Shemarrian-related fan creations

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Re: Shemarrian-related fan creations

Unread post by kronos »

after a year in development hell.. finally finished the bomber.. the Variants will be available soon-ish, still working out a few ideas

Eshe-F13 Curuquinga, aka Longbow Bomber

"All shields forward! All ahead and focus all fire on their command ship! I want their command chair as a trophy!" The captain of the lead Berserker ordered as his attack squadron raced towards the Shemarrian fleet. "Victory will be MI-" his sentence is cut off as the ship is rocked from multiple impacts and explosions as the ship broke apart as its reactors and cruise missile magazines detonated.
From the fiery explosions of several Berserker ships flew a squadron of ships heading back to the Shemarrian fleet.
-Scratch one Berserker squadron. Returning for rearming.-

-Coordinates received from the drones. Alpha flight target engines, Raptor engage the destroyer escort shielding the port side of target. Fang, we're going for the bridge. JUMP!-
The group of ships floating outside of the system jumped to FTL only to exit in the middle of a raging battle directly between the dreadnought and a group of six destroyers protecting one side as its shields had suffered a failure on that side. Alpha flight immediately hit their afterburners to position themselves for a clear shot of the engines and unleashed their cruise missile payload, while Raptor flight had already unleashed their cruise missiles and medium missiles overwhelming the destroyers unprotected flanks as they had reinforced their other side shields to withstand the strikes from the Shemarrian battleships farther out. Fang flight, hovering directly in front of the dreadnought bridge, the captain could see the shocked expressions of the bridge crew, moved her hands clearly before her in a universal insult before the bombardier behind her cackled with glee as she pulled the trigger to unleash the craft's entire payload of missiles and plasma torpedoes.
Fang flight quickly throttled their engines to full and hit the afterburners as their hulls were lightly scorched from the explosions from their payloads.

*The captain of the Hawkmoon battleship shook her head in amazement* "I'll never understand the Bloodrider's need to 'ride the flames' as they put it, but one can not argue with the results. Launch the shuttles after the last of the escorts are destroyed or disabled. I want that ship under our control and capture all the data we can and rescue the prisoners before any reinforcements arrive!" *The captain gave a node of respect to the handy work of the bombers the Bloodrider's loaned them for this battle, the data onboard should help save billions of lives.*

The Curuquinga, or Longbow, is a heavy bomber developed and produced by several tribes to create a bomber that can be shared amongst all the tribes, and produced at facilities such as Assembly One, with some tribes having their own variants, just like the Forsvare and Hellcat fighters. The Longbow has a long boxy body with four wings in an X-shape at the rear of the craft, giving it a large dart appearance, about the size of many shuttles. Between the wings on the sides are the engines, while at the rear of the body is a weapon turret to help protect the large craft, while a semi turret is mounted under the chin, and fixed forward weapons mounted above and on the sides of the cockpit that is at the very front of the craft.
Besides the direct fire weapons, the Longbow mounts a large missile payload, carrying a battery of mini missiles for defense, medium range for general strike purposes and cruise missiles for heavy strikes against targets like capital ships and facilities. The launchers of the Longbow are uniquely designed to allow for rapid reloading, and maximize space to get the most amount of missiles into the craft, which makes reloading a bit time consuming. The entire missile magazines can be fairly quickly removed and a fresh reload can be inserted which allow a quick turn around, but reloading the magazines while in or out of the craft takes at least double the time of other craft, thus most ships that have a Longbow squadron on board dedicate some extra space to extra magazines to allow quick reloading during battles. Due to its size and weight, the Longbow isn't fast or maneuverable, but it mounts heavy armour and shields. The Curuquinga's FTL engines and sensors are fine tuned for precision short jumping, making use of the EShemarrian's micro-jump tactics, combined with the large payload of the Longbow and its large volley launch capacity makes it a deadly quick and surprise strike craft, able to overwhelm the defensive systems of larger ships with overwhelming volume at such close range. The afterburner system is also unique in that it can push the Longbow to full speed in just over a second to allow the large craft to escape the destruction of its target relatively unharmed.

Type: EShe-F13 Curuquinga, aka Longbow Bomber
Class: Heavy Bomber
Crew: Three (pilot, gunner, bombardier/jump operator)
MDC/Armor by Location:
Main Body 2,300
Reinforced Crew Compartment 250
Rear Turret (1) 350
Chin Semi Turret (1) 200
Engines (2) 700 each
Wings (4) 500 each
Variable Force Field 800 each side (4800 total)
Height: 55 ft
Width: 55 ft
Length: 125 ft
Weight: 190 tons
Cargo: Survival packs and sidearms for each crew member
Powerplant: Nuclear w/ 20 year energy life
(Atmosphere) Hover to 600 MPH, transatmospheric
(Sublight) Mach 5
(FTL) 6 light years per hour
Afterburner 800 MPH in atmosphere, Mach 9 Sublight able to reach max speed in 1 action.
Market Cost: EXCLUSIVE to the Shemarrian Nation
Systems of Note:
Standard Aircraft Systems, plus:
*Long Range Radio----500 mile range
*Long Range Radar---100 mile range
*Radar Detector---Picks up enemy radar emissions and weapons locks

*Radar, w/ Terrain-Following and Look-Down capabilities; effective range of 85 miles.

*ECM----A broad area jamming suite that gives the craft a -6 to be struck by radar-guided weaponry.

*Sensor Jamming Suite----Sensor Jamming---An active, manned system that gives a 30%+operator’s ECM bonus chance of jamming enemy radar, including radar guided munitions and missiles. Effective range of 50 miles.

*EMP Shielding---Extensive use of nonconductive materials, shock barriers, capacitator-sponges, redundant systems, and energy-disipation technology protects the aircraft from the damaging effects of electromagnetic pulse, Triax Lightning Cannon, and other anti-electronics directed energy weaponry.

*Advanced Targeting System----Confers a +3 to strike with ranged weaponry.

*Micro-Jumping---The Longbow is one of a growing number of EShemar vessels specially engineered to be able to perform micro-jumps; sudden and short bursts of FTL speed meant to bring the vessel within point blank range of an enemy vessel, then instantly accelerate or brake to match speeds, the better to hammer the enemy more accurately and/or bring down their shields by other means other than pure firepower attrition. This is a hellishly difficult tactic that requires extreme accuracy, fast reflexes on the part of the Jumping crew, and precise data on the target vessel or structure; a miscalculation, or flawed target data, can set the Jumping vessel off course and out of position, easy prey for the defenders’ guns, or put the two vessels in the same space, with catastrophic results. Using long range scans to glean data on a target’s position, shield strength and coverage, and their speed and heading is problematic in that the distance between scanner and target is hampered by signal lag. Sensor jamming and stealth systems on the part of the target can further degrade the data, and jeopardize the success of a tactical micro-jump.
Micro-jumping tactically in this manner works best if the Jumper has ‘spotters’ already in place, close enough to keep scan-lag to a minimum, that can constant stream data via FTL link to the Jumping vessel immediately prior to the latter making its move. The most ideal circumstances under which this might take place or in a battle action, where several friendly warships surrounding a target vessel can effectively draw the target’s attention, and incidentally create a navigation ‘grid’ around the enemy, allowing the jumper to appear suddenly on an unprotected side. The other ‘perfect’ situation is having an enemy vessel shadowed by stealth scouts, that can then case the target for a surprise attack.
In a successful micro-jump attack, regardless of whether the Jumper has special attacks(like shield-breaking technology), the attacking vessel will have the Initiative for one melee.

Weapons Systems:
1) Chin Semi Turret (1) --- Under the chin is a semi turret for one of the main weapon systems, it can rotate 180 degrees from left to right, and angle down 45 degrees from straight forward. Typically mounts twin lasers, but other weapons are available.
a) Twin Laser Cannons --- Standard lasers found on most fighters, used for anti-fighter and anti-missile use.
Range: 1.2 miles in atmosphere, 3.6 miles in space
Damage: 2d6x10 MD per blast each, 4d6x10 MD per dual blast.
Rate of Fire: EPCHH
Payload: Unlimited

b) Twin GR Cannon --- Standard GR cannons found on many Eshemarrian craft
Range: 5 miles atmosphere, 10 miles in space
Damage: 4d6x10 MD per 20 rd burst per cannon, 8d6x10 per twin blast.
Payload: 600 rds ea

c) Tachyon Scatter Cannon--- These are typically used to create a ‘firebreak’ in front of the ship for destroying incoming missiles, mines, and other projectiles.
Range: 1.5 miles (2,500 m) in atmosphere w/ 4,000 mile wide arc
Damage: 3d6x10 MD per single cannon firing, 6d6x10 MD for two barrels firing simultaneously(counts as one attack).
Rate of Fire: EPCHH
Payload: Effectively Unlimited

d) Twin Plasma Cannons --- Powerful, but short ranged plasma cannons.
Range: 1 mile in atmosphere, 2.8 miles in space
Damage: 4d6x10 MD per single cannon firing, 8d6x10 MD for two barrels firing simultaneously (counts as one attack).
Rate of Fire: EPCHH
Payload: Effectively Unlimited

2) Cheek Weapons (2) --- On either side of the cockpit, are two of the main forward weapons, typically heavier fighter based weapons, fixed forward.
a) Skullshatter Cannon (2) ---- These multi-barrel rail-cannon can fire truly impressive bursts of hypervelocity rounds that can obliterate a target in mere seconds!
Range: 6,000 ft
Damage: 2d6x10 MD per round, 6d6x10 MD for a three shot burst, 1d6MDx100 for a six shot burst per gun(!)
So a dual cannon short burst would do 2d6x100 MD(!)
Rate of Fire: ECHH
Payload: 820 shot drum per cannon.

b) Light Disrupter Cannon (2)---Copied from Golgan Republik weapons(much to the disgust of those Golgans who learn of this blatant tech-theft).
Range: 2 miles in atmosphere
Damage: 2d4x10 MD single barrel firing, 4d4x10 MD for two barrels firing simultaneously (counts as one attack), at point of impact, then 25% of that in a 20 ft radius
Rate of Fire: EGCHH
Payload: Effectively Unlimited

c) Particle Beam Cannons (2)
Range: 1.5 miles in atmosphere
Damage: 3d6x10 MD single barrel firing, 6d6x10 MD for two barrels firing simultaneously (counts as one attack).
Rate of Fire: EGCHH
Payload: Effectively Unlimited

d) Medium Laser Cannons (2)
Range: 3 miles in atmosphere, 6 miles space
Damage: 5d6x10 MD single barrel firing, 10d6x10 MD for two barrels firing simultaneously (counts as one attack).
Rate of Fire: EGCHH
Payload: Effectively Unlimited

3) Heavy Weapon (1) --- Mounted above the cockpit running along part of the spine is a heavy weapon to give the Longbow a heavy punch for when it's emptied it's large warhead payload.
a) Heavy Laser Cannon
Range: 7 miles in atmosphere
Damage: 1d4x100 MD per shot
Rate of Fire: Four shots per melee
Payload: Effectively Unlimited

b) Particle Beam Cannon --- A heavy particle beam cannon.
Range: 1.3 in atmosphere, 2.6 miles in space
Damage: 1d6x100 MD
Rate of Fire: four shots per melee
Payload: Effectively Unlimited

c) Plasma Cannon
Range: 6 miles in atmosphere, 12 miles in space
Damage: 2d4x100 MD per blast
Rate of Fire: Four shots per melee
Payload: Effectively Unlimited

4) Rear Turret --- Mounted at the rear of the craft is a dual barrel turret that mounts the same weapons as the Chin turret.

5) Mini-Missile Launchers (4) - Four mini-missile launchers are fitted on the sides and the top of the craft.
Range: Typically 1 mile
Damage: Varies by type loaded, typically plasma.
Rate of Fire: Volleys of 1-6 each
Payload: 18 mini-missiles each (72 total).

6) Medium Range Missile Launchers (2) --- A pair of MRM launchers are mounted just behind the cockpit
Range: Varies by Missile Type
Damage: Varies by Missile Type
Rate of Fire: Volleys of 1-10
Payload: 30 missiles each launcher.

7) Cruise Missile Launchers (2) --- Anti-ship projectile weapons.
Range: Varies by Missile Type
Damage: Varies by Missile Type
Rate of Fire: Volleys of 1-6 each launcher
Payload: 24 each launcher, 48 total.

8 ) Flare/Chaff Launchers (4) - Fitted in the wings are flare/chaff launchers for extra defense.
Range: Close Defense
Damage: None; similar to Triax-style chaff
01-50 Enemy Missile or volley detonates in chaff and threat is neutralized
51-75 Missile/Volley diverts and may pursue/lock on to other targets
76-00 No Effect! Missile(s) still on target!
Will also temporarily blind and impede flying monsters who fly into it.
Reduce APMs/combat bonuses/ speed by half for 1d4 melees
Payload: 36 per launcher

Variants (to come shortly)
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Re: Shemarrian-related fan creations

Unread post by taalismn » me to the Bloodrider slay-ride!
Though it being a -13 number, if you're the superstitious wonder you had problems working it up.
But yeah, as an attack ship, I can see it on 'glory runs', all weapons blazing, in the enemy's face!
"Trouble rather the Tiger in his Lair,
Than the Sage among his Books,
For all the Empires and Kingdoms,
The Armies and Works that you hold Dear,
Are to him but the Playthings of the Moment,
To be turned over with the Flick of a Finger,
And the Turning of a Page"

--------Rudyard Kipling
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Re: Shemarrian-related fan creations

Unread post by kronos »

taalismn me to the Bloodrider slay-ride!
Though it being a -13 number, if you're the superstitious wonder you had problems working it up.
But yeah, as an attack ship, I can see it on 'glory runs', all weapons blazing, in the enemy's face!

She's slow, but can micro jump repeatedly, and heavily armoured and shielded.

The Bloodrider variant mounts a good 6 plasma torpedo launchers, with a feature for a devastating rapid fire mode filling space with dozens of plasma torpedoes per round that rival much larger ships with more launchers, but doing so will render the ship unable to fire them for a while afterwards.

Still debating the other variants, but Skullcrusher is going to mount big guns obviously.
Wolfpath is giving me a problem.. might replace the cruise missiles so it can carry combat drones.
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Re: Shemarrian-related fan creations

Unread post by taalismn »

kronos wrote:[
Wolfpath is giving me a problem.. might replace the cruise missiles so it can carry combat drones.

And/or have superior ship-to-ship communications for coordinating squadron/pack-level attacks.
"Trouble rather the Tiger in his Lair,
Than the Sage among his Books,
For all the Empires and Kingdoms,
The Armies and Works that you hold Dear,
Are to him but the Playthings of the Moment,
To be turned over with the Flick of a Finger,
And the Turning of a Page"

--------Rudyard Kipling
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Re: Shemarrian-related fan creations

Unread post by kronos »

F13 Longbow Variants (more to come)
While the design of the F13 Longbow bomber is openly shared with all the Tribes, some have developed ones that fit within their style of fighting, or special technologies they specialize in.

Eshe-F11Br Elúruva aka Burst Star - This variant strips out most of the missiles and replaces them with multiple Plasma Torpedo launchers and power generators to feed them. The hull is also layered in heat resistant material. The shields are enhanced with EM fields to make them resistant to plasma weaponry as well. Bloodriders pilots are well known for competing for how close they can get to a target while unleashing a full spread of plasma torpedoes before the hulls of their ships begin to peel away.
*Heat Resistant Hull - The hull is modified with materials to resist the heat of plasma weaponry. Plasma weapons, fire and other heat based attacks have damage reduced by 50%. Magical fire and heat based attacks have damage reduced only by 25%.

*EM Enhanced Shields - The shields of the craft have been modified with technology based on the Zealot and similar frames that resist plasma. Plasma, fire and heat based attacks, including magical have damage reduced by 25%.

Weapons Systems:
Remove Medium Range and Cruise Missile Launchers.

6) Plasma Torpedo Launcher (8) --- A direct line of sight energy weapon firing a bolt of plasma that ‘splashes’ on target. Unlike those weapons on larger warships, which use tractor beams to direct the plasma bolts, these smaller weapons are direct fire weaponry. 8 plasma torpedo launchers are fitted, three on each side. The Burst Star is able to, for a short period of time, significantly increase the rate of fire of the Plasma Torpedo Launchers for a short period of time, but this taxes the power generators and the weapon systems, requiring a cool down period. The use of this rapid fire mode is spectacular to watch as multiple large blasts of plasma quickly streak from the hull, giving the craft the appearance of a bursting star.
Range: 10 miles in atmosphere, 25 miles in space
Damage: 2d4x100 MD to a 100 ft blast radius per missile
Rate of Fire: Volleys of 1-2, three per melee
Payload: Effectively Unlimited
Special: Can increase rate of fire to EPCHH for 2 melee rounds, but unable to fire for 5 minutes afterwards.

Eshe-F13Sc Knuser- The Skullcrusher variant, the Knuser, bulks up the hull slightly with bulges running along the sides where the cheek guns are, plus a slight hump lining the spine. The cheek guns and the spine weapon are replaced with the HullShatter Cannon, giving it an incredible direct fire destructive capability. The missile launchers also have enlarged magazines with increased volley fire to allow it to unleash greater destructive potential in as short a period as possible. The engines are enhanced to counteract the increased weight, but doesn't give it any improved speed.
MDC: Increase all locations by 15%.
Increase mass by 25%

Weapon Systems:
Replace cheek guns and heavy weapon with HullShatter Cannons.

2) ’HullShatter’ Cannon (3) --- The HullShatter is essentially an upscaled version of the Skullcrusher's SkullShatter cannon, only mounting several GR cannons in a gatling gun arrangement for rapid fire. It also has slightly longer barrels than normal GR cannons for improved range.
Range: 6.5 miles in atmosphere, 13 miles in space
(Kitsune Values: 6 miles in atmosphere, 650 miles in space)
Damage: 4d6x10 MD per 20 rd burst, 1d4x100 MD per 60 rd burst, 2d6x100 per 120 rd burst each. All three firing at once at full burst deals 6d6x100 MD.
Rate of Fire: EPCHH
Payload: 1,500 rds each

5) Mini-Missile Launchers (4) - Four mini-missile launchers are fitted on the sides and the top of the craft.
Range: Typically 1 mile
Damage: Varies by type loaded, typically plasma.
Rate of Fire: Volleys of 1-8 each
Payload: 24 mini-missiles each (96 total).

6) Medium Range Missile Launchers (2) --- A pair of MRM launchers are mounted just behind the cockpit
Range: Varies by Missile Type
Damage: Varies by Missile Type
Rate of Fire: Volleys of 1-12
Payload: 36 missiles each launcher.

7) Cruise Missile Launchers (2) --- Anti-ship projectile weapons.
Range: Varies by Missile Type
Damage: Varies by Missile Type
Rate of Fire: Volleys of 1-8 each launcher
Payload: 32 each launcher, 64 total.

Eshe-F13L Lillimbetil aka Many Quick Points - This variant of the Longbow strips out the medium and cruise missile launchers and replaces them with several point defense turrets, and functions as an escort and defense for other Longbows and slower capital ships. The engines are significantly upgraded to provide improved speed so that it can keep up with most ships in the Eshemarrian fleets. Both the chin turret and rear turret are fitted with Tachyon Scatter cannons, six dual laser/railgun point defense turrets line the hull.
(Atmosphere) Hover to 800 MPH, transatmospheric
(Sublight) Mach 10
(FTL) 6 light years per hour
Afterburner 1000 MPH in atmosphere, Mach 14 Sublight able to reach max speed in 1 action.

Weapon Systems
Remove Medium Missile and Cruise Missile Launchers.

1 & 4) Tachyon Scatter Cannon --- These are typically used to create a ‘firebreak’ in front of the ship for destroying incoming missiles, mines, and other projectiles.
Range: 1.5 miles (2,500 m) in atmosphere w/ 4,000 mile wide arc
Damage: 3d6x10 MD per single cannon firing, 6d6x10 MD for two barrels firing simultaneously(counts as one attack).
Rate of Fire: EPCHH
Payload: Effectively Unlimited

5) Mini-Missile Launchers (4) - Four mini-missile launchers are fitted on the sides and the top of the craft.
Range: Typically 1 mile
Damage: Varies by type loaded, typically plasma.
Rate of Fire: Volleys of 1-8 each
Payload: 24 mini-missiles each (96 total).

6) Point Defense Turrets (6) --- Standard Shemarrian-pattern rail gun/pulse laser combination in a common turret.
Range: (Rail Gun) 2 miles in atmosphere, 4 miles in space
(Kitsune Values: 4 miles in atmosphere, 400 miles in space)
(Laser) 1 mile in atmosphere, 3 miles in space
(Kitsune Values: 3 miles in atmosphere, 300 miles in space)
Damage: (Rail Gun)4D6x10 MD per blast
(Laser) 3D6x10 MD per blast
Rate of Fire: (Rail Gun)EGCHH(4-6)
(Laser) EGCHH (4-6)
Payload: (Rail Gun) 2,000 rd drum. Additional ammunition can be stored as cargo, but will take 45 minutes to reload from stores.
(Laser) Effectively Unlimited

Eshe-F13Sm Silverbolt - The Silverbolt is covered in laser resistant chrome and has the cheek guns replaced with the same laser as the spine heavy weapon. The outer layer of the wings can open, revealing large focusing panels and heat dissipation panels. Once fully opened, the Silverbolt is able to charge its lasers for a single, overcharged blast from its main weapons for a potent devastating blast. This is based on the SlayFlower laser cannon system.
Increase MDC by 10% to all locations, lasers deal 50% less damage.
Laser cannons have range increased by 25% and damage increased by 10%. (Lasers deal 2d6x11).

Weapon Systems:
2) Heavy Laser Cheek Weapons (2) --- Mounted on either side of the cockpit are two additional heavy lasers, which can be fired with the spine laser for a triple blast.
Range: 7 miles in atmosphere
Damage: 1d4x100 MD per shot, 2d4x100 MD double blast, 3d4x100 if firing spine laser as well.
Rate of Fire: Four shots per melee
Payload: Effectively Unlimited

9) ‘SlayStar’ Laser Cannon ---- The wings on the Silverbolt open like a flower, revealing focusing and heat dissipation panels, similar to the SlayFlower system, creating a powerful x-ray laser that can rip through virtually anything. However when fired, the ship can't fire it's main heavy lasers and must rely on the turrets and missile payload for a short period of time. If used in an atmosphere, the ship can only travel at 400 MPH and suffers -2 to dodge rolls due to the drag created, without damaging the system.
Range: 3.8 miles
Damage: 8d4x100 MD and ignores laser-reflective armor, critical on a naturally roll of 19 and 20 for triple damage.
Rate of Fire: Once per melee
Payload: Effectively Unlimited
Bonus: +1 to strike
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Re: Shemarrian-related fan creations

Unread post by taalismn »

kronos wrote:F13 Longbow Variants (more to come)

Eshe-F13Sm Silverbolt - The Silverbolt is covered in laser resistant chrome and has the cheek guns replaced with the same laser as the spine heavy weapon. The outer layer of the wings can open, revealing large focusing panels and heat dissipation panels. Once fully opened, the Silverbolt is able to charge its lasers for a single, overcharged blast from its main weapons for a potent devastating blast. This is based on the SlayFlower laser cannon system.
Increase MDC by 10% to all locations, lasers deal 50% less damage.
Laser cannons have range increased by 25% and damage increased by 10%. (Lasers deal 2d6x11).
9) ‘SlayStar’ Laser Cannon ---- The wings on the Silverbolt open like a flower, revealing focusing and heat dissipation panels, similar to the SlayFlower system, creating a powerful x-ray laser that can rip through virtually anything. However when fired, the ship can't fire it's main heavy lasers and must rely on the turrets and missile payload for a short period of time. If used in an atmosphere, the ship can only travel at 400 MPH and suffers -2 to dodge rolls due to the drag created, without damaging the system.
Range: 3.8 miles
Damage: 8d4x100 MD and ignores laser-reflective armor, critical on a naturally roll of 19 and 20 for triple damage.
Rate of Fire: Once per melee
Payload: Effectively Unlimited
Bonus: +1 to strike

I'll be adding these to my hardcopy collection as soon as I come up with suitable illos for them...
And the Slaystar must be MURDER if you're fighting in near a blue giant star....
"Trouble rather the Tiger in his Lair,
Than the Sage among his Books,
For all the Empires and Kingdoms,
The Armies and Works that you hold Dear,
Are to him but the Playthings of the Moment,
To be turned over with the Flick of a Finger,
And the Turning of a Page"

--------Rudyard Kipling
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Re: Shemarrian-related fan creations

Unread post by kronos »

taalismn wrote:
kronos wrote:F13 Longbow Variants (more to come)

Eshe-F13Sm Silverbolt - The Silverbolt is covered in laser resistant chrome and has the cheek guns replaced with the same laser as the spine heavy weapon. The outer layer of the wings can open, revealing large focusing panels and heat dissipation panels. Once fully opened, the Silverbolt is able to charge its lasers for a single, overcharged blast from its main weapons for a potent devastating blast. This is based on the SlayFlower laser cannon system.
Increase MDC by 10% to all locations, lasers deal 50% less damage.
Laser cannons have range increased by 25% and damage increased by 10%. (Lasers deal 2d6x11).
9) ‘SlayStar’ Laser Cannon ---- The wings on the Silverbolt open like a flower, revealing focusing and heat dissipation panels, similar to the SlayFlower system, creating a powerful x-ray laser that can rip through virtually anything. However when fired, the ship can't fire it's main heavy lasers and must rely on the turrets and missile payload for a short period of time. If used in an atmosphere, the ship can only travel at 400 MPH and suffers -2 to dodge rolls due to the drag created, without damaging the system.
Range: 3.8 miles
Damage: 8d4x100 MD and ignores laser-reflective armor, critical on a naturally roll of 19 and 20 for triple damage.
Rate of Fire: Once per melee
Payload: Effectively Unlimited
Bonus: +1 to strike

I'll be adding these to my hardcopy collection as soon as I come up with suitable illos for them...
And the Slaystar must be MURDER if you're fighting in near a blue giant star....

Yup. I didn't add stats/bonuses for different types of stars as would bog it down, but if you want to add in, you can.
Gives it a nice technically unlimited heavy attack, but slow to fire. I was debating upping the damage as technically using all three lasers to attack maximum number of times per round deals more damage, but thought the upped critical and ignoring laser resistance was a good balance.
A few of these jumping can use most of its missiles on defense and just drill a hole clear through most ships in a single round.
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Re: Shemarrian-related fan creations

Unread post by taalismn »

Kroctor E-Animal
(aka ‘Water-wolves’)
“Best not, if you’re taken prisoner by the swamp-lizards, to try escaping from their camps; the waters around them are teeming with teeth. You’re better off facing what the Cadejar have in mind for you...unless you’re one of those real bastards who have knowlingly pissed them off hard and bad, in which case feel free to committ suicide by ‘gator.”

“Was it just my imagination, or did I just see one of those blue lizard-dogs go waterskiing down there towed by three alligators?”

Kroctors are replicant robot animals made to resemble any of a number of alligator and crocodile species, allowing these wily creations to blend in with the local wildlife. .
Krcctors generally resemble specimens of the aforementioned reptiles in the wild, with no obvious augmentations. Any unnatural capabilities are kept concealed. In those few instances where abilities beyond the norm have been noticed by outsiders, they have been ascribed to d-bee or mutant animals.
Kroctors are usually deployed to guard and patrol a given waterway or wetland territory. They often have a central ‘nest’; an archway of apparent reeds or swamp vegetation that they can swim through to be degaussed, reducing their electromagnetic signature(and their chances of being picked by EM sensors).
The Horrorwoods and Sapphire Cobra Tribes make the most use of Kroctors, and the Cadejar S’Gen in particular have taken a shine to them, using them as ‘swamp dogs’, using them as ‘domesticated’ watch animals, hunting companions, and occasionally to pull canoes and rafts.
It is possible to ride a Kroctor like a warmount, but most sophonts find the synthetic hide too rough and variegated to be comfortable, and retaining seating can be difficult with the way the e-animal moves(-20% to Horsemanship: Exotic to hang on every melee round of riding).

Kroctors CAN, like other e-animals, be Awakened with an Ecotroz essence-fragment, but only 30% ever are. These Awakened beasts gain extra mental agility, skill bonuses, and Minor psychic abilities. Though they do need to rest like normal organisms, they also appear to psychic senses like normal creatures(on the minus side, they also show up to life senses, which would ignore cold machinery).

Type: EcoS-KRP -59 Kroctor
Class: Robotic Guard Animal
Crew: None; robot intelligence
MDC/Armor by Location:
Main Body 160 +20 per every 5 ft over 20 ft
Head 90+5 per every 5 ft over 20 ft
Legs(4) 35 each
Tail 100 +20 per every 5 ft over 20 ft
Height: 1-2.5 ft
Width: 2-4 ft at shoulders
Length: 10-30 ft
Weight: 1,600-4,000 lbs
Cargo: Small concealed watertight compartment can hold up to 50 lbs of cargo. Kroctors are sometimes used as covert messengers in the wetlands.
Physical Strength: Equivalent to Robotic P.S. of 30
Powerplant: Nuclear w/ 10 year energy life
Speed: (Running) Normally move about at a speed of 6(4 MPH)Can sprint at 50 MPH for 3 minutes
(Flying) Not possible
(Space) Not possible
(Underwater) 30 MPH, and can dive to 800 ft.
Market Cost: Exclusive to the Ecotroz-Shemar
Systems of Note:
Full optical systems, laser targeting, passive nightvision, telescopic vision, thermal imaging, infrared, ultraviolet, and polarization filters. Also has motion and heat detection, and other standard power armor-equivalent systems. Additional/special sensors may be built in by the creating Spinsters or at the behest of individual riders/owners.

*Bionic Cybernanite Repair Systems---ALL Kroctor have the same bionic nanotech repair system that the Ecotroz Shemar have refitted themselves with, and which is becoming the standard among NeShemar as well. These systems repair 4d6 MD per hour, and can repair 40 MDC before needing material stocks to convert to MD repair material.

*Ultrasonic/Infrasonic Hearing and Transmission---Like alligators and crocodiles, Kroctors can send modulated subsonic signals that they can hear with their bodies.

*Passive Sonar---Kroctor have excellent underwater hearing. +2 initiative in the air(+4 underwater), +1 parry, +2 dodge.

*Molecular Analyzer---Like an electronic shark, the warmount can ‘sniff’ its watery surroundings, looking for chemical clues, such as blood or oil in the water. Can effectively track by smell 84%.

*Prowl Capability---The padded feet and rubbery skin muffle noise and give the warmount a base Prowl ability of 66%.

*Acoustic Stealth----The same rubbery false-flesh covering baffles the warmount against sonar systems; has only a 20% chance of appearing on sonar detection systems.

*Reduced EM Signature---Special insulation baffles the EM spoor of the robot’s inner workings; EM/metal detection systems are -25% to detect the robots, Use of a degaussing ‘nest’ reduces this by another -15% for 3d4 weeks of activity.

*Self-Destruct---Kroctors are equipped with the same self-destruct system as most Shemarrian constructs, only modified to look like the work of rapid decay organisms or scavengers like piranha.

