Shemarrian-related fan creations

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Re: Shemarrian-related fan creations

Unread post by kronos »

"Demons are everywhere! They're even disguising themselves to look like robots! The END TIME IS HERE! DON'T TRUST THE ROBO DOGS!!" - Words recorded from a survivor of a village on the Eastern border of Ishpeming completely destroyed by unknown methods.

The Mordaxus is a BlackSteel corrupted NG-PD12 Fido robot, turned from a cargo drone into an attack beast. While being smaller and lighter than the Infestus, the Spit Beast is faster and more nimble. Mordaxus looks like a NG-PD12 Fido, although with what looks like slightly battered and patched armour, scratched and used. They act like normal Fido drones, following along with an 'owner', then they change and attack when alone or ordered. While the original Fidos are not very quick, the Mordaxus can, when not needing to hide its presence, it can move quite quickly. When they change the 'head' splits horizontally to reveal a fang filled, drool dripping maw. Claws extend from the feet, the armour becomes black, blistered and semi-organic like other BlackSteel units. From the mouth, the Mordaxus and launch glob of acid. Other than spitting acid, the Spit beast can bite or use its claws to attack. The cutting laser is upgraded to
Mordaxus are used as additional attack forces for BlackSteel units that are used to infiltrate, such as corrupted juicer or cyborg bots or power armour units. Some have even be used to infiltrate Black Market sales, to be 'sold' to mercenaries. Once in the Black Market areas, they covertly infest other robots, and if 'sold' will infest any useful robots and mechs, or just murder the mercenaries to cause chaos.
Many are also found working with Burn-Bleeders so that they can easily replenish their acid supplies.

Type: BlackSteel Abomination---Mordaxus
Class: Robot
Crew: Corrupted Robot Intelligence
M.D.C. By Location:
Headlights (2) 5 each
Forelegs (2) 75 each
Utility Mini-Arms (2, small) 15 each
Hind Legs (2) 90 each
Head 95
Main Body 115
Height: 3 ft to top of head, 28 inches to the top of Mordaxus' back/cargo platform
Width: 2 ft
Length: 4.6 ft
Weight: 220 lbs.
Power System: Nuclear(?)
Physical Attributes: Equal to Robotic PS. 30, Utility arms have Robotic PS 15, PP. 22, IQ 16.
Cargo: Up to 1000 lbs
Running: 200 MPH, while disguised only 35 MPH
Jumping: 25 ft up/ across, 80 ft with a running start in excess of 60 MPH.
Flying: Not possible
Underwater: Can dog paddle at about 15 MPH, maximum depth of 1000 ft.
Market Cost: EXCLUSIVE to the BlackSteel Citadel
Systems of Note:
Standard Robot Sensory Systems, plus:

*Motion Detector----100 ft range

*Molecular Analyzer---Track by smell 80%

*Detect Radio Emissions---Mordaxus can pick up and track radio emissions; 70%

BlackSteel Traits:
*Acidic Ichor---If destroyed, Mordaxus leak a corrosive ichor not unlike powerful battery acid. This makes destroying the ‘bots near sensitive equipment a risky undertaking. Typically a destroyed Mordaxus will splatter in a 3d6 ft radius beyond its normal self-destruct radius, its fluids doing 1d6 MD per melee for 1d6 melees. Immediately dosing the splatter with a powerful base substance, or diluting it with copious amounts of water will stop or slow the damage.
*BlackSteel Touch---A Mordaxus' touch causes acute agony to living beings: It causes agonizing pain to any living being that touches it, even lightly. It can even send someone into a coma/death situation, unless they are devoid of a soul. Those who touch Blacksteel suffer -2 to all rolls, -20% to skills and loses 2 attacks for 1d4 minutes per melee round touched, plus must save vs coma/death 17. A successful save means the victim is rendered unconscious for 1d4 melee rounds in a near coma-like state, failure means they suffer 4d4 damage straight to Hit Points, or 5d6 M.D. for M.D.C. creatures. If save by more than 5, they are only stunned for that melee round, unable to take any actions or defend themselves.

*Sense PPE --- Mordaxus can ‘smell’ PPE and active magic---100 ft range.

*Silver---Silver weaponry does DOUBLE damage to BlackSteel creations. If a called shot of 20+ (modified) strikes the skull or chest area with silver, the tainted container/CPU/powerplant will be struck and an explosion of 6D6 MDC to a 3ft. radius will erupt and anihilate the Black-Steel... and decommission the ‘bot(self-destruct will still go off, however).
*Holy Magic---Attacking with Holy Magic will cause the normal materials of the ‘bot to expel the BlackSteel. The ‘bot will still fight on using its original programming, but it will lose its viciousness and malevolent cunning(reduce initiative by HALF), and BlackSteel properties, and all other aspects of its operation remain unchanged. However, the expelled BlackSteel will remain a threat if picked up and incorporated into other machines.

Weapons Systems:
1) Bite---Mordaxus when not maintaining its disguise can make a powerful bite attack.
Restrained Bite/Nip 1d6x10 SDC or 1d4 MD plus BlackSteel touch
Full Strength Bite 2d6 MD plus BlackSteel touch

2) Molecular Acid Spit ---- The Mordaxus has an internal reservoir of molecular acid, similar to the Burn-Bleeder, however it can't replenish its supply and must be replenished at a BlackSteel facility, or a Burn-Bleeder can 'feed' a Mordaxus from one of its acid nodes.
Range: 60 ft
Damage: 1d6 MD per melee for 1d6 melees, affects a 5 foot area
Rate of Fire: ECHH
Payload: 15 uses, must be replenished from an external source.

3) Extendable Utility Arms (2) --- Mordaxus maintains the utility arms of the Fido, although slightly more powerful and the ends are fitted with sharp claws.
Damage: Restrained Slash 1d6 SDC plus BlackSteel touch
Full Strength Slash 3d6 SDC plus BlackSteel Touch

4) Black Light Laser (2)---- The Mordaxus has an upgraded laser, one of the BlackSteel's corrupted lasers that are potent against organics. While disguised, it limits the use to that of the cutting laser of the Fido, but once disguise not needed, it can use it at full power.
Range: 1,000 ft
Damage: 2d6 SDC, 5d6 SDC, 1d6x10 SDC, 1 MD, 3d6 MD per blast, double if using both at same time (counts as single attack)
Do 25% more damage to living beings, and direct exposure of the wound to sunlight (and Globe of Daylight spells) will cause the injury to become acutely photosensitive; victims must roll under their ME or be -1 on initiative, perception, strike, dodge, and parry due to the itching/burning sensations from the wound. The photosensitivity ends when the wound is healed.
Rate of Fire: ECHH
Payload: Effectively Unlimited

Math: Basic 98%
Language (Understanding) American, Spanish, Euro, Gobbley, Splugorth, Dragonese all at 80%
Climb 70%/0%
Detect Ambush 60%
Detect Concealment 70%
Land Navigation 94%
Military Etiquette 98%
Escape Artist 65%
Herd Cattle 70%
Identify Plants and Fruits 90%
Intelligence 95%
Prowl 75%
Streetwise 45%
ID Undercover Agent 80%
Swimming 90%
Tracking (People) 95%
Tracking (Animals) 90%
Tailing 95%

Actions/Attacks Per Melee: 5
Initiative +3
Dodge +7 +9 when running in excess of 70 MPH
Parry +3
Strike + 4
Roll +3
Pull Punch +5
Disarm +2
Critical Strike on a Natural 18-20
Head Butt 1d4 MD
Body Block/Jumping Attack 1d6 MD and has a 55% chance of knocking targets f 800 lbs’ weight or less off their feet.

Mordaxus Roccia
The Mordaxus Roccia is a variant, which is rare amongst BlackSteel units as the BlackSteel doesn't produce many variants of any of their units thus far. The Roccia has a more scorched and burned appearance, even when it sheds its disguise, the semi-organic armour has a more burnt appearance.
The Roccia doesn't have the Molecular acid and instead has a cannon concealed in its mouth.

2) Plasma Cannon --- Mordaxus Roccia has a plasma cannon equivalent to the BsP-15 Plasma Rifle but with shorter range, with a reservoir of ichor for only 10 shots which must be replenished externally, typically from other BlackSteel units.
Range: 1,000 ft
(Slag shot)500 ft
Damage: 1d4x10 MD per shot
(Slag shot) Does 6d6 MD to a 5 ft blast radius on impact and does 3d6 MD per melee for 1d4 melees. The material can be scrapped off or extinguished with magic, or total immersion in water, but conventional fire extinguishing measures are useless against it.
Rate of Fire: ECHH
Payload: Effectively unlimited
(Slag shot) The reservoir holds enough ichor for 10 shots. The ichor has defied chemical analysis and cannot be replicated by conventional chemical laboratories (a necromancer and alchemist might be able to intuit something of a process). Any larger BlackSteel unit can feed the Mordaxus Roccia ichor to replenish its reservoir.
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Re: Shemarrian-related fan creations

Unread post by taalismn »

Mordaxus added to the Codex Masterfile.
"Trouble rather the Tiger in his Lair,
Than the Sage among his Books,
For all the Empires and Kingdoms,
The Armies and Works that you hold Dear,
Are to him but the Playthings of the Moment,
To be turned over with the Flick of a Finger,
And the Turning of a Page"

--------Rudyard Kipling
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Re: Shemarrian-related fan creations

Unread post by taalismn »

‘Lumnis’ Throwing Blade
“White Light of the Silver Night, Cast Thy Purity Upon the Darkness!”
---Isa Whitenite of the New Moon, Silvermoon Tribe

A combination of powered chakram and contra-gravity boomerang, the Lumnis was developed by the Silvermoons after they got ahold of several ‘cyborg throwing blades’ form the Wayfinder /Clan Shiden enclave in Japan, who supposedly got them from China. The crescent-shaped blades obviously appealed to the lunar-icon-infatuated Tribe, who set out to adapt them. The Shemarrian Star Nation branch of the Tribe took the idea further, knocking off Malkovicth Enterprises’ “Death Disk” weapons system(see RDB3 Phaseworld Sourcebook, pg. 58-59) for its miniature contragravity system. The system is remotely mentally controlled by the Shemarrians.
Besides being silver-plated and vibroblade-edged, the Lumnis also incorporates a TW crystal inset into it. This amulet-device is set to emit a Globe of Daylight spell, making the weapon that much more effective against creatures of darkness. It is frequently sent winging over walls and around corners to shed light on dark places, rousting supernatural threats from their hiding places.
The Lumnis has become a favorite weapon of Silvermoon mystics, shamanesses, and horror-hunting Elites. The highly-decorated weapons are often given as rewards to EShemar and even NeShemar warriors for distinguished service. The Wayfinders, because of tehir role in creating the moon-blades, also produce and use them.

Weight: 4 lbs
MDC: 35
Range: 600 ft, but typically used at ranges of 200 ft or less.
Damage: Can be directly thrown for 2d6 MD, or remotely ‘piloted’ for strikes of 2d4 MD.
*Globe of Daylight(spell)----Illuminates a 25 ft radius of the weapon in ‘true’ sunlight antithetical to many supernatural creatures of darkness.
Rate of Fire: ECHH
*Globe of Daylight----Charged with 20 PPE/ 40 ISP, the spell crystal is good for 600 minutes of continuous light.
Special Features:
*Basic Robot Optic w/ low-lite/nightvision filters
*Silver-Plated----Does damage to beings susceptible to silver
*Laser-Reflective----Lasers do HALF damage to the Lumnis
*PPE Crystal Battery----PPE Capacity:(Light)----100 PPE battery capacity; recharges at 5 PPE per hour, 10 PPE/hour at a leyline, 20 PPE/hour on a nexus or in a dimensional pyramid
Note: The user can pump his or her own PPE or ISP into the weapon to recharge it an emergency, but at DOUBLE the above listed PPE cost(x4 if ISP; so 10 PPE battery shot takes 20 PPE/40 ISP to manually recharge)

Cost: Not for sale; exclusive to the EShemar Tribes
*Blinding Flash(spell)--- 20 ft radius. Draws 1 PPE per strike from the crystal

*Starburst(spell)---3d6 MD per strike, + blindness penalties(vampires take an extra +1d6 damage).Draws 6 PPE per strike from the crystal

*Sense Traps & Mines----Crystal flashes or the airfoil whistles if it detects(94% chance) traps along its flightpath, draws 6 PPE per very 5 minutes operation from the crystal

*ShockBlade(spell)---Does 4d6 MD+ shock damage, draws 15 PPE per strike from the crystal

*Sense Evil---The PPE crystal can flash red if supernatural evil entities approach within a 90 ft radius.

*Sense Magic---The PPE crystal can flash yellow if active magic occurs within 120 ft of the weapon.

*Spinning Blades----When activated, the Spinning Blades spell produces 5 blades that each do 1d6 MD each(regardless of what the blade was/does originally) in defensive mode(+6 to parry, +2 to parry energy attacks) or 2d6x5 MD in offensive ‘buzzsaw’ mode(enemy CANNOT parry).
Can also fire the magical blades like projectiles, 1-2 at a time, each doing 1d6 MD on impact, and +3 to strike. The blades disappear on impact. 10 PPE for 5 melee rounds.
"Trouble rather the Tiger in his Lair,
Than the Sage among his Books,
For all the Empires and Kingdoms,
The Armies and Works that you hold Dear,
Are to him but the Playthings of the Moment,
To be turned over with the Flick of a Finger,
And the Turning of a Page"

--------Rudyard Kipling
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Re: Shemarrian-related fan creations

Unread post by taalismn »

Mekromancy---The Sublime Art and Science of Kitbashing

Tinker(holding lightning rod attached to car battery): “GIVE MY CREATION LIFE!!!!!”

Mekromancy is the fine art of some particularly skilled Tinkers, N’R’Mar, and neShemar to revive dead machinery, combining it with parts from other machinery(and technologies), and create viable functional machine constructs. Many of these constructs can be considered Orseme, if given sufficiently sophisticated A.I.s.
A Mekromancer is a recognized mastercraftsman of this science/art-form, though in the case of the Wayfinders, actual magic may possibly be involved in the crafting.
Clan Gothec is generally regarded as the most visible practitioners of mekromancy, but a growing number of other Tribes practice and appreciate it as a means of bolstering their forces.

American Gothtek----Or, Randomly Generating Frankentech in Rifts North America)

The Warchief and her Senior Tinker strode over to where the N’R’Mar was waiting, the latter’s troupe finishing laying down piles of material on tarps for the EShemars’ appraisal.
“What have you got for us today, Rustmonger?” the Warchief greeted the Searcher. Next to her the Tinker began inspecting the assorted materials.
“Hmmmm....some skelebot limbs, backplates from some Chipwells, most of a Gladius, ...oh, gyro from an Okemo...we can use that!....half a dozen engee labor ‘bot of a Naruni ground-attacker drone...Well, well, a nearly intact Naruni Tech-Warrior! How’d you score that one, Rustmonger?”
The N’R’Mar seemed to grin under his mesh-veil as he gestured two of his brethren foreward. They pulled open a large sack and rolled out a bundle at the feet of the Warchief.
Wrapped in restraining mesh and bandages, angry tear-filled eyes glared over a gag at the gynoids looming over her.
The Warchief bent down, much as the Tinker had previously over the scrap salvage, to inspect the prisoner.
“Ah, so you brought us the makings of oreseme and neshemar, no? A good haul indeed, Rustmonger, a good haul.”

“Waste Not, Want Not. We can use those old reactor cores for something, I’m sure!”

“So the Warchief wants us to whip up something for the TinkerFest, to show that we have the expertise to continue calling ourselves ‘Shemarrian’. Any ideas?”
“What have we got in the spare parts bins?”

“There’s a rumor about a Tinker who got stranded on a high-tech planet somewhere out in the megaverse, cut off from her comrades, and surrounded but overlooked by some enemy who was hunting her sisters. She’d been given up for dead, but she had her tools, and she had the resources, so she BUILT herself an army from the stuff around her, took the enemy up the backside, hooked back up with her clan-mates, and drove all the way through a Rift back home. Never, NEVER, underestimate the creativity of the Tinkers.”

“My head is Northern Gun, my arms are Titan, my torso from the CS, and my legs are black market megasaur! I’m a pretty fair cross-section of Northern American industry if I say so myself!”

“Okay...that brings new meaning to ‘monster truck’....”

When Clan Gothec Tinkers were invited to participate in the regular ‘Tinkerfests’ held to celebrate and inspire Shemarrian engineering, they made quite a splash with their fellow creative minds. Though generally perceived as the ‘poor European relations’, the Gothec gizmoteers came not as beggars or paupers to the Tinkerfest, but with a demonstrated talent for kludging together viable robotic organisms from the remains of others’ equipment. In Europe, this meant Triax and the Gargoyle Empire and occasionally Tarnow and Mindwerks. The ‘frankenmechaneers’ soon found kindred spirits in fellow Tinkers, who were impressed with the Gothecs’ ability to bang together disparate parts into new machines.
Before returning back to Europe, a few of the Gothec Tinker-Thinkers toured North America seeing what further trade possibilities the land had to offer; the Gothecs found North America offered up an even greater variety of parts than Europe, with so many more corporations and high-tech factions producing potential spare parts. The Gothecs also shared their particular talents at building ‘frankentech’ with like-minded and interested North American EShemar.
While there are no plans as yet to found an American splinter-tribe of the Gothecs, a few Tribes have shown a similar interest and propensity for scraping together new robot animals and beings from the remains of other robots and vehicles.

*Wolf’s Path---The Wolf’s Path is arguably the biggest user of second-hand Northern Gun and Coalition State parts, given their expanding westward range. They often use reworked NG parts and armors to create covert operations units. The patched-together nature of their oreseme often helps disguise their affiliation to the EShemarrian Tribe(and by extension, the true extent of their territorial roamings into the American heartland).

*Ne’R’Mar---The Ne’R’Mar are possibly the closest in spirit to the Gothecs, and show a similar propensity for kitbashing new additions to their clan. The Rustoc elder-caste is a good example of this.

*Steel Gaians----While the Steel Gaians have plenty of access to Paladin Steel equipment, their restricted tribal size within the boundaries of Greater New England and the close(if friendly) scrutiny of their neighbors does put dampers on how much kludge work they can do without jeopardizing EShemar secrets. Still, they do turn out the occasional frankenmech, sometimes disguised as the work of other ‘free wandering d-bee techs’.

*Clan Motron----The ‘Motorheads’ are the most overt kitbashing and salvage-kludging of the clans, as they rarely try to disguise their creations as cyborgs. Some of their warmounts and e-animals resemble kinetic sculpture more than animals, and their tastes tend towards vehicle-style, but they still turn out a few oreseme of note.

*Clan Immensis----The big-bodied and ‘big-boned’ fringe tribe has, of late, shown a propensity for big engineering. Though they produce few true oreseme(as the Immensians are neshemar, rather than EShemar, and thus lack the ability to Awaken hardware), they still like using large robot parts in some of their bigger body frames, such as the Cavalons, exo-augmentation rigs and warmounts.

*Ghost Riders----The Ghost Riders generally like to repair and restore(albeit with some concealed extras) power armors and robots they acquire, the better to incorporate them into the ranks of their Talos Legionnaires and Trollheim secret reserves. These units are occasionally sent out on special missions where either their special features are customized for the task, or their kitbashed nature serves to conceal their Tribal origins.

*Lost Eclipse---The Nightmare Tribe appreciates the sheer visually-jarring impact of techno-mishmashes on unwary enemies. Many of their original oreseme were put together to deliberately create visually disturbing mismatches, or convey the idea that opponents were facing tectonic entities(or other techno-monsters) in junk mode. Though their first such constructs were myrmidon-style throwaways in set-piece ambushes, the Lost Eclipse has since become more circumspect about creating self-aware frankenmekka, creating more balanced(both capability-wise and mentally) future additions to their Tribe.

*Clan Shelley----Though normally more inclined to focus on cinematic monsters, the ‘Halloween Clan’ has its share of mad scientist-type Tinkers who love to combine stuff and energize the result to life. The revelations of vampires ‘borging up have put more urgency on projects to bulk up the Shelleyists’ defenses and heavy weapons capabilities, so ‘zombiebots’ and true ‘frankenmecha’ are becoming a more common support element of Clan Shelley war parties.

*Radiant Edge---The ‘Vulture Tribe’ has shown a growing talent for creating new ‘bots from machinery found in the wreckage of shatterworlds. These ‘home-growns’ are frequently used to assist in Radiant Edge clean-up and policing work, reducing the tribe’s logistical needs for imported resources. Often these creations are set loose to patrol the ruins, and are mistaken by offworlders for still-working ‘native’ technology working through programming imperatives. Given the contaminated nature of many of the Radiant Edge’s work-environs, creating new ‘bots on-site with a minimum of imported components saves them time and effort decontaminating the hardware when they move on to other worlds, as they can leave the frankentech in-situ.

*SandBlades---Though mainly focusing on cyborgizing the survivors of vampire and monster attacks in the New West, this small tribe isn’t above kludging together robotic adjutants to help them in their vampire-slaying operations. Awakened Sadblade oreseme, with possible psychic means of detecting the Undead, are espeically handy in the fight, being immune to all but the most direct attacks of the vampires.

*Knights of the Tin Can---Though a small clan made up mainly of the tinkerings of other tribes, the KotTC are adept , of necessity, at kludging spare parts to themselves. From there they expanded to building new steeds and new members and Awakening them, effectively creating new ‘lineages’ of Knights(or squires). Being knightly AIs, the KotTC are proud to pass on their traditions as ‘noble wrecks’.

*ShadowBlades----Rumors continue to swirl about this fabled ‘Invisible Tribe’, some saying they exist as an established courier service between the Tribes, otheres that they are entirely made up of kitbashed AIs rejected/defected from the other, more visible, Tribes. If the latter, then they would most certainly be experts at kludging together new members and mounts from parts they find.

The Parts Market
The EShemarrians are adept at salvaging and recycling technology, and any vehicle or robot wreckage they come across is sure to be taken apart, sorted, and used to new purpose, typically by the finders. However, they don’t always have an immediate need for the resources. Much gets dumped in material caches for eventual use, but a good quantity is bartered away or auctioned off to other Tribes in return for desired things. An EShemarrian who makes a good find of salvagable tech can often make a profit in gear or favors from the ‘sale’ of their salvage-booty. Some Tribes favor particular salvage(specific weapon types, or iconic parts especially), and will bargain harder or offer greater incentives to acquire such pieces. The result has been an impromptu internal market in the Shemarrian Nation.


Titan Robotics

While the secret of Titan Robotics as a front for ARCHIE-3 still remains in place, even post-SCW, the main assembly works now reside in EShemarrian hands. However, Titan Robotics continues to be independently produced thanks to some desperate (and equally secret) dealings made by Desmond Masters to expand the facilities at New Cedarville. The overall result has been a sharp decline in the availability of Titan Robotics equipment, which has proven a windfall for other North American companies such as Northern Gun and Chipwell, and imports such as Triax, rushing to fill the gap in the market.
Currently there are effectively TWO Titan Robotics sources working, feeding new ‘bots and equipment to the open market. New Cedarville puts out new product in fits and starts as they attempt to make more with less, and the Ghost Riders, official Tribal custodians of the original TR works, carefully sell new equipment through the Black Market.
Oddly enough, the Ghost Riders have done NOTHING to differentiate their TR from the Cedarville TR, except for the former offering their hardware at lower prices than Desmond Masters’ operation. Part of the reasoning may be that they want to see if the New Cedarville facility sends out anybody to scout out or negotiate with the original TR, and who gets sent. If the Shemarrians don’t detect anything that leads them to believe any of the Loyalist elements are hiding in Cedarville, they may negotiate a new deal with Masters and use him as a front to sell their Titan production. Masters is likely to jump at the opportunity, and may mistakenly believe that the excuse of ‘under new management’ may indicate a weakness in the TR organization he can exploit(After all, if there was one corporate coup, why not another? One that would put him in charge of the whole company!).
However, an increasing number of buyers of TR products have been complaining of a difference in quality in the Titan lines, with the most criticism being of the New Cedarville output. This has fueled rumors of an internal schism in Titan Robotics, and mismanagement in the company. As the best-known as just about only visible face of Titan Robotics, Masters is walking a fine line, trying to deflect questions, maintain Titan’s public image of reliability to customers, and distinguish(in a positive light) Cedarville’s brand from the the ‘other side’. However, he fears that he might someday have to come clean and reveal the truth; that Titan has fractured and that he has NO idea of who’s in charge of the larger portion of the manufacturer.
Shemar wanting to use TR components either swipe second-hand salvage from New Cedarville production or go straight to the source and negotiate with the Ghost Riders. Overt use of TR components is rare, since the EShemar are ALREADY using Titan Robotics techbase in much of their gear. However, a few Tribe Tinkers still like to use salvaged components foraged from battlefields because they feel the parts have a ‘history’ that adds to the persona of new oreseme. And if TR parts WEREN’T being used, whereas other manufacturers’ products WERE, people might start drawing connections. So the Tribal Elders allow that a certain amount of Titan Robotics components can be visibly used. If anybody does claim that a scarcity of kitbashed robots using TR parts is suspicious, the GhostRider PR front has stories about ‘Titan parts being so well-engineered and exclusively synched they can’t be used with other systems’.....something of a lie to cover several layers of lies.

Northern Gun
While the Wolf’s Path and Clan Motron arguably claim the bulk of salvaged Northern Gun gear, there’s said to be enough Northern Gun to go around, thanks to NG’s large presence in North America. Ironically, even as the Shemarrians control the former commercial rival to Northern Gun, they’ve given a big sales boost to NG, and thus made even more NG salvage available to EShemar Tinkers.

Black Market
The Black Market provides a number of useful parts and frames. Early on, the rebel EShemar turned to Black Market contacts suborned from Titan Robotics trade to acquire equipment to support their fight for freedom and independence. Many of those contacts remain to this day. Though the Black Market produces a comparative handful of power armor and robot designs of its own, compared to the traffic in other peoples’ hardware, the Shemarrians have found it relatively easy to acquire parts and even entire examples for their own use.

Native American
The Shemarrian Tribes generally don’t see/use a lot of Native American tech-salvage, in part due to the People being very careful about cleaning up their battlefields, and unspoken agreements between the two groups about returning anything of the others’ that they find. Still, at least initially, Tribes like the Wayfinders confiscated a good amount of salvage from skirmishes with the Western Preserves, which led to the creation of Warmounts like the Cybear, the SteelClaw, and the Queen Cobra/Cobra Dragon. Presently the rare bit of old salvage surfaces in a Shemarrian construct, or a skirmish with an extremist faction of the Native Americans leads to spoils of war. More commonly, however, what appears to be salvaged parts are really copies.

Coalition States
While Coalition salvage is often available on the battlefields of North America, the CS is much more prickly about people overtly scrounging and using it. Most CS salvage is thus quickly rendered down to its base components and materials and made unrecognizable. Still, given the expansionist nature of the CS and their almost insane mass-production numbers, combined with the heavy attrition rates the CS seems resigned to taking in out-of-border adventures, a fair amount of Coalition States salvage has ended up in Shemarrian possession. Both the Skullcrushers and the Lost Eclipse like collecting and recycling the iconic death’s head parts of CS gear.

Free Quebec
Though generally lumped in with the Coalition States, Free Quebec produces enough distinctive technology that parts are sought from their equipment. However, like the CS, the Free Quebec military tends to thoroughly police the known sites of any wrecks of their equipment, and they take a very dim view of black market vultures making off with their stuff. As they also tend to assume a more defensive posture, with few units venturing beyond their declared borders, FQ battlefield salvage is harder to come by. Still, though, what equipment they DO lose that ends up in the hands of the Shemarrian Nation is prized as much for its rarity as for its potential engineering value. The Silvermoons in particular like acquiring Free Quebec Glitterboys and associated power armors.

Chipwell Armaments Inc.
The ‘bargain-basement’ arms manufacturer is largely dismissed by Shemarrian battlefield salvagers, although of late there’s been a LOT of it showing up as Chipwell pumps out more of it for desperate communities and mercenary units looking to plump up their ranks with cannonfodder recruits. Still, there’s occasionally a spare part worth scrounging, and a few Tinkers have cobbled together some quite workable drones and decidedly very eccentric oreseme from Chipwell frames.

Bandito Arms
The Eastern Seaboard Shemarrian Tribes don’t see anything of the Bandito Arms products, but as the West Coast Tribes begin to expand eastward and new Tribes like the Sand Blades begin appearing in the center and south, BA salvage is beginning to appear in the Tinker trade network. Tinkers particularly like playing with the crude(by their standards), but fun, ‘black box’ EW systems of the Wild Weasel SAMAS.

Triax’s trade with North America means that their equipment, or at least a limited selection of it, is available to the North American EShemar, without having to wait for examples smuggled in from Europe via England. Though the Triax gear sold in North America is arguably rump-end gear with the exception of the Ulti-Max, it is generally well-regarded by the Tinkers, who prize such gear as the Ulti-Max’s forcefield generator and the DynaBot.

The East Coast EShemar have a virtual monopoly on Kittani battle salvage, and ex-Kittani gear is prized for use in EShemar frankentech. In fact, the lack of Minion battle salvage available to the Black Market is because the Shemarrians, with their declared exclusion zone and their frequent battles with the Minions, snap up most of the remains as soon as fighting stops.

Naruni Enterprises
NE gear is hard to come by on Rifts Earth, but more common in the Three Galaxies. Still, however, the renewed and aggressive market-and-battlefield war between Naruni on one hand and the xenophobic Coalition States and their terrestrial corporate allies means that the Shemarrians are coming across more Naruni salvage and opportunities to study NE technology on Earth.

Other Manufacturers
Given the range of private firms, dimensional rifts in North America, and the reconnection of the Shemarrian Star Nation with its founders on Rifts Earth, other sources of salvaged parts are possible, but fall beyond the scope of this table.
A few notes:
-Paladin Steel---In those realms where Paladin Steel exists alongside the Shemarrian Nation, it is entirely possible that components of their ‘bots and vehicles can show up in Shemarrian oreseme kludges, especially with the Steel Gaians.

-Angrar Robotics was, for a time, seen as a possible source of parts and inspiration, until the EShemar actually got ahold of one of their suits, and quickly detected the evil taint in it. Suspecting something akin to BlackSteel at work, the EShemar immediately destroyed it. Since then, the few times they’ve encountered Angrar products, they’ve sensed a similar malign taint in them, so the EShemar now know they simply didn’t get a bad suit. Tribal policy with regards to Angrar Robotics is to observe, contain, and destroy.

-Mechanoid Robot parts can still occasionally be found, but they are regarded with suspicion, and are seen as ‘tainted’ by the evil psionic aura of the Mechanoids. Though studied for their technology, the use of original Mechanoid robotics in EShemar constructs can only be done with the special permission of the Tribal Elders, and only after the parts in question have been scanned, scrutinized(via technological and psionic means) and ‘exorcised’ by Tribal Mystics can the parts be released to the Tinkers.
"Trouble rather the Tiger in his Lair,
Than the Sage among his Books,
For all the Empires and Kingdoms,
The Armies and Works that you hold Dear,
Are to him but the Playthings of the Moment,
To be turned over with the Flick of a Finger,
And the Turning of a Page"

--------Rudyard Kipling
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Re: Shemarrian-related fan creations

Unread post by taalismn »

The following are for anybody wanting to randomly roll up North American Gothec-style Frankentech.

Note that these tables only cover Power Armor and Robot Vehicle parts, for the sake of simplicity and author sanity; a COMPLETE list would include vehicle components as well, and the Shemarrians are just as adept at kludging vehicle parts onto their creations as anything ese(and tribes like Clan Motron SPECIALIZE in such grafting).
The more exotic combinations are left to GM/Tinker imaginations, such as mash-ups of North American and European or Japanese ‘bots, robot arms made up of bundles of power armor limbs, magic engines, advanced propulsion types, and the like. Let your imaginations run wild!

Availability and Preferences


01-60% Power Armor/Cyborg---These would be creations roughly the size of normal humanoids or the Shemarrian rank and file.

61-00% Giant Robot----These would be Warmount and Heavy Warmount-sized creations

01-50% Warmount/E-Animal---Effectively a robot animal or dull-witted myrmidon.
51-00% Oreseme---Fully sapient sophont

Availability/Value of Parts

FX-200C Imprimer ----Rare---As with their power armor and robots, most Free Quebec casualties fall within their borders, and are quickly located by their own forces, making salvage by outsiders difficult, if not impossible. Still, a few do come to grief on recon missions or special ops near enough to Shemarrian Nation territory to make the occasional find possible.
FX-320 Dervish---Rare
FX-340C Slasher ---- Very Rare
FX-370C Leviathan---Very Rare
CSLNGR Mark I The Kid---Very Rare---The Shemarrian Nation has not yet penetrated deep enough into the New West that salvaging parts of these West-oriented cyborgs is easy, and few enough gunslingers wander far East. Still, tribes like the Sand Blades find parts of deceased ‘borgs, or recruit living ones into their ranks.
CSLNGR Mark II Super Slinger---Very Rare
CSLNGR Mark III Gringo---Very Rare

AI Bots:
Most Artificial Intelligence robots produced by the powers of North America fall into the ‘dumb drone’ category, compared to the Shemarrians themselves. Most are broken up for spare parts in other ‘bots, and a few become Myrmidon drones. A few wind up being used as the basis of extensively modified one-off experiments by Tinkers, and can be quite interesting individuals.

