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Re: Paladin Steel Storefront

Unread post by taalismn »

Thoth, the Conspiracy of Light, and the Garden of the Gods
(Garden of the Gods in the GNEverse)
(With a nod of thanks to Omegasgundam’s previous postings on Thoth and his Conspiracy of Light)

“Interested in a second chance? Have I got an offer for you! How’s that?”
“Sounds too much like an evangelist or a used hovercar salesman, sir.”
“Ah, too bad. Something else, then? ‘How would you like another shot at the big time? I’ve got a thing setting up that will afford you just that opportunity’. How’s that?”
“Sounds like you’re setting up auditions at a nursing home. sir.”
“*Xygh* How else can I say it? Okay, something more diplomatic, but to the point-”
---Thoth rehearsing his solicitations to the Forgotten Gods.

Thoth is not leaving any possible asset go un-utilized in his plans for the Conspiracy of Light, and that includes older or faded god-entities. The revitalization of the Tane Pantheon into a growing force in the ranks of the Light has shown that even old and arguably disenfranchised gods can still hold fire and make a difference, given half the chance.
Thoth has had a line of surveillance to the PFRPG World’s Garden of the Gods through the Book of Thoth located there, which has allowed him to keep tabs on some of the comings and goings, and who’s there, of the island. This has proven convenient for the God of Knowledge.
A year of so ago, a group of strangely accoutered beings suddenly arrived on Lopan Island and over a course of several months trooped around the eastern end of the island, conducting surveys and interviews, paid respect to several of the shrines, left a few offerings, then up and disappeared as mysteriously as they had appeared. The group was a Greater New England dimensional survey party that Thoth had manipulated the GNE Outstep Ranger program into sending on a special mission. Equipped with the appropriate energy matrix technology and technowizardy, the Rangers were under orders to stay for a limited amount of time, map the area of the Garden, and deliver some baubles to the various statue-temples there.
The ‘baubles’ are actually a number of communications devices and powerstones Thoth has made to make contact with some of the forgotten gods of the Garden, and to bribe some of them into a more favorable mood to deal with him. Thoth hopes to entice some of these forgotten champions of the Light into joining the current fight.

-Though the GNE is generally atheist in attitude, they are fairly tolerant of religion, as long as it isn’t used against them. That allows the opportunity for the subcultures under their wing to practice their religious beliefs, old or new. The Alliance’s Summoners and Shifters always need good vetted patrons, and the Garden of the Gods holds a number of promising candidates. Thoth has been working on interesting a number of the gods into being such patrons.

Of note(list is not entirely complete):

-Abo, the Lightning Bringer---Thoth has heard the stories of how Abo was beaten down by Xy, Thoth’s previous incarnation, and then in retaliation manipulated the Old One into performing the Circles of Transformation that turned Xy into Thoth. Thoth remembers events somewhat differently, but admits there's a possibility that the brute that was Xy COULD have been schemed into his fateful act of hubris. If that’s even remotely true, then Thoth definitely wants somebody of Abo’s resilience and cunning on his side. And to do that, Thoth will have to be even more cunning, since he doubts Abo would be entirely happy to see him again, given their supposed history. Thoth is considering various cautious approaches to Abo, but remains confident he can sway and rejuvenate the masked god to take a more active role again in what is to come.

-Nar-Rabium--As with Abo, Thoth regards this god with respect for his defiance of the Great Old Ones, and is heartened to hear that the scholar-warrior is still kicking and eager to get back into action. That having been said, Nar-Rabium is , if re-empowered, more likely to focus on local issues like the Palladium world’s brewing Wolfen War first before signing onto any extradimensional crusade. Nar-Rabium might make an exception for any Infernal incursion outside the Lands of the Damned, given his hatred of the spawn of Hades.

-Skur & Echla--Orcs used to be such a HAPPY people, and Thoth admits he’s been working in the direction of making them again the sort of good folk most people would be pleased to have as neighbors. So early on , Thoth began seeding several orc cultures with word of this forgotten pair of Orc deities. One of the Orcish cultures that renewed their acquaintance with Skur and Echla was the Nisu people.
As one might expect, though, the devotees of Drink and Love didn’t fare too well against the followers of more bloodthirsty Orc gods who were perfectly willing to add Orc blood to their offerings. The Nisu would have gone extinct if Greater New England hadn’t swooped down on their homeworld and offered them refuge in one of their offworld settlements on Kaldia/New Providence.
These relocated refugees have in turn been talking to the orcs of the mainlands on Kaldia, and spreading the word of Skur & Echla. The war-weary orcs of Kaldia, chafing under the harsh rule of the goblins and the demonic Strelthi and their Infernal gods, have turned an attentive ear to the festive newcomers and their promises of better times ahead. There have also been an increasing number of goblins who have been drawn to the big parties the Nisu throw for their neighborhoods.

-Eskelohrc--The situation on Kaldia has provided Thoth with another opportunity; the resurrection of the cult of this all-but-forgotten Orcish demigod. Not wanting a repeat of the same sort of curbstomping that forced the Nisu from their original homes, Thoth has seen the open-minded recruiting practices of the GNE military as an opportunity to promote a warrior-culture of strength, comradeship, and martial prowess without being bloodthirsty jingoistic louts. Seeing other orcs wearing the green uniforms of the strong armies laying waste to the Strelthi hordes, and seeing those same orcs treated with respect by their non-orc fellows, many Kaldian orcs are jumping at the opportunity to join the GNE-backed militia. Thoth has insinuated a few agents to talk up Eskelohrc as a role model. If the ball gets rolling, this may tease the Orcish demigod out of his slumber and back on the warpath of Light.

-Gnirbin the Golden One---This goblin god of wealth and mining seems such a natural fit for the Aurelog Goblins of Kaldia. The fact that the Aurelog are spreading through the United Systems Alliance and finding/making new sources of wealth can only please Gnirbin and favorably dispose him towards cultures like the USA.

-Ertwin, Warden of the Den---Interestingly, there have been reports of a small following of this all-but-forgotten canine Goddess establishing itself on technocratic and plutocratic Eugenia in the United Systems Alliance. Though that nature-associated Ertwin would seem an odd choice of worship subject on a world dependent on technological life support, Eugenia’s vast underground cities and environments suggest large dens, and the close family ties the Eugenians foster fit well with Ertwin’s nurturing mission.

-Nytfol the Bat Goddess---A number of bat-descended Smallkin, especially Noctre in GNE service, have begun worshipping this bat-goddess, though it’s not entirely clear from where they learned of her. Though initially concerned that the Noctre might have inadvertently contacted a vampire intelligence or associated god-being, the GNE authorities and religious councils(essentially the religious blocs of the GNE keeping tabs on each other) have, after looking into the matter, given their approval.

-Ylandris of the Crescent Moon---Though the Eshemarrian Silvermoon Tribe pray to a different lunar goddess. they do pay homage and respect to this faded elven goddess, and are sympathetic to her plight. In many ways the Silvermoons are the antithesis of Ylandris’s corrupted consort Ryael in their steadfast dedication to the Light(Ryael for his party, would consider the Silvermoon EShemar as stupid, delusional children chasing false beliefs). Some NeShemar members of the Silvermoons treat Ylandris as a sort of saint and subgoddess to the Silvermoons’ own, and have taken up a silver crescent-bladed ax as their symbol and weapon of choice.

-Gwon the Frog God---The icons of this god of missing children and the lost have begun spreading through the social services of the United Systems Alliance. Though worship is not organized or serious, the whimsical depiction of the benevolent frog god have begun appearing almost as mascots in the many Human Resources offices dealing with the missing and displaced from the many shatterworlds under the USA’s care. Whether or not any of the frog-adorned decorative fountains that are popular with the child welfare offices and fairy hostels in the USA will ever play host to a visit from the long-missing frog deity remains to be seen.

-Loecin the Horseman---The large open tracts of land available and the use of bio-engineered steeds such as horses, has led to a revival of nomadic rider cultures , at least temporarily, on many new colony worlds, and Loecin has been let in on this. This has led to a number of established worshipper-cults taking up Loecin’s name again, and the horseman god has never been happier. The skies may be different, the plains covered in strange plants, and the steeds may be strange and unfamiliar, but the passion of riding remains the same. Though competitive with Kirron the Centaur Sky King, Loecin is willing to share the vast new frontiers with his fellow (horse)man in friendly rivalry

-Imwail the Minotaur---Given the fair shake minotaurs get in both the United Worlds of Warlock and the United Systems Alliance, it shouldn’t come as a surprise that there’s been a revival of sorts in worship of Imwail(likely helped along by Thoth’s agents). Given how minotaur warriors in both the UWW and USA militaries are often at the forefront of fighting slavers and tyrants, Imwail seems a perfect fit for a barracks-deity and battle-god.

-Ilonec the Steambringer-----The technological passage of steampower enjoyed by many cultures and Technowizardry promotion of ‘steampunk’ has led to an unexpected association of steam power with this nearly forgotten Dwarven deity. More than a few engineers of this disposition have affectionately named their steam engines ‘Ilonec ;. If the rumors that Ilonec is being held captive as a slave are true, then the trickle of energy from renewed interest in her may help her eventually overcome her captivity.

-Wunja---This enigmatic being is considered something of a nerd-deity, inspirer of dreams and highfalutin’ conceptualizations. Wunja is a being of ideas and concepts. Wunja would also be violently opposed to the depredations of beings like the Brainsucker which live by stealing the creative energy of others. Given half a chance, Wunja will readily sally forth to hunt down the Intellivore/Brainsucker(or -suckerS if there are more than one) and EXTERMINATE it/them. A number of artists and engineers who have seen the Garden statute(in person or in the photos taken by the Outstep Ranger team) have felt challenged to duplicate(and improve) on it, so recreations of the strangely anthropoid, star-projecting, eternal flame-bearing statute have begun appearing on various technical academies and education centers around the USA.

-Varde the Mason--Thoth would love to lure this dispirited God to new purpose as a teacher, not only of the arts of masonry but of hubris in relying too much on one concept. After so long , Varde may be favorably inclined towards the idea, though he would prefer anonymity in the work. Thoth, through his various cutouts and proxies, has persuaded a number of USA engineering schools to keep an instructor seat open ‘just in case’.

-Mati---This chimaeric-formed eleven goddess of song has begun enjoying new followings in such diverse places as the United Systems Alliance and the decadent T’schalan. Mai is also catching on with the increasingly cosmopolitan Skensians. Her obvious mixed-heritage appeals to the 'mongrel' society that is the United Systems Alliance.

-Aco and the Juggernaut---Thoth would love to bring this pair over to the Conspiracy of Light, but Aco’s aberrant alignment concerns Thoth. Though it gives her a strength to do what can be distastefully necessary, it also strikes Thoth as a possible blind spot that could sway her to dangerous action to the detriment of the Light’s cause. Likewise, the Juggernaut’s possible history with Abo the Lightning Bringer could cause undue tension between the two. Thoth has deliberately put off directly contacting these two until he has a firmer commitment from some of the other members of the Conspiracy of Light and a stronger network that could deal with any problems when he decides to bring Aco, the Juggernaut, and Abo in on the plan. Meanwhile, Thoth’s been doing the followers of all three small favors(made through various proxies so it doesn’t look as if he’s trying to poach worship) to sweeten their attitudes towards him when he does openly appear to them to make his pitch. Still, Aco’s devotion to redemption makes Thoth hopeful that she is not a lost cause.

- Astumia, Maiden of the East---Thoth has mainly focused on those beings who he considers potential ‘heavy hitters’ or who can be instrumental in garnering allies to his cause, but he hasn’t neglected the softer arts. He sent the Maiden of the East a few useful trinkets, and to combat the character assassination done her by the church of Listra, Besides giving her a few powerstones, Thoth also hired Astumia the services of an Altess public relations firm. Though the advice and efforts of the PR firm have yet to affect anybody on the Palladium world, it has inspired some interest elsewhere in the megaverse. A celebrity-cult based on Astumia has started in the Paradise Foundation worlds and, though not the most auspiscious of starts for Astumia’s reputation-repair , the money and attention these well-heeled followers bring to the table have been encouraging.

-Ginja---Likewise this powerful, but shy and retiring, gentle giant of the Earth is being cultivated by Thoth as a spokesbeing for conservation, wise planetary management, and the arts, so the Forces of the Light will be reminded of what they’re fighting FOR. Ginja would be a good support being, attractive to colonists and followers of hearth gods

-Lezari and Hyisland---These forgotten god-dragons would be a natural addition to Thoth’s plans, but getting them up to strength against the crushing propaganda and revisionist history of the Cult of Dragonwright is an uphill battle. However, with an increasing number of dragons becoming disillusioned with Styphon the Black’s reign as head of the Dragonwright pantheon, there’s opportunity to bring back some better role models in the form of these two. Towards that goal, Thoth has commissioned the healer-engineers of Cybolyte to put together a massive powerstone ‘lifebomb’ that could be transported into the Garden and used to revive Hyisland’s physical form. Of course, the arrogance and competitiveness of god-dragons, even Good-aligned ones, being what it is, Thoth expects a good share of teething problems slotting the two into his organization.

-Mandulis----Though this god and former champion of justice fights the gods of Darkness, he hasn’t won over his own darkness. Mandulis is considered a loose cannon at best, and an obsessed terrorist at worst, manipulating and sacrificing others in his personal war. The best Thoth can hope for is to isolate this mad god and limit the amount of damage he can do to the forces of the Light. That means providing information to turn those who might buy into Mandulis’s lies and justifications.

-Of course, Thoth isn’t the only extradimensional deity interested in the Garden of the Gods, or even the only one interested in recruiting it. Though most gods of evil tend to be jealous power-hoarders who regard other gods as rivals, and fallen ones as useless has-beens, there’s always the chance of picking up a suitable expendable dupe, distraction, or troublemaker, who can be disposed of when their usefulness comes to an end. This can, however, be a dangerous game, as what seems like a beaten-down ex-glory suitably grateful for being useful can suddenly become resurgent and pose a real threat to their would-be benefactors.
"Trouble rather the Tiger in his Lair,
Than the Sage among his Books,
For all the Empires and Kingdoms,
The Armies and Works that you hold Dear,
Are to him but the Playthings of the Moment,
To be turned over with the Flick of a Finger,
And the Turning of a Page"

--------Rudyard Kipling
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Re: Paladin Steel Storefront

Unread post by Omegasgundam »

taalismn wrote:Thoth, the Conspiracy of Light, and the Garden of the Gods
(Garden of the Gods in the GNEverse)
(With a nod of thanks to Omegasgundam’s previous postings on Thoth and his Conspiracy of Light)

-Abo, the Lightning Bringer---Thoth has heard the stories of how Abo was beaten down by Xy, Thoth’s previous incarnation, and then in retaliation manipulated the Old One into performing the Circles of Transformation that turned Xy into Thoth. Thoth remembers events somewhat differently, but admits there's a possibility that the brute that was Xy COULD have been schemed into his fateful act of hubris. If that’s even remotely true, then Thoth definitely wants somebody of Abo’s resilience and cunning on his side. And to do that, Thoth will have to be even more cunning, since he doubts Abo would be entirely happy to see him again, given their supposed history. Thoth is considering various cautious approaches to Abo, but remains confident he can sway and rejuvenate the masked god to take a more active role again in what is to come.

I need to find my copy to give a full reply, but the core of it is that Abo clued in on Xy's various psychological problems, and how it effected his control over the Old Ones. Xy's hold over the power dynamics over the pack of emotivore addicts was deliberately unstable, as Xy liked actively intervening to keep control. The trick was to find a work around for Xy's precog and prod the others a bit further in specific directions at the right times to throw Xy's mental map of the bunch off just enough to not be noticed and corrected. It took several centuries to find the right combination to get Ya-blik and Al-vil to work together at the right time, and they would have needed the right opening regardless. Abo also knew Xy's expected development cycle, so he had 2-3 likely dates that the transformation circle would be finished and/or polished around. Ensuring that conspirators would be in just amiable enough moods to each other at all of those times was what ended up getting Abo killed, but it turned out to be necessary.

Simply put, Abo manipulated the 'lesser' named Old Ones so that the group dynamics would end up with Ya-blik and Al-vil being just barely willing to work together when the opportunity arose, and be so at a time that Xy thought that they were not. 'A surprise is something you knew about turns out to be something else entirely.'
Last edited by Omegasgundam on Sun Dec 26, 2021 2:03 am, edited 2 times in total.
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Re: Paladin Steel Storefront

Unread post by taalismn »

So yeah, Thoth DEFINITELY wants somebody of Abo's cunning and patience on his side, rather than against him.....Abo may be faded/falllen, but Thoth knows that there's always the possibility in the megaverse of resurrections, corruptions, and(ironically) transformations. Better to have the old god where Thoth can see him and make good use of him, than rotting on the sidelines where something might happen to turn the guy into a wrench in Thoth's plans.
"Trouble rather the Tiger in his Lair,
Than the Sage among his Books,
For all the Empires and Kingdoms,
The Armies and Works that you hold Dear,
Are to him but the Playthings of the Moment,
To be turned over with the Flick of a Finger,
And the Turning of a Page"

--------Rudyard Kipling
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Re: Paladin Steel Storefront

Unread post by Omegasgundam »

taalismn wrote:So yeah, Thoth DEFINITELY wants somebody of Abo's cunning and patience on his side, rather than against him.....Abo may be faded/falllen, but Thoth knows that there's always the possibility in the megaverse of resurrections, corruptions, and(ironically) transformations. Better to have the old god where Thoth can see him and make good use of him, than rotting on the sidelines where something might happen to turn the guy into a wrench in Thoth's plans.

Oh for sure. Abo was just about the only being that could have done it, but the level of manipulation was less important than him already having an 'in' as Xy's student and understanding the Old Ones.

Xy was in denial/suppressing of a lot of things, so Abo knew him better than he himself did. Abo had also spend millennia in close proximity to the Old Ones at their most personal levels, which is something nobody else (in a position to care or do anything) would have had. Once you get past the horror and power, the Old Ones were incredibly juvenile and predictable, and if you could observe them long enough you could see the patterns of social clique forming and breaking centuries ahead of time even without actual precog. Abo still had to threat the needle to avoid Xy noticing, and that involved having things shift back into the right sequence if it was the wrong time, so there was there as absolutely no margin for error. Being able to juggle and plan all the variables out to get something that worked was a testament to Abo's mental abilities, and he would admit that it was luck that nothing significant happened to throw it off.

And this was all with Xy setting himself up for failure. If Xy was actually all there, he never would have screwed up.
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Re: Paladin Steel Storefront

Unread post by taalismn »

(Because it’s been a while since I did a TW reproduction...)

Paladin Steel PS-FBTW(E)-100 ‘StormSaber’ TW Fighter-Bomber
(aka ‘Electric Saber’, ‘Lightning-Breather’, ‘Shock-Saber’, ‘Stormy’)
“You can never have too many air combat platforms.”

“There’s faster and more heavily-armed air-breathers out there, but few have the sheer energy and excitement of flying a Stormy. The air-horse just adds a tingle of energy to missions. Some say it’s electrical charge leaking around the insulation, but I think it’s the communion of a pilot’s will to fly with the air elemental’s will to soar.”

“Okay, the rockets and bombs failed to scratch that kaiju-wannabee, but the lightning blasts seem to hurt it! So here’s what we’re going to do on our next attack run---”

The PS-FBTW(E)-100 is a retroca reproduction of the pre-Rifts F-100 ‘SuperSaber’ jet fighter of the ‘Century Series’ of jet aircraft that transformed the pre-Rifts American Empire air force. The design has been resurrected post-Rifts by Paladin Steel’s eccentric Hangar-18 thinktank technowizards as an all-weather fighter-bomber.
Rather than a straightforward technological copy of the ancient aircraft, the StormSaber is instead a technowizardry vehicle built around a contained and tamed Air Elemental animal-equivalent(the equivalent of a horse). This gives the fighter-bomber all-weather performance, as well as improvements in handling, agility, and even a slight upgrade in speed. The system was further improved from studies of Arzhur Elemental-powered aircraft captured during during the Northern War(if only to see how NOT to enrage a restrained Elemental Essence).
The usual upgrades in megadamage materials substitution, more advanced and compact avionics, and a more durable frame are par for PS retro-replica models, as are modular hardpoint systems and options.
With the need for liquid fuel eliminated(though many StormSabers carry a cryogenic bottle of liquid oxygen or other gas as a ‘treat’ for their eleminal steed), internal space and external hardpoints can be used for other purposes, such as avionics and weaponry.
Though considered something of a lightweight(in a large stable of other PS TW aircraft designs) and totally dependent on magic for its operation, the StormSaber nevertheless is selling well to magic-oriented parties and organizations. Its usefulness against magic-vulnerable opponents is another selling point, especially among groups that have recently felt the bite of the Minion Wars. A number of UWW planets have bought PS-FBTW(E)-100s direct from PS/ASI or are negotiating to license-build their own.

The Air Elemental Essence is something of a larger version of the Air Elemental Phantom, and has been compared to a well-trained warhorse or large attack dog. Outside the sleeve of an aircraft frame, the Eleminal is barely visible as a distortion or misty swirl in the air, has 1d4x100 MDC, 4 APMs, +2 on initiative, +4 to strike/parry, +7 to dodge, I.Q. of 4, P.P. of 19, a supernatural strength of 30 , and flies at 200 MPH. In addition to doing damage with its strength, it can also unleash a bolt of lightning once per melee, with a range of 5,000 ft and doing 2d4x10 MD per blast. It can see the invisible and is immune to electricity, cold, poison, disease, and fear.

Type: PS-FBTW(E)-100 ‘StormSaber’
Class: Fighter-Bomber, Atmo, TechnoWizardry-Enhanced
Crew: One
MDC/Armor by Location:
Main Body 300
Reinforced Cockpit 75
Wings(2) 100 each
Tail 100
Height: 50 ft
Width: 39 ft
Length: 16.3 ft
Weight: 28,800 lbs
Cargo: Small space in the ejection seat for a survival pack and sidearms
Powerplant: Air-Elemental ‘Elenimal’ supplemented by TW Powerstones and Nuclear Powercells
180 PPE ready-use reserve(recharges at 10 PPE per hour under normal conditions, 5 per minute on or near a leyline)
Speed:(Ground) Can taxi at about 15 MPH
(Flying) 865 MPH(supersonic) at 50,000 ft
Bonuses: The use of the Air Elemental powerplant means that the aircraft has NO foul weather penalties for flying in windy conditions, nor does it suffer icing.
Also note that the jet-exhaust is NOT hot, and does not register with heat-seeker targeting systems, rendering these systems ineffective in acquiring and tracking the aircraft(no bonus to strike). Radar- and laser-guided weapons are unaffected.
Market Cost: 25 million credits
Systems of Note:
Standard Aircraft Systems, plus:
*Ejection Seat
*Radio--100 mile range
*Life Support System(48 hour oxygen supply/filtration)
*Photosensitive Cockpit Bubble(polarized glare-blocking)

*Autopilot---This simply allows the pilot to set speed, altitude, and heading, and the plane will automatically fly itself along the set course. Great for long flights, allowing the pilot to rest.

*Radar--- 90 mile range

*Laser Targeting---+2 to strike with ranged weaponry

*ECCM system: A semiautomatic system that uses electronic encryption and frequency jumping to (attempt to) negate jamming systems. The system has a 25% chance of negating radar or communications jamming (non-magical) on its own, or a +5% if the pilot has a Read Sensory Instruments or Radio: Scramblers skill and devotes a full melee to operating the system(no other attacks/actions are possible).
Having an Electronic warfare Skill gains a +15% bonus to operating this system.
Note that this only applies to received communications (the system filters them out from the jamming clutter) and sensory data received by that unit alone (other units cannot make use of it, unless they have an unaffected data-link/info-share with the ECCM equipped unit. Magic/psychic jamming is NOT affected by this system.

Weapons Systems:
1) Nose Cannon(4)---The StormSaber mounts four cannons in a fixed forward-firing position under the cockpit. These weapons can be all of the same type, or a mix of types(the latter configuration is favored, usually with a mix of energy and kinetic weapons in event the pilot finds themselves facing opponents with either energy or physical shielding).
a) 20mm Cannon
Range: 9,000 ft
Damage:(20mm) 1d4 MD per shell
4d6 MD per 5 rd burst
1d4x10+4 MD per 10 rd burst
Airburst does 1d4 MD to 2 ft blast radius(single shot)
(20mm PSX-1) 4d4 MD single rd
1d6x10 MD per 5 rd burst
Airburst does 4d4 MD to 2 ft blast radius
Rate of Fire: Standard
Payload: 400 rds per gun
Cost: 50,000 credits

b) Laser Cannon
Range: 5,000 ft
Damage: 4d6+2 per single shot, 2d4x10 for a triple pulse per single gun.
Rate of Fire: Standard
Payload: Effectively unlimited
Cost: 50,000 credits

c) TW TK Cannon
Range: 4,000 ft(double on ley lines)
Damage: 2d4 MD single shot, 3d6 MD short(5 shot) burst, 5d6 MD long (10 shot) burst, 2d6x10 MD full melee (50 shot) burst. Damage x2 for synchronized fire from TWO mounted guns)
Rate of Fire: ECHH
Payload: Effectively Unlimited; powering spells must be recast every six months. 200 shot ‘back-up’ PPE clip

d) Extended Range TW Starfire Cannon
Range: 5,000 ft(double on ley lines)
Damage: 2d6x10 MD per single shot
Rate of Fire: Single shot, ECHH
Payload: Effectively Unlimited; powering spells must be recast every six months. 50 shot ‘back-up’ PPE clips

2) Wing/Body Hardpoints(6, three under each wing)---Each can accommodate ONE of the following:
a) Mini-Missiles---19 shot pod, Can also use Light and Heavy TW Mini-Missiles.
b) Short Range Missiles---2 per hardpoint
c) Medium Range Missiles---1 per hardpoint
d)’SkyFlash’ Advanced Short Range Air to Air Multiple Missiles(ASRAAMM). This is simply the PS copy/adaptation of the Coalition’s own AIM-180 missile(see Coalition Navy, pg. 88).
Range: 15 miles
Damage: 6d6 MD per each SRM missile(3d4x10 MD per volley)
Bonuses:+3 to strike
Payload: 2 per hardpoint

e) Bombs---Two innermost hardpoints can carry weapons of up to 1,200 lbs, while the four outboard stations can carry 750 lb bombs, including TW payloads.
*250-lb Bomb----2d4x10 MD to 50 ft blast radius
*500-lb Bomb----4d4x10 MD to 60 ft blast radius
*750-lb Bomb----4d6x10 MD to 65 ft blast radius
*1,000-lb Bomb----1d4x100 MD to 70 ft blast radius
*’Smart Bombs’---Note that any bomb can be fitted with a ‘smart bomb’ modification kit, similar to the American Paveway series, consisting of fore-and-aft control fins and a sensor nose. ‘Smart Bombs’ AUTOMATICALLY hit stationary targets, and are +6 to hit moving targets(though maximum range is 1/2 mile)

f) L-SAW---Light Standoff Attack Weapon----Nicknamed ‘Snap, Crackle, Pop’ by air crews, this is essentially an oversized bomblet dispenser that can be used to bomb targets directly, ‘seed’ areas with minelets, or can launched to act as a standoff ‘glide bomb’.
Weight: 600 lbs
Range: SAW has an effective range of 10 miles in atmosphere Submunitions can be launched up to 300 ft out to either side of the SAW’s flight path.
Damage: (AP Grenade) 4d6 MD to 20 ft area
(Chemical Grenade) Varies by chemical type and atmospheric conditions. A chemical grenade will generally generate a cloud of aerosol 15 ft in radius.
(HE Shell) 5d6 MD to 20 ft area
(Plasma Grenade) 1d6x10 MD to 10 ft area
(Incendiary Bomb) Does 4d6 MD to 40 ft area, does an additional 2d6 MD for 1d6 melees, and 1d6 MD per melee for an additional 2d4 melees
(Angel Hair)---Does NO damage, but against conventional power generators and uncovered power lines and distribution systems, it can short out power grids, clog generator air intakes(80% effectiveness against industrial generators and internal combustion engines), and be a general nuisance to clean up.
Rate of Fire: A SAW can volley its submunitions in any combination
Payload:(Typical loadouts)
200 AP/Chemical grenades
50 HE/anti-vehicle grenades
50 Plasma grenades
25 Incendiary Bombs
250 spools of wire, each spool holding up to 4,000 ft of aluminum-coated wire

g)SAW---Stand-off Attack Weapon, for ground attack. Basically, this is a large LRM-sized pod with maneuvering thrusters, autopilot guidance system, and fold-out glide wings, that is designed to overfly a target zone and launch cluster munitions over it, in a bombing pattern. .
Weight: 1,100 lbs
Range: SAW has an effective range of 20 miles in atmosphere Submunitions can be launched up to 300 ft out to either side of the SAW’s flight path.
Damage: Same as for the L-SAW’s submunitions
Rate of Fire: A SAW can volley its submunitions in any combination
Payload:(Typical loadouts)
400 AP/Chemical grenades
100 HE/anti-vehicle grenades
100 Fragmentation Mines
50 Incendiary Bombs
500 spools of wire, each spool holding up to 4,000 ft of aluminum-coated filament

h) Slammer Concussion Missiles/Bombs---Knockoff Triax Weapon, acquired through industrial espionage.
Range:(Missiles) 6,000 ft
Damage: (Missiles) 2d4x10 MD to 90 ft radius.
(Bombs) 1d4x10 MD to 90 ft blast radius.
88% chance of knockdown(lose 1 APM and Initiative), 65% chance of being stunned(-10 to strike, dodge, parry, and roll, NO Initiative, HALF speed and APMs for 1d4 melees)
Payload: 1 per hardpoint

i) Incendiary Gel Munition----Because the StormSaber doesn’t need fuel to operate, instead of carrying drop-tanks to extend its range, it can carry napalm bombs. A 335 gallon tank can be carried on the innermost hardpoint, and a 200 gallon weapon on the middle hardpoint(the outer hardpoint can only carry light incendiary bombs).
Damage: Both weapons do 4d6x10 MD on impact, the 200-gallon weapon to a 50 ft long, 40 ft wide ‘footprint’, and the 335-gallon to an 80 ft long, 50 ft wide area. Besides initial blast damage, they burn, doing 2d6 MD for 1d4 minutes.

j) EW Pod--electronic jamming system that gives radar-guided weaponry a -4 to strike the aircraft. Or it can be used offensively, to foil ALL radar-guided weaponry in a 15 mile radius(-2 to strike)
k) Flare/Chaff Launcher
Range: Close Defense
Damage: None; similar to Triax-style chaff
01-50 Enemy Missile or volley detonates in chaff and threat is neutralized
51-75 Missile/Volley diverts and may pursue/lock on to other targets
76-00 No Effect! Missile(s) still on target!
Will also temporarily blind and impede flying monsters who fly into it.
Reduce APMs/combat bonuses/ speed by half for 1d4 melees
Payload: 18 per launcher

l)Recon Sensor Pod---Typically contains photo-optical cameras and similar sensory gear, but other types, such as radiation, chemical, and PPE-sensitive instrumentation are possible.

m) TW WMDs----The StormSaber has almost certainly been known to carry strategic technowizardry munitions such as Magma , Tsunami, Hurricane, Stormfront, and Earthquake Weapons.

n) Nuclear Munitions(?) ---The original F-100s could carry nuclear munitions of the Mk7, B28, B43, B57, and B61 classifications, with destructive yields of 8 kts-1mt. Despite the GNE admitting to having a WMD program, it is unknown if any such physics-derived weapons have been deployed on StormSabers, but it is suspected that the GNEAS could fit their aircraft with equivalent weapons in the event the need arose.

