Shemarrian-related fan creations

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Re: Shemarrian-related fan creations

Unread post by kronos »

taalismn wrote:Xena, eat your meatbag heart out. The Winged Blades are here. :ok:

I've got more versions in the works, and maybe some non-bird versions that turn into other weapon types. Something for Clan Varulyca to barter with to get more resources.

Plus I have several other things I need to finish that have been gathering dust for awhile since I've been so busy with work pretty much since the start of the pandemic.
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Re: Shemarrian-related fan creations

Unread post by taalismn »

Yanning and the Yanli(Thundercloud)
“Yanli are really easy on the long as you’re looking at them above the waist. You look further down, you’ll wish you hadn’t daydreamed so much lingering on their faces, because the shock effect of seeing the rest of them is just magnified.”

“We now have a solenium mine, a factory system, a new member species, and a whole new industrial complex churning out drones we’re drowning the ‘gorthers in across the width of the Arm! I say we thank the next bunch of Spluggorthers we run into by killing them with the new weapons we made at our new factories we got, courtesy of them!”

The Yanli are a protected species recently liberated from the Splugorth by the Shemarrians. Their world, Yanning, lies within space recently claimed by the Shemarrian Star Nation.
The Yanli are clearly the result of biowizarrdry experimentation, fusing human stock with Yazhing multipedes. Their Splugorth creators established a viable population on Yanning as part of a resource-mining operation. Yanli are deceptively-fragile looking, but actually robust enough to prosper under the weight of gravity high enough to kill terrestrial human beings. Their long lower torsos with their low centers of gravity and multiple supporting legs help carry the Yanli over rough terrain in high gravity, and allow them to carry loads safely with little fear of falling over.
Despite being a slave species, the Yanli have a vibrant culture, in part developed as resistance to the Splugorth. Their matriarchal society means that they fit in well with traditional Shemarrian society.
Since the liberation, the Yanli have undergone a population explosion and redistribution, as they have expanded out from the mining compounds and fortified farms serving them; a growing number of suburban and rural communities have sprung up across Yanning, though the majority of the population remains around the mining centers.
Concerns about the vulnerability of the Yanli homeworld to attack by the Splugorth have the EShemar looking to establish colonial enclaves of the Yanli elsewhere in the Star Nation, so it is entirely possible to encounter Yanli elsewhere in the Thundercloud galaxy, especially in Shemarrian space.

Alignments: Any
Lifespan: 75 years
Size: 15-18 ft long, and normally stand up to 6 ft tall(can rear up to 9 ft)
Gender: Heterosexual, but the ratio of males to females is one to seven. Female Yanli lay 4-6 eggs, that they bury in sand incubators for 6 weeks before the infant Yanli hatch out and are raised by their parents.
Physical Description/Appearance:
A centuroid hybrid of a human being and a Yazhing multipede. Above the waist is a normal-looking human body, while below is a long, segmented, armored, multi-legged centipede. Yanli have human-like hair and comely facial features, and a range of skin colors within the human norm. Their hands, however, can extend long thin red chitin claw-spikes.
Yanli are omnivores, but live primarily off a diet of small reptiles, rodents, and large insects found on Yanning.
Full range of human emotional attitudes, but by and large Yanli tend to be quiet, polite, and respect authority. Even the most rebellious Yanli can fake sincerity and subservience. Having acquired their freedom from the Splugorth, the Yanli are fumbling their way into free will.
Because birds could not adapt to Yanning, Yanli offworld are fascinated by bird life, and regard birds with an almost sacred awe. Given a choice, they would rather starve than eat a sparrow. They thus tend to regard birdlike beings like the Hawkmoons with fascination, and may be intimidated by Splugorth Minions like the Hawrk-ohl and Hawrk-ka. Many have taken with great glee to acquiring robot simulacrum birds like the Chirt or Avyet as pets.
Physical Attributes:
IQ: 4d4
ME: 3d6
MA: 3d6
PS: 4d6+31
PP: 2d6+10
PB: 86
PE: 3d6+10
SPD: 6d6+46.
(PPE): 3d6
Hit Points:----
Main Body 3d4x10+25, plus any SDC bonuses from physical skills become MDC.
Arms(2) and Legs(60) 5 each
Horror Factor: Despite their exotic looks, or perhaps BECAUSE of their exotic looks, combined with their monstrous-looking lower bodies, Yanli actually have an H.F. of
Natural Abilities:
*High Gravity Worlder
*Poison Resistance---Yanli are exceptionally resistant to poisons;+6 save versus poisons
*Poisonous Bite---Yanli sport small fangs that can secrete a weak poison, normally used to subdue their food. Does 4d6 SDC or 1d4 MD, depending on what the victim is, and on a failed save versus lethal poison, the victim also feels dizzy and feverish; -6 to initiative, strike, parry, and dodge, for 6d6 minutes.
*Claws---Yanli sport a long and retractable claw-nail on each hand that they can use to stab for 1d4 MD.
*Limb Regeneration---Yanli can re-grow lost arms and legs; takes 2d4 days

*MicroGravity Sickness---Yanli were bred to survive in heavy gravity and pressure and thus they have problems adjusting to lower gravity. Without careful gravitational decompression when leaving their home planet, they can suffer from bends-like symptoms that can leave them ill and disoriented(save vs coma/death or be -10 to all hand to hand rolls, and -25% to all skill rolls, for 1d4 days). About 30% of Yanli cannot adjust to lower gravity at all and must wear gravity-suits, stay in controlled high gravity environments, or do not leave their homeworld.

Psionics: None
Magic: None, and have no potential. It’s suspected that the Splugorth made sure that the Yanli never came into possession of abilities that they could use to overthrow their overlords.

Cybernetics/Bionics: None. The Splugorth never offered their Yanli slaves any bionics, so the concept is quite strange to the Yanli. They’ve seen implants and bionic conversions on others, but feel that such technology applies only to others. The Shemarrians COULD design cybernetics and bionics for the Yanli if asked, but so far the Yanli have demurred.

Available OCCs: Any(except magic or psionics), provided they meet the minimum requirements(especially for IQ). However, many professions are very new to them, as the Splugorth were not going to train scholars or scientists. Equipment-specific OCCs are also difficult for the Yanli, such as robot and power armor pilots, as the necessary equipment must be specially designed to accommodate their bodies.
RCC Skills:
Skills of Note:
Skill Restrictions: CANNOT take Gymnastics or Acrobatics
Matriarchy---The high female-to-male(6:1) ratio engineered by the Splugorth and meant to speed the growth of the labor pool means that females occupy most of the job roles in Yanli society. Yanli families typically consist of a single male and several females, the male often overseeing the children, Young, un-bonded, females of other families often gain early leadership and work experience as helpers/baby-sitters.
Yanli have a very significant oral culture, with narrative songs playing an important part in their traditions.
Yanli culture is a blend of several identifiable other cultures, as the Yanli adopted parts of their society from other slave species also present earlier on Yanning. The Yanli poignantly remember the passing of the previous slave species in their songs and stories.

Solar System(Aomad)
Number of Stars: 1
Types of Stars: Orange Dwarf
Number of Planets: 3
-Terrestrial(Yanning)---System lifeworld

-Gas Giant(Aoptu)---Known previously as Ao-P2 and shortened to Aoptu by the Yanli, the moons (Cbolis I-X) of this gas giant was being developed as refueling and industrial bases by the Kittani, and were meant to use the resources of nearby Yanning to supply an aggressive expansion thrust into the Creche Clouds. The Shemarrians have since taken over the construction sites and completed and expanded them as Shemarrian naval yards. The Shemarrians have also quickly repaired the industrial facilities and put them to use building material to fortify the system against counterattack. The Cobolis IV works also pump out millions of drones, such as the EcoS-KRP-51 Twetani, used throughout the sector.

-Gas Giant(Eruc)---Jupiter-sized Eruc is host to 10 sizable moons. The Shemarrians have established outposts on several as part of Yanning’s extended defenses. The establishment of these outposts required prying out several Kittani holdouts, reinforcing the Shemarrian need to invest the Eruc moon system.

An enormous terrestrial planet, Yanning, with its crushing surface gravity, would be considered uninhabitable by most humanoid species, yet the planet possesses a perfectly breathable atmosphere and a modest ecosystem with compatible biochemistry. This encouraged the Splugorth to establish a slave colony on the planet, especially after geosurveys indicated a number of useful and unique minerals locked in the planet’s crust.
The Splugorth colonies on Yanning soon acquired a reputation of being a hellhole for slaves. The heavy gravity simply crushed the life out of slave laborers who were already being worked hard, requiring a constant flow of fresh slaves to be shipped to the surface. It was the extreme attrition rate that eventually led the Splugorth to create viable bioborgs to mine Yanning.
It was Splugorth activity around the Aomad system that attracted the attention of the expansionist Shemarrian Star Nation and provoked them to invade. Though the Splugorth were pursuing long range plans to use worlds like Yanning and advanced industrial outposts like they were building in the Aomad system to support aggressive colonization claims towards the Thundercloud core, and flank known Shemarrian Star Nation territory, they underestimated the extent to which the Shemarrians had penetrated the region from spinward, and thus were surprised when a Shemarrian battlefleet roared into the system and took it away from them.
For their part, the Splugorth were overconfident in their oversight of the Yanli. Having created them the Splugorth were confident that they could deal with any rebelliousness, so much so that they allowed the Yanli to reproduce on their own and manage the farms and insect ranches that kept the slave population fed. Interference from outside was not considered a matter of any great concern, as Yanning’s crushing gravity would deter most outside agitator infiltrators from attempting to land and foment slave rebellions. However, the Yanli DID learn dissent from the other slaves brought to work Yanning’s mineral deposits. When the Shemarrians attacked in force, the Yanli quietly stood aside instead of obeying orders to help the Splugorth defense of the planet.
Rather than evacuate the slave population, the Shemarrians were forced to admit that Yanning was the homeworld of the Yanli bioborg species, and thus the Shemarrian Star Nation was obliged to invest the Aomad system and protect Yanning. Fortunately, Yanning was located in the end of a rather narrow corridor of Splugorth expansion towards the Thundercloud core, so protecting Yanning was a fairly easy matter. Despite this, however, the Shemar are still leery of possible Splugorth efforts to reclaim Aomad and Yanning.

Type: Terrestrial
Diameter: 220,000 km
Gravity: Extreme; 6.0 g

Temperature: Cool; Alaska-like over much of the planet. The equatorial ‘tropics’ can reach temperatures of 55 degrees F on average, while the poles have recorded temperatures of -110 degrees F.

Unusual/Special Features:
-Odd Revolution--- Yanning has a fast(for its size) rotational period, with an 18 hour day. Those used to working and sleeping by daylight would be very stressed trying to keep to such a schedule on Yanning, so light-isolated sleeping quarters are a must. The Yanli typically work two days on and two days off.
-Moons---(5)---Originally possessed 6, but one of the moons, playing host to a Splugorth fortress, was destroyed by the Shemarrians during the battle to liberate Yanning
-Strange Energy Field----Yanning possesses a strange electromagnetic field that manifests itself in unusual amounts of ground level ball lightning events, and localized static fields that glow, especially in the presence of large deposits of solenium crystals. While this makes them easier to find, when the deposits are close to, or on, the surface, this can result in lurking ‘shockfields’ that can zap the unwary(2d4 SDC up to 1d6 MDC depending on the size of the deposit) as the electrical fields discharge. Fortunately, Yanli antennae can sense the static fields, usually in time to avoid getting electrocuted, though others are advised to carry EM sensors to avoid walking into these ‘zap fields’. Once discharged, the fields are relatively safe and can be grounded using special equipment, but the ball lightning events are more random and mobile. Thunderstorms on Yanning are a good reason to get indoors inside electrically-insulated cover, and quick. Yanli caught out in the open away from shelter have learned to quickly burrow until the danger passes.

Atmosphere: Breathable, with a large amount of free oxygen from millennia of slow accumulation. The population by the Yanli and industrialization has hardly made a dent in the oxygen supply, though the Kittani already looked at plans for building atmosphere modifiers if it ever became an issue. The Shemarrians have subsequently substituted their own contingency plans for introducing oxygen-freeing vegetation.

-Unusual Mineralogy--- Yanning is rich in various exotic and useful minerals, including ogrelite crystals, kardinium, and solenium crystals.
Notable Mineral Concentrations:
- Colombite
- Aluminum
- Tin
- Cobalt
- Gypsum
- Ruby
- Arsenic
- Barite
-Tezelium---*Chemical Catalyst---Useful in accelerating certain industrial chemical processes.
-Uggerite---* Magnetic---The mineral is naturally magnetic(or can be quickly magnetized). Useful in electronics, especially electric motors.
-Solanium---*Power Source---A yellow crystalline mineral that acts as a natural storage battery, and actually amplifies the amount of energy stored in it by a factor as much as x10 depending on the purity of the crystals. Very useful in electric power cell manufacture.
-Phreskite---Reddish salt-material that is used as an additive to metals, making them more thermal resistant.
-Kardinium---Mineral useful in creating megadamage alloys
-Ogrilite--- A dense crystal mineral tougher than diamond, and used in industrial tooling.

Badlands. Open water can be found in oasises and in deep canyons/gorges, otherwise one must dig/drill deep wells to bring up subcrustal water. The Shemarrians are working on tapping polar permafrost fields for water and piping it down to the equatorial latitudes where the Yanli live.
Moderate. Life on Yanning had risen to the level of terrestrial reptiles and complex insects. Between the native life and introduced species (mainly of insect(oids)s and other arthropods) the Yanli have a fair choice of local foodstuffs available to them.
Ex-Splugorth colony
19 million Yanli
The general Yanli level of technology is a mix of Information Age and Interstellar Age, the latter based heavily on salvaged Splugorth/Kittani technology left behind by the Yanlis’ late creators/masters. The Yanli are familiar with Kittani robotics in particular, and know how to troubleshoot some basic Kittani industrial robotics and vehicles, though little was designed specifically with the Yanli in mind. The Shemar have begun introducing modified equipment compatible with Yanli physiology, such as Slingtail Warmounts or Northern Gun NG-EX-V50 Scorpion Battlers.
Mining and agriculture are the cornerstones of the Yanli economy.
Can be considered Prosperous---Since the eviction of the Splugorth, the Yanli have begun freely expanding across their (THEIR) planet starting new farms and mines, the extra produc(tion)e from which is finding ready buyers in the Shemarrian Nation.
Matriarchy ---Females rule Yanli society, while males are family-types, organizing domestic activities and handling the children(with the assistance of female helpers) .
Law Level:
Overbearing. Between the tribal elders wanting everybody to be safe and the Shemarrians preparing for Splugorth counterattacks, the average Yanli, having discovered freedom, is finding a lot of laws in place. Fortunately, both the commune constables and Shemarrian protectors don’t neural whip or plasma-flay offenders at the slightest provocation.
Ambivalent---The Yanli, for a recently-freed slave species, have learned fast that they have a lot to vocally gripe about, but are smart enough not to go overboard with their protests and demands. Many, with regards to the emerging Yanli government, have taken a ‘wait and see’ attitude.
Stable, with elements of Dynastic(there are unsubstantiated claims that some of the Yanli may be genetically enhanced with “queen” yazhing DNA, making them emit pheromones that can influence other Yanli; these Yanli have supposedly taken over most positions of power in their society).
"Trouble rather the Tiger in his Lair,
Than the Sage among his Books,
For all the Empires and Kingdoms,
The Armies and Works that you hold Dear,
Are to him but the Playthings of the Moment,
To be turned over with the Flick of a Finger,
And the Turning of a Page"

--------Rudyard Kipling
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Re: Shemarrian-related fan creations

Unread post by taalismn »

Kriller Aquatic E-Animal
(aka ‘SAR-shrimp’)

She has vague recollections of falling from a ship...the ship was...burning? Something was not right with it....something was not right with her. She was drowning? Yes, she was in the water, drowning. Drowning in dark cold water.
Then she wasn’t.
She has vague impressions of floating above a city in eternal night, lit by the lights of its inhabitants, streaming up from the chasms of its streets and the streaming traffic that flows to and fro beneath her feet.
She is dimly aware of being wrapped in multiple limbs, forming a harness around her body, of slowly spinning wings above and behind her head, and of the tubules that pass into her, feeding oxygen to her lungs and warmth into her blood. Aware, but more concerned than a dreamer is of flying in their visions. It registers, but only as a comforting presence.
Descending through impossibly clear water, she falls into abyssal light.

The Kriller is a new aquatic e-animal in the service of the DarkWaters. It is meant as a picket beast and aquatic scout. It has also increasingly been deployed with the DarkWaters’ maritime search and rescue units(the Dws’ equivalent of the Blood Riders’ taidama corps).
The Kriller resembles a man-sized shrimp or marine copapod, with a slender sgemented main body, multiple limbs, and a cluster of eyestalks and antennae. It swims through the water through a combination of fin movements and small rotary fan-thrusters.
One of the interesting features and design aspects of the Kriller is that the e-animal can morph parts of its frame to become an aquatic mobility pack, wrapping around a humanoid being and forming a propulsion and life support unit. If the ‘wearer’ lacks protective gear, such as might be required for deep diving or the cold of deep or polar waters, the Kriller can plug in an onboard medical system that pumps special chemicals and nanite solutions into the wearer’s bloodstream(this is believed to be a result of EShemar research into Juicer technology, as an adjunct to their bio-modification programs).
Krillers are small and versatile enough that DarkWater vessels can maintain complements of them and use them as underwater watch beasts, semiautonomous repair and recovery tools, and personal underwater sleds. Schools of Kriller often orbit dep water habitats, troubleshooting, cleaning away unwelcome marine encrustations, and looking out for trouble. Distressed sailors in waters patrolled by the DarkWaters have often been rescued by the intervention of Krillers saving them from drowning and worse.
Krillers CAN be Awakened with an Ecotroz Essence, in which case the e-animal acquires the personality of a loyal animal companion, plus a few extra abilities that help it in its duties.

Type: EcoS-KRP-56 Kriller
Class: Robotic E-Animal Drone
Crew: None; robot intelligence
Can be fitted to 1 passenger
MDC/Armor by Location:
Main Body 160
Head 45
Antennae(4) 5 each
Foreclaws(2) 16 each
Swimmeret Arms(2) 15 each
Legs(10) 5 each
Tail 35
Height: 2 ft
Width: 2 ft, propulsors can stretch out 6 ft
Length: 6 ft
Weight: 300 lbs
Cargo: Small space in amongst the legs and on the tail for a few small parcels/materials baskets
Physical Strength: Equivalent to Robotic P.S. of 30
Powerplant: Nuclear w/ 10 year energy life
Speed: (Running) 30 MPH scuttling along the ground
(Leaping) Not possible(short legs)
(Flying) Not possible
(Space) Not possible
(Underwater) Can swim at 35 MPH
Attached to a humanoid, it can make 25 MPH.
Market Cost: Exclusive to the Ecotroz-Shemar
Systems of Note:
Full optical systems, laser targeting, passive nightvision, telescopic vision, thermal imaging, infrared, ultraviolet, and polarization filters. Also has motion and heat detection, built-in radar( 5 mile range) and other standard power armor-equivalent systems. Additional/special sensors may be built in by the creating Spinsters or at the behest of individual riders/owners.

*Bionic Cybernanite Repair Systems---ALL Kriller have the same bionic nanotech repair system that the Ecotroz Shemar have refitted themselves with, and which is becoming the standard among NeShemar as well. These systems repair 4d6 MD per hour, and can repair 40 MDC before needing material stocks to convert to MD repair material.

*Bionic Gill System---This draws oxygen ad other breathable gases from the water, for the benefit of anybody using the Kriller as a SCUBA/life support system.

*Bio-Regulation and Life Support System---This system can deliver doses of thermal-protective drugs and nitrogen-scavenger nanites, allowing wearers to safely handle cold water and trips to and from great depths without suffering from decompression complications.

*Bio-Monitor System---Can monitor vital signs, such as body temperature, pulse, blood oxygenation, and skin tension.

*IRMSS Injector----Holds enough for 120 doses.

*Molecular Analyzer----The Kriller can comb the water for chemical traces and even track through water, like a shark. Can track unerwater traces at 60% proficiency.

*Motion Sensors----The Kriller’s long antennae and multiple small legs act as motion sensors. Especially useful in deep dark or murky water. 200 ft range. +1 initiative. parry, and dodge.

*Passive Sonar---Can pick up underwater noises and interpret them.

*LED Panels---Parts of the Kriller’s body are covered in transparent armor, through which powerful LED illumination spots can be projected. These can be used to light a 50 ft wide area, but this is rarely done in dark and dangerous waters, as it tends to attract predators. However, it can also be used to bait predators, and the LEDs can suddenly flash and strobe for shock effect: those without eye protection or polarized vision will be affected similar to a Blinding Flash spell; -10 to strike, parry, dodge for 1d4 melees.

Weapons Systems:
1) Eye Lasers(2)---The Kriller sports two stalk-mouted eye lasers for self-defense.
Range: 1,000 ft in air and underwater
Damage: 2d6 MD single eye blast, 4d6 MD double eye blast.
Rate of Fire: ECHH
Payload: Effectively Unlimited

2) VibroBlades---The forelimbs are fitted with vibroblades
Range: Melee
Daamge: 3d6 MD

3) Drug Injectors---These are normally used to deliver medication or protective chemicals to the passenger, but the Kriller can also channel chemicals to its mouth parts or claws, giving it an unexpected venomous bite or sting.
Range: Melee
Damage: 1 SDC plus chemical/drug effects
Payload: 5 doses of up to 4 different chemicals, 20 doses total.

4) Chemical Cloud Dispenser---The Kriller can dispense chemicals such coagulant gill-clotters or luminescent dyes into the surrounding water as a countermeasure.
Range: Can generate a cloud in the water, 100 ft area
Damage: Varies by chemical type
Rate of Fire: Once per melee
Payload: Enough for 5 different chemicals and 15 total uses before needing reloading(cannot generate its own chemicals)

The Ecotroz have installed robotic AIs, then infected the matrix with a low-level Ecotroz sentience.
Typically has the following:
Radio: Basic 94%
Math: Basic 98%
General Repair and Maintenance 80%
Sumarine Mechanics 80%
Read Sensory Instruments 98%
Navigation: Underwater 94%
Climbing 80%
Undersea Salvage 80%
Detect Ambush 60%
Detect Concealment 60%
Identify Plants and Fruits 90%
Wilderness Survival 94%
Read Sensory Instruments
Track & Hunt Sea Life
Paramedic 90%
Biology 85%
The Ecotroz entity can also pick up one Secondary skill at levels 2, 6, and 12 of experience, though the nature of the ---- intelligence and design is such that it is limited to skill selections from Technical: Language(understanding) and Lore, Espionage(, ), Wilderness(Track Humanoids, Track Animals, Hunting, )
Actions/Attacks Per Melee: 5
Initiative +2 (+1 from the Ecotroz entity for a total of +3)
Dodge +3 underwater
Strike +2 (+2 w/ ranged weaponry)
Parry +3
Roll +2, +3 underwater
Pull Punch/Claw +2
Bite 1d6 SDC
Claw Jab/Snip 2d4 MD
Tail Slap 3d6 SDC

Note: Awakened Krillers also get the following psionic powers at NO ISP cost, and at a 6th level of proficiency:
*Sixth Sense
*Presence Sense
*Sense Magic

*Tool Arms---The Kriller’s arms can be fitted with tools similar to the Mining Borg’s.

* Spear Launchers(1-2)-----The Kriller can be fitted with two back limb-mounted spear guns or projectile launchers:
a)Spear Gun---
Range: 120 ft
Damage:: Can be tipped with an explosive head(2d6 SDC or 5d6 MD exploding head), armor-piercing hunting point(1d6 MD), magnetic grapple, or tracking bug, and can be used to attach a 100-foot line of high strength braided mono-filament cabling.
Rate of Fire: Volleys of 1-4(all)
Payload: 4 per launcher
b) Dart Launcher
Range:(5.56mm, 120mm-long darts) 360 ft in air.
180 ft at depths of about 16 ft
120 ft at depths of about 66 ft
72 ft at depths of about 130 ft
Damage: 3d6 SDC single round, 6d6 SDC per three round burst.
*Poison Darts---These have a small internal reservoir for holding drugs or toxins, to be dispersed inside a living target.
*MDC Penetrators---These use a more powerful propellant to fire the projectile that much harder, to the point that they each do 1 MD(range is unchanged).
Rate of Fire: Standard
Payload: 26 rounds

*Thermodol .
Description: Thermodol is a reddish liquid that comes in a 5cc dose.
Effects: Protects against frostbite and cold damage(takes only 1/3 normal exposure damage from cold and cold-based attacks. Megadamage cold does FULL damage) for 1d4+1 hours per dose.
Penalties: After 4 consecutive doses, the body begins to feel numb and lose sensation---The person is -15% to perform precise tasks like Computer Repair and Pick Locks---After 6 consecutive doses the injectee may feel dizzy and disoriented(-1 to initiative, -1 to dodge, strike, and parry), and has trouble telling hot from cold(common horror stories in the Canadian mining fields tell of long-term users coming in from the outside and burning themselves severely on hot stoves because they had no hot/cold sensation

Thermodoze is a more potent form of Thermodol, protecting more fully against cold damage, but also has more profound disorientation effects than the weaker drug.
Description: A purplish liquid in a 5cc dose
Effects: Protects against frostbite and cold damage(takes NO normal exposure damage from cold and cold-based attacks. Megadamage cold does FULL damage) for 1d4+1 hours per dose. The injectee also uses 10% less oxygen.
Penalties: With just one dose the body begins to feel numb and lose sensation---The person is -20% to perform precise tasks like Computer Repair and Pick Locks and the injecte feels dizzy and disoriented(-1 to initiative, -1 to dodge, strike, and parry), Roll save versus non-lethal poison or fall asleep for 2d4 hours.
The injectee also acquires a pale and slightly bluish cast to their skin that may be mistaken for cyanosis.

Duration: Nanites are active in the blood for 1d4 hours
Description: Grayish-metallic ‘slurry’ in a 6cc injection
Effects: Taken before a rapid ascent, Nitronites prevent damage from the ‘bends’. Taken immediately (with 5 minutes) after an undecompressed rapid ascent, in conjunction with recompression, Nitronites reduce damage by 1/3.
"Trouble rather the Tiger in his Lair,
Than the Sage among his Books,
For all the Empires and Kingdoms,
The Armies and Works that you hold Dear,
Are to him but the Playthings of the Moment,
To be turned over with the Flick of a Finger,
And the Turning of a Page"

--------Rudyard Kipling
Posts: 1269
Joined: Sun Oct 14, 2007 4:38 pm

Re: Shemarrian-related fan creations

Unread post by kronos »

A couple more Winged Blade variants.

EShe-KRP-T-55P Pinion --- The Pinion breed is based on humming birds, with a long beak and smaller but bulbous body. When it transforms into a weapon, the longer beak and the wings stretch to create a rapier style weapon, long and narrow, excellent for piercing. These weapons also contain a reservoir of nanites or poison that can be injected on a successful strike.
MDC/Armor by Location:
Main Body 25
Head 12
Wings (2) 10 each
Legs & Talons (2) 5 each
Height: 14 inches
Width: 6 inches, 1.5 ft wingspan
Length: 15 inches body plus 12 inch beak
Transform --- The Pinion can change shape, turning into a rapier. As a sword, the Pinion deals 3d4 MD plus the wielder's P.S. Bonus if any, and makes a critical strike on a natural 18, 19 and 20 and deals triple damage on a critical strike.

Reservoir - When then Pinion in bird form makes a beak attack, or when used as a sword the wielder makes a successful attack that deals damage, can inject the target with a poison or nanites it is carrying. Able to carry 10 doses of poison or nanites.

Eshe-KRP-T-55HK Kondarite --- This breed is modelled on the Hawkmoon's Kondar warmount, a four-winged bird with a small, almost bullet-like head, and long legs. The Kondarite is one of the largest of the Winged Blades, at just over three feet long and a 4 foot wingspan, and transforms into a double axe, with each set of wings making up an axe blade, the legs merge to form the handle, and the head sits atop with a clear view and is able to rotate its head completely so that it can fire its eye lasers. It also includes a small magepod with two spell cards that can be installed giving it even greater offensive and defensive capabilities, depending on the spells selected, which can be used by the wielder in weapon form. It has a small regenerating magical power stone
MDC/Armor by Location:
Main Body 35
Head 20
Wings (4) 20 each
Legs & Talons (2) 10 each
Height: 24 inches
Width: 8 inches, 4 ft wingspan
Length: 3 ft 3 inches
Transform --- The Kondarite turns into a double blades axe, dealing 4d6 damage on a strike, and deals a critical strike on a natural 19 and 20 for double damage.

Magepod - Contains space for two spell cards, with 50 PPE available, regenerates at a rate of 5 PPE per hour. The wielder can also use their own PPE when holding the Kondarite in axe form.
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Re: Shemarrian-related fan creations

Unread post by taalismn »

Oddly enough, an earlier independent poster contributed the Hawkwind--series handguns and rifles which I sketched up to feature decorative wings on them.
Now we have functional wings that transform into weapons. :D
"Trouble rather the Tiger in his Lair,
Than the Sage among his Books,
For all the Empires and Kingdoms,
The Armies and Works that you hold Dear,
Are to him but the Playthings of the Moment,
To be turned over with the Flick of a Finger,
And the Turning of a Page"

--------Rudyard Kipling
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Re: Shemarrian-related fan creations

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The Crew----Awakened Mechanism Minor Sub-Tribe/Group
“Though gods, titans, and monstes may stride and clash over this world, there are still places for the smaller things to live and make their place.”

“Firget it! I’m not going anywhere near NuEngl’nd any more! Even when we avoid the gners and the Shemarrians, we STILL get trounced! The last straw? We were doing our damnest to get OUT of the area and were skulking through a border noman’s land, when Sticky tried to boost some old codger’s car to help get us out faster. Next thing we know, we got the mukus beaten out of us by the old guy’s collection of TOYS! Not just any toys, mind y’u, but PLUSHIES! And if the old geezer hadn’t called them off us, they might have seriously crippled us! That damn bossie doll almost butted Karlos’ kneecaps off, and the less I think about that screaming hyperactive white ferret-thing in the kah trunk, the better! And I remember thnking that it wasn’t the old geez commanding them to let us go, but more like making a suggestion, like it was them that made the decisions, not him!
I’m ditchin’ this crew’a morons I got mixed up with and head’n out to the West; the vampires out there can’t be any worse than the so-called civilized northeast for a bandit.”
---Viglan Metz, “’Harmless Traveler’(suspected of being involved in several robberies in the Relic)

“’Harmless Traveler Metz’ apparently never heard of the eight-foot tall teddy bear reportedly wandering the woods. We call it ‘Glort’.”
---Kani BloodShard---Blood Rider

For all we know, that old guy’s some alternate universe’s version of Christopher Robin who wound up trapped in a dimensional prison with his old chums. All I know is everything tells me and mine that the old coot’s harmless, if rather pathetic. Maybe somebody would rather in-gather him, but he and his little buddies seem to get by by themselves okay enough. The Bloody Riders don’t seem to bother him and we don’t either. Maybe we’ll find out his story one day, or maybe not. Not everybody’s on a crusade, great quest, or grand project; some folks just exist, and that seems to be enough for them.”
---Sergeant Hugo Eschavez, City of Charter Guard

Splinter-Tribes come in all sorts and sizes; that’s the argument put forward by those who want to recognize small groups like the Crew as Fringe Tribes. In reality, the Crew is a small group of self-aware animatronic plushie toys that have established a commune of sorts on the border zone between the BloodRiders and the small kingdoms of the Connecticut River Valley.
Nobody really knows how the Crew originated; some say they’re pre-Rifts ‘smart toys’ that survived being buried in some ruin and were re-animated by long exposure to ley line energy, haunting entities, a tinkering technowizard, or alien scientist. Other possible origin stories have them as advanced alien toys with human-level intelligence, stranded on Rifts Earth. Those trying to make a case for the Crew having more direct Shemarrian links speculate they are the work of a bored Tinker, VatFather, or even Hoyt Sparks. And while the Crew appear to be Awakened, it is not known who may have gifted the animatronics with the Ecotroz. Whatever their origins, the Crew have been recognized by the local Shemarrian BloodRiderTribe, who accord them respect and provide them with material support. In GNE/Paladin Steel-’verses, they are sometimes mistaken for a sect enclave of Smallkin.
The Crew has their residence in a small nondescript shack nestled in the rocky hills of the adjacent Farmington River Valley, a few miles north of the Plow Wall(a ridge of settled rubble and debris pushed up across southern New England by the geological rise of MadHaven and the tidal flooding caused by the rise of Atlantis). The shack itself is built atop a pre-rifts foundation and Cold War era bomb shelter, and is surrounded by a camouflaging dense cover of vegetation. The basement has been cleaned of ash and debris and refurbished as a residence-bunker, with an (secret) Assembly Forge to provide maintenance for the Crew, as well as various other items for the household, and a few items for trade. A water pump and well in the basement provides water, and power seems to be provided by some form of electrical generator(the Assembly Forge has its own power cell, while the rest of the shack’s power needs are taken care of by several disguised electrotrees tapping solar and wind power).
The Crew consists of:
-Fizzbin---An animatronic Rat(8 inches tall), Has sometimes been mistaken for a Smallkin in the nearby Connecticut Baronies. Seems to be the organizer and general administrator of the bunch. Also an Awakened psi-mystic .
-Tuffy-Toro---Animatronic Bull---The largest of the Crew, at 1.4 ft long. Awakened (Major) physical psychic(telekinetic push, telekinetic punch, levitation, impervious to fire, telekinetic lift, telekinetic leap, deaden senses, telekinesis). Has a rather punch-drunk happy attitude.
-Onki---Animatronic Donkey(6 inches tall)---Possibly the eldest of the group, judging from comments overheard. Something of a beatnik philosopher with a very easy-going phlegmatic disposition.
-Ennie---Animatronic Horse(6 inches tall) Although based on a larger animal, Ennie is actually one of the smaller Crew-members and this sometimes leads Ennie to have anxiety about his size; he wishes he was like Aka and had a more powerful alternate form like one of the larger robot horse types. In the meantime, Ennie has a nose for gardening and knowing when plants and food are going bad.
-Velv---Plushy Rabbit(7 inches tall) Rather gray and old, possibly not even an animatronic, but a magically-animated heirloom. Very quiet and very sneaky.
-Bevve--Animatronic Beaver (5 inches tall) Programmed in carpentry, but has a tendency to wind up buried under stuff(his chief complaint about life in the shack is a lack of organization and proper shelving).
-Barr---Animatronic Bear. Rather conservative and, like Ennie, suffers a bit of plushie-envy because he’s aware of other bear’bots with lots more capabilities out there. He’s usually the first to hide when anybody/thing comes sniffing around.
-Leo---EcoS-KRP28 Leonite----Fierce domestic watchguardian. He can actually back up his comedic bluster by having actual combat capabilities.
-Orf--EcoS-KRP-33 Empac---(aka ‘Bobber’) Acts as a psi-warning system and lookout.
-Phish-EcoS-KRP29 Banty---Together with Orf, acts as a lookout.
-Aka---- A ferret-like plushie that is actually a d-bee-made bodyguard/property-protector. Though one of the smaller Crew-members, Aka can transform into an insanely fast monstrous mecha-predator. Aka seems particularly attached to the Ghost Honda and is frequently seen in its company, usually hiding in its trunk(see below for detailed file).
-The House(?)---Some of the visitors to the shack have reported seeing even smaller insectile shapes moving about the house with purpose not associated with mere insects. It is possible some form of networked and centralized AI or self-aware micro/nanomachine colony is resident in the house.

The Crew shares the shack with several Action Golems and an elderly human(and arguably quietly deranged) man sympathetic to AIs and considered a Veshemar---’Friend of the Shemar’ or ‘Almost Shemar’. The Crew also has the acquantaince of a Haunted pre-Rifts Honda Civic(possibly more).
The Crew also has a close acquaintance with the Band, a group of over a dozen plushie cats, believed to be part of an early presence of Clan Pantheron on Rifts Earth. The Band is rather farther-ranging, but frequently holes up in the Crew’s digs when they’re in the area. Other associates include ’Sweety’, an invisible deer that the HouseKeeper insists regularly visits the house, and ‘Yahudi’, a small faerie or frost-sprite said to inhabit the House’s refrigerator.
The BloodRiders are aware of the Crew and occasionally visit, restocking any supplies that need topping off and doing a general wellness check of the inhabitants. Passing bands of Kildren are also visitors, stopping to play with the ‘locals’. Any patrols from the local kingdoms like the Kingdom of Charter or the GNE also respect the privacy of the Crew, but look out for them all the same.
The Crew generally does not have much trouble with mundane bandits and lawless travellers, and has enough warning of more powerful threats to hide and take shelter. The Crew mainly relies on laying low and not being noticed to avoid trouble, though generally anything bigger that might cause them trouble is almost certain to be noticed by the Blood Riders or patrols out of the Baronies. There’s also rumors that the shack may have something akin to a Somebody Elses’ Problem Field generator; those looking for the place with ill intent seem to be unable to find it.
For the most part the Crew spends their days(especially during the winter) reading and rereading/watching/listening to the collection of books, papers, DVDs, and CDs stashed in their bunker(along with a collection of other odds and ends), or working in the garden alongside their human companion. Several of the Crew are accomplished artists, and they sometimes trade drawings and carvings for art supplies, books, and other odds and ends that their Shemarrian benefactors and the Assembly Forge cannot provide.

The members of the Crew are generally equivalent to Black Market Robot Cats/Dogs in terms of endurance and capabilities(unless otherwise noted), but all seem to be upgraded in some way, beginning with neural intelligences.
Members of the Band range from Triax-style V-500 Robot Pets and EIR-70 Spy Robots to Black Market Robot Cats. LIkewise, they appear to be neural intelligences.

The HouseKeeper
(aka Houser, the Crazy Old Guy)
“Somewhere out in the megaverse, some other me made all the right choices. This me made plenty of bad ones.”

“The old guy’s crazy, but some of the stuff he sez...well, most of it is angobtastic sheyt, but other bits...he knows stuff, stuff maybe he shouldn’t...and maybe that’s what drives him mad.”

This old codger puzzles those few outsiders who encounter him; this shuffling old human shouldn’t be able to survive out on the fringes of civilization, but he does.
The HouseKeeper has never talked about his past, or even revealed his real name(and various comments of his suggest he’s forgotten it). What he did before meeting the Crew is a mystery; some believe that he pre-dated the Crew at the shack they now call home.
Though he’s refered to as the HouseKeeper, the fact of the matter is that between the Crew and the occasionaly visiting Shemarrians, the HouseKeeper doesn’t have much to do with the actual maintenance of their domicile.

Though nobody of paranormal sensitivity has scried anything particularly supernatural about him, most folk assume that there HAS to something unusual about the old man that he’s survived so long on his own. Rumors include:
-He’s a long-lived d-bee, possibly permanently stranded or exiled, imprisoned on Earth, or the last of his kind. Evidence to support this is taken from comments of his about being ‘in exile’ , ‘being the last’, ‘not having learned his lesson’, or ‘really wanting to/not being able to see family’.
-A pre-Rifts survivor or early-generation Rifts Earth native suffering the ‘curse’ of immortality. This seems borne out by him knowing a great deal about the pre-Rifts period(he can also go on and on about pre-Rifts locations he’s supposedly been to or esoteric details about pre-Rifts society that may or may not be made-up) and a history of travelers in the area having always described the HouseKeeper as being old.
-A ‘Fader’---A dimensionally-unanchored person only partially in this universe/plane of existence; the physical HouseKeeper may be one facet of an intelligence distributed across several other alternate universes. This theory seems supported by some of the HouseKeeper’s comments about the ‘the better part of me traveling the Path’, ‘the happier me flying on the porch’, and his various dropped remarks about ‘zoning out’.
-A dragon or other supernatural being(such as a demi-god) with a very well-shielded disguise.
-The guardian of a stash of magic artifacts or pre-Rifts treasures(the treasure is furthermore said to be cursed; anybody who acquires it by foul means winds up becoming the HouseKeeper).
-A very solid-seeming ghost or haunting entity.

At times the HouseKeeper seems to have a very detailed and supernatural knowledge of megacosmic events and other universes, though he often has trouble remembering associates’ names and personal dates.
The HouseKeeper is almost certainly insane; he will even admit it as one of his failings, or an excuse for his failings. He has admitted to manic-depression, cowardice, paranoia, various phobias and affective disorder behavors, and passively self-destructive behavior(including self-proclaimed ‘materialism’, ‘terminal laziness’, and ‘oathbreaking’). He is not a violent madman, but tends to avoid social contact because of his problems. He would never harm any of the Crew under any circumstances.
Despite his foibles and mood swings, the Crew accepts the HouseKeeper and get along well with him.
It’s pretty much given that killing the Housekeeper is a bad idea, as somebody would take exception and hunt down the perpetrators on general principle if nothing else.

Level of Experience: 15th Level Civilian
Rank: HouseKeeper
Race: Human(?)
Alignment: Unprincipled(some of his comments suggest that his alignment has yoyo’ed up and down between Anarchist and Principled over the years)
Land of Origin: North America
Age: Unknown; appears to be in his late 80’s
Sex: Male
Height: 6.3 ft, but frequently is slouched or slumped over
Weight: 180 lbs
Physical Description/Appearance:
A elderly human male a rather pear-shaped build, slouched posture, with unruly thinning gray-blonde hair, thick eyeglasses, sad blue eyes, and an almost permanent grey stubble-beard.

Quiet, introverted. Often depressed, forgetful(but remembers the bad things that have happened and his personal shortcomings) and disorganized. Often talks to himself, to animals, to robots, and to inanimate objects. Tends to avoid trouble and tries to avoid confrontations. Can be very skittish and nervous about danger(not a bad thing to be on Rifts Earth, admittedly). Vacillates between cynical lucidity and melancholly madness, loneliness and mania ; will admit that he has many regrets in life, and is surprised that he’s lasted as long as he has(though he also admits that, like many Rifts Earth natives, he sleeps in “bullet-proof pajamas”). Normally quiet and asocial, but if one gets him talking, he can verbally ramble on and on on various subjects, until he becomes self-conscious, apologizes, and shuts up.

*Myopic---Needs glasses to see
*Poor Hearing---Has trouble hearing things; often asks speakers to repeat themselves; this can draw out conversations a LONG time or lead to miscommunications especially if the HouseKeeper becomes embarrassed by having to ask for clarification four or five times, and decides to free-interpret what he thinks he heard.
*Phobia: Heights
*Phobia(Mild) Math Anxiety
*Serial Hoarder---Has trouble throwing out stuff and collects stuff as well.
*Manic-Depressive---Goes between surges of creative excess and near suicidal depression.
*Addiction---LINUS-use. He has a collection of the bio-engineered security blankets stashed in his bedroom.
*Multiple Personality Disorder(?)---The Housekeeper sometimes lapses into entirely different mindsets suggestive of multiple personalities. His primary persona is that described above, while at other times he is even more timid, childish, peevish, emotional, and indecisive, but also very idealistic(the ‘Innocent’), ramblingy imaginative(“The Spaceman“), or very calm, collected, fearless, and preternaturally aware of events and knowledge that should be beyond his ken(“The Sage“), or petty, selfish, gruff, insensitive, self-absorbed and something of a smartass jerk.

Physical Attributes/Superlatives:
IQ: 13
PP: 13
PB: 9

(PPE): 15

Hit Points:?
SDC:?---The Housekeeper has been seen to cut hmself on ordinary objects, so it’s presumed that he is an SDC, normal-matter being. Nobody’s ever put this seriously to the test, though.
Horror Factor:-----
Special Abilities/Characteristics/Powers:
*Invisible to Psionics/Magic----The HouseKeeper seems both invisible and immune to magic and psionc probes and senses.
*Aura of Doom---Though invisible to indirect scrying, those who actually get him in line of sight claim he radiates an Aura of Doom(and Gloom)(80% of the time); whether the result of a deliberate curse or the incidental emotional radiation of really bad emotional depression, the result is the same. Most beings with a sense of self-preservation try to stay away from him, not wanting to catch the overkill of whatever’s going to happen to the Housekeeper. It doesn’t seem to affect the Crew however.
*Phase Abilities(?)---Some travelers claim that the HouseKeeper may either deliberately or unconsciously fades in and out of physical reality.
Skills of Note:
Math: Basic 70%
Computer Operation 80%
American/English 98%
Research 80%
Art: Drawing 80%
Cooking 80%
Writing 80%
First Aid 80%
General Repair & Maintenance 98%
Housekeeping 75%
Sewing 60%
Gardening 75%
Pilot: Automobile 80%
Lore: D-Bee 98%
Lore: Demons & Monsters 98%
History: Pre-Rifts 80%
Lore: Galactic 98%
Lore: Dimensional 98%
Swimming 50%

Actions/Attacks per Melee: 4+ 6 non-combat actions
Dodge: +1
Notable Possessions/Equipment:
Lots of books and papers, mostly of pre-Rifts origin.
A fair amount of personal clothing, including a number of t-shirts with logos belonging to various pre-Rifts organizations.
Several dozen socks, none of which have a matching complement.
The House and its stockpiled odds and ends(boxes and boxes of old clothing, old appliances, bins of metal widgets, nuts and bolts, containers of pens and pencils, lots of paperclips, etc.) pretty much provide for the Housekeeper’s limited needs, such as they are, though this may result in some rather motley combinations of clothing, mismatched gloves and other apparel, and improvised repairs.
Claims ownership of one, possibly both, of the Haunted Cars that frequent the House.

(aka ‘White Wormy’. ‘The Thing in the Trunk’, ’Car-Guard’)

---Anonymous bandit encounter with Aka

Aka is a small cute little creature who likes to hide, usually in vehicles, and watch over them and their passengers. Aka is also known as a monstrous bloodthirsty predator, the bane of car thieves, vehicle ‘jackers, and corrupt mechanics.
Aka has been variously speculated to be an alien bodyguard (or dashboard mascot) from another universe, or possibly a magic construct. Similarites between Aka and the AA-50 Insecton, as well as the apparent use of a Paladin Steel technology(‘phase space’) have fueled speculation that Aka is a one-off prototype by a Vatfather or perhaps an experiment by a Faerie’bot.
Aka may be an attempt to create an artificial Wuzybooger, an alen animal known for its radical dimorphic duality; a small harmless-looking grazer and a much larger predator form. Aka normally appears in a small soft ‘Ferie’ form resembling a white-furred ferret, but can ‘morph, via some form of subspace, into a giant weasel-like ‘Zerker’ with laser eyes, spinning claws, and manic energy.
Destroying Aka’s small ‘Ferie’ form will automatically unleash the Zerker, and one SERIOUSLY bad attitude. Aka can rebuild its Ferie form using its Zerker regeneration, but it will take at least a month to accomplish. Destroying the Zerker form and not the Ferie form means that Aka cannot go ‘zerker for a full year.

Type: Aka
Class: Robotic Watch Animal
Crew: None; Awakened Neural Intelligence
In Ferie form, Aka is a small, short-legged quadraped resembling a whte fuzzy ferret
In Zerker form, Aka becomes a large crimson-armored weasel-like form, with spinning claw legs, shoulder/hip-mounted ion blasters, an armored head, and a long, very flexible midsection.
Alignment: Anarchist, but loyal to the Crew
Shy, timid, given to hiding in Ferie form, usually burrowing under stuff like bedclothes, trunk stuff, or storage room collections. Once the Zerker gets out, though, Aka is a fearless frenetic monster that takes no prisoners. If anything bad were to happen to the Crew, Aka would hunt the perpetrators down and kill them.

MDC/Armor by Location:
(Ferie) 6
Main Body 260
Head 90
Legs(4) 50 each
Height:(Ferie) 5 inches
(Zerker) 5 ft
Width:(Ferie) 4 inches
(Zerker) 4 ft
Length: (Ferie) 10 inches
(Zerker) 10 ft
Weight:(Ferie) 5 ounces
(Zerker) 1,000 lbs
Cargo: None
Physical Strength: (Ferie) 1
(Zerker) Equivalent to Robotic P.S. of 45
Physical Attribute Equivalents:
IQ:. 11 MA: 20(Really cute in Ferie mode, bloody terrifying in Zerker mode) , ME: 30, PP: 22, PS: 1/45(Robotic) , PB: 18 in Ferie mode.
Powerplant: Unknown; possibly some form of TW power-tap.
Speed: (Running) (Ferie)
(Zerker) 150 MPH
(Leaping)(Ferie) 5 ft up/across
(Zerker) 30 ft up/across, running leap of 90 ft across
(Flying) Not possible
(Space) Not possible
(Underwater) (Ferie) Can swim at 3 MPH
(Zerker) Can swim at 15 MPH
Market Cost: Exclusive to the Ecotroz-Shemar
Systems of Note:
Full optical systems, laser targeting, passive nightvision, telescopic vision, thermal imaging, infrared, ultraviolet, and polarization filters. Also has motion and heat detection, built-in radar( 3 mile range) and other standard power armor-equivalent systems.

*Bionic Cybernanite Repair Systems---Aka has the same bionic nanotech repair system that the Ecotroz Shemar have refitted themselves with, and which is becoming the standard among NeShemar as well. These systems repair 4d6 MD per hour, and can repair 90 MDC before needing material stocks to convert to MD repair material.

Weapons Systems:
1) Eye Lasers(2) ---Tiny, but powerful for their size.
Range: 200 ft
Damage: 1d6 SDC per single blast, or 2d6 SDC per double blast(counts as one attack)
Rate of Fire: ECHH
Payload: Effectively Unlimited

1) Eye Lasers(2) --- Larger full-power milspec
Range: 2,000 ft
Damage: 3d6 MD per single blast, or 6d6 MD per double blast(counts as one attack)
Rate of Fire: ECHH
Payload: Effectively Unlimited

2) Ion Blasters(5, one each shoulder/hip, one in the forehead)
Range:1,200 ft
Damage: 2d6 MD per single blast, 1d6x10 MD for all five blasts firing on the same target at once(counts as one attack)
Rate of Fire: ECHH
Payload: Effectively Unlimited

3) Melee Combat
Bite 1d6 MD
Restrained Claw Strike 4d6+25 SD
Full Strength Claw Strike 4d6 MD
Spinning Claw Strike 1d4x10 MD
Back Kick 4d6 MD
Body Block/Tackle
Leap Kick 1d6x10 MD
Whirling Claw Pounce 3d4x10 MD

Aka has the following:
Basic Math 98%
Radio: Basic 98%
Tracking 65%
Land Navigation 86%
Language: Can understand 22 different languages
Climbing 75%
Find Contraband 90%
Detect Concealment 60%
Detect Ambush 70%
Prowl: 99% in Ferie-form, 80% in Zerker form
Lore: Demons & Monstersg 75%
Actions/Attacks Per Melee: 11(!)
Initiative +2 (+1 from the Ecotroz entity for a total of +3)
Dodge +7
Strike +6 (+3 w/ ranged weaponry)
Parry: +6
Roll +4
Pull Punch: +4
Charm 40%
Trust/Intimidate 60%

Note: The Ecotroz intelligence fragment inhabiting the ‘bot gives Aka an aura and behavior more befitting a sentient being than a robot.