Weapons Systems:
1) Eye Lasers(2)---Standard e-animal-level eye lasers. These are the only ranged weapon carried by the Kroctor and are short-ranged, but this is not seen as a problem, given engagement ranges in the swamps and waterways the ‘bots are deployed in. They are particularly effective if the Kroctor can lie under an adversary’s watercraft and cut it open from the underside.
Range: 500 ft
Damage: 1d6 MD per single blast, 2d6 MD for both eyes firing simultaneously
Rate of Fire: ECHH
Payload: Effectively Unlimited
Bonus: + 2 to strike(+4 to strike total)

The Ecotroz have installed robotic AIs, then infected the matrix with a low-level Ecotroz sentience(on 30$ of cases).
Typically has the following:
Radio: Basic 98%
Math: Basic 96%
Land Navigation 86%
Prowl 85%
Detect Ambush 60%(+5% per level of experience for Ecotroz entity)
Track Humanoids 50% (+5% per level of experience for Ecotroz entity)
Swimming 95%
Prowl 66%(+5% per level of experience for Ecotroz entity)

Actions/Attacks Per Melee: 6
Initiative +2 (+1 from the Ecotroz entity for a total of +3)
Dodge +2 in water
Strike +3 (+2 w/ ranged weaponry)
Roll +2, +5 in water
Pin/Incapacitate on a natural 18-20
Bite 2d6 MD
Claw 1d4 MD
Body Block/Pin----The infamous ‘death spin’ performed by many alligator and croc species having latched onto prey. Ideally this drowns the prey, but Kroctors move fast and hard enough while spinning to batter targets to pieces. Does 1d8 MD, plus chance of drowning the victim if they can be held underwater long enough.
Tail Lash 2d4 MD, plus a 50% chance of knocking humanoids off their feet(lose initiative and 1 APM getting back up)

(Applies only to Ecotroz-Awakened examples )
Note: The Ecotroz intelligence fragment inhabiting the ‘bot gives the Kroctor an aura and behavior more befitting a sentient being than a robot.

Natural Psionic Abilities(no ISP Cost), all equivalent to 4th level with regards to range and proficiency.
*Sixth Sense
*Sense Magic
*Sense Evil

The Ecotroz entity can also pick up one Secondary skill at levels 2, 6, and 12 of experience, though the nature of the Kroctor intelligence and design is such that it is limited to skill selections from Technical: Language(understanding) and Lore, Espionage(Intelligence, Detect Concealment), Wilderness( Track Animals, Hunting, Identify Plants and Fruits)

The Ecotroz fragment does occasionally need sleep/rest...though they only need 2 hours of rest/meditation per 24 hours...they can push this, going without for as many days as they have I.Q. points(most Warmounts, unless otherwise noted, have an effective IQ rating of 8 ), but will have to go dormant for 4d6 hours after such exertion.
Susceptible to Exorcism and Banish spells, but are +6 to save against such spells, +1 at levels 4, 8, and 12 of experience, and becoming IMMUNE at level 14 and up. Such Banishment causes the ‘bot to revert to its default robot programming. (OPTION: Ecotroz may become IMMUNE to Exorcism and Banishment with experience, and NEW BUILT EShemar constructs are immune to this)

Note also that the Ecotroz-possessed ‘bot can infect other bots with the Ecotroz viral-entity, by bite or sustained touch(takes 3 attacks).

*Thermal-Kinetic Armor---Some Kroctor have been skinned in knockoff Naruni-style thermo-kinetic armor. Normal fire only does 5% of normal damage after several minutes of burning. Megadamage fires such as plasma and magic only do HALF damage. Takes HALF damage from impacts, falls, and concussive blows. Has only a 25% chance of showing up on thermal sensors(and only 5% when submerged in water).

*Explosive Self-Destruct---A more obvious explosive/damaging self-destruct mechanism that in addition to destroying the robot, does collateral damage.
Explosive self-destruct does 3d6x10 MD to a 30 blast radius.
Thermite self-destruct does 4d6x10 MD to a 15 blast radius, and burns, doing 4d6 MD per melee for 1d4+1 melees.
Acidic self-destruct creates a foaming pool of corrosive goo that does 3d6 MD per melee for 1d6 melees to a 10 ft radius

*Shock Bite---With the intent of skewing the odds in a ‘natural’ attack in favor of the ‘bot, many Kroctors can deliver a stunning electrical bite in addition to the normal damage.
Range: Melee
Damage:+4d6 MD shock damage
Organic/Living Beings take a stun penalty of HALF APMs, hand to hand bonuses, and lose initiative for 1d4 melees.
Electrical systems take damage from the following:
01-15 No additional damage!
16-30 Lose 1 APM and initiative as the the controls flicker out for 1d4 seconds
31-45 All weapons systems temporarily off lIne and minor fires break out. One weapons system returns after 1d4 melee rounds
46-60 All systems temporarily out, but return after 1d4 melee rounds. However, until they do, the vehicle is -30% to pilot, and is defenseless.
61-75 Communications, radar, and targeting are out; all else is okay. -3 to strike and no initiative.
76-90 Systems are fried and functions are at minimum efficiency! Pilot must go to manual controls(if any) and rely on sight. Penalties: -25% at 1/3 maximum speed, -50% at 1/2 maximum speed, -75% at full speed, no initiative to strike, -3 to dodge/strike, -1 APM.
91-00 All systems locked and burned out! Abandon ship!
Rate of Fire: Once per melee
Payload: Effectively Unlimited

*Retractable Vibroblades----Some Kroctor feature retractable slashing blades on their legs(1d6 MD) and tail(+2d6 MD)

*Flame-Thrower---Some Kroctor have allegedly been modified to ‘breath fire’ with a fire sprayer/igniter concealed in the mouth. Can use a variety of available fuels, from home-brewed hooch to concentrated mega-napalm:
Range:(Direct-Stream Mode) 100 ft
Damage:(Direct-Stream Mode)
(Gasoline/Alcohol) 1d4x10 SDC
(Napalm) 1d6x10 SDC, plus does 5d6 SDC per melee for 1d4 minutes
(MD Fluid) 1d4 MD per blast, 1d4 MD per melee for 2d4 minutes
(Incendi-Gel)2d6 MD, 2d6 MD per melee for 1d6 minutes
(WI Napalm-P) 3d6 MD per blast, 1d4x10+10 MD per concentrated burst(counts as two attacks). 2d6 MD per melee for 1d4 minutes.
Note: The flame-thrower can also be used to cover an area with fluid: up to 10 ft per attack used. Used with Super-Napalm, this does 1d4 MD, Incendi-Gel does 1d6 MD, and with Napalm-P, this does 2d6 MD.
Rate of Fire:(Direct-Stream Mode) Standard
Payload:(Direct-Stream Mode
(Gasoline/Alcohol) 30 blasts
(Napalm)100 blasts
(MD Fluid) 200 blasts
(Incendi-Gel) 200 blasts
(WI Napalm-P) 300 blasts per tank(much more concentrated than the regular gasoline/alcohol).

*Torpedo---Some Kroctor have allegedly been modified to house a short range torpedo inside their mouths(the larger specimens may carry a medium range torpedo) for a one shot surprise.
Last edited by taalismn on Mon Oct 17, 2022 9:20 pm, edited 2 times in total.
"Trouble rather the Tiger in his Lair,
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For all the Empires and Kingdoms,
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Re: Shemarrian-related fan creations

Unread post by taalismn »

Shemarrian TW Dw-TWL01(A) AquaBlaster
(aka ‘Ring-Tosser’)

“Don’t rely too much on the magic features of the AquaBe; a good number of predators can smell the mana in the works and will come looking for you. The Blaster’s not THAT powerful that you can take on the whole hungry ocean if it comes a’calling.”

Being on the front lines of combat against the Splugorth for so long, the Shemarrians have acquired a fair amount of battlefield salvage, including more thana few Altaran Minion TW Wrist Blasters. Because of their similarities to the Shemarrians’ own laser wrist blasters, most of the still-working examples of these weapons have been saved for use by the Yurei(the origins of the weapons make them good for false flag operations and their magical nature makes them useful against opponents susceptible to magic), and as gifts for worthy neshemar auxiliaries. A number were retained by the Tinkers for study and reverse-engineering, and their work has spawned a variety of variants. The real substantial variants came, however, once the influence of the Wayfinders worked its way east to the Tribes of the American Eastern Seaboard, Once magic training and technowizardry began percolating into the ranks of the Darkwaters, research on the wrist blasts took new directions.
The Dw-TWL01(A) AquaBlaster incorporates a number of TW features and innovations , some of them copied from other sources. Besides the mini-laser function, the ‘Aqua-Blaster’ adds an array of aquamarine, clear zircon, and quartz crystals to the lasing system. The laser can operate normally, with a blue-green frequency for maximum penetration underwater, or it can serve as a target designator for a hyper-accelerated bolt of water that acts like a self-forging armor-penetrating projectile. This latter mode can draw moisture from the atmosphere(via an embedded Create Water spell function) or can accelerate surrounding water(double damage underwater).
A compact power crystal is mounted in the wrist bracelet, providing most of the power. The original back/fanny-pack has been made available as an accessory, providing extra shots.
The handsomely packaged(the forearm vambrace has been done in tarnish-proofed silver, often decorated with marine designs) Aqua-Blaster has become a increasingly popular reward to the Darkwaters’ neshemar miltia. The beach-loving SkyeKlad have also taken to the Aqua-Blaster, and will spring at the opportunity to acquire it from the DarkWaters. It’s also become a favorite weapon of vampire-slayers, and became quite popular during the Mexico Crusade. In an interesting turnaround, rumors of the weapon’s existence have led to captured examples of it commanding high prices in the markets of Splynn(especially as the anti-vampire properties of the Aqua-Blaster have endeared it to the vampire-hating Splugorth).

Weight: 5 lbs
MDC: 16
Range:(Laser) 1,200 ft in air and water
(Water Bolt) 600 ft
(Water Gush) 160 ft and affects a 20 ft wide area.
Damage:(Laser) 2d6 MD per blast
(Water Bolt) 4d4 MD per blast
(Water Gush) 2d6 MD per blast, plus knockdown; roll 18 or better, or be knocked down/back(lose initiative and 1 APM getting back up). Also, roll a 15 or better or lose a handheld item.
Rate of Fire: ECHH
(Laser)3 PPE per shot
(Water Bolt) 14 PPE per shot
(Water Gush) 20 PPE per blast
Payload:(Crystal Power Cell)200 PPE capacity, recharges at 2 PPE per hour/10 at a ley line./20 at a nexus.
(Backpack) 360 PPE capacity, recharges at 2 PPE per hour/10 at a ley line./20 at a nexus.
Special Features:
*Starglow---The PPE crystal normally emits a low-level glow, but it can be increased to glow with a Globe of Daylight spell, illuminating an 84 ft area around it, for 21 minutes per single PPE.

Cost: 90,000 credits on the black market if an example can be acquired, and prices can range 50%-100% more if the Splugorth dimensional market can get ahold of it.

*Sense Evil---The PPE crystal can flash red if supernatural evil entities approach within a 90 ft radius.

*Sense Magic---The PPE crystal can flash yellow if active magic occurs within 120 ft of the weapon.

*Sense Water Elemental---The PPE crystal can flash green if Water Elemental activity encroaches within 120 ft of the weapon

Oxypus--Restraint/Breather Gear
“That looks somehow obscenely kinky...”

Though often mistaken for an E-animal, in reality this organic-looking device is actually a piece of life support and prisoner-restraint equipment similar to the Gil-Helm, and incorporating many of the same features.
Oxypus harness resembles an octopus with eight or more tentacles. In operation, it wraps around the torso of an oxygen-breathing living being, and one of its tentacles auto-entubates the wearer, providing oxygen and other breathing gases through it to the wearer’s lungs(in the alternative, for users who find that just too creepy, the breather arm can feed into a sealed face mask). The oxypus has artificial gills, through which it obtains oxygen from surrounding water, but its bulbous body also holds a pressurized air tank/bladder with a four hour supply of air.
If used as a prisoner restraint, the oxypus’s multiple arms will act as shackles, twining around the wearer’s limbs and tightening as strap-hobbles. Used in this role, the device can also be used to deliver sedation gases to the prisoner, keeping them docile or unconscious.
The oxypus is known to be used by the Dark Waters, HorrorWoods, Wayfinders, and Clan Shelley Gilloc.

Weight: 13 lbs
MDC: 35
*Artificial Gills---Also act as air filtration; 90% effectiveness
*4-hour independent air supply
* Power Cell good for 96 hours of continuous operation; can be recharged by induction.
*Tentacle Arms hold with a Robotic Strength of 20 and can incorporate molecular adhesion pads.
* Optional Inhalent Drug Dispenser---A small supply of breathable chemical drug can be attached and fed into the air supply system. This is usually a sedation or soporific drug, but can also be medicinal for treating lung injuries.
"Trouble rather the Tiger in his Lair,
Than the Sage among his Books,
For all the Empires and Kingdoms,
The Armies and Works that you hold Dear,
Are to him but the Playthings of the Moment,
To be turned over with the Flick of a Finger,
And the Turning of a Page"

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Re: Shemarrian-related fan creations

Unread post by taalismn »

Kamra Marindas (Clan Shelley Oreseme NPC)

“Kamra, my dear but possibly brain-dumb child, whatever persuaded you to think you could impersonate a dragon, especially to another dragon? Keep holding’re lucky you brought back your you know how hard it is to replace these things?”

Kamra Marindas is the offspring of an unlikely and convoluted collaboration between a mad scientist Tinker of Clan Shelley and Clan Gothec.
Kamra is based on the pieced-together frame of a Triax-made EIR-10 Gargoyle Drone acquired by Clan Gothec. After scanning the parts and technology, the Gothecs handed it over to a junketing party of Clan Shelley Tinkers, who’d arrived to deliver a technology package to the offshoot clan, and incidentally do some looking around the ‘old country’. Eager to have a ‘souvenir’ of their trip, the Tinkers decided to see what they could do with the frame and assorted bits and pieces.
The Shelleyists took the Gargoyle’bot frame, and sheathed it in polymorphic alloys and ‘smart flesh’. They souped up the CPU, added a few more doodads and doohickies(Tinker technical terms) and then endowed their creation with Awareness. They named the new intelligence Kamra(Arabic for ‘Moonlit’) as well as the surname Marinda(s)(‘Evening star’).
Kamra can, thanks to her polymorphic skin, and to a lesser extent her face and limbs, assume the outward appearance of a number of large winged humanoids, though she defaults as a beautiful succubus-like form. Kamra has a retractable tail that can inflate out to assume the dimensions and appearance of a gargoyle tail(though lacking its durability and strength). She’s lost some other aspects of her original form, such as a gargoyle’s larger and more powerful bite, but she still has the powerful strength of an infiltrator drone, and can punch through armor.
Kamra retains her original EIR-10 ‘bot programming, but the Clan Shelley Tinkers added a neural AI core, expanded its capacity, and downloaded several additional skill modules, before Awakening her with an Ecotroz essence.
Kamra would one day like to return to Europe, if only to visit, but for now she happily hunts monsters along the American west coast. She will find it impossible to stay away from joining the fighting during the Mexico Crusade and will be part of the Shelleyist expeditionary forces sent to fight the vampires.

Level of Experience: 7th Level Awakened Neural Intelligence
Rank: SaShadi Moraes
Race: EShemar Oreseme
Alignment: Unprincipled
Land of Origin: Could be considered to be Germany, Rifts Earth
Age: 17
Sex: Female
Height: 15 ft
Weight: 2,000 lbs
Physical Description/Appearance:
A tall human(oid) female with dusky skin and short dark hair, small horns/antennae, large membranous wings, and a thin tail. She typically wears a ‘goth’ outfit of leather that can be quickly converted into a harness or combat webbing more appropriate to other large winged humanoid monsters. She talks with a distinctive ‘transylvanian’ accent(more an affectation than anything else).
Kamra comes across as a headstrong, confident, self-disciplined army brat who realizes she’s part of the most exciting show on Earth. She loves hanging with the monster hunters and other winged gynoids and cyborgs, especially on the hunt, but she occasionally feels the need to prove herself. This, despite her self-discipline, sometimes leads to her taking reckless risks, like using her disguise ability to hook up with a band of Black Winged Men and tail them back to their roost, or try imitating a Giant Bat and tackle a band of vampires by herself. She tends to be stoic, cautious, and silently menacing around strangers/non-shemar, but is much more open and outgoing around her friends, which include anybody who has proven their trustworthiness and courage to her. As a Shelleyist, she tends to come out only after sunset.
Physical Attributes/Superlatives:
IQ: 17
ME: 26
MA: 12
PS: 40(Robotic)
PP: 24
PB: 17
Running: 40 MPH
Jumping: 20 ft up/across. Running start adds 3d6+18 ft. Jet-assisted leap is 80 ft up/across
Flying: 40 MPH/500 ft altitude using wing motion alone, 80 MPH/1,000 ft altitude w/ thruster assist
Underwater: Can swim at 20 MPH, maximum depth tolerance 300 ft.

(PPE): 8

Hit Points:-----
MDC By Location:
Hands(2) 25 each
Arms(2) 60 each
Legs(2) 130 each
Wings(2) 110 each
Tail 50
Horns(2) 10 each
Head 80
Main Body 250
Horror Factor:----
Special Abilities/Characteristics/Powers:----
Magic: By item only
Object Read, Telemechanics, Telemechanical Possession, Telemechanic Mental Operation(no ISP cost)
Cybernetics/Bionics/Systems of Note:
*Full Optics Systems, w/ passive night vision, infrared, ultraviolet, thermo-imaging, laser targeting, and telescopic.
*Kiralian Vision Optics
*Amplified Hearing
*Motion Detection----200 ft radius
*Radio Communication---500 mile range
*Molecular Analyzer---Can track by smell alone with a proficiency of 80%
*Speech Synthesizer---Can imitate voices and sounds
*Cyber-Body Disguise----Kamra’s skin is composed of a flexible ‘smart’ material that can change color, pattern, texture, and rough shape to imitate a number of different skin types, while her head and face can change shape as well. Her tail can lengthen, change shape, and even retract completely.

* Flex-frame Anatomy----Within limits, Kamra’s body frame can change shape as well; the feet can become more toe-walking with a rear spur-claw, the ribcage can move up and down the spine, widen or contract, the breasts enlarge or disappear entirely.

*Bionic Cybernanite Repair Systems---A modified bionic nanotech repair system that originated with the Ecotroz Shemar, but has also been adopted by the Ghost Riders. These systems repair 4d6 MD per hour, and can repair 75 MDC before needing material stocks to convert to MD repair material.

*Body Compartments(3)----Kamra has three concealed body compartments, one in each leg and one in her torso, that can be used to hide a few small(ish) items, such as a sidearm and several clips, several stakes, repair kit, a grenade, or amulet.

*Induction Links---Kamra can power/recharge most handheld energy weapons by holding them with special conductive induction pads in her hands.

Weapons Systems:
1) Eye Lasers(2)---Kamra’s eyes may be pretty, but they also conceal powerful lasers.
Range: 2,000 ft
Damage: 2d6 MD per single blast, 4d6 MD for both eyes firing simultaneously
Rate of Fire: ECHH
Payload: Effectively Unlimited
Bonus: + 1 to strike

2) Laser Fingers (2)---One finger on each of Kamra’s hands hides a powerful mini-laser with adjustable damage.
Range: 2,000 ft
Damage: 1d6x10 SD, 1d6 or 2d6 MD per blast
Rate of Fire: ECHH
Payload: Effectively Unlimited
Bonus: + 1 to strike

3) Vibroclaws---Kamra ’s hands feature retractable vibroblades. She eventually wants to have them silver-plated(which she does on the eve of the Mexico campaign).
Range: Melee
Damage: 3d6 MD

4) Heel Vibroblades(2)---Kamra conceals extendable vibro-stilletos in her heels that can extend to imitate the rear claws of some monster species when her legs configure, or the blades can be used to add to a kick/stomp. They can also be used to help anchor her in place like a Glitterboy’s stabilization pylons.
Range: Melee
Damage: 1d6+1 MD

5) Extendable Whip----Kamra’s tail hides a whip that is normally coiled up in a sheath running along her lower spine, but which can be reeled out to 20 ft in length.
Range: Melee(20 ft length)
Damage: 1d4 MD

Skills/Programming:(7th Level Awakened Neural Intelligence)(+3%)
-Shemarrian 98%/98%
-Dragonese 98%/98%
-Euro 98%/98%
- Spanish 78%/78%
-Gobbley 68%/68%
-Demagogian 68%/68%

Math: Basic 98%
Basic Electronics 93%
Radio: Basic 96%
Pilot: Boat 83%
Demolitions 93%
Demolitions Disposal 93%
Anthropology: Gargoyles 93%
Lore: Vampires 68%
Intelligence 93%
Land Navigation 93%
Track Humanoids 83%
Prowl 50%
Climbing 96%/86%
Tracking(Animals) 48%
Lore: Demons & Monsters 53%
Performance 35%
Horror Desensitization

Hand to Hand: Martial Arts(10th level)
W.P. Knife (+3 strike, +3 parry, +1 strike w/ throw)
W.P. Sword (+3 strike, +3 parry, +1 strike w/ throw)
W.P. Chain (+2 strike, +1 parry)
W.P. Paired Weapons
W.P. Whip (+3 strike, +1 damage, +2 entangle)
W.P. Archery(5 shots per melee, +4 strike, +3 parry, +2 disarm)
W.P. Handguns(+3 strike)
W.P. Energy Pistol(+3 strike)
W.P. Energy Rifle(+3 strike)
W.P. Heavy MDC Weapons(+3 strike)

Actions/Attacks per Melee: 7
Initiative: +3(+1 from the Ecotroz entity for a total of +4)
Strike: +6
Parry: +6(+8 to parry with handheld weapons, +4 to parry attacks from behind)
Dodge: +6(+4 to dodge attacks from behind)
Roll: +2
Pull Punch: +4
Restrained Punch 3d6+25 SDC
Full Strength Punch 4d6 MD
Power Punch 1d4x10 MD
Bite 1d4 MD
Head Butt 1d6 MD
Kick 4d6 MD
Jump Kick/Leap Attack 1d4x10 MD
Judo-style Body Flip/Throw 1d6 MD
Critical Strike on a natural 19-20.
Vs Magic +3
Vs Psionics +6
Vs Insanity+8
Vs Horror Factor +2
Even on an unsuccessful save versus Horror Factor, only suffers HALF penalties(effect, duration) for being frightened.
Charm/Impress 55%
Immune to Possession, bio-manipulation, and other biology-affecting magic and psionics.

Notable Possessions/Equipment:
Leather Dress(90 MDC)
Silver Cross
Half dozen wooden stakes
Silver-plated Vibro Kusari-Gama(2d6 MD)
38mm PP-01 ESSPA Gauss Pistol
She-PB20 Particle Beam Rifle
Crossbow(customized and scaled-upEShe-SgB-04 Multi-Bow)---
Weight: 6.3 lbs
MDC: 30
Range:(Bow) 800 ft
(Rifle Grenade)(Varies)Typically 1,800 ft
(Micro-Missile)(Varies) 400 ft+ 5,700-7,600 ft from the missile engine lighting off
(Laser Bolt)1,000 ft
Damage:(Bow)(Varies) SDC normally, but can use any of the high-tech or magic arrows available.
(Rifle Grenade)(Varies)(Riot)---Combination flash-bang and rubber pellet charge---Victims are -10 to strike, parry, and dodge, -1 to initiative, and lose 1 APM for 1d4 melees. Rubber pellets do 1d4 SDC damage, but have a 60% chance of knockdown for any human-sized, or smaller, beings, caught in a 10 ft blast radius.....lose initiative and 1 APM for that melee(cost: 80 credits)
(Fragmentation-SDC) 2d4x10 SDC to 20 ft blast radius(cost: 100 credits)
(Fragmentation-MD) 3d6 MD to 25 ft blast radius(cost: 280 credits)
(High Explosive) 6d6 MD to 10 ft blast radius(cost: 360 credits)
(Anti-Armor HEAT) Very heavy projectile(range drops to 120 ft) Does 2d4x10 MD to a 1 ft diameter area(shaped charge)(cost: 800 credits)
(Plasma/Micro-Fusion) 1d6x10 MD to 8 ft blast radius (cost: 800 credits)
(Incendiary) 2d6 MD flash damage to 12 ft blast radius, plus does 1d4 MD per melee for 2d4 melees(cost: 350 credits)
(Acid)---4d6 MD to a 5 ft radius, then diminishes in strength by 1d6 each melee(lasts about 4 melees)(cost: credits)
(Chemical) Effects vary, but contains enough chemical agent to cover a 15 ft radius
(Illumination) Can loft to an altitude of 600 ft, and illuminate a 500 ft radius for 4d4 melees. (cost: 15 credits)
Note: Additional grenade types, including TW munitions, are constantly in development.
(Micro-Missile)(Varies) Pattern-1A---1d4 MD to 2 ft blast radius
Pattern-1B---1d6 MD to 5 ft blast radius
Pattern-1C---4d6 MD to 4 ft blast radius, or 1d4 MD to a 10 ft blast radius in fragmentation mode
Pattern-1D----6d6 MD to a 5 ft blast radius, or 2d6 MDC out to a 18 ft blast radius in fragmentation mode
Pattern-1E---1d4x10 MD to 3 ft blast radius
(Laser Bolt)2d6 MD per blast
Rate of Fire:(Bow)
(Rifle Grenade) 2 APMs per shot; load and fire
(Micro-Missile) 2 APMs per shot; load and fire
(Laser Bolt) Single shot, ECHH
Payload:(Bow) One shot, hand-loaded
(Rifle Grenade) One shot, hand-loaded
(Micro-Missile) One shot, hand-loaded
(Laser Bolt) Effectively Unlimited in the hands of an EShemar or NeShemar full-conversion(powered by induction)
(Detached) Single shot, but conditionally unlimited using the pump-action.
Using an e-clip means 16 shots for a standard e-clip, 42 shots from a long e-clip.
(Micro-Missile)(Varies)Pattern-1A (None) Spin-Stabilized
Pattern-1B (None) Gyro-Compass Chip
Pattern-1C (+1 to strike, in addition to W.P. Heavy bonuses. The Pattern-1C can also be set to be a ‘beam rider’, following a laser illuminator ‘painted’ on the target for an extra +2 to strike. However, this requires expediture of an extra attack per melee on the part of the gunner to keep the laser illuminator on target) Gyro-Compass Chip, Laser-Sensor Microchip, Radar Trigger Chip.
Pattern-1D (+2 to strike, in addition to W.P. Heavy bonuses. Like the Pattern-1C, the Pattern-1D can ‘beam-ride’...again, this requires the gunner to maintain target-lock at the cost of an additional APM, but the -1D is better able to remain on target if the lock is broken. Furthermore, the missile can be keyed to lock on to the laser illuminator of other gunners...done with a pre-determined key-chip...allowing squadmates to ‘paint’ targets for fellow soldiers with micro-missile launchers). Gyro-Compass Chip, Laser-Sensor Microchip, Radar Trigger Chip, Image Sensing Chip.
Pattern-1E(+4 to strike, in addition to W.P. Heavy bonuses, Same ‘beamrider’ capability as with Pattern-1D. ) Gyro-Compass Chip, Laser-Sensor Microchip, Radar Trigger Chip, Image Sensing Chip, Infra-Red Sensing Chip.

*Arrow/Bolt Quiver---Holds about 36 projectiles
*Xiticix Skull(Faux)
*Pscillitron Psi-Detector(little clear plastic cube of psi-sensitive algae that glows when psionics are in use in a 50 ft area)
*Basic Shemarrian Field Kit
*Random assortment of scavenged monster apparel/accessories(skulls, odd trophies, metalwork) for use in disguises. Some of it is legit; she got it off previous owners she hunted.

Special equipment/gear available upon request from her Tribe as supplies and mission allow.

Last edited by taalismn on Wed Oct 06, 2021 10:53 pm, edited 1 time in total.
"Trouble rather the Tiger in his Lair,
Than the Sage among his Books,
For all the Empires and Kingdoms,
The Armies and Works that you hold Dear,
Are to him but the Playthings of the Moment,
To be turned over with the Flick of a Finger,
And the Turning of a Page"

--------Rudyard Kipling
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Re: Shemarrian-related fan creations

Unread post by taalismn »

EcoS-K-175 Grisker Skullcrusher Superheavy Warmount
(aka ‘DoomEater’, ‘TombStalker’, ‘ShatterBug’, ‘Apocagron’, ‘Reksloth’)

“Seeing a Grisker in motion can be disconcerting to say the least; so many legs, tentacles, claws, and eye domes moving at once, it can drive a person mad unless they limit themselves to focusing on just one small part of the whole.”

“Got surprised by one of these things that I thought was just another deadcity block of ruins...until it stood up. Ever get hit by a doomeater tentacle? No? It’s like being hit by a hundred foot chain saw. Why it didn’t go right through me, I can’t guess, because I got no illusions that I’mTHAT tough...threw me a fair ways, though, and THAT hurt like a bastard too.”

<<“You want to ride with bigger warmounts than the Griskers? The only ones bigger are going to be Clan Megalith at this point.”>>

“Demons of decay they be, haunting the Worlds of the Damned and guarding them from those who would plunder them! My advice to you; don’t go where the Ruin-Walkers stride!”

Though the Skullcrushers arguably started the trend towards ‘superheavy’ Warmounts with their introduction of the EcoS-K-28 Draxos and EcoS-K-29 Buthidid, the Tribe fell behind when the true Kazsteyn began appearing, with such designs as the EcoS-K 67 Hexadra Macromount, EcoS-K-75 MonstrApex, EcoS-K-77 Dobharg, and EcoS-K-84 Wreckadon. Though the vehicular Eshe-Le ‘Necronaught’ Heavy Robot was initially thought to be a Skullcrusher creation, it was the Lost Eclipse who did most of the work, and the Skullcrushers adopted the design only afterwards. Not wanting to be left behind, the Skullcrushers were looking to regain the creative initiative in Warmount design, but events and tribal economics interfered, though work continued at a low intensity, carried out by a few Tribe Tinkers. Finally, however, pieces began to fall into place, and the Skullcrushers finally debuted a new Kazsteyn with the monstrous Grisker.
The Grisker is clearly modeled after the Grisk Shambler, a monster native to the blighted fungal jungles of the Skullcrusher protectorate world of Carnaphade. The Grisker may be mistaken for an immature variant-breed of giant Shambler, in that it doesn’t sport as many legs, or is as ragged in appearance, but the giant Warmount is still monstrous to behold. The Grisker has a massive plate-like upper body shell, supported by sixteen tall and powerful legs. The shell overhang is festooned with articulated tentacles and claw arms, and a fearsomely jawed head lurks turtle-like at the front of the shell. The upper surface of the shell is covered in blisters(many of which are armored missile launchers) and eye-domes(which conceal powerful lasers). The claws mounted on the sides can shoot what appear to be bio-lightning bolts of plasma.
The Grisker clearly borrows elements from the Necronaught, especially the legs and tentacles. They also feature large internal cockpits and cabins, which often helps hide the Shemarrian connection to the giant beasts.
Griskers operate in much the same way as Dobhargs or Megents; they act as transports and mobile strongpoints, anchoring large Skullcrusher formations.
While the Grisker is found mostly in SkullCrusher stables, the warmount has also reportedly been observed with both the Obsidian Dawn and the Radiant Edge. The former, a splinter-tribe of the SkullCrushers that is on rather chilled terms with their parent Tribe, may have acquired the templates for the Warmount from sympathetic elements in the ‘crushers, or it may signal a thawing of the SkullCrushers’ disapproval of the profit-driven Dawn. The Radiant Edge deploys two notable variants of the Grisker, one a construction/demolition type used for searching shatterworld ruins for survivors, and for pulling up salvage, while the other is outfitted as a mobile decontamination vehicle and field hospital, apparently modeled after the NG-MMB-01 Big Papa Medical Walker.
Griskers are often found in the company of other Warmounts such as the Gunkyard, Myxomyte, Burblewrack, Toxatyl, Wreckadon, and Shelomg, as well as e-animals such as the Cumulan, Nimboid and Spazzdrakon, many of which may appear to observers as parasitic or symbiotic to the massive Griskers as they wander shatterworlds.
The appearance of Griskers on shatterworlds so quickly after a global catastrophe has led to the Warmounts sometimes being mistaken for some sort of doomsday demon or apocalyptic herald-monster.