Coalition States
-FASSAR-20/30 Skelebots---Common. A lot of skelebots get recycled for parts and materials, or used as the endo skeletons for EBA-clad Talos Legionairies.
-FASSAR-40 Skelebot Hunter---Rare. The quite skilled AI of these ‘bots is well-regarded and sought after by Tinkers.
-FASSAR-50 Hellion Skelebot---Very rare. Very hard to come by, though its parts are treasured as trophies by Tribes such as the BloodRiders, SkullCrushers, and Lost Eclipse.
-FASSAR-60 Centaur Skelebot---None have fallen into the Shemarrians’ hands, because of the Emperor’s moratorium on field-testing of the alien-looking skelebot. However, the GhostRiders have managed to hack the tech-specs on some of the sub-systems meant for the FASSAR-60, but field-tested on other platforms.

Northern Gun:
NG-PD12 Fido---Common. Fidos are considered ‘e-animal’ level without a great deal of skill potential, unless extensively modified.

NG-W9 Light Labor Drone---Common. Generally considered too dumb to make good Awakened as is, most are scrounged for parts or deployed as drones, but a few Tinkers have extensively modified some into quite interesting oreseme.

NG-W10 Heavy Labor Drone---Common. Same as for the NG-W9.

NG-WD71 Robosistant-------Uncommon. The Northern Gun Robosistant is prized because of its programmed technical skills; it can be easily upgraded and Awakened into a skilled member of the support castes

Splugorth Minion raiding parties often try to deploy large numbers of drones as picket units or to quickly dismantle prizes for transport. Thus, large numbers of drones have fallen into Shemarrian hands.

Kittani ABSS-2 Simple Security Drone---Common. Inspired the ‘Gekker’ e-animal, and still harvested for parts ad materials.

Kittani ABS-3 Basic Security Drone---Uncommon. Typically broken up for parts.

Kittani ABW-4 Basic Work Drone---Uncommon.

MRH-1001E Unicorn---Common.
MRH-1002F Monster Pegasus---Uncommon.
MRH-1003G Pegasus---Common.
MRH-1004H Seahorse---Uncommon.
MRH-5100D Raptor---Uncommon.
Note: In general, robot horses are repaired to their orginal state, or the parts saved to be traded to those who can rebuild a complete robohorse, which can be seconded to the neshemar. However, sometimes spare parts are used for other purposes. The most commonly ‘scrap-binned’ type is the MRH-5100D Raptor, whose components wind up in a greater variety of other oreseme creations.

Power Armors
Power Armors, because of their more human-scale size, are favorites of the Shemarrians to salvage. Largely intact examples may be recycled into the Talos Legionaires.
Currently the Republican power armors (already built and claimed by them) are off-limits to the Shemarrians of the Reformed Nation. The unspoken agreement among the Tribes is that any Republican power armor, even though it was manufactured in a Cyberworks factory now under Shemarrian control, is returned, if possible, to the Republicans, or ar least its whereabouts reported to them. However, a number of individual subsystems of those armors have been manufactured quietly and adopted into the Shemarrian arsenal.

Coalition States
CS-PA-06A SAMAS---Uncommon. The Wayfinders have made at least one PA-06 into an oreseme(Darius). Most wrecks found are salvaged for their flight systems.

CS-PA-07A Smiling Jack Light SAMAS---Uncommon. Like other flying power armors, its flight system is of great interest to Tribes like the Hawkmoons.

CS-PA-08A Striker SAMAS---Very rare. CS Special Forces tend to fight to the death, leaving little intact of either themselves or their equipment to be salvaged afterwards.

CS-PA-09A Super SAMAS---Rare. The Super SAMAS is largely sought for its flight systems.

CS-PA-10A Sea SAMAS---Very rare; the Dark Waters have only managed to scavenge three from the waters around Newfoundland.

CS-PA-20B Trident---As rare as the Sea SAMAS. The Dark Waters have managed to find a few parts.

CS-PA-100 Mauler---Very rare.

CS-PA-200 Terror Trooper----Rare.

CS-PA-300 Glitterboy Killer----Very rare. Despite the CS deploying this PA type on missions not directly concerned with hunting GBs, finding wrecks to salvage is still very difficult.

Free Quebec
Despite the close proximity of Free Quebec to the Shemarrian Nation, FQ salvage tends to be very rare and hard to come by, as most battle casualties take place near or inside Free Quebec’s borders, and the Quebecois are quick to respond to battlefield losses.

QPA-101 ‘Pale Death’ SAMAS---Rare.

QPA-102 Violator SAMAS----Rare.

QPA-201 Power Trooper---Very Rare.

FQ-NS-B20 ‘Borg Dive Armor---Rare. Though technically not power armor, as it lacks self-propulsion and limb actuators, EShemar Tinkers like the look of the stuff and have subsequently outfitted the suits they come into possession of with basic movement motors copied from the Northern Gun Gladius.

QPA-10 Sea Dragon---Very Rare. Those that come to grief on land tend to be found fairly quickly by the CS or FQ, and those that go down underwater are a lot harder to find. Those that are found almost all belong to the DarkWaters.

QGB-100 Classic Glitterboy---Very Rare.

QGB-5-50 Triax Glitterboy---Very Rare.

QGB-2-20 Glittergirl---Very Rare.

QPA-98 Side Kick----Rare.

QGB-3-30 Tarantula---Very Rare.

QGB-7-70 Taurus---Very Rare.

QGB-8-88 Silver Wolf---Very Rare.

Northern Gun
NG-X30 Aurora Blazer----Rare. Still too new to see the sort of battlefield casualties that would make for easy salvage.

NG-NX12 Beach Stormer----Rare. Most wrecked examples are lost in water, where finding the remains isn’t always easy.

NG-X44 Blue Boy---Uncommon. As a field unit, the Blue Boy has been lost in large enough numbers that the EShemar have found a good amount of salvage.

NG-AX15 Blue Hawk---Rare. The Hawkmoons have declared interest in the design and are offering trade-gild for parts or examples, but the Darkwaters have also expressed interest.

NG-X114 Cougar---Very Rare; the close combat focus of this machine precludes its deployment in areas where it can be easily salvaged. Clan Pantheron has offered trade-gild for examples of it.

NG-X32 Coyote---Very Rare; the special forces nature of this armor means that it’s rarely found wrecked for salvage.

NG-BM-JAPE II Defender---Very Rare. Its specialized nature means it’s not produced in large numbers, and its more common deployment around cities and other built-up facilities means it’s difficult for the Shemar to covertly salvage battlefield casualties of this power armor.

NG-X11 Delilah---Rare. Because of its female-oriented design, the Shemarrians have taken a liking to the Delilah, and will either recondition and modify them for their female neshemar, or use them to create female-persona’ed oreseme. The matriarchal Shemarrians also like the Delilah because their pilots are more often than not females, who the Shemar are also more than happy to recycle into new tribe members.

NG-X44 Demon Slayer---Very Rare. The Silvermoons have evinced interest in acquiring parts or working examples with an eye towards using them to create more ‘noble guardsmen’.

NG-XP54 Enforcer Guardsman---Very Rare. The largely law enforcement-deployed, community-based nature of this armor means that the Shemarrians have few opportunities to salvage them. Most of the few in Shemarrian possession were traded for.

NG-XF103 Firefighter---Very Rare. Most of these specialists get wrecked on duty in communities where they are immediately salvaged. The few the Shemarrians have acquired are almost always reconditioned and donated to the communities in the Shemarrian Nation.

NG-X33 Forester----Rare. The Horrorwoods have acquired most of the ones salvaged by the Shemarrians, mainly courtesy of illegal logging operations found in Shemarrian territory.

NG-EX10 Gladius Light---Common. The EShemar find a lot of these in the hands of small communities, low-expense mercenaries, or dead adventurers.

NG-MRU886 Grease Monkey--- Rare. The few acquired are often snapped up by Tinkers as the basis of oreseme assistants.

NG-XF17 Iron Wing----Very Rare. Flight-capable suits always command good trade-credit if the flight systems are still operational(or at least repairable).

NG-JK1A/B Juicer-Killer----Very Rare. The specalized nature of this machine means that it’s rarely encountered.

NG-X112 Lynx---Rare. Like the Cougar, the Lynx rarely is found in areas where salvaging one is easy. However, Clan Pantheron has expressed an interest in obtaining examples of this machine.

NG-X39 Mantis---Very Rare. Clan Vespa has heard of this suit and has posted a reward for anything related to it, ideally working examples they can study.

NG-MRU876 Med-Rec---Very Rare. Most Med-Recs found/acquired are reconditioned and given to communities in the Shemarrian Nation territories. Oreseme made from Med-Recs tend to be medical-oriented.

NG-X16 Midas---Rare.

NG-UELX45 Night Reaper---- Rare. Though the hazardous nature of its missions and its light protection would seem to indicate that there should be relatively few wrecks worth salvaging, the Shemarrians have found the converse; there’s an increasing number of Night Reapers being found in Shemarrian territory. This is because quite a few mercenaries and adventurers think that venturing into the Shemarrian Nation to sniff out lucrative secrets is a good way to turn a profit. Instead, a lot of these infiltrators are turning up dead or captured, and their stealth gear being claimed by the Shemar.

NG-GCCPA-03 Pit Fighter----Very Rare. The Shemarrians rarely come near gladitorial venues, so they hardly ever get the opportunity to salvage one of these power armors. Typically only fools take them out into the wilderness to get wrecked.

NG-X67 Prophet---Rare. Sought for its sensors.

NG-X209 Protege---Uncommon. Though newly released, huge demand and heavy production, combined with high attrition means that the Shemarrians have quite a lot of parts of these power armors to play with.

NG-11F Red Hawk---Rare. The Hawkmoons have declared interest in the design and are offering trade-gild for parts or examples.

NG-UELX42 Sabre---Very Rare.

NG-X9 Samson III-----Common. Probably the most commonly found and scavenged power armor on the continent. The Ghost Riders have got word out that they offer trade-gild for Samson parts, because of their building myrmidon army.

NG-X13 Samson Missileman----Rare.

NG-NX14 Sea Demon---Very Rare.The nature of amphibious operations makes finding and salvaging remain difficult.

NG-UELX49 Silent Shadow---Very Rare. These special operations armors, when taken down in combat, don’t leave much to be salvaged.

NG-X40 Storm Hammer----Rare.

NG-DX-001 Thunder Hound----Very Rare. The Wolf’s Path has declared that any scavenged Thunder Hounds are effectively theirs, and they’ll offer trade-gild for any parts and ideally whole frames. As the Dx-001 is the basis of their Wulgar S’Gen, they’ll happily swell the ranks of these second-echelon troopers.

Black Market

BM-PA-002G Roadrunner----Rare.

Chipwell Armaments
CAI-50 Challenger---Common. Both the Ghost Riders and the N’R’Mar have built Talos Legionnaire-style ‘bots using these easy-to-come-by suits. Some of the remote Shemarrian outposts may also have security contingents of similar ‘bots, powered by the base power grid, in lieu of obvious Shemarrian guards or e-animals.

CAS-30 Assault Suit----Common. A lot of them show up modified as drones in Clan Motron and N’R’Mar units, and the GhostRiders’ Talos reserves.

CAI-100/WC-30 Warmonger---Common. Regarded as pretty much tissue paper by the Shemarrians, the N’R’Mar have nevertheless cobbled together more than a few from scrap and use them as laborers.

CAI-V50 Mark II Vampire Combat Armor---Uncommon. The SandBlades have salvaged a number and, in return, have been gifted with oreseme made from them.

CAI-77 SPA Sky Power Armor---Uncommon. Nicknamed ‘zapmoths’ by the Shemar for their life expectancy, their flight capabilities make them of slightly more interest for salvage than the other Chipwell suits.

Bandito Arms
PA-09-AVT Sidewinder SAMAS---Rare. The Coalition tends to not leave a lot of these suits worth scavenging.

PA-09-AVT Wild Weasel SAMAS---Rare---Like antique radio parts, the EW black boxes of these power armors command high value among Tinkers who like toying with jamming and hacking systems.

Bandito-G10-SX Shadowboy----Rare. The SkullCrushers are starting to warm to making oreseme from them, and that’s prompted the Lost Eclipse to take a greater interest in them.

Native American
Native American Iron Bear Power Armor----Uncommon. The Cybear is based on it.
Native American USA SAMAS---Rare.
Native American War Chief Power Armor---Very Rare.

T-21 Terrain Hopper----Uncommon. The T-C20 counts as Rare.
X-10 Predator----Uncommon. Its flight system is considered a valuable barter item.
X-1000 Ulti-Max----Rare. Sought after for its forcefield generators.
Aqua-Tech LEA-50 Deep Sea Power Armor----Uncommon. Its sleek good looks make it popular in creating asthetically-pleasing streamlined humanoid oreseme able to fit in with other humanoids.
Aqua-Tech Orca-50 Deep Sea Power Armor----Uncommon. Aother sleek humanoid design that can pass for humans in suits if carefully modified.
Aqua-Tech Orca-100 Deep Sea Power Armor----Rare.

Titan Robotics
FT-005 Flying Titan Power Armor---Common; the Flying Titan’s been around long enough that salvaged parts are fairly common. The wing lasers are especially prized for their small size and good range, and the flight pack components find their way into many a Hawkmoon creation.

TR-PA -002 Titan Footman Power Armor---Rare. ‘Grunt’- level unit that sees a lot of use and a lot of attrition, but it suffers from poor sales and distribution.

TR-PA -003 Heavy Titan Power Armor---Uncommon; the TR-PA -002 typically finds itself on the recieving end of reciprocal artillery barrages, not leaving much to be scrapped up in reusable form.

TRX-101 Myrmidon Heavy Infantry Exoskeleton---Common; much sought after because its human size and easy conversion into an approproate myrmidon-class ‘bot or ‘disguised cyborg’-type oreseme that can fit in with most other humanoid groups.

TPA-05E1Archimedes Field Engineer Power Armor---Uncommon. Their rear echelon positions(most of the time) mean they’re rarely abandoned for random salvage. Tinkers claim most of the ruined ones for recycling into assistant units.

TPA-04R1 Hermes Reconnaissance Power Armor---Uncommon. Used as scouts and couriers, they draw more than their share of fire when detecetd, so users often go through a lot fo them, and wrecks are often found for salvage.

TPA-04D2 Orion Destroyer Power Armor---Rare. Specialist sniper units arely come to grief, and when they do, they’re often pasted with so mych firepower, there’s little left to salvage.

TPA-04A1 Apollo Air Superiority Power Armor---Rare. The demand for an improved Flying Titan is high, and those that have them use them sparingly, and are usually very zealous about salvaging damaged ones.

TPA-05S2 Athena Scout Power Armor---Uncommon. Though often at the sharp end of the spear, scouts are usually assigned to pilots who are careful about remaining in the line of fire. Still, enough come to grief that wrecks can be found.

TPA-05N1 Trition Naval Power Armor---Rare. Ampibious hardware iften comes to grief where it’s hard to find, and when it is, it’s often by then in little shape to be usable. The DeepWaters and Horrorwoods claim most of the wrecks salvaged/parts released.

TPA-04AD1 Nemesis Anti-Demon Power Armor---Very Rare---The Minion War rarely left much of those brave enough to face Infernals face to face. Typically horror-hunting EShemar must make special requests for parts of anti-demon hardware.

TPA-04Ax3 Ajax Anti-Xiticix Power Armor---Very Rare---The EShemar have few assets operating in Xiticix territory, so they rarely have the opportunity to salvage one(and the Elders rarely release spare parts because of that)

Naruni Enterprises
NE-MK-PA12 Mecha-Knight----Uncommon. Mostly valued for various sub-sysems, such as its flight pack and energy sword, but Fringe Tribes like the Knights of the Tin Can offer good trade-credit for the ‘knightly’ parts.

NE-DXZ-07 Razor----Rare.

NE-PA003 Drudge----Rare.

NE-EA35 Earth Angel----Rare.

NE-AA30 Space Angel--Very rare.

NE-SA40 Stealth---Very Rare. There’s not much that can be taken off these things, so the real trade-credit value is in intact suits, which is very rarely availble.

NE-1A-TWPA Tech-Warrior---Very Rare. Prized for its many exotic systems, it’s seen as a grab-bag of usable parts.

NE-X4-LH Sun Chariot---Very Rare. The Blood Riders spent quite a few favors to acquire one to convert into an oreseme. The SkyeKlad for some reason bent Blood Rider arms to get the next available Sun Chariot. Clan Motron’s been scrambling to acquire enough clout to either outbid the other Tribes for available Sun Chariots or buy them outright.

Kittani K-Universal Light Power Armor----Uncommon, but lacking in exotic parts/components.

Kittani Serpent----Rare. A much sought-after piece of battlefeield salvage as its serpentine lower torso has seen re-use in a variety of EShemar designs.

Kittani Manling----Uncommon, but lacking in exotic parts/components.

Kittani Flying Fox----Rare, Its wings and flight system are prized components.

Kittani CPA-1 Centipede----Rare. Another unit that commands high barter value amongst the EShemar, as its centipede body was used as the basis of the still popular EcoS-K-1 Monstropede Warmount.

Kittani Equestrian----Rare----Like the CPA-01, this heavy unit commands high barter value for its components, especially its armaments and its lower torso. The equine portion of the Equestrian is still used in hand-assembled EcoS-K-2 Equus Warmounts, and Clan Immensis considers the type a high-status component of their Cavalon bionic body frames.

Kittani Warfish---Very rarely are parts of this aquatic power armor found in the parts network bins. In general, parts of this naval assault suit are found only with the DarkWaters and the coastal patrol forces of the Horrorwoods, and they tend to hang onto the parts for their own projects.

Note: The War Urchin and Kittani Destroyer Power Armors are exceedingly rare, and their dual technological/technowizardry nature make their parts very difficult for EShemar Tinkers to integrate their parts with others’ technology. Only the DarkWaters and the Horrorwoods’ littoral forces have acquired any substantial numbers of captured salvage(though it’s rumored that the SkyeKlad have a few confiscated ‘beach raiders’) and they haven’t released any parts to the general salvage network. The Wayfinders, with their better knowledge of technowizardry, MAY do commission work creating oreseme with the Urchin and the Destroyer as bases, but these tend to be the exception, rather than the norm.

Robot Types
Robot Vehicles can also be made into oreseme, though their large size makes it difficult for them to comfortably interact with smaller human-sized beings. Still, a good number of intellient giant robots have been created by the EShemar, generating a number of ‘big brothes/sisters’ to Tribal family dynamics. Larger oreseme also include one-off or limited edition experimental Warmounts.

Coalition States/Free Quebec

CR-003 Spider-Skull Walker----Rare. The SkullCrushers and Lost Eclipse like to claim the upper hull, but the lower spider walker section and rail cannons are highly valued by Tinkers.

CR-004 Scout Spider-Skull Walker----Rare. For lighter techno-abominations, the Scout-Spider is valued as a base.

CR-005 Scorpion Spider-Skull Walker---Very Rare. The EShemar used this vehicle as the basis of their EcoS-K-52 Slingtail. Some Slingtail Warmounts are still assembled from salvaged CR-004s.

CR-006 Sea Spider-Skull Walker---Very rarely available; with their ability to conduct deep water recovery efforts along the American Eastern Seaboard, the Dark Waters have almost all of the few that have been salvaged.

IAR-2 Abolisher----Rare. The Sapphire Cobras kludged parts of Abolishers into their EcoS-K-142 Ormarr.

IAR-3 Skullsmasher---Very Rare. These ‘bots take a lot of killing, and tend not to leave much behind to be salvaged. Their weapons are valued, and the Skullsmashers pay good trade-credit for undamaged(or mostly) skull-faced torsos.

IAR-4 Hellraiser---Very Rare. Considered something of an elite CS unit, their whereabouts tend to be well-known to the CS, who investigates their disappearances and any reports of missing spare parts.

IAR-5 Hellfire----Rare. Though increasingly common as a scout and skirmisher unit, they tend not to stray far from other CS units.

UAR-1 Enforcer---Uncommon, Between the Coalition and Free Quebec models, there’s a fair number of salvagable wrecks that the Shemarrians have found.

QR-3 Guardian ----Rare. Most Guardians stick close to FQ bases, so salvaging one is a rare event.

Northern Gun
NG-V19 Blocker----Rare

NG-V50 Bigfoot----Rare. Mainly found as a garrison’bot. However, its use as a ‘walking gun turret’ on convoy escort missions means that a few have fallen to monsters and bandits in the wild and examples have been scavenged.

NG-V32 Bruiser----Rare. The rather new robot type is seldom found in locations where the Shemarrians can access salvagable wrecks.

NG-V34 Buffalo----Rare. The Buffalo is typically community-based, rather than wilderness-deployed, so the Shemarrians seldom manage to get to a salvageable wreck before anybody else does.

NG-V36 Beachmaster---Rare. Most wrecked examples are lost in water, where finding the remains isn’t always easy. The DarkWaters got a windfall when a mercenary group equipped with these ‘bots tried to sneak into the Shemarrians’ territory underwater.

NG-V47 Gunbot----Rare. The Gunbot was blatantly ripped off as the EShemarrian’s own EcoS-K-54 Sting Tongue in a most obvious case of copyright infringement(though some conspiracists have muddied the waters by wondering who ripped off who).

NG-V61 Gunwolf-------Very Rare. The Wolf’s Path has vocally declared to the other Tribes that they consider NG-V61 salvage as THEIRS, and offer trade-bounty to anybody who turns in Gunwolf parts to them.

NG-V67 Grizzly---Rare. These walking arsenals are coveted by Tribes like the Skullcrushers, and even the vast array of option parts garners considerable interest.

NG-V58 Thundercaster----Rare. Though its Variable Projectile Cannon has inspired a lot of imitation, relatively few examples have been taken intact.

NG-V39 Volcano---Rare. The Blood Riders like the incendiary capabilities of the ‘Northern Gun Lighter’.

NG-V41 Viking---Rare. One of the few ‘bots with head-mounted weaponry, it attracts a good amount of attention.

NG-V7 Mobile Gun---Rare. The Shemarrians were impressed by the MG’s heavy firepower, while its chassis was reliable and tough enough. However, it’s joked that the matriarchal Shemarrians were less impressed by its ‘crotch gun’.

NG-M56 Multi-bot---Uncommon. The Multi-bot is old enough that wrecks and spare parts are fairly easy to come by. Clan Motron likes salvaging the hover-systems in particular.

NG-M57-2NI Megabot---Rare. Still too new to have a wide spare parts distribution or history of wrecks.

NG-AX44 Bison Battler---Uncommon. The popularity of the Bison Battler with miners, adventurers, and militias means that the Shemarrians often have access to wrecks, spare parts, and capture examples.

NG-EX11 Okemos---Uncommon. Enough adventurers acquire these vehicles, then come to grief, that the Shemarrians have access to a good amount of salvage.

NG-SE48 Sunfire---Rare. Both the Silvermoons and the SkyeKlad have expressed interest in the Sunfire’s solar power systems.

NG-EX-V50 Scorpion Battler----The Wolf’s Path used this ‘bot as the basis of their EcoS-K-58 Vorpine, and they still offer trade-bounty for salvaged parts from EX-V50s.

NG-EXC-17 Ogre---Rare. These stodgy utility ‘bots are usually the ones doing the salvaging, not being the salvage, but enough of them come to grief in the wilderness that the Shemarrians have acquired a few. The Ne’R’Mar have taken a liking to using their parts for various of their own creations.

NG-EX-20 Bulldog Explorer---Uncommon. Those seeking to build quadruped oreseme like the Bulldog chassis for its stability, if not its speed.

NG-EX-5 Behemoth Explorer---Very Rare. The circumstances under which these giant machines come to grief either don’t occur where the Shemarrians can salvage them, or else don’t leave much to be found. Their oversized componens tend to be too hard to utilize.

NG-EX-9 Behemoth Super Explorer---None acquired; just too rare.

NG-V10 Super Robot Vehicle---Uncommon. The EShemar often install the AIs of the smaller NG-W10 Heavy Labor Drones, the movement kinetics adjusted for the V10’s larger size and heavier mass, to produce oreseme.

NG-8000 Super Max---Rare

NG-DX202 Cargo Walker---Uncommon. While not meant as combat robots, and thus not as likely to be found far from communities and bases, enough budget-conscious militias and mercenaries have tried to use their utility loaders as weapons platforms, with mixed results. Another factor working with regards to the availability of these machines for the SN is the fact that they can be teleoperated; many Shemarrian hackers cut their teeth hacking into the controls of idling or stand-by mode walkers, and sending the unmmaned machines walking away into the darkness. They aren’t always found by their original owners.

NG-DX204 GRUB---Uncommon. Same as with the DX202s.

NG-MMB-01 Big Papa Medical Walker---Very Rare. These units, intact, tend to be rarely available, let alone as battlefield salvage. The Shemarrian Tinkers have yet to lay hands on any that they can keep.

NG-MMB-02 Junior Mini-Medical Walker----Rare. The EShemar have managed to acquire a few examples, especially wrecked ones, during the Minion War, but generally the policy is to repair, recondition, restock them and then donate them to needy communities and relief organizations.

Titan Robotics
TR-003B Titan Reconnaissance Robot---Common
TR-002B Titan Exploration & Light Combat Robot---Common
TR-001B Titan Combat Robot---Uncommon

TR-004 Titan Heavy Combat Robot---Very Rare, exceedingly so. What few were produced were withdrawn from open service and destroyed during the Shemarrian Civil War. The few in private hands are due to break down in a decade or less for lack of spare parts. Only very rarely will a rare spare part show up on an EShemar creation, and those wishing to acquire parts must ask special permission and are obliged to disguise them even then.

TR-005 Titan Assault Robot---Very Rare, exceedingly so. Same as for the TR-004. he Shemarrian Nation may be the only ones with access to complete operable TR-004-006s and they rarely show up on Rifts Earth, though it’s rumored that they’ve begun appearing in EShemar offworld holdings.

TR-006 Titan Rapid-Strike Robot---Very Rare, exceedingly so. Same as for the TR-004. he Shemarrian Nation may be the only ones with access to complete operable TR-004-006s and they rarely show up on Rifts Earth, though it’s rumored that they’ve begun appearing in EShemar offworld holdings.

TR-03C1 Daedalus Construction Robot---Common, thanks to the increase in constriction and REconstriction projects.

TR-02E1 Hephaestus Field Engineer Robot---Common, again thanks to the increase in constriction and REconstriction projects. The N’Re’Mar are fond of using whole and partial TR-02E1s in their prospecting and salvage operations.

TR-01U6 Minotaur Urban Combat Robot---Very Rare. Though much sought-afterost TR-01U6s are used in urban defense and gladitorial combat, where it’s very hard for the Shenarrians to get to fresh-killed wrecks.

TR-02S1 Pallas Scout Robot---The undisputed successor to the TR-002B Titan Exploration Robot, there’s enough adventure parties using Pallases that the EShemar find wrecks of those wo came to grief, and can justify irdering spare parts from the factories to use in other projects.

TR-03R1 Argus Drone Reconnaissance Robot---Successor to the TR-003B Titan Reconnaissance Robot. Demand is high, production high, and attrition is high, so parts are easy to come by.

TR-02F1 Hyperion Fire Support Robot---Uncommon. Enough Atlases get nto artillery duels adn get wrecked that spare parts and the odd wreck can be found and scavenged.

TR-02D1 Helios Destroyer Robot---Rare

TR-01C1 Atlas Combat Robot---Uncommon. Enough Atlases get into slug fests and either lose parts or get wrecked that the Shemarrians can pick up parts.

TR-01A1 Erebos Assault Robot---Rare

TR-01AS1 Kronos Anti-Demon Robot---Very Rare. Anyi-demon units typically coe to grief where it’s hard to salvage them, and demonic weapons rarely leave much worth salvaging anyway.

TR-01AX2 Chiron Anti-Xiticix Robot---Again, the EShemar dom’t have enough of a presence in the Bug-Lands to get access to contra-xiti hardware salvage.

Native American
Native American THAR-06 Thunderbird---Very Rare. While most salvage found is returned to the Native Americans, a few pieces make their way into Shemarrian parts bins where they are saved and copied.

Native American UWS-HAR02 Uktena---Very Rare. Early examples captured by the Shemarrians led to the early ‘Cobra’ series Warmounts. Nowadays most salvage from these machines is returned to the Native Americans.

Native American WH-GAR-06 Wolf---Rare----Once very highly regarded and sought after by the Wolf’s Path, the Wolf served as the basis of the SteelClaw Warmount. Since the production of the SteelClaw as a staple of the EShemar Tribe, demand for the original has gone down considerably. Most times any salvage from a WH-GAR-06 the Shemarrians discover is turned over to the Native Americans.

Naruni Enterprises
NE-DK-AR500 Death-Knight---Very Rare. The energy ax is prized for salvage.

NE-N-SR50 Nomad---Uncommon. The active chameleon camouflage is of great interest to the Shemarrians. Oreseme with this device are typically scouts or spies.

NE-DXZ-09 Hammer----Rare. The shell, admittedly, has lots of room to pack things in, and is often used in transport-bots.

NE-R2000 Reaper---Very Rare. The skull-heads are prized by tribes like the Lost Eclipse.

Kittani K-ATV Hoverjet----Rare. The Hawkmoons like collecting these ‘bots for their flight capabilities, and many early SCW Battlehawk Warmounts were outfitted from scavenged Hoverjet wrecks.

Kittani K-ATV-RV High Speed Robot Land Skimmer----Rare. Their transforming frames make them sought after for various Tinker projects.

Kittani ATV-RV Creax----Rare. Creax parts are much in demand for use in hand-assembled EcoS-K-19 Apetaurs and EcoS-KRP-51 Twetani Robotic War Drones.

Kittani ATV-RV War Crab---Very Rare. Original War Crab parts still command high barter value amongst Tinkers, as the components were used in the earliest EShemarrian Warmounts such as the EcoS-K-8 Ironback and in later creations such as the EcoS-KRP-50 TyraClaw.

Kittani ATV-RV Insecton Land Rover---Very Rare. Considered more of a vehicle than anything else, it’s considered to be too big to be used for anything other than the larger warmount-style kludges like the Hexadra or Trydra. Still, the occasional spare part does make its way into Tribal boneyards, and the Insecton is considered prime salvage for Tinkers wanting to make mobile workshops/homes.

Black Market
R-050 Mole Prospecting Robot---Rare. The N’R’Mar like salvaging this ‘bot and using it in creating heavy labor members of their tribe.

R-100 Tarantula----Rare. The R-100 has served as the early basis of a number of EShemar Warmounts, most notably the EcoS-K-57 Wolf-Spyder.
"Trouble rather the Tiger in his Lair,
Than the Sage among his Books,
For all the Empires and Kingdoms,
The Armies and Works that you hold Dear,
Are to him but the Playthings of the Moment,
To be turned over with the Flick of a Finger,
And the Turning of a Page"

--------Rudyard Kipling
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Re: Shemarrian-related fan creations

Unread post by taalismn »

(Note: this is just a general representation of the most commonly available components and features; many Tribes add their own signature touches/technologies and individual Tinkers try out experimental systems with their kitbashed creations. The Silvermoons, for example, may partially or fully chrome their creations in laser-refelctive mirror-skinning, Clan Motron uses lots of automotive components, Clan Vespa likes multiple limbs and insectoid features, and so on.)

The following charts are divided into the following sections:
Type/Scale: (Power Armor or Robot Vehicle)
Main Body
Accesory Weapons/Special Systems

A.I. Core(Optional)
The Artificial Intelligence is core to the Oreseme; it provides the core programming and determines the general attitudes of the new machine to begin with. Even with alterations and modifications, and Ecotroz Awakening, the original AI can have a profound influence on what shape the emergent persona takes.
While original Tribe-made AI cores are prefered, many oreseme are made using recycled and modified CPUs from other manufacturers’ ‘bots.

FASSAR-20/30 Skelebot---Basic aggressive military, but has room for expansion.
FASSAR-40 Skelebot Hunter---More advanced scout/courier/commando skill set.
FASSAR-50 Hellion Skelebot---Good for multi- limbed multi-tasking designs.
FASSAR-60 Centaur Skelebot---Good for centaur- or arachnid-frame designs.

NG-PD12 Fido---Basic labor.
NG-W9 Light Labor Drone---Basic labor.
NG-W10 Heavy Labor Drone---Basic labor.
NG-WD71 Robosistant---Good selection of mechanical and technical skills.

DV-12 Dyna-Bot---Good cross-section of military and technical skills.

Kittani ABSS-2 Simple Security Drone---Basic security drone, but familiar with Splugorth and other d-bees.
Kittani ABS-3 Basic Security Drone---Basic security drone, but familiar with Splugorth and other d-bees.
Kittani ABW-4 Basic Work Drone---Versatile technical, mechanical, and electrical skills.

MRH-1001E Unicorn--Good basic quadraped movement.
MRH-1002F Monster Pegasus--Good for flight-capable ‘bots.
MRH-1003G Pegasus--Good for flight-capable ‘bots.
MRH-1004H Seahorse---Good for amphibious operation ‘bots.
MRH-5100D Raptor--Good hunter/killer programming.

