Paladin Steel Storefront

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Re: Paladin Steel Storefront

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Paladin Steel MC-012 ‘Zubrin’ Ranger-Bike
(aka ‘Zuby’)

“Forget about flashy looks; give me something that WORKS. Something that starts, every time, any time. That doesn’t require constant trips back to the big city and the mechanics’ shop. Something that’s as free and independent as me, can live off the land, and be there when I need it.”

“Roll-top canopies are especially popular now, especially if you can combine them with the new solar chargers.”

“We don’t think of ourselves as being late to the market, but of taking the time to find what the market wants.”

The PS ‘Zubrin’ is a lightweight motorbike originally meant for cheap, fast, low-tech personal transport on low-gravity worlds like Mars. Several blueprints were found in Paladin Steel’s corporate archives from before the Coming of the Rifts, suggesting the design was being prototyped(or at least its main structural members being fabricated) in part by PS for the anticipated Mars colonization effort. Though originally meant for use offworld, and with a chemical powerplant, advances in megadamage materials and power supplies have meant that the Zubrin can be easily adapted to a number of environs, including the local terrestrial scene. Heavily sprung for travelling over undeveloped terrain, the bike was considered well-suited for traversing the wilderness and ruins of Rifts Earth,
Hungry to put a design in the ever lucrative bike market, PS has applied its modular technology to outfit the Zubrin with a choice of powerplants, including a methanol/oxygen fuel cell, lithium-battery pack, and micro-nuclear ‘suitcase’ cell, which can be quickly slipped into the fantail power/engine space. Additional features, including magtraction systems, weapons systems, sensor modules, and light armor cowlings, can be purchased. The Zubrin comes standard with a light roll cage around the rider that helps protect them if the bike falls or rolls over. Because it was originally meant to be easy to ride over uneroded extraterrestrial terrain by riders in encumbering environmental suits, the bike had to be stable, tough, and easy to use.
The resulting vehicle has been marketed by PS as a ‘ranger bike’, hoping to appeal to the rugged, independent, wilderness-traveling soul looking for good, cheap, reliable transportation. On Rifts Earth it has debuted modestly well, in the face of more established types such as the Highwayman, Nomad, and the rest of the Northern Gun lineup, but the Zubrin’s big market has been offworld with the GNE and USAn colonies and Fringe worlds.

Type: PS-MC-012 Zubrin
Class: Multi-Environmental Utility Motorcycle
Crew: One, with room for one passenger squeezed in behind the driver
MDC/Armor By Location
Main Body 100
Wheels(2) 10 each
Head Light 6
Length: 6 ft
Weight: 300 lbs
Cargo: Up to 100 lbs of gear in ‘saddlebags’
Powerplant: Liquid Fuel(can use any petroleum-based fuel or alcohol-fuel), Methanol-Oxygen, Battery-Electric, or micropac Nuclear
Range: Liquid Fuel(350 miles), Methanol-Oxygen(400 miles), Battery-Electric(400 miles/3.5 hours), or micropac Nuclear (w/ 5 year energy life)
Speed: 150 MPH
Penalties: None on paved rds, -5% on dirt roads, grass, and gravel., -8% on rock. =20% over rougher terrain, mud, undergrowth, and deep snow.
Market Cost: 20,000 credits for liquid fuel, , 24,000 credits for Methanol-Oxygen, 26,000 credits for Battery-Electric, 57,000 credits for Super-Solar , 900,000 credits for Nuclear
Systems of Note:
-Basic Dashboard Readouts
-Headlight---Normal light/IR. Range of 350 ft.
-Roller Bar Cage Assembly---Vehicle takes HALF damage and rider takes 1/3 normal damage in a roll-over.
-Heavy Shock Absorber System---The Zubrin’s suspension is sprung for rigorous off-road travel; reduce speed when off paved roads by only 25%., and reduce driving penalties for traversing rough terrain by HALF. Can survive drops of 15 ft(under terrestrial gravity) without taking damage.
-Stable Design----The Zubrin gives a +5% to Pilot: Motorcycle rolls, thanks to its stable balance.

Weapons Systems: None standard

*Frame Reinforcement--Can add an extra 25 MDC to the frame, using more advanced materials, albeit at higher expense. Cost: 800 credits per additional point of MDC up to 25 .

*Armored Wheels----Reinforced run-flat tires with 20 MDC each. Cost: 4,000 credits for the complete set of two.

*Carapace-Faring---This is a combination safety harness/streamlining frame that hinges at the back of the seat and folds down over the rider’s back and shoulders, locking in place and providing an additional 15 MDC of armor protection against attacks from above/behind. It also gives a speed improvement of 1d10 MPH because of its streamlining effect. Lose any speed improvement if carrying a passenger(who’s going to be squashed and decidedly uncomfortable under the carapace). Cost: 2,000 credits

*Super-Solar Charger---- This option, available to fuel-cell and battery-electric models, uses Three Galaxies’ technology to provide a solar-powered backup. A compact folding solar collector opens up into a 15 ft square array. 3 hours’ exposure in direct sunlight recharges the battery. Cost: 65,000 credits.

*Sensor Suite
a)Sensor Cluster--Small sensor dish on a turntable
MDC: 25
Sensors: Mini-Radar--5 mile range
Motion Detector--200 ft range
Laser Illuminator-----6,000 ft range, Designates targets for laser-guided munitions/weapons
Laser Targeting System(+1 to strike)
Cost: 18,000 credits

*Speed Boost/Engine Upgrade----A more powerful engine, more efficient power train, and improved transmission can be added, improving overall speed, but at greater expense;
Speed: Can improve top speed by up to 40%
Cost: 120,000 credits per 10% of improvement over base. 300,000 credits for nuclear upgrades.

*Regenerating Power Cell( Battery-Electric)---Using the same technology they ‘acquired’ for regenerating E-clips, PS has incorporated a similar system into an improved battery for light vehicles. This 20 lb unit regenerates a full 48-hour charge in four hours, up to seven times before needing refurbishment. The technology is still fairly expensive, though; a single PS RPC costs 95,000 credits(inclusion of Three Galaxies technology is expected to bring the price down to 75,000 credits)

*Jump Jets----Inspired by the Juicer ‘Tarantula’ Jump-Bike; they can leap the ‘cycle 8 ft up/ across per 1 MPH of speed, or can lift straight up 15 ft and hover for 1d4x10 seconds. Enough charge for 7 jumps before needing recharging(takes 5 minutes to recharge for one jump). Comes with a gyrostabilizer and autopilot program to assist in landings, so no special training is required(the Juicer community regards this as cheating).
Cost: 120,000 credits

*Mag Traction System-----The ‘economy’ version of PS’s Virtual Tread Traction System, that allows a vehicle superior handling on wet ground and sloping surfaces by generating a short range ‘virtual surface’ directly under/in front of the wheels(not strong enough to appreciably levitate the vehicle, but enough to negate any skidding or miring). The downside of it is that in anything less than a nuclear-powered vehicle, the energy expenditure can quickly drain the cycle’s batteries.
Bonuses:+15% to control rolls
Penalties: If driving with a liquid fuel or electric engine, reduce gas mileage/range by 10% per hour of activation that the MagTrac system is engaged.
Cost: 80,000 credits.

*Weapons Mounts(1-2)-----Same as for PS’s hovercycle lines. Up to two weapons can be mounted in the front end of the motorcycle.

a) Lasers
Range: 1,000 ft
Damage: 2d6 MD per shot, 6d6 MD pulse burst
Rate of Fire: EPCHH
Payload: 150 shot battery. Effectively Unlimited if nuclear powered
Cost: 18,000 credits

b) Ion Blasters
Range: 600 ft
Damage: 3d6 MD single shot, 6d6 MD pulse burst
Rate of Fire: EPCHH
Payload: 100 shot battery. Effectively Unlimited if nuclear powered
Cost: 18,000 credits

c) Cyborg Machine Gun
Range: 2,000 ft
Damage:(SDC) 1d6x10 SDC per 10 rd burst
(MD) 1 MD single rd, 2d4 MD per 10 rd burst
(PSX-2) 1d4 MD per rd, 1d4x10 MD per 10 rd burst.
Rate of Fire: EPCHH
Payload: 300 rd drum
Cost: 18,000 credits

d) MicroMissile Launcher(s)----12 shot pod. Cost: 15,000 credits for the launcher

e)PS-RL-210 Fragmentation Rocket Launcher( a copy of an imported Russian design). Note that PS has also been experimenting with an incendiary variant using a magnesium mixture.
Range: 4,000 ft
Damage: 1d6 single projectile, 1d6x10 MD per 10 rd burst/volley
at 3,500 ft, the rds go ‘grapeshot’, doing 3d6 MD(1 MD for a single shot) in a 12 ft wide area.
(Incendiary “Hot-Grape” Version)---Do an additional +2 MD per rd, and 1 MD of damage for 1d4 melees as the flare portion burns down.
Rate of Fire: EGCHH, Volleys of 1-8
Payload: 8 shots per launcher
Cost: 8,000 credits

f) PS-DL-110L Razor-Frizzer( a cut-down copy of an imported Russian design). The PS version uses ceramic and light alloy discs that, either by accident or deliberate design, give off a very audible high-pitched shrieking or buzzing noise when fired.
Range: 1,000 ft
Damage: 1d6 single projectile, 1d6x10 MD per 10 rd burst/volley
Rate of Fire: EGCHH
Payload: 20 shots per launcher
Cost: 9,000 credits

g)PSAGL-23C 23mm Micro-Grenade Launcher
Weight: 6 lbs
Range: 280 ft
Damage: (High Explosive)2d4 MD to a 10 ft area
A 5 rd burst does 1d4x10 MD to an 15 ft area
(Incendiary)---A slug of thermal gel that does 1d6 MD to a 12 ft splash, and an additional 1d4 MD per melee for 1d6 melees
(Flare) Burns with blinding incandescence for 1d6 melees, each round brightly illuminating an area roughly 100 ft in radius. These are NOT parachute flares, but fall normally.
Rate of Fire: ECHH; single shot or 5 round burst
Payload: 25 shot drum
Cost: 9,000 credits. HE Shells cost 400 each, incendiary 450 each, and flare rounds 30 each.

-Smoke Screen Dispenser---Generates a thick, obscuring cloud of dense smoke. Each blast covers a 40 ft area and anyone caught in the cloud of thick, obscuring smoke is -5 to strike, parry, and dodge, and is -1 to Initiative. Has enough smoke-matrix for 6 clouds.
Cost: 7,000 credits. 55 credits for a refill canister.
"Trouble rather the Tiger in his Lair,
Than the Sage among his Books,
For all the Empires and Kingdoms,
The Armies and Works that you hold Dear,
Are to him but the Playthings of the Moment,
To be turned over with the Flick of a Finger,
And the Turning of a Page"

--------Rudyard Kipling
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Re: Paladin Steel Storefront

Unread post by taalismn »

Paladin Steel ‘NASSAP’ ASAT/ABM Submarines
(Aka ‘Shield-boats’, ‘Sty(SDI)-boats’)

“Thought they could come in on our planet’s blind side and land in the ocean where we supposedly couldn’t find them and hardly had any assets capable of hitting them. We sure surprised them when our subs opened up on them during their terminal approach phase.”

“On this assignment, we run silent, we run deep. We don’t interact with the locals hardly at all; all our resupply, our liberty, is done down deep with our stealthed comrades in the Silent Service. And if we ever get an OPO Code Alpha-Triton-Aegis, we will go to alert status and deploy. Together with the Dark Ring sats, we should be able to stop any attack before it even clears its own airspace and even before anybody knows we’re here. With some luck the Opo spooks should be able to defuse tensions diplomatically and we won’t be needed, but we’re ready as backup to prevent this planet from becoming another self-inflicted shatterworld.”
---Captain Lerma Booseman, OPO-USAJCSSN Swashbuckler*

“We are the shield of the people, ready to pull the teeth of whatever enemies may threaten them. We do not perform offensive actions, we prevent attacks from without from ever landing, and in that our weapons are the most noble of all, being purely defensive in design.”

“We drill the crews hard because the consequences of poor performance aren’t going to be docked paychecks or pink slips, it’s going to be destroyed cities. Our training program on every sub we’ve sold, hard as it may seem, has paid off in a few cases when local diplomacy has failed; our ships and the people we’ve trained haven’t missed an incoming when the birds flew. Once they lost the element of shock and terrify when their nukes fizzled and their opposition didn;t immediately slam them back, the black hats sued for peace. Of course, it also helped that in addition to the interceptor systems we gave the white hats, we also showed our negotiating skills with some orbital gunboat diplomacy. Nothing like a view of their country ftamed brom orbit by heavy carriers from the window of the Quest cruiser conference chambers to get some folks thinking about giving peace a chance.”

As part of PS’s marketing of itself as a security and defense-oriented company. Paladin Steel has invested a great deal of time and effort in developing counters to various threats, technological and magical.
The NASSAP(Naval Anti-Spacecraft/Satellite Armaments Program/Platforms) is the aquatic version of the GAMILON land-based high-atmosphere/low-orbit interception system. Several variants of NASSAP configuration exist, built on a common submarine platform.
The basic concept is of a submarine-borne weapons array that can engage targets in high atmosphere/low orbit, allowing for strategic air defense in regions of a planet where land-based installations cannot be located. The use of a submarine platform also allows for some increased stealth, allowing ASAT/ABM assets to remain hidden until actvely deployed.
Missile-based ASAT/ABM submarines are fairly straightforward, with a variety of weapons available, from direct-hit KEWs to x-ray laser-tipped SLBMs. The submarines were developed from the basic design of the PS-U-33 ‘Moshup’ Submersible Superhauler and Assault Carrier. improved through advances in materials, powerplants, and stealth technologies. The large cargo bays have been replaced with space for heavy missile launchers or energy weapons.
The energy weapon version of the NASSAP faces the greatest technical challenges, as the submarines have to surface to deploy their laser- or particle beam weapons. These weapons are starship grade projectors that have to compensate for the greater density of atmosphere they have to punch up through from sea level. These vessels mount extra powerplants to power their weapons, and take advantage of the surrounding water to help cool their weapons, though staying in one location for sustained firings may result in a telltale thermal bloom that pinpoints the vessel for retaliatory action. Crews are thus taught ‘pop and go’ operations to reduce their risk when engaging.
PS/GNE has deployed most of the ASSBN-21s/NASSAPs it has produced so far to its offworld colonies, but it has also constructed and sold many to other parties looking for planetary security(against both offworlders and other planetary nations with ICBMs). Several USAJC peacekeeper taskforces have deployed marine elements, including NASSAPs, as part of their forces on planets where the locals have nuclear weapons capabilities and lomg range delivery systems.
NASSAPs typically deploy as components of special naval taskforces, with escorts of hunter-killer submarines to protect them, decoy units to draw attacks away from them, and recon/communications units to maintain secure data feeds and targeting information to the submarines so they can respond to threats.

*(OPO-USAJCSSN Swashbuckler----A laser-armed ASSBN-21 constructed at the New Holland boatyards, Swashbuckler and its captain Lerma Booseman, are veterans of three offworld peacekeeping campaigns with the Office of Positive Outcomes. Transported by PS/ASI- SC10 Tychan heavy interstellar transports, Captain Booseman and Swashbuckler have carried out one overt intervention mission and two covert SHADOW-ANGEL operations, one of the latter of which went ‘hot’. accounted for nine ICBMs, vaporizing the missiles before they could deploy their MIRVs. Together with an stealthed overwatch battelite net, the NASSAPs prevented a pre-emptive strike from developing into a nuclear holocaust. The appearance of USA starships and diplomats forced the local warring factions back to the negotiation table.
Captain Booseman’s interest in SDI work is somewhat personal; her brother-on-law is a transplantee on Kendelson and a survivor of nuke-world Shute-1.)

Class: Naval Anti-Spacecraft/Satellite Armaments Program/Platform
Anti-Spacecraft/Ballistic Missile Submarine
Crew: 150
MDC/Armor by Location:
Main Body 2,800
Conning Tower 800
Main Thrusters(4) 300 each
MHD “Caterpillar” Drive(1) 500
Decoy/Sonar Pod 500
Missile Hatches(24)(Missile variant) 200 each
Weapons Turrets(1-2)(Energy weapon variant) 700 each
Height: :(Hull) 40 ft (W/ Conning Tower) 55 ft
Draft: 41 ft
Width: 80 ft
Length: 580 ft
Weight: 50,000 tons
Cargo: 400 tons
Powerplant: Nuclear Fusion w/ 20 year energy life
Speed: (Surfaced) 35 MPH(Submerged) 45 MPH, maximum depth tolerance of 7,000 ft
(MHD Drive, Underwater and surfaced): 30 MPH
Market Cost: 350 million credits
Systems of Note:
Standard Submarine Systems, plus:
*Phased Array Radar----100 mile range. This gives the sybmarine some ability to acquire targets on its own, but it works best with targeting information relayed to it from other sensr platforms.
*Long-range Sonar----(Passive) 200 miles, (Active) 90 miles
*Magnetic Anomaly Detector----Mounted in the bow is a passive magnetic anomaly detector(MAD) for locating other submarines and ships. ----10 mile range
*Communications---Long Range Radio: 500 miles
*Periscope System w/ full optics, including pasive nightvision, telescopic, and laser range finding. Also includes a mast-mounted radar system(50 mile range) and radar detectors.
*Full Environmental System---Can sustain a breathable atmosphere for up to 175 days.
*Escape Pods---The Moshups have escape pods sufficient for the crew and the listed number of passengers. Each pod carries a solar-powered desalination kit and concentrated foodstuffs for two weeks(pill rations primarily).
*Transmitter Buoys---The sub crew can encrypt and record messages into these disposable floater pods, which then float to the surface, extend an antennae, ‘burp’-transmitt their scrambled message, then self-destruct. This allows the submarine to transmitt information without giving away their exact position, but they can’t recieve messages either.

*Desalination System---The ship can make its own fresh water from salt water, up to 800 gallons a day.

*Hull Degausser---This system can be used to periodically demagnetize the hull, loosening the grip of magnetic-attachment limpet mines, and reducing the effectiveness of magnetically-triggered ocean mines in detecting the vessel and detonating.

*Stealth Systems---PS has managed to develop its own stealthing measures for submarine use...-25% to enemy detection roles)

Weapons Systems:
1) Medium Torpedo Tubes(6)----To defend itsefl against submarine enemies, the PS-SSBN-21 carries a modest torpedo armament
1)Torpedo Tubes(6)---Mounted in the bow are six heavy torpedo tubes
Range: 10 miles
Damage:3d6x10 MD(HE) or 4d6x10 MD(plasma)
Rate of Fire:Volleys of 1,2,3, 4, 5, or 6
Payload:24 total; a full melee round/15 seconds is needed to reload a single torpedo
Note: May also be used to launch encapsulated Harpoon missiles, mines, SUBROCs, or decoy pods.

2) Surface to Low Orbit Weapons---The NASSAPs focus on either hyperveolcity missiles or high-powered energy weapons. The cargo space of the Moshups is now taken up by missile launch tubes or power generation for the heavy energy weapons.
Technowizardry weapons systems are also under consideration/development.
a) Long Range Interceptor Missiles----These are high-velocity missiles meant to hit spacecraft or ballistic missile warheads on reentry. These weapons CAN be fired while the submarine is still submerged, and can take targeting data from other sources once fired or rely on their own sensors to acquire their targets(especially during terminal homing phase).
Range:Varies by missile type
Damage:Varies by missile type
Rate of Fire: Volleys of 1,2, 3,4,6, 8, 10, or 12
Payload: 24
Sample Missile-Types:
*PS-ALABM /SSpM-07 ‘Dragon Slayer’ Air-Launched Surface-to-Space Interceptor Missile(Aka ‘Alabama’)----
Range: 300 miles
Damage: 2d4x100 MD to a 200 ft blast radius
(Neutron Flux) The warhead also creates an intense blast of neutrons in a 900 ft radius. On a Natural 16-20, the neutron flux will cause inadequately shielded fisison powerplants to overheat, causing a partial meltdown or force an emergency shutdown by the safety systems, disrupting their power. Fission warheads will be rendered inert(and on a Natural 20 will prematurely go critical, suffering an additional 2d10x10 MD, destroying their casing, and likely spreading radioactive materials around).
Bonuses:+7 to strike flying targets only

*Sub-Launched Extra-Atmospheric Cruise Missile---This is a starship-class cruise missile on a hypersonic tarnsatmospheric booster.

*X-Ray Laser Bombs---These are smaller SLBM-lofted weapons that use the explosion of a fission or fusion warhead to power x-ray laser rods. Popular with SDI architects because they can engage multiple targets at great range(in addition to the booster)
Range: 1,000 miles(4,000 miles in space)+laser range
(Kitsune Values: 3,000 miles in atmosphere, 1,000,000 miles in space)+laser range
Damage: 2d6x100 MD laser blast; range 70 miles(Kitsune Value: 70,000 miles). Laser-reflective armors do NOT halve X-ray laser damage.---One-shot weapon that destroys itself in the process of firing.
Advanced models can target as many as 6 separate targets within range simultaneously.

In the alternative, turreted heavy energy weapons can be carried instead, Unlike the missile launchers, the submarine must surface to raise and employ its turrets.

b) Heavy Laser Cannon(2)---These sacrifice power for rate of fire and range.
Range: 30 miles in atmosphere, 100 miles in space
(Kitsune Values: 100 miles in atmosphere, 100,000 miles in space)
Damage: 3d6x1,000 MD per blast
Rate of Fire: Once per melee
Payload: Effectively Unlimited

c) Particle Beam Cannon(2)
Range: 45 miles in atmosphere, 70 miles in space
(Kitsune Values)70 miles in atmosphere, 70,000 miles in space
Damage: 5d6x100 MD per blast at full offensive power mode.
The particle beam also has a more innocuous mode that does NO damage, but does enhanced EM damage.
The beam is less effective against shielded systems such as those on space structures(25%) and military systems(10% for surface military vehicles), which are hardened against radiation.
Against spacecraft, it acts in the same manner as an Ion Cannon, doing damage as follows:
5d6x100 EMP damage(special) per blast
Shields take 1/4 damage from EM blasts
Does NO PHYSICAL damage to hull, but attacks the electrical systems:
For every 10% of total main body MDC damage inflicted on a target by Disruptor Cannon fire, the target will be -1 to strike, parry(if applicable), and Dodge. Acceleration will be reduced by 15%.
At 60% or more main body damage from disruptor blasts, the ship is disabled completely.
Rate of Fire: Once per melee
Payload: Effectively unlimited

d) Tachyon Sprayer(1)
Range: 50 miles (25,000 m) in atmosphere, 100 miles (100,000 m) in space w/ 12 mile wide arc*
(Kitsune Values: 50 miles in atmosphere, 50,000 miles in space)
*Width are reduced to 1/4th in atmosphere
Damage: 1d4x1,000 MD per blast
Rate of Fire: Twice per melee
Payload: Effectively Unlimited.

e) Plasma-Laser Cannon(2)-----The Plasma-Laser Cannon is a unique WZTechYard development for a dual mode weapon that can fire both long range photonic pulses and short-range plasma bursts thanks to an ‘open barrel’ design. In laser mode, the cannon fires a focused stream of coherent light like any other laser, but in plasma mode, a mini-forcefield containment field is established around the end of the barrel, and deuterium gas introduced. The laser switches modes to become a plasma-excitor, superheating the gas into a plasma, then magnetic expulsion and photonic pressure are used to expel the plasma at high speed towards the target. The result is a wide-aperature, short-ranged, plasma blast, effective for area of effect attacks and antimissile work.
The NASSAP version seen deployed on the ASSBN-21s are capital starship-class weapons that have not been seen before on WZT ships, suggesting that WZT/PS /ASI have been jointly operating an advanced development program of scaling up the Plasma-Laser Cannon, and the first operational results have been deployed on terrestrial platforms.
The ASSBN-21 will ypically mount two weapons; if the laser on one misses a taregt, the second in plasma mode will try to catch the target in a plasma cloud.
Range:(Laser)300 miles in atmosphere, 600 miles in space
(Kitsune Values: 300 miles in atmosphere, 3,000 miles in space)
(Plasma) 200 miles in atmosphere(200,000 miles in space)
(Kitsune Values: 200 miles in atmosphere, 200,000 miles in space)
Damage:(Laser) 1d6x120 MD per shot
(Plasma) 1d4x100 MD per blast, affects a 500 ft-wide blast area.
Rate of Fire:(Laser) EGCHH
(Plasma) 3 times per melee
Payload: (Laser)Effectively Unlimited
(Plasma)Has enough deuterium for 100 shots per cannon.

3) Blue-Green Lasers(6, two on the sail/conning tower, two forward, and two aft ventral)--Thes eare typically used as anti-torpedo /antipersonnel weapons.
Range: 4000 ft
Damage:1d6x10 MD per single blast
Rate of Fire: ECHH
Payload: Effectively unlimited

4)Countermeasure Launchers(4, 2 in the conning tower, two in the tail vanes). These launchers can deploy Deep Flares, Screamers, and other accoustic decoys. Note also that the torpedo tubes can be used to launch long-range ‘smart’ decoys.
Screamers are specialized one-use munnitions that when fired, broadcast a massive burst of noise across all audio/sonic frequencies, with the intended effect of destroying acoustic target(sonar) locks, and allowing the sub to escape opponents using sonar to detect or track them. -60% to track the sub via sonar while the Screamer is in effect, while sonar-guided weapons are -10 to strike. plus accoustic-homing weapons will break target lock to attack the decoy.
Screamers also have the effect of stunning dolphins, whales, and other creatures using natural sonar and echo location. These creatures are disoriented/stunned for 1d4 melees.
A typical screamer will last 1d4 melees until it burns out or is destroyed.
Screamers can also be fused to ignite/activate anywhen up to a minute(4 melees) after deployment.
Note: Screamers will affect the user’s own sonar systems.
Range: 6,000 ft
Damage: None
Rate of Fire: Can fire off Screamers in salvos of 1 or 2
Payload: 10 Screamers per launcher
"Trouble rather the Tiger in his Lair,
Than the Sage among his Books,
For all the Empires and Kingdoms,
The Armies and Works that you hold Dear,
Are to him but the Playthings of the Moment,
To be turned over with the Flick of a Finger,
And the Turning of a Page"

--------Rudyard Kipling
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Re: Paladin Steel Storefront

Unread post by taalismn »

Paladin Steel P-39TW ‘SuperKobra’ Retro-Replica Fighter Aircraft
(aka ‘SupraCobra’, ‘KzarKobra’, ‘Petrov Pinwheel’)

“Kolodenko’s smart; he’s intrigued by technowizardry and wants to see what we do with it, so his own local developing talent has a guide. He’s also aware of how interested we are in Earth’s history and dangling a project that symbolizes past alliances between our nations is right rich bait.”

“The cockpit provides a good view forward and to the sides, and with vision enhancement systems mounted in the windows and on the helmet, you can use the long range of the main gun to best effect. Some of the pilots with stealth wizardry added on have made some impressive attacks sneaking up on enemy formations and opening up with their cannons before the antags knew they were being hit. The magic self-repair’s a hoot too; I can’t count the number of times I’ve had my fuselage poked full of whistling holes from shrap-rockets and flak fire, and I’ve been able to self-patch in time to make touchdown back at base. Keeps the ground crews having to find new things to yell at me about.”

“Got a report of some stragglers from Solokov’s kennels making trouble along the eastern frontier. They’re desperately in need of some attention. Last contact had them just south of Malkakolig; your pinwheels up for some taiga-hopping?”

The Bell P-39 Airacobra was a pre-Rifts military aircraft fielded by the United States of America at the beginning of World War 2. The design incorporated a number of design features that showed that the USA’s military was willing to try new things; the design had its engine located in the middle of the fuselage, and drove the propellor through a long shaft running under the cockpit. The cockpit itself had car-style side doors, and good all-around view, while the aircraft itself was carried on tricycle landing gear. The design was well-armored for its time and well-armed, with four machine guns of various calibers, and a 37mm cannon firing through the center of the propellor. The design showed considerable promise, but went to war without the benefit of a turbocharged engine, as had been suggested by Bell engineers. The result of the omission proved disastrous for the Airacobra, as it was found to be underpowered against faster opponents such as the German Me-109(and later FockWulf designs) and Japanese aircraft such as the A6M (Zero), and the USA air forces ultimately decided the Airacobra was unsuccessful and dropped it in favor of designs that would soon become much more famous, such as the P-47 Thunderbolt and the P-51 Mustang. A later improved P-63 ‘KingCobra’ design was rolled out to fix some of the original P-39’s flaws, but did little to redeem the tarnished image of the Airacobra.
A good percentage of P-39 production was subsequently shipped to the Soviet Union under the Lend-Lease agreements. There the Airacobra enjoyed a surprisingly successful second life as a ground attack aircraft alongside other ground support designs like the Ilyushin ‘Sturmovich’.

Skip forward to the Rifts era and technowizards who rediscover the design archives of the pre-Rifts Golden Age. In societies like Greater New England, technowizards had the time and resources(and crazed disposition) to revisit and revive old designs, often just to prove they could. Though the P-39 was not a n obvious choice for a TW retro-replica, it somehow became just such a project. It is rumored that the GNE’s growing trade ties with the Russian realms led to the aviation-minded Warlord Kolodenko suggesting a technowizardry rebuild of a Western aircraft that proved historically important to the Russian lands in their time of need. Kolodenko’s seed of an idea apparently found fertile ground in Paladin Steel’s Hangar-18B thinktank, because a year later a new aircraft rolled out of their hangar-labs.
The new retro-flier looks very much externally like the old P-39/63, but internally it’s an entirely different beast. Megadamage materials replace the old SDC construction, and resolve a number of airframe fragility issues of the Airacobra. A strengthened wingframe allows for the carriage of heavier underwing hardpoints. The replacement of the underpowered Allison piston ICE with a technowizardry powerstone system cures the lack of horsepower and provides enough extra power for weapons and other accessory systems to improve the performance and survivability of the aircraft.
Weapons-wise, the P-39TW replaces the 37mm axial cannon with an enhanced heavy TW TK-cannon of PS-make. The twin .50 caliber machine guns remain the same, but use more modern materials for more reliable performance, and now fire a variety of improved munitions. The smaller .30-caliber machine guns have been replaced with TK-MGs. The underwing payload capacity has been improved, allowing for a variety of bombs, rocket-pods, gun-packs, and other ordnance to be carried, though external loadouts remain light compared to other aircraft types.
The sensor suite of the P-39TW is optical; a number of optical enhancements can or are built into the windshields of the aircraft, or can be helmet-mounted.
The biggest complaint about the P-39TW is the lack of a radar system; the airframe has no convenient place to mount a radar set, so the aircraft can only carry a radar detector to warn of other radars being used in its vicinity, but not scan with its own. The aircraft is thus reliant on other escorts with radar capability.

The P-39TW has seen most of its production fly off to the united Kolodenko-Romanov kingdoms; several squadrons in Kolodenko and Romanov colors, as well as the blue-and-gold of their united lands, made a very visible appearance over Kiev on the first birthday of the two warlords’ Progen-born daughters. The magic nature of many of the P-39TW’s weapons makes it very useful in combating the many paranormal monsters haunting eastern Europe and greater Asia.
For his part, Warlord Seriyev is amused by Kolodenko’s ‘pinwheels’(Seriyev much prefers his shiny new jets) but respects the brave bush-pilots that are keeping trouble from drifting out of the former Orloff/Solokov territories, so he’s acquired a few for his new Klia technowizards to play with(one never knows what might come of it, and the businessman Seriyev sees it as a low-risk investment).

The aircraft is also available through Paladin Steel and Aegis Stellar Industries.

Type: PS/H18B-P39TW SuperKobra
Class: TechnoWizardry Fighter/Ground Attack Aircraft
Crew: One
MDC/Armor by Location:
Main Body 190
Cockpit 120
Tail 120
Wings(2) 140 each
Landing Gear(3) 90 each
Height: 12.7 ft
Width: 38 ft wingspan
Length: 32.5 ft
Weight: 6,900 lbs empty, 8,900 lbs fully loaded
Cargo: Survival pack in ejection seat
Powerplant: TW Powerstone w/ 12 year energy life
---180 PPE battery capacity; recharges at 10 PPE per hour, 40 PPE/hour at a leyline, 80 PPE/hour on a nexus
Speed:(Flying) 450 MPH, maximum altitude of 39,000 ft.
Market Cost: 22 million credits
Systems of Note:
Standard Aircraft Systems, plus:
*Ejection Seat
*Radio--100 mile range
*Life Support System(48 hour oxygen supply/filtration)
*Photosensitive Cockpit Bubble(polarized glare-blocking)

*Autopilot---This simply allows the pilot to set speed, altitude, and heading, and the plane will automatically fly itself along the set course. Great for long flights, allowing the pilot to rest.

*Laser Targeting---+2 to strike with ranged weaponry

*Low-Light Vision Optics----A Golden Age improvement over limited-field night-vision goggles, the Head Up Display-mounted light enhancer allows the pilot to see a still limited but broader slice of the course ahead, even in near-total darkness.

*ECCM system: A semiautomatic system that uses electronic encryption and frequency jumping to (attempt to) negate jamming systems. The system has a 25% chance of negating radar or communications jamming (non-magical) on its own, or a +5% if the pilot has a Read Sensory Instruments or Radio: Scramblers skill and devotes a full melee to operating the system(no other attacks/actions are possible).
Having an Electronic warfare Skill gains a +15% bonus to operating this system.
Note that this only applies to received communications (the system filters them out from the jamming clutter) and sensory data received by that unit alone (other units cannot make use of it, unless they have an unaffected datalink/info-share with the ECCM equipped unit. Magic/psychic jamming is NOT affected by this system.

Weapons Systems:
1) TW-TK Cannon(1, nose)----The central gun position shooting through the center of the propellor spinner is reserved for a TW energy weapon. Initially a boosted range Heavy TK Machine Gun was mounted, but later compact versions of heavier TK cannons were made available:
a)Heavy Barrel TK Machine Gun
Range: 8,000 ft(double on ley lines)
Damage: 2d4 MD single shot, 3d6 MD short(5 shot) burst, 5d6 MD long (10 shot) burst, 2d6x10 MD full melee (50 shot) burst.
Rate of Fire: EPCHH
Payload: Effectively Unlimited; powering spells must be recast every six months. 200 shot ‘back-up’ PPE clip
Cost: 200,000 credits

b) TW Barrage Storm Cannon---Unleashes a storm of mini-bolts of magic force that shotgun into a target.
Range: 6,000 ft
Damage: 1d6x10 MD, plus all other effects as described for the Barrage spell.
Rate of Fire: EPCHH
Payload: 13 PPE per shot for the regular version; aircraft version’s spells must be renewed/recast every six months. 200 shot ‘back-up’ PPE clip
Cost: 750,000 credits

c)TW Power Bolt Cannon---Fires a large bolt of mystic force that hits hard and deep.
Range: 8,400 ft
Damage: 5d6+20 MD per blast
Rate of Fire: EPCHH
Payload: 10 PPE per shot for the regular version; aircraft version’s spells must be renewed/recast every six months. 200 shot ‘back-up’ PPE clip
Cost: 450,000 credits

d)Extended Range TW Starfire Cannon
Range: 5,000 ft(double on ley lines)
Damage: 2d6x10 MD per single shot
Rate of Fire: Single shot, EPCHH
Payload: Effectively Unlimited; powering spells must be recast every six months. 50 shot ‘back-up’ PPE battery.

2) .50-caliber Heavy Machine Guns(2, nose)---A projectile gun secondary armament has been retained as a hedge against enemies immune to magic and energy. Besides being very reliable, the ‘fifty-cals’ can fire a variety of ammunition types.
Range: 19,000 ft(
Damage:(SDC rd) 7d6 SDC per single rd, 2d6x10+20 SDC per 40 rd burst per single gun
(Exploders)1 MD per single rd, 4d6 MD per 40 rd burst per single gun
(Ramjet rd) 1d4 MD per single rd, 5d6 MD per 40 rd burst per single gun
(PSX-1)1d4 MD per single rd, 2d4x10 MD per 40 rd burst per single gun
Rate of Fire: EPCHH
Payload: 2,000 rds(50 bursts) per gun

3) TW-TK Machine Guns(2, one each wing)---The light .30-caliber machine guns of the original have been replaced with TK MGs.
Range: 4,000 ft(double on ley lines)(8,000 ft/1.6 miles in space)
(Kitsune Values: 160 miles in space)
Damage: 6d6 MD burst per single gun.
A dual burst from both guns, firing at once, does 12d6 MD.
Rate of Fire: EPCHH
Payload: Effectively Unlimited; the arming spells must be re-primed and recharged every four weeks.

