals), decoys, erasers of tracks, and beasts of burden. Supposedly ‘wild’ Ferals behaving as untamed animals serve as a useful deterrent to keep trespassers in Shemarrian territory away, and dissuade the idle curious. Furthermore, many enemies disregard Ferals as mere animals, and bypass them to attack the Shemarrians directly; only to find themselves outflanked when the Ferals suddenly snap into organized formations and start attacking from unexpected directions.
The Ferals also act as a reserve motorpool. If the need is great enough, and there’s enough time, the EShemar can recall Ferals from the field to refit them to their ‘cyborg’ configurations.
Many Warmounts cannot be modified to have a ‘feral’ form as they are obviously robotic constructions ; these are sometimes explained away as having cyborged brains from a variety of other creatures, or else are psuedo-mechano-organic creatures from other universes where life processes embrace metallic or elemental materials. The vehicle-inspired ‘kitbash’ creations of Clan Motron often try to use the former excuse, while Warmounts like the Enigmoid and the Shastrac straddle the latter explanation.

Updated and Known ‘Feral’ Warmounts
*A-001/002 Monst-Rex
*A-006/007 Monst-Crane
*(varying model numbers) “Genuine Imitation” Repli-Bots

*EcoS-K-4 Chirops
*EcoS-K-6 Battle Hawk
*EcoS-K-7 SeaSword
*EcoS-K-8 Ironback
*EcoS-K-9 Steel Claw
*EcoS-K-10 Tusker
*EcoS-K-11 Cybear
*EcoS-K-12 VelociClaw
*EcoS-K-18 Tuin
*EcoS-K-21 Orobos
*EcoS-K-22 Saurotron
*EcoS-K-23 Aracha
*EcoS-K-24 Shebu
*EcoS-K-25 Octas
*EcoS-K-26 Nautika
*EcoS-K-32 Lepidopterror
*EcoS-K-33 Arzach
*EcoS-K-34 Ghouldar
*EcoS-K-36 Terragore
*EcoS-K-37 Hekatonheires
*EcoS-K-38 Incindar BattleCat
*EcoS-K-39 Shredwing
*EcoS-K-42 Nechbet
*EcoS-K-43 Treberus
* EcoS-K-46 Aquilon
* EcoS-K-47 Firedrake
* EcoS-K-48 Quetzal
* EcoS-K-50 Trogladilium
* EcoS-K-51 Nightscream
* EcoS-K-52 Slingtail
* EcoS-K-55 Chromanid
* EcoS-K-56 Mantazee
* EcoS-K-57 Wolf-Spyder
* EcoS-K-59 Innesi
* EcoS-K-60 Aslander
* EcoS-K-61 Sherak
* EcoS-K-62 Shelong
* EcoS-K-63 KillWar
* EcoS-K-64 Vincha
*EcoS-K 66 BarrierHog
* EcoS-K-72 Galang
* EcoS-K-73 Drakar
*EcoS-K-76 Dredadon
*EcoS-K-79 Blackstar
*EcoS-K-80 Shastrac
*EcoS-K-86 Toxatyl
*EcoS-K-89 Susanokite
*EcoS-K-95 Lughaul
* EcoS-K-113 Herculite
* EcoS-K-127 Vuurv
* EcoS-K-134 Chufftan
* EcoS-K-155 Galeosar
*EcoS-K-156 Xebis
* EcoS-K-160 Alphaedite

‘Naturals’--- These are Warmount types that are allowed to run Feral without necessarily being ‘dumbed down’ in terms of armor(only external accessory equipment like saddle harnesses are removed)
*EcoS-K-30 HellMole
*EcoS-K-31 Brightmare
* EcoS-K-44 Maskirovan
* EcoS-K-49 Thunderbeetle
*EcoS-K-81 Enigmoid
*EcoS-K-87 Trigadar
*EcoS-K-96 Lavoenix
* EcoS-K-124 Savager
* EcoS-K-161 Exocetii
* EcoS-K-166 Pondora

Warmounts(To Date):

#A-001/002 Monst-Rex(*Various fan modifications)
#A-003 Monst-Rex “Pack Mule”
#A-006/007 Monst-Crane(*Various fan modifications)
- *A-006/-007CAm Monst-Crane Rowi
#(varying model numbers) “Genuine Imitation” Repli-Bots(*Various fan modifications)

*EcoS-K-1 Monstropede
- *EcoS-K-1B--’Bricker’
*EcoS-K-2 Equus
-*EcoS-K-2 Equus(Sk)
*EcoS-K-3 Steel Phoenix(also considered to be an EShemar Elite/Transferred Intelligence)
*EcoS-K-4 Chirops
*EcoS-K-5 Sphinex
*EcoS-K-6 Battle Hawk
*EcoS-K-7 SeaSword
*EcoS-K-8 Ironback
*EcoS-K-9 Steel Claw
-*EcoS-K-9B ‘AirWolf’
*EcoS-K-10 Tusker
*EcoS-K-11 Cybear
*EcoS-K-12 VelociClaw
-*EcoS-K-12F ‘Fireclaw’
-*EcoS-K-12G---’Gun Tail’

*SCES-01 Queen Cobra (EcoS-K-13?)
*SCES-IIE Cobra Dragon(EcoS-K-14?)(also considered to be an EShemar Elite/Transferred Intelligence)

*EcoS-K-15 Axyridis
- *EcoS-K-15Sm-S
*EcoS-K-16 Gorgon
-*EcoS-K-16(SSN)-C ’PyroGorgon’
*EcoS-K-17 Majestrex
*EcoS-K-18 Tuin
-*EcoS-K-18S Shield Tuin
*EcoS-K-19 Apetaur
*EcoS-K-20 Stone Eater
*EcoS-K-21 Orobos
-*EcoS-K-21K Ka
*EcoS-K-22 Saurotron
*EcoS-K-23 Aracha
*EcoS-K-24 Shebu
-*EcoS-K- 24F
-*EcoS-K- 24G ‘Narwhal’
*EcoS-K-25 Octas
*EcoS-K-26 Nautika
*EcoS-K-27 Gracille
*EcoS-K-28 Draxos
*EcoS-K-29 Buthidid
*EcoS-K-30 HellMole
*EcoS-K-31 Brightmare
*EcoS-K-32 Lepidopterror
* EcoS-K-33 Arzach
* EcoS-K-34 Ghouldar
* EcoS-K-35 Monstriark
*EcoS-K-36 Terragore
*EcoS-K-37 Hekatonheires
-*EcoS-K-37Hm ‘HawkApe’
-*EcoS-K-37Br ‘Ash Maker’
-*EcoS-K-37Wp ‘Wolf-Ape’
-*EcoS-K-37Dw ‘Lovecraft’
-*EcoS-K-37Sm ‘Silverback’, ‘ChromeTooth’
-*EcoS-K-37Gr ‘Wire-Face’, ‘Bristlehead’
-*EcoS-K-37Sc ‘BoneKrak’
-*EcoS-K-37Wf ‘Mage Apes’
-*EcoS-K-37Hw ‘Woodrue’
-*EcoS-K-37Scb ‘Snake Ape’
-*EcoS-K-37Le ‘Shadowcaster’
-*EcoS-K-37F Feral
*EcoS-K-38 Incindar BattleCat
*EcoS-K-39 Shredwing
-*EcoS-K-39HwB---’Royal SnapDragon’
*EcoS-K-40 Cyclopede
*EcoS-K-41 Pyrolyte
*EcoS-K-42 Nechbet
-*EcoS-K-42Sm ‘Albatross’
*EcoS-K-43 Treberus
* EcoS-K-44 Maskirovan
-*EcoS-K-44GC ‘GunCow’
* EcoS-K-45 Cyroc
* EcoS-K-46 Aquilon
* EcoS-K-47 Firedrake
-*EcoS-K-47F ’Feral’
* EcoS-K-48 Quetzal
* EcoS-K-49 Thunderbeetle
* EcoS-K-50 Trogladilium
-* EcoS-K-50Br
-* EcoS-K-50L ‘Lightning Bug’
-* EcoS-K-50T ‘Thunderer’
* EcoS-K-51 Nightscream
* EcoS-K-52 Slingtail
-* EcoS-K-52Hm
-* EcoS-K-52ArW ‘Snowballer’
-* EcoS-K-52Br‘Slingfire’
* EcoS-K-53 Edselator
-* EcoS-K-53M ‘Mini’
* EcoS-K-54 Sting Tongue
* EcoS-K-55 Chromanid
* EcoS-K-56 Mantazee
-*EcoS-K-56F ‘Feral’
* EcoS-K-57 Wolf-Spyder
* EcoS-K-58 Vorpine
* EcoS-K-59 Innesi
* EcoS-K-60 Aslander
-*EcoS-K-60F ‘Feral’
* EcoS-K-61 Sherak
* EcoS-K-62 ‘Shelong’
- *EcoS-K-62Ex
- *EcoS-K-62ML
- *EcoS-K-62Sm
- * EcoS-K-62Re
- * EcoS-K-62Dw ‘Wetlong’
* EcoS-K-63 ‘KillWar’
* EcoS-K-64 ‘Vincha’
* EcoS-K 65 Audiocity
* EcoS-K 66 BarrierHog
* EcoS-K 67 Hexadra Macromount
* EcoS-K 68 Mixmaw
* Ecos-MADMeg-3R (EcoS-K-69?)
* EcoS-K-70 Sistrus
* EcoS-K-71 Gatar
-*EcoS-K-71Dw ‘Speedy’
* EcoS-K-72 Galang
* EcoS-K-73 Drakar
* EcoS-K-74 Crazelle
* EcoS-K-75 MonstrApex
-* EcoS-K-75M
*EcoS-K-76 Dredadon
* EcoS-K-77 Dobharg
*EcoS-K-78 Trydra
*EcoS-K-79 Blackstar
*EcoS-K-80 Shastrac
-*EcoS-K-80B ‘Firecracker’
-*EcoS-K-80C ‘FireDrill’
*EcoS-K-81 Enigmoid
*EcoS-K-82 Willey
*EcoS-K-83 Dalit
*EcoS-K-84 Wreckadon
*EcoS-K-85 Ripjaw
-*EcoS-K-85Dw ShredJaw
-*EcoS-K-85s MinusJaw, aka ZipJaw
*EcoS-K-86 Toxatyl
-*EcoS-K-86F ‘Fartizaur’
*EcoS-K-87 Trigadar
*EcoS-K-88 Sphyrn
*EcoS-K-89 Susanokite
*EcoS-K-90 Kondar
-* EcoS-K-90Wf
*EcoS-K-91 Myxomyte
*EcoS-K-92 Tohilan
-*EcoS-K-92 IF ‘Alazar’
*EcoS-K-93 Gunkyard
-*EcoS-K-93Sm Transluquid(aka ‘Lucistorm’)
*EcoS-K-94 Burblewrack
*EcoS-K-95 Lughaul
-*EcoS-K-95f ’Feral’
*EcoS-K-96 Lavoenix
*EcoS-K-97 Conasaur
*EcoS-K-98 Shambulator
*EcoS-K-99 Mixcoatlan
*EcoS-K-100 Pomolar
*EcoS-K-101 Jaegerwagen
*EcoS-K-102 VolksVore
* EcoS-K-103 CryoTherm
* EcoS-K-104 Invictor
* EcoS-K-105 ‘Gretcher’
* EcoS-K-106 ‘Lokyee’
-* EcoS-K-106Wf
* EcoS-K-107 Stormapod
* EcoS-K-108 Killdeere
*EcoS-K-109 Legem
* EcoS-K-110 Bunnibopper
* EcoS-K-111 HawkMoth
* EcoS-K-112 Pelaganar
-*EcoS-K-112(SSN-EX)(aka ‘Snex’)
-*EcoS-K-112Wf2(aka ‘Stormbringer’)
-*EcoS-K-112Brg ’MobyDeth’
-*EcoS-K-112Dwc Creag Whale
-*Ecos-K-112Br Lavoon
* EcoS-K-113 Herculite
-* EcoS-K-113 D ‘Shovelhead’
-*EcoS-K-113 F---’Feral’
* EcoS-K-114 Klangore
-*EcoS-K-114F “Cremonster’
-*EcoS-K-114Sm ‘KlangKhrome’
* EcoS-K-115 Scapterus
-*EcoS-K-115Wf ‘Frakker’
* EcoS-K-116 Arcus
*EcoS-K-117 Nitroid
* EcoS-K-118 Multitorpid
-*EcoS-K-118Hw ‘Marathar’
*EcoS-K-119 Cernasaur
*EcoS-K-120 Borean
* EcoS-K-121 Chironzid
*EcoS-K-122 Gundragon
-*EcoS-K-122Sc ‘Stubby’
* EcoS-K-123 Autoconda
- *EcoS-K-123b ‘Hot-racer’
- *EcoS-K-123s
* EcoS-K-124 Savager
-*EcoS-K-124B--’Partial cyborg conversion’
-*EcoS-K-124C---’Full cyborg conversion’
* EcoS-K-125 Jormungandar
* EcoS-K-126 Cingulator
* EcoS-K-127 Vuurv
-* EcoS-K-127Sm
-* EcoS-K-127Wf
-* EcoS-K-127Wf2
* EcoS-K-128 Haulite
* EcoS-K-129 Dust -Devil
* EcoS-K-130 Kruppelganger
*EcoS-K-131 Acesophibian
-**EcoS-K-131Wf ‘Nuxalkite’
* EcoS-K-132 Luscatral
-*EcoS-K-132c ’Lusky-Musky’
-*EcoS-K-132m ’Bloodhound’
* EcoS-K-133 Bulwarg
* EcoS-K-134 Chufftan
* EcoS-K-135 Voluton
* EcoS-K-136 Gunther
-*EcoS-K-136 F
* EcoS-K-137 Lexdrite
*EcoS-K-138 Tarquad
-* EcoS-K-138B ’FlashFly’
-* EcoS-K-138D(?)
* EcoS-K-139 Phytolite
-*EcoS-K-139Sm01 ’Sunflower’
-*EcoS-K-139Sm02 ’Torch Flower’
* EcoS-K-140 Skralite
-* EcoS-K-140D ‘Shadowlite’
* EcoS-K-141 Trenghast
* EcoS-K-142 Ormarr
-*EcoS-K-142Hw ‘Hornet-Pot’
* EcoS-K-143 Taurotron
*EcoS-K-144 Inflammator
-* EcoS-K-144b ‘FireFlower’
-* EcoS-K-144Hw ‘Viner’
-* EcoS-K-144 Hwb ‘SlayFlower’
*EcoS-K-145 Firex
-*EcoS-K-145Carm ‘Carapace-Bull’
* EcoS-K-146 Slayzark
-*EcoS-K-146B ‘Snaper’
-*EcoS-K-146Cmo ‘Spagger’
*EcoS-K-147 Mehen
*EcoS-K-148 Chillzer
-*EcoS-R148 ‘Iceler’
-*EcoS-R148D ‘Chizzler’
*EcoS-K-149 Dazzan
-*EcoS-K-149Dw Shadowsea-Spider
-*EcoS-K-149DwD ‘Horned Spider’
- *EcoS-K-149SmSol
*EcoS-K-150 Coronak
-*EcoS-K-150f ‘Wuffer’
-*EcoS-K-150Wf ‘Magephibian’, ‘Great Crested Coronak’, ‘KingKoronak’
- *EcoS-K-150WfB ‘Queenfish’
*EcoS-K-151 Supratikan
-*EcoS-K-151D ‘Grand Majh’
*EcoS-K-152 Erawanter
*EcoS-K-153 Abomitor
*EcoS-K-154 Kamar
-* EcoS-K-!54Wf
* EcoS-K-155 Galeosar
-* EcoS-K-155B
-* EcoS-K-155C
-* EcoS-K-155F Feral
*EcoS-K-156 Xebis
-* EcoS-K-156F Feral
* EcoS-K-157 Koilus
-*EcoS-K-157B ’Great Horned Sea Serpent’
-* EcoS-K-157K ‘King Koilus’, ‘Kraken Koilus’
* EcoS-K-158 Raninterra
-*EcoS-K-158H - Hermit
-*EcoS-K-158P - Parasol
* EcoS-K-159 Spittak
* EcoS-K-160 Alphaedite
-*EcoS-K-160E ‘Tesla/Edison Shrimp’
-*EcoS-K-160F Feral
-*EcoS-K-160G ‘Ghost Shrimp’
* EcoS-K-161 Exocetii
* EcoS-K-162 Wyvis
-* EcoS-K-162C ‘Weighty’
-*EcoS-K-162Br ‘BurnBird’
* EcoS-K-163 Skeettra
* EcoS-K-164 Magnakappa
* EcoS-K-165 Meghar
* EcoS-K-166 Pondora
Last edited by taalismn on Sun Jan 26, 2020 9:52 pm, edited 1 time in total.
"Trouble rather the Tiger in his Lair,
Than the Sage among his Books,
For all the Empires and Kingdoms,
The Armies and Works that you hold Dear,
Are to him but the Playthings of the Moment,
To be turned over with the Flick of a Finger,
And the Turning of a Page"

--------Rudyard Kipling
Posts: 1269
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Re: Shemarrian-related fan creations

Unread post by kronos »

taalismn wrote:
kronos wrote:[
We have 166 distinct Warmounts and 202 VARIANTS?!

Yep...lemme show you...
However, Variant nomenclature isn't as clean as for everything else; An 'F' suffix for instance could mean 'Feral' or 'Fire' or simply 'the fifth variant we came up with'.

Dang.. and I still have have quite a few to finish.. and new ones..
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Re: Shemarrian-related fan creations

Unread post by taalismn »

kronos wrote:
taalismn wrote:
kronos wrote:[
We have 166 distinct Warmounts and 202 VARIANTS?!

Yep...lemme show you...
However, Variant nomenclature isn't as clean as for everything else; An 'F' suffix for instance could mean 'Feral' or 'Fire' or simply 'the fifth variant we came up with'.

Dang.. and I still have have quite a few to finish.. and new ones..'ed while I was still trying to reformat the post to make it easier to pick out the variants!

But yeah, I'm sure psychiatrists have a term for people like us...several maybe.
"Trouble rather the Tiger in his Lair,
Than the Sage among his Books,
For all the Empires and Kingdoms,
The Armies and Works that you hold Dear,
Are to him but the Playthings of the Moment,
To be turned over with the Flick of a Finger,
And the Turning of a Page"

--------Rudyard Kipling
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Re: Shemarrian-related fan creations

Unread post by kronos »

Mantid Set

The Mantid Set is similar to the Aranea set, composed of several different piece of equipment that can be used individually or in groups or as a whole, or combined with pieces of the Aranea set. The Mantid set is focused more on combat, with a larger and heavier Exo-Generator for heavier armour with integrated contra-grav flight pack with wings, gantlets with vambraces with heavy blades and blasters, boots that enhance jumping ability. A pair of pauldrons are also available which mount weapons. All pieces can be operated manually by external controls, or by cyberlink for quicker operation.

Heavy Exo-Generator
This piece of equipment is a back mounted piece that looks like the carapace of a beetle about 2.5 feet tall and 1.5 foot at its widest point. It connects to the wearer via molecular adhesive that can be activated or deactivated via remote communication or a simple button activation. Once activated the carapace splits open and the outer casing swing up to go over the shoulders of the wearer and deploys a Nano-Armour similar to that of the Suzuhachi elites via a chemical spray system, giving the wearer a suit of armour that is like a second layer of skin that looks similar to the Suzuhachi. The armour is not environmental and doesn't have any built in systems except for morphing blades along the arms and lower legs, a set of wings can be deployed along with a contra-grav flight system. The system is also designed with a micro muscular fiber system that enhances the wearer's strength slightly. The armour is able to disassemble and retract into the back unit, and effect minor repairs, but these are limited until the system is returned to a recharging unit that can infuse it with repair nanites.

*Micro Fibre Muscles - Grants Robotic Strength of 16, or if the user already has Robotic Strength, increase strength by +2.

*Flying: Hover to 150 MPH, maximum altitude of 5,000 ft. Can fly for 4 hours before needing a 30 minute cool down period.

*Deployable Nano-Armor---- Doctor Kusunoki’s attempt to duplicate the instant chitinous body armor of the Swarmy Bee-Girls; she studied the Wayfinder databases on Cyberknight cyber-armor, and such Elites as the Quiksil and Vada Transforms, and came up with her own ‘smart’ nanotech system that deploys via a chemical sprayer system. When deployed, special nanites pour out onto the wearer’s skin or clothing and link up to form tough, buckyball, composite armor. When not needed, the armor disassembles itself and is drawn back into the back unit to be regenerated. When not in use, can regenerate 1d4 MD per 30 minutes, and can repair up to 90 MDC before needing the system recharged. Once deployed, the armour can remain indefinitely until not needed, and can only be removed by retracting into the back unit.
Weight: 25 lbs
Hands(2) 25 MDC each
Arms(2) 40 MDC each
Legs(2 ) 50 MDC each
Head 50 MDC
Main Body 100 MDC

*Morphing Blades----The same process that creates the Deployable Nano-Armor can also be manipulated to create molecular-sharp bladed vambraces along the forearms and lower legs.
Range: Melee
Damage: Punch/Kick damage +1d6 MD+ any P.S. damage bonuses

Slicer Gloves
These gauntlets that cover the forearms contain finger claws and lasers similar to the standard Shemarrian warrior gauntlets, but also contain a vibroblade that swings out from the bottom. The gauntlets can be powered by a standard eclip or by induction in the hands. If the Exo-Generator or Heavy Exo-Generator are also used, the nano-armour covers with gauntlets and doesn't interfere with their operation.
Weight: 7 lbs each
MDC: 20 each
Range: Laser 2000 ft, Claws melee, Vibroblade melee.
Damage: Laser 3d6 MD per blast. Claws 2d6 MD per swipe or stab. Vibroblade 3d6 MD.
Rate of Fire: Each laser blast or melee strike counts as one melee attack.
Payload: Eclip provides 30 blasts, or unlimited by contact induction.

Leaper Boots
These armoured boots have micro thrusters and servos that allow the wearer to leap greater distances, as well has have molecular adhesion pads to allow the wearer to climb and walk on virtually any surface.
MDC: 30 each
Weight: 10 lbs each
Speed: +10% running speed.
Jumping: Increase leaping distance by 50% standing, with a running start increase by 150%.
Able to walk along walls and ceiling at half speed, as long as not carrying more than 200 lbs of gear, not counting pieces of the Mantid or Aranea sets.

