Shemarrian-related fan creations

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Re: Shemarrian-related fan creations

Unread post by taalismn »

89er wrote:Some fun I thought of:

A female Wolfen Quatoria is in a relationship with a GNE/USA raised Psi-Hound/Dog Boy, said Quatoria is injured badly after a grueling hunt and calls in a favor. Getting dipped in a Eshemar healing vat for a week, she emerges fine but a year later she noticed some changes, which leads to a check up that revels she is early pregnant with a small litter. Is this possible?

Anything's possible with enough sufficiently advanced technology combined with SMB(Sparkly Magic Bull#!+)

"Why do your cubs look like aibos?"
"Trouble rather the Tiger in his Lair,
Than the Sage among his Books,
For all the Empires and Kingdoms,
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Are to him but the Playthings of the Moment,
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Re: Shemarrian-related fan creations

Unread post by kronos »

taalismn wrote:
89er wrote:Some fun I thought of:

A female Wolfen Quatoria is in a relationship with a GNE/USA raised Psi-Hound/Dog Boy, said Quatoria is injured badly after a grueling hunt and calls in a favor. Getting dipped in a Eshemar healing vat for a week, she emerges fine but a year later she noticed some changes, which leads to a check up that revels she is early pregnant with a small litter. Is this possible?

Anything's possible with enough sufficiently advanced technology combined with SMB(Sparkly Magic Bull#!+)

"Why do your cubs look like aibos?"

In theory.. the child(ren) might gain some boosts while in the EShemar healing vat.. maybe enhanced healing abilities?
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Re: Shemarrian-related fan creations

Unread post by taalismn »

Supercharged medical nanos....
And a couple new organs to service having a Juicer harness IRMSS internally implanted.

Might affect the kids' diets, too...extra sugar and protein to power the nannies, and extra minerals to build new ones.
"Trouble rather the Tiger in his Lair,
Than the Sage among his Books,
For all the Empires and Kingdoms,
The Armies and Works that you hold Dear,
Are to him but the Playthings of the Moment,
To be turned over with the Flick of a Finger,
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Re: Shemarrian-related fan creations

Unread post by taalismn »

EcoS-K-177 Sepildar Warmount
(aka ‘LandSquid’)
“Great, just great; saved from carnivorous alien flying-saucer-borne squiloids by being abducted by giant abyssal mutant cuttlefish. So much for a relaxing day at the beach!”

<<“Come again, Dargo? You say you’ve been treed by a giant cuttlefish? It chased you out of the river and up onto dry land? Where are you, Dargo? I gotta see this for myself!”>>

The Sepildar Warmount is an amphibious warmount recently debuted by the DarkWaters and the Horrorwoods. It is regarded as the ‘feral’ and ‘partial conversion’ form of the EcoS-K-178 Sepiltuarian terrestrial landmount, though it is uncertain whether the Sepildar preceded the latter in development, or came afterwards as part of the Sepiltuarian’s ‘background’ story. Complicating the issue is a lack of knowledge over whether the Sepildar is based on an actual animal found on some world in Shemarrian Star Nation-claimed space, or was created whole-cloth.
The Sepildar resembles a large cuttlefish, with a mass of 10 tentacles surrounding a beak, a pair of protrudant eyes, and a long ‘mantle’-body. Lining the length of the body is a particularly broad and flexible fringe-strake that allows the warmount to ‘ripple-crawl’ on dry land and ‘ripple-swim’ in water(a supplemental waterjet system assists in underwater propulsion). A smaller set of fringe-strakes running along the underside provide additional traction and back-up propulsion.
The ‘fringe drive’ allows the warmount to swim almost completely noiselessly through water, and speed up onto land over soft sand and mud. The Sepildar’s multiple tentacles are also very versatile for labor, espcially with a skilled rider plugged in and directing the landsquid. A favorite use of the tentacle-limbs is in constructing camouflage blinds, both on shore and underwater, in which the warmount can hide.
The main shortcomings of the Sepildar are that in order to remain looking ‘natural’, the warmount cannot sport obvious disfiguring artificial weapons systems. Integral weapons have to be disguised and often made to appear as magic or psionic attacks. The Sepildar is fast in water, but performs only modestly on land, and has problems negotiating rough terrain. It cannot climb easily, though it can leap after a fashion, apparently using water-siphons as pneumatic thrusters.
The ligh armor and armament of the Sepildar generally limits it to a light amphobious cavalry role or marine raider. Heavy combat roles are reserved for the heavier and more heavily-armored Sepiltuarian.
The Sepildar is used primarily by the Darkwaters and Horrorwoods(the latter possessing littoral naval forces). The Wayfinders also acquired a small number to equip their Star Nation garrisons in the Geynee Cluster, the Sepildars’ expressive body-skinning greatly facilitating communication with the local cephalopoid K’Valrec people. Both Clan Shinden and Clan Shelley’s Gilloc Sgen have evinced interest in acquiring the design as well.

Type: EcoS-K-177 Sepildar
Class: Robotic Warmount, Amphibious
Crew: None; robot intelligence
1 rider/pilot, and room for 1 passenger
MDC/Armor by Location:
Main Body 300
Head 180
Tentacles(10) 30 each
Striker Tentacles(4) 90 each
Fringe Strakes(2) 120 each
Secondary Fringe Strakes(2) 90 each
*(Optional) Enclosed Saddle-Cockpit 100

Height: 8 ft
Width: 9 ft
Length: 24 ft head to tail, + tentacles extend 15 ft
Weight: 9 tons
Cargo: Small space inside/beside the saddle-seat for a few personal possessions and sidearms.
Physical Strength: Equivalent to Robotic P.S. of 30
Powerplant: Nuclear w/ 20 year energy life
Speed: (Running) 50 MPH; 30 MPH under auxiliary power
(Leaping) Can manage an awkward jet-assisted leap of 12 ft up, 18 ft across. Running starts are NOT possible.
(Climbing) Difficult, but possible, using its short and long tentacles; Climbing skill of 60%
(Flying) Not possible
(Space) Not possible
(Underwater) 32 MPH, maximum depth of 5 miles.
Market Cost: Exclusive to the Ecotroz-Shemar
Systems of Note:
Full optical systems, laser targeting, passive nightvision, telescopic vision, thermal imaging, infrared, ultraviolet, and polarization filters. Also has motion and heat detection, built-in radar( 60 mile range) and other standard power armor-equivalent systems. Additional/special sensors may be built in by the creating Tinkers or at the behest of individual riders/owners.

*Bionic Cybernanite Repair Systems---ALL Sepildar have the same bionic nanotech repair system that the Ecotroz Shemar have refitted themselves with, and which is becoming the standard among NeShemar as well. These systems repair 4d6 MD per hour, and can repair 180 MDC before needing material stocks to convert to MD repair material.

*Chameleon Skin----Based on the Naruni Nomad Scout Robot, this improved system changes color in 1d4 melees and gives the 'bot a limited stealth ability(-30% to Detect Ambush and Detect Concealment roles to find the thing). Also masks the ‘bot's thermal and infrared emissions, making heat sensors useless.

*Kinetic Resistance---The rubbery flexible hide of the Sepildar takes HALF damage from physical attacks such as kicks, punches, blunt melee weapons, concussive explosions, bullets/rail gun rounds, and explosives.

*Sonar--- 80 mile range

*Passive Stealth---The Sepildar is exceptionally quiet in water; -30% to be detected by enemy sensor systems

* Periscope Optics---The broad ends of the striker tentacles each conceal an optical cluster in their backsides, allowing tem to be used as periscopes, or to look in confined spaces and around corners.

*(Optional) Enclosed Saddle-Cockpit----A saddle-pod with a closable cover is possible for the Sepildar. The ‘soft-top’ interfaces with the wrmount’s chameleon-skin to continue the disguise function and hide the rider(s). In this mode, the saddle appears as a large, but natural-seeming, hump on the back of the warmount.

Weapons Systems:
1) Eye Lasers(2)---The Sepildar’s eyes are standard Warmount laser-eyes, modified for the blue-green spectrum.
Range: 2,000 ft in air and underwater
Damage: 3d6 MD per single blast, or 6d6 MD per double blast
Rate of Fire: ECHH
Payload: Effectively Unlimited

2) Electrical Tazer---The Sepildar can deliver powerful elctrical shocks with contact. In water, it can also project a shrt range electrical shock zone into the surrounding water.
Range:(Shock Touch) Melee
(Water Shock) 25-ft wide area through water
Damage:(Shock Touch)Variable; ---1d6 SDC Plus, victims must make a save of 14 or better, or be -8 to strike, parry, and dodge for 2d6 melees. A savings throw versus non-lethal poison means the person is unimpaired. 25% chance of knocking out unshielded cybernetics for 1d4 melees.
(Water Shock) 2d6 MD to targets caught in the zone of effect.
Organic targets roll for Stun; save at 16 or better or be -8 to strike, dodge, parry, roll, and initiative, reduce APMs and Spd by HALF, for 2d4 melee rds. A successful save means lose only initiative and 1 APM for 1 melee round.
50% chance of knocking out unshielded electronics(or 1d4 subsystems like radio, electronic image amplification, cybernetic sensory implant, or the like) for 1d4 melees.
Beings susceptible to electricity take DOUBLE damage.

Rate of Fire:(Shock Touch) ECHH
(Water Shock) Once per melee
Payload: Effectively Unlimited

3) Venomous Bite---The Sepildar’s bite hides an injector system that can envenom a target for extra effect.
Range: Melee
Damage: 1d6 SD/MD for the injection bite + venom effects
Venom damage varies. Some payload examples:
Standard(SDC) knock-out drug renders the victim unconscious within 1d4 melees, unless they save versus non-lethal poison; a successful save means they still will grow woozy within 1d4 melees, and be -2 to strike, parry, and dodge, and -10% to skill rolls for the duration. Drug effects last 4d4 minutes.
‘Vamp Juice’---This is actually a slurry of Holy Water and enchanted silver dust. Yum! Does 1d6x10 HP damage to vampires in both injection and aerosol form, and prevents regeneration of wounds.
Molecular Acid---Dissolves materials it comes in contact with. Does 5d6 MD on an injection, plus 3d6 MD per melee for 1d6 melees. No save.

Rate of Fire: ECHH
Payload: 5 internal reservoirs, each able to hold 10 shots each of different chemicals(or the same, if so desired).

4) Chemical Dispenser---Like a squid, the warmount can flush chemicals into the water
around it.
Payload: Onboard reservoirs typically have capacity for 12 applications of the agents.
a) ’Fizz’ Sonar Defense----This is a modified chemical sprayer system that dispenses foaming chemical compounds from the tail. This has a multifold purpose; though it clearly shows up on sonar due to the alka-seltzer-like noise, the persistant cloud of bubbles makes it much more difficult for sonar to get an exact lock on the Sepildar behind the bubbles. Furthermore, many sea creatures are hesitant to cross the cloud of bubbles.
Range: The ‘fizz’ lasts 1d6 melees, is roughly 100 ft wide by 300 ft long(the ‘cloud’ foaming as the sub moves along).
Effects: Sonar-guided weapons(and attackers) are -2 to lock onto the Sepildar. Creatures caught in the bubbles are -5 to strike, dodge, and parry due to the distraction.

b) Ink----Usable only in water. It covers a 60 ft diameter area and persists for 1d6+1 melees before dispersing. No damage, but those caught in the fog are -4 to strike, parry, dodge, disarm, and entangle while caught in the cloud. Targeting lasers automatically lose lock through the cloud, and lasers, even blue-green modulated, do HALF damage trying to pierce the murk.

c) Gill Clog---Creates a cloud 80 ft in diameter that lingers for 1d4 minutes. Water-breathers attempting to breath the gunk are -6 on initiative/ strike/ parry/ and dodge, reduce APMs by HALF, and skill performance by -50% as they struggle to breath. A saving throw of 16 or better means the victim only suffers HALF penalties. Leaving the cloud means the victim can start breathing again unhindered, but the aftereffects will linger for 2d4 minutes. Staying in the cloud longer than a minute will almost certainly(1-79% chance) kill the victim.

5)(Optional) Modular Weapons(2)---The Sepildar has provision for mounting TWO weapons similar to those standard to the Monstrex, either attached to a saddle, or hidden by folds of skin.

The Ecotroz have installed robotic AIs, then infected the matrix with a low-level Ecotroz sentience.
Typically has the following in addition the standard Monstrex programming:
Underwater Navigation 80%(+5% per level of experience for Ecotroz entity)
Undersea & Sea Survival 94%
Track & Hunt Sea Animals 88%(+5% per level of experience for Ecotroz entity)
Camouflage 80%(+5% per level of experience for Ecotroz entity)
The Ecotroz entity can also pick up one Secondary skill at levels 2, 6, and 12 of experience, though the nature of the Sepildar intelligence and design is such that it is limited to skill selections from Technical: Language(understanding) and Lore (Cattle & Animals, Indians, Juicers, Magic, Demons & Monsters, D-Bees, Faerie---at least with regards to identifying their relative threat level), Excavation, Rope Work, Basic Labor, and Wilderness( Hunting).

Actions/Attacks Per Melee: 6
Initiative +2 (+1 from the Ecotroz entity for a total of +3)
Dodge +2, +4 underwater
Strike +3 (+2 w/ ranged weaponry)
Parry +7
Roll +2 on land, +5 underwater
Entangle +6
Bite 2d4 MD
Striker Tentacle Punch/Kick 3d6 MD
Striker Tentacle Power Punch(2 attacks) 1d6x10 MD
Crush w/ Striker Tentacle 4d6 MD per melee of pressure
Leap Attack---Essentially an awkward jet-assisted body block/tackle that does 2d4 MD ,+ a 75% chance of knocking human-sized targets off their feet(lose 1 APM and initiative struggling back up)

Note: The Ecotroz intelligence fragment inhabiting the ‘bot gives the Sepildar an aura and behavior more befitting a sentient being than a robot. The Sepildar is a patient and observent beast, and talented at concealing itself. However, some riders have claimed that the older and more experienced Sepildars can become bored, unless stimulated with tasks when not laying in ambush. These listless warmounts begin fidgeting their tentacles and can start doing things like tying mooring lines in knots or stacking rocks.

The Ecotroz fragment does occasionally need sleep/rest...though they only need 2 hours of rest/meditation per 24 hours...they can push this, going without for as many days as they have I.Q. points(most Warmounts, unless otherwise noted, have an effective IQ rating of 8 ), but will have to go dormant for 4d6 hours after such exertion.
Note also that the Ecotroz-possessed ‘bot can infect other bots with the Ecotroz viral-entity, by bite or sustained touch(takes 3 attacks).

* Water Spray---The Sepildar can fire a jet of water powerful enough to knock personnel off their feet like a firehose.
Range: 250 ft
Damage: High water pressure does 1d4 SDC, plus 60% chance of knocking human-sized targets off their feet(lose initiative and 1 APM getting back up). 2d6x10 HP to vampires.
Rate of Fire: ECHH
Payload: 100 shot water tank, or can draw through a hose and pump from local water supplies. Effectively unlimited if in water and able to draw upon it.

* Bubbler---One or two tentacles can be fitted with a knockoff device copied from the EShemarrians’ Greater New England neighbors. The ‘bubbler’ sprays a stream of ultra-fine aerogel foam that can be quickly sprayed and set around an object, preserving and cushioning it.
Range: 120 ft, and each shot covers a 5 ft area.
Damage: None; the aerogel is harmless, lightweight, and air-permeable.
Sprayed in a person’s face or head, the aerogel blinds; (-4 to Initiative, and -10 to Perception rolls). Sprayed around the legs, it hampers mobility(reduce speed by 75%, and HALF all bonuses to dodge/roll/parry). Removing the gunk takes 1d4 melees of furious wiping and tearing.
The sprayer can be used to spray and shape a ‘suit’ or air-permeable aerogel around a person. The ‘suit’ looks somewhat like an inflated hazmat bag around the person, made of translucent plastic that balloons out around them and exaggerates their proportions. Inside the suit, the person is cushioned from shock(takes only 1/8 normal damage from kinetic shock, punches, falls, and blows), floats like a pool toy, has a larger ‘footprint’ that cushions the person’s weight(reduce penalties for crossing soft surfaces like snow and mud by HALF, and +5% to Prowl skills). However, the aerogel muffles sound, interferes with vision(-2 to Initiative, and -8 to Perception rolls), and prevents the person from being able to fully grasp and manipulate objects(-25% to any skills requiring fine manipulation). The plastic also interferes with mobility; -20% to acrobatic maneuvers, and reduce speed by 50%.
-Completely cocooning a person or object, immobilizing them, is also possible, but takes longer(1 full minute of constant spraying to completely envelope the target). The foam holds with a regular strength of 30, and take about 120 SDC per cubic yard of the stuff before breaking apart.
-The foam has an undisturbed life span similar to styrofoam peanuts; the stuff will last months, if not years, packed in a box, but generally mechanical abuse and exposure to the elements breaks the stuff down in a matter of days or hours.
Rate of Fire: ECHH
Payload: Internal reservoir holds enough liquid matric to produce 1,000 cubic feet of aerogel.
Options: In the alternative, the Bubbler can be used to blow a single large bubble able to enclose a human-sized target(usually after immobilizing them by other means). The bubble typically has 4d6x10 SDC and can be kept ventilated with a tentacle hose that keeps the air inside refreshed.
"Trouble rather the Tiger in his Lair,
Than the Sage among his Books,
For all the Empires and Kingdoms,
The Armies and Works that you hold Dear,
Are to him but the Playthings of the Moment,
To be turned over with the Flick of a Finger,
And the Turning of a Page"

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Re: Shemarrian-related fan creations

Unread post by taalismn »

"That's a beautiful big Christmas tree you Shemarrians decorated."
"It isn't a Christmas tree."
"Ah, Yuletide tree?"
"Goddess Day Tree?"
"Goddess NIGHT tree?"
"Blue spruce?"
(Tree in question opens two big glowing eyes, rises up on two thick legs, then saunters away)
"Yulegian Tekent."
"Trouble rather the Tiger in his Lair,
Than the Sage among his Books,
For all the Empires and Kingdoms,
The Armies and Works that you hold Dear,
Are to him but the Playthings of the Moment,
To be turned over with the Flick of a Finger,
And the Turning of a Page"

--------Rudyard Kipling
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Re: Shemarrian-related fan creations

Unread post by taalismn »

EcoS-K-178 Sepiltuarian Warmount
(aka ‘LandSquid’, ‘Elephant-Squid’, ‘Lightning Squid’)
“The squiloids’ first mistake was attacking a beach within range of the Seplidars. The squiloids’ SECOND mistake was committing their reinforcements to going after the seplis when the latter retreated back into the deep water. That brought them within range of the seplis’ big brothers.”

“Okay, looks like the swamp isn’t going to pose a natural barrier to that side of the port after all, like you thought it would, sire. I got reports of an armored legion breeching the city walls in that section. Armored units, with tentacles. So, Governor, do we stay and fight or do you want to start running now?”

The Sepiltuarian Warmount appeared at the same time as the Sepildar and it’s a matter of speculation which was developed first, the larger obviously mechanical ‘bot or the smaller naturally organic-looking warbeast.
A heavily-modified variant(?) of the Sepildar, the Sepiltuarian was deemed sufficiently different to merit its own designation. The Sepiltuarian resembles a larger (30% larger)and heavily cyborged Sepildar, dropping the natural-looking chameleon-skin in favor of obvious artificial skin plating. The cockpit pod is larger and more obvious, with better overall armored protection. Integral weaponry is much more obvious, and the fringe-strakes that drive the warmount through water and over land are edged in rugged treading(and short spikes and hooks) for better purchase. The Sepiltuarian is slower than the Sepildar, but faster on land and better able to handle rough terrain, especially slopes.
Sepiltuarians have appeared in the ranks of both the DarkWaters and Horrorwoods. It is not uncommon to see Sepiltuarians deployed with Sepildars during amphibious operations, the latter smaller warmounts octen serving as faster scouts in the water and picket forces on land, though the heavier Sepiltuarians will then venture further inland, leaving the Sepildars to guard the beachhead.

Type: EcoS-K-178 Sepiltuarian
Class: Robotic Warmount, Amphibious
Crew: None; robot intelligence
1 rider/pilot, and room for 1 passenger
MDC/Armor by Location:
Main Body 750
Head 290
Reinforced Cockpit Pod 200
Tentacles(10) 50 each
Striker Tentacles(4) 100 each
Cannon Tentacle(1) 150
Fringe Strakes(2) 220 each
Secondary Fringe Strakes(2) 100 each

Height: 12 ft
Width: 14 ft
Length: 36 ft head to tail, + tentacles extend 22 ft
Weight: 13 tons
Cargo: Small space inside/beside the saddle-seat for a few personal possessions and sidearms.
Physical Strength: Equivalent to Robotic P.S. of 50
Powerplant: Nuclear w/ 20 year energy life
Speed: (Running) 80 MPH; 30 MPH under auxiliary power
(Leaping) Can manage an awkward jet-assisted leap of ft up, ft across. Running starts are NOT possible.
(Climbing) Difficult, but possible, using its short and long tentacles; Climbing skill of 75%
(Flying) Not possible
(Space) Not possible
(Underwater) 25 MPH, maximum depth of 5 miles.
Market Cost: Exclusive to the Ecotroz-Shemar
Systems of Note:
Full optical systems, laser targeting, passive nightvision, telescopic vision, thermal imaging, infrared, ultraviolet, and polarization filters. Also has motion and heat detection, built-in radar( 60 mile range) and other standard power armor-equivalent systems. Additional/special sensors may be built in by the creating Tinkers or at the behest of individual riders/owners.

*Bionic Cybernanite Repair Systems---ALL Sepiltuarians have the same bionic nanotech repair system that the Ecotroz Shemar have refitted themselves with, and which is becoming the standard among NeShemar as well. These systems repair 4d6 MD per hour, and can repair 180 MDC before needing material stocks to convert to MD repair material.

*Sonar--- 80 mile range

* Periscope Optics---The broad ends of the striker tentacles each conceal an optical cluster in their backsides, allowing tem to be used as periscopes, or to look in confined spaces and around corners.

*Magnetic Anomaly Detector/Ground Radar---- Two of the tentacles conceal the equivalent of PS Lance Scanners which combine a MAD sensor and a ground radar scanner.
Range: The magnetometer has a range of 4,000 ft and can detect vehicles and other metallic structures with 80% accuracy. It can detect powered-up rail guns and EM containment fields(such as fusion generator) at TWICE that range.
The ground radar has a range of 3,000 ft, and has a 90% chance of detecting metal-cased mines, 60% chance of detecting non-metallic ordnance.

Weapons Systems:
1) Eye Lasers(2)--- Sepiltuarians mount the more powerful heavy laser-eyes
Range: 4,000 ft
Damage: 4d6 MD single shot, 1d4x10 MD for a pulse burst
8d6 MD dual shot, 2d4x10 MD for a dual pulse burst(counts as one attack)
Rate of Fire: ECHH
Payload: Effectively Unlimited

2) Cannon Tentacle(1)---This is an additional thick and rather stubby tentacle that sheathes a powerful energy cannon. The cannon tentacle’s placement and larger diameter give the Sepiltuarian its nickname of ‘elephant-squid’. The cannon tentacle typically mounts a heavy ion cannon, but some examples carry more exotic weapons, such as a reverse-engineered Naut’yll spiral-wave disruptor, Golgan-style disruptor, or particle beam.
a) Ion Cannon
Range:7,000 ft
Damage:1d4x10 MD per blast
Rate of Fire: ECHH
Payload: Effectively Unlimited

b) Particle Beam
Range: 3,000 ft
Damage: 5d6x10 MD per blast
Rate of Fire: ECHH
Payload: Effectively Unlimited

c) Spiral Wave Disuptor
Range: 4,000 ft in air and underwater
Damage: 1d6x10+10 MD per blast
Rate of Fire: ECHH
Payload: Effectively Unlimited

d) Golgan Disruptor
Range:: 5,000 ft
Damage: 1d6x10 MD per blast, plus 1/4 that to a 10 ft radius
Rate of Fire: ECHH
Payload: Effectively Unlimited

d) Plasma Cannon---Copied form a Bushi Oni starfighter weapon. Short-ranged(virtually pountblank), but does massive damage, and the Three Galaxies Darkwaters apparently thought a flame-throwing squid would just be SO awesome.
Range: 600 ft in air, 150 ft underwater
Damage: 1d4x100 MD per blast
Rate of Fire: Twice per melee
Payload: Effectively Unlimited

3) Tentacle Blasters(1-4)---Several of the lesser tentacles can mount cyborg-style forearm blasters, and are used mainly in utility work and antipersonnle suppressive fire.

4) Torpedo/Missile Launchers(18 tubes)----Embedded behind the eyes in the large mantle are a series of concealed launch tubes for missiles, torpedoes, or dual air-sea rocket projectiles, eighteen tubes in all.
Range:Varies; medium-range missiles(40-80 miles) or torpedoes( 10 miles)
(Sea/Air Rocket-Torps)(Underwater) 20 miles
(Air) 75 miles
Speed:(Underwater) 400 MPH
(Air) Mach 3
Damage: Varies by warhead type for the respective weapon
(Sea/Air Rocket-Torps) 4d6x10 MD
Bonuses: (Torpedo)Because of the torpedoes’ higher speed and advanced targeting systems, the Sea Fire doesn’t suffer the same range and accuracy penalties as conventional torpedoes. The Sea Fire has a +1 to strike, and a +3 to strike within 3,000 ft of the target.
(Missile)---Not quite as accurate as a dedicated anti-shipping missile, but more powerful. +3 to strike
Rate of Fire: Volleys of 1-18(all)
Payload: 18 medium-range torpedoes, missiles, or dual air-sea rocket projectiles

5)(Optional) Modular Weapons(2)---The Sepiltuarian has provision for mounting TWO weapons similar to those standard to the Monstrex. These weapons are usually mounted in a small powered mini-turret on the back/roof of the cockpit pod, and slaved to the rider or an accompanying passenger acting as gunner, providing a measure of protection to the rear of the warmount.

The Ecotroz have installed robotic AIs, then infected the matrix with a low-level Ecotroz sentience.
Typically has the following in addition the standard Monstrex programming:
Underwater Navigation 80%(+5% per level of experience for Ecotroz entity)
Undersea & Sea Survival 94%
Track & Hunt Sea Animals 88%(+5% per level of experience for Ecotroz entity)
The Ecotroz entity can also pick up one Secondary skill at levels 2, 6, and 12 of experience, though the nature of the Sepiltuarian intelligence and design is such that it is limited to skill selections from Technical: Language(understanding) and Lore (Cattle & Animals, Indians, Juicers, Magic, Demons & Monsters, D-Bees, Faerie---at least with regards to identifying their relative threat level), and Wilderness( Hunting).

Actions/Attacks Per Melee: 8
Initiative +2 (+1 from the Ecotroz entity for a total of +3)
Dodge +2, +3 underwater
Strike +3 (+2 w/ ranged weaponry)
Parry +7
Roll +2 on land, +5 underwater
Entangle +6
Bite 3d6 MD
Striker Tentacle Punch/Kick 3d6 MD
Striker Tentacle Power Punch(2 attacks) 1d6x10 MD
(Crush/Squeeze) 2d4x10 MD per full melee of pressure
Fringe Slash 1d6 MD
Leap Attack---Essentially an awkward jet-assisted body block/tackle that does 2d4 MD ,+ a 85% chance of knocking human-sized targets off their feet(lose 1 APM and initiative struggling back up)

Note: The Ecotroz intelligence fragment inhabiting the ‘bot gives the Sepiltuarian an aura and behavior more befitting a sentient being than a robot. Sepiltuarians are rather more disciplined than their smaller cousins, but also arguably more blodthursty in combat, with a predilection for tearing things apart with their tentacles.

The Ecotroz fragment does occasionally need sleep/rest...though they only need 2 hours of rest/meditation per 24 hours...they can push this, going without for as many days as they have I.Q. points(most Warmounts, unless otherwise noted, have an effective IQ rating of 8 ), but will have to go dormant for 4d6 hours after such exertion.
Note also that the Ecotroz-possessed ‘bot can infect other bots with the Ecotroz viral-entity, by bite or sustained touch(takes 3 attacks).

* Cuttle-shield---A folding armor plate can be carried attached to the warmount and wielded in the tentacles during combat. The shield resembles an oversized cuttle-bone and this is often assumed to be part of another Sepiltuarian or Sepildar. The shield is, fully opened up, roughly 18 ft long and 10 ft wide, and has 400 MDC.

* Plasma Contacts----The striker tentacles can be fitted with shock-studs that generate a contact plasma blast when hitting a target, doing additional damage.
Range: Melee, contact
Damage: +1d4x10 MD per blast
Rate of Fire: ECHH
Payload: Effectively Unlimited
"Trouble rather the Tiger in his Lair,
Than the Sage among his Books,
For all the Empires and Kingdoms,
The Armies and Works that you hold Dear,
Are to him but the Playthings of the Moment,
To be turned over with the Flick of a Finger,
And the Turning of a Page"

--------Rudyard Kipling
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Re: Shemarrian-related fan creations

Unread post by taalismn »

(Yep, a little late for the holidays, but then again, I only got this idea on Christmas Eve....)

Yulegarian--Male Tekent Elite
(aka ‘Killer Pines’, ‘Everguardians’, ‘Evergreenians’, ‘Yulelites’, ‘Mage-Tree’)

“Like my flash-bangles? I designed them myself!”

“That is our village’s guardian grove. Besides the fairies that are drawn to it, the forest spirits that reside in it protect our community. Every year they are decorated with ornaments and filigree of Light, to drive back the darkness. It is their uniform when they rouse to fight for us. Respect the guardian grove, and our village will ever be safe.”

“We got our asses whipped by a christmas tree? See, this is why I just HATE the holidays. What’s worse is that the winter solstice was MONTHS ago! These people should have taken down their decorations already!”

“Yeah, it was a real festival of Lights alright....we must have wiped out a half-dozen arctic vampires and a few dozen zombies. And that’s BEFORE we brought out the wrapped presents!”

The Yulegarian is a rare Tekent Male Elite that has currently only been encountered with the Aurora Warriors, and possibly the Red Claws. However, it’s variously rumored that the Yulegarians are the result of unlikely encounters and collaboration between the Aurora Warriors, the Lost Eclipse, Horrorwoods, and/or Wayfinders.
Yulegarians resemble large conifers similar to blue spruce pine trees, with a tall handsome thickly-branched and -needled conical body. Multiple branches protrude out supporting a thick and prickly canopy of needles. This all conceals a tall attenuated humanoid form underneath, packed full of advanced roboticsm and the fighting spirit of the EShemarrians. Besides the basic weaponry common to many Tekents, Yulegarians have incredible regenerative abiliies, adn the ability to generate expendable munitions and advanced materials...with a decidedly ‘holiday’ bent.
Yulegarians tend to have and practice an artistic side in the design of their various baubles and drapings that they can manufacture.On those occasions when camouflage is not an issue, Yulegarians can display a great degree of pride and vanity in the amount and aesthetics of the ornaments, bulbs, and tinsel they decorate themselves in. That those same embellisments are functional tools and weaponry can seem almost secondary to the effort many Yulegarians put into their design.
Like others of its kind, the Yulegarian is typically found near forested regions, guarding EShemar property. This includes communities under the aegis of the Shemarrian Nation. Faerie-folk tend to like Yulegarians because of both their forest-warden tendencies and their bright and shiny accessories, so it’s not uncommon for a Yulegarian to have a small following of faeries.