01-75% Power Armor
76-00% Robot Vehicle

Power Armor

01-12% Coalition States
13-17% Free Quebec
18-45% Northern Gun
46-50% Chipwell Armaments Inc.
51-55% Black Market/Bandito Arms
56-60% Kittani
61-70% Titan Robotics
71-73% Native American
74-80 %Triax
81-83 %Naruni Enterprises
84-95% AI Bots
96-00% Cyborgs

Components(Power Armor)
----(MDC)(Robotic P.S. 0)(% chance of retaining)

Main Body

========Coalition States Power Armor
01-25% CS-PA-06A SAMAS-----(250 MDC)(Robotic P.S. 30)(30% chance of retaining flight capabilty/jet pack)

26-35% CS-PA-07A Smiling Jack Light SAMAS----(250 MDC)(Robotic P.S. 30)(25% chance of retaining flight capabilty/jet pack)

36-45% CS-PA-08A Striker SAMAS----( 325 MDC)(Robotic P.S. 36)(30 % chance of retaining flight capabilty/jet pack, 25% chance of retaining wing mini0missile launchers, 30% chance of chest mini-missile lauchers)

46-50% CS-PA-09A Super SAMAS----( 425 MDC)(Robotic P.S. 38)(30% chance of retaining flight capabilty/jet pack)

51-55% CS-PA-10A Sea SAMAS----(295 MDC)(Robotic P.S. 36)(25% chance of retaining shoulder mini-missile launchers)

56-60% CS-PA-20B Trident----(120 MDC)(Robotic P.S. 30)(25% chance of retaining aqua thruster pack)

61-75% CS-PA-100 Mauler----(280 MDC)(Robotic P.S. 36)(25% chance of retaining backpack mini-missile launcher, 20% chance of retaining either shoulder plasma projector)

76-95% CS-PA-200 Terror Trooper----(400 MDC)(Robotic P.S. 40)(25% chance of retaining back mini-missile launchers)

96-00% CS-PA-300 Glitterboy Killer----(440 MDC)(Robotic P.S. 40)(20% chance of retaining shoulder guns, backpack lasers)

========Free Quebec Power Armor

01-15% QPA-101 ‘Pale Death’ SAMAS----(250 MDC)(Robotic P.S. 30)(30% chance of retaining flight capabilty/jet pack)

16-30% QPA-102 Violator SAMAS----(312 MDC)(Robotic P.S. 32)(30% chance of retaining flight capabilty/jet pack)

31-35% QPA-201 Power Trooper----(295 MDC)(Robotic P.S. 40)(25% chance of retaining each flight capabilty/jet pack, shoulder cannon, smoke mortars)

36-38% FQ-NS-B20 ‘Borg Dive Armor----(290 MDC)(Robotic P.S. 20)(40% chance of retaining hydrojets)

39-42% QPA-10 Sea Dragon----( 300 MDC)(Robotic P.S. 36)(30% chance of retaining shoulder launchers, aqua thruster pack)

43-60% QGB-100 Classic Glitterboy----( 770 MDC)(Robotic P.S. 40)(25% chance of retaining shoulder gun)

61-70% QGB-5-50 Triax Glitterboy----(650 MDC)(Robotic P.S. 30)(25% chance of retaining shoulder gun)

71-75% QGB-2-20 Glittergirl----(650 MDC)(Robotic P.S. 36)(25% chance of retaining shoulder gun)

76-85% QPA-98 Side Kick----(280 MDC)(Robotic P.S. 30)(40% chance of retaining flight capabilty/jet pack)

86-90% QGB-3-30 Tarantula----(850 MDC)(Robotic P.S. 40)(25% chance of retaining shoulder gun)

91% -97% QGB-7-70 Taurus----(800 MDC)(25% chance of retaining each shoulder gun)

98-00% QGB-8-88 Silver Wolf----( 450 MDC)(Robotic P.S. 32)()

========Northern Gun Power Armor

01-02% NG-X30 Aurora Blazer----(175 MDC)(Robotic P.S. 28)(% chance of retaining)(30% chance of retaining flight capabilty/jet pack)

03-04% NG-NX12 Beach Stormer----( 170 MDC)(Robotic P.S. 24)(30% chance of retaining hydrojets)

05-08% NG-X44 Blue Boy----( 165 MDC)(Robotic P.S. 25)

09-11% NG-AX15 Blue Hawk----( 200 MDC)(Robotic P.S. 28)(30% chance of retaining flight capabilty/jet pack)

12-14% NG-X114 Cougar----( 250 MDC)(Robotic P.S. 28)(25% chance of retaining shoulder tri-barrel laser, shoulder grenade launchers, chest grenade launchers)

15-17% NG-X32 Coyote----( 120 MDC)(Robotic P.S. 22)

18-20 % NG-BM-JAPE II Defender----( 210 MDC)(Robotic P.S. 24)(25% chance of retaining shoulder grenade launchers)

21-23% NG-X11Delilah----( 270 MDC)(Robotic P.S. 28)(20% chance of retaining shoulder mini-missile launcher)

24-25% NG-X44 Demon Slayer----( 200 MDC)(Robotic P.S. 24)(20% chance of retaining shoulder weapons arms)

26-28% NG-XP54 Enforcer Guardsman----(190 MDC)(Robotic P.S. 24)(25% chance of retaining jump jet pack, flying drone)

29-30% NG-XF103 Firefighter----( 240 MDC)(Robotic P.S. 30)(25% chance of retaining tank and pump-sprayer)

31-33% NG-X33 Forester----(175 MDC)(Robotic P.S. 26)(25% chance of retaining shoulder mini-missile launchers, gas dispenser, peekaboo camera)

34-38% NG-EX10 Gladius Light----(180 MDC)(Robotic P.S. 20)

39-43% NG-MRU886 Grease Monkey----(185 MDC)(Robotic P.S. 28)(30% chance of retaining shoulder laser torch)

44-47% NG-XF17 Iron Wing----(235 MDC)(Robotic P.S. 28)(30% chance of retaining flight capabilty/jet pack, 20% chance of retaining shoulder mini-missile/grenade launchers)

48-50% NG-JK1A/B Juicer-Killer----01-75% A-Model, 76-00% B-Model; (170/200 MDC)(Robotic P.S. 30)(20% chance of retaining secondary weapons arms)

51-53% NG-X112 Lynx----(245 MDC)(Robotic P.S. 28)(20% chance of retaining shoulder grenade launchers)

54-55% NG-X39 Mantis----( 195 MDC)(Robotic P.S. 30)(30% chance of retaining flight capabilty/jet pack, 25% chance of retaining each shoulder ion, plasma turret)

56-58% NG-MRU876 Med-Rec----(180 MDC)(Robotic P.S. 26)(% chance of retaining)(30% chance of retaining flight capabilty/jet pack)

59-60% NG-X16 Midas----(270 MDC)(Robotic P.S. 30)(20% chance of retaining shoulder laser, chest mini-missile launcher )

61-62% NG-UELX45 Night Reaper----(150 MDC)(Robotic P.S. 22)

63-64% NG-GCCPA-03 Pit Fighter----(100-180 MDC)(Robotic P.S. 20+1d6)(% chance of retaining)

65-68% NG-X67 Prophet----(175 MDC)(Robotic P.S. 26)(% chance of retaining)

69-74% NG-X209 Protege----(230 MDC)(Robotic P.S. 28)(% chance of retaining)

75-77% NG-11F Red Hawk----(192 MDC)(Robotic P.S. 28)(30% chance of retaining flight capabilty/jet pack, wing mini-missile launchers)

78-79% NG-UELX42 Sabre----(180 MDC)(Robotic P.S. 26)

80-86% NG-X9 Samson III----(320 MDC)(Robotic P.S. 33)

87-90% NG-X13 Samson Missileman----(285 MDC)(Robotic P.S. 28)(25% chance of retaining shoulder mini-missile launchers, 20% chance of retaining short range missile launchers)

91-93% NG-NX14 Sea Demon----(190 MDC)(Robotic P.S. 28)(30% chance of retaining hydrojets)

94-96% NG-UELX49 Silent Shadow----(190 MDC)(Robotic P.S. 26)(20% chance of retaining flight capabilty/jet pack)

97-98% NG-X40 Storm Hammer----(200 MDC)(Robotic P.S. 30)(25% chance of retaining shoulder mini-missile launchers)

99-00% NG-DX-001 Thunder Hound----( 185 MDC)(Robotic P.S. 28)

========ChipWell Power Armor

01-30%CAI-50 Challenger----(120 MDC)(Robotic P.S. 20)

31-60% CAS-30 Assault Suit----( 150 MDC)(Robotic P.S. 24)(20 % chance of retaining shoulder gun mount)

61-80% CAI-100/WC-30 Warmonger----(40 MDC)(Robotic P.S. 20)(20 % chance of retaining shoulder gun mount)

81-90% CAI-V50 Mark II Vampire Combat Armor----(130 MDC)(Robotic P.S. 21)(25% chance of retaining backpack water cannon)

91-00% CAI-77 SPA Sky Power Armor----(142 MDC)(Robotic P.S. 25)(30% chance of retaining flight capabilty/jet pack)

========Bandito Arms /Black Market Power Armor

01-70% PA-09-AVT Sidewinder SAMAS----(230 MDC)(Robotic P.S. 30)(25% chance of retaining flight capabilty/jet pack)

71-80% PA-09-AVT Wild Weasel SAMAS----( 320 MDC)(Robotic P.S. 30)(25% chance of retaining flight capabilty/jet pack, EW modules)

81-90% BM-PA-002G Roadrunner----( 135 MDC)(Robotic P.S. 26)(20% chance of retaining jump pack)

91-00% Bandito-G10-SX Shadowboy----( 312 MDC)(Robotic P.S. 30)(25% chance of retaining shoulder cannon)
========Kittani Power Armor

01-20% Kittani K-Universal Light Power Armor(220 MDC)(Robotic P.S. 30)(20% chance of retaining flight capabilty/jet pack)

21-45% Kittani Serpent----(375 MDC)(Robotic P.S. 46)(20% chance of retaining shoulder mini-missile launchers)

46-60% Kittani Manling----( 375 MDC)(Robotic P.S. 46)

61-80% Kittani Flying Fox----(350 MDC)(Robotic P.S. 40)(20% chance of retaining flight capabilty/jet pack, mini-missile launchers, wing lasers, vibroblades)

81-85% Kittani CPA-1 Centipede----(260 MDC)(Robotic P.S. 46)(30% chance of retaining upper torso shoulder mini-missile launchers,20% chance of retaining rear section mini-missile launchers)

86-98% Kittani Equestrian----25% of just getting the lower section(375 MDC upper torso, 400 MDC lower torso)(Robotic P.S. 60)(30% chance of retaining upper torso shoulder mini-missile launchers, 20% chance each of retaining tri-barrel rail gun or laser cannon)

99-00% Kittani WFPA Warfish----(200/375 MDC)(Robotic P.S. 30)(25 % chance of retaining main gun, lasers, torpedo tubes)

========Titan Robotics Power Armor

01-18 % FT-005 Flying Titan----(180 MDC)(Robotic P.S. 24)(20% chance of retaining flight capabilty/jet pack, wing lasers, mini-missile launchers)

19-22% TPA-100 Titan Footman----(240 MDC)(Robotic P.S. 24)(25% chance of retaining backpack mini-missile launchers, 20% chance of retaining belly gun turret)

23-26% TR-PA -003 Heavy Titan Power Armor----(300 MDC)(Robotic P.S. 30)(25% chance of retaining backpack mini-missile launchers)

27-37% TRX-101 Myrmidon Heavy Infantry Exoskeleton----(150 MDC)(Robotic P.S. 25)

38-48% TPA-05E1Archimedes Field Engineer Power Armor----(210 MDC)(Robotic P.S. 28)(, 20% chance of retaining belly gun turret)

49-58% TPA-04R1 Hermes Reconnaissance Power Armor----(240 MDC)(Robotic P.S. 30)(25% chance of retaining shoulder plasma cannon, 30% chance or retaining ball gun, 40% chance or retaining jet system)

59-64% TPA-04D2 Orion Destroyer Power Armor----(240 MDC)(Robotic P.S. 28)(30% chance of retaining jet system)

65-75% TPA-04A1 Apollo Air Superiority Power Armor----(220 MDC)(Robotic P.S. 28)(20% chance of retaining flight capabilty/jet pack, wing lasers, mini-missile launchers)

76-87% TPA-05S2 Athena Scout Power Armor----(210 MDC)(Robotic P.S. 28)(20% chance of retaining flight capabilty/jet pack, 20% chance of retaining belly guns, 40% chance if retaining enhanced communications)

88-96% TPA-05N1 Trition Naval Power Armor----(210 MDC)(Robotic P.S. 28)(20% chance of retaining flight capabilty/jet pack)

97-98% TPA-04AD1 Nemesis Anti-Demon Power Armor----(240 MDC)(Robotic P.S. 30)(30% chance of retaining shoulder assault shotguns)

99-00% TPA-04Ax3 Ajax Anti-Xiticix Power Armor----( 240 MDC)(Robotic P.S. 30)(30% chance of retaining shoulder concussion missile launcher)

========Native American Power Armor

01-25%Native American Iron Bear Power Armor----( 400 MDC)(Robotic P.S. 50)(20% chance of retaining shoulder ion cannons, gas/smoke dispensers)

26-75% Native American USA SAMAS----(250 MDC)(Robotic P.S. 30)(30% chance of retaining flight capabilty/jet pack)

76-00% Native American War Chief Power Armor----( 250 MDC)(Robotic P.S.28)(30% chance of retaining flight capabilty/jet pack)

========Triax Power Armor

01-35% T-21 Terrain Hopper----01-75% Export Model/76-00% Model T-C20 (170/200 MDC)(Robotic P.S. 20/23)(20% chance of retaining flight capabilty/jet pack)(T-C20: 40% chance of retaining mini-missile launcher)

36-60% X-10 Predator----( 250 MDC)(Robotic P.S. 40)(20% chance of retaining flight capabilty/jet pack)

61-70% X-1000 Ulti-Max----( 400 MDC)(Robotic P.S. 30)(30% chance of retaining working forcefield generator)

71-85% Aqua-Tech LEA-50 Deep Sea Power Armor----(200 MDC)(Robotic P.S. 28)(20% chance of retaining flight capabilty/jet pack)

86-95% Aqua-Tech Orca-50 Deep Sea Power Armor----(280 MDC)(Robotic P.S. 35)(30% chance of retaining hydrojets)

96-00% Aqua-Tech Orca-100 Deep Sea Power Armor----(480 MDC)(Robotic P.S. 45)(30% chance of retaining hydrojets)

========Naruni Enterprises Power Armor

01-20% NE-MK-PA12 Mecha-Knight----(400 MDC)(Robotic P.S. 40)(20% chance of retaining flight capabilty/jet pack, shoulder laser turret)

21-30% NE-DXZ-07 Razor----( 570 MDC)(Robotic P.S. 40)(25% chance of retaining mini-missiles)

31-50% NE-PA003 Drudge----(400 MDC)(Robotic P.S. 50)

51-70 % NE-EA35 Earth Angel----(280 MDC)(Robotic P.S. 26)(20% chance of retaining flight capabilty/jet pack, mini-missiles)

71-75% NE-AA30 Space Angel----(250 MDC)(Robotic P.S. 10)(20% chance of retaining flight capabilty/jet pack)

76-80% NE-SA40 Stealth----( 220 MDC)(Robotic P.S. 25)(25% chance of retaining working stealth systems)

81-90 % NE-1A-TWPA Tech-Warrior----(350 MDC)(Robotic P.S. 32)(30% chance of retaining working forcefield generator)

91-00% NE-X4-LH Sun Chariot----(320 MDC)(Robotic P.S. 24)(25% chance of retaining chest mini-missiles)

========A.I. Bots

01-30% FASSAR-20/30 Skelebots----( 150 MDC)( P.S. 30)
31-40% FASSAR-40 Skelebot Hunter----( 210 MDC)( P.S. 40)
41-60% NG-W9 Light Labor Drone----( 75 MDC)(Robotic P.S.24)
61-75% NG-W10 Heavy Labor Drone----( 120 MDC)(Robotic P.S.32)
76-85% MRH-5100D Raptor Robot Steed----(290 MDC)(Robotic P.S. 28)
86-00% DV-12 Dyna-Bot----( 130 MDC)(Robotic P.S. 40)

======== Cyborg Body Sub-Table

01-20% (Generic) Light Cyborg----(170 MDC)(Robotic P.S. 22-30)(10% chance of retaining a shoulder mount weapon)

21-30% FX-200C Imprimer ----( 180 MDC)(Robotic P.S. 26)

31-35% FX-320 Dervish----( 200 MDC)(Robotic P.S. 28)(30% chance of retaining chemical sprayer)

36-45% FX-340C Slasher----( 180 MDC)(Robotic P.S. 27)(20% chance of retaining mini-missile launchers)

46-50% FX-370C Leviathan----(220 MDC)(Robotic P.S. 26)(30% chance of retaining shoulder torpedo launcher)
51-65% CSLNGR Mark I The Kid----( 150 MDC)(Robotic P.S. 20)

66-75% CSLNGR Mark II Super Slinger----( 190 MDC)(Robotic P.S.22)(25% chance of retaining functional second set of arms )

81-85% CSLNGR Mark III Gringo----( 220 MDC)(Robotic P.S. 30)(20% chance of retaining shoulder mini-missiles, chest ion blaster)

86-00%(Generic) Heavy Cyborg----(270 MDC)(Robotic P.S. 26-35)

----(MDC)(% chance of retaining)

======== Coalition States
01-25% CS-PA-06A SAMAS------(70 MDC)
26-35%CS-PA-07A Smiling Jack Light SAMAS-----(70 MDC)
36-45% CS-PA-08A Striker SAMAS-----(90 MDC)
46-50% CS-PA-09A Super SAMAS-----( 90 MDC)
51-55% CS-PA-10A Sea SAMAS-----(110 MDC)
56-60% CS-PA-20B Trident-----(80 MDC)
61-75% CS-PA-100 Mauler-----(90 MDC)
76-95%CS-PA-200 Terror Trooper-----(100 MDC)
96-00% CS-PA-300 Glitterboy Killer-----( 90 MDC)

======== Free Quebec
01-15% QPA-101 ‘Pale Death’ SAMAS-----( 70 MDC)
16-30% QPA-102 Violator SAMAS-----( 90 MDC)
31-35% QPA-201 Power Trooper-----( 110 MDC)
36-38% FQ-NS-B20 ‘Borg Dive Armor-----(70 MDC)
39-42% QPA-10 Sea Dragon-----( 100 MDC)
43-60% QGB-100 Classic Glitterboy-----( 290 MDC)
61-70% QGB-5-50 Triax Glitterboy-----( 200 MDC)
71-75% QGB-2-20 Glittergirl-----( 270 MDC)
76-85% QPA-98 Side Kick-----(100 MDC)
86-90% QGB-3-30 Tarantula-----( 290 MDC)(25% chance of being the ‘Type Two’ with 319 MDC and mini-lasers)
91% -97% QGB-7-70 Taurus-----(290 MDC)
98-00% QGB-8-88 Silver Wolf-----( 270 MDC)

======== Northern Gun
01-02% NG-X30 Aurora Blazer-----(80 MDC)
03-04% NG-NX12 Beach Stormer-----(50 MDC)
05-08% NG-X44 Blue Boy-----(70 MDC)
09-11% NG-AX15 Blue Hawk-----(70 MDC)
12-14% NG-X114 Cougar-----( 90MDC)
15-17% NG-X32 Coyote-----(70 MDC)
18-20 % NG-BM-JAPE II Defender-----(90 MDC)
21-23% NG-X11Delilah-----(90 MDC, 30% of having functional ion blaster)
24-25% NG-X44 Demon Slayer-----(90 MDC)
26-28% NG-XP54 Enforcer Guardsman-----(80 MDC, 25% chance of functional helmet light & camera)
29-30% NG-XF103 Firefighter-----( 70 MDC)
31-33% NG-X33 Forester-----(80 MDC, 35% chance of functional helmet laser)
34-38% NG-EX10 Gladius Light-----( 70 MDC)
39-43% NG-MRU886 Grease Monkey-----(70 MDC)
44-47% NG-XF17 Iron Wing-----(80 MDC, 25% chance of functional helmet laser)
48-50% NG-JK1A/B Juicer-Killer-----01-75% A-Model, 76-00% B-Model;(60/75 MDC)
51-53% NG-X112 Lynx-----(90 MDC)
54-55% NG-X39 Mantis-----(80 MDC, 25% chance of functional helmet laser)
56-58% NG-MRU876 Med-Rec-----(80 MDC)
59-60% NG-X16 Midas-----(90 MDC)
61-62% NG-UELX45 Night Reaper-----( 50 MDC)
63-64% NG-GCCPA-03 Pit Fighter-----(80 MDC)
65-68% NG-X67 Prophet-----(80 MDC, 25% chance of functional helmet sensor suite)
69-74% NG-X209 Protege-----(70 MDC)
75-77% NG-11F Red Hawk-----( 65 MDC)
78-79% NG-UELX42 Sabre-----(80 MDC)
80-86% NG-X9 Samson III-----( 100 MDC)
87-90% NG-X13 Samson Missileman-----( 90 MDC)
91-93% NG-NX14 Sea Demon-----(90 MDC)
94-96% NG-UELX49 Silent Shadow-----(80 MDC)
97-98% NG-X40 Storm Hammer-----(90 MDC)
99-00% NG-DX-001 Thunder Hound-----(90 MDC)

======== Chipwell
01-30% CAI-50 Challenger-----( 50 MDC)
31-60%CAS-30 Assault Suit-----( 55 MDC)
61-80% CAI-100/WC-30 Warmonger-----(10 MDC)
81-90% CAI-V50 Mark II Vampire Combat Armor-----(50 MDC)
91-00% CAI-77 SPA Sky Power Armor-----( 40 MDC)

======== Bandito Arms/Black Market
01-70% PA-09-AVT Sidewinder SAMAS-----( 100 MDC)
71-00% PA-09-AVT Wild Weasel SAMAS-----( 110 MDC)
BM-PA-002G Roadrunner-----( 75 MDC)
Bandito-G10-SX Shadowboy-----( 115 MDC)

======== Kittani
01-20% Kittani K-Universal Light Power Armor-----(80 MDC)
21-45% Kittani Serpent-----( 120 MDC)
46-60% Kittani Manling-----( 120 MDC)
61-80% Kittani Flying Fox-----( 110 MDC)
81-85% Kittani CPA-1 Centipede-----01- 50% chance of retaining the humanoid upper torso helmet(100 MDC). 51-00% of a working centipede head(260 MDC)( 30% chance of the latter having working eye lasers)
86-98% Kittani Equestrian-----( 120 MDC)
99-00% Kittani WFPA Warfish-----( 110 MDC)

======== Titan Robotics
01-18% FT-005 Flying Titan-----( 70 MDC)
19-22%TPA-100 Titan Footman-----( 90 MDC)
23-26% TR-PA -003 Heavy Titan Power Armor----( 80 MDC)
27-37% TRX-101 Myrmidon Heavy Infantry Exoskeleton----( 50 MDC)(40% chance of retaining enhanced sensors)
38-48% TPA-05E1Archimedes Field Engineer Power Armor----(70 MDC)(40% chance of retaining enhanced sensors)
49-58% TPA-04R1 Hermes Reconnaissance Power Armor----(80 MDC)(40% chance of retaining enhanced sensors)
59-64% TPA-04D2 Orion Destroyer Power Armor----(80 MDC)(40% chance of retaining enhanced sensors)
65-75% TPA-04A1 Apollo Air Superiority Power Armor----( 75 MDC)(40% chance of retaining enhanced sensors)
76-87% TPA-05S2 Athena Scout Power Armor----( 70 MDC)(40% chance of retaining enhanced sensors)
88-96% TPA-05N1 Trition Naval Power Armor----(80 MDC)(40% chance of retaining enhanced sensors)
97-98% TPA-04AD1 Nemesis Anti-Demon Power Armor----(80 MDC)(40% chance of retaining enhanced sensors)
99-00% TPA-04Ax3 Ajax Anti-Xiticix Power Armor----( 80 MDC)

======== Native American
01-25% Native American Iron Bear Power Armor-----(115 MDC)
26-75% Native American USA SAMAS-----( 70 MDC)
76-00% Native American War Chief Power Armor-----( 50 MDC)

======== Triax
01-35% T-21 Terrain Hopper-----01-75% Export Model/76-00% Model T-C20(60/70 MDC)
36-60% X-10 Predator-----(70 MDC)
61-70% X-1000 Ulti-Max-----( 70 MDC)
71-85% Aqua-Tech LEA-50 Deep Sea Power Armor-----(60 MDC)
86-95% Aqua-Tech Orca-50 Deep Sea Power Armor-----(75 MDC)
96-00% Aqua-Tech Orca-100 Deep Sea Power Armor-----(90 MDC)(25% chance of retaining functioning head lasers)

======== Naruni Enterprises
01-20%NE-MK-PA12 Mecha-Knight-----( 130 MDC)
21-30%NE-DXZ-07 Razor-----( 50 MDC)
31-50%NE-PA003 Drudge-----( 50 MDC)
51-70 %NE-EA35 Earth Angel-----(100 MDC)
71-75%NE-AA30 Space Angel-----( 90 MDC)
76-80%NE-SA40 Stealth-----( 65 MDC)
81-90 %NE-1A-TWPA Tech-Warrior-----( 120 MDC)(25% chance of retaining ion blasters)
91-00% NE-X4-LH Sun Chariot-----(100 MDC)(25% chance of retaining plasma ejector)

======== A.I Bots
01-30% FASSAR-20/30 Skelebots----( 60 MDC)
31-40% FASSAR-40 Skelebot Hunter----( 90 MDC)
41-60% NG-W9 Light Labor Drone----( 40 MDC)
61-75% NG-W10 Heavy Labor Drone----( 60 MDC)
76-85% MRH-5100D Raptor Robot Steed----(120 MDC)(20% chance of retaining eye lasers, mouth cannon)
86-00% DV-12 Dyna-Bot----( 40 MDC)

========Cyborg Head Sub-Table

01-20% (Generic) Light Cyborg----(80 MDC)
21-30% FX-200C Imprimer ----(65 MDC)
31-35% FX-320 Dervish----(70 MDC)
36-45% FX-340C Slasher ----(90 MDC)
46-50% FX-370C Leviathan----( 90 MDC)
51-65% CSLNGR Mark I The Kid----( 25 MDC)
66-75% CSLNGR Mark II Super Slinger----( 45 MDC)
81-85% CSLNGR Mark III Gringo----( 80 MDC)
86-00%(Generic) Heavy Cyborg----( 100 MDC)

----(arm/hand MDC)(Robotic P.S. )(% chance of retaining)
(Optional) 01-75% Matched set of arms, 76-00% roll separately for each arm(mismatched)

======== Coalition States
01-25% CS-PA-06A SAMAS-----(50 arm/25 hand MDC)(Robotic P.S. 30 )(20% chance of retaining forearm mini-missile launcher)

26-35% CS-PA-07A Smiling Jack Light SAMAS----(50 arm/25 hand MDC)(Robotic P.S. 30)

36-45% CS-PA-08A Striker SAMAS----(150 arm/25 hand MDC)(Robotic P.S. 36)(30% chance of retaining mini-missile launcher)

46-50% CS-PA-09A Super SAMAS----(120 arm/45 hand MDC)(Robotic P.S. 38)(30 % chance of retaining vibroblades, grenade launchers+)

51-55% CS-PA-10A Sea SAMAS----(100 arm/40 hand MDC)(Robotic P.S.36 )(30% chance of retaining forearm rail or ion gun. 25% chance of retaining vibroblades)

56-60% CS-PA-20B Trident----(60 arm/25 hand MDC)(Robotic P.S. 30 )(25% chance of having one of the modular tool/weapon units fitted)

61-75% CS-PA-100 Mauler----(100 arm/25 hand MDC)(Robotic P.S. 36 )(30% chance of retaining lasers, retractable vibroblades)

76-95%CS-PA-200 Terror Trooper----(85 arm/45 hand MDC)(Robotic P.S.40 )(30% chance of retaining lasers)

96-00% CS-PA-300 Glitterboy Killer----(165 arm/25 hand MDC)(Robotic P.S. 40 )(30% chance of retaining, 20% chance each of Large/Small vibroblades)

======== Free Quebec
01-15% QPA-101 ‘Pale Death’ SAMAS----(50 arm/25 hand MDC)(Robotic P.S. 30 )(20% chance of retaining forearm mini-missile launcher)

16-30% QPA-102 Violator SAMAS----(70 arm/25 hand MDC)(Robotic P.S. 32 )(25% chance of retaining retractable vibroblade)

31-35% QPA-201 Power Trooper----(115 arm/40 hand MDC)(Robotic P.S. 40 )(20% chance of retaining shoulder laser cannon or mini-miisile launcher, 25% chance of retaining forearm ion blaster & vibroblade combo)

36-38% FQ-NS-B20 ‘Borg Dive Armor----( 65 arm/hand MDC)(Robotic P.S. 20 )(20% chance of retaining vibroblades)

39-42% QPA-10 Sea Dragon----(100 arm/hand MDC)(Robotic P.S.36 )(30% chance of retaining ion blaster, 20% chance of retaining vibroblades)

43-60% QGB-100 Classic Glitterboy----(260 arm/100 hand MDC)(Robotic P.S. 40 )(30% chance of retaining/having a Forearm Weapons Kit)

61-70% QGB-5-50 Triax Glitterboy----( 200 arm/75 hand MDC)(Robotic P.S. 30)(30% chance of retaining retractable vibroblade)

71-75% QGB-2-20 Glittergirl----(240 arm/80 hand MDC)(Robotic P.S. 36)

76-85% QPA-98 Side Kick----(50 arm/25 hand MDC)(Robotic P.S. 26 )

86-90% QGB-3-30 Tarantula----(300 arm/100 hand MDC)(Robotic P.S. 40)(30% chance of retaining forearm ion blaster/mini-missile launcher)

91% -97% QGB-7-70 Taurus----(290 arm/100 hand MDC)(Robotic P.S. 40)

98-00% QGB-8-88 Silver Wolf----(210 arm/75 hand MDC)(Robotic P.S. 32 )(30% chance of retaining fully functional forearm shields; +100 MDC, plus mini-missile launchers and lasers)

======== Northern Gun
01-02% NG-X30 Aurora Blazer----(90 MDC)(Robotic P.S. 28 )

03-04% NG-NX12 Beach Stormer----(45/8 MDC)(Robotic P.S. 24)

05-08% NG-X44 Blue Boy----(60 MDC)(Robotic P.S.25 )(25% chance of retaining volt disruptor)

09-11% NG-AX15 Blue Hawk----(50/15 MDC)(Robotic P.S. 28)(20% chance of retaining vibroblades)

12-14% NG-X114 Cougar----(90 MDC)(Robotic P.S. 28 )(20% chance of retaining vibroblades, forearm laser)

15-17% NG-X32 Coyote----(50 MDC)(Robotic P.S. 22 )(20% chance of retaining vibroblades, forearm ion blaster, flamethrower)

18-20% NG-BM-JAPE II Defender----(65 MDC)(Robotic P.S. 24)(25% chance of retaining forearm lasers)

21-23% NG-X11Delilah----(60/30 MDC)(Robotic P.S. 28 )(20% chance of retaining plasma ejector, 25% chance of retaining vibroblades)

24-25% NG-X44 Demon Slayer----(65 MDC)(Robotic P.S. 24)(20% chance of retaining plasma ejector, impaler, spike launcher)

26-28% NG-XP54 Enforcer Guardsman----(60 MDC)(Robotic P.S. 24)(20% chance of retaining forearm laser)

29-30% NG-XF103 Firefighter----(90/35 MDC)(Robotic P.S. 30)(20% chance of retaining forearm mini-laser)

31-33% NG-X33 Forester----(60 MDC)(Robotic P.S.26 )(20% chance of retaining chainsaw, flamethrower)

34-38% NG-EX10 Gladius Light----(50 MDC)(Robotic P.S. 20)

39-43% NG-MRU886 Grease Monkey----(50 MDC)(Robotic P.S. 28 )(20% chance of retaining multi-tool, system diagnostic tool)

44-47% NG-XF17 Iron Wing----(65 MDC)(Robotic P.S. 28)(20% chance of retaining buzzsaw)

48-50% NG-JK1A/B Juicer-Killer----01-75% A-Model, 76-00% B-Model;(90/120 MDC)(Robotic P.S. 30)(20% chance of retaining forearm rail guns)

51-53% NG-X112 Lynx----(140 MDC)(Robotic P.S. 28)(20% chance of retaining ion blasters, vibroblades)

54-55% NG-X39 Mantis----(60 MDC)(Robotic P.S. 30 )(30% chance of retaining mantis-blades)

56-58% NG-MRU876 Med-Rec----(60 MDC)(Robotic P.S. 26 )(20% chance of retaining jaws-of-life)

59-60% NG-X16 Midas----(110 MDC)(Robotic P.S. 30)(30% chance of retaining forearm ion blaster, flamethrower)

61-62% NG-UELX45 Night Reaper----(40 MDC)(Robotic P.S. 22)

63-64% NG-GCCPA-03 Pit Fighter----(50 MDC)(Robotic P.S. 20-26 )(20% chance of retaining)

65-68% NG-X67 Prophet----(70 MDC)(Robotic P.S. 26)(20% chance of retaining vibroblades, forearm ion blaster, laser)

69-74% NG-X209 Protege----(70/25 MDC)(Robotic P.S. 28 )(25% chance of retaining forearm vibrosword, grenade launcher, particle beam blaster)

75-77% NG-11F Red Hawk----(50/15 MDC)(Robotic P.S. 28)(20% chance of retaining vibroclaws, forearm laser/mini-missiles)

78-79% NG-UELX42 Sabre----(60 MDC)(Robotic P.S. 26)

80-86% NG-X9 Samson III(90/30 MDC)----(Robotic P.S. 33)(25% chance of retaining forearm laser, mini-missiles)

