Shifter Minions

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Shifter Minions

Unread post by DieselsRage »

Starting a campaign and one of my pc wants to be a shifter. Has anyone made or come up with a good way for rolling for his minions. Have all the books so trying to figure out a way to be able to randomly roll for where his portal is opening to and then what creature comes out.
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Re: Shifter Minions

Unread post by dreicunan »

DieselsRage wrote:Starting a campaign and one of my pc wants to be a shifter. Has anyone made or come up with a good way for rolling for his minions. Have all the books so trying to figure out a way to be able to randomly roll for where his portal is opening to and then what creature comes out.

You could always use and adapt the (supernatural) monster generator from the back of RMB.
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Declared the ultimate authority on what is an error and what is not by Axelmania on 5.11.19.
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Re: Shifter Minions

Unread post by narcissus »

I role played it with our Shifter.

I let her pick what she wanted to summon, and then make a skill check on Lore: Demons and Monsters to see if she knew anything about that creature. A failure meant she had to pick something else and skill check again. Repeat until successful.

Once the type of creature was selected, she had to make a skill check on Lore: Dimensions to see if she knew which dimension to target. I actually made this roll for her so that she didn't know the outcome (a success means she targets the correct dimension, a failure means it's a random dimension / dimension of my choosing).

Then she opened the Communication Rift. Skill check as per the skill. If the previous Lore: Dimensions check failed, she opened a Comm Rift to a random dimension, and any sort of creature was there to respond - or none at all (depends on what you want to do with the "wrong" dimension). You could also let her do a Dimension Sense at this point to gain some knowledge about the dimension - assuming the Comm Rift didn't open right in front of something that tried to get through.

Anecdotally, since she was using a ritual to open the Comm Rift at a nexus point, I introduced a Ley Line Storm at one point which caused its own short-lived rift to open and the rest of the group had to fight off Xiticix and provide cover for her while she completed the ritual. In this particular case, the storm also disrupted the magic and at the end of the ritual the PPE was used up but nothing happened.

Assuming successes all the way, she opens a Comm Rift to the right dimension that contains the creature she wanted to summon. If the Comm Rift skill check was in the 20% above range (right dimension, wrong location) I picked a random creature from that dimension to respond to the communication. In this case, it could still be the creature she intended, but a small probability.

FWIW, she tried the above a few times before eventually landing on what she wanted, and inadvertently let a couple of things through that she didn't want (whenever she realized that she hadn't contacted what she was trying to, she would close the rift and try again - though sometimes not fast enough). Also, the Comm Rift / summoning attempt was done during an afternoon of downtime for the group when they had a scheduled meeting in the evening, so there were time constraints and she was only able to make a couple of attempts. When she did finally make her Lore: Dimensions skill check and opened a Comm Rift (albeit to the wrong location), I did let her know that she had landed on the right dimension, and future attempts could bypass that check and go straight to the Comm Rift.
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