Type: Shemar Yulegarian
Class: Robot Android, Male Elite
Crew: Advanced Neural Intelligence
M.D.C. By Location:
Hands(2) 90 each
Arms(2) 360 each
Legs(2) 650 each
Head 500
Antennae(2) 20 each .
Main Body 900
Branches(3d6x10) 5 each
Height: 30 ft
Width: 18 ft
Length: 18 ft
Weight: 17 tons
Power System: Nuclear
Physical Attributes: Equal to IQ 15, Robotic PS. 45, PP. 30, PB 5..
Cargo: Only what can be carried in the arms/tentacles
Running: 90 MPH
Jumping: Limited to 40 ft up/across, while a running leap in excess of 40 MPH adds an extra 40 ft to distance.
Flying: Not possible
Underwater: Limited to running along the bottom at 5 MPH, maximum depth of 1 mile. Don’t often go in the water since their many branches and foliage induce a great amount of drag.
Market Cost: EXCLUSIVE to the (E)Shemarrian Tribes
Systems of Note:
Standard Shemarrian Robot Systems, plus:
Full optical systems, laser targeting, passive night vision, telescopic vision, thermal imaging, infrared, ultraviolet, and polarization filters. Also has motion and heat detection, and other standard Shemarrian systems. Additional/special sensors may be built in by the creating Spinsters or at the behest of the individual.

*Bionic Cybernanite Repair Systems---A modified bionic nanotech repair system that originated with the Ecotroz Shemar, but has also been adopted by the Ghost Riders. These systems repair 4d6 MD per hour, and can repair 200 MDC before needing material stocks to convert to MD repair material.

*Radar--Both passive radiation detection and active scanning (40 mile range)

*Motion Detector - The many leaves act as powerful motion detectors, with an effective range of 800 feet.

*Seismic Sensors---Between special microphones in its feet, the Tekent can pick up on ground vibrations of moving water, explosions, and heavy movement(masses of animals, vehicles, landslides), up to 2 miles away.

*Active Stealth Systems---These are active jamming systems that, while effective, run the risk of exposing the Elite simply by their activity; a technologically-savvy opponent will recognize the signs of jamming, and know something has to be doing it.
- ECM Module---Electronic jamming system that gives radar-guided weaponry a -6 to strike the Elite. Or it can be used offensively, to foil ALL radar-guided weaponry in a 5 mile radius (-3 to strike), providing protective coverage to other friendly units in its area.
-Jammer-----A radio jammer, that can pump out enough multi-wavelength white noise to jam civilian band communications with 90% effectiveness, and military comms with 70% effectiveness, over a 20 mile radius. 

*EM Sensors---The Tekent can detect and ‘see’ electromagnetic-spectrum emissions, such as radio and radar signals.

*Stealth - The Tekent`s organic grass and bark outer layer helps shield it against thermal and EM sensors, -75% to detect via thermal sensors, -60% via EM sensors, but even then the EM sensors will read more as bio-electric readings, like a large animal.

*’ Blurr Camouflage---The Yulegarian’s thick spiny covering actually distorts light around it as it moves, making it more difficult for observers to make out details and get an accurate lock-on using optical sensors/senses.
Bonuses: The faster the tekent moves, the greater the distortion; at speeds of 10 MPH or less, no bonus, 10-30 MPH; -1 to strike the wearer, 30-50 MPH; -2 to strike, 50-75 MPH; -3 to strike, 75 MPH or greater, -4 to strike

*Acoustic Stealth---The Yulegarian is very quiet, and gets an additional +10% to prowl rolls if moving across firm ground, or moving at less than 1 MPH.

*Composite Armor----The Yulegarian is skinned in flexible composite armors that bend, but do not break; takes HALF damage from physical kinetic attacks such as bullets, concussive blows, punches, kicks, and clubbings.

*Splint Armor ---The Yulegarian’s thick needle canopy acts as splint armor; on a ‘To Strike’ roll of 6-7, Armor-Piercing missiles bash themselves on the outer needles, doing only 1d4 MD, and on a 8-10, do only HALF damage due to premature detonation or re-direct of their kinetic force.

*Solar Collectors---An improvement on the Entkin’s solar collection ‘trees’, Tekents can absorb solar energy through optical fibers interwoven through their leafy coverings. Though not enough to power any major systems, the extra power can still enhance some systems and be trickled off to power lesser accessory gear, including that of smaller companions.

Weapons Systems:
1) Eye Lasers(2)----The eyes conceal powerful lasers.
Range: 2,000 ft in atmosphere, 4,000 ft in space
Damage: 4d6 MD single shot, 1d4x10 MD for a pulse burst
Rate of Fire: ECHH
Payload: Effectively Unlimited
Extra: The eye lasers can strobe at lower power to produce a deliberately blinding area of effect.
Range: 100 ft and covers a 25 ft area
Damage: Unless the victim(s) are wearing tinted goggles or other protection against bright light, they will be blinded(-10 to strike, parry, dodge, and roll) for 1 melee round after being hit. Duration can be extended by 7 seconds (half a melee) for every subsequent melee that the target is kept bombarded by the strobe attack until their eyes manage to adjust. 
Rate of Fire: ECHH
Payload: Effectively Unlimited
The Tree solar collectors can boost the power of the eye lasers. If fighting in broad daylight without any sort of shade impeding light intake, the lasers get an extra +2 to damage. If the solar array has time to absorb solar energy prior to combat, the lasers get an extra +6 MD to damage for every hour of solar absorption, for the first minute of combat, or get an extra minute of increased damage (at the +2 level) per hour of prior charge-up.

2) Star Laser(1, head) ---There’s a third laser concealed in an extendable star-shaped appendage atop the head.
Range: 6,000 ft
Damage: 3D6 MD single blast
Like the eye-lasers, the star-laser can strobe for distracting effect.
Rate of Fire: Equal to the pilot's combined hand to hand attacks, or 4 attacks in auto-defense mode.
Payload: Effectively Unlimited
Bonuses: +2 to strike airborne targets like missiles and aircraft/flying opponents(must be traveling higher than 10 ft off the ground)
Note: Like the eye lasers, the star-laser can benefit from solar super-charging.

3) Needle Burst(2d6x100 per arm-branch)---The Yulegarian is covered in small sharp nanite-grown and extruded superhard plastic needles that can be fired of in bursts. Though individual needle-leave darts do little damage, each forearm can launch multiple projectiles per attack in shrapnel-like bursts.
Range: 900 ft
Damage: 1d4 SD or 1 MD per needle
Rate of Fire: ECHH, and can be ‘thrown’ in batches of 1-50
Payload: 200-1,200 per branch, and the Yulegarian can re-grow them at a rate of 100 per branch per hour for SDC blades, or 60 per branch per hour for MD blades. It takes 3 MDC from the repair capacity to regenerate 10 needles.

4) Chaff/Reactive Armor---The needles can be also be sprayed as reactive armor or as antimissile chaff.
Range: 50 ft
Damage: 4d6 MD to a cone swath roughly 50 ft long, by 10 ft wide.
Used as reactive armor against plasma and armor-piercing missiles, the charges act as a PARRY, rolling to match or better the missile’s strike roll...a successful counter means that the missile damage is HALVED, while a failure means the warmount takes full damage. Note: when dealing with volleys, one reactive armor pack can match TWO missiles in a volley, so in order to effectively counter a five missile volley, the warmount must expend 3 reactive armor packs...two packs would roll twice to defeat their respective missiles, the third would only roll once. If the enemy missile launcher has a line of sight on the warmount, they can target a spot on the body which has no packs covering it (a called shot), in which case the remaining reactive armor is -4 to cover the gap.
Rate of Fire: One at a time or can be simultaneously fired in volleys of 1-10
Payload: A needle blast typically uses up 30 needles
The Tekent can regenerate these parcels at 60 needles per hour. It takes 3 MDC from the repair capacity to regenerate 10 needles.

5) Finger and Toe Claws---The elongated fingers and toes of the Yulegarian can extend long vibroblades for extra damage(or, in the case of the toe claws, carving a foothold).
Range: Melee
Damage: +4d6 MD to punch/kick damage
The forearm blades count as Naruni-style ‘ripper’ blades for purposes of damage; the many sharp needles lining the forearms creating especially jagged injuries that take twice as long to heal.

6) Leg Laser Pylons(2)---Like the Glitterboy, the Yulegarian has extendable laser-borer anchor pylons in its legs that it can quick-deploy to secure itself in place.
Range: 10 ft
Damage: 1d6 MD on an impalement attack, or +1f6 MD to a stomp

7) (Optional) Flash-Bulbs---The Yulegarian can actually grow silica-glass ‘ornaments’ that hang from its branches. These bulbs can be filled with an explosive mixture hydrogen gas and other chemicals and thrown as crude flash-bang grenades with sharp glass shrapnel.
If carrying 20 or less, these bulbs can be quickly hidden among the branches from casual discovery. More than that, though, and the Tekent risks drawing attention(“Hey, what’s with all those decorations on that tree out here in the middle of nowhere?”).
If modified with TechnoWizardry, the Yulegarian can infuse the bulbs with spells; favorites include Elemental vapors such as Cloud of Slumber, Liquify Sunlight and Cloud of Darkness.
Range: Can be thrown up to 200 ft.
Damage: 2d6 MD to a 25 ft radius + flash-bang effects:
Those without optical and aural protection will be -10 to strike, parry, and dodge, -1 on initiative, and lose 1 APM for 1d4SPMs. Those with protection still lose initiative for one melee.
Rate of Fire: Can be thrown singly or up to 5 at a time.
Payload: Typically carries up to 20 concealed in its branches, but can carry ten times that number, Can replace them at a rate of 5 per hour. Each one costs 2 MDC from the repair pool.

8 ) (Optional) Tinsel Chains---The Yulegarian can also extrude superstrong braided monofilament cables that can be used to entangle and restrain targets, and tie them up for transport. This ultra-thin but incredibly tough(10 MDC is required to cut it) is typically wrapped in a covering of shiny plastic or metal foil.
The Yulegarian CANNOT produce razor-whips like the related Whippis Tekent; its equipment automatically produces ONLY the safer braided lines. However, the cable can be made into snares and lassoes.
A single whisker-fine fiber can pull up to 60 tons. Braided together into visible, and less dangerous, ‘rope’(‘Atlas-Weave’),...a braided thread-cord of the material can hold up to 200 tons.
Payload: Can produce 10 ft of atlas-cable an hour. Every 10 ft of line takes up 3 MDC from the repair pool. The average Yulegarian keeps 200 ft of line wrapped around themselves.

9) (Optional)Handheld Weapons---The Tekent can pick up and use oversized robot-scaled weapons such as gun pods and heavy weapons if necessary or so desired, though this is not often the case, the giant warriors generally preferring to use their own built-in abilities and weapons.

All standard Shemarrian skill programs, plus: 
Lore: Faerie Folk 80%
Carpentry 75%
Dowsing 50%
Forestry 50% or +15% if already possess the skill
General Repair and Maintenance 90%
Holistic Medicine 60%
Trap Construction 85%
Excavation 85%
Masonry 80%
Identify Plants & Fruit 65%
Land Navigation 75%
W.P. Hand Grenade

Plus, Secondary skill advancement as standard for EShemar. 

Experience Table: Upon becoming a Tekent, the EShemar uses the Dragon XP table to chart further advancement

Standard psionics as for the Ecotroz Shemar. 

Actions/Attacks Per Melee: 8
Note: Bonuses are in addition to those possible from the Shemar’s elective training
Initiative + 4
Dodge +6
Parry +9
Automatic Dodge(takes no actions) +1
Strike +4 (+4 w/ ranged weaponry, +6 w/ Shemarrian Rail Guns)
Roll +6
Pull Punch +5
Disarm +4
Entangle +3
Knockout/Stun on a Natural 18-20
Restrained Punch 1d6 MD
Full Strength Punch 3d6 MD
Power Punch(2 attacks) 1d6x10 MD
Tear/Pry with Hands 3d6 MD
Body Block/Tackle 4d6 MD
Stomp 2d6 MD
Karate/Leap Kick(2 attacks) 1d8x10 MD
Kick 5d8 MD

*Stickum Spray---The Yulegarian can spray a resinous spray that quickly sets into a pitch-like super-adhesive(with optional pine scent).
Range: 60 ft
Damage: None, but each half-gallon application of this quick-set resin covers about 5 cubic feet, and to cover a human sized target completely, the attacker must roll a 12 or better on the Strike roll. Anyone caught in the goo must have a supernatural or robotic P.S. of 30 or better to escape; otherwise, the target is stuck until released by an outside agency.
Rate of Fire: ECHH
Payload: 50 gallon internal reservor, and synthesize more at a rate of a gallon every three hours.

*Strobe-Strings---This goes beyond the strobe feature of the eye-lasers and conceals strings of powerful LED lights among the branches of the Yulegarian. Witha thought, the Tekent can turn on the lights and flood the area around itself with bright light, and pulse it strobe-fashion for all-around dramatic effect. Great for those surprise nighttime ambushes.
Range: 75 ft radius
Effects: Same as the the eye-laser strobes above.

*Faux/TW Magic Systems---Both False and Technowizardry systems similar to those available to the Mandrak are available to the Yulegarian.

-A favorite TW enhancement is to add the means to infuse the flash-bulbs with magic effects. Even a small Sunlight Liquifiication organ, disguised as a decorative bulb or symbiotic gowth, can be used to fill bulbs with liquified sunlight(very useful against creatures lurking in the polar night), while other devices can pump the bulbs full of magic vapors(Cloud of Slumber, Cloud of Steam, Cloud of Darkness, Dancing Lights, Fire Blossom, Circle of Rain, Miasma, Fire Blossom, etc. )

*Magic Weather Control---This usually requires installation of a high PPE-powerstone and a diamond-, sapphire-, or emerald -star top piece(can be designed to incorporate the existing star-laser.
-SnowStorm is a favorite, and requires a 5-carat emerald. For the expenditure of 4 PPE, the weather-control star can summon up a blizzard covering a 300 ft area and lasting 20 minutes.
-Atmospheric Manipulation---- Uses a 5-carat diamond. Alters the atmosphere in a 3,000 ft area for 5 hours at a cost of 4 PPE.
-Wall of Wind----Uses a 5-carat diamond. Magically generates a barrier of powerful wind 100 ft wide and 60 ft tall, lasting 50 minutes. It has a Supernatural Strength of 42. Costs 4 PPE to activate.
-Circle of Rain----Uses a 5-carat emerald. Conjures up a circle of precipitation 120 ft in diameter, up to 200 ft away, and lasting 50 minutes, for the expenditure of 2 PPE.
"Trouble rather the Tiger in his Lair,
Than the Sage among his Books,
For all the Empires and Kingdoms,
The Armies and Works that you hold Dear,
Are to him but the Playthings of the Moment,
To be turned over with the Flick of a Finger,
And the Turning of a Page"

--------Rudyard Kipling
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Re: Shemarrian-related fan creations

Unread post by taalismn »

*EcoS-K-179 ‘Sharhydra’ Warmount
(Aka ‘Hisskard’, ‘Heavy-Hydra’, ‘Heavy-Hyda’, ‘Siamat’)

“We’ve about reached the limit of sane numbers of heads on these things. Let’s finish this up, template it, and call it a day.”

“The Shemarrians just have too many ways to kill us; it seems they come up with a new one every other week. That’s the fourth squad this month that vanished after going ashore. Their biomonitors spiked, then they vanished. Truly this is a cursed land for what lives upon it.”

“If you ever find yourself facing a true Hydra, know that it is faster, stronger, meaner, and more powerful than your Warmount. Our technology has limits, especially compared to the million years of magic evolution favoring the Hydra. They have magic on their side and a predatory aggression that surpasses reason. They will try to destroy you and your warmount just because. There is no shame in retreating from such a foe, but if you cannot give up ground or your mission is to destroy a Hydra, use what advantages you do have; immunity to certain types of magic, and ideally combined arms tactics. Hydra are loners and rarely cooperate with others. Use group tactics to compensate for individual weaknesses in personnel, warmounts, and equipment. Use your intelligence; the Hydra may have seven heads, but it is low in cognition and reliant on instinct. Exploit that, plan for it, and use it to your advantage.”

This hydra-dragon replicant is a development of the aquatic EcoS-K-173 Hydahydra, rather than the other way around, and was originally regarded as a sub-variant of the smaller aquatic warmount. However, enough changes happened during the design process that the ‘ -174H1kD’ was classed as a new warmount in its own right.
The -179 Sharhydra sacrifices submarine capabilities in favor of greater terrestrial mobility, most obviously longer legs for faster running. The equally obvious addition of two more heads gives even more attacks and space for extra weapons choices. Though not as tough or capable as its natural counterpart, the ‘Heavy-Hyda’ is still a powerful weapons platform in both the offensive and defensive roles. As the -179 is often mistaken for an immature specimen of hydra, its weaknesses are often explained that way.
The Sharhydra is found most often in the ranks of the Thousand Dragons, though a few have appeared in the ranks of both the Horrorwoods and Sapphire Cobras, and a TW-enhanced variant by the Wayfinders would seem inevitable. The Silvermoons are also said to have at least one, heavily modified.

Type: EcoS-K-179 Sharhydra
Class: Robotic Warmount, Cavalry
Crew: None; robot intelligence
1 rider/pilot, and room for 1 passenger
MDC/Armor by Location:
Main Body 1,800
Heads(7) 450 each
Legs(4) 400 each
Tail 450
Height: 25 ft
Width: 25 ft
Length: 80 ft(most of it tail and neck)
Weight: 30 tons
Cargo: Small space inside/beside the saddle-seat for a few personal possessions and sidearms.
Physical Strength: Equivalent to Robotic P.S. of 50
Powerplant: Nuclear w/ 20 year energy life
Speed: (Running) 80 MPH
(Leaping) Not really designed with leaping in mind; at best it can manage, with a running start, a leap of 15 ft up and 25 ft across,
(Flying) Not possible
(Space) Not possible
(Underwater) Can swim at 20 MPH, or run along the bottom at 25 MPH, maximum dive tolerance of 800 ft.
Market Cost: Exclusive to the Ecotroz-Shemar
Systems of Note:
Full optical systems, laser targeting, passive nightvision, telescopic vision, thermal imaging, infrared, ultraviolet, and polarization filters. Also has motion and heat detection, built-in radar( 60 mile range) and other standard power armor-equivalent systems. Additional/special sensors may be built in by the creating Tinkers or at the behest of individual riders/owners.

*Molecular Analyzer---Can track by scent at 80%

*Faux Flesh Covering---- Sharhydra are skinned in realistic-looking leathery skin that exhibits the same thermal characteristics of hydra-hide and bleeds realistically if damaged.

*Bionic Cybernanite Repair Systems---ALL Sharhydra have the same bionic nanotech repair system that the Ecotroz Shemar have refitted themselves with, and which is becoming the standard among NeShemar as well. These systems repair 6d6 MD per hour, and can repair 500 MDC before needing material stocks to convert to MD repair material.

*Multiple Sub-Brains----Increasingly common with EShemar Awakened superheavy Warmounts is the installation of multiple brain-cores, allowing the giant warmounts to continue operating, even when their Ecotroz-essence ‘sparks’ need to rest.

*Advanced Targeting---The Sharhydra takes advantage of the multiple heads to create essentially a pack-mind targeting network. As long as at least three heads are still operable, the Sharhydra gets a +2 to Initiative, +2 to strike, and +3 to Perception.

*Vocalizer---The Sharhydra can actually speak, but in keeping with the guise of imitating an actual Hydra, the Warmount can generally carry out only simple, typically gruntal, conversation(many spice their vocabulary with various vulgar and obscene words and phrases). They are, however, excellent singers, able to sing in seven-part harmony.

Weapons Systems:
1) Eye Lasers(14; 2x7)---Each head sports a pair of eye lasers, modulated in the blue-green frequencies for maximum penetration underwater(a useful holdover from the HydaHydra/aqua-hydra).
Range: 2,000 ft in air and underwater.
Damage: 3d6 MD per single blast, or 6d6 MD per double blast, 12d6(or 1d6x12) MD if four eyes are firing on one target simultaneously. All seven heads firing on the same target simultaneously does 3d6x14 MD.
Rate of Fire: ECHH
Payload: Effectively Unlimited

2) Mouth Weapons(7)----The EShemar have attempted to replicate the hydras’ breath weapons and have largely succeeded, adding a flame-thrower feature as well, though the sprayer system is dependent on chemical ammunition that the warmount cannot produce itself.
Though the chemical sprayer/flame-thrower system is considered the ‘default’ weapons configuration, because it most closely resembles the living aqua-hydras’ natural breath weapons, the number of heads of the robotic warmount, and the EShemars’ previous experience with multiple-headed warmount types, suggested a variety of other weapons could be fitted as well. Each head can be fitted with a different weapon type, or all with the same type. This has led to confusion among observers not knowing the ‘Hisskard’s’ true nature, leading to speculation of previously unknown different subspecies of hydra, or possible cybernetic modification of those in Shemarrian custody.
(Chemical Vapors) 300 ft
(Acid Spray) 300 ft
(Flame-thrower Breath) 300 ft
(Chemical Vapors) Depends on the type of chemical used; has the choice of 5 different types, though the Hydahydra usually carries a varied arsenal of sedative, CS, nerve gas, and gill-clog types.
(Acid Spray)1d6 MD per melee for 2d4 melees.
(Flame-thrower Breath) 3d6 MD per blast, 1d4x10+10 MD per concentrated burst(counts as two attacks). 2d6 MD per melee for 1d4 minutes.
Rate of Fire: ECHH
(Chemical Vapors) 5 separate reservoirs, each with 20 uses each, per head
(Acid Spray) 100 shot tank per head
(Flame-thrower Breath) 50 shot tank per head

In the alternative, some or ALL of the heads can instead be fitted with energy weapons. As these are NOT identical to the vapor breath known to be possessed by natural hydra, these are usually explained away as different and previously unknown species of hydra, or magicaly-enhanced beasts.
b) Ion/Lightning Breath
Range: 4,000 ft, 2,000 ft underwater
Damage: 1d6x10 MD per blast
*Ion Scatter-Shot Mode---This turns the cannon into a short range shotgun with an area of effect blast. Reduce range to 2,000 ft(1,000 ft in water), but does 5d6 MD to a 30 ft wide area.
Rate of Fire: ECHH
Payload: Effectively Unlimited

c) Ion Ball Lightning Blaster
Range: 2,000 ft, 1,000 ft underwater
Damage: 1d6x10 MD per bolt to primary target.
Furthermore, a secondary bolt will jump to 1d6 targets in the vicinity of the main target, starting with the nearest target(or the nearest metallic target) as long as they are within 6 ft(10 ft for metal targets) of the initial target/point of impact, then jumping to the next one until the ball lightning dissipates. Secondary targets can attempt to dodge the energy ball as standard.
Secondary targets will take HALF damage(4d6 MD).
Does only 1/4 of the original damage if the secondary targets are nonmetallic or grounded
Organic targets roll for Stun; save at 16 or better or be -8 to strike, dodge, parry, roll, and initiative, reduce APMs and Spd by HALF, for 2d4 melee rds. A successful save means lose only initiative and 1 APM for 1 melee round.
50% chance of knocking out unshielded electronics(or 1d4 subsystems like radio, electronic image amplification, cybernetic sensory implant, or the like) for 1d4 melees.
Beings susceptible to electricity take DOUBLE damage.
Rate of Fire: ECHH
Payload: Effectively Unlimited
Bonuses: +2 to strike metallic targets

d) Plasma/Flame Breath---Less effective underwater, but a terror above the waves.
Range:(Plasma Bolt) 4,000 ft
(Plasma Scattershot) 1,000 ft
(Plasma Torpedo) 5,000 ft
Damage:(Plasma Bolt) 1d6x10 MD
(Plasma Scattershot) 6d6 MD to 20 ft wide area
(Plasma Torpedo) 1d4x10 MD to 18 ft blast radius
Rate of Fire:(Plasma Bolt) ECHH or EGCHH
(Plasma Scattershot) ECHH or EGCHH
(Plasma Torpedo) Twice per melee
Payload: Effectively Unlimited
Special Features:
*“Hot Shotting”---This system augments the normal air-draw plasma re-mass system with deuterium-gas injected into the plasma flow for a cleaner, hotter, more potent ‘burn’. The deuterium is stored in pressurized cylinders attached to the feeds of the weapon. This allows the plasma to do 50% more damage, but the weapon now has a bit of a recoil due to the more powerful plasma acting like a crude plasma drive(-1 to strike). The reservoirs have enough pressurized gas for 50 shots per head before needing recharging.
e) Particle Beam/Radiation Breath---The EShemarrians have copied PS’s developments in advanced particle beam weapons design, including neutron beams that have prove deleterious in irradiating supernatural flesh. In operation, it’s assumed the Sharhydra ’s nuclear breath does extra damage because it is supernatural in nature.
Range: 3,000 ft in atmosphere, 1,000 ft underwater
Damage: 2d4x10 MD per blast
On a Natural 19-20, a particle beam strike does DOUBLE damage.
ANWeps do cumulative irradiation damage proportionate to their actual blast damage; for every 2 points of PBP damage done, the regenerative abilities ‘superhealers’ are negated for 1 minute(round down). During that duration, supernatural, superhuman,and magical healing CANNOT be effectively performed. Even psionic abilities like Healing Touch and Bio-Regeneration(Self) and (Super) are HALF as effective.
Note that the damage applies only wounds inflicted by the PBP strikes; other damage may be healed as normal, but the particle beam wounds will continue to bleed, gape open, and cause problems.
Rate of Fire: ECHH
Payload: Effectively Unlimited

f) E-Magnetic Bolt/Invisible Force Curse---Throws invisible bolts of magnetic force
Range: 6,000 ft in air and underwater
Damage: 1d4x10 MD at point of impact
Within a 60 ft radius, people, animals, and objects weighing less than 500 lbs are 90% likely to be knocked off their feet and hurled 3d4 yards/meters(lose 1 APM and Initiative), 65% chance of being stunned(-10 to strike, dodge, parry, and roll, NO Initiative, HALF speed and APMs for 1d4 melees).
Characters/objects of 500-1,000 lbs weight are 50% likely to be knocked aside 1d4 yards/meters.
Objects of a ton or more are only 25% likely to be knocked over.
Flying characters/objects get knocked away twice the normal distance.
Rate of Fire: ECHH
Payload: Effectively unlimited
Bonus: EM bolts are -6 to dodge.

g) Sonic Blaster/Battle Roar---Limited range, even with the larger mounting, but very versatile, especially underwater.
Range: 2,400 ft underwater, 800 ft in air
Damage:: Wide Beam: 4d6 MD to a 30 ft area
Concentrated Beam: 1d4x10 MD per blast
Sonic weapons do HALF damage through light ‘soft’ armors like MDC barding and padded armor.
Unprotected personnel must save versus non-lethal poison (16 or higher) or be stunned for 1d4 melee rds. People in sealed power armor save at an 8 or higher for the wide area blast, but make a standard save for the concentrated blast.
Sonar Blast----This is an enormous ‘belch’ of sonic cacophony that can blind sonar systems within range with a mass of ‘white noise’, knocking them out for 1d4 melees. Sonar and acoustic homing systems will lose target lock, and sonar-using creatures will be stunned and ‘blind’ for 1d4 minutes.
Vibration Blast---This takes up ALL attacks per melee to initiate and maintain, and consists of focusing a low powered beam on a sealed ship(submarines are ideal), and gradually inducing an ultra-low frequency vibration throughout its structure. While this doesn’t do any damage per say, it does affect the hearing and inner ears of crewmembers, causing creeping disorientation and increasing unsettledness, leading up to nausea. After one melee people with unprotected hearing(or un-insulated contact with the ship’s hull structure) will be -1 to strike, parry, and dodge, and -5% to skills(they become easily distracted). After two melees they are -2 to strike, parry, and dodge, -10% to skills, and are -10% to their sense of balance...and so on...People with protected hearing are immune to the effect, but beings with enhanced hearing are TWICE as susceptible to the effects.
This setting is most effective against vessels 60 ft long or smaller...larger vessels will take an extra full melee per 50 ft of length for this to work...or several cannon working in concert, to be effective.
Rate of Fire: ECHH
Payload: Effectively unlimited

h) EM-Microwave Blaster---This weapon is particularly cruel in that it is designed to do collateral lingering damage to the target body. Its effects are often mistaken for Bio-manipulation.
Range:(Stab) Melee; 18 ft extension
(EM Bolts/Microwave) 2,000 ft
Damage:(Stab) 1d4 MD
(EM Bolts) 5d6 MD per blast
(Microwave)The microwave component does 2d4 directly to Hit Points, and the target temporarily
loses control of their own body; Victim must also roll versus coma/death or the effects will be
PERMANENT(will require advanced regeneration or magical healing to overcome). Roll on the
following table:
01-10 Brain/Central Nervous System Disability---Brains were fried. Roll percentile for amount of IQ
lost; at 100% the target is a drooling vegetable. Even at high levels of IQ retention, the victim
suffers memory loss and finds advanced technical skills difficult to perform; -15% to Technical,
Science, and ‘academic’ skills.
11-20 Sensory Disability
a01-40 Blindness---Victim is legally blind. 30% chance that damage was done DIRECTLY to the visual cortex, thus cybernetic implants will NOT cure this.
a41-80 Hearing---Is either plagued by a ringing in the ears, or nothing at all(-4 to initiative, -4 to
a81-90 Tactile Numbness---Somewhere in the nervous system, the sense of touch was lost. Sense of touch is now a mere 10% of what it once was. Also has problems distinguishing hot from cold.
91-00 Sense of Smell--The victim no longer has any sense of smell---It’s gone completely. Food now
tastes rather bland, and beings with an enhanced sense of smell are particularly hard hit.
21-30 Arms and hands damaged;01-50% one limb is affected(-2 APMs, and -25% to skills requiring
two hands to perform), 51-00% BOTH limbs are affected/unable to perform correctly
31-40 Legs paralyzed; 01-50% one limb is affected(cut speed by HALF), 51-00% BOTH limbs are
affected/unable to perform correctly
41-50 Muscle Tremors----Victim is afflicted with severe shaking that keep them from being able to
perform any activities requiring fine coordination(-20% to skill rolls).
51-60 Autonomic Nervous System Damage---Person has problems doing everyday things; breathing is
labored, rigorous physical activity is courting a heart attack, sphincter control is compromised, and
the person is generally weak and sickly. Reduce P.S. and P.E. by HALF, and suffers a -4 to rolls to
save versus coma/death.
71-80 Cosmetic Damage---Suffers subdermal bruising from blood vessels expanding under the skin,
as well as minor blood vessels exploding. Fortunately, major hematomas were avoided, but the
victim now has a blotchy complexion (-1d6 PB), and 40% chance of losing tactile sensation.
81-90 Sexual dysfunction/impotent---Not immediately critical, but distracting for some people(GMs
may want to assign a -1d4 to ME). In some cultures, such as the Kydians, who place a high value on
fecundity and sexual prowess, this can be prove extremely damaging.
91-00 Roll twice on above table
Rate of Fire: Standard
Payload: Effectively Unlimited