Type: EcoS-K-175 Grisker
Class: Robotic Warmount, Cavalry, Superheavy(Kazsteyn)
Crew: None; robot intelligence
The internal cockpit and cabins typically have room for up to 60 passengers, though as many as 180 have been reported carried by some versions.
MDC/Armor by Location:
Main Body 5,000
Head 900
Eye Domes(20) 100 each
Missile Launcher Blisters(4) 280 each
Legs(16) 600 each
Claw Arms(16) 300 each
Tentacles(8 ) 400 each
Height: 200 ft
Width: 250 ft
Length: 800 ft
Weight: 120,000 tons
Cargo: Up to 5,000 tons can be carried in internal cavities
Physical Strength: Equivalent to Robotic P.S. of 90
Powerplant: Nuclear w/ 20 year energy life
Speed: (Running) 50 MPH
(Flying) Not possible
(Space) Not possible
(Underwater) Limited to walking along the bottom at 20 MPH, maximum depth of 4 miles.
Market Cost: Exclusive to the Ecotroz-Shemar
Systems of Note:
Full optical systems, laser targeting, passive nightvision, telescopic vision, thermal imaging, infrared, ultraviolet, and polarization filters. Also has motion and heat detection, built-in radar( 100 mile range) and other standard power armor-equivalent systems. Additional/special sensors may be built in by the creating Tinkers or at the behest of individual riders/owners.

*Radiation/Contamination Sensors---Given the sorts of environments Griskers are usually deployed in, the massive warmounts have comprehensive sensors for detecting and analyzing enviromental contaminants such as nuclear radiation, chemical pollution, and toxic pathogens.

*Bionic Cybernanite Repair Systems---ALL Grisker have the same bionic nanotech repair system that the Ecotroz Shemar have refitted themselves with, and which is becoming the standard among NeShemar as well. These systems repair/generate 2d6x10 MD per hour, and can repair 3,000 MDC before needing material stocks to convert to MD repair material.

*Molecular Analyzer----The Grisker has the ability to sample the water and detect traces of various substances in the air. Can effectively track at 65%

*Dual Minds---Like a dolphin’s ‘swim while asleep’ capability, Grisker have a compartmentalized brain-intelligence that allows them to continue moving under power even as the invested Ecotroz essence goes ‘asleep’. During this time the warmount can remain traveling under power without pausing, just like an Unawakened vehicle. This duality is increasingly common in the larger and longer-ranged Warmounts such as the Stone Eater, Dobharg and Lepidopterror.

*Onboard Manufactory---- The Grisker has a limited onboard ability to manufacture armor plate, building materials, and basic industrial chemicals from recycling. This means that the Grisker’s MDC regeneration system can produce SURPLUS armor plate that it can exude for construction purposes, or to supply other Warmounts with feedstocks.

Weapons Systems:
1) Eye Lasers(20)---Each of the opaque domes on the body of the Grisker is actually a housing for a dual optical head and laser cannon.
Range: 2 miles
Damage: 1d6x10+7 MD per blast; all twenty lasers firing on the same target (limited to targets above the body) does 1d6x200 +140 MD.
Rate of Fire: ECHH
Payload: Effectively Unlimited

2) Missile Launcher Blisters(4)---Four large blisters on the Grisker’s upper body conceal multi-cell missile launches. Each blister can hold ONE of the following configurations:
a) MiniMissiles----192 per launcher
b) Short Range Missiles----96 per launcher
c) Medium Range Missiles----48 per launcher
d) Long Range Missiles----24 per launcher

3) Rail Gun Blisters(6)---Several of the body blisters conceal multimedia massdrivers similar to the Hurga e-animal’s integral body rail-gun. By ‘digesting’ metal at one end, the Grisker can shape its own ammunition, then electromagnetically expel it, at rail gun velocities, out the other end. The Grisker can also use more powerful EM fields to expel stone and megadamage bone and chitin, albeit with less force and damage.
Range:( SDC/MD Metal) 4,000 ft
(MD Stone/Concrete) 2,000 ft
(MD Bone/Chitin) 1,000 ft
Damage:(SDC Metal) 1d6x10 SDC single round, 1d4 MD per 10 round burst
(MDC Metal) 1d6 MD single round, 1d6x10 MD per 10 round burst
(MD Stone/Concrete) 1d4 MD single round, 1d4x10 MD per 10 round burst
(MD Bone/Chitin) 1 MD single round, 1d10 MD per 10 round burst
Rate of Fire: ECHH
Payload: Conditionally Unlimited; each cannon has a magazine with 1,000 rds, and the Grisker can manufacture more through the consumption of raw materials(megadamage materials work best).

4) Plasma Claws(16)---- Griskers mount a rim-array of articulated claws that snap out in self-defense, and are also used to cut up pinned prey, then pass the pieces to the mouth to be consumed. The Grisker’s claw arms can deliver on contact a powerful electrical charge that can kill lesser beings, stun megadamage ones, and short out electrical systems. The electrical fields can also be used to build up and expel charges of ionized plasma. To those unaware of the Grisker’s true robotic nature, this looks like some sort of bio-electrical energy discharge.
Range:(Claw Strikes) Melee
(Plasma Discharge) 2,000 ft
Damage:(Claw Strikes)
Restrained Claw Strike/Punch 1d6 MD
Full Strength Claw Strike/Punch 3d6 MD
Power Claw Strike(2 attacks) 6d6 MD
Scissor-Claw 1d4x10 MD
Claw Crush 3d6 MD
Electrified Claw Strike adds +1d6 MD to damage, plus the following:
-Victims must make a save of 14 or better, or be -8 to strike, parry, and dodge for 2d6 melees. A savings throw versus non-lethal poison means the person is unimpaired.
-25% chance of knocking out unshielded cybernetics for 1d4 melees.
-Electrical System Damage:
01-15: No additional damage
16-30 Instruments flicker out, before coming back online in 1d4 seconds. Target loses Initiative.
31-45 All weapons temporarily out, and minor electrical fires. One system comes back online in 1d4 melee rds.
46-60 All systems temporarily out, and minor electrical fires. -30% to piloting skills if target is a manned vehicle. Systems come back online after 1d4 melee rds.
61-75 Communications, radar, and targeting are disabled, but weapons systems are unaffected. -3 to strike and no initiative. Damage requires physical repair.
76-90 Instruments are completely totaled. If a manned vehicle, the following skill penalties apply; -25% at one-third of maximum speed, -50% at HALF maximum speed, and -75% at full speed. NO initiative roll, -3 to dodge(-5 if an AI), -3 to strike(-5 if an AI), and lose one action per melee round(2 if an AI)
91-00 Total knockout. Controls do not respond, and machine is out of control. Crash/collapse/total shutdown within 2d4 minutes.
(Plasma Discharge) 1d6x10 MD
Rate of Fire:(Claw Strikes) ECHH
(Plasma Discharge) Once per melee
Payload: Effectively Unlimited

5) Tentacles----Dangling under the heavy shell of the Grisker are several very long tentacles that are used to sweep the surrounding landscape, whip through obstacles, and tear apart prey.
Range: Melee. The eight ‘striker’ tentacles can extend up to 300 ft.
Damage: (Robotic P.S. of 50)
(Lash/Punch) 3d6 MD
(Crush/Squeeze) 2d4x10 MD per full melee of pressure
(Striker Stab)(2 attacks)1d6x10 MD
(Ripsaw Cut) 1d4x10 MD+DOUBLE damage on an unmodified strike roll of 17-20.

6) Smoke Projectors(2)----The Grisker can shroud itself in a smoke screen, hiding itself from view. The smokescreen is expelled from two large ventilator-like outlets on the sides of the main body, looking somewhat like the siphon-pumps on an octopus. The smokescreen these vents put out has been used to reduce the effectiveness of enemy targeting, foul laser range finding, and even pull the occasional disappearing trick(as in the smoke clears and the thousand-foot behemoth is GONE, leaving enemy soldiers going ‘huh???...?’). Occasionally antipersonnel agents have been substituted.
Range: 2,000 ft but wind conditions can carry the vapor/smoke up to 16,000 ft before substantially dispersing.
Damage: Varies by chemical agent used
Rate of Fire: ECHH
Payload: Effectively Unlimited

7) Spit Plastic Resin----The Grisker can exude and spray a thick resinous polymer that can be shaped to dry into nets, sacks, ropes, or even shelter walls. It regularly uses this resin to glue camouflaging debris to its shell, but it also be used to trap targets, build walls and temporary shelters(using its tentacles to shape the hardening material), and create structures such as water runways, ramps, and water catch basins.
Range: 800 ft, 30 ft wide area
Damage: Anyone caught in the goo must have a supernatural or robotic P.S. of 30 or better to escape; otherwise, the target is stuck until released by an outside agency. The goop hardens in less than 2 seconds, and can take from 1d6 MDC per cubic foot, to 3d4x10 MDC per cubic foot(a humanoid typically needs at least 6 cubic feet to be totally enveloped), depending on the type of goop(typically the more durable goops take longer to fully set).
Rate of Fire: ECHH
Payload: Internal reservoir has enough liquified goop to cover a city bloc;(roughly 600 square ft. ) regenerates the material at 200 MDC per hour

The Ecotroz have installed robotic AIs, then infected the matrix with a low-level Ecotroz sentience.
Typically has the following in addition the standard Monstrex programming:
Demolitions 50%(+5% per level of experience for Ecotroz entity)
Military Fortification 50%(+5% per level of experience for Ecotroz entity)
Architecture/Civil Engineering 50%(+5% per level of experience for Ecotroz entity)
The Ecotroz entity can also pick up one Secondary skill at levels 2, 6, and 12 of experience, though the nature of the Grisker intelligence and design is such that it is limited to skill selections from Technical: Language(understanding) and Lore (Cattle & Animals, Indians, Juicers, Magic, Demons & Monsters, D-Bees, Faerie---at least with regards to identifying their relative threat level), and Wilderness( Hunting).

Actions/Attacks Per Melee: 16(!); 8 per melee with melee weapons(claws, bite, kick), 8 with ranged weapons(eye lasers, ventral turrets, any linked-in weapons turrets). Gunners can add more by taking over individual weapons.
Initiative +2 (+1 from the Ecotroz entity for a total of +3)
Dodge +1
Strike +3 (+3 w/ ranged weaponry)
Roll +2
Critical Strike on an Unmodified 19-20
Bite 2d6x100 MD
Restrained Claw Strike/Punch 1d6 MD
Full Strength Claw Strike/Punch 3d6 MD
Power Claw Strike(2 attacks) 6d6 MD
Scissor-Claw 1d4x10 MD
Claw Crush 3d6 MD
Tentacle Lash/Punch 3d6 MD
Tentacle Crush/Squeeze 2d4x10 MD per full melee of pressure
Tentacle Striker Stab(2 attacks)1d6x10 MD
Ripsaw Cut 1d4x10 MD+DOUBLE damage on an unmodified strike roll of 17-20.
Kick 4d6 MD, plus 60% chance of knocking opponents off their feet
Stomp 2d6x10 MD
Body Block/Ram(2 attacks) 3d6x10 MD, plus 85% chance of knocking opponents off their feet

Note: The Ecotroz intelligence fragment inhabiting the ‘bot gives the Grisker an aura and behavior more befitting a sentient being than a robot. Griskers tend to be ponderous elephantine thinkers, slow in almost everything except self-defense, when they can be described as displaying a storm-like rage. Griskers work well as solitary wanderers or as part of larger packs or herds of mixed warmount types.

The Ecotroz fragment does occasionally need sleep/rest...though they only need 2 hours of rest/meditation per 24 hours...they can push this, going without for as many days as they have I.Q. points(most Warmounts, unless otherwise noted, have an effective IQ rating of 8 ), but will have to go dormant for 4d6 hours after such exertion.
Note also that the Ecotroz-possessed ‘bot can infect other bots with the Ecotroz viral-entity, by bite or sustained touch(takes 3 attacks).

*EcoS-K-175 ReB----Radiant Edge variant. Externally it differs in appearance from its SkullCrusher cousins in being festooned with what looks like mutant leafy black growths, but these growths are actually radiation absorbers. Its jaws are somewhat different as well, with several added grinder jaws and extendable ‘tube’ mouths. Its underside is often hung with large sacs and cocoons. The EcoS-K-175 ReB behaves like the EcoS-K-62Re, sniffing out survivors, digging them out, decontaminating them, and encapsulating them in secure insulated/shield biohazard transport pods for evacuation. Can carry to 700 insulated cocoons.

*EcoS-K-175 ReC----Second Radiant Edge variant, sporting the same covering of radiation-absorbing ‘synthvegetation’, but sporting a bulging midsection. This expanded midsection conceals an internal intensive care unit for rescued organics. Automated medical cubicles take care of individual patients before moving them in biostasis to transport to safety(to Radiant Edge shelters or offworld). There is usually an onboard staff of 10-20 Radiant Edge Baotra to oversee operations and intervene if a more hands-on medical procedure needs to be performed. Up to 30 patients can be actively treated at a time, and 180 carried in stasis.
EcoS-K-175 ReCs and -Bs will often operate together, one or two mobile medical treatment units escorted by ranging rescue-Griskers bringing them extracted victims of a disaster. The behavior of these massive warmounts has been notably misinterpreted by observers as that of pack or herd animals; foraging males protecting and feeding pregnant females, or, more diabolically, a pack of giant predators hunting down the survivors of a disaster.
"Trouble rather the Tiger in his Lair,
Than the Sage among his Books,
For all the Empires and Kingdoms,
The Armies and Works that you hold Dear,
Are to him but the Playthings of the Moment,
To be turned over with the Flick of a Finger,
And the Turning of a Page"

--------Rudyard Kipling
Posts: 1269
Joined: Sun Oct 14, 2007 4:38 pm

Re: Shemarrian-related fan creations

Unread post by kronos »

Ñwalë, aka Agony
Corrupted Trogladilium

Nwale, elvish for Agony, was a Trogladilium part of a Skullcrusher taskforce to a demon held world during the Minion War. The world turned out to be a demon research planet and during the attack on the primary facilities by the taskforce's Trogladilium squadron, several research projects had catastrophic failures, causing the whole planet to rift into a pocket dimension that had accelerated time.
Half the squadron that survived the blast that caused the rift survived, but several were captured, including the Trogladilium that will become Nwale, and 6 of the warriors it carried into battle. For several years they were tortured and experimented on. Most of the Eshemarrian warriors that were captured had their essence torn from their bodies, stored and experimented on. Nwale was pulled apart and put back together several times, each time the demons would replace or graft demonic parts to it.
After several years, some of the other survivors attacked the facility holding the captured survivors, including Nwale, but they recoiled from its corrupted, demonic form. Nwale, once freed, went on a rampage, using its demonic granted powers against its tormentors, and helped bring the essences of the other warriors out before they could be destroyed. After the rescue, the survivors could only pity the corrupted Trogladilium, seeing it suffered in agony as the demonic parts caused its awakened awareness great pain, and called it Nwale. While they considered destroying it, they allowed it to live as it proved still loyal and deadly to the demons.
The planet eventually rift back about 3 weeks later, but for those on the planet it was a little over 50 years. The survivors were greeted with a relief fleet that glassed the planet from orbit once all Eshemarrian were removed from the planet, to remove any chance of what the demons were researching from spreading to other demonic forces.

Nwale continues to fight on behalf of the Eshemarrians, but is generally shunned by most forces as others see it as tainted, but Tinkers will still provide it with ammunition and materials to help repair it, but generally keep away otherwise as it radiates demonic energy. While from a distance Agony looks like a typical Trogladilium, up close the demonic taint is quite noticeable. Half its eyes are replaced with organic eyes from different demons, its jaws replaced with those from an insectile demon. Several of its legs are also replaced with those from demons. The armoured plating is a mix of the original and what looks like incredibly tough leathery hide, with random spikes sprouting from both the original and the organic armour.
Three of the pods that normally carry a Shemarrian warrior have been replaced with an organic sack with a fang filled mouth just under the armoured covering, with a long spiked tentacle-like tongue used to draw targets within for digestion. Agony is able to consume any living organic being, including demons, infernals and other supernatural beings, draining them of life to heal itself and even gain a boost in power. Several of its weapons are placed with demonic versions, making them magical. Behind the head, Agony can extend a pair of arms from under the armour plates that end in scythes made of bone, giving it better melee capabilities.

Type: EcoS-K-50 Trogladilium Corrupted, Demon
Class: Robotic Warmount, Personel Carrier, Heavy Weapons
Crew: None; robot intelligence
7 Shemarrian passengers or 7 mini-trogladilium, or a mix of the two.
MDC/Armor by Location:
Main Body 1100
Head 412
Pod Cover (10) 400
Reinforced Pod (7) 300
Organic Sack (3) 311
Weapon Cover (10) 400
Shemarrian Railguns (6) 70
Eyes (3) 150 ea
Demonic Eyes (3) 120 ea
Mandible & Mouth 270
Legs (30) 250 each
Height: 16 ft
Width: 30 ft
Length: 100 ft
Weight: 16,000 lbs
Cargo: Small space inside pods for warriors to carry sidearms. Instead of a Shemarrian or mini trogladilium can carry cargo with same volume as either.
Physical Strength: Equivalent to Supernatural P.S. of 30
IQ 11, ME 19, MA 15, PP 18, PB 10
Horror Factor: 18
PPE: 200
Powerplant: Nuclear/Organic
Speed: (Running) 60 MPH, 200 MPH is ball form.
(Leaping) Not possible
(Flying) Not possible
(Space) Not possible
(Underwater) Limited to running along the bottom at 16 MPH, maximum depth of 3,200 ft.
Market Cost: Exclusive to the Ecotroz-Shemar
Systems of Note:
Destroying the head will remove the 6 primary eyes and 4 eye lasers, but the trogladilium will continue to function. However it won't be able to replenish used stores of ammunition or the cybernanite repair system. The trogladilium will suffer a -2 to all attacks as it will rely on its other sensors.
The legs are difficult to strike as they are under the bulk of the body, protected by an armoured skirt, requiring an aimed strike at -8. The trogladilium can maintain full speed with up to half its legs destroyed. If it only has 10 legs left, then it moves at half speed, at less than 8 legs, the trogladilium is sluggish, speed is reduced to 5 mph and starts dragging its body.
The railguns are only targetable when in normal mode where they extend more so that they are able to pivot to aim at targets above and to the sides. Attacks to strike suffer -4. In ball mode only the very ends of the barrels are visible as the cover opens just long enough for the weapons to fire then snaps shut, taking milliseconds, making it virtually impossible to strike.
The pod covers are part of the whole main body, but can be targeted. The pod interior, which is reinforced, can only be targeted once the cover has be destroyed, or while the cover is open when the carried Shemarrian or mini trogladilium is exiting, which takes only 2 seconds as the pod has a system that pushes the carried Shemarrian out. -4 to strike the interior pod. The carried Shemarrian or mini trogladilium is able to act at the time it exits as it is linked to the trogladilium and has up the moment data of targets outside and uses this information to target opponents immediately upon exiting. This grants the exiting Shemarrian or mini trogladilium a +1 to initiative and attack rolls for the first attack upon exiting as they surprise any opponents close by.

Full optical systems, laser targeting, passive nightvision, telescopic vision(x10 normal robot optics acuity, thanks to the advanced optics in the giant ‘eye’), thermal imaging, infrared, ultraviolet, and polarization filters. Also has motion and heat detection, built-in radar( 60 mile range) and other standard power armor-equivalent systems. Additional/special sensors may be built in by the creating Spinsters or at the behest of individual riders/owners.

*Bionic Cybernanite Repair Systems---ALL trogladilium have the same bionic nanotech repair system that the Ecotroz Shemar have refitted themselves with, and which is becoming the standard among NeShemar as well, only upgraded. These systems repair 6d6 MD per hour, and can repair 250 MDC before needing material stocks to convert to MD repair material this is in addition to its newly gained bio-regeneration, the nanites are modified to also work with its demonic organic flesh.

*Bio-Regeneration - Nwale can bio-regenerate at a rate of 4d6 MD per hour, able to regrow lost limbs, its demonic eyes and mouth, even mechanical parts (with scrap parts and materials provided) at a rate of legs at 5 days, eyes in 2 days, mechanical parts in 2d4 days with provided mechanical pieces. This can be supplemented with the Bionic Cybernanite Repair system to allow it to recover significant damage given enough time, and even when the repair system is out of stock it can repair and heal itself, although slowly.

*Organic Thermo-Kinetic Armour - Nwale has a combination of organic and technological thermo-kinetic armour, which heals and repairs. It's combination of technological and organic boosts its kinetic resistance, but reduces its fire resistance. However it's resistance to magical fire is increased. Thermal sensors only have 01-25% chance of detecting Nwale. Normal fires deal 5% of normal damage only after being exposed for more than 20 minutes. Mega-damage fire, heat, plasma deal three-quarters damage, while from magical and psychic sources deals only one-quarter damage. S.D.C. kinetic energy attacks do no damage, while M.D kinetic energy attacks deal one-quarter damage. Note low speed kinetic impact from punches at bionic, robotic and supernatural strength do half damage.

*Ichor Fluid - The fluid that fills and protects the inside of the trogladilium aids in protecting the trogladilium, has been replaced with a type of ichor, which functions similar to the original fluid, but has some other properties. Damage from explosions and great falls is reduced by half. If the trogladilim suffers a hit of 50 M.D., some of this fluid will spill, but will seal hull breaches. This spilled ichor, creating a puddle about 5 ft in diameter, and some left on its frame, will deal 3d6 M.D as it acts like an acid for 2 minutes to anything stepping into the puddle or grapples Nwale or strikes it with its claws, fists or other part of its body.

*Laser Designators - The trogladilium has multiple laser designators which it can use for its own weapons and 6 which can be used to aid any friendly smart weapons. +1 to strike on any aimed strikes and for its 6 short range missiles. Also grants +1 to any friendly Shemarrian smart weapons on up to 6 targets within 2000 feet of the trogladilium.

*Internal Nanite Factory - For every 20 lbs of materials 'eaten' by the trogladilium, the nanite factory can manufacture 50 railgun rounds or recharge the cybernanite repair system to repair 1d6 M.D. After battles, observers have seen trogladiliums devouring fallen opponents that Shemarrian Tinkerers have already stripped of useful components or designated for scrap.

*Molecular Adhesive & Magnetic Pads on Legs - The legs of the trogladilium are designed like an insects, and have molecular adhesive pads as well as magnetic systems to allow it to climb up almost any surface that will support its weight. This allows the trogladilium to climb up rock surfaces or even up the sides of buildings then to leap off and curl up to drop onto targets below.

*Pod Launch System - The passenger pods of the trogladilium can launch a carried Shemmarian or mini trogladilium up to 30 feet away if so desired. This is especially useful during air drops, or to launch a Shemarrian behind any opponents almost within melee range of the trogladilium, putting the launched Shemarrian in a flanking position of the target.

*Demonic Abilities - Agony can see the invisible, but only within 200 feet, turn invisible 3 times per day, has a demonic aura that is detectable by any abilities, psionic powers or spells that can detect auras. Able to cast several spells through its demonic eyes, which it can only use when not in a ball.

*Organic Sacks (3) - Three of the pods that were used to carry Shemarrian warriors or mini trogladiliums have been replaced with an organic sack that has a fang filled mouth opening and a long 20 foot prehensile tongue. These sacks and tongues are used to grab and consume creatures to help feed the Agony and power its Blood Rifles, and can replenish its PPE levels. If Agony consumes demons, deevils or other supernatural creatures, it can boost its weapons and gain a few other abilities. The tongue deals 3d6 MD on a lash, and the target must save vs poison 17 or be paralyzed for 1d6 melee rounds. The tongue gains +10 to grapple attempts to grab and pull a target into the mouth, which deals 4d6 MD as it bites the target each round, and swallowed beings much make a save vs poison 17 each round or be paralyzed for another 1d4 rounds. Can only swallow a living being of up to 8.5 feet tall. If the being isn't paralyzed, it can attempt to punch, claw, or use a small bladed weapon to cut its way out, dealing at least 25% damage to the sack and then the pod cover, but must deal enough damage to the sack within 5 melee rounds before the damage starts to heal. Once the sack is damaged enough, the being can attempt to push the cover open, but must beat a Supernatural strength of 30.
Every 5 points of damage the swallowed being suffers replenishes 1 pint of blood for the blood rifles, or regain 1 point of PPE, draining the target of it's PPE. If the swallowed being is a demon, deevil, or magical creature, can't drain blood for the blood rifle, but gains 1d4 PPE per 5 points of damage dealt, plus all of its technological weapons can damage creatures normally immune to non magical weapons for 1 melee round per 10 points of damage dealt. Demons, for ever 10 points of damage, allows Agony to dimensional telelport at 25% for 2 melee rounds OR bio-regenerates at 2d6 MD per melee round, select which at the time the demon is swallowed, can't be changed, but swallowing a second demon allows both, or doubling duration of teleport and bumps up to 35%, or doubles rate of bio-regeneration, while 3 demons grants 50% dimensional teleport, or triple bio-regeneration rate at 6d6 per melee round. Deevils, for every 10 points of damage, grants Agony cold resistance (cold damage from any source, MD, magical MD deals only half damage) for 2 melee rounds OR bio-regenerates at 2d6 MD per round, selected at time deevil is swallowed. Swallowing 2 deevils allows both choices, or increases cold resistance suffering only one-quarter damage, or bio-regeneration to 4d6 MD per melee round, while three renders Agony immunity to all cold damage, or triples bio-regeneration to 6d6 MD per melee round.
Swallowing any type of super natural being drains blood as long as it has blood, or doubles PPE (2 points per 5 points of damage). Swallowing a creature of magic, instead of draining PPE (1d4) per 5 points of damage, it can choose instead boost the next spell it casts (within 2 rounds) by either range by 10% or boost damage by 1 die per 5 points of damage dealt.

*Vulnerabilities - Silver weapons used against Agony deal their equivalent damage as M.D., and holy weapons deal double damage.

Weapons Systems:
1)Laser Emitters (2 x 2) - These laser emitters can fire in any direction not blocked by armour panels, and set up in pairs, able to fire at the same target, or individual targets per set. Although they have a little less range than other warmount lasers, they're damage is respectable, and without an obvious barrel, opponents attempting to dodge are at a slight disadvantage.
Range: 2,500 ft
Damage 5d6 MD per blast ea, or 1d6x10 for both striking the same target.
Rate of Fire: ECHH
Payload: Effectively Unlimited
Note: Targets attempting to dodge the laser blasts suffer a -2 to dodge, and opponents with auto dodge don't get an auto dodge, but can still attempt to dodge, but at -1.
In ball mode can not fire behind or above the trogladilium, but can fire forward and to the sides.

2) Dark Energy Emitters (2 x 1) - One set of the lasers emitters are replaced with dark energy blasters, grafted from a Star Slayer Demon, although shorter range, able to fire in any direction not blocked by armour panels, able to fire at the same target, or individual targets.
Range: 2,000 ft
Damage 4d6 MD per blast ea, or 8d6 for both striking the same target.
Rate of Fire: ECHH
Payload: Effectively Unlimited
Note: Targets attempting to dodge the laser blasts suffer a -2 to dodge, and opponents with auto dodge don't get an auto dodge, but can still attempt to dodge, but at -1.
In ball mode can not fire behind or above the trogladilium, but can fire forward and to the sides. Able to increase damage by using PPE to provided more power, per emitter. Increasing damage to 1d4x10 costs 10 PPE per emitter, 1d6x10 for 15 PPE, or 2d6x10 MD for 30 PPE per emitter. Deals magical damage.

3) Shemarrian Railguns (2 x 2) - Twin mountings of Shemarrian railguns. They can fire individually or at the same target. During ball mode can only fire in a fixed forward position. In normal mode can fire forward, and have a 30 degree up and 80 degrees to either side.
Range: 6000 ft
Damage: 2d6x10 ea or 4d6x10 for both cannons together
Rate of Fire: ECHH
Payload: 1000 rds per cannon.

4) Blood Rifle (2 x 1) - Twin mountings of the demon created Blood Rifle created originally for the Blood Bane power armour and use by Greater Demons. They can fire individually or at the same target. During ball mode can only fire in a fixed forward position. In normal mode can fire forward, and have a 30 degree up and 80 degrees to either side.
Range: 4000 ft
Damage: 2d6x10 ea or 4d6x10 for both cannons together
Rate of Fire: ECHH
Payload: 50 pint tanks per blood rifle.
Note: These weapons are powered by blood and magic.

5) Mini Missile launchers (2 x 8 ) - Two sets of four launchers gives the trogladilium some heavy distance striking power.
Range: Typically 1 mile
Damage: Varies by missile, typically plasma or armour piercing
Rate of Fire: In ball mode each launcher can only fire 1, so a volley up to 8 per attack. In normal mode each set can launch a volley of eight.
Payload: 16 missiles per launcher, 256 total.

6) Short Range Missiles (2 x 3) - Two sets of three short range missiles gives the trogladilium a long range strike. These missiles can be tied into the Shemarrian tactical net and designated to fire at a target painted by Shemarrian scouts or a target picked by the trogladilium, depending on missile priorities.
Range: varies by missile, typically 3 to 5 miles
Damage: varies by missile, typically high explosive, fragmentation (light), armour piercing or plasma, or whatever is available.
Rate of Fire: Up to 3 missiles per volley.
Payload: 6 missiles

7) Eye Lasers - Two out of 6 of the trogladilium's eyes are equipped with lasers, with each able to target a different target or all four together.
Range: 2000 feet
Damage: 3d6 MD single blast, 6d6 MD.
Rate of Fire: ECHH
Payload: Effectively Unlimited

8 ) Demonic Bite & Mandibles - The mandibles and mouth are replaced by those from a demon, allowing its bite to deal damage to creatures that can only be attacked by bone or magical weapons.
Range: Melee
Damage: 5d6+4 MD
Notes: Considered magical and made of bone, able to damage creatures immune to damage from non magical sources or vulnerable to bone.

9) Bone Scythes (2) - Grafted just behind the head, hidden under armour plating when not in use, are a pair of arms that end in wicked sharp bone scythes, giving Agony greater melee capabilities. Agony can use them even in ball mode as it rushes past smaller targets to its main target.
Range: Melee 15 feet
Damage: 6d6+6 MD , only 3d6+3 MD to all targets within 15 feet during a ram attack (suffering -4 to strike rolls)
Notes: Considered magical and made of bone, able to damage creatures immune to damage from non magical sources or vulnerable to bone.