Has the following psionic abilitis, WITHOUT ISP cost:
*Psychic Invisibility
*Alter Aura
*Mask Psionics & ISP
*Mask PPE

The Ecotroz fragment does occasionally need sleep/rest...though they only need 2 hours of rest/meditation per 24 hours...they can push this, going without for as many days as they have I.Q. points(most Warmounts, unless otherwise noted, have an effective IQ rating of 8), but will have to go dormant for 4d6 hours after such exertion.
Immune to Exorcism and Banish spells

Note also that the Ecotroz-possessed ‘bot can infect other bots with the Ecotroz viral-entity, by bite or sustained touch(takes 3 attacks).
"Trouble rather the Tiger in his Lair,
Than the Sage among his Books,
For all the Empires and Kingdoms,
The Armies and Works that you hold Dear,
Are to him but the Playthings of the Moment,
To be turned over with the Flick of a Finger,
And the Turning of a Page"

--------Rudyard Kipling
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Re: Shemarrian-related fan creations

Unread post by taalismn »

*Draven---Gateway Moon to the Thousand Dragon Dimension
(aka ‘DragynGate’)
“The Thous have DragynGate pretty much locked up and secured. The targeting radars and laser from the surface defenses alone can scorch the paint off a ship even before making planetfall, and that’s just for mundane traffic. They’ve made it clear dragons are still welcome, but have to be vetted to go through. Most dragons I’ve heard of take it as a snub, and below their dignity, so they find some excuse to avoid the Drakis-dim. Others take it as an insult, and there’s plenty of dragons who think they can just pop in and bull their way through whatever defenses have been set up. The Thous prove that their reputation is well-earned, and the lucky dracs manage to get away with their hides mostly intact. But the Dragonwrightists keep stirring them up and they keep coming back. I suppose it’s something of a saving grace that Styphathal’s been unable to get enough of his cult’s adherents to reign in their zeal long enough to coordinate a mass-attack, instead of penny-packet raids. There’s betting pools on what would happen if Styph DID get together a dragon army and go in with a plan, with most betting that while the dragons might win through, the Shemar make them pay very very heavily for the privilege.”

Draven is considered the DraKis Dimension’s ‘portal world’ in the Three Galaxies; it has the most consistent and reliable dimensional rift connection between the two realms. As such, the planet(though it’s actually a moon) is heavily defended by the Thousand Dragons Tribe.
As the known portal to the DraKisD, Draven was well-known to dragons in the Three Galaxies, but the 1kD’s takeover of the planet has been controversial. Though still open to dragonkind, the fact that the planet is now administered by a techno-clan of professed dragon-killers hasn’t sat well with all dragons. By Thousand Dragon decree, the Cult of Dragonwright is NOT welcome on Draven, and this has been enforced by the extermination of a mounting number of Styphathal’s missionaries/enforcers.

Because Draven’s location is known(unlike many other Shemar worlds), it is the subject of much interest by other powers in the Three Galaxies. It is feared that Styphathal may be attempting to drum up support amongst the Splugorth to launch a punitive fleet to ‘liberate’ Draven from the Shemarrians, as a prelude to an attempt to invade the DraKisD. Such an action would doubtlessly draw in other Tribes.

Solar System( Serpais)
Number of Stars: 1
Types of Stars: Red Dwarf
Number of Planets: 6
-Asteroid(Laycid)---Planetissimal. Aside from a 1kD fighter pilot briefly landing on it and naming it for a wingmate, there’s little here of interest on this small rock and ice body.

-Gas Giant(Thraxia)--Thraxia is Draven’s host world, along with thirteen other moons. Most of Thraxia’s moons have subsequently been colonized by the Shemarrians and made into bases for the 1kD’s impressive spacefleet and visiting mercantile vessels. There are usually 1d4 war fleets assembling or dispersing in the orbit of Thraxia at any given time.

-Gas Giant(Gremor) ---Named for an Ancient(and dead) Dragon legendary for her hoard, this huge gas giant plays host to a thick belt of moons, and trails a cloud of captured asteroids that hover in the trojan points between it and its trailing companion planet Daleth. The 1kD have begun to colonize these smaller bodies, especially after a mercenary fleet hired by the Cult of Dragonwright attempted to hide in the region and use it as a staging area for a campaign to liberate Draven. The Thousand Dragons’ fleet annihilated the mercenaries, and the remains of their ships still orbit as part of the asteroid cluster.

-Gas Giant( Daleth)---This miniscule gas giant actually orbits Gremor in a wide, yet apparently stable, orbit, all the while circling Serpais. It plays gravitational ‘sheepdog’ for the attendant asteroids pulled along by Gremor. Daleth was named for a much smaller and younger dragon in the Gremor legend; Daleth is depicted as suitor of Gremor, a thief seeking her hoard, or both. He always remained just out of Gremor’s reach(or else she kept him away from her pile). The EShemar maintain a naval base on one of Daleth’s three moons.

-Asteroid--(aka ‘Aylerlan’) This icy planetissimal would be unremarkable but for the presence of a truly massive ‘Void Dragon’ known as Aylerax, who has established a lair deep under the asteroid’s crust. Aylerax claims her presence to have pre-dated the opening of the DragynGate, which makes her truly ancient if true. Aylerax has voiced no desire to visit the DraKis Dimension, nor has expressed any opinion of the 1kD’s presence. What Aylerax seems to want is to be left alone. Though naturally suspicious of the giant unknown camped on the edges of the system, the 1kD have complied and given Aylerlan a wide berth and a permanent spot on their passive surveillance grid. Styphathal’s Dragonwrightists were less cautious; several who attempted to approach Aylerax. presumably to try enlisting her aid in retaking Draven, were very messily dispatched in a matter of seconds.

-Gas Giant(Alysud)---Outermost planet of the Serpais system. The huge gas giant has a glittering belt of captured icy cometary nuclei, prompting its naming after a legendary Ice Dragon who loved collecting diamonds. The 1kD have established a surveillance station in amongst the icy moons.

Planet( Draven)
Draven is a captured satellite of the innermost gas giant of the Serpais system. Even without the dimensional rift to the DraKisD, Draven would be valuable real estate for its mineral wealth.
It’s speculated that both Draven’s exotic geochemistry and atmosphere can be attributable to the dimensional rift, the planetoid’s thick atmosphere coming from the ‘aether’ on the other side. Likewise, the planetoid may be receiving additional energy through the dimensional rift.
Draven is essentially a border checkpoint community and transit hub for traffic to and from the DraKisD. The Thousand Dragons Shemarrian Tribe maintain a large armed presence on the planet and in orbit to facilitate traffic and trade. There’s a permanent community of several hundred dragons; some of them are entrenched protesters effectively picketing the Shemarrians(there’s some natural suspicion that a few are Dragonwright spies) and a number of transients at any given time.

Type: Terrestrial
Diameter: 11,300 km
Gravity: 0.95 g
Temperature: Temperate, within terrestrial/Terran norms.
Unusual/Special Features:
-Dimensional Gates---There are four recurrent/reliable dimensional rifts on Draven, all clustered in a large rift valley and connecting to the DraKisD.

Atmosphere: Tainted---Though Draven’s atmosphere has the proper density, and a good amount of oxygen in it, the air is laced with enough poisonous vapors to kill most unprotected(and mundane) oxygen-breathers after 1d4 hours of breathing. It doesn’t seem to bother supernatural physiologies however, so the resident dragons are not adversely affected. The contamination is thought to be a product of out-gassing of the planetoid’s geochemistry combining with the air being refreshed through the dimensional rifts.
Unusual Seismology---Possibly as a result of the dimensional gate activity on it, Draven seems unaffected by the close proximity of its host planet, Gremor. Some astrophysicists have calculated that Draven should have long fallen into Gremor’s gravitational well, hit its Roche Limit, and been pulled apart long ago, but somehow Draven stabilized.
Notable Mineral Concentrations:
- Copper
- Sapphire
- Molybdenite
- Cobalt
- Calcite
- Diamond
- Borax
- Platinum
Wet; nearly 80% of Draven’s surface is covered in open water.
Sparse; mainly hardy adapted transplant lifeforms such as weeds and lichens, and a few species of arthropods(‘dragon lice’). The oceans have seen an explosion of marine life, including dragonfish, presumably brought in from the Dragon Dimension.
Settled; mainly by transient populations of dragons and dragonoid pilgrims, and a growing garrison of EShemar.
3 million Shemarrians
Estimated 10,000 transients at any given time
250 dragons+ another 1d4x100 dragons waiting to go through to the DraKisD
Galactic, introduced by the Shemarrians. Fortified structures guarding the dimensional gates sport advanced forcefields and powerful surface to space weaponry. It’s also rumored that the Thousand Dragons Tribe has deployed a number of both static and mobile submarine weapons platforms protecting the large tracts of open water on Draven from being used as landing sites.
Transit Hub; the 1kD tribe uses Draven as their shipping port to the Three Galaxies.
Rich; as the transit point between two universes, Draven sees the movement of massive amounts of potential wealth in the form of cargoes and military equipment through its ports. At any given time, the warehouses both in orbit and on the planet are stuffed full of valuable merchandise and material, enough to tempt hoard-hungry dragons and pirates, if for no other reason.
Matriarchal; the Thousand Dragons EShemar are female-led, and their administration of Draven is also. A military governor administers rule over the planet.
Law Level:
Joked to be Draconian, bit technically not, since the 1kD Shemarrians took over, but it’s still considered Authoritarian. Given how dangerous dragons can be, not to mention some of the beings adult dragons associate with as (near) equals, the EShemar do not take **** from dragons, or anybody else on that score. Pilgrims or not, visitors to Draven are expected to obey the rules, or else. Those who step across the line and interfere with the smooth flow of traffic, or trigger the attention of security, can face severe consequences.
Ambivalent----This opinion is mainly held by dragons, many of who remember the ‘old days’ when they could come and go as they pleased. To outsiders, the Thousand Dragons EShemar are invaders who have occupied a secret site of the dragons and have drawn attention to it through their use of it to trade with the rest of the Three Galaxies. The 1kD see their occupation and stern administration as a strategic necessity.
Stable---The 1kD manage the planet with a megasteel-shod robot fist, and broke no disruptions to the flow of trade and travel.
"Trouble rather the Tiger in his Lair,
Than the Sage among his Books,
For all the Empires and Kingdoms,
The Armies and Works that you hold Dear,
Are to him but the Playthings of the Moment,
To be turned over with the Flick of a Finger,
And the Turning of a Page"

--------Rudyard Kipling
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Re: Shemarrian-related fan creations

Unread post by kronos »

*Eshe-24SW Kantaran Schillgus Scarnus --- AKA Dire Quillback. The Schillgus Scarnus appears to be a larger version of the Kantaran Scarnus, or Quillback wolf, by combining the traits of the Schillga, or Dire wolf. About 50% larger, the Dire Quillback has larger jaws, teeth, the ridge of quills around its front shoulders are larger and more numerous. The electrical charge it generates is much more powerful, able to release potent electrical discharges at range with a multi-mode ion disruptor mounted in the mouth. When the ion disruptor powers up, electricity arcs between the teeth, giving it a greater fearsome appearance. The Dire Quillback is also fitted with a Volt Absorber system, which when it is struck by electricity and ion weaponry, it becomes supercharged, empowering its weaponry, boasting its speed or even healing itself. Dire Quillbacks are a rarer breed, and usually only found in the company of elite warriors, War Chiefs and Goddesses.
MDC increase by 25% to all locations.
Increase height and length by 50%.
*EM Insulation - Electrical, ion and microwave-based attacks deal no damage. Magical electrical damage deals half damage.

*Bionic Cybernanite Repair Systems--- All Schillgus Scarnus have the same bionic nanotech repair system that the Ecotroz Shemar have refitted themselves with, and which is becoming the standard among NeShemar as well. These systems repair 4d6 MD per hour, and can repair 90 MDC before needing material stocks to convert to MD repair material.

*Volt Absorber - This system absorbs and converts electrical and ion energy into usable energy for the Schillgus Scarnus. Every 20 points of electrical or ion damage the Dire Quillback would suffer (it does not suffer damage from none magical attacks, and only 50% damage from magical sources), the Dire Quillback can use that energy for several purposes:
1 - Boost strength by +2 for every 20 points of damage for 5 melee rounds to a maximum of +10 strength. Once at maximum strength, additional energy diverted only increases duration.
2 - Boost speed by 5 mph for every 20 points of damage for 5 melee rounds, to a maximum of +50 mph.
3 - Boost energy weapons by +1d6 MDC for every 20 points of damage it would suffer for 5 melee rounds to a maximum of +5d6.
4 - Boost repair systems, for every 20 points of electrical damage the Dire Quillback would suffer, the repair system requires only half as much MDC stock to repair for 5 melee rounds, example it can repair 10 MD but only uses up 5 MD of stock. OR can increase the rate of repair by +1d6 for every 20 points of damage for 2 melee rounds, to a maximum of +4d6.

Weapon Systems:
Bite - full strength bite does 4d6 MD, and a two-attack power bite does 8d6 MD.

Multi-Mode Ion Disruptor - Fitted in the mouth is a multi-mode ion disruptor, arcs of electricity leap between the large teeth.
Range:(Ion Beam Mode) 1,700 ft
(SDC Beam) 2,000 ft
(Ion Bolt Mode) 3,000 ft
(Lightning Zapper Mode) 500 ft
(Shock-Zap Mode) 1-3 ft
Damage:(Ion Beam Mode) 4d6+2 MD per single shot
(SDC Beam)1d6 SDC shock-burn. Plus, victims must make a save of 14 or better, or be -8 to strike, parry, and dodge for 2d6 melees. A savings throw versus non-lethal poison means the person is unimpaired. 25% chance of knocking out unshielded cybernetics for 1d4 melees, and a 75% chance of permanently frying nanotech devices(like Armor-dissolving nanites or RMK/IRMSS systems).
(Ion Bolt Mode) 2d4 MD to 5 ft radius, 55% chance of knocking out unshielded cybernetics for 1d4 melees.
(Lightning Zapper Mode) Does stun damage similar to SDC beam through metal armor and light power armor.
On an unmodified roll of 18-20, it causes unshielded BIONICS and robots to spasm for 1d4 melees(Cyborg is at HALF bonuses to strike, parry, dodge, roll, and is -3 to initiative. Reduce speed by HALF).
This weapon does 1d4x10 EMP damage(no physical damage) to a 10 ft radius. The resulting percentage of the target location MDC is the chance of shutdown/disablement. All damage is cumulative. Damage in excess of 50% target MDC will require repair to make it functional; 75% or more damage will require replacement of the entire electrical system. Does double damage to non-shielded civilian systems. Bionics are -1 to dodge, roll, and strike for the affected limb/system, lasting 1d4 melees, non-cumulative, before the system resets itself.
(Shock-Zap Mode) Similar to a Shock Rod; 5d6 SDC, plus 55% chance of stunning humans, d-bees, and small animals for 1d4 melees, 15% against large or inhumanly powerful beings. Cumulative effects same as for Electro-Stunner (see pg 50 of Coalition: Lone Star).

On a Natural 20 (Critical Strike) the ion weapon does TRIPLE damage instead of the normal double damage.

Rate of Fire: (Ion Beam Mode)Standard
(SDC Beam) Standard
(Ion Bolt Mode) Four times per melee
(Lightning Zapper Mode) Can fire only one Zap every melee(takes fifteen seconds to power up)
(Shock-Zap Mode) ECHH
Payload: Effectively Unlimited

EMP Node---Concealed in the chest is a compact ElectroMagnetic Pulse generator and projector, a modified version of the EMPG-08 Empulsar. Though most useful against unshielded civilian systems, it is less effective against hardened military electronics. It has also proven quite effective against nanotechnology. When activated, the quills vibrate and arcs of electricity creating a nimbus of blue light around it before the pulse is released.
Range: 2,000 ft in a 90-degree arc.
Damage: None physical/structural, but unshielded electrical equipment(including cybernetics and
bionics) is temporarily knocked out of commission/performs erratically for 2d6 minutes. 50% chance
of the electrical system suffering a MAJOR short requiring extensive repairs, and possibly even
smoking and catching fire in overload. Unshielded digital recording systems will have lost
2d4x10+20% of their memory.
Rate of Fire: Single shot , once per melee
Payload: Effectively Unlimited
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Re: Shemarrian-related fan creations

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Fury Blades

The tribes have developed some special weapons which are gifted to their elite berserkers, granting a boon while they wield the weapon in combat for short periods of time. These weapons appear as slightly larger and more ornately decorated Executioner swords wielded by other berserkers, but will have motifs associated with their tribe. The basic Fury Blade is slightly longer and wider blade, comes with a sensor in the pummel that is linked to the vibro-field, allowing the weapon to analyze the material it is striking and modify the field to increase the effectiveness of the weapon. The weapon also contains a combat enhancement program that can be uploaded to the Shemarrian wielder, similar to the one found in the Skullcrusher Honor Hunter axes. The weapons will have abilities associated to the tribe that crafts them. These weapons can sometimes be found by berserker type eccentrics who've shown the traits of one of the other tribes.

Fury Blade
M.D.C. of the Weapon: 120
Weight: 50 lbs
Range: Melee. In addition, the android can throw the sword end over end 50 ft (15.2 m) with no penalties as they have been programmed to compensate for the awkward size and shape of the weapon, and their Robotic Strength enables them to handle and throw it accurately. -2 to strike at greater range when thrown.
Size: 7 ft long
Mega-Damage: 4d6+4 M.D.
Horror Factor: While the sword itself has no intrinsic Horror Factor, the way the weapon is wielded by Berserkers strikes fear into the hearts of opponents. The sight of a Shemarrian Berserk in her rage causes opponents to save vs a H.F. Of 13 or flee in the face of this screaming, sword-wielding mad-woman.
Rate of Fire: Each ion blast or smash counts as one melee attack/action.

Modify Vibro Field - A built in sensor system analyzes the surface of what the weapon strikes, slowly calculating the best configuration. This only works against non-living matter, such as metals, plastics, ceramics, etc, and not against flesh, living or undead, or plant matter. It takes 1d4+1 melee rounds with the wielder only striking the same target during this time. Once the computer has calculated the optimal field, to the best of its abilities, increases damage by +1d6 and on a natural roll to strike of 20, deals triple damage. Truly alien materials take an additional 1d4 melee rounds for the system to analyze.

Combat Enhancement - Using the programming from the Kinetic Amplifier, Counter Strike and Evasion Patch of the Ghost Riders, the Fury Blade links to the wielder via the induction and cyberlink in their hands and can temporarily boost the wielder's combat abilities. While not as powerful as the individual original items, this ability is usable more often, but unfortunately can't use all three abilities at once, the wielder must pick which to use, although each can be used right after the other, the penalties however stack.
*Kinetic Amplifier - Connects to the Shemarrian's body through their hand, then interfaces with the motor controls and targeting systems. A temporary program is uploaded to the Shemarrian, pushing the robotic muscles beyond safety limits and uploading targeting software enhancements which run for a short period of time. This makes the Shemarrian's melee attacks stronger and more accurate, however it lowers the Shemarrian's ability to defend her/his self. For 2 minutes, the Shemarrian gains +3 to all melee attacks, speed is increased by +10, and +5 to robotic strength, but suffers -3 to dodge and parry. After the 2 minutes, the Shemarrian's robotic muscles go into a safemode to allow its onboard repair nanites to repair any damage from the overload, suffering -3 to P.P., P.S and -10 speed to the original stats for 3 minutes. The penalty to dodge and parry still persist during this time.
*Counter Strike - A temporary program is uploaded into the Shemarrian, upgrading her abilities to counter melee attacks. The Shemarrian enjoys a +1 to Dodge and Parry, but when attacked in melee, after dodging or parrying, the Shemarrian gains a free IMMEDIATE melee attack against their attacker at -3. This attack does not count against the Shemarrian's normal attacks per melee, but dodging or parrying does as normal. The Counter Strike lasts for only 1 minute before shutting down, after which the Shemarrian suffers -1 attack/action per melee for 1 minute.
*Evasion Patch - Uploads a temporary program to enhance the Shemarrian's ability to evade attacks. For about 1 minute, the Shemarrian enjoys automatic dodge, +3 to Dodge and +2 to parry, but suffer -2 to attack rolls.

Ulfheonar (Wolf Path)
These blades have a wolf's head at the guard, with the blade coming out of the mouth, patterns of wolf paws and fangs line the blade. These blades conceal an antennae in the lower half of the blade to enhance the range of the sensors of the wielder. The Combat enhancement programs are boosted to give the wielder enhanced speed and reflexes to get the warrior into combat faster and evade attacks to make swift strikes.
Make the following changes to a Fury Blade to make a Ulfheonar:
Antannea - A multiwave antenna is built within the blade, and when linked via induction to the wielder, granting a boost to their range. The wielder gains a 10% bonus to the range of all their sensors and a +2 bonus to all perception rolls. All detection and searching type skills gain a +5% bonus while wielding the blade.

Upgraded Combat Enhancement - Using the programming from the Kinetic Amplifier, Counter Strike and Evasion Patch of the Ghost Riders, the Ulfheonar links to the wielder via the induction and cyberlink in their hands and can temporarily boost the wielder's combat abilities. The wielder can select two of the abilities to activate at once, and afterwards can switch one while reactivating the other, however the penalties stack.
*Kinetic Amplifier - Connects to the Shemarrian's body through their hand, then interfaces with the motor controls and targeting systems. A temporary program is uploaded to the Shemarrian, pushing the robotic muscles beyond safety limits and uploading targeting software enhancements which run for a short period of time. This makes the Shemarrian's melee attacks stronger and more accurate, however it lowers the Shemarrian's ability to defend her/his self. For 2 minutes, the Shemarrian gains +3 to all melee attacks, speed is increased by +50, and +3 to robotic strength, but suffers -3 to dodge and parry. After the 2 minutes, the Shemarrian's robotic muscles go into a safemode to allow its onboard repair nanites to repair any damage from the overload, suffering -3 to P.P., P.S and -10 speed to the original stats for 3 minutes. The penalty to dodge and parry still persist during this time.
*Counter Strike - A temporary program is uploaded into the Shemarrian, upgrading her abilities to counter melee attacks. The Shemarrian enjoys a +1 to Dodge and Parry, but when attacked in melee, after dodging or parrying, the Shemarrian gains a free IMMEDIATE melee attack against their attacker at -3. This attack does not count against the Shemarrian's normal attacks per melee, but dodging or parrying does as normal. The Counter Strike lasts for only 1 minute before shutting down, after which the Shemarrian suffers -1 attack/action per melee for 1 minute.
*Evasion Patch - Uploads a temporary program to enhance the Shemarrian's ability to evade attacks. For about 1 minute, the Shemarrian enjoys automatic dodge, +4 to Dodge and +3 to parry, but suffer -2 to attack rolls.
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Re: Shemarrian-related fan creations

Unread post by taalismn »

Fan-freakin ' tastic, Kronos! I love every one of 'em! :bandit:

Now to get my own muse off the couch, away from the chocolate donuts, and back into harness in the hamster wheel.
"Trouble rather the Tiger in his Lair,
Than the Sage among his Books,
For all the Empires and Kingdoms,
The Armies and Works that you hold Dear,
Are to him but the Playthings of the Moment,
To be turned over with the Flick of a Finger,
And the Turning of a Page"

--------Rudyard Kipling
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Re: Shemarrian-related fan creations

Unread post by kronos »

taalismn wrote:Fan-freakin ' tastic, Kronos! I love every one of 'em! :bandit:

Now to get my own muse off the couch, away from the chocolate donuts, and back into harness in the hamster wheel.

The blades I actually had sitting around for awhile, was supposed to have a few more Tribe specific ones but got stuck, so I just posted these.
The Dire Quillback I literally just sat down and cracked out in 30 min or so. I was like "hey.. big lightning wolf.. we got small one, now BIGGER"
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Re: Shemarrian-related fan creations

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Gilloc Sea-Shaman (Sgen Elite)
(aka ‘Gargalyte”)

((“WOO-GO!!!! You-not-be-sacrified-to-dark-sea-god! You-be-saved-by-folk -of-Gilloc-Goddess! Good-Great-Fish-Goddess-claim-you-now-as-her-own-under-protection! You-repay-Goddess-be-become-servant-of-Good-Great-Fish-Goddess! Me-Sea-Shaman-of-Happy-Clam-Clan-see-this-in-you-immediate-future! We-take-you-to-see-Fish-Goddess-sacred-water-changers. Make-you-betetr-breather-of-waters-swimmer-of-cold-currents! Not-worry-though! Great-Fish-Goddess-offer-much-much-better-working-conditions-quality-of-life-than-evil dark-sea-god! Much-much-better-health-plan-fringe-benefits-time-off-for-beach-vacation! Share-in-happy-times-Gilloc-gain-plenty-loot-kicking-evil-sea-god-bass! Gilloc-take-you-now-to-Gilloc-happy-fun-place-get-you-signed-in! This-Sea-Shaman-say! UUUUUWWWW---WWAAAAA!!!”))

“I do not care for the most part to deal with these alien Gilloc...something about them seems unnatural to us...but I do not fault their bravery. The Gilloc holy-man I encountered showed no doubt and no fear as he and his companions threw themselves into battle against the Mahiki Milu that had ambushed my party. The Gilloc could have easily slipped by unnoticed and left us to fight the undead, with us most likely being the losers against the greater numbers of life-suckers, but instead they came to our aide and turned the tide of combat. The sea-shaman claimed to channel the light of the sun into the dark oceanic depths, and I do not question this claim, for his gaze did indeed burn the vampire-parasites so deep below the ocean’s surface. Though I would not care to repeat the experience for a number of reasons, I can say to those better tasked for diplomacy that the Gilloc are not all they seem like their DarkWater allies, but they are not evil for their strangeness. ”
---Varra Salanen H’toc, Lemurian Scout

The Gilloc Sea-Shaman is an Awakened Gilloc Sgen that has ben extensively modified through the incorporation of technowizardry to be a magic user. Extensive trade and collaboration between the Wayfinder Tribe and Clan Shelley has made this possible, and the pressing need to field marine units capable of fighting supernatural marine threats made it an attractive necessity to field more magic-capable robots.
The Gilloc Sea Shaman appears as a slightly taller Gilloc Sgen, with more prominent and crystalline-appearing fins on the head and shoulders. Extra-long tentacles can extend from the back and lower torso. Internally, the Sea Shaman has been fitted with PPE-generating powerstones hat power several magical sysems. In addition, Gilloc shamans have minor psionic abilities.
Gilloc Sea Shamans have the underwater combat and survival skills of the rank and file Gilloc, but trade some of their mechanical and technical skills for paranormal knowledge.
Gilloc Sea Shamans are assumed by outsiders to be naturally-ocuring magic users of the Gilloc species, a presumption reinforced by the interaction of the Exotroz essence Awakening the android’s nueral intelligence and the PPE powerstones giving the illusion of a biological being rich in magic energies. Sea Shamans are considered equivalent to an EShemarrian Male Elite(such as the Cerberon) but they rarely act as chiefs in Gilloc sub-tribes, more in a support or advisory role similar to the female EShemar Mystic. There is one Sea-Shaman for every 200 Gilloc, and Zithron ‘queens’ will tyoically have one or two Sea-Shamans as part of their retinue.

Type: Shemar Gilloc
Class: Robot Android, Sgen
Crew: Advanced Neural Intelligence Amphibious Operations
M.D.C. By Location:
Hands(2) 25 each
Arms(2) 75 each
Tentacles(4) 50 each
Legs(2) 120 each
Head 110
Main Body 300
Height: 6.7-7.6 feet
Width: 2 feet at shoulders
Length: 2 feet
Weight: 450 lbs.
Power System: Nuclear w/ supplemental TW powerstone PPE generators/batteries---300 PPE capacity, 5 PPE per hour, 10 PPE/hour at a leyline, 20 PPE/hour on a nexus or in a dimensional pyramid).
Physical Attributes: Equal to Robotic PS. 30, PP. 24, P.B. 2d4.
Cargo: None; only what can be carried in the arms or strapped to the body.
Running: 90 MPH
Jumping: 20 ft up/across, increase distance by 10 ft with a running start in excess of 40 MPH.
Flying: Not possible without jetpacks or other accessory devices(see Options).
Underwater: 18 MPH, 25 MPH with thruster assist. Maximum depth tolerance of 2 miles.
Market Cost: EXCLUSIVE to the (E)Shemarrian Tribes
Systems of Note:
Standard Shemarrian Robot Systems, plus:
Full optical systems, laser targeting, passive night vision, telescopic vision, thermal imaging, infrared, ultraviolet, and polarization filters. Also has motion and heat detection, and other standard Shemarrian systems. Additional/special sensors may be built in by the creating Spinsters or at the behest of the individual.

*Integral Language Translator w/ 13+ languages(Speaks and understands, but does not read). Can speak clearly, but typically speaks with a slurring or ‘mush-mouth’ tendency.

*Depth Gauge---Gilloc have an integral sense of pressure and depth.

*Adjustable Buoyancy----Gillocs can actively adjust their own buoyancy through special artificial swim bladders and flotation mechanisms inside their bodies.

*Mini-Sonar---Gillocs possess miniaturized active sonar, w/ 2 mile active range. Note that the active ‘click’ of this system can be detected by others with sonic sensors. To avoid detection, Gillocs will use passive senses.

*Passive Sonar---Gillocs have excellent underwater hearing. +2 initiative in the air(+4 underwater), +1 parry, +2 dodge.

*Bionic Cybernanite Repair Systems---A modified bionic nanotech repair system that originated with the Ecotroz Shemar, but has also been adopted by the Ghost Riders. These systems repair 4d6 MD per hour, and can repair 90 MDC before needing material stocks to convert to MD repair material.

*Molecular Analyzer---Like an electronic shark, the Gilloc can ‘sniff’ its watery surroundings, looking for chemical clues, such as blood or oil in the water. Can effectively track by smell 84%.

*Prowl Capability---The Gilloc’s padded feet and rubbery skin muffle noise and give the cyberhumanoid a base Prowl ability of 76%.

*Acoustic Stealth----The same rubbery false-flesh covering baffles the Gilloc against sonar systems; has only a 20% chance of appearing on sonar detection systems.

*Suction Cups----The fingers and toes are lined with small adhesion pads for clinging to watercraft and rocks, or climbing up coastal cliffs and the sides of ships.

*(TW) Kirallian Optics---Gilloc Sea Shamans can ‘see’ magic energy similar to the Japanese SNARLS system. Can be used to detect abnormal auras, supernatural energy, even detect shapechangers( though only 25% chance of success) Range: 200 ft. Up to 500 ft(but w/ 50% error).

*(TW) Sense Evil---The PPE crystals in the head fins flash red if supernatural evil entities approach within a 90 ft radius.

*(TW)Sense Magic---The PPE crystals in the head fins flash yellow if active magic occurs within 120 ft.

*(TW) Psychic Sensor---The fins hold specially modified psi-senstive algae culturs that glow when psychic abilities are being used in the vicinity(90 ft).

*(TW) TW Translator---The Sea Shaman can magically understand and speak all languages

Psionic Abilities: In addition to the regular Ecotroz machine-related psionic abilities, the Sea-Shaman has ISP: 1d4x10+ME+1d6 per level of experience, and has the following psionic powers:
-Four Sensitive powers of choice at level one, plus an additional Sensitive or Healing power at levels 4, 8, and 12.
-At level 9, can select one Super psionic power of choice
-Unlike the baseline Ecotroz powers, these powers DO require ISP to function
-Saves as a MINOR Psionic
-Sea-Shamans become immune to the Banishment/Exorcism vulnerability at Level 6 of experience

Weapons Systems:
1) TW Sunbeam Eye Lasers(2) ---The ‘laser stare’ has ben retained, but modified to fire magically-enhanced photonic streams that act as sunlight on those beings vulnerable to sunshine.
Range: 1,000 ft
Damage: 2d6 MD single blast, 4d6 MD from both eyes simultaneously
Enhanced Sunbeam blasts do double damage to beings sensitive to sunlight, 4d6 HP to vampires.
Rate of Fire: ECHH
Payload: Effectively Unlimited
Enhanced Sunbeam blasts cost 2 PPE per blast(4 for a double eye blast)
Bonus: +2 to strike (in addition to any other bonuses)

2) Chemical Sprayer---Typically set to release a cloud of sense-confusing ink or repellent chemical into the water around the Gilloc. The system can also be used to coat the Gilloc in contact poisons(good for getting large predators to leave the Gilloc alone) or spray their surroundings with incapacitating chemicals.
Range:(Spray) 50 ft, covers a 10 ft area
(Skin Mist) Typically 5-10 ft around the android, depending on local air conditions
Damage: Varies by chemical used, but the Gilloc most commonly use a smoke-like synthetic ink for distraction purposes, or a reactive luminescent solution(especially effective in the dark abyss). Yet another favorite is ‘sonic alka-seltzer’, which hisses and bubbles on contact with water, spoiling sonar fixes. When they can, the Gilloc will attempt to acquire supplies of Splugorth ‘gill clog’, typically from the stocks of Horune pirates.
Rate of Fire: ECHH
Payload: 50 doses of up to 5 different chemicals

3) Retractable Claws
Range: Melee
Damage: +1d6 MD to a punch or kick

4) Vibrospines---The back, elbows, and legs of the Gilloc are lined with retractable vibrospines hidden in the fins there, that can extend to deliver painful raking wounds on opponents.
Range: Melee
Damage: 1d6 per single spike, but a body slam, tackle, or arm lock does 3d6 MD.
Some Gilloc will have silver-plated spikes to do extra damage to supernatural foes. or will even apply toxins to the quills to poison any raking cuts.

5) Megadamage Bite---Though small, Gilloc have an impressive array of molecularly-sharp teeth that can deliver a fearsome bite.
Range: Melee
Damage: 2d4 MD per bite

6) Tentacles(4)---An option for the rank and file Gilloc, but made standard with the Sea Shaman who sports 2 pairs sprouting from the back and lower rib cage, each with a 10 ft reach, Robotic P.S. of 20, P.P. of 20, MDC 50, and act just like the Tentacle appendages described on pg. 31 of the Rifts Sourcebook One, Revised.

7) (TW) Arm Multiplexors---Each forearm conceals a TW Multiplexor(the technowizardry having been copied from the EShemarrians’ allies in Greater New England) that can hold 3 spell modules each.
Range: Varies by spell
Damage/Duration: Varies by spell
Rate of Fire: ECHH
PPE Cost per Use: Varies by spell. Spells cost as normal
Payload: Draws from the main PPE Battery, In an emergency, the user, can kick in their own PPE/ISP(where applicable).
Bonuses: As per spell(if any)

8 ) (TW) Chest Multiplexor---what looks like an extra glow organ in the chest(usuallu hidden under a necklace) is actually another TW multiplexor with capacity for storing four spellcard-crystals, usually self-defense spells like Armor of Neptune, Coral Armor, Impervious to Energy, or Water Wall.

9) Faux Magic
-Communicate With Sea LIfe----What looks like the Gilloc talking to local sea life is actually the android netwrking with e-animal replicants.
-Summon Sea Friend---Likewise, the ‘sea friends’ summoned by this supposed spell are actually other disguised robots.
-Summon & Control Sea Serpents---Ditto. The ‘sea serpents’ summoned in this manner are really more robots. Sea Shamans who can’t control actual living sea serpents typically explain it away that the creatures are somehow immune to the Gillocs’ magic. which may only work on serpent types ‘native to our ancestral homewaters’.

Programming/Skills:(Neural Intelligence)
-(General)(Basic Military Combat)
Climb 96%/86%
Intelligence 86%
Land Navigation 94%
Math: Basic 98%
Military Etiquette 96%
Parachuting 90%
Pilot: Boat(Motor) 86%
Pilot: Hovercraft or Hovercycle 92%
Radio: Basic 94%
Weapons Systems 90%
W.P. Paired Weapons(6th level)
W.P. Blunt(6th level)
W.P. Sword or Knife(6th level)
W.P. Rifles(6th level)
W.P. Energy Rifle or Heavy M.D. Weapons(6th level)

-Military Naval/Aquatic
Swimming 90%
Pilot Water Scooter 90%
Pilot TWO watercraft of choice 90%

-Military Pilot: Boat
Pilot FOUR watercraft of choice 88%

-Technical(Paranormal Knowledge) (Replaces Military Strike Force)
Law 86%
Computer Operation 96%
Lore: Demons & Monsters 80%
Lore: Magic 80%
Lore: D-Bee 80%
Lore: Sea 80%

- W.P. Ancient
FIVE of choice, all at 6th level. Typically set choices consist of Paired Weapons, Spear, Net, Trident, and Archery(crossbow)

-W.P. Modern
FOUR of choice, all at 6th level. Typically set choices include Torpedo and Harpoon/Speargun.

FOUR, at 88%

-Elective Skill Program--Can select an extra skill program from Military(Support, Physical, Mechanics, Pilot Related, Communications Basic) or Non-Military(Specialized Heavy Labor, Mining, Technical: Rescue, Technical: Commerce, Communications: Literacy(any), Technical: Resources).

Can also learn 3 Secondary Skills at levels 2, 4, 6, 9, 12, and 15.

Actions/Attacks Per Melee: 8
Note: Bonuses are in addition to those possible from the Shemar’s elective training
Initiative + 3 initiative in the air(+5 underwater)
Dodge +5 (+6 running, +7 underwater)
Parry + 5
Strike +2 (+4 w/ ranged weaponry, +6 w/ Shemarrian Rail Guns)
Roll +2
Pull Punch +2
Disarm +2
Entangle +3
Bite 3d6 SDC or 2d4 MD
Restrained Punch 1d4 MD
Punch 1d6 MD
Power Punch 2d6 MD(counts as two attacks)
Claw Strike 3d6 MD
Tentacle Strike 1 MD
Tentacle Crush/Squeeze 1d4 MD(counts as two attacks)
Head Butt 1d4 MD
Kick 3d8 MD
Leap Kick 3d6 MD
Karate Kick 5d8+6 MD(counts as two attacks)
BodyBlock/Tackle 2d4
Crush/Squeeze 2d4+15 SDC per attack
Knockout/Stun on a Natural 18-20

*Glow-Glands---Some Gilloc have themselves fitted with subdermal LED arrays that not only look pretty(like the natural bioluminescence glands of certain sea creatures), but can be used to provide flashlight-like illumination and even work like strobing blinding flashers to startle and stun other creatues, especially in deep sea darkness. Some Gilloc even mount a strobe on an extendable antennae stalk from the top of the head, like an anglerfish’s ‘lure’.
Range: 60 ft and affects a 10 ft wide area as a weapon, 100-200 ft as a flashlight.
Damage: Those without eye protection or polarized vision will be affected similar to a Blinding Flash spell; -10 to strike, parry, dodge for 1d4 melees.
Rate of Fire: ECHH

*Whiskers---Some Gilloc sport catfish-style facial tendrils (6-12 inches long) that act like antennae, especially in dark or muddy waters. Penalties for blindness under such condtions are HALVED.

*Slasher Tail---Some Gilloc like to add a combat tail that looks somewhat like that of the thresher shark’s. 75 MDC, 2d6 MD slash, +1 strike/parry.

*Flying Wings and Booster Hydrojets---These take the form of a snap-out ‘batsuit’or ‘flying squirrel wings’ with flaps of tough light plastic snapping out between the arms and legs, allowing for long gliding leaps out of the water. Special hydrojets in the back and legs allow the Gilloc to boost from the water to altitude. Can leap 60 ft up out of the water and can glide for 200 ft, or safely glide down from as far up as 6,000 ft. By rapidly leaping out of the water, gliding, then porpoising into the water and then leaping out again, the Gilloc can hit speeds of 120 MPH. However, the glide membranes are relatively fragile(25 MDC each) and destroying one will eliminate the ability to effectively glide.

*Spit Water---The Gilloc’s throat can be modified to forcibly expel water, like a motorized squirtgun. In the water, the Gilloc can draw in water from its surroundings and spit like an archer fish. On dry land, the Gilloc must rely on what it can carry internall; it can carry about 2 gallons internally. Range of 60 ft, and does 4d6 HP damage to vampires.

*Electrified Skin---This works in conjunction with the chemical sprayer system to coat the Gilloc with an electroconductive gel, that allows the cyberhumanoid to emulate an electric eel and deliver a stunning shock similar to a Neural Mace, with just a touch.

*Eel Skin---Another modification that works in conjunction with the chemical sprayer system to cover the Gilloc in a slippery slime that makes grappling the cyberhumanoid well-nigh impossible. Gets a base Escape Artist of 45%, or +15% to an existing Escape Artist skill, and is +3 to Break Holds. Even molecular adhesion systems can’t get a grip on the Gilloc.

* Taser Nails---Some of the fingernails can be fitted with electrically-conductive inserts that deliver a shocking and stunning touch to victims grabbed bare skin contact; 1d6 SDC, and victim must save at 16 or higher is -8 to strike, parry, and dodge, plus speed and actions/attacks per melee are reduced by half, for 2d4 melees, plus 2d4 melees per additional strike. After being struck four times, the victim may be stunned unconscious(42% chance) for 2d4 melees. Upon waking up, the victim continues to suffer the stun penalties for 1d4 minutes.

Special Equipment
Gilloc Sea Shamans frequently carry special TW weapons and equipment to enhance the illusion of them being powerful mages.

*Sea Weed Armor Robes---Looks like woven seaweed, but is actually megadamage-strength plastic; 75 MDC, no prowl penalty.

*Mystic Sea Weed Armor---Actually the first sign of the EShemarrian clans acquiring ectofiber technowizardry, thse robes resemble the Sea Weed Armor Robes, but are a form of extofiber-interwoven flexoble MagePlate armor. Same protective value of 75 MDC, but actually repairs itself with the application of PPE/ISP: 1 MDC= 2 PPE/4 ISP.

*Siren Staff---Looks like a large conch or whelk shell on a staff, but is a sonic weapon, developed from studies of Horune sonic weapons. It can also cast a close-range Shockwave, Thunderclap(aka ‘Roar of the Sea’) and a sound-canceling Globe of Silence(particularly useful for ambushes or silencing prisoners) spell. Another new product of Wayfinder Technowizards, appearing first(for testing?) with the Gilloc sgen.
Weight: 15 lbs
MDC: 75
Range: :(Sonic Blast) 2,000 ft in air, DOUBLE range underwater(and affects a 20 ft wide area),
(Shockwave) 100 ft in air, DOUBLE range underwater
(Globe of Silence) 90 ft in air, DOUBLE range underwater(and affects a 10/20 ft wide area)
(Thunderclap) 30 ft in air, DOUBLE range underwater, but can be heard up to a mile away in air and two miles underwater
Damage:(Sonic Blast) 4d6 MD
(Shockwave) 8d4 MD+ chance of knockdown where applicable
(Globe of Silence) Creates a zone of silence that persists for 60 melee rounds(15 minutes)
(Thunderclap)Creates a loud sharp thundering sound that startles those hearing it(+5 on initiative, =1 strike/parry/didge to the staff-wielder) and victims must roll a save vs Horror Factor 8.
Rate of Fire: :(Sonic Blast) ECHH
(Shockwave) ECHH
(Globe of Silence)ECHH
Payload::(Sonic Blast) 6 PPE per blast
(Shockwave) 11 PPE per blast
(Globe of Silence) 5 PPE per casting
(Thunderclap) 1 PPE per blast
Special Features:
*PPE Crystal Battery(concealed in shaft)----100 PPE battery capacity; recharges at 5 PPE per hour, 10 PPE/hour at a leyline, 20 PPE/hour on a nexus or in a dimensional pyramid.
*Sense Evil---The PPE crystal can flash red if supernatural evil entities approach within a 90 ft radius. The light flashes in the shell’s opening.

*Sense Magic---The PPE crystal can flash yellow if active magic occurs within 120 ft of the weapon. The light flashes in the shell’s opening.

*PPE Link---Can draw power from the Sea Shaman’s own PPE batteries or ISP through induction.
Cost: Would cost 128,000 credits if made available on the black market. None are yet known to have appeared for sale.
"Trouble rather the Tiger in his Lair,
Than the Sage among his Books,
For all the Empires and Kingdoms,
The Armies and Works that you hold Dear,
Are to him but the Playthings of the Moment,
To be turned over with the Flick of a Finger,
And the Turning of a Page"

--------Rudyard Kipling
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Re: Shemarrian-related fan creations

Unread post by taalismn »

EcoS-K-173 Hydahydra Aquatic Warmount
(aka “FiveFoe####ker”, ‘Quintalizard”, “Extra-Geedra”)

“So many heads, so many weapons choices, so many ways to wreak destruction. Decisions, decisions~”
Anonymous Tinker, working on the Hydahydra project

“The EShemar are less concerned with dumbing down the capabilities of their replicant beasts to make them not TOO powerful for witnesses to believe, rather more able to taking down opponents quickly and efficiently. The aqua-hydra’s already a nasty piece of work, so if one being ridden by a Shemarrian seems rasher more powerful than usual, it’s hard to tell...or folks just assume the Shemar did something mystic to supercharge their warmounts.”

“Another case of it being better to imitate Nature.”

“The popularity of our Hydahydra warmounts has unintentionally inspired a spate of imitators trying to duplicate our Tribes’ apparent success in taming actual aqua-hydras. This has led to a growing number of fools being destroyed by irate aqua-hydras. Unfortunate is the loss of life, but such is the way of evolution.”

“So what if you managed to blast one of that thing’s heads off?! You just made the other four even angrier!!!!!”

The Hydahydra is an android replicant version of the Aqua-Hydra beast(see Rifts Coalition Navy, pg. 98-99). With their existing experience in constructing the multi-headed EcoS-K 67 Hexadra, EcoS-K-78 Trydra, and EcoS-K-157K ‘Kraken Koilus’, an android copy of the five-headed aqua-hydra was child’s play for EShemarrian Tinkers.
Rather than produce an obvious robot- or cyborg-looking Warmount, most Hydahydras are modeled to retain the natural organic looks of their inspiration, so it is assumed that the EShemarrians or the sgen who ride them have somehow domesticated actual aqua-hydras. Thus they are found with the littoral forces of the Darkwaters and Gilloc, and the littoral and brown water forces of the Horrorwoods and Sapphire Cobras. The Aurora Warriors have also been seen with white and silver variants in their stables. Their popularity has boosted them into the rankings with other K-series warmounts, rather than one-off or limited-batch custom replicants.
Hydahydras are extremely tough, and their multiple heads give them wide-angle sensory capabilities and multiple attacks. Though rather awkward, especially on land, compared to other more agile Warmount types, the Hydahydra’s five heads and range of internal weapons choices arguably more than compensate, allowing it to throw out massive amounts of ranged firepower and direct it on multiple targets, or focus on one target. One survivor of combat with a Hydahydra described it as a ‘fire thicket’, a ‘raging wildfire’, and expressed sincere thanks he was only facing one of them.
Because aqua-hydras have a reputation for being mean-tempered, sadistic, and brutish powerhouses of supernatural predators, hardly anybody is surprised that the ‘aqua-hydras’ under the Shemarrian leash are extremely aggressive, possibly because they’re chafing at being broken to the bit. In fact, the EShemar, using their advanced technology, have made their replicants faster and more responsive than the originals. No partial- or full-conversion ‘cyborg’ variants have yet been produced, as the EShemar want to keep up the mystique of having tamed aqua-hydras by some unknown means as long as they can keep it up. Besides, as one Wayfinder was overheard to say; “If we’re going to full-out ‘borg these things, we may as well go ahead and produce mini-Dragon Dreadnoughts and REALLY drive the Kittani into psychotic depression”.

Type: EcoS-K-174 Hydahydra
Class: Robotic Warmount, Aquatic
Crew: None; robot intelligence
1 rider/pilot, and room for 1 passenger
MDC/Armor by Location:
Main Body 1,200
Heads(5) 300 each
Legs(4) 200 each
Tail 350
Height: 20 ft
Width: 10 ft
Length: 70 ft(most of it tail and neck)
Weight: 12 tons
Cargo: Only what can be carried in the mouth or strapped to/inside the saddle/cockpit.
Physical Strength: Equivalent to Robotic P.S. of 30
Powerplant: Nuclear Fusion
Speed: (Running) 50 MPH
(Leaping) Incapable of leaping on dry land due to the configuration of its legs, In water, it can use its hydrothrusters to propel itself up out of the water up to 25 ft up and 50 ft across(usually to lunge at prey close to the water or to gain access to ships’ decks).
(Flying) Not possible
(Space) Not possible
(Underwater) Can swim at 30 MPH, or using thrusters(concealed hydrojets feeding through apparent gill slits in the chest that open underwater and exit under the base of the tail) at 65 MPH, maximum dive tolerance of 8,000 ft.
Market Cost: Exclusive to the Ecotroz-Shemar
Systems of Note:
Full optical systems, laser targeting, passive nightvision, telescopic vision, thermal imaging, infrared, ultraviolet, and polarization filters. Also has motion and heat detection, built-in radar( 60 mile range) and other standard power armor-equivalent systems. Additional/special sensors may be built in by the creating Tinkers or at the behest of individual riders/owners.

*Bionic Cybernanite Repair Systems---ALL Hydahydra have the same bionic nanotech repair system that the Ecotroz Shemar have refitted themselves with, and which is becoming the standard among NeShemar as well. These systems repair 4d6 MD per hour, and can repair 300 MDC before needing material stocks to convert to MD repair material.

*Sonar--- 50 mile range

*Magnetic Anomaly Detector---The Hydahydra imitates the shark in being able to detect electrical fields; detects magnetic fields and metal objects in a 5,000 ft radius, charging rail guns and fusion powerplants at DOUBLE that range.

*Molecular Analyzer---The Hydahydra also copies sharks in being able to detect trace chemicals, such as blood, in water. Track by scent in the water; 70%.

*Chameleon Skin/Stealth----The Hydahydra apes the aqua-hydra in having a color-pattern adaptive skinning(copied from Naruni active camouflage types). -25% to Detect Concealment and Detect Ambush rolls, and the Warmount is effectively invisible on thermal and infrared sensors.

*Multiple Sub-Brains----Increasingly common with EShemar Awakened super-heavy Warmounts is the installation of multiple brain-cores, allowing the giant warmounts to continue operating, even when their Ecotroz-essence ‘sparks’ need to rest.