i) Freeze Laser---A more powerful version of a technology acquired elsewhere, and modified with the assistance of the Iceflame tribe.
Range:(Beam Mode) 2,000 ft
(Spray Mode) 900 ft
Damage: (Beam Mode) This slows down molecular motion in a relatively tight area(1-2 ft wide area), lowering the temperature to almost absolute zero... fabrics like nylon and polyester shatter like glass, electromagnetic superconductivity jumps, and liquids crystallize instantly. Ideal for cold-welding materials, freezing mechanical joints, and snuffing out plasma torches. Does 2d8 MD to structures and 4d6 MD to MDC plastics and organics.
(Spray Mode) Lowers mean temperature by 1,000 degrees over a 20 ft wide area of effect---This means that it may take several applications to bring a burning pool of jet fuel down to freezing, for example, or cool an glowing hot section of plating. After reaching zero degrees Celsius, it only reduces temperature in increments of 250 degrees, then 100 degrees, then 50, and so on...
Unprotected flesh hit by the beam takes 6d6 SDC in Spray Mode. Must also roll save versus non-lethal poison(12 or better) or temporarily succumb to cold.
A victim who loses all SDC(but NOT Hit Points) to a cold attack lapses into a coma..still alive, but frozen stiff. They can be revived with even heat in 3d4 minutes. Those who lose both SDC and Hit Points are +25% to save versus coma/death, and get 3d4 Hit Points back when revived, but still suffer some cellular damage.
Beings vulnerable to cold-based attacks take DOUBLE damage, while fire elementals and fire-based beings take TRIPLE damage! Water Elementals will lose 2 APMs and cut their speed by HALF for 1d4 melees, while Ice Elementals actually HEAL 1d8 MD of damage.
Rate of Fire: ECHH
Payload: Effectively unlimited

j) Ion/EMP Breath
Range: 11,000 ft in atmosphere, 22,000 ft in space
Damage: 2d4x10 MD per blast
On an unmodified roll of 18-20, it causes unshielded BIONICS and robots to spasm for 1d4 melees(Cyborg is at HALF bonuses to strike, parry, dodge, roll, and is -3 to initiative. Reduce speed by HALF).
This weapon does 1d4x10 EMP damage(no physical damage) to a 10 ft radius. The resulting percentage of the target location MDC is the chance of shutdown/disablement. All damage is cumulative. Damage in excess of 50% target MDC will require repair to make it functional; 75% or more damage will require replacement of the entire electrical system. Does double damage to non-shielded civilian systems. Bionics are -1 to dodge, roll, and strike for the affected limb/system, lasting 1d4 melees, non-cumulative, before the system resets itself.
Rate of Fire: 4 times per melee
Payload: Effectively Unlimited

k) Pulse Disruptor---Another weapon copied from another source, this time the Golgans.
Range: 4,000 ft in atmosphere, 2 miles in space
Damage: 1d4x10 MD per blast at the point of impact, plus 1/4 that damage to everything in a 6 ft radius.
Rate of Fire: ECHH
Payload: Effectively Unlimited

l) ElectroMagnetic Bolt Cannon
Range: 2 miles in air or underwater, 4 miles in space
Damage: 1d6x10 MD to 20 ft blast radius per bolt!
Does 50% more damage to metal hulls. Crews inside affected hulls also must dodge or take 1d6 MD from loose metal objects being thrown around by the electromagnetic vortex.
Also roll on the following for additional electromagnetic effects:
01-15: No damage
16-30 Instruments flicker out, before coming back online in 1d4 seconds. Target loses Initiative.
31-45 All weapons temporarily out, and minor electrical fires. One system comes back online in 1d4 melee rds.
46-60 All systems temporarily out, and minor electrical fires. -30% to piloting skills if target is a manned vehicle. Systems come back online after 1d4 melee rds.
61-75 Communications, radar, and targeting are disabled, but weapons systems are unaffected. -3 to strike and no initiative. Damage requires physical repair.
76-90 Instruments are completely totaled. If a manned vehicle, the following skill penalties apply; -25% at one-third of maximum speed, -50% at HALF maximum speed, and -75% at full speed. NO initiative roll, -3 to dodge(-5 if an AI), -3 to strike(-5 if an AI), and lose one action per melee round(2 if an AI)
91-00 Total knockout. Controls do not respond, and machine is out of control. Crash/collapse/total shutdown within 2d4 minutes.
Rate of Fire: Twice per melee
Payload: Effectively Unlimited

m) Tachyon Breath
Range: 1.5 miles (2,500 m) in atmosphere, 6 miles (10,000 m) in space w/ 3 mile wide arc*
(Kitsune Values: 3 miles in atmosphere, 300 miles in space)
* Scatter width is reduced to 1/4th in atmosphere
Damage: 2d6x10 MD per blast
Rate of Fire: ECHH
Payload: Effectively Unlimited

n) Neutron Breath----Apparently developed from Kittani weaponry, owing to its effects on organic tissues.
Range: 6,000 ft in atmosphere, 2 miles in space
Damage: 2d6x10 MD
DOUBLE damage to organic materials
Rate of Fire: ECHH
Payload: Effectively Unlimited

o) Storm Breath----This TechnoWizardry weapon requires the fitting of PPE generators to power; the SharHydra can bellow out a literal storm(effectively a synthesis of the Air Elemental spell Hurricane and Tornado, only applicable to dry land as well ). CANNOT be cast in space.
Range: 500 ft, and affects a 120 ft area
Damage: 3d6x10 MD to large structures per melee round, 2d4x10 MD per melee to human-sized targets, for 6 melee rounds, with rushing winds throwing around debris, people being swept off their feet, and material being slammed up and down.
Rate of Fire: ECHH
Payload: 30 PPE per shot

p) Ice Breath----This TechnoWizardry weapon requires the fitting of PPE generators to power; the Warmount coughs out a cloud of razor sharp ice shards and freezing vapor.
Range: 500 ft, 120 ft wide area
Damage:(Ice Shards) Creates a cloud of ice projectiles roughly 120 ft wide
Human-sized objects caught in its way will get hit with 1d6 shards, each doing 2d6 MD.
Fighter- and Robot-sized targets (16 ft or larger) will get hit by 1d4x10 shards.
Ships and targets 50 ft and larger will get hit by 2d4x10 shards.
Rate of Fire: ECHH
Payload: 15 PPE per shot

q) Magma Breath----This TechnoWizardry weapon requires the fitting of PPE generators to power; the mouth spews a stream of mystically-conjured liquid rock(some describe it as ‘flaming hot asphalt’).
Range: 500 ft, 10 ft wide area; pools on the ground in a 150 ft long, 25 ft wide, and 25 ft deep area.
Damage: Does 1d6x10 MD if used as an impact weapon/in air.
Most effective if used against ground targets, where the molten material can burn for minutes, doing 2d6x10 MD per melee to anything trapped in/on it. The material remains liquid and super-hot for 5 minutes
Rate of Fire: ECHH
Payload: 25 PPE per shot

r) Wheel of Fire----This TechnoWizardry weapon requires the fitting of PPE generators to power; the mouth releases a giant 10 ft thick, 15 ft diameter ‘frisbee’ of living fire that flies and loops about the battlefield, and even bounces along the ground, wreaking havoc, for a full 4 minutes.
Range: Has an effective projection range of 120 ft, but the wheel can course on its own up to 4,320 ft.
Damage: 5d8 MD per strike
Rate of Fire: ECHH
Payload: 25 PPE per shot

s) Ice Bombard----This TechnoWizardry weapon requires the fitting of PPE generators to power; the mouth spits a 10 foot wide ball of super-hard ice.
Range: 1,000 ft
Damage: 5d6 MD on striking/collision, then explodes doing 3d6 MD to a 30 ft radius, plus victims must save versus magic or suffer debilitating numbness; -1 APM, -2 initiative, -1 strike/parry/dodge, and speed is reduced by 10%. Effects last 1d4 minutes, and are NOT cumulative.
Rate of Fire: ECHH
Payload: 15 PPE per shot

t) Wind Blast---Projects a powerful and invisible ‘bullet’ of hypervelocity wind.
Range: 5,000 ft
Damage: 2d4x10+30 MD, plus target must roll to keep balance or be knocked over/down.
Rate of Fire: ECHH
Payload: 30 PPE per shot

u) Sandstorm----This TechnoWizardry weapon requires the fitting of PPE generators to power; the Trydra can unleash a hard-driven windstorm of abrasive grit, Relatively harmless, but very distracting.
Range: 5,000 ft and covers a 120 square ft area for up to 10 minutes.
Damage: 1d4 SDC per melee, plus those caught in the storm lose initiative, 2 APMs, and are -5 to strike, dodge, parry, speed is reduced by 75%, and hearing is reduced by HALF due to the howling wind.
Rate of Fire: ECHH
Payload: 8 PPE per shot

v) Nova Blast----This TechnoWizardry weapon requires the fitting of PPE generators to power;
Range: Has an effective range of 4,000 ft in space, 1,500 ft in atmosphere
Damage: 1d4x100 MD per blast in space, 1d4x10 MD in atmosphere
Rate of Fire: ECHH
Payload: 15 PPE per shot

3) Retractable Claws---The feet feature retractable claws that can be extended to aide in climbing, digging, and eviscerating enemies.
Range: Melee
Damage: +3d6 MD to punches/kicks

4) Tail Blade---The long tail conceals a scythe-like flexible ‘whip-blade’
Range: Melee
Damage: + 5d6 MD to tail strikes.

5) Slicer Horns---The horns on the seven heads conceal slashing vibroblades.
Range: Melee
Damage: + 3d6 MD to head butts

6)(Optional) Harness Pods(1-2)---As a ‘domesticated’ beast of war, the Sharhydra can be fitted with a harness to which can be affixed external ordnance pods. These pods add an extra ton of weight and induce additional drag underwater(reduce top speed to 48 MPH), but each pod can hold 20 mini-torpedoes/mini-missiles, 10 short-range torpedoes/missiles, 6 medium range torpedoes/missiles, 2 long range torpedoes/missiles, or 6 ‘Katyusha’ artillery rockets each.
In the alternative, they can be replaced with cargo panniers holding a ton of cargo each.

The Ecotroz have installed robotic AIs, then infected the matrix with a low-level Ecotroz sentience.
Typically has Monstrex base programming, plus:
Singing 83%(+5% per level of experience for Ecotroz entity)
The Ecotroz entity can also pick up one Secondary skill at levels 2, 6, and 12 of experience, though the nature of the Sharhydra intelligence and design is such that it is limited to skill selections from Technical: Language(understanding) and Lore (Cattle & Animals, Indians, Juicers, Magic, Demons & Monsters, D-Bees, Faerie---at least with regards to identifying their relative threat level), and Wilderness( Hunting).

Actions/Attacks Per Melee: 12
Initiative +2 (+1 from the Ecotroz entity for a total of +3)(+2 from multiple heads)
Dodge +3
Strike +3 (+3 w/ ranged weaponry) (+2 from multiple heads)
Roll +3
Pull Punch +3
Entangle +1
Critical Strike on an Unmodified 18-20
Bite 4d6 MD
Head Butt 2d4 MD
Restrained Punch/Kick 1d6 MD
Full Strength Punch/Kick 3d6 MD
Claw Strike 6d6 MD
Power Claw Strike(2 attacks) 1d6x10 MD
Tail Lash 6d8 MD
Body Block/Tackle 1d6 MD

Note: The Ecotroz intelligence fragment inhabiting the ‘bot gives the Sharhydra an aura and behavior more befitting a sentient being than a robot. While the Sharhydra can ape the aggressive predatory attitudes of the (super)natural Hydra, the Warmount has the advantage of also being robotically patient, pack-cooperative, and communicative.

The Ecotroz fragment does occasionally need sleep/rest...though they only need 2 hours of rest/meditation per 24 hours...they can push this, going without for as many days as they have I.Q. points( the Sharhydra has an adjusted IQ of 10), but will have to go dormant for 4d6 hours after such exertion.
Note also that the Ecotroz-possessed ‘bot can infect other bots with the Ecotroz viral-entity, by bite or sustained touch(takes 3 attacks).

*Saddle/Cockpit Pod----The Sharhydra can mount an armored fully enclosed compartment pod with weapons stations on it. Typical cockpit-pod has 250 MDC, room for 2 people in it(three if they cram in) . The cockpit pod also mounts three stations for hardpoint weapons, typically a pair of light torpedo/missile launchers and a pintle- or demi-turret-mounted defense weapon(belt-fed rail gun, grenade launcher, light energy cannon) .

*TW Magic Systems---The Wayfinders have suggested adding TW systems to the Warmount, installing a TW Powerstone and integrated magic enhancements. The detectable PPE aura and the magic effects help the illusion that the Sharhydra is an actual natural Hydra creature.

PPE Generators:
PPE Capacity:(Light)----200 PPE battery capacity; recharges at 10 PPE per hour, 20 PPE/hour at a leyline, 40 PPE/hour on a nexus
(Medium)-----300 PPE battery capacity; recharges at 10 PPE per hour, 40 PPE/hour at a leyline, 80 PPE/hour on a nexus
(‘Wizard’)----400 PPE battery capacity; recharges at 14 PPE per hour, 50 PPE/hour at a leyline, 100 PPE/hour on a nexus
(‘Sorcerer’)--- 600 PPE battery capacity; recharges at 20 PPE per hour, 60 PPE/hour at a leyline, 120 PPE/hour on a nexus

Optional TW Systems---Many of these are efforts to imitate the original Hydra’s supernatural abilities:

-TW Fear/Horror Factor---Used to amplify the effects of the sheer size of the Sharhydra on squishy little groundlings( Horror Factor of 16, 100 ft area of effect, up to 200 ft away, duration of 10 minutes, and cost 5 PPE).
-TW Impervious to Energy---5 minutes per 20 PPE pumped in.
-TW Impervious to Fire---10 minutes per 5 PPE pumped in.
-TW Impervious to Energy--- 5 minutes per 20 PPE pumped in.
-TW Protective Energy Forcefield---10 minutes and 50 MDC per 10 PPE pumped in.
-TW Chameleon Cloak----1 hour per 5 PPE pumped in.
-TW Invisibility---- 3 minutes per 20 PPE pumped in.
-TW Turn Dead---- 60 ft range, affects 1d6x10 dead for 24 hours, for 3 PPE.

-TW Mend the Broken---An attempt to duplicate the Hydra’s insane regenerative abilities. Requires a core of 20 carats of amber worth 12,000 credits. Repairs 1 MDC for 1 PPE.

*PPE Sensors---This is identical to the SNARLSystem deployed as a gunsight by the Rifts Earth Japanese military. Slightly more sensitive with a PPE trigger threshold of 40 PPE. Effective range of 200 ft, with 50% margin of error beyond that out to 500 ft.

* EcoS-K-179Sm---Silvermoons variant. It’s rumored the Silvermoons acquired the Sharhydra templates in exchange for services rendered in helping the Thousand Dragons establish a major interstellar trade lane in the Three Galaxies. The Silvermoons have been tentatively experimenting with the warmount type to see how best to fit it into their order of battle.
The Sharhydra example seen in Silvermoon service eschewed the ‘flesh-coast’ look in favor of a cyborged appearance, and sported crescent-stye horns on its heads, a silver(and presumably laser-reflective) finish more in keeping with denser Glitterboy-chroming(increase overall MDC by 25%), and a set of folding solar collectors that can presumably supercharge the lasers. The eyes featured a faceted look, improved range(3,000 ft) and an area of effect ‘spray’ mode that covers a 10 ft wide area per eye, but reduces range to 1,500 ft and laser damage to 4d4 MD per single blast.
"Trouble rather the Tiger in his Lair,
Than the Sage among his Books,
For all the Empires and Kingdoms,
The Armies and Works that you hold Dear,
Are to him but the Playthings of the Moment,
To be turned over with the Flick of a Finger,
And the Turning of a Page"

--------Rudyard Kipling
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Joined: Sun Oct 14, 2007 4:38 pm

Re: Shemarrian-related fan creations

Unread post by kronos »


"The Shemarrians are getting scarier with each year. They tame and enhance creatures, build massive ships. Control the undead and now they are taming demons and primordial creatures. I expect in less than a few years they'll have learned how to tame elementals and gods!"

Shamanness Twin Falls walked along the bank of the large river as she reached into the sack she carried. The polluted waters bubbled then broke as a large reptile launched up and planted its forepaws on the bank, what appeared as polluted sludge on its back took shapes like tentacles, probing the air. Twin Rivers slicked some of the water that landed from her hair as she pulled out a brick made of nanite stock laced with bits of depleted uranium and copper, Slick's favourite snack. "Hello Slick, how are the waters today?" She stepped forward and rubbed the spot under the great reptile's chin where it liked. It made a content croak as it transmitted data wirelessly to the Shemarrian. "Hmm.. Yes, the Radiant Edge have done much work in reclaiming this world for use as a colony for refugees. You'll make lots of new friends in the days to come to protect this new world."

The Noxpaludis appears as a large crocodilian creature, similar to the Ripjaw, and thought by many outside the Shemarrian Nation to be a variant breed, or a primordial version. In addition to its size, the Noxpaludis has what appears to be a mass of dark sludge on its back that it can create pseudopods and launch blobs of sludge which can melt flesh and armour. Noxpaludis are covered in faux flesh and scales, with several large spikes around the shoulders and along the tail, and never appear as cybernetic or robotic versions, found only on a few Shemarrian worlds with extensive swamps and rivers, and found fighting along side shamanesses and other Shemarrians in touch with nature or creatures. Found among the Darkwaters and Horrorwoods Tribes primarily, surprisingly some are found on worlds the Radiant Edge have reclaimed. A few are also seen near Clan Shelley and Lost Eclipse holdings.
Noxpaludis have concealed eye lasers that are only used in extreme close quarters and when its death is immediate to keep them hidden. The mouth sonic cannon is upgraded to be more powerful.
The sludge on its back is based on the technology behind the Liquidus e-nimal and Myxomyte warmount, only it is based within the Noxpaludis' body, feed by a nanite factory that helps replenish any of the spent sludge from launching pieces. The sludge can be used in multiple ways, from creating pseudopods to punch via hydraulic pressure from built up internal pressure, but by varying its viscosity to act as armour by becoming rock hard or thin liquid to allow projectiles and melee weapons to pass through. The nanites and fluid making up the sludge can also vary the PH level, becoming acidic and the nanites programmed to eat flesh and other materials, which can look like it is melting anything struck, or even a necrotising effect on flesh.
Other than the concealed eye lasers, sonic cannon and the sludge, the Noxpaludis has powerful jaws for devastating bite attacks, large claws that are disguised vibroblades, the tail is powerful to smash armour plating. The shoulder and tail spikes can be launched as projectiles for added ranged capabilities, able to replace them with the nanite factory that also feeds the sludge. Additionally the Noxpaludis is fitted with a concealed ion blaster in the tail that is designed to release beams that look like lightning bolts, and can release a burst of electrical energy around itself, like an electric eel, particularly useful for defense while underwater.

Type: EcoS-K-180 Noxpaludis
Class: Robotic Warmount
Crew: None; robot intelligence
1 rider/pilot, and room for 1 passenger
MDC/Armor by Location:
Main Body 650
Head 310
Disguised Eye Lasers (2) 90 each
Legs (4) 200 each
Tail 220
Sludge 150 MD
Extendable Morph Tentacles(1-6) 100 each

Height: 17 ft
Width: 20 ft at shoulders
Length: 85 ft
Weight: 40 tons
Cargo: Small space inside/beside the cabin for a few personal possessions and sidearms.
Physical Strength: Equivalent to Robotic P.S. of 45
Powerplant: Nuclear w/ 20 year energy life
Speed: (Running) 70 MPH
(Leaping) Not possible
(Flying) Not possible
(Space) Not possible
(Underwater) Can swim at 65 MPH on the surface, 50 MPH submerged. Maximum depth tolerance of 3,500 ft.
Market Cost: Exclusive to the Ecotroz-Shemar
Systems of Note:
Full optical systems, laser targeting, passive nightvision, telescopic vision, thermal imaging, infrared, ultraviolet, and polarization filters. Also has motion and heat detection, built-in radar( 60 mile range) and other standard power armor-equivalent systems. Additional/special sensors may be built in by the creating Tinkers or at the behest of individual riders/owners.

*Bionic Cybernanite Repair Systems---ALL Noxpaludis have the same bionic nanotech repair system that the Ecotroz Shemar have refitted themselves with, and which is becoming the standard among NeShemar as well. These systems repair 4d6 MD per hour, and can repair 200 MDC before needing material stocks to convert to MD repair material. Can replenish stock by eating various raw materials over time, typically can replenish within 24 hours without outside stores of nanite stocks.

*Sonar---10 mile range (but rivers often limit it much more)

*Passive Stealth --- The Noxpaludis is -35% to be detected by enemy sensor systems

*Silent Running----The Noxpaludis has only an 10% chance of being detected by passive sonar.

*Molecular Analyzer---Allows the Noxpaludis to track by scent in the water (84%). It is less effective in the air(68%).

*Faux Flesh Covering---- Noxpaludis are skinned in realistic-looking leathery skin and scales that exhibits the same thermal characteristics of that of other crocodilian creatures, and bleeds realistically if damaged.

*Sludge --- The sludge on the back of the Noxpaludis has several abilities, it appears as oozing and pulsing dark brown to black sludge covering most of its back, randomly forming pseudopods or tentacles if not using the sludge in a specific way.
-Stealth/Camouflage --- The Noxpaludis can wrap itself or even just part of itself with the sludge, and change the colour of the sludge to match its surroundings, like a chameleon, but it can also attach local materials to itself, the better to blend with the terrain, changing color within 1d4 melees. The Warmount also absorbs/scatters radar energy, rendering such sensors less effective.
Bonuses: -20% to opposition Detect Ambush and Detect Concealment rolls; heat and radar/sonar sensors are useless.
-Kinetic Resistance --- The Noxpaludis causes the sludge to move about its body, taking only 1/4 damage from projectile and kinetic damage, such as rail gun rounds, punches, kicks, and impacts.
-Up-Armor --- In the same way as it can camouflage itself, the Noxpaludis can increase its physical armor by attaching materials (typically battlefield wreckage) to itself. It can add as much as 200 MDC before becoming encumbered (reduce speed by HALF if carrying over 200 MDC of extra material reinforcement). Maxes out at 700 MDC at which point the Warmount can barely move.

*Horror Factor----The Noxpaludis is horrific and alien with the movements of the 'sludge' it gets an effective H.F. of 12

*EM Scanners--- The Noxpaludis, in order to navigate effectively through murky shallow waters, has particularly acute senses, such as a magnetometer and a short-range microwave radar for detecting minefields and river traps (in theory, the radar sound be able to detect even nonmetallic mines, but takes twice as long).
Range: The magnetometer has a range of 4,000 ft and can detect vehicles and other metallic structures with 80% accuracy. Active EM sources such as charged-up rail guns and the magnetic bottles of fusion powerplants can be detected at TWICE the normal range.
The radar has a range of 3,000 ft, and has a 90% chance of detecting metal-cased mines, 60% chance of detecting nonmetallic ordnance.

Weapons Systems:
1) Disguised Eye Lasers (2) --- These are larger and more powerful versions of the standard Shemarrian warmount eye-lasers. Their accuracy has been improved by advanced targeting systems, making them better suited for dealing with aerial targets, such as missiles, flying monsters and flying power armors.
Range: 4,000 ft
Damage: 4d6 MD single shot, 1d4x10 MD for a pulse burst
8d6 MD dual shot, 2d4x10 MD for a dual pulse burst(counts as one attack)
Rate of Fire: EPCHH
Payload: Effectively Unlimited
Bonus: +4 to strike

2) Sonic Cannon---Mounted in the lower jaw is a powerful sonic cannon, particularly effective underwater. It is typically used for blasting underwater obstacles and monsters.
Range: 2,000 ft
Damage: 1d6x10 MD per blast, plus 3d6 MD to a 10 ft diameter area around the blast area(double damage and range underwater)
Rate of Fire: ECHH
Payload: Effectively Unlimited

3) Bite --- The Noxpaludis's large jaws mount multiple rows of teeth that look like they move via muscular movement in a similar manner to the Ripjaw's signature weapon is its two chainsaw-style rotary vibroblade-teeth jaws. Besides being able to rip-tear objects clamped between its jaws. They lack the hinge ability to strike outside the mouth for more powerful bite.
Range: Melee
Damage: 3d6x10 MD bite

4) Ion Blaster -- Mounted in the tip of the tail is a concealed ion cannon. Like the laser eyes, the defense turret has its own improved targeting system, allowing it to engage river-skimming fliers and anti-ship missiles with greater certainty of scoring a hit. The discharges appear as short lightning bolts.
Range: 4,000 ft, 100 ft burst
Damage: 1d6x10+10 MD per blast. 2d6x10 burst
Rate of Fire: ECHH
Payload: Effectively Unlimited
Bonus: +4 to strike, while under water foes are -3 to dodge burst.

5) Spikes -- Along the shoulders, upper back along the base of the neck and along the last quarter of the tail are a number of spikes. These add damage to any body slam attacks, if anything grapples the Noxpaludis, and it can launch them individually, short bursts, or as an area attack.
Range: 1,000 ft, 50 ft radius
Damage: 2d6 MD individually, 10d6 MD for 5 spike burst, or 4d6 MD to 50 ft burst area using 20 spikes. Anything grabbing the Noxpaludis or striking with fists or other body parts take 1d6 damage.
Rate of Fire: ECHH
Payload: Effectively Unlimited, has 40 spikes at the ready, regrows new spikes at rate of 1 using 2 MD of nanite stock from repair system.

6) Sporangia Frag-Shells -- The Noxpaludis can also grow hard-shelled projectiles that act as fragmentation missiles.
Range: 4,000 ft
Damage: 2d4x10 MD to a 20 ft blast radius
Rate of Fire: Volleys of 1-6
Payload: Conditionally Unlimited; the Noxapludis can safely create 10 sporangia shells per hour, or it can sacrifice 5 MDC of the sludge MD or nanite stock to generate a shell.

7) Chemical Spit --- The Noxpaludis can spit corrosive acid at targets, or, in the alternative, it can spray super-stick’um or a super-slippery solution from the sludge on its back.
Range: (All) 100 ft and covers a 10 ft wide area
Damage: (Acid) 3d6 MD first round, and 2d4 MD per melee for 2d4 melees.
(Stick’um) Creatures with a P.S. of 15 or less are held fast by the goo. Those with a P.S. of 15-25 are -2 to dodge, and those with a P.S. of 25 or better, or Supernatural Strength are unaffected and easily break free. This super-glue works only on smooth surfaces like concrete if used as a trap, but can be sprayed directly ON people, glomming up limbs and sticking people to other people, etc.
(Slip-Spray)Anyone trying to move across the slick must make a roll under their Physical Prowess at -8 or go out of control at full speed. Vehicles, power armors, and light robot vehicles traveling in ground contact across sufficiently large patches of slickspray will be at -15% to their piloting rolls...failure means the vehicle goes out of control and takes on the characteristics of a giant hockey puck. Depending on the hardness of the surface(must be a hard surface, not a permeable surface like dirt or gravel), certain heavy vehicles and robots(like the Triax Devastator) will be unaffected, as they simply stomp the affected surface into the subterranean. Hovercraft are NOT affected either.
Those soaked in the oily stuff will also be at -8 versus their physical prowess, and -8 to strike with handheld weapons due to their inability to keep a steady grip on their equipment, weapons, and ropes. Trying to climb up slicked surfaces will be at -25%, and even molecular adhesion systems will be -10% to properly seat and attach.

Rate of Fire: ECHH
Payload: (Acid) 50 shots before needing refill; the Noxpaludis’s systems can catalyze and produce a new tankload of acid within 24 hours.
(Stick’um) 30 shots before needing refill; the Noxpaludis’s systems can catalyze and produce a new tankload of super-goo within 24 hours.
(Slip-Spray)30 shots before needing refill; the Noxpaludis’s systems can catalyze and produce a new tankload of slip-n-slide within 24 hours.

8 ) Extendable Morph Tentacles(1-6) --- These are tendrils of the Noxpaludis’s sludge substance that can be extended from the central mass and formed into various melee weapons. The tendrils can form into powered drills, broad leaf-like shielding limbs, articulated claws, edged blades, darting spikes, lashing whips, or launch as guylines.
(Shield) 10 ft long/wide
(Claw/Blade) 20 ft
(Spike) 30 ft
(Whip) 50 ft
(Shield) +2 to Parry
(Claw)* 2d6+6 MD, 1d4x10 MD on a full melee crush attack**
(Blade)* 5d6 MD**
(Spike)* 3d6 and does Critical Damage on a ‘to Strike’ roll of 18-20**
(Whip) 2d8 MD**
**Add +1d6 MD if the tentacle limbs are reinforced with MD debris/shrapnel
Note: The Noxpaludis can also fill these limbs with acid, but it deals only 2d6 MD damage.

9) ‘Blobster’ Shells---The Noxpaludis can ‘spawn’ portions of the sludge as mini Myxomytes and throw them as projectiles. These ‘blobster’ projectiles attack inorganic substances before finally breaking down into molecular dust themselves
Range: 3,000 ft
MDC: 50
Damage: ‘Blobsters’ spray corrosive portions of themselves that do 3d6 MD first round, and 2d4 MD per melee for 2d4 melees.
Actions/Attacks Per Melee: 4
Speed: ‘Blobsters’ run/shamble at 30 MPH and can jump 12 ft in any direction.
Special Properties:
*Damage Resistance --- ‘Blobsters’ take only 1/4 damage from projectile and kinetic damage, such as rail gun rounds, punches, kicks, and impacts.
*Effective Lifespan of 1d6 minutes.
Rate of Fire: ECHH, but limited to 4 ‘blobsters’ per hour.
Payload: Conditionally Unlimited; the Noxpaludis can safely create 4 dissolver shells per hour, or it can sacrifice 50 MDC of its sludge or nanite stock to generate a ‘blobster’.

The Ecotroz have installed robotic AIs, then infected the matrix with a low-level Ecotroz sentience.
Typically has the basic Monstrex programming.
The Ecotroz entity can also pick up one Secondary skill at levels 2, 6, and 12 of experience, though the nature of the Noxpaludis intelligence and design is such that it is limited to skill selections from Technical: Language(understanding) and Lore (Cattle & Animals, Indians, Juicers, Magic, Demons & Monsters, D-Bees, Faerie---at least with regards to identifying their relative threat level), and Wilderness( Hunting).

Actions/Attacks Per Melee: 7 plus 2 extendable morph tentacle attacks
Initiative +2 (+1 from the Ecotroz entity for a total of +3)
Dodge +2 (+3 underwater)
Strike +3 (+2 w/ ranged weaponry)
Roll +3 (+5 in water)
Kick 1d6 MD
Claw 6d6 MD
Tail Lash 5d6 MD
Ram 3d6 MD, 6d6 MD if moving at 40 MPH or faster +1d6 MD if hasn't launched more than half its spikes.
Spin Attack (2 APMs) --- Imitating real alligators, the Noxpaludis can grapple large opponents (such as robot vehicles or Spiny Ravagers) and begin spinning along its long axis, wrenching the entrapped opponent off their feet and underwater, battering them against the bottom and/or drowning them. 85% chance of toppling targets of lesser mass (lose initiative and 2 APMs) and does 1d6x10 MD .

Note: The Ecotroz intelligence fragment inhabiting the ‘bot gives the Noxpaludis an aura and behavior more befitting a sentient being than a robot. The Noxpaludis is a patient, cunning, ambush predator, able to lie in wait floating just below the water’s surface for targets to come into range. It is also highly territorial, and when working with Ripjaws, will act as leader of the pack, which gives credit to them being a powerful and older version of the Ripjaws.
Has the following Natural Psionic Abilities(no ISP Cost), all equivalent to 6th level with regards to proficiency, but DOUBLE the range.
*See Aura
*Presence Sense
*Sense Magic

The Ecotroz fragment does occasionally need sleep/rest...though they only need 2 hours of rest/meditation per 24 hours...they can push this, going without for as many days as they have I.Q. points(most Warmounts, unless otherwise noted, have an effective IQ rating of 8 ), but will have to go dormant for 4d6 hours after such exertion.
Note also that the Ecotroz-possessed ‘bot can infect other bots with the Ecotroz viral-entity, by bite or sustained touch(takes 3 attacks).
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Re: Shemarrian-related fan creations

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kronos wrote:Noxpaludis).

