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another Achilles Heel
Abysmal Talent
The character has an extra secondary -50%. this skill receive no bonus from high attributes or power (but advance as normal)! The funny thing, or tragic thing depend of point of view, is that he does not realize it. Infact he/she is concinced that can perform the skill at 90%. And no proof will convince him otherwise. At least once per day he will find an excuse to perform his "amazing" skill.Usually at expense of his temmates. These performan will always end up with epic near reality bending disastrous result from song causing Horro Factor to explosive cooking, to the classic airplane crash(third time this week eh?)
<<come one is just karaoke night! Is not a funeral!>> said Amazonica
<<..heaven help us all...thought the teammates knowing well Amazonica singing..."talent">>
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The Baron of chaos wrote:hmm I feel embarassed to ask, but since the black vault is down, (at least it has been for a week by now) has anyone a backup file fo the powers?

There is no backup file. Nimmy has been informed of the problem and is going to work on it soon.

As for the Achilles Heels, there is another thread for them. viewtopic.php?f=7&t=77759&hilit=achilles+heels
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Unread post by taalismn »

The Baron of chaos wrote:another Achilles Heel
Abysmal Talent
The character has an extra secondary -50%. this skill receive no bonus from high attributes or power (but advance as normal)!

Advances, as in moves towards a positive skill proficiency value. or negatively, as in it actually gets WORSE?

'Cause I'm thinking that if you get to skill proficiencies at -98% or greater, you should start taking special damage right then and there...

"She tried singing and rolled a -99%"
"What happened, she cleared the room of people AND vermin?"
"Blew out her vocal cords, literally choked on a high note. Doctors say she won't be able to speak or sing for WEEKS..."
"Ah, there IS a God."
"Trouble rather the Tiger in his Lair,
Than the Sage among his Books,
For all the Empires and Kingdoms,
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Oh I am very sorry for the mistake, I did not knew there was an Achilles Heel devoted thread.

Her some powers instead. Some of those i am really proud of, others less so.

Animal Ability: Rabbit/Hare
appearence small mouth, button nose, thigh bulging with muscle, long pointed ears
1 . Double speed attribute
2. Enhanced Leaping (same as minor power)
3. Sense of Hearing is 3 times as good as human can hear between 350 to 42000 hertz
4. +1d4+2 to P.P.
5. +2 roll with Punch/Fall
6. Smell is twice as good as humans not enough good for tracking but recognize familiar smell 65%
7. +2 initiative, +2 to dodge
8. can control 2d4 rabbit/hare +1d4 per level

Animal Ability: Opossum
Pointed nose, slightly triangular face, black pupiless eyes.
1. Play Dead - same as psionic power Death Trance but cost no isp
2. Prehensile Feet - for detail see the unusual/mutant trait of the same name
3. Natural Climbing skill: 75%+ 2% per level
4. Extraordinary Balance: 70%+2% per level
5. Near impervious to disease and toxins: +1d6 P.E., +4 vs. disease/toxin in addition to P.E. bonuses
6. Nightvision 50ft
7. Excellent sense of smell: recognize familiar smell 70%, Track by smell 40%+5% per level
8 Control 2d4 Opossum + 1d4 per level

Heighten sense of place: (Major)
This is not an heightened sense per se, but rather you load an area with part of you. This enhance the sense of

identity and "feel" that resonate with people and animal on deep level
Area loaded this way become essentially loaded with feelings that affect people passing by.
Range: an area of 150ft plus 1d6x10 ft per level
Duration: 1 hour plus another hour at level 4th, 8th and 12th
Effect: Everyone must roll 16 or better while passing through the area(once per 6 minutes) or suffer one of the

following effect choosen when the power is used
Fear: victim become nervous and panicky
Peace: fell content and at peace want to just sit down and enjoy the moment
Aggression: ****k everything and everyone! 60% to start a fight or an argument
Greed: They tend to picking up stuff , whether is theirs or not.
Excitement: everything is like in maniacal mode, over-reaction is the norm
Hunger: People will constantly snak or eat
Sadness: People will feel unhappy humoral and tired.

Bio-Area (Major)
essentially a major version of Bio-Aura
The hero, standing still and concentrating can essentially "merge" on metaphisical level with an area. When

done the area become essentially part of his body.
1. Share feelings:
Automatically has radar minor super ability in the area he is merged with, and spending one action per melee

can focus on a particular angle or section and use ONE of his sense to actually see what's is going on. If he

has some heightened sense or alternative sense can use them instead. Unless he focus or use his radar, senses

are kind of dulled.
Range: MEx5 feet radius plus 30 feet per level.
Duration: 1 minute per level.
Attacks per Melee: One to activate the radar, one extra to focus on an small spot.