10) Ram - The trogladilium is well armoued and will use its bulk to smash into things.
Range: Melee
Damage: 5d6+10 in normal mode. In ball mode add +2d6 per 20 mph above 80 mph. The trogladilium takes no damage from rams it initiates as it can shift and angle its armour plates and internal sections, combined with the internal fluid to best protect itself while smashing its target. In the event the trogladilium is being air dropped, add +1d6 MD per 100 feet it drops. At heights over 1000 feet, the trogladilium will take damage from the height above 1000 feet. For example, if dropped from 1200 feet, it will only suffer damage for 200 feet, but even that is halved from its armour, internal fluid, and design.

*Magic - Agony can cast several spells through its demonic eyes, meaning it can't cast them while its rolled in a ball. Able to cast spells at 5th level, Fire Ball (10), Fire Bolt (7), Agony (20), Negate Magic (30), Earthquake (50).

Nwale is awakened, but also corrupted by demonic aura, but has managed to remain loyal to Shemarrians, but is even more bloodthirsty in combat, especially against demons, deevils and other infernal and demonic beings, rushing into combat against them, trying to swallow any it can into its sacks to drain them and feed its blood rifles and empower its weapons.
Typically has the following in addition to normal Monstrex programming:
Electronic Countermeasures 75%
Navigation: Land 85%
Lore: Demons & Monsters 50% / 75% involving Demons
Actions/Attacks Per Melee: 7
Initiative +4
Dodge +4 (+8 when in ball mode in excess of 75 MPH)
Strike +4 melee, +8 w/ ranged weaponry.
Parry +3
Roll +4, +10 in ball mode
Pull Punch/Bite +6
Critical Strike on natural 19 or 20 with mandibles and bite.
+9 for grappling or wrestling attacks, 19 with tongue.
Bite 5d6+4 MD
Leg Stab 1d8+5 each, up to 6 can be used. Only useable when climbing up onto a target.
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Re: Shemarrian-related fan creations

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kronos wrote:Ñwalë, aka Agony
Corrupted Trogladilium .

...Owwwwwwwwww...... :shock:
"Trouble rather the Tiger in his Lair,
Than the Sage among his Books,
For all the Empires and Kingdoms,
The Armies and Works that you hold Dear,
Are to him but the Playthings of the Moment,
To be turned over with the Flick of a Finger,
And the Turning of a Page"

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Re: Shemarrian-related fan creations

Unread post by kronos »

taalismn wrote:
kronos wrote:Ñwalë, aka Agony
Corrupted Trogladilium .

...Owwwwwwwwww...... :shock:

Been sitting on posting this for a bit.. wanted the elvish version of the name. Luckily I have a friend who is quite skilled in elvish, from Lord of the Rings, Sindarin specifically, but skilled in a couple of the other dialects.
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Re: Shemarrian-related fan creations

Unread post by taalismn »

kronos wrote:Been sitting on posting this for a bit.. wanted the elvish version of the name. Luckily I have a friend who is quite skilled in elvish, from Lord of the Rings, Sindarin specifically, but skilled in a couple of the other dialects.

It works....and the fascinating part about the story is that the EShemar are keeping this thing around as a big nasty-tempered pet having a Hellhound as a pet, calling it 'Fluffy' and giving it belly rubs.
"Trouble rather the Tiger in his Lair,
Than the Sage among his Books,
For all the Empires and Kingdoms,
The Armies and Works that you hold Dear,
Are to him but the Playthings of the Moment,
To be turned over with the Flick of a Finger,
And the Turning of a Page"

--------Rudyard Kipling
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Re: Shemarrian-related fan creations

Unread post by kronos »

taalismn wrote:
kronos wrote:Been sitting on posting this for a bit.. wanted the elvish version of the name. Luckily I have a friend who is quite skilled in elvish, from Lord of the Rings, Sindarin specifically, but skilled in a couple of the other dialects.

It works....and the fascinating part about the story is that the EShemar are keeping this thing around as a big nasty-tempered pet having a Hellhound as a pet, calling it 'Fluffy' and giving it belly rubs.

More like keeping it in a cage outside and using it as it's still useful.
I've been thinking of some other corrupted warmounts/e-nimals or items that might have popped up during the Minion War.

And still have to work on a few other warmounts and elites, like one for Varulyca..
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Re: Shemarrian-related fan creations

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With Fall coming on, I should probable focus on the Male Entkin variants.
"Trouble rather the Tiger in his Lair,
Than the Sage among his Books,
For all the Empires and Kingdoms,
The Armies and Works that you hold Dear,
Are to him but the Playthings of the Moment,
To be turned over with the Flick of a Finger,
And the Turning of a Page"

--------Rudyard Kipling
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Re: Shemarrian-related fan creations

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Marrow Stalker (Corrupted AA-10SW/A-009 Shemarrian Wolf)

"That was no wolf! It's some kind of.. DEMON or something! And the noises.. It's sucking the marrow from Jone's bones! And it's HEALING!!!"

Marrow Stalkers are Blacksteel corrupted Shemarrian wolves, making them incredibly aggressive and bloodthirsty creatures. The head appears to have had the fur and skin peeled away and the skull's bone structure thickened and increased changing the shape from a recognizable wolf shape. The mouth is filled with oversized teeth, powerful enough to snap bones and rend armour. The fur on the body is replaced with brackish, greasy looking scales and long spines that sprout from the back of its neck, shoulders and the lower parts of its forelegs. These spines can actually move and will shake, making a rattling noise it uses as a threat indicator and intimidate targets. The spines are also strong and sharp enough to impale anything trying to bite and grab the Marrow Stalker.
The fluids and 'blood' of a Marrow Stalker is quite acidic, making damaging one hazardous up close as this acid ichor can spray out under pressure and melt battle armour. Marrow Stalkers are highly aggressive, and seem to enter a battle rage once they've suffered any damage, which some will body slam each other with their spines to cause damage to enrage the other. While this may spray another stalker with acidic ichor, their scales are immune to all acids, protecting them from such tactics.
Marrow Stalkers are pack hunters, usually working in groups of 4 or more, although some are also seen working with Infestus and seem to empower them, making them even more dangerous. So far, numbers of Marrow Stalkers appear to be low, but that could change quickly.

Type: BlackSteel Abomination---Marrow Stalker
Class: Robot
Crew: Corrupted Robot Intelligence
M.D.C. By Location:
Forelegs (2) 90 each
Hind Legs (2) 90 each
Head 90
Main Body 200
Tail 30
Height: 3.8 ft at shoulders, 5 ft head to toe, plus 1.2 feet from spines
Width: 3.1 ft
Length: 6.8 ft to rump, plus 3.5 ft of tail
Weight: 870 lbs.
Power System: Nuclear(?)
Physical Attributes: Equal to Robotic PS. 35 (jaws 42), PP. 20, IQ 16.
Cargo: None
Running: 180 MPH
Jumping: 30 ft up/ across, 100 ft across and 30 feet high with a running start in excess of 60 MPH.
Flying: Not possible
Underwater: Can dogpaddle at about 10 MPH, maximum depth of 500 ft.
Market Cost: EXCLUSIVE to the BlackSteel Citadel
Systems of Note:
Standard Robot Sensory Systems, plus:

*Motion Detector----150 ft range

*Molecular Analyzer---Track by smell 80%

*Detect Radio Emissions---Marrow Stalkers can pick up and track radio emissions; 70%

*Self-Destruct---Standard. Just as ARCHIE-3’s ‘bots will destroy all evidence of themselves, the BlackSteel also leaves little trace of its creations. Completely obliterates itself(1d4x100+250 to immediate vicinity, and 2d4x10 MD to a 10 ft radius). Any remains will be a black slag-like material that slowly evaporates away with the taint of evil.

*Blood Thirsty --- When the Marrow Stalker suffers at least 5 MD of damage, it enters a battle rage. This rage grants it +4 to melee strike rolls, add +10 to damage, on a critical strike deals triple damage instead of double, and increase speed by 25% ( mph). However it suffers -4 to dodge, and keeps attacking its target until it is dead, or the Marrow Stalker is. This rage lasts for 5 + 1d4 melee rounds, then the Marrow suffers from a form of exhaustion for 1 hour, reducing strike bonuses by half, dodge bonus to 0, speed to half.

*Howl of the Alpha --- One Marrow Stalker in a group, or leading a pack of Infectus, can release a howl, taking 5 attacks/actions, that is deep and echoes for miles. All other Marrow Stalkers and Infectus within 2 miles are affected by a supernatural program, granting them increased power. For 5 rounds, all affected gain +4 to melee strike rolls, +10 MD damage to melee attacks, speed boosted by 10%, and gain 1 extra attack per melee round. Afterwards, all affected are exhausted, half strike and dodge bonuses, speed reduce by half for 1 hour.
If the designated leader Marrow Stalker is destroyed before this ability is used, a new Alpha is selected from the one with the most health left, or has the most kills in the current combat, and it may use the ability.

* Demonic Regeneration---ARCHIE-3 Loyalist ‘bots lack the nanite regneration systems of the EShemar, but the BlackSteel possessees have evolved a similar form of self-repair. The chassis will regenerate damage at a rate of 5% per hour per location damaged. The Marrow Stalker can also devour MDC materials, ideally MDC flesh and robot parts, and regain lost MDC at one point of regeneration MD per every two points of devoured MD, within 1d6 minutes of consumption.

*Stealth Armor----Marrow Stalker's are covered in a dark psuedo-organic-looking scales that appears ‘greasy’ and unreal to vision, blurring the outlines of the ‘bot. Laser targeting systems are -1 to lock on to the ‘bots, and even Mark One Eyeball is -1 to strike them(-2 under low light conditions) when they are moving. There is only a 25% chance of spotting them on thermal optics.

*Acid Resistance---The Marrow Stalker is immune to the effects of its own corrosive ichor and similar chemical attacks.

*Blood Healing --- If the Marrow Stalker can eat at a recently dead living creature, mortal, even supernatural, but not infernal, demonic, or creature of magic, it can gain a boost to its healing ability. For every 20 lbs, especially including bones, it can heal 1d6 MD. It takes 2 actions/melee to eat 20 lbs, and if it spends an entire round eating, it can heal xd6 MD

BlackSteel Traits:
*Acidic Ichor---If destroyed, Marrow Stalkers leak a corrosive ichor not unlike powerful battery acid. This makes destroying the ‘bots near sensitive equipment a risky undertaking. Typically a destroyed Marrow Stalker will splatter in a 4d6 ft radius beyond its normal self-destruct radius, its fluids doing 2d6 MD per melee for 1d6+2 melees. Immediately dosing the splatter with a powerful base substance, or diluting it with copious amounts of water will stop or slow the damage.
When a Marrow Stalker is damaged by anything that pierces it (bullets, blades, claws, teeth, etc), its ichor can spray out, covering everything in a cone area 30 feet long, 15 feet wide at the end, dealing 2d6 MD for 1d6 rounds.

*Sense PPE---Marrow Stalkers can ‘smell’ PPE and active magic---150 ft range.

*Silver---Silver weaponry does DOUBLE damage to BlackSteel creations. If a called shot of 20+ (modified) strikes the skull or chest area with silver, the tained container/CPU/powerplant will be struck and an explosion of 6D6 MDC to a 3ft. radius will errupt and anihilate the Black-Steel... and decommission the ‘bot(self-destruct will still go off, however).
*Holy Magic---Attacking with Holy Magic will cause the normal materials of the ‘bot to expel the BlackSteel. The ‘bot will still fight on using its original programming, but it will lose its viciousness and malevolent cunning(reduce initiative by HALF), and BlackSteel properties, and all other aspects of its operation remain unchanged. However, the expelled BlackSteel will remain a threat if picked up and incorporated into other machines.

Weapons Systems:
1) Bite---Marrow Stalkers retain the powerful jaws of their origin design.
Range: Melee
Restrained Bite/Nip 1d8x10 SDC
Full Strength Bite 4d6 MD
Power Bite (2 attacks) 8d6 MD

2) Claws --- Marrow Stalkers have wicked claws on each paw.
Range: melee
Damage: 3d6 MD

3) Spines --- Marrow Stalkers have multiple spines covering their body.
Range: Melee
Damage: Body Slam 3d6.
When grappled, target suffers 2d6 MD. When the Marrow Stalker is struck by a part of the target, not with a melee weapon, suffers 1d6 MD, plus suffers from Acidic Ichor.

Math: Basic 98%
Language(Understanding) American, Spanish, Euro, Gobbley, Splugorth, Dragonese all at 80%
Climb 70%/0%
Detect Ambush 60%
Detect Concealment 70%
Land Navigation 94%
Military Etiquette 98%
Escape Artist 65%
Herd Cattle 70%
Identify Plants and Fruits 90%
Intelligence 95%
Prowl 85%
Swimming 90%
Tracking(People) 85%
Tracking(Animals) 80%
Tailing 95%

Actions/Attacks Per Melee: 6
Initiative +2
Dodge +5, +7 when running in excess of 70 MPH
Parry +4
Strike + 5
Roll +1
Pull Punch +3
Disarm +2
Critical Strike on a Natural 18-20
Leaping Pounce 2d6 MD (60% chance of knocking man-sized opponents down, loss of initiative and one melee attack/action and is -2 to strike, parry and dodge when fighting the Marrow Stalker in a prone position).
Note: Marrow Stalker Teeth and Claws are particularly jagged, and wounds inflected with them will take 60% longer to heal naturally
Head Butt 1d4 MD
Body Block/Jumping Attack 3d6 MD and has a 75% chance of knocking targets of 800 lbs’ weight or less off their feet.
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Re: Shemarrian-related fan creations

Unread post by kronos »

Scyllatars - Lost Eclipse Scylla Variant

*The tentacled creature laughed eerily, with four other mouths on tentacles joining with their own laughter,* "Those Shemarrian Scylla? They are a pale imitation.. Now.. About those tasty Lemurians, *a long almost tentacle-like tongue slips through the fang filled lips to lick the lips hungerly,* "you mentioned.. Where did you say your source was?" The Scyllatar moved closer to the Splogurth enforcer, its lower tentacles wiggling, one of its back tentacles appearing to lovingly caress the smaller enforcer as the spiked end poised behind it's head unknowingly.

The Lost Eclipse, masters of the monstrous, saw they last an opportunity when they found the Scylla amongst the Darkwaters and Horrorwoods, and sought to rectify the situation. The tinkers of the Lost Eclipse acquired the plans for the Scylla through a trade no one outside the leaders knows the details about, and they began putting their spin on it. The first thing is reinforcing the frame, removing much of the Shemarrian style external armour, and giving it a much more organic and monstrous looks, an extra set of eyes on the head, the mouth is larger and fang filled. Half the tentacles are fitted with mouths, which seam to constantly spew eerie gibberish. An additional set of four tentacles mounted on the back that are thinner and longer than the lower ones, that end in wicked blades. A PPE generator is installed to power a number of magical abilities to give them the appearance that they are magical creatures. About 40% of Scyllatars have increased psionics similar to Psi-Shamanesses.
Make the following changes to Scylla to make a Scyllatar
MDC/Armor by Location:
Main Body 350 (body armor adds 100 MDC, style appears more Greek or other ancient or alien design, significantly different from Shemarrian)
Head 110
Upper Arms/Shoulders (2) 140 each
Forearms (2) 120 each
Hands (2) 25 each
Leg-Tentacles (8) 170 each
Back Tentacles (4) 100 each

Height: 9 ft; the tentacles can raise the Elite up to 14 ft tall
Width: 4.5 ft at shoulders; the tentacles can extend out 14 ft to each side
Length: 2.5 ft front to back; the tentacles can extend out 14 ft to each side
Weight: 3,100 lbs
Cargo: Whatever can be carried
Physical Strength: Robotic P.S. of 42, tentacles each have a Robotic P.S. of 35, Back tentacles PS 35
(Underwater) Can run along the bottom at 5 MPH, swim at 60 MPH, and survive depths down to 5.2 miles

*Gibbering Mouths --- The four mouths on the lower tentacles speak in a gibberish language, appears to be a random combination of elvish, dragonese, and other languages, but also emit a subsonic sound that isn't generally noticed, but gives any creatures around the Scyllatar an uneasy feeling and disorients them.
Humans (and those most like them) will find these subsonic vibrations particularly irritating, the barely audible buzzing setting up painful discordance in their eardrums and auditory apparatus. Beings with enhanced hearing are particularly vulnerable to this attack(DOUBLE all penalties). Cyborgs and those with baffled hearing implants will NOT be affected by this.
Save versus psionic attack(12 or better) or be -1d4 to initiative, HALF all bonuses to strike/parry/dodge, and -1d4 to Maintain Balance. Roll under P.E. or fall unconscious for 1d6 melees. DOUBLE effects and duration for those with particularly sensitive hearing(including Dog Boys).
Power Armor and EBA-wearers will be more susceptible to the effects of resonance, owing to their close proximity to the materials being affected. The effects are greatly diminished/negated to occupants on a vehicle owing to the many interior structures that serve to dissipate and insulate the sound waves.
It also produces a window-shattering sonic boom in a 45-degree arc along its path out to 100 ft, temporarily deafening those caught in the area of effect(those without ear protection will be -4 to initiative and -1 to parry and dodge for 1d4 minutes, while those inside EBA, light MDC vehicles and power armor will only be deafened for 2d4 melees.

*Tentacles ( 8 ) --- 14 ft reach each, Robotic P.S. of 35, +15% to Climbing skill, -2 to strike w/ melee weapons, -3 to strike w/ ranged weapons.

*Back Tentacles (4) --- These tentacles are far more prehensile and flexible, but thinner and longer than the lower tentacles. At 'rest' they are 16 ft, Robotic P.S. of 35, +15% to Climbing skill, -1 to strike w/ melee weapons, can't use ranged weapons. They can stretch out to a maximum of 32 feet, but for every 4 feet, the Robotic PS effectively lowers by -2, so at maximum length they have the effective Robotic PS of 27.

*Electrical/Ion Insulation --- The Scyllatar is well insulated from electrical and ion weaponry, rendering it immune to them and EMP weapons. Magical based electrical attacks deal half damage.

*PPE Generator Powerstone ---- PPE Capacity:(Heavy)----300 PPE battery capacity; recharges at 2 PPE per hour, 10 PPE/hour at a leyline, 20 PPE/hour on a nexus or in a dimensional pyramid

*TW Spellcaster System --- A multi-mode TW spell system that can be reconfigured and upgraded to hold and deploy a variety of spells.
The Scyllatar typically carries the following spells:
-(Chameleon) 6 PPE, self only, 22 minutes. Alter colour and pattern of the Scyllatar to blend in with surrounding environment. 90% undetectable if unmoving, 70% if 2 ft per melee or slower. 20% undetectable if moving 6 ft per melee round.
-(Armour Bizarre) Magical protection. 15 PPE, 5 minutes 75 MDC, covers Scyllatar in withering tentacles and slime, HF 11. Opponents -1 initiative.
-(Spinning Bladesl) Spinning Death, 20 PPE, focused on the back tentacle blades, 5 blades, 1d6 per blade. Defense +6 parry melee, +2 parry ranged attacks. 300 ft, up to 10d6 MD buzz saw for all 5 blades, or 500 ft, 1d6 MD
-(Frostblade) Cold death. 7 PPE. Coats tentacle blades with ice, dealing 4d6 MD, or 6d6 MD against creatures vulnerable to cold. 10 minutes.
-(Whirlpool) 50 PPE, 5 minutes, 20 ft center, 1d4x10 MD to anyone in each round. Larger items take 2d6x10.

Weapons Systems:
1) Blue-Green Frequency Wrist Lasers (2) (no penalties for firing underwater) These are concealed into the palms of the hands so they are not obvious.
Range: 2,000 ft in air and underwater
Damage: 3d6 MD per single blast
Rate of Fire: ECHH
Payload: Effectively Unlimited

2) Forearm Ion Blaster (2) --- The Scyllatar retain the forearm blasters, but the emitters are modified and concealed, making it appear as if lightning is firing from their hands.
Range: 1,600 ft (1,000 ft underwater)
Damage: 5d6 MD single shot
(Ion Scatter-Shot Mode) Reduce range to 400 ft, but does 4d6 MD to a 12 ft wide area.
Rate of Fire: Standard
Payload: Effectively Unlimited

5) Ink Jet --- The Scyllatar maintains the same Ink Jet system as the Scylla, but with a larger payload. It also contains a separate payload of a special type of ink, Tempest, usable only under water.
Rate of Fire: ECHH. Depending on water currents, the cloud persists for 1d4 minutes.
Payload: Has enough for 15 applications before needing to recharge (basic ink), 5 Tempest.
Tempest - This ink is similar to regular ink, except it ionizes the water, not only in the 20 ft radius of the ink cloud, but an additional 15 feet beyond. When any electrical or ion attack is used within the cloud, the attack is enhanced, dealing 50% more damage, plus 1d6+3 random bolts of electricity, dealing half damage of the total dealt (after the 50% boost) branches out within the ink cloud and out to the maximum distance of 35 feet. Anything, other than the Scyllatar, within the cloud and 15 feet beyond is be hit by these bolts, and are at -5 to dodge, those in the cloud have this in additional to being blinded by the cloud. If there are less targets than there is bolts, more bolts will strike the closest target to the Scyllatar. The Scyllatar typically uses this when its surrounded by opponents, blinding them then firing its ion blasters, hitting as many targets as possible without having to really aim.

7) Back Tentacle (4) --- Mounted on the back are four more tentacles that end in wicked bone-looking blades.
Range: Melee 16 to 32 ft
Damage: Tentacle Blade 3d6 MD, critical on a natural roll 19 and 20.
Tentacle Punch 1d6 MD
Tentacle Tear/Pry 2d4 MD
Tentacle Squeeze/Crush 2d6 MD

8 ) TK Machine Gun (4) --- The mouths of the lower tentacles not only spew gibberish, but are also fitted with TK Machine guns for some magical ranged combat.
Range 2,000 ft range (double on ley lines)
Damage: 2d4 MD single shot, 3d6 MD 5-shot burst
Rate of Fire: ECHH
Payload: Effectively unlimited, has 90 shot capacity, and recharges at 1 PPE per shot. +1 to strike.

9) Eye Plasma Blasters (2) --- The two additional eyes are fitted with light plasma blasters that can fan out, looking like flames. Both eyes are typically fired together, but can be fired individually.
Range: 100 ft, fan 30 foot long, 15 feet wide per eye. Both eyes firing can increase fan to 30 feet wide at the end.
Damage: 2d6 MD single eye blast, 4d6 MD for a simultaneous blast from both eyes. Fan 1d6 for 1 eye, 2d6 for both.
Rate of Fire: ECHH
Payload: Effectively Unlimited
Bonus: +1 to strike with eye-lasers

Hand to Hand:
Scyllatar uses same programming as the Scylla with the below changes:
Actions/Attacks Per Melee: 9 +4 lower tentacle attacks +4 back tentacles, + 1 additional attack at levels 3, 6, and 12
Parry +7
+2 from tentacles, additional +2 from back tentacles
Disarm +3
+2 from tentacles, additional +2 from back tentacles
Entangle +2
+3 from tentacles, additional +2 from back tentacles

Uses same programming and skills as Scylla with addition:
Lore (Demons and Supernatural) 65%

Can acquire additional skills as normal for an Ecotroz Nueral Intelligence.

Psionics: As for the Ecotroz. About 30% of Scyllans are also Psi-Shamanesses.
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Re: Shemarrian-related fan creations

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Halloween's come early, I see. :twisted: :demon:
"Trouble rather the Tiger in his Lair,
Than the Sage among his Books,
For all the Empires and Kingdoms,
The Armies and Works that you hold Dear,
Are to him but the Playthings of the Moment,
To be turned over with the Flick of a Finger,
And the Turning of a Page"

--------Rudyard Kipling
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Re: Shemarrian-related fan creations

Unread post by taalismn »

Okay, updated the Codex Masterfile to reflect the new additions.

One-offs like Nwale will be collected into an NPC file listing I'm organizing, with named Shemarrian chracters and associates that will eventually be listed somewhere...maybe in the second post on PageOne of this thread if it will fit(we've had a LOT of both statted and one-mention name-only NPCs in the course of the last 102 pages!).
"Trouble rather the Tiger in his Lair,
Than the Sage among his Books,
For all the Empires and Kingdoms,
The Armies and Works that you hold Dear,
Are to him but the Playthings of the Moment,
To be turned over with the Flick of a Finger,
And the Turning of a Page"

--------Rudyard Kipling
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Re: Shemarrian-related fan creations

Unread post by kronos »

taalismn wrote:Okay, updated the Codex Masterfile to reflect the new additions.

One-offs like Nwale will be collected into an NPC file listing I'm organizing, with named Shemarrian chracters and associates that will eventually be listed somewhere...maybe in the second post on PageOne of this thread if it will fit(we've had a LOT of both statted and one-mention name-only NPCs in the course of the last 102 pages!).

List slowly grows.. I want to do some more Archie stuff.. but I'm waiting for Titan Robots book so I can see what they've got..
also how are we going to weave that into the EShemarrian narrative ?? stuff that was released before the end of the Civil War and Archie is supplying from his new hideout in the South?

I've got two elemental-ish style variants for the Preserver or Entkin.. debating which what all abilities. Might just make them preserver upgrades so the Entkin can get better ones later.
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Re: Shemarrian-related fan creations

Unread post by taalismn »

kronos wrote:[
List slowly grows.. I want to do some more Archie stuff.. but I'm waiting for Titan Robots book so I can see what they've got..
also how are we going to weave that into the EShemarrian narrative ?? stuff that was released before the end of the Civil War and Archie is supplying from his new hideout in the South? .

I've been waiting on Titan Robotics too...part of my sharp drop in producing stuff for this thread was I had set up a massive random construction chart for kit bashed North America robots similar to what Clan Gothec is doing in Europe. All it needed was the new TR stuff(though I could arguably go ahead with the old already published stuff) to be slotted in.
Of course, then came the Wait....
"Trouble rather the Tiger in his Lair,
Than the Sage among his Books,
For all the Empires and Kingdoms,
The Armies and Works that you hold Dear,
Are to him but the Playthings of the Moment,
To be turned over with the Flick of a Finger,
And the Turning of a Page"

--------Rudyard Kipling
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Re: Shemarrian-related fan creations

Unread post by kronos »

Preserver variants

Spriggan Upgrade

"You have trespassed on sacred lands. Feel nature's wrath."

Spriggans are upgrades to Preservers that don't upgrade to other frames such as the Entkin or other tribal variants. Spriggans have upgraded armour in that the fake organic parts are now more organic, similar to the Entkin, giving them enhanced healing abilities and able to withstand greater damage, however it doesn't have the ability to grow more armour like the Entkin can. Several hive-like structures or large nests, are found along the back and branches which contain micro-bot and e-nimals to provide the Spriggan with greater force multipliers and a network of spies and remote weapons. The railguns on the arms are replaced with ones similar to those found in the Hurga e-nimal, with system to collect rocks and similar material through its feet or can consume rocks, MD bone and even metal to replenish its railgun ammunition.
As they are seen as wardens of nature, they also have healing capabilities, with a small nanite factory that is fed through the suction system in their feet and from supplies, including various vegetation, fungi and animal byproducts, as well as normal nanite stocks, can create more of the nanites that Shemarrians use for their repair systems, as nanites designed for healing organics, which can be provided via a sap-like substance, or pine-cone like items that are filled with nanites.
Make the following changes to a Preserver:

M.D.C. By Location:
Hands (2) 120 each
Arms (2) 360 each
Forearm Mounted Rail Guns (4) 360
Legs (2) 860 each
Head (reinforced) 460
Antennae (2) 25 each
Main Body 1400

Height: 32 feet
Width: 15 feet
Length: 16 feet
Weight: 42 tons
Power System: Nuclear
Physical Attributes: Equal to IQ 15, Robotic PS. 60, PP. 24, PB 10.
Cargo: Only what can be carried externally
Running: 90 MPH
Jumping: Limited to 30 ft up/across, while a running leap in excess of 40 MPH adds an extra 30 ft to distance.

*Radar--Both passive radiation detection and active scanning (40 mile range)

*Seismic Sensors --- Special microphones in its feet, the Spriggan can pick up on ground vibrations of moving water, explosions, and heavy movement(masses of animals, vehicles, landslides), up to 2 miles away.

*Regeneration - The Spriggan is able to regenerate damage at a rate of 2d6 MD per 5 minutes, however this regeneration can`t replace destroyed components, missing weapons or limbs. If the Spriggan loses more than 50% of its main body MDC, this regeneration stops until repairs are made. This regeneration works in conjunction with its Cybernanite Repair system, but for minor damage, the Spriggan can save the repair system and let its own regeneration system repair itself.

*Active Stealth Systems---These are active jamming systems that, while effective, run the risk of exposing the Elite simply by their activity; a technologically-savvy opponent will recognize the signs of jamming, and know something has to be doing it.
- ECM Module---Electronic jamming system that gives radar-guided weaponry a -6 to strike the Elite. Or it can be used offensively, to foil ALL radar-guided weaponry in a 5 mile radius (-3 to strike), providing protective coverage to other friendly units in its area.
-Jammer-----A radio jammer, that can pump out enough multi-wavelength white noise to jam civilian band communications with 90% effectiveness, and military comms with 70% effectiveness, over a 20 mile radius.

*EM Sensors---The Spriggan can detect and ‘see’ electromagnetic-spectrum emissions, such as radio and radar signals.

*Stealth - The Spriggan`s organic grass and bark outer layer helps shield it against thermal and EM sensors, -75% to detect via thermal sensors, -60% via EM sensors, but even then the EM sensors will read more as bio-electric readings, like a large animal.

*Bionic Cybernanite Repair Systems---A modified bionic nanotech repair system that originated with the Ecotroz Shemar, but has also been adopted by the Ghost Riders. These systems repair 4d6 MD per hour, and can repair 300 MDC before needing material stocks to convert to MD repair material.

*Nanite Stock --- The Spriggan contains an additional 150 MDC of nanite stock that it can use on itself, or provide via the sap or pine-cones for other units. Regenerates at rate of 5 MDC per 5 hours if using mostly organic materials, rocks and other materials found in the wild, or 5 MD per 2 hours with sufficient MDC materials (rate of 2 MD converted to 1 MD of nanites). Fuels the Nanite Generation system.

*Nanite Generation- Spriggans can generate/dispense healing/repair nanites; they have the storage capacity for 50 doses of nanites of the dual mode MiRR/IRMSS type. Spriggans can regenerate the equivalent of 1 dose every 5 hours.

a) MiRR/IRMSS Nanites Acorns --- Dual-mode repair/surgical microrobots---
For EShemar/NeShemar, the MiRR repairs 800 SDC or 20 MDC. In the case of robotics, the nanobots can return to their dispenser to be recharged and reused.
For organics, the IRMSS has an MD Doctor internal surgical skill of 80%. Unlike NiRR mode, the nanobots CANNOT return to their injector, but break down and are flushed out of the patient’s system.
It takes 1 minute to reconfigure the nanobots between biological and robotic application.

a) Nanofix Sap ---- Nanofix is a general repair nanite ‘drug’ based on 3G Metal-Spray; it instantly repairs 1d4x10 MD of gross MDC damage and provides a ‘scaffolding’ and spare material for a Shemarrian’s own nanite regeneration system to work on. If used on a limb or body part that has sustained damage and mobility penalties, Nanofix will help restore the overall damage, but not mobility(use the general ‘healing’ rate of the Shemarrian’s own nanoregen to calculate when the limb/system becomes fully functional again...until the natural regeneration cycle is finished, the damaged part will appear discolored and disfigured until the ‘scarring’ is reabsorbed into the structure).
The Aralezan CANNOT generate fresh supplies of this agent.