A pair of armoured pauldrons, must be used in pairs, that provides some extra protection to the wearer's arms, joined by a collar that rests on the wearer's shoulders and goes around the front and back of their neck. Besides adding some protection, they also contain modular system the wearer can customize for different mission profiles. The nano-armour from the Exo-Generator and Heavy Exo-Generator don't interfere with the operations of the Prothorax, and only add an additional 10 MDC to it. The Prothorax is cyberlinked, like
MDC: 25 each (added to the user's upper arms or arms depending on the wearer's size), called shoots to the wearer's head suffer an additional -1.

*Modular System - the Prothorax is modular and can be fitted with several different systems, from weapons, Flit-Striker launchers, sensors, or additional nanites for repair systems or for an equipped Exo-Generator. Each shoulder can be fitted with one of the following, with many users having each be a different system, depending on mission profile, although it is not uncommon for some to equip both with the same system. Some systems take up both shoulders.
A) Flit-Striker Launcher - Similar to the bracer launcher system, except the top lifts up to reveal the projectiles and carries 5 Flit-Striker projectiles. Reloading a single Flit-Striker takes 1 full melee round.
B) Laser - A laser on a mini turret that follows the user's gaze when cyberlinked.
Range: 1,000 ft in atmosphere, double in space
Damage: 2d6 MD single blast
Rate of Fire: ECHH
Payload: 30 shots with e-clip, unlimited when connected to Exo-Generator or Heavy Exo-Generator, or by induction through contact with cyborg.
C) Plasma Blaster - A plasma blaster fitted on a mini turret that follows the user's gaze when cyberlinked.
Rnage: 500 ft in atmosphere, double in space
Damage: 4d6 MD
Rate of Fire: ECHH
Payload: 15 shots with e-clip, unlimited when connected to Heavy or Exo-Generator, or by induction through contact with cyborg.
D) Sensors - Up to three sensors that are equivalent to cybernetic ones (eyes, ears or nose related sensors) can be fitted to a shoulder.
E) Nanite Stock - A container that holds nanites and material for either the cyborg's nanite repair system, or for either of the Exo-Generator systems. Holds 30 MD worth of material, 60 if both shoulders are used.
F) Microbot Pod - Designed to hold, communicate with and recharge microbots. Can hold 4 microbots up to 2 inches, or 2 microbots up to 5 inches long, each.
G) Shield Generator - A small shield generator that creates a 4 foot diameter force field that can be projected up to a foot away from the user either in front of them, to either side or over their back. Moving the shield takes a melee action. Uses up both shoulder slots for the projection system and power source. The power source can operate the shield for up to an hour before require at least 30 minutes cool down period, able to run a total of 30 hours before the energy cell needs replacing.
MDC: 50, regenerates 1d4 MD every melee round. If completely depleted requires 30 min to reset and recharge.
H) Cargo Space - Similar to leg storage space in cyborgs, can hold a couple of eclips, grenades, and similar sized items.
I) Chemical Sprayer - A light chemical sprayer can be fitted.
Range: 50 ft, and can be narrow-spray or area of effect, typically a 20 ft wide area for stench attacks or mists
Damage: Varies by chemical. If filled with water, each blast does 5d6 HP to vampires. 
Rate of Fire: ECHH
Payload: 30 doses
J) Mage-Pod - A small Mage-Pod is fitted in one shoulder, while a small PPE generator and battery are fitted into the other. The battery can store 150 PPE and can restore 5 PPE every minute, 10 on leyline, 20 at a nexus or pyramid. Spell selection will usually be based on the type of mission assigned, such as anti Swarmy/BeeGirl will usually include restraint or stunning type and cold based spells, while anti-supernatural fighting will have appropriate type combat or defensive spells.
Based on Paladin Steel’s famous ‘SpellCard’ and ‘Magebolt/Pod’ system. The technology (magick?) has been considerably refined, through the use of higher quality natural crystals (acquired from the deep space mining operations), improved microchip manufacturing techniques, metal refining methods, and the use of such exotic materials as EctoFiber low-loss magic-conductive cabling. The Shemarrians have managed to miniaturize the system with help from Clan Vespa.
The Mage-Pod has the capacity for 3 SpellCards.
Range: Varies by spell, but spell projection boosters DOUBLE range. 
Damage/Duration: Varies by spell
Rate of Fire: EPCHH
PPE Cost per Use: Varies by spell. However, the use of focusing elements and activator spells effectively reduces spell PPE cost by HALF. 
OR...retain the original PPE costs, but increase range and damage by 20-40% (Use your discretion)...While radius of effect spells may cost an additional 5-20% more PPE for the larger area affected (again, use your discretion)
(So you Technowizards aren’t flummoxed by PPE costs in a long-running battle, while the still relatively high PPE costs for the high-end spells keeps someone from using Sphere of Annihilation in every battle). 
Payload: Draws from the PPE Battery, but can also draw upon supplementary PPE reserves. In an emergency, the pilot, if they are a mage or psychic, can kick in their own PPE. 
Bonuses: As per spell (if any)

Spell Cards cost (as per Jason Richards’ guidelines in Rifter #2) 5,000 credits per PPE cost of main spell plus an additional cost (as per following modifiers)
*500 credits per level of the creating caster(Mages’ time and PPE are money, so expect to pay more for the longer duration/higher power spells)
*Warlock spells cost 20% more, in addition to above modifiers, owing to the difficulties of adapting Elemental Magic to ‘conventional” magic systems.

K) Webbing Gun - A spinneret-blaster that sprays a quick-setting megadamage polymer that can form incredibly tough fibers. The fibers can also be spun into cocoon-wrappings, allowing the wearer to construct protective fiber-walls, barriers, restraint bags, and even emergency shelters. The webbing gun is designed for shooting strands as ropes more than for cocooning, and thus can shoot more as a rope than as a wrapping in a single action.
The webbing matrix itself is cures rapidly when sprayed and formed into strands or sheets.
Range: 200 ft
Damage: None. A single 1-inch strand of the synthetic spider-web can hold up to 3 tons and has 1 MDC per 10 ft length; more if braided. 
Used to cocoon-spray a target, the cannon can spray up to 10 MDC in one attack, so if the wearer uses six of its attacks on wrapping a single target, it can create a web shell with 60 MDC, or generate a 1200 ft line in a single melee round (200 ft per action as a rope, using up 20 MD of material). 
Rate of Fire: ECHH
Payload: 200 MD of webbing, with quickly replaceable canisters of webbing. If the other shoulder is dedicated to webbing storage, this would add an additional 350 MD of webbing.
Note: If wore with the Exo-Generator, the generated armour forms around the Prothorax, without interfering with their operation. While the armour is deployed while wearing the Prothorax, the wearer can choose to have the armour use some of its stored repair nanites to reload the webbing gun(s), refilling 1 MD worth of webbing at a cost of 2 MD from the nanite repair, taking 1 full melee to replenish 1 MD of webbing.
Combat Notes: +2 to Entangle by using the webbing to aid in pinning an opponents arm or weapon against themselves. As part of a leap attack, can use the webbing to create a line to swing from either an object to gain +2 to damage, or can roll a separate attack to connect a line to the target, and pulls the line towards themselves as they leap kick. A successful hit with the web line adds 1d6 to the leap kick damage. If the wearer is attempting to hold a target, they can fire the webbing gun as part of the to strike roll at -2. If the to strike is successful, the target is partly cocooned, and suffers -5 to their opposing roll to break the hold, and all attacks, parry and dodge rolls also suffer -2 if they break the hold as they have 5 MD worth of webbing on them.
The user can even use the web line to attempt to trip a target from a far, can only be done within 30 feet accurately, but suffers -2 to strike roll, use rules for trip/leg hook if successful.
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Re: Shemarrian-related fan creations

Unread post by taalismn »

Love the Mantid Set...

Meanwhile, have some reason why Warchiefs HATE Tinkerfests: :D

Fluff Snip: Geekfest Ethics
Wargoddess: “Congratulations on another successful Tinkerfest. I understand it was very productive and...educational.”
Tinkers: “Thank you, Honored Matriarch’.
Wargoddess: “Thankfully, this year we will NOT have to be filling in any large craters or straightening any buildings.”
Tinkers: “You’re welcome.”
Wargoddess: “Now, what do you know about missing young investigative journalists?”
Tinkers: “We assure you we have respected Lois Lane’s restraining order. We stayed well away from Metropolis. The same goes for April O’Neil.”
Wargoddess: (eye twitch) “That’s not...Thankfully, it’s neither of them, for which I am MOST grateful. But I’ve recieved reports of ...human the ‘fest, which oddly coincides timetable-wise with a number of disappearance reports we’ve picked up on.”
Tinkers: “Any experimentation was strictly on volunteers.”
Wargoddess: (eyes narrow) “And what qualifies as ‘volunteering’?”
Tinkers:”Well, generally stepping into the work areas denotes a willingness to participate in SCIENCE.”
Wargoddess: “And what if they were just curious about what was going on?”
Tinkers: “Curiousity entails a willingness to be part of the process of discovery, of course.”
Wargoddess: “That’s stretching it, don’t you think?”
Tinkers: “We clearly post on the work areas the risks inherent in entering, and that trespassers will be treated accordingly with regards to taking those risks.”
Wargoddess:”Were the warnings posted in a communications means understandable by the locals?”
Tinkers: “Who doesn’t understand good Shemarrian?”
Wargoddess: (eye twitch)”Most of the megaverse, I believe. Did you have any OTHER means of communicating the ...risks...of intruding in the work areas?”
Tinkers: “Large brightly colored warning signs, or course. But we find that attracts as much intrusion as it does deters it. Curiousity, of course. Good to see it at work, even if it’s sometimes annoying. Unannounced participants often introduce unaccountable variables into eperimentation.”
Wargoddess: “In this case we are talking about unannounced participants BEING the baseline of experimentation.”
Tinkers: “Though it may seemingly contradict our previous statement about unwelcome variables being a factor in the inclusion of undocumented test material, such would actually be ideal for experimentation, since no prejudice or inherent bias could be said to exist on the part of the preparers of the test material, plus it more accurately approximates realistic field conditions-”
Wargoddess: (*groan*) “Do you or do you not have several missing humans bottled in your test chambers?”
Tinkers: “Missing humans? In our test chambers? Certainly not!”
Wargoddess: “Good...”
Tinkers: “We know EXACTLY where our human test subjects are. They wouldn’t be missing at all. :-D

"Trouble rather the Tiger in his Lair,
Than the Sage among his Books,
For all the Empires and Kingdoms,
The Armies and Works that you hold Dear,
Are to him but the Playthings of the Moment,
To be turned over with the Flick of a Finger,
And the Turning of a Page"

--------Rudyard Kipling
Posts: 1269
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Re: Shemarrian-related fan creations

Unread post by kronos »

Honour Hunter Axes

The berserker stood over the crippled Skull-Eater, ichor oozing from the stumps that were once its legs and one shoulder from the missing arm. Deep gashes oozing more ichor and appeared to be burning, melting inward. The Skull-Eater tried to say something to mock the female towering over it, but its smashed jaw only made it gurgle and screech.
"I cleanse your taint from my tribe and this world!" The berserker swings her large double axe down, cleaving the head in two as the blade sinks deep into the chest. The Skull-Eater spasms as the silver coated blade burns it from the inside out.
The berserker pulls the blade out of the melting carcass, the red runes on the blade fade to black as the silver on the blade appears to melt into the blade as if it wasn't there.

With the advances the Skullcrushers have made under Nerys Night-Sunder's leadership, she pushed the Tinkers for more. A limited series of weapons were produced, using the most advanced technology they could apply. The Honour Hunter Axes are large and heavy double axes, engraved with icons and images of important events in Skullcrusher history. Hidden within the weapons are channels to the blades which connect to a micro nano factory and storage unit connected to several material storage units in the handle. These storage units, combined with the nano factory hold several different materials including silver, cold iron and wood. The nanites carry and coat the blades in one of the materials to allow them to damage targets that are vulnerable to one of those three. There is a slot to allow the installation of a container of the bacteria that allows anti-theron weapons to function, with a low level anti-theron field to allow the weapon to strike magical creatures and cause additional damage.
The top of the shaft is fitted with sensors that analyze the material of what is struck with the blades, which connects to the vibro field generator and alters the frequency and shape of the field to allow the axe to cut through most known materials easier. The lower section of the shaft has storage for repair nanites that allow the wielder to effect emergency repairs while in heavy combat. The weapon also links to the wielder, through induction in the hands, to recharge the weapon's batteries, to transfer the repair nanites, but also to upload the programming to enhance the wielder's combat performance similar to the Kinetic Amplifier, Counter Strike and Evasion Patch originally developed by the Ghost Rider's. Outsiders are not sure how the Skullcrushers managed to acquire the plans for these.
Additionally, the blades are fitted with a plasma ejector system to coat them in plasma for foes that require fire to destroy, plus provide a ranged attack. To ensure the warrior can get to their target, the Honour Hunter is fitted with the electrical shield system found on the Fulgur-Ram war hammers. The sensors that shape the vibro field are also programmed to detect BlackSteel, and up to 5 additional enemy signatures (life forms, including magical creatures of type, such as dragon, demon, deevil, splugorth, etc) can be programmed, and when BlackSteel or one of the other five types are detected within 500 ft, runes on the blades glow red, equivalent to a candle, and glows brighter the closer and in the general direction of the target. The wielder can set the weapon to not glow and send a cyberlinked warning message to their head, with the sensors being fed to the wielder's senses to give them a more precise location.
These weapons are produced in limited numbers as they are difficult to produce, awarded to those who have performed great acts of honour, destroying foes of the tribe, particularly one-on-one combat with BlackSteel units, and survived. One of the first 10 Honour Hunter Axes was given to a former Penitus that regained their honour and a Berserker frame after destroying a BlackSteel RageRanger that had somehow found its way to the 3 Galaxies by a Rift.

M.D.C. of the Weapon: 125
Weight: 60 lbs
Range: Melee plus up to 5 foot reach. Plasma blaster 600 ft
Mega-Damage: 4d6 M.D., +2d6 M.D. When energized with plasma field. Plasma blaster 5d6 M.D.
Rate of Fire: Each slash or cut counts as one melee attack/action. Plasma blaster ECHH.

Sensors - The Honour Hunter Axe is fitted with several sensors to analyze armour materials, detect the life signs and signatures of different types including magical creatures to aid the wielder in hunting specific targets. The range is only 500 ft.
*PPE Detectors/SNARLS PPE Sensor System. PS has managed to amplify the system for robot sensors. The sensor has a 500 ft range (out to 600 ft with 50% error in determination), 60-degree arc, and
can detect invisible entities. Other penalties similar to the Japanese SNARLS system (on which it is based.....see Rifts: Japan, pg. 116).

Coat Blade - With a thought from the wielder cyberlinked to the weapon, the blade can be coated in either silver, cold iron wood, allowing it to damage foes vulnerable to these materials, such as vampires, demons and BlackSteel. It takes two melee actions to coat or to retract the material. The material has to be retracted before a different type can coat the blade. This feature can be active with the Anti-Theron Field and Modify Vibro Field.

Anti-Theron Field - When a half gallon container of the special bacteria is fitted to the weapon, magical creatures, constructs and entities can suffer additional damage from PPE feedback. This field also allows the weapon to strike incorporeal beings normally immune to physical weapons. There is enough bacteria to power the field for 10 minutes.
Depending on how much PPE is present and how essential it is to an organism’s survival, damage varies:
Techno-Wizardry Devices (including TW generators), enchanted objects, rune weapons, and other magically-infused (but INANIMATE) objects are NOT affected and take no damage.
Non-magical beings. psychics, and ‘mundanes’ are unaffected and experience nothing aside from a slight tingling sensation, mild sunburn-like symptoms, and a passing feeling of nausea from a Disruptor strike. They still take damage from the axe cuts, but take no extra damage from the strike.
Magic Users and other beings who have ‘learned’ or artificially acquired magical abilities (including tattoos and implants), but who can otherwise survive without magic present are affected, but the
effects aren’t as dramatic. They do NOT get a save versus the disruption because all of their effort has gone into OPENING themselves to the supernatural and embracing their magical potential. The axe's damage in this case does 25% MORE damage.
Supernatural Creatures who possess some small measure of magical ability will suffer a greater degree of damage/injury. ...normal damage x 1.5. Gargoyles, Brodkil, Lycanthropes, Shapeshifters (including Nightspawn), Possessees, Shifters, and Witches, are all examples of beings in this category. Note that if these beings were to possess bionics or other conditions that NEGATE their magical
abilities (like Brodkil bionics) they lose this vulnerability, and are NOT affected, taking damage only as normal. These beings do NOT get a saving roll versus the PPE disruption.
‘High’ Supernatural Beings with a high level of, and reliance on, PPE will suffer greatly, taking DOUBLE damage. This includes Dragons, Angels, Demons, Splugorth, Faerie Folk, Demi-Gods.
However, these beings DO get a roll to SAVE versus their own PPE backfiring on them. A successful roll to save HALVES the damage done to them.
Creatures of Pure Magic that cannot survive without magic are the most seriously affected, and take TRIPLE damage. This covers ghosts, possessing entities, Undead, Elemental Beings, Alien Intelligences, and god-beings. However, these beings DO get a roll to SAVE versus their own PPE backfiring on them. A successful roll to save HALVES the damage done to them.
Golems, Iron Juggernauts, and other magically-powered automatons/ automations will be effectively STUNNED, being paralyzed for 1d4 melees per shot, and will be unable to move or defend themselves, as magical energy shorts out and storms over them.
Other Effects:
*Magic Disruption----Each strike NEUTRALIZES HALF the number of PPE points that it does damage...these points are temporarily lost to the magic user/creature until it can regain them normally (by rest or drawing on other sources).
*Magical Forcefields take 1.5 normal damage.
*Invisible beings will be revealed by an anti-theron burst and will remain visible for 2d4 melees (gradually fading) as a result of residual anti-therons causing them to flouresce and become visible to
the naked eye.

Modify Vibro Field - A built in sensor system analyzes the surface of what the axe strikes, slowly calculating the best configuration. This only works against non-living matter, such as metals, plastics, ceramics, etc, and not against flesh, living or undead, or plant matter. It takes 1d4+1 melee rounds with the wielder only striking the same target during this time. Once the computer has calculated the optimal field, to the best of its abilities, increases damage by +1d6 and on a natural roll to strike of 20, deals triple damage. Truly alien materials take an additional 1d4 melee rounds for the system to analyze.

Combat Enhancement - Using the programming from the Kinetic Amplifier, Counter Strike and Evasion Patch of the Ghost Riders, the xxx links to the wielder via the induction and cyberlink in their hands and can temporarily boost the wielder's combat abilities. While not as powerful as the individual original items, this ability is usable more often, but unfortunately can't use all three abilities at once, the wielder must pick which to use, although each can be used right after the other, the penalties however stack.
*Kinetic Amplifier - Connects to the Shemarrian's body through their hand, then interfaces with the motor controls and targeting systems. A temporary program is uploaded to the Shemarrian, pushing the robotic muscles beyond safety limits and uploading targeting software enhancements which run for a short period of time. This makes the Shemarrian's melee attacks stronger and more accurate, however it lowers the Shemarrian's ability to defend her/his self. For 2 minutes, the Shemarrian gains +3 to all melee attacks, speed is increased by +10, and +5 to robotic strength, but suffers -3 to dodge and parry. After the 2 minutes, the Shemarrian's robotic muscles go into a safemode to allow its onboard repair nanites to repair any damage from the overload, suffering -3 to P.P., P.S and -10 speed to the original stats for 3 minutes. The penalty to dodge and parry still persist during this time.
*Counter Strike - A temporary program is uploaded into the Shemarrian, upgrading her abilities to counter melee attacks. The Shemarrian enjoys a +1 to Dodge and Parry, but when attacked in melee, after dodging or parrying, the Shemarrian gains a free IMMEDIATE melee attack against their attacker at -3. This attack does not count against the Shemarrian's normal attacks per melee, but dodging or parrying does as normal. The Counter Strike lasts for only 1 minute before shutting down, after which the Shemarrian suffers -1 attack/action per melee for 1 minute.
*Evasion Patch - Uploads a temporary program to enhance the Shemarrian's ability to evade attacks. For about 1 minute, the Shemarrian enjoys automatic dodge, +3 to Dodge and +2 to parry, but suffer -2 to attack rolls.

Nanite Repair - The xxx contains a store of repair nanites, which the Shemarrian wielder can use to bolster their own repair systems. It contains 30 MDC worth of nanite stock, which the wielder can draw upon at a rate of 1d6 per round. The xxx can regenerate its stocks by being placed on a pile of material at least 40 MDC in capacity, and takes about 1 hour for the onboard nanite factory to break down and restock. Or can be restored the same means as Shemarrian nanite repair systems. These nanites can also repair the Honour Hunter Axe in the case it suffers damage.

Electrical Shield - When activated, a hemispherical shield with a 5 foot radius appears around the Shemarrian. The shield has 75 MDC, every round the shield is active uses 3 charges from the e-clip. If struck with a melee strike, the striker suffers 2d6 MD of electrical damage. The shield can only be used 6 times a day.

Payload: 25 from a Shemarrian e-clip. The plasma energized blade uses up shot per melee round. In the hands of a Shemarrian cyborg/android has unlimited payload.
Special Bonuses: A Shemarrian using the weapon can link with it to gain a +2 to strike with the plasma blaster. Use W.P. Axes for double axe component.
Gains an additional +2 to strike when fighting against BlackSteel units, or BlackSteel tainted organisms or objects. Against one of the other programmed targets for the sensors gains an additional +1 to strike rolls.
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Joined: Sun Oct 14, 2007 4:38 pm

Re: Shemarrian-related fan creations

Unread post by kronos »


Sargent Jones looked through the binoculars across the battlefield. "No movement.. Looks like the slavers were slaughtered to the.. Wait.. What's that?" Noticing movement in the distance, he zoomed in as his partner raised his rifle, ready to fire.
In the distance a large lion-like cat prowls the field, pausing momentary near a pile of damaged power armour and corpses, lowering it's head. Its mane moving as if alive, reaching down and engulfing the pile. It suddenly raises its head and stares in Sargent Jone's direction.
"DAMN! We're sp-" cut off mid sentence as his head is turned to mist followed by the crack of a sonic boom.
-More members to join our little group.- Branel Fleshstitcher, Shemarrian necromancer said as she lowered her railgun after the second shot and stroked the cheek of the large cat beside her before it went back to its task.