2. Animate matter:
Can in limited way animate matter, this is much limited version of animation power. Can Animated any flexible

enough object to act as hand of sort. The object has PS and PP equal to 1/3 the heros one.
Range: MEx5 feet radius plus 30 feet per level.
Duration: One melee action

3. Share superabilities
This si the best aspect of this power. Any other superability one got, is SHARED with anything, except large

complex organism, in the area. Spending one extra action can use your power from anywhere in the area

(porvided you use ability number 1 to pinpoint where to ue the power). Effect can be weird to say the least

(everything in the part turn METAL, energy blast from portraits, mirror hypnotizing people and so on)
Range: MEx5 feet radius plus 10 feet per level..
Duration: Instant.
Attacks per Melee: Two. Note unless using radar or other sensitive ability, all superabilities are -2 to strike
4. Other Abiities and Bonuses
While merged the hero heal 3 times as fast than normal
Add+ 1d4x10 SDC while merged
+2 to save vs. pouison and toxins while merged
Side effect: Each 10 damage point suffered by ANYTHING in your merged are translate in 1d4 damage toward

the merged character.
Cannot move, nor is aware of anything while merged.

Speed Time Warp( minor)
Time flow for you slower the faster you move
Each 5 mph of speed time for the hero only slow down by 1%. This way the hero seem to be FASTER, while in

actuality his time just warped making seem so. But there are few limitiation:
it does work only on the hero OWN speed. Only 40 klbs of weight can be affected, so at best a bycicle, a

bike, or roller blades are acceptable vehicles but nothing too big. Second require lot fo concentration and

can't do anything but moving. Remember he/she si kind out of the flux of time.
Duration: 1 hour per level of experience
Attack per melee: require all can't do anythign else but move

Conjure B.O.B.
Spending one melee round holding an object, you can conjure a Bio Organic Buddy, a small short sized

humanoid who, thank to a psychometric feedback, know how to use the object in question at 70% +2% per

your level of experience. Once conjured the B.O.B. will perform the task he was created to do and then will

disappear into nothing.
Number of B.O.B. possible: 1 B.O.B. at level first, plus another at level fourth and sicth
Example: The Builder, 4th level mutant, need to repair the team car, but you don't know what to do. He grab

for 15 seconds the engine and conjure a B.O.B. that will have Automotive Mechanics at 82%. The B.O.B.

istantly get to work politely asking some tool to perform his task.
B.O.B. stats
Size: 2ft plus 2d6 inches
Weight: 1d4x10 lbs
PS: 9+1d6 PP: 10+1d6, P.E.:20, Spd.2d6
PB: 1d6 ME: 5, MA:not much, IQ: 10(know everythign abouttheir skill but nothing else)
S.D.C. creator MEx5 no hit points
HTH: only if created from weapons, in that case they have HTH basic if a new weapon, never used before,

Expert otherwise plus of course WP according to it
Note: B.O.B. does not have the two APM all living being got, only 1 Action per melee
Appearance: a short homuncolous with 2 unusal mutant features, merely cosmetic do not add absolutely
nothing in TERM of SDC or attributes
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Unread post by taalismn »

I'm presuming Conjure B.O.B, is a Major power, no?
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taalismn wrote:I'm presuming Conjure B.O.B, is a Major power, no?

Oh yes, is a major. Too many advantage.
Additional note is that B.O.B. Created from a book will have all the knoweledge of the book in question but only theorical so 55%, but will get writing, literacy(if the book is of different language)and depending on the book public speaking at 80%.
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Unread post by abe »

Supervision:”Tele”vision, this power allows you to watch television without the need for a TV set! Not very useful I know, but it’s amusing and Remenecent of super goof of Disney comics. I think that this supervision power (if the others aren’t minor already) be a minor power.
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abe wrote:Supervision:”Tele”vision, this power allows you to watch television without the need for a TV set! Not very useful I know, but it’s amusing and Remenecent of super goof of Disney comics. I think that this supervision power (if the others aren’t minor already) be a minor power.
You need to list stats for this. All you have here is a concept. Does the Television require shows to be broadcast? By what means do the signals received get interpreted?
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I'd rule that if one had Frequency Absorption and Supervision: Spectrum, one could view TV transmissions.
Frequency Absorption allows you to HEAR TV transmissions, but not actually see them, while Spectrum Vision allows you to see the EM energy, but not actually resolve the pulses into video signals.
"Trouble rather the Tiger in his Lair,
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Unread post by Stone Gargoyle »

taalismn wrote:I'd rule that if one had Frequency Absorption and Supervision: Spectrum, one could view TV transmissions.
Frequency Absorption allows you to HEAR TV transmissions, but not actually see them, while Spectrum Vision allows you to see the EM energy, but not actually resolve the pulses into video signals.

So you could, theoretically, make the Major power by combining those two minors. Interesting.
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Stone Gargoyle wrote:
taalismn wrote:I'd rule that if one had Frequency Absorption and Supervision: Spectrum, one could view TV transmissions.
Frequency Absorption allows you to HEAR TV transmissions, but not actually see them, while Spectrum Vision allows you to see the EM energy, but not actually resolve the pulses into video signals.