87-90% NG-X13 Samson Missileman----(65 arm/20 hand MDC)(Robotic P.S. 28 )(30% chance of retaining forearm laser, mini-missiles )

91-93% NG-NX14 Sea Demon----(65 MDC)(Robotic P.S. 28)(20% chance of retaining vibroblades, forearm laser )

94-96% NG-UELX49 Silent Shadow----(60 MDC)(Robotic P.S. 26)(20% chance of retaining vibroblades, forearm laser, spike/cable launcher)

97-98% NG-X40 Storm Hammer----(80 MDC)(Robotic P.S. 30 )(20% chance of retaining multi-tool)

99-00% NG-DX-001 Thunder Hound----(60 MDC)(Robotic P.S. 28)(25% chance of retaining vibroblades, forearm laser or ion blaster)

======== Chipwell

01-30% CAI-50 Challenger----(20 MDC)(Robotic P.S. 20 )

31-60% CAS-30 Assault Suit----( 20 MDC)(Robotic P.S. 24 )(10% chance of retaining arm laser)

61-80% CAI-100/WC-30 Warmonger----(5 MDC)(Robotic P.S. 20 )

81-90% CAI-V50 Mark II Vampire Combat Armor----(26 arm/10 hand MDC)(Robotic P.S. 21)(% chance of retaining)

91-00% CAI-77 SPA Sky Power Armor----(26 arm/10 hand MDC)(Robotic P.S. 25 )(% chance of retaining)

======== Bandito Arms/Black Market
01-70% PA-09-AVT Sidewinder SAMAS----( 60 arm/ 25 hand MDC)(Robotic P.S. 30)(20% chance of retaining arm lasers)

71-80% PA-09-AVT Wild Weasel SAMAS----( 30 arm/80 hand MDC)(Robotic P.S. 30 ) (25% chance of retaining plasma ejectors

81-90% BM-PA-002G Roadrunner----(45 MDC)(Robotic P.S. 26 )

91-00% Bandito-G10-SX Shadowboy----(100/35 MDC)(Robotic P.S. 30 )(20% chance of retaining vibroblades,plasma ejector, forearm laser)

======== Kittani
01-20% Kittani K-Universal Light Power Armor----(80 MDC)(Robotic P.S. 30 )
21-45% Kittani Serpent----(110 MDC)(Robotic P.S. 46)
46-60% Kittani Manling----(110 MDC)(Robotic P.S. 46 )
61-80% Kittani Flying Fox----(105 MDC)(Robotic P.S. 40 )
81-85%Kittani CPA-1 Centipede----(arm/hand MDC)(Robotic P.S. )
86-98% Kittani Equestrian----(100 MDC)(Robotic P.S.60 )
99-00% Kittani WFPA Warfish----(260 MDC)(Robotic P.S. 30)(20% chance of retaining vibroblades)

========Titan Robotics
01-18% FT-005 Flying Titan----(40 MDC)(Robotic P.S. 24)

19-22% TPA-100 Titan Footman----(60/20 MDC)(Robotic P.S. 24)(25% chance of retaining wrist vibroblades)

23-26% TR-PA -003 Heavy Titan Power Armor----(100/25 MDC)(Robotic P.S. 30 )(25% chance of retaining wrist vibroblades, 25% chance of retaining forearm laser)

27-37% TRX-101 Myrmidon Heavy Infantry Exoskeleton----(45 MDC)(Robotic P.S. 25 )( 25% chance each of retaining forearm towline, laser torch, electro-stunner)

38-48% TPA-05E1Archimedes Field Engineer Power Armor----(80 MDC)(Robotic P.S. 28)(20% chance of retaining shoulder pauldron tol system, 25% chance of retaining forearm shears)

49-58% TPA-04R1 Hermes Reconnaissance Power Armor----(100 MDC)(Robotic P.S. 30)(60% chance of retaining forearm vibroblades, 40% chance of retaining wrist launchers)

59-64% TPA-04D2 Orion Destroyer Power Armor----(100 MDC)(Robotic P.S. 28)(60% chance of retaining forearm vibroblades)

65-75% TPA-04A1 Apollo Air Superiority Power Armor----(90 MDC)(Robotic P.S. 28)

76-87% TPA-05S2 Athena Scout Power Armor----(80 MDC)(Robotic P.S. 28)(60% chance of retaining forearm shears)

88-96% TPA-05N1 Trition Naval Power Armor----(80 MDC)(Robotic P.S. 28)(60% chance of retaining forearm laser ports)

97-98% TPA-04AD1 Nemesis Anti-Demon Power Armor----(100 MDC)(Robotic P.S. 30)(20% chance of retaining Hoplon shield, 30% chance of retaining Kopis 20mm cannon)

99-00% TPA-04AX3 Ajax Anti-Xiticix Power Armor----(110 MDC)(Robotic P.S.30 )(40% chance of retaining vibroblade, 25% chance of retaining Variable Ion Blaster )

========Native American
01-25% Native American Iron Bear Power Armor----(220 arm/50 hand MDC)(Robotic P.S. 50 )(20% chance of retaining forearm mini-missile launchers +60 MDC)

26-75% Native American USA SAMAS----( 50 arm/25 hand MDC)(Robotic P.S. 30 ) (20% chance of retaining forearm mini-missile launcher)

76-00% Native American War Chief Power Armor----(50 arm/ 25 hand MDC)(Robotic P.S. 28)(15% chance of retaining shoulder mini-missile launchers)

======== Triax
01-35% T-21 Terrain Hopper----01-75% Export Model/76-00% Model T-C20(60/70 MDC)(Robotic P.S. 20/23)(T-C20 only: 25% chance of retaining wrist lasers. )

36-60% X-10 Predator----(250 MDC)(Robotic P.S. 40 )(40% chance of retaining forearm laser)

61-70% X-1000 Ulti-Max----( 220 arm/35 hand MDC)(Robotic P.S. 30 )( 25 % chance of retaining shoulder mini-missile launchers)

71-85% Aqua-Tech LEA-50 Deep Sea Power Armor----(70 MDC)(Robotic P.S. 28)(40% chance of retaining wrist lasers. )

86-95% Aqua-Tech Orca-50 Deep Sea Power Armor----(80 MDC)(Robotic P.S. 35 )(20% chance of working shoulder weapons )

96-00% Aqua-Tech Orca-100 Deep Sea Power Armor----(170 MDC)(Robotic P.S. 45)(20% chance of working shoulder weapons)

======== Naruni Enterprises
01-20% NE-MK-PA12 Mecha-Knight----(100 MDC)(Robotic P.S. 40 )
21-30% NE-DXZ-07 Razor----(100/210 MDC)(Robotic P.S. 40 )(25% % chance of retaining plasma cartridge machine gun, plasma ejector, combat laser, medium particle beam)

31-50% NE-PA003 Drudge----(200/100 MDC)(Robotic P.S. 50)

51-70 % NE-EA35 Earth Angel----(70/15 MDC)(Robotic P.S. 26)(30% chance of retaining particle beam blaster)

71-75% NE-AA30 Space Angel----(75/25 MDC)(Robotic P.S. 10 )

76-80% NE-SA40 Stealth----(55/15 MDC)(Robotic P.S. 25)

81-90 % NE-1A-TWPA Tech-Warrior----(100/30 MDC)(Robotic P.S. 32)(50% chance of retaining lightning arc)

91-00% NE-X4-LH Sun Chariot----(100/50 MDC)(Robotic P.S. 24 )(40% chance of retaining vibroblades, plasma cartridge weapons)

======== AI Bots
01-30% FASSAR-20/30 Skelebots----(45/22 MDC)( P.S. 30)(20% chance of retaining vibroblades)

31-40% FASSAR-40 Skelebot Hunter----(65/32 MDC)( P.S. 40)(20% chance of retaining vibroblades)

41-60% NG-W9 Light Labor Drone----(20 arm/ 8 hand MDC)(Robotic P.S. 24 )

61-75% NG-W10 Heavy Labor Drone----(30 arm/10-20 hand MDC)(Robotic P.S. 32 )(25% chance of retaining working laser arm)

76-85% MRH-5100D Raptor Robot Steed----(40 MDC)(Robotic P.S. 28 )(20% chance of retaining vibroclaws)

86-00% DV-12 Dyna-Bot----(40 arm/15 hand MDC)(Robotic P.S. 40)(20% chance of retaining working laser fingers)

========Cyborg Arm Sub-Table

01-20% (Generic) Light Cyborg----(60/25 MDC)(Robotic P.S. 20+1d10 )
21-30% FX-200C Imprimer ----(40/15 MDC)(Robotic P.S. 26 )(25% chance of retaining vibroblade, laser)
31-35% FX-320 Dervish----(40/15 MDC)(Robotic P.S. 28 )(25% chance of retaining vibroblades)
36-45% FX-340C Slasher ----(40/15 MDC)(Robotic P.S. 27)(25% chance of retaining vibroblades)
46-50% FX-370C Leviathan----(65/22 MDC)(Robotic P.S. 26 )(25% chance of retaining forearm laser, 15% chance of retaining finger laser )
51-65% CSLNGR Mark I The Kid----(15/45 MDC)(Robotic P.S. 20 )
66-75% CSLNGR Mark II Super Slinger----(60/15 MDC)(Robotic P.S. )(25% chance of retaining vibroblades)
81-85% CSLNGR Mark III Gringo----(100/25 MDC)(Robotic P.S. 30 )(25% chance of retaining vibroblades)
86-00%(Generic) Heavy Cyborg----(100/30 MDC)(Robotic P.S. 25+1d10)

(Note: A good rule of thumb is not to have a main body of a power armor/bot that’s heavier than the what the legs were originally designed to carry, unless the Tinker plans on taking a mobility penalty or add an alternate primary means of movement)
----( MDC each)( MPH)
========Coalition States
01-25% CS-PA-06A SAMAS-----( 100 MDC each)( 60 MPH)
26-35% CS-PA-07A Smiling Jack Light SAMAS----( 100 MDC each)( 60 MPH)
36-45% CS-PA-08A Striker SAMAS----(130 MDC each)( 70 MPH)
46-50% CS-PA-09A Super SAMAS----( 200 MDC each)( 40 MPH)
51-55% CS-PA-10A Sea SAMAS----( 150 MDC each)( 60 MPH)(25% chance of retaining aqua thrusters)
56-60% CS-PA-20B Trident----( 100 MDC each)( 30 MPH)
61-75% CS-PA-100 Mauler----( 150 MDC each)( 40 MPH)
61-75% CS-PA-200 Terror Trooper----( 160 MDC each)( 60 MPH)
96-00% CS-PA-300 Glitterboy Killer----( 330 MDC each)( 100 MPH)

======== Free Quebec
01-15% QPA-101 ‘Pale Death’ SAMAS----( 100 MDC each)( 60 MPH)
16-30% QPA-102 Violator SAMAS----( 120 MDC each)( 70 MPH)
31-35% QPA-201 Power Trooper----( 140 MDC each)( 40 MPH)
36-38% FQ-NS-B20 ‘Borg Dive Armor----( 110 MDC each)( 40 MPH)
39-42% QPA-10 Sea Dragon----( 150 MDC each)( 60 MPH)
43-60% QGB-100 Classic Glitterboy----(450 MDC each)( 60 MPH)
61-70% QGB-5-50 Triax Glitterboy----( 400 MDC each)( 60 MPH)(25% chance of retaining knee mini-missile launchers)
71-75% QGB-2-20 Glittergirl----( 400 MDC each)( 90 MPH)
76-85% QPA-98 Side Kick----( 100 MDC each)( 40 MPH)
86-90% QGB-3-30 Tarantula----( 500 MDC each)( 50 MPH)
91% -97% QGB-7-70 Taurus----( 500 MDC each)( 50 MPH)
98-00% QGB-8-88 Silver Wolf----(330 MDC each)( 90 MPH)

======== Northern Gun
01-02% NG-X30 Aurora Blazer----( 125 MDC each)( 90 MPH)( jump boosters)
03-04% NG-NX12 Beach Stormer----( 65 MDC each)( 40 MPH)
05-08% NG-X44 Blue Boy----(110 MDC each)( 40 MPH)( jump boosters)
09-11% NG-AX15 Blue Hawk----( 90 MDC each)( 60 MPH)
12-14% NG-X114 Cougar----( 145 MDC each)( 50 MPH)( jump boosters)
15-17% NG-X32 Coyote----( 75 MDC each)( 34 MPH)
18-20 % NG-BM-JAPE II Defender----( 120 MDC each)( 120 MPH)
21-23% NG-X11Delilah----( 120 MDC each)( 120 MPH)( jump boosters)
24-25% NG-X44 Demon Slayer----( 100 MDC each)( 90 MPH)( jump boosters)
26-28% NG-XP54 Enforcer Guardsman----( 100 MDC each)( 90 MPH)( jump boosters)
29-30% NG-XF103 Firefighter----( 125 MDC each)( 80 MPH)
31-33% NG-X33 Forester----( 110 MDC each)( 60 MPH)
34-38% NG-EX10 Gladius Light----( 65 MDC each)( 40 MPH)
39-43% NG-MRU886 Grease Monkey----( 90 MDC each)( 40 MPH)
44-47% NG-XF17 Iron Wing----( 110 MDC each)( 40 MPH)
48-50% NG-JK1A/B Juicer-Killer----01-75% A-Model, 76-00% B-Model;( 100/130 MDC each)( 90 MPH)
51-53% NG-X112 Lynx----( 125 MDC each)( 50 MPH)( jump boosters)
54-55% NG-X39 Mantis----( 110 MDC each)( 50 MPH)( jump boosters)
56-58% NG-MRU876 Med-Rec----( 90 MDC each)( 50 MPH)
59-60% NG-X16 Midas----( 110 MDC each)( 100 MPH)( jump boosters)
61-62% NG-UELX45 Night Reaper----( 70 MDC each)( 50 MPH)
63-64% NG-GCCPA-03 Pit Fighter----( 80 MDC each)( 30 MPH)
65-68% NG-X67 Prophet----( 100 MDC each)( 90 MPH)( jump boosters)
69-74% NG-X209 Protege----( 120 MDC each)( 90 MPH)( jump boosters)
75-77% NG-11F Red Hawk----( 90 MDC each)( 60 MPH)
78-79% NG-UELX42 Sabre----( 90 MDC each)( 50 MPH)
80-86% NG-X9 Samson III----( 150 MDC each)( 150 MPH)( jump boosters)
87-90% NG-X13 Samson Missileman----( 95 MDC each)( 80 MPH)
91-93% NG-NX14 Sea Demon----( 125 MDC each)( 40 MPH)( jump boosters)
94-96% NG-UELX49 Silent Shadow----( 80 MDC each)( 70 MPH)( jump boosters)
97-98% NG-X40 Storm Hammer----( 115 MDC each)( 40 MPH)
99-00% NG-DX-001 Thunder Hound----( 100 MDC each)( 90 MPH)( jump boosters)

======== Chipwell
01-30% CAI-50 Challenger----( 50 MDC each)( 40 MPH)
31-60%CAS-30 Assault Suit----( 30 MDC each)( 40 MPH)
61-80% CAI-100/WC-30 Warmonger----( 8 MDC each)( 40 MPH)
81-90% CAI-V50 Mark II Vampire Combat Armor----( 55 MDC each)( 40 MPH)
91-00% CAI-77 SPA Sky Power Armor----( 50 MDC each)( 40 MPH)

======== Bandito Arms/Black Market
01-70% PA-09-AVT Sidewinder SAMAS----( 100 MDC each)( 100 MPH)
71-00% PA-09-AVT Wild Weasel SAMAS----( 150 MDC each)( 60 MPH)
BM-PA-002G Roadrunner----( 80 MDC each)( spdx3MPH)
Bandito-G10-SX Shadowboy----( 170 MDC each)( 80 MPH)

======== Kittani
01-20% Kittani K-Universal Light Power Armor----( 90 MDC each)( 40 MPH)
21-45% Kittani Serpent----( 300 MDC tail)( 40 MPH)
Kittani Manling----( 110 MDC each)( 40 MPH)
Kittani Flying Fox----( 160 MDC each)( 50 MPH)
Kittani CPA-1 Centipede----( 30 MDC each)( 30 MPH)
Kittani Equestrian----( 200/300 MDC each)( 144 MPH)

========Titan Robotics
01-18% FT-005 Flying Titan----( 60 MDC each)( 50 MPH)
19-22% TPA-100 Titan Footman----(100 MDC each)( 50 MPH)
23-26% TR-PA -003 Heavy Titan Power Armor----(150 MDC each)( 60 MPH)
27-37% TRX-101 Myrmidon Heavy Infantry Exoskeleton----( 60 MDC each)( 50 MPH)
38-48% TPA-05E1Archimedes Field Engineer Power Armor----( 100 MDC each)( 50 MPH)
49-58% TPA-04R1 Hermes Reconnaissance Power Armor----( 120 MDC each)( 200 MPH)
59-64% TPA-04D2 Orion Destroyer Power Armor----( 120 MDC each)( 60 MPH)
65-75%TPA-04A1 Apollo Air Superiority Power Armor----( 110 MDC each)( 60 MPH)
76-87% TPA-05S2 Athena Scout Power Armor----( 100 MDC each)( 120 MPH)
97-98% TPA-05N1 Trition Naval Power Armor----( 100 MDC each)( 30 MPH)
97-98% TPA-04AD1 Nemesis Anti-Demon Power Armor----( 120 MDC each)( 60 MPH)
99-00% TPA-04Ax3 Ajax Anti-Xiticix Power Armor----( 120 MDC each)( 80 MPH)

========Native American
01-25% Native American Iron Bear Power Armor----( 300 MDC each)( 55 MPH)
26-75% Native American USA SAMAS----( 100 MDC each)( 60 MPH)
76-00% Native American War Chief Power Armor----( 100 MDC each)( 75 MPH)

======== Triax
01-35% T-21/T-C20 Terrain Hopper----( 70 MDC each)( 40 MPH)
36-60% X-10 Predator----( 120 MDC each)( 50 MPH)
61-70% X-1000 Ulti-Max----( 200 MDC each)( 44 MPH)
71-85% Aqua-Tech LEA-50 Deep Sea Power Armor----( 100 MDC each)( 40 MPH)
86-95% Aqua-Tech Orca-50 Deep Sea Power Armor----( 120 MDC each)( 40 MPH)
96-00% Aqua-Tech Orca-100 Deep Sea Power Armor----( 260 MDC each)( 40 MPH)

======== Naruni Enterprises
01-20% NE-MK-PA12 Mecha-Knight----( 150 MDC each)( 44 MPH)
21-30% NE-DXZ-07 Razor----( 280 MDC each)( 120 MPH)
31-50% NE-PA003 Drudge----( 300 MDC each)( 40 MPH)
51-70 % NE-EA35 Earth Angel----( 90 MDC each)( 60 MPH)
71-75% NE-AA30 Space Angel----( 100 MDC each)( 50 MPH)
76-80% NE-SA40 Stealth----( 70 MDC each)( 50 MPH)
81-90 % NE-1A-TWPA Tech-Warrior----( 290MDC each)( 60 MPH)
91-00% NE-X4-LH Sun Chariot----( 220 MDC each)( 70 MPH)

======== AI Bots
01-30% FASSAR-20/30 Skelebots----( 70 MDC each)( 90 MPH)
31-40% FASSAR-40 Skelebot Hunter----( 100 MDC each)( 90 MPH)
41-60% NG-W9 Light Labor Drone----( 40 MDC each)( 50 MPH)
61-75% NG-W10 Heavy Labor Drone----( 55 MDC each)( 40 MPH)
76-85% MRH-5100D Raptor Robot Steed----( 135 MDC each)( 75 MPH)(20% chance of retaining vibroclaws)
86-00% DV-12 Dyna-Bot----( 60 MDC each)( 120 MPH)

========Cyborg Leg Sub-Table

01-20% (Generic) Light Cyborg----( 85 MDC each)( 120 MPH)
21-30% FX-200C Imprimer ----( 70 MDC each)( 120 MPH)
31-35% FX-320 Dervish----( 90 MDC each)( 120 MPH)
36-45% FX-340C Slasher ----( 80 MDC each)( 120 MPH)
46-50% FX-370C Leviathan----( 100 MDC each)( 80 MPH)
51-65% CSLNGR Mark I The Kid----( 100 MDC each)( 90 MPH)
66-75% CSLNGR Mark II Super Slinger----( 120 MDC each)( 90 MPH)
81-85% CSLNGR Mark III Gringo----( 160 MDC each)( 60 MPH)
86-00%(Generic) Heavy Cyborg----( 125 MDC each)( 90-100 MPH)

Special Systems:
Can choose or randomly roll 1d4 Special Features. (26)
01-04% Amphibious Capability---If the ‘bot doesn’t already have a listed underwater ability, this seals the body for submergance. If the ‘bot already has a listed underwater ability, DOUBLE its depth tolerance and increase underwater speed by 50%.

05-09% Shoulder-Mount Heavy Weapon---Adds a heavy weapon turret on the back(or adds an additional one if one already exists on the location)

10-13% Extra Arm(s)---The ‘bot possesses extra appendages(01-50% one, 51-00%, two); roll again for the extra arms. If one, this is usually mounted on the back or shoulders, while two are usually symmetrically placed for balance. Add +1 APM.

14-17% Tail---The ‘bot features a usable tail
01-30% MRH-1002F Monster Pegasus(90 MDC)
31-60% MRH-1004H Seahorse(250 MDC)
61-90% MRH-5100D Raptor( 90 MDC)
91-00% Kittani Serpent(100 MDC)

18-21% Jump Boosters---These increase a ‘bot’s leaping capability

22-25% Flight Capability---Generally equal to a good jet pack; hover to 4d6x10 MPH, with a maximum ceiling of 1,000 ft. If Flight Capability is already possessed or if this Special is taken twice, DOUBLE the maximum speed and altitude.

26-29 % Sensor Jamming---Active countermeasures; the oreseme contains active emission sensor jammers that can block out local communications and targeting systems, although EW sensors will detect the active jamming. Human-sized ‘bots will have only a 15% chance of being spotted by thermal optics and radar/motion detectors, laser targeting loses lock, and missile guidance is -2 to strike. Larger ‘bots(such as power armor-sized and larger) will have a 25% chance of going undetected, laser targeting will be -2 to strike, missiles will still be -2 to strike, and there’s a 75% chance of jamming radio communications in a 5,000 ft radius.

30-33% Alternate Propulsion Means---The oreseme possesses some form of alternate means of getting around; this could be:
01-50% Wheels( increase maximum running speed on firm level surfaces by 50%)
51-70% Treads---Reduce maximum running speed by 50%, but can traverse soft ground without penalty.
71-75% ‘Ripple-Tread’---This uses memory materials to create a long supporting flange/skirt of material that ‘ripples’ and undulates, carrying the vehicle like a snail’s belly-foot. Somewhat faster than treads(only reduce running speed by 30%), can swim at maximum running speed reduced by 25%, but the ripple-tread tends to be more susceptible to damage; has only 25% of the MDC of the limb/leg it is mounted on, and takes DOUBLE damage from melee attacks.
76-00% Hoverjets--- Hover to 90-200 MPH, with a maximum ceiling of 500 ft.

34-37% Color-Change Camouflage---Basic pattern-change skinning; comes with infrared and thermal emission masking as well. Takes 1d4 melees to alter color pattern.

38-39% Laser-Reflective Armor---Lasers do HALF damage.

40-41% Adaptive Camouflage---Copied from Naruni designs, this is a more sophisticated ‘chameleon’-type optical camouflage. Observers are -4 to Perception, and -25% to Detect Concealment and Read Sensory Equipment rolls to detect the oreseme equipped with this feature.

42-45% Enhanced Communications----Assisted by the Ghostriders(the avowed electronic warfare specialists of the Reformed Shemarrian Nation), these systems give the construct the ability to listen in more effectively on others’ communications, while boosting the efficiency, range, and security of their own. Orseme with Enhanced Communications will have a +15% to Cryptography rolls. Boost range of existing communications by 50%. These systems may have extendable antennae mounts.

46-49% Enhanced Sensors---The sensors of the oreseme are increased in range and acuity by 50%. Targeting systems get an extra +1 to strike.

50-53% Secondary Technical Tool Arms---The ‘bot has a set of smaller secondary limbs, normally concealed, but which can emerge for doing precision work, or close combat. These can be concealed inside an arm or the torso. These smaller arms typically have a P.S. of 15 (30 for larger ‘bots), and 1d6x10 MD each.
In the alternative, the ‘bot can be fitted with a mining cyborg forearm tool package.

54-57% Multi-Legged Suspension---If not already a multi-legged design, the construct now has a centaur- or arachnid-like lower body caried by 4-6 legs. Improve running speed by 25%.

58-61% Regenerative Repair/Bionic Cybernanite Repair Systems---A modified bionic nanotech repair system that originated with the Ecotroz Shemar, but has also been adopted by the Ghost Riders. These systems repair 4d6 MD per hour, and can repair 40-60 MDC before needing material stocks to convert to MD repair material.

62-65% Nanorepair System----An earlier, cruder nanotech self-repair system based on existing cyborg repair options. While working faster than the Shemarrian Regenerative System, the Nanorepair system relies on a fixed number of repair units. Once their MDC capacity is used up the entire system must be recharged from an external source; the Nanorepair CANNOT assimilate and convert new material on its own.

66-69% Power Jaws---Enhanced bite, often taken in conjunction with the Cybernanite Repair System, so the ‘bot can simply ‘eat’ materials to be assimilated(otherwise it must rely on external means of breaking down the material, or use special preparations of materials). Human-sized ‘bots will typically have jaws doing 1d4 MD, while larger oreseme range up to 3d6 MD on a bite attack.

70-73% Enhanced Lasers----An Upgrade delivered on behalf of the Silvermoons. Laser weapons will have 25% better range and 10-20% better damage.

74-77% Crew/Passenger Compartment---The ‘bot retains interior space for carrying passsengers, even though control might be wholly in the hands of the resident A.I. This feature implies extra attention paid to minitaurizing the extra AI support systems that would otherwise have filled up the space normally allocated to the crew/passenger. Soem oreseme like working with organic partners, as they can add additional actions/attacks per melee, can offer up new prespectives, provide psionics/magic, or can just act as disguises among other organics. Other oreseme use their compartments to transport prisoners(the compartment fitted with restraint gear).

78-81% Solar Charger---Adds deployable solar collectors similar to those of the NG-SE48 Sunfire, boosting the available power to weapons and other systems, after a good soak in the sunshine. A favorite with SkyeKlad oreseme.

82-85% Extra Armor---Increase armor protection to one, several, or all components by 50%. If taken multiple times, each subsequent addition of armor imposes a movement penalty of 20%.

86-89% Partial Faux Flesh---Covers parts(40% or more) of the construct (usually the joints and connections) in false flesh/skin, giving it the appearance of a cyborg. Many oreseme sport fleshed ‘faces’ or seemingly organic exposed torsos.

90-93% Sculpted Appearance---Rather than resembling an assemblage of parts, this feature sculpts the lines of components to create a more organic or aesthetically pleasing appearance, helping hide the true origins of the various parts involved. Gets a P.B. rating starting at 2d6 up to 4d6.

94-97% Forcefield Generator---EShemar Tinkers were ecstatic about experimenting with Triax’s forcefield technology and then being able to compare it to Naruni’s, and thus a growing number of oreseme incorporate new technology forcefield systems. An oreseme with this feature sports a forcefield with 4d6x10 MDC.

98-00% Transformative Restructuring---This permits an arm or other appendage to conceal a subsystem such as a weapon that’s normally bigger than could fit in that appendage. The ‘mecha-gami’ instantly restructures the weapon to fold up and the limb to become the subsystem or weapon in question. Popular with those wanting to mount weapon arms without sacrificing the versatility of fully functional hands.

Accessory Weapons: ---These can be back/shoulder mounted, or take the place of a missing forearm weapon.

01-45% Missile/Projectile Weapons:
01-10% Mini-Missile Launcher---(6 tube, 12 shot)
11-15% CS Mini-Missile Launcher---(1-4 volley, 10 shot)
16-20% CS Glitterboy Killer Mini-Missile Launcher---(1-4 volley, 10 shot)
21-30% NG-XG114/12 Shoulder Grenade Launcher---(4 shots)
31-35% JAPE II Shoulder Grenade Launcher---(12 shots)
36-40% Shoulder Mini-Missile Launcher---(2 shots)
41-45% NG-M18 Shoulder Mini-Missile Launcher---(9 shots)
46-55% NG-MML11-12 Storm Mini-Missile Launcher---(1-4 volley, 10 shot)
56-58% NG Gatling Gun Robotic Weapon Arm
59-70% NG-SAM209 Forearm Mini-Missile Launcher---(4)
71-80% NG-GR109 Forearm Grenade Launcher---(18 shots)
81-86% NG G-876 Shoulder Grenade Launcher---(12 shots)
87-90% QST-98 ‘Kicker’ Grenade Launcher---(40-120 shots)
91-94% Forearm Grenade Launcher---(2 shots)
95-97% NG IronWing Over-Under Mini-Missile/Grenade Launcher---(8/24)
98-00% Flamethrower

46-80% Energy Weapons
01-04%CS Glitterboy Killer Laser Arm
05-09% CS Super SAMAS Shoulder Plasma/Laser Combo
10-12% CS Mauler Shoulder Plasma Ejector
13-16% NG-314 Shoulder Tri-Barrel Blaster
17-25% NG-X114 Forearm Ion Blaster
26-31% NG-JK1A/B Juicer-Killer Laser Arm
32-40% NG-JK1A/B Juicer-Killer Particle Beam Arm
41-50% NG-116 Laser Cannon
51-55% NG-P40 Onslaught Particle Beam Cannon
56-65% NG-PL333 Plasma Ejector
66-70% NG-I233 Ion-Pulse Blaster
71-80% NG-SAM309 Forearm Tri- Laser
81-85% NG Helmet Laser
86-95% Flying Titan Mini-Laser Turret
96-00% Shemarrian Eye Lasers/ Laser Headlights

81-00% Melee Weapons
01-30% VibroBlades/Claws
31-45% Vibro-Chainsaw
46-55% Buzzsaw
56-65% Claw/Jaws of Life
66-75% Scythe-style Vibroblades
76-90% Naruni Energy Blade
91-00% Kittani-style Energy Blade(s)

Long Arms----These can be handheld or mounted on a shoulder hardpoint
01-05% CS CCT-M20 Missile Rifle
06-08% CS CCT-P40 Particle Beam Cannon
09-12% CS C-40R SAMAS Rail Gun
13-18% CS C-200 Dead Man Light Rail Gun
19-22% NG-X144 Thumper Dual Assault Rifle
23-25% NG Blue Hawk Ion Rifle
26-29% NG-P67 Particle Beam Short-Gun
30-31% NG-M100 Multi-Weapon Underwater Rifle
32-34% NG-X530 Blazer Over-and-Under Assault Rifle
35-37% NG-X132 Deathmark Dual Sniper Rifle
38-40% NG Neural Disruptor Rifle
41-43% NG-X112 Big Bang Over-and-Under Assault Rifle
44-46% NG-XF217 Dragon Stopper Particle Beam Rifle
47-60% NG-202 Rail Gun
61-65% NG-S202 Super Samson Rail Gun
66-70% Bandit 5000 Rail Gun
71-80% Bandit 5500 Fletchette Rail Gun
81-86% Bandit 6000 Grenade Launcher
87-91% NG-MH140 Rail Gun
92-94% NG-CDNX114 Sea Demon Cannon
95-97% RG-14-LX ‘Baby Boom Gun’
98-00% Naruni Particle BeamRifle
Last edited by taalismn on Fri Sep 15, 2023 8:37 pm, edited 1 time in total.
"Trouble rather the Tiger in his Lair,
Than the Sage among his Books,
For all the Empires and Kingdoms,
The Armies and Works that you hold Dear,
Are to him but the Playthings of the Moment,
To be turned over with the Flick of a Finger,
And the Turning of a Page"

--------Rudyard Kipling
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Re: Shemarrian-related fan creations

Unread post by taalismn »

Robot Tables(the Big Boys and Girls)
Components (Robot Vehicle)

01-15% Coalition States/ Free Quebec
16-56% Northern Gun
57-63% Black Market
64-65% Native American
66-70% Kittani
71-86%Titan Robotics
87-95% Triax
96-00% Naruni Enterprises

Main Body
----(MDC)(Robotic P.S. 0)(% chance of retaining)
======== Coalition States/Free Quebec
01-15% CR-003 Spider-Skull Walker----( 500 MDC)(Robotic P.S. 50)(20% chance of retaining C-100R rail guns, 10% chance of working CR-4T turrets)

16-25% CR-004 Scout Spider-Skull Walker----( 280 MDC)(Robotic P.S. 40)(20% chance of retaining C-104 rail guns, 10% chance of chin turret or cheek missile launchers, 25% chance of working smoke dispensers)(% chance of retaining)

26-35% CR-005 Scorpion Spider-Skull Walker----(200 MDC)(Robotic P.S. 45)(15% chance of retaining functional weapons tail)

36-40% CR-006 Sea Spider-Skull Walker----(670 MDC)(Robotic P.S. 50)(20% chance of retaining C-104 rail guns, 10% chance of chin turret or torpedo launchers, 25% chance of working mine layer)

41-45% IAR-2 Abolisher/QR-2 Abolisher Prime----(590 MDC)(Robotic P.S. 60)(10% chance of retaining each C-144 autocannon, 15% chance or retaining sensor tower)

46-50% IAR-3 Skullsmasher----(990 MDC)(Robotic P.S. 60)(15% chance of retaining double-barreled particle beam cannon, mini-missile launchers, 10% of working shoulder laser cannon)

