Gargoyles and brodkil

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Gargoyles and brodkil

Unread post by darthauthor »

Gargoyle and Bordkil

My player characters take some prisoner / rescues / befriend. So what do they eat?

I had them go fishing for everyone to eat. I thought they were natural born hunters but have no idea how much they eat or need too eat.

Vampires and Psi-stalkers I am clear on. These guys? Triple an adults humans?

Also, can they eat their own?

One player wants to cook and eat Gargoyle meat. Any ideas what it should taste like? Chicken?

How many should an average one feed?
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Re: Gargoyles and brodkil

Unread post by foilfodder »

darthauthor wrote:Gargoyle and Bordkil
My player characters take some prisoner / rescues / befriend. So what do they eat?
I had them go fishing for everyone to eat. I thought they were natural born hunters but have no idea how much they eat or need too eat.
Vampires and Psi-stalkers I am clear on. These guys? Triple an adults humans?

Both species are primariy carnivores. Meat whether from fish, cattle or other animals would be the primary diet. Both species arrived on Rifts-Earth as warrior-slaves so depending on how long each group has been around they may not have any survival skill yet. Gargoyles forming a lager colony might even setup groups of foragers or agriculture rather than just raiding surrounding settlements for suppilies and food.

These guys range from 8 to over 20 feet tall and weigh 1000 to 2000 pounds. One creature would definately eat more than several humans.

darthauthor wrote:Also, can they eat their own?
One player wants to cook and eat Gargoyle meat. Any ideas what it should taste like? Chicken?
How many should an average one feed?

Being violent, meat-eatng humanoids yes they could eat their own. I would say the gargoyles are less likely to engage in cannibalism as they typically have a more structured society.

Cooking and eating a magcal M.D.C. creature is not easy if you no not have M.D.C. claws or teeth yourself. I would say any meat would need a lot of preparation and seasoning to be remotely edible. Lookup recipes for bear meat for a real-life analog.

For usable meat, if the creature weighs 1000 pounds, you should decide how much is meat and how much is non-edible. A player character dragon is much less picky than a human.
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Re: Gargoyles and brodkil

Unread post by darthauthor »


Thanks Foilfodder.
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