So you could, theoretically, make the Major power by combining those two minors. Interesting.

And since the description for Frequency Absorption sez you can HEAR the audio component of TV signals, I assume it does something to unscramble them, making it possible to bypass black box fees for unscrambling the signals.
"Trouble rather the Tiger in his Lair,
Than the Sage among his Books,
For all the Empires and Kingdoms,
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Are to him but the Playthings of the Moment,
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Unread post by Stone Gargoyle »

taalismn wrote:
Stone Gargoyle wrote:
taalismn wrote:I'd rule that if one had Frequency Absorption and Supervision: Spectrum, one could view TV transmissions.
Frequency Absorption allows you to HEAR TV transmissions, but not actually see them, while Spectrum Vision allows you to see the EM energy, but not actually resolve the pulses into video signals.

So you could, theoretically, make the Major power by combining those two minors. Interesting.

And since the description for Frequency Absorption sez you can HEAR the audio component of TV signals, I assume it does something to unscramble them, making it possible to bypass black box fees for unscrambling the signals.
What about cable TV? Can you totally get free cable?
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Stone Gargoyle wrote:What about cable TV? Can you totally get free cable?

I'm presuming not...neither power says anything about being able to tap hardlines like transmission cables. There may have been some power like Wired from the Black Vault files that would allow a character to do that, but I'm away from my home computer with its saved file(s) to be able to call up the description.
"Trouble rather the Tiger in his Lair,
Than the Sage among his Books,
For all the Empires and Kingdoms,
The Armies and Works that you hold Dear,
Are to him but the Playthings of the Moment,
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taalismn wrote:
Stone Gargoyle wrote:What about cable TV? Can you totally get free cable?

I'm presuming not...neither power says anything about being able to tap hardlines like transmission cables. There may have been some power like Wired from the Black Vault files that would allow a character to do that, but I'm away from my home computer with its saved file(s) to be able to call up the description.
But everything is cable now. The TV power will not be very appealing if it only picks up on airborne signals.
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Stone Gargoyle wrote:[But everything is cable now. The TV power will not be very appealing if it only picks up on airborne signals.

Expand it to wireless, and you can pluck peoples' cellphone video out of the air, though I'd argue one should make a roll vs insanity to keep from going mad trying to process the sheer volume, banality, and creepiness of the stuff people are snapping and sending.
"Trouble rather the Tiger in his Lair,
Than the Sage among his Books,
For all the Empires and Kingdoms,
The Armies and Works that you hold Dear,
Are to him but the Playthings of the Moment,
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taalismn wrote:Expand it to wireless, and you can pluck peoples' cellphone video out of the air, though I'd argue one should make a roll vs insanity to keep from going mad trying to process the sheer volume, banality, and creepiness of the stuff people are snapping and sending.
There should be a chance of going insane from trying to separate out the good information, with perhaps a skill roll to do so.
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Stone Gargoyle wrote:
taalismn wrote:Expand it to wireless, and you can pluck peoples' cellphone video out of the air, though I'd argue one should make a roll vs insanity to keep from going mad trying to process the sheer volume, banality, and creepiness of the stuff people are snapping and sending.
There should be a chance of going insane from trying to separate out the good information, with perhaps a skill roll to do so.

"You fail your roll to zero in and capture the correct signal. You cannot tell who General Kaos is zoom-conferencing with. What you do know now is that a disgruntled Rickie Blarpis, aka 'Studfee' on his social media account, has just uploaded nude pictures of hs ex-girlfriend to the cloud."
"Trouble rather the Tiger in his Lair,
Than the Sage among his Books,
For all the Empires and Kingdoms,
The Armies and Works that you hold Dear,
Are to him but the Playthings of the Moment,
To be turned over with the Flick of a Finger,
And the Turning of a Page"

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taalismn wrote:"You fail your roll to zero in and capture the correct signal. You cannot tell who General Kaos is zoom-conferencing with. What you do know now is that a disgruntled Rickie Blarpis, aka 'Studfee' on his social media account, has just uploaded nude pictures of hs ex-girlfriend to the cloud."
Please tell me she's at least attractive. :lol: :lol: :lol:
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Infectious Laughter (Minor) by Stone Gargoyle

This power causes anyone within range (30 feet plus 3 feet per level) to have to save vs. insanity (14 or better, ME bonus applies). If the target fails the save, he or she will also break out into laughter. The character who originated the laugh, meaning the character with this power, starts laughing by using an action and then maintains it with one action per melee round. The character with the power must himself keep laughing for the infectious nature of the laughter to continue. Those affected with the laughter can save once per melee round to try and end the laughter. When laughing and infectious, targets are reduced to half their number of attacks and are -4 to all combat attacks/actions and -30% to their skill performance. The power ceases to have effects if targets go out of range, save vs. insanity, or the character with the power stops laughing. It doesn't work on deaf people or artificial hearing, such as filtered sound heard through power armor, bionics or hearing of robots.
Other Bonuses:
The character is +4 to save vs. insanity and only suffers half the duration and effects of insanity inflicting powers, psionics or magic
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I forgot to add SDC of the vines to this one, so I'm updating it.