51-60% IAR-4 Hellraiser----(200 MDC)(Robotic P.S. 50)(20% chance of retaining shoulder turret, missile launcher)

61-75% IAR-5 Hellfire----(480 MDC)(Robotic P.S. 45)(10 % chance of retaining HF-36 plasma cannons, 10% of retaining missile launchers)

76-97% UAR-1 Enforcer/QR-1 Enforcer Prime----(350 MDC)(Robotic P.S. 40)(20% chance of retaining shoulder rail gun, mini-laser turrets, shoulder SRMLs, shoulder MRML, belly mini-missile launcher, 15% chance or retaining sensor tower)

99-00% QR-3 Guardian----(560 MDC)(Robotic P.S. 50)(30% chance of retaining folding missile launchers---01-75% mini-missile type, 76-00% medium rage missile type)

======== Northern Gun

01-05% NG-V19 Blocker----(570 MDC)(Robotic P.S. 40)(20% chance of retaining either of the chest mini-missile launchers)

06-10% NG-V50 Bigfoot----(450 MDC)(Robotic P.S. 35)(15% chance of retaining each plasma cannon, laser gun turret, ventral mini-missile launchers, or the short range missile launcher)

11-13% NG-V32 Bruiser----(420 MDC)(Robotic P.S. 35)(15% chance of retaining each shoulder ion gun, 25% chance of retaining each shoulder mini-missile launcher)

14-15% NG-V34 Buffalo----(510 MDC)(Robotic P.S. 35)(15% chance of retaining each shoulder particle beam cannon, 20% chance of retaining either of the shoulder mini-missile launchers)

16-17% NG-V36 Beachmaster----(540 MDC)(Robotic P.S. 40)(25% chance of retaining the chest lasers, 15% of the shoulder torpedo launcher)(Amphibious)

18-21% NG-V47 Gunbot ----(390 MDC)(Robotic P.S. 35)(20% chance of retaining any of the two nose guns, 15% chance of retaining the shoulder grenade launcher, 15% chance of a functional mini-missile launcher)

22-23% NG-V67 Grizzly----(700 MDC)(Robotic P.S. 40)(20% chance of retaining the rear heavy turret and 1-2 guns for it. 15 % chance of retaining either chest rail gun)

24-26% NG-V58 Thundercaster----(400 MDC)(Robotic P.S. 35)(15% chance of retaining a working NG-C58 Variable Projectile Cannon)

27-29% NG-V39 Volcano----( 400 MDC)(Robotic P.S. 40)(20% chance of retaining a working NG-F139 Heavy Flamethrower)

30-32% NG-V41 Viking----(745 MDC)(Robotic P.S. 45)(15% chance of retaining a working NG-EV66 Plasma Cannon, 20% chance of retaining either of the shoulder mini-missile launchers)

33-35% NG-V61 Gunwolf----(480 MDC)(Robotic P.S. 40)(15% chance of retaining torso gun turret, chest mini-missile launchers, Wolf’s Howl System)

36-40% NG-V7 Mobile Gun----(Roll again for model; 01-70% older V-7, 71-00% V7 Block IV) (490/600 MDC)(Robotic P.S. 40)(15 % chance of retaining ‘groin’ laser/rail gun/flamer, 15% of Block IV retaining the chest laser cannon)

41-45% NG-M56 Multi-bot----(290/200 MDC)(Robotic P.S. 40)(25% chance of retaining medium range ‘scissor’ missile launchers, 20% chance of retaining a functioning hovercraft. 10% chance of retaining a functional ‘groin’ Heavy Ion Cannon)

46-49% NG-M57-2NI Megabot----(375 MDC)(Robotic P.S. 40)(15% chance of retaining a medium range missile launcher and the short range missile launcher each, 20% chance of retaining a functioning hovercraft. 15% chance of retaining a functional NG-IRC57 Heavy Ion Cannon)

50-52% NG-AX44 Bison Battler----(390 MDC)(Robotic P.S. 35)(15% chance of retaining a functioning shoulder cannon)

53-56% NG-EX11 Okemos----(295 MDC)(Robotic P.S. 30)(20% chance of retaining the dorsal turret)

57-59% NG-SE48 Sunfire----( 300 MDC)(Robotic P.S. 35)(15 % chance of retaining a working NG-VBR048 Variable Bore Rail Gun, 20% chance of retaining either of the shoulder mini-missile launchers. 20% of retaining a functinal super solar collection system)

60-62% NG-EX-V50 Scorpion Battler----(650 MDC)(Robotic P.S. 45)(15% chance of retaining the dorsal turret)

63-66% NG-EXC-17 Ogre----( 570 MDC)(Robotic P.S. 45)(15% chance of retaining the mini-missile launcher, 15% of retaining each of the six smoke/chaff launchers)

67-80% NG-EX-20 Bulldog Explorer----(500 MDC)(Robotic P.S. 40)(20% chance of retaining the dorsal turret, 15% of functioning nose rail gun)

81-82% NG-EX-5 Behemoth Explorer----(500 MDC)(Robotic P.S. 40)

83-85% NG-V10 Super Robot Vehicle----( 375 MDC)(Robotic P.S. 38)

86-89% NG-8000 Super Max----(350 MDC)(Robotic P.S. 30)(15% chance of retaining NG-G88 Beehive Grenade Launchers)

90-95% NG-DX202 Cargo Walker----(275 MDC)(Robotic P.S. 50 )(% chance of retaining utility arms with P.S. 30, % chance of retaining mini-arms with P.S. 9)

96-97% NG-DX204 GRUB----(380 MDC)(Robotic P.S. 50)(30% chance of retaining utility arms with P.S. 30,)

-98% NG-MMB-01 Big Papa Medical Walker----( 580 MDC)(Robotic P.S. 40)(% chance of retaining )

99-00% NG-MMB-02 Junior Mini-Medical Walker----( 445 MDC)(Robotic P.S. 30)(25% chance of retaining)

======== Black Market
01-30% R-050 Mole Prospecting Robot----(420 MDC)(Robotic P.S. 40)

31-75% R-100 Tarantula----(500 MDC)(Robotic P.S. 30)(20% chance of retainingdual ion cannon turret/ integral mini-missile launchers)

76-85% MRR-01X Mega-Rex----( 500 MDC)(Robotic P.S. 0)(25% chance of retaining mini-missile launcher)

86-00% Smugglers’ Robot Dinosaur----( 200 MDC)(Robotic P.S. 28)

======== Native American

01-20% Native American THAR-06 Thunderbird----(430 MDC)(Robotic P.S. 48)(30% chance of retaining flight capabilty/jet pack, wing mini-missile launchers. chest rail gun, shoulder beam cannon)

21-45%Native American UWS-HAR02 Uktena----( 725 MDC)(Robotic P.S. 50)(25% chance of retaining shoulder beam cannon turrets, long range missile launchers, belly lasers)

46-00% Native American WH-GAR-06 Wolf----( 580 MDC)(Robotic P.S. 50)(25% chance of retaining shoulder beam cannon turrets, mini-missile launchers)

======== Kittani
----(MDC)(Robotic P.S. 0)(% chance of retaining)

01-30% Kittani K-ATV Hoverjet----( 325 MDC)(Robotic P.S. 30)(50% chance of retaining flight capabilty)

31-50% Kittani K-ATV-RV High Speed Robot Land Skimmer----( 200 MDC)(Robotic P.S. 22)(50% chance of retaining flight capabilty/jet pack, 15% chance of retaining laser mount, mini-missile launchers)

51-70% Kittani ATV-RV Creax----( 500 MDC)(Robotic P.S. 40)(35% chance of retaining flight capabilty/jet pack, 30% chance of retaining autocannons)

71-95% Kittani ATV-RV War Crab----( 600 MDC)(Robotic P.S. 50)(20% chance of retaining gun turrets)(Amphibious)

96-00% Kittani ATV-RV Insecton Land Rover----( 1,100 MDC)(Robotic P.S. 60)(20 % chance of retaining laser clusters, particle beam turret, pulse cannon, 15% chance of retaining mini-missile launcher)

======== Titan Robotics

01-10% TR-003B Titan Reconnaissance Robot ----( 370 MDC)(Robotic P.S. 28)(15 % chance of retaining sensor tower, spotlight, 20% chance of retaining belly mini-laser)

11-25% TR-002B Titan Exploration & Light Combat----(400 MDC)(Robotic P.S. 32)(15 % chance of retaining sensor tower, 20% chance of retaining belly laser turrets, shoulder SRMLs)

26-34% TR-001B Titan Combat Robot----(470 MDC)(Robotic P.S. 36)(15 % chance of retaining sensor tower, 20% chance of retaining chest laser turret, shoulder MRMLs)

35% TR-004 Titan Heavy Combat----(450 MDC)(Robotic P.S. 38)(15 % chance of retaining sensor tower, 20% chance of retaining belly turret, chest lasers, mini-missile launchers)

36-37% TR-005 Titan Assault Robot----(700 MDC)(Robotic P.S. 40)(20% chance of retaining belly turret, either shoulder missile launcher)

38-39% TR-006 Titan Rapid-Strike Robot----(450 MDC)(Robotic P.S. 36)(20% chance of retaining belly turret, left shoulder missile launcher, right shoulder rail gun)

40-45% TR-03C1 Daedalus Construction Robot----(320 MDC)(Robotic P.S. 28)(30% chance of retaining sensor dome)

47-54% TR-02E1 Hephaestus Field Engineer Robot----(350 MDC)(Robotic P.S. 36)(30% chance of retaining sensor tower)

55-56% TR-01U6 Minotaur Urban Combat Robot----(510 MDC)(Robotic P.S. 36)(25% chance each of retaining shoulder turrets, chest rotary rail cannons, sensor turret. )

57-61% TR-02S1 Pallas Scout Robot----(400 MDC)(Robotic P.S. 32)(20% chance each of retaining waist turret, sensor pylon)

62-67% TR-03R1 Argus Drone Reconnaissance Robot----(375 MDC)(Robotic P.S. 28 )(30% chance each of retaining drone launchers, 20% chance each of retainingCerberus tri-laser, Medium-Range Missile Launcher, sensor dome and radio mast)

68-75% TR-02F1 Hyperion Fire Support Robot----(385 MDC)(Robotic P.S. 32)(20% chance each of retaining shoulder laser mounts and sensor dome, 25% chance each of retaining Short- and Medium-Range Missile Launchers)

76-81% TR-02D1 Helios Destroyer Robot----(390 MDC)(Robotic P.S. 32)(20% chance each of retaining 76mm shoulder cannon, Short- Range Missile Launcher and waist lasers)

82-88% TR-01C1 Atlas Combat Robot----(525 MDC)(Robotic P.S. 36)(20% chance of retaining waist lasers, 30% chance each of retaining Short- and Medium-Range Missile Launchers and Cover Lasers )

89-96% TR-01A1 Erebos Assault Robot----(550 MDC)(Robotic P.S. 36)(20% chance each of retaining Particle Beam Appendages, sensor pylon. 30% chance of retaining Short- Range Missile Launcher )

97-98% TR-01AS1 Kronos Anti-Demon Robot----(510 MDC)(Robotic P.S. 40)(30% chance each of retaining chest energy guns. 20% chance each of retaining shoulder 40mm guns, silver spikes.)

99-00% TR-01AX2 Chiron Anti-Xiticix Robot----(550 MDC)(Robotic P.S. 36)(20% chance each of retaining waist ion blaster, sensor pod, concussion missile launcher. )

======== Triax
X-500 Forager Battlebot----(350 MDC)(Robotic P.S. 40)(25% chance of retaining functional Ion Belly Gun turret, 15% chance of retaining MRM launch racks) (+20% to subsequent parts rolls)

======== Naruni Enterprises
01-30% NE-DK-AR500 Death-Knight----(600 MDC)(Robotic P.S. 60)(20% chance of retaining belly gun, mini-missile launchers )

31-70% NE-N-SR50 Nomad----(470 MDC)(Robotic P.S. 40)(15% chance of retaining adaptive camouflage, 20% chance of retaining shoulder turret, mini-missile launchers)

71-90% NE-DXZ-09 Hammer----( 900 MDC)(Robotic P.S. 50)(20% chance of retaining chest, shoulder missile launchers, jump boosters)

91-00% NE-R2000 Reaper----(2,600 MDC)(Robotic P.S. 50)(20% chance of retaining mini-missile launchers)

----(MDC)(% chance of retaining)

========Coalition States/Free Quebec
01-30% IAR-4 Hellraiser---(90 MDC)

31-90% UAR-1 Enforcer---(90 MDC)

91-00% QR-3 Guardian---(120 MDC)

========Northern Gun
01-03% NG-V19 Blocker----(180 MDC)(15% chance of retaining working laser cannon)

04-08% NG-V32 Bruiser----(115 MDC)(25 % chance of retaining eye lasers)

09-11% NG-V34 Buffalo----(125 MDC)

12-20% NG-V67 Grizzly----(230 MDC)(20% chance of retaining mini-missile launchers)

21-28% NG-V58 Thundercaster----( 75 MDC)

29-34% NG-V39 Volcano----(100 MDC)

35-45% NG-V41 Viking----(200 MDC)(25% chance of retaining a working NG-41 Automatic Grenade Launcher)

41-50% NG-V61 Gunwolf----( 180 MDC)(30% chance of retaining eye lasers, 20% chance of working Wolf’s Head Weapons Platform)

51-55% NG-V7 Mobile Gun----(Roll again for model; 01-70% older V-7, 71-00% V7 Block IV) (160/200 MDC)(15% chance of retaining working head cannon, but requires a Main Body with a minimum Robotic P.S. of 40 )

56-65% NG-AX44 Bison Battler----(125 MDC)(25 % chance of retaining eye lasers)

66-75% NG-SE48 Sunfire----( 100 MDC)

76-80% NG-EXC-17 Ogre----(200 MDC)(15% chance of retaining nose turret)

81-90% NG-V10 Super Robot Vehicle----( 180 MDC)

91-00% NG-8000 Super Max----( 75 MDC)

======== Black Market:
01-30% R-050 Mole Prospecting Robot----( 120 MDC)

31-70% R-100 Tarantula---( 100 MDC)(20% chance of retaining mandible rail guns)

71-80% MRR-01X Mega-Rex---(200 MDC)(15% chance of retaining working eye lasers/nose rail guns, working jaw, 25% chance or working mouth plasma cannon)

91-00% Smugglers’ Robot Dinosaur---( 90 MDC)

======== Native American

01-20% Native American THAR-06 Thunderbird----( 175 MDC)

21-45%Native American UWS-HAR02 Uktena----(320 MDC)(15% chance of retaining neck laser, 35% chance of retaining mouth plasma cannon)

46-00% Native American WH-GAR-06 Wolf----( 150 MDC)(30% chance of retaining eye lasers)

======== Kittani
01-65%Kittani ATV-RV Creax----( 80 MDC)(30% chance of retaining lasers)

66-00% Kittani ATV-RV War Crab----( 100 MDC)

======== Titan Robotics
01-10% TR-003B Titan Reconnaissance Robot ----( 90 MDC)
11-25% TR-002B Titan Exploration & Light Combat ----( 90 MDC)
26-34% TR-001B Titan Combat Robot----( 100 MDC)

35%TR-004 Titan Heavy Combat----(100 MDC)
36-37% TR-005 Titan Assault Robot----(100 MDC)
38-39% TR-006 Titan Rapid-Strike Robot----(80 MDC)
40-45% TR-03C1 Daedalus Construction Robot----(90 MDC)
47-54% TR-02E1 Hephaestus Field Engineer Robot----(80 MDC)
55-56% TR-01U6 Minotaur Urban Combat Robot----( 120 MDC)(50% chance of retaining ion blaster/vibroblade horns)
57-61% TR-02S1 Pallas Scout Robot----(90 MDC)
62-67% TR-03R1 Argus Drone Reconnaissance Robot----( 95 MDC)
68-75% TR-02F1 Hyperion Fire Support Robot----(120 MDC)
76-81% TR-02D1 Helios Destroyer Robot----(120 MDC)(30% chance of retaining enhanced sensors)
82-88% TR-01C1 Atlas Combat Robot----(100 MDC)
89-96% TR-01A1 Erebos Assault Robot----(115 MDC)
97-98% TR-01AS1 Kronos Anti-Demon Robot----(100 MDC)
99-00% TR-01AX2 Chiron Anti-Xiticix Robot----(115 MDC)

======== Naruni Enterprises
01-30% NE-DK-AR500 Death-Knight---(200 MDC)

31-90% NE-N-SR50 Nomad---( 120 MDC)

91-00% NE-R2000 Reaper---(500 MDC)(25% chance of retaining particle beam eyes)

----(arm/hand MDC)(Robotic P.S. )(% chance of retaining)

(Optional) 01-75% Matched set of arms, 76-00% roll separately for each arm(mismatched)

======== Coalition States/Free Quebec
01-05% CR-005 Scorpion Spider-Skull Walker----( 120 Pincer MDC)(Robotic P.S. 45 )

06-15% IAR-2 Abolisher----( 190 arm/100 hand MDC)(Robotic P.S. 60 )

16-25% IAR-3 Skullsmasher----( 250 arm/110 hand MDC)(Robotic P.S. 60 )(25 % chance of retaining forearm lasers)

26-35% IAR-4 Hellraiser----( 210 arm/90 hand MDC)(Robotic P.S. 50)(01-50% chance of being a manipulator arm, 51-00% chance of being a working vibro-claw arm)

36-85% UAR-1 Enforcer----( 150 arm/75 hand MDC)(Robotic P.S. 40 )

86 -00%QR-3 Guardian----( 150 arm/ 80 hand MDC)(Robotic P.S. 50)(25% chance of retaining particle beam cannon, laser and vibroblade mount)

======== Northern Gun

01-03% NG-V19 Blocker----(280/80 MDC)(Robotic P.S. 40 )(15 % chance of retaining quad ion blasters)

04-06% NG-V32 Bruiser----(195/125 MDC)(Robotic P.S. 35/45 )

07-10% NG-V34 Buffalo----(180/80 MDC)(Robotic P.S. 35 )(15 % chance of retaining plasma ejectors)

11-13% NG-V36 Beachmaster----(160/80 MDC)(Robotic P.S. 40 )(25% chance of retaining chainsaw, flamethrower)

14-17% NG-V67 Grizzly----(275/145 MDC)(Robotic P.S. 40 )(20% chance of retaining forearm flamethrower, L-555 Multi-Target Laser, NG-SH-7 Searchlight, 3D camera/holographic projector, radio relay, spike shooter, grenade launcher, or mini-missile launcher)

18-20% NG-V58 Thundercaster----( 125/35 MDC)(Robotic P.S. 35 )(25% chance of retaining NG-R58 Rail Gun, NG-L258 Double-Barreled Laser)

21-23% NG-V39 Volcano----( 320/50 MDC)(Robotic P.S. 40 )(20% chance of retaining working NG-HE139 heatwave emitter, NG-E39 Plasma Ejector)

24-26% NG-V41 Viking----( 500/100 MDC)(Robotic P.S. 45)(35% chance of retaining working forearm lasers)

27-28% NG-V61 Gunwolf----(370/100 MDC)(Robotic P.S. 40)(15% chance of retaining dual NG-232 Rail Guns)

29-34% NG-V7 Mobile Gun----(Roll again for model; 01-70% older V-7, 71-00% V7 Block IV) (230-50/340-60 MDC)(Robotic P.S. 40)(30% chance of retaining mini-missile launchers)

36-41% NG-M56 Multi-bot----(190/25 MDC)(Robotic P.S. 40 )

42-44% NG-M57-2NI Megabot----(200/100 MDC)(Robotic P.S. 40 )

45-47% NG-AX44 Bison Battler----(180/100 MDC)(Robotic P.S. 35 )(15% chance of retaining working flamethrower or ion blaster)

48-50% NG-EX11 Okemos----(100/50 MDC)(Robotic P.S. 30 )

51-52% NG-SE48 Sunfire----(270/90 MDC)(Robotic P.S. 35 )

53-55% NG-EX-V50 Scorpion Battler----(200, 300 MDC)(Robotic P.S. 45 )(25 % chance of retaining chainsaw)

56-60% NG-EXC-17 Ogre----(400/150, 270 MDC)(Robotic P.S. 45 )

61-64% NG-EX-20 Bulldog Explorer----(01-25% small arms, 26-00% dogger hand)(75 small arms, 150 digger hand MDC)(Robotic P.S. 40 )

-65% NG-EX-5 Behemoth Explorer----(320/60 MDC)(Robotic P.S. 40 )(40% chance of retaining extendable utility arm)

66-70% NG-8000 Super Max----(190/25 MDC)(Robotic P.S. 30 )(20% chance of retaining modular forearm weapon)

71-80% NG-V10 Super Robot Vehicle----( 375 MDC)(Robotic P.S. 38)(30% chance of retaining laser claw)

81-85% NG-DX202 Cargo Walker----(220 MDC)(Robotic P.S. 50 )

86-97% NG-DX204 GRUB----(200 MDC)(Robotic P.S. 50)(20% chance of retaining hand lasers)

-98% NG-MMB-01 Big Papa Medical Walker----( 300 MDC)(Robotic P.S. 40)(20% chance of retaining chainsaws )

99-00% NG-MMB-02 Junior Mini-Medical Walker----( 190 MDC)(Robotic P.S. 30)(20% chance of retaining chainsaws)

======== Black Market
01-75% R-050 Mole Prospecting Robot---(250/45 MDC)(Robotic P.S. 40)(20% chance each of retaining forearm lasers, drill, jackhammer, cutting torch, concrete sprayer)

76-00% MRR-01X Mega-Rex---( 80/25 MDC)(Robotic P.S. 42 )

======== Native American

01-50% Native American THAR-06 Thunderbird----(200 MDC)(Robotic P.S. 48 )(30% chance of retaining forearm medium missile launchers)

51-00%Native American UWS-HAR02 Uktena----(150/ 50 MDC)(Robotic P.S. 50)(25% chance of retaining forearm mini-missile launchers)

======== Kittani

01-30% Kittani K-ATV Hoverjet( 80 MDC)(Robotic P.S. 30 )(25 % chance of retaining forearm lasers)

31-50% Kittani K-ATV-RV High Speed Robot Land Skimmer( 50 MDC)(Robotic P.S. 22 )

51-70% Kittani ATV-RV Creax(01-50% Hand, 51-00% Pincer)(150 /100,125 MDC)(Robotic P.S. 40 )

71-00% Kittani ATV-RV War Crab----(200 /20 MDC)(Robotic P.S. 50/25 )(Claws)

========Titan Robotics
01-10% TR-003B Titan Reconnaissance Robot ---( 100/40 MDC)(Robotic P.S. 28)(50% chance of retaining vibroclaws)

11-25% TR-002B Titan Exploration & Light Combat---( 150/40 MDC)(Robotic P.S. 32)(50% chance of retaining vibroclaws)

26-34% TR-001B Titan Combat Robot ---(170/50 MDC)(Robotic P.S. 36 )(50% chance of retaining vibroclaws, 01-20% chance of retaining forearm rail gun, 21-40% chance of Chimera Pod)

35% TR-004 Titan Heavy Combat ---( 170/ 50 MDC)(Robotic P.S. 38 )(01-60% of being functional manipulator arm w/ functional vibroblades, 61-00% chance of being functional rail gun arm)

36-37% TR-005 Titan Assault Robot----(250 MDC)(Robotic P.S. 40)(50% chance of retaining vibroclaws)

38-39% TR-006 Titan Rapid-Strike Robot----(120 MDC)(Robotic P.S. 36)(50% chance of retaining vibroclaws)

40-45% TR-03C1 Daedalus Construction Robot----(100 MDC)(Robotic P.S. 28 )(01-60% chance of retaining forearm laser port, 61-00% chance of being wrecking ball arm)

47-54% TR-02E1 Hephaestus Field Engineer Robot----(140 MDC)(Robotic P.S. 36)(60% chance of retaining forearm laser port, 50% chance each of being a construction claw)

55-56% TR-01U6 Minotaur Urban Combat Robot----(210/70 MDC)(Robotic P.S. 36 )(20% chance of retaining shoulder laser/40mm GL turret, 30% chance of retaining forearm mini-missile launchers)

57-61% TR-02S1 Pallas Scout Robot----(150/40 MDC)(Robotic P.S. 32)(20% chance of retaining Heracles Pulse Laser Cannon, 30% chance of retaining forearm blade/torch )

62-67% TR-03R1 Argus Drone Reconnaissance Robot----(100 MDC)(Robotic P.S. 28 )(60% chance of retainingvibroblades)

68-75%TR-02F1 Hyperion Fire Support Robot----(140 MDC)(Robotic P.S. 32)(60% chance of retainingvibroblades)

76-81% TR-02D1 Helios Destroyer Robot----(125 MDC)(Robotic P.S. 32 )(60% chance of retainingvibroblades)

82-88% TR-01C1 Atlas Combat Robot----(200-300 MDC)(Robotic P.S. 36)(01-40% chance of being Chimera pod w/ 300 MDC, 41-00% chance of being regular manipulator arm w/ 200 MDC)

89-96% TR-01A1 Erebos Assault Robot----(225 MDC)(Robotic P.S. 36 )(60% chance of retainingvibroblades, 30% chance of retaining mini-missile launchers)

97-98% TR-01AS1 Kronos Anti-Demon Robot----(200 MDC)(Robotic P.S. 40 )(25% chance each of retaining Scythe 30mm cannon, silver spikes)

99-00% TR-01AX2 Chiron Anti-Xiticix Robot----(225 MDC)(Robotic P.S. 36)(40% chance of retaining dual forearm pulse lasers, 60% chance of retainingvibroblade, 50% chance of retaining Seige Fist)

======== Triax
X-500 Forager Battlebot----(240 MDC each)(Robotic P.S. 40 )

======== Naruni Enterprises
01-30% NE-DK-AR500 Death-Knight---(220/60 MDC)(Robotic P.S. 60)(20% chance of retaining forearm particle beam)

31-60% NE-N-SR50 Nomad---( 120/60 MDC)(Robotic P.S. 40 )(20% chance of retaining forearm laser)

61-90% NE-DXZ-09 Hammer--- (540 MDC)(Robotic P.S. 50 )(25% chance of retaining forearm plasma machine gun, heavy laser, ion blaster, particle beam )

91-00% NE-R2000 Reaper---( 280/320 MDC)(Robotic P.S. 50 )(20% chance each of retaining upper and lower arm mini-missile launchers)

(Note: A good rule of thumb is not to have a main body of a power armor/bot that’s heavier than what the legs were originally designed to carry, unless the Tinker plans on taking a mobility penalty or add an alternate primary means of movement)
----( MDC each)( MPH)
Note: Unless otherwise noted/desired, legs will be matched.

========Coalition States
01-20% CR-003 Spider-Skull Walker----( 120 MDC each)( 80 MPH)(6)

21-30% CR-004 Scout Spider-Skull Walker----( 100 MDC each)( 100 MPH)(6)

31-35% CR-005 Scorpion Spider-Skull Walker----(120 MDC each)( 50 MPH)(6)

36-38% CR-006 Sea Spider-Skull Walker----( 150 MDC each)( 80 MPH)(6)

39-45% IAR-2 Abolisher----( 240 MDC each)( 70 MPH)

46-50% IAR-3 Skullsmasher----(350 MDC each)( 90 MPH)

51-60% IAR-4 Hellraiser----( 250 MDC each)( 90 MPH)

61-70% IAR-5 Hellfire----( 250 MDC each)( 120 MPH)

71-96% UAR-1 Enforcer----( 200 MDC each)(60 MPH)

97-00% QR-3 Guardian----( 220 MDC each)( 100 MPH)(30% chance of retaining lower leg mini-missile launchers)

========Northern Gun(29)
01-03% NG-V19 Blocker----( 430 MDC each)( 65 MPH)

04-06% NG-V50 Bigfoot----(380 MDC each)( 45 MPH)

07-09% NG-V32 Bruiser----( 215 MDC each)( 90 MPH)

10-12% NG-V34 Buffalo----( 220 MDC each)(55 MPH)

13-14% NG-V36 Beachmaster----( 280 MDC each)( 60 MPH)

15-17% NG-V47 Gunbot ----( 395 MDC each)( 75 MPH)(25% chance of retaining jumpjets)

18-20% NG-V67 Grizzly----( 770 MDC each)( 35 MPH)

21-23% NG-V58 Thundercaster----( 395 MDC each)( 55 MPH)

24-26% NG-V39 Volcano----( 320 MDC each)( 60 MPH)

27-29% NG-V41 Viking----( 550 MDC each)( 45 MPH)

30-31% NG-V61 Gunwolf----( 220 MDC each)( 60 MPH)

32-36% NG-V7 Mobile Gun----(Roll again for model; 01-70% older V-7, 71-00% V7 Block IV) ( 380/450 MDC each)(70 MPH)

37-40% NG-M56 Multi-bot----( 200 MDC each)( 60 MPH)

41-43% NG-M57-2NI Megabot----( 275 MDC each)( 55 MPH)

44-47% NG-AX44 Bison Battler----( 210 MDC each)( 60 MPH)

48-51% NG-EX11 Okemos----( 190 MDC each)( 72 MPH)

52-55% NG-SE48 Sunfire----( 310 MDC each)( 70 MPH)

56-58% NG-EX-V50 Scorpion Battler----( 200 MDC each)( 60 MPH for a full set of 6)

59-61% NG-EXC-17 Ogre----( 330 MDC each)( 35 MPH)

62-66% NG-EX-20 Bulldog Explorer----(280 MDC each)( 50 MPH)(25 % chance of retaining working treads---70 MPH)

-67% NG-EX-5 Behemoth Explorer----( 250 MDC each)( 40 MPH)

68-78% NG-V10 Super Robot Vehicle----( 185 MDC each)( 60 MPH)

79-85% NG-8000 Super Max----( 150 MDC each)( 60 MPH)

86-90% NG-DX202 Cargo Walker----( 160 MDC each)( 45 MPH)

91-97% NG-DX204 GRUB----( 220 MDC each)( 40 MPH)

-98% NG-MMB-01 Big Papa Medical Walker----( 525 MDC each)( 20 MPH)(25% chance of having working treads---55 MPH)

99-00% NG-MMB-02 Junior Mini-Medical Walker----( 250 MDC each)( 12 MPH)(25% chance of having working treads---45 MPH)

========Black Market
01-30% R-050 Mole Prospecting Robot---(180 MDC each)( 30 MPH)

31-70% R-100 Tarantula---(100 MDC each)( 100 MPH)

71-80% MRR-01X Mega-Rex---(200 MDC each)( 80 MPH)

81-00% Smugglers’ Robot Dinosaur---(100 MDC each)( 35 MPH)

======== Native American
01-20% Native American THAR-06 Thunderbird----( 200 MDC each)( 60 MPH)

21-45%Native American UWS-HAR02 Uktena----( 260 MDC each)( 75 MPH)

46-00% Native American WH-GAR-06 Wolf----( 250 MDC each)( 160 MPH)

======== Kittani
01-20% Kittani K-ATV Hoverjet----( 150 MDC each)( 60 MPH)

21-65% Kittani K-ATV-RV High Speed Robot Land Skimmer----( 110 MDC each)( 40 MPH)

56-70% Kittani ATV-RV Creax----( 200 MDC each)( 40 MPH)

71-96% Kittani ATV-RV War Crab----( 90 MDC each)( 20 MPH)

97-00% Kittani ATV-RV Insecton Land Rover----( 200 MDC each)( 100 MPH)

======== Titan Robotics

01-10% TR-003B Titan Reconnaissance Robot----( 150 MDC each)( 150MPH)

11-25% TR-002B Titan Exploration & Light Combat----( 200 MDC each)( 90 MPH)

26-34% TR-001B Titan Combat Robot----( 250 MDC each)( 60 MPH)(20% chance each of retaining leg mini-missile launchers)

-35% TR-004 Titan Heavy Combat----( 300 MDC each)( 100 MPH)(20% chance each of retaining leg grenade launchers)

36-37% TR-005 Titan Assault Robot----( 350 MDC each)( 50 MPH)(20% chance each of retaining leg lasers)

38-39% TR-006 Titan Rapid-Strike Robot----( 175 MDC each)( 100 MPH)(25% chance each of retaining working leg jet boosters)

40-45% TR-03C1 Daedalus Construction Robot----( 160 MDC each)( 70MPH)

47-54% TR-02E1 Hephaestus Field Engineer Robot----( 180 MDC each)( 70MPH)

55-56% TR-01U6 Minotaur Urban Combat Robot----( 260 MDC each)( 50 MPH)

57-61% TR-02S1 Pallas Scout Robot----( 200 MDC each)( 90 MPH)

62-67% TR-03R1 Argus Drone Reconnaissance Robot----( 150 MDC each)( 135 MPH)

68-75% TR-02F1 Hyperion Fire Support Robot----( 200 MDC each)( 70 MPH)

76-81% TR-02D1 Helios Destroyer Robot----( 210 MDC each)( 75 MPH)

82-88% TR-01C1 Atlas Combat Robot----( 250 MDC each)( 55MPH)(20% chance each of retaining leg dispensers)

89-96% TR-01A1 Erebos Assault Robot----( 275 MDC each)( 50 MPH)

97-98% TR-01AS1 Kronos Anti-Demon Robot----( 250 MDC each)( 60 MPH)

99-00% TR-01AX2 Chiron Anti-Xiticix Robot----( 275 MDC each)( 50 MPH)

======== Triax
X-500 Forager Battlebot----(200 MDC each)( 60 MPH )

======== Naruni Enterprises
01-30% NE-DK-AR500 Death-Knight----(240 MDC each)( 70 MPH)

31-60% NE-N-SR50 Nomad----(200 MDC each)( 150 MPH)

61-90% NE-DXZ-09 Hammer----(520 MDC each)( 90 MPH)

91-00% NE-R2000 Reaper----( 900 MDC each)( 130 MPH)(20% chance each of retaining upper and lower leg mini-missile launchers)

Special Systems:
Can choose or randomly roll 1d4 Special Features. 25
01-04*Amphibious Capability---If the ‘bot doesn’t already have a listed underwater ability, this seals the body for submergance. If the ‘bot already has a listed underwater ability, DOUBLE its depth tolerance and increase underwater speed by 50%.

