Energy Expulsion Sunlight?

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Energy Expulsion Sunlight?

Unread post by Aermas »

Is there any way to generate sunlight beams? Do regular Light blasts damage vampires? I feel like sunbeam would be a common enough power but I can't find anything in the books I've flipped through.
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Re: Energy Expulsion Sunlight?

Unread post by Daniel Stoker »

Not that I'm aware of officially. If you want quick easy version for sunlight I'd just take EE: Light and modify the damage down to everyone but vampires/creatures hurt by sunlight.

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Re: Energy Expulsion Sunlight?

Unread post by taalismn »

Daniel Stoker wrote: Tue Nov 19, 2024 6:49 pm Not that I'm aware of officially. If you want quick easy version for sunlight I'd just take EE: Light and modify the damage down to everyone but vampires/creatures hurt by sunlight.

Daniel Stoker
I agree with this. Otherwise I'd rule that superpower light is the equivalent of really INTENSE bioluminescence, rather than the product of solar fusion, so hitting vampires with it would be like throwing fireflies at them.
HOWEVER, making as a separate power, one can claim that the super being is microwormhoole-tapping a star's light, or a dimension of Light(capitalization intentional), or us channeling some sort of holy energy.
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Re: Energy Expulsion Sunlight?

Unread post by Stone Gargoyle »

As a GM, I would allow a player with a character having EE: Light to choose what type of light they have when creating the character. If they expel sunlight, the damage from the light attack would be either doubled or the vampire would take damage from sunlight according to the rules reading their vulnerability to it.
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Re: Energy Expulsion Sunlight?

Unread post by The Artist Formerly »

Let the player regulate the frequency of light they are emitting as a standard part of the power set. As Daniel says, lower the damage dice as a one to one swap, trading down d6s to d4s vs sunlight. Don't let the PC regulate light frequencies, right off the bat, make them practice or make a skill check for a controll roll or whatever your table has, and roll with it. This adds playability to the game and encourages players to screw around with their powers.
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