3) Eleminal Lightning Blast-----Besides serving to funnel air through to the air eleminal, the forward air intake serves as the aperture for a powerful magic lightning blast
Range: 11,000 ft
Damage: 2d6x10 MD per blast
Rate of Fire: Twice per melee
Payload: Effectively Unlimited
Bonus: The Air Eleminal, being a fairly aggressive example of the sort, gets a +1 attack that it can use to fire off a lightning bolt if the aircraft bears on a target.

4) Flare/Chaff Launchers(2)---A post-Rifts addition, mounted in the tail, these can use Triax-standard flare/chaff cartridges.
Range: Close Defense
Damage: None; similar to Triax-style chaff
01-50 Enemy Missile or volley detonates in chaff and threat is neutralized
51-75 Missile/Volley diverts and may pursue/lock on to other targets
76-00 No Effect! Missile(s) still on target!
Will also temporarily blind and impede flying monsters who fly into it.
Reduce APMs/combat bonuses/ speed by half for 1d4 melees
Payload: 12 per launcher

5)(Optional) Tail Mount---Original F-100s had a drogue chute mounted at the base of the tail for braking on a landing strip. Air Eleminal-powered PS-FBTW(E)-100s hardly need this, but some operators prefer to have backup, just in case. Others prefer to use the available space to mount additional countermeasure launchers, while PS/ASI is tinkering with adding extra TW systems to the slot.
a) Drogue Chute---Can abruptly reduce the aircraft’s forward speed as much as 40% in 1,000 yards
b) Flare/Chaff Launcher---Identical to 4)
c) Decoy Launcher---Releases a glowing parachute-like decoy that emits a radiation signal similar to the aircraft’s. Radar-homing missiles and weapons systems have a 75% chance of going after the decoy instead.
d) TW Storm-Chute Launcher---- Developed with the Mexico Crusade in mind, this TW weapons system releases a glowing parachute that both expands and dissolves into a thunderstorm up to 10 miles wide and lasting 1d6 hours. Up to two pre-packed Storm-Chutes can be carried.

TW Systems:
*MagePlate Armor(Formulation-1C) Armor---The StormSaber has been extensively constructed with F-1C armor; an advanced ectoplasm-impregnated composite material with limited self-repair capabilities.
When it became clear that F-1B had problems with vulnerabilities to magic attacks, PS engineers learned from their mistakes and sought to reformulate the armor composition to remove its most glaring defects. Formulation-1C lacks F-1B’s vulnerability to magic, but takes DOUBLE the PPE to repair...1 MDC=2PPE/4 ISP.
This system CANNOT replace a wing or tail that’s been blown off, but it CAN repair damaged fuselage armor, damaged flaps, and other barely-functional, but still attached, parts of the aircraft.

*Armor of Ithan---------100 MDC, duration 40 melees(10 minutes). Activation PPE/ISP: 15 PPE/25 ISP

*Impervious to Energy( 5 minutes per 20 PPE)

*Leyline Booster(Accelerates the aircraft up to 50% greater top speed when on a leyline, -10% to pilot skill when engaged)

*Feather-Light----This turns the runway dependent aircraft into an STOL, or even a VTOL aircraft, by allowing the feather light aircraft to fall gently to the ground! However, this is worse than useless in strong wings, unless the plane is going at power against the wind, otherwise the featherlight plane is tossed about by the wind!
However, with a piloting roll(-10%), the plane can gently land on a rooftop or a small clearing. Conversely, Feather-Light can allow the plane to take off from a small space, provided that there is some sort of updraft, or if the engines can be vectored, or otherwise manipulated to generate lift. Takeoff pilot roll at +5%
Duration: 1 minute per use
PPE Usage: Can be used 10 times before needing recharging, or 20 PPE per use

*Wing De-Icer----Ideal for flying in harsh weather. Lasts 2 hours per 5 PPE

*Flicker Dodge---A special capability, an application of the Astral Hole spell. Typically, a StormSaber can engage this system 10 times before needing to recharge the system on a Ley Line(takes about 24 hours), or the pilot can pump in 120 PPE

*Point Defense Laser---What looks like an in-flight refueling probe from the original F-100 is really a flex-armature-mounted beam conduit and emission bulb for a point defense laser.
Range: 6,000 ft
Damage: 3D6 MD single blast
Rate of Fire: Equal to the pilot's combined hand to hand attacks, or 4 attacks in auto-defense mode.
Payload: Effectively Unlimited
Bonuses: +2 to strike airborne targets like missiles and aircraft/flying opponents(must be traveling higher than 10 ft off the ground)
Cost: 45,000 credits

*Laser-Reflective/Resistant Armor----The StormSaber can be covered with a coating of laser-reflective alloys and polymers that resembles the original ‘bare metal’ or silver look of the original F-100, and causes laser weapons to do HALF damage. However, if the aircraft takes more than 30% damage to a respective part, the benefit of this coating is lost. Note that the MagePlate Armor(Formulation-1C) ability to repair itself does NOT cover this layering(it’s a separate application) .
Cost: 6 million credits

*Doppleganger-Cloak----This amplification of the Multiple Images Spell allows the aircraft to project multiple ‘ghost’ images of itself(up to 3 separate images). These multiple images can carry out a series of preprogrammed ariel maneuvers(can also simulate weapons fire/gun flashes, but only if the mothership is also firing at the same time), but must remain within a mile of the the projecting aircraft(or they vanish without a trace). Also note that the images don’t show up on radar or thermo-imaging, and cannot be used to fool homing missiles, though they DO give off a PPE trace similar to the projecting aircraft.
Range: ‘Ghosts’ can be projected up to 5,000 ft away
Duration: 5 minutes per activation
PPE Activation Cost: 20 PPE per activation
Cost: 2 million credits

*Foo-Fighter Defense Drone System---A variant combination of the Magic Warrior and Ball Lightning spells, this TW-projector creates an attendant ‘parasite’ fighter to protect the aircraft and harass pursuers or intercept missiles. The Foo-Fighters are semiautonomous and can be released/directed at specified targets then sent on their way to do their damage, or they can be remotely directed by a gunner/weapons officer on the generating aircraft. The Magic Warrior ‘drone’ can be chosen to appear to appear as a robot aircraft, smaller version of the aircraft, winged animal, flying knight, or a miniature whirlwind/air elemental accompanying the aircraft. Foo-Fighters attack by ramming or by firing short range bolts of eldritch lightning at their targets. Foo Fighters can be targeted and destroyed by conventional means, but Dispel Magic and Anti-Magic Cloud spells stop them dead. Multiple Foo-Fighters are also possible, though each materialized ‘escort’ costs an additional 60 PPE
Range: Typically the Foo-Fighter will stray no more than 6,000 ft from the creating aircraft.
MDC of Foo Fighter: 110
Speed: 400 MPH
Damage: Does 3d6+10 MD per electrical bolt(1,500 ft range)
Duration: 10 melees (roughly 5 minutes) per activation
PPE Activation Cost: Costs 60 PPE per fighter per activation
Bonuses: Each Foo-Fighter has 5 actions/attacks per melee, +5 to strike, roll, and dodge, and +4 on initiative
Cost: 5 million credits

*Zero-Length Takeoff Booster----A blast from the pre-Rifts Cold War mentality, this is equipment meant to provide the fighter with an instant takeoff capability not dependent on vulnerable runways. It consisted of an angled takeoff rail and an expendable rocket booster attached under the tail. The system, in combination with the TW enhancements, allows the aircraft to be instantly ‘hot-scrambled’ and airborne within seconds, without the need of runways to take off from. Immediately after launching, the spent booster is jettisoned.

* PS-FBTW(E)-100S---Variant being trialed in the Three Galaxies. The major difference is that the wing hardpoints are compatible with the WZT hardpoint system, with the inboard and the outboard wing hardpoints being compatible with Light Weapons and the middle hardpont being a Medium hardpoint. This variant was developed to streamline logistics in planetary defense logistics, though field-testing has yet to prove any real savings.

* PS-FBTW(E)-100T---Two-seater training model. Also would serve as the director-aircraft for flights of PS-QFBTW(E)-100Qs.

* PS-QFBTW(E)-100Q ---Unmanned ‘drone’ version in which only the Air Eleminal is aboard. These ‘drone’ versions are directed by an Air Warlock ‘trainer’ aboard a PS-FBTW(E)-100T. On their own, the riderless Air Eleminals have 4 APMs, +2 to dodge/roll, and are limited to magic attacks(their techno-weapons are fired by either remote control or by onboard auxiliary combat computers/robot gunner AIs with 6 APMs and +3 to strike). Seen as something of an experiment by PS/ASI in training semiautonomous animal-level Elementals.
If the containing aircraft is destroyed, the harnessed Elemental Essence is freed/unleashed. There’s a 60% chance the creature will instantly vanish back to the Elemental Plains, but a 40% chance that it may linger in the Material Realm, especially if there’s still an Air Elemental Warlock directing it. If it can identify the enemy that destroyed its ‘sleeve’, it will attack it, otherwise it will only hang around for 2d4 minutes.
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Re: Paladin Steel Storefront

Unread post by Omegasgundam »

One thing that hasn't been done is a 3G star fighter version of the Saab Draken you did. Its mentioned that Elves like it, so a TW model would be of interest to rebuilding UWW member local defense forces.
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Re: Paladin Steel Storefront

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Omegasgundam wrote:One thing that hasn't been done is a 3G star fighter version of the Saab Draken you did. Its mentioned that Elves like it, so a TW model would be of interest to rebuilding UWW member local defense forces.

I'll get to it. :D :bandit:

Pity there isn't a 'Void' Elemental(okay...damnit, now I have the idea in my head of what a 'void elemental' could be like, something akin to a sentient gravitational anomaly...) :frust: NEVER gonna open up some SPACE in my 'to do' file....
"Trouble rather the Tiger in his Lair,
Than the Sage among his Books,
For all the Empires and Kingdoms,
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Re: Paladin Steel Storefront

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The search function here is less than stellar, and I cant seem to find what I'm looking for.
Did anybody ever make a colony ship? Ideally one that breaks down upon landing and forms a base colony?
If not I may have to make one myself. Probably for the Three Galaxies.
Create and print dozens of different graph papers.
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Re: Paladin Steel Storefront

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Shorty Lickens wrote:The search function here is less than stellar, and I cant seem to find what I'm looking for.
Did anybody ever make a colony ship? Ideally one that breaks down upon landing and forms a base colony?
If not I may have to make one myself. Probably for the Three Galaxies.

I haven't done one here ...don't think any of the designs I've done so far are easily broken down(aiming for stoutness).
There's a small colonial homestead ship in the Thundercloyd Galaxy book you might be aware of.

Come to think of it, you could proably browse the fan ships section over in the Dimensions thread and find some generic designs that might be easy pried apart.

Here...check on this page for the 'Zultan' Colony might be a good starting point for a colony/seed ship.
"Trouble rather the Tiger in his Lair,
Than the Sage among his Books,
For all the Empires and Kingdoms,
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Re: Paladin Steel Storefront

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*PS/ASI-SAIM-280 TW ‘Twister ’ Advanced Short Range Air/Space Multiple Warhead Missile
(aka ‘Samey’, ‘Strike-Rite’, ‘Space-Hydra’, ‘Four-Finger-F***-Off’, ‘Fugin FireFlower’)
“Why’s it called a ‘Twister’? ‘Cause you see all those missile tracks coming at you in a moving wave, you’d think a space-cyclone was coming at you!

The ‘Twister’ ASRASM was developed as a sideline to the Draken III TW space fighter program for the United Worlds of Warlock’s post-Minion War military revamp and defense forces reconstruction. However, during the UWW’s re-arming, isues arose with outfitting the various fighters and missile platforms in the inventory. Bottled Demon missiles aren’t always available, and some worlds just won’t have anything to do with them, especially after the Minion War, so PS/ASI came up with an alternative. The TW-ASRASM copies the *’SkyFlash’/CS- AIM-180 ASRAAMM in being a medium-range missile engine carrying four Heavy TW Rockets. Though the weapon)s) have less overall range than the Skyflash, they make up for it in damage potential and the warheads can be further magically enhanced for extra effect.
A Magic Pigeon homing guidance system gives the rockets 2 tries at hitting the target, and is +3 to strike.
The result is a new weapon that is perfectly acceptable to those organizations not trusting ‘Bottled Demons’ and rapidly gaining the favor of fighter-pilots in both the USA and UWW. Manufacture of the SAIM-280 has begun in both star nations.

Range: (Boost Stage) 15 miles in atmosphere, 60 miles in space(KItsune Values: 40,000 miles in space)
(Attack Stage) 4.5 miles in atmosphere, 10 miles in space(KItsune Values: 200 miles in space)
Damage: 2d4x10 MD to a 30 ft radius per each SRM missile(8d4x10 MD per volley)
Bonuses: +3 to strike, plus the mini-missiles are maneuverable enough to have two tries to strike the target.
Cost : 180,000 credits per missile

The warheads can be further enhanced with the following ‘rider’ spells:
*(Spell) Negate Mechanics--- Used on tech targets, this warhead causes a subsystem in the targeted machine to quit working for 15 seconds. This can be fire control, communications, life support, a sensor system, or other minor system. Cost: +50,000 credits

*(Spell)Micrometeors--- As if being hit with a high explosive missile wasn’t bad enough, this enhancement tags the target for a cosmic sandblasting; 2d6x10+50 MD to a 100 ft area. Cost: +80,000 credits

*(Spell) Shockwave---Creates a wave of force radiating out from the point of impact. 100 ft radius and does an additional 1d4x10 MD, plus knockdown identical to the spell. Against/in the close confines of a spacecraft or space station, this can be devastating. Cost: +55,000 credits
Last edited by taalismn on Thu Dec 30, 2021 1:13 am, edited 1 time in total.
"Trouble rather the Tiger in his Lair,
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For all the Empires and Kingdoms,
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Re: Paladin Steel Storefront

Unread post by Omegasgundam »

taalismn wrote:*PS/ASI-SAIM-280 TW ‘Twister ’ Advanced Short Range Air/Space Multiple Warhead Missile
Range: (Boost Stage) 15 miles in atmosphere, 60 miles in space
(Attack Stage) 4.5 miles in atmosphere, 200 miles in space

Think this bit got mixed up. Other than that, good execution.
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Re: Paladin Steel Storefront

Unread post by taalismn »

Omegasgundam wrote:
taalismn wrote:*PS/ASI-SAIM-280 TW ‘Twister ’ Advanced Short Range Air/Space Multiple Warhead Missile
Range: (Boost Stage) 15 miles in atmosphere, 60 miles in space
(Attack Stage) 4.5 miles in atmosphere, 200 miles in space

Think this bit got mixed up. Other than that, good execution.

Try it now....yeah, got ahead of myself....

And here's some more stuff:

Project Phut-Phut
(aka ‘Project BoosterSeat’)

“How does it feel, knowing you’ve been shot down by a mouse?”

“In the United Systems Alliance they don’t evict the talking vermin, they RECRUIT them.”

“There will always be a need for small light sneaky operators and equipment in the service. There will also always be a need for heavy firepower. The more of both we have, the more options we have in insuring our security.”

“There were some concerns when the squadron started hosting Smallkin pilots about them being able to reach their cockpits in a scramble, until we realized that the sparrows could FLY to their planes, often getting started up even before the rest of us even got on the tarmac taxi-wagons.”

Project Phut-Phut was a USAJC initiative to put Smallkin pilots in the cockpit and behind the controls of normal-sized/Bigfolk-scale aerospace fighters. As this had already been done with a number of shuttles, including combat droppers, it was felt that the greater tolerance for gee-forces exhibited by many Smallkin species would serve them well in aerospace fighter operations as well.
The technical challenges were negligible; as the control linkages of modern fightercraft were all Fly-By-Wire, it was a simple matter to reroute the control feeds to a miniaturized cockpit setup. A slip-in cockpit pod with extra gravitic buffering could be slipped into a regular-sized cockpit with the standard ejection seat removed. The smaller-scale cockpit pods could even accommodate extra crew members, allowing for the same aerospacecraft to serve as a trainer or special missions craft with onboard specialists.
Project Phut-Phut was intended to expand the pool of available fighter pilots without having to create an entirely new scale of higher-performance fighter platforms specifically for Smallkin. As the populations of Smallkin in the United Systems Alliance grow, they are also becoming an increasingly important part of the defense forces, and it was felt beneficial to find new ways of tapping into their patriotism.
The only complaint about the initiative was that some base commanders preferred to have their fighters all in a ‘one-size-fits-all’ condition, and that the cockpit modifications, however minor, necessary for Smallkin crews, made it difficult and time-consuming for the same ships to be made usable for regular-sized crews in conditions of need.
Types of USA fighters that have been identified as having been refitted for Smallkin use under the Project Phut-Phut initiative include PS/ASI Hesperias, Taons, F-104(TW) Starfighters , SPD-335 ‘Bolts’, Almars, Tercels, Gandivas, SkyTigers, Star Tigers, Jatars and WZT Atoms, Angels, Skirmishers, StarCrosses, Bolts, and Solaces.
"Trouble rather the Tiger in his Lair,
Than the Sage among his Books,
For all the Empires and Kingdoms,
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Re: Paladin Steel Storefront

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(Magic Sensor systems by Kitsune, prodding by Omegasgundam)

*SF-351S Draken III TW Aerospace Fighter
(aka “Star Draken’, ‘Micro-Aurie’)

“We’d have been happy with the original Dee-Two, light as it was, but when we saw what we were getting with the Drak-Three, well, never mind the government budget, our aerospace arm was willing to sell their own teeth and superfluous body parts for the chance to acquire them.”
----Magister-Martial Rilky, Head of Procurement, Planetary Aerospace Defense Department, Domain of Chatswith, UWW.

“Those hybrid mage-fighters may be fragile structurally compared to our own Black Eagles and Katanas, but once the hocus-pocus enhancements cut in, they can do things that boggle your mind...or, as we learned in exercises, put them in a right advantageous position on your tail before you know what’s happening!”
---Anonymous CAF pilot.

“The Draken’s resemblance to the Aurora destroyer hasn’t hurt sales any at all with the Warlock crowd; in fact many pilots call it the ‘micro-Aurie’.”

The Star Draken Aerospace Fighter is a dual atmosphere/deep space single-seat fighter developed from the airframe of the PS/H18B/FA/(Saab)-F-350 Draken II, itself based on the pre-Rifts Swedish ‘Draken’ fighter. PS/ASI had the variant in mind as an alternate ‘economy starfighter’, though the PS/ASI(and associated WZT) stable was already teeming with aerospace fighter designs. Variety being the spice of life(and, as PS/ASI figured it, economic life as well), the design was kept in the portfolio.
The F-350S saw a surge in interest from the United Worlds of Warlock. Post-Minion War, the UWW was looking to upgrade its military across the board, With its own local industry stretched to the limit, the UWW leadership turned eyes towards their new neighbors in the United Systems Alliance, who had an inventory of the most amazing toys, technological AND magical, at affordable prices.
Furthermore, the Minion War had terrified a number of independent magic-using worlds. No longer sure they could go it alone if another wave of Infernals swept through the Three Galaxies, these worlds were willing to join the UWW if they could get their planetary defenses upgraded and NOW! With development and production of new fighters and ships lagging behind demand, Warlock Military Command felt that an out-sourced and refined F-350S could serve these new members and rebuilding system defense forces quite ably, while its native industries worked on upgrading its Shadowbolts and other new designs to mass production status.
With that request in mind, PS/ASI dutifully sanded the rough edges off the F-350S, beefed up the frame and armor with better materials, added a few new systems to bring it up to par with its own Star Tigers, and presented the Draken III to their UWW allies.
The SF-351S is more expensive to produce than the F-350S was meant to be, but it is also arguably more capable for the added cost(which isn’t any more expensive than a standard Star Tiger II). Despite the steeper price tag, the SF-351S is being snapped up by planetary aerospace militias in the UWW and magic-using organizations in the USA.
The original lighter and more fragile F-350S is also available, but has seen limited sales in the USA to various aerospace militias.

Type: PS/ASI-SF-351S Draken III
Class: Aerospace Fighter-Bomber, TechnoWizardru-Enhanced
Crew: One
MDC/Armor by Location:
Main Body 600
Reinforced Cockpit 120
Wings(2) 360 each
Tail 190
Forcefield 600 MDC(not including TW protections)
Height: 12 ft 9 in.
Width: 30 ft 10 in.
Length: 50 ft 4 in.
Weight: 9 tons empty, 15 lbs fully loaded.
Cargo: Survival pack in ejection seat
Powerplant: Nuclear Fusion w/ 20 year energy life
(All models)---TW Powerstone ---200 PPE battery capacity; recharges at 10 PPE per hour, 40 PPE/hour at a leyline, 80 PPE/hour on a nexus

Speed: (Flying) -ContraGravity Drive---(Atmosphere) Hover to Mach 4(Transatmospheric)
(Space) Mach 11
(Kitsune Values: 40% of light speed; Accelerates/decelerates at 1.1% of light speed per melee)
Bonuses: Advanced piloting interface systems and superior design give the Draken III a +1 to dodge in its ‘clean’ state.

Market Cost: 65 million credits
Systems of Note:
Standard Starfighter Systems, plus:

*ECCM system: A semiautomatic system that uses electronic encryption and frequency jumping to (attempt to) negate jamming systems. The system has a 25% chance of negating radar or communications jamming (non-magical) on its own, or a +5% if the pilot has a Read Sensory Instruments or Radio: Scramblers skill and devotes a full melee to operating the system(no other attacks/actions are possible).
Having an Electronic warfare Skill gains a +15% bonus to operating this system.
Note that this only applies to received communications (the system filters them out from the jamming clutter) and sensory data received by that unit alone (other units cannot make use of it, unless they have an unaffected datalink/info-share with the ECCM equipped unit. Magic/psychic jamming is NOT affected by this system.

*ORACLE Mrk IVF---Scaled down fighter-portable TW magic sensors---Given that the sort of adversaries the operators of the , it was considered worth the cost of outfitting the ships with the appropriate detection systems:
• See Aura: Slightly different than the spell in that it can scan an entire target such as a ship or station. The enchantment can be used to target a single individual but only have one tenth normal range when being used in that matter. Costs 60 P.P.E. per activation due to extended range. Range: Fighter Mount: 100 miles (160 kilometers) in space and 1 mile (1.6 kilometers) in an atmosphere. Effects / Abilities: Gives an approximate count of the number of life forms onboard. Gives the average level of experience, highest level of experience, and lowest level of experience [Given in these terms: Low (1-3), medium (4-7), high (8th and up).] Tells if there is any magic onboard. Gives if there are any psychics onboard (Mind Block will prevent detection), Gives a general count on the amount of P.P.E. the target has (basically the P.P.E. of the crew and any devices which store P.P.E.). Detects if there is any kind of possession. Finally sees if the crew or ship has any unusual aberrations.
• See the Invisible Sensors: The ships has several special optical and other sensor systems with see the invisible on them. Same as spell and used at will (requires no P.P.E. to activate). Range: Fighter Mount: 200 miles (320 kilometers) in space and 2 miles (3.2 km) in an atmosphere. Effects / Abilities: Can see forces, objects, and creatures which can turn invisible, or are invisible. Can also see vaporous beings and astral bodies.
• Sense Magic: The ship has sensors which the give the ability to detect active magic. Similar to spell and used at will (requires no P.P.E. to activate). Range: Fighter Mount: 20,000 miles (32,200 kilometers) in space and 200 miles (320 km) in an atmosphere.
• Sense Rifts: Ship has sensors which effectively allow Rifts to be detected. The system can be (requires no P.P.E. to activate). Range: Fighter Mount: 50,000 miles (80,500 kilometers) in space and 500 miles (805 km) in an atmosphere.