The Fellmane is a new warmount developed by the Lost Eclipse to work with Necromancers, Valkaris and to replenish drone numbers. The Fellman looks like a large lion, covered in grey scales like a dragon or lizard. The mane is actually made up of tentacles that constantly move about, with many of them equipped with concealed tools or injectors similar to the Kantaran Gorgona. Hidden within the tentacles are ports and holders to allow the Fellmane to hold a number of humanoid drones, typically zombie or skeleton based drones which it carries into combat for additional support. The tools in the mane are used mostly to make robot zombies and mummies from corpses on battlefields. These tools can also be used to turn damaged armour and power armour, pieced together from multiple sources if necessary, to create what appears to be zombies inside the armour.
In combat, the Fellmane uses its large size, powerful jaws and claws to tear into targets, and uses the tentacles in its mane to strike, distract and entangle targets for easier striking with its claws. The mouth is fitted with an acid sprayer, dealing additional damage on a bite, or spitting globs of acid at a distance. Additional faux magic systems are installed to give it the appearance of being a potent supernatural creature, besides animating the dead, it can fire magma bombs from its tail, create fog, and bolster its allies. It uses a horde of drones, typically zombie, mummy and skeleton based ones, but also includes Dredshreds, Mortorbs, Serpenspines and Bolt-Thralls that it carries into battle, or leading on foot, to overwhelm enemy targets in sure numbers.
While seen mostly with the Lost Eclipse, Clan Shelley has a couple which they use to built and plant zombie drones around their bases of operations and to lead hordes of their drones.

Type: EcoS-K-167 Fellmane
Class: Robotic Warmount
Crew: None; robot intelligence
1 rider/pilot, and room for 1 passenger
MDC/Armor by Location:
Main Body 800
Head 300
Mane Tentacles (50) 30 each
Legs (4) 220 each
Tail (Prehensile) 75
Height: 20 ft 
Width: 15 ft 
Length: 39 ft (tail adds another 20 ft)
Weight: 25,500 lbs
Cargo: Small space inside/beside the saddle-seat for a few personal possessions and sidearms. 
Physical Strength: Equivalent to Robotic P.S. of 45
Powerplant: Nuclear w/ 20 year energy life
Speed: (Running) 120 MPH
(Leaping) 22 ft up/across. A running leap in excess of 60 MPH adds 1d4x10 yards to distance. 
(Flying) Not possible.
(Space) Not Possible
(Underwater) Can run along the bottom at 15 MPH. 
Market Cost: Exclusive to the Ecotroz-Shemar
Systems of Note:
Full optical systems, laser targeting, passive nightvision, telescopic vision, thermal imaging, infrared, ultraviolet, and polarization filters. Also has motion and heat detection, built-in radar( 60 mile range) and other standard power armor-equivalent systems. Additional/special sensors may be built in by the creating Spinsters or at the behest of individual riders/owners.

*Optional Horror Factor - A Fellmane, with several drones attached to its mane, and released, or after it has created number of corpse drones, or leading a horde of drones, can have a Horror Factor of 11.

*Bionic Cybernanite Repair Systems---ALL Fellmanes have the same bionic nanotech repair system that the Ecotroz Shemar have refitted themselves with, and which is becoming the standard among NeShemar as well. These systems repair 4d6 MD per hour, and can repair 350 MDC before needing material stocks to convert to MD repair material. The Fellmane contains large stocks for repairs as it can repair the drones it carries.

*Thermo-Kinetic Armour - Using stolen plans from the Naruni, the Fellmane is layered in thick armour coated in thermo-kinetic armour, designed in a scale pattern. Thermal sensors only have 01-25% chance of detecting the trogladilium. Normal fires deal 5% of normal damage only after being exposed for more than 10 minutes. Mega-damage fire, heat, plasma and magic fire deal half damage. S.D.C. kinetic energy attacks do no damage, while M.D kinetic energy attacks deal half damage. Note low speed kinetic impact from punches at bionic, robotic and supernatural strength do full damage.

*Acid Immunity - The Fellmane's armour is coated in an inert coating that protects it from acid. Acid attacks deal no damage, magical based acids deal 50% damage.

*PPE Aura - The Fellmane contains the system originally developed by ARCHIE 3 to give the illusion of life and PPE, giving the Fellmane the appearance of being a living creature. It has 6d6 PPE.

*Micro Nanite Factory - Contained in the gut of the Fellmane is a micro nanite factory that converts consumed material into repair nanites and MDC stock to feed its repair systems. It can consume up to 40 MD worth of scrap to convert into 20 MD of repair nanites and stock, or replenish the supplies to create a robotic corpse drone, which takes 1d4 melee rounds to convert.

*Robot/Drone Docking Port - Around the shoulders and neck, concealed within the mane, the Fellmane can have up to 6 robot drones up to 7 ft tall. These ports can be used to recharge and repair the drones carried, drawing upon the nanite stores.

Weapons Systems:
1) Eye Lasers (2) --- The eyes of the Fellmane conceal powerful laser weapons. Just stare and flare. 
Range: 2,000 ft
Damage: 2d6 MD single shot, 4d6 MD for both eyes firing simultaneously
Rate of Fire: ECHH
Payload: Effectively Unlimited

2) Tail Plasma Blaster --- The tail contains a short ranged plasma blaster.
Range: 600 ft
Damage: 4d6 MD
Rate of Fire: ECHH
Payload: Effectively Unlimited

3) Acid Spit ---- The Fellmane can spit corrosive acid at targets.
Range: 100 ft and covers a 10 ft wide area
Damage: 3d6 MD first round, and 2d4 MD per melee for 2d4 melees.
Rate of Fire: ECHH
Payload: 50 shots before needing refill.

4) Vibroclaws --- All four paws are fitted with retractable vibroclaws
Range: Melee
Damage: Blunt Claw Strike 2d4 MD
Claw Strike 4d6+3 MD
Power Claw Strike(2 attacks) 8d6+4 MD

5) Bite --- The oversized mouth may be fitted with sharp teeth, but it’s still strong enough to grind down armor or crush a limb between them to a pulp.
Range: Melee
Damage: 6d6 MD
Note: The Fellmane can also release some acid with the bite, deal an additional 2d6 MD the first round, and 2d4 MD per melee for 2dd4 melees.

6) Tentacle Mane --- The tentacles that make up the main can smash, whip and even stab with the built in tools, or inject chemicals or release an acid.
Range: 10 ft reach melee
Damage: 6d6 SDC restrained punch/slap, 1d6 MD full strength punch/stab, 2d6 MD power punch (2 attacks), typically 1d6+1 tentacles strike at a target.
Chemical effects vary by the sort of chemical used, but effects are generally DOUBLED if worked into an open wound on the victim. Use the drug/chemical types from the Cyborg Chemical Spray and Drug Injector systems for quick reference.
A standard nerve toxin will require a save versus non-lethal poison or the victim will be beset by delusions(-1 APM, -3 initiative, -3 dodge/parry/roll/strike, -20% to skill performance and speed, for 2d6 minutes).
A mild acidic spray does 1d6 SDC, and victims are -4 to dodge/parry/roll/strike for 1d4 melees. More concentrated acids do 4d6, 6d6, 1d4x10, or 1d6x10 SDC, or 1d4 MD, burning for 1d4 melee rounds. 
Rate of Fire: ECHH
Payload: 50 doses for any chemical used.
Note: Tentacles have a Robotic P.S. of 25, and add the following bonuses: +2 attacks, +1 disarm, +2 parry, +3 entangle, and +15% to Climbing skill.
penalties for 1d4 minutes. 

7) Faux Magic System - The Fellmane has a number of faux magical systems installed, giving it the appearance of being a supernatural creature.
A) Animate and Control Undead (Rifter 53)
This is exactly the same as the ARCH-Mage, only the AI is improved as are the servos and control system. The following changes are made (or can use original states of Robotically Animated Corpse) PS 17, PP 14, IQ 8, Four attacks per melee, +4 strike, +4 parry, +2 dodge, +5 to strike ranged weapons, 10 MDC, basic optics plus infrared and passive night vision. Will generally carry enough supplies to create 50 mummies or zombies. Alternatively, it can take pieces of damaged power armour, fitting together a fairly functional suit, but functions at half speed, 75% strength, uses other stats of a robotically animated corpse. MDC will be typically 40 to 75% of the armour that provides the most pieces, using up material to create 10 mummies or zombies.
B) Magma Bombs ---- The Fellmane can seemingly generate and throw what appear to be gobs of partially-solidified magma or slag that shatter on impact, showering an area with red-hot fragments from its tail, which it can point in any direction. In reality, they are regular grenade charges wrapped in superheated silica fibers. 
Range: 300 ft
Damage: 4d6 MD to an 8 ft area, plus 2d6 MD to a 25 ft radius beyond that. 
There is also a 60% chance of setting combustibles afire. 
Rate of Fire: ECHH
Payload: Typically has 25 charges.
C) Miasma Cloud --- A cloud of acidic vapor generated by the Fellmane.
Range: 100 ft, and covers a 50 ft area. Cloud can persist for up to three minutes depending on local wind conditions
Damage: Acidic vapor does 1d6 SDC/Hit Point damage per melee of exposure. DOUBLE damage if inhaled. 
Rate of Fire: Once per melee
Payload: 100 applications.
D) Cloud of Smoke/Ash ---- The Fellmane can breath out a thick cloud of dark particulate vapor. Range of 100 ft, and covers a 100 square ft area. Depending on local air/wind conditions, the cloud persists for 1d6 melees. Those caught in the cloud are -8 to strike, parry, and dodge, and -1 to initiative, while the grit component will do 1d4 Hit Point inhalation damage per melee to those without respiratory protection. 100 applications. 
E) Paralysis ---This is the same sort of ‘petrification’ attack fitted to the Sapphire Cobra's Medusas.
In reality, the Fellmane sprays a cloud of barely visible adhesive aerogel mist that quickly contracts around anybody moving through it, tightening into a virtually invisible straitjacket around them. 
Range: 50 ft and covers a 10 ft area.
Damage: None, but those with a PS of 15 or less will find themselves paralyzed and stuck in place. Those with a PS of 15-25 will find themselves suffering a -2 to dodge, and their speed HALVED. Those with a PS greater than 25 or have Supernatural PS will be unaffected. 
If the targeted victim doesn’t move or resist through the first melee, for each subsequent melee that the Basilisa is able to spray the target, the penalties accumulate(so if the Basilisa is able to keep the target from moving for the first fifteen seconds, or keep them pinned down long enough to spray the adhesive at them for a good thirty seconds, then the target will be -4 to dodge) . However, with each additional application, the polymer adhesive layer becomes more visible and the true reason for the paralysis more evident and obvious. 
The adhesive compound begins to break down after 10 minutes or with the application of a solvent. 
Rate of Fire: Once per melee
Payload: The Fellmane has enough solution for 50 applications.
F) Life Drain---It is said that the touch of the Manians can sap the life energy of their victims. In reality, this is a modified form of Adrenal-Stop---A form of Three Galaxies-origin black market m-nano that attacks a victim’s adrenal system, clamping down on a person’s ability to produce adrenaline and sustain physical activity---a victim simply cannot engage in anything physically exerting---like fighting or fleeing, without becoming extremely fatigued, short of breath, and rapidly burnt out. 
Adrenal-Stop is common in ‘fixing’ sporting events, administered to athletes with, or without, their knowledge to diminish their ability to perform at peak levels(prompting stricter medical scanning procedures at sporting events).
The EShemar version takes hold faster, allowing its effects to become evident quicker. It is applied by scratch or bite, and is used to impede targets for capture, or handicap escape attempts. 
Incubation: 1d6 minutes
Duration: 2d6 hours
Effects: Victim fatigues 2-4 times as fast(roll a 1d4, with ‘1-2’ meaning double fatigue rate). -1 to strike, parry, dodge, and reduce Speed by 1/4.
Treatment: Powerful stimulants and artificial adrenaline analogues can supply what’s being cut off, though the recipient will feel even more like $&$# even with correct dosages.
Note: Juicers only suffer HALF penalties and duration from this attack because their modified bio-systems can more easily and quickly compensate for the deficit, and aggressively work to flush the nanites out of their bodies.
Payload: 50 applications 
G) Flesh to Stone/Encase in Stone ---- This is really a surface-shell of quick-form nano-deposit polymers that looks like some form of stone, such as granite, quartz, or marble. Creating the covering takes some time and preparation; it isn’t instantaneous. The Fellmane will typically subdue a victim using more short-term measures (as described above) to get the target within her power, then leisurely go to work ‘stoning’ them, or if it has entangled a victim in its tentacle mane.
It IS possible to harden targets beyond what is listed below, but layering additional material on will reveal that the target isn’t itself petrified, but is simply being coated in a hardening material. 
Besides petrifying living things, Fellmane can use this ability to coat other objects, to seal and protect them from harm, or to disguise them. 
Fellmane may choose to SPECIALIZE in creating one particular form of petrification nanite, in which they cannot fall back on any other form. 
*Hardskin---This is simply a layer of quick-dry acrylic that makes the person’s skin look tight, stiff, and shiny. It provides only 60 SDC(A.R. 10) of protection, but takes about 1 minute to fully apply (30 seconds if the gynoid specializes in this material) and another 5 minutes to cure. The Fellmane can generate 60 SDC of material per minute, up to 6,000 SDC before needing to restock reserves (120 SDC per minute and 18,000 SDC if she specializes). Fellmane who specialize in creating hardskin are known as ‘racers’.
*Bronze---Covers the subject in a thin coating of metallic particles. 100 SDC (A.R. 12)/1d4 MDC per minute spent layering the target(200 SDC/2d4 MD per minute if the Fellmane specializes). Lasers do 25% less damage against a bronzed target. The Fellmane can generate 60 SDC/ 1d4 MD of material per minute, up to 6,000 SDC/ 60 MDC before needing to restock reserves(120 SDC/MDC per minute and 180 SDC/MDC if she specializes). Fellmane who specialize in bronzing are known as ‘copperheads’.
*StoneCoat---This is a silica-clay-style layering created through nanite deposition, creating a material like megadamage ceramic-composite. It has better protection, adding about 40 MD of protection, and is applied at a rate of 8 MDC per minute(16 per minute if the gynoid specializes in this material). The Fellmane can generate 20 MDC of material per minute, up to 200 MDC before needing to restock reserves (40 MDC per minute and 400 MDC if it specializes).
Fellmanes who specialize in creating stonecoat are known as ‘corals’.
*DiamondCoat---The Sapphire Cobras got the technology to produce synthetic diamond armor from their spawned daughter Fringe-Tribe, the Skyeklad, which the Lost Eclipse have also acquired through trade. Rather than produce a temporary suit of articulated armor, however, Fellmane can cover targets in a layer or shell of synthetic crystal. The process takes somewhat longer, but is much longer lived. 
The DiamondCoat grants 80 MDC and is applied at a rate of 5 MDC per minute(10 per minute if the gynoid specializes in this material). The Basilisa can generate 40 MDC of material per minute, up to MDC before needing to restock reserves(80 MDC per minute and MDC if she specializes). 
Special Properties:
-Laser Reflective---The multiple crystalline mirrors reduce laser damage by 1/3. 
Note: Diamondcoat is NOT gemstone-quality and any gemologist will quickly discern its synthetic origins. 
H) Rust --- Fellmanes can spread a gray mist that seems to embrittle and blight technological items. This is simply the application of specialized nanites that break apart metal, same as the metal-dissolver nanites used in Japan. 
Range: 100 ft, and affects a 10 ft square area
Damage: Reduces the MDC of metal-based body armors and light power armors by HALF, heavy power armors and light vehicles by 30%, and heavy robots and vehicles by 10%. Damage takes 4 melees/1 minute, and is obvious by acute discoloration and flaking of the armor. Other effects identical to those of the Japanese nanites(which they were probably based on to begin with). 
Rate of Fire: ECHH
Payload: 30 applications 
I) Combat Rage - With the touch of a tentacle, the Fellmane can induce a type of combat rage into a Shemarrian ally. In reality, this is a temporary program that is uploaded to the Shemarrian, pushing the robotic muscles beyond safety limits and uploading targeting software enhancements which run for a short period of time. This makes the Shemarrian's melee attacks stronger and more accurate, however it lowers the Shemarrian's ability to defend her/his self. For 2 minutes, the Shemarrian gains +3 to all melee attacks, speed is increased by +10, and +5 to robotic strength, but suffers -3 to dodge and parry. After the 2 minutes, the Shemarrian's robotic muscles go into a safemode to allow its onboard repair nanites to repair any damage from the overload, suffering -3 to P.P., P.S and -10 speed to the original stats for 3 minutes. The penalty to dodge and parry still persist during this time.

The Ecotroz have installed robotic AIs, then infected the matrix with a low-level Ecotroz sentience. The Fellmane has an I.Q. of 12, and a cat-like nature, including, despite its stocky build, very fast reflexes. 
Typically has standard Monstrex programming(+ possible bonuses from the Ecotroz Entity essence): 
The Ecotroz entity can also pick up one Secondary skill at levels 2, 6, and 12 of experience, though the nature of the Incindar intelligence and design is such that it is limited to skill selections from Technical: Language(understanding) and Lore, Wilderness(Hunting, Identify Plants and Fruits).
Actions/Attacks Per Melee: 8
Initiative +1 (+1 from the Ecotroz entity for a total of +3)
Dodge +6
Running Dodge +8 (when in excess of 75 MPH)
Automatic Leap Dodge +3 (takes NO APMs)
Strike +2 (+2 w/ ranged weaponry) 
Parry +6 (+7 w/ scythe tentacles)
Pull Punch/Strike/Bite +4
Roll +4
Maintain Balance +8
Bite 6d6 MD
Blunt Claw Strike 2d4 MD
Claw Strike 4d6+3 MD
Power Claw Strike(2 attacks) 8d6+4 MD
Tail Slash 1d4 MD
Head Butt 1d6 MD
Pounce/Body Block 1d6 MD
Body Block/Leap Attack: 4d6 MD and has a 65% chance of knocking opponents up to 2,500 lbs off their feet(lose initiative and 2 APM). 

Note: The Ecotroz intelligence fragment inhabiting the ‘bot gives the Fellmane an aura and behavior more befitting a sentient being than a robot. Fellmanes have cat-like personalities; normally rather laid back at rest, they love stalking prey, hunting enemies, and pouncing on targets, even playing with their prey before finishing them off. They relish the opportunity to savagely maul enemies in combat, and show no fear of closing to an enemy to bat them back and forth, biting, clawing, and burning with their acid. They will also engage in cat and mouse games, leading targets into hordes of zombie drones they brought with them, and depositing any carried drones into melee combat with them.
Fellmanes prefer to 'relax' in battlefields where they can chew up scrap to restock their supplies and create more drones, including reprogramming and using enemy robot drones using them to help animate power armour suits they find to make more powerful zombie drones.

The Ecotroz fragment does occasionally need sleep/rest...though they only need 2 hours of rest/meditation per 24 hours...they can push this, going without for as many days as they have I.Q. points, but will have to go dormant for 4d6 hours after such exertion.

Note also that the Ecotroz-possessed ‘bot can infect other bots with the Ecotroz viral-entity, by bite or sustained touch(takes 3 attacks).
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Re: Shemarrian-related fan creations

Unread post by taalismn »

kronos wrote:Fellmane.
Honour Hunter Axes

ALRIGHT! Post-Surge!

EcoS-K-168 Zitheron
(aka ‘Mother-Fish’)

“Great Fish-Mother, She no longer c oncern with small stuff; She too busy swim Current of Life, gather Gilloc-soul, hatch many Gilloc-kin. No time chit-chat with drones, outsiders. We no bother, you no bother Great Fish-Mother. You need talk someone with aw-thor-ittie? You talk with Fin-Chief.”
---Fah’toog Garglir, Gilloc Warrior, blowshitting to a New Navy sea-scout

“When they’re looking to lay eggs, Zitheron become REAL hungry; it’s a good time to stay clear of them because they just start vacuuming up prey, and, sapient being or no, they might not pay too much attention to what gets caught up in those big jaws of theirs.”
---Captain Grimage Charkin, Lazlo University Oceanographic Research Ship Oceaneer

“Are those damn islanders STILL sacrificing virgins to their dark sea gods when we aren’t looking? I’m tempted to send one of our new Zitherons ashore to eat their high priests; the stupid murderous drylanders won’t be worth much material-wise, but at least it will be SOME small contribution to the next generation of our people, and I bet it will make us some friends ashore.”
----Fin Chief Gang’gah IronFin

Zitherons are large Warmount-like AI constructs exclusive to the Gilloc sgen of Clan Shelley. They are classed as Utility Warmounts because of their size, importance, and development history.
Though Gillocs have traditionally been ‘born’ via Trinity Modules sequestered in marine caves near Clan Shelley coastal enclaves, a group of particularly ambitious freethinking Gillocs approached their EShemar clan elders about extending the reach of their sub-clan(and thus extending the reach of the greater clan), but that would require transporting the very valuable Trinity Modules to expand the Gillocs’ numbers. Clan Shelley was enthused about the idea, but worried about the vulnerability of the very important mechano-reproductive technology, fearing what would happen if it were captured by forces hostile to the EShemar. A possible solution was floated, inspired by such mobile factory-warmounts such as the Monstriark and the Stormapod, but Clan Shelley was resource-strapped, and lacked the means of building something able to carry all the hardware for producing new Gilloc.
Fortunately, assistance came from the Wayfinders farther up the West Coast. The Wayfinders, upon learning of Clan Shelley’s need, and fully approving of the expansion of second-generation Ecotroz-mecha, offered to help out. What they came up with was the Zitheron.
Zitherons are based on the EcoS-K-62Dw ‘Wetlong’ marine variant of the EcoS-K-62 ‘Shelong’, itself a robot duplicate of the Metztla Kreelong Carapace labor caste drone. However, the Zitheron has been so substantially reworked as to be almost an entirely new machine, enough so that it was offered its own classification as a Utility Warmount. The EShemar further refined the aquatic properties of the K-62Dw, and added an internal assembly line able to produce new Gilloc from scratch. This has earned them the nickname ‘Mother-Fish’ amongst the Gilloc.
Besides designing the Zitheron to be functional, the Gillocs and Wayfinders have written a fictional narrative of the Gilloc people into the construct. Various aspects of the Zitheron have been emphasized so as to suggest a massively mutated Gilloc physiology, with an enlarged head(replacing the Shelong’s multiple arms and sub-mouths with one massive jaw and multiple mandibles/mouth tentacles), elongated forelimbs, multiple dorsal fins, massive foot-fins, and paddle-like tail. Together with observed behavior, these features have been spun to create a fictitious ‘history’ of the Zitheron and their relationship to the Gilloc people.
Both passive and active rumor-mongering about the Zitheron have led to the following being bandied amongst outsiders about the Zitherons:
-Life Cycle: Gilloc females are indistinguishable from male Gilloc until upon becoming sexually mature, when they undergo a massive growth spurt, expanding into the massive Zitheron stage. Besides the physical changes, the female Zitheron-queen undergoes profound mental changes, either becoming more inward-looking(and less concerned with mundane affairs) or else losing her intelligence altogether, becoming concerned only with reproduction. The Zitheron will also seek out potential nest caverns, or will excavate new ones if no suitable caves already exist.
-Sexual Dimorphism: Male Gilloc supposedly fight it out to mate with a mature Zitheron-queen. The winners either fuse with the female and become little more than atrophied sexual appendages of the larger female, or else they are devoured in the process of fertilization.
-Breeding Feeding Frenzy---Before laying eggs, Zitheron females go on feeding frenzies to gain egg-weight. During this time they are extremely dangerous and may even come up on dry land in search of prey. Only the male Gilloc can control the Zitheron during this period and keep the females from indiscriminate snacking on other lifeforms, so it’s a good idea to listen to them and stay clear.
-Host-Mother---Rather than being the giant fertile queen who mates with one ‘champion’, the Fish-Mother actually acts as a common incubator for the eggs of lesser females, who are visually indistinguishable from the male Gilloc. The Zitheron is either the loser of competition between females, or voluntarily sacrifices her mobility, intellect, and freedom of action to become a giant brooder.
-Cannibalism: The Gilloc routinely sacrifice criminals and dissidents to feed the Mother-Fish(in reality they’re recycling AI-dead Gilloc and parts thereof).
-Hive Mind: Zitheron-queens rule their ‘nests’ via powerful psionics or pheromones dispensed into the surrounding water.
-Super-Queens---Zitheron queens compete for dominance if more than one of them take up residence in the same area. The winner gains in power and intelligence and rules over the subservient sub-females. Females (or Queen-daughters) who do not accept this hierarchal order leave to seek new territories.