Ewww.....we finally break the '170's rut!
This think looks nasty..Good yob, Kronos!
"Trouble rather the Tiger in his Lair,
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For all the Empires and Kingdoms,
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Re: Shemarrian-related fan creations

Unread post by kronos »

taalismn wrote:
kronos wrote:Noxpaludis).

Ewww.....we finally break the '170's rut!
This think looks nasty..Good yob, Kronos!

I've been in a funk and have many ideas just sitting.. finally got something done today. Hopefully I'll have some more stuff soon.
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Re: Shemarrian-related fan creations

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kronos wrote:
I've been in a funk and have many ideas just sitting.. finally got something done today. Hopefully I'll have some more stuff soon.

I think we all have that problem...I have so many ideas in dry dock, just waiting for the right details to put them over the edge and into finished mode.
And you know something? Sometimes the wait is well worth it, because something will come along that is even better than what I'd originally envisioned for a project, and more often than not, it comes out of the blue from an unrelated direction.... 8)
"Trouble rather the Tiger in his Lair,
Than the Sage among his Books,
For all the Empires and Kingdoms,
The Armies and Works that you hold Dear,
Are to him but the Playthings of the Moment,
To be turned over with the Flick of a Finger,
And the Turning of a Page"

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Re: Shemarrian-related fan creations

Unread post by kronos »

A Crazelle variant.. I might have a few others in the works.

EcoS-K-74TD - Veloxelle - The Veloxelle is a Thousand Dragon variant of the Crazelle, with a distinct draconic body, with a longer neck, the head has several short horns and frills. The legs are a little longer, leaner and built for running and jumping. Armoured thrusters on the shoulders and hips help give the Veloxelle boosted speed when using the wheels, and provide jet assisted leaps. The Veloxelle lacks the tail weapon system and the optional modular weapon mount, but comes standard with the Fuzz Buster upgrade as standard. Its senses have greater range, combined with its increased speed, allow the Veloxelle to fill its role as a scout.
The Thousand Dragons gained the plans for the Crazelle after assisting some Clan Motron forces as payment. They developed the Veloxelle variant for their own use and shared the plans with Clan Motron. At present the Thousand Dragons have provided Veloxelles for their scouting forces, with only a few examples found in a few Clan Motron groups that operate near any areas with dragons or Thousand Dragon forces. The Horrorwoods are looking to gain some examples, but so far haven't been able to acquire any.
Make the following changes:
Reduce MDC to all locations by 5% except the main body which remains the same.

Height: 5 ft at shoulders, can ‘stand up’ on its legs an additional 3 ft, neck can raise up 2.5 ft, plus tail can reach up 8 ft.
Width: 3 ft ; legs can stretch out up to 7 ft
Length: 12 ft +10 ft of tail +7 ft of neck
Weight: 2,560 lbs
Speed: (Running) 110 MPH
(Wheels) 350 MPH on level hard surfaces, thrusters can increase speed to 500 MPH, but skills suffer -10%.
(Leaping) 25 ft up/across, while a running start in excess of 60 MPH can catapult the mount up to 80 ft across/20 ft up with a ramp take-off. With thrusters can triple all distances
(Climbing) It’s awkward and rather destructive to the surfaces it’s climbing, but the Xeloxelle CAN scale sheer surfaces using its extended wheel claws to dig in and propel itself upwards.
Full optical systems, laser targeting, passive nightvision, telescopic vision, thermal imaging, infrared, ultraviolet, and polarization filters. Also has motion and heat detection, built-in radar( 90 mile range) and other standard power armor-equivalent systems. Additional/special sensors may be built in by the creating Spinsters or at the behest of individual riders/owners. Scout units are known to mount additional EM detectors or paranormal sensors. All other systems have 50% range increase.

Special Systems:
Thermal Refractive Armor --- Special heat-resistant materials designed originally for reentry vehicle shielding. Heat and plasma-based attacks do 1/4 damage

‘Fuzz Buster’ --- A popular Upgrade among Crazelle riders is the ‘Fuzz Buster’ but comes standard on Veloxelles, a radar jammer module that gives the Warmount ony a 20% chance of being detected by standard motion detection and radar detectors, while guided missiles are -2 to strike the Warmount (in addition to any other dodge bonuses).

Weapon Systems:
2) Rotor Claws (4) --- The wheel appendages can extend radial claws while spinning, turning each wheel into a high speed buzz-saw. The hubcaps also mount extendable buzzsaw blades. The claws on the Veloxelle are larger and more powerful than those on the Crazelle
Range: Melee
Damage: 1d6x10 MD

The Ecotroz have installed robotic AIs, then infected the matrix with a low-level Ecotroz sentience. While Crazelles are fidgety, always alert, very active, and eager to go speeding off and racing about, requiring a close hand to rein them in, Veloxelles can be patient cunning and able to remain motionless for extended periods to fulfill their roles as scouts, but able to spring into motion faster than lightning.
The Veloxelle has the same standard programming as canon Shemarrian animals, plus the following:
Pilot Motorcycle/Quadwheeler(for performing stunts) 96%
The Ecotroz entity can also pick up one Secondary skill at levels 2, 6, and 12 of experience, though the nature of the Veloxelle intelligence and design is such that it is limited to skill selections from Technical: Language(understanding), Lore, Wilderness( Hunting)

Actions/Attacks Per Melee: 6
Initiative +2 (+1 from the Ecotroz entity for a total of +3)
Dodge +7
+9 dodge when moving in excess of 75 MPH
Strike +1 (+2 w/ ranged weaponry)
Roll +5
Pull Punch or Bite +4
Critical Strike on a Natural 19-20
Claw 4d6 MD
Buzzsaw Claw 4d6 MD per slash, 1d6x10 MD per full melee cut
Tail Sweep 1d6 MD
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Re: Shemarrian-related fan creations

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kronos wrote:A Crazelle variant.. I might have a few others in the works.

Because if the Monstrex is the equivalent of a Jeep, and the Gracille the equivalent of a moped or trail bike, then the Grazelle's the quad-wheel ATV mud runner. :-D
"Trouble rather the Tiger in his Lair,
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Re: Shemarrian-related fan creations

Unread post by kronos »

A new ARCHIE unit...

War Avatar

'Hagan, this might be your most ambitious idea to bring the Shemarrians back into the fold, or destroy them.'
"Yup, and she's a whole lot of woman. Hell hath no fury like an avatar of our tailor designed goddess"

'ARK gathered and created the Ten to rally our people. I lead them and avenged the fallen in the name of our Goddess!'

Before the end of the Shemarrian Civil War, ARCHIE 3 and Hagan worked furiously to create methods to counter their mounting losses to the rebel forces. After studying several captured rebel warriors, they had discovered residual psionic energy, believing that someone, or something, might have been using powerful or alien versions of telemechanic psionic abilities to control the rebel forces. This theory, along with working on new units to fill in the gaps of the Shemarrian false history, the War Avatar was developed as the ultimate combat Shemarrian unit, standing slightly taller than a Preserver, with four arms and antennae similar to ARK, stuffed full of the most advanced technology Hagan and ARCHIE can fit in its frame. Operationally, the War Avatar would only be used against the most powerful foes and for large scale battles, and with some of its new systems, to crush the Shemarrian rebellion.
The War Avatar has similar weapons to the War Goddess, just upscaled and number increased, with each arm mounting a plasma cannon, multiple blades that can be launched, multiple mini missile tubes, eye lasers. The lower arms are fitted with ion blasters with the discharges designed to appear as lightning bolts. For handheld weapons, the War Avatar carries two upscaled versions of the Scepter of God railguns, the Goddess Wrath, and two upscaled berserker style swords, although the War Avatar can use normal berserker swords like short swords.
In addition to the obvious weapons, and faux magic systems go give the War Avatar the appearance of having magical abilities, the War Avatar can bring its arms together and the plasma cannons temporarily 'merge' to create a more powerful weapon for a devastating discharge. The War Avatar also includes heavy psionic shielding systems, which ARCHIE and Hagan hope to prevent whatever force is corrupting their Shemarrian robots. The War Avatar also includes a new system that is designed to disrupt psionic abilities, both in a general area and as a focused attack at range. ARCHIE used Mechanoid technology to develop this weapon. Due to the advanced systems, less than half a dozen War Avatars were produced before the last of ARCHIE's facilities fell, with at least one travelling with ARCHIE and Hagan as they escaped.

Civil War and Post Civil War notes: One was seen fighting within the final citadel that fell, before it self-destructed, surrounded by over 1000 EShemarrian warriors and berserkers laying in pieces about the area. Reports of a large Shemarrian miles away from the area during the fighting suggests that another War Avatar fled the last citadel hours before rebel forces attack. Some rumours put one in the southern states and near Mexico, Dinosaur Swamp and even halfway across the country.

Type: A-SHE-20
Class: Robotic, Heavy Combat Robot
Crew: None; robot neural intelligence
MDC/Armor by Location:
Antennae (4) - 25 each
Forearm Plasma Ejectors (4) - 60 each
Mini-Missile Tubes (12) - 40 each
Elbow & Knew Vibro-Blades (6) - 30 each
Hands (4) - 100 each
Upper Arms & Shoulders (4) - 375 each
forearms (4; plated) - 325 each
Legs (2) - 820 each
Head - 200
Protective, Armoured Headdress - 250
Main Body 975 in armour, 650 without (rare)
Attribute Equivalents of Note: IQ 17, Robotic PS 60, PP 24, Synthetic PB 10, Spd 132 (90 MPH)
PPE: 80 (Bio-Gel implantation)
Height: 40 ft
Width: 16 ft
Length: 16 ft
Weight: 50 tons
Cargo: None
Powerplant: Plasma w/ 20 year energy life
Speed: (Running) 90 MPH
(Flying) Not possible
(Space) Not possible
(Underwater) Can crawl along the bottom of bodies of water at about 7 MPH, maximum depth of 800 ft.
Market Cost: Exclusive to ARCHIE-3
Systems of Note:
Full optical systems, laser targeting, passive nightvision, telescopic vision, thermal imaging, infrared, ultraviolet, and polarization filters. Also has motion and heat detection, built-in radar( 60 mile range) and other standard power armor-equivalent systems.

Psionic Dampener - This system uses much of the psionic shields ARCHIE had provided for Hagan during the Mechanoid Incident, but dialed up to twenty. Any psychic character attempting to use or maintain a psychic ability within 50 feet of the War Avatar must make a psionic save 15, with a failed save the ISP is wasted or ability that is being maintained is cancelled, and the psychic has a massive headache, while a successful save the psionic power is activated or maintained by costs an additional 10% (round down) ISP. Psionic beings must make a psionic save 15 or suffer -2 to all rolls, -5% to all skill rolls, in addition to making the save to use or maintain psychic powers while within the area.
The War Avatar can make a focused attack, with the Psionic Dampener against a single target within 200 feet, target is at -4 to dodge as a faint shimmering wave streaks out to the target, looks like a heat wave, the target must make a psionic save 18, and on a failed save, for every 10 ISP they have suffer 1 damage (MD creatures suffer MD and SDC creatures suffer SDC). Psionic entities struck, in addition to having to make the save above, suffer 2d6 damage (MD for MD creatures, SDC for SD creatures) when struck and suffer double damage on a failed save. Psionic entities need to make a save vs poison 14 or be stunned for 1 melee round.

Faux Magic System - The War Avatar has several faux magic systems including the below:
See the Invisible, Clim, Armour of Ithan (force field with 80 MDC around itself), Fireball (30 miniature plasma grenades that deal 4d4 MD).

Weapons Systems:
1) The Goddess Wrath (2) --- Two weapons developed for the War Avatar frame, a set of two Shemarrian 6070 rail guns mated together with oversized ammo clip, or belt fed ammo backpack.
MDC of Weapon: 175
Weight: 220 lbs
Range: 6,600 ft
Damage: 4d6x10 MD per shot, fires from both barrels at once, using 2 round.
Rate of Fire: ECHH
Payload: 80 per oversized clip (40 per barrel), or 440 rounds per belt fed ammo-backpack concealed in the back armour.

2) "The Burning Eyes of Justice" (2) --- Eye lasers similar to the War Goddess, but more powerful with a bit more range. Can fire individually, or both at the same target.
Range: 1,200 ft
Damage: 2d8 MD per blast, 4d8 for both eyes
Rate of Fire: Each single or dual blast counts as one melee attack
Payload: Effectively Unlimited

3) "The Hand of God" EMP - The War Avatar contains the same EMP system as the War Goddess, but with the larger power system, can be used more often. Each of the upper hands can emit an electromagnetic pulse once every 15 minutes. Unshielded and lightly shielded electronics, including cameras, video cameras, laptops, hand carried scanners/sensors/radar, targeting lasers, radio equipment, surveillance cameras and bugging devices, jet packs, jump packs, and similar electronic devices are temporarily knocked out by the EMP attack.
Range: 600 ft
Area of Effect: Everything within 50 ft radius around the focal point of the attack is affected.
Damage: None, but electronic equipment is temporarily rendered inoperable (scrambled white noise or shut down) for 1d6+6 minutes. Digital recording devices will have lost 1d6x10% of the data that was stored in the memory of the device when it comes back online as a result of the attack.
Rate of Fire: Each single EMP blast counts as one melee attack.
Payload: two attacks every 15 minutes maximum.

4) Wrath Sword (2) - These are upscaled berserker swords that use stolen Kittani technology to set a blaze with plasma fire. The sword is about 10.5 feet long.
Range: Melee combat. In addition, the android can throw the sword end over end 75 feet with no penalties as they have been programmed to compensate for the awkward size and shape of the weapon, and their robotic PS enables them to hand and throw it accurately. -2 to strike at greater range when thrown.
Damage: 5d6 MD, 1d6x10 MD when energized with plasma (half plasma damage).
Size: 10.5 feet long
Special Bonus: Although the War Avatar can use other weapons, its programming make the War Avatar favour large swords and other blade weapons. +1 to strike and parry with large swords, battle axes, pole arms and spears.

5) Launchable Small Blades --- Small blades that can be launched from the arms and legs, 30 per arm and leg.
Range: 100 ft
Damage: 1d4 MD per blade
Rate of Fire: Individually or volleys 1-6
Payload: 120 blades

6) Retractable Knuckle and Foot Spikes (4 per appendage) - Adds to punch and kick damage
Range: melee combat
Damage: adds 1d6 MD per punch, slash or kick attack
Rate of Fire: equal to number of hand to hand attacks.

7) Elbow and Knee Blades (2 per arm and 1 per leg)--- Built into each elbow, and knee of the War Avatar's armour are a pair of large vibro-blades for close combat.
Range: melee
Damage: 4d6+10 MD per slash, swipe or stab attack
Rate of Fire: Equal to the number of hand to hand attacks.

8 ) Forearm Plasma Ejector (4) - Each forearm mounts a plasma ejector.
Range: 1,600 ft
Damage: 5d6 MD per blast
Rate of Fire: single shot only
Payload: Effectively Unlimited

9) Lower Forearm Ion Blaster (2) - Concealed in the palms of the lower arms are two ion blasters that are designed so the discharges look like lightning bolts.
Range: 1,000 ft
Damage: 5d6 MD per blast
Rate of Fire: single shot only
Payload: Effectively Unlimited

10) Mini-Missile Tubes (12) - Similar to the system found on many full conversion cyborgs, has a mini-missile launch pack attached to the back.
Range: varies by missile, typically one mile.
Damage: varies by missile type.
Rate of Fire: One at a time, or in volley of two, four or six.
Payload: 36 missiles total.

11) Mega Plasma Cannon (1) - Using technology from the Mechanoids, the War Avatar can bring its four arms together and the forearm plasma cannons split and temporarily merch to create a powerful but short ranged plasma cannon. While in this mode, the War Avatar can't make use of its arms or any other arm weapons, except it can launch blades from the arms still. The discharge is not only powerful, but it also detonates at the point of impact affecting multiple targets.
Range: 1,000 ft
Damage: 4d6x10 MD per blast plus 5d6 MD to 15 foot radius area.
Rate of Fire: single shot only, up to 3 per round maximum
Payload: Effectively Unlimited, takes 1 action for form the mega plasma cannon and 1 to disengage.

Skill Program: same as the Shemarrian Warrior, but has extensive files on military history, strategies and tactics and following additional skills: Demolitions 95%, Demolitions Disposal 95%, and Fencing, Lore: Demons & Monsters, Public Speaking all at 80%.
The Neural AI gives the War Avatar a strong personality and clever, resourceful minds. Programming and conditioning makes them behave in a superior and arrogant manner, even more so than War Goddesses. They are snide and condescending to all non-Shemarrian life forms, rarely works with non-Shemarrians in acts of aggression against Minions of Splugorth, Horune Pirates and destructive outsiders. Upon its destruction, it self destructs to leave no traces, fitted with a standard self-destruct system.

Detect Ambush 60%
Detect Concealment 60%
Radio: Basic 98%
Mathematics Basic 98%
Intelligence 90%
Land Navigation 94%
Military Etiquette 98%
Cryptography 80%
Computer Operation 88%
Computer Hacking 60%
Computer Programming 90%
Electronic Countermeasures 92%
Read Sensory Equipment 98%

Actions/Attacks Per Melee: 12(!)
Initiative +4
Dodge +4
Strike +11
Roll +4
Disarm +4
Pull Punch +5
Entangle +4, +8 using all four arms
Critical Strike on a natural 18-20
Paired Weapons, Leap attack and Karate Kick
Controlled SDC Punch 4d6+45 SDC
Restrained Punch 2d4
Full Strength Punch 4d6 MD
Power Punch 8D6 (counts as two attacks)
Kick 3d8 MD
Stomp 1d6 MD against targets smaller than 7 ft tall.
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Re: Shemarrian-related fan creations

Unread post by taalismn »

Owww.....adding that to the Codex Masterfile immediately!
"Trouble rather the Tiger in his Lair,
Than the Sage among his Books,
For all the Empires and Kingdoms,
The Armies and Works that you hold Dear,
Are to him but the Playthings of the Moment,
To be turned over with the Flick of a Finger,
And the Turning of a Page"

--------Rudyard Kipling
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Re: Shemarrian-related fan creations

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I've noticed a distinct lack of Enblightened info past the initial post..
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Re: Shemarrian-related fan creations

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Yet another thing in the 'To Be Worked On..." box this year.
"Trouble rather the Tiger in his Lair,
Than the Sage among his Books,
For all the Empires and Kingdoms,
The Armies and Works that you hold Dear,
Are to him but the Playthings of the Moment,
To be turned over with the Flick of a Finger,
And the Turning of a Page"

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Re: Shemarrian-related fan creations

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Aerthlast--EShemarrian Intervention World(Extradimensional)

“We thought, throughout history, that we owned the oceans, that our mastery of the seas was a sign of our prowess and our progress. Then the Aquatics emerged from their millennia of dormancy and made us second-class citizens on our world. The oceans were no longer OURS, and our claim to history downgraded to latecomers. And now we are pushed further down the ladder by the arrival of ALIENS who contest the control of the seas with our aquatic rivals. We bear witness to the contests of marine titans, giant octopi, sea serpents, creatures out of myth, legend, and fantasy, storm-summoning submarine fortresses, and sky-shattering warcraft, any of which would destroy the mightiest of our warships within seconds, and which can wipe out our few remaining coastal communities in a day. The seas lash the shores with the violence of the wars being fought beneath the waves. Where once we navigated our own destinies, we now all wait anxiously to see under whose tread the earth will shake when the conflict is finally decided. Under whose inhuman gaze will we make abasement?”
----Freeman Reyinolds, Aerthlastian Human historian

“I know the Qowoth are tricky slippery bastards for all their shark-like appetites and attitudes, and they’ll be hard to pry out of their submarine lairs, so use of heavy weapons is approved for this campaign...but do try not to tear up the ocean ecology any more than you absolutely have to, and definitely don’t melt the polar ice caps on this one, okay?”
----Feyn ada-StarCutter, WarGoddess, DarkWaters Tribe, on rules of engagement for the Aerthlast intervention.

“Most land militaries speak of ‘boots on the ground’ to indicate major operations. The Gilloc have been talking of ‘fins in the water’ for their campaign on Aerthlast.”

Aerthlast is an Earth-like world settled by baseline humans who are currently at a 20th century level of development. The humans believe that they evolved naturally on the planet, though other evidence suggests that they were ‘seeded’, likely by True Atlanteans.
Aerthlastian confidence in the mastery of their world was shattered by the appearance of the amphibious Qowoth, who claimed to be an ancient race predating Humanity on Aerthlast. The Qowoth devastated marine shipping, fishing, and industry, and began invading coastal areas. In desperation, the Aerthlastian governments used crude nuclear weapons to hit the Qowoth coastal beachheads and drive them back into the sea, apparently leading to a stalemate. In reality, the loss of the oceans, environmental damage due to the nukes, and societal upheavals in the aftermath of the appearance of the Qowoth, have crippled and maimed Aerthlastian Human society. The ceasefire/stalemate actually favors the Qowoth , who allow the humans limited access to the oceans in return for human sacrifices, quietly institutionalized and rationalized by the governments as a means of buying time. As the governments of the land secretly seek to develop new weapons and strategies to fight the Qowoth, cults worshipping the amphibians and the dark gods the Qowoth in turn worship spring up with disturbing frequency, threatening the resistance of the land-dwellers.
For whatever reason, however, the oceans of Aerthlast seem attractive to alien species; the planet has been discovered by a number of other ( usually amphibious) aliens, including the EShemarrians(specifically the DarkWater Tribe). Seeing the deteriorating situation on Aerthlast, the Eshemar have decided to intervene, and have declared war on the Qowoth.
The EShemar effort is being spearheaded by several EShemar Sgen subspecies, the Gilloc and the Zarath, who have appeared in larger numbers on Aerthlast than in their origin enclaves on Rifts Earth. The bulk of the equipment deployed to Aerthlast is amphibious vessels and Warmounts. While the DarkWaters control near-space with their starships, amphibious legions have been deployed to hunt and destroy the Qowoth.
Currently the oceans and coastal regions of Aerthlast have become a battleground, with the land-dwelling human nations anxiously awaiting he outcome. There is some fear that the local humans, out of fear or a false sense of confidence, may try to intervene in some manner that will likely only make things worse, such as using nuclear or biochemical weapons they think will afford them some advantage. ON the other hand, there’s concern that if the Qowoth are desperate enough, they may summon up something truly eldritch and horrible to fight their new enemies, or deny them the prize of Aerthlast.

Factions on Aerthlast

(Invasive Amphibious Fishmen)
Believed to be an offshoot of the Grouqan, the Qowoth are a race of amphibious piscine humanoids who favor deep oceans, but are perfectly able to venture on land to hunt. Possibly at the advice of the dark gods/alien intelligences the Qowoth worship, as a cure to the deformities common to the Grouqan reproductive cycle, the Qowoth implant their fertilized eggs to brood in the bodies of warm-blooded mammals, with humans(and humanoids most like them) being the preferred hosts. The absorbed PPE also enhances the magical abilities of the Qowoth offspring, through the process is almost always fatal to the host. Thus as part of the ceasefire agreements on Aerthlast, the Qowoth have demanded(and gotten) regular human sacrifices delivered to them.
The Qowoth on Aerthlast claim that they are an ancient race that preceded the evolution of the humans, though outsider evidence suggests the former are only relatively recent arrivals, having likely dimensionally-gated into the planet’s deep oceans 600-800 years ago at the earliest. They have established a number of deep water enclaves, and have built up a sizable force of magically-created bioweaponry, including giant octopi, monster sharks, and carnivorous seaweed.
The Qowoth are governed by a mage-theocracy, the mermen's’ priests also being witches by pact with their dark gods, who direct the species by priest-proxy. A minority(about 20%) of the Qowoth population is of the old-style Grouqan bloodlines; their deformities and occasional useful mutations are retained to provide the Qowoth with special troops, The rest of the population is descended from ‘blood-hosted’ hatchlings, and those who do exceptionally well are rewarded with being allowed to parasitically incubate their own broods in host-bodies of exceptional health, renewing the enhanced power and abilities from such hatchlings.
The Qowoth are aware, through their magic scryings and sympathetic/sycophantic cult contacts, of the plans of the land-dwellers to continue the war. They’ve deliberately misled the human governments on several occasions as to possible weaknesses of their species, and the locations of their seats of power. In fact, the way the Qowoth have manipulated human war plans, if and when implemented, most of them actually HELP the Qowoth position and hasten the destruction of resistance to their dominance.
What the Qowoth scryings DIDN’T see was the arrival of other aliens. The EShemar invasion has caught them offguard. While their magic gives them some advantage, especially underwater, the Qowoth are facing an enemy whose sources of power and material exist offworld where the fishmen can’t reach. The EShemar edge in technology, and their improving technowizardy are proving an increasingly equal peer match to Qowoth magic and biowizardry, and surpassing it in many respects. In desperation, the Qowoth are turning increasingly to the alien intelligences they worship for divine assistance.

Alignments: 40% Diabolical, 30% Aberrant, Anarchist, 25% Miscreant, 5% other
Life span: 180 years
Size: 5-7 ft tall, 180-250 lbs
Gender: Heterosexual; a major change from the Grouqan is the ability to produce 1-4 eggs instead of live young. These eggs can be implanted in living hosts to incubate and absorb PPE before hatching.
Physical Description/Appearance:
Large, husky-build humanoids covered in fish scales, with large blunt heads, bulging eyes, and large mouths filled with sharp teeth. Tend to wear only equipment harnesses and personal jewelry.
Haughty and aggressive. Their association with their Dark Gods has given them a superiority complex over even baseline Grouqan. Qowoth will readily lie and misrepresent themselves to make themselves appear stronger and more advanced, and to mislead rivals and potential prey.
Physical Attributes:
IQ: 3d6+2
ME: 3d6+4
MA: 1d6
PS: 3d6+7 (Considered to be Superhuman)
PP: 3d6
PB: 1d6
PE: 3d6+4
SPD:(Land) 3d6
(Swimming) 6d6
(ISP): ME +5d6 +(1d6+1 per level of experience)
(PPE): 4d6, 1d4x10 PPE if incubated in a living host pre-hatching.
Hit Points:----
MDC: (Minor) 4d6+P.E. +1d6 per level of experience. Additional bonuses from OCCs/skills will be in MDC points, but HALF what is listed.
Horror Factor: 14
Natural Abilities:
*Amphibious---Qowoth can breath water and survive depths of down to 10,000 ft
*Natural Night Vision--100 ft
*Natural Megadamage Beings(minor)
*Strength is considered to be SuperHuman. Those who have been incubated in host-bodies have Supernatural Strength
*Dehydration---Grouqan/Qowoth dehydrate easily; without immersion in water or steady hydration, they will die within 1d4+1 days. Even after 5+P.E. hours without water, the average Qowoth will be -1d4 to Initiative, strike, parry, and dodge, and reduces speed by 1/3
Mutations: These are only relevant amongst lower-caste Qowoth who have not benefitted from being incubated in host-bodies or are descended from those who have benefitted from the host-program.
(roll percentile dice 1d4 times to determine extent of mutations)
01-02 Albino---Skin is pale white/gray, and the eyes red. Add an extra 2 psionic abilities (or 1 Super psionic power) and +3d6 ISP, but the individual is susceptible to bright lights and direct sunlight; is blinded by daylight
03-05 Plastic Bones---The individual has plastic bones; very flexible and malleable; the Grouqan has a natural Escape Artist skill of 45% to slip out of handcuffs, shackles, and other restraints, and can slide through openings as little as six inches wide. However, reduce P.S. by -1d4.
06-15 Slime---The Grouqan produces an excess of mucus-like slime that makes the amphibian slippery and well-nigh impossible to hold on to(-4 to Grapple, +5 to Escape Hold, and +10% to Escape Artist skill, if any), as well as protects from heat/fire(reduce flame/heat damage by 1/2, and can go twice as long without water as normal). However, the slime cannot be controlled, and makes the Grouqan extremely easy to track(+20%)
16-18 Bone Overgrowth---Extra spurs of bone erupt through the skin; +4d6 MDC, and +1d6 to damage, but heat attacks do an extra die of damage to the individual.
19-20 Tentacles----1d4 tentacles replace each arm. They have twice the reach of the normal arms, add +2d4 to P.S., and have suction grippers on the ends(+15% to Climbing skill), but the character cannot hold or operate equipment such as guns, and is -15% to carry out skills requiring a fine touch.
21-25 Oversized Jaw---The jaw is even larger and more heavily fanged and muscled...more like a shark’s. Bite for 4d6 SDC, but -15% to Languages due to the massive teeth.
26-35 Dwarf Legs---The legs have shrunk almost to the point of uselessness; reduce speed by 2/3, and height by HALF. The individual, however, gains the ability Telekinetic Leap.
36-40 Extra Legs---Possesses 1d4 extra legs. +1d6 to running/swimming speed, but -1d4 to dodge/roll due to encumbrance.
41-60 Extra Arms--Possesses 1d6 extra arms---These tend to be smaller, malformed limbs that protrude from anywhere on the body. They possess a Physical Strength of 1d6, are -15% to perform skills requiring dexterity(limited to holding objects). +1 action/attack for every two extra arms
61-65 Toxic Spit---Mutated salivary glands produce a paralytic toxin that can be applied by bite or by spit...The range of the latter is 20 ft, producing a glob of thick mucus-like goo that if ingested or absorbed through mucus membranes(nose or eyes) acts as a fast-acting non-lethal toxin (16 or better); on a failed save, victim suffers -1d4 to initiative, reduce physical bonuses by half, and speed reduced by 3/4...effects last 1d6 minutes, and victim is -2 to save versus follow up bites/poison attacks. Cannot penetrate clothing, but if aimed at eyes or faceplate, the vicious liquid can blind(-1 to initiative, -1 to strike/parry/dodge while trying the remove the goo), taking 1d4 melees to remove the sticky secretion. The Grouqan has as many spit/bite attacks per day as it has P.E. points, but once used up has to wait 24 hours for the glands to produce more toxin.
66-70 Extra Skin---The skin is extra flabby and loose, hanging off the thin frame of the Grouqan like an oversized suit. The extra skin adds +3d6 MDC, but the added weight and encumbrance imposes a penalty of -1d6 to speed
71-80 Extra Long Arms---The individual has arms 1d4 times longer than usual. +1d6 to P.S.
81-85 Ichythoid---The Individual has lost all ability to breath air(can only survive in air for 20 minutes), and is a complete piscine form. Increase swimming speed by x3.
86-90 Prehensile Tail---The tail is longer than normal and fully prehensile; +1 APM for tail attacks/actions, and has an effective P.S. of 2d4.
91-95 Oversized Eyes---Eyes are bulbous and oversized. Natural nightvision range extended to 300 ft and +1 to Initiative, +2 to Dodge if ambushed from behind due to the increased arc of vision, but individual cannot stand bright lights and takes DOUBLE damage/duration/penalties from blinding/flash attacks
96-98 Sonar Bladder---The Grouqan has a grotesquely distorted head with a prominent forehead or side lobe bulge....The individual has natural Sonar with range of 80 ft in air, 2,000 ft underwater, +10% to Detect Ambush(+5% in air), +1 on initiative, +1 to dodge, and no penalties apply if blinded or in total darkness. Can also pick up on soft noises and whispered conversations as far away as 100 ft. On the minus side, sudden loud noises can distract the individual, takes DOUBLE damage/duration/penalties from sonic attacks
99-00 Blubber---The Grouqan is obesely fat; x5 normal weight, reduce speed to 1/3, but add +1 to Horror Factor, 2d4 to P.S., multiply MDC by x3, and kinetic/melee attacks do 1/4 normal damage(including concussive attacks).

Psionics:(Major)(save at 12 or better)
*Ectoplasmic Disguise
*Alter Aura
*Mask I.S.P. & Psionics
*Can select six other powers from the categories of Sensitive, Healing, and Physical.