Weapons Systems:
1) 30mm G-Cannon(2x)---The original autocannion have been replaced with essentially identical G-Cannon. PS has taken advantage of lighter materials and the lack of fuel dependancy(and thus the freed-up space) to increase the gun payload slightly over that of the original Draken)
Range: 10,000 ft in atmosphere, 6 miles in space
(Kitsune Values: 2 miles in atmosphere/ 200 miles in space)
Damage: 4d6 MD single round, 1d6x10 MD two rd burst, 3d6x10 MD per six-shot burst(DOUBLE for a simultaneous burst from BOTH guns---synched to fire in unison)
Rate of Fire: EPCHH
Payload: 124 rds per gun

Alternately, PS offers the Draken III with either laser cannon or ion cannon packages:
a) Laser Cannon---Tri-Laser(PSMBL-3E)---Adapted from the Glitterboy No. 7 of South America
Range: 8,000 ft in atmosphere, 4.5 miles in space
(Kitsune Values: 1.5 miles in atmosphere/ 150 miles in space)
Damage: 2d4x10 MD per blast
Rate of Fire: EPCHH
Payload: Effectively Unlimited

b) Ion Cannon
Range: 7,000 ft in atmosphere, 4 miles in space
(Kitsune Values: 1.4 miles in atmosphere/ 140 miles in space)
Damage: 1d6x10 MD per blast
Rate of Fire: EPCHH
Payload: Effectively Unlimited
Cost: 220,000 credits

c) Ion Spray Cannon
Range: 4,000 ft in atmosphere, 2.5 miles in space
(Kitsune Values: 4,000 ft in atmosphere/ 90 miles in space)
Damage: 1d6x10+10 MD per blast, to a 50 ft wide area
Rate of Fire: EPCHH
Payload: Effectively Unlimited
Cost: 230,000 credits

2) Underwing Pylons(9, four each wing, three under the main fuselage)--- Each pylon can accommodate 1,000 lbs.
a) Mini-Missiles---19-shot pod
*Missile Pod Upgrade----The 19-shot Mini-Missile Pod can be upgraded to fire “S-Sting” ‘Smart Mini-Missile -----The S-Sting(for ‘Space Stinger’) is an attempt to adapt the guidance systems and accuracy of the ‘Black Talon’ L-SAM to a space-based missile.
Note that the ‘S-Sting’ has only limited effectiveness in an atmosphere....HALF bonuses in a thin atmosphere and weak gravity well like Mars’, and NO bonuses, and HALF range in a thick atmosphere and standard gravity like Earth’s.
Range: 4 miles in atmosphere, 32 miles in space
(Kitsune Values: 4 miles in atmosphere/ 400 miles in space)
Damage: 2d6x10 MD to a 15 ft blast radius
Bonuses: +7 to strike

b) Short Range Missiles---1 per hardpoint

c) Medium Range Missiles---1 per hardpoint
*’SkyFlash’ Advanced Short Range Air to Air Multiple Missiles(ASRAAMM). This is simply the PS copy/adaptation of the Coalition’s own AIM-180 missile(see Coalition Navy, pg. 88). The ‘Skyflash’ is an MRM that splits in flight to unleash a pack of four smaller SRMs....a surprise that at relatively short dogfighting ranges(10-30 miles) can be devastating, filling airspace with a swarm of corkscrewing projectiles.
Range: 15 miles
Damage: 6d6 MD per each SRM missile(3d4x10 MD per volley)
Bonuses:+3 to strike

*SAIM-280 TW ‘Twister ’ Advanced Short Range Air/Space Multiple Missile--- The SAIM-280 was developed in parallel with the SF-351S. The ‘Twister ’ is an MRM that splits in flight to unleash a pack of four smaller Heavy TW Rockets.

d) Bombs---Multiple bombs can be carried on ejector racks for maximum warload.
Penalties: Loading the underwing pylons decreases top speed by 20%, heavy bombs being fairly unaerodynamic.
*250-lb Bomb----2d4x10 MD to 50 ft blast radius( 8 inboard, 1x4 outboard)
*500-lb Bomb----4d4x10 MD to 60 ft blast radius(4 inboard, 1x2 outboard)
*750-lb Bomb----4d6x10 MD to 65 ft blast radius(3 inboard,1 outboard)
*1,000-lb Bomb----1d4x100 MD to 70 ft blast radius
*’Smart Bombs’---Note that any bomb can be fitted with a ‘smart bomb’ modification kit, similar to the American Paveway series, consisting of fore-and-aft control fins and a sensor nose. ‘Smart Bombs’ AUTOMATICALLY hit stationary targets, and are +6 to hit moving targets(though maximum range is 1/2 mile)

e) Slammer Concussion Missiles/Bombs---Knockoff Triax Weapon, acquired through industrial espionage.
Range:(Missiles) 6,000 ft
Damage: (Missiles) 2d4x10 MD to 90 ft radius.
(Bombs) 1d4x10 MD to 90 ft blast radius.
88% chance of knockdown(lose 1 APM and Initiative), 65% chance of being stunned(-10 to strike, dodge, parry, and roll, NO Initiative, HALF speed and APMs for 1d4 melees)
Payload: 1 per hardpoint

f) Recon Sensor Pod---Typically contains photo-optical cameras and similar sensory gear, but other types, such as radiation, chemical, and PPE-sensitive instrumentation are possible.

g) Flare/Chaff Launcher
Range: Close Defense
Damage: None; similar to Triax-style chaff
01-50 Enemy Missile or volley detonates in chaff and threat is neutralized
51-75 Missile/Volley diverts and may pursue/lock on to other targets
76-00 No Effect! Missile(s) still on target!
Will also temporarily blind and impede flying monsters who fly into it.
Reduce APMs/combat bonuses/ speed by half for 1d4 melees
Payload: 18 per launcher

i) EW Pod--electronic jamming system that gives radar-guided weaponry a -4 to strike the aircraft. Or it can be used offensively, to foil ALL radar-guided weaponry in a 15 mile radius(-2 to strike)

m) ASI/WZT-Compatible Weapons Modules----Any of the ASI/WZT MEDIUM Hardpoint System weapons can be fitted.

n) Forcefield Pods---Additional forceshielding capability can be added with these self-powered add-on modules:
*VEFFG01RR Forcefield----Adds 100 MDC. Regenerates at 5 MDC per 5 minutes(1 MDC per minute). Cost: 90,000 credits, 290,000 credits with 2 year RTG.

*VEFFG02 ForceField Generator----Standard model provides 150 MDC, and costs 95,000 credits. 295,000 credits with 2 year RTG.

*VEFFG02RR Forcefield----Adds 150 MDC and fast regenerator technology. Regenerates at 30 MDC per 5 minutes(or 6 MDC per minute) , thanks to improvements in field stabilization. Cost: 130,000 credits, 280,000 credits with 1 year RTG.

*VEFFGL03RR Forcefield Generator--- 250 MDC and regenerates at 50 MDC per 5 minutes(or 10 MDC per minute).
Ot can be tied into the vehicle’s own nuclear powerplant for faster recharging(60 MDC per 5 minutes) but reduce energy weapon/rail gun rate of fire by HALF while this is going on.
Cost: 550,000 credits, 1.5 million credits with 3 year RTG.

*VEFFGM04RR Forcefield Generator---This is generally regarded as a direct attack on Naruni’s forcefield market, particularly the N-50H generator. The VEFFGM04RR has a protective value of 360 MDC, regenerates at 75 MDC per 5 minutes(15 MDC per minute), and costs less than the N-50H, making it. Cost: 1 million credits, 1.6 million credits with 3 year RTG.

3) Forward TW Blasters(2)---Because the Draken III is propelled by contra-gravity, the vestigial air intakes of the Draken design have been replaced with mountings for TW projectors with two spell-types each:
a) MicroMeteorites:
Range: 10,000 ft range(Kitsune values: 200 miles in space), only effective in space
Damage: 2d6x10+50 MD to a 100 ft wide area per shot.
Rate of Fire: EPCHH
Payload: 25 PPE/50 ISP per shot(Alternatively: Effectively unlimited, but spells meed to be renewed every six months)

b)Nova Blast:
Range: 1,500 ft range in atmosphere, 4,000 ft in space (Kitsune values: 80 miles in space)
Damage: 1d4x10 MD per shot in atmosphere, 1d4x100 MD in space.
Rate of Fire: EPCHH
Payload: 15 PPE/30 ISP per shot(Alternatively: Effectively unlimited, but spells meed to be renewed every six months)

4) Flare/Chaff Launchers(2)----A modern addition, meant to improve the aircraft’s survivability against missile weaponry. Two flare/chaff launchers are installed in the tail.
Range: Close Defense
Damage: None; similar to Triax-style chaff
01-50 Enemy Missile or volley detonates in chaff and threat is neutralized
51-75 Missile/Volley diverts and may pursue/lock on to other targets
76-00 No Effect! Missile(s) still on target!
Will also temporarily blind and impede flying monsters who fly into it.
Reduce APMs/combat bonuses/ speed by half for 1d4 melees
Payload: 12 per launcher

The second system releases a nanotech swarm of active jamming pods and decoys that are programmed to emulate a spacecraft’s sensor signature, or, at the very least, bury enemy tactical communications in ‘white noise’.
Effective Range: 25 mile jamming radius
Duration: 5 minutes per pod-spray
Effects: Jams radio signals(75% chance of jamming military band command-guidance ordnance), and 60% chance of deflecting ordinary missiles.
Payload: 9 swarm packs

The third system uses modified grav-pack drives and signal projectors to create a moving pattern of sensor signatures. The grav-pack mini-missile drives can go for 10 minutes before self-destructing, and can either be remotely directed or run a preset pattern.
Effective Speed: Mach 6
Duration: 10 minutes per pod
Effects: The decoys have a 70% chance of fooling enemy sensor operators and expert systems. They are are also +2 to enemy sensor-guided munitions to strike, increasing the chance that the missiles will elect to pursue the ‘louder’ sensor signature(the missile rolls to strike for both the original ship and each decoy deployed....highest to strike roll determines which target the missile(s) go after).
Payload: 6 decoys are carried, and can be deployed singly, or in ‘packs’ of 1-3.

TW Systems:
*MagePlate Armor(Formulation-1C) Armor---The Draken III has been extensively constructed with F-1C armor; an advanced ectoplasm-impregnated composite material with limited self-repair capabilities.
When it became clear that F-1B had problems with vulnerabilities to magic attacks, PS engineers learned from their mistakes and sought to reformulate the armor composition to remove its most glaring defects. Formulation-1C is only now reaching field deployment; it lacks F-1B’s vulnerability to magic, but takes DOUBLE the PPE to repair...1 MDC=2 PPE/4 ISP.
This system CANNOT replace a wing or tail that’s been blown off, but it CAN repair damaged fuselage armor, damaged flaps, and other barely-functional, but still attached, parts of the aircraft.

*Illusion Field Generator------Used primarily for psychological warfare, this feature generates an illusion around the aircraft. Pilots are particularly fond of disguising their aircraft as angelic or draconic beings. Uses the Horrific Illusion spell so the disguise has a Shock/Awe/Horror Factor of 14. Duration 40 melees(10 minutes). Activation PPE/ISP: 5 PPE/10 ISP

*Armor of Ithan---------100 MDC, duration 40 melees(10 minutes). Activation PPE/ISP: 15 PPE/25 ISP

*Impervious to Energy( 5 minutes per 20 PPE)

*Leyline Booster(Accelerates the aircraft up to 50% greater top speed when on a leyline, -10% to pilot skill when engaged)

*Feather-Light----This turns the runway dependent aircraft into an STOL, or even a VTOL aircraft, by allowing the feather light aircraft to fall gently to the ground! However, this is worse than useless in strong wings, unless the plane is going at power against the wind, otherwise the featherlight plane is tossed about by the wind!
However, with a piloting roll(-10%), the plane can gently land on a rooftop or a small clearing. Conversely, Feather-Light can allow the plane to take off from a small space, provided that there is some sort of updraft, or if the engines can be vectored, or otherwise manipulated to generate lift. Takeoff pilot roll at +5%
Duration: 1 minute per use
PPE Usage: Can be used 10 times before needing recharging, or 20 PPE per use

*Wing De-Icer----Ideal for flying in harsh weather. Lasts 2 hours per 5 PPE

-Space Magic
---Magic Tug Tether(ideal for assisting other fighters out of danger)---Duration: 30 minutes per 11 PPE/22 ISP.
----Communications Booster---Boosts comm range 300X. Duration: 50 minutes per 2 PPE/4 ISP
----Magic Reentry Bubble---Perfect for those emergency landings, especially when damaged. Duration: 30 minutes per 10 PPE/20 ISP

*Laser-Reflective/Resistant Armor----The Draken III can be covered with a coating of laser-reflective alloys and polymers that resembles the original ‘bare metal’ or silver look, and causes laser weapons to do HALF damage. However, if the aircraft takes more than 30% damage to a respective part, the benefit of this coating is lost. Note that the MagePlate Armor(Formulation-1C) ability to repair itself does NOT cover this layering(it’s a separate application) .
Cost: 4 million credits

*Stealth Coating----This covers the aircraft in a matte-black coating of radar-stealthing composite. However, if the aircraft takes more than 30% damage to a respective part, the benefit of this coating is lost. Note that the MagePlate Armor(Formulation-1C) ability to repair itself does NOT cover this layering(it’s a separate application). Aircraft is -20% to be detected by radar and laser rangefinding systems
Cost: 6 million credits

*Upgraded PPE Powerstone---Some operators prefer to have more PPE battery reserve power available for protracted operations or more powerful TW add-ons.
(Medium)-----300 PPE battery capacity; recharges at 10 PPE per hour, 40 PPE/hour at a leyline, 80 PPE/hour on a nexus
(‘Wizard’)----400 PPE battery capacity; recharges at 14 PPE per hour, 50 PPE/hour at a leyline, 100 PPE/hour on a nexus
(‘Sorcerer’)--- 600 PPE battery capacity; recharges at 20 PPE per hour, 60 PPE/hour at a leyline, 120 PPE/hour on a nexus
Cost:(Medium)-----1 million credits
(‘Wizard’)----2 million credits
(‘Sorcerer’)---- 3 million credits

*FTL Booster Sled---In a rare instance of unrelated companies cooperating with each other on a joint contract, several worlds in the UWW managed to wrangle an agreement between PS/ASI/WZT and Draygon Industries(Rifts Dimension Book Six: Three Galaxies, pgs111-115, 140-144) , for the latter to provide a limited number of Contra-Gravty Sleds modified for interfacing with SF-351S craft. These allow the fighters to travel at 1-3 light years/hour for jumps of 3-15 light years. It’s rumored that Draygon did this in return for an ASI/WZT moratorium of several years on developing their own similar system.


*SF-351F(TW/E)----(aka ‘Fyr-Draken’) This variant returns to the the Draken II variant scheme of housing a constrained Elemental Essence inside the fighter. Instead of an Air Elemental ‘Eleminal’, though, the SF-351F(TW/E) holds a Fire Essence, insulating the fire-fragment from the cold and airlessness of space.
The SF-351F(TW/E) is popular on worlds and in regions where contragravity doesn’t always work, the Fire Elemental providing the gaseous core for a backup fusion drive system. The Fire Elemental is fed/rewarded deuterium gas(from cryogenic slush tanks) and excretes superheated plasma.
The incorporation of the Fire Eleminal has required a return to the old airflow and intake configuration, and the SF-351F(TW/E) is slightly heavier and bulkier than its hangar-mates as a result, but many operators consider the added Fire abilities worth the tradeoff.
SF-351F(TW/E)s are almost invariably painted red to one degree or other.

Cost: 72 million credits
Speed: (Flying) -Fusion Drive---(Atmosphere) Hover to Mach 4(Transatmospheric)
(Space) Mach 9
Systems of Note:
*Heat Resistance---As long as the Fire Elemental is in residence, the fighter is IMMUNE to heat-based attacks, including plasma explosions.
Weapons Systems:
3)Plasma Expulsion---The Fire Elemental can ‘belch’ bolts and clouds of plasma from the forward intakes and the rear engine thruster. The tail plume doesn’t get any bonuses to strike, but is useful for discouraging tail-end opponents and incoming missiles, and, if the pilot is bold enough, can be used to scorch ship decks and planetary surfaces behind it as it flies over them. A favorite tactic using the forward plasma bolts, though short ranged, is to fly through the resulting fireball, the fighter’s immunity to heat protecting it from any thermal damage from its own weapons.
Range:(Forward Plasma Bolts) 3,000 ft in atmosphere, 1.8 miles in space
(Kitsune Values: 3,000 ft in atmosphere, 60 miles in space)
(Tail Plasma Plume) 4,000 ft in atmosphere, 2.5 miles in space
(Kitsune Values: 4,000 ft in atmosphere, 80 miles in space)
Damage:(Forward Plasma Bolts) 1d4x100 MD each
The plasma bolts have the unfortunate side effect of reducing the fighter’s forward speed/acceleration by 10% per single bolt(so firing off two simultaneously causes a braking of 20%)
(Tail Plasma Plume) 2d6x100 MD to a 60 ft wide area, 180 ft wide in space, and remaining dangerous for 1d4 melees.
The Tail Plume also has the added bonus of briefly(1d4 melees) increasing the fighter’s forward speed/acceleration by 25%
Rate of Fire:(Forward Plasma Bolts) Once per melee
(Tail Plasma Plume) Once every 10 minutes(40 melees)
Payload: Effectively Unlimited
"Trouble rather the Tiger in his Lair,
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For all the Empires and Kingdoms,
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Re: Paladin Steel Storefront

Unread post by Omegasgundam »

The relative expense can be written off as the usual magic surcharge, and with its TW features it can make mince meat out of anything that isn't close to the current technological edge. And it can have a massive direct fire potential with the Nova Blast, which is far more than any poorly equipped pirate is willing to tangle with. I also imagine that with ASI the buyers are getting hit less with a 'market demand' surcharge, so the price difference isn't as great as it would normally be.

Modern ASFs have the kinetic power and durability to handle it, but older school unshielded interceptors like the Scorpion will have a hard time being relevant after the missile stage due to system damage.
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Re: Paladin Steel Storefront

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taalismn wrote:
Shorty Lickens wrote:The search function here is less than stellar, and I cant seem to find what I'm looking for.
Did anybody ever make a colony ship? Ideally one that breaks down upon landing and forms a base colony?
If not I may have to make one myself. Probably for the Three Galaxies.

I haven't done one here ...don't think any of the designs I've done so far are easily broken down(aiming for stoutness).
There's a small colonial homestead ship in the Thundercloyd Galaxy book you might be aware of.

Come to think of it, you could proably browse the fan ships section over in the Dimensions thread and find some generic designs that might be easy pried apart.

Here...check on this page for the 'Zultan' Colony might be a good starting point for a colony/seed ship.

yup, you did it. Thats kinda what I was thinking of, something with thousands of colonists, probably in hibernation, and a skeleton crew.
I was also thinking of a super fancy Naruni colony ship/base. Something advanced with force fields and top of the line defensive armaments that would still work when the colony hub is formed. I was only planning to charge 1 billion space bucks. I notice yours is 1.8 billion as is.
Create and print dozens of different graph papers.
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Re: Paladin Steel Storefront

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Shorty Lickens wrote:yup, you did it. Thats kinda what I was thinking of, something with thousands of colonists, probably in hibernation, and a skeleton crew. .

Yah...Take the Zultan, use the Bridge MDC for the starting colony town hall, the engine bloc MDC for the powerhouse MDC, communications/sensor array for the satellite, divvy up the main body MDC into the starting buildings. Then, once you get the stacked prefabs out of cargo and the fabricators munching up local materials, you can start expanding.

And on the subject of fresh starts....Heres hoping the New Year brings us many good fresh starts and happy tidings!
May 2022 treat us all well!
"Trouble rather the Tiger in his Lair,
Than the Sage among his Books,
For all the Empires and Kingdoms,
The Armies and Works that you hold Dear,
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Re: Paladin Steel Storefront

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PS-SAIM-300 Heavy TW Air/Space Interceptor Missile
(aka ‘Jimmy-Missile’, ‘Shield-popper’, ‘Bruise-bus’)
“-sensors picked up three fast incomings on intercept headings. PDS interdicted and destroyed two of them, but our shields registered a penetration. Immediately after, it felt like we got wrapped in explosions that hit us with uncanny precision; we’ve lost almost half our point defense turrets and one of our main sensor arrays. And before we lost those systems, we picked up indications of six more inbounds!”

“We got sandblasted by the Alliance’s missiles at Colherst. Their torps went through our shields like they weren’t there, and they shot away our guns, eyes, ears, and drives until we couldn’t shoot, could hardly see and hear, and barely could move. They could have finished us off right then and there if they’d mounted anything like a contra-matter bomb on their shield-poppers, but I guess they were feeling merciful that day and let us limp back to base with a warning not to try muscling into their space any more. I can only hope our leaders heed that warning, because I’ve heard the usans got even nastier stuff they can load into their torps.”

The SAIM-300 is a scale-up of the SAIM-280, only it uses a modified long range missile booster to carry more Heavy TW rockets(12 in all), as well as a forcefield penetration aide. Whereas the SAIM-280 was intended for dogfighting other fighters, the -300 was developed with anti-ship work in mind. Besides carrying a load of TW sub-munitions, the -300 also mounts a TW Energy Disruption Mechanism that can penetrate magically- and technologically-generated forcefields/energy barriers . Improvements in technowizardry have allowed PS/ASI to reduce the size of the EDM, while mass production has lowered the cost somewhat(the SAIM-300 is still considered expensive, bu t most users feel its ability to slip through forcefields makes up for it).
Ideally the SAIM-300 penetrates the forcefield shielding of a ship, then launches its sub-missiles to hammer various subsystems such as weapons turrets, airlocks, launch bays, and sensor mounts. crippling the vessel or at least hampering its ability to defend against follow-up attacks.
The larger booster section gives the missile more range and payload, but it also means the missile must get closer to its target before unleashing its short range sub-missiles. This increases the chances of enemy countermeasures successfully intercepting the missile before it can swarm its force-multiplier payload, especially if the SAIM-300 has to make a long run-up to the target . PS/ASI and the UWW are reportedly working on ‘stealth’ versions with passive or active penetration aides to decrease the chance of such interception.
The SAIM-300 is entering mass production in both the USA and UWW.

Range: (Boost Stage) 30 miles in atmosphere, 120 miles in space
(Kitsune Values: 30 miles in atmosphere, 1,500 miles in space)
(Attack Stage) 4.5 miles in atmosphere, 18 miles in space
(Kitsune Values: 4.5 miles in atmosphere, 200 miles in space)
Damage: 2d4x10 MD to a 30 ft radius per each SRM missile(2d4x120 MD per volley)
Bonuses: +3 to strike, plus the mini-missiles are maneuverable enough to have two tries to strike the target.
Special Features:
*Energy Disrupter Mechanism(EDM----See Siege on Tolkeen, pg 69 for details), which allows small vehicles/large missiles to penetrate magically- and technologically-generated forcefields/energy barriers but only those larger than 12 ft or more(will not work on personal forcefields)
Cost : 780,000 credits per missile
The TW Heavy Rockets can be modified with the same TW extras as those carried by the SAIM-280.
"Trouble rather the Tiger in his Lair,
Than the Sage among his Books,
For all the Empires and Kingdoms,
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--------Rudyard Kipling
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Re: Paladin Steel Storefront

Unread post by Omegasgundam »

Yes, this is why TW munitions are so feared. Add in an Immune to Energy talisman (see the Techno-Smithy) and you don't need mass salvos to decide battles in the bombardment stage.
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Re: Paladin Steel Storefront

Unread post by taalismn »

PS-BRAP-MD-08 ‘’Hematar” Heavy Medical Assistance Robot/Drone
(aka ‘Vet-Mek’, ‘Big Doc’, ‘Iron Nurse’, ‘Copper-Corpman’, ‘Iron-Striper’)

“You used a THERMITE GRENADE to cauterize the patient’s injury?!”
<<“Degolian chitin is resistant to most conventional treatments, but melts quite satisfactorily at thermite combustion temperatures. The charge used was calculated to be large enough to liquify the carapace area just enough to free-flow and solidify again immediately afterwards to form a natural bandage, but small enough that it did no further injury to the patient, who would have suffered even more had the wound gone untreated any longer.”>>

“I for one am glad I don’t have to deal with the constipated rhino-buffalo! Even the Simvan balk at sticking their arms up THAT end to dig out bowel obstructions! Thanks to advances in robot intelligence, we can delegate that operation to the vet-meks!”

“Oh no you ain’t! I don’t care if you are a dragon, dRAYgun, or dragoon! I know you can understand me, so let me make this clear! You are not leaving your bedding to hunt down the enemy pilot you were fighting when you were pulled apart and brought here! This is neutral ground, you are interned for the duration of continued hostilities, you both are badly wounded, your war is effectively over, and as your treating physician I am ordering you back to bed to heal! If you do not comply immediately with that, I will have those medmechs holding you drag you back to your ward, chain you down, and sedate every time you put up a fuss!”

The ‘’Hematar” is a derivative of the PS/CTRL--BRAP-D-07 Bardolph Class Medium Combat Robot, in much the same way as the PS/KT- G-10MDXL Samaritan power armor is a derivative of the USA-GB10 Glitterboy. Like the Samaritan, the Hematar is a military frame modified for medical work, in this case facilitating the treatment of larger lifeforms.
Originally conceived of to assist in veterinary medicine(the Cartier-Fury Ranch on Rifts Earth showing a need for such in dealing with large and potentially dangerous livestock), the Hematar gained more attention as demand for such oversized medical equipment became more apparent as the United Systems Alliance began to form, embracing a wider range of variously-sized sophonts and their needs.
The Hematar is demilitarized in having its weapons systems removed and replaced instead with an array of medical instruments and equipment. The milspec armor and structure have been retained, however, allowing the ‘bot to withstand being rammed by agitated rhino-buffalo and slapped by delusional gigantes. The armor carapace has been sheathed in hazmat-grade chemically-resistant skinning, making cleanup and antisepsis much easier. The mobility of the Bardolph has been retained, including the jumpjets; perfect for getting to an isolated accident scene in a hurry, or bounding out of the way of a gillgerbeast stampede. The large size and robotic strength of the Hematar also make it useful for moving heavy cargo and setting up prefab shelters and field medical facilities.
The Hematar is generally operated by an sophisticated onboard AI drone system in its regular veterinary monitoring duties, but it retains provision for carrying a passenger who can act in an advisory role, or, if they have the skills, can pilot the mecha directly and carry out treatment. Hematar drones seldom operate alone; ideally an organic or recognized A.I. sophont is on hand to supervise them(and take responsibility). Hematars are programmed with basic self-defense, but make poor military drones in all but the last resort sense; for legal reasons they are programmed with minimal military applications, including military-standard weapons skills. Hematars have only a basic and very robotic ‘personality’ loaded in, so the drones’ bedside manner leaves much to be desired(another reason to have a more empathic supervisor on hand).
Despite its specialized role, Hematars are becoming an increasingly common sight throughout the United Systems Alliance, especially on agroworlds with large ranch plantations. The United Systems Interworld Health Organization also maintains a large reserve of them for planetary emergency response; these were called into action during the Er-135 peacekeeping campaign where the mechs were called upon to help pacify and treat wounded Auradrak combatants and bystanders pulled from the conflict. Some Exploration Command units and colonial development organizations have acquired Hematars for use in capturing and studying large local lifeforms on planets being scouted and evaluated.

Type: PS/CTRL--BRAP-MD-08 Hematar
Class: Heavy Medical Assistance Robot/Drone
Crew: One, plus Semiautonomous Medical Drone A.I.
MDC/Armor by Location:
Main Body 420
Crew Compartment 120
Head 100
Arms(2) 100 each
Sub-Arms(8, 4 each forearm) 15 each
Hands(2) 40 each
Legs(2) 150 each

Height: 18 ft
Width: 12 ft at shoulders
Length: 8 ft
Weight: 18 tons
Cargo: Small space in crew compartment for a survival pack, sidearm(s), and a few small personal possessions.
Also has two leg compartments equivalent in size to walk-in closets.
Physical Strength: Robotic P.S. of 35
Powerplant: Nuclear Fusion with 20 year energy life
(Running) 45 MPH
(Leaping) 12 ft up/ft across standing jump, 30 ft up/ft across with running start
Jet Boosted Leap of 200 ft up/ ft across
(Flying) Not Possible
(Underwater) Can run along the bottom at 12 MPH. Can survive depths of 1,000 ft.
Market Cost: 18 million credits
Because of the Bardolph’s intuitive piloting system and upright ‘exoframe’ piloting seat, the robot is very forgiving of green pilots, and active gives a +5% to the Pilot Robot skill.
Systems of Note:
Standard Robot Systems, plus:
*Leg Storage Compartments----The Hematar has cargo space, the equivalent of large walk-in closets, on each leg. These are used to store various medical supplies, such as rolled-up plastic sheeting(good for temporary shelters or bandages), medical dressings, medications, and the like.

* UV Lights----The various flood and spot lights mounted around the body of the Hematar can radiate in the high UV range, for sanitizing surfaces.

*Environmental Monitoring Sensors---The Hematar has an air sampler that constantly analyzes air drawn in for airborne contaminants and pathogens.

*Bio-Monitor Sensors---Close range (3 ft) medical scanners equivalent to the complete package 3Galaxies’ Medical Scanner. Can also be supplemented with disposable skin-contact sensor leads, pads, and cuffs(typically carries about 10 sets), that transmit biometrical data to the medtech.