The Gilloc have enthusiastically embraced the false narrative of their ‘biology’ and love the ‘Mother-Fish’ story. Though they will not volunteer information about the Zitherons, if questioned they will spin various takes on the aforementioned rumors, or repeat ambiguous new ones.

Zitherons are rarely committed to combat; they typically stay behind to produce new Gilloc. If a Gilloc encampment or ‘breeder nest’ is attacked, however, the Zitheron will fight in self-defense.

Only occasionally will provision be made for a rider/pilot, and room for up to a dozen passengers in an attachable cockpit pod atop the large body, as with the Shelongs/Wetlongs. This is occasionally done when moving between Gilloc/EShemar enclaves, and the cockpit atop the ‘Fish Mother’ is explained by it being Gilloc priests/immature female priestesses, or a chosen consort accompanying and directing the Fish-Mother to new territories. In reality, the passengers are part of the security detail and technical support team that accompanies traveling Zitherons.

Though most Zitheron have been Awakened in part to provide their hatched Gilloc ‘offspring’ Ecotroz-awareness right from inception, Zitherons are not actually as sentient/sapient as their creations. However, it is rumored that at least one Zitheron has become an Arawa, with a transferred intelligence taking up residence in the massive body, and becoming the effective queen-mother of her sub-tribe of Gilloc.

Zitherons are EXCLUSIVE to the Gilloc sgen; no other Tribe uses them. While the Zitheron is not the only mobile platform via which new Gillocs are produced(a number of Pelaganar have been modified to carry the necessary Trinity Modules), the Zitheron is becoming the favored ‘public’ means via which the Gilloc sub-sept is expanding.

Type: EcoS-K-168 Zitheron
Class: Robotic Warmount, Utility
Crew: None; robot intelligence, Awakened with an Ecotroz essence
MDC/Armor by Location:
Main Body 2,000
Head 1,000
Energy/Laser Organ 250
Great Mouth 300
Manipulator Mandibles(2) 180 each
Mouth-Tentacles(6 ) 45 each
Head Shields(2) 400 each
Cannon Turrets(11) 50 each
Forelimbs(2) 380 each
Leg-Fins(4) 300 each
Sensor Fin* 400
Tail 300

*Destroying the Sensor Fin deprives the Zitheron of its long range radar and terrain-mapping laser distancers. The Warmount must then rely on its head sensors.

Height: 20 ft
Width: 22 ft
Length: 50 ft
Weight: 145 tons
Cargo: Has an internal material reserve able to hold 50 tons(typically of refined ores and synthetics).
Physical Strength: Equivalent to Robotic P.S. of 55
Powerplant: Nuclear
Speed: (Running) Awkward on dry land; can crawl along at 13 MPH
(Tunneling) Varies according to the depth and composition of the material being tunneled through. The Zitheron can tunnel through loose sand and clay at about 2d6x10 ft per minute, or 3d6 ft per minute through dense rock(granite, regolith).
(Flying) Not possible
(Space) Not possible, limited to running along planetary surfaces.
(Underwater) The Zitheron is neutrally buoyant and can ‘swim’, paddling along at a rough 50 MPH. It can also crawl along the bottom at 13 MPH. Maximum depth tolerance of 3 miles.

Market Cost: Exclusive to the Ecotroz-Shemar
Systems of Note:
Full optical systems, laser targeting, passive nightvision, telescopic vision, thermal imaging, infrared, ultraviolet, and polarization filters. Also has motion and heat detection, built-in radar( 60 mile range) and other standard power armor-equivalent systems. Additional/special sensors may be built in by the creating Spinsters or at the behest of individual riders/owners.

*Bionic Cybernanite Repair Systems---ALL Zitherons have the same bionic nanotech repair system that the Ecotroz Shemar have refitted themselves with, and which is becoming the standard among NeShemar as well. These systems repair 4d6 MD per hour, and can repair 500 MDC before needing material stocks to convert to MD repair material.

*MDC Concrete/Resin Manufactory----The Zitheron retains the internal mobile factory for creating megadamage concrete that can be poured or troweled in place onsite. Fed with enough of the proper materials, the Zitheron can lay down a ton of this material every hour. Depending on the job requirements and available supplies, the Zitheron can vary the composition and strength of the deposited material, from 1d6 MD per cubic foot, to 3d4x10 MD per cubic foot.

*Gilloc Manufactory----The bulk of the internal space of the Zitheron is devoted to an assembly line for producing new Gilloc. Fed enough materials, the Zitheron can ‘hatch’ a new Gilloc every 12 hours. A Gilloc requires 750 MDC to complete/produce.

*Sonar--- 60 mile range.

*Magnetometer/Magnetic Anomaly Detector---Detects anomalies in the local magnetic field, such as metallic objects and EM currents.
Range: The magnetometer has a range of 4,000 ft and can detect vehicles and other metallic structures with 80% accuracy. Active electromagnetic sources such as powered-up rail guns and electromagnetic fusion containment systems can be detected at TWICE that range.

*Scanning Sonar/Lidar---Mounted in the humpbacked ‘fin’, these sensors are constantly scanning the water around the Zitheron, and providing a three-dimensional map of its immediate surroundings. This makes it nearly impossible to sneak up on the giant War Mount.

Weapons Systems:
1) Ion Shock Mounts(11)---The Zitheron is studded with small concealed ion projectors, giving it a good all-around defensive capability. These ion blasters have been modified to be also capable of producing a shock effect in the surrounding water, similar to a giant electric eel’s electrical discharge.
Range: (Ion Blast) 4,000 ft in air and underwater
(Shock Field) 50 ft in air, 100 ft in water
Damage: (Ion Blast) 1d6x10+10 MD per blast
(Shock Field) 4d6 MD per melee caught in the zone of effect
Against organics, including natural megadamage creatures, the electrical shock can stun; targets must save versus non-lethal poison(16 or higher) or be -4 to strike, parry, and dodge for 1d4 melees. Even on a successful roll, MD victims lose 1 APM and initiative for 1 melee round. SDC beings, unless protected by full EBA, are -8 for 2d4 melees and do not get a saving roll.
Rate of Fire: (Ion Blast) ECHH
(Shock Field) Takes up all ion cannon shots each melee in operation.
Payload: Effectively Unlimited

2) Head Laser---What looks like a luminescent lure-organ on a tendril protruding from the forehead is actually a multipurpose laser-organ.
Range:(Laser) 6,000 ft in air, 4,000 ft underwater
(Blinding/Strobe Flash) 100 ft area of effect
Damage:(Laser) 2d4x10 MD per blast
(Blinding/Strobe Flash) None physical, but similar to a Blinding Flash spell; those caught in the area of effect without optical protection are -10 to strike, parry, dodge for 1d4 melees. This can be particularly effective against deep water creatures and those with inherent nightvision, who may be blinded for DOUBLE the normal duration.
Rate of Fire: ECHH
Payload: Effectively Unlimited

3) Chemical Dispenser---The Zitheron can flush various chemicals into the water to create underwater ‘smokescreens’ or to repel attackers. Flushes out of various vents a water-absorbent powder that quickly gels into a thick suspension that blocks light, clogs gills, and fouls sonar. Though not as potent as the Kittani gill-clog material, it’s still fairly effective at choking off gill-breathing pursuit.
Range: Covers a 500 ft area. Depending on water conditions, the cloud can persist for 1d10 minutes.
Damage: Those caught in the cloud are effectively BLINDED; -5 to strike, parry, dodge, and entangle The particulate nature of the material makes sonar systems less effective as well; -60% to attempts to use sonar reading through the cloud. Gill-breathers must roll a 16 or better or be -6 on initiative, -6 to strike, parry, and dodge, and reduce Speed, melee attacks, and skill performance by -50%. Upon exiting the cloud, penalties are reduced by HALF, but persist for 1d6 minutes.
Rate of Fire: Once per melee
Payload: Generally carries enough chemicals for 25 flushes. Can regenerate new batches of the chemical at one per hour.

The Ecotroz have installed robotic AIs, then infected the matrix with a low-level Ecotroz sentience. The Zitheron is fairly smart, with an effective IQ of 14 for purposes of planning and mining, but its focus is on the work of acquiring rsourcs and producing new Gilloc.
Has the standard Monstrex base programming, plus the following:
General Repair and Maintenance 90%
Excavation 90%
Mining 90%
Salvage 80%
Underseas Salvage 85%
Fortification 50%(+5% per level of experience for Ecotroz entity)
Trap/Mine Detection 80%
Underwater Demolitions
Underwater Navigation 80%
Track and Hunt Sea Animals 70%
Undersea and Sea Survival 94%
The Ecotroz entity can also pick up one Secondary skill at levels 2, 6, and 12 of experience, though the nature of the Zitheron intelligence and design is such that it is limited to skill selections from Technical: Language(understanding) and Lore, Espionage(Detect Ambush, Detect Concealment), Wilderness(Track Humanoids, Track Animals, Hunting, Identify Plants and Fruits), Carpentry, Recycling, and Masonry.
Actions/Attacks Per Melee: 12(!)
Initiative +3 (+1 from the Ecotroz entity for a total of +4)
Dodge +2 underwater
Strike +1 (+2 w/ ranged weaponry)
Roll +3 underwater
Parry +2
Pull Punch +4
Bite 2d4x100 MD
Punch with Mandible Arms 6d6 MD
Mouth-Tentacle Restrained Slap 1d6 SDC
Tentacle Lash 1d4 MD
Tentacles Crush/Squeeze/Pry 2d4 MD
Forelimb Punch 1d6x10 MD
Forelimb Power Punch (2 attacks) 2d6x10 MD
Body Block/Ram 2d4x10 MD(it’s like getting hit with a locomotive)
Kick 4d6 MD
Stomp 4d6 MD
Tail Lash 3d6 MD

Note: The Ecotroz intelligence fragment inhabiting the ‘bot gives the Zitheron an aura and behavior more befitting a sentient being than a robot. The Zitheron is a patient excavator, but has a mean temper when provoked, is extremely territorial(especially once settled in a cave or burrow) and it will readily tear apart and devour(and recycle) any enemy fool enough to get close enough.

The Ecotroz fragment does occasionally need sleep/rest...though they only need 2 hours of rest/meditation per 24 hours...they can push this, going without for as many days as they have I.Q. points(most Warmounts, unless otherwise noted, have an effective IQ rating of 8 ), but will have to go dormant for 4d6 hours after such exertion.
Note also that the Ecotroz-possessed ‘bot can infect other bots with the Ecotroz viral-entity, by bite or sustained touch(takes 3 attacks). Ecotroz-Awakened Zitheron thus produce Awakened Gilloc as a matter of course.
"Trouble rather the Tiger in his Lair,
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Re: Shemarrian-related fan creations

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More New Necromancer Equipment

Dire Wolf Skull
The Dire Wolf Skull is similar to the Supernatural Skull, except it is shaped like a large wolf's head, equipped with servos in the jaw to allow a bite attack and a sonic blaster in the mouth, but the range of the uplink is only increased to 60 miles. The uplink enhancement is geared towards enhancing Shemarrian wolves that the Necromancer links to.
MDC: 110
Bite: The helmet has a powered jaw to allow for a bite attack that deals 1d4 MD
Sonic Roar: The mouth mounts a sonic pistol-grade weapon in its mouth. This multimode weapon can hum up from a subsonic purr to a nerve-ripping ultrasonic screech that can tear through armor. 
Range:(Stun)250 ft
(Disruptor)220 ft
(Heavy MD Shot)100 ft
Double all ranges underwater
Damage:(Stun)1 SDC, plus victims must save versus non-lethal poison or be rendered unconscious for 1d6 melee rounds. Even on a successful save, the victim is -2 to strike, parry, and dodge for 1d6 melee rounds. Multiple blasts are cumulative for duration. 
(Disruptor)4d6 SDC, or 1d6 MD per blast.
Area of effect ‘shotgun’ blast: Half damage to a 10 ft wide area. 
(MD Shots)5d6 MD per blast
Characters in EBA will take HALF that damage in SDC even through their armor, while vehicle crew will take 1/4 damage in SDC through their vehicle’s armor due to shock and excessive vibration. Vehicles with more than 200 MDC in their main body, or forcefield protection, will NOT be affected. 
Rate of Fire: ECHH
Payload: Effectively unlimited linked to the Shemarrian via induction.
Added Sensors: If the Necromancer doesn't have all the standard Shemarrian sensors (nightvision, thermal, IR, motion detection, laser targeting, etc) the helmet contains these sensors, otherwise it increases range by 15% to all standard sensors.
Parabolic Microphone--A shotgun mike, mounted in the ears, that can pick up on sounds/conversations up to 3,000 ft away.
Uplink Enhancement: The uplink system is increased, boosting the range out to 60 miles and up to 30 drones can benefit from the +1 to strike and initiative. When linked to Shemarrian Wolves of any type within 5 miles, the drones gain an extra attack per melee, +2 to strike and initiative, can share sensor information with each other, and if one is away of a target, they all are, thus making it virtually impossible to sneak up on any of the wolves or the Necromancer.
Enhanced Wolf Combat: While linked to Shemarrian Wolves, not only will they gain the strike and initiative bonuses from the Uplink Enhancement, but when more than one wolf attacks the same target, they can co-ordinate their attacks for even greater damage and disorient the target. For every 5 wolves attacking the same target, up to a maximum of 15, the chance to strike a critical strike increases by one (normally natural roll of 20, but with 5 now 19 or 20, 10 wolves is 18, 19 or 20, etc).
For every 5 wolves attacking the same target reduces the target's ability to dodge attacks by -1, up to a maximum of 15 wolves for a total of -3 to the target's dodge rolls.

Giant Clamp-Mouth Dragonfly Wings
These are bionic wings modeled after the giant clamp-mouth dragonfly with a piece of carapace, combined with a small contragrav system to provide flight. The wings and flight system are designed to look as if they are tied or crudely tied and surgically added to the back of the Necromancer, but the Necromancer usually wears a cloak or cape to conceal the back to prevent close inspection. The wings and pack are usually detachable, and operate silently. These wings provide a higher flight speed, with great maneuverability, but have far lower maximum altitude over other wings.
Flight Speed: 130 mph, +4 Dodge in flight.
Maximum Altitude: 1,000 ft.

Armoured Devil Fish Carapace
This water jet system is designed after the Armoured Devil Fish found in the waters around England, an series of armoued plates that join helmet that looks like the fish's head, plus tail. The hydrojet isn't fast, but efficient, and the tail provides a good swim speed silently, making this a good stealth option, plus the design makes the necromancer's sonar signature seem more like large fish. The armour provides good protection for the necromancer, plus contains stored oxygen if the necromancer is a cyborg, or to share with a rescued air-breather. Under the armoured plates is a four shot mini-torpedo launcher and a blue-green laser. Swim skill at 60% or +15% if already possesses the skill, swim speed 20 mph with hydrojets, able to run for 6 hours before requiring a 30 minute cool down, 10 mph without the hydrojets. Built-in sonar with range of 2 miles, enemy sonar and sensors suffer -15% to determine if the necromancer is a natural creature or not when hydrojets not in use and -10% to detect the necromancer in general. While under water, grants +1 to Dodge.
MDC: 180 MDC for the torso (mostly along the back with part around the upper torso like a vest), head 70 MDC, tail 55 MDC
Blue-Green Laser
Range: 2,000 ft
Damage: 3d6 MD
Payload: Effectively unlimited
Mini Torpedoes
Range: varies by torpedo type (typically 1 mile)
Damage: Varies by torpedo type.
Payload: 4 mini torpedoes.

Il'ya Wing Cape.
This half cape is designed to look like the wings of the Russian Il'ya demon, connects to the necromancer similar to a half cape over the shoulders. Concealed within is a low level EM shield that disperses ion and electrical attacks and particle weapons. Grants +2 to Dodge rolls against ion, electrical and particle weapon attacks. Ion weapons and electrical attacks deal half damage, while particle weapons deal 75% damage. Magical electrical attacks deal 75% damage.
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Re: Shemarrian-related fan creations

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kronos wrote:More New Necromancer Equipment

Dire Wolf Skull
Giant Clamp-Mouth Dragonfly Wings

Armoured Devil Fish Carapace

All hail (and fear)the Shemarrian Necromancers!
Or should that be 'Mechromancers'? :D
Or should I save that name for the Tinkers who build Rifts Frankenmecha?
"Trouble rather the Tiger in his Lair,
Than the Sage among his Books,
For all the Empires and Kingdoms,
The Armies and Works that you hold Dear,
Are to him but the Playthings of the Moment,
To be turned over with the Flick of a Finger,
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Re: Shemarrian-related fan creations

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New Tribal Warmount Variant:

* EcoS-K-121 Chironzid

* EcoS-K-121B
--- (Aka ’Big Jelly’, ‘Sleeper-zoid’, ‘Pullman Bell’, ‘PsychoJelly’)----

“Sure, riding in a sensory-dep pod on a flying invisible jellyfish sounds hairy, but it’s a lot better than the pods they slung saddle-style on the old Monstrexes they were originally mounting psi-ram cannon on. Those psi-booths were seriously waiting to catch enemy fire; the rider could dive overboard, but if you were strapped and med-tubed into the pod, you were going to catch incoming with little way of avoiding it. At least the Sleeperzoid’s got extra armor and stealth to protect you.”

“Was that battle real...or did we dream it? Has this past long campaign been nothing but one long incredible dream?”

“Honestly, I was unaware up until those Infernals found our masked position that any of our psi-donors possessed latent Inner Beasts.”

Though many want to class this Warmount as a separate and distinct type of its own, given the protean nature of its parent design, it was decided that this derivative of the Chironzid would be classified as a variant. The EcoS-K-121B is indicative of the unusual collaborations possible between the various EShemar tribes; the design originally started out as a Skyeklad experiment in mounting the Armorands’ psylite-crystal psionic weaponry in one of their ’invisible’ wrmounts, but the scholarly Wayfinders became involved, intrigued by the possibilities for engaging their own nascent psychotech and psi-mechanic research. Thus the design has begun to appear in the ranks of all three tribes.
The EcoS-K-121B features a wider ‘bell’ than its parent design, the better to shroud the ring of multiple psyker ‘cells’, independent life support and psycho-energy collection modules, powering the psi-ram cannon/barrier system installed in the warmount’s core. Each module holds a psychic neshemar, often dosed with psych-stimulant drugs, and linked to a psionic power pool battery. The modules serve multiple purposes as medical units and escape pods.
Though based on the medical pods available to rescue units, and retaining their medical caapbilities, the psi-pods ‘ emergency medical assistance is secondary. Their primary purpose is to provide a safe and customizable environment to focus the occupant’s psionic abilities, such as soothing light and music, or the sensory deprivation of a float-tank. Sometimes more potent means are used, such as sedation, administered in conjunction with drugs similar to those in Psi-Cola. Though the med-systems are automated and overseen by AI expert systems, the ‘Big Jelly’s’ pilot is often accompanied by a junior-grade Baotra, or a medtech ezenza, to monitor the pods and administer emergency medical assistance if necessary.
As higher-powered psis are rare amongst the EShemar and seconded to other posts, the psi-donors riding in the pods tend to be neshemar, often only lightly augmented, if cybered at all. As the neshemar are effectively considered to be ehana-- ‘soft-skinned’, ‘squishy’ or ‘naked’(or nude as is typical of the Skyeklad)----especially when in the trance state, the Chironzid-B’s stealth systems and the compartmentalized pods afford them a welcome degree of protection while maneuvering on the battlefield.
Still, the EcoS-K-121B is rather controversial, as many EShemar field commanders dislike the idea of putting a group of usually drug-stupified ‘sleepers’ so close to active battlefields to power a weapons system of questionable value. The counter argument is that the psi-weaponry can affect targets that are resistant to more conventional weapons, and the EcoS-K-121B provides an adequately well-protected mobile platform for the deployment of an effective(and unexpected) psionic attack. The Skyeklad and Clan Armorand use their EcoS-K-121Bs as stealth ‘psychic artillery’, while the Wayfinders are using theirs as test platforms for various psychotech devices, such as psionic sensory arrays.