Magic: The Qowoth, through association with their alien intelligence dark gods, have regained much of the Grouqans’ lost magic aptitude. Water Warlocks, Shifters, and Summoners are common in their ranks. Witches and Dark Priests are considered among their elite.
Cybernetics/Bionics: Qowoth abhor cybernetics and bionics, though they may consider symbiotes and biowizardry implants(of their equivalents; the alien intelligences the Qowoth worship do not seem inclined to deal well with the Splugorth).
Available OCCs: Tend towards rogue occupations like Slaver, Assassin, Smuggler, Bounty-Hunter, Thief, and the like.
Can select any Psychic class, but Psi-Mechanics, Psi-Ghosts, and Psi-Slayers are the most common.
Magic classes include Water Warlocks, Ocean Mages, and Shifters/Summoners as the most common. Temporal Mages, Warriors, and Thieves, Techno-Wizards, and Mystics are less common.
RCC Skills:
Swimming 98%
Underwater Navigation(+15%)
Skills of Note:
Rogue: (+10%)

Gilloc and Zaranth (EShemarrian Sub-Tribes)
These two Sgen groups have been offered the chance to prove their mettle on a planetary scale, in spearheading the war against the Qowoth. While the Gilloc are often mistaken at range for the Qowoth, the Zaranth are clearly seen as alien, extraterrestrial in origin. This latter revelation has engendered a revival of ‘UFO cults’ among the desperate Aerthlastian humans.

DarkWaters (EShemarrian Tribe)
The DarkWaters are present in supporting the Gilloc and Zaranth, providing warmounts, ships, and equipment, and using their connections to the Wayfinders to acquire more magic weapons to counter the Qowoths’ inherent magical abilities. Deep Watch in particular, is present, seeking out the Qowoth underwater cities and bases of power with the ultimate goal of destroying them.

Clan Shelley (EShemarrian Tribe)
The Shelleyists have come out in support of their Gilloc ‘children’ by sending several small contingents to Aerthlast. Though not adept at amphibious operations(for which the Shelleyists specifically created the Gilloc), the ‘Halloween Clan’ has instead taken to covertly patrolling the coastlines, identifying and eliminating Qowoth sympathizers and cultists. Taking a page from the Lost Eclipse ‘Nightmare’ tribe, the Shelleyists have taken to posing as supernatural creatures, including restless and vengeful Aerthlastian undead seeking to wreak vengeance on the Qowoth and their allies.

Other Shemarrians(EShemarrian Tribe)
Unconfirmed accounts suggest that members of other Tribes may have found their way to Aerthlast to join the fight. These are likely detached/unattached individuals and Eccentrics rather than formally dispatched representatives of the Tribes, but entities matching descriptions of Klidusians, Cadejar, Lost Eclipse, Horrorwoods and Wayfinder castes have been sighted in various global theaters of conflict.

Zaranceti(D-bees)(See Palladium Land ot the Damned: Chaos Lands, pgs 82-84)
A small number of these amphibious humanoids has been discovered living in the oceans of Aerthlast. The Zaranceti have no love for the Humans on shore, but they truly hate the Qowoth and the dark gods they worship more. The Zaranceti would be inclined, if they had their way, to take over Aerthlast’s oceans themselves, and either shut out the humans or charge them user fees to use the planet’s oceans.
The Zaranceti operate as free agents, fighting the Qowoth on their own times and at the times of their own choosing, They only ally with others when the situation favors the Zaranceti . They will sabotage any land-dweller operations, cultist and government alike, if their activities threaten Zaranceti interests, especially long-term(the Zaranceti are believed responsible for the destruction of a government effort to test a nuclear torpedo system aimed at detecting and destroying Qowoth undersea camps). They’ve also hampered some EShemar efforts to destroy cults, where the Zaranceti wanted to seize cult assets for their own use.

Idie Swampmen(D-bees)(See Rifts D-Bees of North America, pgs 103-106)
Somehow, a number of these peaceful aliens have appeared on Aerthlast. Unfortunately, their easy-going nature and alien appearance has led to them being picked off by scared humans, the Qowoth hunt them for food, and the survivors have taken to hiding. The Shelleyists have sheltered some of these refugees, turning several swamp regions into ‘haunted wetlands’ that nobody else dares enter.

Ichthyleans(D-bees)(See Rifts Lemuria, pgs 41-43)
Similarly, these peaceable merfolk have been mistaken for Qowoth by the panicked humans. Rather more capable of self-defense than the Idie, the Ichthyleans lash out at anybody who threatens them, which ironically only makes their position worse as they are identified with the rapacious Qowoth. The True Atlanteans among the Aerthlastians who have encountered them have taken to protecting them and offering them shelter, and this has led to several instances of the Atlanteans being mistaken for cultists by the authorities.

Rather surprising was the revelation that several Greeth had appeared on Aerthlast. The large fat newt-like aliens came following rumors that one or more of the artifacts that their antagonistic god Nrom used to remotely abuse them was on the planet. While searching on land and underwater, some of the Greeth were captured by the humans and Qowoth. When a Qowoth dark priest revealed that they did indeed possess a Nrom ‘stress reliever’ and attempted to use it to torture the Greeth captive, the d-bee spontaneously exploded in a ball of fire, incinerating all the Qowoth in the torture chamber and incidentally freeing the Greeth from its restraints. At the same time, the Greeth being interrogated/grilled by human authorities succumbed to a cloud of poisonous gas that also incapacitated or suffocated the human interrogators. Both quick-resurrecting Greeth used the resulting chaos to escape captivity, the Qowoth-Greeth grabbing the object of their search. The Greeth have not been seen since, so it is unknown if they left the planet with Nrom’s artifact or if they’re in hiding on Aerthlast, still searching for more of the torture-artifacts.

Minions of Slaynncryth(Splugorth D-bees)
There have been reports of the amphibious minions of this ocean-oriented Splugorth sighted on Aerthlast. Whether these creatures are on the planet to aide one or the other of the combatants, stir up more trouble, or are scouting the planet for their own bid for conquest, remains unknown.

Aerthlastian Humanity(Natives)
The humans on Aerthlast are still reeling from the discovery of the diabolically aggressive Qowoth. They were only able to hold off the amphibians’ invasion by using WMDs and the threat of poisoning the resources(including humans) that the Qowoth covet. The Aerthlastian governments have not given up hope of striking back at the amphibians, driving them to extinction, and taking back the planet in the name of humankind. However, in order to buy time, they’ve had to make degrading and horrifying bargains with the Qowoth, all while their cultures and societies fall apart around them. In all likelihood, the Aerthlastians were heading for a pyrrhic resolution to the war; poisoning the planet rather than yield to the Qowoth, when the EShemar arrived.
Now the Aerthlastian Humans are sitting on the sidelines as an apparent ‘’war of the fishmen’ rages in their oceans and along their shorelines. In several cases of miscommunication and misidentification, the Aerthlastians have attacked and even killed bystanders or friendly forces in the confusion of the war. Cult activity has also stepped up, demanding that the governments assist the ‘rightful rulers of the seas’, i.e. the Qowoth, against the ‘aliens’, or have moved to take action themselves.
For most of the Aerthlastians, though, it is anxious wait-and-see what ultimately emerges from the ocean depths.

True Atlanteans
Unknown to the humans of Aerthlast,a few of their ancient benefactors walk among them. The small clan that brought the humans to Aerthlast survives, although much diminished in numbers and power from the olden days. Though few in number, these brave True Atlanteans are doing what they can to stem what they see as a rising tide of darkness, both from the threat of the Qowoth and in the increasingly despondent corruption of the governments facing them, but even they admit the numbers are against them. Worse yet, the Qowoth have detected ‘superhumans’ among the Aerthlastian population and have made several efforts to acquire Atlanteans as host-bodies for their incubating eggs.
The arrival of the EShemarrians has offered some hope, but the True Atlanteans of Aerthlast fear that if the war goes on long, the damage to Aerthlast may be too much in the way of mass extinctions.
"Trouble rather the Tiger in his Lair,
Than the Sage among his Books,
For all the Empires and Kingdoms,
The Armies and Works that you hold Dear,
Are to him but the Playthings of the Moment,
To be turned over with the Flick of a Finger,
And the Turning of a Page"

--------Rudyard Kipling
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Re: Shemarrian-related fan creations

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Urchin Gun
(aka ‘Spike Pistol’)
“Following some rather incredulous reports from coastwatchers, we started finding Aquatic bodies washing up on shore, bloated and badly discolored. Autopsies discovered extensive necrosis and traces of powerful toxins, as well as remains of embedded wooden darts near the center of the most pronounced cellular disruption. This seems to confirm reports of the new ‘fishmen’ that have been seen fighting the Aquatics wielding some sort of projectile-throwing small arms. Whoever this new group of fishmen are, they seem to be technology users and they fight dirty.”
---Report from Northwest Continent Coastwatch Military Intelligence, Aerthlast

The Urchin Gun is a small arm pistol-style weapon developed by the Darkwaters but used extensively by Clan Shelley’s Gilloc sgen. The weapon bears a superficial resemblance to the Kizh Plasma Pistol(See Rifts World Book 21: Splynn Dimensional Market, pg. 171), and includes an integral vibroblade, but fires supercavitating needle-spikes(metal or ceramic initially, but the DarkWaters soon began issuing biodegradable ironwood slivers) rather than plasma. The wraparound design of the weapon also allows it to be used in hand to hand melee combat for punches and raking attacks.
The Urchin Gun uses a powerful electromagnetic repulsion charge to push the darts at bullet velocity. Two modes exist; a low-powered mode that does light damage, and a higher-powered mode that does megadamage. In addition, the spikes can be envenomed with a variety of chemical agents, typically mission-customized against specific threat/target species.
The Urchin Gun was first seen in action in the hands of the Gilloc sgen during the Aerthlast campaigns against the Qowoth. The visual similarities to the Kizh weapon have been played upon by the EShemarrians to suggest double-dealings on the part of the Kizh, and to confuse observations of the distribution of the weapon, and its Shemarrian origins.

Weight: 7 lbs
MDC: 25
Range:(Projectile)(Low-Power Mode) (5.56mm darts) 400 ft in air.
220 ft at depths of about 16 ft
180 ft at depths of about 66 ft
90 ft at depths of about 130 ft or greater
(High-Power Mode) 800 ft in air.
450 ft at depths of about 16 ft
300 ft at depths of about 66 ft
200 ft at depths of about 130 ft or greater
Damage: 3d6 SDC or 1 MD(High-Power Mode) per single round, 6d6 SDC/3 MD per three round burst., 3d6x10 SDC/10 MD for a ten round burst

(Option) Darts can have an internal reservoir for holding a dose of drugs/toxins. During the Aerthlast campaign, the Gilloc frequently carried anti-Qowoth nuerotoxins.

(Melee) The Urchin Gun does 1d6+1d10 MD as a punching/raking weapon
Rate of Fire: ECHH; can fire bursts of 1-10 spikes.
Payload: 40 spikes(4 rows of ten in the forward facing)
Special Features:
*Integral Vibroblade(1d6 MD)
*Power Induction Link(the electromagnetics are powered by induction from the android/cyborg holding the weapon). Otherwise, the weapon can use a backup battery holding enough power for 80 SDC shots, or 40 MD shots
*Neutral Buoyancy
Cost: Exclusive to the EShemarrians. Would cost 11,000 credits, plus 6 credits per MD dart, if available to the Black Market
*Tazer Touch---The Urchin Gun can be modified to deliver an electrical shock when used in melee combat;
Range: Melee (5 ft underwater)
Light Prod: 1d4 SDC/HP
Moderate Prod: 2d6 SDC/HP
Lethal Zap: 5d6 SDC/HP, plus 01-33% chance of stunning humans, D-bees, and small animals for 1d4 melees, 01-33% against large or inhumanly strong/powerful animals. A successful save means victim takes HALF damage and only lose initiative and one APM.
Stun means -6 to strike, dodge, and parry, plus reduce APMs and Speed by HALF.
Being shocked on the strong/lethal setting for more than 5 times, or once the victim's Hit Points drop below half, means they are knocked unconscious for 2d4 melees. Chance of cardiac arrest as detailed in Rifts: Lone Star, pg. 50.
Ineffective against EBA, power armor, 'bots, and 'borgs.
"Trouble rather the Tiger in his Lair,
Than the Sage among his Books,
For all the Empires and Kingdoms,
The Armies and Works that you hold Dear,
Are to him but the Playthings of the Moment,
To be turned over with the Flick of a Finger,
And the Turning of a Page"

--------Rudyard Kipling
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Re: Shemarrian-related fan creations

Unread post by taalismn »

EcoS-K-181 Crustreer SuperHeavy Warmount
(aka ‘Hill-Crab’, ‘Mega-Planter’)

“It’s more of an intelligent mobile base than a Warmount as most people think of them. No surprise that many Horrorwoods Warchiefs and even some Wargoddesses make a Crusty their field headquarters.”

“Buggah, haring off on your own on a new and unexplored planet was not a good idea; you should know better, so being surprised when the hillside sat up and started walking was to be expected. Now apologize to the nice treemen for tearing those trees they’d just planted in your mad panic to get away... because they could very easily crush our ship with that hill-crab thing they rode over here in.”

“The Chor’ii certainly left enough of their corpses littering the landscape, especially once we began killing them faster than they could eat their dead. Got so bad that some of their body chemistry byproducts were poisoning the land, especially along the coast. We had multiple red tide blooms breaking out for months. and massive rafts of Chor’ii corpses floating on the tides. They even began choking the secret water intakes to our secret underground bases; something the Chor’oo NEVER discovered when they were in nominal control of the planet surface. Oh, without the cannibears and us throwing WMDs at each other, the ecology’s slowly recovering, and in the long run, all those rotting bodies are returning nutrients to the land, but it still needs assistance. Once we got the Crusties out into the field, part of their duties was breaking up the corpse-rafts and replanting the coastal zones.”

A superheavy Kazsteyn Great Warmount, the Crustreer was at first thought to be a Horrorwoods variant of the EcoS-K-175 Grisker, but there are significant differences between the two to warrant the later Crustreer getting its own recognition. Some observers even believe that the NG Behemoth Explorer robot may have influenced the Crustreer’s design.
The Crustreer is a massive crab-like warmount carried by eight heavy armored legs, and sporting two pairs of massive claws, one fore and the other aft. Each massive claw-arm has extendable arm joints that allow the claws to reach any point on the warmount’s back. The claws also each conceal three extendable sub-arms for finer work, such as planting small saplings. Two additional large limbs end in paddle-like appendages used for swimming and plowing soil. The ‘head’ is more a protrusion on one side than any sort of major body part; the Crustreer can move smoothly in any lateral direction and backwards with equal ease and confidence.
The top of the Crustreer is covered in a thick layer of aerogel that is filled with a mixture of loam. The Crustreer can cultivate a thick covering of plants that receive the benefit of both artificial and magical growth aides, As the Crustreer’s vegetable growth grows, it uses its claws to transplant maturing specimens into the landscape around it.
The upper growth also acts as an effective camouflage. Crustreers operating in coastal waters have even been mistaken for small islands.
The Crustreer carries its crew-riders in internal compartments, although extra passengers can ride on top, hanging onto the plant growth.
As a Warmount, the Crustreer is heavily armored and well-armed, though not as heavily gun-laden as its size would allow, given the ‘mount’s primary purpose as a mobile environmental rehabilitation vehicle. Even many of its weapons systems have a more peaceful application; the forcefield provides protection from the elements and a thermal ‘virtual greenhouse’ shell for promoting plant growth, the cannons can be used for landscaping and soil preparation, chemical sprayers for dispensing fertilizers, pesticides, and decontaminants, and the missile launchers can deliver payloads of seeds, especially the rapid-growth, rock-breaking Vine Warheads.
The Crustreer’s AI is programmed to be a patient and diligent caretaker of the land, rather than a predator or beast of burden. It is often partnered with a Preserver (the internal crew compartments are actually large enough to accommodate the massive Male Elites), though some Preservers go further and elect to transfer their core intelligences into Crustreer frames, becoming Arawa(‘Most faithful servant/companion’).
Established Crustreers can be mini-electrocologies in their own right, and they frequently have attendant e-animal complements of Avyets, Peepers, Chirts, Chitterlings, Airquid, Bantys, Grunders, or other types assisting the larger Warmounts in their activities.
The Horrorwoods deploy the most Crustreers, especially along coastal zones( such as on the savaged world of Evales), but the Radiant Edge is said to have a few in their ranks, helping rehabilitate shatterworlds in their care. The Wayfinders are also said to have the templates for the type, in payment for the magical enhancements integrated into the warmount.
The Crustreers would be the largest warmounts of their type until Clan Megalith unveiled its massive Biotromers.

Type: EcoS-K-181 Crustreer
Class: Robotic Warmount, Superheavy
Crew: None; robot intelligence
Internal space for 1-6 Preserver-sized passengers and up to 60 human-sized passengers
MDC/Armor by Location:
Main Body 7,000
Head 900
Reinforced Crew Compartment 500
Antennae(4, 2 front, 2 rear) 300 each
Laser Eyestalks(4, 2 front, 2 rear) 400 each
Claw Arms(4) 900 each
Sub-Arm Assemblies(12; 3 each Claw Arm) 125 each
Paddle Arms(2) 800 each
Medium Range Missile Launchers(4) 400 each
Spray Cannon(6) 250 each
Legs(8 ) 900 each
Kinetic Bolt Projectors(8 ) 240 each
*Forcefield 2,000

*Shield Refresh Rate is 20% per melee

Height: 120 ft
Width: 420 ft
Length: 450 ft
Weight: 5,500 tons
Cargo: Internal compartments can hold up to 350 tons
Physical Strength: Equivalent to Robotic P.S. of 75
Powerplant: Nuclear Fusion
Speed: (Running) 50 MPH
(Leaping) Not possible
(Flying) Not possible
(Space) Not possible
(Underwater) Can swim on the surface at 20 MPH, or submerge completely and run along the bottom at 10 MPH, maximum depth of 2 miles (though this typically destroys the plant cover).
Market Cost: Exclusive to the Ecotroz-Shemar
Systems of Note:
Full optical systems, laser targeting, passive nightvision, telescopic vision, thermal imaging, infrared, ultraviolet, and polarization filters. Also has motion and heat detection, built-in radar( 100 mile range) and other standard robot-equivalent systems. Additional/special sensors may be built in by the creating Tinkers or at the behest of individual riders/owners.

*Bionic Cybernanite Repair Systems---ALL Crustreers have the same bionic nanotech repair system that the Ecotroz Shemar have refitted themselves with, and which is becoming the standard among NeShemar as well. These systems repair 4d6 MD per hour, and can repair 40 MDC before needing material stocks to convert to MD repair material.

*Multiple Sub-Brains----Increasingly common with EShemar Awakened superheavy Warmounts is the installation of multiple brain-cores, allowing the giant warmounts to continue operating, even when their Ecotroz-essence ‘sparks’ need to rest.

*Molecular Analyzer----Is typically used for analyzing water, air and soil samples, and discerning pollutants, chemical composition, and concentrations of materials.

*Magnetometer----Range: 5 miles, and has a 70% chance of detecting submerged vessels( -20% for nonmetallic artificial objects, and no chance of detecting organics). Is typically used for mapping local magnetic fields and for searching out ore beds.

*GeoScanner---The Crustreer uses these systems to ‘sniff’ out concentrations of resources to eat and process.

*Vine Missile Factory---The Crustreer can be considered part of the EShemars’ mobile industrial infrastructure, because its armored carapace holds a mini-factory for these bioweapons. Can generate 20 mini-missiles, OR 10 short range missiles, OR 5 medium range missiles, OR 2 long range missiles, per hour.

*Growth Beds---The back of the Crustreer is a large artificial growth media bed for vegetation. A matrix of aerogel webbing holds soil and plantings in place, with water and growth chemicals fed through the roots. Around-the-clock AI monitoring of the plantings provides data on when to water, fertilize, prune, de-worm, and move the maturing plant to its final bed. In general, plants started out in this environment mature 50% faster.

*Decontamination Filters---Using its claws and paddle-arms, the Crustreer can shovel contaminated soil into its mouth and through a process of chemical filters to remove contaminants such as radioactives, dioxin, PCBs, and carcinogens. The resulting purified soil(sometimes enriched with fertilizers and seeded with fungal spores or plant seeds), is ‘shat’ out the backside of the Crustreer. The contaminants can be broken down for recycling by the Crustreer or stored in shielded containers for later, safer, disposal. The Crustreer can process 1d6x10 tons of soil every minute in this fashion.

Weapons Systems:
1) Eye Lasers(4)---Rather than the two eye-laser types more commonly available to EShemar Warmounts, the Crustreer’s large stalked eyes are mounts for lasers more akin to warship batteries.
Range: 2 miles
Damage: 6d6x10 MD single blast, 12d6x10 MD for both eyes firing simultaneously(counts as one attack)
Rate of Fire: ECHH
Payload: Effectively Unlimited

2) Kinetic Bolt Projectors(8 ) ---An adaptation of Paladin Steel’s electromagnetic vortex projectors, these weapons throw invisible ‘knuckles’ of electromagnetic force that strike like kinetic projectiles. The Crustreer typically uses them to excavate small holes in the ground for planting saplings. One projector turret is mounted on each leg.
Range: (EM Bolt) 4,000 ft
(Vortices) 3,000 ft
Damage: (EM Bolt) (Variable) 4d6 SD, 1d6x10 SD, or 5d6 MD per shot
(Vortices) Same as for the bolt at the point of impact, plus HALF damage in a 7 ft radius, and an 88% chance of knockdown(lose 1 APM and Initiative) for beings of 350 lbs or less, 65% chance of being stunned(-10 to strike, dodge, parry, and roll, NO Initiative, HALF speed and APMs for 1d4 melees).
Rate of Fire: ECHH or as an automated defense system linked to a radar/sensor system, has a +2 to strike, and four attacks per melee.
Payload: Effectively Unlimited
Bonus: Laser targeting add +1 to strike. EM bolts are -6 to dodge, on top of that!

3) Ion Claws---These are larger versions of an option weapon first introduced on the Tyra-Claw e-animal drones. They emulate Kittani plasma weaponry in that the claws are lined with superconducting elements that can channel extremely high voltage through them to deliver a shocking and incapacitating stab-strike. They can also fire a powerful ion blast with more power and range than the smaller versions available to the Tyra-Claw.
Range:(Shock Claws) Melee
(Ion Blast) 1,000 ft
Damage:(Shock Claws)(variable) 4d6 SDC-6d6 MD
Against machines, roll on the following:
01-15: No damage
16-30 Instruments flicker out, before coming back online in 1d4 seconds. Target loses Initiative.
31-45 All weapons temporarily out, and minor electrical fires. One system comes back online in 1d4 melee rds.
46-60 All systems temporarily out, and minor electrical fires. -30% to piloting skills if target is a manned vehicle. Systems come back online after 1d4 melee rds.
61-75 Communications, radar, and targeting are disabled, but weapons systems are unaffected. -3 to strike and no initiative. Damage requires physical repair.
76-90 Instruments are completely totaled. If a manned vehicle, the following skill penalties apply; -25% at one-third of maximum speed, -50% at HALF maximum speed, and -75% at full speed. NO initiative roll, -3 to dodge(-5 if an AI), -3 to strike(-5 if an AI), and lose one action per melee round(2 if an AI)
91-00 Total knockout. Controls do not respond, and machine is out of control. Crash/collapse/total shutdown within 2d4 minutes.
Against organic targets, the Electro-Shok has the following effects: victim must save at 16 or higher is -8 to strike, parry, and dodge, plus speed and actions/attacks per melee are reduced by half, for 2d4 melees, plus 2d4 melees per additional strike. After being struck four times, the victim may be stunned unconscious(42% chance) for 2d4 melees. Upon waking up, the victim continues to suffer the stun penalties for 1d4 minutes.
(Ion Blast) 1d6x10 MD per blast
Rate of Fire: ECHH
Payload: Effectively Unlimited

4) Medium Range Missile Launchers(4) ---Appearing as knob-like protrusions situated around the rim of the shell, these launchers open up to unleash barrages of missiles. In more peaceful fire-missions, they are used to scatter soil sensors, seeds, and the very useful Vine Warheads.
Range: Varies by Missile Type
Damage: Varies by Missile Type
These launchers are typically loaded with Medium Vine Missiles
Range: 40 Mile
MDC: Vines 40 MDC, root bundle 90, -5 to strike due to vines moving about it. Heals 1d6 MD per melee round.
Damage: 6d6 upon impact. Plus plant bundle rooting.
Anything struck by the missile or within 20 feet of it is immediately strike with vines, wrapping and entangling limbs. Targets must make a Dodge roll vs vines Entangle +4 roll.
The vines and roots will grow to cover a 40 foot wide area, with powerful vines during the round it was deployed. Any new targets entering its 40 ft area during the round it is deployed must dodge vines attempting to entangle them.
The next melee round the vines are full size and will attempt to attack as well as entangle anything not a Shemarrian or Shemarrian friendly. The plant will have 7 attacks, with 15 vines for slapping, +6 to strike, dealing 5d6 MD and can make an immediate entangle attempt upon a successful strike, +8 to entangle. Once a target is entangled, the target will be transferred to shorter stronger vines, freeing the primary vines for attacking. These smaller vines will do 7D6+6 MD squeezing damage, with an effective Robotic Strength 35. 10 targets up to 8 feet can be held and entangled at a time, or 6 up to 15 ft, 3 up 20 ft, 1 up to 40 ft. Anything not entangled attempting to move through the area the vines are covering suffers -30% speed and -4 to Dodge attacks from outside sources.
Rate of Fire: Volleys of 1-10
Payload: 80 each

5) Spray Cannon(6) ---Several knob-like projections from the Crustreer’s shell are powerful spray cannons, capable of directing powerful streams of liquid like firehoses, able to knock down beings or sluice away loose earth, or spray a fine mist over an area. These cannons typically use water, but other chemicals, such as fertilizers and pesticides, or chemical neutralizing agents, are also used. In some situations, such as the cleanup of Evales, caustic chemicals are used to break down the mounded corpses of the invading Chor’ well as to literally liquidate any surviving Chor’ii holdouts(the Evalan Horrorwoods have acquired something of a grudge against the rapacious cannibears).
Range: 1000 ft(more if the wind is with you)
Damage: None, unless spraying pesticides or caustic/corrosive agents
To vampires, a water spray does 1d6 x10 HP
Rate of Fire: Six times per melee
Payload: If standing in a source of water, has a effectively unlimited supply of water.
Six onboard reservoirs can each hold 30,000 gallons of liquids.

6) Reactive Armor---The edges of the Crustreer’s shell are covered in segmented armor plates that are actually regenerative reactive armor sections. In response to missile or infantry attacks, these sections can explode off the carapace as directional-charge fragmentation mines, shredding those caught in their blast of flying shrapnel.
Range: 100 ft
Damage: 5d6 MD to a cone swath roughly 50 ft long, by 10 ft wide.
Used as reactive armor against plasma and armor-piercing missiles, the charges act as a PARRY, rolling to match or better the missile’s strike roll...a successful counter means that the missile damage is HALVED, while a failure means the tank takes full damage. Note: when dealing with volleys, one reactive armor pack can match TWO missiles in a volley, so in order to effectively counter a five missile volley, the tank must expend 3 reactive armor packs...two packs would roll twice to defeat their respective missiles, the third would only roll once. If the enemy missile launcher has a line of sight on the tank, they can target a spot on the hull which has no packs covering it (a called shot), in which case the remaining reactive armor is -4 to cover the gap.
Rate of Fire: One at a time or can be simultaneously fired in volleys of 1-10
Payload: Each side of the massive Warmount(sides) can be fitted with 100 fletchette packs each, the front and back with 50 (300 total)
The Crustreer can regenerate these panels at 25 per hour. It takes 5 MDC from the repair capacity to regenerate a single reactive armor panel.

7) Whip Antennae (4, 2 front, 2 rear) ---The Crustreer sports four long(150 ft) antennae that are typically used to ‘taste’ soil and water, and probe through murky water. THey can also be used to deliver a powerful whip strike against softer targets.
Range: Melee; 150 ft reach
Damage: 2d6 MD whip attack
6d6 MD Power Whip Strike (2 attacks)

The Ecotroz have installed robotic AIs, then infected the matrix with a low-level Ecotroz sentience.
Typically has the following:
Excavation 85%
Mining 80%
Salvage 80%
Forestry 80%
Landscaping 80%
Land Navigation 94%
Underwater Navigation 94%
Radio Basic 98%

The Ecotroz entity can also pick up one Secondary skill at levels 2, 6, and 12 of experience, though the nature of the Crustreer intelligence and design is such that it is limited to skill selections from Technical: Language(understanding) and Lore (Cattle & Animals, Indians, Juicers, Magic, Demons & Monsters, D-Bees, Faerie---at least with regards to identifying their relative threat level), and Wilderness( Hunting).

Actions/Attacks Per Melee: 5(+possible individual weapons systems autofire modes)
Initiative +2 (+1 from the Ecotroz entity for a total of +3)
Dodge Too massive to dodge
Strike +2 (+3 w/ ranged weaponry)
Roll +2
Bite 2d6x10 MD per bite, 2d4x100 MD per full melee of chewing and slicing.
Claw Punch 1d6x10+15 MD
Power Claw Strike(2 attacks) 2d6x10+30 MD
Claw Snip/Crush 2dx10+20 MD
Paddle Arm Swat 1d6x10+12 MD, and 88% chance of knocking targets 12 ft or smaller off their feet and flying 1d4x10 ft(lose 1 APM and Initiative), 65% chance of being stunned(-10 to strike, dodge, parry, and roll, NO Initiative, HALF speed and APMs for 1d4 melees)
Whip Antennae Lash 2d6 MD
Power Whip Strike (2 attacks)6d6 MD
Kick 1d6x10 MD
Stomp 1d8x10 MD (applicable to objects 20 ft tall or smaller)
Body Block/Ram 1d8x10 MD

Note: The Ecotroz intelligence fragment inhabiting the ‘bot gives the Crustreer an aura and behavior more befitting a sentient being than a robot. The Crustreer is generally slow and ponderous in thought and attitude, more focused idiot-savant style on the tasks of caring for its plants and the environment, but it can snap into vicious aggression when defending its territory or directed to by its designated Rider/crew.

The Ecotroz fragment does occasionally need sleep/rest...though they only need 2 hours of rest/meditation per 24 hours...they can push this, going without for as many days as they have I.Q. points(most Warmounts, unless otherwise noted, have an effective IQ rating of 8 ), but will have to go dormant for 4d6 hours after such exertion.
Note also that the Ecotroz-possessed ‘bot can infect other bots with the Ecotroz viral-entity, by bite or sustained touch(takes 3 attacks).

*Generate Straw-Warrior Drones----The Crustreer’s manufactories can switch over from producing Vine MUnitions to generating Straw Warrior drones; Can generate 20 EcoS-R65Hw 'Straw Warriors', OR 12 EcoS-R65HwR - Rosettas , OR 8 EcoS-R65HwM - Man Eaters, OR 4 lEcoS-R65GHwE -Entlings, per hour.

*Faux Magic: Summon & Control Insects---The Crustreer can appear to summon and control swarms of insects(typically 1d6x1,000). In reality, there are microbots that are normally housed aboard the giant warmount and used to tend the plants(especially as pollinators, when local environmental conditions have adversely affected the normal natural pollinator populations).

*Faux Magic: Summon & Control Animals---This is simply the Crustreer calling up contingents of robots disguised as biological forms. The aforementioned Avyets, Peepers, Chirts, Chitterlings, Airquid, Bantys, Grunders, or other types, even Feral-model warmounts, can constitute the summoned hordes.