05-10 % *Shoulder-Mount Heavy Weapon---Adds a heavy weapon turret on the back(or adds an additional one if one already exists on the location)

11-14% Extra Arm(s)---The ‘bot possesses extra appendages(01-50% one, 51-00%, two); roll again for the extra arms. If one, this is usually mounted on the back or shoulders, while two are usually symmetrically placed for balance. Add +1 APM.

15-17 % *Tail---The ‘bot features a usable tail
01-50% Power Armor
01-30% MRH-1002F Monster Pegasus(90 MDC)
31-60% MRH-1004H Seahorse(250 MDC)
61-90% MRH-5100D Raptor( 90 MDC)
91-00% Kittani Serpent(100 MDC)
51-00% Robot
01-40% MRR-01X Mega-Rex( 200 MDC)
41-80% CR-005 Scorpion Skull Walker(MDC)(20% chance of retaining a working weapons tail)
61-00% NG-EX-V50 Scorpion Battler( 230 MDC)(20% chance of retaining a working weapons tail)

18-20 % *Jump Boosters---These increase a ‘bot’s leaping capability by 50%

21-22 % *Flight Capability--- Adds heavy-duty flight jets that can loft the ‘bot up to 1d4x10,000 ft altitude, at speeds from a hover to 1d6x100 MPH. If Flight Capability is already possessed, DOUBLE the maximum speed and altitude.

23-26 % *Sensor Jamming---Active countermeasures; the oreseme contains active emission sensor jammers that can block out local communications and targeting systems, although EW sensors will detect the active jamming. Human-sized ‘bots will have only a 15% chance of being spotted by thermal optics and radar/motion detectors, laser targeting loses lock, and missile guidance is -2 to strike. Larger ‘bots(such as power armor-sized and larger) will have a 25% chance of going undetected, laser targeting will be -2 to strike, missiles will still be -2 to strike, and there’s a 75% chance of jamming radio communications in a 5,000 ft radius.

27-31% *Alternate Propulsion Means---The oreseme possesses some form of alternate means of getting around; this could be:
01-50% Wheels( increase maximum running speed on firm level surfaces by 50%)
51-70% Treads---Reduce maximum running speed by 50%, but can traverse soft ground without penalty.
71-75% ‘Ripple-Tread’---This uses memory materials to create a long supporting flange/skirt of material that ‘ripples’ and undulates, carrying the vehicle like a snail’s belly-foot. Somewhat faster than treads(only reduce running speed by 30%), can swim at maximum running speed reduced by 25%, but the ripple-tread tends to be more susceptible to damage; has only 25% of the MDC of the limb/leg it is mounted on, and takes DOUBLE damage from melee attacks.
76-00% Hoverjets---Vehicle-style hoverjets that carry the ‘bot 1d10x10 ft off the ground, at speeds of 4d6x10 MPH.

31-33 % *Color-Change Camouflage---Basic pattern-change skinning; comes with infrared and thermal emission masking as well. Takes 1d4 melees to alter color pattern.

34-36 % *Adaptive Camouflage---Copied from Naruni designs, this is a more sophisticated ‘chameleon’-type optical camouflage. Observers are -4 to Perception, and -25% to Detect Concealment and Read Sensory Equipment rolls to detect the oreseme equipped with this feature.

37-42% *Enhanced Communications----Assisted by the Ghostriders(the avowed electronic warfare specialists of the Reformed Shemarrian Nation), these systems give the construct the ability to listen in more effectively on others’ communications, while boosting the efficiency, range, and security of their own. Orseme with Enhanced Communications will have a +15% to Cryptography rolls. Boost range of existing communications by 50%. These systems may have extendable antennae mounts.

43-48 % *Enhanced Sensors---The sensors of the oreseme are increased in range and acuity by 50%. Targeting systems get an extra +1 to strike.

49-53 % *Secondary Arms---The ‘bot has a set of smaller secondary limbs, normally concealed, but which can emerge for doing precision work, or close combat. These can be concealed inside an arm or the torso. These smaller arms typically have a P.S. of 15 (30 for larger ‘bots), and 1d6x10 MD each.

54-55% *Multi-Legged Suspension---If not already a multi-legged design, the construct now has a centaur- or arachnid-like lower body carried by 4-6 legs. Improve running speed by 25%, but reduce dodge bonuses by -1.

56-61 % *Regenerative Repair/Bionic Cybernanite Repair Systems---A modified bionic nanotech repair system that originated with the Ecotroz Shemar, but has also been adopted by the Ghost Riders. These systems repair 4d6 MD per hour, and can repair 100-400 MDC before needing material stocks to convert to MD repair material.

61-66% *Nanorepair System----An earlier, cruder nanotech self-repair system based on existing cyborg repair options. While working faster than the Shemarrian Regenerative System, the Nanorepair system relies on a fixed number of repair units. Once their MDC capacity is used up the entire system must be recharged from an external source; the Nanorepair CANNOT assimilate and convert new material on its own.

67-70 % *Power Jaws---Enhanced bite, often taken in conjunction with the Cybernanite Repair System, so the ‘bot can simply ‘eat’ materials to be assimilated(otherwise it must rely on external means of breaking down the material, or use special preparations of materials). Human-sized ‘bots will typically have jaws doing 1d4 MD, while larger oreseme range up to 3d6 MD on a bite attack, and the truly giant can have jaws doing 1d4x10 MD.

71-73 % *Enhanced Lasers----An Upgrade delivered on behalf of the Silvermoons. Laser weapons will have 25% better range and 10-20% better damage.

74-77 % *Crew/Passenger Compartment---The ‘bot retains interior space for carrying passengers, even though control might be wholly in the hands of the resident A.I. This feature implies extra attention paid to minitaurizing the extra AI support systems that would otherwise have filled up the space normally allocated to the crew/passenger. Some oreseme like working with organic partners, as they can add additional actions/attacks per melee, can offer up new prespectives, provide psionics/magic, or can just act as disguises among other organics. Other oreseme use their compartments to transport prisoners(the compartment fitted with restraint gear).

78-79% *Solar Charger---Adds deployable solar collectors similar to those of the NG-SE48 Sunfire. A favorite with SkyeKlad oreseme.(Optional: charging up in sunlight for at least 2 hours will increase the damage of linked laser and ion weapons by 25% for the first 1d6 melees of combat use)

80-83% *Extra Armor---Increase armor protection to one, several, or all components by 50%

84-87 % *Partial Faux Flesh---Covers parts(40% or more) of the construct (usually the joints and connections) in false flesh/skin, giving it the appearance of a cyborg. Many oreseme sport fleshed ‘faces’ or seemingly organic exposed torsos.

88-91% *Sculpted Appearance---Rather than resembling an assemblage of parts, this feature sculpts the lines of components to create a more organic or aesthetically pleasing appearance, helping hide the true origins of the various parts involved. Gets a P.B. rating starting at 2d6 up to 4d6.

92-95% *Forcefield Generator---EShemar Tinkers were ecstatic about experimenting with Triax’s forcefield technology and then being able to compare it to Naruni’s, and thus a growing number of oreseme incorporate new technology forcefield systems. An oreseme with this feature sports a forcefield with 4d6x10 MDC.

96-00% *Transformative Restructuring---This permits an arm or other appendage to conceal a subsystem such as a weapon that’s normally bigger than could fit in that appendage. The ‘mecha-gami’ instantly restructures the weapon to fold up and the limb to become the subsystem or weapon in question. Popular with those wanting to mount weapon arms without sacrificing the versatility of fully functional hands.

Accessory Weapons:
These are weapons that are typically shoulder-mounted or configured as oversized handheld rifle modules. 29
01-02 % C-144 Autocannon
03-05 % C-20R Rail Gun
06-08 % C-50R Rail Gun
09-10% C-T60 Laser Cannon
11-12 % SkullSmasher Heavy Laser
13-16% NG-1010 Heavy Rail Gun
18-20 % NG-GL1030A Grenade Launcher
21-23% NG-I-357 Ion Cannons
24-27% NG-LC117 Laser Cannon
28-30 % NG-IC17 Ion Cannon
31-33% NG-017 Heavy Machine Gun
34-36% NG-EV66 Heavy Plasma Cannon
37-40% NG-F139 Heavy Flame Thrower
41-42% NG-L-555 Multiple Target Laser
43-45% NG-C58 Variable Projectile Cannon
46-48% NG-VBR048 Variable Bore Rail Gun
49-51% NG-G88 Beehive Grenade Launcher
51-55% Mini-Missile Launcher---12 shot
56-58% Short Range Missile Launcher---3 shot
59-61% Short Range Missile Launcher---10 shot
62-64% Short Range Missile Launcher---16 shot
65-69% Medium Range Missile Launcher---3 shot
70-74 % Medium Range Missile Launcher---6 shot
75-77% Medium Range Missile Launcher---9 shot
78-80% Solar Powered Laser Cannon
81-85 % Plasma Cannon
86-90% Titan Chimera Pod(01-25%Vulcan Heavy Rail Cannon, 26-46% Heracles Laser Pulse Cannon, 47-57% Ember Plasma Cannon, 58-78% Thunderbolt Ion Cannon, 79-80% Keres Particle Beam Cannon, 81-95% Harpe 25mm Autocannon), 96-00% Medusa Electro-Magnetic Overload Cannon)
91 -97% Shemarrian Heavy Eye Lasers
98-00% Naruni Robot Energy Ax
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Re: Shemarrian-related fan creations

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All this talk of Shemarrian Nation turning the tables on Archie-3 and Titan Robotics to turn into a full-fledged AI civilization of sorts brings back memories of a character i once played, a much older rogue creation of Archie - one of the "avatars" in his old Ar-chee-pheenix uplift project, that ended as some Kitanni's piece of loot/pet project instead of destroyed - and would spend more than a century as disgruntled robotic slave in a variety of functions, until years of extensive (ab)use as gladiator bot clashing with his supressed but still remaining core programming (plus some helpful tinkering and TW additions from a pair of enslaved True Atlanteans) led to his rebellion and a mass slave breakout of the arena in an exodus that would end with them crossing the ocean and eventually a half a dozen survivors establishing in a community in the borders of the Magic Zone, with the aforementioned bot (passing himself as a full conversion borg) becoming the local school teacher and one of the village elders, so to speak.

Until a number of city-states in the area, feeling threatened by the tidings of the CS' big war campaign, decided to form a sort of mutual defense alliance pact, that would coalesce into a sort of ersatz-nation and second minor front in the Tolkeen War, that "the teacher" would volunteer to join as an engineering officer and quickly rise in the ranks for his contributions as combatant and engineering/tech consultant both.

From where as a colonel he would be a major factor in the creation of a large robot army for the Alliance, under the guise of "rift stranded Dbee allies" supporting the war effort. Where things snowballed in interesting ways as, to patch up limitations on local tech base to feasibly produce the large number of expendable but versatile troopers they needed, he did some extensive data cloud enviroment tinkering, leading to their eventual collective awakening as a legion of AIs and some ups & downs as he tried to play "creator/mod" attempting to steer the clusterf##k resulting of the "lost alien army adjusting to a new world" narrative becoming far more real than it was supposed to.

(He also made some big deals of his own with representatives from Northern Gun and Naruni Enterprises that would lead the PC group into all sorts of shenanigans - and adventure novel, audiobook & animation publishing, while the village grew into a town and seemed halfway to evolving into an actual city by the time of the Fall of Tolkeen and a declaration of armistice/truce with the CS)
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Re: Shemarrian-related fan creations

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Oh wow...that's one intriguing spin-off, at least for North America.
Yeah, it's another case of 'the lie becoming a reality even richer than the original lie'.
"Trouble rather the Tiger in his Lair,
Than the Sage among his Books,
For all the Empires and Kingdoms,
The Armies and Works that you hold Dear,
Are to him but the Playthings of the Moment,
To be turned over with the Flick of a Finger,
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Re: Shemarrian-related fan creations

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Hydroblade---- SandBlade Anti-Vampire Melee Weapon
(aka ‘H-Two-Oh Razor’, ‘Hydro-Carver’, ‘Hydro-Cleaver’, ‘Wet-Slicer’, ‘Slosh-sword/Slosh-Slasher’, ‘Eroder-Rooter’,’Splash-Slash’, ‘Rip-current Ripsaw’)

“Be careful against bloodsuckers in body armor; the wet-slicer takes forever to cut through plate, time enough for the vampire to turn things around on you. But if you can hit a soft-seam or gap, the hydroblade can start prop-chopping that parasite quite nicely. I’ve gotten a few fang-boys and -girls screaming quite nicely as their bodies dissolved...and then I staked them and burned them.”

“This is my Blade of Tears! They were collected while I recovered from the vicious attack of your kind upon my person! Now they will repay my pain and suffering upon you a thousand-fold!”

Hydroblades are a development of the SandBlades fringe-tribe, using scavenged alien techology. Hydroblades consist of a heavy sword-like hilt that projects a narrow containment forcefield holding a quantity of water being circulated at near supersonic speed back and forth within the field. The water moves fast enough to act like a cutting blade, though without the addition of suspended grit as an abrasive, the water itself doesn’t cut as efficiently as a hydrocutter. However, against vampires and other water-allergic targets, the hydroblade can do considerable damage with minimal water-loss.. To replace the small amounts of water lost in operation(even with the forcefield keeping the contained water from flash-evaporating, spraying, or disassociating), a resupply tube can be attached to the hilt to supply extra water from a hip- or back-pack reservoir. Power expenditure and the limits of oscillation strength limit the blade to roughly six-seven feet in length; any larger and the field begins to be much harder to maintain and the water circulation less effective, In operation, the hydroblade makes a soft hissing sound, or a rapid thumping akin to a tea kettle at a hard boil.
The hydroblade debuted with the SandBlades during the Mexico Campaign and saw rapid refinement from a clunky and stuttering system at the beginning to a reliable and vampire-lethal weapon at the close of the campaign.
The hydroblade remains proprietary tech of the SandBlades, though they’ve traded examples to the WayFinders and SkyeKlad.

Weight: 5 lbs
MDC: 25
Range: (Variable) 1-7 ft.
Damage: 1d6 MD to most materials but does 2d4x10 Hit Point damage per strike to vampires.
The Sandblades have also reported most satisfactory results with using holy water and liquid sunshine as the circulating fluid.
Rate of Fire: ECHH
Payload: Effectively unlimited linked to a robot’s/cyborg’s power system.
The blade itself consists generally of three quarts to a gallon of water in suspension that is recaptured when the blade is powered down. In general, the hydroblade does leak some water; typically about a pint for every 45 minutes of continuous operation.
Special Features:
*Variable Length---Forcefield blade length can be adjusted from knife-range(1 ft) to a full seven ft stretch.
*Optional Water Supply Tube Attachment
*Optional Illumination Laser----The SandBlades like to shine lasers through the water-blades, giving them a shining or sparkling look and sometimes deceiving onlookers into thinking the weapons are energy blades.
Cost: Exclusive to the SandBlades Shemarrian Tribe
"Trouble rather the Tiger in his Lair,
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Re: Shemarrian-related fan creations

Unread post by kronos »

Sorry for being quite for so long.. here's something new.. well.. an upgraded version of something that came before.

Ignis Mortorb Drone
(aka Will-o'-Wisp, Wisps, Fire Balls)

The Ignis Mortorb is a variant of the Mortorb, a low-level e-animal/robot drone, based on a larger version of the flying probe. Instead of appearing as a helmet or skull engulfed in flames, it appears as a bright glowing ball of flames with no distinguishing shapes or markers. This is achieved by light panels around the drone, which can also flash in hypnotic patterns and speaker system to add creepy sound effects as it floats about. Unlike the Mortorb or Pumptorb, the Ignis Mortorb has a more powerful plasma field, has a plasma blaster like the Pumptorb, but also incorporates a small mage pod with PPE generator and battery. To keep the system small, it has a small battery, but quickly regenerates.
Ignis Mortorbs are used similarly as Mortorbs, for psychological warfare, simple combat drones that are more capable than their predecessors, scouts and force multipliers, to distract and harry intruders on Shemar territory, and to swarm and shoot at enemies, the flaming spheroids streaking in like living meteors to deliver scorching plasma burns and death-gaze strikes. Deployed in massive ‘fireball storms’, Ignis Mortorbs can be especially terrifying and effective. Even in smaller numbers, with creative use of terrain and tactics, a few Mortorbs can cause more superstitious opponents to flee in terror, rather than venture further where the EShemar do not want them to go.
Since their introduction, Ignis Mortorbs have become very popular with the Nightmares and Clan Shelley, with some being assigned to locations where those Tribes have Perservers, Entkins, Spriggans and similar large tree-like elites or warmounts that house e-nimals where the Ignis Mortorb can recharge and be repaired when not in use.

Type: EShe-R304Le Ignis Mortorb
Class: Robotic Drone, Aerial
Crew: None; robot intelligence
MDC/Armor by Location:
Main Body 65
Height: 2.5 ft
Width: 2.5 ft
Length: 2.5 ft
Weight: 25 lbs
Cargo: None
Physical Strength: Equivalent to Robotic P.S. of 3
Powerplant: Nuclear w/ 2 year energy life
Speed: (Running) Not possible
(Flying) 45 MPH, maximum altitude of 1,000 ft.
(Space) Not possible
(Underwater) Not possible
Market Cost: Exclusive to the Ecotroz-Shemar
Systems of Note:
Full optical systems, laser targeting, passive nightvision, telescopic vision, thermal imaging, infrared, ultraviolet, and polarization filters. Also has heat detection, built-in motion detector( 100 ft range) and other standard power armor-equivalent systems. Additional/special sensors may be built in by the creating Spinsters or at the behest of individual owners.

*PPE Decoy --- To add to the idea that the Ignis Mortorbs are supernatural, they carry a vial of PPE algae/bacterial gel that gives the robot a signature of 1d6 PPE.

*Sensor Jammer --- Developed from the ‘spoofers’ in Juicer body armor, this compact ECM system allows the Mortorb to evade sensor lock-ons, especially when its plasma field is down. Without the plasma field on, there is only a 15% chance of detecting the Mortorb with thermal sensors and motion detectors. Guided missiles and sensor-guided weapons are -2 to strike the ‘bot.

*EM Shielding --- This protects the Ignis Mortorb’s internal systems from interference by the plasma conduction fields. Note, however, that with the plasma field on, radio transmissions from the ‘bot suffer a reduction in range by two-thirds, and quality of transmission will be spotty; marred by static.

*Thermal Shielding --- The Ignis Mortorb takes NO damage from its own plasma field, and NO damage from heat-based attacks(magic-based fire still does full damage). Helmet conversions get a layered spray-on coating of superconductor circuitry and thermal insulation. With the plasma field down, plasma attacks do only 1/4 damage(the plasma stream still has some kinetic kick to impart).

Weapons Systems:
1) Plasma Field--Inspired by the Blood Rider Zealots, the Lost Eclipse fitted the Ignis Mortorb with a system that surrounds the ‘bot-ball with a cloud of high-energy plasma. The field is stronger than the original Mortorb's, but the whole weapons system is amazingly compact. The plasma field allows for armor-vaporizing kinetic strikes and shields the ‘bot from plasma attacks in return. The high energy expenditure, though, rapidly drains the small power-bottle, and contributes to the short energy life of the Mortorb.
Range: Plasma field extends out 1d4 ft from the robot
Damage: 2d8 MD on contact
Furthermore, with the plasma field up, other plasma attacks do NO damage, as they effectively splash around the projection fields.
Rate of Fire: ECHH
Payload: Conditionally unlimited; the field can be maintained at 20 minutes at a stretch, before needing to cool down and recharge for 25 minutes.

2) Eye Lasers (2) --- Standard bionic eye lasers; look, lock, and shoot. These are fitted above the Plasma blaster to function as back up ranged weapons.
Range: 150 ft
Damage: 1d6 MD per eye blast
Rate of Fire: ECHH
Payload: Effectively unlimited

3) Plasma Blaster --- Able to shoot a potent plasma blast. Unlike the Pumptorb, the plasma field doesn't deactivate, but does flicker briefly as the plasma weapon fires.
Range: 150 ft
Damage: 4d6 MD per blast
Rate of Fire: Three per melee
Payload: Effectively unlimited

4) Mage-Pod --- A small Mage-Pod is fitted in the Ignis Mortorb with a small generator and battery. The battery can store 30 PPE and can restore 5 PPE every minute, 10 on leyline, 20 at a nexus or pyramid. Spell selection will usually be based on the type of mission assigned.
Based on Paladin Steel’s famous ‘SpellCard’ and ‘Magebolt/Pod’ system. The technology (magick?) has been considerably refined, through the use of higher quality natural crystals (acquired from the deep space mining operations), improved microchip manufacturing techniques, metal refining methods, and the use of such exotic materials as EctoFiber low-loss magic-conductive cabling. The Shemarrians have managed to miniaturize the system with help from Clan Vespa.
The Mage-Pod has the capacity for 2 SpellCards.
Range: Varies by spell, but spell projection boosters DOUBLE range.
Damage/Duration: Varies by spell
Rate of Fire: EPCHH
PPE Cost per Use: Varies by spell. However, the use of focusing elements and activator spells effectively reduces spell PPE cost by HALF.
OR...retain the original PPE costs, but increase range and damage by 20-40% (Use your discretion)...While radius of effect spells may cost an additional 5-20% more PPE for the larger area affected (again, use your discretion)
(So you Technowizards aren’t flummoxed by PPE costs in a long-running battle, while the still relatively high PPE costs for the high-end spells keeps someone from using Sphere of Annihilation in every battle).
Payload: Draws from the PPE Battery, but can also draw upon supplementary PPE reserves. In an emergency, the pilot, if they are a mage or psychic, can kick in their own PPE.
Bonuses: As per spell (if any)

Spell Cards cost (as per Jason Richards’ guidelines in Rifter #2) 5,000 credits per PPE cost of main spell plus an additional cost (as per following modifiers)
*500 credits per level of the creating caster(Mages’ time and PPE are money, so expect to pay more for the longer duration/higher power spells)
*Warlock spells cost 20% more, in addition to above modifiers, owing to the difficulties of adapting Elemental Magic to ‘conventional” magic systems.

Typical Spells installed are Fear (5) for psychological warfare and Fire Bolt (7) for combating creatures that can only be harmed by magic.
Other spells used are typically: Turn Undead (6), Light Healing (6), Electric Arc (8), Magic Net (7), Energy Disruption (12), Heal Wounds (10), Lifeblast (15).

5) Flash Blinder --- The Ignis Mortorb has light panels that can strobe with blinding intensity. These lights can blind, disorient, or set to possibly hypnotize targets, particularly those of insect species, such as the Swarmy.
Range: 20 ft radius area around the Ignis Mortorb
Damage: Those without eye protection or polarized vision will be affected similar to a Blinding Flash spell; -10 to strike, parry, dodge for 1d4 melees. Against the Swarmy and other insect type species, the strobing light can mesmerize them; roll versus psionic attack or be -3 to initiative, strike, dodge, roll, and parry, plus that pulsing light is just so irresistible that the Swarmy (and some other insectoids) will feel compelled to just keep watching the strobe Rate of Fire: ECHH
Payload: Effectively Unlimited

6) Buzzing Drone - The Ignis Mortorb uses external speakers to create a buzzing drone, or even other unsettling sounds. With the use of the radio system, it can even affect targets within armour, flooding radio systems with the drone. All within 100 feet must save vs insanity 15 or suffer -1 attack/melee, -2 to all perception and -15% to all skills requiring any concentration for as long as the Ignis Mortorb maintains the drone +1d4 melees afterwards. The target must make a new save every two melee rounds (30 seconds) they are within range of the droning.

7) Self-Destruct---As a weapon of last resort, the Mortorbs can redline their RTG powerplants(by letting in water and letting steam pressure build) and activate explosive linings, turning the ‘bots into flying bombs. Does 6d6 MD to a 12 ft blast radius.

The Ecotroz have installed robotic AIs in the Ignis Mortorbs. They are never infected with Ecotroz sentience as they are seen as disposable combat drones.
Typically has the following:
Math: Basic 98%
Radio: Basic 98%
TV/Video(internal system)
Prowl 72%
Detect Ambush 50%
Tracking 60%
Land Navigation 86%

Actions/Attacks Per Melee: 4
Initiative +2
Dodge +7 in flight
Strike +1 (+3 w/ ranged weaponry)
Roll +5
Parry +4
Pull Punch/Strike +2
Flying Body Block/Ram 5d6 SDC
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Re: Shemarrian-related fan creations

Unread post by taalismn »

kronos wrote: Sat Oct 21, 2023 6:57 pm Sorry for being quite for so long.. here's something new.. well.. an upgraded version of something that came before
S'right...I've been rather remiss in updating the gals myself. U thought Titan Robotics and completing the Frankenkludge tables would spur a new wave of innovation...but first few random rolls were rather $#!+(I mean, Naruni main body and Chipwell arms, really?). But I'm working on writing them up anyway, because even ugly dogs have their day, yes?
kronos wrote: Sat Oct 21, 2023 6:57 pm Ignis Mortorb Drone
And very appropriate for the Halloween season, too, floating glowing flaming orbs!
"Trouble rather the Tiger in his Lair,
Than the Sage among his Books,
For all the Empires and Kingdoms,
The Armies and Works that you hold Dear,
Are to him but the Playthings of the Moment,
To be turned over with the Flick of a Finger,
And the Turning of a Page"

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Re: Shemarrian-related fan creations

Unread post by kronos »

taalismn wrote: Sat Oct 21, 2023 8:04 pm
kronos wrote: Sat Oct 21, 2023 6:57 pm Sorry for being quite for so long.. here's something new.. well.. an upgraded version of something that came before
S'right...I've been rather remiss in updating the gals myself. U thought Titan Robotics and completing the Frankenkludge tables would spur a new wave of innovation...but first few random rolls were rather $#!+(I mean, Naruni main body and Chipwell arms, really?). But I'm working on writing them up anyway, because even ugly dogs have their day, yes?
kronos wrote: Sat Oct 21, 2023 6:57 pm Ignis Mortorb Drone
And very appropriate for the Halloween season, too, floating glowing flaming orbs!
I've just not had the energy.. been busy with work. Now I'm I kind of have energy but it's like.. so very directionless.
I was able to stat the Ignis Mortorb as I thought.. hey.. we don't have a will-o-wisp yet.. here's a quick combat version since we have something similar.. just with slightly newer options and bigger as time goes on, more tech upgrades.
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Re: Shemarrian-related fan creations

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I still have my eye on 200 Warmounts as a goal...
"Trouble rather the Tiger in his Lair,
Than the Sage among his Books,
For all the Empires and Kingdoms,
The Armies and Works that you hold Dear,
Are to him but the Playthings of the Moment,
To be turned over with the Flick of a Finger,
And the Turning of a Page"

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Re: Shemarrian-related fan creations

Unread post by kronos »

taalismn wrote: Sat Oct 21, 2023 11:38 pm I still have my eye on 200 Warmounts as a goal...
I've got several ideas sitting in various stats of completion..
Plus some of the Were Clan elites that i've let linger for a long time.. one that takes on traits on nearby warmounts, and another that is a spell caster that enhances warmounts (combination spells and "spells" ((actually temporary software, like a virus that causes overcharging or modification of code to do other stuff)) )
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Re: Shemarrian-related fan creations

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Working on a TW Warmount that can open and close a Rift; sort of a monster-uber-unicorn cross.
"Trouble rather the Tiger in his Lair,
Than the Sage among his Books,
For all the Empires and Kingdoms,
The Armies and Works that you hold Dear,
Are to him but the Playthings of the Moment,
To be turned over with the Flick of a Finger,
And the Turning of a Page"

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Re: Shemarrian-related fan creations

Unread post by kronos »

Another Lost Eclipse/Clan Shelley variant, this time of the Joten.


The Draugoten are a variant of the Skullcrusher Joten created by the Lost Eclipse and Clan Shelley, influenced by Norse mythology members have come across, the Draugar undead that can increase in size. The Draugoten is a base Joten, but with advances of technology over time, is slightly more robust frame, slightly more powerful actuators for improved strength and speed, plus the inclusion of a modified nanite factory and other systems. The skin has an unhealthy and decaying appearance, a chemical system that has several chemicals stored, including one that emulates the smell of rotting flesh. The major changes between the Draugoten and Joten is that the Draugoten is more limited in its size changing abilities, with only one fixed larger size, with the energy and methods that would be used to allow the varying sizes of the Joten, to power its other systems. While the Draugoten is overall shorter than Joten, only able to enlarge to 35 feet, it is stronger, plus the frame has greater reinforcement. The Draugoten, through the use of the nanite factory, can generate its own repair nanites through normal consumption of materials, but particularly when it is in its larger size, consuming battlefield scrap and damaged drones, similar to the Clan Shelley Colossal, allowing it to increase its survivability. The other major difference is, while in its enlarged size, part of the energies that powers is supernatural strength and frame reinforcement, fuels its repair systems that allows the Draugoten to be destroyed, and still survive. As long as the enlarged frame isn't reduced to ash, vaporized or spread over a huge area, the nanite factory with the supernatural energies allows the Draugoten to effectively rebuild its smaller self, allowing the Shemarrian to fight another day without having to be rescued by Valkyries. However, this does leave the Shemarrian vulnerable for a time.

Type: Shemar 'Draugoten' Giant
Class: Robot Gynoid/Android Elite
Crew: Advanced Neural Intelligence
M.D.C. by Location:
*Antennas (2) 20 each
*Hands (2) 35 each
Upper Arms & Shoulders (2) 140 each
Forearms (2) 120 each
Legs (2) 170 each
*Head 125
**Main Body 370 (without armor)

Height: 8 foot +2d6 inches
Width: 3 feet
Length: 2 feet
Weight: 780 lbs
Power System: Nuclear
Physical Attributes: Equal to Robotic PS. 38, PP. 26.
Cargo: None; only what can be carried externally
Running: 100 mph maximum, +10% per 10 foot increase in transformation
Jumping: Same as berserker, but gains 25% increase for every 10 foot height increase.
Flying: Not Possible without jet pack. When transformed, magic or aircraft required.
Market Cost: EXCLUSIVE to the (E)Shemarrian Tribes
Systems of Note:
Standard Shemarrian Robot Systems, plus:
Full optical systems, laser targeting, passive night vision, telescopic vision, thermal imaging, infrared, ultraviolet, and polarization filters. Also has motion and heat detection, and other standard Shemarrian systems. Additional/special sensors may be built in by the creating Spinsters or at the behest of the individual.

*Bionic Cybernanite Repair Systems---A modified bionic nanotech repair system that originated with the Ecotroz Shemar. These systems repair 4d6 MD per hour, and can repair 80 MDC before needing material stocks to convert to MD repair material.

Growth Spurt - Through a similar process as the Neshemar Vada Transformation, the Joten alters its size and power. The Draugoten can grow to a maximum height of 35 feet. Strength becomes Supernatural instead of robotic and increases by +12, but suffers a -3 to P.P. for every increment. M.D.C. to main body increases by 1800 and all other locations increase by 40%. Weight increases by 600%, and melee attacks (punches, kicks, finger claws, etc.) increase by 7 die. Built in ranged weapons, such as eye lasers, increase by 4 die of damage.
To strike in melee combat increases by +4. The repair systems also seem to go into overdrive while transformed, feeding off the recipient's psionic abilities, healing 4d6 MD per melee round, ignoring the need for converting material stocks after 80 MDC has been repaired.
The Draugoten’s speed increases by 30%, while dodge rolls suffer -3. While enlarged, the Draugoten's repair stock storage increases to 120 MD, but once the Shemarrian shrinks, the excess is immediately spent into doing repairs, or if the Shemarrian hasn't suffered damage, the excess is destroyed
Meanwhile, all berserker class Shemarrians gain a morale based +1 to strike, dodge, parry and initiative. Clan Shelley and Lost Eclipse units gain a further +1 bonus.
Horror Factor: When the recipient grows in height, gains a Horror Factor of 16.
Duration: The recipient can only remain in the transformed state for a limited time as it takes a toll on the recipient mentally. Can only maintain the transformation for *MEx3 melee rounds, after which, the recipient is fatigued, half combat bonuses and attacks for 2d4 melee rounds. Also the recipient's ISP is halved, as the ISP is used to fuel the transformation. Also the Shemarrian is unable to use any of their psionic powers while transformed to giant form.
(*Remember; Ecotroz Shemar start out with a 5d6 ME stat).
Note that hand held weapons do not grow with the Shemarrian, thus many will carry oversized weapons, or ones that can be expanded or enlarged (through magical or technological means). Some Rite of Upgrade options may not function properly while the Shemarrian is transformed, such as flight systems, which would require more power.
If the Shemarrian wears natural clothing(i.e. leather, hide, ironwood/bark/leaf, armored shell), even that of mega-damage creatures, the clothing is tailored to expand with them, providing modesty protection, though any protective value remains unchanged with regards to MDC.