In the alternative, the wing guns can be replaced with a second pair of .50-caliber Heavy Machine Guns.

4)Underwing Hardpoints(3, 1 under each wing, 1 under the fuselage )--- The P-39TW has an ordnance load of 1,500 lbs, usually distributed among three hardpoints under the body. Typically has ONE of the following:
a) Mini-Missiles---19-shot pod
b) Short Range Missiles---1 per hardpoint
c) Medium Range Missiles---1 per hardpoint
d) Bombs---500 lbs per hardpoint
*250-lb Bomb----2d4x10 MD to 50 ft blast radius
*500-lb Bomb----4d4x10 MD to 60 ft blast radius
e) Razor Disk Launcher
Range: 2,000 ft
Damage: 1d6 single projectile, 1d6x10 MD per 10 rd burst/volley
Rate of Fire: EPCHH
Payload: 2,000 rd drum
Cost: 80,000 credits

f) Grapeshot Launcher
Range: 4,000 ft
Damage: 1d6 single projectile, 1d6x10 MD per 10 rd burst/volley
at 3,500 ft, the rds go ‘grapeshot’, doing 3d6 MD(1 MD for a single shot) in a 12 ft wide area.
(Incendiary “Hot-Grape” Version)---Do an additional +2 MD per rd, and 1 MD of damage for 1d4 melees as the flare portion burns down.
Rate of Fire: EPCHH
Payload: 500 rd magazine

g) PSAGL-40B Automatic Grenade Launcher
Range: 7,000 ft
Damage: Identical to the WI-GL20;
Frag rounds do 4d6 MD to a 12-foot radius.
AP rounds do 1d4x10 to a 3-foot blast radius,
and Plasma rounds do 1d4x10+10 to a 5-foot radius.
A 3 round burst of frag shells does 1d4x10 to a 15 foot radius,
a burst of 3 AP shells does 2d4x10 to a 5 foot radius,
and a burst of 3 plasma shells does 3d4x10 to an 8 foot blast radius
A 5 round burst of frag shells does 1d6x10 to a 20 foot radius,
a burst of 5 AP shells does 2d6x10 to a 6 foot area,
and a burst of 5 plasma shells does 3d6x10 to a 10 foot radius.
A 10 round burst of frag shells does 2d6x10 to a 40-foot radius.
A 10 round AP burst does 3d6x10 to an 8-foot area,
and a 10 round plasma burst does 4d6x10+10 to a 15-foot radius!!
Rate of Fire: Standard
Payload: 250 round belt

h) TW Light Rockets----20 shot pod

i) TW Heavy Rockets----10 shot pod

j) Light Pulse Laser Pod
Range: 4,000 ft
Damage: 3d6 MD single shot, 6d6 MD pulse burst
Rate of Fire: EPCHH
Payload: 200 shot battery
Cost: 80,000 credits

k) Ion Blaster Pod
Range: 3,000 ft
Damage: 4d6 MD per blast, 1d4x10 MD per triple pulse burst
Rate of Fire: EPCHH
Payload: 300 shot battery
Cost: 80,000 credits

l) Flare/Chaff Pod
Range: Close Defense
Damage: None; similar to Triax-style chaff
01-50 Enemy Missile or volley detonates in chaff and threat is neutralized
51-75 Missile/Volley diverts and may pursue/lock on to other targets
76-00 No Effect! Missile(s) still on target!
Will also temporarily blind and impede flying monsters who fly into it.
Reduce APMs/combat bonuses/ speed by half for 1d4 melees
Payload: 12 per launcher
Cost: 3,000 credits per launcher; additional flare/chaff bundles cost 200 credits each

m) ECM/Radar Jammer Pod---5 mile range. Jams radars and radar targetting systems with 60% effectiveness. Radar-guided weapons are -6 to strike. Note that this affects friendly systems as well unless they are set to specific, per-arranged, non-jammed frequencies(that it may be possible for the enemy to discover). Carrying extra jammer pods does NOT increase the range or effective bonuses of the system, but may provide redundancy and multi-wavelength coverage.
Cost:50,000 credits

TW Systems:

*MagePlate Armor(Formulation-1C) Armor---The P-39TW has been extensively constructed with F-1C armor; an advanced ectoplasm-impregnated composite material with limited self-repair capabilities.
Formulation-1C lacks F-1B’s vulnerability to magic, but takes DOUBLE the PPE to repair...1 MDC=2 PPE/4 ISP.
This system CANNOT replace a wing or tail that’s been blown off, but it CAN repair damaged fuselage armor, damaged flaps, and other barely-functional, but still attached, parts of the aircraft.

*Wing De-Icer----Ideal for flying in harsh weather and practically standard equipment in the storm-ridden Russian territories. Lasts 2 hours per 5 PPE

*Leyline Booster(Accelerates the aircraft up to 50% greater top speed when on a leyline, -10% to pilot skill when engaged)

*Protective Energy Field---Fairly standard TW protection mechanism, providing 50 MDC per 10 PPE/20 ISP pumped into the system; 10 minute duration per 10 PPE.

*Impervious to Energy( 5 minutes per 20 PPE)

As a TechnoWizardry design/rebuild, the P-39TW is of course subject to lots of individual aircrew experimentation.

*Feather-Light----This turns the runway dependent aircraft into an STOL, or even a VTOL aircraft, by allowing the feather light aircraft to fall gently to the ground! However, this is worse than useless in strong wings, unless the plane is going at power against the wind, otherwise the featherweight plane is tossed about by the wind!
However, with a piloting roll(-10%), the plane can gently land on a rooftop or a small clearing. Conversely, Feather-Light can allow the plane to take off from a small space, provided that there is some sort of updraft, or if the engines can be vectored, or otherwise manipulated to generate lift. Takeoff pilot roll at +5%
Duration: 1 minute per use
PPE Usage: Can be used 10 times before needing recharging, or 20 PPE per use.

*Penetrating Vision Optics---Can be mounted on the dashboard/HUD or on the pilot’ helmet; these TW optics allow the user to peer through cloud and even into the water as if these barriers to clear observation didn’t exist! When engaged, the optics have a range of roughly 7,000 ft, so flying at an altitude of 5,000 ft, the observer can actually see down 2,000 ft through the water! The downside, of course, is that the optical field is fairly limited(think Nordon Bombsight), and the more powerful TW optics burn PPE at a higher rate; 10 minutes per 10 PPE.

*Breath Without Air----Enables the aircraft to fly at high altitude without standard pressurization reinforcement, if EBA isn’t available(or desired) by the pilot----10 minutes per 10 PPE.

*Acoustic Muffling---This system cuts the drone of the engine, while still allowing the pilot to communicate with other aircraft via radio(though optical semaphore is often used for line-of-sight communication); lasts 5 minutes per 6 PPE/12 ISP.

*Doppleganger-Cloak----This amplification of the Multiple Images Spell allows the aircraft to project multiple ‘ghost’ images of itself(up to 3 separate images). These multiple images can carry out a series of preprogrammed ariel maneuvers(can also simulate weapons fire/gun flashes, but only if the mothership is also firing at the same time), but must remain within a mile of the the projecting aircraft(or they vanish without a trace). Also note that the images don’t show up on radar or thermo-imaging, and cannot be used to fool homing missiles, though they DO give off a PPE trace similar to the projecting aircraft.
Range: ‘Ghosts’ can be projected up to 5,000 ft away
Duration: 5 minutes per activation
PPE Activation Cost: 20 PPE per activation

---Invisibility: Superior/Mystical Stealth System----Renders the aircraft silent and invisible, even during the day. Great for evading detection, surveillance, and tailing, but the moment the aircraft takes any sort of aggressive maneuver, the stealth drops and the aircraft can be readily detected. Costs 20 PPE per 3 minutes of activation.

*NIghtcloak System---Effective only at night, this system renders the aircraft virtually invisible in darkness; enemies are -6 to strike, -4 to dodge. Costs 10 PPE per 30 minutes.

*Blades of Death Spinner-Props----A modified application of the Spinning Blades spell, this system converts conventional propellor blades into powerful melee weapons..... A favorite with daredevil pilots who like getting up close and personal with enemy aircraft, or who like flying through swarms of monsters like Gargoyles, Xiticix, and Winged Black Men, shredding them as they fly past.
The P-39TW typically has a three-blade prop, but four-blade spinners are also available(and becoming popular).
Range: Melee(typically 3-4 ft ahead of the props, and up to half the prop radius out(about a 9 ft radius)
Damage: Does 2d6 MD per blade (6d6-8d6 MD all total)
Duration: 10 melee rounds( 2.5 minutes per activation)
Bonus: Also has a +6 to parry rail gun rounds, autocannon shells, and other projectiles aimed at the propellers
PPE Activation Cost: 20 PPE per activation

*P-39TW-T---Two-seater training craft.

*P-39TW-Xg---Experimental run fitted with Gorang grav-prop ‘technology’. The aircraft have a forcefield of 200 to the front. and 100 to each side, but can only hit speeds of 400 MPH(though no altitude limit). A heavier Type 5 engine has been suggested, but PS engineers are debating whether the slight improvement in speed(to an estimated 500 MPH and jump in field-strength to 250/150 would be worth the expense).

* Shemarrian P-39TW(?)---It’s rumored that an aircraft resembling a P-39TW has appeared in the ranks of the Shemarrian Nation, sporting the purple livery of the Sapphire Cobras. As the Shemarrians are not known for small combat air vehicles, this comes as a considerable surprise to many. Details are scant, but witnesses claim that the variant is particularly radical in nature, with a wholly new articulated wing. Other sources claim that the 'variant’ is more akin to the shell of a P-39TW grafted to a living creature like a wyvern, as part of a cyborg exoskeleton.
"Trouble rather the Tiger in his Lair,
Than the Sage among his Books,
For all the Empires and Kingdoms,
The Armies and Works that you hold Dear,
Are to him but the Playthings of the Moment,
To be turned over with the Flick of a Finger,
And the Turning of a Page"

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Re: Paladin Steel Storefront

Unread post by blade76 »

Hey taalismn, being following you work for years. Have you thought to add in Ninja and Super Spy elements to your work on Paladin Steel. i.e learning about chi and how to manipulate it unlocking chi mastery, atemi.etc while using mediation and yoga to achieve elevted mind staes and Zenjoriki.

Also have you thought of making use of special traing classes from heroes unlimited , maybe even creating your own to account for advances from rifts.

Just some of my thoughts
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Re: Paladin Steel Storefront

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blade76 wrote:Hey taalismn, being following you work for years. Have you thought to add in Ninja and Super Spy elements to your work on Paladin Steel. i.e learning about chi and how to manipulate it unlocking chi mastery, atemi.etc while using mediation and yoga to achieve elevted mind staes and Zenjoriki.

Also have you thought of making use of special traing classes from heroes unlimited , maybe even creating your own to account for advances from rifts.

Just some of my thoughts

Thanks for your following! :D

Yah, OCCs are my weak spot and I've been meaning to incorporate more from Heroes Unlimited and N%SS...but in part I needed to lay the groundwork for such; biotech providing a justification for the adaptation of superpowers and inter dimensional travel for the learning of chi and other martial arts techniques(Paladin Steel, being New England/North America-based, initially suffers from the Western ignorance of the more exotic Eastern martial arts practices).

I've certainly been meaning to look at the special training classes, but for those who want to mix Paladin Steel/GNE with them NOW, the Office of Positive Outcomes is a ready made vehicle for hiring/training those same classes, either locally from Rifts Earth or from other universes. :wink:
"Trouble rather the Tiger in his Lair,
Than the Sage among his Books,
For all the Empires and Kingdoms,
The Armies and Works that you hold Dear,
Are to him but the Playthings of the Moment,
To be turned over with the Flick of a Finger,
And the Turning of a Page"

--------Rudyard Kipling
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Re: Paladin Steel Storefront

Unread post by blade76 »

Perhaps this page could give you some inspiration. An easy and workable system for learning martial arts by trading time for training.

And could you try coming up with unique special training packages that could synergize with enhancements? ... 66&t=16864
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Re: Paladin Steel Storefront

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blade76 wrote:Perhaps this page could give you some inspiration. An easy and workable system for learning martial arts by trading time for training.

And could you try coming up with unique special training packages that could synergize with enhancements? ... 66&t=16864

Yep, thanks for the link. :D 8) :ok:

Actually, while some of the martial arts are more appropriate for PFRPG settings, a few of them would be appropriate for some of the United Systems Alliance members' signature martial arts styles. And if you've been following the USA involvement in the Crusade of Light(as prompted by omegadgundam), you'll know that Thoth himself has been using USA/GNE organizations as trusted agents, so it would not be too farfetched that the Thoth mental disciplines could very well be taught and available to OPO agents and other operatives in the GNEverse.
"Trouble rather the Tiger in his Lair,
Than the Sage among his Books,
For all the Empires and Kingdoms,
The Armies and Works that you hold Dear,
Are to him but the Playthings of the Moment,
To be turned over with the Flick of a Finger,
And the Turning of a Page"

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Re: Paladin Steel Storefront

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I thought I would drop by and check out what new stuff you have.

Taalismn, your creations are always amazing, and you have put a lot of time and effort into them.

Stay healthy and keep creating.
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Re: Paladin Steel Storefront

Unread post by taalismn »

Astral Pantheon wrote:I thought I would drop by and check out what new stuff you have.

Taalismn, your creations are always amazing, and you have put a lot of time and effort into them.

Stay healthy and keep creating.

(bows) Thank you. It encourages me to keep plugging away, knowing that in some small way I'm providing healthy entertainment to folks.

And equal credit goes to the many people who in their own ways and contributions have helped make this thread and my sandbox what it is. I'm clapping for you folks.
"Trouble rather the Tiger in his Lair,
Than the Sage among his Books,
For all the Empires and Kingdoms,
The Armies and Works that you hold Dear,
Are to him but the Playthings of the Moment,
To be turned over with the Flick of a Finger,
And the Turning of a Page"

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Re: Paladin Steel Storefront

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PS-CQW15 Stagar Close Combat Battlestaff Weapon
(aka ‘Gravibard’, ‘Spin-Snag’, ‘Snagga’)

“Even if a GNE Guardsman drops his polearm, don’t take your eyes off the weapon if at all possible. They got some sorts of magic or high tech that allow them to animate and control the things, and that cleaver just might up and come flying at your blind side while you’re busy facing off against its owner. Given that many geeners name and talk to their weapons like they wuz real people, it may just go beyond usual soldier weapon-love and they’ve figured out a way to stick ghosts in their stuff. Or maybe they just came across a whole lot of low rune weapons. Regardless, be careful around geener melee weapons. ”
---DRog-Mal, mercenary

“First time I saw a Noro mental-warrior free-wielding one of these big death-cleavers, I almost shat myself. That damn huge flying blade swinging around like a baton raised visceral fears of sharp instruments and disembowelment in me. And that lady was on OUR side!”
---Sergeant Emol Gravitz, Colonial Guard-Constabulary, Urduke

“Think the g-usans’ ranged combat doctrine makes for weak cee-que fighters? Maybe, but they got enough cross-training and hardware tricks to make up for the weakness. And they got enough recruits from neo-barb worlds where hack-and-slash is still a way of life, if not an art, to fill out the ranks. Putting them together with exotic-tech melee weapons? Recipe for murder. Yours. Trying to close the distance with usan formations is therefore NOT a good idea; it’s feeding your troops into a blender.”
---Doso Gren-Mauldee, Trensik Mercenary

A heavy halbard/billhook- or polearm-style melee weapon, the stagar(named for a Wynaro flying weapon of myth) uses both technowizardry and advanced contragravitics to produce a supremely lethal melee weapon.
Using technologies pioneered in the CQW-’Fight Stick’ series, Paladin Steel has incorporated a number of multi-functions into the weapon. The ‘business’ end features a wicked vibroblade and curved hook-spike, while the butt-end can extend a curved grappling/ripping hook of its own(“It can get you coming and going’, as one ex-opponent describes it).
A miniature contragravity system integrated into the staff helps negate the weight of the heavy weapon, allowing weaker beings to wield the weapon more easily(it still has considerable inertia, however, so weaker beings may have trouble pulling strikes, for example). The CG system also allows the weapon to levitate and fly in limted fashion, and that’s where the other aspect of this weapon comes into play. Either using a helmet- or implant-neural control link, or psychic power, the stagar can be remotely controlled in flight. The weapon can be pitched forward and back, or quickly twirled aound its center to form a parrying shield-pattern, knocking aside limbs, appendages, melee weapons and even projectiles. The link also allows the weapon to be aimed more accurately when used as a projectile, and more easily recovered afterwards.
Interestingly, Malkovitch Enterprises has come out with a similar weapon at about the same time that Paladin Steel/Aegis Stellar Industries rolled theirs out to market. Though lacking many of the options(and all of the techowizardry ones) the Malkovitch weapon is similar enough to suggest it was drawn up from the same plans as the PS design. As PS/ASI has not claimed patent-right infringement in the courts, it has suggested to many observers either the existence of some sort of gentlemen’s agreement between the two corporations or that a collaboration produced the weapon.
Though the weapon takes some practice to be used with any meaningful proficiency, the stagar is catching on with warrior-types, especially the stronger and more psychic-capable species.

Weight: 25 lbs
MDC: 100
Range: Melee, and can remotely control the flying weapon from up to 500 ft away. Must be kept line-of-sight.
Damage:(Polearm Blade) 3d6 +3 MD cleaving strike, 2d6 +4 MD stab/raking cut, 4d6 MD if thrown/launched as a projectile(+1 to strike)
Using the flat side of the blade delivers a slap of 2d6 SDC+ punch damage.
(Grapple/Ripper Hook) 2d4 MD, +1 entangle if configured as a grapple
(Spin Mode) 6d6 MD, +3 parry melee attacks, +2 parry projectile attacks
Rate of Fire: ECHH
Special Features:
-Internal Battery good for 96 hours of continual levitation. A standard e-clip can be used/drained to recharge the battery, but gives only 6 hours’ worth of power.
Without the contragravity system buffering the weight, beings with a P.S. of 15 or less(or supernatural PS of 12) will have trouble handling this weapon: -2 to strike/parry. With the AGrav on, they may suffer a -2 to pull strikes, due to the weapon’s inertia.
Cost: 18,000 credits.
6,000 credits for a neural control headset(can be fitted inside a helmet), 4,000 credits for a neural control link implant(must have a headjack and radio implant to be upgraded).
8,000 credits for a telepathic link receiver

*Silver-plating---More than mere ornamentation, it turns the weapon into a potential paranormal-slayer. Cost: 2,000 credits

*Mystic Oak Inlays----Though not enough to grant the holder supernatural strength, the enchanted oak inlays are substantial enough to negate the weight of the weapon for the holder even with the gravitonics offline. Cost: 120,000 credits

*PPE Powerstone---Adds a PPE power crystal similar to those installed in other PS/ASI technowizardry weapons; this allows the addition of other spell-based enhancements(see the Bladeworks listings for popular spell add-ons).
Ghanam Arms Limited Regenerator Cylinder :
*(Light)----100 PPE capacity, cost: 450,000-200,000 credits

Merrill Armaments ‘Greenstar’ PPE Clips:
*’Light’---75 PPE capacity, cost: 9,000 credits
*’Light’--- 100 PPE capacity, cost: 12,000 credits
*’Heavy’---200 PPE capacity, cost: 24,000 credits
*’Max’---300 PPE capacity, cost: 36,000 credits

*Spinning Blades(TW) ---A Paladin Steel favorite. Used in conjunction with the stagar’s contragravity spin-shield mode, it effectively gives the user TWO chances to parry incoming attacks.
Range:(Vibroblade/Spinning Blades)Melee when just the vibroblade’s in use. When activated, the Spinning Blades spell can reach 300 ft away, used offensively. If ejected as projectiles, the blades can reach 700 ft.
(Vibroblade/Spinning Blades)1d6 MD for the vibroblade.
When activated, the Spinning Blades spell produces 7 blades that each do 1d6 MD each(regardless of what the blade was/does originally) in defensive mode(+6 to parry, +2 to parry energy attacks) or 2d6x7 MD in offensive ‘buzzsaw’ mode(enemy CANNOT parry).
Can also fire the magical blades like projectiles, 1-2 at a time, each doing 1d6 MD on impact, and +3 to strike. The blades disappear on impact.
Rate of Fire: ECHH
Payload:10 PPE for 7 melee rounds
Cost: 37,000 credits

*Magic Shield--- Generates a flowing field of force around the axe-bill head. CANNOT be used in conjunction with spin-shield mode. (60 MDC, +1 to parry material attacks, -8 to parry energy attacks. Costs 3 PPE to activate, and lasts 12 minutes)
Cost: 24,000 credits

*CQW15AT---(aka ‘Mago-slaya’)Anti-Theron-enhanced model. Rather than add magic systems, this model adds ANTI-magic features in the form of a silver blade and EE-Canister)the same used by PS’s anti-theron rifles) of anti-theron-generating tailored bacteria that generate a nega-magic field.
The psychically-active organisms can be stimulated to produce energy that disrupts active PPE. This energy can be piped through the weapon via special silver and stabilized ectoplasmic channels, resulting in an aura of magic disruption about the weapon. This is particularly telling when the weapon is used in melee combat with supernatural creatures, as each strike, and even close proximity, will cause an opponent’s PPE to destabilize.
Because the anti-therons are not projected very far, as with anti-theron projection weapons, the organisms can last somewhat longer in their life support medium. However, the culture-canister still needs to be changed out every six months and replaced with a fresh culture.
Range: Anti-theron field radiates about 12 inches out from the blade
Effects of Anti-Theron Weaponry:
Damage: Varies according to the attack type, but ALL anti-Theron weapons use the following guidelines
Depending on how much PPE is present and how essential it is to an organism’s survival, damage varies:
Techno-Wizardry Devices(including TW generators), enchanted objects, rune weapons, and other magically-infused(but INANIMATE) objects are NOT affected and take no damage.
Non-magical beings. psychics, and ‘mundanes’ are unaffected and experience nothing aside from a slight tingling sensation, mild sunburn-like symptoms, and a passing feeling of nausea from a Disruptor strike. They still take damage from the cyborg’s punches and kicks, but take no extra damage from the strike.
Magic Users and other beings who have ‘learned’ or artificially acquired magical abilities(including tattoos and implants), but who can otherwise survive without magic present are affected, but the effects aren’t as dramatic. They do NOT get a save versus the disruption because all of their effort has gone into OPENING themselves to the supernatural and embracing their magical potential. The cyborg’s melee attacks in this case do 25% MORE damage.
Supernatural Creatures who possess some small measure of magical ability will suffer a greater degree of damage/injury. ...normal damage x 1.5. Gargoyles, Brodkil, Lycanthropes, Shapeshifters(including Nightspawn), Possessees, Shifters, and Witches, are all examples of beings in this category. Note that if these beings were to possess bionics or other conditions that NEGATE their magical abilities(like Brodkil bionics) they lose this vulnerability, and are NOT affected, taking damage only as normal. These beings do NOT get a saving roll versus the PPE disruption.
‘High’ Supernatural Beings with a high level of, and reliance on, PPE will suffer greatly, taking DOUBLE damage. This includes Dragons, Angels, Demons, Splugorth, Faerie Folk, Demi-Gods. However, these beings DO get a roll to SAVE versus their own PPE backfiring on them. A successful roll to save HALVES the damage done to them.
Creatures of Pure Magic that cannot survive without magic are the most seriously affected, and take TRIPLE damage. This covers ghosts, possessing entities, Undead, Elemental Beings, Alien Intelligences, and god-beings. However, these beings DO get a roll to SAVE versus their own PPE backfiring on them. A successful roll to save HALVES the damage done to them.
Golems, Iron Juggernauts, and other magically-powered automatons/automations will be effectively STUNNED, being paralyzed for 1d4 melees per shot, and will be unable to move or defend themselves, as magical energy shorts out and storms over them.

Other Effects:
*Magic Disruption----Each strike NEUTRALIZES HALF the number of PPE points that it does damage...these points are temporarily lost to the magic user/creature until it can regain them normally(by rest or drawing on other sources).
*Magical Forcefields take 1.5 normal damage.
*Invisible beings will be revealed by an anti-theron burst/strike and will remain visible for 2d4 melees(gradually fading) as a result of residual anti-therons causing them to flouresce and become visible to the naked eye.

Rate of Fire: ECHH
Payload: The EE-Canister is good for six+1d4 months before the culture begins to go cekkukarly senile and needs to be replaced
Cost: Exclusive to PS/GNE. If made available to the open market, it would cost 32,000+ credits, and 2,000+ credits per fresh viable EE-Canister.

*Malkovitch Enterprises ‘Death Staff’ Weapon----Essentially a stripped-down bare-bones version of the Paladin Steel weapon. It has only 70 MDC, but costs less at 16,000 credits. While some contend that the Malkovitch weapon is the original, others assert the belief that it’s a watered-down clone of PS/ASI work.

*’Shebarr’----EShemarrian version of the Stagar, that appeared at about the same time as the other versions. It’s been suggested that the Steel Gaians had a hand in the design of the Stagar, adding a third party to the development, and they subsequently leaked the design to the Shemarrian Nation.
"Trouble rather the Tiger in his Lair,
Than the Sage among his Books,
For all the Empires and Kingdoms,
The Armies and Works that you hold Dear,
Are to him but the Playthings of the Moment,
To be turned over with the Flick of a Finger,
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Re: Paladin Steel Storefront

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Paladin Steel CQW09 ‘Thunderstroke’ Melee Weapon
(aka ‘Godhamma’, ‘blastblade’, ‘homewrecka’)

“Let’s bring down the house!-----But not on top of ourselves...”

This is a heavy melee weapon that resembles a short polearm or elongated warhammer, with one side mounting a long vibro-blade cutting bar and boat-hook at the end, and the other side studded with heavy-duty Blast-Studs.
The Thunderstroke is heavy enough that it’s best wielded by especially strong beings or those augmented by bionics or power armor( Normal P.S. of 25 or better or supernatural PS of 22 or more, all others suffer a penaty of -3 to strike/parry).
Weight: 60 lbs
MDC: 60
Range: Melee
(Unpowered)Unpowered, the Thunderstroke can serve as a most effective bludgeon; 4d6 SDC+ P.S. damage
(Vibroblade) 2d6 MD
(Vibrohook) 1d4 MD
(Blast Studs) 2d4x10 MD
The powerful electrical charge the Blast Studs deliver as a side effect can also travel up metal surfaces and conductive materials to do further damage;
Rate of Fire: ECHH
Payload: 9 stud-blasts from a Standard E-Clip pack
Cost: 55,000 credits
*Flashbang Amplification----This modifies the blast stud feature to produce an amplified flash and sonic ‘crash’ in the immediate vicinity that can further surprise and stun those around the impact point; those in a 10 ft radius wilthout adequate protection will be -10 to strike, parry, and dodge, -1 on initiative, and lose 1 APM for 1d4 melee rounds. Note that this can affected the weapon’s wielder as well, unless they are somehow protected against the effects, such as ear protection and flash-polarizing goggles. Cost: 1,000 credits
"Trouble rather the Tiger in his Lair,
Than the Sage among his Books,
For all the Empires and Kingdoms,
The Armies and Works that you hold Dear,
Are to him but the Playthings of the Moment,
To be turned over with the Flick of a Finger,
And the Turning of a Page"

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Re: Paladin Steel Storefront

Unread post by 89er »

Finally your getting into the underserved quality polearm market. I understand not getting into swords because the cutlery crowd has always been a territorial measuring contest. Progress has been made by PS in archery and bludgeon options, but what of a polearm with replaceable heads for different chopping, stabbing, slicing and smashing uses. Even without the head, the rod makes a good fighting staff.

Mass produce it as lawn keeping and farming tools, sell to peasantry while suppling the weapon heads under the table. Good for long game revolutions and more.
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Re: Paladin Steel Storefront

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89er wrote:Finally your getting into the underserved quality polearm market. I understand not getting into swords because the cutlery crowd has always been a territorial measuring contest. Progress has been made by PS in archery and bludgeon options, but what of a polearm with replaceable heads for different chopping, stabbing, slicing and smashing uses. Even without the head, the rod makes a good fighting staff.

Mass produce it as lawn keeping and farming tools, sell to peasantry while suppling the weapon heads under the table. Good for long game revolutions and more.

Oj, I'm going to cover the cutlery market in a more general manner. :D

And I got some fan-made spells to apply to melee weapons. I gotta make maximum use of what I got. ;)
"Trouble rather the Tiger in his Lair,
Than the Sage among his Books,
For all the Empires and Kingdoms,
The Armies and Works that you hold Dear,
Are to him but the Playthings of the Moment,
To be turned over with the Flick of a Finger,
And the Turning of a Page"

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Re: Paladin Steel Storefront

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Paladin Steel ‘Roadwave’ Motorcycle
(aka ‘Tar-Tsunami’, ‘Slick-wheels’, ‘Juice-cycle’)

“’Basic’ my arse; the Paladins build things like this as buffet platters for a mountain-load of crazy systems and options. I saw one so tricked out that the rider could blitz-ride Lady Godiva-style through a firefight without getting scratched, hands-free and controlling her bike only by thigh pressure on the saddleseat. Then some ringo tried to get a lasso on her, and instead of a nice handful of captive, he wound up getting a rear headlight laser-blinding , a tire-shredding load of micro-grenades, and a full-face road-burn. Crazy exhibitionist, but that gal definitely knew how to accessorize.”

“On Crosyar, we got paved roads, courtesy of the founding fathers melting us a nice network of connectors between the colony sites using the reaction thrusters on the landers. Nice, smooth, and speedy...and the local predators have learned there’s no real difference between the roads and game trails. Oh, the diraths and skulkleggers have learned to avoid the big armored caravaners, but small vehicles and lone travellers are still fair game, and we lose a few every year to attacks. Know a couple of folks who bought fancy new Roadwaves and went into the messanger business, and we placed bets they’d wind up in dirath droppings, but those new cycles have proven fast enough and armed enough to pay back the investment their riders made. The betting pool’s not paid out on a death yet.”
-Tomlo Collyns, Mayor of Bracridge, Crosyar.

<<“I have come to -love- two things to date in my existence; my Roadwave and Technician Elsingly who gave me the Roadwave. The former is particularly useful in tracking down and surprising the latter.“>>
-Eris Tuthreetu (RS-232), Sensoid Consort to the USAJC peaceforce contingent on Garren IV

The Roadwave is a sideline PS offering for urban cyclists looking for a ‘cool ride’. It is low-slung, sleek, and fast, powered by a variety of powerplants, and possesses a streamlined styling uncommon in Paladin Steel offerings. Some claim it was inspired by reports of the sleek racing bikes seen in Japan, some of which have begun appearing on the North American black market.
The Roadwave lacks more than basic offroad performance, but its paved-surface characteristics make it a contender in urban markets. Adjustable systems allow it to be driven either as a prone or recumbent bike, and a long list of options and modifications make it clearly a Paladin Steel ride. Offworld technologies and production techniques have helped bring the price down, but the Roadwave is still more expensive than most locally-produced Rifts Earth motorcycles.
Paladin Steel still has an uphill battle against the established virtual monopoly Northern Gun has on the North American motorcycle market, but PS/ASI can also sell offworld, where the Roadwave is doing better. The Roadwave is very popular with Greater New England’s many bio-augments and light cyborgs.

Type: PS-MC-014 Roadwave
Class: Motorcycle
Crew: One
MDC/Armor by Location:
Main Body 170
Wheels(2) 15 each
Head Light 5
Height: 2.5 ft
Width: 1.8 ft
Length: 6.8 ft
Weight: 400 lbs
Cargo: Up to 50 lbs of gear in ‘saddlebags’
Powerplant: Electric(w/2,000 mile range), Nuclear (w/ 12 year energy life), or TW (w/ 5 year energy life, but can drive virtually forever on a leyline)
Speed: 270 MPH
Penalties: None on paved roads, -10% on dirt roads, grass, and gravel., -15% on rock. -30% over rougher terrain, mud, undergrowth, and deep snow.
Market Cost: 69,000 credits for Battery-Electric, 860,000 credits for Nuclear, 950,000 credits for TW .
Systems of Note:
-Basic Dashboard Readouts
-Headlight---Normal light/IR. Range of 350 ft.
*Silent Operation---The Roadwave’s electric engine and transmission is exceptionally quiet; so quiet in fact that some buyers also install a sound generator to give off the very audible growl of a powerful internal combustion powerplant. Has a baseline Prowl ability of 75% on paved surfaces.
*Stabilization Control----The Roadwave’s design allows for smoother handling, especially at high speed; +8% to piloting rolls
- Comes with slots to be fitted with a Cyberlink Vehicle Interface.

Weapons Systems: None standard(see Options)


*Roller Bar Cage Assembly---Vehicle takes HALF damage and rider takes 1/3 normal damage in a roll-over. Cost: 1,000 credits

*Carapace-Faring---This is a combination safety harness/streamliming frame that hinges at the back of the seat and folds down over the rider’s back and shoulders, locking in place and providing an additional 15 MDC of armor protection against attacks from above/behind. It also gives a speed improvement of 2d10 MPH because of its streamlining effect. Lose any speed improvement if carrying a passenger(who’s going to be squashed and decidedly uncomfortable under the carapace). Cost: 2,600 credits

*Aerogel Safety System----In place of airbags, the Roadwave can be fitted with a sprayer system that when activated instantly engulfs the rider in shock-absorbing, fire-retardant, but air permeable, aerogel. Inside the foam bubble, the person is cushioned from shock(takes only 1/8 normal damage from kinetic shock, punches, falls, and blows), floats like a pool toy, and is reasinably safe from fire(takes 1/8 normal damage from heat and smoke). The foam easily tears away with slow deliberate motions. The system has enough aerogel matrix for four uses before needing replacement(500 credits). Cost: 4,000 credits

*Armored Wheels----Reinforced run-flat tires with 25 MDC each. Cost: 5,000 credits for the complete set of two.

*Road-Scanner---Low-power LIDAR/radar constantly scans the road ahead for potential dangers such as potholes, slicks, debris, trees, utility poles, spike strips, animals and pedestrians, and will sound a visual and auditory alert and recommended course corrections to avoid the hazard. +1 to initiative and +1 to dodge road hazards. 1,000 ft range. Cost: 7,000 credits

*Bio-Lock---The ignition and controls can be tied into a biometric lock that only responds to the owner/designated driver’s unique biocharacteristics. This won’t prevent theft(it’s possible to bypass the system altogether), but it will render it much more difficult and time-consuming to hotwire. Cost: 6,000 credits

*Mag Traction System-----The ‘economy’ version of PS’s Virtual Tread Traction System, that allows a vehicle superior handling on wet ground and sloping surfaces by generating a short range ‘virtual surface’ directly under/in front of the wheels(not strong enough to appreciably levitate the vehicle, but enough to negate any skidding or miring). The downside of it is that in anything less than a nuclear-powered vehicle, the energy expenditure can quickly drain the cycle’s batteries.
Bonuses:+15% to control rolls
Penalties: If driving with a liquid fuel or electric engine, reduce gas mileage/range by 10% per hour of activation that the MagTrac system is engaged.
Cost: 80,000 credits.