*Cyberscanner---This is essentially the medic’s version of a Tech-Scanner, only calibrated to interface with cybernetics and bionics. Working in concert with the onboard A.I., the system’s probes can check the power flow and power coming off implants and verify if they are damaged, interfacing correctly, or otherwise acting abnormally. This system can also be used to check if a piece of neural-ware is boosted beyond approved limits. Can effectively diagnose common Black Market and PS/GNE cyberware at 95%, while more recent Triax and Republic of Japan designs can only be effectively diagnosed at 75%. Experimental human-based designs can be diagnosed at 50-65%, while truly alien systems implanted in humans and common D-bee races are only able to be identified and diagnosed with 30% effectiveness(largely working from comparison to more conventional/better-documented systems).

*Molecular Analyzer/Chem-Scanner-----Essentially an automated and highly-compact biochemical lab capable of performing blood typing, simple pregnancy and tissue-typing, and quick sampling of blood and tissue for common compatibility and rejection factors(especially important when working with multiple species services and communities). This allows the medic a better chance of administering the proper drugs and blood substitute solutions.

*Short Range Magnetometer---Open-air version of a Magnetic Resonance Scanner, this device uses magnetic fields to detect the presence of metallic shrapnel and implants...detecting ferric materials 98% of the time, non-ferric 75%, and composite/non-metallic objects only 45% of the time. However, it is not as accurate as a full couch-sized MRI, and has an effective range of only 2 ft.

*HAZMAT Chemically Inert Armor---The Hematar is sheathed in a no-stick surfacing that makes hosing off gore easier and resists corrosive bodily fluids.

Weapons Systems:
1) Forearm Medical Tool Kits---Instead of mounting a gun arm and a regular manipulator arm, the Hematar has two fully functional manipulator arms fitted with forearm medical instrument kits.
-Mini-Laser Torch/Scalpels---Mounted in each forearm/hand is a pair of precision cutting lasers that can be used to delicately cut through skin, slice through dragonhide, or cauterize wounds.
Range: 10 ft
Damage: (Variable) 1, 1d4, 1d6, 2d6, or 3d6 SD, or 1, 1d4, 1d6, 2d4, or 3d6 MD.
Rate of Fire: ECHH
Payload: Effectively Unlimited

-Retractable Vibro-Scalpels(2-4)---The hands can extend a number of vibro-claw scalpels ready for use. Between uses, the scalpels are sterilized by the laser torch system.
Range: Melee
Damage: 1 MD

- Drug Injectors---The forefingers of the ‘bot have integral retractable hypodermic needles for injecting drugs. The needles are automatically sterilized between uses by the laser torch/scalpel
Range: Melee
Damage: Pinprick(1 SD/MD) from the needle. Varies by chemical agent.
Payload: Integral reservoir in the forearm can hold up to 25 doses of 5 different chemicals/drugs.

-Suction Pumps---Small suction pipes for draining off pus and other body fluids to clear a surgical site.

-Micro-Instruments---These are small tweezers and optics for manipulating and veiwing wounds close-up.

-Auto-Suture---Reel-fed stitch-applier, usually dispensing biodegradable suture thread, though sometimes other types, such as metal wire, have had to be used.

-Ultra-Sound Scanner----Sonic imager that permits contact mapping of internal organs. Note, however, that some beings may be damaged by the high frequency sounds...DogBoys and other canine species in particularly can hear an annoying buzz and bone-rattling vibration when this device is in use.

2) Forearm Subdual Weapon(2, one each forearm)---Although distasteful to carry a weapon on a medical vehicle, self-defense and patient subdual are sometimes necessary...especially when the patient is an irritated Fury Beetle or fever-mad dragon.
a) Heavy Hypo-Cannon----- This is a ZOT Hypo-Rifle, a powerful multimode device resembling a massive hypodermic needle, manufactured by PS under license, that can be used to inject massive doses of medication through megadamage hides. It can also be used as a ranged spray weapon, or as a laser cutter/sniper rifle. Frankly, the horror factor of having a needle this big pointed at them is enough to make many opponents run for their lives, or else just faint dead away.
Range: (Needle) Melee
(Aerosol Sprayer) 200 ft, and can be ‘fanned’ to cover an area of 20 ft, but range drops to 50 ft.
(Laser) 3,000 ft
Damage: (Needle) 3d6 SDC or 1 MD
(Aerosol Sprayer) Varies by the chemicals used, but generally airborne chemicals/drugs have HALF the effect of injected ones owing to the dispersal of concentration.
Filled with water, the Hypo-Cannon does 1d6x10 HP per blast to vampires.
(Laser)(Variable) 1d6, 2d6, 3d6, or 5d6 MD per blast.
Rate of Fire: (All) ECHH
Payload: (Needle) 1 needle mounted(replacing it takes 2 melee actions; typically 4-6 replacement needles are carried on the equipment belt).
(Aerosol Sprayer) 100 blast reservoir
(Laser) Effectively Unlimited

b) Stun Gun---An electrical zap-arc that works similar to a taser, but based on a design acquired from Japan, via PS’s limited trade with that island-nation. (Stats from Rifts: Japan, pg. 124)
Range: 800 ft
Damage: Setting One: (Weak Stun--Children, elderly, pregnant women, disabled)1d6 SDC
Setting Two: (Light Stun--elderly, teenagers, weak adults, small to medium animals)2d5 SDC
Setting Three: (Moderate Stun---Adults)3d6 SDC
Setting Four: (Heavy Stun---Adults in superior condition, drug-addicts, PR-Borgs, augmented humans, large animals)6d6 SDC
Setting Five:(Super-Shock---superhumans, augments, partial conversion Borgs, monsters) 1d6 MD
Stun Damage: On _correct_ setting, adults must save at 14 or higher(children and animals save at 18 or higher) or be -9 on initiative, -7 to strike/parry/dodge/roll, reduce speed/melee actions/and skill performance by HALF for 2d4 melee rounds. Additional strikes are cumulative. A successful save means the target takes damage, and loses 1 APM, but is otherwise fine.
Cumulative 15% chance per subsequent stun blast that the target will be knocked unconscious for 1d4 minutes.
Penalties: If setting is too low, the target can more easily shrug off the effects. Targets are +4 to save per each level that the blast is too low.
If setting is too high, target is +15% to lose consciousness .
Ineffective against EBA, robots, full conversion Borgs, vampires, androids, and the more powerful creatures of magic.
PR Borgs, Juicers , and Crazies are only really susceptible to Settings 4 and 5, and are +1 to save
FC Borgs are only affected by Setting 5, and are +4 to save, penalties and duration are HALF.
Young supernatural beings and lesser demons can be affected by Setting 5, but are +3 to save.
Rate of Fire: ECHH
Payload: Effectively unlimited
Cost: 29,000 credits

c) Spray Cannon
Range: 300 ft
Damage: Varies by chemical type. Some examples:
(Water)None, if carrying water, but human-sized beings struck with the stream but roll versus the ‘cannon’s To Strike roll, or be bowled off their feet(lose 1 APM and initative that melee for getting back up). Does 2d6x10 HP to vampires per blast
(Gloop) PS’s sticky goop---This quick-setting polymer material is used in constuction, as well as to firm up the walls of tunnels and damaged structures. It is also used to cocoon valuable and delicate objects for moving. Each half-gallon application of this quick-set plastic covers about 5 cubic feet, and to cover a human sized target completely, the attacker must roll a 12 or better on the Strike roll. Anyone caught in the goo must have a supernatural or robotic P.S. of 30 or better to escape; otherwise, the target is stuck until released by an outside agency. Gloop has 2d4 MDC per application, and breaks down after 1d4 days of exposure, unless treated with a special binder chemical, and allowed to cure for 1d4 hours, in which case it stabilizes and has an MDC of 2d6+1 per cubic foot. Gloop costs 70 credits per half gallon(single application)
A variant of this gunk, ‘Boro-Slime’, is a quick-setting slurry of lead-powder and boro-silicate glass suspension, which is sprayed on leaking radiation sources, forming a thick crust to simultaneously trap radioactive materials and seal it inside a crusting shell for later safe removal. Best used to contain small (power armor and vehicle) reactor breaches and water leaks; larger reactor leaks will require more drastic measures. ‘Boro-Slime’ is otherwise identical to standard Gloop, and costs 120 credits per half gallon(single application)

(Kera-Tech Riot Foam) Alternatively, the cannon can be filled with Kera-Tech’s patented KTX-17 Riot Foam, which is stronger, but more expensive, than the Gloop. This stuff takes a robotic or supernatural PS of 40 or greater to break free. Creatures with a greater strength can break free in 1d4 melees. The foam hardens in less than 2 seconds, and can take 30 MDC per cubic meter(a humanoid typically needs at least two meters to be totally enveloped). A special enzyme spray will dissolve the foam in 1d4 melees. This stuff costs about 800 credits per pound of the stuff, which is enough to fill a 4m( roughly 12 square ft) area to a height of 1.8 m(6 ft)

(Bio-Foam)---Bio-foam is a non-allergenic general-application ‘liquid bandage’ derived from waste-/secondary byproducts of ecto-fiber processing. The material stops bleeding and seals burns against further damage and infection.

Rate of Fire: ECHH
Payload: 120 blasts/applications (connected to tank on back)

d) Strap Gun---Oversized and auto-feed version of the smaller system used to throw adhesive-soaked binding strips entangling targets.
Range: 1,000 ft
Damage: 1d6 SDC from impact, plus holds with a strength of P.S. 30.
Rate of Fire: Can fire single shots or bursts of up to 5 rds
Payload: 30 shot magazine
Cost: 2,750 credits. Strap cartridges cost 400 credits for a dozen

3) Chemical Sprayer----A chemical spray system is incorporated into vents around the Hematar’s frame. This is generally used to mist the immediate area of the ‘bot with antiseptics for decontamination and operating area preparation, but it can also be used to dispense sedative aerosol drugs.
Range: 10 ft. Used in conjunction with the lift thrusters, can envelope a much larger area (80 ft from 60 ft altitude) by feeding the chemicals into the downwash.
Damage: Varies by chemical used. Can use any of those listed for the Cyborg Chemical Spray, but is typically used to spread antiseptics and even aerosol drugs.
Rate of Fire: ECHH
Payload: 50 doses of up to 5 separate chemicals

4) Torso Hardpoints(2) ---The shoulders and upper torso of the Hematar support two option slots for modular equipment. Typically an equipment/lighting boom is mounted on one, and a nonlethal weapon(sonic stunner, gas sprayer or net launcher) is mounted on the other.
a) Spray Cannon
Range: 300 ft
Damage: Varies. Filled with water, and used against vampires, it does 1d6x10 HP per burst/blast.
Rate of Fire: EPCHH
Payload: Each tank holds 50 gallons of liquid
Cost: 21,000 credits

b) Gas Projector
Range: 150 ft and covers a 100 ft-wide area.
Damage: Varies by Chemical Agent Used; generally soporifics, sedatives, and antiseptics. Sometimes pesticides and other poisons are used to eliminate disease vectors. Other tomes aerosol vaccines or medications may be called for,
Rate of Fire: ECHH
Payload: Three tanks holding 50 gallons of liquid each. The tanks are easily swappable for customizing the gas load, and the system itself is lined in hazmat-grade chemically inert materials to prevent abreactions, clogs, and make clean-ups between spray-jobs easier.

c) Neural Disrupter Blaster---A knockoff of a Northern Gun weapon(industrial espionage being alive and well), but tweaked for greater efficiency and range. Nicknamed the ‘nerve blaster’ and the ‘brain sandblaster’ for its brute force approach to taking people down. NOT recommended for gentle persuasion or use on children, elders, or other innocent bystanders.
Range: 1,400 ft
Damage: (Setting One) 2d6 SDC and victim must roll versus non-lethal poison(16 or better). On a successful save the target is -3 to strike, parry, dodge, and loses initiative and 1 APM for 1d4 melee rounds. A FAILED save means the target is -7 to all actions, loses initiative, reduce APMs to ONE, skill performance is -60%, -90% to Speed, and suffers convulsions that do 1d6 SDC per round for 2d4 melee rounds.
(Setting Two) Does 2d6x10 SDC(or 1 MD), and victim must roll versus non-lethal poison(16 or better). On a successful save an augmented human(oid) is -5 to strike, parry, dodge, and loses initiative and 1 APM for 1d4 melee rounds. A successful save by UNaugmented human(oid)s results in -10 to strike, parry, dodge, lose initiative and is reduced to 1 APM, skill performance is -80%, speed reduced 95%, and suffer painful convulsions doing 1d6 SDC per melee for 2d4 MINUTES.
A FAILED save by augmented human(oid)s means the target is -7 to all actions, loses initiative, reduce APMs to TWO, skill performance is -60%, -80% to Speed, and suffers convulsions that do 4d6 SDC per round for 2d4 melee rounds.
Note: Works through most body armor up to 50 MDC. Those in armor protection of 51-80 MDC are +6 to save. Those in heavier armor, power armor, full conversion cyborgs, vehicles, robots, or who are MegaJuicers or Dragons are impervious.
Rate of Fire: ECHH
Payload: Effectively unlimited
Cost: 55,000 credits

d) Sonic Stunner---A variable mode sonic weapon that can render crowds stunned senseless.
Range: 700 ft (double range underwater), and affects a 50 ft-wide area.
Damage/Effect: (Ranged Stun) 1 SDC, plus save at 16 or better, or suffer -7 on initiative, -6 to strike, parry, and dodge for 1d6 melees. Reduce Spd by 20%.
Save: Standard; 16 or higher
Rate of Fire: ECHH
Payload: Effectively Unlimited

e) Net Launcher
Range: 800 ft. Net covers a 50 ft area
Damage:(Standard Net) Heavy high-tensile strength megadmage steel cable net; takes melee actions/attacks to untangle self(half that for creatures with supernatural PS of 50 or higher) the meantime, the victim CANNOT strike or parry, is -2 to dodge, and reduce speed by 90%

(Shock Net)As above, except that each melee entangled, the target takes electrical shock damage. At mild current levels, this can be annoying and distracting, but can also stun the victim...higher levels of voltage can toast the entrapped target and damage them severely, if not kill them outright....
2d4 MD per melee/shock pulse, plus MDC beings must roll versus non-lethal poison(16 or better) or be stunned /knocked out for 1d4 melees. Cyborgs have a 60% chance of having their systems overloaded and being immobilized for 1d4 melees, plus a 40% chance of electrical systems/accessories such as sensors or weapons knocked out for 1d4+2 melees. Robots and Power Armor fare somewhat better, having only a 40% chance of losing electrical systems or peripherals for 1d4 melees.

(Drug Net)As above, except that the net has microcapsules that break with any struggle, releasing a skin-contact/aerosol drug--Unless the victim has complete environmental protection(sealed off from contamination), they must roll each melee they are entangled against non-lethal toxin, or find themselves succumbing to chemical lethargy; cumulative -20% chance of falling unconscious(for 2d4 minutes), -1 to initiative, -2 Dodge, Strike, Parry, and Roll, -1 APM (in addition to entanglement penalties).

Rate of Fire:ECHH
Payload: 6 nets

f) Folding Derrick/Crane---Includes a 12 ft deployable boom, 200 ft of MDC cable, and a winch capable of hauling up to 5 tons.
Cost: 200,000 credits

g) Grenade Launcher---Typically loaded with gas, smoke, flash-bang, stun, and aerosol rounds. Great for herding livestock, taking down big beings, and dealing with mobs. Can use standard military lethal rounds, but these are rarely ever issued to medical units except under the most dire circumstances for self-defense.
Range: 7,000 ft
Damage: (Gas) 25 ft area cloud; effects vary by chemical used.
(Stun-Flash)Victims are -10 to strike, parry, dodge, -1 on initiative, and lose 1 APM for 1d4 melees, Even those in armor will lose initiative that melee.
(*S-9Dex Incapacitation Munition) Essentially a paper shell packed full of taser beads. Beads powder on impact, reducing the chance of bystanders or ingoing police stepping on undischarged beads. Great for crowd control and dealing with closed-space situations(alleyways, rooms, vehicle interiors, etc...)
Effective Range: 30 ft radius
Damage: Nil. Humanoids struck with this weapon must save vs. coma or be shocked unconscious for 1D6 minutes.
Cyborgs have a 60% chance of having their cybernetics disrupted for 1D10 minutes, and a 30% chance of a non-vital system being permanently shorted out.

(SDC) 6d6 SDC to 5 ft blast radius
(Fragmentation) 4d6 MD to 12 ft blast area, 2d6x10 MD to a 40 ft blast area for a 10-round burst
(Armor-Piercing)1d4x10 MD to 3 ft blast area, 3d6x10 MD to an 8 ft blast area for a 10-round burst
Rate of Fire: Standard
Payload: Belt or box magazine
Cost: 50,000 credits

h) Forcefield Generator Pod---The backmounts can accept any of PS’s RTG-powered vehicular forcefield pods for added protection(especially handy in a warzone or disaster area).

Hand to Hand Combat
(Use the Basic and Elite Robot Combat Training for the bonuses; no other adjustments)
Restrained Punch 1d4 MD
Full Strength Punch 2d6 MD
Power Punch(2 attacks) 4d6 MD
Tear/Pry with Hands 1d6 MD
Body Block/Tackle 5d6 MD
Stomp 2d4 MD
Kick 2d4 MD

Programming(Medical Drone)
First Aid 90%
Medical Doctor 84/74%
Biology 92%
Chemistry 86%
Veterinary Medicine 80%
Field Surgery 80%
Pathology 80%
Nuclear, Biological & Chemical Warfare(safety) 86%

Hand to Hand: Basic(5th level proficiency)

Radio: Basic 90%
Math: Basic 96%
General Repair & Maintenance 90%
Language/Literacy(10 different languages) 94%/ 90%

Rescue Protocols 80%
Excavation 80%
Mining 86%
Firefighting 88%
Rope Works 90%

(Medical Drone)
Actions/Attacks Per Melee: 6
Initiative +1
Strike +1
Parry +2
Dodge +2
Roll +2 +1
Pull Punch +2
Disarm +1
Pin/Incapacitate on an Unmodified 18-20

*Appliqué Armor---Additional armor can be bolted onto the Bardolph frame, adding +200 MDC to the main body, and +120 to each leg, but reducing speed by 20%. Cost: 3 million credits

*Extra Skill Modules-- The Hematar has an extra skill module slot as standard, plus two more can be added at a later date.
The most commonly requested skill program modules include:
- Botanical Medicine---Given the increasing number of vegetation-descended alien lifeforms the USA has been encountering, this program was felt necessary.
Botany 80%
Identify Plants & Fruits 92%
Carpentry 90%
Forestry 80%
W.P. Chainsaw(6th level proficiency)

-Livestock/Farm Utility
Animal Husbandry 70%
Branding 88%
Herding Cattle 80%
Identify Plants & Fruits 92%
Lore: Cattle & Animals 80%

- Xenobiology Medicine
Chemistry: Analytical 84%
Entomological Medicine 80%
Xenology 80%
Lore: D-Bee 80%

-Magic Biology
Lore: Magic 80%
Lore: Demons & Monsters 80%
Lore: Psychics & Psionics 80%

- Weapons, Melee---In livestock wrangling and some peacekeeping operations, proficiency in use of melee weapons in subduing and restraining large lifeforms is considered useful. The following are at 6th level proficiency.
W.P. Blunt
W.P. Staff
W.P. Net
W.P. Shield
W.P. Rope/Lasso

- Demolitions
Basic Electronics 90%
Basic Mechanics 90%
Computer Operation 96%
Demolitions 90%
Demolitions Disposal 90%
Demolitions Underwater 90%
Trap/Mine Detection 80%

(Note that for the following TW systems, the ‘bot AI cannot initiate TW systems; a living biological or otherwise magic-capable crew member must be present in the cockpit)

* TW Multiplexor---A Multiplexor and PPE powerstone can be added, giving the Hematar the ability to apply healing magic(though a living pilot must be carried to enable this system being used)Rather than one spellcard, this model can hold up to six Spellcards, and is powered by replaceable PPE Batteries or by a special PPE Generator.
Range: Varies by spell
Damage/Duration: Varies by spell
The Model 14-6 carries 6 Spellcards; most operators choose a mix of defensive(like Sheltering Force) and healing spells(like Greater Healing).
Rate of Fire: EPCHH
Payload: Multiplexor has a 250 PPE battery
In an emergency, the user, if they are a mage or psychic, can kick in their own PPE.
An ultra-compact PPE Generator, based on the ‘gun cylinder crystal’ generators developed by PS subsidiary Ghanam Arms Ltd for their ‘Regenerator’ TW firearms, is also available. These compact(3-5 inches long and 3-4 inches in diameter) power-crystals have a 100 PPE battery capacity, recharge at 5 PPE per hour, 10 PPE/hour at a leyline, 20 PPE/hour on a nexus or in a dimensional pyramid. Up to 2 Power Crystals can be added per hardpoint mounting.
Bonuses: As per spell(if any)
Cost: The basic Multiplexor system costs about 35,000 credits
PPE clips cost 6,000 credits for 50 PPE
12,000 Credits for 100 PPE
30,000 credits for the 250 PPE battery
(PPE Clips cost more than PS’s regular line of car-battery-sized PPE Batteries because of their more compact size and configuration.)
TW Power Crystals cost 400,000 credits each.

**PPE Battery and Generator---
Note: All PS-manufactured TW Generators are shielded by special Ley Line Protection devices, analogous to Faraday Cages, in order to prevent being disabled during ley line storms. During such events, all magical systems are turned off and secured, until the storm passes. Invariably, though, some damage is inflicted to peripheral systems that could not be shut down or drained in time, but at least the main generators will not be damaged.
PPE Capacity:(Light)----200 PPE battery capacity; recharges at 10 PPE per hour, 20PPE/hour at a leyline, 40 PPE/hour on a nexus
(Medium)-----300 PPE battery capacity; recharges at 10 PPE per hour, 40 PPE/hour at a leyline, 80 PPE/hour on a nexus
(‘Wizard’)----400 PPE battery capacity; recharges at 14 PPE per hour, 50 PPE/hour at a leyline, 100 PPE/hour on a nexus
(‘Sorcerer’)--- 600 PPE battery capacity; recharges at 20 PPE per hour, 60 PPE/hour at a leyline, 120 PPE/hour on a nexus
Cost:(Light)----500,000 credits
(Medium)-----1 million credits
(‘Wizard’)----2 million credits
(‘Sorcerer’)---- 3 million credits

(Typical TW Multiplexor Package)
*PPE Battery Reserve------300 PPE battery
* TW Diagnostic Sensor System(no PPE cost)
-See Aura
-Sense Magic
* Multiplexor System w/
-Heal Wounds(10)(heals 3d6 SDC and 1d6 HP)
-Negate Poison/Toxins(4)
-Cure Illness(8)
-Fortify Against Disease(8)
-Greater Healing (15)(2d4x10 SDC and 6d6 SDC, OR 1d4 MD)
-Super Healing(45)(4d6 MD)
-Purge Other(50)
-----NOTE: All spells are performed at a 7th level of proficiency

*Cleaning Lamp---A folding parabolic mirror that is used to cast a powerful Cleanse spell, for sterilizing operating fields and cleaning out wounds.
Range: 10 ft
Area of Effect: 10 ft area of effect
PPE Per Use: 3

*TW Plasma Assimilator---Another TW device that resembles a large glass/crystal bottle with heavy clamped lid, that uses adapted Blood and Ocean Magic spells to create onsite vital fluids. This reactor vessel can create a basic or saline/nutrient solution, enough to sustain a patient for 24 hours, out of thin air, or it can be used to change the blood of one species into a form compatible to another, by introducing several drops of the desired blood into a larger quantity of blood or plasma, while casting the spell. The spell alters the blood into a compatible blood substitute for transfusions.
This system has proven indispensable to interspecies medicine
PPE Per Use:(Create Saline/Nutrient Fluid): 5 PPE per gallon
(Modify Plasma) 20 PPE per gallon

*Healing Laser---This is a laser scalpel that has been modified with a small ruby and an imprinted Fire Healing spell. The laser can thus be used to heat-seal and thermal-suture open wounds (heals 4d6 SDC, doesn’t heal Hit Points, but can prevent further H.P. loss due to bleeding), but cannot be used to treat illnesses or treat burns. It can also be used to cauterize amputation stumps. The Fire Laser uses up 5 PPE per use.

*HydroBath----Developed to utilize the Ocean Magic spell, this scaled-up system consists of a gel-plastic (modified weather) balloon or enclosed inflatable pool that that be inflated around a limb or body, like an inflatable splint, then filled with warm water, that is energized with the Healing Water spell. Special selective-mode water-permeable plastic allows the energized water to irrigate and bathe the patient’s wounds in a soothing bath, conducive to slowing bleeding, relaxing muscles, and treating wounds. It is best suited for dealing with burns, abrasions, and surface lacerations, but does little for fast-bleeding deep wounds or internal injuries(slows damage and relaxes the patient, but not much else, but that can also be critical in determining the difference between death and survival).
Duration per Energization: 10 minutes
Effects:Heals 1d6 SDC/MDC per minute of immersion.
PPE Per Use: 8 for human-sized patients, larger patients may require a larger 16 PPE or greater worth of application.
"Trouble rather the Tiger in his Lair,
Than the Sage among his Books,
For all the Empires and Kingdoms,
The Armies and Works that you hold Dear,
Are to him but the Playthings of the Moment,
To be turned over with the Flick of a Finger,
And the Turning of a Page"

--------Rudyard Kipling
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Re: Paladin Steel Storefront

Unread post by taalismn »

Paladin Steel PS-PA-24 ‘Patrolman’ Light Power Armor
(aka ‘Gendarme’, ‘Bouncer’, ‘Patrol-Bear’, ‘Bully-suit’, ‘Gort’, ‘Moon-Bounder’)

“Sure, you can send other power armors or even combat robots against crowd riots and they can be a lot more intimidating, but using the Patrolman instead is a lot less likely to result in somebody accidentally getting fatally stomped on or punched through a vital body part. At the same time, a Patrolman is a lot more intimately in a rioter’s face, seeing eye to eye and memorizing...or recording faces, and a lot more likely to grab somebody for questioning and trial. That’s a lot more frightening to many miscreants than the prospect of getting killed by full-scale military hardware. Of course, if the mob decides to bring military-grade weapons to the party, the Patrolman can handle that too.“

“-ll points bulletin! Echo-Niner, you read?”
“Echor-Niner here, what you got for us, Central, over?”
“Code 207 in the North Causeway. Witnesses report seven attackers in red flying armor attacking a human female, possibly a d-bee mutant.”
“Central, this is Echo-Niner; we’re crossing the North Causeway, one block south of Waylard Tower. Think we got your boys in sight. Four in red suits, jetpacks, carrying two of their own and the girl. Have ground backup vectored to follow us. Am moving to engage.”

‘Patrolman’ armor is a new light power armor developed by Paladin Steel with policing in mind. It is a ‘soft’ armor in that it uses artificial myomer fibers and linear truss motors extensively instead of mechanical actuators for its strength and reinforcement. Further enhancement was added by marrying the ‘soft’ exoframe with the gravity-defying capabilities of VEBA-AUG-10 ‘Bounder’ EBA. The Patrolman’s padded, rather bulky, limbs and torso, large visored helmet, backpack, and bouncing movement remind some of early lunar excursion spacesuits.
PA-24 is sheathed in a light fabric overlayering that is really a kinetic-absorbant armor. The forearms, lower legs, and head are protected by more conventional rigid plate armor, while the back is protected by a ‘turtle shell’ modular jetpack. Though not as strong or durable as other types of power armor, the PA-24 is easier to wear and use, allowing for quicker deployments by personnel with little previous experience in powered armor operations. The ‘softsuit’ design also makes kinesthetic control of the flight features simpler and more intuitive.
Northern Gun has accused PS of knocking off their BM-J.A.P.E. II Defender power armor and calling it the ‘Patrolman’, citing observations of Patrolmen openly carrying PS NDBs(Neural Disrupter Blasters), known knockoffs of NG’s Neural Disrupter Rifle, but though the Defender and the Patrolman fill the same roles, the two designs are substantially different.
Patrolmen armors typically are issued S-6/IMP-07 ‘MagMaster’ ElectroMagnetic Pistols and ‘Pummeler’ Multimode Combat Sticks as standard equipment, though, depending on circumstances, they can be equipped differently or with whatever is available.
PS-PA-24s have , since their introduction, become a common sight around GNE communities and facilities with local police and security organizations. They are generally appropriate for most daily security and policing duties; if heavier iron is required, the Patrolmen can usually call on local SWAT armed with PSA-10 or -11 power armors.

