Can we choose OCC's for Rifts games at Open House?

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Can we choose OCC's for Rifts games at Open House?

Unread post by zarus »

I want to paint some minis for Open House, and I was wondering if I'd be able to paint 2-3 minis and use them in every game over the weekend, specifically Shifter, Glitter Boy, and maybe dragon hatchling. (I'll probably be using Age of Sigmar models for Shifter and dragon hatchling)
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Re: Can we choose OCC's for Rifts games at Open House?

Unread post by The Dark Elf »

Games are encouraged to have pre generated characters. There will likely be zero bring ur own characters-it’s not like an adventurers league thing
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Re: Can we choose OCC's for Rifts games at Open House?

Unread post by AlexM »

You can paint minis and choose O.C.C.s.

Alex Marciniszyn
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Re: Can we choose OCC's for Rifts games at Open House?

Unread post by Warshield73 »

I have not seen that many Rifts GMs that use minis so not sure if those would be of much use. As was said GMs really need to have pre-generated characters for their games as characters take too long to create and play in one session.

Most convention GMs have a system for players choosing from the pre-gens, mine is simply first come first serve but I have heard of a few different systems.

In general you should have some choices but maybe not the exact OCC or RCC you wanted.
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