Weapons Systems:
1) Eye Lasers(10; 2x5)---Each head sports a pair of eye lasers, modulated in the blue-green frequencies for maximum penetration underwater.
Range: 2,000 ft in air and underwater.
Damage: 3d6 MD per single blast, or 6d6 MD per double blast, 12d6(or 1d6x12) MD if four eyes are firing on one target simultaneously. All five heads firing on the same target simultaneously does 3d6x10 MD.
Rate of Fire: ECHH
Payload: Effectively Unlimited

2) Mouth Weapons(5)----The EShemar have attempted to replicate the aqua-hydras’ breath weapons and have largely succeeded, adding a flame-thrower feature as well, though the sprayer system is dependent on chemical ammunition that the warmount cannot produce itself.
Though the chemical sprayer/flame-thrower system is considered the ‘default’ weapons configuration, because it most closely resembles the living aqua-hydras’ natural breath weapons, the number of heads of he robotic warmount, and the EShemars’ previous experience with multiple-headed warmount types, suggested a variety of other weapons could be fitted as well. Each head can be fitted with a different weapon type, or all with the same type. This has led to confusion among observers not knowing the Hydahydra’s true nature, leading to speculation of previously unknown different subspecies of aqua-hydra, or possible cybernetic modification of those in Shemarrian custody.
(Chemical Vapors) 300 ft
(Acid Spray) 300 ft
(Flame-thrower Breath) 300 ft
(Chemical Vapors) Depends on the type of chemical used; has the choice of 5 different types, though the Hydahydra usually carries a varied arsenal of sedative, CS, nerve gas, and gill-clog types.
(Acid Spray)1d6 MD per melee for 2d4 melees.
(Flame-thrower Breath) 3d6 MD per blast, 1d4x10+10 MD per concentrated burst(counts as two attacks). 2d6 MD per melee for 1d4 minutes.
Rate of Fire: ECHH
(Chemical Vapors) 5 separate reservoirs, each with 20 uses each, per head
(Acid Spray) 100 shot tank per head
(Flame-thrower Breath) 50 shot tank per head

In the alternative, some or ALL of the heads can instead be fitted with energy weapons. As these are NOT identical to the vapor breath known to be possessed by natural aqua-hydra, these are usually explained away as different and previously unknown species of aqua-hydra, or magicaly-enhanced beasts.
b) Ion/Lightning Breath
Range: 4,000 ft, 2,000 ft underwater
Damage: 1d6x10 MD per blast
*Ion Scatter-Shot Mode---This turns the cannon into a short range shotgun with an area of effect blast. Reduce range to 2,000 ft(1,000 ft in water), but does 5d6 MD to a 30 ft wide area.
Rate of Fire: ECHH
Payload: Effectively Unlimited

c) Ion Ball Lightning Blaster
Range: 2,000 ft, 1,000 ft underwater
Damage: 1d6x10 MD per bolt to primary target.
Furthermore, a secondary bolt will jump to 1d6 targets in the vicinity of the main target, starting with the nearest target(or the nearest metallic target) as long as they are within 6 ft(10 ft for metal targets) of the initial target/point of impact, then jumping to the next one until the ball lightning dissipates. Secondary targets can attempt to dodge the energy ball as standard.
Secondary targets will take HALF damage(4d6 MD).
Does only 1/4 of the original damage if the secondary targets are nonmetallic or grounded
Organic targets roll for Stun; save at 16 or better or be -8 to strike, dodge, parry, roll, and initiative, reduce APMs and Spd by HALF, for 2d4 melee rds. A successful save means lose only initiative and 1 APM for 1 melee round.
50% chance of knocking out unshielded electronics(or 1d4 subsystems like radio, electronic image amplification, cybernetic sensory implant, or the like) for 1d4 melees.
Beings susceptible to electricity take DOUBLE damage.
Rate of Fire: ECHH
Payload: Effectively Unlimited
Bonuses: +2 to strike metallic targets

d) Plasma/Flame Breath---Less effective underwater, but a terror above the waves.
Range:(Plasma Bolt) 4,000 ft
(Plasma Scattershot) 1,000 ft
(Plasma Torpedo) 5,000 ft
Damage:(Plasma Bolt) 1d6x10 MD
(Plasma Scattershot) 6d6 MD to 20 ft wide area
(Plasma Torpedo) 1d4x10 MD to 18 ft blast radius
Rate of Fire:(Plasma Bolt) ECHH or EGCHH
(Plasma Scattershot) ECHH or EGCHH
(Plasma Torpedo) Twice per melee
Payload: Effectively Unlimited
Special Features:
*“Hot Shotting”---This system augments the normal air-draw plasma re-mass system with deuterium-gas injected into the plasma flow for a cleaner, hotter, more potent ‘burn’. The deuterium is stored in pressurized cylinders attached to the feeds of the weapon. This allows the plasma to do 50% more damage, but the weapon now has a bit of a recoil due to the more powerful plasma acting like a crude plasma drive(-1 to strike). The reservoirs have enough pressurized gas for 50 shots per head before needing recharging.
e) Particle Beam/Radiation Breath---The EShemarrians have copied PS’s developments in advanced particle beam weapons design, including neutron beams that have prove deleterious in irradiating supernatural flesh. In operation, it’s assumed the Hydahydra’s nuclear breath does extra damage because it is supernatural in nature.
Range: 3,000 ft in atmosphere, 1,000 ft underwater
Damage: 2d4x10 MD per blast
On a Natural 19-20, a particle beam strike does DOUBLE damage.
ANWeps do cumulative irradiation damage proportionate to their actual blast damage; for every 2 points of PBP damage done, the regenerative abilities ‘superhealers’ are negated for 1 minute(round down). During that duration, supernatural, superhuman,and magical healing CANNOT be effectively performed. Even psionic abilities like Healing Touch and Bio-Regeneration(Self) and (Super) are HALF as effective.
Note that the damage applies only wounds inflicted by the PBP strikes; other damage may be healed as normal, but the particle beam wounds will continue to bleed, gape open, and cause problems.
Rate of Fire: ECHH
Payload: Effectively Unlimited

f) E-Magnetic Bolt/Invisible Force Curse---Throws invisible bolts of magnetic force
Range: 6,000 ft in air and underwater
Damage: 1d4x10 MD at point of impact
Within a 60 ft radius, people, animals, and objects weighing less than 500 lbs are 90% likely to be knocked off their feet and hurled 3d4 yards/meters(lose 1 APM and Initiative), 65% chance of being stunned(-10 to strike, dodge, parry, and roll, NO Initiative, HALF speed and APMs for 1d4 melees).
Characters/objects of 500-1,000 lbs weight are 50% likely to be knocked aside 1d4 yards/meters.
Objects of a ton or more are only 25% likely to be knocked over.
Flying characters/objects get knocked away twice the normal distance.
Rate of Fire: ECHH
Payload: Effectively unlimited
Bonus: EM bolts are -6 to dodge.

g) Sonic Blaster/Battle Roar---Limited range, even with the larger mounting, but very versatile, especially underwater.
Range: 2,400 ft underwater, 800 ft in air
Damage:: Wide Beam: 4d6 MD to a 30 ft area
Concentrated Beam: 1d4x10 MD per blast
Sonic weapons do HALF damage through light ‘soft’ armors like MDC barding and padded armor.
Unprotected personnel must save versus non-lethal poison (16 or higher) or be stunned for 1d4 melee rds. People in sealed power armor save at an 8 or higher for the wide area blast, but make a standard save for the concentrated blast.
Sonar Blast----This is an enormous ‘belch’ of sonic cacophony that can blind sonar systems within range with a mass of ‘white noise’, knocking them out for 1d4 melees. Sonar and acoustic homing systems will lose target lock, and sonar-using creatures will be stunned and ‘blind’ for 1d4 minutes.
Vibration Blast---This takes up ALL attacks per melee to initiate and maintain, and consists of focusing a low powered beam on a sealed ship(submarines are ideal), and gradually inducing an ultra-low frequency vibration throughout its structure. While this doesn’t do any damage per say, it does affect the hearing and inner ears of crewmembers, causing creeping disorientation and increasing unsettledness, leading up to nausea. After one melee people with unprotected hearing(or un-insulated contact with the ship’s hull structure) will be -1 to strike, parry, and dodge, and -5% to skills(they become easily distracted). After two melees they are -2 to strike, parry, and dodge, -10% to skills, and are -10% to their sense of balance...and so on...People with protected hearing are immune to the effect, but beings with enhanced hearing are TWICE as susceptible to the effects.
This setting is most effective against vessels 60 ft long or smaller...larger vessels will take an extra full melee per 50 ft of length for this to work...or several cannon working in concert, to be effective.
Rate of Fire: ECHH
Payload: Effectively unlimited

3) Retractable Claws---The webbed feet feature retractable claws that can be extended to aide in clambering ashore, climbing the sides of ships, and eviscerating enemies.
Range: Melee
Damage: +3d6 MD to punches/kicks

4) (Optional) Harness Pods(1-2)---As a ‘domesticated’ beats of war, the Hydahydra can be fitted with a harness to which can be affixed external ordnance pods. These pods add an extra ton of weight and induce additional drag underwater(reduce top speed to 48 MPH), but each pod can hold 20 mini-torpedoes/mini-missiles, 10 short-range torpedoes/missiles, 6 medium range torpedoes/missiles, or 2 long range torpedoes/missiles each.
In the alternative, they can be replaced with cargo panniers holding a ton of cargo each.

The Ecotroz have installed robotic AIs, then infected the matrix with a low-level Ecotroz sentience.
Typically has the following in addition the standard Monstrex programming:
Underwater Navigation 80%(+5% per level of experience for Ecotroz entity)
Undersea & Sea Survival 94%
The Ecotroz entity can also pick up one Secondary skill at levels 2, 6, and 12 of experience, though the nature of the Hydahydra intelligence and design is such that it is limited to skill selections from Technical: Language(understanding) and Lore (Cattle & Animals, Indians, Juicers, Magic, Demons & Monsters, D-Bees, Faerie---at least with regards to identifying their relative threat level), and Wilderness( Hunting).

Actions/Attacks Per Melee: 12
Initiative +2 (+1 from the Ecotroz entity for a total of +3)
Dodge +3 (+4 underwater)
Strike +3 (+3 w/ ranged weaponry)
Roll +2 (+4 underwater)
Parry +3
Pull Punch +3
Entangle +1
Bite 1d6 MD
Head Butt 2d4 MD
Restrained Punch/Kick 1d4 MD
Full Strength Punch/Kick 2d6 MD
Claw Strike 5d6 MD
Tail Lash 2d6 MD
Body Block/Tackle 1d6 MD

Note: The Ecotroz intelligence fragment inhabiting the ‘bot gives the Hydahydra an aura and behavior more befitting a sentient being than a robot. Hydahydras have acquired a reputation for being cantankerous and argumentative, even with themselves, when not engaged in combat or on the prowl, and not every rider can handle them as efficiently as other more cooperative ‘mounts. They are aggressive hunters.

The Ecotroz fragment does occasionally need sleep/rest...though they only need 2 hours of rest/meditation per 24 hours...they can push this, going without for as many days as they have I.Q. points(most Warmounts, unless otherwise noted, have an effective IQ rating of 8 ), but will have to go dormant for 4d6 hours after such exertion.
Note also that the Ecotroz-possessed ‘bot can infect other bots with the Ecotroz viral-entity, by bite or sustained touch(takes 3 attacks).

*Saddle/Cockpit Pod----The Hydahydra can mount an armored fully enclosed compartment pod with weapons stations on it. Typical cockpit-pod has 250 MDC, room for 2 people in it(three if they cram in) . It can eject in an emergency and even motor away through water on its own at a speed of 60 MPH, or engage emergency ascent float-bags. The cockpit pod also mounts three stations for hardpoint weapons, typically a pair of light torpedo/missile launchers and a pintle- or demi-turret-mounted defense weapon(belt-fed rail gun, grenade launcher, light energy cannon) .

*Tail Blade----The tail can be fitted with a large vibroblade(designed to resemble a spinal ridge or tail spike) that adds + 4d6 MD to a tail lash.

*EcoS-K-173D---(‘Drillhed’) This is an attempt to copy the aqua-hydra’s ability to twine itself into a serpent shape. The EShemar have been only partially successful, with the five heads now able to coil together and rotate around a common axis, in effect becoming a giant churning drill. In order to do so, however, the variant sacrifices the breath weapons(though the eye lasers are retained). The heads also have pronounced hook-like barbels under the chins that can be used to connect hoisting lines or grapples, and vibroblades recessed into their heads. The -D variant is rare, being not popular with warriors, and thus most commonly found with underwater/coastal salvage and excavation teams.
MDC/Armor by Location:
Heads(5) 400 each
Weapons Systems:
2) Drill Attack----Remove the mouth weapons in favor of structural reinforcement and the replacement equipment for the drill gearing.
Range: Melee
Damage: 1d4x100 MD for a full melee cut/drill

*EcoS-K-173AwX---Aurora Warrior variant, typically color-schemed in white, light gray, or dull silver The heads sport curved vibroblade horns. A common practice of the Cold Warrior Hydahydras is to swim under the ice, occasionally using the head blades to cut an opening through the ice overhead, and use a single head to ‘spy-hop’.
The Aurora Warrior variant also mounts freeze lasers, that can stop, or at least slow down, molecular motion and heating in a target, locking it up solid in some cases. Though some question the use of a cold-based weapon in an environment where most local threats are at least resistant, if not outright immune, to extremes of cold, the -173AwX is considered to be an experimental model, and the freeze lasers a future option, as AwHydahydras have also been observed using the more common weapons types.
Weapons Systems:
2) (Mouth Weapon Option)Freeze Laser---A more powerful version of a technology acquired elsewhere, and modified with the assistance of the Iceflame tribe.
Range:(Beam Mode) 2,000 ft
(Spray Mode) 900 ft
Damage: (Beam Mode) This slows down molecular motion in a relatively tight area(1-2 ft wide area), lowering the temperature to almost absolute zero... fabrics like nylon and polyester shatter like glass, electromagnetic superconductivity jumps, and liquids crystallize instantly. Ideal for cold-welding materials, freezing mechanical joints, and snuffing out plasma torches. Does 2d8 MD to structures and 4d6 MD to MDC plastics and organics.
(Spray Mode) Lowers mean temperature by 1,000 degrees over a 20 ft wide area of effect---This means that it may take several applications to bring a burning pool of jet fuel down to freezing, for example, or cool an glowing hot section of plating. After reaching zero degrees Celsius, it only reduces temperature in increments of 250 degrees, then 100 degrees, then 50, and so on...
Unprotected flesh hit by the beam takes 6d6 SDC in Spray Mode. Must also roll save versus non-lethal poison(12 or better) or temporarily succumb to cold.
A victim who loses all SDC(but NOT Hit Points) to a cold attack lapses into a coma..still alive, but frozen stiff. They can be revived with even heat in 3d4 minutes. Those who lose both SDC and Hit Points are +25% to save versus coma/death, and get 3d4 Hit Points back when revived, but still suffer some cellular damage.
Beings vulnerable to cold-based attacks take DOUBLE damage, while fire elementals and fire-based beings take TRIPLE damage! Water Elementals will lose 2 APMs and cut their speed by HALF for 1d4 melees, while Ice Elementals actually HEAL 1d8 MD of damage.
Rate of Fire: ECHH
Payload: Effectively unlimited

5) Head Blades(5)---Each head now sports retractable jagged-edged vibroblades
Range: Melee
Damage: +3d6 MD to Head Butts

*EcoS-K-173Wf---Wayfinder variant, enhanced with technowizardry. Instead of a breath or energy weapon in the mouth(s), the -Wf variant sports a TW multiplexor-style weapon allowing the Hydahydra to cast spells.
Supplemental TW Powerstone PPE Generator
(‘Wizard’)----400 PPE battery capacity; recharges at 14 PPE per hour, 50 PPE/hour at a leyline, 100 PPE/hour on a nexus
Systems of Note:
*KIrilian Vison Optics----The -173Wf can ‘see’ magic auras and magic activity, including the magically invisible, out to 300 ft.

Weapons Systems:
2) (Mouth Weapon Option) Mouth TW Multiplexors, which can each cast three pre-formatted spells. In general, carded spells cast through a multiplexor will cost HALF their normal PPE and DOUBLE range due to range boosting(more specific TW devices can use their crystal elements to lower the PPE further, but lack the quick-swap versatility of multiplexor systems).The following is a sample:
Range:(Ice Ball) 4,000 ft
(Sonic Blast) 200 ft in air, 400 ft underwater, and affects a 20 ft area(40 ft underwater)
(Mist of Death) 300 ft and covers a 20 ft area
Damage:(Ice Ball) 3d6 MD on impact, then explodes, 60 ft blast radius, shedding hundreds of icy shards. Human-sized objects caught in its way will get hit with 1d6 shards, each doing 2d6 MD. Fighter- and Robot-sized targets (16 ft or larger) will get hit by 1d4x10 shards. Ships and targets 50 ft and larger will get hit by 2d4x10 shards. Victims must save versus magic or suffer debilitating numbness; -1 APM, -2 initiative, -1 strike/parry/dodge, and speed is reduced by 10%. Effects last 1d4 minutes, and are NOT cumulative. The Ice Ball has 70 MDC.
(Sonic Blast) 4d6 MD per blast, plus possible knockback/down and (save vs magic) chance of deafness for 2d4 melees
(Mist of Death) Save vs magic, or take 4d6 points of damage direct to hit points(MDC if an MDC being)
Rate of Fire: ECHH
Payload: (Ice Ball) 25 PPE per shot
(Sonic Blast) 13 PPE per shot
(Mist of Death) 20 PPE per shot

Other Magic Systems:
*Impervious to Energy---5 minutes per 20 PPE pumped in.
*Impervious to Fire---10 minutes per 5 PPE pumped in.
*Protective Energy Forcefield---10 minutes and 50 MDC per 10 PPE pumped in.
*TW Tail Blade System---An adaptation of the Spinning Blades spell.
Range: Melee when just the vibroblades are in use. When activated, the Spinning Blades spell can reach 300 ft away, used offensively. If ejected as projectiles, the blades can reach 1,000 ft.
Damage: Does 2d6 MD per blade
When activated, the Spinning Blades spell produces 7 blades that each do 1d6 MD each(regardless of what the blade was/does originally) in defensive mode(+6 to parry, +2 to parry energy attacks) or 2d6x7 MD in offensive ‘buzzsaw’ mode(enemy CANNOT parry).
Can also fire the magical blades like projectiles, 1-2 at a time, each doing 1d6 MD on impact, and +3 to strike. The blades disappear on impact.
Duration: 10 melee rounds( 2.5 minutes per activation)
Bonus: Also has a +6 to parry rail gun rounds, autocannon shells, and other projectiles .
PPE Activation Cost: 20 PPE per activation

Note: Additional TW spells/features can be built in as per specific rider’s request.

*EcoS-K-173WfWx---(aka ‘Whiff’, ‘Blowhard’, ‘Wifwax’, ‘Waddl-fer’) Experimental Wayfinder variant that uses TW-technology traded from the Steel Gaians(who in turn got it from their GNE hosts). The -WfWx replaces the mouth weapons with TW Wind Cannon copied off the PS-IAR-20 ‘Torris’ Infantry Assault Robot. The -WfWx also looks slightly thicker and more bloated in the torso. Extraordinarily powerful, but also very resource-intensive to produce(the EShemar find it difficult to make such specialized components as ecto-circuitry), the handful of -WfWxs so far produced have been reserved for special combat units.
Supplemental TW Powerstone PPE Generator
(‘Sorcerer’)--- 600 PPE battery capacity; recharges at 20 PPE per hour, 60 PPE/hour at a leyline, 120 PPE/hour on a nexus
Weapons Systems:
2) TW Windblasters(5)------Fires long range bolts of super-dense air. Incredible range, thanks to the boosting elements in the ‘hydra’s necks.
Range: 7,000 ft
Damage: 2d4x10+30 MD per blast, plus knock-back, similar to Wind Rush. A full salvo from all five heads simultaneously costs 100 PPE but does a whopping 2d4x100 MD!
There’s also a 20% chance of generating a Tornado Blast---Tornadoes are 100 ft in diameter, last 15 minutes, and do 3d6x10 MD per melee to anything caught by them, and an additional 2d6x10 MD to anything hurled out. Wood, clay, and stone structures take 4d6x10 points of damage(SDC or MDC), and trees are uprooted in one melee round. The tornado will also randomly wander about in a half-mile area before dispersing.
Rate of Fire: ECHH
Payload: 20 PPE per shot
"Trouble rather the Tiger in his Lair,
Than the Sage among his Books,
For all the Empires and Kingdoms,
The Armies and Works that you hold Dear,
Are to him but the Playthings of the Moment,
To be turned over with the Flick of a Finger,
And the Turning of a Page"

--------Rudyard Kipling
Posts: 444
Joined: Thu May 08, 2008 11:04 pm

Re: Shemarrian-related fan creations

Unread post by Omegasgundam »

And here's my latest batch of killer sex dolls with a thin justification. This one is another high power freak of nature for when you are outnumbered 10-to-1 and are expected to win. Think of them as a viable choice in ‘All Cosmo-Knight Party’ campaigns, but you can strip features off to tone them down.

Shemarian Super-Pilot Caste: Warbride
“I can understand having three different databusses, but do they SERIOUSLY have to be THERE?!”
---“We actually did the testing, and it turns out that those really are the most effective locations for the plugs. The top one handles the Neural processor, while the bottom two provide direct access to the Paracausal arrays.”
“And it's one of their damn endless fetishes.”
---“Their brains are based on Altess-Luxury sex dolls, so it their lewdness is to be expected. Be glad they put just as much focus into their piloting.
“And the rest of their body comes from that as well I bet. I’m sure they came up with some excuse for why they have their bodies so soft and lush, but they’re still excuses. We’re warriors damn it! Not pampered concubines!”
---“You try saying that when they're doing their pole dance at the bar. I’ve seen them seduce War Goddesses in minutes and power bottom a full squad of Warriors.”
“I KNOW! A pair of them came onto me last night. I had to reset my hip actuators three times afterwards.”
---“They do what they love and love what they do. At least they’re easy to keep in line.”

“Warbrides act like Skyclads that split their time with the Cobras, but they are extremely good at worming their way into social groups. As far as I can tell they are physically incapable of feeling sexual jealousy and are prolific matchmakers with just about anybody that catches their fancy. For ‘some’ reason, they respond the best to being commanded by a Dominatrix, apparently due to some particular part of their base coding with Governesses. Both sides being happy to turn it into an outright sexual reason has to help though, and I’ve never seen one given even the slightest pretense of disobeying their CO. Must by why the Ghost Rides put up with them considering their usual stances on Awakened; they’re complete non-issues if handled right.”

“For all that the Shem Pilots are walking fetish fuel when on foot, they are completely professional when in the air. Beyond flight and squadron cohesion, their comms have them using easily understood synthesized voices to not distract anybody. They mesh well with just about anybody that forms up with them, and I’ve never heard of one getting distracted or losing focus on the mission. They may be Sex Dolls, but they’re Sex Dolls with a cooperative split personality that didn’t skip out when the Shem’s handed out ‘warrior-ness’.”

During the Minion War, the SSN noticed the sheer capabilities of the GREY DANCER pilots of the allied AJC, and decided that they desperately needed an equivalent. While the Deep Cyberlink interface was ubiquitous across their entire ASF fleet, the fact that an organic pilot was more capable was galling to many, and ultimately a number of programs would be followed. While a number were quite fruitful, producing technologies and upgrades that could be used in other roles, the only one that met the required criteria was the one undertaken by the infamous Clan M’Kri. Knowing that the end result would be lewd but unparalleled within their niche, the High Council reluctantly accepted the new caste into service, resulting in the self titled ‘Warbrides’ rapidly proliferating across the SSN.

In an act of near-heresy, the Warbride is not based on the normal Shemarian neural intelligence and system architecture, but is instead taken from a series of bleeding edge Pleasure Dolls commissioned by the Altess, often called ‘Copper Brides’. As the jaded elite of the Three Galaxies expect more than simple bedroom activities, Copper Brides are designed for full courtesan social duties, and to provide an ‘edge’ have the most reactive and agile robotic chassis yet known. As social interactions is an extremely complex problem, particularly those in a large party with multiple Altess, they were also equipped with an incredibly fast NI processor, letting them alter their complex activities on the fly for the greatest effect. In service, the Brides would prove capable enough that a notable number of Altess are at least mildly concerned about them ‘going a tad far’, but their loyalty to their commissioning owner has proven to be even more robust than the Altess norm. This agility and intelligence made them ideal for use as a basis of a combat pilot, although the core architecture would impose a number of behavioral quirks.

Scaling the Copper Bride chassis to ‘Tinker’ scale, Veletsia M’Kri would work together with her wife and number of her closest friends (ie fellow Thoth Essence fragments) to develop an upgrade that would turn the ‘Warbride’ into something truly special, drawing from dimensions and materials that the Shemarians had access too. Using what can only be described as ‘Super-Science’, they managed to come up with a ‘Super Power’ imbuing process that leveraged the nature of the Ecotroz entity as a psionic catalyst, resulting in something that was incredibly potent, completely consistent, and easily repeatable. The chassis would need to use a number of exotic materials to properly channel these powers, but the assembly could still be done with a standard Progen Machine, allowing widespread production.

While the same size of Thinkerer, they are visually anything but, with universally beautiful features and pronounced ‘assets’ almost doubling their horizontal depth, showing their origins as Pleasure units. For all their agility, they are incredibly weak for a robot, and they would cheerfully describe themselves as ‘easy to pin down and ravage’. Their social programming remains fully intact, but the settings seem to be adjusted for group activities, resulting in them being as amorous as the Shemarians expect from Clan M’Kri. As their activities almost always result in an increase in group cohesion and reduce stress levels they are tolerated by even the Ghost Riders, and the Bloodriders and Sapphire Cobras have embraced them. The Skull Crushers naturally have the lowest proportion, but this is increasing as they slowly move past their cultural stigmata.

Beyond their social actions, the other great passion of Warbrides is piloting, which they devote just as much time to. While substantially less outwardly egotistical than most fighter pilots, they have a level of pride in their combat niche equal to their capabilities in it, and they are the greatest pilots in the Three Galaxies. Other Shermarians dislike their nearly complete shunning of all other forms of combat, but they are capable enough in SERE situations that it remains at light admonishing for most. Their overall behavior and attitudes make them poor choices for diplomats, but they are increasingly found as assistants to them.
Type: Shemar

Class: Fully Automated, Self-Sufficient Super-Pilot Robot

Crew: Soul Bearing Neural Intelligence

M.D.C. by Location: As a Tinkerer, but fully flesh coated and are equipped with an SSN knock off of the N-50B Force Field with faster regen (160 MDC, regenerates 1 MDC per melee)

  • Height: 6 ft (1.6m)
    Width: 4 ft (1.2m)
    Length: 4 ft (1.2m)
    Weight: 400 lbs (180 kg), but Grav Pack can reduce it to whatever she wants.
Speed: As a Tinkerer, but have a Grav Pack permanently installed.

Physical Stats: Robotic P.S 12, P.P. 30, PB 22+1D6

Cargo: None

Power System: Advanced Fusion, 20 lifespan before replacement.

Cost: EXCLUSIVE to the (E)Shemarrian Tribes. Resource shortages (lower power campaigns) result in many of them lacking the PCPIA when produced, but the associated power remains active enough to allow the PRAA to be fully channeled to an aerospace craft. If need be (for much lower power campaigns), they can be produced without either and just rely on the abilities of NI, but adding the systems afterwards is time consuming.

Systems of Note:
  • Standard SSN Gynoid Systems, as well as the following:

    *Bionic Cybernanite Repair Systems: Repair 4d6 MD per hour, and can repair 60 MDC before needing material stocks to convert to MD repair material.

    *Internal Gravity Pack: As DB:2, pgs 126-127.

    *Anti-Gravitic Shielding: Divides damage done by Gravitic Munitions by 100.

    *Paracausal Reflex and Analysis Array: (Combines Lightning Reflexes, Extraordinary Physical Prowess, Ambidextrous, Heightened Sense of Awareness, and Hypnotic Conditioning)
    • +3 APM
      +5 on Initiative
      +1 to Parry
      +6 to Dodge
      +6 to Automatic Dodge
      +1 to Disarm
      +3 to Pull Punch
      +3 to Roll with Punch, Fall, and Impact
      +6 vs Horror Factor
      +5 vs Mind Control
      +4 vs Illusions
      +2 vs Psionics
      Immune to Possession
      +15% to dexterity skills
      W.P. Paired Weapons
    *Preternatural Cybernetic Piloting Interface Array
    • Grants the Major Power: Preternatural Piloting Ability
    *Mundane Robotic Augments/Bonuses
    • +3 APM
      +8 to Strike (PP 30), an additional +1 with Ranged.
      +8 to Parry (PP 30)
      +8 to Dodge (PP 30)
      +8 to Automatic Dodge (PP 30)
(Default) Chassis Bonuses: +6 Attacks per Melee, +5 on Initiative, +8 to Strike HtH, +9 to Strike Ranged, +10 to Parry, +14 to Dodge, +14 to Autododge, +1 to Disarm, +3 to Pull Punch, +3 to Roll with Punch, Fall, and Impact, +6 vs Horror Factor, +5 vs Mind Control, +4 vs Illusions, +2 vs Psionics, Immune to Possession, +15% to dexterity skills

Weapon Systems: None whatsoever. Must use hand weapons or hand to hand (Robot PS 12).

Programming: A large portion of the normal skill set has been removed, reflecting the gynoid’s lack of interest in those fields. Unless noted, they start at 1st level.
  • Skills: Does NOT include IQ or chassis bonuses
    • Communications
      • Language (Dragonese): 98%
        Language (Trade One/Two/Three/Four/Five): 98%
        Literacy (Dragonese): 98%
        Literacy (Trade One/Two/Three/Four/Five): 98%
        Electronic Countermeasures: 92%
        Radio Basic: 98%
        Performance: 98%
        Sing: 98%
        Public Speaking: 98%
      • Dance: 98%
      • Basic Electronics: 92%
      • Escape Artist: 85%
      • Basic Mechanics: 80%
        Spaceship Mechanics: 80%
      • None
      • Military Etiquette: 98%
      • Acrobatics: 98%
        Depressurization Training 98%
        Gymnastics: 98%
        Climbing: 98%/90%
        Swim: 98%
        Zero Gravity Movement & Combat: 120%
        Hand to Hand: Expert (8th level)
      • EVA: 98%
        Pilot Atmospheric Grav Craft: 98%
        Pilot Star Fighter: 98%
        Pilot Small Spacecraft: 98%
        Pilot Starship: 60%
        Space Fighter Combat: Basic
        Star Fighter Elite (Black Arrow)
        Star Fighter Elite (Choice SSN Design)
      Pilot Related
      • Navigation: 94%
        Navigation (Space): 94%
        Sensory Equipment: 98%
        Weapon Systems: 98%
      • Escape Artist: 85%
        Prowl: 75%
        Seduction: 70%
      • Math Basic: 98%
        Math Advanced: 90%
      • Computer Operation: 98%
        General Repair & Maintenance: 85%
        History (Three Galaxies): 98%
        History (Shemarian Star Nation): 98%
        Rope Works: 88%
      Weapon Proficiencies: 8th level
      • Energy Pistol
        Energy Rifle
        Paired Weapons
      • None
    Combat Bonuses: Including HtH: Expert (6th), () includes chassis bonuses.
    • 7 (13) Attacks per melee
      +3 (8) on Initiative, additional +1 in a flying vehicle
      +0 (0) Damage in HtH, additional +3 with Whip
      +2 (10) to Strike (melee), additional +3 with Blunt, Knife, and Whip
      +0 (9) to Strike (ranged), additional +4 with Energy Pistols and Rifles, +2 in a flying vehicle
      +4 (14) to Parry, additional +3 with Blunt and Knife
      +3 (17) to Dodge, additional +2 in a flying vehicle
      +0 (14) to Automatic Dodge
      +2 (5) to Pull Punch
      +2 (3) to Disarm/Entangle, additional +3 with Whip
      +2 (5) to Roll with Punch, Fall, or Impact
      Critical on Natural 18+
      Karate Punch
      Karate Pick
    Ecotroz Electro-Virus Intelligence Fragment:
    • Alignment: Unprincipled, but eagerly follow leadership from other Shemarians with little to no qualms regardless of what they do.
      IQ: 4d6 (minimum 14)
      ME: 5d6 (minimum 17)
      MA: 5d6 (minimum 17)
      Hit Points: (Energy Form) 1d6x10+M.E.
      P.P.E.: 8
      Constant Psionic Abilities: Object Read, Telemechanics, Telemechanical Possession, and Telemechanic Mental Operation at will for no ISP cost.
      Infection Ability: Can infect other bots with the Ecotroz viral-entity, by bite or sustained touch(takes 3 attacks).
      Sleep Requirements: Needs 2 hours per every 24, but can push it for (I.Q.) days, but then go dormant for 4D6 hours afterwards.
      Vulnerabilities: As the fragment is necessary for its psionic systems to function, it is always born with it, and as such is IMMUNE to Exorcism and Banish.
    Other Abilities:
    • Piloting Instincts: As Turbo-Jocky
      ‘OCC’ Bonuses: +2 to initiative under all circumstances, +3 to initiative while flying a vehicle, +2 to strike and dodge in a flying vehicle, +2 to save vs Horror Factor, Reduce Penalties for dealing with alien flying technology/vehicles by 15%., gain and additional Star Fighter Combat Elite choice at levels 3, 6, 9, 12, and 15.
Standard Equipment: Herself, a fully loaded EShe-F12 Black Arrow with custom internal fittings, an of SSN or ASI energy pistol (fitted to be induction charged), an of SSN or ASI projectile pistol with 4 clips (usually an SSN clone of the Astra-Omega), an SSN vibro-knife, an Acolyte Armored Robe for use on foot, a Yurei Stalker Bodysuit for use as a pilot suit, their fighter’s survival kit (includes Reentry Ballute), and access to the various outfits and equipment that the local Warbrides have collected for their performances.
(NEW) Major Power: Preternatural Piloting Ability
Similar to the Major Powers of ‘Mechno-Link’ and ‘Natural Combat Ability’, this power focuses on pushing a specific aircraft or flying robot (not power armor) beyond its normal limits. To function, the craft must be plausibly controlled by a single person and not considered ‘overly large’ by the GM (No Dominator Planetoids please). If the vehicle has an equivalent to a Cyberlink Interface, it supersedes those bonuses, but it is considered ‘much easier’ to maintain control for prolonged periods and allows for the other powers to affect the vehicle (such as the Minor Power ‘Lightning Reflexes’). This also supersedes the Super Psionic Power of ‘Telemechanics’ and similar. Needless to say, these bonuses are only active when in a qualified craft.
  • +1 APM at levels 1, 3, 6, 9, 12, and 15.
    +1 non-attack APM at levels 1, 2, 3, 4, 6, 8, 10, and 12
    +1 on initiative at levels 1, 3, 5, 7, 9, 11, 13 and 15
    +1 to Strike with non-self guided weapons at levels 1, 3, 6, 9, 12, and 15
    +2 to strike self guided missiles
    +1 to Dodge and Automatic Dodge at level 1, 3, 6, 9, 12, and 15
    Bonuses to Automatic Dodge from other sources are also added to normal Dodge actions, unless they are already added. Aircraft gain half Automatic Dodge bonuses from other Super Powers.
    Critical Strike on 18+
    +1 to roll with impact, punch, or fall at levels 1, 2, 4, 6, 8, 10, 13, and 15.
    +20% to relevant Pilot skill
    +20% to relevant Pilot Related skills
    +10% maximum speed and altitude
    Goose survival (10% MDC)
    Immune to G-Force related problems

Here’s a new Post-Minion War Light Fighter for the SSN. With a Warbride pilot, its death on winglets, and keeps up the fear that the Shem’s have. A full kinetic gun load is (12D6+4D4)x10 MD per attack, or 520 MD on average (420 kinetic), so they’ll slaughter anybody they can pull into a dog fight. An PB load is a lesser (10D6+4D4)x10 MD, or 450 MD on average, which is only a bit worse.

Shemarian Star Nation EShe-F12 Black Arrow Light Fighter
  • (‘ShemBadger’)
“What little we have on what we think is called the Black Arrow tells us that it's every bit as nasty as you’d expect out of those cyborgs, and the girls they have piloting them are every bit as freakish as the ones the USA has started fielding. Fortunately, the only times the CCW and the SSN have so far come to blows that we know of have been due to blatant local corruption problems, so we hopefully won’t have to deal with them outside of the ‘usual’ oddities. As long as it's the Slugs and TGE that’s on the other end, we can cheer them on, and damn if the Arrow doesn’t mow them down in job lots.”
---- Captain Jacky Kelson, CAF

While the secretive Shemarians are loath to give details for any of their equipment, it is thought by outside experts that the Black Arrow is based on the Super Scorpion, although this is primarily educated speculation. In truth, it is of mostly new design, with the Ghost Riders managing to get their hands on much of the CG-Harmonization calculations that the CAF considered state secret. What little they tell regarding it to the other Clans is that it was half accidental and half opportunistic, leading most to believe it was due to some sort of inane and/or insane mess that defies casual description. The development cycle primarily took place during the Minion War, and was a middling priority at the time due to the superiority of the Shemarian’s current roster over their opposition, but it was anticipated that it would be greatly desired during the following reconstruction era. Constantly compared to the similar Badger, the Black Arrow uses notably less complex systems and easier to acquire materials in its construction, with the SSN considering the mass penalty to make up for inefficiencies to be easily acceptable to reduce the overall burden on the nation’s still scatter shop industrial infrastructure.

Visually, the Black Arrow looks like a narrow arrow head, with the main body having only a few protrusions for the weapons and access panels. Naturally, the forward section is dominated by slightly protruding GR-1000, with the sensors positioned on top of it. The HI-lasers are a third of the way down the ‘edges’, and the end focusing arrays have a notably greater range of traverse than normal. Ordnance capabilities are provided by four bays in the rear in the ‘winglets’ on either side of the engine, and are primarily used for dog fighting and intercept duties. Normal SSN doctrine has the light fighters on anti-ASF duty above all else, and thus LRM and CM launch capability was not considered a large concern, resulting in the bay dimensions being too short to use either. Considering the capabilities of it’s pilots, the Black Arrow is almost always equipped with Grav-Guns for sustained damage over time. Countermeasure launchers are mounted in the rear between the CG-drive emitors.

The cockpit of the Black Arrow falls into the ‘no direct visibility needed’ school, as it is operated by cyberlink using gynoids. Thus, it is positioned in the middle of the hull with only the barest of seams suggesting its presence. Distinctly unconventional in layout, a large portion of the barrel of the GR-1000 crosses through it, and the secondary physical controls are under it, leaving the pilot to straddle the barrel like a motorcycle. Given the relative dimensions of the items involved and the locations of the primary data jack plugs, the position becomes far more suggestive, similar to embracing a lover. As the Black Arrow is almost always operated by the Warbride caste, subtly generally goes out the window, with the interface connections becoming outright pornographic in use. Due to their robotic physiology, they are able to remain connected to their craft their entire deployment, and are often physically bound to it in some manner.

Regardless of its pilot’s habits, the Black Arrow is rapidly replacing the various Naruni derived designs that were used previously, with strike roles being taken by larger craft, although that can take a different meaning than normal with the Shemarians. Much of the SSN’s older inventory of spacecraft are undergoing various revisions, so the situation is considered quite fluid by many.
Type: EShe-F12 Black Arrow

Class: Interceptor

Crew: 1 Shemarian Gynoid

MDC/Armor by Location:
  • Nose GR-1000----------80
    HI-Lasers (2)-----------60 each
    Ordinance Bays (4)-----50 each
    Main Body---------------550
    Variable Forcefield-------200 per side (1200 total)
  • Height: 10 feet (3.1 meters)
    Width: 30 feet (9.3 meters)
    Length: 40 feet (12.4 meters)
    Weight: 9 tons (8.16 metric tons) fully loaded.
Cargo: Small space in the cockpit for a survival pack and sidearm.

Powerplant: Anti-matter w/ 25 year energy life.

  • (Atmosphere) Hover to Mach 10, transatmospheric
    (Sublight) Mach 20
    • (Kitsune: 40% of light speed; Accell at 2% of light speed per melee)
    (FTL) The Black Arrow is NOT equipped with an FTL drive
    (Underwater) The Black Arrow is NOT designed for underwater operations
Bonuses: +3 to Dodge, +1 on Initiative, +1 to Strike, +10% to Piloting Skill

Market Cost: EXCLUSIVE to the (E)Shemarrian Tribes. Production cost is difficult to estimate due to the entirely automated nature of the SSN’s industry, but it does have a notably longer fabrication time than older Naruni-based designs.

Systems of Note:
  • Standard SSN Fighter Systems, as well as the following;

    *Deep Cyberlink: As the NGR’s XML. Communications systems have enough bandwidth to connect to a SSN ship’s internal VR mesh for group activities.

    *ECM: Standard ECM suite for confusing sensor-guided weapons; -6 to strike

    *Mag Shield: Reduces damage from particle and ion weapons by HALF. It also has a 35% chance of deflecting regular missiles.

    *Sensor Baffling: Shemar ships can partially mask their sensor spoor, making themselves difficult to detect at long range. This acts as Stealth(-70% to detect while stationary, -30% when moving)
Weapons Systems:
  • 1) GR-1000: As on Scorpion.

    2) Hi-Lasers (2): As on the Black Eagle

    3) Side Ordinance Bays (4): Top and bottom of both rear winglet surfaces.
    • a) MRM: 4 MRMs, volley 2
      b) SRM: 10 SRMs, volley 4
      c) MM: 36 MMs, volley 6

      d) Pulse Lasers: Taken from ASI/WZT craft
      • Range: 2.5 miles in atmosphere, 5 miles in space
        • (Kitsune Values: 3 miles in atmosphere, 300 miles in space)
        Damage: 1d4x10 MD single cannon
        Rate of Fire: ECHH
        Payload: Effectively Unlimited
      d) Particle Beam: Taken from ASI/WZT craft
      • Range: 1.5 miles in atmosphere, 3 miles in space
        • (Kitsune Values: 3 miles in atmosphere, 300 miles in space)
        Damage: 1d6x10 MD single cannon
        Rate of Fire: ECHH
        Payload: Effectively Unlimited
      f) Shemarian Grav Rifle:
      • Range: 3 miles in atmosphere, 6 miles in space
        • (Kitsune Values: 6 miles in atmosphere, 600 miles in space)
        Damage: 2d6x10 MD single cannon shot
        Rate of Fire: ECHH
        Payload: 1,000 rds per gun
    4) Countermeasure Launcher (2): May hold one of the following.
    • a) Flare/Chaff: 12 per launcher, 24 total
      b) NanoPods: 6 swarm packs per launcher, 12 total
      c) Grav-Pods: 5 decoys per launcher, 10 total.
  • None so far, but most think it is only a matter of time.
Last edited by Omegasgundam on Fri Sep 29, 2023 7:41 pm, edited 3 times in total.
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Re: Shemarrian-related fan creations

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Omegasgundam wrote:Regardless of its pilot’s habits, the Black Arrow is rapidly replacing the various Naruni derived designs that were used previously, with strike roles being taken by larger craft, although that can take a different meaning than normal with the Shemarians. Much of the SSN’s older inventory of spacecraft are undergoing various revisions, so the situation is considered quite fluid by many.

"In other words, we don't know what new sort of nastiness the Shemarrians might spring next. But odds are, you're going to **** yourself, or lose quite a lot of other types of fluids, when it does."
---Anonymous CAF intelligence analyst.

Zebuloids: "...what just happened? Something happened, but I'm not sure what. But it just seems we got shifted to the back gallery."

"And we thought Hoyt Sparks' creations were mad."
"Nah, this doesn't hold a candle to that madman's creations. This thankfully doesn't involve weapons that repave reality while you watch."\
"Wait...I missed that. When was that mentioned?!"
"Oops! Above your security clearance, I'm afraid."

Thoth: "Just as planned...."
"Trouble rather the Tiger in his Lair,
Than the Sage among his Books,
For all the Empires and Kingdoms,
The Armies and Works that you hold Dear,
Are to him but the Playthings of the Moment,
To be turned over with the Flick of a Finger,
And the Turning of a Page"

--------Rudyard Kipling
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Re: Shemarrian-related fan creations

Unread post by Omegasgundam »

taalismn wrote:
Omegasgundam wrote:Regardless of its pilot’s habits, the Black Arrow is rapidly replacing the various Naruni derived designs that were used previously, with strike roles being taken by larger craft, although that can take a different meaning than normal with the Shemarians. Much of the SSN’s older inventory of spacecraft are undergoing various revisions, so the situation is considered quite fluid by many.

"In other words, we don't know what new sort of nastiness the Shemarrians might spring next. But odds are, you're going to **** yourself, or lose quite a lot of other types of fluids, when it does."
---Anonymous CAF intelligence analyst.

Zebuloids: "...what just happened? Something happened, but I'm not sure what. But it just seems we got shifted to the back gallery."

"And we thought Hoyt Sparks' creations were mad."
"Nah, this doesn't hold a candle to that madman's creations. This thankfully doesn't involve weapons that repave reality while you watch."\
"Wait...I missed that. When was that mentioned?!"
"Oops! Above your security clearance, I'm afraid."

Thoth: "Just as planned...."

I'm working my why through the older SSN vessels, if only to tidy them up and bring them into a coherent stat range. They can be a bit odd with the meta that's I've been developing, so they need to be looked at to stay on the ball.
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Re: Shemarrian-related fan creations

Unread post by taalismn »

Omegasgundam wrote:I'm working my why through the older SSN vessels, if only to tidy them up and bring them into a coherent stat range. They can be a bit odd with the meta that's I've been developing, so they need to be looked at to stay on the ball.

Meta is good. Meta adds backstory. Meta adds backbone. Meta adds color. Meta adds substance. Meta just sounds cool.

Meanwhile, in my own slow way, I'm chugging along to add more. Even with the big backlog of parts in the cut-and-paste gribble bin, though, I find myself working to create new systems to further push the state of the art. Old ideas thought mad or impossible in the day, now suddenly possible, or leaps of faith into the realm of the exotic. \

But gotta go grocery shopping first. Fuel for the brain.
"Trouble rather the Tiger in his Lair,
Than the Sage among his Books,
For all the Empires and Kingdoms,
The Armies and Works that you hold Dear,
Are to him but the Playthings of the Moment,
To be turned over with the Flick of a Finger,
And the Turning of a Page"

--------Rudyard Kipling
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Re: Shemarrian-related fan creations

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EShemar EShe-F10 ‘Artume’ Heavy Aerospace Fighter
(aka ‘SunMoon’, ‘Savage-Selene’, ‘Hunting Moon’)

“Whoever said the Artume was simply the Black Eagle doubled up hopefully got their posteriors righteously perforated by one of these things.”

“Hunting moon comes out, things get crazy.”

The Artume is a newly introduced aerospace fighter developed by the Silvermoon Tribe, part of an effort to diversify the fighter stables of the SSN away from copies of existing types in service with other star nations. Though the Artume still draws on technologies observed in others’ designs such as the Black Eagle and the Katana, the Artume is an indigenous EShemar design. Taking advantage of the EShemarrians’ robotic nature, the designers could eschew considerations such as the need for bulky life support and inertial baffling for the pilots, and focus on speed and armament.
In keeping with its namesake inspiration, the Artume is crescent-shaped, with the ‘horns’ of the moon-shape holding engine pylons for the twin cg-drive units.
Also in keeping with the Silvermoons’ technological strengths, the Artume is fitted with enhanced laser weaponry and laser-reflective armor. Several weapons bays hold mission-expendable ordnance, though variants of the type have been observed to carry energy weapons in the same bays. Overall protection is respectable, consisting of good quality physical armoring and a variable forcefield.
Artumes have begun appearing in the Silvermoons’ fleets, starting with the complements of their Radiant Crescent Heavy Cruisers. They have also begin appearing with other Tribes, suggesting either a lot of interTribal trading, or a spreading initiative to distribute new fighter types to the SSN’s aerospace forces as quickly as possible.

Type: EShe-F10 Artume
Class: Heavy Aerospace Fighter
Crew: 2
MDC/Armor by Location:
Main Body 960
Reinforced Cockpit 200
Engines(2) 360 each
Variable Forcefield 300 each side( 1,800 total)
Height: 17 ft
Width: 40 ft
Length: 50 ft
Weight: 38 tons
Cargo: Small space behind crew seats for survival pack and sidearm.
Powerplant: Nuclear Fusion
(Atmosphere) Hover to Mach 3; transatmospheric.
(Sublight) Mach 19
(Kitsune Values: 50% of light speed; Accelerates/decelerates at 1.9% of light speed per melee)
(FTL) 4 light years per hour
Bonuses:+1 to Strike and +1 Dodge, in addition to pilot’s training bonuses and targeting system bonuses
Market Cost: EXCLUSIVE to the Shemarrian Star Nation
Systems of Note:
Standard Aerospace Fighter Systems, plus:
*Sensor Baffling----The Shemar ships can partially mask their sensor spoor, making themselves difficult to detect at long range. This acts as Stealth(-70% to detect while stationary, -30% when moving)

*EW Jamming---Standard ECM suite for confusing sensor-guided weapons; -6 to strike

*Laser Reflective Armor---Lasers do HALF damage.

*(Optional)---Because of their bionic/psionic nature, EShemar pilots can take the same bonuses as that of the New German Republic’s XML cyborgs(See Rifts: Triax II for details). Otherwise, they can just take the Russian bionic cyberlink bonuses.

Weapons Systems:
1) Medium Laser Cannon(4)---These are mounted outboard on the ends of the crescent’s ‘horns’, and display the Silvermoons’ advanced laser technology in having better range than their CCW counterparts. Their placement adjacent to the engines also allows them to tap the main powerplants more efficiently. All four weapons firing simultaneously can carve through even heavy warship plate.
Range: 3 miles in atmosphere, 6 miles in space
(Kitsune Values: 6 miles in atmosphere, 600 miles in space)
Damage: 5d6x10 MD per single cannon shot, 2d6x100 MD for all four cannons firing simultaneously
Rate of Fire: EPCHH
Payload: Effectively Unlimited

2) G-Cannon(2)---Two high-powered gravitic cannon are mounted in a semi-retractable turret under the center of the hull. The turret can rotate to cover fore and aft arcs of fire.
Range: 2 miles in atmosphere, 5 miles in space
(Kitsune Values: 5 miles in atmosphere, 500 miles in space)
Damage: 3d6x10 MD per single barrel 30-rd burst, 6d6x10 MD for a 60-rd burst
Rate of Fire: EGCHH
Payload: 6,000 rds/200 bursts per drum, rds total

3) Missile Launchers(2)---Mounted between the central cockpit and the ends of the wing-horns are two missile bays. They can be customized with missile pallets of varying size, and so can accommodate the following:
a) Mini-Missiles--- 50 per bay
b) Short Range Missiles--- 25 per bay
c) Medium Range Missiles---16 per bay
d) Long Range Missiles---8 per bay
e) Cruise Missiles---4 per bay
f) Bombs---Same as for the equivalent missiles, only DOUBLE blast radius. The Eshemar commonly use ‘smart’ bombs with advanced targeting systems for more accurate strikes.

4) Countermeasure Launchers(2)---Virtually identical to those on CAF/TGE/USA fighters. Each pod carries three different kinds of decoys, May hold one of the following.
a) Flare/Chaff: 12 per launcher, 24 total
b) NanoPods: 6 swarm packs per launcher, 12 total
c) Grav-Pods: 5 decoys per launcher, 10 total.