Type: PS-PA-24 ‘Patrolman’
Class: Light Power Armor
Crew One humanoid
MDC/Armor by Location:
Main Body 260
Head 90
Arms(2) 60 each
Forearm Plates(2) 100 each
Legs(2) 80 each
Jet Backpack 150
Height: +1.5 ft to height
Width: 2.5 ft at shoulders
Length: 2 ft
Weight: 500 lbs
Cargo: None internal, but Patrolman armor has a fabric overlay with sealable pockets on the hips, belt, and tactical webbing on the torso for holding additional holstered weapons, grenades(typically tear gas or fire retardant), and equipment such as evidence collection kits and first aid packs.
Physical Strength: Equivalent to Augmented P.S. of 30
Powerplant: Modular Backpack allows the armor to be fitted with either an electric fuel-cell/battery w/ 120 hour energy life(comes with recharge cable and e-clip slots; 4 standard e-clips will power the armor for 3 hours) or a micro-pack nuclear power cell with 15 year energy life
Speed: (Running) 50 MPH, and wearer fatigues at only 20% of their normal rate.
(Leaping)P.S. x25 ft across, half that vertically(that’s 750 ft!). Allows for jumps down of TWICE horizontal distance.
(Flying) Hover to 280 MPH, maximum altitude of 1,800 ft
(Space) Not possible without swapping out the jet pack for an EVA unit.
(Underwater) Can run along the bottom at MPH, maximum depth 850 ft. (See Options for alternate backpacks)
Market Cost: 620,000 credits
Systems of Note:
Standard PA Systems, plus:
*TacNet---Coordinating hostage rescue situations can be murder if botched, so the PS-PA-24 carries a combined communications and mapping local network system. Using sensor feeds and synchronized communications, those linked to the net can map an area and their own respective positions in it, as well as suspected enemy locations in it. With a preset Tactical Positioning System(TPS)* laying down a gridwork, this system can be used to direct snipers in ‘blind fire’ operations(no penalties for shooting blind).

*Tactical IFF System---An adaptation of the Gromeko FFI, the TIFF can identify and prioritize scanned targets. It can also work with personal transponder systems to instantly check fire in close quarters, allowing the PS-PA-24 to go all-out in a close melee without fear of friendly fire-killing a colleague. Gives the officer a +1 to Initiative and to Pull Punches/shots in otherwise confusing close-order scrums.

*Biometrics Scanner---An internal database and computer system tied to high-resolution optical sensors in the helmet, this system quickly scans people and matches such things as facial structure features, eye color, and fingerprints(if the officer can scan them) against an updated database.

*Molecular Analyzer ----Useful for detecting alcohol, explosives, or other chemicals.

*Kinetic Protection---Kinetic strikes from explosions, falls, projectile weapons, kicks, punches, and melee strikes do HALF damage.

Weapons Systems:
1) Forearm Gauntlet Hardpoints(2) ---The PS-PA-24 borrows from PS-E-EBA-4 Corporate Security Armor in adopting wrist-mount weapons.
a) Dart Gun---Same as the EBA-4, only with a larger magazine capacity
Range: 100 ft
Damage: Dart does 1 SDC + possible drug/toxin effects.
Standard knockout drug renders the victim unconscious within 1d4 melees, unless they save versus non-lethal poison; a successful save means they still will grow woozy within 1d4 melees, and be -2 to strike, parry, and dodge, and -10% to skill rolls for the duration. Drug effects last 4d4 minutes.
(Electroshock Dart) Humanoids struck with this weapon must save vs. coma or be shocked unconscious for 1D6 minutes. EBA defeats it, but partial body armor and heavy clothing provide only partial cover against a taser strike.
Partial Cyborgs have a 50% chance of having their cybernetics disrupted for 1D10 minutes, and a 20% chance of a non-vital system being permanently shorted out. Full conversion cyborgs have only a 25%/5% chance, and Assault Cyborgs and those with hardened systems aren’t affected at all.
Rate of Fire: ECHH
Payload: 18 darts
Cost: 700 credits

b) 9mm Autopistol
Range: 200 ft
Damage:( Standard 9mm) 3d6 SD
(Express Round) 4d6 SD(increase range to 250 ft)
(NEMA-9 Saboted Round) 5d6 SD or 1d6x10 SDC per 3-rd burst
(Ramjet) 1 MD per rd
(Wellington/PS Exploders) 6d6 SD per rd or 2d4x10+10 per 3-rd burst
(PSX-2) 1d4 MD per rd, a three round burst does 3d4 MD, 4d6 MD on a six-round burst
Rate of Fire: Single shot or 3-round burst
Payload: 50- or 100-rd helical magazine
Cost: 1,000 credits

c) . 45 Autopistol
Range: 165 ft
Damage: ( Standard .45 ACP) 4d6 SD
(Express Round) 5d6 SD(increase range to 250 ft)
(Ramjet) 1 MD per rd
(Wellington/PS Exploders) 12d6 SD per rd
(PSX-2) 1d6 MD per rd, a three round burst does 3d6 MD
Can chamber a variety of other ammunition types, including silver, wood, Glaser, and TW bullets.
Rate of Fire: ECHH
Payload: The power armor version can shoot from a 50 rd helical magazine. Cost: 900 credits.

d) 12-gauge ‘Doorknocker’
Range: Varies(see below)
Damage:(12 Gauge)
*Standard Shotgun shell--100 ft range, 5d6 SD
*Standard Buckshot shell---100 ft range, 4d6 SD to 5 ft area
*Teargas shell---100 ft range, 25 ft radius---victims are -10 to strike, parry, and dodge, -3 initiative, lose 1 melee attack/action, for the next 1d6+1 melees
*Baton shell---100 ft range, 2d6 SD, plus humans and human-sized D-Bees must roll a D20 to maintain their footing (must equal or surpass the attacker's roll to strike...Full rules in TNW p.174).
*S-9Dex Incapacitation Munition ---100 ft range, Essentially a paper-shelled shotgun shell-sized gas-propelled 'cold rocket', packed full of taser beads. Beads powder on impact, reducing the chance of bystanders or incoming police stepping on undischarged beads. Great for crowd control and dealing with closed-space situations(alleyways, rooms, vehicle interiors, etc...)
Effective Range: 100 feet, w/ 20 ft radius
Damage: Nil. Humanoids struck with this weapon must save vs. coma or be shocked unconscious for 1D6 minutes.
Cyborgs have a 60% chance of having their cybernetics disrupted for 1D10 minutes, and a 30% chance of a non-vital system being permanently shorted out.
*High Explosive Armor Piercing Shell---400 ft range, 6d6 MD(no blast radius)
*Mini-Grenade(plasma)--- 400 ft range, 5d6 MD to 5 ft blast radius
*Mini-Grenade II(Fragmentation)---400 ft range, 2d4 MD to 10 ft blast radius
*Standard HESH Shell---400 ft range, 2D4 M.D. plus 4D4 S.D.C. to the person(s) inside of EBA power/body armor & roll versus knockdown (14)

Rate of Fire: Single shot
Payload: 9 shot magazine
Cost: 1,500 credits

e) Micro-Grenade Launcher(23mm)---Typically used to launch flares as a police weapon.
Range: 250 ft
Damage: (High Explosive)2d4 MD to a 10 ft area
(Incendiary)---A slug of thermal gel that does 1d6 MD to a 12 ft splash, and an additional 1d4 MD per melee for 1d6 melees
(Flare) Burns with blinding incandescence for 1d6 melees, each round brightly illuminating an area roughly 100 ft in radius. These are NOT parachute flares, but fall normally.
Rate of Fire: ECHH; single shot
Payload: 8 shots
Cost: 1,600 credits. HE Shells cost 400 each, incendiary 450 each, and flare rounds 30 each.

f) Chemical Sprayer
Range: 80 ft
Damage: Varies by chemical used
Rate of Fire: Standard
Payload: Enough liquid for 15 blasts
Cost: 500 credits

g) Shock-Bead Pistol----A more compact version of the S-9 ‘Sandman’ air-pistol, using the same ‘shock bead’ ammo.
Range: 200 ft
Damage: Nil. Humanoids struck with this weapon must save vs. coma or be shocked unconscious for 1D6 minutes. EBA defeats it, but partial body armor and heavy clothing provide only partial cover (-2 to strike)against a taser bead strike.
Partial Cyborgs have a 50% chance of having their cybernetics disrupted for 1D10 minutes, and a 20% chance of a non-vital system being permanently shorted out. Full conversion cyborgs have only a 25%/5% chance, and Assault Cyborgs and those with hardened systems aren’t affected at all.
(Taser Grenade) Roll percentile dice---10% chance of a successful strike per bead remaining in the magazine. Does normal taser damage to targets in a 20 ft radius
Rate of Fire: ECHH
Payload: 160 ‘taser-beads’ in a large tube magazine, The pneumatic propulsion charge is compressed air powered by the suit’s power supply,
Cost: 6,000 credits. 900 credits per magazine.

h) Shock-Plug Gun---Fires adhesive ‘gel-battery’ projectiles that deliver continuous electrical shocks to those they strike.
Range: 200 ft
Damage: None against inorganic targets.
Against organic targets, the stun-plug inflicts an electrical shock that does 1d6 SDC/HP per jolt. However, this is STUN damage and not tissue-damage. Being shocked five or more times, or with less than HALF hit points remaining, and failing a roll of 15 or better means falling unconscious for 2d4 melee rounds, and suffering stun penalties for a minute(4 melees) afterwards. Stunned victims are -6 to strike, parry, dodge and reduce Speed and APMs by HALF.
The Stun Plug has enough capacity for 60 charges. Depending on the situation and intended target, the Stun Plug can be set to discharge at rates of 1-5 shocks per melee until they run dry or the target falls unconscious, whichever comes first. If the person regains consciousness with the Stun Plug still attached(and with remaining charges in it), there’s a 60% chance of the Stun Plug reactivating and proceeding to discharge.
Note that even if/when the Plug runs out of electrical charge, it may still be attached and the tracker chip will still be active for up to 4 hours.
Effects from multiple stun-plugs are cumulative.
A full charge discharge(as can occur when tampering) does 4d6 SDC/HP damage. Unlike the stun-shock, this IS tissue damage, and at 8 or less hit points remaining, there’s a 01-60% chance of cardiac arrest and death within 1d4 minutes unless CPR is administered or a successful save versus coma/death is made. Recovery from such will leave the victim feeling stunned(same penalties) for 2d4x10 minutes.
Rate of Fire: ECHH
Payload: 18 rd clip
Cost: 1,500 credits for the gun, 8 credits per stun plug.

i) Extending Shock Baton/Prod---Basically a shock prod bayonet that can be telescoped up t o 3 ft.
Range: Melee
Light Prod: 1d4 SDC/HP
Moderate Prod: 2d6 SDC/HP
Lethal Zap: 5d6 SDC/HP, plus 01-33% chance of stunning humans, D-bees, and small animals for 1d4 melees, 01-33% against large or inhumanly strong/powerful animals. A successful save means victim takes HALF damage and only lose initiative and one APM.
Stun means -6 to strike, dodge, and parry, plus reduce APMs and Speed by HALF.
Being shocked on the strong/lethal setting for more than 5 times, or once the victim's Hit Points drop below half, means they are knocked unconscious for 2d4 melees. Chance of cardiac arrest as detailed in Rifts: Lone Star, pg. 50.
Ineffective against EBA, power armor, 'bots, and 'borgs.

j) Net Launcher---One shot net projector
Range: 200 ft. Net covers a 6 ft area
Damage: Varies;
(Standard Net) Heavy high-tensile strength megadamage steel cable net; takes 2d4 melee actions/attacks to untangle self(half that for creatures with supernatural PS of 30 or higher) the meantime, the victim CANNOT strike or parry, is -2 to dodge, and reduce speed by 90%

(Slicer Net) As above, except that every melee the target spends struggling and trying to get out, they take 1d4 MD from the various hooks and razor-lines. In addition to usual penalties, takes an additional -2 to dodge from the pain. This is NEVER issued to police forces.

(Shock Net)As above, except that each melee entangled, the target takes electrical shock damage. At mild current levels, this can be annoying and distracting, but can also stun the victim...higher levels of voltage can toast the entrapped target and damage them severely, if not kill them outright....
2d6 SDC per melee/shock pulse, plus beings must roll versus non-lethal poison(16 or better) or be stunned /knocked out for 1d4 melees. Cyborgs have a 40% chance of having their systems overloaded and being immobilized for 1d4 melees, plus a 40% chance of electrical systems/accessories such as sensors or weapons knocked out for 1d4+2 melees. Power Armor fare somewhat better, having only a 10% chance of losing electrical systems or peripherals for 1d4 melees.

(Drug Net)As above, except that the net has microcapsules that break with any struggle, releasing a skin-contact/aerosol drug--Unless the victim has complete environmental protection(sealed off from contamination), they must roll each melee they are entangled against non-lethal toxin, or find themselves succumbing to chemical lethargy; cumulative -20% chance of falling unconscious(for 2d4 minutes), -1 to initiative, -2 Dodge, Strike, Parry, and Roll, -1 APM (in addition to entanglement penalties). This is RARELY issued to police forces if possible lethal drug allergies in suspects are a possibility.

(Thermite Net) A nasty variant, based on designs brought back from South America(See Rifts South America 2). Same as above, but bursts into flame, doing 4d6 MD for 1d6 melees. This is NEVER issued to police forces.

Rate of Fire: Single shot. Reloading by hand takes 2 APMs
Payload: Single shot
Cost: 900 credits

k)Strap Gun---(Aliens Unlimited) Fires an expanding bundle of tough plastic straps covered in quick-set adhesive, that wrap around a target in a cocoon.
Range: 75 ft
Damage: 1d6 SDC from impact, plus holds with a strength of P.S. 30.
Rate of Fire: Single shot. Reloading takes 2 APMs.
Payload: 6 shots
Cost: 950 credits. Strap cartridges cost 400 credits for a dozen

l) Forcefield Generator(experimental)---Part of PS’s effort to produce forcefields cheap enough for wholesale infantry use, this mini-EM field generator is e-clip powered, and small enough to fit under a rifle. Two short EM projection vanes snap out and forward, making it look like a forearm-mounted crossbow, but the generator produces a small one-directional forceshield(rather than an all-encompassing field) about 5 ft in diameter, centered around the weapon barrel. The main weapon is autosynched with the Patrolman’s fire control system so it can fire through it. Though still in the experimental stages, PS has begun releasing these field-formatted models for field testing.
Weight: 6 lbs
Range: 5 ft diameter shield about six inches in front of the projector
Damage: None; the forceshield has 40 MDC
Rate of Fire: 1 APM to activate it
Payload: E-clip powered; can maintain the field for 25 minutes per short e-clip, 60 minutes per long e-clip
Cost: Currently considered Experimental, but would cost 20,000 credits

m) Mini-Plexor A2---A ‘lite’ version of the original Multiplexor, except instead of a spellcard-system built into a vibrosword, it’s a large amulet-style unit with three spellcards.
Weight: 7 lbs
Range: Varies by spell
Damage/Duration: Varies by spell
Rate of Fire: ECHH
PPE Cost per Use: Varies by spell. Spells cost as normal
Payload: Draws from the main PPE Battery, . In an emergency, the user, if they are a mage or psychic, can kick in their own PPE.
Bonuses: As per spell(if any)
Cost: The basic Multiplexor system costs about 37,000 credits
PPE clips cost 6,000 credits for 50 PPE
12,000 Credits for 100 PPE
Spell Cards cost (as per Jason Richards’ guidelines in Rifter #2) 5,000 credits per PPE cost of main spell plus an additional cost (as per following modifiers)
*500 credits per level of the creating caster(Mages’ time and PPE are money, so expect to pay more for the longer duration/higher power spells)
*Warlock spells cost 20% more, in addition to above modifiers, owing to the difficulties of adapting Elemental Magic to ‘conventional” magic systems.

2) Powerlink---Powerlinks in the arms allow energy weapons held in the hands to be powered from the PA’s micro-nuke powerplant, allowing for unlimited shots. The PS-PA-24 is specially configured to interface with the S-6/IMP-07 ‘MagMaster’ ElectroMagnetic Pistol, PS/PP -SFR-01 Hardtack Force Rifle, and GunLoc Blue weapons modules.

3)(Optional) Backpack Hardpoints(2-4)---Jetpack pods can be fitted with 2-4 hardpoints for expendable ordnance, usually the equivalent of rifle grenades, with smoke, chemical, or flash-bang warheads being the most commonly carried. Can also be fitted to fire mini-missiles(one per hardpoint) or micromissile cassettes(12-shots)

Hand to Hand Combat
Restrained Punch 1d4 SDC
Full Strength Punch 1d6+15 SDC
Power Punch(2 attacks) 1d6 MD
Kick 1d8+15 SDC
Leap Kick (2 attacks)2d4 MD
Body Block/Tackle 1d4+15 SDC

*Visor Modules---The helmet can be fitted with extra sensor gear, typically optical enhancers such as PPE-sensing Kirallian optics, Lidar scanners, and EM sensors.

*Modular Backpack----If circumstances require, the special jetpack can be swapped out for other backpack modules, trading mobility for versatility. Typical alternate configurations include firefighting equipment, specialized tracking/sensory gear, or heavy weapons(such as a 50-shot micro-missile launcher or ammunition drums for handheld weaponry).
For underwater operations, a hydrojet-equipped pack with flotation units is also available, able to propel the power armor through the water at 25 MPH.
"Trouble rather the Tiger in his Lair,
Than the Sage among his Books,
For all the Empires and Kingdoms,
The Armies and Works that you hold Dear,
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Re: Paladin Steel Storefront

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PSLR-54 ’Fortunato’ Sniper Laser Rifle
“The GNEAS obsession with ranged combat doctrine surfaces again with this weapon; the idea being the wider the range you have between you and your target, the more time you have to plink them to death, drive them off, find some other way to kill them, or make good your escape. Actually, on the Rim that makes sense, but you would be ill-fortuned to have a Fortunato on you in a close-in firefight, the damage is so poor.”

“It’s been joked that with the Priene needle-laser being adopted by the women early on, the menfolk wanted a snipe-laser to meet their own masculine needs. The Fortunato’s only partially successful at that; it has the range and the balance, but lacks the Preen’s burst fire capability. Still, short of trying to snipe with a Blazer-Dee, this is a good weapon for the consummate shootist.”

“Okay, new SOP is if we’re anywhere NEAR known GNE territory, and by near I mean five miles or so, we all keep our brainbuckets on and our faceplates CLOSED. I don’t care how uncomfortable it is, or how it cuts down on your senses, you lock your armor down! While the rumor that the geeners can snake a shot from miles away through your open visor and into your eye sockets is probably just barracks dust, I’ve seen enough crazy **** from them that there’s no point in taking any chances! So hats on and face shields down!”

The ‘Fortunato’ is the latest in Paladin Steel’s series of long ranged sniper lasers. The weapon in this case uses the optics from a light laser point defense system first deployed as a shoulder-mount on power armor and later adapted to vehicle use. The laser was light enough that two could be mounted, and this was considered necessary because single-barrel damage was considered too light. The single-barrel infantry model is thus surprisingly light and compact. However, the low damage spread is still an issue with the Fortunato, but as a light sniping weapon with an effective range of over a mile, considered forgivable given the weapon’s price.
The PSLR-54 sees most use with special security forces, Ranger units, and Irregular units, most of who have the enhanced senses, smartsight-links, or eyesight augs to make best use of the long range of the laser.

Weight: 9 lbs
MDC: 27
Range: 6,000 ft
Damage:(SDC Mode) 4d6 SDC per shot
(MD Mode) 3d6 MD per shot
Rate of Fire: Single shot, ECHH
Payload: 28 shots from a standard e-clip, 40 shots from a long e-clip ---One MD shot equals 18 SDC shots
Special Features:
*Top Mounting Rail accommodates a variety of sighting scopes
*Well-Balanced---+1 to strike, in addition to sighting system bonuses.
Cost: 26,000 credits

*Laser Illuminator---A barrel attachment that adds a laser illuminator function to the weapon, allowing the sniper to ‘paint’ the target for other laser-homing weapons systems. Range: 9,000 ft. Cost: 9,000 credits

*Flash Suppressor---A screw-in cylinder containing special baffles and extra focusing elements, that allows for a tighter beam and less peripheral flash leakage from the combat laser---Greatly reduces the already slim chance of anyone seeing the laser flash(except under very dusty conditions) unless the person is looking directly down the barrel. However, it also reduces the range of the laser to about 2,000 ft.

*PSLR-54B---Variant with folding stock and barrel for easier stowage....or concealment. Reduces the normal fully open length of the weapon from 41 in to 20 inches.
"Trouble rather the Tiger in his Lair,
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Re: Paladin Steel Storefront

Unread post by Omegasgundam »

Ok, so batch response time.

The Hemanar is the sort of niche design that makes far too much sense when you actually think about it, particularly when you start factoring MDC beasties. NG must be offering a skill program for their labor bots to the same effect, and the Coalition would have adapted something decades ago. However, its also the sort of background detail that can be assumed to have always been the case, so it can be hand waved. The PS bot is naturally the most capable (and by a very large margin) due to actual focus however, so its the field leader by default.

The Patrolman is exactly what you would expect from a PA developed for police, and it fits right at that convergence of capability and cost to be practical for low end adventure groups if they're trying to save money. It would be a project piece for the Operator/Techno Wizard, but what else is new. Regardless, the overall capabilities are low enough that its more 'permissible' that full mil-spec models, so prospective operators have to give less justification for it.

Finally, the Fortunato is a pure sniper rifle. Thus, it will be in the hands of an exceptionally skilled marksman who is able to take his time and make use of the actual range. It is NOT something that you would use in an actual firefight, and thus lack of raw damage is excusable. I believe there are a number of other PS options for higher damage, so this is for precision work such as misting SDC targets and taking out delicate equipment.
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Re: Paladin Steel Storefront

Unread post by taalismn »

Well, I felt the need to do some infrastructure gear and get back to the sort of equipment 'ground -level' PCs are more likely to actually use.
"Trouble rather the Tiger in his Lair,
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For all the Empires and Kingdoms,
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Re: Paladin Steel Storefront

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PS(Mc)CGVTOL-012 Pooka ContraGravity Aerodyne
(aka ‘Grav-Gnat’)
“The use of contra-gravity removes the need for a lot of add-ons that the old Uchi needed to stay up to par with Three Galaxies gear. And the Pooka can go places the Uch can’t, thanks to lift-thrust physics. On the other hand, the Pooka’s not going to replace the old air-blower any time soon, because there are places that cee-gee lift and drive just doesn’t work.”

“I made the mistake of shooting one of these overgrown skeets down, thinking it was an easy drone kill. Turns out it was manned and the pilot managed to eject and, rather than wait for rescue evac like any normal-sized pilot would, decided to continue tracking me. Those damn mutant rats the geeners must have damned good senses of smell or something, ‘cause that varmint kept a lock on me long enough to radio in more cops on my ass, and I got DOZENS of vetols and skimmers swarming after me for the takedown.”

The Mc)CGVTOL-012 is the contra-gravity version of the PS(Mc)VTOL-011 Uchi microscale attack aerodyne. As Greater New England expanded its territory into other realms, such as the Three Galaxies, the Smallkin population also followed(“Like anybody thought they could stop us?” as one Rodentoid politico was heard to comment). Adapting the advanced antigravity technology more readily available in the Three Galaxies was inevitable.
While the (Mc)VTOL-011 Uchi was the equivalent of a small-scale attack helicopter built around a regular-sized jet pack, the (Mc)CGVTOL-012 is built around a contra-gravity flight pack. Unlike the Uchi, which obviously resembles a jetpack and helment cobbled together, the Pooka has a smoother, streamlined housing for better aerodynamics and protection, with the weapons systems and sensors fared into the saucer-pod shell, or on retractable mountings.
The (Mc)CGVTOL-012 is often mistaken for a drone, and matters are complicated by the fact that PS/ASI is indeed experimenting with a drone version.

Type: PS(Mc)CGVTOL-012 Pooka
Class: Microscale Contra-Gravity Attack Vertical Take Off and Landing Aerodyne
Crew: One Size Level 1-2 sentient
MDC/Armor by Location:
Main Body 50
Cockpit 50
Weapons Mounts(2) Varies by weapons type; most pistols will be 15-25 MD, rifles and missile launchers 30-50 MD
Height: 1.2 ft
Width: 3 ft
Length: 3 ft
Weight: 40 lbs
Cargo: If not carrying bombs, the Pooka can carry, underslung, up to 90 lbs of cargo.
Powerplant: Electric(24 hour battery life), or Nuclear(w/ 10 year energy life)
Speed:(Flying) Hover to 200 MPH, maximum altitude of 10,000 ft
(Space) Can hit Mach 1 in space.
Market Cost: 170,000 credits for electric, and 570,000 credits for nuclear
Systems of Note:
Basic Aircraft Systems, plus:
*Thermal Imaging and Low-Lite Optics---Built into the helment/cockpit visor

*Head-Up Display(HUD)---Part of the original helmet systems.

*Radio---50 mile range

*Mini-Radar---3 mile range

*Directional Spotlight---Really just a very powerful flashlight; 80 ft range.

*Voice Amplifier/Loudspeaker---80 decibels

*Escape Pod----This is a modified MDC(50) helmet that closes around the tiny pilot, providing additional protection. In a bail-out situation, the pilot can eject, the helmet powered clear of the rest of the robot by rocket motors. Internal airbags cushion the pilot on landing(it was decided NOT to include a mini-parachute, in case such might give away to a watchful enemy that something was up). The escape pod can rocket up to 5,000 ft away.

*Stealth Operation---The Pooka’s conta-gravty sysem is naturally quiet, with the pod’s passage through the air acoustically approximating the sound of the wind.

*(Optional) Recovery Chute---This is a drogue parachute that deploys out the back and can then lower the microfighter to the ground in event of power-loss, allowing the aircraft to (hopefully) be recovered and repaired for re-use.

Weapons Systems:
1)Weapons Mounts(2)---Two underslung hardpoints can be fitted with infantry handweapons. These are fixed-position mounts; the pilot points the aircraft to aim them. Note that unless the Pooka is nuclear-powered, carried (energy)weapons must rely on their own e-clips.

2)(Optional) Bombs----These are carried aft of the cockpit and between the weapons mounts.
a) Bombs---Really little more than adapted handgrenades---up to 20 can be carried
b) Fusion Block Bombs---up to 3 Light Blocks, 2 Medium Blocks, or 1 Heavy Block can be carried
c) Micromissiles---25 shot cassette of 15mm McMs can be carried
d) Mini-Missiles---4 can be carried and launched

*Scramblers---Developed from Juicer scramblers(also available to the micro-scale ‘Speedball’ Hovercycle); vehicle has only a 15% chance of being detected by thermal optics, motion detectors, and radar systems, and guided missiles are -2 to strike. Cost: 22,000 credits.

*Neural Helmet/Plug Interface----Gives the operator a +1 to dodge while flying, as well as handsfree operation. +7,000 credits

*(Mc)CGVTOL-012B/C----These are two-seater versions, made by adding a second cockpit pod. The B-variant has the cockpits set up tandem-style, the -C variant has te cockpits mounted abreast.
"Trouble rather the Tiger in his Lair,
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The Armies and Works that you hold Dear,
Are to him but the Playthings of the Moment,
To be turned over with the Flick of a Finger,
And the Turning of a Page"

--------Rudyard Kipling
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Re: Paladin Steel Storefront

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K-Sphinx Battle Golem
(aka ‘Sphinxoid’, ‘K-Lynx’)
“I was on Drydayr with the Chedive trying to expel the Sorm foothold infestation there when the usans arrived and made one of their rare deployments of their sphinx-golems. They landed a half-dozen of the things across the valley from us, and the Sorm turned most of their force to deal with them, though our analysts think the Sorm also wanted the transports the golems arrived in. Well, even from where we were entrenched, we could watch the body parts fly, and by the time Drydayr’s sun set, it was pretty clear major combat operations were over. Arid as the Sharch may have been, that valley’s going to remain pretty damn fertile for centuries from all the Sorm corpses and blood ground into the soil.”
----Major Ramalot Scoug, CAF Military Liaison attached to the Chedive military forces, Drydayr campaign

“A specially modified Bering bay can hold a single Kay-Sphinx for transport, with the combat crew bunking upside with the ship crew. That’s the smallest starship that can deploy a kay-sphink. Typically, though, they get deployed from modified Gurks, Tsovs, or the big Tykes. Not the easiest land vehicle asset to carry and deploy, which pretty much keeps them as garrison guardians, but I’ve heard of the damage the things can wreak on the offensive.”