Entanglement (minor)
The character is surrounded by barbed vines which catch on opponents which attack him. This gives him an AutoEntangle at +8 to any opponents coming within a foot of him. He can also choose to use the vines to grab and Entangle at +4 (bonuses from PP and skills and powers apply). Vines are the character's PE attribute number of feet in length, plus one foot per level, and have PS equal to that of half of the character's normal PS number. The vines have a total SDC of 20 and the AutoEntangle is reduced by 1 for every 4 points of SDC lost. Vines regrow lost SDC at a rate of 1 point per melee round.
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Stone Gargoyle wrote:I forgot to add SDC of the vines to this one, so I'm updating it.

Entanglement (minor)
The character is surrounded by barbed vines which catch on opponents which attack him. This gives him an AutoEntangle at +8 to any opponents coming within a foot of him. .

Having been tripped on several occasions by runner vines in my garden, I can relate to this.
"Trouble rather the Tiger in his Lair,
Than the Sage among his Books,
For all the Empires and Kingdoms,
The Armies and Works that you hold Dear,
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To be turned over with the Flick of a Finger,
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Stone Gargoyle wrote:I forgot to add SDC of the vines to this one, so I'm updating it.

Entanglement (minor)
The character is surrounded by barbed vines which catch on opponents which attack him. This gives him an AutoEntangle at +8 to any opponents coming within a foot of him. He can also choose to use the vines to grab and Entangle at +4 (bonuses from PP and skills and powers apply). Vines are the character's PE attribute number of feet in length, plus one foot per level, and have PS equal to that of half of the character's normal PS number. The vines have a total SDC of 20 and the AutoEntangle is reduced by 1 for every 4 points of SDC lost. Vines regrow lost SDC at a rate of 1 point per melee round.

Sounds like this could be paired with long hair too. Maybe the char would get a hair growth power also.
May you be blessed with the ability to change course when you are off the mark.
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drewkitty ~..~ wrote:
Stone Gargoyle wrote:I forgot to add SDC of the vines to this one, so I'm updating it.

Entanglement (minor)
The character is surrounded by barbed vines which catch on opponents which attack him. This gives him an AutoEntangle at +8 to any opponents coming within a foot of him. He can also choose to use the vines to grab and Entangle at +4 (bonuses from PP and skills and powers apply). Vines are the character's PE attribute number of feet in length, plus one foot per level, and have PS equal to that of half of the character's normal PS number. The vines have a total SDC of 20 and the AutoEntangle is reduced by 1 for every 4 points of SDC lost. Vines regrow lost SDC at a rate of 1 point per melee round.

Sounds like this could be paired with long hair too. Maybe the char would get a hair growth power also.
Maybe as a major version. I'll have to give it some thought.
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De-Vision (minor) by Stone Gargoyle

The character emits a frequency that affects the vision centers of the brain of all those within a range of 300 feet, plus 30 feet per level. For those with super-powered vision, this power negates it, leaving those affected with normal vision. For those without super-powered vision, this creates partial blindness (-4 to all combat moves and reduced to half Spd). Those in range may save vs. the effect (16 or better, PE bonus applies). The power is also only within the effective range, so moving out of range will return vision to normal. This power is always on. As it is a frequency causing it, the power does not affect those wearing artificial hearing devices, robots or cyborgs with artificial hearing, or deaf people. It also affects those using sonar and echolocation to a lesser degree (-2 to combat moves while in range, cumulative with the vision penalty if applicable).
Last edited by Stone Gargoyle on Sat Sep 04, 2021 7:39 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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De-Vision (Major) by Stone Gargoyle

The character emits a frequency that affects the vision centers of the brain of all those within a range of 500 feet, plus 50 feet per level. For those with super-powered vision, this power negates it, leaving those affected with impaired vision (-4 to all combat moves and reduced to half Spd). For those without super-powered vision, this creates total blindness (-10 to all combat moves and reduced to one quarter Spd). Those in range may save vs. the effect (16 or better, PE bonus applies). The power remains in effect even if the affected moves out of range, lasting 2d4 melee rounds. This power is always on. As it is a frequency causing it, the power does not affect those wearing artificial hearing devices, robots or cyborgs with artificial hearing, or deaf people. It also affects those using sonar and echolocation to a lesser degree (-4 to combat moves while in range, cumulative with the vision penalty if applicable).
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Footholds (major) by Stone Gargoyle
1) Climbing: The character can sink his feet and hands into surfaces made of brick so as to climb, which he can do at his full Spd. This causes the surface to take 1d4 damage each time he sinks his foot or hand in. Climbing this way takes all of his concentration, so he can perform no other actions while climbing. This adds +30% to his Climbing skill.
2) Footholds: The character can cause his feet to detach as an action to create foot- and hand-holds for people to climb behind him, the foot merging with the surface and altering to become the same substance as the surface being climbed. The feet automatically regenerate as another action immediately after he sheds them but the character loses 1d6 SDC which must be healed.
3) Healing: The character has the minor superability of Healing Factor (HU2 core book page 233)
4) Ignore Earth AR: When striking targets made of dirt and stone, the character strikes it as if it was 6 AR points lower, -1 AR at levels 4, 8 and 12.
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Not sure how Healing Factor really slots* into a Climbing ability power, but since it's a Major one, and they have a lot of leeway for lesser aspects, I figure it can pass...