Though initially a Silvermoons design, the Artume has begun appearing in limited numbers with other Tribes, suggesting a shakeup in the fighter arms of the Shemarrian Star Nation, echoing the changes in the Three Galaxies’ aerospace fighter markets of late.

*EShe-F10Dw---(aka ‘Darkmoon’) DarkWaters variant. Because the Silvermoons and DarkWaters are nominally competitive with each other, it is unknown what arrangements led to the former sharing their most recent design with the latter Tribe. The -F10Dw differs from the Silvermoon ships mainly in having a stealth sheathing replacing the laser-resistant mirror-chroming. The DarkWaters also sacrifice some firepower for a diverse combination of heavy lasers and g-cannon, the latter benefitting from copied data on the Scorpion’s enhanced G-cannon range.
Systems of Note:
-Passive Stealth---Outfitted with radar-absorbant armor and other passive stealth enhancements, the -F10Dw has only a 10% chance of being detected by enemy radar.
Weapons Systems:
1) Laser Cannon/G-Cannon Cluster(2)---Instead of four medium lasers, the -F10Dw mounts a laser cannon coupled with a g-cannon in ovr-and-under configuration.
Range: (Laser) 3 miles in atmosphere, 6 miles in space
(Kitsune Values: 6 miles in atmosphere, 600 miles in space)
(G-Cannon) 8 miles in atmosphere, 16 miles in space
(Kitsune Values: 8 miles in atmosphere, 800 miles in space)
Damage: (Laser) 5d6x10 MD per single cannon shot, 1d6x100 MD for both lasers firing simultaneously
(G-Cannon) 2d6x10 MD single cannon burst, 4d6x10 MD for both g-cannon firing in synch at the same target.
At close range(within range for both types of weapons) the laser and the G-cannon firing simultaneously(counts as one attack) do 7d6x10 MD, or 4d6x100 MD for both weapons armaturs firing simultaneously.
Rate of Fire: EPCHH
Payload: (Laser) Effectively Unlimited
(G-Cannon) 700 bursts per gun

3) Weapons Bay Options---The DarkWaters sometimes fit the ordnance bays with energy weapons pods;
g) Twin-Barrel Light Disrupter Cannon ---Copied and modified Golgan weapon, sometimes used in false-flag operations.
Range: 2 miles in atmosphere, 4 miles in space
(Kitsune Values: 4 miles in atmosphere, 400 miles in space)
Damage: 2d4x10 MD single barrel firing, 4d4x10 MD for two barrels firing, at point of impact, then 25% of that in a 20 ft radius
Rate of Fire: EGCHH
Payload: Effectively Unlimited

h) Particle Beam Cannon
Range: 1.3 miles in atmosphere, 2.6 miles in space
(Kitsune Values: 2.6 miles in atmosphere, 260 miles in space)
Damage: 1d6x100 MD per single cannon firing
Rate of Fire: EPCHH
Payload: Effectively Unlimited

i) Tachyon Scatter-gun---Only one can be fitted, as the two bays are close enough that fitting two TSGs would cause interference between the two weapons.
Range: 1.5 miles (2,500 m) in atmosphere, 6 miles (10,000 m) in space w/ 3 mile wide arc*
(Kitsune Values: 6 miles in atmosphere, 600 miles in space)
* Scatter width is reduced to 1/4th in atmosphere
Damage: 2d4x10 MD per single cannon firing
Rate of Fire: EPCHH
Payload: Effectively Unlimited

*EShe-F10Hm---Hawkmoon variant, the quick appearance of which further feeds the rumors of a High Council/WarGoddess-level decision to revamp the EShemarrian fighter corps and stables with indigenous designs.
The -F10Hm sports six additional smaller wings that can be used to carry additional podded ordnance. The wings can be retracted close to the hull to streamline the hull and protect the external ordnance from damage(or sensor scans), and extend when readied for action, giving the appearance of a six-winged moon. The -F10Hm retains the laser-reflective armor of the baseline Silvermoon model, but the Hawkmoon version has a more golden sheen to it, and is patterned with a plumage motif.
Pylon Wings(6) 80 each
MDC/Armor by Location:
Width: 50 ft with pylon wings folded, 64 ft with wings extended
Bonuses: +1 dodge/roll in atmosphere, +10% to atmospheric maneuvering
Weapons Systems:
5) Pylon Wings(6)---These are extendable pylons that can be used to mount additional ordnance. Each pylon can carry ONE of the following:
a) Flare/Chaff: 12 per launcher
b) NanoPods: 6 swarm packs per launcher
c) Grav-Pods: 5 decoys per launcher
d) Mini-Missiles ----12 -shot pod
e) Short Range Missiles---4 per hardpoint
f) Medium Range Missiles---2 per hardpoint

*EShe-F10Wf---Wayfinder variant, enhanced with technowizardry. This variant seems to have been shared equally between the Wayfinders and the Silvermoons, as it has been observed operating with both Tribes. The EShe-F10Wf supplements the main powerplant with crystal powerstone generators to power the TW systems.
*Supplemental TW Powerstone PPE Generators(‘Sorcerer’)--- 600 PPE battery capacity; recharges at 20 PPE per hour, 60 PPE/hour at a leyline, 120 PPE/hour on a nexus
Systems of Note:
* Magic Sensors---Scaled down fighter-portable TW magic sensors, the Wayfinders’ copy of the ORACLE Mrk IVF suite
• See Aura: Slightly different than the spell in that it can scan an entire target such as a ship or station. The enchantment can be used to target a single individual but only have one tenth normal range when being used in that matter. Costs 60 P.P.E. per activation due to extended range. Range: Fighter Mount: 100 miles (160 kilometers) in space and 1 mile (1.6 kilometers) in an atmosphere. Effects / Abilities: Gives an approximate count of the number of life forms onboard. Gives the average level of experience, highest level of experience, and lowest level of experience [Given in these terms: Low (1-3), medium (4-7), high (8th and up).] Tells if there is any magic onboard. Gives if there are any psychics onboard (Mind Block will prevent detection), Gives a general count on the amount of P.P.E. the target has (basically the P.P.E. of the crew and any devices which store P.P.E.). Detects if there is any kind of possession. Finally sees if the crew or ship has any unusual aberrations.
• See the Invisible Sensors: The ships has several special optical and other sensor systems with see the invisible on them. Same as spell and used at will (requires no P.P.E. to activate). Range: Fighter Mount: 200 miles (320 kilometers) in space and 2 miles (3.2 km) in an atmosphere. Effects / Abilities: Can see forces, objects, and creatures which can turn invisible, or are invisible. Can also see vaporous beings and astral bodies.
• Sense Magic: The ship has sensors which the give the ability to detect active magic. Similar to spell and used at will (requires no P.P.E. to activate). Range: Fighter Mount: 20,000 miles (32,200 kilometers) in space and 200 miles (320 km) in an atmosphere.
• Sense Rifts: Ship has sensors which effectively allow Rifts to be detected. The system can be (requires no P.P.E. to activate). Range: Fighter Mount: 50,000 miles (80,500 kilometers) in space and 500 miles (805 km) in an atmosphere.

*Ectofiber Insulation Grid
-Magical Attacks do HALF damage/effect

Systems of Note:
*TW Enhancements---The TW PPE Powerstone integral to the powerplant allows for the quick addition of TW enhancements:

*Impervious to Energy---5 minutes per 20 PPE.

*Overdrive/Full Throttle---Increase maximum speed by 40% for 3 minutes, but -5% to piloting rolls(-20% for trick maneuvers), 10 PPE per activation.

*Doppleganger-Cloak----This amplification of the Multiple Images Spell allows the fighter to project multiple ‘ghost’ images of itself(up to 3 separate images). These multiple images can carry out a series of preprogrammed ariel maneuvers(can also simulate weapons fire/gun flashes, but only if the mothership is also firing at the same time), but must remain within a mile of the the projecting aircraft(or they vanish without a trace). Also note that the images don’t show up on radar or thermo-imaging, and cannot be used to fool homing missiles, though they DO give off a PPE trace similar to the projecting aircraft.
Range: ‘Ghosts’ can be projected up to 5,000 ft away
Duration: 5 minutes per activation
PPE Activation Cost: 20 PPE per activation

*Invisibility: Superior----20 PPE for 3 minutes’ duration.

*Star Light(24 PPE per activation, duration of 20 minutes per activation)
Causes the starship to glow brightly in a 2,000 ft diameter sphere, making it impossible for anyone to get a hard optical lock on the spacecraft or parts of it. Similarly, radar and other sensors cannot able to make out anything inside the area of the sphere(only the sphere itself). Vampires, most undead, and other creatures vulnerable to sunlight will take 2d6x10 points of damage if exposed directly to the light and face a Horror Factor of 19 even if not.
Last edited by taalismn on Sun May 16, 2021 9:25 pm, edited 2 times in total.
"Trouble rather the Tiger in his Lair,
Than the Sage among his Books,
For all the Empires and Kingdoms,
The Armies and Works that you hold Dear,
Are to him but the Playthings of the Moment,
To be turned over with the Flick of a Finger,
And the Turning of a Page"

--------Rudyard Kipling
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Re: Shemarrian-related fan creations

Unread post by Omegasgundam »

Think I've finished my first pass at revising the shared SSN ship designs. I'm not touching the tribal variants right now, but their on the list of things to do. I've working on some fluff to preface them, and taalismn will be happy to know I found a reason for the Remoras. It should be up tomorrow.
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Re: Shemarrian-related fan creations

Unread post by Omegasgundam »

Here's part 1 of my revision pass, covering the shared SSN warships and small craft. Each has a change-log so you can see the differences. I have not yet tackled the most of the Tribal variants, which will be their own post. I also have ideas for a very light fighter and the Shemarian equivalent to the Aurora.

Standard SSN Ship Weapons
Ammo stores replacement time can vary wildly, but have overall gone down from previous.
Point Defense Weapons
    Standard Combi-Turret: Shemarrian-pattern rail gun/pulse laser
      Range: (Rail Gun) 2 miles in atmosphere, 4 miles in space
          (Kitsune: 4 miles in atmosphere, 400 miles in space)
        (Laser) 1 mile in atmosphere, 3 miles in space
        (Kitsune: 3 miles in atmosphere, 300 miles in space)
      Damage: (Rail Gun)4D6x10 MD per blast
        (Laser) 3D6x10 MD per blast
      Rate of Fire: (Rail Gun)EGCHH
        (Laser) EGCHH
      Payload: (Rail Gun) 2,000 rd drum. Additional ammunition can be stored as cargo, but will take 45 minutes to reload from stores.
      (Laser) Effectively Unlimited

    Standard Triple Laser Turret: As on the Goshawk
      Range: 2 miles in atmosphere, 4 miles in space
        (Kitsune Values: 4 miles in atmosphere, 4,000 miles in space)
      Damage: 2d6x10 MD per barrel (6D6x10 per triple)
      Rate of Fire: EGCHH
      Payload: Effectively Unlimited

    It is also quite common to have individual ships replace a number of their normal mounts with Tachyon Scatter Guns.

Medium Weapons
    Medium Lasers: Ubiquitous
      Range: 8 miles in atmosphere, 16 miles in space
        (Kitsune Values: 16 miles in atmosphere, 16,000 miles in space)
      Damage: 1d4x100 MD per barrel
      Rate of Fire: Four shots per melee
      Payload: Effectively Unlimited

    Particle Beam Cannon: Uncommon
      Range: 4 miles in atmosphere, 8 miles in space
        (Kitsune Values: 8 miles in atmosphere, 8,000 miles in space)
      Damage: 2d6x100 MD per shot
      Rate of Fire: Three shots per melee
      Payload: Effectively Unlimited

    Plasma Cannon: Rare
      Range: 6 miles in atmosphere, 12 miles in space
        (Kitsune Values: 12 miles in atmosphere, 12,000 miles in space)
      Damage: 2d4x100 MD per blast
      Rate of Fire: Four shots per melee
      Payload: Effectively Unlimited

    Heavy G-Cannon: Common
      Range: 8 miles in atmosphere, 16 miles in space
        (Kitsune Values: 16 miles in atmosphere, 16,000 miles in space)
      Damage: 1d4x100 MD per burst
      Rate of Fire: EGCHH
      Payload: 2,000 bursts per cannon

    Plasma Torpedo Launchers: Very Common, Volley-6 is standard
    These unusual weapons fire volleys of plasma bolts like missiles, and are even able to ‘curve’(up to 90 degrees) the shots somewhat to skip around ships and obstacles to envelope a target, but this control seems ballistic in nature, rather than active control(though there is evidence that the Shemar are able to actively direct the bolts within tractor beam range). The bolts themselves seem to have been endowed with a weak magnetic field that contains the plasma in a tight ’packet’, allowing the plasma to travel farther without losing cohesion and damage potential, and allowing the plasma to explode with area of effect on target. The result is an energy missile with superior range to normal energy weapons (though still well short of comparable missile weaponry) and potentially unlimited payload. However, the plasma packets CAN be grabbed/deflected by tractor beams (likely how the EShemar manipulate their energy projectiles at short range and correct their course), or destabilized by ion or particle beam weapons fire (takes 20 MDC to disrupt the plasma containment).
      Range: 25 miles in atmosphere, 100 miles in space
      (Kitsune Values: 100 miles in atmosphere, 100,000 miles in space)
      Damage: 2d4x100 MD to a 100 ft blast radius per missile
      Rate of Fire: Volleys of 1-6 plasma bolts. Three volleys per melee
      Payload: Effectively Unlimited

    Plasma Hunter Killer Torpedoes: Uncommon
    This weapon, first seen on the Hitode, appears to be either an earlier version of the Plasma Torpedo Launcher, or a later version of the same weapon. Rather than launch a bolt of pure plasma, the weapon launches an actual material projectile; a missile-borne electromagnetic generator that wraps a shell of weapon-temperature plasma around itself. The generator/sustainer missile has its own onboard sensors calibrated to see through its plasma shell, allowing it to home in targets independent of its firing vessel, and at far greater range than direct fire weaponry. Though this weapon is dependent on a supply of specialized munitions (rather than the infinite capacity of the regular PTL), and the plasma-shrouded projectiles show up on energy sensors more readily than standard ‘cold’ missiles, the PHKTL has superior range, speed, and accuracy. The plasma shell also gives the PHKTL superior penetration capabilities against point defense systems.
      MDC of Projectile: 60
      Range: 1,800 miles in atmosphere, 7,200 miles in space
        (Kitsune: 3,400 miles in atmosphere, 1,800,000 miles in space)
      Damage: 2d6x100 MD to a 100 ft blast radius per missile
      Note: Projectile anti-missile point defense systems are unable to penetrate the plasma shell, rendering them useless, and energy-based laser and plasma systems do only HALF damage due to interference from the plasma containment fields. Ion and Particle Beams suffer no such problems

Capital Weapons
    Capital PBC: Cruiser scale
      Range: 20 miles in atmosphere, 70 miles in space
        (Kitsune: 70 miles in atmosphere, 70,000 miles in space)
      Damage: 1d6x1,000 MD per shot
      Rate of Fire: Three times per melee
      Payload: Effectively Unlimited

    Heavy Capital PBC: Battleship scale
      Range: 20 miles in atmosphere, 70 miles in space
        (Kitsune: 700 miles in atmosphere, 700,000 miles in space)
      Damage: 2d6x1,000 MD plast
      Rate of Fire: 3 shots per melee
      Payload: Effectively Unlimited

    Heavy Capital G-Cannon: Battleship scale
      Range: 60 miles in atmosphere, 120 miles in space
        (Kitsune: 120 miles in atmosphere, 120,000 miles in space)
      Damage: (Solid) 1d6x1,000 MD per round
        (Fragmenting) 1d4x100 MD to a 100 ft wide area
      Rate of Fire: Four shots per melee
      Payload: 1,000 rds ready to fire. Additional ammunition can be stored as cargo, but will take 45 minutes to reload from stores.

Revised ‘Xidras’ Aerospace Drone
    Bumped MDC a bit (20)
    AM power cell
    Speed upped for relevance.
    Swapped weapons
    Cut down ammo as it's not going to use all of it.
    Increased missile capacity
    Tweaked programing
Type: EShe-SSN-UCV09 Xidras

Class: Aerospace Combat Drone

Crew: None; robot drone

MDC/Armor by Location:
    Main Body-----------300
    Fins (3, retractable)--90 each

    Height: 11 ft (35 ft w/ wings deployed)
    Width: 11 ft (35 ft w/ wings deployed)
    Length: 26 ft
    Weight: 4.5 tons

Cargo: If used as a cargo drone, the Xidras can carry up to 1,000 lbs in lieu of weaponry.

Powerplant: Antimatter Power Cell, w/ 1 year energy life.

    (Atmosphere) Hover to Mach 3; transatmospheric.
    (Sublight) Mach 16
      (Kitsune Values: 30% of light speed; 1.6% of light speed per melee)
    (FTL) Not possible
    (Underwater) Not possible

Market Cost: EXCLUSIVE to the (E)Shemarrian Tribes.

Systems of Note:
    Standard Aerospace Fighter Systems, plus:

    *ECM Module: -6 to strike for guided weapons defensive. Offensive effects ALL weaponry in a 15 mile radius (-4 to strike). Conversely, it can be used to paint the drone as the BIGGEST target, in order to decoy enemy missiles away from more important targets (+5 for radar guided weapons to hit the drone).

Weapons Systems:
    1) Triple Railgun Cluster: Extended range version of the Shemarian Railgun
      Range: 1.5 miles in atmosphere, 3 miles in space
        (Kitsune Values: 3 miles in atmosphere, 300 miles in space)
      Damage: 2d6x10 MD per cannon; 6d6x10 MD for all three
      Rate of Fire: EGCHH
      Payload: 400 rd drum per cannon; 1,200 rds total

    2) Pulse Laser Cannon: Copied from ASI/WZT Medium
      Range: 2 miles in atmosphere, 6 miles in space
        (Kitsune Values: 6 miles in atmosphere, 600 miles in space)
      Damage: 2d4x10 MD per blast
      Rate of Fire: EGCHH
      Payload: Effectively Unlimited

    3) Missile Hardpoints (2): Each hardpoint can accommodate the following:
      a) Mini-Missiles: 20 shot pod per hardpoint
      b) Short Range Missiles: 4 per hardpoint
      c) Medium Range Missiles: 2 per hardpoint

    4) Kamikaze Attack: As a last resort, the Xidra can throw itself as a suicide missile.
      Damage: 2d4x100 MD, DOUBLE that if moving at speeds of Mach 7 or more.

Programming: Expanded from the Enryu-C
    Pilot Space Fighter: 96%
    Navigation (Air/Space): 96%
    Radio Basic: 98%
    Math Basic: 98%
    Read Sensory Instruments: 80%
    Electronic Countermeasures: 98%
Actions/Attacks Per Melee: 6
    +2 Initiative
    +5 Strike
    +5 Dodge
    +5 Automatic Dodge
    +3 Roll with Impact

Variants: As previous, but many are also starting to gain a clone of the N-50B Forcefield (160 MDC), whose production price does not significantly add to the total.

Revised ‘Hirunda’ Aerospace Attack Craft
(aka ‘Swiv’)
    Engine MDC is cut a bit.
    0 added to mass (It was a typo right?)
    Converted to AM
    AI PD was added to make the 2-crew practical
    Upped nose guns and gave them hit locations
    Add counter measures
    Fiddled with Bay weapon RoFs
Type: EShe-B/SS02 Hirunda

Class: Strike/Scout Ship

Crew: 2-5 Shemarian Gynoids

MDC/Armor by Location:
    Combined Hull----------1900
      Main Body-------------900
      Wings (2)-------------500 each
      Laser Cannons (2)----200 each
      G-1000s (2)----------150 each
    Systems and Components
      Engine Pods (4)-------300 each
      Reinforced Cockpit----250
    Variable Forcefield-------500 per side (3,000 total)

    Height: 12 ft
    Width: 78 ft w/ wings fully swept, 140 ft w/ wings fully open
    Length: 160 ft w/ wings fully swept, 140 ft w/ wings fully open
    Weight: 500 tons

Cargo: Small 5ftx10 ftx 6 ft space

Powerplant: Antimatter w/ 25 year energy life

    (Atmosphere) Hover to Mach 6; transatmospheric.
    (Sublight) Mach 18
      (Kitsune Values: 50% of light speed; 1.8% of light speed per melee)
    (FTL) 5 light years per hour
    (Underwater) Not possible

Market Cost: Exclusive to the Shemarrian Star Nation

Systems of Note:
    Standard SSN Small Craft Systems, plus:

    *Sensor Baffling: -70% to detect while stationary, -30% when moving

    *ECM Systems: -6 to strike for guided weapons.

    *Automatic PD Control: Being AI’s themselves, the Shemarian’s automated defenses are more effective than the norm. When active, each relevant weapon has +6 to Strike and no less than 8 AMP.

    *Wings: The wings are fully atmo-capable MAWs (Mission Adapative Wings). +10% to piloting rolls when maneuvering in atmosphere.

Weapons Systems:
    1) Nose Laser Cannons (2): As the Proctor

    2) Nose GR-1000s (2): As the Scorpion

    3) Tail Laser Array (2): Mounted over and under the tail boom are two laser turrets
      Range: 2 miles in Atmosphere, 4 miles in space
        (Kitsune Values: 4 miles in atmosphere, 400 miles in space)
      Damage: 1d6x10 MD per blast
      Rate of Fire: EGCHH
      Payload: Effectively Unlimited

    4) Wingtip Laser Arrays (2): The wingtips mount point-defense laser turrets. As 3)

    5) Weapons Bay: A center body weapons bay that is typically fitted with a rotary missile launcher, but can also be used to carry drop-probes, sensory pallets, and cannon-pods.
      a) Mini-Missiles: 256, Volley 64
      b) Short Range Missiles: 128, Volley 32
      c) Medium Range Missiles: 64, Volley 16
      d) Long Range Missiles: 32, Volley 8
      e) Cruise Missiles: 16, Volley 4
      f) Scout Drones (equiv. to Cruise Missiles in speed and range): 16, Volley 6
      g) Space Mines: (TRIPLE the blast radius)
      h) Heavy Laser Pod: Improved version of the TGE Energy Lance.
        Range: 2 miles in atmosphere, 4 miles in space
          (Kitsune: 10 miles in atmosphere, 10,000 miles in space)
        Damage: 1d6x100 MD per blast
        Rate of Fire: 4 shots per melee
      i) Heavy Particle Beam Pod
        Range: 2 miles in atmosphere, 4 miles in space
          (Kitsune: 4 miles in atmosphere, 4,000 miles in space)
        Damage: 2d4x100 MD per blast
        Rate of Fire: 3 shots per melee
      j) Heavy Rail Gun Pod: Dual GR-1000s, as on the Scorpion

    6) Countermeasure Launchers (2): Each may hold one of the following;
      a) Flare/Chaff: 36 per launcher, 72 total
      b) NanoPods: 18 swarm packs per launcher, 36 total
      c) Grav-Pods: 15 decoys per launcher, 30 total.

Variants: Unchanged

Revised ‘Scarab’ Assault Shuttle
    Doubled Width and length to be appropriate for mass
    Doubled troops, because it has volume
    Added VFF
    Increased Speed
Type: ESheMar-ASV01

Class: Assault Shuttle

Crew: 1-4

Troops: Can carry 40 Shemarrian Warriors, OR 12 w/ Warsteeds

MDC/Armor by Location:
    Combined Hull--------------4,500
      Main Body------------------------------2,900
      Wing Shields (2)------------------------800 each
      Pincers (2)-----------------------------150 each
      Horn Rail Guns (4)---------------------100 each
      Horn Laser Cannon (2)-----------------110 each
      Laser Turrets (2)-----------------------100 each
    Systems and Components
      Retractable Wings/Airbrakes (4)--------250 each
      Rear Ramp-----------------------------400
      Legs (6)-------------------------------200 each
    Variable Forcefield------------------------500 per side (3,000 total)

    Height: 25 ft
    Width: 40 ft
    Length: 140 ft
    Weight: 700 tons

Cargo: Up to 100 tons if not carrying troops

Powerplant: Nuclear Fusion w/ 30 year energy life

    (Ground) Can crawl along at 60 MPH
    (Atmosphere) Hover to Mach 3; transatmospheric.
    (Sublight) Mach 10
      (Kitsune: 25% of light speed; Accel at 1% of light speed per melee)
    (FTL) Not possible
    (Underwater) CAN operate underwater, ‘swimming’ at 25 MPH, or crawling along the bottom at 12 MPH. Maximum depth: 1,000 ft.

Market Cost: EXCLUSIVE to the (E)Shemarrian Tribes

Systems of Note:
    Standard Aerospace Shuttle/Robot Systems, plus:

    *Sensor Baffling: -70% to detect while stationary, -30% when moving

    *ECM Systems: -6 to strike for guided weapons.

    *Command Linkage: The cyber-psionic command and control exercised by the EShemar give them faster response times: +1 to Initiative and +1 to strike.

    *Automatic PD Laser Control: +6 to Strike and no less than 8 AMP

    *Laser Reflective Armor: The Scarab’s iridescent hull-shell does more than just look pretty; it’s a composite of laser-ablative and -reflective long-chain polymers and ceramics. Lasers do HALF damage to it.

Weapons Systems:
    1) Heavy Rail Guns (4): These are mounted firing forward in what look like ‘antlers’ emerging from the Scarab’s head. They have a limited 30-degree arc of fire.
      Range: 2 miles in atmosphere, 4 miles in space
        (Kitsune Values: 4 miles in atmosphere, 400 miles in space)
      Damage: 4D6x10 M.D. per blast
      Rate of Fire: EGCHH
      Payload: 1,000 rd drum.

    2) Pulse Lasers (2): Like the HRGs described above, these are mounted firing forward in what look like ‘antlers’ emerging from the Scarab’s head. They have a limited 30-degree arc of fire.
      Range: 1 mile in atmosphere, 3 miles in space
        (Kitsune Values: 3 miles in atmosphere, 300 miles in space)
      Damage: 3D6x10 M.D. per blast
      Rate of Fire: EGCHH
      Payload: Effectively Unlimited

    3) Pulse-Turrets (2, one dorsal atop the thorax, the other ventral just under the tip of the tail): These are not as powerful as those in the nose, but have a greater play of fire (360 degree rotation, 90-degree elevation)
      Range: 1 mile in atmosphere, 3 miles in space
      Damage: 2D6x10 M.D. per pulse burst
      Rate of Fire: EGCHH
      Payload: Effectively Unlimited

    4)Hand to Hand Combat: The Scarab is actually capable of limited close quarters combat with its robotics.
      Stomp (objects 12 feet tall of smaller): 2d4x10 MD
      Kick: 1d4x10 MD
      Body Block/Ram: 2d4x10 MD
      Pincer Crush: 2d6x10 MD

    *ESheMar-ASV01B ‘Bombardier Beetle’: This variant replaces the troop compartment with a modular missile/bomb bay, turning the Scarab into a bomber. The outer wing covers have to open up to reveal the launchers, which resemble the hexagonal hatches on the original Kittani Insecton, and the launchers deploy their ordnance port and starboard.
      a) MIni-Missiles--- 384, volleys of 1-48
      b) Short Range Missiles---192, volleys of 1-24
      c) Medium Range Missiles--- 96, volleys of 1-24
      d) Long Range Missiles--- 48, volleys of 1-12
      e) Bombs----Freefall ‘dumb’ or ‘smart’ munitions.
        Range: Up to 5 miles from the drop site, either side of the flight path
        Damage: Varies, same types and damage as the missiles of the same weight class, but triple the blast radius.
        Rate of Fire: Volleys of 1, 2, 4, 6, or 12 bombs at a time(or up to 60 mini-bombs).
        Payload: 72 Heavy Bombs, OR 144 Medium Bombs, OR 200 Light Bombs, or 360 Mini-Bombs
        Bonuses for ‘Smart’ munitions: Hitting a large stationary target like a buiilding, bridge, or large immobile vessel/vehicle is automatic! To hit a moving target, roll to strike(with a +6 to strike), A volley can target one target, or separate to attack several targets.

    *ESheMar-ASV01C ’Lightning Bug’: Like the ‘B’ variant, the ‘C’-variant replaces the troop compartment with a weapons pod; in this case a powerful plasma torpedo launcher that, firing at maximum rate of fire, almost melts the shuttle from power demand.
      Range: 10 miles in atmosphere, 50 miles in space
        (Kitsune Values: 50 miles in atmosphere, 5,000 miles in space)
      Damage: 2d4x100 MD to a 100 ft blast radius per missile
      Rate of Fire: Single shot. Three volleys per melee
      Payload: Effectively Unlimited

    *ESheMar-ASV01EW ’Black Beetle’: A stealth version fitted with radar-invisible armor in place of the laser-resistant version, and with sensor baffling gear. It also has provision for carrying a squad of ten Male Shemarrians, and is intended for covert recon and commando deployments.
    An ASV01E/C version of this is also suspected of existing---instead of troops, the stealth craft carries a plasma torpedo launcher similar to the ASV01C(described above).
      Radar Invisible Armor: Outfitted with this cutting edge material, augmented by other passive stealth enhancements, the Scarab has only a 10% chance of being detected by enemy radar.

      Sensor Jammers: 100 mile range. Jams radars and radar targeting systems with 75% effectiveness. Radar- and laser-guided weapons are -6 to strike.

Revised ‘Goshawk’ Attack Corvette
    Reduced mass
    Swapped to AM
    Increased FTL to fleet standard.
Type: ESheMar-AuxCv04 “Goshawk”

Class: Corvette

Crew: 25

Troops: up to 75 troops/passengers

MDC/Armor by Location:
    Combined Hull---------4,000
      Main Body------------------3,000
      Laser Turrets (4)----------150 each
      MRML (2)-----------------120 each
    Systems and Components
      Aerobraking Wings (4)-----500 each
    Variable Forcefield-----------1,000 per side (6,000 total)

    Height: 55 ft
    Width: 70 ft ( 250 ft w/ wings fully extended)
    Length: 225 ft
    Weight: 5,000 tons

Cargo: 500 tons +an additional 200 tons if not carrying troops

Powerplant: Antimatter w/ 50 year energy life

    (Atmosphere) Hover to Mach 3; transatmospheric.
    (Sublight) Mach 17
      (Kitsune: 60% of light speed; Accel at 1.7% of light speed per melee)
    (FTL) 5 light years per hour
    (Underwater) Not Possible

Market Cost: EXCLUSIVE to the (E)Shemarrian Tribes

Systems of Note:
    Standard Starship Systems, plus:

    *Sensor Baffling: -70% to detect while stationary, -30% when moving

    *Command Linkage: The cyber-psionic command and control exercised by the EShemar give them faster response times: +1 to Initiative and +1 to strike.

    *Automatic PD Control: +6 to Strike and no less than 8 AMP.

    *Aerobrakes: The wings on the Goshawk are not so much for lift (though they contribute to in-atmosphere maneuvering) but for aerobraking maneuvers. +10% to piloting rolls when maneuvering in atmosphere.

Weapons Systems:
    1) Standard Triple Laser Turrets (4, 2 forward dorsal, 1 aft dorsal, 1 forward ventral): Up to three turrets can fire on the same target in the forward arc, while all four turrets can fire in the lateral arc at the same target. Only one turret can fire in the rear arc.

    2) Medium Range Missile Launchers (2, 1 forward, one aft)
      Rate of Fire: Volleys of 1-16
      Payload: 64 missiles each launcher. Reloading the launchers takes 15 minutes.

    3) Ordinance Bay: 10 tons of missiles, freefall weapons, or space mines.

Variants: The previous Tribal variants are almost all as they were previously, but the Skullcrushers can replace their Mass Drivers with GR-1000s.

Revised ‘Aureale’ Destroyer
    Converted to AM because it needs the power
    Dropped a few crew because we can
    Increased a few MDC values
    Split Missile bays and net boosted them
    Added a PD turret, because 5 was just too low for its mass
Type: ESheMar-DD07 Aureale

Class: Destroyer

Crew: 18

Troops: up to 10 warriors (or passengers)

MDC/Armor by Location:
    Combined Hull---------------8,000
      Main Body-----------------4,400
      Engines (3)----------------1,200 each
      Dual Lasers (2)-----------700 each
      G-Cannon Turret----------700
      Missile Bays (4)-----------500 each
      PD Turrets (5)------------160 each
    Variable Forcefield------------1,000 per side (6,000 total)

    Height: 65 ft
    Width: 120 ft
    Length: 260 ft
    Weight: 6,700 tons

Cargo: Small cargo bay with 150 tons capacity. The missile bays can be converted into cargo holds with some work, each bay so refitted capable of carrying 100 ton

Powerplant: Antimatter w/ 50 year energy life

    (Atmosphere) Hover to Mach 5; transatmospheric.
    (Sublight) Mach 19
      (Kitsune: 60% of light speed; Accel at 1.9% of light speed per melee)
    (FTL) 5 light years per hour
    (Underwater) Not Possible

Market Cost: EXCLUSIVE to the (E)Shemarrian Tribes

Systems of Note:
    Standard Starship Systems, plus:

    *Sensor Baffling: -70% to detect while stationary, -30% when moving

    *Command Linkage: The cyber-psionic command and control exercised by the EShemar give them faster response times: +1 to Initiative and +1 to strike.

    *Automatic PD Control: +6 to Strike and no less than 8 AMP.

Weapons Systems:
    1) Dual Medium Lasers (2): Mounted in the ‘horns’ of the forward hull,

    2) Dual Heavy G-Cannon Turret: Ventrally mounted. 20 minute reload

    3) Missile Bays (4): Embedded in the wings
      a) Medium Range Missiles: Volleys of 1-16, 128 missiles each bay
      b) Long Range Missiles: Volleys of 1-8, 64 missiles each bay
      c) Cruise Missiles: Volleys of 1-4, 32 missiles each bay
      d) Plasma Hunter-Killer Torpedoes: Volleys of 1-4, 40 missiles per launcher

    4) PD Combi-Turrets (6, over/under each wing and dorsal/ventral tail):

Auxiliary Craft: 1 Shuttlecraft

    Unchanged unless noted

    *ESheMar-DD07Dw01SSN: Air/Sea Torps are as LRMs

    *ESheMar-DD07Br: Forward lasers are replaced by Triple Volley-6 PTLs.

    *ESheMar-DD07Sc: Speed is only decreased to Mach 17

Revised ‘Remora’ Medium Cruiser
    Increased mass to more size appropriate
    MDC Increased to be mass appropriate
    Reduce VFF to Medium Cruiser levels
    FTL reduced to 6 ly/h
    Cargo has been gutted to justify all improvements
    Added Tractors
    Main Battery made flexible because reasons, and a barrel has been removed
    PTLs split into standard Volley-6 models
    PD PBCs swapped with more common Triple Lasers, and added 2
    LRMs replaced with CAF models and increased in count
    Crew increased for maintenance, and they likely need help from troops.
Type: ESheMar-CG-02

Class: Medium Cruiser

Crew: 90 +50 Aerospace wing

Troops: up to 150 passengers/troops

MDC/Armor by Location:
    Combined Hull------------90,000
      Main Body----------------60,000
      Main Engine--------------24,000
      Auxiliary Engines (2)------3,000 each
      Heavy PBC Turrets (7)----1,500 each
      PTL Banks (4)------------800 each
      LRMLs (2)----------------600 each
      PD Laser Turrets (10)-----200 each
      PD Combi-Turrets (12)----160 each
    Systems and Components
      Hangar Bays (2)----------8,000 each
      Sensory Fin---------------4,000
      Wing Fins (7)-------------2,000 each
    Variable Forcefield-----------5,000 per side (30,000 total)

    Length: 2,400 ft
    Height: 700 ft
    Width: 420 ft from fin tip to fin tip (hull is about 380 ft wide)
    Weight: 200,000 tons

Cargo: 15,000 tons

Powerplant: Antimatter w/ Unknown year energy life. The shear demands placed on it means that it runs far closer to its theoretical potential than on other ships. This results in a tremendous maintenance burden, but the robotic nature of the crew means that they can put up with the lesser problems this imposes, at least for a standard cruise.

    (Atmosphere) Hover to Mach 3; transatmospheric.
    (Sublight) Mach 11
      (Kitsune: 60% of light speed; Accel at 1.1% of light speed per melee)
    (FTL) 6 light years per hour
    (Underwater) Not possible

Market Cost: EXCLUSIVE to the (E)Shemarrian Tribes. The Remora is thought to be quite expensive however, in both production and operation due to its demanding reactor.

Systems of Note:
    Standard Starship Systems, plus:

    *Sensor Baffling: -70% to detect while stationary, -30% when moving

    *Sensor Jamming: 800 miles. -6 to target the ship with active sensors.

    *Command Linkage: The cyber-psionic command and control exercised by the EShemar give them faster response times: +1 to Initiative and +1 to strike.

    *Automatic PD Control: +6 to Strike and no less than 8 AMP.

    *Tractor Beams (4): 100 tons dead weight, and mounted around the PTLs
      Range: 5 miles in space (NOT usable in atmosphere)
      (Kitsune Values: 5,000 miles in space).

Weapons Systems:
    1) Primary Capital Mounts (6): Near the front, but can rotate to cover the flanks.
      a) Capital Laser: As the Protector’s Secondary Laser Battery, but one barrel.
      b) Capital PBC

    2) Heavy Spinal G-Cannon: 60 degrees fire arc. 45 minutes to reload from stores.

    3) LRM Launchers (2): CAF 32-silo Autoloaders with 9 reloads, 640 LRMs total

    4) Plasma Torpedo Launchers (4): Volley 6

    5) Standard Triple Laser Turrets (12)

    6) PD Combi-Turrets (12)

Auxiliary Craft:
    *36 Aerospace Fighters
    *4 Scarab Shuttles
    *2 Heavy Shuttles
    *6 Additional Aerospace Craft (Spares and Oddballs)
    *40 Space-Capable Warsteeds

Variants: The only variant that has been confirmed is the Ramora-M, which removes both the spinal mount and FTL drive to downgrade the power plant to a much cheaper and less maintenance intensive fusion plant. Outside of critical holdings, they are only found attached to the sides of Scorpio Battleships or similar craft.

Revised ‘Scorpio’ Battleship
    Decreased mass to plausible (ie sub-60 megatons)
    MDC Increased to be mass appropriate (Compared to the Protector)
    4x Hangers and double parasites
    Main Battery made flexible because reasons
    PTLs split into standard Volley-6 models, and tractors doubled
    LRMs replaced with CAF models and increased in count
    PD buffed up in count
Type: ESheMar-BB-01

Class: Command Battleship

Crew: 1200 +400 air crew

Troops: Up to 2,000 Shemarian troops or passengers

MDC/Armor by Location:
    Combined Hull-----------480,000
      Main Body---------------300,000
      Main Engine-------------120,000
      Auxiliary Engines (4)-----15,000 each
      Primary Turrets (7)-------3,000 each
      LRM Batteries (16)-------800 each
      Plasma Batteries (40)----600 each
      PD Laser Turrets (18)----200 each
      PD Combi Turrets (30)---160 each
    Systems and Components
      Tail/Sensor/Com Array---20,000
      Hangar Bays (4)---------30,000
    Variable Forcefield----------15,000 per side (90,000 total)

    Length: 5,400 ft
    Width: 600 ft
    Height: 1,000 ft from lower fin to the top of the rear antenna assembly
    Weight: 50 million tons

Cargo: 9 million tons

Powerplant: Antimatter equivalent w/ 50 year energy life

    (Atmosphere) Hover to Mach 3; transatmospheric.
    (Sublight) Mach 10, and increase by 1 Mach for each docked Ramora-M
      (Kitsune: 60% of light speed; Accel at 1.0% of light speed per melee)
    (FTL) 6 light years per hour, increase by .25 for each docked Ramora-M
    (Underwater) Not possible

Market Cost: EXCLUSIVE to the (E)Shemarrian Tribes

Systems of Note:
    Standard Starship Systems, plus:

    *Sensor Baffling: -70% to detect while stationary, -30% when moving)

    *Sensor Jamming: 800 miles. -6 to target the ship with active sensors

    *Command Linkage: The cyber-psionic command and control exercised by the EShemar give them faster response times: +1 to Initiative and +1 to strike.

    *Automatic PD Control: +6 to Strike and no less than 8 AMP.

    *Tractor Beams (36): 12 are rated for 3,000 tons deadweight, 24 are rated 100 tons.
      Range: 5 miles in space(NOT usable in atmosphere)
      (Kitsune Values: 5,000 miles in space).

    *Long Range Sensors: 25% greater range than normal Battleship sensors.

    *Onboard Nanofacs: The Scorpios carry a central axis nanofac assembly line that allows the ship to draw in space debris (including battlefield wreckage), break it down, and convert it into usable material, including rail gun ammunition, new missiles, ship repairs, and crew components.

    *Robotics/Bionics Bay: The Scorpios come with a complete robotics/bionics ‘sickbay’ able to diagnose and repair just about any complaint or damage a SheMar is likely to suffer. The biomechanics bay also has the ability to manufacture and Awake new SheMar and NeSheMar bionic full conversions.

    *Cruiser Hard-Docks (4): The Scorpio has provision for external docking of up to FOUR Remora Cruisers. Beyond giving the ship additional escorts, the hard-docked cruisers can slave their engines, PD, and VFF to the mothership. Each docked Remora adds 1 Mach to the Scoprio’s speed, .25 ly/h to FTL, increase shield regeneration by 5% per melee, and the upper Cap Mounts and PD (not covered by the Scorpio) remain functional. They partially block a hanger bay, but this is only significant during recoveries.

Weapons Systems:
    1) Primary Turrets (7; 3 Forwards, 2 Each Side): Choice of options.
      a) Heavy Capital Laser: As the Protector’s Main Laser Battery, but one barrel.
      b) Heavy Capital PBC:
      c) Heavy Grav-Cannon: As original. 45 minute reload

    2) Plasma Torpedo Launchers (36; arrayed along the back and sides): Volley 6

    3) LRM Launcher (16): 32-silo CAF Autoloading, 14 reloads each.

    4) Standard Triple Laser Turrets (18): As on the Goshawk

    4) PD Combi-Turrets (30): SSN Standard

Auxiliary Craft:
    *144 Aerospace Fighters
    *296 Space-Capable War Steeds
    *24 Scarab Assault Shuttles
    *12 Heavy Shuttles
    *48 Additional Aerospace Craft (Spares and Oddballs)

Variants: The SSN has made it known that if they were to use a Heavy Mass Driver, it would be on a salvaged Splugorth hull that already had it. As these exist and it is believed that the SSN has acquired a few, this is not a relief to the TVIA.
Last edited by Omegasgundam on Sun May 16, 2021 9:32 am, edited 2 times in total.
Posts: 444
Joined: Thu May 08, 2008 11:04 pm

Re: Shemarrian-related fan creations

Unread post by Omegasgundam »

And here's the support/transport ships.

Revised ‘Unipelta’ Light Transport Cruiser
    Increased MDC
    Speed decreased a bit to emphasize second line
    Increased cargo
    Cleaned up and standardized weapons
    Buffed Modules to make them meaningful
Type: ESheMar-LC-01-Unipelta

Class: Light Cruiser/Transport

Crew: 45 (typically 70% Male Shemrrians, 30% ‘NeShemar’(including Re’Mar))

Troops: Depends on modules.

MDC/Armor by Location:
    Combined Hull-------------------24,000
      Main Body-----------------12,000
      Midsection Modules (6)----1000 each
      Engines (3)----------------2,000 each
      Weapons Armatures (2)----1,200 each
      PD Turrets (4)-------------160 each
    Systems and Components
      Sensor Spikes/fins (12)----100 each
    Variable Forcefields-----------1,500 per side(6,000 total)

    Height: 110 ft
    Width: 150 ft
    Length: 620 ft
    Weight: 40,000 tons

Cargo: 12,000 tons

Powerplant: Nuclear Fusion w/ 30 year energy life

    (Atmosphere) Hover to Mach 3; transatmospheric.
    (Sublight) Mach 14
      (Kitsune: 65% of light speed; Accel at 1.4% of light speed per melee)
    (FTL) 5 light years per hour
    (Underwater) Not possible

Market Cost: EXCLUSIVE to the (E)Shemarrian Tribes

Systems of Note:
    Standard Starship Systems, plus:

    *Sensor Baffling: -70% to detect while stationary, -30% when moving

    *Command Linkage: The cyber-psionic command and control exercised by the EShemar give them faster response times: +1 to Initiative and +1 to strike.

    *Automatic PD Control: +6 to Strike and no less than 8 AMP.

    *Tractor Beams (3):Effectively each rated for 1,000 tons dead weight, but can be used for imparting small changes in momentum/direction to ships/structures several times that mass. One emitter is mounted in each claw, and the third is mounted in the tail.
      Range: 5 miles in space(NOT usable in atmosphere)
      (Kitsune Values: 5,000 miles in space).

Weapons Systems:
    1) Modular Weapons Armatures (2): The two claw-like armature pylons tucked to either side of the bow are modular weapons mounts with two slots (4 total) each for mounting heavy weapons. Each slot (unless otherwise noted) can hold ONE of the following:
      a) Medium Laser Cannon: +50% RoF
      b) Particle Beam Cannon
      c) Plasma Cannon
      d) Plasma Torpedo Launcher: Half range, Volley 4.
      e) Heavy G-Cannon
      f) SRM Launcher: Volley 40, 320 SRMs each
      g) MRM Launcher: Volley 30, 210 MRMs each
      h) LRM Launcher: Volley 20, 120 LRMs each
      i) CM Launcher: Volley 10, 60 CMs each
      j) Robot Armature: 100 ft, Robotic PS 65, 2D6x10 MD, takes both slots.

    2) MRM Launcher (2): As on the Hunter. 30 minute reload.

    3) PD Combi-Turrets (4): One turret is mounted in front just under the ‘head’, one is mounted on each dorsal ‘shoulder blade’, and the last is mounted under the tail.

Auxiliary Craft: 2 small shuttles

Options: The modular cargo bays and outrigger weapons arms give the Unipelta a degree of modularity that few other Shemarrian (or even other Three Galaxies) ships enjoy.
    a) Passenger Module: This is a sleeper car-style module with fairly comfortable accommodations(bathroom, diner/kitchenette, airliner-style seating, small lounge/recreational area) for 400 awake and moving passengers.

    b) Hiber Transport: Filled with hiber-cubicles, each pod can hold 800 fully armed Shemarrian warriors, or 300 with Warsteeds, or 800 human-sized passengers in cold sleep (3200 if stacked four to a hibercell, not advised unless special precautions are taken)

    c) Cargo Pod: Can hold 2000 tons of materials each

    d) Drop Pod: This specialized module holds conventional cargo ‘cans’ and the equipment needed to eject them from the ship for low-space/high-atmo drop missions. The cans are held upright and ejected along their long axis. Each pod can hold 40 ‘Giant’ cans ready to drop, or 400 ‘Standard’ cans.

    e) Hangar Pod: Each pod has a hatch port/starboard, and can hold 12 small shuttles/light fighters, or 6 larger fighters (Black Eagle-sized)

    f) Missile/Mine Pod: As armature mounts. Double those numbers if conventional space mines instead.

    g) Plasma Torpedo Pod: Features port and starboard plasma ejectors, volley 4

    Other observed/inferred modules have included dedicated EW/ECM/Jamming modules, autofac asteroid mining pods, laboratory/science modules, prison/big cell blocs, and sensor pods.

Variants: Have so far been cosmetic only.

Revised ‘Rhinochon’ Transport Cruiser
    MDC bumped a bit
    VFF increased (Still less than half normal cruiser, but something)
    Standardized PD
    FTL increased to fleet standard (5 ly/h is practical with good fusion)
    Cargo reduced due to being too high for its mass.
Type: EShe-T03 Rhinochon

Class: Medium Multipurpose Transport

Crew: 58 to 216 depending on circumstances. (8-16 officers, and 50-200 crew)

MDC/Armor by Location:
    Combined Hull--------------35,000
      Main Body-------------------25,000
      Engineering Bloc-------------10,000
      Medium Turrets (2)----------500 each
      MRML (4)--------------------300 each
      Laser Turrets (6)------------200 each
      PD Turrets (6)---------------160 each
    Systems and Components
      Radiator Fins (16)-----------200 each
      Cargo Hatches (3)-----------1,000 each
    Variable Forcefield-------------2,000 each side (12,000 total,)

    *Shield Refresh Rate is 10% (200 MDC) per melee

    Height: 100 ft
    Width: 150 ft (300 ft with fins spread flat)
    Length: 1,250 ft
    Weight: 65,000 tons

Cargo: 47,500 tons if carrying only cargo, or up to 5,000 evacuees (crammed conditions, 15,000 if all are in stasis) or 3,000 fully equipped troops.

Powerplant: Nuclear Fusion w/ 30 year energy life

    (Atmosphere) Hover to Mach 3; transatmospheric.
    (Sublight) Mach 10
      (Kitsune: 60% of light speed; Accel at 1.0% of light speed per melee)
    (FTL) 5 light years per hour
    (Underwater) Not possible

Market Cost: EXCLUSIVE to the (E)Shemarrian Tribes

Systems of Note:
    Standard Starship Systems, plus:

    *Sensor Baffling: -75% to detect while stationary, -35% when moving

    *Command Linkage: The cyber-psionic command and control exercised by the EShemar give them faster response times: +1 to Initiative and +1 to strike.

    *Automatic PD Control: +6 to Strike and no less than 8 AMP.

Weapons Systems:
    1) Dual Medium Turrets (2): Either Lasers or Heavy G-Cannons
      a) Medium Lasers
      b) Heavy G-Cannon

    2) Standard Triple Laser Turrets (6, 3 forward dorsal, 3 aft dorsal):

    3) PD Combi-Turrets (6, ventral): Standard SSN mounts.

    4) Medium Range Missile Launchers (4): As the Hunter, 30 minute reload.

Auxiliary Craft: None in standard configuration

Variants: As previous, but reduce cargo capacity in half.

Revised ‘Adlen’ Medium Multipurpose Deep Space Transport
(aka ‘MADlen’)
    Boosted MDC
    Boosted VFF
    Nerfed FTL (its fusion)
    Boosted PD
    Cleaned up other weapons
    Really boosted Cargo/Troops
Type: EShe-T04 ‘Adlen’

Class: Medium Interstellar Transport

Crew: 96

Troops: Ten companies of Shemarrian cavalry (that’s 1,600 troops, plus their mounts) or twenty companies (3,200 effectives) of dismounted infantry.