*Consume Undead Drone and Scrap- The Draugoten can consume pieces of other undead drones used by Lost Eclipse and Clan Shelley, but also other drones and battlefield scrap. After consuming the objects, the material is disassembled and recycled into useable components for the Shemarrian's nanite repair system. A Lost Eclipse and Clan Shelley drones provides 75% of its current MDC as MDC stock which is available within 1 melee round of being consumed, while other units or scrap only provides 55% of the MDC and take 2 rounds to be available. A destroyed drone will only provide 20 MDC from the scraps. The round after being placed, not only is the MDC available for the nanite repair system, but it's repair rate increases to 8d6 for 2 melee rounds.

Weapons Systems:
1) Arm Lasers (2) --- The Draugoten retain the forearm lasers of the regular warriors. Just point and shoot.
Range: 2,000 ft
Damage: 3d6 MD per single blast
Rate of Fire: ECHH
Payload: Effectively Unlimited

2) Finger Claws---The Draugoten’s hands feature retractable vibroblades.
Range: Melee
Damage: 3d6 MD

3) Executioner Vibro-Sword (1) --- This is the standard berserker weapon, which ends up becoming a one handed weapon for the Draugoten in its enlarged size.
Weight: 40 lbs
Range: Melee
Size: 6 feet long
Damage: 4d6 M.D.
Special Bonuses: Berserkers gain +1 to strike and parry with large swords, battle axes, pole arms and spears.
*Option: The Executioner Vibro-Sword can be switched out for larger swords.

4) Chemical Manufactory/Dispenser System --- The Draugoten frame conceals a small chemical manufactory, part of its nanofactory, and dispenser system, which typically releases a chemical to emulate rotting flesh, but also smoke and other chemicals to affect the minds of enemies. The dispensers are fitted on the back, upper arms and lower legs, selecting which for greater effects, such as releasing smoke from its legs and back to provide concealment but also creating a scarier atmosphere, combined with Stench Gas or Rot Gas and Hallucinogenic Gas to further create a frightening effect.
(Note: Some of the chemical agents described below have been previously posted as Paladin Steel anti-Xiticix weapons; in which case the Shemarrians have simply copied the chemical templates for their own use)

Range: Varies by local atmospheric conditions, but typically the Draugoten can spray out a cloud of gas 60 ft in diameter within 1 melee with the blowers going full blast. Clouds typically persist for 1d4 minutes, while the more persistent chemical agents may sink into ground pockets and remain effective for 1d4 HOURS. While enlarged the range is increase
Damage: (Varies) A few of the more commonly produced chemicals are as follows:

(Smoke) Simply obscures visibility to about 3 ft range; those caught in it are -5 to strike, parry, dodge, disarm, and entangle. CAN be combined with Anti-Laser Aerosol.

(Anti-Laser Aerosol) Negates the bonuses from laser targeting systems. Lasers fired into/through the cloud do HALF damage. CAN be combined with Smoke.

(Stun Gas) Save of 16 or better, or be knocked out for 1d10 minutes.

(Tear Gas) Victims are -10 to strike, parry, and dodge, plus lose one attack/action per melee for 1d6+1 melees.

(Aerosol Sanitizer) An antibacterial aerosol, essentially airborne bleach, that acts as an irritant to unprotected eyes and respiratory tissues; 1d6 SDC/HP, and victims are -4 to strike, parry, and dodge for 1d4 melees.

(Stench Gas) Artificial skunk spray; victims are to save at 15 or better, or be incapacitated (NO initiative, -80% to skill rolls, limited to defensive actions only----parry, roll---and bonuses are at HALF) for as long as they are subjected to the stench, and for five minutes afterwards. The stench is persistent, lingering for 1d6+6 days, and can be smelt from as far off as 2,000 ft(three times that distance for anybody with advanced smell).

(Nerve Gas) This can be fine-tuned to affect only specific species, but it is not recommended that ANYBODY come in contact with skin-absorption nerve agents. Those who inhale or come into skin contact with the gas(it is skin-absorbent) must roll versus lethal poison or suffer 2d4x10 SDC/Hit Point damage.
Defoliant agents can be considered to be similar, but only do (immediate) damage to plants and plant-based physiologies.

(Hex-Gas) (See Rifts Northern Gun 1, pg. 138 for the full description) Zinc chloride-oxychloride/hydrochloric acid. When inhaled by humans, d-bess, and animals, victims are -2 APMs, -4 on perception, -4 on initiative, -2 strike, parry, dodge, and disarm, reduce speed by HALF, and -20% on skills, all for 1d6+2 minutes after exposure, then HALF penalties for an additional 2d4x10 minutes. ‘Mortal’ MDC beings suffer the same penalties as above, but HALF effect, and lingering effects last only 3d6 minutes. Supernatural beings and creatures of magic suffer HALF the initial effects, but NO lingering effects. Undead, beings that do not need to breath, or are impervious to gases, and Elementals are completely immune.

(X-7 Foaming Agent)---A persistent poison agent that can be used to create ‘toxic barriers’. The foam lasts up to 2d6 hours before breaking down. Any creature entering the barrier that gets the foam in contact with an internal membrane(such as eyes, nose, body openings, open wounds), will take 4d6 Hit Points, or 1d6 MD, of poisoning damage per melee of contact. A successful save versus lethal poison will HALVE the damage. Note: This is also available as a rapidly-foaming solid ‘pellet’ that can be fired from a grenade launcher.

(Aerogel)---An extremely light plastic foam that seems insubstantial as mist, floats on water, ...and gloms up the breathing spicules of mutant insects and ties up pests like quick-set concrete. Most mutant insects will begin suffocating, taking the equivalent of 2d4 MD per melee., and will find their speed slowed down by. Beings will find their progress through the foam slowed down by HALF the first melee, then cut speed by half again the next melee, and so forth, until the intruder’s speed is cut to a Spd 1, or else breaks free. The Sprayer can produce up to 60 cubic ft of aerogel per melee. Note: This is also available as a rapidly-foaming solid ‘pellet’ that can be fired from a grenade launcher.

(Safe-Gel)---Safe-Gel is a gelatinous blue goo that neutralizes acid, denaturing it and preventing it from doing any damage, or reducing damage to people and property already affected. Spraying Safe-Gel on an acid-damaged object or creature stops the acid from doing any additional damage; spray-treating objects in advance with a layer of the stuff is also possible, but the Gel is sticky and heavy(reduce speed by HALF, and visibility/sensor ranges by 1/3 if completely enveloped in the material). Safe-Gel can take up to 50 SDC damage before it is wiped off, but it only lasts a half-hour after exposure to air before drying up and peeling off. A single application of Safe-Gel fills a cubic foot of space. Note: This is also available as a solid ‘pellet’ that can be fired from a grenade launcher.

(Rot Gas) ----This spray is slightly acidic(raises a rash on bare skin, dissolves hairs, and irritates the eyes), but is more effective at breaking down dead matter, such as fresh food, untreated natural fibers, and dead matter. Food will be instantly spoiled. Cotton and wool clothing will deteriorate completely in 1d6 hours, leather in 2d6. Zombies and other undead take 2d6 points of damage every melee round, for 2d4 minutes.

(Fuel-Air Explosive)---A highly volatile chemical that smells like (adulterated) natural gas, with similar properties if ignited; does 1d6x10 SD(or 1d4 MD), going off like a concussive grenade. There’s also a 60% chance of knocking human-sized targets off their feet from the blast(lose initiative and 1 APM getting back up again). Unless ignited, the cloud safely dissipates after 1d6 melees, though the gas smell may linger for 1d6x10 minutes.

(Hallucinogenic Gas) ---- Those who inhale or come into skin contact with the gas (it is skin-absorbent) must roll versus non-lethal poison or suffer a delusional state where the sights are too bright, the noises too loud, and just about any stimuli will trigger a rampant escalation of sounds and images , typically based on the victim’s fears and anxieties. Effects last 6d6 minutes, during which the victim is -10 to all combat actions.

(Ganja Gas) --- Compared to other chemical agents, Ganja Gas is pretty innocuous; it gets its victims HIGH as a freakin’ kite. Save versus non-lethal poison or be trippin’ for 3d6 minutes. Lose initiative, HALF APMs, Speed, and all combat bonuses, HALF all skill proficiencies for the duration. Victims will find it hard to concentrate, let alone fight, because everything is just so MELLOW and the colors so BEAUTIFUL.

Rate of Fire: Once per melee
Payload: The Draugoten typically carries 10 applications of up to 3 different chemicals. It can regenerate this reserve within 24 hours given the right chemical feedstocks, although some of the more exotic gases and chemical agents may require longer to ‘cook’. Smoke, tear gas, and disinfectant/mild acids can be generated in as little as an hour.

In addition to the normal (E)Shemarrian combat and espionage programming, Draugotens have the following skills:
Detect Ambush (40% base, or +10% if has higher skill)
Detect Concealment (50% base, or +15% if has higher skill)
Trap & Mine Detection (40% base, or +10% if has higher skill)
Military Fortification (40% base, or +15% if has higher skill)

Actions/Attacks Per Melee: Standard 10 for Berserker, but gain +3 when enlarged while standing in place.
Note: Use standard berserker bonuses except where changed during transformation
Damage: As per normal Robotic Strength 38, or Supernatural when transformed.

As noted above, the degree of post-Elite conversion Upgrades possible are limited by the need to maintain appearances and not interfere with the transformation ability. However, the following are a few of the more common and modification-acceptable additions:

*Eye Lasers---This gives the Draugoten a ‘hands-free’ weapon in the form of a killer stare.
Range: 1,000 ft
Damage: 2d6 MD single blast, 4d6 MD from both eyes simultaneously
Rate of Fire: ECHH
Payload: Effectively Unlimited
Bonus: +2 to strike (in addition to any other bonuses)
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Re: Shemarrian-related fan creations

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taalismn wrote: Sat Oct 21, 2023 11:38 pm I still have my eye on 200 Warmounts as a goal...
Could i interest you in seahorse-style warmounts, with possibly water-pumping functions for hunting and patroling alongside the rivers, lakes & coasts of Mexico and other vampire-infested lands?

As an aside, is there mention of any boat-people or "river gypsies" communities in the Vampire Kingdoms books? Because that could be a very decent way for some populations to ward themselves against undead trouble at least to a degree.
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Re: Shemarrian-related fan creations

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SolCannibal wrote: Sat Oct 28, 2023 6:49 pm
Could i interest you in seahorse-style warmounts, with possibly water-pumping functions for hunting and patroling alongside the rivers, lakes & coasts of Mexico and other vampire-infested lands?

As an aside, is there mention of any boat-people or "river gypsies" communities in the Vampire Kingdoms books? Because that could be a very decent way for some populations to ward themselves against undead trouble at least to a degree.
Ah, there's an idea to work on while I puzzle out the missing pieces in my other projects....

Now, what would be its secondary locomotion: land or air?
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Re: Shemarrian-related fan creations

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taalismn wrote: Sat Oct 28, 2023 8:31 pm
SolCannibal wrote: Sat Oct 28, 2023 6:49 pm
Could i interest you in seahorse-style warmounts, with possibly water-pumping functions for hunting and patroling alongside the rivers, lakes & coasts of Mexico and other vampire-infested lands?

As an aside, is there mention of any boat-people or "river gypsies" communities in the Vampire Kingdoms books? Because that could be a very decent way for some populations to ward themselves against undead trouble at least to a degree.
Ah, there's an idea to work on while I puzzle out the missing pieces in my other projects....

Now, what would be its secondary locomotion: land or air?
Tempted to say air, mainly because of this - what also makes me think a bit of the amphisbaena, since those "boards" seem to always be connected to a jet-sky or some other water vehicle that is pumping for them.
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Re: Shemarrian-related fan creations

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I was thinking seahorse...prehensile tail...wings... hydroplanes on wingtips and tail, but can go true flight...on land, it humps along on wing-knuckles like a bat, with the tail forming a tripod walker stance.
"Trouble rather the Tiger in his Lair,
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Re: Shemarrian-related fan creations

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taalismn wrote: Sun Oct 29, 2023 3:02 am I was thinking seahorse...prehensile tail...wings... hydroplanes on wingtips and tail, but can go true flight...on land, it humps along on wing-knuckles like a bat, with the tail forming a tripod walker stance.
Sounds like an interesting design concept to go with.
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Re: Shemarrian-related fan creations

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SolCannibal wrote: Sun Oct 29, 2023 3:10 am
taalismn wrote: Sun Oct 29, 2023 3:02 am I was thinking seahorse...prehensile tail...wings... hydroplanes on wingtips and tail, but can go true flight...on land, it humps along on wing-knuckles like a bat, with the tail forming a tripod walker stance.
Sounds like an interesting design concept to go with.
A head-mounted hydro cannon would be the selling weapon in vampire country...laser eyes of course....maybe Flying Titan wing-lasers in the wings...
Overall stance reminds me a bit of the lumberjack tall-tale 'fearsome creature' the Tripedo which supposedly swallowed small stones and shot them with rifle-like velocity out its snout(I'm working on statting out some of these 'fearsome creatures', like the rubber, gumberoo, hidebehind and hoop snake...some of which seem absolutely faerie-like.
"Trouble rather the Tiger in his Lair,
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Re: Shemarrian-related fan creations

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Silly question.. variant Monst-Rex, should we we just add Tribe suffix to the end of the A-001/002 for the Monst-rex or other suffix if not tribe specific?
I'm making a Jaggerak version of the Monst-Rex in time for Halloween.. just need a name for it.. similar to Jaggerak but NOT that to keep it from being confused from the Jaggerak Kantaran. Suggestions?
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Re: Shemarrian-related fan creations

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kronos wrote: Sun Oct 29, 2023 8:36 pm Silly question.. variant Monst-Rex, should we we just add Tribe suffix to the end of the A-001/002 for the Monst-rex or other suffix if not tribe specific?
I'm making a Jaggerak version of the Monst-Rex in time for Halloween.. just need a name for it.. similar to Jaggerak but NOT that to keep it from being confused from the Jaggerak Kantaran. Suggestions?

First: can add a. Tribal suffix for a Tribe-specific variant....or if it's a wider-application 'general usage', you can add a new suffix( we can work something out).

Second: Hmmmm...'Jaggersloth' comes to mind, because '-sloth' just sounds cool...Jagggernath....Jaegergrath....Jagklaw....
Okay, late night infusion of caffeine isn't helping me here....
"Trouble rather the Tiger in his Lair,
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Re: Shemarrian-related fan creations

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*EShe-001Sb/002Sb Jaegergrath Monst-Rex
(aka ‘RazorTornado’)

“I left California to get away from those razor dogs! Now I find they have warmounts that do the same and have more flying spikes in the EAST?! That's i! I'm heading to China! At least their demons have less teeth!”

The Jaegergrath is a Monst-Rex variant ascribed to the enigmatic ShadowBlades tribe, after their introduction of the Jaggerak, and has spread to the Ghost Riders, Lost Eclipse, Clan Shelley, and even the Horrorwoods.
The Jaegergrath is a huskier, or pot-bellied looking Monst-Rex, with a larger misshapened jaw, like the Jaggerak, with several large teeth sticking out from its mouth. The spines are thicker than normal, but still quite sharp. In combat, just like the Jaggerak, from its mouth launches dozens of teeth that fly about its head via electromagnetic field, emulating the Spinning Blades spell. In addition to the teeth, from each segment of the spines, chitin-like shards break off and float about in a similar manner, creating four additional clouds of razor daggers that are moveable with a sharp spine in the center. The Jaegergrath can surround itself in a cloud of spinning blades, shredding anything foolish enough to get near it. These spinning blades create even more noise than the Jaggerak, where the noise can cause problems for creatures with enhanced hearing.
Like the Jaggerak, it has a smaller set of teeth in its mouth that it can use after launching all its larger teeth, The spines are still useable in combat, but are thinner than the original Monst-Rex's, but improved metallurgy allows the slightly thinner spines without the detached blades is about as strong as the originals.
Jaegergrath Monst-Rex generally appear as 'wild' versions, with only a small version appearing as "augmented" but not fully like the other domestic versions, with only additional body armour but not fully, the sensor pod, and part of the head cybernetic and armoured. While the "augmented" version can be fitted with the two optional weapons, it, and the wild versions don't mount saddles as a rider would be greatly impaired and potentially injured by all the flying blades from the mouth and especially those from the spines.

MDC/Armor by Location:
Main Body 340, Augmented 465
Head 90, Augmented 130
Teeth (48) 15 each
Spines (4) 60 each
Spine Shards (36 each spine, 144 total) 10 each (when attached only adds 30 MDC to each spine, but this MDC is replaced for each one destroyed or removed until all are removed from the spines)
Weight: 2600 to 3900 lbs

Systems of Note:
*Magnetic Anomaly Detector----The control system for the EM suspension field also picks up on external magnetic fields. Range: The magnetometer has a range of 2,000 ft and can detect vehicles and other metallic structures with 80% accuracy, and active EM fields (such as active electronic circuits and charging rail guns) at TWICE that range.

*Teeth Regeneration---In addition to its nanotech self-repair systems, the Jaegergrath can replace its teeth, almost shark-like, and the 'chitin' blades from the spines. Can replace the teeth at the rate of 1 every 30, if sufficient material stock is available (each tooth counts as 15 MDC worth of material), and the spines 1 every hour (counts as 20 MDC worth of material).

Weapons Systems:
In addition to the standard weapon systems of the Monst-Rex, the Jaegergrath has the following.

7) Spinning Teeth (48)----The Jaegergrath has forty-eight large jagged metallic teeth that can be projected from the mouth and used as flying projectiles.
Range: (Spinning Blades) Melee. When activated, the Spinning Blades spell can reach 150 ft away, used offensively. If ejected as projectiles, the blades can reach 700 ft.
Damage: (Spinning Blades)When activated, the magfield levitates and manipulates 48 blades that do 1d6 MD each in defensive mode (+10 to parry, +4 to parry energy attacks) or 2d6x36 MD in offensive ‘buzzsaw’ mode (enemy CANNOT parry).
(Projectiles) Can also fire the blades like projectiles, 1-2 at a time, each doing 1d6 MD on impact, and +2 to strike.

Rate of Fire:(Spinning Blades) ECHH
(Projectiles) Can volley the teeth-blades 1-48 (all)
Payload: 48 blades/teeth

8 ) ElectroMagnetic Field --- The electromagnetic field used to manipulate the blades can, itself, be used to pick up and parry metallic objects. In a 150 ft radius, the magfield can pick up loose metal (individual pieces cannot weigh more than 5 lbs each) and pull/suspend it, or add it to the rotating buzzsaw vortex around its head. This can add an additional 1d4 MD of damage to the defensive field, and a +1 parry energy blasts (which are blocked by the flying scrap).
The Jaegergrath can also focus its magnetic attraction on a single object(like a handheld weapon), pulling with a carrying equivalent strength of P.S. 25 (so anybody wanting to keep hold of, say, a metal sword in their hand, would need to match or better the P.S. 25).
When the field is activated on at least two spines and the mouth, the electromagnetic field is strong enough to provide an additional +2 to parry against ion and particle weapons. If all four spines have their electromagnetic fields active, the field also reduces damage from ion and particle weapons by 10%.
Note: This EM field has proven especially effective against the Red Scabbers, as the BlackSteel-corrupted rust can be picked up, contained, and repulsed, provided it doesn’t get mixed with other metal that can add to the abomination’s mass.

9) Spinning Spine Shards (144, 36 per spine) ---- The Jaegergrath has one hundred forty-four metallic shards that break off from the spines, that can be projected and used as flying projectiles.
Range: (Spinning Blades) Melee. When activated, the Spinning Blades spell can reach 100 ft away, used offensively. If ejected as projectiles, the blades can reach 500 ft.
Damage: (Spinning Blades) When activated, the magfield in each spine levitates and manipulates 36 blades that do 1d6 MD each in defensive mode (+5 to parry, +2 to parry energy attacks) or 2d6x20 MD in offensive ‘buzzsaw’ mode (enemy CANNOT parry).
(Projectiles) Can also fire the blades like projectiles, 1-2 at a time, each doing 1d6 MD on impact, and +2 to strike.

Rate of Fire:(Spinning Blades) ECHH
(Projectiles) Can volley the teeth-blades 1-36 (all) each spine
Payload: 36 blades/shards each spine

Hand to Hand Combat Damage:
Bite(large teeth) 4d8 MD full strength bite, 6d8+12 Power Bite
Bite(small teeth) 2d6 MD full strength bite (cannot Power Bite)
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Re: Shemarrian-related fan creations

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kronos wrote: Tue Oct 31, 2023 12:13 pm *EShe-001Sb/002Sb Jaegergrath Monst-Rex
(aka ‘RazorTornado’)
DEFINITELY gotta get back to sketching these beasties up...I've fallen way behind on my hardcopy a week ambitions..
"Trouble rather the Tiger in his Lair,
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Re: Shemarrian-related fan creations

Unread post by kronos »

taalismn wrote: Tue Oct 31, 2023 2:21 pm
kronos wrote: Tue Oct 31, 2023 12:13 pm *EShe-001Sb/002Sb Jaegergrath Monst-Rex
(aka ‘RazorTornado’)
DEFINITELY gotta get back to sketching these beasties up...I've fallen way behind on my hardcopy a week ambitions..
I've got some other Monst-Rex variants.. but don't quite fall into Tribal subtypes..
Like one that has a plasma breath weapon, but the spines have magnetic field projectors so that it can 'build up' the plasma blast to be more powerful and even direct it over short distance to be more accurate.. using some tech from Blood Riders (plasma), Armand (spelling?) for forcefield..
Not quite sure how much difference there will be vs a regular Monst-Rex.
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Re: Shemarrian-related fan creations

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kronos wrote: Wed Nov 01, 2023 2:48 pm I've got some other Monst-Rex variants.. but don't quite fall into Tribal subtypes..
Like one that has a plasma breath weapon, but the spines have magnetic field projectors so that it can 'build up' the plasma blast to be more powerful and even direct it over short distance to be more accurate.. using some tech from Blood Riders (plasma), Armand (spelling?) for forcefield..
Not quite sure how much difference there will be vs a regular Monst-Rex.
Armorand...just think of them as the tribe that likes lots of ARMOR. :wink:
"Trouble rather the Tiger in his Lair,
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Re: Shemarrian-related fan creations

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So I was thinking about the other ElEvs (elemental evils like Blacksteel), and thought.. The Fire one first discovered during the the Tolkien-CS war.. While it managed to keep a low profile (or at least not be discovered for what it was) due to all the other magic shenanigans, it converted TW and CS war material, building up its forces and preparing (while performing many skirmishes to gain more) for a great burning?
Operating around old Tolkien areas, fringe areas of CS territory.

Water - Operating around the coast? hints around Atlantis, anything around the Atlantic ocean, branching into coasts of mexico, making people think there's a new vampire intelligence, but it's slowly taking over Vampire territory?

Air... maybe found around Madhaven, Calgary, and magic zone?
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Re: Shemarrian-related fan creations

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kronos wrote: Sat Nov 11, 2023 2:40 pm Air... maybe found around Madhaven, Calgary, and magic zone?
Or maybe the MidWest...tornado alley.... Be interesting to see how fast the CS would identify such an evil and how they'd respond to it.
Of course, if it hits d-bee refugee camps and communities first, the CS might be blamed for using what look like chemical WMDs on civilian concentrations.
"Trouble rather the Tiger in his Lair,
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Re: Shemarrian-related fan creations

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taalismn wrote: Sat Nov 11, 2023 9:21 pm
kronos wrote: Sat Nov 11, 2023 2:40 pm Air... maybe found around Madhaven, Calgary, and magic zone?
Or maybe the MidWest...tornado alley.... Be interesting to see how fast the CS would identify such an evil and how they'd respond to it.
Of course, if it hits d-bee refugee camps and communities first, the CS might be blamed for using what look like chemical WMDs on civilian concentrations.
Oh yeah.. Tornado alley, forgot about that.

As for the Fire, I figured any the CS encounters for a while without being able to get samples to study would assume were just some demon/magic experiments Tolkien unleashed at the end of the war.
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Re: Shemarrian-related fan creations

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"Overdid it again on Thanksgiving, did you, Sister?"
"-urgh-....yeah, but the titanium oxide looked soooooo appetizing....and the silicon-coated bolts....and the carbon composite layered pie......"
"So you're going to be pretty useless for the next few days."
"Trouble rather the Tiger in his Lair,
Than the Sage among his Books,
For all the Empires and Kingdoms,
The Armies and Works that you hold Dear,
Are to him but the Playthings of the Moment,
To be turned over with the Flick of a Finger,
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Re: Shemarrian-related fan creations

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Meanwhile in mayan lands...
"We end the birds so they don't end us first."
"second age, never again."
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Re: Shemarrian-related fan creations

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Shemarrian Wolf-Sleds
“There’s arguably no greater pleasure than taking a run on a sled with a good wolf team. Oh, there’s some loss of tactile sensation with the ground or snow because the sled doesn’t actually touch the ground, but on the plus side, we leave only the katarans’ paw tracks on the ground. That makes it easier to hide our movements.”

It seems inevitable, given the prominence of the Shemarrian Wolf(or Kataran) in the ranks of the Shemarrian Tribes(indeed, an entire Tribe, the Wolf’s Path, seems dottily fixated on them), that the Shemarrians would use harnessed teams of them to draw sleds. In this case, however, the twist is that the sled is a hover- or low-power gravi-magnetic resist/levitation platform to which teams of 6-12 wolves are harnessed with closed-circuit wired networks to allow more efficient pack coordination.

The basic wolf-sled is a rectangular hoverbed or gravi-magnetic repulsion pad levitating 1-3 ft off the ground. The structure itself is made of lightweight metal or plastic tubing(in addition to the lift pads) with linings of canvas, animal hide, or plastic sheeting , is roughly 10 ft long and 5 ft wide and weighs roughly 300-4\600 lbs. The sled is tough and durable, with 100-150 MDC, Many have frames that can be quickly disassembled and assembled into tent frames or other structures. A rear step allows a Shemarrian to stand on the rear fantail and act as musher for the wolfpack pulling. Braking is accomplished with deployable drag-skids, airfoil brakes, and/or retro thrusters .
As endurance is hardly an issue for the robotic kataran, the e-wolves can maintain full pace for hours upon hours, days if necessary.
Generally, a wolf-team can pull 50x combined pack P.S, in lbs of mass at roughly 2/3 of their maximum running speed (the hoversled is effectively frictionless). So a six-beast sled can pull 15,000 lbs (7+ tons) at 120 MPH! However, this is only possible if the wolf-sled team has relatively flat, firm, level, unobstructed ground to cover; and even with the best coordination in a pack, the wolves’ movement so close together will interfere with each other, so a more typical pace would be 80-90 MPH. Still, for passengers unused to such speeds in rough terrain, traveling at this pace can be TOO exciting, even terrifying, especially when the teams make tight turns and the sled threatens to ‘crack the whip’ side-slipping.

Besides the Wolf’s Path, the Aurora Warriors and Silvermoons also make extensive use of wolf-sleds. The Wolf’s Path, Wayfinders, Steel Gaians, and Blood Riders also use wolf-teams in this manner.
"Trouble rather the Tiger in his Lair,
Than the Sage among his Books,
For all the Empires and Kingdoms,
The Armies and Works that you hold Dear,
Are to him but the Playthings of the Moment,
To be turned over with the Flick of a Finger,
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Re: Shemarrian-related fan creations

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#"Lose the red cap and the fluffy pom-pom on your headdress, look plain silly.:#
<<"But Tis the Season to be Jolly!">>
"Trouble rather the Tiger in his Lair,
Than the Sage among his Books,
For all the Empires and Kingdoms,
The Armies and Works that you hold Dear,
Are to him but the Playthings of the Moment,
To be turned over with the Flick of a Finger,
And the Turning of a Page"

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Re: Shemarrian-related fan creations

Unread post by kronos »

Sorry for not contributing much.. been busy with life and sick the last few weeks.
I've got some other stuff in the works, just have to get working on them. Enjoy a new Clan Patheron big kitty

EcoS-K-190 Bliksech

The Bliksech, a new warmouth seen amongst Clan Patheron, based on the Chufftan but different enough to be considered a new warmount, a little larger, with blue-black fur and black mane-like structure, that takes on a nearly five point star shape around the head. Instead of small wings sprouting from the shoulders, it has short flexible spines, which are not strong enough to be useful in combat, but do move and flex to reflect the Bliksech's mood. The tail has a small club-like tip that is hidden within a thick tuff of fur to conceal it, which can be charged for added damage, and conceals a small particle blaster, which splits open the club into a star shape. Instead of being optimized for cold climates, it's more suited for mountains and even urban areas, making use of fogs and its ability to create fog-like clouds to hide and move about.
The Bliksech is a little unusual in that most of its weapons are ion based, and able to affect the area round it to make ion and particle weapons deal greater damage, or reduce incoming damage, using a variant of the Skyklad's cloud armour, which can function as a standard cloud armour with the storm rider option. The Bliksech's mouth conceals a potent ion cannon, which can be enhanced with additional ion emitters in the mane, which can send electrical charges to the Bliksech's mouth, which builds a charge in the mouth before releasing in an even greater discharge, and makes for a spectacular display of lightning. Additionally it can launch grenades that release clouds with particles like the cloud armour that will generate potent electrical discharges within their area, giving the Bliksech greater areas of effect.
Several have been seen within the ranks of the Skyklad, with the cloud armour using all of the options available, and some are modified for improved swimming and movement on sand and may have the cloud armour replaced with sand armour instead.

Type: EcoS-K-190 Bliksech
Class: Robotic Warmount
Crew: None; robot intelligence
1 rider/pilot, and room for 1 passenger
MDC/Armor by Location:
Main Body 580
Head 275
Mane 150
Legs (4) 240 each
Shoulder Jets (2) 125 each
Tail 80
Force Field 100
Height: 12 ft
Width: 9.5 ft
Length: 18 ft (tail adds another 15 ft)
Weight: 8,200 lbs
Cargo: Small space inside/beside the saddle-seat for a few personal possessions and sidearms.
Physical Strength: Equivalent to Robotic P.S. of 45
Powerplant: Nuclear w/ 20 year energy life
Speed: (Running) 180 MPH
(Leaping) 25 ft up/across. A running leap in excess of 60 MPH adds 1d4x10 yards to distance.
W/ thrusters, the Bliksech can make powered leaps of 250 ft up/400 ft across
(Flying) Not possible; the best it can do is hover for 1d6x10 seconds using its shoulder thrusters.
(Space) In space, the cold-jet thrusters would propel the Bliksech at about 75 MPH.
(Underwater) Can run along the bottom at 15 MPH.
Market Cost: Exclusive to the Ecotroz-Shemar
Systems of Note:
Full optical systems, laser targeting, passive nightvision, telescopic vision, thermal imaging, infrared, ultraviolet, and polarization filters. Also has motion and heat detection, built-in radar( 60 mile range) and other standard power armor-equivalent systems. Additional/special sensors may be built in by the creating Spinsters or at the behest of individual riders/owners.

*Bionic Cybernanite Repair Systems---ALL Bliksech have the same bionic nanotech repair system that the Ecotroz Shemar have refitted themselves with, and which is becoming the standard among NeShemar as well. These systems repair 4d6 MD per hour, and can repair 120 MDC before needing material stocks to convert to MD repair material.

*Advanced Body Armor---Bliksech are sheathed in armor plates believed to be derived from a modified version of Naruni Enterprises’ Thermo-Kinetic armor technology --- Kinetic strikes from explosions, falls. projectile weapons, kicks, punches, and melee strikes do HALF damage. Ion and electrical-based attacks, doing HALF damage. Magical electrical based attacks deal three-quarters (75%) damage.

*Create Fog - Creates a fog around the Bliksech in a 50 foot diameter, granting some stealth (-35% to detect as long as moving slower than 50 mph). Multiple Bliksechs or users with Cloud Armour working together can create a fog bank, or hiding within fogs or clouds, causing anyone targeting anyone within the cloud (wearer and any allies hiding within the cloud) to suffer -4 to strike and grants a +1 to Dodge to those within. This works against visual, radar and thermal sensors.
The fog is also impregnated with laser reflective and diffusing crystals. Laser targeting systems grant no bonuses, laser weapons are -2 to attack and damage is reduced by 25%. These same crystals also reduce damage from explosions by 25%.
The fog can be maintained for 20 minutes before it shuts down and requires 5 minutes to collect enough moisture and converts it for use. Winds of 50 mph or greater will reduce the penalties to attack and damage by half. If the wearer is within natural clouds or fog, or in particularly wet environments (rain forests, dense wet atmospheres but not in water) the cool down time is reduced by half. The cloud can linger, if the system is shut down, for up to 1 minute if the wearer doesn't move, or there is no strong winds and maintain all the bonuses. After this minute, the fog will persist for another 5 minutes but is just a regular cloud or fog, no reduction to lasers or other bonuses than concealment from vision.