*Micro-Bot/E-nimal Ports - Multiple hives and nests are on the back and branches of the Spriggan, able to carry 700 micro-bots or 20 small e-nimals, no larger than an average house cat. These ports have recharging stations and can access the repair nanites to effect minor repairs but can't replace whole parts.

Weapon Systems
1) Shemarrian 6000 Railguns (4) --- These are modified versions of the original railguns, based on the ons found in the Hurga, can shape its own ammunition, then electromagnetically expel it, at rail gun velocities, out the other end. The Spriggan can also use more powerful EM fields to expel stone and megadamage bone and chitin, albeit with less force and damage.
Range:( SDC/MD Metal) 4,000 ft
(MD Stone/Concrete) 2,000 ft
(MD Bone/Chitin) 1,000 ft
Damage:(SDC Metal) 7d6 SDC single round, 1d4 MD per 10 round burst
(MDC Metal) 1d6 MD single round, 1d6x10 MD per 10 round burst
(MD Stone/Concrete) 1d4 MD single round, 1d4x10 MD per 10 round burst
(MD Bone/Chitin) 1 MD single round, 1d10 MD per 10 round burst
Rate of Fire: ECHH
Payload: Conditionally Unlimited; the Spriggan can make and store up to 600 rds each, can be divided into 3 separate bins for 3 different types of ammunition of up to 200 rds each, typically a mix of regular, wood and silver. If situated on a good supply of megadamage materials, such as a wrecked vehicle or monster corpse, the Spriggan can chew up 10 rounds’ worth of ammunition per melee.

2) Chest-Mounted Ion Cannon Arrays (2)---Concealed in the chest behind pectoral plates, these three-barreled ion projectors fire with an effect that looks like lightning bolts.
Range: 3,000 ft
Damage: 3d6 MD per single shot, 9d6 MD for a three-shot burst
Can also fire in scatter-shot mode, doing 3d6 MD per barrel to a 20 ft wide area, but range is HALVED.
Rate of Fire: ECHH
Payload: Effectively Unlimited

3) Shoulder Missile Launchers (2)---Concealed in the large shoulder epaulets are missile launchers.
Range: Varies by Missile Type
Damage: Varies by Missile Type
Rate of Fire: Volleys of 1-6
Payload: 12 mini-missiles or 6 short range missiles per shoulder, usually at least 2 are vine missiles.

4) Eye Lasers (2)----The eyes conceal powerful lasers.
Range: 2,000 ft in atmosphere, 4,000 ft in space
Damage: 4d6 MD single shot, 1d4x10 MD for a pulse burst
Rate of Fire: ECHH
Payload: Effectively Unlimited
Extra: The eye lasers can strobe at lower power to produce a deliberately blinding area of effect.
Range: 100 ft and covers a 25 ft area
Damage: Unless the victim(s) are wearing tinted goggles or other protection against bright light, they will be blinded(-10 to strke, parry, dodge, and roll) for 1 melee round after being hit. Duration can be extended by 7 seconds (half a melee) for every subsequent melee that the target is kept bombarded by the strobe attack until their eyes manage to adjust.
Rate of Fire: ECHH
Payload: Effectively Unlimited
The Tree solar collectors can boost the power of the eye lasers. If fighting in broad daylight without any sort of shade impeding light intake, the lasers get an extra +2 to damage. If the solar array has time to absorb solar energy prior to combat, the lasers get an extra +6 MD to damage for every hour of solar absorption, for the first minute of combat, or get an extra minute of increased damage (at the +2 level) per hour of prior charge-up.

5) (False Magic)---Inspired by ARCHIE-3’s Spell Approximation systems, the Entkin can seemingly cast various spells. Rather than use a PPE generator and technowizardry system, most Entkins use technological systems, cunningly formatted to look like magic.
*Extinguish Flames---With equal panache, the Vulcar can cause flames in its vicinity to go out. In reality, this is nothing more than a concealed fire extinguisher, pumping out a colorless, odorless, inert gas that suffocates combustion. Range of 80 ft, 30 applications.
*Blinding Flash - The eye lasers can strobe to blind targets, requiring a save versus a 17 (PE bonuses apply, other bonuses versus magic do not apply).
*See the Invisible - Using the Entkin`s infrared and ultraviolet optics allow it to see invisible targets.
*Thunderclap: Uses high intensity speakers, effect is identical to those of the 4th level spell.
*Quicksand: This is really an application of an invisible focused sonic beam that vibrates the surface layers of soil and causes a ‘liquification’ effect similar to that seen during earthquakes. This causes the top 12+2d6 inches or so of soil (cannot be pavement or packed rock) to assume a mud-like state that cannot support weight.
Range: 100 ft, and affects a 30 ft square area
Damage: Victims sink into the softened earth...Reduce Speed and bonuses to dodge by HALF.
Rate of Fire: The affected area maintains its liquid state for only as long as the sonic beam is directed on it.
*Rust: This is simply the application of specialized nanites that break apart metal, same as the metal-dissolver nanites used in Japan.
Range: 100 ft, and affects a 10 ft square area
Damage: Reduces the MDC of metal-based body armors and light power armors by HALF, heavy power armors and light vehicles by 30%, and heavy robots and vehicles by 10%. Damage takes 4 melees/1 minute, and is obvious by acute discoloration and flaking of the armor. Other effects identical to those of the Japanese nanites(which they were probably based on to begin with).
Rate of Fire: ECHH
Payload: 40 applications
*Animate Plant: Using a method similar to animating corpses, the Spriggan uses modified nanites and artificially grown vines, implanting them into a plant of about average tree size or less. The nanites make the branches more malleable while the artificial vines give the plant a form of muscles to allow the branches to move. The nanites also create basic sensors in the plant, basic cameras and mics, allowing the Spriggan to see and hear what is around the tree. The animated tree can make a basic slam against near by targets, but only has a Strength of 21, more useful for distracting a target by using the branches to knock over humans not in power armour or striking sensor units. The nanites and artificial vines last for about 24 hours before breaking down, taking 2 melee rounds to install in a tree. The cameras and mics can transmit to the Spriggan up to 5 miles away. The Spriggan carries enough nanites and vines to animate 20 trees.
*Wall of Thorns: A modified vine grenade that causes the vines to grow and weave into a wall that covers a 20 foot area (20x20 foot) similar to the spell Wall of Thorns. Anyone who falls into the thorns, or try and push through suffers 5d6 SDC, but the wall has 30 MDC per 20 feet of thorns. The Spriggan will usually carry 15 of these grenades.

Additional Skills
Robot Mechanics (Shemarrian systems only) 70%
Robot Electronics (Shemarrian systems only) 70%
Bioware Mechanics 70%
Paramedic 90%
Field Surgery 75%
Rescue Protocol 75%

Burnt Spriggan - Preserver Upgrade

"You burned the forests, boiled the seas.. You failed to realize fire renews a forest, and it comes back stronger!"

Burnt Spriggans are an alternate Preserver upgrade, found amongst the Radiant Edge and Horrorwoods mostly, found on worlds that have been devastated by fires, orbital bombardments, etc, but the planet isn't completely dead, but close, that they have claimed for themselves, or are protecting and have started programs to bring back to life. They look like large, burnt and charred trees when hiding, and even when active, the metal appears burnt, scored, even melted. The Burnt Spriggan has many of the same upgrades as the Spriggan, except it doesn't have living organic parts, instead covered in burnt, charred, almost rock-like armour. The arm railguns are replaced with slag cannons, firing bolts of lava.
Make changes to Spriggan:

M.D.C. By Location:
Hands (2) 130 each
Arms (2) 370 each
Forearm Mounted Slag Cannons (2) 360
Legs (2) 870 each
Head (reinforced) 470
Antennae (2) 25 each
Main Body 1600

* Thermal Shielding---Modifications to the Burnt Spriggan’s skin and cooling systems allow them to take NO damage from the plasma field, and NO damage from heat-based attacks (magic-based fire still does full damage). With the plasma field down, plasma attacks do only 1/4 damage(the plasma stream still has some kinetic kick to impart).
*EM Shielding---This protects the Zealot’s internal systems from interference by the plasma conduction fields. Note, however, that with the plasma field on, radio transmissions from the Zealot suffer a reduction in range by two-thirds, and quality of transmission will be spotty; marred by static.
*Enhanced Nanotech Repair System---The Zealot’s nanite repair system is souped up for dealing with extra damage.These systems repair 5d6 MD per hour, and can repair 50 MDC before needing material stocks to convert to MD repair material.
Weapons Systems:

1) Forearm Slag Cannons (2) --- These are a variant plasma weapon that uses powerful plasma torches to superheat stone and metal debris suctioned up by the Burnt Spriggan (through its FEET) and expelled as a thick, molten, magma-like material. At close range, the superhot material sticks and burns like lava, while at longer ranges, having air-cooled, the material hits like lava bombs.
Range: 6,000 ft
Damage: 5d6 MD to an 8 ft area, plus 3d6 MD to a 25 ft radius beyond that, at ranges of 1,500 ft or less. Targets struck directly will BURN for 1d4 melees, taking 2d4 MD incendiary damage per melee, before the molten material cools down and solidifies. At ranges greater than that, the ‘lava bombs’ do 4d6 MD impact damage.
There is also a 60% chance of setting combustibles afire.
Rate of Fire: ECHH
Payload: Conditionally Unlimited; the Elite carries enough material for 100 shots. Replacing the material stock will take 30 minutes(must be standing still).

5) (False Magic)---Inspired by ARCHIE-3’s Spell Approximation systems, the Entkin can seemingly cast various spells. Rather than use a PPE generator and technowizardry system, most Entkins use technological systems, cunningly formatted to look like magic.
*Blinding Flash - The eye lasers can strobe to blind targets, requiring a save versus a 17 (PE bonuses apply, other bonuses versus magic do not apply).
*See the Invisible - Using the Entkin`s infrared and ultraviolet optics allow it to see invisible targets.
*Thunderclap: Uses high intensity speakers, effect is identical to those of the 4th level spell.
*Rust: This is simply the application of specialized nanites that break apart metal, same as the metal-dissolver nanites used in Japan.
Range: 100 ft, and affects a 10 ft square area
Damage: Reduces the MDC of metal-based body armors and light power armors by HALF, heavy power armors and light vehicles by 30%, and heavy robots and vehicles by 10%. Damage takes 4 melees/1 minute, and is obvious by acute discoloration and flaking of the armor. Other effects identical to those of the Japanese nanites(which they were probably based on to begin with).
Rate of Fire: ECHH
Payload: 40 applications
*Cloud of Smoke/Ash: The Burnt Spriggan can breath out a thick cloud of dark particulate vapor. Range of 100 ft, and covers a 100 square ft area. Depending on local air/wind conditions, the cloud persists for 1d6 melees. Those caught in the cloud are -8 to strike, parry, and dodge, and -1 to initiative, while the grit component will do 1d4 Hit Point inhalation damage per melee to those without respiratory protection. 60 applications.
*Circle of Flames: With a wave of its massive arms, the Burnt Spriggan can seemingly summon a circular pattern of leaping flames. In reality, it is spraying a fine mist of long-burning incendiary chemicals. Range of 50 ft, flames do 1d4 MD per melee and burn for 2d4 melees. 40 applications.
*Magma: In reality a pool of thick, viscous, napalm-like thermal chemicals poured onto the ground(or deployed from pre-planted mine ‘bladders’ buried in the ground), or oozed from vents on the body of the Burnt Spriggan (the Elite takes NO damage from this material, making this a good weapon to use on enemies who manage to scale the body of the giant cyberoid).
Range: 100 ft, and affects a 90 ft square area
Damage: 4d6 MD, 2d6 MD per melee/contact for 2d4 minutes. It can also set adjacent combustibles aflame, resulting in wildfires and spreading property fires.
Rate of Fire: Once per melee
Payload: 50 applications from a concealed tank

6) Finger Claws --- Each large hand of the Burnt Spriggan end in large vibro-claws that looks almost skeletal and burn.
Range: Melee
Damage: 4d6 MD +P.S. Damage, critical on natural roll of 19 and 20, double damage.

7) Plasma Field --- This is a body conformal plasma field that incinerates anything that comes too close to the Burnt Spriggan.
Range:1-2 ft, plasma bolt has a range of 60 ft.
Damage: 5d6 MD per touch or punch, 1d6x10 MD per melee attack of an entangle, grapple, hug, or wrestling grip. Anything flammable will be incinerated on contact, including SDC bullets and weapons.
Furthermore, with the plasma field up, other plasma attacks do NO damage, as they effectively splash around the projection fields.
The Burnt Spriggan can also throw a bolt of plasma that does 4d6 MD.
Payload: Can maintain the plasma field for 30 minutes and recharge in 15 minutes, or for 60 minutes, requiring a full 60 minute recharge period afterward. The Burnt Spriggan can reboot the field before then, but the extra power draw will cause the EShemar to be -1 on initiative, and -2 to dodge, strike and parry, and reduce maximum running speed by 25%.

8 ) Plasma Whips (2) --- These are essentially oversized and more articulated versions of the Kittani Plasma Whip. When not powered they look like charred vines, then blaze to fiery life that extend from the hands.
Range: Melee, 30 ft extension
Damage: 2d4x10 MD
Rate of Fire: ECHH
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Re: Shemarrian-related fan creations

Unread post by taalismn »

Wow, I was about to relate the thought that the Scyllatar could be seen as proof positive that the Shemarrians, or at least some of them, were a former slave race of the Splugorth and were experimented on, and then you pop two Preserver variants on us!
Good job! 8)
"Trouble rather the Tiger in his Lair,
Than the Sage among his Books,
For all the Empires and Kingdoms,
The Armies and Works that you hold Dear,
Are to him but the Playthings of the Moment,
To be turned over with the Flick of a Finger,
And the Turning of a Page"

--------Rudyard Kipling
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Re: Shemarrian-related fan creations

Unread post by kronos »

taalismn wrote:Wow, I was about to relate the thought that the Scyllatar could be seen as proof positive that the Shemarrians, or at least some of them, were a former slave race of the Splugorth and were experimented on, and then you pop two Preserver variants on us!
Good job! 8)

ooh... I hadn't thought to link the Scyllatar to Shemarrian link as former slave race story.. I was going with the Scylla was based on the Scylla legends which are based on actual supernatural creatures (or demons) that just haven't appeared much in the Megaverse, but I like the idea you're proposing.. do share more!
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Re: Shemarrian-related fan creations

Unread post by taalismn »

kronos wrote:[

ooh... I hadn't thought to link the Scyllatar to Shemarrian link as former slave race story.. I was going with the Scylla was based on the Scylla legends which are based on actual supernatural creatures (or demons) that just haven't appeared much in the Megaverse, but I like the idea you're proposing.. do share more!

Well, it's been established in canon that the Shemarrians hate the Splugorth BAD...and it may even have been hinted in the 'Rumors' section of the Shemarrian sourcebook that they might have once been a Splugorth place species.
I've run with that with several mentions, and it's a running theme with the Lost Eclipse(several of their Elites even resemble various castes of Metzla), so even in the Three Galaxies, the story is going round that at one time some, if not all, of the Shemrrian people may have been a minion or space race of some unknown Splugorth, they revolted, killed the Splugorth Intelligence, and have been on a rolling payback fest ever since. Of course, the astute observer may detect the contradiction with the 'Dark One'(Archie 3) subtext, but if they hear of it. they may mistake it as reference to the Shemarrians' former Splugorth owner.
"Trouble rather the Tiger in his Lair,
Than the Sage among his Books,
For all the Empires and Kingdoms,
The Armies and Works that you hold Dear,
Are to him but the Playthings of the Moment,
To be turned over with the Flick of a Finger,
And the Turning of a Page"

--------Rudyard Kipling
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Re: Shemarrian-related fan creations

Unread post by kronos »

taalismn wrote:
kronos wrote:[

ooh... I hadn't thought to link the Scyllatar to Shemarrian link as former slave race story.. I was going with the Scylla was based on the Scylla legends which are based on actual supernatural creatures (or demons) that just haven't appeared much in the Megaverse, but I like the idea you're proposing.. do share more!

Well, it's been established in canon that the Shemarrians hate the Splugorth BAD...and it may even have been hinted in the 'Rumors' section of the Shemarrian sourcebook that they might have once been a Splugorth place species.
I've run with that with several mentions, and it's a running theme with the Lost Eclipse(several of their Elites even resemble various castes of Metzla), so even in the Three Galaxies, the story is going round that at one time some, if not all, of the Shemrrian people may have been a minion or space race of some unknown Splugorth, they revolted, killed the Splugorth Intelligence, and have been on a rolling payback fest ever since. Of course, the astute observer may detect the contradiction with the 'Dark One'(Archie 3) subtext, but if they hear of it. they may mistake it as reference to the Shemarrians' former Splugorth owner.

Ah, yes, the greater rumour.. thought you might have had something more Scylla or Scyllatar specific.. if you think of something, I'll update the entry with the info.
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Re: Shemarrian-related fan creations

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And on the subject of Splugorth covers, a quicky....

Lost Eclipse Upgrades:
*Zemeyes---(Lost Eclipse option/Upgrade)
Zemeyes are thick tentacular appendages that take the place of the normal Shemarrian head antennae. Only Zemeyes look like Zembahk mystic-worms grafted to the temples of the Lost Eclipse member. The appendages still retain their motion-sensor abilities, through the large ‘eyelashes’ at one end, but they also sport a multi-optic, allowing the Eshemarrian to look around corners and from behind cover. The appearance of Shemarrians sporting these appendages is seen as further evidence of a Shemarrian-Splugorth connection, and a brutal history of Shemarrian enslavement and biowizardry experimentation at the tentacles of the Splugorth. Most Zembahk do not go anywhere near Shemar sporting zemeyes, though if they did and sensed more closely, there’s a good chance they’d discern that the eyestalks are NOT zombified relatives as they fear.
Size/Length: 3-5 ft long
MDC: 1d6x10 MD each
Upgrades: Other types of optics can be mounted in place of the multi-optics, including PPE-sensors.
"Trouble rather the Tiger in his Lair,
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Re: Shemarrian-related fan creations

Unread post by kronos »

(Aka Fried Bacon, Pyro Porcus)

"Dogs of war?"

The FireHog is a large pig-like creature, with a resemblance to the BarrierHog, only it lacks most of the forcefield projection plates of the Barrierhog, except for several that run along the spine, and it's leathery skin is made from thermal-kinetic skin. It has the same distinctive snout as the BarrierHog, proving that it shares the same parentage, but it also has large tusks to gore opponents. The snout also sports powerful plasma blasters. Without the weight of the forcefield plates, the FireHog is significantly faster, combined with its highly aggressive nature, it makes an excellent frontline combatant. While it lacks the forcefield abilities of the BarrierHog, it can cover itself in plasma that is signature of the BloodRiders, and with the use of the few forcefield projectors it does have, it can project plasma similar to plasma torpedoes found on starships without all the heavy equipment using its plasma blasters and the forcebolt projector in the snout/mouth. Several concealed plasma blasters are hidden around its body that can strike those nearby, help feed its plasma field as well as its plasma torpedo. When it goes to fire the plasma torpedo, plasma forms around its body, similar to the plasma field, and moves to its snout, then is launched forward by the forcebolt projector. Not as accurate as those mounted on ships without the tractor beams, but incredibly powerful. To help protect it's flanks and rear, the tail is long and

Type: EcoS-K-176 FireHog
Class: Robotic Warmount
Crew: None; robot intelligence
1 rider/pilot, and room for 1 passenger
MDC/Armor by Location:
Main Body 500
Head 210
*Projector Plates (6) 70 each
Legs (4) 200 each
Variable Forcefield 150 per side (750 total, doesn't cover underside)

Note: The saddle back and folding side plates offer partial cover to the rider, and attempts to target the rider are at -6 to strike.

Height: 30 ft to the top of the fin array
Width: 12 ft (10 ft at shoulders)
Length: 40 ft
Weight: 7.5 tons
Cargo: Small space inside/beside the saddle-seat for a few personal possessions and sidearms.
Physical Strength: Equivalent to Robotic P.S. of 30
Powerplant: Nuclear w/ 20 year energy life
Speed: (Running) 95 MPH
(Leaping) The short legs and wide distribution of weight on the FireHog mean that it is not designed for great leaping; it can manage short hops of 7 ft up/across, plus increase by 50% with a running start.
(Climbing) The FireHog is not designed with climbing in mind, either; the best it can is scramble with the equivalent skill of 50%
(Flying) Not possible
(Space) Not possible
(Underwater) Limited to running along the bottom at 10 MPH, maximum depth 1,300 ft.
Market Cost: Exclusive to the Ecotroz-Shemar
Systems of Note:
Full optical systems, laser targeting, passive nightvision, telescopic vision, thermal imaging, infrared, ultraviolet, and polarization filters. Also has motion and heat detection, built-in radar( 60 mile range) and other standard power armor-equivalent systems, as well as the Molecular Analyzer familiar to Shemarrian Warmounts. Additional/special sensors may be built in by the creating Spinsters or at the behest of individual riders/owners.

*Bionic Cybernanite Repair Systems---ALL BarrierHogs have the same bionic nanotech repair system that the Ecotroz Shemar have refitted themselves with, and which is becoming the standard among NeShemar as well. These systems repair 4d6 MD per hour, and can repair 100 MDC before needing material stocks to convert to MD repair material.

*Thermo-Kinetic Armour - Using stolen plans from the Naruni, the Fellmane is layered in thick armour coated in thermo-kinetic armour, designed in a scale pattern. Thermal sensors only have 01-25% chance of detecting the FireHog, at least when the plasma field is not active. Normal fires deal 5% of normal damage only after being exposed for more than 10 minutes. Mega-damage fire, heat, plasma and magic fire deal half damage. S.D.C. kinetic energy attacks do no damage, while M.D kinetic energy attacks deal half damage. Note low speed kinetic impact from punches at bionic, robotic and supernatural strength do full damage.

*EM Shielding---Carried over from the Zealot, this protects the FireHogs’s internal systems from interference by the plasma conduction fields. Note, however, that with the plasma field on, radio transmissions from the Renari suffer a reduction in range by two-thirds, and quality of transmission will be spotty; marred by static.

*Forcebolt/Shield Projection System - This combination of forcebolt projection and the forcefield system combines to make a system similar to the one on the Inferno Well and Lavoenix. This system allows the FireHog to manipulate the plasma field and other plasma weapons. Only one function of the system can be used at a time, but the FireHog can switch between functions each action. If switching from plasma wall or sphere to another function, the plasma wall or sphere will remain for that turn before dissipating at the end of the FireHog's turn.
Plasma Sphere - The FireHog can extend the plasma field that normally hugs its body out to a 100 foot radius, using it as a protective shield for itself and any one else that can fit inside. Plasma weapons can be fired out of the field, but not into it, other weapons have their ammunition destroyed or it disrupts the field. The field functions just like the plasma field except deals 3d6 MD to anything hitting it, which will destroy most projectile weapons, and anyone attempting to pass through it takes 6d6 MD, plus must make a save vs coma 15 or be dazed, -1 to attacks, -1 to initiative, loses 1 attack. The plasma sphere has 350 MDC and regenerates at a rate of 50 MDC every minute. The plasma sphere can be maintained for 10 minutes, then requires a 20 minute cooldown. The FireHog can not move faster than 60 mph while maintaining the plasma sphere. Enemy plasma weapons fired against the plasma sphere is absorbed and restores MDC at half the damage that would have been dealt. The plasma sphere disables the normal plasma field from functioning while operating.
Plasma Wall/Line - Using plasma vented from the plasma weapons, the FireHog can create a wall, or line up to 20 feet tall, up to 100 feet long, and no point can be farther than 100 feet from the FireHog. The plasma wall is the same as the plasma sphere in all aspects, except it doesn't regenerate MDC except when plasma weapons are fired against it, restoring MDC of half the damage that would have been dealt. Once it's depleted, it can not be reformed for 20 minutes. The plasma wall disables the normal plasma field while functioning. This is particularly useful when creating a wall of plasma before the FireHog as it charges into groups of foes, letting them slam into the plasma wall.

Weapons Systems:
1) Plasma Field --- The FireHog can cover itself in a thin layer of superheated plasma that doesn’t burn her, but can be used in contact melee combat to burn targets. The FireHog can also increase the luminosity of the plasma to create a blinding flash effect, or even shed/blow off clouds of cooler plasma that briefly retain the same shape as the gynoid/cyborg, briefly creating a ‘ghost image’ of the Renari.
Range:(Melee Contact Field)1-2 ft
(Flash Effect) 30 ft
(Ghost Cloud) 12 ft
Damage: (Melee Contact Field) 3d6 MD per touch or punch, 1d4x10 MD per melee attack of an entangle, grapple, hug, or wrestling grip. Anything flammable will be incinerated on contact, including SDC bullets and weapons.
Furthermore, with the plasma field up, other plasma attacks do NO damage, as they effectively splash around the projection fields.
(Flash Effect) Unless the victim(s) are wearing tinted goggles or other protection against bright light, they will be blinded(-10 to strike, parry, dodge, and roll) for 1 melee round after being hit.
(Ghost Cloud) By briefly blowing off a cloud of plasma and quickly moving to one side, the FireHog can create a brief glowing ‘after image’ that can provide a quick distraction. Even those not blinded by the flash effect will briefly see two distorted images, the illusion lasting about 3-5 seconds before the plasma cloud dissipates. Opponents trying to hit the REAL FireHog will be -2 to strike, owing to the momentary confusion.
Rate of Fire: (Melee Contact Field) can maintain the plasma field for 60 minutes and recharge in 30 minutes, or for 90 minutes, requiring a full 60 minute recharge period afterward.
(Flash Effect) Three per melee
(Ghost Cloud) Once per melee
Payload: Conditionally Unlimited; can maintain the plasma field for 60 minutes and recharge in 30 minutes, or for 90 minutes, requiring a full 60 minute recharge period afterward. The FireHog can reboot the field before then, but the extra power draw will cause the EShemar to be -1 on initiative, and -2 to dodge, strike and parry, and reduce maximum running speed by 25%.

2) Heavy Plasma Cannon (2, mounted in the snout) - Mounted in the snout are two powerful plasma cannons.
Range: 2,000 ft
Damage: 1d6x10 MD per single blast, 2d6x10 MD double blast.
Rate of Fire: ECHH
Payload: Effectively Unlimited

3) Eye Lasers (2) ---Standard robotic eye lasers, common in the Shemarrian arsenal.
Range: 2,000 ft
Damage: 3d6 MD per single blast, or 6d6 MD per double blast
Rate of Fire: ECHH
Payload: Effectively Unlimited

4) ForceBolt Projector --- The prominent snout of the FireHog can fire a powerful pulse of concentrated force that combines aspects of an EM bolt and a directed kinetic force vortex through its mouth.
Range: 6,000 ft in air and water
Damage: 3d4x10 MD per vortex shot, or can be used to produce a ‘shotgun blast’ spray of invisible projectiles that do 4d6 MD to everything a 40 ft area.
Within a 20 ft radius, people, animals, and objects weighing less than 500 lbs are 90% likely to be knocked off their feet and hurled 3d4 yards/meters(lose 1 APM and Initiative), 65% chance of being stunned(-10 to strike, dodge, parry, and roll, NO Initiative, HALF speed and APMs for 1d4 melees).
Characters/objects of 500-1,000 lbs weight are 50% likely to be knocked aside 1d4 yards/meters.
Objects of a ton or more are only 20% likely to be knocked over.
Flying characters/objects get knocked away twice the normal distance.

Does 50% more damage to metal hulls. Crews inside affected hulls also must dodge or take 1d6 MD from loose metal objects being thrown around by the electromagnetic vortex.

Also roll on the following for additional electromagnetic effects:
01-15: No damage
16-30 Instruments flicker out, before coming back online in 1d4 seconds. Target loses Initiative.
31-45 All weapons temporarily out, and minor electrical fires. One system comes back online in 1d4 melee rds.
46-60 All systems temporarily out, and minor electrical fires. -30% to piloting skills if target is a manned vehicle. Systems come back online after 1d4 melee rds.
61-75 Communications, radar, and targeting are disabled, but weapons systems are unaffected. -3 to strike and no initiative. Damage requires physical repair.
76-90 Instruments are completely totaled. If a manned vehicle, the following skill penalties apply; -25% at one-third of maximum speed, -50% at HALF maximum speed, and -75% at full speed. NO initiative roll, -3 to dodge(-5 if an AI), -3 to strike(-5 if an AI), and lose one action per melee round(2 if an AI)
91-00 Total knockout. Controls do not respond, and machine is out of control. Crash/collapse/total shutdown within 2d4 minutes.

Rate of Fire: 4 times per melee
Payload: Effectively unlimited
Bonus: Because of their invisible nature, Magnetic Vortices are -6 to dodge.
Note that E-Weapons do create a detectable magnetic ‘spike’ on EM and
magnetometer-style sensors.

5) Plasma Torpedo Launcher - A direct line of sight energy weapon firing a bolt of plasma that ‘splashes’ on target. The power demands of this weapon are quite high, however, limiting rate of fire. This is a smaller version found on Blood Rider ships. The plasma forms by all of the FireHog's plasma weapons firing, with the forcefields guiding the plasma towards the front and collects in front of the FireHog, then is launched with a burst from the forcebolt projector.
Range: 4 miles in atmosphere
(Kitsune Values: 4 miles in atmosphere
Damage: 10d6x10 MD to a 20 ft blast radius per missile
Rate of Fire: Single shot, takes 3 actions to form and fire, can still move during these actions. Two times per melee
Payload: Effectively Unlimited
Note: Can't use any other energy weapons during the firing, although plasma field can be active, it momentary disappears as the plasma torpedo forms

6) Plasma Blasters (8) --- Concealed around the FireHog's body are several plasma blasters that it uses to attack anyone behind or attacking its flanks when it can't bring its main weapons to bear.
Range: 200 ft
Damage: 4d6 MD per blast
Rate of Fire: ECHH
Payload: Effectively Unlimited

7) Tusks --- The tusks are large and reinforced, concealing vibro blade edges for extra penetration.
Range: Melee
Damage: 5d6+8 MD, +1d6 per 10 MPH over 60 while charging
Note: Criticals on a natural role of 19 or 20 for triple damage. The FireHog can hit a target it just struck against with its tusks with its snout plasma cannons immediately after the tusk attack, and the target is denied its dodge bonus, unless it has automatic dodge, then target gets to use its normal dodge bonus at -2.

8) Tail Tendril --- The tail can be used to bludgeon foes in melee and within 20 feet around its rear section, and particularly useful while it grapples a target. The ends can be energized with plasma.
Range: Melee with 20 foot reach
Damage: 3d6 MD unpowered, 6d6 MD energized.
Note: Can be used to entangle opponents granting +1 to entangle for each tendril used.