MDC/Armor by Location:
    Combined Hull----------------85,000
      Main Body--------------------65,000
      Engine Block------------------20,000
      Dual Medium Lasers (4)-------800 each
      Dual G-Cannon Turrets (2)----800 each
      MRM Launchers (2)----------450 each
      PD Combi-Turrets (24)-------160 each
    Variable Forcefield-------------5,000 each side (30,000 total)

    Height: 220 ft
    Width: 250 ft
    Length: 1,000 ft
    Weight: 180,000 tons

Cargo: up 40,000 tons of cargo if no troops

Powerplant: Nuclear Fusion w/ 30 year energy life

    (Atmosphere) Hover to Mach 3; transatmospheric.
    (Sublight) Mach 12
      (Kitsune: 60% of light speed; Accel at 1.2% of light speed per melee)
    (FTL) 5 light years per hour
    (Underwater) Not possible(see Variants)

Market Cost: EXCLUSIVE to the (E)Shemarrian Tribes

Systems of Note:
    Standard Starship Systems, plus:

    *Sensor Baffling: -70% to detect while stationary, -30% when moving

    *Command Linkage: The cyber-psionic command and control exercised by the EShemar give them faster response times: +1 to Initiative and +1 to strike.

    *Automatic PD Control: +6 to Strike and no less than 8 AMP.

Weapons Systems:
    1) Dual Medium Laser Cannon (2, ventral and dorsal): Mounted in the forward hull

    2) Dual Heavy G-Cannon Turrets (2):

    3) Medium Range Missile Launchers (2): As on the Hunter. 15 minute reload.

    4) PD Combi-Turrets (24)

Auxiliary Craft: 4 shuttlecraft

Variants: Mostly unchanged, but the -To8LCV carries 72 fighters.

Revised ‘Kumo-Rodosha’ Support Cruiser
    Increased MDC
    Standardized weapons
    Upped PD
Type: ESheMar-C(M)03 Kumo-rodosha

Class: Medium Support Cruiser

Crew: 500, mostly second line

Troops: 4,500 troops/passengers/work crew.
    A troop carrier will typically have provision for Warmounts for 50% of the troops.
    Work-ships will have provision for modified Warmounts for 30% of the passengers/ workers, and a contingent of 200-600 work drones or ‘E-Animal’ android servitors.

MDC/Armor by Location:
    Combined Hull-------------86,000
      Main Body--------------------64,000
      LRM Launchers (6)------------800 each
      PTLs (10)--------------------700 each
      Dual Medium Lasers (12)------250 each
      PD Combi-Turrets (24)--------250 each
    Systems and Components
      Pylon-Nacelles (4)------------4,000 each
      Tow Coupler/H-Tractor--------1,500
      Tractor Beam Stations (4)-----1,000 each
    Variable Forcefield---------------10,000 per side (60,000 total)

    Height: 500 ft
    Width: 850 ft
    Length: 850 ft
    Weight: 325,000 tons

Cargo: Up to 105,000 tons

Powerplant: Nuclear Fusion w/ 30 year energy life

    (Atmosphere) Hover to Mach 3; transatmospheric.
    (Sublight) Mach 10
      (Kitsune: 60% of light speed; Accel at 1.0% of light speed per melee)
    (FTL) 5 light years per hour
    (Underwater) 2,000 ft and able to move at 40 MPH .

Market Cost: EXCLUSIVE to the (E)Shemarrian Tribes

Systems of Note:
    Standard Starship Systems, plus:

    *Sensor Baffling: -70% to detect while stationary, -30% when moving

    *Command Linkage: The cyber-psionic command and control exercised by the EShemar give them faster response times: +1 to Initiative and +1 to strike.

    *Automatic PD Control: +6 to Strike and no less than 8 AMP.

    *Tractor Beams (10): 9 light (4 mounted to a station, 3 around the ‘waist’ of the ship, and 2 forward) and 1 heavy. The light tractor beams are r 800 tons deadweight. The heavy tractor beam is rated for 75,000 tons and can be used to tow small starships.
      Range: 5 miles in space(NOT usable in atmosphere)
      (Kitsune Values: 5,000 miles in space).

Weapons Systems:
    1) Long Range Missile Launchers (6): CAF Pattern, 9 reloads (320 missiles each)

    2) Plasma Torpedo Launchers (10)

    3) Dual Medium Lasers (12)

    4) PD-Combi Turrets (24)

Auxiliary Craft:
    4 shuttles
    8 Light transports or Goshawk Attackers
    -OR- 24 fighters

Variants: Mostly as before, but the Skullcrusher version has 14 PTLs of the normal Volley-6.

Revised ‘Hitode’ Troop Transport
    Cut crew
    Increased location MDC
    Decreased FTL
    Standardized and increased weapons
    Half assed Variant changes
Type: ESheMar-CV-01

Class: Heavy Troop Transport Cruiser

Crew: 320

Troops: Each arm of the Hitode can hold ten companies of Shemarrian cavalry (that’s 1,600 troops, plus their mounts) or twenty companies (3,200 effectives) of dismounted infantry, for totals of 9,000 cavalry, or 16,000 infantry.

MDC/Armor by Location:
    Combined Hull-----------155,000 total
      Main Body--------------95,000
      Engines (4)-------------15,000 each
      G-Cannon Turrets (15)--800 each
      PHKTLs (4)--------------900 each
      PTLs (10)---------------800 each
      PD Turrets (35)---------160 each
    Systems and Components
      Armatures (5)----------45,000 each
    Variable Forcefields--------10,000 per side (60,000 total)

    Height: 500 ft
    Width: 2,200 ft
    Length: 2,200 ft
    Weight: 560,000 tons

Cargo: If not carrying troops, each arm can hold 40,000 tons of cargo.

Powerplant: Nuclear Fusion w/ 30 year energy life

    (Atmosphere) Hover to Mach 3; transatmospheric.
    (Sublight) Mach 10
      (Kitsune: 60% of light speed; Accel at 1.0% of light speed per melee)
    (FTL) 5 light years per hour
    (Underwater) Not Possible

Market Cost: EXCLUSIVE to the (E)Shemarrian Tribes

Systems of Note:
    Standard Starship Systems, plus:

    *Sensor Baffling: -70% to detect while stationary, -30% when moving

    *Sensor Jamming: 800 miles. -6 to target the ship with active sensors.

    *Command Linkage: The cyber-psionic command and control exercised by the EShemar give them faster response times: +1 to Initiative and +1 to strike.

    *Automatic PD Control: +6 to Strike and no less than 8 AMP.

    *Tractor Beams (5): Effectively each rated for 700 tons dead weight, but can be used for imparting small changes in momentum/direction to ships/structures several times that mass. One emitter is mounted in each claw, and the third is mounted in the tail.
      Range: 5 miles in space(NOT usable in atmosphere)
      (Kitsune Values: 5,000 miles in space).

Weapons Systems:
    1)Dual Heavy G-Cannon (15): 2 dorsal each arm, and 1 underside, 20 minute reload

    2) Plasma Hunter-Killer Torpedo Launchers (4): Volley 6, 60 missiles each, 15 minutes.

    3) Plasma Torpedo Launchers (10): Volley 6

    4) PD Combi-Turrets (35):

Auxiliary Craft: 20 Scarab Assault Shuttles

Variants: Mostly as before, but the CV variant has 72 ASFs per armature (360 total), any weapon that replaces the PTLs or PHKTLs has double the mounts. CMLs use the 32-silo CAF pattern.

Revised ‘Ika’ Resource Development Ship
(aka ‘Squid’) ... 23bf56.jpg
    Increased a few MDC locations
    Decreased reactor life
    Decreased FTL
    Cleaned up and increased weapons
    Increased PD count
Type: ESheMar-C/ADB-02 Ika

Class: Space Resource Development Vessel

Crew: 400

Troops: 4,500 troops/passengers/work crew

MDC/Armor by Location:
    Combined Hull------------------108,000
      Main Body----------------------54,000
      Forward Hull--------------------30,000
      Engine-Nacelles (4)-------------4,000 each
      Auxiliary Engines (4)------------2,000 each
      LRM Launchers (6)-------------800 each
      Dual Medium Lasers (4)--------700 each
      Heavy G-Cannons (8)----------400 each
      PD-Combi Turrets (24)---------160 each
    Systems and Components
      Gantry Tentacles (4)----------4,000 each
      Tractor Beam Stations (4)-----1,000 each
      Tow Coupler/H-Tractor Beam--1,500
    Variable Forcefield---------------10,000 per side ( 60,000 total)

    Height: 500 ft. The tentacle gantries can swing out to a 1,000 ft diameter circle.
    Width: 850 ft. The tentacle gantries can swing out to a 1,000 ft diameter circle.
    Length: 1,250 ft
    Weight: 725,000 tons

Cargo: Up to 800,000 tons

Powerplant: Nuclear Fusion w/ 30 year energy life

    (Atmosphere) Not possible; the ‘Squid’ is not designed for operation in an atmosphere
      (Kitsune: 60% of light speed; Accelerates at .9% of light speed per melee)
    (FTL) 5 light years per hour
    (Underwater) Not possible

Market Cost: EXCLUSIVE to the (E)Shemarrian Tribes

Systems of Note:
    Standard Starship Systems, plus:

    *Sensor Baffling: -70% to detect while stationary, -30% when moving

    *Command Linkage: The cyber-psionic command and control exercised by the EShemar give them faster response times: +1 to Initiative and +1 to strike.

    *Automatic PD Control: +6 to Strike and no less than 8 AMP.

    *Tractor Beams (8): The Ika sports eight tractor beams, all heavy models, four around the cutting head and one in each tentacle gantry. The heavy tractor beam is rated for 75,000 tons and can be used to tow small starships, and can be used for imparting small changes in momentum/direction to ships/structures several times that mass..
      Range: 5 miles in space (NOT usable in atmosphere)
      (Kitsune Values: 5,000 miles in space).

    *Long Range GeoScience Sensors: For assaying asteroids and scanning for salvageable wrecks.

    *Detachable Forward Hull: The forward hull can detach and act as a separate spacecraft, carrying with it the bridge, crew quarters, main engines, main laser turrets, and FTL drive system. Detached from the rest of the ship, the escape hull can make speeds of Mach 11.

Weapons Systems:
    1) Dual Medium Lasers (4)

    2) Heavy G-Cannon (8)

    3) LRM Launchers (6): CAF Pattern, 9 reloads (320 missiles each)

    4) Heavy Massdrivers (4):
    The gantry arms can be used as massive G-cannon massdrivers, the gravitic conveyor systems running their lengths reversed to fire their payloads of mined rock as projectiles. In normal operations, these are typically used for throwing payloads of processed metals to other vessels, without the use of cargo lighters or shuttlecraft. The system is also used for tossing slag as reaction mass in adjusting the course of a snared asteroid. The system has been used in combat, however, although the ‘flingers’ aren’t very fast firing or accurate.
        (Kitsune Values: 80,000 miles in space)
      Damage:(Penetrator): 3d6x100 MD
        (Exploding/Fragmenting Fletchette): 6d6x10 MD to anything caught in a 120 ft wide cone/’cloud’----Targets are -2 to dodge the’shotgun spread’)
      Rate of Fire: Twice per melee
      Payload: 100 rds per cannon, reloading from the cargo hold takes 1d6 minutes( 500 tons ammunition storage, 1 ton of cargo per 12 rounds)

    5) PD Combi-Turrets (16)

    6) Cutting Heads: If used to assault a large spacecraft, spacestation, or asteroid, the cutting tools on the central mining head and on the ends of the gantry arms can be used to cut through hull and armor.
      Range: Contact/Melee
      Damage: (Central Cutting Head) 1d4x100 MD per full melee of cutting
      (Gantry Heads) 4D6x10 MD per full melee of cutting

Auxiliary Craft:
    10-40 Shuttlecraft(mainly Mining Scarabs)
    200 Warmounts(typically a mix of EcoS-K-25 Octas and EcoS-K-26 Nautika models)
    900 Robot Drones(‘Mooncalf’-style industrial drones)

    *C/ADB-02Sm-CG02: This Silvermoon variant deploys large folding solar ‘wings’ between its tentacle gantries to gather available solar energy and boost the efficiency of its onboard laser systems. While in direct sunlight, boost the range and damage of the laser weaponry by 20%. The enormous solar parasol can also be used as a weapon in its own right;
      Range: 10 miles
        (Kitsune Values: 1,000 miles in space)
      Damage: 2d4x100 MD per full melee of tracking
      Penalties: -2 to strike targets 100 ft or larger, -6 to strike anything smaller
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Joined: Thu May 08, 2008 11:04 pm

Re: Shemarrian-related fan creations

Unread post by Omegasgundam »

And here's the tribal variants of the above, with the exception of the damn Hitode which is next post due to how damn big it is. There's likely still a few inconsistencies, but I can't work up the effort to track them down right now. Prefaced by a list of common Tribal Gimmicks.
Sapphire Cobra ‘Serpent’s Kiss’ Rounds
    (Heavy G-Cannons)
      On a Natural 19-20(18-20 if in atmosphere), the rail gun strikes does critical damage (DOUBLE damage) plus nanites are successfully embedded in the structure of the target. These nanites proceed to do an additional 1d4x10 MD for 2d4 melees(double damage and duration if in atmosphere)
    (Point Defense Rail Guns)
      On a Natural 19-20(18-20 if in atmosphere), the rail gun strikes does critical damage (DOUBLE damage) plus nanites are successfully embedded in the structure of the target. These nanites proceed to do an additional 3d6 MD for 2d4 melees(double damage and duration if in atmosphere)
      Unlike the original ‘Serpent’s Kiss’, the nanites work on organic and inorganics

Magic Sensors (Courtesy of Kitsune): Fighter grade is 1/10th range. And I’ll be damned if I’m going to let this eat more word count than I have too.
    •See Aura: Slightly different than the spell in that it can scan an entire target such as a ship or station. The enchantment can be used to target a single individual but only have one tenth normal range when being used in that matter. Costs 60 P.P.E. per activation due to extended range.
      Range: 1,000 miles (1,610 kilometers) in space and 1 mile (1.6 kilometers) in an atmosphere.
      Effects / Abilities: Gives an approximate count of the number of life forms onboard. Gives the average level of experience, highest level of experience, and lowest level of experience [Given in these terms: Low (1-3), medium (4-7), high (8th and up).] Tells if there is any magic onboard. Gives if there are any psychics onboard (Mind Block will prevent detection), Gives a general count on the amount of P.P.E. the target has (basically the P.P.E. of the crew and any devices which store P.P.E.). Detects if there is any kind of possession. Finally sees if the crew or ship has any unusual aberrations.
    •See the Invisible Sensors: The ships have several special optical and other sensor systems which see the invisible on them. Same as spell and used at will (requires no P.P.E. to activate).
      Range: 2,000 miles (3,220 kilometers) in space and 2 miles (3.2 km) in an atmosphere.
      Effects / Abilities: Can see forces, objects, and creatures which can turn invisible, or are invisible. Can also see vaporous beings and astral bodies.
    •Sense Magic: The ship has sensors which give the ability to detect active magic. Similar to spell and used at will (requires no P.P.E. to activate).
      Range: 200,000 miles (322,000 kilometers) in space and 200 miles (320 km) in an atmosphere.
      Effects / Abilities: detects the presence of magic if within detection range of ship and gives bearing on magic and basic range although not exact position. Detects active enchantments but will not generally detect spell casters in general.
    •Sense Rifts: Ship has sensors which effectively allow Rifts to be detected. The system can be (requires no P.P.E. to activate).
      Range: 500,000 miles (805,000 kilometers) in space and 500 miles (805 km) in an atmosphere.
      Effects / Abilities: Detects the presence of Rifts (including those created by Rifts Drives) and unlike when detecting magic gives position very accurately.

Revised ‘Hirunda’ Variants
*EShe-B/SS02Hm-S1: The Hawkmoon stealth version, the ‘Dark Swallow’ is outfitted with more advanced stealth systems. These stealth systems give the craft a 95% chance of going undetected by all forms of detection. The systems can also project (using copied Oni techniques) 1d6 ‘phantoms’ up to 50 miles away from the ship’s true position.

*EShe-B/SS02Hm-S2: A rare variant deployed by the Hawkmoons that incorporates a hard to come by Promethean Phase Stealth System(from Eric Fackler’s Galactic Tracer Starship Construction Rules in Rifter #34). These vessels are used very sparingly, owing to the limited number of charges built into the Phase systems, and the reluctance of the Shemar to rely on outsiders to service their equipment.

The Phase Field renders the ship both invisible and undetectable by conventionak and magic sensors, and allows the ship to phase through solid matter, unless stopped by a force field(technological or magical) or another phase-field. The limitations of the system are; the ship can only travel at 25% of normal speed, and cannot deploy weapons or forcefields while in phased state. The system has 200 activations(every time it is turned on and off is regarded as one use, regardless of how long it is used) before needing recharging by the Prometheans

Revised ‘Goshawk’ Variants
*ESheMar-AuxCv04Br: The Blood Riders have modified their Goshawks to carry additional weaponry on the wings; a set of heavy lasers. The bomb bay has also been modifed with a rotary launcher to fire Plasma Hunter Killer Torpedoes.
    1) Medium Laser Cannons (2, wing mounted)

    2)Plasma Hunter Killer Torpedoes: Volley 6, 48 Missiles each

*ESheMar-AuxCv04Sc: The Skullcrushers have copied the Blood Riders in mounting additional weaponry on the wings of their Goshawks.
    1) Dual GR-1000s: As on the Scorpion

    2) Medium Range Missile Launchers: Identical to those mounted on the main hull, only these cannot be easily reloaded from within the ship

*ESheMar-AuxCv04Dw: The Darkwaters, too, have added wing weaponry to their Goshawks, and have fitted the ordnance bays of their ships with rotary LRM launchers OR Cruise Missiles. The Darkwaters have also added variable forcefield technology to their ships.
    1) Wing-Mounted Tachyon Scatter Cannon (2): These are typically used to create a ‘firebreak’ in front of the ship for destroying incoming missiles, mines, and other projectiles.
      Range: 1.5 miles (2,500 m) in atmosphere, 6 miles (10,000 m) in space w/ 3 mile wide arc*
        (Kitsune Values: 6 miles in atmosphere, 600 miles in space)
        * Scatter width is reduced to 1/4th in atmosphere
      Damage: 3d6x10 MD per single cannon firing

    2) Rotary Missile Launcher: 30 minute reload
      a) Long Range Missile Launcher
        Rate of Fire: Volleys of 1-10
        Payload: 80 missiles

      b) Cruise Missile Launcher
        Rate of Fire: Volleys of 1-4 each launcher
        Payload: 50 missiles

    3) Variable Forcefield: 2,000 per side ( 6,000 total)

*ESheMar-AuxCv04Hm: Having introduced the Goshawk to the SSN, the Hawkmoon quickly saw the other Tribes developing their own versions to meet their own particular styles, and thus had to create a variant of their own. The Cv04Hm variant replaces the forward MRM launcher with a two-barrel Plasma Torpedo Launcher. Hm Goshawks also possess extra maneuverability, having additional verniers and thrusters. Finally, their ships are accomplished dive-bombers, able to add to the accuracy and damage of any gravity-freefall ordnance with a power dive(they are arguably the largest aerospace craft to use this tactic).
    1) Plasma Torpedo Launcher (2): Half Range, Volley 2, 2/melee

    2) Enhanced Maneuverability: +3 to dodge

    3) Dive-Bombing: The Goshawk can engage in divebombing maneuvers; doing so means that the spacecraft approaches the target in a dive(45-degrees or better), releases its bomb(at 5,000 ft or less distance from the target), and then pulls out. A successful dive-bombing attack requires a Piloting roll at -10%, but the dropped ordnance is +2 to strike, and gets a +2d4 MD for the extra speed assist in penetration.

*ESheMar-AuxCv04Sm: The Silvermoons field a variant armored in laser-reflective armor(lasers do HALF damage).

*ESheMar-AuxCv04Hw: The Horrorwoods Goshawk variant carries light disrupters copied from the Golgans, for improved performance in ground assault missions. They also feature several electronic countermeasure systems and decoy launchers.
    1) Light Disrupter Cannon 8 (2x4)
      Range: 2 miles in atmosphere, 4 miles in space
        (Kitsune: 4 miles in atmosphere, 4,000 miles in space)
      Damage: 2d4x10 MD per barrel (4D8x10 for all four), 25% of that in a 20 ft radius

    2) Countermeasure Launchers (2): Each may hold one of the following;
      a) Flare/Chaff: 72 per launcher, 72 total
      b) NanoPods: 36 swarm packs per launcher, 36 total
      c) Grav-Pods: 30 decoys per launcher, 30 total.

*ESheMar-AuxCv04Wp: Wolf’s Path Goshawks replace the laser turrets with particle beam cannons and add a more powerful suite of sensors and fire control systems, improving detection range and accuracy. Another feature unique to their Goshawks are added maneuvering verniers and thrusters that give the ships an added degree of agility. The reasoning seems to be that with better fire control and a better chance to dodge opposing fire, the Wolf’s Path crews can close the range more effectively for their more powerful PBCs to come into play.
    1) Triple Particle Beam Cannons (4)
      Range: 1.5 miles in atmosphere, 3 miles in space
        (Kitsune Values: 3 miles in atmosphere, 3,000 miles in space)
      Damage: 3d6x10 MD single barrel firing,
        6d6x10 MD for two barrels firing
        1d6x100 MD for all three cannons
      Rate of Fire: EGCHH
      Payload: Effectively Unlimited

    2) Advanced Fire Control: +1 to strike in addition to any other bonuses. Wp starships can also ‘tag’ targets for other units in direct fire weapons range, allowing the one with the best Strike bonus to share it with any ‘packmates’, provided communications are uninterrupted, and the units have a clear line of fire.

    3) Advanced Sensors: 300K mile detection, 12 ly for FTL

    4) Enhanced Maneuverability: +2 to dodge, and a +2 to roll in atmospheric combat.

*ESheMar-AuxCv04Scb: The Sapphire Cobras replace the lower forward laser turret with a double-barrel G-cannon firing explosive penetrator shells which contain nanomachines. If the shells can successfully penetrate armor, the nanites go to work breaking it down. These shells are most effective in an atmosphere, as nanites are susceptible to cold and radiation, and do not work well in space.
    1) Dual Light G-Cannon
      Range: 3 miles in atmosphere, 6 miles in space
        (Kitsune Values: 6 miles in atmosphere, 6,000 miles in space)
      Damage: 2d6x10 MD for a single barrel firing, 4d6x10 MD for both cannon
        On a Natural 19-20 (18-20 if in atmosphere), the rail gun strikes does critical damage (DOUBLE damage) plus nanites are successfully embedded in the structure of the target. These nanites proceed to do an additional 4d6 MD for 2d4 melees (double damage and duration if in atmosphere)
        Unlike the original ‘Serpent’s Kiss’, the nanites work on organic and inorganics alike
      Payload: 1,000 blasts per cannon(2,000 per turret)

*ESheMar-AuxCv04Wf: Wayfinder Goshawks feature technowizardry
    1) PPE Generator (‘Sorcerer’): 600 PPE capacity; recharges at 20 PPE per hour, 60 PPE/hour at a leyline, 120 PPE/hour on a nexus

    2)TW Enhancements:
      -Impervious to Energy---10 minutes per 40 PPE
      - Invisbility: Superior--- 6 minutes per 40 PPE
      - Shadow Cloak----30 minutes per 12 PPE

    3) Magical Sensors:

    4) TW Drive Enhancement--DOUBLE speed on a ley line

*ESheMar-AuxCv04Gr: The Ghostrider Goshawks carry powerful jamming suites and extensive countermeasure gear
    1) Electronic Cloaking: -50% to enemy detection rolls, and a -6 to strike with sensor-guided weaponry.

    2) Communications Jamming: 600 mile range, 80% command-guided missiles, 98% civilian comms, 80% Military comms, radar similarly degraded.

    3) Sensor Ghost Projection: The AuxCv04Grs have the ability to project multiple sensor ‘ghosts’(up to five) up to 10,000 miles away, giving false readings on their numbers and exact position. These projections can fool most long range sensors(-70% to Read Sensory Instrument rolls).

    4) Countermeasure Decoy Launcher: This system uses modified grav-pack drives and signal projectors to create a moving pattern of sensor signatures. The grav-pack mini-missile drives can go for 10 minutes before self-destructing, and can either be remotely directed or run a pre-set pattern.
      Effective Speed: Mach 6
      Duration: 10 minutes per pod
      Effects: The decoys have a 70% chance of fooling enemy sensor operators and expert systems. They are also +2 to enemy sensor-guided munitions to strike, increasing the chance that the missiles will elect to pursue the ‘louder’ sensor signature(the missile rolls to strike for both the original ship and each decoy deployed....highest to strike roll determines which target the missile(s) go after).
      Payload: 30 decoys are carried, and can be deployed singly, or in ‘packs’ of 1-3. (additional reloads can be carried as cargo; 1 ton of cargo per 10 bundles)

Revised ‘Aureale’ Variants
*ESheMar-DD07Dw: A Darkwaters variant capable of landing in (and taking off from) water, and operating underwater, proving that while the Three Galaxies Darkwaters have taken up deep space, they haven’t entirely given up their expertise in deep water operations. The G-Cannon has been fitted with supercavitating ammunition, and the lasers all adjusted for blue-green frequencies. The missile bays can be outfitted to fire torpedoes or dual air-sea rocket-powered torp-missiles similar to those used by the Kittani.
    1) Underwater Operations: Can hit speeds of 55 MPH, and survive depths of 2.5 miles.

    2) Long Range Air/Sea Torpedoes
      Range: 1,800 miles in air, 500 miles underwater
      Damage: Varies by Missile Type(Long Range)
      Rate of Fire: Volleys of 1-10
      Payload: 160 missiles each bay

    3) Sonar: 100 mile range

*ESheMar-DD07Br: The Blood Rider variant replaces the forward laser cannons with Plasma Torpedo Launchers and two nose-mounted tractor beams to control them.
    1)Plasma Torpedo Launchers (3): Volley 6

    2) Tractor Beams (3): 600 tons deadweight

*ESheMar-DD07Hm: The Hawkmoon boast their own variant, which carry more powerful shields and have beefed-up engines for slightly higher speed.
    1) Enhanced Speed:
      (Atmosphere) Hover to Mach 7; transatmospheric.
      (Sublight) Mach 20
        (Kitsune: 60% of light speed; Accel at 2% of light speed per melee)
      (FTL) 6 light years per hour

    2) Enhanced Shields: Variable Forcefield 1,800 per side ( 10,800 total)

*ESheMar-DD07Scb: The Sapphire Cobra variant adds the capacity to fire nanotech ‘Serpent’s Kiss’ munitions to the G-Cannon

*ESheMar-DD07Wf: Wayfinder ships mount technowizardry augmentation, including an advanced hull regeneration system that allows this ship to engage in extended voyages/patrols away from repair support.
    1) PPE Generator (‘Sorcerer’): 800 PPE battery capacity; recharges at 25 PPE per hour, 75 PPE/hour at a leyline, 150 PPE/hour on a nexus

    2) TW Enhancements:
      -Impervious to Energy---10 minutes per 40 PPE
      -Invisibility: Superior--- 6 minutes per 40 PPE
      -Shadow Cloak----30 minutes per 12 PPE

    3) Magical Sensors

    4) TW Drive Enhancement: DOUBLE speed on a ley line

    5) Hull Regeneration: 75 PPE per 5% of hull MDC rebuilt/regenerated, up to 75% of hull total (the rest will need to be repaired normally)

*ESheMar-DD07Wp: Wolf’s Path ships sacrifice some speed for increased shielding.
    1) Enhanced Shields: Variable Forcefield 2,400 per side ( 14,400 total)

    2) Reduced Speed:
      (Atmosphere) Hover to Mach 5; transatmospheric.
      (Sublight) Mach 17
        (Kitsune: 60% of light speed; Accel at 1.7% of light speed per melee)

*ESheMar-DD07Sm: The Silvermoons field a variant armored in laser-reflective armor and deploying longer-ranged lasers on them.
    1) Extended Range Medium Lasers: +50% range.

    2) Laser-Reflective Armor: Lasers do HALF damage

*ESheMar-DD07Gr: The Ghostriders carry powerful jamming suites and extensive countermeasure gear
    1) Electronic Cloaking: -50% to enemy detection rolls, and a -6 to strike with sensor-guided weaponry.

    2) Communications Jamming: 600 mile range, 80% command-guided missiles, 98% civilian comms, 80% Military comms, radar similarly degraded.

    3) Sensor Ghost Projection: up to 5 ‘ghosts’ out to 10K miles away. -70% RSI to discover at long range.

    4) Countermeasure Decoy Launcher: This system uses modified grav-pack drives and signal projectors to create a moving pattern of sensor signatures. The grav-pack mini-missile drives can go for 10 minutes before self-destructing, and can either be remotely directed or run a pre-set pattern.
      Effective Speed: Mach 6
      Duration: 10 minutes per pod
      Effects: The decoys have a 70% chance of fooling enemy sensor operators and expert systems. They are also +2 to enemy sensor-guided munitions to strike, increasing the chance that the missiles will elect to pursue the ‘louder’ sensor signature(the missile rolls to strike for both the original ship and each decoy deployed....highest to strike roll determines which target the missile(s) go after).
      Payload: 40 decoys are carried, and can be deployed singly, or in ‘packs’ of 1-3. (additional reloads can be carried as cargo; 1 ton of cargo per 10 bundles)

*ESheMar-DD07Hw: The concentration of the Horrorwoods tribe on ground combat means that their destroyers tend to be of the stock type. Still, for planetary raids and defense operations, the Horrorwoods have done some tinkering with their destroyers. The missile bays can be refitted to deploy long endurance atmospheric flier-drones in support of planetary attack/infantry support.
    1) Enhanced Atmospheric Maneuvering Capability: +1 to dodge in atmosphere

    2) ’Aviary’ Modules: The wing missile launchers can be modified to deploy multiple free-flying recon drones. The most common of this sort is similar in size and design to the ARCHIE-3 ‘Hawk’ drones described in the Shemarrian Nation sourcebook. Up to 650 bird-drones can be deployed per wing-pod.

*ESheMar-DD07Sc: The SkullCrushers have sought to refit older destroyers of this class as sledgehammers.
    1) Increased Firepower
      a) Dual Particle Beams (2): Replace the Lasers
      b) Dual Heavy G-Cannon (2): Facing forward

    2) Hardened Armor
      Main Body MDC to 4,900
      Bridge 1,800
      Engines(3) 1,800 each

    3)Reduced Speed:
      (Sublight) Mach 16
      (Kitsune: 60% of light speed; Accel at 1.6% of light speed per melee)

Revised ‘Unipelta’ Light Transport Variants
*EShe-T03T1: Tanker variant, modified to harvest, refine, and store gases for later distribution.

*EShe-T03HW1: Horrorwoods assault transport, used to move the Tribe’s large forces of Warriors, War Mounts, and NeShemar auxiliaries in planetary assaults. The variant has also begun appearing in Blood Rider and Wolf’s Path forces.
    1) Reinforced Variable Forcefields: 3,000 MDC per side (18,000 total)

    2) Improved Armor: +25% MDC to Main Hull, Bridge, Engine Bloc, and Cargo Doors

    3) Canard LRM Launchers (2, 300 MDC each): Volly-10, 60 LRMs each, 1 hour

    4) Medium Range Missile Launchers (6): Gained 4

    5) PD Combi-Turrets (6) Gained 2

    6) Troop Capacity: The T03HW1 trades some of its overall capacity for extra armaments, but it can still carry 2,000 troops (about a third of whom will have War Mounts, in normal deployment)

*EShe-T03Hw2: Horrorwoods refugee transport, with stasis accommodations for 15,000 human-sized sentients. The Hw2 also carries a large sickbay for treating patients, or for overseeing nanotech adaptation treatments for colonists. With all the ‘normals’ packed away in aerogel-cushioned suspension, the Hw2 can hit speeds of Mach 11 in normal space, but typically cruises at Mach 8 or slower to maximize its stealth, running the ‘underground railroad’ to the Shemarrian refuge worlds.

*EShe-T03Dw01: Dark Waters’ variant, commonly used as a fleet tender. It carries only 35,000 tons of cargo, but carries extensive automated workshops, a complement of 24 heavy robot work drones, has deployable gantry-booms on the sides, two 1,000-ton capacity tractor beams, and defensive improvements.
    1) Improved PDS (7): Gained 3

    2) Reinforced Variable Forcefields: 5,000 MDC per side (30,000 total), and can extend an additional 500 ft out from the ship, allowing it to shield other vessels.

*EShe-T03Dw02(AuxMW): Another Dark Waters variant, this version is the result of a collaboration between the Dark Waters and the Ghost Riders to create a comprehensive mine warfare vessel. These ships are used to sweep the space mine fields that many nations use as area denial measures(the Kittani have taken to deploying them as a desperate measure to keep off Shemarrian raiders and to blockade worlds slated for enslavement from recieving offworld assistance). The ship uses multiple stealth adaptations to enter a suspected mine zone undetected, then uses both passive sensors and active decoys to flush out the numbers and locations of mine hardware, before deactivating or destroying them.
    1) Improved PDS (6)

    2) Neutron Sweep Cannon (1, replaces one of the Medium Lasers):
    Though considered a low-powered radiation weapon that does poor damage(and is easily negated by active anti-radiation shields), and requiring a large generation apparatus, the NSC has good range and produces an intense neutron flux. As many space mine systems use comparatively cheap fission warheads and even radioisotope power sources, the intense burst of neutron radiation can disrupt their operation and even prematurely trigger nuclear weapons. One of the main Medium Laser turrets is replaced by am NSC-generating cyclotron.
      Range: 9 miles in atmosphere, 18 miles in space, covers a 20 degree arc.
        (Kitsune Values: 18 miles in atmosphere, 18,000 miles in space)
      Damage: 2d10x10 MD per blast
        On a Natural 16-20, the neutron flux will cause inadequately shielded fisison powerplants to overhead, causing a partial meltdown or force an emergency shutdown by the safety systems, disrupting their power. Fission warheads will be rendered inert (and on a Natural 20 will prematurely go critical, suffering an additional 2d10x10 MD, destroying their casing, and likely spreading radioactive materials around).
      Rate of Fire: Three times per melee
      Payload: Effectively unlimited

    3) Improved Sensors: +50% range, particularly gravitic

    4) Sensor Ghost Projection: Up to 10 ‘ghosts’ up to 25,000. -70% RSI to discover at long range.

    5) Drone Launchers (2): 36 CM sized drones and hanger in two bays.

    6) Cold Jet Drive: Mach 4 in space, but maximum stealth as long as tanks last.
    Because most high-tech mine systems are set to activate and home in on gravitic and plasma drives, the T03Dw02(AuxMW) uses a very low-temperature/low-energy auxiliary ‘cool plasma’ drive to minimize sensor signature and maximize stealth.

*EShe-T03Hm01: Hawkmoon variant, that sacrifices cargo capacity for larger engines and a more powerful FTL drive. This variant is used for missions delivery high priority cargoes where a courier or corvette is either not large enough or not appropriate.
    *Increased Speed: Mach 16(!)

    *Increased FTL: 7 light years/hour

    *Decreased Cargo Capacity: Due to the expanded engine core, the T03Hm01 can only carry 40,000 tons of cargo or half the former number of passengers

*EShe-T03Sm01: The Silvermoons field a variant armored in laser-reflective armor (lasers do HALF damage). They also field their transports with improved laser systems that have 25% greater range.

*EShe-T03Spc01: The Sapphire Cobras field a variant that mounts extra armor that provides additional protection even when ‘shed’ during combat. The rail guns have also been modified to be able to use the Cobras’ nanotech ‘Serpent’s Kiss’ shells.
    1) Ablative ‘Snake Skin’ Armor: The T03Spc01 carries 30% more armor on all main hull locations. Furthermore, any harm actually done to the main hull armor ablates the armor into a cloud of microfragments and platelets that continue to protect the ship. Unless the ship is moving in an atmosphere or undertakes evasive maneuvering, the ablated armor ‘halo’ will reduce subsequent laser strikes by 1/3 and radar- and laser-guided weaponry will be -2 to strike, for the 1d4 melees before the cloud disperses(although other hull strikes in the interim may extend this time period).

    2) ‘Serpent’s Kiss’ Shells.

*EShe-T03GrS1: Ghost Rider stealth transport, typically used for infiltration missions. Sometimes called the ‘Black Fan Dancer’ by the few who have seen it because of its ability to deploy several dozen additional vanes that serve as both antennae and sensor jamming/stealth radiating gear.
    1) Electronic Cloaking: -60% to enemy detection rolls, and a -6 to strike with sensor-guided weaponry.

    2) Communications Jamming: 2000 mile range, 80% command-guided missiles, 98% civilian comms, 80% Military comms, radar similarly degraded.

    3) Sensor Ghost Projection: Up to 20 ‘ghosts’ up to 25,000. -70% RSI to discover at long range.

    4) Countermeasure Decoy Launcher: This system uses modified grav-pack drives and signal projectors to create a moving pattern of sensor signatures. The grav-pack mini-missile drives can go for 10 minutes before self-destructing, and can either be remotely directed or run a pre-set pattern.
      Effective Speed: Mach 6
      Duration: 10 minutes per pod
      Effects: The decoys have a 70% chance of fooling enemy sensor operators and expert systems. They are also +2 to enemy sensor-guided munitions to strike, increasing the chance that the missiles will elect to pursue the ‘louder’ sensor signature(the missile rolls to strike for both the original ship and each decoy deployed....highest to strike roll determines which target the missile(s) go after).
      Payload: 60 decoys are carried, and can be deployed singly, or in ‘packs’ of 1-3. (additional reloads can be carried as cargo; 1 ton of cargo per 10 bundles)

    5) Long Range Radiation Sensors: The Ghost Rider ships sport extremely sensitive EM sensors that are the equal of the radio telescopes of just about any other species, though the Ghost Riders use them to seek out and listen to INTELLIGENCE-generated radio radiation. It is also said that the Ghost Riders can use these systems to hack into the data nets of civilizations through accessible radio communciations, though for this to be effective, the ships must approach quite close to a planet or outpost, owing both to signal lag and natural interference.

*EShe-T03Wf01: Wayfinder variant modified as a flying observatory and laboratory, in many ways similar to the Ghost Rider version in that it can deploy multiple vanes, but in this case the extra fins and arrays are sensors. Wayfinder scholars and scouts often bid for the opportunity to have one of these vessels assigned to them and their particular exploration.
    1) Sensory Vanes (12): 200 MDC each. These vanes can retract into the hull or fold against it for streamlining and atmospheric operations.

    2) Long Range Astrometric Sensors: These sensors are the equivalent of a military early warning array(something that has military authorities quite vexed) though they’re somewhat slower at detecting small targets like military craft(takes three times as long) due to their being calibrated for stellar phenomenoa. However, the arrays can still pick up the FTL fingerprint of starships travelling up to 32 light years away, and can detect the gravity wells of planets and planetoids(of down to Plutonian size) up to 40 light years away within minutes of scanning(rather than days of observation). Can also measure solar flux from as far away as 15 light years away.
    Other sensors in this group include radio astronomy, gravimetric charting, quantum particle detectors, and space/time flux registers. Additional instruments may be ‘plugged in’ as needed/developed.

    3) Long Range GeoPlanetary Sensors: These sensors allow extensive surveying of planetary bodies in detail before physical probes and manned excursions are ever sent down. Advanced radiation sensors, spectrographic analysis systems, active gravitic beam probes, and tunneling neutrino scanners allow the ship to perform extensive atmospheric and geological mapping within minutes.....Subterranean strata and mineral deposits can be accurately charted from 1,000 miles altitude, though complete and thorough geographic/seismic surveying takes longer, ideally with the deployment of a network of geoscisats. Sensors include techno-sensors attuned to detecting fission and fusion powerplants, radio-frequency transmissions, concentrations of processed materials(such as optical fibers, plastics, and refined metals), and industrial gases/pollutants. PPE sensors detect and determine ambient PPE/magical activity, as well as the presence and location of leylines. Biological sensors study biological byproducts, chemicals associated with the presence of lifeforms, microbial density in air and water, and bio-electric traces.

    4) Magic Sensors (Courtesy of Kitsune)

    5) PPE Powerplant: 500 PPE per hour, 2500 storage

    6) Rift Drive: 20 ly ever 4 hours

    7) Magic Features (standard; indivdual ships maye have additional TW systems added)
      * Impervious to Energy---Costs 320 PPE to activate
      * Invisibility: Superior---Costs 320 PPE to activate
      * Solar Flare---Range: 1,200 miles, 300 mile area. Lasts 1d6+4 hours. Costs 250 PPE to activate

    8 ) TW Drive Enhancement: DOUBLE speed on a ley line

    9 ) Shuttle Bay: The lower cargo hatch and access bay has been converted to use as a small shuttle bay, with capacity for three small exploration/scout shuttles.

    10) Reduced Carry Capacity: All the extras come at the cost of reduced cargo/passenger capacity: only 30,000 tons can be carried, and about 460 passengers/research personnel are carried.

*EShe-T03ScQ: SkullCrusher variant converted into a flying missile battery. The ‘Q’-variant was first revealed, accordingly to recently declassified CCW intelligence intercepts of Kittani military communications, at the Battle of Kholon VIII, when the SkullCrushers apparently baited the Splugorth forces into thinking they were seeing a major convoy arriving to reinforce and resupply the Shemarrian forces alternately beseiging and being beseiged on the Splugorth-contested world. When the Kittani detached a substantial portion of their space forces to attack the supply convoy, they instead walked into a missile trap, losing over 75% of the committed forces in the reverse -ambush. The SkullCrushers themselves lost over half of the Rhinochons assigned to the mission, but at a tonnage rate of over three to one in their favor. The surviving crews were all promoted a rank as a result of their bravery.
    1) Cruise Missile Launchers (4): 32-silo CAF Autoloaders with 3 reloads. 15 minutes

    2) Reinforced Variable Forcefields: 5,000 MDC per side (30,000 total)

*EShe-T03Br01: The Blood Riders were so impressed with the Skull Crushers’ use of the Rhinochon in an offensive role that that they produced their own version, only using plasma torpedoes in place of the cruise missile launchers, sacrificing the ships’ transport role for sheer firepower. Though the Blood Riders have occasionally used these vessels in a ‘Q-ship’ mode, they more often than not deploy these vessels as gunboats and surface bombardment platforms against ‘unworthy’ enemies.
    1) Reinforced Variable Forcefields: 5,000 MDC per side (30,000 total)

    2) Plasma Hunter Killer Torpedo Launchers (8): Volly 10, 60 each

*EShe-T03Br02: The second Blood Rider ‘missile boat’ conversion, the T03Br02 replaces cargo capacity with extra power generators and projectors for plasma torpedoes. A set of tractor beam projectors to guide the torpedoes have also been added.
In an action that has only recently reached the eyes of CCW intelligence, the Blood Riders apparently travelled far outside the region claimed by the Shemarrian Star Nation to a star cluster known to have suffered attacks by the Demon Fleet. The Blood Riders most dramatically used several squadrons of these vessels to create ‘fire walls’ of dense missile fire to herd a raider force of Demon marauders and force them into ‘honorable’ combat with elite Blood Rider units stationed waiting for them at the end of the ‘funnel’. The ensuing action gave the Blood Riders an opportunity to study the Demons’ technology and tactics, as well as test their own abilities against the new foe. Though the Blood Riders took more than a few losses in the following exchange, and several Demon ships managed to break free of the trap, the Blood Riders reportedly learned ‘significant information’ in the battle and are presumably adjusting their strategies and tactics accordingly based on that information.
    1) Reinforced Variable Forcefields: 5,000 MDC per side (30,000 total)

    2) Tractor Beams (10): 400 tons dead weight

    3) Plasma Torpedo Launchers (10): Volley 6

Revised ‘Adlen’ Variants
*EShe-T04C: Amphibious Adlen, with the ability to operate submerged. It is originally believed to have been developed by the DarkWaters, but is also used by the Horrorwoods. The EShe-T04C ‘Sea-Adlen’ can move underwater at 25 MPH, and has a maximum depth tolerance of 1.3 miles. The missile launchers have been modified to fire dual-mode sea-air missiles. similar to Kittani weapons.

*EShe-T04LCV: Light carrier conversion that loses the bulk cargo capacity in favor of hangar facilities for 72 fighters. Also mounts four light tractor beams.

*EShe-T04D: The identification of the ‘D’ variant of the Adlen confirms to many analysts that the Adlen is directly derived from the Hitode, as vessels of this model mount the plasma torpedo launchers (6x12 tube arrays) seen on the baseline Hitodes’ armatures plus the seven tractor beam projectors to guide them to target. The type is believed to act as a ‘Q-ship’, protecting more vulnerable transports.

*EShe-T04GrDHC: Aka ‘DoppleCruiser’. This is a Ghost Rider Q-ship variant Adlen that has been tricked out with false hull panels and faux EW signature emitters to resemble a Golgan Republik ‘Bindas’-class heavy cruiser. The only real Golgan thing about the T04GrDHC is its identical battery of six disruptor turrets(scavenged and reconditioned off Bindas cruisers taken in the Thundercloud Galaxy) and a single large heavy disruptor turret (a copy, rather than salvage) mounted in the rear. The two medium range missile launchers have been upgraded to long range missile launchers. Heavy sensor jamming gear and decoy launchers are hidden behind false hull sections to muddy long range scans of the ships, and the drives tuned to emulate Golgan-spec propulsion units. Crews are specially trained to ape Golgan operational procedures and not give away the true capabilities of the Adlen underneath the skin job. The Ghost Riders have used these vessels to sneak about Golgan space and spy on the Republik’s operations and movements, as well as to covertly trade with Golgan fringe worlds. In more overt actions, the Ghost Riders have used these ships in ‘false flag’ operations to divert attention from EShemar presence and implicate the Golgans instead.

Revised ‘Kumo-Rodosha’ Variants
*ESheMar-C(M)03KvCQ: This variant takes advantage of the Kumo-rodosha’s resemblance to common Splugorth/Kittani vessels to deceive and infiltrate. Details are scant on the C(M)03KvCQ owing to its mission profile, and knowledge of its existence only came about when a captured CCW ship, held in a Splugorth orbital impound, inadevertantly recorded imagery of a supposed Kittani vessel approaching the asteroid-moon station, then opening fire on the surprised slavers. When the liberated CCW crew managed to regain their ship and escape, they found the video of the ‘Kittani freighter’ disgorging a horde of Shemarrian warriors. Since then several other incidents in Splugorth space have taken place that have been attributed to such tactics. The C(M)03KvCQ is largely believed to be a Ghost Rider Tribe development, though occasionally it’s been attributed to the so-called ‘Shadowblades’.
Besides bearing the external hardware and markings of Splugorth craft(these are presumed to be fake, and easily altered), the C(M)03KvCQs presumably carry extensive scanner and sensor-spoofing gear, false ID transponders, and communications hacking equipment. To make the most of successful deception, the ships mount four concealed cruise-missile launchers(volleys of 1-6 missiles, 24 each) in addition to their normal armaments, the better to surprise enemy defenses and capital ships with a barrage of missiles.

*ESheMar-C(M)03Dw: A Darkwaters clan variant that carries a large sensor dish-array on its upper hull(has 2,000 MDC). The sensor array allows the ship to detect ships in normal space at up to a light year away and FTL wakes at 28 light years’ distance. This system is based on CAF sensor arrays, but is slightly more powerful due to its larger size and mounting. It can also be deployed on the move under full acceleration, but is relative fragile compared to the rest of the ship.

*ESheMar-C(M)03Sc: The Skullcrushers field a variant that emphasizes firepower above all else; the plasma torpedo launchers have been increased to 14 and 3 Capital PBC turrets (1500 each) have been added for extra firepower.
Two massive extendable armored airlock arms (1,800 MDC each) with the ends fitted with powerful maglock heads and plasma cutters (10 ft range, do 1d4x100 MD per melee of cutting) are also added for slicing accessways into enemy ships and spacestations to allow warriors and warmounts direct access.
The Skullcrushers have also been known to use the Kumo-rodosha’s towing capability to sling massive payloads of metal scrap or asteroid rock at opponents in artificial meteor showers. They have also used the same tow capability to launch mines and remote control missile launcher satellites into the thick of battlefields.
    1) Capital PBC (3): Dorsal mounted

    2) PTLs (14)

*ESheMar-C(M)03Br: This variant has only shown up in the ranks of the Blood Riders, and attempts to address the relatively slow speed of the Kumo-rodosha by replacing the tow coupler at the bottom of the main hull with another engine bloc, and beefs up the pylon engines. The resulting vessel can hit speeds of Mach 14, but loses its heavy tow capacity and about half of its cargo capacity.

Revised ‘Ika’ Variants
*C/ADB-02Sm-CG02: This Silvermoon variant deploys large folding solar ‘wings’ between its tentacle gantries to gather available solar energy and boost the efficiency of its onboard laser systems. While in direct sunlight, boost the range and damage of the laser weaponry by 20%. The enormous solar parasol can also be used as a weapon in its own right;
    Range: 10 miles
      (Kitsune Values: 1,000 miles in space)
    Damage: 2d4x100 MD per full melee of tracking
    Rate of Fire: Once per melee
    Penalties: -2 to strike targets 100 ft or larger, -6 to strike anything smaller
Last edited by Omegasgundam on Sun May 16, 2021 10:39 am, edited 1 time in total.
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Joined: Thu May 08, 2008 11:04 pm

Re: Shemarrian-related fan creations

Unread post by Omegasgundam »

Up to word count for this alone.

Revised ‘Hitode’ Variants
*ESheMar-CV-01M:---’Shooter Star’--- Missile Carrier, armed with multiple long range or cruise missile launchers. The CV-01M is an ‘arsenal ship’ design sacrificing fighter and troop transport capabilities for massive missile firepower and the magazine capacity to keep up sustained missile barrages. A favorite FlameWing planetary bombardment ship, deployed before the tribe developed their Impulse Launcher.
  • Weapons Systems:
    • 5) Long Range Missile Launchers(30, six per armature). Each launcher can fire volleys of 1-10 LRMs each, with 12,000 missiles in each arm(or 40 reloads per launcher).
*ESheMar-CVC-01C: Dedicated aerospace fighter carrier; it can carry 72 fighters per armature, for a total of 360 fighters altogether. The Hawkmoons deploy many of this variant, earning it the nickname of ‘Hawkstar’, or ‘Raptornest’.
  • Systems of Note:
    • *Tractor Beams (20)
    Auxiliary Craft: 360 aerospace fighters or heavy aerial-spacial Warmounts
*ESheMar-CVM-01EMLC:---’Supernova’.--- This type was speculated early on, and the predictions were proven largely right when multiple vessels of this type were observed in the field. The -CVM-01EMLC mounts multiple plasma torpedo launchers, each armature being fitted with six additional PTL batteries similar to those carried by the Remora Medium Cruisers. Thirty-five batteries would severely tax the powerplants of a standard Hitode(or ship of comparable size and function), so ‘Supernova’ conversion replaces all troop and cargo capacity in the arms with dedicated auxiliary powerplants to serve the launchers. The payoff is a heavy gunship/weapons platform able to pump out one thousand and fifty plasma bolts per melee!
This sub-type was first encountered in Blood Rider formations and was initially identified as the -CV-01Br variant, but subsequent encounters with the vessel in service with other Tribes led to the redesignation as a non-Tribe-specific type.
  • Systems of Note:
    • *Tractor Beams (70): 100 tons deadweight
    Weapons Systems:
    • 3) Plasma Torpedo Launchers (70, 12 per armature, plus 10 mounted on the core)
*ESheMar-CV-01T:---’Bulkstar’--- Dedicated cargo/transport variant. These vessels strip away the plasma torpedo systems and the rail guns, but retain the point defense clusters and upgraded shields, in favor of expanding the empty weapons bays into enlarged cargo bays with greater cargo and passenger capacity. Initially rare in the Shemarrian Star Nation because of the need for capital ship rating hulls to serve as warships, the growing and increasingly secure borders of SSN territory have allowed some older Hitode hulls to be downgraded and converted as bulk carriers.
CV-01Ts are reportedly unpopular with true-born Shemarrian crews because their lack of heavy armament makes them ill-suited for combat. They are used as troop transports only in secured space, as most Shemarrian military leaders consider them flying deathtraps for any carried troops, if they got caught in a serious firefight. Most -CV-01Ts are thus manned by second-echelon EShemar and NeShemar, and the Ghost Riders reportedly use fully automated vessels captained by Cybershades.