*Weapons Mounts(1-2)-----Same as for PS’s hovercycle lines. Up to two weapons can be mounted in the front end of the motorcycle.
a) Lasers
Range: 1,000 ft
Damage: 2d6 MD per shot, 6d6 MD pulse burst
Rate of Fire: EPCHH
Payload: 150 shot battery. Effectively Unlimited if nuclear powered
Cost: 18,000 credits

b) Ion Blasters
Range: 600 ft
Damage: 3d6 MD single shot, 6d6 MD pulse burst
Rate of Fire: EPCHH
Payload: 100 shot battery. Effectively Unlimited if nuclear powered
Cost: 18,000 credits

c) Cyborg Machine Gun
Range: 2,000 ft
Damage:(SDC) 1d6x10 SDC per 10 rd burst
(MD) 1 MD single rd, 2d4 MD per 10 rd burst
(PSX-2) 1d4 MD per rd, 1d4x10 MD per 10 rd burst.
Rate of Fire: EPCHH
Payload:300 rd drum
Cost: 18,000 credits

d) MicroMissile Launcher(s)----12 shot pod. Cost: 15,000 credits for the launcher

-Rear Laser Tail Light---The rear tail light assembly can be expanded to feature a rear-mounting light laser(based on the workings of the PS(Mc)LR-9 “SunSting’ Mini-Laser ) to dissuade unwelcome tailers. The laser can be further modified with a blinding feature.
Range: 1,500 ft
Damage: 2d6 MD per shot
Rate of Fire: EPCHH
Payload: 100 shot battery. Effectively Unlimited if nuclear powered
Cost: 15,000 credits
Extra:(Blinder Laser)
Range: 2,000 ft and covers a 10 ft wide area
Damage: None, but on a ‘to strike’ roll(no bonuses) of 5 or better those with unprotected eyes will be temporarily blinded for 1d6 minutes. On a ‘to strike’ roll of 17-19, retinal damage is done; the person’s visual acuity is reduced by 1d6x10% even after that, and the victim must roll vs non-lethal poison; successful roll means that full eyesight is restored after 2d4 days of rest, while a failed save means the damage is permanent, unless medical treatment(or eye replacement) is applied. On a roll of 20, the person’s eyesight is permanently blinded(without treatment or replacement)---01-50% one eye is blinded, 51-00% both eyes are affected. Looking through unfiltered magnifying optics at a blinder laser lowers the damage threshold by -1(so temporary blindness occurs on a 16-18, and permanent blindness on a 19-20).
Rate of Fire: ECHH, but the fan lasers can be set on a continuous beam
Payload: Typically 100 blinder shots(or 10 minutes of continuous operation) equal 1 MD shot off an e-clip. Effectively unlimited linked to a vehicle powerplant.
Cost: 4,000 credits

-Rear Caltrop/Mine Dispensers(1-2)----The outboards of the rear wheels can mount dispenser boxes for road countermeasures, such as an oil slick, springloaded caltrops or 23mm microgrenade mines, to drop in the path of tailing vehicles.
Damage: (Slick-spray) A single application(a tablespoon) will cover nearly four square feet . Slipspray is very nearly water-resistant----it takes ALOT of water, roughly 6-10 gallons, to wash away an ounce of slipspray---or regular industrial solvents will do the trick. Slipspray breaks down after 1d4 hours of exposure to air.
Effects: Anyone trying to move across slipspray must make a roll under their Physical Prowess at -8 or go out of control at full speed. Vehicles, power armors, and light robot vehicles travelling in ground contact across sufficently large patches of slipspray will be at -15% to their piloting rolls..failure means the vehicle goes out of control and takes on the characteristics of a giant hockey puck. Depending on the hardness of the surface(must be a hard surface, not a permeable surface like dirt or gravel), certain heavy vehicles and robots(like the Triax Devastator) will be unaffected, as they simply stomp the affected surface into the subterranean. Hovercraft are NOT affected either.
(Caltrops) 1d4 +1 per every 5 MPH of speed the pursuer who hits one. Living beings on foot simply rolls a dodge to avoid stepping on the caltrops, while wheeled vehicles must make a succesful Piloting roll at -15% to avoid the caltrops. On a failed roll/dodge, roll a d4, d8, or d20, depending on how many were dropped, to see how many caltrops the affected pursuer has actually hit/stumbled on(if the dropper rolled a Natural 20 verses the pursuer’s dodge roll, the pursuer is assumed to have hit ALL the clatrops).
(Micro-Grenades) (High Explosive) 2d4 MD to a 10 ft area
A 5 rd spread does 1d4x10 MD to an 15 ft area
(Incendiary)---A slug of thermal gel that does 1d6 MD to a 12 ft splash, and an additional 1d4 MD per melee for 1d6 melees
(Flare) Burns with blinding incandesence for 1d6 melees, each round brightly illuminating an area roughly 100 ft in radius.
Rate of Fire: ECHH
Caltrops can be dropped in groups of 5, 10, or 25(all)
Payload: (Slick-spray) Tank holds 2 gallons
(Caltrops) 25
(Micro-Grenades) 12
Cost: 3,000 credits. Slick Spray costs 40 credits per ounce(covers 8 square a gallon’s worth will cover 1,024 ft), Caltrops cost 30 each, HE Shells cost 400 each, incendiary 450 each, and flare rounds 30 each.

TW Options:
*TW Powerplant Battery---While a TW powerplant powers the basic motive systems and makes adding TW accessories easier, add-on batteries/powerstones are necessary to power any extras piled on. PS/ASI outlets typically offer small arms-grade powerstones as their compact size doesn’t overburden the small frame of the motorcycle.
PPE Generators: Ghanam Arms Limited Regenerator Cylinder : (Regenerates 5 PPE per hour, 10 PPE/hour at a leyline, 20 PPE/hour on a nexus or in a dimensional pyramid)
*(Light)----100 PPE capacity, cost: 200,000 credits
Merrill Armaments ‘Greenstar’ PPE Clips: (Regenerates 2 PPE per hour/10 at a ley line)
*’Light’---75 PPE capacity, cost: 9,000 credits
*’Light’--- 100 PPE capacity, cost: 12,000 credits
*’Heavy’---200 PPE capacity, cost: 24,000 credits
*’Max’---300 PPE capacity, cost: 36,000 credits

*Ley Line Booster---Boosts speed on a ley line by 50%. Cost: 500,000 credits(450,000 credits if already TW-powered).

*TW Floater/Flier---Turns the bike onto a magic hovercycle. Flies at a meaager 40 MPH, at altitudes of up to 1,000 ft. +2 to Dodge. Costs 15 PPE/30 ISP for 30 minutes’ duration, or just 15 PPE to activate if already TW-powered. Can fly effectively indefinitely on a ley line. Cost: 480,000 credits(400,000 credits if already TW-powered).

*Protective Forcefield---Provides 50 MDC per 10 PPE/20 ISP pumped into the system; lasts 10 minutes per 10 PPE/20 ISP. Cost: 220,000 credits(200,000 credits if already TW-powered).

*Lane of Fire----An adaptation of the Circle of Flame spell, only it leaves a track of fore behind the motorcycle as it moves. Besides discouraging pursuers, it also looks #@&&ing awesome. Creates a line of fire 5 ft tall, 2 ft wide, and 60 ft long, that does 6d6 SDC to anybody running through it. 5 PPE to activate and lasts 2 minutes. Cost: 38,500 credits.
-300 credits adds a Fuel Flame spell, expanding the width of the flame lane to 5 ft and 10 ft high for the expenditure of +3 PPE. Uses the same gemstone as the basic Lane of Fire.
- 400 credits allows the addition of a modified Fire Blast spell. The lane of flame now does 2d6 MD for +4 PPE. Uses the same gemstone as the basic Lane of Fire.
-47,000 credits for mounting Fire Gout that does 6d6+3 MD for 15 PPE, 90 ft range, and is -3 to dodge. Requires a separate genstone matrix from the Lane of Fire add-on.

*Frame Reinforcement--Can add an extra 25 MDC to the frame, using more advanced Mageplate composite, albeit at higher expense.
-MagePlate Armor(Formulation-1B)
With the application of PPE, the material promptly and permanently repairs itself very efficiently; 1 MDC can be repaired with 1 PPE/2 ISP.
The downside of MagePlate Formulation-1B is that the efficient conversion of PPE to armor-strength comes at the cost of a marked vulnerability to magic; MagePlate Formulation-1B takes DOUBLE damage from magic attacks.
MagePlate F-1B costs 25% more than standard armor plate, but also tends to be 25% lighter than equivalent armors. Cost: 1,000 credits per added point of MDC

-MagePlate Armor(Formulation-1C) Lacks F-1B’s vulnerability to magic, but takes DOUBLE the PPE to repair...1 MDC=2PPE/4 ISP. Though not yet released for sale, it reportedly costs 50% more than regular armor plate, but weighs 25% less. Cost: 1,200 credits per added point of MDC
"Trouble rather the Tiger in his Lair,
Than the Sage among his Books,
For all the Empires and Kingdoms,
The Armies and Works that you hold Dear,
Are to him but the Playthings of the Moment,
To be turned over with the Flick of a Finger,
And the Turning of a Page"

--------Rudyard Kipling
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Re: Paladin Steel Storefront

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Paladin Steel ‘Dekko’ Decontamination Robot
(aka ‘Dekot’, ‘Washbot’)
“I never would have known in time that I had a small colony of bane-ticks incubating on my back if the shower-down ‘bot hadn’t spotted them and removed them with its tweezer-hands and finger-laser before they had a chance to hatch and burrow in. Full-grown, ban-ticks can cripple a man, even kill him long-term and they’re hell to remove from a person’s nervous system. But they showed up on the dekkobot’s sensors and it had the tools to excise them, to my great relief.”

“Corporal Miskof, you better accompany the refugees into the decon-hold, de-shell and join them in wash-down, just to let’em know we’re not feeding them to robotic slavers or worse. Make sure Emmee-tu’s on duty; that ‘bot’s got a soft touch when it comes to dealing with trauma cases. Tell’er to go easy on the cold rinse and long on the warm soak.”

“Twenty miles per hour may not sound like much, but if you’re butt-naked, trying to run across a slick tile floor in a place you’re unfamiliar with, trying to escape a gauntlet of scrubber-bots, those things can move DAMN fast compared to you. And they got video recorders. Whoever tossed me drunk in the decon-works, told the ‘bots to ‘give me the works’ for several extra cycles, and then leaked the cam footage has a LOT to answer for.”

<<“Biome-Extinction Level Aggressive Mutant Fungal Infestation Detected, Contained, Neutralized, and Utterly Destroyed. Unit Satisfaction Registered.”>>

“You’re getting a BATH today regardless of how you feel about it, Dirty Donny! I’ve brought along a squad of dekkos to make sure of it! So make it easier on yourself and surrender and it will go fast and easy on you!”

‘Dekkos’ are specialized robot drones designed to decontaminate personnel and equipment exposed to chemicals, radiation, pathogens and other potential hazards. They are often the robotic line of defense against work-related incidental poisoning, pathogen spread, and parasite infestations.
Dekkos are squat boxy robots that have been described as looking akin to ‘walking filing cabinets’ or ‘ambulating safes’. They have low broad domed heads, squarish torsos faced in banks of sensors and spray nozzles, thick arms and broad-fingered hands that conceal spray cannon and can extend various scrub brushes and tools, and thick waddling legs. Dekkos are heavily armored and sheathed in the same nonstick, non-reactive material as Paladin Steel’s HAZMAT cyborgs. They are sealed against physical infiltration and shielded against radiation. Despite having nearly nonexistent leg articulation, they can manage a quite fast shuffle and their broad feet make them very stable, especially on slick floors and pads, and handling high pressure hoses. They are also very strong, to be able to pick up vehicles to check and spray the undersides, manhandle heavy chemical and containment drums and containers, and wrestle stubborn lifeforms into decontamination/shower-baths. However, their armature articulation and safeguard governors on their strength prevent them from being able to make the sort of movements that might accidentally damage equipment or injure living beings(once a dekkobot gets its grippers on somebody, however, only the extremely strong can break loose). On occasion, dekkobots may be programmed and modified with limited CQ combat capabilities; these have come in handy when encountering uncooperative decon subjects or xenomorphic lifeforms trying to breach quarantine containment(such as the Thundercloud close-call incident when it was discovered that the decorative trim on a recovered pioneer vehicle was actually a host of shapechanging predator-forms that attempted to get past decontamination; the dekkobots were able to capture and destroy them before they could infect the rest of the ship).
Though Dekkos started out as simple automatons, the AIs have been steadily modified such that more recent models can perform fairly complex environmental assessments, conduct medical scans and perform onsite medical treatment of afflicted lifeforms. Faux-persona routines may be added to their programming to give them less intimidating manners when cleaning personnel and interacting with people.
Of course, in event of a serious contamination threat, decon-bots are considered expendable; some extreme environment models conceal thermobaric self-destruct charges to destroy themselves and hopefully sanitize the immediate area in the event of integrity compromising leaks.
Dekko-bots are employed by a wide range of organizations. The GNE Armed Services attaches squads of the ‘bots to support units and motorpools to decontaminate equipment and personnel, and maintain vehicles. Emergency services use them to assist in cleaning up hazmat situations and ‘safing’ the first-responders. The United Systems Alliance uses them at spaceports, travel nexi, and aboard exploration craft to prevent contamination from spreading from spacecraft and past dimensional gates. Laboratories and industry (such as mines, powerplants, and chemical works) employ them to maintain clean conditions. Dekkobots often work as part of robot teams, with other labor units hauling in and out equipment and waste, while more specialized ‘bots carry out repairs or medical procedures. Similarly, dekkobots may work under the supervision of HAZMAT or medical cyborgs.

Type: PS-UTRHAZ-03
Class: Robot, Utility, Hazardous Materials Handling and Decontamination.
Crew: None; robot drone intelligence
MDC/Armor by Location:
Main Body 180
Head 80
Arms(2) 50 each
Hands(2) 15 each
Legs(2) 80 each
Height: 5.5 ft
Width: 2.5 ft at shoulders
Length: 2.3 ft
Weight: 400 lbs
Cargo: Only what can be carried in the arms.
Physical Strength: Robotic P.S. of 32
Powerplant: Nuclear battery with 5 year energy life(some models have 10-year energy lives)
(Running) 20 MPH
(Leaping) Not possible
(Flying) Not possible
(Underwater) Can run along the bottom at 6 MPH, maximum depth of 1,500 ft
Market Cost: 2 million credits
Combat-capable dekkobots may cost 2.4 million credits on average.
Because of their utility in many health-related positions, Paladin Steel offers a discount of as much as 30% on large(10 or more units) orders of dekkobots.
Systems of Note:
*Basic Robot Optics
*Basic Robot Audio
*Basic Voice Synthesizer(voice sounds obviously artificially and deliberately robotic)
*Locking Joints
*Cellular Radio---10 mile range

*Radiation Detector---Multiple radiation detectors check for various radiant nuclear energies.

*Molecular Analyzer---Multiple sampling ports check the air, liquids, and surface scrapings for signs of contaminants. Also checks decontaminate chemical runoff for ratios of removed contaminants)the better to determine where to route drain-off).

*Bio-Sensors---Remote and contact sensors check the vital signs of living creatures for signs of ill health. Roughly equivalent to a Three Galaxies’ portable med-scanner:
-Bone Density Scanner
-Toxin/Plague Scanner

*Radiation Shielding---Renders the ‘bot immune to damage and interference from levels of radiation up to, and including, reactor meltdowns.

*Corrosive Resistant Armor---Corrosive agents have no effect on the Dekko; it can wade in sulfuric acid without harm.

*Chemically Inert Armor---The ‘bot may as well be made of universal Teflon...nothing reacts or sticks to it; not rust, not paint, not chemicals. Cleanup is a cinch for these ‘bots; just hose them down. Unfortunately, this also means that decorative paints and decorations also won’t stick(lasting only through one or two jobs before needing repainting), and all Hazards tend to look alike; a dull dark gray color. To allow coworkers to distinguish individual Dekkos, many ‘bots wear ribbons/tape shrink-wrapped about their bodies, or have patterns and insignia engraved/stamped into their shells.

*Chemical Sprayer System---The Dekko specializes in power-washing, and
Weapons Systems: None, unless one counts possible chemical weaponry, rad-zappers, power-buffers, and chisel-tools. The Dekko comes with two high-pressure directional fluid sprayers, one built into the each arm, for spraying water, fire fighting agents, or chemical neutralizing acids, as well as acids and other chemicals. The torso features two banks of lower-pressure nozzles for broader-area spray-downs. The squirters can be fed from onboard chemical tanks, external carry packs, or hose attachment to a larger source.
Squirters can be set to deliver a narrow stream, or can disperse the spray to cover a larger area(10-20 ft wide).
Range: 150 ft
Damage: By chemical. Does 6d6 HP to vampires if filled with water
Rate of Fire: ECHH
Payload: 100 blasts. Up to 20 shots of 5 different chemical agents can be carried.

*Ultraviolet Headlamps---Light emitters on the Dekko can bathe an area in sterilizing UV radiation. Harmless to humans for short duration, long exposure can lead to sunburn and genetic damage(skin cancer). Unprotected eyes also risk exposure burns and blindness.

*Microwave Emitter---Short range(50 ft) microwave emitter used to sterilize areas and equipment. Against living creatures like human beings it can cause pain and burning sensations.

Radio: Basic 94%
Math: Basic 98%
Chemistry(especially with regards to cleaning chemicals/solutions) 90%
Chemistry Analytical 90%
General Repair & Maintenance 80%
Salvage 90%
Nuclear/Biological/Chemical Warfare 90%
First Aid 90%
W.P. Firehose/Sprayer(+2 to strike)

Depending on where and how a dekkobot is expected to be deployed, additional programming may be added. Motorpool dekkos may be programmed with Automotive or Aircraft Mechanics(80%) to recognize contaminant damage to a vehicle(such as salt corrosion on the underside of a truck), and diagnose it for other units to repair.

Some operators, if expecting to have to handle animals or other living creatures, may program the ‘bots with limited physical combat skills, such as Hand to Hand Basic, Wrestling, WP Staff and WP Net.

Actions/Attacks Per Melee: 4

Hand to Hand Combat(combat-programmed models)
Dekkobots are typically not programmed for combat and their actuators restrained by limiters from using their full robotic strength in anything that might be considered dangerous and damaging/injurious movements, but occasionally dekkobots are programmed to deal with uncooperative subjects or dangerous creatures attempting to get through quarantine.
Initiative: +1
Strike: +2
Parry: +3
Dodge: +2
Roll: +3
Pull Punch: +5
Damage: +17 SDC
Pin/Incapacitate: +3
Restrained Punch 4d6 SDC/1d4 MD
Full Strength Punch 2d4 MD
Power Punch(2 attacks) 4d4 MD
Tear/Pry with Hands 2d6 MD
Body Block/Tackle /1d4 MD
Stomp---Not possible
Kick---Not possible

Besides adding additional programming, some operators add additional specialized cleaning tools to the ‘bots. Combat-programmed models may feature stun projectors, gas-dispensers, man-catchers and net-launchers. Specialized medical/life sensors such as Kirallian/Aura scanner optics, as well as the programming to interpret scanned input, are also popular.

*Shower Arm---What looks like an old-fashioned TV aerial sticking out of the ‘bot’s back is actually an articulated extendable shower-head sprayer. It has 25 MDC and can rise up to 10 ft above the bend, bend forward and around, to spray the area immediately around the ‘bot or reach high places. Cost: 5,000 credits

*PS-UTRHAZ-03F---Some limited-run models have been configured as firefighters, and are armored in heat-refractory materials(take 1/4 damage from heat and fire). They are also equipped with lights and sirens, and a variety of arm-mounted firefighting tools. Programming adds Firefighting and Rescue Protocols at 80%.

*’Laundrobots’---Basic dekkobot frame modified for processing and cleaning garments. The arms mount a variety of fabric-handling and mending tools, and the chest cavity holds a washer/drier unit. Has programmed-in Sewing at 92%, Wardrobe & Grooming at 92%, Recycling at 90%. Some units have been known to be able to recycle collected lint into new garments.

*(E)PS-UTRHAZ-03---Not so much a variant as a successful covert contamination-compromising infection/’Awakening’ of the ‘bots by the Shemarrian Ecotroz psi-entity. Though these ‘bots seem to suffer regular ‘forced downtimes’, they also seem to have improved in efficiency at their jobs. They also develop personalities. PS/ASI suspects that they’ve been infiltrated by psionic entities, but since they seem to be benign, just like the Trelvi plant-mimic ‘invasion of the flowerpot snatchers’ of a generation ago, the GNE authorities have quietly let it go un-acted on, though they keep an eye on the situation. The Awakened dekkos have actually alerted the authorities to several other parasitic attempts to infiltrate the GNE, including a potentially disastrous BlackSteel infection.
Ecotroz-Awakened dekkobots generally fall into three categories of personalities; whining, complaining scutt-workers who find fault with the habits , behavior and general hygiene of their clients(“Tar pits, -again’?”, “Ever ask your jeep how it feels about you driving it through mud every weekend? Have you?”, etc.), or quiet deadly-serious professionals who become expert at cleaning stuff up, or the much-feared happily cleanliness-obsessed fanatic persona-type.
A large number of dekkobots have allegedly appeared in the ranks of the Radiant Edge and the Obsidian Dawn clans. Whether these are PS/ASI-manufactured units that the Shemarrians somehow acquired, or are copies, as are any modifications made to them, remains unknown.
"Trouble rather the Tiger in his Lair,
Than the Sage among his Books,
For all the Empires and Kingdoms,
The Armies and Works that you hold Dear,
Are to him but the Playthings of the Moment,
To be turned over with the Flick of a Finger,
And the Turning of a Page"

--------Rudyard Kipling
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Re: Paladin Steel Storefront

Unread post by abe »

taalismn wrote:Paladin Steel ‘Dekko’ Decontamination Robot
(aka ‘Dekot’, ‘Washbot’)
“I never would have known in time that I had a small colony of bane-ticks incubating on my back if the shower-down ‘bot hadn’t spotted them and removed them with its tweezer-hands and finger-laser before they had a chance to hatch and burrow in. Full-grown, ban-ticks can cripple a man, even kill him long-term and they’re hell to remove from a person’s nervous system. But they showed up on the dekkobot’s sensors and it had the tools to excise them, to my great relief.”

“Corporal Miskof, you better accompany the refugees into the decon-hold, de-shell and join them in wash-down, just to let’em know we’re not feeding them to robotic slavers or worse. Make sure Emmee-tu’s on duty; that ‘bot’s got a soft touch when it comes to dealing with trauma cases. Tell’er to go easy on the cold rinse and long on the warm soak.”

“Twenty miles per hour may not sound like much, but if you’re butt-naked, trying to run across a slick tile floor in a place you’re unfamiliar with, trying to escape a gauntlet of scrubber-bots, those things can move DAMN fast compared to you. And they got video recorders. Whoever tossed me drunk in the decon-works, told the ‘bots to ‘give me the works’ for several extra cycles, and then leaked the cam footage has a LOT to answer for.”

<<“Biome-Extinction Level Aggressive Mutant Fungal Infestation Detected, Contained, Neutralized, and Utterly Destroyed. Unit Satisfaction Registered.”>>

“You’re getting a BATH today regardless of how you feel about it, Dirty Donny! I’ve brought along a squad of dekkos to make sure of it! So make it easier on yourself and surrender and it will go fast and easy on you!”

‘Dekkos’ are specialized robot drones designed to decontaminate personnel and equipment exposed to chemicals, radiation, pathogens and other potential hazards. They are often the robotic line of defense against work-related incidental poisoning, pathogen spread, and parasite infestations.
Dekkos are squat boxy robots that have been described as looking akin to ‘walking filing cabinets’ or ‘ambulating safes’. They have low broad domed heads, squarish torsos faced in banks of sensors and spray nozzles, thick arms and broad-fingered hands that conceal spray cannon and can extend various scrub brushes and tools, and thick waddling legs. Dekkos are heavily armored and sheathed in the same nonstick, non-reactive material as Paladin Steel’s HAZMAT cyborgs. They are sealed against physical infiltration and shielded against radiation. Despite having nearly nonexistent leg articulation, they can manage a quite fast shuffle and their broad feet make them very stable, especially on slick floors and pads, and handling high pressure hoses. They are also very strong, to be able to pick up vehicles to check and spray the undersides, manhandle heavy chemical and containment drums and containers, and wrestle stubborn lifeforms into decontamination/shower-baths. However, their armature articulation and safeguard governors on their strength prevent them from being able to make the sort of movements that might accidentally damage equipment or injure living beings(once a dekkobot gets its grippers on somebody, however, only the extremely strong can break loose). On occasion, dekkobots may be programmed and modified with limited CQ combat capabilities; these have come in handy when encountering uncooperative decon subjects or xenomorphic lifeforms trying to breach quarantine containment(such as the Thundercloud close-call incident when it was discovered that the decorative trim on a recovered pioneer vehicle was actually a host of shapechanging predator-forms that attempted to get past decontamination; the dekkobots were able to capture and destroy them before they could infect the rest of the ship).
Though Dekkos started out as simple automatons, the AIs have been steadily modified such that more recent models can perform fairly complex environmental assessments, conduct medical scans and perform onsite medical treatment of afflicted lifeforms. Faux-persona routines may be added to their programming to give them less intimidating manners when cleaning personnel and interacting with people.
Of course, in event of a serious contamination threat, decon-bots are considered expendable; some extreme environment models conceal thermobaric self-destruct charges to destroy themselves and hopefully sanitize the immediate area in the event of integrity compromising leaks.
Dekko-bots are employed by a wide range of organizations. The GNE Armed Services attaches squads of the ‘bots to support units and motorpools to decontaminate equipment and personnel, and maintain vehicles. Emergency services use them to assist in cleaning up hazmat situations and ‘safing’ the first-responders. The United Systems Alliance uses them at spaceports, travel nexi, and aboard exploration craft to prevent contamination from spreading from spacecraft and past dimensional gates. Laboratories and industry (such as mines, powerplants, and chemical works) employ them to maintain clean conditions. Dekkobots often work as part of robot teams, with other labor units hauling in and out equipment and waste, while more specialized ‘bots carry out repairs or medical procedures. Similarly, dekkobots may work under the supervision of HAZMAT or medical cyborgs.

Type: PS-UTRHAZ-03
Class: Robot, Utility, Hazardous Materials Handling and Decontamination.
Crew: None; robot drone intelligence
MDC/Armor by Location:
Main Body 180
Head 80
Arms(2) 50 each
Hands(2) 15 each
Legs(2) 80 each
Height: 5.5 ft
Width: 2.5 ft at shoulders
Length: 2.3 ft
Weight: 400 lbs
Cargo: Only what can be carried in the arms.
Physical Strength: Robotic P.S. of 32
Powerplant: Nuclear battery with 5 year energy life(some models have 10-year energy lives)
(Running) 20 MPH
(Leaping) Not possible
(Flying) Not possible
(Underwater) Can run along the bottom at 6 MPH, maximum depth of 1,500 ft
Market Cost: 2 million credits
Combat-capable dekkobots may cost 2.4 million credits on average.
Because of their utility in many health-related positions, Paladin Steel offers a discount of as much as 30% on large(10 or more units) orders of dekkobots.
Systems of Note:
*Basic Robot Optics
*Basic Robot Audio
*Basic Voice Synthesizer(voice sounds obviously artificially and deliberately robotic)
*Locking Joints
*Cellular Radio---10 mile range

*Radiation Detector---Multiple radiation detectors check for various radiant nuclear energies.

*Molecular Analyzer---Multiple sampling ports check the air, liquids, and surface scrapings for signs of contaminants. Also checks decontaminate chemical runoff for ratios of removed contaminants)the better to determine where to route drain-off).

*Bio-Sensors---Remote and contact sensors check the vital signs of living creatures for signs of ill health. Roughly equivalent to a Three Galaxies’ portable med-scanner:
-Bone Density Scanner
-Toxin/Plague Scanner

*Radiation Shielding---Renders the ‘bot immune to damage and interference from levels of radiation up to, and including, reactor meltdowns.

*Corrosive Resistant Armor---Corrosive agents have no effect on the Dekko; it can wade in sulfuric acid without harm.

*Chemically Inert Armor---The ‘bot may as well be made of universal Teflon...nothing reacts or sticks to it; not rust, not paint, not chemicals. Cleanup is a cinch for these ‘bots; just hose them down. Unfortunately, this also means that decorative paints and decorations also won’t stick(lasting only through one or two jobs before needing repainting), and all Hazards tend to look alike; a dull dark gray color. To allow coworkers to distinguish individual Dekkos, many ‘bots wear ribbons/tape shrink-wrapped about their bodies, or have patterns and insignia engraved/stamped into their shells.

*Chemical Sprayer System---The Dekko specializes in power-washing, and
Weapons Systems: None, unless one counts possible chemical weaponry, rad-zappers, power-buffers, and chisel-tools. The Dekko comes with two high-pressure directional fluid sprayers, one built into the each arm, for spraying water, fire fighting agents, or chemical neutralizing acids, as well as acids and other chemicals. The torso features two banks of lower-pressure nozzles for broader-area spray-downs. The squirters can be fed from onboard chemical tanks, external carry packs, or hose attachment to a larger source.
Squirters can be set to deliver a narrow stream, or can disperse the spray to cover a larger area(10-20 ft wide).
Range: 150 ft
Damage: By chemical. Does 6d6 HP to vampires if filled with water
Rate of Fire: ECHH
Payload: 100 blasts. Up to 20 shots of 5 different chemical agents can be carried.

*Ultraviolet Headlamps---Light emitters on the Dekko can bathe an area in sterilizing UV radiation. Harmless to humans for short duration, long exposure can lead to sunburn and genetic damage(skin cancer). Unprotected eyes also risk exposure burns and blindness.

*Microwave Emitter---Short range(50 ft) microwave emitter used to sterilize areas and equipment. Against living creatures like human beings it can cause pain and burning sensations.

Radio: Basic 94%
Math: Basic 98%
Chemistry(especially with regards to cleaning chemicals/solutions) 90%
Chemistry Analytical 90%
General Repair & Maintenance 80%
Salvage 90%
Nuclear/Biological/Chemical Warfare 90%
First Aid 90%
W.P. Firehose/Sprayer(+2 to strike)

Depending on where and how a dekkobot is expected to be deployed, additional programming may be added. Motorpool dekkos may be programmed with Automotive or Aircraft Mechanics(80%) to recognize contaminant damage to a vehicle(such as salt corrosion on the underside of a truck), and diagnose it for other units to repair.

Some operators, if expecting to have to handle animals or other living creatures, may program the ‘bots with limited physical combat skills, such as Hand to Hand Basic, Wrestling, WP Staff and WP Net.

Actions/Attacks Per Melee: 4

Hand to Hand Combat(combat-programmed models)
Dekkobots are typically not programmed for combat and their actuators restrained by limiters from using their full robotic strength in anything that might be considered dangerous and damaging/injurious movements, but occasionally dekkobots are programmed to deal with uncooperative subjects or dangerous creatures attempting to get through quarantine.
Initiative: +1
Strike: +2
Parry: +3
Dodge: +2
Roll: +3
Pull Punch: +5
Damage: +17 SDC
Pin/Incapacitate: +3
Restrained Punch 4d6 SDC/1d4 MD
Full Strength Punch 2d4 MD
Power Punch(2 attacks) 4d4 MD
Tear/Pry with Hands 2d6 MD
Body Block/Tackle /1d4 MD
Stomp---Not possible
Kick---Not possible

Besides adding additional programming, some operators add additional specialized cleaning tools to the ‘bots. Combat-programmed models may feature stun projectors, gas-dispensers, man-catchers and net-launchers. Specialized medical/life sensors such as Kirallian/Aura scanner optics, as well as the programming to interpret scanned input, are also popular.

*Shower Arm---What looks like an old-fashioned TV aerial sticking out of the ‘bot’s back is actually an articulated extendable shower-head sprayer. It has 25 MDC and can rise up to 10 ft above the bend, bend forward and around, to spray the area immediately around the ‘bot or reach high places. Cost: 5,000 credits

*PS-UTRHAZ-03F---Some limited-run models have been configured as firefighters, and are armored in heat-refractory materials(take 1/4 damage from heat and fire). They are also equipped with lights and sirens, and a variety of arm-mounted firefighting tools. Programming adds Firefighting and Rescue Protocols at 80%.

*’Laundrobots’---Basic dekkobot frame modified for processing and cleaning garments. The arms mount a variety of fabric-handling and mending tools, and the chest cavity holds a washer/drier unit. Has programmed-in Sewing at 92%, Wardrobe & Grooming at 92%, Recycling at 90%. Some units have been known to be able to recycle collected lint into new garments.

*(E)PS-UTRHAZ-03---Not so much a variant as a successful covert contamination-compromising infection/’Awakening’ of the ‘bots by the Shemarrian Ecotroz psi-entity. Though these ‘bots seem to suffer regular ‘forced downtimes’, they also seem to have improved in efficiency at their jobs. They also develop personalities. PS/ASI suspects that they’ve been infiltrated by psionic entities, but since they seem to be benign, just like the Trelvi plant-mimic ‘invasion of the flowerpot snatchers’ of a generation ago, the GNE authorities have quietly let it go un-acted on, though they keep an eye on the situation. The Awakened dekkos have actually alerted the authorities to several other parasitic attempts to infiltrate the GNE, including a potentially disastrous BlackSteel infection.
Ecotroz-Awakened dekkobots generally fall into three categories of personalities; whining, complaining scutt-workers who find fault with the habits , behavior and general hygiene of their clients(“Tar pits, -again’?”, “Ever ask your jeep how it feels about you driving it through mud every weekend? Have you?”, etc.), or quiet deadly-serious professionals who become expert at cleaning stuff up, or the much-feared happily cleanliness-obsessed fanatic persona-type.
A large number of dekkobots have allegedly appeared in the ranks of the Radiant Edge and the Obsidian Dawn clans. Whether these are PS/ASI-manufactured units that the Shemarrians somehow acquired, or are copies, as are any modifications made to them, remains unknown.

Could these potentially be changed to recycle bots?
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Re: Paladin Steel Storefront

Unread post by taalismn »

abe wrote:Could these potentially be changed to recycle bots?

There are already several other types of robots in the PS/ASI inventory that are/can be programmed and equipped for recycling and salvage work, along, with several specific vehicle and cyborg types.
"Trouble rather the Tiger in his Lair,
Than the Sage among his Books,
For all the Empires and Kingdoms,
The Armies and Works that you hold Dear,
Are to him but the Playthings of the Moment,
To be turned over with the Flick of a Finger,
And the Turning of a Page"

--------Rudyard Kipling
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Re: Paladin Steel Storefront

Unread post by kronos »

taalismn wrote:Paladin Steel ‘Dekko’ Decontamination Robot
(aka ‘Dekot’, ‘Washbot’)

*(E)PS-UTRHAZ-03---Not so much a variant as a successful covert contamination-compromising infection/’Awakening’ of the ‘bots by the Shemarrian Ecotroz psi-entity. Though these ‘bots seem to suffer regular ‘forced downtimes’, they also seem to have improved in efficiency at their jobs. They also develop personalities. PS/ASI suspects that they’ve been infiltrated by psionic entities, but since they seem to be benign, just like the Trelvi plant-mimic ‘invasion of the flowerpot snatchers’ of a generation ago, the GNE authorities have quietly let it go un-acted on, though they keep an eye on the situation. The Awakened dekkos have actually alerted the authorities to several other parasitic attempts to infiltrate the GNE, including a potentially disastrous BlackSteel infection.
Ecotroz-Awakened dekkobots generally fall into three categories of personalities; whining, complaining scutt-workers who find fault with the habits , behavior and general hygiene of their clients(“Tar pits, -again’?”, “Ever ask your jeep how it feels about you driving it through mud every weekend? Have you?”, etc.), or quiet deadly-serious professionals who become expert at cleaning stuff up, or the much-feared happily cleanliness-obsessed fanatic persona-type.
A large number of dekkobots have allegedly appeared in the ranks of the Radiant Edge and the Obsidian Dawn clans. Whether these are PS/ASI-manufactured units that the Shemarrians somehow acquired, or are copies, as are any modifications made to them, remains unknown.

Definitely a bot you want in post apoc setting, and definitely see Radiant Edge acquiring a few..
What if.. BlackSteel corrupted one of these?
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Re: Paladin Steel Storefront

Unread post by taalismn »

kronos wrote:[
What if.. BlackSteel corrupted one of these?