*TW Systems---The Wayfinders have suggested a number of technowizardry systems that can be added to the Crustreer to enhance its capabilities:
Requires a PP source, typically a PPE Powerstone Generator:

(Medium)-----300 PPE battery capacity; recharges at 10 PPE per hour, 40 PPE/hour at a leyline, 80 PPE/hour on a nexus
(‘Wizard’)----400 PPE battery capacity; recharges at 14 PPE per hour, 50 PPE/hour at a leyline, 100 PPE/hour on a nexus
(‘Sorcerer’)--- 600 PPE battery capacity; recharges at 20 PPE per hour, 60 PPE/hour at a leyline, 120 PPE/hour on a nexus

-Grow Plants---DOUBLES plant growth in a 160,000 sq. ft area either on the warmount’s back or on the ground 150 ft away for 120 PPE(requires 500 carats/500,000 credits’ worth of garnet crystals)

-Heal the Earth(Biomancy spell)----Cleanses a 1,000 ft area of pollution and DOUBLES crop yields for 1d4 years, for the measly cost of 10 PPE(the nature spirits must be pleased with you!) (requires 100 carats/60,000 credits’ worth of amber).

-Summon & Control Rain---- 10 mile area, 10 hour duration. 100 PPE

-Repel Animals/Insects--- Repels creatures(aimed at plant-destroying vermin) from a 500 ft-wide area for 24+ 3d7 hours. 350 PPE.
"Trouble rather the Tiger in his Lair,
Than the Sage among his Books,
For all the Empires and Kingdoms,
The Armies and Works that you hold Dear,
Are to him but the Playthings of the Moment,
To be turned over with the Flick of a Finger,
And the Turning of a Page"

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Re: Shemarrian-related fan creations

Unread post by taalismn »

Housekeeping: Added ‘Dark Tribes’:
*The Enblightened

- to the Codex Masterfile on pg 1.
"Trouble rather the Tiger in his Lair,
Than the Sage among his Books,
For all the Empires and Kingdoms,
The Armies and Works that you hold Dear,
Are to him but the Playthings of the Moment,
To be turned over with the Flick of a Finger,
And the Turning of a Page"

--------Rudyard Kipling
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Re: Shemarrian-related fan creations

Unread post by taalismn »

Something for the GNEverse and Omegadsgundam’s treatment of the Shemarrians in Warlord Romanov’s court.

EcoS-K-182 Yaganar Warmount
(aka 'Witch-Walker')
“It’s a chicken-walker shed! What’s there to be afraid of? My guns will use it for target practice!”
---Last recorded words of Commander Vladimir Yotski, ‘Yotski’s Rolling Iron’ warband, just before an encounter with ‘wandering troublemakers’ on the coast of the Black Sea.

“You’d never believe something so big can move so fast until you’ve actually seen them for yourself. And if you want to see them in combat, you better be a bystander at a distance, because you do NOT want to be the focus of their ire.”

“Romanov -despises- those who target innocent civilians, and she’s chosen as her heralds and magistrates those who share her sentiments. If you’re one of those warbands who make a living terrorizing the commoners, don’t expect sympathy or mercy from her peacekeepers, especially when they’re backed by her Shemarrian allies and by the NeoYagas in particular. Those cyberwitches aren’t afraid of anything, they can summon up firestorms in their rage, and steel runs like blood under their burning gaze.”

“Standing orders of the Wargoddess; if you encounter the real Baba Yaga, there is no shame in RUNNING. We currently have no feud with her and we have no intention of incurring one...unless we are good and ready to take her on, which, I can confidentially say, we are not. That having been said, if you can sway her to assist you in your mission, all very fine and good, but do not go out of your way to try when it would be easier and simpler to just avoid her altogether. We’d rather she ignored us than she took a negative notice of our presence and operations.”

Yaganars are another example of warmount that blurs the distinction between warmount and vehicle. Yaganars began appearing in eastern Europe and northern Asia soon after EShemarrian emissaries established a relationship with Warlord Romanov and the latter actually became a Wargoddess, so it is likely that the new warmount was a collaborative effort between the two nations.
The Yaganar ‘s inspiration is clearly drawn from Slavic myth in that the warmount resembles a cross between a mystic construction and a biowizardry abomination. The Yaganar resembles a hut or small chapel atop a pair of giant chicken legs. Atop the hut’s roof is a small tower with an ‘onion’ dome of clear glasslike material in which floats what looks like a giant Eye of Eylor(the resemblance is taken as another indication to more worldly observers that the Shemarrians are a breakaway ex-servitor race of the Splugorth, who have commandeered some of the Splugorths’ signature biotechnologies). A number of windows are mounted in the walls of the hut, through which riders can snipe with their own weapons, but the window-ports can be closed with armored shutters. The interiors, while not exactly luxurious, are roomy enough to hold a dozen people, sheltering them from environmental hazards and violence.
While not particularly well-armed aside from their powerful eye-maser, Yaganar are very well-armored(including an integral forcefield), surprisingly mobile, and possess both faux-magic and technowizardry. Then, too, they often carry contingents of EShemar and NeShemar warriors, who frequently man weapons at the ‘hut’s’ windows, using the warmount as shelter and an armored personnel carrier.
Yaganars are frequently the preferred ride of EShemarrian Mystics, faux-mages, and robo-true-mages.
No two Yanganars look exactly alike, with at least minor architectural details distinguishing individual warmounts. Depending on what sort of company the Yaganar rider keeps(be it the company of other Shemarrian Tribes, Mystic Kuznya, Old Believers, Mystics, Ectohunters, bogatyrs, or other local champions), the Yaganar may be decorated/hung with various charms, wards, and fetishes(usually of enchanted materials or cold iron).
While rare, Yaganars are appearing in conjunction and cooperation with Warlord Romanov’s efforts to establish peace and stability in her region of the world. Though exclusively piloted by EShemarrians, Yaganars often transport Romanov-appointed itinerant magistrates to bring justice and peace to remote and still war-torn regions of her realm. They also frequently escort and transport teams of champions sent to hunt down war criminals and monsters that plague good people.
So far, Yaganars have only appeared in Eastern Europe and Northwestern Asia, operating with the multi-Tribal emissary enclaves operating there. No one Tribe claims ownership of them, though the Wayfinders, Wolf’s Path, Horrorwoods and Lost Eclipse representatives seem to most often associated with them, and the design is expected to percolate through

Type: EcoS-K-182 Yaganar
Class: Robotic Warmount, Cavalry
Crew: None; robot intelligence
1 rider/pilot, and room for 1-25 passengers inside
MDC/Armor by Location:
Main Body 900
Eye Dome 460
*Window Shutters( 12; 2 each side, four on the tower) 300 each
Front Door/Hatch(2; double layers) 300 each
Legs(2) 400 each
**Forcefield 700

*The windows are small targets, and open or closed, the ports and the gunners behind them are -8 to strike, even on a called shot

**Forcefield regenerates at 1d6x10 MD per melee

Height: 30 ft, 60 ft fully upright
Width: 25 ft
Length: 30 ft
Weight: 120 tons
Cargo: Typically 5 tons internally, but if not carrying passengers(or the riders are willing to squeeze in on top of the payload) can fit in 50 tons.
Physical Strength: Equivalent to Robotic P.S. of 50
Powerplant: Nuclear w/ 20 year energy life
Speed: (Running) 100 MPH
(Leaping) Can make a standing hop-leap of 15 ft up/20 across, and a running leap(in excess of 40 MPH) of 80 ft up/100 ft across.
(Flying) Not possible(see Options/Variants)
(Space) Not possible
(Underwater) Can float on the surface like a raft and paddle along at 20 MPH.
Market Cost: Exclusive to the Ecotroz-Shemar
Systems of Note:
Full optical systems, laser targeting, passive nightvision, telescopic vision, thermal imaging, infrared, ultraviolet, and polarization filters. Also has motion and heat detection, built-in radar( 80 mile range) and other standard power armor-equivalent systems. Additional/special sensors may be built in by the creating Tinkers or at the behest of individual riders/owners.

*Bionic Cybernanite Repair Systems---ALL Yaganar have the same bionic nanotech repair system that the Ecotroz Shemar have refitted themselves with, and which is becoming the standard among NeShemar as well. These systems repair 4d6 MD per hour, and can repair 300 MDC before needing material stocks to convert to MD repair material.

*Camou-Shroud--- The roof shingles on the back of the Yaganar resemble chicken feathers, but they can extend and change color/pattern/texture to camouflage the Warmount at rest, and provide protection from the elements to beings camped around the settled Warmount, limited megadamage protection, as well as concealment from electronic and infrared/thermographic detection.
MDC: The feather-tenting provides about 100 MDC of protection, however, against explosions, it is less effective(being non-rigid, shockwaves pass through its fabric), so explosives will do HALF damage to the occupants, regardless of how much MDC is left in the tent.
Special Features:
*Fire Proofing---Can handle temperatures up to 300 degrees centigrade. Normal fires do NO damage
*Chameleon-cloth Fabric---Can assume one of several preset color configurations.
*Thermal Insulation-Infrared and Thermographic sensors are -25% to detect the shelter.
*Electronic Insulation- Radar, MAD, and EM sensors are -20% to detect the shelter.

*Dual Minds---Like a dolphin’s ‘swim while asleep’ capability, Yaganar have a compartmentalized brain-intelligence that allows them to continue moving under power even as the invested Ecotroz essence goes ‘asleep’. During this time the warmount can remain under power without pausing. This duality is increasingly common in the larger and longer-ranged Warmounts such as the Stone Eater and Lepidopterror.

*Extendable Balcony Platform----A shelf running along the lower edge of the hut can be extended, allowing additional passengers to step up onto it and be carried along with the Warmount, but exposed to the elements. The shelf is roughly 3 ft wide.

*Self-Destruct---It’s not well-advertised, but the Yaganar is fitted with a particularly destructive self-destruct package to keep its technology out of enemy hands, and to maintain their mustique. When triggered, the SD system completely destroys the warmount’s remains in a chirning superhot black cloud, plus 2d4x10 MD to a 50 ft radius beyond that. Any remaining scraps will be dissolved into slag and goo by nanite action.

Weapons Systems:
1) Eye Dome----What looks like a giant Eye of Eylor in a glass onion dome is actually a powerful maser system derived from the ‘Ghouldar’ Warmount. The giant eye is actually the projector for a massively powerful combination long range laser and microwave projection system. The burning sensations associated with a microwave strike, and the fact that they seem to have no readily identifiable source, have led to the weapon being nicknamed ‘Unseen Fire’.
The microwave component of the weapon can be tuned down to deliver a painful, but non-lethal, warning ‘burn’ to deter enemies(such as crowds of rioters, herds of animals, or other ‘soft’ targets).
Range:(Laser) 14,000 ft
(Microwave) 5,000 ft and can affect a 15 ft wide area
Damage:(Laser) 2d4x10 MD per blast
(Microwave) (Varies)
At its lowest setting, it does 1d4 SDC per melee, through clothing and protective gear(but not through MDC armor), though even targets in MDC EBA will complain of a tingling or burning sensation similar to sunburn. This mode is typically used for crowd control and as an irritant.
Low power does 4d6 SDC per blast, through nonmetallic shielding and armor. There is a 30% chance of knocking cybernetics such as cyberoptics and radio comms off-line for 1d4 minutes.
Medium Power does 1d6x10 SDC/HP per blast, through nonmetallic shielding and armor. There is a 70% chance of knocking cybernetics such as cyberoptics and radio comms off-line for 1d4 minutes.
High Power does 4d6 MD to everything in the area of effect. 65% chance of combustibles catching fire and volatiles boiling into steam explosions. Beings in standard(especially nonmetallic) body armors take 1d6 SDC THROUGH their armor. Metal armor and ‘bots will spark and external communications/sensor systems may be (50% chance) knocked off-line for 1d4 minutes.
Rate of Fire:(Laser) ECHH
(Microwave) ECHH
Payload: Effectively Unlimited

2) Plasma-Throwers(2)----What look like lanterns or torches flanking the front-end entrance portico are really plasma flamers.
Range: 1,000 ft
Damage: 1d4x10 MD, plus 3d6 MD to a 6 ft ‘splash’ radius
Rate of Fire: ECHH
Payload: Effectively Unlimited

3) (Optional) Modular Weapons(4)---The Yaganar can conceal up to four standard Eshemar weapons modules under architectural features of the hut, usually patches of shingles, window planters, or decorative woodwork. These pop-up mini-turrets can suddenly rise into view and open fire, surprising would-be attackers.

Faux Magic/Magic Emulation Systems:
*See Magic---Actually a technological adaptation of Kiralian optics and other systems (It’s a Shemarrian knockoff of the Japanese SNARLSystem with some GNE and EShemar add-ons). Slightly more sensitive with a PPE trigger threshold of 40 PPE. Effective range of 200 ft, with 50% margin of error beyond that out to 500 ft.

*Repel Animals---Subsonic frequency broadcasters; the normally inaudible sounds have proven to keep many animals and insect species away.

*Heavy Breathing---This is actually just a subsonic woofer effect meant to give the impression that the Yaganar is a giant living creature...200 ft range and effects identical to the spell of the same name.

*Cloud of Smoke/Ash----The Yaganar’s chimney/firehole can belch out a thick cloud of dark particulate vapor. Range of 100 ft, and covers a 100 square ft area. Depending on local air/wind conditions, the cloud persists for 1d6 melees. Those caught in the cloud are -8 to strike, parry, and dodge, and -1 to initiative, while the grit component will do 1d4 Hit Point inhalation damage per melee to those without respiratory protection. 100 applications.

*Cloud of Protection---The Yaganar’s chimney/firehole can belch out a thick cloud of white ash that seems to catch and reflect light like a very thick fog. In reality it is a very fine laser-reflective chaff cloud made up of fine mica-like flakes suspended in the air. Range of 100 ft, and covers a 100 square ft area. Depending on local air/wind conditions, the cloud persists for 1d6 melees. Those caught in the cloud are -8 to strike, parry, and dodge, and -1 to initiative, while the grit component will do 1d4 Hit Point inhalation damage per melee to those without respiratory protection, and lasers will do HALF damage in the cloud. 60 applications.

The Ecotroz have installed robotic AIs, then infected the matrix with a low-level Ecotroz sentience.
Has the standard Monstrex base programming, plus the following:
Trap/Mine Detection 80%
Camouflage 50%(+5% per level of experience for Ecotroz entity)
The Ecotroz entity can also pick up one Secondary skill at levels 2, 6, and 12 of experience, though the nature of the Yaganar intelligence and design is such that it is limited to skill selections from Technical: Language(understanding) and Lore (Cattle & Animals, Indians, Juicers, Magic, Demons & Monsters, D-Bees, Faerie---at least with regards to identifying their relative threat level), and Wilderness( Track Humanoids, Track Animals, Hunting, Identify Plants and Fruits).

Actions/Attacks Per Melee: 6
Initiative +2 (+1 from the Ecotroz entity for a total of +3)
Dodge +3
Strike +3 (+2 w/ ranged weaponry)
Roll +3
Bite 3d6 MD(Mouth is relatively small and concealed on the underside of the main body)
Kick 5d8
Stomp 2d6 MD
Leap Kick/Stomp 1d8x10 MD

Note: The Ecotroz intelligence fragment inhabiting the ‘bot gives the Yaganar an aura and behavior more befitting a sentient being than a robot. The Yaganar is quiet, patient, and extremely loyal to its rider, but is also surprisingly smart, observant, and alert, well aware of its environment. If ordered to, it will ruthlessly attack any intruders, especially those trying to force entry into the ‘hut’.

Has the following Natural Psionic Abilities(no ISP Cost), all equivalent to 6th level with regards to proficiency, but DOUBLE the range.
*See Aura
*Presence Sense
*Sense Magic

The Ecotroz fragment does occasionally need sleep/rest...though they only need 2 hours of rest/meditation per 24 hours...they can push this, going without for as many days as they have I.Q. points(most Warmounts, unless otherwise noted, have an effective IQ rating of 8; the Yaganar has an IQ of 12 ), but will have to go dormant for 4d6 hours after such exertion.
Note also that the Ecotroz-possessed ‘bot can infect other bots with the Ecotroz viral-entity, by bite or sustained touch(takes 3 attacks).

*Additional Faux Magic:
-Multiple Images----Actually just concealed holographic projectors that can generate up to 4 image-decoys of the Yaganar (or other creatures) up to 200 ft away.

Requires a PP source, typically a PPE Powerstone Generator:
PPE Generators:
PPE Capacity:(Light)----200 PPE battery capacity; recharges at 10 PPE per hour, 20 PPE/hour at a leyline, 40 PPE/hour on a nexus
(Medium)-----300 PPE battery capacity; recharges at 10 PPE per hour, 40 PPE/hour at a leyline, 80 PPE/hour on a nexus
(‘Wizard’)----400 PPE battery capacity; recharges at 14 PPE per hour, 50 PPE/hour at a leyline, 100 PPE/hour on a nexus
(‘Sorcerer’)--- 600 PPE battery capacity; recharges at 20 PPE per hour, 60 PPE/hour at a leyline, 120 PPE/hour on a nexus

* Aerial Float System---This allows the warmount to become light as a feather, and rise into the air. It can then engage another propulsion system to fly(albeit slowly). This allows the warmout to cover ground more quickly, without leaving telltale tracks that can be trailed. When levitating/flying, the hut’s feather-shingles extend into wings as the warmount floats into the air. Can achieve an altitude of 10,000 ft, but rarely goes above 1,000 ft. Maximum speed is 140 MPH, DOUBLE on a ley line. Duration is 1 hour per 5 PPE pumped into the system, INDEFINITELY on a ley line.

*Path of Green---This allows the giant ‘chicken-walker’ to maneuver through dense forest with ease and not lave a trackable trail behind it. Clears a path through the underbrush 800 ft long and 32 ft wide. Effect lasts 10 minutes before lapsing, closing the avenue and erasing any tracks. Costs 7 PPE per use.

*TW Turn Dead---- 120 ft range, affects 1d6x10 dead for 24 hours, for 3 PPE.

*TW Fear/Horror Factor---Used to amplify the effects of the sheer size of the Yaganar on squishy little groundlings, and capitalizing on the resemblance to Baba Yaga’s legged hut( Horror Factor of 16, 100 ft area of effect, up to 200 ft away, duration of 10 minutes, and cost 5 PPE).

*TW Impervious to Energy---5 minutes per 20 PPE pumped in.

*TW Impervious to Fire---10 minutes per 5 PPE pumped in.

*TW Protective Energy Forcefield---10 minutes and 50 MDC per 10 PPE pumped in.

*TW Chameleon Cloak----1 hour per 5 PPE pumped in.

*Air Terror Defense Drone System---A knockoff of the Farnborough Aviation/Paladin Steel Foo-Fighter Defense Drone System, a variant combination of the Magic Warrior and Ball Lightning spells, this TW-projector generates attendant magic drones that can fight in defense of the Warmount. The Air-Terrors are semiautonomous and can be released/directed at specified targets then sent on their way to do their damage, or they can be remotely directed by a gunner/weapons officer on the Warmount. The Magic Warrior ‘drone’ can be chosen to appear to appear as a flying wraith-spirit, winged animal, small aerial monster, or a miniature whirlwind/air elemental . Air-Terrors attack by ramming or by firing short range bolts of eldritch lightning at their targets. Air-Terrors can be targeted and destroyed by conventional means, but Dispel Magic and Anti-Magic Cloud spells stop them dead. Multiple Air-Terrors are also possible, though each materialized ‘escort’ costs an additional 60 PPE
Range: Typically the Air-Terrors will stray no more than 6,000 ft from the creating aircraft.
MDC of Foo Fighter: 110
Speed: 400 MPH
Damage: Does 3d6+10 MD per strike or electrical bolt(1,500 ft range)
Duration: 10 melees (roughly 5 minutes) per activation
PPE Activation Cost: Costs 60 PPE per fighter per activation
Bonuses: Each Air-Terror has 5 actions/attacks per melee, +5 to strike, roll, and dodge, and +4 on initiative

* Magic Chimney---Adds what looks like a brick chimney that can spout various magical vapors:
-Cloud of Slumber(12 PPE)---Produces a cloud of soporific vapors covering a 500 ft area and lasting 10 minutes, depending on wind conditions. Save vs magic or fall asleep.
-Cloud of Smoke(6 PPE)---Produces a cloud of thick obscuring smoke covering a 500 ft area and lasting 10 minutes, depending on wind conditions.
-Cloud of Ash( 10 PPE)---Produces a cloud of hot ash covering a 500 ft area and lasting minutes, depending on wind conditions.
- Summon & Control Storm( 150 PPE)----Covers a 10 mile area and can last 10 hours.
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Re: Shemarrian-related fan creations

Unread post by Omegasgundam »

The current Ukraine crisis has made things awkward regarding Rifts Russia, but rest assured that while Romanov claims the title of Empress of Russia, the culture of her territory is as Ukrainian in any way that would still be relevant given the time span and environmental problems. Additionally, there is a number of metaphysical aspects involved, with Kyev effectively usurping the spiritual role that was formerly held by Moscow. On the divine level, things are just short of an open blood bath with Ukrainian aligned beings taking their millennia long revenge over Kyev not being the Russian capital in the first place, and they are milking for all its worth.
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Re: Shemarrian-related fan creations

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Well said.
Prayers to the RL Ukraine, and I say that as the son of a Latvian refugee and immigrant.
"Trouble rather the Tiger in his Lair,
Than the Sage among his Books,
For all the Empires and Kingdoms,
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Re: Shemarrian-related fan creations

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I may or may not do a more in-depth explanation over the cultural and political questions that the IIRL Ukraine invasion has brought up, but here's some cliff notes. I'm basing heavily off of the youtube kF9KretXqJw for this.
Rommanov has also made a statement of 'staying in Kyev in both tangible and intangible', which almost outright says that the she wishes to avoid/undo the cultural changes that came from the shift from the Kievan Rus' to the Moscow focused Tsardom of Russia in the 15th century. It gets sold internally are 'discarding the self crippling practices of decadent -inaudible- (post-Constantinople Byzantine Empire) and crude savages (Mongol Occupation)', which are the source of most of the cultural problems the 'West' has with Russia.
    The worst of the overall patronizing attitudes to other Slavic cultures died sometime during the Dark Age, and there is little to no historical documentation to explain when or how.
    Old Moscow being turned into a still lethal radioactive crater put a major stop to the whole 'Third Rome' thing, and while Romanov herself arguably embodies the 'Divine Rights/Authority of Kings', she intentionally tries to push it into more stable directions.
    Closely linked, the 'Strong Leader keeps chaos away' has been 'disproven' by the Butcher Twins, who were both very 'strong' and unarguably forces of disruption.
    Said twins have also been firmly tied to the various 'Mongol cruelties', which also includes there being 'one khan' and the vast majority of the lying and corruption that has long limited Russia's progress.
    As Warlord Russia is almost entirely west of the Urals it is forced to engage with the 'West'
    Finally, the post-First Cold War politics and sphere of influence is not only dead but completely decomposed.

Burgasov still embodies the 'hard man' niche, but his absolute refusal to engage in the 'tactical truth nonsense' is as strong as ever and he feels he has accomplished all that is practical during his lifetime. He also realizes that things are becoming too complex for a straightforward 'hard military man' to be best/only choice for administration, and does not wish to be linked to Nicolas I or gods forbid Nicolas II.

Seriyev embodies the 'Russian Mafioso' stereotype, but Romanov is felt to keep him on a sufficiently tight leash. In the post Azhur era, he has expanded into the field of 'low-end' consumer electronics, hoping to corner the market while justifying it as shoring up Russia's long standing problems in this field.

Kolodenko continues to be the man everybody sane considers the ideal Tzar (if necessary), and has the lion's share of Russia's academic pursuits under his watch. This also includes the first formal school of magic in the Warlord realms, focusing on more 'down to earth' fields of techno-wizardry and Stone Magic (haha).

The Sovietski are soul searching now that they are demonstrably not under (intentional) attack by outsiders.
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Re: Shemarrian-related fan creations

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Just a quick thing since I looked at the Mixmaw entry and found metals that were meant to be good humor, but I decided to expand upon with my own spin.

Handwavium: This metal's properties allow for it to support the fantastical and unbelievable into a more plausible form. Useful for superpowers, enchanted objects and the Clowntech of Bakalapona.
Color: Polka Dot
Found in: Places where reality was altered or the what if happened.

Absurdrum: Negates the power and authority of the divine or deity empowered.
Color: Dull Gold
Found in: Ruins of obsolete deities or veins that run where the divine's champions and chosen were felled.

Plobotinum: Used to ground places or ships traveling through non conventual means from coming apart. Used in Bakalapona FTL Slingshots.
Color: Pastel Orange flecked with blue
Found in: FTL engine detonation sites or Phase tech disposal sites.

Excitritum: Rounded rubicx cubes of excess energy containment. Synthesized in small ingots for power sources, any bigger and it burns hexagons through everything.
Color: Bright Brown
Found in: Created for now under controlled conditions.
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Re: Shemarrian-related fan creations

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'Clowntech'---gotta remember that. Makes sense too. Smart people fear clowns. They have good reason to fear Bakalaponan clowntech as well.
"Trouble rather the Tiger in his Lair,
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For all the Empires and Kingdoms,
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Re: Shemarrian-related fan creations

Unread post by kronos »

89er wrote:Just a quick thing since I looked at the Mixmaw entry and found metals that were meant to be good humor, but I decided to expand upon with my own spin.

Handwavium: This metal's properties allow for it to support the fantastical and unbelievable into a more plausible form. Useful for superpowers, enchanted objects and the Clowntech of Bakalapona.
Color: Polka Dot
Found in: Places where reality was altered or the what if happened.

Absurdrum: Negates the power and authority of the divine or deity empowered.
Color: Dull Gold
Found in: Ruins of obsolete deities or veins that run where the divine's champions and chosen were felled.

Plobotinum: Used to ground places or ships traveling through non conventual means from coming apart. Used in Bakalapona FTL Slingshots.
Color: Pastel Orange flecked with blue
Found in: FTL engine detonation sites or Phase tech disposal sites.

Excitritum: Rounded rubicx cubes of excess energy containment. Synthesized in small ingots for power sources, any bigger and it burns hexagons through everything.
Color: Bright Brown
Found in: Created for now under controlled conditions.

I can see the Enblightened using Absurdrum.. if it negates divine power.. does it have any effect on regular magic? or would just clerics and other magic users that get their power from higher beings? what about those who draw power from other powerful beings?
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Re: Shemarrian-related fan creations

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Handwaviun...I can imagine armor or a Warmount plated in the stuff being more dangerous turned inside out than the right way....

"Oh my god, she's got her handwavium underwear on over her battle armor! FLEE!"
"Trouble rather the Tiger in his Lair,
Than the Sage among his Books,
For all the Empires and Kingdoms,
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To be turned over with the Flick of a Finger,
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Re: Shemarrian-related fan creations

Unread post by 89er »

Absurdrum's effects are minor to magic users, due to using their internal reserves of power. Their magical ability would sputter for a moment then recover to get back in sync with the body itself.

Any sufficiently powerful entity who gives their power to mortals, be they Gods, Alien Intelligences, Elemental Rulers or just like being worshiped are fair game. The stronger the connection from mortal to entity, the more damage the Absurdrum will do.
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Re: Shemarrian-related fan creations

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89er wrote:Absurdrum's effects are minor to magic users, due to using their internal reserves of power. Their magical ability would sputter for a moment then recover to get back in sync with the body itself.

Any sufficiently powerful entity who gives their power to mortals, be they Gods, Alien Intelligences, Elemental Rulers or just like being worshiped are fair game. The stronger the connection from mortal to entity, the more damage the Absurdrum will do.

Sounds like Absurdrum's good for imprisoning god- and possessing entities. Or setting a trap baited with an entity's minions, like witches.
"Okay, let's see what trouble you've gotten yourself into this time, my dark seductreEEEYYYAGGGHHHHH!!!!"
"Trouble rather the Tiger in his Lair,
Than the Sage among his Books,
For all the Empires and Kingdoms,
The Armies and Works that you hold Dear,
Are to him but the Playthings of the Moment,
To be turned over with the Flick of a Finger,
And the Turning of a Page"

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Re: Shemarrian-related fan creations

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Flit Striker Munitions

Phoenix Rounds
These Flit Striker munitions look like a miniature phoenix, in shades of yellow, red and orange. When launched they leave a fiery trail behind them, and when they strike a target release a burst of fire. From these flames raises a copy of the Flit Striker made purely of magical fire which flies away a short distance before circling back to strike the same target. If the original target is destroyed, it will strike the nearest enemy target within 50 feet of the original target. Phoenix rounds are used by Wayfinders, Hawkmoon and Blood Rider Tribes, and sometimes their offshoot tribes, exclusively.
Range: 4,000 ft. The projectile flies at 300 MPH.
Damage: (Plasma) 4d6 MD to a 20 ft blast radius
Secondary Attack
After striking the original target, a fiery copy flies up 50 feet, then comes back the firer's next turn, makes a to strike roll at +5, +7 against undead, demons, deevils against the original target struck. If the original target is destroyed, it will attack the next closest enemy target to the original within 50 ft of the original target. If misses will release a burst of fire and dissipates.
Damage: 4d6 MD magical fire to a 10 ft blast radius.
Requires spells Fuel Flame, Ignite Fire, Fire Ball and Magic Pigeon to create.

Huma Rounds
These munitions have a fairly typical raptor bird design, except the neck is longer, with the wings made of a translucent crystaline type material. Once launched, the projectiles become silent and invisible, making them perfect assassination weapons. Developed by the Wayfinders and used by Hawkmoon and Skyklad snipers.
MDC of Projectile 4 MD
Speed: 400 MPH
Range: 6,000 ft
Damage: (Plasma) 5d6 MD to 5 ft blast radius
Notes: Upon firing becomes invisible as per the spell until within 50 ft of the target or makes actual attack, target is -2 to Dodge first strike.

Frost Wing
These projectiles have larger wings with sharp edges and very small head, with white and blue accents in colour. Once launched, the spell Frost Blade is cast over the head and wings, creating a large blade made of ice along its leading edge. Frost Wings are faster than normal, and make attacks by slashing with its wings in flyby attacks before finally detonating in a shower of ice shards. Developed by the Aurora Warriors, but also used by IceFlames Tribe.
MDC of Projectile: 10 MD
Speed: 400 MPH
Range: 5,500 ft
Damage: 4d6 MD (magic cold) per slash. 3d6 MD (magic cold damage) to 20 ft blast radius upon destruction
Notes: Has 5 attacks, first four makes slashing attacks at +5 to strike, and the last it self destructs showering 20 ft area with ice shards.
Deals 6dd6 MD damage to fire creatures (5d6 upon detonation), unless their description specifies suffers double damage from cold.

These projectiles are actually used for defense rather than attack. When fired, these thick bodied, broad winged projectiles fly around the firer within a 30 foot radius for 1 minute, and project a forcefield around themselves, and will intercept attacks against the firer. Clan Armorand and Silvermoon make the most use of the Defenders.
MDC: Projectile 10 MD, forcefield 30 MD.
Damage: 1d6 MD on a ram
Notes: Has 4 APM, uses them to intercept ranged attacks against the one that fired it. Forcefield regenerates at 5 MD per round, able to operate for 1 minute, then drops to the ground drained. Can be recharged using a standard e-clip in 30 minutes, draining the e-clip in the process. Has +5 to Parry, can parry energy blasts, missiles, grenades, projectiles, etc, damage is done to the forcefield.