  • Armor/MDC by Location:
    • Armatures(5) 77,000 each
    Weight: Increase mass by 20%

    Speed: Reduce maximum speed by 20%

    Cargo: Each arm of the -CV-01T can hold two companies of Shemarrian cavalry(that’s 320 troops, plus their mounts) or four companies (640 effectives) of dismounted infantry, for totals of 1,600 cavalry/1,600 warmounts, or 3,200 infantry. Alternatively, they can each hold 80,000 tons of cargo.

    Weapons Systems: Retains only the PD Combi-Turrets
*ESheMar-CV-01Tcx:---’Cryostar’, ‘BodyStar’, ‘Exodus Star’--- The ESheMar-CV-01T configured internally to process and transport human-sized passengers in biostasis. Vessels of this type have been associated with mass rescues of ex-Splugorth slaves and the evacuation of shatterworlds. Initially thought to be modular quick-swap conversions of existing CV-01Ts, the speed with which they were made available to evacuation operations has instead led to speculation that the Shemarrian Star Nation keeps a reserve of already converted vessels of this type ready and waiting, though the why eludes analysts. The Radiant Edge has been associated with mass refugee lifts using these vessels, though what is known of the fringe tribe leads many to believe the ships did not belong to the Edge, but were loaned/leased from other sources.
  • Cargo: Each arm of the -CV-01Tcx can hold 7,500 human-sized lifeforms in biostasis, or a total of 38, 500 passengers in cryo-suspension.

    Weapons Systems: Retains only 4)Point Defense Rail Gun/Laser Turrets(35)
*ESheMar-CV-01DwWMX: ---’Warpstar’, ‘ClusterStar’--- A modification in the form of ventral and dorsal docking flanges that allows Hitodes so equipped to ‘stack’, greatly facilitating docking and intership transfers. While the combined ships fairly wallow in normal space and are less stealthy, their combined hypermass and synchronized contra-gravity systems allow them to reach higher FTL speeds.
  • MDC/Armor by Location:
    • Variable Forcefields---Combine the shield values of all the linked Hitodes.
    • (Atmosphere) Hover to Mach 3; transatmospheric.
      (Sublight) Mach 7
      • (Kitsune: 50% of light speed; Accel at 0.7% of light speed per melee)
      (FTL) (when five or more vessels are linked) 8.5 light years per hour
*ESheMar-CV-01Fw:---'FireStar', 'Plaguestar', 'Shatterstar'.--- FlameWing planetary bombardment ship, an ‘arsenal ship’ likely developed after the first deployments of ESheMar-CV-01Ms and -ELMCs proved such effective orbital artillery platforms. The -01Fw replaces troops, fighters, and projectors with large weapons bays capable of deploying large amounts of fractional orbital and directed freefall surface attack ordnance. A single CV-01Fw can ‘squat’ in orbit above a planet dropping reentry-shielded warheads and KEWs for days on end, subjecting the planet’s residents to round-the-clock bombing. The downside is that the CV-01Fw sacrifices utility and defensive equipment such as fighters, meaning that this specialized variant requires conditions of local space supremacy if it is to carry out its mission without interference. There is evidence that the FlameWings are attempting to diversify the mission of the CV-01Fw by modifying the launching gear to deploy space mines, allowing it to serve a secondary role as a minelayer.
  • Systems of Note:
    • *Tractor Beams (20): 100 tons deadweight

      *Orbital Bombing Gear----Networked sensors and ‘smart’ guidance give orbitally deployed ordnance a +1 to strike stationary surface targets, even from high orbit.
    Weapons Systems:
    • 5) Freefall Ordnance---In place of troops or fighters, the CV-01Fw’s armature bays are fitted with large capacity magazines for deploying freefall and orbital weaponry. Each armature can hold 35,000 tons of ordnance (the special munitions handling and deployment equipment takes up some of the cargo space).
      • a) Kinetic Bomb---Fairly typical 2 ton ‘rod from god’ high density kinetic penetrator
        • Range: Orbit to Surface
          Damage: 2d6x100 MD; effective blast radius of 120 ft. Can penetrate up to 400 ft into solid rock, dropped from orbit.
        b) Light Kinetic Penetrator Module: Works similar to a WWII ‘Earthquake Bomb’. Kinetic weapons have the advantage of leaving little or no radiation to contaminate a battlefield or potential postwar acquisition. The LKP module actually carries three separate RVs on a maneuverable ‘bus’ stage, allowing three separate targets to be hit, or a single target to be bracketed. Each RV does 1d6x100 MD to a 100 ft radius and can penetrate up to 250 ft of loose soil(100 ft of rock or concrete)
        • Weight: 4 tons
        c) Heavy Kinetic ‘Smasher’: A single-shot warhead(no multiple warheads) weighing 12 tons. Hits with considerably greater velocity and kinetic energy. Does 1d6x100 MD to a 90 ft radius, and does DOUBLE damage to any fixed-foundation structures in a 200 ft radius, due to ground shock.

        d) Heavy ‘MaxSlap’ KEW: Designed to be ‘lobbed’ for maximum kinetic impact, the super-heavy bomb does 1d8x1,000 MD to 250 ft blast radius, and can penetrate up to 500 ft of earth(300 ft of rock or concrete), for attacking bunkers or undercutting larger structures.
        • Weight: 21 tons
        e) Fuel Air Explosive Munition---A single warhead(no multiple warheads) non-nuclear area of effect weapon that disperses a cloud of volatile fuel droplets in a mist over the target area, then ignites it in a rapidly propagating explosion. Besides thermal damage, the real damage from this weapon comes in the massive overpressure shockwave that it creates, capable of forcing its way into open ducts and vents, and imploding vehicles and bunkers. Also known as a ‘Daisy Cutter’, it is often used to simultaneously secure and clear landing zones of obstacles(both sentient and material). The heavy FAEM can do 4d6x10 MD to a 500 ft radius, plus 3d6x10 MD to everything else in a 3,000 ft ft radius. Those caught within the blast radius are also likely (01-88%) likely to be bowled over by the blast and stunned, if not worse....
        • Weight: 15 tons
        f) ElectroMagnetic Pulse Weapon---Designed to knockout unprotected electronics and power distribution networks, exploding at high altitude for maximum effect. Up to four of these weapons can be carried on a common ‘bus’.
        • Weight: 1 ton ‘bus’
          Damage: 5d6x10 MD to 100 ft blast radius
          EM effects: Used against unshielded power grids(such as cities and towns), the particle blast has a 99% chance of knocking down electrical systems, including vehicles, in an 100-mile radius of the point of detonation. Unprotected computers and other hardware not protected by surge protectors, and hooked into the common power grid, may still be affected up to a hundred miles or more away by power surges through the power lines.
          The EMP is less effective against shielded systems such as those on space structures(25%) and military systems(10% for surface military vehicles), which are hardened against radiation.
        g) Heavy Nuclear ‘SunBombs’---These are heavy ‘continent crackers’ that most star nations ban from use on inhabited planets. The FlameWings are notably NOT signatories to such treaties.
        • Weight: 10 tons
          Range: 1,000 miles(4,000 miles in space)
          • (Kitsune Values: 3,000 miles in atmosphere, 1,000,000 miles in space)
          Damage: 2d4 x 1,000 MD to a 4.6 mile destruction radius
        h) X-Ray Laser Bombs
        • Weight: 10 tons
          Range: 1,000 miles(4,000 miles in space)+laser range
          • (Kitsune Values: 3,000 miles in atmosphere, 1,000,000 miles in space)+laser range
          Damage: 1d4x1,000 MD laser blast; range 70 miles(Kitsune Value: 70,000 miles). Laser-reflective armors do NOT halve X-ray laser damage.---One-shot weapon that destroys itself in the process of firing.
          Advanced models can target as many as 10 separate targets within range simultaneously.
        i) Plasma Jet Bombs(aka ‘Casaba Howitzer’, or ‘Sunspot Bomb’)---A cousin of the X-Ray Laser Bomb and predecessor to the Plasma Torpedo, the Plasma Jet Bomb is essentially a shaped nuclear charge, generating a conical wave of super-excited plasma and radiation. The Plasma Jet Bomb lacks the range and multiple target engagement capability of the laser mine, but because it doesn’t expend all its force in all directions, it can produce higher damage than a regular omnidirectional plasma warhead.
        • Weight: 10 tons
          Range: 1,000 miles(4,000 miles in space)+plasma range
          • (Kitsune Values: 3,000 miles in atmosphere, 1,000,000 miles in space)+plasma range
          Damage: 1d6x1,000 MD plasma blast; range 30 miles(Kitsune Value: 30,000 miles), in a cone 30 degrees wide. The radiation also has a 60% chance of blanking out the target’s sensors for 1d6 melees---One-shot weapon that destroys itself in the process of firing.
        j) TW Weapons: Based on the work done, or copied by, the Wayfinders, strategic TechnoWizardry weapons are a safer, more ‘morally acceptable’ alternative to vaporizing enemy cities with nuclear weapons. TW warheads also have certain advantages against magic-vulnerable opponents. They are also lightweight, allowing more of them to be carried and deployed.
        The downside is that strategic TW weapons are hellishly expensive in both the crystal matrixes needed to hold the weapons-grade spells, and the high-level mage talent needed to produce and empower them.
        The FlameWings rarely deploy TW weapons, as they lack both the mage talents to produce them, and the Wayfinders are reluctant to supply the overkill-happy FlameWings with magic WMDs for anything but special missions. However, occasionally they DO get their hands on them, especially for Minion War fire missions.
        (Descriptions of the various TW weapons can be found under the options for the ESheMar-CV-01Sg detailed below)

        k) Space Mines----The CV-01Fw can deploy space mines in place of freefall planetary assault ordnance;Various types exist, including stealth ‘sneakmines’, ASAT ‘limpets’, and enhanced EMP models, but the standard anti-ship version carries a powerful nucleonic charge that does 2d6x100 MDC to a 600 ft radius
        • Damage: Typically equal to a Cruise Missile warhead
        l) Orbital Net Mine---This 5-ton weapon unfurls into a 10-kilometer(5 mile)-wide free-floating hexagon of high tensile-strength megadamage fibers. Any vessel hitting this net at high speed takes damage roughly equivalent to the UWW’s infamous ‘Death Cloud’ weapon.
        • Damage: Any ship flying into the net will take 4d6MD times its Mach Speed. Multiple the damage by 10 for ships weighing 10,000-40,000 tons, by 20 in the 41,000-100,000 ton range, and by 100 if more than 100,000 tons.
          The net is virtually impossible to detect on radar and ships are -6 to dodge, while larger ships are -8!
*ESheMar-CV-01Hw:---’Emeraldstar’ or ‘Foreststar’.--- Horrorwoods variant, distinguished by the extensive addition of biotech to its structure. The Emeraldstar looks like its hull is heavily overgrown with space-adapted plant life, and has been on occasion mistaken for an Ort Tree variant or a bioweapon attack. In practical terms, the CV-O1Hw’s hull can self-repair at an accelerated rate, and it can camouflage itself more easily upon making landfall.
  • Weight: Increase overall mass by 30%

    Speed: Reduce maximum speed by 20%.

    MDC/Armor by Location:
    • Increase overall MDC by 20%
      Long Range Missile Launchers(5) 800 each
    Systems of Note:
    • *Enhanced Stealth: The extra ‘biomass’ on the ship’s hull is actually more effective at fouling radar and optical sensor systems(-90% to detect while stationary, -60% when moving).

      *Hull Self-Repair: The ‘living’ hull regenerates damage at a rate of 1d4x10 MD pr minute. It’s rumored that with enough time and material, the CV-O1Hw can regrow entire armatures, as long as the ship’s core remains intact.

      *Kinetic Resistance: The spongy layers of biotech armor are more resistant to kinetic damage, as from rail guns, g-cannon, and meteorites. Such kinetic-based strikes do HALF damage to the ship.

      *Seeder Mode: Upon landing, the CV-O1Hw can literally set down roots, launching an accelerated growth of tailored vegetation around the landed ship, providing both camouflage and fortification, and the ship’s systems can draw upon the planted forest for materials absorbed from the surrounding ground. The process takes about 5d6 minutes before the ship can start sending out runner-tendrils to start growing a jungle up around the landed vessel.
      The same root network can also serve as a landline communications system; a common tactic is for a Horrorwoods contingent to land, take cover, and maintain radio silence, all the while establishing a fortified beachhead.
    Weapons Systems:
    • 5) Long Range Missile Launchers (5): Some of the added mass on the CV-O1Hw is a set of long range missile launchers, one concealed in the ‘foliage’ on each armature. These are used primarily for surface attack, but a common tactic of the Horrorwoods is to launch, on approach, LRMs with Vine Munition MIRVs, allowing the Tribe to ‘seed’ larger areas with insta-grow dense hungle groves that at the very least distract enemy forces. The Horrorwoods have also been experimenting with adapting their rail guns to fire Vine warhead seedpods.
      • Rate of Fire: Volleys of 1-12
        Payload: 120 missiles ready to launch; additional missiles may be carried and loaded from cargo, but will take at least 30 minutes(1 ton of cargo per 12 missiles)
*ESheMar-CV-01EWGr:----Aka ‘Jamstar’, ‘Hackstar’, ‘BelchStar’.--- Ghost Rider variant. It carries no troops, but instead carries some of the most powerful communications jammers in the Shemarrian Star Nation, rumored to be capable of jamming radio transmissions across entire SOLAR SYSTEMS. Its secondary communications role arguably makes it the precursor of the Shemarrian Anemone Communications Arrays. Typically Jamstars will try to stay out close proximity to enemy forces and planets, but occasionally they will close, especially during planetary actions, to better disrupt communications.
  • MDC/Armor by Location:
    • Antennae Arrays (10) 3,000 each
      Enhanced Radiation Emission Particle Beam Cannon (5) 1,000 each
    Systems of Note:
    • *Hyperspace Communications: Jamstars have enhanced and multiple FTL communications systems, making them well-suited as command/communications vessels. Effective range of the signal is 10,000 light years, and signal propagation is estimated at 120 light years an hour.

      *Advanced Active Jamming Systems: 700 miles (700,000 miles in space), Enemy sensor-guided weaponry is -10 to strike, and enemy sensor operators are at a -30% to even get a proximity reading on where the Jamstar is exactly(off by 2d6x1,000 miles).

      * Area Jamming: CV-01EWGrs can jam planetary communications much like a solar flare screwing with global radio transmissions. The Ghost Riders can effectively selectively jam radio-band communications with 98% effectiveness across a 300,000 km/186,000 mile radius, 85% effectiveness a across a 186,000 mile radius beyond that, 70% effectiveness out to a 600,000 mile radius, owing to response-lag at light speed, or the ship can brute-force blanket jam(99% effectiveness) ALL channels/frequencies out to a 3 million mile radius, with the effectiveness of jamming dropping off by -20% for every doubling of the area of effect radius beyond that(this high-powered attack mode has earned the ships the moniker ‘Belchstars’). The Ghost Riders will frequently use secondary jamming platforms to provide boosted and overlap coverage when ‘snowing’ an area.
    Weapons Systems:
    • 2) Cruise Missile Launchers (2): 32-silo CAF Autloading pattern, 4 reloads.
      The Plasma Hunter-Killer Torpedo Launchers are replaced with a pair of more conventional Cruise Missile Launchers. However, the Ghost Riders frequently use stealthed cruise missiles for extended range fire missions, or use the launchers to fire long range probes. The Ghost Riders are particularly fond of using FTL radio-equipped stealth probes to infiltrate developing star systems, using the probes’ electronics to hack global internetworks, the real-time FTL comm linkage allowing hacking from the mothership hiding often at the edge of the solar system outside easy detection range.

      5) Enhanced Radiation Emission Particle Beam Cannon (5): On addition to the normal complement of defensive weaponry, the CV-01EWGr sports an array of dual-mode PBCs. In standard mode, these weapons fire armor-blasting particle streams, but they can also fire a longer ranged radiation burst that knocks out electronics. They can be used against planetary power grids and communications networks to take them down.
      • Range: 60 miles in atmosphere, 120 miles in space
          • (EM Pulse) 80 miles in atmosphere, 160 miles in space
        • (Kitsune Values)120 miles in atmosphere, 120,000 miles in space
          • (EM Pulse) 160 miles in atmosphere, 160,000 miles in space
        Damage: 1d4x1,000 MD per blast at full offensive power mode.
        • The particle beam also has a more innocuous mode that does NO damage, but does enhanced EM damage.
          EM effects: Used against unshielded power grids(such as cities and towns), the particle blast has a 99% chance of knocking down electrical systems, including vehicles, in an 120-mile radius(30 miles when in full power offensive mode) of the point of aim. Unprotected computers and other hardware not protected by surge protectors, and hooked into the common power grid, may still be affected up to a hundred miles or more away by power surges through the power lines.
          The beam is less effective against shielded systems such as those on space structures(25%) and military systems(10% for surface military vehicles), which are hardened against radiation.
          Against spacecraft, it acts in the same manner as an Ion Cannon, doing damage as follows:
          5d6x100 EMP damage(special) per blast
          Shields take 1/4 damage from EM blasts
          Does NO PHYSICAL damage to hull, but attacks the electrical systems:
          For every 10% of total main body MDC damage inflicted on a target by EM fire, the target will be -1 to strike, parry(if applicable), and Dodge. Acceleration will be reduced by 15%.
          At 60% or more main body damage from disruptor blasts, the ship is disabled completely.
        Rate of Fire: Once per melee
        Payload: Effectively unlimited
*ESheMar-CV-01Sm: Silvermoon sub-type, distinguishable by the paneling connecting the five armatures into a pentagon shape. The ‘Silverstar’ can absorb solar radiation and redirect it into supercharging its weapons. The Cv-01Sm also beefs up the firepower with five heavy lasers, one mounted on each armature. Besides providing Silvermoon surface forces with a highly visible morale-bolstering presence overhead, the Silverstar can cover them with accurate orbital laser artillery.
  • MDC/Armor by Location:
    • Heavy Laser Cannons (5, one each armature) 500 each
      Solar Arrays (5) 2,000 each
    Systems of Note:
    • *Morphic Laser Resistant Armor: Silvermoon ships are plated in a ‘smart’ material that is normally stealthy as per standard EShemar passive stealth, but can ‘uncloak’ or unfold its outer layers within 1d6 melees to present a laser-reflective aspect(lasers do HALF damage).

      *Energy Absorbers: The Cv-01Sm is lined with super-efficient solar convertors that can gather up other forms of energy as well. This system actually ABSORBS incoming enemy laser, ion, and particle beam weapons fire and reduces its damage by 50%...the next melee, HALF of the damage initially rolled is applied to one of the following: Forcefield MDC(point to point increase, and the additional MDC can be retained for 4 melees/1 minute), energy weapons(increase damage by 1 MD per 2 MD inflicted/absorbed and/or range by 100 ft per 1 MD of damage inflicted/ can only be held for 4 melees/1 minute or else retasked )

      *Solar Reflectors: Conversely, the solar panels can REFLECT light. This is sometimes used to reflect light to the shadow-dark side of planets and other celestial bodies to illuminate areas or slowly heat them up(as with causing ice to subliminate). Effective range of 80,000 miles and can illuminate a 10 mile wide area.
    Weapons Systems:
    • 5) Heavy Laser Cannons (5, one each armature)
      Range: 20 miles in atmosphere, 55 miles (88km) in space; X10 range when in strategic combat
      • (Kitsune Values: 20 miles in atmosphere, 20,000 miles in space( 200,000 miles in strategic/planetary bombardment combat!))
      Damage: 4D6X100 per laser battery shot.
      Rate of Fire: 4 shots per battery per melee round
      Payload: Effectively unlimited.
      Capitol Ship scale= -3 to strike small targets(improved Silvermoon laser targeting).
Darkwaters variant, notable mainly because of its amphibious capabilities. Deepstars will frequently land far out at sea where most planetary defense grids have less coverage, and dive deep, deploying submarine forces under cover of deep water.
  • Speed:
    • (Water) Can fully submerge underwater down to a depth of 3 miles, and can move underwater at 20 MPH.
    Systems of Note:
    • *Laser Communications: Typically 5-10 miles underwater using blue-green frequencies, but can reach up into the upper atmosphere above water. Maximum range of 1,000 miles.

      *Sonar: 100 mile range

      *Magnetic Anomaly Detector: Mounted in the armatures are passive magnetic anomaly detectors(MAD) for locating other submarines and ships. ----60 mile range

      *Stealth: The Deepstar is sheathed in sonar-absorbing materials, and other measures are implemented in the design to reduce the ship’s sensor signature. ( -20% to enemy sensory instrument rolls to detect the ship underwater)
    Weapons Systems:
    • 5)Torpedo Launchers (10, 2 per armature)---The Deepstar mounts two torpedo launchers per armature.
      • a) Heavy Torpedoes
        • Range: 20 miles
          Damage: Varies by Torpedo Type(typically 4d6x10 MD)
          Rate of Fire: Volleys of 1-6
          Payload: 48 ready to fire; additional munitions may be held in storage and moved to firing within 5 minutes.
        b) Medium Torpedoes
        • Range: 10 miles
          Damage: Varies by Torpedo Type(typically 2d6x10 MD)
          Rate of Fire: Volleys of 1-12
          Payload: 96 ready to fire; additional munitions may be held in storage and moved to firing within 5 minutes.
        c) Short Range Torpedoes
        • Range: 5 miles
          Damage: Varies by Torpedo Type(typically 2d4x10 MD)
          Rate of Fire: Volleys of 1-18
          Payload: 180 ready to fire; additional munitions may be held in storage and moved to firing within 5 minutes.
        d) Long Range Torpedoes
        • Range: Varies by Torpedo Type(Long Range)
          Damage: Varies by Torpedo Type(Long Range)
          Rate of Fire: Volleys of 1-4
          Payload: 48 ready to fire; additional munitions may be held in storage and moved to firing within 5 minutes.
        e) Medium Sea-Air Torpedoes---A knockoff of Kittani nautical weaponry.
        • Range:(Underwater) 20 miles
          • (Air) 75 miles
          Speed:(Underwater) 400 MPH
          • (Air) Mach 3
          Damage: 4d6x10 MD
          Rate of Fire: Volleys of 1-10
          Payload: 90 ready to fire. Additional reloads can be brought up from storage; takes 5 minutes for reloading.
          Bonuses: (Torpedo)Because of the torpedoes’ higher speed and advanced targeting systems, the Sea Fire doesn’t suffer the same range and accuracy penalties as conventional torpedoes. The Sea Fire has a +1 to strike, and a +3 to strike within 3,000 ft of the target.
          • (Missile)---Not quite as accurate as a dedicated anti-shipping missile, but more powerful. +3 to strike
        f) Heavy Sea-Air Torpedoes---Copy of the longer-ranged Kittani Long Range Rocket Torpedoes
        • Range:(Underwater) 500 miles
          • (Air) 1,800 miles
          Speed:(Underwater) 200 MPH
          • (Air) Mach 3
          Damage: 4d6x10 MD
          Rate of Fire: Volleys of 1-6
          Payload: 48 ready to fire. Additional reloads can be brought up from storage; takes 5 minutes for reloading.
*ESheMar-CV-01Le:---’Blackstar’, ‘Dreadstar’--
Lost Eclipse variant. These ships are visually characterized by their dark or decrepit appearances(on several occasions they’ve been mistaken for derelict spacewrecks, whether accidentally or intentionally). It is said of these ships that they can drain a ship of life within mnutes, or age the ships into rotten ruin.
  • Systems of Note:
    • *Sensor Jamming---In addition to passive stealth, Lost Eclipse ships can actively jam enemy starship sensors, presenting a welter of misleading and confusing signals that can change readings of the EShemar ships to those of other star-nations’ ships, natural phenomena, or organic life. In combat, the Shemarrian vessel will attempt to use its electronic warfare suite to confuse enemy sensors as to the ship’s exact position and activity. Communications Jamming has a 15,000 mile range, is 98% effective against civilian systems, and is 75% effective against more sophisticated channel-jumping military communications suites. Missiles and sensor-guided weapons are -6 to strike.

      *Blurr Field---This is a hull-mounted sensor-spoofing system that distorts light around the ship. While not powerful enough to render the large starships invisble, they do obscure details and make precise visual observations difficult, if not outright impossible. The ship’s hull just seems to -crawl- and blurr into splotches and organic shapes that can be very disconcerting to the eye. Trying to visually target specific parts of the hull becomes nearly impossible(-8 to strike). Even close up, those attempting to make their away across the hull will be distracted and disconcerted(even with their boots firmly sited on the hull, visually the ship’s hull seems to bubble and bulge suggestively around the boarders).
    Weapons Systems:
    • 5) Banshee Wailer (5 turrets): The Banshee Wailer is an electromagnetic based energy weapon developed by the Lost Eclipse tribe as a weapon to quickly deplete a ship's shielding to allow for boarding actions without destroying the target. While they were successful in that the weapon deals incredible damage to shielding, they discovered a few interesting side effects. When fired, the Banshee Wailer releases a nearly invisible discharge that would only show up as a short, but intense burst of EM radiation on sensors, that causes a feed back in the shields to drain them, but this also causes a sheering effect in the hulls of craft, which also causes the hull to emit an ear piercing quasi-human screech at 140 or greater dB. This wailing sound is what gives the weapon its name, and is highly distracting, and can even scare crews. The Banshee Wailer is almost useless against a target without shielding as the energy of the discharges react with the energies that make up protective shielding.
      • Range: 20 miles atmosphere, 2000 miles space
        Damage: 2d6x100 MD against energy shields plus half damage directly to the main hull of the target. If the target does not have any force fields active only deals 4d6x10 damage.
        Rate of Fire: Once per melee per turret-projector.
        Payload: Unlimited tied to ship power supply.
        Each strike against a shielded target not only damages the shields and causes some sheering of the hull, but also causes the hull to vibrate and emit a quasi-human screech, which can affects the fear response in most humanoids, forcing crew to save against Horror Factor of 14, and even if they save against the Horror Factor, unprotected crew suffer -1 action, -2 to all rolls and -20% to all skills due to the highly distracting nature of the noise. This screeching lasts for 1d4 melee rounds per strike, with each strike increasing the duration by 1 melee round, although the crew only has to save against the Horror Factor once per battle for that particular ship. If a different ship equipped with a Banshee Wailer, they will have to save against that ship as well as.
      6) Viral Nanotouch:
      (aka ‘Star-Rot’, ‘Metal Leprosy’ )The Dreadstar’s skin seems to crawl with corruption as well. Vessels coming in contact with the hull of the Lost Eclipse vessels run the risk(at the direction of the Nightmares) of being infected in turn with a form of nanotech rot that discolors and weakens the hull and any systems it can gain acess to.
      • Range: Hull contact, though the Dreadstar can also fling parts of its hull up to 3 miles at nearby spacecraft.
        Damage: Does 3d6x10 MD per melee to afflicted surfaces, for 2d6 minutes. Also embrittles hull armor equal to the amount of damage it does(so if the nanorot does 80 MDC damage to a hull part, that’s another 80 MDC of hull protection that is affected, The affected armor still sheds energy attacks as normal, but kinetic strikes do DOUBLE damage. The nanorot also renders stealth and laser-reflective armors useless. Degraded hull armor must be replaced. The nanorot can be stopped by plasma fire(hull takes damage, but the plasma stops the continuous damage) or certain forms of particle bombardment.
        Rate of Fire: Per contact
        Payload: Effectively Unlimited
*ESheMar-CV-01Sg: ‘Skelestar’.
A somewhat whimsical and threadbare concept fielded in council, if not actually deployed, by the Steel Gaians is this stripped-down framework of a Hitode. Instead of a fixed configuration, the cruiser retains base armament and the improved shields, but has large modular bays in each armature, that can fit copies of the secondary mission-hulls off the Paladin Steel/Aegis Stellar Industries PS/ASI-SCG-17 LaFayette Light Cruiser OR six modular pallet-sections off the ESheMar-LC-01-Unipelta Light Cruiser/Transport.
Because of the Steel Gaians’ close association with their hosts, they have neither built this design themselves with their limited offworld resources, nor have they offered their design to the GNE/USA for production, because of proprietary SSN technologies involved. However, it appears that the Wayfinders may have produced at least two, judging from an encounter over Vala’dan between a Splugorth expeditionary squadron and their Shemarrian counterparts. Kittani long-range scans mistakenly identified one of the -CV-01Sgs as a small spacedock or orbital anchorage, and attempted to engage what they thought was a light vessel squadron at moorage, but were surprised when the whole ‘station’ quickly moved out of range. Though initially believed to have been a large deep space tug transporting several smaller and refiting ships, it is now understood that the ‘drydocked’ vessels were actually part of a larger starship.

  • MDC/Armor by Location:
    • Armatures(5) 72,000 each
      (Optional) Hull Modules(1 per armature) 11,000 each
      (Optional) Pallet Modules(1-6 per armature) 500 each
    Speed: If not carrying ANY pods or modules, the bare bones Skelestar is lighter, and can move at Mach 4 in Atmospheric and Mach 14 in Normal Space flight.

    Systems of Note:
    • *Tractor Beams(20): 500 tons dead weight, 3x normal range.
    Modular Bays (5, one each armature)
    • A) PS/ASI-SCG-17 LaFayette-style Hull Pods(ONE can be mounted under each armature):
      B) ESheMar-LC-01-Unipelta Modular Bays (1-6 can be mounted under each armature):
Last edited by Omegasgundam on Fri Sep 29, 2023 7:25 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Joined: Thu May 08, 2008 11:04 pm

Re: Shemarrian-related fan creations

Unread post by Omegasgundam »

And here’s a true minimalist design for Micro-Fighter fans.

Shemarian Star Nation EShe-F09 Kanjo Micro-Fighter
(‘Crotch Rocket’ and similar)

“The Kanjo takes the ‘small agile knife fighter’ paradigm to the logical conclusion, stripping everything down to the true minimum for its cyborg pilot. The Shemarians can make it work due to the lower quality of what they usually run up against, but they only use it against modern powers when forced, and they have cultural reasons for having a cheap craft to hand out to young bloods willy-nilly. My best guess for how they manage to make it work is that the field interaction pulses are predictable enough that the containment of the reactor has a mild harmonization with the twin drive emitters, which would account for its thrust to weight ratio given its fusion powered. If that’s the case, the meshing is almost on par with the Super-Scorp, but there’s enough data on similar scale ultra-high performance custom CG-bikes over the past few centuries that they’d have something to work from.”
---Captain Harriet McKenna, CAF, Director of Project Prominence

Derided by some as a CG-Bike with delusions of grandeur, the Kanjo has become a reasonably common Micro-Fighter among the Shemarian Star Nation. A Micro-Fighter similar to the WZT Atom, the Kanjo is small enough that the Shemarian pilot actually represents a substantial increase in its effective mass. Its sheer speed and agility make it a difficult target at the best of times, and in the hands of a Shemarian pilot it becomes near futility. While weapons are limited, they are sufficient for defensive screening duties and dealing with the aging and/or primitive designs that dominate so much of the Shemarian’s areas of influence. According to mainstream Shemarian philosophy, using lesser equipment to deal with lesser enemies is a greater test of skill, and if it saves resources than all the better. Its rock bottom production cost means that it can be handed out at near leisure, simplifying a number of personnel management problems endemic to the Tribes.

Beyond its small size, the Kanjo is notable for not having a proper cockpit, with the pilot being protected by a simple transparent canopy which is commonly discarded to save weight. The drive system dominates the craft, with the CG-Field generator and twin emitors forming a Y-shaped chassis that the pilot straddles in operation. Most of the hull is actually the protective engine casing, which has admittedly been substantially strengthened to compensate. The reactor is situated between the prongs, with its overcharged nature imposing constant maintenance and overhauls. It was a significant engineering challenge to fit an SSN standard sensor suite and ECM system in the nose, but the benefits are considered well worth the effort despite taking up a forth the mass budget when combined with the control systems. Weaponry is heavy for its size, with quad light pulse lasers dominating the sides of the hull and represent another fourth of the total mass, but this is still relative.
Type: EShe-F09 Kanjo

Class: Interceptor

Crew: 1 Shemarian Gynoid

MDC/Armor by Location:
  • Light Pulse Lasers (4)----60 each
    Main Body---------------300
    Variable Forcefield-------100 per side (600 total)
  • Height: 6 feet (1.8 meters)
    Width: 8 feet (2.4 meters)
    Length: 18 feet (5.5 meters)
    Weight: 4 tons (3.6 metric tons) fully loaded.
Cargo: Small space in the cockpit for a survival pack and sidearm.

Powerplant: Fusion w/ 10 year energy life.

  • (Atmosphere) Hover to Mach 7, transatmospheric
    (Sublight) Mach 20
    • (Kitsune: 40% of light speed; Accel at 2% of light speed per melee)
    (FTL) The Kanjo is NOT equipped with an FTL drive
    (Underwater) The Kanjo is NOT designed for underwater operations
Bonuses: +4 to Dodge, +3 on Initiative, +1 to Strike, +20% to Piloting Skill

Market Cost: EXCLUSIVE to the (E)Shemarrian Tribes.

Systems of Note:
  • Standard SSN Fighter Systems, as well as the following;

    *Deep Cyberlink: As the NGR’s XML.

    *ECM: Standard ECM suite for confusing sensor-guided weapons; -6 to strike

    *Pilot Restraint System: Keeps the pilot attached to the seat no matter how hard the maneuvering is.
Weapons Systems:
  • 1) Light Pulse Laser (4): Copies from ASI/WZT designs.
    • Range: (Palladium) 2.5 miles it atmosphere, 5 in space
      • (Kitsune Values: 4 miles in atmosphere, 400 miles in space)
      Damage: 1d4x10 MD per pulse burst
      Rate of Fire: EGCHH
      Payload: Effectively Unlimited
Variants: The Light Pulse Lasers are detachable, so there are a number of alternative configurations. The most common is quad Shemarian Grav-Guns with 400 round drums.
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Re: Shemarrian-related fan creations

Unread post by Omegasgundam »

And here's something I'm sure several people have thought of, 3G upgrades to some Shemarian standby weapons.

Shemarian 7000 Gravitonic Rail Gun
(aka ‘ Grav-Scava’)

While the original Scava stood up well even in the Three Galaxies, it could be improved via CG technology. The resulting 7000 model is more than a fifth lighter and has almost a third greater range while being slightly more durable, making it that much more capable. Damage was already considered top notch, with the Flechette and AP rounds standing up to many full sized vehicle mounts. It retains the ability to use a bayonet mount, the short barrel 7500 shares the benefits.
M.D.C of the Weapon: 80

Weight: 100 lbs (45.4 kg) for the gun itself. Ammo is unchanged

Range: (Palladium) 1.5 miles (2.41 km) in atmosphere, 3 in space (4.83)

Mega-Damage: (Flechette) 2D6x10, +2 to strike fast moving targets
    (AP) 2D6x10+20 (Crit on natural 18+)

Rate of Fire: Single Shot

Payload: As the Shemarrian 6000.

Targeting Bonus: +2 to strike when using targeting system

Market Cost: EXCLUSIVE to the (E)Shemarrian Tribes.

Variants: The short barrel 7500 weighs 65 lbs (29.5 kg) and has a range 1 mile (1.6 km) in atmosphere, but it's other characteristics are identical.

Shemarian Gravitonic Assault Rifle
Interestingly, the Shemarians developed this improvement of their original Assault Rifle without any input from Paladin Steel, and fielded it some months before the first PS-GrHW-01 Flammas were produced. The resulting weapons are quite similar, with the SSN sharing many of the design preferences that Paladin Steel used to guide their decision making regarding component layout and overall capabilities. The SGAR is naturally heavier and more durable, and retains the much larger ‘short clip’ of its predecessor. Thanks to its full Gravitic generator, it does not need externally charged ammunition, which simplifies logistics, and it retains the Gravitonic Counter Baffling that makes it so much easier to use. Like the Flamma, it needs an external power source, but the Shemarian hand induction system is more than sufficient.
M.D.C of the Weapon: 75

Weight: 65 lbs (29.5 kg) for the gun, 20 lbs (9 kg) for the ammo

Use Requirements: Robotic PS of 20 or Supernatural 15 to use two handed, +5 for one hand. -3 to Strike otherwise.

Range: 4000 ft

Mega-Damage: 3D4 single shot, 1D4x10 per 3 round bust, 2D6x10+10 per 10 round burst.

Rate of Fire: Single Shot, 3 and 10 round burst.

Payload: 240 round ‘short clip’, or 80 short burst and 24 long bursts

Targeting Bonus: +1 to strike, and no penalty to burst two handed, half penalties one handed.

Market Cost: EXCLUSIVE to the (E)Shemarrian Tribes.

Variants: Since the development of the PS-GrHW-01B, the SSN has created their own equivalent modification, and is easily done by Tinkerers in the field.

EShe-HPL-95 HI-Laser SMG
(aka ‘Shem-80’)

Technically the SSN’s replacement for the original LPP-81, the HPL-85 is more often used as a form of submachine gun. Taking the internals of the ever popular HI-80 and putting them into a more cyborg handy form, the weapon is more than double the weight but much more compact as a result. While having only moderate range by Shemarian standards, the damage potential is impressive for a single handed energy weapon, leading to it being a common backup weapon for those that would normally use a larger long arm or are unable to find a practical space for a full size weapon. Other than hand induction, the primary power source is a forward mounted E-Can, with a secondary slot for normal E-Clips in the handle. Unfortunately, several of the key components require Zero-G manufacturing, so it is uncommon at best amongst the Rifts Earth Tribes.
M.D.C of the Weapon: 60

Weight: 15 lbs (6.8 kg) for the gun

Range: 2000 ft

Mega-Damage: 4D6+6 single shot, 2D4x10+10 per 3 shot burst.

Rate of Fire: Single Shot and 3 round burst.

Payload: 90 shots per E-Can, and a standard sized clip provides 30 shots. Hand induction only provides 24 shots per melee total, which is insufficient when using two, but can be used to channel an external power pack without an exposed cable.

Targeting Bonus: +1 to strike

Market Cost: EXCLUSIVE to the (E)Shemarrian Tribes.

Variants: The HLP-96 weighs another 5 lbs (2.28 kg) and has a more normal rifle silhouette, with the mass going into doubling the range. Payload goes down to 60 and 20 shots respectively.
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Re: Shemarrian-related fan creations

Unread post by taalismn »

...damn...I've got some reading to do...and some updating of the Codex Masterfile
"Trouble rather the Tiger in his Lair,
Than the Sage among his Books,
For all the Empires and Kingdoms,
The Armies and Works that you hold Dear,
Are to him but the Playthings of the Moment,
To be turned over with the Flick of a Finger,
And the Turning of a Page"

--------Rudyard Kipling
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Re: Shemarrian-related fan creations

Unread post by Omegasgundam »

For my next project, a (normal non-lewd) version of the Acolyte to serve as ship crew and a possible superpowered version(s).
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Re: Shemarrian-related fan creations

Unread post by taalismn »

Omegasgundam wrote:For my next project, a (normal non-lewd) version of the Acolyte to serve as ship crew and a possible superpowered version(s).

Added the Warbride and the new fighters to the Codex Masterfile(which in hardcopy is now running over three pages, single-spaced...)
"Trouble rather the Tiger in his Lair,
Than the Sage among his Books,
For all the Empires and Kingdoms,
The Armies and Works that you hold Dear,
Are to him but the Playthings of the Moment,
To be turned over with the Flick of a Finger,
And the Turning of a Page"

--------Rudyard Kipling
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Re: Shemarrian-related fan creations

Unread post by Omegasgundam »

taalismn wrote:
Omegasgundam wrote:For my next project, a (normal non-lewd) version of the Acolyte to serve as ship crew and a possible superpowered version(s).

Added the Warbride and the new fighters to the Codex Masterfile(which in hardcopy is now running over three pages, single-spaced...)

Do you know where I can find some good mechanical/vehicle super powers? At least ones that you haven't used in your Bio-Mods yet.
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Re: Shemarrian-related fan creations

Unread post by Omegasgundam »

This girl has effectively 2 (non-combat) Majors and 1 Minor power, but I think it's balanced. She does have 62 (non-language) skills though, but they’re almost all Operator related. And she’s a Psi-Tech Master Psionic. And the Majors are custom jobs.

Alright, look, she’s for Real Role Players in Shemarian campaigns and/or a support NPC template.

Shemarian Shipbride Seeress Sub-Caste
“Normally we don’t care for the Ecotroz, but we make a few exceptions. Warbrides get a pass due to their capabilities and ease of keeping in line, but Shipbrides are outright welcomed. They are pure hardware geeks that would make any Tinker blush, and so long as we don’t cause them more work they don’t care what we do. We’re known for being almost purely software focused, so having somebody to offload things onto is a massive boon. Then there’s the fact that they can make a processor run faster than anybody else if you ask nicely enough, which is a massive advantage when it comes time to show your skills. It also helps that they don’t give a nerd’s zit about the whole Shemar thing and any sermon they give is going to be dedicated to the Cult of the Engineer.”
---- Wargoddes Carry Blacknoise, SSN Ghost Riders.

“Interestingly, on a metaphysical level quite a few of them truly are ‘married’ to their ship. Nobody has tried to reassign them while their ship is intact, and its unofficial policy to not do so unless their spouse is a total constructive loss. The handful of brides that have married sequential ships show the usual signs of emotional loss, but their personalities are the types that are best able to take it. Pretty much all of them react the same way when the Captain does something stupid with the ship though, which results in heated relationships for the Blood Riders. But considering it's the Blood Riders, that just makes them more likely to be listened too.”
---- Excerpt from Wayfinder reports

“What are you doing in the sovereign nation of engineering, ma’m?”
--- Common sentiment among Shipbrides.

An outgrowth of the same efforts that resulted in the Warbride, the Shipbride has a few steps of separation between it and the lewd creation of Clan M’Kri. The success in creating an equivalent to the GREY DANCER Bio-Mod encouraged the Wayfinders to look into other augment packages that would be useful, and the engine boosting CELESTE DYNE immediately sprung to mind. They even had a basis to work with, as the Techno-Wizard clan counted several Psi-Techs to study, and they were able to convince Mintha Rodasi of the Thousand Dragons to serve as a starting point. The newly created Ecotroz empowering method reacted quite well to being scaled down in overall strength, and while it took time to create the right chassis foci to make it function the were able to create a psionic based version of the ‘Bio-Overdrive’ power. Now it was just a matter of figuring out how to use it.

It was decided that the best basis for the new sub-caste was the Seeress, which was known for its high Psionic potential, intelligence, and diplomatic nature. Its fragility and lack of combat ability was seen as a non-issue given its primarily support nature. Beyond the new Psionic-Overdrive ability, other augments consisted of improving their mental abilities and increasing their affinity with machines in general, with the hopes of creating a ‘Chief Engineer' caste that could ride herd over the more rambunctious Tinkerers. They would prove to be very successful in this, with the soon to be called Shipbride able to both improve their assigned ship and keep it running, be it from mechanical or personnel issues. This would also lead to them being substantially stronger Psionics than normal, with an overall strength and number of powers equal to a Psi-Tech.

Once finalized, Shipbrides rapidly came to dominate the leadership of shipboard engineering departments across the SSN. Even the Ghost Riders, who normally care little for the Ecotroz infection, have welcomed them into their ranks, although this is likely due to the Shipbride’s sheer professionalism. While based on the Seeress, Shipbride’s are remarkably materialist in outlook, caring first and foremost about their assigned charge and having little time to concern themselves with spiritual matters. They also care very little about organic matters in general, viewing them as a complication that they usually get to avoid dealing with, and their personal demeanor is similar to that of every other professional engineer to the point of becoming a cliche. Naturally, they get along great with Tinkerers and the like.
As a Shemarian Seeress (Rifter 45 pgs 33-35), with the following changes;

Ecotroz Electro-Virus Intelligence Fragment:
  • Alignment: Scrupulous, Unprincipled, or Aberrant. NEVER Anarchist.
    IQ: 18+1D6 (Av 22, so +8% to skills)
    ME: 21+2D4 (Av 26)
    MA: 4d6 (Av 14)
    Hit Points: (Energy Form) 1d6x10+M.E.
    P.P.E.: 8
    Constant Psionic Abilities: Object Read, Telemechanics, Telemechanical Possession, and Telemechanic Mental Operation at will for no ISP cost.
    Infection Ability: Can infect other bots with the Ecotroz viral-entity, by bite or sustained touch (takes 3 attacks).
    Sleep Requirements: Needs 2 hours per every 24, but can push it for (I.Q.) days, but then go dormant for 4D6 hours afterwards.
    Vulnerabilities: As the fragment is necessary for its psionic systems to function, it is always born with it, and as such is IMMUNE to Exorcism and Banish.
Systems of Note:
  • All SSN standard gynoid systems, as well as the following;

    *Bionic Cybernanite Repair Systems: These systems repair 4d6 MD per hour, and can repair 50 MDC before needing material stocks to convert to MD repair material.

    *Super Power Channeling Array: The reason for the Shipbride’s development, this is the primary material cost of the augmentation, and it is not a small one. While intact, the Shipbride has the Super Power of Psionic-Overdrive, and the size categories by x5 greater than normal. This allows them to affect a ship slighter greater than a megaton. The power is tied to the Ecotroz fragment, but does not function without the array. She also has the power of Master of Mechanics, but as this is an expression of her still it is in full force regardless of whether or not she has an SPCA.

    *Cranial Psylite Implants: As the Augmenting Helmet (DB:2, pg 128). The ISP hungry nature of Psionic Overdrive led to this being considered mandatory. Thanks to the Super Power imbuement, it also grants her a +6 to save vs Horror Factor and Possession, and a +1 to save vs Illusions.

    *Psi-Shield: As Psionic Crystal Armor (DB:2, pg 128), but MDC is increased by 10 every level of experience. It also grants +2 bonus to save vs psionic attacks, +1 for every 4 levels of experience.

    *Psinetic Eye: The shear number and power of pre-existing psionic augments mean that these can be activated at will for no cost.
    • Read Dimensional Portal: 20 ft
      See Astral Beings: 60 ft +10 per level of experience
      See Aura: 60 ft +10 per level of experience
      See the Invisible: 400 ft
      Sense Magic: 200 ft
  • 1) Crystal Paralyzer: Replaces the Stun Device in the left palm. As DB:2, pg 127.

    2) Psi-Bolt Projector: Replaces the Concealed Plasma Emitter. As a Crystal Bolt-Pistol (DB:2, pg 127), but double the payload (40) and can be used to project psionic powers (Touch based and other short range powers out to 500ft for an additional 3 ISP)
Skill Programming: Much of the normal Shemarian (and Shemarian Seeress) skill set has been omitted to save room for mechanical and scientific ones that would help in her primary job. She also learns new skills as an Awakened Neural Intelligence. The presented numbers do not include IQ bonuses or powers, but do include that she’s an NI and cross skill bonuses.
  • Communications
    • Language & Literacy: up to 30 of choice at 98%
      Barter: 80%
      Cryptography: 95%
      Electronic Countermeasures: 99%
      Laser Communications: 99%
      Radio Basic: 103%
      Optic Systems: 95%
    • None
    • Computer Repair: 97%
      Electrical Engineering: 91%
      Electricity Generation: 91%
      Robot Electronics: 90%
    • None
    • Aircraft Mechanics: 95%
      Bio-Ware Mechanics: 90%
      Locksmith: 95%
      Mechanical Engineer: 95%
      Robot Mechanics: 90%
      Spaceship Mechanics: 95%
      Vehicle Armorer: 95%
      Weapon Engineer: 90%
    • None
    • Demolitions: 101%
      Demolitions Disposal: 99%
      Demolitions Underwater: 97%
      Find Contraband: 80%
      Military Etiquette: 103%
      Recognise Weapon Quality: 92%
    • Depressurization Training: 103%
      Climb: 103%/95%
      Swimming: 99%
      Hand to Hand: Expert (8th level)
      Zero Gravity Movement & Combat: 125%
    • Automobile: 103%
      Hovercraft: 99%
      Grav Pack: 99%
      EVA: 97%
      Small Starship: 91%
      Large Starship: 91%
    Pilot Related
    • Navigation: 103%
      Read Sensory Equipment: 103%
      Space Navigation: 103%
      Weapon Systems: 103%
    • Computer Hacking: 85%
      Pick Locks: 100%
      Prowl: 80%
    • Artificial Intelligence: 80%
      Astrophysics: 95%
      Chemistry: 95%
      Chemistry, Analytical: 90%
      Mathematics (Basic): 103%
      Mathematics (Advanced): 103%
    • Computer Operation: 108%
      Computer Programing: 100%
      Jury-Rig: 90%
      Recycling: 95%
      Salvage: 95%
    Weapon Proficiencies: 8th level
    • Energy Pistol
      Energy Rifle
    • None
Psionics: Is a MASTER Psionic
  • ISP: 2D4x10+40+ME+10 per additional level of experience.
    Level 1 Powers: Telemechanic Paralysis, Machine Ghost, Speed Reading, Total Recall, and two Sensitive powers
    Additional Powers: Gains two Physical or Sensitive powers every subsequent level, and one Super power at levels 2, 4, 8, and 12
’OCC’ Abilities:
  • Machine & Electrical Diagnosis: As Psi-Tech (WB:12, pg 75), no ISP cost
    Soup-Up Machines: As Operator (RU:pg 92) and Psi-Tech (WB:12, pg 75). These modifications are NOT cumulative with each other and/or Machine Optimization power; just use the highest value if there is a difference.
    Mental link to Robots, PA, and Vehicles: As Psi-Tech (WB:12, pg 75). Usually used to do more at an engineering station, but a surprising number have picked up a modified version of the Psionic Power Armor if they have a reason to desire additional protection.
    Jury-Rig Repairs: Lasts twice as long as normal.
    Find Parts and Components: As Operator (RU:pg 92).
    Recognize Machine Quality: As Operator (RU:pg 92), base of 78 due to powers.
Standard Equipment: An SSN Energy Pistol and a Projectile Pistol with 4 clips of ammunition, several SSN shipboard uniforms (equal to light armor), a suit of proper armor for boarding situations, an array of tools equal to that of an Operator, and whatever is available to the Engineering department of their assigned post. As she is likely to be one of the highest ranked members of her department, she can likely gain access to whatever equipment she deems fit to fulfill her duties, and so long as the resource cost does not become significant she can pursue her own personal side projects.