*I'd have gone with improved balance, or immunity to acrophobia/vertigo, half damage from falls, or maybe a second roll when falling to grab and make another handhold to catch oneself with, though any additional stat bonuses from those aren't as impressive as Healing Factor.

(Never mind....I caught the bad foothold pun...carry on)
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taalismn wrote:Not sure how Healing Factor really slots* into a Climbing ability power, but since it's a Major one, and they have a lot of leeway for lesser aspects, I figure it can pass...
I added Healing Factor to allow him to regenerate lost SDC faster since he loses it when removing a foot. The Climbing is only half the power.

taalismn wrote:I'd have gone with improved balance, or immunity to acrophobia/vertigo, half damage from falls, or maybe a second roll when falling to grab and make another handhold to catch oneself with, though any additional stat bonuses from those aren't as impressive as Healing Factor.
I can take these ideas and make a Climbing power. This power was not strictly Climbing, after all.

taalismn wrote:(Never mind....I caught the bad foothold pun...carry on)
Most of my names for powers are plays on words or puns. This should not surprise you.
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Climbing (Major) by Stone Gargoyle

The character with this power gets the Climbing skill for free and a bonus of +20% with it. The character can climb to incredible heights without ever suffering vertigo or disorientation due to heights. The character can dig his hands into solid rock and dirt to climb, doing 1d4 damage to the rock or earth while doing so. In addition, when striking rock and earth, including Alter Physical Structure characters, he does so as if their AR was 4 points lower, -1 additional point at levels 4, 8 and 12, and his strikes do an extra 1d4 damage. If the character falls while climbing, he is +4 to roll with the fall. If successful, he only takes one quarter damage; if not successful, he only takes half damage from the fall.
Other Bonuses:
+5% to any Maintain Balance checks
+1d4 to PE
Does not suffer and penalties from being high up in the atmosphere or at high elevations
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I'm currently trying to figure out a Facade power. Stay Tuned!
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Facade (Major) by Stone Gargoyle

The character has a secondary body he keeps in a pocket dimension until he wishes to swap it out.

1) Secondary Body: The secondary body the character keeps in a pocket dimension is nothing like the character. When assuming this form, the character loses any bionics, mutant traits, experiment side-effects, and physical powers. He retains his mental abilities and any mental and energy powers, however. The player choosing this ability for his character must roll new physical attributes for the character (PS, PP, PE, PB and Spd), of which none can go over 24. The character loses any strength amplification and has normal Strength for the purpose of lifting and carrying, leaping and throwing. The secondary body will not in any way resemble the character's other body, being taller or shorter by 2d4 inches, of different ethnicity, eye color, hair color, etc. Even the fingerprints and retinas of the character will be different. The secondary body also has separate SDC, which is 3d6+12. The secondary body gets no bonuses the character has from physical skills. The secondary body heals at twice normal rate, however, and continues to heal even when not in use. The character also switches to whatever common clothing he dresses the secondary body in. Changing to and from the secondary body uses two melee actions each way.

2) False Readings: The character will retain some powers, full PPE, and ISP (if applicable) when in his secondary body. Scanning the character, however, will result in a false reading. The secondary body will not read as having powers or ISP, these abilities being completely hidden from all forms of scans, whether technological, powers, psychic or magical. The PPE of the secondary body is also partially masked, the character reading as having only 3d6 PPE in his secondary form. His energy powers, PPE and ISP are still accessible, just hidden.

3) Item Storage: When in the secondary body is in use, the character has the equivalent of the minor superability Instant Wardrobe and can pull items that were on him when he switched bodies out of limbo to use. Pulling items out of the dimensional pocket or putting them back in uses one melee action per item.

4) Other Bonuses:
Impervious to Mind Control and Possession
+4 to save vs Psionics
+4 to save vs Magic
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Stone Gargoyle wrote:Facade (Major) by Stone Gargoyle

"I'm sorry, sir, you look nothing like your passport photo."
"Oops, I forgot to change before I left for the airport. Give me a moment alone and I can fix that."
"Trouble rather the Tiger in his Lair,
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For all the Empires and Kingdoms,
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taalismn wrote:
Stone Gargoyle wrote:Facade (Major) by Stone Gargoyle

"I'm sorry, sir, you look nothing like your passport photo."
"Oops, I forgot to change before I left for the airport. Give me a moment alone and I can fix that."
That scenario is unlikely considering the personal effects of a given body can be kept with it in the other dimension.
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Stone Gargoyle wrote:[That scenario is unlikely considering the personal effects of a given body can be kept with it in the other dimension.