Storm Rider - The Bliksech can impregnate the cloud it creates with crystals that are charged with electricity, crackling with tiny swirls of blue lighting. The cloud and force field provides an additional 100 MDC to the force field, immune to all electricity based attacks (including magical), particle beam weapons are -2 to strike and have damage reduced by half. Anyone other than the wearer who is in the cloud, who is not immune to electricity or energy suffers 1d6 MD per melee, and must make a Save vs Poison or have attacks and combat bonuses reduced by half due to the stunning effects.
The cloud can also cause a blinding flash to anyone within the cloud or within a 10 ft radius beyond the cloud. A failed save blinds for 1d4 melee rounds, -5 strike, -10 dodge/parry. Chance of falling 1-50% per 10 ft traveled, bionic systems gain a +4 bonus to resist

Weapons Systems:
1) Eye Lasers(2) ---The Bliksech sports the more powerful heavy eye lasers.
Range: 4,000 ft
Damage: 4d6 MD single shot, 1d4x10 MD for a pulse burst
8d6 MD dual shot, 2d4x10 MD for a dual pulse burst(counts as one attack)
All four firing in burst mode simultaneously(again, one attack) does 4d4x10 MD(!)
Rate of Fire: EPCHH
Payload: Effectively Unlimited

2) Sonic ‘Roar’ Cannon---Mounted in the Bliksech’s mouth is a powerful sonic cannon, apparently inspired by Wolf’s Path warmounts mounting similar sonic attacks. Unlike the Wolf’s Path Hypersonic Howl, however, the Pantheron Roar doesn’t stun; it PULVERIZES.
Range: 2,000 ft
Damage: 1d6x10 MD per blast, plus 3d6 MD to a 10 ft diameter area around the blast area(double damage and range underwater)
Rate of Fire: ECHH
Payload: Effectively Unlimited

3) Ion Cannon - The primary weapon of the Bliksech is a potent ion cannon mounted in its mouth, with multiple firing modes
Range: (Ion Bolt) 3,000 ft
(Spray Bolt)1,500 ft and affects a 15 ft wide area
Damage: (Ion Bolt) 1d6x10 MD per single bolt
(Spray Bolt) 4d6 MD to a 15 ft wide area
On a Natural 20(Critical Strike) the ion weapon does TRIPLE damage instead of the normal double damage
Rate of Fire: ECHH
Payload: Effectively unlimited

Special Overcharged Blast - The mane of the Bliksech begins charging with energy then directs it towards the mouth which collects then finally releases in an extremely powerful discharge that looks like a powerful lightning bolt. Unfortunately it uses a lot of power and after discharging the Bliksech is limited in what weapons can be used afterwards.
Damage: 6d6x10 MD
On a Natural 20 (Critical Strike) the ion weapon does TRIPLE damage instead of the normal double damage
Rate of Fire: Once per melee round, uses 3 attacks per melee.
Payload: Effectively unlimited
Note: Can't use any other energy weapons except the sonic cannon in the same round. The next round all other energy weapons have ranged reduced by 50%.

4) Tail Particle Blaster - A particle blaster is fitted into the tail to add an additional attack option and a surprise for anyone striking the Bliksech from behind.
Range: 700 ft
Damage: 1d4x10 MD per blast
Rate of Fire: ECHH
Payload: Effectively unlimited

5) Storm Grenade Launcher (2) - From its flanks it can launch grenades that create a small cloud like the Bliksech with the storm rider option. Creates a 20 ft diameter area that is filled with thick cloud that lasts for 2 minutes, reduces any particle and laser weapon fire through it just like the clouds emitted by the Bliksech.
Range: 300 ft
Damage: 1d4 MD per melee round
Rate of Fire: ECHH
Payload: 15 grenades each

6) VibroClaws---Each foot is fitted with an array of retractable vibroclaws
Range: Melee
Damage: 3d6 MD per claw

7) Bite --- The oversized mouth sports some serious slicers.
Range: Melee
Damage: 6d6 MD

8 ) Tail Club --- The tail has a club like structure that can be energized for extra damage as it crackles with electrical energy.
Range: Melee
Damage: 2d6 MD, +2d6 energized (total 4d6)

9) (Optional) Modular Weapons (2) --- The Bliksech has provision for shoulder-mounting two weapons similar to those standard to the Monstrex.

The Ecotroz have installed robotic AIs, then infected the matrix with a low-level Ecotroz sentience. The Bliksech has an I.Q. of 12, and a catlike nature, including, despite its stocky build, very fast reflexes.
Typically has standard Monstrex programming(+ possible bonuses from the Ecotroz Entity essence).
The Ecotroz entity can also pick up one Secondary skill at levels 2, 6, and 12 of experience, though the nature of the Bliksech intelligence and design is such that it is limited to skill selections from Technical: Language(understanding) and Lore, Wilderness (Hunting, Identify Plants and Fruits).
Actions/Attacks Per Melee: 8
Initiative +2 (+1 from the Ecotroz entity for a total of +3)
Dodge +6
Running Dodge +8 (when in excess of 75 MPH)
Automatic Leap Dodge +3 (takes NO APMs)
Strike +2 (+2 w/ ranged weaponry)
Parry +6
Pull Punch/Strike/Bite +4
Roll +4
Maintain Balance +6
Bite 1d8 MD
Blunt Claw Strike 2d4 MD
Claw Strike 4d6+3 MD
Power Claw Strike(2 attacks) 8d6+4 MD
Tail Slash 1d4 MD
Tail Stab 1d6 MD
Head Butt 1d6 MD
Pounce/Body Block 1d6 MD
Body Block/Leap Attack: 4d6 MD and has a 65% chance of knocking opponents up to 2,500 lbs off their feet(lose initiative and 2 APM).

Note: The Ecotroz intelligence fragment inhabiting the ‘bot gives the Bliksech an aura and behavior more befitting a sentient being than a robot. Bliksechs have catlike personalities; normally rather laid back at rest, they love stalking prey, hunting enemies, and pouncing on targets, even playing with their prey before finishing them off. They relish the opportunity to savagely maul enemies in combat, and show no fear of closing to an enemy to bat them back and forth, biting, clawing, and mauling. They are extremely loyal and affectionate to their riders, and will fight to protect them, but will be steadfastly loyal to their orders, such as ‘wait and guard this (location/person/thing) while I’m away”. They can go from a somnolent posture to instant combat readiness in seconds.

The Ecotroz fragment does occasionally need sleep/rest...though they only need 2 hours of rest/meditation per 24 hours...they can push this, going without for as many days as they have I.Q. points, but will have to go dormant for 4d6 hours after such exertion.

Note also that the Ecotroz-possessed ‘bot can infect other bots with the Ecotroz viral-entity, by bite or sustained touch(takes 3 attacks).
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Re: Shemarrian-related fan creations

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kronos wrote: Sat Feb 17, 2024 9:24 pm Sorry for not contributing much.. been busy with life and sick the last few weeks.
I've got some other stuff in the works, just have to get working on them. Enjoy a new Clan Patheron big kitty
S' far in this new year, I've lost my home dial-up internet(and am trying to find a new provider...I may have to bite the bullet and go wireless for twice what I paid for hardline....
I've also come down with a vicious headcold that cost me a day of work.
Blew outa tire on the way to work, losing another day of work.
Got snowed in, costing me another day of work.
'So don't be hard on yourself. I've been struggling to complete something here and keep up with my self-promise to contribute at least one new thing a week to these board.
kronos wrote: Sat Feb 17, 2024 9:24 pm EcoS-K-190 Bliksech
I like!
"Trouble rather the Tiger in his Lair,
Than the Sage among his Books,
For all the Empires and Kingdoms,
The Armies and Works that you hold Dear,
Are to him but the Playthings of the Moment,
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Re: Shemarrian-related fan creations

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Fun little the second NGR book, under the chapter on world beers, 'Bastard's Brew' is mentioned as originating somewhere in North America, in a region recently claimed by the Shemarrians.

Can you imagine canon Hagan sending a regular expedition out to pick him up some crates, or issuing orders that the brewery be spared and protected?

Likewise, can you imagine the EShemarrians keeping a local money-maker under 'protected local asset' status? :D
"Trouble rather the Tiger in his Lair,
Than the Sage among his Books,
For all the Empires and Kingdoms,
The Armies and Works that you hold Dear,
Are to him but the Playthings of the Moment,
To be turned over with the Flick of a Finger,
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Re: Shemarrian-related fan creations

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taalismn wrote: Sat Feb 24, 2024 12:04 pm Fun little the second NGR book, under the chapter on world beers, 'Bastard's Brew' is mentioned as originating somewhere in North America, in a region recently claimed by the Shemarrians.

Can you imagine canon Hagan sending a regular expedition out to pick him up some crates, or issuing orders that the brewery be spared and protected?

Likewise, can you imagine the EShemarrians keeping a local money-maker under 'protected local asset' status? :D
Considering that beer is getting known in the NGR, local asset is quite appropriate indeed.
Incidentally a group of emigrees from Japan to North America in my table made their new town in what is probably Shemarrian territory nowadays.
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Re: Shemarrian-related fan creations

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SolCannibal wrote: Sat Feb 24, 2024 4:34 pm
Incidentally a group of emigrees from Japan to North America in my table made their new town in what is probably Shemarrian territory nowadays.
Your 'table'? Have I missed something I can refer to? Remind or enlighten me! I have a sub-tribe of Shemarrians in the Japanese Island...wasn't aware there had been a reciprocal exchange of citizenry. :D
"Trouble rather the Tiger in his Lair,
Than the Sage among his Books,
For all the Empires and Kingdoms,
The Armies and Works that you hold Dear,
Are to him but the Playthings of the Moment,
To be turned over with the Flick of a Finger,
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Re: Shemarrian-related fan creations

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taalismn wrote: Mon Feb 26, 2024 11:46 am
SolCannibal wrote: Sat Feb 24, 2024 4:34 pm
Incidentally a group of emigrees from Japan to North America in my table made their new town in what is probably Shemarrian territory nowadays.
Your 'table'? Have I missed something I can refer to? Remind or enlighten me! I have a sub-tribe of Shemarrians in the Japanese Island...wasn't aware there had been a reciprocal exchange of citizenry. :D
Unrelated, in fact it happened in the 80s PA, if i'm not misplacing timeline bits too much. A series of mishaps led to Cyprian and his raiders, then on the move after some serious run-ins with Mrrlyn, the Splugorth or, if memory tricks me not, both, ended crossing from Atlantic to Pacific through the Arctic Circle, eventually ending on the edge of Yama King territory in China, but managed to avoid greater troubles through encountering with a buddhist monk (Shifter) that offered her services as a guide - only to strand them into another dimension and try to extort favors from them in exchange for favors.

It definitely didn't go as planned for her, but eventually we ended up forming an alliance of sorts with the "monastic republic" she was part of - too late to forestall its defeat by an alliance between the Empire and the Otomo Shogunate, but at least enough to help guide the exodus of the refugees through a bit of rift-hopping until their eventual arrival in the american eastern shore. So basically a community of exiles of a minor unrecognized/forgotten japanese state of decades past starting anew in North America.
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Re: Shemarrian-related fan creations

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Hey, from humble beginnings.....
"Trouble rather the Tiger in his Lair,
Than the Sage among his Books,
For all the Empires and Kingdoms,
The Armies and Works that you hold Dear,
Are to him but the Playthings of the Moment,
To be turned over with the Flick of a Finger,
And the Turning of a Page"

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Re: Shemarrian-related fan creations

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taalismn wrote: Tue Feb 27, 2024 3:09 pm Hey, from humble beginnings.....
Well, he did happen to become one of the more notorious though rarely seen of the "Devil Princes of the Federation of Magic" (as some of Alistaire's many, many children in our version of continuity have come to be collectively known). :twisted:
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Re: Shemarrian-related fan creations

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SolCannibal wrote: Tue Feb 27, 2024 6:08 pm
taalismn wrote: Tue Feb 27, 2024 3:09 pm Hey, from humble beginnings.....
Well, he did happen to become one of the more notorious though rarely seen of the "Devil Princes of the Federation of Magic" (as some of Alistaire's many, many children in our version of continuity have come to be collectively known). :twisted:
So, it MIGHT be possible that in the EShemar continua, post-Minion War(where the Magic Zone is even more of a mess than before), this MIGHT have survived as one of the hold-outs who fought the Infernals and carved out a small holdfast of his own...Or maybe he died heroically protecting his people and the survivors got absorbed into the Shemarrian Nation? (He could have been a right nasty piece of work to everybody else, but to his comrades and family, if any, he's the stuff of heroes).
"Trouble rather the Tiger in his Lair,
Than the Sage among his Books,
For all the Empires and Kingdoms,
The Armies and Works that you hold Dear,
Are to him but the Playthings of the Moment,
To be turned over with the Flick of a Finger,
And the Turning of a Page"

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Re: Shemarrian-related fan creations

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taalismn wrote: Wed Feb 28, 2024 2:18 pm
SolCannibal wrote: Tue Feb 27, 2024 6:08 pm
taalismn wrote: Tue Feb 27, 2024 3:09 pm Hey, from humble beginnings.....
Well, he did happen to become one of the more notorious though rarely seen of the "Devil Princes of the Federation of Magic" (as some of Alistaire's many, many children in our version of continuity have come to be collectively known). :twisted:
So, it MIGHT be possible that in the EShemar continua, post-Minion War(where the Magic Zone is even more of a mess than before), this MIGHT have survived as one of the hold-outs who fought the Infernals and carved out a small holdfast of his own...Or maybe he died heroically protecting his people and the survivors got absorbed into the Shemarrian Nation? (He could have been a right nasty piece of work to everybody else, but to his comrades and family, if any, he's the stuff of heroes).
Good question. Cyprian per se is kind of a special case amidst the "Devil Princes" in that he was raised in Dweomer, where the 3 educated him in some ways as a potential substitute/foil for his father, to the point of making him a High Magus with resulting supernatural link. Though it all backfired terribly in a Cyprian all-too conscious and resentful of their attempt to craft him into a "puppet king", the fact they can keep tabs on him through the Link also means that, while still in good terms with his father, he could never directly support his father due to the potential information leak.

So while most of Alistaire's generals and progeny don't know the precise details behind it, Cyprian is noteworthy among them for being a warlord/overlord on his own - in fact he once conquered a good chunk of France out of the Gargoyle Empire before external factors brought it all down and he also involved himself with much of the fighting in Africa against the Horsemen and after it, even attempting a few sorties against the Phoenix Empire alongside other groups, for some years - instead of one of his father's lieutenants.

At least until the Tolkeen War, that he volunteered to join (with what forces he could scrap out for it after all the war fatigue) as "representative" of his father, doing some respectable contributions in the process - though half the Council and Warlords feared he was there to either spy on them or attempt a coup, something not helped by the popularity and success "Prince Dunscon" and his forces managed to garner among the populace, his FoM origin and loyalties notwithstanding. :lol:

He left a little after the Sorcerer's Revenge, partly for feeling the operation was terribly inneffective in how it was mishandled and presented but also because some incidents happened back home leading to the gutting of part of the True Federation's leadership, with Cyprian temporarily taking over in his father stead (with Alistaire's approval) - but that wasn't for long either. While he left Tolkeen some contacts and ties were still left and he pretty much jumped into the midst of the Final Siege on Tolkeen, in a chaotic attempt at deefense and rescue of the populace (or at least a few people he had a very personal stake upon).

What resulted on his forces, a number of remnants of the Tolkeen's troops and the people they were recuing getting caught in one of the many ley line-related freak events going on and disappearing for a few years until they all finally popped back in the middle of New Kenora while the CS forces were already fully embroiled with the Infernal incursions of the Minion War. :twisted:
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Re: Shemarrian-related fan creations

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Horrorwoods Arbotor Male Elite
(aka ‘Grove Warrior’, ‘Ranger Robo’, ‘TempTenkent’, ‘Tri-Ent’)
<<“Commander, we’ve got that little Shemarrian guy cornered! Cornered for good! We chased him into a grove of trees on our left flank and we got him surrounded! There’s no way out of there! We’ll have you a prisoner to interrogate in no ti-what the hell? OHSHI-”>><****>

“Most young boys dream of growing up to be Chromium Guardsmen pilots or cyberknights. Shemarrian lads apparently want to grow up to be ...trees...”

Arbotors are an EShemarrian Male Elite based on the humble regular Shemarrian Male. They are sometimes called the ‘Best Male Friends of the Forest’ because of their ability to call upon the strength of the forest to aide and augment them.
Arbotors resemble regular Shemarrian Males, but for a stouter and heavier build, with all the regular traits of the standard-model Male. Their skin tattoos are typically of sprawling vines or woodland scenes. However, in the presence of an EShemarrian electrocology with cybertrees, the Arbotor can quickly interface with them, More spectacularly, the Arbotor can merge with three cybertrees and reconfigure them into a giant powered exoskeletion that becomes an extension of the Arbotor’s own body. As such, they are often grouped with the Tekent class of Preservers, Spriggans, Entkins, Mandraks, Shrudars and Whippises.
When ‘treeing up’ the Arbotor stands between three cybertrees (Note: Laser Groves CANNOT be merged with), which bend inwards to merge with the small humanoid, one merging with the android’s back and the others to his sides, becoming tail, arms, and legs respectively. The Arbotor’s human(oid) body is covered by a sudden growth of bark armor. The process takes but one melee, and is accompanied by a blast of steam and smoke that looks like the android has exploded, but is actually the sudden expulsion of the heat spike accompanying the frantic nanite activity. The trees uproot themselves and the roots become the flexible legs of the augmented Arbotor-Tekent, with the third tree becoming a prehensile tail. The foliage of the third tree becomes a dense leafy armor carapace and cowl protecting the Arbotor-Tekent’s back and head, while the leaves of the other two trees become manipulators on the now massive arms. The Arbotor-Tekent can walk bipedally or gallop on all fours like a giant gorilla. Synergistically, the various systems of the separate cybertrees join in synchronization intrconnected through the Arbotor nexus, their effects amplified.
The downside of the Arbotor-Tekent transformation is that it cannot be maintained forever; without a supply of concentrated nutrients/fuel, the trees must eventually be disengaged to recharge and regenerate via their own processes. Typically an Arbotor can maintain its transformation for about 24+2d4 hours, after which it begins to slow down and lose vitality until it eventually shuts down and the trees must take root again and de-transform, entering a cooldown and recharge period before they can be called upon again. The Arbotor can immediately take up transformation with another trio of cybertrees, but unless the situation is an ongoing emergecy, few Arbotors like to place unnecessary strain on their forest resources.
Arbotors are typically assigned as the caretakers of electrocology groves and stands where a larger Preserver isn’t considered necessary or viable. Because their greatest strength lies in their combination with their cybertree companions, Arbotors rarely venture far from their artificial forests. They are generally shy and retiring, content to wander their forest groves, putter with gardening, and are generally non-confrontational and avoid contact with strangers, unless the newcomers ar obviously abusive of their natural surroundings.
Besides the originating Horrorwoods, the Wayfinders also make use of the Arbotor.

Note: Unlike the Wyrding Trees of the ARCHIE-3 era(and described in detail in Rifter #53, Damon Sutton’s article), the cybertrees involved are wholly robotic constructs and NOT cyborged trees, thus no living trees are harmed in the Arbotor transformation.

Type: EShemar Arbotor
Class: Robot Android---Male Elite
Crew: Advanced Neural Intelligence
M.D.C. By Location:
(Male Form)
Antennae(2) 8 each
Hands(2) 15 each
Arms(2) 50 each
Legs(2) 60 each
Sensor Suite(back, faired into the spine) 85
Head 50
Main Body 200(plus can wear a variety of body armor types, the most common being equivalent to light or medium cyborg armor’ 135-310 MDC. Horrorwoods prefer natural-looking armors, such as monster-hide or bark)
(Tekent Form)
Hands(2) 80 each
Arms(2) 200 each
Legs(2) 200 each
Tail 200
Head 100
Antennae (2) 25 each .
Main Body 600
Back Armor Carapace 200
Height: (Male Form) 7-7.5 ft
(Tekent Form) 40+2d10 ft
Width: (Male Form) 3 ft
(Tekent Form)20 ft
Length: (Male Form) 2.6 ft
(Tekent Form) 18 ft
Weight: (Male Form) 850 lbs
(Tekent Form) 5 tons.
Power System: Nuclear/PPE Matrix
Physical Attributes: (Male Form)Equal to Robotic PS. 25, PP. 18,
(Tekent Form)Equal to Robotic PS. 65, PP. 24.
Cargo: None, except what can be carried.
Speed: (Male Form)
Running: 85 MPH
Jumping: 32 ft up/20 ft across. Increase distance/height 50% with a running start.
Flying: Not possible without a jetpack
Underwater: Swim at 94%, roughly 10 MPH
(Tekent Form)
Running: 50 MPH
Jumping: Limited to 20 ft up/across, while a running leap in excess of 40 MPH adds an extra 20 ft to distance.
Flying: Not possible
Underwater: Limited to running along the bottom at 5 MPH, maximum depth of 1,000 ft. Don’t often go in the water since their many branches and foliage induce a great amount of drag.
Market Cost: EXCLUSIVE to the (E)Shemarrian Tribes
Systems of Note:
Standard Shemarrian Robot Systems, plus:
Full optical systems, laser targeting, passive night vision, telescopic vision, thermal imaging, infrared, ultraviolet, and polarization filters. Also has motion and heat detection, and other standard Shemarrian systems. Additional/special sensors may be built in by the creating Spinsters or at the behest of the individual.

*Bionic Cybernanite Repair Systems---A modified bionic nanotech repair system that originated with the Ecotroz Shemar, but has also been adopted by the Ghost Riders. These systems repair 4d6 MD per hour, and can repair 40 MDC before needing material stocks to convert to MD repair material. The combined Arbotor-Tekent form regenerates 6d6 MD per hour, and can repair 200 MDC before needing restocking.

*Standard Male Electronic Warfare Suite---The Arbotor retains the ‘black box’ EW systems of the standard Shemarrian Male class. In Tekent-form, the efffective range of these systems increases, due to the greater available power, from to.

*Forest Networking----Arbotors are wirelessly in contact with their electrocologies more than most other Tekent types, and nearly on a par with the network awareness of Druants. The Arbotor can never get lost in their forest, instantly knows the location, condition, and capabilities of every electronic plant in the network, and can tap into their sensors. Thus the Arbotor gets a +1 to initiative/strike/dodge due to his always knowing where the enemy is relative to himself. He cannot be surprised or ambushed while connected to the surrounding e-forest.

*Stealth - The Arbotor-Tekent`s organic grass and bark outer layer helps shield it against thermal and EM sensors, -75% to detect via thermal sensors, -60% via EM sensors, but even then the EM sensors will read more as bio-electric readings, like a large animal.
In Male Body Mode, the Arbotor-Tekent is 90% to Prowl in ‘their’ forest, being able to know when and where to move and can use the surrounding forest to actively cover the noise and motion of their movement.

Weapons Systems:
(Male Form) None standard, except for what might be installed as Gifts of Mod/Rites of Upgrade. Typically Male Shemar seldom get anything more radical than light implant weaponry(finger- or palm-blasters, possibly eye lasers)

(Tekent Form)
1) Laser Arrays(3)---The individual lasers that were part of the cybertrees now synchronize and power up to become more powerful laser arrays, one on each forearm and one protecting the back. The leaf canopies act as giant focusing arrays concentrating power and increasing range of the normally weak tendril lasers.
Range: 5,000 ft
Damage:(Variable) From 1d6 MD to 1d6x10 MD per blast, or all three arrays can fire a synchronized blast that does 3d6x10 MD,
Rate of Fire: ECHH
Payload: Effectively Unlimited

2) Electrostatic Discharge----The Arbotor-Tekent can generate a powerful ionic charge that can be discharged as an artificial lightning bolt, stunning targets at lower power levels, and electrocuting them at higher charge levels.
Range: 4,000 ft
Damage:(Standard) 4d6 MD per blast
(Shock-Stun)3d6 SDC shock-burn to a 12 ft area. Plus, victims must make a save of 14 or better, or be -8 to strike, parry, and dodge for 2d6 melees. A savings throw versus non-lethal poison means the person is unimpaired. 25% chance of knocking out unshielded cybernetics for 1d4 melees, and a 75% chance of permanently frying nanotech devices(like Armor-dissolving nanites or RMK/IRMSS systems). Cannot work through EBA or power armor.
Rate of Fire: Three times per melee
Payload: Effectively Unlimited

3) Sap Spray ----The Arbotor-Tekent can spew out various chemical agents
Range: 100 ft and can cover a 15 ft wide area per application.
Damage:(Varies by chemical used)
(Smoke) This is nothing more than a choking thick inert gas that suffocates combustion, causes those without air filtration or closed air supply to gasp for breath(Lose initaive, 1 APM, and -1d4 to strike, parry, and dodge) and obscures vision/ Persists for 1d4+3 melees.

(Poison Oak) Irritant similar to pepper-spray; 1 SDC irritation damage, plus victims are -3 on initiative, -10 to strke, parry, dodge, reduce speed by 30% and lose 1 APM, plus if it gets in the eyes, it blinds for 3d6+4 melee rds.

(Stick’um) Actually a fast-setting acrylic that impedes movement; reduce speed and all combat moves by HALF. After 1 melee(15 seconds) it hardens into a thick resin with 1d4x10 MDC.

(Aerogel)---An extremely light plastic foam that seems insubstantial as mist, floats on water, ...and gloms up the breathing spicules of mutant insects and ties up pests like quickset concrete. Most mutant insects will begin suffocating, taking the equivalent of 2d4 MD per melee., and will find their speed slowed down by. Beings will find their progress through the foam slowed down by HALF the first melee, then cut speed by half again the next melee, and so forth, until the intruder’s speed is cut to a Spd 1, or else breaks free. The Sprayer can produce up to 60 cubic ft of aerogel per melee.

(Acid)---A caustic binary chemical that can be, at the Arbotor-Tekent’s command, be dilute, doing only 1d6 SDC per melee, or concentrated up to 1d4 MD per melee, for 1d6 melees.

Rate of Fire: ECHH
Payload: 120 shots of chemical agent(60 per tree). Can thus carry three different kinds of chemical agents, or extra amounts of the same. Recharges at 1 dose/shot per hour per tree.

4) Vibroblades----Tendril-branches bearing vibro-scalpel blades can now work in synchronization.
Range: Melee
Damage: +4d6 MD to punch damage

5) CarnivorousTail Tendrils---In addition to the tail being a lashing/bashing weapon, the root tendrils can become stabbing spikes with the additional feature of being able to implant themselves in a victim and begin absorbing material, effectively eating away at the target and also feeding the Arbotor-Tekent with sustenance to supply its regeneration abilities.
Range: 12 ft(in addition to the Arbotor-Tekent’s reach of 25 ft).
Damage: Root/Tail Strike 1d6x10+10 . On a ‘to strike’ roll of 17-20, if the roots have struck megadamage material, they can start to -assimilate- MDC at a rate of 2d4 MD per melee, for every melee the Arbotor-Tekent can remain entangled with the target. The roots typically have a Robotic PS of 20 and 30 MDC for those attempting to break free of them.
Bonus: +4 to entangle.

6) (Optional) Use of Handheld Weapons---Arbotor-Tekents can pick up and use oversized handweapons such as missile launchers and mecha gun pods. Arbotors expecting trouble will frequently stock their cyberforests with concealed weapons caches, such as Quakeroid Heavy Cannon.
Arbotors often carry as a sign of their office a staff similar to the R’Mars’ Multi-Purpose Staff, only it holds instruments for checking soil chemistry. It also has the same spotlights and micro-radar as the R’Mar Staff.

Special Abilities:
*Root Anchors----The Arbotor-Tekent can use its roots and tripod configuration(legs+tail) to anchor itself, similar to a Glitterboy’s fast-deploy laser pylons, against being knocked over.

Faux Magic:
* (False Magic)Blinding Flash - The array lasers can strobe to blind targets, requiring a save versus a 17 (PE bonuses apply, other bonuses versus magic do not apply). Effects last 1d4 melees.

*(False Magic) Rust---This is simply the application of specialized nanites that break apart metal, same as the metal-dissolver nanites used in Japan.
Range: 100 ft, and affects a 10 ft square area
Damage: Reduces the MDC of metal-based body armors and light power armors by HALF, heavy power armors and light vehicles by 30%, and heavy robots and vehicles by 10%. Damage takes 4 melees/1 minute, and is obvious by acute discoloration and flaking of the armor. Other effects identical to those of the Japanese nanites(which they were probably based on to begin with).
Rate of Fire: ECHH
Payload: 40 applications per tree. . Recharges at 1 dose/shot per 12 hours per tree.

*(False Magic) Energy Field---Actually a forcefield, based on copied Naruni technology; 180 MDC

Standard Shemarrian Male skill programming, plus Awakened Ecotroz secondary skill options, and the following:
Gardening 90%
Forestry 60%+5% per level of experience. +5% if Botany is also taken.
Landscaping(Domestic/Technical) 45 % + 5% per level of experience. +3% if Geology are also taken.+3% to Military Fortification and +5% to Camouflage skills.
Botany 85%
Firefighting(specifically forest fires) 80%
Trap Construction 85%

Actions/Attacks Per Melee: (Male Form) 6
(Tekent Form) 10
Note: Bonuses are in addition to those possible from the Shemar’s elective training (Male Form) Same as for the baseline Shemarrian Male
(Tekent Form)
Initiative + 3
Dodge +5
Parry +9 (+11 w/ forcefield)
Strike +5 (+4 w/ ranged weaponry, +6 w/ Shemarrian Rail Guns)
Roll +4
Pull Punch +5
Disarm +3
Entangle +5
Knockout/Stun on a Natural 18-20
Restrained Punch 2d6 MD
Full Strength Punch 6d6 MD
Power Punch(2 attacks) 2d6x10 MD
Kick 6d8 MD
Tripod Kick(Effectively a Leap Kick; the Arbotor-Tekent balances itself on its tail and kicks with both legs)(2 attacks) 2d6x10+30 MD
Tail Lash 6d6 MD
Tail Root Strike 1d6x10+10 MD
Body Block/Tackle 4d6 MD
Crush/Squeeze 3d6 MD

*Faux/TW Magic Systems---Both False and Technowizardry systems similar to those available to the Mandrak are available to the Arbotor-Tekent.
"Trouble rather the Tiger in his Lair,
Than the Sage among his Books,
For all the Empires and Kingdoms,
The Armies and Works that you hold Dear,
Are to him but the Playthings of the Moment,
To be turned over with the Flick of a Finger,
And the Turning of a Page"

--------Rudyard Kipling
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Re: Shemarrian-related fan creations

Unread post by taalismn »

EShemarrian Crossover Hook Line and Sinker with ... p?t=187205
A party of the White Coats, an Order of Healers, have entered a combat zone in or near the Shemarrian Nation in response to reports of endangered civilians.

An Eshemarrian Valkyri shadows the party, driven by visions that one or more of the altruistic healers is going to die and means to harvest the soon=to-die and add them to the Tribes as neShemar(effectively cyborg auxiliaries). Anybody with a good knowledge of the EShemar and their various castes, especially the purpose of the Valkyri, who notices the shadowing presence, may guess what it means and try to warn the White Coats.

Classic predestination problem. Knowing that the Valkyri is waiting in the wings to vulture one or more of the healers when they get entangled in the war zone, do the White Coats attempt to void fate ad back out, or continue on to help casualties.
And when White Coats fall and are resurrected as cyborgs, what happens when they insist on returning to the Order to continue the work of healing others? Do the EShemar elders let them go, or try to persuade them to continue their good work, but as members of the EShemar Tribes?
"Trouble rather the Tiger in his Lair,
Than the Sage among his Books,
For all the Empires and Kingdoms,
The Armies and Works that you hold Dear,
Are to him but the Playthings of the Moment,
To be turned over with the Flick of a Finger,
And the Turning of a Page"

--------Rudyard Kipling
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Re: Shemarrian-related fan creations

Unread post by kronos »

"That ain't no snake! Snake's ain't got no arms! 'Specially none with swords on the ends!"

Kabus were first sighted during the later parts of the War with demons and deevils, amongst groups of Sapphire Cobras that were deployed with Skullcrusher forces. While the Sapphire Cobra forces were strong, they were finding they needed a little extra to keep in a fight as long as the Skullcrushers they fought beside.
Kabus are a melee combat upgrade for serpent type warmounts and naga type elites with snake-like lower bodied humanoid, cyborgs and gynoids. It adds heavier armour, making them more resilient to damage and a bit slower, but also adds a pair of arms that end in incredibly sharp scythe-like blades a short distance from the head. On naga type cyborgs/robots/gynoids the limbs are added to the lower torso, just above or at the point where the snake part joins the humanoid part. The scales are a form of thermo-kinetic armour, but only protects against kinetic attacks.
Make the following changes to snake type warmounts and naga type elites:
Increase main body MDC by 15%, naga style elites snake part increases 15% while the human part only gains a 10% increase.
Decrease land speed by 10%.
Weight increases by 20%.
Increase length and width by 10%.
Increase Strength by +4.
Damage from constricting and tail slaps deals +1 additional die of damage.
Add two arms that end in scythe blades, fitted a head length from the base of the head. On Naga style elites mounted where the snake body meets the humanoid body. Arm length is 20% of tail length. Blades deals base tail slap damage (before damage increase), critical strike on 19-20, triple damage.
Internal projectile weapons (bullets, missiles, etc) and defensive systems, stored in snake body increase capacity by 10%.
Kinetic damage resistant scales (kinetic attacks, such as punches, kicks, melee weapons, bullets, crushing damage, have damage reduced by 75%).
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Re: Shemarrian-related fan creations

Unread post by taalismn »

"So, yeah, if you think you can use your enhanced strength to pick one of those snakies up by one end and bash it against the ground or a wall, guess again. While you're trying to whiplash it to pieces, it's going chainsaw on the rest of you."
"Trouble rather the Tiger in his Lair,
Than the Sage among his Books,
For all the Empires and Kingdoms,
The Armies and Works that you hold Dear,
Are to him but the Playthings of the Moment,
To be turned over with the Flick of a Finger,
And the Turning of a Page"

--------Rudyard Kipling
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