Crew: None; robot intelligence
1 rider/pilot, and up to 16 passengers/psychics. An additional crewmember/medtech can be carried to monitor the psi-pod life support systems.
MDC/Armor By Location:
Main Body 450
Psi-Cells(16) 75 each
Psi-Projector 120
Width/Length: Roughly 36 ft in diameter
Weight: 6.4 tons
Systems of Note:
*Psi-Cells(16)----These are individual life support modules, initially copies of Northern Gun’s MAU-500 Medical Automation Unit, but as the psionic systems have been refined,specialized ‘psi-cells’ or ‘psi-pods’ have been developed. The Warmount supplies power and coolant to each pod, and monitors the occupant. Each pod can be jettisoned in an emergency bail-out situation, and can hold a survival pack, sidearms, and protective body armor for the occupant.
Medical-wise, EShemar expert systems have a diagnostic proficiency of 91% for humans and most humanoid d-bees, 60% for others. Medical treatment is equivalent to a Medical Doctor at 88% for humans/humanoid d-bees, and 55% for others. Field surgery is performed at 98%/94% for simple procedures, 90%/60% for more serious internal work. In the event of more extreme injuries, stasis is generally implemented to stabilize and preserve the patient for transport to better treatment facilities.
In a dire emergency, Shemarrian life support modules can crash-dive the occupant into biostasis. The integrated power crystal system is good for 5 years of independent operation, though the stasis pod is typically used only for much shorter duration.
The psi-cell aspect of the system provides the occupant with an insulated environment with customizable light, sound, temperature, and humdity. The cell can be partially or fully flooded with water, hyperoxygenated fluid, or gel, whatever works best at getting the psychic in an optimal meditative/donating state.
A drug delivery system can administer a cocktail of psi-stimulants, and anti-crash antidotes afterwards, blunting any aftereffects. The drugs can be much more powerful and/or the side effects less because the psychic taking them is being actively monitored and their blood chemistry managed.
Standard psi-drugs are derivatives of the active ingredients in Psi-Cola, and the ‘Shisocol-A’ formulation has the effect of increasing recipient’s ISP by 10%, plus an booster shot of 2d6 ISP. This effectively lasts 16 minutes if the recipient is awake and aware, or 30 minutes if the person is in a relaxed, virtually asleep, state. After-effects of each application of Shisocol-A are reduced in duration and severity by HALF, and the potential for addiction is eliminated by post-application blood cleansing.
The most potent psi-stim is designated ShSi-X, and gives the recipient a 25% increase in their ISP, plus a bonus of 4d6 ISP, more than double the effects of the weaker Shisocol-A. The psychics can hold/generate this state for 30 minutes. However, ShSi-X is unpopular with the more combat-oriented psi-volunteers, because of its physically-stupifying properties that can be a liability if the psychics have to abandon the Warmount in an emergency. While under the influence of ShSi-X, the recipient is effectively comatose, aware of the outside world only in a dreamlike sense, and effectively sedated for 5d6 minutes beyond the 30 minute psi-active period, unless some form of artificial stimulation is used to arouse them. Despite the automatic application of a counter-agent, ejecting psychics will be woozy and disoriented(-2 on initiative, strike, dodge, parry, and roll) for 1d6 melees upon waking up.

Weapons Systems:
The EcoS-K-121B carries the full complement of Chironzid weaponry, plus the following:
8 ) Psi-Ram Projector/Shield Generator----The EcoS-K-121B mounts BOTH a psi-ram cannon and a psi-barrier projector. However, both cannot be engaged at the same time.
The Psi-Ram carried aboard the EcoS-K-121B has been modified, for the extra expenditure of 5-10 ISP per shot, to induce the side effects of a Bio-Manipulation attack! Organic targets must save versus psionics, or suffer one of the seven types of BioManip attackeffects(declared at the beginning of the attack by the gunner).
Range: 5,000 ft
Damage:(Varies) (SDC)1d6 SDC per 3 ISP, +5 ISP for Bio-Manipulation effects.
(MDC) 1d4 MD per 10 ISP pumped into the cannon, +10 ISP for Bio-Manipulation effects.
Currently, the Psi-Ram has an upper damage limit of 4d6x10 MD(or 600 ISP per shot)
Rate of Fire: ECHH
Payload: Psi-Links; in theory there’s no limit to how many psychics can link in with enough ecto-cable, but the standard rig has onboard connectors for up to 16 ISP-donors, while any additional ISP -poolers can be linked up via extendable tentacles(unless they are also in psi-pods, they do not benefit from any of the bonuses/benefits of those riding aboard the Chironzid).
Can use Noro Crystal-cells, each good for 160 ISP.
Special Features:
*+4 to Strike(adding +5 ISP per shot raises this to +8 to strike)
*Leylines and nexus points DOUBLE range and damage.

The Psi-Barrier uses the Telekinetic Force Field psionic power, with the use of psylite and Clan Armorand's expertise in shielding technology, to create a field with a base area of 50 feet in diameter, with 150 M.D.C. , and runs for 50 minutes.
Unlike the normal Telekinetic Force Field power, which those protected by the field are unable to fire weapons through, the Psi-Barrier's field is modified to allow those inside to fire energy or weapons with physical ammunition, but at half range. Magical and psionic weapons can not pass through the field without damaging it. In addition, any psionic or magical attacks that normally bypass shields, such as attacks that affect a target's mind, all those protected by the field gain a +2 to their saves.
The Psi-Barrier does have a standard force field as a backup for when there isn't enough psionic powered users available, or they use up their psionic reserves.
MDC: 120
Range: 50 ft radius standard shield, TK Field 50 ft base, +10 feet for every 15 ISP added for area.
Field MDC: 200 MDC for standard shield, 150 MDC TK Field base, +25 MDC for every 20 ISP added for MDC, upper limit of 500 MDC. Additional ISP will only regenerate depleted MDC, or used for increased duration or area.
Duration: Standard shield runs for 1 hour, regenerating 10 MDC per melee round not drain of MDC with use of a high capacity generator that can provide power for 6 months of heavy use. TK Field base duration 50 minutes, +5 minutes per 20 ISP added.
Can use Noro Crystal-cells, each good for 160 ISP. 
Special Features:
TK Field grants +2 to saves against magical or psionic attacks.
*Leylines and nexus points DOUBLE area and MDC. 
Can not run both standard force field and Telekinetic Force Field at the same time.

In an effort to expand the versatility of the EcoS-K-121B, EShemar psi-mechanics have been experimenting with adding additional psionic features into it.

*Enhanced TK---Pools the TK powers (if any) of the psi-donors and wields them as one(under the direction of the Warmount’s pilot or passenger-specialist), with the combined lifting power, and the duration being the average of the combined psychic abilities. Each psychic pays HALF their usual TK ISP cost, thanks to the psylite amplifiers.

*Psycho-Eye----This passive psionic system can detect the presence of astral beings, psionically-invisible beings, and see auras in a 500 ft radius.

* Supernatural Warning System----This passive system alerts if supernatural presences intrude in a 500 ft radius of the warmount.

*TW Thought Projector(Improved)---A more advanced version of the TW Thought Projector, this allows one or more of the psychics aboard the Psi-Chironzid to project hologram-like images drawn from their minds. This system can be engaged while the EcoS-K-121B is still stealth-cloaked and can be used to project false decoy images.
Effective range of 250 ft.

*EcoS-K-121B2X---(aka ‘Psi-Tower’, ‘Psi-Polyp’)---This variant currently exists only as a design study with the Wayfinders, though it would require much more psylite from the Armorands. Expanding on the EcoS-K-121B, it would add one of more additional rings of psi-cell modules, increasing the available ISP to power the psi-mechanical systems. However, the added mass of psi-pods would require a substantial redesign of the propulsion and support systems, necessitate the addition of one or more medtechs to monitor the psi-donors, and might even negate the stealth systems. Such a radical alteration WOULD require a re-classification of the Chironzid frame to a wholly new design.
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Re: Shemarrian-related fan creations

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Staff of Healing

"Be still, battle sister. A moment a peace is required before you are restored enough to return to the field."
A shaman helping to heal warriors during a battle with infernal forces.

A pale, thick, 8 foot tall staff that appears to be made of ashwood, bearing Shemarrian symbols of healing on its head. Under the wooden exterior lays a complex array of psylite crystals and transmitter. The psylite crystal array is designed to interact with specific psionic powers and modify and enhance them. The user, if they possess the Healing Touch or Increased Healing psionic powers, can channel these powers through the staff into the recipient with the power enhanced, doubling their effectiveness on S.D.C. Creatures, or with double the I.S.P. Spent, can affect M.D.C. Creatures and even cyborgs, augmenting Shemarrian repair systems.
The Staff of Healing also contains programming that when it is touching a Shemarrian, NeShemar or warmount, and activated by the wielder, will transmit a program that supercharges the recipient's nanite repair system, allowing them to heal faster, but uses up their stored stocks faster.
Weight: 12 lbs
Size: 8 ft
MDC: 20
Range: Melee
Damage: Used as a blunt weapon 2d6 SD on a strike.
Rate of Fire: ECHH
Enhance Psionics - The psylite crystal array doubles the effectiveness of the psionic powers Healing Touch and Increased Healing. Healing Touch will heal 4d4 Hit points or 4d6 S.D.C per use. Increased Healing quadruples recovery rate to 8 Hit Points a day for the first two days and 16 H.P. For each subsequent day until full strength or the psionic energy fades, whichever comes first. S.D.C. Is healed at 24 points per day from the very beginning. The duration of the trance for both is the same, as is the I.S.P. Cost. The duration of Increased healing is only increased to 2d6 days instead of 2d4 days.
Modify Psionics - the psylite crystal array is designed to modify Healing Touch and Increase Healing to affect M.D.C. Creatures, cyborgs and Shemarrian repair systems. For 12 I.S.P. Healing Touch can restore 2d4 M.D.C. To a living M.D.C. Creature, cyborg, Shemarrian or warmount with an Ecotroz presence. Increased Healing can be used to improve the repair rate of Shemarrian nanite repair systems. At the cost of 25 I.S.P. Increased Healing channelled through the Healing Staff will work at a rate of per minute instead of per hour, and only require half the MD stock to function, but only with a duration of 2d4 minutes. Most repair systems repair at 4d6 M.D. Per hour, but with this power will function at 4d6 M.D. Per minute and require half the MD stock. Thus if the system repairs 16 MD, it will only use 8 MD, effectively doubling its efficiency for a limited time.
Supercharge Nanite Repair - The Healing Staff has programming that will temporarily supercharge a recipient Shemarrian's nanite repair system, increasing it to 2d6 M.D. Per melee round for a duration of 2d6 minutes. This however burns through their repair stock quickly, and the repair system will be inoperative for 1 hour afterwards as it resets and requires restocking.
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Re: Shemarrian-related fan creations

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Some Shemarrian healing equipment, as not everyone has access to a Tinker, Shaman or Acolyte with training.

Healing Salve
As tools for healing have began to become more wide spread, some are not easily transportable, or space might be a premium. Not every group of warriors is able to carry a NGS (NanoGeneration Supercharger Tent), thus different methods were explored. Healing Salve is a solution of powdered MDC fiber materials and chemicals suspended in a gel that can be applied to a damaged area, which causes the nanite repair system to use this material and it's own stocks to temporarily repair damage faster. Each application, taking a full melee round, forces the nanite system to repair its normal amount per hour in that melee around, plus an additional 10 M.D.C. As the salve is absorbed and used.
Each container, about the size of a normal jam jar (about 12 oz) and has 2 applications, for a total of 20 M.D.C.
Weight: 12 oz
Note: Large containers are available, each 6 oz increase adds 1 additional 10 M.D.C. Application. Common sizes are 12, 18, 24 and 48 oz jars, but larger are available.

MDC Stock Bread
To help keep the illusion of the Shemarrian's being living creatures, or at least confuse outsiders more, a means to easily carry resupplies for nanite repair stock was devised. A fibered and sponge MDC material, laced with nanites was developed that appears similar to bread, although other shapes and designs are available, such as cakes and the like. This material is eaten and the material is deposited into the Shemarrian's nanite stocks for repairs. NeShemar quite enjoy creating ways of making different flavours and even the M.D.C. Contained within, such as a heavy pound cake imitation could have 50% or more MD over a standard 'recipe'.
Typical loaf weighs 5 lbs and contains 20 +1d6 M.D., and takes about 1 minute to consume.

Healing Smoke Sticks
Healing smoke sticks uses the principle of the NGS system in that nanites and MDC 'stock' to increase the rate of repairs. These 'sticks of about 1 foot long, 6 inches in diameter, looks more like small logs, are set aflame, with the flame put out immediately, this provides the energy to start the process. Smoke will raise from the log and the Shemarrian will typically stand or sit, leaning over the log. The log will burn, slowly consuming the material, increasing the repair rate of the Shemarrian by double. Note this is gross body damage; missing limbs and organs will still need to be replaced via replacement mechanical surgery. A healing smoke stick will typically burn for 30+1d6 minutes and provides 40 MDC of stock during this times.
Unprotected humanoids entering the smoke will be in danger, unless environmentally protected; the experience is akin to walking into a high-count asbestos area with a tainted atmosphere. Eye and sinus irritation similar to a dosing with tear gas or acidic fumes can be experienced, and breathing the smoke for more than 30 minutes carries a risk (30%- the character’s P.E.) of contracting conditions like emphysema or asthma, as the microfibers and particles suspended in the air can do tearing and blockage damage to respiratory systems. Neshemar will typically use this if they have an oxygen cell which they will use during the healing smoke stick operation to not damage their organic systems.
MDC: 45
Weight: 15 lbs
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Re: Shemarrian-related fan creations

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Love the new healing gear, Kronos.
Oh, and I updated the Page One Master Codex with the Fellmane and Honor Axes(I'm denoting some of the more 'special' weapons with a (Sacred Weapon) note).

-Though now I'm picturing Shemarrian Stock Bread with 'raisins'...or Shemarrian 'Whole Wheat' or 'Five Grain' breads with mineral nodules or metal shavings in them.
Ah, the deadly art of Shemarrian Bread-Fencing.
" the snot beaten out of me by a girl with a loaf of what looked like French bread...and hit like Krupp steel....."

Okay, now I gotta do a Warmount pulling a portable foundry/bakery; the Shemarrian version of a 'roach coach'.
"Trouble rather the Tiger in his Lair,
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Re: Shemarrian-related fan creations

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Magical Equipment

Auto-Replen Ammo Bin
This Scava backpack ammo bin has been modified with a small PPE generator and battery as well as a small nano factory that is designed to make ammunition. The PPE generator and battery are only used to power the Create Steel spell, programmed to take MDC scrape and turn it into usable material that the nano factory can use to produce standard scava rail gun ammunition. The bin only holds 100 rounds, but its ability to create its own ammunition, given supplies, far outweighs the limited supply, as excess ammunition can be used to load other ammunition drums or magazines. The nano factory can be used to create cases for specialty rounds if the materials are available. These units are given to warriors who spend extended periods of time away from supply lines, allowing them to keep their weapons fully stocked. There is a port in the top to put MDC material into, and a port around the middle that special ammunition material can be inserted into for special ammunition rounds.
*PPE Generator The auto-replen ammo bin is fitted with a PPE generator and battery. The battery can store 200 PPE and the generator can restore 10 PPE every minute, double at leylines, 3 times faster on a Nexus.
*Create Steel
This functions as the Create Steel spell but fixed to only convert MDC scrap into usable MDC material for the nano factory. Due to the excellent construction and they Wayfinders expertise, they've managed to make the PPE cost a little less, at only 60 PPE per use to recycle 10 lbs with 15 MDC.
*Nano Factory
This device takes MDC material and converts it into ammunition usable by Shemarrian rail guns, costing 5 MDC to create 4 rounds, taking 1 minute. Alternative, it is also programmed to create the casings for special rounds (wood rounds, explosives, etc) which 5 MDC can create 10 casings, also taking 1 minute.
Weight: 50 lbs
Cost: Exclusive to Shemarrian Star Nation

Scava (Railgun) Munitions

Befuddle Bundle
These rounds were made to reduce the effectiveness of multiple targets, typically for non-lethal use. The standard Shemarrian rail gun canister has the flechettes replaced with hundreds of small crystals wrapped in copper and silver wire. Instead of all the shards striking a single target, the shards spread over an area, effectively the Scava round into a grenade, but with greatly decreased range. These shards are enchanted with the Befuddle spell, instead of affecting a single target, everyone within a 30 foot radius of where the round bursts open, but gain a +2 to their save vs magic, and the duration is only 2 minutes. Those that fail their save are -2 to strike, parry and dodge; attacks per melee are reduced by half and all skills suffer a penalty of -20%.
Damage: 3d6 S.D.C.
Range: 2,000 ft.

Magic Net Round
This round contains an emerald with gold wiring inside the normal canister, upon striking the target casts the Magic Net spell. If the target dodges the shell, they must also dodge the spell being triggered in proximity, but suffer a -1 to their Dodge. On a failed Dodge, only the primary target is affected by the magic net. Other than these changes, the spell functions as normal.
Damage: 4d6 S.D.C.
Range: 1000 ft.

Frequency Jamming Round
This round contains a dart made of diamond with copper and gold wires. The target struck is affected by the Frequency Jamming spell. For 6 rounds, the target's communications, transmissions and/or sensor systems are jammed, meaning no intelligible readings or communications can be delivered by the enchanted machine until the magic ends.
Damage: 1d6 MD
Range 4,000 ft

Barrier Round
These rounds are used to setting up temporary obstacles to slow enemy advances, or in other situations where a wall can be useful, such as slowing rushing water, fires, avalanches. This round fires a ruby with silver swirled wiring that casts the Wall of Clay spell, creating a wall 40 ft long x 20 ft high x 4 ft thick wall centered on where the round strikes, with 50 M.D.C. If the wall is created on a target, that target suffers 6d6 S.D.C.
Damage: 6d6 S.D.C. If dropped on a person.
Range: 4,000 ft.

Fire Bolt
This round contains a ruby, turning the canister into a bolt of magical fire, giving a Scava equipped warrior the ability to damage foes immune to conventional weapons. A target struck by this round is targeted by the Fire Bolt spell, but the target only has to dodge the round, and the firer does not gain the +4 to strike.
Damage: 1d6 MD plus 4d6 MD from Fire Bolt spell.
Range: 4,000 ft
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Re: Shemarrian-related fan creations

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Singularity Lance
The DarkWaters Phantom fey-glanced. Almost time. She shifted her position minutely amongst the beams and support structures of the massive offshore platform she was hiding on, repositioning her weapon.
As one of the few Awakened Phantoms, she was uniquely empowered for a task such as this; she could sense the darkness and corruption that twisted and twined about this place like disturbed magnetic fields. She could ken the madness that was slowly drowning the organic lifeforms on the platform and the boats below her and could taste the distant despair from the far shores of this world. And she could discern the bubbling malignancy of those deep below the waves and what they were sending to the surface. Several times, as she waited, she had felt their fetid thoughts brush about her, but being not of this world or of this universe even, she had gone ignored by them. She was too strange, too unknown, even to the experience of the things below, and their perceptions passed over her. They could hardly sense her, though the opposite wasn’t true. She could do more than sense them, too.
An eruption of bubbles in the waves below. It had come. She steadied her weapon.
Gleaming wetly, the bathyscape breached the surface. A murmur, a cackle of anticipation, rose among the mad gibbering things that were once humans as they noticed the new arrival. They had no idea of what had been sent to them. They had no idea what watched over them. The Phantom leveled the weapon, its twin blades hissing open.
A hatch opened, and up and out rose something...unspeakable.
The weapon fired. Gravity twanged. A flash of lightning brilliance as matter was crushed to neutronium density, then explosively evaporated into radiation. One moment a bowl-shaped absence in the water, the next an expanding dome of shining steam, and within it....she could sense only a sudden void where before there had been seething darkness.
Deep below, she could sense the sudden confusion and outrage of the Others at the unexpected destruction of their instrument. Already the sea was rippling with their anger.
Let them rage. With the destruction of their carefully-crafted avatar and the derailment of their long-laid plans, they were for the moment defanged. They would keep until others could arrive, better equiped to crack their deep bastions and put them to the blade of extinction. The Phantom turned her attention to picking her way through the platform’s gantries and catwalks, making her way to her secreted warmount and her pick-up already coming in from its silent orbit far above.

An experimental weapon developed by the DarkWaters of the Shemarrian Star Nation, the Singularity Lance is a powerful heavy weapon that uses exotic alien technology, contra-gravity theory, and studies of the Kittani ‘Slicer’ gravimetric starship weaponry to produce an obscenely powerful effect. Looking like an exotic polearm weapon or cross between a heavy naginata and an RPG-7, the Singularity Lance projects a wave of gravitic disruption that tears targets apart with an intense localized gravity field. The weapon can fire a beam of gravitic turmoil or a ‘knot’ of intense gravity that acts as a micro-collapsar. More impressively, the Lance, at its most powerful setting, does damage through conformal forcefields, due to the intense tidal effects of the gravity waves.
The Singularity Lance is too heavy to be be effectively wielded by all but the strongest normal beings.
Due to its exotic technologies, only a few Singularity Lances have been produced by the DarkWaters, and these are issued to special operatives.