“If you ain’t terrified enough of having several thousand tons of giant stone golem dripping with guns striding right up next to you, you’ll be petrified, literally.”

“This thing’s a four-legged land WARSHIP.”

“I want one.”
---Anonymous Shemarrian Wayfinder galactic ranger-scout upon seeing a K-Sphinx in action.

The K-Sphinx is sometimes mistaken for a product of Tolkeen or Dweomer, but in reality it is the result of technowizardry cross-pollination between the technomages of the United Systems Alliance and the neo-Egyptian/Suderian artificiers of the refugee colony of Kalipsis. Not eager to see any future replay of the destruction of his kingdom like the one that forced the evacuation to Kalipsis , the current SuPharaoh Auhum Sushuf has authorized his artificiers to work with their usan neighbors and allies to build up the new Sudera-en-Kalipsis’s defenses.
Taking advantage of the Earth Elemental-strong geochemistry of Kalipsis, the development teams set to work combining traditional Sunderan techniques with Usan technowizardry. It’s also been rumored that Usan genesmiths have been able to develop a strain of Kalipsian kotton able to produce industrial-grade ectofiber, greatly reducing the price of certain products, such as magic composites and mystech circuitry power conduits, utilizing the miracle fiber.
The result is a giant stone golem, the size of the ancient Giza Great Sphinx. A crew of warriors/soldiers sits in an armored platform anchored to the golem’s back. This platform typically has an enclosed troop compartment with fighting galleries on either side, and is topped by a weapons turret, command cupola, and secondary weapons turrets, similar to a heavy tank. The golem is normally directed from the platform attached to its back, but a hidden internal compartment in the torso allows an Elemental Warlock or Fusionist to direct the golem from concealment. No two K-Sphinxes look alike, especially in the head and face, hinting at their virtually handcrafted nature.
The K-Sphinx has excellent cross-country performance, supernatural strength, semiautonomous action, and a range of powerful magic weapons and abilities. The armored howdah is interchangeable with a number of other weapons platforms, allowing for the tailoring of the K-Sphinx’s technological accessories to the desired mission profile.
The weaknesses of the K-Sphinx are a high silhouette, great mass, and a vulnerability to anti-magic weaponry and environments. Transporting the giant war-golems is also problematic. Naturally, K-Sphinxes are also expensive to produce, though the Kalipsians are well-motivated to build their defenses strong, and so monetary cost isn’t an issue for them.
Thus far, only a limited number of K-Sphinxes have been produced, the majority of them going to the planetary militia on Kalipsis, A few examples have been given to the PS/GNE military(and thus available to the United Systems Alliance’s Joint Command) for advanced field trials and special operations. K-Sphinxes played an imposing role in the forced eviction of the second expedition of colonists from the contested settlement world of Igbalan, for their aggression against the established first expedition. And K-Sphinxes were used in several campaigns against the Sorm in the Thundercloud Galaxy. It is rumored that the EShemar are negotiating for K-Sphinxes as well(other rumors have them already playing a role in designing them).

Type: PS/ASI-SeKTWMBGlm01 K-Sphinx
Class: Heavy Battle Golem
Crew:(Standard -A- Fit) 42( 6 turret gunners, 4 side gunners, 4 command/control, 3 engineers, 25 troops/passengers)
Up to 12 people can ride in the internal compartment
MDC/Armor by Location:
Main Body 3,000
Concealed Compartment 300
Head 980
Legs(4) 1,000 each
Armored Howdah(Standard -A- Fit) 1,000
Main Turret 500
Main Cannon 250
Secondary Turret 200
Point Defense Turrets(4) 90 each
Lateral Rapid-Fire Guns(4) 60 each
Armored Outer Hatches(6) 150 each
Armored Inner Hatches(6) 80 each
Lateral Missile Launchers(2) 300 each
Height: 120 ft standing up, 66 ft laying down
Width: 62 ft
Length: 240 ft
Weight: 20,000 tons
Cargo: 30 tons can be carried in the standard combat platform.
Strength: Has a Supernatural PS of 70
Powerplant: Hybrid PPE Powerstone/Earth Elemental Animal-Essence
(‘Sorcerer’)--- 600 PPE battery capacity; recharges at 20 PPE per hour, 60 PPE/hour at a leyline, 120 PPE/hour on a nexus---- 3 million credits
The fighting platform typically has its own nuclear power cell or TW generators to power onboard systems, though any TW weapons can tap into the K-Sphinx’s own powerstones for additional power.
Running: 100 mph max .
Jumping: The powerful legs are strong and capable of leaping 40 feet high or 50 ft lengthwise. A running leap adds 50% to distance/height.
Flying: Not possible
Underwater: The K-Sphinx CANNOT swim, but sinks like a rock. It can run along the bottom at 16 MPH, no depth limit, but the life support systems on the armored howdah platforms are generally rated for 800 ft.
Market Cost: Nothing exact has been quoted, but likely in the 500+ million credits area, None have been made available for sale.
Systems of Note:
*Elemental Communication---The golem can communicate directly with an Earth Warlock, Golemancer, or Priest/ess of Kalipsis(Egyptian Pantheon). For all others, the K-Sphinx uses ‘sandbox monitors’; frames of magically animated sand that display basic information to the viewer.

* Magic Senses(always on)---* Sense Magic, Eyes of the Wolf, Sense Evil

* Magic Resistance---Magic-based attacks do HALF damage to the K-Sphinx

* Magic Regeneration---The stone repairs itself at 3d6 MD per hour. The spell Mend Stone works most effectively on speeding the repair process. Casting a Wall of Stone spell on the golem repairs the same amount of MDC as the magic wall has.

* TW AI w/ the following skills wired/imprinted in:
-Land Navigation 90%
-Excavation 85%
-Detect Ambush 75%
-Identify Plants & Fruits(from magic senses) 70%
-Identify Tracks(from magic senses) 85%
-Track Humanoids or animals(from magic senses) 50%
-Recognize Poison(from magic senses) 65%

* Semiautonomous Action---The golem has 4 actions/attacks per melee of its own(no other bonuses), though this ability is only unlocked during combat.

* Land Anchors---The golem can anchor itself in place on natural ground such that it cannot be knocked down. Of course, it cannot be in motion while so anchored(takes 1 APM to go into effect and to disengage).

Note that the armored ‘saddle’ platform on the back can have its own sensors and features, usually techno-sensors such as radar(100 mile range), optics, radio, and robot-level closed life support.

Weapons Systems:
1) TW Eye Beam Projectors(2)---The K-Sphinx’s eyes are crystalline TW energy spell projectors that can throw modified spells; either long-ranged shockwave spells or petrification rays.
a) Shockwave Beams
Range: 2,000 ft
Damage: At the beam’s point of impact it creates an expanding shockwave radiating outwards; 1d4x10 MD to a 100 ft radius. This can be adjusted from a simple 5 ft radius up to its maximum area of effect.
Rate of Fire: ECHH
Payload: Effectively unlimited

b) Petrification Beams---These turn organic targets they strike into immobile stone. Has the advantage of leaving targets incapacitated for later revival/restoration and questioning/imprisonment.
Range: 250 ft
Damage: None to inorganic targets like machines, but organic targets must make a save vs magic or be turned to stone
Rate of Fire: ECHH
Payload: Effectively unlimited

2) Sonic Blast---The K-Sphinx can let rip a leonine roar that can be heard for miles, and at closer ranges can shake targets apart.
Range: 7,000 ft
Damage: 1d4x10 MD per shot to a 50 ft wide area, 1d6x10 MD on a ley line and against supernatural creatures and beings of magic.
Rate of Fire: ECHH
Payload: Effectively unlimited

3) TW Meteor Gun(Headdress)----An onyx focal element set into the forehead magically conjures a rock from above to utterly smite a target.
Range: 6,000 ft
Damage: 1d6x10+20 MD to a 40 ft radius
Rate of Fire: ECHH, EGCHH
Payload: 38 PPE per shot

4) Extendable Claws---- Each of the massive paws can extend claws of magically-hardened and molecularly sharp obsidian. They can also be fired as projectiles and magically regenerate.
Range:, 900 ft as projectiles
Damage:+1d6x10 MD to a paw kick/swat.
Launched as projectiles they do 1d6x10 MD each
Rate of Fire: ECHH. As projectiles, they can be launched in volleys of 1-5(all)
Payload: 5 each paw(20 total). If fired, each one takes an hour to regenerate.

5) (Optional)Combat Platform Armaments----The main configuration (see end of post) follows a design similar in layout to that observed on the Shemarrian Shastrac warmount, or a well-armed corvette or river monitor.

Magic Systems:
* Summon Sandstorm---Ca n summon a more powerful version of the Sand Storm spell with regards to range and duration. Covers a 1,000 ft wide area and lasts 30 minutes, Can engage this spell 4 times per day or with the expenditure of 30 PPE.

* Chasm---With a stomp of the foot, the K-Sphinx can cause the earth to crack open---250 ft range, 700 ft long, 300 ft wide/deep, and lasts 150 minutes, for 13 PPE pumped in.

* Earthquake---Another foot stomp-initiated spell that causes the earth to tremble. 500 ft range, lasts 15 melee rounds, affects a 900 ft area, for 25 PPE pumped in.

* Wall of Stone---120 ft range, 120 ft x 120 ft x 60 ft area , 750 MDC, 1 hour duration, for 8 PPE pumped in.

* Impervious to Energy--- 5 minutes per 20 PPE pumped in.

*TW Chameleon Cloak----1 hour per 5 PPE pumped in.

Actions/Attacks Per Melee: 8
Parry +2
Strike +2 (+3 w/ ranged weaponry)
Roll +2
Pull Punch +2
Critical Strike on a Natural 18-20
Bite 1d6x10 MD
Head Butt 1d8 MD
Restrained Forepaw Swat 2d6 MD
Full Strength Punch 2d4x10 MD
Power Claw Strike(2 attacks) 2d6x10 MD
Rear Leg Kick 2d4x10 MD
Stomp 1d6x10 MD
Leap Attack(3 attacks) 4d6x10 MD

Most optional systems involve different equipment fits to the fighting platform, but a few can be incorporated directly into the golem itself.

*Chain Tail---Some K-Sphinxes have a tail of ship anchor chain, ending in a scourge of 8-10 smaller chains fitted with hooks at their ends. A lash of this appendage can do 1d8x10 MD.

*Cupola Substitution---Different cupola types can be attached instead; the Tolkeenite War Throne(see Rifts Siege on Tolkeen Book Six: Final Siege, pgs. 69-70 for details),Tolkeen Beast Tank(see Rifts Siege on Tolkeen Book Six: Final Siege, pgs. 72-73 for details) or EGM Missile Bunker(Rifts Siege on Tolkeen Book Six: Final Siege, pgs. 68-69 ) can be mounted.

* Grand Sphinx---This is a variant model reserved for the defense forces of Sudera-en-Kalipsis. The SuPharaoh has one as his mobile command post and carrier for his personal war-chariot. It is suspected that the Kalipsian stonemasters may have had some assistance, or at least a blessing, from Ptah, God of Craftsmen and Artists, in designing the Grand Sphinx variant.
Grand Sphinxes sport laser-reflective appliqué armor(+ 900 MDC Main Body, + 500 MDC Head + 350 MDC Legs, Lasers do HALF damage, and armor regenerates same as the stonework, or it can be instantly repaired with the application of PPE or ISP; 1 MDC=2 PPE/4 ISP).
Also sports a massive pair of folding wings( 900 MDC each) with a deployed wingspan of 280 ft. The Grand Sphinx can magically fly at 200 MPH(DOUBLE on a ley line) with a maximum altitude of 10,000 ft. A FLYING Leap Attack/Pounce(3 attacks) now does 4d6x10+50 MD.
The Grand Sphinx weighs in at a heftier 30,000 tons.

Weapons Systems:
5) Combat Platform----The Kalipsian militia are reportedly developing their own battle-platform for the Grand Sphinx; details are scant, but rumored to be heavy on magic weapons/amplifiers(suggesting a mage- or priest-heavy troop contingent) and rift-closure mechanisms. Currently, though, the ‘Standard -A-’(described below) is what has been seen mounted on Grand Sphinxes.

6) External Antipersonnel Fletchette Packs(74)----The metal appliqué armor provided mounting places for reactive armor panels. This system consists of s series of directional ‘claymore’-style fragmentation grenades attached to the outer hull and triggered either by command or by motion detector trip to fill a ‘kill zone’ around the tank with lethal shrapnel and antipersonnel fletchettes.
Range: 100 ft
Damage: 5d6 MD to a cone swath roughly 50 ft long, by 10 ft wide.
Used as reactive armor against plasma and armor-piercing missiles, the computerized firing system acts as a PARRY, rolling to match or better the missile’s strike roll...a successful counter means that the missile damage is HALVED, while a failure means the tank takes full damage. Note: when dealing with volleys, one reactive armor pack can match TWO missiles in a volley, so in order to effectively counter a five missile volley, the tank must expend 3 reactive armor packs...two packs would roll twice to defeat their respective missiles, the third would only roll once. If the enemy missile launcher has a line of sight on the tank, they can target a spot on the hull which has no packs covering it (a called shot), in which case the remaining reactive armor is -4 to cover the gap.
Rate of Fire: One at a time or can be simultaneously fired in volleys of 1-10
Payload: Each leg has 10 fletchette packs each(40 total), the main body has has 10 each side, 6 on the chest, and 8 to the rear.

Magic Systems(additional):
* TW Fear/Horror/Awe Factor---Used to amplify the effects of the sheer size of the Grand Sphinx on squishy little groundlings( Horror Factor of 16, 100 ft area of effect, up to 200 ft away, duration of 10 minutes, and cost 5 PPE).

* Wall of Iron---120 ft range, 120 ft x 120 ft x 60 ft area , 1,500 MDC, 1 hour duration, for 23 PPE pumped in.

Battle Platform “-A-”
This is the standard dorsal howdah seen carried by GNE/USA K-Sphinxes, nd carries armor and armament that would not be out of place on a riverine monitor, naval heavy patrol craft, or corvette.
Crew: 42( 6 turret gunners, 4 side gunners, 4 command/control, 3 engineers, 25 troops/passengers)
MDC/Armor by Location:
Main Body Armored Howdah 1,000
Main Turret 500
Main Cannon 250
Secondary Turret 200
Point Defense Turrets(4) 90 each
Lateral Rapid-Fire Guns(4) 60 each
Armored Outer Hatches(6) 150 each
Armored Inner Hatches(6) 80 each
Lateral Missile Launchers(2) 300 each
Powerplant: Nuclear, w/ 20 year energy life
Systems of Note:
*Robot Vehicle Life Support and Basic Systems
*Radar---100 mile range
*Radio/Laser Communications---200 mile range
*Environmental(NBC) Alarm Sensors
* Combat Computer/Fire Control System---+2 to strike with ranged weapons.
Weapons Systems:
1) Main Cannon---The main turret is a heavy main battle tank’s(typically that of the PS-MBT-25 Von Stueben or Trasis MBT) , with one of the following heavy weapons configurations:
a) 175mm LB Mass Driver Cannon(PS-MDJ175L)
Range:(Direct Fire) 44,000 ft (8.8 miles)
(Indirect Fire) 110,000 ft( 22 miles)
Damage: High Explosive(HE)---- 4d6x10 MD to 50 ft radius
High Explosive Anti-Tank(HEAT)----5d6x10 MD to 10 ft radius
Fragmentation--- 3d6x10 MD to 70 ft radius
Plasma-----1d6x 50+10 MD to 50 ft radius
(APFSDSDU)(Armor Piercing Fin Stabilized Discarding Sabot Depleted Uranium) 7d6x10 MD out to 15,000 ft, 4d6x10 MD out to maximum range
Rate of Fire: Once per melee
Payload: 3 tons ammunition stowage
175 mm AP/HE shell weighs 135 lbs( 15 shots per ton)

b) Twin 155 mm LB Massdriver Cannon(PS-MDJ155L)
Range:(Direct Fire) 45,000 ft(9 miles)
(Indirect Fire) 110,000 ft (22 miles)
( Plasma Cluster-Direct Fire) 27,000 ft (5.4 miles)
(Plasma Cluster-Indirect Fire) 70,000 ft (14 miles)
Damage: High Explosive(HE)---- 3d6x10 MD to 50 ft radius
High Explosive Anti-Tank(HEAT)---- 4d6x10+20 MD to 10 ft radius
Fragmentation---2d6x10 MD to 60 ft radius
Plasma----- 1d6x 40+10 MD to 50 ft radius
(APFSDSDU)(Armor Piercing Fin Stabilized Discarding Sabot Depleted Uranium) 6d6x10 MD out to 20,000 ft, 4d4x10 MD out to maximum range
Rate of Fire: Twice per melee
Payload: 3 ton ammunition capacity
155 mm AP shell weighs 100 lbs( 20 shots per ton)
155 mm Plasma Cluster shell weighs 150 lbs( 13 shots per ton)

c) Medium Laser Cannon---Starship-grade weapon
Range: 5 miles in atmosphere
Damage: 1d6x100 MD per shot
Rate of Fire: Four shots per melee
Payload: Effectively unlimited

d) Medium Particle Beam Cannon---Starship-grade weapon
Range: 4 miles in atmosphere
Damage: 2d4x100 MD per shot
Rate of Fire: Three shots per melee
Payload: Effectively unlimited

2) Secondary Turret---Taken directly from the PS-MBT-T-34 ‘Kodiak’ tank, and covering the rear arc of the large golem. The turret can be fitted with the full range of alternate weapons fit-outs available to the Kodiak. ranging from a 76mm autocannon to heavy energy weapons.
a) 3-Inch(76mm) Gun---PS has updated the design with more modern MD alloys and ceramics for lighter construction, longer life, and easier maintenance, added more advanced fire control(and in some cases and autoloader), and supplied the weapons with more advanced MD munitions and safer gun propellants. Special fire control programming and stabilization systems allow these weapons to be fired while the hovercraft is on the move and in flight.
Range: 7,000 ft
(Fragmentation) 4d6 MD to 20 ft blast radius
(High Explosive-Armor-Piercing)2d4x10 MD to 8 ft blast radius
(Flare)Burns for 1d4 minutes, illuminating a 2,000 ft area
Rate of Fire: 20 rds per minute(5 shots per melee)
Payload: 325 rds per gun

Alternatively, one of the following weapons can be fitted instead;

b) Heavy Laser(PSMBL-5000B)
Range: 6,000 ft
Damage: 2d6 MD single blast, 4d6 MD double blast, 1d4x10+8 MD quad blast, 1d6x10 MD full 5-shot blast
Rate of Fire: ECHH
Payload: Effectively unlimited

c) Heavy Ion Projector-----M-Ion Cannon----A PS copy of the Triax TX-8841 Ion Cannon(sans MRM launchers). PS has also managed to adapt its ion-weapons modification technology to further augment the M-Ion weapon
Range: 4,000 ft
Damage: 1d6x10 MD per blast
Rate of Fire: EGCHH
Payload: Effectively unlimited
Cost: 200,000 credits
Options:*Ion Scatter-Shot Module---This is a barrel mod that turns the cannon into a short range shotgun with an area of effect blast. Reduce range to 2,000 ft, but does 5d6 MD to a 30 ft wide area. Cost: 10,000 credits
*Ion Booster Module---Another mod that boosts the range of the ion bolts, albeit with a small reduction in damage capability. Reduce damage to 1d4x10 MD, but boost range to 7,000 ft. Cost: 12,000 credits

d) Plasma Cannon---Adapted from PS’s PPR-3 Serap Heavy Plasma Projector. The weapon also has the option of firing ‘hot shots’ of deuterium-enriched plasma feeding from a pressure cylinder
Range:(Plasma Stream) 2000 ft
(Plasma Bolt) 1500 ft
Damage:(Plasma Stream) 1d6x10 MD per blast*
*Can be increased by 50% with a ‘hot shot’ injection of deuterium gas
(Plasma Bolt) 1d4x10 MD to 8 ft blast radius
Rate of Fire: Single shot, ECHH
Payload: Effectively unlimited
Deuterium Gas Reservoir has enough gas under pressure for 400 shots.

3) Coaxial Light Gun---The Secondary Turret mounts a smaller rapid-fire weapon coaxial to the main gun.
a) 7.62mm Machine Gun
Range: 3,000 ft
Damage: 6d6 SDC single round, 4d6x10 SDC per 10 round burst.
Rate of Fire: Standard
Payload: 600 rd belt

b) Light Rail Gun
Range: 4,000 ft
Damage: 1d4 MD single rd. 6d6 MD per 30 rd burst
Rate of Fire: EGCHH
Payload: 600 rd magazine

c) Light Pulse Laser
Range: 4,000 ft
Damage: 3d6 MD single shot. 1d4x10+6 MD per triple-shot burst
Rate of Fire: EGCHH
Payload: Effectively unlimited

d) Ion Blaster---Variant of the popular PSIP-2 ‘Smasher’ series. Mount has a 45-degree arc of fire. Like the handheld version, it can be modified for additional damage effects.
Range: 800 ft
Damage: 4d6 MD single shot
1d4x10 MD per three-shot burst
Rate of Fire: Standard
Payload: Effectively unlimited
Options: Like the handgun version, the vehicle-mounted version can be similarly modified for extra effect/power:
*Ion Scatter-Shot Module--- Reduce range to 400 ft, but does 4d6 MD to a 10 ft wide area.

*Ion Booster Module---Another barrel attachment that boosts the range of the ion bolts, albeit with a small reduction in damage capability. Reduce damage to 3d6 MD, but boost range to 1,500 ft.

*Ion Focal Booster Module---Aka ‘Puncher’---This barrel attachment improves the focus of the ion pulse density, improving damage at the cost of range. Reduce range to 400 ft, but up damage to 5d6 MD per shot.

*Ion Step-Down Module---This barrel attachment, rather than increase range or power, actually ‘steps down’ the power of ion bolts into the SDC range, and modulates their effect, making the weapon in effect a ‘super-taser’(albeit it with flash-burns). An added power regulation chip allows the weapon to use less power in SDC mode.
Range:(SDC shots) 600 ft
Damage: 1d6 SDC shock-burn. Plus, victims must make a save of 14 or better, or be -8 to strike, parry, and dodge for 2d6 melees. A savings throw versus non-lethal poison means the person is unimpaired. 25% chance of knocking out unshielded cybernetics for 1d4 melees.

4) Point Defense Turrets(4)---These are automated (though they can be manually operated) PDS systems mainly intended for antimissile defense. Adapted from the PSA-11’s optional backpack turret, this is a powered turret, directed by either computer control or by eyeball-directed HUD. The turret can be fitted with up to two (similar) weapons, such as the following:
*1A) Light Rail Gun---Based on PS’s STARifle:
Range: 2,000 ft
Damage: 1d6 MD per single shot, 5d6 MD on a 5 shot burst, 1d6x10 MD per 10 rd burst
Rate of Fire: Single shot or 5-shot burst, Equal to the pilot's combined hand to hand attacks, or 4 attacks in auto-defense mode.
Payload: 1,200 rd drum feeding both weapons(60 bursts per gun)

*2A) Pulse Laser Turret: Paladin Steel also offers a lower-powered laser system, with unlimited payload and a longer range. The Pulse Laser is intended as an antiaircraft/antimissile system, and can be remote-linked to an air defense grid system, such as the Meles AAAV, Rattlesnake AAV, or the Vixen Fighter/Recon Pod, (Part of Paladin Steel's emerging BAMSP: Battlefield Asset Management System Package).
Range: 6,000 ft
Damage: 3D6 MD single blast, 6D6 MD double- barreled blast
Rate of Fire: Equal to the pilot's combined hand to hand attacks, or 4 attacks in auto-defense mode.
Payload: Effectively unlimited
Bonuses: +2 to strike airborne targets like missiles and aircraft/flying opponents(must be traveling higher than 10 ft off the ground)

*3A) Light Plasma Cannon
Range: 1,800 ft
Damage: 6d6 MD single shot
Rate of Fire: Equal to the pilot's combined hand to hand attacks, or 4 attacks in auto-defense mode..
Payload: Effectively Unlimited

*4A) Light Ion Blasters:
Range: 1,600 ft
Damage: 3d6 MD single shot, 1d6x10 MD pulse burst
Rate of Fire: Equal to the pilot's combined hand to hand attacks, or 4 attacks in auto-defense mode..
Payload: Effectively Unlimited

5) Lateral Rapid-Fire Guns(4, 2 each side)---Each side gallery of the fighting platform sports two rapid-fire guns for antipersonnel defense.
a).50 Caliber Machine Gun---The old reliable ‘Fifty’. An oldie, but still a goody.
Range: 6,000 ft
Damage: (SDC) 1d6x10 SDC single shot, 1d6 x100 SDC(1d6 MD) per 10 rd burst.
(Ramjets) 1d4 MD single shot, 1d4x10 MD per 10 rd burst.
(High Explosive)3d6x10 SDC single shot, 1d6 MD per 10 rd burst.
(PSX-2) 2d6 MD per rd, 2d6x10 MD per 10 rd burst.
(Tracer) Every 11th round is a tracer, which gives a +1 to strike with bursts. However, the tracer stream also makes it that much easier for enemies to backtrace and locate the machine gunner.
Rate of Fire: Standard
Payload: 300 rd box magazine

b)20 mm Rapid-fire Cannon---A ship- mounted “Taskin” Rifle, and a favorite “light” weapon that can be set up and mounted just about anywhere.
Range:(20mm)4000 ft,
Damage:(20mm) 1d4 MD per shell
4d6 MD per 5 rd burst
1d4x10+4 MD per 10 rd burst
Airburst does 1d4 MD to 2 ft blast radius(single shot)
(20mm PSX-1) 4d4 MD single rd
1d6x10 MD per 5 rd burst
Airburst does 4d4 MD to 2 ft blast radius
Rate of Fire: Standard
Payload: 1,000 rd drum.

c)40mm Grenade Launcher
Range: 7,000 ft
Damage: (Fragmentation) 4d6 MD to blast area of 12 ft
2d6x10 MD to blast area of 40 ft w/ 10-rd burst
(Armor Piercing) 1d4x10 MD to blast area of 3 ft
3d6x10 MD to blast area of 8 ft w/ 10-rd burst
Rate of Fire: Standard
Payload: 250 rds

d) Light Rail Gun(PS-RFRG200)---PS copy of the C-200 ‘Dead Man’ Rail Gun
Range: 4,000 ft
Damage: 1d4 MD single rd, 4d6 MD per 20 rd burst.
Rate of Fire: ECHH
Payload: 2,000 rd drum per cannon

e) Pulse Laser
Range: 4,000 ft
Damage: 3d6 MD single shot, 6d6 MD short burst, 1d6x10 MD medium burst( 20 shots, 2 attacks), 2d6x10 MD long burst(40 shots, 2 attacks), 4d6x10 MD full magazine burst(80 shots, no bonuses to strike...does 3d6 MD to 4d4 targets if in a spray attack).
Rate of Fire: Standard
Payload: Effectively Unlimited

f) Ion Blaster
Range: 4,000 ft
Damage: 4d6 MD per blast
Rate of Fire: EGCHH
Payload: Effectively unlimited
Options:*Ion Scatter-Shot Module---This is a barrel mod that turns the cannon into a short range shotgun with an area of effect blast. Reduce range to 2,000 ft, but does 2d6 MD to a 30 ft wide area.

g) ‘Tesla’ Ion Cannon
Range: 2,000 ft
Damage: 1d6x10 MD per bolt to primary target.
Furthermore, a secondary bolt will jump to 1d6 targets in the vicinity of the main target, starting with the nearest target(or the nearest metallic target) as long as they are within 6 ft(10 ft for metal targets) of the initial target/point of impact, then jumping to the next one until the ball lightning dissipates. Secondary targets can attempt to dodge the energy ball as standard.
Secondary targets will take HALF damage(4d6 MD).
Does only 1/4 of the original damage if the secondary targets are nonmetallic or grounded
Organic targets roll for Stun; save at 16 or better or be -8 to strike, dodge, parry, roll, and initiative, reduce APMs and Spd by HALF, for 2d4 melee rds. A successful save means lose only initiative and 1 APM for 1 melee round.
50% chance of knocking out unshielded electronics(or 1d4 subsystems like radio, electronic image amplification, cybernetic sensory implant, or the like) for 1d4 melees.
Beings susceptible to electricity take DOUBLE damage.
Rate of Fire: Standard
Payload: Effectively Unlimited
Bonuses: +2 to strike metallic targets

h) Plasma Cannon
Range: 3,300 ft
Damage: 5d6 MD per shot, 2d4x10 MD for a four-shot burst
Rate of Fire: Standard
Payload: Effectively Unlimited

6) Lateral Missile Launchers(2)---These are similar the side-slung missile launchers seen on many Rifts Earth AFVs, only scaled up to a size approaching those of light naval vessel installations. They are easily swappable, depending on fire mission needs
a) Mini-Missiles---- 148 (volley of 1-12)
b) Short Range Missiles---- 72 (volley of 1-8)
c) Medium Range Missiles---- 36(volley of 1-6)
d) Long Range Missiles---- 18(volley of 1-6)
e) Artillery Rockets----24(volley of 1-12)
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Re: Paladin Steel Storefront

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Paladin Steel ‘Kel50’ Semiautomatic Pistol
“Sluggies still have a use in low-intensity, but no less lethal, conflict situations. The compatibility of bullet-throwers with specialized ammunition also makes them a low-cost accessory for various horror-hunter and monster extermination organizations. What shrugs off tank-busting particle beam blasts might just go down when hit with a single peach-wood bullet.”