9)(Optional) Modular Weapons (2) --- The FireHog has provision for shoulder-mounting two weapons similar to those standard to the Monstrex.

The Ecotroz have installed robotic AIs, then infected the matrix with a low-level Ecotroz sentience. The FireHog has a hot temper, ready to charge and gore foes upon its tusks and burn them with its plasma weapons. In close combat, it's a terror, goring anything that gets close, and using its plasma weapons to burn those out of which.
Typically has the same programming as the Monstrex.
The Ecotroz entity can also pick up one Secondary skill at levels 2, 6, and 12 of experience, though the nature of the FireHog intelligence and design is such that it is limited to skill selections from Technical: Language (understanding) and Lore, Espionage (Detect Ambush, Detect Concealment), Wilderness (Track Humanoids, Track Animals, Hunting, Identify Plants and Fruits)
Actions/Attacks Per Melee: 6
Initiative +2 (+1 from the Ecotroz entity for a total of +3)
Dodge +4
Strike +2 (+2 w/ ranged weaponry)
Parry +3
Roll +5
Pull Punch/Strike +4
Critical Strike on a natural roll of 19 or 20
Restrained Bite/Nip 6d6 SDC
Bite 1d6 MD
Head Butt 1d4 MD
Body Block/Ram 4d6 MD
A forcefield-reinforced body block/ram takes 2 APM and does 6d6 MD

Note: The Ecotroz intelligence fragment inhabiting the ‘bot gives the FireHog an aura and behavior more befitting a sentient being than a robot.
Has the following Natural Psionic Abilities(no ISP Cost), all equivalent to 6th level with regards to proficiency, but DOUBLE the range.
*Sixth Sense
*See Aura
*Presence Sense
*Sense Evil
*Impervious to Fire

The Ecotroz fragment does occasionally need sleep/rest...though they only need 2 hours of rest/meditation per 24 hours...they can push this, going without for as many days as they have I.Q. points(most Warmounts, unless otherwise noted, have an effective IQ rating of 8, but the BarrierHog has an I.Q. of 11), but will have to go dormant for 4d6 hours after such exertion.

Note also that the Ecotroz-possessed ‘bot can infect other bots with the Ecotroz viral-entity, by bite or sustained touch(takes 3 attacks).

*Articulated Spine-Spikes---The FireHog can be fitted with up to six articulated spine-spikes identical to those fitted to the Monstrex, concealed among the projector-plates. These features are typically used for assisting the Warmount in climbing.
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Re: Shemarrian-related fan creations

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kronos wrote:FireHog
(Aka Fried Bacon, Pyro Porcus)

You don't barbecue this pig, it barbecues YOU. :demon:
"Trouble rather the Tiger in his Lair,
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Re: Shemarrian-related fan creations

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Melting Death

Melting Death appears to be a grotesque and oversized version of the Shemarrian gauntlets, made of the same dark psuedo-organic-looking material that appears ‘greasy’ and unreal to vision as BlackSteel units, with large, sickly looking blisters filled with a sickly fluid. The fingers are longer and end in foot long, jagged and incredibly sharp claws, unable to hold anything other than large melee weapons. Instead of lasers mounted on the back of the gauntlet, a large organic tube which can spew a deadly organic acid that looks similar to the ichor of the BlackSteel only with a sickly green tint. When a user puts their hand into the gauntlet, several small spikes dig into the arm, locking it into place, drawing upon the wearer's life unless the wearer is a BlackSteel unit.
Rumours of Melting Death's origins are it is created by a Leecher or Burn-Bleeder killing a Warchieftess and soaking their gauntlets in ichor in some unholy ritual. If these rumours are true, there could be more than 1 Melting Death being used by elite BlackSteel units.

M.D.C. of the Weapon: 50
Weight: 10 lbs
Range: 60 ft for ichor, melee for claws
Damage: 1d6 MD per melee for 1d6 melees plus BlackSteel Touch. Immediately dousing the splatter with a powerful base substance, or diluting it with copious amounts of water will stop or slow the damage.
Claws 4d6 MD plus BlackSteel touch
Rate of Fire: ECHH
Payload: Conditionally Unlimited; Melting Death carries enough in reserve for 10 ichor attacks, and can generate 1 ichor attack once every hour, or 1 for every 10 MD of damage the claws deal to an organic or Shemarrian. It can also deal 5 points of damage to the wearer to generate another attack, unless worn by a BlackSteel unit only needs to deal 1 point of damage. If worn by a Leecher or Burn-Bleeder it generates more ichor without causing damage.
Notes: Melting Death regenerates any damage to it at a rate of 1d6 every 5 minutes. If worn by a BlackSteel unit, it can heal damage using the BlackSteel unit's own regenerative powers.

*BlackSteel Touch --- Melting Death's touch or ichor attack causes acute agony to living beings: It causes agonizing pain to any living being that touches it, even lightly. It can even send someone into a coma/death situation, unless they are devoid of a soul. Those who touch Blacksteel suffer -2 to all rolls, -20% to skills and loses 2 attacks for 1d4 minutes per melee round touched, plus if the attack is deliberate (as part of a called ‘agony strike’), the victim must save vs coma/death on a 17 or better. A successful save means the victim is rendered unconscious for 1d4 melee rounds in a near coma-like state, failure means they suffer 4d4 damage straight to Hit Points, or 5d6 M.D. for M.D.C. creatures. If they save by more than 5 points, they are only stunned for that melee round, unable to take any actions or defend themselves.
Worse yet, a these attacks can overload the artificial tactile perceptors of Shemarrians, robots, and even cyborgs, inflicting the closest thing to pain on these beings. The effects are the same as for organics, only for Shemar and ‘bots, there is NO chance of being knocked unconscious. Cyborgs save at a 15 or better.
While Shemarrians, and many robots and cyborgs can turn off their tactile sensors to shield themselves from this attack, the effect is similar to fighting under the influence of a full-body dose of Novocain and is almost as bad as the effect it’s meant to avoid; -2 to strike/parry/dodge/pull rolls, -20% to skills requiring tactile finesse, -1 APM, and reduce maximum speed by 25%. However, there is no lingering effect; the android/cyborg can flip the perceptors on and off at will.
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Re: Shemarrian-related fan creations

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kronos wrote:Melting Death.

ewwwww......cursed artifacts!

"Sometimes, lootin' the body aim't the brightest idea." :twisted:
"Trouble rather the Tiger in his Lair,
Than the Sage among his Books,
For all the Empires and Kingdoms,
The Armies and Works that you hold Dear,
Are to him but the Playthings of the Moment,
To be turned over with the Flick of a Finger,
And the Turning of a Page"

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Re: Shemarrian-related fan creations

Unread post by kronos »

taalismn wrote:
kronos wrote:Melting Death.

ewwwww......cursed artifacts!

"Sometimes, lootin' the body aim't the brightest idea." :twisted:

Thought BlackSteel needed some more stuff to make them a little more scary.
I don't think there's a BlackSteel Monst-rex yet, which needs to be rectified.
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Re: Shemarrian-related fan creations

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Still, when I read the gloves, I admit I started thinking: "If the gloves fit your fist, you need an exorcist."
"Trouble rather the Tiger in his Lair,
Than the Sage among his Books,
For all the Empires and Kingdoms,
The Armies and Works that you hold Dear,
Are to him but the Playthings of the Moment,
To be turned over with the Flick of a Finger,
And the Turning of a Page"

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Re: Shemarrian-related fan creations

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taalismn wrote:Still, when I read the gloves, I admit I started thinking: "If the gloves fit your fist, you need an exorcist."

LOL! Maybe a helmet or headdress that can take over the wearer, and/or turn them into a BlackSteel unit over time.
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Re: Shemarrian-related fan creations

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kronos wrote:
taalismn wrote:Still, when I read the gloves, I admit I started thinking: "If the gloves fit your fist, you need an exorcist."

LOL! Maybe a helmet or headdress that can take over the wearer, and/or turn them into a BlackSteel unit over time.

Eye coverings drop over the eyes as an HUD optical enhancer....lets you see things like concealed targets, See the Invisible, bonuses to strike....then it begins feeding you false information, like making friendly units look like enemy targets.
"Trouble rather the Tiger in his Lair,
Than the Sage among his Books,
For all the Empires and Kingdoms,
The Armies and Works that you hold Dear,
Are to him but the Playthings of the Moment,
To be turned over with the Flick of a Finger,
And the Turning of a Page"

--------Rudyard Kipling
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Re: Shemarrian-related fan creations

Unread post by kronos »

taalismn wrote:
kronos wrote:
taalismn wrote:Still, when I read the gloves, I admit I started thinking: "If the gloves fit your fist, you need an exorcist."

LOL! Maybe a helmet or headdress that can take over the wearer, and/or turn them into a BlackSteel unit over time.

Eye coverings drop over the eyes as an HUD optical enhancer....lets you see things like concealed targets, See the Invisible, bonuses to strike....then it begins feeding you false information, like making friendly units look like enemy targets.

Oooh.. a face covering that looks like a beautiful Shemarrian face (kind of like those golden masks Roman's used?) to make it seem like a none evil item.. unless someone reads aura..
I like the false info part.
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Re: Shemarrian-related fan creations

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And the audio enhancement/earphones? All sorts of evil things possible there...false messages whispered in the wearer's ears...'Overheard' conversations between the wearer's companions talking trash behind their back...
And how many mind-controlling parasites have traditionally entered through the ear canals? :twisted:
"Trouble rather the Tiger in his Lair,
Than the Sage among his Books,
For all the Empires and Kingdoms,
The Armies and Works that you hold Dear,
Are to him but the Playthings of the Moment,
To be turned over with the Flick of a Finger,
And the Turning of a Page"

--------Rudyard Kipling
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Re: Shemarrian-related fan creations

Unread post by kronos »

taalismn wrote:And the audio enhancement/earphones? All sorts of evil things possible there...false messages whispered in the wearer's ears...'Overheard' conversations between the wearer's companions talking trash behind their back...
And how many mind-controlling parasites have traditionally entered through the ear canals? :twisted:

using sub harmonics/frequencies that are JUST out of hearing range, whispering a very slow acting curse/incantation, keeps the wearer up at night, slowly driving them insane and begins the process of conversion to a BlackSteel? Also makes them immune to sonic attacks and spells that requires them to hear the spell caster?
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Re: Shemarrian-related fan creations

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kronos wrote:using sub harmonics/frequencies that are JUST out of hearing range, whispering a very slow acting curse/incantation, keeps the wearer up at night, slowly driving them insane and begins the process of conversion to a BlackSteel? Also makes them immune to sonic attacks and spells that requires them to hear the spell caster?

Exactamundo. :twisted:
"Trouble rather the Tiger in his Lair,
Than the Sage among his Books,
For all the Empires and Kingdoms,
The Armies and Works that you hold Dear,
Are to him but the Playthings of the Moment,
To be turned over with the Flick of a Finger,
And the Turning of a Page"

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Re: Shemarrian-related fan creations

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Tekents---Expanded Male Elites

“HADESDAMNIT! Thre went our last ammunition carrier! Can you pinpoint those snipers in the trees?!”
“-the snipers ARE the trees, sir.”

‘Tekent’ is a general term used to describe the tree-like Male Preserver caste, which was expanded on by the development of the derivative Entkin and Spriggan chassises. The class has been expanded on by the pressurization of the Minion War and other campaigns.
For those subscribing to the idea that the Shemarrians are plant-based intelligences(see Rifter #53), the new Tekents are seen as proof of the theory, especially when the new Male Elites are seen in the vicinity of animated senty trees or female Yashi-Trees.

Mandrak Tekent Male Elite
(aka “Killer Pines’,’Dread-Pine’, ‘Tekent Alpha’)

“Don’t ever get in a war with the Trees. They’re bigger and stronger than you. They’re mad, and they hate you. And if you try to set them on fire, they just get madder and hate you more. That means a bigger beating for you. Don’t mess with the Trees. Just don’t.”

The Mandrak are a subset of Horrorwoods Male Preserver Tekents who elected to go north to join the forces resisting the Faerie Harvest in Eastern Canada. Based on their experiences fighting the Splugorth, and inspired by other Male Elites such as the Krakaterran, these particularly militant Males began, with the help of sympathetic Tinkers, to redesign their bodies to be better suited for heavy combat. Thus, the already very powerful Preserver frame became the Mandrak.
The Mandrak looks somewhat like a twisted alien tree covered in light-scattering small leaves or needles. The right arm ends in a fine hand-like manipulator that can be retracted inside a larger, heavier, three-lobed claw. The same arm mounts a powerful particle beam cannon in the elbow; the true elbow joint is located between the manipulator and the gun muzzle and can revolve to bring the particle cannon to bear on targets behind the tekent. The left arm carries two heavy rail guns, but also a generator for a deflective forcefield. The torso is elongated and features the head in the middle of what would appear to be the chest. A third limb sprouts from the back forming an overhead tail or false head, bearing a sensor extension and pair of powerful plasma cannons.
Mandraks are usually deployed in areas that see a great deal of hostilities, such as the northeast forests of the American Eastern Seaboard, in the region of the Canadian Atlantic Coast. They’ve also seen action along the edges of the Great Northern War against the Arzhur and their affiliates.

Type: Shemar Mandrak
Class: Robot Android, Male Elite
Crew: Advanced Neural Intelligence
M.D.C. By Location:
Hands(2) 110 each
Right Hand Shield Claw 360
Arms(2) 320 each
Right Arm Particle Beam Cannon 360
Left Arm Rail Guns(2) 320 each
Left Arm Shield 450
Forcefield 400
Legs(2) 860 each
Head 440
Antennae (2) 25 each  .
Main Body 1300
Weapons Tower 400

Height: 28 feet 
Width: 17 feet
Length: 17 feet 
Weight: 39 tons

Power System: Nuclear
Physical Attributes: Equal to IQ 15, Robotic PS. 60, PP. 28, PB 5.
Cargo: Only what can be carried externally
Running: 100 MPH
Jumping: Limited to 35 ft up/across, while a running leap in excess of 40 MPH adds an extra 35 ft to distance. 
Flying: Not possible
Underwater: Limited to running along the bottom at 5 MPH, maximum depth of 1 mile. Don’t often go in the water since their many branches and foliage induce a great amount of drag.  
Market Cost: EXCLUSIVE to the (E)Shemarrian Tribes
Systems of Note:
Standard Shemarrian Robot Systems, plus:
Full optical systems, laser targeting, passive night vision, telescopic vision, thermal imaging, infrared, ultraviolet, and polarization filters. Also has motion and heat detection, and other standard Shemarrian systems. Additional/special sensors may be built in by the creating Spinsters or at the behest of the individual.

*Bionic Cybernanite Repair Systems---A modified bionic nanotech repair system that originated with the Ecotroz Shemar, but has also been adopted by the Ghost Riders. These systems repair 4d6 MD per hour, and can repair 360 MDC before needing material stocks to convert to MD repair material.

*Radar--Both passive radiation detection and active scanning (40 mile range)

*Motion Detector - The many leaves act as powerful motion detectors, with an effective range of 800 feet.

*Seismic Sensors---Between special microphones in its feet, the Mandrak can pick up on ground vibrations of moving water, explosions, and heavy movement(masses of animals, vehicles, landslides), up to 2 miles away.

*Active Stealth Systems---These are active jamming systems that, while effective, run the risk of exposing the Elite simply by their activity; a technologically-savvy opponent will recognize the signs of jamming, and know something has to be doing it.
- ECM Module---Electronic jamming system that gives radar-guided weaponry a -6 to strike the Elite. Or it can be used offensively, to foil ALL radar-guided weaponry in a 5 mile radius (-3 to strike), providing protective coverage to other friendly units in its area.
-Jammer-----A radio jammer, that can pump out enough multi-wavelength white noise to jam civilian band communications with 90% effectiveness, and military comms with 70% effectiveness, over a 20 mile radius. 

*EM Sensors---The Tekent can detect and ‘see’ electromagnetic-spectrum emissions, such as radio and radar signals.

*Stealth - The Tekent`s organic grass and bark outer layer helps shield it against thermal and EM sensors, -75% to detect via thermal sensors, -60% via EM sensors, but even then the EM sensors will read more as bio-electric readings, like a large animal.  

*Forcefield Shield---The left arm incorporates a limited coverage one-directional forcefield generator producing a field of deflection roughly 30 ft wide. It can be used to parry attacks.

*Solar Collectors---An improvement on the Entkin’s solar collection ‘trees’, Tekents can absorb solar energy through optical fibers interwoven through their leafy coverings. Though not enough to power any major systems, the extra power can still enhance some systems and be trickled off to power lesser accessory gear, including that of smaller companions.
Weapons Systems:
1) Eye Lasers(2)----The eyes conceal powerful lasers.
Range: 2,000 ft in atmosphere, 4,000 ft in space
Damage: 4d6 MD single shot, 1d4x10 MD for a pulse burst
Rate of Fire: ECHH
Payload: Effectively Unlimited
Extra: The eye lasers can strobe at lower power to produce a deliberately blinding area of effect.
Range: 100 ft and covers a 25 ft area
Damage: Unless the victim(s) are wearing tinted goggles or other protection against bright light, they will be blinded(-10 to strike, parry, dodge, and roll) for 1 melee round after being hit. Duration can be extended by 7 seconds (half a melee) for every subsequent melee that the target is kept bombarded by the strobe attack until their eyes manage to adjust. 
Rate of Fire: ECHH
Payload: Effectively Unlimited
The solar collectors can boost the power of the eye lasers. If fighting in broad daylight without any sort of shade impeding light intake, the lasers get an extra +2 to damage. If the solar array has time to absorb solar energy prior to combat, the lasers get an extra +6 MD to damage for every hour of solar absorption, for the first minute of combat, or get an extra minute of increased damage (at the +2 level) per hour of prior charge-up.

2) Forearm 6000 Rail Guns (2, left arm)---The Entkin/Mandrak contains only half of the Preserver’s forearm braces of rail guns, but has a larger ammunition supply, which can be divided up to 3 different types, allowing it to carry a mixture of ammunition, usually the more destructive varieties.
Range: 6,000 ft
Damage: 2d6x10 MD per single blast, or 4d6x10 MD double blast if both arms are firing at the same target.
Rate of Fire: ECHH
Payload: 480 rds each, can be divided into 3 separate bins for 3 different types of ammunition of up to 160 rds each, typically a mix of regular, wood and silver.

3) Particle Beam Cannon(1, right arm)------Based on the KLS Mrk IV Glitterboy PB-20 Rapid Acceleration Particle Beam Cannon
Range: 11,000 ft(double in space)
Damage: 4d6x 10 MD single blast
Rate of Fire: ECHH
Payload: Effectively Unlimited

4) Plasma Cannon(2, shoulders)---The Mandrak trades the Entkin mini-missile launchers for a gun turret mounted on the back, fitted with a brace of powerful multimode plasma cannons.
Range: (Plasma) 4,000 ft
(Plasma Bolt) 3,000 ft
(Magnetic Vortices) 3,000 ft
Damage: (Plasma)1d4x10 MD per plasma blast, 3d4x10 MD for a 3-shot rapid-fire burst(takes two attacks)
(Plasma Bolt) 1d4x10 MD to 15 ft blast radius
(Magnetic Vortices-SDC) 2d8 SDC per vortex, plus 60% chance of knocking down human-sized targets, and affects a 10 ft radius
(MDC) 2d8 MD per vortex, 3 ft radius
Rate of Fire: ECHH
Payload: Effectively Unlimited
“Hot Shotting”---This system augments the normal air-draw plasma re-mass system with deuterium-gas injected into the plasma flow for a cleaner, hotter, more potent ‘burn’. The deuterium is stored in pressurized cylinders attached to the feeds of the weapon, like a CO2 air rifle cartridge. This allows the plasma to do 50% more damage, but the weapon now has a bit of a recoil due to the more powerful plasma acting like a crude plasma drive(-1 to strike). The Mandrake can carry a pressurized storage tank good for 180 shots before needing refilling.

5) Chemical Sprayer----While initially useless against most Splugorth Minions, Shemarrian chemists have found a few chemical warfare agents that work against some of the Splugorths’ animal creations. This is especially true of the Ley Wasp(see Rifter #23) which have been a major threat to the Faerie Folk the Mandrak were originally conceived of to protect. The EShemar have managed to copy a number of chemical weapons used by their allies(mainly against the Xiticix).
Range: 100 ft and can cover a 15 ft wide area per application.
Damage: Varies by chemical, typically one will be smoke and the others antipersonnel aerosols, acid vapors, or insecticides.

(Aerogel)---An extremely light plastic foam that seems insubstantial as mist, floats on water, ...and gloms up the breathing spicules of mutant insects and ties up pests like quickset concrete. Most mutant insects will begin suffocating, taking the equivalent of 2d4 MD per melee., and will find their speed slowed down by. Beings will find their progress through the foam slowed down by HALF the first melee, then cut speed by half again the next melee, and so forth, until the intruder’s speed is cut to a Spd 1, or else breaks free. The Sprayer can produce up to 60 cubic ft of aerogel per melee.

(Scourex-5) Scourex is a mildly acidic agent intended to attack the sensitive antennae, soft joints, and eyes of insectoids, its mildly corrosive properties creating a thin layer of white film over the eyes that effectively blinds the monsters. It also takes a chemical wire brush to sensitive antennae. Scourex is a fast-acting agent, and quickly-dispersing only lasts about 2 minutes in aerosol form before it completely oxidizes and becomes useless. Xiticix and other insectoid lifeforms that come in contact with the stuff are -6 to strike, dodge, and parry, lose ALL initiative, and are -15% to track for 2d6 melees, until they can scrape off the film, and their sweat/irrigation glands flush the stuff off. Scourex also does 2d6 SDC per melee to unprotected skin and soft tissues, and hurts like hell until washed off. Note: This is also available as a rapidly-evaporating solid ‘pellet’ that can be fired from a grenade launcher, in which case it breaks down into a vapor covering a 10 ft radius.

(ChitinEx)----ChitinEx is a special enzyme that attacks the molecular bindings in the hard exoskeletal material common to many megadamage insects, weakening it and lowering its overall MDC value. A solid hit with a blast of ChitinEx will reduce the MDC of the afflicted area by 30%(even with multiple hits), while immersion in the enzyme for more than 3 melees will reduce the MDC by HALF.

(FlexiKill)---Similar to ChitinEx, this enzyme attacks long-chain polymers similar to those in organic plastics and latex, stiffening and embrittling the material(effectively HALF their Armor Rating and SDC) . MDC plastics will lose their elasticity and become brittle, and more susceptible to damage(take DOUBLE damage from all subsequent attacks).
Rate of Fire: ECHH
Payload: Has three separate reservoirs, each with a capacity for 100 shots of chemical agent. Can thus carry three different kinds of chemical agents, or extra amounts of the same. Mandrakes CANNOT generate their own war-chemicals, but need to tank up from an external source.

6) (Optional) Handheld Weapons---The Tekent can pick up and use oversized robot-scaled weapons such as gun pods and heavy weapons if necessary or so desired, though this is not often the case, the giant warriors generally preferring to use their own built-in abilities and weapons.

All standard Shemarrian skill programs, plus:  
Brewing: Medicinal 50%
Carpentry 75%
Dowsing 50%
Gardening 50% or +15% if already possess the skill
General Repair and Maintenance 90%
Holistic Medicine 60%
Trap Construction 85%
Excavation 85%
Masonry 80%
Identify Plants & Fruit 65%
Land Navigation 75%

Plus, Secondary skill advancement as standard for EShemar. 

Experience Table: Upon becoming a Tekent, the EShemar uses the Dragon XP table to chart further advancement

Standard psionics as for the Ecotroz Shemar. 

Actions/Attacks Per Melee: 8
Note: Bonuses are in addition to those possible from the Shemar’s elective training
Initiative + 3
Dodge + 5
Parry +9 (+11 w/ forcefield)
Automatic Dodge(takes no actions)
Strike +6 (+4 w/ ranged weaponry, +6 w/ Shemarrian Rail Guns)
Roll +4
Pull Punch +5
Disarm +4
Knockout/Stun on a Natural 18-20
Critical Strike on a Natural 18-20
Karate Kicks are NOT possible
Restrained Punch 2d6 MD
Full Strength Punch 6d6 MD
Power Punch(2 attacks) 2d6x10 MD
Tear/Pry with Hands 2d6 MD
Right Hand Shield Claw Snip 1d4x10 MD
Body Block/Tackle 4d6 MD
Stomp 2d6 MD
Kick 6d8 MD

*Reactive Armor---Mandrak can be Upgraded to grow patches of what look like evergreen needles or spiky moss, in reality tough bio-plastic backed by explosive charges. These branches or patches can be commanded(or set to go off when triggered by high speed impact) to explode in a directional charge, sending thousands of dense, sharp, needle-shrapnels blasting outwards. These charges can be used to shred enemy personnel or counterblast anti-armor weapons such as missiles.
Range: 50 ft
Damage: 4d6 MD to a cone swath roughly 50 ft long, by 10 ft wide.
Used as reactive armor against plasma and armor-piercing missiles, the charges act as a PARRY, rolling to match or better the missile’s strike roll...a successful counter means that the missile damage is HALVED, while a failure means the warmount takes full damage. Note: when dealing with volleys, one reactive armor pack can match TWO missiles in a volley, so in order to effectively counter a five missile volley, the warmount must expend 3 reactive armor packs...two packs would roll twice to defeat their respective missiles, the third would only roll once. If the enemy missile launcher has a line of sight on the warmount, they can target a spot on the body which has no packs covering it (a called shot), in which case the remaining reactive armor is -4 to cover the gap.
Rate of Fire: One at a time or can be simultaneously fired in volleys of 1-10
Payload: Each leg of the Tekent can be fitted with 3 fletchette panels each, the torso with 5 front and back (11 total)
The Tekent can regenerate these panels at 4 per hour. It takes 3 MDC from the repair capacity to regenerate a single reactive armor panel.

* (False Magic)---Inspired by ARCHIE-3’s Spell Approximation systems, the Tekent can seemingly cast various spells. Rather than use a PPE generator and technowizardry system, most Tekents use technological systems, cunningly formatted to look like magic. 
*Extinguish Flames---With equal panache, the Tekent can cause flames in its vicinity to go out. In reality, this is nothing more than a concealed fire extinguisher, pumping out a colorless, odorless, inert gas that suffocates combustion. Range of 80 ft, 30 applications.

*See the Invisible - Using the Tekent`s infrared and ultraviolet optics allow it to see invisible targets.
*Thunderclap: Uses high intensity speakers, effect is identical to those of the 4th level spell.

*(False Magic) Rust---This is simply the application of specialized nanites that break apart metal, same as the metal-dissolver nanites used in Japan. 
Range: 100 ft, and affects a 10 ft square area
Damage: Reduces the MDC of metal-based body armors and light power armors by HALF, heavy power armors and light vehicles by 30%, and heavy robots and vehicles by 10%. Damage takes 4 melees/1 minute, and is obvious by acute discoloration and flaking of the armor. Other effects identical to those of the Japanese nanites(which they were probably based on to begin with). 
Rate of Fire: ECHH
Payload: 40 applications

*TW Magic Systems---Wayfinder-devised technowizardry systems are beginning to be more available to the various Tribes, so it is very likely that Tekents will begin sporting TW PPE-gel packs or PPE powerstones and technowizardry systems. Some Tekents opposing the Faerie Harvest have already been known to use TW PPE emitters to decoy Splugorth harvesting teams into traps.

Shrudar Tekent Male Elite
(aka “Boxerwood’, ‘Troll-Bush’, ‘Crab-Appler’, ‘Grab-Apple’, ‘Grappler-Apple’, ‘Tekent Beta ’)
“The recon map said ‘orchard’ but it turned out to be a combat vehicle park....they were growing high explosives there!”

“What’s with the wind-serpent bound and gagged over there?”
“Dragonwright salesman. Tried threatening the wrong bunch of happy forest dwellers over by the grab-apples. Got pinned to the welcome mat and dragged out behind the woodpiles for some talking to. Still debating whether to let him hightail it out of here or be added to the compost pit.”

<<“Damn...those bastards coming up are known to use anti-armor nanotech. We DON’T want to close with them and get touched. Hope everybody took the time off since the last battle to grow new crab apples and grab some extra ordnance? Good; we’ll have to take this bunch at range.”>>

“Tanks are supposed to be able to plow through trees. Trees aren’t supposed to be able to punch through tanks. But that’s exactly what happened to our armored column. Damn trees closed the road and threw us off it. Literally -threw-.”

The Shrudar is another Tekent variant that instead of growing UP, is actually shorter and burlier, resembling a ground-hugging large shrub or low wide tree. Their burly forearms sport large dense clusters of overlapping armored leaf-platelets, and conceal arrays of large viciously-bladed vibrocutters. They can also grow their own explosives for use as grenades or for rigging booby-traps.
Shrudars incorporate a Clan Armorand-sourced forcefield with the ability to interlink with other Shrudar fields to create aggregate defense barriers.
Shrudars are close-quarters brawlers, ambushing at short range and quickly demolishing opponents using their raw strength and short range weaponry. Lasers and a dual-mode projectile launcher system provide ranged firepower.
Besides the Horrorwoods, Clan Armorand employs Shrudars as defensive ‘wardens’ in their territories.

Type: Shemar Shrudar
Class: Robot Android, Male Elite
Crew: Advanced Neural Intelligence
M.D.C. By Location:
Hands(2) 100 each
Arms(2) 300 each
Forearm Shields(2) 500 each
Legs(2) 850 each
Head 480
Antennae(2) 20 each .
Main Body 1500
Back Missile/Grenade Launcher 300
Forcefield 400
Height: 15-18 ft
Width: 20 ft
Length: 15 ft
Weight: 30 tons
Power System: Nuclear
Physical Attributes: Equal to IQ 15, Robotic PS. 65, PP. 24, PB 5.
Cargo: Only what can be carried in the arms
Running: 50 MPH
Jumping: Limited to 20 ft up/across, while a running leap in excess of 40 MPH adds an extra 20 ft to distance.
Flying: Not possible
Underwater: Limited to running along the bottom at 5 MPH, maximum depth of 1 mile. Don’t often go in the water since their many branches and foliage induce a great amount of drag.
Market Cost: EXCLUSIVE to the (E)Shemarrian Tribes
Systems of Note:
Standard Shemarrian Robot Systems, plus:
Full optical systems, laser targeting, passive night vision, telescopic vision, thermal imaging, infrared, ultraviolet, and polarization filters. Also has motion and heat detection, and other standard Shemarrian systems. Additional/special sensors may be built in by the creating Spinsters or at the behest of the individual.

*Bionic Cybernanite Repair Systems---A modified bionic nanotech repair system that originated with the Ecotroz Shemar, but has also been adopted by the Ghost Riders. These systems repair 4d6 MD per hour, and can repair 400 MDC before needing material stocks to convert to MD repair material.

*Radar--Both passive radiation detection and active scanning (40 mile range)

*Motion Detector - The many leaves act as powerful motion detectors, with an effective range of 800 feet.

*Seismic Sensors---Between special microphones in its feet, the Shrudar can pick up on ground vibrations of moving water, explosions, and heavy movement(masses of animals, vehicles, landslides), up to 2 miles away.