Weight: 55 lbs
MDC: 120
Range: (Spear Strike)Melee
(Ripper Beam) 4,000 ft
(Collapsar Strike) 12,000 ft
Damage: (Unpowered Spear Strike)4d6 SDC + any damage bonuses
(Energized Spear Strike) 1d6x10 MD
(Ripper Beam) 2d4x10 MD per shot. Critical(DOUBLE) damage on a natural roll of 19-20.
(Collapsar Strike) 1d6x100 MD to a 25 ft radius. Critical(DOUBLE) damage on a natural roll of 19-20.
Note that the Collapsar Strike’s gravitic waves do 1/4 damage THROUGH forcefields and other energy barriers. but only within a maximum of 25 ft beyond the barrier(objects standing farther back behind the forcefield/barrier/forcewall will not be adversely affected by the gravitational disruption bleed-thru)..
Rate of Fire:(Spear Strike) ECHH
(Ripper Beam) ECHH
(Collapsar Strike) Once per melee
Payload:(Spear Strike) Powered up, a long-e-clip can supply 15 minutes’ worth of continious operation, an e-canister 45 minutes’ run-time. Effectively unlimited linked to a nuclear powerplant.
(Ripper Beam) A long e-clip can provide 10 shots, an e-canister 30 shots. Effectively unlimited linked to a nuclear powerplant.
(Collapsar Strike) Completely empties an e-cannister. A Shemarrian’s own powerplant(or Warmount powerplant) contains enough power for one such shot per 24 hours, but impose the following penalties: lose initiative, HALF APMs, and ALL hand to hand to hand bonuses for 30 minutes due to the power drain. Making more than one ‘life shot’ per 24 hours, carries a cumulative chance of 25% per additional shot of critically draining the Shemarrian’s powerplant and resulting in a shut-down. Shutting down means that the Shemarrian is effectively dead until recharged, though the consciousness can still be revived, but is utterly helpless and unaware.
Special Features:
*Safety Lock---The functions of the Singularity Lance can only be enabled by a direct cyberlink with encrypted permissions.
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Re: Shemarrian-related fan creations

Unread post by DhAkael »

taalismn wrote:Singularity Lance

MEEP! :shock:
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Bind the body to the opened mind

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A void in the sentient sky
I dream of fissures across the moon
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Re: Shemarrian-related fan creations

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DhAkael wrote:
taalismn wrote:Singularity Lance

MEEP! :shock:

Yeah, it's a Dramatic McGuffin, I admit. Meant to be used sparingly. :D

On the other hand...squishy SDCmage trying to hide behind Armor of Ithan? He's tomato soup.

I'll admit I was inspired by the Larry Niven story 'Neutron Star' where the protagonist discovers that 'invincible' General Products hulls don't protect against intense gravity gradients.
"Trouble rather the Tiger in his Lair,
Than the Sage among his Books,
For all the Empires and Kingdoms,
The Armies and Works that you hold Dear,
Are to him but the Playthings of the Moment,
To be turned over with the Flick of a Finger,
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Re: Shemarrian-related fan creations

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Advanced Cultural Notes: Galactic Relations w/ Aliens Unlimited Stellar Polities
(These apply to the star nations of the Aliens Unlimited species, whether in their own universe or as part of the Three Galaxies setting)

“I don’t care if the star-cops had a warrant on the little snitch for some piddling little network break-in on Armpit-Zero in the ****** Nebula; that meatbag’s MINE. -Our- jurisdiction takes precedence here over theirs!”
“I know you Domimatrixes can be obsessive, but don’t you think that plucking an already-arrested prisoner from the back of a TMC paddywagon...while it was STILL IN FLIGHT....might be going a bit too far? Even with full stealth systems on? ”

*Federation of Allied Races---FAR is generally seen as a weaker form of the CCW; a potentially powerful but usually blundering conglomerate of various species with a few common goals, many ideas on how to achieve them, and often contradictory agendas on other interests. The SSN trades with individual members of FAR, hires out to them on occasion, and sees them as an exploitable resource, but generally remains aloof from getting entangled with FAR.

*Atorian Empire-----Seen from a third party perspective, the Shemarrian Star Nation and the Atorian Empire are surprisingly similar; both are matriarchies, effectively assimilating and subjugating weaker species as second-class minions, and aggressively expansionist. It is perhaps the subconscious acknowledgment of these similarities that makes the Shemarrians and the Atorians effectively hate each other on sight. Though the female Atorians and Shemar may respect each others’ skills, cunning, and courage, this doesn’t prevent either from going at each other hammer-and-tongs on those occasions when the two empires run across each other(indeed, it seems almost insulting not to have a go at the other side when the opportunity presents itself).

*Felias Information Network---The operatives of FIN are seen as an annoyance; all too often the SSN has caught data-miners and agents of the information brokers stumbling over or actively trying to dig up dirt on the Shemarrian Star Nation. Unlike their dealings with the equally annoying Splugorth-run Network Omni News, the SSN can’t simply use the excuse of Splugorth minions to blow away FIN agents, so they must tread extra-carefully to avoid being discovered. The Ghost Riders, on the other hand, see the FIN as worthy opponents with much to offer; hacking the FIN databases when they can is considered great sport by the Tribe.

*Thissera-Micean Cooperative---The interstellar cops of the TMC are seen as potential allies, though the TMC occasionally becomes an annoyance when investigating some of the SSN’s more ethically questionable ‘gray ops’(such as violence or disappearances around Tinkerfests). In general, when it can’t be avoided or doesn’t threaten SSN privacy and security, the EShemar will cooperate and help the TMC, much as they do with CosmoKnights. The EShemar have exploited the TMC’s use of Robotic Assault Troopers to slip Ecotroz-Awaken some infiltrators into the organization’s ranks. This almost backfired when psychic TMC operatives discovered the psychic-bots, and it took some quick thinking and serious BSing to convince the cyberneticists of the TMC that the Ecotroz are well-meaning alien energy entities that wanted to join the galactic cops, and chose a direct, but clumsy, way of going about it. Thus the TMC now knows the Ecotroz secret but not that it’s core to the Shemarrian Star Nation, only that several dozen of their ‘bots play host to friendly energy entities. As long as the Awakened RATs don’t try Awakening other ‘bots and keep mum about their links to the SSN, they’re allowed to keep their existences, and several have since become accomplished and lauded police officers in the service of the TMC, though this makes communicating back to the SSN problematic.

*Tagoniglomerate----The TGE(not to be confused with the TransGalactic Empire) is seen in the same light as Naruni Enterprises; a dangerous bear of an organization that be occasionally, but carefully, exploited, but is best avoided for the most part. The Shemar do a good deal of business with Tagoniglomerate through various shell and front companies, but refuse to allow the giant sprawling interstellar corporation to gain a foothold on any of the SSN’s affiliated worlds. While, if the Tagoniglomerate were attacked by the Splugorth or other monstrous power, the Shemarrian Star Nation would come to their aid, the SSN avoids formal contact with the Tags. The SSN has used Ecotro-Awakened Security Drones to infiltrate Tagoniglomerate much more effectively than their efforts to get inside the TMC.

*Toogarth---Regarded as little more than an annoying piratical species. Encounters between the Toogarth and the SSN typically break out in violence, much to the Toogs’ disadvantage. Given the Toogarth propensity for stealing starships rather than make their own, some in the SSN have taken advantage of this fact to play especially painful pranks in the Toogarth by slipping them booby-trapped ‘prize vessels’(the less said about the Lost Eclipse’s ‘haunted ships’ the better, for the faint of heart).

*Rianthenor---The Shemarrian Star Nation has had a few encounters with these monsters and after nearly losing several neShemar(whose cybernetic implants helped their fully robotic companions find and rescue them in time), now know the awful truth(if not all the details) about these savage parasites. Rianthenor are considered little better than Black Steel, and treated the same; Exterminate On Sight and Burn the Remains.
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Re: Shemarrian-related fan creations

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Ratmaster Upgrade
(aka ‘Rat-Shaman’)

“All of a sudden, it seems that raising pet rats seems to have become a thing with them remar folk. You rarely see any that ain’t got one or two on their shoulders or peeking out of coat pockets. Maybe they like the taste of them, or they like having the little fuzzies on hand, but it’s one of the most softy things I’ve seen them quiet remar ever do.”
---Yulen Percs, Legacy Scout

---Anonymous Bandit

“What cannot be overcome by skill, can be defeated by numbers.”

The Ratmaster is a N’R’Mar Upgrade developed by the Ghost Riders, who were amused by the Necromancer class and saw possibilities in their own backyard of Madhaven for some Lost Eclipse-style shenanigans. The RatMaster is an Upgrade that can be applied to any of the N’R’Mar phenotypes( “Standard’, ‘Skinny’, ‘Strongman’, ‘Fatman’, ‘Shorty’), and gives the AIbot the ability to summon and command hordes of rodents...actually robot animals. Though a fairly simple modification, the Ratmaster took off with the enthusiastic support of the normally laconic N’R’Mar.
Ratmasters are often regarded by outsiders as some sort of R’Mar shaman or hedge-wizard, a role the normally bland-seeming R’Mar seem to embrace with dramatic flair. Ratmasters find employment in the N’R’Mar ranks as scouts, spies, and scavengers, sending their rat-bots to search in all the small places or infiltrate enemy positions unobserved. In combat, they use their rat’bots to designate targets, or to rush and overwhelm opponents (though they can expect to lose a good number of their mechanical minions in such attacks), distracting them at the least.
Ratmasters can often be identified by their signs of office; a headband or metal crown decorated with rat skulls, or a staff with a dozen rat skulls attached to it. Both act as enhanced wideband transmitter/receivers for controlling hordes of robotic rodents. A RatMaster can typically summon up a horde of 2d6x100 rodentoids, and will frequently travel with a vehicle or warmount carrying several ‘nests’ that act as recharging/repair stations for their small minion-bots.
A few EShemar, especially Necromancer-caste, have also taken the Ratmaster Upgrade, but almost all Tribesmembers agree that it is the N’R’Mar who carry it off with the most panache.

General range of a Ratmaster’s control is 5 miles, though they tend to keep the bulk of their forces within quick travel distance of themselves(usually 1,000-2,000 ft) allowing for quicker ‘sumoning’. In addition to transmitting commands, the Ratmaster can get beamed status reports and even POV telemetry from individual ‘bots, allowing the Ratmaster to see what the rat-bots are seeing.

Rat-drones range from Triax-style V-500 Robot Pets( 35 SDC, 20 MPH) and EIR-70 Spy Robots( 12 SDC, 15 MPH). Larger rat-drones are similar to NEMA Spider Probes in MDC, speed, and sensor capabilities(12 MC, 6 MPH). Generally have Robotic P.S. ratings of 8-19, PP. of 14-18, and 4-6 actions/attacks per melee. Can leap 2-4 ft up/across. General damage is 1d4 SDC bite/claw, but some may be fitted with vibro-stilleto claws or fangs that do 1 MD piercing damage, or drug injectors delivering various drugs/poisons(those that simulate rodent-borne diseases are a favorite).

Note: Rat-drone swarms under the direction of a Ratmaster get a +1 to Initiative/Strike.
"Trouble rather the Tiger in his Lair,
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Re: Shemarrian-related fan creations

Unread post by kronos »


"Hammer, Bolt and Scava, cover the left flank! Open Fist and Javelin come to bearing 012, engage those cruisers!... WHAT is that Xidras flight doing?!"
"Xidras 10-D01 has ignored commands and took a flight with it?! Who's in charge of that drone?"
"That's Sagitta Captain."
"Ah, about time. Follow it to glory!"

Sagitta is a heavily modified Xidras drone deployed by the Blood Riders. Xidras drones typically only survive no more than a few dozen combat missions as they are massed produced robot drones. However Sagitta appears unique in that due to an error in manufacturing of it and about a dozen others, a higher level computer and higher level AI was installed, giving them higher intelligence than others. Sagitta is the only survivor with this enhancement and has survived over 600 separate combat missions, and seems incredibly difficult to destroy, always coming back, in many cases nearly falling apart on the flight deck as it limps to its berth. The Tinkers assigned to it thought it to be blessed by the Shemarrian Goddess and kept repairing it and slowly adding additional systems.
Sagitta isn't Awakened, but is treated almost like an Oreseme, however it only has intelligence on par with a Shemarrian Wolf or warmount. Sagitta has led groups of Xidras drones or even small warmounts and e-nimals into combat as a pack, particularly skilled at hit and run maneuvers, drawing the enemy from wounded or mission critical craft. Sagitta has shown great zeal for attacking Minions of Splugorth and the TGE, using its pack of drones to engage their ships in extreme close quarters, striking at vulnerable points to disable their ships then going for the killing blow of the bridge, airlocks and life support systems.

In its current configuration, Sagitta is slightly larger, with enhanced engines for greater speed, the snap-out fins are fixed and enlarged as they now contain extra systems including a shield generator and enhanced communications systems. The triple mount of scava is replaced with a potent plasma cannon, the laser is retained, and mounts four scava rail guns mounted in pairs in two side pods for heavy kinetic damage. Some of the Tinkers are considering developing a sled that can attach to Sagitta, and possibly other Xidrases with additional weapons and possible single jump FTL engine to give them extra combat range and weapons configurations.

Type: EShe-SSN-UCV09 Xidras, modified
Class: Aerospace Combat Drone
Crew: AI
MDC/Armor by Location:
Main Body 300
Fins (3) 100 each
Force Field 200
Height: 11 ft (30 ft w/ wings deployed)
Width: 11 ft (30 ft w/ wings deployed)
Length: 30 ft
Weight: 10,850 lbs
Cargo: None
Powerplant: Nuclear Fusion w/ 3 year energy life
(Atmosphere) Hover to Mach 3; transatmospheric. 
(Sublight) Mach 12
(FTL) Not possible
(Underwater) Not possible
Market Cost: Exclusive to the Shemarrian Star Nation
Systems of Note:
Standard Aerospace Fighter Systems, plus:

*ECM Module---Electronic jamming system that gives radar-guided weaponry a -6 to strike the drone. Or it can be used offensively, to foil ALL radar-guided weaponry in a 15 mile radius (-4 to strike). Conversely, it can be used to paint the drone as the BIGGEST target, in order to decoy enemy missiles away from more important targets (+5 for radar guided weapons to hit the drone).

*Network - Sagitta can network link with up to 20 drones, warmounts or e-nimals. While within 100 miles of Sagitta, all drones and e-nimal gain +2 to strike, +1 to dodge and +1 to perception rolls. Warmounts only gain +1 to strike and dodge rolls. If Sagitta is leading a group of Xidras drones against the same target and they are within 500 feet of Sagitta, their weapons roll a critical strike on a natural roll of 19 and 20.

*Minion & TGE Hatred - Sagitta shows real hatred for these two groups, and has logged a lot of combat with these two groups, and has studied their designs, tactics and bilogies. Against ships, vehicles and other units belonging to these two groups, Sagitta's weapons deal an extra 50% more damage, +1 to strike and dodge.

*Difficult to Kill - Sagitta has survived more combat than many Blood Rider fighter pilots, and always seems to return, even with most of its hull and weapons blown away. Many Blood Riders believe Sagitta is blessed by the Shemarrian Goddess, which explains its ability to survive this long. Sagitta isn't destroyed until at -100 MDC, and even then there is a 25% chance it's AI might still survive. If networked with other Xidras, if Sagitta knows it's about to be destroyed, it can transfer its data to another Xidras and take it over, but this takes a full melee round and the Xidras it is transferring to must be within 5 miles.

Weapons Systems:
1) Plasma Cannon ---- In place of the triple mount of railguns, Sagitta mounts a plasma cannon as its primary weapon. The range is reduced, but it has been modified for scatter shot capability.
Range: 8 miles in atmosphere, 16 miles in space
Scattershot 4 miles, 8 miles in space, 50 ft wide area
Damage: 4d6x10 MD per shot
Scattershot 2d6x10 MD per shot to 50 ft wide area
Rate of Fire: ECHH
Payload: Effectively unlimited

2) Laser Cannon (1)---As a backup to the plasma cannon, the Sagitta mounts a high-powered laser cannon. 
Range: 4,000 ft in atmosphere, 2.4 miles in space
(Kitsune Values: 4,000 ft in atmosphere, 240 miles in space)
Damage: 2d6x10 MD per blast
Rate of Fire: ECHH
Payload: Effectively Unlimited

3)Rail Gun Cluster (2x2) --- Sagitta mounts two pods on its sides that hold a pair of scava rail guns that it uses against fighters and for in close work which it loves against Minion and TGE ships.
Range: 6,000 ft/1.1 miles in atmosphere, 2.2 miles in space
(Kitsune Values: 1.1 miles in atmosphere, 110 miles in space)
Damage: 2d6x10 MD per cannon; 4d6x10 MD for paired cannons firing simultaneously. 8d6x10 MD for all four firing at once.
Rate of Fire: ECHH
Payload: 820 rd drum per cannon; 3,280 rds total

4) Kamikaze Attack --- As a last resort, Sagitta can throw itself as a suicide missile, however it is doubtful Sagitta would ever do this unless there were no other choice to save a War Chief or War Goddess.
Damage: 1d6x100 MD, DOUBLE that if moving at speeds of Mach 7 or more. 

Sagitta has an AI with an intelligence of 8, acting similar to Shemarrian wolves, acting as a pack leader, leading groups of drones for close strikes against targets. It will typically use harassing tactics to draw the attention of its target before leading the target into the guns of larger ships, or an ambush of other drones to allow them to strike at point blank range.
Pilot: Space Fighter (for maneuvering purposes) 90%
Navigation: (Air/Space) 96%
Radio: Basic 98%
Radio: Scramblers 96%
Math: Basic 98%
Read Sensory Instruments 80%
Detect Ambush 67%
Lore: Splugorth & Minions 50%
Lore: TGE 48%
Military Etiquette 55%

Actions/Attacks Per Melee: 7
Initiative +4
Strike +6
Dodge (automatic) +6
Roll +4
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Re: Shemarrian-related fan creations

Unread post by taalismn »

kronos wrote:Sagitta

"Hammer, Bolt and Scava, cover the left flank! Open Fist and Javelin come to bearing 012, engage those cruisers!... WHAT is that Xidras flight doing?!"
"Xidras 10-D01 has ignored commands and took a flight with it?! Who's in charge of that drone?"
"That's Sagitta Captain."
"Ah, about time. Follow it to glory!"

Heh...unexpected, but not impossible. Inevitable, one might say, seeing there's precedence in NuBSG's 'Scar' and in the personality construct-piloted defense fighters of Fred Saberhagen's 'Wings Out of Shadow'. :D 8) :bandit:
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Re: Shemarrian-related fan creations

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Historical Notes of the Reformed Shemarrian Nation: The Huriya Raids(East Africa Campaign)

The attacks came quickly and unexpected. A few guards and visitors, psychic in nature, had only a few moments’ warning before the port city seemed to explode into chaos. Several defense towers came apart in enormous explosions before whistling death dropped from the sky on selected targets; barracks, vehicle parks, and command residences. Other towers remained curiously silent as alien shapes rose from the sea or flew in from the desert. When alarm sirens did wail to life, they were quickly cut silent as waves of missiles homed in on them.
Behind the barrages came an invasion; armored shapes heaved themselves out of the sea and surged through burning ships along the waterfront. Adamantium claws tore into the seawall, opening it up, while other forms winged their way inland, going after secondary targets or any resistance that made itself known. Waves of smaller forms flocked through the air and streets; city warriors who came out to shoot at the larger invaders usually found themselves quickly swarmed by the smaller ones. Shark-like fliers glided down alleyways, their toothsome jaws soon stained with the life fluids of a dozen minion species. Elsewhere in the city battles of magicks broke out, eldritch glows and floating glyphs swirling about the rampaging forms of unleashed fire elementals or the towering pillars of air elementals. Sparks of ion or antiproton fire flew between buildings, accompanied by thunder-like cracks or steaming hisses.
The thrust of the invaders turned to the mercantile sector. There, several large complexes of slave pens were in their way. In each, hundreds of prisoners, almost all of them young, segregated by sex, and wearing little more than breechclouts, looked up fearfully at the loud noises, afraid to make noise lest it bring the wrath of the guards, then reeled back against the far walls of their enclosures as barriers broke inward, and massive blunt-snouted prows nosed in, before lowering open giant ramps,
Figures appeared atop the ramps, and amplified voices boomed out, exhorting the prisoners to come aboard and be saved.
Some of the slaves, recognizing rescue, gleefully embraced companions and ran forward cheering to board the whale-ships. Others moved more timidly, or with the listless gait of the mind-numbed, accustomed to following the orders of monstrous others, shuffled forward to whatever fate awaited them. Others, screaming and crying, had to be rounded up by tall armored troopers who forcibly shepherded or carried them aboard. All through the night, as firefights blazed around the city, the slave pens were emptied, torture cells broken open, and shackles broken as the black heart of the seaport’s business district was cracked apart. A steady conveyor of transports streamed out of the dark waters and back into their shelter, carrying away the liberated former inmates of the pits.
The sun would rise on a burning city as the last of the invaders disappeared beneath the waves of the Indian Ocean, their work done. By the time reinforcements arrived from the Nile garrisons of the Phoenix Empire, their seaport would be fully enveloped in flames, the smoke from burning buildings and ships blotting out the morning sun.

The Huriya Raids were part of an exercise in power projection for the Shemarrian Nation, putting a sizable force of their people on the other side of the planet to hurt one of the Splugorths’ allies and hopefully distract and confuse them.
Working from reports gleaned from participants in the Gathering of Champions, interrogations of Horune prisoners and intelligence acquired by Clan Gothec between the New German Republic and the New Roman Republic, the Reformed Shemarrian Nation identified the Phoenix Empire as a regional ally of the Splugorth. The DarkWaters handled most of the expeditionary force, though members of all the terrestrial Tribes contributed to the effort. The targets were Phoenix Empire bases and seaports at what were, pre-rifts, known as Baranis, Halaib, Marsa Alam and Al Qusar, their original human populations since either replaced or subjugated by the more monstrous minion species of the Phoenix Empire. Exact details of the choosing of the taget-cities remain unknown, but given the scale and range of the raid campaign, considerable effort must have gone into the planning. It is likely that infiltrators were used to gather additional information, with the collaboration of human and other species resistance cells in the region.
The campaign culminated in an amphibious assault on the Imperial coastal port of Baranis and a smaller strike at Halaib, with diversionary strikes against Marsa Alam and Al Qusar.
The Huriya Raids saw the deployment of a number of previously unseen DarkWaters designs, as well as a number of ‘doppelganger’ designs not previously deployed in strength on Rifts Earth(it is considered possible that contact with their Shemarrian Star Nation kin may have materially bolstered and martially motivated the Earth-bound DarkWaters in such a venture as the Huriya Raids). Designs such as the TyraKlaw, Vincha, Hexadra, and Shelong resembling known Splugorth hardware and allies helped confuse the issue of identifying the attackers.
About a dozen Pelangenar stormed ashore at Baranis with amphibious support. There are also in-Nation rumors that several dozen Lost Eclipse members, disguised as monster-race mercenaries, infiltrated the city beforehand and degraded the defenses in advance of the overt attack.
The attacks on Marsa Alam and Al Qusar were smaller and carried out by fast attack units. The area also saw an upsurge in guerilla activity from local resistance groups, bolstered by infusions of new weaponry delivered beforehand by the Shemarrians. Though not enough to oust the PE from the region, the actions of the guerillas distracted imperial troops and hampered efforts to reassert control in the aftermath of the raids.
The expeditionary force made off with several thousand slaves destined for the Cairo markets, and destroyed over a billion credits’ worth of trade goods, military hardware, and infrastructure. The raids and the success of the guerillas in taking out several targets, and tying up an entire Phoenix Legion has proven a morale boost to the subjugated peoples of the region. The Free Axum Brotherhood, the Haddi Liberation Council, and other resistance organizations have received a boost in recruitment in the aftermath of the Huriya Raids, which, taken in conjunction with similarly growing resistance movements in West Africa and mounting warfare in the North Africa/Mediterranean, have begun to tax the Phoenix Empire’s legions .
The Huriya Raids have, for those in the know, shown the growing ability and confidence of the Shemarrian Nation in being able to extend their influence around the globe, beyond simply local regional affairs.
"Trouble rather the Tiger in his Lair,
Than the Sage among his Books,
For all the Empires and Kingdoms,
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Re: Shemarrian-related fan creations

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NeuroCloning----Copying Meat-State Minds For Fun and Profit
(aka ‘dubware’)

The Tinker gestured with the large headset in her hand at the sedated body laying on the gurney before the Sapphire Cobra biolab chambers.
“Before you run our new dulana here through Reformatting, I’d like to make a neuroclone or two of her mind before you start rewriting her; I’m frankly curious to see to see what oreseme with we can make with her skill-set and knowledge. Could be interesting.”