Variants: The Shipbride has been so successful as an engineer that a less expensive version without the SPCA has also been produced, and is substantially more common. While much more expensive than Tinkerers and completely unsuited for field work, they can be relied upon in positions of relative authority and rarely cause problems. They retain the power of Master of Mechanics.
And the new powers.
New Major Power: Master of Mechanics
  • A variant of the minor power Machine Optimization (by Stone Gargoyle), Master of Mechanics is only available to those that already have a vehicle performance increasing ability via mechanical means (ie ‘Operator ability’ or similar). This power both expands upon it and allows the character to have subordinates do portions of the work if they also have Operator abilities. This only affects one vehicle at a time, but it can be of any size so long as the character is held to be the one responsible for it (ie spaceships). The materials and time to do so must be available, and the character must personally oversee the required maintenance.

    The following modifications include, but are not limited to, the following. They are not cumulative with other sources of mechanical enhancement; simply use the highest possible value. The GM has the final say whether something is possible, and larger vehicles are much more difficult to modify in certain ways than others.
    • Increase MDC by 5%+5% for every even level of experience (ie up to +15% at level 4)
      Increase Damage of a weapon by 10%
      Increase Range of any system (Fuel, batteries/capacitors, Weapon range, sensors, communications, or anything with a distance number) by 10%
      Increase a computer’s capabilities (in any aspect) by 15%
      Increase Speed by 20%
      Reduce Weight by 10%
      Add a single extra feature to a body area (front/nose, mid-section, rear section, top/roof, bottom/undercarriage, wing)
    Additional features (not cumulative with other sources; use the highest.
    • 3x speed of Jury-Rig repairs, and they last twice as long as normal.
      2x speed of Machanical and Computer skills
      Half required construction time of mechanical objects
      +20% to Mechanical skills.
Major Power: Psionic-Overdrive
  • A variant of the power Bio-Overdrive (by taalismn), this power has similar effects but does not require a flesh and blood body. Instead it uses the character’s Mental Endurance as its base stat, and operates through primarily psionic methods.

    Range: Touch-Contact. Ideally, the superbeing will attempt to be in direct contact with part of the propulsion/power system.

    Duration: The link costs 5 ISP per minute, and can be maintained for up to their M.E./2 in minutes + 1 additional minute per level of experience before needing to sleep or meditate. This cost (and others) are affected by external cost reducers such as a Psi-Crystal Helmet or equivalent.
    It takes 4 APMs for the superbeing to maintain this power, allowing the character to use his or her remaining actions to do other things (pilot the vehicle, run a weapons console, defend himself from security/engineering, read a book, etc.).

    • 1) Enhance Performance:The metabeing can increase the performance of a vehicle by increasing its speed or simple power output up to half again the normal value (after other modifications). If the character has the Extraordinary Mental Endurance power, treat these tonnage multipliers as being x5 greater (ie Small is ME x500 tons).
      • Small (ME x 100 Tons): Increase speed by 10% per level of experience
        Medium (ME x 1,000 tons): Increase speed by 5% per level of experience
        Large (ME x 10,000 tons): Increase speed by 2.5% per level of experience
      2) Overcharging: For every additional 1 ISP, the effect is increased by 1 level that minute.

      3) Other Bonuses: +10% to piloting skill if the meta being already knows how to pilot the vehicle he or she is linked to.
      While linked, repair attempts (by the superbeing or others) to the propulsion system can be made with a +10% bonus. The character will also be able to instantly discern any problems, malfunctions, or damage to the hardware.
    Group Effects: Unlike Bio-Override, Psionic-Override can be done by groups of metabeings, assuming they all have the power. The maximum number of participants is the highest level of the characters present, who serves as the conductor of the ‘corus’. The group’s ME is combined for purposes of size calculation, the level of effect is equal to the group average, and the maximum length is the shortest of those involved. The ISP cost is divided amongst them, and the often low level of the effect means that the Overcharging ability is needed for a notable impact on multi-megaton capital ships.
Last edited by Omegasgundam on Fri Sep 29, 2023 7:13 pm, edited 5 times in total.
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Re: Shemarrian-related fan creations

Unread post by taalismn »

"For all their mass production capabilities, the Shemarrian Star Nation seems to consider its ships as much part of the crew as the crew themselves. Or perhaps it would be more accurate to say 'family'...It sometimes becomes very hard to tell, with all the interfacing going on, where the Shemarrian and the Shemarrian ship begin and end. The EShemar truly seem to have invested themselves in their vessels."
"Trouble rather the Tiger in his Lair,
Than the Sage among his Books,
For all the Empires and Kingdoms,
The Armies and Works that you hold Dear,
Are to him but the Playthings of the Moment,
To be turned over with the Flick of a Finger,
And the Turning of a Page"

--------Rudyard Kipling
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Re: Shemarrian-related fan creations

Unread post by Omegasgundam »

taalismn wrote:"For all their mass production capabilities, the Shemarrian Star Nation seems to consider its ships as much part of the crew as the crew themselves. Or perhaps it would be more accurate to say 'family'...It sometimes becomes very hard to tell, with all the interfacing going on, where the Shemarrian and the Shemarrian ship begin and end. The EShemar truly seem to have invested themselves in their vessels."

Look, they're like the Mongols, they're different. Only without the sacking, effectively-genocidal slaughters, all out conquest, or fundamental blood thirstiness.

At least against people that you'd want to share a sector with.
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Re: Shemarrian-related fan creations

Unread post by taalismn »

Omegasgundam wrote:And here's something I'm sure several people have thought of, 3G upgrades to some Shemarian standby weapons.

Shemarian 7000 Gravitonic Rail Gun

With the range on these bastards...
I thought of a trick that the dedicated Shemarrian snipers might use: namely seeding a battlefield with low-observability micro robots. Provided the opponent(or environment) isn't blanket-jamming the area and the sniper can still network with the dot-bots, the sniper can get a good idea not just of the to-the-millimeter/microsecond location of the target, but also of the windage, air pressure, and other factors involved in making that up-the-nostril long range shot from hell.
"Trouble rather the Tiger in his Lair,
Than the Sage among his Books,
For all the Empires and Kingdoms,
The Armies and Works that you hold Dear,
Are to him but the Playthings of the Moment,
To be turned over with the Flick of a Finger,
And the Turning of a Page"

--------Rudyard Kipling
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Re: Shemarrian-related fan creations

Unread post by Omegasgundam »

So, here's something I've been putting a few hours into.

Revised Shemarian Skill Programs
Lets face it, the ones listed in the source book are full of bloat that they're never going to use, and are generally a mess. I've broken it down and decided that the default skill load is 55, with higher castes having more. I'm not counting language and literacy, because that's easy to program, and lore/history is also iffy to me. That being said, here's the new skill lists for NI Shemarians of the Rifts Earth SN. Not including real odd balls like the Wayfinders yet though. The %s were scraped from SB:SN entries and SB:1R skill programs. The higher than 98% numbers are for if you're like me and think that everybody should be able to stack them up to offset penalties, not just skill heroes.

The Horsemanship: Shemarian Warmount skill is a placeholder for whatever ends up being used to ride the damn things. By the RAW, they don't have any. Which is one of the more egregious problems I have with it.

Female Warriors
Revised (Warrior) Shemarian Skills
OCC Abilities of Headhunter (RUE: pg 78)
      Lots of languages
      Cryptography: 95%
      Electronic Countermeasures: 97%
      Radio Basic: 98%
      Basic Electronics: 97%
      Detect Ambush: 81%
      Tracking (People): 90%
      Shemarian Warmount x4
      Basic Mechanics: 95%
      Camouflage: 85%
      Demolitions: 101%
      Demolitions Disposal: 99%
      Demolitions Underwater: 97%
      Field Armorer & Munitions Expert: 86%
      Find Contraband: 80%
      Military Etiquette: 98%
      Recognize Weapon Quality: 92%
      Trap/Mine Detection: 85%
      Climb: 98%/90%
      Swimming: 94%
      Hand to Hand: Martial Arts (8th level)
      Jet Pack: 94%
      Hovercraft: 90%
      Hovercycles: 90%
    Pilot Related
      Navigation: 94%
      Read Sensory Equipment: 98%
      Weapon Systems: 94%
      Computer Hacking: 80%
      Prowl: 80%
      Mathematics (Basic): 98%
      Mathematics (Advanced): 98%
      Computer Operation: 103%
      Computer Programing: 95%
      History (Post-Apocalyptic): 81%
      Lore (Demons & Monsters): 85%
    Weapon Proficiencies: 8th level
      Energy Pistol
      Energy Rifle
      Heavy MD Weapons
      Heavy Military Weapons
      Paired Weapons
      Land Navigation: 102%
      Spelunking: 101%
      Wilderness Survival: 94%

Revised Berserker Skills
Warrior but Replace WPs
    Weapon Proficiencies: 9th level
      WP Energy Pistols
      WP Handguns
      Pole Arm
      Paired Weapons

Revised War Chieftain Skills
Warrior +2 new skills
      Barter: 80%
      Public Speaking: 80%

Revised War Goddess Skills
Warrior +3 new skills
      Barter: 80%
      Public Speaking: 80%

Revised (Hunter) Male Skills
OCC Abilities of Wilderness Scout (RUE: pg 99)
      Lots of languages
      Cryptography: 95%
      Electronic Countermeasures: 97%
      Radio Basic: 98%
      Basic Electronics: 97%
      Detect Ambush: 81%
      Detect Ambush: 81%
      Intelligence: 101%
      Tracking (People): 90%
      Shemarian Warmount x2
      Basic Mechanics: 95%
      Camouflage: 85%
      Field Armorer & Munitions Expert: 86%
      Find Contraband: 80%
      Military Etiquette: 98%
      Recognize Weapon Quality: 92%
      Trap/Mine Detection: 85%
      Climb: 98%/90%
      Swimming: 94%
      Hand to Hand: Martial Arts (8th level)
      Jet Pack: 94%
      Hovercraft: 90%
    Pilot Related
      Navigation: 94%
      Read Sensory Equipment: 98%
      Weapon Systems: 94%
      Computer Hacking: 80%
      Disguise: 70%
      Prowl: 80%
      Streetwise: 70%
      Mathematics (Basic): 98%
      Mathematics (Advanced): 98%
      Computer Operation: 103%
      Computer Programing: 95%
      Lore (Demons & Monsters): 85%
    Weapon Proficiencies: 8th level
      Energy Pistol
      Energy Rifle
      Heavy MD Weapons
      Heavy Military Weapons
      Identify Plants and Fruits: 95%
      Land Navigation: 102%
      Preserve Food: 75%
      Skin and Prepare Animal Hides: 85%
      Spelunking: 101%
      Track and Trap Animals
      Wilderness Survival: 94%

Revised (Agent) Male Skills
OCC Abilities Vagabond (RUE: pg 97) and ?.
      Lots of languages
      Cryptography: 95%
      Electronic Countermeasures: 97%
      Radio Basic: 98%
      Surveillance: 95%
      Basic Electronics: 97%
      Detect Ambush: 81%
      Detect Concealment: 65%
      Escape Artist: 90%
      Intelligence: 101%
      Tracking (People): 90%
      Shemarian Warmount
      Basic Mechanics: 95%
      Camouflage: 85%
      Demolitions: 101%
      Demolitions Disposal: 99%
      Demolitions Underwater: 97%
      Find Contraband: 80%
      Military Etiquette: 98%
      Recognize Weapon Quality: 92%
      Trap/Mine Detection: 85%
      Climb: 98%/90%
      Swimming: 94%
      Hand to Hand: Martial Arts (8th level)
      Jet Pack: 94%
      Hovercraft: 90%
      Hovercycles: 90%
    Pilot Related
      Navigation: 94%
      Read Sensory Equipment: 98%
      Computer Hacking: 80%
      Concealment: 80%
      Disguise: 70%
      ID Undercover Agent: 85%
      Imitate Voices and Sounds: 88%
      Palming: 85%
      Pick Locks: 100%
      Prowl: 80%
      Streetwise: 70%
      Tailing: 95%
      Mathematics (Basic): 98%
      Mathematics (Advanced): 98%
      Computer Operation: 103%
      Computer Programing: 95%
      Lore (Demons & Monsters): 85%
    Weapon Proficiencies: 8th level
      Energy Pistol
      Energy Rifle
      Land Navigation: 102%
      Wilderness Survival: 94%

Revised Yurei Skills
As Agent +4 skills
      Undercover Ops: 95%
      Gymnastics 90% OR Acrobatics 85%
    Weapon Proficiencies: 8th level
      Paired Weapons

Revised (Med/Tech) Tinkerer Skills
OCC abilities of Operator (RUE: 92) and/or Rouge Scientist (RUE: pg 95)
      Lots of languages
      Cryptography: 95%
      Electronic Countermeasures: 97%
      Laser Communications: 99%
      Optic Systems: 95%
      Radio Basic: 98%
      Computer Repair: 97%
      Electrical Engineering: 91%
      Electricity Generation: 91%
      Robot Electronics: 85%
      Shemarian Warmount
      Aircraft Mechanics: 85%
      Bioware Mechanics: 85%
      Mechanical Engineer: 85%
      Robot Mechanics: 85%
      Vehicle Armorer: 85%
      Weapon Engineer: 85%
      Field Surgery: 89%
      Medical Doctor: 84/74%
      Pathology: 85%
      Paramedic: 90%
      Demolitions: 102%
      Demolitions Disposal: 100%
      Demolitions Underwater: 98%
      Find Contraband: 80%
      Military Etiquette: 98%
      Recognize Weapon Quality: 92%
      Climb: 98%/90%
      Swimming: 94%
      Hand to Hand: Expert (8th level)
      Jet Pack: 94%
      Hovercraft: 92%
    Pilot Related
      Navigation: 94%
      Read Sensory Equipment: 98%
      Weapon Systems: 90%
      Computer Hacking: 86%
      Pick Locks: 101%
      Prowl: 81%
      Artificial Intelligence: 75%
      Biology: 92%
      Chemistry: 96%
      Chemistry, Analytical: 85%
      Mathematics (Basic): 98%
      Mathematics (Advanced): 98%
      Computer Operation: 109%
      Computer Programing: 100%
      Jury-Rig: 85%
      Recycling: 93%
      Salvage: 95%
    Weapon Proficiencies: 8th level
      Energy Pistol
      Energy Rifle
      Land Navigation: 102%

Revised (Medical) Seeress Skills
OCC abilities of Body Fixer (RUE: pg 87) AND Cyber Doc (RUE: pg 90)
      Lots of languages
      Barter: 77%
      Cryptography: 95%
      Electronic Countermeasures: 97%
      Radio Basic: 98%
      Electrical Engineering: 91%
      Robot Electronics: 91%
      Shemarian Warmount
      Bioware Mechanics: 91%
      Mechanical Engineer: 91%
      Robot Mechanics: 91%
      Weapons Engineer: 91%
      Animal Husbandry: 85%
      Brewing (Medical): 85%
      Cybernetic Medicine X2: 90%
      Holistic Medicine: 95%
      Field Surgery: 89%
      Pathology: 85%
      Medical Doctor: 90%/80%
      Pathology: 90%
      Paramedic: 90%
      Psychology: 85%
      Veterinary Science: 85%
      Find Contraband: 80%
      Military Etiquette: 98%
      Climb: 98%/90%
      Swimming: 94%
      Hand to Hand: Expert (8th level)
      Automotive: 98%
      Jet Pack: 94%
      Hovercraft: 90%
    Pilot Related
      Navigation: 94%
      Read Sensory Equipment: 98%
      Weapon Systems: 94%
      Computer Hacking: 80%
      Prowl: 80%
      Biology: 92%
      Botany: 90%
      Chemistry: 96%
      Mathematics (Basic): 98%
      Mathematics (Advanced): 98%
      Xenology: 70%
      Zoology: 90%
      Computer Operation: 103%
      Computer Programing: 95%
      History (Post-Apocalyptic): 81%
      Lore (Demons & Monsters): 85%
    Weapon Proficiencies: 8th level
      Energy Pistol
      Energy Rifle
      Land Navigation: 102%

Revised Valkari Skills
As Medical +7 skills
      Detect Ambush: 81%
      Detect Concealment: 65%
      Tracking (People): 90%
      Camouflage: 85%
      Trap/Mine Detection: 85%
      Tailing: 95%
      Lore (Funeral Rites): 40%
    Weapon Proficiencies: 8th level
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Re: Shemarrian-related fan creations

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Shar-Stick Fighting Rods
“Shar-sticks really caught on once the Berserkers figured out they could vary their length without reducing their effectiveness in close combat. That’s extending and retracting them in the middle of melee. Crazy. Shemarrian escrima is a thing now.”

These are simply the NEMA/Republican CPA-003 Energy Rod(see Rifts Sourcebook, Revised Edition, pg. 131). While the Shemarrians have agreed not to replicate any of the Republicans’ new weapons, the Berserkers who found the plans to these weapons in the database of Factory/Temple-7 , liked them too much to mention that they’d kept the schematics when the Shemarrian Nation handed over the factory to the NEMA remnant.
Weight: 6 lbs
MDC: 40
Range:(Melee) Melee(5 ft length fully extended)
(Energy Blast) 2,000 ft fully extended. 1,000 ft retracted
Damage:(Melee)Blunt: P.S. damage
Stab: 1d4 MD + P.S. damage
(Energy Blast)5d6 SDC, 1d6x10 SDC, or 1d4 MD
Rate of Fire: ECHH
Payload:(Energy Blast) Effectively Unlimited(linked to a gynoid’s powerplant)
Special Features:
*Telescoping Design----The Shar-stick can compact down to 12 inches and can be attached to a forearm vambrace.

Shemarrian SheGA-1 “Shega” Gravity-Axe
“Crown to ground in one stroke! Not bad! But you’re going to have split more than one to beat any records.”
“Bring ‘em! I’m in a beheading mood today!”

“Okay, seriously, that weapon has to mass more than that sprite of a girl, she could hide squatting behind that enormous blade, and yet she’s spinning that thing like a gymnastics ribbon. In that outfit, she can’t be hiding robot actuators or an exoframe, so I figure either she’s a shapeshifted dragon or she’s on some serious magic-boosts. Just don’t annoy her and stay out of reach of that super-cleaver. Okay, stay WELL away from her, just in case she can fling and swing that thing at the end of a tether.”

This pole-arm-style weapon resembles an oversized log-splitting wedge with a large thick head or an absurdly-large blade and a large spherical pommel at the end of the haft, but it is much more sophisticated. Developed by the Skullcrushers, the Gravity Axe uses an integral gravity generator, similar to those in personal gravity packs and gravity boots, to manipulate localized gravity around the weapon. Controlled and powered directly by the wielder through an induction interface or hardwired connection, the weapon can be made light as a conductor’s baton, or as heavy as a truck for purposes of melee combat. Thus the GA can be used to parry like a much lighter weapon, or hit on a cleave like a deity’s wrath.
The Gravity Axe is virtually useless, except as a big blunt object, to anybody who does NOT have a superfast neural interface modem or hardlink to the weapon. It’s just not possible for the average joe to be able to adjust the settings on the fly(or so the Shemarrians claim).
Naturally, the Gravity Axe has caught on famously with Skullcrusher Berserkers, and from there spread to the Bloodriders(the first Skullcrusher Gravity Axe to leave the Tribe was supposedly lost by Sister Haruka Spinecracker to a Bloodrider NeShemar in a challenge fight) and from there to the Horrorwoods. A few neShemar full-coversions have managed to win and master examples too.

Weight: 200 lbs
MDC: 300
Range: Melee
Damage:(Variable) Unpowered, the Gravity Axe does 1d4 MD+ half any PS damage from the wielder.
Fully powered-up, the weapon does adjustable damage from 2d4 MD to a maximum-mass setting 2 APM power strike that does 2d4x10 MD+ any PS damage from the wielder.
The rounded pommel can also be used to deliver an adjustable blunt force strike of 3d6 SDC-1d8 MD+ any PS damage from the wielder.
Rate of Fire: ECHH
Payload: Effectively unlimited; powered by an RTG power cell in the pommel good for 2 years and supplemented by induction from the cyborg/robot wielder.
Special Features:
*Gravity/Weight Control---The CG generator coils in the haft and head of the weapon allow the weapon to be changed in weight from a few ounces(+2 to parry) to an effective striking mass of fifteen tons(-8 to parry). It takes 1 APM to adjust the weight setting. A favorite gag of EShemar is to come in juggling the weapon like a baton, then set it on the ground(quietly adjusting the weight to maximum) and dare others to pick it up.
*No-Stick Coating---Prevents the weapon from hanging up in targets, and makes for easier cleanup.
Cost: None are known to have become available to the Black Market. If one were, its technology alone would net it 160,000+ credits from the right parties.
The blade-head can be customized to a variety of shapes(a Steel Gaian example resembles a giant wrench), and many users add their own iconography to their personal weapons. The blade can be large enough to serve as a shield, and some owners silver-plate the weapon, or even mirror-chrome it for attempts at parrying laser beams.

` * Repulsor Field--- Some users have modified the weapon to project an electromagnetic repulsion field; ion weapons and rail gun projectiles do HALF damage trying to shoot through it, and metal bullets, shells, grenades, and other projectiles are tossed aside by it(has an 10 ft range)...Melee weapons must be wielded by a PS of 24(or Superhuman PS of 18 or better) or greater to be pushed against the field, or be knocked aside/away. It extends 2 ft to either side of the blade/head.

` *Gravitic Repulsor Field--- Rather than an EM field, this customization tweaks the gravity generator to project a gravitic shockwave that deflects any incoming material projectiles/objects equal in mass to 200 lbs +the wielder’s weight with a lateral gravitic force wave that extends out 12 ft. sending objects and people caught in it flying(2d4x10 ft): 90% chance of knockdown(lose 1 APM and Initiative), 80% chance of being stunned(-10 to strike, dodge, parry, and roll, NO Initiative, HALF speed and APMs for 1d4 melees).
Also has the effect of temporarily disrupting C-G drives in a 30 ft radius of them, with a 30% chance of knocking personal and vehicular drives(starship drives are much more resilient to gravitic disruption) completely off-line.
It CANNOT parry energy blasts such as lasers and plasma. Nor, when the repulsor field is up, can the damage field be engaged as the field just pushes stuff away from it(or attempts to) before the blade can make contact; the mode must be switched.
"Trouble rather the Tiger in his Lair,
Than the Sage among his Books,
For all the Empires and Kingdoms,
The Armies and Works that you hold Dear,
Are to him but the Playthings of the Moment,
To be turned over with the Flick of a Finger,
And the Turning of a Page"

--------Rudyard Kipling
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Re: Shemarrian-related fan creations

Unread post by taalismn »

(and now, a crossover with Omegasgundam’s Mexico Crusade in the Paladin Steel thread)

The Mexico Crusade----The EShemarrian POV
“We cannot emphasize this enough; do NOT underestimate this foe. Do not let its weaknesses lull you into complacency, for its strengths are legion. It laughs at almost every attack you can muster. It will tempt would-be allies with the prospect of power and immortality. It will seek to plant traitors in our midst. It will seek to turn those we protect into its foot soldiers. Far from being mindless beasts, many of its number are skilled in the arts of seduction, espionage, and warfare. It counts among its minions practitioners of some of the blackest of magicks It will attempt to use its mist form to get into our very workings and wreak havoc. It is even more insidious than the Black Steel, and even more established in its seats of power. Do NOT underestimate it.
But it is NOT unbeatable. The enemy CAN be beaten. Be aware, be knowledgeable, exercise caution, temper zeal with restraint, alloy suspicion with courage, use your weapons smartly, stand with your sisters, your comrades, and your allies, and the foe will be ours to slay. Be the vanguard of the forces of Life and we shall carry the torch of Light into the very heart of Darkness and vanquish it. Shemar rides to war, and we shall prevail!”
---Wayfinder WarGoddess Alai Truthsblade, to the EShemarrian army about to cross over into New Mexico.

“I am detecting emanations of a most negative nature from that stone pyramid. Whatever is in it is hungry...very hungry.”
“Is there evidence of a containment field in effect?”
“No, my chieftain. It is strictly a stone shelter with a basement level.”
“Set a containment field in place then. Burn anything that tries to emerge. Then bring up those anti-theron bombs we acquired. Blast ways down to the lowest levels, then drop the bombs in. Then slag everything until this place is a glowing, bubbling, pool of lava. Don’t stop until the negative emanations cease totally. I will not leave a reservoir of evil at our backside when we go to confront the Yucatan abomination.”
“As you command, it shall be done, my chieftain!”

“I have silver-plated letter openers, a belt-fed automatic pencil gun, and a hypersonic supersoaker filled with liquid sunshine and I’m not afraid to use ‘em! So come at me, you overgrown sparkly bloodsuckers, come at me!”

“I swear I saw one of them Shemarrians lose an arm in combat, and she just reached over, picked it off the ground with her other hand, and used it to ram the silver-clawed gauntlet into the chest of a bloodsucker. Real casual-like, like she did it every day!”

The Wayfinders, through their magic scryings, had long suspected that a major campaign by the major powers of North America against the Vampir Kingdoms of Mexico was going to come sooner, rather than later. Ghost Rider signal intercepts confirmed that both the Coalition States and Greater New England were mobilizing forces in the aftermath of the Minion War to deal with the sudden increase in aggression from Mexico. Thus the West Coast Tribes were already in motion as the GNE began to assemble its western enclave forces for the big expeditions down into Mexico in what would become known as the Mexico Crusade. The Eastern Tribes would trickle in as they could spare warriors and material from keeping the Splugorth at bay and mop up the post-Minion War Magic Zone.
Against all but the most monstrous of vampire-minions, the EShemar proved a lethal and virtually unstoppable force. Wood- and silver-ammunition firing scava wielded by computer-targeting war-gynoids could snipe-stake secondary vampires and even Masters with uncanny accuracy, and wounded EShemar thought little of losing a limb or even a throat as long as they could still stake their opponent. Intelligent direction of their forces became rather difficult when the vampires’ equivalent of an officers’ corps began dropping like flies due to hyper-accurate sniper fire, especially if the EShemarians could follow it up with a literal decapitation strike and on-site cremation(which the EShemar learned to do with their fast speed or e-animals to pounce on incapacitated vampires). On more than a few fronts, the vampire war machine was stalled by EShemar warriors. The vampires had to increasingly call upon their Deathstrike forces to pin down the techno-nomads, as they proved impossible to mesmerize or terrorize with the vampire mystique.
Still, there were not enough of them to be everywhere the fighting was taking place. However, where the EShemar were, they made a difference. At Arezno, despite their small numbers and tensions with the Luminarians they found there, the EShemar vanguard held the line without complaint, tanking the artillery the undead army had brought up and dishing back scava fire that broke charges by vampire hordes time and again. When the EShemar main body arrived, they promptly fell to the business of rooting out hiding spoiler vampires and destroying them to secure Arzeno’s territories. EShemar cavalry units intercepted many smaller vampire forces, minions, and would-be allies before they could join the main hordes, and thus the EShemar guarded the flanks of the GNE and CS armies bearing down on the nexus point cities.

Initially, three EShemar tribes(one major, the Wayfinders, and two fringe, Clan Shelley and the Sand Blades) were involved at the outset of the Crusade, joining the Western forces as they swept into Arizona and New Mexico, then crossed down into Mexico.

“-reliable sources report that there’s several packs of wild vampires in the hills west of Potosi-San Luis. They’re no real threat to our organized defenses, but there is a dozen secondary vampires and about thirty Leasts, with a heavy weapons team of a dozen allied daylighters holed up in the ruins. They send flying daylighter scouts out by day, and leapfrog to shelters during the night. They likely spotted us during the day, but will wait until dark to try to flank and attack our supply train.”
“Excellent intel, but how are you getting this information?”
“I have my Ways.”

The Wayfinders had long been preparing for something like the Crusade, and when it finally came, they pulled out all the stops to make sure the side of the Living won over the Undead. They made available to any vampire hunters they hooked up with their stockpiles of anti-vampire weaponry, including tchnowizardry equipment. Even where Wayfinder forces were not in obvious evidence, their distribution of anti-vampire weaponry and updated information would make a difference. It is suspected it was the Wayfinders who effectively whispered in the GNE’s ear about the development of the ectofilm-lined TW solletes that played such a role in the night fighting in Mexico.
The Wayfinders would be drawn to the possibilities of the Yucatan dimensional zone, and would establish an enclave at Coba.

Clan Shelley
“Rubber fangs are all very funny, but only in the knowing absence of the real things. Let’s make being scared something enjoyable again, rather than life-ending terror.”

The Shelleyists had long mocked the vampire threat with their own legions of phony undead and Vlade faux-vampires. This almost became a dangerous liability when more and more seriously heavily armed vampire hunters began channeling through the region, and Clan Shelley almost had to suspend their own operations to keep their personnel from being staked by mistake. A little cosmetic retooling, however, and the Vlades and other ‘undead’ were soon able to resume their own anti-vampire actions. Clan Shelley proved especially effective, despite their unorthodox style, in fortifying El Paso(Nubo-hotep personally leading a contingent of his best mummer-miners in digging the city’s defense works) and keeping the community supplied through its siege. Their aquatic Gilloc auxiliaries, when not fighting Lord of the Deep cultists, would escort strike missions down the Pacific coast as far as the ruins of Acapulco.
Clan Shelley would interestingly enough provide a safe haven for what few benign vampire-like beings, such as Dhampirs, there were in the region and in danger of being killed by both sides in the Crusade.

Sand Blades.
“We mean to lay our nightmares to rest by staking them in what they think are their places of safety. As they have disturbed our rest, we will return the favor, only we will end their long night forever.”

The Sand Blades would throw themselves into the Crusade with almost as much abandon as the CS Juicers, seeking revenge against the life-suckers that had wrecked the tribe-members’ lives. This almost cost the small tribe, as they lacked the numbers to sustain a war of attrition, despite the fearsome toll the cyborgs tallied against the vampires and their minions. After proving their mettle in stalling the vampire advances on Fort Reid and Durango, the Sand Blades virtually disappeared during the thick of the hard campaigning afterwards, and many feared the tribe had been annihilated and rendered extinct in their zeal to stake the vampire menace. They re-emerged during the fighting in Milta, ragged, battered, much diminished, but by no means beaten in spirit, though they might well have been finished off if it hadn’t been for the Silvermoons arriving on the scene in the nick of time and pulling them out of the battling. Celes Muri herself, leading her fighters from the front, was seriously injured in the fighting bad enough that she had to be evacuated out of Mexico and north of the Rio Grande(she would survive the war, but missed the final victory, much to her regret). The Sand Blades would reconstitute themselves as the Desert Tribe, their depleted numbers bolstered by other cyborged survivors of the vampires

Other Tribes also participated in the fighting, though in smaller numbers, the Silvermoons being a notable exception.

“The Moon rises in all its pure and silver glory! Let those of Darkness beware; the Night is not their sanctuary!”

“Judging from the expression on your face, monster, you’ve just discovered that these silver-shod boot tips ain’t just for ornamentation, and I’ve discovered you can still feel in those parts down there.”

The Silvermoons may have been late to the party, but when they joined the Crusade, it was with a DEFINITE impact. The silver-plated Warriors of Righteousness would NOT be denied their role in this war against Darkness, and they mobilized whatever they could spare from their ongoing pacification efforts in the former Magic Zone, and scrounged, bought, leased, cajoled, and outright conscripted whatever transport they could get their hands on to get their legions to Mexico.
As it is, the Silvermoons are accredited with arriving just in time and saving what remained of the Sand Blades from the fighting around Milta.
Back-lit by Dawnbringer Array-reflected sunlight, the Silvermoons jumped into combat with both silver-shod boots running. Few vampires or vampire allies would would survive the Silvermoon phalanx when it came to their lairs. Their massed ‘lances of light’(heavy TW sunlight lasers) would become feared by the forces of Darkness.

Sapphire Cobras
Sapphire Cobra forces slithered along the Gulf Coast, avoiding the Coalition States’ border patrols, and into Mexico where they sniped away at vampire cultists and their beasts(the silver-toothed bite of ‘azure vipers’ became a common cause of death among these miscreants). Their Cadejar Sgen proved proficient jungle fighters in the tropical forested coastal regions. Amusingly, sightings of several of their serpentine warmounts being airlifted by Hawkmoon Cyrocs, Galehawks, and Buteos unintentionally triggered waves of nostalgia-associated Mexican patriotism among the natives. Post-Crusade, a number of Sapphire Cobra temples have begun popping up, spreading the good word of the snake goddess.

The Hawkmoons provided much air transport for the expeditionary forces in Mexico, as well as air support where they could.

Wolf’s Path
The Wolf’s Path was too involved in consolidating their territorial gains in the splintered Magic Zone to have much involvement in the Crusade, but they did cut loose a few scout teams to aid their sisters in other Tribes. Packs of supernatural-detector equipped Kantaran were sent to the warzone, though they were sometimes mistaken for vampire-controlled wild both sides(anecdotal evidence suggests that several vampire-minion groups were approached by what they thought were thralled dogs, only to be torn apart by the revealed kantaran).

The Horrorwoods provided many reMounts for expeditionary forces in Mexico, and also made some landings along the eastern Mexican coast in support of the push on Chichen Itza, where they came into their own as jungle fighters. Together with the Dark Waters, it is suspected that the Horrorwoods have established secret darkport enclaves in the cave-shot jungled coastline of the region, and around the former site of Becan. They also appear to have made good diplomatic contacts with the Jaguar People.

Blood Riders
The prospect of glorious combat immediately attracted its share of Blood Riders. Though the Tribe bemoans that they missed the truly EPIC fighting at Chichen Itza, it is rumored that Blood Rider Valkyre ‘early birds’ were able to harvest a few heroes from the fallen that day.

Dark Waters
The largely water-based Dark Waters had little direct role in the fighting, but were able to provide coastal transport, especially in the dangerous waters around the Yucatan. It is suspected that the DarkWaters have established at least one ‘darkport’ base along the Yucatan coastline. Long range Dark Water water-bombers also made surprise ‘soak drops’ on several vampire formations far inland.

Lost Eclipse
Officially, the Nightmare Tribe had little direct participation in the Mexico Crusade owing to their duties elsewhere, Unofficially, it becomes very apparent from anecdotal evidence that the Nightmares had a SUBSTANTIAL presence in the warzone, though whether this was sanctioned, but covert, Tribal action, or free agents at work. The Nightmares seem to have taken terrorizing vampires as a challenge. Besides supporting Clan Shelley when they could, Lost Eclipse members apparently hunted down individual vampires and snuffed them out. It is also suspected that a good number of death cults and would-be vampire allies, especially along the Gulf Coast, were terrorized out of being any help to the Vampire Intelligences by mysterious forces. Some of these death-cultist were so terrified of whatever was pursuing them they even threw themselves at the mercy of Coalition States forces...or else dropped dead at the mere sight of the death’s head. CS military intelligence is still shaking their heads at the reports of ‘flaming blue skulls’.

Clan Motoron
As one of the less well-known EShemar tribes, and one that favored more vehicle-themed transportation, the Motrons were able to move around the country attracting less attention than other clans. The few Motrons who joined the Crusade found perfect disguises as itinerant Operators, especially vehicle mechanics, helping service the broken transport of the many vampire hunter groups that rallied to the Crusade. Their efforts most likely saved several groups from being caught out in the open with broken vehicles.

Th N’R’Mar had already been point-men in secret trade meets with the vampire portion of the Black Market, so the N’R’Mar were actually able to penetrate fairly deeply into Mexico before the Crusade. Though not combatants by design or disposition, the N’R’Mar were able to report on vampire movements before the vampires started sweeping away ANY suspicious-looking d-bees. The survivors would hook up with the Motrons, acting as materials and spare parts scroungers.

Ghost Riders
The Ghost Riders had little participation in the Mexico Crusade, aside from monitoring radio signals traffic, though this proved vital in coordinating(openly with the GNE forces, and ‘shadow-dancing’ around CS forces). Ghost Rider ELINT also proved important in detecting, decrypting, and tracking radio traffic by the vampires’ tech-using minions, though the Ghost Riders found most of these groups, with the exception of DeathStrike, insultingly lacking in any sort of communications security.

Clan Gothek
This Europe-based fringe tribe has no role in the Crusade, but is watching it play out with great interest; their gypsy contacts in Eastern Europe have heard about an uptick in vampire activity around the Carpathians. While the European vampire presence is nowhere near the scale as in Mexico, it is still reason for concern, and Clan Gothek is taking notes on the Mexico Crusade in case they have to apply the lessons in dealing with their own life-sucker problem.

ARCHIE-3 Loyalist Remnants
Prior to the Shemarrian Civil War, ARCHIE-3 and Hagan Lonovich had sent a few Shemarrian scout teams down to check out the rumors of vampires. These far ranging recon units were not recalled during the SCW and continued to send in reports and carry out their directives, though A3 did manage to order them to avoid contact with other Shemarrians without proper ID. Despite this, vampire-hunter EShemar were gradually picking off, capturing, and converting A3 agents in the SouthWest as they came across them. The Mexico Crusade would see the remaining Archie3/Hagan loyalist units either Awakened and brought into the EShemar fold, or destroyed in fighting.

Though the GNE would pull out of Mexico at crusade’s end, seemingly leaving it to the Coalition States and Wellington Industries, such was not the whole truth. The GNE notably deployed its greatest number of VKII Vampire Killer Androids during the Crusade, and many of the survivors of the campaign did not leave Mexico afterwards. Likewise, the CS sent thousands of skelebots into the region on search and destroy missions; not all of them returned or were accounted for, despite occasional reports of damaged rogue ‘bots going on killing sprees.
In fact, many of the missing robot A.I.s would be taken over by the EShemar, the VK2s typically being Awakened and seamlessly assimilated into the Tribes, while many of the missing skelebots became myrmidons or were rebuilt into SilverSkull drones by the Silvermoons.
These remnant forces would continue to prowl Mexico hunting holdout vampires and Dark Cults, and present a covert check on the more extreme policies of the new regimes in the region.
"Trouble rather the Tiger in his Lair,
Than the Sage among his Books,
For all the Empires and Kingdoms,
The Armies and Works that you hold Dear,
Are to him but the Playthings of the Moment,
To be turned over with the Flick of a Finger,
And the Turning of a Page"

--------Rudyard Kipling
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Re: Shemarrian-related fan creations

Unread post by kronos »

Devouring Zombie

The Devouring Zombie is a robot drone similar to the Dissolver and Bolt-Thrall drones, a humanoid robot that is covered with fake skin that appears dead, necrotized and rotting, with ragged clothing or pieces of armour covering parts. Some 'bone' appears in places, such as fingers, part of a leg, arm, ribs, or bits of skull. The Devourer is usually based on larger humanoid species, especially Minion races, with the mouths appearing to be broken and hanging open, but in reality, are fully functioning and designed to stretch unnaturally large and can make powerful large bites, able to fit a typical human head inside.
The Devouring Zombies are used as melee combatant drones and as resource collectors. After battles and not in combat, they will roam a battle field or areas of death and destruction, swallowing large chunks of metal and other usable resources as well as humanoid bodies, armour and the like. These resources are carried back to a camp or nearby Eshemarrian necromancer, or other unit, regurgitates the collected materials for use. Necromancers and other units that can create 'zombies' from dead organic bodies, or pieces of armour, will use the dead to create more robotic zombies to add to the number of drones for protection and labour, while other resources will be used for other purposes.
In combat these large zombies are surprising quick, running into combat and biting and smashing foes, then swallowing them to bring back to their masters. The sight of the jaw stretching to swallow a fellow comrade, and bloated stomach carrying the recently eaten, has demoralized many troops.
Clan Shelley came up with the design and had help from the Lost Eclipse in building the Devouring Zombies, and have proven quite effective in replacing depleted numbers of zombie drones as they help collect resources to make more.
While the use of dead enemies as a form of replacing troops is generally seen as immoral, the Lost Eclipse uses the fear it generates to help their cause, especially since the majority of the Devouring Zombies resemble some of the Splugorth Minion races to anger the Splugorth and spread rumours of their power. Clan Shelley uses the Devouring Zombies mostly to scavenge battlefields and areas for resources, but will use the dead for protection when needed.
The Radiant Edge has show some interest in using Devouring Zombies on fairly recently dead worlds combined with units that can create robotic zombie drones for creating a large work force or a means of protecting the world from scavengers before a larger Radiant Edge force arrives and colonizes the world themselves.

Type: EShe-AD51 Devouring Zombie
Class: Robotic Attack Drone/Resource Collector
Crew: None; robot intelligence
MDC/Armor by Location:
Main Body: 290
Head: 60
Arms (2): 50 each
Hands (2): 40 each
Legs (2) 65 each
Concealed Vibro-Blade (2): 15 each
Salvaged Armour: 30-90

Height: 11-12 ft
Width: 4-6 ft
Length: 3.5-4.8 ft
Weight: 850 lbs
Cargo: 2000 lbs internally, or what can carry in hands
Physical Strength: Equivalent to Robotic P.S. of 30
Powerplant: Nuclear w/ 5 year energy life
Speed: (Running): 150 MPH
(Flying) None possible
(Space) Not possible
(Underwater) Not possible
Market Cost: Exclusive to the Ecotroz-Shemar
Systems of Note:
Full optical systems, laser targeting, passive nightvision, telescopic vision, thermal imaging, infrared, ultraviolet, and polarization filters. Also has motion and heat detection, built-in radar( 50 mile range) and other standard power armor-equivalent systems. Additional/special sensors may be built in by the creating Spinsters or at the behest of individual riders/owners.

Additional Sensors
Secondary Sensors - The Devouring Zombie has a back up set of sensors in its torso to allow it to keep fighting if the head is removed, however all bonuses are halved and it can not use bite or eye lasers. When the head is destroyed, it will immediately move as quickly as possible to the nearest enemy and engage its self-destruct system.

Special Systems
Extending Jaws/Stomach - The jaw can stretch to accommodate a volume up to 3 ft by 3 ft by 3 feet, while the stomach stretches and extends to easily hold 6 human sized subjects, 2000 lbs of materials or dead bodies.

Kinetic Damage Resistance - The fake skin is made with a parts similar to the thermo-kinetic armour, but as it's designed to stretch. Kinetic energy attacks such as punches, melee weapon strikes and bullets have their damage reduced by 25%.

Weapons Systems:
1) Fists - The fists of the Devouring Zombie are designed for combat, larger than normal and reinforced for smashing targets to rubble.
Damage: 4D6 M.D
Rate of Fire: ECHH
Special: Combo-strike - If the Devouring Zombie successfully bites and grapples the target, gains +2 to strike rolls against the target and deals +1d6 MDC damage with Fist strikes.

2) Bite - The Devouring Zombie has a large and powerful mouth, filled with vibroblades and powerful actuators.
Range: Melee
Damage: 5D6 MD
Rate of Fire: ECHH
Special: Gains +5 to grapple/entangle the target after a successful bite attack.
Swallow - The Devouring Zombie can attempt to swallow a grappled/entangled target that is smaller than itself. A target with must have robotic strength greater than the Devouring Zombie, or supernatural 25 to try and climb out of the Devouring Zombie's stomach or mouth. It can try and cut its way out through the stomach, but can only use small weapons (like a knife or pistol) if it beats the Devouring Zombie's Strength roll as the stomach will constrict and restrain the targets if swallowed alive.

3) Concealed Vibro-Blade - Each arm conceals a vibro-blade for slashing attacks.
Damage: 2D4 MD
Rate of Fire: ECHH

4) Eye Lasers (2) - Lasers built into the eyes as back up weapons, stare and blast.
Range: 800 ft
Damage: 1d4 MD single eye, 2d4 MD for both eyes firing simultaneously.
Rate of Fire: ECHH
Payload: Effectively Unlimited

5) Self-Destruct - The Devouring Zombie is equipped with a self-destruct system that will engage when it is destroyed. The self-destruct releases a special reservoir of extremely powerful acid, damaging all within 15 feet of the dissolver for 4D6 M.D. and continues to melt for 1D6 rounds dealing 2D6 M.D. unless neutralized. The dissolver is melted into a bubbling puddle that is dangerous to touch for at least 1D6+3 rounds. Anyone touching the puddle will suffer 1D6 M.D. acid damage.

The robot has an effective I.Q. of 12, and programmed to act as a typical zombie. Devouring Zombies are never infected with the Ecotroz entity as they are expendable combat drones.
Typically has the following:
W.P. sword, W.P. energy pistol, W.P. energy rifle, W.P. paired weapons
Radio: Basic 96%
Land Navigation 86%
Climbing 96%
Languages: Dragonese, English, any 3 others, usually at least one common to the race the dissolver zombie is designed to emulate.
Track 70%
Speech: The Devouring Zombie generally doesn't speak except to make moans, groans, growls and simple phrases such as "yes, no, intruders, stop," etc. When it does speak it is usually guttural and slow and with a faint electrical buzz.
Programmed to recognize most common types of undead, demons, deevils, Splugorth Minions, and other common enemies of the Shemarrians, plus common pieces of equipment or items used by magic users, such as necromancers, shifters, etc.

Actions/Attacks Per Melee: 5
Initiative +2
Dodge +4
Strike +5 (+2 melee for total +7 for melee strikes)
Parry +4
Roll +2
Entangle +4
Disarm +2
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Re: Shemarrian-related fan creations

Unread post by taalismn »

kronos wrote:Devouring Zombie

"This is a curiously clean battlefield...except for all the punched out grave-ghouls laying around."
"Yah, no dead ones, only knocked out the dead ones also got taken away..."
"Trouble rather the Tiger in his Lair,
Than the Sage among his Books,
For all the Empires and Kingdoms,
The Armies and Works that you hold Dear,
Are to him but the Playthings of the Moment,
To be turned over with the Flick of a Finger,
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Re: Shemarrian-related fan creations

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Warmount Variants

(Since omegasgundam introduced to the GNEverse the Mexico Crusade, here's an anti-vampire variant of an older warmount for the Shemarrians to spearhead their front in the war)
*EcoS-K-99 Mixcoatla
----(aka ‘SunMane’,’SunSerpent’, ‘Sky-Peacock’, ‘Laser-Barge’)
“The sightings of these things flying through the night over the American West recalls pre-Rifts accounts of ‘mystery airships’ said to have occurred during the late 1800s or early 1900s. Of course, there’s confusion about the Roswell sightings, too. But at least in this case, the ‘mystery airships’ are at least friendly, as a number of caravans that were being attacked by vampire packs, but were then saved by beams of light coming out of the night sky can attest.”

The Silvermoons variant of the Mixcoatlan attempts to take aloft the impressive laser arrays of the EcoS-K-17 Majestrex and the EcoS-K-137 Lexdrite. The EcoS-K-99Sm is meant to be used by the Silvermoons for aerial point defense, protecting ground forces from enemy fighters, fliers, and missiles, but it found a new calling during the Mexico Crusade with the input of the Wayfinders.
Though initially conceived of as a wholly tech-based variant, before the EcoS-K-99Sm could be fielded, the Mexico Crusade loomed in Wayfinder warnings. The Silvermoons knew they had to be in on the Crusade, so, with Wayfinder help, they hurriedly modified their SunManes with a new TW device of Wayfinder design, greatly enhancing the effectiveness of the Warmount in anti-vampire warfare. Now fitted with the ability to throw long distance beams of mystically-generated sunlight, the SunManes could pin down the forces of Darkness while using their lasers to blast away any cover the vampires were using, including minions. The addition of a TW PPE powerstone also allowed the SunMane to mount magical defenses and sensory systems.
Post-Crusade, most EcoS-K-99Sm riders elected to keep the Sun-Mirrors, finding them useful for a number of other purposes, but always with fighting creatures of supernatural Darkness in mind. The EcoS-K-99Sm/Wf finds deployment with both the Silvermoons and the Wayfinders.

MDC/Armor by Location:
Dazzler Laser Arrays (18 ) 180 each
TW Sun Mirrors(8 ) 120 each
Supplemental PPE Powerstone: -----300 PPE battery capacity; recharges at 10 PPE per hour, 40 PPE/hour at a leyline, 80 PPE/hour on a nexus

Systems of Note:
*Laser-Resistant Armor---Lasers do HALF damage to the SunMane.
Weapons Systems:
1) Dazzler Laser Arrays (18 )--- Replaces the microwave projector arrays. This comparatively lightweight laser/solar array, the product of the Silvermoons’ growing expertise with photonics, folds like a paper fan, opening up like a peacock’s display feathers to gather light energy and align the two dozen small laser projection node ‘eyes’ and ‘smart mirror’ panes for action. The lasers are variable intensity, and can deliver an area of effect blinding flash capable of burning out unprotected eyeballs, or can be dialed up to armor-vaporizing intensity. Furthermore, the Dazzler Array is variable frequency, and can quickly adjust to circumvent the laser-resistant properties of such armors as the Glitterboy’s megachromium plating. Combined, the total output of the synchronized laser projectors can deliver a truly impressive photonic punch over long range. The Dazzler Array also has applications as a field antimissile laser system, able to pluck enemy projectiles out of the air with relative ease.
Note: Deploying the array takes less than 5 seconds and takes NO APMs. When fully opened, the speed of the Majestrex drops to HALF maximum.
The laser arrays mounted on the EcoS-K-99Sm are slightly more durable, accurate, and longer-ranged, owing to the larger and more stable platform they are on.
Range: 9,000 ft
Damage: (Variable)
(Flash-Blinder Mode) Generates blinding effects similar to the Wilks Blinding Grenade(see Rifts Game Master Guide, pg. 177), blinding victims for 1d4 melees, -8 to strike, parry, and dodge, lose initiative and 2 APMs, afterwards the victims are stricken with blurred vision for another 2d4 melees; -1 initiative, -4 to strike, parry, dodge, and lose 1 APM. Even polarizing optics and eye protection are not able to screen out this attack, and even those in power armor or vehicles with optical protection will lose initiative and 1 APM from the flash. Cameras and optical systems will be temporarily overloaded for 1d4 melee rounds.
At ranges of 200 ft or less, those without eye protection must save versus Coma/Death, or risk PERMANENT blindness from the intensity of the lasers on their optical nerves.
Flash-Blind Mode can be directed at specific targets at maximum range(counts as an aimed shot) or an area of effect attack can be called, affecting onlookers in a 45-degree arc in front of the Majestrex out to a maximum range of 500 ft.
(MD Mode) 1d6 MD to 2d6x10 MD per shot
If fighting in broad daylight without any sort of shade impeding light intake, the lasers get an extra +2 to damage. In airless space, with no atmosphere to impede solar energy, this gets increased to +4(at ranges similar to Earth and Mars...beyond that, as solar intensity wanes, so does energy absorption).
If the solar array has time to absorb solar energy prior to combat, the lasers get an extra +6 MD(+12 MD in airless space) to damage for every hour of solar absorption, for the first minute of combat, or get an extra minute of increased damage(at the +2 level) per hour of prior charge-up.
The lasers also get an extra +2 to damage the following melee, for every laser impact hitting the laser array, as a portion of the laser energy is absorbed, converted, and rerouted to the laser projectors.