*Active Stealth Systems---These are active jamming systems that, while effective, run the risk of exposing the Elite simply by their activity; a technologically-savvy opponent will recognize the signs of jamming, and know something has to be doing it.
- ECM Module---Electronic jamming system that gives radar-guided weaponry a -6 to strike the Elite. Or it can be used offensively, to foil ALL radar-guided weaponry in a 5 mile radius (-3 to strike), providing protective coverage to other friendly units in its area.
-Jammer-----A radio jammer, that can pump out enough multi-wavelength white noise to jam civilian band communications with 90% effectiveness, and military comms with 70% effectiveness, over a 20 mile radius. 

*EM Sensors---The Shrudar can detect and ‘see’ electromagnetic-spectrum emissions, such as radio and radar signals.

*Stealth - The Shrudar`s organic grass and bark outer layer helps shield it against thermal and EM sensors, -75% to detect via thermal sensors, -60% via EM sensors, but even then the EM sensors will read more as bio-electric readings, like a large animal.

*Stealth Field----Copied from the Paladin Steel Pixiehawk’s holographic distortion stealth, this works in conjunction with the Shrudar’s forcefield to produce an area of optical distortion that conceals the Shrudar from visual detection.
When rolling to detect the android under the field, it imposes a -45% to Surveillance and Read Sensory Instruments skills and has only a 25% chance of being detected with direct eyeball observation.
While the stealth field is up, the Shrudar can only rely on passive sensors (active sensors like lidar and radar CANNOT be used).

*Forcefield Generator---The Shrudar can generate its own protective forcefield. Using a Clan Armorand forcefield generator system, the Shrudar’s can synch with others in its immediate vicinity; with a maximum proximity range of 10 ft, and a shield increase of 30%. Infantry/personal forcefields within that 10 ft range also benefit, increasing strength by 30%. Note, however, that vehicle screens only benefit with an increase of 5% per every ten personal/infantry screens within close proximity. This makes ‘groves’ of Shrudars even more impressive defensive positions.

*Solar Collectors---An improvement on the Entkin’s solar collection ‘trees’, Tekents can absorb solar energy through optical fibers interwoven through their leafy coverings. Though not enough to power any major systems, the extra power can still enhance some systems and be trickled off to power lesser accessory gear, including that of smaller companions.

Weapons Systems:
1) Eye Lasers(2)----The eyes conceal powerful lasers.
Range: 2,000 ft in atmosphere, 4,000 ft in space
Damage: 4d6 MD single shot, 1d4x10 MD for a pulse burst
Rate of Fire: ECHH
Payload: Effectively Unlimited
Extra: The eye lasers can strobe at lower power to produce a deliberately blinding area of effect.
Range: 100 ft and covers a 25 ft area
Damage: Unless the victim(s) are wearing tinted goggles or other protection against bright light, they will be blinded(-10 to strike, parry, dodge, and roll) for 1 melee round after being hit. Duration can be extended by 7 seconds (half a melee) for every subsequent melee that the target is kept bombarded by the strobe attack until their eyes manage to adjust. 
Rate of Fire: ECHH
Payload: Effectively Unlimited
The solar collectors can boost the power of the eye lasers. If fighting in broad daylight without any sort of shade impeding light intake, the lasers get an extra +2 to damage. If the solar array has time to absorb solar energy prior to combat, the lasers get an extra +6 MD to damage for every hour of solar absorption, for the first minute of combat, or get an extra minute of increased damage (at the +2 level) per hour of prior charge-up.

2) Chest Ion Blasters---Retained from the original Preservers, but with an added area of effect ‘spray’ mode.
Range: 3,000 ft
Damage: 3d6 MD per single shot, 9d6 MD for a three-shot burst
Can also fire in scattershot mode, doing 3d6 MD per barrel to a 20 ft wide area, but range is HALVED. 
Rate of Fire: ECHH
Payload: Effectively Unlimited

3) Glade-Glaives(4 per forearm)---Each forearm sprouts a veritable thicket of large nasty powerblades. Getting struck with a forearm strike from a Shrudar has been described as ‘running into a giant meatgrinder’.
Generally, human-sized targets will only get hit with one of these blades(in addition to the rest of the punch), large ‘borgs and power armors 2-3, and large monsters, robots, and vehicles will get hit with all four, the damage adding up quickly.
Range: Melee
Damage: 4d6 MD each un-powered, +1d6x10 MD powered up, so a full powered piledriver punch with all four blades extended would 6d6x10+10 MD(!).
Option: Some Shrudar get their blades silver-plated for extra damage against silver-allergic foes.

4) Back Missile/Grenade Launcher---The heavy ‘hunch’ of foliage growth on the Shrudar’s back conceals a multimode missile/grenade launcher that can accept either standard mini-missiles or the ‘blam-apple’ grenade pods the Shrudar can manufacture itself.
Range:(Mini-Missiles) Varies, but typically 1 mile
(Grenades) 7,000 ft
Damage:(Mini-Missiles) Varies by Mini-Missile Type. Special ordnance, such as net missiles or vine warheads are not only possible, they’re likely standard issue.
(Grenades) Varies by Grenade Type(see below)
Rate of Fire: Volleys of 1-10
Payload:(Mini-Missiles) 20
(Grenades) 30

5) Blam Apple Grenade Pods - The Shrudar can ‘grow’ its own chemical explosives similar to the Entkin, that it can remove and throw as grenades, or fire from its shoulder launcher. These pods can have various effects, from explosive, shrapnel, gas, smoke or even corrosive. Shrudar grenades are somewhat more aerodynamic than those of the Entkin, as they were also meant to be fired from a launcher.
Range: Thrown 100 ft.
Damage: Varies by type.
Rate of Fire: ECHH
Payload: 20 pods at any given time, a new pod can be grown in 10 minutes.

-Explosive Pod - This pod is the equivalent of a grenade and looks like a gourd, like a pumpkin, filled with volatile gases. Deals 4d6 MD to a 20 foot area.
-Shrapnel Pod - This spiky pod is filled with volatile gas and sharp metallic needles, particularly deadly to infantry. Deals 3d6 MD to a 30 foot area. Against living, organic targets, these needles creature horrible wounds that continue to bleed, dealing 1d4 damage (SDC to SD creatures, if they survived the initial MD damage, and MD to MDC creatures) for 1d6 melees or until the wounds are treated.
-Gas Pod - This pear shaped pod can release any gas, such as CS tear gas, smoke, or even poison gas, that fills a 20 foot area.
-Corrosive Pod - This ridged apple shaped pod is filled with a potent acid. Upon striking a target it deals 5d6 MD and 2d6 MD to a 10 foot area around the target struck. The acid will continue to burn the initial target struck 1d6 MD for 1d4 melee rounds.
Sticky Pod - This spongy pod upon striking the ground releases a sticky compound, functioning like the Carpet of Adhesion Spell approximation, (Rifter 53, pg 41), only the Strength ranges are increased by 5.
Napalm Pod - This orange like pod contains a potent napalm, dealing 4d6 MD to a 10 foot area, dealing 2d6 MD for the next 2d4 melee rounds.

6) (Optional) Handheld Weapons---The Tekent can pick up and use oversized robot-scaled weapons such as gun pods and heavy weapons if necessary or so desired, though this is not often the case, the giant warriors generally preferring to use their own built-in abilities and weapons.

All standard Shemarrian skill programs, plus: 
Brewing: Medicinal 50%
Carpentry 75%
Dowsing 50%
Gardening 50% or +15% if already possess the skill
General Repair and Maintenance 90%
Holistic Medicine 60%
Trap Construction 85%
Excavation 85%
Masonry 80%
Identify Plants & Fruit 65%
Land Navigation 75%

Plus, Secondary skill advancement as standard for EShemar. 

Experience Table: Upon becoming a Tekent, the EShemar uses the Dragon XP table to chart further advancement

Standard psionics as for the Ecotroz Shemar. 

Actions/Attacks Per Melee: 7
Note: Bonuses are in addition to those possible from the Shemar’s elective training
Initiative + 3
Dodge +4
Parry +9
Strike +4 (+4 w/ ranged weaponry, +6 w/ Shemarrian Rail Guns)
Roll +5
Pull Punch +5
Disarm +4
Knockout/Stun on a Natural 18-20
Critical Strike on a Natural 18-20
Pin/Incapacitate on a Natural 18-20
Karate Kicks are NOT possible
Restrained Punch 2d6 MD
Full Strength Punch 7d6 MD
Power Punch(2 attacks) 2d6x10+10 MD
Tear/Pry with Hands 3d6 MD
Body Block/Tackle 4d6 MD
Crush/Squeeze 3d6 MD
Stomp 2d6 MD
Kick 4d8 MD

*Reactive Armor---Reactive armor clusters identical to those available to the Mandrak can be integrated into the Shrudar.

*Faux/TW Magic Systems---Both False and Technowizardry systems similar to those available to the Mandrak are available to the Shrudar.
"Trouble rather the Tiger in his Lair,
Than the Sage among his Books,
For all the Empires and Kingdoms,
The Armies and Works that you hold Dear,
Are to him but the Playthings of the Moment,
To be turned over with the Flick of a Finger,
And the Turning of a Page"

--------Rudyard Kipling
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Re: Shemarrian-related fan creations

Unread post by taalismn »

Whippis Tekent Male Elite
(aka “Death Willow’, “Whip Willow’, ‘Whiss-Dancer’, ‘Tekent Ceti’)
“Willow-man gonah make ya weep...blood and body parts.“

The Whippis Male Elite is a Tekent variant that eschews heavy armor and armament in favor of a more slender, faster, body frame. Whippis resemble monstrous willow trees, with very tall and slender bodies, their larger components hidden by thick fronds of narrow needle-like leaves. The head in particular seems buried in the ‘hairy’ growth covering the torso and shoulders. Their slender and swift bodies seem to bend around attacks and weave around obstacles. The downside is they are not as heavily armed, nor as strong, as other Tekent variants. Whippises also lack heavy ranged firepower, and thus have to close with an opponent to be able to engage them with their best weaponry.
Besides the Horrorwoods, the Silvermoons are also known to use this Male Elite frame.

Type: Shemar Whippis
Class: Robot Android, Male Elite
Crew: Advanced Neural Intelligence
M.D.C. By Location:
Hands(2) 90 each
Arms(2) 300 each
Legs(2) 600 each
Head 400
Antennae(2) 20 each .
Main Body 760
Height: 25 ft
Width: 15 ft
Length: 10 ft
Weight: 17 tons
Power System: Nuclear
Physical Attributes: Equal to IQ 15, Robotic PS. 45, PP. 30, PB 5..
Cargo: Only what can be carried in the arms/tentacles
Running: 120 MPH
Jumping: Limited to 40 ft up/across, while a running leap in excess of 40 MPH adds an extra 40 ft to distance.
Flying: Not possible
Underwater: Limited to running along the bottom at 5 MPH, maximum depth of 1 mile. Don’t often go in the water since their many branches and foliage induce a great amount of drag.
Market Cost: EXCLUSIVE to the (E)Shemarrian Tribes
Systems of Note:
Standard Shemarrian Robot Systems, plus:
Full optical systems, laser targeting, passive night vision, telescopic vision, thermal imaging, infrared, ultraviolet, and polarization filters. Also has motion and heat detection, and other standard Shemarrian systems. Additional/special sensors may be built in by the creating Spinsters or at the behest of the individual.

*Bionic Cybernanite Repair Systems---A modified bionic nanotech repair system that originated with the Ecotroz Shemar, but has also been adopted by the Ghost Riders. These systems repair 4d6 MD per hour, and can repair 160 MDC before needing material stocks to convert to MD repair material.

*Radar--Both passive radiation detection and active scanning (40 mile range)

*Motion Detector - The many leaves act as powerful motion detectors, with an effective range of 800 feet.

*Seismic Sensors---Between special microphones in its feet, the Tekent can pick up on ground vibrations of moving water, explosions, and heavy movement(masses of animals, vehicles, landslides), up to 2 miles away.

*Active Stealth Systems---These are active jamming systems that, while effective, run the risk of exposing the Elite simply by their activity; a technologically-savvy opponent will recognize the signs of jamming, and know something has to be doing it.
- ECM Module---Electronic jamming system that gives radar-guided weaponry a -6 to strike the Elite. Or it can be used offensively, to foil ALL radar-guided weaponry in a 5 mile radius (-3 to strike), providing protective coverage to other friendly units in its area.
-Jammer-----A radio jammer, that can pump out enough multi-wavelength white noise to jam civilian band communications with 90% effectiveness, and military comms with 70% effectiveness, over a 20 mile radius. 

*EM Sensors---The Tekent can detect and ‘see’ electromagnetic-spectrum emissions, such as radio and radar signals.

*Stealth - The Tekent`s organic grass and bark outer layer helps shield it against thermal and EM sensors, -75% to detect via thermal sensors, -60% via EM sensors, but even then the EM sensors will read more as bio-electric readings, like a large animal.

*’ Blurr Camouflage---The Whippis’s leafy covering actually distorts light around it as it moves, making it more difficult for observers to make out details and get an accurate lock-on using optical sensors/senses.
Bonuses: The faster the tekent moves, the greater the distortion; at speeds of 10 MPH or less, no bonus, 10-30 MPH; -1 to strike the wearer, 30-50 MPH; -2 to strike, 50-75 MPH; -3 to strike, 75 MPH or greater, -4 to strike

*Acoustic Stealth---The Whippis is very quiet, and gets an additional +10% to prowl rolls if moving across firm ground, or moving at less than 1 MPH.

*Composite Armor----The Whippis is skinned in flexible composite armors that bend, but do not break; takes HALF damage from physical kinetic attacks such as bullets, concussive blows, punches, kicks, and clubbings.

*Solar Collectors---An improvement on the Entkin’s solar collection ‘trees’, Tekents can absorb solar energy through optical fibers interwoven through their leafy coverings. Though not enough to power any major systems, the extra power can still enhance some systems and be trickled off to power lesser accessory gear, including that of smaller companions.

Weapons Systems:
1) Eye Lasers(2)----The eyes conceal powerful lasers.
Range: 2,000 ft in atmosphere, 4,000 ft in space
Damage: 4d6 MD single shot, 1d4x10 MD for a pulse burst
Rate of Fire: ECHH
Payload: Effectively Unlimited
Extra: The eye lasers can strobe at lower power to produce a deliberately blinding area of effect.
Range: 100 ft and covers a 25 ft area
Damage: Unless the victim(s) are wearing tinted goggles or other protection against bright light, they will be blinded(-10 to strike, parry, dodge, and roll) for 1 melee round after being hit. Duration can be extended by 7 seconds (half a melee) for every subsequent melee that the target is kept bombarded by the strobe attack until their eyes manage to adjust. 
Rate of Fire: ECHH
Payload: Effectively Unlimited
The Tree solar collectors can boost the power of the eye lasers. If fighting in broad daylight without any sort of shade impeding light intake, the lasers get an extra +2 to damage. If the solar array has time to absorb solar energy prior to combat, the lasers get an extra +6 MD to damage for every hour of solar absorption, for the first minute of combat, or get an extra minute of increased damage (at the +2 level) per hour of prior charge-up.

2) Monofilament Vine-Whips ---The Whippis’s forearms can project a ‘cat o’ nine tails’-style whip of molecularly-sharp monomolecular line(what is marketed by Paladin Steel as ‘Atlas Cord’) that cuts/slashes like a vibroblade and can entangle targets. Special sensors in the Whippis can locate where the deadly lines are, but the slash-whips are virtually invisible to others, making them especially dangerous.
Range: 100 ft
Damage: Used as weapon, a single(un-braided) strand does 2d4 MD
On a successful Entangle attempt, the target is entangled in 1d6 strands, and takes 1d4 MD per strand per attempt to break free.
Bonus: The monofilament strands are -2 to dodge because of their near-invisbility

3) Leaf Shuriken(1d4x100 per arm-branch)---The Whippis’s forearms can grow and hurl sharpened metal or hard plastic leaf-blades at opponents, typically as a distraction. Though individual needle-leave darts do little damage, each forearm can launch multiple projectiles per attack.
Range: 500 ft
Damage: 1d4 SD or 1 MD per leaf-blade
Rate of Fire: ECHH, and can be ‘thrown’ in batches of 1-50
Payload: 100-400 per branch, and the Whippis can re-grow them at a rate of 100 per branch per hour for SDC blades, or 10 per branch per hour for MD blades. Each MDC leaf-shuriken costs 1 MDC point from the regeneration bank.

4) Chaff/Reactive Armor---The needle leaves on the main torso CANNOT be thrown like the arm-needles. but instead can be sprayed as reactive armor or as antimissile chaff.
Range: 50 ft
Damage: 4d6 MD to a cone swath roughly 50 ft long, by 10 ft wide.
Used as reactive armor against plasma and armor-piercing missiles, the charges act as a PARRY, rolling to match or better the missile’s strike roll...a successful counter means that the missile damage is HALVED, while a failure means the warmount takes full damage. Note: when dealing with volleys, one reactive armor pack can match TWO missiles in a volley, so in order to effectively counter a five missile volley, the warmount must expend 3 reactive armor packs...two packs would roll twice to defeat their respective missiles, the third would only roll once. If the enemy missile launcher has a line of sight on the warmount, they can target a spot on the body which has no packs covering it (a called shot), in which case the remaining reactive armor is -4 to cover the gap.
Rate of Fire: One at a time or can be simultaneously fired in volleys of 1-10
Payload: Each leg of the Tekent can be fitted with 3 fletchette panels each, the torso with 5 front and back (11 total)
The Tekent can regenerate these panels at 4 per hour. It takes 3 MDC from the repair capacity to regenerate a single reactive armor panel.

5) Finger and Toe Claws---The elongated fingers and toes of the Whippis can extend long vibroblades for extra damage(or, in the case of the toe claws, carving a foothold).
Range: Melee
Damage: +4d6 MD to punch/kick damage

6) Leg Laser Pylons(2)---Like the Glitterboy, the Whippis has extendable laser-borer anchor pylons in its legs that it can quick-deploy to secure itself in place.
Range: 10 ft
Damage: 1d6 MD on an impalement attack, or +1f6 MD to a stomp

7) (Optional) Wrist Lasers---The Whippis can mount wrist-lasers similar to the rank and file Warriors, only these are larger, with four barrels that resemble brnches.
Range: 2,000 ft
Damage: 3d6 MD per single blast, 6d6 MD for a double blast, and 12d6(or 1d6x10+12) MD for a quadruple blast(counts as one attack)
Rate of Fire: ECHH
Payload: Effectively Unlimited

8 ) (Optional) Handheld Weapons---The Tekent can pick up and use oversized robot-scaled weapons such as gun pods and heavy weapons if necessary or so desired, though this is not often the case, the giant warriors generally preferring to use their own built-in abilities and weapons.

All standard Shemarrian skill programs, plus: 
Brewing: Medicinal 50%
Carpentry 75%
Dowsing 50%
Gardening 50% or +15% if already possess the skill
General Repair and Maintenance 90%
Holistic Medicine 60%
Trap Construction 85%
Excavation 85%
Masonry 80%
Identify Plants & Fruit 65%
Land Navigation 75%
W.P. Whip(starts at 6th level)

Plus, Secondary skill advancement as standard for EShemar. 

Experience Table: Upon becoming a Tekent, the EShemar uses the Dragon XP table to chart further advancement

Standard psionics as for the Ecotroz Shemar. 

Actions/Attacks Per Melee: 8
Note: Bonuses are in addition to those possible from the Shemar’s elective training
Initiative + 4
Dodge +6
Parry +9
Automatic Dodge(takes no actions) +1
Strike +4 (+4 w/ ranged weaponry, +6 w/ Shemarrian Rail Guns)
Roll +6
Pull Punch +5
Disarm +4
Entangle +3
Knockout/Stun on a Natural 18-20
Restrained Punch 1d6 MD
Full Strength Punch 3d6 MD
Power Punch(2 attacks) 1d6x10 MD
Tear/Pry with Hands 3d6 MD
Body Block/Tackle 4d6 MD
Stomp 2d6 MD
Karate/Leap Kick(2 attacks) 1d8x10 MD
Kick 5d8 MD

---’Silver Willow’. The Silvermoons’ version, which is skinned in laser reflective materials(lasers do HALF damage).

*Faux/TW Magic Systems---Both False and Technowizardry systems similar to those available to the Mandrak are available to the Whippis.
Whippises especially like using Spinning Blades-based TW weapons, using their knife-leaves as the basis of the mystically-conjured ‘blade swarm’.
"Trouble rather the Tiger in his Lair,
Than the Sage among his Books,
For all the Empires and Kingdoms,
The Armies and Works that you hold Dear,
Are to him but the Playthings of the Moment,
To be turned over with the Flick of a Finger,
And the Turning of a Page"

--------Rudyard Kipling
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Re: Shemarrian-related fan creations

Unread post by kronos »

EcoS-R65HwE Entling
This variant of the Straw Warrior is larger than any other Straw Warrior, about the height of the Aloe, but thicker, and covered in a bark covering. Entlings almost looks like human sized Entkins, but lacking the trees on their back. They have a 'skirt' of bark plates which they grow and release to be used as small shields for warriors or used as barricades and as building supplies. Entlings are used to protect non-combatants, high ranking tribe members and visitors, as well as important sites to the Horrorwoods. Their arms can form a shield, or can form a blade made from wood, but is molecular sharp, strong as iron wood. Being larger gives them greater strength which improves their melee capabilities, and their natural healing abilities, which helps fuels their bark plate building capabilities, while not as capable as an Entkin, are still useful. For ranged combat each arm is also fitted with a pit launcher.
Entlings, being larger than normal Straw Warriors, and require more resources to produce. In pod form they are a little more than double the size of a normal Straw Warrior, and take up more than double the space in missiles designed to carry and deploy Straw Warriors. Usually when fitted in a modified medium range missile, one Entling plus one normal sized, of any variant, Straw Warriors are carried.

MDC Location:
Main Body 90
Head 45
Arms (2) 50 ea
Legs (2) 50 ea*
Bark Skirt Plates ( 8 ) 50 ea
*Legs can only be attacked when bark skirt plates are destroyed

Height: 8.5 ft
Width: 4 ft
Length: 3.9 ft
Weight: 120 lbs
Robotic P.S. of 22

*Bio-Regeneration - The organic nature of the Entling Straw Warrior allows it to heal 1d6 MDC every 30 minutes.

*Shield Arm - The arm is modified to deploy bark-like armour, similar to the Entkin elite, creating a shield on each armour. This shield has 50 MDC, and can be regenerated using the Straw Warrior's healing ability. Takes 2 actions to form the shield, and if not depleted when not needed, the shield can be detached and used in a similar manner to those from the Entkin. An Entling can form 5 shields per arm in a day without depleting its nanite stores.

*Bark Skirt Plates - The Entling creates eight plates arranged in a skirt around its legs, each about 4 feet in length, and can be detached and regrown. Damage to this bark armour can be regenerated by the Entking`s Regeneration ability, healing 1d6 MD per 30 minutes as long as there is still 10% of the deployable bark armour left. The bark armour lasts as long as required, effectively indefinitely. The Entking can use this ability 5 times completely regenerating the bark armour before the plant bundles and nanite systems become too strained and drained, per day.
These bark plating that can be used to set up barricades or as shields for fellow warriors. These pieces are usually about 4 feet tall by 2.75 feet wide, about 1 inches thick, and will have 50 MDC each. To be used as a shield, a handle or straps will need to be attached, however due to the semi-metallic nature a simple magnet can be attached to have it attach to the arm of a warrior. They can also be used as building materials, can be used to reinforced structures once adhered to walls. These shields or wood slabs will last about 20 years if not treated with nutrient laced water and sunlight every few months to remain healthy, however can not regenerate damage on their own.

Weapon Systems:
1) Wood Blade (2) - The Entling can form a blade about 3.5 feet long which it can use as a sword with a molecular sharp blade and strong like metal.
Range: Melee
Damage: 3d6 MD
Note: Takes 1 action to form the blade, which has 40 MDC, and as long as the blade isn't destroyed or shed off, can form indefinitely. The Entkling can shed the blade and it can be attached to a handle for use by another being. If the blade is shed, the Entling can create a blade 10 times.

2) Pit Launcher (2) - The Entling's arms have a barrel that sticks out of their arm that sticks out a bit over the wrist on the back of the hand, but doesn't interfere with the hand's movements. This functions as an organic railgun, able to launch a harden, dense projectile similar to the thorns, but looks more like a pit of a peach or similar fruit.
Range: 600 ft
Damage: 1d6+1 MD ea
Rate of Fire: ECHH
Payload: 100 pits, regenerates 1 pit every hour.

-Search and Rescue
Excavation 80%
Camouflage 70%
Military Fortification 50%
Rescue Protocols 80%
General Repair & Maintenance 50%
Carpentry 85%
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Re: Shemarrian-related fan creations

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kronos wrote:EcoS-R65HwE Entling

(cue jungle drums)

Yeah, they're good. 8)
When you got warrior drones that look like something out of a farm crafts scarecrow project or primitive artisan golem factory, things gonna get gnarly....
"Trouble rather the Tiger in his Lair,
Than the Sage among his Books,
For all the Empires and Kingdoms,
The Armies and Works that you hold Dear,
Are to him but the Playthings of the Moment,
To be turned over with the Flick of a Finger,
And the Turning of a Page"

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Re: Shemarrian-related fan creations

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(Based on Kronos’ Straw Warrior drones)

Kactoid---Drone Warrior
(aka ‘Saguardians’, ‘Vamp-Rattle’)

“Things sure have changed down in ol’ meh-heh-co; we wuz trying to get across the desert shortcutting to get down to the Pacific coast when our rover broke down. Now, that’s real cause for worry in bloodsucker territory, ‘cause if you ain’t got shelter, silver, and stakes galore, sunset’s going to finish you. Well, just as we wuz trying to figure out what to do and the rest of us was startin’ to panic, one of the cacti nearby walks over and asks us what our problem wuz and if we needed any help. Well, we wuz so flummoxed by this that we didn’t start blastin’ and instead blurted out we’d broken an axle. Cactus sez no problem, just hang cool and somebody will be by to help us out. Sure enough, a little ova’ a half hour later a Mexican Confed vito comes up, picks us up, truck and all, and flies us over to the nearest settlement with a fixit garage before nightfall. Crazy place, meh-heh-co; used to be a right eval the sun hardly ever sets and the cacti help you out.”

“Getting tackled by one of them spiners is like french-kissing a roll of rolling barb-wire. Even if it didn’t kill me, it hurt like hell, felt like I imagine death by a thousand cuts would feel, and it took me a week to pick out all the needles. My accelerated healing didn’t help much, because it scabbed over some of the embedded prickers, and I had to cut myself open several times to get at the damn things.”

“The desert is watching you.”

The Kactoid is a desert environment variant on the Straw Warrior drone. Kactoids were developed for the Sand Blades tribe in the wake of the Mexico Crusade, which left many of the small tribe’s members either dead or convalescing, and thus unable to cover the large swatches of wilderness that were opened up and needed patrolling after the Mexico vampire intelligences were vanquished. While many of the other Tribes were willing to do what they could to take up the slack, it was generally agreed upon that the Sand Blades would take up the mantle of desert guardians, and so, as the tribe recovered and rebuilt its numbers, efforts would be made to create new force multipliers to strengthen its position. Several senior Tribes pitched in to help the Sand Blades with technical assistance. The Kactoid drone was one such collaborative program.
Kactoids resemble tall anthropomorphized saguaro cacti, with articulated arms and long legs, tough silica-plastic armored skin covered in sharp needles, and a tall head topped by a crown of bloom-like sensors. Like Straw Warriors, Kactoids can be ‘grown’ from compacted warhead-delivered ‘seed pods’.
Being larger than the average Straw Warrior, Kactoids need to be deployed via short-range missile warheads or larger (2 per short, 3 per medium and 5 per long missile). They are larger, more durable, and stronger than the average Straw Warrior drone, but also make larger targets in the open arid lands they are deployed in. They are also less ‘woody’ than the -R65sm owing to their uptake of abundant silica to armor themselves with(this required some additional TW Earth Elemental tinkering on the part of the Wayfinders contributing to the project).
It is not unusual in Mexico and the New West to see rows of Kactoids planted around farm fields, protecting the crops from pests and thieves. The Kactoids frequently act as water collectors, drawing on humidity to condense water and spray it on crops. Some kactoids act as fenceposts for supporting wire fencing, but come ‘alive’ to deal with intruders.
Kactoids have often been mistaken for Cactus People militia. Given how badly the Cactus People have been treated in the past, the mistaken identity between them is generally regarded as a good thing, when it sends bandits and monsters packing at the sight of the stoic Kactoids advancing.
Kactoids are used only by the Sand Blades tribe, though other tribes with access to desert environs(especiallu off Earth) have evinced an interest in the type.

Type: EcoS-R66Sdw
Class: Robotic E-Animal/Drone
Crew: None; robot intelligence
MDC/Armor by Location:
Main Body 80
Head 55
Arms(2) 40 each
Legs(2) 45 each
Height: 8-10 ft
Width: 1 ft, 6 ft reach
Length: 1 ft, 6 ft reach
Weight: 125-200 lbs
Cargo: None; only what can be carried in the arms or strapped to the body
Physical Attributes: PP 18, IQ 10
Physical Strength: Equivalent to Robotic P.S. of 20
Powerplant: Biosystem plus solar, in theory can remain operational for 10 years with sufficient fertile soil, water, sunlight and periodic nanite infusion, or possible longer.

Speed: (Running/Crawling) 45 MPH
(Leaping)10 ft across, 5 ft up, running increases distance by 50%
(Flying) Not possible
(Space) Not possible
(Underwater) Limited to fording small bodies of water and rivers.
Market Cost: Exclusive to the Ecotroz-Shemar
Systems of Note:
Biosystem equivalents of normal vision plus passive nightvision, telescopic vision, thermal imaging, infrared, ultraviolet, and polarization filters. Also has motion and heat detection, radio (5 mile range).

*Vocalizer---Can speak(typically with a dry raspy tone), but rarely does so. Typically conversation is limited to 'Danger! Stay Away!", 'Do you require assistance?", 'Surrender! You are surrounded!" and other basic commands/advisories.

*Nanite Repair - While not as sophisticated as the Bionic Cybernanite repair system the Eshemarrians use, the nanites that help control the Kactoid can do a quick repair, able to repair 6d6 MDC. The system can recharge but takes 24 hours if the Kactoid has access to fertile soil, water and sunlight.

*Bio-Regeneration - The organic nature of the Kactoid allows it to heal 1d4 MDC every hour.

*Kinetic Baffling - Blunt force melee combat strikes such as punches, kicks, hammer strikes, falls, and concussive explosions do HALF damage due to the fibrous nature of the Kactoid's body.

*Puncture Resistance - Due to the fibrous nature of the Kactoid, stabs, jabs and piercing, including arrows, crossbow bolts and darts, weapons deal half damage. High speed projectiles such as bullets and railgun rounds have damage reduced by one-quarter.

*Thermal Stealth - Due to the plant nature of the Kactoid, thermal sensors do not register the Kactoid.

*PPE - due to the organic nature of the Kactoid, it has 1d4+1 PPE. Any EShemarrian spell caster is able to draw on this PPE, but not anyone else, even upon the destruction of the Kactoid.

*PPE Sensors----Kactoids are bred with symbiotic colonies of PPE-sensitive microorganisms that allow them to detect the presence of magic(more than 10 PPE) and supernatural creatures within a 100 ft radius.