Nope....came damn close. though..the Blacksteel was part of a pile of scrap brought in for analysis and salvage.
The E-dekko spotted the stuff and sounded a 'paranormal alert'.
Fortunately, there were some holy-men in the neighborhood and they exorcised the hell out of the stuff before it became too dangerous.
Only later did somebody remember that they hadn't equipped the dekkobots in that particular section with paranormal sensors....
E-dekko: :oops:

Oh, wait, you asked 'What if...?"
Well, bad $#!+ obviously...Imagine expecting a relaxing thorough shower and getting hosed down with boiling water laced with lye....or a faceful of concentrated bleach.....Or seeing your jeep corroding away from an acid bath....
"Trouble rather the Tiger in his Lair,
Than the Sage among his Books,
For all the Empires and Kingdoms,
The Armies and Works that you hold Dear,
Are to him but the Playthings of the Moment,
To be turned over with the Flick of a Finger,
And the Turning of a Page"

--------Rudyard Kipling
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Re: Paladin Steel Storefront

Unread post by kronos »

taalismn wrote:
kronos wrote:[
What if.. BlackSteel corrupted one of these?

Nope....came damn close. though..the Blacksteel was part of a pile of scrap brought in for analysis and salvage.
The E-dekko spotted the stuff and sounded a 'paranormal alert'.
Fortunately, there were some holy-men in the neighborhood and they exorcised the hell out of the stuff before it became too dangerous.
Only later did somebody remember that they hadn't equipped the dekkobots in that particular section with paranormal sensors....
E-dekko: :oops:

Oh, wait, you asked 'What if...?"
Well, bad $#!+ obviously...Imagine expecting a relaxing thorough shower and getting hosed down with boiling water laced with lye....or a faceful of concentrated bleach.....Or seeing your jeep corroding away from an acid bath....

Releasing mutagenic viruses.. supernatural diseases.. corrupting people, robots and mechs with BlackSteel to spread it further..
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Re: Paladin Steel Storefront

Unread post by taalismn »

kronos wrote:
Releasing mutagenic viruses.. supernatural diseases.. corrupting people, robots and mechs with BlackSteel to spread it further..

Yeah, basically a whole bucket of apocalypse pestilence-sort %&%@!.
That's the sort of thing that keeps the GNE Department of Health awake at night, checking their zombie plans and getting on the cases of the engineers, t-wizards, and alchemists to come up with new treatments.

If you're a public health official on Rifts Earth, you better be creatively paranoid in anticipating just about ANYTHING from intelligent viruses and giant flesh-eating amoebas in the water supply to plague demons and mind-eating tele tubby memes.
"Trouble rather the Tiger in his Lair,
Than the Sage among his Books,
For all the Empires and Kingdoms,
The Armies and Works that you hold Dear,
Are to him but the Playthings of the Moment,
To be turned over with the Flick of a Finger,
And the Turning of a Page"

--------Rudyard Kipling
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Re: Paladin Steel Storefront

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Paladin Steel CQW05 Buzzak Buzz-Saw Axe
(aka ‘axle-ax’, ‘death-umbrella’, ‘Necro-parasol’, ‘Bonebuzzcutter’)

“I swear, where’d they get the inspiration for this? Some pre-Rifts martial arts movie? It’s ridiculous!”
“Ridiculous or not, if you’re not paying attention to somebody using it against you, it can still kill you. And rather gruesomely, I might add.”

This unusual weapon resembles a reinforced buzzsaw blade mounted through its center on a heavy hilt-haft. The blade has extendable teeth to increase its diameter. It can be powered by a power cell in the hilt or by a power connection to a powerpack or cyborg powerplant. The ‘Buzzak’ can be used to both slash and parry.
The ‘Buzzak’ is heavy enough that it’s best wielded by especially strong beings or those augmented by bionics or power armor. It’s particularly favored by ‘Armadillo’ cyborgs, who often wield two of them, using them as ‘axle cutters’ when rolling around in ‘pillbug’ mode.
The perpendicular angling of the cutting edge to the hilt makes the Buzzak a somewhat difficult weapon to use, especially in close quarters where the user cannot swing it to best effect. As a stabbing weapon, it’s virttually useless, able only to deliver a blunt shove or thrust(admittedly with the possibly superhuman or supernatural strength of the wielder behind it). As such, under such circumstances it makes a more effective hafted shield.
As a joke, many users apply ‘hypno-spinner’ patterns to the shield covers of the blades; there’s no evidence anybody has ever really been hypnotized by the spinning patterns in combat, but it’s claimed that more than a few have been distracted, which can prove just as fatal in combat.
The ‘Buzzak’ remains something of a niche market weapon, but it garners enough interest that Paladin Steel keeps it in production.

Weight: 45 lbs
MDC: 100
Damage:(Blunt Strike) 3d6 SD + P.S. damage bonuses(if any)
(Edge Slash) 2d6 MD
(Buzzcut) 4d6 MD
Rate of Fire: ECHH
Uses W.P. Shield, +1 to parry
Beings with a P.S. of 16 or less(or supernatural PS of 12) will have trouble handling this weapon: -2 to strike/parry.
Special Features:
*Counter-rotation---The haft contains counter-rotating elements to prevent the user from being dragged around by torque.
Cost: 14,000 credits
*Extendable Center Spike---The center embossment of the shield can conceal an axial vibrospike blade. 2d4 MD(+2d4 to a thrust-strike) and can be silver-plated. Cost: 9,000 credits

*ZapTap Studs---Can be built into the ‘face’ of the shield, allowing it to be used more effectively as a thrusting weapon.
Damage:(Model 1 Stud Pad) Two settings; 5d6 SDC or 1 MD
(Model 2 Blast Pad) 2d4 MD
Rate of Fire: (All models) ECHH
Payload:(Model 1 Stud Pad) Mini-Eclip has enough power for 50 SDC jolts or 5 MD shots
(Model 2 Blast Pad) 50 blasts from a Standard E-Clip pack
Cost:(Model 1 Stud Pad)20,000 credits
(Model 2 Blast Pad)80,000 credits

*Angled Teeth---The blade teeth can be angled so as to present a concave cutting head, This is useful for cutting holes(1-2 ft wide) through walls, concrete, brick, and wood, though removing the center material may require backing the cutter out and using other tools. Cost: 3,000 credits

*PS-CQWL-06----Laser Polearm
(aka ‘Qawl’, ‘Lancelite’, ‘Photon Lance’, ‘Halblazer’)

“Damn but this thing’s fun to use on a flying strike; as long as you’re careful not to run yourself up on your own weapon hard-sticking a target. No wonder the KIttani love the original laser-stabber lance.”

“These weapons may look antiquated and fit only for ceremonial displays, but they are very very functional. The laser may be fairly weak, but its range is excellent, and the balance makes for accurate shooting. Massed qawl fire can bring down an attacker a mile away, and if they manage to survive being sniped apart trying to get closer, they’re going to get sliced to pieces at close quarters. Mind you, I’d still equip at least half my heavy infantry with regular heavy weapons, but the laser haldberd’s a good backup weapon in skilled hands.”

Paladin Steel’s early experimentation with reverse-engineering the Kittani Energy Lance yielded advances in rugged laser optics technology and a number of variant copies. Though those variants initially slated for adoption as GNEAS squad support weapons would be quickly superseded by lighter and more powerful conventional format laser weapons such as the ‘Blazer’ series, the heavy lance copies would find a niche as cyborg- and power-armor-wielded weapons. The variant most favored is styled as a polearm or halberd, with a vibroaxe, spike, and hook blade head attached to the end of the lance. Some modification was required to retain the original’s well-balanced accuracy with the added mass of attached axehead. Advances in materials and electronics technologies have brought down the weight of the PS-copy, compared to the original Kittani lances, and the CQWL-6 is still over twice as heavy as the original, but it is arguabl more durable.
The Kingdom of Charter’s Verl/SAMAS power armor detachments were first to adapt the laser polearms soon after they were introduced, but the weapon quickly spread in popularity with ‘airborne lancers’. Guard and garrison units also like the weapon, as it is both identical to many ceremonial weapons and very effective as a modern battlefield weapon.

Weight: 40 lbs
MDC: 100
(Laser) 6,000 ft in hi-mode, 3,000 ft in lo-mode
Damage: (Lance/Vibro-Axe) 2d4 MD on a stab
2d6 MD hook slice
3d6 MD ax strike
Butt-end blunt strike does 2d6 SDC+any P.S. damage
(Laser)3d6 MD single shot in hi-mode, 6d6 MD per blast in lo-mode
Rate of Fire: ECHH
Payload: 50 shot battery. effectively unlimited linked to a power armor or cyborg power supply.
Bonus: +2 to strike w/ laser
Cost: 80,000 credits
*Silver-Plated Blades---The blades of the laser-polearm are frequently silver-plated for extra damage against supernatural opponents vulnerable to silver.
A considerably more expensive option is to enhance the blades with a TW blade modification, such as a Spinning Blades, Frostblade, Dispel Magic Barriers, Expel Demons, Shockblade, Armorbane, or Sonic Blast spell, along with a PPE powercell.

Paladin Steel engineers are still trying to work out a more destructive pulse-mode version, especially at the longer ranges, but so far the Kittani-derived power delivery and cooling systems have been resistant to modification. Still, work is ongoing.
The EShemar reportedly have already copied the CQWL-6, with the Silvermoons fielding an improved version with even longer range.
"Trouble rather the Tiger in his Lair,
Than the Sage among his Books,
For all the Empires and Kingdoms,
The Armies and Works that you hold Dear,
Are to him but the Playthings of the Moment,
To be turned over with the Flick of a Finger,
And the Turning of a Page"

--------Rudyard Kipling
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Re: Paladin Steel Storefront

Unread post by taalismn »

Paladin Steel PS-MURV020 ‘Prole’ Medium Utility/Reconnaissance Robot
(aka ’Prole-bot’, ‘Work-Benchlifter’, ‘Trek-Stomper’)

“If you’re going adventuring, there’s no better place, this side of Phaseworld, to get fitted out than the United Systems Alliance. They got the real stuff for the wild frontier, and you won’t pay inflated ‘sportsman’ boutique prices for it.”

“The Prole’s not the most sophisticated design out there, and it’s rather large to fit in a small cargo hold, but that’s part of its charm. Aside from some of the sensor systems, it’s all proven reliable hard-wearing tech that won’t fail least too a lurch. It doesn’t transform, and it’s too slow for military service, but it’s got plug-and-play modularity working for it, and it’s compatible with a lot of the standardized subsystems that can be found distributed among the Fringe nowadays, so it’s not going to be ostracized by logistics. The Prole’s a good bargain if you’re not expecting too much.”

“The Benchlifter’s barely combat-rated, but it can still carry a fair amount of firepower. That’s really handy on the Fringe, because it’s the low-end and amateur exploration operations that wind up getting in the most trouble. Having the firepower available a good thing...unless, of course, you’re the dipshats responsible for a First Contact turning into a shooting war.”

The ‘Prole’ is a medium-weight utility robot designed with the needs of the frontier in mind; utility, reliability, and advanced sensors for knowing the lay of the land and detecting trouble. It also has some limited combat capabilities.
The Prole has a blocky angular humanoid frame, with a head festooned with sensors, a two-abreast chest cockpit(one crewmember typically pilots, while the other manages the sensors and non-limb-mounted weaponry), and multiple attachment points for extra armor plates or cargo/equipment panniers on the limbs and torso. The Prole takes advantage of PS/ASI/WZT’s standardized aerospacecraft weapons hardpoints to mount several hardpoints on the arms and back. Broad footpads give the ‘bot a fairly low foot-pressure, so the Prole is able to cross fairly soft ground without bogging down. The same broad footpads also give the ‘bot good solid stability. Leg articulation also allows the Prole to go down on one knee quite easily, allowing easier access to and from the cockpit, and allowing the ‘bot to duck down to pick up objects or get behind cover.
Prole-bots are often deployed alongside units such as the PS ‘Pathfinder’ scout-bots to survey new worlds and develop outposts and colonies. Because of its extensive sensors, comfortable cockpits, and compatibility with standardized aerospacecraft weapons hardpoints, the Prole is sometimes deployed by planetary militias as a mobile sentry tower Civil engineering departments like the handiness of the Prole in acting as a mobile scaffold and walking bulldozer.

Type: PS-MURV020 ‘Prole’
Class: Medium Utility/Reconnaissance Robot Vehicle
Crew: 2 in an abreast cockpit. Enough room for an additional three passengers to fit in behind.
MDC/Armor by Location:
Main Body 380
Head/Sensory Array
Reinforced Crew Compartment 150
Arms(2) 200 each
Hands(2) 45 each
Legs(2) 300 each
Work Platforms(6) 80 each

Height: 30 ft Antennae and gun barrels add another 5 ft.
Width: 13 ft
Length: 8 ft
Weight: 15 tons
Cargo: Enough space in the cockpit for several survival packs, sidearms, tool kits, and some personal possessions.
A compartment just under the cockpit can hold an additional 1,000 lbs of tools and supplies.
Several small externally-accessed lockers on the legs provide capacity for about 600 lbs of additional tools and supplies each leg.
Physical Strength: Equiv. Robotic P.S. of 50
Powerplant: Nuclear Fusion w/ 20 year energy life
Speed:(Running) 35 MPH
(Leaping) The powerful robotic legs are strong and capable of leaping 10 feet high or 18 ft lengthwise. A running leap adds 50% to distance/height.
(Flying) Not possible without a GMR or contra-gravity lift pack(see Options)
(Space) Again, not possible without accessorization.
(Underwater) Can walk along the bottom at 8 MPH, maximum depth tolerance of 900 ft.
Market Cost: 25 million credits
Systems of Note:
Standard Robot Systems, plus:

*Searchlight---Normal light and infrared---Can cast a beam of illumination up to 2 miles.

*Radio w/ signal scrambler: 500 mile long range, 5 mile short range.

*External Loudspeaker: 80 decibels

* Work Platforms(6)----The Prole mounts armor-plates at the knees, chest, and shoulders, that fold out to form stabilized scaffolding platforms, useful for supporting work and survey crews. Each can hold up to 800 lbs of weight. It is not recommended that anybody or anything be left on the platforms when the robot is moving, unless very well secured.

*Power Takeiffs----The legs, adjacent to the work platforms, have several recessed power plugs. With a flip of a switch, the cockpit crew can unlock the ports and charge up the outlets, allowing workers to attach power tools to the Prole’s powergrid.

*Radiation Detectors---Constantly monitor the surroundings for nuclear radiation.

*Laser Scanner---The globe-like head features 360-degree laser-scanning, producing 3D maps of the surrounding terrain.

*Video Surveillance System---Multiple video sensors provide nearly total 360-degree coverage around the ‘bot and feeding to the VR cockpit displays.

*Ladar---Rather than use radio waves, Ladar uses low power, long-range lasers to determine distances and detect intruders, This is particularly useful when the enemy is using conventional jamming of radio bands to foil radar systems. Ladar, however, can be affected by smoke and foul weather, so it’s generally used only in special circumstances. Range: 3 miles

*Inertial Compass/Recorder---Can be set at the beginning of a journey to trace the ‘bot’s steps, speed, and direction, allowing the pilot to ‘backtrack’ if necessary.

*Expanded Recorder Systems---Two large cabinet-sized recorder stacks are mounted in the back of the cabin, recording all internal and external data. Each stack can hold up to 60 days worth of 24/7 data input. They can be removed(each has 20 MDC and weighs 300 lbs), but some users have them keycode-locked to a self-destruct plasma/EM charge to prevent tampering and unauthorized accessing of the recorded data.

*Emergency Beacon---Can be engaged in an emergency. Has an effective range of 500 miles and battery life of 2 weeks.

*Stabilization Jacks---The legs can deploy bracing pylons that allow the ‘bot to remain upright, even in 85 MPH gale conditions.

Weapons Systems: None standard, but has option spaces:
1) Forearm Hardpoints(2)---Each forearm mounts a powered attachment point for heavy tool modules, but they are also compatible with WZT Light aerospace hardpoint weapons.
*Chainsaw--- 1d6x10 MD on a slash-cut. Cost: 75,000 credits

*Heavy Drill--- 6d6 MD per strike. Can drill as deep as 8 ft. Cost: 75,000 credits

*Jackhammer--- 3d6 MD per strike, 2d4x10 +8 MD full melee round of attention on a stationary target. Cost: 85,000 credits

*Power Sprayer---Powerful spray cannon
Range: 400 ft
Damage: Varies by liquid sprayed, Loaded with water, it does 1d6x10 HP per blast.
Due to its high pressure, at ranges of 100 ft or less, it can do 1d8 SD to people, and has a 80% chance of knocking human-sized targets off their feet(lose initiative and 1 APM getting back up).
Rate of Fire: ECHH
Payload: 180 blasts from onboard tankage. Effectively unlimied if drawing water from its surroundings..
Cost: 22,000 credits

*Hydro-Cutter-----The Hydro-Cutter is a heavy vehicle mounted power-tool that is essentially a electro-magnetic squirtgun. Using electromagnetic stator rings similar to a railgun’s, the Hydro-Cutter instead accelerates water through an intense magnetic field, pushing it up to supersonic speeds, pumping it through in tremendous amounts at tremendous velocity. The result is an extremely fine, precise, sharp cutting tool that doesn’t require the replacement of expensive cutting heads, makes a neat, precise cut(perfect for slicing composites and ceramics), and is relatively quiet. The Hydro-Cutter has found employment in rock-cutting and quarrying as well, where the hypersonic stream of water raises little dust while cutting thru the toughest rock.
Though not intended as a weapon, the Hydro-Cutter is extremely dangerous to anyone stupid enough to stand within its short range. The hypersonic water stream can easily slice through MDC armor and the person inside it in seconds. However, its most lethal effects are on vampires, as was discovered by miners in the West, who turned their Hydro-Cutters on marauding bloodsuckers in desperation. The ultra-high powered water stream punched through the front ranks of the invading vampire pack, and often lost enough velocity slamming through the front vampires, to fan out into a spray, drench-burning the vampires behind them!
MDC: 150
Range: 200 ft(500 ft total range)
Damage: 6d6 MD per burst, 1d6x10 MD for a full melee cutting burst.
Does 2d6x10 hit point damage to vampires
Rate of Fire: EPCHH
Payload: 300 full melee bursts from onboard tankage. Effectively unlimited if drawing water from its surroundings..
Cost: 30,000 credits

*Plasma Cutter--- 25 ft range; 1d6 MD, 4d6 MD, or 4d6x10 MD per full melee burn. Cost: 40,000 credits

*Heavy Flamer---------400 ft range, does 3d6 MD per burst, plus does an Additional 2d6 MD per melee for 1d6 melees, 80 shot tank, 70,000 credits

2) Back/Shoulder Hardpoints(2)---These hardpints are typically used to mount folding crancs, winches, and other tools, but they are also compatible with WZT Medium aerospace hardpioint weapons.

3) Chest Slots(2)----Two small turrets can be added under the cockpits for light weaponry, typically antipersonnel weapons such as lasers or machine guns.
a) Lasers
Range: 1,000 ft
Damage: 2d6 MD per shot, 6d6 MD pulse burst
Rate of Fire: EPCHH
Payload: Effectively Unlimited
Cost: 18,000 credits

b) Ion Blasters
Range: 600 ft
Damage: 3d6 MD single shot, 6d6 MD pulse burst
Rate of Fire: EPCHH
Payload: Effectively Unlimited
Cost: 18,000 credits

c) Machine Gun
Range: 2,000 ft
Damage:(SDC) 1d6x10 SDC per 10 rd burst
(MD) 1 MD single rd, 2d4 MD per 10 rd burst
(PSX-2) 1d4 MD per rd, 1d4x10 MD per 10 rd burst.
Rate of Fire: EPCHH
Payload:1,000 rd drum
Cost: 18,000 credits

Range:(Direct-Stream Mode) 280 ft
(Gasoline/Alcohol) 1d4x10 SDC
(Napalm) 1d6x10 SDC, plus does 5d6 SDC per melee for 1d4 minutes
(MD Fluid) 1d4 MD per blast, 1d4 MD per melee for 2d4 minutes
(Incendi-Gel)2d6 MD, 2d6 MD per melee for 1d6 minutes
(WI Napalm-P) 3d6 MD per blast, 1d4x10+10 MD per concentrated burst(counts as two attacks). 2d6 MD per melee for 1d4 minutes.
Note: The flame-thrower can also be used to cover an area with fluid: up to 10 ft per attack used. Used with Super-Napalm, this does 1d4 MD, Incendi-Gel does 1d6 MD, and with Napalm-P, this does 2d6 MD.
Rate of Fire: Standard
(Gasoline/Alcohol) 20 blasts
(Napalm) 60 blasts
(MD Fluid) 100 blasts
(Incendi-Gel) 120 blasts
(WI Napalm-P) 200 blasts per tank(much more concentrated than the regular gasoline/alcohol).
Cost: 80,000 credits
(Gasoline/Alcohol) Typically 5-30 credits(depending on availability)
(Napalm) 50 credits per tank
(MD Fluid) 800 credits per tank
(Incendi-Gel) 1000 credits per tank
(WI Napalm-P) 2000 credits per tank

e) Plasma Blaster--Based on PS’s ‘Genta’ ‘gas pipe’ plasma weapon.
Range: 1,300 ft
Damage: 5d6 MD per shot
Rate of Fire: ECHH
Payload: Effectively Unlimited
Cost: 18,000 Credits
*’Blow-Torch’ Mode---Not as refined or powerful as the ‘scattershot’ modification available to other PS plasma weapons, this add-on to the muzzle disperses the plasma somewhat to produce a fan-shaped ‘blowtorch’ that does less damage, but to a wider area. Does 4d6 MD to a 3 ft wide area, range drops to 500 ft. Cost: 3,000 credits

*“Hot Shotting”---This system augments the normal air-draw plasma re-mass system with deuterium-gas injected into the plasma flow for a cleaner, hotter, more potent ‘burn’. The deuterium is stored in pressurized cylinders attached to the feeds of the gun, like a CO2 air rifle cartridge. This allows the plasma to do 50% more damage.
Cost: HotShot modding on the Genta costs +8,000 credits, and a recharged cylinder of refined d-gas costs 500 credits(300 credits if the user can return a depleted gas cylinder at the time of purchase) and is good for 20 shots.

f) Particle Beam Blaster---Typically something similar to the PSPBW-10 or PS PBW-11

(PSPBW-10 )
Range: 3,200 ft
Damage: 1d6x10 MD to an 8 ft wide swath
Rate of Fire: ECHH
Payload: Effectively Unlimited
Cost: 150,000 credits

(PS PBW-11)
Range: 2,600 ft
Damage: Two fire modes; 6d6 MD low power and 1d4x10 MD high power mode
Rate of Fire: ECHH
Payload: Effectively Unlimited
Cost: 32,000 credits

g) PS-RL-210 Fragmentation Rocket Launcher( a copy of an imported Russian design). Note that PS has also been experimenting with an incendiary variant using a magnesium mixture.
Range: 4,000 ft
Damage: 1d6 single projectile, 1d6x10 MD per 10 rd burst/volley
at 3,500 ft, the rds go ‘grapeshot’, doing 3d6 MD(1 MD for a single shot) in a 12 ft wide area.
(Incendiary “Hot-Grape” Version)---Do an additional +2 MD per rd, and 1 MD of damage for 1d4 melees as the flare portion burns down.
Rate of Fire: EGCHH
Payload: 1,000 rd drum
Cost: 100,000 credits

h)PS-DL-110 Razor-Frizzer( a copy of an imported Russian design). The PS version uses ceramic and light alloy discs that, either by accident or deliberate design, give off a very audible high-pitched shrieking or buzzing noise when fired.
Range: 2,000 ft
Damage: 1d6 single projectile, 1d6x10 MD per 10 rd burst/volley
Rate of Fire: EGCHH
Payload: 2,000 rd drum
Cost: 80,000 credits

4) Optional Use of Handheld Weapons----The Prole can pick up and use mecha-scale weapons.

5) Hand to Hand Combat---The ‘Prole’ can engage in hand to hand combat
Use Basic Robot Combat Training.
Restrained Punch 1d6 MD
Full Strength Punch 3d6 MD
Power Punch(2 APMs) 1d6x10 MD
Tear/Pry 1d6 MD
Stomp(objects 8 ft tall or smaller) 3d6 MD
Kick 4d8 MD
Body Block/Ram 2d4 MD

The most common accessory to Prole-bots are various new combinations of sensors and tools, depending on the buyer, operator, budget, and purpose. A few more general options are as follows:

*Appliqué Armor----Can add up to an additional + 250 MDC to the main body, +90 MDC to arms/shoulders, and + 100 MDC to legs and increase weight by 7 lbs, and 150 credits, per 1 MDC point. Lighter armor can be substituted, at 1 lb per MDC point, but the stronger polycarbonate armor costs 400 credits per MDC point. Adding more than 50% of the ‘bot’s base weight will reduce maximum speed by HALF, reduce hand to hand bonuses by HALF.
*Thermal Resistant Heat-Refractory Tile Armor(Option)---Special heat-resistant materials designed originally for reentry vehicle shielding. Heat and plasma-based attacks do 1/4 damage
----Cost: +1 million credits
*Chemical Resistant Armor(Option)----PS’s patented chemically inert armor that sheds the effects of corrosive chemicals and stick’ums. Acids and chemical weapons do NO damage.
----Cost: +1.1 million credits
*Jettisonable Armor(Option)---Special pre-cut division channels, break points, and integral explosive bolts allow the vehicle crew to jettison the applique armor, shedding it, usually to restore mobility(in the case of medium- and heavy-armors), lose contaminated outer plates, or shed unwanted riders. Once jettisoned, the applique armor CANNOT be re-attached without extensive reconstruction and refurbishment(if anything is left at all of the original material)....Essentially, one has to re-buy the applique and/or jettisonable armor option to regain its benefitts.
OPTIONAL: The explosive bolts, at the GM’s discretion, can explode off with enough force to do 1d6 MD to an 15 ft radius around the vehicle, due to flying armor fragments.
----Cost: +6,000 credits+cost of armor

*Forcefield---Many users take advantage of both the modualrity of the Prole and the availability of PS/ASI’s podded forcefield generators to add additional prottection in the form of a forcefield.

*Crash Control/Safety Restraints/Fire Control System---Reduces the damage that passengers take in a crash by HALF. PS actually offers a 10% discount on other options if this option is taken(hey, auto insurance is sorta ridiculous in monster infested Rifts Earth, but there should be some economic incentives for safety devices...).
Cost: 10,000 credits

*Ejection Seats---Great for last minute bailouts, or, if one decides to take the ‘master control’ option built into a secret control, ejecting unwelcome passengers from the vehicle. Includes auto-deploy restraints and head protector. Typically fire the seat up to 250 ft away; comes standard with zero-altitude capability, so if you leave the kids in the car, folks, while you pick up some groceries, disable the seats first....
Cost: 6,000 credits per chair

* Solar Wings----Supplements the nuclear power cell with large fold-out solar collector wings. Each wing(2) has 80 MDC.
Cost: 80,000 credits

*Flight Pack(GMR or Contragravity)---These units allow the Prole limited hover/flight capabilities, giving it the ability to move like a helicopter over water and hostile terrain. Can hover and fly at 220 MPH, maximum altitude of 2,000 ft. Cost: 4 million credits.

*Lance Scanner---Looks like a shoulder-slung rifle or large antennae but is a sensor probe. The Lance Scanner contains a magnetometer() and a short-range microwave radar for groundsearching minefields(in theory, the ground radar should be able to detect even nonmetallic mines, but takes twice as long).
Range: The magnetometer has a range of 4,000 ft and can detect vehicles and other metallic structures with 80% accuracy. It can detect powered-up rail guns and EM containment fields(such as fusion generator) at TWICE that range.
The ground radar has a range of 3,000 ft, and has a 90% chance of detecting metal-cased mines, 60% chance of detecting nonmetallic ordnance.
Cost: 40,000 credits

*Bio-Scanner---Has a molecular analyzer, enhanced radiation detector, high-powered acoustic ‘shotgun mike’(3,000 ft range), and thermo-imager optics.
Cost: 10,000 credits

*Aura Scanner---For detecting and identifying PPE concentrations
Range: 2000 ft
Cost: 35,000 credits

*PPE Detector---Detects the presence of PPE concentrations(including magically-concealed beings) in and around the vehicle(25 ft radius)
Cost: 9,000 credits

*TW Sensors:(Fighter-scale)(Courtesy of Kitsune)
-See Aura: Slightly different than the spell in that it can scan an entire target such as a ship or station. The enchantment can be used to target a single individual but only have one tenth normal range when being used in that matter. Costs 60 P.P.E. per activation due to extended range. Range: Fighter Mount: 100 miles (160 kilometers) in space and 1 mile (1.6 kilometers) in an atmosphere. Effects / Abilities: Gives an approximate count of the number of life forms onboard. Gives the average level of experience, highest level of experience, and lowest level of experience [Given in these terms: Low (1-3), medium (4-7), high (8th and up).] Tells if there is any magic onboard. Gives if there are any psychics onboard (Mind Block will prevent detection), Gives a general count on the amount of P.P.E. the target has (basically the P.P.E. of the crew and any devices which store P.P.E.). Detects if there is any kind of possession. Finally sees if the crew or ship has any unusual aberrations.
-See the Invisible Sensors: The ships has several special optical and other sensor systems with see the invisible on them. Same as spell and used at will (requires no P.P.E. to activate). Range: Fighter Mount: 200 miles (320 kilometers) in space and 2 miles (3.2 km) in an atmosphere. Effects / Abilities: Can see forces, objects, and creatures which can turn invisible, or are invisible. Can also see vaporous beings and astral bodies.
-Sense Magic: The ship has sensors which the give the ability to detect active magic. Similar to spell and used at will (requires no P.P.E. to activate). Range: Fighter Mount: 20,000 miles (32,200 kilometers) in space and 200 miles (320 km) in an atmosphere. . Effects / Abilities: detects the presence of magic if within detection range of ship and gives bearing on magic and basic range although not exact position. Detects active enchantments but will not generally detect spell casters in general.
-Sense Rifts: Ship has sensors which effectively allow Rifts to be detected. The system can be (requires no P.P.E. to activate). Range: Fighter Mount: 50,000 miles (80,500 kilometers) in space and 500 miles (805 km) in an atmosphere. Effects / Abilities: Detects the presence of Rifts (including those created by Rifts Jump Drives) and unlike when detecting magic gives position very accurately.

*Flare/Chaff Launcher---Fitted to the armor’s torso; fires 30mm grenade/smoke/flare cluster mortars. Can also be fitted to fire Triax- or Northern Gun-style flare/chaff countermeasure bundles.
Range: (Smoke/Grenades) 1,200 ft
(Triax Style) 500 ft
(Northern Gun Style) 6,000 ft, creates a 30 ft cloud, +10 ft per each additional chaff/flare launched in the volley. Cloud lasts 2 melees before dissipating(or less in a very strong wind).
(Smoke) Smoke in a 30 ft radius+15 ft per additional round launched in the volley.
(30 mm Grenade)(Incendiary) 2d4 MD to a 12 ft blast radius, plus an additional 1d6 MD per melee for 1d6 melees.
(HE) 2d6(12 ft blast radius)
(Chaff-Triax Style)
01-50 Enemy Missile or volley detonates in chaff and threat is neutralized
51-75 Missile/Volley diverts and may pursue/lock on to other targets
76-00 No Effect! Missile(s) still on target!
Will also temporarily blind and impede flying monsters who fly into it.
Reduce APMs/combat bonuses/ speed by half for 1d4 melees
(Chaff-Northern Gun Style)
10% chance per chaff cloud deployed of decoying missiles, up to maximum of 60%
Aircraft, power armor, and beings flying through the chaff will be -6 on perception, -3 on initiative, -5 to strike, -2 to parry, -2 dodge, and lose 1 melee attack that round(or the next). Sensory and Piloting rolls are at -20% for as long as the characters are caught in the cloud, and the next as they recover.
Rate of Fire: Volleys of 1,2,3, or 6
Payload: 12 flares/smoke charges per launcher
Cost: 2,000 credits per launcher, Smoke grenades cost 60 credits each, standard 30mm HE grenades cost 400 credits each, armor-piercing cost 550 credits each. Triax flares/chaff cost 75 credits a bundle, NG-style flares/chaff cost 65 credits each.
"Trouble rather the Tiger in his Lair,
Than the Sage among his Books,
For all the Empires and Kingdoms,
The Armies and Works that you hold Dear,
Are to him but the Playthings of the Moment,
To be turned over with the Flick of a Finger,
And the Turning of a Page"

--------Rudyard Kipling
Posts: 444
Joined: Thu May 08, 2008 11:04 pm

Re: Paladin Steel Storefront

Unread post by Omegasgundam »

I shouldn’t need to tell you what this is from or what it looks like. First blurb by taalismn.

Recovered ‘Clamshell’ Heavy Exoskeleton
"This kit's not a war-winner by itself, and no self-respecting metro world defense force would have it in the inventory, but the people manufacturing it and most likely to buy it are out on the Rim, where a lot of the settlements are on marginal or uninhabitable without life support or outright hell worlds. Out there, something gets in or blows out, people want to get to shelter or suited up fast, and get to making repairs or mounting a defense as quickly as possible. This rig's perfect for that, whether it's the low-end clunker or the higher-end warrior, so I figure this thing's going to become a staple of the ready responders all up and down the Fringe."

“The new clamshell exo-frame PS is testing is an interesting spin on the idea of power armor, and I can see the use for it. The primary hold up is the hands, which is understandable. Manipulator dexterity has always been one of the biggest stumbling blocks in armor design, with protection almost always coming at the cost of either usability or complexity. The Thermal Guard-8 is a good example, with the problems of heat shielding making it even worse. The clamshell shifts the cost into volume, being substantially larger and heavier, but its relative ease of use makes up for it. Considering how modular the coating is, they must be working on environmental adaptations.”

”Going over the specs, there's JUST enough room to wear a suit of Heavy CAF armor if you make some modifications to both. Would make it a bit harder to use otherwise, but that’s manageable. The control system is a weird mix of mechanical and electronic, so a cyberjack is useless, but you may as well use a CEPA if handling is that big an issue. I have some ideas about the fast donning feature, but nothing worth elaborating on at the moment. An interesting development regardless.”

Recently, a GNE Outstep expedition recovered a number of novel power armors from a particularly nuked out shatterworld, and while made out of pre-M-Factor materials the fundamental design was found to be quite interesting by PS engineers. While a fully enclosed and environmentally sealed design, these ‘Clamshell’ suits were almost as easy to don as the X-60 Flanker, albeit at the cost of low physical performance and surprisingly limited equipment space. In terms of overall capability, the Clamshells are best thought of as very heavy exo-skeletons, although the operator can wear a range of low-volume EBA suits while using it. The units were powered by a fascinating form of nuclear battery, and while the overall instantaneous output is far short of being able to power M-Factor weapons they have potential in a wide range of other fields.

Once taken apart, it was found that nearly all of the suites used the same basic chassis and support systems, with the differences coming in modular sections mounted over them. Judging from the estimated production dates and various engineering factors, it is believed that the three most common patterns were evolutions of each other driven by production limitations, with the first model being relatively easy to fabricate but having less than stellar protection, the second having substantially better armor at the cost of more time consuming curved surfaces, and the third using metallurgical improvements to combine the strength of both. The final pattern (nicknamed the ‘Bugman’ due to its ascetics) was found in extremely limited numbers, but offered even better protection at the cost of even further increased manufacturing cost and a number of maintenance concerns, and is believed to have been used by either elite forces or (judging from what cultural data was gained) a Praetorian Guard.

Naturally, PS has been inspired by these recoveries, and is currently developing an M-Factor equivalent. While they have a much superior unit in the Ramza, the Clamshell’s quick-don nature gives it a particular niche as a ‘panic suit’, and the relative simplicity of its design and construction means that it would be attractive for the low end of adventurers and civil defense. After some deliberation, it was decided to keep the surprisingly mass efficient combination of hydraulics and motors, although better materials have been used to cut the weight even further. This was helped with the design’s unique internal frame control fitting, which uses the peculiarities of the component layout to enable the armor to be rapidly synced to a wide range of body types at more than 90% effectiveness, even when wearing a full suit of EBA. However, this comes at the cost of usable internal volume, and the original hand control system is noted as being notably cumbersome. The latter has been mostly rectified however.