Accidents happen. We don't always return our car keys to the right set of pants.
And super beings are not immune to this. :P
"Trouble rather the Tiger in his Lair,
Than the Sage among his Books,
For all the Empires and Kingdoms,
The Armies and Works that you hold Dear,
Are to him but the Playthings of the Moment,
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taalismn wrote:
Stone Gargoyle wrote:[That scenario is unlikely considering the personal effects of a given body can be kept with it in the other dimension.

Accidents happen. We don't always return our car keys to the right set of pants.
And super beings are not immune to this. :P

And just imagine if this was taken more than once!
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This is an edit of my Crossbones major power to focus more on just the crossbow ability.

Bone Crossbow (Minor) by Stone Gargoyle

This is basically the same as the Crossbones minor super ability but with modifications.\
Each of the hero's forearms has extra bones which can pop out of the skin, stretching out pieces of sinew between them, as well as shards of bone to use as bolts, creating natural crossbows which fire the bolts by the hero flexing the muscles in the arms. The bones that form the crossbow, as well as the sinew, retract into the arms when not in use.
Shooting Range: PSX40 feet
Damage: Single shards do 2d6 (plus PS bonus) damage when used as bolts. A volley of three shards may be shot at once at a single target for 5d6 damage (no PS bonus for a volley).
Number of Bone Bolts: The hero's body produces his PE attribute number of bolts per minute which automatically load when available.
Attacks: The hero can fire both arms at once, using a single attack for the crossbows to form and fire the bone shards. Volleys cannot be shot as a simultaneous attack and use 2 attacks to fire.
Bonuses: +2 to strike with these natural weapons, in addition to any Targeting skills the hero may have (may use WP Archery for the purpose of this). Automatically gets the Paired Weapons skill.
Other Abilities and Bonuses:
+2 to dodge and parry projectiles such as arrows and crossbow bolts.
Bones heal at four times the normal rate.
Character takes half damage from projectiles
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Stone Gargoyle wrote:This is an edit of my Crossbones major power to focus more on just the crossbow ability.

Bone Crossbow (Major) by Stone Gargoyle

This is basically the same as the Crossbones minor super ability but with modifications.\
Each of the hero's forearms has extra bones which can pop out of the skin, stretching out pieces of sinew between them, as well as shards of bone to use as bolts, creating natural crossbows which fire the bolts by the hero flexing the muscles in the arms. The bones that form the crossbow, as well as the sinew, retract into the arms when not in use.
Shooting Range: PSX40 feet
Damage: Single shards do 2d6 (plus PS bonus) damage when used as bolts. Crossbow bolts may also be used for 2d4 (plus PS bonus) damage. A volley of three shards may be shot at once at a single target for 5d6 damage (no PS bonus for a volley).
Number of Bone Bolts: The hero's body produces his PE atrtribute number of bolts per minute which automatically load when available.
Attacks: The hero can fire both arms at once, using a single attack for the crossbows to form and fire the bone shards; uses an additional attack if having to load in a crossbow bolt. Volleys cannot be shot as a simultaneous attack and use 2 attacks to fire.
Bonuses: +2 to strike with these natural weapons, in addition to any Targeting skills the hero may have (may use WP Archery for the purpose of this). Automatically gets the Paired Weapons skill.
Other Abilities and Bonuses:
+2 to dodge and parry projectiles such as arrows and crossbow bolts.
Bones heal at four times the normal rate.
Character takes half damage from projectiles

Overall I like this other than the damage. Normally you do not get your PS bonus to crossbows.
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NMI wrote:
Stone Gargoyle wrote:This is an edit of my Crossbones major power to focus more on just the crossbow ability.

Bone Crossbow (Major) by Stone Gargoyle

This is basically the same as the Crossbones minor super ability but with modifications.\
Each of the hero's forearms has extra bones which can pop out of the skin, stretching out pieces of sinew between them, as well as shards of bone to use as bolts, creating natural crossbows which fire the bolts by the hero flexing the muscles in the arms. The bones that form the crossbow, as well as the sinew, retract into the arms when not in use.
Shooting Range: PSX40 feet
Damage: Single shards do 2d6 (plus PS bonus) damage when used as bolts. Crossbow bolts may also be used for 2d4 (plus PS bonus) damage. A volley of three shards may be shot at once at a single target for 5d6 damage (no PS bonus for a volley).
Number of Bone Bolts: The hero's body produces his PE attribute number of bolts per minute which automatically load when available.
Attacks: The hero can fire both arms at once, using a single attack for the crossbows to form and fire the bone shards; uses an additional attack if having to load in a crossbow bolt. Volleys cannot be shot as a simultaneous attack and use 2 attacks to fire.
Bonuses: +2 to strike with these natural weapons, in addition to any Targeting skills the hero may have (may use WP Archery for the purpose of this). Automatically gets the Paired Weapons skill.
Other Abilities and Bonuses:
+2 to dodge and parry projectiles such as arrows and crossbow bolts.
Bones heal at four times the normal rate.
Character takes half damage from projectiles

Overall I like this other than the damage. Normally you do not get your PS bonus to crossbows.
I added that due to the fact that it is his muscle/sinew that is being used as the string.
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Unread post by matt.reed »

Stone Gargoyle wrote:This is an edit of my Crossbones major power to focus more on just the crossbow ability.