* Water Condenser---The Kactoid conceals a water condenser system that draws what water vapor in the air and collects in an internal reservoir(can hold up to 15 gallons)

*Roots---Kactoids can anchor themselves in place with sharp and fast-acting rootlets that can do 1 MD instantly to affix the bio-construct in place against being bowled over, knocked down, or thrown off its feet. +15% to Sense of Balance.

* Self-Destruct----A disabled Kactoid can activate a fail-safe self-destruct that will render the bio-construct into a puddle of organic sludge and slag within 1d4 minutes.

Weapons Systems:
1) Retractable Spikes---The arms of the Kactoid feature retractable molecularly sharp obsidian-silica blades that cut like vibroblades.
Range: Melee
Damage: 1d6 MD

2) Needle Gun---Each arm of the Kactoid conceals a high velocity needle-thrower
Range:(SDC Fire Mode) 600 ft
(MDC Fire Mode) 2,000 ft
Damage: 1d4 SD/MD per needle
Rate of Fire: ECHH, single shot or three-shot burst.
Payload: 30 rounds each arm, regenerates ammunition at 3 rds per hour. Each needle takes 1 MDC from the kactoid’s regeneration pool.

3) Deployable Thorns/Needles - The Kactoid retains this from the Straw Warrior, in that it can can extend thorn/needles over its entire body that add to its unarmed strikes, or damages anyone that strikes it. Adds +1d4 MD to unarmed strikes or +2d4 MD for each melee of grappling, and anyone striking with an unarmed strike take 1 MD. Deploying or retracting the thorns immediately takes no actions.

4) Water Sprayer---Normally used for extinguishing fires or watering crops, this system uses water collected from the water condenser. Can produce a fine mist or a focused stream-pulse.
Range: 100 ft
Damage: 2d6 Hit Points to vampires
Rate of Fire: ECHH
Payload: 15 gallon( 80 shots per gallon) internal tank

5) (Optional) Use of Handheld Weapons---Kactoids can pick up and use hand weapons. The usual practice is to ‘seed’ a battlefield with Kactoid pods and let the emerging drones arm themselves with battlefield salvage.

*Multiple Arms---Up to four additional arms can be added, each pair adding +1 APM.

*Water Cannon---This is a more powerful arm-mounted squirt gun/water projector that has greater range and damage, but uses more water.
Range: 150 ft
Damage: 3d6 Hit Points to vampires, single shot, 6d6 HP for a triple-shot burst
Rate of Fire: ECHH
Payload: Draws on the kactoid’s 15-gallon water reserve. 30 shots per gallon

* Stake Launcher----An arm can be modified to grow hardwood ammunition in the form of a stake, and fire it pneumatically.
Range: 300 ft
Damage: 3d6 SDC, 3d6 Hit Points to vampires and similar creatures.
Rate of Fire: ECHH
Payload: 9 rds per arm, regenerates ammunition at 3 rds per hour.

*Grenade Fruit---The Kactoid’s nanite regeneration can be pre-empted and programmed to ‘grow’ small fruiting bodies consisting of a charge of bio-explosive compound wrapped in a segmented husk-shell that acts as shrapnel. When mature, the grenade fruits can be plucked from the integument of the Kactoid and thrown as grenades.
If an entire arm is dedicated(cannot be used for any other purpose) to producing Grenade Fruits, they can be fired like rifle grenades
Range: Typically 150 ft if thrown.
1,000 ft if fired from a dedicated arm.
Damage: 2d6 MD to a 10 ft blast radius
Rate of Fire: Single shot, ECHH
Payload: Theoretically no limit to the number that can be produced and stowed/attached to the integument of the Kactoid, but usually only a dozen or so are kept on the kactoid at any one time.
Each grenade takes 3 MDC from the kactoid’s regeneration pool and takes an hour to form.
Grenade-fruits typically have, once removed from the kactoid, a shelf-life of 3 months before the organics go stale and they cannot be used for anything other than mulch. They are fuzed by yanking out the stem and have a 6 second delay.

*Sun Fruit----This is a TW ability to distill absorbed sunlight into a liquid, polymerize it, and package it in a fruiting body. Though not as efficient as larger TW solar collector/condenser systems, it still provides a handy source of liquid sunlight. Upon reaching maturity, the fruits, each of which contain a pint of liquid sunlight, can be plucked off the integument of the kactoid and tapped for use, or thrown like water balloons.
If an entire arm is dedicated(cannot be used for any other purpose) to producing Sun Fruits, then they can be fired off as Sun Flares.
Note that if this feature is taken, the Kactoid gains an additional 1d4+2 PPE that can be detected(and drawn upon by EShemar mages), due to the additional technowizardry.
Range: Typically 150 ft if thrown.
500 ft if fired from a dedicated arm.
Damage: Pint(16 fluid ounces) of liquified sunlight; does 3d6 HP per six ounces splashed on vampires, so 8d6 HP for the whole grenade.
(Sun Flare) Illuminates a 500 ft diameter area in active sunlight for 90 seconds
Rate of Fire: Single shot, ECHH
Payload: Can generate a gallon’s worth of liquid sunshine with two hours of sunlight exposure, or enough to fill grenades/flares. The casing takes 2 MDC worth from the kactoid’s regeneration pool and takes 30 minutes to grow.

* Sandblaster---- Instead of growing projectiles and throwing them, the kactoid can instead draw up sand and blow it at high pressure, through a channel in an arm, in an ablating sandblast attack.
Range: 60 ft and can cover a 15 ft area.
Damage: Those caught in the area of effect take 2d4 SDC and are blinded by the flying grit and dust; -10 to strike, parry, dodge, and roll. Those without respiratory protection will lose initiative and 1 APM. Even those with environmental protection will be -2 on initiative, strike, parry, dodge, and roll.
Rate of Fire: ECHH
Payload: Effectively Unlimited given access to enough sand, but generally carries enough internally for 10 shots

*Incendiary Sprayer---This is an arm dedicated to holding the glands(rumored to have been developed from bombardier beetle genes) for a binary chemical incendiary weapon. Two different chemicals are combined in a mixing chamber and are expelled under pressure as they react with each other, forming a corrosive thermo-active chemical that bursts into flames. Very handy for disposing of vampire bodies after they’ve been staked.
Range: 75 ft and covers a 6 ft area
Damage: 3D6 MD Upon contact, burning for 1D6 rounds doing 2D4 MD per round. Any combustible materials within touching distance, clothes, brush, etc. also ignite.
Rate of Fire: ECHH
Payload: 10 shots and regenerates at one shot every 30 minutes.

Typically has the following:
Lore: Demons and Monsters 65%
Basic Math 98%
Radio: Basic 98%
Prowl 85%
Tracking 90%
Navigation 86%
Wilderness Survival 80%
Dowsing 88%
Camouflage 70%
(W.P.s equal to 6th level)
W.P. Knife
W.P. Archery
W.P. Staff
W.P. Spear
W.P. Pistol
W.P. Energy Pistol
W.P. Energy Rifle
Language: Can understand 22 different languages

Actions/Attacks Per Melee: 5
Initiative + 2
Dodge +5
Parry +3
Strike +3 (+2 w/ ranged weaponry)
Roll +2
Pull Punch +3
Restrained Punch 2d6 SDC
Full Strength Punch 1 MD
Power Punch (2 attacks) 2d4 MD
Kick 1d6 MD
Leap Attack 2d6 MD (2 attacks)

Note: Raking melee strikes that run the length of a Kactoid’s arm or a leg can be extremely painful because of the many super-sharp needles jutting out from the bio-construct’s skin. These can tear open jagged and painful wounds similar to a ‘ripper’ vibroblade, and take twice as long to heal from normally.

There are a number of cosmetic variants on the basic kactoid frame, but overall performance remains unchanged. So other forms of cacti, such as barrel, can be imitated.
The current main variant alters the self-destruct to affect just the working parts, but leaving a megadamage lattice work ‘skeleton’ behind. This variant is typically used in defensive deployments, where the remnant skeleton can be used as fortification materials. Under such circumstances, the internal framework accounts for HALF of the overall MDC (so if a Kactoid is destroyed by a decapitation strike, half of the remaining MDC of its remaining parts would be available for salvage).
"Trouble rather the Tiger in his Lair,
Than the Sage among his Books,
For all the Empires and Kingdoms,
The Armies and Works that you hold Dear,
Are to him but the Playthings of the Moment,
To be turned over with the Flick of a Finger,
And the Turning of a Page"

--------Rudyard Kipling
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Re: Shemarrian-related fan creations

Unread post by taalismn »

There’s a million epic tales in the ranks of the Shemarrian clans; these are just a few of them.....

Dr. A’X’Vl Sharf(Transferred Intelligence NPC)
(aka ‘Doc Mantis’)

<<“Ew! I heard you captured a Sunaj! Can I, can I, can I PLEASE be on the team questioning her?! I’ve always wanted to dissect- I mean, interrogate! -one of those maskers!”>>

“Normally, they’d have to drag subjects kicking and screaming to the procedure table under my supervision. Now I have volunteers. How nice is that?”

Dr. Sharf is a former minion of the Splugorth Kingdom of Desslyth. Eccentric, or insane, by the standards of her people, the Shakdan, Sharf was a brilliant researcher and scientist, brilliant enough that her employers overlooked some of her more dissenting opinions, as long as she kept in line and produced satisfactory results. That is, until her curiousity led her down avenues of inquiry and research that she shouldn’t have taken. When her secret life was discovered, Sharf ran, destroying her lab, taking her best work, and trying to defect to somebody like the CCW or the United Worlds of Warlock. The Sunaj caught up with Dr. Sharf and assassinated her when she was negotiating passage across the Annach Gulf, but not before the rogue had caught the attention of the Shemarrian Star Nation. It was an EShemar Valkari who managed to save Sharf’s life essence with a Crystal Matrix Gauntlet. Sharf was revived as a Transferred Intelligence in a robot body frame in the Shemarrian Star Nation. The EShemar have been sitting on their unlikely defector ever since.

Dr. Sharf readily admits that she earned her high rank under Desslyth doing some questionable things, but that she’s come around to a more enlightened appreciation of other lifeforms. Her assassination has further convinced her that the Splugorth way was not one conducive to good health and long life. She’s also convinced that the Sunaj weren’t after her at the behest of Desslyth, but for the benefit of a faction within Desslyth’s court(Sharf is unaware of the Sunaj true agenda).

Sharf has deliberately chosen to adopt an obviously mechanical body as her current form, as an effort to remain hidden from the attention of the Splugorth and their Sunaj lapdogs. However, she’s chosen to use an ABW-4 Basic Work Drone as the basis of her robot body, both because its insectile form and flying movement mode are what she is used to. Sharf means to stay in such a form for several hundred years, or at least until she thinks that the Sunaj think she is absolutely dead, before considering attempting to create a new organic body and transfer her intelligence into that.

The loss of her magic and most of her psionic abilities has shaken up Sharf, but she’s added it to the tab of things to hold against her former employers. Though she is intrigued to hear of the EShemarrians’ work with technowizardry and psylite psi-tech amplifiers. Despte the loss of her mystic abilities, however, Sharf is still considered an invaluable source of information on Splugorth bio-science and biowizardry, and she is working zealously to recreate some of her secret work. Doctor Sharf has worked with the Tinker-Baotra Vaylane CytoCrafter, and is amused at the thought of some of the human augmentation projects she’s worked on potentially going up against the Sunaj or Splugorth bio-borgs she was familiar with.

However, Sharf also suspects that she’s under far more extensive surveillance and scrutiny by the EShemar,and that her robot body has probably been gimmicked with failsafes. She doesn’t mind that, as she’s also allowed a lot more leeway in her free research and is allowed to work on such INTERESTING things. Given half a chance, she’d REALLY like to be on one of the teams interrogating captured Sunaj.

Level of Experience:10th Level Shakdan Doctor/Interrogator
Rank: Senior Researcher under Desslyth. Currently regarded as a ne-Solarii under the EShemar( or a particuIarly pr ivileged dulana, depending on who one asks)
Race: Shakdan. Transferred Intelligence AI
Alignment: Unprincipled(was Aberrant)
Land of Origin: Kingdom of Desslyth, Thundercloud Galaxy
Age: 180
Sex: Female
Height: 6.9 ft
Weight: 1,900 lbs
Physical Description/Appearance:
Modified ABW-4 Basic Work Drone, with a redone head, four arms, and extra vanes and sensor appendages.
Was a cold, analytical and secretive researcher under the Splugorth. She did as she was told, but kept a parallel line of private research secret from her employers. When she suspected that the Overlords were coming for her, she pragmatically murdered her lab staff for spying on her and to destroy her secret research.
She’s improved some since those days, and is less bloodthirsty-analytical, but still entertains thoughts about revenge against her former employers. Given the opportunity she’ll cheerfylly betray her old Splugorth associates and make things uncomfortable for any of them that fall into her clutches.
For the most part, Sharl is very pragmatic, intensely curious, and not easily perturbed. She is as -fascinated- by her own transformation as she is a new alien speciman or scientific procedure. She can be quite snappish and rude if interrupted while examining a particularly interesting speciman.
Sharl accepts the conditions of her probation; she’d be equally paranoid and cautious if she were in the Shemarrians’ position. She simply regards her status as part of proper laboratory safety protocols and endures it in good stead, happy that she’s working with PROFESSIONALs.
Sharf doesn’t miss the Shakdan hivemind because she was always a loner, even amongst her own people. However, she is intrigued by what she’s heard of the Clan Vespa Hive-Net.
Physical Attributes/Superlatives:
IQ: 28(+14%)
ME: 25
MA: 12
PS: 30 (Robotic)
PP: 25
SPD:(Flying) Hover to 100 MPH, maximum altitude of 1,000 ft.

(ISP): 23
(PPE): 38

Hit Points:-----
MDC:(Modified ABW-4 Basic Work Drone)
Main Body 200
Head 60
Sensory/Communications Antennae(2) 35 each
Arms(4) 50 each
Lower HoverJets 110
Horror Factor:-----
Special Abilities/Characteristics/Powers:
Paarsite/Symbiote Husbandry 50%(+14%)
Parasite/Symbiote Implantation 60%(+14%)
Xenology 70%(+14%)
Sharf lost her magic abilities when she became a Transferred Intelligence
Similar to her magic, Sharf lost most of her psychic abilities, though she still retains her photographic memory.
Total Recall
Mind Block(4)
Cybernetics/Bionics:(Modified ABW-4 Basic Work Drone)
*Four Arms
*Zoom/Magnification Lenses
*Multti-Spectral Optics
*Molecular Analyzer
*Language Translator
*Radio---50 mile range
*Wireless Modem
*Motion Detector
Skills:(10th Level Shakdan Doctor/Interrogator)(+14%)
Lore: Galactic 98%
Lore: Magic 98%
Lore: Psychics & Psionics 59%
Recognize wards, runes & circles 98%
Recognize enchantment 98%
- Math Basic & Advanced 98%/ 98%
Pathology 98%
Biology 98%
Brewing: Medicinal 98%/ 98%
Holistic Medicine 98%/ 98%
Chemistry 98%
Entomological Medicine 98%/ 98%
Medical Doctor 98%/ 98%
Genetics 84%
Chemistry: Pharmaceutical 98%
- Biotechnology:98%
-Botany 98%
-Xenology 94%
Sensory Equipment 98%/ 98%
-Computer Operation 98%
-Computer Programming 92%
-Computer Hacking 72%
-Artificial Intelligence 74%
-Piilot: Hovercraft 98%
- Jury-Rig 54%
-o General Repair & Maintenance 85%
- Animal Breeding 98%/84%
Find Contraband 90%
Interrogation 98%
- Concealment 60%
-Pick Locks 69%
-Forgery 54%
-.Zero Gravity Movement & Combat PPx5+40%
- EVA 75%
Hand to Hand: Basic
W.P. Knife(+2 strike, +3 parry, +3 strike w/ throw)
- W.P. Energy Pistol(+3 strike)

Actions/Attacks per Melee: 7
Initiative: +1
Pull Punch:+4
Impervious to Magic that affects biology
Vs Psionics+3
Vs Horror Factor+6
Notable Possessions/Equipment:
Laser Rod( 500 ft range, 1d6 SDC-2d6 MD per shot, effectively unlimited payload)
None; if she needs to be someplace other than the lab complex she’s in, her Shemarrian minders provide transportation.
Sharf has access to a small laboratory where she can carry out independent studies. Of COURSE it’s carfully monitored by her Shemarrian minders, and she knows it(then again, she’s heard of Hoyt Sparks, so she figures she’s gotten off light with her probation). She also has access to a VR system that allows her to create a virtual reality ‘apartment’
"Trouble rather the Tiger in his Lair,
Than the Sage among his Books,
For all the Empires and Kingdoms,
The Armies and Works that you hold Dear,
Are to him but the Playthings of the Moment,
To be turned over with the Flick of a Finger,
And the Turning of a Page"

--------Rudyard Kipling
Posts: 1269
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Re: Shemarrian-related fan creations

Unread post by kronos »

I know a bit late for Halloween, but new additions are good additions.


"Go to California they said" Sam loaded another grenade into the launcher, "Lots of sun and beaches they said," slammed another grenade then handed weapon to Johnny who dropped the overheating plasma rifle he was using.
"Those are true Sammy boy." Johnny said as he fired off two grenades into the distance before ducking as lightning struck the cover they used.
"They didn't mention there were Shemarrian vampires, mummies and other undead under their control!" Sam pulled a couple e-clips from a bag and tossed them to Ron as he passed by.
"Hey, you're the one that insulted the mummy's wrappings, saying they were dirty!" Johnny rolled his eyes as dirt showered him from a nearby explosion.
"I SAID I'M SORRY! Can't anyone take a joke around here?!"
*A large skeletal hand reached down and picked up Sam, lifting up to nearly eye level.* "YOU WILL APOLOGIZE TO MY MATE NOW!" *Sam passed out after managing to squeak "I'm sorry!"

The Colossal is a Clan Shelley variant of the Preserver, but instead of appearing as a tree at rest then revealing a humanoid body once in combat, Colossals appear as large skeletons, except the torso, head and hips don't have empty areas, but filled with armour plating between the bones, to hide the internal systems. When in combat, a blue, electrical nimbus of energy emits from around the ribs, eyes and mouth, making them quite visible, and intimidating in low light and dark conditions. Colossals are usually found near important Clan Shelley facilities, appearing as sentinels, or hidden amongst what appear to be mass open graves of bones (which can actually be skeleton type robot drones in standby mode). Rumours of Colossals range from Shemarrian necromancers animating giant skeletons to Shemarrian versions of Rifters controlling some new kind of fiend or demon. Besides the Colossals' size and strength, they have the ability to fire lightning, resistant to many forms of energy weapons and can control and even enhance undead minions. Clan Shelley, with the help of some Ghost Riders that happened to be in the area for a time, spread these, and other rumours to help keep the reality of the Colossals from being discovered.
In reality, Colossals are variants of the Preservers, but forgo the living plant design. Their railguns are modified to fire anything from stones to bones to help create the illusion they fire bone shards. Clan Shelley does keep a large supply of MD bones turned into ammunition, which they use in anti-supernatural fighting, but also have normal railgun ammunition designed to look like bones. The chest plasma emitters are modified with a scatter shot mode, and modified to have blue discharges. The shoulder missile launchers are swapped out for powerful but short ranged concealed ion cannons that have very convincing lightning discharges. Additional smaller ion emitters which allows the Colossal to emit a potent, if short ranged pulse if lightning all around itself. The blue electric nimbus it emits is part of an energy field that deflects and reduces energy weapon fire against it, making it appear to have supernatural resistance to energy weapons. It's impervious to ion and electrical attacks, while suffering less damage from magical lightning attacks.
Colossals also have command and control systems which allow them to direct multitudes of drones that look like undead that Clan Shelley has, with command codes that can force the drones into an overdrive mode for short periods of time.
The chest also has an opening which the Colossal can use to put nonfunctional, destroyed undead drones into, which its internal systems will disassemble and use to feed the Colossal's nanite repair system, making it seem like it consumes fallen, or nearly destroyed undead to heal itself, which fuels the rumours it is either a large undead or some kind of fiend that consumes the undead.

M.D.C. By Location:
Hands (2) 110 each
Arms (2) 320 each
Forearm Mounted Rail Guns (4) 320
Legs (2) 820 each
Head (reinforced) 420
Main Body 900
Nimbus Field 200 MD*

Height: 30 feet
Width: 15 feet
Length: 14 feet
Weight: 42 tons
Power System: Nuclear
Physical Attributes: Equal to IQ 15, Robotic PS. 60, PP. 24, PB 10.
Cargo: Only what can be carried externally
Running: 90 MPH
Jumping: Limited to 30 ft up/across, while a running leap in excess of 40 MPH adds an extra 30 ft to distance.

*Radar--Both passive radiation detection and active scanning (40 mile range)

*Seismic Sensors --- Special microphones in its feet, the Spriggan can pick up on ground vibrations of moving water, explosions, and heavy movement(masses of animals, vehicles, landslides), up to 2 miles away.

*Bionic Cybernanite Repair Systems---A modified bionic nanotech repair system that originated with the Ecotroz Shemar, but has also been adopted by the Ghost Riders. These systems repair 4d6 MD per hour, and can repair 300 MDC before needing material stocks to convert to MD repair material.

*EM Sensors---The Colossal can detect and ‘see’ electromagnetic-spectrum emissions, such as radio and radar signals.

*Nimbus Field - This energy field is similar to a force field but has a few additional powers. While operational, the Colossal is impervious to all electrical damage, magical electrical attacks deal only 50% damage, particle, plasma and laser attacks suffer a -2 to attack rolls and have damage reduced by 25%. The MDC of the field regenerates at a rate of 20 MDC per melee round. Once the field is down, it still provides the penalty to enemy attacks, but the Colossal is still resistant to electrical attacks due to its construction and insulation, suffering only 50% damage from nonmagical electrical attacks, 75% from magical sources.

*Undead Drone Uplink: The Colossal has the targeting uplink system from the Male Shemarrian, allowing it to connect to 25 drones within 75 miles. All of these drones gain +1 to strike and initiative. Alternatively, the system can be narrowed and upload a part of the Colossal's own combat programming. In this mode, only 10 drones can be uplinked to, and must be within 5 miles. The drones gain an extra attack per melee, +2 to strike and initiative, may use any combat moves the Colossal knows, from any special Hand to Hand Combat skills from commando, assassin, etc, but without the Colossal's bonuses, the drones would use any relative bonuses of their own.
Enhanced Undead Drone Combat: While linked to Shemarrian Undead Uplink, not only will they gain the strike and initiative bonuses, but when more than one drone attacks the same target, they can co-ordinate their attacks for even greater damage and disorient the target. For every 5 undead drones attacking the same target, up to a maximum of 15, the chance to strike a critical strike increases by one (normally natural roll of 20, but with 5 now 19 or 20, 10 undead drones is 18, 19 or 20, etc).
For every 5 undead drones attacking the same target reduces the target's ability to dodge attacks by -1, up to a maximum of 15 undead drones for a total of -3 to the target's dodge rolls.

*Undead Drone Overdrive - The Colossal can upload a temporary program that forces the drone's systems to go into an overdrive mode for a short period. This makes the drone's melee attacks stronger and more accurate, however it lowers the drone's ability to defend itself self. It also directs more power to any built in energy weapons the drone may have.
For 2 minutes, the undead drone gains +5 to all melee attacks, speed is increased by +20 mph, and +10 to robotic strength, gains 1 additional attack per melee, but suffers -5 to dodge and parry. Any built in energy weapons deal an extra +2 die of damage, for example if eye lasers deal 2d6, now deal 4d6 damage.
After the 2 minutes, the Shemarrian's robotic muscles go into a safemode to allow its onboard repair nanites to repair any damage from the overload, suffering -5 to P.P., P.S and -20 mph speed to the original stats, and built in energy weapons deal 1 die less damage (eye lasers normally deal 2d6 now deal 1d6) for 5 minutes. The penalty to dodge and parry still persist during this time.
This programming only affects drones that humanoid, typically those that look like undead, however if provided with access to other drones, the Colossal could use this on other humanoid drones used by other tribes. The Colossal must spend 5 actions to use this, and can affect 5 drones per round it uses this. In theory, a Colossal could, given time, effect a large horde, affecting 5 drones per melee round.

*Consume Undead Drone - The Colossal's chest opens, revealing what looks like a mouth, which can hold a standard sized undead drone, although somewhat folded up, or in pieces. Once inside, taking 2 melee actions to open the chest and place the drone inside, the drone is disassembled and recycled into useable components for the Colossal's nanite repair system. A drone provides 75% of its current MDC as MDC stock which is available within 1 melee round of being placed within the Colossal's chest. A destroyed drone will only provide 20 MDC from the scraps. The round after being placed, not only is the MDC available for the nanite repair system, but it's repair rate increases to 8d6 for 2 melee rounds.

Weapon Systems
1) Shemarrian 6000 Railguns (4) --- These are modified versions of the original railguns, based on the ons found in the Hurga, can shape its own ammunition, then electromagnetically expel it, at rail gun velocities, out the other end. The Spriggan can also use more powerful EM fields to expel stone and megadamage bone and chitin, albeit with less force and damage.
Range:( SDC/MD Metal) 4,000 ft
(MD Stone/Concrete) 2,000 ft
(MD Bone/Chitin) 1,000 ft
Damage:(SDC Metal) 7d6 SDC single round, 1d4 MD per 10 round burst
(MDC Metal) 1d6 MD single round, 1d6x10 MD per 10 round burst
(MD Stone/Concrete) 1d4 MD single round, 1d4x10 MD per 10 round burst
(MD Bone/Chitin) 1 MD single round, 1d10 MD per 10 round burst
Rate of Fire: ECHH
Payload: Conditionally Unlimited; the Spriggan can make and store up to 600 rds each, can be divided into 3 separate bins for 3 different types of ammunition of up to 200 rds each, typically a mix of regular, wood and silver. If situated on a good supply of megadamage materials, such as a wrecked vehicle or monster corpse, the Spriggan can chew up 10 rounds’ worth of ammunition per melee.

2) Chest-Mounted Plasma Emitters (2) --- Concealed in the chest behind pectoral plates, these plasma emitters modified for scatter-shot mode.
Range: 2,000 ft
Damage: 4d6 MD per single shot, 8d6 MD for a double blast
Can also fire in scatter-shot mode, doing 3d6 MD per barrel to a 20 ft wide area, but range is HALVED.
Rate of Fire: ECHH
Payload: Effectively Unlimited

3) Shoulder Ion Cannons (2) --- Concealed in the shoulders, looking like pointed bones, are set of ion cannons, designed to look like powerful lightning discharges.
Range: 1,000 ft
Damage: 2d6x10, critical 19-20, double damage
Rate of Fire: 4 per melee
Payload: Effectively Unlimited

4) Eye Lasers (2)----The eyes conceal powerful lasers.
Range: 2,000 ft in atmosphere, 4,000 ft in space
Damage: 4d6 MD single shot, 1d4x10 MD for a pulse burst
Rate of Fire: ECHH
Payload: Effectively Unlimited
Extra: The eye lasers can strobe at lower power to produce a deliberately blinding area of effect.
Range: 100 ft and covers a 25 ft area
Damage: Unless the victim(s) are wearing tinted goggles or other protection against bright light, they will be blinded(-10 to strke, parry, dodge, and roll) for 1 melee round after being hit. Duration can be extended by 7 seconds (half a melee) for every subsequent melee that the target is kept bombarded by the strobe attack until their eyes manage to adjust.
Rate of Fire: ECHH
Payload: Effectively Unlimited
The Tree solar collectors can boost the power of the eye lasers. If fighting in broad daylight without any sort of shade impeding light intake, the lasers get an extra +2 to damage. If the solar array has time to absorb solar energy prior to combat, the lasers get an extra +6 MD to damage for every hour of solar absorption, for the first minute of combat, or get an extra minute of increased damage (at the +2 level) per hour of prior charge-up.

5) Lightning Burst --- Concealed around the body of the Colossal are several ion emitters designed to fire at once, releasing a burst of lightning around itself.
Range: 50 ft radius
Damage: 4d6 MD
Rate of Fire: 2 per melee
Payload: Effectively Unlimited
Note: A target within the blast radius can make a P.P. Roll vs 17, or pilot/drive rolls, with a successful roll reducing damage by half. Targets over 10 feet wide suffer -1/5% to their roll per 10 feet.

6) (False Magic)---Inspired by ARCHIE-3’s Spell Approximation systems, the Entkin can seemingly cast various spells. Rather than use a PPE generator and technowizardry system, most Entkins use technological systems, cunningly formatted to look like magic.
*Blinding Flash - The eye lasers can strobe to blind targets, requiring a save versus a 17 (PE bonuses apply, other bonuses versus magic do not apply).
*See the Invisible - Using the Entkin`s infrared and ultraviolet optics allow it to see invisible targets.
*Thunderclap: Uses high intensity speakers, effect is identical to those of the 4th level spell.
*Rust: This is simply the application of specialized nanites that break apart metal, same as the metal-dissolver nanites used in Japan.
Range: 100 ft, and affects a 10 ft square area
Damage: Reduces the MDC of metal-based body armors and light power armors by HALF, heavy power armors and light vehicles by 30%, and heavy robots and vehicles by 10%. Damage takes 4 melees/1 minute, and is obvious by acute discoloration and flaking of the armor. Other effects identical to those of the Japanese nanites(which they were probably based on to begin with).
Rate of Fire: ECHH
Payload: 40 applications

Additional Skills
Equal to Preserver.
Attacks per melee: 6
Damage: as per robot strength 60.
Controlled SDC Puch 4d6+45 SDC
Restrained Punch 2d4 MD
Full Strength: 4d6 MD
Power Punch 8d6 (counts as 2 attacks)
+3 Initiative
+7 to strike,
+9 parry
+4 to doge
+4 to roll with impact/fall
+2 to disarm
+5 to pull punch
+2 to entangle
Critical Strike on a natural 18-20
Paired weapons, leap attack and karate kick
+2 Perception rolls
Has standard self-destruct system, but releases a burst from its lightning burst system immediately, releasing a burst of ion lightning as it self-destructs.
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Re: Shemarrian-related fan creations

Unread post by taalismn »

Heh, there's a family in my town that might have one of those Colossi(of sorts).
They put up a 10-ft tall skeleton in their front yard for Halloween, took it down only for a windstorm, and they've kept it up through Thanksgiving(giving it a turkey drumstick in hand) and now have it decorated for Christmas with a Santa outfit.
"Trouble rather the Tiger in his Lair,
Than the Sage among his Books,
For all the Empires and Kingdoms,
The Armies and Works that you hold Dear,
Are to him but the Playthings of the Moment,
To be turned over with the Flick of a Finger,
And the Turning of a Page"

--------Rudyard Kipling
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Re: Shemarrian-related fan creations

Unread post by 89er »

Some fun I thought of:

A female Wolfen Quatoria is in a relationship with a GNE/USA raised Psi-Hound/Dog Boy, said Quatoria is injured badly after a grueling hunt and calls in a favor. Getting dipped in a Eshemar healing vat for a week, she emerges fine but a year later she noticed some changes, which leads to a check up that revels she is early pregnant with a small litter. Is this possible?
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