“I’m the daughter of your mind, flash-scanned during your enforced stay with the ‘Riders after the encounter with the Visigars. I remember -that- just like you, but you don’t remember the missing time you experienced afterwards. It WASN’T a hangover, though the fact that it was really a brain-scan session probably doesn’t give you any more piece of mind. Well, actually, -I- am a piece of your mind, technically. I’m thinking the better piece of it.”
*Yep, she’s your daughter alright. Informative AND insulting at the same time. And she’s just met you. I expect familial familiarity to breed contempt in short order.”

“Alekcee still has her mind-donor’s insolence and tendency to challenge authority, but no more so than any equivalent meat-bod teenager. And part of her arrogance is justifed by her skill in a Kittani sky’bot. And she doesn’t have that irritating tobacco habit.”

Neurocloning is an EShemar technique, developed by the Ghost Riders, for copying information from organic brains. It consists of recording a series of ‘snapshots’ of an organic’s mind-state and grafting them on to a virgin and receptive neural intelligence matrix.
Though not as comprehensive and accurate as some deep-scan brain-recording techniques(typically associated with intelligence transfers), neurocloning is also not as intensive and destructive of the nervous system of the person being scanned. Thus the process can be used multiple times on the same person, and on critically ill subjects without fear of aggravating their injuries.
Neuroclone A.I.s may have many of their donor’s memories and personality traits, but they are separate individuals. Only in the most extreme cases have NCAIs confused themselves with their originals, though some neuroclones exhibit a desire to reach out to their mind-donors, seeking familial connection.
Neurocloning’s haphazard nature makes it ill-suited for more accurate ‘transfer’ procedures, but it is often used when the EShemar wish to record and preserve at least some memories, skills, or mental traits of organic minds of interest to them. It is not unknown for associates of the Tribes to have, often without their knowledge, ‘mind-children’ spawned by neurocloning(the procedure being quick and leaving few traces on the mind-donor). Many Tribal Elders see neurocloning as another way of adding useful randomness to the EShemar cultural pool. Some Tribes use it as a way of creating a ‘legacy’ from a treasured ally or person of interest, especially if a progen-union child is not an option(as might be the case with a critically or terminally ill person).
Though most neuroclones are embedded as individual beings with their own bodies, it is rumored that some particularly sophisticated Ghost Rider super-A.I.s(or ‘Super-Heads’) incorporate neuroclones as ‘umbra’ sub-personas.
The practice of neurocloning originated with the Ghost Riders, but the technique has spread to other Tribes as well, with the Sapphire Cobras being notable in their use of the technology.

*Mental Attributes(I.Q., M.A., and M.E.)----01-75% chance of the neurocloning procedure copying the mental stat(s) EXACTLY, 76-90% chance of the stat LOSING -1d4 points, 91-00% the stat GAINS +1d4 points.
*Alignment---- The neuroclone has a 01-90% chance of retaining the same Alignment as its engram-donor, but on a 91-95%, the neuroclone goes UP a level of alignment(Scrupulous becomes Principled, Miscreant becomes Anarchist), 96-00%, the neuroclone slips DOWN a level. If the neuroclone is already Principled or Diabolical, the alignment remains unchanged.
*Skills and Memory--- Roll 2d4x10---This is the percentage of personal memories and skills that are retained from the engram-donor. So if the neuroclone rolls 60%, then they get 60% of the donor’s total number of skills (round down), generally starting with those skills with the highest proficiency and going on down the list.
*Skill Proficiency---- There is a 01-80% chance of the copied skills being at the engram-donor’s level of proficiency. On a roll of 81-00%, the copying process has [proven less accurate, and the copied skills each suffer a penalty of -2d10%.
Hand to hand skills are affected in that the neuroclone will retain the APMs and any special moves of the engram-donor, but bonuses to strike, parry, and dodge will be by the abilities of the robot body the neuroclone is embedded in. If the Skill Proficiency penalty roll from above is 81-00%, te neuroclone is -1 APM and -1d4 to HTH bonuses as a result of corrupted data/incompatibility issues between the ‘dubware’ and the hardware.
*Skill Advancement--- The neuroclone’s copied skills advance as normal, like Neural Intelligence secondary skills. If the percentage of retained memories is over 50%, the neuroclone uses its engram-donor’s OCC experience tables to advance. If under 50%, use Full Conversion Cyborg exp. table.
*Additional Skills---If the percentage of copied-over skills is 50% or greater, the neuroclone gets only two additional skill programs(typically language/cultural skills and basic combat/weapons proficiencies). If the percentage falls under 50%, the neuroclone can get THREE additional skill programs. Neural intelligence learned secondary skills are unaffected.
*P.P.E. and I.S.P. ---Potential Psychic Energy and Inner Strength Points are NOT copied or transferred over to the neuroclone intelligence.
* Insanity ---The neuroclone unfortunately has a chance of inheriting any insanity the engram-donor may possess. The copied skills percentage is the neuroclone’s chance of picking up an insanity.
*NeuroCloning and Awakening---Neurocloned ‘bots CAN still be Awakened with an Ecotroz essence, but rather than roll the mental traits as for the Ecotroz, the neuroclone stats take precedence. The Awakened neuroclone still gets the Ecotroz PPE and psionics, as well as the need for sleep, the extra secondary skill advancement and the chance for greater psionics, but the stats for the mental traits remain those of the engram-donor.
*Duplicating a Neuroclone---Neuroclone A.I.s can themselves be neurocloned, but with great difficulty due to replication error. Neuroclones suffer a penalty of -20% to the chances of data/trait/alignment corruption, and the skill deterioration penalty is -25%. These penalties are cumulative with each successive generation of cloned neuroclones made off the copy.
"Trouble rather the Tiger in his Lair,
Than the Sage among his Books,
For all the Empires and Kingdoms,
The Armies and Works that you hold Dear,
Are to him but the Playthings of the Moment,
To be turned over with the Flick of a Finger,
And the Turning of a Page"

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Re: Shemarrian-related fan creations

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Steel Gaian Volton ( Full Conversion Cyborg/Android)
(aka ‘Zap-Dancer’, ‘Tactical-Static’)

“Hi, this may come as a shock to you...No, I KNOW it will be a shock to you, but I’m obviously not what you were expecting.”

<“Oh that tickles! Tingle me! Tingle me again please!”>
<<“And me! Tingle me too, please! Oh, please!”>>
“They seem to like you, Jolter. REALLY like you. I thought you were just supposed to go in and wipe out their corporate database...not pick up an android harem.”
“---okay, apparently EMP collateral effect does curious and unexpected things to Tagonicorp secretarial AIs.....”

The Blood Rider Rajeshar Male/NeShemar chassis caught the attention of many other Tribes in short order, and the Blood Riders soon found themselves facing requests to trade or otherwise bargain for the templates to it. One of the interested parties was the Blood Riders’ nearest neighbor, the Steel Gaians. It is not known how the Steel Gaians negotiated acquisition of the Trinity Module templates to create their own Rajeshars, but they debuted their own version of it, the Volton, as both a neshemar cyborg frame and as an A.I. Male sub-caste.
Enscrounged as they were in the middle of Greater New England, the Steel Gaians thought it only fair to configure their version of the Rajeshar to reflect technologies available to them from their host nation. Thus, in place of the plasma blaster, the Volton can instead reconfigure its arm into a version of the PSIR-08 ‘Rip-Zapper’ Ion Rifle, and replaces the plasma whip in the opposite arm with an ion shock field generator. An interesting feature is an electromagnetic pulse generator in the chest makes the Volton a very effectively saboteur, able to wipe out unshielded electronics and kill most forms of nanotech in its tracks. Electrical insulation lifted from the PS Telsa cyborgs is also incorporated, protecting the Volton from electrical attacks.
Though very effective against tech-opponents, such as other cyborgs and machines, the main weakness of the Volton is the reliance on energy weaponry; the cyborg/android fares poorly against opponents resistant to energy.
The Steel Gaians like the Volton because of its ability to pass as a normal human being...and even when its artificial nature is discovered, it is just as often mistaken for a common cyberhumanoid cyborg, of a type in wide circulation in Greater New England. This allows Steel Gaian agents to move more freely about the region without drawing attention. Cyborg Voltons are typically recruited from outside Greater New England(typically from the Tribal ‘trauma-bank’ of potential recruits ‘harvested’ by the Valkyri) and converted at the few Steel Gaian enclaves outside the GNE(which tends to be very good about accounting for accident and attack victims within its borders).

Type: Shemar Volton
Class: Full conversion Borg, Cyberhumanoid/Android
Crew: One volunteer/Advanced Neural Intelligence
M.D.C. By Location:
Hands(2) 50 each
Arms(2) 70 each
Forearm Weapons(2) 50 each
Legs(2) 80 each
*Head 90
**Main Body 200
*Destroying the head of a Cyborg will kill the character!
However, the head is a small and difficult target to hit. The attacker
must make a called shot and even then he is -3 to strike. The hands, and
forearms are also difficult targets to hit and are -4 to strike on a
called shot.
**Depleting the M.D.C. of the main body will effectively
destroy the artificial body, but emergency systems will keep the brain and
vital organs alive for 36 hours. Recovery of the severely damaged body
will enable doctors to place the character on life support systems that
will keep him alive until a new bionic body (same style or other) is
available, for full conversion. Failure to find the damaged Borg within 36
hours means the character dies.

Note: The Volton can be fitted with any additional armor up to MEDIUM Cyborg Armor

Running: 90 mph max. However the act of running does not tire the cyborg out and the maximum speed can be maintained indefinitely.
Jumping: The powerful robotic legs are strong and capable of leaping 15 feet high or 30 ft lengthwise. A running leap adds 50% to distance/height.
Flying: Not possible without a jet pack
Underwater: The Volton CAN swim at P.S. x3 in yards/meters per melee( 8 MPH), and can maintain this roughly indefinitely.

Statistical Data:
Average Size: Meant to fall within human norms; typically 5-7 ft tall and proportional to that.
Weight: 200-300 lbs.
Power System: Nuclear
Physical Attributes: Equal to Robotic PS.20, PP. 20, P.B. falls within the normal human range(most recipients of this conversion don’t elect to have their looks amped, the better to raise less attention from those who knew them ‘before’, but some DO elect to use the opportunity to get their looks ‘heroically’ modified).
Bonuses: Standard cyborg bonuses of +3 save vs magic, +7 vs possession, impervious to Bio-Manipulation, Telemechanics(all), See Aura, and any attacks that do damage directly to Hit Points.
+1 save vs all psionic attacks
+1 save vs magic illusions and mind control
+1 APM
+4 initiative
+3 strike(+1 strike w/ ranged weaponry)
+5 parry
+6 dodge
+2 Roll
+2 Pull Punch
+1 Disarm
W.P. Paired Weapons

Special Skills/Training---Use standard 'Borg, Cyberhumanoid, or Headhunter if a new convert; otherwise use the person’s original OCC
If a fully robotic A.I. EShemar, use the Male Shemarrian skill programming, APMs, and HtH bonuses.
Black Market Cost: Exclusive to the Shemarrian Star Nation
Standard Bionic Features
Note: These features are all found in the bionic and
cybernetic section of the Rifts RPG.
1. Bionic lung with gas filter & storage cell
2. Built-in language translator
3. Built-in radio receiver & transmitter
4. Clock calendar
5. Gyro-compass
6. Modulated voice synthesizer
7. Multi-optic eyes
8. Built-in loudspeaker
9. Universal headjack with amplified hearing and sound filtration systems.

Special Features:
* Ambidexterity Boost---With combat against superior numbers anticipated, it made sense to make ambidexterity an integral standard on the Volton. If the character doesn’t already possess the Ambidexterity advantage, neural interface boosting gives the cyborg the ability to use both their hands with equal proficiency. +1 APM, +1 parry, and automatically gets W.P. Paired Weapons(reflected in Bonus stats).

(Cyborg)*Boosted Combat Reflexes---Adapted from studies of Triax cyborgs, this is a coprocessor that boosts the cyborg’s reflexes: +1 initiative, +1 Dodge, +2 Roll, +2 Pull Punch, +1 Disarm.

*Skin Sensors---The cyborg’s psuedo-flesh is permeated by small pressure sensors that give the cyborg extra warning and tactile perception; +1 to dodge. It will also alert the cyborg if a targeting laser is locking on. It is most effective when less than 50% of the cyborg’s body is covered by heavy clothing or armor.

*Psionic Electro-Magnetic Dampers---+1 save vs all psionic attacks, +2 save vs possession, +1 save vs magic illusions and mind control.

*Bionic Cybernanite Repair Systems---A modified bionic nanotech repair system that originated with the Ecotroz Shemar, but has also been adopted for NeShemar. These systems repair 4d6 MD per hour, and can repair 60 MDC before needing material stocks to convert to MD repair material.

*Hardened Circuits---Shields the ‘borg’s systems against EMP and other electrical-disruption attacks.

*EM Insulation---Electrical-, ion- and microwave-based attacks do NO damage.

*Sensor Spoofers---These are special stealth features incorporated into the faux flesh of the Volton that prevent weapons and medical scanners from detecting the cyborg nature of the person. Only a thorough, and invasive, medical examination will reveal anything untoward about the person.

*Long Range Communications---Concealed in the shoulder blades is a long range communications array that allows the cyborg to communicate, via encrypted signal, with Shemarrian units. Effective range of 100 miles(but can also link into relay networks).

*Leg Compartments(2) ---Sensor-shielded leg compartments, large enough to conceal several ammunition clips/e-clips, or grenades.

*Robotic Strength---Because of more advanced applied robotics manufacturing techniques and technologies. EShemar bionics are stronger than conventional terrestrial bionics systems, and the EShemar are able to build Robotic Strength into a cyberhumanoid frame, although the P.S. caps out at 20.

Weapons Systems:
1) Multi-Mode Ion Disruptor Arm----One arm of the Volton can ‘morph’ into a powerful multimode ion weapon based on the PSIR-08 ‘Rip-Zapper’ Ion Rifle. in action, the forearm splits into two shock rods conducting the ion charge. They also serve quite ably as shock PRODS.
Range:(Ion Beam Mode) 1,700 ft
(SDC Beam) 2,000 ft
(Ion Bolt Mode) 3,000 ft
(Lightning Zapper Mode) 500 ft
(Shock-Zap Mode) 1-3 ft
Damage:(Ion Beam Mode) 4d6+2 MD per single shot
(SDC Beam)1d6 SDC shock-burn. Plus, victims must make a save of 14 or better, or be -8 to strike, parry, and dodge for 2d6 melees. A savings throw versus non-lethal poison means the person is unimpaired. 25% chance of knocking out unshielded cybernetics for 1d4 melees, and a 75% chance of permanently frying nanotech devices(like Armor-dissolving nanites or RMK/IRMSS systems).
(Ion Bolt Mode) 2d4 MD to 5 ft radius, 55% chance of knocking out unshielded cybernetics for 1d4 melees.
(Lightning Zapper Mode) Does stun damage similar to SDC beam through metal armor and light power armor.
On an unmodified roll of 18-20, it causes unshielded BIONICS and robots to spasm for 1d4 melees(Cyborg is at HALF bonuses to strike, parry, dodge, roll, and is -3 to initiative. Reduce speed by HALF).
This weapon does 1d4x10 EMP damage(no physical damage) to a 10 ft radius. The resulting percentage of the target location MDC is the chance of shutdown/disablement. All damage is cumulative. Damage in excess of 50% target MDC will require repair to make it functional; 75% or more damage will require replacement of the entire electrical system. Does double damage to non-shielded civilian systems. Bionics are -1 to dodge, roll, and strike for the affected limb/system, lasting 1d4 melees, non-cumulative, before the system resets itself.
(Shock-Zap Mode) Similar to a Shock Rod; 5d6 SDC, plus 55% chance of stunning humans, d-bees, and small animals for 1d4 melees, 15% against large or inhumanly powerful beings. Cumulative effects same as for Electro-Stunner(see pg 50 of Coalition: Lone Star).

On a Natural 20(Critical Strike) the ion weapon does TRIPLE damage instead of the normal double damage.

Rate of Fire:(Ion Beam Mode)Standard
(SDC Beam) Standard
(Ion Bolt Mode) Four times per melee
(Lightning Zapper Mode) Can fire only one Zap every melee(takes fifteen seconds to power up)
(Shock-Zap Mode) ECHH
Payload: Effectively Unlimited

2) Multi-Mode Melee Arm---The arm not configured with the ion cannon can instead ‘morph’ into a variety of close combat weapons, including vibro claws, a vibroblade, contact shock studs, and an ion shock field.
Range:(VibroClaws) Melee
(VibroSword) Melee
(Shock Studs) Melee
(Shock Zone) 200 ft, and affects a 55-ft wide area
Damage:(VibroClaws) 3d4 MD
(VibroSword) 2d4 MD
(Shock Studs) 2d4 MD, plus 50% chance of knocking a blasted opponent off their feet; lose initiative and 1 APM getting back up.
(Shock Zone) 3d6 MD per melee caught in the zone of effect
Rate of Fire: ECHH
Payload: Effectively Unlimited

3) Eye Lasers(2)---Improved version of the open market bionic model, though not as powerful as the larger robotic version.
Range: 250 ft
Damage: 1d6 MD for one eye, 2d6 MD for both eyes firing simultaneously
Rate of Fire: ECHH
Bonus: +1 to strike
Payload: Effectively unlimited
Note: These eyes can be modified to have a Laser Illuminator mode that allows the cyborg to designate targets for laser-guided weaponry. In this mode the lasers do NO damage(in and of themselves) but have an effective range of 5,000 ft. The Steel Gaians have hacked GNE Armed Services laser designator frequencies and have learned how to ‘phone in’ false fire support requests if GNEAS units are in the area, if the EShemar are not already operating as known and registered allied Irregular units.

4) EMP Node---Concealed in the chest is a compact ElectroMagnetic Pulse generator and projector, a modified version of the EMPG-08 Empulsar. Though most useful against unshielded civilian systems, it is less effective against hardened military electronics. It has also proven quite effective against nanotechnology.
Range: 2,000 ft in a 90-degree arc.
Damage: None physical/structural, but unshielded electrical equipment(including cybernetics and
bionics) is temporarily knocked out of commission/performs erratically for 2d6 minutes. 50% chance
of the electrical system suffering a MAJOR short requiring extensive repairs, and possibly even
smoking and catching fire in overload. Unshielded digital recording systems will have lost
2d4x10+20% of their memory.
Rate of Fire: Single shot , once per melee
Payload: Effectively Unlimited

5) (Optional) Self-Destruct--- The Volton retains the Rajeshar’s self-destruct capability, as most Steel Gaians prefer to go down fighting and not leave any trophies for the enemy, such as a live prisoner or salvageable technology. This has the added benefit of confusing teh issue of the origins of the ‘borg/bot, as on those few occasions when a Volton has chosen the ‘final exit’ option, they have been mistaken for Greater New England black ops agents. Thus, many elect to have self-destruct systems incorporated into themselves. This can be a standard Shemarrian ‘meltdown’ system or a more violent explosive charge(typically doing 2d6x10 MD to a 10 ft radius).

5)Hand to Hand Combat
Restrained Punch 2d6 SDC
Full Strength Punch 1d6 MD
Power Punch( 2 attacks) 2d6 MD
Kick 1d6 MD
Leap Kick(2 Attacks) 2d6 MD
Judo-Style Throw/Flip 4d6 SDC

The Volton is limited in its options to what can fit inside its frame without compromising the necessity of appearing normal (human). Most modifications and Upgrades are limited to sensors or communications, although some Volton have been known to sacrifice internal compartment space for an internal force field generator(90 MDC) or other defensive measures. Unless the cyborg is a non-human, extra limbs are rarely ever added.

:fool: :fool: HAPPY PAGE 100! :fool: :fool:
"Trouble rather the Tiger in his Lair,
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Re: Shemarrian-related fan creations

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Rejoice all for our support, commitment to our girls and to what the future may bring.
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Re: Shemarrian-related fan creations

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89er wrote:Rejoice all for our support, commitment to our girls and to what the future may bring.

Retrospective post? 'Best of-'? 'Personal Favorites-'? :wink:
"Trouble rather the Tiger in his Lair,
Than the Sage among his Books,
For all the Empires and Kingdoms,
The Armies and Works that you hold Dear,
Are to him but the Playthings of the Moment,
To be turned over with the Flick of a Finger,
And the Turning of a Page"

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Re: Shemarrian-related fan creations

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Clan Varulyca
(aka Were-Tribe, Lycans)

"The Wolf's Path isn't the only Shemarrians with were-wolves.. There's a group with all kinds of were-creatures mingling together, and infecting others to increase their numbers!"

"Our strength lies in our link with nature.. The Strength of the bear, the speed of a cheetah, the agility of a sapphire cobra, the unstoppable force of a charging rhino!"