“Sure, for a slug shooter it’s a bit heftier than a regular street snubbie, but it’s not as heavy as an SMG, and you’ll appreciate having the extra magazine capacity in a firefight where you don’t have to change out clips as often.”

The PS Kel50 is an adaptation of the pre-Rifts Kel-Tech P50 semiautomatic pistol. Paladin Steel did a standard reliability upgrade using advanced ‘dry lubricant’ polymer coatings on moving parts, and replacing the original frame and barrel materials with lighter and more durable megadamage composites and synthetics, shaving some weight from the original.
The design configuration features a two-tier fifty-shot magazine)the same used in the P900 Armand PDW, and itself a copy of the pre-Rifts P90 PDW) laid horizontally along the underside of the weapon. The placement of extra weight atop the gun helps prevent kick-up. A longer bolt action reduces recoil force.
Though still heavier than a regular pistol, the Kel50 is more accurate with a softer recoil, giving the weapon favor in gunslinger circles. The common use of the P90/P900 magazine has also helped keep the uncommon 5.7mm rd in production. and distribution

Weight: 3.1 lbs
MDC: 15
Range: 300 ft
Damage:(5.7x28mm round)
(SDC) 3d6+2 SDC per round and is +3 against A.R.
(Standard Wellington/ Exploders) 6d6 SDC per rd
(PSX-2) 1d4 MD per rd, a three round burst does 2d6 MD .
(Can also chamber silver, super-cavitation, and other specialized ammunition types)
Rate of Fire: ECHH, standard
Payload: 50 rd magazine
Special Features:
*Accurate: +1 to strike
*Swivel Magazine doubles as a side-stick handgrip
Cost: 1,100 credits
*Folding Wire Buttstock---adds 10 inches to length. Cost: 50 credits

*Burst Capability---The action can be modified to fire 3-shot bursts. Cost: +700 credits

*Underbarrel Laser Spot--- Adds a +1 to strike. Cost: +300 credits

Paladin Steel ‘Kelsuggy’ SG-4 Pump Action Shotgun
(aka “Slayer-Pipe’, ‘Crunper’)

“In the age of personal energy weapons and commercially available spellcasters, slugthrowers like shotguns are generally considered low-end weapons, but their versatility and low cost have insured them a place in every smart organization’s and person’s arsenal. That high-tech materials sciences and manufacturing methods have made them much more reliable is just icing on the cake.”

“If you ever find yourself in an environment where electronics and atomics just don’t work, it’s a good idea to have a few of these things handy. relatively speaking, they’re not that much more sophisticated than a bow and arrow, and I know of damned few circumstances that prevent sealed chemical explosive propellants from going off. I’ve managed to surprise quite a few smug mages and magic monsters who knew and thought energy disruption and anti-tech spells were their trump card and instead got their faces blown off by my bang-pipes.”

“Never underestimate the boomstick market, if only as a fallback. Personal artillery will NEVER go out of fashion.”

Another ‘repligun’ adaptation of a pre-Rifts Kel-Tech design, the KSG, the SG-4 is a bullpup pump-action 12-gauge shotgun. The design feeds from two tubular magazines laid side-by-side under the barrel, with a selector switch on either side of the weapon allowing for switching between the magazines, either to select a full magazine or chamber specialized loadouts. Paladin Steel has made the weapon more durable using megadamage materials, and improved reliability to the point the gun is considered ‘mud-safe’ and corrosion-proof.
As with other projectile weapons in their lineup, PS’s SG-4 repligun has found a ready home with security forces, colonial militia, frontiersmen and adventurers.

Weight: 7 lbs
MDC: 20
Range: Varies by ammunition type(see below)
Damage:(12 Gauge)
*Standard Shotgun shell--150 ft range, 5d6 SDC
*Standard Buckshot shell---150 ft range, 4d6 SDC to 5 ft area
*Teargas shell---150 ft range, 25 ft radius---victims are -10 to strike, parry, and dodge, -3 initiative, lose 1 melee attack/action, for the next 1d6+1 melees
*Baton shell---150 ft range, 2d6 SDC, plus humans and human-sized D-Bees must roll a D20 to maintain their footing (must equal or surpass the attacker's roll to strike...Full rules in TNW p.174).
*S-9Dex Incapacitation Munition ---150 ft range, Essentially a paper-shelled shotgun shell-sized gas-propelled 'cold rocket', packed full of taser beads. Beads powder on impact, reducing the chance of bystanders or incoming police stepping on undischarged beads. Great for crowd control and dealing with closed-space situations(alleyways, rooms, vehicle interiors, etc...)
Effective Range: 150 feet, w/ 20 ft radius
Damage: Nil. Humanoids struck with this weapon must save vs. coma or be shocked unconscious for 1D6 minutes.
Cyborgs have a 60% chance of having their cybernetics disrupted for 1D10 minutes, and a 30% chance of a non-vital system being permanently shorted out.
*High Explosive Armor Piercing Shell---500 ft range, 6d6 MD(no blast radius)
*Mini-Grenade(plasma)--- 500 ft range, 5d6 MD to 5 ft blast radius
*Mini-Grenade II(Fragmentation)---500 ft range, 2d4 MD to 10 ft blast radius
*Standard HESH Shell---500 ft range, 2D4 M.D. plus 4D4 S.D.C. to the person(s) inside of EBA power/body armor & roll versus knockdown (14)

Can chamber a variety of other ammunition types, including rubber, silver, wood, Glaser, and TW bullets.

Rate of Fire: ECHH
Payload: 2x 7 shot tubular magazines + 1 in the barrel.
Special Features:
*Top Sighting Rail
*Underbarrel Sight/Flashlight Rail
Cost: 1,200 credits
*Forward Handgrip---Cost: 30 credits

*Underbarrel Laser Spot--- Adds a +1 to strike. Cost: +300 credits

*SG-4B---Aping the Kel-Tek KSG25, the PS-SG4B is a slightly heavier(8.3 lbs), with greater magazine capacity(12 rds per tube, for a total capacity of 24+1 rds). It is also slightly longer than the original(35 inches as opposed to 26 inches), and sells for 1,800 credits.
Last edited by taalismn on Tue Feb 15, 2022 6:29 pm, edited 2 times in total.
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Re: Paladin Steel Storefront

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Quick update on ideas and would like feedback on.

PERIWINKLE GRAIN: The ongoing project to map the Orion Arm of the Milky Way galaxy in the Paladin Steel Rifts Earth. Currently, the project has mapped 400 Light years from Earth, including Kithia, home world of the Kithians and the Arkhon Throneworld, Arkhanos. This is for all the people of the Sol System, also to measure and monitor the Flash across the galaxy. Work has begun on Breakwaters and other structures to slow down the PPE deluge across the galactic leylines.

AGATE COMPASS: Another ongoing ambition to explore Rifts Earth’s Porous Earth. Due to Underground Rift Events, meddling with leylines and subterranean lifeforms, parts of the crust and upper mantle can become connected and mapped. Across North America, structures made with Golden Age tech and know how have been found with recent enclaves kilometers below the surface. These can range from small cities of WMD worshipping psionics, prerifts corporate sanctums and more. The most promising was a route that led all the way to the Geofront of China through the alignment of caverns.
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Re: Paladin Steel Storefront

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89er wrote:Quick update on ideas and would like feedback on.

PERIWINKLE GRAIN: The ongoing project to map the Orion Arm of the Milky Way galaxy in the Paladin Steel Rifts Earth. Currently, the project has mapped 400 Light years from Earth, including Kithia, home world of the Kithians and the Arkhon Throneworld, Arkhanos. This is for all the people of the Sol System, also to measure and monitor the Flash across the galaxy. Work has begun on Breakwaters and other structures to slow down the PPE deluge across the galactic leylines.

I thought that for a while Josh Temple had an expanded 'local galaxy' section dedicated to the descendants of Earth colonists fighting an expanded-upon Arkhon Empire, but it seems to have disappeared. If that's still out there, it would be worth considering, but as the humans and Arkhons considered the region of space the Humans came from as 'haunted' and off-limits, and conditions not conducive to the FTL drive systems they commonly use, that may pose problems for the newcomers from Earth...or maybe the Earth explorers found two separate alternatives with different Arkhon Empires. In either case, the post-Rifts explorers from Earth may be avoiding any civilizations in that section of the galaxy.
Kithia on the other hand may be in the waiting for a stern 'diplomatic' talking to for trying to blackhole-bomb the Earth. Cue the 'monsters from Earth' arriving with diplomacy and gunboats.

89er wrote:AGATE COMPASS: Another ongoing ambition to explore Rifts Earth’s Porous Earth. Due to Underground Rift Events, meddling with leylines and subterranean lifeforms, parts of the crust and upper mantle can become connected and mapped. Across North America, structures made with Golden Age tech and know how have been found with recent enclaves kilometers below the surface. These can range from small cities of WMD worshipping psionics, prerifts corporate sanctums and more. The most promising was a route that led all the way to the Geofront of China through the alignment of caverns.

This sounds fun....I may have to dust off some NPCs from the literal underground. And time to look at expanding the underground mechanical mole fleet?
"Trouble rather the Tiger in his Lair,
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Re: Paladin Steel Storefront

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taalismn wrote:
89er wrote:Quick update on ideas and would like feedback on.

PERIWINKLE GRAIN: The ongoing project to map the Orion Arm of the Milky Way galaxy in the Paladin Steel Rifts Earth. Currently, the project has mapped 400 Light years from Earth, including Kithia, home world of the Kithians and the Arkhon Throneworld, Arkhanos. This is for all the people of the Sol System, also to measure and monitor the Flash across the galaxy. Work has begun on Breakwaters and other structures to slow down the PPE deluge across the galactic leylines.

I thought that for a while Josh Temple had an expanded 'local galaxy' section dedicated to the descendants of Earth colonists fighting an expanded-upon Arkhon Empire, but it seems to have disappeared. If that's still out there, it would be worth considering, but as the humans and Arkhons considered the region of space the Humans came from as 'haunted' and off-limits, and conditions not conducive to the FTL drive systems they commonly use, that may pose problems for the newcomers from Earth...or maybe the Earth explorers found two separate alternatives with different Arkhon Empires. In either case, the post-Rifts explorers from Earth may be avoiding any civilizations in that section of the galaxy.
Kithia on the other hand may be in the waiting for a stern 'diplomatic' talking to for trying to blackhole-bomb the Earth. Cue the 'monsters from Earth' arriving with diplomacy and gunboats.

Little aside, how advanced or backwards would you classify the Arkhons as in relation to Naruni Enterprises or the better known powers in the Three Galaxies?
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Re: Paladin Steel Storefront

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SolCannibal wrote:[
Little aside, how advanced or backwards would you classify the Arkhons as in relation to Naruni Enterprises or the better known powers in the Three Galaxies?

Considering that the Arkhons we see on Earth were a dissident faction driven into exile by the mainstream Arkhon culture, and thus probably weren't allowed to depart with the best of the species' technology....
Okay, Josh Temple made the mainstream Arkies about equivalent to the pre-TimePhone Golgans in my estimation....about a couple generations behind Naruni, though the latter has reliable interdimensional travel and hordes of clients and indentured servant-species they can call upon.
The Earth-Arkies, equipment-wise, would be MUNCHED by the regular forces of the CCW and higher-end mercenary companies. The standard Arkie aerospace fighter, the Spikewish, has only 300 MDC, no forcefield, gun damage of 2d4x10 per blast and a 4,000 ft range, and a top speed of Mach 8 in space. Of the major powers, the slowest fighter is the NE Broadsword, with a top speed of Mach 9, but 550 MDC + forcefield, and rail guns that do 4d6x10 MD at 4,000 ft.
Even with cermameta cladding, Arkhon ships are going to get pounded to powder by superior rail guns and G-cannon, while Arkie tai-beam cannon are stopped by forcefields. Seeing as even CAF ground AFVs have forcefields, the Arkhon army is going to be the snot shot out of them by g-guns.
"Trouble rather the Tiger in his Lair,
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Re: Paladin Steel Storefront

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taalismn wrote:
SolCannibal wrote:Little aside, how advanced or backwards would you classify the Arkhons as in relation to Naruni Enterprises or the better known powers in the Three Galaxies?

Considering that the Arkhons we see on Earth were a dissident faction driven into exile by the mainstream Arkhon culture, and thus probably weren't allowed to depart with the best of the species' technology....

From the text i had more of an impression of their exodus as more of starting an unauthorized migration/campaign to recoup losses - and relocate resources they might have hidden from the other clans. So, a case might be made for what the Arkhons in Rifts Earth have, if not their top-of-the-line tech, to be at least as close as a private group might possess.

Though that might be skewed to Overlord Enno's paranoia and ego-fueled point of view, that bleeds into the clan as a whole through his charisma and apparent jingoistic leadership. Truth be told, what we have on him makes me think a lot of Jacius Larkent in Merctown and his doomed revenge campaign against the Manistique Imperium.

taalismn wrote:Okay, Josh Temple made the mainstream Arkies about equivalent to the pre-TimePhone Golgans in my estimation....about a couple generations behind Naruni, though the latter has reliable interdimensional travel and hordes of clients and indentured servant-species they can call upon.

So, kind of good, kind of bad, i guess. Overall respectable by Rifts Earth standards, but not that big a deal for reasonably developed space civilizations.

taalismn wrote:The Earth-Arkies, equipment-wise, would be MUNCHED by the regular forces of the CCW and higher-end mercenary companies. The standard Arkie aerospace fighter, the Spikewish, has only 300 MDC, no forcefield, gun damage of 2d4x10 per blast and a 4,000 ft range, and a top speed of Mach 8 in space. Of the major powers, the slowest fighter is the NE Broadsword, with a top speed of Mach 9, but 550 MDC + forcefield, and rail guns that do 4d6x10 MD at 4,000 ft.
Even with cermameta cladding, Arkhon ships are going to get pounded to powder by superior rail guns and G-cannon, while Arkie tai-beam cannon are stopped by forcefields. Seeing as even CAF ground AFVs have forcefields, the Arkhon army is going to be the snot shot out of them by g-guns.

Meaning that, as it currently stands, the Earth-Arkhon are more of an foil/opportunity for Cibola or Naruni Enterprises to exploit into obtaining clients across South America than a serious threat, depending on how they went about fixing their gear and establishing a new local infrastructure in the decades since their arrival.
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Re: Paladin Steel Storefront

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TW Planter Golem
(aka ‘Chia-Golem’)
“I wouldn’t think of trusting my prize ghost-roses to mere human servants! No, -Mendel- here provides my pretties with round-the-clock attention and has never failed in the care of them!”

“That shriek tells me somebody tried to enter the house through the greenhouse, and discovered our gardener golem.”

The Planter Golem is an inexpensive(by golem standards) terracotta golem optimized as an agricultural laborer. The Planter Golem, true to its name, resembles an anthromorphized garden pot, with two stubby legs holding up a wide inverse skirt, from which emerges a humanoid torso, arms, and head. The ‘skirt’ is filled with soil, as are numberous cavities in the golem’s shoulders and head.
Besides being a mobile growing medium, the Planter Golem can work as a farm laborer, especially for transplanting seedlings into fields. Some mages use them to grow specific special herbs and plants. Planter Golems can be trusted with simple orders to take care of plants and fields, clearinng, plowing, raking, harrowing, and weeding, though more creative work, such as landscaping, is beyond them. Planter Golems are actually slightly more intelligent than the average Stone or Iron Golem, though that intelligence is focused on the care of plants. They are too slow and awkward to make good fighters, bit are aware of their surroundings and anything that doesn’t belong there. If ordered to, though, they will waddle fearlessly into battle and to their destruction without hesitation.
Planter Golems are fragile constructs compared to their stone and iron cousins, and make poor combatants(though good groundskeepers and watchmen). However, due to the fact that their creation doesn’t require any loss of SDC or Hit Points, as do Stone or Iron Golems, Planter Golems are considered to be CHEAP.

Planter Golems are created using the basic Create Golem spell, at a PPE cost of 300 for the SDC grade, and 600 PPE for the tougher MDC kind. The Golemancer fashions the golem from clay, plants two garnets for the golem’s eyes, carves a heart from a fruit pit or core wood of a tree, places it deep inside the clay, then impresses his cut and bleeding thumb into a final seal in the wet clay, whereupon the soft material hardens up and the golem comes to animated life. The creation arill costs the mage 6 SDC points, but the mage regains these normally.

In Greater New England, a Planter Golem can be bought for as little as 38,000 credits for the basic terracotta model and 66,000 credits for the MDC variant, though extras and artistic flourishes(time and labor) can up the basic cost.

Size: 5-7 ft tall, 250-300 lbs
SDC: 350
MDC: 35 for megadamage
Physical Attributes: I.Q. 7, P.S. 12, Speed: 8
Horror Factor: 10
Magic Abilities:

*Regeneration----Regenerates at a rate of 10 SDC/MDC per hour;.

*Immune to toxins, poisons, psionics and bio-manipulation magic.

*Gardening Affinity----The Planter Golem seems to have a natural green thumb or at least a persistant low-level Grow Plants spell at work, because plants grown in its soil grow at twice their normal rate. Furthermore, the Planter Golem has a baseline Gardening skill of 70%, and seems to know when to water, weed, fertilize, and mulch its botanical charges.

**(Spell) Create Water---Can magically produce enough water to keep the plants in its planters well-hydrated. Some Golems spout the water from their mouths like ornamental fountains, while others seep the water in unseen from under their soil beds.

*Brittle----Sonic and blunt weapons do DOUBLE damage to Planter Golems

Actions/Attacks Per Melee: 5
+1 Initiative
Punch/Kick does 3d6 SDC/MDC depending on target.

*(Spell)Repel Animals---Can magically repel pests that might otherwise damage its plants. 7 PPE to add at the time of creation.

*(Spell)Circle of Rain---Can call up a very localized rain shower once per 24 hours to keep its charges over a larger area watered. 300 ft radius, and lasts 18 minutes. 25 PPE to add at the time of creation.

*(Spell) Planter---This spell mod requires the assistance of an Air -and- an Earth Warlock. Combines Create Wood, Plant Growth, and Circle of Rain to give the Golem the ability to magically fast-grow plants on its body(typically in soil-filled concavities in its back, head, or chest). Once every 24 hours the Golem can create 100 lbs of hard wood, typically in the form of several thick staves or 35 lbs of edibe greens, vegetables, or fruit. A favorite of Mystic Herbalists, who commission such Golems as assistants, growing various herbs in their cavities. 106 PPE to add at the time of creation.

*(Spell) Create Dirt or Clay---This spell is used to create soil for planting. Once every 24 hours the Golem can create 100 lbs of topsoil or liner clay. 6 PPE to add at the time of creation.

*(Spell) Rock to Mud---This spell is used to clear land for planting. Once every 24 hours the Golem can turn 180 lbs of rock permanently into mud(which dries into dirt). 6 PPE to add at the time of creation.

*(Spell) Crumble Stone---Another land-clearing spell. Once every 24 hours the Golem can crack 350 lbs of stone into a weaker form(HALF SDC) 10 PPE to add at the time of creation.

*(Spell) Sheltering Force ---- The Golem can create a light forcefield that shelters the plants(and anybody who has crawled up on top of the golem) growing in its cavities from insects and the elements. Subtracts 1d6 MD from any attacks leveled against it. Lasts 12 hours per activation(Continuous on or near a ley line). 10 PPE to add at the time of creation.

*(Spell) Globe of Daylight ---- Some magic agronomists modify(or commission) their Planter Golems to generate Globe of Daylight illumination to push plant growth. Can burn continuously for 18 hours per activation, and illuminates a 12 ft area. 25 PPE to add at the time of creation.
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Re: Paladin Steel Storefront

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Those make for some quite convenient and useful servants for those with an interest in magic & herbs.
How easy or complicated would it be for any druid OCCs to replicate the process?
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Re: Paladin Steel Storefront

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SolCannibal wrote:Those make for some quite convenient and useful servants for those with an interest in magic & herbs.
How easy or complicated would it be for any druid OCCs to replicate the process?

Druids? Hmmm, difficult to say.
Though I'm now thinking that something even cheaper and more general might be created using a watered-down variant of the Create Magic Mannikin spell. Something cruder and slower, maybe sprouting magic plants/mushrooms* from its wooden construction.

Fun variants of the Planter Golem might be a centauroid version with four legs, a large bowl lower torso, and the upper body off to one side of the pot.

*Gotta see if there's an existing Grow Fungus spell that fast-sprouts usable mushrooms...maybe something in the Old Believer spells? If not, time to create one.
"Trouble rather the Tiger in his Lair,
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Re: Paladin Steel Storefront

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*PS-RG140 Rail Gun
(aka ‘Iron Gun’, ‘Nailer’, ‘Pin-spitter’)
“Once you get past the taint the Deadboys’ usage of these things put on them, they’re not really bad weapons. There’s actually very little that can go wrong with the workings. True, a lot of the reliability of the argee-one-forty’s thanks to more advanced technologies and material sciences refit idiot-proofing the design, but it already had a sound design to begin with and had been through a paring-down process through the Dark Age. Mind you, if I have a choice, there’s a dozen other PS weapons I’d choose over the nailer, but if I only had the one-forty, I wouldn’t consider myself bad off. It’s not a Chauchat by any stretch of the imagination, and quite serviceable as a burst-spitter. ”

“I figured we’d end up recreating something like the old Nema Six-Seventy, but this actually works out better. Somethings actually IMPROVED with the Coming of the Rifts.”

The PS-RG140 is PS’s copy of the C-40R Rail Gun; Paladin Steel has been slow to ape others’ rail gun designs, instead preferring their own longer-ranged heavy-caliber projectile weapons and variable warload massdriver-style cannons. Paladin Steel has largely copied others’ rail gun designs when it feels the need to outfit its forces and affiliates with such weaponry, with occasional niche research(such as that which produced the BAR2).
Once it was decided to copy the CS/NEMA weapon, Paladin Steel set out to ‘Polsten’ it(a reference to the pre-Rifts pre-WW2 Polish successfully copying and simplifying the already highly-regarded Swiss 20mm Oerlikon rapid-fire gun, for faster and cheaper mass-production).
The PS-RG140 does have some technological differences from the C-40R in that it lacks the Coalition weapon’s double-cylinder ‘trombone’ design, in favor of a more compact single-tube frame appearance-wise similar to the Free Quebec Q5-50 or the Lewis Gun. More efficient superconductors, lighter and stronger materials, and more robust and ‘smarter’ solid-state electronics malke the weapon lighter and easier to handle, though the accompanying powerpack and ammunition drum(s) are still fairly bulky.
The main attraction of the rail gun is the relatively low cost and stability of the solid armor-piercing ammunition, and the lack of propellant gases and residues in operation, making maintenance much easier. The PS-RG140 isn’t the most popular weapon, however, because of the existing more powerful alternatives available. It is typically vehicle-mounted, but power armor- and cyborg-configured ‘rifles’ are also available.
Weight: 46 lbs + weight of powerpack(50 lbs) and ammunition drum(120 lb)
Range: 4,000 ft
Damage: 1d4 MD single rd, 1d4x10 MD 40 rd burst
Can also chamber special wood, silver, tracer and D/U-round ammunition.
Rate of Fire: ECHH
Payload: 2,000 rd drum(50 bursts)
A more convenient(15 lb) double-drum saddle clip with 80 rds in each drum(160 rds or 4 bursts) is also available.
Special Features:
* Compatible w/ PS/ASI sighting packages such as the OCSW-TAT02C
* Compatible w/ PS/ASI ‘Trac-Fire’ powered gun mounts
Cost: 34,000 credits

PS- AMcMLW02 ‘Gelson’ Belt-Fed MicroMissile Launcher(15mm)
(aka ‘Chatter-Spatter’, ‘Spitter’, ‘Mikro-Hoser’)
“Burst firing’s a lot easier with the Gelson; instead of punching in the number of missiles you want to launch in a salvo, you just hold the trigger down to missile-spam the battlefield. Mind you, this thing doesn’t do a THING for ammunition economy because it’s very, too, easy to shoot through your ammo supply overkilling a single target.”

“The Gelson and the forty-meme agill are close enough in mass and appearance that in the dark or in a hurry you can easily confuse the two. This can cause serious problems because the two weapons have different ballistic characteristics. Learn to tell the two apart, by feel if nothing else. It could save your life on the battlefield.”

“I know of some UWW technowizards that figured out how to cast ‘smokeless burn’ on each micromissile in a clip-belt so the gunner could fire off bursts without giving away her position with exhaust trails. That idea’s CERTAIN to get back to the Paladins and made into a production option. When that happens, you’re going to see micro-missile burst-sniping become a whole lot more common, especially with the Free Worlds Council who I predict will begin chain-smoking Kreeghor more often that they already are.
There’s a reason why there are executives at Wolfpack Armaments and some or our other more esteemed weapons manufacturers who break down in tears every time the new PS/ASI catalogue comes out. Others just lock themselves in their offices and get drunk.”

“The geeners just pushed the hurt zone a little wider.”

This is a micromissile launcher system based on the larger aircraft -and vehicle-mounted weapons, and uses a single-barrel belt-fed machine gun style system rather than the multi-tube ‘bank’. It’s mechanically more complicated, but easier to train on target and reload in a hurry. While it cannot use out-of-the-box reloads for the regular micromissile launchers due to the need to belt-mount a small propulsion charge to propel the missile clear of the weapon barrel, the Gelson has less recoil than regularautomatic weapons of similar caliber. Because the projectiles develop most of their velocity-thrust once they leave the gun barrel, the weapon can be built lighter.
The Gelson can be fired in the direct fire mode where the gunner aims directly at the target, or it can be used to provide support fire for laser designator-equipped spotters if using beam-rider ammunition, in which case the gunner only has to fire in the general area of the target and the micro-missiles latch onto the appropriate beams and follow them to the target.

Weight: 57 lbs
MDC: 35
Range: Varies by micro-missile type, usually 5,700 ft-7,500 ft. The barrel propellant charge only adds some 50 ft to the range.
Damage:Varies by micro-missile type, usually 1d4 -1d4x10 MD per missile
Bonus: Low recoil gives the weapon a +1 to strike in direct fire ‘dumb’ mode.
Rate of Fire: Standard
Some sub-variants have installed selective fire governors that limit bursts to 30 shots maximum to conserve ammunition.
Payload: Clip(usually 10-30) or belt-feed(usually 100-200)
Special Features:
*Bipod-, tripod-, and pintle-compatible.
Cost: 50,000 credits
*Laser Designator----An underbarrel laser designator can be added, allowing the Gelson to act as its own spotter, but this has proven unpopular with crews, as the weapon is designed for burst firing and not sniping, and the sustained-hold laser beam tends to become visible in the propellant smoke trail-cloud, especially at night with sustained burst firing. Most crews using beam-rider ammo prefer to have a partner(s) concentrate on ‘painting’ the target for them with their own laser designators.