Paladin Steel’s version is still in the early stages of development, but a number of test types have been produced for field trials. Pricing is currently speculative, but it is hoped to be ready for wide scale distribution within a few years.
Type: Rapid Response/General Purpose Exoskeleton

MDC/Armor by Location (Frame):
    **Hands (2)---------------20 each
    *Arms (2)----------------20 each
    *Legs (2)------------------30 each
    Forward Torso-------------30
    Rear Torso----------------60

Statistics: Without additional armor components
    Height: Depends on model, and assuming human standard body proportions
      A: 6’6 (2m) without a helmet, can be operated by individuals between 5’ (1.52m) and 5’6 (1.68m)
      B: 7’ (2.29m) without a helmet, can be operated by individuals between 5’6 (1.68m) and 6’6 (1.83 m)
      C: 7’6 (2.44m) without a helmet, can be operated by individuals between 6’6 (1.83 m) and 7’ (2,13m)
    Width: Depends on model, and assuming human standard body proportions
      A: 1’11”(.58m)
      B: 2’2” (.66m)
      C: 2’5” (.74m)
    Depth: Depends on model
    Weight: Depends on model, full armor set adds 83 lbs (37.6 kg)
      A: 30 lbs (13.6 kg)
      B: 35 lbs (15.9 kg)
      C: 40 lbs (18.1 kg)

    Mobility: Poor, -25% to physical skills, prowl is impossible
    Running/Jumping: As operator, and tires at 30% normal speed.
    Flight: With an external jetpack only.
    Underwater: Cannot swim, but can walk along the bottom of the sea at about 25% its normal running speed.
    Maximum Depth: 500 feet (152.4 meters).

Physical Strength: PS 22 (Robotic)

    -4 to Dodge and Parry if not using a preset fitting, -2 if fitted
    -1 to strike with hand weapons without practice
    Cannot operate small scale weapons (or simply have too small control surfaces)
    Cannot perform any skill that requires precision hand use.
    Cannot gain bonuses from RPA Combat: Basic.

Cargo: Very limited, but it includes mounts for a Jet Pack and either a pair of CAF Power Packs or a light ammunition drum on the lower back. EBA compatible strap harnesses are also commonly used. The operator can wear a non-bulky (less than -15%) EBA armor underneath, but combines penalties unless specially fitted.

Power System: Electrical, has a 192 hour battery (Can change out battery in 15 seconds). Mounted on the back, one can be used at a time.

Market Cost: Currently speculative, but it looks like a fresh frame will go for around 50,000 (Phase World) credits. Each battery costs 25,000 credits.

Systems of Note:
    *Rapid Donning: With marginal training it takes 5 seconds to don, and can be reduced to 3 seconds with practice.

    *Superior Leg Reinforcement: No damage from falls less than 50 ft (12.2 m), and half damage above that.

Armoring Options: Repair costs vary by local capabilities and standards. Does not include any systems.
    *Low Grade (R:UE Coalition): 44000 credits for a full set, 65 credits per point to repair.
      Helmet: 50 MDC, 15 lbs (6.8 kg), 6500 credits
      Arms/Legs: 65 MDC, 19 lbs (8.6 kg), 8500 credits
      Torso: 100 MDC, 30 lbs (13.6 kg), 13000 credits

    *Medium Grade (CWC+): 82500 credits for a full set, 85 credits per point to repair.
      Helmet: 75 MDC, 15 lbs (6.8 kg), 12500 credits
      Arms/Legs: 95 MDC, 19 lbs (8.6 kg), 16000 credits
      Torso: 150 MDC, 30 lbs (13.6 kg), 25500 credits

    *High Grade (NEMA/Phase World): 130000 credits for a full set, 130 credits per point to repair.
      Helmet: 100 MDC, 15 lbs (6.8 kg), 13000 credits
      Arms/Legs: 125 MDC, 19 lbs (8.6 kg), 32500 credits
      Torso: 200 MDC, 30 lbs (13.6 kg), 52000 credits

Helmet/ Sensor Options:
    *Standard EBA Features: 5000 credits in addition to a helmet, and adds 2 lbs (.91 kg). Needs all armor components to be environmentally sealed.

    *Expanded Sensors: Light filters, IR/UV optics, telescopic magnification (10x magnification), macro-lens (6x magnification), passive night vision, Kirilian Aura viewer (detects PPE auras, including those of invisible beings, with 60% effectiveness at 200 ft range, but cannot determine power level or alignment), 14 language translator, Helmet Combat Recorder, and a PA grade HUD Multi-Screen. 7500 credits in addition to the above.

    *Mini-Radar: 3 mile range in atmosphere (30 miles in space). 2500 credits

    *Laser Distancing: 5 mile range (50 miles in space). 100 credits

Defensive Options:
    *Counter Crush Field Emitter: Gravitic munitions only do half damage to the armor when powered, and the wearer only takes SDC damage divided by 10. 5000 credits thanks to CCW wide mass production.

    *Naruni-style Forcefield: Equivalents to any of Naruni’s infantry scale models can be mounted. 25% normal installation cost after purchase.

    *EM Magshield System: The armor takes half damage from particle and ion weapons, but reduces the battery life by 20%. This is effective against TGE Energy Pulse technology. 20,000 Credits

    *Undermesh: The armor may be fitted with one of the following
      *Electric Dissipation Mesh: The armor takes half damage from infantry scale electrical (ie Ion) weapons. 50,000 Credits

      *Ectofibre Mesh: Magical energy attacks are reduced in damage by 1/3, and the wearer gets to save +1 versus magic, and TW modifications cost 1/3 less. 75,000 Credits

      *Psycoactive Mesh: As VBA-UC-1/7 (Pz). 66,000 Credits.

Weapon Options:
    *Forearm Attachments: Must have an external power source, and hand use is potentially limited.

    *Forearm Replacement: A forearm and hand assembly may be removed to provide a better mounting point for a heavy weapon. Counts as being Robotic PS 25, but must use external ammunition and power sources.

    *Shoulder Mounts: As on the Ramza, but heavier items impose heavy mobility penalties.

    *Model 2 ZapTaps: As in the PS catalog. 30,000 credits each as most of the guts are effectively already installed. They can be added to the fists and legs.

Mobility Options:
    *Jump Pack: Increases jump distance to 80 ft (24 m) up or across, and can hover up to 12 ft (3.6m) for 60 seconds. 10 lbs (4.5 kg), and costs 15000 credits.

    *Jet Pack: Equivalent to Wilk’s Jet Pack (R:UE pg 267), 75000 credits. Quite bulky, and takes up all of the available room on the back.

    *Grav Pack: As normal (DB:2 pg 126), but note the armor weight. 2000 credits to install after purchase.

    *GMR Coil: Reduces the effective mass of the armor by 75%, but does not affect total mass for a Grav Pack. 20000 credits.

    *Magnetic Boots: Counts as having PS 50 for resisting movement while on magnetic surfaces.

Utility Options:
    *Extended Life Support: 8 hour air supply backed up by 18 hour air recycling system. Temperature range is -200 degrees to 300 degrees fahrenheit without discomfort or malfunction. Radiation related filtering is particularly effective. 5000 credits.

    *Extreme Environmental Protection (Hot):

    *Extreme Environmental Protection (Cold):

    *Extreme Environmental Protection (Acidic):

    *Extreme Environmental Protection (Aquatic):

    *Gel Sealant: In the event that the suit is punctured, an internal layer of semi-liquid polymer gel quickly ‘clots’ to seal the hole, within 1d6 seconds, hopefully before much internal air is lost, or too much outside atmosphere invades. 2000 credits

    *Integral First Aid System: Integrated RMK and IRMSS with drug dispenser. 2000 credits to install after purchase

Other Options:
    *Replacement Hands: So long as the mounting joint in the forearm is intact, they can be swapped out in 30 seconds with only some instruction. X credits each.

    *Improved Hand Controls: Still in development, these improved control assemblies should remove the remaining penalties to hand use (beyond that of being power armor), but are currently prone to malfunction. X credits each.

    *Alternative Forearm Replacements: Replaces the forearm assembly with a utility array of a specific task such as welding or mechanical repair. X credits each.

    *Other Modifications: If you can find an armor mod or feature somewhere else that’s compatible, odds are PS has an equivalent available at a reasonable cost.

    *Techno-Wizard Features: As normal Paladin Steel pricing.
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Re: Paladin Steel Storefront

Unread post by taalismn »

(Here I gleefully plunder and subvert another Palladium OCC with the borrowing of some of Omegasgundam’s stats, text and concepts )

The BlackWatch(Initiative)---Modified Mystic Knight O.C.C.
(aka ‘Shadow-Knights’)

“The training in itself isn’t evil, but it’s been taught by people with evil self-serving principles for so long, and been monopolized by them for so long that the discipline’s almost inseparable from the teachers’ philosophy. -Almost- inseparable. Once we got the program defined and started up, we were turning out graduates as zealous to the service of the Light as a cyberknight crusader.”

“How is it no matter how smartly we dress or how pious we act, we can’t seem to shake reputations as bad boyz or bad girlz? Are our covers slipping? Daala’s got three invitations to join punk rock bands, and I’ve had a self-proclaimed fangirl attempt to handcuff herself to me!”
“Roll with it; I do.”
“That’s because you’re a maniac.”
“And loving every moment of it.”

“Your’s familiar. Very familiar! So, you must be one of the traitors of the White Rose! If nothing else goes right today, at least I’ll have the pleasure of killing a traitor to the Eternal Order!”
“It’s Blackwatch, not White Rose. And I’m known as something of a killjoy, so prepare to be disapppointed.”

The BlackWatch is one of the OPO’s secret programs; training up an in-house cadre of Good-aligned Mystic Knights. Though the GNE had long had animosity towards the mystic mercenaries(as so many others understandably do), they also couldn’t fault the usefulness of their abilities, and Paladin Steel’s mystic experts and bioengineers were tentatively researching ways of duplicating the Mystic Knights’ abilities. However, the Blackwatch program really came into being with steam as a result of a disaffected Mystic Knight defecting to the GNE and offering the secrets of his Order.
Sir Corman Axwell ‘The Contrarian’ was a thorough mercenary when he joined the Mystic Knights, but during the Minion War he found himself forced by his seniors in the Order to work too closely with Infernals and other types that he found most disagreeable, even for the money and benefits being offered. After a while though, Axwell figured his immediate superiors were violating the Order’s codes, such as they are, with their treatment of him and his men, that he could justify not obeying them. With Greater New England becoming the rising star in North America, Axwell figured he could get a better deal out of them, and stick it to the Order as well.
Though rightfully suspicious of Mystic Knights, the GNE intelligence services weren’t about to turn away a potential source of information on the secretive darkling mercenaries, even if they had to test Sir Corman to his destruction. Fortunately, they had another windfall in the form of a second cooperative Mystic Knight, Lady Azelius Darca, a midlevel field commander who had one too many close dealings with Infernals such that her sanity broke and she had an alignment shift. She had quietly approached the GNE offering HER services, not knowing that Sir Axwell was doing the same.
With the two to play off against each other, the GNE could check the veracity of both their stories and gain a great amount of information. By the time Darca and Axwell became aware of each other, the GNE intelligence agencies had a good handle on the truth of their claims, and the beginnings of their own training program forming. Axwell and Darca would initially head separate training efforts, though the programs would eventually be merged.

Darca was the more outspoken and zealous of the two, and this ultimately led to her downfall when she was positively identified and killed by other Mystic Knights in a battle during the power vacuum in the post-Minion War Magic Zone(the GNEAS was defending a community against would-be warlords supported by the Eternal Order). Axwell, whose activities were NOT known by the Eternal Order, took the opportunity to quietly retire offworld, after securing the GNE’s help in making it look as if Darca was the ONLY traitor in the employ of the GNE and that the Order’s compromised secrets had pretty much all died with her. Axwell had even suggested the planting of evidence that Darca killed HIM as part of her betrayal of the Eternal Order.

Corman the Contrarian maintains his Aberrant alignment, but he regards the GNE(and by extension the USA) as his weapon of vengeance upon his former employers, so he’s not about to betray them. Besides, he’s aware that by now the Blackwatch program has effectively mutated beyond anything he could easily destroy if he so chose. Instead, he’s living it up on an offworld estate provided to him by the Alliance. He is unaware of the Knights of the White Rose being nearby on Rifts Earth, but wouldn’t give a f### even if he did, except to wish them to be another pain for the pricks in charge of the Eternal Order. As with the Darca deception, as long as it draws any attention away from -his- betrayal of the Eternal Order, he’s good with the existence of other rogue or Good-aligned Mystic Knights running around.

(In-house Rumor: Azelius Darca did NOT die in battle but was recovered, revived, and reconstructed by the GNE. With a new face and effectively a new body, and living under a new identity, Lady Darca, though much diminished mystically, continues to aid the Office of Positive Outcomes in other capacities).

The Blackwatch program continues in secret, turning out ‘shadow-knights’ from a number of dispersed training facilities. Though the number of graduates of the program is still small, they are a welcome addition to the ranks of OPO’s operatives. Their frequent assignment to undercover and gray/black ops has earned them their ‘shadow’ nickname.

Blackwatch training places slightly more emphasis on espionage and undercover work; horsemanship can be taken as an elective, but is not part of the baseline curriculum. As part of their mystic training, Blackwatch trainees benefit from the GNE’s collected grimoires and United World of Warlock steroid booster programs. Mental training also benefits from the GNE’s bio-mod psionic inducement programs and Noro-inspired mental training regimens.

Unlike the Mystic Knights, the Blackwatch does not wear distinctive gear advertising their special nature. Like many mages in GNE service, they wear more understated gear to help blend into the ranks. Most people who meet Blackwatch operatives often mistake them for Smiter combat mages or some bio-mod, or even some variant of Cyberknight(and one as even mistaken for a Fallen Cosmoknight!). The Blackwatch does little to dissuade this, believing that it helps the security of the program, and the shadow-knights themselves take a degree of pleasure in being ‘effective over showy’ and ‘ready in the background’.

If the Eternal Order of Mystic Knights was to learn of the Blackwatch program and its true extent, the Mystic Knights would go after them with extreme prejudice and would likely effectively declare a crusade(or at least discounted mercenary services) against the GNE until the MKs are certain they’ve expunged all trace of the Blackwatch organization from existence.

Alignment: Any, but the vast majority(99%) of GNE Blackwatch graduates are Good in alignment
Attribute Requirements: P.E. 15 and a zealous pro-Light attitude
Special Abilities:
Same as for the Mystic Knight, #1-11
1. P.P.E. Channeling

2. Fire Energy Bolts

3. Steal & Redirect Ley Line Energy

4. Impervious to Energy

5. Masters of Combat

6. Ley LIne Abilities

7. P.P.E: The GNE has benefited from access to the United Wizards Warlock’s hormone treatments, their Mystic Knight-equivalents have consistently higher P.P.E storage capability.
Permanent Base P.P.E.: 2D4x10+60+ME. Add 3D6 P.P.E. per additional level of experience. He can draw from ley lines, nexus points, other people, and P.P.E. talismans.

8. Initial Spell Knowledge: The starting spell book of the GNE Blackwatch is incredibly extensive, with the GNE willing to foot the bill to acquire the truly useful Invocations up to 5th level, along with a few up to 7th. For some reason the standard package is known as the ‘Rat Bastard’ set. Additionally, those that are involved with the GNEAS receive an additional stipend of combat focused utility spells, which have been mass produced on a truly massive scale. The selection is identical to the starter kit for GNE Ley Line Walkers, both because of the overall usefulness of the selected spells, and because the initial classes of Blackwatch were as a security measure taught by mentors who thought they were teaching ley line mage variants.

? GNE Set (Invocations): Armor Bizarre (12), Armor of Ithan (10), Astral Projection (10), Aura of Power (4), Befuddle (6), Blind (6), Blinding Flash (1), Breathe Without Air (5), Carpet of Adhesion (10), Charismatic Aura (10), Cloud of Smoke (2), Energy Field (10), Energize Spell (12+), Escape (12), Extinguish Fire (4), Eyes of Thoth (8), Fear (5), Fly as the Eagle (25), Globe of Daylight (2), Globe of Silence (20), Horrific Illusion (10), Horror (12), Impervious to Energy (20), Impervious to Fire (5), Impervious to Poison (5), Invincible Armor (30), Invisibility: Simple (6), Invisibility: Superior (20), Lifesource (2), Light Healing (6), Magic Net (7), Mend the Broken (12+), Mental Blast (12), Mystic Alarm (5), Negate Poison/Toxin (5), Orb of Cold (6), Seal (7), See Aura (6), See the Invisible (4), See the Invisible (4), Sense Magic (4), Shadow Meld (10), Superhuman Speed (10), Superhuman Strength (10), Sustain (12), Telekinesis (8), Tongues (10), Trance (10), Watchguard (10), Wind Rush (20)
? GNEAS Set (Combat Magic): Bullet Proof (1), Clocking Cloud & Dust Cloud (15), Eavesdrop (10), Electromagnetic Attack (30), Engine Stall (35), Farseeing (3), Flareburst (2), Fighting Spirit (20), Freefall (18), , Full Throttle (2), Improved Blast Shield (17) , Infrared Vision (5), Invisibility to Sensors (20), Mystic Direction Sense (6), Stumble (2), Magelock (20), Mystic Invisibility (25), Mystic Marksmanship (5), Mystic Pitching Throw (6), Nightvision (4), Sense Traps & Mines (12), Slam (5), Spy Eye (25), Starburst (12), Stealth Walk (10), Stunblast 16), Superhuman Agility (15), TK Bullet Attack (3-5), Wakefulness (5).

9. Learning New Spells---Blackwatch operatives can learn new spells in the normal fashion, and OPO gives them access to the GNE-compiled grimoires, giving them a great advantage over other Mystic Knights.

10. Psionic Powers---Same as for the Mystic Knight, though the GNE’s ability to artificially induce psychic abilities has opened up a larger number of possible recruits.

11. ISP: +1d8 additional ISP at the time of creation, thanks to more refined meditation and mental discipline techniques.

O.C.C. Skills:
Language/Literacy: Native 98%/98%
Language/Literacy: Dragonese 80%/80%
Language: 1 additional of choice(+15%)
Magic Lore: (+10%)
Lore: Demons and Monsters(+20%)
Forced March
Land Navigation(+10%)
Pilot: One of choice(+10%)
Espionage: 2 of choice(+15%)
Military: 2 of choice(+13%)
Rogue: 2 of choice(+12%)
W.P. Sword
W.P. 2 Ancient of choice
W.P. 2 Modern of choice
Hand to Hand: Expert(can be substituted for either Judo or Jujitsu, or upgraded to Martial Arts or Assassin for one ‘other’ skill, or Commando for two other skills)

O.C.C. Related Skills: Select 6 skills from the following categories, plus an additional 1 at levels 3,6, 9, 12 and 15.
Communications: Any(+5%)
Cowboy: None
Domestic: Any
Electrical: None
Espionage: Any(+10%)
Horsemanship: Any(+10%)
Mechanical: Basic Mechanics only
Medical: First Aid only
Military: Any
Physical: Any
Pilot: Any
Pilot Related: Any
Rogue: Any(+10%)
Science: Math only(+5%)
Technical: Any
Wilderness: Any
Weapons Proficiencies(W.P.): Any

Secondary Skills: The character also gets to select 3 secondary skills from those listed, plus at levels 3, 7, 10 and 13 . These are additional areas of knowledge that do not get the advantage of the bonuses listed in parentheses. All secondary skills start at the base skill level.

Experience Tables: Use Mystic Knight tables

Standard Equipment: A suit of mage-usable body armor with TW enhancements, set of plainclothes armor, 1 weapon per WP, 4 e-clips or loads of ammo for each, TW-Knife, Multiplexor and a large number of spells that he knows to serve as a focus, field uniform (skinsuit), dress uniform, around 100 lbs of whatever field equipment he might need, and some form of light vehicle.

Equipment Available Upon Assignment: Just about anything that their Commanding Officer deems suitable and they are trained with. The GNEAS’s infamous reputation of getting involved in bizarre and credibility-stretching ‘shenanigans’ means that it is not unusual for squads to be given equipment that would normally be reserved for a country’s elite forces, and veterans quickly become numb to constant stream of ‘Adventure-itus’ experiences. Line Mages are often the ones entrusted with valuable magic items or techno-wizard creations in the absence of a true specialist.

Cybernetics: None, and has priority to be given magic restoration to replace lost body parts.

Bio Modifications: None so far.
"Trouble rather the Tiger in his Lair,
Than the Sage among his Books,
For all the Empires and Kingdoms,
The Armies and Works that you hold Dear,
Are to him but the Playthings of the Moment,
To be turned over with the Flick of a Finger,
And the Turning of a Page"

--------Rudyard Kipling
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Re: Paladin Steel Storefront

Unread post by Omegasgundam »

I'll need to go over it, but the first problem that crops up is that Mystic Knights are, as the name says, Mystics. That means they have Mystic spell learning, which requires serious knowledge to work around. Not impossible, and the GNE has access to people that would have it, but it'll take some time.

EDIT: I'm taking some notes from Rifter #45, and I think I have a good workaround. Check your PMs.
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Re: Paladin Steel Storefront

Unread post by taalismn »

Omegasgundam wrote:I'll need to go over it, but the first problem that crops up is that Mystic Knights are, as the name says, Mystics. That means they have Mystic spell learning, which requires serious knowledge to work around. Not impossible, and the GNE has access to people that would have it, but it'll take some time.

EDIT: I'm taking some notes from Rifter #45, and I think I have a good workaround. Check your PMs.

Yah, I agree.....This was a light tweak job with a brick cart of spells shoved on....
(part of my brain was saying..."Please wait a couple of days, then take a second look...before you post?")
"Trouble rather the Tiger in his Lair,
Than the Sage among his Books,
For all the Empires and Kingdoms,
The Armies and Works that you hold Dear,
Are to him but the Playthings of the Moment,
To be turned over with the Flick of a Finger,
And the Turning of a Page"

--------Rudyard Kipling
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Re: Paladin Steel Storefront

Unread post by Omegasgundam »

That was a good first draft, but it lacked a certain ‘zest’ to fit in with the other (munchkin) GNE OCCs. So I decided to turn it into a Mystic Commando. Its also given me some ideas for what to do with the Eternal Order in the post-MW era, so watch this space.

The BlackWatch Initiative
---Modified Mystic Knight O.C.C.
(aka ‘Shadow Knights’, ‘Mystic Commandos’)

“The training in itself isn’t evil, but it’s been taught by people with evil self-serving principles for so long, and been monopolized by them for so long that the discipline’s almost inseparable from the teachers’ philosophy. -Almost- inseparable, and we have some serious mystic heavy weights to handle it. Once we got the program defined and started up, we were turning out graduates as zealous to the service of the Light as a cyberknight crusader.”

“How is it no matter how smartly we dress or how pious we act, we can’t seem to shake reputations as bad boyz or bad girlz? Are our covers slipping? Daala’s got three invitations to join punk rock bands, and I’ve had a self-proclaimed fangirl attempt to handcuff herself to me!”
“Roll with it; I do.”
“That’s because you’re a maniac.”
“And loving every moment of it.”

“Your’s familiar. Very familiar! So, you must be one of the traitors of the White Rose! If nothing else goes right today, at least I’ll have the pleasure of killing a traitor to the Eternal Order!”
“It’s Blackwatch, not White Rose. And I’m known as something of a killjoy, so prepare to be disappointed.”

“I was reasonably familiar with the original tradition during my time in the Old World, with the energy draining capabilities being the bane of most forms of active mystic defense, but I had never bothered to spend the time working out the mechanics of any of the ‘Mystic Hybrids’. They’re not compatible with my nature, and I had enough trouble staying ahead of my rivals. Still, I knew who, where, and how to inquire for information when it became relevant, which allowed me to cut the time needed to improve it down to half a decade. The UWW has been fiddling in this direction for a good millenia as well, which has given me an excuse to talk shop with several peers that don’t have any significant reason to plot against me, which is a novel experience. Thoth have a few key pointers to the core phenomenon, and I’m sure the High Magi of Dweomer would be over the moon if they had it. Its nice that we didn’t have to delve into Bio-Wizardry do start playing with it, because that’s always a messy headache”
---Lis’Harga, GNE Dean of Wards and Circle Magic

“Traitors to the Order are always a problem and disappointment, but I feel as if these unknowns represent something larger than just the students of a dead apostate. There’s been a handful of reports about them casting spells that should be simply out of their reach given how much experience they have had time to acquire, and my instincts say that this isn’t due to some techno-wizard device. If there truly is more than meets the eye, then this might be an opportunity to further our pursuits of greater dark magics. This warrants a more thorough investigation before we engage in any speculative purge, which can wait for the appropriate time.”
---Ealdor(ret) Ieldran Brujo, Eternal Order of the Mystic Knights

The BlackWatch is one of the OPO’s secret programs; training up an in-house cadre of Good-aligned Mystic Knights. Though the GNE had long had animosity towards the mystic mercenaries (as so many others understandably do), they also couldn’t fault the usefulness of their abilities, and Paladin Steel’s mystic experts and bioengineers were tentatively researching ways of duplicating the Mystic Knights’ abilities. However, the Blackwatch program really came into being with steam as a result of a disaffected Mystic Knight defecting to the GNE and offering the secrets of his Order.

Sir Corman Axwell ‘The Contrarian’ of House Brujo was a thorough mercenary when he joined the Mystic Knights, but during the Minion War he found himself forced by his seniors in the Order to work too closely with Infernals and other types that he found most disagreeable, even for the money and benefits being offered. When the Order’s fortunes turned sour and Archduke Sigil fell from what is euphemistically called ‘grace’, the resulting turmoil led to Axwell becoming critically estranged with both the Order and his House, as Count Drake gave himself few favors in the aftermath. Axwell was burned on at least two occasions, which made him feel fully justified in not just cutting ties but going turncoat. With Greater New England becoming the rising star in North America, Axwell figured he could get a better deal out of them, and stick it to the Order as well.

Though rightfully suspicious of Mystic Knights, the GNE intelligence services weren’t about to turn away a potential source of information on the secretive darkling mercenaries, even if they had to test Sir Corman to his destruction. Fortunately, they had another windfall in the form of a second cooperative Mystic Knight, Lady Azelius Darca, a moderately experienced Viscount of House Bregdan. Darca has suffered a major alignment shift due to her sanity breaking from one too many close dealings with Infernals, and was thus sufficiently revolted by the Order to commit open treason. She had quietly approached the GNE offering HER services, not knowing that Sir Axwell was doing the same.

With the two to play off against each other, the GNE could check the veracity of both their stories and gain a great amount of information. By the time Darca and Axwell became aware of each other, the GNE intelligence agencies had a good handle on the truth of their claims, and the beginnings of their own training program forming, and enough leads to point Lis’Harga towards reverse engineering the tradition. Axwell and Darca would initially head separate training efforts, though the programs would eventually be merged.

Darca was the more outspoken and zealous of the two, and this ultimately led to her downfall when she was positively identified and killed by other Mystic Knights in a battle during the power vacuum in the post-Minion War Magic Zone (the GNEAS was defending a community against would-be warlords supported by the Eternal Order). Axwell, whose activities were NOT known by the Eternal Order, took the opportunity to quietly retire offworld, after securing the GNE’s help in making it look as if Darca was the ONLY traitor in the employ of the GNE and that the Order’s compromised secrets had pretty much all died with her. Axwell had even suggested the planting of evidence that Darca killed HIM as part of her betrayal of the Eternal Order.

Corman the Contrarian maintains his Aberrant alignment, but he regards the GNE(and by extension the USA) as his weapon of vengeance upon his former employers, so he’s not about to betray them. Besides, he’s aware that by now the Blackwatch program has effectively mutated beyond anything he could easily destroy if he so chose. Instead, he’s living it up on an offworld estate provided to him by the Alliance. He is unaware of the Knights of the White Rose being nearby on Rifts Earth, but wouldn’t give a f### even if he did, except to wish them to be another pain for the pricks in charge of the Eternal Order. As with the Darca deception, as long as it draws any attention away from -his- betrayal of the Eternal Order, he’s good with the existence of other rogue or Good-aligned Mystic Knights running around.

(In-house Rumor: Azelius Darca did NOT die in battle but was recovered, revived, and reconstructed by the GNE. With a new face and effectively a new body, and living under a new identity, Lady Darca, though much diminished mystically, continues to aid the Office of Positive Outcomes in other capacities).

Training and Capabilities
The Blackwatch program continues in secret, turning out ‘shadow-knights’ from a number of dispersed training facilities. Though the number of graduates of the program is still small, they are a welcome addition to the ranks of OPO’s operatives. Their frequent assignment to undercover and gray/black ops has earned them their ‘shadow’ nickname. Most of the skill training is derived from the GNE’s Special Forces program, resulting in a very similar set of mundane capabilities. There are a number of people that consider the actual difference amounting to what MOS and Bio-Mod are selected, although this overlooks some complexities.

Blackwatch training places slightly more emphasis on espionage and undercover work; horsemanship can be taken as an elective, but is not part of the baseline curriculum. The ‘mystic’ portion of the training program is intensive, but ultimately nowhere near as time consuming or intellectually demanding as true Masters of Magic, resulting in there being substantially more room for skill training, particularly with the overlap of the physical aspects. The psionic portions benefit heavily from both GNE’s bio-mod psionic inducement programs and Noro-inspired mental training regimens, and thanks to recovered knowledge from the world of Palladium is fully tied into the synergistic result.

The most significant change is their spell casting capability, with the GNE having access to several powerful figures that were of great prominence during the Time of a Thousand Majicks. Their collective knowledge has enabled a tremendous breakthrough in the various branches of the Mystic tradition; the ability to learn additional spells outside of their intuitive ones. While still inferior to a true Master of Magic and only able to learn spells up to the 10th level of invocation, this expands the Blackwatch’s capabilities far beyond even the magic focused traditions of House Brujo (Rifter #45, pg 70). The process is still meaningfully time consuming and requires a normal magic scroll to fuel the process, but Ieldran Brujo (Rifter #45, pg 58) would do anything he possibly could to acquire and duplicate this. Work is being done to apply this to the GNE’s other Mystic traditions, but the need for secrecy is naturally slowing things down.

As to be expected from a GNE spell caster, the Blackwatch does not wear distinctive gear advertising their special nature, instead using the ‘normal’ range of equipment to help them blend into the ranks. Most people who meet Blackwatch operatives often mistake them for Smiter combat mages or some new form of bio-mod, or even some variant of Cyberknight (and one as even mistaken for a Fallen Cosmoknight!). The Blackwatch does little to dissuade this, believing that it helps the security of the program, and the shadow-knights themselves take a degree of pleasure in being ‘effective over showy’ and ‘ready in the background’.

If the Eternal Order of Mystic Knights was to learn of the Blackwatch program and its true extent, the Order would go after them with extreme prejudice and would likely effectively declare a crusade (or at least discounted mercenary services) against the GNE, although their manpower and resources have become quite limited in the aftermath of the Minion War. By the time the Archduke Bregdan would feel he was in a position to do something, the sheer scale of the GNE’s out-dimensional efforts would make the effort an obviously futile endeavor, resulting in a permanent formal blood feud between the order and the polity.

Alignment: Any, but the vast majority(99%) of GNE Blackwatch graduates are Good in alignment

Attribute Requirements: I.Q. 10, M.E. 10, M.A. 10, P.S. 12, P.P. 14, P.E. 15, and a zealous pro-Light attitude. They have so far received a full set of Bio-Wizard augmentations after graduation, which includes the MDC Transformation.

Special Abilities: See Mystic Knight (WB: 16, pg 91 or WB: 26, pg 26) for details
    1. P.P.E. Channeling: Easy enough to obscure in combat, most E-Clips given to Blackwatch members are modified to better stand the particular riggers of this form of recharging at the cost of being unable to use normal methods.

    2. Fire Energy Bolts: Part of the skill set, but the lack of efficiency pushes it into a backup and/or covert role.

    3. Steal & Redirect Ley Line Energy: The Mystic Knight’s calling card among magic circles, it is more or less impossible to mistake it in action, imposing usage constraints when there are witnesses about.

    4. Impervious to Energy: As the spell is so ubiquitous among serious mystic combatants, it is easily dismissed on the battlefield. Things become more tricky out of combat however.

    5. Masters of Combat/OCC Bonuses: The training of the GNE’s Special Forces program was close enough to be modified to serve as the basis of the new Blackwatch tradition, resulting in what are considered to be more useful benefits. There are thoughts of investigating the Dweomer Brotherhood of Battle for additional inspiration as well.

      Attribute: +1D4 PE, +1D4 PP, +1D6+10 Spd, +20 SDC

      Combat: +1 APM, +2 to initiative, +1 to initiative (every odd level), +2 to disarm, +1 to roll with impact, +2 to pull punch (every even level)

      Normal Resistances: +3 vs HF at level 1, +1 vs HF (multiple of 3), +3 vs Possession, +5% vs Coma and death, +2 vs disease and poison, and +3 to Perception rolls

      Magic: +1 vs Magic (multiple of 3), +1 Spell Strength (2, 4, 8, 12)

    6. Ley Line Abilities: As normal.

    7. P.P.E: The GNE has benefited from access to the United Wizards Warlock’s hormone treatments, their Mystic Knight-equivalents have consistently higher P.P.E storage capability. Considering the GNE’s other spell casting programs, this does not raise many eyebrows.

      Permanent Base P.P.E.: 2D4x10+60+PE. Add 3D6 P.P.E. per additional level of experience. He can draw from ley lines, nexus points, other people, and P.P.E. talismans.

    8. Initial Spell Knowledge: The initial classes had to deal with the limited spell set of the base tradition (albeit with the better spell base of House Brujo, Rifter #45, pg 70), but the follow up groups would have a much less restricted list by default. As a result, they have most of the ‘blue chip’ spells that are expected of GNE casters, although predominantly focused on combat applications and (generally) limited to the Invocation level of 6

      Invocations: Armor Bizarre (12), Armor of Ithan (10), Befuddle (6), Blind (6), Breathe Without Air (5), Cloud of Smoke (2), Energize Spell (12+), Escape (12), Extinguish Fire (4), Eyes of Thoth (8), Fear (5), Fly as the Eagle (25), Globe of Daylight (2), Horror (12), Impervious to Poison (5), Invisibility: Simple (6), Life Source (2), Magic Net (7), Magic Shield (6), Mystic Alarm (5), Negate Poison/Toxin (5), Seal (7), Sense Magic (4), Shadow Meld (10), Superhuman Speed (10), Superhuman Strength (10), Sustain (12), Targeted Deflection (15), Telekinesis (8), Tongues (10), and Power Weapon (35)

      Combat Magic: Clocking Cloud & Dust Cloud (15), Farseeing (3), Flareburst (2), Infrared Vision (5), Invisibility to Sensors (20), Mystic Direction Sense (6), Magelock (20), Mystic Marksmanship (5), Sense Traps & Mines (12), Slam (5), Starburst (12), Stealth Walk (10), Stumble (2), Stunblast 16), Superhuman Agility (15), TK Bullet Attack (3-5), Wakefulness (5)

    9. Learning New Spells: Intuitively learn 2 new spells every additional level of experience (Invocations 1-6), and thanks to the teachings of House Brujo learn an additional spell at every third level of experience (Invocations 1-10).

      Additionally, Blackwatch members can learn new spells via a complex meditation ritual using a scroll of the spell in question and taking 1 week per level of the Invocation (up to 10). With a great deal of competent external assistance, this can be reduced down to 1 day per level. Combat Magic Invocations always take 1 day per level, likely due to sympathetic resonance.

    10. Psionic Powers: The Blackwatch program produces a more consistent set of initial power, with the nominal loss of flexibility being considered a trivial cost.

      Initial Powers: See Aura (4), See the Invisible (4), Sense Evil (2), Sixth Sense (2), Resist Fatigue (4), and one of choice from either Physical or Sensitive categories.