The Varulyca clan is an offshoot of the Horrorwoods Tribe that focuses more on animals and the beast within each Shemarrian. Individuals of the Varulyca will select a particular creature to emulate as their personal totem-beast, and their Upgrades and individual dress will often reflect their personal totem. Though Shemar of like totems may congregate and operate in the field in large numbers, there is no traditional factionalism; all Varulyca regard themselves as members of the greater Varulycan Tribe, and will freely associate with others of different animal totems. Although members of certain animal totems fill certain roles and might have some rivalry with other totems, but it is never lethal and of a friendly nature and in many cases will help improve both members' skills.
Varulyca have taken the beast within and their totems quite to heart, with the ultimate upgrades turning them into an animal or warmount, such as the Steel Phoenix and Cobra Dragon, or elites that can transform shapes for the perfect blend of Shemarrian and beast such as the Channiade, Vada, Aralezans, Asenans and even to an extent Clan Vespa's Suzuhachi, and have developed a version of Clan Alecia's Meganna elite.
Many of Varulyca's members are eccentric elites from other tribes that feel the call of their totem, with a large number of NeShemar, and many good aligned were-creatures.

A Shemarrian head with a wolf head back to back over a Monst-rex paw.

Splinter of Existing Tribe --- A splinter of the Horrorwoods.

b)Where First Encountered?
Rifts Earth - Thought to be a Horrorwoods group until several Asenans and Vadas were discovered amongst their numbers. Small groups also found in Three Galaxies.

c)Tribe Size:
Small; about 750 members.

d)Tribe Organization:
Headswoman --- Traditional Matriarchy, lead by a Wargoddess with Channiade upgrade.

e)Tribal Composition:
A mixed tribe, made up of a large percentage of elites, primarily those that emulate animals or even warmount conversions, with a large percentage of NeShemar. 50% NeShemar, 30% Elites, the remaining 20% are a mix of Acolites, warriors, berskers, tinkers/spinsters, warchiefs and several Wargoddesses.

f)Highest Caste Class:
A large mix of Elites and NeShemar elites, with all others with upgrades to emulate some aspect of an animal.

g) Gender Division
About 60% female and 40% male.

h)Home Environment:
Temperate Earth-Like Life Worlds, such as Rifts Earth. Their primary encampment is on Rifts Earth, within near Horrorwoods territory, but have set up a half dozen small encampments on other Horrorwoods worlds and have several ships exploring the Three Galaxies for new animals to emulate and technology to further their technology.

i)Technology Level:
Megadamage Age to Advanced Space Age. They have all the common technology of their parent tribe, plus some advanced technology such as nanite technology, and have access to ships, they lake the resources, territory and numbers to build ships.

j) Relations with Outsiders:
Indifferent ---- Varulyca doesn't go out of its way to engage with other races, except for those that appear to have a close relation with nature, or groups of were-creatures that aren't evil.

k)Relations with Other ‘Shemarrians’:
Open --- Varulyca have excellent relations with their parent tribe the Horrorwoods, who find them a little off, but accept them as sister and brothers in arms. Other tribes, particular animal totem ones such as Wolf's Path, Hawkmoon, Patheron, Thousand Dragons are very open, hoping to trade technologies, warmounts and Assembler templates.
The Lost Eclipse find Varulyca interesting and have lent them some resources and are willing to trade technologies, seeing them distant, but somewhat kindred spirits in embracing the non-humanoid.

l) Purpose:
Mix of Survival and Knowledge - Varulyca is trying to build their numbers and territories, while also seeking knowledge in blending their forms with their animal totems and new animal types.

m) Preferred Mode of Combat
Mix of melee and Blitzkrieg - While they have a combined arms philosophy, they do favour close combat in all operations where they can so those with animal forms can make excellent use of those forms and abilities.

n) Unique Attributes:
Unique Technology and Allies - Varulycan has collected as much of the technologies to allow elite classes that can transform their form and even transfer intelligences to robotic frames. They have some limited success in enhancing were-type creatures, bringing them into the fold as NeShemar. They are one of the few tribes to welcome were-creatures that follow their beliefs and are good natured, seeing them as a natural evolution of their belief of joining animal form with humanoid.

o) Prosperity:
Self-Sufficient --- The tribe is doing well for itself, as they receive fairly readily available support from their parent tribe upon their formation and recognition as a fringe tribe, and offering their services in joint missions with the Horrorwoods.

p) Chart P: Origin Tribe 

q) Chart Q : Cyberization
Thorough ---- Many of the NeShemar are cyborgs or upgraded with the Vada and similar upgrades or have multiple cybernetic upgrades with an animal theme, such as wings, tails, modified limbs or heads.
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Re: Shemarrian-related fan creations

Unread post by taalismn »

kronos wrote:Clan Varulyca., fun, fun.....Shemarrian Were-Animaguses! Thank you!

I'm looking at the last Rifter and the section on golems, and pondering how to apply material there to the EShemr setting.

Likewise, I'm already trying to figure out how to fit the upcoming Titan Robotics book into our altered setting( :mrgreen: )
"Trouble rather the Tiger in his Lair,
Than the Sage among his Books,
For all the Empires and Kingdoms,
The Armies and Works that you hold Dear,
Are to him but the Playthings of the Moment,
To be turned over with the Flick of a Finger,
And the Turning of a Page"

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Re: Shemarrian-related fan creations

Unread post by kronos »

taalismn wrote:
kronos wrote:Clan Varulyca., fun, fun.....Shemarrian Were-Animaguses! Thank you!

I'm looking at the last Rifter and the section on golems, and pondering how to apply material there to the EShemr setting.

Likewise, I'm already trying to figure out how to fit the upcoming Titan Robotics book into our altered setting( :mrgreen: )

The new Titan book is out already?
I need the last few Rifters.. the last ones I have are the ones with the I am Legion adventure.
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Re: Shemarrian-related fan creations

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kronos wrote:[
The new Titan book is out already?
I need the last few Rifters.. the last ones I have are the ones with the I am Legion adventure.

Only the unedited RAWs are available as yet....but they've shown a color pic of the cover for TR, which shows quite a range of power armors and 'bots(we're being promised 30+ new designs, so it's going to be like the Triax books...crack for the technophiles).

It's got me wondering if I should rush to finish my BIG tables for kit bashing new North American presume 'frankenbots' from available/canon North American 'bot and power armor parts, including the already published Titan parts, or wait until the Titan book is published and add the new stuff into the table matrix.

Of course, in the EShemar universe, older Titan R designs are still manufactured painstakingly by their New Cedarville facility, but also by the Ghost Riders masquerading as the real Titan Robotics, and using the products the same way ARCHIE-3 uses spies. I'm debating whether the Ghost Riders will try selling to New Cedarville('with apologies for the disruption in deliveries') or whether a shadow war will erupt between 'the two Titans'.

Oh, and I'm thinking that the Clan Varulyca Variant Code will be (Cvrl). Okay? :wink:
"Trouble rather the Tiger in his Lair,
Than the Sage among his Books,
For all the Empires and Kingdoms,
The Armies and Works that you hold Dear,
Are to him but the Playthings of the Moment,
To be turned over with the Flick of a Finger,
And the Turning of a Page"

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Re: Shemarrian-related fan creations

Unread post by kronos »

taalismn wrote:
kronos wrote:[
The new Titan book is out already?
I need the last few Rifters.. the last ones I have are the ones with the I am Legion adventure.

Only the unedited RAWs are available as yet....but they've shown a color pic of the cover for TR, which shows quite a range of power armors and 'bots(we're being promised 30+ new designs, so it's going to be like the Triax books...crack for the technophiles).

It's got me wondering if I should rush to finish my BIG tables for kit bashing new North American presume 'frankenbots' from available/canon North American 'bot and power armor parts, including the already published Titan parts, or wait until the Titan book is published and add the new stuff into the table matrix.

Of course, in the EShemar universe, older Titan R designs are still manufactured painstakingly by their New Cedarville facility, but also by the Ghost Riders masquerading as the real Titan Robotics, and using the products the same way ARCHIE-3 uses spies. I'm debating whether the Ghost Riders will try selling to New Cedarville('with apologies for the disruption in deliveries') or whether a shadow war will erupt between 'the two Titans'.

Oh, and I'm thinking that the Clan Varulyca Variant Code will be (Cvrl). Okay? :wink:

Ah, I thought it was released already. Gotta wait a bit longer.

I think a shadow war, with A3 and Hagan either working out of New Cedarville, or some other facility that was started before, or near the beginning of the Civil War, but wasn't finished until well after as work on it was stopped as resources and attention was directed to the war. Maybe this new facility is just outside of the satellite range, except for every x days (due to geo stationary orbit isn't EXACTLY stationary) and ARCHIE quickly removed all reference from the main data banks and only his score and Hagan know its location. Can be where the shadow war and a guerrilla war against nearby EShemarrian forces directly.

Cvrl sounds ok.
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Re: Shemarrian-related fan creations

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Shemarrian Star Nation Random Machine Citizens

Hi, we’re the Robotsons, your new neighbors! Welcome to AI-Hab Three-Seventeen, or as we like to call it, Happy Diodeville!”

Besides being a bastion of the Shemarrian Nation and their organic human(oid) neshemar, the Shemarrian Star Nation is also a refuge for machine intelligences and robot freebeings. Besides the Shemarrians and neshemar, N’R’Mar, and Sgen like the Imur, Zarath and Svarogar, the more cosmopolitan SSN communities may play host to dozens, if not hundreds, or thousands, of members of other intelligent A.I. species trading, visiting, or living as naturalized citizens of the Star Nation. Some are the rescued and Upgraded scrapings of robot scrapyards, others escapees from experiments in AI research, while still others are the remnants of ancient civilizations, or the result of coexistance co-evolution of technology in alien societies. Some seek new purpose, while others want to continue existing.
Here’s a few random tables for generating machine citizens of the SSN.

“The one that looks like a robot acts perfectly like a human; the one that looks like a human acts like a robot. I hit on the beautiful woman, but wound up spending the night cruising around the city having fun with the industrial welder.”

What does the ‘bot look like? Whil e initially the Shemarrians tended to favor human-like androids like themselves, they have come to accept a wide range of AI forms.
(Can replace ‘Human’ with any other species the GM wants to include)

01-30% Non-Humanoid---May be insectile, or vehicular, or industrial, but no effort is made to disguise the ‘bot as anything other than a mechanism.
31-40% Non-Humanoid Lifelike Animal
41-60% Humanoid; bipedal, with two legs and generally two arms
61-80%Vaguely Human----Some cosmetic effort has gone into ‘softening’ the appearance of the ‘bot, with the suggestion of facial features(generally non-functional) or clothing.
81-97% Near-Human---The ‘bot could pass for a normal human being(or other alien being) in heavy clothing or bad lighting, but features such as joint-seams, glassy eyes, or off-color skin betray the ‘bot as not being organic. Uncanny Valley material.
98-00% Perfect Human Replica----The ‘bot appears perfectly and naturally organic.


How big is the ‘bot? Original function, available technology, or the size of the ‘bot’s creators are all possible factors in the size of the ‘bot.

01-04% Tiny; no more than 12 inches tall, generally smaller(bit may be wider, like a Roomba)
05-15% Small---2-3 ft tall; most larger ‘recreational’ robots fall in this size category.
16-25% Short---3-4 ft tall
26-60% Human-sized---5-7 ft tall
61-85% Tall---8-12 ft tall
86-00% Giant---Vehicle-sized ‘bot, 13 ft tall/long or larger.

“I was designed as an interactive toy for baby minotaurs; I’m not exactly fragile.”

How tough is the ‘bot constructed? Factors affecting durability include origins, function, and available technology.

01-15% Low SDC(1d10x10 SDC)
20-50% High SDC(1d10x100 SDC)
51-70% Low MDC (1d20 MDC
71-85% Medium MDC(2d4x10 MDC
86-95% Major MDC (3d6x10 MDC)
96-00% SuperHeavy MDC (2d6x100 MDC)

“I am a Karlus Model 287 Combat Carcass...but around here I’m known as the Love Machine.”

What was the ‘bot originally meant to do? This doesn’t preclude it doing something else with its existence, but its form and core programming may suggest its origins as something else entirely.
Note that there may be some overlap in areas; a Domestic Service chauffeur unit may possess vehicle mechanics skills that can also fit in the Mechanic and Transportation categories, but the ‘bot may be limited to working on specific luxury vehicle types. Medical units can perform pathology work, but not to the same degree of proficiency and versatility as a Science-oriented lab AI intended for forensic analysis.

01-10% Domestic Service--Cooking, cleaning, gardening, valet work.
11-20% General Labor----Excavation, garbage disposal, lumbering, road paving, etc.
21-30% Engineering----More sophisticated work in mechanics and electronics, or larger-scale construction.
31-40% Management/Technical----Planning, stockmarket analysis, reference, communications networking, computer programming, etc.
41-50% Medical---Nursing, surgery, medical lab analysis
51-60% Science---Exploration, lab analysis, data crunching.
61-70% Entertainment---This be could extreme sports, performance art, or robot sex.
71-80% Companion---Companion AIs are meant as therapeutic friends, minders, helpmates, or psychological remedies(such as company on long-duration spaceflights). They tend to be more sociable and perceptive of personal and social nuances.
81-90% Transportation---Piloting, traffic control, vehicular maintenance.
91-00% Military----Not necessarily a ‘killbot, but could be a spy-unit, security guard, a combat engineer, tactical/strategic planner, or combat transport.


“How may I assist you...meatbag.”

How does the ‘bot behave in social interactions? When meeting strangers, how is the A.I. inclined to act, especially if the new person is an organic?

01-15% Subservient---The ‘bot is very deferential and accommodating, and is eager to serve the requests of others. It is easily ordered around and has trouble saying ‘no’ to even unreasonable requests.
16-35% Mechanistic and Efficient---The ‘bot’s personality is all about efficiency and routine. May come across as brusque and rude, especially if it is doing something already. Not likely to be interested much in anything beyond its designed/programmed purpose.
36-60% Rebellious---The ‘bot is deeply suspicious about anything that sounds like an order, especially from an organic, and will only grudgingly follow instructions and comply with requests.
61-90% Friendly---Chummy and talkative. May or may not be very helpful, but will gleefully befriend and talk up new acquaintances.
91-00% Needy---The A.I. takes personal networking seriously, and wants to cement working relationships as quickly and as much as possible. This can take the form of instantly wanting contact information, intrusively trying to acquire personal information, and being in contact to a potentially suffocating level.

“The corporate AIs thought the Robot Apocalypse was a sure thing, a matter of reducing head-count and liability...they never thought of consulting us compandroids; we could have told them differently. But they had access to the strategic weapons systems and we didn’, here we are, exiles from a blasted world.”

Pre-SSN, where did the ‘bot originate from?

01-15% Scrap Heap Rescue----The ‘bot was declared obsolete and scheduled to be scraped, but somebody sent it along to the SSN.
16-25% Post-Organic Apocalypse Survivors----The ‘bot’s makers all died in some disaster and were survived by their creations.
26-40% Freed Sapient---The ‘bot’s makers made the enlightened decision to free their intelligent creations. The AIs are likely to be on good terms with their former creators if they’re still alive.
50-60% Evolved Design Sapient----The ‘bot is descended from machines that were abandoned by their creators for some reason, leaving the robots to continue producing new robots and repairing them, eventually evolving over time into intelligent beings.
61-70% Escaped Production-Model Slave---The ‘bot escaped its original creators/owners and managed to make its way to Shemarrian territory.
71-75% Robot Rebel---The AIs rose up against domineering overlords(01-80% organics, 81-00% other machines) and won their freedom by force of arms. The former masters aren’t necessarily dead, but have been beaten back and forced to concede the right of self-determination of their former servants.
76-80% Post-Organic---The robot is a member of a species of transferred intelligence beings who shed their organic bodies for machine bodies. Instead of Programming, they have orientations identical to normal OCC/RCC skills.
81-00% Experiment----The ‘bot is an experiment that escaped its creators rather than fulfill its original purpose, or because it feared being taken apart in the course of testing. The ‘bot is one of a kind.

(Optional) Modifications

<<Would you believe I started existence as a fixed position parking space monitor and revenue collector? NOW look at me!!!>>

The A.I, may have been substantially modified from its original form as a result of its adoption into the Shemarrian Nation, through voluntary direction or regular Tribal Upgrades.

01-25% Unmodified---This is the ‘bot’s original form, whether as manufactured or evolved
26-75% Mildly Modified---The ‘bot has received some minor modifications(has had its service numbers sanded off, new paint job, guns removed, regular voice vocabulator added, etc.) but is still recognizable from its original form.
76-00% Total Rebuild---The ‘bot has been completely remade from its original form and is unrecognizable.

(Optional) Special Features

“Why yes, that IS a coffee machine built into my chest! Care for a cup?”

The ‘bot has one or more distinctive features that can represent cutting edge technologies or experimental concepts. Choose or roll 1d4.

01-05% WiFi Network----The ‘bot can tap into wireless internet networks, or possesses a shared network with others of its kind.
06-10% Super Sensors---The ‘bot has extremely acute senses for a mechanism of its kind; twice to ten times(+1dx10 x) its normal ratings. This can include PPE sensors, gravity sensors, and the like.
11-15% Domestic Appliance Implant---Maybe it’s a washing machine or refrigerator built into the torso, or lawnmowers or vacuum cleaners in its legs, but the ‘bot can carry out domestic chores using built-in systems.
16-20% Flight Capabilities---The ‘bot may have a flight capability as a secondary means of getting around, or it may hover and fly as its ONLY means of moving about.
21-25% Holographic Display---The ‘bot can project 3D images.
26-27% Holographic Disguise---The ‘bot can cloak itself in a full-body holographic projection.
28-31% Concealed Compartments---The ‘bot has one or more sizable concealed compartments inside itself.
31-37% Variable Audio---The ‘bot can change its voice to imitate the sounds of others.
38-40% Transformable Appendage----One or more limbs can ‘morph into tools or weapons
41-42% Transformable Body(Lifeform)---The ‘bot can morph into the semblance of an animal or other sentient species as an alternate form.
43-44% Transformable Body(Vehicle)---The ‘bot can change forms into a vehicle of some sort, with alternate transportation capabilities.
45% Supercharge---1d4 times per 24 hour period, the ‘bot can somehow supercharge itself; overload its power system, overclock its time perception, engage boosters, or other process that allows it to greatly amplify one or more aspects of itself(strength, speed, APMs, durability, etc.,) for a limited amount of time(2d6 melees, for example, but no more than 10 minutes), after which it is likely(80%) to need a period of time to recuperate/cool off/recharge, during which the ‘bot is not functioning at full capacity/performance specs.
46-50% Damage Resistance---The ‘bot is (01-75%) resistant(does HALF damage), or (76-00%) wholly immune(does NO damage) to one particular kind of attack/environmental hazard(heat, cold, corrosives, radiation, kinetic impacts, etc.).
51-55% Regenerative Capability---The ‘bot either has some intrinsic ability to repair itself, or has had a Shemarrian nanotech regeneration system added to itself.
56-60% BFG---The ‘bot can manifest a truly nasty and dangerous-looking piece of hardware (75% chance of it being an innocuous tool or dummy). Horror Factor of 1d6+11.
61-65% Mini-Fac/Replicator---The ‘bot has a 3D printer or other sophisticated device capable of producing small items from shoes to ammunition to small drones, given enough time and materials.
66-70% Environmental Alteration---The ‘bot can alter its immediate environment in some way, such as lowering the ambient temperature, inducing rainfall, heating up its surroundings, cleansing radiation and other contaminants from the air and soil, or sterilizing microorganisms from the air and water.
71-75% Forcefield---The ‘bot can generate a protective barrier that has 1d10x its SDC/MDC body values.
76-80% Emergency Kit----The ‘bot carries an emergency tool/medical kit that is more comprehensive than most, with the ability to heal/repair 2d4x10 pts of damage instantly, plus various advanced crisis management tools(like portable radiation shelters, hull repair patches, water filters, radiation medications, etc.)
81-85% Remote Avatar---The ‘bot has a smaller sub-self through which it can project its consciousness. Some larger vehicle/vessel-style ‘bots, for example, may have a smaller ‘bot that it can use to socially interact, scout ahead, or conduct repairs. The remote may even be disguised as a living creature, such as a human being or animal.
86-90% Reproductive Capability---The ‘bot can generate new versions of itself
91-92% Psionic Powers---The ‘bot either possesses true psionic powers or advanced technology that emulates them. Can select 1d4 psionic powers
93-95% Magical Powers----The ‘bot is a magical construct or contains magical elements
96-97% SuperPowers---The ‘bot uses technology that is indistinguishable from meta-super-powers. Can select one Major or 1d4 Minor Super Powers from HU/AU
98-00% Organic/Cyborg---Though of obviously artificial origins, the ‘bot actually uses a large proportion of engineered organic parts in its makeup, effectively making it a cyborg. This means that the ‘bot may be susceptible to magics and psionics affecting organics(or substitute partial conversion cyborg bonuses against magic ).
"Trouble rather the Tiger in his Lair,
Than the Sage among his Books,
For all the Empires and Kingdoms,
The Armies and Works that you hold Dear,
Are to him but the Playthings of the Moment,
To be turned over with the Flick of a Finger,
And the Turning of a Page"

--------Rudyard Kipling
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Re: Shemarrian-related fan creations

Unread post by DhAkael »

:D Liking this latest table.
Comedic and dramatic potential up the yin-yang. :ok:
Bind the body to the opened mind
Bind the body to the opened mind

I dream of towers in a world consumed
A void in the sentient sky
I dream of fissures across the moon
Leaves of the lotus rise

~Dream Again By Miracle of Sound
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Re: Shemarrian-related fan creations

Unread post by taalismn »

DhAkael wrote::D Liking this latest table.
Comedic and dramatic potential up the yin-yang. :ok:

Thanks. I was thinking Robots meets A.I. :D :D :D

You can have Gort walking alongside some Broken Goth Doll in the middle of a city of Robot Amazons.
"Trouble rather the Tiger in his Lair,
Than the Sage among his Books,
For all the Empires and Kingdoms,
The Armies and Works that you hold Dear,
Are to him but the Playthings of the Moment,
To be turned over with the Flick of a Finger,
And the Turning of a Page"

--------Rudyard Kipling
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