*Sensor Pack---Lifted from the OCSW
Bonuses from Sensor Package:
*Smart-ported for sensor pack- and cyberlink- hookup
*Laser Range-finding and Targeting(6,000 ft range)
*Thermographic Imaging----5,000 ft
*Passive Nightvision---5,000 ft
*Ultrasonic Scanning----1,500 ft range
*Microwave Radar Motion Tracking--160 degree arc, out to 1,000 ft
*Remote Video Feed Capability
*Combat Algorithms----Correct for weapon bouncing and target movement. Gives bonuses of +3 to strike on normal shots, +4 to strike with called shots. +2 initiative thanks to target prioritizing
Cost: 32,000 credits for the sensor package.
The Gelson also comes barreled in 20mm and 30mm, with the same combat weight and 50 ft range increase, but the respective caliber micro-missiles’ range and damage remain unchanged.

PS-ATML02C ’Uno’ Mini-Missile Launcher
(aka ‘Juno’, ‘Jav’, ‘Penny-Popper’)
“Against enemy armor, infantry usually only has the opportunity for one shot. That shot better count.”
This is simply a single-shot disposable Copperhead Anti-Tank Missile launcher. Its light weight and accuracy makes it very popular with GNE troops. To operate, the user simply pops the weapon’s seal, lines up the target in the small flip-up sensor scope, lets the missile ‘see’ the target, and fires when the scope signals target lock.

Weight: 10 lbs; each mini-missile weighs 1.5 lbs.
MDC: Tube has 5 MDC concussion/energy weapon damage, but is considered disposable(once the seal is broken/the weapon fired, the composite material deteriorates like any other material).
Range: 1 mile
Damage: 2d4x10 MD, no blast radius
Rate of Fire: Single-shot
Payload: 1
Bonuses: +5 to strike
Special Features:
*Attachable Sensor Package
* Manual Override---If the missile cannot achieve lock, the user can attempt to manually sight and fire, using their own gunnery(W.P. Heavy Weapons skill) bonuses.
Cost: 1,000 credits, 9,000 credits per missile
*Folding Bipod
*Smart-Sight Compatible
*Beam-Rider Compatible---The Uno can use laser designators to establish target lock.

*’Cobra’ Mini-Missile----The ‘Cobra’ is a new development just entering service. It uses the mechanisms of the Copperhead, but introduces an improved sharped warhead, proximity attiude adjustment sensor and trigger(positions the warhead at the last moment for optimal warhead angle with the target), and new-chemistry rocket engine.
The Cobra is fully compatible with existing Copperhead launch systems, including the ATML02C ’Uno’.
Range: 2.8 miles
Damage: 2d4x10 MD, no blast radius, but CITICA:*DOUBLE) damage on an umodified strike roll of 18-20
Cost: 11,000 credits per missile

‘Wheelie’ Bomb-Drone
(aka ‘Eraser’, ‘Terror-Tire’)
“Another new toy for our drone-jocks, especially those who love remote-racing motorcycles.”

“You’d think that sometthing that wheeled along the ground would be easy to spot and interdict, but you’d think wrong. They’re small, they’re fast, and they can spring out at you from ambush---I’ve heard rumors the geeners will hide a few in the wrecks of vehicles as they pull back and let pursuing forces run into the traps...or wait until the follow up support units start trailing past the wreckage and then spring them. I don’t doubt those rumors; it’s exactly the sort of dirty trick those people would pull.”

“Nice of them to tamp down a nice path through the woods, and give us tracks to follow. Now we have a choice of following their vanguard and taking them up the ass, or following their backpath all the way to their support and supply units. Decisions, decisions.”

PS took a hint from the Mechanoids’ Weevil scout robots when developing this mobile demolition charge. The ‘Wheelie’ looks like a large truck tire, but in reality is two tires side by side. with sensors and stabilizer bars on the hubs. Each gyrostabilized wheel-shaped drum-bomb is actually a self-propelled weapon that rolls at high speed, directed either by remote control or by a preprogrammed subroutine, to the target. Steering is by changing the speed and even the direction of rotation of the individual wheels, like tank treads, so the drone can turn on a dime. Internally, the drone carries a sizeable explosive charge, such as a fusion block or modified missile warhead charge that the drone kamikazes to deliver.
The Wheelie can also be used to scout ahead of a force, looking around corners, testing suspicious ground, and decoying enemy sensors.
Weight: 150 lbs
Size: 29 inches in diameter, 18 inches wide(stabilizers can extend out 9 inches each side)
MDC: Wheels(2) 35 each
Range: 25 miles (Rolls at 75 MPH), but generally deployed at ranges of 10 miles or less due to ground scatter interference witj radio signals.
Damage: Equiv. to a Medium Range Missile warhead; High Explosive 3d6x10 MD to a 30 ft radus, Fragmentation 2d6x10 MD to a 40 ft radus, or Plasma/Napalm 4d6x10 MD to a 40 ft radus,. Has also been sued to deliver TW warheads.
Special Features:
*Normal Light/Low Light/IR Optics
*Laser Terrain Scanner
*Motion Detector--- 200 ft
*Inertial Compass
* Radio---30 mile range, scrambled/encrypted signal
*Autodrive Mode; has 4 non-combat(dodge) actions per melee. Navigation 94%
*Bonus:+2 Automatic Roll
Cost: 60,000 credits+ warhead cost
Option: In the alternative, the drum bombs can have their explosives removed and replaced with a sensor package that can include radiation and chemical sniffers, ground-penetrating radar/sonar to sniff out mines and buried ordnance(100 ft range, 85% accuracy), motion detectors, and other sensor types. It can also be fitted as a decoy, with EM and acoustic emitters that simulate the emissions of a larger vehicle.
"Trouble rather the Tiger in his Lair,
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Re: Paladin Steel Storefront

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I cant find what I need.

Did you ever make an all terrain cargo transport? If so can you tell me the name?
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Re: Paladin Steel Storefront

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Shorty Lickens wrote:I cant find what I need.

Did you ever make an all terrain cargo transport? If so can you tell me the name?

I presume you're looking for something bigger than a four-door family sedan? Not a hover or a true robot vehicle?
Let's see...there;s the Mark V derivative, the DL-600 'Clysdale', there's the slightly smaller DL-500 Arabian, , there's the UV-07 Walking Truck, PS-TT-14 Katir Tactical Truck(Trailer-cab), the PS-T18 Rambo, the GAAB-01 'Go Anywhere' bus, and the PS-HT-170/240/320/400 series...all are customizable.
"Trouble rather the Tiger in his Lair,
Than the Sage among his Books,
For all the Empires and Kingdoms,
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Re: Paladin Steel Storefront

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Did your company ever offer a shotgun?
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Re: Paladin Steel Storefront

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PSAKM-80 'Mega-Deuce' 12 gauge auto-shotgun with light laser
SG-4 Kelsuggy Pump Action Shotgun
IMD-05 Fletcher Fletchette Auto-Rifle(shotgun-like characteristics)

There's a number of under barrel 12-guage attachments for rifles, the PSP05 is a 12-gauge derringer, the HR-02 Superheavy Revolver is a 12-gauge pistol, the HP-03 is a 12-gauge autopistol, and the R-7 Dekar revolver features a single-shot 12-gauge barrel under the regular /357 gun.

At the upper range of shotgun-like weapons is the massive 80mm 'Pulverizer' pump-action cannon.
"Trouble rather the Tiger in his Lair,
Than the Sage among his Books,
For all the Empires and Kingdoms,
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Re: Paladin Steel Storefront

Unread post by Prole »

taalismn wrote:PSAKM-80 'Mega-Deuce' 12 gauge auto-shotgun with light laser
SG-4 Kelsuggy Pump Action Shotgun
IMD-05 Fletcher Fletchette Auto-Rifle(shotgun-like characteristics)

There's a number of under barrel 12-guage attachments for rifles, the PSP05 is a 12-gauge derringer, the HR-02 Superheavy Revolver is a 12-gauge pistol, the HP-03 is a 12-gauge autopistol, and the R-7 Dekar revolver features a single-shot 12-gauge barrel under the regular /357 gun.

At the upper range of shotgun-like weapons is the massive 80mm 'Pulverizer' pump-action cannon.

I lost the 800 page PDF that had all your stuff in it.
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Re: Paladin Steel Storefront

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PS-TWP20 Fiend-Fyre Fifty TW Firebolt Heavy Machine PIstol
(aka ‘Fiend-F@@@er-Fifty’, ‘Asmodi-Eraser’, ‘Fiend-Fryer’)

Nothing takes the wind out of cultists’ sails faster than seeing the ‘dark champion’ they’ve summoned up to deal with the bumbling mundane authorities who barged in on their unholy rituals get shot to oblivion by those same mooks. The fact that the Fiend-Fryer looks less like a magical artifact and more like a cheap bullet-sprayer sells the shock upset effect even more.”

“It’s not a pretty weapon; it’s chunky, angular, bull-nosed, and looks like it was banged together from metal pressings like a cheap SMG. It’s not supposed to be pretty; it’s supposed to get the job done, and that job is putting down an Infernal as quickly as possible. In that, it’s a -beautiful- weapon.”

##“I cannot explain it! Another of our soul-reaper nests has disappeared! All indications before contact with it was lost was that it was destroyed! But that its impossible! The humans should not have the means to destroy even a minor nest so quickly, so completely! There must be other forces at work in this dimension! The prey does not fight back!” ##

This compact, but obscenely-powerful, TW pistol , an improvement over the earlier TWP-19 ‘Scorcha’ pistol, was designed less for versatility and more to take advantage of the Hell Fire spell, with its proven effectiveness against supernatural creatures. The needs of the Minion War raging across multiple dimensions and threatening United Systems Alliance interests pressurized development of a more easily manufactured weapon with a longer fire-duration that could be rushed to the troops.
The ‘Fiend-Fire Fifty’ uses a refined crystal array to bring down PPE cost, a ‘regenerator’ powerstone crystal magazine to supply the power(though it can also slot in PPE-clips as backup), utilizes a spell-booster barrel for greater range, and has a folding design(the power crystal holder, which doubles as a forward handgrip, folds up under the barrel) for easier concealment/carriage.
Less expensive to produce than the earlier ‘Scorcha’ because of the use of cheaper and more available topaz crystals rather than ruby, the ‘3F’ can be distributed more widely, making it very popular with troops in the USA and UWW. Though not as refined-looking as the Scorcha, its ugly-rugged looks and sustained-fire economy have made it a hit with soldiers facing Infernal opposition.

Weight: 6.7 lbs
MDC: 45
Range: 500 ft
Damage: 2d6 MD to humans, Elementals, and other beings, but 1d6x10 to Infernals(Demons, Deevils, Mummies Eternalis, and Scarecrows). Even Infernals normally resistant/impervious to Fire will take HALF damage from this attack.
Rate of Fire: Single shot ECHH, for up to 15 melees ’ firing duration per PPE expenditure.
Payload: 8 PPE for up 15 melees’ firing duration
PPE Capacity:(Light)----100 PPE battery capacity; recharges at 5 PPE per hour, 10 PPE/hour at a leyline
Note: The user can pump his or her own PPE or ISP into the weapon to recharge it an emergency, but at DOUBLE the above listed PPE cost(x4 if ISP; so 10 PPE battery shot takes 20 PPE/40 ISP to manually recharge)
Special Features:
*Starglow---The PPE cylinder normally emits a low-level glow, but it can be increased to glow with a Globe of Daylight spell, illuminating an 84 ft area around it, for 21 minutes per single PPE.

*Lattern Light(1 PPE and lasts 4 hours)---Fills a ten foot area with soft illumination, but CANNOT drive off vampires or other sunlight-sensitive beings.

*LED PPE Counter(keeps track of available power)
*Mounting rails along the top and under the barrel for fitting with a scope, laser sight, or PPE illuminator.
*Butt-socket; can be fitted with a folding shoulder stock
*Spell Booster Barreling
*E-Clip Port
Cost: 45,000 credits
*Powerstone Upgrade---Replaces the slower recharging ‘Greenstar’ powerstone with a faster Ghanam-stone: 5 PPE per hour, 10 PPE/hour at a leyline, 20 PPE/hour on a nexus or in a dimensional pyramid. Cost: 200,000 credits

*Sense Evil---The PPE crystal can flash red if supernatural evil entities approach within a 90 ft radius. Cost: 10,000 credits

*Sense Magic---The PPE crystal can flash yellow if active magic occurs within 120 ft of the weapon. Cost: 10,000 credits
"Trouble rather the Tiger in his Lair,
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Re: Paladin Steel Storefront

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Prole wrote:
taalismn wrote:PSAKM-80 'Mega-Deuce' 12 gauge auto-shotgun with light laser
SG-4 Kelsuggy Pump Action Shotgun
IMD-05 Fletcher Fletchette Auto-Rifle(shotgun-like characteristics)

There's a number of under barrel 12-guage attachments for rifles, the PSP05 is a 12-gauge derringer, the HR-02 Superheavy Revolver is a 12-gauge pistol, the HP-03 is a 12-gauge autopistol, and the R-7 Dekar revolver features a single-shot 12-gauge barrel under the regular /357 gun.

At the upper range of shotgun-like weapons is the massive 80mm 'Pulverizer' pump-action cannon.

I lost the 800 page PDF that had all your stuff in it.

There was an 800 page version? I've got a 2350 version from 2019..
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Re: Paladin Steel Storefront

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kronos wrote:
Prole wrote:
taalismn wrote:PSAKM-80 'Mega-Deuce' 12 gauge auto-shotgun with light laser
SG-4 Kelsuggy Pump Action Shotgun
IMD-05 Fletcher Fletchette Auto-Rifle(shotgun-like characteristics)

There's a number of under barrel 12-guage attachments for rifles, the PSP05 is a 12-gauge derringer, the HR-02 Superheavy Revolver is a 12-gauge pistol, the HP-03 is a 12-gauge autopistol, and the R-7 Dekar revolver features a single-shot 12-gauge barrel under the regular /357 gun.

At the upper range of shotgun-like weapons is the massive 80mm 'Pulverizer' pump-action cannon.

I lost the 800 page PDF that had all your stuff in it.

There was an 800 page version? I've got a 2350 version from 2019..

I ended up finding that version by accident yesterday.
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Re: Paladin Steel Storefront

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As long as you all can find something you like in there, I'm a happy writer.
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Than the Sage among his Books,
For all the Empires and Kingdoms,
The Armies and Works that you hold Dear,
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Re: Paladin Steel Storefront

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This forum REALLY needs a "Search Thread" button.
Every other forum I visit has that function. Anyway, I found them all.

Can carry 2 Tons of supplies. With turret removed can carry 10 tons on open bed.

Can carry up to 4 tons of cargo.

Cargo: 15 tons

Cargo: Two tons in the open deck. 50 tons as a tractor.

Cargo: 380 tons

Cargo: 1 ton

Cargo based on model

Now my PC's have to pick one.
Though there was a cool 4 wheeled transport in one book they could use. Carried up to 10 tons, and the leg-wheels can extend out, like a daddy long-legs.
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Re: Paladin Steel Storefront

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Found it.

"Black Market" page 154-155
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Re: Paladin Steel Storefront

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ASI/USA Ships of Note During The Minion War

Anvil Galaxy-U.S.S. Freedom of Press: A custom stealth carrier created for Rescue and Extraction operations across hostile areas of the cosmos. The deeds of this ship, from egressing young and elderly held for sacrifice to spiriting away cultural treasures from raiders and cults, would be honored well after the Minion War with its declassification years later. The name would be adopted with the creation of the Freepress class Heavy Explorer.

Anvil Galaxy-U.S.S. Pilgrim in Gray: A TW cruiser that fought with the UWW Task Group Unicorn during the Gamma Raids. These events was characterized by Deevil backed Dark Covens who wanted to weaponize the Plane of Radiation with Elemental boosted dirty bombs. The attacks led to renewed interest in non fundamental elemental planes.

Thundercloud Galaxy-U.S.S. Axe Meet Tree and U.S.S. Tree Meet Axe: Twin Corvettes that became infested and taken over by Sparklits. Both ships and their crews were scuttled to prevent falling into Infernal hands.

Thundercloud Galaxy-U.S.S. Optimal Prize: Happened to be in the area with the CCW fighting to protect the Oni Home system from a quartet of Demon Comets, a variation of Demon Stars.

Corkscrew Galaxy-U.S.S. Ticket to Punch: Caught in a temporal swirl that sent them forward in time by nine years. The crew later found a pile of twenty ingots of Mithril in the mess hall with a note that said for damages sustained.

Rifts Earth Orbit- U.S.S. Beneath Huma's Wings: Served as a precaution if any Fiends from the Three Galaxies brought their spaceships into the solar system.
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Re: Paladin Steel Storefront

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89er wrote:ASI/USA Ships of Note During The Minion War.

Somebody discovered Iain Bank's Culture chi-naming conventions I see. :D
"Trouble rather the Tiger in his Lair,
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Re: Paladin Steel Storefront

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89er wrote:ASI/USA Ships of Note During The Minion War

Anvil Galaxy-U.S.S. Freedom of Press: A custom stealth carrier created for Rescue and Extraction operations across hostile areas of the cosmos. The deeds of this ship, from egressing young and elderly held for sacrifice to spiriting away cultural treasures from raiders and cults, would be honored well after the Minion War with its declassification years later. The name would be adopted with the creation of the Freepress class Heavy

Seeing as I just posted the Ethereal stealth carrier, the FoP might or might not be one of that class.
Of course, now I have to start laying the keel for the Freepress Heavy Cruiser class.

89er wrote:Anvil Galaxy-U.S.S. Pilgrim in Gray: A TW cruiser that fought with the UWW Task Group Unicorn during the Gamma Raids. These events was characterized by Deevil backed Dark Covens who wanted to weaponize the Plane of Radiation with Elemental boosted dirty bombs. The attacks led to renewed interest in non fundamental elemental planes.

Not sure what class Pilgrim if Gray might be...or it might be a UWW -built ship given to the USA as part of tech exchanges(Kitsune's website has a few promising designs that might fit).
Of course, now that the door's open, we have to speak of other "non fundamental elemental planes"-
I imagine the Plane of Radiation would be like stepping into the Big Bang a few microseconds after Inflation....
Plane of Magnetism?
Plane of Kinetic Force?

89er wrote:Thundercloud Galaxy-U.S.S. Axe Meet Tree and U.S.S. Tree Meet Axe: Twin Corvettes that became infested and taken over by Sparklits. Both ships and their crews were scuttled to prevent falling into Infernal hands.

Possibly Barong-class corvettes or maybe Sangus.

89er wrote:Thundercloud Galaxy-U.S.S. Optimal Prize: Happened to be in the area with the CCW fighting to protect the Oni Home system from a quartet of Demon Comets, a variation of Demon Stars.

Now have to sketch out Demon Comets, as they're sure to appear elsewhere. The Infernal version of an Asteroid Cruiser?

89er wrote:Corkscrew Galaxy-U.S.S. Ticket to Punch: Caught in a temporal swirl that sent them forward in time by nine years. The crew later found a pile of twenty ingots of Mithril in the mess hall with a note that said for damages sustained.

"Thoth, did you or some of your agents borrow one of our ships without asking first?"

89er wrote:Rifts Earth Orbit- U.S.S. Beneath Huma's Wings: Served as a precaution if any Fiends from the Three Galaxies brought their spaceships into the solar system.

Going to have to figure out what class this is....most likely it's one of the heavier class ships...Maybe a Josh Norton arsenal ship or JN2 battleship.
"Trouble rather the Tiger in his Lair,
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Re: Paladin Steel Storefront

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(expanding on a notion by 89er)
(Note: The Kithians are from Rifter #56 and are the creation of Ovid Pinckert)
)Details of the Terran Protectorate and the Arkhon Emoure mentioned here can be found at the

PERIWINKLE GRAIN and Project BREAKWATER---Activities in the Cosmic Backyard of Rifts Earth(GNEverse)

Gliese 317----49.6 Light Years from Sol.
In airless silence, the large team of vacsuited workers and their attendant labor robots carefully cut and shape stone, then carry and fit the pieces painstakingly into laser-measured and fey sense-approved place.
Cast in stark light by the distant red dwarf star, the construction on the cold airless planetoid is already taking on the unmistakable shape of a giant pyramid.
Hovering above the worksite, the massive Bradford-class workship and its attendant scouts are rechecking and re-calibrating their survey data, updating the workcrews on any details that need to be changed. Though the crews already have a half-dozen similar jobs under their belts, each new job is different, and the work must be perfect and tailored to local conditions for the project’s goals to be achieved. Once they set the last stone, there may be no living workmen coming out here for centuries to make any additional adjustments, if the construction teams have done their jobs right.
In two years the Flash was predicted to percolate through to this region of space and the dormant ley lines barely detectable in the system would flare to energetic life. The construction crew did not want to half-ass the job of installing the circuit breakers on this corner of the cosmos.

Thoth looked at the latest reports forwarded by his agents in Greater New England; another three star systems had been seeded with dimensional capstones. There was no way that the surge of magical energies radiating out from Earth could be contained entirely; the magic had a life of its own and trying to contain the Flows, once unleashed, would prove more dangerous in the long term, but the Flows COULD be shaped to move in other safer ways, and thus pressure relieved.
And Thoth really didn’t want the magic flowing through those particular three systems and into the space, that would invite more trouble than his associates were currently ready for. All in good time, but not now. But channeling the Flows in other directions, such as over things could get INTERESTING.

PERIWINKLE GRAIN is an ongoing effort by the GNE to map and explore its own celestial backyard, an effort necessitated by fears brought on by the Dreadnought Crisis and the Klinta attempt to blackhole-bomb Earth. Greater New England wanted to know what else was in its neighborhood and if any future threats were coming from it.

Using resources(starships) from the Three Galaxies’ United Systems Alliance, PERIWINKLE GRAIN vessels have already surveyed, at last in general, a 200 light year radius around Sol. Typically small groups of 2-4 ships are dispatched to do quick astronomical surveys, ley line and hyperlane mapping, and basic planetological scans looking for signs of intelligent life, with more detailed studies to be conducted later by follow-up expeditions on a case-by-case basis. In the course of these explorations, they’ve surveyed 87 star systems, discovered dozens of brown dwarves, and the Kithian and Arkhon homeworlds. Otherwise, with a few other exceptions, the Milky Way thus far seems rather scantly inhabited compared to the density of species found in the Three Galaxies.

“So what if those humans out there are descendants of ancestoral space colonists from Earth? Or that the ratdoggies are kin to the Arkies? They’re avoiding our region of space like it was the hinterlands of Hell. Why invite getting caught up in their powerplays by proving otherwise? They’re not ready for us, nor us for them. Let’s take advantage of the peace and quiet while it lasts. When they finally decide to poke around in the Forbidden Regions or whatever they call our neighborhood, then, we can deal with them.”

With regards to the Arkhons, with the effective end of the Arkhon threat in the Sol System, there was concern of further trouble with the mother Arkhon culture. The discovery that the main Arkhon nation is being effectively deadlocked by a Human splinter-culture and its allies has come as a relief, as has the discovery that the cultures in the ‘Arkhon/Terran Protectorate Sector’ regard the region Sol is located in as effectively ‘haunted’ and ‘demonic’ space, with exploration in that direction forbidden(or at least strongly discouraged). That the Flash has not advanced in that direction of the galaxy has helped define boundaries. Thus, the GNE/USA has not made any move to contact the cultures in the Arkhon Sector and enlighten them as to the reality. That hasn’t entirely ruled out the possible threat of other Arkhon splinter-clans/cultures causing problems elsewhere, so the GNE/USA remains on alert.

“You Kithians want to destroy the Flash, and our homeworld with it, because of the threat it poses to your culture. The Flash has ALREADY destroyed much of our old cultures, so we’re less threatened by it. We mean to HARNESS the Surge, to make up for what it destroyed, and we’re not about to let you destroy all that we’ve striven to accomplish.”

The KIthians are a different matter; they ARE aware of Rifts Earth and have proactively tried to snuff out the source of the Flash. Their first effort failed, and the GNE/USA is certain that the Kithians might be encouraged to try again. so action was called for. Thus, a heavy formation of warships is being assembled to pay the Kithian homeworld a visit and deliver an ultimatum. The approach isn’t entirely stick, though; the GNE means to sweeten the deal with revelations of their BREAKWATER program. As long as the Kithians don’t interfere and make no further moves against Rifts Earth, BREAKWATER will attempt to dam off the cosmic ley lines leading into Kithian space and stop or at least divert, the Surge from having any further impact in the Kithian region. Of course, if the Kithians refuse to cooperate and persist in their terminal solution to the problem, the GNE/USA intends to demonstrate their technological superiority, stiffened with Surge-empowered meta-talents, to paddle the Kithians into a more cooperative mindset.

“We have a unique opportunity to shape the fabric of space-time for the better using fairly basic tools and skills. Let us not waste this opportunity.”
---Supposedly attributed to Thoth

Project BREAKWATER is an even more ambitious scheme, on a scale arguably equal to, if not even greater than, the 3G Wormhole Initiative, to manipulate the spread of energies erupting from Rifts Earth(the ‘Flash’) and spreading across the Milky Way. Some highly-placed observers suspect that the initiative was started at the prodding of Thoth, who is using the GNE as convenient agents to shape conditions on Rifts Earth and in its galaxy to some greater scheme.
The Rift-initiated Flash is not propagating uniformly in direction or speed out from Earth, thanks to differences in the distribution and strength of the ley line stress points in the Milky Way’s space/time fabric.
This has given the BREAKWATER teams time to reach and build dimensional pyramid ‘capstones’ on various select celestial bodies in advance of the reawakening of the ley lines running through their regions of space. These constructions will (hopefully) prevent the renewed energy activity from cascading, using those bodies as junction-nodes to spread down other let line avenues and spread further chaos.

The standard BREAKWATER installation task-group consists of a heavy transport such a Bradford, Brunel, Geothals, Brahmar or Webbe Hayes to carry workers(a mix of technicians and Stone Masters, plus a contingent of work-bots). several scouts(including a PIecemeal or Firestorm exploration ship) to survey planetary bodies and map out local ley lines, and several additional transports carrying construction supplies. If entering a region where the Flash has already passed, or there are indications of life and other spacefarers, the taskforce may be escorted by a security element of warships.
The standard ‘capstone’ is a solid pyramid, concealed if possible in the local terrain. These structures will typically only have a small shaft and interior space for remote monitoring instrumentation. Other ‘breakwaters’ may house more extensive interior spaces for scientific monitoring equipment, emergency ‘life station’ gear, or potential future expansion as ley line transport stations and outposts. Additional auxiliary structures may be built nearby, depending on future plans for the sites.

Adventure Hooks:
*Meeting the Neighbors---Whether as an independent effort or an attached part of an official GNE/USA effort, the PCs get to explore the Milky Way galaxy. This may involve confronting the Arkhons, the Kithians, or some entirely new alien species.

*Cracking the Pyramid---While traveling through space, the PCs stumble across a pyramid complex on some remote planet. While the more genre-suspicious PCs might give the place a wide berth, more adventurous or greedy characters decide to see if the structures contain anything of value, like forgotten knowledge, ancient treasures, or valuable artifacts, Cue ‘shaggy dog’ resolution when all they find are a few discarded ration wrappers and a dedication plague from a Rifts Earth-headquartered construction company or corps of engineers revealing the pyramids to be only a handful of years old. Bonus points if the PCs’ destructive means of gaining entry have destabilized the capstone’s function and let Flash energies run rampant(“Good Job Breaking It, Hero!”).

Conversely, parties out there might know what the BREAKWATER project is all about and seek to subvert it. So it’s possible that agents of various groups, such as the Splugorth, Sunaj, or Infernals are out to find the Breakwaters and destroy them, with the goal being to unleash the Flash and spread potential chaos wider and farther. The PCs may be part(knowingly or unwittingly) part of such a group, or may be in a position(or tasked) to stop such attempts.
"Trouble rather the Tiger in his Lair,
Than the Sage among his Books,
For all the Empires and Kingdoms,
The Armies and Works that you hold Dear,
Are to him but the Playthings of the Moment,
To be turned over with the Flick of a Finger,
And the Turning of a Page"

--------Rudyard Kipling
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