      Additional Powers: One additional choice from either Physical or Sensitive categories every additional level of experience, and one from Super at levels 4 and 9

    11. ISP: 6D6+8+ME at the time of creation and 1D4+3 per additional level of experience thanks to more refined meditation and mental discipline techniques.

‘MOS’: Just to keep things similar to my other OCCs.
      Forced March
      Prowl (+15%)
      Lore: Demons and Monsters (+20%)
      Lore: Magic (+20%)
      Land Navigation (+20%)
      Espionage of choice (+15%)
      Military of choice (+13%)
      Rouge of choice (+12%)

O.C.C. Skills: 29 skills, 8 ‘MOS’, 3 other, 40 total, 4 secondary
    Language: Native 98%
    Literacy: Native 95%
    Language: Dragonese 80%
    Literacy: Dragonese 80%
    Radio: Basic (+15%)
    Electronic Countermeasures (+10%)
    Intelligence (+15%)
    Military Etiquette (+16%)
    Recognize Weapon Quality (+12%)
    Climbing: (+10 )
    Swimming (+10)
    Pilot Automobile or Hovercraft: +10
    Pilot Motorcycle or Hovercycle: +10
    Math: Basic (+10)
    Computer Operation (+15%)
    Lore: D-Bees
    WP Sword
    WP Energy Pistol
    WP Energy Rifle (gets an extra +1 to strike)
    WP Heavy Weapons
    WP Heavy Energy Weapons
    WP Ancient of choice (usually Shield)
    Wilderness Survival (+15%)
    Hand to Hand: Commando

O.C.C. Related Skills: Select 3 ‘other’ skills from the following categories, plus 2 additional choices at levels 3, 6, 9, and 12. The Blackwatch tradition is quite good at retaining neuroplasticity, even with the amount of time and effort that goes into the mystic side of it.
    Communications: Any (+10%)
    Cowboy: None
    Domestic: Any
    Electrical: Basic only (+5%)
    Espionage: Any (+15%)
    Horsemanship: Any (+10%)
    Mechanical: Basic Mechanics only
    Medical: First Aid only (+10%)
    Military: Any (+15%)
    Physical: Any
    Pilot: Any non-military (+5%)
    Pilot Related: Any (+5%)
    Rogue: Any (+10%)
    Science: Math only
    Technical: Any (+5%)
    W.P.: Any
    Wilderness: Any (+5%)

Secondary Skills: Select 4 at level 1, gain 1 additional skill at levels 4, 8, and 12

Experience Tables: Use Mystic Knight tables

Standard Equipment: A suit of mage-usable body armor with TW enhancements, a set of plainclothes armor, a choice of Energy Pistol and Rifle, 8 E-Clips (any type), a choice of man portable Micro-Missile Launcher and 4 loads of ammunition, a Multiplexor and a substantial number of spells that he knows to serve as a focus, field uniform (skinsuit), dress uniform, around 100 lbs of whatever field equipment he might need, and some form of light vehicle.

Equipment Available Upon Assignment: As the Blackwatch is (currently) part of the OPO, they have a spectacularly wide latitude for what is considered ‘mission suitable’, which frequently strays into the outright nonsensical. The sheer amount of bizarre and credibility-stretching ‘shenanigans’ results in squad loadouts being effectively unrestricted, with the novelty of ‘Adventure-itus’ experiences dying an inglorious death halfway through their first deployment. While not true Masters of Magic, the Blackwatch can still use most forms of TW equipment, and generally have priority regarding anything directly related with combat applications.

Cybernetics: None, and has priority to be given magic restoration to replace lost body parts.

Bio Modifications: Only Bio-Wizard augmentations, which are done wherever the OPO can arrange for it. This includes MDC Transformation, which is the primary hole in the new tradition.
Last edited by Omegasgundam on Fri Dec 09, 2022 12:50 am, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: Paladin Steel Storefront

Unread post by taalismn »

'Zest'...I'll remember that(breaks out the oranges, lemons, and kitchen grater).
"Trouble rather the Tiger in his Lair,
Than the Sage among his Books,
For all the Empires and Kingdoms,
The Armies and Works that you hold Dear,
Are to him but the Playthings of the Moment,
To be turned over with the Flick of a Finger,
And the Turning of a Page"

--------Rudyard Kipling
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Re: Paladin Steel Storefront

Unread post by Omegasgundam »

Here's the first part of the first draft on my take on the Mystic Knights, drawing from the entire in Rifter #45 to give details. The Xs are placeholders for where I intend to put them, which has already been decided, but you can swap it with whatever location you want. Part 2 will cover my version of the X, and have some crunch in the form of OCC developments and some equipment.

Post-Minion War Mystic Knights (Paladin Steel Setting)
“Based on what we have managed to gather, the overwhelmingly leading cause of death among Wandering Knights during the war is what amounts to ‘lack of respectability’. Simply put, their honor-less cutthroat reputation led to them having no true allies to turn to for assistance, with most of their nominal ‘friends’ signing up with one of the Infernal forces. Additionally, they were seen as sufficiently toxic to associate with that the price of hiring others was far too exorbitant to practically meet. Finally, most if not all of the various local parties considered them no better than the Infernals, and the increasing prevalence of heavy kinetic weapons has made small groups of Mystic Knights much more vulnerable than previously. All of this ties back to Maceo’s never-to-be-sufficiently damn mercurial attention to the Code of the Order, and is all the justification necessary to force the proper interpretation among those that have fallen astray. This is perhaps more important that reconstituting the Order’s rosters, and must be among our highest priority endeavors”
---Archduke William Bregdan, Eternal Order of the Mystic Knights (X), 112 PA

“I am even more disappointed than you regarding the succession, but Bregdan does raise a valid point regarding the decay of the Order’s principles. Say what you will about him, none can deny his adherence to the proper Code of Conduct and his will to push his reforms through. As a consolation, he is ultimately a human, and is unlikely to pursue any of the more practical life extension methods, so we will only have to deal with him for a few decades. Additionally, our current situation means that there will be far less opportunities to gather battlefield renown for a human generation, which means that we elves will be in a far better position to assert our proper authority when the time comes. In the meantime we need you to help manage William towards the best path.”
---Count Imperator (Brugo) Drake to Count Retainer (Bregdan) Griffith, Eternal Order of the Mystic Knights (X), 112 PA

“Can’t say I’m all that pleased with all the Wanders showing up, but most of them leave soon enough afterwards that I can manage. Brujo’s salvage teams have kicked enough of the recovered equipment our way that we can sustain operations until our cutouts can get us a more permanent solution, and our remote location is the best security we can get for given the circumstances. Things are more than a bit awkward due to being on the wrong side of the Domain of Man compared to the Order’s traditional stomping grounds, but Isen is working on a solution to that.”
--- Ealdor Jonathan Berkley, House Isceald of Eternal Order of the Mystic Knights (Rifts Earth), 112 PA

A Tale of Woe, Exodus, and Recovery
The Minion War saw the Magic Zone devastated, the Federation of Magic destroyed, and its defenders gutted. The Eternal Order of the Mystic Knights was in the thick of the fighting and paid the price for it, eventually being forced to flee offworld. However, there are enough survivors to reconstitute and rebuild, so the main Houses will once again menace Rifts North America and beyond within 10 years. In the meantime, House Isceald is happy to exploit having the continent to itself, and the surviving Wandering Knights are causing as much chaos and bloodshed as ever.
The Sundering of the Federation
As the primer fighting force of the Magic Zone, the Eternal Order of the Mystic Knights quickly became heavily involved in the struggles against the Infernal Armies. While Hell Lord Rune knew of the Order’s reputation and appreciated their fully mercenary outlook, Hell Lords Pain and Death along with Overlords Shard and Shade did not. Thus, the majority of the Infernal Armies cared little about the Order’s sellsword nature, and saw them as annoying mortals that wouldn’t commit to the ‘winning side’. This would coincide with Lord Duscon’s crackdown and later purge, resulting in Lizard Mage K’zaa deciding that now was the moment for Stormspire to leave, taking as many people as could fit to his expanded base of operation to greener pastures in X. At this point the Magic Zone was engulfed in open warfare between 5 Infernal Armies, and Overlord Dai would join in half way to take advantage of the situation. The resulting bloodshed would see the leylines surge to levels not seen since the Cataclysm, and the construction and later destruction of multiple Hell Pits would damage the local dimensional fabric.

Of the roughly 6200 Mystic Knights that were in the Magic Zone at the start of the conflict, it is believed that roughly half of them were dead within the first few months of the conflict. House Hiremann would take the highest casualties overall, but the Noble House were proportionally on par. The Eternal Order gave more than they got, but the sheer tide of numbers meant that it was only a matter of time before the Infernal armies broke through their remaining defensive lines and stormed their holdings. Archduke Maceo Sigil was forced to put his ambition aside for the time being and focus on the task at hand, and was eventually forced to make way to the City of Brass to ask Lord Duscon for assistance in evacuation. As the dimensional travel had already become unreliable (and in some cases outright lethal) and the Order’s teleportation circle facility being destroyed in the early days, he was forced to go overland and risk Infernal attention. Attention that the newly elevated Count Imperator Drake of House Brujo ensured that he would get.

Treachery and Exodus
As the Archduke was taking a number of treasures with him as a potential bribe, Count Drake twisted the story that the cargo consisted of tombs and artifacts recovered from Freehold and planted the information among the scouts of Overlord Shade. The dragon-obsessed lunatic of a Deevil would pursue the 80-man strong detachment halfway across the Magic Zone before pinning them down, and while the Archduke and his retinue fought as well as could be expected, it was nowhere near enough. The immediate power struggle among the Order’s leadership would be curtailed in the immediate aftermath in order to conduct evacuations, with the Order’s handful of Stone Mages finding a relative stable point in leyline’s pulses, allowing for the use of dimensional rift teleportation to a potential safe haven. By sheer luck, they would connect to the recently devastated world of X (X, pg X), and while the X would be all but obliterated several Dimensional Pyramids were intact enough to quickly repair and allow for the rapid exodus of the Order’s personal and mobile possessions.

Succession and Aftermath
While contact was quickly reestablished with Rift’s Earth in the form of an auxiliary site in Tennessee, the delayed jockeying for power made itself felt in earnest. Count Drake moved with unseemly haste to try to push Ieldran Brujo back into his former position, but the founder then shocked the order by announcing that he wished to retire from active leadership in order to focus his energies towards his exploration of dark mysticism and empowering the Mystic Knight tradition. It would take over a month for the matter to be resolved, ultimately with Ealdor William Bregdan becoming the new Archduke. The Elven hardliners would eventually accept it with the understanding that William would die within a few decades, and none doubted his commitment to restoring Order to its proper code. In the meantime, an Order wide recall has been issued to the surviving members of the Wandering House, with House Isceald serving as the rallying point.
Order Status
The Order is reconstituting itself on X, repairing various facilities in the city of X to serve their needs, but has dimensional links to the town of Isceald and a House Bruja retreat called Ieldran’s Rest in eastern Tennessee. The latter is reasonably close to the Magic Zone, but is considered too vulnerable to be made public, and is thus used to stage salvage operations. Contact with several moderately disreputable members of the X has given them an entry into the larger X community, although it will be years before the Order decides to make its presence felt.

Currently, around 2700 souls compose the Great Houses present on X, with House Iscald adding another 1600 to that number. It is estimated that around 1400 Wandering Knights remain alive, with most of the lesser chaff lacking in skills and honor dying during the war due to their lack of allies, although in all likelihood only 800 of them will be both willing and able to join a House. The various House Serfs on X total around 6000, and are naturally doing the majority of the mundane work needed to make their new home livable, while Iscald has around 2000.

House Status
The Order has suffered tremendously, and its member Houses are all badly depleted of combat capable personnel. Rebuilding efforts will take most of a generation, and until then large scale operations will be ever rarer than usual. That also ties into the headache of getting new contracts, which will require establishing new ties.
House Bregdan
The new Reigning House, the 450 survivors of House Bregdan are stretched managing the Order’s various efforts. A third of them have returned to Rifts Earth to handle returning bands of the Wandering House and reestablish what contacts they can, another third have ventured to the X in order to establish new ties, and the final third are focused on rebuilding the Order. Archduke Bregdan’s primary goal is reconstituting the Order and reinstituting his stricter interpretation of the Code, returning the organization to something resembling respectability.

House Brujo
Despite being reduced to 400 members, the House Brujo’s leadership is mostly intact, although Ieldran Brujo has stepped down as Ealdor to focus on his mystic pursuits. Ealdor Meliva Brujo has primarily focused on recovering assets from the Magic Zone, be it Order property or not. Count Drake on the other hand is still bitter that House Brujo has not reclaimed the Archdukedom, although he believes that it will only be a matter of time before this is rectified. Several members were in Stormspire when it relocated to X, and have since managed to regain contact with the Order and inform them of the potential new contract environment.

House Sigil
House Sigil’s fall has been great, and is now close to extinction. Their numbers currently amount to 38, and consist of those that hand friends in other Houses willing to give them aid without orders, resulting in the alignment ratio consisting of roughly half Aberrant and half Anarchist. The current Ealdor was previously the pre-war Viscout Quastor, and he is still unarguably the most experienced survivor. In all likelihood the clan will be abolished and replaced within a generation.

House Hiredmann
Proportionally suffering losses second only to Sigil, House Hiredmann has been reduced to 1412 members, with almost 300 of them not being Mystic Knights. The leadership situation is just as bad, with only Count Walter Sarr and a dozen or so Viscounts remaining. Currently, they are providing the needed muscle to the other House’s efforts off of X, and are almost certain to be by far the largest beneficiary of the number of returning Wanderers. The House’s longer term prospects are in flux, and if the Order starts operating across multiple worlds/dimensions it is almost certain that Hiredmann will be split into smaller groups to provide local focus.

House Isen
Arguably the least bad off of those that were in the Magic Zone, House Isen would lose half of its Mystic Knight members, but as they only composed 40% of the group this leaves them with 80% of their starting numbers. Ealdor Cedric Isen would go missing during the worst of the fighting and Count Dade Vivender is known to have fallen in battle, but their absence has not significantly impacted the House’s capabilities. Their skills have been in constant demand in setting up the Order’s new facilities on X, and has actually expanded with inducted survivors of Clan Aerihman.

House Isceald
House Isceald’s overall numbers remained relatively constant over the war due to a number of factors, the largest of which was their sheer distance from any of the major conflict zones. While already having the upper half of North America all to itself, Isceald has found itself being by far the largest House of Rifts Earth, and finds itself split over what path to take. Many of the surviving Wandering Knight found themselves making their way to the town even before the recall order, being the one truely safe source of resupply on the continent.
Rifts Earth Holdings
The Order has no intention of abandoning Rifts Earth, and still has a number of locations that they can operate out of.
Now located near the Pre-Rifts Canadian town of Exton, the increasingly-former Phase Town has been home of House Isceald since its founding, and is one population center where Mystic Knights can display their status openly without any consequence. Currently consisting of around 2000 souls, the town was stretched to provide the logistical needs for the Knights that already called it home, and the post-war recall has pushed things well over the edge. Salvage provided by teams from Ieldran’s Rest have made it manageable in the short term, but the current overriding priority is playing catch up. Problems will increase once the Northern War against the Azure intensifies.

Beyond the town’s leyline, there is a small nexus point 40 miles away, which has a 3 story Dimensional Pyramid similar to Ieldran’s Rest is in the middle of construction. It is hoped that this pyramid will allow for constant contact with the rest of the Order’s increasingly widespread branches, and there is a hope of constructing a Techno-Wizard workshop alongside it. The House has also purchased a small number of Paladin Steel produced prop planes via cutouts to serve as transports, and this will be augmented via spoils from raiding Azhur outposts. Once the Dimension Pyramid is finished, the Order will use it to broker an under-the-table deal for a vast amount of needed equipment with Queenston Harbor, which will solve most of their short term problems.

Ieldran’s Rest
Located in the ley line heavy region around Knoxville, Tennessee, this 3 story stone pyramid was originally intended to serve as Ieldran’s retirement home, and was in the middle stages of construction when the Minion War reached Rifts Earth. A brave ‘stay behind’ team of Knights was able to reach the site and inform the small work team of the situation, resulting in a dramatic change of plans for the building. Rather than a residence, the pyramid would be used as a dimensional transit junction, with most of the interior being gutted to make as large a central chamber as practical. The size resulted in the need to install a large open facing as the entryway, causing the structure to have a large hole going 2/3rds of the way up the surface. There is just enough room on the top floor to house the control and communications rooms, with personnel chambers flanking the central gateway.

The site is currently being used to facilitate the recovery efforts in the Magic Zone, with numerous expeditions having it as their home base. Due to the importance of the efforts, Ealdor Brujo is in direct control, with most of her Counts being away leading the more important salvage teams. The surrounding forest is tall enough to hide the structure from any angle but above, and in a few months time there will be a TW illusion generator installed to cover that hole. Surrounding the pyramid is the supporting encampment for the expeditions, with temporary wooden buildings hidden below the treeline. There are sufficient facilities to house up to 200 people at a time, and when combined with the away expeditions this adds up to around 400 Order personnel.

Queenston Harbor
Queenston has long been the most ‘friendly’ population center northeast of the Magic Zone, with Queen Seabreeze having what amounts to a ‘don’t ask, don’t tell’ policy regarding Mystic Knights. So long as members of the Order don’t turn their sword against Queenston or openly flout their status, the city will ignore their presence so long as they don’t get the general population riled up. That bar has admittedly been substantially lowered during and after the Minion War, with the Order’s aesthetics leading to no end of cases of mistaken identity. Still, the harbor has become the de facto hub of Mystic Knight operations in the American Northeast, with access only requiring the ‘work outfit’ be hidden when not on the job. Effort is underway to establish a disguised chapter house to better facilitate contracts and logistical efforts, and a small number of town houses have been purchased by members of the Order for use as waystations.

Thanks to Isceald’s logistical limitations, Queenston has essentially become the primary supplier of fresh equipment to the Order in North America. The city’s population has greatly increased from the tide of refugees, and a large group of Nuhr dwarves have arrived from their homeworld to set up shop. There are enough of them with few moral scruples to provide a steady stream of enchanted equipment (see below) to keep the members in the region supplied, and many have picked up Kisentite blades. Ealdor Isen has met with Queen Seabreeze several times over the past few decades, and their interactions have been predominantly non-confrontational. In a military emergency, Queen Seabreeze would hire House Isceald in a military emergency, and Ealdor Isen would both accept and honor it in full.
Rifts Earth Relations
The fall of the Magic Zone has forced the main branch of the Eternal Order of Mystic Knights into exodus, but has not ended their involvement on Rifts Earth.
Federation of Magic
For all intents and purposes the Federation is no more, with the majority of population centers destroyed and the rest typically abandoned. House Brujo is focusing on recovering what they can from the Order’s previous fiefs, which is a time consuming process due to the battlefield damage and occasionally shifting landscape. The most important and/or significant items were taken with them in exodus to X, but the lesser workshops that supplied and maintained the equipment the Order used to conduct operations were mostly left behind. Similarly, the primary treasure vaults and archives were emptied, but half the lesser secondaries were abandoned as the battle turned against the Order. The Mystic Knights know the general locations of the various facilities, and their mostly subterranean construction means that they are reasonably likely to be intact if proper sealing protocol was followed, but a good third of them have already been looted by other scavengers.

Coalition States
The Order’s opinion of the Coalition States is unchanged, being a perennial outside nuisance that has been a source of great battlefield honors. The Domain of Man is only frequented by Wandering Knights, who have mostly been recalled due to the Order’s dire straits. With Isceald being reasonably far away from any known Coalition holdings, the only House that will see any frequent contact with the human supremacists will be House Brujo, who find it easy enough to avoid their patrol.

Greater New England
The other major occupying power of the Magic Zone, the GNE is a much larger problem than the magic-phobic Coalition. It is Ealdor Meliva Vale’s opinion that engaging them is far more trouble than it is worth, resulting in the House’s members avoiding the Greener’s patrols and facilities if at all possible. However, as the GNE is also engaged in salvage efforts there has been reason for the two to come to blows regardless, with the galactic level technology and bio-augments of the GNE usually coming up ahead. The existence of the Blackwatch Initiative would be grounds for an immediate Blood Feud, but the Order simply lacks the free manpower and resources to wage a serious war against what is increasingly the preeminent power of North America and perhaps the planet.

The Order has never been particularly welcome in the isolationist city, and with the effective destruction of the rest of the Federation of Magic they have no reason to maintain an open presence. Brujo salvage expeditions may visit the city to stock up on supplies, but never while presenting themselves as members of the Order.

MercTown was formerly one of the Order’s primary sources of technological items, albeit through cutouts, but the reputation of Wandering Knights guaranteed that known members would always receive a cold shoulder. As House Brujo’s teams have taken to habitually disguising themselves this affects them little, and they find the city less of a headache to deal with than Deomer.

City of Brass
The Order has no better idea what happened to Duscon’s center of power than anyone else, and they have little interest in going out of their way to find out.

The amazonian cyborgs have become a painful nuisance, being a source of frustration before the war and now a threat to the Order’s operations in the west side of the Domain of Man. The Horrorwoods tribe in particular has become a constrand headache, with their territory in Dinosaur Swamp being dangerously close to Ieldran’s Rest. Their powerful railguns also make them dangerous to fight, and House Brujo cannot afford to take losses for the time being. Salvage teams have also encountered the technowizard Wayfinders on several occasions competing for the same sights, and it rarely goes well due to the relative disparity in individual capabilities.

Lord Splynn is both a potential patron and competitor, with numerous Slaver teams entering the Magic Zone for their own share of the spoils. Outside of that, the Order is willing to engage in short term contracts both for and against the forces of Atlantis, although the Grand Banks Accord still limits the number of opportunities for them to encounter each other.

Free Quebec
Being militant magic-phobic human-supremacists, Free Quebec has long been an obstacle to House Isceald’s operations in the eastern parts of Canada. Fortunately, their lack of mystic detection methods post-succession makes them easy to work around with some preparation, and they rarely make effective efforts to patrol outside of their claimed territory. Individual squads are easy enough to pick off, even Glitter Boys, but more than that requires more effort than House Isceald is willing to invest. Free Qeubec on the other hand is completely unaware that House Isceald exists, and cares little enough about activities beyond their borders that they pay almost no attention to the activities of the petty kingdoms and towns that the Mystic Knights ply their trade in.

With the Domain of Man being porous at best around the Appalcians, Mystic Knights move quite freely in the area between it and the GNE. Lazlo is the largest population center in the region, and its moral stances and outreach efforts mark them as de facto enemies of the Order. Skirmishes between the two happen frequently, and a substantial portion of the Wandering House have started calling the expanse home.

Queenston Harbor
Described above.

Nuhr Dwarves
The driving reason for the massive increase in the Nuhr Drawf population is due to massively multi-faction and multi-racial conflict that engulfs the entire continent. The refugees range the full spread of Palladium World races, with the Nuhr Dwarves merely being the largest that chose to retain their cultural heritage. Somewhat fortunately for them, among these exiles are the dimensions’ few practitioners capable of Dimensional Rift magic, who out of spite have started providing both escape for refugees and entry for revenge parties. The sheer number of refugees ensures that there are dozens of Rune Makers and their extended families eager to offer revenge contracts to the Eternal Order, paying for it in enchanted equipment. As this regularly includes items with Greater features, House Isceald is more than willing to oblige.

The situation in the Nuhr homeworld has only gotten worse as time goes on, with cycles of revenge killings and retaliations being constant. While nowhere near as all-consumingly toxic as the Elf-Dwarf War of Palladium yore, the remaining factions often go out of their way to hunt down and exterminate any that truely harm them if at all possible, and the local mercenary tradition is effectively extinct. This makes it effectively impossible for the Order to establish a permanent outpost, but the exiled Shifters are happy to accommodate the Order’s needs for entry and extraction. With the Mystic Knights being uniquely capable of bypassing the world’s defensive wardings and enchantments, they have already reaped a fearsome toll among the combatant's leadership, which has led to an unexpected slowdown of the conflict.

While the Northern War has not yet reached its peak, House Isceald has already become somewhat familiar with the Ice Elementals. Their home fief is currently not on the invader’s scopes, but scouting elements have been spotted within 200 miles. The Azhur will be quite a conundrum for the Mystic Knights, as while their ground forces are easy enough to deal with, the House has no viable method of dealing with the Azhur airforce. This poses a serious problem for Ealdor Isen, but also an opportunity, as the servile nature of the Klia makes them ideal serfs. Fate will have the Azhur being forced to focus their attention against the increasingly capable mortals of the GNE, NGR, and Russia, which will allow the Mystic Knights to capture several minor airbases in the Nunavut territory, netting them almost a thousand Klia, 12 missile batteries, 36 TW-Mi-8, 16 TW-Mig-21s, and the equipment needed to keep them operational.
The Counts Quaestor’s Bounty
While the Order has traditionally produced its own armor, the vast majority of its equipment is purchased from others, most notably Stormspire. The Minion War has seen an end of that relationship, so the Counts Quaestor are working through alternative suppliers to fill the Order’s needs. Given the circumstances, the majority of the Order’s expenditures are directed towards the various bits of infrastructure that need to be replaced, but there is still more than enough treasure left to buy newer and better battlefield implements.
Stormspire/Conventional TW Weapons
The Order has not yet been able to regain contact with Stormspire, and frankly their offerings are looking increasingly mediocre compared to what is being openly offered elsewhere.

Weapons and equipment have long been common rewards for contracts with Atlantis, but the Order has never felt the desire to make purchases at the dimensional market. And the absurd surcharge that is tacked onto them is insulting.

Kisentite Blades
The Order has been buying these from Queenston for over a decade, finding them superior implements to anything that has a sane price tag. Beyond being more damaging than a common vibro-blade, Kisentite weapons don’t have sonic or energy emissions to give their presence away, and can be given TW enchantments with enough credits.
(See Coalition Navy, pg 124 and Aliens Unlimited, pg 175)

Nuhr Runic Equipment
Given as payment for filling grudges, House Isceald has become very familiar with this style of runic enchantment, with most members having at least one item. The Nuhr homeworld operates on a ‘deca-scale’, with M-Factor items dividing their potency by 10, which grants the Mystic Knights a major advantage against their targets. Interestingly, the extremely-high magic nature of Rifts Earth means that runic items crafted there are much more potent than those in the old world, meaning that they also benefit from the transition. This has led to no end of accusation about ‘super-magics’ among those that face off against the Order and survive.
(See Coalition Navy, pgs 123-125 and WB:40, pgs 150-151)
(Also see Mystic Kuznya creation features (WB:18, pgs 124-125))

Magefire Weaponry, Inc
The Order acquired a notable number of weapons from the MercTown outlet prior to the Minion War, and liked what it saw from them. They may not be as energy efficient as Nuhr firearms, the damage output can compensate with some effort.
(See Merc Ops, pg 145)

Coalition States
Battlefield trophies are an honored tradition of the Eternal Order, and while they may be ignorant fools the Coalition Army is still a powerful foe. Still, most Knights feel that Deadboy weapons are more useful mounted on the wall than on the battlefield, and the Black Market is always willing to pay a premium, so few keep them for long.

Paladin Steel
The Order has words to say about the New England manufacturer, but none can deny the effectiveness of its products. Even the company’s mass market items match the Coalition’s best, and they are offered at a tolerable cost. Acquisition requires cutouts, but many Mystic Knights appreciate the irony of using them. And they’re not Northern Gun.

Northern Gun
Ha ha. No. Mystic Knights will only pick these pieces of garbage up if there is no other option or needed for a disguise.
Tricks of the Trade
Beyond the more well known ley-line draining capabilities, the energy channeling ability of the Mystic Knight has a number of other very useful aspects. These have been discovered over time by the tradition’s practitioners, and is by no means a complete list. All branches of the tradition practice the techniques below.
Anti-Ward Uses
When the tradition was driven underground in the world of Palladium, its practitioners were forced to discover the true limits of their art by necessity. One of the most significant finds was that their PPE redirection abilities were not limited to just ley lines. Stationary or otherwise static enchantments could also be affected with effort, granting them the ability to bypass many forms of mystic defense. Mobile objects are far harder for a number of reasons, and as far as the Order knows no Knight yet has found a way of neutralizing them in a remotely practical manner.

Simple self-contained enchantments such as traditional Diabolist Wards can be safely deactivated from as far as 20ft (9.1m) away, preventing any effect from occurring. This includes Alarms, providing more time to get closer to the target without suspicion. The process takes a good 15 seconds (1 melee) of concentrated focus, making it impossible to do in the middle of combat, but this capability is rare to say the least among spell casters. More complex constructs are naturally harder, requiring a successful Lore: Magic check to understand, and larger enchantments can resist with a Save vs Magic check. The amount of PPE imbued in them also plays a factor, with a Knight being limited to their PPE siphoning rate, so more powerful enchantments take longer to deal with. This delay can be long enough for the enchantment to trigger failsafes, so discretion is always advised.

Externally powered enchantments require a different approach, with the Knight instead disrupting the flow of PPE into it. This can be done up to 20ft (9.1m) away, but the enchantment can make a Save vs Magic check to resist, and the effect is only temporary (1 melee). A more reliable method is to make physical contact with the enchantment (if at all possible), which both requires less focus (half APM) and does not allow the enchantment to resist. This lasts as long as the Knight maintains contact and focus, with the effect terminating 15 seconds afterwards. The primary drawbacks are that the Knight cannot cast spells during this, and if the enchantment was not previously disrupted it can trigger before the Knight can begin. Additionally, if the enchantment can be actively monitored, observers will immediately realize that they are being disrupted, often resulting in an alarm being sounded.

Armor Channeling
One of the very first techniques taught to initiates is how to use their energy channeling ability to reduce the problem of casting in armor. With experience (3rd level), a Mystic Knight can ignore the random roll after the normal 20% surcharge, and with greater mastery (9th level) the surcharge can be ignored for Invocations of the 5th level or below.

PPE Battery Swapping
While not able to draw PPE stored in a device and use it for spell casting, it is shockingly easy to move it to a different device when in physical contact, to the point of taking virtually no effort at all (0 APM). Thus, it has been historically common for Mystic Knights to adorn themselves with PPE talismans or more recently TW crystal arrays in a manner similar to a satchel battery pack, allowing prolonged use of their magic weapons without need for reloading. Perhaps just as important is the negation of the usual energy loss, no longer having half the energy dissipated when charging or drawing.

Magic Tattoo Use
While nowhere near the capabilities of a true master, a veteran Knight (5th level) can use energy channeling to work around needing to physically touch a Magic Tattoo to activate it. This still requires a mental effort (1 APM) and can only be done so often (1/melee per every 5 levels of experience), but it can provide a critical edge in battle. This leaves aside the problem of actually acquiring said tattoos in the first place however.
Last edited by Omegasgundam on Fri Sep 29, 2023 1:28 am, edited 1 time in total.
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Joined: Thu May 08, 2008 11:04 pm

Re: Paladin Steel Storefront

Unread post by Omegasgundam »

A bit more crunch before I go into how the my version of the main Order ended up in the Three Galaxies and what they're going to do about it.

Advancing the Tradition
While the Eternal Order is mired in tradition, it acknowledges that traditions were developed due to existing needs, and thus the Order must adapt when the situation demands it. Ieldran Brujo had no idea about how to use or deal with firearms or energy weapons when he arrived on Rifts Earth, but he incorporated them into the Order’s training nonetheless. And it must be said that stealing good ideas from others is well in line with the dark ideals that the Order holds sacred.
Masters of Combat
The Eternal Order has fought many battles against Battle Magi of Dweomer, and has become quite familiar with their general capabilities as a result. After much deliberation, the leading duelists of the Order have come to the conclusion that the Dweomer physical training program has notable advantages over the more ritualistic process of the Mystic Knights. With some hesitation they brought their findings to Ieldran Brujo, who solemnly accepted them and proceeded to meditate on the matter for several weeks. His verdict would be that while breaking with tradition, improving upon the physical aspects would almost certainly help in unlocking a further level of dark mysticism, and was thus a natural step in the tradition’s future development. With this ruling in hand members of the Order would then proceed to ‘acquire’ information regarding the Brotherhood of Battle’s training program. The Minion War disrupted the initial efforts towards integrating them, but the forced exodus has given the wisened members of the Order a great deal of time to better plan how to use this knowledge.

    Attribute Bonuses: +1D6 PS, +1 PP, +1 to PE, +1D6+8 to Spd, +20 SDC

    Combat Bonuses: +1 attack per melee, +3 on initiative, +1 on initiative (every 5 levels), +3 disarm, +2 to entangle, +1 to roll with impact or fall, +2 to pull punch (even), and +1 to aimed and called shot (all weapons)

    Resistance Bonuses: +5% vs coma and death, +2 to save vs disease and poison, +1 to save vs possession (even), +1 to save vs Horror Factor (1, 3, 4, 6, 7, 8, 10, 12, 14)

    Magic: +1 vs Magic (multiple of 4), +1 Spell Strength (multiple of 4)

Continuing Education
With the changing times, it has been found that the Eternal Order’s skill training program could stand some minor revision. While a lesser issue than the direct martial aspects, Archduke Bregdan has decided that it is more practical to make both changes at once rather than individually.
    OCC Skills: Gains the following
      Recognize Weapon Quality (+10%)
      Math: Basic (+15%)
      Computer Operation

    OCC Related Skills:
      Electrical: Basic only
      Horsemanship: Any
      Medical: First Aid only +10
      Military: Any +15

    Secondary Skills: None at first level

Spell Learning
The unearthed archives on X have proven to be a great boon to Ieldran Brujo, with many insights into the nature of magic and how it influences and is influenced by Psi-Mysticism helping his research. So far, he has been able to reduce the time needed for his meditative spell development from 2D4 weeks per spell level down to 1D6 weeks, and he has several leeds into improving it further. He has a theoretical basis for a method that imprints a stored spell into the consciousness of a mystic, but he is likely decades away from it becoming practical to test. He would become obsessed with acquiring the Blackwatch Initiative’s method should he learn of it.

Fruits of Artifice
While predominantly focused on its battlefield members, the Eternal Order does have a meaningful number of proficient craftsmen to provide key services that cannot be trusted to outsiders. Even with their duties, they still have enough time to conduct development work, which has resulted in several new pieces of equipment.
White Rose Items
Through a combination of battlefield reports and parallel evolution, the Techno Wizards of the Eternal Order have developed their own versions of a number of the White Rose’s previously unique creations (WB:29, pg 83), most prominently the Conduit Sword, Barrier Shield, and Animal Barding. The latter has been around in one form or another for almost as long as the tradition has existed, with the wider Techno Wizard community having caught up with the White Rose’s advancements in material enchantment over the past 2 years. Given the current circumstances, they are only being produced in Iceald, as the Main Houses are prioritizing establishing their new fiefs.

Conduit Gun
Something that members of the Order have been working on for some time, the Conduit Gun seeks to make the tradition's energy blast ability more useful. The resulting foci is the size and weight of a light pistol and both increases the damage (+2D6) and removes the cost of boosting the range, making it far more practical to use when not actively drawing energy. A side program is to develop a gauntlet mounted version, allowing both hands to remain free. Ironically, both the White Rose and the Blackwatch Initiative are working on functionally identical items, being inspired by several Paladin Steel armor options.
    (See the TW Conduit Sword for creation details, WB 29: pg 83, but weights 1 lbs/.45 kg)

Improved Mystic Knight Armor
The Eternal Order had noticed that its iconic armor was falling behind those of its enemies, and while magic barriers could compensate, a warrior that does not progress falls behind. Thus, the Order invested a substantial amount of effort into acquiring better materials to clad its members in. Only a few suits had been created for trials before the Minion War started, and while they performed well the Order could not spare the resources to produce more, and with their exodus offworld no longer have the capability. Naturally, reacquiring their internal production capabilities are a top priority during the reconstitution period, but it will be several years before they will be able to do more than keep their current inventory repaired.
    Weight: 20 lbs / 9 kg
    MDC By Location
      Helmet: 70
      Arms: 45 each
      Legs: 60 each
      Body: 100
    Mobility: Good to Fair, -5% to dexterity based skills, but -10% to acrobatics and similar.
    Cost: Would go for at least 150,000 credits, but exclusive to the Eternal Order and everybody knows it. Thus, it would be a minor challenge to find somebody willing to sell it to.