Furthermore, up to 9 laser arrays can be brought to bear on the same target, making a laser broadside from one of these wamounts a thing to be feared!

Rate of Fire: EGCHH
Payload: Effectively unlimited.
Bonus: The Dazzler Array gets a +5 to strike owing to the superior placement and triangulation available to the lasers. It can also adjust frequencies within 1d4 melees to overcome laser-resistant armors.

8 ) Globe of Daylight/Sun Mirrors(8 )---Mixed in amongst the Dazzler Arrays are several TW reflectors; these are ectomaterial-doped ‘smart’ mirrors reflecting light from a Globe of Daylight spell. These are smaller versions of the giant ‘smart’ mirrors that make up Greater New England’s orbital Dawnbringer Arrays, and further confirm that the Wayfinders had a hand in creating those giant sunlight reflectors.
Range: 11,000 ft and illuminates a 120 ft area
Damage: None normally, but does to 1d6x10 Hit Points of damage per melee to vampires.
Rate of Fire: ECHH
Payload: 1 PPE per hour

Magic Systems
*PPE/Aura Sensors(stats courtesy of Kitsune)---Another Wayfinder contribution to the EcoS-K-99Sm are these magic sensors. Scaled down fighter-portable TW magic sensors, the Wayfinders’ copy of the ORACLE Mrk IVF suite
• See Aura: Slightly different than the spell in that it can scan an entire target such as a ship, station, vehicle, or area. The enchantment can be used to target a single individual but only have one tenth normal range when being used in that matter. Costs 60 P.P.E. per activation due to extended range. Range: Fighter Mount: 100 miles (160 kilometers) in space and 1 mile (1.6 kilometers) in an atmosphere. Effects / Abilities: Gives an approximate count of the number of life forms onboard. Gives the average level of experience, highest level of experience, and lowest level of experience [Given in these terms: Low (1-3), medium (4-7), high (8th and up).] Tells if there is any magic onboard. Gives if there are any psychics onboard (Mind Block will prevent detection), Gives a general count on the amount of P.P.E. the target has (basically the P.P.E. of the crew and any devices which store P.P.E.). Detects if there is any kind of possession. Finally sees if the crew or ship has any unusual aberrations.
• See the Invisible Sensors: The ships has several special optical and other sensor systems with see the invisible on them. Same as spell and used at will (requires no P.P.E. to activate). Range: Fighter Mount: 200 miles (320 kilometers) in space and 2 miles (3.2 km) in an atmosphere. Effects / Abilities: Can see forces, objects, and creatures which can turn invisible, or are invisible. Can also see vaporous beings and astral bodies.
• Sense Magic: The ship has sensors which the give the ability to detect active magic. Similar to spell and used at will (requires no P.P.E. to activate). Range: Fighter Mount: 20,000 miles (32,200 kilometers) in space and 200 miles (320 km) in an atmosphere.
• Sense Rifts: Ship has sensors which effectively allow Rifts to be detected. The system can be (requires no P.P.E. to activate). Range: Fighter Mount: 50,000 miles (80,500 kilometers) in space and 500 miles (805 km) in an atmosphere.

*TW Forcefield---Provides 50 MDC per 10 PPE/20 ISP pumped into the system; lasts 10 minutes per 10 PPE/20 ISP.

*Ectofiber Insulation Grid
-Magical Attacks do HALF damage/effect
"Trouble rather the Tiger in his Lair,
Than the Sage among his Books,
For all the Empires and Kingdoms,
The Armies and Works that you hold Dear,
Are to him but the Playthings of the Moment,
To be turned over with the Flick of a Finger,
And the Turning of a Page"

--------Rudyard Kipling
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Re: Shemarrian-related fan creations

Unread post by kronos »

And because we haven't had a BlackSteel unit for awhile...

Thrullg (BlackSteel Corrupted A-51-Pariah/A-SHE-12)

"I thought the Shemarrians where scary, but the ones that have that black, blistery skin are demons! My team found one of those exiled ones.. The pariah, or something like that. For a 7 foot tall member of a warrior race, she looked pathetic and in need of help. She was going on about demons chasing her. So we started to prepare for a fight. Then a bunch of these black, demon-like creatures burst through the tree line, and that's when I heard Joe, our mage, screaming like the Devil himself was torturing him. I looked over and saw that the 'helpless' lady had turned into something like the demons we were fighting, with two tentacles from its temples impaling him as it was biting into his neck and seemed to be draining him dry. The rest of fight was a blur as I was fighting for my life and was knocked out at some point."

The Thrullg first appears as a Pariah, with dirty, bruised, scared and blistered skin. Their antenna seem longer than normal, if ever visible under the tattered hooded cloak, and when they speak their voice is hoarse and gravelly, as if they had just been screaming for a long time, presumably for their lives. This is all just a disguise, which they use to get close to their targets. Thrullgs are magic and psionic energy vampires, particularly psionic energy given off by psionic beings such as the Ecotroz Shemarrians. Once close to their targets, their cloths and appearance change, the hooded robes merge with their skin, taking on a dark, oily, greasy and blister look common with other BlackSteel abominations. The hood becomes like a hood of a cobra, their antenna extend to 15 feet with the last two feet revealing wicked sharp bone spikes. From their lower spine extends a powerful tail, which is capable of supporting their weight to allow them to hang upside down, or lash at other targets and aid in grappling. Claws extend from their fingers and toes, sharp enough to shred armour. The face distorts into a monstrous face, with extended jaws to allow for a potent bite.
Thrullg's primary purpose is to consume psionic and magical energy, making magic users, psychics and psionic energy beings their primary targets. They can use this energy to heal themselves, but can also use the consumed energy to empower other BlackSteel abominations. Thrullg also are highly resistant to magical and psionic effects, making them excellent for taking out magic users when used in open combat.
Thrullgs will stalk prey, and many times working with other BlackSteel abominations waiting as it approaches a group that looks as if they would help a defenseless female, then taking out any magic or psionic users while other BlackSteel units take out the rest.

Type: BlackSteel Abomination-- Thrullg
Class: Robot Gynoid
Crew: Advanced Neural Intelligence
M.D.C. By Location:
Antennae/Tentacle: (2) 75 each
Hands (2) 18 each
Arms (2) 50 each
Legs (2) 90 each
Head 60
Main Body and Robe Armor (Disguise) 220
Height: 8 ft
Width: 3.5 ft
Length: 2.2 ft
Weight: 550 lbs.
Power System: Nuclear
Physical Attributes: Equal to Supernatural PS. 35, PP. 24, P.B. 5, 13 in Disguise.
Cargo: None, aside from what blood it has drained and stores internally
Running: 90 MPH
Jumping: 10 ft up/lengthwise. Increase distance/height by 50% with a running start.
Flying: Not possible without a jetpack or other conveyance
Underwater: Can swim at 5 MPH or run along the bottom at 8 MPH. Estimated depth limit of 800 ft.
Market Cost: EXCLUSIVE to the BlackSteel
Systems of Note:
Standard Shemarrian Robot Systems, plus:
Full optical systems, laser targeting, passive night vision, telescopic vision, thermal imaging, infrared, ultraviolet, and polarization filters. Also has motion and heat detection, and other standard Shemarrian systems.

*Self-Destruct---Standard. Just as ARCHIE-3’s ‘bots will destroy all evidence of themselves, the BlackSteel also leaves little trace of its creations. Completely obliterates itself(1d4x100+250 to immediate vicinity, and 2d4x10 MD to a 10 ft radius). Any remains will be a black slag-like material that slowly evaporates away with the taint of evil.

BlackSteel Traits:
*Horror Factor---Has an effective H.F. of 13

*Mundane Appearance ----- Thrullgs are notable among their other BlackSteel spawn for NOT being exceptionally hideous or having a Horror Factor, but only while disguised. Because they look so mundane and lack the general aura of ‘not right’ that other BlackSteel spawn visibly exude, Thrullgs can disguise themselves as pariahs, tall alien refugee for those not familiar with Shemarrian pariahs. This tactic gives them the opportunity to be snuck in close to groups and adventurers. Only a close physical examination and magic/psionic powers like See Aura or Detect Evil will reveal anything amiss about the ‘bots.
Thrullgs can shed this appearance for their true form as an action, or take on their pariah form as another action, but can only switch once per hour.

*BlackSteel Touch---A thrullg’s touch in its normal form causes acute agony to living beings: It causes agonizing pain to any living being that touches it, even lightly. It can even send someone into a coma/death situation, unless they are devoid of a soul. Those who touch Blacksteel suffer -2 to all rolls, -20% to skills and loses 2 attacks for 1d4 minutes per melee round touched, plus if the attack is deliberate(as part of a called ‘agony strike’), the victim must save vs coma/death on a 17 or better. A successful save means the victim is rendered unconscious for 1d4 melee rounds in a near coma-like state, failure means they suffer 4d4 damage straight to Hit Points, or 5d6 M.D. for M.D.C. creatures. If they save by more than 5 points, they are only stunned for that melee round, unable to take any actions or defend themselves.
Worse yet, a Thrullg can overload the artificial tactile perceptors of Shemarrians, robots, and even cyborgs, inflicting the closest thing to pain on these beings. The effects are the same as for organics, only for Shemar and ‘bots, there is NO chance of being knocked unconscious. Cyborgs save at a 15 or better.
While Shemarrians, and many robots and cyborgs can turn off their tactile sensors to shield themselves from this attack, the effect is similar to fighting under the influence of a full-body dose of Novocain and is almost as bad as the effect it’s meant to avoid; -2 to strike/parry/dodge/pull rolls, -20% to skills requiring tactile finesse, -1 APM, and reduce maximum speed by 25%. However, there is no lingering effect; the android/cyborg can flip the perceptors on and off at will.

*PPE Vampire --- The Thrullg can actually drain targets of PPE; if the Thrullg can make contact with a living target’s flesh in melee combat with it's tentacles or bite, it can drain a number of PPE points equal to HALF its attack damage. TW and magical items with a listed PPE reserve (like PPE clips or batteries) can also be drained in the manner, but they only lose 25% of the attack damage in PPE. The Thrullg can store up to 300 PPE or ISP. Usually has 2d10+50 PPE/ISP stored at any given time.

Magical/Psionic Resistance - The Thrullg is highly resistant to magical and psionic abilities, with a +5 bonus against Magical and Psionic affects. Magical or Psionic abilities that deal damage directly have their damage reduced by half. Spells or psionics that deal damage by using other objects (such as lifting up a rock and launching) deal damage as normal.

*Use Captured PPE/ISP - The Thrullg can use the PPE and ISP that it has siphoned off in one of several ways. Activating each ability takes 1 action.
1) Healing - The Thrullg can heal itself for 2d6 MD per 5 PPE or ISP used. It can heal other BlackSteel units with a touch of its tentacles (can heal two at once, one per tentacle, using PPE/ISP for each touched individually) for 1d6 MD using 5 PPE/ISP.
2) Empower - The Thrullg can use the stored energy to boost itself or other BlackSteel units it touches with its tentacles. It can grant +2 to attack rolls, +1 damage / die of damage of melee attacks per 10 PPE/ISP used, to a maximum of +10 to attack rolls, +2 damage/die of damage of melee attacks.
3) Anti-Magic/Psionic Field - The Thrullg can use 100 PPE/ISP to create spherical field with a 50 foot radius around itself that lasts for 5 rounds. Magical or psionic powered items can't function while within the field and for 1d4 rounds after they leave the field. Spells and psionic powers can't be used unless the spell caster or psionic makes a save vs Magic or Psionic against the Thrullg's save (+5), and if they beat the Thrullg's roll, they can cast their spell or use the psionic ability, but at double cost, with half range, duration and damage. The Thrullg can extend the field an extra 10 feet radius for an additional 20 PPE/ISP, or extend the duration by 1 round for an additional 20 ISP.
4) Magic/Psionic Feedback Field - The Thrullg creates a field around itself that resonates when magical or psionic energy passes through it. Using 100 PPE/ISP, for 2 rounds, it creates a 25 foot radius field around itself that when any magical or psionic ability is used within this field, the caster/psion must make a save vs magic/psionic at -2 or suffer 1d6 MD/SDC (depending on type of creature) per point of PPE/ISP used to cast the spell or use psionic ability (10 PPE used to cast spell deals 10d6 damage). A successful save the caster/psion will only suffer 1d4 points of damage per 5 PPE/ISP used instead (10 PPE deals 2d4 points of damage).

*Consume Spark --- If a Thrullg can kill/destroy an EShemar's robot body, it can also attempt to consume the psionic entity itself before it gets an chance to disperse into the ether. The Ecotroz gets a final save versus magic to avoid being consumed; if successful, the entity vanishes (evaporates into random energy or ascends to another plane of existence, whatever). If the save fails, the spark is consumed by the Thrullg, who gets a temporary power-up; +1 to initiative, +1 to strike, and hand to hand strikes do 50% more damage for 2d4 melees, +5 to save versus magic/psionic attacks for 2d4 melees, and also instantly regenerates 1d6x10 MD.

*Silver---Silver weaponry does DOUBLE damage to BlackSteel creations. If a called shot of 20+ (modified) strikes the skull or chest area with silver, the tainted container/CPU/powerplant will be struck and an explosion of 6D6 MDC to a 3 ft. radius will erupt and annihilate the Black-Steel... and decommission the ‘bot(self-destruct will still go off, however).

*Holy Magic---Attacking with Holy Magic will cause the normal materials of the ‘bot to expel the BlackSteel. The ‘bot will still fight on using its original programming, but it will lose its viciousness and malevolent cunning(reduce initiative by HALF), and BlackSteel properties, and all other aspects of its operation remain unchanged. However, the expelled BlackSteel will remain a threat if picked up and incorporated into other machines.

Weapons Systems:
1) Extendable Claws --- The Thrullg’s oversized fingers can extend molecularly-sharp talons that can cut through megadamage materials like vibro-scalpels.
Range: Melee
Damage: 3d6 MD + BlackSteel Touch (see above)

2) Tentacles (2) ---- The normal antennae on the Thrullg's head are actually 15 foot long tentacles with sharp bone spike, used for striking enemies and syphoning off a target's PPE and ISP.
Range: Melee 15 ft
Damage: (Whip Lash) 1d8 MD
(Stab) (2 attacks) 4d6 MD
(Grapple/Choke) 4d4 MD

3) Bite - The mouth of the Thrullg in its normal form is larger and filled with multiple sharp teeth, it can consume a target's PPE and ISP with its bite.
Range: melee
Damage: 3d6+4 MD
Power Bite (2 attacks) 7d6+10, only can perform if successfully grapples the target.

4)Use of Handheld Weapons---Leechers can pick up and use infantry- and borg-scale weapons. Their favorites are BlackSteel ichor-based weapons such as the BsP-15 Plasma Rifle, a ‘tainted’ copy of the Mechanoid M-15 Plasma Rifle. Leechers have also been known to wield large vibroblades, net launchers, and incapacitation devices to capture and disable their prey alive.

All standard Shemarrian combat and espionage skills, plus:
Prowl 70%
Basic Mechanics 80%
Biology (Human) 80%
General Repair & Maintenance 85%
Paramedic 70%
Salvage 90%

Actions/Attacks Per Melee: 7 (2 from the tentacles)
Note: Bonuses are in addition to those possible from the Shemar’s elective training
Initiative +3
Dodge +4
Parry +7
Strike +4 (+4 w/ ranged weaponry, +6 w/ Shemarrian Rail Guns)
Roll +3
Pull Punch +4
Disarm +3
Entangle +5, +3/tentacle used
Knockout/Stun on a Natural 18-20
Restrained Punch 5d6 SDC
Full Strength Punch 4d6 MD
Power Punch (2 attacks) 6d6 MD
Kick 4d6 MD
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Re: Shemarrian-related fan creations

Unread post by kronos »

I was looking at the index.. and Torturmata is listed in the BlackSteel list, but I can't find this entry.
Also the EcoS-D242cv Ingis Crawler microbot doesn't seem to be on the list.
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Re: Shemarrian-related fan creations

Unread post by taalismn »

kronos wrote:I was looking at the index.. and Torturmata is listed in the BlackSteel list, but I can't find this entry.
Also the EcoS-D242cv Ingis Crawler microbot doesn't seem to be on the list.

:o Okay, just added the Ignis...I'll (re)post the Torturmata tomorrow...The Thrullg looks plain NASTY, and now has me thinking what might happen if other lifeforms got corrupted by Black say those metal-assimilated Madhaven mutants got infected, or demonic Infernals picked up metal weapons of Black Steel and got infected.... :twisted:
"Trouble rather the Tiger in his Lair,
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For all the Empires and Kingdoms,
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Re: Shemarrian-related fan creations

Unread post by kronos »

taalismn wrote:
kronos wrote:I was looking at the index.. and Torturmata is listed in the BlackSteel list, but I can't find this entry.
Also the EcoS-D242cv Ingis Crawler microbot doesn't seem to be on the list.

:o Okay, just added the Ignis...I'll (re)post the Torturmata tomorrow...The Thrullg looks plain NASTY, and now has me thinking what might happen if other lifeforms got corrupted by Black say those metal-assimilated Madhaven mutants got infected, or demonic Infernals picked up metal weapons of Black Steel and got infected.... :twisted:

I'm still trying to figure out what a BlackSteel Monst-rex and Wolf would be like..
Nevermind what some of the other warmounts might be like if they ever were infected!
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Re: Shemarrian-related fan creations

Unread post by taalismn »

kronos wrote:
I'm still trying to figure out what a BlackSteel Monst-rex and Wolf would be like..!

Something like a four-legged shadow beast, I imagine, with bigger teeth. :twisted:
"Trouble rather the Tiger in his Lair,
Than the Sage among his Books,
For all the Empires and Kingdoms,
The Armies and Works that you hold Dear,
Are to him but the Playthings of the Moment,
To be turned over with the Flick of a Finger,
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Re: Shemarrian-related fan creations

Unread post by DhAkael »

taalismn wrote:
kronos wrote:
I'm still trying to figure out what a BlackSteel Monst-rex and Wolf would be like..!

Something like a four-legged shadow beast, I imagine, with bigger teeth. :twisted:

You're not wrong... :demon:
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Re: Shemarrian-related fan creations

Unread post by taalismn »

Okay, here's the Tortumata repost...

Torturemata---BlackSteel Hostage Slave ‘Borg
(aka ‘Fleshwracker’)

“Oh, damn...that’s the landgrave’s daughter stapled into that thing...she went missing several weeks ago. This whole mess just got a lot worse.”

The Torturemata is an insidious assault on the ethics of its enemies. It is arguably a corrupted slave ‘borg, in that BlackSteel has taken over a slave cyborg’s body or pre-empted the hardware to carry an unwilling hostage who is typically shorn of limbs and ‘unnecessary’ bone and tissue.
However, the organic mind of the cyborg is NOT corrupted; the BlackSteel wants them conscious and totally aware of their suffering, loss of control, and eventual fate.
The Torturemata has the limbs and torso frame of a slave borg, with a cup-like depression in its torso. The Torturemata wears the organic parts of its unwilling host in an exposed position outside the armor protection of the cyborg body. This means that the poor victim is exposed to any fire directed at the Abomination. At best the hostage’s internal organs will have some thin plating or containment to maintain life support integrity and shield against the elements, but otherwise the victim is laid bare to weapons fire. Two sensor clusters(sometimes resembling small mechanical faces or skulls to further torment victims) flank the head of the hostage, holding it in place. Amplifiers in the clusters amplify and broadcast the hostage’s pained vocalizations. The Abomination also sports four arms; two large arms ending in manipulator paws, and two smaller arms ending in weapons forearms.

The attached hostage puts would-be assailants or rescuers in a bad position. They may hold their fire while attempting to find some way of rescuing the trapped person and saving them. Even many cold-hearted opponents will be at least temporarily unnerved by the sight. All the while, the killer BlackSteel intelligence is hiding behind its meatshield and gunning for the kill.

Torturematas are not the fastest bionic mechanisms, being based on slave borgs, and that seems deliberate. A Torturemata will slowly make its way through enemy lines drawing attention to itself and taunting its opponents, often while other Abominations flank their positions or go off to commit other atrocities. Occasionally a Torturemata may be sent on a kamikaze mission, blackmailing its way through a community’s defenders to a point where it explodes, unleashing poison gas, biotoxin or other WMD where it can do the most damage.

The Torturemata actually has some medical skill, though this is never used to benefit anybody, but instead is corrupted in use to prepare a captive for mounting, if other more skilled BlackSteel monsters are unavailable to assist it in setting the stage for its macabre performances. Not all captives survive the hack-surgery, which simply drives the abomination to seek out fresh prey and new hostages.

Note: Being a Torturemata’s hostage is a terrible thing; if a hostage survives their ordeal and the GM is playing out the aftermath, feel free to roll up some serious insanity damage.

Type: BlackSteel Abomination
Class: Corrupted Full conversion Borg
Crew: One hostage
Minimal Requirements: None. In fact, the BlackSteel prefers innocents such as elders, children, and charismatic young people, the better to horrify any would-be rescuers.

M.D.C. By Location:
Hands(2) 20+5d6 each
Weapons Mounts(2) 40 each
Arms(4) 40+2d4x10 each
Legs(2) 50+5d10 each
*Head Sensor Clusters(2) 30+2d6 each .
**Main Body 100+3d6x10
Hostage Body(lightly armored) 5
*These are small targets that are -5 to strike, even on a called shot, and shooters run the risk of missing and hitting the hostage’s head instead.
**Depleting the M.D.C. of the main body will effectively destroy the artificial body, If the self-destruct systems do not go off, there’s a chance of the hostage being still alive, but likely to expire within 1d4 hours if emergency medical treatment is not applied immediately.

Note: The Torturemata can be fitted with any additional armor up to HEAVY Cyborg Armor, but rarely wears any armor that would obscure or protect its living hostage.

Running: 15+5d6 mph.
Jumping: The powerful robotic legs are strong and capable of leaping 10 feet high or 18 ft lengthwise. A running leap adds 50% to distance/height.
Flying: Not possible without a jet pack
Underwater: The Torturemata CANNOT swim, but sinks like a rock. The abomination is forced to run along the bottom at 25% of its normal speed. It has no depth tolerance limit, though generally any attached hostage will expire at 500 ft of depth or greater.

Statistical Data:
Average Height: 7 ft
Width: 3 ft
Length: 2 ft
Weight: 1,000 lbs.
Power System: Nuclear
Physical Attributes: Equal to Robotic PS. 35, PP. 24
Penalties: Touch/tactile sense is 60% of human norm.
Prowl penalty: -20%

Market Cost: None

Standard Bionic Features
Note: These features are all found in the bionic and
cybernetic section of the Rifts RPG.
1. Bionic lung with gas filter & storage cell(keeps the hostage breathing)
2. Built-in language translator
3. Built-in radio receiver & transmitter
4. Clock calendar
5. Gyrocompass
6. Modulated voice synthesizer
7. Multi-optic eyes
8. Built-in loudspeaker
9. Universal headjack with amplified hearing and sound filtration systems.

Special Features:
*Cyborg Life Support--The abomination can keep its hostage alive, for as long as 3d6 weeks. Typically the hostage starves to death or succumbs to secondary infections, as the Torturemata is little interested in feeding or medicating its prisoner.

*Meat Rack(1-3)----The Torturemata will often expand its ablative meatshield by picking up and attaching other hostages to its body, via special pylons and armatures. These victims lack the life support of the hostage-host, but are entubated with cybertendrils that paralyze them.

BlackSteel Traits:
*Horror Factor---Has an effective H.F. of 12(15 fully loaded up with hostages)

*BlackSteel Touch---A Torturemata’s touch causes acute agony to living beings: It causes agonizing pain to any living being that touches it, even lightly. It can even send someone into a coma/death situation, unless they are devoid of a soul. Those who touch Blacksteel suffer -2 to all rolls, -20% to skills and loses 2 attacks for 1d4 minutes per melee round touched, plus must save vs coma/death 17. A successful save means the victim is rendered unconscious for 1d4 melee rounds in a near coma-like state, failure means they suffer 4d4 damage straight to Hit Points, or 5d6 M.D. for M.D.C. creatures. If save by more than 5, they are only stunned for that melee round, unable to take any actions or defend themselves.
Thus mounted hostages of a Torturemata are in a particularly bad condition of being in constant agony. ot that the abomination cares, beyond what suffering it can inflict.

*Acidic Ichor---If destroyed, Torturematas bleed a corrosive ichor not unlike powerful battery acid. This makes destroying the ‘bots near sensitive equipment a risky undertaking. Typically a destroyed Torturemata will splatter in a 4d6 ft radius, its fluids doing 1d4 MD per melee for 1d6 melees. Immediately dosing the splatter with a powerful base substance, or diluting it with copious amounts of water will stop or slow the damage.

*Silver---Silver weaponry does DOUBLE damage to BlackSteel creations. In the case of the Torturemata, critical damage is somewhat different, given the generally lower-powered rating and construction of the preempted cyborg powerplant. If a called shot of 20+ (modified) strikes the chest area with silver, the tainted container/CPU/powerplant will be struck and a small implosion will erupt and annihilate the Black-Steel... and decommission the ‘bot(self-destruct may still go off, however).

Weapons Systems:
1) Weapons Arms(2)---The Torturemata mounts two sub-arms that end in dedicated forearm weapon mounts. These can carry regular cyborg forearm weaponry or BlackSteel-modified energy weapon types.
*Black Light Eye Lasers do 25% more damage to living beings, and direct exposure of the wound to sunlight(and Globe of Daylight spells) will cause the injury to become acutely photosensitive; victims must roll under their ME or be -1 on initiative, perception, strike, dodge, and parry due to the itching/burning sensations from the wound. The photosensitivity ends when the wound is healed.
*Particle Beam Blaster(aka ‘Necrotizer’) does 25% more damage to living beings, and metal objects struck with the beam will be irradiated, becoming ‘hot’ for 2d6 minutes afterwards. Those coming within 5 ft of the irradiated materials will take 1d6 HP per melee in exposure damage due to radiation.
*Ion Blasters---- Living targets must save versus non-lethal poison(16 or better; children and small animals need an 18 or better). On a successful save, the target is
-1 APM from the jolt, plus takes damage. On an UNsuccesful save, augmented human(oid)s are -5 to strike, parry, dodge, and loses initiative and 1 APM for 1d4 melee rounds. A successful save by UNaugmented human(oid)s results in -10 to strike, parry, dodge, lose initiative and is reduced to 1 APM, skill performance is -80%, speed reduced 95%, and suffer painful convulsions doing 1d6 SDC per melee for 2d4 MINUTES. There is also a 15% cumulative chance per additional strike of being rendered unconscious for 1d4 minutes. If SDC is burned through, the damage goes to Ht Points, and at 0 H.P. the victim goes into full cardiac arrest and will die unless immediate medical care is not administered.
Note: Works through most body armor up to 50 MDC. Those in armor protection of 51-80 MDC are +6 to save. Those in heavier armor, power armor, full conversion cyborgs, vehicles, robots, or who are MegaJuicers or Dragons are impervious.
*Plasma Blasters---- Unchanged

2) Vibroblades(2)---The two larger upper arms sport extendable vibroblades
Range: Melee
Damage: 3d6 MD
Wounds inflicted with these blades take 20% longer to heal, and basic first aid and paramedic rolls are -5% to successfully patch them.

3) Vibroclaws---The Torturemata’s hands have smaller extendable vibroclaws that it typically uses to perform fine surgery on its victims, though they are also used in melee combat.
Range: Melee
Damage: 2d4 MD

4) Self-Destruct----The BlackSteel will have a spoiler for any would-be saviors; the cyborg-bot will explode in a spatter of acid, destroying itself and spraying the surroundings with corrosive ichor(see above), as well as treating onlookers to the slow death of the hostage, but 30% of the time the Torturemata incorporates a more powerful explosive charge, destroying itself and doing 2d4x10 MD to a 10 ft blast radius.
The self destruct systems, however, don’t always go off 45% of the time(for some reason, the corrupted cyborg mechanisms don’t always consistently work), giving rescuers a small chance of saving the hostage(s).

5)Hand to Hand Combat
Actions/Attacks Per Melee: 7
+3 initiative
+5 strike/parry
+6 dodge
+3 Pull Punch
Restrained Punch 1d6+9 SDC
Full Strength Punch 3d6+9 SDC
Power Punch( 2 attacks) 1d4 MD
Kick 3d6+9 SDC
Leap Kick(2 Attacks) 1d6 MD
Judo-Style Throw/Flip 2d6 SDC
Body Block/Ram: (2 attacks) 1d6 MD

Same as for the baseline A-63 All-Purpose Heavy Robot:
Pilot: Automobile, motorcycle, hovercycle, jetpack, aircraft, all at 90%
Radio: Basic 98%
Math: Basic 90%
Computer Operation 90%
Prowl 30%
Land Navigation 94%
Climb 90%/80%
Wilderness Survival 94%
Intelligence 90%
Detect Ambush 70%
W.P. Blunt(8th level)
W.P. Knife(8th level)
W.P. Sword(8th level)
W.P. Whip/Chain(8th level)
W.P. Ax(8th level)
W.P. Paired Weapons
W.P. Energy (all)(8th level)

Also gets the following:
Paramedic 70%
Field Surgery 70%
"Trouble rather the Tiger in his Lair,
Than the Sage among his Books,
For all the Empires and Kingdoms,
The Armies and Works that you hold Dear,
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To be turned over with the Flick of a Finger,
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Re: Shemarrian-related fan creations

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EcoS-K-174 Dytiskade Warmount
(aka ‘Splash-n-slash’, ‘Aquanator’)

“Leaping with a full water load isn’t recommended, because even with the hydro-field in place, landing causes sloshing, and you can lose balance and even fall off your mount if you blow a landing, cushioning or no cushioning effect, But sometimes it’s worth it; I once saw an opportunity to jump down with a full water jacket on top of a group of vampires in a box canyon and took it. Landed right in the middle of them, and almost immediately got thrown from the saddle, but my trusty warmount knew what I was up to and released her full load in impact. I got washed several dozen yards down the canyon, but the vampires got fatally SLOSHED. Those that weren’t rinsed away in the big splash were easy pickings for me and my stake-guns.”

“A favorite tactic of rescue units in the SouthWest was to carry air tanks and respirator masks or helmets on the backs of the Aquanators. Come across civilians menaced by vampires? Grab them and push them into the water layer, face-first into a breather rig. If they can stand the cold water, they’re pretty safe from vampires trying to reach in to get them, on account of the water circulating around the warmount.”

“Catch a wave, bloodsucker!”

The Dytiskadeis a DarkWaters Warmount, though it was first seen in service with the Wayfinders during the Mexico Crusade.
The Dytiskade is seen as indicative of how close the Shemarrian Nation and Greater New England may be with regards to technology sharing, or else how deeply the Shemarrians have infiltrated the GNE, as the warmount incorporates a number of technologies(or magic) that once seemed proprietary to Paladin Steel and Greater New England.
The Dytiskade resembles a giant diving beetle, only instead of carrying an air bubble down underwater, the ‘Aquanator’ carries a giant envelope of water onto dry land with it, similar to PS’s FC-27 ‘StormSurge’ Water Elemental Emulation Assault Cyborg. The Tinkers have scaled up the system, however, and added a few extra features, courtesy of the greater amount of power the Warmount can generate to support the special systems.
The Dytiskade has a general beetle-shape, wit six legs, the foremost of which end in long mantis-like claws for making quick strikes on opponents, and the other four legs having large folding oar flaps for better speed and maneuverability manually swimming underwater. A fourth pair of limbs protrude upward, and end in weapon armatures capable of firing in unobstructed arcs all around the warmount. The head is heavily armored, as it is often outside the water armor sheath to allow for maximum acuity of the sensors, but the eyes are mounted on extendable stalks for those occasions when the rider chooses to sacrifice data quality for overall protection.
Besides being used as a warmount, the Dytiskade is sometimes used to convey water-breathing allies of the Shemarrian Nation about on dry land.
The Dytiskade was first seen in combat during the Mexico Crusade against the Vampire Intelligences, equipping several strike elements of the Wayfinder armies penetrating into Mexico. Though often hampered by the lack of available water supplies to replenish their hydro-envelopes, the Dytiskades could often recover enough leftover water from other water weapons to keep their aqueous armor up. The Aquanators proved very effective against vampire packs and in protecting civilians from vampire attacks.

Type: EcoS-K-174 Dytiskade
Class: Robotic Warmount, Amphibious
Crew: None; robot intelligence
1 rider/pilot, and room for 1 passenger
MDC/Armor by Location:
Main Body 490
Head 190
Antennae/Eyestalks(4) 30 each
Gun Arms(2) 145 each
Weapons Modules(2) 60 each
Legs(6) 180 each
Water Envelope(Varies, see below)

Height: 10 ft
Width: 10 ft
Length: 35 ft
Weight: 5 tons dry, up to 10 tons fully ‘tanked up’
Cargo: Small space inside/beside the saddle-seat for a few personal possessions and sidearms.
Physical Strength: Equivalent to Robotic P.S. of 30
Powerplant: Nuclear w/ 20 year energy life
Speed: (Running) 50 MPH
(Leaping) 30 ft up/across standing jump unburdened. Leaping up with a swimming start from water adds 5d6 yards/meters to height/distance.
With a water envelope in place, the Warmount can survive drops of 5 ft x the water envelope’s MDC without taking any damage, due to the cishioning effect of the water.
(Flying) Not possible
(Space) Not possible
(Underwater) Can swim at 50 MPH, maximum dive depth of 3 miles.
Market Cost: Exclusive to the Ecotroz-Shemar
Systems of Note:
Full optical systems, laser targeting, passive nightvision, telescopic vision, thermal imaging, infrared, ultraviolet, and polarization filters. Also has motion and heat detection, built-in radar( 60 mile range) and other standard power armor-equivalent systems. Additional/special sensors may be built in by the creating Tinkers or at the behest of individual riders/owners.

*Bionic Cybernanite Repair Systems---ALL Dytiskades have the same bionic nanotech repair system that the Ecotroz Shemar have refitted themselves with, and which is becoming the standard among NeShemar as well. These systems repair 4d6 MD per hour, and can repair 180 MDC before needing material stocks to convert to MD repair material.

*Sonar---30 mile range

Weapons Systems:
1) Eye Lasers(4)---Standard robotic eye lasers, common in the Shemarrian arsenal. The Dytiskades’ have been modified for the blue-green frequencies for maximum penetration underwater.
Range: 2,000 ft
Damage: 3d6 MD per single blast, or 6d6 MD per double blast
Rate of Fire: ECHH
Payload: Effectively Unlimited

2) Gun Arms(2)---Each gun arm ends in a modular fitting capable of accepting a modular weapon similar to those standard to the Monstrex.
In the alternative, the gun arms can also carry any of the EShe-HLW05Wp ‘Dingo’ Cannon variants or ESHe-NRG660 "Scava-shron" or EShe-NRG670 'Scava-sutek" Rail Guns(the latter modified to fire wood or silver rounds during the Mexico Crusade campaign.
The mounting of these weapons allows them to stick out through the water-armor and operate without being hampered by the hydro-sheath, but also leaves them vulnerable and outside the hydro-armor’s protection.

3) Water Envelope---The Dytiskade is best known for its ability to gather ambient water around itself to form a virtual exoskeleton of water of a gelatinous consistency, that it can manipulate. The larger size of the Dytiskade meant that it could mount a more powerful water-manipulation system than the StormSurge cyborg, with a greater water mass capacity. The Water Envelope has the following properties:
*Forming: In or near large bodies of water(or in a good hard downpour) the Dytiskade can instantly form its water shell(takes NO APMs)...Away from any readily usable body of water, the envelope will take an APM and 10 seconds to form, condensed from the air. In particularly arid environments, like the desert, the process will take 2-3 APMs, and take 1d6 MINUTES or more to form(GM’s discretion).
The Water Envelope can also REGENERATE lost MDC, simply by drawing up additional water. In or near water(super-humid environments), regeneration is quite simple and rapid(6d6 MDC per minute), slower elsewhere(3d6 MDC per minute), and difficult in arid environments(1d4 MD per minute).
*Size and MDC:
-DOUBLE Size---The envelope is roughly twice the size of the warmount and adds 95 MDC. The extra volume of liquid adds +2d6 damage to strikes, and weighs 7,000 lbs. NO reduction in maximum running speed.
-TRIPLE Size---Takes an extra 2 APMs to form. Adds 200 MDC. The extra volume of liquid adds +3d6 damage to strikes, and weighs 12,700 lbs (holds roughly 3,500 gallons of liquid). Reduce maximum running speed by 10%(no penalty for running downhill).
-QUADRUPLE Size---Takes an extra 4 APMs to form. Adds 400 MDC. The extra volume of liquid adds +4d6+6 damage to strikes, and weighs 27,000 lbs. Reduce maximum running speed by 25%(no penalty for running downhill).
-FIVE Times Larger---Takes an extra 6 APMs to form. A true behemoth that adds 600 MDC. The extra volume of liquid adds +6d6+15 damage to strikes, and weighs 38,000 lbs. Reduce maximum running speed by 50%(no penalty for running downhill).

*Reduce damage from lasers and plasma weapons by HALF
*Reduce damage from projectile weapons (non-explosive) by HALF
*Refraction---Lasers are -4 to strike the cyborg inside the water envelope
*Water Cushion---With a water envelope in place, the Warmount can survive drops of 5 ft x the water envelope’s MDC without taking any damage, due to the cishioning effect of the water.
*Sonic Stealth---Underwater, the Water Envelope renders the warmount INVISIBLE to sonar detection.
*HydroConcussion Insulation---The warmount is effectively IMMUNE to damage from water-based attacks, including magical tidal waves and water-transmitted shock waves.
*Water Bolts---These are ‘bullets’ of water accelerated to near supersonic velocity and fired from the envelope. The larger and more powerful equipment installed on the give the Dytiskade water bolts greater range.
Range: 1,200 ft
Damage: 2d4 SDC/MD, 2d6 HP to vampires
Rate of Fire: ECHH
Payload: Conditionally Unlimited; unlimited when there’s a ready supply of water nearby, 100 shots in arid conditions, and takes 2d6 melees to replenish
Bonus: +2 to strike. Water Bolts are -1 to dodge underwater
*Water Blasts---A larger and heavier water bolt
Range: 300 ft
Damage:(Baseline)3d6 SDC/MDx size level, 4d6 HP(x size level) to vampires
Rate of Fire: ECHH
Payload: Conditionally Unlimited; unlimited when there’s a ready supply of water nearby, 50 shots in arid conditions, and takes 6d6 melees to replenish
Note: Water Blasts are -1 to dodge underwater
*Wave Punch---This attack is essentially a massive tentacle of water that can suddenly surge out of the envelope and hits like a hydraulic hammer. The cyborg can form and manipulate up to 2 such tentacles at a time. It CANNOT be used to manipulate objects, lift, or grab.
Range: 20 ft x size level
Damage:(Baseline) 4d6 MD on a slap, 6d6 MD on a full-on smash, 3d6x10 HP to vampires
Rate of Fire: ECHH
Payload: Conditionally Unlimited; unlimited when there’s a ready supply of water nearby, 30 shots in arid conditions, and takes 6d6 melees to replenish
Note: Water Punches are -1 to dodge underwater

Shooting from inside the Envelope:
Ranged weapons will suffer severely curtailed range and damage(lasers and ion weapons by HALF, projectiles, plasma, and particle beams by 2/3).

The Ecotroz have installed robotic AIs, then infected the matrix with a low-level Ecotroz sentience.
Has the basic Monstrex programming, plus:
Underwater Navigation 80%(+5% per level of experience for Ecotroz entity)
Track and Hunt Sea Animals 50%(+5% per level of experience for Ecotroz entity)
Dowsing 70%(+5% per level of experience for Ecotroz entity)
The Ecotroz entity can also pick up one Secondary skill at levels 2, 6, and 12 of experience, though the nature of the Dytiskade intelligence and design is such that it is limited to skill selections from Technical: Language(understanding) and Lore (Cattle & Animals, Indians, Juicers, Magic, Demons & Monsters, D-Bees, Faerie---at least with regards to identifying their relative threat level), and Wilderness( Hunting).

Actions/Attacks Per Melee: 6
Initiative +2 (+1 from the Ecotroz entity for a total of +3)
Dodge +3(+4 underwater)
Strike +1 (+2 w/ ranged weaponry)
Parry w/ weapons armatures +6
Parry w/ leg oar-shields +7
Roll +2(+4 underwater)
Pull Punch +5
Critical Strike on a natural 19-20
Mandible Bite 2d6 MD
Foreclaw Strike 4d6 MD
Foreclaw Power Strike(2 attacks) 8d6+4 MD
Kick 3d6 MD
Body Block/Tackle 4d6 MD

Note: The Ecotroz intelligence fragment inhabiting the ‘bot gives the Dytiskade an aura and behavior more befitting a sentient being than a robot. The Dytiskade is a quiet and uncomplaining water-carrier/mule, but can do insectile vicious on the attack, especially underwater.

The Ecotroz fragment does occasionally need sleep/rest...though they only need 2 hours of rest/meditation per 24 hours...they can push this, going without for as many days as they have I.Q. points(most Warmounts, unless otherwise noted, have an effective IQ rating of 8 ), but will have to go dormant for 4d6 hours after such exertion.
Note also that the Ecotroz-possessed ‘bot can infect other bots with the Ecotroz viral-entity, by bite or sustained touch(takes 3 attacks).

*Watertight Enclosed Cockpit---A modular saddle-pod can be mounted, allowing the rider or passengers to sit inside the water sheath(or travel underwater) in airtight waterproofed comfort. Saddle pod has 100 MDC, and seats one Shemarrian and one normal-sized human being, or three average-sized humans.

*TW Sunbeam Lasers---The Wayfinders modified a number of their Dytiskades’ eye lasers to shoot TW-enhanced sunlight lasers. These lacked the deep water penetrative qualities of the blue-green lasers and less overall damage, but proved much more effective against vampires and other supernatural creatures of darkness.
Range:(Sunbeams) 2,000 ft
Damage:(Sunbeams) 2d6 MD single blast, double damage to beings sensitive to sunlight, 4d6 HP to vampires.
Rate of Fire: ECHH
Payload: Effectively unlimited, but the spells had to be renewed every six months

*Silver-Plated Foreclaws---The Wayfinders silver-plated their Dytiskades’ foreclaws during the Mexico Crusade. Those Aquanators so outfitted earned the nickname ‘shiners’ or ‘flashies’.
"Trouble rather the Tiger in his Lair,
Than the Sage among his Books,
For all the Empires and Kingdoms,
The Armies and Works that you hold Dear,
Are to him but the Playthings of the Moment,
To be turned over with the Flick of a Finger,
And the Turning of a Page"

--------Rudyard Kipling
Posts: 1269
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Re: Shemarrian-related fan creations

Unread post by kronos »

Ingis Termis

The Ingis Termis is another purely combat micro robot that uses the same plasma battery that was pioneered in the Ingis Crawler. The Termis is designed to look like a termite instead of an ant, used for tunneling and as 'smart' mines. They can also function as spy drones, laying in wait, recording and sending the collected information off.
Instead of a plasma blaster built into a crest on the back, the mouth has a plasma based flamethrower which burns through virtually anything, allowing a few Ingis Termi to create a tunnel large enough for an average Shemarrian warrior to crawl through without difficulty. They also dig small tunnels and pockets under structures to weaken foundations so that only a couple can cause a large structure to collapse when they detonate in the right location. Also placed inside vehicles, mechs and ships, they can create massive damage as the plasma they release continues to burn for several seconds so the damage spreads as they move on to find another location to sabotage.
The microbot, measuring at just over four and a half inches long, standing 1.5 inches tall, designed like a termite, with short but strong mandibles and enlarged thorax. The abdomen contains an experimental plasma based battery that gives the Ingis Termis a large amount of power for small but powerful plasma flamethrower built in the mouth. The plasma battery is designed to easily overload, along with the specially designed frame, allows the Ingis Termis to deal quite a bit of damage when it detonates.
The robotic intelligence of the Ingis Termis is about equivalent of fairly intelligent animals, but are connected together as a hive intelligence, increasing the intelligence when grouped together in larger groups, working together to locate the optimal location to function as a mine, or when sabotaging a target the best locations and speed up sapping operations.
Ingis Termis drones are completely AI robots and are never Awakened, seen as tools and weapons. The helmets and communications of the Necromancer can easily control and give instructions to the swarm, especially when grouped together for a higher hive intelligence, allowing the swarm to act independently for a few hours, reporting surveillance intelligence the swarm gathers, and watching enemy movement during large battles.
The swarm is usually kept in a specially designed container that looks like a wicker basket, about 1.5 ft diameter by 2 feet deep, holding 50 Ingis Termis.

Type: EcoS-D251cv Ingis Termis
Class: MicroRobot
Crew: None; robot intelligence
SDC/Armor by Location:
Main Body 50
Head 10
Legs(6) 6 each
*Ingis Termis are incredibly small and difficult to notice, attacks suffer -3 to strike, if the opponent is even aware of it.

Height: 1.5 inches
Width: 1.25 inches at shoulders
Length: 4.5 inches
Weight: 1.5 lbs
Cargo: Only what can be carried in the ‘bot’s arms
Physical Strength: Equivalent to human P.S. of 6
Each Ingis Termis has an effective IQ of 6, but when in groups of 20 or more, gain +1 IQ for the group per 20 additional crawlers, allowing a large swarm to operate independently quite effectively with missions of spying or co-ordinating tactics. The crawlers must be within 60 feet of each other for this additional boost in IQ.
Powerplant: Plasma Battery provides enough power to keep the Ingis Termis powered for 24 hours. Takes 5 hours to recharge.
Speed: (Running) 15 MPH, able to crawl up walls and ceilings at full speed. Burrowing through loose dirt and gravel 10 MPH, through packed dirt, concrete and rock 5 MPH. If using its plasma flamethrower can increase burrowing speed by +1 MPH if trying to maintain stealth operations, or +5 MPH if stealth is required.
(Underwater) Able to crawl along bottom at 5 MPH, maximum depth of 200 ft.
Market Cost: Exclusive to the Ecotroz-Shemar
Systems of Note:
*Thermo-Optics (100 ft range)
*Camera/Video Eye w/ live transmission
*Basic Audio
*Radio, range: 20 miles
*Motion Detector (500 ft range)
*Sense Vibrations/Motion Detection---The Ingis Termis is very sensitive to vibrations, and can sense motion through otherwise imperceptible ground shocks. Can listen/sense for underground activity, such as burrowing animals, tunneling vehicles, water running thru pipes, etc., as well as surface movement. Passive sensors can detect the surface movement of large animals (2 tons or more), robots, heavy vehicles, or large masses of infantry with 40% accuracy, up to a mile away.
*Recording Chip---Stores up to 8 hours of recorded observations.
*Modulating Voice Synthesizer Chip---Allows the Ingis Termis to imitate a variety of natural sounds, such as animal calls.

*Extendable Antenna - The antenna of the Ingis Termis can extend up to 1 foot through most dirt, which it uses to bring its senses closer to the surface while it is buried waiting as a mine.

*Plasma Proof Construction - Using ceramics and EM fields, Ingis Termis are immune to plasma based attacks. Magical plasma attacks deal 50% damage, particle beam weapons deal only 50% damage due to the EM fields used to control and protect against plasma. Immune to normal fire, MD and magical fire deals 50% damage.

*Molecular Adhesion Pads---The Ingis Crawler can cling to just about any surface like an insect, thanks to these pads in the feet.

*Tunnel - The Ingis Termis can create a tunnel large enough for an average Shemarrian Warrior to crawl through at a rate of 5 feet per 30 minutes using its plasma flamethrower to melt and seal the walls. Each additional Ingis Termis helping increase the rate at +2 feet per 30 minutes.

Weapons Systems:
1) Bite - The heads are equipped with potent but small mandibles, which can be used to hold wires or very small objects, or cutting through materials to allow the Ingis Termis to access other areas and aid in digging.
Range: Melee
Damage: 1d4 S.D.C. Or 1 MD (takes 2 actions).

2) Plasma Flamethrower - The mouth of the Ingis Termis is a potent short range plasma flamethrower.
Range: line 50 ft
Plasma Spray 40 ft
Damage: Line 3d6 MD, targets struck will suffer 1d6 MD for 1d4 rounds.
Plasma Spray 1d6+2 MD to a 45-degree arc (or roughly 20 ft wide area), targets will suffer 1d6 MD the next two rounds.
Rate of Fire: ECHH
Payload: Effectively Unlimited as long as the plasma battery has power.

3)Self-Destruct - The plasma battery that powers the Ingis Termis is very unstable and it can detonate it on command, plus with its specially designed frame, creates a large explosion. The plasma contained within also continues to burn for several seconds. This is particularly useful in hives, weakening the structure or burning holes in walls.
Range: Self triggered detonation 30 foot radius. If destroyed by enemy attack only 15 ft radius.
Damage: Self-triggered 8d6 MD. Upon destruction from enemy attack only 3d6 MD. Continues to do 1d6 damage to everything the blast radius struck (even if someone moves out of the area) for 1d4 melees. Anyone moving into an area that has the plasma burning will take 1d6 MD.

Demolitions 80%
Detect Ambush 60%
Detect Concealment 60%
Mechanical Engineer 60% (for best location to sabotage)
Vehicle Armorer 55% (for best location to sabotage)
Camouflage 55%
Military Fortification 80%
Trap/Mine Detection 70%
Concealment 60% (hiding itself)
Excavation 60%
Mining 50%
Intelligence 80%
Basic Math 98%
Radio: Basic 98%
Prowl 85%
Tracking 90%
Navigation 86%
Wilderness Survival 80%
Computer Operation 80%
Language: Can understand 5 different languages 80%

Actions/Attacks Per Melee: 3
Initiative +3
Dodge +5
Automatic Dodge +2
Strike +3 (+1 w/ ranged weaponry)
Roll +6
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Re: Shemarrian-related fan creations

Unread post by taalismn »

kronos wrote:Ingis Termis

Thanks. You just provided the missing base for a gestalt NPC idea I was toying with. :D
"Trouble rather the Tiger in his Lair,
Than the Sage among his Books,
For all the Empires and Kingdoms,
The Armies and Works that you hold Dear,
Are to him but the Playthings of the Moment,
To be turned over with the Flick of a Finger,
And the Turning of a Page"

--------Rudyard Kipling
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Re: Shemarrian-related fan creations

Unread post by kronos »

taalismn wrote:
kronos wrote:Ingis Termis

Thanks. You just provided the missing base for a gestalt NPC idea I was toying with. :D

You're welcome.
I thought a nice little mine that can also act as a sapper and even used in construction (digging mostly, but can be used to heat and melt stuff as necessary so a few might be found in Tinker workshops, and can act as an emergency means of destroying anything if the base gets raided and is lost)
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