Blunt Wing
These projectiles have a blunted head and larger body. They contain an anti-armour plasma charge, but also have the added bonus of at the time of detonation, the spell Wall of Stone is cast 50 feet back towards the firer, creating a shelter for friendly forces to move towards as they charge forward. These projectiles see use in sieges and other battles that the Eshemarrian know the enemies use artillery to create mobile shelters as they charge towards their objective and protect against heavy weapons. Mostly used by the Horrorwoods and Wayfinders, but Clan Armorand and a few Skyklad have used these as well.
MDC of Projectile: 12 MD
Range: 3,000 ft
Damage: 8d6 MD (plasma) to 5 ft blast radius.
Note: Upon destruction of the projectile, creates a stone wall 8x8x4 feet for 4 minutes 50 feet towards the firer, with 50 MDC.
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Re: Shemarrian-related fan creations

Unread post by taalismn »

Yowza......bad enough when your opponent's coming up with new weapons systems, but when they keep adding new tricks to older weapons....
"Trouble rather the Tiger in his Lair,
Than the Sage among his Books,
For all the Empires and Kingdoms,
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Are to him but the Playthings of the Moment,
To be turned over with the Flick of a Finger,
And the Turning of a Page"

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Re: Shemarrian-related fan creations

Unread post by kronos »

Couple more Flit Striker Munitions

Diamond Crest Flit
The Diamond Crest Flit is a thick bodied projectile, designed as a piece of support equipment, similar to the Defender Flit. Instead of an active piece of support gear, this projectile is used as a delivery method of providing protection from a distance. Once launched, the Diamond Crest flies to its designated target, and within 10 feet breaks apart, with the wings splitting off to create bracers and the body splitting open to create a piece that goes around the neck and rest on the shoulders. From these pieces, the Diamond Crest functions similar to the pieces of the Skyeklad DiamondDust armour, except it can not regenerate damage, nor have all of the extra features. The Skyeklad clan developed this projectile for rescue units and healers to provide protection to civilians or wounded warriors, until help can get closer. The Flit carries a supply of carbon which it uses to deploy the protective layer of DiamondDust, however it is unable to regenerate any damage.
MDC: Projectile 20. Once attached adds 5 to each arm and 10 to torso from the Flit itself, 60 MDC from the DiamondDust.
Weight: 10 lbs
Speed: 250 MPH
Range: 2,000 ft
Damage: None
Note: Has +5 to Dodge and will use all its attacks to dodge and get to its intended target.
Special Properties:
-Laser Reflective---The multiple crystalline mirrors reduce laser damage by HALF. The mirror reflective properties can also be altered, defeating variable frequency lasers.
*Parry Lasers----The wearer can parry lasers (no bonus), and, if they have enough warning, can attempt to redirect a laser blast they know is coming at them; such attempts are at -5 to strike(before any bonuses the gynoid has are applied), maximum range is only 25% of the maximum range of the attacking weapon, and damage is HALF what it normally would be.
-Sensor Baffling---The micro-fine mirrors can be used to generate an optical blur that obscures the outline and exact location of the wearer; -3 to strike the wearer, and laser targeting is useless.
Duration: The DiamondSkin can be maintained for 1 hour before it shuts down or the MDC is depleted. If the wearer happens to have a DiamondDust armour system built in Upgrade, the MDC from the Diamond Crest Flit can stack with their own DiamondDust armour system, but isn't repaired, it is merely depleted first.

Armoured Wasp Flit
Clan Vespa created their own version of the Diamond Crest Flit, designed to look like a thick, armoured wasp. It carries a Deployable Nano-Armour system, but unlike the Diamond Crest Flit, the Armoured Wasp can repair some of its armour as it has enough material for two applications, and lasts until deactivated or depleted.
MDC: Projectile 10. Once attached adds MDC as per Deployable Nano-Armor special properties.
Weight: 8 lbs
Speed: 275 MPH
Range: 2,000 ft
Damage: None
Note: Has +6 to Dodge and will use all its attacks to dodge and get to its intended target.
Special Properties:
*Deployable Nano-Armor ---- Doctor Kusunoki’s attempt to duplicate the instant chitinous body armor of the Swarmy Bee-Girls; she studied the Wayfinder databases on Cyberknight cyber-armor, and such Elites as the Quiksil and Vada Transforms, and came up with her own ‘smart’ nanotech system that deploys via a chemical sprayer system. When deployed, special nanites pour out onto the wearer’s skin or clothing and link up to form tough, buckyball, composite armor. It remains indefinitely or until depleted.
Hands(2) 15 MDC each
Arms(2) 25 MDC each
Legs(2 ) 30 MDC each
Head 30 MDC
Main Body 60 MDC
Has enough material to deploy a second time (the second use adds to the current MDC of all locations, but skills requiring manual dexterity suffer -5% until added MDC is at normal or lower).
When not needed, or completely depleted, the armor disassembles itself and turns to dust, the flit crumbles to dust as well, making it impossible to reverse engineer.
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Re: Shemarrian-related fan creations

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"Don't ask about the underwear...the jewelry's bad enough...."
"Trouble rather the Tiger in his Lair,
Than the Sage among his Books,
For all the Empires and Kingdoms,
The Armies and Works that you hold Dear,
Are to him but the Playthings of the Moment,
To be turned over with the Flick of a Finger,
And the Turning of a Page"

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Re: Shemarrian-related fan creations

Unread post by kronos »

taalismn wrote:Yowza......bad enough when your opponent's coming up with new weapons systems, but when they keep adding new tricks to older weapons....

Need to keep one's enemies guessing, can't let them get comfortable thinking they know what to expect with a set of gear.
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Re: Shemarrian-related fan creations

Unread post by taalismn »

kronos wrote:
taalismn wrote:Yowza......bad enough when your opponent's coming up with new weapons systems, but when they keep adding new tricks to older weapons....

Need to keep one's enemies guessing, can't let them get comfortable thinking they know what to expect with a set of gear.

Which is why I'm working up a seaweed version of the Straw Warrior :twisted:
"Trouble rather the Tiger in his Lair,
Than the Sage among his Books,
For all the Empires and Kingdoms,
The Armies and Works that you hold Dear,
Are to him but the Playthings of the Moment,
To be turned over with the Flick of a Finger,
And the Turning of a Page"

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Re: Shemarrian-related fan creations

Unread post by kronos »

taalismn wrote:
kronos wrote:
taalismn wrote:Yowza......bad enough when your opponent's coming up with new weapons systems, but when they keep adding new tricks to older weapons....

Need to keep one's enemies guessing, can't let them get comfortable thinking they know what to expect with a set of gear.

Which is why I'm working up a seaweed version of the Straw Warrior :twisted:

Oooh, why didn't I think of that before.

Rock versions.. will appear like small earth elementals, lending to the druidic/nature aspect of the EShemarrians..
Fire versions would be a little harder as current EShemarrian tech for engulfing in fire doesn't last too long.. unless the fire versions are purely short term use.. let them burn out after combat?
Water would have to be enhanced version of the "slime" e-nimal (for a small one)..
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Re: Shemarrian-related fan creations

Unread post by taalismn »

kronos wrote:[

Oooh, why didn't I think of that before.

Rock versions.. will appear like small earth elementals, lending to the druidic/nature aspect of the EShemarrians..)..

Or, since it was inspired by the seaweed model...CORAL rock version....
"Trouble rather the Tiger in his Lair,
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Re: Shemarrian-related fan creations

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Kelpek Drone
(aka ‘Seaweedian’, ‘Kelper’, ‘Kelp-Demon’, ‘Fondle-Frond’, ‘Living Net’, ‘Kelp-Thing’)

The Scylla slithered over the coaming and gained the deck of the pirate ship. Everywhere she looked, the ship was draped with thick ribbons of seaweed. Here and there the carpet of marine vegetation rippled, And mixed among the fronds and stalks, vaguely humanoid shapes, wrapped tight in dark cocoons of pseudo-kelp, twitched and struggled, muffled grunts and screams coming from within.
The Darkwater Elite smiled as she slithered forward. How she loved opening the traps at the end of a good fishing day.....

“Oh no....something’s fouled our propellers and all we can see is lots of seaweed churned up and floating on the surface. Okay, I’m going to ask for volunteers to go over the side and down under to check it out. Nobody? Okay, then, I’m going to PICK somebody-”

“The seaweed! It’s molesting me!”

Kelpeks are the marine equivalent of the Straw Warrior drones. The Darkwaters developed the drone system to protect their marine assets ad provide their forces with another force multiplier.
Kelpeks resemble roughly humanoid masses of seaweed, or heavily seaweed-bedecked Rope Golems. They have no visible eyes, only a head-like mass and multiple large float-bladders like those in kelp(though some sub-tribes program in fake glass floats to give the appearance of facial features). Their limbs are tentacle-like and very flexible.
Kelpeks originate in nanotech nodules seeded in shallow water(no more than 100 ft deep), whereupon they rapidly sprout and grow to their mature state in a matter of minutes, ready to accept orders and carry out their assigned missions.
Kelpeks are sometimes mistaken for some new form of sentient marine vegetable species. The Darkwaters have taken to planting marine ‘forests’ of kelpeks around their underwater facilities as early warning pickets. They also use the drones in amphibious assaults to sabotage ships and submarines, and to distract and corral enemy forces.

Type: EcoS-R67-Kelpek
Class: Unmanned Semi-Autonomous Combat Drone
Crew: None; robot intelligence Drone
MDC/Armor by Location:
Main Body 70
Head 40
Arms(2) 40 each
Legs(2) 40 each
Height: 5-6 ft
Width: 2 ft
Length: 2 ft
Weight: 180 lbs(soaking wet)
Cargo: None; only what can be carried in their fronds
Physical Strength: Equivalent to Robotic P.S. of 18, PP 18, IQ 10
Powerplant: Biosystem plus solar/hydro, in theory can remain operational for 10 years with sufficient fertile soil/mud, water, sunlight and periodic nanite infusion, or possibly longer.
Speed: (Running) 30 MPH
(Leaping) 10 ft across, 5 ft up, running increases distance by 50%
(Flying) Not possible
(Space) Not possible
(Underwater) Can swim at 20 MPH. No depth limit.
Market Cost: Exclusive to the Ecotroz-Shemar
Systems of Note:
Biosystem equivalents of normal vision plus passive nightvision, telescopic vision, thermal imaging, infrared, ultraviolet, and polarization filters. Also has motion and heat detection, radio (5 mile range).

*Nanite Repair - While not as sophisticated as the Bionic Cybernanite repair system the Eshemarrians use, the nanites that help control the Kelpek can do a quick repair, able to repair 6d6 MDC. The system can recharge but takes 24 hours if the Kelpek has access to fertile soil/mud, water and sunlight.

*Bio-Regeneration - The organic nature of the Kelpek allows it to heal 1d4 MDC every hour, 2d4 MDC every hour underwater.

*Extending Limbs - The arms and legs of the Kelpek are able to extend up to 20 feet. Adds 20 feet to melee reach, DOUBLE underwater.
Bonus: +4 to entangle.

*Kinetic Baffling - Blunt force melee combat strikes such as punches, kicks, hammer strikes, falls, and concussive explosions do HALF damage due to the fibrous nature of the Kelpek's body.

*Puncture Resistance - Due to the fibrous nature of the Kelpek, stabs, jabs and piercing, including arrows, crossbow bolts and darts, weapons deal half damage. High speed projectiles such as bullets and railgun rounds have damage reduced by one-quarter.

*Thermal Stealth - Due to the plant nature of the Kelpek, thermal sensors do not register the Straw Warrior.

*Sonar Stealth - Due to the plant nature of the Kelpek, when underwater, it appears indistinguishable on sonar from regular kelp growths or sargassum floats.

*PPE - Sharing the organic nature of the Straw Warrior, the Kelpek actually has 1d4+1 PPE, much to the surprise of the EShemarrians. Any EShemarrian spell caster is able to draw on this PPE, but not anyone else, even upon the destruction of the Kelpek. Another good reason to plant large marine kelper-beds near EShemar marine facilities.

*Passive Sonar---The Kelpeks’ leafy bodies serve as excellent passive sonar arrays and hydrophones. Effective range of 10 miles to pick up human-scale swimmers under most underwater conditions.

*Neutrally Buoyant---Kelpeks can control their buoyancy so as to be able to float at any depth, or rise to the surface at will.

The one downside of the Kelpek design is that extended operations out of water tend to cause the many strands and plaits of the drone’s ghillie-covering to dry out. The drone starts to rustle when moving(-25% to Prowl skill) until it can immerse itself in water again.

Weapons Systems: None standard (see Options)

Climbing 98%
Swimming 98%
Lore: Demons and Monsters 65%
Basic Math 98%
Radio: Basic 98%
Prowl 85%
Tracking 90%
Navigation 86%
Wilderness Survival 80%
W.P. Knife
W.P. Net
W.P. Energy Pistol
W.P. Spear
W.P. Energy Rifle
W.P. Pistol
Language: Can understand 22 different languages

Actions/Attacks Per Melee: 5
Initiative +1
Dodge +5
Parry +3
Strike +3 (+2 w/ ranged weaponry)
Roll +3
Pull Punch +3
Entangle +3
Disarm +3
Pin/Incapacitate on Natural 18-20
Restrained Punch 1d6 SDC
Full Strength Punch 2d6 SDC
Power Punch (2 attacks) 2d4 MD
Constrict 3d6 SDC
Body Block/Tackle 1d6 SDC plus knockdown
Kick 1d6 MD
Leap Kick 2d6 MD (2 attacks)

*Fish-Hooks/Barbs---Sharp hooks sewn into the fibers of the Kelpek; they add +1d4 SDC/ MD to strikes(depending on if it’s an SDC or MD strike) and +1 to snare/entangle,

*Whip Tendrils ---Comes with a W.P. Whip skill upgrade

*Neural Whip---This is simply a long superconducting cable that acts as an elongated and flexible neural mace with regards to effects.
Length: 10 ft
Damage: 2d4 SDC
(Neural Zap) Identical to the Neural Mace; 2d4 SDC, and victim must save at 16 or higher is -8 to strike, parry, and dodge, plus speed and actions/attacks per melee are reduced by half, for 2d4 melees, plus 2d4 melees per additional strike. After being struck four times, the victim may be stunned unconscious(42% chance) for 2d4 melees. Upon waking up, the victim continues to suffer the stun penalties for 1d4 minutes.
Note: MDC construction: 25 MDC.

*Adhesor Whip---This whip has small molecular adhesion pads, on the end for picking up small objects, trapping and entangling an opponent’s limb(or neck) and even for use as an impromptu climbing grapple. If the user is strong enough, or the entangled person desperate enough to tear free, the molecular adhesion pads can painfully rip off a swath of skin(typically 1d4 SDC).
Length: 10 ft
Damage: 2d4 SDC
Bonuses: +1 Entangle. If used in climbing, adds a +5% to the Climbing skill.
Note: MDC construction: 25 MDC.

*Nemocyst Whip---The whip has an adhesion pad that allows it to stick to exposed flesh, which allows tiny injector ports in its tip to deliver skin-contact poisons or sedatives. A replaceable/refillable reservoir(can hold up to 10 doses) pumps the chemicals out to the ejector ports.
Length: 10 ft
Damage: 2d4 SDC, plus chemical effects.
Bonuses: +1 Entangle. If used in climbing, adds a +5% to the Climbing skill.
Note: MDC construction: 25 MDC.

*Tendril Whip---Essentially a pared-down robot tentacle; not as strong, and it requires its user to supply the initial muscle, but once deployed, it can act like a prehensile limb, wrapping around objects and even constricting with bone-cracking pressure.
Length: 10 ft
Damage: 2d4 SDC if used as a stabbing weapon, 4d6 SDC per melee for a constricting crush. Has an effective Robotic P.S. rating of 20.
Bonuses: +2 to Entangle(in addition to any other bonuses from WP. Whip).
Note: MDC construction: 30 MDC. .

*Monofilament Whip--- A braided thread-cord of monomolecular filament line, sharp enough to slice through steel.
Length: 10 ft
Damage: 1d4 MD
Note: MDC construction: 30 MDC.

*Net Launcher----The Kelpek can grow fibrous projectile balls that open up into entangling nets. The Kelpek has capacity to carry 6 such balls, and can sling them up to 500 ft away. The nets each have 25 MDC. The Kelpek can grow new nets at a rate of 1 every 6 hours.

*Chemical Injection - The Kelpek can be modified with small stingers that release any chemical on an unarmed strike, or upon being struck.
Damage: Varies upon chemical or poison used.
Payload: Carries 10 doses.

*Razor Clam-Blades---What look like sharp-edged clams or mussels entangled in the Kelpek’s seaweed fronds are really vibroblades or molecularly-edged cutters, each doing 1d4 to 1d6 MD each.

*Sargasso Gestalt- Kelpeks can be modified to merge together to form large net- or raft-like masses, combining their strength and MDC. A favorite tactic is to form large nets with monomolecular cutter wire cables strung between individual kelpek ‘floats’; the wire entangles and cuts into intruders who blunder into them, and the kelpeks can swarm up the cables to attack the target as well.
As rafts, the combined Kelpek-mass can power along on the surface at roughly 10 MPH. It generally takes four combined Kelpeks to make a raft large enough to support an average-sized human being with sufficient dry freeboard on top of them.
"Trouble rather the Tiger in his Lair,
Than the Sage among his Books,
For all the Empires and Kingdoms,
The Armies and Works that you hold Dear,
Are to him but the Playthings of the Moment,
To be turned over with the Flick of a Finger,
And the Turning of a Page"

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Re: Shemarrian-related fan creations

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Ratzorg E-Animal
(aka ‘Wreck-Rats’. ‘Cyborged’ Ratzorgs are sometimes known as ‘tekrats’)

“...that’s one UGLY dog you got there. Big, but ugly.”

Ratzorgs were developed by the Ghost Riders as a complement to their RatMaster Upgrade. The Ratzorg is based on the mutant Ruin Rats that plague Madhaven, the Ghost Riders’ central haunt.
Besides the regular seemingly normal ‘ruin rat’, there is a ‘partial cyborg’ version that looks like it has metal parts bolted to its legs, head, and haunches in a fashion similar to the Metal Morphs or Savage Lummoxes. It is assumed by those few outsiders familiar with the area to be the product of similar mutation or perhaps mad bionic tinkering by the misfits dwelling in the ruins.
About twenty percent of Ratzorgs are ‘Awakened’ by the minority of Ecotroz Ghost Riders. Interestingly, these examples gain psychic powers identical to those of the natural Ruin Rat mutants. The non-Ecotroz Ghost Riders frown on the practice of Awakening ratzorgs, since they consider the e-animals to be expendable, whereas the Ecotroz Ghost Riders tend to become emotionally invested/attached to their ‘pets’.
Ratzorgs are frequently used as the larger-end ‘familiars’ of Ratmaster Upgrades. Swarms of them have replaced the true Ruin Rats in many areas of MadHaven, securing those sections for the Ghost Riders while keeping the appearance of infestation. The Madhaven mutants have learned to leave these ‘odd meats’ alone; those who don’t, become un-mourned cullings from the local gene pool.
Besides the Ghost Riders, the Lollipops are known to have picked up the ratzorg, though theirs are better-groomed, better behaved, and treated more as pampered pets. The Horrorwoods are also likely to pick the design up for completeness of their ‘ecology’ collection, if nothing else.

Type: EcoS-KRP-56 Ratzorg
Class: Robotic E-Animal
Crew: None; robot drone intelligence
MDC/Armor by Location:
Main Body 50
(Partial Conversion) 65
Head 30
(Partial Conversion) 45
Legs(4) 15 each
(Partial Conversion) 20 each
Height: 2 ft on all fours, 5 ft standing on rear legs
Width: 1.5 ft at shoulders
Length: 5 ft +4-6 ft of tail
Weight: 150 lbs
Cargo: Small space inside/beside the throat/stomach for a few small items.
Physical Strength: Equivalent to Robotic P.S. of 17
Physical Equivalents: I.Q. 10 , P.P. 20, P.B. 1d6 (‘Cyborged’ are 1d4 )
Powerplant: Nuclear w/ 5 year energy life
Speed: (Running) 25 MPH
(Partial Conversion) 35 MPH
(Leaping) 12 ft up/24 ft across(increase by 30% with running start)
(Flying) Not possible
(Space) Not possible
(Underwater) Can swim at 80%
Market Cost: Exclusive to the Ecotroz-Shemar
Systems of Note:
Full optical systems, laser targeting, passive nightvision, telescopic vision, thermal imaging, infrared, ultraviolet, and polarization filters. Also has motion and heat detection, built-in radio( 5 mile range) and other standard power armor-equivalent systems. Additional/special sensors may be built in by the creating Spinsters or at the behest of individual riders/owners.

*Bionic Cybernanite Repair Systems---ALL Ratzorgs have the same bionic nanotech repair system that the Ecotroz Shemar have refitted themselves with, and which is becoming the standard among NeShemar as well. These systems repair 4d6 MD per hour, and can repair 40 MDC before needing material stocks to convert to MD repair material.

*Faux Flesh Skinning---The Ratzorg looks like a regular Ruin Rat from the outside, and only invasive examination will reveal its true robotic nature

*Molecular Analyzer---Can track by scent 80%

*Bug/EM Detector---Ratzorgs can ‘smell’ electronic surveillance devices and live electrical current(such as from active electronics or live wires), similar to a circuit-reader hand. Effective range of 50 ft.

*Self-Destruct---A Ratzorg that ‘dies’ rapidly breaks down in a stinking smoldering pile of acidic biotechnic slag. ‘Cyborg’ ratzorgs often feature a more violent self-destruct mechanism such as a thermal-explosive(equivalent to a plasma grenade) if the opportunity of ‘taking one down with them’ is presented.

Weapons Systems: None standard, aside from bite and claws(see Options)

The Ecotroz have installed robotic AIs, and in about 20% of the ratzorgs, have infected the matrix with a low-level Ecotroz sentience.
Typically has the following:
Math 98%
Begging 40%(+20% for those appearing to be real animals)
Swimming 80%
Climb 90/70%
Acrobatics 85%
Detect Ambush 60%
Detect Concealment 60%
Tunneling/Excavation 85%
Identify Plants and Fruits 90%
Land Navigation 94%
Prowl 55%(+5% per level of experience for Ecotroz entity)
Tracking(People) 80%(+5% per level of experience for Ecotroz entity)
Track Animals 70%(+5% per level of experience for Ecotroz entity)
Tailing 55%(+5% per level of experience for Ecotroz entity)
Wilderness Survival 94%
American, Euro, Gobbley, French, Spanish 98%
Dragonese, Splugorth 80%
American, Euro, Spanish, Gobbley 98%

(Ecotroz-Awakened Ratzorgs)
The Ecotroz entity can also pick up one Secondary skill at levels 2, 6, and 12 of experience, though the nature of the Ratzorg intelligence and design is such that it is limited to skill selections from Technical: Language(understanding), Literacy and Lore, and Espionage(Detect Ambush, Detect Concealment).)
Actions/Attacks Per Melee: 5
Initiative +2 (+1 from the Ecotroz entity for a total of +3)
Dodge +3
Strike +3 (+2 w/ ranged weaponry)
Roll +4
Bite 2d4 MD
Restrained Claw 3d6 SDC
Claw 2d6 MD

Ecotroz-Awakened Ratzorg have the following Natural Psionic Abilities(no ISP Cost), all equivalent to 6th level with regards to range and proficiency.
*Presence Sense
*See Aura
*See the Invisible
*Sixth Sense

*Injector Bite---The Ratzorg’s teeth can conceal hypodermic injection needles, allowing them to deliver various (and usually incapacitating) chemicals, though sometimes the effects are mistaken for disease infection. Stilleto-fangs do 2 SD/MD penetration damage, plus effects/damage from injected drugs/chemicals. 20 dose capacity.

*Eye Lasers----The Ratzorg can be fitted with standard cyborg eye-lasers. 150 ft range, 1d6 MD per blast(2d6 MD for both eyes firing simultaneously), +1 to strike.
‘Cyborged’ ratzorgs can mount more powerful laser eyes; 1,000 ft range, 2d6 MD per single eye blast, +1 to strike.

*Head Blaster---’Cyborged’ Ratzorgs can be fitted with a cyborg forearm weapon on the head.

*Back Blaster---’Cyborged’ Ratzorgs can be fitted with a mini-turret mounted on the back that can hold a scavenged energy rifle(no heavy weapons), assault rifle, or light rocket launcher/grenade launcher, or flame-thrower. Energy weapons enjoy unlimited payload, as they can be linked to the ‘zorg’s power system. Projectile weapons are limited to their magazine capacity; the ratzorg cannot reload its own weapons.

*Sonic Blaster---’Cyborged’ Ratzorgs can be fitted with a high-frequency sonic stunner/blaster in their head metalwork. The weapon, while operating mainly at frequencies too high for humans to hear, does generate an audible high-pitched squeal.
Range:(Stun)250 ft
(Disruptor)220 ft
(Heavy MD Shot)100 ft
Double all ranges underwater
Damage:(Stun)1 SDC, plus victims must save versus non-lethal poison or be rendered unconscious for 1d6 melee rounds. Even on a successful save, the victim is -2 to strike, parry, and dodge for 1d6 melee rounds. Multiple blasts are cumulative for duration.
(Disruptor)4d6 SDC, or 1d6 MD per blast.
Area of effect ‘shotgun’ blast: Half damage to a 10 ft wide area.
(MD Shots)5d6 MD per blast
Characters in EBA will take HALF that damage in SDC even through their armor, while vehicle crew will take 1/4 damage in SDC through their vehicle’s armor due to shock and excessive vibration. Vehicles with more than 200 MDC in their main body, or forcefield protection, will NOT be affected.
Rate of Fire: ECHH
Payload: Effectively Unlimited

*Sonic Scanner---Can added to a Sonic Blaster; the Ratzorg can send out lower-powered beams of ultrasound that can penetrate walls and other barriers and be used as a form of sonar, revealing voids and hidden passages. Effective range of 10 ft.

*EcoS-KRP-56Lp “FanciRat’---This is the Lollipop Tribe variant. Its main differences are that the drone AI is slightly smarter(IQ 11 as opposed to 10) and better looking(P.B. of 2d6 to reflect their better grooming and more refined appearance), plus they have a repertoire of tricks to amuse the Lollipops. They also get Begging 50%(+20% for those appearing to be real animals), Singing(or at least musical squeaking) at 60%, and Dancing at 75%. Almost all ‘fancirats’ are Awakened with an Ecot
"Trouble rather the Tiger in his Lair,
Than the Sage among his Books,
For all the Empires and Kingdoms,
The Armies and Works that you hold Dear,
Are to him but the Playthings of the Moment,
To be turned over with the Flick of a Finger,
And the Turning of a Page"

--------Rudyard Kipling
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Re: Shemarrian-related fan creations

Unread post by kronos »

A couple more Straw Warrior variants.

EcoS-R65sf Sunflower
This variant of the Straw Warrior was not designed for combat, but for utility, providing power. Sunflowers are about the size of a regular Straw Warrior, but the 'head' is surrounded by large 'petals' that function as solar collectors. The arms can open to become large leaves that also function as additional collectors. As it charges, the torso bulges with stored energy in special cells. Special 'vines' function as cables with adaptive 'bulbs' at the end that change shape to allow them to connect to any device. As utility units, they are programmed with skills that make them useful around camps, especially when they are used to help provide power at refugee camps, providing power for necessities, helping set up lodgings and other buildings.

MDC Location:
Main Body 65
Head 35
Arms (2) 35 ea

*Solar Collection - While exposed to sunlight, in 8 hours of direct sunlight can store enough energy equivalent of a small portable nuclear generator for 12 hours. Cloudy conditions increase charging time by +2 hours, overcast by +4 hours. As the Sunflower charges, its torso slowly bulges, and when it discharges it slowly returns to its normal size.

*Extended Lifespan - Sunflowers are designed to live for up to 10 years with minimum water, sunlight and soil. With sufficient supplies, a sunflower could live theoretically for 50 years of continuous operation.

*Power Vines - From the hips extends up to 4 'vines' that can reach up to 10 feet with a bulb at the end which is designed to change shape so they function as a universal adaptor to connect to any device.

Carpentry 60%
Excavation 50%
Identify Plants & Fruit 75%
Land Navigation 75%
Rope Works 65%
Wilderness Survival 75%

Power Pits - The Sunflower is modified that it can divert some of its power collected to special pits that it grows on its back, which function as e-clips with built in universal adaptors. Takes 5 hours of charging to create a pit, and can hold 1d6+2 pits at any time.

Multimode ‘FryFlower’ Laser ---- The Sunflower can mount a single Multimode 'FryFlower' laser. The arms end in a rose shaped pod that opens to reveal a laser that has a scatter-shot mode. With the petals open, it can slash an opponent, or bash them with the petals closed. However the weapon has unlimited ammunition and does not need to charge.
Range: (Laser Mode) 2,000 ft
(Scatter-Shot Mode) 500 ft
(Petal Slash) Melee
Damage: (Laser Mode) 3d6 MD per blast
(Scatter-Shot Mode) 2d6 MD to a 15 ft wide area
(Petal Slash) 1d8 MD, critical strike on natural roll of 19 or 20 dealing double damage
Rate of Fire: (Laser Mode) EGCHH
(Scatter-Shot Mode) EGCHH
(Petal Slash or Bash) EGCHH
Payload: (Laser & Scatter-Shot Mode) Effectively Unlimited, has a charge of 40 shots, recharges 1 shot every melee of not shooting
Bonus: +1 to strike

EcoS-R65m Paddestoel, aka Shroom
This variant of the Straw Warrior has a more white coloured body with a large mushroom cap for a head. While the same size of a regular Straw Warrior, except being top heavy, the thicker body is more resilient to withstand the weight of the large mushroom head. The Paddestoel are used in chemical warfare and even agriculture, depending on what chemicals are loaded. The Obsidian Dawn uses Paddestoels loaded with powerful pesticides in combating insect swarms. They can be loaded with paralyzing agents for crowd control, or low level pesticides or other chemicals for agricultural work, making them extremely valuable in refugee camps and farms for tribes that have large NeShemar populations.
MDC/Armor by Location:
Main Body 70
Head 50
Arms (2) 35 ea
Legs (2) 40 ea

Height: 3.5 ft
Width: 1.2 ft
Length: 1 ft body, 3 ft mushroom cap
Weight: 30 lbs

*Chemically Resistant Armor ---- The skinning of the Paddestoel is effectively proof against corrosive agents.

Weapon Systems:
1) Acid Sprayer - The Paddestoel is fitted with an acid sprayer system loaded with an organic acid, similar to powerful stomach acids. It can be released as a cloud to affect a large area, or a concentrated stream. The acid can be replenished slowly.
Range: 20 ft area mist or 50 ft stream
Damage: Mist 1d4 MD per melee, filling a 20 foot area, lasting for 1d4 melee rounds, depending on wind conditions.
Stream 3d4 MD plus 1d4 MD for 1d4 rounds.
Rate of Fire: Mist once per melee, Stream ECHH
Payload: 20 uses in either mode. Refills one use per hour.

2) Dispenser System ---- The Paddestoel's mushroom cap head is fitted with a chemical spray system, releasing aerosol chemicals, typically in a mist around itself. It can't generate any chemicals, requiring reloading after use.
Range: Varies by local atmospheric conditions, but typically the Paddestoel can spray out a cloud of gas 100 ft in diameter within 1 melee with the blowers going full blast. Clouds typically persist for 1d4 minutes, while the more persistent chemical agents may sink into ground pockets and remain effective for 1d4 HOURS.
Damage: (Varies) A few of the more commonly produced chemicals are as follows:
(Smoke) Simply obscures visibility to about 3 ft range; those caught in it are -5 to strike, parry, dodge, disarm, and entangle. CAN be combined with Anti-Laser Aerosol.