TW Armor Enchantments
Traditionally, the Order has not facilitated the mass enchantment of its member’s armor, holding that each suit is under the sole discretion of the owner. This has proven to be something of a detriment to the modern combat environment, and as such the Archduke is pondering what policy changes would be most effective in changing the situation. Any real world effort will be years away given the current situation due to more immediate priorities, but he hopes to have a coherent program to get the more important battlefield aids universally accessible to the members of the Order.

Additional Nuhr Runic Equipment
Because the ones listed in Coalition Navy and WB:30 are nowhere near enough.
Normal Magic Items
    Given that Rune Makes compose 10% of their current population (WB:30, pg 150), it is reasonable to assume that the Nuhr have a large knowledge base of enchanted items. Thus, the Nuhr can make an equivalent to any non-exotic Palladium Fantasy magic item so long as it is composed of metal or wood. Many of them have become less useful given the rise of firearms, but they are still known.

Light Nurh Runic Cannon
    Originally used as swivel guns, these small artillery pieces have found a new use on Rifts Earth thanks to the wide range of cyborgs, power armor, robots, and supernatural creatures.

    Weight: 55 lbs/25 kg
    MD: 1D6x10+6
    Range: 3000 ft (914m)
    Payload: 10 shots for 40 PPE
    Restrictions: Must have PS 21 (normal)/18 (Augmented/Robotic)/15 (Supernatural) to operate with both hands. Add +4 PS for 1 handed, and requires a proper mounting handle.
    Cost: 120,000 credits when available, usually custom ordered.

Alternative Bolt Weapons
    Firebolt weapons are the most common Nuhr weapon due to its damage output, but Rune Makers can construct them in alternative damage types at the cost of lesser power. They are listed below in order of pistol/ musket/ light cannon, and retain all other statistics.

    Thunder Bolt (Electrical/Ion): 3D6+2 MD/ 5D6 MD/ 1D4x10+10 MD
    Frost Bolt (Cold): 3D6+2 MD/ 5D6 MD/ 1D4x10+10 MD
    Kinetic Bolt (Kinetic): 3D6 MD/ 4D6 MD/ 1D4x10 MD

Multi-Chamber Bolt Weapons
    An experiment in the name of more fire power, Multi-Chamber Bolt weapons are an interesting take on traditional multi-barrel firearms. Inspired by the pulse capabilities of modern energy weapons, Nuhr Rune Makes have added a second firing chamber to their normal Firebolt weapons (thus the name), resulting in the ability to fire two shots at the almost the same time. However, there are a number of compromises made to do this, reducing the damage and increasing the PPE cost per bolt, along with an increase in weight. Naturally, they are also much more complicated to make, resulting in much higher price tags. Many find the trade offs worth it however, despite the fact that they are only currently available as Firebolt models.

    Multi-Chamber Firebolt Pistol
      Weight: 5 lbs / 2.27 kg
      MD: 3D6 per single shot, 6D6 per double
      Range: 800 ft / 244m
      Payload: 35 per 30 PPE
      Cost: 50,000 Credits minimum.

    Multi-Chamber Firebolt Musket
      Weight: 12 lbs / 5.44 kg
      MD: 4D6 per single shot, 1D4x10+10 per double
      Range: 1600 ft / 488m
      Payload: 20 per 60 PPE
      Cost: 110,000 Credits minimum.
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Joined: Thu May 08, 2008 11:04 pm

Re: Paladin Steel Storefront

Unread post by Omegasgundam »

The Eternal Order in the Three Galaxies
In this continuity, the Eternal Order ended up on Argus, the former public homeworld of Clan Aerihman. The story of how and why Aerihman fell is a massively multithreaded mess, resulting in a perfect storm of misfortune and coincidence that lends credibility to the idea that the Megaverse has cursed the True Atlanteans to destroy themselves whenever they lose themselves in their own hubris and/or imperialistic thoughts. The many ironic parallels that occurred during the destruction of New Atlantis to the fall of Old Atlantis are thought by many to be anything but random, and combined with the exposure of the Sunaj conspiracy the intended message is obvious. Clan Aerihman has become effectively defunct, with the majority of its survivors either abandoning their clan heritage or radicalizing themselves to justify their actions. The latter has sadly resulted in the Sunaj becoming a self perpetuating problem, with both a large enough population to maintain its leadership and with more than enough still secret holdings to supply themselves.

Three Galaxies Holdings
Argos is in ruins, but there is more than enough remaining to give the Order a massive leg up in rebuilding itself.
For the foreseeable future, the only permanent base will be the planet of Argos, and even with so much destroyed the sheer amount that can be repaired is still overkill. The publicly known part of Clan Aerihman was not small by any means, with Argos having a pre-fall population of over 1.3 million. Even with the majority of the planet’s buildings damaged beyond repair, the few percentage points that can plausibly be restored by the Order gives room for well over 20,000. The Order has already restored 2 small Dimensional Pyramids to mostly functional status, and has prospects of repairing a pair of small Power Pyramids, a Healing Pyramid, and potentially a TW Factory Pyramid. Non-functional pyramids are also being used as workshops and expedient housing. Finally, there are a number of warehouses and gutted buildings that can be used as garages, hangers, and stables.

The largest current problem is the lack of available food, but a large portion of the serfs are working the remaining portions of the surrounding farmland to bring that under control. Additionally, many of the knights are busy rounding up the surviving herds of domesticated animals, so meat will be a large part of the Order’s diet. After that comes the matter of equipment fabrication, as the Order was forced to abandon much of their workshops when they fled. The surviving Knights Quaestor and relevant serfs are scouring the more intact ruins of Argus for salvageable equipment, but it remains an open question just how much they will be able to recover. Most important are the handful of Stone Mages, with all of them being busy with both repairing Pyramids and going over more ruined ones to find replacement parts and material.

The repaired pyramids are still works in progress, with core functionality having been placed far above completeness. Both of them are only 4 stories tall and were originally used to conduct large-scale (for the Atlanteans) dimensional trade. This means that the central chamber extends all the way to the front entrance, which can accommodate objects up to 30 ft (9.1m) tall and 60 ft (18.3m) across, but there are no lesser teleportation chambers. Beyond the Order’s Rifts Earth sites, the pyramids have the locations for a number of ex-Aerihman Rift Portal receiving circles across the UWW, granting the Order connection points with the wider galaxy. Unfortunately, the portal generation systems are prone to drawing excessive energy (up to 50%), and the PPE capacitors are operating at half capacity, resulting in poor transit rates. Additionally the defensive storm calling and weather control are non-functional, but these are not seen as high priority. Finally, the non-dimensional teleport features have been shut down for security reasons, as the Order has no other pyramids in the Three Galaxies and the energy is too critical to be squandered moving between the two.

To save volume, the science and learning facilities of a full scale pyramid have been removed and upper floors have been shifted down, resulting in the PPE channeling systems being where the Stone Master workshops would be on the control floor. The normal royal chambers were set up for use as office residences of the trading firm’s managers, and have naturally been claimed by the Order’s lesser Ealdors and various Counts. Above that, the typical elder chambers were intended for the firm’s owners, and under the current circumstances have been claimed by Archduke Bragdan and Ieldran Brujo respectively. Ealdor Brujo does not have a stated claim to any suit in either, but as she is staying on Rifts Earth for the foreseeable future this is not an issue. The free space on floor 1 is currently used as barracks housing, and while quite spartan there are enough beds for both the Order and their serfs with only some hot bunking.

Three Galaxies Relations
With the main branch of the Order finding itself in the Three Galaxies, it behooves them to learn about their new environment. However, the Order’s relatively small size and scope of interest means that the overwhelming majority of it will be inconsequential.
United Worlds Warlock
The Order is currently unknown by the UWW at large, but this will change within a few years. By UWW’s standards, the Eternal Order of the Mystic Knights is a ‘Grey’ Cabal, being based around a dark focused magic tradition that provides mercenary services to others. Their particular capabilities are cause for both concern and interest, with many parties of the only mildly united polity having need for such capable mercenaries. Additionally, the ‘Psi-Mystic’ nature of the tradition means that it is markedly different from the practices of the Obsidian Spell Thieves despite all the similarities, which sets the Magic Knights apart from the power hungry Dark Covens. Ieldran Brujo’s pursuits of greater dark mysticism are primarily focused on methods of personal enlightenment and would immediately find that the Spell Thieves’ methods are completely incompatible with his desires, and as such would have nothing to do with them.

Archduke Bregdan sees the UWW as the future focus of the Eternal Order, but has no interest in becoming involved in the larger power blocks. For the foreseeable future, the Mystic Knights will take contracts from lesser entities against lesser entities, and will not engage in missions against high profile targets or the UWW as a whole. The UWW is both exponentially larger and far less permissive than the Federation of Magic, and the Order lacks an established reputation to work with. Still, he is confident that professionalism will see the Order become a recognised and respected force, and their funds remain solvent.

Splugorth Empires
The Splugorth Empires in the Three Galaxies are firmly on the decline, and the Order lacks both the numbers and capabilities to find it worthwhile to involve themselves either way. They will be willing to serve as contracted agents, but nothing more than that.

True Atlanteans
The remaining Clans have not yet realized that the Eternal Order has set up residence on Argos, but they would find it fitting that the ruins were taken over by a group of blackhearted mercenaries. Clan Aerihman and its fall will be a permanent dark mark upon their society on par with the loss of Atlantis, and Argos will be shunned for millenia to come as a monument to self-destructive hubris. It is believed that any cultural secrets that were present on Argos are either destroyed or already looted by the surviving former members of the dissolved Clan. While this is not entirely correct, it is close enough that the Clans will have no reason to visit the forsaken world.

The Order has no strong opinions of the Atlantean Clans, but finds Atlanteans to be generally annoying ‘lightsiders’. The only contact it will have with them is on the battlefield, and will almost certainly be on the opposing sides.

Clan Aerihman
With the planetoids of New Atlantis (DB:15, pg 24) in the Solaria dimension destroyed and the remaining public settlements being in either a state of civil war or worse, bands of survivors have invariably end up drifting across the megaverse. Those of Good or Selfish dispositions can find new homes among the other Atlantean Clans, but those that are not find themselves isolated. Ones that are not part of the greater Sunaj conspiracy will invariably end up on Argos at one point or another, commonly abandoning their clan heritage out of either trauma or disgust of its failure. Around 200 have so far both arrived and stayed, with a number of Stone and Crystal Mages among them.

The most notable refugee is a bitter old Tattoo Master (Rifter #52, pg 29) who now goes by the name of Technos (14th level, Aberrant leaning Miscreant due to depression), who has lost everything he has ever loved except his art. He bore witness to the fall of New Atlantis, and the experience has resulted in him becoming completely disillusioned with the fundamental premise of Clan Aerihman’s claims to superiority and destiny. As he was formerly a senior member of Clan Aerihman’s public leadership, he knows the locations and methods of access for Argos’s various remaining hidden vaults and archives, and uses the recovered treasures along with offering Magic Tattoos to trade for various luxuries that help sooth his pains and feed his growing vices. He finds the Mystic Knights to be as good an inheritor of the ruins as any other, and has struck up a strange friendship with Ieldran Brujo.

Sunaj Society
Outed during the fall of Clan Aerihman, the Sunaj Conspiracy has retreated to their dimensional strongholds and is in the midst of devolving their already radical mindset into pure blackhearted malevolence. Similar to the Mystic Knight tradition, their persecution has resulted in them embracing the dark powers of the Megaverse, and will become no better than any other would-be transdimensional imperialist power. The Methodean Trading Syndicate (Rifter #55, pg 69) has so far remained uncompromised, and has stepped up their endeavors to keep the rest of the new Sunaj Society afloat.

The Sunaj are naturally not exactly pleased by the Mystic Knights squating on the ruins of Clan Aerihman, but they are seen as far better than just about any other alternative. While not the superior True Atlantians of Clan Aerihman, the Sunaj do feel a sense of kinship with the order of dark mystics, and are thus willing to tolerate the Eternal Order’s presence on Argos. Some see the Knights as an opportunity to recover surviving artifacts, with the Methodeans planning on opening a trade post to provide materials easily acquired elsewhere in exchange for whatever treasures and heirlooms the Knights find in the ruins. Other than their simple presence, there is minimal risk of exposure, as the conspiracy compartmentalization means that there was never any evidence that could link the syndicate to any of the other branches or compromise the dimensional locations of the remaining holdings.

For their part, the Eternal Order has little to no enmity with the Sunaj, although former Archduke Sigil will likely forever leave a bitter taste in the mouth of the surviving leadership. It has become an open secret that Maceo Sigil was of Clan Aerihman and almost certainly related to the Sunaj movement, but the end of his line has cut any links between the two groups. The Order will not take any umbrage of the Sunaj found using Argos as a waystation and will, but will ‘encourage’ them to move on sooner than later. They will provide them the courtesy of protecting the ruins from other looters, if only to keep anything of value to themselves.

Naruni Industries
Strangely enough, it looks like Naruni will be the Order’s first persistent client in the Three Galaxies, with knowledge of the Order reported back to the home office by the Rifts Earth revenge force. The Mystic Knight’s capabilities as anti-magic combatants made them good prospective contractors for the Naruni Debt Collection force, with a number of Minion War acquisitions having frustrating Deevil or Demon related boils that need to be purged before profits can be maximized. The contracting teams have established that the Order is in the midst of reforming and is in need of funds and resources, and the increasingly strict adherence to contracts makes them far more reliable than most other mystic groups.

On the Order’s part, they recognize Naruni as a ruthless but wealthy potential client, and see no reason to avoid dealing with them. Naruni’s products are of some interest, particularly their forcefields and infantry weapons, but any purchases will be done by either cash or service payment. Archduke Bregdan needs no help in realizing that it is best if the massive company has as little leverage over the Order as possible, and will not agree to anything that encroaches on the Order’s sovereignty. The rest of the Order has spent enough time serving as the enforcers of blackhearted ‘loan collections’ to know a predatory contractor when they see it, and will stick to the Archduke’s policy.

Rest of the Three Galaxies
Archduke Bregdan and the Ealdors have little interest in the other powers of the Three Galaxies, finding the UWW far more familiar to work with. Should they pay any attention, they would realize the GNE’s involvement in the United Systems Alliance, but they will not go out of its way to involve themselves. The Order’s interstellar capabilities are only theoretical outside of dimensional rifts, and this is unlikely to change over the next few decades.
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Re: Paladin Steel Storefront

Unread post by Omegasgundam »

An now for something a bit more PC related. I'm going over Secrets of the Atlanteans and Manhunter for ideas, so expect a GNE stance on Tattoo Magic, touched up Crystal Magic, and maybe something regarding the CS. Last one will take a while.

GNE/USA Dimensional Pyramids
*Unthinkingly condescending paternalistic hubris with a side order of no self awareness noises*
---Many Elder Atlanteans regarding the use of Dimensional Pyramids by others.

“It's honestly amazing just how bad Atlanteans are on the whole ‘security’ thing. A good third of all incoming rifts we pick up are from known hostiles, and let's not even go into the local teleports. Our garrison teams get the most combat hours out of anybody in the GNE Army, and despite that we haven’t lost control at any time as of yet.”
---GNE person

“The upstart GNE is distressingly competent at preventing exploitation of their magic infrastructure, and our map of it is slipshod at best. The locations we do know about are too heavily fortified to be worthwhile to raid, and infiltration efforts are only slightly less difficult than Phase World. If it wasn’t pointed against up it would be commendable. In all likelihood, anything that would meaningfully disrupt their networks would also affect a substantial portion of the hemisphere, with Splynn being in the likely blast radius.“
---A frustrated Sunaj Elder to an equally frustrated Splugorth High Lord.

“Do they have to ABSOLUTELY fill up every nexus near their cities? We need ley lines too damn it.”
---Common complaint among mages in GNE territory

“Bad news, gate-control has us going through after 6 different teams going to swamp hells. Keep those face shields on if you don’t want to spend the next hour puking your guts out.”
---USA Irregular

While the Atlanteans invented the modern Dimensional Pyramids, they are far from the only ones to use them, with each group having their own spin on things. The GNE vastly prefers a hybrid approach to internal systems, with both conventional plumbing and TW contraptions. Phasing methods are removed entirely, with cargo elevators handling transfers between levels. Security concerns are an overriding concern, resulting in radically different structure layouts. And perhaps above all else the GNE specializes its pyramids, producing a number of new variants focusing on one specific goal above all else.

Security Conscious
For all of the Atlanteans capabilities and history, the GNE views them as shockingly naive when it comes to security issues.The very first change the GNE did to their designs was to the authorization and authentication procedures, preventing non-authorized transits from occurring in the first place. Then they started eliminating the extraneous civilian rooms and unnecessary access corridors, replacing them with defensive barriers, turrets, and garrison points. This mindset also extends to the building’s layout, with the main control room relocated to the top floor and other command facilities the floor below that. Additionally, the top command floors often have no direct access to the floors below, with the staff entering and exiting the building via external entry ways, commonly with an attached VTOL pad.

Transit Pyramid
Atlantean Dimensional Pyramids serve as the hub of their associated community, with most outposts consisting of the Pyramid and nothing else. This explains the non-focused array of facilities that they are fitted with, but the GNE sees them as an equivalent of an airport. Thus, their Dimensional Pyramids have no laboratories, libraries, or housing, and focus solely on local and dimensional teleportation. The non-command floors are full of fixed route teleportation pads, set to send to and receive from a single specific destination, and changing this requires physically altering the control equipment at both locations. Each pyramid has a single non-fixed teleport pad to facilitate establishing new routes, but when not in use it is deactivated and requires senior authorisation to return to service.

For improved cargo handling, the central chamber extends all the way to the forward face of the pyramid, with the access way to the outside being exactly as large as the Rift the pyramid can create and manage. Typically the chamber has no access to the rest of the pyramid, helping to localize any potential security problem. Access to the teleport pads are done via entryways on the other facings, leaving the ‘primary’ entryway solely for inter-dimensional travel.

Extraction Pyramid
While most of the USA’s Transit Pyramids are designed to prevent non-scheduled teleports, there is a need to have a place where teams can swiftly evacuate too. Thus, the GNE’s geomantic engineering experts created the Extraction Pyramid, which focuses on providing secure receiving pads and emergency medical assistance. The layout has been reshuffled to add trauma medical rooms between each receiving pad, with the access corridors having a minimum of 5 separate retractable doors (200 MDC) with mystic force field (500 MDC) between them. The central chamber is fitted with tractor beams to quickly move a disabled vehicle through the Dimensional Rift and out of the way. All areas of the pyramid are heavily guarded at all times, with (bare minimum) a squad of heavily armed cyborgs or power armor at each teleport pad and a company in the central chamber.

Gate Pyramid
This pyramid sacrifices all other features to conduct sustained Dimensional Portal generation. The variant is optimized to work for Small pyramids, with the entryway going up two thirds of the way up the front and having no internal rooms beyond the central chamber, control room, and the PPE channeling arrays. Due to their specialty, a Shifter can use it to open a Dimensional Rift at half the normal cost, and the time needed for the normal cost-halfing ritual is reduced to 25 minutes as well. Other forms of dimensional travel are also enhanced, with a +25% to skill rolls and maximized durations (if desired).

Healing Pyramid
It should come as no surprise that the GNE builds far larger Healing Pyramids, and they construct them everywhere they can. Room layout is naturally changed to better lend itself towards physical security, and teleport access is highly limited. Being constructed by jaded Rifts Earth natives, internal defenses are also present, with both physical barriers and remote turret installed at chokepoints. As these pyramids are only constructed in locations that have a Transit Pyramid, there is no need for them to be capable of receiving Dimensional Portals.

Power Pyramids
The GNE uses Power Pyramids primarily for its mystic infrastructure, with civilian use being rare. As a result, the pyramid lacks most of the electrical generation capacity of an Atlantean version, but is more capable of directing PPE to designated buildings. The usual GNE security changes are in place, with the garrisoned defenders consisting of at least one squad of melee cyborgs. It is noted that the walls of these pyramids are substantially thicker than normal, forcing an attacker to spend more time blasting a way in to damage the equipment, making a Tolkien style infrastructure raid that much harder.

It should be noted that the GNE is well on its way to developing an equivalent to the lost Atlanean Mystic Energy Storage variant (Rifter 61, pg 30), which has an additional 0 to the stated PPE regeneration.

Techno-Wizard Pyramids
The GNE establishes its TW production facilities wherever they can have both the manpower to use it and the materials to feed it. This has resulted in these pyramids often being clustered together, forming a novel cityscape. These buildings are set up to serve as workshops above all else, although the majority have on-site accommodations for the staff.

Oracle Pyramids
After digging through several Atlantean archives, the GNE found an alternative pyramid design that assisted with the vast majority of prophecy methods, be it via increasing cosmic awareness or sharpening clarity. The changes done prevent dimensional travel, but this is not a concern for GNE Intelligence, who simply build a separate pyramid to provide it. Given the GNE’s security mindset, Oracle Pyramids can be entered only via local teleport pads, with no external access ways.

Outpost Pyramids
Beyond the Power Pyramid, the Outpost Pyramid is the most similar to Atlantean constructions, and serves as a bridge head and waystation for dimensional exploration efforts. Designed to be as self-contained as possible, the Outpost Pyramid sacrifices most of the civilian features of a normal Dimensional Pyramid for high-tech workshops, medical rooms, and improved internal defenses.

Notable Pyramids/Complexes
Some of the more notable pyramids in GNE territory are listed below.

Burlington Chain
The GNE’s first Dimensional Pyramid was naturally put up in its capital city, greatly expanding the nation’s efforts into Project OUTSTEP. It has been joined by a Power Pyramid and a TW Pyramid, although Paladin Steel Mageworks has shifted its center of operations to the west coast. All three of them are scheduled to be enveloped by the growing Burlington Arcology, with the Power Pyramid receiving modifications to not need line of sight to provide PPE.

Seattle General Hospital
Likely the largest Healing Pyramid ever constructed, Seattle General completely fills one of the Nexus Points of the Seattle Dimensional Triangle. Seemingly carved out of a granite mountain, the pyramid serves as the leading hospital in the GNE, offering nearly any treatment known to the polity. Military focus procedures (such as Xlass-4+ biomods) are done at a separate pyramid on another spike of the Seattle Triangle, while the remaining spoke is home to Seattle’s sprawling techno-wizard industry. The combined facilities on Cybolyte are starting to edge out the shear capacity of Seattle General, but efforts are underway to construct a proper equivalent there.

Greater New England Intelligence Rainier Complex
Located just east of the former Mt Rainier National Park (southeast of Seattle), this complex is constructed on an abnormal sprawl of ley lines. While none of them form a Dimensional Triangle, there are no less than 15 Nexus Points to make use of, and the region was swiftly claimed by GNEI during the settlement of the area. The complex serves as GNEI’s equivalent to the CIA’s Langley, but with naturally tighter security. While there are naturally no end of conspiracy theories surrounding it, the complex is almost entirely dedicated to the ‘backend’ of intelligence gathering, with only the MAINT building hosting active information gathering methods.

The comprising pyramids are closer to the Atlantean norm in having residential areas for their staff, although teleportation capabilities are mostly non-existent in exchange. Only one of the pyramids has external access, with cross-building transfers being done via fixed teleport routes through a pair of ‘hub’ pyramids. It must be noted that the complex is explicitly not capable of sending or receiving proper inter-dimensional Rifts, with operation staging being done elsewhere.

As of 113 PA, the complex consists of 18 different pyramids, listed below. Several more are under construction, and are slated to handle the expansion of the interdimensional officers.
    Entry Pyramid (Tiny): The smallest of the complex, this is the one pyramid with an entryway to the outside. It has a single teleport pad leading to the first hub pyramid, with the rest of the structure being filled with security.
    Hub 1 (Small): This structure handles teleportation between buildings, with 28 pads available for use. It takes heavy advantage of the operations quirk that teleports between pyramids on the same ley line chain have heavily discounted costs (10 PPE). It also has a teleport pad to the GNEI’s dedicated local Dimensional Pyramid at Moses Lake.
    Hub 2 (Small): Also a pyramid, this one handles out-of-complex teleports to other GNE holdings on Rifts Earth. It does not handle unscheduled arrivals, shunting them to the appropriate structure as the nearby Seattle Dimensional Triangle. The link to Hub 1 has side corridors that lead to the pads for Admin and Operations, limiting the amount of potential exposure.
    Administrative (Large): The effective heart of the GNEI, this pyramid is where the organization’s leadership lives and works. Among other things, it hosts the complex’s weather and PPE control systems.
    Communications (Large): The one pyramid in the complex with any form of inter-dimensional capability, this building hosts a massive number of miniscule ‘pin-hole’ communication Rifts. The GNEI’s MISTY EYE augments are also commonly hosted here.
    Operations (Medium): The Operations building handles the administration and planning of GNEI Ops, but does not directly control agents in the field.
    HUMINT (Medium): Contrary to popular belief, the HUMINT building does not directly deal with individual agents, but handles the processing of their reports.
    ELINT (Large): The ELINT building handles communications intercepts, deciphering transmissions gathered and distributing them to the appropriate intel desk.
    MLINT (Medium): Commonly called the ‘Tea House’, MLINT is home to the GNE-I’s various Seers and related items, most notably Poor Yorick. The majority of the building is dedicated to the staff needed to turn the various omens and prophecies into functional intelligence, but its actual productivity is naturally inconsistent
    MAINT (Very Large): The MAINT (Magic Active Intelligence) building focuses on the GNEI’s Scrying efforts, primarily via administrating other facilities, but it hosts its own circles looking onto the leadership of Rift’s Earth mortal nations. An entire floor is dedicated to scrying on the Coalition States, featuring a 1-1 recreation of Chi-Town High Command to serve as a focus.
    RE West (Medium): Hosts the offices of the teams covering North America.
    RE East (Medium): Hosts the offices of the teams covering the Eurasian landmass and Japan.
    RE South (Medium): Nominally handling the southern hemisphere of Rifts Earth, the South building’s responsibilities also include the Arkons, and via extension the Orbital community.
    Outstep (Medium): This building covers the various dimensions discovered by the OUTSTEP program until they can be transferred to a more appropriate office.
    Mystic (Medium): Not to be confused with the Divination building, the Mystic building handles supernatural dimensions such as the various Godly Realms and Hells. This also includes Atlantis, which understandably has the largest department.
    Three Galaxies 1 (Large): Generally referred to as ‘3G1’, this building handles the major players of the Three Galaxies.
    Three Galaxies 2 (Very Large): Similarly referred to as ‘3G2’, it handles the lesser powers that are of much more direct interest to the USA.
    Office of Positive Outcomes (Medium): Usually called ‘The Sewer’ as part of an institutional in-joke, the OPO building handles the administrative side of said organization.

City of Atlantia
The City of Atlantia was identified by a team of USA affiliated Irregulars during the middle stages of the Minion War, but the military realities of the time prohibited anything being done with this knowledge at the time. This would change in the closing days of the war, with the USA being able to muster sufficient forces to swiftly clear out the teleporting city once it had relocated, and the knowledge of how to best make use of it. The process was spurred by an offer from an envoy of Thoth, who was planning on conducting a number of operations in Hades to ‘clean up of old mistakes’, contracting many high tier Irregular forces to hit sites of interest and recover and/or destroy artifacts that were best kept out of infernal hands. Under the aegis of Operation LICTALON, these actions would destabilize Hade’s ability to conduct wide scale military operations, ensuring that a stalemate with Dyval would swiftly follow.

The Atlantia team would be the most crucial, getting the Dimensional Pyramid back to working order to extract the other teams after they had finished their assignments and transporting both them and the city to the planet of Jovenis in the Three Galaxies. Thoth would provide direct assistance via modifying the Dimensional Phasing system of the pyramid to exclude supernatural entities in the city, both keeping the slaves out of the firing line and removing any cover the Demons could find. This would also result in the slaves having a front row seat to their oppressors being obliterated by massed firepower, although it also imposed a half hour time limit.

As should be no surprise, the execution had a fair share of complications, with the pyramid team having to hold out against the Duke Namlack and what forces he could gather for a full 20 minutes while the teleport system reactivated and ramped-up. This was worsened by the need to do it during the Festival of Modeus, the one time of the year all of the mortal inhabitants were within city bounds. Fortunately the lesser Dimensional Rift system was brought back on line immediately, allowing the GNE to flood reinforcements through immediately, and the Pyramid provided a natural choke point with its sole entry way. The Irregular teams came jumping back in the last few minutes, with the last one arriving from Zelgor Bog with a deranged elf with second to spare.

The city and its Pyramid are currently undergoing an in depth investigation by USA specialists, but there are strategic level discussions about how to best use it in the future. Thanks to the security systems remaining intact over the millennia, the building’s library and secure archives have been found perfectly preserved, and have since been duplicated and distributed to secure locations across the USA. As Ancient Atlantis’ premiere colony, its databases contained vast swaths of lore that had been lost in the aftermath of the Janus Experiment, including much of the developmental work that the Atlanteans had been conducting in other fields. It will be at least a decade before the GNE will feel confident in sending out Atlantia or replicating its features elsewhere, but that day will come nonetheless.

Tangentially, the recovery of Atlantia was one of the major crisis points in the chain of events that led to the fall of Clan Aerihman, with the clan population being furious that it was done by (in their eyes) barbarous lessers. Its documents reignited debates over the responsibility of the Janus Experiment, with the records showing that leaders of Clan Aerihman were hubristicly aggressive in squashing objections and anything that could indicate unfortunate consequences. Additional rhetoric as to the ‘Destiny of the Atlanteans to force enlightenment’ across the megaverse brought those arguments up as well, which would have dire consequences.

(Thoth would have a surprise chat with Modeus afterwords, introducing himself while flipping through the pages of the Omega Book in Modeus' most private chambers.)
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Re: Paladin Steel Storefront

Unread post by taalismn »

Omegasgundam wrote:An now for something a bit more PC related. I'm going over Secrets of the Atlanteans and Manhunter for ideas, so expect a GNE stance on Tattoo Magic, touched up Crystal Magic, and maybe something regarding the CS. Last one will take a while.

GNE/USA Dimensional Pyramids All areas of the pyramid are heavily guarded at all times, with (bare minimum) a squad of heavily armed cyborgs or power armor at each teleport pad and a company in the central chamber.)

"Where do you get so many cyborgs to cover all the security postings?"
"You'd be surprised at how many people are willing to trade bad flesh for good metal and plastic. A lot of recruits come from shatterworlds, ICUs, and the like. Lot of geriatric revives too. Of course, once the experience of being a fullcon 'Borg sinks in after a while, a lot of them sign up to earn points to get resleeved down the road in a new custom-cloned flesh and blood body. And in many cases, what people think are 'Borgs are really smallkin root vehicles and Assembled Intelligence robots."

Omegasgundam wrote:Seattle General Hospital

Greater New England Intelligence Rainier Complex

City of Atlantia)

"With all this activity going on, you folks must be working around the clock! Do you folks get any sleep?"
(Every sophont in earshot turns to look at the speaker, then they all raise their equivalent of a large coffee mug and a bag of sandwiches. Note that this includes several apparent houseplants and several robots, The latter who are brandishing what look like car-batteries)
"...never mind..."

(Actually I'm working on a few things with regards to the high-pressure, busybody GNE culture and times)

(At this point I wouldn't be surprised if the various offices in the GNE haven't dragooned even the Roomba maintenance robots and upgraded them to include data analysis programs.....)

Then the Awakened Roomba housekeepers (or are they d-bee refugees from the old Robotech Blooper threads where snarky killbot roombas were a thing?) try to unionize to keep from being drafted into the various intelligence organizations....
"Trouble rather the Tiger in his Lair,
Than the Sage among his Books,
For all the Empires and Kingdoms,
The Armies and Works that you hold Dear,
Are to him but the Playthings of the Moment,
To be turned over with the Flick of a Finger,
And the Turning of a Page"

--------Rudyard Kipling
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Re: Paladin Steel Storefront

Unread post by taalismn »

(aka ‘refreshers’)
“Hold on a second, will you? I’m practically dead on my feet...let me just slip in here for a moment...*FWHOHWF*..Okay, I’m good to go!”

‘Lif-Booths’ are stand-up TW units, resembling old-style public phone kiosks, that have begun appearing in many places of business and areas of high activity and high tension in Greater New England. Sometimes called ‘refreshers’ or ‘stand-up insta-bunks’, Lif-Booths use embedded Lifeblast spells to provide those who step into them a quick boost of mystic soul-fortication and renewed confidence. This has led to an increase in productivity and general upswing in workplace attitude and mood in many places. The booths also boost the user’s immune system, which has made them useful in maintaining good public health. Given the heavy activity and high pressure going on currently in the GNE, it is not surprising(and worrying to some in the medical community; see below) that lif-booths have taken off like wildfire.
The use of Lifeblast and other ‘Light’/healing spells, and the placement of life-booths in public places has also proven an unexpected deterrent to vampires and other paranormal undead beings(this is listed as a ‘public health benefit).
The proliferation of Lif-Booths in GNE places of business has raised concern on the part of many that ‘artificial happiness’ may be becoming an addiction and a crutch in the hard-paced workings of GNE business and corporate culture, with some partakers relying more and more on trips to a lif-booth to take the place of normal sleep, diet, and recreation to bolster their spirits and get through a work-shift(there were similar concerns about LINNUS-addiction) . Paladin Steel has shown foresight in adopting office policies that limit the number of times employees can use lif-booths during a given workweek period. However, the appearance of unregulated and unmonitored Black Market knockoffs, besides infringing on Paladin Steel copyrights, has raised the specter of ‘boost-addiction’ all over again.

Weight: 50 lbs
MDC: 5 MDC frame
Range: Limited to the interior of the booth/kiosk
(Life Blast) As per description on Rifts Book of Magic, pg. 108.
(Fortify Against Disease)+4 save vs disease, +1 to save vs toxins & poisons for 24 hours.
(Sustain) 24 hours(could be longer using a higher level spell, but public if-booths are set deliberately low to encourage good health habits).
Rate of Fire: Not applicable
-Integral PPE Powerstone: 100 PP capacity and recharges at 2 PPE per hour/10 at a ley line.
(Life Blast) 8 PPE to activate (2 carats of jade)
(Fortify Against Disease) 9 PPE to activate (10 carats of rose quartz)
(Sustain) 3 PPE to activate(6 carats of amber)
Special Features:
-ID Reader--- A safety feature recently installed on lif-booths, this device activates the booth only after a valid ID has been logged in. The reader also checks against a networked database; those exceeding a predetermined number of uses will be denied service unless they get an override from an authorized overseer.
Cost: 9,500 credits + PPE power cell cost(100 PPE model costs 12,000 credits)
-PPE Feed---The lif-booth can be tied into a PPE generator network.
-(TW) Cleanse---For the person who has to look clean as well as feel refreshed; this spell whisks away surface dirt. Uses up 3 PPE per activation, using 2 carats of white pearl. Cost: 10,300 credits
-(TW) Cure Minor Disorders----Does away with that annoying migraine, poison ivy, muscle stiffness, head cold, or minor curse for 1 PPE per activation, using the existing rose quartz matrix. Cost: +100 credits
-(TW) Heal Wounds---Heals light wounds, cuts, scratches for 5 PPE per activation, using 2 carats of red agate. Cost: 750 credits
-(TW) Negate Poisons & Toxins---Gets rid of those annoying food poisonings(especially common/problematic in a multi-species society like the GNE where accidental ingestion of somebody else’s approved foodstuff is a real problem) or, more commonly, hangovers. 2 PPE per activation, using 2 carats of topaz. Cost: 650 credits

Private or special models of lif-booth have higher-level spells(especially Sustain) at higher cost.
Public kiosk lif-booths can have a charge system; typically 5-15 credits per pop.
"Trouble rather the Tiger in his Lair,
Than the Sage among his Books,
For all the Empires and Kingdoms,
The Armies and Works that you hold Dear,
Are to him but the Playthings of the Moment,
To be turned over with the Flick of a Finger,
And the Turning of a Page"

--------Rudyard Kipling
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Re: Paladin Steel Storefront

Unread post by Omegasgundam »

And here's what I've put together in a day and a half. Next project is Atlantean OCC go-overs, picking through the Dark Crusade Rifter entries, and thinking about Shadow and Crystal Magic.