Bone Crossbow (Major) by Stone Gargoyle

This is basically the same as the Crossbones minor super ability but with modifications.\
Each of the hero's forearms has extra bones which can pop out of the skin, stretching out pieces of sinew between them, as well as shards of bone to use as bolts, creating natural crossbows which fire the bolts by the hero flexing the muscles in the arms. The bones that form the crossbow, as well as the sinew, retract into the arms when not in use.
Shooting Range: PSX40 feet
Damage: Single shards do 2d6 (plus PS bonus) damage when used as bolts. Crossbow bolts may also be used for 2d4 (plus PS bonus) damage. A volley of three shards may be shot at once at a single target for 5d6 damage (no PS bonus for a volley).
Number of Bone Bolts: The hero's body produces his PE atrtribute number of bolts per minute which automatically load when available.
Attacks: The hero can fire both arms at once, using a single attack for the crossbows to form and fire the bone shards; uses an additional attack if having to load in a crossbow bolt. Volleys cannot be shot as a simultaneous attack and use 2 attacks to fire.
Bonuses: +2 to strike with these natural weapons, in addition to any Targeting skills the hero may have (may use WP Archery for the purpose of this). Automatically gets the Paired Weapons skill.
Other Abilities and Bonuses:
+2 to dodge and parry projectiles such as arrows and crossbow bolts.
Bones heal at four times the normal rate.
Character takes half damage from projectiles

I don't see why this is a major, though, the damage isn't too comparable to an EE unless you burst fire, and even then that takes two attacks. I see no reason why you'd use crossbow bolts as a downgrade, and it costs a second attack. The PS bonus is okay, but I don't feel that justifies it being a major
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matt.reed wrote:
Stone Gargoyle wrote:This is an edit of my Crossbones major power to focus more on just the crossbow ability.

Bone Crossbow (Major) by Stone Gargoyle

This is basically the same as the Crossbones minor super ability but with modifications.\
Each of the hero's forearms has extra bones which can pop out of the skin, stretching out pieces of sinew between them, as well as shards of bone to use as bolts, creating natural crossbows which fire the bolts by the hero flexing the muscles in the arms. The bones that form the crossbow, as well as the sinew, retract into the arms when not in use.
Shooting Range: PSX40 feet
Damage: Single shards do 2d6 (plus PS bonus) damage when used as bolts. Crossbow bolts may also be used for 2d4 (plus PS bonus) damage. A volley of three shards may be shot at once at a single target for 5d6 damage (no PS bonus for a volley).
Number of Bone Bolts: The hero's body produces his PE atrtribute number of bolts per minute which automatically load when available.
Attacks: The hero can fire both arms at once, using a single attack for the crossbows to form and fire the bone shards; uses an additional attack if having to load in a crossbow bolt. Volleys cannot be shot as a simultaneous attack and use 2 attacks to fire.
Bonuses: +2 to strike with these natural weapons, in addition to any Targeting skills the hero may have (may use WP Archery for the purpose of this). Automatically gets the Paired Weapons skill.
Other Abilities and Bonuses:
+2 to dodge and parry projectiles such as arrows and crossbow bolts.
Bones heal at four times the normal rate.
Character takes half damage from projectiles

I don't see why this is a major, though, the damage isn't too comparable to an EE unless you burst fire, and even then that takes two attacks. I see no reason why you'd use crossbow bolts as a downgrade, and it costs a second attack. The PS bonus is okay, but I don't feel that justifies it being a major
Fair enough. I'll eliminate the regular crossbow bolts and make it a minor. Consider it done.
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I am attempting a major power based on by Them Bones minor superability. It is too weak for a major right now, so I am making this a revised version. Any feedback is helpful.

Them Bones - Revised (minor) by Stone Gargoyle
The hero can alter the calcium and carbons in items to make them resemble bones. Using this, he could take a plastic or rubber skeleton, or one made from any other substance, and make it resemble a corpse or fossilized remnant of the past. There is a 98% chance the fake will be mistaken for real bones. This takes two actions to execute.
The hero can also alter the structure of his own bones, gaining his PE number in Hit Points. This additional HP can be used to heal existing HP damage or raise the character's HP for a time. Excess/ additional HP last for 1d4 hours before bleeding off at a rate of 1 Hit Point per hour.
+2d4 PE
+2d4 HP
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Unread post by matt.reed »

Stone Gargoyle wrote:I am attempting a major power based on by Them Bones minor superability. It is too weak for a major right now, so I am making this a revised version. Any feedback is helpful.