(Anti-Laser Aerosol) Negates the bonuses from laser targeting systems. Lasers fired into/through the cloud do HALF damage. CAN be combined with Smoke.

(Stun Gas) Save of 16 or better, or be knocked out for 1d10 minutes.

(Tear Gas) Victims are -10 to strike, parry, and dodge, plus lose one attack/action per melee for 1d6+1 melees.

(Aerosol Sanitizer) An antibacterial aerosol, essentially airborne bleach, that acts as an irritant to unprotected eyes and respiratory tissues; 1d6 SDC/HP, and victims are -4 to strike, parry, and dodge for 1d4 melees.

(Stench Gas)---Artificial skunk spray; victims are to save at 15 or better, or be incapacitated(NO initiative, -80% to skill rolls, limited to defensive actions only----parry, roll---and bonuses are at HALF) for as long as they are subjected to the stench, and for five minutes afterwards. The stench is persistent, lingering for 1d6+6 days, and can be smelt from as far off as 2,000 ft(three times that distance for anybody with advanced smell).

(Nerve Gas)----This can be fine-tuned to affect only specific species, but it is not recommended that ANYBODY come in contact with skin-absorption nerve agents. Those who inhale or come into skin contact with the gas(it is skin-absorbant) must roll versus lethal poison or suffer 2d4x10 SDC/Hit Point damage.
Defoliant agents can be considered to be similar, but only do (immediate) damage to plants and plant-based physiologies.

(Hex-Gas)(See Rifts Northern Gun 1, pg. 138 for the full description) ----Zinc chloride-oxychloride/hydrochloric acid. When inhaled by humans, d-bess, and animals, victims are -2 APMs, -4 on perception, -4 on initiative, -2 strike, parry, dodge, and disarm, reduce speed by HALF, and -20% on skills, all for 1d6+2 minutes after exposure, then HALF penalties for an additional 2d4x10 minutes. ‘Mortal’ MDC beings suffer the same penalties as above, but HALF effect, and lingering effects last only 3d6 minutes. Supernatural beings and creatures of magic suffer HALF the initial effects, but NO lingering effects. Undead, beings that do not need to breath, or are impervious to gases, and Elementals are completely immune.

(X-7 Foaming Agent)---A persistent poison agent that can be used to create ‘toxic barriers’. The foam lasts up to 2d6 hours before breaking down. Any creature entering the barrier that gets the foam in contact with an internal membrane(such as eyes, nose, body openings, open wounds), will take 4d6 Hit Points, or 1d6 MD, of poisoning damage per melee of contact. A successful save versus lethal poison will HALVE the damage. Note: This is also available as a rapidly-foaming solid ‘pellet’ that can be fired from a grenade launcher.

(Aerogel)---An extremely light plastic foam that seems insubstantial as mist, floats on water, ...and gloms up the breathing spicules of mutant insects and ties up pests like quick-set concrete. Most mutant insects will begin suffocating, taking the equivalent of 2d4 MD per melee., and will find their speed slowed down by. Beings will find their progress through the foam slowed down by HALF the first melee, then cut speed by half again the next melee, and so forth, until the intruder’s speed is cut to a Spd 1, or else breaks free. The Sprayer can produce up to 60 cubic ft of aerogel per melee. Note: This is also available as a rapidly-foaming solid ‘pellet’ that can be fired from a grenade launcher.

(Safe-Gel)---Safe-Gel is a gelatinous blue goo that neutralizes acid, denaturing it and preventing it from doing any damage, or reducing damage to people and property already affected. Spraying Safe-Gel on an acid-damaged object or creature stops the acid from doing any additional damage; spray-treating objects in advance with a layer of the stuff is also possible, but the Gel is sticky and heavy(reduce speed by HALF, and visibility/sensor ranges by 1/3 if completely enveloped in the material). Safe-Gel can take up to 50 SDC damage before it is wiped off, but it only lasts a half-hour after exposure to air before drying up and peeling off. A single application of Safe-Gel fills a cubic foot of space. Note: This is also available as a solid ‘pellet’ that can be fired from a grenade launcher.

(DeRes)-DeRes is a solvent specifically designed to break down the resins used by the Xiticix in their hives and weapons. Spraying it on other substances, including flesh, will only cause discoloration and mild chemical burns/blistering(2d6 SDC), but upon contact with Xiticix resin it will do 5d6 MD per melee, for 1d4 melees, then will do 3d6 MD for another 1d4 melees, and then 2d4 MD for yet another 1d4 melees.

(PESTEX)---- The most lethal and effective agent in the chemical arsenal is this potent pan-neural toxin that blocks chemical life processes dead...PESTEX is severely limited in use(it’s only been used operationally twice, all two times to stop Xiticix hordes/hives from overwhelming major population centers). PESTEX does the equivalent of 2d6x10 MD to Xiticix and anyone else who inhales it, and does 1d4 x10 MD skin contact damage to any other creatures unlucky enough to make contact with the gunk(or whoever makes a successful saving throw against inhaled poison). It is a persistent poison, doing 3d6 MD(equivalent--which is to say it kills SDC beings on contact) to anyone coming in close contact with the contaminated area for 2d6 days---possibly longer...environmental impact studies haven’t been ongoing long enough...PESTEX has thus fallen out of favor due to its toxicity, and is released for operational use ONLY with special permission and under circumstances where it is certain that the poison will not threaten water supplies, environmentally sensitive regions, or populations....PESTEX is also called ‘Suicide Gas’ because the various restrictions on its use mean that there is only one environment in which the material CAN be used...that is, deep inside a Xiticix hive complex....

(Sterid-10) The next up, and equally controversial) contender in lethality is only marginally effective in immediate fatalities(only does one time damage of ) but interferes with cell division and reproduction...any organism dosed with Sterid-10 will find its healing abilities severely curtailed....Takes the equivalent of 5d6 MD/SDC initially, healing damage at HALF the normal rate for 1d10 days, and must save vs lethal poison or be rendered sterile. Even a successful save doesn’t guarantee safety....there is a 30% chance of birth-defects or smaller broods being produced. Because of this long term damage potential, Sterid-10 is as closely controlled as PESTEX and equally unpopular with chemical warfare handlers.
The environmental concerns surrounding Sterid-10 and its long-term effects on the non-Xiticix environment have resulted in severe protocols applied to its use....Sterid-10 is restricted to deep-Hive incursions designed to kill Queens, and there are extremely strict procedures for handling the material. Note: This is also available as a rapidly-evaporating solid ‘pellet’ that can be fired from a grenade launcher, in which case it breaks down into a vapor covering a 10 ft radius.

(‘Wobble’) Wobble is an extremely promising chemical, and considered a ‘non-lethal’ agent in that it’s designed to incapacitate, rather than kill. ‘Wobble’, as it is popularly known, seems to overwhelm the Xiticix’s finely tuned senses, causing them to stagger about and lose coordination. Unfortunately, its effects aren’t permanent, but it IS environmentally safe. Xiticix and other insectoid lifeforms that come in contact with the stuff are -4 to save versus poison, and are -5 to strike, parry, and dodge, HALF APMs, and -2 to initiative for 3d4 melees on a failed save. A successful save means that the monster is only -1 to initiative, strike, parry, and dodge for 1d4 melees. It has no discernible effect on mammals and other lifeforms, aside from causing coughing and headaches if inhaled.
Some biologists are concerned, however, that repeated use of ‘Wobble’ on populations of Xiticix may result in the insectoids building up an immunity to the weapon.

(Scourex-5) Scourex is a mildly acidic agent intended to attack the sensitive antennae, soft joints, and eyes of insectoids, its mildly corrosive properties creating a thin layer of white film over the eyes that effectively blinds the monsters. It also takes a chemical wire brush to sensitive antennae. Scourex is a fast-acting agent, and quickly-dispersing only lasts about 2 minutes in aerosol form before it completely oxidizes and becomes useless. Xiticix and other insectoid lifeforms that come in contact with the stuff are -6 to strike, dodge, and parry, lose ALL initiative, and are -15% to track for 2d6 melees, until they can scrape off the film, and their sweat/irrigation glands flush the stuff off. Scourex also does 2d6 SDC per melee to unprotected skin and soft tissues, and hurts like hell until washed off. Note: This is also available as a rapidly-evaporating solid ‘pellet’ that can be fired from a grenade launcher, in which case it breaks down into a vapor covering a 10 ft radius.

(ChitinEx)----ChitinEx is a special enzyme that attacks the molecular bindings in the hard exoskeletal material common to many megadamage insects, weakening it and lowering its overall MDC value. A solid hit with a blast of ChitinEx will reduce the MDC of the afflicted area by 30%(even with multiple hits), while immersion in the enzyme for more than 3 melees will reduce the MDC by HALF.

(FlexiKill)---Similar to ChitinEx, this enzyme attacks long-chain polymers similar to those in organic plastics and latex, stiffening and embrittling the material(effectively HALF their Armor Rating and SDC) . MDC plastics will lose their elasticity and become brittle, and more susceptible to damage(take DOUBLE damage from all subsequent attacks).

(Rot Gas) ----This spray is slightly acidic(raises a rash on bare skin, dissolves hairs, and irritates the eyes), but is more effective at breaking down dead matter, such as fresh food, untreated natural fibers, and dead matter. Food will be instantly spoiled. Cotton and wool clothing will deteriorate completely in 1d6 hours, leather in 2d6. Zombies and other undead take 2d6 points of damage every melee round, for 2d4 minutes.

(Fuel-Air Explosive)---A highly volatile chemical that smells like (adulterated) natural gas, with similar properties if ignited; does 1d6x10 SD(or 1d4 MD), going off like a concussive grenade. There’s also a 60% chance of knocking human-sized targets off their feet from the blast(lose initiative and 1 APM getting back up again). Unless ignited, the cloud safely dissipates after 1d6 melees, though the gas smell may linger for 1d6x10 minutes.

(Hallucinogenic Gas)---- Those who inhale or come into skin contact with the gas(it is skin-absorbant) must roll versus non-lethal poison or suffer a delusional state where the sights are too bright, the noises too loud, and just about any stimuli will trigger a rampant escalation of sounds and images , typically based on the victim’s fears and anxieties. Effects last 6d6 minutes, during which the victim is -10 to all combat actions.

(Ganja Gas)---Compared to other chemical agents, Ganja Gas is pretty innocuous; it gets its victims HIGH as a freakin’ kite. Save versus non-lethal poison or be trippin’ for 3d6 minutes. Lose initiative, HALF APMs, Speed, and all combat bonuses, HALF all skill proficiencies for the duration. Victims will find it hard to concentrate, let alone fight, because everything is just so MELLOW and the colors so BEAUTIFUL.

Rate of Fire: Once per melee
Payload: The Paddestoel typically carries 25 applications of up to 2 different chemicals.
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Re: Shemarrian-related fan creations

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kronos wrote:A couple more Straw Warrior variants.

EcoS-R65sf Sunflower
Multimode ‘FryFlower’ Laser ---- The Sunflower can mount a single Multimode 'FryFlower' laser. The arms end in a rose shaped pod that opens to reveal a laser that has a scatter-shot mode. With the petals open, it can slash an opponent, or bash them with the petals closed. However the weapon has unlimited ammunition and does not need to charge..

Beats Slaver Sunflowers for versatility and reliability, if not range. :D 8)
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Re: Shemarrian-related fan creations

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*EShe-LPR91Dw ‘Weder’ Laser/Harpoon Rifle
(aka ‘Weed Whacker’, ‘Kelp-jabber’)
“The Kelpek are good enough stealth-wise to be able to close undetected to range such that the relatively short range of their weapons doesn’t pose a problem. At least we haven’t heard any complaints.”
--- Kendril BloodTide, DarkWater Warrior

“It’s another knockoff of our harpoon-laser. A little better in quality than what the chiselers in Northern Gun and the Relic factories are churning out, but still just another copy of our own hardware. The fact that it first showed up in the fronds of these new Kelpek d-bees suggests nothing definite; we know that some of the Black Market weapons shops like to have the new meat, or in this case vegetables, on the block test out new weapons for them before putting their names on openly-marketed product.”
---Major Anna Petrie, Free Quebec Military Intelligence.

((“I’ve been lasered, harpooned, grenaded, and stabbed in the same firefight by the same weapon! How do you THINK my day went?!”))
---Supposed last words, anonymous Horune pirate

The development of the ‘Kelpek’ bio-drone presented the Dark Waters Tribe with an unexpected problem; that of arming their new amphibious legions. The previous Straw Warrior drones from which the Kelpek was descended had not had this problem, as battlefield salvage and secondary sources such as the Black Market were relatively easy to come by, but marine salvage was harder to come by. A specialized weapon would have to be developed to equip the ‘seaweed army’, but it would have to be low-tech, cheap resource-wise to produce, and expendable, while still rugged, reliable, and versatile.
The Dark Waters found a good basis in a weapon they HAD acquired in numbers, thanks to Coalition State Free Quebec’s naval operations along the American Eastern Seaboard. Dark Waters submarine warriors had enough run-ins with the FQN’s frogmen to have captured a number of QN-06 Laser Harpoon Guns, and it was from these weapons that the EShe-LPR91Dw was developed.
The EShe-LPR91Dw follows the same configuration as the QN-06, of a long narrow tubular frame holding both a laser and triple harpoon launchers, but with an added twist; the harpoon slots have been made modular, allowing different weapons to be mounted in their place. In place of a single harpoon, a tubular light grenade launcher firing the same grenades as the Northern Gun NG-’Super’ laser pistol/grenade launcher can be mounted. Or TWO harpoons can be sacrificed in favor of a heavier 40mm grenade launcher using the same grenades as the NG-LG6 laser rifle. Or no secondary weapon can be mounted, and the slots instead used to hold tubular power cells or standard long e-clip for extended magazine capacity for the laser. In addition, the weapon has a bayonet mount under the barrel. Construction is both waterproof and neutrally buoyant, the mainly composite frame rugged and corrosion-proof, and the elongated design gives the Kelpek extra reach with the bayonet and extra leverage when using the reversed weapon as a club.
Though limited in range and power, the ‘Weder’ gives the Dark Waters’ new myrmidons an easy to use weapon; deployed en mass, the weapon’s individual failings are covered up by volume of fire power.
The Dark Waters are still working out the means of propositioning supplies of these weapons in advance of the deployment of their weed-warriors. Setting drift-nets carrying weapons and extra ammo adrift with the beaching drones is one tactic; sending in warmounts such as the SeaSword, Ironback, or Mantazee with bundles of weapons to distribute before the Kelpeks hit the shore is another tactic being utilized. The Dark Waters have also tried concealing caches of weapons along the shore in anticipation of future actions; however, several of these weapons stashes have been discovered and ransacked by opportunistic black marketeers, so the Dark Waters are reconsidering the tactic. On the other hand, it’s been suggested to them that producing more Weders for covert sale to the Black Market is one way of increasing supply and concealing the true origins of the originally hard to acquire Free Quebec weapon(especially as the original QN-06 is already being knocked off by others).
Besides the Kelpek for who it was originally intended, the ‘Weder’ has appeared in the hands of the West Coast Gilloc, several NeShemar coastal communities, and a number of adventurer groups(the aforementioned examples sold on the black market).

Weight: 7 lbs
MDC: 25
Range:(Laser) 1,200 ft in air/underwater(blue-green frequency)
(Optional) (Harpoons) 350 ft in air. 200 ft underwater
(Light Grenade) 500 ft (cannot be used underwater)
(Heavy Grenade) 1,100 ft (cannot be used underwater)
Damage:(Laser) 3d6 MD per blast
(Optional) (Harpoons) 2d6+3 SDC standard, 4d6 MD high explosive, flare, or radio tracker
(Light Grenade) 2d6 MD to a 3 ft blast radius
(Heavy Grenade) 4d6 MD to a 12 ft blast radius
Other grenade types, such as flash-bangs, flare, and chemical rounds are also available.
Rate of Fire:(Laser) ECHH
(Optional) (Harpoons) Volley of 1-3(all)
(Light Grenade) One aimed; four-shot rapid succession burst
(Heavy Grenade) ECHH
Payload:(Laser) 20-30 shots
Using a harpoon/grenade slot to hold an extra power cell adds 30 shots
(Optional) (Harpoons) 3
(Light Grenade) 14
(Heavy Grenade) 5
Special Features:
*Underbarrel Bayonet Mount(2d4 MD)
* Reinforced Pistol Grip for when used as a club(+1d6 SDC/+1 MD to punch/strike damage)
*Neutrally Buoyant
Cost: 17,000 credits on the black market; several Dark Water armament caches have been discovered and the contents sold off; as none of the weapons contained in them held proprietary technologies the EShemar have not acted to reclaim or destroy the weapons.
*Pulse Mode---A pulse-mode can be added to the laser with the swapping of some chips; the weapon can now deliver a three-shot burst that does 9d6 MD.
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Re: Shemarrian-related fan creations

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Here be posted new Tribal variants:

* EcoS-K-181 Crustreer
- EcoS-K-181CDw
---This is a Crustreer modified to produce EcoS-R67 Kelpek drones on its back. The EcoS-K-181CDw can generate new Kelpeks at depths greater than the 100 ft normally associated with the gestation process, thanks to the enhancement systems built into the warmount’s ‘growth-bed’ back.
Thus, it is a common tactic for the EcoS-K-181CDw to wander underwater just off a hostile coastline, growing Kelpek drones that detach from the Crustreer’s back as they mature, float to the surface to form seaweed-like drift mats, and wash ashore to commence operations.
In all other respects it is identical to the baseline EcoS-K-181.
The EcoS-K-181CDw has so far appeared only with the DarkWaters Tribe.

Systems of Note:
*Enhanced/Focused Growth Beds(EcoS-R67 Kelpek drones)----The Crustreer has the templates to seed and rapid-grow/manufacture ‘Kelpek’ drones. Can produce 250 new drones every 24 hours. Can generate them as deep as 600 ft underwater.

- EcoS-K-181S---(aka ‘Sun-hiller’, ‘Suntower’) This variant is dedicated to the production of the sunflower-styled EcoS-R65sf Sunflower drones
Mature drones can either be picked up and placed on the ground by the Crustreer’s claws, of they can make their own way to the ground via rappel-lines along the warmount’s edges.
Even before the Sunflowers attain full maturity, their solar collection systems are up and running; while most of their collected energy goes to powering up the growth systems sustaining them and weaning them off the EcoS-K-181S’s energy grid, any excess can be dumped in that same grid and made available to the host-Warmount. In particularly energetic environments, EcoS-K-181Ss can beam extra energy via microwave transmission to other locations(such as line of sight to flying relay stations) to power other equipment.
Naturally, the EcoS-K-181S is much in demand for supporting colonization and reconstruction efforts, with numbers appearing in the ranks of the Horrorwoods, Silvermoons, Wayfinders, and Radiant Edge.

Systems of Note:
*Enhanced/Focused Growth Beds(EcoS-R65sf Sunflowerdrones)----The Crustreer has the templates to seed and rapid-grow/manufacture ‘Sunflower’ drones. Can produce 250 new drones every 24 hours.
Weapons Systems
7) Microwave Beamer---Though meant to transmit excess power by dumping it ito local power grids, this transmission system can also be used as a weapon. Though not as focused as other weaponized microwave systems, it has the advantage of having a LOT of power pumped into it, giving it great range.
Range: 50 miles line of sight and can affect a 150 ft wide area
Damage: At its lowest setting, does 1 SDC per melee, through clothing and protective gear(but not through MDC armor), though even targets in MDC EBA will complain of a tingling or burning sensation similar to sunburn. This mode is typically used for crowd control and as an irritant.
Medium power does 2d6 SDC per blast, through nonmetallic shielding and armor. There is a 30% chance of knocking cybernetics such as cyberoptics and radio comms off-line for 1d4 minutes.
High Power does 1d4x10 SDC/HP per blast, through nonmetallic shielding and armor. There is a 70% chance of knocking cybernetics such as cyberoptics and radio comms off-line for 1d4 minutes.
Rate of Fire: Once per melee
Payload: Effectively Unlimited
"Trouble rather the Tiger in his Lair,
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Re: Shemarrian-related fan creations

Unread post by kronos »

taalismn wrote:Here be posted new Tribal variants:

* EcoS-K-181 Crustreer
- EcoS-K-181CDw
---This is a Crustreer modified to produce EcoS-R67 Kelpek drones on its back. The EcoS-K-181CDw can generate new Kelpeks at depths greater than the 100 ft normally associated with the gestation process, thanks to the enhancement systems built into the warmount’s ‘growth-bed’ back.
Thus, it is a common tactic for the EcoS-K-181CDw to wander underwater just off a hostile coastline, growing Kelpek drones that detach from the Crustreer’s back as they mature, float to the surface to form seaweed-like drift mats, and wash ashore to commence operations.
In all other respects it is identical to the baseline EcoS-K-181.
The EcoS-K-181CDw has so far appeared only with the DarkWaters Tribe.

Systems of Note:
*Enhanced/Focused Growth Beds(EcoS-R67 Kelpek drones)----The Crustreer has the templates to seed and rapid-grow/manufacture ‘Kelpek’ drones. Can produce 250 new drones every 24 hours. Can generate them as deep as 600 ft underwater.

- EcoS-K-181S---(aka ‘Sun-hiller’, ‘Suntower’) This variant is dedicated to the production of the sunflower-styled EcoS-R65sf Sunflower drones
Mature drones can either be picked up and placed on the ground by the Crustreer’s claws, of they can make their own way to the ground via rappel-lines along the warmount’s edges.
Even before the Sunflowers attain full maturity, their solar collection systems are up and running; while most of their collected energy goes to powering up the growth systems sustaining them and weaning them off the EcoS-K-181S’s energy grid, any excess can be dumped in that same grid and made available to the host-Warmount. In particularly energetic environments, EcoS-K-181Ss can beam extra energy via microwave transmission to other locations(such as line of sight to flying relay stations) to power other equipment.
Naturally, the EcoS-K-181S is much in demand for supporting colonization and reconstruction efforts, with numbers appearing in the ranks of the Horrorwoods, Silvermoons, Wayfinders, and Radiant Edge.

Systems of Note:
*Enhanced/Focused Growth Beds(EcoS-R65sf Sunflowerdrones)----The Crustreer has the templates to seed and rapid-grow/manufacture ‘Sunflower’ drones. Can produce 250 new drones every 24 hours.
Weapons Systems
7) Microwave Beamer---Though meant to transmit excess power by dumping it ito local power grids, this transmission system can also be used as a weapon. Though not as focused as other weaponized microwave systems, it has the advantage of having a LOT of power pumped into it, giving it great range.
Range: 50 miles line of sight and can affect a 150 ft wide area
Damage: At its lowest setting, does 1 SDC per melee, through clothing and protective gear(but not through MDC armor), though even targets in MDC EBA will complain of a tingling or burning sensation similar to sunburn. This mode is typically used for crowd control and as an irritant.
Medium power does 2d6 SDC per blast, through nonmetallic shielding and armor. There is a 30% chance of knocking cybernetics such as cyberoptics and radio comms off-line for 1d4 minutes.
High Power does 1d4x10 SDC/HP per blast, through nonmetallic shielding and armor. There is a 70% chance of knocking cybernetics such as cyberoptics and radio comms off-line for 1d4 minutes.
Rate of Fire: Once per melee
Payload: Effectively Unlimited

Nice additions
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Re: Shemarrian-related fan creations

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Thanks. It's spring time; gotta start laying out the gardens.
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For all the Empires and Kingdoms,
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Re: Shemarrian-related fan creations

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"What is crawling all over the hull of that ship?"
'Uh.. I believe they are giant ants..' *multiple alarms begin blaring* 'MULTIPLE WEAPONS FIRE!'
"HOW?! That ship is barely ar-"
-End of recovered black box recording on a pirate raid on a Clan Vespa Apisarry transport.

The Canponnon is another of the few Clan Vespa designed and built Warmounts, although it is not a front line combat unit. It looks like a large ant, however the large abdomen looks like a head, with fake antennae and eyes, with a large opening where a mouth would be, that is a bright silver in contract to the reddish-brown of the rest of the body. The abdomen contains a plasma torpedo launcher, enhanced and powered by Vespa's plasma generator technology, making it incredibly dangerous. The 'eyes' on the abdomen are actually defensive lasers for if anything gets close.
The Vespas created the Canponnon to fill the role of artillery as they lacked heavy weapons except for any warmounts acquired from other clans either borrowed or purchased. While Canponnon's are used on their homeworld except in rare exceptions, they are used mostly against Swarmy heavy forces and Starwasps, as the continuing burning plasma fires seep through armour and continue to deal damage to any that survived the initial barrage. Canponnon's ability to dig allow Clan Vespa to use them in ambushes were survival of the target isn't necessary. Like insects, they can cling to almost any surface, making them excellent defensive and offensive weapons for their few ships, granting them greater, if short ranged, combat capabilities than would otherwise be.
Clan Vespa has sold some to the Horrorwoods and Bloodriders, with Clans Armorand and Flamewing showing an interest in the new mounts.

Type: EcoS-K-183 Canponnon
Class: Robotic Warmount, artillergy
Crew: None; robot intelligence
1 rider/pilot
MDC/Armor by Location:
Main Body 260
Head 110
Antennae(2) 15 each
Abdomen/Plasma Torpedo Launcher 400
Legs (6) 90 each
Height: 7 ft
Width: 5 ft body, 12 ft abdomen/plasma torpedo launcher
Length: 25 ft
Weight: 9,500 lbs
Cargo: Small space inside/beside the saddle-seat for a few personal possessions and side arms.
Physical Strength: Equivalent to Robotic P.S. of 25
Powerplant: Plasma generator w/ 25 year energy life
Speed: (Running) 50 MPH, 35 MPH climbing vertical surfaces or hanging from ceiling.
Digging: Can burrow through loose dirt and ground at 10 MPH, through rock, concrete at 5 MPH.
(Space) Not possible, can walk around clinging to surface of space craft, asteroids. Could use a plasma burst to give itself a burst of speed equal to Mach 2 in complete vacuum and no forces to slow it down.
(Underwater) Limited to crawling along the bottom at 15 MPH, maximum depth tolerance of 500 ft.
Market Cost: Exclusive to the Ecotroz-Shemar
Systems of Note:
Full optical systems, laser targeting, passive nightvision, telescopic vision, thermal imaging, infrared, ultraviolet, and polarization filters. Also has motion and heat detection, built-in radar( 60 mile range) and other standard power armor-equivalent systems. Additional/special sensors may be built in by the creating Spinsters or at the behest of individual riders/owners.

*Bionic Cybernanite Repair Systems---ALL Canponnon have the same bionic nanotech repair system that the Ecotroz Shemar have refitted themselves with, and which is becoming the standard among NeShemar as well. These systems repair 4d6 MD per hour, and can repair 100 MDC before needing material stocks to convert to MD repair material.

*Molecular Adhesion Pad Feet---Each foot of the Rxnid ends in a MAP, allowing the ‘bot to cling to just about any surface.

*Thermal-Resistant Covering ---- The Canponnon's exoskeleton is made of heat-resistant materials that take only 1/4 damage from plasma and heat-based attacks/extremes. The abdomen/plasma torpedo launcher is immune to plasma and fire attacks as its designed to withstand the temperatures of the weapon itself.

*Deep Radar --- Canponnon are fitted with deep-scan imaging radar systems. These powerful radar sets can penetrate wood and stone, and even light metal, up to 1,000 ft, generating imagery of the interior of structures (useful for planning dynamic entry on suspected Swarmy strongholds) and even for radar-imaging the internal organs of living beings (or detecting concealed weapons on/in them). The radar, however, is blocked by metal armor and metallic and supernatural megadamage materials.

Weapons Systems:
1) Laser "Eyes" (2)---Standard Shemarrian warmount eye-lasers mounted on the abdomen where the fake eyes are.
Range: 2,000 ft
Damage: 3d6 MD per single blast, or 6d6 MD per double blast
Rate of Fire: ECHH
Payload: Effectively Unlimited

2) Plasma Torpedo Launcher - A direct line of sight energy weapon firing a bolt of plasma that ‘splashes’ on target. The power demands of this weapon are quite high, however, limiting rate of fire. This is a smaller version found on Blood Rider ships.
Range: 4 miles in atmosphere, 10 miles in space
(Kitsune Values: 4 miles in atmosphere, 400 miles in space)
Damage: 10d6x10+20 MD to a 20 ft blast radius per missile, plus deals 6d6 MD for 1d6+1 rounds
Rate of Fire: Single shot. Three times per melee
Payload: Effectively Unlimited

3) VibroPincers----The mouth features two wicked vibroblade-edged pincers, for tearing into prey.
Range: Melee
Damage: 2d6 MD on a bite, 4d6 MD on a two-attack pry/chew.

4) (Optional) Modular Weapons (2) --- The Canponnon has provision for mounting two weapons similar to those standard to the Monstrex at the base of the thorax and abdomen.

5) Self Destruct/Death ---- The Canponnon can release all safeties on the plasma generator and focus the energy, unleashing its power in a devastating plasma explosion. The generator also explodes upon the Canponnon's death, but not quite as powerful as a purposeful self destruct.
Range: 60 ft radius centered on itself
Damage: 15d6x10 MD self destruct, 8d6x10 MD upon destruction.

The Ecotroz have installed robotic AIs, then infected the matrix with a low-level Ecotroz sentience.
Has all the same standard programing as the Monst-Rex, has an Intelligence of 9.
Typically has the following:
Land Navigation 85%
Climb 90%

The Ecotroz entity can also pick up one Secondary skill at levels 2, 6, and 12 of experience, though the nature of the Canponnon intelligence and design is such that it is limited to skill selections from Technical: Language (understanding) and Lore, Espionage (Detect Ambush, Detect Concealment), Wilderness (Track Humanoids, Track Animals, Hunting, Identify Plants and Fruits)

Actions/Attacks Per Melee: 4
Initiative +2 (+1 from the Ecotroz entity for a total of +3)
Dodge +4
Strike +3 (+4 w/ ranged weaponry)
Parry +3
Roll +4
Pull Punch +2
Critical Strike on an Unmodified 19-20
Body Block/Ram 1d6 MD +1 for every 20 MPH of speed

Note: The Ecotroz intelligence fragment inhabiting the ‘bot gives the Bolus an aura and behavior more befitting a sentient being than a robot. Boluses are cunning and aggressive predators, but are dog-loyal to their riders, and will never willingly abandon them in a fight.

The Ecotroz fragment does occasionally need sleep/rest...though they only need 2 hours of rest/meditation per 24 hours...they can push this, going without for as many days as they have I.Q. points(most Warmounts, unless otherwise noted, have an effective IQ rating of 8, but will have to go dormant for 4d6 hours after such exertion.
Susceptible to Exorcism and Banish spells, but are +6 to save against such spells, +1 at levels 4, 8, and 12 of experience, and becoming IMMUNE at level 14 and up. Such Banishment causes the ‘bot to revert to its default robot programming. (OPTION: Ecotroz may become IMMUNE to Exorcism and Banishment with experience, and NEW BUILT EShemar constructs are immune to this)

Note also that the Ecotroz-possessed ‘bot can infect other bots with the Ecotroz viral-entity, by bite or sustained touch(takes 3 attacks).
Last edited by kronos on Fri Apr 15, 2022 11:34 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: Shemarrian-related fan creations

Unread post by taalismn »

- EcoS-K-182 Canponnon-

Should be K-183
K-182 was the Yaganar
"Trouble rather the Tiger in his Lair,
Than the Sage among his Books,
For all the Empires and Kingdoms,
The Armies and Works that you hold Dear,
Are to him but the Playthings of the Moment,
To be turned over with the Flick of a Finger,
And the Turning of a Page"

--------Rudyard Kipling
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