GNE Tattoo Magic
“Self-enlightenment is all well and good, but we all you manage to do with it is keep punching yourself in the face then it’s time to get a new philosophy”

“That they (the GNE) are so cavalier with spreading tattoos spits in the face of all of our traditions, but it would be intellectually dishonest to say that they are wrong on practical grounds. The more troubling issue is that for all their focus on green technology they fundamentally disregard what we consider to be the sanctity of nature on every philosophical level, and large swaths of our youth are starting to be convinced as well. Because for all of our culture’s accomplishments, just how many of them have actually MATTERED on the megaversal scale? How many of our institutions and wonders have survived and made a real difference to mortals at large? The hell-worlders have been around for what amounts to the blink of an eye, and yet they have already affected enough souls to put half of the Clan’s combined to shame.”

“The effects of Chaing-Ku Tattoos on human-derived soul structures is a fascinating process, which is a field we have far too few leeds into. I’ll need to work with Carson for a few aspects, but that is a price I am willing to pay. The large stumbling block will be getting Azure Sky to open up to me.”
---First Librarian Gould, Cambridge Tribes, 111 PA.

The GNE acquired its first tastes of Tattoo Magic during the ZoT Smackdown, and a substantial number of Irregulars acquired Tattoos in ones and twos, but the polity would not have its own Tattoo Masters for years. A small number of minor Atlantean Clans would establish themselves shortly before the Minion War, but Tattoos would not be readily available until afterwards, with one of the GNE’s clean up operations resulting in the return of Clan Tsitas.

Lost No More
Truth be told, it took a great deal of effort and a notable amount of random chance for the GNE to find and extract Clan Tsitas from the static limbo they had been sent to. The dimensional anomalies that had been used to trap them were noticed by GNE forces during the Mexican Crusade, but it took cross referencing with the recovered fragments of Clan Aerihman’s archives and then the older but fully detailed records of Atlantia to piece together what they were. After pouring over the documents, the GNE’s Dimensional Pathfinders uncovered several examples during the original Atlantean Vampire Crusades of similar events, where the Vampire Intelligence exploited the dimensionally saturated bodies of Undead Slayers to banish large contingents to a limbo dimension and allow it to escape. The efforts done to rescue these Slayers would form the theoretical basis for Atlantia’s area teleportation capabilities and serve as the cornerstone of what would become the Janus Experiment, which also explains why they were forgotten by the majority of the Clans.

Still, the trap used on Clan Tsitas was on a far larger scale than any of those however, and must have required the majority of Intelligences in Mexico to work together to pull it off. Even then, it wasn’t perfect, with a number of less dimensionally-sensitive children who managed to reach Arzno, which eventually led to the GNE investigating in the first place. Actually recovering them was relatively straightforward thanks to their possession of the Atlantia Pyramid, which was designed to be able to pull stranded groups from a local limbo. As a mixed blessing, the specific limbo that the trap sent them to had an exceptionally long time differential, with Clan Tsitas having only experienced 6 days despite the decades that had passed on Rifts Earth. This had made it effectively impossible for the Clan’s Tattooed Voyager’s to find a way to escape, but it also meant that they hadn’t run out of supplies in the meantime.

Since then, Clan Tisitas has chosen to settle on the North American West Coast to recover from their ordeal, adjusting to the shock of missing so many developments. Their heritage as dimensional traders is serving them well among the GNE’s sprawling efforts, and the shame of their mistake has made them humble enough to integrate. The fate of Clan Aerihman does much to dampen hubris driven ambition, and has resulted in them being perhaps too willing to adapt to life in the GNE. Time will tell how this process goes, but in the meantime it has resulted in Tattoo Magic being relatively common among the GNE.

One Augment Among Many
Magic Tattoos have traditionally been held as a major boon, allowing for mortals to be turned into supernatural combatants potentially en masse, but the GNE already has an abundance of such things in the form of its Bio-Augmentation programs. If anything Magic Tattoos are an inferior option compared to the Cambridge Jungle derived power sets, but they still have their place. Perhaps their most useful trait for the GNE is that they can be combined with many other empowering methods so long as the 6 Tattoo limit is respected, giving more versatility to virtually any human derived species that can make use of them. Full blown Tattooed Men still have their adherents, particularly with their almost non-existent resource costs, but for the foreseeable future GNE Tattoo Masters will be busy with the work cue they already have.

(Note: While Class 1 to 3 mods can go over 6 tattoos without problems, they must be installed beforehand to prevent complications. According to Librarian simulations Class 4 mods will suffer from what amounts to mystic organ regection, while Class 5 mods will result in a messy death as the body tears itself apart. The only solution to this is to remove the tattoo, which due to the ritual process requires removing a limb. A tattoo on the chest would require a soul transplant to a replacement body.)

One Tattoo to Rule Them All
By far the most common tattoo in the GNE is Power Matrix, being thought of as a requirement for anyone who can receive tattoos and not suffer from it. The burgeoning GNE/Cambridge Jungle affiliated clans have started to use it as their right Mark of Heritage.

Weapon Tattoos
GNE citizens usually see Weapon Tattoos as a backup option, finding it unwise to get into melee with supernatural forces if not one themselves. Those that do engage in melee generally have a dedicated weapon, removing much of the need for a tattoo generated one. Thus, the only tattoo in this category to see any meaningful use is the relatively inexpensive Weapon Covered in Flames.

Power Tattoos
By far the largest and most diverse class, the GNE’s opinions on Power Tattoos cannot be answered in a few sentences. They will instead be listed by relative popularity and name. Those unlisted are considered not worth bothering with for anybody not a Tattooed Man.
    Cross: In the right situation (which is not rare for dimensional travelers) this can be a life saver, and it has a low energy cost
    Eye With Tears: Among other things, it can be used for non-verbal/visible communications
    Eyes: Three: Critically necessary if there is no other reliable source.
    Knight in Full Body Armor: While not as protective as Heart Encircled by Chains, the lower energy demands and longer duration are often crucial.
    Heart Within a Rift: Even the most traditional Atlantean clans have demoted this from being Dimensional Tattoo, and the ability to go without sleep or sustenance for days is something vital all too often.
    White Skull on a Black Shield: If not a psionic or spell caster, this is a necessary survival tool.
    Chain Encircling a Skull or Brain: If it wasn’t for the energy cost and short duration, this would be extremely common.
    Chain with Broken Link: Pure brute strength will always have its uses, but again energy demands limit who can use it.
    Eye of Knowledge: Important for those that find themselves needing to translate frequently, but not something every member of the party needs.
    Heart Encircled by Chains: The protection is exceptional, even with its high energy cost. There is serious thought of replacing it as a Mark of Heritage for something more generally useful.
    Heart Pierced by a Wooden Stake: Traditional, but only useful against Vampires.
    Heart of Steel: While many think GNE members are fearless, this tattoo has come in useful far to often for that to be the case.
    Heart Encircled by Vines (Rifter #68): Considered more practical than Rose Encircling the Heart, it provides a number of useful benefits at a reasonable cost.
    Beautiful Dancer: Most find it rare for this tattoo to be useful, particularly when it has to be touched to be activated.
    Heart with Large Wings: A jet pack is usually a better choice.
    Heart with Tiny Wings: Those that can engage in melee are often faster.
    Ice Dragon’s Head: A very niche choice, it is most often used by bio-augs that have problems with cold weather.
    Red Lightning Bolt: While energy intensive and short lasting, it is often critical when relevant.
    Rose Encircling the Heart: Superior to the majority of most Class-4 Bio-Augs in terms of healing, so it has its uses.

Space Tattoos
Space Tattoos have an interesting niche, as while they are useful Spacer survival tools they run into the issue that they must be touched to be activated. Still, they are literal life savers when relevant, so many AJC crewmen are given the option to get Gas Mask and Star Field, most often placing them on the top of their wrists or their palms. Blazing Comet is more problematic due to its energy cost and low speed, but it can get you from one piece of debris to another

Psionic Tattoos (Rifter #52, pgs 51-52)
Brain Composed of Brilliant Energy, Brain with Energy Aura, and Brain Radiating Energy Burst are all exceptionally useful to all Master Psionics, particularly when combined with Power Matrix. Thus, it is not uncommon to see them on GNE Mind Melters and similar, with the primary limit being the artist’s imbuing speed.

Archon Tattoos (Rifter #61)
The GNE is naturally a bit more flexible in who qualifies, but these tattoos also have metaphysical requirements to them, limiting them to Law Enforcement officers. Still they are exceptionally useful, and their consistent effects help with court admissibility.

Sunaj Tattoos
The fall of Clan Aerihman has resulted in the stealth base tattoos developed for the Sunaj being distributed widely, but the purely combat ones (Rifter #52) so far remain secret. Most of them are simply too energy intensive to be of use by any but a Tattooed Man, and GNE spell books make them redundant for most mages. However, they can be extremely useful for Military Specialists, and the GNE Armed Forces is pushing to have its human members acquire Power Matrix, Camouflaged Cloak, Heart Within a Rift, Silver or Gold Key, and a choice of 2 others. Finally, among the various items brought to the GNE by ex-Aerihman refugees are records of the development of the Sunaj training program, so it is possible that the USA and the remaining Atlantean Clans could field their own equivalents within a decade or two.

Dimensional Tattoos
The GNE has only recently gained access to Tattooed Voyagers with the rescue of Clan Tsitas, but it has already been found that Shifters can benefit from Dimensional Tattoos if trained in their use. Beyond being as capable as a Tattooed Voyager, their nature as being inherently more in tune with the dimensional fabric means that they do not need to expend any PE to use them. Additionally, 2 Pyramid Connected by a Rift and Crossing Ley Lines with an Open Rift can be used as casting foci for their respective spells (as well as Reopen Gateway), which can be combined with the tradition’s rituals to make the PPE costs relatively small. Finally, Pyramid with Rift at Apex solves normal problems making secure contact, and Pair of Chains Pulling a Rift Open is a capability that has not yet been duplicated by conventional magic. Thus, it is increasingly common for Dimensional Pathfinders to have all four of them along with Power Matrix, with the 6th tattoo being discretionary.

Additional Perspectives
Here is a selection of other nation’s opinions of Tattoo Magic and the GNE’s use of such.
Domain of Man: Tattoo Magic is just another thing the CS uses as propaganda fodder, but the more independent kingdoms shrug and lump it in with the rest of the GNE’s bio-magic.

England: The people of England have become reasonably familiar with the Atlanteans and Tattoo Magic, so the GNE having access to it is no surprise.

New German Republic: While usually associated with the Splugorth, the full history of the tradition and its ease of use draws academic interest. The Germans are more interested in the industrialization of magic though, with serious debates about the potential use of geomancy occurring in Berlin.

Russia: Yet another thing the Yankees have over the Motherland, none of the factions have the resources or sustained interest to do anything about it. Magic is still more mistrusted than not in Eastern Europe, and they have enough trouble developing their Techno-Magic industry.

South America: The ones that are aware of what Tattoo Magic is are already fully aware of its history, so see little reason to complain about the GNE having it. The Manoans (and by extension Clan Skellian) are more interested in the GNE’s other magical developments, having managed to push Techno-Wizardry much farther than they have.

Japan: There has long been a level of mysticism surrounding tattoos in Japanese culture, although few took it seriously. This has changed with renewed contact with the rest of the world, with several Irregulars of the GNE showcasing it. While somewhat distasteful, the ability to turn large numbers of human soldiers into M-Factor beings is something that warrants investigation. Even the New Empire is making inquiries into the art.

New Navy and Tritonia: The New Navy is familiar with mystically augmented humans thanks to the Sea Titans, and has taken the revelation that Tattoo Magic was originally a human art stolen by the Sploggorth with some relief. While not particularly useful to the Navy, it is not met with any more suspicion than what other magic item.

Lumaria: Lumarian culture is reeling from the number and scale of shocks it has received recently, but the GNE’s acquisition of Tattoo Magic has not been met with any surprise, with the fact that a large group of Atlanteans would be willing to integrate to another culture being a much larger concern.

Atlantis (Splynn): He is completely unsurprised that the True Atlanteans have thrown the upstarts a bone, although the integration is novel. He is much more interested in getting as much use out of the ever more radicalized Sunaj.

Atlantean Clans: The GNE (along with the USA) pose a deep philosophical problem to the Clans, as many can argue that they are ‘Atlanteans that don’t screw up’. This is tied into the larger issue of Clan Aerihman and the rapidly rising sentiment that the True Atlanteans have done little to permanently change the balance between the forces of Light and Dark, creating a level of social turmoil second only to the fall of Old Atlantis.

United Worlds Warlock: The only major power that pays meaningful attention to the Atlantean Clans, the USA now including one among its ranks is a sign of prestige, and a welcome relief from the ongoing mess that is untangling the mess that Clan Aerihman left in its wake.
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Re: Paladin Steel Storefront

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Omegasgundam wrote:And here's what I've put together in a day and a half. Next project is Atlantean OCC go-overs, picking through the Dark Crusade Rifter entries, and thinking about Shadow and Crystal Magic.

GNE Tattoo Magic
“Self-enlightenment is all well and good, but we all you manage to do with it is keep punching yourself in the face then it’s time to get a new philosophy”

“That they (the GNE) are so cavalier with spreading tattoos spits in the face of all of our traditions, but it would be intellectually dishonest to say that they are wrong on practical grounds. The more troubling issue is that for all their focus on green technology they fundamentally disregard what we consider to be the sanctity of nature on every philosophical level, and large swaths of our youth are starting to be convinced as well. Because for all of our culture’s accomplishments, just how many of them have actually MATTERED on the megaversal scale? How many of our institutions and wonders have survived and made a real difference to mortals at large? The hell-worlders have been around for what amounts to the blink of an eye, and yet they have already affected enough souls to put half of the Clan’s combined to shame.”

"Okay, let me make this absolutely word-of-just-short-of-god's-word totally truth CLEAR, there is NO truth, absolutely NO truth to the rumor that ANY of our magic-tattoo mages has created a skin mark of Explosive Flatulence activated by simple physical contact and has been inscribing it on the posteriors of drunken servicemen, resulting in sit-down detonations! So your butts are safe...from that piece of stupid urban myth anyway....."

"I noticed you didn't address the stories of tattoos on the inside of the butt-cheeks or on the inside of the mouth.."
"Hey, that smacks of covert ops sneaky-freaky. Half the guys in there still believe in the Push Button Tattoo of Breaking Wind , especially now that I've denied it. If we got power-up marks hidden places from casual inspection, I'm not about to draw attention to them by mentioning them, and especially NOT by denying they might exist. And I definitely don't need our resident True Atlanteans having berserk cardiac moments."
"Trouble rather the Tiger in his Lair,
Than the Sage among his Books,
For all the Empires and Kingdoms,
The Armies and Works that you hold Dear,
Are to him but the Playthings of the Moment,
To be turned over with the Flick of a Finger,
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Re: Paladin Steel Storefront

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Well, as good a time and place to post these....

New Magic Tattoos:
*Solar Heart/Heart Radiating Sunbeams(Power Tattoo)---Globe of Daylight powers
This tattoo was the first mystic collaboration between a returned Clan Tsitas and Greater New England’s mages. It allows the recipient to radiate, in various forms, the light from a Globe of Daylight spell.
P.P.E. to Activate: 20
Duration: 5 minutes per level of experience
Range: Can radiate an arc of light from the chest that reaches out 12 ft per level of experience, or can be directed in a narrower beam only 3 ft wide, but reaching 24 ft per level of experience
Number of Attacks: Blinding Flash is equal to recipient’s hand to hand attacks.
-Can radiate the equivalent of beams of sunlight from the chest or a narrower flashlight-like beam from the palms of the hands
-Can project a Blinding Flash from the palms of the hands
-Is immune to Blinding Flash and sudden bright blinding attacks.
-The caster also feels warm, as if they were standing in a sunbeam.

*Heart Jetting a Stream of Tears/Water Droplets(Power Tattoo)---(Create Water)
Another Clan Tsitas and Greater New England collaboration, designed with fighting vampires in mind. Though too late to see service in the Mexico Crusade, it’s becoming quite popular in Mexico and other arid areas regardless.
P.P.E. to Activate: 35
Duration: 3 minutes per level of experience
Range: 500 ft
Number of Attacks: Equal to recipient’s hand to hand attacks
-Create Water Jet---The recipient can spray a jet of water from the palm of their hand that does 5d6 Hit Point damage to vampires. It’s also good for putting out fires and hosing off on hot days. Can produce a gallon of water a melee(6 gallons a minute).
Last edited by taalismn on Tue Dec 13, 2022 7:22 pm, edited 3 times in total.
"Trouble rather the Tiger in his Lair,
Than the Sage among his Books,
For all the Empires and Kingdoms,
The Armies and Works that you hold Dear,
Are to him but the Playthings of the Moment,
To be turned over with the Flick of a Finger,
And the Turning of a Page"

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Re: Paladin Steel Storefront

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taalismn wrote:P.P.E. to Activate: 40

Come again please?
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Re: Paladin Steel Storefront

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Omegasgundam wrote:
taalismn wrote:P.P.E. to Activate: 40

Come again please?

Okay...would 20 be more acceptable for the sunlight spell? It is. after all, mystic sunlight.

The Water spell should be expensive because of both the manifestation of a material(water)+ duration, and velocity. Perhaps 35 at the high end?

I was using the Black Sun/Shadow power tattoo as a model, I'm afraid.
"Trouble rather the Tiger in his Lair,
Than the Sage among his Books,
For all the Empires and Kingdoms,
The Armies and Works that you hold Dear,
Are to him but the Playthings of the Moment,
To be turned over with the Flick of a Finger,
And the Turning of a Page"

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Re: Paladin Steel Storefront

Unread post by Omegasgundam »

taalismn wrote:
Omegasgundam wrote:
taalismn wrote:P.P.E. to Activate: 40

Come again please?

Okay...would 20 be more acceptable for the sunlight spell? It is. after all, mystic sunlight.

The Water spell should be expensive because of both the manifestation of a material(water)+ duration, and velocity. Perhaps 35 at the high end?

I was using the Black Sun/Shadow power tattoo as a model, I'm afraid.

I'll think about it.
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Re: Paladin Steel Storefront

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Omegasgundam wrote:[
I'll think about it.

In the course of thinking about my inexperience in creating new magic tattoos(I've created more spells) I began thinking about the more negative ripples of so many Atlanteans coming out and mingling with the mundane folks, or at least having their dirty laundry aired in public. There's going to be a degree of demythologizing of the Atlanteans.
With magic tattooing popping up in the GNE, there's going to be a point where enough unscrupulous mages or dropouts of the magic schools/vetting process learn enough about magic tattooing to be dangerous.

While the GNE is fairly good about vetting and enforcing standards of magic-workers in their territories, the authorities can't be everywhere at once, and there's enough places just over the GNE's borders where folks working off the aura effect of the GNE's prosperity can set up shop. So you can have 'Arcane Tattoo' shops opening in the Relic or Merctown(okay, maybe not Merctown, for reasons I'll discuss later). Whether they have just enough knowledge of proper Atlantean tattooing, or have come up with their own system*, these self-proclaimed 'artists' have enough successes to warrant their work being called 'magic' and draw attention to them, but they can also be dangerously flawed in some way. Of course, the draw for the PCs, if they're ignorant of the intricacies of tattoo magic(like a failed Lore: Magic roll), is the astonishing low cost offered for the tattoos...but buyer beware...

Heck, I'm getting ideas for a Random Roll table for Magic Tattoo parlors. Bad outcomes might include higher PPE costs, fading tattoos, skin infections that make the recipient more negatively sensitive to magic, lingering pain from the tattooing process, spontaneous activation, etc...

Another passing thought is anarchist or evil dragons might try to profit from magic tattooing being created by a dragon species by claiming that their dragon kind originally created the practice, or have their own unique signature form of the art. Again, failed Magic Lore rolls can result in the characters getting gaslighted.

(*Nasty thought: One diabolic practice with shades of cybernetic/bionic chopshopping might be skin grafts of magic tattoos harvested from dead/unwilling victims. This might be a way of introducing some of the more ghoulish OCCs from Nightspawn or Beyond theSupernatural who like to stitch living material together in evil ways).

Such things should send the tradition-minded True Atlanteans into paroxysms of horrified RAGE. :badbad: :badbad: :badbad: :mad: :mad: :mad:
"Trouble rather the Tiger in his Lair,
Than the Sage among his Books,
For all the Empires and Kingdoms,
The Armies and Works that you hold Dear,
Are to him but the Playthings of the Moment,
To be turned over with the Flick of a Finger,
And the Turning of a Page"

--------Rudyard Kipling
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Re: Paladin Steel Storefront

Unread post by Omegasgundam »

taalismn wrote:Such things should send the tradition-minded True Atlanteans into paroxysms of horrified RAGE. :badbad: :badbad: :badbad: :mad: :mad: :mad:

All perfectly valid ideas. I think nobody would be surprised by Clan Tsitas getting hit by their species' perpetual 'idiot ball'. Which I think might be a real thing related to the gene modding they did to themselves during the Vampire Crusades. If so, the Cambridge Tribes' Librarians might have a few words to say about it, and with some assistance a genetic patch. I can also see 'True Atlantean Equivalent' being a plausible bio-aug.

Anyway, have some more Atlantean stuff; this time from the Rifter.

Black Crusade (Rifters #52, #55, #61, and #68) Revisions
(As a pretend ‘favor’ to Andrew Lander (the original writer), I’ll go over his Black Crusade articles and touch them up for the Paladin Steel setting)

(Rifter #52)
Atlantean OCCs
    Atlantean Dilettante: Mechanically the most egregious, it's best to ignore it.

    Atlantean Tattoo Master: A Body Fixer with enough skills for Role Player and enough combat potential to not be a liability. Only mechanical issue is the reduced PPE costs, which can be replaced with something else.

    Atlantean Drifter: Just a Shifter variant that’s suited for Atlanteans. Only issue I have is that the Rifter #15 spells, which can be replaced by equal level Invocations.

Atlantean Equipment
(The armor has been Jossed thanks to Advanced Tattoo Training, but most of the other gear looks good. The more expensive ones look like Enchanted items, which makes sense given their capabilities, but the Magic Exo-Skeleton and Self Sealing Armor mods seem a bit out of line with what TW has been shown to do at that power budget. Finally, the Anti-Vampire Spikes seem too expensive.)

Non-Sunaj Atlantean Tattoos
(Some of them have been Jossed, with the Space related tattoos in particular suffering. The elemental powers have been moved to the Arcadia section, and Black Sphere is too damn expensive to use and cumbersome as hell. Flux Tattoos are definitely an optional thing.)

Sunaj/Aerihman Empire
(Jossed heavily, but we can salvage parts of it. The Mark of Heritage replacement has to go, at least until after the fall of the clan, but the Sunaj specific Tattoos look reasonable. Runic Pattern raises some questions though, and should have some limits. The equipment on the other hand is trash with the exception of the armor mods and the backpack. That being said, have a new write up)

The Sunaj Society was forced to become a full polity thanks to the fall of Clan Aerihman, and unfortunately for the forces of Light they gained more than enough radicalized civilians to become self-sustaining. While the loss of New Atlantis was a tremendous blow to their logistical capacity, a large portion of their manufacturing has been established in discovered Universal Energy dimensions, meaning that there was something to rebuild from. Loans for Kittani production equipment would be taken out with Lord Splynn, who was delighted by the fallen Atlanteans diving head first into the moral abyss. And dive they did.

It should be obvious that the Sunaj and their new recruits had something of a cultural psychotic break during this time, their boundless cultural arrogance, seemingly genetic fatal pride, and the constant egging on by on by Lord Splynn and the Shadow Lords resulting in the newly christened Sunaj Society becoming mockeries of what they once were. ‘White Man’s Burden’ was replaced with unapologetic imperialism and an increasing degree of chattel slavery. This was blended with a predictably self-destructive mix of dark occultism, with the pursuit of self declared ‘evil’ becoming a high pursuit. And so the once noble Clan Aerihman became the sort of fanatic cult that they had depicted the Sunaj to be.

Sunaj OCCs
    Revised Sunaj Assassin OCC: Jossed, with Advanced Tattoo Training instead of the Reduced Tattoo PPE Costs, along with some attribute bonuses.

    Sunaj Slayer: Makes sense conceptually, being a Mortal Slayer, but it needs something to replace the Undead Slayer’s ability 6 and 7. They should have the Assassin’s Advanced Tattoo Training by default and have the +1D6 for PS and PP.

    Sunaj Slaver: Beyond being a mess mechanically, in the PS verse the Sunaj didn’t go full slavery happy until after the Fall of Clan Aerihman. Prior to that, the effort would be to ‘uplift’ primitive yet potentially useful natives to use as cannon fodder. They’ll likely have a number of their ex-civilians become a lesser Tattooed Man with a similar set of powers, but it’ll still be a weak class.

    Sunaj Warrior Thrall: Issue I have is that I think Aerihman wouldn’t take a page from the Splugorth and would instead look elsewhere for how to train up their janissaries. Find another low power/skill modern soldier class and tack on the Thrall’s OCC abilities, although the tattoo list could use some alterations.

Beyond a loathing of all other True Atlanteans, the Sunaj have started overtly conquering less advanced civilizations, expanding their resource base and allowing them to raise legions of janissaries. While a large number of appropriately cowed humans serve in second line roles, the near totality of the front line warrior thralls are the Nog, which Clan Aerihman had discovered decades earlier and had decided to ‘uplift’ under their ‘proper guidance’. While lacking in intelligence the Ogre offshoots are well suited for use as a servile workforce, and with proper discipline are as indipendently functional soldiers the Sunaj care to retain. The true bottom rung of their dark legions are the Lassacre (PF WB:15, pg 86, remain SDC), a large number of which (1-2 million) of which had been discovered in a single planet dimension that had been used as a staging ground in a long forgotten war between Alien Intelligences.

Methodean Trading Cartel (Rifter #55)
The Sunaj Conspiracy (and later Society) primarily staff MTC with those that it believes to be predominantly loyal but would start to experience doubts once they have started killing other True Atlanteans with their own two hands. This both allows them to keep the strictest possible standards while taking advantage of a larger recruitment pool. The resulting Methodeans sacrifice some of their secondary combat and espionage training for business skills, and are sent out to acquire resources for the movement. Their distinctive armor is based on a failed competitor to the Sunaj SA-14, which had lost out due to slightly lesser mobility (-15%), but has enough differences to not draw suspicion.

The MTC deliberately uses less advanced stone pyramids to further muddy things, with their unique tourmaline Crystal Arch being specifically designed to have only the barest similarities with the version produced via Atlantean Crystal Magic. The creation of the PPE Vat was necessary due to the less efficient PPE gathering and control systems of their inferior pyramids, but as it furthers the deception this is accepted. The sheer profits generated from G’Due D’gud and the Biomech Union well outway any minor complications that their locations impose, and this has only expanded as the Methodeans pour over ancient dimensional exploration logs for potential products.

(Rifter #61)
(I personally find it unlikely that the Ancient Atlanteans would have had the knowledge to create it, and given the track record Palladium has tacked onto them it almost certainly would have blown up millenia ago.)

Atlantean Blade Master OCC
While not as efficient as a dedicated Slayer in their specialty, the Blade Master is much more capable against more general opponents such as other mortals. While lacking in people skills, their duties make it far less common for it to be relevant.
    OCC Changes: Base PPE is 1D4x10+50+Tattoos, PS and PP bonuses are +1D6 and gain the Advanced Tattoo Training of the Sunaj Assassin. They also start with the Tattoos Knight in Full Body Armor, Guardian Power, Hear Within a Rift, and may take Crystal Super-Guardian. Due to the Tattoo link, the latter benefits from the character’s Weapon Tattoo Mastery ability.

Atlantean Archon OCC
(Essentially an MDC Rogue Scholar with some combat skills. No changes needed.)

Archon Tattoo Magic
The primary reason that Archon Tattoos have long been restricted is that there are metaphysical requirements to them, which effectively singles out law enforcement officers and judges. Palm Facing Outward with Glowing Light was traditionally an Archon Tattoo, but it has been found that specialist Slayers that focus against supernatural evil can use it as well, and at half cost at that due to their deep personal ideological dedication.

Archon Staves
(Perfectly in line with normal magic items.)

Additional Stone Magic
(Obelisks, Megaliths, Restoration Slabs, and all types of Lythos are perfectly in line with demonstrated Stone Magic, and far more practical for small groups to make and use. Nearly all pre-Janus Experiment Advanced Pyramid types were extensively covered in Atlantia’s archives, and has enough documentation to redevelop those that were not. There are almost certainly some secret designs that have been created and lost since then however.)

(Rifter #68)
Arcadia and Arcadians
(I don’t see anything wrong with them.)

Arcadia OCC Adjustments
    Hellion Slayer: Replace Reduce Tattoo Cost with the Advanced Tattoo Training of the Undead Slayer.

    Atlantean Esquire: Replace Armored Channeling with Advanced Tattoo Training of the Sunaj Assassin. Keep in mind these are lower tier characters.

    Atlantean Warlock: Unchanged, but note that it is still rare to non-existent in most Clans.

Arcadia Magic Tattoos
Flame Wrapped in Chains, Icy Heart, Stone Wrapped in Chains, Tidal Wave, and Tree Wrapped in Chains can only be given in an Elementally charged plane of the corresponding type, and have +50% PPE costs for non-Warlocks. Glowing Eye has metaphysical requirements like Archon Tattoos, limiting it to those with similar levels of dedication to a Hellion Slayer. Finally, both Vibrating Heart and Weapon Covered in Flames Impaling Devil Skull should be removed for redundancy.
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Re: Paladin Steel Storefront

Unread post by Omegasgundam »

Here's a potential answer to a perennial lore problem.

Pondering on Atlanteans and Self Destructive Behavior
(Optional material for why the Atlanteans constantly screw up (ala Sidereal Exalted), as expressed via Third Librarian Vesalius’ rambling internal monologue.)

Atlantean subspecies has substantially higher mental and physical parameters than baseline humans. Atlanteans even more prone to poor decision making and national level mistakes. Atlantean culture heavily individualist, yet constantly makes conservative decisions. Neurological factors bear investigation. Retrieving samples.


Fascinating. Atlanteans biologically inclined to group think and reduced self-reflection when isolated from other groups. Reduced tendency to grow permanent attachments to outsiders. Empathy complications. Slight increase in trends with population. Feedback loop? Self-worth also tied. Pride deadly sin for reason. Cultural factors tie knowledge to self-worth. Atlantean Elders inflexible and prone to obsession. Implications unpleasant. Physical performance parameters superior to current tribe variants. Worth further study. Problem of infamous lack of malleability. Philosophical complications.


Can only find partial biological cause for lack of malleability. Partial includes neurological factors. Must be result of PPE pattern influence. Tricky subject, easily go wrong. Easily go wrong in ways that can’t be anticipated or occur much later. Feedback loop. Soul worsening neurological problems easily catastrophic. See Atlantean history. Atlantean culture only partially addresses problems. Culture resists idea that there can be biological or PPE problem. Culture resists most changes. Influence from curse? Must investigate influences on PPE pattern.


Unpleasant. Patterns in culture become patterns in PPE, which return to culture. Tattoo Magic ritual affecting PPE pattern. Marks of Heritage. Collective ritual construct carried through generations. Effects subtle, multi-millennia build up. Chiang-Ku would not have noticed due to far smaller population and lack of context. Clans would not have investigated. Ex-multi generational slaves are far less affected than Clan members. Also slightly more malleable in micro sense. Something here. Expanding cultural analysis


Disappointing. Atlaneans excessively prone to ‘idiot ball’. Prone to ‘stupid good’ behavior. Individuals eager to be champions and martyrs, unlikely to create long term institutions or join in political leadership. ‘Nomad’ sub-culture does not establish enduring legacy, leading to efforts being reversed later. Form full third of population. Nation of drifters. Primary continuous social interaction is monoblock racial, leading to amplification of poor decision making, resulting in inevitable catastrophe. Continuous refusal to believe there is problem. ‘Stuck’ in counter-productive mindset. Lack of malleability. Bio-mod was far more than physical.

Grim irony. Atlantean’s doomed themselves to keep making same mistakes. Atlanteans still bronze age culture at heart. Race cannot change. Race must change. Bio-mod prevents change. Bio-mod must be overcome. Bio-Mod mostly done via PPE pattern alterations. Very difficult to deal with when you know what you’re doing, near impossible if you don’t. Records certain to be destroyed with fall of Atlantis, likely burned after Vampire Crusade out of shame. Atlanteans regularly worsen their situation due to shame. Must find alternative sources of information.

Old Atlantean allies most likely to have information. Few of them left. Chiang-Ku may as well be extinct. Greek Pantheon would not have cared. Mesopotamian Pantheons still active. Persian branch were not involved, Bablyonians were. Enki and Marduk certain to know details. Do not have contact details. Egyptian Pantheon heavily involved. Thoth is very active. Thoth receptive to inquiries and certain to be interested in subject answer.

Where did I put my Rift-Comm array?
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Re: Paladin Steel Storefront

Unread post by taalismn »

...and this doesn't even factor in the hints that the Mechanoids were created by an Atlantean splinter..... BIG 'Oops' there....
"Trouble rather the Tiger in his Lair,
Than the Sage among his Books,
For all the Empires and Kingdoms,
The Armies and Works that you hold Dear,
Are to him but the Playthings of the Moment,
To be turned over with the Flick of a Finger,
And the Turning of a Page"

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Re: Paladin Steel Storefront

Unread post by kronos »

taalismn wrote:...and this doesn't even factor in the hints that the Mechanoids were created by an Atlantean splinter..... BIG 'Oops' there....

Where's this hinted?
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Re: Paladin Steel Storefront

Unread post by taalismn »

kronos wrote:
taalismn wrote:...and this doesn't even factor in the hints that the Mechanoids were created by an Atlantean splinter..... BIG 'Oops' there....

Where's this hinted?

Rifts Sourcebook Two: The Mechanoids, pg. 29

"Ironically the Mechanoids' ancestry is deeply rooted in humankind"

Of the Mechanoids' creators it is said;"The oldest legends identify them as 'Atlantees', but they have ben given many names; their true identity has been lost to antiquity. They were a hard-working. peaceful people with an insatiable lust for knowledge. This desire sometime made them reckless and cruel."
"Trouble rather the Tiger in his Lair,
Than the Sage among his Books,
For all the Empires and Kingdoms,
The Armies and Works that you hold Dear,
Are to him but the Playthings of the Moment,
To be turned over with the Flick of a Finger,
And the Turning of a Page"

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Re: Paladin Steel Storefront

Unread post by Omegasgundam »

taalismn wrote:
kronos wrote:They were a hard-working. peaceful people with an insatiable lust for knowledge. This desire sometime made them reckless and cruel."

Yup. That sounds like Group-Think Atlanteans alright. Scale of their **** up also matches, although it had a lot more time to run rampant over its home dimension.
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Re: Paladin Steel Storefront

Unread post by taalismn »

Omegasgundam wrote:Yup. That sounds like Group-Think Atlanteans alright. Scale of their **** up also matches, although it had a lot more time to run rampant over its home dimension.

I figure a post-Fall splinter of the Earth Atlanteans landed in a temporally fast or past-back dimension and set out to rebuild their civilization using different tools...but the same hubris.
"Trouble rather the Tiger in his Lair,
Than the Sage among his Books,
For all the Empires and Kingdoms,
The Armies and Works that you hold Dear,
Are to him but the Playthings of the Moment,
To be turned over with the Flick of a Finger,
And the Turning of a Page"

--------Rudyard Kipling
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Re: Paladin Steel Storefront

Unread post by kronos »

taalismn wrote:
Omegasgundam wrote:Yup. That sounds like Group-Think Atlanteans alright. Scale of their **** up also matches, although it had a lot more time to run rampant over its home dimension.

I figure a post-Fall splinter of the Earth Atlanteans landed in a temporally fast or past-back dimension and set out to rebuild their civilization using different tools...but the same hubris.

been awhile since i've read that book, will need to re-read again.
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