Them Bones - Revised (minor) by Stone Gargoyle
The hero can alter the calcium and carbons in items to make them resemble bones. Using this, he could take a plastic or rubber skeleton, or one made from any other substance, and make it resemble a corpse or fossilized remnant of the past. There is a 98% chance the fake will be mistaken for real bones. This takes two actions to execute.
The hero can also alter the structure of his own bones, gaining his PE number in Hit Points. This additional HP can be used to heal existing HP damage or raise the character's HP for a time. Excess/ additional HP last for 1d4 hours before bleeding off at a rate of 1 Hit Point per hour.
+2d4 PE
+2d4 HP

as it stands, I see almost no practical application for this ability safe for the slight amount of temporary HP. I could see it somewhere between Indestructable Bones, and a healing power, since you could affect other people slightly. I think bone marrow is good to relieve tiredness, and good against disease? I'd have to research.

Healing broken bones is a given.
Last edited by matt.reed on Mon Sep 27, 2021 5:49 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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matt.reed wrote:
Stone Gargoyle wrote:I am attempting a major power based on by Them Bones minor superability. It is too weak for a major right now, so I am making this a revised version. Any feedback is helpful.

Them Bones - Revised (minor) by Stone Gargoyle
The hero can alter the calcium and carbons in items to make them resemble bones. Using this, he could take a plastic or rubber skeleton, or one made from any other substance, and make it resemble a corpse or fossilized remnant of the past. There is a 98% chance the fake will be mistaken for real bones. This takes two actions to execute.
The hero can also alter the structure of his own bones, gaining his PE number in Hit Points. This additional HP can be used to heal existing HP damage or raise the character's HP for a time. Excess/ additional HP last for 1d4 hours before bleeding off at a rate of 1 Hit Point per hour.
+2d4 PE
+2d4 HP

as it stands, I see almost no practical application for this ability safe for the slight amount of temporary HP. I could see it somewhere between Indestructable Bones, and a healing power, since you could affect other people slightly. I think bone marrow is good to relieve tiredness, and good against disease? I'd have to research

The power was designed to allow someone to falsify evidence at a crime scene. Pretty useless mostly.
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falsify evidence? I could see a power that essentially erases all DNA signs from anyone not present in an area, or even a companion power to Forgettable, that the person never leaves footprints or fingerprints, never leaves DNA at scenes, etc.
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matt.reed wrote:falsify evidence? I could see a power that essentially erases all DNA signs from anyone not present in an area, or even a companion power to Forgettable, that the person never leaves footprints or fingerprints, never leaves DNA at scenes, etc.
There are already powers that let you do that. I was going for something different. This is not my best work, hence my return to it to try and improve it.
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I'm contemplating a power called Whack Yo (minor). Stay tuned.
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Stone Gargoyle wrote:I'm contemplating a power called Whack Yo (minor). Stay tuned.

I'm already having trouble trying to wrap my mind around what it could possibly be, so I'm guessing a mind-confusion power? :P
"Trouble rather the Tiger in his Lair,
Than the Sage among his Books,
For all the Empires and Kingdoms,
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taalismn wrote:
Stone Gargoyle wrote:I'm contemplating a power called Whack Yo (minor). Stay tuned.

I'm already having trouble trying to wrap my mind around what it could possibly be, so I'm guessing a mind-confusion power? :P

Whack Yo (minor) by Stone Gargoyle

The character with this power can enlarge their fingertips, turning then into large spherical lumps. These lumps can be extended out by the character using finger elongation that turns the fingers string-like, for a distance of up to half the character's PE score in feet, to strike opponents like a yoyo (with a +2 to strike), each lump doing 1d4 damage (no PS damage bonus) and entangling the target with +4 to do so. If the entire hand is used at once (still only counts as a single shot), the damage is cumulative and the entangle bonus is +8. The fingers do the same damage when not extended, but are able to add their PS damage to said attack.
The character can also use a finger as a pendulum, adding +10% to any hypnosis skills.
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...jut a question...but i noticed that almost all post form Mephisto had disappeared...has soemthign happened?<you never know when you start to get older >
< and on a more egotistical note has anyone a backup of the powers he posted?>
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Location: Lurking on rooftops like a proper gargoyle should, in and around Tacoma, WA.


Unread post by Stone Gargoyle »

People who no longer have an account on the forums are having their materials removed. I have some of Mephisto's stuff but it is not marked as his in the file names so I wouldn't be able to give you copies without more work than I want to do. What I could do is send you copies of all of my powers files once I get done getting them off the thread, which might still be a while yet. PM me with your email if you want me to do that.
"SG, you are a limitless fountain of Butt-Saving Advice. You Rock, Stone and Concrete." ~ TrumbachD
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